4217 CATALOGUE No. 1020 IMPORTANT Gollection of Endravinds BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOSEPH NEREE BALESTIER OF NEW YORK CITY Estate of HENRY T. COATES, Esq., Dec’d, OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD FRIDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, DEC. 16, 1910 AT 2.80 AND 8 O’CLOCK Catalogue Compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of Conducted by SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. STAN V. HENKELS 1519-21 Chestnut St., Phila. ADDENDA Aa COLLECTION OF Colored Sporting Prints TO BE SOLD FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 16, 1910 Immediately after Lot 504 of the Catalogue of the Jos—EpH NEREE BALESTIER and H. T. Coates Collection. Catalogue Compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of Conducted by SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. STAN. V. HENKELS 1519-21 Chestnut St., Phila. 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 ADDENDA TO SALE OF PRINTS, DEC. 16, 1910 “Three Minutes to Spare.” Painted by T. N. H. Walsh. Engraved by C. R. Stock. Colored aquatint. Published 1881, London. The Duke of Beaufort Coach, starting from the Bull and Mouth, Regent’s Circus, Piccadilly. Painted by W. J. Shayer. Engraved by Chas. Hunt. Colored aquatint. The Cambridge Telegraph, starting from the White Horse, Fetter Lane. Painted by J. Pollard. Engraved by Geo. Hunt. Colored aguatnt. A Hunting Phaeton, going to Cover. H. Alken, Jun’ Del't. C. Hunt, Sculp. Colored aquatint. The Opposition Coaches. Colored aquatut. Half Way. Colored aquatint. French Diligence. Colored aquatint. Changing Horses. Colored aquatint. All Right. Colored aquatnt. The Comforts of Being Drove Like a Gentleman. Colored aquatint. Foot Ball. Rob! Cruikshank, fecit. Eng’d by Geo. Hunt. Colored aquatint. Published London, 1827. Jumping in Sacks. Drawn by W. H. Payne. Etched by Cruikshank. Colored. Pox sHonting. “The Scramble” and “Dangerous,” 4H. Alken, del. Colored aquatints. 2 pieces. A Sporting Tandem. ‘Going to Cover’’ and “At Cover.” H. Alken, del’t. R.G. Reeve, Sculp. Colored aquatunts. 2 pieces. fue Derby Pets. “Saleyof the Colt;*) “The Trial,” ‘The Arrival,’ and “The Winner.” Colored aquatints. Pub- lished by Ackerman & Co., London, 1842. 4 pieces. 520 521 5e2 523 524 525 4 The Grand Military Steeple Chase, near Newmarket, March 24th, 1856 (20 horses started). ‘The Start,” “ Double Brook—Little Billing,” ‘“‘ Double Stone Wall—Little Bill- ing,” and “Coming In.” Colored aquatints. 4 pieces. Moore’s Tally Ho! To the Sports. “ Tipperary Glory,” “Tipperary Boys,’ ‘“ Tipperary Melody,” and “ Tipperary ‘Killing no Murder,” Painted by F. C. Turner = ine graved by G. Hunt and J. R. Mackrel. Published London, 1853. Colored aquatinis. 4 pieces. French Postillions and English Post-Boys. Colored aqua- tints. Published London, 1834, by Ackermann. 2 pieces. Scenes on the Road, or a Trip to Epsom and Back. “Hyde Park Corner,’ “The Lord Nelson Inn, Cheam,” “The Cock, at Sutton,” and ‘“ Kennington Gate.” Painted by Jas. Pollard and engraved by J. Harris. Published London, 1838. Colored aquatinis. 4 pieces. The Mail Coach in a Drift of Snow, The Mail Coach in a Thunder Storm on Newmarket Heath, The Mail Coach in a Flood, and The Mail Coach in a Storm of Snow. Painted by Jas. Pollard. Engraved by G. Reeves. Published Lon- don, 1825. Colored aquatints. 4 pieces. The Quorn Hunt. “The Meet,” “ Drawing Cover,” “ Tally- ho! and Away,” ‘The Pace Begins to Tell!” “Snob is Beat,” “ Full Cry, Second Horses,” ‘‘ The Whifsendine appears in View,” and ‘The Death.’ Drawm and etched by H. Alken. Engraved by T. C. Lewis. Colored aqua- tints. 