22 RHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE OXFORD LOAN COLLECTION OF Mist! ORICAL PORT RATES EXHIBITED IN 1906 ete cpr Rares nes A LIST OF TWENTY-TWO PHOTOGRAPHS FROM HISTORICAL PORTRAITS \ EXHIBITED IN OXFORD IN MAY, 1906. An unofficial Supplement to the Reproductions in the Illustrated Catalogue. 9. Robert South, 1634-1716. Canon of Christ Church ; Chaplain to Clarendon. Sir John Pratt, 1657-1725. Of Wadham College; Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench. . *Joseph Harwar, 1641 (?)-1722. President of Magdalen College. @. 24. John Kyrle, ‘the Man of Ross,’ 1637-1724. Of Balliol College. e. 29. *Thomas Tudway, 1645 (?)-1726. Organist of King’s College, and Professor of Music, Cam- bridge. Jf. 31. Francis Atterbury, 1662-1732. Dean of Christ Church; Bp. of Rochester and Dean of Westminster. oR if “NI Ss :) Ss) &- 3% *William Baker, 1668-1732. Warden of Wadham; Bp. of Bangor and of Norwich. h. 36. *George Clarke, 1661-1736. Fellow of All Souls; Secretary at War, and Lord of the Admiralty. Benefactor to All Souls and to Worcester College. 2 38. *Richard Blechynden, 1668 (?)-1735. Last Principal of Gloucester Hall, and first Provost of Worcester. By T. Gibson. J- 45. *John Wynne, 1667-1743. Principal of Jesus College ; Bp. of St. Asaph, and of Bath and Wells. k. 51. *Thomas, Baron Wyndham, 1681-1745. Wadham College; Lord Chancellor of Ireland. 4, 56. Joseph Butler, 1692-1752. Oriel College; Bp. of Bristol, and of Durham. Author of the Analogy. m. 60. *Charles Boyle, Viscount Dungarvan, 1729-1759. St. Mary Hall. By Arthur Pond. n. 74. *James Heseltine, 1690-1763. Organist of Durham Cathedral. By Taylor. 89. *William Gower, 1702 (?)-1777. Provost of Worcester College. By Gainsborough. 0 p. 107. *Benjamin Kennicott, 1718-1783. Fellow of Exeter College, Canon of Christ Church ; Hebraist. g. 110. Unknown Man; holds a map, half rolled up, on a table before him. Trinity College. r - 112, Unknown Man; dark grey wig; black cassock and gown. Worcester College. (Possibly Dr. Bourchier.) $s. 174. William Holwell Carr, 1758-1 830. Fellow of Exeter. By L. Vaslet. z, 196. *Ralph Carr, 1768 (?)-1837. Of Christ Church and Merton. By L. Vaslet. wz. 199. *Thomas Reynolds Moreton, ist Earl of Ducie, 1775-1840. Exeter College. Copy from Romney. v. 200. *George, Lord Parker, afterwards 4th Earl of Macclesfield, 1755-1842. By Romney, The letters a, 4, &c., denote the numbers in the present series. The numbers in the second column, 9, 17, &c., are those of the Catalogue of the Exhibition, Names marked with a star (*) are those of persons of whom no engraved portrait has at present been found. . T. W. JACKSON, OXFORD, July, 1907. ~~. .—. 2k Ee Bree Fe: . pide Dl Dill an. > Foe ) Bs LA SE ; et ll r PRR RRR PIS IR® ISIS D ASSP AS & b - r FTTETTT TTSETT PET Raat Sas aRAALALAAARARARAAAAARALR ARAL Sir JOHN . PRATT. FELLOW. 1!6 Lorb CHIEF JUSTICE or ENGLAND. 18-1725. t +? i o¥: P ; F CR OETEERL EE EE TEV ECE CET EP ET OTE EE TU EC ERT OUEOH EEE ETOUFOOETECEOTUTCECECECCEC ey tie oeaeceeteuvevverersnLogs = i= Ro a ee were cuss Rew, 7 ae ee ees e +, se ty Onenal Painting of RSA s sda ssssasrsoaagararysasass: john h / YM a of Keof. haze . = =k —_—e ° 2 EB LT i AR TsO tee ae oe fa Tl (La Ew an Nin Pm BR a Pa Se ST TPIT TET TS eee : nS SAAT A PEAVS TE AT TAVE TE ATA bean dG deed ie —— fess a Sta i i ts ace ECESTT SPENT Pertrenuny NTA, i S456 561A AS MAIS AAS SAS AAS GSAATITAIA TS 45S 5FL55655 55 TAGS SII TIOI5T5114 154555509 SRRFT00 TAR START ToaAdob ew Po Se ets Tee ee eer ae ear oe Pe ae eee Oy ii Cr ee ee ‘ > * - *. ii win Wiki wie mia oIk Tare alae S54. A EEROEE ET PR Ro bon mE RR ERR RO Fe fob le pop brie ee 719. NORWICH. l WARDEN. 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