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PAINTINGS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH © NEW YORK ON Ion PUBLIC: VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Seon NING FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF $ALE | THE UNUSUALLY INTERESTING COLLECTION OF ANCIENT ART PROPERTY BELONGING TO SENOR LAUREANO MEDINA OF SPAIN TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5tu BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’?CLOCK merit AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ore ¢q ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF SPANISH, GOTHIC, ITALIAN AND FLEMISH AND OTHER mNCIENT PAINTINGS RARE SCULPTURES IN WOOD AND IVORY, RENAISSANCE SILVER SHRINE, FURNITURE, ANTIQUE WATCHES, FANS AND LACES ALPUJARKRRA CARPETS, CLASSIC AUBUSSON TAPESTRY AND OTHER UNUSUALLY INTERESTING OBJECTS OF ART AND ANTIQUITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF SENOR LAUREANO MEDINA OF SPAIN Peete eh V ENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, Mr. Orro Bernet AND Mr. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MAnaGeErRs NEW YORK CITY 1921 f ee: i TE ‘ i PA H x LL DETAILS A TEXT AND THE LAUREANO MEDINA COLLECTION There has seldom been offered at public sale a collection, mainly of Spanish origin and consisting of less than one hundred and ten items, in which there are so many worth-while art objects from the collector’s or decorator’s point of view. This manifold interest is undoubtedly accounted for by the important sources from which these objects were derived; among others, the Marquis de Corvera of Murcia, Rojas de Aceves of Seville, Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega of Madrid, the Marquis Delgado de Villa- longa of Palma (Majorca), the Alhambra (Granada), the well- known connoisseur Don Ricardo Llombart of Barcelona, the ancient Sabatier Family, EKusebia Belbell of Alcala la Real, Robert Duchesnois of Paris, Ortufio y Acuna of Burgos, many churches and several cathedrals. The Sculptures in wood or ivory, for which Spain is noted, include a St. Jerome by Alonzo Berruguette (1480-1561) ; it is seriously modeled and in its strength has a very positive reminis- cence of Michael, Angelo. The earlier Gothic statuettes are all of naive interest and intensely devotional in conception; a Madonna and Child in walnut, very simple in its technique, is full of tender dignity. Among the Ivories is a small fourteenth century Diptych of French origin, full of dramatic vigor. Two unusually elaborate and well-conceived Solomonic Columns would have delighted the eye of the late Stanford White with their richness and com- plexity of detail. The decorative Early Furniture includes several Varguefios, Ebony Cabinets finely adorned with painted panels that are rich in color, a unique Walnut Table with very unusual open supports and in excellent condition and a small Painted Leather Hispano- Moresque Box of the fifteenth century that would grace any museum as a reference document. Two Panels of tiles by the modern Spanish master, Juan Zuloaga, are painted with much breadth and portray interesting subjects. A massive Silver Shrine and a Processional Cross of the early Renaissance are fine examples of the Spanish Silversmith’s Art; a number of Brass Votive Lamps, of a slightly later period, have especial decorative value. The Watches, Fans, Brocades, Filet Laces and Embroid- eries are of more than casual interest. Two Early Alpujarra Carpets are as interesting as they are unusual. There is a charming seventeenth century Aubusson Tapestry, with original floral border; the subject, “Jove Issuing Commands to Mercury,” is woven in rich, soft agreeable colors. Many decorative Spanish Paintings of the sixteenth, seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries have fine color schemes and include Flower subjects by Arellano, and Architectural and Classic Land- scapes. A Triptych by Adrian Isenbrandt and a strongly handled example by Quentin Matsys, ‘The Misers,” a variant of the same subject in the Pinacoteca at Bologna, worthily represent the sixteenth century Flemish School. The Gothic Primitives include two important examples by the Catalonian, Vergos, and an important Series of Sanctuary Panels and two Doors by Borrassa (1390-1434) which formed the remarkable setting for an Altar in the Church of San Juan, Segovia; these panels rival in devotional and decorative quality that most remarkable Altarpiece bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum by the late Mr. Laffan. The rich, flaming colors and gold backgrounds, and the distinction of the costumes, give a rare place to these panels. Their history is interesting, for during the eighteenth century they were removed from sifu and aban- doned behind the organ, remaining concealed there till 1886, when they were acquired by the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga of Palma (Majorca) for his private collection. The attributions in the catalogue are those of the owner of the collection, whose standing as a connoisseur and expert makes it plausible that they should be accepted. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. - The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “fas is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. 1/24 ul ssoippy oulD IN s. sasDyoiny ‘aseyoind JsIY 9Yy} SuLyeul uo Juepuayy soayes JO AIID psoosy sy? 02 3 Suipuey pue drys sty ur Burpy Aq siaseueyy 9y} ss8I]qGo [7M Joseyoing yoro sayxeisiw jJUsAdid. 0} puv dUIT] DABS OF IZ6l ‘S [Ndy ‘Aepsany jo surusaq NOILOATIOO VNIGHW ONVEYNVT AHL Sada TIVO LUV NYOMANV daHL LV FIVS SYFOVNVA NOILVIOOSSVY LYVY NVOMEWNY AHL EVENING SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 o’cLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 109, inclusive MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 1—Roven Pin Tray Eighteenth Century Circular with gauffered ribbon edge. Decorated in blue _ with cottages in landscape. Diameter, 314 inches 2—Ginori PorcELaIn Pastitte Box Italian, Louis Philippe Period Ovoidal; enriched with gilded scrolled floral borders and coronetted monogram “M V” on bleu-royale grounds. Underglaze mark, “Ginori.” Length, 21%, inches. 3—Two Canton Enamet Cups anp Saucers | Chinese Ch’ien-lung Period Square-sectioned cups and saucers with inset round corners. Decorated with black cloud scroll arabesques on delicate sky-blue grounds. 4—Sinver Incense Burner Spanish Seventeenth Century Low molded bowl with turned balustered ebony handles at either side. On leaf and hoof tripod legs and incurved tri- angular base with ball feet. One handle defective. Height, 3 inches; length, 1014 inches. Evening Sale SNUFFBOXES, WATCHES AND FANS 5—LoweEstorr SNUFFBOX English Eighteenth Century Broad shield-shape, enriched with floral panels and coro- netted coat-of-arms. (Cover repaired.) Length, 2%, inches. 6—-BarrerseA Enamet Box English Eighteenth Century Egg-shaped; enriched on ivory ground with “Landscape with Mounted Warriors in Combat,” the cover with curious landscape around the rim with a group of figures. Height, 2°, inches. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. Y—JEWELED ENAMEL CHATELAINE French Eighteenth Century Three oval enamel miniatures; evidently portraits of three distinguished sisters ; within silvered settings closely studded with rose diamonds, the upper also having an open wreath of blossoms. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. 8—JEWELED AND ENAMELED Gotp WarTcH Directotre Period Bezel closely set with chip diamonds; two-colored gold back with medallioned blue center overlaid with open setting of draped coronet and ribbon closely set with chipped stones. Movement by Breguet a4 Paris. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. 9—JEWELED Enamet WatcH Directoire Period Face and back enriched with annular rims of chip diamonds ; the back with scene, “The Lovers,” a huntsman and a maid at a splashing fountain. Verge movement by Chevalier, Geneva. Several small stones missing. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. Evening Sale 10—JrEWELED ENAMELED Gotp WartcH Louis XVI Bezel enriched with closely set chip diamonds. 'T'wo-toned gold back with bars of laurels and central enameled oval miniature, “Bust of a Court Belle,” within a beribboned sil- ver frame studded with chip stones. Movement by Vauchez a Paris. Winding key for same. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. 11—Decoratep Carvep Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century Ivory guards and blades, pierced, gilded and painted with pastoral medallion flanked by floral sprays and fruit. Parch- ment foil with idyllic landscape occupied by three classic warriors attendant on three court belles attired as shep- herdesses. From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. 12—Decoratrep Carvep Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century Finely gilded ivory blades and guards pierced with medal- lioned trophies, scrollings and figures. Tan silk foil with gold pailletted medallions displaying “Mars and Venus” and landscapes. From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. Evening Sale DecoraTED CARVED Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century 13 Ivory guards and blades, pierced and gilded with floral sprays. Parchment foil painted with pastoral figures in landscape, after Watteau. From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. 