8 pieces. - reeman & Co., Auctioneers, - : a 2 “a ‘ a | by : A buy for me Eo Mrs rece eee ee ieee |e ee <= ee ee ee a at: Prices SEND SHIPPING DIRECTIONS KEMARKS ba 1a" All out-of-town customers must remit immediately on receipt of bill for books. = : 4 ’ ‘ m ‘ YLinted: ty G Viomney Cngrta rl ty Jih Smelh. Mexzotinto Lr air Lo hed Nigrefi the Trince of Mates: NATURE luk d ly the opurit- of the genial your. Her lips Siw aegyuer wert, they Creathe of Youth, She shining mmowtiure sectls es her eye Tn breghtor glu, her we ce Cosom feared KHith palprctattorad wid London Subleshd May 29 175%-0y LR Smith Noe. Oxford Street. REDUCED FACSIMILE LoYT 327 CATALOGUE No. 1020 MAGNIFICENT Collection of Engravings BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOSEPH NEREE BALESTIER, of New York City EMBRACING An Extraordinary Collection of Engravings printed in Colors, after Morland, Angelica Kauffman, Cipriani, and other Favorite Artists, by the Most Noted and Popular Engravers of the time An Unusually Large Collection of Engravings bythe Famous Bartolozzi, Choice Line Engravings by the Most Noted English, French and German Masters of the Art, Fine Mezzotintos, &c. ALSO Belonging to the Estate of HENRY T. COATES, Esq., Dec’d, of Philadelphia An Original Van Dyck Portrait of the Earl of Northumberland, Choice Mezzotintos and Line Engravings, Etchings, Fine Letter of Genl. Washington and Wm. Penn, &c. A FEW CHOICE SPECIMENS OF OLD DELFT TO BE SOLD FRIDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING, DEC. 16, 1910 AT 2.30 AND 8 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. STAN. V. HENKELS 1519-1521 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers w Bids are always so much per piece, unless catalogue. . TreRMS OF SALE—CAsSH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on d following the sale. | REMARKS HIS Extraordinary Collection of Engravings was inherited by the late Jos. NEREE BALEsTiER, of New York City, from his father. There has been nothing added to the collection for over forty years, and the elder Mr. BALEsTIER had the advantage of gathering the En- gravings at a time when it was possible to get fine impressions in their original condition of prints that to-day are much sought after. The Collection of the Beautiful Engravings by the noted and favorite Artist, Bartolozzi, is remarkable for the great number printed in colors, and many others that are printed in red and brown—all as they were issued. The Prints in colors and black, after the famous Artist, Morland, are also of intense interest. There are also many other Color Prints of the most enchanting subjects by the great Artists of England, France and elsewhere. A remarkable feature of the collection is that the Prints are all in their original condition, none having been washed or cleaned, and many with full margins. For those interested in the Art, this is an opportunity that will seldom occur again. The subjects as a rule have been selected as to their beauty in regard to Subject, and their excellence in regard to engraving. We have appended to this sale a Collection belonging to the Estate of the late Henry T. Coates, Esq., of Philadelphia. These embrace an Original Oil Portrait by Sir Anthony Van Dyck of the Earl of Northumberland. Fine Portraits in Mezzotinto of Various Members of the Northumberland Family, and many other Choice Engravings. INCLUDING ALSO A Fine Autograph Letter of Gen. Geo. Washington, and a 4-page Autograph Letter of Wm. Penn, both being choice specimens, and very interesting as to contents. The sale as a whole should command the attention of not only engraving connoisseurs, but of those who are searching after beautiful Prints for framing. STAN. V. HENKELS. G6 LO’T HINNISOV,] 420081 ROPERSINER WETTS OPT ISSSELCORSACLETYTeseeTeseeazans TEE PCRETERTRMOOHST HALT OT ARR ROLAW OTD I OU eKeTELi: TRUSSO TERM re eT eATRED RAO HEERENES REEDED ot LRT es : ; iaarreenh nari Sarr tere canta anret RIC eae PRC Use Chaat ns ; SESE NY, ‘ ne PE BES DS UADELE A BOLO CS ESE OE DIAGR RAISIN REI DROS ES: A Ty CATALOGUE AGAR, Noted English Engraver. Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Burney, del! Agar, sculp! Stipple, printed in colors. Published London, 1810. Tuccia the Vestal Virgin proving her Innocence by carry- ing water in a Sieve. Burney, del’ Agar, sculpt Szpfle, printed in colors. ALIX, P. M. Born 1752. Died 1809. Celebrated French Engraver of Portraits. Mirabeau. Grave par P. M. Alix. Oval. 178 Landscapes. Engraved by P. Drevet. 3 pieces. DUCHANGE, GASPAR. Born 1662. Died Eminent French Engraver. 179 Francois Girardon. Peint par Hyacinth Rigaud, et gravé par Duchange. swe. Full margin. Fine. REDUCED FACSIMILE Lor 172 - tro we fag eS 4 > a a 15 DUNKARTON, ROBERT. Born 1744. 180 Lot and His Daughter. Arnould de Gelder, pinx. Dunkar- ton, Sculpsit. London. Published 1787. Mezzotinto. Proof before the title, full margin. DUNKER, BALTHASAR ANTOINE. Eminent German Painter and Engraver. 181 Landscapes. Painted by J. P. Hackert. Engraved by B. A. Dunker. Lime. 3 pieces. -EARLOM, RICHARD. Born Died 1822. Noted English Mezzotinto Engraver. 182 Marriage a la Mode. Plate IV. Painted by Wm. Hogarth: Engraved by Richard Earlom. JMJezzotnto, full margin. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM. Born 1727. English Engraver. 183 A View of the Maese. Adrian Cuyp, Pinxit. Wm. Elliott, Sculpsit. Lzne. 184 Landscape. Engraved by Wm. Elliott. Lune. BUGEROMA, M..E. 185 Landscape. J. Van Huysum,pinx. M. C. Elgersma, fec. Line. FACIUS, G. S. & J. G. Born 1750. Eminent German Engravers. 186 Spring. Wm. Hamilton, pinxit. G. S. & J. G. Facius, Sculp- serunt. Published London, 1784. Supple, printed tn red. Circular. Very fine. PELoUNG, C: Celebrated Engraver. 187 Abelard and Eloisa Surpris’d by Fulburd. Angelica Kauffman, pinx’ C. Felsing, sculp’ Stpple, printed in red. Circular. Very fine. 188 Pouvoir de l’Amour. Peint par Deshays. Grave par Fel- sing, 1788. Stpple, in brown. FISHER, EDWARD. Born 176s. English Mezzotinto Engraver. 189 The Nut-brown Maid. Fras. Cotes. E. Fisher, fecit. Very fine and rare. ‘ y a, © 190 IgI 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 ERE. JAMES. Born ies English Engraver. Constantine’s Arch. Claude de Loree ‘Pinxit. Fittler, ok Line. ay FLIPART, JEAN JACQUES. Born 1723. ‘French Engraver. Chasse au Tigre. Peint par F. Boucher. - Gravé par ih Flipart. ze. Kehey FRAILLING, G. a English Engraver. ona The Shepherd’s Boy. A. Van Assen, Inv! G. Frailling, Sculpt Published London 1797. Stipple. Oval. FREZZA, HIERONYMUS. Italian Engraver. Vase with Doves. Hieronymus Frezza, Sculp, 1741. Line, FROMME, C. | ee Ponte Lupo a Tivoli. C. Fromme, del et fec 1818. Etching, GALLAYS, P. St. Elizabeth. -P, Gallays, ex. Line. GABRIELT, A. Autumn. J. B. Cipriani, Inv’ i REDUCED FACSIMILE OF LOT 4496 ) : : : : : | ee a 4498. 4499. 4500. 4501. 4502. 4503. 4504. 4505. 4500. 4507. 4508. 4509 4510 25 Com. Macdonough’s Victory on Lake Champlain Sept? rith 18rq. With key. Line, Height 3 15-16 inches; width 8 inches. M. Corne p. W. Hoogland sc. Entered according to Act of Con- gress, Nov. 25th 1815, by A. Bowen. Engraved for the Naval Monu- ment. ANOTHER Copy. 3 Naval Battles. Battle on Lake Champlain. Old Ironsides on a Lee Shore. The U. S. Frigate Constitution Capt® Elliott, weathering Scilly, on her return from France, with the Hon. Edward Livingston on board on the night of the Eleventh of May 1835. Illustrative of a sketch in the Democratic Review of May 1839, by the Author of “The Log of Old Ironsides.” Lithograph. Height 16 4-16 inches; width 20 7-16 inches. On Stone by A. Hoffy. Margin on left side cut off. American Squadron at Sea, N°1 