i | LIBRARY | : _M.Knoedler& Co. 14 East 57th St. New York semanas icine ace 974 FREE PUBUIC EXHIBITION From Saturday - October 29 Until Time of Sale Weekdays g to 6 7 Sunday 2 to 5 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Thursday Evening, November 3 Beginning at 8:15 O’Clock EXHIBITION & SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City e Peters CONDUC LED BY Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association « Inc MANAGERS 1927 Priced (a talogues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. | The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION = Inc Designs its Catalogues and Directs -All Details of Illustration Text and Typography No. 73. Maponna AND CHILD By Francesco ad’ Albertino Ubertim Called Il Bacchiacca | | Oil Paintings OF THE ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH AND BRITISH SCHOOLS WITH WORKS BY BOTTICINI, IL BACCHIACCA, POUSSIN GUIDO RENI, CANALETTO, GUARDI BRUEGHEL, ISENBRANDT, ROMNEY RAMSAY, REYNOLDS, BEECHEY AND FANTIN-LATOUR UNDER MANAGEMENT OF THE American Art Association IWCOR PORATED New York 1927 2. 8. Conditions of Sale CLAIM,» REJECTION oF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Tue Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir sy Buyer. ‘The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. QA deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices a3 may be required. Q[If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. RisK AFTER PurcHASE. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. De.ivery or Purcuases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the saie. Recerprep Bitts. Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a re- ceipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. STorAGE IN DEFAULT OF Prompt PAYMENT AND CALLING FoR Goons. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. C[In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. SuHippinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in 10; Il. which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, how- ever, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. GuarRANtTy. ‘The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. (I Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. BuyYING ON Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Q[Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid for volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H. PARKE «<: cAuctioneers AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers 2 ree out A * Dam > : Lf. /~ ® i EVENING SESSION _ Thursday, November 3, 1927 at 8:15 O'Clock . Catalogue Numbers I to 97 Inclusive JOHN ~ A SMITH BriTisH: 1752—1812 ae OF A LADY Bust-length figure of an elderly lady seated in an armchair, _ her right hand raised to her cheek. Her high-coiffed gray hair is dressed with a lace hood, and she wears a blue bodice and black and white fichu. Oval crayon drawing: Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches {Companion to the following] \ Pit Pee JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH “f "=e BritisH: 1752—1812 2. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Similar to the preceding—probably the portrait of a relative. Oval crayon drawing: Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches [Companion to the preceding | 17 S 4 Coen beeen SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. BRITISH: I1'753—1839 Vi ae 3. PORTRAIT OF MES AN Tee Half-length figure of a middle-aged lady with brownish hair bound by a fillet, wearing a semi-décolleté ivory-white bodice, girdled at the waist. Shaded background. Oval: Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches FRANCESCO GUARDI [| ATTRIBUTED TO] VENETIAN: I'7I12—1793 ie 4, VENETIAN SCENE A Venetian lagoon reflecting the deep blue of the sky above, with numerous gondolas and sailing craft. At right, domi- nating