TO MY WIFE SADIE SCOTT BOULTON EIDLITZ MY COMPANION THRO’ TH® MANY YEARS THAT THIS WORK HAS BEEN IN PREPARATION One Hundred and Fifty copies of this book have been printed and the type distributed THIS IS NUMBER Ud ME@ALsS AND ME DA Ear OF Nes RELATING TO AR Geo Ti EG tes COMPILED AND EDITED AND REPRODUCED IN GREAT PART FROM THE COLLECTION OF ROBERT JAMES EIDLITZ NEW YORK PRIVATELY PRINTED / MCMXXVII__—«*) 2228346 MEDALS AND MEDALLIONS RELATING TO ARCHITECTS ! | | INTRODUCTION Any years ago I began collecting personal medals and medallions. The interest in those of archi- tects is an outgrowth of that earlier beginning. As this subject has never been treated compre- hensively, it seemed desirable to publish not only my own collection, but also such other similar medallic material as has come under my notice, and it has been my ambition to make my work not merely the standard in this special field, but a useful contribution to numismatic literature in general. The determination of just what material comes properly within my category remained indefinite for a long time. My first decision was to confine it to those medals and medallions upon which the archi- tect’s features are portrayed, or those upon which the commemoration of the architect is an essential part of the medal. In a number of instances, where there is a medal with a portrait, it has been thought well to include in the body of the book other medals on which that architect's name is mentioned but not featured, and which would otherwise have been omitted. It has been difficult to draw a sharp line, and therefore, some which do not seem to belong properly in the above-mentioned category are in- cluded in the Appendix. In certain cases, as of Brunel, Fowke, Michelangelo, Montgolfier, Paxton, and some others, medals will be found which, though they commemorate the individual but indirectly, are included to round out the series and to make the work more valuable for purposes of general reference. Medals of award, as the term is ordinarily understood, have been omitted. The term “architect” has been used in a broad sense. It has not always been possible to differenti- ate between architects and sculptors, or between architects, military architects, and engineers, so that names may be found which under the strictest of classifications might have been omitted; nevertheless their qualifications have been such as to warrant their being included here. Medals will be found which bear the portrait of an architect although he may be better known for some other activity, as for instance Brunel, in connection with the Thames Tunnel; Diirer, Raphael, and Rubens for painting; Zelter for music, and Montgolfier for his success with the balloon. There is also included one whose name is rarely associated with the realm of architecture, but who has nevertheless left behind many evidences of his skill in this art: Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States. From the outset it will be apparent that anything approaching a complete list is impossible, and in contrast with writers of many present-day monographs, the author has not had the benefit of an earlier compilation to use as a basis. As many medallic portraits bear no indication which gives a ix clue to the profession of the individual, the difficulty with which their identification is attended will be obvious. Frequently, too, the issue is small, rendering remote the chance of a specimen coming under observation. The medals in the collection, as well as a large number of others, are illustrated, the majority at their true size; some, due to their excessive module, are reduced. In assembling the illustrations on the plates it was deemed essential to make the arrangement as pleasing as possible, and for this reason it was not always feasible to place them in their numerical rela- tion to each other. In addition, many medals were received after the plates upon which they would have been placed had been made up, a contingency unavoidable in a work of this magnitude. Where no illus- tration appears the reader is referred, wherever possible, to some work in which he will find a reproduction; when neither the medal itself, a cast, nor a photograph has been obtainable, the description has been taken from some other work. In most numismatic books which have been published during the last half century, the data are reliable; in earlier works, however, and in sales and auction catalogues, such is frequently not the case, nor do casts or photographs always reproduce clearly. Where the information has been de- rived from these sources, errors may have crept in, and for such an apology is herewith offered. Study has been given to the identification of initials or incomplete signatures of sculptors, which is often important from a numismatic point of view and is helpful in the ready attribution of medals. Much care has been taken to differentiate between the words ‘“‘same”’ and “similar’’; where the latter is used, a variation will be discovered by a comparison of the illustrations. The difference may be in the size of the lettering, in the position of the sculptor’s signature, in the spelling, in the ornamentation, or in some other detail which might escape notice unless attention were directed thereto. Inscriptions from which accents are omitted frequently occur; there is occasional misspelling, and sometimes a misstatement. Where the error is of moment it is noted. While not favoring abbreviations as a rule, a few recognized as standard have been used. In the descriptions an asterisk (*) has been employed to indicate a star, a rosette, or some symbol not found in type. Where a medal or medallion is illustrated and the ownership is credited to some museum, institute, or individual, the illustration has been made from a cast or a photograph courteously furnished by the owner; when in the collection of the author it is so indicated; where no ownership is noted, its present location is not known. Frequent notes have been added and it is hoped that these may prove of interest to the general reader. The function of the biographies, which of necessity are brief, is to show the scope of the work exe- cuted by the individuals, the desire being to offer for each architect a personal introduction rather than a stereotyped summary of his life, career, and general activities. Standard biographical dictionaries often differ as to spelling of names and places, and as to dates; where variations occur, the information which has seemed most trustworthy has been used. Further, these biographical records are frequently in a language other than that of the native country of the subject, so that names of buildings, titles, schools, societies, and other data may already have been translated. When those are then retranslated into Eng- lish, the possibility of somewhat losing the significance of a word in the original language is apparent and it has not always been possible to guard against error. Where no date of death is given it does not follow that the individual is still living, but that no record of his decease has been found. This is accounted for largely by the fact that few biographical works have been brought up to date during and since the world war. The spelling of the names at the head of each biography follows that given either on the medals and medallions themselves or in the biographical dictionaries of the subject’s native country. For con- venience, however, cross-indexing has been used so that any name may be readily found. In conclusion, I take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude for the co-operation and help so freely given by directors of museums, officers of numismatic societies, and private individuals. Particularly do I wish to record my appreciation for casts from the British Museum which Mr. G. F. Hill, Keeper of Coins and Medals, and Mr. J. Allan had prepared for me, and for casts received through the courtesy of M. Jean Babelon, of the Bibliothéque Nationale in Paris; to Messrs. Kurt Regling and Friedrich Schrotter, of the Kaiser-Friedrich Museum in Berlin; to M. Victor Tourneur, of the Bibliothéque Nationale in Brussels; to Mr. Howland Wood, Curator of the American Numismatic Society, and to Mr. Maurits Schulman, of Amsterdam. I also wish to acknowledge here the valuable services of Miss Elizabeth Clark for work upon the biographies, and those of Mr. Sydney P. Noe, Librarian of the American Numismatic Society, for general counsel and reading proof. Nor can I close this paragraph without mention of Mr. L. Forrer’s “Biographical Dictionary of Medallists,” the most useful single work which the general collector of medals can possess and which has proven of inestimable value in this undertaking. Notice of further medals and medallions of architects which come under the observation of the reader will be welcome. Should these prove to be sufficiently numerous, a supplement to “Medals and Medallions Relating to Architects” will be issued; if not, the present volume may one day serve as a basis from which some other collector with similar tastes may carry forward the search. Ropert James Erpuirz. New York City, 1927. INDEX TO ARGCHIT EGS Abadie, Paul, 1111 Acker, Ernest, 1, 2 Adda, Charles Chalmon, 3 Adelcrantz, Goran Josua, 4 Adelcrantz, Karl Fredrik, 5, 6 Agrippa, Camillo, 7 Alavoine, Jean Antoine, 8 Albert, C., 1112 Alberti, Leo Battista degli, g—13 Alm, Anders Johan Axel, 14 Alpar, Ignacz, 15, 16 Ambra, Vincentius de, 17, 18 Ancelet, Gabriel Auguste, 19 André, Francois Emile, 20, 21 André, Francois Pierre Paul, 22, 23 André, Louis Jules, 24 Antoine, Jacques Denis, 25 Arborio, Edoardo, 26 Arkai, Aladar, 27 Arnolfo di Lapo, 27a Arnstein, Heinrich, 28 Avaux, André Félibien des, 392 Averlino, Antonio (Filarete), 29 Avery, Henry Ogden, 30 Azéma, Léon, 31 Azzurri, Francesco, 32—34 Balat, Alphonse, 35 Balestra, Carlo Pio, 36, 37 Balint, Zoltan, 38 xii Ballu, Albert, 39 Ballu, Théodore, 40—47 Baltard, Victor, 48 Bandel, Joseph Ernst von, 48a, 48b Barry, Sir Charles, 49—59 Baudot, Marcel Amédée, 60 Beauvois, 1113 Bedford, Francis, 61 Begas, Reinhold, 62, 63 Behrens, Peter, 64, 65 Beltrami, Luca, 66, 67 Benard, Emile Henri Jean, 68, 69 Benoit, N. A. 70 Benson, Sir John, 71 Berchet, Federigo, 72 Berger, Franz von, 73 Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, 74 Bernard, F. Constant-, 252a erndl, Richard, 75 Bernier, Stanislas Louis, 76, 77 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, 78, 79 Bernoully, Ludwig, 80 Bespaloff, N. 81 Bestelmeyer, Johann Georg, 82 Beyer, August von, 86 Billing, Hermann, 87 Bindesboell, Thorvald, 88 Blomme, Adrien, 89 Blomme, Léonard, 90 Beyaert, Henri Joseph Francois, 83—85 Blondel, Charles Paul Camille, 91 Blondel, Paul, 92 Blouet, Guillaume Abel, 93, 94 Bluntschli, Alfred Friedrich, 95, 96 Boetticher, Carl, 97 Boileau, Louis Charles, 98 Boissonade, Etienne Joseph, 99 Boito, Camillo, 100 Boitte, Louis Francois Philippe, 101 Bondone, Giotto di, 456a Bonnier, Louis Bernard, 102 Bosworth, Welles, 103 Bouckaert, Louis, 104, 105 Bourdais, Jules Désiré, 106, 107 Bourla, Pierre Bruno, 108, 109 Bourne, William, 110 Braida, Riccardo, 111 Bramante, Donato d’Agnolo, 112—114 Brandon, David, 114a, 114b Brandon, Jacques Ernest Raoul, 115 Brayda, Riccardo, 111 Bricod, Jean Baptiste Philippe Marie, 116 Brookes, W. M. 1114 Bruelov, Alexander Pavlovich, 117 Brune, Emmanuel, 118 Brunel, Sir Marc Isambard, 119—153 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 154—156 Birklein, Friedrich, 157 Bulfinch, Charles, 158 Bunning, James Bunstone, 159, 160 Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 161—201 Buschetto, 202 Cagnola, Luigi, 203 Camporesi, Pietro, 204, 205 Canova, Antonio, 206—224 Caravaggio, Pietro Paolo, 225, 226 Carl, Johann, 227 Carlu, Jacques, 228 Carrere, John Merven, 229—231 Carstensen, 232—235 Casarotto, Angelo, 236 Cateland, Eugéne Toussaint, 237 Chabrol, Francois Wilbrod, 238 Chabrol, Pierre Prosper, 239 Chambers, Sir William, 240 xiv Charpentier, Théodore, 241 Chaussemiche, Francois Benjamin, 242 Chedanne, Georges Paul, 1115 Chenavard, Antoine Marie, 243 Cipolla, Antonio, 1116 Citerni, Cosimo, 244 Civitali, Matteo di Giovanni, 245 Clason, Isak Gustaf, 246 Cloquet, Louis, 247 Cluysenaar, Jean Pierre, 248—250 Coeck van Aelst, Pieter, 251 Coehoorn, Menno van, 252 Constant-Bernard, F. 252a Constant-Dufeux, Simon Claude, 253 Cook, Walter, 254 Cordonnier, Louis Marie, 255 Cortona, Pietro Berettini da, 256—258 Cossins, J. A. 259 Courtin, Julien Francois, 260 Croce, Giovanni Battista della, 261 Cronstedt, Karl Johan, 262 Cserhati, Jeno, 263, 264 Cuypers, Petrus Josephus Hubertus, 265, 266 Dahlberg, Erik, 267—270 Daumet, Pierre Geréme Honoré, 271 Dautel, Pierre Joseph, 272 Davioud, Gabriel Jean Antoine, 273 Davoust, Léon Louis, 274 Dehm, Ferdinand, 275, 276 Dehulst, 1117 Dejean, Francois Eugéne, 277 De l’Orme, Philibert, 278—291 Deperthes, Edouard, 1118 Derre, Francois, 292—299 Destailleur, Walter André, 300 Diet, Arthur Stanislas, 301 Dilich, Johann Wilhelm, 302 Domingues, Affonso, 303 Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, 304 Donner, Georg Raphael, 305 Duban, Jacques Félix, 306 Dubois, Alexandre Nicolas, 307 Duc, Joseph Louis, 308 Duelfer, Martin, 309 Diirer, Albrecht, 310—351 Diirichen, 1119 Fossati, Gaspare, 419, 420 Dufeux, Simon Claude Constant-, 253 Fourdin, Léon, 421 Ne » 42 Dumont, Albert, 352 Fowke, Francis, 422—436 Dumont, Joseph, 353—364 Fowler, Charles, 1122 Dupuis, Francois Marie Elisée, 365 Durand, Alphonse, 1120 Gaertner, Friedrich von, 437 Dutert, Charles Louis Ferdinand, 366—368a Galilei, Alessandro, 438—440 Duval, Georges Charles Victor, 369 Galliari, Bernardino, 441 Dyckerhof, F. 370 Garnaud, Antoine Martin, 1123 Garnier, Jean Louis Charles, 442—446 Ebbles, Robert, 371 Gerhardt, Gustave Adolphe, 447 | Eberhardt, Hugo, 372 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 448 Edge, Charles, 373 Giergl, Coloman, 449 Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale, 374 Giese, Ernst Friedrich, 450 Engel, Johann Carl Ludwig, 375 Giesel, Hermann, 451 ( Engelhard, Alfred, 376 Gilbert, Emile Jacques, 452 Ensinger, Ulrich, 376a : Gildemeister or Gildemiester, 453—456 Errard, Charles Jean Jacques, 377 Giotto di Bondone, 456a Erwin von Steinbach, 378—384 Girard, Louis Marie Xavier, 457 “ssenwein, August Ottmar von, 385 Girault, Charles Louis, 458 Everaerts, D. 386 Gisors, Henri Alphonse de, 459 Eyrich, Theodor S. J. 1121 Glena, Abel, 460 Eytelwein, Johann Albert, 387 Godefroy, Abraham Nicolaas, 1124 Gondoin, Jacques, 461 Fabris, Emilio de, 388 Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 462 Falconieri, Paolo, 389, 39° Goodwin, Francis, 463—466 Famin, Charles Victor, 391 Gottereau, Alfred Jules Paul, 467 Félibien des Avaux, André, 392 Gotthilf, Ernst von, 468 Fellner, Ferdinand, 393, 394 Gouel, 469 Ferabosco, Pietro, 395 Goujon, Jean, 470—477 Feronius, Fabius, 396 Grassel, Hans, 478 Ferree, Barr, 397 Greef, B. de, 479 Ferri, Ciro, 398 Grégoire, Henry Charles Martin, 480 Ferstel, Heinrich von, 399 Grober, Karl, 481 Feszl, Frigyes, 400 Guadet, Julien, 482 Feulner, Adolf, 401 Gugel, Eugen, 483 Filarete, Francesco, 402 Guiard, Georges, 484 Fiori, Cesare, 403 Guillaume, Edmond Jean Baptiste, 485, 486 Fischer, Theodor, 404, 405 Guillaume, Henri Charles Bernard, 487 Fittler, Kamill, 406 Guimard, Hector Germain, 488 Flavius, Hermes (de Bonis Patavinus), 407 Guislain, Joseph, 489 Fletcher, Banister, 408 Forster, Emil von, 409 Haarmann, Friedrich Ludwig, 490 Foggini, Giovanni Battista, 410 Hachet-Souplet, Jules, 491 Fontana, Domenico, 411—417 Hamilton, Thomas, 492 Fontana, Francesco Carlo, 418 Hansen, Christian Fredrik, 493 = Hansen, Theofilus Edvard, 494—496 Kaiser, Karl, 614 Hansom, Joseph Aloysius, 497—502 Kampen, Jakob van, 615, 616 Ee i Hardwick, Philip, 503, 504 Hardy, Léopold Amédée, 505 Hardy, Thomas, 506 Harleman, Karl von, 507—517 Hartmann, Karl O. 518 Hase, Conrad Wilhelm, 519 Hastings, Thomas, 520, 521 Hauszmann, Alajos, 522, 523 Heaton, Augustus Goodyear, 524 Hébrard, Ernest Michel, 525 Hénard, Antoine Julien, 526 Hennequin, Alfred Néoclés, 527 Henry, R. 1127 Herdtle, Hermann, 528 Hermant, René Jacques, 529 Herrera, Juan de, 530, 531 Hetsch, Gustav Friedrich, 532 Hikisch, Rezs6, 533 Hitzig, Georg Heinrich Friedrich, 534 Hlavka, Josef, 535 Holl, Elias, 536 Hoppin, Francis L. V. 537 Hoven, Franz von, 538 Hulots Louis Jean, 540 Hiildl,, 6555! tant: ichard: Morris, 541 , Hutchinson, Charles: Edward, 542, 543 Jambor, Ludwig, 544 Jamin, 1125 Janin, Georges Fernand, 545 Janssens, Wynand, 546, 547 Japelli, Giuseppe, 548 Jassoy, H. 549 Jaubert, Charles, 550 Jefferson, Thomas, 551—602c Joannes, Francis Yeates, 603 Johnson, Thomas Robert, 604, 605 Joly, Jules Jean Baptiste de, 606 Jonas, Zsigmond, 607 Jones, Inigo, 608—611 Jongh, Gerrit Johannes de, 612 Junk, David Valentin, 613 Keldermans, Rombaut, 617 Kimball, Francis H. 618 Kirby, Henry Philip, 619 Kirschner, Ferdinand, 620—622 Klenze, Leo von, 623—626 Kortz, Paul, 627 Krélik, Emil, 628 Kulhanek, W. 1126 Kurz, Otto Orlando, 629 Labarre, Etienne Eloi, 1127 Labrouste, Henri, 630, 631 Lagrave, Paul Louis, 632 Lajta, Béla, 633 Laloux, Victor Alexandre, 634 Lambert, Noél Marcel, 635 Lapo, Arnolfo di, 27a Laporte, Armand Eugéne, 636 Lasaulx, Johann Claudius von, 637 Lassus, Jean Battiste Antoine, 637a Laves, Georg Ludwig Friedrich, 1128 Layens, Mathieu de, 638, 639 Le Brun, Charles, 640—646 Le Brun, Napoleon, 1129 Lechner, Odén, 647, 648 Leclére, Achille Francois René, 649, 650 Lelong, Paul, 651, 652 Leonardo da Vinci, 1034—1044 Lequeux, Paul Eugéne, 1130 Leroux, Jean Alfred, 653 Leroy, Julien David, 654 Lescot, Pierre, 655 Licht, Hugo, 656, 657 Lionelli, Niccolo, 658 Lokhorst, Jacobus van, 659 Lombard, Lambert, 660, 661 Lonati, Giovanni Battista, 662 Loquet, Louis Bernard Georges, 663 Lotter, Hieronymus, 664 Loviot, Benoit Edouard, 665 McKim, Charles Follen, 666—669 Magonigle, Harold Van Buren, 670 Malmberg, Bror Carl, 671 Malnai, Béla, 672 Mansart, Francois Nicolas, 673, 674 Mansart, Jules Hardouin, 675—679 Marcellis, Charles Henry, 680 Marchi, Francesco di, 681—683 Martens, Wilhelm, 684 Mazois, Francois, 685 Mead, William Rutherford, 686 Mechelen, Alexis van, 687 Meder, A. 1131 Medland, 688 Melchionio, Stefano Ignazio, 689 Mellinger, L. 690 Ménard, René Michel, 691 Mengoni, Giuseppe, 692 Méquer, Jean Francois Nicolas, 693 Messel, Alfred, 694, 695 Meyers, Mathieu Bernard, 696 Michelangelo, 161—201 Mimey, Maximilien Etienne, 697, 698 Moffatt, W. B. 1132 Mone, Jehan, 699 Monferrand, R. de, 1133 Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne, 700—706 Morgan, James, 707, 708 Mortier, Etienne, 709 Moyaux, Constant, 710, 711 Neher, Ludwig von, 712 Nepveu, Eugéne Charles Frédéric, 713 Neumann, Alexander von, 714 Neute, Charles, 715 Niccolini, Lionello, 716, 717 Niccolo da Pisa, 793 Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Jakob, 718, 719 Nissen, Johann, 720 Ostberg, Ragnar, 721, 722 Offenberg, W. I. J. 1134 Ohlmiiller, Daniel Joseph, 723—725 Olbricht, Franz, 726, 727 Orme, Philibert de I’, 278—291 Oudiné, André Antoine Eugéne, 728, 729 Outshoorn, Cornelis, 1135 Overstraeten, Henri Désiré Louis van, 730 Paccard, Alexis, 731 Pagot, Francois Narcisse, 732, 733 Palagi, Pelagio, 734 Palladio, Andrea, 735—738 Paris, William Francklyn, 739 Parsons, William, 740 Partoés, Henri Louis Francois, 741 Pascal, Jean Louis, 742—745 Paxton, Sir Joseph, 746—777 Peede, Hendrik van, 778 Peeters, Joseph, 779 Pellegrino, Tibaldi, 780 Penchaud, Michel Robert, 781 Percier, Charles, 782—784 Perrault, Claude, 785, 786 Perronet, Jean Rodolphe, 787 Pertsch, I. N. 788 Peschl, Hans, 789 Petschacher, Gusztav, 790 Philaritehs, Francisscus, 402 Piermarini, Giuseppe, 791 Pille, Louis Charles Henri, 792 Pippi, Giulio, 839, 840 Pisano, Niccolo, 793 Platt, Charles Adams, 794, 795 Poelaert, Joseph, 796—798 Pogany, Moric, 799 Poletti, Luigi, 800, 801 Pollak, Mihaly, 802 Pomis, Giovanni Pietro de, 803 Posi, Paolo, 1136 Post, George Brown, 804 Poulin, Jean Philippe Edouard, 805 Poussin, Francisque Henri, 806, 807 Prado, José Nunez del, 808—810 Prinsep, James, 810a Prost, Léon Henri, 811 Puget, Pierre, 812, 812a Quatremére, Antoine Chrysostome, 813 Questel, Charles Auguste, 814 Railton, William, 1137 Raphael Sanzio, 886—913 Ratzel, Friedrich, 815 Raulin, Gustave Laurent, 816—819 Ravenstein, August, 820 Redon, Gaston Fernand, 821 Reinstein, J. B. 822 Reiss, Zoltan, 823 Renard, Bruno, 824. Rennie, Sir John, 825—828 Reycend, G. A. 829 Riccio, Camillo, 830 Rickman, Thomas, 831, 832 Riemerschmidt, Richard, 833 Rinaldi, Girolamo, 834, 835 Rives, Bernard Auguste Gustave, 836 Roeckle, Franz, 837 Romain, Francois, 838 Romano, Giulio, 839, 840 ossigneux, Charles, 841 Rousseau, Alfred Auguste, 842 Roussel, Armand Louis Adolphe, 843—846 Roussi, Charles Georges, 847 Rouyer, Jean Eugéne, 1138 Rubens, Pierre Paul, 848—869 Rummel, Hans, 870 Ruysbroeck, Jean de, 871 Saar, Johannes von, 789 Saccardo, Pietro, 872 Sacconi, Giuseppe, 873, 874 Sandy, Gyula, 875 Sangallo, Francesco da, 876—880 Sanquirico, Alessandro, 881 Sanson, Paul Ernest, 882, 883 Sansovino, Jacopo Tatti, 884, 885 Sanzio, Raffaello, 886—913 Saschenbin, S. A. 914 Savoldi, Angelo, 915 Sawyer, Philip, 916 Schacre, 1139 Schadde, Joseph Henri Martin, 917, 918 Schafer, Carl, 919 Schickedanz, Albert, 920 Schijnveet, Simon, 921 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 922—g925 Schliiter, Andreas, 1140 n ° hmidt, Albert, 926, 927 n ° hmidt, Franz X. 928 XVili Schmidt, Friedrich von, 929—934 Schmidt, Heinrich von, 935 Scholander, Fredrik Wilhelm, 936—938 Schulek, Frigyes, 939, 949 Schynvoet, Simon, 921 Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 941, 942 Selmersheim, Antoine Paul, 943 Semper, Gottfried, 944—946 Senechal, Georges, 947 Senf, Herman, 948 Shaw, Norman, 949 Sill, Howard, 950 Simpson, Archibald, 1141 Snickers, Petrus Mattheus Theodorus, 951 Soane, Sir John, 952, 953 Sérgel, Hans Otto Herman, 954 Sonneville, Constant, 955 Sonnin, Ernst Georg, 956 Soufflot, Jacques Germain, 957 Spaak, Louis, 958—960 Sparre, Fredrik, 961, 962 Spiers, Richard Phené, 963 Springer, Willem, 964 Stammann, Friedrich, 965 Steinbach, Erwin von, 378—384 Steindl, Imre, 966, 967 Stiglio, Giorgio, 968 Strauch, F. A. W. 969 Streit, Andreas, 970 Strengell, Gustaf, 971 Suys, Léon, 1142 Suys, Tieleman Frans, 1143 Taddini, Gabriele, 972 Tartaglia, Niccolo, 973, 974 Tectori, Andrea, 975 Tessin, Nikodemus, 976—983 Thiersch, Friedrich von, 984 Thomas, Albert Félix Théophile, 985 Thon, Konstantin Andreivich, 986 Thyriot, Franz, 987 Tite, Sir William, 988—996 Torre, Gianello della, 997, 998 Toudoire, Denis Marius, 999 Tracy, Evarts, 1000 Trappeniers, A. 1144 Tronquoy, Fleury, 1000a Trowbridge, Alexander Buel, 1001 Tuscher, Karl Marcus, 1002, 1003 Vanbrugh, Sir John, 1oo4 Vanni, Francesco, 1005 Vantini, Rodolfo, 1006 Vanvitelli, Luigi, 1145 Vaudoyer, Léon, 1007 Vaudremer, Joseph Auguste Emile, 1008, 1009 Vespignani, Francesco, 1010, 1011 Vespignani, Virginio, 1012—1018 Viel, Jean Marie Victor, 1o19g—1031 Vierset-Godin, 1032 Vignon, Pierre, 1033 Vinci, Leonardo da, 1034—1044 Viollet le Duc, Eugéne Emmanuel, 1o44a Visconti, Louis Tullius Joachim, 1045 Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio, 1046 Vittoria, Jacopo Alessandro, 1047 Viviani, Vincenzo, 1048 Voggenberger, Fritz, 1049 Voit, Richard Jacob August von, 1050, 1051 Vollant, Simon, 1052 Vollmer, Johannes, 1053 Volterra, Francesco da, 1054 Waelder, Julius, 1055 Waghemaekere, Dominique de, 1056 Wagner, Otto, 1057 Wainwright, Charles, 1058 Wallot, Johann Paul, 1059 Weidner, Paul, 1060 Welch, Edward, 1061—1066 White, Stanford, 1067, 1068 Whitwell, S. T. 1069 Wiley, Frederick J. 1070 Wolff, Jakob, 1071 Wollman, Robert, 1072 Wren, Sir Christopher, 1073—1080 Wyatt, Thomas Henry, 1080a, 1080b Wykeham, William of, 1081—1088 Ybl, Miklés, 1089, 1090 Ysendyck, Jules Jacques van, 1091 Ysendyck, Maurice van, 1092 Zelter, Karl Friedrich, 1093—1095 Ziebland, Georg Friedrich, 1096, 1097 Zuccheri, Federigo, 1098, 1099 Zug, Simon Bogamil Amadeus, 1100, 1101 Zwirner, Ernst Friedrich, 1102—1109 Unknown architect, 1110 | | | | | ENGRAVERS, A. B. 844, 845 Abondio, Antonio the younger, 395 AC in monogram (See Cappuccio) A. C. M. (See Morin) Adams, George Gammon, 942, 1080b Ahlborn, Lea, 6, 671, 936 Ahrenberg, Jac. 375 Albazzi, Iza de Kiviatkowska, 488, 550, 636, 817 3 exejeff, Wassili Wladimirovich, 70, 117, 914, 986 eo fano, Vincenzo, 618 Allen & Moore, 54, 55, 374) 748759; 755—760, 762a, 764, 77% 991, 995, 1080b Altorffer, Charles, 382 American Railway Supply Co. 573 An. Ab. (See Abondio) Arbien, Magnus Gustavus, 1002 Arnaud, Aloysio, 79, 1046 Art Union of London, 611, 1078 ASTG in monogram (See Saint Gaudens) Aubé, P. 98, 882 Aucoc, A. 882 Averlino, Antonio, 29 Avern, Edward, 498, 1080a Awes Miinze, 1095 A&M (See Allen & Moore) B. 764a Baetes, Francois Ignace, 687, 862, 863, 868, 918, 955 Bain, W. 825—828 Balugani, Filippo, 681 xxi SCULPTORS, DESIGNERS, ETC. Banszky, 939 Barbedienne, F. 196, 805 Barre, Jean Jacques, 182, 287, 307, 685, 733 Barrias, Ernest, 24, 447 Bartlett, Paul Weyland, 602¢ Bastos, 303 B. C. 844, 845 BC in monogram (See Beetz-Charpentier) Beck, Fiilép O. 16, 27, 264, 400, 449, 533» 539, 607, 633, 648, 672, 79% 799s 802, 823, 875, 920, 949, 967, 1055, 1090 B. E. (See Elkan) Beetz-Charpentier, Mme. Elise, 116, 458, 484 £22 3709 Begas, Werner, 62, 63 Begeer, Carel Josef, 718 Beran, Lajos, 263, 406, 647 Berard, 107 Berckhausen, Ie. 1071 Bergman, H. 246 Bernard, Thomas, 641, 677 Bezoldt, Hans (See Petzold) Bianchi, Francesco, 1010, 1016 Bianchi, Ignacio, 32, 33, 800, 801, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1017, 1018 Birnbéck, Theophilus, 157, 723—725, 1996 Bitter, Karl, 541, 804 Blin, Edouard Pierre, 115, 391 Borsch, Alois, 690, 984 Bolen, James A. 562—568 Boninsegna, Egidio, 1043 Bonnard Bronze Co., Henry, 541 Bonnetain, Armand, 89 Bonini, Giovanni Battista, 7 Borrel, Alfred, 1130 Borrel, Valentin Maurice, 43, 651, 1120, 1127 Bosselt, Rudolf, 64 Bottée, Louis Alexandre, 102, 274, 847 Bourgeois, Louis Maximilien, 655 Bovy, Antoine, 187, 433, 434, 1007 Bradbury, Eric, 59 Braecke, Pierre, 421 Braemt, Joseph Pierre, 547, 1143 Brandt, Henri Francois, 208, 387, 716, 717 Brehmer, Friedrich, 48a, 48b, 1128 Brichaut, Auguste, 569 Bridgens, W. H. Britten, R. 698 Brooks, R. 300 Briitt, Adolf, 684 Brunin, Ch. 715 B. S. W. (See Schneider) Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 161 8 Bureau, A. 1052 Bureau, CF 1052 Burgschmiet, Daniel, 338 Cadorin, Ettore, 872 Cagiada, F. 692 Camus, Jean Marie, 603 Cappuccio, Angelo, 66, 67, 100, 915, 1043 Caqué, Armand Auguste, 216, 706, 893, 894, 1020, 1021, 1028—1031 Caradosso, Cristofano, 112 Cariat, Lucien Jean Henri, 106 Carter, Charles Frederick, 611 Castex, Louis, 237 Catenacci, Vincenzo, 79, 1046 Cavalier, Jean, 267, 268, 978, 979 C. C. (See Christensen) C. Chr. (See Christensen) CCPE in monogram, 586 Cerbara, Giuseppe, 204, 205, 896 Cerbara, Niccolo, 183, 184, 448, 840, 898—goo, 903 Chabaud, Félix Louis, 713 Chantry, Sir Francis Legatt, 991 Chaplain, Jules Clément, 30, 44, 47, 118, 238, 239, 367, 368, 444-446, 743, 744 Chapu, Henri Michel Antoine, 308, 485, 505, 814, 1008 Chéron, Charles Jean Francois, 78, 256, 257, 640 Christensen, Christen, 493, 532 Citerni, Cosimo, 244 Cittadella, Alfonso (See Lombardi) Clérion, Jean Jacques, 377 Clint, Scipio, 1085, 1086 Collis, G. R. 503, 504 Conradsen, Harald, 532 Corazzini, Francesco, 206 Cossa, Luigi, 734, 1035 Coysevox, Charles Antoine, 646 CR in monogram (See Radnitzky) Crauk, Gustave, 19, 48, 301, 452, 805 Croce (See Lancelot-Croce) Cross, E. 61 D. (See Dasio) Dammann, Marcel Paul, 545 D’Andrade, 303 Dantzell, Joseph, 288, 289, 291, 650 Jasio, Max, 75, 309, 404 Dassier, Jean, 642—644, 673, 674 Dautel, Pierre Victor, 91, 272, 372, 487, 525, 540, 691, 711, 811 Dautert, Karl, 65, 80, 82, 376, 405, 478, 820, 833, 837, 870, 9133 935, 948, 987, 1049, 1072 David d’Angers, 8, 119, 459, 623, 649, 650, 781—783, 923, 965 Davilli, V. goo Davis, Joseph, 50, 51, 53, 56, 57, 131, 132, 502, 752, 999; 992; 996, 1076, 1077 DD in monogram (See Daniel Dupuis) Dee, G. 763 Degeorge, Charles Jean Marie, 742, 1009 Déloye, Jean Baptiste Gustave, 467, 529, 842 Depaulis, Alexis Joseph, 368a, 475, 813 De Poletti, L. goo, go1 De Puymaurin, 732, 733 Desboeufs, Antoine, 1110 Deschamps, Léon Julien, 482 Devreese, Godefroid, 1, 2, 83, 84, 10g1, 1092 Dieges & Clust, 602b Domard, Joseph Frangois, 93, 783, 784 Donnadio, 215 Dowler, 233, 234, 422, 423, 425s.427, 429, 430; 432, 771; amp eli Drentwett, Carl, 926, 1107 Droz, Jean Pierre, 1033 Dubois, Alphée, 646, 1138 Dubois, Fernand, 104, 105 Dubois, Joseph Eugéne, 645, 732, 787 Du Bois, Paul, 83 Dupré, Augustin, 563 Dupré, Georges, 792 Dupuis, Daniel, 39—42, 45, 46, 76, 77, 241, 365, 366, 369, 477, 491, 665, 806, 985 Dupuis, Toon, 612 Durand, Amédée, 179—181, 215, 216, 472—474, 858, 892—894, 1037, 1038 Duval et Janvier, 2, 1091 Du Vivier, Pierre Simon Benjamin, 654 EB in monogram (See Boninsegna) Eck et Durand, 8, 306, 623, 781, 923, 965, 1045 sen, F. C. 1102—1106, 1108 Elion, Jan, 479, 1124, 1134, 1135 Elkan, Benno, 87, 815, 919 Elkington & Co. 1087 Elshoecht, Jean Jacques, 286 Emmerich, C. F. 381 E. R. (See Rubino) Errard (See Herard) Fabris, Antonio, 154, 213, 221, 222 Facius, Angelica, 1093 falguiére, TO1 Faltz, Raymund, 977 ?arnesi, Adolfo di Nicola, 190 F. B. F. (See Balugani) ?ehrman, Carl Gustaf, 269, 983 Fehrman, Daniel, 511, §15—517, 961, 962 Ferrari, Antoine Baptiste, 457 Fisch, Antoine, 1142 Fischer, Johann Karl, 924 Flanagan, John, 397 Flavius, Hermes, 407 FOB in monogram (See Beck) Forsyth, Nesfield, 408 Fortini, Giovacchino, 396 Frampton, George J. 1088 Frére, Jean Jules, 663 Friedrich, 382 Fumiére et Cie. 783 Furck, Sebastian, 302 Gaab, G. D. 1073 G. A. L. (See Laurenzano) Galeazzi, G. 904 Galle, André, 283, 471 Gardet, Antoine Joseph, 22 Gasq, Paul, 252a Gatteaux, Jacques Edouard, 279— 284, 812, 812a Gatteaux, Nicolas Marie, 700, 701, 703—705 Gayrard, Raymond, 99, 179—181, 606, 732 Gebel, Matthes, 320 Geerts, Edouard Louis, 864 Gerritsen, J. A. Gervais et Cie. 1020—1023, 1025—1030 GH 207 G. H. L. (See Lovett) Giani, G. 111 Giorgi, Raffaele Evaristo Luigi, 388, 909 Girometti, Giuseppe, 217, 218 Girometti, Pietro, 156, 186, 683, 738, 897, 1013 Goetze, Gottlieb, 922 Golde, R. P. 619 Goor, van (See Van der Goer) Gori, Luigi, 34, 192, 194 Grammes, L. F. & Sons, 601 Griffin, William, 133—135, 139—142, 148, 149 Guilbert, Charles, 1000a Guillaume, Eugéne, 731 Gube, Max, 926, 927 Gundelach, K. 519 Gunnar (See Jensen) Guy, A. 692 H. (See Hancock) H. (See Hautsch) Haag, Ch. 537 Hanny, Karl, 95, 96 Hahn, Hermann, 694 Halliday, Thomas, 49, 120, 120a, 152, 492, 500, 501, 994, 106g, 1141 dalou, Alfred Jean Baptiste Paul, 60 Hamerani, Ottone, 438, 439, 1136, 1145 Hancock, John Gregory, 1074 Hansen, Alfred, 720 Hart, Laurent Joseph, 108, 109, 248—250, 850—855, 861, 958, 959, 1117 Hautsch, Georg, 252 HC in monogram (See Chapu) H. Conr. (See Conradsen) Kinsburger, Sylvain, 632 Heaton, Ralph & Sons, 761, 762 Kirk, John, 609 Heber, G. A. 229, 230 Kirstein, Friedrich, 381 Hedlinger, Johann Carl, 507—s10, 514, 979—982 Klagmann, Jean Baptiste Jules, 651, 1007 Heida, Wilhelm, 468 Knoll and Riedner, 173 Held, Hermann, 490 Kowarzik, Josef, 538 Herard, Gérard Léonard, 167, 1034 K. R. (See Knoll) Hering, Henry, 1000 Krug, Ludwig, 320 Hesse, E. 490 ulle, Servatius Iven, 270 Hesselgren, Edv. 14 Kullrich, Wilhelm, 969 Hoeflich, Christophe, 318 K & K (See Kempson & Kindon) Holdermann, Georg, 330, 1071 Holzhaeusser, Johann Philip, 1100, 1101 Lagrange, Jean, 443 Houdon, Jean Antoine, 461 H. R. (See Reinhard) H. R. F. (See Roussel) Lancelot-Croce, Mme. Marcelle Renée, gio Lantéri, Edouard, 963 Lauer, Ludwig Christoph, 62, 339, 342, 344—348, 350, Hujer, Ludwig, 393, 789 350a, 385, 1121 HW in monogram, 1044 Laurenzano, Giovanni Andrea, 418 Hyams, Hyam, 54, 120, 120a, 994 Lawrie, Lee, 462 L. D. 450 I. D. F. (See Dassier) Lefebvre, Hippolyte, 255 I. M. F. 403 Legastelois, Jules Prosper, 1113 Ingram, Thomas Wells, 212, 1058 Le Marchant, 10734 Injalbert, Jean Antoine, 821 Leoni, Leone, 162—165, 197, 200 IO. BA. BO. F (See Bonini) Leoni, Lodovico, 884 I. V. (See Johann Weber) Le Roy, Hippolyte, 247 TeaV0B, 206 LF in monogram (See Léffler) Lindberg, Adolf, 938 J (See Jachtmann) Lindberg, Erik, 938 J. A. (See Ahrenberg) Ljungberger, Gustaf, 5, 262 Jaccard, A. 417 L. M. (See Manfredini) Jachtmann, Johann Ludwig, 334, 335 Léffer, Johann Georg, Sr. 340a Jauner, Heinrich, 613, 1094 Lombardi, Alfonso, 975 J. C. W. (See Wienecke) Lorenz, Carl Heinrich, 956 Jéhotte, Constant, 1032 Lormier, Edouard, 653 Jensen, Gunnar, 88 Lovett, George Hampden, 561 JF in monogram (See Flanagan) Liirssen, Eduard August, 97, 534 Johnson, Stefano, 66, 67, 100, 791, 872—874, 915, 1043 Jouvenel, Adolphe Christian, 824, 859, 860 M. 411 J. R. (See Reich) McCartan, Edward, 670 Jiinger, L. 265, 266 Malric, 277 Jungfer, Gy. 939 Manfredini, Luigi, 177, 889, 1041 JVG in monogram (See Van der Goer) Manguin, 1022—1024 Manship, Paul, 103, 795 Karlsten, Arvid, 4, 976 Maroti, 522 Kempson & Kindon, 1074 Martigny, Philip, 231 XXIV Mascaux, Léon-Claude, 947 Masson, 679 Massonnet, 107, 433, 434) 1031, 1139 Mauger, Jean, 678 Mauquoy, Alphonse, go Mayer, J. 374 Mayer & Wilhelm, 351, 549 MB in monogram (See Bourgeois) Menger, Johan Philip, 265, 266 Mercandetti, Tommaso, 114, 176, 682, 891 Merley, Louis, 290 Meyers, Marcus, 1003 Michelangelo (See Buonarroti) Milles, Carl, 246 Milton, John, 1084, 1085 Mistruzzi, Aurelio, 223, 224 Moncel, Adolphe Emmanuel, 836 Mone, Jehan, 699 Moria, Blanche Adéle, 819 Morillon, Antoine, 660 Morin, A. C. 235 Morlon, Pierre Alexandre, 300 Moscetti, Carlo, 908 Mouchon, Louis Eugéne, 460 Mowbray-Clarke, John, 739, 1070 M. S. 578 Miiller, 925 Nesti, Vittorio, go2 Neudeck, Andreas, 931 Neuss, Johann Jacob, 336, 536, 624, 788 Nilsson, Svante, 722 Niirnberger, Georg Friedrich, 252 Nylund, Felix Arthur, 375 O. H. (See Hamerani) Onghena, Charles, 489 Orth, Friedrich, 349 Ottley, John, 371, 373, 424-426, 797, 708, 746, 747» 754, 831 Oudiné, Eugéne André, 526, 630, 631, 697, 728, 729, 1027 P. (See Pastorino) Paquet, Anthony C. 235, 1129 Passaglia, A. 388 Pascal, Francois Michel, 260 XXV Pasti, Matteo de, 12, 13 Passamonti, S. 219, 220 Pastorino de’ Pastorini, 1098 Pauschinger, Rudolf, 401, 481, 518, 629, 954 Perego, L. 689 Perger, Bernhard, 36, 37 Petzold, Hans, 312, 316, 318 P. G. (See P. Girometti) Phillips, J. S. 214 Pichler Nachf., Anton, 349 Pieroni, Adolfo, 245 Pillet, Charles, 242 Pinches, John, 428, 766—768, 776 Pinches, Thomas Ryan, 769, 777 Poellath, Carl, 64, 95, 96, 201, 401, 481, 629, 647, 695, 954 Poggini, Gianpaolo, 321 Pola8ek, A. 686 Poletti, F. 658 Pomis, Giovanni Pietro de, 803 PRL Price, F. T. 1080a Puech, Denys Pierre, 271 Putinati, Francesco, 203, 209g—211, 236, 548, 735, 736, 973> 974, 1006, 1036, 1039, 1040 Qvist, Gerda, 971 Rabausch, 536 Radnitzky, Carl, 343, 399, 496, 637, 857, 867 R. C. 846 Reich, Johann Matthias, 551 Reinhard, Hans, 664 Remenyi, 28 Ricci, Ulrico, 604, 605 Richard, J. J. 119 Richer, Paul, 23 Riedner or Riedener (See Knoll) Rivet, Adolphe, 1125 Robert, Elias, 94 Rogat, Emile, 858, 892, 1038 Roglio, Tommaso, 1054 Roiné, Jules Edouard, 668 Roland, Philippe Laurent, 278 Rolard, Francois Laurent, 816, 818 Roman Bronze Works, 618 Roty, Louis Oscar, 68, 69, 92, 807, 841, 999 Roussel, Hieréme, 678 Rozet, René, 3, 883 RP in monogram (See Pauschinger) RT in monogram (See Trachwitz) Rubino, Edoardo, 829 Ruolz, Leopold de, 243 Ryden, Henning, 571—573 Saint Gaudens, Augustus, 666, 667, 669, 794. Saint Memin, Charles, 577 Samuel, Charles, 779 Sandberg, Aron, 721 San Gallo, Francesco, 876—879 Santarelli, Giovanni Antonio, 178, 190 Santi, C. 658 Sassone, F. 873 Schammer, Willem, 265 Scharff, Anton, 275, 276, 451, 535, 614, 726, 93I—933;, 944 9455 97% 1089 Schneider, Briider, 15, 393, 406, 928, 1057 Schnitzpahn, Christian, 435 Schuler, Hans, 950 Schultz, Otto, 335 Schwartz, Stephan, 305, 528, 620—622 Schwarz, Hans, 310, 313, 314 Schweigger, Georg, 331 Schwerdt, A. 86 Schwerdtner, Carl Maria, 73 Secchi, Luigi, 66, 100 Selvi, Antonio, 170, 171, 410 Semper, E. 946 Seregni, Luigi, 905—g07 Sicard, 634 Sieburg, 1095 Simart, C. P. 306, 1045 Simon, Jean Henri, 251, 661, 838, 848 S. J. (See Johnson) Snyder, Robert, & Co. 599, 600 Soldani-Benzi, Massimiliano, 389, 399, 398 Soldanus (See Soldani-Benzi) Spaniel, Ottokar, 628 Speranza, Filippo, 1116 Spicer-Simson, Theodore, 506, 916, 1001 Sporrong, C. E. & Co. 722 Steinbéck, Oswald, 341, 3414 Sterling Bronze Co. 230 XXvi Stettner, Johann Thomas, 337 Stiore, Francesco, 72 Strobel, H. 342 Strobl, 522 Sturm, Paul, 656, 657 Stuttgarter Metallwaren Fabrik, 351 Susse Fréres, 488 Swanson, Jonathan M. 524 Szirmai, Tony, 38 S. & Co. (See Sporrong) Taglioni, L. 79, 1046 Tassara, G. B. 193 Tautenhayn, Jr., Johann Josef, 409, 627, 928, 1057 Tautenhayn, Sr., Josef, 394, 494, 495, 929, 930 Taylor, J. 121—125, 128, 130, 133, 134, 137—139, 148—I5T, 941, 993, 1132, 1137 Taylor, William Joseph, 127, 143—145, 751, 773—775 Teles, Ed. 15 Theunissen, Corneille Henri, 710 Thomas, J. 442 Thomason, Sir Edward, 212 Tiffin, 1080a Tiolier, Nicolas Pierre, 25, 890 Trachwitz, R. 1044 Trémoliéres, Pierre Charles, 646 Trezzo, Jacopo da, 530, 998 T. R. (See Roglio) TSS in monogram (See Spicer-Simson) Aucinie 990,228) Tuuk, Edema van der, 483 Unterholzer, Franz Josef, 201 Vagnetti, Giovanni, 189, 193 Van der Goer, J. J. 719 Van der Tuuk, Edema, 483 Varin (See Warin) Vauthier-Galle, André, 1123 Vernier, Seraphin Emile, 20, 21, 98, 943 Vernon, Frédéric Charles Victor de, 1112, 1115 Veyrat, Adrien Hippolyte, 469, 472—474, 546 V. F. (See Weber, Johann) Vilain, Victor, 1019 Vismara, Johannes, 226 Vivier, Mathias Nicolas Marie, 1037 Voigt, Carl Friedrich, 185, 340, 625 Warin, Claude, 168, 839, 886 Wiener, Leopold, 58, 293, 361, 680, 796, 917 Warrington, W. 143—146 Wikman, Carl I. 513 Waschmann, Carl, 934 Williams, John, Inc. 537, 668 Weber, I. 723—725 Wilson, W. 1078 Weber, Johann, 737, 1005 Wolff, Jacob, 1071 Wermuth, Christian, 1140 Woltreck, Franz, 437 Werner, A., & Sohn (See Awes Miinze) Woodhouse, William, 71 Werner, F. J. 74 Wrba, Georg, 695 Westmacott, Richard, 240 Wurden, Henri Charles, 846 Whitehead & Hoag Co. 585, 592—594 Wyon, Alfred Benjamin, 304 Whitwell, S. T. 1069 Wyon, Benjamin, 159, 160, 240, 1004, 1078 Wicksted, James, 172a Wyon, Joseph Shepherd, 304 Wienecke, Johann Cornelius, 612, 659 Wyon, Leonard Charles, 765, 769 Wiener, Charles, 303, 917, 1044a, 1106 Wyon, William, 810a, 952, 953, 989 Wiener, Jacques, 35, 58, 85, 155, 202, 292—299, 353— 3645 383, 386, 419, 435, 436, 480, 616, 617, 626, 638, 680, 696, 73°, 778, 780, 793, 796—798, 824, 871, 957, 1020—I030, 1044a, 1075, 1087, 1102—1106, 1108, I10g, ITII, 1131, 1133, 1144 Zapparelli, Giuseppe, 881 Yeo, Richard, 1081—1083 BIBLIOGRAPHY Many of the titles, names, and descriptions to be found below are much condensed and abbreviated, but are nevertheless given sufficiently in detail for purposes of ready identification. ALVIN, Frédéric—Les Portraits en Médailles des célébrités de la Belgique. Brussels, 1916. AMPACH, Christian Leberecht von—Numophylacii Ampachiani. Zweite Abtheilung. Versteigerung Berlin, 1834-5. ANDORFER, Karl, und Richard Epstein—Musica in Nummis. Wien, 1907. ARCHIYV fiir Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde. Verlag A. Riechmann & Co. Halle a. d. Saale, 1913 and following. ARETHUSE—Revue Trimestrielle d’Art et d’Archéologie. Paris, 1923 and following. ARMAND, Alfred—Les Médailleurs Italiens des XV et XVI siécles. 3 vols. Paris, 1883-87. (See also Hill, “Not in Armand.”) BAKER, William Spohn—Medallic Portraits of Washington, with historical and critical notes. Philadelphia, 1885. BEIERLEIN, J. P.—Medaillen auf ausgezeichnete und beriihmte Bayern. Miinchen, 1848-1866. BEIERLEIN, J. P.—Miinzen bayerischer Kléster, Kirchen, Wallfahrtsorte, &c. Miinchen, 1857-1879. (See also Och.) BERGMANN, Joseph—Medaillen auf berithmte und ausgezeichnete Manner des oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates yom XVI. bis zum XIX. Jahrhunderts. Wien, 1858. BERGSOE, Vilhelm—Danske Medailler og Jetons fra 1789-1891. Kjobenhavn, 1893 & 1897. BERNHART, M.—Medaillen und Plaketten. Zweite Auflage. Bibliothek fiir Kunst-u. Antiquitatensammler. Berlin, 1920, BIRMINGHAM MEDALS—A Manuscript compilation by an English collector, with rubbings and descriptions of medals relating to Birmingham. R.J.E. Library. BLADES, William—Numismata Typographica. London, 1870. (Served as a basis for Jehne’s work.) BLATTER FUR MUNZFREUNDE. Leipzig, 1865 and following. BOLEN, J. A.—An accurate and descriptive catalog of the Medals, Cards and Facsimiles struck from dies made by J. A. Bolen. Providence, 1905. BOUDEAU, E.—Catalogue général de Monnaies, Médailles et Jetons (fixed price lists). Paris. BRAMSEN, L.—Médaillier Napoléon le Grand ou descriptions des médailles, etc., relatives aux affaires de la France pendant e Consulat et |’Empire. 3 vols. Paris, 1904-13. Xxix CAHN, Adolph E.—Katalog No. 22. Moderne Kunstmedaillen und Plaketten. Frankfurt a. M., 1909. CARUSO, Enrico—Collezione del fu- Monete e Medaglie in Oro. C. & E. CATALOGO DAS MEDALHAS e Senhas Portuguesas do Museu Ethnolog Canessa. Napoli, 1923. ico Portugués. Lisboa, 1909. CLERICI, Carlo—Ponti, strade, viaggi, esplorazioni, esploratori, aronauti, negli ultimi 150 anni in Italia. Milano, 1gor. CONTEMPORARY MEDALS—Catalogue of the International exhibition of contemporary medals, the American Numis- matic Society, March, 1gto. New York, git. CUBASCH, H.—Verkaufs-Katalog von Miinzen und Medaillen der Neuzeit von H. Cubasch. Wien, 1893. DELAIRE, E.—Les Architectes éléves de I’Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Paris, 1907. DELBECKE, August—Kunst- und Portrat-Medaillen, sowie eine Sammlung von Medaillen auf Privatpersonen, etc. Ver- steigerung Adolph Hess, Frankfurt a. M., 25 Mai, 1891. DOMANIG, Karl—Anton Scharff, K. und K. Kammer-Medailleur 1845-1895. Wien, 1895. DOMANIG, Karl—Die Deutsche Medaille in Kunst- und Kulturhistorischer Hinsicht. Wien, 1907. DOMPIERRE DE CHAUFEPI E, H. J. de—Les médailles et plaquettes m DONEBAUER, Max—Beschreibung der Sammlung Béhmischer Miinzen ur DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel—Historische Nachricht von den Niirnber, 1730. DUISBURG, C. L. de—C. A. Rudolphi recentioris aevi Numismata viroru: DURAND, Anthony—Médailles et jetons des Numismates. Genéve, 1865. odernes. Harlem, 1899 and following. nd Medaillen. Prag, 1889. gischen Mathematicis und Kiinstlern. Niirnberg, m de rebus medicis et physicis. Dantisci, 1862. ERBSTEIN—-Versteigerungs-Katalog des Nachlasses des Dr. R. J. Erbstein. Adolph Hess, Nachf. Frankfurt a. M., 1908-11. ERMAN, Adolf—Deutsche Medailleure des sechszehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1884. EYB, Otto von—Die Miinzen und Medaillen der Stadt Miinchen. Miinchen, 1875. FABRICZY, Cornelius von—Italian Medals. Translated from the German FEUARDENT, F.—Jetons et Méreaux depuis Louis IX jusqu’a la fin du C by Mrs. G. W. Hamilton. London, 1904. onsulat de Bonaparte. Paris, 1904. FLORANGE, Ch.—Etude sur les Messageries et les Postes d’aprés des documents métalliques et imprimés. Paris, 1925. FONROBERT, Jules—Sammlung tiberseeischer Miinzen und Medaillen. V ersteigerung Berlin, 1877 & 1878. FORRER, L.—Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Coin-, Gem-, and Seal-engravers, Mint-masters, &c. London, 1905 and following. FRIEDLAENDER, Julius—Die Italienischen Schaumiinzen des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts (1430-1530). Berlin, 1880-1882. GAEDECHENS, O. C. & C. F—Hamburgische Miinzen und Medaillen. B GAZETTE NUMISMATIQUE FRANCAISE, dirigée par Fernand Mazero GRASSELLI, Giuseppe—Abecedario Biografico dei Pittori, Scultori ed Arc vols. Hamburg, 1843-1876. Ile. 16 vols. Paris, 1897-1914. itetti Cremonese. Milano, 1827. GUIOTH, J. L.—Histoire numismatique de la Révolution Belge. 2 vols. Hasselt, 1844-45. HALLBERG, Mauritz—Minnespenningar 6fver Enskilda Personer fédda e! plement, 1923. ler verksamma i Finland. Helsingfors, 1906; Sup- HAMBURGISCHE ZIRKEL-CORRESPONDENZ—Abbildungen Freimaurerischer Denkmiinzen und Medaillen. Hamburg, 1899. HAUSER, Josef—Die Miinzen und Medaillen der Haupt- und Residenzstad XXX t Miinchen. Miinchen, 1905. HEDLINGER, J. C.—Oeuvre ou recueil des médailles de ce célébre artiste. Par Chrétien de Mechel, Basle, 1776 HEINRICI Sammlung—Versteigerung Adolph E. Cahn, Katalog No. 42. Frankfurt a. M., 1920. HEISS, Alois—Les Médailleurs de la Renaissance. 9 vols. Paris, 1881-1892. HESS, Adolph, Nachf—Verzeichniss verkduflicher Miinzen und Medaillen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Frankfurt a. M., 1909, 1912, 1913, and 1925. HE 3, Adolph, Nachf.—Auktions-Katalog, Sammlung Wanek in Prag. Versteigerung Frankfurt a. M., 26 Nov., 1913. HILDEBRAND, Bror Emil—Minnespenningar 6fver enskilda Svenska miin och quinnor. Stockholm, 1860. HILL, G. F.—Portrait Medals of Italian Artists of the Renaissance. London, 1912. HILL, G. F.—“Not in Armand” (a supplement to Armand’s Médailleurs Italiens des XV et XVI siécles), in Archiy fiir Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde, Heft 1 & 2, Jahrgang IT, 1920-21. IMHOF, Christoph Andreas—Sammlung eines Niirnbergischen Miinzkabinetts. Niirnberg, 1780 & 1782. JEHNE, Paul—Uber Buchdruck-Medaillen. Dippoldiswalde, 1907—Erster Nachtrag 1913. JOHNSON, Stabilimento Stefano. Medaglie, Plachette, Fusioni. Rassegna Annuale, Milano, 1910. JOSEPH, Paul, und Eduard Fellner—Die Miinzen von Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt a. M., 1896 and following. OUIN, M. Henry—David d’Angers, sa vie, son oeuvre, ses écrits et ses contemporains. 2 vols. Paris, 1878. : PRAEF - AEDI- FICIOR: R: Signed: + (Gustaf Ljungberger). Reverse. The opera house at Stockholm. Above PAR FAMA LABORI In exergue JUSSU REGIO | IN HON - INVENTORIS | MDCCLXXXII 53 mm. Bronze. [Hildebrand p. 240; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 323, 2.1 Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm. PLATE I . Obverse. Bust to left with peruke and in garb of the period. CAR. FR. ADELCRANTZ BARO. Signed LEA AHLBORN Reverse. The opera house at Stockholm. Above HADES MELPOMENES CELEBRAT | GRATISSIMA NOMEN. Jn exergue ARTIFEX OPERIBUS SUIS | PRASCIPUUS | OB - MDCCLXXXXVI- Signed t-a+ Edge. The date 1923 and sttvER 31.5 mm. [Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 323, 2.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I Nore: The above reverse is not the original, from which there are slight variations of the die. On the original the word aRTIFEX is spelled ARTIFEA. CAMILLO AGRIPPA Probably born in Milan, though there appears to be no authentic record as to the particulars of either his birth or death. Mention is made of his activities about the year 1583, during the pontificate of Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar was named and who died in 1585. Agrippa was a man of varied attainments, being eminent as mathe- matician, philosopher, engineer, and architect. He collaborated with Fontana in transporting the great obelisk to the piazza of St. Peter’s in Rome; both published monographs concerning this remarkable feat, the title of Agrippa’s being “Trattato di trasportar la guglia in su la piazza di San Pietro, Roma, 1583.” He wrote also about the science of arma- ments and the generation of the winds. Copies of his books are exceedingly rare. . Obverse. Bust to right and in armor. - CAMILLVS : AGRIPPA - ANT: F + Signed on truncation 10-BA-BO-F (Gio- vanni Battista Bonini). Reverse. A helmeted warrior with spear, seizing Fortune by the hair.» VELIS * NOLISVE - 45 mm. Bronze cast. (Mazz. I, p. 382; Armand I, p. 282; Supp. p. 133.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 3 Nore: The reverse is placed on the medal in an inverted position, which though usual on coins is unusual on medals. JEAN ANTOINE ALAVOINE Born 1776 in Paris, where he died in 1834. His education was pursued in his native city, where also the greater part of his life was spent. After the completion of his studies Alavoine collaborated for a time with Cellerier and with him ex- ecuted his earlier architectural works, including the baths of Montesquieu and a new theatre.-In 1812 he was appointed 2 10 11. 12. 13. 14. official architect to the government, being first charged with the restoration of various churches, notably St. Denis in Paris, and the cathedrals of Sées and Rouen. Alavoine made designs for a memorial fountain at the Place de la Bastille, and designed a doric column for the July monument. The drawing for this column was approved by Louis Philippe, who laid the first stone; but Alavoine did not live to see more than the foundation completed, the monument as it stands to-day fol- lowing the more ornate Corinthian design of his successor, Joseph Louis Duc. Uniface. Head to left. ALAVOINE ARCHITECTE Signed paviD 1833 (David d’ Angers). All lettering incised. On the back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 748 mm. Bronze cast. ['Fouin II, p. 486.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I LEO BAPTISTA pect: ALBERTI Born 1404 at Venice; died 1472 in Rome. Of a noble Florentine family banished for political reasons, Alberti had the ad- vantage of a broad education, which included art, music, poetry, the Latin classics, and architecture. He was influential in bringing back the classic standards in design, and was commissioned by Pope Nicholas V to restore the papal palace in Rome. Alberti supervised the reconstruction of S. Maria Trastevere, S. Stefano Rotondo, and S. Pietro in Vincolo; also he planned the fortifications of Civita Vecchia, Spoleto, and Orvieto. At Mantua he designed two churches and the Rucellai palace; and at Rimini the famous cathedral of S. Francesco, this being generally regarded as his greatest achievement. He wrote a Latin comedy, and treatises on painting and sculpture, but his best-known literary work, “De re sdifica- toria,” deals with architecture. Uniface. Bust to left. Below the chin, a winged eye. 1. BAP A winged eye before and one after the name and one after the letter L. Oval 200 x 135 mm. Bronze cast. [Armand I, p. 23, 28; Hill p. 29, 7.| Dreyfus Collection, Paris. PLATE 2 Nore: Hill states that the winged eye, which seems to be Alberti’s personal device, may have some reference to his experiments and discoveries in the science of optics. Uniface. Head to left. No inscription. Oval 155% 116 mm. Bronze cast. |Armand I, p. 23, 29; Hill p. 29, 2.) Louvre. PLATE 2 Obverse. Bust to right, wearing a fillet. No inscription. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel - LEO -|- BAPT | USHE cif ANE Oval 36x 27 mm. Bronze cast. [Armand I, p. 23, 30; Hill p. 29, 3.| Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. PLATE 2 Obverse. Bust to left. * LEO BAPTISTA * * ALBERTVS* Reverse. In a closed wreath of laurel, a winged eye. Be- Jow QVID * TVM * Legend MATTHAEI * PASTII * VERONENSIS * OPVS * 97 mm. Bronze cast. |Mazz. I, p.127; Armand I, p. 17,1; Hill p. 29, 4.| Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. PLATE 2 Obverse. Similar to No. r2 except that the name is ALBER instead of ALBERTVS. Reverse. Similar to No. 72. The sculptor’s name is spelled PASTU instead of PASTII. 87.5 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 2 Nore: Comparison of this medal with the one above develops numerous points of difference, indicating that the latter was not cast from the former. ANDERS JOHAN AXEL ALM Born 1814, probably in Stockholm, where he died in 1872. As an eminent and influential architect, as a public-spirited citizen, and as a man of wealth and position, Alm rendered valuable and efficient service in his chosen profession. The greater part of his life was spent in Stockholm, in which city all of his notable architectural works are to be found. There he erected a hospital, designing also numerous public buildings and private residences. He planned and executed the res- toration of St. Jacob’s Church, doing this without remuneration; though later, in recognition of his generosity and skill, the medal described below was struck in his honor. Obverse. Facade of St. Facob’s Church in Stockholm. In exergue BYGGD UNDER KONUNG JOHAN IHS | FORS- KONAD UNDER KON. CARL XVS | REGERING Signed . H. (Edv. Hesselgren). Reverse. Capital of a column surrounded by attributes of architecture. ‘TILL BYGGMASTAREN AXEL ALM In exergue AF JAKOBS OCH JOHANNIS | FORSAML. LEDAMOTER|1862 60 mm. Bronze. (Num. Medd. XVII, IT, p. 165.) R.¥.E. Collection. Nore: This medal was issued by subscription in 1862. PLATE I 15: 16. Wi 18. 19. IGNACZ ALPAR Born 1855 in Budapest, where he began his education. He continued his technical studies later at the Bauakademie in Berlin. After extensive travel in England, on the continent, and through the orient, Alpar was appointed to teach archi- tecture at the Polytechnicum in Budapest. He designed the Szapary bathing pavilion at Herkulesfiirdé, a popular Hunga- rian resort, and built numerous schools, churches, and town halls throughout the country. Alpar planned for the national Millenium exposition of 1896 a group of structures representing the history of Hungary, and later erected buildings for the university of Klausenburg. In Budapest he built the Exchange which is shown on the medal described below, and in the same city the Austro-Hungarian Bank. Alpar has published many articles on architecture and industrial art, being a member of the Wiener Bauhiitte and of numerous societies in Rome, Berlin, and Budapest. Obverse. Busts of Alpar and Kornfeld, jugate to right. In a square panel ALPAR IGNACZ EPITESZ. | KORNFELD ZSIGMOND ELNOK. Signed reucs. Reverse. View of the Exchange, Budapest. In exergue A BUDAPESTI ARU- ES ERTEKTOZSDE | EPITESENEK EMLEKERE. 1907. Edge. Clover leaf bearing the letters B s w (Briider Schneider, Wien.) 67 x 100 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 4 Nore: Zsigmond Kornfeld was president of the Exchange in 1907. Uniface. Bust to right - IGNATIVS - ALPAR - Signed in monogram ¥ 6 B (F. 0. Beck). 146mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 4 VINCENTIUS pe AMBRA There appears to be no authentic record as to the details of birth and death of this Italian architect, who is known, how- ever, to have been active in Florence at the beginning of the eighteenth century. He belonged to an aristocratic Florentine family which has numbered many poets, architects, and savants among its distinguished members, from Francesco de Ambra and his son Vincentius, both of whom were famous in the sixteenth century, down to the present day. The subject of this sketch, whose portrait is shown on the medal described below, is referred to in the catalogue of coins and medals belonging to Freiherr Carl Rolas du Rosey, as a mathematician and architect once resident in Florence. The catalogue in question was published at Leipzig in 1863. Obverse. Bust to left. VINCENTIVS * DE * AMBRA * Reverse. Two female figures with books, globe, and attributes of architecture. AARC * DOCET * ILLA * PROBAT * In exergue 1712 * 86mm. Bronze cast. [Missing in Mazxzuchelli ; Rolas 2329.| Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 27 Obverse. Same as No. 17. Reverse. A female figure standing before a pedestal, books at her feet; attributes of astronomy at left. HHABC + DOCET - ILLA+ PROBAT 86 mm. [Maxz. IT, p. 153; Ampach 9267.] Description taken from the former source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 138, 3. GABRIEL AUGUSTE ANCELET Born 1829 in Paris, where he died in 1895. He studied under Lequeux, Baltard, and Jay, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts where he won numerous medals and prizes, including the grand prix de Rome. Ancelet’s appointments as professor of design and as architect to the government soon occupied his time to the practical exclusion of actual construction, but a few important works early established his reputation and will remain associated with his name. Among these may be men- tioned new buildings for the chateau de Pau and for the chateau de Compiégne; also in Paris, the arcade Vaucanson and additions to the building of Arts et Métiers. A member of the French Institute and chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Ancelet was the recipient of awards from several international expositions and was active in the architectural societies of France. Uniface. Head to right. CRAUK| A| SON AMI | ANCELET | * Below the head 1851 (Gustave Crauk). 182 mm. Bronze. Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. PLATE 7 FRANCOIS EMILE ANDRE Born 1871 at Nancy. After completing his preliminary education in his native city, he took up his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, from which institution he received in 1898 his diploma in first class. The same year he was awarded a medal by the Salon, and was granted a travelling scholarship for the purpose of further study. Upon his return from Italy, he established himself in private practice at Nancy, and since then has been active in matters relating to the archi- tectural progress and welfare of that city. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Uniface. Bust to right. A+ L’AMI - EMILE - ANDRE | Signed S*E|VERNIER|1898 200 «757mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1901, p. 225, 203.) Description taken from this source. Nore: This plaquette was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1901. Uniface. Similar to No. 20 but with slight variation in arrangement of letters. A L?7AMI EMILE ANDRE | Signed s 5. VERNIER | 1898 83% 64 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 901, p. 225, 203. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 9 FRANCOIS PIERRE PAUL ANDRE Born 1860 in Paris, he studied first under his father, Louis Jules André, and then at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He has re- ceived a number of distinctions, including the Jean Leclaire prize, the grand prix de Rome, and the medal of the salon of the Champs Elysées. In Paris he designed the Ecole Lavoisier and other buildings serving the public. For many years André held official position as inspector of municipal buildings, architect to the French government, and architect of the city of Paris, being at the same time a member of the Société Centrale des Architectes Francais and of the Société des Architectes diplémés par le Gouvernement. Uniface. Bust to left. Above ROME:1886-A MON AMI ANDRE (incised). Signed a1 carver Below P. ANDRE 200 x 132 mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 6 Uniface. Bust to left. Legend A+ PIERRE: ANDRE - ARCHITECTE - PROFESSEUR : A - L’ECOLE - DES - BEAUX-ARTS 4 right SES ELEVES | 1920 Signed on truncation PAUL RICHER 270 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 6 LOUIS JULES ANDRE Born 181g in Paris, where he died in 1890. Having studied in his native city under Le Bas and Huyot, he was awarded the grand prix de Rome in recognition of his admirable plans for a French Chamber of Deputies. He also spent some time in Athens studying the architectural details of the ancient Greeks. André specialized in the erection and reconstruction of monumental buildings in Paris, his name being associated with such important edifices as the botanical gardens, the museum of natural history, and the great Bibliothéque Nationale. André was professor of architecture for many years, was an inspector of municipal buildings, commander of the Legion of Honor, and a member of the French Institute. Uniface. Bust to left. A JULES ANDRE ARCHITECTE HOMMAGE DE SES ELEVES Signed on truncation E BARRIAS 1885 (all lettering incised). 170 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 10 JACQUES DENIS ANTOINE Born 1733 in Paris; died there in 1801. After working for a number of years as a building contractor, Antoine turned to architecture, becoming eminent as an exponent of the rococco style, in which his interpretation was more conservative than that of his contemporaries. Many of his plans and drawings are to be found in the Bibliothé¢que Nationale in Paris, in which city he built the mint shown on the medal described below, the Hotel Maillebois, and the main staircase of the court house. Among the buildings erected by him outside of Paris may be mentioned a church at Nancy, the Hotel Ber- wick in Madrid, and the mint at Berne. Antoine was for many years active in the Académie des Beaux-Arts, being also a member of the French Institute. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. J: D+ ANTOINE ARCHITECTE Signed N-p-T10L1ER: Reverse. Facade of the mint in Paris. HOTEL DES MONNAIES DE PARIS In exergue CONSTRUIT PAR J - D-|ANTOINE ARCHIT.|EN 1768 gz mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 4 EDOARDO ARBORIO Obverse. AEDIS. | LAURENTII. MARTYRIS. | FRONS. INSTAURATA. | IN. CASTRO. | MONTICELLO- RUM. | DE. UNGINIS. | A. MDCCCLXXVII. |* Reverse. EDOARDO. ARBORIO. | MELLAE. COM. EO) | ARCHITECTO. | CURATORES. TEMPLI. |— 38 mm. Collection of Stefano Carlo Fobnson. PLATE 4 ALADAR ARKAI Born 1868 at Temesvar. In 1885 he went to Budapest, where he remained for several years, studying engineering and ar- chitecture at the Polytechnicum while a pupil in the school of painting under Székely and Lotz. After a year in Paris Arkai went to Vienna to engage in theatre construction under Fellner and Helmer, returning to Budapest after the com- pletion of his studies. In that city, where he established himself in private practice, he was invited to collaborate in the erection of the royal castle at Ofen, and in 1896 he entered drawings in competition for the Redoutenpalast, winning the first prize with commission to execute. Arkai himself considers that his best work consists of the series of modest villas in the Hungarian style, located on the Andrassystrasse in Budapest. He is also successful as a painter of aquarelles and in the field of interior decoration. 27. Uniface. Head to left. ARKAI ALADAR Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). 97mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 IRIN©ILIEO) iis 120) Born 1232 at Colle, in Tuscany; died at Florence early in the fourteenth century. Many divergent stories exist concerning his name, family relationships, youthful life, and even the list of his achievements. The popular version, one repeated by several biographers, originated with Vasari, and contains many interesting statements, some perhaps not authentic. The following data concerning Arnolfo are, however, well established. He was the friend of Cimabue and the pupil of Niccolo Pisano. He collaborated with Maestro di Lapo, their most famous work being the palazzo del Bargello. Arnolfo designed and commenced the loggia of the Priori, built the loggia of Or San Michele, and rebuilt the chapel of the abbey church at Florence. When commissioned by Cardinal Orsini to erect the church of S. Croce, Arnolfo constructed its roof in an origi- nal manner, allowing unusual width to the nave and aisles; the novelty of his design winning him great praise. The Flor- entine city fathers, having decided to build a cathedral, charged Arnolfo with the preparation of plans and models; he designed the entire edifice, and succeeded admirably in the difficult task of incorporating the small church of S. Reparata in the greater building which for over a century bore its name. Not until 1412, by solemn decree, was the name changed from S, Reparata to that of S. Maria del Fiore. 27a. Full description of medal will be found under No. 155 (Brunelleschi). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II HEINRICH ARNSTEIN 28, Uniface. Bust to right. A MAGANMERNOKOK | ORSZAGOS SZOVETSEGE | SZERETETT ELNOKENEK | ARNSTEIN HENRIKNEK | 50EVES MERNOKI JVBILEVMA | ALKALMABOL 1910 Signed REMENYI 70 x 48mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 7 ANTONIO AVERLINO pi FILARETE Born 1400 in Florence, and died 1469 in Rome. The cognomen of Filarete given by Vasari and probably original with him, has become the name by which Antonio Averlino is generally known. Eminent as sculptor and founder in metals, the bronze door of St. Peter’s, which had been commanded by Pope Eugenius IV and on which Averlino with six assistants spent twelve years of toil, made him famous before he erected his first building. Banished from Rome when nearly fifty years of age on the charge of stealing holy relics, he spent four years in travel and in collecting material for his voluminous work en- titled “Trattato d’Architettura,” after which Sforza called him to Milan, where the sculptor became architect. Averlino designed a palace for Sforza at Venice, began the cathedral at Bergamo, was for two y rs architect of the Milan cathedral, and built fortifications near Bellinzona. His greatest architectural work was accomplished in connection with the Ospedale Maggiore at Milan, one of that city’s notable buildings. 29. Obverse. Bust to right, three bees. ANTONIVS - AVERLINVS - ARCHIECTVS (all lettering incised). Reverse. A man with mallet and chisel cutting into a tree which contains a honey-comb, bees swarming about, the sun above. VY SOL AVGET APES SIC NOBIS COMODA PRINCEPS (all lettering incised). Oval 80 «67 mm. Bronze cast. [Heiss p. 38; Armand I, p. 26; Hill p. 32, 7.| Victoria and Albert Museum. PLATE gI Note: himself. Forrer states that this is probably the oldest Florentine medal. Hill and von Fabriczy agree in attributing it to Averlino 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. HENRY OGDEN AVERY Born 1852 in Brooklyn, and died 1890 in New York City. The son of S. P. Avery, eminent art connoisseur and one of the earliest members of the Architectural League, Henry Ogden Avery grew up in an atmosphere which did much to in- fluence his choice of a career. At an early age he entered Cooper Union, and later the office of Russell Sturgis, where he stayed until he went to Paris. There he remained for seven years, studying architecture under Jules André, and the allied subjects of art and engineering. Upon his return to New York he associated himself with Richard M. Hunt, col- laborating on the Marquand and Vanderbilt residences and other important work. In 1883 he designed the Woodford mansion in Brooklyn, an unusual and attractive building of red brick; this being followed by the Buell house at New Rochelle and by extensive alterations to the Clews residence at Newport. Avery’s brief career was full of promise. He was a member of numerous societies of art and architecture in America and abroad, and was also known as a lecturer and writer. The Avery Architectural Library at Columbia University was established as a memorial to him by his parents, the building itself being the gift of his brother, Samuel Putnam Avery, Jr. Uniface. Head to right. Signed J.C. CHAPLAIN | PARIS-1893 On the back of the medallion is engraved HENRY OGDEN AVERY 223 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 3 LEON AZEMA Born 1888 at Alignan-du-Vent in the département of Hérault. After his preliminary education he went to Paris, where he enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts; there he studied architecture and interior decoration, in both of which he is an acknowledged authority. In Paris he designed the decorations for several residences and shops, but his architectural work is located elsewhere in France, and in Egypt. At Cairo and Alexandria, Azéma has erected numerous apartment houses, residences, and villas; special mention should be made of the college, with adjoining theatre and church, at Alex- andria; and of the law courts in process of construction at Cairo. Azéma has received medals and awards at many expositions, being active in several societies of art and architecture; in 1921 he received the grand prix de Rome. He is now associated with Jacques Hardy and Max Edrei, architects in Paris. Uniface. Bust to left. L. AZEMA | ARCH: |ROMA|MCMX| XIV Signed on truncation p. TURIN 108mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 69 FRANCESCO AZZURRI Born 1831 in Rome, where he died in 1901. He studied engineering and architecture under his uncle, Giovanni Azzurri, and at the Accademia di San Luca in his native city, later supplementing his education by means of extensive travel. After his return to Italy he built the palazzo Negroni on the via Condotti, the Hotel Bristol, the new Teatro Nazionale, and nu- merous villas, collaborating in work on the palazzo Barberini—all this in Rome. In Rome also Azzurri accomplished impor- tant work as architect of the San Luca hospitals and asylums. He restored the Palazzo di Venezia and designed buildings for the republic of San Marino, the medal below being evidence of recognition on the part of that government of the value of his services. Azzurri was for many years professor of architecture at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to left. PIVS IX PONT. MAX. AN. XXI. Signed 1. BIANCHI s. Reverse. View of the Ospedale dei Pazzi. In exergue HOSPITIVM. DEMENTIBVS. CVRAND. COMMODIVS INSTAVRATVM, AM- PLIATVM. On the exergual line ¥. AZZVRRI ARCH. Signed 1. BIANCHIS. 44mm. Bronze. (Maxio 742; Risorg. Ital. p. 193, 1248.| Description taken from these sources. Obverse. View of the hospital of S. Spirito. In exergue AN. MDCCCLXVI F. AZZURRI ARCH. Signed 1. BIANCHI s. Reverse. NOSOCOMIUM SANCTI SPIRITUS PIO IX PONTIFICE MAXIMO ACQUA, LUCE, AERE LARGIUS IMMISSIS AEQUABILIUS ATTRIBUTIS INSTAURATUM EST NOVISQUE EXCULTAM ACHILLE MARIA RICCIO COLLEGII MAGISTRO. 43 mm. Bronze. taken from this source. [Risorg. Ital. p. 192, 1246. Description Obverse. Coat of arms of the republic of San Marino. RESPUBLICA SANCTI MARINI Signed uu1ci cort Nc | FIRENZE Reverse. In a wreath of laurel FRANCISCO AZZURRIO ROMANO | QUOD | AEDES CONSILII MAGNI ET GENERALIS | EXCOGITAVERIT EXTRUXERIT ORNAVERIT | UNIVERSO CIVIUM PLAUSU| ARCHITECTO PRINCIPI | OB MERITA | EX SENATUS CONSULTO | VII - KAL: OCTOBRIS MDCCC- XCIV [Forrer II, p. 296.] Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated. 35. 36. ALPHONSE BALAT Born 1818 at Gochenée, a small town in the province of Namur; died 1905 at Ixelles, near Brussels. His education was pursued mainly at Antwerp, in which city he distinguished himself at an early age in both engineering and architecture. Balat’s scholarship and ability led to his appointment as court architect, with residence in Brussels. There he lived dur- ing the greater part of a successful and extended career, and there most of his works are located. Among the most impor- tant of these may be mentioned the reconstruction of the royal palace, the erection of a magnificent residence for the Mar- quis d’Assche, and the main building of the palais des Beaux-Arts, of which the medal described below shows the interior. At the exposition of Belgian art held at Brussels in 1905, the year of Balat’s death, many of his plans and drawings were ex- hibited, and a prominent place was given to his portrait bust executed by Vincotte. Obverse. Bust of Leopold I to left, in uniform. A LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES LE CERCLE ARTISTIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DE BRUXELLES Signed J. WIENER F. Rim ornamented. Reverse. Interior of the hall of the Cercle Artistique et Litteraire. FETE NATIONALE | 24 SEPTEMBRE 18 51 | ALPH: BALAT. ARCHIT. Signed J. WIENER F. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 100, 150.1 54mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 12 CARLO, PIO BALE ST RA Born in Rome, according to Zani, who is the authority giving 1776 as the date of his death. There appears to be no au- thentic record concerning the date of his birth. Educated in mechanics, in engineering, and in building, he became eminent as an architect who devoted his time and his ability to the construction of private edifices, his reputation not having been transmitted by means of any famous public or monumental buildings. Yet from the fact that Zani accords to him the highest of five grades in classification, it appears probable that Balestra executed some of the Italian palaces of his time. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. CAROL. PIVS BALESTRA CIV. ROM. BONIS ARTIBVS Signed B. PERGER. F. Reverse. Minerva seated, with a winged genius at her side, and holding a shield inscribed AEQVA | POTES | TAS Legend ACADEM. PICTOR. SCVLPTOR. ET ARCHIT. VRBIS Signed B. PERGER. F. 45 mmm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 4. 37. Obverse. Similar to No. 36. Reverse. Similar to No. 36 but with marked variation of the die and signed with initials B. P. ¥. 38. only, and not with the full name of the sculptor. 46mm. Bronze. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 4. ZOLTAN BALINT Born at Nagyvarad in 1871, he studied in Budapest and received the Ybl medal of the Society of Hungarian Architects. Early in his career he entered into partnership with Ludwig Jambor, and with him won two competitive prizes for public buildings. Together they have built many of the beautiful modern residences of Budapest. Jambor and Balint designed the Hungarian section for the Exposition Universelle of 1900, the grand prix being awarded to them jointly. This building is referred to on the medal described below. Jointly also they received the gold medal at Turin in 1902 and the first prize for the plans of a school in Nagykanizsa. Their work shows the modern tendencies in Hungarian architecture as indicated by the important réle of color and the prominence of national motifs in majolica. Uniface. The Hungarian building at the Paris Exposition in 1900. Seated figure with wreath and shield in the foreground. Above, in a sunburst, 1900 In exergue LE - PALAIS - DE: LA: HONGRIE |: A L’EXPOSITION - UNIVER- SELLE - A- PARIS -|: BALINT - ET - JAMBOR - ARCHITECTES - Signed rony-sziRMaAi 113 x 78 mm. Galvano silvered. |Forrer V, p. 727.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 Nore: One of a series of medals executed by Szirmai, depicting the buildings erected by various nations at the Exposition Univer- selle, Paris, 1900. ALBERT BALEU Born 1849 in Paris, where he studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being also a pupil of Mague, of Barrias, and of his father, Théodore Ballu. He drew the plans for the casino at Biskra, and completed the cathedrals of Algiers and Aix-la- Chapelle. Ballu’s most important works were the law courts at Charleroi and at Bucarest, with a church at Jony-le- Monstier. Eminently successful in the restoration of old buildings according to the original plans, he has frequently been 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47, called upon to execute work of this difficult character. He exhibited many original drawings of northern Africa and also aquarelles at the Paris salons from 1875 to 1880, and received numerous medals and decorations. Uniface. Bust to right. ALBERT - BALLU - ARCHITECTE - MDCCCLXXXVII Signed DD in monogram and DANIEL DvPvIs 247 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 175, 216. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 7 THEODORE BALLU Born 1817 in Paris, where he died in 1885. A pupil of Le Bas, he won the grand prix de Rome at the age of twenty- three. Upon his return from travel in Italy and Greece he collaborated for a time with Gau in erecting the church of Ste. Clothilde, which he completed after Gau’s death. Ballu was appointed chief architect in the division of public works con- cerned with religious edifices, in which capacity he built numerous churches in Paris, including St. Joseph, la Trinité, and St. Ambroise. The churches of Notre Dame d’Argenteuil, St. Joseph, and St. Ambroise, all notable structures in the early Roman style, show his great skill in adapting the older forms to modern requirements. At the age of fifty-five, with the col- laboration of de Perthes, Ballu entered drawings in competition for the reconstruction of the Hétel de Ville in Paris. He received first prize with commission to execute, and this great undertaking occupied his last years. He was successively chevalier, officer, and commander of the Legion of Honor. Many of the buildings mentioned here are shown on the med- als described below. Uniface. Bust to right. THEODORE — BALLU - ARCHITECTE - MDCCCLXXXI Signed to left in monogram DD to right DANIEL DvPvIs 46 mm. Bronze. [Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 11, 12.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 6 Uniface. Same as No. go. 175 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 37, 150.] R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 6 Uniface. Bust to right, above 1817 — 1885 Signed DANIEL-DvPVIs On the plinth THEODORE - BALLU | ARCHI- TECTE | MEMBRE: DE: L’INSTITUT: z2z x76 mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1598, p. 172, 193; Roger Marx Méd. Frang. depuis 1789, p. 56.) Description taken from the former source. Nore: Mr. A. Liard writes under date of February 20, 1924, that the above plaquette is a reduction from a large medallion. Obverse. Laureated head of Napoleon IIT. NAPOLEON - II] EMPEREUR Signed BORREL Reverse. The facade of the Church of the Holy Trinity. EGLISE - DE - LA - SAINTE - TRINITE - INAUGUREE « LE - 7: NOVEM- BRE-1867 Below at the right T: BALLU | ARCHIT. 4¢ the left, signed BORREL + 1869. 75 mm. [Gaz. Num. 1902, Pp. 369, 146.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. VILLE - DE - PARIS. Two female figures one representing Industry, the other Painting and Sculpture, coat of arms of city of Paris above. FLVCTVAT | NEC | MERGITVR Signed CHAPLAIN Reverse. Facade of the church of Saint Ambroise, a winged genius holding the plan of the church. EGLISE - SAINT - AMBROISE - INAUGUREE - LE 11 - NOVBRE 1869. In exergue BALLU - ARCHITECTE 72 mm. Bronze. (Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 10, 2.] Description taken from this source. Nore: This medal was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1876. Obverse. 4 winged genius presenting the plan of the church to the City of Paris. On a banderolle FLVCTVAT - NEC - MERGITVR. Signed DANIEL: Dvpvis. Reverse. The interior of the church. In exergue EGLISE + SAINT - JOSEPH | BALLU - ARCHITECTE Signed p + pvpvis scvipsit 75mm. Bronze. |Gaz. Num. 1598, p.9, 4.] Description taken Srom this source. Note: This medal was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1881. Obverse and reverse. Similar to No. 45. 300 mm. (Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 31, 109.| Description taken from this source. Nore: The obverse and reverse are separate. Obverse. Female figure, personifying the city of Paris, seated on the prow of a galley, a compass and a plan of the Hotel de Ville in her hand. Signed in exergue J-C-CHAPLAIN Re REPUBLIQUE - FRANCAISE Above coat of arms of the city of Paris FLVCTVAT | NEC | MERGITVR incised on a band. Inscription LA | VILLE | DE | PARIS | REEDI- FIE - SON - HOTEL - DE: VILLE | DE 1874 + A-1882|TH- BALLU- ET- ED - DEPERTHES | AR- CHITECTES Below a cartouche and branches of oak. 76 mm. Silver galvano. (Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 16, 22.) Metro- politan Museum of Art. Note: This medal was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1886. 48. 48a. 48b. 49. VICTOR BALTARD Born 180s in Paris, where he died in 1874. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Debret and of his own uncle, Louis Pierre Baltard. As a student he early distinguished himself and received the grand prix de Rome, this being followed by the first prize for a design for the tomb of Napoleon and by many awards in public competitions. Bal- tard built the chateau at Cestas, the theological seminary at St. Sulpice, and the monuments to Prince Eugéne, to Ingres and to Flandrin. He designed numerous ecclesiastical edifices, churches, and chapels, both Catholic and Protestant, notably the cathedral at Troyes and the famous oratoire in Paris; in this city also, collaborating with Callet, he built the central market, Architect-in-chief to the government and officer of the Legion of Honor, Baltard served also as inspec- tor of public buildings and on the committee for national festivals. Among his printed works may be mentioned “Mono- graphie de la villa Médicis” and “Galérie de Diane 4 Fontainebleau.” Portrait medallion V. Baltard, executed by Gustave Crauk. 210 mm. Bronze. [Boudeau Fasc. 115, p. 282, 5034.) De- scription taken from this source. JOSEPH ERNST von BANDEL Born 1800 at Ansbach; died 1876 at Neudegg, near Donauworth. As a young man he went to Munich and studied archi- tecture, while employed by Karl von Fischer in his workshop of plastic ornamentation. After the death of Fischer, Ban- del’s interest in architecture gradually waned, and he occupied himself with painting, notably portraits in the style of Rubens and van Dyck. About this time King Maximilian of Bavaria became interested in Bandel, secured a place for him in the atelier of the famous sculptor Haller, and gave him a grant enabling him to study sculpture. Several years later he went to Rome, where he met Thorvaldsen, whose extreme classicism Bandel opposed with aggressive propaganda for the simpler, more popular styles. Nevertheless, upon his return to Munich he allied himself with the classical school of that city, being commissioned by Ludwig I to execute important sculptural and decorative work on the Glyptothek, Walhalla, and other national edifices. His most famous achievement was the gigantic Hermann monument, erected near Detmold; this is shown on the medals described below. Obverse. Head to right. E. vy. BANDEL SCHOPFER D. HERMANN-DENKMALS Signed BREHMER F. Reverse. The monument. Legend NUR IN BRUDERLICHER EINIGKEIT LEBT DEUTSCHEN VOLKES STARKE MACHT U. HERRLICHKEIT Inner legend HERMANN-DENKMAL ERRICH-TET VOM DEUTSCHEN VOLKE 4¢ bottom VOLLENDET AUGUST 1875 Jn the field GANZE HOHE 1834 FUSS 42mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 14 Observe. Same as No. 48a but without the signature of the sculptor. Reverse. The monument. Legend. HERMANN BEFREIER DEUTSCH--LANDS VOM ROMISCHEN JOCHE Inner legends * TACITUS ANNAL II - 88 - *BEGONNEN 1838 VOLLENDET 1875 | ENTWORFEN & ERBAUT VON E. V. BANDEL 28 mm. White metal. American Numismatic Society. PLATE 14 SIR CHARLES BARRY Born 1795 in London and died there in 1860. He began his studies in his native city, continuing them by travel in Italy and the east. Barry built the Royal Institution at Manchester, the Birmingham Free Grammar School, and the Travel- lers’ Club in London. After the destruction by fire of the Houses of Parliament, a competition was announced inviting the submittal of plans for their reconstruction. Barry offered designs in the gothic style, receiving the first prize with a commission to execute the buildings, which are shown on the medals as finally completed. He was elected a member of the Royal Academy, and was an honorary member of many foreign societies. In 1852 he was knighted by Queen Victoria. Obverse. Facade of the BIRMINGHAM | FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL Jn exergue FOUNDED BY KING EDWARD VI. A. D. 1552 | REBUILT 1707. | PRESENT EDIFICE ERECTED 1836 |—| LENGTH IN FRONT 174 FEET|125 FEET IN FLANK | 60 FEET IN HEIGHT |—| C. BARRY ARCHITECT Signed HALLIDAY. ¥F. Reverse. Bust of Edward VI to left, laurel branches below. PATER MELIORIS AVI above. EDVARDVS VI-D:-G:-ANG: FR:ET HIB: REX: around bust. THIS SCHOOL WAS ENDOWED BY EDWARD VI. WITH | LANDS AND HOUSES PRODUCING £41 PER ANNUM.| WHICH NOW PRO- DUCE UPWARDS OF £4000 PER AN.| FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE YOUTH OF | BIRMING- HAM AND NEIGHBOURHOOD IN GRAMMAR | UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF 20 GOVERNORS. | —| PRESENT MASTERS | REV. FRANCIS JEUNE D.C.L.| REV. SYDNEY GEDGE M.A. |—| ESTI- MATED COST OF THE | PRESENT BUILDING | £35000 Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 63 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 5 Io 50. Bits 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59, Obverse. Bust of Edward VI facing right. EDVARDUS VI. LAUS DEO. Reverse. Facade of the FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BIRMINGHAM Jn exergue FOUNDED BY KING EDWARD VI. A.D. 1552 | REBUILT 1707. | PRESENT EDIFICE ERECTED 1836] REV. FRANCIS JEUNE -D.C.L. | REV. SYD- NEY GEDGE M.A. | MASTERS. | C. BARRY ARCHITECT. Signed pavis Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 5r mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE § Nore: See reverse of No. sor. Obverse. Same as No. 50. Reverse. Boy seated at table, surrounded by books, globes, etc. In exergue VIA AD HONOREM Signed DAvis BIRM. 57 mm. White metal. [Birm. Med. p. 80.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. Crowned bust of Queen Victoria to left, in an open wreath of roses, thistle, shamrock, and oak. VICTORIA, QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN. Reverse. View of the Houses of Parliament and the Thames. Three female Jigures and symbols, HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Above in centre a triangle QUEEN LORDS COMMONS and scrolls inscribed MAGNA | CHARTER and REFORM BILL Edge milled on obverse and reverse. 51 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 5 Obverse. View of the Houses of Parliament and the Thames. NEW HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Zn exergue LON- DON |—! C. BARRY ESQ. ARCHITECT |—| Signed pavis B1rmM Reverse. Interior of the House of Lords. N- TERIOR OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS. 44 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 5 Obverse. Head of Queen Victoria to left. VICTORIA REGINA Below 1846 Signed on truncation a & m (Allen & Moore). Reverse. View of the Houses of Parliament and the Thames NEW HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Jn exergue OPENED NOV: 1847 |—| H. HYAMS LONDON Rim beaded. 22mm. Brass. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 5 Obverse. Busts of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, jugate to left. H:M+G+M- QUEEN VICTORIA. AND H:R-+H- PRINCE ALBERT Signed a x mM (Allen & Moore). Reverse. The Houses of Parliament and the Thames. NEW HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT Jn exergue C. BARRY ESQRE | ARCHT. |— Signed ALLEN & MOORE BIRM - Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 27 mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE § Obverse. Head of Queen Victoria to left. Legend VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REGINA F: D: Signed on trun- cation DAVIS. Reverse. The Houses of Parliament and the Thames; above, radiated KING |\—| LORDS COMMONS In exergue NEW HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT | C. BARRY ESQ: ARCHT: |—| Signed J. Davis BIRM: | MED- ALLIST BY COMMAND TO H: R: H: PRINCE ALBERT 64mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 5 Obverse. British officers making peace with Chinese mandarins. Angel of peace above. In exergue THE TRIUMPH OF THE BRITISH ARMS 1842. Signed DAVIS. BIRM Reverse. Same as No. 56. 64 mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. p- 16.| Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust to right. SIR C. BARRY. R. A. ARCHITECT. Signed LEOPOLD WIENER. | ART- UNION OF LONDON 1862. Reverse. The Houses of Parliament. In exergue - COMMENCED 1837 * INAUGURATED 1847 Signed J. WIENER 59 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 105, 161 ; Weber 220.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 5 Nore: One of a series of medals of painters, sculptors, and architects, published by the Art-Union of London in the nineteenth cen- tury. Uniface. View of Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. At bottom WESTMINSTER ABBEY AND THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT - LONDON - Signed E-B (Eric Bradbury). Semicircular 49 «75mm. Bronze. Tice lon Collection. PLATE § MARCEL AMEDEE BAUDOT Born 1870 at Arcy-sur-Care in the département of Yonne. In 1888 he went to Paris and entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he remained for four years, being a pupil of Laloux and André. He received four first-class medals while a student, and later the Destors prize. Baudot has erected private buildings of various kinds, and has held municipal positions in the city of Paris, such as inspector of buildings, officer of academy, and professor of drawing in the evening schools of the city. Il 60. Uniface. Bust to left. Above HOMMAGE|A ME A. DE BAUDOT Below 25° ANNIVERSAIRE | DE SON COURS DU TROCADERO |13 FEVRIER 1913 Signed A. J. HALOU 236% 154mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE IO FRANCIS BEDFORD Born toward the end of the eighteenth century. Little appears to be recorded concerning the life and work of this English architect, beyond the fact that he specialized in ecclesiastical construction and ornamentation. Among churches which he designed and built may be mentioned two in the south of London; the earlier one of these, St. George’s, Cam- berwell, of which the corner-stone was laid in 1822, is depicted on the medal described below. The other, St. John’s on Waterloo Road, was begun in 1823, but was not completed until twenty years later. In 1844 Bedford published a chart, beautifully illustrated in colors, of studies in ecclesiastical ornamentation based upon models in the British Museum. 61. Obverse. Facade of St GEORGE’S CHURCH CAM BERWELL SURREY Jn exergue FRANCIS BEDFORD | ARCHITECT Signed cross F- Reverse. THE FIRST STONE | OF THIS CHURCH WAS LAID BY | THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD | GEO: TOMLINE - D - D LORD BISHOP OF WINCHES- TER | ON THE 232 DAY OF APRIL | IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 18221|IN THE THIRD YEAR OF THE REIGN OF KING GEORGE THE IV-| THE REV? EDWARD SMYTH VICAR | HENY GOOCH - RICH? BILLITER - THOS TURK - CHURCHWARDENS -| CHURCH COMMITTEE -| JAMES JACKS | R? BYGRAVE | CHARLES DODD | JOSEPH WARD | PETER DAVEY | W- PINCHBACK | W- G+ MEYMOTT | ISAAC RICE | JOHN BRETT | WM WHIFFIN | SAME LILLEY | ROBT CURTIS | ROBT HOWARD | ROBT YOUNG | GEO: ATHEARN | JN° SKIPPER | WILLIAM FRY | JOSH FIDLER | CHA$ DRUCE | W™ VIZARD | JAS FISHER | JS HALLETT | CHR¥ MASON | ROBERT SMALL - TREASURER | GEO: SPENCE: SECY 60 mm. [Num. Chron. 1886, p. 289.| British Museum. PLATE 18 REINHOLD BEGAS Born 1831 in Berlin, where he died in 1911. He studied at the Berlin academy and under Wichman, Schadow, and Rauch, going later to Rome, where he was greatly influenced by Boecklin. While there he completed his famous statue of Pan and the deserted nymph. Returning to Berlin he designed the Schlossbrunnen, making of it a monument to the Emperor William I. Although the main interests of Begas lay in the domain of sculpture and painting, that he was also versed in architecture is attested by a direct statement to this effect in the “ Berliner Miinzblatter,” October, 1911, while even more significant is the word “‘Architektura” on the medal designed by his son and described below. 