Pennsylvania, N° 2 Franklin, N° 3 North Carolina, N° 4 Swann, N° 5 The Warren, N° 6 Small Vessels in Company. Lithograph. Height 16 14-16 inches; width 25 6-16 inches. Designed & Painted by Robert Walker. On Stone by A. Hoffy and M. O’Connor. Published by Walker & Duval, N? 7 Bank St Phila. Copyright 1839. Stained and torn. Rare. Le Combat Naval. Gloire Americaine, Prise glorieuse, du Vaisseau Anglais la Java, par la constitution frégate Américaine, sur les cétes du Brézil, le 29 7>"* 1812; aprés un combat sanglant d’une heure 55 minutes. Aquatint, Height 13 inches; width 18 4-16 inches. Garneray del, Coquerel sc. M. Guerin vieille rue du Temple N° 75. Déposé. Very rare. The United States and the Macedonian. Colored aquatint. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Battle between the United States & Macedonian. Line. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 7 9-16 inches. Painted by Chappel Engraved by Duthie. India proof on large paper. THE SAME. Plain impression. 2 copies. The U. S. Frigate United States, Stephen Decatur Esqt Commander, Capturing His B. M’s Frigate Macedonian October 25th 1812. Cir- cular, Line. Diameter 3 9-16 inches. Rare. United States & Macedonian. Line. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 5 9-16 inches. 4 Views. Battle between the United States & the Macedonian. Wood engravings. 5 Views of the Battle between the Enterprise and the Boxer. Wood Engravings 4511. 4 4512. O f° 4513 “40 4514 4521. . The Death of Captain Lawrence. 26 This View of his Majesty’s Ship Shannon, hove too, & cooly wait- ing the close approach of the American Frigate Chesapeak, who is bearing down to the Attack, with all the confidence of Victory, with its companion the Capture of the Enemy, is with all due respect & admiration of their intrepid conduct, most respectfully inscribed to Captain, P. B. V. Brooke, and his gallant ships company by their Obedt Servant Robt Dodd. Colored aquatint. Height 13 2-16-inches; width 18 2-16 inches. Painted by R. Dodd from the information of Capt? Falkiner. Pub- lished August, 1813, by R. Dodd, N® 3 Lucas Place, Commercial Road, and G. Andrews, N? 7 Charing Cross. Very rare. The Chesapeake & Shannon, Height 3 8-16 inches; width 6 13-16 inches. M. Corne p. Wightman sc. Engraved for the Naval Monument. Line. . THE SAME, Line. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 6 12-16 inches. India proof before all letters. . The Capture of H. B. M. Sloop of War Frolic, Cap? Whinyates, by the U. S. Sloop of War Wasp, Cap? JaP Jones, on the 18th of Oct' 1812 after a close Action of 13 Minutes. Soon after the Frolic Surrendered, both her Masts went by the Board. She had 6 Merchant Ships under her Convoy. A quatint. The Frolic Mounted 22 Guns. Number of Killed and Wounded. 16—32 Pound Cannonades. 30 Killed. 6—12 Pounders. 50 Wounded. The Wasp Mounted 18 Guns. Number of Killed and Wounded. 16—32 Pound Cannonades. 5 Killed. 2—12 Pounders. 5 Wounded. Height 11 inches; width 16 12-16 inches. Drawn & Engraved by F. Kearney from a Sketch by Lieut Claxton of the Wasp. Pub. by C. P. Fessenden N® 7 S. Seventh St Philada. Very rare. . Capture of the British Sloop of War Frolic of 24 guns by the U. S. Sloop of War Wasp, of 18 guns. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 5 13-16 inches. Th. Birch invt. S. Seymour Sc. . 6 Views. The Battle between the Wasp and the Frolic. All wood engravings. . 4 Views. Battle between the Wasp and the Reindeer, &c. All wood engravings, . Peacock & L’Epervier,. Aquatint, Height 3 9-16 inches; width 6 inches. T. Birch dd. W. Strickland sc. . ANOTHER Copy. 8 Battle Scenes, The Peacock & The Epervier and The Hornet Sink- ing the Peacock. Mostly wood engravings. 27 . Madisonville in Massachusetts Bay. Essex and her Prizes. Aquatint, Height 4 inches; width 7 2-16 inches. Drawn by Capt. Porter. Engraved by W. Strickland. . 