CATALOGUE OF THE SPLENDID, CHOICE, AND CURIOUS LIBRARY OF P. A. HANROTT, ESQ. PART THE SECOND, INCLUDING A Granp ano Brivuiant AsseMBLAGE OF Desry'’s COLLECTION OF VoyaGes To THE East anp West INnpigEs, wity Dupticate EpitTions AND ‘TRANSLATIONS, IN BEAUTY AND EXTENT NEARLY UNRIVALLED, 30 vol. splendidly bound in morocco, the most extensive and extraordinary Series ever sold. Homeri Opera, Greece, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, VERY - RARE, red morocco, Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, Florent. MCCCCLXXXVIII. Lucretii Opera, beautiful Manuscript, of the XVth Century, upon VELLUM. Horatii Opera, Beautiru, Manuscript, or THE XVTH CENTURY, UPON VELLUM. Joseph, Les Anciennetés des Juifs, Magni- ficent Manuscript, upon vellum, with Miniature Paintings, from the Towneley Collection. Horsley’s Britannia Romana, LARGE PAPER, VERY RARE, morocco. Lord Coningsby’s History of the Manor of Marden, PRIVATELY PRINTED, extremely rare, in russia, Hornor’s Illustrations of the Vale of Neath,a macniricent CoLLECTION OF Drawincs in Water Colours, green mvrocco. Huot, Mon Passe Tems, 2 vol. a most beautiful Manuscript, with original pen and ink Drawings of infi- nite merit, in morocco. Hystoire du Sainct Greaal, qui est le Premier Livre de la Table Ronde, First EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE, Paris, 1516. Collection of Chinese Drawings. Collection of Hindoo Draw- ings. Piranesi, Opere Varie, 30 vol. Le Brun, Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais, et Allemands, 3 vol. in 2, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, morocco, Harris’s Aurelian, Thirty Original Coloured Draw- ings, upon vellum, of Butterflies, Moths, &c. morocco. Hakluyt’s Voyages, FIRST EDITION, with the rare Map and suppressed leaves, russia. Hakluyt’s Voyages, Second Edition, with the original sup- pressed Voyage to Cadiz, morocco, Lithgow’s Travels, Charles I's, Copy, LARGE PAPER, UNIQUE, @ copy of extraordinary beauty. Holy Bible, 6 vol. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED WITH Prints, magnificently bound in morocco. Hewnricr VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, First EDITION, with Archbishop Crunmer’s Autograph, a great curiosity, Pynson, 1521. Knox's History of the Church of Scotland, First EDITION, suppressed, extremely rare, 1581. Geographi Greci Minores, ab Hud- sono, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE. Dante, Divina Commedia, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, EXTREMELY RARE, Aldo, 1502. THE BEAUTIFUL Missau, with MINIATURES, EXECUTED FOR Mary oF BuRGUNDY. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. EVANS, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 93, PALL-MALL, On Monday, August 5, and Eleven following Days, (Sunday excepted). 1833. i a: enw (Aug. 3 -(0, 12-17. tory -_— | CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Tue highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed, shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Il. No Person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d.; and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery ; in default of which, Mr. Evans will not hold himself responsible if lost, stolen ? damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise ex- pressed in the Catalogue, or in the following Conditions, or at the time of Sale; but if any of the others, upon collating within seven days should prove defective, the Purchasers will be at Liberty to take or reject them. VI. No. 2560, Piranesi, Opere. No. 2561, Collection of Debry’s Voyages will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. | VII. The Sale of any Book or Books, Illustrated with Portraits, Prints or Drawings, or of any Collection of Portraits, Prints or Drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any Error of Enumeration of the Portraits, Prints or Drawings, stated in the Catalogue. VIII. The Sale of any Book, or Books, is not to be set aside on account of any Stained, or Short Leaves, or want of List of Plates. | IX. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges on such Re-sale. *,* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, R. H. EVANS. Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James’s. CATALOGUE OF THE SPLENDID, CURIOUS, AND VALUABLE LIBRARY, OF P. A. HANROTT, ESQ. PART THE SECOND. FIRST DAY’S SALE. [Each Day’s Sale will commence Punctuatty at HALF PAST 'T'WELVE. | Octavo et Infra. 1 Alcoran, traduit par Du Ryer, gilt leaves, Haye, 1685 2 Alvarez, Description de l’Ethiopie, morocco, gilt leaves, Anvers, 1558 3 Anacreon. Grece, printed in capital letters, red morocco, . Parma, 1791 4 Anacreon, Grece, printed in capital letters, rive PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, . - Parma,-1791 5 Antiquarian and ‘Topographical Cabinet, tara PAPER, 6 vol. - in 8, h. b. green morocco, uncut, gilt tops, - 1817 6 Apulée, L’Ane d'Or, 2 vol. plates, fine COPY, in old French red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1707 7 Aretino, Horatia, RARE, olive morocco, este leaves, Vineg. 1549 -8 Aretino, Ragionamenti, con La Puttana errante, ahd: yellow morocco, - - Cosmopoli, 1660 9 Aristea de Settanta due interpreti, trad. per Domenichi, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Firenze, Torrentino, 1550 10 Athenagorze Opera, Gr. et Lat. LarGE PAPER, red morocco, with joints. Williams’s Copy, - Oxon. 1682 11 Bacon, Saggi Morali, tradotta da Mateo, Autograph of Sir Tobias Matthew inserted, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lond, 1613 *,.* In the Preface are many curious particulars re- ” specting Lord Bacon. B 22 37 [2] Baglione, Arte del Predicare, - Vinegia, Torresano, 1562 Balbi, Viaggio dell’ Indie Orientali, Venetian morocco, gilé leaves, ~ - - Venet. 1590 Bancroft’s Natural History of Guiana, 1769 Baratti’s Travels into the Low Countries of the Abissins, by G. D. . - - ene 1670 Bassanier, Histoire de la Floride, contenant les Voyages faits en icelle par certains Capitaines Francois, Dedi- cated to Sir Walter Ralegh, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1586 Barozai Noei Bourguignon, avec une Glossaire des Mots Bourguignons, green morocco, ny Dioni, 1720 Barzoni, I Romani nella Grecia, - Trento, 18138 Batacchi, Raccolta di Novelle, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Milano. Beard, Pedantius, Comoedia, morocco, - Lond. 1631 Beauchamps, Hipparchia, Histoire Galante, plates. Beckford, Vathek, marbled leaves, - Londres, 1815 Bembi Epistole, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt. leaves. Sir John Thorold’s copy, - Venet. Scotti, 1552 Berner’s (Juliana) T reatyse - ibe ie with an Angle; 1827 Berni et altre Opere in Terza rime, - 1542 Bernier, Histoire de la derniere Revolution des Etats du Grand Mogol, - - 1671 Bernier’s History of the Revolution os the Empire of the Great Mogol, - - - 1671 Bertelii Diversarum Nationum habitus, gilt leaves, Patavii, 1589 Berwick’s Lives of Corvinus and Atticus, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, : - 7. Edin. 1813 Bethencourt, Histoire de la Descouverte et Conqueste des Canaries. Plus un Traicté de la Navigation moderne, &e. morecco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1630 Bezz Poemata juvenilia, title injured, red morocco, ad insigne capitis mortui, 1548 Bezz Poemata, portrait, ruled, red morocco, gilt leaves. Sir John Thorold's copy, - (Paris, Barbou,) 1757 _Bible in Short-hand, ruled, old morocco. Bible. Quadrains Historiques de la Bible. Cuts by le Petit Bernard, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Lion. 1555 Bible, Figures dela Bible, illustrées des huictans Francoys, Cuts by le petit Bernard, Xc, 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1564-70 Bijoux Indiscrets, par Diderot, marbled leaves, Monomotapa., Bizzari Varia Opuscula. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, gilt leaves, .. = = - ~ Aldus, \ 565 38 39 51 52 53 54 55 [3] Blosius’s Mirrour for Monkes, plates, morocco, Paris, 1676 Boccaccio, Il Decameron, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, by Kalthoeber, - - Amsi. (Elzevir,) 1665 Borromeo, Notizia de’ Novelliere ‘Italiani posseduti dal Conte, gilt leaves, - - Bassano, 1794 Bortomeo, Catologo de Novellieri Italiani posseduti dal Conte, half morocco. . : Bassano, 1805 Boucher, Sermons de la simulée conversion et nullité de la pretendue absolution de Henry de Bourbon, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Jouxte l Exemplaire de Paris, 1594 Boucher, Histoire du Pays de la Nouvelle France vulgaire- ment dite Canada, calf, gilt leaves, ~ Paris, 1664 Bouillon, Histoire de la Vie et du Purgatoire de S. Patrice, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1651 Bowles’s Sonnets, 1796. Collection of Poems, printed on tinted paper, , - : 1796 Brandt (Seb.) Stultifera Navis, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, - Augusta per Schensperga, 1497 Brathwaite’s Ar’t Asleepe Husband? a Bolster Lecture, frontispiece by Marshall, - : 1640 Brathwait’s Barnabee’s Journal, by Haslewood, 2 vol. 1820 Breviarium Romanum, ruled, old red morocco, richly tooled, Antverp. 1561 Breviarium Romanum, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, EXTREMELY RARE, some of the borders illuminated, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Ferrarie, per Laurentium de Rubeis de Valentia, 1492 *.* Van Praet does not mention any copy of this upon vellum. Brunus (Jordanus) De Imaginum, Signorum et Idearum compositione, old yellow morocco, % Francf. 1591 Burgus de Bello Suecico, portraits, old red morocco, Leod. 1643 Cabinet Satyrique, 2 vol. olive morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1666 Caldcleugh’s Travels in South America, 2 vol. half morocco, 1825 Campegius de Auctoritate et Potestate Romani Ponti- ficis et alia Opuscula, Venet. apud Paulum Manutium, 1555. Campegius de coelibatu Sacerdotum non abro- gando, Venet. ad signum Spei, 1554, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. Aldus, 1502 Caviceo, Dialogue intitule le Peregrin, traduict par Fran - rey Dassy, black letter, old morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Nicolas Couteau, 1528 [4] -Cazotte, Olivier, Poeme, 2 vol. gilt leaves, . Paris, 1798 Cecchi, Comedie tre, - Venet. Giunti, 1585 Celsus de Medicina, French blue morocco, silk linings, gilt leaves, - - Venet. Aldus, 1528 Cicero. Locutione dell’ Epistole di.Cicerone scelte de Aldo Manucci, red morocco, Aldine tooling, Aldo, 1587 Cicero's Letters to his Friends, by Melmoth, 3 vol.. 1799 Champollion, Precis du Systeme Hieroglyphique des An- ciens Egyptiens, half morocco, oe Paris, 1824 Charron de la Sagesse, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, Elsevir. Cheek’s (Sir John) Hurt of Sedition, black letter, gilt leaves, London, W. Seres, 1576 Cholieres, aie neuf Matinées, Paris, 1585 Cinthio, Orbecche, Tragedia, gilt ladies Vineg. Aldo, 1543 Clain, Historia Britannica, VERY RARE, morocco, gilt leaves, Amberge, 1603 Clarke’ s Repertorium Bibliographicum, portraits, LARGE PAPER, 2 Vol. russia, gilt leaves. Mr. Brockett’s copy, 1819 Claudianus, notis Heinsii, morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1650 Clotilde, Poesies de, Poete Francais du XV° Siecle, maroon morocco, gilt leaves, - 4 Paris, 1804 Collins, Discours sur la liberté de penser, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Lond. 1714 Constitution de la Republique Frangaise, red morocco, Paris, 1796 Corte real, La Verdadera Historia, y admirable successe del segundo cerco de Diu, traducida en lengua castel- lana por Pedro de Padilla, Poema, green morocco, gilt leaves, the last leaf injured, rare, - Alcala, 1597 Cortes, Lazarillo da Manzanares, con otras cinco Novelas, morocco, gilt leaves, Lo = Mad. 1620 Corvini Jus Canonicum, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. Elzevir, 1663 Coryat’s Crudities, 3 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves, » 1776 Cory’s Fragments of the Writings of Sanchoniatho, Be-. rossus, &C. LARGE PAPER, - - 1828 Cossigny, Voyage au Bengale, 2 vol. - Paris, 1799 Costa, Musa Pueril. green morocco, gilt leaves, Lisb. Occid. 1736 Costanzo, Istoria del regno di Napoli, 3 vol. marbled leaves, Milano, 1805 Costo, Il Fuggilozio, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - _ Venetia, 1620 Costume of Norway, Forty Original Coloured Drawings. Costumes Francais de 1200 a oe 15, plates coloured, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. Cottin’s Elizabeth, plates after Westall green morocco, 1817 [5] 86 Cotton’ sT peemenphiiee) ss chsh interleaved, half morocco, : uncut, =" Oxford, 1825 87 Cour de France Deabsansidter sa morocco, gilt leaves, Cologne, 1687 88 Cour de 8. Germain, ou les intrigues dn Roy d’Angleterre, morocco, . - ~ St. Germain, 1695 89 Courier Generale des Affairs de ce temps, calf, extra, » Paris, 1619 90 Courtenay, De Stiree eT OrniGINeE Domus DE CouRTENAyY, EXTREMELY RARE, Ted morocco, gilt leaves,‘ . Par. 1607 91 Courtilz, La Vie de Gaspard de Coligny, calf, gilt leaves, Cologne, (Elsevier,) 1686 9% Coustau, Le Pegme, en Frangoys par Lantoume de Romieu, wood cuts, old morocco, - - Lyon, 1560 93 Coustos’ Sufferings for Free- ésarmepls rs in the Inquisition at Lisbon, uncut, half morocco, - 1746 94 Covent Barden J ournal of the O. P. ae plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - 1810 95 Coventry’ s Enquiry regarding the Author of the Letters of Junius, half morocco, - 1825 96 Cowper’s Poems, 3 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, - 1815 97 Cox's Journalof a residence in the Burman Empire, plates, _ marbled leaves, - = : 1821 98 Coxe’s Social Day, a Poem, LarGe parpeR, PorTRAIT AND Piates, Proors on Inpia Paper, splendidly bound in blue morocco, with joints and gilt hobex: - 1823 99 Coyer (l’Abbé) Histoire de Jean Sobiesky, Roi de Pologne, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1762 100 Coyer (1 Abbé) Chinki, iranian Cochin-chinoise, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Lond. 1768 101 Cozio (Conte Carlo) I] Giuoco degli Scacchi, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Torino, 1766 102 Crabbe’s Works, 7 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - 1820 104 Cramail (Compte "de) La Comedie de Proverbes, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1640 ‘105 Cranmer’s (Archbishop) Ginfctation’ of unwritten Veri- ties, trans. and set forth by E. P. (John Bale?) black letter, blue morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, no place nor date. 106 Crantz’s History of Greenland, pa 2 vol. calf, extra, gilt leaves, - - 1767 vii Crantzii Saxonicarum rerum libri XI. morocco, gilt leaves, Colon, 1596 108. Crawford's Remarks on Lord Chesterfield’s Letters, 1776 109 Crebillon, ’Ecumoire, 2 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, 1735 110 Crebillon, Tanzai et Neadarne, ‘plates, 2 vol. old red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, . - i= 3 © Pekin. 1740 [ 6] CREBILLON, CH UVRES, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, only two copies printed, 4 vol. red morocco, with joints, silk linings, gilt leaves, with plates in four different states. Junot’s copy, Paris, Didot, 1797 Crescenzi, Trattato della Agricultura, 3 vol. marbled leaves, Milano, 1805 Cretin, Chantz royaulx, oraisons et autres petitz traitez, old French red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, Paris, Simon du Bois, 1527 Croce, le Piacevoli Simplicite de Bertoldino, Milano, s. a. 5 Croce, Bertoldo con Bertoldino e Cacaseno in ottava rime, ageiunte una traduzione in lingua Bolognese, calf, gilt leaves, - - - Bolog. 1740 Croce, Histoire de Bertholde, - Haye, 1750 Crofts’s Love and Madness, green morocco, ~ 1809 8 Croft's Sale Catalogue, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, 1783 Croly’s Angel of the World, and other Poems, half mo- TOcCO, gilt tops, --* 1820 Cromek’s Select Scottish Siseare as calf, gilt leaves, . 1810 Cromek’s Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, half morocco, gilt top, 7 1810 Cromwell. The Perfect Politician, or Life of O. Cromwell, portrait, gilt leaves, * - 1660 Cromwell's Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, and of his Sons, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - 1822 Cromwell. Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell, rare portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, 1664 Cromwell’s History of Colchester, Lance rarer, plates, Proofs on India paper, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1825 Cromwell’s History of the Parish of Clerkenwell, narce PAPER, Proof Plates on India paper; morocco, gilt leaves, 1828 Croniques de Loys de Valois feu Roy de France (Louis XI.) black letter, without date or place, olive morocco, gilt leaves. *,* This Work may be considered a continuation of the Croniques de St. Denys. 128 Cronique Abregée des Roys de France, portraits, Paris, 1560. Egnace, Sommaire des Chroniques, par Geofroy Tory, wood cuts, Paris, 1544, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. 129 Crowne’s Pandion and Amphigenia, or History of the Coy Lady of Thessaly, cuts, russia, gilt leaves, wiry L GG ———_ [7] 130 Croxall’s Select Collection of Novels, 6 vol. in 3, old mo- Toceo, - - - 1722 131 Cruises Residence in New Zealand, - - 1823 132 Cumberland’s Origines Gentium Antiquissime, half mo- rocco, uncut, : - - 1724 133 Cunzus, La Republique des Hebreux, avec Remarques sur les Antiquités ca tg par Basnage, 3 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1705 134 Cunningham’s Velvet beaisn: 1815. A New Covering for the Velvet Cushion, 1815, calf. 135 Cunningham’s Paul Jones, 3 vol. half morocco, 1826 136 Cunningham’s Two Years in New South Wales, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - 1827 137 Curio de Bello Melitensi, Basil. 1567. Hieronymus Comes Alexandrinus de Bello Turcarum in Melitam, . Norib. 1566, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves. 138 Curion, Triumfo Glorioso de los Nobles Cavalleros de S. Juan Gerosolimitano, red morocco, gilt leaves, Barcel. 1619 139 Curionis (Ccelii Secundi). Araneus, seu de Providentia Dei, old morocco, - = Basil. 1544 140 Curionis (Coel. Sec.) Pasquillus Ecstaticus, 1544 141 Curionis (Col. Sec.) Pasquillus Ecstaticus, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - = Genev. 1667 142 Curionis (Cel. Aug.) Sarracenica Historia, Basil. 1568 Quarto. 143 Acuna, Nuevo Descubrimiento del Gran Rio de las Ama- zonas, RARE, green morocco, gilt leaves, Madr. 1641 144 Affo, Vita di Luigi Gonzaga detto Rodomonte, portrait, . red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Parma, 1780 145 Aitsinger, Leonis Belgici Descriptio, piuates, russia, gilt leaves, - - ~ Colon 1588 146 Alexandri Itinerarium. Julius Valerius, de rebus gestis Alexandri, Edente praDs LARGEST PAPER, Venetian mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Mediol. 1817 147 Antiquities. Walpole’ é Miccellinéous Antiquities, 2 Num- bers, Sfrawb. Hill, 1772. Ives’s Select Papers, relating to English Antiquities, 1773. Wright’s Court Hand Restored, 1776, &c. in 1 vol, 148 Auldjo’s Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, plates, proofs, on India paper, with a whole length “portrait of Mr. Aulgio drawn by Deighton, inserted, half - morocco, 1828 149 Bahie o Daian, Hobat ‘Mlebabot; calf, gilt sgt ps Amst. 5432 [3 3 BANNATYNE CLUB BOOKS. 150 Teares for the Death of Alexander Earl of Dunfermeling, Ein. 1823 151 Poems by Sir David Murray, - 1823 152 Historical Miscellany on Scottish Affairs, - . 1824 153 Discours particulier d’Escosse, - - 1824 154 Dalrymple’s (Sir James) Apology, - 1825 155 Auld Robin Gray, 1825 156 Letters from Lady Margaret Kennedy to John Duke of Lauderdale, te 1828 157 Dempsteri Historia Fortenastiae Genie Scotorum, 2 vol. and the cancelled sheets, - ite 1829 158 Diary of James Melvill, 1556-1601, 1829 159 Letters from Archibald Earl of Argyle, to lola Duke of Lauderdale, - 1829 160 Les Affaires du Conte ae Boduel, (Bothwell), 1829 161 Turner’s (Sir James) Memoirs of his Life and Times, 1829 162 Trial of Clark and Macdonald for Murder of Arthur Davis, Edited by Sir Walter Scott, - - 183] 162*Bp. Lesley’s History of Scotland from 1436 to 1561, 1830 163 Baldovini, Il Lamento di Cecco da Varlungo, Firenze, 1755 164 Baltimore (Lord) Gaudia Poetica, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, privately printed, the Presentation Copy to the Uni- versity of Upsal, - - Auguste, 1770 165 Bandello, Novelle, 3 vol. Lucca, 1554. La Quarta ‘parte de le Novelle del Bandello, Svo. Lione, 1573, together 4 vol. green morocco, the Roxburghe Copy. 166 Card. Barserini nunc Urbani PP. VIII. Poemata, printep UPON VELLUM, red velvet, gilt leaves, Rome, 1631 167 Barberini, nunc Urbani PP. VIIL. Poemata, gilt leaves, Rome, 1637 168 Barlaam et Josaphet, black letter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, without place or date, - circa, 1476 169 Barri's Painters Voyage of Italy, translated by Lodge, 8vo. wnlaid in quarto, and illustrated with additional plates, 1679 170 Batayle lately don betweene England and Scotland, (Flod- den Field), pRINTED UPON VELLUM, - 1809 171 Baumgarten, Peregrinatio in AX.gyptum, Arabiam, Pale- stinam et Syriam, red morocco, gilt leaves, Norib. 1594 172 Beauvau, Relation journaliere du Voyage du Levant, plates, gilt leaves, - - Nancy, 1615 173 Belchari, Laude facte et composte da piu persone spiri- tuale, green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, VERY RARE, Firenze, Bonaccorsit, MCCCCLXXXV. L 9 J 174 Bell's Observations on Italy, plates, half morocco, Edin. 1825 175 Bembo, Lettere, primo volume, blue morocco, Roma, 1548 176 Benivieni, Vita di Piero Vettori, rare, Firenze, 1583 177 Bentham’s History of the Church of Bly, plates, russia, with joints, gilt leaves. - 1812 178 Berry’s History of the Island of Guetnséy, plates, 1815 179 Bevis of Hampton. 4 Metrical Romance, black letter, wood cuts, blue morocco, RARE, - - 1662 *,* This volume has belonged successively to D’Or- . rails Hearne, Steevens, the Duke of Roxburghe, Sir M. Sykes and Mr. Hibbert. 180 Bianca Capella. Breve racconte come pervenisse la Signora Bianca Capello Gran Duchessa di Toscana, Manuscript. 181 Biblia Sacra. A Manuscript upon vellum, of the XIVth Century, written in a clear and beautiful Gothic Cha- racter. Preceding it in the volume is a small service book, morocco, with joints, quarto. “182 Hoty Bisiz, anp Boox or Common PRAYER, ILLUS- TRATED BY UPWARDS OF A THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS BY ANCIENT AND Mopern ARTISTS, MANY OF THEM PROOFS, splendidly bound in 6 vol. blue morocco, with joints, richly tooled and gilt, - - Cambridge, 1673 183 Bibliotheca Smithiana, - - Venet. 1755 184 Biet, Voyage de la France Equinoxiale, en I'Isle de Cayenne, calf, gilt leaves, - - 1664 185 Binet, Vies des Principaux Fondateurs des Religions de lEglise, Jine prints by Galle, blue morocco, Anvers. 1634 186 Blandfordiensis Bibliothece Catalogus, the titles heightened with gold, russia, privately printed. 187 Blason general de todas las insignias del Universo, Dedi- cado Al Serenissimo principe alto y muy poderoso rey de Portugal. Libro de la Nobleza, wood cuts, printed in a singular rude gothic type, morocco, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE, Coria, per Bartolome de Lila flamenco, Mill. CCCCLXXXIX. 188 Boccaccio, Il Decamerone, title inlaid, Vinegia, Aupo, 1522 189 Boccaccio, Il Decamerone, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, with _ -goints, gilt leaves, - Reprint of Giunta, 1527 190 Boccaccio, Il Decamerone per Brucioli, wood cuts, russia, gilt leaves, 4 - Venet. Jolito, 1542 191 Bodino, Demonomania de gli Stregoni trad. da Cato. Catalogo de Libri di Stampa d’Aldo, morocco, gilt leaves, Aldo, 1592 192 Bodoni, anudle Tipografico, 2 vol. vellum paper, Parma, 1818 193 Boiardo, bodied Innamorato rifatto da Berni, red morocco, a me wor. t= See. GOES Giunta, 1545 2 [10 ] 194 Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, co i tre Libri di Nicolo de gli Agostini, riformato Damewreis in russia, gilt leaves, Vineg. 1553 195 Boisgelin’s Antieit and Modern Malta, map and. plates, 3 vol. in 2, calf, marbled leaves, - >. 1804 196 Boxe or. Goop Maners, black letter, red morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE, | _ London, by Wynken de Worde, MCCCCC and VIL. 197 Bonarelli, Il Solimano nh dae arate by Callot, ~~ “* | morocco, 649 198 Boothby’s Dices very of the Island Hs meiihacieboin. mo- rocco, gilt leaves, = - 1646 folio. 199 Allason’s Views of the Antiquities of Pola in Istria, 1819 200 Alvarez, Livro do Preste Joa das Indias, black letter, a portion of the title wanting, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lisboa. 1540 201 Amico (Bernardino) Trattato delle Piante et Imagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa, plates, morocco, Firenza, 1620 202 Andrada, Vida de Dom Joao de Castro Quarto Viso Rey da India, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Lisb. 1651 203 Antiquities. A volume containing Drawings of Ancient Gems, &c. by Rademaker, Antonia Houbraken, and other ‘Artists, admirably executed. 205 Antonii Bibliotheca Hispana, Vetus et Nova, 4 vol. in 3, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Matrit. 1788 206 Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini: Plates and Surveys of the Churches of London, pLaTEs ON INDIA PAPER, said to be the only copy so taken, - - 1820 7 Bazin, Qiuvres de Graveur, a Collection of Engravings by Bazin, from works of the most celebrated Painters, finely executed, brilliant impressions. —_- BUS Philippi Bergomensis, Opus de plurimis claris scelestisque Mulieribus, elegant wood cuts, venetian morocco, with joints, | gilt leaves, - Ferrarie, MCCCCLXXXXVII. 209 Bernaldes, Historia de los Reyes D. Fernando y Da. Ysabel, Manuscript unpublished, and containing particulars relating to Columbus from personal knowledge, morocco, gilt leaves. 210 Bottoni, La Basiliade, overo storia de i quattro Libri de i Regi in Versi Toscani. An Autograph Manuscript, green, morocco, gilt leaves. Cu] 210*Brusonir FAceTI£z. ORIGINAL AND UNCASTRATED EDITION, morocco, gilt leaves, the White Knight's Copy, Rome, 1518 211 Burton's Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, prance PAPER, with the title and 4 leaves unpublished Appendix, not mentioned by Upcott, blue morocco, gilt leaves, York, 1758 212 Cuinese Drawines. A Collection of Ancient Chinese _Drawings representing the Arts and Manufactures, and Customs of the Chinese ; particularly the Manufacture of Porcelain, and cultivating the 'Tea-Plant, 2 vol. 213 Chinese Drawings. A Series. of Botanical Drawings by Native Artists, representing the Shrubs and Flowers of China, coloured from nature, very delicate. 214 Chinese Drawings. A Series of Coloured Drawings re- presenting the Punishments of China, by native Artists. 215 Dameto, Historia del Reyno Balearico, two leaves pieced, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Mallorca, 1633 216 Descriptio .Itineris Navalis in Indiam_ Orientalem, -earumque rerum que Navibus Battavis Occurrerunt, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1598 2i7 Fabian’s Chronicle, red. morocco, gilt leaves, hs is ; Londen, a 1559 SECOND DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 218 Curiosités Historiques,-ou Recueil de Pieces utiles a . VPHistoire de France, 2 1, ~~ - Amst. 1759 219. Cuspineanus de Turcarum Origine, - L. B. 1654 220 Custom House Garland ; or Nine Pleasant Dities, 3 copies bound in-one volume, viz. one on silk, (only four printed), French Azure paper (nineteen printed), Royal paper (27 printed), green morocco, Mr, Brockett's copy, . Newcastle, 1816 221 Cyril Thornton, 3 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1827 222 Dacre’ s (Lady) Dramas and Poems, 2 vol. morocco, with - joints, richly tooled, silk linings, presentation copy from Lady Dacre to Ugo Foscolo, not published, 1821 223 Dactii Poemata, morocco, gilt leaves, richly tooled, Auto- ec im of adm ae Desportes, (the Poet,) © — Florentie, Torrentinus, 1549 [ 12 ] 224 Dalberg (Baron). De I'Influences des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts sur la Tranquillité Publique, Parme, 1802 225 Dallaway’s Statuary and Sculpture of the Antients, great part of the impression destroyed by fire, half morocco, 1816 .226 Dallaway’s (Harriet). Etchings of Views in the Vicarage of Letherhead, PRIVATELY PRINTED, - 1821 227 Dalrymple’s Memorials and Letters relating to the His- tory of Great Britain, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, Glasg. 1766 _228 Dalrymple’s Remains of Christian Antiquity, 2 vol. Account of the Martyrs at Lyons and Smyrna in the Second Century, together 3 vol. half morocco, 1776-80 229 Dalyell’s Tract relative to Monastic Antiquities, marbled leaves, - Edinb. 1809 230 Dalyell’s Account be an Ancient Manuscript of Martial’s Epigrams, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, russia, gilt leaves, Edinburgh, 1811 231 Dampier’s Voyages, plates, 4 vol. calf, gilt leaves, 1702-29 232 Dance aux Aveugles, et autres Poesies du xv. siecle, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Lille, 1748 233 Danckerts, Historie Sacre V. et N. Testamenti, a series of plates, with Latin, French, and English Verses, blue mo- - rocco, gilt leaves, = Amst. 234 Dandini, Voyage du Mont Liten: - Paris, 1675 235 Daneau, Brieve Remonstrance sur les Jeux de Sort ou de Hazard, yellow morocco, - 1574 236 Dangeau (L’Abbé de). Quatre Tilderate: plates by Le Clerc, red morocco, gilt leaves, burnt by order of the Par- liament of Paris, - - Paris, 1690 237 Daniel’s Certaine Small Poems with the Tragedie of Philotas, manuscript title, gilt leaves, - 1605 238 Daniel’s J orn from London to Surat, F1NE PAPER, calf, gilt leaves, scarce, . - - 1702 239 Dante. Le Terze Rime di Dante. blue morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1502 241 Dante, Le TrErRzE RIME, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, FIRST Aarne Epirion, morocco, richly tooled with Aldine tooling, leather insides, gilt leaves, - Aldo, 1502 *,* Van Praet supposed only Five copies to be known, George III’s. in the British Museum, (a bad copy), Earl Spencer’s, wanting the title, Mar- quis of Trivulzio’s, Renouard’s, (imperfect), and that of the Rt. Hon. T. Grenville. 242 Dante, gilt leaves, - - Vinegia, Aldo, 1515 243 Dante, Comedia di, morocco, gilt leaves, Firenze. Giunta, 1506 . [ 13 ] "244° Dante, col sito, et Forma dell’ Inferno, green morocco, gilt leaves, rare, . - Venetia, Paganino, s. a. 245 Dante, La Divina Comedia, da Dolce, portrait of Dante, a Drawing, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Bergamo, 1752 246 Dante, La Divina Comedia, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Milano, 1804 ‘247 Dante, La Divina Comepia, Seconda la Lezione Publicata in Roma, 1792, pRINTED UPON VELLUM, two copies only printed, 3 vol. gilt leaves, - - Roma, 1810 248 Dante, La Divina Comep1a con Note di Paolo Costa, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, (only two copies printed), with two miniature drawings inserted, - Firenze, 1830 249 Dante, translated by Boyd, 3 vol. - - 1802 250 Dante’s Inferno, in English Blank Verse by Cary, 2 vol. 1806 'Q51 D’Anville, Memoire sur la Chine, gilt leaves, Paris, 1776 252 D’Arco, Le Palais du Silence, 2 vol. calf, Amst. 1754 253 D’Argens, Songes Philosophiques, - Berlin, 1746 254 D’Argens (Marquis). La Philosophie du Bons-Sens, 3 vol. old blue morocco, gilt leaves, Haye, 1755 255 D’Argenville, Abregé de la Vie des Plus Fameux Peintres, portraits, 4 vol. Paris, 1762 256 Daru, Histoire de la Riwiblicie de Vente; 8 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1826 257 Darwin's Poetical — et LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. russia, - 1806 258 Dati, Vite de’ Pitiéic Antichi, calf, marbled leaves, Milano, 1806 259 Daulby’s Catalogue of the Works of Rembrant and his Scholars, with prices against the greater part, in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Liverpool, 1796 *.* The prices marked against the articles are those paid by Daulby himself, and the prices produced at the Sales of Bernard, Woodhouse, Graves, Wil- lett and Haring. 260 D’Auvigny, Les Vies des Hommes Illustres de la France, avec la Continuation par Persan et Turpin, 27 vol. rich old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1739-57 261 Davanzati, Scisma d’Inghilterra, calf, marbled leaves, Milano, 1807 262 David, Pircaficus Sponsi et Sponse, fine impressions of the plates, blue morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Antverp. 1607 263. David, Duodecim Specula, inet i theres of the plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, | = Antverp. 1610 264 Davies's Life of Murillo, half morocco, “ 1819 ‘289 [14] Davies's Athene Britannic, 4 vol. the 3 first Svo. the 4th in 4to. first edition, morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, 1715-16 > Davies’s Athenee Britannice, vols. 1 and 2, second edition, which varies from the first, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, 1715 Davies’s View of Derbyshire, plates, half morocco, gilt top, Belper, 1811 Davies's Life of Garrick, 2 vol. - 1808 Davies’s Celtic Researches, - - 1804 Davila, Storia della Guerre Civili di Francia, 8 vol. mo- rocco, gilt leaves, ii me - — Lond, 1801 Davila, Istoria delle Guerre Civili di Francia, 6 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Milano, 1807 Davis's Bibliographical Olio, half bound, gilt top, 1814 Davis’s Journey round the Library of a Bibliomaniac, and Second Journey, LARGE PAPER, half russia, uncut, 1821-25 Davy’s Salmonia, half morocco, gilt top, - 1828 Dawes’s Life of George Morland, portrait, - 1807 Dearn’s Account of the Weald of Kent, half morocco, Cr anbrook, 1814 De Bausset, Histoire de Fenelon, 3 vol. russia, Paris, 1808 Debes’s Description of the Islands of Foeroe, Maps, 1676 De Buch, Voyage en Norvege et en Laponie, Maps, 2 vol. in 1, maroon morocco, gilt leaves, “ 1816 Dedekindi Grobianus et Grobiana, gilt leaves, L. B. 1642 Defense. des Abbes Commendataires contre les plaintes du Moines, red morocco, M Haye, 1685 Defoe’s Four Year's dig éf ig George Roberts, plates, - 1726 Defoe’s Robinson Cravie; revined fi the advancement of Naval Education, half morocco, ~ 1815 Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, plates and woods, after Cruik- shank, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, 1831 Degerando, Histoire comparée des ster ae de Philoso- phia, 3 vol. marble leaves, - : ‘Paris, 1804 De la Croix, Connubia Florum Latino carmine demon- strata, morocco, - = Bath, 1791 De la Faye, Recherches et Memoire sur la maniere de bater des Anciens, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1777 De la Motte (Comtesse) Vie, ecrit par elle-méme, 2 vol. _. Lond. 1791 Delandine, Memoires Bibliographiques et Litteraires, Paris. 290 Delandine, Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lyon, 3 vol. 291 292 Lyon, 1812 Delaney’s (Mrs.) Letters, gilt leaves, - 1820 De la Pierre, Le grand Empire de l'un et l’autre monde, plates by Van Lochom, a - ... Paris, 1625 [ 15 ] 293 De Burco, Gio. Barrisra Viaccio pi Crneve ANNI ux Asta, AFrica, ET Evropa pet Turco, 3 vol. Ex- CESSIVELY RARE, - Milan, (1686, &c.) *,,* The Author of this extremely rare Work was of the noble family of De Burgh, Earls of Clanricarde. He was Abbot of Clare and Vicar Apostolic “ nel regno sempre Cattolico dIrlanda,’ The first 180 pages of vol. 1 are devoted entirely to events of the time in which the Author was engaged in Ireland, and contain many particulars relating to Oliver Plunkett and other Catholics, who suffered on account of their religion in the time of Charles ITI. De Burgo was himself imprisoned and persecuted for exercising his Apostolic functions. Among the curious matters will be found, ‘*‘ Morte de Gio. De Burgo delli Baroni di Castel Connel. Vita e morte dell’ Illustrissimo Galfrido Barone, Nobile Irlan- desi. Elucidatio Orthodoxe Fidei ac Nobilitatis in persona D. Abbatis Joannis Baptiste De Burgo pro se, ut suis Antecessoribus per sex centos annos in Regno Hibernie pro titulo Equitis Aurati S. Sepulchri.” It is the pride of Ireland that no venomous reptiles are to be found in that country. It appears the Kingdom was formerly overrun with them, but that they were removed for ever at the intercession of St. Patrick. See vol. 1, p. 61. The two first volumes were sold in Mr. Rennies’s sale for six guineas. They are dedicated to Mary Bea- trice, Queen of James II. The second dedication, prefixed to vol. 2, is very curious, it recounts the Author’s persecutions, and solicits the restitution of his Ecclesiastical Property, and Fine of five hundred pounds. Vol. 3, which must have been published later, as the Tour was made in 1686, 7, and 8, is dedicated to Cardinal D'Este. ‘‘ Pro- tettore del Regno d'Inghilterra.” The Author says, he was Cousin to the Earl of Clanricarde, Viceroy of Ireland. 294 De la Pierre, Le Grand Empire de l'un et l'autre monde, ~ plates by Van Lochom, old blue morocco, Paris, 1630 295 ‘De la Roque, Voyage de Syrie et du Mont-Liban, 2 vol. in 1, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1723 296 Dela Tour, L’Ami rustique, printed in cursive type, morocco, gilt leaves, = - - Lyon, 1558 297 Delaune’s Present State of London, plates, russia, gilt leaves, - a . : 1651 319 320 [ 16-] ‘Deleuze, Historical Description of the Royal Museum of ‘Natural History of Paris, rarGE pareR, half morocco, _ Paris, 1828 9 Delices et Galanteries de I’'Isle de France, © - ° 1709 De Lille’s Gardens, translated 9) Mrs. Montolieu, plates, half morocco, oes. 1805 Della Cella’s Pxveninen from Tripoli to the Western frontier of Egypt, half morocco, - - 1822 Della Valle, Le Lettere delle Dame e degli Eroi, olive mo- rocco, g cilt leaves, - * _ Venetia, 1626 Dellon, Relation de l’Inquisition de Goa, gilt leaves, Paris, 1688 Dellon, Voyage aux Indes Orientaux, plates, Amst. 1699. Voyage de M, de Gennes au detroit de Magellan, plates, Amst. 1699, 1 vol. calf, gilt leaves. 5 De Lolme’s History of the Flagellants, plates, 1784 } De Luc, Lettres sur l’Histoire de la Terre et de 1Homme, 5vol. Traite Elementaire de Geologie, 1810, 2 vol. together 7 vol, - - ‘Paris, V. Y. 7 Democritus ridens, - - Amst. 1649 Demosthenis Orationes, per Hier. Wolfium, 3 vol red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Venet. 