62. Obverse. Half length figure to right with bat. REINHOLD 1897 BEGAS Reverse. Seated female figure with attributes of painting, architecture, and sculpture. SCULPTURA ARCHITEKTURA PICTURA 4 bottom near edge LAUER Signed WERNER BEGAS FEC. BERLIN 1897 64mm. Bronze. (Berlin. Miinzbl. Oct. 911, p. 186. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 9 63. Uniface. Same as obverse of No. 62. 170 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 9 PETER BEHRENS Born 1868 at Hamburg, and studied at Altona, Karlsruhe, and Diisseldorf. His works include the Haus Behrens at Darmstadt, the antechamber of the Hamburg exhibit at the exposition in Turin, the reading-room of the Diisseldorf library, as well as exhibition buildings at Oldenburg, Dresden, and Cologne. Behrens built also the Protestant church at Hagen a/W for which he was awarded the first prize in competition, a crematory near Hagen, and the residence of the German embassy in St. Petersburg. Being made a director of the General Electric Company of Berlin in 1907, he drew the plans for their establishments, designing also many private residences in Berlin. He is versed in painting, has a practical knowledge of the manufacture of objects of art, and has published a book on economical construction. Behrens was appointed professor at Darmstadt and honorary member of the Vienna academy of cultural arts. 64. Uniface. Head to left. PETER BEHRENS MCMXVIII Signed Rub. BosseLT Edge. C. POELLATH SCHROBEN- HAUSEN 95 mm. Bronze cast. R.f.E. Collection. PLATE II 65. Uniface. Head to left PETER BEHRENS Signed on truncation DAUTERT 91 mm. Bronze cast. R.J.E. Collection. PLATE II 12 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. LUCA BELTRAMI Born 1854 in Milan, where he began his education, continuing at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In his native city he was appointed architect-in-charge of the cathedral and of the permanent art exhibition building; other important works being the castello at Soncino, the facade of the cathedral at Monza, plans for the new campanile of S. Marco in Venice, and the Castello Sforzesco at Milan, in appreciation of which he received from Count Sforza a medal which is described below and which shows the castello. Beltrami was appointed custodian of the national monuments of Lombardy, and wrote a history of the architecture and painting of that province. He has been a prolific writer, a contributor to many art journals, and professor at the academy of Milan. Obverse. Bust to right. LVCAS HANNIBALIS BELTRAMI ET ELISAE MAZZVCCHELLI FILIVS MEDIOLA- NEN. ARCHITECTVS * Signed on truncation & SECCHI-MOD. and in monogram AC (Angelo Cappuccio). Reverse. Coat of arms of Milan supported by two cherubs. Above this the Castello Sforzesco, a sunburst behind. HONOS NOMEN- QVE MANEBVNT Legend ARCIS SFORTIANAE RESTITVTORI SAPIENTI CIVES MEDIOLANENSES D.D.L.M. Below *M CM * Signed JOHNSON 67 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 3 Obverse. The Castello Sforzesco. Legend : POST - TENEBRAS : SPERO: LVCEM - Below, coat of arms and laurel - VRBIS - DECORI |- CIVIVM -| VSVI «| MDCCCXCIII | XXV - OCT - Below, near edge» LVCA + BELTRAMI “DIS + Signed JOHNSON and A-cAppyccIo-INc: Reverse. Coat of arms of Milan, supported by two genii. Inscrip- tion » MAGISTRI -|- JOH - DE - MEDIOLANO -|- PH « SCOTIOLI-FILARETE -|- JAC + DE - CORTONA- BARTOL - | - GADIO-BENEDETTO - FERRINI -|- BRAMANTE -*: LEONARDO -|+ MCCCCL -|: —- * MCCCCIC +]: —+ The legend is composed of a series of symbols, letters, and figures. 67 mm. Bronze silvered. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 3 EMILE HENRI JEAN BENARD Born 1844 at Goderville, near Havre. He studied under Huchon and Paccard, and in his twenty-fourth year received the grand prix de Rome. In Havre Benard erected a savings-bank building, large warehouses, and a monument com- memorating the war of 1870; at Fécamp a judicial court, churches at Belleville and Mare-aux-Clercs, and numerous chapels, hotels, and casinos in northwestern France. He also submitted an architectural plan for the University of Cali- fornia, being awarded first prize in competition with architects throughout the world. This is commemorated by the medal ved the grand prix at the Ex- described below. Benard was appointed official architect to the French government, r position Universelle in 1900, has held membership in many societies, and was made chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Obverse. Bust of Mrs. Hearst to right, in an ornamented circle, lowers below. LAVDENT + EAM | IN - PORTIS - OPERA - EJVS Signed 0 Rory (all lettering incised). Reverse. THE - INTERNATIONAL - COMPETITION - FOR -| THE - PHOEBE : HEARST - ARCHITECTVRAL -| PLAN - FOR - THE - UNIVERSITY - OF - CALI- FORNIA : (incised). Above, the busts of the MEMBERS - OF - THE - JVRY + (incised) J - B - REINSTEIN PAUL WALLOT J-L- PASCAL R-NORMAN SHAW WALTER COOK Below, perspective view of the sity grounds and buildings. FIRST PRIZE (incised) TROS - TYRIVSVE - MIHI - NVLLO - | DISCRIMINE * AGETVR: 4 bottom a spray of laurel and paln E. BENARD ARCHITECTE (incised). 742% 108 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 No Phoebe Apperson Hearst (1842-1919) was born in California, where she was educated, and later became the wife of United States Senator Hearst. A interested in philanthropic work, she founded and maintained libraries and kindergartens and made large donations to the Univ y of California. Mrs. Hearst instituted the international competition for an architectural plan of that uni- versity. Obverse and reverse are cast separately. Obverse and reverse. Same as No. 68. 80 x 62 mm. (Gaz. Num. 1905, Pp. 234, 191.| Description taken from this source. Nore: “Gazette Numismatique” mentions this plaquette under date of rgor. ING Zhe, IE INVOMCTE Obverse. Bust to right, signed ALEXEJEFF Reverse. Inscription commemorating bis fiftieth birthday in 1866. 52 mm. Bronze. Description furnished by Mr. M. Schulman of Amsterdam. 13 71. 72. 23. SIR JOHN BENSON Born 1812 at Collooney in the county of Sligo; died in 1874. Desiring at an early age to become an architect and en- gineer, his education was directed consistently to this end, and his first undertaking, the restoration of Markree Castle, gave abundant proof of his ability. In 1850 he was appointed architect to the Cork municipal corporation, and engineer to the harbor commission of that city. St. Patrick’s bridge, the water-works, and several piers and docks were constructed by him; later he built churches and other public edifices in Cork, as well as the building for the Industrial Exhibition held at Dublin in 1853, this structure being depicted on the medal described below. On the occasion of the opening of this building, Benson was knighted. He was a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers. Obverse. Head of William Dargan to right. DARGAN. Signed on truncation W. W. ¥ (William Woodhouse). Reverse. View of exhibition building. GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. | IN CONNEXION WITH THE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY Jn exergue ERECTED AT. THE SOLE EXPENSE | OF WILLIAM DARGAN | OPENED THE 127! MAY 18531 SIR J. BENSON ARCH® Signed woopHousE. F 44 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 7 FEDERIGO BERCHET Born 1831 at Venice; died 1908 at Florence. His studies in the general branches, as well as in engineering and building, were pursued at Venice and at Padua, in both of which cities he obtained the doctorate in architecture. After extensive travel and a short period of activity at Candia, he returned to his native city and established himself. One of his earliest works, and the one upon which his international reputation rests, is the Fondacho dei Turchi, completely reconstructed by him in 1860. This imposing edifice was falling into ruins and had been condemned to be destroyed, but Berchet pleaded so strongly for its conservation that the municipality yielded, calling upon him to prepare the elevations and to execute the work. With the exception of this Fondaco dei Turchi, or Turkish emporium, which is shown on the medal described below, Berchet appears to have specialized in ecclesiastical architecture, having designed the facade of S. Martino in Venice, and erected many other churches in that city and elsewhere. He is, however, better known as a writer than as an architect, being a recognized authority on engineering, building, and archeology, concerning all of which sub- jects he published treatises. Obverse. View of the warehouse of the Turks in Venice. * ERETTO SECOLO XIII - RESTAURATO SECOLO XIX * Below FEDERICO BERCHET ARCHITETTO Signed F+STIORE INC: Reverse. ERETTO DAI PE- SARO| FU DEI DUCHI DI FERRARA DEI PRIULI | FONDACO DEI TURCHI | IL COMUNE DI VENEZIA LO ACQUISTAVA | PROPONENTE A - MARCELLO PODESTA | INCOMINCIAVA IL PRO- GETTATO RESTAURO | PIER LUIGI BEMBO SUCCESSORE | SCOPRIVASI LA FACCIATA | GIUSEPPE GIOVANELLI SINDACO |—|MDCCCLXIX 63 mm. Bronze. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 3 FRANZ VON BERGER Born in Vienna in 1841. The whole of his life and career, including the period of his education, has centred in his native city, his professional study of engineering and architecture having been completed at the Institute of Technology in Vienna. He was architect to the government in the erection and reconstruction of numerous municipal buildings, and he also built schools in Vienna and its environs. He regulated the course of the Wien river near the capital, and intro- duced a system of irrigation canals. Von Berger was director of the department of public buildings, president of the Engineers and Architects Association of Austria, official architect for Vienna, and departmental chief in the ministry of public works. Obverse. Bust to left. Below STADTBAVDIRECTOR | INGE D8 FRANZ BERGER | 24. FEBRVAR 1908 Signed C’M: SCHWERDTNER:JVN Reverse. Vindobona holding a plan ; engineers, artisans and laborers at work. GEWID- MET VOM KLVB DER | WIENER | STADTBAVAMTSINGENIEVRE Signed c+ M+ SCHWERDTNER * JVN 62% 44 mm. Bronz. (Mz. @ Med. Kunde May 1908, p. 61.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 4 Note: ‘Miinz- und Medaillenkunde” states that at an exhibition at the Kiinstlerhaus, a large “Portrat Gussplakette” was shown. This was the model from which the above is a reduction. HENDRIK PETRUS BERLAGE Born 1856 at Amsterdam. His technical education, which was pursued at Zurich, was supplemented by travel in Italy and Germany. Called to Frankfort to assist in the construction of the great panorama building, he remained there for two years before returning to Amsterdam, where he collaborated with Sanders in the erection of several large edifices. 14 Se tt ed: 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. In 1889 he established himself independently, and soon won recognition as a leader among the progressives of the modern school in Holland. When commissioned by the government to erect public buildings at Amsterdam, Groningen, and The Hague, Berlage made use of these to exemplify his theories, notably in the case of the stock exchange shown on the medal described in this work. He was an exponent of clearly defined principles concerning building and interior decoration, these being set forth in the monograph published in German at Leipzig, 1905, and entitled, “Gedanken iiber Stil in der Baukunst.” In this book, as also in his constructive work, Berlage emphasizes simplicity, and the subordination of dec- oration to utility. Obverse. The new stock exchange at Amsterdam, before which a female figure with a sheaf of palm. * AMSTERDAM 27 MEI *1903 Signed in exergue J.A.A.G. (Ff. A. A. Gerritsen) F. J. WERNER Reverse. Above, a radiant star ; below, a branch of laurel. Inscription TER HERINNERING | AAN DE OPENING VAN DE| NIEUWE BEURS |- GEBOUWD -*: DOOR: | - - ARCHT H. P. BERLAGE | AMSTERDAM |-*- 60 mm. Bronze. [Zwierzina 1898- 7908, p. 89, goo.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 RICHARD BERNDL Born 1875 in Munich, where he received his education, both general and technical. Since the beginning of his career Berndl has specialized in the planning of churches, mausoleums, and villas; also in the details of interior decoration. His earliest work of importance was the Franziska-Andrassy mausoleum at Kraszna-Horka-Varalja, in collaboration with the sculptor, Max Frick. He rebuilt the Hotel Union in Munich, and designed numerous churches and residences through- out Bavaria. In 1906 Bernd! made an elaborate model of a Catholic church site for the Dresden Exposition of Industrial Arts. Obverse. - RICHARD -|- BERNDL - K +|- PROFESSOR -| “EXEMPLO- MEO: DO-|- CEO -” Rim beaded. Reverse. yi poresi the older, grandfather of this Pietro. Many of the fine buildings of Rome erected between 1750 and 1900 ate asso- ciated with the name of the Camporesi family. Pietro collaborated with the architect Bosio on the reconstruction of the bo © 204. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. basilica of $. Paolo, which had been destroyed by fire. Establishing himself independently in 1834, he completed the res- toration of S. Vito e Modesto, also rebuilding the Teatro Argentino. Perhaps the most interesting work of Camporesi is the post-office erected for Pope Gregory XVI; in this structure, depicted on the medal described below, he made use of ancient pillars found at Vei. Camporesi designed the facades for the Institute of Fine Arts and for the S. Giacomo hos- pital, built a children’s hospital, and began the construction of S. Tommaso di Canterbury, this edifice being completed after his death by the architects Poletti and Vespignani. Obverse. Bust of Pope Gregory XVI. GREGORIVS XVI P. M. AN. SACRI PRINC. VIII. Signed CERBARA 1osEPH F. Reverse. The new building for post-office and other public utilities. PORTICV ERVTIS SOLO VEIENTI COLVMNIS EXTRVCTA Jn exergue P. CAMPORESI INV. Signed CERBARA 10S. F. 44 mi. [Mazio 634.] Description taken from this source. . Obverse. Bust of Pope Gregory XVI. GREGORIVS XVI P. M. ANNO SACRI PRINC. X Signed G. CERBARA F. Reverse. The new building VBI. INDECORA. LOCO. LIGNA. CONGESTA. PROSTABANT. AEDIBVS. A. SOLO. EXSTRVCTIS. AVCTA VRBIS. COMMODA. ET. ORNAMENTA. Jn exergue P. CAMPORESI INV. Signed 108. CERBARA F. 44 mm. [Maxzio 640.] Description taken from this source. ANTONIO CANOVA Born 1757 at Possagno; died 1822 at Venice. At the age of thirteen he began, in the home of his grandfather, his studies in building and sculpture, continuing them later in the studio of Toretti at Venice. From there Canova was called to Vienna, Rome, and Paris to execute various commissions, and to London to give judgment on the Elgin marbles. Among his noted works are the Nelson column in Trafalgar Square, London, and a colossal statue of Washington now at Raleigh, N. C., the first commission of the new world to the old. By order of the Venetian senate, he erected a monument to Admiral Emo, for which he was awarded a gold medal and a life annuity. Canova was buried at Possagno, in the tem- ple he himself had built; the monument he had designed for Titian being erected in Canova’s own honor in the church of the Frari at Venice. Pope Leo XII, in recognition of his great genius, ordered a statue of him by Fabris to be placed in the Capitoleum. References to his works appear on many of the medals. Obverse. ANTONIO CANOVAE — VENETO — ARTIBVS ELEGANTIORIBVS &c OB MONVMENTVM PVB- LICVM — ANGELO EMO &c MDCCXCV. Above, a lion. Reverse. The monument erected in Admiral Emo’s honor. (Francesco Corazzini.) 58mm. Bronze. (Wellenheim II, 13396; Ratto Cat. Aug. 1914, 5365. Description taken from these sources. Nore: This medal was struck by order of the senate in Venice to commemorate the completion of Canova’s monument to Admiral Emo. Obverse. Head to left. ANTONIVS CANOVA SCVLPTOR Signed c.H. Reverse. Psyche on a pedestal inscribed PSICHE Legend HIERONYMVS IVLIANVS EQVES AMICO In exergue MDCCXCV 54 mm. [Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 126; Ampach 9380.| Description taken from these sources. Uniface. Head to right. ANTONIVS CANOVA VENETVS SCVLPTOR (Henri Francois Brandt) 49 mm. [Lehnert p. 11, 15.| Description taken from this source. Note: Lehnert, in “Leben und Werke” of the medallist Henri Frangois Brandt, refers to the above medal of Canova. The illustra- tion on Plate 3, No. 15, leaves some doubt as to whether the work had progressed beyond the preliminary stages. Obverse. Head to right. ANTONIO CANOVA Signed PUTINATI (not incised). Reverse. Above, hat of Mercury ; below, head of Pallas. AL. | SECOLO | DECIMO NONO encircled by a snake. 34 mm. Bronze. [Wellenheim II, 23397; Ampach 9397.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24. Obverse. Similar to No. 209 but the signature is smaller, is followed by the letter ¥ - and is incised. Reverse. Similar to No. 209 but with distinct variations both in the hat of Mercury which is larger, and in the head of Pallas which is smaller. 34 mm. Bronze. (Wellenheim II, 13398.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24 Obverse. Similar to Nos. 209 and 210 but with variations from each. Reverse. *| I. APR. | MDCCCXXIII | ERMA | NELL’ ATENEO | TREV. |* 34mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 128.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24 Nore: Wellenheim II, 13399, gives the date MDCCCXXII. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. Obverse. Head to left. ANTONIO CANOVAE Signed on truncation T. W. INGRAM. ¥. below, THOMASON. DIREX. Re- verse. TO THE | ADMIRERS | OF | THE ARTS | BY THE | UNANIMOUS | VOTE OF | THE PUBLIC | 1823 54mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24 Obverse. Head to right. ANTONIO CANOVAE Signed A. FABRIS VTIN. OPVS PRIM. Reverse. 4 sarcophagus. In exergue VIINATES PARENTABANT | XIII - KALENDAS MAIAS | AN: MDCCCXXIII+ 47 mm. Bronze. [dmpach 9377 ; Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 137.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24. Medallic portrait of Canova executed 1823 by F. S. Phillips. (Forrer Numis. Circ. Nov.-Dec. 1924, Col. 513.) Description taken from this source. Obverse. Head to left. ANTONIUS CANOVA Signed ponnapio. Fr. Reverse. NATUS | POSSAGNO | IN VENITIA | AN. M. DCC. LVI. | OBIIT | AN. M. DCCC. XXII. |—] serres NuMIsMATICA | UNIVERSALIS VI- RORUM ILLUSTRIUM|—| M.DccCc.xxII. | DURAND EDIDIT Edge. cUIVRE 43 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 25 Obverse. Similar to No. 275 but signed cagut r, Reverse. NATUS | POSSAGNO | IN VENITIA | AN. M. DCC. LVII. | OBIIT | AN. M. DCCC, XXII. |—| sertes NuMIsMATICA | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM |—| M. DCCC. Xx | DURAND EDIDIT (slight variations in die from No. 275). Edge. MONACHII 4zmm. Bronze. [Am- pach 9378.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 25 Nore: This medal and the one preceding belong to a series of medals of noted men of all countries, generally known as the “Series Numismatica,” and published by Durand in the first half of the nineteenth century. Obverse. Head to right. ANTONIVS CANOVA Signed G+ GIROMETTI-: F + ROMAE Reverse. COLLEGIVM | AR- TIFICVM | A- DIVO: LVCA| IN FVNERE | D- D- |—| CID.ID CCC XXIII 53mm. Silver. (Wellenheim II, 73401 ; Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 127.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 25 Obverse. Head to left. ANTONIO CANOVAE Signed G+ GIROMETTI: F- Reverse. ARTIVM | AMATORES | VIRTVTVM | ADMIRATORES | DE * OMNIVM | SENTENTIA |—| CID * IDCCC * XXIII 50mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 130.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 24 Obverse. Head to right. ANTONIUS CANOVA Signed s+ pASsSAMONTI: F- Reverse. Hercules hurling Lichas on the cliff. NTHERCVLES FVRENS PREHENSVM LICHAM ALLIDIT AD SCOPVLVM Signed in exergue S. PASSAMONTI. F. 69 mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 289, 132; Ampach 9382.) National Museum, Florence. puave 24 Obverse. Same as No. 279. Reverse. Statue of Apollo Belvedere. FAVENTIBUS EUROPAE REGIBUS MONUMENTA ARTIUM RESTITUTA 69 mm. Lead. [Ampach 9383.| Description taken from this source. Obverse. Head to right. ANTONIVS CANOVA Signed A: FABRIS VTINENSIS SCVLP: Reverse. Canova’s tomb in the church of the Frari in Venice. CANOVA inscribed over the door. COLLEG - VENET - BONIS - ARTIB - EXCO- LEND - PRINCIPI - SCVLPTORVM : AETATIS - SVAE- In exergue EX - CONLATIONE -| EVROPAE - VNIVERSAE -| A> MDCCCXXVI1L- 52 mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 48, 291.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 25 Nore: Wellenheim, Morbio and others state that the tomb portrayed on the medal is that of the Archduchess Christine in Vienna. There is some similarity, but the tomb is actually that of Canova himself in the church of the Frari in Venice. It was erected in 1827 from the master’s own design for Titian’s monument, and was executed by Canoya’s pupils, Martini, Ferrari, Fabris, and others. rgue DEDIC - AN - M E. Collection. PLATE 25 Obverse. Same as No. 227. Reverse. The church at Possagno CHARITAS IN PATRIAM Jn ex * DCCC: XXXI- 52mm. Bronze. (Wellenheim II, 13404; Risorg. Ital. Pp. 289, 129.) R.F. Nore: In a number of numismatic publications the church at Possagno on the reverse of the medal is erroneously referred to as the Pantheon. Obverse. Bust to left. POSSAGNO - AD - ANTONIO - CANOVA = MDCCCXXII — MCMXXII = Reverse. The three graces DARAI SPIRTO | ALLE GRAZIE | (roscoto). Signed in exergue MISTRVZZI 82 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 25 Nore: Niccolo Ugo Foscolo (1778-1827) was an Italian poet and littérateur. Obverse and reverse. Same as No. 223. 44mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 26 35 225. 226. 227. 228. PIETRO PAOLO CARAVAGGIO Born 1658 at Milan, where he died in 1723. The second of three eminent men in successive generations, all bearing the same name and interested in the same subjects, mathematics and architecture. Little appears to be recorded concerning the early life of this Pietro Paolo Caravaggio, except that while still a young man he was appointed assistant to his father in the chair of mathematics at Milan, succeeding him as full professor in 1688. About ten years later he was appointed, with officer’s rank, to an important post in the army, a position to which he continued to devote much of his time until his death. He wrote several treatises dealing with engineering, mathematics, and building—these being published after his death by his son. Uniface. Bust to left with wig and in garb of the period. PETRVS PAVLVS CARAVAGIVS FILIVS 705 mm. Bronze cast. National Museum, Florence. PLATE 27 Obverse. Bust to right in armor. PETRVS. PAVLVS. CARAVAGGIVS. II. Signed 1+ v + F + (perhaps Fohannes Vis- mara). Reverse. Mercury with globe and other symbols MAIOR | NOMINE | VIRTVS 80mm. Bronze. (Mazz. II, p. 257.) Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 162. JOHANN CARL Born 1587 at Nuremberg, where he died in 1665. The son of a successful builder, he gained his early inspiration and much valuable experience from his father, Peter Carl, before studying drawing and perspective under Jakob Wolf, then architect of the Nuremberg Rathaus. Later he enrolled in the engineering corps of the army, so distinguishing himself in the subjects of hydraulics and fortifications that the city authorities obtained his transfer to municipal service, where- upon Carl strengthened the defenses of the city and made many sanitary improvements. His work of outstanding im- portance in architecture is the Dreieinigkeitskirche at Regensburg, a building which occupied him for four years and which has a peculiar dignity of its own. The medal described below was struck to celebrate the completion of this edifice, Carl being at the same time appointed supervisor of buildings to the national council. Among his later works may be mentioned the restoration of a tower at Hersbruck, and the preparation of models of war equipment, including barracks and for- tresses, for the museum at Nuremberg. Obverse. The church of the Holy Trinity in Regensburg. Over same, two angels ; the Trinity above. Below IOAN: CARL; INGEN: A: NORIN: Jn exergue * IN NOM: S S TRIN: FVND: | POSVIT S- P. Q. R- 4 IVL: | MDCXXVII « Reverse. The coat of arms of the city and those of the sixteen city fathers. Between two beaded circles VOTVM-CONSS: ET SENATOR: RATISB: CVM EORVM *P*«T*INSIGNIIS. Inscription EST TVA, | SACTA. TRIAS, | DOMVS HAC: DA | NOMEN IN ILLA | ET TVA PERPETVO | DOGMATA PVRA | SONENT. | * 54 mm. Silver cast. [Schultess Cat. 7181 ; Domanig 586 ; Mueller Cat. 275.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 26 JACQUES CARLU Member of the faculty, Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was at one time director of the American school at Fontainebleau. Uniface. Bust to left, with compass. J~ CARLV | ROMA | MCMXXIV Signed Pp. TVRIN 105 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 69 JOHN MERVEN CARRERE Born 1858 at Rio de Janeiro; died 1911 in New York. Of American parentage but descended from French ancestors who had emigrated to Baltimore after the reign of terror, Carrere represented the finest type of international patriot. He was a pupil of Robert and Ginain at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he met the American fellow student destined to become his friend and partner. In 1885 the firm established itself in New York and immediately accepted the commission of the great Ponce de Leon Hotel at St. Augustine, a daring undertaking for young architects. Among educational build- ings erected by Carrere and Hastings are the Goldwin Smith Hall and Rockefeller Hall at Cornell, the Memorial buildings at Yale, and the New York Public Library. In addition to numerous churches, libraries, hotels, and theatres may be men- tioned buildings for the Senate, for the House of Representatives, and the Carnegie Institution in Washington; in Canada, many banks as well as other structures; and in various parts of the country, handsome private residences. Carrere’s spirit 36 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. was that of the enthusiast with diverse interests all growing out of his profession. He was interested in the beautifying of cities, and wrote on the subject; interested in his fellow architects, in the rising generation of students and in the so- cieties and associations of the profession, his advice and his time were freely at their disposal. Uniface. Bust to left. Below JOHN M CARRERE | ARCHITECT Signed on truncation GAHEBER Oval 159 x 152 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 29 Uniface. Busts jugate to left of John M. Carrere and Thomas Hastings, two intertwined wreaths above. Inscription THOMAS | HASTINGS JOHN M.| CARRERE | MCMX | Signed Gc A HEBER | sc Edge. STERLING BRONZE CO. | NEW YORK Oval 173 « 165 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 29 Uniface. Busts jugate to left of Fohn M. Carrere and Thomas Hastings. MCM below. At right and left, marks indicating proposed inscription. (Philip Martigny.) Oval 161 « 155 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 29 Nore: Martigny’s model was never finished, but several copies of the medallion exist in bronze. CARSTENSEN The most thorough search has failed to reveal any particulars concerning the life, education or professional activity of this architect who, with the assistance of his collaborator Gildemiester, designed the so-called “Crystal Palace,” this being the main building for the exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, which was held in New York City in 1853. This edifice was erected in Bryant Park, and is shown on the medals described below. Obverse. The exhibition building. EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS. Jn exergue NEW YORK | 1853 | CARSTENSEN & GILDEMIESTER | ARCHITECTS Reverse. The globe, around which four alle- gorical figures with symbols of industry. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 74mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 28 Obverse. The exhibition building. BUILDING FOR THE EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS In exergue NEW YORK | MDCCCLIII Signed DowLER BIRM. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel and oak THE | FIRST PILLAR | WAS ERECTED | OCTOBER 307 |—1852— | OPENED MAY 2%? | 18 53. | MESSRS CARS- TENSEN & GILDEMIESTER | ARCHITECTS. 57 mm. Bronze. R..E. Collection. PLATE 28 Obverse. Same as No. 233. Reverse. Same as No. 233 except that the date JUNE placed upon a band takes the place of the date MAY 2X2 51mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 28 Obverse. Head of George Washington to left in an ornamented circle, outside of which a wreath. Legend GEORGE WASH- INGTON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Above, an eagle and E PLURIBUS UNUM Signed ACM (A. C. Morin). Reverse. View of the exhibition building. THE CRYSTAL PALACE FOR THE EXHIBITION | OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS. | NEW YORK, 1853. In exergue PRESIDENT: THEODORE SEDGWICK ESQR: | ARCHITECTS: MESSRS: CARSTENSEN & GILDEMEISTER, | LENGTH 365 FEET, WIDTH 365 FEET, | HEIGHT OF DOME 148 FEET, | GLAZED SURFACE 206,000 SUP FEET, | OCCUPIES 5 ACRES | OF GROUND. | ESTIMATED VALUE $450,000. Signed PAQUET PHILA: 52mm. White metal. [Baker p. 153, 361.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 28 Nore: The name given here is GILDEMEISTER and not GILDEMIESTER, as it appears on Nos. 232, 233, and 234. ANGELO CASAROTTO Little seems to be recorded concerning this Italian architect, presumably a native of Padua, who was commissioned to construct a bridge across the picturesque Brenta River. This bridge is shown on the medal here described, which bears the date 1821. Obverse. View of the bridge over the Brenta. MEDOACO FRENATO VIA PVBLICA MVNITA* Jn exergue MDCCCXXI. Signed putinati ¥. Reverse. ANGELO | CASAROTTO | PONTIS | ARCHITECTO | BASSA- NENSES | OB | MERITA 68 mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 36, 209.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 18 $7 237. 238. 239. 240. EUGENE TOUSSAINT CATELAND Born 1840 at Lyons; died in 1922. He studied under Chenavard at the Fcole des Beaux-Arts in his native city, receiving the second prize in architecture. Cateland collaborated with Hirsch in the erection of the Hall of Law and Literature at the University of Lyons. In that city and its environs, he planned the restoration of several chateaux, and built that of Bellerive. He also reconstructed buildings and terraces at the junction of the Saéne and Rhone rivers. For twenty years he was director of the school of design at Tarare, in which city he erected the building for the Club of Commerce and In- dustry, a theatre, and other municipal structures. Cateland planned and erected numerous buildings of public utility, especially schools, throughout the Rhone province. Uniface. Bust to left. Below 1840 ‘ EUGENE CATELAND ARCH - 1922 Signed L. casTEX 95% 70mm. Bronze galvano. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 30 FRANCOIS WILBROD CHABROL Born 1835 in Paris; died 1919. He studied with his father, Pierre Prosper Chabrol, then under Le Bas at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. His drawings, entered in competition for the grand prix de Rome, received the second prize in 1861, and a year later the first. As architect to the government he supervised the restoration of the Palais Royal, including the wing given over to gobelins tapestries; later he added apartments for the Council of State. Chabrol was appointed architect- in-charge of municipal and national public buildings, received a medal at the Exposition Universelle of 1878, was an officer of academy, and a chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Uniface. Head to left, in a circle of beads. WILBROD - CHABROL - ARCHITECTE - ROME - 1865 Signed on truncation CHAPLAIN SC* 730 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 31 PIERRE PROSPER CHABROL Born 1812 at Limoges, where he died in 1875. He was a pupil of Leclerc and studied later at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. As the official architect for the diocese of Tulle-et-Limoges, Chabrol built a theological seminary at Tulle and spent many years in the restoration of churches and cathedrals throughout that region. Outside of the field of ecclesiastical architec- ture he designed a large school and the children’s asylum at Grand’ Combe, also the veterinary college at Lyons; and in Paris, the facade of the Palais Royal and the foyer and staircase of the Théatre Frangais. Uniface. Head to left. PIERRE PROSPER CHABROL ARCHIE Signed in monogram J c (F. C. Chaplain). 106 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 29 SIR WILLIAM CHAMBERS Born 1726 in Stockholm, and died 1796 in London. He studied under Clérisseau in Paris, going later to Italy to complete his education in architecture and landscape gardening. In London and its environs, Chambers designed Melbourne House in Piccadilly and Carrington House in Whitehall, rebuilt Somerset House, shown on the medal described below, and planned the orangery in Kew Gardens. He also built a villa at Roehampton for Lord Besborough and made important additions to the buildings of Trinity College, Dublin. His books on Chinese buildings, civil architecture, and oriental gar- dening are well known. Sir William Chambers was one of the leaders in founding the Royal Academy. Obverse. Head to right. CHAMBERS Below 1725-1796 Signed on truncation B. wyON Below AFTER WESTMA- corr Reverse. Facade of Somerset House. In exergue SOMERSET HOUSE | 1781 | SIR WILLIAM CHAMBERS R. A. ARCHITECT Signed B.wyon 55 mm. Bronze. [Numis. Chron. 1888, p. 281; Forrer VI, p. 584.) RFE. Collection. PLATE IO Nore: Forrer states that this medal is one of the Art-Union of London series and was issued in 1857. THEODORE CHARPENTIER Born 1797 in Paris, and died there in 1867. He studied in his native city under Turmeau. At the outset of his career he went to Odessa, where he remained for eight years, taking an active part in the general and architectural development of that city. Returning to Paris and establishing himself in an atelier, his first commission was a call to collaborate in the 38 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. Ventadour theatre; later he designed the Madeleine arcade, the hotels Thiers and Vatry, and the house of the Pont de Fer. During the latter period of his life, Charpentier limited his activity almost wholly to collaboration with other architects, notably with his son-in-law, Elisée Dupuis. He worked also with Brunet-Debaines in the reconstruction of the principal theatre at Havre, as also with Feuchéres in erecting a theatre at Avignon and the villa Montmorency at Auteuil, Uniface. Bust to right. THEODORE * CHARPENTIER * MDCCCLXXIX Signed DD in monogram and on truncation DANIEL DvPVIS 742 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 32, 113.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 31 FRANCOIS BENJAMIN CHAUSSEMICHE Born at Tours in 1864, he was a pupil of André and Laloux, receiving the grand prix de Rome in 1893; later he was awarded the second prize at the salon, and four years thereafter the medal of honor. Among the earliest architectural works of Chaussemiche were his drawings for the facades of the girls’ school in his native city of Tours, these being followed by plans for the baths of Chatel-Guyon, which he also erected. Chaussemiche has held the position of government architect and inspector of the palaces of the Louvre and the Tuileries. He was appointed an officer of academy, and is a member of the Société des Architectes diplémés par le Gouvernement. Uniface. Bust to left. BENJAMIN CHAUSSEMICHE — ARCHITECTE — ROME 1895— Signed cH. PILLET (all lettering incised). 110mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 31 ANTOINE MARIE CHENAVARD Born 1787 at Lyons, where he died in 1884. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, being a pupil of Barthélemy Vignon, and later travelled in Italy. While in Rome he won a prize for competitive drawings sent to Lyons. Upon his return to his native city, he entered upon an active career devoted principally to public buildings. With Pollet, he erected the principal theatre at Lyons; there also the chapel of the Sacré Coeur in the cathedral and the altar in the Archbishop’s chapel. At Belley, Chenavard planned the restoration of the cathedral and built the law courts. As official architect for Lyons-et-Belley, he devoted much of his time to the erection and restoration of cathedrals, churches, and parochial schools, building also private residences and prisons. Professor of architecture at Lyons, author of numerous treatises, and chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Chenavard was a member of many academies and societies, both in France and in other lands. Lyon Artistique, in the volume devoted to biographical records of architects, states on page 81 that a medallion of Chenavard was executed by Leopold de Ruolz in 1852. Nore: Forrer, V, p. 271, mentions de Ruolz as the author of numerous portrait medallions some of which were exhibited at the Paris Salon in the thirties. COSIMO CITERNI Obverse. Bust with flowing hair, to left. COSIMO CITERNI Below FECIT Reverse. Standing figure; at her feet the symbols of architecture, sculpture, and painting. SCOPVS HIC. Signed C-C+¥+(Cosimo Citerni fecit). 57 mm. Brit- ish Museum. PLATE 27 MATTEO bi GIOVANNI CIVITALI Born at Lucca about 1435; died there in 1501, and was buried in the church of San Cristoforo. Architect and sculptor belonging to a family of illustrious artists, he planned and executed the chapel of Volto Santo, the palazzo Lucchesini, the bridge over the river Serchio, and a new fortress at Lucca. Civitali designed many altars, chapels, tombs, and palaces; the altar dedicated to Regulus in the Lucca cathedral being perhaps the best known. Sculpture attributed to him is to be found in many collections and museums. Obverse. Bust to left in coat with fur collar. MATTEO CIVITALI Signed PIERONI Reverse. Legend ACCADEMIA LUCCHESE DI BELLE ARTI Inscription AI MERITEVOLI Below, a six-pointed star. 37mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 13 246. 247. 248. ISAK GUSTAF CLASON Born 1856 at Dalarne in Sweden. After the study of engineering and architecture at the Polytechnicum in Stockholm, he continued his education at the art academy there and by extensive travel on the continent. In 1881 Clason received the Swedish royal medal. He built numerous private residences in Stockholm, also the museum of the zodlogical gardens, his most noted work. At Oestermalm he built Adelsvaerd house and the market; at Norrkoeping the town hall; castles at Uppland and Skoane, and at Warsaw the telephone exchange building, as well as many private residences and villas. In Stockholm Clason held the positions of professor at the Polytechnicum and president of the art academy, being also an alderman from 1900 to 1910. Obverse. Bust to left. - ISAK — GUSTAF — CLASON - ANNO 1916 | 30DE JULI Reverse. 4 crudely modelled Jigure of a man, sowing seed. BYGGNINGSMAN SANINGSMAN Signed c. mILLEs | 1916 | FEC. Below near edge H BERGMAN FUD Edge. SVENSKA TEKNOLOGFORENINGENS AVDELNING FOR HVSBYGGNADSKONST TILL SIN FRAMSTE MEDLEM - (incised). 121 mm. Bronze cast. [Num. Medd. XXIV, p. 188, 1.| R.F.E. Collection, PuatE 27 Note: “Numismatiska Meddelanden,” p. 188, 1a, states that Milles originally made a model for the reverse of the above, showing a man kneeling and holding a building above his head. Due to difficulties in regard to the inscription, this model was not accepted. A single cast was made which is now in the collection of Mr. Thorsten Laurin. LOUIS CLOQUET Born 1849 at Feluy near Charleroi. His study of engineering and design at Ghent was rewarded by a government position in the department of bridges and highways, but after two years he resigned to devote himself to the subject of his greater interest, architecture. Establishing himself in an atelier in 1874, he entered upon an active career as architect and pro- fessor. Among the structures erected by Cloquet in Ghent should be mentioned several new buildings for the university, a railway station, and the post-office, the latter in collaboration with Etienne Mortier.. The medal described below was struck in commemoration of this new building for the department of posts and telegraph, and bears the portraits of both architects. Cloquet also designed important additions to the abbeys at Orne, Orval, and Chimay, and planned the restora- tion of the church of St. Jacques at Tournai. For twenty-nine years he was professor of architecture at Ghent, and for a shorter period lectured on perspective at Antwerp. He invented instruments of precision, and was the author of several books on architectural subjects. Obverse. Busts of Cloquet and Mortier jugate to right. Signed LB ROY. HIPP. Reverse. BATIMENT DES POSTES ET DES TELEGRAPHES A GAND | ERIGE | SOUS LE REGNE DE | LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES | J. VAN DEN PEEREBOOM ETANT MINISTRE | DES CH. D. FER, DES POSTES ET DES TELE- GRAPHES | PARACHEVE SOUS LE REGNE | D’ALBERT ROI DES BELGES|P. SEGERS ETANT MINISTRE DE LA MARINE, | DES POSTES ET DES TELEGRAPHES | ARCHITECTES: L. CLOQUET ET ST. MORTIER | ENTREPRENEURS: | MUYNCKE FRERES, CH. VAN DRIESSCHE | J. VAN AU- TRYVE | STATUAIRES: A. DE BEULE, LE ROY HIPP. | R. ROOMS, O. SINIA, G. VERBANCK | 1900 - 1913 65 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1919, Supp. p. 297.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 14 JEAN PIERRE CLUYSENAAR Born 1811 at Kampen, Holland; died 1880 in Brussels. At the age of fourteen he began his education in architecture under T. H. Suys, with whom he studied and worked in Brussels for ten years. In the earlier period of Cluysenaar’s pro- fessional activity he designed private residences and chateaux, later devoting himself to museums, churches, and other monumental edifices, notably the cathedral at Monaco and the conservatory of music in Brussels. This concert-hall is depicted on one of the medals described below, while another medal shows the St. Hubert arcade which was designed by Cluysenaar and which has served as a model for many similar structures throughout Europe. An interesting innovation associated with his name is the essentially rustic style of the stations along the line of the Dendre-et-Waes railway in east- ern Belgium. Obverse. Bust to left. A. J. P. CLUYSENAAR ARCHITECTE LA SOCIETE ROYALE DE LA GRANDE | HARMONIE DE BRUXELLES Signed Hart FEcIT Reverse. Interior of the conservatory of music COMMENCE LE 7 SEPTEMBRE 1841 ACHEVE LE 6 FEVRIER 1842 In exergue, the ground plan of the building J. P. CLUYSENAAR ARCHITECTE wart GRAvEUR 68 mm. Bronze. [Guioth 341; Tourneur 577.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 Nore: This medal commemorates the work of Cluysenaar for the conservatory of music, and was formally presented to him on July 15, 1843. 40 249, 250. 251. 252. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 248. Reverse. The virgin. 68mm. Bronze. [Tourneur 578.) Description taken from this source. Surmont Collection. Obverse. Facade of the Galeries St. Hubert SOCIETE DES GALERIES St HUBERT | FONDEE | A BRU- XELLES | LE 5 JUILLET 1845 | PAR J. P. CLUYSENAAR ET J. A. DE MOT In exergue ground plan of the building J. P. CLUYSENAAR | ARCHITECTE Signed HART | GRAVEUR Reverse. Legend LE 6 MAI 1846 S. M. LEOPOLD I. ROI DES BELGES POSE LA PREMIERE PIERRE DES GALERIES St HUBERT * In the field, inscription in thirty lines. 67 mm. Bronze. [Tourneur 724.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 PIETER COECK van AELST Born 1502 at Aelst in Flanders; died 1550 at Antwerp. He studied painting under Barend van Orley in Brussels, continu- ing his education by travel in Italy and the Orient. In Constantinople he acted as agent in the purchase and designing of Turkish rugs, making also drawings of Turkish life which are said to have caused him trouble with the authorities because of the Koran’s interdiction of the reproduction of living subjects. After his return to Antwerp, Coeck de- signed the triumphal arch and decorations in honor of the entry into that city of Charles V, who later appointed him official architect and artist. He designed the decorations of the palace at Moelnere, translated Serlio’s five books on architecture, wrote treatises on geometry and perspective, and compiled a work entitled “Generale Regelen der Archi- tecture op de vijve manieren van Edificién.”” Obverse. Bust to left in cap. PETRUS COECKIUS Signed SIMON F. Reverse. NATUS | ALOSTI | OBIIT | AN. M.VLI. (sic) 46mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I4 Note: One of a series of one hundred medals mostly of Dutch and Flemish men of note. These medals were executed by Jean Henri Simon from 1820 to 1834. MENNO van COEHOORN Born 1641 at Leeuwarden in Friesland; died 1704 at The Hague. Of Swedish parentage, he received his education at the university of Franeker and under Fullenuis with whom he studied mathematics and building. His principal works are the fortifications of Nimegue, Breda, Namur, and Berg-op-Zoom. Baron van Coehoorn was an officer of rare ability and an authority on engineering and architecture as applied to military defense. He compiled an exhaustive treatise on for- tifications, describing all the newest theories and inventions of his time in so helpful a manner that the book was trans- lated into many languages. In Wykel a monument was erected in appreciation of the valued services rendered by him to his country. Obverse. Bust in armor with peruke, facing right. MENNO - BARO-: DE - COEHOORN - SVMMVS - APVD - BATAVOS - ARMORVM « PRAEFECTVS - & Signed on truncation a+ (Georg Hautsch), Reverse. The city of Bonn SIC. IGNE. DOMATA. FEROCI. Jn exergue UT TONUS EVERTIT TUBARUM MOENIA | QUON- DAM | SICQ + TONANS COEHORN, MCENIA | BONNA TUA - Signed G-¥-N- (Georg Friedrich Niirnberger) 47 mm. Bronze silvered. (Van Loon Hist. Metallique IV, 395.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 30 F. CONSTANT-BERNARD Born about the middle of the nineteenth century at Chalon-sur-Saéne. Early in life he chose architecture as his profes- sion, going to Paris for study and for practical experience in the ateliers of Letrosne and Morel. Bernard’s early profes- sional work took the form of industrial and welfare buildings for Paris and its environs, and his first commission, a night shelter for men erected in 1879, marked a great innovation for that time in its heating system and distribution of rooms, winning high praise for the young architect. The following year Bernard designed the college and normal school at Flers in the département of Orne, also drawing the plans for a theatre in Paris. For some years he collaborated with M. Aimé Aurinque, but later established himself independently, attaining a recognized place in his profession. 252a. Uniface. Bust to left CONSTANT-BERNARD | - ARCHITECTE - Signed on truncation AMICALEMENT, P. GASQ Edge. FUMIERE | THIEBAUT FRES | PARIS | ETC! succRS 235% 152 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 41 253. 254. 255. 256. SIMON CLAUDE CONSTANT-DUFEUX Born 18o1 in Paris, where he died in 1870. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Debret and winning the grand prix de Rome in 1829. Upon his return to Paris he occupied himself in building a school of design in the uni- versity quarter, this being followed by the commission to reconstruct and decorate the Pantheon, with appointment as architect-in-charge; later he was also made architect of the Luxembourg. Among the works executed by Constant-Dufeux may be mentioned the tomb of Dumont d’Urville in the Montparnasse cemetery, a new gate for the church of St. Lau- rent, a monument to Admiral Breueys at Uzés; also several residences and public buildings. He was equally active in practising and teaching his profession, having established an independent atelier and being professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Decorated officer of the Legion of Honor, Constant-Dufeux was one of the founders of the Société Centrale des Architectes Francais. Bust to right. CONSTANT-DUFEUX ° and dates almost illegible but which appear to be 1801-1870. [Delaire 1907, p. 219.) Description taken from this source, where the medallion is illustrated. WALTER COOK Born 1846 in New York City, where he died in 1916. His study of architecture was pursued at Harvard, Munich, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Establishing himself in New York, he became a partner in the firm of Babb, Cook and Willard, who were architects for the residence of Andrew Carnegie, the De Vinne Press building, for several libraries, and for many private residences in that city. This firm also erected buildings for the New York Life Insurance Company at St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Montreal. In 1899 a competition was instituted, open to all the architects of the world, in- viting them to submit drawings for the grounds and buildings of the University of California, Cook being the American representative on the international jury of award. He was a member of the National Academy of Design and of the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects. Full description of medal will be found under No. 68 (Benard). R.f.E. Collection. PLATE 8 LOUIS MARIE CORDONNIER Born 1859 at Haubourdin in the north of France. Son of the architect J. B. F. Cordonnier, he studied with his father, then in Paris under André and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He received first prize in competition for his drawings of a stock exchange building in Amsterdam, though the structure was not erected from his designs. He also received first prize for his plan of the Peace palace at The Hague, 1906. He built town halls at Loos and Dunkerque; churches at Coudry, Calonne, and Merville; and numerous private residences at Lille. Cordonnier designed the Pasteur monument at Dun- kerque. He was a chevalier of the Legion of Honor and a member of the French Institute. Obverse. Bust to left in dress uniform. 1. CORDONNIER » ARCHITECTE - MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT Signed HIPPOLYTE LEFEBVRE Reverse. LOUIS CORDONNIER | MEMBRE DE L’INSTITUT | A | SES CONFRERES SES AMIS | SES COLLABORATEURS Draughting instruments over branches of laurel 6 JANVIER 1912 Edge. Device of the French mint and Bronze. 50 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 30 PIETRO BERETTINI pa CORTONA Born 1596 at Cortona; died 1669 in Rome. Generally known by the name of his birthplace, Cortona was eminent as painter and as architect. Near Rome he built the Casino del Pigneto, his plans for the reconstruction of the Barberini palace being admirable, while his work on the double church of the Forum, S. Martina and S. Luca, gave proof of both ability and generosity, the lower church being rebuilt at his private expense. Commissioned by Pope Alexander VII, Cortona restored the church of S. Maria della Pace, being knighted for this achievement. In Florence he drew plans for the reconstruction of the Pitti palace, supervised the extension of the hospital of S. Maria Nuova, and made the original drawings for the famous Chiesa Nuova. In 1664 Louis XIV invited Cortona, Bernini, and Rinaldi to visit Paris, with a view to enlarging the Louvre, but Cortona considered the journey too great an undertaking for his advancing years, although he made drawings for the proposed additions. Among his noted paintings should be mentioned the large frescoes in the Pitti and Barberini palaces. Obverse. Bust to right. +» PETRVS- BERETINVS : E: CORTONNA : Signed on truncation ¥. CHERON. F. R Re- verse. Reclining genius pointing with her sceptre to a circlet of stars. BENE + SVPER + VIRTVS - TE + CORONAT - ANAGR - Signed ¥. CHERON.F.R. 72 mm. Bronze cast. (Wellenheim II, 13220; Ampach 9302.) R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 13 Nore: In the R.J.E. collection there is a specimen which has the obverse artistically chased. The reverse has been ground off but there are traces of letters of an inscription which appears to be different from that given above. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. Obverse. Similar to No. 256. Reverse. Similar to No. 256 except that in place of the circlet of stars there is a wreath of laurel. 73 mm. [Mazz. II, p. 86.] Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 120, 2. Nore: The most painstaking research has failed to discover a copy of this medal. Morbio and other references go back to Mazzu- chelli’s book published 1761-1763. The illustrations in this work are engraved by hand, and as there are other inaccuracies, it is pos- sible that the engraver may have mistaken the usual circlet of stars for a wreath of laurel. Obverse. Bust of Cortona and legend. Reverse. Bust of CAROLUS: MARATTUS+ 38mm. Bronze cast. [Fellenheim II, 13221.] Description taken from this source. lis A. COSSING No information appears to be available giving particulars as to the life and career of this British architect who was chosen to design and construct the Mason Science College at Birmingham. The corner-stone was laid in 1875 and the building formally opened five years later, being named in honor of its donor, Sir Josiah Mason, who also founded almshouses and an orphanage at Erdington. The medal which is described below portrays Mason’s bust, together with the facade of the building donated by him. Obverse. Bust to right of Sir Fosiah Mason. Inner legend SIR JOSIAH MASON BORN FEB: XXIII MDCCXCV Outer legend THE FOUNDER OF THE ALMSHOUSES AND ORPHANAGE AT ERDINGTON & SCIENCE COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM. Reverse. Facade of the college building. In exergue THE MASON SCIENCE COLLEGE | J. A. COSSINS ARCHITECT Legend FIRST STONE LAID FEB XXIII MDCCCLXXV AND OPENED OCT I MDCCCLXXX BY SIR JOSIAH MASON. 52mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. p. 37a.] Description taken from this source. JULIEN FRANCOIS COURTIN Born 1811 in Paris, where he also died. In his eighteenth year he became a studenit at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and while there he was awarded the medal of the second class. He did not remain long enough to complete the full course, preferring to pursue his studies and gain practical experience in the architectural atelier of Achille Leclére, later known as founder of the prize called by his name in the French Institute. Courtin established himself in Paris, where he erected numerous private residences. Portrait medallion of M. Courtin, Architect, executed in 1833 by Francois Michel Pascal. Bronze cast. [Forrer IV, p. 394.) Description taken from this source. GIOVANNI BATTISTA petta CROCE Tradition says that he was born in Milan, but no records have been found of his birth, nor of the date and place of his death; he is known, however, to have been living and active in 1595. He was a goldsmith, jeweller, and architect, attached to the suite of Duke Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, as well as to that of his son Duke Carlo and to that of the Infanta Caterina, wife of the latter. Della Croce erected the palazzo in the environs of Turin for Duke Emanuele, executing later also many marvels of the goldsmith’s art for Carlo and Caterina. Morigia writes of him in the highest terms, saying he cannot refrain from eulogizing a Milanese of the ancient and noble family of della Croce, worthy of all praise for his rare talents such as merit immortality. Uniface. Bust to left. IO: BAPT - A: CRVCE: MED - SER: SAB: D- GEMMARIVS. Oval 67.5% 57 mm. [Hill p. 80, 65.) British Museum. PLATE 2 KARL JOHAN CRONSTEDT Born 1709 in Stockholm, where he died in 1779. His earlier interests lay in the direction of mechanics and mathematics, but from these he turned to architecture, spending nearly three years in travel and study throughout France and Italy. Upon his return to Stockholm, Count Cronstedt was appointed to a responsible post in connection with the erection of the palace, and in 1753 became the supervisor-in-chief. Combined with this position was that of a general leadership in the architectural development of Sweden. In his treatment of fagades he made great use of baroque ornamentation, and 43 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. his influence did much to increase the popularity of this ornate style of architecture. Cronstedt did not originate to any striking extent, but carried out consistently and artistically the plans and ideas of his predecessors, adapting these to the requirements of national growth and progress. Obverse. Head to right, with peruke. PIETAS IN IMAGINE DURET. Signed c- . - (Gustaf Ljungberger). Reverse. C-1-+CRONSTEDT | COMITI SUPR - RAT -| CURIAE PRAES - ORDD - | REG: THESAUR « EQ: TORQ: | ORD : STELLAE POL -| SOCIO DESIDERAT | ACAD - R +: SCIENT -| STOCKH :| C+ F+ Rim beaded on ob- verse and reverse. 32mm. Silver. [Hildebrand p. 184; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 247.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 JENO CSERHATI Obverse. Head to right. Below CSERHATI JENO 11855-1910 Signed + BERAN L+ Reverse. Above and below a border ornament. Inscription CSERHATI JENO | EMLEKERE ADJA | A | MAGYAR | MERNOK ES EPI- TESZ | EGYLET Ona rectangular tablet left blank for inscription, the word KIERDEMELTE: Sox 5rmm. Lead. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 Nore: Prize medal of the Society of Hungarian Engineers and Architects. Uniface. Bust to left, below - CSERHATI - JENONEK (incised) (F. O. Beck.) Octagonal 159% 137 mm. Bronze cast. [Mitth. Mz. & Med. Kunde 1971, p. 7.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 PETRUS JOSEPHUS HUBERTUS CUYPERS Born 1827 at Roermond in Holland; died there in rgtr. After study at the Antwerp academy, he became a pupil of Viollet-le-Duc in Paris. Returning to Holland, he established himself in Amsterdam, where his most important work is to be found. This includes the central railway station, many churches and private residences and, most important of all, the Ryksmuseum, which is pictured upon the medal described below. Outside of Amsterdam, Cuypers erected a castle near Utrecht, also churches at The Hague, at Eindhoven, Wijk, Groningen, and elsewhere in Holland. He was appointed con- servator of all medieval buildings of his native country, was given the degree of Ph.D. in honoris causa by the university of Utrecht, and was knighted as commander in the order of the Lion of the Netherlands. Obverse. View of the national museum in Amsterdam. RYKS - MVSEVM - TE: AMSTERDAM - ONDER - DE - REGEERING - VAN - KONING : WILLEM - III - GEOPEND - 13 - JVLI: 1885 * Signed w. SCHAMMER. F. Reverse. Fame with a trumpet and branch of laurel. MINISTER - VAN - BINNENLANDSCHE : ZAKEN - MB - J : HEEMSKERK - AZ * ARCHITECT - P+ J- H: CVYPERS * Signed L. JUNGER. D. J. P. M. MENGER. F. Edge. Device of the mint at Utrecht. 66mm. Bronze. (Zwierzina 1864-1898, 652.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 31 Obverse. Head to left. PETRUS - JOSEPHUS - HUBERTUS -: CUYPERS - GEBOREN : TE - ROERMOND :16 - MEI: 1827 - Below * Signed L. UNGER. D. and on truncation J. P.M. ¥. (F. P. Menger). Reverse. In a wreath of laurel DEN | ONTWERPER EN | BOUWMEESTER VAN | HET RYKS MUSEUM | TE AMSTERDAM | BY DE VOLTOOIING | EN OPENING | VAN DAT GEBOUW | AANGEBODEN Edge. Device of the mint at Utrecht. 50 mm. Bronze. |Zwierzina 1864-1898, 653.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 31 ERIK DAHLBERG Born 1625 in Stockholm; died there in 1703. Trained in the traditions of the Swedish army, Count Dahlberg won fame as a leader and tactician, rising rapidly to the post of general. Yet architecture remained the subject of his strongest enthusiasm, and his military work reflected this interest. Combining the Dutch and French systems in fortifications, Dahlberg evolved one that was characterized by both strength and symmetry, laying unusual emphasis upon the artistic lines of the gates and bastions. Nearly fifty fortresses in Sweden, including Malmé and Gothenburg, bear the impress of his personality. Nor was his architectural activity limited to the field of war; he drew the plans for churches and other public buildings, and also published several books, the best known being “Suecia antiqua et hodierna.” A statue of Dahlberg by the sculptor Alfred Ohlson has recently been unveiled in Stockholm. 44. 267. Obverse. Bust to right in armor and wig. ERICVS. COM. DE DAHLBERG. S. R. M.S Signed on truncation c (Fean 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. Cavalier). Reverse. VIRO-| BELLI - PACISQ - ARTIBVS -| ILLVSTRISSIMO -| QVOD - INTER - GRAVI- ORA - NEGOTIA «| QVIBVS - SVB IIII - REGIBVS -| PERPETVO - IMPLICATVS - ERAT -| ANTIQVAE - PATRIAE » MONVMENTA -| ET - QVAE - HODIERNAM - ORNANT -| BONO - POSTERITATIS - | EX- ACTISSIME - DELINEAVIT -| AENEAE - IMAGINIS - HONORES -| HABERI - CVRAVIT -| CAROL - REIN - BERCH -| M- DCC: XXXII = (engraved) About 59 mm. Bronze cast. [Hildebrand p. 399; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 91, 1.] Description taken from the latter source which illustrates the obverse on Plate 25, No. 12. Nore: Reverses of other examples show more or less variation. Numismatiska Meddelanden rates this Medal RRR. Uniface. Bust to right. ERICVS. COM. DE DAHLBERG. S.R.MS. (Fean Cavalier). Description taken from a Swedish newspaper which illustrates the subject at 108 mm. and states that the original is carved in ivory and is in the Landes-Museum in Cassel. PLATE 42 Nore: The above undoubtedly served as the model from which No. 267 was taken. Obverse. Bust to right in armor with peruke. ERIC - DAHLBERG COMES R-S-SENAT: ET MARESCH - Signed C:G:+F+ (C.G. Fehrman). Reverse. Warrior breaking trident TU FLECTIS AMNES TU MARE BARBARUM - Below AUCTOR TRANSIT | MAR - BALT - 1658 DUNA 1701 Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 27 mm. Silver. [Hildebrand p. 72; Num. Medd. XVII, I, Pp: 92, 2.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 42 Obverse. Bust facing right with wig. Above TURINGE - SKYTTEGILLE~ Below ERIK DAHLBERG Signed *S+KULLE + Reverse. Above - FOR + FOSTERLANDET a Jaurel branch and space left blank for inscription. Signed *S*KULLE: Edge. The date 1925 and SILVER 32mm. Silver. (Num. Medd. XVII, IT, p- 335, 3-1 RFE. Collec- tion. PLATE 42 Nore: This medal was struck at the royal mint and was first used in 1908 as a prize for the above named association of marksmen. PIERRE GEROME HONORE DAUMET Born 1826 in Paris; died there in 1911. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and later was awarded the prix de Rome for his plan of a conservatory of music. He studied under Trouillet, St. Pére, Blouet, and Gilbert. Daumet’s appoint- ment as inspector of municipal buildings in Paris was soon followed by the inspectorship of national edifices. Among his most successful restorations may be mentioned the chateau of Chantilly, the court-house at Grenoble, and the prefecture of police in Paris; he also built the Ecce Homo chapel in Jerusalem, a theatre at Orange, the chateau of St. Germain-en- Laye, one of the university halls at Grenoble, and the important church of the Sacré Cceur on the Boulevard Montmartre. In 1885 Daumet became a member of the French Institute. Uniface. Bust to right. P-J-H-DAUMET-ARCHITECTE | MEMBRE DE LINSTITUT Below at right AU MAI- TRE ARCHITECTE | P. J.H. DAUMET Signed DENys PUECH | 1909 99% 79mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. Nore: This medal was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1910. PLATE 47 PIERRE JOSEPH DAUTEL Born 1841 in the département du Nord; died prior to 1924. In his twentieth year he went to Paris to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where his courses of study in the usual subjects were supplemented by advanced work and practical ex- perience under Le Bas, at that time professor of the theory of construction and chief of atelier. Upon leaving Paris, Dautel established himself in private practice at Valenciennes, where he erected numerous residences and schools. In the latter part of his professional activity he made a specialty of educational institutions, being called upon to construct many of these throughout the département du Nord. : Uniface. Bust to left. PIERRE JOSEPH DAUTEL ARCHITECTE Signed on truncation in monogram P Vv D (Pierre Victor Dautel) VALENCIENNES | MARS 1905 99 mm. Bronze cast. (Med. Franc. Exp. Brussels 1910, p.7.] R.FE. Collection. PLATE 60 273. 274. 275. 276. GABRIEL JEAN ANTOINE DAVIOUD Born 1823 in Paris; died there in 1881. After preliminary courses in design, Davioud was offered a position as draughts- man of maps in the department of municipal surveys; this position he held while pursuing his education in architecture under Jay and Léon Vaudoyer, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. In his early work he was associated with Hittorff, then with Baltard, but he soon established himself independently and built the theatre at Etampes. Following this he was commissioned by the city of Paris to reinforce certain historic buildings which were being endangered by the con- struction of underground railways. The versatility of Davioud’s genius is shown by the variety of his work; pavilions, panoramas, columns, gateways, and fountains are associated with his name. Among the numerous buildings erected by him for the municipality are the two theatres in the place Chatelet, the mairie of the XIX® arrondissement, and in col- laboration with Bourdais, the palace of the Trocadéro, shown on the medal described under Bourdais. Davioud erected private residences, shops, and apartment houses, and was known as a writer on architectural subjects. He received numerous prizes and medals, and was decorated officer of the Legion of Honor. Full description of medal will be found under No. 107 (Bourdais). R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 18 LEON LOUIS DAVOUST Born 1852 in Paris, where the greater part of his life has been spent. Educated there, he was a student under André and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he won numerous prizes and medals. Upon receiving his diploma in 1881, Davoust established himself in an atelier and entered upon an active career as architect of private villas and apartment houses, many of these being in the Neuilly quarter. In Paris he designed for the government by request some model industrial buildings. A member of the leading architectural societies of his country, Davoust has used his influence for the promo- tion of education, especially along the lines of his chosen profession. Uniface. Bust to right. L. DAVOUST. SECRETAIRE GAL DE LA STE DES ARCHITECTES | DIPLOMES Signed LBOTTEE 1904 779 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 FERDINAND DEHM Born 1846 in Vienna. After several years of training in the draughting department of the Baugesellschaft in his native city, Dehm established himself in an atelier, working independently for a time and later forming a partnership with Olbricht. In Vienna this firm has erected many large public buildings, including hospitals, railway stations, and dormi- tories, as well as apartment houses and villas. In the later period of their partnership, Dehm and Olbricht specialized in housing developments in the humbler quarters of the Austrian capital, building also apartment houses combined with shops. Their architectural work, distinctly urban in character, has been limited to Vienna and its immediate environs. Obverse. Bust to right. Behind same FERDINAND | DEHM 4f right GEB «| 1846 Below 1873 | 2 APRIL | 1898 Signed in monogram a 8 (Anton Scharff) Reverse. Bust to left. At right FRANZ | OLBRICHT + 4 left. GEB + 1842 Below 1873 | 2 APRIL | 1898 Signed a. scHARFF 35 x35 mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 26, 298. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 78 Nore:, Von Loehr gives size as 28 x 28 mm. Uniface. Same as obverse of No. 275. 117 « 117 mm. [von Loehr p- 20, 298a.] Description taken from this source. PLATE 78 FRANCOIS EUGENE DEJEAN Born 1821 in Paris; died there in 1898. After study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Charles Isabelle, he began his life work in Paris by the reconstruction of several municipal schools, later executing extensive alterations to the ancient caserne des Celestins. Dejean specialized to some extent in school buildings and apartment houses, erecting several of these and supervising many more in his capacity of architect and building inspector to the XI© arrondissement. As officer of academy he took a keen interest in all educational questions and especially in’the development of his chosen 46 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 285. 286. 287. profession, this interest leading him to bequeath his fortune as a prize foundation in architecture. There is a portrait medallion of Dejean on the fountain in the boulevard du Temple. Uniface. Bust facing right, with cap. FR&S EUGNE | DEJEAN | ARCTE | 1821-1898 Signed matric 99 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 32 PHILIBERT DE V?ORME Born at Lyons about 1515; died 1570 in Paris. He studied in Rome and was employed by Pope Paul III on various archi- tectural commissions. After his return to Paris, De l’Orme executed much important work, including the decorations of the great ballroom at Fontainebleau and the erection of the rotunda there. He built the chateau at Meudon, that of St. Maur and of Chenonceau, as also the abbey and church of St. Eloi de Noyon. De l’Orme reconstructed the chateau d’Anet for Diane de Poitiers, drew the plans for the Tuileries, and altered the sepulchre of the Valois in the church of St. Denis. Upon the accession of Henri II he was made inspector of the royal buildings at Fontainebleau, St. Germain, and Villers- Cotterets, being later appointed architect-in-charge of Notre Dame. He was made councillor and almoner to the king, and inspector of fortifications on the coasts of Brittany and Normandy. De l’Orme was the author of several books on architectural subjects. Portrait medallion of De?’ Orme in terra cotta, executed in 1782 by P.L. Roland. This medallion was presented by Legrand and Molinos, architects of the Halle aux Blés in Paris, to the academy at Lyons in 41784. It is now located in the city library at Lyons. [Fouin II, p. 229; Lyon Artistique, Architectes, Pp. 292.) Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Bust to left in garb of the period. PHILIBERT DE L’7ORME * ARCHITECTE FRANCAIS Signed &. Gat- TEAUX. 1813. Reverse. 4 closed wreath of laurel, within which an inscription of award PRIX | DEPARTEMENTAL | DE | LECOLE D’ARCHITECTURE | A| F. LE PREUX | — (engraved) 56 mm. Silver. [Bramsen 1305] RFE. Collection. PLATE 33 Nore: Bramsen No. 2260 states that he has a repoussé copy of this medal in his collection. Obverse. Same as No. 279. Reverse. A wreath of laurel and oak, with field left blank for inscription. Edge. The device of the French mint and BRONZE 56 mm. Bronze. [Bramsen 1306; Méd. Franc. Mus. Mon. P- 403, 206.) RFE. Col- lection. PLATE 33 Nore: This medal and the one directly above were given as prizes to “lauréats architectes” by the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. g My Obverse. Bust to left in garb of the period. PHILIBERT DE L’ORME * ARCHITECTE FRANCAIS Signed E. GATTEAUX. 1814. Reverse. Entirely blank for inscription. 35 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 33 Obverse. Same as No. 287. Reverse. Field blank, with a flowered border. In exergue an eagle with spread wings. 36mm. [Bramsen 2307.| Description taken from this source. Collection of L. Bramsen. . Uniface. Bust toright. SignedGALLE 35mm. Pewter. [Kluyskens Coll. 1886, p. 69, 55.| Description taken from this source. . Obverse. Bust to left in garb of the period. PHILIBERT DE L?ORME Signed &. GATTEAUX. Reverse. NE | A LYON | VERS M. D. XVIII. | MORT | EN M. D. LXXVII. | —] caterie METALLIQUE| DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANGAIS.|—|1819. gz mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 33 Nore: One of a series of one hundred and eighteen medals, generally known as the “Galerie Metallique,” struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. In the R.J.E. collection there is a modern restrike of this medal with the device of the French mint and BRONZE stamped on edge. Uniface. Bust to right. Above PHILIBERT DELORME Jéelow MDLVII 576 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 33 Uniface. Head to left. Above PHILIBERT DELORME Rim ornamented. (Fean Jacques Elshoecht) Circa 700 mm. Bronze cast. |Lyon Artistique, Architectes, p. 292.) Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Obverse. Head of De ?Orme. SOCIETE DES AMIS DES ARTS DE LYON Signed BARRE 1839 Reverse. EN- COURAGEMENT AUX ARTS ET A L'INDUSTRIE Three wreaths of laurel, interlaced. 33 mm. Silver. [Gaz. Num. 1908, p. 40, 258.) Description taken from this source. 47 ‘7. RS. i n, if 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. Obverse. Head to left. PHILIBERT DELORME ARCHITECTE Signed DANTZELL. F* Reverse. 4 lion rampant to left. SOCIETE ACAD. D’ARCHITECTVRE DE LYON In exergue MDCCCXLII Edge. The device of the French mint and ARGENT 30 mm. Silver. (Gaz. Num. 1908, p. 416, 542.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 33 Note: The “Gazette Numismatique” states that the portrait of De l’Orme is entirely imaginative and that the one in the edition of his works published in Paris in 1606 is the only portrait which may be considered authentic. Obverse. Similar to No. 288, and with rim milled. Reverse. LA SOCIETE | ACADEMIQUE | DDARCHITECTURE | DE LYON | A with space below left blank for inscription. Rim milled. 34 mm. (Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.] PLATE 33 Obverse. Similar to No. 279, but in lower relief. Signed UL. MERLEY. F. Reverse. A square and compass in a circle of beads. Legend SOCIETE DES ARCHITECTES DE NANTES Below * MDCCCXLVI* Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. Edge. The device of the French mint and ARGENT 36 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 33 Obverse. Heads to right of PHILIBERT DE L’ORME and NICOLAS COVSTOV and heads to left of IACQVES STELLA and GERARD AVDRAN all in circular frames. Above and below female figures and cherubs with attributes of architecture, painting, and sculpture. Signed on rim DANTZELL DE LYON F —MDCCCXLIX Reverse. dn ornamental frame with the coat of arms of the city of Lyons above, a river god below. SOCIETE | DES AMIS DES ARTS | DE LYON | FONDEE EN MDCCCXXXVI|LA SOCIETE A POVR BVT DE FAVORISER LE PROGRES | DES ARTS A LYON PAR DES EXPOSITIONS PVBLIQVES | ET PAR DES CONCOVRS INSTITVES DANS VINTERET | DES MANVFACTVRES LYONNAISES |—STATVTS-ART I Signed on rim DANTZELL DE LYON F—mbDcccxLIx Edge. The device of the French mint and CUIVRE 87 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 33 Nore: Nicolas Coustou (1658-1733) was a sculptor, Gerard Audran (1640-1703) an engraver, and Jacques Stella (1596-1657) an his- torical painter. FRANCOIS DERRE Born at Bruges early in the nineteenth century, no record has been found of the dates of birth and death of this Belgian architect. Little also is known concerning his early life, beyond the fact that his birthplace was Bruges, whence he moved to Paris, remaining there for a number of years. At the Brussels exposition of 1836, he furnished proof of his ability as a sculptor by exhibiting a superb baptismal font, executed in a single block of meteoric stone. This work of art was con- ceived in the purest gothic style, and received much favorable comment. Later Derre turned more definitely to archi- tecture and specialized in the construction of prisons. Between the years 1855 and 1868 he designed those at Hasselt, Gand, Mons, Louvain, and Termonde, all being depicted on the medals described below. Obverse. The prison at Hasselt. MAISON D’ARRET A HASSELT In exergue ALPH. NOTHOMB, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE | NAP. VERHEYEN ADMINIST® DES PRISONS | E. DUCPETIAUX, INSPT® GENE DES PRISONS | J. J. ROUSSEAU CONTR® DES PRISONS | F. DERRE, ARCHITECTE Signed wiENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Above 1855-1857 below REGNE DE LEOPOLD I | ROI DES BELGES 50 mm. Bronze. |Rev. Belge 1883, p. 59, 82.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 34 Norte: This medal and those following belong to a series representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. Obverse. Same as No. 292. Reverse. Laureated head to left of LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Signed LEOP. WIENER [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 59, 83.| Description taken from this source. Nore: “Revue Belge” states that only three copies of this medal were struck, all in bronze. 294. Obverse. The prison at Ghent. MAISON DE SURETE CELLULAIRE A GAND Jn exergue VICTOR TESCH, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE | NAP. VERHEYEN, ADMINST® DES PRISONS. | E. DUCPETIAUX, INSPT® GENE DES PRISONS | J. J. ROUSSEAU, INSPT® DES PRISONS. | F. DERRE, ARCHITECTE. | A. BRAIVE ET P. SENAVE. | ENTREPRENEURS Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Below 1858-1861 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 61, 86.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 34 48 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. Obverse. Similar to No. 294, but the word ARCHITECTE is abbreviated to ARCHIT: and the words 4. BRAIVE ET P. SENAVE. ENTREPRENEURS are omitted. Reverse. Same as No. 294. 60 mm. Bronze. [Missing in Rev. Belge 1883.] RFE. Collection. PLATE 34. Obverse. The prison at Termonde. MAISON D’ARRET CELLULAIRE A TERMONDE Jn exergue VICTOR TESCH, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | N. VERHEYEN, ADMINIST® DES PRISONS. | ED. DUCPETIAUX, IN- SPECT. GENERAL. | J. J. ROUSSEAU, INSP DES CONSTR®S | F. DERRE, ARCHITECTE. | A. BRAIVE & P. SENAVE, | ENTERPRENEURS. | Signed J. WIENER Reverse. Ground plan of the buildings. Legend REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Below 1860-1863 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 173, 308.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 34 Obverse. Similar to No. 296 except that the letter N. becomes NAP., the words INSPECT. GENERAL become INSPECTEUR GENERE, the words INSP® DES CONSTR*S become INSPECT. DES CONSTRUCTS, the word ARCHITECTE is abbre- viated to ARCHIT.: and the words A. BRAIVE & P. SENAVE, ENTREPRENEURS are omitted. Reverse. Same as No. 296. 60 mm. Bronze. [Missing in Rev. Belge 1883.] R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 34. Obverse. The prison at Mons. MAISON DE SURETE CELLULAIRE A MONS Jn exergue VICTOR TESCH, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | NAP. VERHEYEN, AMINIST® DES PRISONS. | J. J. ROUSSEAU, IN- SPECT. DES CONSTRUCTS | F. DERRE, ARCHIT. Signed J. wiENER Reverse. Ground plan of the building. REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Below 1864-1867 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 62, 87.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 34 Obverse. The prison at Louvain. MAISON D’ARRET CELLULAIRE A LOUVAIN. In exergue JULES BARA, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | N. VERHEYEN, ADMINIST? DES PRISONS. | J. J. ROUSSEAU, IN- SPECT8 DES CONSTRUCTS |F. DERRE, ARCHIT. Signed WIENER FEC. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Legend REGNE DE LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES Below 1866-1868 60mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 62, 88.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 34 Nore: “Revue Belge,” page 60, No. 85, states that the reverse of this medal exists muled by error with obverse of medal of the Penitentiare Cellulaire 4 Louvain. Three copies only exist. WALTER ANDRE DESTAILLEUR Born at Thiais on the Seine in 1867. The son of Hippolyte Walter Destailleur, who specialized in the design of palatial residences, he studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Daumet-Giraults. He collaborated with his father in the building of several palaces and chateaux, notably those for the Rothschild family in London and Vienna; later Destail- leur established himself independently, continuing in the same specialized line of architecture. He constructed the resi- dences Roger, de Béarn, and Errazu, completed the chateau Vouzeron, and designed others, notably that of Trevarez. This chateau as shown on the medal gives evidence of his ability in his chosen field. Obverse. Destailleur in his library, seated at a draughting-board. Signed A MORLON Reverse. View of the Chateau de Tre- varez. A ANDRE DESTAILLEUR ARCHITECTE | SES | COLLABORATEURS | LOUVET INSPECTEUR | BENEZECH-BERGER | BORREL-BRUNET | BUSSON-CHAUVET | DULUC-FEREMBACH | EBEL- FOURNERY | GERMAIN-KULIKOWSKI | LAINNET-LEFAURE | PERIGNON VINET | PASSOT-RE- VERON | WISSEAUX. | CHATEAU DE TREVAREZ Tie names after the word “collaborateurs” are incised. Signed R. BROOKS Edge. The device of the French mint and BRONZE 72x 102 mm. Bronze. [Contemp. Medals 910, p. 278, r.) RFE. Collection. PLATE 40 Nore: This plaquette was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1907. ARTHUR STANISLAS DIET Born 1827 at Amboise; died in 1890. His early education was followed by a course of study in Paris, at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Duban. Diet won the medal of the first class, and later the grand prix de Rome. Upon his re- turn from Italy he erected in Paris a series of public buildings, including the prefecture of police, the municipal hospital, Au) 301. 302. 303. and the Montmartre reservoir. He built a museum at Amiens and made additions to the veterinary college at Alfort. The Expositions Universelles of 1878 and 1889 awarded medals to Diet, who was also decorated chevalier and later of- ficer of the Legion of Honor. He was inspector-general of civic buildings throughout the country, a member of the French Institute, and of many architectural societies. Uniface. Head to right. A» DIET : ARCHITECTE « [Gustave Crauk.] Rim raised. 110mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Mme. Rochet-Diet. PLATE 30 JOHANN WILHELM DILICH Born 1600 at Cassel; died 1657 at Frankfurt. He was the son of the noted Wilhelm Dilich, chronologer, etcher, and architect, with whom he studied and later collaborated. In 1627 they settled in Frankfurt a/M, where both son and father were appointed architects of the city. They built the fortresses around Frankfurt, the lines and bastions of which are to be seen to-day in the public gardens and promenades. Johann Dilich edited and illustrated his father’s work, “Peribologia, oder Lehrbuch der Festungsbaukunst,” a text-book on fortification building. His plans and drawings, which are remarkable for their clearness and accuracy, are preserved in the state archives at Frankfurt. Obverse. Half-length figure in the garb of the period, with broad lace collar. In his hand he holds a rule; the landscape is visible through the windows at back. (Sebastian Furck). Reverse. The coat of arms of Dilich, a lamb upon a shield, sur- mounted by a helmet, above which a shepherd with crook. On a scroll above DULICHIDUM CLARA SUNT HAC INSIGNIA STIRPIS | INTEGRITAS OVIS EST SED PIA CURA PEDUM 0 a scroll below EFFIG.IOH. WILH. DILICHII. P. T. ARCHIT. FRANCOF. AD MOEN FL 107 x 89 mm. Silver engraved. (Ff. und F. Supp, p. 810, 2424.\ Historisches Museum, Frankfurt. PLATE 59 Nore: Johann und Fellner state that he was the son of Johann Schiffer (called Dilich), which explains the shepherd and lamb used on the coat of arms. The plaquette itself was originally in the Belli collection and is unique. Dr. Julius Cahn has written about it ex- haustively in “Einzelforschungen tiber Kunst- und Altertumsgegenstande zu Frankfurt a. M.” AFFONSO DOMINGUES Born at Lisbon, according to Raczynski, he lived in the latter half of the fourteenth century. In all probability he was the first architect of the famous monastery of Batalha, given by King John I of Portugal in fulfilment of a vow and to commemorate his victory over the Spanish in 1385. A document of 1402 mentions A. Domingues, deceased, as master of works on the aforenamed monastery. This great and complicated undertaking was begun about 1387, and was a stupendous piece of work. Raczynski, who says of Domingues that he was unquestionably the architect who drew the original plans and directed the early stages of the work, also names many other architects in succession who had a share in the achievement. : Obverse. Heads of Domingues, De Castro, and De Sequeira. SOCIEDA DE PROMOTORA DAS BELLAS ARTES EM PORTUGAL. AFFONSO DOMINGUES J. M. DE CASTRO D.A. DE SEQUEIRA. Below D’ANDRADE INV. BASTOS SCULP.|CHARLES WIENER FECIT 1866. Reverse. wreath of oak, the space within left blank for the name of the person to whom the medal is awarded. 50.5 mm. Bronze and white metal. [Rev. Belge 1888, P- 223, 29; Gaz. Num. 1910, p. 136, 2; Numis. Cat. of Museu Ethnologico p. 23, 109.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 29 Nore: Charles Wiener, the Belgian sculptor, while engraver at the mint in Lisbon, presented this medal to the Fine Arts Society, to be awarded annually as a prize. Together with Domingues the architect, the medal portrays De Castro the sculptor and De Sequeira the painter. THOMAS LEVERTON DONALDSON Born 1795 in London, where he died in 1885. He was the son of a master builder and studied under his father, continu- ing his education at the Royal Academy and by travel in Italy and Greece. His first important work was the erection of Holy Trinity Church, South Kensington, followed by University Hall in Gordon Square, and the library and laboratory of University College. Donaldson was the recipient of many prizes and medals and the author of numerous treatises. He was a recognized authority on numismatics as well as on architecture, as is demonstrated by his “Architectura Nu- mismatica” and “Architectural Maxims and Theorems.” A professor at University College for twenty-three years, he became a charter member of the Institute of Architects, and was a member of the French Institute. 50 304. 305. 306. 307. Obverse. Head to right - THOMAS - LEVERTON - DONALDSON : PH: D: EMERITUS - PROF: UNIV: COLL: LOND: Below 1865 Signed J. 8. & A.B. WYON Sc. Reverse. Ina wreath of laurel TO | COMMEMORATE | LONG & ZEALOUS | SERVICES | IN PROMOTING | THE STUDY OF | ARCHITECTURE Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 57mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 40 GEORG RAPHAEL DONNER Born 1693 at Essling; died 1741 in Vienna. Though the son of a carpenter he was destined from boyhood to an artistic career, being apprenticed in his fourteenth year to Giuliani, an eminent sculptor of Venetian birth then resident in Vienna. Donner’s early interests lay in sculpture and casting in metal, and he made many successful designs for altars, fonts, fountains, coins, and medals. Not until his appointment to the retinue of Count Emerich von Esterhazy did his accomplishment in architecture become worthy of note; but from that time on he specialized in the erection and interior equipment of ecclesiastical buildings. These included the mortuary chapel in the Martinskirche at Pressburg, as well as a chapel there and a chancel with sculptural groups for the cathedral at Gurk. Obverse. Half-length figure to right in sculptor’s smock; in his right hand he holds a mallet, in his left a chisel. Above, a group of statuary. G+ RAPHAEL DONNER. Reverse. 4 female figure seated and holding a medallion. Below an escutcheon and a branch of laurel DIE * GENOSSENSCAFT (sic) DER - BILDENDEN - KUNSTLER + WIENS. Inscription DEM | UNSTERBLICHEN | MEISTER | ZUM 200.JAHRES=| TAGE SEINER | GEBURT 24. MAI | 1893. Signed st. scHwARTZ 69 mm. Silver. (von Lochr p. 33, 29.) R.FE. Collection. PLATE 30 Nore: Von Loehr states that there is a medallion, same as above, 209 mm. JACQUES FELIX DUBAN Born 1797 in Paris; died 1870 in Bordeaux. He studied under his brother-in-law Debret, then at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, which awarded him the highest prize in architecture. This enabled him to spend several years at the villa Medici, where he prepared a series of fourteen drawings with accompanying text, dealing with classic Italian architecture as repre- sented by such buildings as the Pantheon and the portico of Octavia. Returning to Paris and taking charge of Blouet’s atelier, then of Debret’s, Duban built the Hotel Pourtalés, executed the facade of the Louvre overlooking the Seine, and designed many additions to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, on which he continued work throughout his life. Duban’s restoration of the chateau de Blois is perhaps his most notable single achievement. He was for many years the official architect for reconstruction on the Louvre, was chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and a member of the French Institute. Uniface. Head to right * A+ FELIX - DUBAN : SES: ELEVES + Below, a triangle and plumb-line. Signed on trun- cation C. SIMART Rim beaded. On the back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 208 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 47 ALEXANDRE NICOLAS DUBOIS Born 1785 in Paris, where he died in 1866. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Le Bas and later gaining practical experience in the atelier of Debret. At the Salon of 1810 his design for connecting the Louvre and the Tuileries aroused much favorable comment. Upon his appointment as one of three architects chosen by the municipality to erect the new opera house on the rue Lepelletier, Dubois went first to England for the purpose of studying the tech- nique of theatre construction and of the manipulation of scenery. In Paris and its environs he built numerous villas and private residences; there, too, he restored several chateaux, designed commemorative monuments, and constructed the first gas works in France. He was associated with Lelong in restoring and enlarging the Hotel des Archives. Through- out his life, but especially in his later years, Dubois devoted much of his time to literary research, compiling the greater part of the material for the work edited by Elie Brault and entitled, “Les Architectes par leurs uvres.” Dubois also published independently several treatises on architectural subjects. Obverse. Head of Louis Philippe to left. LOUIS PHILIPPE I ROI DES FRANCAIS * Signed BARRE Fr Re- verse. L'7HOTEL | DES ARCHIVES DU ROYAUME | RESTAURE ET AGRANDI {| —|LA PREMIERE PIERRE | DES NOUVEAUX BATIMENS | A ETE POSEE LE 3 OCTOBRE 1838 | LOUIS PHILIPPE REGNANT | MB LE CTE DE MONTALIVET | PAIR DE FR°E MINISTRE DE L’INTERIEUR | MR VATOUT | ADMINIST® DES MONUMS PUBLICS | M88 DUBOIS ET LELONG | ARCHITECTES 57 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 55 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. JOSEPH LOUIS DUC Born 1802 in Paris, where he died in 1879. After study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts he went to the villa Medici, where he formed a close friendship with Duban and Vaudoyer. While in Rome he made drawings of the colosseum which intro- duced him to the architectural world of France and opened the way for his association with Alavoine on the July monu- ment. The outstanding achievement of Duc’s career was the reconstruction of the Paris court-house, which occupied him at intervals during forty years. Even when called by his friend Vaudoyer to collaborate on the beautiful Marseilles cathedral, Duc did not remain long absent from Paris, where he felt that he was more needed. For reconstruction of the court-house credit must also be given to the careful execution of Dommey. Duc was inspector-general of public works and of municipal buildings and a member of the French Institute. Uniface. Bust to right in a circle of beads. + DUC + ARCHTE + 1865 Signed on truncation HW. cHAPU 766 mm. Bronze cast. (Forrer I, p. go8.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 12 MARTIN DUELFER Born 1859 at Breslau. After pursuing his education at Stuttgart, Munich and Berlin, he established himself in an atelier at Munich and erected the building now known as the Tonhalle, this being followed by numerous private residences and business buildings. In 1900 Duelfer completed the Stadttheater at Meran, his first effort in the line destined to develop into the highly specialized architectural activity of designing theatres and opera houses. He won a series of prizes in competition, the majority of these being in this specialty. Duelfer furnished plans for opera houses or theatres at Bremer- haven, Duisburg, Freiburg, Charlottenburg, Dresden, and Berlin. At the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 he was in charge of the section devoted to German industrial art, and built a hall for the exhibits. Obverse. Head to right. - MARTIN * DVELFER * DRESDEN * PROFESS: Reverse. Nude Sigure holding model of 4 building in one hand and a wreath in the other. ARCHITEC|TVRA Signed in exergue M+ DASIO : Pict Rim beaded. 58mm. Bronze cast. (Blatter fiir Miinzfreunde Oct. 1909, 4288.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 29 ALBRECHT DURER Born 1471 at Nuremberg, where he died in 1528. The second son of his father, whose name he bore and who was a noted goldsmith, Albrecht Diirer learned the family trade, but soon turned to painting, which he studied under Michael Wohlge- muth. He received an unusual education, including mathematics, etching, wood-engraving, and sculpture, in addition to painting and architecture. After four years of study and travel in Germany and Switzerland, he returned in 1494 to Nurem- berg, where he established himself and became eminent in all of the arts which he practised. He designed a house for the physician of the Archduchess Marguerite, built the round towers still adorning the walls of Nuremberg, and made im- portant additions to the residence of Franz Gessert. Moreover, and in this resembling Rubens, Diirer gave proof of his technical knowledge by the many architectural backgrounds appearing in his paintings and etchings; again like Rubens, Diirer as a writer was a recognized authority on architectural subjects. In this latter connection there is significance in the words of the German critic Thausing, who says that Diirer’s ability as an architect is clearly indicated in his printed books as well as in the manuscripts which he left behind. It should be added that paintings from his brush are to be found in many of the great collections of the world. Uniface. Bust to left, with long flowing locks. No inscription. Executed by Hans Schwarz about 1520. 57.5 mm. Boxwood. Landesmuseum, Braunschweig. PLATE 35 Nore: The above served, either directly or indirectly, as the model for many of the later Diirer medals. It is improbable, however, that the copies executed by various sculptors were made from the Schwarz original itself. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. No inscription. 55.5 mm. Bronze cast. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. PLATE 35 Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. No inscription. 67 mm. White metal cast. Attributed to Hans Petzold. Germanisches Museum. PLATE 35 Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. Legend ALBERTVS DVRER PICTOR GERMANICVS Signed -H*+8*+ (Hans Schwarz) 55.5 mm. Bronze. [von Sallet p. 196.) Bundessammlung, Vienna. PLATE 35 314. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. The legend differs from that on No. 313 in that PICTOR becomes PICTORIS and the sig- nature: H+ S+ is missing. 56 mm. (Mazz. I, Plate g2, 5; Kluysk. I, p. 274, 15.| Description taken from the former source. 315. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. The legend differs from that on the preceding medals and becomes ALBERTVS * DVRERVS * NORICVS * PIC*OM 58 mm. White metal cast. Umhof II, p. 724, 38; Duisburg p. 95, 15.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 35 316. Obverse. Bust similar to No. 310. The legend is engraved, differs from that on the preceding medals and becomes ALBERTI 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. DVRERIS PICTORIS GERMANI EFFIGIES A 1517 * Reverse. HONORI | ALBERTI DURERI NORIM- BERG | PICTORIS CELEBERRIMI | CERNERE NATURAM SIVIS, ENCERNE DURERUM, | HC SCULPTURA REFERT OS, HUMEROSQUE VIRI, | IPSA SED ATHEREOS MENS ALTA PERAMBULAT IGNEIS.|IMPAR CUI PALLAS, PARRHASIUSQUE FUIT,| INGENEII MONUMENTA, LIBROS, TABULASQUE RELIQUIT, | QUAS ADMIRATUR GALLIA, ROMA, BRITO, | FULSIT OLYMPIADAS DENAS & QUATUOR ORBI | HESPERUS HIC CINERES PATRIA SERVAT HUMg. | DENATUS NO- RIMBERG& | VIII IDUM APRILIS | A: DNI MDXXIIX. A/so 5. engraved backwards. The obverse is cast. The reverse is finished in niello; the obverse and reverse of silver are held together by a gold-plated silver collar, the total diameter being 78.5 mm. The obverse without the collar is shown on the plate. Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 35 Nore: This medal has been attributed to Hans Petzold. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. The legend differs from that on the preceding medals and becomes ALBERT I DVRERIS PICORIS (sic) GERMANI EFIGIES (sic) 1561 * 68mm. White metal cast. (Imhof I, P- 724; 37 3 Duisburg p. 96, 19; Lanna Plate 49, 1157.) Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 35 Nore: Metzler, Plate 10, No. 60, illustrates a specimen of this medal with the corrected legend: ALBERTI DVRERIS PICTORIS GERMANI EFFIGIES 1561 + Obverse. Bust similar to No. 310. The legend differs from that on the preceding medals and becomes ALBERTI DURERI PICTORIS GERMANI APELLIS EFFIGIES * Rim ornamented. Reverse. D. O. M. S.| ALBERTI POSSIS DURERI CERNERE VULTUM|IANI BEZOLDI DEXTERA DOCTA FACIT. | INGENII VERO SI- VIS COGNOSCERE DOTES, | PERLEGE QUOS SCRIPSIT NON SINE LAUDE LIBROS. | OSSA TEGIT TUMULOS; MENS OCCUPAT ATRIA CCLI:|ILLIUS AST ALBIS FAMA TRIUMPHAT EQUIS. | VIVAT DURERI ET BEZOLDI NOMEN HONORQUE | CLAROS NEMPE VIROS MUSA MORI PRO- HIBET. | NATUS NORIMB: 20 MAT 14711 0B. IBID 6 APR. 1528. ATATIS 571 Signed c. H. N. (Christophe Hoeflich, Norimbergensis) 76.5 mm. White metal cast. (Imhof II, p. 719, 27; Duisburg p. 95, 11; Lanna 1110.) Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 35 Nore: The lettering on the obverse of the medal is engraved, that on the reverse is etched. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 310. At right, Diirer’s characteristic monogram A D (engraved) 47 mm. White metal cast. [Imhof p. 725, 40; Duisburg p. 95, 16.) Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 35 Obverse. Bust to right, with short hair. IMAGO * ALBERTI * DVRERI + AETATIS « SVAE * LVI * Reverse. Diirer’s coat of arms. INCLITA * VIRTVS *M*D* XXVIII * Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 39 mm. Lead cast. (Mazz. I, Plate 41, 6; Imhof II, p. 719, 26; Duisburg p. 93, 1.] Miinzkabinett, Dresden. PLATE 36 Nore: Some authorities attribute this medal to Ludwig Krug, others to Mathes Gebel. It has served as the model for many of the later Diirer medals. Obverse. Same as No. 320. Reverse. Female figure with a globe, other figures behind, ships at left. Above RELIQVVM DATVRA 4elow INDIA (Gianpaolo Poggini) Rim beaded. 37 mm. Bronze. [Armand I, P- 239, 10; Num. Mitt. Mirnberg, Fuly 1924, 318 and 319.] Description taken from these sources. The medal is illustrated on p. 2086 of Numis- matische Mitteilungen. Note: The reverse is thought by some authorities to be that of a medal of Philip II of Spain, and is not usually found muled with the Diirer obverse. It has also been suggested that the reverse may be from a Portuguese medal of King Anthony, 1580. Obverse. Bust same as No. 320. IMAGO * ALBERTI * DVRERI * AETATIS * SVAE*LVI* Rim beaded. Re- verse. In a closed wreath of laurel: BE: MA +|- OBDORMIVIT -|- IN - XPO-|- VI: IDVS -| APRILIS- M - D-|+ XXVIIT-|- VI-C-+VI-+ 38mm. Bronze cast. [Mazz. I, Plate 42, 1; Imhof LL, p. 722,31 ; Duisburg p. 94, 3.] RFE. Collection. PLATE 36 Nore: The catalogue of the Lanna collection, No. 955, mentions a later reproduction of the medal with slight modifications in the die; further YPO becomes XRO. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. bverse. Same as No. 320. Reverse. MIRABIILIA OPERA | TVA, ET ANIIMA MEA CO|GNOSCET NIIMIS. PS * |- 138 + Rim ornamented. 38 mm. (Mazz. I, Plate 42, 3; Duisburg p. 93, 2.| Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Same as No. 320. Reverse. St. Christopher crossing the stream and using a tree as a staff ; the infant Fesus on his arm, and a globe in his hand. At the right, a whale ; at the left, a hermit with a lantern. Umhof I, p. 723, 32; Kluysk. I, P- 273, 53 Duisburg p. 94, 5.| Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Similar to No. 320. The head is slightly smaller. Attention is directed to the omission of some of the rosettes be- tween the words, the introduction of periods, etc. Reverse. The wording of the inscription is the same as on No. 322, but the 322, wreath is omitted, the lettering is in much bolder type, and the final syllable of OBDORMIVIT is on the third line. g2mm. Silver cast. [Mazz. I, Plate gr, 5; Imhof II, D- 722, 30; Duisburg p. 94, 4.1 Bundessammlung, Vienna. PLATE 36 Obverse. Bust same as No. 320. IMAGO ALBERTI DVRERI AETATIS SVE LVI * The background is roughened. Reverse. Bust of Susanna to right, with hat. SVSSANNA + CO + PALA: RHE + DVCISS - BAIO - ZC - ANNO - XXVIII - NA: (Goth obverse and reverse engraved). 37 mm. White metal. (Imhof II, p. 721, 29; Duisburg p. 96, 24; Lanna 827.) Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 36 Nore: Lanna mentions a specimen of this medal, with an ornamental rim, which increases the diameter to 44mm. Susanna, daughter of Albert IV of Bavaria, was the wife of the Kurfiirst Otto Heinrich. Uniface. . Bust same as No. 320. Above IMAGO at left a cross, at right Diirer’s characteristic monogram A D|LVI Below 1528 (all lettering incised). 39 mm. White metal cast. [Imhof II, p. 721, 28; Duisburg p. 94, 6.) Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 36 Uniface. Bust same as No. 320. The head is slightly smaller. ALBERTUS DURERES NORICUS INTER PIC- TORES OMNIUM AETATUM FACILE PRINCEPS AETATIS SUZ 56 Oval 38 «34 mm. Silver-gilt cast. British Museum. PLATE 36 Uniface. Bust to right. ALBERTVS - DVRER : OBDOR - MDXXVIII 23 mm. Cast. Miinzkabinett, Dresden. PLATE 36 Obverse. Busts of Pirckheimer to left and Diirer to right facing each other, and with easel and sketch between them. 1 BILI- BALDI BIRKEYM: ALBER: DVRER- Signed G. HOLD (Georg Holdermann) Reverse. Direr’s characteristic monogram A D Oval gg 55 mm. Lead cast. (Imhof II, p. 578, 4; Duisburg p. 96, 23.| R.F.E. Collection, piaTe 36 Nore: Kluyskens I, page 276, No. 24, mentions a specimen of this medal as 45 x 62.5 mm. and makes no reference to the monogram on the reverse. The medal is intended to represent Diirer in the act of painting the portrait of Pirckheimer (1470-1530), a German statesman and counsellor to Charles V. Uniface. Bust to left. (Georg Schweigger.) 81-83 mm. Lead cast. (Imhof II, p. 723, 335 Duisburg p. 94, 8. British Museum. PLATE 37 Uniface. Bust to right in raised circle. Rim raised and moulded. Circa 60 mm. British Museum. PLATE 37 Small medal of Albrecht Diirer executed about the beginning of the eighteenth century. Octagonal 18 x 16 mm. Bronze. [Blades 218 ; Fehne 173.) Description taken from the latter source. Obverse. Bust to left. * ALBRECHT DURER* Below, GEB. D. 20. MAI 1471. GEST. D. 6. APRIL 1528. Signed on truncation IACHTMAN F. 1820 Reverse. Genius holding a tablet inscribed GEDACHTNIS | FEIER Below ZU BERLIN D. 18 APR. 1828. Signed} 47 mm. Bronze. [Duisburg p. 96, 21; Kluysk. I, p. 276, 22.) Miinz- kabinett, Dresden. PLATE 37 Nore: Kluyskens I, page 275, No. 21, describes a similar medal in lead, 45 mm. in diameter, but omits the dates of Diirer’s birth and death. Obverse. Same as No. 334. Reverse. A wreath of oak, with field left blank for inscription. Signed 0. SCHULTZ FEC. 47mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 37 336. Obverse. Bust similar to No. 320. ALBERTVS DVRERYS. Signed NEUSS. Reverse. ALB - DVRERI | EGREGII - PATRIAE | DECORIS - MEMORIAM | TER - SAECVLAREM | VIII IDVS APRILIS | MDCCCXXYVIII | GRATA + RECOLIT | GERMANIA | — | NAT - XIII - CAL - IVN - MCCCCLXXI | DENAT - VIII - ID - APR - MDXXVIII | NORIMBERGAE 33 mm. Silver, bronze, and white metal. (Wellenheim IT, 13586; Duisburg P- 96, 22.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 37 Nore: Kluyskens I, page 276, No. 23, describes a similar medal in silver, but gives the diameter as 46.6 mm. 337. Obverse. Bust to right with long curls. ALBRECHT DURER Signed STETTNER. Reverse. The harpy from the coat of arms of Nuremberg. Legend A. DURERS III. SECULAR FEST D. VI APRIL M.DCCCXXVIIL. « jr mm. Silver, [Duisburg p. 97, 28.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 37 338. Obverse. Bust to right with long curls. ALBRECHT DURER GEB. 20 MAI 1471. GEST. 6 APRIL 1528. Reverse. The harpy from the coat of arms of Nuremberg, with a tablet inscribed ZU SEINEM | GEDACHTNISS | VI APRIL | MDCCCXXVIII | NURNBERG. Signed BURGSCHMIET. 54 mm. Brass cast. [Wellenheim II, 13585; Duisburg p. 97, 27.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 37 Nore: In the Germanisches Museum there is a specimen of this medal cast in iron. The signature is missing. 339. Obverse. Bust similar to No. 310. ALBRECHT DURER GEB. 20 MAI 1471 GEST. 6 APRIL 1528 Reverse. The Diirer monument in Nuremberg. DAS THM ERRICHTETE MONUMENT IN SEINER VATERSTADT In exergue NURNB. 21 MAI | 1840 Signed LAUER 32 mm. White metal. [Duisburg p. 97, 293 Fehne 179.] Ger- manisches Museum, Nuremberg. PLATE 37 340. Obverse. Bust of Ludwig I to right. LUDWIG 1 KOENIG VON BAYERN Signed c. voict Rim beaded. Reverse. Statue of Diirer. Legend STANDBILD A. DURERS ERRICHTET ZU NURNBERG 1840 Edge. +** DREY—EIN HALB GULDEN** VII EFM 38mm. Silver. [Schwalbach 1906, p. 5,25; Fehne 178.] Description taken Srom these sources. Nore: One of a series known as “Gedenkdoppelthaler,” all having the same obverse. See note under No. 625. 340a. Uniface. The Diirer statue in Nuremberg. ALBRECHT DURER. In exergue ERRICHTET. D. 21 MAT | 1840 Signed in monogram \ F(ecit) (Fohann Georg Léffler, Sr.). 65 mm. Lead. (Num. Mitt. Niirnberg, Oct. 4, 1926, 627.] RFE. Collection. PLATE 36 Nore: “Numismatische Mitteilungen” attributes this medal to the elder Lofler. 341. Uniface. Bust of Diirer surrounded by oak leaves and lilies of the valley ; two coats of arms with attributes of the fine arts. A scroll below. Signed OSWALD STEINBOCK. Galoano. [Mz. & Med.-Freunde, Apr. 1896, p. 47.1 Description taken from this source. Nore: This medallion was issued as a souvenir of the May festival of the Albrecht Diirer Verein in Vienna, 1856. 341a. Uniface. Bust of Diirer in a wreath of oak and lilies of the valley. Below, attributes of the fine arts. Above, a scroll. Dates of Diirer’s birth and death. Signed OSWALD STEINBOCK. Galvano. [Mz. & Med.-Freunde, Apr. 1896, p. 47.] Description taken from this source. Nore: This medallion was issued as a souvenir of the May festival of the Albrecht Diirer Verein in Vienna, 1857. 342. Obverse. Bust similar to No. 338. Coat of arms at left, Diirer’s characteristic monogram A D at right. Between two beaded circles ALBRECHT : DURER : GEB: 21: MAI - 1471+ GEST: 6: APRIL: 1528 * Reverse. The city of Nu- remberg. An avenue of poplars and a railway train. Above,a sunburst. ZUM 400 JAHRIGEN GEDACHTNISS Zn exergue 1471-18 71 Signed LAUER and the letters st (H. Strobel). go mm. Bronze. [Lauer Cat. 28, Plate 8,64.] Amer- ican Numismatic Society. PLATE 38 343. Medal of Albrecht Diirer executed in 1877 by Carl Radnitzky. (Forrer V, p. 16.| Description taken from this source. 344. Obverse. Bust similar to No. 338, between branches of laurel. Below, DEN - TEILNEHMERN - DES | KUNST - HIST: KONGRESSES | IM - SEPTEMBER - 1893 | GEWIDMET - VON : DER - STADT | NURNBERG Reverse. View of the city hall. In exergue DAS RATHHAUS ZU | NURNBERG Signed LAUER 50 mm. Bronze. [Lauer Cat. 28, Plate 81, 764.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 38 a an 345. 346. 347. 348. 349, 350. 350a. 351. 352. 353. Obverse. Bust of Diirer. Reverse. Coats of arms of Bavaria and of the city of Nuremberg and the date 1896 in a closed wreath. Legend BAYERISCHE LANDESAUSSTELLUNG * NURNBERG* 50mm. Bronze. [Lauer Cat. 28, Plate 122, 1187 ; Mz. & Med.-Freunde, Sept. 1897, p. 214, 84.| Description taken from these sources. The reverse is illustrated in the Lauer Catalogue. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 338. Above NAT 1471 | DENAT. 1528 Below ALBRECHT DURER Jn the upper corners a coat of arms and a palette. Rim ornamented. 35% 25mm. Bronze. (Lauer Cat. 28, Plate 138, 1324.) PLATE 38 Obverse. Bust similar to No. 338, coat of arms and laurel, ALBRECHT DURER Jn the field * | 21. MAT] 14711416 APRIL | 1528 | ZU| NURNBERG ‘Signed 1. CHR. LAUER NUERNBERG Reverse. Diirer’s house, coat of arms, etc. Nuremberg in the background. Above, on a scroll ALBRECHT-DURER-HAUS ZU NURNBERG 60mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 38 Obverse. Bust similar to No. 338. ALBRECHT DURER GEB. 21. MAI 1471 GEST. 6 APRIL 1528 * Signed LAUER Reverse. View of Diirer’s house. ALBRECHT DURER-HAUS 27 mm. Bronze. RFE. Collection. PLATE 38 Nore: The American Numismatic Society has a specimen in silver, similar in every respect to the above, except that on the reverse the name ALBRECHT is abbreviated to ALBR. (Lauer Catalogue 28, Plate 41, 390.) Medal of Albrecht Diirer, struck subsequent to 1900 by Friedrich Orth, successor to Anton Pichler Nachf. (Forrer IV, PP- 332 and 622.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust facing right, with long curls and with cap and fur collar. ALBRECHT DURER * Signed LAUER Reverse. Branches of laurel and fruit above which a cartouche inscribed ERINNERUNG | AN | NURNBERG 50 mm. Bronze. [Lauer Cat. 28, Plate 175, 1626. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 38 Uniface. Bust same as No. 350. GEB: 21: MAI 1471. GEST: 6: APRIL 1528 Below ALBRECHT DURER 55% 37 mm. Bronze. R.FE. Collection. PLATE 38 Uniface. Bust facing, with long curls. Above 14.71 and 1528 Below ALBRECHT DUERER Signed M. & w. st. (Mayer & Wilhelm, Stuttgart.) 51.39 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 38 Nore: This medal reproduces in relief the self-portrait of Diirer, which bears his characteristic monogram and is dated 1500. ALBERT DUMONT Uniface. Bust to right in a circle A ALBERT DUMONT | ARCHITECTE DE L’ HOTEL DE VILLE | 18 55-1920 Bronze. Owned by the Commune de St. Gilles. PLATE 47 JOSEPH DUMONT Born of Belgian parents at Diisseldorf in 1811; died 1859 at Saint-Josse-ten-Noode lez-Bruxelles. Educated in Brussels, he early distinguished himself in ecclesiastical reconstruction, becoming an eminent exponent of gothic architecture. Appointed to a government position, he was entrusted with the restoration of the churches at Aerschot, St. Trond, and St. Hubert, as also with St. Martin of Ypres. Following his reconstruction work, Dumont built the church of St. Boni- face at Ixelles and about thirty other ecclesiastical edifices. The second part of his career was devoted largely to design- ing jails and reformatories, many of which are shown on the medals described below. At Brussels, e, Antwerp, Charleroi, Marche, Dinant, Louvain, and other large cities Dumont erected prisons having individual cells; at Ruysselde he built a large reform-school and agricultural colony, capable of receiving eight hundred young delinquents. This was his last work and one in which he took great pride. Obverse. The MAISON DE SURETE CIVILE ET MILITAIRE A LIEGE. In exergue LONGUEUR 220 | LARGEUR 4850. Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Above 1847-18 50 | SOUS LE REGNE | DE LEOPOLD I| ROI DES BELGES Below BON J. D’ANETHAN | MINISTRE DE LA JUS- TICE. | BON A. DE HODY | ADMINISTRATEUR DES PRISONS. | ED. DUCPETIAUX | INSPECTR GEN- ERAL DES PRISONS | J. J. DUMONT | ARCHITECTE. 50mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 53, 67.) R.F.E. Collection. TENN 13) Nore: This medal and those of Dumont following belong to a series representing monumental buildings of Europe, executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the build- ing and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. 56 354. Obverse. View of the market, now town hall, at Ypres. In exergue LES HALLES D’YPRES. Below J. J. DUMONT 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. REST: 1849. Signed J. WIENER FEC. Reverse. Plan of the building. Above BEFFROI IRE PIERRE POSEE LE I8 MARS 1200 PAR BAUDOUIN DE CONSTANTINOPLE TERMINE AINSI QUE L’AILE GAUCHE VERS 1230. Below L’AILE DROITE COMMENCEE EN 1285 TERMINEE EN 1304 LONGUEUR 133 METRES SUPERFICIE DE LA GRANDE SALLE DE L’ETAGE 1379 METRES CARR®S, 50 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 64, 92.) Description taken from this source. Note: “Revue Belge,” 1883, p. 68, No. 100, states that this medal occurs with reverse having two branches of oak and the field left blank for inscription. Obverse. The women’s prison at Brussels. In exergue MAISON DE SURETE| POUR FEMMES | A BRU- XELLES Signed J. WIENER Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Above same 1847-1850. Legend SOUS LE REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES. B©% J. D’ANETHAN MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | BON A. DE HODY, ADMINISTRATEUR DES PRISONS. ED. DUCPETIAUX INSPECT® GEN! DES PRI- SONS. Below LONGUEUR 40M | LARGEUR 42™ | J. J. DUMONT ARCHITECTE 50mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 53, 69.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. The prison at Dinant. In exergue MAISON D’ARRET | A DINANT Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Legend SOUS LE REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES. E. P. L. H. Je DE HAUSSY, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE | BN A. DE HODY, ADMINISTRAT® DES PRISONS. ED. DUCPETIAUX, INSPECT? GEN! DES PRISONS. Below 1849-18 51 | J. J. DUMONT, ARCHIT. 50mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 55,72.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. The law courts and prison at Verviers. In exergue PALAIS DE JUSTICE | ET MAISON D’ARRET | A VERVIERS Signed J. w1ENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Legend SOUS LE REGNE DE LEO- POLD I ROI DES BELGES. E. P. L. H. J. DE HAUSSY MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | BN A. DE HODY, ADMINISTRATEUR DES PRISONS. ED. DUCPETIAUX INSPECT® GEN!’ DES PRISONS. Below * 18 50-1852 *|J. J. DUMONT, ARCHIT: 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 56, 75.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. The prison at Charleroi. In exergue MAISON D’ARRET | A CHARLEROI Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Legend SOUS LE REGNE (sic) DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES. V. TESCH MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE | BON A. DE HODY, ADMINSTRATEUR DES PRISONS. ED. DUCPETI- AUX, INSPECT® GEN! DES PRISONS. Below 18 51-1853 1J. J. DUMONT, ARCHT: 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 7883, p. 56, 76.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. The prison at Courtrai. MAISON D’ARRET A COURTRAI In exergue 1853-1856 Signed WIENER F, Reverse. Ground plan of the building. REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Below CH. FAIDER, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. NAP. VERHEYEN ADMINIST2 DES PRISONS | E. DUCPETIAUX INSPT2 GEN’ DES PRISONS J. J. ROUSSEAU, CONTROLEUR. | J. J. DUMONT, ARCHIT: 50 mm, Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 57, 78. R.FE. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. The prison at Antwerp. MAISON DE SURETE CIVILE ET MILITAIRE A ANVERS In exergue CH. FAIDER, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | NAP. VERHEYEN, ADMINIST® DES PRISONS | ED. DUC- PETIAUX | INSPECT® GENE DES PRISONS. | J. J. DUMONT, ARCHIT. Signed wrenER F. Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Legend REGNE DE LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES 4 left 1853 atright1856 50 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 58, 80.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Obverse. Same as No. 360. Reverse. Laureated head to left of LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES Signed LEOP. WIENER 50mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 59, 81.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 39 Nore: “Revue Belge” states that only three copies of this medal were struck, all in bronze. Obverse. The penitentiary at Louvain MAISON PENITENTIARE CELLULAIRE A LOUVAIN Jn exergue ALPH. NOTHOMB, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE. | NAP. VERHEYEN, ADMINIST® DES PRISONS. | ED. DUC- PETIAUX, INSPECTEUR GEN?. | J. J. ROUSSEAU, CONTR: DES CONSTRUCTIONS | J. J. DUMONT, ARCHITECTE. | 1856-1859 Signed J. wIENER Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Above LEOPOLD I | ROI DES BELGES Zelw ARRETE ROYAL DU 23 AOUT 1846. | J. D’ANETHAN, MINISTRE DE LA JUSTICE | A. HODY. ADMIN® DES PRISONS 60 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 60, 84.) R.¥.E. Col- lection. PLATE 39 Nore: “Revue Belge,” page 60, No. 85, states that the obverse of this medal exists muled by error with the reverse of the medal of the maison d’arrét cellulaire at Louvain. Three copies only exist. wn ~I 363. Obverse. Same as No. 354. Reverse. In a wreath of oak AUX MAGISTRATS PREVOYANTS LA CITE RECON- NAISSANTE. — VANDERSTICHELE DE MAUBAS, BOURGM: ALPH: VAN DEN PEEREBOOM, ECH: IWEINS-HYNDERICK ECH: 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 67, 99.) Description taken from this source. Nore: “Revue Belge” states that only three copies of this medal were struck, all in bronze. 364. Obverse. Same as No. 354. Reverse. Coat of arms of the city of Ypres in an ornamental cartouche, surmounted by a crown and supported by a lion. Border composed of beads and ornaments. 50mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 72, 108.) De- scription taken from this source. Note: This medal was awarded as a prize in the literary and historical contest at Ypres in 1858, at the unveiling of the statues of the counts and countesses of Flanders. FRANCOIS MARIE ELISEE DUPUIS Born 1849 at Blois; died 1920 in Paris. Educated first by his father, who was an artist and a professor at the college of Blois, Dupuis pursued his studies later at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Guenepin, winning the coveted rosette of the instruction publique and various other prizes. For many years he worked in collaboration with his father-in-law, Théo- dore Charpentier. Together they built the principal theatre at Morlaix, the casino at Royat, a chateau at Perros Guirec in Brittany, and numerous residences and villas in or near Paris and at seaside resorts. At Blois, his native city, he founded a museum in memory of his brother, Daniel Dupuis, one of the most eminent of modern medallists. 365. Uniface. Bust to left. FRANCOIS - MARIE - ELISEE - DUPUIS—ARCHITECTE « Signed p D in monogram and on truncation 1876 DANIEL Dvpvis 126 mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 27, 84.) R.F.E. Collection. PLatE 40 CHARLES LOUIS FERDINAND DUTERT Born 1845 at Douai; died 1906 in Paris. A pupil of Le Bas and Ginain at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he received the grand prix de Rome in 1869, the prix Duc in 1875, and that same year at the Salon, the first prize in architecture. Dutert supervised the erection by Contamin and others of the great machinery hall which was put up in Paris for the Exposition Universelle of 1889 and was kept standing for sixteen years. There also he built the halls of anatomy and paleontology for the museum of natural history, was inspector of reconstructions on the hétel de ville, and was appointed director of instruction for the department of fine arts. At Roubaix he built a school and made additions to the natural history museum. He also erected commemorative monuments at Maubeuge and at Douai. 366. Uniface. Bust to right. CHARLES - LOUIS - FERDINAND - DUTERT - ARCHITECTE : ROME Signed on truncation DANIEL DUPUIS 137 mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 24, 64.| R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 41 367. Obverse. 4 winged genius places a wreath upon the brow of an artisan seated on an anvil; in the background the PALAIS | DES MACHINES Jn exergue F- DUTERT-| ARCHITECTE Signed J-c-cHAPLAIN Reverse. EXPOSITION - UNIVERSELLE - DE: 1889. Inscription COMITE | DE. LA. PRESSE | PRIX | OSIRIS Below a branch of laurel and a cartouche. 62 mm. Bronze. [Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 21, 38.) Description taken from this source, where the obverse is illustrated on Plate 2, 7. 368. Obverse. 4 youth seated on a Corinthian capital, drawing a flower held by a female figure ; attributes of sculpture and painting at his feet. The building of the school of industrial arts in the background. In exergue FERDP DUTERT | ARCHITECTE Signed J:C-CHAPLAIN Reverse. 4 winged genius with branch of laurel and coat of arms of Roubaix EKCOLE | NATIO- NALE | DES ARTS | INDUSTRIELS | FONDEE - PAR - LE | GOUVERNEMENT | DE: LA: REPUBLIQUE | FRANCAISE | AVEC - LE - CONCOURS | DE - LA VILLE | DE - ROUBAIX | INAUGUREE | LE - IE OC- TOBRE | 1890 Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE 68 mm. Bronze silvered. (Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 21, 39.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 41 Nore: “Gazette Numismatique” states that the “médaille de recompense” 68 mm. and 45 mm. bears a different inscription on the reverse. 368a. Obverse. 4 wreath; a crown above. A | FERDINAND | DUTERT. | LA VILLE DE DOUAI| FIERE DE SES SUCCES. |—| GRAND PRIX DE ROME 1869 | PRIX DUC 1875. ERE MEDAILLE | D’ARCHITEC- TURE | SALON DE 1875. Reverse. Coat of arms of the city of Douai in a circle of beads. VILLE DE DOUAI. * * * DEPAULIS F. MDCCCXLVII. 58mm. Gold. PLATE 41 58 369. 370. 371. 372. GEORGES CHARLES VICTOR DUVAL Born 1851 in Paris; died 1912. His early education was followed by study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of André and where he made a specialty of line drawing. His first work was the designing of bank notes for the Banque de France. Duval was consulting expert of buildings to the civic tribunal of the Seine district and to the judici- ary court of the VI™° arrondissement in Paris, being also architect to the society of the Crédit Foncier. Officer of academy and of instruction publique, he was a member of various societies of artists and architects in France and abroad. Uniface. Bust to right. CH - V - GEORGES - DUVAL - ARCHITECTE - MDCCCLXXXIII Signed at left in mono- §74am D D, at right DANIEL Dvpvis 127 mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 169, 178. R.F.E. Collection. pate 40 F. DYCKERHOF Little appears to be recorded concerning this architect, who was probably a German, an assumption based upon the fact of his having designed and erected a school building at Mannheim for the use of the Protestant families of that city and the surrounding district. The facade of the building is shown on the medal which is here described, and which commem- orates the dedication of the structure in the year 1824. Obverse. Facade of school building. SCHUL HAUS D. VEREINTEN EVANG | GEMEINDE ZU MANNHEIM In exergue, ERBAUT IN DEN IAHREN | 1823-24 | NACH D PLAN V F DYCKERHOF Reverse. 4 city, the Bible in the clouds, an eye above. SUCHET IN DER SCHRIFT. SIE ISTS| DIE VON MIR ZEUGET. IOH 5, 39 Jn exergue ZUM ANDENKEN D. | EINWEIHUNG | D. g NOV. 1824 go mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 42 ROBE Ra SE Bapitabys In spite of careful research it has not been possible to ascertain the dates of the birth and death of this English archi- tect belonging to the Birmingham group. However, it is known that in 1838 Mrs. John Peel laid the first stone of the church of St. James at Handsworth, then a separate town, but since incorporated in the city of Birmingham; also that this edifice was designed and erected by the architect, Robert Ebbles. The church is depicted on the medal described below. Obverse. Facade of St. James’ Handsworth WEST VIEW OF ST JAMES’S CHURCH HANDSWORTH. Jn exergue ROBT EBBLES ARCHT Signed orrLey Reverse. THE FIRST | STONE | OF THIS CHURCH WAS LAID BY | M88 JOHN PEEL | ON THE 24 DAY OF APRIL A.D. 1838 | IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER | MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA. |—| THIS EDIFICE CONTAINING 926 SITTINGS | OF WHICH 518 ARE FREE AND UNAPPROPRIATED | WAS ERECTED BY VOLUN- TARY SUBSCRIPTIONS | WITH A GRANT OF E500 FROM THE INCORPORATED | SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ENLARGEMENT | BUILDING AND REPAIRING OF CHURCHES AND | CHAPELS, AND A LIKE SUM FROM THE | LICHFIELD DIOCESAN SOCIETY | REV? JAMES HARGREAVES | RECTOR, | CAPTY H. F. DEVEY | CHURCHWARDEN OF HANDSWORTH. 44 mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. p. 29a.) Description taken from this source. HUGO EBERHARDT Born at Furtwangen, Baden, in 1874. His studies at Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and under Messel in Berlin were supplemented by extensive travel in Italy. He built numerous schools and villas in Milan, Heilbronn, Wiesbaden, and Frankfurt, also a sanatorium at Offenbach and one at Kissingen. In 1903 Eberhardt accompanied an archeological expedition to Asia Minor, in the capacity of architectural expert. His work is characterized by unusual attention to the details of interior finish, the plastic ornamentation of his buildings being frequently executed by his pupils. Eberhardt founded the Ger- man national leather museum. Appointed director of the school of technology at Offenbach and building inspector at Frankfurt, he has contributed many articles on the subjects of architecture and decoration to the periodicals of his country. Uniface. Head to left. HUGO EBERHARDT Signed pauTert (all lettering incised). rgz mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 42 a \o 373. 374. 375. 376. CHARLES EDGE Little appears to be recorded concerning this English architect and engineer whose name is associated with the laying out of the cemetery in Birmingham, and with the construction of the chapel for funeral services which was erected on the grounds in 1835. The southwest view of this cemetery is shown on the medal which commemorates the work and which is here described. Obverse. View of the cemetery and chapel at Birmingham. Above S. W. VIEW | OF THE | BIRMINGHAM CEME- TERY. In exergue CHAS EDGE, ARCHITECT | W. SMITH, BUILDER Signed o1TLEy. Reverse. THE FIRST STONE OF THIS CHAPEL FOR FUNERAL SERVICES WAS LAID BY | P. M. JAMES ESQE | HIGH BAILIFF | AND THOS TYNDALL ESQ® | LOW BAILIFF | OF THIS BOROUGH. | ASSISTED BY THE REV? J. A. JAMES | AND THE REV? THO$ MORGAN, | ON THE 14 DAY OF JULY |IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1835|AND THE 6 YEAR OF THE REIGN|OF HIS MAJESTY | KING WILLIAM THE FOURTH. |—| DIRECTORS | GEOB GOODWIN. JOSH ROCK. | JACOB POPE. RICH? HASLUCK. | CHA$ EDGE. W. R. MARSTON. | WILL“. ROOM. | BENJ¥. HUDSON. | WILLM ROBERT- SON 44 mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 42 FEAR EY ONS DALE EE MES Born 1814, probably in London; died 1847 on the island of Jamaica. He studied first under his father, James Elmes, an architect and writer established in London, later spending three years with Goodridge at Bath. Returning to London he began work in collaboration with his father, but at this time, 1838, the city of Liverpool published its intention to erect in honor of the coronation of Queen Victoria an immense concert hall for musical festivals. A nation-wide architectural competition was announced, and within four months seventy-five entries had been received, that of Elmes taking the first prize. Two years later his plans for the Liverpool assize courts carried off the award over eighty-five competitors. He designed the county lunatic asylum at Rainhill and numerous private residences in Liverpool and its environs. Obverse. Born 1266 at Colle, in valley of Mugello; died 1337 at Florence. The son of a peasant, he studied under Cimabue, and eventually became the leader of the Florentine school of painting. He was also eminent as architect and sculptor, being appointed master of works on the duomo at Florence, and of the city fortifications; he it was who designed the facade of the duomo and built the famous campanile. Ghiberti asserted that he had seen models in relief for all the details of the campanile, these being by the hand of Giotto. Most of his paintings are frescoes, of which he executed a considerable number for churches in Florence, Padua, and other Italian cities. His panel paintings, few in number, are to be found in Berlin, Munich, New York, and Boston. Among the frescoes of the Bargello at Florence is the well-known portrait of Dante. In 1334 the municipality of Florence, recalling him from Naples, appointed him “capo maestro” of the cathe- dral and “magister et gubernator” of the new church of S. Reparata; in this church he was buried with high civic honors three years later. Full description of medal will be found under No. 155 (Brunelleschi). R..E. Collection. PLATE II LOUIS MARIE XAVIER GIRARD Born at Marseilles in 1845. His early education in his native city was followed by a course of study at the Ecole des 45 ) y } ) Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he was a pupil of André. He went to Greece and lived there for some time, winning first prize in competition for the opera house in Athens. There he erected the Serpieri palace and numerous private residences. Returning to France, Girard was appointed inspector of public buildings for the département Seine-et-Oise. Decorated g > r=} officer of academy, he received many foreign honors and distinctions. Portrait of Girard, architect, executed about ro04 by Antoine Baptiste Ferrari. [Forrer VII, Pp. 297.| Description taken from this source. Nore: This medal was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1904. CHARLES LOUIS GIRAULT Born 1851 at Cosne on the Loire. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Daumet, winning numerous prizes and, lastly, the grand prix de Rome in 1880. He also received many medals at exhibitions, and prizes in competition. Girault’s earliest achievement of importance was the construction of the Petit Palais on the Champs Elysées in 1900, the year when he was decorated officer of the Legion of Honor. Also in Paris he erected hotels, private residences, and monuments, being, moreover, well known outside of his native land. This was notably the case in Belgium, where he erected the royal chateau at Laeken, the Congo museum at Tervueren, and a triumphal arch at Brussels. Girault, concededly one of the great architects of the last century, was counsellor of King Leopold IT for many of his buildings. Uniface. Bust to right. CHARLES GIRAULT | ARCHITECTE | MEMBRE | DE | L-INSTITUT Signed in mono- gram B C (Mme. Beetz-Charpentier). 143 x 139 mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 48 HENRI ALPHONSE ps GISORS Born 1796 in Paris, where he died in 1866. A nephew and pupil of Guy de Gisors, he also studied under Percier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. As architect of the Luxembourg palace, de Gisors restored the facade on the garden side and de- signed the grand staircase. In Paris he constructed also the normal college, the medical clinic, headquarters for the | an 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. department of labor, and the base of the Ney monument. At Ajaccio, the birthplace of Napoleon, he erected a building for the prefecture. De Gisors was associated for many years with the ministry of public education and was a member of the French Institute. Uniface. Head to right. ALPHONSE | DE GISORS | ARCHITECTE Signed on truncation DAv1D (David d’ Angers) | 1827 (all lettering incised). 112 mm. Lead cast. |Fouin II, p. 477.] R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 75 Nore: Jouin gives date as 1833, but the curator of the Musée d’Angers expresses the opinion that the date on the medallion must be accepted as correct. In the R.J.E. Collection there is another specimen of this medallion, cast in bronze, 109 mm. ABEL GLENA Uniface. Bust to left with hat. ABEL GLENA ARCHITECTE Signed © MoUCHON 47 mm. Galvano silvered. [Forrer IV, p. 177.| R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 29 JACQUES GONDOIN Born 1737 at St. Ouen-sur-Seine; died 1818 in Paris. He was a pupil of Blondel and later studied in Rome, where he collaborated with Piranesi and had a share in the reconstruction of the villa Hadrian. Upon his return to Paris he was appointed architect to Louis XV, and later designer of furniture to Louis XVI. He escaped the terrors of the Revolution by retiring to his estate at Melun and there following his father’s occupation of gardening. Commissioned by Napoleon to plan alterations at Versailles, Gondoin also erected the Vendéme column in collaboration with Lepere, and was ac- tive in the work of excavations at Herculaneum. He was a chevalier of St. Michel and was created a baron, the sole archi- tect upon whom this honor was conferred by Napoleon. Gondoin was a member of the Royal Academy of Architecture and of the French Institute. Uniface. Bust to right. JACQUES. GONDOIN. Signed Houpon 1780 (all lettering incised). 350 mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Mme. Gustave Crauk. PLATE 69 BERTRAM GROSVENOR GOODHUE Born 1869 at Pomfret, Connecticut; died in New York City in 1924. He pursued his architectural studies under Renwick, and from 1891 to 1914 was associated with Ralph Adams Cram in Boston and New York, during the latter part of this period being a member of the firm of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson. His activity covers an unusually wide territory, for in addition to three well-known churches in New York City, the chapel of the Intercession, St. Thomas’s Church, and St. Bartholomew’s, Goodhue drew the plans for a church at Ashmont, Massachusetts, for Grace Church in Chicago, Trinity Church in Havana, the Episcopal cathedral in Baltimore, and for many other ecclesiastical edifices. He designed the new buildings for the military academy at West Point, and published a book, “Architectural and Decorative Drawings,” with original pen-and-ink sketches. Obverse. Head to right, Pegasus in the background. BERTRAM GROSVENOR GOODHUE ARCHITECTUS Below E VIVO DUCTUS | NOVUM EBORACUM | MCMXXI Signed LEE LAWRIE | FEcIT Reverse. A group of church buildings. PATRIAE - AMOENITATEM - EXTOLLIT 728mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLaTE 52 FRANCIS GOODWIN Born 1784 at King’s Lynn; died 1835 in London. His greatest achievements lie in the department of ecclesiastical archi- tecture; he restored old churches and built many new ones, including Ashton-under-Lyne, West Bromwich and Bordes- ley, all illustrated on the medals described below. He added the spire and tower of St. Peter’s, Birmingham; rebuilt a portion of St. Michael’s, Southampton; and designed the steeple for St. Peter’s, Manchester. Among Goodwin’s works other than ecclesiastical may be mentioned the town hall at Macclesfield, the county jail at Derby, which was a model for its time in both architecture and sanitation, and the Manchester town hall and assembly rooms, considered a notable success in interior design. In 1835, the year of Goodwin’s death, appeared in book form his “Rural Architecture,” with supplements devoted to plans for cottages. Obverse. Facade of St GEORGES CHAPEL KIDDERMINSTER Above the chapel GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Reverse. THE | BRICK FOUNDATIONS |WERE COMMENC’D ON THE | CORONATION DAY OF HIS MAJESTY | GEORGE IV | THE CEREMONIAL STONE IS TO BE LAID ON | THE 287TH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE SAME YEAR BY | THE VENERABLE THE ARCHDEACON ONSLOW | VICAR OF KIDDERMINSTER | THE AREA OF THE CHAPEL TO BE 93 FEET LONG| BY 60 FEET WIDE AND IS INTENDED TO ACCOM-|MODATE TWO THOUSAND PERSONS, ONE HALF PART | TO CONSIST OF FREE SEATS. THE TOWER WILL BE|135 FEET HIGH, AND THE ESTI- MATED EXPENCE OF | THE STRUCTURE WITH THE ENCLOSURE OF THE | BURIAL GROUND £18000, OF WHICH £3000 WILL|BE APPROPRIATED TO THE BUILDING, AND THE | RESI- DUE TO THE ENDOWMENT. THE FURTHER | EXPENCES WILL BE DEFRAY’D BY A GRANT | FROM THE PARLIMENTIARY (sic) FUND. | THE SITE AND BURIAL GROUND HAVE BEEN | PRO- VIDED BY THE PARISH. | — | FRANCIS - GOODWIN | ARCHITECT | LONDON 64 mm. White metal. [Birm. Med. p. 67.) Description taken from this source. 464. Obverse. Facade of the church. Legend above CHRIST CHURCH Below WEST BROMWICH Inner legend GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Reverse. THE | FIRST STONE OF | THIS CHURCH WAS LAID, | BY THE RIGHT HONORABLE, | THE EARL OF DARTMOUTH, | ON THE 25 DAY OF SEPTEM- BER, | IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1821, | AND THE SECOND YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS | MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE IV. | LENGTH OF THE CHURCH 130 FEET. | BREADTH 56 FEET. | HEIGHT OF THE TOWER 114 FEET. | — | FRANCIS GOODWIN | ARCHITECT LONDON | — | JOHN HEDGE, BUILDER, LITTLE COMPTON STREET, SOHO, LONDON. 64 mm. White metal. R.f.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 53 465. Obverse. Facade of the church. Legend above S$ PETER’S CHURCH Below ASHTON UNDER LYNE. Inner legend GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Reverse. THE | CEREMONIAL STONE | OF THIS CHURCH, | DEDICATED TO ST PETER, WAS LAID|ON THE 24 DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1821. | BY THE RIGHT REVEREND, | GEORGE HENRY LAW. D-D. | THE LORD BISHOP OF CHESTER. | THE AREA OF THE CHURCH, WILL BE 142 FEET LONG, | BY 65 FEET WIDE, AND WILL BE CAPABLE OF | CONTAINING 1800 PERSONS. THE HEIGHT OF THE | TOWER WILL BE 128 FEET. THE SITE OF THE | CHURCH AND BURIAL GROUND, PART OF THE | DEMESNE OF ASHTON UNDER LYNE, CONTAINING | 15680 SQUARE YARDS, WAS PRESENTED BY | GEORGE HARRY. EARL OF | STAM- FORD & WARRINGTON. | PATRON OF THE RECTORY, AND LORD OF | THE MANOR OF ASHTON UNDER LYNE. | — | FRANCIS - GOODWIN. | ARCHITECT. | LONDON. | —|! WILLIAM & GEORGE BROADHEAD, MASONS. | SAMUEL MOSS, CARPENTER. ASHTON UNDER LYNE. 64 mm. White metal. RFE. Collection. PLATE 53 466. Obverse. View of TRINITY CHAPEL BORDESLEY Reverse. THIS CHAPEL | WAS ERECTED BY HIS | MAJESTYS COMMISSIONERS | FOR BUILDING NEW CHURCHES | UPON A SITE WHICH WITH | TWO ADJOINING HOUSES AND | BURIAL GROUND WAS PURCHASED | AND FENCED BY VOLUN- TARY CONTRIBUTIONS | THE CEREMONIAL STONE WAS LAID BY THE | RIGHT HONORABLE | OTHER EARL OF PLYMOUTH | ON THE 297 DAY OF SEPTEMBER A+ D-1820]| AND THE CON- SECRATION BY THE | RIGHT REVEREND | GEORGE HENRY LAW D.D. | LORD BISHOP OF CHES- TER | TOOK PLACE ON THE 23 DAY OF JANUARY A-D-1823] REV? SAMUEL CRANE B-A- MINISTER | FRANCIS GOODWIN ARCHITECT LONDON | JOHN WALTHEW BUILDER BIRMING- HAM | MESS88 WETHERHEAD & C2? | IRONFOUNDERS | DERBY | THOMAS MOLE ESQ’ HON SECRETARY. 64mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 53 ALFRED JULES PAUL GOTTEREAU Born 1843 at Perpignan; died prior to 1926. After his preliminary education he went to Paris, where he studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Paccard. Gottereau established himself at Bukarest, erecting there the Dacia Romana palace, buildings for the Crédit Foncier and for the French school, also a bank and a monument to the French soldiers who had died at Dobrudja. He made important additions to the royal palace at Bukarest, and designed the university library and a residence for the crown prince. Gottereau was awarded a medal at the Exposition Universelle in 1889, having received several foreign decorations and being officer of public instruction. 467. Uniface. Bust to left in a beaded circle. PAUL GOTTEREAU ARCHITECTE Signed on truncation G. DELOYE 115 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 71 468. 469. 470. 472. 473. ERNST von GODPTHILFE Born 1865 at Temesvar in Hungary. His education in Vienna at the Technische Hochschule and under Professor Hasen- auer at the Kunstakademie was supplemented by study at Zurich. Returning to Vienna he collaborated for several years with Alexander Neumann; jointly they erected new headquarters for the Wiener Bank-Verein, commemorated on the medal described below. They also designed a building for the Credit Anstalt and one for the Escompte Gesellschaft of lower Austria. Establishing himself independently, von Gotthilf erected in Vienna the women’s building of the Loew sanatorium, and offices for the chamber of commerce. Mention should also be made of the town hall designed by him at Géding. A member of several societies for the promotion of architecture and the fine arts, he is also privy building coun- cillor for Vienna. Obverse. The building of the WIENER BANK VEREIN | MCMXII Jefore which Mercury reclines holding in one hand a figure of victory, in the other a key dated MCMXII Signed HEIDA 1912 Reverse. ZVR ERINNERVNG | AN DEN BAV DES | WIENER BANKVEREIN | DIE | ARCHITEKTEN | BAVRAT E. v. GOTTHILF | ALEX - NEVMANN Scroll at sides and at bottom. Signed HEIDA W. Edge. Clover leaf bearing letters B Ss w (Briider Schneider, Wien). Octagonal 96% 96mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 78 GOUEL In spite of the most thorough research and many inquiries, it has not been possible to obtain any details of the life of this Flemish architect. It is, however, established by the medal referred to below that Gouel collaborated with the sculptor Van Assche in executing the architectural work on the monument to Jean Baptiste Thorn, Governor of Hai- naut, who had died in 1841 at Mons. This monument was erected by popular subscription and was completed in 1845. Obverse. Head of Governor Thorn to left. JEAN BAPTISTE THORN GOUV2 DU HAINAUT. Signed vEYRAT F. Reverse. Thorn’s bust and monument with dates of birth and death. At left, GOUEL | ARCH. At right VAN ASSCHE | SCULP. Legend ERIGE PAR SOUSCRIPTION POPULAIRE. In exergue 184.5. Signed vEyRaT YeEcIT. Rim ornamented on obverse and reverse. 60mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 56 JEAN GOUJON The exact date and place of birth appear to be unrecorded, but he was born about 1515 and died in 1565 at Bologna. Although known principally as a sculptor, having been called the Phidias of France, Goujon also accomplished important work in the field of architecture. His name appears, 1540-1544, in connection with the church of St. Maclou and with the cathedral, both at Rouen. He designed reliefs for the fountain of the Innocents in the Louvre, and for the lectern in the church of St. Germain |’Auxerrois; also decorations for the hotel Carnavalet in Paris and for the chateau of Diane de Poitiers at Anet. Goujon is said to have supervised all the sculptural work of the Louvre during his long term of col- laboration with Lescot, whose intimate friend he was for many years, and with whom he is shown on the medal described under Lescot’s name. Obverse. Coat of arms of the city of Rouen. CIVITAS -: POPULUSQUE - ROTHOMAGENSIS. Reverse. Coat of arms of Fean-Prosper Goujon. (Gaz. Num. 1899, p. 40, 702.) Description taken from this source. . Portrait medal of Fean Goujon executed in 1814 by André Galle. [Forrer II, p. 197.) Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust to right. JOHANNES GOUJON. Signed vEYRAT F. Reverse. NATUS | PARISIIS | IN SAECULO- RUM | DECIMO SEXTO | PERIIT | AN. M. D. LXXII. | —| serres numisMATICcA | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM IL- LustRiuM | — | M.Dccc.xxIv. | DURAND EDIDIT Edge. Monacnir gzmm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLatE $4 Nore: This medal and the two directly below belong to a series of noted men of all countries, generally known as the “Series Numis- matica,” and published by Durand in the first half of the nineteenth century. Obverse. Bust to right. JOANNES GOUJON Signed veyrat. F. Reverse NATUS | LUTETI€ | OBIIT | LUTE- TIA | DIE XXIV AUGUSTI | AN. M. D. LXXII. | — | serres numismarica | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUS- TRIUM | — | M.Dccc.xxvi. | DURAND EDIDIT 43 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $4. 78 / 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. Obverse. Bust to right. JEAN GOUJON. Signed veyrat +r. Reverse. Similar to No. 473, but LUTETIE becomes LUTETIOE and the punctuation of M.DCCC.XXVI. becomes M+D-CCC:XxvI. There are other minor differences in the die. gi.5 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $4 Obverse. Diana with a stag and holding a bow, reclining on a pedestal. DIANE DU CHATEAU D’ANET. Signed DEPAULIS F MDCCCLV Reverse. Jn @ wreath of oak JEAN GOUJON | SA NAISSANCE | EST CONTEMPO- RAINE | DE L’AVENEMENT DE FRANCOIS I.| SCULPTEUR, ARCHITECTE, | GENIE EMINENT | ENTRE LES MAITRES | DE LA RENAISSANCE | MEURT LE JOUR | DE LA ST BARTHELEMY | 24 AOUT 1572 Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE 50 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 54 Full description of medal will be found under No. 655 (Lescot). R..E. Collection. PLATE $4 Uniface. Bust to right. A mallet at the left, sculptor’s implements at the right. Legend JEAN GOUJON * SCULPTEUR. MCCCCXLI Rim beaded. Signed on truncation DANIEL DVPVIS 93 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1903, p. 311, 300. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $4 Nore: This medal was executed by Dupuis about 1885. HANS GRASSEL Born 1860 at Rehau in Oberfranken. After a course of study at the Technische Hochschule in Munich, and practical ex- perience at Nuremberg and Kissingen, he established himself in Munich, There he erected an orphan asylum, a home for the aged, a savings bank, the hall of archives, as well as buildings for the bureau of weights and measures, for the de- partment of defense and for that of municipal buildings. In Munich also Grissel designed seven public schools and the school of industrial arts, and drew the plans for five cemeteries. At Deggendorf he built the sanatorium and the town hall. He has been professor at the academy and director of municipal buildings, has published numerous pamphlets deal- ing with cemeteries and monuments, and is a member of many learned societies. Uniface. Head to left. Below HANS GRASSEL Signed on truncation DAUTERT 153% 21 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 44 B. pE GREEF Little appears to be recorded concerning this Dutch architect, which is the more to be regretted because of the fact that he was employed officially by the municipality of Amsterdam to reconstruct so important a building as the Stads- Schouwburg, the completion of this edifice being commemorated by the medal described below. In this undertaking, which was finished in 1873, de Greef collaborated with Willem Springer, one of a family of eminent Dutch architects. 479. Obverse. Female figure enthroned, representing the city of Amsterdam. Grouped about her four figures, Music, Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. Signed in exergue J. ELION. F. Reverse. AAN | DEN BURGEMEESTER | VAN AMSTER- DAM | M8 CORNELIS JACOB ARNOLDUS | DEN TEX: | DEN GEMEENTERAAD: | EN DE | SCHOUW- BURG KOMMISSARISSEN | JOH. HILMAN | JAN FRED. TACK HZ.| ABR. JOH. DE BULL | — | AR- CHITEKTEN, | B. DE GREEF:| W. SPRINGER Legend VERBOUWING VAN DEN STADS-SCHOUW- BURG VOLTOOID XXXI DECEMBER MDCCCLXXIII * 75 mm. Bronze. [Zwierzina 1864-1898, 281.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 51 HENRY CHARLES MARTIN GREGOIRE Born 1791 at Ferriére-la-Grande near Maubeuge, in the département du Nord; died in 1854. After having studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and in the atelier of Percier, he established himself at Rouen, in which city his most im- portant works are located. These include the restoration of the law courts and the construction of the western facade for the church of St. Ouen, the latter being depicted on the medal described below. In the vicinity of Rouen Grégoire com- pleted the insane asylum which had been commenced by Jouannin, and at Fécamp he enlarged the church of St. Etienne. Appointed architect to the government for the département of the Seine inférieure, he erected numerous public buildings and private residences in that district, and was also active as a member of the commission on historic monuments. 79 480. Obverse. The church of St. Ouen at Rouen. ST OUEN A ROUEN Jn exergue GRAND PORTAIL ET LES 2 FLECHES | PAR L’ARCHIT: GREGOIRE | 1847-1850 Reverse. . iew of the interior of the church. At left COM- MENCEE 1318 | PAR L’ABBE JEAN ROUSSEL 4 right ROSES DU TRANSSEPT 1439. | LA NEF ACHE- VEE 1491. | GRANDE ROSE DE LA FACADE | 1515. In exergue J. WIENER F. 1859 59 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 33, 25.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 59 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the aucien an a cenindl kan, KARL GROBER Born 1884 at Schloss Neufra in Wiirttemberg. An eminent German historian and critic of architecture and art, Grober received his education at the universities of Tiibingen and Munich. His best known works are: “Die Kunstdenkmialer Bayerns,” in six volumes, published 1911-1922, relating especially to the architectural history of the older structures of Bavaria; and “Schwabische Sculptur der Spatgotik,” published in 1921. Gréber is a member of the Munich society of arts and sciences, conservator of Bavarian monuments, and is active in connection with the national museum at Munich. 481. Obverse. Head to left. DR - KARL GROBER IM JAHR MDCCCCXXII * Signed r Pp. (Rudolf Pauschinger). Reverse. ARS | UNA | SPECIES | MILLE | * Edge. c. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN 87mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 55 Nore: The sculptor states that this medal was cast from the metal of a Renaissance bell, which was melted down during the world war. JULIEN GUADET Born 1834 in Paris, and died there in 1908. He studied under Labrouste and André, and was awarded the grand prix de Rome. His earliest work of importance was the new post-office in Paris, which presented many structural problems and occupied him for eight years. He also rebuilt the Théatre Francais in Paris and erected buildings in the dioceses of Ajaccio, Rennes, and St. Brieuc. Guadet was appointed professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, inspector-general of civic buildings, and a member of the higher council of public education. He received a first medal at the Paris exposition of 1878 and numerous other honors for distinguished services. Guadet published a volume on the elements and theory of architecture, and a monograph on the Colosseum. He was decorated officer of the Legion of Honor. 482. Uniface. Head to right. J: GUADET ARCHITECTE Signed on truncation B. DESCHAMPS ROME 1866 750 mm. Bronze cast. PLATE 94 EUGEN GUGEL Born 1832 at Bergzabern in Rhenish Bavaria, and died 1905 at the Hague. After study at the Munich academy and under Lange, he was active for eight years in Bavaria, where he erected several castles and the royal summer palace at Feldaffing. He also built many of the railway stations on the line between Rosenheim and Innsbruck. In 1864, when a Polytechnicum was established at Delft, the call to a professorship was extended to Gugel, who soon made a place for himself in the archi- tectural life of Holland. He designed university buildings at Utrecht and Leyden, and at Delft he enlarged the Poly- technicum, building at his own expense a physical laboratory which he presented to the community. A member of many architectural societies, Gugel was also officer of the order of Orange-Nassau and chevalier of the Lion of the Netherlands. He wrote numerous books, including “Architectonische Vormleer” and “Geschiedenis van de bouwstijlen der Architek- tuur.” 483. Obverse. Seated figure of Architecture holding a laurel branch. At her feet drawing instruments ; in the background notable buildings, including Notre Dame, St. Paul's, and the pyramids. Signed in exergue EDEMA V.D. TUUK Reverse. Branches of palm and laurel. AKAN EUGEN GUGEL | HOOGL AAR AAN|DE POLYTECHNISCHE SCHOOL | TE DELFT | DOOR ZIJNE LEERLINGEN | OP ZIJN 705% GEBOORTEDAG | AANGEBODEN. | 26 MAART 1902 59 mm. [Tijdschrift XIX, p. 219, 281.) Royal Cabinet, The Hague. PLATE 47 GEORGES GUIARD Born 1873 at Neuilly-sur-Seine. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and in the atelier of Gaston Redon, the eminent architect of the Louvre and the Tuileries. Guiard received several medals while a student at the Beaux-Arts, and in 1900 the diploma of that institution. One of his earliest works was a design for a monument in niemory of the defense of Brest, oo le) 484, 485. 486. 487. 488. this being entered in public competition and winning the award with commission to execute. Guiard has built numerous hotels, apartment houses, factories, and warehouses. Architect-in-chief for the various branches of the Banque nationale de Crédit, and officer of academy, he has been active in the Société des Architectes francais, and was at one time vice- president of the Société des Architectes diplomés par le Gouvernement. Uniface. Bust to left. In background a rude drawing of a house. G GUIARD | ARCHITECTE Signed in monogram BC|NEUILLY Below 1924 | BEETZ CHARPENTIER (all lettering incised). 150x122 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 70 EDMOND JEAN BAPTISTE GUILLAUME Born 1826 at Valenciennes; died 1894 in Paris. From his native city he received a scholarship for study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he was a pupil of Le Bas. Being awarded the grand prix de Rome in 1856, he spent three years in Italy, and at the expiration of this time was appointed to an archeological mission to Asia Minor, the result being published in a government report. After his return to France he built the court-house and the city hall at Cambrai, and near there the chateau de Morenches; later, the Thiers museum and numerous residences in Paris, as well as buildings at Lille and Valenciennes. In 1873 a monument to Peruvian independence was erected at Lima, the designing of which was entrusted to Guillaume and Mequer in collaboration. Guillaume was appointed architect-in-charge of Versailles and the Trianon in 1879, and of the Louvre and the Tuileries in 1881. He also designed the mausoleums of a number of prominent families in the Montparnasse and Pére Lachaise cemeteries. During the last ten years of his life he held the professorship in the theory of construction at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The recipient of medals from three world expositions, and decorated chevalier of the Legion of Honor, he was also member of many architectural societies. Uniface. Head to left. E. GUILLAUME | ARCHITECTE. 4 right ROME | 1861! — Signed in monogram uc (Henri Chapu). 98 mm. Bronze cast. [Forrer, I, p. 408; Marx, Méd. Frang. depuis 1789, p. 55.) R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 56 Nore: In the R.J.E. Collection there is another specimen of this medal with incised inscription SOUVENIR AFFECTUEUX | CHAPU | — Obverse. Winged figure with sword and palm. Legend ARQUITECTOS * E. GUILLAUME EN PARIS *N. ME- QUER EN LIMA * Reverse. Legend ERECCION DEL MONUMENTO *“2 DE MAYO” EN LIMA * In- scription in a circle INAUGURO LOS TRABAJOS | COLOCANDO LA| PRIMERA PIEDRA | *|S. E. EL PRESIDENTE | DE LA | REPUBLICA | DON MANUEL PARDO,| EL 2 DE MAYO DE 1873 37 mm. Gold. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 56 HENRI CHARLES BERNARD GUILLAUME Born 1868 in Paris. The son of Jean Baptiste Guillaume, eminent architect and professor, he early entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he received numerous awards and medals; he also studied in the ateliers of André and Laloux in Paris before establishing himself in private practice. During the earlier part of his career Guillaume specialized in fountains, vaults, and monuments; among these memorial works should be mentioned a monument to his father at Montparnasse, one to Watteau in the Luxembourg, and the fountain in honor of Gavarni. Buildings erected by him include theatres and private residences. The aquarium and theatre constructed for the Exposition Universelle won for him a medal in 1900. Five years later Guillaume visited New York, where he designed decorations for the Hotel Belmont. He has exhibited paintings in the salon of the Artistes francais, and has been active in most of the French societies of art and architecture. Uniface. Bust to left. H. GVILLAVME ARCHITECTE PARIS MCMX Signed pv. DAUTEL rrg mm. Bronze cast. [Méd. Frang. Exp. Brussels 1910, p. 7.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 73 HECTOR GERMAIN GUIMARD Born 1867 at Lyons. Following a full course of study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, which included special work under Genuys and Raulin, he received a scholarship which enabled him to spend further time in travel and study. Returning to Paris he established himself in an atelier at Auteuil, where he has erected numerous private residences and small villas. Guimard specialized in modern dwellings, and received commissions to erect many such throughout the département de Seine-et-Oise. He also designed the castel Béranger and stations of the underground railway in Paris. Uniface. Head to left. HECTOR GUIMARD. ARCHITECTE Below 1901 Signed avBazzi | paris Edge. sussE Fes FONDEURS-PARIS Irregular 155% 150 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 62 81 489. 490. 491. 492. JOSEPH GUISLAIN Born 1797 at Ghent, where he died in 1860. After his early education in engineering and architecture, he took up the study of medicine, specializing in cerebral diseases. Guislain was eminent both as architect and as alienist, using throughout his whole career the architectural knowledge acquired in early life. He drew the plans for numerous insane asylums throughout Belgium, notably those of Brussels and Ghent, in which latter city most of his life was spent. There he was appointed physician-in-chief at the insane asylum, being also professor of comparative physiology at the university. In 1824 Guislain received the medal of architecture from the Belgian Société royale des Beaux-Arts.. In recognition of his achievements, he was decorated chevalier, then officer, of the order of Leopold. Obverse. Bust facing right, with the cross of officer of the Order of Leopold. (Charles Onghena). Reverse. JOSEPH GUIS- LAIN | NE A|GAND | LE II FEVRIER | MDCCXCVII (The entire medal is engraved.) go mm. Gold. [Kluysk. LT, p. 384; Coll. Kluysk. p. 131, 250. Description taken from these sources. Kluyskens Collection. Norte: The medal is illustrated opposite p. 384 in Kluyskens, which authority states that it is unique. The‘description in the cata- logue of the Kluyskens Collection indicates that the date of Guislain’s death, April 1, 1860, was later engraved on the medal. FRIEDRICH LUDWIG HAARMANN Born 1798 at Holzminden, and died in 1864. He studied at the university of Géttingen and under Krahe at Braunschweig. In Holzminden, where the greater part of his life was spent, Haarmann erected the Neubau on the Holzmindenerstrasse and also the trade school for the duchy of Braunschweig, which school, established under the patronage of the duke, was long looked upon as a model for institutions having similar aims. Haarmann lived for a time in Braunschweig, holding the position of privy building director, but was recalled to Holzminden, where he was appointed official architect to the Weser district in close association with Duke Wilhelm. Haarmann designed the municipal buildings at Wolfenbiittel. Obverse. Head to left. F. L. HAARMANN BEGRUNDER. D. HERZOGL. BAUGEWERKSCHULE. Signed 1. HELD MAGDE Reverse. Seated female figure and pupil ZUR 50 JAHRIGEN JUBELFEIER DER HERZOGL. BAUGEWERKSCHULE A. 4. JAN. In exergue 1882 | HOLZMINDEN. Signed &. HESSE. go mm. Bronze. Stadtisches Museum, Braunschweig. PLATE 46 JULES: ISLA NG1S AD SONOMA AG Uniface. Bust to left. JULES - HACHET-SOUPLET + ARCHITECTE Signed in monogram D D (Daniel Dupuis) | 1886 7248 mm. Bronze cast. [Gax. Num. 1898, p. 175, 210.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 77 THOMAS HAMILTON There appears to be no record as to the birthplace of this British architect, though it is known that he was born in 1784, that he died in 1858, and that the greater part of his life was spent in Scotland. In his youth he was regularly apprenticed as working carpenter to his father, later acting as his assistant. Hamilton’s earliest independent work was in connection with the monument erected to Robert Burns at Alloway in Ayrshire, and commenced in 1820 on the anniversary of the poet’s birth; but the architect’s first work of importance was the erection of a school building on the heights above Edin- burgh, an edifice long regarded as one of the chief ornaments of that city. The town hall at Ayr was erected by him, as also other buildings in Ayrshire, and a parish church with a most original tower at Alyth near Perth. Hamilton’s activity, however, was not limited to Scotland, his name being associated with two London churches, St. Andrew’s-in-the-wall and St. John’s on Victoria Street. Collaborating with Medland, he built the church and cemetery at Birmingham which are shown on the medal described in this work. He was one of the charter members of the Royal Scottish Academy. Obverse. View of the church and cemetery at Birmingham. In exergue CHURCH OF ENGLAND | CEMETERY | BIRMINGHAM. Signed HALLIDAY BIRM. Reverse. CONSECRATED | BY | THE LORD BISHOP | OF WOR- CESTER | AUGUST 87 1848 |—| HAMILTON & MEDLAND | ARCHITECTS Rim beaded. 38 mm. White metal. |Birm. Med. p. 54a.) Description taken from this source. CHRISTIAN FREDRIK HANSEN Born 1756 in Copenhagen, where he died in 1845. His education under Harsdorff in his native city was supplemented by travel and study in Italy and Germany. Hansen lived for a time at Altona and accomplished much for its architectural development. In 1804 he returned to his native city, being appointed professor at the academy and chief councillor of 82 493. 494, 496. 497. buildings. In Copenhagen he erected the council and court-house, also the Vor Frue Kirke and rebuilt the castle of Chris- tiansborg which had been destroyed by fire. For a period of thirty years Hansen exercised great influence throughout Denmark in all matters relating to architecture. He published a handsomely illustrated volume descriptive of his most important edifices. Obverse. Bust to left. Legend TIL C. F. HANSENS SoAARIGE EMBEDS JUBILHUM AF KUNSTENS DYRKERE OG VENNER * Signed on truncation c.c. (Christen Christensen). Reverse. Three female figures rep- resenting architecture, painting, and sculpture. In exergue DEN XXIV APRIL | MDCCCXXX. Signed c. curis- TENSEN.F. 60mm. Silver |Bergsoe 1051.) Royal Numismatic Museum, Copenhagen. PLATE 52 THEOFILUS EDVARD HANSEN Born 1813 in Copenhagen; died 1891 in Vienna. In his twenty-fifth year Hansen went to Greece, where, after assisting in the restoration of the temple of Nike, he was occupied in the building of an observatory and two churches. This was in Athens, where fifteen years later he designed the magnificent edifice of the academy of sciences. Called to Vienna, Hansen at first collaborated in the erection of several large churches, his earliest independent work in that city being the museum of weapons for the arsenal. Hansen’s name is associated with an unusual number of architectural styles, including the Byzantine, Moorish, Italian renaissance, and late gothic. Knight of the Iron Crown, he received also the order of Dane- brog and the Bavarian order of Maximilian. Obverse. Head to right. * THEOPHILO - HANSEN * Below NATO~ XIII -IVL-MDCCCXIII Signed J. TAu- TENHAYN Reverse. Hansen seated ; Fame crowns him with a wreath, while he shows the plan of a temple to a pupil stand- ing at his side.) SEPTVAGENARIO Jn exergue DISCIPVLI - ET - SECTATORES | GRATO: ANIMO-D-D- D- Rims beaded on obverse and reverse. 60 mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 15, 38; Bergsoe 1052.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 56 . Obverse. Same as No. ggg. Reverse. Group of figures same as on No. 494. Above HANSEN-PREIS Jn exergue GESTIFTET V. D. HANSENSCHUELERN | ANNO MDCCCLXXXVI 60mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 15, 39.1 Bundessammlung, Vienna. PLATE 56 Nore: The above has been used as a medal of award, given by Hansen’s former students in connection with the prize founded by them in his honor. Uniface. Head to right. TH: RITTER VON HANSEN Signed in monogram CR (Carl Radnitzky). 69mm. Bronze galoano. [Bergsoe 1053.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 56 JOSEPH ALOYSIUS HANSOM Born 1803 at York; died 1882 in London. At thirteen years of age he was apprenticed to his father to learn the trade of joiner, but showing real aptitude for designing, his papers were allowed to lapse and he was apprenticed to an architect at York. There he attended night school to improve his limited education, at the same time tutoring boys younger than himself. In 1825 he settled in Halifax as assistant to an architect named Oates, who inspired his enthusiasm for the gothic style; three years later Hansom entered into partnership with Edward Welch, in collaboration with whom he built numerous churches, the most notable being located at Liverpool, Hull, and on the Isle of Man. The municipality of Birmingham having announced an open competition for its new town hall, the designs of Hansom and Welch received the award; the building is shown on the medals described below. Completed in 1833, it greatly enhanced the reputation of its archi- tects, though the financial terms brought them into bankruptcy. Hoping to retrieve his fortune, Hansom registered his design for a cab, the vehicle which still bears his name. In 1842, realizing the need of intercommunication among the building trades, Hansom was instrumental in founding the periodical known as “The Builder.” During the latter part of his life he built churches at Arundel, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, Oxford, Preston, and Ryde. Obverse. View of the BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL 4t bottom 1834 Below the building HANSOM & WELCH ARCHTS Reverse. THE | COMMITTEE | APPOINTED TO SUPERINTEND | THE ERECTING OF THE BUILDING | — | WILL. BEALE ESQ. | THOMAS CLARK ESQ.| I. W. CROMPTON ESQ. |S. T. GALTON ESQ.| P. M. JAMES ESQ. | THOMAS LEE ESQ. | OLIVER MASON ESQ. | JOSEPH MOORE ESQ. | JAMES PEARSON ESQ. | WILL. PHIPSON ESQ. | THEODORE PRICE ESQ. | CHARLES SHAW ESQ. | TIMOTHY SMITH ESQ. | HENRY SMITH ESQ. | RICHARD SPOONER ESQ. | SIR EDWARD THOMASON KT | JOHN TURNER ESQ. | JOSEPH WALKER ESQ. | —| JOHN ARNOLD ESQ. AND WILLIAM HAINES ESQ. SOL’ | —| THE GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVALS FOR THE BENEFIT | OF 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL WILL BE HELD IN| THIS MARBLE HALL. THE SIZE OF THE MUSIC | ROOM IS IN LENGTH 140 FEET, IN WIDTH 65 | FEET, IN HEIGHT 65 FEET; THE ORGAN | IS THE MOST POWERFULL ONE IN| EUROPE, AND IS 40 FEET WIDE| AND 45 FEET HIGH. | — | 73 mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 57 Obverse. The BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL Jn exergue ERECD MDCCCXXXIV | BY | HANSOM & WELCH. Signed E. AVERN ¥. Reverse. Female figure with lyre and attributes of music. Legend MUSICAL FESTIVAL HELD IN THE TOWN HALL BIRM™ 1834 Signed in exergue E. AVERN ¥. 49 mm. White metal. [Birm. Med. . 34a.| Description taken from this source. Obverse. View of BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL Jn exergue HANSOM & WELCH | ARCHITECTS Reverse. EXTREME | LENGTH 166 FEET.| WIDTH 104. HEIGHT 83.| LENGTH OF HALL|140 FEET. WIDTH 65. | HEIGHT 65. | WILL CONTAIN 8000 PERSONS. | THE FIRST | MUSICAL FESTIVAL | HELD IN THE HALL | OCTOBER 1834. | PRESIDENT | THE RIGHT HON? THE EARL OF AYLES- FORD 38 mm. British Museum. PLATE 57 Obverse. The BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL Jn exergue EXTREME LENGTH 166 FEET,| WIDTH 104 FEET, HEIGHT 83 FEET.|—FIRST—| MUSICAL FESTIVAL | OCT. 1834 Signed HALLIDAY Reverse. Interior of the hall. At left INTERIOR VIEW 4 right OF THE HALL Jn exergue LENGTH 140 FEET | BREADTH 65 FT, | HEIGHT 65 F?.| HANSOM & WELCH. ARCHTS Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 49 mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. p. 33a.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $67 Obverse. Same as No. 500. Reverse. Facade of the BIRMINGHAM | FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL In exergue FOUNDED BY KING EDWARD VI. 1552] PRESENT EDIFICE FINISHED 1837 |—| LENGTH IN FRONT 174 FEET|125 FEET IN FLANK | 60 FEET IN HEIGHT |—1| Signed T. HALLIDAY. F 49 mm. White metal. [Birm. Med. p. 33.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 57 Nore: See also reverse of No. 50. Obverse. The TOWN HALL BIRMINGHAM In exergue OPENED 1834, ENLARGED 1837. | — | LENGTH OF BUILDING 173 F?| WIDTH 104 F? HEIGHT 83 FP |—|HANSOM & WELCH. ARCH?S Signed DAVIS BIRM. Reverse. The interior. Legend INTERIOR VIEW OF THE HALL FROM THE GREAT GAL- LERY. Jn exergue LENGTH OF THE ROOM, 155 FEET | BREADTH, 65 FEET | HEIGHT, 65 FEET |—1| 57mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 57 PIBUUE INE TUNIS ID AWG I< Born 1792 in London, where he died in 1870. His education in England was followed by several years of travel-study in France and Italy. Upon his return, Hardwick established himself in London, where he designed many large structures, including the Euston and Victoria hotels, the entrance of the London Station of the London and Birmingham Railway, shown on the medals described below, buildings for the Goldsmiths’ Company, and for the Globe Insurance Company, also the hall, library, and offices of Lincoln’s Inn, and numerous private residences. He was appointed architect for several of the most important London hospitals, including Bridewell, Bethlehem, and St. Bartholomew’s. Hardwick was a mem- ber of the council of the Royal Society of Architects, a charter member of the Institute of British Architects, and was elected to the Royal Academy. Obverse. Facade of entrance. LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY Jn exergue ENTRANCE FRONT OF THE LONDON STATION | —| HEIGHT TO THE TOP OF THE PEDIMENT 72?T | HEIGHT OF EN- TABLATURE 167] HEIGHT OF COLUMNS 44'7| LOWER DIAM OF COLS 8'? 61N | UPPER DIAMB OF COLS 6£T 4!N | —| PHILIP HARDWICK ESQ® F-R-+S+ARCHITECT- Signed c. R. coL- LIS BIRM™ Reverse. THE | DIRECTORS | OF THE | LONDON & BIRMINGHAM | RAILWAY COM- PANY |-1838-|G. C. GLYN ESQ® CHAIRMAN. | J. F. LEDSAM ESQ® DEPUTY CHAIRMAN | G. P. BARCLAY ESQ. | I. B. BOOTHBY ESQ. | E. CALVERT ESQ. | T. COOKE ESQ. | E. CROPPER ESQ. | R. GARNETT ESQ.| P. ST L. GRENFELL ES@ | D. HODGSON ESQ.|H. HOULDSWORTH E82 | T. LOWE ESQ |W. PHIPSON ESQ. | I. L. PREVOST ESQ.| T. W. RATHBONE ESQ, | HENRY ROWLES ESQ. | JOSEPH STURGE ESQ. | JOHN STURGE ESQ. | T. TOOKE ESQ. | J. WALKER ESQ. | HY WARRE ESQ. | E. WILSON ESQ. | T. YOUNG ESQ. | — | RICH? CREED ESQ® | CAPTY C. R. MOORSOM R. N | SECRETARIES | ROB? STEPHENSON ESQ. | ENGINEER IN CHIEF |— 73 mm. Bronze. [Moyaux rgzo Supp. 14.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $7 84 504. 505. 506. Obverse. Head of George IV to right. Legend GULIELMUS IIIT REX PATRONUS ILLUSTRISSIMUS Signed G. R. COLLIS FECIT Reverse. Same as obverse of No. 503. 73 mm. White metal. [Moyaux 1910 Supp. 15; Birm. Med. p. 44.) Description taken from the latter source. LEOPOLD AMEDEE HARDY Born 1829 in Paris; died 1894 at Chatillon-sur-Loing. A pupil of Nicolle, he studied also at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He built a church at Cunault and the Eglise du Rosaire at Lourdes, famous as the shrine of pilgrims from all parts of the world. Hardy also drew the plans for an industrial exhibition building at Stuttgart. He was appointed architect of the imperial commission, chief architect for the Expositions Universelles of 1867 and 1878, and inspector of public build- ings. He was made chevalier and later officer of the Legion of Honor. Uniface. Bust to left. L. AMEDEE | HARDY. | ARCHTE | 1868 |— Below TEMOIGNAGE AFFECTUEUX Signed H. CHAPU (all lettering incised.) 142mm. Bronze cast. [Forrer I, p. go8.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 55 THOMAS HARDY Born 1840 in Dorsetshire. The free country life on his native heath, combined with his early education in the local schools, aroused the enthusiasm which he conserved throughout his whole career for both architecture and literature. As appren- tice to John Hicks, an ecclesiastical architect, Hardy was sent about Dorchester to study medieval gothic churches with a view to their restoration, Armed with sketch-book and measuring line, climbing the sloping roofs to make drawings of towers and pinnacles, he did his work, unconscious prototype of his own characters-to-be, for in several of his novels there appears a young architect sent to report upon the condition of some decaying country church. After six years of apprenticeship under Hicks, Hardy went to London as assistant to Sir Arthur Blomfield, R.A. In 1862 an essay on terra- cotta architecture won for him the Institute medal, and the same year he received a prize for plans entered in competi- tion. Later he turned definitely to literature, but without forgetting his early architectural interest, many traces of which appear in his stories. Hardy has always shown a predilection for the gothic gargoyle, which might be taken as symbolic of his philosophy of life. To his knowledge of architecture is doubtless due some of the grace and symmetry that mark his writings. Uniface. Bust to left. THOMAS - HARDY - JVNE - A+ D - MDCCCCXXI Signed in monogram TSS | FEC (TL. Spicer-Simson). 102 mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Mr. Spicer-Simson. PLATE 80 Nore: One of a series of twenty-nine medallions executed from life by Theodore Spicer-Simson, and published in book form in 1924, under the title of “Men of Letters of the British Isles.” KARL von HARLEMAN Born 1700 in Stockholm; died there in 1753. He was a pupil of Nicodemus Tessin, the court architect of Sweden, and after travel in France and Italy returned to Stockholm, there receiving an appointment to collaborate with Tessin. After the death of the latter, Harleman was commissioned to continue the work on the Stockholm palace, as well as to make important additions to that of Drottningholm, and to build an observatory. He was appointed chief superintendent of royal residences, architect to the king, and as a knight of the order of the North Star was master of ceremonies at the functions of all knightly orders. His reputation extended beyond the confines of Sweden, his designs being in demand in other countries and winning for him foreign honors and decorations. 507. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke (Johann Carl Hedlinger). Reverse. * | C - HARLEMANNI -| AEDIFICIORYM : | HORTORVMQ -: REGIORVM -| IN : SVEONIA -| PRAEFECTI - ILLVSTRIS -| AMICI - MEI - PERQVAM - CARI «| IMAGINEM -| AD - EXEMPLVM - CEREVM -| QVOD - HEDLINGERVS - FORMAVIT -| EX - FVLVO - FVSAM - AERE -| N - KEDERVS - ANTIQARIVS : (sic) | PERPETVITATI - DEDICO -| —|S- D:G-|* Oval about 75 mm. Bronze cast. [Hildebrand p. goo; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 183, 1.) Description taken from latter source. Nore: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” states that this medal served as the model for No. 509 and rates it RR. 508. Obverse. Head of Hedlinger to left. Below AATOM Reverse. I + C : HEDLINGER | EQVES | CAELATOR NVM S:R:+SVEC -| NAT- IN HELVETIA MDCXCI-| IMAGINEM SVAM SCVLPSIT | QVAM CVLTRICI PROBITATIS | AC ARTIVM POSTERITATI | AMICO ADFECTV DICAT | C- V-HARLEMAN | NOBILIS SVECVS | MDCCXXXIII - (¥. C. Hedlinger). 36 mm. Bronze. [Hildebrand p. 169, 3; Num. Medd. XVII, I, Dp. 183, 2 and p. 230, 8.| Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm. PLATE 58 85 509. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. CAROLVS HARLEMAN HOLMIENSIS. With the Prussian order de la Generosité. Reverse. An obelisk with a five-pointed star on each side. Above on a ribbon CONSTANTIA ET CANDORE. Below AMICO OPTIMO DICAT | Signed 1: C+ HEDLINGER EQVES* 43 mm. Silver, bronze and white metal. |Hilde- brand p. 136, 1; Num. Med. I, p. 183, 3.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 58 510. Obverse. Coat of arms. EVA IOH: BARSSEN NAT -1679-OB-1744 In exergue AET : MEM-:OPT: MATR:- DEV | FIL: HARLEMAN - Reverse. 4 waterfall dropping into the sea in which a perch is swimming. DANT ALTA QVIETEM. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 35 mm. |Ciuvre Hedlinger, Plate 29; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 174 and p. 184, 4.| Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm. PLATE 58 Note: De Mechel in “‘CEuyre du Chevalier Hedlinger” states that the perch on the reverse is an allusion to the German word from which the name BARSSEN is derived. 511. Obverse. Bust to right. CAROL: LINNAEUS M- D> BOT: PROF: UPS: AET: 39° Signed D+F + (Daniel Fehrman). Reverse. CAROLO | GUSTAVO TESSIN | ET | IMMORTALITATI | EFFIGIEM | CAROLI LIN- NAEI | CL: EKEBLAD AND-HOPKEN | N. PALMSTIERNA | ET | C - HARLEMAN DIC -| MDCCXLVI- Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 33-35 mm. [Hildebrand p. 187; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 184, 5 and p. 250, 1.) De- scription of reverse taken from latter source. Kungliga Myntkabinettet, Stockholm. PLATE 58 Nore: Karl von Linné (1707-1778) was the famous Swedish botanist. For Tessin, Ekeblad, Hopken and Palmenstierna, see No. 514. 512. Uniface. Bust to right with peruke and in court attire and with the Swedish decoration of the North Star. Rim milled. 28 mm, Lead. (Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 184, 6.| Description taken from this source, which states that the medal is unique, and which illustrates it on Plate 36, 8. Hyckert Collection. 513. Obverse. Similar to No. 512, but with legend CAROLUS HARLEMAN LIB: BARO + Reverse. PATRONO | BONAR: ARTIUM | BENEMERENTISSIMO | CELATURA! PRIMITIAS | VENERABUNDUS | OFFERT | C:I1- WIKMAN : Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 28 mm. Bronze. [Hildebrand p. 136, 2; Num. Medd. I, p. 784, 7.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Norte: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” rates this medal R. 514. Obverse. Same as No. 509. Reverse. L- B+ ET EQV- AUR:| SUPR - AEDIF : REG - PR -| OB INGENIUM ET ARTES | SECULI SUI DECUS | OB PATRIAE STUDIUM | OPT - CIVIS | AMICO ET IMMORTAL -| TESSIN - HOPKEN -| PALMSTIERNA - EKEBLAD | D- IX: FEB- M DCC LIII-| DIC - 43mm. Silver. [Hildebrand p. 136, 3; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 184, 8.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Nore: This medal was struck by order of the men whose names appear on the reverse. Karl Gustaf Tessin (1695-1770) was a states- man and chancellor, Anders Johan Hépken (1712-1789) was chancellor of the university of Upsala, Nils Palmenstierna (1696-1766) was the Swedish minister at Copenhagen, and Klas Ekeblad occupied the same position at Madrid. 515. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke and in court attire. CAROLUS HARLEMAN L - BARO ET EQ: AUR: Signed D- F+ (Daniel Fehrman). Reverse. Three crowns in a sunburst; in the centre a five-pointed star, the royal crown above. REGIA ACADEMIA SCIENTIARVM - One of the long rays points to EN in SCIENTIARVM. Rim milled on ob- verse and reverse. 35 mm. Silver. |Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 185, 9, and p. 179, 2. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Nore: See also reverse of No. 961. 516. Obverse. Same as No. 575. Reverse. Similar to No. 575 except that there are slight variations of die in the size of the crowns ; one of the long rays points to the first 1 in SCIENTIARVM. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 34mm. Silver. (Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 185, 9a, and p. 180, ra.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Nore: See also reverse of No. 962. 517. Obverse. Same as No. 575. Reverse. A tree with the Stockholm observatory in the background. AETERNUM SIC HABET ILLE DECUS + In exergue ACAD - REG: SCIENT :| BENE MERITO|1753.- Rim milled. 33 mm. Pewter bronzed. (Hildebrand p. 136, 4; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 185, 10.