the composition, the facade of a classic structure. At left and extreme right, other smaller buildings. Height, 12 inches; length, 15% inches [Companion to the following] 18 Be ecrscs GUARDI [Arrrisutep To] . VENETIAN: I712—I793 . o00— , i t 5. VENETIAN SCENE f An architectural landscape with buildings of classic contour. F In the foreground a suspension bridge spanning a translucent " waterway on which are two gondolas. Above is a blue sky flecked with billowy clouds. od Height, 12 inches; length, 15% inches [Companion to the preceding | cl JOHN [OLD] CROME BririsH: 1768—1821 oF 6. EDGE OF THE WOOD Centring the composition is a group of three lofty elms sil- houetted against a cloudy blue sky. In a sunlit clearing in the foreground are two grazing animals, and at right a pros- pect of receding landscape. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Collection of Viscount Leverhulme 19 TOEIN OPIE, ReAG BritisH: ey: f0.— 7. PORTRAIT OF A MAN ay Bust-length figure of a young man looking over his left — shoulder towards the observer, with bushy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wears a dark jacket with rolled col- lar and a white stock. Deep brown background. Spirited — _ sketch. Panel: Height, 1714 inches; width, 14 inches q ALFRED MILLS BRITISH: 1776—1833 3S 8. MOONLIT SCENE A brilliant moon in a sky massed with cumulous clouds, il- lumes the placid waters of the bay, upon which are various sailing craft. Upon the steep bank at the left is a castellated building, and in the foreground, upon the wooded bank, are two figures. Fleight, 1§ inches; length, see inches Sold to close an account 20 ALFRED MILLS .. Ej Rol t GL TH, : STORM roa lightning-flashed sky, mountainous country dis- a0 in the foreground a watercourse and falls; on the on frightened figures, and at the right, upon a rocky ence, a chateau. - Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches to close an account _ ALFRED MILLS BRITISH: 1776—1833 se. ma. 2 ft SHOOT A wooded area with the glimpse of a lake in the distance. In the foreground are various sporting figures with dogs. Above is a bright blue sky. Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches Sold to close an account 2! ALFRED MILLS | BRITISH: 17 1833 3o— (HX ow, It. “WIND ERSELN A snow-covered mountainous landscape, disclosing at right a rambling building; and in the foreground by the frozen falls, figures. At left are denuded trees. : Height, 15 inches; length a1 V4, inches E Sold to close an account GEORGE HENRY HARLOW, R.A. BrITIsH: 1787—1819 / E O The square of a Netherlandish village, exhibiting, with this — master’s humorous pleasantry, villagers, arrayed in brilliant- — ly colored festive garb, grouped about two child musicians. — i. At right and left are trees beside gabled cottages and in the — centre background a small Gothic chapel, before receding vistas of the village. Signed at lower right, under the dormer window, BRUEGHEL Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 31 inches Authenticated by Dr. Frimmel, Director of the Bavarian: q Gallery, Schénborn, and by Dr. Ludwig Baldase, of Vienna Exhibited at the Lanfranconi Gallery in Pressberg, 1895 Collection of Gustav Ritt. von Hoschek, Prague [See illustration | = 70 ALUV] SNAUACTIHD ‘IL ‘oN gee OF MURA ; XV On an js ae Go conn: THE LEGEND, OF SiG ko Cie The subject, treated historically, shows St. Ursula and the — English virgins—eleven thousand according to legend—ar- riving at Cologne on their way to Rome. Ursula, in the at- tire of a princess, her hair braided with jewels, is in the act — | of stepping on shore; one of her virgins holds up her train, P. another holds out her arm to support and assist her. A num- ber of her companions are seen entering the gates of the city; the Gothic cathedral and the towers of the secular build- ings of mediaeval Cologne are in the background. At the right