14—Decoratep Carvep Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century Ivory guards and blades, pierced and gilded with unusually fine scrolled medallions of figures, flowers and scrolls, these interrupted with panels painted with groups of pastoral subjects. Parchment foil painted with subject, “Jove and Juno,” Juno driven amidst the clouds in her chariot drawn by peacocks, attendant nymphs at left, Jove pointing to the earth at right. From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. 15—Decoratep Carvep Ivory Fan French Eighteenth Century Ivory guards and blades enriched in low relief with scrolled medallions of pastoral scenes. Foil painted with “Historical Group before an Edifice.” (Has been restored.) From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. 16—InuustRaTED BIBLE French Eighteenth Century Bound in tooled brown calf; containing one hundred and nineteen engravings by Jollain and F. Campion, illustrat- ing incidents from the Old and New Testaments. Binding and several pages defective. Height, 634 inches; length, 9 inches. Note: Inscribed: “a Mademoiselle Thérése de la Vigne Dompiere. Donné par ma Tante Villiroyt a Thérése.” From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. Evening Sale 17—Vernis Martin Corrrer French Eighteenth Century Oblong, with domed cover; decorated in rich colors with biblical scenes of many personages, the interior of cover with romantic landscape. Silver dragon escutcheon and key. Height, 3%, inches; length, 7% inches. From the collection of Mlle. Henriette de Logerot, Paris. 18—Ewneravep Ivory Worxsox Spanish Eighteenth Century Square sarcophagus shape, with scrolled ends and incurved top; enriched with top member of flutings and three se- ries of engraved scrolled leaf bands on black grounds. Trimmed with lion-head ring handles and ball-and-claw feet. Interior of cover fitted with mirror, the case with many ivory-covered compartments. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 8% inches; length, 10%% inches. 19—Two Scurtprurep Ivory Bas-reviers Spanish Sixteenth Century In the form of a globular bivalve shell. Incavo-cut with subjects, “The Adoration of the Magi’ and “The Adora- tion of the Virgin.” Suavity and simplicity of technique give a great charm to the modeling. Diameter, 234 inches. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. ScuLprureD Ivory STaruETTE Spanish Gothic The Madonna and Child. Standing figure wearing long brown hair curling over shoulders, close-fitting robes and amply draped mantle trimmed with gold embroidery; she carries the infant Saviour on her left arm. Molded octa- goidal base with gilded cupid-head enrichment. Strongly modeled with great dignity of pose. Rich patina. Height, 11 inches. 20 From the collection of the Marquise de Blancohermoso, Mar- tos (Jaen), Spain. Evening Sale 21—ScuupTureD Ivory Ficurine Spanish Gothic Madonna and Child. Holding the infant Saviour to her left breast, she wears snooded hair and closely fitting robe with draped mantle edged with embroidery and stands on an orb enriched with cherub’s head; ribbed oval base. Rich amber patina. Height, 614 inches. Evening Sale 22—ScuLPTuRED Ivory FicurineE Spanish Gothic Madonna and Child. Standing, wearing ample robe, mantle draped over shoulder and high, open pear-shaped crown ; she holds the Saviour on her left arm. Rich, light amber patina. (Arm of Virgin and of Saviour missing.) Height, 714 inches. Evening Sale 23—Gornic Ivory DirrycH French Fourteenth Century The leaves, each divided into two panels finely arched with trifoliate crocketed arches, canopying scenes, “The Birth of Christ,” ‘*The Adoration of the Magi,” “The Cruci- fixion” and ‘*The Ascension.” ‘The background has been tinted blue in portions. ‘The modeling is large and full of dramatic vigor. Varied rich patina. 3 Height, 6% inches; total width, 734 inches. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. (Illustrated ) . (hunjuay ypuaazinoy Yyouasy ) HOALdI(] AYOAT OIH.LOX)N—8G “ON Evening Sale 24—PotycHRoME ALABASTER Bas-RELIEF AND FRAME Spanish Sixteenth Century “The Meeting of St. Anne and the Virgin.” Standing in conversation in the foreground, wearing gilded red and blue robes, before an architectural background. 'Tabernacolo frame enriched in colors and gilding with bracketed pilasters and recessed side columns. (Bas-relief cracked.) Height, 20 inches; length, 21 inches. From the ancient Cathedral of Cadiz, Spain. 25—CarveD Ivory Box Louis XVI Period Oval; with leaf-molded cover enriched in low relief with two nymphs holding a silver shield; body with groups of cupids, allegorical of “Painting and Music.” On claw feet. (Top cracked at back.) Length, 63% inches. 26—JEWELED GILDED-sILVER SArnt’s Crown Spanish Seventeenth Century Pierced double-C leaf scrolls, slightly engraved, are sup- ported on a band enriched with double wreaths of laurel leaves. ‘The band and C-scrolls are studded at intervals with large facetted colored stones. (One stone missing.) Height, 51%, inches; diameter, 7%, inches. From the ancient Church of Talavera de La Reina, Spain. 