4 Views. The Essex and Alert, &c. Wood engravings. . Capture of the Argus, August 14th 1813. Colored aquatint. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 8 3-16 inches. Painted by Whitcombe. Engraved by T. Sutherland. From a Painting in the possession of Capt? Maples. . Blowing Up of the Fire Ship Intrepid commanded by Capt Somers in the Harbour of Tripoli on the night of the 4th Sept" 1804. Be- fore the Intrepid had gained her Destined situation she was sud- denly boarded by 100 Tripolines, when the Gallant Somers and Heroes of his Party (Lieut's Wadsworth and Israel and 10 Men) observed themselves surrounded by 3 Gun-boats, and no prospect of Escape, determined at once to prefer Death and the Destruction of the Enemy, to Captivity & a torturing Slavery, put a Match to train leading di- rectly to the Magazine, which at once blew the whole into the Air. Line. Height 9 13-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. Beneath the Margin of the Print are the names of the Various Ves- sels &c. Very rare. Slightly damaged. . United States Squadron under Com. Bainbridge returning tirumphant from the Mediterranean. Vignette. Stipple. - - Height 3 6-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. J. B. Fanning dis. G. G. Smith, Sc. . ANOTHER COopPy. . South-east view of Sackett’s Harbour. With key engraved on the margin. Aquatint. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 7 9-16 inches. T. Birch, del. W. Strickland sc. . The Phoenix and the Rose, engaged by the Enemys Fire Ships & Galleys on the 16th Augt 1776. Colored lithograph. Height 5 11-16 inches; width 7 13-16 inches. Lith. by G. Hayward 171 Pearl St. N. Y. for D. T. Valentine’s Manual 1864. . ANOTHER COPY. . The Victory. Aquatint. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 7 4-16 inches. Drawn by Capt Porter. Engrav’d by W. Strickland. . The Leviathan & L’Amerique. Vignette. Aquatint. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 8 3-16 inches. N. Pocock delt W. Ellis sculpt Pubdlish’d Nov. rst 1799 by Bun- ney & Gold, . Combat de la Frégate Francoise la Belle Poule, attaquée par la Frégate Anglaise l’Arethuse le 17 Juin 1778. Line, colored. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 8 9-16 inches. Voyez la Gazette de France N° 51. Rare. 28 4534. 4 Views of Naval Battles between the French and English during the American Revolution. All Line engravings. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches. 4535. 13 Views of Naval Battles fought by the French in the Cause of the American Revolution; all Line Engravings, by Chavane & Skelton. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches. All on folio sheets; a very interesting series. Y 4536.,16 Views of Naval Battles, Land Battles, etc. 4537. 23 Views of Naval Battles, etc. All wood engravings. 4538. Broadside. A complete List of the American Navy Showing the Name, Number of Guns, Commander’s name, and Station of each Vessel, to July 1, 1813 & Steele’s List of the Royal Navy of Great Britain for 1813. Printed and Published by John Low. No 17. Chatham Street New York. Large folio. 4539. Uniform worn 1819. Officer of U. S. Marines, from a painting by a former officer of that corps, the original in the possession of Major I. T. Dougherty, U. S. M. C. Charles Desilver, Publisher 1229 Chestnut St. Philad4 Colored aquatint. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 inches. 4540. Caricature. A Wasp taking a Frolick or a Sting for Johnny Bull. Representing John Bull with a large stomach and holding a knife in the right hand: a wasp alighting on the Arm, and pushing his Stinger through John Bulls Stomach. Etching. Height 10 8-16 inches; width 9 3-16 inches. Wm. Charles Del et Sculp. EARLY NAVIGATORS AND EXPLORERS OF AMERICA. 