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 KARL O. HARTMANN Born 1861 at Hoepfingen in Baden. After study at Freiburg and at Karlsruhe, he entered upon the career in which he has won reputation as architect, writer, and teacher. Hartmann has distinguished himself in private practice at Karls- ruhe, Baden, and Stuttgart, having erected numerous villas and schools in addition to several buildings for the government; 86 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. he also specialized to some extent in apartment houses of the better class. For over twenty years Hartmann served as inspector of the industrial school system throughout the state of Baden, being called thence for similar work to Wiirttem- berg; and later to Stuttgart as professor at the Polytechnicum. He received an honorary doctor’s degree in engineering, and has published numerous books on architecture and kindred subjects. Uniface. Head to right. REG—RAT—K - HARTMANN Signed R+ P. | 1912 (Rudolf Pauschinger). 79mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gO CONRAD WILHELM HASE Born 1818 at Einbeck; died 1902 at Hanover. He studied at the Polytechnicum in the latter city and under Gaertner in Munich, completing his professional education by travel. Hase erected the post-office and the gymnasium at Hildes- heim, the museum and the Christuskirche at Hanover, and a convent church at Loccum. Schloss Marienburg, as designed by him and completed by Oppler, is placed among the finest modern secular buildings in the gothic style. Hase was emi- nently successful in the restoration of ancient edifices, such as the Godehardi and Michaelis churches at Hildesheim and the Nicolai church at Liineburg. He was professor of architecture at Hanover for nearly fifty years, was a member of many societies, and a knight of the order of Guelf. Uniface. Bust to left in artist’s cap. Below C- W-HASE~: Above AETATIS| SVAE| 80 Signed x. c. (K. Gundelach). 80% 57mm. Bronze cast. [Mertens Cat. March 7, 1904, 2415.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 48 Nore: Mr. Adolf Bruns of Hanover advises that only a very limited number of these plaquettes were cast. THOMAS HASTINGS Born 1860 in New York City. After preliminary studies in America he completed his professional education at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Returning to New York, Hastings formed a partnership with Carrere in 1885, and together they designed many notable buildings, among the earlier ones being two churches and the hotels Alcazar and Ponce de Leon at St. Augustine. At Lakewood, N. J., the firm built Georgian Court and Laurel-in-the-Pines; while in New York City numerous structures of importance have been erected by Carrere and Hastings, among these the Public Library, the Mail and Express building, and the Frick residence. They also built many other city and country residences throughout the United States. Hastings has been decorated by the French government and made chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He has held directorships in the Federation of Fine Arts, the American Institute of Architects, the museum of French art, the National Sculpture Society, and that of the Beaux-Arts Architects. Full description of medal will be found under No. 230 (Carrere). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 29 Full description of medal will be found under No. 231 (Carrere). R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 29 ALAJOS HAUSZMANN Born 1847 in Budapest. After a course of study at the Polytechnicum and under Szkalnitzy in his native city, he went to Berlin and became a pupil of Arth and von Lucae. Returning to Budapest, where he established himself upon the completion of his studies, he erected the royal palace and courts, shown on the medal described below, a museum of in- dustrial art, headquarters for the New York Life Insurance Company, and several schools. Hauszmann built university halls at Klausenburg, hospitals in various centres, the town hall and theatre at Steinamanger, a church at Gyorna, and many private residences throughout Hungary. For many years he was professor at Budapest, being also president of the Society of Engineers and Architects, and a member of many learned societies. He received the order of the Iron Crown and the Belgian order of Leopold. Obverse. Bust to right. HAUSZMANN ALAJOS - MUEPITESZ - TANAR Signed on truncation STROBL Reverse. View of the royal palace, Budapest, with coat of arms, triangle, and laurel. Above1Qo5 Below A+ BUDAI - KIRALYI VAR -| EPITOJENEK -| A - MAGYAR - EPITOMUVESZET -|- MESTERENEK -|- A - HAZAI - MUVE- SZEK | £8 | IPAROSOK : Signed Marott 79 mm. Bronze silvered. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 61 Uniface. Head to right. Above1g22 VELENCZEI Below HAVSZMANN ALAJOS Signed in monogram ¥ 6 B (F. O. Beck). 164% 126 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 61 524. 525. 526. 527. AUGUSTUS GOODYEAR HEATON Born 1844 in Philadelphia. Early showing artistic tastes, he studied in his native country until at the age of nineteen he went to Paris. In the following year, 1864, he became a student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being the first American to register there. Returning to his native land, he established himself in Philadelphia, where he was professor at the School of Design for Women and president of the Sketch Club. Heaton has shown wide diversity of tastes and interests, being perhaps best known as a numismatist, and having held office in many numismatic societies. As an architect he designed and executed numerous private residences, principally in Philadelphia and its environs, also some bungalows and a casino in the south. He has published several collections of verse, while his painting, “The Recall of Columbus,” hangs in the capitol at Washington. Obverse. Bust to right. AUGUSTUS G~- HEATON - PRESIDENT - N - Y - NUMISMATIC CLUB - MCMXII - Signed J. M. SWANSON. McMXII Reverse. The official seal of the club. Legend - THE - NEW - YORK - NUMIS- MATIC CLUB - 4tleft ORG - DEC -| 1908 Edge. Thenumber 16 38mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. piate 62 ERNEST MICHEL HEBRARD Born 1875 in Paris. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and in the atelier of Ginain, at that time independent professor of architecture. While a pupil at the Beaux-Arts, Hébrard was three times chosen logiste; he also won numerous medals and prizes, including the prix Godebceuf, the prix Rougevin, and the prix Chenavard. Later he received the grand prix de Rome, and spent many years at the Villa Medici. Upon his return to Paris he established himself in an atelier, and became active in the Société des Architectes diplémés par le Gouvernement. Uniface. Bust to left. ERNEST HEBRARD ARCHITECTE ROME 1906 Signed on truncation P Vv. DAUTEL 103 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 60 ANTOINE JULIEN HENARD Born 1812 at Fontainebleau; died in 1887. After study under Huyot and Le Bas, Hénard entered upon a career of varied architectural activity. In Paris he designed the government library of the quai d’Orsay, had a share in the work on the hotel Carnavelet, planned the Moliére monument and was in charge of the interior finish of the Louvre and of the chateau Ferriéres. Nor was his work limited to Paris: going to Portugal he designed a monument to Dom Pedro IV at Lisbon, and another at Callao to commemorate the victory of the Chileans over the Spaniards. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, he was also the recipient of numerous medals. Portrait medallion of Hénard, Architect, executed in 1877 by Eugene André Oudiné. (Forrer IV’, p. 350.\ Description taken from this source. ALFRED NEOCLES HENNEQUIN Born at Liége in 1842, and died at Epinay in 1887. His education was pursued in his native city, where he studied engineer- ing at the school of mines; almost immediately after completing this course he received an appointment in the service of the Belgian state railways, being called from that position to Paris to collaborate in the development of the municipal traction system. The “Revue Belge” is authority for the statement that he is to be regarded as an architect. In 1874, at a special session of the Belgian Numismatic Society which convened at Liége, a jeton was presented to each member present; this jeton, showing a compass crossed by a quill pen, in addition to various insignia of the Hennequin family, has been interpreted as indicating the two dominant interests of the subject of this sketch, architecture giving way to literature. After 1875, Alfred Hennequin devoted himself almost exclusively to the writing of plays, among which may be mentioned “Le Procés Vaudarieux” and “Les Dominos roses,” these and others having been presented at Paris and elsewhere in France. Obverse. 4 shield displaying a monument with the letters \. to left and G to right. JETON DE JEU DE LA FAMILLE HENNEQUIN. Beneath the shield, a compass and a quill pen crossed. 28 mm. Bronze. (Meyer Ged. 10764; Rev. Belge 1878, p. 449.| Description taken from the latter source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 22, 5. Nore: This token was distributed at a meeting of numismatists held at Liége, May 17, 1874. 88 528. 529. 530. 531. HERMANN HERDTLE Born 1819 at Stuttgart, where he died in 1889. After completing his education he turned for a time to interior decoration and to the painting of theatre scenery, but in 1840 and largely through the influence of Steinkopf, he decided to devote himself to depicting landscapes and architectural subjects. With this in view he travelled through Italy, France, Germany, and Belgium, making careful study of the principles of design in their application to his chosen specialties. Herdtle pro- duced some admirable paintings of buildings, showing such comprehension of the subject and grasp of detail as reveal the trained architect. Examples of his best work are to be found at Rosenstein near Stuttgart. Uniface. Bust to right. Below HERMANN HERDTLE | MDCCCLXXVI— MDCCCCVI | IN VEREHRUNG SEINE EHEMALIGEN SCHULER Signed st - scHWARTzZ 178 x 132mm. \Wiener Medailleure 1911, 47.| Bronze cast. Owned by Mme. Stephan Schwartz. PLATE 98 RENE JACQUES HERMANT Born 1855 in Paris. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Vaudremer and Raulin, receiving numerous prizes, medals, and awards. The more important of his buildings are a children’s hospital on the Cote d’Azur, the Celestins barracks, several school buildings and shops, an arcade in the Champs Elysées, the concert hall of the Maison Gaveau, numerous private residences, and the chateau of Voisenon. Hermant has had an active share in many exposition buildings both national and international, including those of the Expositions Universelles of 1889 and 1900; he was also architect of the French buildings at Chicago in 1893 and at Brussels in 1897. Officer of the Legion of Honor and of public instruc- tion, he was a member of many learned societies. Uniface. Bust to right. Ina beaded circle JACQUES HERMANT ARCHITECTE 1889 Signed on truncation G DELOYE 206 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 62 JUAN ve HERRERA Born about 1530 at Mobellan de las Asturias; died 1597 in Madrid. He studied at Valladolid and also under Juan de Toledo, being his pupil, his collaborator, and finally his successor in the important work of the Escorial. Herrera stood high in favor with King Philip II, who entrusted him with many architectural commissions. He designed the church of the Escorial, the cathedral of Valladolid, the palace of Aranjuez, and the bridge of Segovia, where also he reconstructed the convent chapel of the Holy Cross. He published a treatise, “Sobre la figura cubica,” and, a few months before his death, a monograph on the Escorial, illustrated with many drawings by Pedro Perret. Obverse. IOAN - HERRERA - PHIL - II - REG - HISPP - ARCHITEC - 1578 (Facopo da Trexzo). Reverse. A female figure representing Architecture and holding the attributes of same. Columns at left, and a temple in the background. In exergue DEO ET OPT. PRINC Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 50mm. Bronze. |Armand I, p. 242, 8.| R.F.E. Collection. Bust to left. Signed IAC+TR- PLATE 70 Uniface. Bust to left. IVAN DE HERRERA ARCHIT* DE FELIPE II * REI DE LAS ESP « 42mm. Lead. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 70 GUSTAV FRIEDRICH HETSCH Born 1788 at Stuttgart; died 1864 at Copenhagen. After studying mathematics at Tiibingen he turned to architecture and went back to Stuttgart, where he became a pupil of von Etzel; then he accompanied his father, an eminent painter, to Paris, entering the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. In 1812 he returned to Stuttgart, intending to establish an atelier, but war inter- fered with the building industry and Hetsch went to Rome. There he made the acquaintance of the Danish architect, Malling, whom he accompanied to Den in a new school of ornament and desig: Hansen, whose son-in-law he eventual borg palace, recommending him for na mark and who was instrumental in securing for him an appointment as instructor n. At Copenhagen he formed a close friendship with the renowned architect, C. F. y became. Hansen turned over to Hetsch the interior decoration of the Christians- turalization as a Danish subject and for membership in the national academy. In 1835 Hetsch was appointed professor of architecture, later being made director of the school of technology. His principal achievements were ecclesiastical, including a synagogue and a Catholic church; also numerous restorations of important churches in the capital city. He compi into English and German. ed several treatises on building and decoration, of which two have been translated 89 532. 533. 534. 535. Obverse. Head to right. GUSTAV FRIEDRICH HETSCH. Below HAN VEILEDEDE HAANDVARKEREN VED KUNSTENS FORMER. Signed on truncation c: CHR: (Christen Christensen). Reverse. . Minerva seated, contemplating an owl which she holds in her hand; the attributes of architecture in the foreground. SKIONHED SKAL ADLE ARBEIDET Signed H: conr: (Harald Conradsen). In exergue MDCCCXLY. 38mm. Bronze. [Bergsoe 1059.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 52 REZSO HIKISCH Born 1876 in Budapest, he studied architecture in his native city, later continuing at Dresden his education in the plastic arts. He was a pupil of Paul Vollats. Among buildings erected by Hikisch may be mentioned the hotel Astoria and a large public school in Budapest, where he executed a monument to Queen Elisabeth of Hungary, who had died in 1903. For that city also he drew the plans for a municipal funeral hall with its crematorium, and designed a monument to Hun- garian national heroes. Although the greater part of his work has been accomplished in Budapest, his activity has not been confined to that capital; at Kiskunhalas he erected a theatre and the town hall. Hikisch is a member of the leading Hungarian and Bavarian organizations of architecture, engineering, and the fine arts. Uniface. Head to right. HIKISCH REZSO Signed in monogram ¥ 6 B (F. 0. Beck). rgomm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 59 GEORG HEINRICH FRIEDRICH HITZIG Born 1811 in Berlin; died there in 1881. He studied in his native city and in Paris, later going to Italy, where he began his architectural career by designing the Revoltella palace. Returning to Berlin, Hitzig erected the new stock exchange and the provisional Parliament building, transformed the arsenal into a museum, built the Hall of Fame with its imposing dome, and the Polytechnicum at Charlottenburg. Collaborating with Knoblauch, he designed many residences and villas, these being so numerous on one street in Berlin that its name was changed to Hitzigstrasse. He was president of the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts, member of the Academies of Munich, Vienna, Amsterdam, and Madrid, and received many decorations. Uniface. Head to left. FRIEDRICH * HITZIG * ARCHITEKT * MDCCCLXXIX Signed on truncation E. LURSSEN go mm. Bronze cast. Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 59 JOSEF HLAVKA Born 1832 at Prestitz, near Pilsen in Bohemia; died 1908 in Prague. After a course of study in engineering and architecture at the Vienna academy, Hlavka travelled extensively, both to supplement his education and to execute commissions for buildings. He visited Italy, Greece, France, Belgium, and Germany. In addition to his activity in Vienna, where he served as consulting expert to the government, Hlavka designed buildings both public and private in other places. Among these may be mentioned the lying-in hospital at Prague; and at Czernowitz the palace of the Greek bishop, the sacerdotal college, and the Catholic-Armenian church. Obverse. Bust to left. JOSEF | HLAVKA Signed a+ scuarrr Reverse. K NAROZENINAM | LXX -| VENO- VALI | PRATELE A CTITELE | XV. UNORA | MDCCCCI 67 mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 53, 361.) RE. Collection. PLATE 48 Nore: Medal struck in commemoration of the architect’s seventieth birthday, February 15, 1901. ELIAS HOLL Born 1573 at Augsburg; died there in 1646. Having first studied under his father, Hans Holl, a master-builder, the young Elias worked with him for a time before going to Italy for study and travel. While in Venice he became so strongly imbued with the spirit of the late renaissance as represented by the works of Palladio, that upon his return Holl’s architectural ideals made their impress upon the entire city. From 1602 to 1631 he held various positions under the municipality, dur- ing this time building the Zunfthaus der Bicker, the Zeughaus, the Metzgerhaus, a large hospital, as well as numerous turrets, towers, and bridges. His principal work, the Augsburger Rathaus, completed in 1620 and shown on the medal described below, had occupied all of his time for the previous five years. Holl published an autobiography in which he used his own buildings as a basis for the discussion of architectural theories and principles. Meyer has called him one of the greatest representatives of the Italian spirit in the renaissance architecture of Germany. go 536. 538. 539. Obverse. Facade of the town hall in Augsburg. RATHHAUS IN AUGSBURG. Jn exergue 1. 1. NEUSS DIR. Signed RABAUSCH F. Reverse. UNTER | D. STADTPFLEGERN | JOH. JAC. REMBOLD | UND | HIERONYMUS IMHOFF | WURDE D. GRUND Z. DIESEM | PRACHT-BAU GELEGT | D. 25. AUG. 1615. | —| D. BAU WURDE AUSGEFUHRT | UND VOLLENDET 1620, | VON | ELIAS HOLL | STADT-WERKMEISTER, | GEB. D. 28. FEBR. 1576. | GEST. D. 11. APR. 1637. 47 mm. White metal. R.J-E. Collection. PLATE 74 BP RANGIS Wi Vem EL Ol ran) Born 1869 in Providence, Rhode Island. He was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in Paris. Among structures for public service designed by him may be mentioned the county court-house in Albany, and in New York City the police headquarters, also several police stations, fire stations, and theatres. Hoppin has erected numerous city residences and country homes in New York, Baltimore, Washington, and their environs. At one time he was a lec- turer at Columbia University. He served in the National Guard during the Spanish-American war and the Mexican border disturbances, and during the world war held the position of military secretary to the Governor of New York. Hoppin is a member of the Architectural League and of the New York Sketch Club. Uniface. Bust to left in uniform and cap. On the collar the insignia of the 12th N. Y. regiment. A laurel branch below the shoulder. CAPTAIN FRANCIS L. V. HOPPIN. MCMIV. Signed cH. HAAG The words JNO. WILLIAMS. INc. | BRONZE FOUNDRY N.Y. (incised) near bottom. 300 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 76 FRANZ von HOVEN Born presumably about the middle of the nineteenth century. Little seems to be recorded concerning von Hoven’s educa- tion or his independent professional activity, which appears the more remarkable by virtue of the fact that his name is given as the senior architect with whom Ludwig von Neher collaborated in the construction of the new Rathaus. This building was erected by them at Frankfurt and completed in 1903, being illustrated on the medal described below. Obverse. Busts jugate to left of D®& ADOLF: VARRENTRAPP and D& FRANZ: ADICKES. Above coat of arms. At left ZVM: GEDACHTNIS: DER: VNTER: OBER= | BVRGERMEISTER: D& FRANZ: ADICKES: VND: | BVRGERMEISTER: D& ADOLF: VARRENTRAPP: 4 right DVRCH: FRANZ: VON: HOVEN: VND: LVDWIG: NEHER: | ERFOLGTEN: ERBAVVNG: DES: NEVEN: RAT= | HAVSES: DER STADT: FRANK figures with ropes of laurel forming frame around same. Below ERBAVT: 1901-1903 Signed in monogram J. K- (Fosef Kowarzik). Edge. The number 86 57 80mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 74 RT: AM: MAIN Signed J KOWARZIK (all lettering incised). Reverse. The new town hall, two female DEZSO pr HULTL Born 1870 at Felsébanya, in the district of Szathmar, eastern Hungary. His education at the Technische Hochschule in Budapest was supplemented by study and practical experience in the atelier of Professor Hauszmann. In Budapest he erected a monastery, school, and church for the Piarist order, also other churches, buildings for the Hungarian brewery, the Farmers’ Insurance Company, a commercial college, several palatial residences, and numerous smaller dwellings. Appointed professor at the Technische Hochschule, he was also vice-president of the Society of Hungarian Engineers and Architects, and president of the Hungarian Association of Plastic Arts. His most important book is entitled “Bernini,” and is a treatise on the history of architecture. Uniface. Head to left. DESIDERIVS DE HVLTL Signed in monogram F 6 B (F. O. Beck). 154 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 62 LOUIS JEAN HULOT Born 1871 in Paris. At the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, which he entered as one of its youngest pupils, Hulot distinguished him- self by the number of prizes and honors which were awarded to him. He was chosen logiste five times, in addition to which thirteen medals of the Beaux-Arts were won by him while a student, as also the prix Chaudesaigues, prix Leclaire, prix gl 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. Labarre, prix Blouet, prix des Architectes américains, and finally the grand prix de Rome. In 1904, his fourth year of study at the villa Medici, he spent a month visiting Greek ruins for the purpose of selecting one as the basis for his design of a restoration, as required of all holders of the prix de Rome. He finally decided upon the entire town of Sélinonte in Sicily; the drawings which he sent to Paris were so remarkable as to be held worthy of reproduction in book form, with text by Gustave Fougéres, professor at the Sorbonne: an imposing volume of three hundred pages, royal folio. Hulot has been active and eminent as an architect in private practice in Paris. Uniface. Head to right. JEAN | HVLOT | ARCHITECTE | ROME | 1905 Signed P v. DAUTEL 97 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 60 RICHARD MORRIS HUNT Born 1828 at Brattleboro, Vermont; died 1895 at Newport, Rhode Island. His courses of study under Darier in Geneva and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris were followed immediately by a commission from Napoleon III for work on the Louvre. Returning to America in 1855, Hunt opened an office in New York City and entered upon a career crowned with success and honor. He erected the Tribune building, the Presbyterian Hospital, and many residences, including those for the Vanderbilt, Gerry, and Astor families. Among important buildings designed and executed by him outside of New York, may be mentioned the National Observatory in Washington, the administration building for the World’s Fair of 1893 in Chicago, and the Fogg museum at Harvard. He received countless honors and distinctions in America and abroad; chevalier of the Legion of Honor, honorary member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris and of the order of S. Luca in Rome, he also received the Queen’s gold medal from the British Institute. The Affiliated Arts Societies erected a monu- ment to him in New York, opposite the old Lenox Library which he had designed. On one of the Vanderbilt houses there was the statue of a workman with mallet and chisel, the head of the figure being a portrait of Hunt. Uniface. Bust to right, ornamented rim. A+ D- 1891 + RICH: MORRIS: HUNT: Signed KARL BITTER SCULPTOR On truncation HENRY BONNARD BRONZE CO | NEW YORK I8g1 (all lettering incised). 620 mm. Bronze cast. Archi- tectural League of New York. PLATE 62 Nore: Copy of a medallion which was set in the wall of “Marble House,” the Vanderbilt residence at Newport, R. I. CHARLES EDWARD HUTCHINSON Born in the latter part of the eighteenth century, probably in or near Birmingham. The first authenticated information concerning Hutchinson is to the effect that he became a pupil of Thomas Rickman in 1818; three years later he was ad- mitted to partnership. This firm specialized in ecclesiastical architecture, as mentioned in the biographical note on the senior architect, found elsewhere in this work. Hutchinson collaborated with Rickman on St. Peter’s Church, Birmingham, and on St. George’s Church in the same city, having an important share in the designing of churches at Hampton Lucy, Glasgow, Mellor, and Darwen, as also in the restoration of Rose Castle, the seat of the Bishop of Carlisle. His architec- tural career was a relatively short one, as he died in 1831, ten years after his admission to partnership with Rickman. Full description of medal will be found under No. 831 (Rickman). PLATE 86 Full description of medal will be found under No. 832 (Rickman). PLATE 86 LUDWIG JAMBOR Born 1869 in Budapest. After study at the Polytechnicum of his native city, where he was awarded the gold medal and the travelling scholarship of the Society of Engineers and Architects, Jambor visited many countries. On his return to Budapest he associated himself with Zoltan Balint, in collaboration with whom he built the assembly room at Szathmar, a school at Nagykanizsa, the synagogue in Budapest-Lipotvaros, the town hall of the district of Hajdiner, a parish house for the Reformed Church at Debrecz, and many private residences in Budapest. In collaboration, Balint and Jambor also de- signed the Hungarian section for the Paris Exposition of 1900, for which the grand prix was awarded to them jointly. Jambor was appointed a member of the Hungarian national ministry of architecture. Full description of medal will be found under No. 38 (Balint). R.F.E. Collection. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. GEORGES FERNAND JANIN Born 1880 at Nimes; died 1912 in Rome. In his nineteenth year he went to Paris and began his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, later gaining practical experience under Laloux, the famous architect of the Orsay palace. In spite of his youth, Janin distinguished himself as a student at the Beaux-Arts, winning many medals and prizes, among these the second grand prix, the prix Rougevin, and the prix Stillman. Uniface. Bust to left. F. JANIN. Near bottom at left ROMA | MCMXII Signed M. DAMMANN 155% 725mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 69 WYNAND JANSSENS Born 1827 in Brussels. Little is definitely known concerning his early life or education, except that he studied both archi- tecture and engineering, probably in his native city, where most of his work was accomplished. There he designed the pub- lic baths of the rue des Tanneurs and several mercantile buildings. In Brussels also Janssens erected the Masonic temple which is commemorated on the medal described below. He wrote a treatise dealing with the construction of schoolhouses and having special reference to the problems of heating and ventilation; this book was illustrated by drawings for model schools of various types. Obverse. Head of Leopold I to left. LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES. Below XIX ANNIVERSAIRE | DE LINDEPENDANCE NATIONALE. Signed veyrat Fr. Reverse. 4 large building with interior court. CITE OUVRIERE A IXELLES. In exergue W. JANSSENS ARCH.| POSE DE LA PE PIERRE | LE XXIII SEPT. | M+ D- CCC XLIX. Rim ornamented on obverse and reverse. 37mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 61 Obverse. Female figure, the attributes of masonry at her feet, standing between two pedestals bearing the letters J B (Foseph Pierre Braemt). Above R.. 0 DES AMIS PHILANTHROPES Below OR... DE BRUXELLES Reverse. SOU- VENIR | DE | RECONNAISANCE | AU|T..C.. F... | W.. JANSSENS | ARCHITECTE Below, branches of laurel. Legend ERECTION D’UN TEMPLE MACONNIQUE. 5870 (Hamburg. Zirkel Corr. II,277.| 47 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 61 CENMUPSIRIET OI, (JAIPIS IL Ibe Born 1783 in Venice, where he died in 1852. Following his study of architecture and engineering at Bologna, and under Selva in Venice, Japelli was called to Padua and entered upon an active career. There he drew the plans for the university and executed a monument to Palladio, building the Pedrocchi restaurant and the Giacomini palace. His greatest archi- tectural achievement was unquestionably the Teatro Nuovo, the medal described below being issued in 1847 to commemo- rate his work in connection with this structure. Japelli laid out extensive gardens at Bassano, Cremona, and Rome; he belonged to many Italian societies and was a corresponding member of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Obverse. Head to right. NELL’ ARTE SUA COME AQUILA VOLA Below GIUS - IAPELLI ING : ARCHI- TETTO Signed F+PuTINATI Reverse. Inscription PEL RICOSTRUITO | TEATRO NUOVO | PADOVA | MDCCCXLVII Below, a theodolite and drawing instruments. 57 mm. Silver. [Ratto Cat., Aug. 1914, 5392.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 41 H. JASSOY Little seems to be recorded concerning the life and career of this German architect, despite the fact that he had attained a sufficiently high reputation to be entrusted with the erection of the Rathaus at Stuttgart, an undertaking in which he was associated with Johannes Vollmer, whose biography will be found in this work. The Rathaus, which was built during the years 1899 to 1905 and has been called a masterpiece of architecture, is shown on the medal described below. Obverse. View of the old town hall at Stuttgart. DAS ALTE STURZT, ES ANDERT SICH DIE ZEIT. In exergue ALTES RATHAUS | 1468-1899 Reverse. View of the new town hall. * UND NEUES LEBEN BLUHT AUS DEN RUINEN. ERBAUT | UNTER DEN | OBERBURGERM. | RUMELIN vu. GAUSS | DURCH DIE | PROFESSOREN | H. JASSOY | vu. J. VOLLMER | 1899-1905 In exergue NEUES RATHAUS | STUTTGART Signed MAYER & WILHELM ST. 60mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 87 93 CHARLES JAUBERT 550. Uniface. Bust to left. CHARLES JAUBERT ARCHITECTE Signed crrsse ALBAZzI 1900 768 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 42 THOMAS JEFFERSON Born 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia; died 1826 at Monticello. Early in life he showed his interest in sculpture and architecture by study of the classical models in both fields; his desire for a political career developed somewhat later. Having served successively as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and of the Continental Congress, he was chosen in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence. During the decade, 1779-1789, Jefferson devoted his time to his political responsi- bilities, being successively Governor of Virginia, Member of Congress, and Minister to France. Later he was Secretary of State and Vice-President, and in 1801 was elected Pr iana Purchase referred to on many of his medals was one of the outstanding events of his administration. It is due to sident of the United States, holding office for two terms. The Louis- Jefferson’s critical taste in sculpture that Houdon obtained the commission for the statue of Washington at Richmond; but whereas in sculpture Jefferson ranks as a highly cultivated amateur, in building and engineering he had the knowledge of the professional. As architect of the University of Virginia, he made the details which have been preserved to this day, the drawings bearing in his own hand specific instructions to the carpenters and other artisans. Jefferson also built Monti- cello, his beautiful home in Virginia, which is depicted on one of the medals, executing all the plans and elevations. Shortly efore his death he began work on the design for an astronomical observatory at Charlottesville. It is to be regretted that his ability as an architect is not more generally known. To him are attributed certain features of the White House and the Capitol at Washington; also the classic revival as applied to public buildings and private dwellings throughout the country. His activity in his chosen avocation has been treated exhaustively in two books of recent date, “Thomas Jefferson as an Architect,” by William Alexander Lambeth, M. D., and Warren H. Manning, and “Thomas Jefferson, Architect,” the atter an authoritative volume by Dr. Fiske Kimball. 551. Obverse. Bust to left, with wig and in the garb of the period. TH. JEFFERSON PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. 4. MARCH 1801 Signed on truncation in monogram J RX. Reverse. A rock inscribed CONSTITU | TION Liberty holding a scroll, an eagle carrying a wreath. At right, attributes of peace and war. Legend UNDER HIS WING IS PROTECTION Jn exergue TO COMMEMORATE | JULY 4 1776 45 mm. Pewter. (Satterlee 5. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 63 Nore: This medal is attributed to Johann Matthias Reich, a German medallist who emigrated to America in 1800 and settled in Philadelphia. His bust of Jefferson has apparently served as a model for many of the later medals. 552. Obverse. Bust to left, with wig and in the garb of the period. TH. JEFFERSON PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. A.D. 1801 Reverse. Clasped hands, above which a pipe and a tomahawk crossed. Legend PEACE | AND | FRIENDSHIP rormm. Siler. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 63 Nore: The medal is made of two silver shells which are held together by a collar, and there is a loop and ring for suspension. This medal is a specimen of what are known as “Indian Peace Medals.” They bore the portraits of early Presidents of the United States and were given to friendly Indians. A description of these medals will be found in W. S. Baker’s “Medallic Portraits of Wash ton,” page 81. The subject has further been treated exhaustively by Bauman L. Belden in a work entitled “Indian Peace Medals Issued in the United States.” 553. Obverse and reverse same as No. 552. 100 mm. Bronze. [Satterlee 4.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 63 Not s medal and Nos. 554 and 555 are early mint restrikes of Indian Peace Medals. 554. Obverse. Similar to No. 552. There are three buttons on waistcoat instead of four. Reverse. Similar to No. 553. 75 mm. Bronze. (Satterlee g.| R.f. Collection. PLATE 63 Nore: In theR.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen with slight variations in the die, particularly in the lettering, and with a very heavy flan. : 555. Obverse. Similar to No. 552. There are two buttons on waistcoat instead of four. Reverse. Similar to No. 553. 52 mm. Bronze and pewter. (Satterlee 4.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 63 Nore: Both the bronze and the pewter medal show a crack in the die between the letters R and I in FRIENDSHIP on the reverse. There is also in the R.J.E. Collection another specimen in pewter, 50 mm., without the crack and apparently struck at an earlier period. 556. Obverse. THE DECLARATION | OF | INDEPENDENCE | WAS ADOPTED | JULY 411776 Reverse. JE FERSON, | WAS ITS | HONORED AUTHOR | & | ADAMS, | THE | PILLAR | OF ITS SUPPORT Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 19 mm. Silver, bronze, and brass. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 94 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. Obverse. Bust to left, with wig and in the garb of the period. TH. JEFFERSON BORN AP. 2.1743. DIED JULY 4, 1826 Reverse. The shield of the United States between branches of laurel. TO COMMEMORATE JULY 41776 Edge milled. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 19 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 Obverse. Busts of the first eight Presidents in circular frames, with name over each. Reverse. In a wreath of roses FIRST PRESIDENT | GEORGE WASHINGTON | SECOND | JOHN ADAMS | THIRD | THOMAS JEFFERSON | FOURTH | JAMES MADISON | FIFTH | JAMES MUNROE (sic) | SIXTH | JOHN QUINCY ADAMS | SEVENTH | ANDREW JACKSONS (sic) | EIGHTH | MARTIN VAN BUREN | — (signature illegible). 46 mm. White metal. [Baker 227.]| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Nore: Baker gives the signature as W. H. BRIDGENS NEW. YORK. Obverse. Bust facing left, in the garb of the period. 184.8 * JEFFERSON SOCIETY * Below LOUISVILLE, KY. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel engraved inscription 1879. | H. H. SENG. | 1899. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 37 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64. Obverse. 4 square, subdivided into smaller ones and showing certain combinations of numbers. At the bottom of the square AARON WHITE, | NEW BOSTON CONN. | JAN. 1. 1863. PRICE 25 CTS. 4 left JEFFERSON | BORN | OCT. 2. 1743 | DIED | JULY 4. 1826 4ttop FRANKLIN | BORN | JAN. 17, 1706 | DIED | APR. WA 1790 Atright WASHINGTON | BORN | FEB. 22.1732] DIED! DEC. 14.1799. 4¢ bottom LAFAYETTE | BORN | SEPT. 6.1757 | DIED | MAY 19. 1834. Reverse. Calendar for the year 1863, in a square similar to that on obverse. At left EMANCIPATION | JAN. 1.1863 4¢top CALENDAR | FIG. DAY | CHANGE YEARLY 4 right INDEPENDENCE | JULY 4. 1776. At bottom CONSTITUTION | MARCH 4. 1789. 39 mm. Brass. RFE. Collection. PLATE 64 Obverse. Bust to right, with wig and in the garb of the period, in a closed wreath of roses. Legend THOMAS JEFFERSON, THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES Signed Gc. H.L. N.Y. (George Hampden Lovett). Reverse. View of Monticell. MONTICELLO, THE SEAT OF THOMAS JEFFERSON Signed G.H.L. N.Y. 34 mm. Bronze. [Satterlee 6.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 Nore: One of a series of medals, executed by Lovett, of homes of the Presidents of the United States. Obverse. Bust to right, with wig and in the garb of the period. JEFFERSON Signed BoLEN. Reverse. THOMAS JEF- FERSON. 382 PRESIDENT. U. S. Inscription EQUAL | AND | EXACT JUSTICE | TO | ALL MEN. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 25 mm. Silver, brass, and bronze. [Bolen 26.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Nore: The obverse of this medal exists muled with the obverse of No. 563 and with the obverse of No. 564. It has been stated that these are the only mules by Bolen himself, though others are common. Obverse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. Head of Liberty to left, over her shoulder a pike, surmounted by a Phrygian cap. LIBERTAS AMERICANA Jn exergue 4 JUIL 1776. Signed on truncation BoLEN Rim milled. 25 mm. Brass. [Reverse, Bolen 30.) Description taken from this source. Nore: Loubat in his “‘Medallic History of the United States of America” states that the original of the Libertas Americana medal was executed by the French sculptor Augustin Dupré in 1783 under the direction of Benjamin Franklin, ambassador to the court of France. Bolen’s signature on the truncation of the head of Liberty is unwarranted. Obverse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. Togated bust of Washington to right, with wig. WASHINGTON Signed BOLEN Rim milled. 25 mm. White metal. [Baker 222; Reverse, Bolen 25.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Nore: George Washington (1732-1799) was the first President of the United States. Obverse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. Bust of Andrew Fackson to right. JACKSON Signed BOLEN Rim milled. 25mm. Brass. (Reverse, Bolen 27.| American Numismatic Society. PLATE 64 Nore: Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) was the seventh President of the United States. . Obverse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. Head of Daniel Webster to right. WEBSTER Signed BOLEN Rim milled. 25mm. Brass, bronze, and bronze silvered. (Reverse, Bolen 29.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Nore: Daniel Webster (1782-1852) was a famous American statesman and orator. \o nA 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. Obyerse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. Bust of Abraham Lincoln to right. LINCOLN Signed BOLEN Rim milled. 25 mm. White metal. (Reverse, Bolen 28; Lincoln in Numismatics 868.| Description taken from these sources. Norte: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was the sixteenth President of the United States. Obverse. Same as No. 562. Reverse. JEFFERSON | INSURANCE | COMPANY | CAPITAL $200,000. | SUR- PLUS 300,000. | 111 BROADWAY | NEW YORK. Rim milled. 25 mm. White metal. Proskey Collection. PLATE 64 Obverse. The American eagle, with sunburst, thirteen stars, and shield. E PLURIBUS UNUM on a scroll. Signed BRICHAUT DIR. Reverse. THOS JEFFERSON | 1801 in a circle of twenty-four stars. 30mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 65 Note: One of a series of medals of presidents of the United States, from Washington to Hayes inclusive. They were issued in 1878 by Auguste Brichaut, of Brussels. Obverse. Bust of Cleveland to left. GROVER CLEVELAND Below PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Re- verse. 4 crowing cock surrounded by busts of Fefferson, Cleveland, Fackson, and Tilden in circular frames, with dates and inscriptions. Above A PUBLIC | OFFICE | IS A PUBLIC | TRUST Below WASHINGTON MAR: 4. 1893 44mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 67 Nore: Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) was the seventh, and Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) the twenty-second President of the United States. Samuel J. Tilden (1804-1886) was the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1876. Obverse. Head of Columbus to right in a closed wreath of laurel. * THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 1492 * WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO 1892-1893 Reverse. Head of Washington in an oval, surrounded by busts of twenty-two presidents of the United States with name under each. A circlet of stars and flags above. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4 bottom PAT. APPLIED FOR. Signed RYDEN 455mm. Lead bronzed. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 ed WORLDS FAIR CHICAGO 1893 Reverse. Similar to No. 571 but the flags in the circle of stars and the words pat. APPLIED FOR and Obverse. Similar to No. 571 except that the wreath is of oak and there is a band woven into it insc RYDEN are omitted. 31mm. Aluminum. (Lincoln in Numismatics 512.)| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Obverse. Busts of McKinley and Hobart jugate to left. G. A. HOBART. WM M°KINLEY. 4 /e/t AM RY SUPPLY CO. ny. Reverse. Similar to No.572. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 35mm. Bronze. [Lincoln in Numismatics 879.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 64 Nore: William McKinley (1843-1901) was the twenty-fifth President of the United States. Garret A. Hobart (1844-1899) was Vice- President during part of McKinley’s first term and died in office. Obverse. Busts of Fefferson, Fackson, and Bryan jugate to left. JEFFERSON - JACKSON - BRYAN Reverse. The Liberty Bell. Outer legend NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Below * JULY 4. 1900+ Inner legend A REPUBLIC AGAINST AN EMPIRE Inscription on bell IN PHILADA BY | PASS AND STOW | PHILAD4 | MDCCLIIL 43 mm. Bronze and white metal. R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 65 Nore: Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) was the seventh President of the United States. William J. Bryan (1860-1925) was the Demo- cratic candidate for the presidency in 1896, 1900, and 1908. Obverse. Busts of Napoleon and Fefferson jugate to left. — NAPOLEON SOLD IT— APRIL 307 — JEFFERSON BOUGHT IT— Below 1803 Reverse. Monogram US composed of a horseshoe and scroll, a four-leaved clover and seven stars above, seven stars below. Inscription on the scroll ST. LOUIS | 1903-4 | EXPOSITION Ox the horse- shoe GOOD LUCK Legend LOUISIANA PURCHASE Below STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER 4 left PAT’D At right 1903 Edge milled. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 36 mm. Bronze and aluminum. RFE. Collec- tion. PLATE 66 Obverse. Bust of Fefferson, in court attire, facing right in a circle with an ornamental border of laurel. Reverse. Bust of Napoleon, in uniform, facing left, the ornamental border being the same as on the obverse. Both sides of medal are engraved. 33 mm. Bronze silvered. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 66 96 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. Obverse. Busts of Napoleon and Fefferson jugate to left, a palm branch at each side. * BONAPARTE * JEFFERSON - Below 1803-1903 Reverse. In a wreath of laurel * | LOUISIANA | CENTENNIAL | DECEMBER 207 | — 1903—1|* Legend LOUISIANA, MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, IOWA, MINNESOTA, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, N. DAKOTA, S. DAKOTA, MONTANA, COLORADO, OKLAHOMA, WYOMING, INDIAN -: TERITORY - (sic) Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 52 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 66 Nore: The portrait on this medal was apparently taken from St. Memin’s engraving of Jefferson, and undoubtedly portrays his fea- tures more accurately than is the case with the somewhat idealized portraits in general use. Obverse. Bust to left, with wig and in the garb of the period, in a wreath of laurel, the shield of the United States below. Signed on truncation M.S. Reverse. Horn of plenty and rising sun ; ornamented field with inscription DEDICATION | CERE- MONIES | LOUISIANA PURCHASE | EXPOSITION | ST. LOUIS U. S. A.| APRIL 30.1! 1903 38 mm. Lead gilt. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 Obverse. Bustto left, with wig and in the garb of the period. TRIBUTE TO THE AUTHOR OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Below -1776- Reverse. THE THOS. JEFFERSON MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES —1903 — Inscription WE HOLD THESE | TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT | THAT ALL MEN | ARE CREATED EQUAL | THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY | THEIR CREATOR WITH | CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS | THAT AMONG THESE | ARE LIFE LIBERTY AND | THE PURSUIT OF | HAPPINESS 38 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 Obverse. Similar to No. 579. Reverse. Similar to No. 579. Slight variations in both. 76mm. Bronze. [Cat. U. S. Mint, Phila., 1914, p. 391, 376.| Description taken from this source. National Museum, Washington. Nore: “The American Journal of Numismatics,” 1903, Vol. XX XVII, page 109, mentions four dies in honor of Jefferson after designs supplied by the Thomas Jefferson Association. Mr. T. L. Comparette, curator at the Philadelphia mint, writes under date of July 23, 1919, that this statement is misleading, that the four dies refer to the obverse and reverse of No. 579 and the obverse and reverse of No. 580. Obverse. Bust facing left. ST. LOUIS 1904 Below * JEFFERSON * ** Reverse. Bust of Napoleon to left. + SOU- VENIR WORLDS FAIR~ Below-NAPOLEON- 37 mm. Aluminum. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 67 Norte: This medal was issued as a souvenir of the World’s Fair and is usually found in the form of a watch-fob. Obverse. Busts of Napoleon and Jefferson jugate to left. ** ST. LOUIS **1803 SOUVENIR 1904 Reverse. Foan of Arc on a horse, and an Indian in a canoe. * * LOUISIANA PURCHASE * * CENTENNIAL Edge milled. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 26mm. Brass gilt. Proskey Collection. PLATE 66 Obverse. Same as No. 582. Reverse. Similar to No. 582, but with slight difference in lettering, the size of the stars, etc. 26mm. Brass. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 66 Obverse. Same as No. 582. Reverse. Similar to No. 582, but with marked difference in style of lettering, the shape of the stars, etc. 26mm. Brass. Proskey Collection. PLATE 66 Obverse. Busts of Napoleon, Fefferson, and Roosevelt. IN COMMEMORATION OF LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION «1803 -1904.* Signed THE WHITEHEAD & HOAG CO NEWARK, N. J. Reverse. Busts of Adol- phus Busch, Charles H. Huttig, and David R. Francis. Above ST. LOUIS Below COMPLIMENTS OF | HUYLER’S Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 32 mm. Bronze and lead bronzed. R.F:E. Collection. PLATE 66 Note: Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) was the twenty-seventh President of the United States. David R. Francis was president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Adolphus Busch was the first chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and Charles H. Huttig was chairman of the Committee on States and Territories. 2 Obverse. Busts of Napoleon and Fefferson jugate to left. NAPOLEON —L. P. E. 1904 — JEFFERSON: monogram CC PE COPYRIGHT 1903 Reverse. In a circle of thirteen stars, a fleur-de-lis enclosing an eagle. Above 1. PE Below ST, LOUIS | 1904 WORLD’S FAIR patp 7.7.03. 29 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 66 Siened in Nore: Red, white, and blue enamel is used for the purpose of decoration on the fleur-de-lis. Obverse. Bust facing left in oval frame, and map showing the extent of the Louisiana Purchase. JEFFERSON | THE FATHER | OF THE | LOUISIANA PURCHASE Reverse. Administration Building 1904.| THE WORLD’S FAIR | 1803 — ST. LOUIS —1903 Below ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 38mm. Aluminum. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 67 588. 591. 594. on =} a Bork 598. Obverse. Busts of Fefferson and Fackson jugate to left. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION JULY 6. 1904 Below + ST. LOUIS + Under the busts JEFFERSON JACKSON Reverse. The Liberty Bell A REPUBLIC AGAINST AN EMPIRE The dell has inscribed upon it THEREOF LEV XXV V X| HOUSE IN PHILAD4 BY | PASS AND STOW | PHILAD4 | MDCCLIII. 4¢mm. Bronze and white metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLateE 65 Nore: Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) was the seventh President of the United States. This medal, with ornamental pin, ribbon, and bar bearing the name of the state, was the official badge of the delegates to the convention. The inscription on the bell is from Leviticus xxv, 10: “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” . Obverse. Bust facing left. LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION Below ST. LOUIS. Reverse. 4 » of the Cascade Gardens. WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS | CASCADE GARDENS In exergue 1904 37 mm. Bronze silvered. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 67 . Obverse. Busts of Napoleon and Fefferson jugate to left. LOUISIANA - PURCHASE - EXPOSITION Below + OF- FICIAL - SOUVENIR : Reverse. 4 map of the United States showing the extent of the LOUISIANA PURCHASE Above LOUISIANA TERRITORY | 1803 | 1,000,000. SQUARE MILES | $15,000,000. Below S? LOUIS and brass. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 65 1904 Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 34mm. Silver, bron: Obverse. Heads of Napoleon and Fefferson in a fleur-de-lis formed of leaves, an eagle above, a cartouche with date below. Re- verse. THE | LOUISIANA | PURCHASE | EXPOSITION | ST. LOUIS | 1904 in a wreath of laurel. Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 14mm. Bronze gilt. American Numismatic Society. PLATE 65 . Uniface. Busts of Fefferson, Washington, and Lincoln. NATIONAL PROGRESSIVE CONVENTION | CHICAGO 1912 On the back is a small shield and THE WHITEHEAD & HOAG CO. NEWARK.N. J. 47% 42 mm. Brass s American Numismatic Society. Note: George Washington (1732-1799) was the first President and Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) the sixteenth President of the United States. . Uniface. Similar to No. 592 except that the inscription reads PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL CONVENTION and the date is 191 6 The name of the manufacturer on the back is slightly smaller. 47 x 42mm. Brass. \Lincoln in Numismatics 447-\ American Numismatic Society. PLATE 65 Nore: Nos. 592 and 593 were used as badges and were suspended from a bar marked DELEGATES. Uniface. Bust of Fefferson facing left and in a frame. An eagle is perched above, laurel branches below. THOMAS JEF- FERSON (On a scroll NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION On the back THE WHITEHEAD & HOAG CO. NEWARK, N. J. 58x42 mm. Bronze. Proskey Collection. PLATE 66 Nore: The wings of the eagle are suspended from a bar with the word TAMMANY in gilt on dark blue enamel; a five-pointed star at each side. Above is the coat of arms of the United States; thirteen gold stars on dark blue enamel, thirteen stripes of red and white enamel; below on a ribbon BALTIMORE 1912. . Obverse. Bust facing left. Legend * THIRD ANNUAL DRAWING COMPETITION * Below JOHN WANA- MAKER Jnmer legend THOMAS JEFFERSON THIRD PRESIDENT Reverse. Jn a wreath of laurel THIRD ANNUAL | CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS | DRAWING COMPETITION | 1914 | JOHN WANAMAKER | NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PARIS | LONDON 37 mm. White metal. Proskey Collection. PLATE 67 Norte: John, Wanamaker (1838-1922), a prominent merchant in Philadelphia, was Postmaster-General of the United States during the ration of President Harrison. ¥ Unifa é: Bust facing ieft. * JEFFERSONIAN CLUB * Below 1916 Rim milled. 35.33 mm. Brass. Proskey Col- lection. ~ PLATE 67 Obverse. Bust to left, in wig and in garb of the period. TH. JEFFERSON Reverse. R. MARTIN The letters P L and others illegible ; traces of some fastening device are apparent. 21mm. Bronze silvered. Proskey Collection. PLATE 66 Uniface. Bust to left, in wig and in garb of the period. 1743 1826 Below THOS. JEFFERSON 54 x 38 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 67 98 599. 600. 601. 602. Uniface. Bust to right. Below JEFFERSON 24.5 mm. White metal. RFE. Collection. PLATE 66 Nore: The origin of Nos. 599 and 600 is not clear, but it has been stated that they were used as trial impressions from embossing dies for United States stamped envelopes. Similar specimens exist of Clay, Franklin, Jones, Lincoln, Perry, Scott, Seward, Washington, and Webster, and also of Shakespeare. These medalets are said to have been struck by Robert Snyder & Co., who were the successors of George H. Lovett in New York City. Uniface. Similar to No. 599. The lettering is larger and in a slightly different position. 23mm. White metal. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 66 Nore: The difference in size between this and No. 599 is due to the fact that the raised rim has been omitted. Obverse. Bust facing left, with wig and in the garb of the period, FRIEND OF PERSONAL LIBERTY Across the shoulder the signature of TH JEFFERSON Rim beaded. Reverse. SEND YOUR ORDERS | TO | I. A. ROSEN- HEIM & BRO|*| HUNTINGTON, W, VA| AND GET A HANDSOME | SOUVENIR FOB | PURE WHISKIES | LOWEST PRICES Signed u. ¥. GRAMMES & SONS. ALLENTOWN. PA. 49 «31 mm. Brass. Proskey Collection. PLATE 67 Nore: The above was designed to be used as a watch-fob. Uniface. Bust to right, with wig and in the garb of the period. KAUFE NICHTS WAS DU NICHT BRAUCHST UND SOLLTE ES NOCH SO WOHLFEIL SEIN. 4 right THOMAS | JEFFERSON Oval 767 x 125 mm. Bronze. [Schulman Cat, 71, 1805.) Schweizer Landesmuseum, Zurich. PLATE 67 71, 1805 ¥ i 602a. Bust to left, a branch of laurel at each side. PRESENTED BY THE | PENN NATIONAL BANK | PHILADEL- PHIA | COMMEMORATING | MY VISIT | 1924 Reverse. On a shield —-ON THIS SITE - — | ORIGI- NALLY STOOD THE DWELLING | IN WHICH | THOMAS JEFFERSON | DRAFTED THE | DECLA- RATION OF INDEPENDENCE | WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY | THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS | IN THIS CITY, JULY 4, 1776. | ERECTED, 1775. REMOVED, 1883. 25 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 66 602b. Bust similar to No. 579, in a circle of laurel. Legend THOMAS JEFFERSON CENTENNIAL - 1926 + Rim orna- mented. Reverse. AWARDED TO and space left blank for inscription. Below, trademark of the die-sinkers and STERLING Signed DIEGES & CLUST 34mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PHATE 66 602c. Obverse. Head of “Miss Liberty” to right, a rose below. Signed P. W. B. (Paul Weyland Bartlett). Reverse. LE | PRESI- 603. DENT | DE LA | REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE | A | MARGARET | BEHAN | EN COMMEMORATION | DE SES SERVICES POUR LE | JEFFERSON MEMORIAL | MONTICELLO | 14 JUILLET | 1925 | — | MISS LIBERTY Reverse engraved. Oval 52 x 39 mm. Gold. Owned by Miss Behan. PLATE 66 Note: The above is reproduced from the original gold medal presented by the President of France to Miss Margaret Behan on Bas- tille day, July 14, 1925. Miss Behan was instrumental in securing funds, in the City of New York, for the Thomas Jefferson Me- morial Foundation. Having raised a larger sum than any of the women who conducted similar efforts in other cities, and who were sent as official delegates on a patriotic pilgrimage to Paris, Miss Behan received the title of “Miss Liberty” and the gold medal. This medal has a further interest in that it was Mr. Bartlett’s contribution to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation and probably the last which he designed prior to his death. i FRANCIS YEATES JOANNES Born 1876 at Green Bay, Wisconsin. From Cornell University he received the degree of B. Arch. in 1900, and won a grad- uate fellowship. Later he went to Paris for specialized work at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts; while there he won the Jean Le- clair prize, and in 1906 received the diploma of the Ecole. Immediately upon his return to America, Joannes became asso- ciated with Francis H. Kimball, and for five years acted as designer in the erection of numerous structures of the office- building and bank-building type. Hereupon followed a period of two years as manager for Donn Barber, after which Joannes established himself temporarily in Canada, where, as associate in the firm of Ross and MacDonald, he de- voted his time to the construction of railway hotels and termini. Returning to his own country in 1915, he has developed his practice along the lines of private residences and factories, as well as the warehouses for the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company. Joannes is a member of the Société des Architectes Diplémés, of the American Institute of Archi- tects, and of the Beaux-Arts Society. Uniface. Bust to left. Below FRANCIS-Y-JOANNES-ARCHITECT Signed JEAN-CAMUS PARIS 1926 237 « I7T “3/ mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 69 Oe) 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. THOMAS ROBERT JOHNSON Born 1872 at Toronto; died 1915 in New York City. He attended art and technical schools in his native city, where he later studied under Lenox and where he won for himself a reputation as a draughtsman and designer of rare taste and ability. In 1896 he went to New York and remained there until his death, during the greater part of this time holding a position in the office of Cass Gilbert. Johnson was a member of the Architectural Society of Toronto and of the Architectural League of New York. Obyerse. Bust to left. THOMAS - ROBERT - JOHNSON Signed v. Riccl. Reverse. 4n inverted wreath of laurel en- closing inscription IN MEMORY OF | THOMAS ROBERT JOHNSON | ARCHITECT | BORN TORONTO | MARCH 11 1872 | DIED NEW YORK | MARCH 30 1915 76mm. Bronze cast. R.FE. Collection. PuaTE 48 Uniface. Same as obverse of No. 60g. 288 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 48 JULES JEAN BAPTISTE vs JOLY Born 1788 at Montpellier; died 1865 in Paris. At the conclusion of his preparatory education, he went to Paris to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Delespine and Delagardette, and where he won the prix départe- mental. At first de Joly divided his interest and his activities equally between architecture and the industrial arts, es- pecially lithography, and organized two large expositions of industrial arts at the Louvre; later he devoted himself al- most exclusively to construction and design. His first work of importance was the rebuilding of the offices for the na- tional ministry of public education, this being followed by the restoration of the ancient chamber of deputies, a work commemorated by the medal described below. His success was so marked as to win for him the appointment as archi- tect in charge of transforming the Bourbon palace into the official seat of the French government. This stupendous un- dertaking, which included remodelling the presidential mansion and connecting it with the chamber of deputies, occupied him for many years. De Joly compiled treatises on ornamentation and bas-reliefs, writing also “Historique du palais Bourbon.” He received the cross of the Legion of Honor. Obverse. Head of Charles X to left. CHARLES X ROI DE FRANCE ET DE NAVARRE Signed GAYRARD F. Reverse. Facade of a building. Legend RECONSTRUCTION - DE: LA: SALLE - DES : SEANCES - DE - LA: CHAMBRE - DES: DEPUTES Below POSE: DE- LA- I8® PIERRE: PAR-S-> E- | LE- MINISTRE - DE - VINTERIEUR | COMTE - DE - LA: BOURDONNAYE | IV - NOVEMBRE + MDCCCXXIX | DE - JOLY - ARCHITECTE 57 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 72 ZSIGMOND JONAS Born 1879 in Budapest. He was educated in his native city, where he established himself in independent practice and where he began his architectural career by erecting the headquarters of the Anglo-Austrian bank. Among other buildings designed by Jonas may be mentioned those of Goldberger, Arany-Janos, Tolnai Vilaglapja, and Szénasy-Barczai. Uniface. Head to right. JONAS ZSIGMOND Signed in monogram ¥ 6 B (F. O. Beck). 135mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 62 INIGO JONES Born 1573 in London; died there in 1652. His early bent was toward landscape painting, but later he turned to archi- tecture. At the beginning of his career he went to Italy and there received important commissions for work, notably for a palace in Venice and for the facade of the cathedral at Leghorn. His fame spread to Denmark, and the king, Chris- tian IV, invited him to visit that country. On his return to England, Inigo Jones was appointed court architect, later surveyor of public works and inspector of royal buildings to James I. He built the new palace at Whitehall, the ban- queting room of which is shown on the medal, Lincoln’s Inn chapel, the famous portico of old St. Paul’s, and was in charge of the reconstruction of that cathedral in 1631. His name is associated with many country estates and with ar- rangements for court festivals and masques, and he it was who first employed in England mechanism for shifting stage scenery. Uniface. Three-quarter bust, with long hair and cap, broad falling collar, and buttoned doublet. Oval, 69% 56 mm. Bronze cast. [Med. Ill. I, p. 397; 24.| British Museum. PLATE 68 Nore: “Medallic Illustrations” states that this medal, though not contemporaneous, is extremely rare. ioe) 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. Uniface. Bust similar to No. 608. INIGO IONES « ARCHITECTUS Signed 1+ KIRK*+ F AET+ 16 32mm. Lead. [Med. Ill. I, p. 398, 25.) British Museum. PLATE 68 Nore: “Medallic Illustrations” states that this medal is very rare and that “it is probable that a very few only of these medals were struck as presents to the artist’s friends.” Uniface. Three-quarter length figure of Inigo Fones in the garb of the period, holding a drawing in his left hand. An orna- mental border surrounds the medal. 92 mm. Silver, chased. [Murdoch Sale 1904, 166; Libbecke 253; missing in Med. Lil) RFE. Collection. PLATE 68 Nore: This medal was originally bought by Spink from Helbing, of Munich, for Mr. Murdoch. At the Murdoch sale it went into the Lébbecke Collection; when this was sold it was bought by Hess, of Frankfort, on commission for an English buyer, who eventually put it into Christie's. Here Spink bought it, later disposing of it to the present owner. There is no specimen in the British Museum and the authorities seem to be agreed that it is unique. Obverse. Bust to left, with cap and broad collar. YNIGO JONES Signed C. F. CARTER F. Reverse. The facade of the Banqueting House, Whitehall. In exergue BANQUETING HOUSE | WHITEHALL | 1616. Edge. ART-UNION OF LONDON 1849 54mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 68 Ce Nore: In the R.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen without edge inscription. These medals belong to a series portraying painters, sculptors, and architects, and were published by the Art-Union of London in the nineteenth century. GERRIT JOHANNES pve JONGH Born 1845 at Willemstad, in southwestern Holland; died 1917 in Rotterdam. He studied engineering and architecture, devoting his time to fortifications and other forms of military construction while holding rank as an officer in the Dutch army. Subsequently de Jongh built numerous residences in Rotterdam and its environs; later still, and following his appointment to the directorship of public works for that city, he erected several large schools, including the institute at Steenbeck and the Latin school at Rotterdam, also other buildings of public utility. For over thirty years he was active in this service for the municipality, and upon his retirement in 1910 received from the citizens of Rotterdam the medal which is described below. His advice as an expert was sought by the authorities of St. Petersburg, as also by the city of Sourabaia in India, to which he was called in tg09. De Jongh was decorated commander of the order of the Lion of the Netherlands, and was a member of the national parliament. Obverse. Bust to left. GERRIT JOHANNES DE JONGH 1879-1910 Signed TOON DupuIS Reverse. Vessels in the harbor of Rotterdam, with plan of same in relief below; coat of arms in centre. Si NON NOBIS SALTEM POSTERIS Signed WIENECKE 90 mm. Zwierzina Collection. PLATE 76 Nore: This medal was given to De Jongh in 1910 when he retired from office as Director of Public Works in Rotterdam. DAVID VALENTIN JUNK Obverse. Bust facing left. DAVID VALENTIN JUNK *10 - OCTOBER 1871-1896 * (Heinrich Fauner). Re- verse. Bust facing right. WILHELMINE JUNK GEBORENE KLIER *10+ OCTOBER 1871-1896 * Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 31 mm. Silver. (Mitth. Mz. und Med. Freunde 1897, p- 155.| Bundessammlung, Vienna. PLATE 85 KARL KAISER Born 1833 in Vienna, and died near there at Inzersdorf in 1895. Early recognized with favor at the Austrian court, he entered into intimate relationship with the young Archduke Maximilian, brother of Francis Joseph. At the time of the French influence in Mexico, about 1863, a party of Mexican nobles supported by Napoleon III offered the throne to Maxi- milian. He accepted, and immediately sent for Kaiser, who spent three years, 1864~1867, in building and restoring the palaces of Mexico City under the direction of the new emperor. After the execution of the latter, following a republican uprising, Kaiser returned to Vienna, where he established himself, entering upon a new and successful phase of his career. This later activity consisted in the restoration of numerous medieval castles and palaces, including Auersberg, Lichten- stein, Kreuzenstein, and Seebarn on the Danube. Uniface. Bust to right, no inscription. Executed by Anton Scharff in 1886. 83 mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 22, 128. Bundessammlung, Vienna. PLATE 70 Nore: Von Loehr gives the size of the medal as 100 mm. IolI 615. 616. 617. JAKOB van KAMPEN Born about 1595 at Haarlem; died in 1657 at Randenbroek. After his education in painting and architecture, van Kampen established himself in Amsterdam. The medals described below depict the Stadhuis, of which he was the architect. He built a hunting-lodge for himself near Amersfoort, and erected many private mansions, including Kog- manshaus in Amsterdam, the Huygens residence at The Hague, that of Baron Zuylichem at Voorburg, a manor house at Ryswyk, and numerous other residences. Van Kampen also designed the monuments which were erected in honor of the Admirals Tromp and van Galen. Obverse. In an ornamental circle with the coat of arms of Amsterdam at top, the city hall in Amsterdam—the square before the building filled with people. Above Mercury, below a figure playing on a lyre. Legend FUIT H&C SAPIENTIA QUONDAM. 0n a tablet HVIDECOPER | GRAEF. | POLL. | SPIEGEL. COSS | AED. TVLP. DRONKEL Be- low MDCLY. Reverse. In an ornamented circle with the ancient coat of arms of Amsterdam at top, a ship—the city of Amsterdam in the background. Legend PELAGUS QUANTOS APERIMUS IN USUS! 70mm. Siler. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 26 Obverse. The city hallin Amsterdam. In exergue STADHUIS TE AMSTERDAM | DE EERSTE STEEN GELEGD 20 JAN: 1648 |INGEWYD 29 JULY 1655.1! JAC: VAN CAMPEN BOUWMEESTER | A. QUELLI- NUS BEELDH® Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Interior of the city hall. Signed in exergue J + WIENER BRUSSEL 59mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 25, 6; Forrer VI, p. 487.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 26 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener, of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. ROMBAUT KELDERMANS Born 1460 at Malines; died 1531 at Antwerp. He was the nephew and namesake of that Rombaut Keldermans, eminent artist in stained glass, who was associated with de Layens in work on the town hall of Louvain, and was the son of an architect at Malines from whom he received his early training. Collaborating for a time with his father and after the death of the latter with his brother Antoine, who was also an architect, he brought to a successful completion several edifices begun by one or the other, notably the chapels of Notre Dame and of St. Pierre and the hotel Busleiden, all at Malines. There also he executed important work on the palace of Margaret of Austria, and designed for the govern- ment a large building of which only a part was executed. In 1515 Keldermans was appointed architect to the king and at the same time raised to the nobility. The only work of importance executed by de Keldermans alone after this date was the reconstruction of the abbey of Tongerloo on which he worked at intervals during the years 1522-1526. Seven years earlier, immediately following his appointment as court architect and owing to the pressure of work attached to this position, he had sent for his friend Dominique de Waghemaekere, under whose name will be found fuller particulars of their work in collaboration. Here mention is made only of the town hall at Ghent, the perspective of which is shown on the medal described below. A commemorative tablet to de Keldermans was placed in the church of Notre Dame at Antwerp. Obverse. The town hall at Ghent. In exergue HOTEL DE VILLE | DE GAND Signed J. WIENER F. 1851 Reverse. LA FACADE GOTHIQUE | ELEVEE EN 1518, N. S. | D’APRES LES PLANS DE | DOMINIQUE DE WAGHEMAEKERE | ET ROMBAUT KELDERMANS. | LA PARTIE MODERNE AU NORD | AJOUTEE EN 1580:| CELLE DU SUD EN 1595; | ACHEVEE EN 1618. 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 66, 96. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 70 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener, of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. FRANCIS H. KIMBALL Born in 1845; he died 1919 in New York. Most of his life was spent in that city, which was the centre of his architec- tural activity. He was among the first to erect lofty office buildings and these gained for him the reputation of being “the father of the skyscraper.” He designed the City Investing building, the pediment over the entrance being shown on the medal described below, the Manhattan Life Insurance Company, Adams Express, the United States Realty, Em- pire, and Trinity office buildings, all on lower Broadway, and the Garrick, Casino, and Fifth Avenue theatres. When erecting one of the latter, permission to underpin the adjoining property having been refused, Kimball solved the prob- lem by sinking caissons filled with masonry. 102 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. Obverse. Bust facing left. FRANCIS H. KIMBALL Signed v. atrANo Reverse. 4 group from the pediment over the entrance of the City Investing Building, New York City. THE CITY INVESTING BLDG. Below on a tablet ERECTED MCMVII Edge. RoMAN BRONZE WoRKS N.Y. 62 mm. Bronze cast. R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 71 Note: This medal was given to those present at a complimentary dinner tendered to Mr. Kimball to commemorate the completion of the City Investing Building. HENRY PATE RPSGRBie Born in 1853 at Seneca Falls, N. Y.; died 1915 in New York City. He studied in New York and at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris. Kirby was associated for many years with George B. Post, but later became senior partner in the firm of Kirby and Petit. Among buildings designed by him in whole or in part are those of the Stock Exchange, American Bank Note Company, and Doubleday, Page & Company; also the Vanderbilt, Carroll, and other residences, all in New York City. Kirby had a studio home on the island of Capri. Uniface. Bust to left in artist’s smock. HENRY PHILIP KIRBY. ARCHITECT. 4 maltese cross below. Signed R. P. GOLDE. 432 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 71 FERDINAND KIRSCHNER Born 1821 in Vienna. His early education was supplemented by courses of study in painting and architecture at the Vienna academy of fine arts. In 1854 he was awarded the first prize in recognition of his excellent plans for the pro- posed almshouse at Triest, and in the following year his drawings for the Votivkirche of Vienna received honorable men- tion. In 1893 he completed the Hofburg, the imposing front of which, facing the Michaelerplatz, is depicted on the medal mentioned here. Kirschner’s plans for a cemetery were shown at the exhibition of Austrian artists in 1857. An ad- mirable delicacy of touch is characteristic of his pen drawings and aquarelles. Uniface. Bust facing right. FERDINAND KIRSCHNER | 1893 Signed at left st. scHwARTZ 730 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 72 Uniface. Bust same as No. 620. Signed at right sv. SCHWARTZ Oval 181 x 153 mm. Galvano silvered. [von Loehr p. 33, 28. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 72 Note: Von Loehr in the text gives the dimension of this medal 118 mm., indicating that it is circular in form. On Plate 18, however, it is illustrated as an oval, 70x 59 mm., the proportions of which, while reduced, are those of the medallion in the R.J.E. Collection. Obverse. View of the Hofburg, Vienna. Above, a female figure with crown of laurel. Below, cupids with books and symbols of architecture. In exergue 8 - SEPTEMBER | 1893 - Signed st. soxwartz Reverse. AVSBAV | DER- K+ K- HOFBVRG | GEGEN - DEN - MICHAELER - PLATZ | AVF - ALLERHOECHSTEN : BEFEHL | VNTER - OBERLEITVNG | DES - K - V - K - BVRGHAVPTMANNES - VND | ARCHITECTEN - FERDINAND - KIRSCHNER -| BEGONNEN - 1890 - VOLLENDET - 1893 | —| VON - D- MITWIRKENDEN - KVENST- LERN | VND - INDVSTRIELLEN | ZVR - ERINNERVNG | GEWIDMET 69 mm. Bronze. [Mitth. Mz. und Med. Freunde 1894, V, p. 493.1 R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 72 =a) LEO yor; KLENZE Born 1784 near Hildesheim; died 1864 at Munich. His technical education, begun in Berlin under Schinkel, was supple- mented by study in Italy and England. In 1806 he was appointed court architect to King Jerome of Westphalia, and later official director of buildings. In 1814 the Crown Prince of Bavaria called von Klenze to Munich for work on the Glyp- tothek, which occupied him during the greater part of fourteen years. Many of his adaptations of classic models to modern conditions and requirements have been most successful. Among his best works in Munich are the Leuchtenberg palace, the war office, the old Pinakothek, the court theatre, the court church, and the Bavarian Ruhmeshalle. Outside of Munich should be mentioned the Walhalla near Regensburg, shown on the medals described in this work, and the Befrei- ungshalle near Kelheim. Von Klenze wrote numerous treatises on architectural subjects. A street in Munich has been named in his honor. | t | 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. Uniface. Head to right. Lv KLENZE | ARCHITECTE Signed pavip 1834 (David d’ Angers) (all lettering incised). On the back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 787 mm. Bronze cast. (Fouin IL, p. 475 3 Hauser p. 84, 283.| R.F-E. Col- lection. PLATE 73 Nore: Jouin gives date as 1831, but the curator of the Musée d’Angers expresses the opinion that the date on the medallion must be accepted as correct. Obverse. View of the Walhalla. Above WALHALLA In exergue 1842 Signed I. 1. NEUSS DIR. Reverse. Closed wreath of oak. Inscription ZU | DEUTSCHLANDS | RUHM | UND | ZIERDE. gz mm. Bronze gilt. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 73 Nore: Walhalla, the German “Hall of Fame,” stands upon a hill overlooking the Danube. It contains more than a hundred marble busts of celebrated Germans, deemed worthy by the founder, King Ludwig I of Bavaria. Obverse. Same as No. 340. Reverse. View of the Walhalla near Regensburg. Above WALHALLA In exergue 1842 Rim beaded. Silver. 38mm. [Schwalbach 1895, p. 5, 275 Forrer VI, p. 307-| Description taken from these sources. The medal is illustrated in Forrer. Nore: One of a series known as Gedenkdoppelthaler, all having the same obverse. The edge inscriptions vary. Some read DREI EIN HALBER GULDEN « VII E. F.M* others DREY-EIN HALB GULDEN *+ VILE. F. M. + * Sometimes the periods after the letters E F M are omitted. Obverse. Facade of the Walhalla near Regensburg. Above. DIE WALHALLA Jn exergue DER GRUNDSTEIN GE- LEGT | DEN 18 OCTOBER 1830! VON LUDWIG | KONIGE VON BAIERN 4 deft J. WIENER F. 4t right 1859 Reverse. The interior of the building. At left EINGEWEIHT DEN 18 OCTOBER 1842 At right BARON VON KLENZE ARCH: Signed in exergue J. WIENER F. 1859 59mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 32, 23.] R.FE. Collection. PLATE 73 PAUL KORTZ There is little available information concerning the life and professional activity of this Viennese engineer and architect, who held the position of municipal councillor for the department of buildings. In 1900 the medal which is mentioned be- low was issued in his honor by the Society of Engineers and Architects in Vienna. Twelve years later, when this associa- tion decided to put into execution the long-discussed project of preparing for the press two large volumes of literary and artistic merit, descriptive of all important buildings in the city of Vienna, Paul Kortz was chosen as editor-in-chief. The first volume deals with the achieyements in hydraulics and other phases of municipal engineering; the second volume de- scribes and illustrates all of the notable works in architecture. These books, published in 1914, offer strong proof as to the ability and influence of Kortz in both fields. Uniface. Plaguette executed in 1900 by Foseph Tautenhayn, Fr. 150% 220 mm. Silver cast. [von Loehr p. 57, 13.) De- scription taken from this source. Nore: Von Loehr states that this plaquette was issued in honor of Kortz by the Society of Engineers and Architects in Vienna. EMIL KRALIK Uniface. Bust to right. ARCHITEKT EMIL - KRALIK Signed 0+ SPANIEL | PARIS 80 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 70 OTTO ORLANDO KURZ Born in 1881. The son of Professor Erwin Kurz, an eminent sculptor, he studied at Munich and later at Karlsruhe. From the outset of his career he entered plans in competition, winning many prizes for his designs of churches, schools, town halls, and monuments. Among ecclesiastical edifices erected by him are St. Georg at Munich and St. Otto at Bamberg; while among his industrial buildings should be noted numerous power-houses and motor works. In Munich, Kurz has designed private residences, apartment houses, schools, and villas, but his activity has not been limited to that city, his name being associated with buildings and monuments in various parts of south Germany. He has been a pioneer in high office buildings, though his design for the first real skyscraper in Munich was not executed. Kurz has been active both as lecturer and writer on many phases of urban architecture. 104 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. Obverse. Head to left. ARCHITEKTUS O. O. KURZ FILIUS SCULPTORIS ERWIN KURZ 1923 * Signed R P. (Rudolf Pauschinger). Reverse. A hand holding a compass. EXCELSIOR Edge. Cc, POELLATH SCHROBEN- HAUSEN 76 mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 5 HENRI LABROUSTE Born 1801 in Paris, where he died in 1875. His education was pursued at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Vaudoyer and Le Bas and where he won numerous honors, including the grand prix de Rome. Labrouste received several awards in open competition, notably for an asylum at Lausanne and for prisons at Turin and Alexandria. He erected the Bibliothéque Nationale and the library of Ste. Genevieve, these being followed by the administration building for the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway; also several college buildings and private residences in various parts of France. As architect to the government, independent professor of architecture, and president of the Société Centrale, Labrouste was both active and influential in his profession. He collaborated with Léonce Raynaud in compiling a treatise on architecture. Obverse. Head personifying France, with a crown formed of a tower, a dome, and other structures symbolizing architecture. At the left a compass. H « LABROUSTE - ARCH - Signed E+ A+ OUDINE+ scULP: Reverse. 4 compass and a conventionalized flower SOCIETE : CENTRALE - DES : ARCHITECTES 33 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 53 Obverse. Same as No. 630. Reverse. SOCIETE - CENTRALE « DES - ARCHITECTES * MDCCCXL* 4 Sive- pointed star | CONGRES -|- INTERNATIONAL :|- DE - 1878 -|— Below and engraved -M-LE- ROY -| DE: BONNEVILLE -|— 33 mm. Silver. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 53 PAUL LOUIS LAGRAVE Born 1864 in Paris, where his whole architectural career has been centred. The son of an architect, Ernest Henri La- grave, he studied first with his father, continuing under Laloux at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and receiving, in 1892, the medal of the first class. He collaborated in the erection of the municipal pavilion at the Exposition Universelle in 1900, built the asylum for the deaf and dumb at Asniéres, and numerous chateaux, villas, and apartment houses. Lagrave has served on the architectural commission for the city of Paris and as government expert to the ministry of industrial recon- struction. He has been decorated officer of public instruction, being a member of the Société des Architectes Diplomés par le Gouvernement, and many other societies. Uniface. Three-quarter length figure to left, holding compass in left hand, arm resting upon a drawing. A L’AMI | P. LAGRAVE Signed s. KINSBURGER 96. 336 x 248 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 BELA LAJTA Born 1873 in Budapest; died there in 1920. He studied at the institute of technology in his native city, under Messel and Ihne in Berlin, and later in London. In Budapest he designed the home for the blind, home for incurables, a school of commerce, the mortuary chapel in the Jewish cemetery, and many private residences, mausoleums, and memorial monuments. Lajta was awarded first prize for the plans of the public library, the National theatre, and the monument to Queen Elizabeth. He was a member of the city council, of the art commission, and of many societies. Obverse. Head to left. LAJTA BELA 1873-1920 Signed in monogram ¥6B (F. O. Beck). Reverse. Female figure seated on capital of a column. SAXA LOQVVNTVR Signed in monogram as above. 70 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 61 VICTOR ALEXANDRE LALOUX Born 1850 at Tours. His early education at home was supplemented by a course of study in Paris, where he was a pu- pil of Jules André, receiving the prix de Rome in 1878. In Paris Laloux erected the railway station of the quai d’Orsay, the main building for the school of mines, and various sections of the basilica of St. Martin; at Tours he designed the 10$§ 634. 635. 636. 637. railway station and the town hall; at Roubaix the town hall and the chamber of commerce; and at Cannes a private resi- dence. He was awarded the medal of honor by the salon of 1885, later being made a member of the Institute and officer of the Legion of Honor. He has published several books on architectural subjects, and has been inspector-general of na- tional buildings for France. Uniface. Bust to left. Below A VICTOR LALOUX | ARCHITECTE | MEMBRE DE L INSTITUT | SES ELEVES Signed stcarD (all lettering incised). 214% 168 mm. Bronze. cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 99 NOEL MARCEL LAMBERT Born 1847 in Paris. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Paccard and André, and winning in 1873 the grand prix de Rome. After several years of travel in Italy and Greece, he drew plans for a proposed restoration of the Athenian acropolis; these won high praise, leading to his appointment as architect-in-charge of the Trianon and of the chateau at Versailles, where he was permitted to establish an atelier. Later he was appointed to the chair of stereot- omy at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, a position which occupied much of his time. Decorated officer of the Legion of Honor, Lambert also received medals from numerous expositions and was a member of all the national architectural societies of France. Uniface. Bust facing left, no inscription. [Delaire 1907, p- 123. Description taken from this source, where medallion is illustrated. ARMAND EUGENE LAPORTE Born 1853 at Etampes in the département of Seine-et-Oise. His preliminary studies at the Frélat school of architecture in Paris were followed by courses at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and by special work under Train and Coquart. Laporte won several prizes in competition, including one for the college at Meaux. Establishing himself in an atelier in Paris, he developed an extensive practice in the construction of private residences, at the same time serving the municipality as an expert in architectural matters. It has been stated that there is a contemporary portrait medal of Laporte which was executed by the Comtesse Albazzi. JOHANN CLAUDIUS von LASAULX Born 1781 at Coblentz; died in 1848. Little is recorded of his early life or education, but it is known that his prelimi- nary studies were followed by courses in law, medicine, and architecture. Finally choosing the latter as his profession, Lasaulx designed numerous churches, civic buildings, and private residences. The best-known structure associated with his name is doubtless Schloss Rheineck. He held public offices of responsibility in Prussia. Portrait medal of 7. C. v. Lasaulx, architect, executed in 1848 by Carl Radnitzky. [Forrer V, p. 13.] Description taken from this source. JEAN BAPTISTE ANTOINE LASSUS of the Born 1807 in Paris, where he died in 1857. A student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts at the time of the apotheos gothic, he was one of the most enthusiastic exponents of this style of architecture, proclaiming Greek forms to be equally unsuited to the religion and to the climate of France, and adding that even the French building materials do not adapt themselves to classic construction. From 1840 until his death, Lassus was associated with Viollet-le-Duc in the supervision of religious edifices in several départements of France, sharing in the work of restoration of St. Germain |’Auxerrois and of the cathedrals of Chartres and Moulins, and being largely responsible for the new sacristy of Notre Dame in Paris. Lassus was also eminent as a writer, having compiled numerous monographs on notable cathedrals, as well as a volume of more general interest entitled “Réaction de l’académie des Beaux-Arts contre l’art gothique.” 637a. Full description of medal will be found under No. 10444 (Viollet-le-Duc). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 123 106 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644, MATHIEU ve LAYENS There appears to be no record concerning the date of his birth, but it is known that he died at Louvain in 1484. In all probability he was born at Layens, a small hamlet near Bajenrieux in Hainaut. Being appointed master mason for Lou- vain and its environs, he established himself in that city, where he was soon called upon to collaborate with Jean Kel- dermans in the reconstruction of the church of St. Pierre, and eventually succeeded Keldermans upon the death of the latter. In 1448 the city fathers of Louvain invited the presentation of plans for a new town hall; those of de Layens being chosen by the municipality and approved by Gilles Pauwels, then court architect, de Layens was commissioned to execute his designs. To this work he devoted much of his time during fifteen years, producing an edifice which is still well preserved and which is unquestionably one of the most impressive government buildings erected in the Middle Ages. Much later, and also at Louvain, de Layens built a large assembly hall known as the Table ronde, and though less richly decorated, of the same general architectural style as the town hall which is shown on the medal here described. Obverse. Same as No. 386. Reverse. Gothic ornamentation ; in the centre a scroll upon which the ground plan of the town hall. At left CONSTRUIT | PAR | MATHEUS DE LAYENS | MAITRE (sic) MACON 4¢ the top LA IRE | PIERRE | POSEE 1448 4¢ right LES | TRAVAUX ACHEVES 14 59 50mm. Bronze. [Rev. Bele 1883, p. 63, 90.