of the composition, viewed through the open windows of the Palace, Ursula in her bedchamber is depicted receiv- ing the revelation from the angel that she and her compan- __ ions are to suffer martyrdom. The rich coloring and interest- ing composition of this scene are portrayed with dramatic ear- nestness and bespeak a charming conception-of this legend. Arched panel: Height, 29% inches; width, 22Y% inches [See illustration | 72 oe quai 2a —* aie bled i hina a! Tue LEGEND oF Sr. URsSuLA AY. Hore FRANCESCO D’ALBERTINO UBERTINI, Cattep IL BACCHIACCA FLORENTINE: I1494—I1557 350 o,.— 73. MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin Mother, with classic profile turned to the left, her cinctured hair elabo- \. rately coiffed, and wearing a fluctuating crimson bejeweled tunic covered by a voluminous greenish blue mantle. She embraces tenderly in her arms the well-modeled nude form of the Divine Infant, with golden curls. Both figures are haloed. Depicted before a rocky background with prospect at left of a bluish castellated landscape. Panel: Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches Crespi Collection, Milan Heilbuth Collection, Denmark . Described in Venturi’s work on the Crespi Collection, page 211, and reproduced on page 212; also described and reproduced in Venturi’s “La Galleria Sterbini”, page 133; and B. Berenson: “Florentine Painters”, third edition, page 109. [See Frontispiece | 75 74. A VENETIAN DOCTOR . JO O,~ Half-length figure of the bearded « closely fitting cap and a pase | writing. His left hand rests upon a and upon his right thumb he wears a 0 7 glass. Shaded background. fk eight, 3 e [See illustration] 76 No. 74. A Venetian Docror — hte Lira an tei " A tn ae ee PN D4 RT A EM SER lent ar mt RE T= EE eg GIROLAMO DA SANTA CROCE ITALIAN: XV—XVI Century ity cere: ST, NICOLAS DI BARI sis 5. Three-quarter-length tanne fore £ bearded saint wearing a richly embroider ed ct a crosier in his left hand and a missal in Ay ground of shaded blue sky with vistas of left and right. Panel! Height, 45 inches; tn, ae Attribution of B. Bernen and Dr. sida [See illustea oe 78 s pI BARI : No. 75. St. Nicor ee + Va , SCHOOL OF JAIME HUGUET a 7" Catatan: XV CENTURY 76. ANGEL, APPEARING TO THE SH. Vacs A PEG castellated he curiou the left [Se Toachimit inde A ahepheael who , their flock. The nimbi rendered in bulino work. Panel: Height, 42 yy eee widt Authenticated by Dr. August L. Mayer. | [See illustration] ° = iad 80 No. 76. ANGEL APPEARING TO THE SHEPHERDS ITALIAN SCHOOL | a CenTuRY, *. 77. _ THE HOLY FAMILY * yi SO, Full- length tee of the Meee upon His ene S enue Porte aes ting, revealing | ehugdkens: balustra ed p Height, 52 in he: Note: The sculptural modenenm ‘of t draperies are much in the manner of f i. om [See illustration] — ee : é 82 ~ ‘AMILY I THe Hoty 3 /0 On 78. ScHOOL oF SEVILLE: 1630 aS THE IMMACULATE CONCEPT The youthful full-length figure of Our I attitude, with flowing hair, dressed in partly covered by a fluttering shaded in a luminous light. She is supported | seraphim and cherubim. On either sid heads and at left the Holy Ghost i in M Ae Painted about #1670 Hes a Height, 57 ine nches Heilbuth Collection, Denmark. [See illustration] — ; 84 No. 78. THe IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 00. pee | / 79. SH, JOHN PREACHING IN THE Centring the composition is the full-leng of St. John, partially draped by a crimso a staff in his left hand, his right raised. _ amid the shadows cast by the deep green groups. Under a deep blue sky. Height, 49 ) inches. S idt Raval Academy Exhibition of the work A ae a: 1876 an) ed Collection of His Grace, the Duke of Westr i : venor House, London [See illustration] + 86 - No. 79. St. JOHN PREACHING IN THE WILDERNESS VC. Corer GEORGE HENRY HARLOW ne BritisH: 1787—1819 80. PORTRAIT OF MRS) GARI On ™ Three-quarter-length figure, seated in an armchair draped | with crimson, looking towards the observer. Her hair is dressed in ringlets which fall to her shoulders, and she is wearing a décolleté ivory-white gown with short puffed sleeves. | Fleight; 36 inches; width, 28 inches 88 SE * —— 7 — ee * SAMUEL LANE Py, BritisH: 1780—1859 JHOo — 81. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half-length figure of a white-haired gentleman, seated in a crimson armchair facing the spectator, wearing a white jabot and waistcoat partly covered by a buttoned blue sur- coat. Tinted brown background. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Authenticated by W. Roberts, London rele HUBERT ROBERT ; FRENCH: 1733—1808 82. LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS ANDW@EIGl 6 © © A wooded and mountainous receding landscape patterned - with poplars. In the right foreground by the banks of a — winding stream are the ruins of a classic memorial, near which an are animated figures and a small dog. | Inscribed at right upon the plinth: D. M. H. Rosert, PicTOR) €fC.aoe | | | Fleight, 36 inches; width, 28 inches ~ ? [ See illustration ] gO No. 82. LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS AND FIGURES GASPARD DUGHET, Catyép GASPARD POUSSIN ITALIAN: 1613—1675 83: CONVERSION VOR i Oe JLo Paul, habited as a Roman centurion, a noble figure though prostrate, as if thrown from his horse, is supported by a Roman soldier and attended by others. Above, in a heavenly glory, Our Lord in flowing draperies appears with a host 3 of angelic figures. Around are bewildered and awe-stricken soldiers. Octagonal: Height, 33% inches; length, 39% inches Collection of the Marchese Panciatici, Florence [See illustration | oy ©, 7 /; e Z 8 JOHN SINGLETON COPE BRITISH: 1737—I815 84. BARON NEWHAVEN OF CARRICK, SO 07 MAYNE, P: C2 Ne Three-quarter-length standing figure of the bewigged noble- man, facing the spectator, wearing waistcoat and jacket, re- WJ vealing lace jabot and cuffs. The hands are carefully posed, his hat being held under his right arm. Neutral background. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches g2 No. 83. Conversion oF Sr. Pau JOSEPH. HIGHMORE BrITIsH: 1692—1780 85. THE GARDEN PARTY | oe fe natural wooded garden with architectural renaissance ruin — at right. In the foreground, seated around a table, are three gorgeously robed ladies and two courtiers, At left a figure — proffering wine. \J Height, 28% inches; length, 38% inches — Collection of William Angerstein, Norfolk, England Collection of the late Mrs. C. Adair, Portman Square, 1 London | 9. £ LA ABRAHAM MIGNON GERMAN: 1639—1679 SO.0 Bd Dia ae US oe —Decorative composition of realistically and brilliantly por- trayed flowers massed in a jardiniére upon a table. Shaded background. . Indefinite signature at lower right Height, 38% inches; width, 29 inches 94 ’ GEORGE edie ) | BriTIsH: 1734—1802 37. A BRAHMIN | eee tr length seated figure of a bearded man with _ well-defined features in part profile to the right, his right | hand clasped about his left. He wears an ivory-white caftan. 7 y _ Prospect of a tower at right; under a blue sky. a Height, 39 inches; width, 27 inches = Note: ‘This picture was part of a large canvas cut into three parts, the other two being the portraits of Major Pierson and another man. Collection of the late T. J. Blakeslee See Ward & Roberts, “Romney: Catalogue Raisonné”, page 120 SAMUEL SCOTT BritisH: 1710 [?]—1772 V2eS.