1550 Demosthenis Orationge! Grece, 3 vol. yellow morocco, Al- dine tooling, gilt leaves, Autograph of Philemon Holland on the title of vol. 3, - Aldus, 1554 Demosthenis et AXschinis Orationes, edidit Taylor, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. green moToergs with joints, gilt leaves. Wil- liams’s Copy, - Cantabrigie, 1769 Demosthenes et ashes de falsa legatione, Gr. et Lat. a Brooke, ruick paper, Williams's Copy, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1721 Demoustier, Lettres sur la Mythologie, plates, LARGE PAPER, 3 Vol. gilt leaves, - = Paris, 1801 Denina, Discorso sopra le vicende della Letteratura, - Glasg. Foulis, 17 763 Denina, Revoluzioni della Gchiamans 8 vol. Firenze, 1804 Penniston: s iat acon of slaps? eit abe inc gilt top, zivatl 625 Bhiea, Revege en Biciles: si al sly Boba’ > sPariis 1788 Dent's. Catalogue, Prices and Newiee half 2 morocco, 1827. -Depons, Voyage*'dela: Partie: Orientale.\de la Terre- Ferme dans lV’ Amerique Meridionale, 3 .vol,: calf, gilt wdemvegy we ees 2.0 -. Paris, 1806 Depping, Sammlung der besten sieel Anehisghat Roman- zen, interleaved, green morocco, gilt leaves, Alienburg, 1817 Depping, Histoire des Expeditions. Maritimes, des Nor- mands, 2 vol, marbled leaves, — _ _ Paris, 1826 ib $21 Derozario’s Monumental Register of the Epitaphs, Inscrip- tions, &c. in the Churches of Calcutta, gilt leaves, Calcutta, 1815 322 Derriana, or a Collection of Papers relative to the Siege of Derry, morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, Derry, 17 94 323 Desbies, Passe-tems des Mousquetaires, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ En tout tems. 324 Des Billons, Nouveaux ecclaircissemens sur la Vie et les ouvrages de Guillaume Postel, - Liege, 1773 325 Desforges, Avantages du Mariage, - Brux. 1758 326 Desiré (Artus) Les combatz du fidelle Chretien, dit Pa- piste, contre pinpole Apostat Antipapiste, Poeme, wood cuts, - ~ . Lyon. 1555 327 Desiré (Artus) Le Géntrepaldon des cinquante deux chansons de Clement: Marot, faulsement intitulées par luy Psaulmes de David, scarce, - Avignon, 1562 328 Desmarets Jeux Historiques des Rois de France, &c. saves par Do la Bella, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1698 329 Des oe Voyages en Dannemarc, marbled leaves, Paris, 1664 330 D’Espagnac (Baron) Histoire de Maurice Comte de Saxe, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1773 331 Despinelle, Les Muses ralliées, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1593 332 Des-Portes, Premieres Ciuvres, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, . - - Paris, 1600 333 Desportes, Les CL Pseaumes de David mis en vers, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1604 334 Desportes (Philippes) Ciuvres, green morocco, gilt leaves, Rouen, 1611 335 Des Rues, Les Marguerites Francoises, ou Fleurs du bien- dire, 2 vol. gilt leaves, - - Rouen, 1614 336 Deverell’s Discoveries in Hieroglyphics, and other Anti- quities, 6 vol in 3, half morocco, - 1813 337 Devisme’s Account of the Vaudois, scarce, - 1753 = Dhuéz, Guidon de la Langue Haltenne; calf, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1641 339 Diable (Le) Au anon free plates, 6 vol. in 3, calf gilt leaves, > 1803 340 Dialogo di tre Cieehi, - Vinegia, Sabbio, 1526 ‘341 Dialogo de Giuochi che nelle veghie Sanesi si usano di - .° fare, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Venetia, 1574 342 Dialogues et Devis des Damoiselles, == - Paris, 1583 343 Diario e Lettera sopra gli Affari Correnti di Don Giovani d’Austria, calf, gilt leaves, - - 8. a. [18 | 344 Dias (Duarte) La Conquista que hizieron Don Fernando, y Doha Ysabel en el Reyno de Granada, en octava rima, blue morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, RARE, Mad. 1590 345 Dioscorides de Materia Mogan Jo. Ruellio interp. gilt / leaves, —? _ Lugd. 1563 346 Dibdin’s London A heatre 7 Tot - 1815 347 Dibdin’s (T. F.) Poems, half morocco, suppressed, 1797 348 Dibdin’s Introduction to a Knowledge of the Classics, half morocco, - Glocester, 1802 349 Dibdin’s Toirodustion to the Knowledge of the Classics, LARGE PAPER, with the portrait of Bp. Fell, only 50 printed, | morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1804 350 Dibdin’s Introduction to the Classies, 2 vol. russia, 1808 351 Dibdin’s Introduction to the Koowisiae of the Classics, Y vol. LARGE PAPER, - 1827 352 Dibdin’s Director, 2 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, 1807 353 Dibdin’s Bibliomania, first edition, gilt oe - 1809 354 Dibdin’s Bibliomania, portrait inserted, and the Attack _ from Gardiner’s Catalogue bound at the end, calf extra, gilt leaves, - - - . gil 355 Dibdin’s Bibliomania, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE, ONLY EIGHTEEN Copies PRINTED, illustrated with a private Portrait of the Author, and several additional Prints, and Major's Rational Madness, a Song, russia, with joints, gilt leaves. Mr. Broekett’s Copy, - . 1811 356 Dibdin’s Catalogue of his Books, and the Drawings for his Tour, prices, - - 1817 357 Disoin’s. BrstiocrApHicaAL DEcAMERON, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, ILLUSTRATED WITH ADDITIONAL PLATES AND Drawines, bound by Lewis, in yellow morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, 1817 *,* This was-a picked copy, selected by the Author for the Rev. H. Drury, wHo mLLUsTRATED IT WITH A PROOF PortTrRAIT OF Bp. Dampier, Dr. B. Heath, proof before the letters, ‘‘ Honest Thomas Payne,” Earl Spencer. Mr. Hanrott has since added Por- trait of Dr. Dibdin after Edridge, in four states, Pre- sentation of Christ in the Temple after F. Veronese, from Mr. Esdaile’s Missal, in three states, TarEg OricinaL Drawines, from Mr. Dent’s Greek Evangelistarium, Drawing from the Duke of Hamiil- ton’s Ms. of Horace, Portrait of Earl Spencer, India Proof, Portraits of Bulmer and Bensley, proofs, Portrait of R. Payne, private plate, Portrait of Card. Sforza, illuminated fac-simile with ornaments, Por- trait of Johnes, &c. &c. &c. 358 “Dibdin, Voyage Bibliographique, Archeologique, et Pitto- _ -resque en France, trad. avec des Notes par Licquet, 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, fore-edges uncut, Paris, 1825 [19] 359 Dibdin's Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, with Lewis's Etchings inserted, bound in green morocco by Lewis, with joints and gilt leaves, and an addi- tional Volume of Illustrative Tracts, in all 4 vol. 1821 *,* This was Mr. Drury’s Copy. | It-is illustrated with a Portrait of Diana de Poictiers, very scarce, the Prater at Vienna, &c. &c. The additional Vo- lume contains Lettre de Crapelet, Dibdin’s Roland for an Oliver, only 36 printed, Lettre de Lesné, Lettre de Licquet, Lewis’s Remarks on Dibdin, and other Tracts. 860 Dibdin’s Bibliotheca ee 4 vol. Bice vel green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, 1814 361 Dibdin's Ades Althorpiane, ana SuRprerieae to the Biblio- theca Spenceriana, 3 vol. portraits and plates, green mo- rocco, - - Lond. 1821-23 362 Dibdin. Lesné, Lettre d’un Relieur Frangais a un Biblio- graphe Anglais, Paris, 1822. Dibdin’s Specimen of an English De Bure, not published, only fifty copies printed. Book rarities, thirty-six copies printed. Bibliography, a Poem, fifty copies printed, 1812. The Lincoln Nosegay, a Manuscript transcript, 1 vol. half morocco. 363 Dibdin’s Library cor Hr ia 2 vol. green morocco, first edi- tion, - - - - 1824 364 Dibdin’s Library bdssinion, LARGE PAPER, with five can- celled leaves which only exist in one other copy, and a song in allusion to the work, of which 60 copies only were - printed, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, > 1824 365 Dibdin. Thomas & Kempis of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated with Notes by Dibdin, LarGeE Papsr, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - 1828 366 Dicey’s Historical Account of Guernsey, THIck PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves, eS - 1751 orien 367 ee Dialogus de veris Anivast: gaudiis, morocco gilt leaves, Florentie, Bonaccursius, 1491 368. iabiche: Les Regnards traversant les perilleuses voyes des Folles. fiances du monde, composées par Sebastien _ Brand, wood cuts, the last six leaves damaged, red morocco, > . gilt leaves, - = . Paris, Verard, s. d. 369 Bouma s Treasure tie Traveilers, imperfect, 1578. Bourne's _.... .Arte.of. Shooting in great Ordnaunce, 1587. Smith’s _ Arte of Gunneric, 1600, 1 vol. morecco. [ 20 ] 370 Brand’s History of Newcastle, plates, 2 vol. russia; - 17S9 371 Brant, Stultifera Navis, wood cuts, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, : - Basil, de Olpe, 1497 372 Brant, Stultifera Navis, wood cuts, rich old French red mo- | rocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Gunfridi de Marnef, MCCCCXCVUIL. 373 Badii Navis Stultifera, wood cuts, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, “ Basil, Nic. Lamparter, 1506 374 Brewer and Storer’s Delineations of Gloucestershire, India paper impressions, - 1824 375 Britton’s Cathedral Aniiealties of York, Lichfield, Oxford, Canterbury, Salisbury, Norwich and Ee ceo plates, 2 vol, blue morocco, gilt leaves. — 376 Britton’s History of Bath Abbey Church, lates; 1825 377 Brixii Sash Antimorus, morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, - Fe halla Lutetie, 1519 ‘at w*® See at the pene A eo of the volume, a ‘curious note respecting the subject which gave rise to the controversy between Brixius and Sir -Thomas More. 378 Brockedon’s Illustrations of the passes of this Alps, LARGE PAPER, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, a picked ‘copy, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - i - 1828 379 Bromley’s Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, LARGE paPER, bound in 2 vol. - - 1793 380 Browne's India Tracts, we - i 1788 381 Bruni (Leon Arct.) Poliscene, Comedia, venetian morocco, Lyptzk, 1511 382 Bruys, Histoire des Papes, LARGE PAPER, 5 vol. yellow moroceo, gilt leaves, - fo he Haye, 1732 383 Buckler’s Views of Endowed Grammar Schools, with Descriptions, India paper impressions, half morocco, 1827 384 Bullock's Virginia richly valued, - 1649 385 Burley (Walter de) Libellus de vita et moribus Philoso- ‘phorum et Poetarum, red morocco, gilt leaves, (Spire, circa, 1480) 386 Burney’s Commemoration of Handel, with three Drawings : inserted, half morocco, gilt top, - 1785 387 Burton’s Historical Reknuiles on London. Burton's His- ies tory of Scotland, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, 1810-13 388 Caroli V. Imp. Littera ad Senatum populumque Mediola- nensem pro Francisco Sfortia Mediolanensium Duce ipsis restituto, - 3 Basil, 1536 389 Castiglione, Libro llamado El Cortesano traduzido por Boscan, black letter, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Salamanca, Pedro Tovans, 1540 [ 21 J 390 Cepionis Petri .Mocenici Imperatoris Gesta, fine copy, from Sir Mark Sykes’s collection, Venetiis, per Pictorem et Ratdolt, MCCCCLXXVII. 391 Cervantes, The History of Don Quichote, translated by Shelton, 2 vol. in 1, engraved title page, red morocco, gilt leaves, e 1612-20 392 Chertablon, opens de se A AESPATEE ala Mort, fine plates, Anvers, 1700 393 Coxe’s Anecdotes of Handel nf Smith, - 1799 . 394 Dale’s History of Harwich and Dover Court, plates, 1732 395 Dallaway’s History of, Western Sussex, edited by Cart- >». wright, vol. 2, Part I. plates, _- - 1832 396 Dalrymple’s Collection of Voyages in the South Pacific ise Ocean, plates, 2 vol. in l, - * 1771 “397 Dalrymple’s Collection of Lowngess| in the Southern ee tick Ocean, - 775 398 Daniel's Voyage to India, a series of 50 coloured Pk, ina portfolio, - 1810 399 Description of Browsholme Hall, Yorkshire, plates, pri- ~— vately printed, - - 1815 400 Di Vera, Tre Navigationi fatte dep Olabiesi al Setten- trione, nella Norvegia, Muscovia, e Tartaria, cuts, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1599 401 Domesday Book for Middlesex, Heston &e. by Bawdwen, half morocco, : - Doncast. 1812 402 Emblemata, a Series of Engravings by Balth. Schw. mounted in a volume, russia, - (1620) 403. Evrorran Scenery. ITALIAN ae ease by Miss Batty, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, - ~ 1820 404 Swiss Scenery by Major Cockburn, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, - = 1820 405 ——————_—_——__ Frencu Scenery, by Captain Batty, | _ PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, | - 1822 406 —_—_______ German Scenery, by Captain Batty, nt _ PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, - 1823 407 ———__————_. Sicilian Scenery, by Binigr Light, (ira PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, 1823 408 ——— Rune adeieed! by Captain Batty, PRUOFS ON INDIA PAPER, ” x 1826 409 ————-—————._ Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery, by Batty, proors on INDIA PAPER, - 1829 _*,* The seven preceding Lots are uniformly bound in blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves 410 Lake Scenery, a Series of Tutrtry Ontcran Drawinos by Carrain Barry, of Views of the English Lakes, &c. not engraved, green morocco, gilt leaves. 418 419 [ 22 ] Faerni Fabule et Carmina, red morocco, silk linings, © 2 Parme, 1793 Fortescue’s Foreste, or Collection of Histories, dooen out of French, (Pedro Mexia), black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, - - London, John Kingston, 1571 Gage’s History and Antiquities of Hengrave, plates on India paper, LARGE PAPER, - - 1822 GaLERIE DE DussELporr, fine impressions, Mrs. Nicol’s copy, - - - Basle, 1778 Galt’s Voyages and Travels in Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, &c. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - > 1812 | Galtheri Alexandreis, printed n cursive type, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Lugduni, 1558 Galvano’s Discovery of the World from the first original to 1555, corrected and pubieney by Richard Hakluyt, morocco, ‘gilt leaves, rare, - 1601 Gamba, Serie dei Testi- di rian Italiana, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Venezia, 1828 Gambare Poemata, Rome, apud Bladum, 1555. Gambare Damastor et Dapbnis, Rome, 1551. Gambare Theron, Rom. 1552. Britonii Opusculum de Larvis Marmoreis Effossis, Rome, s. a. Britonius, (Sermo in Carmen Redactus, de Discessu Alex. Farnesii et Octavii Ducis fratrum contra Lutheranos euntium), (Rome, typis Bladi), s. a. Britonius (Carmen ad Paulum Tertium,) Rome, (Bladus) 1546, in 1 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves. Folio. Fisher's Monumental Remains and Antiquities in Bed- fordshire, 50 copies only printed, half morocco, gilt top, 1828 Flaxman’s Designs for Dante, by Piroli, blue morocco, with. joints by Herring, - - . . London, 1793 Florio's Worlde of Wordes, or Dictionarie Italian and English, gilt leaves, London, Arnold Hatfield, 1598 Forbin, Voyage dans le Levant, EET ER plates, Atlas folio, ec is . Paris, 1819 Forster's Bririsu a tee OF Feel len PICKED PROOFS ON FrencH papeER, of the first Edition of the. work as originally published by Miller, and the -Supple- - mentary Number published by Hurst and Co. Also the. two title pages, the original List of Subscribers, half. morocco, gilt leaves, _ - _1807-1820 Fosbrooke’s History of the City of intr sseees plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, = - Raa, ti 1819 [ 23 ] 426 Foscarini, Della Letteratura Veneziana, vol. 1, all pub- st lished, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, Padoua, 175% 427’s Mosaic PavemMENTS AND ANCIENT STAINED Guass of Great Britain, coloured after the Originals, in 2 vol. rare, - - - 1796-1804 428 Fox’s History of Martyrs, 3 vol. best edition, LARGE PAPER, with plates from an early edition inserted, ae copy, in blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1684 THIRD. DAY’S. SALE. Octavo et Infra. 429 Dickenson's God’s Protecting Providence, and a Relation of his Shipreck in Florida, - - 1759 430 Dickensoni Speculum Tragicum, ~ L. Bat. Elzevir. 1605 *,* This curious little volume contains Anecdotes of Wolsey, Mary Queen of Scots, Bothwell, Darnley, &e. 431 Dickson’s (Will. Steel). Narrative of his Confinement and Exile, prohibited, scarce, - Dublin, 1814 432 Drddanckic Francois siieab ms ata green morocco, Bordeaux, 1811 433 Dictionnaire Bibliographique Historique et Critiyue, des Livres rares, avec le i ae LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. half morocco, Paris. 434 Dictionnaire Bibliographique, Lad M. P. 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, — = Paris, 1824 435 Dictionnaire Geralosiqie: Heraidiquer’ Chronologique, et Historique, 3 vol. gilt leaves, - Paris, 1757 436 Dictionnaire Infernal, par Collin de Plancy, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1818 437 Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique, et Biblio- graphique, 20 vol. rine PaPER, portraits en medaillons, _ ealf, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1810 438 Dictionary of Polite Literature, 2 vol. 439 Diderot, Lettres sur les Aveugles, morocco, ° 1749 440 Diderot, Pensées Philosophiques, - Haye, 1746 441 Diderot, Principes de la Philosophie Morale, Pensées Philosophiques. Lettre sur les Aveugles. Pensées sur l'Interpretation de la Nature, 4 vol. old red morocco, - gilt leaves, - - - 1745-54 442 443 4Ad4 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 [ 24 ] Didot, Epitre sur les Progres de I’ Imprimerie, Paris, 1784 Didot, Essai de Fables Nouvelles, old red morocco, gilt leaves, : Paris, Didot, 1786 Didot, Annibal, Tyagetlte; half morocco, Paris, 1817 Digby’s Broad Stone of Honour, first edition, suppressed, : 1822 Dillon’s (Lord). Discourse upon the Theory of Legiti- mate Government, privately printed, - 1817 Diners du Vaudeville, 5 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1797-99 Diodorus Siculus, ruled, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, - - - Lugd. 1552 Diodoro Sicolo, calf, extra, - Vinegia, 1547 Diodore Sicile, les Trois Premiers Livres, trad. par Anthoine Macault, old morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1541 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. Longolii, 2 vol. FINE PAPER, Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, 1739 Dionysii Geographia a Wells, LaRGE PAPER, morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams's Copy, - Oxon. 1704 Dionysii Halicarnassensis de Priscis Scriptoribus Trac- tatus, Gr. et Lat. ab Holwell, parce Pparer, yellow ied rocco, gilt leaves, = - Lond. 17 Dionysius Halicarnassensis de Antiquis Oratoribus, Gr. at Lat. a Mores, tarce papPer, Williams’s Copy, red mo- rocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, . Oxon. 1781 Dionysius Halicarnassensis de Compositione Verborum, Gr. et Lat. Scheefferi, veLLuM paper, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, Lips. 1808 Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Sigis. Gelenio Interprete, 2 vol. ruled, red morocco, gilt leaves, Sir John Thorold’s Copy, Lugd. 1555 Divei de Gallie Belgice Antiquitatibus Liber, Antverp. 1584. Rami Liber de Moribus vet. Gallorum, Franef. 1584, 1 vol. gilt leaves. Disputatio qua probare nititur Mulieres Homines non esse, - - - Hag. Com. 1638 Dispute d'un Asne contre Frere Turmeda, red morocco, Pampelune, 1606 D'Israeli’s Flim Flams, plates, 3 vol. - 1806 D’Israeli’s Curiosities of Literature, first and second series, 6 vol. half morocco, uncut, - 1824 D’Israeli's Quarrels of Authors, 3 vol. - 1814 D’Israeli's Calamities of Authors, 2 vol. - 1812 D'Israeli’s Inquiry into the Character of James the First, half morocco, uncut, 1816 D'Israeli’s Literary Character IMustrated, ha lf morocco, 1818 [ 25 ] 466 D'Israeli’s Vivian Grey, 5 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1826-27 467 Dissertationum Ludicrarum et Amoenitatum Scriptores varii, extra, gilt leaves, - - L. Bat. 1644 468 Dobrizhoffer’s Account of the Abipones, 3 vol. half mo- rocco, - - - 1822 469 Dobson’s Life of Petrarch, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1799 470 Doctissimorum nostra etate Italorum Epigrammata, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lutetie, sub insigni gemine anchore, s. a. 47 I Doctissimorum nostra etate Italorum Epigrammata, Lu- tetia, sub insigni gemine anchore, s.a. Goveani Epi- grammata, Lugd. 1540. Fonuna Blacci, Dani, Ode sacre, Paris, 1549. Alexandri Epistolz de rebus Indize mirabilibus ad Aristotelem, Lutetig, 1537, 4 vol. in 1... 472 Dodd's (Dr.) Poems, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, 1767 pie Doddington’s Diary, by Wyndham, russia, . 1785 474 Dodsley’s Collection of Old Eley, 12 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1744 475 Dodsley’s Trifles, 2 rots - - 1777 476 Dolce, Didone, Tragedia, green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - - - Aldo, 1547 477 Dolce, Giocasta Tragedia, red morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, > - Vinegia, Aldo, 1549 478 Dolce, Stanze di diversi illust. Poeti, green morocco, gilt leaves, - : Vinegia, Giolito, 1558 479 Dolce, Comedie, green morocco, Vinegia, Giolito, 1560 480 Dolce, Dialogo nel quale si ragione del modo di accrescere e conserver la memoria, wood cuts, old green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Venetia, 1562 481 Dolce, Eleganze, con un discorso sopra diversi ornamenti di Ariosto, calf, gilt leaves, - Venet. 1574 482 Dolce, Mariana, Tragedia, Venet. 1565. Federa, Tragedia, di Bozza, Vineg. 1578, calf, gilt leaves. 483 Dolce, ‘Tragedie, calf, gilt leaves, - Venetia, 1566 484 Dolce, Stanze di diversi illustri Poeti, 2 vol. yellow morocco, - - gilt leaves, - - Vinegia, Giolito, 1570 $85 aoe il Bepranhy Comedia, arses morocco, gilt leaves, .- - Ven. 1586 486. ‘Dolce, Dialogs della ‘Memoria, Venet. 1586... Spontoni, ari La Metoposcopia, Venet. 1642, 2 vol. in 1, AERP, gilt Flot leaves. 487 Doleman, i. e.. Parsons’ Conference about the next Succes: sion to the Crown of England, russia, manuscript title and genealogical tree, ... - aM 11594 E [ 26 | 488 Dolet, La Maniere de bien traduire d’une langue en autre. Genethliacum Claudii Doleti. Seconde Enfer d’Etienne Dolet. &c. 2 vol. Lyon, 1540, &c. Reprint. 489 Domenichi, Progne, Tragedia, - Fiorenze, Giunti, 1561 490 Domenichi, Facetie, Motti et Burle di diversi Signori, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Firenze, 1564 491 Domenichi, Facetie, Motti, et Burle di diversi Signori et persone private, calf, gilt leaves, = Vineg. 1568 492 Domenichi Facetie, Motti, et Burle di diversi Signori et persone private, - - Venet. 1581 493 Domenichi, Facecies et motz subtils d’aucuns excellens espritz, printed in cursive type, - Lyon, 1569 494 D’Ongoys, Promptuaire de tout ce qui est advenu plus digne de Memoire, ~ - Paris, 1579 495 Doni, La Libraria, portraits, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1557 496 Doni, Mondi Celeati, Terrestri et Infernali, gilt leaves, Venet. 1568 497 Doni, Les Mondes, Celestes, Terrestres, et Infernaux, par Chappuis, - - 1578 497*Doni, Novelle, Eighty copies printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - ~ 1815 498 Donlevy’s Catechism, or Christian Doctrine, Irish and English, with the Elements of the Irish Language, calf, _ gut leaves, - - Paris, 1742 499 Donne's Poems, portrait, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1635 500 Dorat, Oeuvres, plates, 9 vol. - Haye, 1770 501 Dorat. A Set of PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES to the Works of Dorat, red morocco, BE leaves. Garrick’s Copy, 1774 502, Doré, Le Collere. de ee gilt fees Paris, 1555 503 Dorleans, Le Banquet et Apres dinée du Conte d Arete, gilt leaves, ~ - - 1594 504 D’ ‘Ourille, Les Contes aux Heures perdues, 4 vol. 1644 505 Douvilly’s False Favourite disgrac’d, a Tragi-Comedy, VERY RARE, See Brydges’s Censura, vol. 3, p. 241. Olive morocco, sa - - 1657 506 Dowdeswell’s (General) Collection of Prints, Sale Cata- si logue of, interleaved with Prices, - - 1812 507 Drake's Literary Hours, 3 vol. - - 1800 508 Dramata Sacra, 2 vol. old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, “t Basil. 1547 509 Drawines. A Volume, containing 36 Original Drawings by Crispin de Pass, for his Emblems, Five Designs by Osrape, J6 by Spencer, and 24 by SroruarD. 510 Dreux, Essai sur l’Amour, s Amst. 1783 511 Drexelii, Orbis Phaeton, green morocco, gilt leaves, Colon. 1631 512 Drummond's History of Scotland, poriraits, - 1682 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 [ 27 ] Drummond's (Sir William) Review of the Governments of Sparta and Athens, half morocco, - 1794 Drummond's wer Judaicus, olive morocco, privately printed, 18il Drummond. D’ Oyly’ S Letters to mivichsent on his CEdipus Judaicus, gilt leaves, * - 1811 Drummond’s (Sir W.) Memoir on the Zodiacs of Esnep and Denderah, - - 1821 7 Du Breton, Histéite du Siege d’ Oeaiiv: et de la Pucelle Jeane, two portraits of the Pucelle, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1631 Ducarel, Antiquités Haldte-Nobrianides, trad. par Lechande Dp Anisy, plates, LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, Caen, 1823 Du Cerceau, Conjuration de Rienzi, old green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - - - Paris, 1748 Du Cerceau, Conjuration de Rienzi Tyran de Rome en 1347, 3 ¥ol. gilt leaves, ~ - Paris, 1797 Duchesne, Antiquitez et Recherches de la Grandeur et Maiesté des Roys de France, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1609 Duchesne, Essai sur les Nielles, LARGE PAPER, illustrated with ancient and modern impressions from Nielli, green morocco, lined with leather, most richly and superbly tooled, the leaves stamped and gilt. Duchesne, Essai sur les Nielles, Gravures des Orfevres Florentius du XV Siecle, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1826 Du Clos, Considerations sur les moeurs de ce siecle, Paris, 1764 Du Four, Instruction Morale d’un Pere a son fils, russia, Amst. 1680 Dufresnoy, Histoire de Jeane D’Arc, 3 vol. Paris, 1753 Dufresnoy, Tablettes Chronologiques de l'Histoire Uni- verselle, 2 vol. - - Paris, 1778 Dugdale’s Antient Usage of bearing Arms, russia, 1682 Hamre, Les Divinités Genetrices ou du-culte de Phallus, Paris, 1805 Dumont, Memoirs Historiques | sur la Louisiane, plates, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, : Paris, 1753 Duncan’s History and Antiquities of Bicester, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, =~ —— = - - 1816 Dunlap’s Memoirs of Brown, the American Novelist, 1822 Dunlop’ s History of Fiction, 3 vol. calf, marbled leaves, 1814 Dunton’s Ladies Dictionary, morocco, gilt leaves, 1694 Dunton’s Merciful Assizes, or Panegyric on Lord Jeffreys, gilt leaves, - ~ - 1701 [ 28 | 536 Dunton's (John) Life and Errors, morocco, gilt leaves, 1705 537 Du Pleix, La Curiositée naturelle, gilt leaves, Rowen, 1635 538 Duponcet, Histoire de Scanderbeg, a d’Albanie, calf, gilt, ~ ~ Paris, 1709 539 Dupont, Controverses des Sexes Manoel et Femenin, en vers, wood cuts, red morocco, - - 1538 540 Duppa’s Observations and Opinions on the Continent, plates, large paper, gilt top, - - 1825 541 Dupuy, Histoire de la condemnation des Templiers. 2 vol. Bruss. 1713 542 Durand (Mad.) Amours de Gregoire VII. - 1700 543 Durant, Imitations du Latinde Jean Bonnefons avec autres Gayatez Amoureuses, ruled, gilt leaves, - Paris 1610 544 Du Roc sort Manne, Nouveaux recits, ou comptes mora- lisez, old red morocco, - - Anvers, 1575 545 Dutens, Des Pierres Precieuses et des Pierres fines, Paris, 1776 546 Dutens, Oeuvres melées, FINE PAPER, red morocco, by De “Rome, gilt feanes, the Author's Copy, with his Manuscript Notes, - - Geneve, 1734 547 Dutens, Tables Genealogiques des Heros des Romans, gilt leaves, - - _ Lond. 548 Du Vair, Joci, calf, gilt leaves, by Lewis, Paris, 1601 549 Duval, Nouvelle relation de l’autre monde, Cologne, 1706. L’Oraison Funebre de la Princesse Monarchie Univer- selle, 1705. 550 Drury’s Library, Catalogue of, FINE PAPER, only 25 copies printed, prices and names, - 1827 551 Dyce’s Se cio of British Poetesses, half morocco, gilt top, - 1827 552 Dyde’s History be Tewkesbury, plate, LARGE PAPER, bed morocco, - 1798 553 Dyer’s Vulgar fier as ninety to the proper names of the Globe, with Richard of Cirencester’s Description of Britain, half morocco, - - Evzeter, 1816 554 Pastmead’ s Historia Rievalliensis, plates, half morocco, 1824 555 Eden's Treatyse of the Newe India, after the Description of Sebastian Munster, manuscript title, morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, gilt leaves, London, by Edward Sutton, 1553 556 Edinburgh Gazetteer, 6 vol - +.) din, 1822 557 Edmerston’s Woman of Shunem, and other Poems, mo- rocco, Dedication Copy to Sir J. Mackintosh, 1829 558 Edmonston’s View of the Zetland Islands, 2 vol. half mo- rocco, gilt tops, — - Edin, 1809 559 Edmonstone’ s Journey to the Oases, Slates 1822 560 Edmondson’s Precedency, red morocco. [ 29 ] 561 Edwards's Catalogue, LARGE PAPER, prices, - 1815 562 Edwards's Catalogue, prices and names, - 1828 563 Edwy and Edilda, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - 1779 564 Egede’s Description of Greenland, plates, gilt leaves, Font- hill copy, - 1745 565 Egly, Histoire des Bon des Tent Siciles de la Maison de France, 4 vol. old red morocco, royal arms of Spain, gilt leaves, ~ = - Paris, 1741 566 Egnatius de Exemplis illustrium virorum Venetiarum civi- tatis, red morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Paris sub Aldina Bibliotheca, 1554 567 Elegantes variorum Virgilio-Ovidio Centones, beautiful cuts by Sadeler, red morocco, gilt leaves, Monaci. 1617 568 Elegidia et Poematia Epidictica, portraits, several of English characters, James I., Villiers Duke of Buckingham, Sir Horace Vere, &c. red morocco, gilt leaves, Upsaliea, 1631 569 Exvein Marsies. Memorandum on the Subject of the Earl of Elgin’s pursuits in Greece, 1815. Wilkins’s Atheniensia, 1816. Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on the Elgin Marbles, 1816. Canova and Visconti on the Elgin Marbles, 1816. Burrows’ Elgin Marbles, plates, 1817. Douglas's Essay on the Ancient and Modern Greeks, 1813, together 6 vol. uniform. 570 Elizabethe Regine Angliz Edictum promulgatum, Lond. 29 Novemb. 1591. Andres Philopatri (i. e. Robert Parsons) ad idem Edictum responsio, morocco, gilt leaves, 1593. 571 Ellis’s Specimens of the Early English Poets, ruled with red lines, illustrated with portraits, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1790 572 Euuis’s SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH POETS, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, bound in 2 vol. red pact Etruscan tooling, gilt leaves, 1792 573 Ellis’s Original Letters Hlusteative of Hhehah History, first and second series, 7 vol. morocco, richly gilt, gilt ~ leaves, - 1824-297 573* Elliott's Life of aie Duke of Wollimatons - 1816 574 Eloise en Dishabille, - ~ 1822 575 Eloge de l'Enfer, plates, 2 vol. - Haye. 1759 576 Elmes’s Arts and Artists, ES Sa 3 vol. in 1, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - 1825 577 Elton’s Specimens of the Classic Poets, 3 vol. exira gilt leaves, - 1814 578 Elyot’s (Sir Sept Boke partial the Governour, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, London, Berthelet, 1546 579 Emblemata Varia. A series of 100 Drawings upon vellum neatly executed, olive morocco, gilt leaves. . 580 581 582 583 584 [ 30 ] Elzevir. Catalogus Librorum qui in Bie Danielis Elsevirii venales extant, green mprocco, Amst. iegiese; 1674 Emillianne’s History of Monastical Orders, 1693 Emillianne’s Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests, 2 vol. marbled leaves, - e 1691-1704 Quarto. Gamboa, Viage al Estrecho Magallaneo, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Madrid, 1768 Gambrivii gk secant Historicus liber, morocco, gilt leaves, - Antwerp, 1581 Garcilasso, La Florida del Ynca, first edition, old red mo- rocco, - * Lisbona, 1605. Gardiner’s bcotat of the Expedition to the West Indies, English and French, plates, half morocco, . Baskerville, 1762 Gardner's History of Dunwich, plates, marbled leaves, 1754 Gareis, Pensées, a series of Designs; Costume d'ltalie ; Souvenirs, three series of Lithograph prints, pRoors ON INDIA PAPER, half morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris. Garin, Complainte et Enseignement, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1495; Reprint, 1832 Garrick’s Library, Catalogue of, printed prices, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - - 1823 Gaubil, Histoire de Gentchiscan, gilt leaves, Paris, 1739. ; Gedicei Defensio Sexus muliebris oRparne Disputationi Mulieres homines non esse, Lips. 1595 Gell's Geography and Antiquities: of Ithaca, plates, half morocco, uncut. - 1807 Geographie (La Societé ‘ae Reaieil de Voyages et de Memoires publie par, 2 vol. half morocco, Paris, 1824 Gerning’s Picturesque Tour along the Rhine, coloured plates, half morocco, - - 1820 Gerrard, Siglarium Romanum, - — Lond. 1792. ' Gerson de Spiritualibus Nupciis super Cantica Canticorum, Nuremb. 1470 Gersonsi Tractatus de pollutione nocturna, black letter, without place or date, circa i480 Gervaise, Histoire du royaume de Siam, map, old red mo-_ rocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1688 Geuffroy, Description de la Cour du Grand Ture, morocco, _ gilt leaves, Autograph of William: Cecill (Lord Burleigh) 1560 on the title, - Paris, 1546 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 [ 31] Geyleri Navicula sive Sy inpitiabaa fatuorum, gilt leaves, Argent, 1510 Geyleri Navicula sive Speculum fatuorum, wood cuts, blue morocco, gilt leaves, = ts Argent. 1511 Giannone, Istoria Civile del regno di Napoli, 4 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - Haia, 1753 Giannone, Opere Postume, calf, a leaves, Palmyra, 1760 Giardino di Poesie coltivato da diversi Autori. A Manu- script, with pen and ink drawings. | It contains a tran- script of the Adamo of Andreini, green morocco, gilt | leaves, - - - 1745 Gibsoni Chronicon Saxonicum ex MSS. cod. Saxonicé et Latine, half russia, uncut, - Oxon. 1692 Gibson’s View of the Churches of Dore, Home Lacy and Hempstead, plates, - - - 1727 Gifford’s Political Life of Pitt, parce paprerR, 3 vol. half morocco, - - - 1809 Gitsert’s (Sir Humpurey). Discourse or A New PassaGe To CaratA, WITH THE Map. Epistle and Pro- phetical Sonet by Gascoigne, red morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE, London, Henry Middleton, 157 Gilbert’s Historical Survey of the County of Cornwall, plates, 3 vol. half morocco, gilt leaves, Plymouth, 1817 Gil Blas, Restituidas a su Patria y a su Lengua Nativa por Issalts, plates, 4 vol. in 2, morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1797 Gillingwater's History of Lowestoft, with original drawings inserted, gilt leaves, - - 1790. Gilley’s Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, and Researches among the Vaudois, plates, ~ 1824 Giuzrots, Wagen und Fahrwarke der Griechen und Rémer und Autietier Alten Volker, sic 2 vol. half morocco, searce, - Miinchen, 1817 Giovio, Elogi, Vite d’ Huomini Mlustri di Guerra Antichi et Moderni, old red morocco, Firenze, 1554 Giraldus's Itinerary through Wales by Hoare, plates, 2 vol. half russia, uncut, - - 1806 Girardi, 11 Mercurio del Decimosettimo Secolo, red. mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Napoli, 1664 Girst’s Narrative of an Excursion to Ireland, by various Members of the Irish Society, privately printed, 1825 Glas’s History of the Canary Islands, - 1764 Gnomici Poete Greci, cura Brunck, LarGe parer, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - Argent. 1784 Goddefroy de Bouilon, Faitz et Gestes, et de ses Cheva- leureux freres Baudouin et Eustache, black letter, wood cuts, fine copy, RARE, the Roxburghe copy, | Paris, par Jehan Bonfon, s, a. 622 631 632 [ 32 ] Gopranp1, Exrositi0 Morris Tuoma Mort,et Miscellanea, a curious Manuscript of the time, UNPUBLISHED. At the commencement of the volume is an I]]umination intended to represent the manner of Sir Thomas More’s Death, morocco, stamped binding, gilt leaves. Godwin’s Enquiry concerning Political Justice, 2 vol. 1798 Godwin’s Lives of the Philipses, Nephews of Milton, por- traits, half morocco, - - 1815 Goeteris. Reyse naer Sweden ende Moscovien, cuts, s’ Graven-Hage, 1619. Pieter van den Broecke Voyagie naer QOost-Indien, plates, Haerlem, 1634, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. Goldicutt’s Specimens of Ancient Decorations from Pom- peli, double set of plates, proofs on India paper, and coloured, half morocco, gilt leaves, . 1825 Goldsmith’s and Parnell’s Poems, wood cuts by Bewick, red morocco with joints, gilt leaves, - 1795 Gomara, Historia de Don Ferdinando Cortes trad. per Cravaliz, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Roma, 1556 Gomez, Centon Epistolario, black tetter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Burgos, 1499, reprint. Gomez, Centon Epistolario. Generaciones y Semblazas de Fernan Perez de Guzman. Claros Varones de Cas- tilla y Letras de Pulgar, red morocco, gilt leaves, Mad, 1775 Folio. Fox. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. LARGE PAPER, three states of the portrait, 1717, reprint. France. Lord Ashburton’s Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France, with a Genealogical Table of the Royal Family of France, mounted on canvas, PRIVATELY PRINTED. Fraser's Views 1n Catcurra anv Tux NeIGHBOURHOOD, TWENTY-FOUR SPLENDID ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, coloured after nature, half bound morocco. . Froissart, Cronique, Reveu et corrigé par Denis Sauvage, Q vol. in 1, russia with joints, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1559 Fryer's New Account of East India and Persia, plates, calf, marble leaves, - - 1698 Fuller’s History of the Holy War, 1647. Fuller’s Holy State, portraits, 1652, 2 vol. in 1, russia, gilt leaves. Fuller's Church History of Britain, plates, 1655. Appeal of Injured Innocence, 1659, 2 vol. in 1, russia, gilt leaves, fine copy. s tynaw ta f 33 ] 639 Fuller’ Worthies of chs cig Portrait and Index, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, 1662 640 Fumée, Histoire aa Troubles de Hotiptie et de Transil- vanie, - Paris, 1608 641 Fumée’s History of the Troubles of Hungary, by R. C. 1600 642 Fuster, Biblioteca Valenciana de los Escritores que flore- cieron hasta nuestros dias, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Valencia, 1827 643 GaLuERizs. The Napeieietii Gallery, with Descriptions by Young, PROOFS, ON INDIA PAPER, - 1823 644 Gauiertes, The Angerstein Gallery at Woodlands, PROOFS, ON INDIA PAPER, not published. 