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 73 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. Full description of medal will be found under No. 386 (Everaerts). CHARLES LE BRUN Born 1619 in Paris; died in 1690 at Gobelins. His artistic bent early asserted itself and led him to Rome, where he re- mained four years in close association with Poussin, Perrier, and Vouet. On his return to Paris he received honors and commissions for work from Louis XIV and from Colbert. He was made director of the Gobelins and charged by the king to reproduce in tapestry a series of scenes from the life of Alexander the Great. In 1679 he began the transformation of the hunting-lodge of Louis XIII at Versailles into a palace with wide-reaching wings; at Versailles he designed also the fountains in the court of the palace, the decorations of the grand staircase, the hall of Apollo, the museum, and the famous room of mirrors with its ceiling paintings depicting in allegory the triumphs of Louis XIV. He drew the plans for the chateau at Sceaux, for the smaller gallery of the Louvre, for facades and portals and altars of many churches. Under his influence the king founded the Royal academy of painting, and Le Brun was also instrumental in founding the Ecole de France in Rome. He was ennobled in 1684. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke. CAR * LE * BRVN * EQ* IVS * REGIS * PICTOR * ACAD * CANCEL * Signed ¥ * CHERON * Reverse. Female figure drawing on tablet, surrounded by attributes of architecture, painting, and sculpture. ARTIVM * MATER * DIAGRAPHE * 70 mm. Bronze. [Ampach 9698.| Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. PLATE 68 Obverse. Bust to left, with peruke.- CAR: LE + BRVN - EQVES : PRIM : PICTOR - REGIS Below M + DC - LXXXIV_ Signed on truncation + ‘T+ BERNARD~ Reverse. 4 pedestal with attributes of painting, sculpture, and archi- tecture. * A * TIBI * ERVNT * ARTES * 56 mm. Silver and bronze. [dmpach 9699.) R.F.E. Collection. priate 68 Nore: The dies and puncheons for the above were presented to the director of the medal mint at Paris by the widow of the sculptor. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke. CHARLES LE BRUN. Signed 1+ D+ ¥ + (Fean Dassier). Reverse. Two genii Sorming part of an architectural design above a tablet inscribed PREMIER | PEINTRE | DU ROY. | M. 1690. 28 mm. Silver. R.f.E. Collection. PLATE 68 Obverse. Same as No. 642. Reverse. Similar to No. 642. 28mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 68 Nore: Attention is directed to the differences in the die of the reverse of this medal and of the one directly above. Obverse. Same as No. 642. Reverse. A reclining figure holding a medallion of Le Brun. Drawings at right. Above PREMIER PEINTRE | DU ROY | M. 1690. 28mm. [Mazz IT, p. 152.] Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 138, 2. 645. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke. CHARLES LE BRUN Signed Euc. DuBois F. Reverse. NE | A PARIS | EN M. DC. XVIII. | MORT | EN M. DC. XC. | — | GALERIE METALLIQUE | DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANCAIS | —|1818. gz mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 68 Nore: One of a series of one hundred and eighteen medals, generally known as the “Galerie Metallique,” struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. 646. Obverse. Bust to left, with peruke. CHARLES LE BRUN 4 deft 161 Q at right 169 oO Signed ALPHEE DUBOIS Reverse. Minerva seated, exhibiting to a youth a Gobelins tapestry which two genii are supporting. TROISIEME CENTENAIRE DES GOBELINS | 1601-1901 JIncised at the right ALPHEE DUBOIS | D’APRES | TREMOLIERES Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE 68 mm. Bronze. [Gaz. Num. 1906, p. 24, 83.] American Numismatic Society. Note: For the obverse the sculptor used the bust of Le Brun by Coyzevox, for the reverse the painting by Trémoliéres. PLATE 68 ODON LECHNER Born 1846 in Budapest, where he died in 1914. After preliminary study at the Technische Hochschule in his native city, he continued his education under Schinkel in Berlin. Strongly imbued with the Hungarian national spirit, he expressed this in his drawings by his use of color and choice of building material, as well as by his designs. In Budapest Lechner erected the museum of industrial art, the institute of geology, a bank, an apartment house, and a church in the suburb of K6ébanya. He also built a court-house at Nagybecskerek, town halls at Kecskemét and Szeged, and numerous churches, including one at Steinbruch. In 1901 he was appointed royal councillor. 647. Obverse. Head to left, with cap. A MESTERNEK BARATAI Signed in monogram 1 B (Lajos Beran). Reverse. Fe- male figure in kneeling posture. LECHNER ODON ERME - Jn exergue - AM - E-SZ+ Signed in monogram . 8 | 1911 Edge. C. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN. 73 mi. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 75 648. Obverse. Bust to right, with cap. ‘LECHNER ODON EMLEKENEK Signed in monogram F OB (F. O. Beck). Reverse. Two seated female figures, one nude, one in peasant attire, clasping hands. SZEP ES MAGYAR Signed in monogram as above. 69 mm. Bronze cast. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 75 ACHILLE FRANCOIS RENE LECLERE Born 1785 in Paris, where he died in 1853. In 1808 his drawings for the restoration of the Pantheon won the grand prix de Rome, enabling him to travel and study in Italy. When in Florence he designed a monument to Bonchamp, the French general. Upon his return to France, Leclére established an atelier in connection with which he devoted much time to instruction in architecture, one of his pupils being Viollet-le-Duc. At the same time he developed a specialty of chateaux, erecting many throughout France, as attest the names Brissac, Bandeville, Chastellux, Montesquieu, Moreuil, Mont- huchet, Nicolai, and Verneuil. He also built the Maisons Lafayette in Paris, restored the cathedral at Bordeaux, and executed several monuments. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and member of the French Institute, he was also archi- vist of the section of architecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. In 1854, the year after his death, the prize bearing the name of Achille Leclére was founded by his widow. 649. Uniface. Head to left. A. LECLERE ARCHITECTE MEMBRE DE L’INSTITUT | DE FRANCE Signed DaviD p’ANGERS | 1855 (all lettering incised). 162 mm. [Fouin II, p. 506.| Musée d’ Angers. PLATE 76 Note: Jouin gives date as 1853, but the curator of the Musée d’Angers expresses the opinion that the date on the medallion must be accepted as correct. 650. Obverse. Head to left. NE A PARIS LE 28 OCTOBRE 1875 MORT LE 23 DECEMBRE 1853 Signed DANT- ZELL F. | D’APRES DAVID D’ANGERS Reverse. 4 wreath of palms enclosing inscription A | ACHILLE LECLERE | ARCHITECTE | MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT | — | TEMOIGNAGE | D’AFFECTION ET DE REGRET | DE SES ELEVES | ET | DE SES AMIS Edge. Device of the French mint and CUIVRE 70mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 76 PAUL LELONG Born 1801; died 1846. The greater part of his relatively short professional life was spent in Paris. He was a pupil of Chitillon and all of his known architectural works, as recorded by Brault and other, authorities, were commissions from the French government or the municipality of Paris. The first important building erected by Lelong was the caserne of 108 651. 652. 653. 654. the Holy Fathers; the last, begun but not finished, the Bazar de I’Industrie. Entrusted with the opening up of the rue de la Banque and with the erection of public buildings in that locality, he was also associated with Alexandre Dubois in important additions to the Hotel des Archives du Royaume, a fact mentioned on the medal described under the biog- raphy of the senior architect. Lelong was killed by a fall from his horse in September, 1846. Obverse. Laureated head of Louis-Philippe to left. Above this, the legend LOY DU 15 JUILLET 1845 | LOUIS PHILIPPE I| ROI DES FRANCAIS. Symbolic attributes with branches of oak and laurel. Signed at left BORREL; at right J. KLAGMANN. Reverse. Two medallions supported by winged genii and showing the effigies used on the Timbre Royal. Above CONSTRUCTION DES NOUVEAUX BATIMENTS DU TIMBRE| ET DE L’ENREGISTRE- MENT. | LA PREMIERE PIERRE | POSEE LE 21 AVRIL 1846.| PAR M. M. DUMON, MINISTRE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS | ET LACAVE-LAPLAGNE, MINISTRE DES FINANCES. | M8 PL LELONG ARCHITECTE. 68 mm. Bronze. (Gaz. Num. rgo2, P- 349, 473; Messageries et Les Postes p. 275, 723, where the medal is illustrated.| Full description of medal will be found under No. 307 (Dubois). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 55 JEAN ALFRED LEROUX Born 1829 in Paris; died 1899. His course of study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Gauthier was followed by the immediate practice of his profession. In Paris Leroux built several schools and the immense hippodrome, besides hav- ing an important share in the building erected for “Le Petit Journal.” He designed the town hall at Cognac, a home for aged men and an asylum at Chateau-Thierry. Inspector of the engineering and architectural work connected with al- terations on the Louvre, Leroux was also inspector for the prefecture of the Seine and official architect of the city of Paris. He designed the French national buildings for two foreign expositions, that of Vienna in 1873 and of Barcelona in 1888. He was chevalier of the order of Charles III of Spain. Portrait medallion of Alfred Leroux executed in 1887 by Edouard Lormier. (Gaz. Num. 1905, p. 3523 Forrer III, Dp: $75. Description taken from these sources. Nore: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1887. JULIEN DAVID LEROY Born 1728 in Paris, where he died in 1803. The youngest of four brothers, all of whom became eminent in the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering, he decided early in life to devote himself to architecture. With this end in view he went to Greece, where he lived for severa years, collecting material for books which he wrote later, and becoming so im- bued with the spirit of Greek architecture as to render his embodiment of classic standards his lasting contribution to the architectural development of France. During his professorship of forty years in Paris, Leroy exercised a wide-spread influ- ence. A member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, he published numerous books, many of them dealing with archwo- logical subjects. After his death the medal here described was struck in his honor by his former students. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke. J. DAVID LEROY MEMBRE DE L’INSTITUT NATION. DE FRANCE, NE EN 1724 M. EN 1803. Signed pu vivieR Reverse. A doric column upon which is perched an owl; at left a galley, at right a compass. VOTE PAR LES ARCHITECTES SES ELEVES In exergue PARIS AN XI gi mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 76 PLE RES SCO Born 1510 in Paris, where he died in 1578. Scion of a noble French family, Lescot won for himself a lasting reputation by his additions to the Louvre. Through this work, executed at the command of Francois I, and through many treatises in finished literary style, he did much to interpret to the France of his day all that was best in the architectural phase of the Renaissance. Lescot was appointed canon of Notre Dame, receiving on one occasion a special dispensation which permitted him to officiate at a cathedral service wearing his beard. He is a popular and sympathetic figure, his name in- separably associated with the Louvre, a relation emphasized by the medal referred to on this page. His most important contributions to the edifice are the fagade of the clock, the hall of the hundred Swiss, the hall of the caryatides, and the fountain of the nymphs, later called the fountain of the innocents. 109 655. Obverse. Lescot seated, holding a compass and a rod; standing at his right Goujon, with a mallet, at his left Poussin, with a palette and brush. Behind them a portion of the facade of the Louvre. Below J. GOUJON * PIERRE LESCOT * POUS- SIN (incised). In a circle around the figures - G+ DVPRE~ PVGET - DAVID DANGERS - BARYE : JEAN PESNE - AVDRAN : HENRIQVEL DVPONT : CLOVET -EVGENE DELACROIX - INGRES : WARIN: Be- low PHILIBERT DELORME- J - COVSIN- MANSART: Signed MAXUEN BOURGEOIS Reverse. 4 conven- ich a cartouche with panel for inscription. tionalized laurel tree, showing the roots as well as the branches, before ARTIBVS PATRIA Signed mB in monogram. Edge. Device of the French mint and ARGENT 72 mm. Silver. (Marx. Med. Contemp. 29, 6.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $4 Nore: Jean Goujon (1515-1565) was a famous French sculptor and architect; Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) was a painter; Georges Dupré (1574-1647) was a sculptor and medal engraver; Pierre Puget (1622-1694) was an architect, sculptor, and painter; Jean Pierre David, called David d’Angers (1789-1856), was a sculptor; Antoine Louis Barye (1795 5) was a sculptor; Jean Pesne (1623-1700) was a painter and engraver; Gérard Audran (1640-1703) was an engraver of historical paintings; Louis Pierre Henriquel-Dupont (1797- 1892) was an engraver; Frangois Clouet (1510-1572) was a painter} Eugéne Delacroix (1799-1863) was a historical painter; Jean Au- guste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) was a historical and portrait painters Jean Warin (1604-1672) was a medal engraver, sculptor, and painter; Philibert De ?Orme (1515-1570) was an architect; Jean Cousin (1501-1589) was a sculptor, engraver, and woodcarver; and Francois Nicolas Mansart (1598-1666) was an architect. HUGO LICHT Born 1842 at Nieder-Zedlitz in Posen; died 1923 at Leipzig. After studying in Berlin, where he was a pupil at the Bau- akademie as well as under Ende and Boeckmann, he went to Vienna for special work with Professor Lucae. Early in his career Licht established himself in Leipzig, where for many years he held the position of supervisor of buildings and where he erected numerous private residences and the new town hall, which is depicted on the medal. Outside of Leip- zig, Licht’s work includes the Gartensaal in Berlin and the villa Belmonte in the Rheingau. He is favorably known as a writer, having published “Die Architektur Berlins,” “Die Architektur Deutschlands,” and other books. Medals were awarded to him at the expositions of Munich, Philadelphia, and Berlin. 656. Uniface. Bust to right. Below HVGO LICHT Signed p. sStVRM MCMV. 44% 40 mm. Bronze cast. (Cahn Cat. 1909, 220.) R.F. . Collection. PLATE 81 657. Uniface. View of the Rathaus in Leipzig. Signed PAVL STVRM Below, bust of HUGO LICHT ‘0 left, and of TROEND- LIN ‘0 right. Between these a tablet with inscription ZVR FEIER DER VOLLENDVNG | DES NEVEN LEIP- ZIGER RATHAVSES | ERBAVT IN SECHS JAHREN AN DER|STELLE DER ALTEN PLEISSEN- BVRG | DER GRVNDSTEIN WARD GELEGT AM | 19 SEPT. 1899 —EINGEWEIHT WVRDE | DER BAV AM 7. OKTOBER 1905 63 «72mm. Bronze galvano. [Cahn Cat. 1909, 215.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 81 NICCOLO LIONELLI There appears to be no authentic record concerning the dates of his birth and death. It is, however, established that he was a native of Udine, one of the beautiful hill towns of the province of Venice, and that he was a contemporary of Bar- tolomeo della Cisterna, renowned for his construction work on the cathedral of Cividale in the same province. In 1451 Lionelli was commissioned by the city of Udine to erect a town hall which should follow closely in architectural style and spirit the best work of the previous century. The critic Man go has affirmed unhesitatingly that the town hall of Udine does not suffer by comparison with the numerous magnificent edifices built in that part of Italy at the time when art was most flourishing. This building having been destroyed by fire in 1866, the municipality made public appeals to the citi- zens for its reconstruction; in less than two years the money had been collected and the edifice rebuilt. The restored town hall of Udine is shown on the medal here described. 658. Obverse. The new Palazzo Municipale in Udine. Signed in exergue C. SANTI UTIN. SCULP. Reverse. AEDEM INGENIO NICOLAI DE LIONELLO PUBBLICE EXSTRUCTAM XII KAL. MAR. A. MDCCCLXXVI INCENDIO ABSUMPTAM V VIRI MUNICIPL. UTINENSIS SOLEMNI CIVIUM SCITO PER A SCALAM ARCHITECTUM INTRA XXII MENSES IN MELIOREM FORMAM PECUNIA COLLATA RESTITUERUNT; Signed ¥.POLETTI 50 mm. |Risorg Ital. p. 232, 1531.| Description taken from this source. HI JACOBUS van LOKHORST \| Born 1844 at Utrecht; died 1905 at Copenhagen. After study under Kampendyk and Boll van Buuren, he built council halls at Assen, Leeuwarden, and Zwolle, schools at Venloo and Wageningen, and laboratories for numerous universities and schools of technology. Van Lokhorst also designed the court-house at Groningen, the city hall at Woerden, a castle | IIo 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. at Medenblik, and the abbey at Middelburg. For twenty-five years he held the position of official architect to the Dutch government. Obverse. Bust to left. JACOBUS VAN LOKHORST RIJKSBOUWKUNDIGE BIJ HET DEP: VAN BINN: ZAKEN Signed in monogram Jow Reverse. A palm leaf with a ribbon. TOT | ERKENNING | ZIJNER GROOTE | VERDIENSTEN | OP HET GEBIED | DER | BOUWKUNST | 1878-1903 Signed J. c. WIENECKE. 57 mm. Silver. [Zwierzina 1898-1908, 394; Gaz. Num. ror1-12, D- 317, 14.| RFE. Collection. PLATE 78 Nore: One copy of the medal was struck in gold, ten in silver, and five in bronze. LAMBERT LOMBARD Born 1505 at Liége; died there in 1566. His early education was followed by study under Gossaert and Arnold de Beer and supplemented by travel in Italy. Upon his return to Belgium, Lombard was attached to the suite of the Bishop of Liége, for whom he executed many commissions in the domains of architecture and painting. He also designed numerous private residences in the renaissance style, notably one for Vanderbeck and that of van Wyngarde in the vicinity of the cathedral. He compiled a small dictionary of art which aroused the interest of Vasari, who refers to Lombard as a most learned man and an eminent architect. Uniface. Bust facing to right. Legend LAMBERTVS - LOMBARDYS - PICTOR - EBVRONENSIS - ANNO - AET - XLV 4 left MDLI - (Antoine Morillon). [Simonis I, 1900, p. 106.] Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated. Nore: Simonis states that the whereabouts of this medal is now unknown. It is illustrated in the work of Lampsonius from which Simonis made his reproduction, which measures 72 mm. Obverse. Bust to left. LAMBERT LOMBART Signed SIMON F. Reverse. NATUS | LEODII | AN. M. D. VI. 47 mm. Bronze. [Kluyskens II, 168.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 78 Nore: One of a series of about one hundred medals mostly of Dutch and Flemish men of note. These medals were executed by Jean Henri Simon from 1820 to 1834. GIOVANNI BATTISTA LONATI Born in the latter part of the fifteenth century, presumably in Milan. His education as pursued in Rome was strongly influenced by the distinctively Roman architecture of the school of Bramante, a fact which reveals itself in the churches associated with Lonati’s name. Joseph, in his, “Geschichte der Baukunst,” refers to him as a Milanese architect known to have been active in 1523, that being the date of the completion of the church of the Madonna di Piazza in Busto, Arizio. Some authorities claim that the plans of Ballarati were followed in this edifice, but Joseph seems inclined to the opinion that Lonati executed his own designs. Certain it is that he did so in the church erected later, that of Bertonico at San Angelo Lodigiano. Obverse. Bust to right. IO - BAPTISTA - LONATVS + ARCHITEC 4 left AN at the right XX Reverse. Seated Jigure of Architecture holding a compass and a square. At right a building. 53 mm. (Armand II, p. 204, 5.) R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 78 Nore: Attention is directed to the similarity of the reverse to that of the Bramante medals, Nos. 112 and 113. LOUIS BERNARD GEORGES LOQUET Born 1848 at Parthenay in the département of Deux Sévres. A pupil of Joyau and Moyaux at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he received numerous medals in his student days and several prizes for drawings entered in competition, notably for an asylum at Amiens and a hospital at St. Gilles-sur-Vie. Throughout his whole career Loquet has specialized in public buildings such as churches, hospitals, prisons, asylums, and schools. In particular may be mentioned the insane asylum at Grimaudiére, the prefecture at Roche-sur-Yon, and the normal school in the latter city. Conservator of historic monu- ments in the Vendée, decorated officer of academy and of public instruction, Loquet held also the position of official architect for Roche-sur-Yon. Portrait medallion of M. G. Loquet, architect, by Fean Fules Frére. (Forrer II, p. 160.) Description taken from this source. Tit 664. 665. 666. 667. HIERONYMUS LOTTER Born about 1497 in Nuremberg; died in 1580 at Geyer. He was originally a merchant and his career as an architect be- gan upon his removal to Leipzig about 1545. His chief works are the town hall in Leipzig and Schloss Pleissenburg on the river Pleisse, also the town hall at Pegau, Schloss Augustusburg in the Erzgebirge, and Schloss Moritzburg near Dresden. Lotter was court architect to the elector of Saxony and several times burgomaster of Leipzig. The medal here mentioned was found in the “Turmknopf” of the old Rathaus at Leipzig. It has been authoritatively stated that it was placed there by Lotter himself. Obverse. Bust to left. IERONIMYS*LOTER TAT * XXXXVI*1544 * Reverse. 4 female figure seated, her right arm resting on an hour-glass, in her left hand a skull; a lamb stands at her side. In the background a mediaval city SICH - MENS : BDENCK - DAS - ENDE Signed in monogram 4 R (Hans Reinhard). 30mm. Silver cast. [Metzler 1903, 72a; Lobbecke 574; Lanna 1206.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 109 Nore: The specimen from which the reproduction on the above plate was made is the finest in existence. It is the one mentioned in the biography above and is now in the historical museum in Leipzig. The specimen in the R.J-E. Collection is less perfect. BENOIT EDOUARD LOVIOT Born 1849 in Paris, where he died in 1921. He studied under Lacroix and under Coquart. It was doubtless to the influ- ence of the latter, who had made a special study of the Parthenon, that Loviot owed the success of his drawings for the proposed restoration of that edifice, as probably also his plans for restoring the Lysicrates monument in Athens, and the temple of Castor and Pollux in Rome. He designed numerous chateaux throughout France, and during a prolonged visit to New York erected several buildings in that city. In 1879 he was awarded the first-class medal of that year’s salon, and soon after received the cross of the Legion of Honor. Appointed architect to the French government, he also held the position of consulting expert to the municipal tribunal of Paris. Uniface. Bust to right. BENOIT - EDOUARD - LOVIOT - ARCHITECTE - MDCCCXCIII Signed D D in mono- Num. 1898, p. 187, 285.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I02 gram and DANIEL DUPUIS 129 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz Nore: This medal has been reduced to 27 mm. There is a copy in gold in the possession of Mme. Elisée Dupuis. CHARLES FOLLEN McKIM Born 1847 at Isabella Furnace, in Chester County, Pennsylvania; died 1909 at St. James, Long Island. After study at the Harvard scientific school and at the Beaux-Arts in Paris, he formed with W. R. Mead a partnership of which Stanford White later became a member. Among the numerous important buildings erected by the firm during the period of Mc- Kim’s leadership may be mentioned the Morgan library and also the Harvard, Bowdoin, and Columbia libraries, the last mentioned commemorated on the medallion here described. They further designed the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, the state capitol at Providence, and fine club buildings in New York City, including the University, Metro- politan, Harvard, and Century. By special request McKim served on the Congressional Committee for Parks at Wash- ington. He was the founder of the American Academy in Rome, an honorary member of the American Institute of Archi- tects, and of the National Academy. A rare combination of savant and architect, cautious, conservative, scholarly, and deliberate, he weighed his decisions and then carried them into execution, making of each building an architectural event characterized by that sober perfection which stands the test of criticism and of time. In 1903 King Edward VII con- ferred on him a medal in recognition of his services in the promotion of architecture. Uniface. Bust to right. Above, an ornamental band MY FRIEND CHARLES F MACKIM (sic) | ARCHITECT - Below - AVGUSTVS - SAINT - GAVDENS - FECIT -| PARIS: AVGVST -M-D-C-C-C-L-X- Xe VIII — | IN - SOVVENIR : OF - 7 - JOLLY - DAYS | 1 - PASSED - WITH - YOV - AND - THE ILLVS- TRIOVS | STANFORD : WHITE: IN : THE: SOVTH: OF : FRANCE 4x ornament at the right of the inscrip- tion. 185 x 124 mm. Bronze cast. [Saint Gaudens Cat. 8.] Owned by Mrs. C. D. Norton. PLATE 77 Nore: There are only three of these plaquettes in existence. Uniface. Caricatures of Augustus Saint Gaudens, McKim, and Stanford White. A T-square, sculptor’s mallet, and compass between the three heads ; an hour-glass at left, a building at right. DAMVS SOLVM :| TICKLEVM - VA - SECHAS - Around the rim a number of words more or less illegible, and the date MDCCCLXXVIII (Augustus Saint Gaudens). Irregular oval, 160 x 150 mm. Bronze cast. [Saint Gaudens Cat. 9.) Owned by Mrs. C. D. Norton. PLATE 77 12 668. Uniface. The Library at Columbia University. Below, an Ionic capital, upon which a lamp and implements of the build- 669. 670. 671. 672. ing crafts. * THE * AMERICAN * | * INSTITVTE * OF * | * ARCHITECTS * | * TESTIFIES BY * | * THIS MEDAL * ITS LOVE | APPRECIATION | OF | CHARLES * FOLLEN | * MSKIM * | * WASHINGTON + | * DECEMBER * XV * | MCMIX Signed J. E. ROINE sc. Edge. JNO. WILLIAMS INC. | BRONZE FOUNDRY N. Y. 380 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 77 It has been stated that there exists a small silver portrait medal of McKim, which was executed by Augustus Saint Gaudens. HAROLD VAN BUREN MAGONIGLE Born 1867 at Bergen Heights, New Jersey. He is eminent as both architect and painter. Magonigle gained his early ex- perience in the offices of McKim, Mead and White, and with Rotch and Tilden. He was gold medallist of the New York Architectural League in 1889 and later received for two successive years the Rotch travelling scholarship. He built the national memorial to McKinley at Canton, the Guggenheim residence at Port Washington, Mrs. Dow’s school at Briar- cliff, a residence and other buildings at Mendham, New Jersey, and the arsenal and school at Indianapolis. Many other buildings and monuments might be mentioned. Magonigle has exhibited paintings at numerous expositions, has pub- lished essays and lectures, and has held office in the leading American societies of art and architecture. Uniface. Three female figures, Sculpture laying a scroll upon an altar, Painting seated upon the capital of a column, Archi- tecture standing. Below TO HAROLD VAN BVREN MAGONIGLE | WAR PRESIDENT OF THE ARCHI- TECTVRAL LEAGVE OF NEW YORK | WHO BY SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP HAS LAID FOYN- DATIONS | FOR THE BROADER SERVICE OF ART | MCMXIX Signed & McCARTAN 732% I5T mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 80 BROR CARL MALMBERG Born 1813 in Stockholm; died 1877 at Goeteborg. Little appears to be recorded concerning his early life or education, but it is known that he won reputation as an architect by his plans for the new theatre at Goeteborg, a building which occupied him for three years. Malmberg made important additions to the church at Oestermalm, involving alterations to the dome and reconstruction of the steeple to admit of the installation of bells for chimes. The alterations were in- geniously contrived and executed, and received high praise. He designed the Hedvig Eleonora church in Stockholm, being appointed court architect and court supervisor in recognition of this work. The medal mentioned below shows the facade of the church. Obverse. Facade of the Hedvig Eleanora church in Stockholm. Below GRUNDLAGD 1658 INVIGD 1737. | FULL- BORDAD 1868. Signed LEA AHLBORN Reverse. * TILL BROR CARL MALMBERG * Below AF HEDVIG ELEONORZ FORSAMLING 1868. Inscription in a wreath of oak AKTNINGS | OCH | TACKSAMHETS | GARD 56mm. Bronze. (Num. Medd. LH, p. 174.1 R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 76 Note: This medal was struck by the congregation of the church in 1868. BELA MALNAI Born 1878 in Budapest, where he received his education in engineering and architecture and where later he established himself, although his activity has not been limited to his native city. Among buildings erected by Malnai may be men- tioned the headquarters for the board of trade at Gyér; and in Budapest, a bank building, numerous apartment houses and private residences, the Hotel Britannia, and several exhibition buildings. He also designed the interior decorations for two theatres, and has been influential through his editorial work on “A Haz,” a monthly publication devoted to archi- tecture and the fine arts. Malnai entered drawings in various competitions, and was awarded gold and silver medals by the Hungarian Society of Engineers and Architects. He was a member of that organization, and also of the Society of Fine Arts in Budapest and of the German “ Werkbund.” Uniface. Head to left. MALNAI BELA Signed in monogram ¥ 0 8 (F. O. Beck). 743 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 62 113 FRANCOIS NICOLAS MANSART Born 1598 in Paris; died there in 1666. He was a pupil of Gauthier, the court architect, and was commissioned by Richelieu to erect the church of Val de Grace. Court intrigues interfered before the completion of this edifice, but later Mansart used the same plans on a reduced scale for the chapel of Fresnes. Among his other achievements in ecclesiastical architecture are the churches of the Feuillants, of the Visitation, and the Franciscan, all in Paris. Mansart built the hotel Mazarin, used later for the national library of France, the town halls of Blois and Arles, and many castles and im- posing private residences. He was councillor, inspector of royal edifices, and architect to the king. He designed the form of roof which now bears the name of mansard. 673. Obverse. Bust to left. FRANCOIS MANSART. Signed 1.D. Reverse. Two genii forming part of an architectural de- vice above a tablet inscribed ARCHITECTE | M. 1666. In exergue signed 1. DASSIER. F. 28 mm. Bronze. \Wellen- heim II, 14217.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 49 Nore: The genii and other details are similar to those on No. 642, but there are appreciable variations in the die. 674. Obverse. Similar to No. 673, but lettering slightly larger. Reverse. 4 reclining figure points to the facade of a building. Above ARCHITECTE |M-1666+ 28 mm. Bronze. (Mazz. II, 82; Wellenheim II, 14218.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 49 JULES HARDOUIN MANSART Born 1646 in Paris; died at Marly in 1708. His family name was Hardouin, but at an early age he assumed that of his mother’s uncle, Francois Mansart, whose pupil he was. He studied also under Libéral Bruaut. Jules Hardouin Mansart built the chateau of Clagny, the cathedral at Blois, the cupola of the Hotel des Invalides, and several churches. The greatest element of interest, however, attaches to his work at Versailles, where he designed the hall of mirrors, the orangery, the stables, and, most important of all, the Grand Trianon commanded by Louis XIV for Madame de Main- tenon. Mansart held the position of architect and engineer to the king, being later appointed superintendent and inspec- tor-general of buildings, gardens, arts, and manufactures. A statue of Louis XIV, following his design, was erected at Lyons. 675. Obverse. Mansart’s coat of arms. Reverse. IULE + HARDOUIN - MANSART - COMTE : DE - SAGONE - SUR- INTENDANT - DES - BATIMENS - DU: ROY: 1099. [Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 359, 104; Fetons & Mereaux, Feuar- dent 1904, 3183.| Description taken from these sources. 676. Obverse. Bust to left, with peruke. 1 HARDOUIN MANSART COM : SAG - S:-REG: £D-PR-~- Below 1701 ° Reverse. Coat of arms of Mansart. 31 mm. |Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 153; 154.| Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 49 677. Portrait medal of Mansart executed by Thomas Bernard. |Forrer I, p. 173.] Description taken from this source. Norte: The dies and puncheons for the above were presented to the director of the medal mint at Paris by the widow of the sculptor. 678. Obverse. Bust to left, with peruke. TULIUS HARDOUIN MANSART COM: SAG-S: REG: 2D: PR Signed H-R-+F+ (Hieréme Roussel). Reverse. Minerva seated holding a spear, surrounded by attributes of the arts. ET PRO- TEGIT ET COLIT ARTES. In exergue M: DCC: II-|—|1-MavcER-F+ 38mm. Bronze. [Ampach 9752; Wellenheim II, 14216.\ R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 49 679. Obverse. Bust to right, with peruke. J. HARDOUIN MANSART Signed on truncation MASSON Reverse. NE|A PARIS |EN M. DC. XXXIX.| MORT|EN M. DCC. VIII.|—]| GALERIE METALLIQUE | DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANGAIS.|—|1817. gz mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 49 Nore: One of a series of one hundred and eighteen medals, generally known as the “Galerie Metallique,” struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. CHARLES HENRY MARCELLIS Born 1798 at Antwerp, and died 1864 at Liége. He first chose the study of law and letters, becoming active as writer, lawyer, and publicist. Later Marcellis took a deep interest in the industrial conditions of Belgium, devoting his legal and literary talents to their betterment, also studying architecture and engineering with this end in view. In 1846 the iron 114 [. Fe 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. bridge over the river Escaut at Ghent was constructed from his plans—a notable engineering feat at that time and of interest as marking the substitution of iron for wood or stone. Marcellis invented a mechanical device for emptying the large drydock at Antwerp, and designed the roof of the stock exchange in that city, this work being commemorated on the medal described below. Obverse. Head to left. A CHARLES MARCELLIS LE COMMERCE D’ANVERS Signed LEOPOLD | WIENER F. 1854. Reverse. Interior of the Exchange at Antwerp. In exergue COUVERTURE DE LA BOURSE | D’AN- VERS | DECISION DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL | DU 27 JUILLET 1850 | yes WIENER F. 60mm. Bronze. [Reo. Belge 1883, p. 103, 155.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 81 FRANCESCO pir MARCHI Born at Bologna in 1506; died 1574 in the province of Abruzzi. Early in life he began the study of building, and accom- plished his first work under the patronage of Alessandro dei Medici, Duke of Florence, being appointed later to the house- hold of Luigi Farnese, Duke of Parma. Di Marchi served for thirty-two years in Flanders as engineer and builder. He wrote a treatise on fortifications, and in this volume described sis cardo, refers to di Marchi as chief among military architects. He was created a Roman nobleman by Pope Paul III. varieties. The Italian encyclopedia, edited by Boc- Obverse. Bust in armor to left. FRANCISCVS MARCHI BONONIEN ARCHITECTVS BELLICVS Signed on truncation ¥.B.¥ (Filippo Balugani). Reverse. Figure of Bellona seated amid trophies of war. EXEMPLA OMNIA PINXIT 67 mm. Bronze cast. [Ratto Cat. dug. 1914, 5649.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 79 Obverse. Bust in armor to right. FRANCISC - MARCHIVS Signed T - MERCANDETTI S + ROMAE MDCCCXIX: Re- verse. Marchi with two warriors in armor submitting the plan of a fortification to Bellona. MVNIENDI ARTE RE- NOVATA. In exergue TANTI VIRI SCRIPTA PENE OBLITA| NOVA NOBILISSIMA EDITIONE | INLVSTRAVIT | EQ: ALOIS: MARINVS Signed T - MERCANDETTI - I + ET SCULPSIT ROMAE MDCCCXIX - 67 mm. Bronze. (Morbio 4331 ; Ratto Cat. Aug. 1914, 5650.] RFE. Collection. PLATE 79 Obverse. Bust to right. FRANCISCVS DE MARCHI Signed P. GIROMETTI F. Reverse. In a closed wreath of laurel NOVAE ARTIS | CASTROR. ET VRBIVM | MUNIENDARVM | ITALIS ET EXTERIS | AVCTORI MAX- IMO | * Edge. 4 small head of Pallas in an oval. g¢zimm. Bronze. (Morbio 4332.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 79 Nore: One of a series of medals of noted Italians of all ages. Most of these medals were executed by Cerbara and the Giromettis, father and son, before the middle of the nineteenth century. WILHELM MARTENS Born 1843, and died in 1910. He studied electricity, engineering, and building in Berlin, becoming a pupil of the eminent architect Martin Gropius, whose daughter he later married. From the outset of his career Martens specialized in the erection of bank buildings. Among these the reconstruction, with extensive additions, of the Deutsche Bank on the Mauerstrasse in Berlin and the Bergisch-Markische Bank in Diis eldorf, should be mentioned as of outstanding im- portance. He was appointed building councillor, and resided at Charlottenburg. Portrait plaquette of Wilhelm Martens, architect, and his wife. Contemporary but undated work, executed by Adolf Briitt. Forrer VII, p. 133.) Description taken from this source. » DP» 135 ip FRANCOIS MAZOIS Born 1783 at L’Orient, and died 1826 in Paris. In 1808, immediately following his course of study at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, he went to Italy at the invitation of Murat, Napoleon’s brother-in-law, who had that year been crowned king of Naples as Joachim I. Through his intervention, Mazois obtained permission to make drawings of the Pompeian ruins, a privilege previously limited strictly to members of the Neapolitan academy. He remained for three years at Naples in the service of the king, who commissioned him to construct a palace, but also allowed him leisure for that archeological Lis 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. research which was reflected later in the four volumes, ““Ruines de Pompei.” While in Italy he designed the church and convent of S. Trinita dei Monti and the French embassy in Rome. Upon his return to Paris Mazois erected numerous residences and arcades, later being appointed inspector of municipal buildings. He wrote “Le Palais de Scaurus,” and left in manuscript “Ruines de Paestum.” Obverse. Head to right. F. MAZOIS ARCHIT. OFF. DE LA LEG. D’'HONN. NE A L’ORIENT EN 1783 MORT EN 1826. Signed on truncation BARRE ¥? Reverse. LACADIE RLE DES SCIENES BELLES LETTRS ET ARTS DE BORDEAUX A FS MAZOIS L’UN DE SES MEMBRES Inscription in a wreath of laurel RUINES | DE POMPEI. | —| PALAIS | DE SCAURUS.|—|PESTUM &. Below 1828. 57 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 80 WILLIAM RUTHERFORD MEAD Born 1846 at Brattleboro, Vermont. After receiving his A.B. degree from Amherst College in 1867 he began the study of architecture under Randolph Sturgis, and later spent several years in European travel. In 1879 he formed a partnershi with Charles F. McKim, organizing the firm of which Stanford White later became the third member. Some of the most important buildings erected by the partners are mentioned in the biography of McKim, to which may be added the follow. ing structures in New York City: the Herald, Tiffany, and Gorham buildings, Bellevue Hospital, and the Pennsylvania terminal station. There is an interesting caricature by St. Gaudens representing Mead as struggling to fly two kites labelled respectively McKim and White, these pulling in opposite directions; yet on the whole the partners worked in such close collaboration that it is often impossible to ascribe single structures to any individual member of the firm. Mead received many honors and distinctions both from his own country and abroad; in 1902 he was granted the degree of LL.D. from his alma mater, Amherst, being made Doctor of Arts by the University of Pennsylvania in 1921 and in that same year decorated with the order of the Crown of Italy. He was active as president of the American Academy in Rome, and in this country as fellow of the American Institute of Architects. His architectural work is not limited to New York City, but includes important buildings in Washington, Providence, and Montreal. Uniface. Bust to left. WILLIAM * RVTHERFORD * MEAD Below MCMXVIV Inscription PRAISES ACADEMIE | AMERICANE ROM | CITA Signed a PoLASEK 526 mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Mr. Mead. PLATE 77 ALEXIS VAN MECHELEN Obverse. Facade of the opera house in Antwerp. Above VLAAMSCHE OPERA Below 1907 4 left A VAN MECHELEN ARC. Signed ¥. BAETES FEC. Reverse. INHULDIGING | VAN DE | VLAAMSCHE OPERA | OCTOBER 1907 |—| ALFONS HERTOGS, BURGEMEESTER. | VICTOR DESQUIN, J. VERSPREEU- WEN, | FRANS VAN KUYCK, J. CAUWENBERGH, | FELIX CEULEMANS, SCHEPENEN. | AUG. POSSEMIERS, SECRETARIS. | —| ALEXIS VAN MECHELEN | STADSBOUWMEESTER 65 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 MEDLAND Full description of medal will be found under No. 492 (Hamilton). R.F.E. Collection. STEFANO IGNAZIO MELCHIONIO Born 1765 at Meride; died subsequent to 1832. The son of an architect and engineer, he specialized in the construction of canals. Early in his career he was made chief engineer of Turin and adviser to the department of water-works, being appointed later to the supervision of highways and water-works throughout Italy. Melchionio erected many factory buildings at Novara, where he was in charge of the municipal department of engineering. A member of the Royal Acad- emy of Sciences in Turin, he wrote a treatise of great importance at that time concerning methods for measuring the flow of rivers. Obverse. Head to left. STEPH - MELCHIONIO - EQ : MAVRICIANO - V : C- PRAEF - VIARVM - ET - OPER - PVBLICOR - SignedL- PEREGO F: Reverse. wreath of laurel. CEREDANENSES | SACELLI. B. PACIFICI | EXIMIO. ARCHITECTO | D. D.| AN. M. DCCCXXXII. 46 mm. Silver and bronze. R.F.E. Collection. pLatE 80 116 L. MELLINGER 690. Obverse. Bust to left of LUITPOLD PRINZ-REGENT VON BAYERN Signed A. B6RsScH Rim milled. Reverse. The army museum in Munich. Legend ARMEE-MUSEUM IN MUENCHEN Jn exergue ERBAUT IN DEN JAHREN | 1900-1904! VON L. MELLINGER Rim beaded. gr mm. Silver. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 74 RENE MICHEL MENARD Born 1843 at Nantes, where he died in 1895. His technical education was obtained in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, where he was a pupil of Douillard and Vaudremer and where he won several prizes. Returning to his native city, he established himself and devoted much time to his specialty, that of ecclesiastical architecture. Ménard erected numer- ous churches in southwestern France, notably in the département of the Loire inférieure. Outside of Nantes, Ménard built churches at Méan, Ste. Pazanne, Basse-Indre, Campbon, Mesquer, Saullans, Plandreu, and le Croisic. At Nantes, in addition to the religious edifices which are associated with his name, he designed schools, hotels, and private resi- dences; there also he restored the Basilica Josselin. Ménard was an active member of various national and regional societies of architecture. 691. Uniface. Bust to left. RENE MENARD ARCHITECTE 4 right, a small church. MCMXIX Below NANTES Signed PV DAUTEL 119mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 60 GIUSEPPE MENGONI Born 1827 at Fontana Felice, near Ravenna; died 1877 at Milan. His education was pursued at Bologna, where he be- came a pupil of Cocchi; later he spent several years in travel and study throughout Europe. Returning to Bologna, where he established himself in private practice, Mengoni built the Saragossa gate, also a large savings-bank and several impos- ing residences, including the palazzo Gattoni. From Florence, where he executed some works of minor importance, he went to Milan for the purpose of erecting two palazzi near the cathedral; while in this latter city he was commissioned to build the Vittorio Emanuele arcade. Due to a fall of the scaffolding at this building, he received an injury which eventu- ally resulted in his death. Mengoni designed a large theatre in Rome, but did not live to see its completion. 692. Obverse. View of the cathedral square in Milan. NUOVA PIAZZA DEL DUOMO |MENGONI ARCHITETTO Below MILANO | ANNO MDCCCLXVII Signed v. cActADA INC. Reverse. View of the cathedral. CATTEDRALE DI MILANO Below A GUY EDITORE MILANO 57 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 80 JEAN FRANCOIS NICOLAS MEQUER Born 1836 at Lemud, a small village on the banks of the Moselle. His early education in his native town was followed by a course of study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and this by special work under Eugéne Train, professor of architecture at the Ecole des Arts décoratifs. In collaboration with Edmond Guillaume he designed for the city of Lima, in Peru, a monument in commemoration of the independence of that country, Méquer being chosen to go to Peru for the purpose of carrying out the work. He was honored by the laureateship of the French Institute. 693. Full description of medal will be found under No. 486 (Guillaume). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 56 ALFRED MESSEL Born 1853 at Darmstadt. His early education at Cassel was followed by study at the Bauakademie in Berlin, where he was a pupil of Strack, and was supplemented by extensive travel in Italy, France, and England. Establishing himself as an architect in Berlin, \ this being followed by the bank of the Handelsgesellschaft and by villas in the residential sections. He also planned decorations for other buildings, including rooms in the Bauverein and in the Landesgebiude. He decorated the throne ssel’s rst work was the erection of a large mercantile building on the Werder market-place, esigned the museum at Darmstadt in harmony with the general baroque room of the German embassy in Rome, and d style of the Residenzschloss. Appointed architect to the government, he has also held important teaching positions at Charlottenburg and in Berlin. 694. 696. 697. 698. Uniface. Bust to left in a circle, a pilaster at each side; below, two genii carrying a garland. ALFRED MESSEL. Exe- cuted in 1905 by Hermann Hahn. 160x120 mm. Bronze. (Int. Exp. Contemp. Medals 1910, p. 120. Description taken from this source, where the original is illustrated on p. 121. Nore: The catalogue of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Medals mentions a uniface cast-bronze plaque, which was used as the model for the above plaquette. . Uniface. Head to left. Signed wRBA Ontherim ALFRED MESSEL Edge. ¢. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN 59 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 80 MATHIEU BERNARD MEYERS Born 1811 at Maestricht; died 1877 at Ixelles. His elementary studies at the atheneum in Maestricht were followed by a course at the university of Liége, where his ability in engineering led to an appointment at the military academy in Bréda. A year later, in 1830, when political struggles resulted in the separation of Belgium from Holland, Meyers, whose sympathies were with Belgium, found himself in the enemy’s camp. Obtaining honorable dismissal from the Dutch army and volunteering as a soldier on the other side, he found himself among the first troops sent to besiege his native town. Rapidly he rose to the position of captain and eventually to that of chief commandant in the engineering corps, receiving the order of Léopold for his brilliant work in the fortifying of Diest. More famous as a soldier, engineer, and archeologist than in design or actual construction, he was nevertheless well versed in architecture, as is indicated by his technical writings on the subject and by the prize awz arded to him in competition for the best plan of the proposed ca- serne du Petit Chateau, mentioned on the medal described in this work. An honored member of many learned societies in his native land, Meyers was also the recipient of numerous distinctions from other countries. Obverse. Facade of the CASERNE DU PETIT CHATEAU Jn exergue DECRETEE EN 1848. CONSTRUITE D’APRES LES PLANS ET SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. B. MEYERS. Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. PRINCIPAUX VOTES DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE BRUXELLES. Inscription 1851. REORGANISA- TION DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT MOYEN. COURS FONDES AU MUSEE.—ENQUETE SUR LA DISTRI- BUTION DES EAUX. ELARGISSEMENT DE LA RUE DE LAEKEN.— EXPOSITION GENERALE DES BEAUX-ARTS—DIMINUTION DU DROIT D’OCTROI SUR LA HOUILLE.— ELECTIONS COM- MUNALES. 99 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 76, 114.| Description taken from this source. MAXIMILIEN ETIENNE MIMEY Born 1826 in Paris; died there in 1888. After a course of study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts he entered the atelier of Henri Labrouste, from whom he gained his interest in travel and archzology. When only thirty years of age Mimey was com- missioned by the Peruvian government to erect a new parliament building, this being followed by the state penitentiary shown on the medals described below, and by other edifices which occupied his time at Lima for a period of six years. Mimey also built several churches, notably the large pa arish church at Tacna. Brault mentions his design of a mausoleum for the victims of the fire at Santiago, the drawings being exhibited in 1862 and receiving high praise. Obverse. Plan of the penitentiary at Lima, Peru. Above, coat of arms. Below PENITENCIARIA | DE LIMA | MAX. MIMEY ARQUITECTO 4¢ left TRABAJO At right ENMIENDA Signed OUDINE Reverse. EL PRESIDENTE | RAMON CASTILLA | DECRETO LA OBRA EL 20 DE OC DE 1855 | COLOCO LA PRIMERA PIEDRA EL 31 DE EN° DE 1856 | INAUGURO EL EDIFICIO EL 23 DE JULIO DE 1862 | DTOR DE LA OBRA M° FELIPE PAZ-SOLDAN | PRINCIPIARON LOS TRABAJOS EL 5 DE NOVIR® DE 1855! CONSTRUYENDOSE EL EDIFICIO EN 2020 DIAS UTILES|NUMERO TOTAL DE JORNALES 377874! PAREDES DE PIEDRA GRANITO 23771 VARAS CU4S | PAREDES DE LA- DRILLOS 16850 VARAS CUA4S | TIROS EN LAS CANTERAS 127 53 | SUPERFICIE DE LA OBRA 41314 VARAS | COSTO TOTAL sles PESOS 68mm. Bronze. American Numismatic Society. PLATE 92 Obverse. Head of President Castilla to left. Above - RAMON CASTILLA PRESIDENTE: Below COLOCO LA PRIMERA PIEDRA EN 1856-LA INAUGURO EN 1862 Signed R. BRITTEN. Luma. Reverse. Bird’s-eye view of the penitentiary. Above, the coat of arms of Peru. In exergue PENITENCIARIA DE LIMA | DIRECTOR DE LA OBRA|D. D. M. FELIPE PAZ-SOLDAN | ARQUITECTO | MAXIMILIANO MIMEY _ Signed R. BRITTEN. LIMA. 68 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 92 699. 701. 702. 703. . Obverse. Heads of the Montgolfier brothers jugate to left JOSE - JEHAN MONE It is known that he was born at Metz in Lorraine, though no records are to be found establishing the dates of his birth and death. He was active at Antwerp during the period of Diirer’s travels through Belgium and Flanders, Mone’s achieve- ments being referred to several times about 1521 in the diary and letters of this great Nuremberg master. Pre-eminent as a sculptor, his best-known work took the form of the designing and carving of church altars. In 1533 he executed the magnificent alabaster reredos in renaissance style which adorns the church of St. Martin at Hal; from that city he went to Brussels, where he was occupied for several years with work on the main altar of the cathedral. Jehan Mone was un- questionably one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. He was decorated with the order of the Emperor Charles V. Uniface. Bust to left, with long hair and with a fur collar. JEHAN . MONE . 45mm. Lead. (Rev. Belge 1922, p. 193.) Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on page 194. De Munter Collection. Nore: In the above publication Mr. Victor De Munter sets forth his reasons for assuming that the medal was executed about 1 by Jehan Mone himself, 535) JACQUES ETIENNE MONTGOLFIER Born 1745 at Vidalon-lez-Annonay, and died 1799 at Serriéres. He studied architecture under Soufflot and devoted him- self for a time to that profession. At Faremoutier he built a small church and a factory for his benefactor, M. Reveillon, who supplied him with funds for his experiments in aerostatics and even allowed his beautiful gardens of the faubourg St. Antoine in Paris to be used as a ba . Most of the medals mentioned below commemorate the aeronautic feats of the brothers Montgolfier. They were presented at the court of Louis XVI, Etienne being decorated by that monarch with the cordon of St. Michel, and Joseph receiving an award of a thousand francs. At the same time their father was raised to the nobility. During the reign of terror the brothers were denounced several times to the tribunal, but were always protected through the loyalty of those who worked under them. {1T ETIEN : MONTGOLFIER Below POUR AVOIR RENDU L’AIR NAVIGABLE Signed on truncation N.- GATTEAUX Reverse. The Champ de Mars, a balloon above the clouds. In exergue EXPERIENCE DU CHAMP DE MARS 27 - AOUST | 1783 - EN VERTU D’UNE SOUSCRIPTION | SOUS LA DIRECT - DE M- FAUJAS | DE ST FOND. gz mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 230, 7; Méd. Fran¢. Mus. Mon. p. 282, 36.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Norte: In the R.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen of this medal with the device of the French mint and the word CUIVRE on the edge, and a modern restrike in silver with the device of the French mint and ARGENT. Obverse. Same as No. 700. Reverse. Cybele supported by a lion; a female figure in the clouds holds a torch under a bal- loon. ATTONITUS ORBIS TERRARUM Jn exergue ITINERE PER AERA FELICITER | TENTATO ANNO | MDCCLXXXIII_ Signed carrEaux gz mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. IT, p. 230, 2; Méd. Frang. Mus. Mon. Dp. 283, 37.1 R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Obverse. Two balloons above the clouds. AUDACIA FELIX. In exergue AERA PERMEARUNT XXI. NOY. |L. F. DARLANDES ET F. PILATRE.|1. DEC. J. A. C. CHARLES| ET M. N. ROBERT | ANNO MDCC- LXXXIII Reverse. In a circle of thirty-two stars PATEFACTO | PER AERA ITINERE | A JOSEPHO ET STEPHANO | MONTGOLFIER | V. JUNIT MDCCLXXXIII. | RET MEMORIAM | POSTERITATI TRADI JUSSIT | LUDOVICUS XVI. | ANNO MDCCLXXXIV. 50 mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 231, 3; Méd. Frang. Mus. Mon. p. 283, 38.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Note: In the R.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen with the device of the French mint and BRONZE on the edge. Obverse. Genius of history seated upon a lion and writing on a tablet. A balloon ascending in the Place des Brotteaux, Lyon. QUE NE PEUT LE GENIE In exergue MEDAILLE FRAPP. EN VERTU D’UNE SOUSCRIPT | FAITE A LYON PAR LES SOINS DE M.|ACHET ECUIER OFF. DE MONSIEUR | FRERE DU ROI. Signed N. GATTEAUX F. Reverse. L’AEROSTAT, | NOMME | LE DE FLESSELLES, | DE 100 PPS DE DTRE SUR 118 | DE H® S'EST ELEVE A 1400 TES | DES BROTTEAUX A LYON | MONTE PAR MM. | MONT- GOLFIER LNE PILATRE DE ROSIER | CHARLE PRINCE DE LIGNE | LES CTES DE LAURENCIN | DE LA PORTE D’ANGLEFORT | LE MIS DE DAMPIERRE| ET M. FONTAINE | LE 19 JEX 1784 Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE gz mm. Bronte. [Kluysk. II, p. 231, 4; Méd. Frang. Mus. Mon. iD 283, 39.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Nore: Ampach No. 9811 mentions a medal with the obverse same as obverse of No. 700, and the reverse same as obverse of No. 703. 119 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. Obverse. Same as obverse of No.700. Reverse. Same as reverse of No. 703. 4£mm. Bronze. R.f.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Obverse. Bust of Louis XVI to right. LUD XVI - REX CHRISTIANISS - Signed GarrEAUx Reverse. Same as No. zor. gimm. Silver, R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Nore: The same medal exists with inscription engraved on edge H. V. ROGUIER, J. J. LE RICHE, LE 4 gbre 1785. Obverse. Bust to left. ETIENNE MONTGOLFIER Signed CAQUE F. Reverse. NE | A VIDALON | PRES AN- NONAY | EN M. DCC. XLV. |MORT|EN M. DCC. XCIX. | —| GALERIE METALLIQUE | DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANGAIS. | —| 1821 gz mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 231, 55 Méd. Franc. Mus. Mon. p. 517, 80.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Note: In the R.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen of this medal with the device of the French mint and BRONZE on the edge. These medals belong to a series of one hundred and eighteen known as the Galerie Metallique, struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. JAMES MORGAN Obverse. Facade of S' GEORGE’S CHURCH Below WOLVERHAMPTON 4éove GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Reverse. THE | FIRST STONE OF THIS | CHURCH WAS LAID AUG. 18T# IN| THE NINTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS | MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY | KING GEORGE THE IV. | AD. 1828 BY THE HON®4E AND VERY REV? |H L HOBART. DD. DEAN OF WINDSOR | & WOL- VERHAMPTON, | THE EXPENCE OF ERECTING THE CHURCH WAS DEFRAYED | PARTLY BY A GRANT FROM PARLIAMENT UNDER ACTS PAS-| SED IN 58 AND 59% YEARS OF THE REIGN OF HIS LATE MAJESTY | KING GEORGE THE II] AND PARTLY BY A VOLUN- | -TARY SUBSCRIPTION OF L3300 FROM THE INHABITANTS | OF THE TOWN AND NEIGHBOURHOOD OF WOLVERHAMPTON. IT | CONTAINS 2300 SITTINGS OF WHICH 1300 ARE APPROPRI | -ATED TO THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE POOR, AND IT | IS BUILT ON A SITE WHICH TO- GETHER WITH THE | SPACIOUS BURIAL GROUND CONTAINING 14520 | SQUARE YARDS WAS PROVIDED BY RATES | UPON THE INHABITANTS OF THE | TOWNSHIP. | — | JAMES MORGAN | ARCHITECT LONDON — Signed orTLEY MEDALLIST 64mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 86 Obverse. Same as No. 707. Reverse. da abridged account of the laying of the Jirst stone as given on the reverse of No. 707. 44mm. White metal. |Birm. Med. p. 42.| Description taken from this source. ETIENNE MORTIER Born 1859 in Ghent. He was educated in that city under van Assche and at the Ecole de St. Luc, where, in 1877, he won of Louvain was followed by an appointment the first prize in architecture. A year of advanced study at the university on the teaching staff there; at the same time Mortier was active as a practising architect. At Lokeren he built a chateau, at Belcele the chapels and dormitories for retired priests, and at Ghent a new diocesan seminary. He was especially suc- cessful in his restoration work, which includes the parish house at Bree, the tower of Sichem, the ancient chateau of the counts of Flanders, and the facades of the cathedral of St. Bavon at Ghent. Mortier was the intimate friend of Cloquet and frequently worked with him, their best-known works in collaboration being the post-offices at Ghent and Ypres. The medal described under the name of Cloquet commemorates the first of these structures, showing the portraits of the associate architects. Mortier has held many positions under the Belgian government, and was decorated with the order of Leopold. Full description of medal will be found under No. 247 (Cloquet). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 14 CONSTANT MOYAUX Born 1835 at Anzin-lez Valenciennes; died 1911 in Paris. His preliminary education in his native village was supple- mented by a course of study in Paris under Le Bas and Bernard, which led to the award of the grand prix de Rome. Among the early works of Moyaux in Paris may be mentioned the reconstruction of the government auditing offices on the rue Cambon and the restoration of the dome of the Institute. He built a church at Noeux-lez-Mines and designed 710. 711. 712. 713 714. many monuments. A member of the French Institute and officer of the Legion of Honor, Moyaux also filled many public offices in the field of his profession, as inspector-general of civic and national buildings and professor of architec- ture, both at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and at the Ecole Nationale. Portrait plaquette of Constant Moyaux executed in roor by Corneille Henri Theunissen [Forrer VT, p. 60.) Description taken from this source. Owned by Mme. Theunissen. Uniface. Bust to left. CONSTANT MOYAUX. MCMVI Signed on truncation PARIS PV.DAUTEL 100 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 71 LUDWIG von NEHER Born 1850 at Stuttgart; died 1916 at Frankfort a/Main. His father, Baron von Neher, being interested in engineering and building, the son grew up in a favorable atmosphere. He studied in the architectural schools of Stuttgart and Frankfurt, being also a pupil of Gnauth and of Wallot. His first practical experience was gained in the offices of Blunt- schli und Mylius at Frankfurt, and later this firm sent him to Italy to construct buildings at Turin. In 1881 von Neher returned to Germany and established himself in independent practice, erecting numerous public buildings and private residences at Frankfurt. Later he was called by the invitation of the municipality to collaborate with Franz von Hoven in the construction of the new Frankfurt Rathaus. This building is illustrated on the medal described under von Hoven. Full description of medal will be found under No. 538 (von Hoven). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 74. EUGENE CHARLES FREDERIC NEPVEU Born 1777 in Paris; died at Versailles in 1861. His architectural education was pursued at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Peyre, Fontaine, and Percier, these studies being supplemented by extensive travel in Italy. Nepveu’s first work of importance was the inspectorship at Hurtault, which led to his appointment in charge of the pub- lic buildings at Fontainebleau. The greater part of his professional activity was associated with the historic chateaux of France, including Rambouillet, Compiégne, the Grand and the Petit Trianons. Most important of all were the alterations and additions executed at Versailles, under the immediate supervision of Louis Philippe. Without changing the facades of the palace as erected for Louis XIV, Nepveu undertook to enlarge the building, to institute all of the then known im- provements with reference to lighting, ventilation, and sanitation, to restore the theatre, and to add the famous staircase of the ambassadors. In all of these changes he achieved notable success. Uniface. Head to right. CHARLES NEPVEV Above 1853 * Signed ¥.CHABAUD 140 mm. Bronze cast. R..E. Col- lection. PLATE 87 ALEXANDER von NEUMANN Born 1861 at Bielitz in Silesia, he attended the Realschule in his native town and later the Technische Hochschule in Vienna. At the outset of his career he collaborated with Ernst von Gotthilf. Together they erected in Vienna the new headquarters for the Bankverein, also buildings for the Anker Insurance Company, the Credit Anstalt, the Mineral Oil Company, and for the Escompte Gesellschaft of lower Austria. Later von Neumann was called to Turkey and Bulgaria, where at least two structures of importance stand in his name, the Vienna Bankverein building at Constantinople and at Sofia the Banque Balcanique. A member of numerous German and Austrian societies of art and architecture, he has been appointed to the position of building councillor in Vienna. Full description of medal will be found under No. 408 (Gotthilf). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 78 CHARLES NEUTE Born 1846 at Saint Josse-ten-Noode; died 1885 at Brussels. While he was still young his parents moved to Mons, where he was educated until he entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. His father had destined him for the profession of civil engineer, but early in life the boy showed a preference for building, and his interest in architecture increased stead- ily. His first work was in engineering, Neute having been appointed by the government to strengthen the fortifications a) 716. wae 718. 720. of Antwerp. This undertaking was so successfully carried out that he was offered a permanent position in similar work, but he preferred to make his way in architecture. He won two prizes in competition for a hospital at Antwerp and for a parish hall at Schaerbeek. In 1872 a group of young Belgians organized the Société Centrale d’Architecture, and founded the monthly periodical, “L’Emulation,” Neute being appointed editor and director. In this work he was most active, serving without recompense and upholding the dignity of architecture as a profession. He organized the first architec- tural exposition held in Belgium, and planned the preparations for the second exposition three years later, but died a short time before the opening. He was admired equally for his humble spirit and for his great ability. . Uniface. Head to left, no inscription. Signed on truncation CH. BRUNIN 400 mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Société Centrale @ Architecture, Brussels. PLATE IOI LIONELLO NICCOLINI Obverse. Facade of the San Carlo theatre at Naples. In exergue REAL TEATRO | DI S CARLO Signed BRANDT. recit. Reverse. Interior view of the theatre. Above CAROL UI FUND | FERD I REST Jn exergue SUSCEPTORE BARBAJA | NICCOLINI ARCHITECTO 37 mm. Bronze. [Lehnert p. 13, 19.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 74 Obverse. Allegorical group with medallion of Ferdinand I. On a pedestal FERD |1|— In exergue DIE XII JAN. | M.DCCCXVII. Reverse. Same as No. 716. 37 mm. Bronze. [Lehnert p. 13, 20.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 74 FERDINAND JAKOB NIEUWENHUIS Born 1848 at Woerden; died 1919 at Utrecht. Following the study of engineering and architecture in Delft and Berlin, Nieuwenhuis established himself at Utrecht, where he planned the stock exchange and the restoration of the cathedral, building numerous churches, schools, and private dwellings in the surrounding district. At The Hague he designed head- quarters for the department of water-works, and a physical laboratory at Delft. For two years he was director of public works at Utrecht, and for eighteen years professor of architecture at Rotterdam. A member of many learned societies, he was also chevalier of the order of Orange-Nassau. Obverse. Facade of the fruit market in Utrecht. On a cartouche BEURS EN FRUITHAL TE UTRECHT. Reverse. A shield, decorated with fruit, the arms of Utrecht above; below, a cartouche with trident, caduceus, and money-pouch. In- scription BOUW BEGONNEN | 24 MAART 1892 | BOUWMEESTER | F. J. NIEUWENHUIS | GEOPEND | 31 MEI 1894 | BURGEMEESTER | B. REIGER Signed BEGEER 83 x 31mm. Bronze. |Zwierzina 1864-1878, 1087.| Description taken from this source. . Uniface. Bust to left. F. J. NIEUWENHUIS - DOMBOUWMEESTER - GEB - 9-8-18 48-TE WOERDEN - OVERL - 16-2-1919-TE UTRECHT * Signed in monogram J Vv G (Ff. F. Van der Goer). 270mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 107 JOHANN NISSEN Born 1871 at Thumby in Schleswig. After considerable practice and training gained in his native city, Nissen went to Flensburg and entered the school of industrial arts, going thence to Berlin to work for the firm of architects having in charge the construction of the Reichstag building. Later his professional activity took him into Bohemia and then to Breslau, where he remained for some years as the associate of Martin Kimbel and of Kuvelke, and where he developed his specialty of interior architecture and decoration, being in responsible charge of the work on numerous villas, country residences, and castles. In 1904 Nissen established himself at Kiel, where he has since devoted himself almost exclu- sively to his chosen field of interior design. Uniface. Bust to right. JOHANNES | NISSEN | 4 device of architects’ instruments. BRESLAU MDCCCXCVHI Signed A * HANSEN | BERLIN | FEC - 726 x 83 mm. Bronze cast. (Hess sale Nov. 26, 1913, 2938.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE IIO RAGNAR OSTBERG Born in 1866. After study at the polytechnicum in Stockholm he spent three years at the school of architecture of that city, receiving its medal in 1891. About this time Ostberg entered the atelier of I. G. Clason, the eminent architect and professor, with whom he was associated for a period of five years, during which time he made a brief visit to America. 721. 722. 723. 724, 725. 726. 727. Returning to Stockholm he renewed his work under Clason; then travelled extensively on the continent before establish- ing himself in private practice. During the earlier part of his career Ostberg was occupied with interior decoration and with the construction of small houses, cottages, and bungalows; but later he erected numerous important buildings, in- cluding government offices, schools, and theatres; his most recent work being the Stockholm city hall. In 1921 Ostberg was appointed professor of architecture, and the following year was made a member of the Academy. In 1926 the Royal Institute of British Architects awarded him its medal, the only time that this honor has gone to Sweden. Obverse. 4 lion with the coat of arms of the city of Stockholm. Legend TILL - ERINRAN - OM - STADSHUSETS - FULLBORDANDE - PRAGLADES - DENNA - MINNESPENNING * Signed ARON SANDBERG Reverse. Upper part of the tower of the city hall; a sunburst at the left, a genius with a wreath at right. Legend GRUNDLADES - IQII - INVIGDES - MID - SOMMARAFTON - 1923 - RAGNAR - OSTBERG: ARCH: 56.5 mm. Bronze. [Numis. Medd. XXIV, p. 230, 1.| Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 18. Nore: The medal was distributed among the various officials and artisans connected with the work. Obverse. Head to right. RAGNAR OSTBERG Signed on truncation SV. NILSSON Reverse. Female figure in a niche, holding a crown. CURIA CIVITATIS | HOLMENSIS | MCMXXIII | VERBA VOLANT | MONUMENTUM | MANET Closed wreath of laurel laid around rim. Edge. s & co (C. E. Sporrong & Co.), various mint marks, and x ie 45 mm. Silver, (Num. Medd. XXIV, p. 231, 2.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 80 DANIEL JOSEPH OHLMULLER Born 1791 at Bamberg in Bavaria; died 1839 in Munich. After the study of engineering and drawing in his native city, Ohlmiiller went to Munich for courses in architecture under Kuno von Fischer, thence to taly and Sicily. In 1831 he be- gan the erection of the Maria-Hilf church at Au, one of the suburbs of Munich, the church being illustrated on all of the medals described below. From that time on he was influential in the architectural activity of Munich, being appointed in rapid succession inspector of municipal buildings, district councillor, and national councillor. He executed the Bavarian monument at Wittelsbach, and built the Ottokapelle near Kiefersfelden and a church at Hallbergmoos. From 1837 until his death he was occupied on reconstruction work in connection with Burg Hohenschwangau. Obverse. The Maria-Hilf church. Legend ANGEFANGEN DEN 28 NOVEMB: 18 31. In exergue VOLLENDET D. 25 AUG:11839. Signed 1. WEBER. D. BIRNBOCK. F. Reverse. ZU | EHREN MARIA DER | GOTTES- MUTTER | ERBAUTE D: GEMEINDE D:| VORSTADT AU | UNTERSTUTZT DURCH DIE | MUNIFI- CENZ | S: MAJ: DES KONIGS | LUDWIG I. | DIESE KIRCHE NACH | DEM PLANE DES | D: OHI- MULLER. | — 38 mm. Silver. [Beierlein M. b. K. IT, 6; Hauser 779.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 86 Obverse. Same as No. 723, except that the names of WEBER and BIRNBOCK in exergue are omitted. Reverse. Same as No. 723. 38mm. Bronze. [Missing in Hauser.) R. ¥. E. Collection. PLATE 86 Obverse. The Maria-Hilf church. Legend ANGEFANGEN D: 28. NOV: 18 31. VOLLENDET 25. AUG: In exergue 18 39 Reverse. Similar to No. 722. 46mm. White metal. (Beierlein M. b. K. II, 7. Hauser 780.| Staatliche Miinzsammlung, Munich. PLATE 86 FRANZ OLBRICHT Born about the middle of the nineteenth century. Little seems to be recorded concerning Olbricht’s education or his independent professional activity. After his early training as an architect he associated himself with Ferdinand Dehm, with whom he collaborated in designing a number of important structures. A somewhat more detailed record of their work will be found in the biography of Dehm. Uniface. Same as reverse of No. 275 (Dehm). r17 «117 mm. [von Loehr p- 26, 298b.| Description taken from this source. PLATE 78 Full description of medal will be found under No. 275 (Dehm). R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 78 123 728. 729. 730. 731. ANDRE ANTOINE EUGENE OUDINE Born 1840 in Paris; died there in 1917. The son of Eugéne Oudiné, well known as a sculptor, he studied with his father before entering the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Later he specialized in perspective and architecture as a pupil of Constant- Dufeux, eminent professor and architect of the Pantheon. In 1870 the French Institute gave the Achille Leclére prize to Oudiné, who also won other competitive awards. He built a hotel at Passy and the college at Huy. Officer of academy and of public instruction, he was appointed inspector of public works for the city of Paris and architect-in-charge of the buildings of the Sorbonne. Portrait medallion of A. A. Eugéne Oudiné executed in 1861 by Eugene André Oudiné. Bronze. [Gaz. Num. 1905, p. 3203 Forrer IV, p. 349.| Description taken from these sources. Norte: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 186r. Portrait medallion of E. Oudiné, architect, executed in 1876 by Eugene André Oudiné. [Gaz. Num. 1905, p. 336; Forrer IV, p- 350.) Description taken from these sources. Nore: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1876. HENRI DESIRE LOUIS van OVERSTRAETEN Born 1818 at Louvain; died 1849 at Ghent. The greater part of his short life was spent in Ghent, where he studied under Roelandts, with whom he later collaborated and whose daughter he married. Both as a student and as a young archi- tect, van Overstraeten gave promise of a brilliant career, but he died suddenly, a victim of the cholera epidemic which ravaged Belgium in 1849. He drew the plans for the restoration of the chateau of the Count of Flanders and for several churches, including those of Lokeren and Middelkerke, but the edifice with which his name will remain associated is the church of Ste. Marie at Schaerbeek, depicted on the medal referred to below. A national competition resulted in the unanimous choice of the plans presented by van Overstraeten. His use of the Byzantine style was an innovation which aroused both admiration and criticism, and greatly influenced Cluysenaar, through whom Byzantine architecture was carried to other parts of the Netherlands. Van Overstraeten had collected material for a treatise on the different styles of ecclesiastical architecture, one volume of this ““Architectonographie” being published posthumously. Obverse. View of the church of St. Mary at Schaerbeek. In exergue EGLISE STE MARIE | A SCHAERBEEK Signed J. WIENER F. 1852 Reverse. Ground plan of the church. LA CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEE 1846 D’APRES LES PLANS DE VANOVERSTRAETEN 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 48, 57-] R.F.E. Collection, PLATE 72 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. ALEXIS PACCARD Born 1813 in Paris; died there in 1867. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Huyot, Le Bas, and Hubert, and where he distinguished himself by winning many medals and prizes, including the grand prix de Rome. Returning to France after study in Italy, Paccard was commissioned to undertake some most important reconstruction work at Fontainebleau: transforming the galerie de Diane into a library, restoring the facades on the side of the oval court, the chapel of St. Saturnin, the Louis XIII apartments, and the galerie des Cerfs, as well as several entrances and stair- cases which were beginning to fall into ruins. At the chateau of Pau, Paccard restored the tower of Gaston Phoebus, and at Eaux-Bonnes he erected government buildings. Appointed architect of the chateaux of Fontainebleau and Rambouillet and inspector of works for the Louvre and the Tuileries, Paccard served as a member of the municipal council on public buildings, being at the same time professor and chief of atelier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Uniface. Head to left. Signed ©. GUILLAUME. 1868 [Delaire 1907, p. 363.1 352mm. Bronze. Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. PLATE 60 FRANCOIS NARCISSE PAGOT Born 1780 at Orleans, and died there in 1845. His professional studies were completed at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he was a pupil of Lagardette and where the grand prix was awarded to him in 1803. Returning to his na- tive city, where most of his important work was subsequently executed, Pagot soon rose to prominence as one of the 124 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. leading architects. He designed and supervised the restoration of the cathedral in Orleans, also constructing there a church, a library, and an insane asylum. Among the works executed by him directly for the municipality may be men- tioned the corn exchange, which is shown on one of the medals described below; also two abattoirs, the larger being shown on another medal; his reconstruction of the town hall at Orleans is also worthy of notice. Two of Pagot’s works out- side of that city deserve mention: his successful restoration of the cathedral at Bourges and the hospice which he erected at Gien. He was professor of architecture in Orleans, and one of the founders of the Société centrale des Architectes Francais. Obverse. Head of Louis XVIII to right. LOUIS XVIII ROI DE FRANCE ET DE NAVAR. Below pr puy- MAURIN DIR. Signed GAYRARD F : Reverse. The abattoir at Orleans. In exergue ABATTOIR D’ORLEANS | LE V"B DE RICCE PREFET | LE CE DE ROCHEPLATTE MAIRE | 1819 PAGOT ARCH - Signed &. puBots GRAV: gi mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 Obverse. Same as No. 732. Reverse. The corn exchange at Orleans. In exergue HALLE AU BLE D’ORLEANS | LE VTE DE RICCE PREFET|LE CE DE ROCHEPLATTE MAIRE|1824 PAGOT ARCH. Signed BARRE GRAV. 47 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 PELAGIO PALAGI Born at Bologna about 1775; died 1860 in Turin. He studied under Appiani, and established himself for a time in Milan, where he built the Casa Ares in the via Monte di Pieta. His name is also associated with work in Turin. Among his best- known paintings are a Sibyl, a Coriolanus, and one of Columbus, all in private collections. Palagi was director of the academy in Rome, a member of the academy of S. Luca, and held the position of court painter and architect to the king of Sardinia. Obverse. Head to right. PELAGIO PALAGI PITTORE Signed L. cossa. ¥. Reverse. In a wreath of oak and laurel NATO | IN BOLOGNA 57 mm. Siler. [Durand p. 150.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 93 ANDREA PALLADIO Born 1518 at Vicenza; died 1580 at Venice. Palladio began his career as a sculptor, but soon devoted himself exclusively to building, becoming eminent as an architect through his adaptation of classic principles to the conditions of his time and country. His earlier works, all located in his native city, comprise the Barbarano and Tiene palazzi, the Olympic thea- tre, and three arcades for the Sala della Ragione. He completed the castello of Udine, which had been begun by Fontana, who is generally regarded as having been Palladio’s master in architecture. In Venice and its vicinity are numerous Palladian edifices, including the church of S. Giorgio Maggiore and an atrium for the monastery della Carita. Called to Padua, he built the palazzo Aldrighelli, while at Brescia both the cathedral and the governor’s palace are associated with his name. In all of his work Palladio took a firm stand against the sacrifice of interior convenience to exterior effect. Among his published treatises may be mentioned “Le Antichita di Roma” and “I quattro libri dell’ Architettura.”” The influence of Palladio is still clearly felt through the works of Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, and others who adhere to the classic spirit in building. Obverse. Head of Palladio to right. AD CELSA MAGNI DVXIT EXEMPLI VIA Below, between a dolphin and an anchor PALLADIVS |—| Signed purinatt F.| 1819 Reverse. Head of Titian to left. I. R. ACCADEMIA VENETA PVLCH. ARTIVM Below, between a dolphin and an anchor TITIANVS | —| Signed near bottom F. PUTINATIF. 54mm. Bronze. [Ampach roogg.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 81 Nore: The head on the reverse is the same as the head on the reverse of No. 1039. Obverse. Same as No. 735. Reverse. Head of Titian, but the modelling differs from that on No. 735. The word ACCA- DEMIA is spelled ACADEMIA, the word BON. is substituted for PVLCH., the date 1 819 is added, and the signature of PUTINATI is placed just below the head. Edge. An illegible device and the number 98 54mm. Silver. RFE. Col- lection. PLATE 81 Obverse. Bust and inscription. Reverse. In a wreath NATUS MDXVIII OBIIT MDLXXX Signed v-¥ 32mm. Bronze. (Wellenheim II, 14470.) Description taken from this source. 125 738. 739. 740. 741. Obverse. Bust to left. ANDREAS PALLADIO. Signed p. GiIRomETTI F. Reverse. Ina closed wreath of laurel AEDI- BYS | PRIVATIS PVBLICIS | SCIENTER | AEQVE AC VENVSTE | EXSTRVCTIS Edge. A small head of Pallas in an oval. gr mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 81 Nore: One of a series of medals of noted Italians of all ages. Most of these medals were executed by Cerbara and the Giromettis, father and son, before the middle of the nineteenth century. WILLIAM FRANCKLYN PARIS Born 1871 in New York City. He studied at New York University and later in Europe. Upon his return to America, he became associated as partner with F. J. Wiley, and this firm executed architectural decorations for many public and private structures. Among these may be mentioned the new Sherry Building in New York, the public library in Detroit, the Missouri State Capitol at Jefferson City, and numerous university buildings. Paris was the United States Commis- sioner of decorative art at the Exposition Universelle in 1900, and in 1923 was secretary to the municipal commission for the exposition in Rome. He is a member of the Architectural League of America, of the Société des Gens de Lettres de France, and an honorary director of the French Museum. He has published a book, “Decorative Elements in Architec- ture,” and has been a frequent contributor to the best periodicals of his country. Uniface. Bust to left. * * * WILLIAM * * * FRANCKLYN * PARIS * * * Below MCMVII* Signed MOWBRAY- CLARKE | scuLP 77 mm. Bronze cast. [Mowbray-Clarke Cat. 69.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 108 Nore: The stops between the words on this medal are in the form of small birds. WILLIAM PARSONS Born probably at Leicester, near the beginning of the nineteenth century. Unfortunately no records appear to be avail- able establishing the actual place or date of his birth, but it is known that Leicester was the centre of his professional activity as an architect, and that he died near there, at Thurnby, prior to 1861. His work of outstanding importance, St. George’s Church, which is shown on the medal described below, was dedicated in 182 as one of the ecclesiastical edifices of Great Britain worthy of commemoration in the series known as “Church Medals.” few years later it was selected Obverse. Facade of S} GEORGE’S LEICESTER. Reverse. THE | CEREMONIAL STONE | OF THIS CHURCH | WAS LAID ON FRIDAY THE | 29 AUGUST 1823 IN THE FOURTH | YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS | MAJESTY GEORGE THE IV.| BY THE RIGHT HONORABLE | RICHARD WILLIAM PENN | EARL HOWE. | LENGTH OF THE CHURCH 92 FEET,| BREADTH 64 FEET, | HEIGHT OF THE TOWER AND SPIRE 170 FEET. | THE EXPENCE OF ERECTING THE CHURCH IS | DEFRAYED BY HIS MAJESTYS COMMISSIONERS | FOR BUILDING ADDITIONAL CHURCHES IN | POPULOUS PARISHES & THE SITE PURCHASED | BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. | WILLIAM PARSONS ARCHITECT LEICESTER. |THE HON: & RIGHT REV: GEO- PELHAM D.D| LORD BISHOP OF LINCOLN. | THE VENERABLE T. PARKINSON D.D | ARCHDEACON OF LEICESTER | & CHAIRMAN OF THE | DISTRICT BOARD -| JOHN STOCKDALE HARDY | HON : SECRETARY - 6g mm. (Num. Chron. 1886, p. 308.| British Museum. PLATE 89 HENRY LOUIS FRANCOIS PARTOES Born 1790 in Brussels, where he died in 1843. Little seems to be known concerning his early life, except that he probably remained in his native city, where he was educated and w here the greater number of his architectural works are to be found. His first building of importance, one which occupied him for two years, was a large asylum and home for incurables, both men and women. The building won high praise for the young architect, leading him to specialize in this line of con- struction. Among other large and well-known buildings erected by Partoés, are the hospital of St. Jean at Brussels and an asylum which he was called to construct at Pacheco, probably the town of that name in southern Spain. He was appointed a member of the national commission on historical monuments and decorated with the order of Leopold. Obverse. Bira’s-eye view of the home for the aged. Reverse. GUILLIELMO I. | BELGARUM _REGE, | CURANTI- BUS F. DE PAGE, | J. DE LA COSTE, J. DE SNELLINCK, | F. DE FREINS, | TH. VAN REYNEGOM DE BUZET, | G. MARCQ, CH. J. DE LIAGRE, | J. G. DIERT DE KERCKWERVE, | J. B. KOCKAERT ET J. F. DE STROOPER, | HOC HOSPITIUM | SENIBUS EXCIPIENDIS | AEDIFICATUM. | A. L. P. | PRAET. URB. L. DE WELLENS | A. MDCCCXXIV. | PARTOES AED. ARCH. 33 mm. Silver and bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 87 126 742. 743. 744. _ ou 746. 747. JEAN LOUIS PASCAL Born 1837 in Paris; died there in 1920. He studied under Questel and Gilbert and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, receiving numerous prizes and honors prior to that of the grand prix awarded to him in 1866. At Bordeaux he erected university buildings for the department of medicine, and in Paris designed additions to the Bibliothéque Nationale, drew the plans for the church of the Sacré Coeur, and transformed the salle Ventadour into the present building of the banque de France. Pascal designed many monuments; one to Michelet, another to Henry Regnault; also in collaboration with Coquart, one to Degeorge, and in collaboration with Thomas, one to Garnier. In 1899 a competition was instituted, open to all the architects in the world, inviting them to submit drawings for the grounds and buildings of the University of Cali- fornia, Pascal being the French representative on the international jury of award. A member of the Salon jury, mem- ber of the jury of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, as well as one of its professors, he was also inspector-general of civic buildings. Uniface. Head to right. L. PASCAL ARCHTE Signed DEGEORGE ROME 1867 (all lettering incised). 739mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 81 Obverse. Bust to left. JEAN-LOUIS | PASCAL ARCHITECTE MDCCCLXXXXVII Signed J. C. CHAPLAIN Re- verse. 4 tablet hung upon an oak, inscribed 18 Yes|| 1897 | — In the background St. Peter’s in Rome, two students ap- proaching along the highway. ABRITES | PAR - SON - OMBRE | ET - NOURRIS - DE: SA: SEVE Edge. De- vice of the French mint and BRONZE 77x 60mm. (Gaz. Num. 1899, p. 84, 116; Cahn Cat. 1909, Kunstmed. und Plak. 296.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 81 of No. 743, except that the signature of the sculptor is incised and is slightly nearer the bottom. 207 R.F.E. Collection. Uniface. Same as o x 774mm. Bronze cast. . Full description of medal will be found under No. 68 (Benard). R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 8 SIR JOSEPH PAXTON Born 1801 at Milton Bryant, Bedfordshire; died 1865 in London. For ten years he had charge of the famous Chatsworth gardens on the estate of the Duke of Devonshire, building there the arboretum and the large conservatory which served as models for his later structures. His most noted achievement was the international exhibition building erected at Hyde Park, London, in 1851, and reconstructed three years later on an enlarged scale at Sydenham, where it remains. This building, the famous Crystal Palace, and the one erected for the international exhibition both appear on many of the medals described below. In recognition of his great work, Paxton was knighted; later he was elected to Parliament. He published a number of books, which, however, dea’ mainly with horticulture. Obverse. The exhibition building in a wreath of roses, thistle, and shamrock. Above, heads of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert each in an oval frame ; between them the coat of arms of Great Britain. PROPOSED BY H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT. | DESIGNED BY | JOSEPH PAXTON ESQRE F.L.S. | ERECTED BY | FOX, HENDERSON Co Legend EX- HIBITION OF INDUSTRY, OF ALL NATIONS. LONDON. 18 51 Signed OTTLEY BIRM. Reverse. Britannia standing, holding laurel branch and surrounded by symbols of industry, art, thrift, and transportation. 74mm. White metal. RFE. Collection. PLATE 83 Obverse. Head of the prince consort to left in a wreath of laurel and oak. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. Signed oTTLEY. BIRM™ Reverse. The exhibition building. THE BUILDING FOR THE GREAT EX- HIBITION IN LONDON. 1851 Jn exergue PROPOSED BY H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. | DESIGNED BY JOSEPH PAXTON ESQ. F. L. S.| ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON, & C®|— DIMENSIONS — | LENGTH 1848 FEET, WIDTH 456 FEET, | HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL ROOF 66 FEET, | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FEET, | GLAZED SURFACE gooooco FEET, | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES | OF GROUND 74 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 83 rse. Busts of Victoria and Albert, jugate to left in a wreath of laurel and oak and in an ornamented frame. QUEEN VICTORIA & PR: ALBERT Reverse. The exhibition building. THE INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EX- HIBITION | LONDON, 1851. Jn exergue PROPOSED BY H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, | DESIGNED BY JOSEPH PAXTON ESQ. F. L. S.,] ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON & C9. | LENGTH 1848 FEET, WIDTH 456 FEET,| HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL ROOF 66 FEET, | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FEET, | GLAZED SURFACE 900,000 SUP FEET | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES | OF GROUND. | ESTI- MATED VALUE £150,000. Signed ALLEN & MOORE BIRM“ 57 mm. White metal. RFE. Collection. piare 82 749. 