— 88. VIEW OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL : = ; ; In the foreground, the choppy grayish green waters of the Thames animated with picturesque sailing craft and row- boats. In the middle distance are the symmetrical structures of the Hospital and Naval College, and a distant view of the wooded elevation of Greenwich Park. Above is a gray atmospheric blue sky, ruffled with storm clouds. ae seed Sekt Height, 26% inches; length, 49 inches Sold to close an account 95 ANTONIO CANAL, Cattep CANALETTO VENETIAN: 1697—1768 89. ST. PETER’S, ROME W/ Oo0-* fine rendering of the Cathedral of St. Peter’s with its 3 huge cupola, and the Vatican Palace, outlined before a fine blue sky. In the foreground is the double colonnade of Bernini, giving the piazza the appearance of a vast vestibule, animated with monastic and secular figures, and three state coaches. | 4 Fleight, 28 inches; length, 43% inches Sold to close an account JOHANNES LINGELBACH 7 GERMAN: 1623—I1674 90. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Oe Retains view of mountainous landscape, disclosing in the foreground a marshy slope and at the left, waterfalls from a steep cliff, surmounted by a classic ruin. In the right ~ foreground is a beggar supplicating arms from two pictur- esquely garbed travelers, while an attendant stands at left with a pack mule. Height, 33% inches; length, 47 inches Sold to close an account 96 LOUIS TOQUE icietad 1696—1772 oe ae = POK TRAIT OF A LADY au Face e- quarter-length seated figure, facing the observer, the. powdered hair dressed with sprays of flowers. She wears a finely , shaded and draped ivory gown, and gracefully hale a ee of naturalistic garden flowers. Landscape ground. 4 bac o Height, 41 1 inches; width, 33% inches DUTCH SCHOOL XVII CENTURY Puma ae e- PORTRAIT OF A LADY Three-quarter-length standing figure, her left hand resting upon the arm of a chair. She wears a lace hood, large white ruff, and a black gown with lace cuffs. Dark background. Height, 45 inches; width, 33 inches 97 , d | : ~ JEAN GEORGES HIRN t FRENCH: 1777—1839 Ona SIL LoL bE 3 © © —A rocky landscape with a jardiniére of formally arranged garden flowers, grapes and peaches, in the foreground. Signed at lower right, J. G. Hirn, and dated 1824 Fleight, 48 inches; width, 36 inches Note: ‘This artist is well represented in the Louvre. ) lV, OO vee RUYSCH | DutcH: 1664—1750 G4, FLOWERS | / SO —Resting upon a marble-topped console table is a jardiniére of large blossoms and leafage, a butterfly hovering above; naturalistically painted before a dark background. Height, 49% inches; width, 38% inches Sold to close an account P ANTOINE MONNOYER, Cattep YOUNG BAPTISTE FrencH: XVIII CEntTuRY 95. FLOWERS 230 —Before a draped background, revealing at right a prospect ~ of blue sky, is a latticed jardinitre massed with naturalistic peonies, roses, tulips, honeysuckle and bluebells, with foliage. FHleight, 41% inches; length, 48 inches Sold to close an account 98 ALLAN RAMSAY, R.A. - Scorrisit: 1713—1784. AIT Sea A GENTLEMAN rarter-ler standing figure with powdered wig, own buttoned coat, white jabot and cuffs. holds a tricorne hat; his right un- ~ fA TOR D7-HONDECOETER | Doren: 1636—1695 ‘A Al ico ) POULTRY ATTACKED he fo i ound a white cock-chicken and a hen fluttering ‘or before the approach of a snarling dog, his feet on y rtur pigeon basket. At left by the sculptured ster are es partridges and snipe, and above, an <7 Height, 50 inches; width, 41% inches to close an account [END OF SALE] 99 CR AE eo ter ee INDEX OF ARTISTS AND THEIR - WORKS REPRESENTED rr » Kaspar Benepikt ia YCESC ~ [Autributed to] ic amat the Virgin : eae lag e Festival ae TEI | E Ba. » Peon, THE YouncEr ¥ fee TO [Antonio Cana] St. ares, Rome NALETTO [Awnronio Canat] [Attributed to] Venetian Scene ea: - RLE VARIS, Luca, CALLED CasANOBRIO = S Giorgio Maggiore e Doges’ Palace and the “Carceri” 1 PLE » JoHN SINGLETON = Baron Newhaven of Carrick, Mayne, P. C. . yt "ES, Francis, R.A. ere of a Lady Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Gentleman CATALOGUE NUMBER 35 68 56 vs 89 AI 38 39 84 34 44 59 CATALOGUE : NUMBER CROME, Joun [Otp] ; Edge of the Wood DA VITERBO, Antonio The Nativity D’HONDECOETER, MEtcuior Game and Poultry Attacked DOWNMAN, Joun, A.R.A. Portrait of a Young Man DROUAIS, Francois Huserr Portrait