645 Gatueries. The Grosvenor Gallery, proors, oN INDIA PAPER, - ~ - - 1820 646 Gaviernies. The Leicester Gallery, proors, oN INDIA PAPER, - - - 1821 647 Gavtertes. The Miles Gallery, PROOFS, ON INDIA PAPER, 1822 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 648 Eusebii Epistola de Morte gloriosissimi Hieronimi. Au- gustini Epistola ad Cirillum, et Cirilli ad Augustinum, Manuscript, upon vellum, in Roman characters, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Scriptus Sacchete 2 Auguste, 1451 649 Eusebii Emiseni Episcopi Homeliz, -Paris. sub insigni gemine anchore, 1547 650 Ensebe, Discours touchant les Miracles attribuez a Apollonius de Tyane, trad. par Cousin, morocco, Paris, 1684 651 Eustace’s Classical Tour through Italy, 4 vol. 1817. For- _ syth’s Remarks during an Excursion in Italy, 1816, to- gether 5 vol. uniform, red morocco, gilt leaves, with map in a case. 652 Evrrortivs. A beautiful little Manuscript, uPON VELLUM, in an elegant Italian Character of the XVth Century, the Capitals in gold and colours, very delicate, Ai the com- mencement is a tabular Inscription in Greek capitals, writ- ten in gold upon a black ground, dedicating the book to Andreu “Matteo Acquaviva, Prince of Aragon, whose Arms are illuminated on the opposite leaf ty Angelo Durante, of Messina, morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled. FE [ 34 | 653 Eustathio, Amori, red morocco, gilt leaves, | Ven. Guerra, 1560 653* Eutropius, edente Hearne, LARGE parER, Williams's copy, in olive morocco, with joints and gill leaves, Oxon. 1703 654 Evans’s Old Ballads, 4 vol. calf, gilt leaves, -. 1810 655 Everarti Commentariolus de Herba Panacea, 'Tabaco, aa al i Aniverp. 1586 656 Evidences of Christianity by Paley, Beattie, Porteous, &e. 6 vol. in 3, calf, - - Gy 1051 657 Excursions through Norfolk, 2 vol. Essex, 2 vol. Suffolk, 2 vol. Ireland, 3 vol. Surrey, Kent, Sussex, and Corn- wall, in all-13° vol. uniform, LARGE PAPER, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, /salf morocco, gilt tops, - 1818-24 658 Exposition de la Doctrine, &c. de lEglise de 1 Unite des : Freres, plates, gilt leaves, : - 1758 659 Extracts from a Journal in the year 1819. ‘Trimester. in France and Switzerland, 182i. Visit to Vaucluse, . 1822, plates, 3 1, by Weston, half morocco, 660 Faber, Floresta de Rimas Antiguos Castellanos, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - Hamb, 182k, 660*Fabliaux, trans. from Le Grand by Way, with Notes by Ellis, 3 vol. red morocco, gilé leaves, - 1815. 661 Fabri, Le Grand et vraye art de plane Rethorique. Le Second Livre de Vraye Rhetorique pour composer toutes descriptions en rithme, black letter, morocco, Paris, 1539. 662 Fabricii Centifolium Luthereum, sive notitia Litteraria Seriptorum omnis generis de Luthero digesta sub titulis c,c. 2 vol. moroceo, gilt leaves. Williams's Copy, | Hamb. 1728 663 Fabule Homerice ineerti Scriptoris, Greci, Gr. et Lat. Columbi. Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints and | gilt leaves, - - L. Bat. 1745 664 Facetie Facetiaram, ealf, gilt leaves, - Francf. 1615 665 Facetia Facetiarum, gilt leaves, —~ Pathopoli, 1657 €66 Faceries, Discours plaisant des Amours de Pierre du Puis, et de la grosse Guillemate avec leur Portrait, no date. Gallimatias d’un Gascon et d’un Provencal, Paris, 1619. Querelle entre une Beuveuse et une Coquette, 1716, 1 vol. ; ‘i 667 Facerirs, Raretes, et Curiosites Litteraires. Recueil de . Faceties ; comprenant les Joyeuses, tres facetieuses et. folestres imaginations de Caresme Prenant, Gauthier Garguille, Guillot Gorju, Roger Bontemps, Turlupin, Ta- barin, Arlequin, Moulinet, &c. seventy-six."copies printed, 7 vol. morocco, with joints, richly tooled, silk linings, gilt leaves, te ee - - Paris, 1829-3} “ [ 35 668 Facecieux Reveille—Matin des Esprits Melancholiques, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Utrecht, 1654 669 Fagot de Myerre, presche en l'Eglise de saincte croix en la cite Dangiers, black letter, Ang giers, pour Richard Pic- quenot, 1525. Exercice pour jeunes gens, black letter, . Paris, Alain Lotrain, s. d. 670 Fail (Noel du) Les ruses et finesses de Ragot, Paris, 1573 671 Fail (Noel du) Contes et Discours d'Eutrapel, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Rennes, 1587 672 Fail (Noel du) Les pontine et Discours d’Eutrapel, 3 vol. 1732 673 Fain, Manuscrit de Mi! huit cent quatorze, half morocco, Lond. 1823 674 Vairfax’s (Thomas Lord) Short Memorials, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1699 675 Falconer’s Shipwreck, with Notes by Clarke, plates, rine PAPER, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - 1806 676 Farel, Le Glaive de la Parolle veritable, tire contre le Bouclier de defense, &c. gilt leaves, - Geneve, 1550 677 Farewell’s East India Collation, ora Discourse of Travels, title inlaid, green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1633 678 Faria y Sousa’s Portuguese Asia, translated by Stevens, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - 1695 679 Farley’s Lights. Moral Emblems, frontispiece, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1638 680 Farmer’s History of the Town =e Abbey of Waltham, plates, ae 1735 681 Ferrer’s History of Ripon, half morocco, - 1806 682 Farsetti Biblioteca, Catalogo, 6 Parts in 2 vol. privately printed, - - - Venezia, 1771-88 683 Favart, Soliman Second, Comedie, red morocco, Paris, 1762 684 Fauque (Mad.) Abbassai, Histoire Orientale, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1753. 685 F azakerly, ‘Poemata varia, aribaiely printed, and suppressed, RARE, morocco, gilt leaves, — - - Lond. 1781 686 Federici Annali della era Volpi--Cominiana, half morocco, uncut, - ._ Padoua, 1809 687 Feinagle’s Art of Memory, ‘Calf extra, - 1812 688 Feldborg’s Denmark Delineated, plates, and insertions of all the variations in the text, and plates of the first and second Editions, half morecco, uncut, ~ Edin. 1824 689 Fellows’s Visit to the Monastery of La ANBRDED plates, half ~ morocco, gilt tep, 1818 690 Feltham’s Tour through the Island of Mann: plates, half ~ morocco, gilt top, ~ - Bath, 1798 691 Fenelon, Aventures de Telemaque, the plates mounted, vellum paper, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, stained, Paris, 1790 [ 36 | 691*Fenelon’s Adventures of Telemachus, proof plates, fine paper, 2 vol. blue morocco, - London, 1800 692 Fenevon, Lettre a Louis XIV. prRiInTED UPON VELLUM, morocco, with joints, richly tooled, - Paris, 1825 693 Fenelon, Lettre a Louis XIV. half morocco, Paris, 1825 694 Fenelon, Refutation des erreurs de Benoit de Spinosa, portrait of Spinosa inserted, old French morocco, gilt leaves, 7 | Bruz. 1731 695 Fenelon, Deux Dialogues sur la Peinture, printed on tinted paper, 10 copies printed, gilt leaves, Lond. 1811 696. Fenaruolo, Rime, old red morocco, gili leaves, Venetia, 1574 697 Ferentilli, Primo volume della Scielta di Stanze di diversi Autori Toscani, green morocco, gilt leaves, ? Venetia, Giunti, 1584 698 Ferguson’s Astronomy, marbled leaves, - 1790 699 Ferguson’s History of the Roman Republic, 5 vol. Edin. 1799. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire, 12 vol. 1797, together 17 vol. uniform, in russia. 700 Ferrario, Storia ED ANALISI DEGLI ANTICHI ROMANZI DI CavaLuieRt, e dei Poemi Romanzeschi d'Italia, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, PLATES COLOURED, beautiful copy in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Milan, 1828 701 Fermin, Description de Surinam, plates, 2 vol. in 1, Font- hill copy, - - Amst. 1769 702 Ferrier, Du Gouvernment considéré dans ses Rapports . avec le Commerce, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1805 703. Ferriar’s Illustrations of Sterne, 2 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, - - - 1812 704 Festival of Wit, 1782. Johnsoniana, or Bon Mots of Dr. Johnson, 1788. ; 705 Ferrand, De la maladie d’Amour ou Melancholie erotique, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1623 706 Ferrari, Rime Burlesche, - Venetia, 1570 707 Ferrand’s. Treatise of Love Melancholy, - 1640 708 Ferrand, L’Esprit de Histoire, 4 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - Paris, 1805 709 Ferrar’s History of Limerick, plates, gilt leaves, 1787 710 Feretti (Capit. Franc.) Diporti Notturni, Dialoghi Fami- liari, very rarE. Mr. Wilbraham’s Copy, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, . Ancona, 1579 *,* The Author was in England in the suite of Cardinal Pole. Among other cuts in the vol. is one “ della richissima Isola reame dell’ Inghilterra.” “« EZ. Paese molto habitato, et quell’aere e sanissima notrisce noblissimo sangue d’huomini per lo piu thy ben creati et donne di maravigliosa belezza, et -. __. mirabilmente ingegnose.”’ &c. ie Sg , 711 Feretti (Capit. Franc.) Dialoghi Notturni, morocco, gilt - leaves, . - - Ancona, 1604 [ 37 | 712 Federici (Cesare de I) Viaggio nell’ India orientale et oltra l'India, olive morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gill leaves, / VERY RARE, - Venetia, Andrea Muschio, 1587 713 Fetes et Courtisans dela Grece ; Supplement aux Voyages d'Anacharsis et d’Antenor, 4 vol. - Paris, 1801 714 Feynes, Voyage faict par terre depuis Paris jusques a la | Chine, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1630 715 Fielding’s Tom Jones, LarGe PAPER, 4 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, “ = Paris, Didot, 1780 716 Finett’s Observations touching the reception and contests of Forren Ambassadors in in Mai red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1656 717 Finley’s Scottish Ballads, with Notes and Glossary, 2 vol. gilt leaves, ‘ - Edin. 1808 718 Fiorovanti, Il Tesoro della Vita humana, gilt leaves, Venet. 1582 719 Fioretto de cose nove nobilissime et degne de diversi auctori cioe Sonetti, Egloge, &c. morocco, gilt leaves, rare, “ Venetia, Georgio de Rusconi, 1510 720 Firenzuola, Prose, - Fiorenza, Torrentino, 1552 721 Firenzuola, Opere, 5 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves, Milano, 1802 722. Fiorentino, Ardelia d’Amore, in rime, gilé leaves, Milano, 723. Firmian, Le Gyges Gallus trad. Par Antoine de Paris, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1663 724 Fischer’s Beschreibung einiger Typographischen Selten- heiten, plates, FINE PAPER, 5 parts in 1 vol. russia, gilt leaves, Mainz. 1800-1804 725 Fitzherberde’s Boke of Hushandry, black letter, green morocco, gilt leaves, London, Thomas Berthelet, n. d. 726 Fiacci LIlyrici, Historia certaminum inter Romanos Epis- copos, et sextam Carthaginensem Synodum, etc. de primatu pape, old red morocco, . Basil. 1554 727 Flaminii, Explanatio in Librum Psalmorum, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - api? Aldus. 1545 728 Flitneri Nebulo Nebulonum, cuts, gilt leaves, .Francf. 1663 729. Flechier, Histoire du Cardinal Ximenes, 2 vol. calf, gilé leaves, — - - - ‘Amst. 1693 730 Fleckno’s Relation of ten Sr Travels in Europe, Asia, Affrique and America, - no date. 731 Fletcher's Russe Common Wealth, green morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, - London, by T. D. 1591 732 Florus, Notis Variorum et Grevii, 2 vol. Williams's copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Amst. 1702 733 Flore (Madame Jeanne) Comptes Amanneuts wood cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lyon, s. d. 734 Florence Miscellany, by Mrs. Piozzi, Bertie Greatheed, Merry, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED, very scarce, Florence, 1785 [ 38 | 735 Flores de Grece; mise en francois par Herberay,, , Paris, 1573 36 Florian, Giuvres, vellum paper, plates, 24 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, Didot, &c. 1786-1807 737 Florian, Giuvres complettes, plates, 4 vol. green morocco, Paris, 1812 738 Florian, CGEuvres, plates, proofs on India paper, LARGE paper, 13 vol. half russia, uncut, Paris, 1823 739 Florian, Gonzalve de Cordoue, vellum paper, 2 vol. blue morocco, leaves marbled and gilt, - Paris, 1791 740 Florisando Prencipe di Cantaria, figliuolo del valoroso Don Florestano Re di Sardegna, uncut, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Venetia, 1610 741 Florio, Historia de la Vita e de la Morte de I’Illustriss. Signora Giovanna Graia, morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, . London, 1607 742 Florus. The Roman Histories of Lucius Julius Florus, translated by Edmund Bolton, engraved title by Pass, morocco, gilt leaves, - London, Stansby, n.d. 743 Flournois, Entretiens des Voyageurs sur la Mer, 4 vol. in 2, gilt leaves, - - - Haye, 1740 744 Flournois, Entretiens des Voyageurs sur la Mer, 4 vol. in 2, gilt leaves, - - Cologne, 1715 745 Folengi, Histoire Maccaronique de Merlin Coccaie, 2 vol. Paris, 1606 746 Folengi Opus Merlini Cocaii, Poetze Mantuani, Macaroni- corum, wood cuts, with duplicates of the 8 last leaves, varying from the other set, red morocco, gilt leaves, Tusculani, 1521 747 Folengi Opus Macaronicorum Merlini Cocaii, plates, old French morocco, gilt leaves, - _ Amst. 1692 748 Folengi, Histoire Macaronique de Merlin Coccaie, Proto- type de Rabelais, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1606. 749 Folengi, Chaos del tri per uno, green morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia da Sabbio, 1527 750 Foiengi, Orlandino, wood cuts, corners of three leaves mended, - Chaos del tri per uno, green morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Sabbio, 1527 751 Folengi, Orlandino, Edizione vera, morocco, gilt leaves, : Vinegia, Bindoni, 1550 752 prne Orlandino, Edizione contrefatia, red morocco, gilt eaves. mii 753: Fovenci, Orvanpino, pRiInrED UPON VELLUM, Tich old : French red morocco, gilt leaves, London, (Parigi) 1773 754 Folkes's Library, Catalogue of, with prices, and an Alpha- betical Index. Catalogue of his Prints and Drawings with prices, LARGE PAPER, in 1 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, “756 [ 39 | 755 Folengi Merlini Cocai Macaronicorum Opus, wocd culs, old blue morocco, lined with leather, - Venet. 1573 756 Fontaine, (La) Contes et Nouvelles, plates by Romain de Hooghe, fine impressions, first edition, with his cuts, 2 vol. in 1, rich old French blue morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1685 757 Fontaine (La). Fables, avec figures, par Simon et Coiny, 6 vol. PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, red morocco, with joints, richly tooled, lined with silk, gilt leaves, . , Paris, 1787 *58 Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol. he Farmer Ge- _ neral’s Edition, first impressions of the plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - a ~ Amst. 1762 759 Fontaine, Fables, Gravées en taille douce, les figures par Fes- sard, le texte par Montuley, 6 vol. gilt leaves, Paris, 1765 760 Fontaine (La). Les Amours de Psyche et de Cupidon, plates, VELLUM PAPER, 2 vol. green morocco, gilé leaves, Paris, 1797 761 Fontano, Della Guerra di Rhodi, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1545 762 Fontenelle, Entretiens sur la pluralité des ‘Niousdes: LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Dijon, 1794 763 Fonthill Abbey, various Descriptions of, by Rutter, &c. bound in 1 vol. plates. 764 Forbes’s Life of Beattie, 3 vol. - Edinb. 1807 765 Forbes’s Letters from France, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1806 766 Forby’s Vocabulary of East Anglia, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - - 1830 767 Force, (Mile.) Romans Peton a caa Histoire Secrette : de Bourgogne, 3 vol. Histoire de Marguerite de Valois _ Reine de Navarre, 6 vol. Amours du Grand Alcandre, (Louis XIV.) 2 vol. Le Prince de Condé, 2 vol. inall 13 vol fineold French yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1782-92 768 Ford's Dramatic Works by Gifford, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt oF < tops, - - - 1827 769 Fordyce’s Addresses to Young Men, 2 vol. - 1739 770 Forest Nuptiale, ot: est representé une variété de divers ; mariages, - - - Paris, 1600 771 Forneri, Spositione sopra l’Orlando Furioso, 2 parts in 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, | - Fiorenza, Torrentino, 1549 772 Formulaire fort recreatif de tous Contracts, Donations, Testaments, &c. fait par Bredin le Cocu, old red mo- , rocco, - - - Lyon, 1605 773. Formulare Instrumentorum, old stamped binding, gilt leaves, 1518 74 DuEea Ge Ricciardetto, the first Canto translated by Lord ‘Glenbervie, (not published), morocco, gilt.leaves, : 1821 775 [ 40 J Fortifications de France, a Series of Drawings of all the. Fortified Towns in France, rich old red morocco. Fortunio, Regoli Grammaticali della volgar lingua, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Renouard's copy, Aldus, 1545 Fortini, Novelle, printed on coloured eg ( only 35 printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, Siena, 1811 Foscolo, Ultime Lettere di Seen Ortis, Lond. 1817. Foscolo, Tragedie, Lugano, 1812, 2 vol. Foscolo, Prose e Versi, half morocco, Milano, 1823. Fos- colo, Ricciarda, 'Tragedia, half morocco, Lond. 1820 Foscolo, Ultima Lettere di Jacopo Ortis, Lond. 1811 Foscolo’s (Ugo) Essays on Petrarch, second edition, with a Sonnet from the first edition inserted in Manuscript, 1823 2 Foscolo’s (Ugo) Essays on Petrarch, blue morocco, gilt leaves, privately printed for presents, sixteen copies only printed, Presentation copy to Mr. Hatfield, with the au- thor's autograph, - - - 1821 Foster's Sermons, 4 vol. olive morocco, gilt leaves, Williams’s copy . - - = 1755. Vougeret, Le Cosmopolite, gilé leaves, x 1750 Fouqué (Lamotte) Peter Schlemihl, plates by G. Cruick- shank, half morocco, - - ~ 1824 Fournier, Traites sur l’origine et les progrés de ) Impri- merie, LARGE PAPER, green morocco, - Paris, 1758 Fournier, Dissertation sur l’origine et les progres de 1’ Art de Graver en Bois, Paris, 1758. Baer, Lettre sur l’ori- gine de l' Imprimerie, Strasb. 1761. Fournier, Manuel Typogneppaee 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1764 ) Fournier, Noureate Dictionaaie de Bibliographie, russia, Paris, 1809 Fragmentum Veteris Jurisconsulti de Manumissionibus, &c. edidit Rover, Williams's copy in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - L. Bat. 1739 Franc (Martin) Le Champion des Dames, en vers, wood cuts, ruled, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Pierre Vidoue, 1530 Franchere, L'Espadon Satyrique, morocco, gilt leaves, 4 Cologne, 1680 Franco, Le Pistole vulgari, Venet. 1542, Ficino sopra lo Amore di Platone, trad. da Bartoli, Firenze, 1544, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves. Branco, Dialogi Piacevoli, old red morocco, Vinegia, 1554 Franco, Dialoghi Piacevolissimi, - Vinegia, 1598 Franco, La Philena, Historia Amorosa, green morocco, gilt letever, erie . Mantoua, 1547 Francklin’s Tour from Bengal to Persia, - - 1790 [ 41 ] 798 Francois de Sales, Introduction a la Vie devote, printed in cursive type, blue morocco, - Paris, 1644 799 Frasso, (Antonio de lo) Fortuna de Amor, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - Lond. 1740 800 Frederic, Roi de Prasie, Ciuvres, et GEuvres Posthumes, 25 vol. red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves. Present from the Duchess of York to R. B. Sheridan, Berlin, 1789 801 Frederic II. Censeils du Trone donnés par Frederic le Grand aux Rois et aux Peuples, publiés par Auguis, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Par. 1823 802 Free thoughts on Seduction, Adultery and Divorce, by a Civilian, red morocco, - - 1771 Quarto. 803 Gomez (Gongalo) Famoses hechos de Celidon de Iberia, compuesto en Seeger ikee morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, extremely rare, - Alcala, 1583 604 Gongora, Obras, 3 vol. Mad. 1636-45-48. Leciones a las Obras de Gongora por Pellicer, Mad. 1630. Gongora, El Polifemo comentado por Salzedo Coronel, Mad. 1636, together 5 vol. uniform, morocco, gilt leaves. 805 Gongora, Obras, LARGE verde morocco, gilt leaves, Bruss. 1659 806 Gosselin, Geographie des Grecs Analysée, red morocco, gilt leaves, - = - Paris, 1790 807 Gosselin, Recherches sur la Geographie des Anciens, 4 vol. in 3, fine copy, in russia, - Paris, 1798 808 Gough's British Topography, 2 vol. - 1780 809 Gough’s Account of the Bedford Missal, plates, 1794 810 Gough's History and Antiquities of Pleshy, plates, 1803 811 Gough's History and Antiquities of Pleshy, 1803, also part of the original Manuscript bound up in the volume, half morocco, uncut. 812 Gozzi (Nic. Vito di) Dello Stato delle Republiche secondo la mente di Aristotele, red morocco, Aldine tooling, Sir J. Thorold’s copy, - - Aldo. 1591 813 Graham's (Maria) Journal of a residence in India, plates, half morocco, - Edin, 1813 814 Graham’s Voyage to Brazil, plstes, half morocco, 1824 815 Graham’s (Maria) Journal of a residence in Chile, plates, | half morocco, - - - 1824 816 Gramaye, Bruxella, plates, - Bruz. 1606 817 Grand Pyrate : or the Life and Death of Cusack, 1676 818 Grant's History of Mauritius, plates, russia, 1801 819 Gray, Elegia sopra un Cimitero campestre, da Torelli, half morocco, . - Parma, 1793 G t« 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 §33 834 835 836 837 838 [ 42 | Graves’s History of Cleveland, plates, LARGE PAPER, TUussia, 1808 Green's History of Worcester, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, = - 1796 Greenhill’s Art of Embalming, plates, russia, 1705 Grelot, Relation Nouvelle d’un Voyage a Constantinople, plates, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1680 Lord Grenville’s Nuge Metric, PRIVATELY PRINTED, @ present to the late Sir J. Mackintosh, - 1524 Grenville (Lord Nugent)’s Portugal, a Poem, green morocco, with joints, silk linings, - - 1812 Grieve’s History of Kamtschatka, plates, ~ 1764 Grieve’s History of Kamtschatka, plates, 1764. Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, 1782. Dalrymple’s Travels through Spain and Portugal, 1777, 3 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. Griffith’s Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia, plates, half morocco, - 1807 Griffith's Historical Deseription of Cheltenham, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, - 1826 Grose's Works. Antiquities of England and Wales, the Supplement incorporated, 6 vol. 1773. Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vol. 1789. Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vol. 1791. History of Dover Castle, (by Durell), 1786. Military Antiquities, 2 vol. 1786. Ancient Armour, 1786, together 14 vol. ORIGINAL EDITIONS, LARGE PAPERS, of all that were so printed, splendidly and uni- formly bound in red morocco, leaves marbled and gilt, FIN# SET. Grose’s Military Antiquities, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. red morocco, leaves marbled and gilt, - 1801 Grose’s ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WatEs. A VOLUME OF UNPUBLISHED Drawines of Antiquities by Grose, consisting of Celts, Roman Antiquities, Fonts, Tombs, Sculpture, Mosaic Pavements, Jewels, Paintings, &e. neatly mounted, half morocco. Grose’s Provincial Glossary, LARGE PAPER, - 181] Gruenpeck, Prognosticon, Ratispon. 15382. Relation of the taking of the Constable de Bourbon, in 1527, in German, half morocco. Guadalajara, Memorable Expulsion de los Moriscos de Espana, - Pamplona, 1613 Gualdo, Vita d’ Alberto ieee Duca di Fritland, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Lion. 1643 Gualteruzzi, Libro di Novella et di bel Parlar gentile, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Fiorenza, Giunti, 1572 Guenebald, Le Reveil de Chyadugaie Prince des Vacies Druyides Celtiques, plates, gilt leaves, . Dijon. 1621 | 43° ] 839 Guer, Moeurs et Usages des Turcs, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. rich old French yellow morocco, from the La Val- liere Collection, - “ Paris, 1746 840 Guerolt, Hymnes du temps et des Parties, wood cuts by le petit Bernard, - - Lyon, 1560 841 Guerre Horrende d'Italia, nuovamente in ottaya rima stampate, green morocco, stained RARE, Vinegia, Bindoni, 1534 842 Guerrero, Relacion Annual de las cosas que han hecho los Padres de la Compania de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Valladolid, 1604 843 Guerta, Florando de Castilla Lauro de Cavalleros, en oc- tava rima, morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Alcala, 1588 844 Guichard, Funerailles des Rommains, Grecs, et autres Na- tions, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1581 Folio. 845 Garcilasso, Commentarios reales de los Yncas del Peru, first edition, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Lisboa, 1609, Cordova, 1617 846 Garcilaso de la Vega Historia General del Peru, Madr. 1722. Commentarios Reales de los Yncas, Madr. 1723. La Florida, Madr. 1722, in all 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gili leaves. 847 Garibay, Compendio de las Chronicas de Espana, 3 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, stained, and some leaves damaged, Anvers, 1571 848 Gau, Antiquites de la Nubie, plates, Atlas folio, Stutigart, 1822 849 Gayton’s Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixote, morocco, rich gilt back, gilt leaves, - 1654 850 Geiler, Das Schiff des Heils (the Ship of the Holy,) wood cuts, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Strasburg, Gruninger, 1512 851 Geiler Predig der Himelfart Maria, Sermons on the As- cension of the Virgin Mary, wood cuts, Strasb. 1512 852 Gell’s popegraphy of Troy, ane plates, russia, marbled leaves, v4 1804 853 Gesta Dei per Francos, sive Orientation: Expeditionum et regni Francorum Hierosolimitani Historia, old red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Hanovie, 1611 854 Gilles, Les Annalles des Bouiled: black letter, wood cuts, russia, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1538 855. Gilles, Croniques et Annales de France, 2 vol. in I, ruled, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1566 Pa e [ 44 ] 856 Gilray’s, Rowlandson’s, and other Political and Humour- ous Caricatures, 196 mounted in a volume. 857 Goldasti Rerum Suevicarum Scriptores, half moroeco, gilt leaves, - - * Ulm. 1727 858 Gomara, Historia General de las Indias, black letter, fine copy, rare, - - Medina del Campo, 1553 859 Gomara Historia de las Indias, from Barcia’s Historiadores, &c. Venetian morocco, gilt leaves. 860 Gottfridi, Historische Chronica, plates by Merian, russia, gilt leaves, - - Francf. 1674 861 Gottfried’s Collection of Voyages, in Dutch, plates, LARGE PAPER, 8 vol. in 4, vellum, - Leyden, 1706 862 Goven’s SerutcHRAL Monuments oF Great BriTAIN, 3 vol. in 5, plates, fine set, in russia, marbled leaves, 1786, &c. 863 Grafton’s Chronicle of England, with the Tables, black letter, title inlaid, calf, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, fine copy, London, R. Tottel, 1569 864 Gratis Der pe Escuto (Frarris) QuestIongs per ipsum in florentissimo Studio Patavino disputate, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, the first page illuminated, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams’s copy, Venetiis, MCCCCLXXXIV. 865 Gregson's Fragments for the History of Lancashire, plates, Liverpool, 1817 866 Gregson’s Lancashire, a set of the Wood Engravings, on India paper, proof impressions, half morocco. 867 Gruninsky, Entrevue, a Manuscript Poem, in German, addressed to the late Queen Charlotte, morocco. 868 Grynezi Novus Orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus in- cognitarum, with the rare map, morocco, gilt leaves, Basil. 1532 S69 Grinezi Novus Orbis, with the Map, this Edition contains Jive Pieces not in the preceding ones, Basil. 1555. Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii Sigismundi Liberi Baronis in Herberstein, plates, including the rare Genealogical Table, Basil. 1556, 2 vol. in 1, yellow morocco, gilt leaves. ; [ 45 ] FIFTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 869*Emilliane, Histoire des tromperies des Prestres et des Moines, 2 vol. in 1, gilt leaves, - _ Rotter, 1719 870 Enchiridion Pietatis Amatorum, gilt leaves, Badius, 1521 871 L’Enfer de la Mere Cardine, Poeme Satyrique, LARGE PAPER, - - 1597, Reprini, (Paris 1793) 872 Enfield’s Sermons, with Life by Aikin, 3 vol. - 1798 873 English Vocabulary and Grammar, green morocco, gilt leaves Birmingham, Baskerville, 1765 874 English Dance of Death, plates by Rowlandson, 2 vol. 1814 875 Ennetierres, Le Chevalier sans reproche, Jacques de Lalain, Poeme, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, Tournay, 1633 876 Enoc (Pierre) Opuscules Siielitfane) old morocco, gilt leaves, Guyon de Sardiere’s copy with his Autograph, Pen Jacob Stoer, 1572 77 Ens, Epidorpidum, in quibus Sapienter, ridicule denique dicta et facta continentur, — - - Colon. 1619 878 Entretien de M. Colbert avec Bouin, Cologne, 1701 879 Epicteti Enchiridion—Cebetis Tabula, Antverp. Plantin. 1585. Sententie veterum Poetarum a Georgio Majore collecta, Antverp. Plantin. 1574, 2 vol. in AL choice old red morocco, Sir J. Thorold’s copy. 880 Epictete, Manuel du, trad. du Grec, green morocco, gilt leaves, oe - = . Paris, 1790 881 Epictetus. Manuel d’Epictete, manuscript franscnibed from Dacier’s translation, red morocco, gilt leaves. — Epigrammata et Poematia vetera, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Colon, Allobrog. 1596 883 aya ohe Clarorum Virorum, olive morocco, aldine | tooling, gilt leaves, - - - Venet. Aldus, 1556 884 Epistole Obscurorum Virorum, - Francf. 1643 885 Epistole Obscurorum Virorum, old French red morocco, gilt leaves, . - Lond. 1742 886 Epitaphs, Collection of, 2 oat black morocco, 1806 887 Equicola, Libro di Natura d’Amore, old morocco, gilt leaves, - - Vinegia, 1531 888 Erasmi Opuscula, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves. This copy contains the scarce dedication in lieu of which a blank leaf is generally inserted; also a duplicate of folios 197-198, one bearing the name of Erasmus erased, Aldus, 1518 [ 46 J S889 Erasmi de constructione libellus, red morocco, gilt leaves, scarce edition, - - Compluti, 1553 890 Erasmi Adagiorum Epitome, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1650 891 Erasmi Colloquia, red morocco, gilt leaves, autograph of Hadrian Beverland on the title, ~ Elzevir, 1662 892 Erasmi Colloquia, uncut, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams's copy, - Amst. 1754 893 Erdeswicke’s Survey of Staffordshire, 1723, reprint. 894 Ercilla, La Araucana, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1776 895. Ercilla, La Araucana, 2 vol. in 1, - Mad. 1803 $96 Ercilla, La Araucana, 2 vol. - Madrid, 1803 897 Eremundi Historia Belgicorum tumultuum, Accedit His- toria de furoribus Gallicis, - L. B. 1619 898 Erici Disquisitiones—De veterum Septentrionalium Peri- grinationibus—De Amoris Equini apud priscos Boreales causis, half morocco, ~ - Lips. 1755 899 Erithrei (Jani Nicii) Pinacotheca Imaginum Illustrium, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Colon. 1645 900 Erotopegnion, sive Priapeia Veterum et recentiorum, gilt leaves, « - ~ Paris, 1798 901 Erskine’s Remarks on the Internal Evidences of the Chris- tian Religion, - - Edinb. 1823 902 Eschole de Salerne en vers burlesques, et duo Poemata Macaronica de Bello Huguenotico, &e. red morocco, gilt leaves, - = - Elzevir. 1651 903 Esconar, Luzero de la tierra Santa y Grandezas de Egypto, y Monte Sinay, en versos Castellanos, one leaf wanting, morocco, gilt leaves, - Valladolid, 1594 904 Eslana, Noches de Invierno, gilt leaves, Barcel. 1609 905 Espinel, Vida del Escudero Marcos de Obregon, Mad. 1657. Espinel, Vida ce Estavanillo Gonzalez, Mad, 1720, 2 vol. gilt leaves. 906 Espinel’s Life of Marcos de Obregon, trans. by Langton, 2 vol. - - - - 1816 907 Esprit Familier de Trianon, marbled leaves, Paris, 1695 908 Esprit Politique ou Vie de Guillaume III. red morocco, Amst. Elzevir, 1695 909 Essai sur l’‘Amour, red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1802 910 Essays and Theses by the Students of the College of Fort William, Bengal, red morocco, - Calcutta, 1802 911 Essay upon Winp; with curious Anecdotes of eminent Peteurs, PRINTED DPON VELLUM, two copies printed. 912 Estancelin, Recherches sur les Voyages et Decouverts des Navigateurs Normands, half morocco, — Paris, 1832 913 Estienne, Dialogues du Nouveau Langage Francois Ita- hanizé, red morocco, ~ > Anvers, 1583 ie | 914 Estienne, Paradoxes, ce sont propos contre le commune Opinion, rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, Sir John Tho- rold’s copy, - - - Paris, 1553 915 Estiene, Apologie pour Herodote, avec les Notes de Du- chat, 3 vol. blue morocco, - - Haye, 1735 916 Estienne, Deux Dialogues du Nouveau Langage ichoaia Italianizé, russia, gilt leaves. 917 Estii Beainria Martyrum Gorcomiensium, old red morocco, with Papal Arms, - - Duaci, 1603 918 Etonian, (The) 2 vol. marbled leaves, - 1821 919 Euclidis Elementa cum demonstrationibus Clavii, edente Van Lom, Williams’s copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1738 920 Euler’s Letters to a German Princess, trans. by Hunter, 2 vol. - - 1795 921 Eunuques, Traité hes gilt fie - 1707 922 Euripides, Greece, 2 vol. First EDITION, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Aldus, 1503 923 Euripidis Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide latinum translate Erasmo Roterdamo, interp. Ejusdem Ode de laudibus Britanniz, olive morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1507 924 Euripidis Tragcediz, per Dorotheum Camillum (7. e. Ru- dolph Collinus,) Latino Donate, 2 vol. Sir John Thorold’s copy, - : Basil. 1541 925 Euripidis Tragcediz Gr. Genter, red morocco, gilt leaves. Autograph of Salmonius Macrinus, the French Poet, Antverp, 1571 926 Euripidis Medea et Phcenisse, a Piers, LARGE PAPER, Wil- liams’s copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Cantab. 1703 927 Euripides’s Tragedies by Potter, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, 1814 928 European Scenery, Italian, Swiss, French, German, Sicilian, Hanoverian, &c. Rhine, Belgium, &c. 5 vol. uniform in blue morocco, gilt leaves, and 2 unbound in numbers. 929 Fregoso, Opera nuova che tratte de doi Philosophoi, De- mocrito, et Heraclito, red morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1545 930 Fregoso, Le ris de Democrite, et le pleur de Heraclite sur les follies et sur les miseres dc ce monde, en ryme Frangoyse par Michel d’Amboyse, - Paris, 1547 931 Fregoso, Opera nuova de Democrito, et Heraclito, cud in the margin, Vineg. 1545. Fregoso, Dialogo de Fortuna, Venet, Zopino, 1523. Fregoso, Cerva Bianca, Vinegia di Sabio, 1540 3 vol. in 1, green morocco. [ 48 ] 932 Fregoso, Cerva Bianca, Venet. 1566, La Bucolica di Vir- gilio, trad. di Ghirardelli, Vicenze, 1614. ‘Tasso, Rime Spirituali, Venet. 1597, 3 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves. 933 Frejus’s Voyage made into Mauritania, green morocco, gilt leaves - - - 1671 934 Frencu (Nicoxtas) THe Unxinpe Drserror or Loyati Men and True Frinps, red morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE, Supericrum permissu, Ano 1676 *,* Nicholas French was Catholic Bishop of Ferns, an unprincipled Politician, who frequently changed sides, He went to Brussels and offered the crown of Ireland to the Duke of Lorrain; afterwards he went to Paris and requested an interview with Charles II. who refused to see him, which he at- tributed to Ormond, became his inveterate enemy, and collected every circumstance he could inju- rious to Ormond’s reputation, which he published in the above work, and inthe Narrative of the Set- tlement and Sale of Ireland, 4to. 1668. 935 Freuilly, Poesies, Manuscript Notes, morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1807 936 Friend, Emmenologia, LARGE paPER, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams’s Copy, - Oxon. 1703 937 Frischlini Facetiz Selectiores, green morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1651 938 Frith’s Vox Piscis, or the Book-Fish, containing three Treatises found in the belly of a Cod-Fish, old stamped vellum, - - - 1627 939 Frosisuer. A true Reporte of the last Voyage into the West and Northwest Regions, &c. 1577. worthily atchieved by Captaine Frobisher, writtin by Dionyse Settle, one of the companie in the sayde Voyage, black letter, russia, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE, London, Henrie Middleton, 1577 940 Frobisher. De Martini Frobisseri Navigatione in regiones Occidentes et Septentriones narratio Historica trans- lata par Freigium, plate, morocco, gilt leaves, Noriberg, 1580 941 Froger, Voyage au Mer du Sud, plates, evtra, Amst. 1715 942 Froes, Relatio Insule Japanize ac Rerum Mirabilium in ea a Patribus Societatis Jesu gestarum, Col. Agr. 1582 Maffei Res Geste in Oriente a Jesuitis, Col. 1574, 1. Olive morocco. 943 Frois, Nova Historica Relatio de Statu Rei Christiane in Japonia. “ - - Mogunt. 1598 [ 49 ] 944-Frois; Relatio Historica, de statu rei Christiane in Ja- ponia, - - > Mogunt. 1598 945 Freytag, Analecta Litteraria de Libris rarioribus, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Lips. \750 946 Frontini Opera, edente Oudendorpio, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1779 947 Frontonis Opera inedita, curante Maio, rine PAPER, 2 vol. extra, gilt leaves, - Mediolani, 1815 948 Frois Historica Relatio dle Rebus Japonicis, de gloriosa morte 26 Crucifixorum, &c. - Mogunt. 1599 949 Froissart’s Chronicles, by Johnes, 12 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - - 1808 950 Fry’s Testis in. Fry and Steele’s Specimens of Print- ing Types, together 2 vol. ~ 1799-95 951 Fryke and Schewitzer’s Voyages into the East Indies, russia, gilt leaves, - - 1700 952 Fueslini Epistole ab Ecclesia Helvetica Reformatoribus vel ad eos script, morocco, gilt leaves, Tiguri, 1742 *,* This volume contains five Letters of Lady Jane "Gtey, also Letters of Bullinger, Zwinglius, &c. 953 Fulke’s Book of Meteors, uncut, “ 1634 954 Fuller’s Fustory of Berwick upon Tweed, half morocco, gilt top, - Edin. 1799 955 Fuller, Le Batard Seaceaath Lond. 1702. Histoire de Gabrielle Marquise de Vico, Paris, 1707, green morocco, gilt leaves. 