750. 751. 752 753. 754. 755. 756. 7BY Ks 758. Obverse. Same as No. 52 (Barry). Reverse. Same as No. 748. 51mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. 354.1 Description taken from this source. Obverse. Head of the prince consort to right. PRINCE ALBERT, CONSORT OF QUEEN VICTORIA. Signed aA &™M (Allen & Moore). Rim ornamented. Reverse. Same as No. 748. 51mm. White Metal. British Museum. Piate 82 Obverse. Head of Prince Albert to left. HH. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT Below STRUCK IN THE BUILDING OF THE EXHIBITION Signed w. J. TAYLOR MEDALLIST | LONDON Reverse. Royal coat of arms. GREAT EX- HIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS Below * LONDON 1851 * 38 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 82 Obverse. Heads of the prince consort and queen, jugate to left. Legend TO COMMEMORATE THE EXHIBITION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS. PROPOSED BY H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT & PATRONISED BY H.M.G. MAJESTY THE QUEEN Signed pavis, BRM. Reverse. View of the exhibition building. In ex igures representing the four quarters of the globe. LENGTH OF THE BUILDING 1848 F! WIDTH 456 BS HEIGHT 66 F? TRANSEPT 108 F?| GLAZED SURFACE 900,000. FT OCCUPIES NEARLY 21 AC$ OF GROUND | 3300 IRON COLUMNS, 2224 GIRDERS, 1128 GALLY BEARERS | 205 MILES OF SASH BAR, VALUE £150000.| OPENED BY H.M.G. MAJESTY VICTORIA | MAY 1. 1851.1 On dar forming the exergue DESIGNED BY J PAXTON ESQ ERECTED BY FOX HENDERSON & CO 49 mm. White metal. British Museum. PLATE 82 ey Obverse. Head of the prince consort to right. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. Reverse. The exhibition building. THE BUILDING FOR THE GREAT EXHIBITION IN LONDON, 1851 In exergue PROPOSED BY H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. | DESIGNED BY JOSEPH PAXTON ESQ. F. L. S.| ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON & C9°| LENGTH 1848 FEET. WIDTH 456 FEET.| HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL ROOF 66 FEET. | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FEET. | GLAZED SURFACE gooooo FEET. | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES |OF GROUND. 53 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 82 Obverse. Same as No. 753. Reverse. Four figures, one with an olive branch, one with a sheaf of wheat, one with a ham- mer; the fourth holds a wreath aloft. Signed OTTLEY, MEDALLIST, BIRM¥ Rim milled. 53mm. White metal. British Museum. PLATE 82 Obverse. The exhibition building. THE BUILDING AT LONDON, FOR THE | INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI- TION | 18 51 In exergue, heads of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, jugate to right, in ornamented frame flanked by genii. J. PAXTON ESQ. ARCHITECT. Signed ALLEN & MOORE F. Reverse. Interior of the building. In exergue EXPOSITION | 1851 Signed ALLEN & MOORE 39 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 83 Obverse. Similar to No. 755. Reverse. THE MATERIALS ARE| IRON AND GLASS;| IT IS IN SHAPE | A PARALLELOGRAM, | 1848 F? LONG BY 408 F? BROAD, |! AND 66 F! HIGH; | IT IS CROSSED MIDWAY BY|A TRANSEPT 108 Ft HIGH; | ON THE NORTH SIDE IS AN | ADDITION, OF 936 Ft IN LENGTH | BY 48 F? IN BREADTH, | TOTAL AREA OF SPACE, | 855,360 CUBIC FT, | OR NEARLY 21 ACRES, | ESTIMATED VALUE, | £150,000. Legend THERE ARE 2,244 IRON GIRDERS, 3,300 COLUMNS, 202 MILES OF SASH BARS, AND 900,000 SUP: Ff OF GLASS. 45 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 82 Nore: The area given in cubic feet on Nos. 756 and 757 is undoubtedly intended to be in square feet. Obverse. Same as No. 755. Reverse. THE MATERIALS ARE| IRON AND GLASS,| IN SHAPE|A PAR- ALLELOGRAM, | 1848 F? LONG BY 408 FI BROAD,| AND 66 F! HIGH, | IT IS CROSSED MID- WAY BY|A TRANSEPT 108 FT HIGH,| ON THE NORTH SIDE IS AN| ADDITIONAL 936 FT IN LENGTH | BY 48 F2 IN BREADTH; | TOTAL AREA OF SPACE | 855,360 CUBIC FT; | OR NEARLY 21 ACRES; | ESTIMATED VALUE | £150,000. 39 mm. White metal. British Museum. PLATE 83 Obverse. The exhibition building. EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE DE L'INDUSTRIE. | LONDRES, 18 51. In exergue PROPOSE, PAR | SON A. R. LE PRINCE ALBERT. | LE BATIMENT A ETE DESSINE PAR | MR JOSH PAXTON M. S. R. | ET ELEVE PAR | MESSIEURS FOX, HENDERSON ET C!E. Signed ALLEN ET MOORE BIRMY Reverse. Same as No. 755. 39 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 83 Q 128 759. Obverse. Crowned bust of Queen Victoria to left. Inner legend H. M. G. M. QUEEN VICTORIA. Outer legend BORN MAY 24 1819. CROWNED JUNE 28 18 38. MARRIED FEB: 10 1840.* Reverse. Same as obverse of No. 755. 39 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 83 760. Obverse. The exhibition building. THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION (LONDON, 1851 Jn exergue PROPOSED BY PRINCE ALBERT | DESIGNED BY J. PAXTON ESQ | ERECTED BY | FOX, HENDERSON & C9, Signed ALLEN & MOORE BIRM“ Reverse. THE | MATERIALS ARE | IRON AND GLASS; | LENGTH 1848 FEET; | WIDTH 456 FEET; | HEIGHT OF ROOF 66 FEET; | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT | 108 FEET; | GLAZED SURFACE | 900,000 SUP. FEET; | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES | OF GROUND; | VALUE £150,- 000. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 30 mm. White metal. R.F E. Collection. PLATE 83 761. Obverse. The exhibition building. THE CRYSTAL PALACE Jn exergue FOR THE | WORLD’S SHOW | IN | LONDON | 1851 Signed HEATON. BIRM. Reverse. DIMENSIONS | — | LENGTH 1848 FT| WIDTH 408 FT | HEIGHT OF ROOF 66 F? | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FT| GLAZED SURFACE | goo,ooo Se Ff | AND | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES 30 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 83 Nore: Although called the Crystal Palace on the medal, the building shown is that of the Industrial Exhibition of 1851, and is not to be confused with the Crystal Palace designed by Paxton in 1854. 762. Obverse. Same as No. 76r. Reverse. Legend SECTS 16. CENTRAL AVENUE OF THE | GREAT EXHIBI- TION Inscription EVERETT’S | BLACKING | 51 | FETTER LANE | LONDON 30 mm. White metal. RG.E. Collection. 762a. Obverse. The exhibition building. THE CRYSTAL PALACE In exergue FOR THE GREAT | EXHIBITION | IN LONDON OF | 1851 Signed on the exergual bar 8 & M (Allen & Moore). Reverse. DIMENSIONS. | LENGTH 1848 FEET, | WIDTH 456 FEET; | HEIGHT OF ROOF 66 FEET; | HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT | 108 FEET; | GLAZED SURFACE | 900,000 SUP. FEET. | OCCUPIES 18 ACRES. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 22.5 mm. Brass. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 Nore: See note under No. 761. 763. Obverse. Head of the prince consort to eft. H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT Signed G. DEE. F. Ornamented border. Re- verse. View of the exhibition building THE CRYSTAL PALACE LONDON | 1851 In exergue COVERING AN AREA OF 18 ACRES | LENGTH 1848 F? BREADTH | 408 ET HEIGHT 66 FT | TRANSEPT 108 FT | HIGH | COST £150,000 30mm. White metal. British Museum. PLATE 83 Note: See note under No. 761. 764. Obverse. The exhibition building. THE BUILDING FOR THE INTERNATIONAL | EXHIBITION Jn exergue LONDON | 1851 Signed a & m (Allen and Moore). Reverse. THE CONSTRUCTION IS OF | IRON AND GLASS; |1848 Fr LONG | ABOUT HALF IS 456 F? WIDE,| THE REMAINDER 408 FT WIDE, | AND 66 F? HIGH;| WITH TRANSEPT 108 FT HIGH. | SITE UPWARDS OF 20 ACRES. | COST £150,000 | — | JOSH PAXTON ESQ® | ARCT. 29 mm. White metal. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 83 764a. Obverse. The exhibition building. EXHIBITION PALACE Jn Similar to obverse but signed in exergue; one letter at left illegible, at gue LONDON | 1851 Rim beaded. Reverse. right the letter B The rim is not beaded. 22 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 86 Note: In the R.J.E. Collection there is another specimen with the head of Queen Victoria on the reverse. 764b. Obverse. Similar to reverse of No. 764a, but the lettering is smaller and different in style. Reverse. + RICHARD COCKERILL -| TEA | & | COFFEE | DEALER | 92 |SHOE LANE| FLEET STREET 22 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 765. Obverse. Head to left. PAXTON Signed L. Cc. wYON, Reverse. THE | CRYSTAL PALACE | — | DESIGNED BY | SIR. JOSEPH ,PAXTON | OPENED | JUNE. 10.1854 Below, crossed branches of laurel. 63 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 Nore: In the R.J.E. Collection there is also a specimen of this medal in bronze, with the rey left entirely blank for inscription. 129 Sea anes eee ae 766. Obverse. Same as No. 765. Reverse. The Crystal Palace. Above CRYSTAL PALACE Below OPENED. MDCCCLIV Signed PINCHES. LONDON. 63 mm. Bronze. R.7.E. Collection. PLATE 84 767. Obverse. Female figure, with emblems of peace and war, a lamb and a helmet at her feet, opens the doors INDUSTRY SCIENCE ‘0 the exposition. Signed in exergue PINCHES Reverse. Same as No.766. 63mm. Bronze. R.F-E. Collec- tion. PLATE 84 768. Obverse. Same as No. 767. Reverse. Same as No. 766. gx mm. White metal. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 84 769. Obverse. Head to left. SIR JOSEPH PAXTON Signed on truncation L. C. WYON. Reverse. The Crystal Palace. DE- SIGNED BY SIR JOSEPH PAXTON In exergue THE FIRST COLUMN ERECTED | BY SAM} LAING ESQRE M. P.| AUGT 57% 1852! OPENED JUNE 107 1854 Signed T. R. PINCHES LONDON 47 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 770. Obverse. Framed bust to left in wreath of laurel. Below SIR JOSEPH PAXTON Reverse. The Crystal Palace. THE PEOPLE’S CRYSTAL PALACE SYDENHAM. | BEING A VAST REPOSITORY OF INSTRUCTION | AND AMUSEMENT. | OPENED JUNE 1854. In exergue DESIGNED BY SIR JOSEPH PAXTON F. L. S.| ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON & C9. | THE BUILDING AND GROUNDS OCCUPY | 300 ACRES | LENGTH 1608 FT, NAVE 110 F? HIGH, CENTRE TRANSEPT 194 FT HIGH, | AND 120 WIDE | SIDE TRANSEPTS 110 F? HIGH,| AND 72 F? WIDE. Signed on bar forming exergue ALLEN & MOORE 5r mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 82 771. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 422 (Fowke). Reverse. View of the Crystal Palace. THE MIGHT OF INDUS- TRY, THE GLORY OF PEACE Signed DOWLER BIRM™ In exergue THE CRYSTAL PALACE | SYDEN- HAM | ERECTED | MDCCCLIII | FOX, HENDERSON & CO. CONTRACTORS 74mm. White metal. |Birm. Med. p. r1.] Description taken from this source. 772. Obverse. The Crystal Palace building. THE MIGHT OF INDUSTRY THE GLORY OF PEACE In exergue THE CRYSTAL PALACE | SYDENHAM Signed DowLER BIRM™ Reverse. Similar to obverse of No. 422 (Fowke). 52mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 82 773. Obverse. View of the Crystal Palace. Above DESIGNED BY SIR JOSEPH PAXTON Jn exergue ERECTED BY | MESSRS FOX & HENDERSON Signed w. J. TAYLOR LONDON Reverse. THE FIRST COLUMN OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM | DESTINED FOR | THE RECREATION AND | INSTRUCTION OF THE MILLION | WAS ERECTED ON THE! 5 DAY OF AUGUST 1852 BY | SAMUEL LAING, ESQ. M. P. CHAIRMAN | OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE COMP. | IN COMMEMORATION OF WHICH EVENT | THIS MEDAL IS PRESENTED | TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF | THE AGE | WEEKLY NEWS- PAPER 44 mm. White metal, gilt. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 774. Obverse. View of the Crystal Palace. CRYSTAL PALACE SYDENHAM | BEING | THE GREAT | EXHIBITION OF 1851 | REMOVED FROM HYDE PARK Jn exergue FIRST COLUMN ERECTED AUG 5. 1852 THE | PALACE | OF THE | PEOPLE | OPENED JUNE Io. 1854 Signed, on bar forming exergue, W. J. TAYLOR Lonpon Reverse. In the centre * STRUCK IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE * BY W. J. TAYLOR —| VISI- TORS | TO THE | 30 APRIL 1866 | 18,607,852 1— In ten panels radiating from centre WIDTH | OF BUILDING | 324 | FEET | —| LENGTH OF | NAVE | 1602 FT | HEIGHT | 104 FT | —| HEIGHT OF CENTRE | TRANSEPT | 174 | FEET | — | IRON | USED IN | WATER | TOWERS | 1600 | TONS WATER | TOWERS | 284 FT | ABOVE | CROSS OF | ST PAULS | PALACE | AND | GROUNDS | COVER 200 | ACRES | HANDEL | ORCHESTRA | SEATS | 5000 | PERSONS | — | GLASS | USED IN | BUILD- ING | 25 | ACRES | —| IRON | USED IN | BUILDING | 9641 | TONS | —| LENGTH OF | HOT WATER PIPES | 50| MILES|— 42 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 775. Obverse. View of the Crystal Palace. CRYSTAL PALACE SYDENHAM Jn exergue FIRST COLUMN ERECTED AUG. 5. 1852] OPENED JUNE Io. 1854 Signed, on bar forming exergue, W. J. TAYLOR LONDON Reverse. Same as No. 774. 42mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 130 776. Obverse. Banner with horns and trumpets, crowns above JUNGIMUS HOSPITIO DEXTRAS Signed PINCHES. LON- pon Reverse. Fagade of the Crystal Palace. TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF THE | BAND OF THE IMP: REG: OF GUIDES In exergue TO THE CRYSTAL PALACE | SYDENHAM | OCTOBER 28. 18 54. gi mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 84 777. Obverse. Coat of arms with an eye above. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS Jn exergue VISITED THE CRYSTAL PALACE | AUG? 287 1855. Reverse. Same as No. 769. 41 mm. White metal. R.¥.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 84 HENDRIK van PEEDE Few details are to be found concerning the life and career of this Flemish architect, which is the more surprising by vir- tue of the fact that he designed and erected one of the most beautiful buildings in all the Netherlands. The town hall, on the Grande Place of Audenarde, was in the process of construction for a full decade, 1525-1535, under Hendrik van Peede, also known as Henri van Pé. The building, which has stood for nearly four centuries as an unusually fine example of late gothic, is shown on the medal described in this work. While revealing the influence of the town hall of Brussels, it also gives proof of striking originality. The belfry-tower, resembling in miniature the destroyed tower of Arras, is crowned by the golden figure of a man-at-arms. Several churches at Audenarde are associated with the name of Hendrik van Peede, and it is generally supposed that he was a native of that city. 778. Obverse. The town hall, Audenarde. HOTEL DE VILLE D’AUDENAERDE Signed J. WIENER. F. 1850 Reverse. Ground plan of the building. LA 1© PIERRE POSEE 1526. LES TRAVAUX ACHEVES 1536. CON- STRUIT PAR ME HENRI VAN PE. LA RESTAURON COMMENCEE 1840. In exergue HAUTEUR DE LA FACADE 17™ 20.| LARGEUR 24M| ELEVATION DE LA TOUR | 390” 75. 50.5 mm. Bronze. |Rev. Belge 1883, p. 65, 94.1 R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 123 JOSEPH PEETERS 779. Uniface. Bust to left. JOS. PEETERS ARCHITECTE Signed cu. saMug | scuLpr. goo mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 87 TIBALDI PELLEGRINO Born 1527 at Bologna; died 1600 in Milan. Little is known about his early life and education, except that he studied painting in his native city before going to Rome, where he spent three years and where he was greatly influenced by Michelangelo. Pellegrino painted many allegorical and historical frescoes, notably at Bologna and Rome, before turning his attention seriously to architecture; but when called to Milan by Cardinal Carlo Borromeo, he entered upon the more mature phase of his career, in which most of his efforts were devoted to ecclesiastical construction. Beginning with ad- ditions to the archbishop’s palace, Pellegrino was later commissioned to draw plans for the churches of S. Lorenzo, S. Protasio, and S. Fedele, as also to build chapels for the orders of the Jesuits and the Serviti. Appointed architect of the Milan cathedral, he designed for that edifice the facade depicted on the medal described below. 780. Obverse. View of the Milan cathedral. In exergue CATEDRALE DI MILANO Signed J. WIENER F. 1860. Reverse. View of the interior. In exergue PRINCIPIATA 1386 DA GIO: GALEAZZO VISCONTI. FACCIATA DEL PELLEGRINI. Signed J. WIENER BRUXELLES. 60 mm. Bronze. (Revue Belge 1883, p. 34, 27.| Description taken from this source. MICHEL ROBERT PENCHAUD Born 1772 at Poitiers, and died 1832 in Paris. Son of the architect Robert Penchaud, he studied first with his father, later under Fontaine and Percier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Appointed director of public works at Marseilles, he built there the chapel Dieudonné, a large hospital, a Protestant church, the police barracks, and a jail, designing also the main entrance to the Royal college, a fountain in one of the principal squares, and the triumphal arch for the entry of the Dauphin into that city. Penchaud erected the law courts and a Protestant church at Draguignan; law courts and a prison at Aix; a church and barracks at St. Remy. He received the gold medal of the French Institute. 131 781. Uniface. Bust to right, M A PENCHAUD ARCHITECTE 1833 Signed DAVID (David d’ Angers) (all lettering in- 782. 783. 784. 786. cised). On the back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 154mm. Bronze cast. |fouin II, p. 486.) R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 88 Norte: Jouin gives date as 1838, but the Curator of the Musée d’Angers expresses the opinion that the date on the medallion must be accepted as correct. CHARLES PERCIER Born 1764 in Paris, where he died in 1838. Of humble birth, his education was desultory until he entered the school of Peyre, architect to Louis XVI. Later he studied under Gisors, and in 1786 received the grand prix de Rome. In Italy he found Fontaine, a former fellow student, with whom he made an alliance which lasted over half a century. While in Rome he also made the acquaintance of Canova, then at the height of his popularity, who interested himself in Percier and secured for him commissions enabling the young architect to spend another year in Italy. Upon his return to Paris he lived and collaborated with Fontaine; together they designed furniture in their days of dire poverty, together they erected buildings and wrote books. Among their works attesting the versatility of their talents may be mentioned ad- ditions to the Tuileries, to the Louvre, Versailles, Malmaison, and Compiégne. Percier was professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and a member of the Institute. Uniface. Head to right. CHARLES PERCIER Signed DAVID 1835 (David d’ Angers) (all lettering incised). 167 mm. Bronze cast. (Fouin II, p. 482.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 88 Uniface. Mourning figure seated, holding a compass and a plan. Above,astar. At left A LA MEMOIRE | DE CHARLES PERCIER | ARCHITECTE | MEMBRE DE L’INSTITUT | SES ELEVES | SES AMIS ET LES ADMIRA~ TEURS | DE SON GRAND TALENT | ET DE SON NOBLE | CARACTERE 4 right NE A PARIS|LE 22 AOUT 1764 | MORT LE § | 7BRE | 1838 In exergue ARCHITECTURE Signed DaviD 1839 (David ad’ An- gers) and near bottom FUMIERE ET C# (all lettering incised). 280 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 88 Norte: This medallion undoubtedly served Domard as a model for the reverse of his medal of Percier. Obverse. Head to right. NE A PARIS LE 22 AT 1764 MORT LE 5 SEPTSRE 1838 Signed DOMARD F. Reverse. Mourning figure seated, holding a compass and a plan. Above a star, behind her a vase. A | CHARLES PERCIER | ARCHITECTE, | MEMBRE DE L’INSTITUT, | SES ELEVES, SES AMIS | ET LES ADMI- RATEURS | DE SON GRAND TALENT |ET DE SON NOBLE | CARACTERE. Jn exergue MDCCCXL 72mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 88 CLAUDE PERRAULT Born 1613 in Paris; died there in 1688. In early life his strong bent was for mathematics, but later he devoted himself to the study of anatomy and received his medical degree from the university of Paris. At the request of Colbert, minister of finance to Louis XIV, Perrault translated the ten volumes of Vitruvius on engineering and building, which work led to a further study of architecture. Two great monuments in Paris are lasting tributes to his ability: the colonnade of the Louvre, facing the church of St. Germain l’Auxerrois, and the great observatory. This latter building, Perrault’s greatest architectural achievement, called into play his knowledge of mathematics and astronomy as well as of architecture. Through his whole career he kept up his interest in the natural sciences. It is generally supposed that he met his death as a result of dissecting the body of a camel. He wrote several treatises on architectural subjects, was a member of the Academy of sciences and of the Royal Academy of architecture. . Uniface. Bust to right with long hair and lace collar. CA » PERRAVLT - REG: D+ INSPECTOR: G Below 1674 44mm. Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 72 Obverse. Bust. CLAUD. PERRAULT MED. PAR. 1675. Reverse. 4 lighted lamp. NON UT VIDEAR. Siler cast. [Kluysk. II, p. 307 ; Duisburg p. 47, 129.| Description taken from the former source. JEAN RODOLPHE PERRONET Born 1708 at Suresnes; died 1794 in Paris. Architect and engineer, he studied under Beausire, then government architect of Paris. He constructed a bridge over the Loire at Orléans, the main sewer of Paris, hydraulic works along the Bour- goyne canal, and dikes along the Seine. He designed the chateau of Etry and restored the bell-tower of the Alengon 130) 787. 789. 790. cathedral. Perronet was appointed engineer for the district of Alencon, engineer of highways and bridges, and later head of this department. A member of the Academies of architecture and science, he belonged also to numerous foreign societies. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. J. RODOLPHE PERRONET. Signed J. DuBots. F. Reverse. Inscription NE | A SURENE | PRES PARIS! EN M. DCC. VIII.| MORT|EN M. DCC. XCIV.|—| GALERIE METAL- LIQUE | DES GRANDS HOMMES Francais. | —| 1821. gz mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 89 Note: One of a series of one hundred and eighteen medals, generally known as the “Galerie Metallique,’’ struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. IN: PER DSIGH There appears to be little recorded concerning the life and career of this architect, presumably Bavarian, who designed and erected the stock exchange building at Augsburg, the corner-stone of which was laid in 1828. The name of Pertsch in his capacity of Oberbaurath appears on the medal which is described in this work, and which was struck to com- memorate the completion of the edifice. In Munich, Pertsch built the Matthauskirche in the Karlsplatz, a Protestant church which was dedicated in 1833. . Obverse. The exchange in Augsburg. BOERSE ZU AUGSBURG In exergue DER GRUNDSTEIN | GELEGT D. 25 AUG. |1828. Signed NEUsS Reverse. DEM | HANDELSTANDE | ZUR EHRE, | DER STADT | EINE ZIERDE. | —|ENTWORFEN UND DIE | AUSFUHRUNG GELEITET | VON I. N. PERTSCH. | K. B. OBERBAURATH. 33 mm. Silver and bronze. JE. Collection. PLATE 87 HANS PESCHL Born 1856 at Cikay, a village in northwestern Moravia. After the usual elementary education in his native town, he proceeded to the Polytechnicum in Vienna for study in the advanced branches, and later gained his practical experience under Ferstel, with whom he was associated for five years. He was also a pupil of the Austrian architect Hasenauer. Peschl has erected many private residences in and near Vienna, and during his later life has specialized to some extent in ecclesiastical and educational buildings, having been called to many parts of Austria and Hungary for the construc- tion of schools and churches. Appointed architect to the municipality of Vienna and because of his linguistic ability chosen secretary of the international association of architects, he was also the recipient of numerous honors and distinc- tions from many lands. Peschl has composed poems, which appeared under the pseudonym of Johannes von Saar. Uniface. Bust to right. » JOHANNES: VON: SAAR: + FLUCTUAT: NEC: MERGITUR - 1920+ Signed +L: HUJER:|*W- 270 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 108 GUSZTAV PETSCHACHER Born 1844 in Vienna; died 1890 in Budapest. He attended the Realschule of his native city and later the Polytechnicum, being a pupil of Koenig and Ferstl. Following these courses of study he registered at the academy for specialized work under Friedrich von Schmidt, the eminent architect of the Stephansdom, but before establishing himself independently Petschacher gained valuable experience as first assistant in the atelier of the architect Romano. In 1873 he moved to Budapest, where he spent several years in municipal service connected with laying out the city streets. Among buildings later erected by him in Budapest are the palace on the Rondeau, the casino belonging to the sixth and seventh districts, headquarters for the Hungarian Credit-Bank, residences for several Hungarian nobles, and numerous private homes. Petschacher later erected several factories for the government and a normal school building; he also restored the Gmiin- denerschloss for the Archduke Johann. Obverse. Bust to right. PETSCHACHER GVSZTAV Below 1844-1890 Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). Reverse. Nude figure before a waterfall. Signed in monogram as above. 72 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. Nore: The final date on the medal looks like 1800, but is undoubtedly intended to be 1890, the date of Petschacher’s death. PLATE g2 GIUSEPPE PIERMARINI Born 1834 at Foligno. A pupil of Vanvitelli, he constructed many public buildings in Milan, erecting there the palazzo Bura, restoring the palazzo Reale, which had been built originally by San Gallo, designing the facade for the palazzo Belgiosco, and an almshouse on the piazza del Tagliamento. Also in Milan Piermarini erected the Scala theatre referred 933 791. 792. 793. to on the medal described below. At Monza he built the mont-de-piété and an imperial villa. He was professor at the acad- emy of the Brera, being also appointed architect to Duke Ferdinand and a member of the architectural council of Lom- bardy. Obverse. Head to left. GIVSEPPE PIERMARINI Below DALLA LAPIDE IN BRERA Signed s. JOHNSON Re- verse. The Teatro della Scala in Milan. In exergue GIVSEPPE PIERMARINI | NATO IN FOLIGNO | EBBE IN MILANO GLORIA DI ARCHITETTO | E FAMA DI MAESTRO | ALL’ACCADEMIA DI BRERA | — | 1808-1908 50 mm. Bronze. [Stefano fohnson Cat. 1910, p.9; Ratto Cat. May 1916, 3506.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 80 LOUIS CHARLES HENRI PILLE Born 1868 in Paris; died 1899 in Rome. After his preliminary education he studied under Pascal and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, receiving six first-class medals and a scholarship, followed in 1896 by the grand prix de Rome. In the mean- time the ability of Pille had won recognition in the form of various other medals and the Jean Leclaire and Abel Blouet prizes. He left a record of earnest endeavor, which promised much for future accomplishment had not his career been cut short in his thirty-second year. Uniface. Bust to left. Above LOUIS PILLE ARCHITECTE. | - 1868-1899 + A sheaf composed of a palm, a branch of laurel and of roses, is placed below the bust. At left, view of the villa Medici in Rome. In a panel below VILLA - MEDICI - 1896-99 + At right signed G+ DvPRE ROME 750% 120 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1902, p. 231, 16. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 86 Nore: “Gazette Numismatique” mentions a reduction of the above, 74x 55 mm. NICCOLO PISANO Born about 1206 at Pisa, where he died in 1278. He first worked under Greek masters, executing designs for the duomo of his native city and for the chapel of S. Giovanni. Niccolo established a reputation as a sculptor, spending six years on the marble figures for a mausoleum at Bologna, a work of great originality and merit. His earliest work of architec- tural importance was the church of S. Trinita at Florence, followed by that of S. Marguerita at Cortona, the reconstruction of S. Domenico at Arezzo, and the beautiful church of S. Michele at Borgo. His masterpieces, however, were executed at Pisa, notably the campanile with its original staircase and the famous pulpit in the baptistery, the latter copied by his son and pupils in the cathedral at Siena. In 1267 Niccolo went to Viterbo, having been called there by Pope Clement VI for the purpose of restoring numerous ecclesiastical edifices. Later he proceeded to Naples at the invitation of King Charles of Anjou who, after his victory at Tagliacozzo, vowed to erect a magnificent abbey wherein should be buried the soldiers who had perished in the battle. King Charles was so impressed with the work of the Pisan architect that he heaped upon him every conceivable honor. Obverse. The cathedral of Siena. DUOMO DI SIENA Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Interior of the cathedral. At left DUOMO COMINCIATO DA|GIO. DI NICCOLO PISANO|1243 4 right FACCIATA | 1339-1380 In exergue PRIMA CHIESA FONDATA | INTORNO AL 1089. 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 34; 26.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 94 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener, of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. CHARLES ADAMS PLATT Born in New York city in 1861. In his youth he was interested in etching, landscape gardening, and painting, but later devoted himself principally to architecture. His buildings combine the practical and esthetic elements of the Italian villa, repeating its note of simplicity through a great variety of structures. Platt was the architect of the “News-Leader” and Hanna buildings in Cleveland; the Astor House building, Fifth Avenue-Astor building, and Astor Court apartments in New York; and many important private residences in these cities, as well as in Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. In de- signing the Freer Gallery in Washington, he had the unusual opportunity of planning a building “to house a single col- lection and to express a particular idea.” Platt has received many medals and prizes; is a member of numerous societies of art and architecture, and a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. 134 794. Uniface. 4 pedestal with caricature bust of Charles A. Platt; at the left, a hand pointing to the bust; below, a stove. POPOLI - COLONIV | MVS | CORNISHVM | GAVDEAMYS | ET | FELICITAN | TANTI | DEL | RITORNO | DI | CHASVS | ADAMAN | TIBVS | PLATTIN | VM | ET VXOR | GRAZIOZ | ISSIMA | QVESTO | MED | AGLIA | BVM | PRESEN | TATIBVS | NEL. PRI | MAVER | A | DI | M:|-C-M-IV | Signed in monogram *A ST G* (Augustus Saint Gaudens). 25190 mm. Bronze cast. [Saint Gaudens Cat. 98.) Owned by Mr. Charles A. Platt. PLATE 90 795. Obverse. Bust to left. * CHARLES * A * PLATT * ARCHITECT * MCMXVIII * Reverse. 4 male Jigure with a compass measuring the roof of a building. Above, a scroll inscribed LABORE ET CONSTANTIA Signed in exergue PAUL MANSHIP | ROME 97 mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE gO JOSEPH POELAERT Born 1817 in Brussels, where he died in 1879. The son of a prominent master-builder, Poelaert enjoyed the benefit of an excellent education and grew up in a favorable atmosphere. The city of Brussels having set aside a square to bear the name and receive a bronze statue of its first burgomaster, Jean Rouppe, plans were called for in competition, and those of Poelaert chosen by the jury. Before turning definitely to building and becoming, as the “Biographie Nationale” has characterized him, “one of the most eminent and prolific of Belgian architects,” Poelaert designed another monument, the famous Colonne du Congrés in Brussels, one which ranks with the Vendéme and July monuments in Paris. This column won for him his appointment as official architect to the municipality. In this capacity he was commissioned to reconstruct the university buildings and to erect in the suburbs, at Laeken, the large and beautiful church portrayed on the medal described below; but his work of outstanding importance is the Brussels court-house, he having been called upon to prepare plans after those submitted by twenty-eight other architects had failed to satisfy the jury. The first stone was laid in 1866, though the building was not completed until four years after Poelaert’s death. 796. Obverse. Head of Queen Louise to right. Legend LOUISE M: TH: C: IS: D’ORLEANS REINE DES BELGES NEE A PALERME LE 3 AVRIL 1812 DECEDEE A OSTENDE LE 11 88RE 1850 Signed LEOPOLD WIENER Reverse. The church at Laeken. Outer legend ERIGEE A LAEKEN PAR SOUSCRIPTION NATIO- NALE. Inner legend ARRTE ROYAL DE 14 OCT: 1850. LOI DU 21 JUIN 1853. POSE DE LA PREMIERE PIERRE 27 MAI 1854. Inexergue J. POELAERT ARCH: Signed J. WIENER FEC: 74 mm. Silver. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 103, 156.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 89 797. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 796, except that date is 1 MAI 1854 instead of 27 MAI 185g. Reverse. Inscription re- garding funds for erecting the church and the names of the government officials. (This inscription covers a full page in Revue Belge.) 74mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 51, 64.) Description taken from this source. 798. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 796. Reverse. The interior of the church. Inscriptions placed vertically LOUISE REINE DES BELGES + A OSTENDE 11 OCT. 1850. LEOPOLD I ROI DES BELGES * A LAEKEN 10 DEC. 1865. In exergue INHUMES A LAEKEN Signed JACQUES WIENER F. 74 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 52, 66.] Description taken from this source. Nore: The above authority states that the obverse and reverse of this medal have served for the reverse of several medals of which the obverse shows either the head of the king or queen, or an inscription. “Revue Belge” further mentions the fact that four medals were struck showing the exterior of the church on the obverse and the interior on the reverse. MORIC POGANY Born at Nagy Enyed in 1880. He studied engineering and architecture at Klausenburg. One of his earliest achievements was gaining the competitive prize for the Hungarian national theatre in Budapest, accompanied by the commission to execute. Also in Budapest he designed a building for the Adria society, several monuments, a crematorium, and numer- ous public edifices. Pogdny erected the Hungarian building for the international exposition in Turin, git, and re- ceived the first prize for the Austro-Hungarian bank in Vienna. A frequent contributor to periodicals dealing with art and architecture, he is publishing a work on theatre buildings. He has received various gold medals, including that of the society of Hungarian architects, and is a knight of the orders of Francis Joseph and of the Crown. 799. Obverse. Head to right. POGANY MORIC Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F.O. Beck). Reverse. Waterfall, before which a Jemale figure kneels. ARS Signed in monogram as above. 78 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 88 HSS) 800. 801. 802. 803. LUIGI POLETT Born 1791 at Modena; died 1869 at Milan. After having studied at the academy of his native city, Poletti went to Bo- logna to pursue his education in engineering and arc hitecture. In 1814 he returned to Modena, having been appointed tant instructor in mechanics and hydraulics at the university; there his work was rewarded by a scholarship which enabled him to go to Rome for advanced study. He entered the academy of S. Luca, and gave immediate proof of his ability by executing for Castelmadama one of the earliest designs for a suspension bridge. Later he specialized in theatre construction, striving to combine the severely classic with modern requirements of lighting and acoustics. Poletti built the cathedral at Montalto, the palazzo Saladini at Ascoli, and a church at Noscera, making additions to the hospice of S. Michele and to the museum of the Lateran; but his work of outstanding importance was the restoration of the basilica of S, Paolo, this being commemorated on the medals described below. He published numerous treatises dealing with the technical details of building and with the history and theory of architecture. Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to left. PIVS - 1X + PONT - MAX - Signed 1 - BIANCHI: 8° Reverse. Interior of the basilica of St. Paul. PIVS - 1X - P- M- BASILICAM - PAVLI : APOST - AB - INCENDIO - REFECTAM - SOLEMNI - RITV - CONSECRAVIT -IV-ID- DEC: MDCCCLIV: * Below AL+ POLETTI: ARCH - INV: Signed I+ BIANCHI: F- 82 mm. Bronze silvered. [Mazio 730; Vaccari Cat. 1925, 1375.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 87 Obverse. Facade of the basilica of St. Paul. PIVS:IX+P-M- FRONTEM - ET - PRONAVM - BASILICAE - PAVLI - APOSTOLI - AB - INCENDIO: NOBILIVS: RESTITVIT* Jn exergue AN - MDCCCLXYV | AL - POLETTI : ARCH: INV: Signed 1+ BIANCHI- S- Reverse. Same as No. 800. 82mm. Bronze silvered. |Miss- ing in Mazio; Vaccari Cat. 1925, 1316.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 87 MIHALY POLLAK Born 1783 in Vienna; died 1855 in Budapest. He studied in his native city and in Milan, returning to Vienna from Italy but ultimately settling in Budapest. There he entered upon a successful career, and designed important buildings, such as the national museum, the Ludoviceum, and the academy, also a castle for the Archduke Joseph near Alcsuth. In Budapest Pollak erected the Redout building, an evangelical church, a town hall for the quarter of Pest-Pils, and many private residences. He was architect-in-charge of restoring the picturesque cathedral at Fiinfkirchen. A bust of Pollak, designed by the Milanese sculptor Raffaelo Monti, has been placed in the national museum in Budapest. Obverse. Bust to left. POLLAK MIHALY Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). Reverse. A figure sits before a Corin- thian capital and sketches same. ARS LONGA~ VITA BREVIS Signed in monogram as above. 72 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gO GIOVANNI PIETRO pve POMIS Born about 1565 at Lodi, in the district of Milan; died 1633 at Graz, in Austria. After a course of study under Robusti, he left his native land to go to Innsbruck, where he was attached to the suite of the Archduke Ferdinand in the capacity of architect and painter. De Pomis retained this position for seven years, going eventually from Innsbruck to Graz, where all of his later work was accomplished. There he was active as building councillor and as engineer of several fortresses; there he painted the votive tablet in the cathedral, as well as many other paintings, frescoes, and miniatures. He erected the mausoleum of the Archduke Ferdinand, a work which occupied him during many years. Obverse. Bust to right with ruff. *IOANNES PETRVS TEL: DE+POMIS PIC® + LAVD$ (Giovanni Pietro de Pomis). Below AET-SVAE-LV- 1624 Reverse obliterated. 56mm. Lead. (Archiv. Med. & Plak. IV, 1923-24, p. 82.) British Museum. PLATE 109 No In “Archiv fiir Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde” II, 1920-21, page 152, Probszt quotes Heraeus as giving the inscription as jou PETRUS FEL(IX) DE POMIS. PICT. The lettering on the medal is not FEL, but clearly TEL. Mr. Hill is in doubt as to how this should be expanded, but states that it is presumably a surname. Von Kenner is quoted as being of the opinion that in clear- ing the Imperial collection in Vienna of supposedly unimportant medals in 1794, that of Pietro de Pomis was lost. GEORGE BROWN POST Born 1837 in New York City; died there in 1913. He studied in the scientific school of New York University and under Richard M. Hunt. In New York he erected buildings for the Equitable Life Assurance Society, for the Produce Exchange, Cotton Exchange, Stock Exchange, New York Hospital, College of the City of New York; also the St. Paul Building and 136 the residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Post was the architect of the Long Island Historical Society building in Brooklyn, of the Prudential Building in Newark, of banks at Troy and Pittsburgh, and of buildings for the Columbian Exposition in Chicago. A member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, of the National Arts Club, of the Fine Arts Federation, he was also a Fellow of the Architectural League and of the American Institute of Architects. 804. Uniface. Bust to left. GEORGE: B POST MCMX Signed Karu BitreR | sc. 83 mm. Bronze galvano. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 75 Nore: This medal was published privately. About ten copies exist. JEAN PHILIPPE EDOUARD POULIN Born 1855 in Paris. He studied in his native city as a pupil of Guadet and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he passed in first class, receiving three medals. Poulin has spent the greater part of his life in Paris, where he established himself in an atelier as a practising architect and where he has devoted much of his time to government service as inspector of municipal edifices, being for many years architect-in-charge of the Luxembourg. The medal described below was struck in his honor by the corps of his associates in the department of public buildings. 805. Uniface. Bust to right. A+ LEUR DIRECTEUR : P - POULIN: LES ARCHITECTES DES BATIMENTS CIVILS ET PALAIS NATIONAUX. Signed on truncation cRAVK 1885 Below ¥, BARBEDIENNE FONDEUR 168 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 71 FRANCISQUE HENRI POUSSIN Born 1853 at Bonnelles in the département of Seine-et-Oise; died 1905, probably in Paris. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Jean Camille Formigé, who designed the architectural work on many of the bri idges and viaducts in Paris. Formigé exerted a strong influence upon Poussin, who became a municipal inspector. He built also the Ecole Roussel in Paris, the Ecole Lepeletier at St. Fargeau, and the large prison at Fresnes-les- Rungis, the last men- tioned shown on the medal described below. 806. Obverse. 4 woman, personifying the Conseil Général of the Seine, watches two workmen. Below LABORE - ET + DIS- CIPLINA + RESURGUNT 4 /eff A LECHEVREL FT Signed D+ DuPUIS: INVY Reverse. View of the school buildings. On a cartouche ECOLE - LEPELETIER - DE: ST - FARGEAU | FONDEE - PAR: LE - DEPARTST ‘DE - LA - SEINE | DELIBERATION - DU - CONSEIL - GENERAL | DU - 20 - MARS - 1893 | HENRI * POUSSIN - ARCHITECTE 9 2z0 x 270 mm. (Gaz. Num. 1903, p. 314, 377-1 Description taken from this source. 807, Obverse. 4 released prisoner, accompanied by his wife and child, prison in the background. PRISONS DE FRESNES- LES-RUNGIS 4 right HENRI POUSSIN ARCHITECTE |1895-1898 Below EDIFIEES PAR LE DE- PARTEMENT DE LA SEINE Signed 0. Rory Reverse. Triptych showing at left prisoner in his cell, in centre pris- oner working at a bench, at right his wife and child. Below SALVBRITATE - DOMVS « VIRES - ET - ANIMYVS- IN - LABORE * SERVANTVR - Signed 0. Rory Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE. 59 x 80 mm. Bronze silvered. [Gaz. Num. 1905, p. 229, 174.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 98 JOSE NUNES pet PRADO Little appears to be recorded concert ning the early life of this architect, who was active in his native city of La Paz, Bo- livia, about the middle of the nineteenth century. He was a builder and designer, and there is reason to think that he was also professor of architecture. The high esteem in which he was held by the government and by his country is easily deduced from the inscriptions on various medals struck to celebrate the completion of the commemorative foun- tain designed by Nunes del Prado, and erected 1853 in the public square of La Paz. 808. Obverse. 4 Leesa of archaic design. JOSE NUNES DEL PRADO ARQUITECTO P LA PAZ Below 4D ABRIL D 185 Reverse. Minerva, with an owl and attributes of architecture at her feet. EL. GOBIERNO PREMIA LOS SERV. ICIos DE LOS CNOS Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. Oval, 42 x 5 9752.) Description taken from this source. 5 mm. Silver. (Fonrobert 809. Obverse. Same as No. 808. Reverse. Minerva, similar to 808, but the set square is larger. LA PATRIA PREMIA EL TALENTO DE LOS ARTISTAS Rim Jeaded. Oval, 42x 37 mm. Silver. [Fonrobert 9753-| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 109 810. Obverse. Same as No. 808. Reverse. Neptune with trident, standing on a shell. AL INDIJENA FELICIANO CAN- TUTA Rim beaded. Oval, g2« 37 mm. Silver. (Numis. Circular 1918, Col. 83; missing in Fonrobert.] R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 109 JAMES PRINSEP Born 1799 at Thoby Priory in Essex; died 1840 in Calcutta. Prinsep belonged to a family prominent in the civil service in India, authorities also in the archeological lore of that country. His great desire was to be an architect, and he began his studies to this end under Auguste Pugin, but an injury to his eyesight obliged him to abandon this profession, and he obtained the position of assistant assay master at the Calcutta mint. Later he was appointed chief of assay at Benares, in which city his most important work was accomplished. Finding a new mint under construction, Prinsep obtained per- mission to complete the building on an improved plan, and designed other edifices, notably an Anglican church. Also at Benares he constructed a tunnel from the Ganges and built a bridge across the river Karamnasa. Called to Calcutta for similar work, he completed a canal connecting the river Hoogly with the Sunderbunds, and brought about other improve- ments in sanitation. Eminent as an archeologist and an expert in Hindustani inscriptions, he was a Fellow of the Royal Society and an honorary member of many foreign Academies. A memorial to him was erected at Calcutta in the form of a landing-place with a building for the accommodation of travellers, the whole bearing the name of Prinsep’s Ghat. 810a. Obverse. Head to left. Above JAMES PRINSEP Below BORN 1799 DIED 1840 Signed on truncation W WYON. R.A. Reverse. Blank, for inscription. 48.5 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 Nore: Prize medal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. LEON HENRI PROST Born 1874 in Paris. His studies at the Trélat school of architecture were supplemented by courses at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, at which institution he won numerous medals and received his diploma. He also studied stereotomy under Marcel Lambert. To Prost were awarded several prizes, including the prix Labarre, and in 1902 the grand prix de Rome which enabled him to travel and study in Italy. Having received an appointment at the villa Médici, he established him- self for a time in Rome. The sculptor Dautel mentions among the more recent achievements of Prost the fact of his hav- ing been the architect chosen to erect Casablanca. 811. Uniface. Bust to right. HENRI PROST ARCHITECTE ROME MCMVI Signed on truncation in monogram P V D (Pierre Victor Dautel) and ROME | 1905 100 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 71 Nore: Both dates, 1905 and MCMVI, appear on the medal as stated above. PIERRE PUGET Born 1622 near Marseilles; died 1694 in that city. After pursuing his education in southern France he travelled in Italy, spending some time in Florence; thence he went to Rome, where he became a pupil and follower of Cortona in both archi- tecture and painting. Called to Paris by Fouquet and later to Toulon, Puget returned each time to Italy for lengthy so- journs, but finally established himself in Marseilles and devoted the latter part of his life to work in his native city. There he designed the town hall, the church de la Charité, the fish market, his own home, and other private houses, while to him may also be credited the strikingly beautiful facades of several palatial residences on the rue du Cours. Puget was equally versed in sculpture and painting. 812. Obverse. Bustto left. PIERRE PUGET Signed E. GATTEAUX. Reverse. NE| A MARSEILLE | EN M.DC.XXIII. | MORT | EN M.DC.XCIV. | — | GALERIE METALLIQUE | DES GRANDS HOMMES FRANGAIS |—| 1817. gz mm. Bronze. (Med. Frang. Mus. Mon. p. 579, 88.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 Nore: One of a series of one hundred and eighteen medals, generally known as the “Galerie Metallique,” struck at the French mint in the early part of the nineteenth century. 812a. Obverse. Bust to left. PIERRE PUJET(sic) *SCULPTEUR FRANGA4!S Signed E. GATTEAUX. 1815. Reverse. Blank, for inscription. 36 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 85 813. 814. 815. ANTOINE CHRYSOSTOME QUATREMERE Born 1755 in Paris, where he died in 1849. Member of a prominent and learned family, he adopted the name of “de Quincy” from the little village in which his childhood was spent, and this sobriquet soon passed into general use as a means of distinguishing him among many eminent bearers of the name Quatremére. At the age of ten he was well versed in archeology and ancient history, and declared his intention to be a sculptor, an ambition not encouraged by his father, who had destined him for the law. Soon after the death of his mother he went to Italy to study sculpture and architec- ture. In Rome he met Canova, forming with him that close alliance which resulted later in the well-known correspondence concerning the Elgin marbles. It is of interest to note that there exist letters of Quatremére de Quincy which were written from London, whither he had gone to study English architecture, and hopeful of being able to reform the then decadent French taste. Upon his return to France, his influence along these lines was beginning to make itself felt when the propa- ganda of the revolution drove all before it, and Quatremére, as a pronounced Royalist, found himself in disfavor and in danger. He thereupon went into retirement and occupied himself with literary work, his books being published later, after the return of the Bourbon kings, who showered upon him honors and distinctions. Among his numerous scholarly works of reference should be mentioned his “Dictionnaire historique d’Architecture,” “L’Architecture égyptienne,” and the most famous of all, “Vie et Ouvrages des plus célébres Architectes.”” Uniface. Bust facing left. A. C. QUATREMERE DE QUINCY DE L’ACAD. DES INSCRIPT. ET B. LET- TRES | SECRET. DE L’ACAD. DES BEAUX ARTS Signed pEpaAuuis F. | Mpcccxxvutl — Rim ornamented and beaded. 146mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 79 CHARLES AUGUSTE QUESTEL Born 1807 in Paris; died there in 1888. A pupil of Peyre, Blouet, and Duban at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he received the first prize in 1835. The works of Questel are found in many parts of France, including as they do the prefecture, museum, and library at Grenoble, the cathedral and the esplanade fountain at Nimes, two large churches at Lyon, the palais national at Compiégne, and a monument to St. Louis at Aigues-Mortes. Questel was commissioned to reconstruct the pal- ace at Versailles, being also appointed conservator of historic monuments. Presiding officer of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and a member of the French Institute, he was an officer of the Legion of Honor and belonged to many foreign societies. Uniface. Bust to left, in an ornamented circle. Legend - A CHARLES QUESTEL SES ELEVES: Below - 188 5- 1872 + Signed H CHAPU 278 mm. Bronze cast. [Delaire 1907, p. 380. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 95 Note: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1875. NIRS IDR ICCTA IRIN ZA 18. IL, Born 1869 at Durlach near Baden; died 1907 at Karlsruhe. In this latter city he was a student at the Technische Hoch- schule, going to Berlin for practical training in the atelier of Seeling. He built the town hall and a church at Duisberg- Neidorf, a bank at Mayence, the Hanseatic house at Mannheim and received prizes for drawings entered by him in com- petition at Freiburg i/B and Aix-la-Chapelle. Ratzel spent the greater part of his life at Karlsruhe, being appointed professor at the Technische Hochschule, in which he himself had been educated. He designed the artists’ club in Karls- tuhe, buildings for a large majolica factory, and the fountain on the Gutenbergplatz. Ratzel was a member of the build- ing council for the grand duchy of Baden. Obverse. Bust to right. FRIEDRICH RATZEL - AT: XXXVI- Signed B. §. (Benno Elkan). Reverse. A fountain. In exergue RESVRGIT: 79 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gO GUSTAVE LAURENT RAULIN Born 1837 in Paris; died there in 1910. A pupil of Horeau and Questel at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he received fifteen first medals and later the prix Blouet and the prix Deschaumes. He entered drawings in competition for various prizes, obtaining the first award with commission to execute for the town hall at Pantin and for school houses at Tvry-sur-Seine. Raulin’s plans for the city hall at Periers and for the church of the Sacré Cceur also received prizes, and awards were given to him at the Expositions Universelles held in Paris, 1878, 1889, and 1900. At Angers he restored the cathedral, a church, and the bishop’s residence, being appointed building inspector for the diocese of Angers-et-Mans as well as for the 139 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. municipality of Paris. In that city he erected many private residences, was professor of architecture, and a member of the jury of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Raulin was decorated officer of the Legion of Honor. Uniface. Bust to right. GUSTAVE RAULIN ARCHITECTE 1893 Signed F. ROLARD 178 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gI Nore: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1894. Uniface. Bust to left. Below GUSTAVE RAULIN Inner legend L’ARCHITECTE DE LA SALLE DES FETES DE L7EXPOSITION UN!® DE 1900 Outer legend A GUSTAVE RAULIN SES ELEVES SES AMIS. (4// lettering incised.) Signed on truncation C™® IZA ALBAZZ1 Trregular, 148 x 141mm. Bronze cast. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE I Obverse. Portrait plaquette of Gustave Raulin, architect, executed in 1907 by Francois Laurent Rolard. Reverse. View of the Salle des Fétes at the Exposition Universelle in Paris, 1900. [Forrer V, p. 198.| Description taken from this source. Owned by Mr. Raulin. Uniface. Bust facing left. G RAULIN ARCHITECTE Signed B MORIA (all lettering incised). 219 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gI Nore: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1907. AUGUST RAVENSTEIN Born 1871 at Frankfurt a/Main. His architectural studies were pursued at the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe, in Munich and Dresden, and in the atelier of Wallot. Ravenstein erected a bank in Berlin, but with this exception his ac- tivity has centred in his native city of Frankfurt, where he has designed business houses, shops, and villas, the Haus Neptun, and a building for the Naxos Union. He is a member of the league of German architects and of the Frankfurt Society of Architects. Uniface. Head to right. AUGUST | RAVENSTEIN Signed on truncation DAUTERT 22 127% 11I mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 70 GASTON FERNAND REDON Born 1853 in Bordeaux. He studied architecture and decorative art in Paris, being a pupil of André at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts; later he received the grand prix de Rome and spent some time in Italy. His earliest work was the erec- tion of the municipal casino at Royan, a picturesque town at the mouth of the Gironde in Charente. This was followed by a design for the tomb of César Franck and by work in the Louvre, where he utilized his knowledge of architectural decoration in the improvements to the Rubens and Van Dyck rooms, and in the additions to the museum of decorative arts, Redon was architect to the government for the Louvre and the Tuileries and consulting expert to the prefecture of the Seine. Officer of the Legion of Honor and of academy, he has received decorations from societies both in France and abroad in recognition of his great ability. Uniface. Bust to left. A. G. REDON. ARCHITECTE. HOMMAGE DE SES ELEVEe. 1901 Signed on truncation INJALBERT 44 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 99 Jee Bee RE DENS TE UN Painstaking search has failed to bring forth information in regard to this architect. It is known that in 1899 he was a member of the international jury of award, in a competition open to all architects of the world, inviting them to sub- mit drawings for the grounds and buildings of the University of California. Full description of medal will be found under No. 68 (Benard). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 ZOLTAN REISS Born 1877 in Budapest, where the greater part of his life has been spent. After extensive courses of study in engineer- ing and architecture at the Technische Hochschule, Reiss opened an atelier in his native city and specialized in the construction of large buildings, designing also private houses. In Budapest he erected several government buildings, 140 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. including a state house and a town hall; there also he put up the Corvin building for the largest department store in that country. He has designed many public structures in various parts of Hungary and has been active in the leading organi- zations of his profession. Among the societies of which Reiss is a member may be mentioned the Fine Arts association and the Society of Hungarian Engineers and Architects. Uniface. Head to left. REISS ZOLTAN Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F.O. Beck). 123 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 93 BRUNO RENARD Born 1781 at Tournai; died 1861 in Brussels. After studying for a short time with his uncle, Dominique Bourla, Renard became a pupil of the most eminent architects of that day in Paris, Percier and Fontaine. Within a year after the comple- tion of his studies, he was recalled to Tournai and appointed to the dual position of municipal architect and professor at the academy. His activity divides itself into two distinct periods, the first marked by allegiance to classic standards, the second by acceptance of medieval principles. The beautiful Gothic cathedral at Tournai was largely responsible for this change, and Renard threw himself with enthusiasm into the work of its restoration along the original lines. Although his most important service was rendered as professor and publicist, many buildings proclaim his skill as architect, among these the chateau des Chartreux at Cherq and a concert-hall at Tournai. Renard was a member of many foreign societies and of the Academies of Holland and Belgium. Obverse. Head to left. A B. RENARD PROFESSEUR ET ARCHITECTE DE 1807 A 1857. Signed WIENER F. Reverse. 4 female figure with a mural crown holding a laurel wreath in her right hand, and a palm in her left. Behind her, water flowing over a rock out of a conduit; below, a coat of arms. Signed JOUVENEL F 47mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 104, 158. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE III SIR JOHN RENNIE Born 1761 at Phantassie in Scotland; died 1821 in London, and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. After study at Pres- tonkirk, Dunbar, and Edinburgh, he travelled throughout England and visited James Watt, just then engaged in manu- facturing machinery at Soho in Staffordshire. Through him Rennie was offered a position in charge of large flour-mills at Blackfriars for which Bolton and Watt were constructing a steam-engine. Rennie made several inventions for these mills, using iron instead of wood, and instituting notable improvements. Among dockyards constructed or remodelled by him may be mentioned those at Hull, Chatham, and Sheerness, the latter shown on a medal described below, also the London and East India docks on the Thames. He attained an enviable reputation as a builder of bridges, being the first to succeed in laying a flat roadbed, and was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1798. The “Dictionary of National Biography” states that his later efforts show him to have been a skilful architect, endowed with a keen sense of beauty in design, to which was added practical technique of the highest order. Three large bridges in London are lasting monu- ments to his ability, many of his works being shown or mentioned on the medals struck in his honor. In the National Portrait Gallery in London there is a marble bust inscribed, “John Rennie, Architect,” executed by Sir Francis Chantry, pis Obverse. Bust to left draped. IOHN RENNIE BORN IVNE VII MDCCLXI DIED OCT. IV MDCCCXXI Signed on truncation BAIN. F. Reverse. Within a wreath of laurel, a circlet of stars above and an ornament below. Inscription CRINAN & LANCASTER | CANALS | LONDON LEITH & SHEERNESS | DOCKS | WATER- LOO & SOVTHWARK | BRIDGES | PLYMOVTH HOWTH & DVNLEARY | HARBOVRS | &° &¢ &¢ 63 mm. Bronze. (Num. Chron. 1886, p. 310; Forrer I, p. 114.) British Museum. PLATE 95 Nore: The date 1831 given in Forrer is a misprint. Information in that work is taken from Cochran-Patrick’s “Medals of Scotland,” where the date is correctly given as 1821. Obverse. Head to left. JOHN RENNIE. Signed Bain. ¥. Reverse. Same as No. $25. 63 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 9 Nore: “The Numismatic Chronicle” mentions a similar medal with reverse left blank. The flaw in the die under the letter N ap- pears on every one of these medals which has come under the author’s observation. Obverse. Same as No, 826. Reverse. Sheerness Basin and Docks. BASIN AND DOCKS AT SHEERNESS BEGUN JANUARY XIX MDCCCXIV OPENED SEPTEMB. V MDCCCXXIII. 63mm. Silver. (Num. Chron. 1886, Pp. 310.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 95 Nore: The medal of John Rennie mentioned in “The Numismatic Chronicle” under date of 1825 was a prize medal of the Highland Agricultural Society awarded to a cousin of John Rennie who bore the same name. 141 828. Obverse. Bust same as on No. 825, but lettering smaller. Signed on truncation BAIN. ¥. Reverse. 4 wreath of laurel, differ- ent from that on No. 825 ; the lettering is smaller and reads CANALS | CRINAN & LANCASTER | DOCKS | LON- DON LEITH & SHEERNESS | BRIDGES | WATERLOO & SOVTHWARK | HARBOVRS | PLYMOVTH HOWTH | & DVNLEARY | & &© &9 62mm. Lead. British Museum. PLATE 95 Nore: Mr. J. Allan, of the British Museum, writes under date of December 26, 1924, that this is a lead impression from unfinished dies, showing a different arrangement of lettering and one which apparently was not adopted. G. A. REYCEND 829. Uniface. Bust to right. On panel below AL PROF. G. A. REYCEND | INGEGNERE ED ARCHITETTO|ALLIEVI COLLEGHI AMICI AMMIRATORI | 1919 Signed in monogram © R (Edoardo Rubino). 272 x 136 mm. Bronxe cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 92 CAMILLO RICCIO He was born in Turin and was active there as an architect during the decade of 1880-1890, most of his known works falling within this period. He erected for the exposition of 1884, held at Turin, the Galleria Nationale, which is commem- orated on the medal described below. Also at Turin he built the palazzo Boasso, the casa Rey, and the villa Chapuy. Dagobert Joseph, in his history of Italian architecture, comments upon the uneven quality of Riccio’s work, mentioning his simpler buildings as his best. The architectural exposition held at Turin in 1890 was due in large measure to the com- bined efforts of Riccio, Bonelli, and Brayda. 830. Obverse. The exposition building, Turin. ESPOSIZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA Below TORINO | MDCCC- LXXXIV Reverse. ALL’INGEGNERE | CAMILLO RICCIO | DELL’ ESPOSIZIONE NAZIONALE | ARCHI- TETTO CELEBRATISSIMO | COMPAESANI AMICI | AMMIRATORI 79 mm. Lead bronzed. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 93 THOMAS RICKMAN Born 1776 at Maidenhead; died 1841 at Birmingham. As a boy he showed a pronounced taste for drawing and architec- ture, and his education was directed consistently along these lines. Having entered a design for a church which proved successful in a government competition, he settled at Birmingham and established himself as an architect. In that city he built numerous churches and chapels, notably St. Peter’s, which was dedicated in 1827 and which is depicted on the zed in ecclesiastical architecture, as is shown by medal described in this work. During many years Rickman specia beautiful gothic edifices at Bristol, Preston, Carlisle, and Hampton. Later he erected private residences in Birmingham and vicinity, and several buildings for St. John’s College at Cambridge. He was the author of a treatise entitled “At- tempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation.” 831. Obverse. Facade of S} PETERS CHURCH BIRMINGHAM Signed OTTLEY MEDALLIST Reverse. THE | FOUN- DATION WAS BEGUN | THE II DAY OF MAY MDCCCXXV.| THE FIRST STONE WAS LAID | THE XXVI DAY OF JULY MDCCCXXV|BY THE| REV. CHARLES CURTIS REV. LAURENCE GARDNER D D.| AND JAMES TAYLOR ESQ. |THE LOCAL COMMISSIONERS | FOR BUILDING CHURCHES IN THIS DISTRICT. |— |THE CHURCH WAS CONSECRATED | THE X DAY OF AUGUST MDCCCXXVII | BY THE HON8LE & RIGHT REV. HENRY RYDER D.D. | LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE.|—|!THE TOTAL COST OF ERECTING THE CHURCH | AMOUNTED TO L13087.12.3 BEING L882.10.8 LESS | THAN THE APPROVED ESTIMATE WHICH SUM TO- GETHER | WITH L 3718.0.0 THE COST OF SITE WAS DEFRAYED | BY HIS MAJESTYS COM- MISSIONERS FOR BUILDING | NEW CHURCHES OUT OF THE PARLIAMENTARY GRANT | OF L1.000.000.| —| THE CHURCH CONTAINS 1903 SITTINGS | OF WHICH 1381 ARE APPROPRI- ATED TO THE | ACCOMODATION OF THE POOR. | —| REV. L. GARDNER D.D. RECTOR OF THE PARISH | REV. A. J. CLARKE A.M. MINISTER |TI. W. WHATELEY AND JOHN COPE ESQ» | CHURCHWARDENS. | — | RICKMAN & HUTCHINSON ARCHT™S 64mm. Bronze. British Museum. PLATE 86 832. Obverse. Facade of St. Peter’s, Birmingham. Legend THOU ART PETER AND UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH Jn exergue CONSECRATED. AUG? 10 11827 Reverse. THE | HONSEF & RT REV? | HENRY RYDER|LORD BISHOP | OF | LICHFIELD & COVENTRY |—| REV? L. GARD- NER. D. D | RECTOR OF S? PHILIP’S | BIRMINGHAM. | —| RICKMAN & HUTCHINSON. ARCHTS gaz mm. British Museum. PLATE 86 142 833. 834. 835. 836. RICHARD RIEMERSCHMIDT Born 1868 in Munich, where he studied and where he has been professionally located. His best-known work has been in connection with the Schauspielhaus and the Vereinsbank in Munich, but other buildings should be mentioned, such as the factories at Hellerau near Dresden and villas in Berlin, Baden-Baden, Dresden, and Kiel, as well as a bank at Lands- hut and buildings of various character at Nuremberg, Ulm, and Hagen. Riemerschmidt has written treatises on art education, and has been a director of the Munich school of industrial arts. He has distinguished himself as a painter, as a versatile designer of furniture and metal work, and in landscape gardening. Uniface. Head to right. Below RICHARD RIEMERSCHMIDT Signed on truncation DAUTERT 160 x 113 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 99 GIROLAMO RINALDI Born 1570 in Rome, and died there in 1655. He studied architecture under his father and engineering under Domenico Fontana. Commissioned by Sixtus V to design a small church for the town of Montalto, birthplace of the pontiff, Rinaldi presented a plan which received high praise, whereupon he admitted that the drawings had been made by one of his pupils. Sixtus V pardoned the deception and entrusted him with work on many important ecclesiastical edifices. Among those in Rome may be mentioned a chapel in St. John Lateran, the churches of S. Agnes, S. Maria Campitelli, and S. Andrea della Valle, and the Jesuit monastery. Outside of Rome he built the Jesuit college and several churches at Bologna, the palazzo Verospi in Corsica, and the church of the Scalzi at Caprarola. As an engineer Rinaldi is accredited with the plans for the bridges at Fano and Terni, the former being referred to on one of the medals described below. Obverse. Bust to left in the garb of the period. HIE * RAINALDVS - RO-S-D-N-CLEM-: VIII - ET - INCL: PO: RO - ARCHITEC : AETA - SVAE - AN - XXXIII * Reverse. 4 monumental building. Above *S*P*Q*R Be- low M*D*C*IIT Rim ornamented. 64mm. Bronze cast. British Museum. PLATE 120 Obverse. Bust to left in the garb of the period. HIER RAYNALDVS ROM - POP - ROM: ARCHITECT - MDCXVI: Reverse. The fort and bridge at Fano. Above same COL IVL| FANESTRIS Legend PORTV BVRGHESIO BENE ET FELICITER FACTO 59 mm. Bronze cast. [Robinson p. 62, 222.| British Museum. PLATE 120 BERNARD AUGUSTE GUSTAVE RIVES Born 1858 at Saint Palais in the south of France. The greater part of his education was accomplished in Paris, where he studied under Eugéne Train and L. J. André and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Rives has designed some of the most im- portant among the modern buildings of Paris, including the Hotel Dufayel, the Hotel Astoria, the hall of records of the Crédit Lyonnais, and buildings for the Automobile Club and the Touring Club of France. His architectural activity has, however, not been confined to Paris, for he designed the Hotel Alexandre at Mentone and several large buildings in Algiers. Rives has held many administrative positions in automobile and aero clubs and councils. He is officer of the Legion of Honor and consulting architect to the state department of commerce and industry. Uniface. Half-length figure to right, with decoration. In exergue GUSTAVE RIVES Signed A E MONCEL | McMVIIIt 80% 67 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 94. FRANZ ROECKLE Born 1879 at Vaduz in Liechtenstein. He went to Stuttgart for professional training in architecture and landscape gar- dening. After completing his course of study at the Polytechnic institute, Roeckle designed a synagogue at Stuttgart, a hospital and a convent at Frankfurt, a manor house with agricultural buildings at Coblenz, and settlement buildings and a hospital in his native town of Vaduz. He wrote a treatise concerning the building and decoration of festival halls, and has received many prizes for his designs in the field of landscape gardening, both at home and abroad. 837. Uniface. Head to left. FRANZ | ROECKLE Signed on truncation DAUTERT 22 157.7216 mm. Bronze cast. ReyaE. Collection. PLATE 99 143 i: ii mi ‘ni i f i 840. Obverse. Bust to right. IVLIVS PIPPI Signed Nic + CERBARA Reverse. 4 841. Obverse. Bust to left. CHARLES ROSSIGNEUX | ARCHITECTE | DECEMBRE |M D-CCC:| XC- V. FRANCOIS ROMAIN Born about 1646 at Ghent; died 1735 in Paris. As a monk of the Dominican order at Maastricht in the Netherlands he rebuilt the monastery there, made important additions to the church, and supervised the erection of a bridge near that city. He also planned the restoration of the Dominican church and its tower at Ghent. Romain was called to Paris by Louis XIV for the purpose of completing the Pont Royal, later was made inspector of roads and bridges, and subsequently appointed architect of royal buildings to the court of France. 838. Obverse. Bust to left in a cloak. FRANCISCUS ROMEIN Signed simon F. Reverse. NATUS | GANDAVI | AN. MDCXLVI | OBIIT | AN. MDCCXXXV_ 46 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IOI Nore: One of a series of about one hundred medals, mostly of Dutch and Flemish men of note. These medals were executed by Jean Henri Simon from 1820 to 1834. GIULIO ROMANO Born 1493 in Rome; died 1546 at Mantua. A favorite pupil and one of the heirs of Raphael, Giulio Pippi, later known as Romano, was entrusted with the completion of many of the Vatican decorations after the great artist’s death. In Rome he completed the villa Madama w hich had been begun by Raphael; designing the casino Lante, the palazzi Cicciaporci, Maccarani, and others. His frescoes in S. Maria della Navicella, the Farnese palace, and in SS. Trinita dei Monte in Rome are well known. After 1542 his activities centred in Mantua, where he altered the plan of the city, building walls to pro- tect it from inundations of the Po and the Mincio, and adding fortresses. Also in Mantua he designed the palazzo del Te with its famous mural paintings of Olympic deities, planned the new facade of S. Pedrone, built his own residence, and served as inspector-general of public buildings. Romano was appointed architect of St. Peter’s in Rome, but died before assuming the duties of that office. 839. Uniface. Bust to left, a circle of beads around rim. IVLIVS - ROMANVS - Signed VARIN « (Claude Warin). r02mm. Bronze cast. (Lanna 428.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gI reath of laurel enclosing inscription SANCTIL | MAGISTRI | EXCELLENTIAE | PRAE OMNIBVS | PROXIMO Edge. 4 small head of Pallas in an oval. gz mm. Bronze. [Durand p. 172, 2.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE gI Nore: One of a series of medals of noted Italians of all ages. Most of these medals were executed by Cerbara and the Giromettis, father and son, before the middle of the nineteenth century. CHARLES ROSSIGNEUX Born 1818 in Paris, and died there in 1907. The greater part of his life was spent in the French capital, where he became eminent as designer and craftsman in various forms of interior decorations and decorative art, including furniture, jewelry, book-bindings, memorial windows, china, and silver. He was active on a committee organized for the purpose of improving and developing Gobelins tapestries. Rossigneux was one of the founders of the Union centrale des Arts déco- ratifs, and at one time served as its vice-president. A detailed list, showing the magnitude of the important work executed by Rossigneux, is given on the plaquette described below. RESPECTUEUX - HOMMAGE | D’AFFECTION Below ORNATVM - PRIMVS - VERAM - MVTAVIT | IN- ARTEM | ORNAVIT - QVE - LIBROS - AVREA - VASA | DOMVS Signed 0 Roty Reverse. Central design of wings, a wheel bearing inscription ARTE | LABORE and a distaff, the thread from which is ingeniously worked into the name ROSSIGNEUX Inscription DECORATION ° ET - AMEVBLEMENT -| DV : PALAIS - DE - L’ABBATIE - DV: VICE- | ROI - D’EGYPTE - ABBAS - PACHA - AV -| CAIRE - 1849 - 18 51 - DECORATION - ET -| AMEVBLEMENT -: HOTEL - DELICOVRT -| A - PARIS - DECORATIONS - ET - AMEV | BLEMENTS - DES - APPARTEMENTS «| NOTAMMENT - DES - SALONS - DE:| MM - FOVRET : BRETON - EMILE - ET -| ARMAND : TEMPLIER :| AMEVBLEMENT - DE: LA -| MAISON - POMPEIENNE -| DV - PRINCE NAPOLEON -| LA - CONSTRVCTION - LA -| DECORATION - ET - L'‘AMEVBLE | MENT - DV - CHA- TEAV -| DE- VINEVIL: EN LOIR -| ET - CHER - PROPRIETE - DE - M- ROV| SSELET - DIRECTION - D’ART - DE: LA-:| MANVFACTVRE : DE - PORCELAINE -| DE - MM -: HACHE - ET - PEPIN - LEHAL- LEVR -| A: VIERZON - CHER - CARACTERES «| TYPOGRAPHIQVES - ET : ILLVSTRA | TIONS - ORNE- MENTALES - DES « SAINTS :| EVANGILES : EDITES - PAR: HACHETTE: ET- C'F 722 mm. x 86 mm. Bronze cast. (Gaz. Num. 1897, p. 465, 140; Forrer V, p. 244.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 94 144 842. 843. 844, 845. 846. 847. ALFRED AUGUSTE ROUSSEAU Born 1841 at Montlhéry in the département of Seine-et-Oise; died in 1880. Rousseau studied in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Jean Baptiste Guénepin, passing his examinations in 1864 with the grade of first class. Little is known about his comparatively brief career except that he was appointed an inspector of buildings to the municipality of Paris, and that he devoted the greater part of his time to the duties of this position. Uniface. Bust to right. ALF - ROVSSEAV ARCHITECTE Signed on truncation 1887 Below DELOYE 00 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 94 ARMAND LOUIS ADOLPHE ROUSSEL Born 1834 at Louvain, and died 1889 in Brussels. He was the son of Armand Adolphe Roussel, who was eminent as lawyer, publicist, and professor in both Louvain and Brussels. At the Académie des Beaux-Arts in this latter city Roussel studied architecture after having read law with his father. The combination of these two interests is evident through- out his whole career, for he specialized as a legal consulting expert in matters of contract and construction. In collabora- tion with de Gronckel he inspected and reported upon the plans for reconstruction proposed by the city of Hal. Roussel was a competent draughtsman and designer, and at least one building is known to have been erected by him, the mint at St. Gilles-lez-Bruxelles, the facade of which is shown on the medal described below. Obverse. Allegorical figure. Reverse. Large monogram of Roussel’s initials A R in a circle of stars. 28mm. Bronze. Rev. Belge 1878, p. 453, Plate 22, 9; Meyer-Gedanensis 11149. Description taken from these sources. SE 1070, P. 453; g B Obverse. Same as No. 843. Reverse. Facade of the mint at Brussels. Above MONNAIE ROYALE In exergue ERIGEE A BRUXELLES SOUS LE REGNE DE LEOPOLD II. Signed at left BC at right AB. 28mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1878, p. 453, Plate 22, 10; Meyer-Gedanensis, 11145.] Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 84g. Reverse. Same as No. 843. 28mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1878, p. 453, Plate 22, and 10; Meyer-Gedanensis rr144.| Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Head of King Leopold to left. LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES Signed WURDEN Reverse. Facade of the mint at Brussels. ERIGE A BRUXELLES SOUS LE REGNE DE LEOPOLD Il Iw exergue MALOU, MINISTRE DES FINANCES, | BEERNAERT, MINISTRE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS | A - SAINCTE- LETTE, COMME DES MONNAIES, | J: ALLARD, DIRECTEUR | A - ROUSSEL, ARCHITECTE, | 18 A*B 77 SignedR-c 50mm. Siler. R.FE. Collection. PLATE 93 CHARLES GEORGES ROUSSI Born 1847 in Paris; he studied under Guénepin and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, receiving the second grand prix in 1876. His architectural activity was confined almost wholly to Paris, where he designed many schools, factories, and private residences. The department of public works having instituted competitions inviting plans for two fire-department buildings, one in the rue Chaligny and one on the boulevard Diderot, Roussi received the award in each case with a com- mission to execute the work. He was consulting expert to the Seine commission, had a seat on the jury of award at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and was a founder of the Société des Architectes diplémés par le Gouvernement. Uniface. Bust to left. GEORGES ROUSSI PRESIDENT atright 1898 Below SOCIETE DES | ARCHITECTES | DIPLOMES Signed L. BOTTEE 127 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 73 PIERRE PAUL RUBENS Born 1577 at Siegen; died 1640 in Antwerp. A pupil of Verhaegt and other Flemish artists, he went to Italy in 1860 for further study in Rome and Venice. Schoy in his work, “L’Influence italienne sur l’Architecture dans les Pays Bas,” has written exhaustively concerning the activity of Rubens as an architect, and in proof of his eminence in this profession 145 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. discusses the book, “Palazzi di Genova da Pietro Paolo Rubens,” which contains technical architectural analyses of the most famous Genoese palaces. The structural accuracy of the buildings which appear in Rubens’s paintings is also worthy of note. He exercised a potent influence upon the architectural development of his country, as evinced by buildings in Antwerp and throughout Flanders. Rubens was appointed court painter to Archduke Albert of Brussels, was knighted by Charles I of England, and again by Philip IV of Portugal upon the completion of negotiations establishing a treaty between that country and England. His monument in Antwerp is shown on several of the medals described below. Obverse. Bust to left. P. PAULUS RUBBENS (sic). Signed simon ¥. Reverse. NE|A ANVERS | EN M. D. LXXVII. | MORT | EN M. DC. XL. 47mm. Silver and bronze. Kluysk. II, p.4o0,1.| R.f-E. Collection. Pate 96 Nore: One of a series of about one hundred medals, mostly of Dutch and Flemish men of note. These medals were executed by Jean Henri Simon from 1820 to 1834. Obverse. Between two branches of laurel A | RUBENS | 1840. Reverse. LE 10¥E | ARRONDISSEMENT | A | JONGELINGS below which the coat of arms of Antwerp between two five-pointed stars. 28 mm. Bronze. |Guioth 294; Kluysk. II, p. 400, 5.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 96 Nore: At the Rubens festival in 1840 a car in the pageant was arranged to show the process of minting in the days of Rubens. The tokens which were struck and distributed bore the name of Jongelings, who was said to have established the mint at Antwerp in 1640. Obverse. Bust facing left with hat and in court dress of period, in a circle of beads. Signed on truncation HART. ¥. Reverse. Statue of Rubens at Antwerp. Ina panel on the pedestal PETRO PAULO | RUBENS | CIVI OLIM SUO | S.P.Q.A. | P| MDCCCXXXX Legend RUBENIO CIVE SUO STATUA DONATO Jn exergue ANTVERPIA LATA | MDCCCXXXX Signed HART. F. 68 mm. Bronze. (Guioth 296; Kluysk. IT, p. 00, 2.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 97 Obverse. Same as No. 850. Reverse. Left blank for inscription. 68 mm. Bronze. [Guioth 298; Kluysk. II, p. 407, 7.] Description taken from Guioth, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 44, 298. Obverse. Bust facing left with hat and in court dress of period, with a chain from which a coin is pendent. Above, a star. PIERRE-PAUL RUBENS Signed on truncation HART FECIT 1840 Rim beaded. Reverse. Statue of Rubens at Ant- werp, in a panel on the pedestal PETRO PAULO | RUBENS | CIVI OLIM SUO| S.P.Q.A. | MDCCCXXXX Legend SOUVENIR DES FETES BISSECULAIRES CELEBREES EN L7HONNEUR DE RUBENS | OF- FERT PAR LES ARTISTES A L. JACOBS CONSEILLER COMMUNAL Below ANVERS| 1840 Signed HART FEcIT 72mm. Bronze. |Guioth 297 ; Kluysk. II, p. got, 6.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 97 Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 850. Reverse. In a circle of beads, the arms of the city of Antwerp, below which a branch of laurel; above PRYSKAMP Legend REDERYKKAMER DE OLYFTAK *LABORE ET CONSTANTIA * 68mm. Bronze. (Guioth 295; Kluysk. II, p. 400, 4.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 97 Nore: This medal was struck by order of the Flemish literary society, “de Olyftak.” Obverse. Same as No. 850, but in lower relief. Reverse. Ina circle of pearls, a wreath of roses ANVERS | ELEVE | UN | MONUMENT | A | RUBENS | 1840. Legend PAR LES SOINS DE LA SOCIETE ROYALE DES SCIENCES LETTRES ET ARTS* 45 mm. Silver and bronze. (Guioth 299; Kluysk. II, p. 400, 3.] R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 97 Nore: In Guioth this medal is illustrated on Plate 45, but erroneously as No. 300. Obverse. Same as No. 854. Reverse. Ina circle of pearls a wreath of roses with a band entwined ANVERS | ELEVE UN MONUMENT | A | RUBENS PAR| LES SOINS | DE! LA SOCIETE ROYALE | DES SCIENCES LET- TRES | ET ARTS | 1840 Below, two branches of laurel. 45 mm. Bronze. [Guioth 300; Kluysk. II, p. gor, 8.] De- scription taken from the former source. Nore: In Guioth this medal is illustrated on Plate 44, but erroneously as No. 299. Obverse. Arms of the city of Antwerp, on aband FETE BISSECULAIRE 15 AOUT 1840 Above *** A PIERRE PAUL RUBENS *** Below LA VILLE D’ANVERS RECONNOISSANTE Reverse. A palette and brushes in a closed wreath of laurel PAR SON PINCEAU HABILE IL RAVIT L’7UNIVERS.* 45 mm. Bronze. [Guioth 307 ; Kluysk. II, p. 401, 9-1 Description taken from Guioth, where this medal is illustrated on Plate 45, 301. 146 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. Obverse. Portrait of Rubens. Reverse. Figure representing the genius of painting. Medal executed in 1842 by Carl Rad- nitzky. [Forrer V, p. 13; Numis. Zeitschrift Vol. 58, p. 113.] Description taken from these sources. Nore: Dr. Dworschak states in the “Numismatische Zeitschrift” that for the excellent quality of this medal Radnitzky received the Reichel prize from the Akademie der bildenden Kiinste. Obverse. Bust to right with hat and ruff P. PAULUS RUBENS Signed rocat. r. Reverse. NATUS | AGRIPPINA | COLOGNIA | AN. M. D. LXVII. (sic) | OBIIT | ANTUERP| AN. M. DC. XL.|—| serres numismarica | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM | — | M. Dccc. xLIv. | DURAND EDIDIT Edge. Device of the French mint and CUIVRE 42mm. Bronze. [Missing in Kluyskens.] R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 97 Nore: One of a series of medals of noted men of all countries, generally known as the “Series Numismatica,” and published by Durand in the first half of the nineteenth century. Obverse. Bust to left. PIERRE PAUL RUBENS NE EN 1577. MORT EN 1640. Signed JOUVENEL Re- verse. Paletie, brushes, and portfolios. RUBENS QUI NAQUIT A COLOGNE,| MAIS DONT LES PARENTS ETAIENT | ORIGINAIRES D’ANVERS, FUT LE PLUS| GRAND ARTISTE DE L’ECOLE FLAMANDE. | LE MONDE ENTIER PARLE DE SA GLOIRE.|SES TABLEAUX | SONT DANS TOUTES LES GALERIES. | 1600-1608, IL PARCOURT LITALIE.| 1611, IL FAIT LA DESCENTE DE CROIX | QUI PASSE POUR SON CHEF D’@UVRE. | 1630, IL PARVIENT A NEGOCIER | A LONDRES LES PRELIMINAIRES | DE LA PAIX ENTRE L’ESPAGNE | ET L’ANGLETERRE. 47 mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 4o2, 10.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 96 Nore: One of a series of medals of famous Belgians. The first of these medals was issued about 1846. The catalogue of “ Poincons et Matrices” in the museum of the mint at Brussels mentions twenty-five medals of 47 mm. diameter and ten jetons of 34 mm. diameter. Obverse. Similar to No. 859, but in lower relief. Reverse. RUBENS | QUI NAQUIT A | COLOGNE, MAIS DONT | LES PARENTS ETAIENT | ORIGINAIRES D’ANVERS FUT | LE PLUS GRAND ARTISTE DE | LECOLE FLAMANDE. | 1600-1608, IL PARCOURT | L’ITALIE. 1611, IL FAIT LA | DESCENTE DE CROIX QUI PASSE | POUR SON CHEF D’EUVRE.| 1630, IL PARVIENT A| NEGOCIER A LONDRES LES | PRELIMINAIRES DE LA | PAIX ENTRE|L’ESPAGNE ET | L’ANGLETERRE. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 34mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 402, 11; Alvin p. 91.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 96 Nore; See note after No. 859. Obverse. Similar to No. 852, but without beaded rim and signed HART. F. on truncation. Reverse. Coat of arms of Ant- werp. Legend * A * LA * GLOIRE * DE * L’ * ECOLE * FLAMANDE #18 57* roo mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 96 Obverse. Crowned armorial shield of the city of Antwerp between two branches of laurel. Above * VILLE D’ANVERS * Below CERCLE ALBERT GRISAR Reverse. 4 wreath of laurel with radiant five-pointed star above. Legend FRTES DU 300 EME ANNEE DE LA NAISSANCE DE P. P. RUBENS Below *1577-1877* Signed ¥. BAETES Inscription CONCOURS DES | 19-20 AOUT 1877]—| DIRECTION |—1| 50mm. Bronze. RFE, Col- lection. PLATE 96 Obverse and reverse similar to No. 862. 27 mm. White metal. (Cat. Kluysk. p. 125, 175.) Description taken from this a Bie 12 2 Mes ip source. Kluyskens Collection. Obverse. 4 grouping of devices from the coat of arms of the city of Antwerp, before which stands a winged figure holding a palm and a tablet. Incised on the latter AAN DEN | GROOTSTEN | VAN | ANTWERPEN’S | ZONEN. Ty) 1877 Signed ED. GEERTS. SCULP. &. F. Reverse. In an ornamented circle DRIEHONDERDJARIG | JUBEL- FEEST | DER | GEBOORTE | VAN | P. P. RUBENS Above * STAD ANTWERPEN * Below MDCCC- LXXVII 72mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 96 Obverse. Bust similar to that on No. 854. Legend STAD ANTWERPEN Below 1577-1877 Reverse. * | HERRIN- NERING| VAN DEN | 300 JARIGEN|GEBOORTE DAG VAN | P. P. RUBENS Legend GEDENKPEN- NING DER ANTWERPSCHE FEESTEN Below*1577-1877 * 48mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 97 Obverse. 4 man seated. Reverse. Antwerp celebrates the 300th anniversary of the birth of Rubens, 1877. 31mm. Bronze. (Cat. Kluysk. p. 125, 175.] Description taken from this source. Kluyskens Collection. 147 S ‘4 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. Medal executed in 1877 by Carl Radnitzky. [Forrer V, p. 16.| Description taken from this source. Nore: The date would indicate that this medal was issued to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Rubens’ birth, Attention is di- rected to No. 857. Obverse. Bust similar to that on No. 854. Legend *** ANTWERPEN’S RUBENSKRING *#* Below 1877 Signed F. BAETES, Ft Rim milled. Reverse. scroll inscribed ANTWERPEN’S RUBENSKRING | — | NIJVER- HEIDS | TENTOONSTELLING 4 lamp at the left, architectural and other symbols behind the scroll. Below - 1899 - 56 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 97 Obverse. Bust with hat. Reverse. Coat of arms. Exhibition of Horticulture and Pomology. 47 mm. Silver. (Cat. Kluysk. p. 125, 175.] Description taken from this source. Kluyskens Collection. HANS RUMMEL Born 1872 at Lorsch in Hessen, his education in architecture and engineering was pursued at the Technische Hochschule in Charlottenburg, near Berlin. Having established himself in practice at Frankfurt a/Main, Rummel specialized in the designing of churches, hospitals, and educational institutions. He erected the Bernardus and Gallus churches, the Marienspital, and the Josef and Monica homes. Outside of Frankfurt he built at Mainz a large school with adjoining dormitories, his other important works being located at Urdingen-Krefeld, Langenschwalbach, Neuenhain, Isenburg, and Hagen. He is a member of the leading societies of architects and engineers, both national and local. Uniface. Head to right. HANS RUMMEL Signed on truncation DAUTERT 129 x 94mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collec-- tion. PLATE 107 JEAN ve RUYSBROECK Born early in the fifteenth century, probably at Brussels, where he died in 1485. His family had produced several gifted stonecutters, and de Ruysbroeck was trained for that vocation. The first mention of his name appears in a list of the municipal councillors of Brussels, he being one of nine representatives of the trades, among the more numerous councillors from the nobility. A series of appointments culminated in a commission from Philip the Good to construct a belfry for the church of St. Michel, where he produced a rarely beautiful tower of stone tracery, which has often been compared with that of Erwin von Steinbach at Strasbourg. The Augustine friars at Louvain became so impressed by the beauty of the work that they requested de Ruysbroeck to build for the church of Ste. Gertrude a belfry which is now found included in the list of the seven wonders of Louvain. In 1459, appointed master of stone-work to the duchy of Brabant, he visited the churches and chateaux of that district, reconstructing work wherever needed. Among his important restorations were the church of Notre Dame at Anderlecht and the ducal chateau at Vilvorde. His last days were spent in an asylum where, aged, blind, and forgotten of his countrymen, he died. During four centuries scarcely a mention is to be found of his name, but in 1880 a bust of de Ruysbroeck, chosen among all Belgian architects, was placed in the great hall of the palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. Obverse. The town hall in Brussels. HOTEL DE VILLE DE BRUXELLES Signed J. WIENER F. 1847 Reverse. Ground plan of the building. Above L’AILE GAUCHE COMMENCEE 1402, ACHEVEE TATO; || LAT RE PIERRE DE LA TOUR POSEE 1444] PAR LE COMTE DE CHAROLOIS | (DEPUIS CHARLES LE HARDI) Below ACHEVEE PAR L’ARCHIT. JEAN VAN RUYSBROECK | 1454, HAUTEUR 100% $0. | L’AILE DROITE CONSTRUITE | VERS 1480. 