4541. America, Americen America’s retexit & Semel vocauit inde semper excitam. Line. Height 7 3-16 inches; width ro 11-16 inches. Ioan Stradanus inuent. Theodor Galle sculp. Phts Galle excud (about 1570). Representing the arrival of Columbus in America. Columbus has just landed from one of his small boats and stands before a nude Indian maid, who is reclining ina hammock. Beasts of various kinds roam the surrounding country. 4542. Christophorus Columbus Genuensis Purria Detect Nov Orbis. Half length, head to right, the right hand holding a nautical instrument. Oval in a rectangle, with title in the border of the oval, and two other titles in Dutch, both over and under the plate. Line. Height 6 inches; width 4 13-16 inches. Very old. 4543. Christophorus. Colombos. Full bust, head to left; in ornamented border. Wood engraving. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches. Engraved about 1530. 4544. Christophoros Colombos Genvensis Primis Novarvm Terrarvm De- tector. Full bust in a monk’s robe, head to right, a sextant in the right hand. Oval in a rectangle, with a tablet in the lower portion of the oval upon which is inscribed ‘‘Novi Dom Bona”; beneath the rectangle are six lines in script. Line. Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Rare. Very old. OS ae Paes ; hb 4547. 4548. 4549. 4550. ‘4551. 4552. 4553- 4554. 4555- 4550. 4557- 4558. 4%) . ANOTHER Copy. Inlaid. . Christofel Colonus. Full bust, head to left, a table and mathematical instruments in front and to the right. Oval in a border composed of two dolphins, resting on a base, upon which is the title. Line. Height 10 15-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Christophle Colomb. Half length, head to right, the right hand hold- ing a nautical instrument; five stars in the upper left corner. Line. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. De Larmessin, Sculp. Christofle Colomb, Genevois. Fully described in preceding print, only in reverse. Line. Height 6 13-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Christoforo Colombo. Entdecker der Neuen Welt. Half length, seated at a table, head to right; on the table a terrestrial globe, etc. ; the hand holding a book. Line. Height 6 10-16 inches; width 5 inches, Rare old copper plate. Christophorvs Colvmbvs Ligvr Indiarv Prim’ Invet™ A? 1492. Full bust with pointed hat, head to left. Circular medallion in an orna- mental rectangle, the title within the circle; over and beneath the circle are two tablets in which are inscribed ‘‘ Qvirate velivola occidvvs ' penetravit a? Idos Primvs ét Americam Nobilitavit Hvmvm,” and “ Astrorvm consvlt’ et ipso Nobilis avsv Christophor’ tali fronte Col- lomb’ erat.” Line. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 4 15-16 inches. Very old and rare. Christophorvs Colvmbvs Ligvr Indiarv Prim’ Invett A° 1492. Bust in pointed hat, head to left. Circular medallion with ornamental corners; the title within the circle; over the circle, “Antilles”; be- neath, “ Christophe Colomb.”’ Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Lemaire dixerit. Christophe-Colomb. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left. Stipple. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Proof before all letters. THE SAME. Open letter proof. Christopher Columbus. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left; be- neath the title, facsimile of Columbus’ handwriting. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Boissard del. Worthington sc. India paper proof, before all let- ters. THE Same. Lettered impression. Christophorvs Colvmbvs Ligvriensis Indiarvm Primvs Anno mcccc- xcul. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left. Oval with a border in a rectangle; the title in the border; beneath the oval, four lines of script. Line, Height 5 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. ANOTHER COPY. ANOTHER Copy. Mounted, «, hal é ‘ue 30 4559. Christophe Colomb de retour de ses Voyagea. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. . Gabriel Sculpt 4560. ANOTHER Copy. 4561. Christophe Colomb (Astronome et Navigateur) Vice-roi et Amiral des Indes, et auteur de la décourverto du Nouveau Monde. Né a Génes en 1445. Mort a4 Vallahod le 20 Mai 1506. Full bust in | pointed hat, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 inches. Dessiné d’aprés une graveure tirée de Histoire d’Amerique | de Th. de Bry laquelle est faite sur le portrait peint par ordre d’Isa- | belle et Ferdinand V. et Gravé par Amboise Tardieu. India paper proof on large paper. 4562. THE Same. Lettered impression; large paper. 4564. Christoforo Colombo. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left. Oval in a ruled rectangle. Line. Height 6 9-16 inches; width 5 inches. Ger™e Costa del p. Belloni, Ger™* Scotto inc. On large paper. | 4563. THE SAME. Small paper. f | 4565. THE SAME. Open letter proof, before the ruled rectangle. | 4566. THE Same. Plain impression, on large paper. b 4567. Christophorvs Colvmbvs Ligvr Indiarv Prim’ Invett A° 1492. Full bust in pointed hat, head to left. Circular, with border, title in bor- der; on either side of the portrait is a smaller circular portrait of Columbus and Vespucius; beneath the whole is the Columbus arms, Line. Diameter 3 6-16 inches. Faber sc. 4568. Christophe Colomb. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right, in a square resembling a frame. Line. Height 4 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Tableau du temps. P. Mercuri dis e inc 1843. Publié par Gavard. Editeur Rue du Marché St Honoré 4. India paper proof on large paper. 4569. THE SAME. Plain impression. 4570. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters and before the border. 4571. THE SAME. Choice proof before the border and title. 4572. Christophe Colomb, Celebre Navigateur Né 4 Géneen 1442, fit la découverte des Indes en 1492. Mourut a Valladolid le 8. Mai 1506. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right. Oval. Line. Height 4 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. F. Bonneville del. Bonvalet Sculp. A Paris Rue du Theatre Francais No 4. 4573. ANOTHER Copy. Mounted. 4574. 4575. 4570. 4577- 4578. 4579. 4580. 4581. 4582. 4583. 4584. 4585. 4586. 4587. 31 Christophorus Columbus Ligur, Indi, Arum Primus Inventor Anno 1492, and four lines of script. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right. Oval with a border. Line. - Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 inches. Christopher Columbus. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right. Vig- nette. Line. Height 3 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. Banknote vignette. India proof. Christophe Colomb. Celebre Navigateur Fit la Decouverte des Indes en 1492. Naquit en 1442, et Mourut en 1506. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right. Oval in a rectangle resting on a base in which is four lines of script; the title on a tablet beneath the oval. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. a Paris chés Daurront rue St Martin. THe Same. A more modern impression. Bust, with pointed hat, head to right. Vignette. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. India proof before all letters. Christope Colomb. Full bust in pointed hat, head to right. Vig- nette. Lithograph. Height 4-4-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Maurin. Christopher Columbus. Bust, head to right. Circular; title on a tablet. On a sheet with eleven other portraits, including Sickingen, Doria, Leiva, etc. Line. Size of sheet, height 6 13-16 inches; width 5 inches. Bust in cap, head to right. Oval. Line. Height x 6-16 inches; width 1 2-16 inches. Banknote vignette. Proof before all letters on large paper. Christopher Columbus. Half length, with cap, seated, full face; the arms resting on the arms of a chair. Line. ~ Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. Engraved by W. Greatbatch from a Picture by Furse in the col- lection of J. B. Heath, Esqt From a Picture by Parmigiano in the Royal Gallery of Naples. London. Published by Richard Bentley 1838. India proof before all letters on large paper. THE SAme. India paper proof, on large paper. Cristofaro Colombo. Half length, seated, full face, arms resting on chair. Outline. Height 6 7-16 inches; width 4 15-16 inches. R. d’Auria dés. S, Pistolesi inc. Christophe Colomb. Half length with cap, full face. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. Mauduison. Open letter proof on India paper. Tue Same. Plain impression. Columbus. Full bust with breastplate and fluted collar, head to left. Vignette. Lithograph. : Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. For the American Library. mg 32 4588. Christophe Colomb. Half length, with fluted collar, head to right. Vignette. 3 Lithograph. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Imp Lith Forminton. Ch Bazin. India proof before letters. 4589. THE SaME. Plain impression. 4589 A. Christoforo Colombo, Full bust with breastplate and fluted collar, head to left. Oval with a border surrounded with palm and olive branches, in a rectangle; over the oval a laurel wreath, over which floats a ribbon upon which is the inscription “Fin che Risplenda il sol vivra Eamoso Ligure Illustre il nome tuo Glorioso”; flags extend up both sides of oval, and beneath are a terrestrial globe, anchor, and a scroll upon which is the title; in the distance a view of the ocean, beneath the oval fourteen lines in large and small script. Line. Height 17 4-16 inches; width 11 14-16 inches. Me? Testi inc.—Santi Soldaini disegrio. Carlo Lasincio incise l’anno 1811. Depositate alla Biblioteca Imperiale. 4589 B. ———————_ Half length, seated, with ruffled collar, head to right, a glove in the right hand. Stipple. Height 8 11-16 inches; width 6 15-16 inches. Sir A More Pinxt J. J. Hinchliff Sc. India proof. 4589 Cy. Full length, standin the right of a table, head to right, the right hand resting on the tat. upon which are two globes, a scroll, etc.; to the right an arm-chair, , on which is a plumed hat; in the distance columns and a window from which is seen a view of the ocean. Line. “ Height 17 12-16 inches; width 12 4-16 inches. ‘Antonio ‘Calhbano lo deb°? Rafael Esteve lo grabo. Proof before the title. 4589 D. Christopher Columbus. Full bust, nearly full face. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 19 inches; width 18 inches. From a Painting in the Marine Gallery, Madrid. 4589 E. Christophorvs Colvmbvs. Full bust, nearly full face. Oval with a border in a rectangle, the title on a tablet in the lower portion of the border. Etching. Height 20 12-16 inches; width 16 6-16 inches. Henri Lefort fecit Anno 1891. Copyright, M. Knoedler & C9 1891. Artist’s remarque proof, signed, on , archment; one of a few copies so printed. Very rare. 4589 F. THE SAME. Special remarque proof, signed, on parchment. Only twenty-six of this first state printed. 4589 G. THE SAME. Lettered impression. 4590. Columbus. Three-quarter length, seated, with fluted collar, head to right. Stupple. Height 8 ro-16 inches; width 6 14-16 inches. Sir H. More pinxt J. J. Hinchliff sc. India proof, with script title; on large paper. 4 { 7 - : ‘,¢ > i we itn iy } o 7 @A orn hh Sa Ee 4 oth at vi 7 x ‘ By wae rary . b vesitrten See NAR J oa 1 . cs an ae ee Pret ae aceeeraal - he ra