956 Fuller’s Adagies and poree Wise Sentences, and Witty Sayings, - 1732 957 Fuller’s Good Troughts J in Bad Ti imes. Good Thoughts in Worse Times, portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, 1830 958 Fumi Summa, que Aurea Armilia inscribitur, very scarce, morocco, richly tooled, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1554 959 Gabdorrachaman, l’Onirocrite Mussulman, Paris, 1664 960 Gaffarel, Curiosites inouyes sur la Sculpture Talismanique des Persans, - Paris, 1629 961 Gage’s Survey of the Sechieh West Indies, marbled eaves, 1702 962 Gale’s History of Mienahames Cathedral, plates, morocco, | gilt leaves, - 1715 963 Gage, Voyages dans os Neves Espagne, plates, 2 vol. cuts, marbled leaves, - - Amst.1720 264: Gaguini Francorum Regum gestorum annales, gilt leaves, Paris, 1528 965 Gagnat, La Guerre des Poetes, Manuscript, red morocco, ; ~ gilt leaves, 966 Gagnier, La Vie de Mahomet, plates, 2 vol. Amst. 1723 H 967 968 [ 50 ] Gaillard, Histoire de Charlemagne, 4 vol. Paris, 1782 Galand, Paroles remarquables, Bon Mots, et Maximes des Orientaux, russia, - - Haye, 1694 Galardi, La Tyrannie Heureuse ou Cromwell Politique. Le Cardinal Mazarin joué par un Flamand. — De letat de Ja France, 3 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves, Leyde, 1671 Galardi, Traité Politique de la choix d’Ambassadeurs, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Cologne, (Elzevir,) 1666 Galand, Paroles remarquables, Bon Mots, et Maximes des Orientaux, gilt leaves, - Haye, 1694 Galanterie d’une religieuse waseee a Dublin, Col. 1704. Le Livre A-la-mode, - - Europe, 1759 GALERIA REALE DI Firenze illustrata de Quadri di Storia, e di Varie genere. Ritratti di Pittori, Statue, Busti, Cam- mei, Intagli, &¢, engraved in Outline, VELLUM PAPER, Twenty copies only ghee 10 vol. half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, - - Firenze, 1817-24 Galilei, Opere, 13 vol. ents gilt leaves, + Milano, 1808 Galliani, Correspondance inedite, 2 vol. Paris, 1818 Gallardo, Diccionario Critico-Burlesco, suppressed and strictly prohibited, Mad. 1812. Auto de Fe celebrado en Longrofo, 1610, Mallorca, 1813, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves. - Gallandii Vita Petri Castellani Magni Francie Eleemosy- narii, old red morocco, - - Paris, 1674 Gallonii De Sanctorum Mears cruciatibus, plates, gilt leaves, - - Colon. Gallande, Idée Chronologique a I Histoire de France, a beautiful Manuscript, in imitation of type, written within borders, blue morocco, - - 1763 Galli Carmina. Patricii Carmina, beautiful Manuscript on VELLUM, of the Xth Century, with illuminated Capitals, olive morocco, with joints, gilt leaves. Galt’s Tragedies, half morocco, - 1812 2 Galt’s Gina and Studies of Benjamin wie: half morocco, - 1816 Galt’s Tryals of Margaret Lyndsay, morocco, gilt leaves, - Edin. 1823 Galt’s Ringan Gilhaize, 3 vol. half morocco, gilt leaves, 1823 Galt’s ant of the Lairds, half morocco, Edin. 1826 Galt’s Ayrshire Legabesai Galt, The Provost, 2 vol. half morocco, = Edin. 1821-22 Gamba, Serie dell’ Edizioni de’ Testi di Lingua Italiana, FINE PAPER, - Milano, 1812 Gamba, Serie dell’ Edizioni He Testi di Lingua Italiana, green morocco, gilt leaves, Milano, 1812 tGlabiilaeso de la Vega, Ghies )néeaeee gilt leaves, Mad. 1788 [ 51] 990 Garcilasso de la Vega, Obras, calf, marbled leaves, Mad. 1796 991 Garcilasso, Historia del Peru, 13 vol. Garcilasso, Historia de la Florida, 4 vol. together 17 vol. uniform, caif, marbled leaves, . - Mad, 1800-1803 992 Gardiner’s Catalogues, including the Attack on Rev. T. F. Dibdin, and his Sale Catalogue, 1 vol. 1810-14 994 Garcilasso de la Vega, translated into English verse by Wiffen, LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed for presents, green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves. Presen- tation copy to Ugo Foscolo, with a Letter by him inserted, 1823 995 Gaudence de Luques, plates,2 vol. - Amst. 1753 996 Garguille, Les Chansons, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1658 997 Garnier, Tragedies, a little wormed, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1582 998 Garnier, Tragedies, - - Rouen, 1605 999 Garon, Le Chasse Ennuy, ~ Paris, 1641 1000 Garimberto, Concetti Divinissimi, blue morocco, gilt leaves, "= - Venetia Comin da Trino, 1562 1001 Gascoigne’s Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth Castle. Laneham’s Letter gaeobing the nerente at Kenil- worth, - - 1821 1002 Gass’s Voyages and Travels fron the Mouth of the Missouri to the Pacific, half morocco, Pittsburgh. 1808 1003 Gattel, Diccionario dann y HERE red morocco, with joints, / 1798 1004 Gebelin, Histoire Nattpelia de la Parola: calf, marbled leaves, - - - Paris, 1776 1005 Geberi Philosophi summa perfectionis Magisterii in sua natura, Merlini Allegoria, &c. olive morocco, gilt leaves, Roma, Silber, s. a. 1006 Gell and si ti POI RET, plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, - 1817-19 1007 Gellerts Sammtliche Schriften , fine paper, 10 vol. in 6, Leipzig, 1784 1008 Gelli, Capricci del Bottaio-—La Circe, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Venetia, 1550 1009 Gelli, Le Lettioni, morocco, gilt leaves, Firenze, 1551 1010 Gelli, Cappricci del Bottaio, - Firenze, 1551 1011 Gello, La Circe, mise en Francoys, par Le Seigneur du Parc, morocco, gilt leaves, - Rouen, 1551 1012 Geocsraruiz vereris Scriprores Graci Mrinores, Gr. et Lat. dissertationibus ac annotationibus Dodwelli, Hudsoni et Wells, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, olive morocco, lined with leather, joints, tooled inside, leaves marbled and gilt, Williams's copy, FINE SET, EXTREMELY RARE, Oxon. 1698-1703-1712 [ 52 | Quarto. 1013 Gumilla, El Orinoco illustrado, plates, Mad. 1741 1014 Gurney’s Cupid and Psyche, a Mythological Tale, plate from the Marlborough gem, red morocco, - 1801 1015 Gurnez (Ant. a) Vita et Martyrium S. Liberti Malia2;is et Mechliniensium Principum, blue morocco, gilt lea. Mechlin. 1639 1016 Guthrie’s Tour through the Crimea, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - ~ - — 1802 1017 Guzman (Fernan Perez de) Exemplo pera bien bivir, Sietecientas, morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, VERY RARE, Lixboa, 1564 1018 Gwynne’s Military Memoirs of the Great Civil War, published by Sir Walter Scott, half morocco, Edin. 1822 1019 I, H. The Travailes of an Englishman, containing his sundrie calamities indured by the space of twentie and odd yeres in his absence from his native Countrie. ‘With the description of a Man that appeared in the Sea: and also of a huge Giant brought from China to the King of Spaine, by I. H. exrremezy rare, gilt leaves, London, for William Wright, 1591 1020 Haddoni Orationes, Epistole, et Poemata, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond, Gul. Seresium, 1567 1021 Haedus, De Amoris generibus, Tarvisi, per Gerardum de Flandrie. MCCCCXCII. 1022 Hager’s Dissertation on Babylonian Inscriptions, 1801 1023 Hakewill’s History of Windsor, plates, LARGEST PAPER, half morocco, ~ my - 1818 1024 Hakewill’s Picturesque Tour of Italy, Lance PAPER, proofs and etchings of the plates on India paper, with three plates which are not in any other copy, morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, - - - 1820 1025 Hakewill’s Picturesque Tour of the Island of Jamaica, 1825 1026 Hakluyt’s Divers Voyages touching the Discoverie of America, and the Islands adjacent unto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen, black letter, russia, by Lewis, very rare, Mr. Jadis’s copy, London, Thomas Dawson, 1582 1027 Hakluyt’s Virginia richly valued, calf, gilt leaves, 1609 1028 Hakluyt’s Collections of Voyages, ‘Travels and Disco- veries, with Additions and a Supplement, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, only 75 copies printed, bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, - a 1809 1029 Halfpenny’s Remains of Ancient Buildings in York, half morocco, - ~ 3 - 1807 [ 53 ] 1030 Halhed’s Grammar of the Bengal Language, rich old French blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Hooghly, 1778 1031 Hall’s Sette to Corea and Loo ie plates, half mo- rocco, - 1808 1032 Halliday’s History of the House of, Guelph, half russia, 182] 1033 Hamilton’s Augyptiaca, with Atlas of Plates, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, - - 1829 1034 Hamilton’s Account of Nepal: plates, half morocco, Edin. 1819 1035 Hamilton’s sg Meaty of Hindostan, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1820 1036 Hamilton’s tout of the Fishes forint in the Ganges, plates, separate, 2 vol. half morocco, - Edin. 1822 1037 Hamilton’s Memoirs of Grammont, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, with 64 Portraits, proof si haga red morocco, gilt leaves, 1811 1038 Hamilton’s (Lady) tcieaiten 1794. Humphreys s Cara- catures Parodies of Lady Hamilton’s Attitudes, 1807, 1 vol. half russia. 1039 Hammer's Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Cha- racters explained, - ~ 1806 1040 Hammonii Itinerarium B. Virg. Marie, quando cum puero Jesu fugit in AXgytum, morocco, Croft's Copy, Ingoldst. 1556 1041 Hamond’s Paradox, proving the Inhabitants of Mada- gascar the happiest People in the World, inlaid, 1640 1042 Hanway’s Travels into Persia, &c. plates, 4 vol. 1753: 1043 Harcourt’s Voyage to Guiana, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1813 1044 Hardyng’s Chronicle, in Verse, black letter, morocco, with joints, fine copy, : London, Richard Grafton, 1543 1046 Hargrove’s Account of the Islands of Walcheren and South Beveland, Presentation Copy to the Duke of York, red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1812 1047 Harleian Miscellany, Edited By Park, 10 vol. half mo- rocco, gilt leaves, 1812 1048 Harraden’s Cantabrigia fovits plates, i lf morocco, 1811 1049 Harris’s Works, by the Earl of Malmesbury, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - : 1801 1050 Hartleib, De Generibus Ebriosorum. et Ebrietate vi- tanda, curious wood cut, - (Erfurt, 1515) 1051 Hartley's Observations on Man, portrait, russia, 1791 1052 Harwood’s History of Lichfield, plates, half morocco, 1806 1053 Haslewood’s Literary savendicamagee into the Book of St. Albans, - 1810 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 10614 1065 1066 1067 [ 54 J Hassell’s Tour in the Isle of Wight, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, - - 1790 Haygarth’s Greece, a Poem, plates, - 1814 Hayley’s Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, 3 vol. half morocco, uncut, with some Letters of Hayley inserted, - r Chichester, 1803 Haythoni Liber Historiarum partium Orientis, sive pas- sagium ‘Terre Sanctz, morocco, gilt leaves, Hagano, 1529 Hearne’s Journey from Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean, half morocco, - - 1795 Hearne’s Peter Langtoft and Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicles, 4 vol. - - - 1810 Heber’s (Bishop) Journey through the Upper Provinces of india, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, - 1828 Heber’s (Bishop) Life and Correspondence, by his Widow, 2 vol. = 1830 Hederici Lexicon Grecum, a Morell, russia, Lond. 1803 Heidmanni Palestina, plates, calf, gilt leaves, Wolferbyti, 1665 Helffrichs Reise aus Venedig nach Hierusalem, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, - . Leipz. 1581 Heliconia and Archaica, containing Selections of Old English Poetry and Tracts of the Elizabethan Age. Edited by Park and Brydges, 5 vol. half morocco, uncut, 1815 Folio. Lorp ConincGsspy’s COLLECTIONS CONCERNING THE Manor oF MarpEN, PRIVATELY PRINTED, EXTREMELY RARE, very fine copy, in russia, gilt leaves. *,* The Collections made by Earl Coningsby were not published. His want of success in his Law Suit probably determined him to destroy them, but a few copies escaped. They contain much valuable information relative to various Manors and Lands in the County of Hereford. See Duncumbe’s His- tory of Hereford, vol.2, p.18. This copy contains more leaves than are mentioned in Upcott’s Colla- tion, and even many that are not in the Towneley copy in the British Museum, which was supposed to be the completest extant. Lord Coningsby did not print a Title to his Collections, but a Title and In- troduction are added to this copy. Gulielmi Tyrii Belli Sacri Historia, ruled, the original beau- tiful inlaid binding, but rebacked, gilt leaves, Basil, 1549 [ 55 1068 GiamorcansHire Hornor’s ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE VALE or Neatu, in GLAMoRGANSHIRE. A Macniricent Cot- LECTION OF Drawines in Water Colours, illustrating the Picturesque and Romantic Scenery of the Vale of Neath, in Glamorganshire, with Descriptions in Manu- script. 1069 Guerrno. In questo Libro vulgarmente se tratta alchuna ystoria breve del Re Karlo Imperatore, poi del Nasci- mento et Opere de quello magnifico Cavalieri, nominato Guerino et Prenominato Meschino, a remarkably tall copy of this very rare edition, the two first and two last leaves of the Table are wanting, Venetian morocco, with joints, richly tooled, In Venezia M. CCCCLXXVIII. Gerardus de Flandria impressit. 1070 Guillaume Archevesque de Tyr, Histoire de la Guerre Saincte trad. par Gabriel du Preau, calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1573 1071 Gunton’s History of the Church of Peterburgh, plates, LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, > 1686 1072 Guzman, Historia de las Missiones de la Compania de Jesus en la India Oriental, China y Japon, 2 vol. mo- rocco, - - Alcala, 1601 1073 Haedo, Historia ‘de Argel, . Vallad. 1612 *.* This curious Work contains an account of the Captivity of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote. 1074 Hagelgans, Orbis Literatus, SA cami ole eta in Synopsi representatus, - 1737 1075 Hakluyt’s Principal Navigations, ‘Voiages, and Discove- ries of the English Nation, first edition, in russia, 1589 *,* This copy contains the ExTREMELY RARE Map, AND THE SIX CANCELLED LEAVES OF SiR FRANCIS Drake's VOYAGE. 1076 Hakluyt’s Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation, wirH THE oRIGINAL VoyaGE To CaDiz, 3 vol. in 2, London, 1598-1600. A Supplement to Hakluyt’s Voyages, containing the Additional Matter of the new Edition, 1812, together 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves. 1077 Hall’s English Chronicle, red morocco, Grafton, 1548 1078 Sir W. Hamilton’s Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities, 4 vol. the original edition, PLATES COLOURED, beautiful set in French red morocco, gilt leaves, Naples, 1766 1079 Hamilton’s Campi Phlegrei, or Observations on the Volcanos of the Two Sicilies, with the Supplement, PLATES BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED AFTER THE ORIGINAL Drawines, red morocco, gilt leaves, Naples, 1776 [ 54 | 1054 Hassell’s Tour in the Isle of Wight, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, - - 1790 1055 Haygarth’s Greece, a Poem, plates, - 1814 1056 Hayley’s Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, 3 vol. half morocco, uncut, with some Letters of Hayley inserted, - : Chichester, 1803 1057 Haythoni Liber Historiarum partium Orientis, sive pas- sagium ‘Terre Sanctz, morocco, gilt leaves, Hagano, 1529 1058 Hearne’s Journey from Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean, half morocco, « - 1795 1059 Hearne’s Peter Langtoft and Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicles, 4 vol. - - - 1810 1060 Heber’s (Bishop) Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, ~ 1828 1061 Heber’s (Bishop) Life and Correspondence, by his Widow, 2 vol. : 7 1830 1062 Hederici Lexicon Grecum, a Morell, russia, Lond. 1803 1063 Heidmanni Palestina, plates, calf, gilt leaves, Wolferbyti, 1665 1064 Helffrichs Reise aus Venedig nach Hierusalem, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Leipz. 1581 1065 Heliconia and Archaica, containing Selections of Old English Poetry and Tracts of the Elizabethan Age. Edited by Park and Brydges, 5 vol. half morocco, uncut, 1815 Folio. 1066 Lorp Conincssy’s COLLECTIONS CONCERNING THE Manor or MarpbeN, PRIVATELY PRINTED, EXTREMELY RARE, very fine copy, in russia, gilt leaves. *,* The Collections made by Earl Coningsby were not published. His want of success in his Law Suit probably determined him to destroy them, but a few copies escaped. They contain much valuable information relative to various Manors and Lands in the County of Hereford. See Duncumbe’s His- tory of Hereford, vol. 2, p.13. This copy contains more leaves than are mentioned in Upcott’s Colla~ tion, and even many that are not in the Towneley copy in the British Museum, which was supposed to be the completest extant. Lord Coningsby did not print a Title to his Collections, but a Title and In- troduction are added to this copy. 1067 Gulielmi Tyrii Belli Sacri Historia, ruled, the original beau- tiful inlaid binding, but rebacked, gilt leaves, Basil, 1549 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 [ 55 | GLAMORGANSHIRE Hornor’s ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE VALE or Neatru, in GuaAmMorGANSHIRE. A MaGniricent Cor- LECTION OF Drawines in Water Colours, illustrating the Picturesque and Romantic Scenery of the Vale of Neath, in Glamorganshire, with Descriptions in Manu- script. Guerino. In questo Libro vulgarmente se tratta alchuna ystoria breve del Re Karlo Imperatore, poi del Nasci- mento et Opere de quello magnifico Cavalieri, nominato Guerino et Prenominato Meschino, a remarkably tall copy of this very rare edition, the two first and two last leaves of the Table are wanting, Venetian morocco, with joints, richly tooled, In Venexia M. CCCCLXXVIII. Gerardus de Flandria impressit. Guillaume Archevesque de Tyr, Histoire de la Guerre Saincte trad. par Gabriel du Preau, calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1573 Gunton’s History of the Church of Peterburgh, plates, LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1686 Guzman, Historia de las Missiones de la Compania de Jesus en la India Oriental, China y Japon, 2 vol. mo- rocco, - - - Alcala, 1601 Haedo, Historia de Argel, - Vallad. 1612 *,* This curious Work contains an account of the Captivity of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote. Hagelgans, Orbis Literatus, Germanico-Europeus, in Synopsi representatus, - - 1737 Hakluyt’s Principal Navigations, Voiages, and Discove- ries of the English Nation, first edition, in russia, 1589 *,* This copy contains the EXTREMELY RARE Map, AND THE SIX CANCELLED LEAVES OF Sir FRANcIs Drake's VoyaGE. Hakluyt’s Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation, wirh THE orIGINAL VoyaGE To Capiz, 3 vol. in 2, London, 1598-1600. A Supplement to Hakluyt’s Voyages, containing the Additional Matter of the new Edition, 1812, together 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves. Hall's English Chronicle, red morocco, Grafton, 1548 Sir W. Hamilton’s Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities, 4 vol. the original edition, pLaTEs COLOURED, beautiful set in French red morocco, gilt leaves, Naples, 1766 Hamilton’s Campi Phlegrei, or Observations on the Volcanos of the Two Sicilies, with the Supplement, PLATES BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED AFTER THE ORIGINAL DrawinGs, red morocco, gilt leaves, Naples, 1776 [ 56 ] 1080. Harding and Moule’s Antiquities in Westminster Abbey,, plates coloured, LARGE. PAPER, . - . e 1825 1081 Harris’s History of Kent, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia, — , 1719 1082 Harris’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, 2 vol. plates, ; best edition, - ~ - 1744 1083 Harris’s AURELIAN, TuirtTy OricinaL CoLouRED Draw- INGS ON VELLUM OF EncuisH Morus anp BurrerFiies, with the plants on which they feed, beautifully executed, mounted and bound in venetian morocco, - 1794 1084 Hasted’s History of Kent, plates, 4 vol. in russia, 1778 1085 Hawkins’s (Sir Richard) Observations on his Voyage into the South Sea, Larce papER, russia, by Lewis, 1622 1086 Hawkins’s Observations on his Voyage into the South Sea, - - - - 1622 1087 Hearne, Ectypa varia ad Historiam Britannicam illus- trandam re olim insculpta, original impressions, fine copy, - - - Oxon. 1737 1088 Hearne, Ectypa varia ad Historiam Britannicam illus- trandam ere olim:insculpta, the modern impressions. 1089 Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities of Great Britain, 2 vol. in-1; half morocco, - - - - 1807 x SIXTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1090 Geographical Grammar and Dictionary, 2 vol. blue mo- rocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - 1802-4. 1091 Geographical Account of the Great World, with a Voca- bulary, and Map, satirical, half morocco, - 1829, 1092 Georgii (Barthol.) De Afflictione tam captivorum quam . etiam sub Turcis tributo viventium Christianorum, wood culs, with French and Flemish translations of the same work,, .., morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Anvers, 1544 1093 Generibus (De) Ebriosorum, et Ebrietate vitanda, : Francf. 1599 1094 Genevieve. Histoire de ce qui est.arrive au Tombeau de Sainte Genevieve, jine print, morocco, Paris, 1697, 1095 Genlis, Alphonse, 3 vol. half morocco, - Lond. 1809 1096 Genlis, (Madame de) Memoires inedits pour servir a, l'Histoire de XVIIL, et XIX. Siecles, 8 vol. half morocco, 4 Paris, 1825 1097 Gent's History of Rippon, plates, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, si tye oa tay el ly od oa {1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 i1ll 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 111s [ 57 ] Gent’s History of Hull, 1733. Gent’s History of Rippon, 1733, 2 vol. in 1, gilt leaves. Gent’s various Historical and Topographical Works. History of York, 1730. History of Rippon, 1733. History of Hull, 1735. History of the Great Window in York Cathedral, 1762. History of England and Rome, 2 vol. 1739-41, 6 vol. uniform, York, V.Y. Gent’s Judas Iscariot, 1772. History of Christ in verse, n.d. Job, in verse, 1734. Elegy on the Earl of Car- lisle, - - ~ - 1738 Gerardo, Vita d’Ezzelino Terzo da Romano, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1552 Gerard d’Euphrate, - - Lyon, 1580 Geraldini Itinerarium ad regiones sub A®quinoctiali plaga constitutas, old red morocco, - Rome. 1631 Gerardo, Vita et Gesti d’Ezzelino terzo da Romano, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Venetia, 1543 Gerileon d’Angleterre, mis en Francois par Estienne de Maison-Neufve, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1586 German Romance : Specimens of its chief authors, 4 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - Edinb. 1827 German Poems, translated from the publications of the Author of the German Erato, 2 vol. marbled leaves, . Berlin, 1801 German Theatre, trans. by Thompson, 4 vol. plates, LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, = 1800 Gesner, Giuvres complettes, 3 vol. yellow morocco, Geneve, 1786 Gessner, La Morte d’Abelle, trad. da Magnozzi, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Parigi, 1782 Gessner, CHuvres, 4 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1795 Gesta Romanorum, Paris, Regnault, 1514. Secreta Mu- lierum et virorum ab Alberto Magno, 1517, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco. Gesta Romanorum, red morocco, gilt leaves, Venetiis, Bindoni, 1527 Ghibbesii Carmina, portrait, green morocco, gilt leaves, Rome. 1668 Gibeciere de Mome, ou le Thresor de Ridicule, Paris,1644 Giambullari, Lezzioni ; red morocco, gilt leaves, Firenze, 1551 Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 8 vol. tarGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1827 Gibbon’s Miscellaneous Works, by Lord Sheffield, rarce PAPER, 5 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - 1814 I [| 58 | 1119 Gibbon, Memoires Litteraires de la Grande Bretagne, pour 1767 et 1768, 2 vol. very RARE, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Lond. 1769 *,* These very rare little volumes were the joint productions of Gibbon and his friend Deyverdun. Gibbon speaks of them with great satisfaction in his Memoirs. The version of part of Anstey’s New Bath Guide is only inferior to the celebrated Towneley Hudibras. Hume contributed the Re- view of Lord Lyttelton’s HenryII. and of Walpole’s Historic Doubts. 0 1121 Giblet, Historie de’ Re Lusignani, russia, Venet. 1660 1122 Gifford’s Baviad and Meviad, calf, marbled leaves, 1811 1123 Gildas de excidio et conquestu Britanniee, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Lond, 1568 1125 Gillingwater’s History of St. Edmund’s Bury, 1804 1126 Gilly’s Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, and Researches among the Vaudois, 1826. Acland’s Sketch of the Valdenses, 1826, 2 1, half morocco. 1127 Gilpin’s (Rev. W.) Picturesque and Biographical Works, viz. Essay on Prints, River Wye, Tour in Scotland, 2 vol. Southern Tour, Western ‘Tour, Observations on Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, &c. and North Wales, Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, 2 vol. Forest Sce- nery, 2 vol. Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty, &c. Dialogues, Lives of the Reformers, 2 vol. Life of Capt. Rogers, in all 15 vol. with numerous plates, uniform in green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Le 1128 Giovio, Vite de i dodeci Visconte e di Sforza Prencipi di : Milano, - ~ = Vinegia, 1558 1129 Giovio, Vita di Ferrando Davalo Marchese di Pescara, Fiorenza, 1557. Vita di Gonsalvo di Cordova, trad. par Domenichi, Venet. 1552, 2 vol. gilt leaves. 1130 Giovanni Fiorentino, Il Pecorone, 2 vol. Milano, 1804 1131 Giraldi, libellus quomodo quis ingrati crimen et nomen possiteffugere, green morocco, gilt leaves, Torrentino, 1547 1132 Giraldi, Novelle, calf, gilt leaves, - Amsterdam, 1819 1133 Girard, de l’Estat et Succez des Affaires de France, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1612 1134 Glanville Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetidinibus regni Anglix, red morocco, gilt leaves, Sir J. Thorold’s a EN - - - _ Lond. 1604 1135 Glanvill’s Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, plates, uncut, a - - 1682 1136 Glossarium Eroticum Linguz Latine, (a Pierrugues), | LARGE PAPER, half morocco, uncut, = Paris, 1826 _As7 Godigni de Abassinorum rebus libri tres. red morocco, gilt leaves, fe 4 Lugduni, 1615 1138 Godwin’s Life of Chaucer, 4 vol, - 1804 [ 59 ] 1139 Godart, Allegresse de la France, en vers, 1595, L’Oracle ou le Chant de Protée, 1595. La Fontaine de Gentilly, en vers, 1595. Marsilii Lusus de Nemine, Paris, 1586. Demons, Demonstration de la quatriesme Partie de rien, et quelque chose et tout, Paris, 1594, &c. &c. 1 vol. 1140 Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, 3 vol. half morocco, Edin. 1824 1141 Goethe’s Faust Be Lord ae Gower, with the two suppressed passages, - 1823 1141*Goethe’s Herman and Dewees, by Holcroft, 1801 1142 Goedardt Metamorphosis Naturalis. in Dutch, plates coloured, 3 vol. - » Mediol. 1143 Goldoni, Scelte Commedie di, 12 vol, in 6, calf, marbled 7 leaves, - Padova, 1811 1144 Goldsmid’s Bitte, Gptaloeue of, prices. 1145 Goldsmith’s Grecian and Roman History, 4vol. 1793 1146 Goldsmith’s Miscellaneous Works, 5 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1806 1147 Golnitzi, Ulysses Belgico- -Gallicus, red morocco, Elzevir. 1655 1148 Gomara, Historia de las Indias, Con la Conquista de Mexico, 2 vol. in morocco, gilt leaves, Anvers. 1554 1149 Gomara, Historia de Mexico, con el Descubrimiento de la Nueva Espaha, red morocco, gilt leaves, -Anvers. 1554 1150 Gomara, Historia General de las Indias, Map, gilt leaves, Anvers. 1554 1151 Gomara, Voyages et Conquestes du Capitaine Ferdinand Courtois, trad. par Guillaume le Breton, morocco, gilt } _ leaves, - - - Paris, 1588 1152 Gomara, Histoire Generale des Indes Occidentales et Terres Neuves, trad. par Fumée, blue morocco, gilt leaves. See the Note in which its extreme rarity is proved, Paris, par Bernard Turrisan, a La Boutique d’ Alde. 1152*Gomara, Histoire des Indes Occidentales trad. par Mart. Fumée, russia, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1606 1153 Gomersall’ s Poems, wants the TOMER ESE green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1633 1154 Gomez (Madame #2) Les Cent Senraital Nouvelles, 20 vol. = Haye, 1762 -1155 Gordon’s Meats of his Life, calf, marbled leaves, 1734 1155*Gordon’s Discourse on occasion of consecrating the new Colours of the 56th Regiment, singular preface relating : to Bonaparte, blue morocco, 1819. 1156 Gordonstoun’s Library, Catalogne of, LARGE PAPER, prices, half morocco, 1816 (1157 Gorgy, Lidorie, 2 vol. gilt ee, 1790. ater! Blangay, plates, 2 vol. 1795. Gorgy, Victorine, 2 vol. in 1, mo- rocco, 1795. 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 [ 60 ] Gorham’s History of Eynesbury and St. Neot's, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - 1820-24 Gorton’s Topographical Dictionary, Maps, 3 vol. 1833 Gondar (Jaques) Chroniques Frangoises, plates, coloured in fac simile of the original Illuminations, rich stamped velvet cover. . Goudelin, Obros en lengo de Toulouso, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Toulouso, 1774 Gouget, Discours sur la reformation de l'ordre des Decrets, 1608. Discours veritable d'un Juif errant, 1609. Discours des Marques des Sorciers, 1611, &c. 1 vol. morocco, gilt leaves. Goulart, Histoires Admirables et Memorables de nostre temps, 4 vol. in 2, calf, marbled leaves, Geneve, 162U Goulburn’s Blueviad, a Satirical Poem, - 1805 Gostling’s Walk in and about Canterbury, plates, half morocco, - - - 1777 Gontier, Amours de la Belle du Luc, red morocco, Paris, 1597 Gonzaga (Lucretia) Lettere, morocco, with joints, lined with vellum, richly tooled, Vinegia, Gualtero Scotto, 1552 *,* See a long and curious note at the beginning proving that this work was really written by Ortensio Landi. Gozze (Nic. Vito di) Discorsi della Penitenza, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - Venet. Aldo. 1589 Graaf, Voyages aux Indes Orientales, morocco, gilt leaves, ' Amst. 1719 Grabii Spicilegium SS. Patrum ut et Hereticorum, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. in I, Larce paper. Williams's Copy, green morocco, with points, and gilt leaves, Oxon. 1698 Grace’s (Sheffield) Sketch of the Grace Mausoleum in the Queen’s County. Survey of Tulloroan, or Grace’s Parish, plates, 2 vol. PRIVATELY FRINTED, 50 copies only, Sor presents, - - Dublin, 1819 Grace’s (Sheffield) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, PRIVATELY PRINTED, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH 178 Por- TRAITS, Views, &c. > = London, 1823 Grace's (Sheffield) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED, - - 1823 Grafligny, Lettres d’une Peruvienne, plates, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, + Paris, Didot, 1797 Graffigny, Vie Privée de Voltaire et Madame Du Chate- let pendant six Mois a Cirey, avec 50 Lettres inédites de Voltaire, Lance parEr, red morocco, gilt leaves, » Par. 1820 [ et j 1176 Grafton’s (Duke ‘ of) Library, ‘Catalogue Of, LARGE PAPER, ruled, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1815 1177 Graham's Annals of Ireland from 1635 to 1691, 1817 1178 Graham’s Life of Poussin, half morocco, = 7820 1179 Graham’s (Maria) Letters on India, == = 1814 1180 Grammont’s Memoirs, by Count Hemltoa; portrait, 3 vol. 1809 1181 Grand Roechin le) Fistoice du Divorce we Henry VIII. et de Catharine EEO, 3 vol. extra, gilt leaves, ‘ -- Paris, 1688 1182 Granger's Biographical History of England, with Noble’s Continuation, 6 vol. half morocco, uncut, 1824-1806 1183: Granucci, L’Eremita, la Carcere, e’] Diporto, Lucca, 1569 1184 Grant (Charles, Vicomte de Vaux) Memoires de la Maison de Grant, FINE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, “ Lond. 1796 1185 Granville’ s Reminiscences relative to the King of Kandy, half morocco, - ~ Colombo, 1820 1186 Granville’s (Sir Richwtd) Two Original Journals of the ' Expedition to Cadiz 1625, and to the Isle of Rhee 1627, _- Tussia,. mr ves 9 - - - 1? 24 1187 Gratiani, Vie du Cardinal Commendon, trad. par Fle- . chier, 2 vol. in 1, old French red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1734 1188 Gratiano, Di Orlando Santo vita et morte, in ottava rima, blue morocco, gilt leaves, . - Trivigi, 1597 1189 Grattan’s Philibert, a Poetical Rowanoe, half morocco, Bordeaux, 1819 1190 Gravelot et Cochin, Iconologie par figures, PROOF IM- PRESSIONS, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. vellum, with silk linings. richly gilt, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1791 1191 Graziani, Il Conquisto. di Gradate. 3. vol, calf, marbled leaves, - - - Venezia, 1789 1192 Grazzini, La Prima e aaron Cena, Leida, 1790. La ers Seconda Cena di Grazzini, Stambul, 1743. 1193 Greaves’s Miscellaneous Works, by Birch, 2 vol. 1737 1194 Green’s Survey of Worcester, plates, - 1764 1195 Green’ s Tourist’s Guide of the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire, 36 plates, 2 vol. ’ Kendal, 1819 1196 Gregorii Turonici Historia Francorum. Adonis ‘Vien- Ese nensis Chronica, ruled, morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1561 1197 Gregoire, Explication des Ceremonies de la PeteDier d’ Aix, plates, - - Aix, 1777 1198 Grelot’s Voyage to Giieitashino ple: plates, 1683 1199 Grellmann, Histoire des Bohemiens, . Paris, 1810 1200 Gresset, Giuvres Choisies, vellum paper; proof plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, Didot, 179+ ; - + [ 64 | 1238 Helmoldi, et Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum, morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Lubec. 1659 1239 Henault, Abregé Chronologique de l’Histoire de France, avec les Portraits par Odieuvre, et Supplement, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. old blue morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1749-56 1240 Henderson's History of the Brazils, plates, half morocco, | 1821 1241 Henning’s Casts in Plaster from the Parthenon, con- tained in three glazed cases, which shut up and are covered with leather, resembling books, 3 vol. morocco, tooled and gilt. 1242 Henriquez ad Carolum V. Epistola Dedicatoria. Ejus- dem de Matrimonio Regine Anglie, &c. Neap. 1532. very rare, With other Tracts in the Volume, morocco, gilt leaves. 1243 Henry’s History of Great Britain, with Andrews’s Con- tinuation, 7 vol. half morocco, uncut, © 1771-96 1244 Henrici VIII. Assertio septem Sacramentorum, morocco, Lugd. 1661 1245 Henrici VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum, First EDITION, in the original stamped binding, London. in Aidibus Pynsonianis, 1521 *,* The first edition of Henry’s celebrated Book, which procured to him and his successors the title of DEFENDER OF THE Fairy. The present copy possesses great interest and curiosity, from bear- ing on the title rae AvuroGrapH oF CRANMER, to whom it was most probably presented by Henry. It has also marginal Notes by him throughout. 1246 Hewnrici VIII: Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, &c. Seconp Epirion, containing the Oration of John Clerk, Henry’s Ambassador, on presenting the Book to the Pope, Leo X. the Pope’s Reply, the Bull, in which the King is addressed ‘ FIDEI DEFENSORI, &C. FINE COPY, in the original binding Lond. 4édibus Pynsonianis, 1521 *4* This edition is in fact the same as the preceding, with the additions of the preliminary leaves, and Henry's Epistle to the Duke of Saxony, at the end. 1247 Hentzneri Itinerarium Germanie, Angliz, Galliz, Italie, russia, “ - Bresle, 1617 1248 Heraldic Manuscript, containing 130 Coats of English Gentry, beautifully emblazoned. 1249 Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale, 4 vol. uncut, } Haye, 1777 [ 65 ] 1250 Life of Edward Lord Herburt of Cherbury, by. Himself, illustrated with Plates and Portraits, russia, gilt leaves, 1792 1251 Herbert de Fulstin, Histoire des Roys et Princes de Po- loigne, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1573 1252 Herbert’s Typographical Antiquities, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. russia, gilt leaves, in the margins are noted the Sales and Catalogues where copies of the books mentioned have oc- curred, - - 1785 1253 Herbert’s Lambeth Palace Illustrated, plates, half mo- rocco, - - - 1805 1254 Herbert's Antiquities of the Inns of ert plates, LARGE PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, - . - 1804 1255 Sigismond Barone de Herberstein, Commentari della Moscovia, gilt leaves, - Venetia, 1550 1256 Herculanensia by Drummond, 1810. Hayter’s Obser- vations upon a Review of the Herculanensia, 1810. Hager on Babylonian Inscriptions, 1801. 1257 Herder’s Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man, by Churchill, - - 1800 1258 Herodian’s History, trans. by Smyth, black letter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - London, W. Coplande, n. d. 1259 Heriot’s Travels phgough the Canadas, plates, half mo- rocco, - 1817 1260 Hervas, Historia de la V ida del Hae 7 vol. marbled leaves, ~ - ~ Mad. 1789 1261 Herodote, traduite avec des Remarques par Larcher, 9 vol. best Prete LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, = Paris, 1801 1262 Herrera, storia de Porusal, calf, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1591 1263 Hese (Jo. de) Itinerarium in Terram Sanctam, black letter, - * (Argent. Knoblouch, 1500) 1264 Hese (Joh de) Itinerarium Hierusalem describens, black letter, russia, - Paris, Gourmont, 1507 1265 Hesiodi Opera, Gr. et Lat. a are blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Parm. 1785 1266 Heude’s Voyage up the Persian Guilph: and Journey overland to England, half morocco, - 1819 1267 Heures A L'usalGE pg RoME, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, Wood Cuts, and Wood-cut borders of the Dance of Death, &c. morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1497 1268 Hevres a L’Usace pe Roms, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, elegant Wood cut borders, representing the Dance of Deuti, &c. morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Simon Vostre, MCCCCXCVIII. -4269 Heures a l’'usaige de Romme, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, with Wood-cuts within borders, morocco, with joints, richly tovled, - - Paris, Hardouyn, 1503 K ~ [ 66 ] 1270 Hexham’s relation of the Siege of Breda, Delft, 1637 1271 Heyne’s Tracts on India, plates, half morocco, 1814 1272 Heywood’s Gentylnesand Nobylyte, an Enterlude, twenty- five copies reprinted. 1273. Heywood’s Life of Merlin, russia, gilt leaves, 1641 1274 Hibbert’s Description of the Shetland Islands, plates, half morocco, . - Edin. 1822 1275 Hickeringill’s Good Old Cie Jamaica Viewed, and other Tracts, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1692-1705 1276. Hickey’s History of Painting and Sculpture, English and Italian, vol. 1, all published, a Calcutta, 1788 1277 Hieronymi Dialogus—tTranslatio super Climacum qui tractat de perfectione totius monastice religionis—Pe- trarcha de Vita Solitaria, &c. Manuscript, upon vellum, of the XVth Century. 1278 Hierocles in Aureos versus Pythagore, morocco, gilt leaves, Patavii, Valde Zoccho, MCCCCLXXIV. 1279 Hill’s Sketches in Flanders and Holland, plates, Larcr : PAPER, half morocco, - 1816 1280 Hilton’s Discovery on the Cina of Florida, russia, by Lewis, - -— 1664 1281 Hinderwell’s History of Scarborough, Po half mo- rocco, “ 1798 1282 Hinpoo Drawings. A Series of Draws by Native Artists, representing the Trades and Occupations of the Hindoos, blue morocco. Folio. 1283 Herbert's Travels into Africa and Asia, first edition, with additional plates from subsequent editions inserted, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - eae 1638 1284 Herbert's Travels into Africa av Asia, plates, calf, gilt leaves, - - - - 1677 1286 Herodotus, Grece, first pai am morocco, gilt leaves, ‘Aldus, 1502 1287 Herodotus, Latine a Laur. Valla, morocco, gilt leaves, Rome, Petri de Maximis, MCCCCLXXV. 