27—Movuntep Rock CrystaL CruciFix Spanish Seventeenth Century Cross of fine clear crystal having beveled edges; mounted in silver with three floriations and at foot with a molded circular base to stand. Height, 6% inches. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. Evening Sale 28—MassivE SILVER SHRINE Spanish Sixteenth Century Open, Ionic columned shrine surmounted by a broken molded oblong cornice, with pinnacles at corners, and sustaining a small oval canopy with caryatid supports, occupied by a seated saintly bishop; the oval foot of shrine is carried on a vase-shaped baluster shaft and molded bell-shaped base; enriched with varied strap arabesques enclosing cherubs’ heads, festoons and clusters of fruit. Height, 20 inches. From the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, Spain. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Evening Sale 29—Sitver ProcessionaLt Cross Spanish Sixteenth Century A finely rayed and floriated crucifix bearing the body of Our Lord, nude save a loin-cloth and crowned with thorns; _ the cross is sustained by an urn-shaped vase enriched with cherubs’ heads and three intervening cartouche and leaf- scrolled panels. Supported on a hollow shaft with Ionic capital. The figure of the Saviour has been gilded. A velvet-covered haft originally fitted into the shaft. Height, 42 inches. From an ancient church in Badajoz, Spain. (Illustrated ) No. 29—Sitver ProcessionaL Cross (Spanish Sixteenth Century) Evening Sale 30—Decoratep LEATHER COFFER : Hispano-Moresque Late Fifteenth Century Oblong; covered with dark brown hide, bound with diamond bossed brass edging’; scroll-pierced iron lock plate. Over- hanging hinged top, disclosing a compartment with hinged cover; fall front, with interior fitted with one long, two short drawers and an upper false front. The interior of cover, false front and two only of the drawers, elaborately decorated in brilliant colors with center medallions of mounted and unmounted kingly figures, rosette and scroll borders; the fields with a medley of innumerable courtly knights on their chargers and attendants on foot chasing a plethora of game, deer, rabbits, leopards, wild boars and birds on a mille-fleurs ground. (Portions of brass banding missing. ) Height, 81% inches; length, 1714 inches. From the collection of Don Roberto Dupuy de Lome, lately Spanish diplomatist to the Central and South Americas. (Illustrated) 80—DecoratTepD LEATHER COFFER No. (H ifteenth Century ) esque Late F Mor ws pano-] Evening Sale SCULPTURED WOOD STATUETTES 31—GotHic ScuLtpTuRED WALNUT STATUETTE Spanish Fifteenth Century “Madonna and Child.” Standing figure wearing a Gothic leaf-crocketed crown over snooded hair, closely fitting belted robe and flowing festooned mantle. She bears the Infant ‘ Saviour on her left arm. Robust, simple modeling. Oblong plinth. (Hand of the Saviour missing.) Height, 29 inches. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Evening Sale 32—PoLycHROME ScuLprurED Woop STaTuETTE Spanish Gothic “Madonna and Child.” Crowned figure wearing belted closely fitting robes, her ample mantle falling around her and over the stool on which she is seated; she exhorts the Infant Saviour, who is on her lap. The sweet features of the Virgin and the nude Saviour are naturalistically painted ; the robes in blue and gold. Height, 191% inches. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Evening Sale 33—ScuLtprureD WALNUT STATUETTE Spanish Sixteenth Century “A Bishop of Toledo.” Standing in exhortation; wear- ing a low, Gothic scroll-enriched mitre, a loose flowing cas- sock and a banded dalmatic peculiar to the period. Soft patina. Height, 271/, inches. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Ma Si Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 34—ScuLpTurED WALNUT STATUETTE Spanish Siateenth Century “St. Jerome.” Seated with one limb crossed over the knee of the other, his hands clasped in the attitude of devo- tion, his bearded head uplifted to left. He wears broad, flowing, draped robes. Strongly modeled, showing the in- fluence of Michael Angelo. Height, 401/, inches. Note: This interesting figure has been attributed to Alonzo Ber- ruguete (1480-1561). Removed in 1830 from the Church of the Con- cepcion de Ubeda, Spain, then replaced by a new figure by Montanes. (Illustrated) 35—PoLycHROME ScuLprurED Woop Pane Spanish Siateenth Century “The Adoration of the Magi.” The Holy Virgin is seated before St. Joseph at right, the three kings are toward left, one kneeling offering frankincense. Architectural back- ground with the “Star of the East” seen through an arched portal. The ample robes are plentifully enriched with gild- ing. Deeply molded frame of the period. Height, 31 inches; length, 361%, inches. From the Church of San Francisco, Martos (Jaen), Spain. No. 84—Scu.tprureD WaALNuT STATUETTE (Spanish Sixteenth Century ) Evening Sale 36—PoLycHROME ScuLPTURED Woop STATUETTE Spanish Sixteenth Century “The Annunciation.” The Virgin kneels before a draped table on which is an open missal, her hand extended in sur- prise; she wears a mantle draping her curling hair and falling over the back of her ample robes. 