50 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 62, 89.| R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 98 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. PIETRO SACCARDO Born in Venice, where he died in 1903. The greater part of his life and of his architectural career was centred in that city, where his most important work was the reconstruction of San Marco, an undertaking which occupied him for many years. The medal described below bears upon it his portrait, the facade of the church, and an inscription showing that it was awarded as a token of gratitude by the Venetians. It is dated the year after his death. In addition to his work on San Marco, Saccardo built numerous residences and churches in Venice, and a well-known villa at Mirano. He exhibited many architectural plans and drawings at the exposition of ancient and modern art held 1881 in Venice. 148 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. Obverse. Bust facing. In the background St. Mark’s in Venice. Signed ETTORE CADORIN at right and 8. J. (Stefano Fohn- son) at left. Reverse. A| PIETRO SACCARDO | CHE NEI RESTAVRI DELLA BASILICA DI S. MARCO | SERBANDO FEDE | ALL’ ORIGINALE PVREZZA DELL’ ARTE | NE ASSICVRO’ I TESORI | ANCHE PER I SECOLI VENTVRI | QVESTA MEMORIA | GIA’ A LVI VIVENTE | DALLA GRATITVDINE CITTADINA | CON SVFFRAGIO VNANIME DECRETATA | MCMIV 80mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 79 GIUSEPPE SACCONI Born 1855 at Montalto; died 1906 in Rome. In his fifteenth year he chose architecture as his lifework, and from that time his education was directed consistently to this end. He studied first under the architect Carducci, who had a high opinion of his pupil’s talent and encouraged him in every way, until the still youthful Sacconi went to Rome to continue his education and training. He spent five years there in successful work, and when, in 1884, a competition was instituted for a national monument to Victor Emanuel, he received the first prize of fifty thousand lire, with the commission to execute the monument. This monument is commemorated on both of the medals here described. Count Sacconi also built a chapel for King Humbert I at Morza, and collaborated on the basilica of Loreto. Obverse. Bust facing ARCH. | GIVSEPPE | SACCONI 4¢ right MDCCCLIV | MDCCCCV Signed ¥. SASSONE Reverse. Monument of King Victor Emanuel. ROMA | MCMXI In exergue SVLL’ ALTARE DELLA PATRIA | OPRA DEL TVO GENIO|LA GLORIA DEL GRAN RE|RIFVLGERA PERENNE. Signed 8. JOHNSON 69 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 99 Obverse. Bust facing left. GIVSEPPE SACCONI IDEO- Reverse. Monument of King Victor Emanuel A | VIT- TORIO EMANVELE II Jn exergue ROMA | 4 GIVGNO 1911 Signed s. } (Stefano Fohnson). 25mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 99 GYULA SANDY Born 1868 at Eperjes. Educated at the Polytechnicum in Budapest, he also studied with Professor Pecz and gained his practical experience under Steindl in connection with the erection of the new Parliament building. Establishing himself in independent practice, Sandy has had an active career. His work includes the erection of hospitals, churches, banks, schools, private dwellings, warehouses, and the pedestals of important monuments. His most notable structures are to be found in Budapest, but he has designed many buildings throughout Hungary. Among his principal edifices may be mentioned a post-office, club house, and school in Budapest, a school at Békés, a castle at Daruvar, and the post-office at Zagreb. Active as officer or member of all the leading architectural societies of his native country, Sandy has made frequent contributions to the periodical literature of his profession and has published several books. Uniface. Head to left. SANDY GYVLA Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). 97 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 88 FRANCESCO va SANGALLO Born 1493 in Rome; died 1576 in Florence. His father was Giuliano di Giamberti, an eminent architect who received the name of Sangallo in recognition of having built the Augustine monastery at the Porta San Gallo in Florence. The son, Francesco, began his education under his father, later studying and collaborating with Jacopo Tatti, called Sansovino. Sangallo planned and erected numerous monuments and altars, principally in Or S. Michele at Florence, S. Annunziata at Fiesole, and in the monastery of S. Lorenzo. As an architect he rendered valuable service on the Duomo at Florence, as well as on St. Peter’s in Rome. The medal described on this page depicts the tower of S. Croce in Florence. Obverse. Bustto left with turban. FRANCESCO DA SANGALLO SCVLTORE ET ARCHITETTO FIOREN - On truncation FACIEB (incised) Reverse. Tower of Santa Croce in Florence encircled by a heavy garland of leaves and fruit. At left -|O| PV IS and at right-M+|-D+LII|+ 68.5 mm. Bronze cast. [Friedlander p. 170, 3; Armand I, 158, 6; Hill p. 57, 36. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 100 » Obverse. Similar to No. 876, but without FACIEB and with date MDL engraved in the field at the left. Reverse. Pedestal with torso of a man who caresses a dog, all encircled by a heavy garland of leaves and fruit. At left D|V\R and at right A|B|O 72mm. Bronze cast. [Friedlinder p. 170, 4; Armand I, p. 158, 5.| Description taken from Friedlander, where the reverse is illustrated on p. 170. Taverna Collection, Milan. 149 878. Obverse. Bust to left with turban. FRANCESCO DA SANGALLO SCVLTORE ARCHIETTO FIOREN~ On truncation FACIEB (incised). Reverse. Bust to left. HELENA MARSVPINI CONSORTE - FIOREN:A-:M-: D- LI: 96mm. Bronze cast. [Armand I, p. 158,75 Hill p. 57, 37.) American Numismatic Society. PLATE I00 Nore: Hill states that these thoroughly characteristic portrait medals of Sangallo are replicas on a small scale of the marble relief in the church of §. Maria Primerana at Fiesole; that portrait of himself being dedicated by the sculptor in 1542. A number of these medals were removed from the foundations of the tower of S. Croce in Florence when the fagade was being rebuilt in 1854. 879. Obverse. Bust to left with turban. FRANCESCO DA SANGALLO SCVLTORE ET: ARCHIETTO FIOREN - On truncation FACIEBA - (incised). Reverse. Tower of Santa Croce in Florence, a garland at each side. At left FA | CIE | BA | T and at right A\| MD | XXX | XX_ 92 mm. [Friedlander p. 169, 2.) Description taken from this source. Uffizi, Florence. Note: The obverse differs from No. 878 in that ET+ is added after SCVLTORE and the word on the truncation becomes FACIEBA instead of FACIEB. 880. Obverse. Similar to No. 877, but with FACIES incised on truncation, and MDL incised at left of head. Reverse. A rocky pyramid, upon which stands a female figure, below her the yards of a ship and at the base of the pyramid a lion, a dog-headed figure, and a scorpion. Legend TRA STERPI INSIDE STRATI FAME ET MORTE 97 mm. [Num. Chron. 1889, p. 375,33 Archiv. Med. & Plak. II, 1920-21—article entitled “Not in Armand,” p. 47, 281.| Hunterian Collection, Glasgow University. PLATE 100 ALESSANDRO SANQUIRICO Born at Bosco near Alessandri about 1780; the date and place of his death appear to be unrecorded. Little is known of his early life or education before he went to Rome, where he studied architecture and manifested special interest in the ancient buildings of the city. He also applied himself to scenic art, achieving such success that he was called to Milan for work at the Teatro della Scala. Sanquirico, whose reputation dates from the period of the Austrian régime in Italy, designed for the obsequies of the Emperor Francis I, the catafalque shown on the medal here described. He was a mem- ber of many Italian and Austrian Academies. 881. Obverse. Head to left. ALEXANDER SANQVIRICVS ARCHITECTVS ET PICTOR Signed G. ZAPPARELLI F. | BONIS ARTIBUS D. D. | MDcccxxxv Reverse. Monument to Francis I of Austria at Milan. EX DECRETO RAI- NERII ARCIDVCIS PROREGIS Zn exergue FRANCISCI 1: IMP-ET REG ~| MOLES FUNEB: 46 mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 285, 98.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 107 \| PAUL ERNEST SANSON Born 1836 in Paris; died there in 1918. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Gilbert, Questel, and Diet. Sanson passed his examinations with the grade of first class, receiving later several medals and other distinctions. | In Paris, where he established his atelier, he erected the English church in the rue des Bassins, and numerous other edifices. Sanson’s work was not confined to the French capital; he built a hospital at Levallois and chateaux and private residences in various localities throughout the country. The chateau Castellane is shown on the medallion described below. He was a member of the Société Centrale des Architectes Frangais. \ 882. Obverse. America with the eagle and France with the cock, joining hands across the ocean. AMERICA GALLIA a. aucoc orr. below at left. Signed Pp. AUBE sc. Reverse. The chateau Castellane, coat of arms at left. Above ANNA GOULD | COMTESSE DE CASTELLANE | BONIFACE | COMTE DE CASTELLANE In exergue 30 AVRIL 1896 | } POSE DE LA PREMIERE PIERRE | E- SANSON : ARCH 705 mm. Silver cast. [Marx Méd. Contemp. Plate 31, 8.) RFE. Collection. PLATE 102 Note: The obverse symbolizes the union of America and France in the marriage of Anna Gould and Count Boni de Castellane. | $83. Obverse. Bust to left. In exergue ERNEST SANSON * ARCHITECTE | #« NE A PARIS LE 12 MAI | 1 18 36 *x% Signed R* ROZET Reverse. Seated female figure with attributes of architecture. Fame in the background with awwreath. In exergue TER JANVIER 1911. A M®P. E. SANSON ARCHITECTE | ** CHEVALIER DE LA LEGION D’HONNEUR ** | SOUVENIR DE SES COLLABORATEURS Signed R. ROZET Edge. Device of the French mint and BRONZE 80x 62 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 77 150 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. JACOPO TATTI SANSOVINO Born 1486 in Florence; died 1570 in Venice. He was a sculptor and architect, a pupil of Contucci. In 1505 Sansovino went to Rome, where he became associated with Bramante and where he built the loggia Coscia at the Porta del Popolo, the church of S. Marcello, and the palazzo Nicolini. From Rome he returned to Florence, going in 1529 to Venice, where he was appointed architect-in-charge of public buildings and where he spent the last forty years of his life. There he erected the famous library, the mint, the scuola della Misericordia, several churches, and numerous palatial residences. Sansovino designed the bronze doors of the sacristy of S. Marco, the recumbent statue of the doge Francesco Venieri in the church of S, Salvadore, and the statue of Neptune and Mars on the famous golden staircase in the palace of the Doges. Uniface. Bust to right with cap and fur collar. IACOBVS SANSOVINVS SCVLPTOR ET ARCHITECT Signed 1 - L + (Lodovico Leoni) Rim beaded. 63 mm. Lead cast. [Armand I, p. 252, 7; Hill p. 67, 47.) Victoria and Albert Museum. PLATE 120 Uniface. Bust to right with curly hair and beard. JACOBVS SANSOVINVS SCVLPTOR FLORENTINVS. (inscrip- tion engraved). Rim beaded. 56 mm. Cast. [Armand III, p. 220, 7; Hill p. 23.) Museo Correr, Venice. PLATE 120 Nore: Dr. Lorenzetti, of the Museo Correr in Venice, states that the medal in that museum is not contemporary. RAFFAELLO SANZIO Born at Urbino in 1483; died in Rome, 1520. The son and pupil of Giovanni Sanzio, he studied also under Perugino, da Vinci, and Michelangelo. Although best known as a painter, his architectural accomplishment includes some of the famous structures of Italy. Raphael was called to Rome in 1508 by Pope Julius II. There he collaborated on the Vati- can, and later succeeded Bramante as chief architect of St. Peter’s; erecting also the Pandolfini palazzo, the Nencini palazzo, and several private residences, including his own. In addition to his architectural work in Rome, Raphael de- signed the Uguccioni palazzo at Florence and the temple of Sposalizio at Milan. By Pope Leo X he was made inspector of excavations and conservator of antiquities, an appointment which led him to compile a voluminous treatise on Roman treasures of art and architecture. As a painter he decorated the stanze in the Vatican, made cartoons for the tapestries of the Sistine chapel, and painted many famous altar-pieces and easel-pictures now in the important old world galleries. Uniface. Bearded bust facing to right. RAPHAELIS « SANCTII- VRBINATIS (Claude Warin.) Rim beaded. 05 mm. Bronze cast. (Delbecke Sale, May 1891, 2533.| Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 103 Obverse. Bust to left with artist’s cap. RAPHAEL * SANCTIVS * * VRBINAS * Reverse. Statue of Nature on a pedestal with a stag on each side. ‘TIMVIT * QVO * * SOSPITE* VINCI 68 mm. [Mazz. I, p. 237; Kluysk. II, joe EG TA British Museum. PLATE 104. Full description of medal will be found under No. 173 (Buonarroti). Obverse. Bust to left. RAPHAEL SANCTIVS Signed u. m (L. Manfredini). Reverse. Genius holding a tablet. GENIO PICTURAE 75 mm. Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin. PLATE 105 Obverse. Bust to left. RAPHAEL SANZIO D’URBIN. Signed N+ TIOLIER.F- 1812 Reverse. LES ARTS L’AMITIE Inscription SOCIETE | DES | TRENTE | FONDEE EN X28E 1820|—I— 37 mm. Pewter, [Bramsen 1184.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 105 Medal of Raphael executed in 1820(?) by Tommaso Mercandetti. [Forrer IV, p. 32.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. RAPHAEL SANCTIUS Signed on truncation rocat. F. Reverse. NATUS | URBINI | IN ITALIA | AN. M. CCCC. LXXXIII. | OBIIT | ROMAE | AN. M. D. XX.|—| sertes Numts- MATICA | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM | — | M. DCCC. XXIII. DURAND EDIDIT Edge. Device of the French mint and CUIVRE gz mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 105 Nore: This medal and the two directly following belong to a series of noted men of all countries, generally known as the “Series Numismatica,” and published by Durand in the first half of the nineteenth century. Obverse. Bust to left. RAPHAEL SANCTIUS Signed CAQUE F Reverse. Similar to No. 892, but the lettering is larger and the word ROMAR is omitted. gz mm. Bronze. [Ampach 9904.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 105 IS 894. Obverse. Similar to No. 893, with slight variation in lettering and position of signature. Reverse. Similar to No. 892, slight variation in lettering. Edge. MONACHIL gz mm. Bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 415, 3.) RFE. Collection. PLATE 105 895. Obverse. The Madonna della Sedia from the painting by Raphael. Reverse. IMAGO | DEIPARAE | VVLGO| A. SELLVLA | DENOMINATA | INSIGNE. OPVS. PICTORIVM | RAPHAELIS, SANCTII. VRBINATIS | QVAM. HOSTILIS. CVPIDITAS | ANNO. MDCCLXXXXVII. | ABSTVLERAT | ORBE. PACATO. AN. MDCCCXIII. | FLORENTIAE — RESTITVTA. (lettering incised). 76mm. Bronze. |Morbio 4751.) Description taken from this source. 896. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. RAPHAEL: SANCTIVS: VRBINAS Below *MERITO* Signed civs - CERBARA:F- Reverse. Attributes of drawing and painting in a wreath of roses and lilies. Outer legend INSIGNE CONGREGAZIONE DE VIRTVOSI AL PANTHEON Below - PREMIO: Inner legend FLORENT IN DOMO DOMINI 67 mm. Silver. [Hess Cat. 1973, 12500.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 104 897. Obverse. Bust to left. RAPHAEL SANCTIVS Signed p. G. Reverse. Seated genius with tablet, palette, lyre, and owl. ARTES * OPTIMAS * OMNES * EXCITAVIT Signed in exergue PETRVS * GIROMETTI - | FECIT » MDCCCXXXI 52mm. Bronze. [Risorg. Ital. p. 287, 116.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IOS 898. Obverse. Bust to left. RAPHAEL SANCTIVS. Signed Nic. CERBARA F. AN. 1827. Reverse. Same as No. 184, except that the rim is not beaded. 61 mm. Silver and bronze. [Kluysk. II, p. 415, 2.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 103 899. Obverse. Bust same as No. 898. Signed NIC. CERBARA F. Reverse. The Madonna della Sedia in the Pitti Palace in Florence. 60mm. Bronze galvano. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 103 900. Obverse. Bust same as No. 898. (Sculptor’s signature missing.) Reverse. An altar, with the Virgin and child, a crypt be- low containing a skeleton. NVNQVAM - FATO: FVNCTVM Signed in exergue V. DAVILLI. F. 1833. L DEPOLETTI 63 mm. Bronze galuano. [Risorg. Ital. p. 287, 114.| R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 103 901. Obverse. Same as No. goo. Reverse. A skeleton in a crypt. Above EVM | OBDORMIENTEM In exergue ALIT POS- * TERITAS |* MDCCCXXXIII *| Signed L. DEPOLETTI F. 63 mm. Bronze galvano. [Risorg. Ital. p. 287, 115.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 103 902. Obverse. Head to left with artist’s cap. RAPHAEL SANCTIVS Signed v. NestI F. Reverse. 4 sunburst above the in- scription ILLE HIC EST RAPHAEL TIMVIT | QVO SOSPITE VINCI | RERVM MAGNA PARENS QVO | MORIENTE MORI.|— 44 mm. Bronze. [Ampach 9905; Wellenheim I, 14594.| R.F.E. Collection, Puare 105 903. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. RAPHAEL SANCTIVS Signed Nic: CERBARA+ F- Reverse. 4 wreath of laurel, with attributes of painting and architecture below. Inscription NATVRA | MENTE COLORIBVSQ | PAENE DEVICTA | SPE MAIORIS LAVDIS | POSTERIS PENITVS|INTERCLVSA Edge. 4 small head of Pallas in an oval. gzmm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 105 Nore: One of a series of medals of noted Italians of all ages. Most of these medals were executed by Cerbara and the Giromettis, father and son, before the middle of the nineteenth century. i| 904. Obverse. Bust to right of King Charles Albert of Sardinia. Legend CARLO ALBERTO RE DI SARDEGNA. Outer legend the word FERT repeated six times. Signed G GALEAZZI F* Reverse. In the centre, a helmeted lion, with a shield bearing the coat of arms of Savoy, holds an eagle captive. JE ATANS MO: ANSTRE Around same a heavily ornamented border with the busts and names of DANTE | ALIGHIERI * GALILEO | GALILEI * RAFFAELLO | SANZIO * CRISTOFORO | COLOMBO Signed G GALEAZZIF 52 mm. [Risorg. Ital. p. 94, 5843 Clerici p. 30, 63.) Description | taken from these sources ; the medal is illustrated in Clerici on page 30. Nore: Dante, originally Durante, Alighieri (1265-1321) was a celebrated Italian poet; Christopher Columbus (1446-1506) discovered America in 1492; Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a famous physicist and astronomer. \| 905. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. RAFFAELLO SANZIO Signed L. SEREGNI F. Reverse. Legend ISTITUTO DI BELLE ARTI DELLE MARCHE IN URBINO Within a wreath of laurel ESPOSIZIONE | ARTIST. INDUST. | 1867 43 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 103 906. Obverse. Same as No. 905. Reverse, ISTITUTO DI BELLE ARTI DELLE MARCHE IN URBINO. Within a wreath of laurel AL| MERITO 43 mm. Bronze. RFE. Collection. PLATE 103 907. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. REGIA ACCADEMIA RAFFAELLO IN URBINO Signed 1. SEREGNI F. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel ONORIAMO|LE| ARTI 28 mm. Silber. [Risorg. Ital. p. 288, 177. R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 103 908. Obverse. Bust to right with artist's cap. RAFFAELLO SANZIO Signed C. MOSCETTI Reverse. L’ASSOCIAZIONE | ARTISTICA INTERNATIONALE | DI ROMA | NEL| IV CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA | DEL SOMMO MAESTRO | XXVIII MARZO | MDCCCLXXXIII qo mm. Bronze. [Ratto Cat. Aug. 1914, 5422.] R.F.E. Col- lection. PLATE 105 909. Obverse. Bust to left with artist's cap. A RAFFAELLO DA URBINO Signed L. GIORGI F. IN FIRENZE Reverse. Jn 4 wreath of laurel NEL | QUARTO CENTENARIO|LA PATRIA | —| MDCCCLXXXIII Coat of arms below. 55mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 104 910. Medallion of Raphael at the age of fifteen, executed in 1887 by Mme. Marcelle Renée Lancelot-Croce. [Forrer III, Pp. 285.) Description taken from this source. 911. Uniface. Bust to right with artist's cap. RAFFAELLO SANZIO 67 mm. Lead cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 104 Note: One of a series of famous men. These medals were cast in lead about the beginning of the twentieth century and are of in- ferior workmanship. 912. Uniface. Bust to right with artist's cap ; a branch of laurel framing the head at right and above. Below RAFFAELLO SAN- ZIO On the back of the medallion the letters P R 131% 107 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 104 913. Uniface. Bust to left with artist's cap. RAFFAEL SANTI 1483 +1520 (Karl Dautert). 72mm. Bronze cast. [Hess Cat. Aug. 1925, 9125.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 104 Ss. A. SASCHENBIN 914. Obverse. Bust to right (Alexejeff, 1871). Reverse. Inscription in wreath. 51 mm. Bronze. [Hess, Mertens Sale roo4, 2685.] Description taken from this source. ANGELO SAVOLDI Born 1845 at Pavia, in northern Italy. After study and extensive travel, he established himself in Milan, and in col- laboration with Giovanni Borsani built a church and the imposing villa Erla at Cernobbio on the Lake of Como. Together they erected the chamber of commerce in Milan and the palazzo dei Giureconsulti, restoring the Loggia degli Osii. Sa- voldi was for many years professor at the polytechnic in Milan, and conservator of monuments for the province of Pavia. The reverse of the medal which was struck in his honor in 1905 refers to his birth at Pavia, the ancient city of Ticinum, and to gratitude for the service rendered to ecclesiastical art by his care of the monuments of that district. 915. Obverse. Bust to right. Signed in monogram a c (Angelo Cappuccio), near the edge JOHNSON Reverse. Inscription ANGELO SAVOLDI | TICINENSI | ARCHITECTONICH ARTIS PERITISSIMO |!OB MIRIFICE RES- TAVRATAM |S. PETRI IN COELO AVREO BASILICAM | SOCIETAS ARTIS CHRISTIANA | MONV- MENTIS TICINI SERVANDIS | A. MCMV | GRATI ANIMI ERGO CVM PLAVSV 1D. D. D. gg mm. White metal. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 94 PHILIP SAWYER Born 1868 at New London, he studied engineering and later architecture at Columbia University. After being with McKim, Mead & White for several years, he entered into partnership with Edward P. York. Among the well-known works of this firm in New York City are numerous hospitals and banks, including Roosevelt Hospital, the Orthopzedic, UBS) SCHARFF Reverse. The cathedral in Vienna. Inscription DEM | DOMBAU- | MEISTER | DER | WIENER | DOMBAU- | VEREIN Jn exergue MDCCCLXIII | MDCCCLXXXVIII 58 mm. Bronze. (von Loehr p. 23, 161.) RFE. Col- lection. PLATE 106 Nort: It is stated that in choosing the device for his coat of arms, Schmidt followed the custom of the stone-masons who worked on the gothic cathedrals in the middle ages. Uniface. Slight modifications from obverse of No.932. 150mm. [von Loehr p. 23, 161a; Domanig “Anton Scharff,” p. 38.] Description taken from Domanig, where the model for the medallion is illustrated on Plate 4, 13. Uniface. Bust to left, head crowned with laurel wreath, a wreath of palm around the rim of the medallion. Signed on trunca- tion wascum (Carl Waschmann). 153 mm. Stamped in copper. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 106 HEINRICH von SCHMIDT Born 1850 at Cologne. The son of Friedrich von Schmidt, the eminent architect of Vienna, he studied at the Technische Hochschule of that city before going to Hanover for practical experience in the atelier of C. W. Hase, whose daughter he afterwards married. Returning to Vienna, he collaborated with his father until called to Munich as professor of medieval architecture. Von Schmidt specialized in ecclesiastical building, notably in the reconstruction of ancient edifices. In ad- dition to the Jesukirche at Cologne, the Marienkirche at Kaiserslauten, and other churches erected by him in the Rhine country, he restored the cathedral at Worms, the Maximilianskirche at Munich, and ‘churches at Darmstadt, Gelnhausen, 156 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. 940. and Oppenheim. He enlarged the towers of the cathedral at Passau, where he also built a town hall. Active as privy councillor and as professor, he has been the recipient of numerous medals and other honors. Uniface. Head toright. Below D3 HEINRICH FREIHERR v. SCHMIDT Signed on truncation DAUTERT 133 * 94 mm. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 107 FREDRIK WILHELM SCHOLANDER Born 1816 in Stockholm; died there in 1881. His early interest in art and literature was always maintained, and he is known for his paintings, his poetry, and his novels, as well as for the buildings which he erected. His uncle, A. Nystrom, was an eminent architect in Stockholm, and by his advice Scholander chose the same profession. He studied in Paris for two years, being a pupil of Le Bas; later he went to Germany and Italy, and upon his return to Sweden designed the in- stitute of technology, Warodell House, Barclay House, a synagogue, and the Vasa monument. Scholander erected churches at Gardhem and Ulrichsdal, palaces at Malm6 and Kristianstad, and was chief architect of the national museum. He was at one time professor of architecture in Stockholm and was a member of the Academy. Obverse. Bust to left. FRIDERICUS W-SCHOLANDER - Signed on truncation LEA AHLBORN Reverse. In a wreath of laurel VIR INGENII | ARTISQUE VARIETATE | ADMIRABILIS. Edge. BRoNs and 1922 50 mm. Bronze. [Num. Medd. XVII, II, p. 183, 1.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I10 Nore: This medal was struck in 1896 by the Academy of Liberal Arts. Uniface. Medal with beaded rim. [Num. Medd. XVII, II, p. 183, ta.] Description taken from this source, which rates this medal RRR. Obverse. Bust to left. F. W. SCHOLANDER Signed a+ LINDBERG Reverse. A pedestal with the two-headed Fanus. At the base the attributes of music, painting, and architecture. Legend. INGENIO FINGENS PROTEUS FUIT ILLE PERITUS Inscription OMNIBUS | FERE | MUSIS | CARUS | OB +| MDCCC | LXXXI_ Signed 5. 1. (Erik Lindberg). Edge. SILVER and 1922. 32mm. Siler. [Num. Medd. XVII, II, p. 183, 2.] R.F-E. Collection. puate 110 Note: This medal was struck in 1898 by the Swedish Academy. FRIGYES SCHULEK Born 1841 in Budapest; died 1919 at Balaton-Lelle. He studied under Friedrich Schmidt in Vienna and co-operated in the restoration of the Regensburg cathedral. In his native city he erected the Mathiaskirche, the coronation cathedral of the kings of Hungary, and the Fischer bastion; the Salomonsturm at Visegrad and a church at Szeged, also restoring the town hall of Lécs and the tower at Nagybanya. Schulek was one of the founders of the school of design in Budapest, being also professor of medieval architecture at the Polytechnicum in that city, and chief architect of the committee on monumental buildings. Uniface. Schulek at work over his draughting-board. Below SCHVLEK FRIGYESNEK | 1911 NOVEMBER 19 | A MVEMLEKEK : ORSZAGOS -| BIZOTTSAGA Signed BANSzKY. Stamped on back JUNGFER GY. tog x 80 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 69 Nore: This plaquette was issued in Schulek’s honor by the national committee on artistic monuments. Obverse. Head to left. SCHVLEK FRIGYES 1841-1919 Signed in monogram ¥ O B (F. 0. Beck). Reverse. Female Jigure seated on the steps of a temple playing a violin. A KOZEPKOR VJRAALMODOJA Signed in monogram as on obverse. 72mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE III SIR GEORGE GILBERT SCOTT Born 1811 at Gawcott, Buckinghamshire; died 1878 in London. He is well known as the architect of the St. Pancras hotel and station in London, and of the Albert Memorial, Hyde Park; of St. John’s cathedral in Newfoundland, of St. Mary’s in Nottingham, and of Edinburgh cathedral, which is illustrated on the medal. He restored the cathedrals at Ely, Exeter, Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Peterborough, and Salisbury. Scott was also architect of the War and Foreign 157 941. 942. 943. 944, 945. 946. Offices in London, and in collaboration with Moffatt designed the orphan asylum at Wanstead. He was professor at the Royal Academy, and was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, of which he was presi- dent for three years. In 1872 he was knighted in recognition of his professional service to his country. Obverse. The orphan asylum at Wanstead. THE INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM | AT WANSTEAD | FOR 400 CHILDREN |—|G. G. SCOTT & W. B. MOFFATT | ARCHITECTS. Signed TAYLOR BIRM: Reverse. Coats of arms of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and four crowns. THE INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM WAS INSTITUTED A. D. 1827. INCORPORATED A. D. 1843 | THE FIRST STONE OF THE NEW BUILD- ING WAS LAID BY H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT JULY 24. 1841|& THE BUILDING OPENED BY HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS UINE S27. 1843 Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 49 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 108 Obverse. Head to left. SIR G. GILBERT SCOTT. R. A. Below 1811-1878 Signed on truncation G.G. apams. sc Reverse. The Edinburgh Cathedral. ART-UNION OF LONDON Below EDINBURGH | 1884 Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 56mm. Bronze. |Numis. Circ. Sept.-Oct. 1914, 22758.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 108 Nore: One of a series of medals of painters, sculptors, and architects published by the Art-Union of London in the nineteenth century. ANTOINE PAUL SELMERSHEIM Born 1840 at Langres in the département of the Haute Marne. Entering the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1863 he studied en- gineering and architecture, making a specialty of construction under E. L. Millet. After a short period of general prac- tice, Selmersheim was appointed diocesan architect for Paris and for Chartres, and from that time most of his activity lay in the direction of ecclesiastical construction. Among his earliest works in this field should be mentioned the resto- ration of the cathedral at Moulins and that of Troyes, in which latter city he also built the church of St. Urbain. Other ecclesiastical edifices erected by him are the church of Ste. Chantal at Dijon, a chapel near that city, and the church of Notre Dame at Epernay. Architect to the government and inspector of historical monuments, Selmersheim has also been active in several architectural societies. Uniface. Bust to right in circle. PAUL SELMERSHEIM | ARCHITECTE | INSPECTEUR GENERAL DES | MONUMENTS HISTORIQUES Signed s. £| VERNIER| 1916 89x67 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 92 GOTTFRIED SEMPER Born 1803 at Altona; died 1879 in Rome. After the study of law he turned to art and architecture, being a pupil of Gaertner in Munich and of Gau in Paris. Appointed in 1834 to a professorship at Dresden, he held that position for fif- teen years, but becoming involved in the political troubles of 1849 went to France and Belgium and thence to England, where he remained for two years as professor of fine arts. In 1853 he accepted a call to the Polytechnicum at Zurich, in which city he became active in building and teaching. Among structures erected by him in Dresden may be mentioned the Hoftheater, a synagogue, an opera house, a hospital, and the new museum; in Zurich, the new Polytechnicum, the ob- servatory, the city hospital, and numerous private residences. Semper, who was a member of the Munich and Berlin Academies, received honors and distinctions from England and France. He wrote extensively on architectural subjects. Obverse. Head to left. PROFESSOR DOCTOR GOTTFRIED SEMPER * Signed A. SCHARFF Reverse. 4 triangle, compass, pencil, and brush in a wreath of laurel and oak. ZUM 70. GEBURTSTAGE 29. NOVEMBER 1873 * WIEN * Edge. CATTANI. GIESEL. B. GRUBER. HOFER. E. KOVATS. A. MULLER. PESTALOZZI. M. SCHNEIDER. SCHONMANN WALCH * (incised). 50 mm. Bronze. [von Loehr p. 18, 15.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 106 Uniface. Head to left. (Anton Scharff, 1873.) 10g mm. Bronze galvano. [von Loehr p. 18, 15a.| R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 106 Nore: The American Numismatic Society has a cast bronze copy of this medal, the names GOTTFRIED SEMPER and SCHARFF being engraved on the face. Obyerse. Bust to left. Legend GOTTFRIED SEMPER Before and after the name, a dolphin. * HAMBURG 29. NOVBR. 1803. + ROM 15. MAI 1879. Signed £. SEMPER. Reverse. Inscription in a circle of pearls. * | SEM- PERHAUS | HAMBURG | 1907-1908 | * Legend DEM ERWECKER DER FORMEN DER IT. RENAIS- SANCE * GEWIDM. V. FRANZ BACH* 60mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 106 158 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. GEORGES SENECHAL Obverse. Bust to right. GEORGES - SENECHAL + ARCHITECTE 4f /eft a device of a compass and flowers. Re- verse. Senechal with a roll of plans, a rule in his right hand. Before him laborers engaged in various occupations, behind him a building in course of construction. Signed c1-MAscaux 160 mm. Bronze cast. |Arethuse Oct. 1925, p. 123.) Description of reverse taken from this source, where the medallion is illustrated on Plate 2g. R.¥.E. Collection. Puave 99 HERMANN SENF Born 1878 at Naunhof near Leipzig. He pursued his education in engineering and architecture at the Polytechnicum in Munich and later at that of Dresden. At Frankfurt, Senf erected the offices of the building union of Hesse-Nassau, and has devoted much time to restoration and reconstruction work in that part of the city called Frankfurt-Altstadt, south of the river and now occupied mainly by artisans’ houses and by small shops. A member of the league of German Archi- tects, Senf is also active in the Society of Architects and Engineers. Uniface. Head to right. HERMANN SENF Signed on truncation DAUTERT FEC 22 150x119 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. PLATE 99 NORMAN SHAW Born 1831 in Edinburgh; died 1912 in London. At the age of sixteen he went to London, where he became a pupil-ap- prentice to William Burn, in whose office he formed with W. E. Nesfield a friendship which influenced profoundly the careers of both young architects. In 1854 Shaw gained the gold medal and travelling scholarship of the Royal Academy, the committee of which later requested the publication of his drawings, “Architectural Studies from the Continent.” Among characteristic examples of Shaw’s ability may be mentioned the New Zealand chambers, the Alliance building, Baring’s bank, St. Michael’s church, and his finest and most complete work, the famous new Scotland Yard on the Thames embankment. Shaw designed numerous churches, including two at Bournemouth; and many country residences, notably Preen manor house, Adcote in Shropshire, and Cragside in Northumberland. In 1899 a competition was instituted which was open to all the architects of the world, inviting them to submit drawings for the grounds and buildings of the University of California. Shaw served as the representative of England on the international jury of award. Full description of medal will be found under No. 68. (Benard). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 HOWARD SILL Born in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The name of Howard Sill is almost as well known for his avocation as for his vocation; the former being book-plates, the latter architecture. That section of the country in which practically all of his professional work is located is the eastern shore of Maryland. Here is the meeting-place of the influence of the southern states with that of New England, resulting in the erection of many large homes characterized by much com- fort and little ostentation. It will be remembered that the south produced a social class which conserved many of the standards of the English aristocracy, architecture being fostered in common with other arts and refinements. Sill has been influential in his effort to perpetuate colonial details, until recently too generally neglected in modern construction. He has designed residences in Baltimore, Annapolis, and Roland Park, and at Scaleby in Virginia. Sill founded the first Ex-Libris Society in the United States, and held office as vice-president of the Washington chapter of the Bookplate Society. Uniface. Head to right. HOWARD SILL Below MCMIX Signed on truncation SCHULER 200 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. PLATE I10 PETRUS MATTHEUS THEODORUS SNICKERS Born 1847 in Rotterdam. In 1887 the community of Heeswyck, in Holland, in appreciation of his work in reconstructing the public school, presented him with the medal described below. Snickers also restored the castle at Heeswyck. Obverse. The coat of arms of Heeswijk surrounded by a triple border of beads. GEMEENTE HEESWYK. Reverse. HULDE | AAN DEN HEER| P. M. T. SNICKERS | ARCHITECT |WEGENS VERBOUWING DER | OPENBARE SCHOOL | 1887. (Reverse engraved.) 39 mm. Bronze. (Tijdschrift 1898, p. 135; Zwierzina 1864- 1898, 777.| Description taken from the former source, where the obverse is illustrated on Plate r. Nore: “Tijdschrift” states that five copies of this medal were issued. 159 SIR JOHN SOANE Born 1753 at Reading; died 1837 in London. The son of a mason named Swan, he changed his name to Soan, then to Soane. In 1772 he won the silver medal at the Royal Academy, and four years later the gold medal for designing a trium- phal arch—a remarkable composition which gained for him the travelling scholarship under George III. In London Soane erected many well-known buildings, notably the new Chelsea hospital, the Dulwich Gallery, Westminster law courts, the library of the House of Commons, also the entrance-gate and lodge of Hyde Park. He drew the plans for the Bank of England, supervising the erection of its western front, shown on the medals described below, and designed St. James’s Palace, Blackfriars bridge, and Norwich castle. In 1809 Soane was appointed professor at the Royal Academy, being knighted in 1831. He wrote many books on architectural subjects. . Obverse. Head to right. JOHN SOANE. Signed w. wyon. A. R. A. | MINT. Reverse. Portal of the Bank of England. A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT FROM THE BRITISH ARCHITECTS Jn exergue MDCCCXXXIV 57 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I12 . Obverse. Same as No. 952, but collar added with inscription THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHI- TECTS Below TO R. PHENE SPIERS, ASSOCIATE. (engraved). Reverse. Same as No. 952, but collar added with inscription FOR A SET OF DRAWINGS AND DESCRIPTION OF AN INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY, PRACTICE AND PERFORMANCE OF MUSIC Below MDCCCLXYV. (engraved). 72mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II2 Norte See the plaquette of R. Phené Spiers, No. 963. HANS OTTO HERMAN SORGEL Born 1885 at Regensburg. In this city, almost as famous as Nuremberg for its medieval houses and fortresses, he re- ceived his early education and that enthusiasm for architecture which came to fruition through his course of study at the Technische Hochschule in Munich. Sérgel’s first work of importance consisted in making plans for school buildings at Bamberg, but more recently he has been active in Munich, where he has designed numerous private residences. A mem- ber of the League of German Architects, he has also been influential in encouraging the study of esthetics in the schools. He is well known as an author on subjects connected with architecture and education, his publications including: “Theorie der Baukunst” and “Einheitliche Organisation der Bauschulen.” . Obverse. Head to left. HERMAN SORGEL BAUMEISTER Signed R Pp. (Rudolf Pauschinger). Reverse. EXIS- TENTIA NON EST ESSENTIA Jn centre in a triangle, a flame. MENS ANIMA SENSVS_ Edge. cuss v. C. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN 87 mm. Bronze cast. R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 89 Note: The sculptor advises that only three other copies of this medal exist. CONSTANT SONNEVILLE Born 1849 at Bailleul in northern France. He studied first at the academy of his native town, going later to Lille and thence to Brussels. Almost all of his life has been spent in Belgium, the past thirty-five years at Tournai; with this city he has been closely identified, having had an important share in its architectural and civic development. At Tournai, Sonneville restored numerous monumental buildings, including the cathedral, the churches of St. Nicolas and St. Jean, and the former Grange des Dimes, at one time attached to the abbey. This edifice is portrayed on the medal de- scribed below. Sonneville has executed a series of restorations of notable cathedrals throughout Belgium, and has erected eighteen new churches. His work has been general in scope, including ecclesiastical architecture, chateaux, schools, and private residences. He has received medals and awards from several expositions, as well as civic honors from France and Belgium. . Obverse. Facade of the grange of the Abbaye St. Martin. Legend LA VILLE DE TOURNAI A M. M. BOURGOIS FRES Signed J. BAETES FEC Reverse. Arms of the city of Tournai. RESTAURATION | DE | L’ANCIENNE GRANGE | DES DIMES | —| 1633-1900 |—| ARCHITECTE M. C. SONNEVILLE 60 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 93 ERNST GEORG SONNIN Born 1713 at Quitzow in Prignitz; died 1794 in Hamburg. He studied successively mathematics, ancient languages, phi- losophy, and theology at Altona, Halle, and Jena. Being offered a position as instructor in languages and mathematics at Hamburg, Sonnin established himself there, but spent all his spare moments in experimenting with machines and 160 956. 957. 958. 959. instruments, especially optical. Encouraged by a wealthy patron, he took up the study of engineering and architecture; his first building being a brewery at Altona. In 1750, when the famous Michaeliskirche at Hamburg was destroyed by lightning, the reconstruction was entrusted to two architects, Prey and Sonnin, the latter taking entire charge after the death of the former. In Hamburg, too, Sonnin skilfully raised to a perpendicular position three church towers which had begun to settle in a dangerous manner. He also erected a rotunda at Rellingen, churches at Niendorf, Wilster, Herz- horn, and Kappeln, as well as numerous private residences at Hamburg and Kiel. Obverse. Bust to left in garb of the period. * DER HERR GIEBT GNADE UND EHRE. PS. 84, 12.* Below E. G. SONNIN. | GEB. 1709. GEST. 1794. Signed on truncation LORENZ ¥. Reverse. 4 sunburst above the church of St. Michael in Hamburg. Legend GOTT DER HERR IST SONNE UND SCHILD. | K. S? MICHAE- LIS ZU HAMBURG. On the bar forming the exergue ERBAUET v. E. G. SONNIN. In exergue GEWEIHET 1g. OCT. 1762. | 19, -OCT. 1862. 42mm. Silver. [Gaedechens 2171. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 98 Nore: The reference to Psalms 84, Verse 12, follows the German system of numbering. In the English translations of the Bible it is Verse rr. JACQUES GERMAIN SOUFFLOT Born 1709 at Irancy near Auxerre; died 1780 in Paris. His father, an eminent lawyer, hoped to see the same profession followed by the son, whose early education was directed to this end. But the desire to become an architect was so strong in young Soufflot that it eventually overcame all obstacles, even though in order to go to Italy to study, the boy ran away from home, took an assumed name, and for some time earned his living as a stonecutter. Remaining for seven years in Rome, he won for himself a reputation which found echo in France. In 1738 the municipality of Lyons extended a call to Soufflot, who quickly became influential in the architectural development of that city. There he made additions to the church of the Chartreux, drew the plans for the city hospital and for the exchange, and reconstructed the archbishop’s alace. His most famous work is the church of Ste. Geneviéve in Paris, for which he was commissioned by Louis XV to draw the original plans. This building, now more generally known as the Pantheon, is depicted on the medal described selow. Soufflot also executed several important additions to the cathedral of Notre Dame, including the sacristy and the restoration of the main entrance. In Paris as in Lyons, Soufflot won high reputation as lecturer, hydraulic engineer, and author. Obverse. Facade of the Pantheon. EGLISE STE GENEVIEVE (PANTHEON) A PARIS Jn exergue COMMENCEE, EN 17581 J. G. SOUFFLOT ARCHIT. Signed y. wienER F. Reverse. Interior view of the building. Signed J. WIENER F. BRUXELLES | 1858 59 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 32, 21.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE IIo Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. LOUIS SPAAK There appears to be no authentic record giving particulars as to the birth and death of this Belgian architect, It is es- tablished, however, that he was active in his profession at Brussels about the middle of the nineteenth century; also that in 1842 he won the first prize in competition by his drawings for a new municipal custom house, the funds having been collected by general taxation. The award to Spaak was accompanied by the commission to execute the building. Later he built the parish house at Anderlecht. Both buildings are shown on medals described below. It appears probable that this was the same architect Spaak who in 1811 made measured drawings of the facade, interior, and side elevations of the church of the Jesuits at Brussels, just before its demolition. This view is endorsed by Kramm, who, however, admits the possibility that there may have been two architects, father and son. Obverse. The government warehouse in Brussels, Mercury above, plot plan showing the building below. LE. COMMERCE CIVILISE ET ENRICHIT LES NATIONS Jn exergue M. LE CHEVALIER WYNS DE ROUCOUR, | BOURGMESTRE. | M. M. VERHULST, DOUCET, EVERARD, | ORTS, ECHEVINS. | WAEFELAER, | SECRETAIRE. 4 left of plan SPAAK | ARCHITECTE 4t right signed HART | GRAVEUR Reverse. 4 cartouche, with the coat of arms of the city of Brussels, a crown above. Legend LE 6 MAI 1844 S. M. LEOPOLD I. ROI DES BELGES POSE LA PREMIERE PIERRE DE L’ENTREPOT * 67 mm. Bronze. [Tourneur 666.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 95 Obverse. Facade of the government warehouse in Brussels. ENTREPOT DE BRUXELLES Jn exergue M. LE CHE- VALIER WYNS DE ROUCOUR, | BOURGMESTRE. | M. M. VERHULST, DOUCET, EVERARD | ORTS, ECHEVINS, | WAEFELAER, | SECRETAIRE. | * | SPAAK ARCHITECTE igned HART GRAVEUR. Reverse. Legend 6 MAI 1844.*BRUXELLES* In a circlet of beads S. M.| LEOPOLD 1.| ROI DES BELGES | POSE | LA | PREMIERE | PIERRE | DE | L-ENTREPOT 27mm. Bronze. |Tourneur 660. R.F.E. Collection. pate 95 161 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. Obverse. Facade of the community building in Anderlecht. Above MAISON COMMUNALE | DDANDERLECHT Jn exergue G. HOORICKX, BOURGMESTRE | J. B. MERCHE, D. GHEUDE | ECHEVINS | J. B. H. BOL- LINGX, | SECRETAIRE. | — | SPAAK ARCHITECTE. Reverse. Legend 8 JUILLET 1844 * ANDER- LECHT * Jn an ornamental circle M. LE| BARON DE VIRON | GOQUVERNEUR | DE LA PROVINCE | POSE | LA PREMIERE | PIERRE | DE LA MAISON | COMMUNALE 27 mm. Bronze. [Tourneur 648.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 95 FREDRIK SPARRE Born 1723 at Karlskrona; died 1747 in Stockholm. He studied architecture, mathematics, and engineering at the univer- sity of Upsala. On the occasion of a visit paid by the crown prince to that city, Sparre designed an arch which so aroused the interest of Baron Harleman that he invited the young architect to become his pupil. Count Sparre established himself in Stockholm, where he was active for a short period, being called to Upsala to supervise the restoration of the castle after the great fire. In 1742 he was appointed superintendent of Swedish national fortifications. He died at an early age and bequeathed his fortune to the Royal Academy of Sciences, of which he had been a member. Obverse. Sparre’s coat of arms. SUPERSTES IN SCIENTIAS AMOR FRIDERICI SPARRE COMITIS * (Daniel Fehrman). Rim milled. Reverse. Same as reverse of No. 575. 35 mm. Silver. [Hildebrand p. 132; Numis. Medd. XVII, I, obverse, p. 178, 1; reverse, p. 179, 1.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 Norte: This medal was struck in 1762 by the Academy of Sciences. It was used for purposes of award in connection with a money prize provided by Sparre—the first important gift made to the academy by a private individual. Obverse. Same as No. 967. Reverse. Same as No. 516. 35 mm. Silver, [Numis. Medd. XVII, I, obverse, p. 179, 1a; reverse, p. 180, 1a.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 58 RICHARD PHENE SPIERS Born 1838 at Oxford. He was educated at King’s College in London and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, taking advanced work under Questel. Returning to his native country, Spiers established himself in London, where he erected a number of schools as well as ateliers for artists; these were followed by the construction of private residences and villas at Droitwich, Barnsley, and elsewhere in England. Spiers, who always looked upon France as a second native land, was honored by an appointment to the professorship of architecture at the académie royale. He became equally eminent in archeology and in architecture, having compiled numerous works on both subjects, some in the English language, some in French. Among these may be mentioned: “East and West,” “Le Dessin architectural,” and “Ordres d’Architec- ture.” He was a member of many antiquarian societies and architectural organizations in both countries. An award medal granted to him by the Royal Institute of British Architects is illustrated in this work under the name of Soane. Obverse. Bust to left. R + PHENE SPIERS | ARCHITECT | MDCCCCV Below A+ RECORD - OF - THE - ES- TEEM -: OF : HIS | PVPILS : COLLEAGVUES : AND: FRIENDS Signed ED+ LANTERI: SC: Reverse. Lonic capital, compass, and books, a temple in the background. THE - GREATEST - TRVST : BETWEEN - MAN - AND - MAN -:| IS - THE - TRVST - OF - GIVING : COVNSEL 79 «59 mm. Bronze. [Forrer III, p. 302.) Royal Inst. British Architects. PLATE IIO Nore: Attention is directed to the Soane medal, No. 953, which was awarded to Spiers by the Royal Institute of British Architects. WILLEM SPRINGER It has not been possible to establish the dates of birth and death of this Dutch architect, all of whose works, with one exception, appear to be located in the city of Amsterdam. Certain it is that in 1858 he held the position of assistant to de Greef, with whom he collaborated fifteen years later in the reconstruction of the Stads-Schouwburg. In the meantime Springer had been appointed architect to the government in the department of public buildings, in which capacity he supervised the construction of much important work, notably the Zeevaartschool, an institute for training navigators. He also designed and built, in London, the internationally renowned Frascati restaurant. Full description of medal will be found under No. 479 (de Greef). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE $1 162 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. FRIEDRICH STAMMAN Born 1807 at Hamburg, where he died in 1880. One of three brothers all of whom became architects, Friedrich worked at carpentry and building under his stepfather, J. J. Meyer. After this apprenticeship he went to Munich, remaining for three years as a student at the academy and under Gaertner. Stammann first established himself at Prague, where his home became a centre for artists and architects; but after several years left that city to go to Rome in response to a call addressed to himself and his brother Eduard for work in the Ponte-Molle company under Nerli. After an absence of fourteen years he returned to his native city and was a resident there at the time of the great fire, both he and his older brother, Franz Georg, being active in the reconstruction work which followed that disaster. Independently he erected buildings for Counts Thun and Wallis, and a castle and monument in Kreis Leitmeritz. A leading member of the Kiinstler Verein of Hamburg, he was also influential in founding the art gallery in that city. Uniface. Head to right. FRIEDRICH STAMMANN. Signed pavip 1833 (David d’ Angers) (all lettering incised). On the back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 742mm. Bronze cast. [Fouin IT, 473; Lichtwark Plate rg.| R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE IOI Nore: Jouin gives the date as 1830, but his supplement published in 1887 gives the date as 1833, which conforms with that on the medallion. IMRE STEINDL Born 1839 in Budapest, where he died in 1902. After study at the Technische Hochschule of his native city and at the Kunstakademie of Vienna, he established himself in Budapest. There he erected his greatest architectural work, the Hungarian Parliament building; there also he designed a large theatre, a bank, a veterinary college, and additions to the Technische Hochschule, in which institution he was for many years professor of architecture. Outside of Budapest Steindl built a Franciscan church at Szeged and churches at Kassa, Bartfa, Mariafalva, and Jak. He did much for the welfare of his city through service on numerous boards, commissions, and councils, notably in matters connected with building and education. He was decorated with the order of Franz Josef. Uniface. Bust to left. At right STEINDL.I. 72% 72 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. PLATE III Obverse. Head to right. - STEINDL - IMRE - MVEGY - TANAR - Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). Re- verse. Facade of the Hungarian Parliament building. Above AZ ORSZAGHAZA Below EPITOJENEK Signed 1923 BECK 6 FVLOP 73 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE III GIORGIO STIGLIO Obverse. Coat of arms between branches of laurel. Above CITTA DI DOMODOSSOLA Below DECRETO V XBRE MDCCCLXXXII Reverse. AL BENEMERITO CITTADINO | INGEGNERE| GIORGIO STIGLIO|! CHE | CON SQUISITEZZA DI GENIO| PORTAVA | A COMPIMENTO | IL TEATRO MUNICIPALE GALLETTI 36 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE go BAS Weise ReATUI@ En Born in the first half of the nineteenth century. There appears to be no record as to the place or date of birth, though it is known that he lived and worked in Berlin, at least during part of his professional activity. In 1856 he entered plans in competition for the erection of a new town hall in Hamburg, to replace the one which had been destroyed in the great fire of 1842. Uniface. Head to left. .F. A. W. STRAUCH BAUMEISTER Signed W. KULLRICH F. 55 mm. Kaiser-Friedrich- Museum, Berlin. PLATE 108 ANDREAS STREIT Born 1840 near Reichenberg in Bohemia; died 1916 at Reichenau. He studied in Prague, then in Munich, completing his professional education in Vienna, where he finally established himself. In that city he reconstructed the Polyclinic, built a quaintly artistic house, “Zum Fenstergucke,” and erected a large building for the Equitable Life Assurance Soci- ety; also many imposing residences, including one for Eugen Miller von Aichholz. Streit was professor at the Technische 163 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. Hochschule and a founder of the “Wiener Bauhiitte,” being on the editorial staff of several periodicals. Elected a dele- gate to the quadricentennial of Michelangelo at Florence, he was also a member of the exposition commissions for Phila- delphia in 1876 and Paris in 1878. Uniface. Bust to right. ANDREAS STREIT 4f right a compass, a triangle, a shield, and an oak branch. Rim beaded. Signed A SCHARFF 1886 Edge. A+ R-+| VORB. 139 mm. Bronze cast. [von Loehr p. 22, 135.) American Numis- matic Society. PLATE 112 GUSTAF STRENGELL Born 1878 at Kotka on the southern coast of Finland. His studies pursued at the polytechnicum in Helsingfors were fol- lowed by more advanced and specialized courses in London and by extensive travel through many countries of Europe; later Strengell visited the United States. Since 1911 he has held the position of director and secretary of the national museum of industrial arts. From 1914 to 1918 he was also director of the Finnish art gallery, and in his capacity as art critic has published a number of books, among which may be mentioned a study of Finnish art as exemplified by three painters, a guide to the museum, and the two volumes, “Staden som Konstverk” and “Hemmet som Konstverk.” The former of these, dealing with the city as a work of art, shows the author to be well versed in the principles of building and implies activity on his part in the capacity of architect. This inference is further strengthened by the fact that Strengell was appointed in 1918 to serve on the architectural commission of the Finnish government. Obverse. Bust to right. GUSTAF STRENGELL Signed in monogram G Q (Gerda Qvist). Reverse. A dragon. MCMXXII g2mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IOI GABRIELE TADDINI Born 1480 at Martinengo near Bergamo; died in 1543. Although his early education had been directed toward the med- ical profession, Taddini became so deeply interested in building and engineering that he changed his career and devoted himself to military architecture. Entering the service of the republic of Venice, he aided the patriots of that city in fortifying their island possessions against the Turks. He was attached to the suite of Charles V, King of Spain and of the Netherlands. Taddini was appointed general superintendent of fortifications for the island of Candia. Obverse. Bust to left. GABRIEL - TADDIN - BERG - EQ: HIER - CS - TORMN - PRA/EF.: GEN - Reverse. Four cannon. VBI: RATIO: IBI- FORTVNA + PFVGA Jn exergue MC CCC C XXXVI 38mm. [Armand I, p. 176, 15; III, p. 234d; Rolas 2464. British Museum. PLATE 107 NICCOLO DAR TAG TTA Born at Brescia about 1500; died at Venice 1557. He was a geometrician, engineer, and architect. Tartaglia solved the equation of the third degree, applied mathematics to military science, evolved a new system of fortifications, and in one of his books propounded methods for floating submerged ships. His original writings were published in four volumes under the title “‘Opere,” and his translation of “de Architectura,” by Vitruvius, remains a standard work on the subject. Obverse. Busts jugate of Buonvicino and Gallo, facing busts jugate of Bonfadio and Tartaglia. A. BUONVICINO. AGOS- TINO. GALLO. IAC. BONFADIO. N. TARTAGLIA * Signed NEL 1822 — puTINATIF Reverse. ATENEO DI BRESCIA A closed wreath with the letter A at the top, the rest of the space being left blank for inscription. 55 mm. Bronze. [Morbio 4200; Ratto Cat. March 1917, 2448.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 108 Obverse. Same as No. 973. Reverse. ESPOSIZIONE GENERALE BRESCIANA DEL MDCCCLVII Jn a wreath of laurel and oak IL MUNICIPIO, L’ATENEO, LA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO 55 mm. [Risorg. Ital. p. 150, 953.) Description taken from this source. ANDREA TECTORI There appears to be no authentic record as to the date or place of his birth or death, and few particulars of his career are known. It is probable, however, that Milan was the centre of his activity. Armand alludes to Tectori as a Milanese architect, and this reference is corroborated by the medal described below. The known sculptural works of the Ferrarese 164 976. 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. artist Alfonso Cittadella, also called Alfonso Lombardi, are dated between 1519 and 1529, and it is recorded that he died in the year 1537, all of which would tend to indicate generally the period of Tectori’s life, since the medal in his honor was executed by Lombardi and implies a probable contemporary activity. . Obverse. Bust to right. ANDREAS. DE. TECTORIBVS. ARCH. MED. Reverse. 4 fortified bridge with towers at both ends. CAXA. DE. CONCESA. Signed ALFONSVS. LOMB. F. (Alfonso Lombardi). 64mm. [Armand I, 729.] Description taken from this source. Former Collection of B. Fillon. Nore: Mr. G. F. Hill under date of November 11, 1919, wrote that he had made an exhaustive search for this medal, but had been unable to find a specimen. NIKODEMUS TESSIN Born 1654 at Nykoeping; died 1723 in Stockholm. He studied at the university of Upsala, going thence to Rome, London, and Paris to continue his education in architecture and landscape gardening. In Stockholm he executed the Riksbank, the reconstruction of the city hall, and, his most important work, the northern facade of the King’s palace, which is rep- resented on the first of the medals described below. This building, which was an annex to the existing royal residence, was commenced in 1692 and finished under the supervision of Tessin in record time. A few years later, in 1697, both buildings were destroyed by fire; the restoration, begun by Tessin, was interrupted through lack of funds and not com- pleted until long after his death. Tessin erected several churches, notably that of the Admiralty at Karlskrona and one at Kemgsoers; also the tower of the Vesteras church. Raised to the baronetcy in 1699, he held numerous high positions, including those of court architect, marshal, chief of police, legal councillor to the government, and president of the uni- versity of Lund. Obverse. Bust of Charles XI of Sweden to right. CAROLVS. XI.| D. G. REX. SVECIAE. Signed in monogram AK (Arvid Karlsten). Reverse. North facade of the Royal Palace. Above DOMINI. VIRTVTE. PERENNAT. Jn exergue M DC XCII.| TESSIN INV. 69mm. Silver. [Hildebrand p. 106; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 143, 1.) Description taken from the latter source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 29. Nore: This medal was struck in 1692 by order of King Charles XI. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. No inscription. Reverse. * | ILLVSTR - VIRVM | NICOD - TESSIN | STOK- HOLMIENSEM | HEDWIGIS EL - SVEC - REG: | CVBICVLARIVM | SECVNDVM CERAM | A R- FALT- ZIO FIGVRATAM | AEREVM AC PERENNEM | ARTE FVSORIA FIERI FECI | NICOLAVS KEDER -| —1S-D-G- | * (ell lettering incised). 58 mm. Bronze cast. [Hildebrand Pp. 425, 13 Numis. Medd. XVII, I, p. T44, 2.] PLATE 113 Nore: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” rates this medal RR. The lettering on the reverse varies more or less on each specimen. Nils Keder (1659-1735) was an archeologist and numismatist at the Royal Swedish collection of antiquities. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. NIC. TESSIN Signed c (Fean Cavalier). Reverse. * | ILLVSTR - VIR | HED- WIGIS EL + SVEC: REG :| CVBICVLARIVS | AD EXEMPLYM EBVRNEVM|A IOH - CAVALLERIO SCVLPTVM | EX AERE FVSVS | CVRA OFFICIOSA | NICOLAI KEDERI | NOBILIS SVECI -| —|S-D- G-|* 65 mm. Bronze cast. [Hildebrand p. 425, 2; Numis. Medd. XVI, I, PD: 144, 3.] PLATE 113 Nore: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” rates this medal RR. The lettering on the reverse varies more or less on each specimen. Obverse. Same as No. 978. Reverse. A viaduct with three arches. ROBORI : PAR - DECOR - (7. C. Hedlinger). 67 mm. Bronze cast. [Hildebrand p. 107, 2; Num. Medd. XVII, I, D: T44y 4.) PLATE I13 Nore: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” rates this medal RR. The three arches appear on Count Tessin’s coat of arms. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke and in court attire. N - TESSIN COM: R:SV-SEN- ET S- MARESCH : Signed C+H+ 1725 (7. C. Hedlinger). Reverse. lily in bloom. RECTI - ET - CANDIDI - DECORE - Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 32mm. Silver and bronze. [Ocuvre Hedlinger, Plate 29 ; Hildebrand p. 107, 3 ; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 144, 5.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 113 Nore: “Numismatiska Meddelanden” rates this medal R. The lily appears on the first and fourth fields of Count Tessin’s coat of arms. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke. N+ TESSIN - COM - REGNI: SVEC: SEN: ET-S- MARESCH + Signed I+ C+ HEDLING - 1728 - (7. C. Hedlinger). Reverse. Minerva seated, at her feet the attributes of architecture, painting, and science. PROFERT - ET - PROTEGIT- ARTES: 67mm. Bronze. [Ocuvre Hedlinger, Plate 8; Hildebrand p. 107, 4; Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 145, 6.) R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 113 Nore: This medal was struck by order of Count Karl Gustaf Tessin shortly after his father’s death in 1728. It is now used for pur- poses of award at the academy of liberal arts in Stockholm. 165 982. 983. 984. 985. 986. Obyerse. Same as No. g8z. Reverse. Same as No. 981, but with the words IN MEMORIAM ANNI | MDCCCLXXXV incised in the exergue. 59mm. Bronze cast. [Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 146, 8.] R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 113 Nore: In 1885 a group of artists, opposed to the methods of the established exhibition of the academy of liberal arts, organized in opposition. They issued the above medal in cast iron, using it for purposes of award at an exhibition of their own. Obverse. Bust to right with long peruke. N+ TESSIN COM: R-S- SEN - ET S:MARESCH - Signed c. G. F. (Carl Gustaf Fehrman). Reverse. Apollo standing at a column with lyre and attributes of architecture. Above PIERIDUM LUMEN PRASIDIUMQUE+ Below ART - LIBER- IN PATRIA | PARENS ET PROMOTOR OB: 1728 Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 32 mm. Silver. (Hildebrand p. 108, 53 Num. Medd. XVII, I, p. 145, 7.) RFE. Collection. PLATE 113 FRIEDRICH von THIERSCH Born 1852 at Marburg; died 1921 at Munich. His early education was supplemented by advanced study at Stuttgart, and included four terms at the Polytechnicum. From Stuttgart he went to Frankfurt, where he entered the well-known atelier of Mylius and Bluntschli, remaining with them for several years, at the end of which time he travelled extensively in England, France, and Greece. Returning from this tour he established himself at Munich, where he was later ap- pointed professor at the Polytechnicum. He collaborated with Lauter on the construction of the Rhine bridge at Mainz, building independently the Neckar bridge at Mannheim. Von Thiersch reconstructed the headquarters of the Kunst- verein at Munich, erecting the law courts there as shown on the medal described in this work, and a casino at Wiesbaden. In collaboration with Wallot he prepared plans for the parliamentary buildings in Berlin, the first prize being awarded to them with commission to execute. Von Thiersch erected the garrison church at Ludwigsburg and rebuilt the Rathaus at Lindau, where he also designed a beautiful fountain. Obverse. Bust to left of LUYTPOLD PRINZ-REGENT VON BAYERN Signed a. BORSCH Rim milled. Reverse. The law courts in Munich. Legend DAS NEUE JUSTIZGEBHUDE IN MUENCHEN Below on a cartouche ERBAUT A.D.| 1890-971 V. FR. THIERSCH. gz mm. Silver, R.7-E. Collection. PLATE III ALBERT FELIX THEOPHILE THOMAS Born 1847 at Marseilles; died in 1907. Following his course of study in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Paccard and Vaudoyer, he received the grand prix in 1870. Thomas designed villas, chateaux, and public build- ings, and was awarded numerous prizes, one of these being given for drawings made in collaboration with his uncle, David de Penanrun. In Paris he erected the Grand Palais on the Champs Elysées and several revenue buildings, being appointed government architect and consulting expert to the prefecture of the Seine. He was decorated officer of academy and of the Legion of Honor, and received, in 1900, the grand prix of the Exposition Universelle. Uniface. Bust to right. ALBERT - THOMAS - ARCHITECTE - ROME - MDCCCLXXIV Signed DANIEL DvPVIS and in monogram DD 110 mm. Bronze cast. [Gaz. Num. 1898, p. 26,76; Marx Méd. Frang. depuis 1789, p. 44.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 102 Nore: This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Exposition, 1877. KONSTANTIN ANDRAIVICH THON Born 1794 in St. Petersburg; died there 1881. His course of study at the academy of his native city was supplemented by travel in Germany, Austria, and Italy. Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Thon built the church of St. Katherine and a hall for the academy. At the command of Czar Nicholas I he drew plans for the cathedral at Moscow, and in St. Peters- burg erected the new palace of the Kremlin. He built a theatre and the custom-house in Moscow, also railway stations in both capitals. The medal described below was struck in 1865 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of his gradua- tion from the St. Petersburg Academy and his appointment to be its head. In 1882, the year after his death, a public subscription was instituted in Russia for a fund in Thon’s honor, the interest to be expended on gold and silver medals for the best architectural designs in the Russian style. Thon was a corresponding member of the Royal Society of Brit- ish Architects. Obverse. Head to right in wreath. Signed ALEXEJEYF Reverse. Inscription referring to fifty years of active service, 1865. 51mm. Bronze. [Hess Cat. 1912, 9802; Numis. Coll. U. 8. Mint rorg, p. 613, 42.] Description taken from these sources. 166 PRANZ EaRnOm Born 1869 at Hanau, he studied engineering and architecture at the Technische Hochschule in Berlin, and was active for some time at Lichtersfelde. He has specialized in designing public buildings, notably schools, having erected a num- ber of these in various cities throughout Germany. Among them may be mentioned the Augustinerschule at Friedberg in Hessen, the gymnasium at Zehlendorf, as well as schools at Frankfurt a/Main and Arnstadt i/Thur. In 1913 Thyriot entered drawings in competition for the proposed German Embassy in Washington, receiving the second prize. He is a member of the league of German Architects and is known for his writings on building and engineering; some of his ar- ticles have been published under the title of “Baugedanken.” 987. Uniface. Bust to right. AET. SVAE | LIII | FRANZ | THYRIOT Signed on truncation DAUTERT + FEC 22 z0¢ mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IIg SIR WILLIAM TITE Born 1798 in London; died 1873 at Torquay. He was educated in London as a pupil of David Laing, whom he assisted in rebuilding the church of St. Dunstan-in-the-East and in compiling its history. The most noted architectural achieve- ment associated with the name of Tite, and mentioned on the medals described below, is the reconstruction of the Royal Exchange, London, completed in 1844. He built the Scotch church in Regent Street, warehouses for Tapling and Co., and the Golden Cross hotel on the Strand. Tite further constructed a number of important railway-stations, including those of Southampton, Carlisle, and Windsor, two termini in Edinburgh, the stations along the Havre-Paris line in France, and in London the Vauxhall and Waterloo stations of the Southwestern Railway. He was president of the Cam- bridge Society, of the Architectural Society, and of the Royal Institute of British Architects. In 1869 he was made a baronet. 988. Obverse. The Royal Exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE Below LONDON Reverse. WILLIAM TITE | ARCHI- TECT 11844 37 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE I14 989. Obverse. Bust of Thomas Gresham to left in court attire with cap. EMPORIVM REGIVM A. THOMA GRESHAM EQ. AVR. CIVE LONDINENSI CONDITVM A. S. MDLXXI. Signed on truncation W. WYON R. A. Reverse. Facade of the Royal Exchange, before which a statue of Queen Victoria. Legend REST. ET. APERT. AVSP. VIC- TORIA REG On the base of the statue A: S. MDCCCXLIV | XXVIII OCT. In exergue W. TITE F. R. S. ARCH? Signed w. WYON R.A. FECIT 72mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IT4 Nore: Thomas Gresham (1519-1579) was the founder of the Royal Exchange and of Gresham College. He acted as financial repre- sentative of England in several countries and negotiated important foreign loans. 990. Obverse. Presenting the city address to the Queen. Coats of arms above. In exergue PRESENTATION | OF THE | CITY ADDRESS Reverse. View of the Royal Exchange. Above, coat of arms, and on a band ROYAL EXCHANGE LON- DON. Below OPENED BY H. M. G. MAJESTY VICTORIA OCT: 28: 1844. In exergue FOUNDED BY SIR THOMAS GRESHAM, A. D. 1566.| PROCLAIMED ROYAL EXCHANGE 1570. DESTROYED | IN THE GREAT FIRE 1666. RESTORED, 1667.| AGAIN DESTROYED BY FIRE, 1838 | FIRST STONE OF PRESENT EDIFICE LAID BY |H-:R-H- PRINCE ALBERT | JANUARY 17. 1842 Signed J. DAVIS MEDALLIST BY COMMAND TO H.R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. 57 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II4 991. Obverse. View of the Royal Exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON Jn ewergue FIRST STONE LAID JAN: 19. 1842 BY|H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. | OPENED BY|H. M. G. M. VICTORIA 11844. Ae left W¥ TITE ESQ: ARCH: Signed ALLEN & MOORE. BIRM. Reverse. Statue of Wellington on horseback. THE WELLINGTON STATUE LONDON ERECTED JUNE 18. 1844. 4¢ /eft sir ¥. CHANTRY. sc: In exergue COST £9000 RAISED BY | PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION. | THE METAL | WORTH £1500 GIVEN BY GOVERNMENT 38 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 114 992. Obverse. View of the Royal Exchange. NEW ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON Jn exergue FIRST STONE LAID JAN. 19. 1842 BY |H-R-H- PRINCE ALBERT. | OPENED BY|H. M. G. M. VICTORIA. 11844 Signed DAVIS BIRM. Reverse. Equestrian statue of Wellington. THE WELLINGTON STATUE IN FRONT OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON 07 a pedestal SERINGAPATAM | ASSYE | TALAVERA | BADAJOZ | SALAMANCA | VITTORIA | TOULOUSE | WATERLOO Jn exergue ERECTED | JUNE 18. 1844 43 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I14. Nore: The above medal and No. 991 state that the first stone was laid January 19. The date given on most other medals is January 17. 167 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. Obverse. Equestrian statue of Wellington. THE WELLINGTON STATUE LONDON | ERECTED JUNE 18. 1844. Reverse. View of the Royal Exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON Jn exergue FIRST STONE LAID BY|H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT | JAN. 17. 1842 | OPENED BY THE | QUEEN OCT. 28. 1844 Signed J. TAYLOR BIRM. 38mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 114 Obverse. Heads of Victoria and Albert jugate to left. VICTORIA BRITAN: REGINA, ET ALBERT SAX COBURG GOTHA PRINCEPS Signed on truncation HALLIDAY Reverse. View of the Royal Exchange. NEW ROYAL EXs CHANGE Jn exergue THE FOUNDATION STONE LAID BY|H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT | JANUARY 17. 1842 | —| PUBLISHED BY HYAM HYAMS. CORNHILL, 62mm. Bronze. R.f.E. Collection. PLATE I14 Obverse. Busts of Victoria and Albert, jugate to left. QUEEN VICTORIA AND PRINCE ALBERT. Signed on trun- cation A & M (Allen & Moore). Reverse. The Royal Exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON $ Jn exergue FIRST STONE LAID 18421 BY P: ALBERT | OPENED | BY QUEEN VICTORIA 1844 22mm. Brass. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II4 Obverse. The Royal Exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON | 1844 In exergue FOUNDED BY SIR THOMAS GRESHAM A. D. 1566, | VISITED IN STATE BY QUEEN ELIZABETH | AND PROCLAIMED “ROYAL EXCHANGE” 1570.| DESTROYED BY THE GREAT FIRE 1666. | FIRST STONE OF SECOND BUILDING | LAID BY KING CHARLES II. 1667, | WHICH WAS ALSO DESTROYED | BY FIRE JAN. 10. 1838. Signed J. DAVIS. MEDALLIST TO H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. Reverse. Another view of the exchange. ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON | NORTH EAST In exergue FIRST STONE OF THE PRESENT EDIFICE, LAID BY |H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT. | JAN. 17. 1842. OPENED BY | H. M. G. MAJESTY VICTORIA | OCT. 28. 1844. | —W. TITE ESQ® ARCH? 60 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II4 GIANELLO petta TORRE Born at Cremona, though there appears to be no record as to the date; died at Toledo in 1583. Little is known about his early life or education, and little about the particulars of his engineering and architectural accomplishments, but it is recorded that he was active as engineer and architect in the service of two kings of Spain, Charles V and Philip TH, from 1550 until his death in 1583. Gianello della Torre devoted many years to developing ingenious hydraulic devices for raising the waters of the River Tagus up to the city of Toledo. This engineering feat, a most remarkable one for his century, is commemorated on the medal described below. The inscription on this medal would seem to indicate that della Torre was a clockmaker of note. Obverse. IANELLVS - TVRRIANVS - CREMON - PHILIPP - II - HISPAN : REG - ARCHITECTVS - Reverse. DEO: ET - OPTIMO: PRINCIPI: 4 female figure holding a sceptre, many columns and buildings about her. \Gras- selli Abecedario, p. 249; Archiv. Med. & Plak. II, 1920-21—article entitled “ Not in Armand ” p. 50, 330.) Description taken from these sources. Obverse. Bust to right. JANELLVS - TVRRIAN - CREM - ON - HOROLOG - ARCHITECT Reverse. 4 fountain, the central figure of which is a female figure; about are grouped others with urns and bowls getting water and drinking. VIRTVS Jn exergue NVNQ: DEFICIT’ [Armand I, p. 170, 38; ITT, p. 115C ; Fa Facopo da Trezxo). Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 79 mm. Bronze cast. czy, English Edition p. 207 ; Metzler p. 15, 22. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 109 Nore: Armand and Jean de Foville both refer to the design on the reverse as the “Fountain of the Sciences.” Fabriczy calls it the “Fountain of Learning whose streams, springing from an urn on the head of maple iamize, ane cats eyed bya chose thirsting for knowledge.” It has also been suggested that the design symbolizes the raising of the waters of the Tagus, referred to in the biography above. DENIS MARIUS TOUDOIRE Born 1852 at Toulon. After his preliminary studies he went to Paris, where he took the full course at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, receiving his diploma in 1883. He was also a pupil of Questel and Pascal. As a young man Toudoire entered numerous designs in competition and won several awards with commi ion to execute, among these being plans for the town hall at Bone and for the Constantine prefecture. Later he specialized in the construction of r lway stations, build- ing one at Bordeaux for the line of the Midi, rebuilding one at Toulouse, and finally erecting in Paris the imposing ter- minus of the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean line, shown on the medal described below. Toudoire also designed two structures for the Exposition Universelle of 1900, these being the building for French manufactures and the headquarters of the republic of San Marino. 168 | 999. Obverse. The Paris, Lyon and Mediterranean railway terminus in Paris. ASSEMBLEE GENERALE DES ACTION- NAIRES 4 right MARIUS TOUDOIRE ARCHTE Reverse. ‘4 winged genius unites three figures representing Paris, Lyons and the Mediterranean. PARIS - LYON - MEDITERRANEE Below FERRO CONJUNGIT Signed 0. RoTY Edge. Device of the French mint and 1 ARGENT 45% 59 mm. Silver. (Gaz. Num. 1905, p. 223, 189.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IIO EVARTS TRACY Born 1868 in New York; died 1922 in Paris. After graduating from Yale University in the class of 1890, he spent two years in New York in the office of McKim, Mead & White, going then to Paris, where he studied for a year at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Raulin. Upon his return to his native city he established the partnership of Tracy & Swartwout. Among the principal buildings erected by that firm are the cathedral, the post-office, and the court-house at Denver, the State capitol at St. Louis, the Metropolitan Bank building and the Victory Memorial at Washington, and the Home Club in New York. Tracy went to France as a camouflage officer in the first army, a work which led him after his return to prepare manuals of technical instruction in camouflage for the United States army. He was also a coast-defense officer in the Canal Zone, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel after the war. 1000. Uniface. Three-quarter length figure, seated, facing left. Coat of arms. EVARTS TRACY | APRIL TENTH | MCMXII Signed in monogram HH | FEcIT (Henry Hering). 143 x 163 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. PLATE IIS FLEURY TRONQUOY 1000a. Uniface. Bust to right. FLEURY - TRONQUOY - ARCHITECTE + Ov truncation a. Mon amt | D’ENFANCE |— Signed GUILBERT. 1924 139 mm. Bronze cast. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 69 Nore; This medallion was exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1926. ALEXANDER BUEL TROWBRIDGE Born 1868 at Detroit, Michigan. A graduate of Cornell University in the class of 1890, he studied later in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and under Lambert. The firm of Trowbridge & Ackerman, of which he was for fifteen years the senior member, built in Brooklyn the Central Branch of the Y. M. C. A. and at McCall’s Ferry, Pennsylvania, the power- house on the Susquehanna River; also private residences at Minneapolis, at Grosse Pointe near Detroit, and at various places on Long Island. From 1897 to 1902 Trowbridge was dean of the College of Architecture at Cornell University, and in 1919 was appointed consulting architect to the Federal Reserve Board, a position of great responsibility. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, of the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, and is a trustee of Hampton Institute. 1001. Uniface. Head to right. ALEXANDER * BUEL* TROWBRIDGE Below * PARIS - 1904* Signed on truncation T. SPICER-SIMSON. 105 mm. Bronze cast. Owned by Mr. Trowbridge. PLATE I12 KARL MARCUS TUSCHER Born 1705 at Nuremberg; died 1751 in Copenhagen. He was a pupil of Preissler and became known as architect, painter, and etcher. After travel in Italy, France, Holland, and England he was called to Copenhagen in 1743 by Christian VI, who made him court architect and commissioned him to lay out Platz Amalienburg and the suburb Friedrichstadt. Tuscher was appointed professor at the art school in Copenhagen. He wrote in Italian a book on architecture, and illustrated with numerous etchings a work on Egypt written by his friend, H. von Norden. 1002. Obverse. Head to right. MARCVS TVSCHER NORICVS OBIIT MDCCLI. Signed ARBIEN Reverse. An ow] perched upon attributes of literature, architecture, and painting. EYNAM®OTEPON. Below ’EIS, | MVHMOSUVHY | M T’APBIEV | EIIOIEI. 36 mm. Bronze. [Thomsen 116.) R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 112 1003. Obverse. Head to right. MAPKOS - TYSXEP - NQPIKOE - ZQTPA®OS Signed Mi: M: EI (Marcus Meyers). Re- verse. Winged figure with attributes of painting, scuplture, and architecture. SYNAM®OTEPON Below i: MEYP® + EMOIEI 64mm. Royal Museum, Copenhagen. PLATE I12 169 1004. 1005. 1006. SIR JOHN VANBRUGH Born 1664 in London; died there in 1725. His early education at King’s School, Chester, was followed by the study of art and architecture in France. Upon his return to England, Vanbrugh built Castle Howard for the Earl of Carlisle. In London he erected the Haymarket Theatre, since rebuilt, Duncombe Park in Yorkshire, and Blenheim Palace, this lat- ter depicted on the medal. He restored Kimbolton Castle, planned Stowe with its famous gardens, designed buildings for the Clarendon Press at Oxford and for Magdalen College at Cambridge, and erected many churches and residences throughout England. Vanbrugh, who was knighted in 1714, is among the most noted dramatists of Queen Anne’s reign. Obyerse. Bust facing right with peruke and in court attire. SIR JOHN VANBRUGH Signed BENJ. WYON sc. Re- verse. The facade of Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire. In exergue BLENHEIM. Signed BEN]. WyON sc. Edge. art- UNION OF LONDON 1855 55 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 118 Nore: One of a series of medals of painters, sculptors, and architects published by the Art-Union of London in the ninteenth cen- tury. The flan on which the above medal is struck is over one-quarter of an inch thick. In the R.J.E. Collection there is another specimen with thinner flan and without inscription on edge. FRANCESCO VANNI Born 1563 at Siena; died there in 1609. He studied art and architecture under Salimbeni and Passarotti, becoming ac- tive at Siena and in Rome through the patronage of Pope Clement VIII, who commissioned him to execute paintings for the Quirinal and for the altar in St. Peter’s. Paintings by him are to be found in most European galleries. The best- known achievement of Cavaliere Vanni in the field of architecture is the oratory of S. Sepolcro near Siena, which was completed a few years before his death. Obverse. Bust to right in court attire. EQVES - FRAN - VANNI : PICT - SENEN - Signed v - ¥ « (Fohann Weber), Reverse. In a closed wreath of laurel NATVS | MDLXV | OBIIT MDCIX | Signed1+v-+ 36 mm. Bronze, (Wellenheim II, 14984.| R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 120 RODOLFO VANTINI Born 1791 at Brescia; died there in 1856. He pursued his architectural studies in Rome, going later to Milan, where he built the Barriera di Porta Venezia, reconstructed the churches of S. Clemente and S. Francesco, and completed the dome of the cathedral. There also he designed the Porta Orientale, the medal described below showing its facade and being struck to commemorate its completion. Vantini held positions under the government, and his last work was done in his native city of Brescia, where he laid out the campo santo with its chapels, and the lighthouse in 1855. Engravings of these are in the library of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Obverse. The Porta Orientale in Milan. Legend BARRIERA DI PORTA ORIENTALE Below ANNO MDCCC- XXVII and coat of arms. Reverse. In a wreath of laurel LA | MUNICIPALITA | DI | MILANO | A | RODOLFO VANTINI | ARCHITETTO 60mm. Silver. (Ratto. Cat. Dec. 1916, 6738; Risorg. Ital. p. 47, 286.) Collection of Stefano Carlo Fohnson. PLATE 102 Nore: The “Catalogo Risorgimento Italiano” states that this medal is by Putinati. LEON VAUDOYER Born 1803 in Paris, where he died in 1872. Son of Antoine Vaudoyer, the eminent architect of the Sorbonne and pro- fessor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he entered that school at the early age of sixteen, becoming a pupil of his father and of Le Bas. While a student he was five times chosen logiste and won numerous prizes, including a scholarship from his département, and the grand prix de Rome. Called to Marseilles to erect the cathedral, he spent many years in that city, being influential in its architectural progress and development. In general Vaudoyer specialized in the restora- tion of monumental structures, one of his important achievements in this field being the complete reconstruction of the building for arts-et-métiers in Paris, shown on the medal described below. In 1830 he was called to the Beaux- Arts as assistant to his father, then chief of atelier, and later succeeded him in this position. Officer of the Legion of Honor and member of the French Institute, he also served the government for many years as expert on construction. 170 | 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. Obverse. Laureated head of Louis Philippe to left, between figures representing agriculture and industry. Above, symbolic device AGRICVLTVRE INDVSTRIE. Below LOIS DES 6 AVRIL 1845 |ET 3 JVILLET 1846] LOVIS PHILIPPE I REGNANT Reverse. View of the Royal Conservatory in Paris. CONSERVATOIRE ROYAL DES ARTS ET METIERS | ETABLI EN 1798 | DANS LES BATIMENTS DE L’ANCIEN | PRIEVRE ST MARTIN DES CHAMPS On bar forming exergue FACADE PRINCIPALE SVR LA RVE St MARTIN (incised). Below, on a tablet AGRANDISSEMENT DES BATIMENTS | SOVS L’ADMINISTRATION DE | M. Ms DVMON ET JAYR MTRES DES TRAV¥ Pes | M8 CVNIN GRIDAINE MINISTRE | DE L’AGRICE ET DV COMME Below LEON VAVDOYER ARCHITECTE Signed at sides of tablet J. KLAGMANN A. Bovy. ANNEE 1847. 67 mm. Bronze. R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 11g JOSEPH AUGUSTE EMILE VAUDREMER Born 1829 in Paris; died 1914 at Antibes. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, winning the grand prix de Rome. Upon his return from travel in Italy he designed in Paris a Protestant church, an insane asylum, the church of St. Pierre de Montrouge and that of Notre Dame d’Auteuil. Vaudremer built a series of lycées, including those at Montau- ban, Grenoble, Passy, and the lycée Buffon in Paris, where also he designed the Conservatoire Royal des Arts et Metiers, shown on the medal. As diocesan architect for Agen-et-Beauvais he erected the Bishop’s residence. A member of the supreme council on prisons, he served also as director of the Exposition Universelle in 900. He was a member of the French Institute, and was decorated commander of the Legion of Honor. Uniface. Bust to right. E- VAUDREMER MRE DE L’INSTITUT Signed H.cHAPU 178 mm. Bronze cast. [Marx Méd. Frang. depuis 1789, p. 43.1 R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 116 Obverse. Two genii supporting a scroll upon which is the ground plan of St. Pierre de Montrouge. Below, coat of arms with inscription KFLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR at /eff VILLE DE PARIS at right XIV ARRONDISSE- MENT Above, in a closed wreath, 186 3 | 1870 Signed c. DEGEORGE Reverse. The interior of the church. In exergue EGLISE SAINT PIERRE | DE MONTROUGE | VAUDREMER ARCHITECTE Signed DEGEORGE SCULPSIT [Marx Méd. Contemp. Plate 1.) Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated. FRANCESCO VESPIGNANI Born about 1842; died 1899 in Rome. The son of Virginio Vespignani, from whom he inherited the title of count. Neither the time nor the locality of the birth of Francesco Vespignani is established with absolute certainty, but the date given is approximately correct, and it is probable that his birthplace was Rome, his father being a famous architect in that city. Concerning Francesco comparatively little is known beyond the facts that he studied engineering and architec- ture, that he assisted in the work on the Borgia apartments in the Vatican, and that he collaborated with his father in the restoration of St. John Lateran, which he continued after the death of the latter in 1882. The medal described below depicts Francesco Vespignani presenting the drawings of St. John Lateran to Pope Leo XIII. Obverse. Bust to left with cap and papal vestments. LEO - XTI1 - PONT - MAX - AN - IX Signed ¥. BIANCHI Re- verse. Vespignani kneeling and presenting plans of the church of St. Fohn Lateran to Pope XIII and the cardi- nals. In exergue CELLAM - MAXIMAM - BASIL - LATER -| AMPLIARI ORNARIQVE - IVBET | —| AN: MDCCCLXXXVI- 43 mm. Silver. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 116 Full description of medal will be found under No. ror6 (Virginio Vespignani). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II6 VIRGINIO VESPIGNANI Born 1818 in Rome; died there in 1882. His architectural ability found scope in his native city, where he designed the Porta Pia, Porta Solaria, Porta S. Pancrazio, the monument to the papal guards, and many palaces. He also began the restoration of St. John Lateran, completed after his death by his son. Vespignani collaborated in work on the basilica of St. Paul and erected a large exposition building, described by “The Builder,” London, in January, 1870, as “an immense circular saloon . . . in the vast corridor of the cloisters of the bath of Diocletian . . . skylighted all round 171 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. with compartments to the centre . . . the whole offering a mile of corridor destined for sculpture.” Count Vespignani was appointed municipal architect of Rome and professor at the academy of S. Luca. He received numerous decorations, was honorary member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and was active in many of the learned societies of his native land. Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to left. PIVS: 1X- PONT + MAX: AN- XIX~ Signed 1 - BIANCHI * F - Reverse. The Porta Pia. Inscription on panel HIERO - MARTIRIBVS - MAGNIS - ALEXANDRO - PONT - MAX - AGNETI : VIRG -| QVORVM - TROPAEIS - VIA : NOMENTANA - NOBILITATYVR - | PIVS - Ix - PONTI- FEX - MAXIMVS - ANNO - SACRI - PRINCIPATVS - XIX -| PORTAM - PIAM : NOVIS - OPERIBVS - COMMVNITAM - EXORNATAM - DEDICA -| DECESSORI - INVICTO - SOSPITATRICI: SVEA | IOSEPHO - FERRARI - ANTISTITE - VRBANO - PRAEFECTO: AERARI Above ANNO: MDCCCLXIV: Jn ex- ergue C* V+ VESPIGNANI : ARCH :| Signed 1+ BIANCHI+ F + 4gmm. Silver and bronze. |Maxio 737 ; Risorg. Ital. p. 209, 1364.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 116 Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to right. PIVS IX- PONT: MAX - ANNO XIV Signed P. GIROMETTI F. Reverse. The Porta San Pancrazio in Rome. PORTAM VRBIS IN JANICVLI VERTICE RESTITVIT ORNAVIT On a panel ANNO + DOMINI - MDCCCLIV - PONTIFICATVS: VIII In exergue ANNO MDCCCLVI Below V. VESPIGNANI. ARCHIT. 43 mm. Gold. [Risorg. Ital. p. 122,775; Mazio 722; Caruso Cat. 1923, p. 81, 1062.] Description taken from these sources. The medal is illustrated on Plate 39 in the Caruso Catalogue. Nore: The Porta San Pancrazio was destroyed by the French in 1849 and restored by Pius IX in 1856. Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to left. PIVS IX PONT. MAX. AN. XXIV. Signed 1. BIANCHI S. Reverse. View of the monument to the papal guards, in the Campo Verano. IN. COEM. VRB. AD. AGRVM VERAN. In exergue MILITIBVS. QVI. PRO. PETRI SEDE PVGNANTES OCCVBVERVNT A. MDCCCLXVII. On the exergual line V. VESPIGNANI A. Signed. BIANCHI S. 43 mm. Bronze. (Mazio 752; Risorg. Ital. p. 197, 1281.| De- scription taken from the former source. Obverse. Bust of Pius IX to left. PIVS IX PONT. MAX. AN. XXII. Signed 1. BIANCHI S. Reverse. View of the new piazza and avenue of the Quirinal. ADSCENSV. COMMODIORE. AD. COLLEM. QVIRINALEM. APERTO. EXORNATO. Jn exergue AN. MDCCCLXVII. On the exergual line VIRG. VESPIGNANI ARCH. Signed 1. BIANCHI S.— 44 mm. Bronze. (Maxio 746; Risorg. Ital. p. 197, 1284.| Description taken from these sources. Obyerse. Bust of Leo XIII facing to right. LEO: XIII - PONT - MAX: SACRI- PRINC:A-V_ Signed ¥ - BIANCHI Reverse. Apse of the basilica of St. Fohn Lateran. ABSIDEM TEMPLI - LATER - AEDIFICATIONE - PRODVCTA : RESTITVIT : EXCOLVIT - AVLAM - TRANSVERSAM - EXORNAVIT * Jn exergue AN * MDCCCLXXXIV | V: VESPIGNANI : ET: F -FILIO: ARCH «| Signed F - BIANCHI+ scvL- 82mm. Bronze silvered. (Vaccari Cat. 1925, 1319.] R..E. Collection. PLATE 116 View of the Basilica of San Lorenzo Outside the Walls. TEMPLYM. S. LAVRENTII. M. RESTITVIT. EXORNA- VIT. COLVMN. EREXIT. A. MDCCCLXV. Jn exergue C. V. VESPIGNANI ARCH. Signed 1. BIANCHI F. 44mm. (Maxio 740.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust of Pope Pius IX. PIVS. IX. PONT. MAX. AN. XXV. Signed 1. BIANCHI. S. Reverse. View of the Campo Verano cemetery. COEMETERIVM. VRB. AD. AGR. VERANVM. INSIGNI IN. FRONTEM. EXTRVCTIONE AVCTVM NOBILITATVM. A. CHR. MDCCCLXX Below VESPIGNANI A. Signed 1. BIANCHI Ss. 4g mm. (Mazio 756.] Description taken from this source. JEAN MARIE VICTOR VIEL Born 1796 in Paris; died there in 1863. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, being a pupil of Le Bas and Vaudoyer. Most of his life was spent in Paris, where he was active not only as an architect but also in matters relating to municipal and national welfare. Viel served on the health council of Paris and was connected with the prefecture of police as consulting architect, but his reputation rests mainly on the building erected on the Champs Elysées for the industrial exhibit of the Exposition Universelle in 1855, depicted on the medals described below. He was awarded the cross of the Legion of Honor, and that of the Spanish order of Charles IIT. 172 1019. Uniface. Head of F. M. V. Viel to left, executed in 1853 by Victor Vilain. 171mm. Bronze. (Boudeau Fase. 125, 2328.) Description taken from this source. 1020. Obverse. Heads of Eugénie and Napoleon III jugate to left. EUGENIE IMPERATRICE. NAPOLEON III EM- PEREUR Signed caguE. F. | GRAVEUR DE S. M. L7EMPEREUR Reverse. The PALAIS DE L?INDUSTRIE Jn exergue COMMENCE FEVRIER 1853. ACHEVE AVRIL 1855. | NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR | A. FOULD, MAGNE MINISTRES | VE DE ROUVILLE DIRECTEUR | ARDOIN, RICARDO, BOUISSIN ADMBS | VIEL ARCHIT: BARRAULT INGR | YORK, GOLDSMID CONSTR: | cErRvals ET cm EDIT: Signed J. WIENER Device of the French mint and curvre. 68mm. Bronze. [Obverse same as obverse of Rev. Belge 1883, p. 136, 217 ; reverse missing in Rev. Belge.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE II 1021. Obverse. Same as No. 1020. Reverse. Similar to No. 1020. The date FEVRIER becomes 10 FEVR:, the name of CTE DE PERSIGNY is added, the word ADMRS becomes ADMIN®’S, and the words YORK, GOLDSMID CONSTR: are omitted. Edge. Device of the French mint and zinc. 68mm. Zinc. [Obverse same as obverse of Rev. Belge 1883, p- 136, 217 ; reverse same as obverse of Rev. Belge 1883, p. 132, 207. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IIS 1022. Obverse. Facade of the north pavilion. Above PALAIS DE LINDUSTRIE Below PAVILLON DU NORD Signed JACQUES WIENER F. tf bottom GERVAIS ETC EDIT. Reverse. View of the galleries. PALAIS DE L’INDUS- TRIE | VUE DES GALERIES. Signed JacQUES WIENER FEC. MANGUIN DEL. Edge. Device of the French mint and ZINC. 68 mm. Zinc. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II 1023. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. ro2r. Reverse. Same as No. 1022. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 132, 207.) 68 mm. Description taken from this source. 1024. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 1021, but smaller and with the words CTE DE PERSIGNY, BARRAULT INGR and Gervais Er cl Epir: omitted. Reverse. Same as No. ro2z but smaller, and the signature JACQUES WIE. ER becomes J. WIENER 50 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 133, 208.) Description taken from this source. 1025. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 1021 but smaller. Reverse. A floral wreath, the field left blank. 36mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 133, 209.] Description taken from this source. 1026. Obverse. Same as reverse of No. 1024. The words GERVAIS ET C™ &DIT: are added. Reverse. 4 floral wreath, the field left blank. 36 mm. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 133, 210. Description taken from this source. 1027. Obverse. Laureated head of Napoleon III to left. NAPOLEON II] EMPEREUR Signed B. A. OUDINE. Reverse. Same as No. 1027. 68 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 134, 217.) Description taken from this source. Norte: “Revue Belge de Numismatique” mentions a number of medals relating to the Palais de I’Industrie and having various com- binations of the same obverses and reverses. 1028. Obverse. Similar to No. 1020, but the words GRAVEUR DES. M. VEMPEREUR are omitted. Reverse. Similar to obverse of No. 1022, but the signature J. WIENER F. instead of sacouns wrener F. and the line at bottom becomes GERVAIS ET ct EDIT: Edge. Device of the French mint and 21Nc 50 mm. Zinc. [Missing in Rev. Belge.] R.F.E. Collection. 1029. Obverse. Allegorical group. France crowning Art and Industry ; on the base 1855 Legend EXPOSITION UNIVER- SELLE Jn exergue LA FRANCE COURONNE | L’ART ET L'INDUSTRIE Signed CAQUE. F Reverse. Same as No. 1020 except that the word DIRECTEUR becomes DIRECT: Edge. Device of the French mint and z1no 5omm. Zinc. [Missing in Rev. Belge.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE IIS 1030. Obverse. Same as No. zo29. Reverse. Same as No. 1020 except that the word FEVRIER becomes FEV., the words YORK, GOLDSMID CONSTR: are omitted, and several words are abbreviated. Edge. Device of the French mint and ZINC 37 mm. Zinc. |Missing in Rev. Belge.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE II5 1030a. Obverse. Similar to No. 1029. Reverse. Same as No. 1021. 68 mm. [Missing in Rev. Belge.] 173 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. Obverse. Head of Napoleon III to left. NAPOLEON II] EMPEREUR Signed cAQué. F. Reverse. View of the Palais de Industrie. Above PALAIS DE L'INDUSTRIE In exergue MEDAILLES DE L’EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE | FRAPPEES DANS LE PALAIS DE L’INDUSTRIE | AU MOYEN D’UNE PRESSE MONETAIRE | DE LA MAISON CAIL & Cl | PARIS 1855.|—| MASSONNET. EDITEUR. 4f left (ETAIN) 50mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE ITS VIERSET-GODIN Little appears to be recorded in detail concerning the life and activity of Vierset-Godin. His name is associated with the construction of churches, chateaux, and prisons at Liége and at the neighboring town of Huy. Even Brault in his com- pendium entitled “Les Architectes par leurs Oeuvres,” makes no record of the specific activities of Vierset-Godin except in the department of architectural writing, stating that he collaborated with Edouard Lav alleye, professor of archeology ory of ed on at the academy of Liége, in the compilation of a monograph concerning the architecture and the ecclesiastical his the church of Notre Dame at Huy. In this last-named city, Vierset-Godin built the large prison which is portra the medal described below. Obverse. The prison at Huy. MAISON D’ARRET CELLULAIRE A HUY. Jn exergue JULES BARA, MINIS- TRE DE LA JUSTICE. |N. VERHEYEN, ADMINIST. DES PRISONS. | J. J. ROUSSEAU, INSPECT. DES CONSTRUCT. | VIERSET-GODIN, ARCHIT. Signed c. JEHOTTE F. Reverse. Ground plan of the prison. REGNE DE LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES Below 1869-1871 60 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 93 PIERRE VIGNON Born 1765 in Paris, where he died in 1828. As stated by both Brault and Charvet, confusion exists even among accredited authorities as to the architectural achievements of Barthélemy and Pierre Vignon, who, though not related, were close contemporaries. Certain it is that to Pierre was entrusted the reconstruction of the Tuileries with a view to housing the sessions of the Convention, this in fulfilment of a decretal of the French Assembly in 1792. He was also appointed architect of the Palais national and commissioned to build a government printing-house. In 1801 Vignon began to erect an opera-house on the site of the former convent of the Filles du Calvaire, and five years later Napoleon accepted his project for the completion of the Madeleine. This marvellous edifice, begun by Constant dIvry and modelled after the Parthenon, was transformed by Napoleon’s order into a temple dedicated to military glory, but in 1816 was restored to its original religious name and purpose. Pierre Vignon is buried in the Madeleine, where a tablet commemorates his name and work. Obverse. Head of Napoleon I to right with laurel wreath. NAPOLEON EMPEREUR ET ROI. Signed J. p. Droz recir. | AN 1809. Reverse. Inscription in a closed wreath of oak A | PIERRE VIGNON | OFFICIER DE LA LEGION D’HONNEUR | PRESIDENT DU TRIBUNAL | DE COMMERCE] LES | NOTABLES COM- MERGCANS | DE PARIS! MDCCCX 68 mm. Bronze. [Bramsen ro60.|_ R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 118 LEONARDO pa VINCI Born 1452 near Florence; died 1519 near Amboise in France. One of the most gifted men of any age, he excelled in science and engineering no less than in architecture, painting, poetry, and music. Under Verocchio, da Vinci studied drawing, modelling, engineering, and architectural design; at this same studio were his friends Lorenzo di Credi and Perugino. While living at Milan, da Vinci drew plans for the cathedral, and with Alberti made des altar of the Annunziata. His most famous painting, that of the “Last Supper,” is in the r in that city. He built the reservoir of S. Cristoforo, conducted the wate s for the monastery and high tory of S. Maria delle Grazie s of the Adda into Milan, laid out the canal of Mortesana and regulated the courses of the rivers of Lombardy, being architect and engineer to both Valentino and Cesar Borgia. At the invitation of Francis I, da Vinci went to France, where he died at the chateau de Cloux near Am- boise. He left valued architectural drawings comprising plans for the construction of villas, castles, palaces, mausoleums, domes, and churches. One of the medals described below depicts his monument in Milan. Obverse. Bust to left with cap and fur collar. » LEONARDVS « VINCIVS : FLORENTINVS + Signed HERARD F. Reverse. 4 pen and brush crossed ; above, a wreath of laurel; below, a barren field. * SCRIBIT + QVAM : SVSCITAT - ARTEM : In exergue 1669 5amm. Bronze. (Duisburg 73,1; Wellenheim II, r50r4.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 117 Nore: In the R.J.E. Collection there is another specimen of this medal with the device of the French mint and Bronze on the edge. Medals similar to the one described above are mentioned in various works of reference. Mazzuchelli I, Plate 39, 2, illustrates one on which the date on the reverse is missing. Kluyskens, page 581, 1, mentions one on which the name of the sculptor is omitted and page 581, 2, describes and illustrates another on which the periods between the words of the legend on both obverse and reverse are missing. It is possible that all of these are earlier or later restrikes of the original, and that in the course of reproduction modifications were made in the dies. It is also not improbable that some of the descriptions are inaccurate. 174 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. Obverse. Head to left with long hair and flowing beard. LEONARDO DA VINCI Signed L + COSSA+> F - 1820: Re- verse. VINCI I VAGITI PRIMI | GALLO MONARCA GLI ULTIMI RESPIRI | CLOUX LE MORTALI SPOGLIE | A. A. Below, two branches of laurel crossed. 50 mm. Bronze. [Duisburg 13, 2; Ampachgzrr.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I17 Obverse. Bust to right with long hair and flowing beard. LEONARDO DA VINCI. Signed PUTINATI Reverse. NATO - NEL CASTELLO | DI VINCI] NEL 1443] MORTO|A FONTAINEBLEAU | IL 1518 |* ggmm. Silver and bronze. [Duisburg 13, 3; Kluysk. II, p. 582, g.| R..E. Collection. PLATE II7 Obverse. Bust to right with long hair and flowing beard. LEONARDUS VINCIUS. Signed VIVIER F. Reverse. NATUS | AN. M. CCCC. LIT. | IN CASTELLO VINCIENSI | APUD FLORENTIAM | OBIIT | FONTEBELLAQUEO | AN. M. D. XX.|— | SERIES NUMISMATICA | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM | —|™M. DCCC. xxv. | DURAND EDIDIT gz mm. Bronze. [Duisburg 13, 4; Kluysk. II, p. 582, 5.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE I17 Note: This medal and the one following belong to a series of noted men of all countries, generally known as the “Series Numismatica,” and published by Durand in the first half of the nineteenth century. Obverse. Bust to right, with cap. LIONARDO DA VINCI Signed ©. RoGAT Reverse. NATUS AN. 1452 IN CASTELLO VINCIENSI APUD FLORENTIAM. OBIIT FONTEBELLAQUEO AN. 1509. | — | series NUMISMATICA | UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM | —| 1825. DURAND EDIDIT gz mm. Bronze. [Duisburg p- 6, 5.) Description taken from this source. Note: The dates are unquestionably in Roman numerals on the medal, but are not so given in Duisburg. Obverse. Similar to No. 1036. The head is placed differently on the medal and the signature PUTINATI is at the bottom instead of just below the truncation. Reverse. Head of Titian to left. TIZIANO VECELLI 4¢mm. Bronze. (Duis- burg 13,6; Kluysk. I, p. 582, 6.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 117 Nore: The head on the reverse is the same as that on the reverse of No. 735. Obverse. Bust to left. CAROLVS AVGVSTVS MAGNVS DVX SAX. Signed PUTINATI. F. Reverse. Head of da Vinci facing head of Bossi; at left L. VINCIVS at right J. BOSSIVS Legend ITALIA SALVTATA MONY- MENTIS ARTIVM CONQVISITIS PATRIAEQ DONATIS. Below the heads SAXONIA MEMOR | MDCCC- XVII. go mm. Siler. |Kluysk. II, p. 582, 7; Weimar Med. und Medaillons Pp» 13, 13 and 13a.) R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 117 Nore: Giuseppe Bossi (1777-1815) was an Italian painter. He copied da Vinci’s “Last Supper” in mosaic. Obverse. Bust to right. LEONARDVS A VINCI Signed u.M. (Luigi Manfredini). Reverse. The “Last Supper,” after da Vinci's painting. 15 mm. Siler. [Duisburg p. 6, 8; Meyer-Gedanensis 11329. Description taken from these sources. Nore: Forrer, III, page 555, states that there are two varieties of this medal. Obverse. The monument erected to Leonardo da Vinci in the Piazza della Scala in Milan. Legend LEONARDO DA VINCI. Reverse. Inscription QUESTO MONUMENTO| FU|ERETTO IN MILANO|IL 4 SETTEMBRE 1872 [Risorg. Ital. p. 220, 1439; Clerici p. 68, 179.) Description taken from these sources. Nore: The “Catalogo Risorgimento Italiano” gives the size of the medal as 50 mm., Clerici gives it as 40 mm. Obverse. Busts of da Vinci and Columbus, jugate to left ; coat of arms below. LEONARDO DA VINCI * CRISTOFORO COLOMBO Signed in monogram % 8 (Egidio Boninsegna) and JOHNSON MILANO Below X° CONGRESSO | INTERNAZIONALE | DI NAVIGAZIONE | MILANO — 1905 Reverse. Two panels, one showing the three ships of Columbus, the other representing da Vinci appealing to the duke. Signed s. J. (Stefano Fohnson) A. c. (Angelo Cappuccio). Above NAVIGARE NECESSE Below AFFINCHE IL LAVORO DELL’ VOMO| PER LE RIGO- GLIOSE ARTERIE DEI FIVMI| RINVIGORISCA LE RICCHEZZE NAZIONALI| ED ARRIVI AL rope design. 65% 47mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I17 Nore: Christopher Columbus (1446-1506) discovered America in 1492. 175 i ~ 1044. Obverse. Bust facing LEONARDO | VINCI. Signed in monogram Hw Reverse. Legend * LEONARDO * LILIEN- THAL - KRESS - WRIGHT - BLERIOT - ETRICH - EULER Inscription in a closed wreath of laurel * | ER- FINDERGEIST | GAB KOSTLICHE SAAT. | DIE SAAT GING AUF-| DIE ERNTEZEIT NAHT; | DAS FLIEGERHOFFEN. | ES WURDE ZUR TAT! Signed in monogram Rv (Trachwitz). 50mm. Kaiser-Friedrich- Museum, Berlin. PLATE I17 EUGENE EMMANUEL VIOLLET te DUC Born 1814 in Paris; died 1879 at Lausanne. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and was associated with Achille Leclére as pupil and as assistant. In 1839 he travelled through Italy and Sicily, making a study of Roman antiquities. Upon his return to Paris, Viollet le Duc was chosen by Lassus as inspector of works for the Sainte-Chapelle, and was later sent to restore the abbey church at Vézelay. Appointed diocesan architect for five districts, he accomplished a series of restorations of some of the most famous ecclesiastical edifices in France, notably the churches at Amiens, Reims, Car- cassonne, St. Nazaire, Lemur and Montréal. He entered a competition for the reconstruction work on Notre Dame, but the design of Lassus was chosen. Upon the death of the latter, Viollet le Duc was appointed to complete the restora- tion of the great cathedral, the spire which crowns the transept being his work, as is the restoration of the chateau of Pierrefonds, for which he was selected by Napoleon III. Appointed to the chair of architectural history at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, le Duc devoted his later years to the duties of this professorship and to literary work. He compiled an encyclopedia of French architecture, in ten volumes; was a frequent contributor to periodicals; and edited the text of the book begun by Denis and Charnay, entitled “Sur les Cités et les Ruines américaines.” . Obverse. The cathedral in Paris. NOTRE-DAME CATHEDRALE DE PARIS In exergue FON DEE IV SIECLE. RECONSTRUITE 1160 | PAR L’EVEQUE MAURICE DE SULLY.|TERMINEE SOUS PHILIPPE AUGUSTE. | AUGMENTEE SOUS ST LOUIS ET DE|SES SUCCESSEURS JUSQU’A 300. | LA RESTAURATION COMMENCEE 1845 VIOLLET-LEDUC ET LASSUS| ARCHIT. Signed jacques WIENER FEC. Reverse. The interior of the cathedral. Signed in exergue J. ET CH. WIENER 59mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge. 1883, p. 25, 8.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 123 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. VOUTS TULLIUS JOACHIM VISCONTI Born 1791 in Rome; died 1835 in Paris. The son of an eminent Italian archeologist who established himself in France, Visconti grew up and was educated in Paris, where he was a pupil of Percier and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Appointed sub-inspector of buildings under Destailleur, he later succeeded Delannoy as architect of the Bibliotheque Royale. In Paris he executed the fountains Louvois, Gaillon, Molié: e, and that of the place St. Sulpice; designed the tombs of four marshals of France, all in the cemetery of Pére-la-Chaise; and erected, in the chapel of Les Invalides, the famous monu- ment of Napoleon I. Visconti also built several palatial residences, and after his appointment as court architect to Napoleon III, spent the last years of his life in planning the completion of the Louvre, notably the gallery connecting its main edifice with the Tuileries. After the death of Visconti this work was continued according to his designs, by Lefuel. Uniface. Head to right. Above *REUNION DES’ TUILERIES AU LOUVRE* Below L’AGENCE DES TRAVAUX A L. T. J. VISCONTI Signed on truncation c. P. SIMART. 1853. On back of the medallion ECK ET DURAND 245 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I18 MARCUS POLLIO VITRUVIUS Born about 85 B. C. in northern Italy. Asa young military engineer he travelled through Gaul, Spain, and Greece, study- ing fortifications and building. He designed the basilica at Fano and the Aides Augusti near Rome, but his reputation rests mainly upon his writings. His series of ten volumes, “De architectura” was dedicated to Augustus and is the only surviving Latin treatise on the subject. This work is mentioned by Pliny, and on it has been based much of the earlier theory of pseudo-classical architecture. Vitruvius also wrote “De re edificatoria.” The renaissance revived an interest in his writings, a number of which were translated and are among the earliest books printed. 176 | 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. Obverse. Head to right. M. VITRVVIVS POLLIO ARCHITECTONVM ANTESIGNANVS Signed V. CATENACCI scvL. Reverse. Facade of a temple. NATVS FORMIIS SVB AVGVSTO EMINVIT Signed A, ARNAUD SCVLP. | L. TAGLIONI CON. NEAP. gz mm. Silver. RFE. Collection. PLATE 116 Note: One of a series of medals of famous Italians, published by L. Taglioni. The obverses of these medals are by Catenacci, the reverses by Arnaud. JACOPO ALESSANDRO VITTORIA Born 1525 at Trient; died 1608 at Venice. The son of Virgilio Vittoria, architect and sculptor, he studied first with his father, then under Sansovino and Palladio, assisting the latter in building the basilica at Vicenza. In Venice, Vittoria de- signed the facade of S. Zaccaria, built the school of S. Fantino, now the Ateneo, and the Capella della Rosario. His sculp- tural works, located mainly in Venice, include an altar in the famous church of the Frari, his own monument in S. Zac- caria, the stucco work and sculpture of the library built by Sansovino, stucco work for the golden staircase of the Doge’s palace, the monument to Francesco Venier in S. Salvatore and the decorations of a villa at Yriarte built by Palladio. Obverse. Bust to right. * ALEXANDER - VICTORIA: SCVLPTOR: Reverse. Bust of Bernardino India to left. BERNARDINVS - INDIVS : PICTOR: V+ 55 mm. Bronze cast. [Armand IIT, p. 118b and II, p. 274, 5; Hill P- 77, 60 and 61.] Bibliotheque Nationale. PLATE 118 Nore: Bernardino India was born in Verona about 1535 and was active there in 1658. His recorded paintings bear the dates 1579 and 1584. VINCENZO VIVIANI Born 1622 at Florence; died there in 1703. He studied under Galileo in his native city, becoming eminent as a geometri- cian; and according to Zani he was versed in architecture. The Grand Duke Ferdinand commissioned him to regulate the course of the Chiano river, and appointed him chief engineer of Tuscan fortresses. Louis XIV placed the name of Viviani on his list of foreign savants, awarc ing him honors and a pension. Viviani was a member of the Royal Society of London and of the Academy of sciences in Paris. He wrote many treatises on engineering and geometry. Obverse. Bust to right. VINC - VIV - NOVISS - MAGNI GALILAI DISCIPVLVS AT - LXXIX - QVI PRIMVS, A+SAL>M-D- CIIIIL* Reverse. 4 book upon which two Spherical segments are superimposed. Inscription (con- tinuation of that on obverse) ET SPHARICAS SVPERFICIES NIL RECTI HABENTES NOTIS RECTAN- GVLIS OSTENDIT AXQVAS: 90mm. Bronze cast. [Kluysk. p. 586; Duisburg p. 22, 57.) National Museum, Flo- rence. PLATE 109 FRITZ VOGGENBERGER Born 1884 at Aulendorf in Wiirttemberg, his preliminary education at home was followed by a course of study in archi- tecture and engineering at the Stuttgart Polytechnicum. From the outset of his career Voggenberger has shown marked interest in the sanitary and hygienic problems which are such an important factor in modern architecture, this interest being evinced not only in his treatise on the building of hospitals, but also in his other writings and in his general prac- tice. He designed the German national building for the exposition at Lyons in 1914, and a club house for the artisans’ association of Frankfurt. He is a member of the Stuttgart Bauhiitte arid of the league of German architects and engineers, Uniface. Head to right. FRITZ | VOGGENBERGER Signed on truncation DAUTERT 139 * 117 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 75 RICHARD JACOB AUGUST von VOIT Born 1801 at Wassertriidigen; died 1870 in Munich. The son of a master-builder, he received an extensive education at Ulm, Augsburg, Wii him eventually as chief councillor of buildings. Von Voit’s greatest accomplishment was the execution of the new Pinakothek, which he undertook at the command of Ludwig I and in which he won notable success by his system of rzburg, and finally at Munich under Gaertner, with whom he collaborated for many years, succeedin A yy ; eeding lighting. His architectural activities were varied, including numerous churches and synagogues, a market, a prison, a chemical laboratory, a building for the physiological institute, and one for the industrial exposition of 1854, referred to on the medal described below. Sit ee Ne 1050. 1052. 1053. 1054. Obverse. The Industrial Exhibition building in Munich. DAS INDUSTRIEAUSSTELLUNGS- | GEBAUDE | IN MUNCHEN | Jn exergue ARCHITEKT DES BAUES | OBERBAURATH VOIT | BAU-UNTERNEHMER GRAMER-KLETT | IN NURNBERG Reverse. In a circle, the coats of arms of the fifteen States participating in the exhibition. ZUR | ERINNERUNG | AN DIE ALLGEMEINE | AUSSTELLUNG | U. GEWERBSERZEUG- NISSE | ZU MUNCHEN | IM JAHRE | 1854 45 mm. White metal. (Wiirttembergische M. & M. p. 272, 488; Hauser 519.| R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 119 Nore: The coats of arms are those of Bayern, Oesterreich, Sachsen, Baden, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hamburg, Bremen, Liibeck, Frank- furt, Nassau, Sichsische Linder, Hesse-Cassel, Mecklenburg, Wiirttemberg, and Preussen. . Obverse. The Industrial Exhibition building in Munich. D. INDUSTRIEAUSSTELLUNGS- | GEBAUDE | IN | MUNCHEN Jn exergue ARCHITEKT VOIT | BAU-UNTERNEHMER | GRAMER-KLETT Reverse. In a closed wreath ZUR | ERINNERUNG | AN DIE ALLGEMEINE | AUSSTELLUNG | DEUTSCHER INDUS- TRIE | U. GEWERBSERZEUGNISE | ZU MUNCHEN | IM IAHRE 11854 32 mm. Bronze. [Eyb 137; Hauser 521.) Staatliche Miinzsammlung, Munich. PLATE IIg SIMON VOLLANT There appears to be no authoritative record as to the place or date of his birth and death, and little seems to be known concerning his early life or education. Yet the name of Simon Vollant, sometimes written Voland, is associated with several important monumental buildings of the city of Lille, including the concert hall, the general hospital, the court- house, and the hall of archives. It is also established that he erected the Porte de Paris at Lille, commemorated on the medal described below, and that in 1702 he built the Pont Neuf. Vollant rendered valuable services to the municipality in his position of architect to the government. Obverse. The Porte de Paris at Lille. * VILLE DE LILLE * Below PORTE DE PARIS Jn exergue A. BUREAU A LILLE. DEPOSKE Reverse. Shield with fleur-de-lis laid over a palm branch. Inscription SIMON | VOLLANT IN- GENIEUR ARCHITECTE Legend CONSTRUITE EN 1695 Below RESTAUREE EN 1895 ALBERT DARCQ STATUAIRE Signed BUREAU C2 LILLE Edge. Device of the French mint, BRONZE and the number 17. go mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 116 JOHANNES VOLLMER Born about 1845 at Hamburg; died 1920 at Liibeck. His early studies in his native city were followed by advanced courses in Berlin, where he was a pupil of Haase and of Otzen and where he gained the practical experience which led to his appointment as architect of such important edifices as the Kaiser Wilhelm-Gedachtniskirche in Berlin and the Trini- tatiskirche at Charlottenburg. Collaborating with Jassoy, under whose name the medal showing this building is described, Vollmer had an important share in erecting the Rathaus at Stuttgart, a structure which has received much favorable comment. With this exception and that of a Kurhaus at Sylt, his works lie in the field of ecclesiastical architecture and include, in addition to the churches already mentioned, the Friedenskirche at Heilbronn, the Reinoldikirche at Dort- mund, and the Christuskirche at Meran. Full description of medal will be found under No. 549 (Fassoy). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 87 FRANCESCO va VOLTERRA Born at Volterra. Died about 1588. His early occupation, that of an inlay worker in wood and ivory, aroused an interest in architecture and led to the choice of that profession. Volterra studied engineering and building in Rome, where later he established himself. He designed the interior of S. Maria in Aquiro, reconstructed the church of S. Tom- maso in Parione, and completed the nave of the church of the Orfanello, drawing the plans for the facade of S. Maria di Monserrato and erecting a papal residence for Sixtus VI. He built part of the church of S. Maria della Scala, designed the church of S. Giacopo degl’ Innocenti, a chapel for Cardinal Salviati, and collaborated on many other ecclesiastical edifices. Obverse. Bust to right with ruff. FRANCISCVS VOLATERANVS Signed + +R (Tommaso Roglio). Reverse. 4 hand holding square and compasses. SI QVID VALEMVS Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. go mm. Bronze cast. [4rmand I, p. 287, 2, and III, p. 13943 Hill p. 71, 53.| R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 120 178 JULIUS WAELDER Born 1884 at Steinamanger, his education at the university in Budapest was followed by courses of study at Rome and supplemented by travel. Returning home, he established himself in Budapest, where he erected numerous buildings, and where he was appointed professor of classical architecture. Outside of Budapest, his most important work is to be found at Pressburg, where he erected several university buildings and the museum of West Hungary; he also built a public school at Kisvarda, restored the parish church at Gyéngyés, and has designed museums, churches, and municipal offices in other towns of western and central Hungary. His work, moreover, includes pulpits and altars, and several monu- ments, one of special interest being that in honor of Pope Silvester II, executed for the church of St. John Lateran. Waelder has written a treatise on morphology in Greek and Latin architecture, and has other writings in press. He has held office as president of the architectural section of the society of Hungarian architects and engineers. | 1055. Uniface. Head to right. IVLIVS WALDER ATATIS SVAH XL Signed in monogram ¥ 0 8B (F. O. Beck). 93 mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 107 DOMINIQUE ve WAGHEMAEKERE Little is recorded concerning his early life and education; he is known principally as the friend of Rombaut Keldermans, with whom he collaborated for many years. In 1515, when Keldermans was appointed architect to the Belgian court, one of his first acts was to send for de Waghemaekere as his associate. In collaboration they worked on a church at Antwerp and on the Broodhuis at Brussels, also being commissioned by the municipality of Ghent to design a new town hall. This building, begun in 1518, was in work for fifteen years and was then interrupted by civil wars. It was finally completed much later by other architects in a different style. The medal described below the biography of Keldermans shows the perspective of the building. At Antwerp, Keldermans and de Waghemaekere were called upon to rebuild the church of Notre Dame; also in that city they reconstructed the church of St. Jacques and drew plans for the new stock exchange, erected numerous private residences, and built the large prison known as the Steen. With few exceptions, de Waghemaekere had an important share in the work executed by Keldermans. 1056. Full description of medal will be found under No. 617 (Keldermans). R..E. Collection. PLATE 70 OTTO WAGNER Born 1841 at Penzing near Vienna; died in 1918. His education in Austria was supplemented by a course of study in Berlin and by extensive travel. Returning to Vienna, where he established himself, Wagner drew the plans for the Diana baths, the Landerbank, the elevated municipal railway of Vienna, and the entire canalization system of that city. He also erected a synagogue in Budapest. Appointed professor at the academy in Vienna, he was a member of many archi- tectural societies, and as an author was a recognized authority on subjects connected with engineering and building. Among his treatises may be mentioned “Moderne Architektur.” 1057. Uniface. Bust to left. Below DIE * GESELLSCHAFT - OSTER- | REICHISCHER - ARCHITEKTEN | IHREM - EHRENPRASIDENTEN | OBERBAURAT - OTTO - WAGNER | ZU - SEINEM - 70 + GEBURTSTAGE | WIEN + 13+ JULI: 1911 Signed J. TAUTENHAYN JUN. On the back of the medallion a clover leaf bearing the letters BS w (Briider Schneider, Wien). 81x 56 mm. Bronze. |Monatsblatt 1975, p. 31.1 R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 118 CHARLES WAINWRIGHT 1058. Obverse. View of Shepton Mallet church. Legend THE POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM. MATT. XI. 5. Jn exergue C. WAINWRIGHT ARCH? Signed. w. INGRAM BIRM Reverse. Legend » SHEP- TON MALLET CHURCH ENLARGED A.D. 1837+ 700 FREE SITTINGS GIVEN TO THE POOR FOR EVER Inscription RECTOR | REV? W. P. T. WICKHAM. | —|CURATE| REV? F. T. NEW. | —| CHA$ WAINWRIGHT | THOS MILLARD | CH. WARDENS. 48 mm. British Museum. PLATE 75 JOHANN PAUL WALLOT Born 1842 at Oppenheim a/Rhein; died 1912 at Langenschwalbach. He studied in Munich and other cities before going to Berlin to complete his education. Wallot entered drawings in many competitions and received numerous awards, in- cluding first prize for the Reichstag building in Berlin, this being accompanied by a commission to execute. On the 179 a ar occasion of the opening of this building, he was appointed privy councillor to the government. In 1899 a competition was instituted, open to all the architects of the world, inviting them to submit plans for the grounds and buildings of the University of California. Wallot was chosen to represent Germany on the international jury of award. He was an honor- ary member of the Academies of St. Petersburg and Rome. 1059. Full description of medal will be found under No. 68 (Benard). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 8 PAUL WEIDNER Born in Dresden, where he died in 1899. As junior member of the firm of Giese and Weidner, a partnership established in Dresden in 1872, Weidner had a share in all the structures designed by the firm, though there is little record of inde- pendent accomplishment. In addition to the buildings referred to in the biography of Ernst Giese, mention should be made of the Petrikirche in Leipzig, of the Reichstagsgebaude in Berlin, and of the first prize received for plans entered in competition for a town hall at Hamburg. Weidner at one time held the office of royal building councillor to the Saxon court. 1060. Full description of medal will be found under No. 450 (Giese). R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 74 EDWARD WELCH Born at Overton in Flintshire, 1806; died in London, 1868. Little seems to be known of his early life, before the period of his collaboration with Joseph Hansom. Their most important work in partnership was the Birmingham town hall, the building depicted on the medals described under the biography of the senior architect. They designed also a dispen- sary at York, the Bulkeley Arms Hotel at Beaumaris and the county jail in the same place. After the dissolution of partnership, Welch established himself independently, erecting the Northern Hospital in Liverpool, several churches in that vicinity, and the Monks’ Ferry Hotel at Birkenhead. In his later years, he became interested in new methods of heating and ventilation, patenting stoves which were installed in some of the municipal offices at St. Pancras and in buildings which he himself designed. 1061. Full description of medal will be found under No. 497 (Hansom). British Museum. PLATE 57 1062. Full description of medal will be found under No. 498 (Hansom). 1063. Full description of medal will be found under No. 499 (Hansom). British Museum. PLATE 57 1064. Full description of medal will be found under No. 500 (Hansom.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 57 1065. Full description of medal will be found under No. 501 (Hansom). R.F.E. Collection. P PLATE 57 1066. Full description of medal will be found under No. 502 (Hansom). British Museum. PLATE 57 STANFORD WHITE Born 1853 in New York City, where he died in 1906. The son of that eminent scholar and literary critic, Richard Grant White, he grew up in an atmosphere which brought early contact with writers, artists, and architects. After his college course at New York University, he went to Boston as a draughtsman in the office of H. H. Richardson, to begin his chosen career. There White was entrusted with some of the drawings for Trinity church, work which introduced him to McKim and St. Gaudens. In 1878 he went abroad, and his travels brought a marked reaction from his previous ruggedly severe style which reflected the influence of Richardson. Upon his return to New York, White entered into partnership with McKim and Mead; the partners working in such close collaboration that it is impossible to ascribe single structures to an individual member of the firm. Among those buildings, however, in which White took a leading part may be men- tioned numerous New York clubs, including the Players’, Lambs’, Metropolitan, Century, and Colony; Madison Square Garden, several churches, and the group of buildings for New York University. 1067. Full description of medallion will be found under No. 666 (McKim). Owned by Mrs. Charles D. Norton. PLATE 77 1068. Full description of plaquette will be found under No. 667 (McKim). Owned by Mrs. Charles D. Norton. PLATE 77 180 Ss. T. WHITWELL | 1069. Obverse. Facade of Carrs Lane chapel. HOSANNA radiated above, clouds at each side, corner-stone below. In exergue 1070. 1071. 1072. DEPOSITED | XXX JULY | MDCCCXIX Signed wuirwELL + D+ HALLIDAY: F+ Reverse. Legend BY VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTION Inscription INDEPENDENT | MEETING HOUSE | CARRS LANE BIR- MINGHAM | — | CAPACITY 2100 SEATS | — | JOHN ANGEL JAMES | MINISTER | —|S- T + WHIT- WELL | ARCHITECT 54 mm. White metal. British Museum. PLATE 118 FREDERIOCK J2 WILEY Uniface. Bust to left. FRED WILEY - + + - MCMVI Signed MOWBRAY-CLARKE 702 mm. Bronze galvano. [Mowbray-Clarke Cat. 56.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE I1g JAKOB WOLFF Born about 1570 at Bamberg in Oberfranken; died 1620 at Nuremberg. The son of a stone-mason, he studied and worked under his father’s supervision, showing such marked ability that the municipal council of Nuremberg offered him a gen- erous scholarship for study abroad on condition of his pledge to return, and not to accept offers of employment in other cities. He travelled extensively through Germany and Italy, returning in 1605 to Nuremberg, where he was immediately appointed to the dual position of city architect and building supervisor. His most important single edifice was the town hall, an imposing structure; but other works worthy of mention are his own residence, the bastions of the city gate, and the plans for buildings at Frauenaurach which were later erected by the Markgraf Christian. Obverse. The Rathaus in Nuremberg. Above, three coats of arms; below, cartouche supported by two cupids. Inscription QVOD DEVS BENE VERTAT | INFERIORIS ANGVLI PRIMVS IA | CTVS EST CURIA’ RENOVATE ET | AMPLIFICAT LAPIS IPSIS | NONIS APRIL: A D CIODCXIX. Rim. IACOB WOLFF. INV ac. HoL- DERMAN. F. IE. BERCKHAVSEN. PERF. Reverse. HANC THEMIDOS SE | DEM FIERI FECERE SENAT | NORIMBERGENSIS, NON | SINE LAVDE PATRES. | CVRIA SERVETVR SERVEN | TVR ET ILLIVS ALMA | LVMINA, SERVETVR | VRBS, POPVLVSQ. DIV. | VII VIRIS | CIRCVSCRIPT all in an orna- mental border of cupids with coats of arms of the city fathers: IOHAN NVTZEL, PAVL BEHEIM, GEORG VOLG- KAMER, ERNST HALLER, LEONH GRVNDHERR, MART PFINTZING, ANDREAS IM HOFF. IVST CAROL. HOLTZSCHVCHER AIDILI—S 83 mm. Silver cast. |Domanig 580.] Description taken from this source, where the medal is illustrated on Plate 65. Royal Numismatic Museum, Vienna. ROBERT WOLLMANN Born 1879 at Charlottenburg, he studied at the academy of fine arts in Berlin. He submitted plans in competition for a Kurhaus in Zandvoord, for which he received the first prize with commission to execute. Wollmann was active in con- nection with Schloss Wanerlos, and built numerous villas and country residences, as well as hydraulic power plants and factories. A member of the league of German architects and of the society of architects and engineers, he was awarded a first prize at the world exposition in Brunn. Uniface. Bust to left. ROBERT WOLLMANN Signed on truncation. DAUTERT FEC 158% 120 mm. Bronze cast. RFE. Collection. PLATE 118 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN Born 1632 at East Knoyle, Wiltshire; died 1723 in London. A fellow of All Souls’ College, he was also professor of as- tronomy at Oxford for a year but thereafter devoted himself to architecture. Among his earlier works were designs for the cloister and chapel of Brasenose College, the Sheldonian theatre, and the Ashmolean museum, all at Oxford, while at Cambridge he planned the Pembroke College chapel and Trinity College library. In London he erected Kensington Palace, Marlborough House, Temple Bar, and many parish churches. The best examples of early architecture in America bear the impress of his art. After the great London fire of 1666, Sir Christopher Wren was appointed surveyor-general and chief architect for the reconstruction of the devastated district, his most important work being the rebuilding of St. Paul’s cathedral as depicted on the medals described below. He erected Hampton Court palace and the observatory at Greenwich which sets the clocks for all the world. He was a founder of the Royal Society, also its president, and was twice elected to Parliament. 181 i} 1073. i if 1073a. i 1074. ; 1075. | 1076. | 1077. 1078. 1079. 1080. wae Obverse. Bust to left with peruke. * CHRISTOP * WREN * EQVES * AVR & - ARCHITECT * Below * OBIIT - A-D-1723:+ AT. g1* Reverse. Facade of St. Paul's, London. * VNVM - PRO: CVNCTIS + * FAMA - LOQVATVR : OPVS* Below INCEPT. A:D-1675 PERFECT:A-D-1711 Jn exergue - AEDES-S- PAVLI- LOND - Signed- GD GaaB- scvLP 96mm. Bronze. [Med. Ill. II, p. 458, 69; Forrer II, p. 185.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 121 Nore: Forrer quotes Mr. Grueber of the British Museum as stating that this medal is the only one known which bears Gaab’s sig- nature. Portrait medallion of Sir Christopher Wren executed in ivory by Le Marchant in the second half of the seventeenth century. [Forrer VII, p. 547.) Description taken from this source. British Museum. Obverse. Figure representing Peace, crowning a warrior. Legend REGNO PACEM OBTULIT Jn exergue SUPER PACE RATA] DIE 27 MARTII|—| Signeduancock Reverse. St. Paul's Cathedral. Legend DEO GLORIAM REFERT Jn exergue PAX CELEBRATA | DIE I JUNII | MDCCCII Signed k & kK (Kempson & Kindon) at left, and 4 (Hancock) at right. 49 mm. Bronze. American Numismatic Society. PLATE 121 Obverse. St. Paul’s, London. In exergue S™ PAUL’S CATHEDRAL | LONDON Signed J. WIENER F. Reverse. Interior of the cathedral. In exergue FOUNDED VII CENTURY. BURNT XI CENTURY. | REBUILT IN STONE XII AND XIII CENTURY. | AGAIN BURNT 1666.| REBUILT IN ITS PRESENT STATE | 1675-1710. | ARCHIT. CHRIST. WREN. Signed J + WIENER BRUSSELS 59 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, Dp. 24, 5.) R.FE. Collection. PLATE 121 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. Obverse. View of S' PAUL’S CATHEDRAL In exergue LONDON above NORTH-WEST VIEW | — Signed JOS# DAVIS BIRMINGHAM Reverse. Interior view. INTERIOR OF S? PAUL’S In exergue THE NAVE AND CHOIR Rim milled on obverse and reverse. 60 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 121 Nore: One of a series of medals of English cathedrals, published by Joseph Davis of Birmingham about the middle of the nineteenth century. Obverse. View of St. Paul's. Above St' PAUL’S CATHEDRAL below LONDON. Signed DAvIs BIRM. Reverse. ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL |—|A CHRISTIAN CHURCH|IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN FOUNDED | HERE ON THE FIRST INTRODUCTION | OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE SECOND CEN-| TURY AND TO HAVE BEEN DESTROYED IN THE | DIOCLESIAN PERSECUTION; IT WAS REBUILT ON THE CONVERSION OF ETHELBERT ABOUT! A.D. 610 AND DESTROYED BY FIRE A.D. 1086. |THE REBUILDING WAS COMMENCED BY MAURICE | THEN BISHOP OF LONDON & THE CONSECRATION | TOOK PLACE IN 1240, ALTHOUGH NOT COMPLETED | BEFORE 1315, WHICH BUILDING WAS AGAIN | DESTROYED IN THE GREAT FIRE OF 1666. |THE PRESENT FABRICK WAS COMMENCED IN1/1675, DIVINE SERVICE FIRST PERFORMED | DEC. 2 1697 AND THE CHURCH COMPLETED | IN 1710, WHICH WITH ITS EMBELLISHMENTS | COST UP- WARDS OF £736,000. IT IS IN| LENGTH 500 F? BREADTH 285 F!| HEIGHT TO THE TOP OF | THE CROSS 340 FT 4g mm. Bronze. [Birm. Med. p. 39.) Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust to right. WREN Signed w. witson sc. Reverse. Facade of St. Paul's, London. CHRISTOPHER WREN ARCHITECT —MDCCX Jn exergue SI MONUMENTUM REQUIRIS CIRCUMSPICE Signed s. wyon s. Edge. ART-UNION OF LONDON 1846 (at bottom of the medal). 58mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 121 Nore: One of a series of medals of painters, sculptors, and architects published by the Art-Union of London in the nineteenth century. The portrait of Wren was taken from a bust in the Bodleian Gallery. In the R.J.E. Collection there is a specimen in bronze with the edge inscription at the top of the medal and one in silver with the inscription also at the top; the lettering differs on these and is also different from the lettering on the medal described above. Wren is buried under the choir in St. Paul’s cathedral, and on a tablet above the inner north doorway are the words quoted on the reverse of the medal and very familiar in their translated form: “If you seek his monument, look about you.” Obverse. Head to left. ALBERT EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES Below - BORN NOV. 9 1841° Reverse. St. Paul's, London. Above S? PAUL'S CATHEDRAL In exergue LONDON | 1872 Rim beaded. Edge milled. 23 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 121 Obverse. St. Paul’s, London. Reverse. The Tower Bridge, London. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 24mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 121 1080a. 1080b. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084, THOMAS HENRY WYATT Born 1807 at Roscommon in Ireland; died 1880 in London. The son of a police magistrate who was appointed to the dis- trict of Lambeth in London, Wyatt was destined for a political career and educated to this end, in further pursuance of which he went to Malta. On his travels his interest in architecture and archeology was so strongly developed that he made a definite change upon his return to England, entering the office of Phi ip Hardwick. Wyatt’s first appointment was that of supervisor of construction of warehouses at St. Katherine’s docks; somewhat later he was made district surveyor for Hackney. By 1838 his practice had so prospered that he took into partnership David Brandon, who for thirteen years collaborated with him in the construction of churches, court-houses, asylums, and private residences. Their best-known work is probably the church at Wilton, an ambitious essay in Lombardic architecture—one of the earliest modern buildings in which mosaic decoration was introduced; and the Governesses Benevolent Institution. Both of these buildings are shown on medals described below. Wyatt was for three years the president of the Royal In- stitute of British Architects. Obverse. View of Wilton church. In exergue WILTON CHURCH | ERECTED BY THE HONE SIDNEY HERBERT A D 1846 |GO THOU AND DO LIKEWISE. 4% right WYATT & BRANDON: A _ Signed E*AVERN'F Reverse. View of the interior. In exergue INTERIOR OF | WILTON CHURCH | pus sy F. 7. PRICE CUTLER SARUM AUG 12-1846 Signed at left E-AVERN-F dt right TIFFIN-D 51 mm. White metal. RFE. Collec- tion. PLATE 123 Obverse. Head to right of H.R.H. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE FIRST ROYAL PATRON. Signed G. c. ADAMS. D. | ALLEN & MOORE F. Reverse. View of the GOVERNESSES BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOUNDED 1843, In exergue ASYLUM ERECTED | A:D-1848. | WYATT & BRANDON. ARCHITECTS. On the exergual bar ALLEN & MOORE. F: BIRM: 64 mm. White metal. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 123 WILLIAM or WYKEHAM Born 1324 at Wykeham; died 1404 at Bishop’s Waltham. He entered the service of the crown and was appointed Lord Chancellor, with authority over the royal estates at Henley, Easthampstead, and Windsor, being also inspector of the castles at Windsor, Leeds, Dover, and Hadleigh. While Dean of St. Martin’s-le-Grand in London he rebuilt the cloister, chapter house, and body of that church. Wykeham founded New College, Oxford, and laid the corner-stone; he also founded the famous Winchester School and St. Mary’s College, for both of which he erected buildings. As supervisor in Kent for King Edward II, Wykeham erected the royal apartments east of the great Windsor keep and a castle on the isle of Sheppey, making also extensive additions to the cathedral at Bishop’s Waltham. The reconstruction of its nave was completed only a few months before his death, and Wykeham was buried in the chantry. A careful study of Wyke- ham’s architectural activity has been made by Chancellor, in his “Lives of British Architects.” Obverse. Head to left, crozier back of neck. WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM Signed YEO F Reverse. Legend MANNERS MAKYTH MAN 4 wreath of olive enclosing a blank space for the inscription. 39mm. Bronze. [Med. Ill. I, p. ro, 1.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 122 Nore: Ray in his “Collection of English Proverbs” states that William of Wykeham was accustomed to place the motto “Manners makyth man” on the various buildings that he designed. Obverse. Same as No. ro8r. Reverse. Similar to No. 1081. The leaves are slightly different and there are twelve olives in the wreath instead of nineteen. Inscription STUDIIS | FELICITER | COEPTIS Edge. EDWARD MALTBY. 1788. 39 mm. Silver. [Missing in Med. Ill] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 122 Note: Edward Maltby (1770-1859) received his early education at Winchester. He was bishop of Durham 1836-1856. Obverse. Head to left, crozier passing behind neck, beading on rim. WILHELMVS DE WYKEHAM. Signed YEO F Reverse. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS Youth in Roman costume receiving palm from Minerva. Rim beaded on obverse and reverse. 39 mm. Bronze. |Med. Ill. I, p. 10, 2.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 122 Note: This medal, as well as No. ro81, was used as a prize at Winchester College. Obverse. Bust to left in bishop's robe, with mitre and crozier. WILHELMUS DE WYKEHAM Signed on truncation J Mitton F Reverse. The three plumes of the Prince of Wales and motto ICH DIEN above two palm branches. Legend HONOREM PRINCEPS PROPONIT * 48 mm. Bronze. (Med. Ill. I, p. rz, 3.] R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 122 Nore: This medal, as well as Nos. 1085 and 1086, is used as a prize given by the crown to scholars of Winchester College for Latin and English composition. 183 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. Obverse. Bust to left in bishop’s robe, with mitre and croxier. WILHELMUS DE WYKEHAM Signed on truncation cunt F. Reverse. Monogram of George IV, G IV R acrown above, an ornament below. HONOREM PRINCEPS PROPONIT. 48 mm. Bronze. (Med. Ill. I, p. 11, 4] British Museum. PLATE 122 Nore: The above reference attributes this medal to the sculptor Milton. Obverse. Head of King William IV to right. HONOREM PRINCEPS PROPONIT. Below the head W.1V. R Signed cunt Reverse. Tomb of Wykeham in Winchester Cathedral. ETIAM SEPULTI VIVIT FAMA WYKEHAMI In exergue OBIT XXVII SEPT. | A. D.| MCCCCIV Signed c 48mm. Bronze. (Med. IPE, Thy is tly | es ijoltn Collection. PLATE 122 Obverse. Winchester Cathedral. In exergue WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL | FOUNDED AT THE EPOCH OF THE SAXON KINGS. | THE PRESENT CATHEDRAL BUILT | 1079-1093. | THE NAVES AND THE AISLES | CONSTRUCTED BY WYKEHAM | 1370-1400. | ELKINGTON & Ce LONDON Reverse. Interior of the cathedral. Signed J. WIENER F. BRUXELLES 59 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 28, 14.1 R.F.E. Collec- tion. PLATE 122 Nore: One of a series of medals representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. Obverse. The Bishop seated, in ecclesiastical robe, with mitre and croxier, holding a model of Winchester Cathedral and surrounded by his pupils. Inscription THIS MEDAL WAS STRVCK | IN COMMEMORATIO(N) OF THE FIVE | HVNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY Legend MANNERS MAKYTH MAN Below WILLIAM OF WYKE- HAM at left 1393 at right 1893 Signed G. FRAMPTON Sc. Reverse. Winchester Cathedral. Above on a ribbon STET FORTVNA DOMVS Uf the right, coat of arms. 76 mm. Bronze. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 122 MIKLOS YBL Born 1814 at Székes Fejérvar; died 1891 in Budapest. After studying in Vienna and Munich, he began his career by as- sisting Pollak in the erection of the national museum and the Ludoviceum in Budapest. There also he designed the new opera-house, the Leopold basilica, the custom-house, the smaller Parliament building, and two churches in the suburbs at Foth and Franzenstadt. He built the savings bank at Ofen, and Count Kinsky’s palace at Prague. Ybl was president of the Hungarian society of Architects and Engineers and member of the city council. He was awarded the orders of Leopold and Franz Josef, with many other honors and decorations. Obverse. Bust facing to right. Signed A SCHARFF Reverse. 4 column and a monument, beside which stands a female figure holding a compass. Above YBL.|EREM In exergue MAGYAR MERNOK ES EPITESZ | EGYLET 50mm. Bronze. (von Loehr p. 27, 320.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 124 Note: The size 56 mm. in von Loehr is probably a misprint. Obverse. Head to right. EPITOMVVESZ YBL MIKLOS Signed in monogram ¥ 0 B (F. O. Beck). Reverse. Three female figures supporting a model of a church. SVPERIOR ARTIVM 72mm. Bronze cast. R.J.E. Collection. PLATE 124 JULES JACQUES van YSENDYCK Born 1835 in Paris; died tgor in Brussels. His course of study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he was a pupil of Le Bas and of Viollet le Duc, was crowned by the award of the grand prix de Rome and supplemented by travel in Italy. Going thence to Belgium, van Ysendyck worked for a time in the atelier of Cluysenaar in Brussels, in which city he later established himself. He executed the reconstruction work in connection with Notre Dame du Sablon, a church famous for its mural paintings of the early fifteenth century, and designed the restoration of numerous Belgian cathedrals. At Ghent he built the house of the Provincials, a religious order, and in Brussels many private residences. A member of the Belgian Academy, he published treatises on architectural subjects and a book entitled “Documents classés de l’Art dans les Pays Bas.” Uniface. Bust facing left. Below * JULES - JACQUES - VAN YSENDYCK - | : ARCHITECTE - 18 36-1901 - Signed G. DEVREESE 154% 109 mim. Galvano silvered. [Gaz. Num. 1911-12, p. 172, 119.) R.F.E. Collection. Nore: This plaquette was made by Duval et Janvier, Paris. Only five copies were issued. (AUNIB NA) 184 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. MAURICE van YSENDYCK Born 1868 in Brussels. The son of a well-known architect, J. J. van Ysendyck, he studied with his father and at the royal academy of fine arts in Brussels. Returning to his father’s atelier for practical experience, he remained there for some time in collaboration, notably on the restoration of the church, Notre Dame du Sablon. Later establishing himself independently, van Ysendyck built additions to the town hall at Schaerbeek and restored the church of St. Martin at Hal. He also erected numerous chateaux and Private residences throughout the country, these being mainly in the Flemish style. He has taken an active part in movements for promoting the architectural development of Belgium, and has served as vice-president of the Société centrale d’Architecture. Uniface. Bust to right. Below A MAURICE VAN YSENDYCK - ARCHTE | “LE CONSEIL COMMUNAL 2 SEPT. 1921.” Signed G. DEVREESE. (all lettering incised). 149 x 103mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. pirate 123 KARL FRIEDRICH ZELTER Born 1758 in Berlin; died there in 1832. He was an architect and a musician. After his early studies in Berlin he be- came a master-builder and assisted his father, who was a contractor; but upon his father’s death in 1781, Zelter abandoned his architectural activities, devoting himself exclusively to music. He became director of the Singakademie, professor of music at the university and at the Royal institute in Berlin, and founder of the Berliner Liedertafel. For years he was the intimate friend of Goethe, for many of whose poems and ballads he composed musical accompaniments. Obverse. Head to right. *K. PR. PROF. D. TONK. DR. RITT. C. F. ZELTER * Below V. SEIN. VEREHR. AM 11 DEC. 18 31 Signed on truncation ANG + Factus ¥+ Reverse. Coat of arms with star above. GETREU DER NATUR UND KUNST 36 mm. Bronze. (A. 8 E. P- 575 350.) RFE. Collection. PLATE TIg Obverse. Bust facing left. KARL FRIEDRICH ZELTER 1758-1832 DER BEGRUNDER DER ERSTEN DEUTSCHEN MANNER-LIEDERTAFEL * Signed JAUNER- Reverse. A lyre with branches of laurel and oak upon which a tablet inscribed WAHLSPRUCH and between two staffs of music DEM LIED SEI UNSER HERZ GE-| WEIHT, DEM LIED SEI UNSER HERZ GEWEIHT - Below R + V + WEINZIRL. On the shaft of the lyre 1876-1901. Below M:G-V- GERSTHOFER-LIEDERTAFEL WIEN Oval 58 % 49 mm. Bronze. [4. & E. p. 57, 351.] Description taken from this source. Obverse. Bust to left. Above, segment of a wreath. Below +C+F+ZELTER +! *11- DEZ- 1758 * | 15: MAI- 1832 Signed stEByRG Reverse. 4 lyre. Below FEST - VND - KLAR *|* TREV - VND - WAHR | EVR: VERDIENST - VM - DEN | DEVTSCHEN - MANNERGESANG | GESTIFTET - VON - DER | BERLINER * LIEDERTAFEL |- 1909 -| *—* | Signed AWES MUNZE BERLIN Below NUR FUR | SAMMELZWECKE (in- cised). Octagonal 81% 57 mm. Bronze. RFE. Collection. PLATE IIg GEORG FRIEDRICH ZIEBLAND Born 1800 at Regensburg; died 1873 in Munich. He studied under Quaglio, and received a grant from the Bavarian King, Ludwig I, enabling him to study and travel in Italy. Upon his return to Munich, Ziebland designed a building for the Land-tax commission, the basilica of St. Boniface, and the exposition hall on the K6nigsplatz. Outside of Munich his principal works are the mural decorations of King Ludwig’s villa in Rome, a memorial chapel at Aibling, the comple- tion of the Auerkirche, and the restoration of the Wartburgerschloss, famous as the scene of Wagner’s Tannhiuser. He was professor at the academy of Munich and building councillor for that city. Obverse. The exposition building. In exergue GEGRUNDET 1838. | EROFFNET 1845. | DEN 25 AUG. Signed BIRNBOCK:+ F+ Reverse. KUNST UND | INDUSTRIE- | AUSSTELLUNGS-GEBAUDE | ZU MUNCHEN, | ERRICHTET VON | LUDWIG I! KONIG VON BAYERN, | NACH DEM PLANE DES|K. CIVIL BAU-INSPECTOR | F. ZIEBLAND. | — go mm. White metal. [Hauser 509.| Staatliche Miinzsammlung, Munich. PLATE 124 Uniface. Head to right. Within two heavy concentric circles FRIEDRICH + ZIEBLAND ERBAUER - DER BASIL- ICA - STI. - BONIFACII - IN - MUNCHEN below, a clover leaf. 200 mm. Bronze cast. (Hauser 475.| Staatliche Miinzsammlung, Munich. PLATE 124 185 1098. 1099. 1100. 1101. 1102. FEDERICO ZUCCHERI Born 1542 at Sant’Angelo in Vado; died 1609 at Ancona. He was an architect, but was better known as an artist, being a pupil of his brother Taddeo Zuccheri. After several years spent in England as a portrait-painter, he went to Rome and there designed his own residence on the Monte di Trinita. At Florence, Zuccheri painted the frescoes in the cupola of the cathedral, which had been left incomplete on the death of Vasari; he also painted frescoes in the Escorial for Philip II of Spain. He was the author of “Idea dei pittori, scultori e architetti.” Obverse. Bust to right in garb of the period with ruff. FEDERICVS ZVCCARVS. 1578. Signed on truncation + P- (Pastorino). Reverse. Section of the dome of the cathedral in Florence. TENP + FRANC : MED - MAG: DVX- ETRVRIZ ‘Below PINSIT 57mm. Bronze cast. [Armand I, p. 210, 135 ; Hill p. 76, 58.| British Museum. PLATE 120 Obverse. Bust to right in garb of the period with ruff. FEDERICVS ZVCHARVS Reverse. The high altar of San Lo- renzo in the Escorial. MD 88 Inscription PHILIPPO - II - ARAM MAX-IN AEDE-R-LAVR MART PICT EXORNAT 67.5 mm. Bronze cast. [Armand II, p. 277, 253 Hill p. 76, 59.1 British Museum. PLATE 120 Nore. Hill calls attention to the R after AEDE which Armand reads as a B (eati), but which is clearly an R in the British Museum specimen. SIMON BOGAMIL AMADEUS ZUG Born 1733 in Saxony; died 1807 in Warsaw. He spent most of his life in Poland, being a favorite of King Stanislaus August III, who appointed him to the position of court architect. Later the king made Zug a knight and had a medal struck in recognition of his gratuitous services in designing the Evangelical church, and of a liberal donation made by him toward the expenses of the edifice. This church, a section and an elevation of which are shown on the medals de- scribed below, represents Zug’s most important architectural achievement, but he also designed a sanctuary at Nieborov, built the Dekerta palace and numerous private residences at Warsaw. Zug wrote in German a study of the gardens of that city, and this text has since been translated into Polish. Obverse. Bust to right with peruke and in the garb of the period. SIMON AMADEUS ZUG ARCHITECTUS ELECT: SAX: Signed 1. P. HOLZHAUSSER F. Reverse. Transverse section of the Protestant church at Warsaw. DEDICATUM D. XXX. DECEMB: MDCCLXXXI. Jn exergue INDUSTRIZ GRATUIT& | AUG: CONF: EVANGE- LICI | VARSAVIENSES 67 mm. Silver. [Ampach 10138 ; Wellenheim II, 15r5r.] R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 124 Obverse. Front elevation of the Protestant church at Warsaw. QUICUNQUE ORAVERIT IN LOCO ISTO EXAUDI: In exergue DIE XXIII. APRILIS. | A.D. MDCCLXXVII. |S. A. R. XII. Signed S. G. ZUGK INVENT: 1. P, HOLZHUSSER F. Reverse. HAS DES | DEO T. O. M. SACRAS | COETUS VARSAVIENS: | AUGUST: CONFESSION: | EX CONSENSU STANISL: AUG: REGIS | ET REIPUBLICH | STRUERE | COEPIT. 52mm. Silver. R.F-E. Collection. PLATE 124. ERNST FRIEDRICH ZWIRNER Born 1802 at Jacobswalde, in Silesia; died 1861 at Cologne. His preparation for his profession included courses of study at Brieg, Breslau, and Berlin, after which he became a pupil of Schinkel, who took great interest in Zwirner, using him as an assistant in Berlin and Colberg and recommending him for other appointments. In 1833 Zwirner moved to Cologne in response to a call to be building inspector for certain additions to the cathedral. Other and more important work was soon entrusted to him, with the result that the reconstruction of the Cologne cathedral became the main interest of his life, winning for him every conceivable honor and distinction. His activity, however, was not confined to this one great undertaking, In the same city, he built the synagogue, and at Remagen the Apollinariskirche; these two edifices, as well as the great Cologne cathedral, are shown on medals described below. Zwirner also rebuilt churches at Elberfeld and Miihlheim, and reconstructed several of the Rhine castles. His devotion to the work of restoring the Cologne cathe- dral was so great that many of his contemporaries felt his indefatigable zeal had hastened his death. He was buried at Melaten in a tomb prepared in his honor by the municipality of Cologne. Obverse. Cologne cathedral as completed. DER DOM ZU KOLN IN SEINER ZUKUNFTIGEN VOLLEN- DUNG | UNSERE HOFFNUNG. Jn exergue GESTOCHEN VON J. WIENER | NACH DEM VOM DOM- BAUMEISTER E. F. ZWIRNER | ERGANZTEN BAUPLANE. | VERLAG VON F. C. EISEN IN KOLN. | Reverse. View of the cathedral, with the Spires, roof over nave, transept, and lantern missing. Legend JUBELFEIER 186 AM 14. AUG: 1848 DER ERSTEN GRUNDSTEINLEGUNG DES DOMES ZU KOLN AM 14 AUG: 1248 | UNSERE FREUDE Jn exergue EINWEIHUNG DES HOHEN CHORS AM 27 SEPT: 1322 | OFT UNTERBROCHENER FORTBAU BIS ETWA 1500 | GANZLICHER STILLSTAND BIS ZUR ZWEITEN | GRUNDSTEINLEGUNG AM 4 SEPT: 1842 | DURCH FRIEDRICH WILHELM IV | KONIG VON PREUSSEN 11851 60mm. Bronze. [Missing in Rev. Belge 1883.| R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 125 Nore: This medal and the four immediately following belong to a series representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obyerses almost invariably show the exterior of the building, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. 1103. Obverse. Same as No. rro2z. Reverse. Same as No. rro2 except that the transept has been completed, but the spires, roof over nave, and lantern are still missing and the final date is 1855. 60 mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 23,3.) R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 125 Nore: “Revue Belge de Numismatique” makes no mention of the final date. 1104. Obverse. Same as No. rroz except that the words UNSERE HOFFNUNG are omitted, that KOLN becomes KOELN, and that ZUKUNFTIGEN becomes ZUKUENFTIGEN. Reverse. Same as No. 1102 except that the transept, roof over nave, and lantern have been completed, but the Spires are still missing. The legend above the building, the words UNSERE FREUDE, and the date are omitted. 60mm. Bronze. [Missing in Rev. Belge 1883.) R.F.E. Collection. Nore: There are other minor die variations in this and in the two preceding medals. PLATE 125 1105. Obverse. Same as No. rrog. Reverse. Same as No. 1102 except that the transept, roof over nave, and lantern have been com- pleted, the two spires have been carried up slightly higher than the roof of the nave, and the Jinal date is 1861. 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, DP: 36, 32] Description taken from this source. 1106. Obverse. Same as No. rrog. Reverse. View of the interior of Cologne cathedral. Signed in exergue J. ET CH. WIENER. 60 mm. Bronze. (Rev. Belge 1883, p. 24, 4.] Description taken from this source. 1107. Obverse. Cologne cathedral. DER DOM ZU KOLN In exergue BEGONNEN 1248 | VOLLENDET 1880 upon a scroll. Signed DRENTWETTY Reverse. The adoration of the Magi. Above ANBETUNG DER | HL. DREI KONIGE Jn exergue DOMBILD ZU KOLN 52mm. Bronze gilt. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 125 Nore: In the treasury of the cathedral are preserved the bones of the “Three Kings.” This is the origin of the three crowns in the coat of arms of the city of Cologne. 1108. Obverse. View of the church o St. Apollinaris near Remagen. Above, the coat of arms of Count Fiirstenberg. S™ APOL- LINARISKIRCHE BEI REMAGEN AM RHEIN Jn exergue GRUNDSTEINLEGUNG AM 22 JULI 1839 | DURCH DEN BAUHERRN DER KIRCHE | FRANZ EGON GRAFEN | VON FURSTENBERG-| STAMMHEIM Reverse. Interior of the church. At left INNERES | DER ST APOLLINARISKIRCHE | EIN- GERICHTET IM JAHRE | 1853 at right PLAN UND AUSFUHRUNG DURCH E. F. ZWIRNER | BAUMEISTER DES KOLNER DOMES 1839-1844 | AUSSCHMUCKUNG DURCH FE. DEEGER | FITTENBACH A & C MULLER In exergue NACH ZEICHNUNGEN VON E. F. ZWIRNER | GE- STOCHEN VON J. WIENER| VERLAG VON Ff. C. EISEN |IN KOLN 60 mm. Silver and bronze. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 27, 13.] R.¥.E. Collection. PLATE 125 Nore: This medal and the one immediately below belong to a series representing monumental buildings of Europe, and executed about the middle of the nineteenth century by Jacques Wiener of Brussels. The obverses almost invariably show the exterior of the build- ing, and the reverses usually the interior or a ground plan. 1109. Obverse. View of the synagogue in Cologne. SYNAGOGE ZU COELN EINGEWEIHT AM 29 AUGUST 1861 In exergue E, ¥. ZWIRNER ARCHIT. Reverse. Interior of the synagogue. At left and at right inscription in Hebrew characters. Signed J. WIENER F. 60mm. Bronze. [Rev. Belge 7883, p. 35, 28.] RFE. Collection. PLATE 125 UNKNOWN ARCHITECT 1110. Uniface. Bust to right. The name of the architect has been carefully obliterated. ARCHITECTE MDCCCXLI Signed DESBOEUFS. At bottom x x the significance of which is not apparent. 178mm. Bronze cast. R.F.E. Collection. PLATE 125 1111. 1112. 1113. 1114. 1115. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1119. 1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 1124. 1125. 1126. 1127. APPENDIX In this category come those medals on which the architect’s name is in no way featured; those of which no ade- quate description has been obtainable, and those received too late to be included in their proper position in the body of the book. PAUL ABADIE (1812-1884). Church at Périgueux, 1854. Signed J. WIENER F. 60 mm. [Reo. Belge 1883, p. 31, 79.] RFE. Collection. C. ALBERT. Bénédictine de Fécamp, tgoo. Signed F. VERNON. [Gaz. Num. 1904, p. 411, 104.] BEAUVOIS. Planquette monument, Pére la Chaise cemetery. Signed LEGASTELOIS. [Gaz. Num. 1905, DP» 3785 3329.] W. M. BROOKES. Obverse. Names. Reverse. Inscription, 1835. [Num. Chron. 1886, p. 297.) GEORGES PAUL CHEDANNE (born 1861). Palace Hotel, Paris, 1899. Signed F. VERNON. 55x71 mm. [Gaz. Num. 1899, p. 121, 44. ANTONIO CIPOLLA (1822-1874). Savings Bank, Rome, 1872. Signed SPERANZA. 37 mm. [Risorg. Ital. p. 227, 14440] DEHULST. Inauguration of the casino at Courtrai, 1844. Signed HART GRAVEUR. so mm. [Tourneur 676.] EDOUARD DEPERTHES. Hitel de Ville, Paris, 1882. Signed J. c. CHAPLAIN. (See Théodore Ballu, No. 47.) DURICHEN. Altstadt Railway Station, Dresden, 1898. Signed L. p. (See Ernst Friedrich Giese, No. 450.) ALPHONSE DURAND (1813-1882). Hospice général de Meaux, 1840. Signed BORREL. 52mm. [Gaz. Num. 1902, P- 343, 18.) THEODOR S. J. EYRICH (born 1838). Bubenreuther Haus, Erlangen, 1889. Signed LAUER NURNBERG. 55 mm. [Lauer Cat. Plate 33, 299.) R.¥-.E. Collection. CHARLES FOWLER. Obverse. Arms of Exeter. Reverse. Market, 1837. [Num. Chron. 1886, p. 297.] ANTOINE MARTIN GARNAUD (1796-1861). Monument of Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, 1861. Signed VAUTHIER-GALLE SCULPTEUR. GRAVEUR. 72 mm. [Bramsen 2067.] ABRAHAM NICOLAAS GODEFROY (born 1822). Orphan Asylum, Amsterdam, 1882. Signed J. ELION. 7O mm. [Zwierzina 1864-1898, 578.] R.F.E. Collection. JAMIN. Hétel de Ville, Levallois-Perret, 1898. Signed A. RIVET. 44 mm. [Domp. de Chaufpié p. 32, Plate 26, r10.] W. KULHANEK. St. Raphael’s chapel in the institute for the blind, Prague, 1844. 35 mm. [Donebauer p. 568, 4867.] RFE. Collection. ETIENNE ELOI LABARRE (1764-1833). (with R. Henry), Colonne de la Grande Armée, Boulogne, 1847. Signed BORREL. 59 mm. [Gaz. Num. 1902, p. 357, 53.] 189 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143. 1144. 1145. GEORG LUDWIG FRIEDRICH LAVES (1788-1864). Royal Theatre, Hannover, 1852. Signed BREHMER GRAV. 59mm. [Knigge p. 236, g058.| R.F.E. Collection. NAPOLEON LE BRUN. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Philadelphia, 1854. Signed PAQUET F. 80mm. RFE. Collection. PAUL EUGENE LEQUEUX (1806-1873). Fglise de Notre Dame de Clignancourt, 1872. Signed A. BORREL. 76 mm. [Gaz. Num. 1904, p. 10, 27-] A. MEDER. Coat of arms and Rathaus, Cologne, 1854. Signed J. WIENER. 58 mm. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 730, 203.] W.B. MOFFATT. Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead, 1843. Signed TAYLOR BIRM: (See George Gilbert Scott, No. 941.) : R. DE MONFERRAND. Church of St. Isaac, St. ‘Petersburg, 1858. Signed JACQUES WIENER F. 60 mm. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 31, 20.| R.F-E. Collection. W. I. J. OFFENBERG. St. Jacob’s Home for the Aged, Amsterdam, 1866. Signed J. ELION F. 70 mm. [Zwierzina 1864-1898, 69.| R.F.E. Collection. CORNELIS OUTSHOORN (1813-1875). Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Amsterdam, 1865. Signed J. ELION FEC. 68mm. [Zwierzina 1864-1898, 33.] R.F.E. Collection. PAOLO POSI (1708-1776). Restoration of the Pantheon, 1757. Signed 0. HAMERANI. 40 mm. [Mazio 480.) WILLIAM RAILTON (died 1877). Nelson Column, Trafalgar, 1843. Signed J. TAYLOR. 43 mm. American Numismatic Society. JEAN EUGENE ROUYER (born 1827). Mairie, X® Arrondissement, Paris, 1897. Signed ALPHEE DUBOIS. 75 mm. [Gaz. Num. 1906, p. 21, 73-] SCHACRE. Catholic Church at Mulhouse, 1860. Signed MASSONNET EDIT. 50 mm. [Schoen, Monnaies et méd. de Mulhouse, p. 89.) ANDREAS SCHLUTER (1664-1714). Statue of the Grosser Kurfiirst. Signed CHRISTIAN WERMUTH. ARCHIBALD SIMPSON (1790-1847). Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1837. Signed HALLIDAY. 51 mm. British Museum. LEON SUYS (1824-1887). Stock Exchange, Brussels. Signed A. FISCH GR: 67 mm. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 249, Plate r.] TIELEMAN FRANS SUYS (1783-1861). Church of St. Joseph, Brussels, 1842. Signed BRAEMT sc. 68 mm. [Tour- neur 591, Plate 22, r.] A. TRAPPENIERS. Cité Fontainas, 1865. Signed J. WIENER F. 50 mm. [Rev. Belge 1883, p. 85, 129. R.F.E. Col- lection. LUIGI VANVITELLI (1700-1773). Lazaretto at Ancona, 1734. Signed 0 H (Ottone Hamerani). 71 mm. [Mazio 443. R.F.E. Collection. 190 n ica) = < 4 a PLATE I INGEST ACR fa HO WAASE LA 5zS fy COMPREHES rAd 2 ADIALANT SUiS, mea, N ‘ ‘ \ \ y : | | A j AIOHS) DG SOU AN fs DREAM Lap cii ast dag J ‘4 PLATE 2 - 4 & : : ~ p Ay . he CRD SENG AT SAPIEI 2 Rei % ‘ect; v0 . TO DALPESARO TUDES DUCT! PR BHNEN Da Conti ) “.)) 2orrusdo petrugan + i STAYIN 7 PROVOIT zy | incom ues fain) sssoi0® OL H/8 BOUL 29. | Ane ermes COBAY OBIS) auiy inden Voi May (MBN aie ADOT SHA 73 | Pe PLATE 4 HEDIS. SS TTL MANS Np SES PAU EN BAYER: MDE ES OMNI Dean BpUAup yecuueu ] 93 AND 94383 puopusniG Mis pos Asie | HiGiS MOU PiODUGY UPUAitDS OF Mp000 But ALT, HY. LY AMAR UO OF Be sOoupEE OF | PEUIIGHASS ASTD SEG MBOURHOOD 156 GRAIL | CREED TTPO NAC EIEN DS UF 29 SOLA BUGS | SE PELERTRIETS TE EOL PLAETS SBUNE Yd g, OUNDED JY KING EDWARD YLA.D.1682 We tedusue 10a, . BAPAUNABOLNIUE BAEC TLD Lose in iit SEE EL PINT x ay, Pesce Sha tcanosess santo = Nit ey I fe = nt Oe Woe = peor: re te PLATE 6 0 f —p - PLATE 7 IGRAUK BA Ms “Ny RUE Bs \ if WF Bean TS SS Aen bs ditispups® SELEOE CONT DY as FSS CAMILLO” BOON F ARCHITETIO SERIMTORE MAESTRO: re f MELSEVIIEANNG 3 PD) OVEL CLO RIO) INSEGNAMEN! Pe CHE Vek 100 100 Pc eNaeS es OPENING VANDE \\ NIEUW HEUNS GABOUV (De + WOO? ARGH? HPBERINGE AZ Z ife AVASoe SPV \NIA SO LZAN EVAL) (TT oe 5 CONSTANT BeAnNAR SARSIITEETE Tata aoe Compaen ne PLATE 9 qisaid275y, wr i. tsi VACTINT ECM, fi Peds y PIETY a oe {a > ~~ “ Meade ess i i sh SABO 95 > > EIRRET ee IO MMAGE ASEM AAS fae HE S9N COURS yu FRUCADE RO 45 FEVRIER 194% 60 CAB YSNE Ber PER vie 87 5, Key Ly erie i BAAN | » ABBEY ROBIE, AEC MUD BRB GPE, 2 ‘Less. 500 Oe oe sos he 8a: as e, : eh De LA VILGH bi asyuss +e, 103 es PLATE 13 os PA MW Ae ae B Ae, Elgh 80 POLY IS Hot VAL us, FEED WES Cid PLATE 14 iF) ‘| | | oa * pW PLATE 16 mete iy, ge 1473) i bs = OF SSCL BENT ED SHES REP UN ES TaTy oon PEM oid asin WOR ss atone rer st 124 121 PLATE 17 ERED VERE FON YT Te CYTE NIET? Gy 3 Peeler r a SUT DSS AY ‘ PPLE S ani AM Ap Asar ache £30 GS?” 126 @ Staines? PLATE 18 HGUO# OY WAisasa ya S/F Noite BF 998 049 J BE ASIDE D Tele eval iMScN nieve. sib yeas Wi visas s/h En ie eeytg ABIDING) soihst dines BE deg usval a vues itl Seldnets bony) daltons ae Juv saat) sto va ses se PETERS ROP TOTAL) Bparonrer ae Wolaeinves| cio cansasiel onenaaaw 7 SUAS io 9d typ “Ve lysine! aids aisAsunan O4Gabaird 3aoh- eas a — SU REE af if Boe Missing cays Viner en an WWE i ty | 7 PLATE 19 PLATE 20 oye Nae ads eens WATUS CLOSIS i HPAI TM GGE GLa “opie PLATE 21 = SS Nt SZ, Sls Ri) N Na = YIN Z ATLA TA noes, \ oom wo Oy q VY BLS AID Y | FIWAND ES eo | Wl 445 Zi) | e8 oY Vv Ne) PLATE pee if ‘ef Ps Lf heey Feo ws ITE. gq fi LACAN IE i D, | iene py courre 4 fr) pees By pu Suser fas, ¥ be Perouse a Pipa: Pp ap) Saran fia sy vasrasy oe auewenanieso > at BSL DINID PEBUAZT ; GZP27 MOSES Debt. bah wiyity Aweiyvs — wouueoszes ae / eS a agg 8 192 | PLATE 22 nee 212 ARTIVM AMATORES [eyike yt yw | ADMIRATORES ADMIRERS os EDR A BS Be UHR UMAMINIOUS TOUR OF PUBLIC / L AMEI DECC ais) pti aha. ANE DEEL VTL = OBI MY PLATE 1) wat PLATE 26 i i This MEDAL entitles CHARLES BULPINGH BIg Sto.a Seatin the Bos’ <> sh PUTS py Prefented | emitted: and liberal Atte é Plan and’ Bxecutio That Building Eleginee of which ist PLATE 2 DOUTOTIN GO BEE cel PINE ra, BY im Naw yobs. tiie ON i Yo, ‘ We 1 BS, : ewe + ae \e any fie in te 4 Aan 1 ia AAAI i ur ij etait mip ge a OD you wiv, wads Navuiysvs: Lauds: easaasigdss & OsgouussD2un, sat tnt ASL, AD 03 4B, oe ould 8 yaa, yer a0 yaa 209,009 Sue Daas, Dusuety o avass UD ULL ISS Uva yous 2 235 PLATE 29 COUPHERE 3Bp COLMAR ORME ze yg 4 a aha IN G Haine ne a4 a ff i THO 4 HAN nee \ ci rt aa: Bo RV Eh i) GLITTER UE: By Ue BUSeUU sisi Cioran yi SET LENT Say sane y PHATE, 32 HAT ENO. 1855 —|IF1O Sli nile SARC OG GAN DY YON PLATE 34 WROTE BERGA EEO erONE MUO > ¥ Dye, Sie MAY'S BLAU CONSID NITY PUAN ORTIZ ae Waka 294 296 poe 160-18 yy CC al PLATE oe) a0 PLATE 36 PLATE 37 ADM OV WUE HOR ACAL PAT HIAL DEGOKIS « MYMOKTADE WOM BABCY OAM BOL Vi IOYe Nvaiiio 336 Upecen crit : Gierk s ancontt ) Guan Aut ‘ A Gur “n \ oe / } £h\\ Perr: Wp y | > iy 2 DN czodurrenss AWAgAI MUeCe cay TURNEERG PLaTE 38 Pees CAGSSEL PONCE Qi IBeyy Y CASON EE VOMOP Rernez? NORGE RE CEB ALM EGE SIG: 351 / PLATE 39 Vi 1H ay Fite sit ni ra Pity Sa) i 9 Hani | WBA 1860 ae BA i j ue ; } es } ice i] i HEN a cu ty teary iy isin DA Ue, Bre ae ii UATSON DE SUR RNG, POUR RUNS A SRUR UG 623, HD GURU ADS GAKUEUD Beemunoruntcnrary 5 ELD MO x TN eae PALAIS De SUSVIGR SoA WAGON DARA (AYERS 357 MOUS YN! irae PA DUIS la es Ay ata linn, os ional wy Ts Aj ys Rericancns PD he fie mn valle J 70. Do PES GOMpbe 414 PLATE 50 oo SU Dips waoite fala star tin ap ete GY Hota i SVAMDUD Oh Au Bua bang DAE VEE O RT Di tae Vu sey (sie ik ae . OPENGN it NDE Se puony, ALD MEDIA ay 4384 » t io BOERS A DPOB OPUS MUMS, Ha Kdtie 1200 OF / BOSne DONE MES ROD SE MAVE DERE NID TY Ais Bu iD 1 OF Dive wits Doin ) RENE RONAN OL nee Meson EO KY ASD (30 94 WEN WEN PRRERET IER REE SY EER TOPT) zag SOY 2300, 000 Se Za — 422 PNA 1552 — DzSeN29 Bf CAP INN FOWL E Bs 97303) PEI ae CYETONEO RY) i» PETE SOINEDURED Ereey iy, th egaaat RY CEG 426 UW) = B : rae " : : = fi fe Dt ans ¢! UR) GAR [Ep a | 2 \ le ee a a | a a IF, PUATe 388 SSNVOMENTA 5 Bey inh yy: Weary, Sod] A, 2h ped fs ef Any % RAGES 3 2 MLE-ROY: oy \- NE BONNEVILLE: 2 fe the HIRAM SaOttE OF : pais CuUnciE 83 ALD, BYP MIG IN HOMOUAE OF, OS BALL OF DARI MOUs, Fivarats3) eSiU hte Bee NED SAS Bet ee betes bt nT t We Jui Dosey, 132s, OWUEe tei tert OnE a. a LEO, GIS-UOD VI © BUSS cieuusty ASAD AUD YAGER se 70g ‘ALE: Oseretsueiods. D GHELZ HE MONESS S10TS A DALY ise. mete ‘ AUIGHY HoONouA HE co OVO DART OM BEC UBUai ei UPK AB eros ey DANIO EEO TOY CDSE) LiGir weyaugsty : BORG HEEL Aur DD, LORD BIdtOU On ELBA EVE 3} gh” NOUS PUNO Ost Te 85 Uy PLAST Ape bisacs BEY? SAMUEL CRANE LN cee otter nip 13 GOODIES Aue uve, pe es ewoinceceur Agia PLATE 54 “iy ; TAIN ARIUS ear PLATE 56 Piramensi7 QQ ie aaa ag PEE) Qed ener ites daar, 501 . is aw vid seine gov FFU SDSIICE PIIOEY at P Wika 159) . 497 | HisU done ire J CHARi ZS SUC I NOT ve MeN Mid fae x Oy Gee BERG ES Go HOVGYOM Bie, 4D IST PANGAN OAD ISIN y SH OPM eUULL DIG rhe pat sos FttasoWwesy? tenisiausieny ae AE CO 4 502 160 wae hy 104+ neLenr DS {i 2900 pies ond ving 499 | 5 Hanson 2 Wane Y Gipseisaness : Moe i rir al x PATERACTO A fe PEL AZHA rroiene fA soszpio ee HEL UZ AURAL 2 OSTEMVEATITHAGL sossit TF aunoncos £7. 722: AAHIALO 311810 wren rer AAP ESL Ui 4 sey ae ‘eat i alae eis AP ~~ EaOVAUG TN “NG _ YIDALON ~\ PHS ANNONAY | DW VW DEG, KEY ona SDeG, > Nokurain@aersesijos jeg WssiDS MU stiad PaAsaleAlD, _ 1844, PLATE 59 have’ funt: hy, y Som ovis J sd fig Dif, in eras Tt, Lf ue (SS Se je y s AS ig 60 PLATE PLATE 61 uy Wiss Mae iil 523 2. See. LCST 552 PLATE 64 , we MSO NA py sha 215, Qa. SD ae \xtf SANS JEFFERSON CJ > a = I LAGE 65 Limp 21D Was AbopteD Whe 4 iy i eH ZIIONIE A Tauciaia : psi PLATE 66 PLATE 67 707) BEESON | HUSTON A yz GELA HANDSOME OUvEINa #98 MELE VOLO OSS pA ree disoe , qian Aililt Cassvgas UBETEDHIEY A Du swite Bow pansion ‘s 191 ) Youu ia ond 4 ball 5, S S) Pe i SO 33 Sty 3 iS GOT PLATE 69 ie MESH | PLATE 70 Ss yw ue se Seeee uncut? io) hoses et Sy fe Oa PASI PANG OU GANH uty eta, 12 ity, OU SUD By igyy, d + - PHATE 71 ie) PLATE “I me / De PANE RTH IRL DUE AY DESIG aaah Feces eh b: = DEH NG i: HOPBYRC: f GEGEN -DEN-MICHABLER PENA AYE-ALLERHOBCHSTEN- BE BB ETE, \ VIE OBBREB IRVING BSC VK BYRGHAVETMANMES NID Ai TED FERDINAND KinseriNar: |) BEGONNEN:IA99-VOLEBNDEt=1g95 | YON D MUP WIR ENDEN Seva Net zzif y YD INDYSPRIELL EN ZK BRINE CEYDINET 622 ABDE Wun Pus Be One H nD APEKON DTI a eu LE UDUNG a : GUID Ae prints: sa pAAeh ins UNTER MD. STADEPS CECE AN JOU, wee HeuBOLD ND PLE OW cht ne LE EEO It vURD ND vie PRATE “I ta 5 is i LEY WPM WIG 2 CURA | APH ant EN DEGISO bee RK fe RCH (TEC = FRITZ bce VOSGENBERGER 1049 9 pos PLATE 76 —) —— (= PAGER GD, Lt eS ; > Senysurs = auth 3 DLBANE Daa ~~ S SS rimorennen, TUGHTONS ve SEER: i PLATE 77 Mei Jaule E- AMERICAN: Vitor. Vibrhi TAT \AAREES SIOLLE ISAT poet oH dy aly ERK 7) i d ‘ Abts, PLATE 78 So ae {IME RV} Be | BAY DE AYER {i ESTE : VG ae ame | MAN LS : — oe cc = 1 Ge Ww. tA TOS LBODSI ‘| AN. WDE ] Gey pee é Want ane: 3) Sa ed PLATE 79 ee Sede ie CHE {LE} RESTAVRE Delt “4 = SERBANDE (REQny, <= so EEA VEUAT He taiatisdie SA j BAIALO, Mo rvugenig jf Ns De Ds , | {) Nau Douoaeets, i fi } y ] S Sey of” PLATE 81 BEA 742 PLATE 82 Res MMOOY, Lussvoss, dus SY Dy EdD QOSMIO yf es ey Ni Bria ¥ Baad Gres CBIBTAL PALAG! SYDEN DN i i mr fl i i iii PLATE 83 " POURED y Ld e JULLPM PALEY, “ “ew Bini! ‘ 20 % Hess a , . Y E r PLATE 84 Fav yp os: fe vusrsan dou pr OP vite, fuss xeOON Ash AOR UUe LOM OF -11E2 SILL LOM f WAS sunue gD OM ute - EO Dah oy avuuye \B52 By MAL NING aA. UAL SLA Psy GuyeIAG PNAAOA UO, = MT UOIMIEANCOR. WON Oy WILE ayaNy CUTAN IgE pes N GYD) URueNED BY Py Oise wo PLATE 85 Longo El “7 Khiny 9 aT A PAE , a 4) 7 LASHAYE | pene ee | “INEULDIGING> 1 YAM DE om VLAAMSCEHE OPERAS DGVOBER ADOT >| | ALON HERVOES BURG MM Ge sie, VIMO DESEL I, SUB RS PR AE EN, SNS VAN UE CAM yan Bus) LLC UROL EVANS, SU ae aE EE, AYU. PUSSHM URS, SUOMI ALBIS VAN Meus he DeAvasoU Munsee > es ae \ # Sky a 687 COTE, AV NR SSD DY VLD Cent, mony re DN M.De.kery, | | Daa GuAitve MONNRS AAsyAsa — ig diag, ec sae Se PLATE 86 ity aN aN YORSUA DIN N , Dus Cu ery i fe 724 Das Ave, ey us Bua Hiss EAM a DvweH | ENaINDA Hg ae Dae LOD LURING Soar tage (UOTE BET) MN? , be USE Ae ANON WOU Oe enya u ois he free 4 EA OEE ik PRES OCA CONT EET CNET © iain HOt SU AGNES EMO YS WE vOs UC ete, JSC VES HOSPEE AICHE BY ENACT UCD Be DD DOLD BIGOP DY LEM DING B58: AG CONE Die Piss © SUiRU Le Coase poy Beis 0.9 D280 Bygeitcmy 3127 eaiuise: OH isi OLA GLEAVES Te PUL O0.000. wud gunestiCOMTSENS 00s B49 au gy isdn 135) Ake APO BM EMAS ILLS se Aeeustyb swt os oxauiz soos. (BBLLO MUN Zit) Daizeros ove PAussiL ene ie: SOR EORTC ora Dye } if Bone POPE D EH ZL OTEH te BER YN (BR BD Be LORD Bis iE k ) GRACIOUS MA 1G CMOR Cri x ot sue eosin vee itis MOURN. iy eee \\ic ince cogs ¥ (Vanier duspensenuos ov BID COMaLtnIG 14520 KOS y NY syuaee wasins 4 Sue us vate Lit ODED BY it eae ee PLATE O7 88 PLATE PLATE 89 on oa MEAS OF sie MASE bie, 4 of te OLED UF MS Von ulLaene Anat ¥OSUGOUE palin We doula, WALLIN YAMB ONE ae NOME i aioe LORD Bi SURELY PROS PAL WDEs ART te: 4 sons) ubeseas 543 GaAs HONE JAS PLATE go at Q > iN X aN PATE O2 NT ECT E ; IPerirerC are PORTPERTS FIETOMICUES INGEGNER ALCLIEVE COLL aly - Susrerre \ 5, COMPAZIAML, Ai ies AUMISATO RI PLATE 94 Howl Et Ad Dev ASIA ANGELS SAVOLDI ‘Teh {5 ARCHITECTON OB sMRIFIC S.PETRI AL SACINT CHAT AIM EREO Yi PLAYSY 5D ©. dD. SYANGIY Asan TRON PLATE 95 (\ Ds DS WBA LA TS “aysiu ar ONE Dai by ye A AN yas Buszag 2p gus gaguss 3 “DS OLObAZ, 184 a eOTS. Nus 250% souk Son dens fusozsy., SPO oe aise ne Dei EL sin | Sousysie res Jeererersesat NSLS tine aes asso Ae YU Miotzedusy, PLATE 96 4 | q ? es = SAC Tae PLATE 97 INVER HES parE NIOOM: ANTLERS. GBT ine wosyues PLATE 98 (HERMANN HERDEL TTS MWAYERE SES Ss De ee PLATE 99 (ABDEEENS fADEEESY FI Ss NED, | ah IGIARD her! Gas Sie! cA ey, i SK Giisorso EnaileLe nd, sin 7 Ui i Ve tey ae PLATE 100 IO! PLATE AULD LU Us V) AY AY, WD BLY. CAN DNGL | PLATE 102 DF UTD MID fs CiNeODoEED Pane nr 7 eee es PLATE. Los rai JA I I o4 a D ih Ee 24d) yy oy I he 2lee = i Phi Ney i? (tu cone. 1% only DAES 902 > a 5 PLATE 105 Dulas Oye WYUATV AUT *\| OTL 40 MID EUUY ACA IE PLATE 106 biaad (ft 107 PLATE 1055 PLATE 108 PLATE 10g PLATE 110 VS PLATE PrADe 11 Be Aas ms PLATE 113 smerny ea 0c KS cAMD EAAIES NECOD-THSSIN, STOKHOL WIENSEM SHDUUEGIS. BL- SV: CVBIGVLAB IVIL SBCUNDUM CBaxA PLATE 114 yoy DB Ciyg > st 49) _™ SS Ais peiores BUEC I Nb a4c) SA a aepddexorr he SRY OR i . PALL ELA Si gic Ab Qiuincih Herausa, Angie Bul BdGgpene J beat Dp Riau) aes | ema Benialy hi a at i Poet ne OL cations SUI SUEAUD, AOABONY: AD? cae opigatssy — Sis et ag 1000 ek eiAitun wounoiite ees ay PLATE 116 d oa vy PLATE 117 CUVEE dee, Maas ZN ERFIIDERGEISS St. Guimstieeaat \S MESANNIOAUE DeFiunseZenn tre ~ sFussenulortell BAueo wouthit eogue Le YS Eauunve zu GZ S OD 4: PLATE 118 } oe BURT YONI ET ies = Gate ye GA omenrsr yy esnreyel 2 Bo “eepsrysary yy “eres E adokair(qatt eee LVL HN CICS BLO sh gh a - AUTH BEU VE Oirey ANE ia PAA G14% B10) tunes SO AvdeE saueny erieree a OBERT VIQLLMANN 1072 PLATE 119 Ad —y . FEST AND-KLAD PIR EE IND: (Arle i | | FID ERDIENISE ADE | SEAGER ELSES IG SESUFIER ONDER © EC MED FT REE ie DE sso LANE DBs UUAsNDS N Pirate ao Prarh tem Riri ia ONE UD Sopeaney) AUB Est A LLUNGH BU) AY MUNCIE, = \ BNIB ere Di if 2 CONT AD HAS AIDES DEO WOM SACRAS COMM US VARSAYIENS: AUGUBU CONS BS SOM: BY COVs ENS SVAMISL:AUGREGIS BY REIPUBLICA © \ SY RO ERE COBFIT, PipAman tes f Julesdacques VAN (SENDYCK “A ROHITECTE * 1346-190) K Seeiumanmenmsctosiermsiesrsameememeees 1091 2s SAAS LadAWO SinAvinospe nvaui~ Mg MD Sia . si D : 1o80b \ re 1lo8ob Ne | ‘en >, , |A MAURICE VAN YSENDYCKARCH "LE CONSEIL COMMUNAL 2 SEPT.1921. ~~ »_ —za eonmmoniontey , AS LOU = 1092 fj ao Li \ nN jth Me DIO HALE RIA AUING Yost PABUBBEN Fane De, as ib Ie pee ea Set up and printed by THE SCRIBNER PRESS under the direction of JULIAN P. SMITH BSpecyal 90 { Ouanrve , 22 \S93