1288 Herrera, Historia de las Indias Occidentales, LARGE PAPER, 5 vol. : ~ ©)" Mad. 1730 1289 Heywood s Great Britain's Troy, a Poem, morocco, gilt ; leaves, 2 1609 1290 Heywood’s ere ke of che Blessed Angels, a Poem, plates, Venetian morocco, -— 1635 1291 Hibbert’s (Julian) Tables of Anti- Superstitionists, &e. privately printed, half morocco, al") S35 1898 [ 67 ] 1292 Hedlinger, Medailles de, Expliquées par Mechel, rich old . _ French morocco, gilt leaves, Basle, 1776 1293 Hizronym1 Episto.z cum Rony Ee Joannis Andres Episcopi Aleriensis, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION WITH A DATE, VERY RARE, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, by Lewis, Roma, Sweynueym Et Pannartz, MCCCCLXVIII. *,* This copy is so fine that Dr. Dibdin has written in the first volume, “I am not sure, whether, upon the whole, this be not the finest copy of the work which I ever saw.” .It belonged to Card. Capra- riis who purchased it on its being first published, and has written at the end of each vol. the cost of the book, the charges for binding, rubricating, &c. 1294 Hieronimo (Sancto) Vite e Pistole vulgare, very elegant wood cuts in outline, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Ferrara, Lorenzo di Rossi, MCCCCXCVII. 1295 Hinpoo Drawines. Paris, 1585 1327 Haddoni Poemata, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. Gul. Seresium, 1576 1328 Haefteni Schola bag Emblemata, fine impressions, blue morocco, = Antverp. 1635 1329 Hajji Baba, 3 vol. half morocco, - - 1824 1330 Hales’s Golden et aged green morocco, gilt leaves. Wil- liams’s Copy, = . 1688 1331 Hales’s Works, by Balisnple, 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves. Williams's Copy, - Giasg. 1765 1332 Hall’s (Bishop) Discovery of a New World, translated by Healey, morocco, gilt leaves, 1333 Hall's (Bishop) Discovery of a New World, translated by Healey, plates inserted, green morocco. 1334 Hall’s Satires, portrait inserted, morocco, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1753 1335 Hall’s Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, 2 vol. half morocco, New York, 1809 1336 Hall's (Bishop) Satires, half morocco, Edin. 1824 1337 Hall's Satires, by Singer, portrait, half morocco, 1824 1338 Hall’s Life of Andrew Hofer, half morocco, 1820 1339 Hall’s Journal on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 2 vol. half morocco, = - 1824 1340 Hamilton’s Letters concerniug the Northern Coast of Antrim, plates, half morocco, - Dublin, 1790 1841 Hamilton’s Observations on Mount Vesuvius, 1772 _ 1842 Hamilton's Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, 2 vol. 1811 1343 Hamilton’s Travels in Columbia, plates, 2 vol. half mo- rocco, - 1827 1344 Hamilton, Btivten; 5 vol. sath sealed leaves, . Paris, 1816 _. 1345 Hamilton's Antar, a Bedoueen Romance, 4 vol. ca uf, gilt , sa by ta - Mis Gieamart | Selo 1353 Harington’s Metamorphosis of Ajax, with the Anatomy and Apology, by Singer, yellow morocco, lined with green, richly tooled, - - - 1814 1354 Harleiane Bibliothece Catalogus, 5 vol. half morocco, uncut, - - - Lond, 1743 1355 Harris’s History of Dublin, plates, LARGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt ‘eaves, ~~ - - Dub. 1766 1356 Harrod’s Antiquities of Stamford, plates, FINE PAPER, 2 vol. russia. Fonthill Copy, - - 1785 1357 Harwood, Prospetto di varie Edizioni degli Autori Clas- sici da Pinelli, yellow morocco, - Venez. 1780 1358 Hawker’s Instructions to Young Sportsmen, plates, LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1824 1359 Hawkins’s Oren of the Eoghan Drama, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1773 1360 Hay (John) De rebus Japonicis, aaa et Peruanis Epis- tole recentiores. an IVihs Copy, with his Arms and Monogram, - Autverp. 1605 1361 Hayley’s Poems and Flava: 6 ae - 1788 1362 Hayward’s Life and Raigne of Edward VI. olive morocco, richl y tooled, - ~ 1636 1363 Head’s English Rogue, plates, the portrait is a copy, and title to vol. 3. reprinted, 4 vol. in 2. 1666-80 1364 Hearne’s Ductor Historicus, 2 vol. - 1724 1365 Hearne’s Collection of Curious Discourses, by Eminent Antiquaries, 2 vol. : 42h273 1366 ce a) Memorials of the Life and Writings . - 1736 1367 Heath's Chronicle of the Civil War, Jjirst edition, oa: [ 70 ] Hanson's Historical Account of all the Orders of Knight- hood, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - 1790 Harconet, Histoire des Personnes qui ont vecu plusieurs siecles, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1716 Hardy’s Life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charlemont, 2 vol. half MOrocco, - 1812 Hargrove’s History of KivareaBeeuiiie 1798. History of Alnwick, 1822. History of Wanchester, 2 vol. 1773, in all 4 vol. Harington’s View of the State of the Church of England in Q. Elizabeth's reigne, Venetian morocco, 1653 Harington’s New Discourse of a State subject called the actemensy aa of Ajax, 1596. Ulysses upon Ajax, 1596, 2 vol. in 1, blue morocco, VERY RARE. Harington’ s Metamorphosis of Ajax, 1596, An Anato- mie and Apology of the Metamorphosed Ajax, last leaf Manuscript, 1596, inlaid with various Illustrative Noles, by Nares, russia. of Charles I. russia, gilt leaves, - - 1662 ious 1368 Heath's Chronicle of the Civil War, with all the portraits, and an additional one, a Drawing, of Richard Cromwell inserted, Venetian morocco, lined with green, tooled inside and out, - - 1663 1369 Heath’s Flagellum, or Life oft Oliver Cromwell, portrait, 1665 1370 Heath's Account of the Scilly Islands, 1750. History of the Isle of Man, 1744. Huston’s Clifton and Bristol Guide, 1826, 3 vol. 1371 Hecatomgraphie contenant cent Emblemes, elegant wood cuts, yellow morocco, ~ - Paris, 1543 1372 Heetopades of Veeshnou-Sarma, Fables from the Sans- crit, by Wilkins, LARGE PAPER, russia, Bath, 1787 1373 Heidfeldii dee re py pee Philosophica, calf, gilt leaves, - Herborn. 1608 1374 Heinsii (Dan.) a hanks: bei morocco, by Roger Payne. Sir J. Thorold’s Copy, - L. Bat. 1606 1375 Heinsii (Dan.) Poemata, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir. 1621 1376 Heinsii de Tragoediz constitutione liber, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Elzevir. 1643 1377 Heinsii (Nic.) Poemata, red morocco, by Roger Payne. Sir J. Thorold’s Copy, - Elzevir. 1653 1378 Heinsiana Bibliotheca, 2 vol, interleaved with prices and Manuscript pele by John George Grevius, 2 vol. red mo- rocco, - - L. Bat. 1682 1379 Heivodo, Il Mord, morocco, with joints, lined with silk, richly tooled, : - Fiorenze, 1556 *,* The Author Ellis Heywood was the Son of the celebrated John Heywood, the Epigrammatist, and this Book is dedicated to his Patron Cardinal Pole. The Conversations are supposed to take place at the House of Sir Thomas More, and contain Anec- dotes of his Friends, his Wife, his domestic Fool Paterson, &c. 1380 Heliodoro, Historia de ‘Théagenes y Chariclea, trad. por de Mena, red morocco, - = Paris, 1616 1381 Heliodorus, Gr. et Lat. a Bourdelot, red morocco, with - goints, silk linings, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1619 1382 Heliodore Histoire Ethiopique, red morocco, gilt leaves, . Paris, 1570 1383 Helisienne (Dame) Les Angoyses dolourenses qui pro- » cedent d’Amours, ji last leaves reprinted, red morocco, _. gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1538 1384 Helisenne de Crenne, Gosces, Les. Angoisses d’Amours, &c. old morocco, - - Paris, 1560 [ 72 ] 1385 Heller's Monogrammen-Lexicon, morocco, gilt leaves, Hamb. 1831 1386 Helvetius, Giuvres complettes, 12 vol. Paris, Didot, 1795 1387 Hemans’s (Mrs.) Restoration of the Works of Art in Italy, and other of her Poetical Works, 2 vol. half mo- occa: i - . 1816-24 1388 Henderson’s Iceland, plutes, 2 vol. half morocco, Edin. 1818 1389 Hennepin, Description de la Louisanie, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1688 1390 Hennepin, Nouvelle decouverted'un tres grand Pays dans l’Amerique, plates, 2 vol. : Utrecht, 1697 1391 Hennepin, Voyage dans l'Amerique. Voyage es Illes An- tilles par de la Borde, plates, gilt leaves, Haye, 1704 1392 Henry, Livre d'instruction pour religieuses novices et. professes, Paris, Petit, 1506. Jardin Spirituel de l'ame devote, Paris, la veufue de Iehan Trepperel. 1393 Henrici III. De justa Henrici tertii abdicatione e Franco- rum regno, Venetian morocco, - Lugd. 1591 1394 Henry IV. Lettre du Pape a Messieurs de la Cour de Parlement de Paris 1590 et autres pieces relatives aux evennemens du tems, gilt leaves. 1395 Henry IV. Memoirs of Henry the Great, 2 vol. half morocco, - ~ - 1824 1396 Henry IV. Histoire des Amours de, par le Princesse de Conty, morocco, - - (Elzevir.) 1653 1397 Henrici VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum adversus Mart. Lutherum, - - Paris. 1562 1398 Henrici VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, purple morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris. 1562 1399 Henry VIII. Lettres a Anne Boleyn avec la traduction, precedées d’un Notice Historique sur Anne Boleyn, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, Paris, 1827 1400 Hentzneri Itinerarium Germanie, Angliz, Galliz, Italie, | green morocco, gilt leaves, vis Lips. 1661 1401 Herbert's Memoirs of the two last years of King Charles I. calf, marbled leaves, - - 1815 1402 Herbert’s Temple, with his Life, portrait, old red mo- rocco, * m . 1674 1403 Herberay, Arnalte et Lucenda, trad. de la Langue Espagnole, green morocco, - Paris, 1548 1404 Heritier, La Messe Pascale, Poeme, engraved on copper plates by the Author with singular decorations, Paris, 1772 1405 Herissaye, Les Contes et Discours d'Eutrapel, ruled, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Ms Rennes, 1603 1406 Heretiques, Traite des, a Savoir, sion les doit persecuter, blue morocco, - ” Rouen, 1554 1407 De Hereticis, an sint persequendi, see Ms. note, old blue morocco, : - Magdeb. 1554 [ 73 ] 1408S Herders Zerstrente Blatter, 5 vol. gilt leaves, Gotha. 1785 1409 Heriot’s Historical Sketch of Gibraltar, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, lined with silk, gilt leaves, - 1792 1410 Herman Archbishop of Cologne, A Simple and Religious consultation, by what means a christian reformation may be begun, blue morocco, gilt leaves, London, Day & Seres, 1548 1411 Hermannide Britannia Magna, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Amst. 1661 1412 Hermaphrodites, Garcon et Fille, vus et dessinés d’apres Nature, - - - Paris, 1772 1413 Hermogenis Ars Oratoria, Gr. et Lat. Laurentii, morocco with joints, gilt leaves, Williams’s copy, Colon. 1614 1414 Herodian’s History, by Hart, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1749 1415 Herodianus, Gr. et Lat. yellow morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - - Aldus, 1524 1416 Herodotus, Latine, morocco back, lined with silk, Lugd. Gryphii, 1551 1417 Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. Codicem Ms. Sancrofti contulit, Lectionis Varietatem commodius digessit, et Annota- tiones Variorum adjecit Gaisford, Lance papER, of which 50 copies were printed, but only 25 for sale. Beautiful set in olive morocco, sides admirably tooled, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1824 1418 Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum et Suis, et Lexico Herodoteo, edente Schweigheusero, 14 vol. in 7, LARGE PAPER, beautiful copy in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Argent. 1816 1419 Herrick’s Hesperides, palette Poems from, by Dr. Nott, calf, gilt leaves, Bristol. 1420 Herrick’s Poetical Works, 2 vol, ea morocco, gilt leaves, Edin. 1823 1421 Hersent (Car.) Optati Galli de cavendo schismate Liber Pareneticus, (Paris.) 1640. Arrest de la Cour de - Parlement, par lequel il est ordonné, que le Libelle intitule Optati Galli, &c. sera laceré et bruslé, Paris, 1640, inlaid morocco binding, gilt leaves. *,* Original Edition of this severe Satire against Cardinal Richelieu upon the report of his intention to create a Patriarch in France; and of the greatest rarity as the Cardinal used every means to procure the copies and destroy them. a present copy was sold at the Duc de le Valieré’ sale for 83 francs. 1422 Hervey’s Meditations and Contemplations, plates, Larncr PAPER, 2 vol. - r Heptinstall, 1796 L [4g 1423 Hervieux, Traité des Serins de Canarie, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - ~ Paris, 1713 1424 Hesei (Joan.) Peregrinatio ab urbe Hierusalem, et per Indiam, Aithiopiam, &c. - Aniverp. 1565 1425 Hesiodus, Notis variorum et Commentariis Clerici, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1701 1426 Hesiode, trad. par Gin, red morocco, - Paris, 1785 1427 Heures, a la l’'usage de Romme, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, wood cuts, within wood-cut borders, original stamped mo- rocco binding, - - Paris, Pigouchet. 1428 Heures, a la louange de la vierge Marie, selon lusage de Rome, pRINTED UPON VELLUM, within very elegant Wood-cut borders, with large wood cuts in outline, delicately coloured and heightened with gold through- out, a beautiful specimen of the elegant design and ex- ecution of Geofroy Tory, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Tory, 1525 1429 Heures en Francoys et Latin a !Usage de Romme, printed within wood-cut borders, ruled, original ornamented binding, gilt leaves, - - Lyon, 1548 1430 Heures du Roy Louis XIII. par Coton, plates, ruled, rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, 9 Paris, 1615 1431 Heydon’s Theomagia, or the Temple of Wisdom, 3 vol. 1664 1432 Heylin’s Help to English History, by Wright, Arms, russia, gilt leaves, - 1773 1433 Heywood’s Rape of Lucrece, printed on India paper, 1824 1434 Hibbert’s Library, Catalogue of, LARGE PAPER, Prices and Names, splendidly bound in olive morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, vellum, fly leaves, gilt leaves, - 1829 1435 Hickeringill’s Jamaica Viewed, map, - 1661 1436 Heinecken, Idée Generale d'une collection complette d’Estampes, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, from Roscoe's Collection, - - - Lepsic, 1771 1437 Hieroclis in Aurea Pythagoreorum carmina, Gr. et Lat. LARGE PAPER, old morocco, gilt leaves, Paris. 1683 1438 Hieroclis Commentarius in Aurea Pythagoreorum car- mina, russia, - - Lond. 1673 1439 Hillesemii Sacrarum Antiquitatum Monumenta, plates by Sadeler, blue morocco, - - Antverp. 157 1440 Hindoos. Sketches of the Hindoos, 2 vol. 1792 1441 Hippocratis Opera, Greece et Latine, a Vander Linden, 2 vol. red morocco, with joints, Williams's Copy, ] Lug. Bat. 1665 1442 Hippocratis Aphorismi, Grace et Latine, cura Lorry, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, 2 vol, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris. 1784 [ 75 ] 1443 Hippocratis Aphorismi, Gr. et Lat. edente Rieger, 2 vol. Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1778 1444 Hiret, Des Antiquitez D'Anjou, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Angers, 1618 1445 Hirzel, Le Socrate Rustique, green morocco, Zurich, 1764 1446 Historie Auguste Scriptores, - Aldus, 1519 1446*Historie Auguste Scriptores, 6 vol. red morocco, by Roger Payne. Sir John Thorold’s Copy, L. Bat. Maire, 1632 1447 Historie Auguste Scriptores, notis Variorum, 2 vol. splendidly bound in red morocco, sides tooled in the Har- leian style, - - L. Bat. 1671 1448 Historia Belgicorum tumultuum, blue morocco, gilé leaves, Amst. 1641 1449 Historia Persecutionum Ecclesiz Bohemnice, 1648 1450 Historia de los Milagros que en nuestra Senora de Mon- teagudo, ha servido de obrar, gilt leaves, Bruss. 1606 1451 Historia de Imperador Carlos Magno e dos Doze Pares de Francia, trad, por Moreyra, e Domingo Goncales, 2 vol. green morocco, - Coimbra, 1722-7 1452 Historia del Emperador Carlo Magno, yellow morocco, Barcelona. 1453 Historia del combattimento de’ tredici Italiani con al- tretanti Francesi, nell’ anno 1503, Nap. 1633 1454 Historia dilettevole di duoi Amanti, of the XVIth Cen- tury, without place or date, VERY RARE. 1455 Historia del valorosiss. Parsaforesta Re della gran Bret- tagna, 6 parts in 7 vol. calf, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Tramezzino, 1558 Quarto. 1456 Hinton’s History of the United States of America, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1830 1457 Histoire de Pierre III. Fnperetr de Russie, Manuscript, from the Library of the Duke de Richelieu, containing many important facts which have never been published. (1458 Histoire de Jean du Boucicau, Mareschal de France, mis en lumiere par Godefroy, calf, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1620 1459 Histoire de Louys XI. autrement dicte la Cronique Scandaleuse, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1620 1460 History of the Life and Death of Will Summers, title reprinted, inlaid, half morocco, “ - 1676 1461 History of Friar Rush; PRINTED UPON VELLUM, four copies printed, morocco, gilt leaves, 1620, Reprint, 1810 1462 Hoare’s (Sir R, C.) Tour through the Island of Elba, plates, kalf morocco, - 1814 1463 [ 76 ] Historical Discourse of Mulay Hamet’s rising to the three Kingdomes of Moruecos, Fes, and Sus. The Adventures of Sir Anthony Sherley, and divers other English Gentlemen in those Countries, by R, C. black letier, - - 1609 Hoare’s Memoirs of Granville Sharp, half morocco, gilé top, - - - - - 1820 Hobhouse’s Journey through Albania, plates, 2 vol. 1813 Hoccleve’s Poems by Mason, half morocco, . 1796 Hodges’s Travels in India, plates, - - 1793 Hofman, Portraits Historiques des Hommes Illustres de Dannemark, et Memoires de Comte Griffenfeld, 2 vol. portraits by Wille, &c. LARGE PAPER, rare, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, - - Copenhagen, 1746 Hog-faced Gentlewoman, half morocco, 1640, Reprint. Holbein, Historiarum veteris Testamenti Icones ad vivum expresse, first edition, blue morocco, gilt leaves, F Lugd. 1538 Holbein, The Images of the Old Testament, set forthe in Ynglishe and French, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lyons, 1549 Holbein's Designs for the Dance of Death, engraved by Hollar, mounted in a volume, red morocco, gilt leaves. Holbein’s Portraits of the Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, by Chamberlaine, half morocco, 1812 Holbergs Niels Underjordiske Reise, plates, russia, Kiobenh. 1789 Holcroft’s Travels through Westphalia, Holland and the Netherlands, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, and Atlas in folio, half bound, ~ - - - 1804 Holiday’s Life of Lord Mansfield, portrait, —- 1797 Holland's Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, &c. plates, marbled leaves, eniiy ey 1815 Hollis’s (Thomas Brand) Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, portraits, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, uncut, 1780 Holwell’s Narrative of the Insurrection in Benaris, LARGE PAPER, - - - Calcutta, 1782 Home's Sketches of the History of Man, 2 vol. 1774 Home's History of the Rebellion in 1745, = 1802 Home’s Views in Mysore, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - A * 1794 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea a Clarke, Gr. et Lat. 4 vol. best edition, LARGE PAPER, with rough leaves, russia, gilt leaves, Jine copy, RARE, ~ - - Lond. 1729-40 Honert (Jo. Vanden) Oratio de Bohemorum et Moravo- rum Ecclesia, x L. Bat. 1739 1507 ET | Horatius, Lambini, green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - ~ - - Aldus, 1566 Horatius de Arte Poetica, Jac. Grifolii interp. green mo- rocco, - ~ - Florent. 1550 Horacio, traducido en versos castellanos, Manuscript in a beautiful clear hand, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1760 Hordal, Historia Joanne D’Arc, wants the portraits, gilt leaves, - Ponti-Mussi, 1612 Hore Virginis Marie esata Ecclesiam Parisiensis, elegant wood cut borders, blue morocco, richly tooled, Paris, Geoffry Tory, 1527 Horneman’s Travels in Africa, maps, half morocco, 1802 Horsley’s (Bp.) Critical Disquisitions on the Eighteenth Chapter of Isaiah, the author's copy with his MS. addi- tions, blue morocco, - - 1799 Houard, Traites sur les Codes Anglo-Normandes, 4 vol. half morocco, uncut, ° Rouen, 1776 Howard's Collection of Letters and State Papers, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1756 Lord Howe's Victory. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Fleet under Earl Howe, illustrated with portraits, red morocco, presentation copy to Pitt, - 1796 Howell's Familiar Letters, portrait, - 1645 Howitt’s British Preserve, proofs, half morocco, 1824 Howlett’s Views in Lincolnshire, - 1805 Huarte’s Examination of Men's Wits, trans. by R. Carew, London, Islip, 1596 Huarte’s Examination of Men’s Wits, by Carew, 1604 Hubbard’s Present State of New England, map, 1677 Hughes’s Travels in Sicily, Greece and cea plates, 2 vol. half morocco, 1820 Hughes's Beauties of Cautibria: the plate on India paper, half morocco, : - - ~ 1823 Hulsii XII. Cesarum et ipsorum uxorum et Parentum effigies, Francf. 1597. De Bry, Vite et Icones Sultan- orum Turcicorum, Francf. 1596, 1 vol. old yellow mo- rocco, King James I. arms on the sides. Hulsii Theologiz Judaicz, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Brede, 1653 Hulsius, Der Ouderganck des Roomschen Arents der Noordschen Leeuw, plates by Crispin Pass, morocco, Amst, 1642 Historia di Lancilotto dal Lago, che fu al tempo del Re Artu, 8vo. red morocco, Venez. Tramezzino, 1557 Historia del Cavallier Flortir, 2 vol. 8vo. olive merocco, the arms of Thuanus, whose copy this was, inlaid in the sides, Venet. Tramezzino, 1565 [ 78 ] 1508 Historia del invitto Cavaliero Platir, figliuolo de 1'Imp. Primaleone, 8vo. red morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1559 1509 Historia di Valorosi Cavallieri, Florisello et Anassarte di Nichea, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, - Venet. 1619 1510 Histoire des plus Illustres Favoris, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1659 Folio. 1511 Horatii Opera, veELLUM PAPER, with vignettes, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - Paris, Didot, 1799 1512 Horatii Satyrarum liber I. Satyra V. with fine plates, privately priatete at the oPete of the Duchess of Devon- shire, - Rome, 1816 1513 HorsieEy’s here houandl plates, LARGE PAPER, M0- rocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, FINE COPY, VERY RARE, - - - 1732 1514 Houbraken, Tooneel van Sinnebeelden, etchings, Dord. 1700 1515 Hrosvite Illustris Virginis Opera. Comedie sex in imita- tionem Therencii. Octo. sacre Hystorie versu Hexa- metra et penta. &c. fine wood cuts, Norimb. 1501 1516 Hven, pE SAINCTES PEREGRINATIONS DE JHERUSALEM, et des environs, &c, BLACK LETTER, with the large folding cuts, morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, FINE COPY, VERY RARE, Lyon, Michelet Topie, &c. MCCCCLXXXVIILI. 1517 Hunter's Hallamshire, plates, half morocco, 1819 1518 Hunter’s South Yorkshire. The Reser of Doncaster, LARGE PAPER, plates, 1828 1519 Huot, Mon Passe Terms, Dapik A Moi-Mane, 2 vol. A MOST BEAUTIFUL Manuscript, ILLUSTRATED WITH DrawincGs, splendidly bound in morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves. *,* This amusing Manuscript is a most elaborate performance; the excellence and variety of the Penmanship are entitled to the highest commenda- tion; but are even surpassed by the merit of the Drawings with which the work is enriched. These are very numerous and exhibit a series of Portraits, Landscapes, Statues, Birds, Fancy Pieces, &c. drawn with a Pen, and executed with such won- derful art that the most quick sighted and experienced eye might at first mistake them for Engravings. This Manuscript was formerly purchased of Huot by the late Mr. Astle, at whose Sale it was bought by Mr. North for one hundred and forty-five gui- neas, ‘The Splendid Morocco binding has been added by Mr. Hanrott. [ 79 J 1520 Hutchins’s History of Dorsetshire, plates, 2 vol. half mo- rocco, uncut, - 1774 1521 Hutchins’s History of Dorset, By Gough and Nichols, vols. 1, 2, and 4 and Appendix, LARGE PAPER, 1796, &c. 1522 Hygden’s Polycronicon, rirsr EDITION, imperfect, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Carton, MCCCCLXXXII. *,* The following is believed to be an accurate state- pent of the Imperfections, 1 leaf in the Table, Folio 4 one leaf. Folios 372, 3,4, 5,6 and 7 six leaves. Folios 425, 6 and 8 three leaves, which are supplied by MSS. but the last leaf incorrectly. 1523 Hygden’s Polycronicon. The title leaf is supplied by Manuscript, and the. Printer's Device at the end is wanting, Wynxyn ve Worpzs, MCCCCLXXXXV., 1524 Hysrorre pu SAINCT GREAAL QUI EST LE PREMIER LIVRE DE LA TABLE RONDE. Ensemble la queste du dico sainct greaal faicte par Lancelot, Galaad, Boors, et Perceval, 3 vol. in 1, black letter, FIRST EDITION, wood cuts, green morocco, with morocco inside, fine copy, VERY RARE, Paris, pour Jehan Petit, &c. 1516 1525 Ibanez, Memorias Historicas del Rei D. Alonso el Sabio, Mad. 1777 1525*ILLUMINATIONS UPON VELLUM, FROM ANCIENT Manus scripts. A very extensive collection of Miniatures, Initial Letters, aud other ornaments cut from Ancient Manuscripts, many of them highly finished specimens, splendidly bound in 2 vols. morocco, gilt leaves. 1526 Iriarte, Codices Greci MS. Regie Bibliothece Matri- tensis, vol. 1, all published, LaRGE PAPER, uncut, mo- rocco backs and corners, - - Matr.1769 1527 Iriarte, Regiz on Matritensis Codices Greci, MSS. - - Matrit. 1769 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1528 Histoire de l'Estat de France sous le regne de Francois II. calf, marbled leaves, - - 1576 1529 Histoire de Pierre de Gaverston, 1588. Replique a Pantigaverstin, 1588. 1530 Histoire du Prince Eugene de PAROS: plates, 5 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Vienne, 1790 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 [ 80 | Histoire du Siege d’Orleans pan les Anglois, portrait of La Pucelle, - Orleans, 1606 Histoire du Siege d’Orleans par les Anglois, portrait of La Pucelle, red morocco, gilt leaves, Orleans, 1611 Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, par De Boze, 3 vol. rich old French red morocco, leaves marbled and gilt, - Paris, 1740 Histoire des Inaugurations des Rois, Empereurs, &c. plates, green morocco, Paris, 1776 5 Histoire du Demelé de Henri II. Bei d’Angleterre avec Thomas Becket Arch. de Canterbery, Amst. 1756 Histoire de Pierre-le-cruel, Roi de Castille, Paris, 1790 7 Histoire du Regne de Marie Therese Imperatrice, FINE PAPER, Old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Brux. 1781 Histoire Litteraire des Femmes Hrenqoiaeny 5 vol. calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1769 Histoire du Chevalier Raaeet wae gilt leaves, Grenoble, 1650 Histoire de Louis Mandrin, calf, gilt leaves, Paris. Histoire de Schinderhannes et autres Brigands, 2 vol. in 1, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1810 Histoire Naturelle des Moines, plates, Paris, 1790 Histoire pitoyable du Prince Erastus, fils de Diocletien Empereur de Rome, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Guyon de Sardiere’s copy, . Paris, 1587 Histoire de Jean Fauste, grand et horrible Enchanteur, red morocco, . Rouen, 1667 5 Histoire marvelleuse ae trois filz du Roys, de France, d’Angleterre, et d’Ecosse, morocco, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1579 } Histoire contenant le reste des faicts et gestes des quatre fils Aymon, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1581 Histoire de Gerard Comte de Nevers et de Eureant de Savoye sa mye, red morocco, Paris, 1727 Histoire et Plaisant Chronique du Petit Jehan de Saintre, 3 vol. in 1, citron morocco, lined with blue, richly tooled, silk fly leaves, gilt leaves, Paris, 1724 Histoire et Cronique du Petit Jehan de Saintre, black letter, on paper to imitate vellum, (only four so printed) with the cuts and initials illuminated in gold and colours similar to ancient Mss. - Paris, 1830 Histoire des ree Galantes de la Reine Christine de Suede, portrait, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1697 Histoire Generale des Larrons, red morocco, gilt leaves, "Rouen, 1657 Histoire Tragiques et Galantes, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1715 Histoire des Sevarambes, 2 vol. marbled leaves, Amst. 17.16 Historical Register, 1714-1738, 25 vol. - rey. [ 81 ] 1555 History of St. Patrick, Champion of Ireland, black letter, wood cuts, green morocco, - - 1685 1556 History of Essex, plates, 6 vol. calf, marbled leaves, 177 1557 History of Burghley House, half morocco, 1797 1558 Secret History of Q. Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex, morocco, 1767 1559 Hoare’s (Sir R. C.) eetilepiie of Books relating to the History and Topography of Italy, privATELY PRINTED, ONLY TWELVE COPIES TAKEN OFF, - 1812 1560 Hoare’s (Sir R. C.) Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Topography of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, in his Library at Stourhead, privaTELy PRINTED, - = - 1815 1561 Hoarr’s (Sir R.C.) ReEco_Lecrions ABROAD DURING THE YEARS 1785-86-87, 1790-91, 4 vol. VERY RARE, Bath, 1815 *,* These 4 Volumes were printed for presents, and each copy has the Author’s Signature ; only 25 of the two first volumes, and 50 of the two last were printed. 1562 Hoare’s (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland, plates, tance paPEr, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, 1807 1563 Hoare’s (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland, half morocco, 1807 1564 Hoare’s Epochs of the Arts, calf, marbled leaves, 1813 1565 Hobbes, (Thome) Vita, portrait, Carolopoli, 1681. E. S. Cy- priani Vita Th. Campanella, Amst. 1722. Formey, Vie de J. P. Baratier, 1741, 1 vol. gilt leaves. 1566 Hobbes, Elementa ppeeor tics de Cive, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - Elzevir. 1647 1567 Hoblynianze Bibliothecze Catalogus, portrait, Lond. 1769 1568 Hochepot ou Salmigondi des Folz, old yellow morocco, Pincenarille, 1596 1569 Hodges, Pestis nupere apud Populum Londinensem Narratio Historica, morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1672 1569*Hodgson’s Letters from North America, 2 vol. half mo- Tocco, - ~ = - 1824 1570 Hofferi Icones Catecheseos, Venetian morocco, Viteberg. 1557 1571 Hoffmann, Contes Fantastiques trad. par Locre-Veimers, 4 vol. in 2, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1830 1572 Hogarth Moralized by Trusler, fine impressions of the plates, uncut, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1768 1573 Hogarth Moralized by Trusler, plates,proofs on India paper, olive morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, 1831 1574 Hogarth Illustrated by John ——— plates, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, - 1791-98 M [ 82 | 1575 Hogg's Pilgrims of the Sun, 1815. Dramatic Tales, | 2 vol. 1817. Mountain Bard, 1821. Jacobite Relics of Scotland, 1821, together 5 vol. 1576 Hogg’s Queen’s Wake, Subscription Edition, with ites not in the other editions, LARGE PAPER, Edin. 1819 1577 Holbach (Baron d’) La Contagion sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition, gilt leaves, - 1768S 1578 Holbein, Icones Mortis, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lugd. 1547 1579 Holbein, Imagines Mortis, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Colon. 1555 1580 Holbein, Les Images de la Mort, purple morocco, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1562 1581 Holbein, Le bisomhe de a Mort, par Hollar, prinrep ON VELLUM, blue morocco, with joinis, (Lond. 1790) 1582 Holbein, De Dodt vermaskert, wood cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, : - Antwerpe, 1654 1583 Holbein, Der Todtentanz. Copies of Holbein’s Designs in outline by Pfanfec and Frenzel, Leipz. 1831 1584 Holbein’s Dance of Death, engraved by Hollar, inlaid, blue morocco. . 1585 Holbein’s Dance of Death, the wood cuts copied in pen and ink drawings, green morocco. 1586 Holbein’s Dance of Death by Hollar, the cuts painted by Camillo Buti, green morocco, gilt leaves, - (1790) 1587 House's Scripture Curs, by the Byfields, prinrep UPON VELLUM, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1830 1588 Holbein’s Se nae Cuts, bee by the Byfields, India paper, - 1830 1589 Holdich’s Pate of criwihta nuBey. 1816. Todd's Account of Sheriff Hutton Castle, 1824. Oliver’s Anti- quities of Great Grimsby, 1823, half morocco. 1590 Hole’s Remarks on the Arabian ee Entertainments, marbled leaves, - 1797 1591 Holland’s (Lord) Pests: of id Lives and Writings of Lope de Vega and Guillen de Castro, 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1817 1592 Holland's Wit and Fancy in a maze, or incomparable Champion of Love and Beautie, a Mock Romance, 1656 1593 Hollar’s Habits of Hoglish Women, inlaid, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - 1640. 1594 Holmes’s Journal aria tore AOACRE EE s Embassy to China, calf, marbled leaves, =\s.. L798 1595 Holmes’s (John) Descriptive Catnlgeve of Books in. his Library, half morocco, privately printed, Norwich, 1829 3596 Holwell’s Interesting a Events relative to In- . va 3 Parts, ian - 1766 [ 83 ] 1597 Homo -disce mori. Lege quid revelat tibi Spiritus Sanctus in agone personarum, 130, &c. illustrated with portraits, blue morocco, - Hamb. 1593 1597*L’Homme & bonne fortune, red morocco, Haye, 1691 1598 Homeri Odyssea, Grace, in morocco, leaves gilt and tooled, Aldus, 1517 1599 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, 2 vol. 1524. Scholia in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, 1521. Didymi Interpretatio in Odysseam, 1528, together 5 vol. morocco, Aldine tooling, leaves stamped and gilt, - Venet. Aldus. 1600 Homeri Ilias, Greece, Venet.Sessa, S..4. Homeri Odyssea, &e. Venet. Junta, 1537, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves. 1601 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, Greece, LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Lond. Pickering, 1831 1602 Homenrt In1as er Opyssea, 2 vol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, only 4 copies printed, venetian morocco, Lond. Pickering, 1831 1603 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea per Laur. Vallam Latio donata, 2 vol. red morocco, - - Lugd. 1541 1604 Homeri Ilias, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Turnebus, 1554. Honny soit qui mal y pense, ou Histoires des Filles célebres du XVII Ie Siecle, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1771 1605 Honoré, Memoires de la Vie de De Thou, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1713 1606 Hoper, (John) Declaracion of Christe and of his offyce, russia, Zurych, Augustine Fries, 1547 1607 Hope’s Sie taiic. of the Ancients, plates, calf, gilt leaves, 1809 1608 Hope’s Anastasius, 3 vol. calf, marbled leaves, i820 1609 Hoppner’s Oriental Tales, calf, marbled leaves, 1806, Harris’s Poems, morocco, Worcester, 1805, 2 vol. 1610 Hora VircGints Marie: Secundum usum Romanum, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, within wood cut borders of the Aes of Death, &c. morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Kerver, 1501 1611 Horz 1n naupem Virerntis, within elegant wood cut bor- ders, by Geoffry Tory, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1531 1612 Hore in laudem Virginis, ruled, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Wechel, 1538 1613 Horanyi, Memoria Hungarorum et Provincialium Scriptis editis notorum, 3 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, A Sistony Vienn. 1775 1614 Horatius. Firsr Atpine Epirion, VERY RARE, green morocco, lined with the same, richly tooled, with | Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, — - - «Aldus, 1501 1615 Horatii Poemata, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1509 1616 Horatius, Lambini. Aldus Manutiusde Metris Biguatianie red morocco, gilt leaves, - Florent. Junta, 1575 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1633 1634 1635 1636 [ 84 ] Horatius, Notis Heinsii, old red morocco, Elzevir. 1629 Horatii Poemata, a Bond, blue morocco, Elzevir. 1676 Horatii Opera. Eneis Tabulis incidit Jo. Pine, 2 vol. original Edition, rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1733 Horatius, Paris. Typog. Regia, 1733. Phedrus, Paris. ib. 1729, 2 vol. in 1, blue morocco. Horatii Opera, & Jones, LARGE PAPER, Williams's copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, _ Lond. 1736 Horatii Opera, called the Immaculate Edition, ruled, red morocco, gilt leaves, and silk ends, - Glasg. 1744 Horatii Carmina, accurante Philippe, old yellow morocco, Paris. Barbou, 1754 Horatii Opera, green morocco, gilt leaves, Baskerville, 1762 Horatii Poemata, 4 Bond, uncut, - Aurel. 1767 Horatii Opera, edente Wakefield, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Lond. 1794 Horatii Opera, eum scholiis 4 Bond, edidit Achaintre, LARGE PAPER, Williams's copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - Par, 1806 Horatius, cum ScHouiis PERPETUIS JO. BOND, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, 2 vol. with a double set of the plates, ele- gantly bound in green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, : Paris. 1806 Horartivus, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, Lond. Pickering, 1820 Horatius, recensuit Filon, green morocco Editio minutissima, Paris. Didot, 1828 Horatii et Boileau amboe Artes Poeticoe, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, - - “ - Brest, 1815 Horace, en Latin et Francois avec des Remarques par Dacier, LARGE PAPER, 10 vol. ruled, red morocco, leaves marbled und gilt by De Seuil, a copy of extraordinary beauty from Williams's Library, - Paris, 1709 Horace in Latin and English, with a trans. of Dr. Bent- ley’s Notes, and Notes ap Notes, 4 vol. in 2, red morocco, 1713 Horatius, his Art “ Poetry, Hagished by Ben Jonson, with other Workes of the Author, portrait by Marshall, morocco, - - 1640 Horatio, Sermone, e Epistole da Dolce, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Vineg. Giolito, 1559 Horatio, La Poetica, tradotta per Dolce, 1538. Rime delle Divina Vettoria Colonna Marchesana di Pescara, 1539, 1 vol. morocco. 1637 Horne’s Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, 2 vol. plates, calf, gilt leaves, - - 1814 [ 85 | 1637*Hornes. La Deduction de l’innocence de Messire Phi- lippe de Montmorency, Comte de Hornes, red morocco, 1568 1638 Hornii Arca Now, old blue morocco, - IL. Bat. 1666 1639 Hospital (Michel I’) QEuvres complettes, with double set of plates, 2 vol. CHuvres Inedites de 1’ Hospital, 3 vol. together 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1824-25 1640 Hospitalii (Galliarum Cancellarii), Carmina, Williams's copy, green morocco, with joints, und gilt leaves, Amst. 1732 1641 L’Hospital, Discours sur le Sacre de Francois II. prinrep UPON VELLUM, morocco, - - Paris, 1825 1642 Houbraken’s Lives of the Dutch Painters, 3 vol. 1753. Van Mander’s Lives of the Dutch and German Painters, 2 vol. 1764. Van Gool’s Lives of the Dutch Painters, 2 vol. 1750, in all 7 vol. in Dutch, with portraits by Hou- braken, uncut. 