ofa ady DUGHET, Gasparp [caLLEp Gasparp Poussin | Conversion Of oeeeeau 83 DUPONT, GainsBorouGH Portrait of the Marchioness of Townsend 25% DUTCH SCHOOL Dutch Landscape with Figures and Cattle 1% f | Dutch Landscape with Figures and Cattle 164 Portrait of a Lady Q2 | FRANCOIS, Jean, THE SECOND Portrait of a Gentleman 36 GARDNER, Danie. Portrait of Lord Saye and Sele 18 Lorenzo pt Niccord [Attributed 10] ration of the Kings ay 1 of Our Lord ' | Attributed to| ‘ —— 2% \RLC a} M , GEORGE Henry, R.A. = Ag Prete of Lady Nina Willoughby and aes. — : * ortrait of Mrs. Harriot ; a te * IGHMORE, Joseru = The Garden Party 4 HIRN, Jean Grorces "4 . . > Still Life ~_ ee 21 22 a 58 12 80 85 93 HONE, NatHanigL ~ Rortrait) of ae laa. HUDSON, THomas Portrait of Francis Bassett, Esq. Portrait of a Lady . HUGUET, Jatme [School of] Angel Appearing to the Shepherds ISENBRANDT, Aprian The Holy Family in Landscape ITALIAN SCHOOL The Holy Family Enthroned Madonna and Child The Holy Family LANE, Samuer Portrait of a Gentleman UBL Sincere Portrait of James II Portrait of Queen Mary of Modena Portrait of Lady Castlemain LICINIO, Bernarpino A Venetian Doctor LINGELBACH Landscape with Figures — . CATALOGUE NUMBER 14 86 8 9 10 II Mountainous Landscape with Figures 57 : — | : M ONNovER, Antoine [CALLED Younc Baptiste | _ Flowers | 95 a cscs Jean BaptistTE | Basket of Flowers 26 Flowers 55 MORLAND, GEORGE Fruits of Industry 13 MURANO [School of| 3 The Legend of St. Ursula 72 ~ MURILLO, Barrotomé Estépan_ [| Atiributed to | _ Madonna and Child and St. Francis 67 | OPIE, Joun, R.A. Portrait of a Man 7 - - CATALOGL ee 7 NUMBE!I OWEN, Wir.ian, R.A. } a Portrait of a Young Girl Child with Kitten RAMSAY, Attan, R.A. Portrait of the Earl of Hardwick Portrait of a Gentleman RENI, Gurpo St. John Preaching in the Wilderness REYNOLDS, Str JosHusy Pie Age of Innocence Portrait of Master Henry Vansittart RAC: SEBASTIANO Adoration of the Virgin RIGAUD, Hyacintue Francois Honore Jacques Rigaud and Family RIGAUD, Joun Francis Stephen Francis D. Rigaud and Family ROBERT, Huserr Landscape with Ruins and Figures ROMNEY, Georce Portrait of Dr. Haviland A Brahmin = ‘ gz . . Ny Ne Ae oe v = Ve aA sa - 2s ad a 4 i . @ i — - ~. CATALOGUE Sa a, NUMBER SSELL, Joun, R.A. ee Portrait of the Hon. Anthony Burlton-Bennett 17 ia “Ts 94 View of oeahaaa Hospital 88 — as SMI’ TH, Joun RapuarEr la Portrait of a Lady : I a Portrait = a _ Lady 2 STARK, eh sae af a - Landscape with Peasant Figures 54 _ SUSTERMANS, Jusrus Bt Youth in Armor 40 Ee TOQUE, Louis Portrait of a Lady gI TOURNIERES, Roserr Levrac Portrait of a Lady 37 TURNER, G. A. Windsor Great Park 19 UBERTINI, Francesco p’ALBERTINO [CALLED In Baccuiacca | Madonna and Child 73 -VALDES-LEAL, Don Juan pe The Immaculate Conception — VAN DYCK, Sir ANTHONY ‘The Virgin and Child VAN STRY, Apranam Rural Landscape > —- ae ! Tae ° 4 = - VERNET, JosrepH [CraupE] [A‘tributed to] Marine ao . WYATT, Henry oe | Portrait of a Young Girl © en es | mAreRAISALS FOR eee STATES &© STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS ee Bg > HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vale libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the cAssociation. @Q.Upon request the cAssociation will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the eAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION «+- INC Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01663 eiits Lye trp rte ‘3 bu ood tee alice ars eel > Bs resent eset ity ‘ante ee t : Srtcte Yeh ‘ teers 3 — She beige : cn Dang ray pt, ah “. b eee “v4 ie ape hy i yyy 2 m pk te ria - s Hale Oy tain ds pete eg ea a sega s ~ ot paar Sate eye hee e cae tgs =, Bes asia eyeeiaapheg eas sn ms ESA, . hs ate re , 2 ‘ote weet Sete ptaby! * eS aos * Ri aetat iene - neat e ate 5: oa inti Myth. Puy, =) ‘ a ; cw See ay ‘om = yale * Rats Ya rein ty t4 A : ¢ petycnt ; oy eran Rane Aeaat Pe