1643 Howard, Earl of Suffolk’s Musarum Delicie, suppressep, calf, gilt leaves, - - - 1728 1644 Howard’s Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, suppressed, gilt leaves, 1769 1645 Howard (John) Historia Hospitalis S. Elizabethie prope Treviros, plates, red morocco, - Lond. 1786 1646 Howard’s State of the Prisons in (ico and Wales, plates, russia, Warring. 1780 1647 Howard’s Account of the Hospital eh St. Elizabeth, plates, FINE PAPER, - . Liana, 1786 1648 Howell’s Instructions for Forren Travell, portraits, gilt leaves, - - - 1650 1649 Howison’s Sketches of Upper Gear half morocco, Edinb. 1822 1650 Howison’s Foreign Scenes, 2 vol. half morocco, 1825 1651 Hoym, (Henrici Comitis de) Catalogus Librorum Biblio- thece, a Martin, prices, - - Paris, 1738 1652 Huarte, Anacrise, ou Examen des Esprits par Chappuis, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Lyon, 1580 1653 Huarte, Examen de los Ingeneos para las Sciencias, morocco, - - - Amst. 1662 1654 Huarte, Essame de gl’ ingegni de gl’ Homini, morocco, ' Aldo, 1590 1655 Huber, Observations sur les Abeilles, 2 vol. Huber, Observations sur les Fourmis, together 3 vol. calf, mar- bled leaves, Paris, 1814-10 1656 Huet, Traite de la Situation du Paradis Terrestre, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1691 1657 Huet, Lettres de l’Origine des Romans, fine paper, Paris, 1678. Histoire Secrette de la Reine Zarah, (Duchess of Marlborough), Oxford, 1711, 2 vol. 1676 1677 1678 1679 [ 86 ] Hugenii Momenta Desultoria, Elzevir. 1644. Kinschotii Poema, Hag. Com. 1685. Hugenii Momenta Desultoria, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - Elzevir. 1644 Hugenii Momenta Desultoria, portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, Hag. Com. 1655 Hughes, Historia Britannica, - Oxon. 1640 Hughson’s Walks through London, cc on India paper, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. morocco, - 1817 Hughson’s Walks through London, icles, gilt leaves, 1817 Huggins’s Sketches in India, half morecco, 1824 Hugonis Pia Desideria, cuts, Venetian morocco. gilt leaves, Antverp. 1632 Hugonis Pia Desideria, wood cuts by Sichem, Antverp. 1628 Hugonis Pia Desideria, wood cuts by Sichem, red morocco, by Roger Payne, - - Antverp. 1628 Hugonis Pia Desideria, wood cuts by Sichem, green mo- rocco, ~ - Antverp. 1628 Hugo (Victor) Env res, 5 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, — Brux. 1829 Humbert, Amours dIreandre et Sophonie, Paris, 1637. Mareschal, La Chrysolite, Paris, 1634, gilt leaves. Humboldt, Tableaux de la Nature, 2 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, - ~ Pavia: 1808 Humboldt, Essai Politique sur le Rogkaae de la Nou- velle Espagne, 5 vol. Vues des Cordilleres et Monu- mens des peuples inane de l’'Amerique, 2 vol. together, 7 vol. . Paris, 1811-16 Hume's History of Hngiand, with Smollett’s Conti- nuation, 13 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1826 Hungarvaka, Pals Biskups Sane, Islandice et Latine, wed morocco, - Hafn. 1778 Hunter's Avcotunt of the Kinane of Pegu, calf, gilt leaves, - - - Calenite, 1785 Quarto. Huniades Spoliatus, Tragoedia, plates, Rothom. Hunter's Natural History of the Human Teeth, 1778 Hunter’s Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson, plates, russia, gilt leaves, 1793 Hunter's Who wrote Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey ? half morocco, 1814 1680 Hussii (Joh. ) Ones. Epistola IIIT. Nebilluath Moravie, pro defensione Johannis Hussii. Tres Epistole Joh. Hussii e Carcere Constantiensi ad Boemos scripte, Vittemb. 1536. Processus Consistorialis Martyrii Jo. Huss. curious wood cuts, calf, gilt leaves. The Meerman Copy, but two of the pieces have since been added. [ 87 ] 1681 Hutchinson’s History of Durham, with the Address to the Subscribers, 3 vol. half morocco, - 1775 1682 Hutchinson’s Paap ry of Northumberland, plates, 2 vol. russia, Newcastle, 1778 1683 Hutchinson's Bistory of Coemtlveriacdd, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, illustrated with duplicate Rcasabe and draw- igs, - 1794 1684 Hutchinson's @ucy) Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, 1806 1685 Hutteni super interfectione propinqui sui Jo. Hutteni Deploratio, cum aliis suis opusculis in Arce Stekelberg, 1519. Erasmi Bellum, Basil. 1517, morocco, gilt leaves. 1686 Hyde, Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Religionis Historia. Sytagma Dissertationum a Sharpe, together 3 vol. half morocco, uncut, Oxon. 1760-68. 1687 Hystoria septem sapientum Rome, black letter, a very ancient edition, without signatures or catchwords, morocco with joints, gilt leaves. Without printer's name, place, or date, but supposed to be printed at Strasburg, by Koburger, Eggesteyn, or Creussner, - circa, 1475 1688 Ides (Ysbrandt) Travels over-land from Moscow to China, plates, marbled leaves, - 1706 1689 Imbault, Histoire de Lehrahseb Roy de Scythie, trad. du Turc, Turkish and French, ~ 1731 1690 Imprenta Real, Reglamento para la govierna de la, red morocco, with joints, lined with silk, - Mad. 1799 1691 Inghirami, Monumenti Etruschi, contiene Urne Etruschi, Specchi Mistici, Bronzi, Edifizi, Vasi Fittili, Monu- menti di Corredo, plates, 7 vol. in 10, half morocco, Fiesoli, 1821-26. 1692 Ingram’s Saxon Chronicle, with an English translation, half russia, - - - 1823 1693 Institutio dell’ Imperio contenute nella Bolla Doro. Cyllenius de Legato Pontificio, morocco, gilt leaves, Academia Venetu. 1559-58 1694 Interiano, Ristretto delle Historie Genovesi, old morocco, stained, - - Lucca, 1551 1695 IreLanp. Pietas Corcagiensis, or a View of the Green Coat Hospital, Corke, - - 1721 1696 Ireland. Geographical Description of the Kingdom of Ireland in 37 Maps, russia, 1732 1697 Irish Histories by Spencer, Campion, eomee and Marle- burrough, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. green morocco, : . Dublin, 1809 1698 Isacchi, Inventioni, wood cuts, - Parma, 1579 1699 Islas Pithiusas y Baleares, Descriptiones de las, red mo- roceo, lined with silk, - Mad. 1787 [ 88 J 1700 Isographie des Hommes Celebres ; ou collection de Fac- Simile de Lettres, Autographes, &c. 3 vol. olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1828 30 1701 Istorici delle cose Veneziane i quali hanno scritto per publico decreto, 10 vol. calf marbled leaves, Venezia, 1718 1702 Jackson's Essay on oe and Printing in Chiaro- Oscuro, plates, - 1754 1703 Jackson’s Account of Mobocen plates, - 1814 1704 Jacob's Travels in the South of Spain, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - - 1811 1705 Jacquin Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, Chemiam, et Historiam Naturalem Spectantia, coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, - Vindob. 1778-81 1706 James I. Narrative History of King James for the first fourteen years, portraits, russia, - 1651 1707 James IT.’s Wersotts of his sis edited by Clarke, 2 vol. in russia, gilt leaves, 1816 1707*James VI. Poetical Exercises, - reprint. 1708 James’s (Capt. Thomas) Strange and Dangerous Voyage in his intended Discovery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea, original Map containing the portrait, red morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - - 1633 1709 Jamieson’s Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees, half morocco, - - Edinb. 1811 1710 Jarric (Pierre Du) Histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant ez Indes Orientales, que autres pais de la decouverte des Portugais, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE, the Colbert copy, Bourdeaux, 1608-10-14 1711 Jason, l’Histoire du preux et vaillant Chevalier Jason et de sa mye Médée, Manuscript upon vellum, fac-simile of the Edition printed at Paris, by Alain Lotrain. 1712 Jauna, Histoire des Roiaumes de Chypre, de Jerusalem, d’Armenie, et d’Egypte, comprenant les Croisades, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - Leide, 1747 1713 Jenkins’s History of Exeter, Paves LARGE PAPER, half morocco, = Exeter, 1806 1714 Jenkins’s Martial and Nata Atohingee of Great Britain, 2 vol. COLOURED PLATES, morocco, gilt leaves, 1814-18 1715 Jephson’s Roman Portraits, portrait, calf, gilt leaves, 1794 1716 Jeune, Histoire de Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple de Jerusalem dit Templiers, 2 vol. - Paris, 1789 1717 Jobson’s Golden Trade, or apis of the River Gambra, title inlaid, - - - 1623 1718 Johannot, Histoire de batevites de Brabant representée en douze dessins au trait, “ Paris, 1813 1719 John Bon and Mas Person, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, TUussia. [ 89 ] 1720 Johnston's Travels in Russia and Poland, plates, russia, 1815 1721 Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto-Normanice, Antiquitates Celto-Scandice, 2 vol. in 1, Fine papER, half morocco, uncut, - - - Havn. 1786 1722 Joinville, Cronica de San Luis, Rey de Francia, trad. por Ledel, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1794 1723 Joinville’s Memoirs, translated by Johnes, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - Hafod, 1807 1724 Jones's (Sir William) Works, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER. Supplemental Volumes to Sir W. Jones's Works, 2 vol. and Lord Teignmouth’s Life of Sir W. Jones, together 9 vol. half morocco, a. - 1799-1801 1725 Jones's History of Brecknockshire, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. in 3, half morocco, = Brecknock, 1809 1726 Jonstoni Inscriptiones Historice regum Scotorum, fine impr essions of the portraits, red morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, Amst. 1602 1727 Jortin’s Life of ecto, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1760 1728 Juan de Persia, Relaciones, red morocco, gilt leaves, Vallad. 1604 Folio. 1729 Irish Histories, by Spenser, Campion, Hanmer and Marl- borough, original edition, with four leaves added from the second edition not before printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, Dublin, 1633 1730 S. Isiodori Opera, 2 vol. BEST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, Matrit. 1778 1731 Italian Landscapes, containing various Views of Tivoli, Baia, Pozzuoli, &c. splendidly engraved after Hackert, by Gmelin and others. 1732. Joannis Lonpiniensis Curonica, Manuscripr UPON veLLUM. A Chronicle commencing with William the Conqueror and ending at the reign of Edward I. written by John of London, a Monk of Canterbury, unpublished, morocco, gilt leaves. *,* This Manuscript formerly belonged to the Mo- nastery of St. Martin de Bello, (Battle Abbey in Sussex ) to which it was presented by John Nuton, Abbot thereof, as appears by his signature attached to a long list of the Relicks belonging to the Monastery, occupying two leaves. Some leaves of this very curious MS. are wanting. N [ 90 ] 1733 Jefferys’s Co lection of Dresses, Ancient and Modern, particularly Old English Dresses, coloured plates, 2 vol. 1799 1734 Joannes de Bononia de externa Dei Predestinatione et reprobatione, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - Lovan. 1554 1735 Joannis Sarisberiensis Policraticus de Nugis Curialium, first edition, (Colonie, Ther Hoernen, circa 1476) 1736 Johnson’s History of Highwaymen, &c. plates, russia, with joints, fine copy, - - 1734 1737 Joinville, Histoire de Saint Louis, Paris, 1761 1738 Jolimont, Les Mausolées Francais, plates, half morocco, Paris, 1821 1739 Josephi Opera, Grzce et Latine, notis Hudsoni, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1726 1740 Josepuus. Les ANCIENNETES DEs Ju1Fs selon la sentence de Josephe. A MOST SPLENDID AND BEAUTIFUL Manvu- SCRIPT UPON VELLUM, finely illuminated, with large Minia- tures, and initials, but wants the first leaf,old morocco binding, very richly tooled in compartments. From the Towneley Collection. 1741 Jovio, Vida y Chronica de Gancalo Hernandez de Cor- doba, llamado El Gran Capitan, Caragoga, 1554 1743 Pauxur Jovi Virz Leonrs X. Hapriani VI. ev Pompeitr CoLUMN2, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, THE ONLY COPY KNOWN, a splendid specimen of Printing upon vellum, green morocco, richly and elegantly tooled, leaves stamped and gilt, Florentia, Torrentini, 1548 1744 Juan y Ulloa, Viage a la America Meridional, plates, 5 vol. in 3, green morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1748 1745 Justini Historia. Manuscript UPON VELLUM, with Illu- minated Capitals, blue morocco, gilt leaves. *‘ Ex emenda- tissimo Guarini Veron. exemplari transcriptus ab Alessio Germanico, Anno dni jhesu christi MCCCCXXXIII, Post autem ad idem exemplar emendavit Martinus Rizonius, Veron. ipsius Guarini discipulus.”’ 1746 Justrini Historia, FIRST EDITION, yetlow morocco, Rome, per Udalricum Gallum. *,* This very rare impression is generally con- sidered the Second Edition of Justin, but in the opinion of the Bipont Editors it should be con- 3 sidered the First. ‘They say it contains many valuable readings, and confirm their assertion by a selection of Specimens. 1747 Justin1 Hisroria, FIRST EDITION, WITH A DATE, red morocco, - Venetiis, Jenson, MCCCCLXX. [ 91 ] 1748 Justinian. Cest le livre des institutions des drois appelle Institute translate de latine en [vers] francois, old red morocco, from the Meerman Collection, EXTREMELY RARE, No Printer’s name, place, nor date, circa, 1490 1749 Inveges, Annali della Citta di Palermo, 3 vol. rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, Palermo, 1649-51 1750 Juvenal des Ursins, Histoire de Charles VI. Roi de France, par Godefroy, - Paris, 1653 NINTH DAY’S SALE, Octavo et Infra. 1752 Hunter's Poems, plates, FINE PAPER, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, : - - 1805 1753 Hunter's Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians in North America, half morocco, - 1823 1754 Hunter's Golden Sentences, - Bath, 1826 1755 Hurdis’s Poems, 2 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, 1810 1756 Hutchinson’s (Lucy) Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, 2 vol. gilt leaves, - 1810 1757 Huttner, Voyage a la Chine, gilt leaves, Paris, 1799 1758 Hutton’s (William) Life and History of his family. History of Birmingham. History of Derby, in all 3 vol. - - - - Foi y 1759 Hutton’s Voyage to Africa, plates, half morocco, 1821 1760 Hyde, De Ludis Orientalibus, plates, 2 vol. in 1, Oxon. 1794 1761 Hygini Opera, notis Munckeri. Williams's Copy, in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Hamb. 1674 1763 Hymni et Collecta, item Evangelia, Epistole, &c. wood cuts, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Colon. 1566 1764 Illuminated Capital Letters and Ornaments from Ancient Manuscripts, mounted, and bound in a volume, morocco, with morocco lining, richly tooled, contained in a morocco case. 1765 Imbert, Choix de Fabliaux, 2 vol. blue morocco, with joints, lined with silk, . - Geneve, 1788 1766 Imbert, La Chronique Scandaleuse, Paris, 1784 [ 92 ] 1767 Indagine, Chiromance et Physiognomie, par Antoine du Moulin, gilt leaves, » Lion. 1556 768 Index Librorum Prohibitorsim, Alnnsinde: VIL. jussu 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1786 1787 1788 1789 editus, morocco, gilt leaves, - Rome. 1665 Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Innocentii XI. jussu editus, morocco, gilt leaves, - Rome, 1683 Index Expurgatorius. Catalogue des Ouvrages mis a VIndex, half morocco, - “ Paris, 1826 India. Epistole Indice de rebus in India et variis Insulis, que Soc. Jesu operari dignata est, russia, gilt leaves, - - Lovan. 1566 India. Avisi dall’ Indie, dall’ Anno 1551, sino al 1561, 3 vol. - - Venez. Tramezzino, 1565 Inglis’s Library, Catalogue of, prices and names, half morocco, - ~ o 1826 Inquisiciones de Espana y Portugal, Noticias reconditas de las, gilt leaves, - - - L7Ss Intrigues Galantes de la Cour de France, 2 vol. in 1, gilé leaves, - - Cologne, 1695 Irby and Mangles’s Travels in Egypt, and Nubia, Syria and Asia Minor, plates, panies for private distribution, half morocco, - - 1823 7 Inevanp. A Letter sent by 7 B. Gentleman unto his very frende Mayster R. C. Esquire, wherein is con- tained a large discourse of the peopling and inhabiting the Countrie called the Ardes, and other adjacent in the North of Ireland, black letter, the title and first leaf have small portions admirably supplied, EXTREMELY RARE, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, London, H. Binneman, N. D. Ireland’s Picturesque Views on the Avon, calf, gilt leaves, 1795 Ireland's Case briefly stated, - - 1720 Ireland. Report on the Estate of the Drapers’ Company in Londonderry, unpublished, - 1829 Ireland’s Confessions of his Fabrication of the Shak- speare Manuscripts, . - 1805 IreLanp. The Beauties of the Press, - 1800 Ireland’s Library and Curiosities, Catalogue of, prices and Names, - - - 1801 Trish Pursuits of Literature, marbled leaves, Dub. 1799 Irish Hudibras, or Fingallian Prince, russia with joints, 1689 Irving’s Life and eg of Columbus, 4 vol. half mo- rocco, - -.. 1828 Irving's Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, 2 vol. half morocco, ns 1829 Irwin’s Voyage of the Red Sea, 2 vol. 1787. Jackson’s Journey from India to England, 1799. a | 93 J 1790 Izacke’s Antiquities of Exeter, with the rare print of the Conduit, russia, Dr. Farmer's copy, - 1677 1791 G. Isidori Chronica— De differenciis. De divisione temporum, &c. Manuscript of the XIIth Century upon vellum, olive morocco, morocco lining, richly tooled. 1792 Isocrates, Gr. et Lat. Wolfii, Williams's copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Bas. 1613 1793 Italian Tales, cuts by G. Coulahienk, half morocco, 1824 1794 Italy, Sketches of, 4 vol. half morocco, . 1820 1795 Ives’s Sigilla Antiqua Norfolciensia, privately printed, scarce, > - - 1772 1796 Ives’s Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans, . FINE PAPER, portrait inserted, red morocco, - 1774 1797 Ives’s Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romanus, portrait, - - Yarm. 1803 1798 Jablonski, Thorn Afivée, plates, marbled leaves, Amst. 1726 1799 Jackson's Account of Timbuctoo and Housa, maps, half morocco, gilt top, - - 1820 1800 Jacobs’s Lives of the English Posts; portraits, 2 vol. 1720 1801 Jacob, Recherches Historiques sur les Croisades et les Templiers, plates, - - Paris, 1828 1802 Jamaica, Present State of, with the Life of Columbus, yellow morocco, 1683 1803 James I. Apologie pour le iSepaueat de ‘Fidelité; fine por- trait by De Leu, morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. 1609 1804 James's Treatise of the corruption of Scripture, &c. by tbe Church of Rome, calf, gilt leaves, Williams's copy, 1688 1805 James’s Account of an Expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains, 3 vol. half morocco, - - 1823 1806 Japan. Relatio Historica rerum in Japonie regno ges- tarum A. D. 1603, 1604, &c. gilt leaves, Mogunt. 1610 1807 Jaques, Le Faut-Mourir, en vers Burlesques, blue mo- rocco, - Lyon, 1684 1808 Jarric (P. du) Hgnive des choses plus memorables advenués es Indes Orientales, &c. rich old morocco, gilt leaves, - Guyon de Sardiere’s copy, Arras, 1611 1809 Jason de Cerebri Morbis, gilt leaves, Basil. 1549 1810 Jeannin, Les ee de, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Elzevier, 1659 1811 Jebb's Life of Robert Earl of Leicester, portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, = « = 1727 1812 Jefferson’s Notes on the State of dna 2 gt PRIVATELY PRINTED, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1782 1813 Jefferson's History of Thirsk, inlerleaved, half morocco, Thirsk, 1821 [ 94 J 1814 Jennings’s Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals, Baskerville, 1775 1815 Jensii Lectiones Lucianee, Williams's Copy, green mo- rocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Hag. Com. 1699 1816 Jenyns’s (Soame) Works, 3 vol. - 1793 1817 Jesuites. Morale Pratique des Jesuites, (Elz.) 1669. Catechisme des Jesuites, 1679. Le Cabinet Jesuitique, together 3 vol. 1818 Jesuits. Regule Societatis Jesu, original edition, ruled, rich old yellow morocco, inlaid binding, powdered with gold, silk linings, gilt leaves, Girardot de Prefond’s Copy, Roma, in Colleg. Societatis, 1582 1819 Jesuits. Regul Societatis Jesu, an Epitome, old red mo- rocce, - Rome, in Colleg. Societatis, 1582 1820 Jesuits. Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum, green mo- rocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Rome, in Collegio Societatis Jesu, 1586 *,* The original and uncastrated Edition, of ex- treme rarity. ‘The Gaignat copy sold for 660 francs. ; 1821 Jesuits. Lua Morale des Jesuites, extraite fidelement de leurs livres, 3 vol. old red morocco, § (Elzevier.) 1669 1822 Jesuits. La Morale Pratique des Jesuites, ruled, 9 vol. : rich old red morocco, ; - Cologne, 1669-95 1823 Jewitt’s Adventures in Nootka Sound, - 1824 1824 Joannis Damasceni Orationes tres, blue morocco, : Aldus, 1554 1825 Joannis Monachi Majoris Monasterii Historia Gauffredi Ducis Normannorum et Comitis Andegavorum, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Par. 1610 1826 Jocelin’s Life of St. Patrick, by Swift, LARGE paPER, half morocco, - - Dublin, 1809 1827 Johnson’s (Dr.) Works, 11 vol. Boswell’s Life of John- son, 4 vol. together 15 vol. LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, - : Oxford, 1825-26 1828 Johnson’s (Dr.) Journey into North Wales, with Notes by Duppa, half morocco, 1816. Beauties of Johnson, 1781. 1829 Johnson's Dictionary, by Hartley, printed on India paper, morocco, - - - 1825 1830 Johnson's Rasselas, plates after Westall, morocco, 1817 1831 Johnson's Dictionary, yellow morocco, - 1793 1832 Johnstone's Anecdotes of Olave the Black. Account of Haco’s Expedition to Scotland. Death Song of Lodbroc, Icelandic and English, gilt leaves, Copenh. 1780-82 1833 Johnson's Typographia, wood cuts on India paper, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1824 [ 95 ] 1834 Johnson's etry: of the Oh Neher eg 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - 1724 1835 Joly, Voyage Sik, a Miiat oe en Wasiphslic: yellow mo- rocco, Fonthill copy, " - Paris, 1670 1836 Jones, Escolha das Poesias Orientales por Oliviera, mo- rocco, - Lisboa, 1793 1837 Jones’s History ‘of the Christian Church, including the Account of the Waldenses, 2 vol. half morocco, 1826 1838 Jones’s Tour in quest of Genealogy, half morocco, 1811 1839 Jomini, Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon, 4 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1827 1840 Josephi Opera Omnia Gr, et fat edente Oberthur, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, Williams's copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - - Lips. 1782 1841 Joseph, Histoire des Juifs, et Guerre des Juifs, trad. par Dandilly, plates, 5 vol. tance paper, rich old yellow mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Brux, 1702-3 1842 Joseph Victrix Innocentia dum de in Aigyptum, old red morocco, ~ Paris, 1654 1843 Joseph Ben Gorion’s History of the latter tymes of the Jewes commune weale, trans. by Morwyng, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, - London, John Daye, 1551 1844 [Josselin’s}] Life off the 70 Archbishopp off Canterbury (Mathew Parker) presently sittinge Englished, and to be added to the 69 lately sett forth in Latin, with the Table, which is so rare that Hearne, whose copy this was, says he never saw it in any other copy, Imprinted 1574 1845 Josselyn’s Two Voyages to New England, - 167 1846 Jovio, Commentario de le cose de Turchi, red morocco, Venetia, s. a. 1847 Jovius (Paulus). A Discourse of rare inventions, both Militarie and Amorous called Imprese, by Samuell Daniell, russia, - London, Waterson, 1585 1848 Joubert, Traité du Ris, green morucco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1579 1849 Joubert, La Science des Medailles, plates, 2 vol. in 1, red _ morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1715 1850 Joubert, Manuel de Amateur d’Estampes, 3 vol. inter- leaved and bound in 6, half morocco, - Paris, 1821 1851 Jouy (Etienne) CGiuvres complettes, 27 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, = Paris, 1823 1852 Jouy, L’Hermite de la Chaussée—d’Antin, 2 vol. L’Her- mite de la Guiane. Guillaume le Franc—Parleur, in all 4 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - Brux. 1818 1853 Journal of a Soldier, Edin. 1819. Personal Narrative of ; - a Soldier of the 42d, 1821, 2 vol. in 1. 1854 Journal de Monsieur frere du Roi, par M. M. Geoffroy et Royon, 2 vol. old red morocco, - 1781 [ 96 J 1855 Journey to Jerusalem: or it of the Travels of fourteen Englishmen, - 1672 1856 Juaifs. Du Rappel des Juifs, old blue morocco, 1643 1857 Julian’s (the Emperor) Arguments against the Christians, trans. by Taylor, RARE, - - 1809 1858 Jortin’s Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 5 vol. half morocco, uncut, ~ - 1767 1859 Paulo Jovio, Vite di Leon decimo et d’Adriano sesto sommi Pontefici, trad. per Domenichi, LARGE PAPER, bound in 2 vol. venetian morocco, richly tooled, _ Fiorenza Torrentino, 1548 1860 Junckeri Vita Lutheri, plates, calf, gilt leaves, Francf. 1699 1861 Junckeri Commentarius de Vita, Seriptisque ac meritis Jobi Ludolfi, calf, gilt leaves, Lips. 1710 1862 Junii Emblemata, L. B. 1595. Fuetni Fabule Aniverp. 1595. Fabelle Aisopice, dniverp. 1595, green morocco. 1863 Junguieres, Caquet- Bonbec, la Poule a ma tante, red mo- rocco, - - - 1785 1864 Jussie (Jeanne de) Relation de l’Apostasie de Geneve, old red morecco, * - - Paris, 1682 1865 Justinus et Florus, morocco, gilt leaves, Giunta, 1510 1866 Justini llistoria, green morocco, Aldine tooling, Aldus, 1522 1867 Justinus, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Elzevir, 1656 1868 Justini Historia ab Hearne, LARGE PAPER, venetian morocco with joints, gilt leaves, Williams's copy, | + Oxon, 1705 1869 Justini Historia, ex recensione Greevii, uncut, red morocco, joints, gilt leaves, Williams's copy, = - ~~. Amst. 1722 1870 Justinus, Notis Variorum et Gronovii, in 2 vol. Williams’s copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1760 1871 Justus, de Alea, morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1642 1872 Justiniani Institutiones, blue morocco, Antverp. 1553 1873 Justiniani Institutiones, * Amst. Elzev. 1664 1874 Justice’s (Elizabeth) Voy to Russia, York, T. Gent. 1739 1875 Juvenalis et Persius, green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt - leaves, - a1 2 Aldus, 1501 ans Juvenalis et Persius, very tall copy, red moroceo, Aldus, 1501 877 Juvenalis et Persius; morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, R. Stephanie, 1544 1878 Juvenalis et Persii Satyre, notis variorum, best edition, Williams's copy, uncut, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, M = » as 1684 1879 Juvenalis et Persius, uncut, green morocco, gilt leaves, Williams's copy, - - | Amst. 1735 1880 Juvenalis Satirze ad Codices Parisienses recensite, com- mentario perpetue illustrates ab Achaintré, 2 vol. LARGEST PAPER, VERY RARE, Williams's copy, bound in green morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, Par. 1810 [ 97 ] 1881 Keating’s Narrative of the Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's ate Lake Winnepeck, &c. 2 vol. half mo- rocco, - Philadelphia, 1824 1882 Keith’s System a ia ge gee, ews plates, 2 vol. marbled leaves, - 1816 1883 Keith’s Historical AbCotint of the " Secnktial Bishops by Russell, tance paper, half morocco, uncut, Edinh. 1824 1884 Keightley’s Fairy a cae ‘appe 2 vol. eae morocco, gilt leaves, 1828 1885 Kelham’s Domesday Book Illustrated, eiies 1788 1886 Kelsall’s Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino, _ plates, half morocco, - Geneva, 1820 1887 Kerr’s Collection of Vopacts and Travels, maps, 18 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1824 1888 Kennedy’s Chronological, Gaeplecicn mia Historical Dissertation of the Royal onan of the Stuarts, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1705 1889 Kidgell’s Original Fables, plates, 2 “8 in 1, gilt leaves, 1763 1890 King’s Art of Cookery, morocco, gilt leaves. 1891 King’s ni boos to the Supreme Bem. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1796 1892 King’s Garvey of the Coasts of sia Porta: plates, 2 vol. half morocco, - - 1827 1893 King’s "gk, ApetRates of his Own Times, marbled leaves, = 1818 1894 Kinsey's Portugal Illustrated, plates on India paper, half morocco, > 1828 1895 Kirby's Suffolk T vavelies: russia, zilt leaves, 1764 1896 Knight, Carmina Homerica, original edition, only fifty copies printed for private distribution, Lond. 1808 1897 Knight’s Inquiry into the he ang of Taste, blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - 1806 1898 Knight's Life of Erasmus, tance paPer, 1726. Knight's ‘ Life of Dean Colet, tance parEr, 1724, together 2 vol. portraits and plates, splendidly bound in blue morocco, richly tooled inside. 1899 Kwox’s Historie or THE Cuurcu or ScoTLaND, ORIGI- NAL EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE, venetian morocco, with joints, richly tooled, . (Vautrolier, 1584) *,* The excessive rarity of this Book is well known. “It was found impossible to print it in Scotland and it was therefore committed to the care of Vautrollier in England. Nearly all the copies were seized before the completion of the work and destroyed by order of the Archbp. of Canterbury. 1900 Knox, Voyage de l'Isle de Ceylon, plates, 2 vol. in 1, gut leaves, - - Amst. 1693 oO ; [ 98 J Quarto. 1901 Juan y Ulloa, Viage a la America Meridional, plates, FINE PAPER, 5 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, royal arms of Spain on the sides, - - Mad. 1748 1902 Juris Civilis Ante-Justinianei Reliquie Inedite, a Maio, LARGE PAPER, ~ ; - Rome. 1823 1903 Juvigny, De la decadence des Lettres et des Moeurs, de- puis les Grecs et Romains jusqu’a nos jours, LARGE PAPER, old French morocco, - Paris, 1787 1904 Justinian, Description et Histoire de l’Isle de Scios ou Chios, morocco, - ~ - 1606 *,* The author wrote this work at the time he was Ambassador from the Court of France to the Grand Seignior. At the end are printed a History of, and various documents relating to, the Justinian Family, to which this volume belonged. 1905 Kempferi Ameenitates Exotice, plates, russia, 1762 1906 Keatinge’s Travels in Europe and Africa, plates, 1816 1907 Keith’s Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, russia, 1755 1908 Kelsall’s Letter from Athens, half morocco, 1812 1909 Kemys’s Relation of the Second Voyage to Guiana, Ve- netian morocco, by Lewis, RARE, London, T. Dawson, 1596 1910 Kenilworth illustrated, LARGE PAPER, PROOF PLATES ON INDIA PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, Chiswick, 1821 1912 Kennedy’s (Quintine) Oratioune, half morocco, pRivATE- LY PRINTED by Sir Alex. Boswell, - 1812 1913 Kennett’s Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden, Burcester, &e. moroeco, gilt leaves, - - Oxford, 1695 1914 Kennett’s Parochial Antiquities enlarged from the Au- thor’s Manuscript Notes, 2 vol. - Oxford, 1818 1915 Keppel. Description of the Freedom Box voted by the City to Admiral Keppel, plates illuminated, red morocco, presentation copy to the Admiral, - 1779 1916 Kerguelen, Voyage dans la Mer du Nord, maps, Paris, 1771. Robilant, De lUtilité des Voyages, &c. dans son propre pays, Turin, 1790, calf gilt leaves. 1917 Kilkenny. The Private Theatre of Kilkenny with ob- servations on other Private Theatres in Ireland. Por- traits of Grattan, Moore, &c. blue morocco, PRIVATELY - PRINTED, - 4 - 1825 1918 King’s Toast, a Poem, with Key inserted, suppressed, and. very scarce, morocco, - - 1736 1919 King’s Morsels of Criticism, 2 vol. te ihn. “FFBB 1920 Kinneir’s Geographical Memoir of the Persian ‘Empire, map in a case, - - “ 1813 [ 99 1921 Kirk’s Outlines from the Figures and) Compositions of the Hamilton Vases, half morocco, “ 1804 1922 Kirke’s Modern Account of Scotland, - ' 1679 1923 Kirkpatrick’s Account of the Kingdom of —— plates, half morocco, - 1811 1924 Kirkpatrick’s Select Letters ae aippeot Sultaun, half morocco, - - ' 1811 1925 Klopstocks Werke, tree FINE PAPER, 6 vol. in 3, blue morocco, with joints, lined with silk, gilt leaves, Leipz. 1798 1926 Knight’s Relation of his Seven yeares Slavery under the - Turkes of Argiere, inlaid, russia, - 1640 1927 Knight's Progress of Civil Society, red morotco, gilt leaves, 1796 1928 Knox’s History of ‘Céyloi with the tfistory of Ceylon to 1815, plates, half morocco, © - - 1817 1929 Kotzebues Endeckungs Reise in die Sud-See, plates, 3 vol. in 1, half morocco, - Wiemar, 1821 1930 Krusenstern’s Voyage round the World, trans. by Hopp- ner, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, — = " 1813 1931 Kynaston, Amorum Troili et Creseidz libri duo priores Anglico-Latini, morocco, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1635 1932 La Clede, Histoire de Portugal, 2 vol. gilt leaves, Par.:1735 1933 Lake Scenery by Smith and Eames in Aquatinta by Alken, rroors, - ~ - (1795 1934 Lama, Vita di Giambattista Bodoni, Tipografo Italiano, 2 vol. in 1, LARGE PAPER, calf, gilt leaves, Parma, 1816 1935 Lambard’s. Alphabetical oneal oi of England and Wales, protrait, - 1730 1936 Lami, Le Piu insigni Pitture ‘Parnaensi, sat plates, sixty copies only printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, Parma, 1809 1937 Lamoignon (Chretien Guillaume de) Melange, ou Col- lection de faits, anecdotes, bons mots, reflections et pensées detachées, ramassées partout ou elles se sont trouvées, Manuscript from the Lamoignon Collection, 6 vol. 1938 Lamont’s Chronicle of Fife, one hundred copies printed, morocco, - Edinburgh, 1810 1939 Lamotte, wnyage atid le Nord de l'Europe, plates, - Lond, 1813 1940 Laud. Discovery of the Notorious Proceedings of Wil- liam Laud, Bebop of yg eee portrait by Mar- shall, — 1641 1941 Landseer’s aa Resins jiotas half morocco, 1823 194% Langlume, Recueil de Fleurs d’Ornement, beautifully coloured, the Dedication copy to the Duchess de Berry with her arms on the sides. [ 100 ] 1943. Langley’s History of Desborough, half morocco, — 1797 1944 Langsdorff’s Voyages and Travels in Various. Parts of the World, plates, 2 vol. - ~, of j0% 1818 1945 Lascaris Erotemata, cum Interpretatione Latina, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Venetiis, Aldi Manutii, 1495 1945*Lascaris Grammatica Greca, with the Hebrew leaves and errata, red morocco, Aldine tooling, Venet. apud Aldum, s. a, 1946 Lascaris Grammatica Greea, red morocco, Aldine tooling, Venet. Aldus, 1512 1947 Lastanosa, Museo de las Medallas Desconocidas Espano- las, portraits, plates, russia, gilt leaves, Huesca, 1645 1948 Latimer’s (Bishop) Frutefull Sermons, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ei ae London, J. Day, 1575 1949 Latrobe’s Visit to South Africa, coloured plates, half mo- Tocco, - - - 1818 1950 Laurencii Veronensis Liber de Bello Majoricano, a beau- tiful Manuscript upon vellum, red morocco, gilt leaves. *,* This Poem has been printed by Muratori, but the present Manuscript varies from the one used by him. 1951 Law’s Memorialls, or the Memorable Things that fell out from 1638 to 1684, half morocco, Edin. 1818 1952 Le Blanc, Voyages aux Indes Orientales et Occidentales, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1648 1953 Le Blond’s (Michael) Engravings, a Collection of 46 mounted in a volume, russia. 1954 Leces Robiconiai Sumpoimenceias Pilopatridorum, Bodoni, Parma, 1808S 1955 Lederer’s Discoveries in three several Marches from Virginia to Carolina, map, morocco, gilé leaves, 1672 Folio. 1956 Kempfer, Histoire du Japon, 2 vol. in 1, plates, LARGE PAPER, in russia, gilt leaves, ~ Haye, 1729 1957 Keating’s History of Ireland, rarce PAPER, original red morocco binding, gilt leaves, fine copy, - 1723 1958 Keppel’s (Admiral) Trial, the Admiral’s copy, with his portrait on the side, - - 1779 1959 King’s Cathedral and Conventual Churches of England Orthographically Delineated. 1960 King’s Vale-Royall of England, or the County of Chester Illustrated, plates, several additional inserted, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, = “ 1656 [ 101 ] 1961 King’s Munimenta Antiqua ; or Observations on Ancient Castles, 4 vol. half russia, uncut, - 1799 1962 Kit-Cat Club from Kneller’s Portraits, fine original im- pressions, with six additional, mounted and bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1735 1963 Knorr et Walch, Recueil des Petrifactions, 4 vol. in 3, plates coloured. Esper, Description des Zoolites, co- loured plates, together 5 vol. half morocco, Nuremb. 1964 Korb, Diarium Itineris in Moscoviam, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, SUPPRESSED, Vienn. 1700 1965 LanceE.or pu Lac, black letter, wood cuts, 3 vol. in 1, the third has no separate title page, a little wormed, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1513 1966 Landmann’s Observations on Portugal, coloured plates, 2 vol. - > - 1818 1967 Landseer’s Monkeyana, Inp1a proors before the letters, half morocco, - - - 1827 1968 Lasor a Varea, Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum Calamo Delineatus, cuts, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, Patavii, 1713 1969 Le Brun, Voyage au Levant, plates, 2 vol. Delft. 1700. Voyages aux Indes Orientales, plates, 2 vol. Amst. 1718, together 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, FINE SET. 1970 Lesrun, GALERIE DES Peintres Framanps, HoLLANDAIS ET ALLEMANDS, 3 vol. in 2, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1792 1971 Le Clerc Almanach der Heyligen, a Set of Prints of Saints, “ Amst. 1730 1972 Leger, Histoire ae Eglises ranmeianes des Vallées de Piemont ou Vaudoises, plates, . Leyde. 1669 1973 Lelong, Bibliotheque ‘Historique de la France, aug: mentée par Fontette, 5 vol. best alien, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1768 1974 Le Neve’s Fasti Hoelepie i cAicanes with additional Manuscript Indexes, calf, marbled leaves, - 1716 1955, S..Leonis Pape Sermones et Opuscula, russia, gilt leaves, Rome, Sweynheym et Pannartz, MCCCCLXX. 1976 Lec! s Historie of Africa by Pory, map, calf, gilt leaves, 1600 f 102 ] TENTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1977 Laudi Antiche. Manuscrier on veLLuM of the XVth Century, written in a clear legible hand, Venetian mo- rocco, lined with morocco, richly tooled. 1978 Laudonniere, Histoire Notable de la Floride Située es Indes Occidentales, par Basanier, very scarce, title mended, = - - . Par. 1588 1979 Laus Asini, gilt leaves, . . Elzevir. 1629 1980 Laurent’s Classical Tour through Greece, Turkey, &c. 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, i 1822 1981 pe L’Historial des Rois non Catholiques; gilt leaves, Lyon, 1592. La Place, Commentaires de l’Estat de la Religion, &c. soubs Henry et Francois Second, 1565. Apologie Catholique, 1585, together 3 vol. 1982 Laval, Histoire des Rois non Catholiques, ruled, red mo- rocco, : - - Lyon, 1592 1983 Lavaterus, de Spectris, Lemuribus, &c. gilt leaves, 1570 1984 Lavardin, Celestine Fidelement Repurgée, Count Hoym’s Copy, - Paris, par Bonfons. 1985 Lavaysse, Voyage aux Iles de Trinidad, Tabago, &c. 2 vol. - Paris, 1813 1986 Lavaysse’s Beadintion of Veunduaias Trinidad, &c. half morocco, - - - 1820 1987 Laverne, Histoire du Feld-Marechal Souvarof, russia, Paris, 1809 1988 Lawrence's Interest of Ireland Stated, morocco, 1682 1989 Lawrence's Lectures on Physiology, &e. plates, half morocco, - «thee 1819 1990 Lays of the Minnesingers, te lf morocco, - 1819 1991 Lazere, Histoires Tragiques de Nostre Temps, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Rouen, 1641 1992 Lazzarelli, La Cicceide Legian Lael Venetian mo- rocco, Parigi, 1692 1993 Leake’s pe ae of Athens lakes half morocco, 1821 1994 Lebeuf, Recueil de Divers Ecrits pour servir d’Eclair- cissemens & l'Histoire de France, 2 vol. red morocco, Paris, 1738 1995 Lechevalier, Voyage de la Troade, 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, with Atlas in Ato. half bound, uniform, Paris, 1802 1996 Lee’s Memoirs of the War in the Southern Parts of the United States, 2 vol. half morocco, Philadelphia, 1812 1997 1998 1999 2000 200] 2002 2003 2004 2005 2015 [ 103 ] Koérner’s Life of Carl Theodor Korner, with Selections from his Poems, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1827 Koran of Re tuariined: translated by Sale, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, TUussid, - - 1801 Koran in Arabic, a Manuscript, elegantly written, green morocco, gilt leaves. Kotzebue’s Voyage of Discovery, translated by Lloyd, 3 vol. plates, marbied leaves, - 2 1821 Kreihing Emblemata Carmine Explicata, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Antverp. 1661 Labat, Wayakers aux Isles de l’Amérique, plates, 6 vol. gilt leaves, - Paris, 1722 Labat, Relation de V Afrique Occidentale, plates, 5 vol. gilt leaves, Paris, 1728 Labat, Memoires du Chey D’ iy Betz: Envoy aux Etats Barbaresques, 6 vol. - - Paris, 1735 Lachryme Musarum: Tears of the Muses Exprest in Elegies, written upon the Death of Henry Lord Hastings, frontispiece, blue morocco, gilt leaves, rare, 1650 *,.* Among other verses in this volume, are some by Dryden ; the first productions of his Muse. Lackington’s Memoirs of his Life, plates inserted, half morocco, - - - 1791 La Clos, Liaisons Dangereuses, plates, 2 vol. green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - _ °1796 Lacombe, Dictionnaire des Beware Arts, calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1759 Lacombe, Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Francois, 2 vol. - - = Paris, 1766 Lacretelle, Precis Historique dela Revolution Francoise, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1801 Lactantii Opera, blue morocco, gilt eee Renouard’s Copy, Lugd. 1556 Ladv went, Grammaire Hebraique a l’usage des Ecoles de -Sorbonne, Williams’s Copy, gilt leaves, Par. 1765 Ladvocat’s Historical and Biographical Dictionary, by Collignon, 4 vol. - = 1799 Laronraine (Avcuste). Romans, Nouve ues, Et ContEs, traduite de Allemand par divers Auteurs, 162 volumes uniformly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, et Londres, 1802-1820 Romans, et Nouvelles, Caroline de Lichtfield, 2 vol. Herman d’Unna, 2 vol. Mathilde, 6 vol. La Princesse de Wolfenbuttel, 2 vol. Elizabeth. Nouvelles de Mon- tolicu, together 14 vol. uni ee” in green morocco, gilt leaves, - ciabide 1786-1811 [ 104 J 2016 Lafitau, Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, plates, 4 vol. gilt leaves_, - - - Paris, 1734 2017 Lafontaine, Recueil de Contes, 2 vol. Paris, 1798 2018 Lagrime in morte di un Gatto, russia, scarce, Milano, 1741 2019 Laing’s Travels in Western Africa, plates, half skys 2020 Lajaille, Voyage au Senegal, gilé leaves, Paris, 1802 2021 Laire, Specimen Historicum Typographiez Romane XV. Seeculi, green morocco, - - Rome, 1778 2022 Laire, Index Librorum ab inventu Typographie ad : annum 1500, 2 vol. marbled leaves, Senonis, 1791 2023 Lake’s Collection of Portraits, Catalogue of, LARGE PAPER, only six copies printed, prices and names, 1806 2024 Lambinet, Recherches sur l’Origine de lI’ Imprimerie, Brur. 1799 2025 Lamberti Exegesis in S. Joannis Apocalysim, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Marpurg. 1528 2026 Lamoignon, Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de, 3 vol. - - - Paris, 1791 2027 Lancelot’s Tour to Alet and La Grande Chartreuse, tran- slated by Schimmelpenninck, 2 vol. - 1816 LEE PRIORY PUBLICATIONS. 9028 Ler Priory Pusuications. Browne's Poems. Breton’s Melancholick Humours. Breton’s longing of a blessed heart. Wrangham’s Sonnets from Petrarch, Greene's Groats worth of Wit. Speeches to Queen Elizabeth. Dunluce Castle. Quillinam’s Select Poems. Sir W. Ralegh’s Poems. Engravings on Wood from the Lee Priory Publications. Select Funeral Memorials. Ele- gical Verses. Percy’s Coelia. Davison’s Poetical Raphsody. Sylvan Wanderer. What are Riches ?- Poems by G. Withers. Life of Sir Philip Sydney. Ex- cerpta ‘Tudoriana. Letters from the Continent. Bre- ton’s Praise of Virtuous Ladies. Life of the Marquis of Winchester. Life of Sir Francis Drake. Brathwayte’s Odes. Desultoria. Trumpet of Fame. Brother in Law. Life of the Duchess of Newcastle. Select Poems by the Duchess of Newcastle. Quillinan’s Consolation. List of Pictures at Lee Priory. Drayton’s Nymphidia. Characters of the Earl of Essex and Duke of Bucking- ham. Breton’s Ravished Soul. Bertram. Ford’s Fames Memorial, bound in 8 vol. Svo. and 3 vol. 4to. half mo- rocco, uncut, - rey, [ 105 ] 2029 Lancellotti, L’Hoggidi, Venet. 1680. Lusinge, dell’’ Origine, conservatione, et decadenza de gli Stati, Ferr. 1590, 2 vol. 2030 Landi, Vita di Esopo, Vinegia, 1550 2031 Landi, Vita di Cleopatra Regina d "Egitto, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Parigi, 1788 2032 Lando, Varii Componimenti, Venet. 1554. Lando Dialogo | della Consolatione et utilita, che si gusta leggendo la sacra Scrittura, Vineg. 1552. 2033 Lando, Varii Componimenti, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Giolito, 1552 2034 Landon’s (Miss) Improvisatrice—Troubadour—Golden Violet—Venetian Bracelet, 4 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, 1824-5-7-9 2035 Landor, Idyllia Heroica decem, &c. ae morocco, Pisis, 1820 2036 Landor’s ftastnary Conversations af Literary Men and Statesmen, 3 vol. half morocco, - 1824 2037 Langsdorff’s Voyages and Travels, half morocco, ( Carlisle, 1817 2038 Lanzi, Storia Pittorica della Italia, tarGe PAPER, 6 vol. in 3, red morocco, - - Bassano, 1809 2039 Lanzi’s History of Painting in Italy, by Roscoe, Larce PAPER, 6 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, - 1828 2040 Lanzi, Dissertazioni de’ Vasi Etruschi, plates, Nap. 1801 2041 Langles, Collection des Voyages dans lV’Orient, 5 vol. plates, gilt leaves, - ' Paris, 1797-1805 2042 Langbeins Feierabende, 2 vol. - Leipz. 2043 Langles, Recherches sur la decouverte de l’Essence de > “Rose; - - - Paris, 1804 2044 Langueti pee lee ad Philippum Sydneum, morocco, Elzevir. 1646 2045 Laon, Voyage des Francois fait au Cap de Nord en Ame- rique, Map and ‘plates, - Paris, 1654 2046 La Place, Du droict usage de la Philosophie Morale, red _ morocco, e - - Elsevier, 1658 2047 Larivey, Comedies Facecieuses, morocco, Lyon, 1597 2048 Larremendi, Arte de la Lengua Bascongada, morocco, ~ gilt leaves, - - - Salamanca, 1729 : s088 ‘Bas Casas, Ciuvres, par Llorente, 2 vol. gilt leaves, Paris, 1822 ano Esa, Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. . Stdsni, prices, aN . Paris, 1807 : 2051 Lasitii Historie de Origine et — fratrum Bohemo- rum, morocco, gilt leaves, . Silas 1649 2052 Legende de Dom Claude de Guyse, 5 de Cluny, red morocco, - 1531 P [ 106 ] 2053 Legende Dorée des Freres Mendians, 1734. Les Liber-: tins en Campagne, 1710. Le Livre a la Mode, morocco, 1759, 3 vol. 2054 Legende des Flamens, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1558 2055 Legouvé, Le Merite des Femmes, Poeme, fine paper, yellow morocco inlaid binding, lined with silk, Paris, 1809 2056 Leguat, Voyage et Avantures, plates, 2 vol. original rich old red morocco, ~ - - Lond. 1708 2057 Le Maire, Voyage aux Isles Canaries, Cap-Verd, &c. plates, morocco, - - - 1695 2058 Lemoine’s History of the Art of Printing, half morocco, 1797 2059 Le Moyne, Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, portraits, in- cluding one of Mary Queen of Scots, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, Sir J. Thorold’s Copy, Elsevier, 1660 2060 Le Moyne, Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, portraits, red morocco, - - - Paris, 1663 2061 Lempriere’s Tour to Morocco, ~ - 1793 2062 Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary by Anthon and Barker, half morocco, - 1828 2063 Lena, Risposta Apologetica. Analisi del Flogisto, 2 vol. morocco, - a - Venez. 1784-86 2064 Le Neve’s Lives of the Protestant Bishops of the Church of England, 2 vol. in 1, with manuscript additions by | Thomas Baker, - - - 1720 2065 Lenoir, Musée des Monumens Frangais, plates, 8 vol. Paris, 1800 2066 Lennox’s (Mrs.) Shakespear Illustrated, 3 vol. half morocco, - - - 1753 2067 Leon Hebreu, Philosophie de lAmour, gilt binding, Lyon, 1551 2068 Leone Hebreo, Dialoghi di Amore, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1558 2069 Lerii Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam, Genev. Vignon. 1594 2070 Leroux, Dictionnaire Comique, &c. 2 vol. marbled leaves, | Pampel. 1786 2071 Le Sage, Le Diable Boiteux, plates, 2 vol. marbled leaves, Le Sage, Guzman d’Alfarache, 2 vol. Paris, 1813 2072 Lesné, La Reliure Poeme Didactique, only 125 copies e printed, No. 37, half morocco, - Paris, 1827 2073 Lesseps, Travels in Kamschatka, 2 vol. in 1, marbled " leaves, ote - - 1790 2074 Lesson, Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Mouches et des Colibris, 2 vol. plates beautifully coloured, green morocco, — gilt leaves, - : ~ Paris, 1830-31 [ 107 ] 2075 Lessing's Nathan the Wise, by Taylor, private edition, half morocco. 2076 Leti, Vita di Elisabetta Heian d’ Pre HG Ee portraits, 2 vol. - 1693 2077 Leti, Critique sur les Loteries, 2 vol. satirical cut, Amst. 1697 207 8 Letronne, Recherches pour Servir al Histoire de l’ Egypte, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1823 2079 Lettere Amorose di Diversi Huomini Illustri, vellum, gilt leaves, - Venet. 1563 2080 Lettere Volgari di Divers Nobilissimi Huomini, 3 vol. first edition “of each, red morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1542-45-64 2081 Letters from the Mountains, 3 vol. Memoirs of an American Lady, 2 vol. uniform, 1808-9. 2082 Letters from the South, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, New York, 1817 2083 Lettre sur Homme et ses Rapports, FINE paper, red morocco, - - Paris, 1772 2084 Lettres Secretes de Christine Reine de Suede, green mo- TOCCO, Geneve, 1761 2085 Lettres Bipoirnckes. Biiives Vipleties et Noires, 2 vol. Dicacopolis, 1789 2086 Lettres de Ninon de |’Enclos, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1750 2087 Lettres sur le Pe cukora: . < Paris, 1819 2088 Lettres Edifiantes, Choix des, 8 vol. Paris, 1808 2089 Levesque, Histoire de Russie, 8 vol. marbled leaves, Hamb. 1600 2090 Lewis’s Monk, first edition, 3 vol. - - 1796 2091 Lewis’s Romantic Tales, 4 vol. half morocco, 1808 2093 Lewis’s Oriental Chess, 2 vol. in 1, gilé leaves, 11817 2094 Liancourt, Voyages dans les Etats-Unis d’Amérique, : 8 vol. maps, - ~ Paris, 1799 2095 Libellus Gebensis. Bonnie Selecta Latina Mediz. et Infime Atatis, Edita a Brydges, 37 copies only printed for presents, morocco, gilt leaves, = Gebenis, 1822 2096 Liburnio, Sentenze, et Aurei Detti di Diversi Antichi Savi, gilt leaves, | . Vineg. 1545 2097 Libro del Perché, La Pastorella ant Marino, ‘&c. russia, Nullibi et Ubique. 2098 Lichtenberger, Histoire de l'Invention de l'Imprimerie, nay half morocco,. .- ~* 4 Strasb. 1825 2099 Life of Dudley Earl of jae Elizabeth’s Favorite, ‘LARGE: PAPER, portrait, blue morocco, sides richly tooled, _ joints, and gilt leaves. 2100 Life and Gests of S. Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Here- ford, ‘Lord Chancellor, by R.S. blue morocco, Gant. 1674 2101 2102 2108 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 Q117° 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2195 2126 2127 2128 Llyware Hen’s Heroic Elegies, by Owen, half morocco, [ 108 ] Life of Joanna Queen of Naples and Countess of Pro- vence, 2 vol. half morocco, - - 1824 Life of Aloysius Gonzaga, of the Soc. of Jesus, gilt leaves, St. Omer, 1761 Life of Catherine II. Empress of Russia, 3 vol. 1798 Life of John Radcliffe, M. D. - 1715 Life of Ali Pacha, plates, gilt leaves, 1823 Life of Ambrose Gwinett, 1771. Life of Sinan Lord Irnham, 1769. Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone, 2 ect half morocco, Washington, 1826 Life of Sir Stephen Fox, red morocco, “ 1717 Life of Timothy Ginnadrake, i. e. Samuel Derrick, por- trait, 3 vol. blue morocco, - _ Bath, Life and Acts of Sir William Wallace, by Blind Harry, Glasgow, 1713 Lillo’s Works, 2 vol. - 1775 Lima. Relation of the Barthquake at Lima, marbled leaves, - - 1748 Lindley’ s Voyage to Bait half morocco, - 1805 Lindsay’s History of England, russia, gilt leaves, 1748 Lindsay’s Chronicles of Scotland, 2 vol. in 1, half mo- Tocco, - Edinb. 1214 Lingard’s Antiqtielae of. the Anglo-Saxon Church, half morocco, scarce, - - 1810 Lippi, Il Malmantile racquistato, yellow morocco, Parigi, 1768 Lipsius De Constantia, green morocco, Amst. 1631 Liturgy in Short Hand, by Weston, blue morocco, 1730 Liturgy of the Church of England, blue morocco, Baskerville, 1762 Lives of Corregio and Parmegiano, - 1823 Lives of Eminent Characters born in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, portraits, LARGE. PAPER, - 1820 Living Poets of England. Specimens of Living British Poets, 2 vol. - - Paris, 1827 Livii Historia ex recensione Gronovii, red morocco, gilt leaves, = - “ Elzevir, 1678 Livre A-la-Mode, printed in coloured inks, gilt leaves, Europe, 1759 Le Livre digs printed on yellow paper, yellow morocco, Bale, 1748 Livy. Les Cancion’ et Harengues de Tite-Live, trad. par Amelin, ruled, original vellum cover, Autograph of _ Henry Percy, Earl of Nonthutiiaes eat and his crest on the sides, - ~ Paris, 1567 1792 [ 109 ] 2129 Locke’s Works, tarce paver, 10 vol. red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - 1801 2130 Lockhart. and Wilson’s Diabet s Letters to his Kinsfolk, ’ portraits, 3 vol. half morocco, = - - 1819 Quarto. 2131 Legend of Mary Q. of Scots, and other Ancient Poems published from MSS. by Fry, tance parE, 1810 2132 Legende des Flamens, Artisiens, et Henuyers, en la- quelle sont contenues plusieurs Ayptaires de France,. Angleterre, &c. blue morocco, Paris, 1522 2133 Le Gentil, Voyage dans les Mers des 5 for a plates, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1779 2134 Lelandi Genethliacon Edvardi Principis Cambria, first | edition, russia, - - Lond. R. Wolf, 1543, 2135 Leland’s History of Ireland, 3 vol. - 1773 2136 Lenguaglia, Ritratti della Prosapia, et Heroi Moncadi,. nella Sicilia, portraits, - Reale di Valenza, 1657 2137 Leon Pinelo, Question Moral, Si el Chocolate quebranto el ayuno Ecclesiastico, gilt leaves, Mad. 1636 2138 Leon Pinelo, Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental y Occi-, dental, morocco, — - - Mad. 1629 2139 Leopoitp Imp. Diporti del Crescente in rime Morali,. Devote, &c. very rare, having been suppressed, Bruss. 1651 2140 Leslache, La Philosophie Morale. La Science Géné- rale. Abrégé de la Philosophie, le tout expliqué en tables, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, 3 vol. morocco, Paris, 1651 2141 Leslawius, De origine, moribus, et rebus gestis Scoto-. rum, morocco, gilt leaves, Rome. 1578 2142 Lettera Apologetica del Esercitato Accademico della. _ Crusca, old morocco, - ~ _ Nap, 1750 2143 Lettere di Principi, 3 vol. Vinet. Ziletti, 1570-75. Rac- colta di Lettere di diversi Principi, et altri Signori, fatta de Marcobruni, Venet. 1595, together 4 vol. Thuanus’s | copy with his arms, not quite uniform. 2144 Letters from the Cardinal Borgia, and the Cardinal of York, the last of the Stuarts. Privately printed, 1800 2145 Letter relating the Lord Ambassador Howard’s Voyage to Fez, - - - 1670 2146 ) ot leg ad un Amico di M. C. Brancadoro su la morte del Conte Giacomo suo fratello, pRINTED UPON VELLUM, 1797 © [ 110 ] 2147 Lewin’s Birps or Grear Britain, containing Two HunprepD Anp Ercutry-Four DRAWINGS ON VELLUM, OF BirpDs, AND SIXTY-NINE OF Ecos, being eleven more than the work-generally contains, ‘bound in 7 vol. 1789-94 2148 Lewis’s History of Feversham, plates, - 1727 2149 Lewis’s Dissertation on the see and use of Seals in England, plates, - - 1740 2150 Lewis's Topographical Aéhidnaes of England and Wales, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, - - 1831 2151 Lewis’s History of the Isle of Tenet, plates, LaRGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1736 2152 Lewkenor’s Discourse of Forraine Cities, 1600 2153 Lhoyd’s Historie of Cambria, by Powel, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - London, Newberie, 1584 2154 Liber Faceti docens mores hominum, green morocco, Daventrie, per Jacobum de Breda, MCCCCXCIV. 2155 Libellus de modo confitendi et penitendi, Venetian mo- Tocco, - Antverp, Gar. Leuw. 1486 2156 Lichtenbergeri Proguosticatio, singular wood cuts, gilt leaves, - Argent. MCCCCXCIX. 2157 Lichtenberger, Tiitia Typographica, half morocco, Argent. 1711 2158 Lichtenstein’s Travels in Southern Africa, plates, marbled leaves, - “ - - 1812 2159 Licio (ROBERTUS DE) SERMONES DE LAUDIBUS SANCTORUM, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, the Dedication Copy to Beatrice Queen of Aragon, whose Arms are Illuminated on the first leaf, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Neapoli, Mathias Moravus, MCCCCLXXXVIII. 2160 Life and Death of i Ne ack Cusack, the great Sea-Robber, - 1676 2161 Life of the Rev. et. Swift, with a French inter- lineary translation by Madame Montmorency, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1800 2162 Life of Sir Julius Cesar, Muster of the Rolls, portraits, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, aig - 1810 2163 Life of Sir John Sean Wilmot, portrait, blue morocco, with joints, - 1802 2164 Light’s Travels in Egypt, Nubia, &c. plates, half morocco, 1818 2165 Lilius De situ Orbis, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Neapoli, A. Cantonus, MCCCCLXXXXVI. 2166 Limborch’s History of the pert ae by Chandler, _ plates, 2 vol. in 1, - 1831 2167 Lincolnshire. Topographical coat of Tattersal, wPa LARGE PAPER, or 1813 Eohil 7 2168 Lingard’s History of England, 8 vol. the four first in russia, the remaining vols, in sheets, - 1819 2169 Lisiansky’s Voyage round the World, plates, half mo- rocco, .- 1814 70 Lithgow’s Most delectable a true Pesce of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke, first edition, vellum, - - 1614 2171 Lirucow’s Totall Discourse of the rare adventure, and painefull Peregrinations of long nineteene Yeares Tra- vayles, LARGE PAPER, the only copy known, the Dedication Copy to Charles I. with the Royal Arms on the sides. A copy of extraordinary beauty, in the original ornamented morocco binding, a most beautiful volume, - 1632 *,* One sheet of the book is on small paper, but being left uncut the difference is scarcely dis- cernible. Subsequent to its being in the Royal Collection, it passed into that of the Lumleys, whose stamp is also on the cover. It was sold in the Binuley Collection, and since in Mr. Jadis’s for 421. 2172 Lithgow’s Travels, the same Edition as the preceding, but with variations in the title and frontispiece, calf, gilt leaves, 1632 2173 Lithgow’s Scotland's Welcome to King Charles, a Poem, title and some leaves repaired, green morocco, Edinburgh, Wreittoun, n. d. Folio. 2174 Le Sage’s Historical and Genealogical Atlas. 2175 Lewin’s Birps. A Couuection of ONE HUNDRED AND ; FORTY THREE Drawincs oF BirDS, MOST ADMIRABLY EXECUTED AFTER Nature, By Lewin, splendidly bound in morocco, with joints, richly tooled, lined with silk. 2176 Lewis's (John) Manuscript Collections, chiefly relating | to Kent, containing The Gold Book, provided by Queen Anne Boleyn for the use of her Maids of Honour. Baily's Life of Bishop Fisher, &c. &c. intirely in Lewis's hand. 2177 Liber Veritatis, a Collection of Prints after the Drawings of Claude de Lorrain, by Earlom, 3 vol. half morocco, 1802-17 2178 Linschoten’s Voyages into the Easte and West Indies, with the plates belonging to the Book, and a set from the Dutch Edition inserted, russia, gilt leaves, 1598 2179 Litio (Robert de) Opus quadregesimale, fine copy, in the ‘original boards, covered with russia, Colonia, Ulricum Zel de Hanaw, MCCCCLXXIII. 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 [ 112 ] Liturgy. The fourme of byddyng of Common prayer, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, from a Manuscript of the time of Edward VI. by R. Rawlinson, black moroccu, with joints, elegantly tooled. Livii Historia, 3 vol. SECOND EDITION, some ieatis stained, green morocco, gilt leaves, Ven. per Vindelinum de Spira, MCCCCLXX. *,* This is the Second Edition of Livy, but the First with a date. Livre de Sapience, 4 Manuscript of THE XVTH CenTURY UPON VELLUM, with Miniatures, blue morocco, gilt leaves, from the Gaignat and Mac Carthy Collections. Lloyd’s Memoirs of the Distinguished Sufferers for the Protestant Religion and Loyalty, from 1637 to 1660, ILLUSTRATED WITH ABOUT 150 PorTRatITs, russia, 1668 Lozano, Historia de la Compania de Jesus en la Pro- vincia del Paraguay, 2 vol, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1754 Loggan’s Oxonia Illustrata, 1675. Loggan’s Canta- brigia [llustrata, 1688, 2 vol. in ], with additional por- traits and plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves. Lolli, Osservazioni sopra il Giuoco degli Scacchi, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, Bologna, 1763 Lolli, Osservazioni sopra il Giuochi degli Scacchi, half morocco, gilt leaves, - - Bologna, 1763 LUCRETIUS DE RERUM NATURA. JOANNES RAINALDUS Mennits eExscripsir. MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, venetian morocco, gilt leaves. *,* This very beautiful Manuscript has the first page elegantly illuminated by an Italian artist, after the antique. The capital letters throughout are also illuminated in gold and colours. Those at the commencement of each book are particularly splendid. This MS, was formerly in the posses- sion of M. Poore, and afterwards of Mr. W. Smith, to whom the late Dr. Burney offered a large sum for it. The following notice of it is from the Preface to Wakefield’s Lucretius. “¢ Sed et alium insuper scriptum librum de quo nihil. cogitaveram, mihi permisit evolvendum vir humanissimus Edvardus Poore, cum _ promptis- sima benignitate, a laudabilibus in bonas litteras affectibus derivata Nimirum manus recentior hunc codicem exaravit: quam vero cujusvis impressi typis libri non sit apographon sed codicem quem- dam MS, certissime in exemplar habuerit, non spernanda est ejus auctoritas, que antiquiorum hibrorum lectionibus subsidium accedat.”’ [ 113 ] 2189 Londina Illustrata, Graphic and Historic Memorials of Public Buildings in London, by Wilkinson, tarce PAPER, 1819 2190 Longdit, L/Hystoire merveilleuse, Plaisante et Recreative du grand Empereur de Tartarie seigneur des Tartres nomme le grand Can, black letter, wood cuts, morocco, with joints, richly tooled, Guyon de Sardiere’s Copy, Paris, pour Jehan Sainct Dennys, 1529 2191 Lopez, Libro de Albeyteria, morocco, gilt leaves, Logrono 1588 2192 Ludolfi Historia Athiopica, plates, the four parts com- plete in 1 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - Francf. 1681-94 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 213 Logeas, Le Romant Heroique, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1632 2194 Logique, ou l’Art de Penser, Dr. Parr’s Copy, with a long note by him, respecting its rarity, - Paris, 1662 2195 Loisirs du bords du Loing, printed on tinted papers, manu- factured from plants, grasses, &c. green morocco, Langles, 1784 2195*London slam of Books, from the year 1700, seven in 1 vol. - 1767-1802 2196 London Bridge, Ohebpletes 168 LARGE PAPER, proof plates | on India paper, - 1827 2197 Longinus, Gr. et Lat. aiats Weicle, bound in 2 vol. LARGE PAPER. Williams's Copy, Hage morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Lips. 1809 2198 Longman’s Bibliotheca hdpio- Poetich, half merocco, 1815 2199 Longolii Defensiones due, green morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, s. a. 2200 Longo, Amori di Dafni e di io trad. da Caro, blue mo-= rocco, with joints, Crisopoli, Bodoni, 2201 Longus, Amours Pastorales id Daphnis et Chloe, plates, , red morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1718 2202 Loneus, Les Amours Pastorates pE Dapunis ET CHLOE, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, the plates on paper, old red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ 1731 2203 Longus, Amours Pastorales de Daphialh et Chloe, plates by Audran, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, 1745 2204 Loniceri Chronica Turcicorum, - Francf. 1584 Q [ 114 ] 2205 Lope de Vega, Pastores de Belews gilt leaves, ‘© Brusselas, 1614 2206 Lord, Histoire de la Religion aes Bantans, Paris, 1667 2207 Loredano, Opere, 8 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Venetia, 1667 2208 Loubayssin, Historia hhc pee de Don Henrique de Castro, - ; Paris, 1617 9909 Louis XIII. Codicelles » son fils, 2 fey red morocco, 1643 2210 Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual, LARGE PAPER, 15 Nos. all published. 2211 Lowth’s Life of William of Wykeham, red morocco, gilt leaves, . : Oxford, 177 2212 Loyola Censtiny) Geestelycke Peffeninghen, plates, gilt leaves, 1673 2213 Loys, Giuvres Paciouen gilt eee Douay, 1612 2214 Lucan’s Pharsalia, by Rowe, 2 vol. green morocco, 1807 2215 Lucain, Le Pharsale, par De Breboeuf, blue morocco, Elsevier. 1658 2216 Lucanus, red moroceo, gilt leaves, Manuscript Notes by Aldus Manutius, and P. Perottus, Venet. Aldus, 1502 2217 Luce, Epreuve du Pre, Alphabeth, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1740 2218 La Lucerna di Eureta Miaiebat: La Messalina di Fr. Pona, green morocco, Parigi, s. a. 2219 Luciani Opera, Gr. et Lat. Werioraiat: 2 vol. Williams's copy, red morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, Amst. 1687 2220 Luciani Opera, Notis Variorum, 2 vol. beauti iful copy from Williams’ s Library, uncut, red morocco, with joints, Amst. 1687 2221 Luciani Dialogi Selecti, Gr. et Lat. a Stock, LarcE pa- PER, Williams’s COPYs red wee ge with joints, and gilt leaves, ~ = Dublin, 1799 2222 Lucien, trad. par p’Ablanksueh 3 vol. choice old French red morocco, -. Paris, 1707 2223 Lucrezio tradotti aie Marchetti, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt } leaves, - ~ - Amst. 1754 2224 Lucretius, red morocco, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, Sir John Thorold’s copy, -~ - Aldus, 1515 9295 Lucretius, uncut, yellow morocco, u Baskerv. 1773 2226 Lucretius ‘de Rerum Natura, gilt leaves, Paris, Barbou, 1744 2227 Luders’s Tracts on various Subjects in the Law and His- tory of England. _ Treatise on the Constitution of Parliament in the Reign of Edward I. 2 vol. 1810-18 2228 Luillier, Voyage aux Grandes Indes, marbled leaves, Rott. 1726 2229 ‘Luna, Histoire des deux Conquestes d’Espagne par les Mores, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1708 r 115 J 2230 Lupton’s History of the Moderne Protestant Divines, portraits, morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, - 1637 2231. Lusinge, De la Naissance, duree, et cheute des Etats, FINE PAPER, Thuanus’s copy, Paris, 1588 2232 Lussan, (Madlle de) Les Veillees de Thessalie, 3 vol. choice old French red morocco, - Paris, 1741 2233 Lusus in Venerem, quingue ‘illustrium Poetarum, gilt leaves, - - . Paris, 1791 2234 Labaume, Relation de Ms Campagne de Russie, marbled leaves, - Paris, 1812 2235 Lactantii et Tertulliani Oper Rie morocco, Aldine tool- | ing, gilt leaves, =. Aldus, 1535 2236 Lagrime in morte di un Gatto, red morocco, see note by ©. R. Wilbraham. 2937 La Harpe, Abrégé de 1l'Histoire Générale des Voyages, 24 vol. with Atlas in folio, green morocco, gilt leaves, the - + ~ . Duchess of Berry's copy, with her arms, Paris, 1820 2238 La Harpe, Ciuvres, 16 vol. green morocco, gitt leaves, the «Duchess of Berry’s copy, with her arms, . . Paris, 1821 2239 Laing’s Various flees of F ugitive Scottish Poetry, half morocco, - Edinb. 2240 Lambard’s ec besloticns of jae ) : n. d. 2241 Lamberti Chronicon Germanicum, cum Prefatione Ph. Melancthonis, red morocco, gilt leaves, Tubing, 1525 2242 La Metrie, Ouvrage de Penelope; ou Machiavel en Me- decine, 3 vol. old green morocco, - Berlin, 1748 2243 haa, Vita di Cleopatra Reina d’Egitto, blue morocco, Vinegia, (Scotto,) 1551 2244 Fekddica Description de Paris et de ses Edifices, plates, P 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1806 2245 Landon, Annales du Musee et de )’Ecole Moderne des Beaux-Arts, Bree 21 vol. green morocco, uncut, gilt “yt shops, ; ~ - Paris, 1815 2246 Lanzi, Saggio ‘di leiameis ‘Etrusea, e di altre Antiche d Italia, 3 vol. gilt leaves, Roma, 1789 Q247. Lassels’s V oyage of Italy, red morocco, - 1670 oats Leake’s Life of Sir John Leake, Admiral, preaely printed, "50 copies only, morocco, gilt leaves, 1750 2249 Le Beau, Hisigire du Bas-Empire, 27 vol. pte morocco, % Paris, 1757 2250 Le. Clercq, Relation de la Gaspesie, gilt leaves, Paris, 1691 2251 be- Comte, Memoires sur ‘Etat present de la Chine, plates, 3. vol. gilt leaves, - Paris, 1701 2252 Lee's History of Lewes and Brighthelmston, illustrated - with pegrant, russia, with joints, leaves marbled and gilt, . Lewes, 1795 [ 116 ] 2253 Legrand d’Aussy, Fabliaux ou Contes, Fables et Romans du XII¢ et XIII€ siecle, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, wm three states, etchings, proofs before the Letters, and Prints, splendidly bound in green morocco, richly tooled, Paris, 1829 2254 Le Neve’s Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, im russia, - - - 1719 2256 Leon, Descrizione de Affrica, Manuscript, an original translatian, unpublished, morocco, with joints, lined with silk, richly tooled. 2257 Leon, Description de l'Afrique, par Temporal, morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Anvers, 1556 2258 Lery, Voyage en Bresil, cuts, gilt leaves, Rochelle, 1578 2259 Lery, Voyage en Bresil, cuts, gilt leaves, Geneve, 1611 2260 Le Sace, Git Bias, 6 vol. pRINTED UPON VELLUM, plates, six original Drawings inserted, uncut, Paris, 1798 2261 Le Sage, Gil Blas, avec des Notes, 3 vol, LARGE PAPER, proof impressions of the plates, with additional plates by Smirke and others, also proofs; splendidly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1825 2262. Lescarbot, Histoire de la Nousailn France, plates, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1609 2263 Lescarbot, Histoire de la Nonsalie France, plates, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1611 2264 Lesser, Les Chevaliers = la Table Ronde, Poeme. Amadis de Gaule, Poeme, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1812-14 2265 Leti, I] Sindicato di Alessandro VII. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - (Elzevir.) 1668 2266 Lettere di Diversi illustriss. Signoria Vitello Vitelli, blue morocco, ~ - Torrentino, 1551 2267 Letters by Eminent Persons in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, with Lives of Eminent Men, by Aubrey, 3 vol. half morocco, - - 1813 2268 Lettres Iroquoises, 2 vol. in 1, yellow morocco, Irocepolis, 1752 2269 Lettres Edifiantes et curieuses ecrites des Missions Etrangeres, 26 vol. rich old French red morocco, with the royal Arms of France on the sides, gilt leaves, a beautiful set, - Paris, 1780 2270 Lewis's History of English Tihs eehon of the Bible, additional fac-simile title-page to Coverdale s Bible inserted, green morocco, gilt leaves, - 17°29 2271 Lewis's Tales of Wonder, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1810 2272 Lewis's Oriental Chess, 2 vol. in, calf, gilt leaves, 1817 2273 Lhuyd, Britannica Descriptio, RARE, green morocco, gilt leaves, : - - Colon. 1572 [ 117] 2274 Lhuyd’s Breviary of Britayne Englished by Twyne, RARB, black letter, russia, - R. Johnes, 1573 2275 Life of a Satyrical Ruppy called Nim. by. T. M. reo piece, morocco, war LOST 2276 Liburnio, Le Occorenze rechert ilk leaves, Aldus, 1546 2277 La Ligue. Recueil des choses memorables advenues soubs la Ligue, 2 vol. gilt leaves, - - 1587 2278 Linacre, De emendatastructura Latini Sermonis. Gram- matica Phil. Melancthonis, 1 in 1 vol. gilt leaves, Paris, Stephani, 1550 2279 Link, Voyage en Portugal, map, 3 vol. - Paris, 1803 2280 Linocier, Histoire des Plantes, Animaux, &c. wood cuts, red morocco, “ - - Paris, 1584 2281 Lisuarte di Grecia, red morocco, - Venet. 1599 2282 Livius, Florus et Polybius, Perotto interprete, 5 vol. at the end of the 5th vol. are added ‘* T. Livii deca- dum XIII Epitome—Lucius Florus,” Giunta, fine copy, Venet. Aldus, 1518-33 2983 Livii Historia, Notis Gronovii, 4 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - et Elzevir. 1645 2284 Lives of Eminent Gharacters of Essex, Suffolk, and Nor- folk, portraits, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, 1820 2285 Livre de Termes d’Animaux et leurs Antipaties, plates, red morocco, lined with silk, - at®, Paris, ¢:d, 2286 Livre dela Femme forte et verteuse, black letter, red mo- rocco, - Paris, se as s. d. 2287 London, avert: of, by the Parish Clerks, 1733 2288 Longinus de Sublimitate, Gr. et Lat. ab Hudsono, Larcs PAPER, hog-skin, - ~ - Oxon.1710 2289 Loredano, Novelle Amorose, &c. gilt leaves, Venet. 1646 2290 Loubere, Du Royaume de Siam, plates tarce parer, 2 vol, leaves marbled and gilt, h Paris, 1691 2291 Lubbertus, De Papa Romano, red morocco, gilt leaves, Franeker. 1594. 2291*Lucanus, a counterfeit of the Aldine edition, red morocco, gilt leaves, - _ (Lugd.) s. a, 2292 Lucani Pharsalia cum annotatione Petri de Ponte cexci Brugensis, printed in a large and singular type, gilt leaves, rare, : - Paris, per G. le Rouge, 1512 *,% <¢ Depuis une quiazaine d’années on a la fan- taisie de payer cing & six Louis cette edition, & la verité fort rare.” 2293. Luciani Opuscula Erasmo interprete, red morocco, gilt leaves, : - - ~ Giunta, 1518 2294 Lucrerius p—E Rerum NATURA, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, bound in 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Barbou, 1744 [ 118 } 9295 Lucretius de Rerum Natura, Giunta, 1512. Juvenalis et Persius, Giunta, 1513, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, leaves gilt and stamped, with the mo- nogram of a former possessor, whose arms are illuminated on the title-page of Lucretius. . 2296 Lucretius de Rerum Natura, gilt leaves, » Paris, Dacksne 1744 2297 Lupton’s Emblems of Tarishes: red morocco, gilt leaves, 1636 2298 Lusus in Venerem quinque illustrium Poetarum, FINE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves, t Paris, 1791 2299 Luxan, Colloguios Matrimoniales, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, 7 . Valladolid, 1553 2300 Lydii Waldensia, id est conservatio vere Ecclesie de- monstrata, 2 vol. green morocco, rare, Roterod.1615-17 2301 Lyndsay’s Poetical BE a by Chalmers, 3 vol. yellow morocco, - ~ 1806 2302 Lyon's Journal of a Resgen in Mexico, 2 vol. half morocco, © - 1828. 2303 Lyon’s Attempt to roach Geneies Bay, half morocco, 1825 2304. Lyon’s Private Journal of race s Vayeges ion half 1824 morocco, 2305 Lysons’s Account af a Ronan Villa at Biaiond - 1815 2306 Lytylton’s Tenures. Fitzherbert’s Natura ‘Brevium, 2 vol, - - London, R. Pynson, 1528. 2307 Machiavelli Discorsi ons la prima Desk di Livio, morocco, - - _ Aldus, 1540 2308 Machiavelli Princeps, gilt Lalit - Basil, 1580 2309 Macrobii Opera, morocco, gilt leaves, — Lugd. 1560 2310 Madgett et Dutems, Histsire de Jean Churchill, Duc de Marlborough, plates, 3 vol. >» »- ~* Paris, 1808 2311 Maffée Vie d' Ignace de Loyole, traduite par d’Esne, por- trait, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, . . - Douay, 1594 2312 Magagno, Rime in Lingua Rustica Padovana, 1610. Marchesini, Stuggio, Vicenz. RGR, a vol. inl, green * morocco, gilt leaves. 2313 Mehaulem:: Histoire Orientale, _ Haye, 1766. 2314 Auschamii Majoris Historia Amoris Edvardi III. et Co- mitisse Salbericensis, Rare, red morocco, with joints, -*. tooled inside, gilt leaves, «9 = Hal. Sax. 1612 2315 Malale Historia Chronica, Gr. et. Lat. a Millio, cum Bentleii Epistola ad Millium, Williams's copy, in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Oxon. 1691 2316 Mallet, De la Ligue Hanseatique, presentation copy to «+» Queen Charlotte, marbled leaves, - Geneve, 1805 orn Malleus so, Pipenee bate ait leavessns cone . Paris, Péiit, f. [119 ] 2318 Malvezzi's David Persecuted by Ashley. Romulus and Tarquin by the Earl of Monmouth, &c, in 1 vol, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Vee! - 1647-8 2319 Manni, Notizie de’ piu’ Bixaaei e Giocondi Uomini | Toscani, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, © Venez. 1762 2320 Manutii Apophthegmata, yellow morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - - pom ss Venet. 1577 2321 Marcard, Description de Pyrmont, plates, 2 vol. red mo- rocco, Royal Arms of France on the sides, “Leipz. 1785: 2322 Marronville, Recueil d’aucuns Cas siteeiliciins red mc- + rocco, gilt leaves, ° - - Paris, 1563 2323 Marguerites de la Royne de Navarre, wood cuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, ae - Lyon, 1549 2324 Marguerites de la Royne de Navarre, green morocco, Paris, 1552 rp Mariani Ruinarian Rome Bpigrammata russia, Venet. 1625 2826 Marie de Bravos, Poesies, par Honea; 2 vol. in 1, . gilt leaves, . Paris, 1820 2907 Marklandi Epistola Critica ind ede de Horatio. Wil- _liams’s Copy, olive morocco, with joints, Cantab. 1723 2398 Martialis, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Kendl. Aldus, 1501 2329 Martialis, counterfeit of the Aldine oat No. 6. of Re- nouard’s List. 2330 Martin de Nantes, Misdion au Soneatt: \ Quimper. 2331: Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda, 1740. Voyage to Shetland, . &e. 1751. -Penrose’s Account of the Expedition to. Port Egmont, 1775, 1 vol. 2332 Martin, Recueil des Contes, plates, 4 vol. Paris; 2333 Massolo, Sonetti Morali, rare, . Bologna, per Antonio Manutio, 1557 2334 Masuccio, Cinquanta Novelle, green morocco, gilt leaves,s.a. 2335 Matenesi Opuscula Critices Christiane de ritu Bibendi — sanitatem Pontificum, &c. morocco, gilt leaves, . Colon. 1611: 2336. ‘Maury, Hesai sur. 1 Eloquence de la Chaire, vellum paper, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves. Williams's Copy, Paris, 1810 2337 Maximilien (Prince) Voyage au cee ry 3. vol. with Atlas, gilt: leaves, - Paris, 1821 2338 Meintels Schau-Platz des. dined) a) Nurnb. 1736. Buquoit, L’ Antidote a l’Efroi de le Mort, vita a. 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. Caebtee 2339 Diturgy. ‘Brief Discours of the Troubles begonne at Francford, anno Dom..1554, about the Bookeof Common Prayer and Ceremonies, black letter, blue morocco, 1575 r 120 | 2340 Lithograph Engravings by Charlet, Bellangé, Gericault, &e, one hundred and thirty humourous subjects. 2341 Lives, Apprehensions, Arraignments and Executions of the 19 late Pyrates, black letter, green morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - - - (1608) 9341*Livii Historiarum, Dec. quinte libri quinque, nunc primum excusi, red morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. Junta, 1531 2342 Lizars’ Picturesque Views of Edinburgh, from Drawings by Ewbank, half morocco, - Edin. 1825 2343 Lloid’s Pilgrimage of Princes, black letter, calf, gilt leaves, London, William Jones, n. d. 9344 Lobo, Relation d’Abissinie, plates, LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Paris, 1728 2345 Lobo, Voyage d’Abissinie, plates, russia, Paris, 1728 2346 Lobon de Salazar, Historia del famoso Predicador Fray Gerundio, 2 vol. in 1, cuts, gilt leaves, Mad. 1770 2347 Locati Judiciale Inquisitorum. Dedication Copy to Pope Pius V. bound in red velvet, - Rome, 1568 2348 Locker’s Memoirs of Celebrated Naval Commanders, LARGE PAPER, portraits, Pree on India paper, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - 1832 2349 Locker's Views in Spain, sistas - . 1824 2349*Lockhart Papers, 2 vol. half morocco, - 1817 2350 Lockhart’s Ancient Spanish Ballads, - Ldin. 1823 2351 Loder’s Suffolk Tracts. Journal of Dowring, 1786. Statutes for Seckford’s Alms Houses, 1792. History of Framlingham, 1798. 2352 Loder’s History of Framlingham, plates, gilt leaves, 1798 2353 Lodge’s Illustrations of British ner RR? and Manners, portraits, 3 vol. 1791 2354 Lodge’s Portraits and Memoirs of Titastyoue Persons in British History, 53 Numbers, India paper impressions, 1833 2355 Lomazzo, Trattato delle Arte delle Pittura, Scoltura, et Architettura.—Tempio della Pittura, Milano, 1585-90 2356 Lombardi Commentarius de regno Hiberniz Sanctorum Insule, RARE, red morocco, gilt leaves, title fractured, Lovan. 1632 2357 Lombardus super Sententias, Manuscript upon vellum, mo- rocco, gilt leaves. 2358 Long's History of Jamaica, 3 vol. plates, 1774 2359 Longo, Amori Pastorale di Dafni e di Cloe, trad. da Caro, only fifty-six Sapies printed for presents, red morocco, gilt leaves, Crisopoli, Bodoni, 1786 2360 Longus, Amours Pictorails de Daphnis et Chloe, plates, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, 1745 [ 121 ] 2361 Lonsdale’s (Lord) Memoir of the Reign of James IL. PRIVATELY PRINTED, Presentation Copy to Archdeacon Coxe, - - - York, 1808 2362 Lopez, Libro del Juego del Axedrez, morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - Alcala, 1561 2363 Lopez, Historia y Rragedis de los Templarios, gilt leaves, Mad, 1813 2364 Lord’s Display of the Banians and Persees, engraved title, morocco, gilt leaves, > - 1630 2365 Losada, Escuela de Trabajos, del cautiverio mas cruel, y tirano ; Noticias, y Govierno de Argel, &c. calf, gilt leaves, - - Mad. 1670 2366 Loyer, Quatre Livres en py gad Ne ou Apparitions, calf, gilé leaves, - Angers, 1586 2367 Lozano, Descripcion de las pebrii cae" de Gran Chaco, map, morocco, gilt leaves, - Cordoba, 1733 2368 Locker’s Views in Spain, - - 1824 2369 Lucretius, morocco, gilt leaves, - | Glasg. 1759 2370 Ludovici, Triomphi di Carlo, morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Pasini, 1535 2371 Lupi Epistole et Vita Divi Thome Martyris et Archi- Episcopi Cantuariensis, (Thomas a Becket) blue morocco, gilt leaves, * > Brux. 1682 2372 Lutzenbergi Catalogus Hereticorum, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Colon. 1522 2373 Luther. A Collection of Tracts in Latin and German, relating to the Reformation, by Luther, Melancthon, Zwinglius, Erasmus, &c. the Original Editions, seventy in number, many of them with wood cuts, wood cut title pages, &c. One of them contains Manuscript Notes by Luther with his initials, 3 vol. morocco. 2374 Lyall’s Character of the Russians, plates, half morocco, 1823 2375 Lyburnio, Le Selvette, rare, Vinegia Penci da Lecco, 1513 2376 Lylie’s Euphues. Euphues ‘and his England, 1623 2377 Lyon’s Travels in Northern Africa, plates, half morocco, 1821 2378 Lyon’s History of Dover, plates, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, Dover, 1813 2379 Lysons’s Environs of London, and Middlesex Parishes, plates, 5 vol. half russia, - ~ 1792 2380 Lysons’s Magna a tee page 6 vol. half russia, un- cul, gilt tops, - 1806 2381 Lysons’ s Bedfordshire (from the Magna Britannia) LARGE PAPER, illustrated with numerous drawings, and additional plates, half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, 1813 2382 Lyttelton’s History of Henry II. 4 Were Be 1767 R ‘ [ 122 | Folio. 2383 Ludolphus, a Suchen, Liber de terra sancta et itinere suo Hierosolomitano, black letter, a very ancient Edition without place or date, but according 1o Panzer at Strasburg by Eggestein, green morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE. 2384 Ludolfi Grammatica Lingua Ambharica. Lexicon Am- harico-Latinum, 2 vol. - Francf. 1698 2385 Ludolfi Grammatica AXthiopica. Lexicon Aithiopico Latinum, 2 vol. - Francf. 1702-1699 2386 Ludovici [Varthemi] Patritii Romani Novum Itinerarium Aithiopie, Aigipti, utriusque Arabie, Persidis, Siriz, ac Indie, intra et extra Cane morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, “ Mediol. 1511 2387 Luis (Varthema} Ttnexien en el qual cuenta mucha parte de la Ethiopia, Egipto, y entramabs Arabias, Siria y India en romance por Christoval de Arcos, black letter, first edition, morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Sevilla, Cromberger, 1520 2388 Lycophron, Gr. et Lat. a Potter, Lance PAPER, red morocco, with joints, lined with silk, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1697 2389 Lydgate’s Auncient Historie of the Warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans, citron morocco, gilt leaves, London, Marshe, 1555 2390 Lyndsay’s Heraldry, arms emblazoned, Edin. 1822 239] Lysons’s Gloucestershire Ane LARGEST PAPER, russia, - 1804 2392 Machado, Bibliotheca Lusitans: 4 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves. - “ - Lisb. 1741 2393 Macrobius, Joannes Rivius recensuit, morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1513 2394 MANDEVILLE. Ce livre est appelle Mandeville, et parle de la terre de Promission, et de plusieurs autres isles de Mer, Gothic letter, wood cuts, printed in long lines, without date, place or printer's name, three leaves in Signature B. are wanting, green morocco, gilt leaves, circa, 1480 *,.* This Edition has escaped the notice of all Biblio- graphers. 2395 Mantuan (Baptiste) La Parthenice Mariane, translatee par Jaques. de Mortier, Gothic letier, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, :. - Lyon, pour Claude Nourry, 1523 2396 Manucci, Vita di Cosimo de Medici, presentation copy, morocco, gilt leaves, - Bologna, 1586 2397 Mariette, Traite des Pierres Gravees, plates, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1750 r 123 J 2398 Mappa Monpa. A most BEAUTIFUL Manuscript on VELLUM, Of the early part of the XVith Century, con- taining Maps of the different parts of the World, very delicately drawn in gold and colours, beautiful old mo- rocco, gilt binding. 2399 Marmol, Descripcion de Africa, 3 vol. Marmol Historia del Rebelion de los Moriscos de Granada, together 4 vol. morocco, gill leaves, Granada, y Malaga, 1573-1600 2400 Martin’s History and Lives of the Kings of England, portraits, red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ 1638 2401 Martyr (P.) De rebus Oceanicis et Orbe novo, Basil, 1533. Ferdinandi Cortesii de Nova maris Oceani Hys. pania Naratio, Norimb. 1524, in 1 vol. morocco, gilt leaves. 2402 Mastrili, Carta en que da cuenta de la conquista de Min- danao, - - - - 1637 2403 Masuccio Il Novellino, elegant wood cuts in outline, the last leaf is deficient a small fragment, - Venetia, Joh. et Gregorio de Gregorii, MCCCCLXXXXII. 2404 Matthieu, Histoire de France, 2 vol. Paris, 1631 2405 Mayer’s Views in the Ottoman Empire, coloured, half morocco, - - - 1810 TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2406 M.’s (R.) Voyage to Buenos Ayres, green morocco, 1716 2407 Mac-Carthy, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, with the printed prices, half morocco, uncut, . Paris, 1815 2408 Mackenzie's Defence of the Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, both parts, morocco, gilt leaves, 1685-86 2409 Mackenzie, Defensio Antiquitatis Regalis Scotorum, Prosapia, ex Anglico Sermone, a P. Sinclair, blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Tr. ad Rh. 1689 2410 (Madden’s) Memoirs of the Twentieth Century, being Original Letters of State under George the VI. mo- rocco, gilt leaves, a Book of extraordinary rarity, 1733 ** This extremely rare Volume was written by Dr. Madden, “ a name, says Johnson, which Ireland ought to honour.’ The Work was scarcely finished when the Author determined to destroy 1t. ONLY "HREE CoPrEs are said to have been preserved. See Nichols’s Literary Anecdotes, vol. 2. page 29 to 33. [ 124 ] 2411 El Maestro Azotado por los Ninos de la Escuela, morocee, gilt leaves. 2412 Magagno, Menon, e Begotto, Rime in Lingua Rustica -Padouana, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1584 2413 Magaillan’s History of China, Plan of Pekin, gilt leaves, 1688 2414 Magny, Les Amours et Odes, gilt leaves, Paris, 1553 2415 Malebranche, De la Recherche de la Verite, 2 vol. rich old French morecco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1688 2416 Malhao (Francisco Manoel Gomes da Silveira). Vida, Escrita por elle mismo, 3 vol. gilt leaves, Lisb. 1806 2417 Mallants Leven van den H. Bruno, cuts by Bouttats, Antwerpen. 1673 2418 Manfredi, Madrigali, blue morocco, - Mant. s. a. 2419 Manoury, Proces contre Messieurs de Caradeuc de la Chalotais, &c. 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1768 2420 Manutii Commentarius in Epistolas Ciceronis ad M. Junium Brutum, et ad Q. Ciceronem fratrem, gilt leaves Aldus, 1557 2421 Marconville, de FHeur et Malheur de Mariage, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1571 2422 Mariana, Discours des Grands Defauts qui sont en la Forme du Gouvernement des Jesuites, red morocco, 1625 2423 Marini, Historia et Relatione del Tunchino e del Giap- pone, morocco, gilt leaves, - Venet. 1665 2424 Mariti, Voyages dans I’Isle de Chypre, la Syrie et la Palestine, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1791 2425 Marbeuf, Recueil des Vers de, gilt leaves, Rouen, 1628 2426 Marot et Sagon. Les Disciples et Amys de Marot contre Sagon, La Hueterie, et leurs Adherentz. Le Valet de Marot contre Sagon. Frippelippes. Responce a Marot, dict Frippelippes et a son Maistre Clement. La Grande Genealogie de Frippelippes, composée par ung jeune Poete Champestre, 1 vol. blue morocco, VERY RARE, Lyon, Pierre de Saincte Lucie, s. d. 2427 Martial’s Epigrams, translated by R. Fletcher, with Sundry Poems and Fancies, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1656 2428 Martirani Tragoedie, Comedie, Odyssea, Batrachomyo- machia, Argonautica, morocco, gilt leaves, | Neap. 1556 2429 Martyr (P.) De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, ruled, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Colon. 1574 2430 Massé, De l'Imposture et Tromperie des Diables, Devins, Enchanteurs, Sorciers, &c. old French red morocco, Paris, 1579 2431 Massolo, Rime Merali, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, Fiorenze, 1564 [ 125 J 2432 Maundrell’s Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, LARGE PAPER, Original red morocco binding, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1703 2433 Mavonii Exercitationes Lingue Grece, green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ . Paris, 1599 2434 Medici (Lorenzo di). Poesie, Volgari, with the sheet O complete, green morocco, gilt leaves, Vineg. Aldus, 1554 2435 Medici (Lorenzo di). Poesie, Bergamo, 1763. Rime Sacre, Berg. 1760. Canzone a Ballo, (Milano, 1812). Poesie Tratte da Testi a Penna della Libreria Mediceo- Laurenziana, bound in 1 vol. red morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, with portrait and print inserted. 2436 Megiseri Thesaurus Polyglottus : vel Dictionarium Mul- tilingue, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Francf. 1603 2437 Memoires de la Regence de la pe Marie de Medicis, old French red morocco, - Paris, 1666 2438 Memoires du Comte de Brienne, 3 vit old Frege’ mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Guyon de Sardiere’s copy, Amst. 1719 2439 Memoires de la Reyne Marguerite, gilt leaves, Brux. 1658 2440 Memoires d’Estat par Villeroy, ruled, 4 vol. beautiful old green morocco, lined with red morcecco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1665 2441 Memoires de la Duchesse de Mazarine, red morocco, Cologne, 1675 2442 Memoires de Mounsieur de Montresor, morocco, gilt leaves, - Cologne, (Elzevir), 1663 2443 Menagiana, 4 ans calf extra, gilt leaves, Paris, 1729 2444 Mendoza, Histoire du rend Royaume de la Chine, gilt leaves, - Rouen. 1614 2445 Mercier, Songes ates phiicricd: marbled leaves, 1778 2446 Mercurio Trimegistro, I] Pimandro, trad. da Benci, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Reece Torrentino, 1548 2447 Meschinot, Les Lunettes des Princes. Ensemble plu- sieurs Additions et Ballades de nouveau composées, old red morocco, gilt leaves, some leaves little soiled, Paris, 1528 2448 Messie, Divers Lecons, par Grug'et, red morocco, Lyon, 1570 2449 Mettrie (De la). Oeuvres Philosophiques, plates inserted, 2 vol. green morocco, - “ Berlin, 1764 2450 Mexia, Silva de Varia Lecion, olive morocco, Anveres, 1540 2451 Mexia, Colloquios, black letter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Sevilla, 1547 2452 Millin, Gallerie Mr HholoB ane: plates, 2 KYO: LARGE PAPER, marbled leaves, Paris, 1811 2453 Milman’s Martyr of Ratios half morocco, 1822 2454 Minucius Felix, Davisii. Wailliams’s copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Cantab, 1707 [ 126 J 2455 Minucius Felix, Notis Variorum et Gronovii. Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1709 56 Milton, Il secant trad. da Polidori, Lord Bridgewater's Edi- tion, = - Parigi, 1812 2457 Mocquet, V paral en Afrique, Asie, Indes Orientales et Occidentales, plates, - - Rouen, 1665 2457*Modus Legendi in Utroque Jure. Brocardica Juris. Flores Legum. ‘Tractatus de Alimentis, 1 vol. Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1494 2458 Moffatt’s History of Malmesbury, half morocco, 1805 2459 Molinei Rerum nuper in Regno Scotie Gestarum His- toria, morocco, gilt leaves, Dantisci, 1641 2460 Molloy, Lucerna Fidelium, in the Irish language and cha- racter, blue morocco, - - Rome, 1676 2461 Monde des Cornuz, gilt leaves, - ‘2a. 2462 Monnipennie’s Abridgment of the Scots Chronicles, gilt leaves, - - - Edinb. 1633 2463 Mousin, Discours de l’Yvresse, et Yvrongnerie, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Toul. 1612 2464 Montanus, Sancte Inquisitionis Hispanic Artes aliquot Detect, red morocco, - - Heidel. 1567 2465 Montaigne Essais, 3 vol. The Edition of the Scales, very fine copy, bound in red morocco by R. Payne, with joints, and gilt leaves, : - Paris, 1669 2466 Montaigne, Essais, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1818 2467 -Montalvan, Sehaolaite y Prodigios ai Amor en Ocho Novelas, morocco, ~ Barcelona, 1640 2468 Montesquieu, Oeuvres epee vellum paper, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1827 2469 Montgomery's Poems, with Bios tee Notices by Irving, half morocco, > Edin, 1821 2470 Morale Universelle, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Tours. 1792 2471 More’s Relation of the Murders committed by Enoch ap Evan in the Parish of Clunne, diag morocvo, gilt leaves, very rare, - 1641 2472 Morise, Histoire de POrigive de Toutes les Religions, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1578 473 Moss’s Manual of Classical Bibliography, 2 vol. half mo- rocco, - 1825 2474 Moyen de Parvenir, First EDITION, eae the title of «* Le Coupecu de la Melancolie,”’ blue morocco, Parme, 1698 2475 Munday’s Chronicle of the successe of Times, morocco, gilt leaves, - : : 1611 [ 127 }j 2476 Murray's (Lady) Lives of the Rt. Hon. George Baillie, of Jerviswood, and. of Lady Grisell Baillie, green mo- rocco, Privately Printed, es, . Edin. 1822 2477 Musonii Rufi Philosophi Stoici Relique et Apophtheg- mata, curante Peerlkamp, FINE PAPER, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams's Copy, Harlem, 1822 2478 Muszus et Orpheus, Grecé, red morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1517 2479 Museus, Gr. et Lat. edente Rover, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1737 2480 Musgrave, Antiquitates Britanno-Belgice, praecipue Ro- mane, plates, 4 vol. in 2, morocco, gilt leaves, Isceae Dunmon, 1719-20 2481 Nicole (Pére) Les Imaginaires et Les Visionaires, ou Lettres sur lheresie imaginaire, 2 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - * (Elzevier.) 1667 2482 Noel, Dictionnaire de la Fable, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves, Paris, 1801 2483 Nonni Dionysiaca, Gr. et Lat. notis Cunzi, FINE PAPER, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Hanov. 1610 2484 Normant, Historia de Tribus energumenis in partibus Belgii, et de quibnsdam aliis Magiz complicibus, Paris, 1623 2485 Novi Orbis Historie Recentes, with two folding Maps, RARE, in morocco, gilt leaves, - Col. Allob. 1612 2486 Oratores Attici, ex recensione Bekkeri, cum Indice Gre- citatis, a Mitchell, 10 vol. LarncE parER, Oxon. 1823-28 2487 Origny, l Egypte Ancienne, 2 vol. rich old French blue morocco, gilt ‘eaves, royal arms on the sides, Paris, 1762 2488 Osborn’s Historical Memoirs of the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James, - - 1658 2489 Ovidii Opera, notis Variorum et Cnippingii, 3 vol. Wil- liams’s Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Amst. 1702 2490 Palingenii Zodiacus Vite, best edition, LARGE PAPER, Williams's Copy, in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - - Rot. 1722 *,* From this Work Pope derived the hint of “« And shew a Newton as you'd shew an Ape.” 2491 Parancon Des Novuve ies HonestEs, UTILES, DELEC- TABLES, EXCESSIVELY RARE, black letter, wood cuts, olive morocco, fine copy, - = Lyon. 1533 *,* Col. Stanley's Copy was sold for 181. 2492 Parei Analecta Plautina, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Franc. 1623 r 128 J 9493 Parival, Histoires Facetieuses et Moralles, Histoires Tragiques, de notre temps, red morocco, Leide, 1666 2494 Parnasso Espanol, 9 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1768 2495 Paterculus, edente Ruhnkenio, 2 vol. Williams's Copy. in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1779 2496 Pembroke’s (Earl of) and Sir Benjamin Rudyard’s Poems, with the cancelled leaves, eles o Sir B. Rud; yard in- ) serted, - 1817 2497 Persii Satyre, perpetuo Contisuagaa illustrate, ab - Achaintre, LARGEST PaPER, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, — - Par, 1812 2498 Petronius Arbiter, notis Variorum, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Amst. 1669 2499 Physiognomiz Scriptores Veteres, Gr. et Lat. Franzii, Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Altenb. 1760 2500 Platonis Euthydemus et Georgias, Gr. et Lat. a Routh, LARGE PAPER, Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - - Oxon. 1784 2501 Platonis Dialogi 3, Gr. et Lat. ab Etwall, LARGE PAPER, Williams's Copy, in olive morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Oxon. 1771 2502 Plauti Comeedie, notis Variorum, 2 vol. best edition, Wil- liams’s Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, ~~ _ Amst: 1684 Quarto. 2503 Maccarii Abraxas, plates, gilt leaves, - + Antverp, 1567 2504 Mackenzie’s Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, from the . Revolution, half morocco, = = = -. Edin. 1821 2505 Mac Mahon, Jus Primatiale Wiicac morocco, gilt “" leaves, . 2 Ree EOE 1728 2506 Magagno, Menon, e Begotto, Rivas in lingua Rustica ~~ “.. Padouana, green morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, Padoua, 1558 2507 Magini Ephemerides Coelestium motuum annos XL. old 9 morocco, Thuanus’s Copy, - - Venet. 1582 2508 Maii we Soper Partium Ineditarum Ulphile, neyt ys Mediol. 1819 2509 Maleolm’ s Ancient and Modera Description of London. 4 vol. plates, half morocco, uncut, + 1802 2510 Malcolm’s Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, ie - 1811 2511 Malespini Novelle, red morocco, Croft's Copy, Venet. 1609 2512 | Malkin’ s Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography of South ~ «Wales, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, - - = 1804 [ 129 ] 2513 Mandevile’s Voyages and Travels, wood cuts, gilt leaves, 1722 2514 Mandeville, Itinerarium a terra Anglie in partes Jeroso- limitanas et in ulteriores transmarinas, black letter, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Venet. without date, circa 1480 2515 Manethonis Apotelesmatica Grace, cura Gronovii, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Williams’s copy, Lugd. Bat. 1698 2516 Manfredi, Poesie, con sua Vita, - Parm. 1793 2517 Maugis d’ Aigremont. Tres Beer Histoire, wood cuts, morocco, - Lyons. 2518 Mantuanus (Baptist) De Patientia, Basil. de Olpe, 1499, Brant, De Origine et conversatione bonorum Regum et laude Civitatis Hierosolyme, Basil. de Olpe, 1490 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. 2519 Manucci, Lettere Volgari, yellow morocco, Aldine tooling, Roma, Presso il Santi, 1592 2519*Manucci, Attioni di Castruccio Castracane, Roma, 1590 2520 Manuel, Vida y acciones del Rey D. Juan el segundo, rey de Portugal, morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1639 2521 Marchand Voyage autour du Monde, 3 vol. LARGE pa- PER, half russia, uncut, - - Paris, 1798 2522 Margarita Facetiarum, blue morocco, gilt leaves, (Argent.) Gruninger, 1509 2523 Maria, Viaggio all’ Indie Orientali, gilt leaves, Venet. 1678 2524 Marini, Historia del Tunchino e del Giapone, Roma, 1665 2525 Marsden’s Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Grammars, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco, 1796 25°26 Martialis Epigrammata, printed in a small gothic type, without printer's name, place, or date, with signatures, but according to Maittuire by John de Westfalia, green morocco, gilt leaves. 2527 Queen Mary. Anroni Guipi Oratrio in Funere Ma- riz Brrranniz Recin# ad Cardinales, Regumque et Rerum publicarum legatos. Rome habita VIII. Id. Martii MDLIX. olive morocco, with joints, richly tooled, VERY RARE, - Rome ex Officina Salviana. *,* This most curious and interesting Oration opens with expressing the consternation of the Church at the Death of Queen Mary. It touches with a de- licate and masterly hand upon the circumstances attending the affiance of Catherine of Arragon to Prince Arthur, her subsequent Marriage to Henry VIII. and Divorce ; then takes a most able Review of English Affairs from Henry VIII. to the Death of Q. Mary, with particular remarks on the conduct of the Dukes of Norfolk and Northum- berland, the Protector Somerset and Lord Pem- broke, also an Account.of Sir Thomas Wyatt's Re- bellion. S [130 J 2%28 Martens Spitzbergische oder Groenlandische Reise Bes- chreibung, plates, olive morocco, - Hamb, 1670 2529 Martyr's Historie of the West Indies, trans. by Eden and Lok, gilt leaves, - 1612 2530 Marulli Hymni et Bema FIRST EDITION, blue morocco, Florentia, Impressit Societas Colubris, MCCCCLXXX VIL. *,* Marullus was a learned Greek. He fled to Italy on the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks, and was hospitably received by Lorenzo de Medici, to whom he dedicated these Epigrams, a circum- stance not noticed by Mr. Roscoe. 2531 Maurice's History of Hindostan, plates, 4 vol. russia, 1795 2532 Lorenzo de’ Medici, Opere, da Follini, 4 vol. portrait, LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, Firenz. 1825 2533 Meliadus, Chevalier de la Croix, wood cuts, Paris, 1584 2534 Merwin. Sensuyrt te Votume pe Mertty, qui est le premier livre de la Table ronde, Paris, s. d. Le second volume de Merlin, Rowen, pour Jehan Mace, &c. s. d. Les Prophecies de Merlin, a small fragment of the title torn away, Rouen, pour Jehan Mace, &c. s. d. together 3 vol. black letter, red ma eat gilt leaves, VERY RARE. 2535 Metastasio, Opere, 14 vol. in 7, best edition, LARGE PA- PER, beautiful set in olive moroceo, gilt leaves, Firenz. 1826 2536 Meyrick’s History of Cardiganshire, plates, half morocco. 2537 Minucius Felix, e recensione Davisii, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Glasg. 1750 2538 Minadoi, Historia della guerra fra Turchi et Persiani, - map, | Venet. 1594 2539 Mirrour for Mawisttated: by Balawii Higgins, Blenner- hassett and Niccols, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1610 2540 Molino, Fatti e le Prodezze di Manoli Blessi Strathioto, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Vinegia, 1561 2541 Monde dans une Noix, ou Abrégé de l'Histoire Univer- selle, cuts by Weigel, green morocco, 2542 Monstrelet’s Chronicles, by Johnes, 5 vol. PLATES PLAIN AND COLOURED, green morocco, gilt leaves, Hafod. 1809 2543 Montestruch, Viage del Phelipe V, causa de la Guerra y remedio. para conmPaals, la Paz. In-red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Madr. 1712 2544 Moralité des Blarnbeipateute de Dieu, reprint of ninety copies, elongated 4to. morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1831 2545 Morelli, Dissertazione intorno ad aleuni Viaggiatori erudite Veneziani poco noti, - Venez. 1803 2546 Mari da Ceno, Giuoco Piacevole, gilt leaves, Mantoua, 1580 2547 Mori ne Genii, Novelle, green morocco, gilt leaves, Mantoua, 1585 [ 131 ] 2548 Morton’s New English Canaan, the first book only, russia, Amst. 1637 2549 Morin, Declaration sur la Revocation de ses pensées. Declaration de Morin, de sa femme, &c. Arrest de la Cour de Parlement. © Proces Verbal d’Execution de Morin, vERY RARE, | vol. morocco, Paris, 1649-63 2550 Morley’s Sermon preached at the Coronation of Charles Il. portrait of Charles, gilt leaves, - - 1661 2551 Mosquera, Relacion de la Conquista del Reyno de Mos- ~ eovia, red morocco, - - Lisboa, 1606 2552 Moss’s History of Hastings, LARGE PAPER, PROOF PRINTS ' ON INDIA PAPER, - - 1824 2552*Motte (De la) Fables Nouvelles, plates, LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, = - Paris, 1719 2553 Muestras de los Punzones y Peatriced de la Letra que se funde en el Obrador de la Imprente Réal, red morocco, with joints, lined with silk, - Mad. 1799 2554 Munoz, Vida y Virtudes de la Venarable Virgen, Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoca., Su Jornada a Inglaterra, y successos en aquel Reyno, portrait, blue morocco, scarce, Mad. 1632 MISSALS & HORE. 2555 MissaLe Romanum, a very beautiful Manuscript, of the XVth Century oN VELLUM, EXECUTED FoR Mary, Dauau- TER OF CHARLES THE Bo.p, Duxe or Burcunpy. *,* It consists of 422 leaves, commencing with the Calendar, which occupies 24 pages, enclosed in miniature borders, representing the occupations and amusements of the months. Interspersed through the volume are eighty-six Miniatures of Scripture Subjects, i in several of which the Portrait of the Duchess is introduced. Several of the pages are enclosed in rich miniature borders, and every leaf is ornamented with single figures of Flowers, Insects, Birds, and Grotesques. The initial letters are in gold upon a coloured ground. This beautiful and amusing little volume presents a - desirable specimen of Flemish art of the XVth Century. It is bound in red velvet with a clasp, ornamented corner pieces to correspond, and en- closed in a morocco case. 2556 Orricium BEATE Mariz Vircinis. A small Volume on VELLUM, with Miniatures of Italian Art, very rich and highly finished, This Manuscript was executed for the Guicciardini Family in 1507. en 2557 Missave Romanum. A Manuscript, on veLLuM, with » 19 Miniatures, and numerous borders of Flowers, Fruits, Birds, and Grotesques, of French Art, 8vo. bound in red velvet. 2558 Orricium Vircinis Maria. Manuscript, on vELLUM, with a large Miniature of the Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, and several smaller ones, also borders of Flowers, Fruits, Birds, &c. and ornamented initial letters, small 4to. bound in purple velvet. 2559 Lirureta ARMENICA. A MAnuscrIPT, ON VELLUM, OF rue XVrH Century, in the Armenian Language. At the commencement is the Calendar, with Arabesque Ornaments. It has Miniatures of the four Evangelists, and small Ornaments on the margins of Birds, Flowers, and Arabesques in gold and colours. The initial letters are represented by Birds in various forms, and height- ened with gold. Small 8vo. in the original binding, silk fastenings, mounted with silver. Folio. 2560 Piranesi OpERE VARIE, VIZ. Antichita Romane, 4 vol. Supplement aux Antiquités Romaines. Monumenti degli Scipione. © De Romanorum Magnificentia et Architectura. Differens Ouvrages d’Architecture, Prisons, Arcs de Triomphes, Trophees d’Auguste, &c. Lapides Capitolini. Antichita di Cora. Rovine del Castello dell’ acqua Giulia. Campus Martius. Antichita d’ Albano e di Castel Gandolfo. Vasi, Candelabri, &c. 2 vol. Colonna Trajana. Vedute di Roma, 2 vol. Statues Antiques. ‘Teatro d’Ercolano. ~ Maniere d’Orner les Cheminées, &c. Schola Italica Picture. Diverses Gravures. Antiquités de la Grande-Grecé, 3 vol. The Text of the several Works are bound separate, in all 30 volumes, half bound morocco. [ 133 ] DEBRY’S COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 2561 Desry. CoLLECTIONES PEREGRINATIONUM in INDIAM Oc- CIDENTALEM ET ORIENTALEM XXV.. PARTIBUS COMPRE- HENS, cum APPENDICE Reani ConGo, EX ALTERA EDI- TIONE, ET ELeEncuo Meriant, (Tue Orticinau Epirion, EXCESSIVELY RARE) FIRST EDITION (with slight excep- tions pointed out in Mr. Hanrott’s Ms. Note in vol. 1) splendidly bound in 7 vol. green morocco, with joints, richly _ tooled, in compartments, Francf. ad Moen. 1590-1634 Desry. Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Occi- dentalem, partes 1-9, et Orientalem, 1-10, sEconp EpI- TION, splendidly bound in 6 vol. green morecco, with joints, “richly tooled in compartments, - Franef. 1590-1613 Desry. Peregrinationes in Indiam Occidentalem. Me- rian’s Edition, with Reprint of the Elenchus, 9 parts in 2 vol. splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled in compartments, gilt leaves, _ Francf. 1634 Desry. Peregrinationes in Indiam Occidentalem ‘ et Orientalem, Germanice, First German Edition, except- ing parts 4, 5 and 6, of India Occidentalis, and 3 and 4 of India Orientalis, which are of the Second Edition, 27 Parts including the extremely rare Appendix to Congo (in German) said not to be in the Rt. Hon. T. Grenville’s copy; also duplicates of Part.1, First and Third Editions, Part 2, First and Second Editions, Part 3, Second Edition, of the India Occidentalis, and parts 4, 5, and 6, of India Orientalis, splendidly bound in 11 volumes ~ green morocco, with joints, richly tooled in compartments, Francf. 1590-1628 Dexsry. America, Das ist, Erfindung und Offenbahrung der Newen Welt, durch M. Philippum Ziglerum, An Abridgment of Debry’s first 9 Parts of the Grand Voy- ages, maps and plates, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled in compartments, __Francf. 1617 *,* The maps belonging to the book are four, but in order to make this copy richer, four others are added, being with those helonging to the work, all that belong to Debry’s first 9 Parts. Drsry. Historia Antipodum oder Newe Welt, durch Jo. Lud. Gottfrid, An Abridgment of Debry’s first four- teen Parts, maps and plates by Merian, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled in compartments, Francf. 1631 [ 134 ] Debry’s Collection of Voyages. 2561 Continued.—Dersry. Gottfriedts Newe Welt, maps and plates by Merian, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled in compartments, - Francf. 1655 Desry. Orientalische Indien, 4n Abridgment of De Bry’s Petits Voyages, maps and plates, splendidly bound in green morocco, joints, richly tooled in compartments, Francf. 1628 *..* This Splendid and Extensive Assemblage of the various Editions and Translations of the celebrated Collection of Voyages by the family of Debry, has been formed by Mr. Hanrott at a boundless ex- pense, and is the fruit of many years assiduous ani industrious research, not only in this country, but on the Continent. For extent and richness it surpasses any Collection that has ever been offercd for Sale, and with the exception of the copy in the possession of the Right Hon. T. Grenville, is unparalleled. Iris sPLENDIDLY AND UNIFORMLY BOUND IN MOROCCO, IN TH1RTY VoLUMES FoLio. The value and importance of this celebrated Collection of Voyages may be duly appreciated by the circumstance of tHe Nationau INSTITUTE OF FRANCE HAVING APPOINTED A SPECIAL COMMISSION TO EXAMINE AND MAKE A MINUTE Report of its contents ; of the variations between the several Editions, and every circumstance connected with their publication ; WHICH REPORT WAS ARRANGED AND PUBLISHED BY CAMUS, BY THE ORDER AND AT THE EXPENSE OF THE INSTITUTE. As none of the Bibliographers who have de- scribed the work agree in their collations, and most copies contain minute variations, the present will not be sold subject to collation ; but no im- perfection or deficiency is known in any of the lots which is not pointed out. A minute account of the Collection and collation of each volume by Mr. Hanrott, will be found in the first volume of the first Latin Edition. Mr. Hanrott has enriched many of the volumes with additional plates and leaves of Text from other Editions, particularly where there are variations in either. : Tue CoLmLecroR HAS NOW AN OPPORTUNITY OF MAKING SUCH AN ACQUISITION AS HAS NEVER BE- FORE OCCURRED AND NEVER MAY AGAIN, [ 135 ] Debry’s Collection of Voyages. 2562 Depry. A Brief and True Report of the New found land of Virginia, discovered by Sir Richard Greinvile, Knight, in the yeere 1585, by Thomas Hariot, servant to Sir Walter Raleigh. Som Picture (sic) of the Pictes which in the olde tyme did habite one part of the Great Britainne, fownd in aoold English Cronicle, plates by De Bry, REMARKABLY FINE COPY, EXCESSIVELY RARE, splen- didly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, Frankfort, 1590 *,* THIS IS ONE OF THE RAREST Books IN THE Encuisa Laneuace when complete. Harley, Earl of Oxford, after a fruitless search of many years, found one at Franckfort, for which he paid a hun- dred pounds. It is now in the possession of the Rt. Hon. T. Grenville. Mr. Nassau’s Copy was sold fora hundred pounds. It is indispensable to. a collector of Debry’s Voyages. Independent of the rarity of this volume, it possesses the highest degree of interest in an Historical as well asina Literary point of view. It presents the first ac- count of the important Country, now known as the United States of America, illustrated with Graphic representations by persons who were sent there for the purpose at the expense of Raleigh. The literary value of the Book will be readily appreciated from the circumstance of its being the first work exe- cuted by the Debrys, and the basis of their cele- braied collection. 2563 Desry. Camus, Memoire sur la Collection des Grands et Petits Voyages, et sur la Collection des Voyages de Thevenot, interleaved 4to. splendidly bound in green mo- rocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, ; | Paris, 1802 2564 Desry. Las Casas, Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos Devastatarum, plates by Debry, the first edition, 4to. splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, - Francf. 1598 2565 Desry. Chronicon, Das ist Beschriebung der Occi- dentalischen unnd Indianischen Landern. This vol. is a translation of parts 4, 5and 6o0f the Grands Voyages. 4to. splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, - Wittemb. 1606 2566 Desry. Schiffarht Georgen von Spilbergen, plates, Francf. 1605. Reysen Jacob von Neck, and Joh. von Bree. Schiffarht eines Schiffs von Amsterdam, the two last want the parts of the titles containing the imprints, 4to. splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, - Franc. 1606 [ 136 ] The following Voyages are Supplementary to the Collection of Debry, or connected with them, and are uniformly bound with the preceding Articles. 2567 Premier Livre de ]’Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales, par les Hollandois, plates, Amst. 1598. Se- cond Livre, Amst. 1601. Voyage entour de l’Univers, par Olivier du Nort, plates, Amst. 1602. Description du Riche Royaume d’or de Guinea, plates, Amst. 1605. Description de trois Voyages de Mer vers les Royaumes de China, et Catay, par Girard le Ver, plates, Amst. 1598, avery rare and curious Collection, in 1 vol. splen- didly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves. ° 2568 Navigation aux Indes Orientales par les Hollandois, plates, Amst. 1609, one leaf wants a small portion of the corner. ‘Trois Voyages vers les Royaumes de China et Catay, par Gir. Le Veer, Amst. 1609. Voyage du Oli- vier du Nort. Amst. 1610, in 1 vol. splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartmenls, gilt leaves. 2569 Oviedo, Histoire des Indes, Isles et Terre Ferme de la Grande Mer Oceane, trad. par Poleur, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, heer | tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1556 2570 Tier Newen Weldt dea Indian History, durch Ben- zoni, Pet. Martyr, &c. 3 vol. in 1, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, in compartments, gilt leaves, - - Basil. 1582-83 HULSIUS'S COLLECTION OF VOYAGES. 2571 Hutsius’s CouiEcTIon oF ‘VoyacEs, in German, con- sisting of the early Spanish, English, French, and Dutch Voyages, in America, and the East Indies, translated into German, and printed by Levinius Hulsius. The first Editions of Parts 1 to 23, wanting from 11 to 17 inclusive, but with Duplicates of Parts 3 and 4, numerous Maps and Plates, splendidly bound in 4 volumes, green morocco, with joints, the sides richly tooled, uniform with Debry’s Collection, EXTREMELY RARE, Norib. et Francf, 1598-1632