7 Height, 17 inches. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 37—PoLYCHROME ScuULPTURED Woop STATUETTE Spanish Renaissance “St. John.” Standing figure exhorting the multitude; — wearing blue robes and an ample red mantle draped over right shoulder, both enriched in gilding with trailing sprays of embroidery. (One hand slightly imperfect, other miss- ing. ) Height, 544, inches. From the Church of El Rosarito, Seville, Spain. 38—PoLycHROME ScuLPTuRED Woop STATUETTE Spanish Renaissance “Mater Dolorosa.” Standing figure agitated by grief; wearing close-fittng robes and mantle draped over head falling in ample festoons, richly decorated with embroidered gilded flowers on blue grounds; illuminated green lining and red robes. Height, 544, inches. From the Church of El Rosario, Seville, Spain. 39—ScuLPTuRED WaLnuT STATUE Spanish Gothic “St. Mark.” Standing in a pensive mood, his right hand sustaining his chin, the other hand holding his draped mantle and a missal. Rich patina. Modeled with great simplicity and dignity, showing the influence of the Byzan- tine School. Height, 4 feet 11% inches. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Evening Sale SPANISH COPPER AND BRASS LAMPS 40—CopreR BrasERo AND STAND Spanish Seventeenth Century Low circular dish with finely scrolled lifting bail-handles. Low molded octagonal stand studded with unusual appliqué copper open rosettes and _ stellate motives. On short balustered legs. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 34 inches. From the Eusebia Belbell Collection, Alcalé la Real, Spain. 41—Brass Votive Hanerne Lamp Spanish Seventeenth Century Low circular molded bowl; with vase pendant terminating in a crimson silk tassel ; fleur-de-lis pierced cresting and four scrolled arms supporting open link chains to a bracketed canopy. (Cresting imperfect.) Height, 4 feet 3 inches; diameter, 18 inches. From the Church of La Merced, Alcala la Real, Spain. 42—Brass VotivE Hancinc Lamp Spanish Seventeenth Century Low circular molded bowl; enriched with vase pendant, fleur- de-lis cresting, four interior and exterior scroll brackets sustaining fine open link chains to a high bracketed canopy with scroll-pierced rim. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; diameter, 2 feet 3 inches. From the Church of La Merced, Alcalé la Real, Spain. 43—Brass Votive Hancine Lamp Spanish Seventeenth Century Low circular molded bowl, enriched with vase pendant, four open scrolled arms supporting exceptionally fine open link chains to a bracketed gadrooned canopy. Height, 4 feet 1 inch; diameter, 2 feet 1 inch. From the Church of La Merced, Alcala la Real, Spain. Evening Sale FILET LACE 44—Fiter Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Rampant unicorns facing castles are interrupted by a jardiniére of flowers; border of blossomed angular scrolls. Finished with ivory linen at crown and fringe at foot. 2 yards 16 inches by 24 inches. 45—Fitet Lace CovER _ Spanish Seventeenth Century Three unicorns proceed to left of the field and are inter- rupted by quaint double-scrolled cornucopias; angular leaf- scroll borders. Trimmed with fringe at foot and ivory linen at crown. 21/3 yards by 261% inches. 46—Fitet Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Displaying two mounted warriors bound for a tournament, two led horses, various small animals and floral motives; chevroned and angular scroll borders. a 2 yards 8 inches by 26 inches. 4°7—Fiter Lact Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Displaying a diamond lattice enclosing alternate motives depicting outfacing birds standing on a jardiniere and roosters; blossoms occupy the half-diamonds; floral scroll borders. Trimmed with fringe. (Slight portion burned at right.) Band of ivory linen at crown. 2 yards 6 inches by 28 inches. 48—Fitet Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Displaying bouquets of lilies reversed within a broad angu- lar scrolling; scrolled ribbon border. Finished at crown with ivory linen and at foot with fringe. 2 yards by 29 inches. 49—Fitet Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Field displaying three unicorns proceeding to a series of small birds at right, the unicorns scrolled with trees and interrupted by elaborate vases of flowers; scrolled tulip border. Finished at crown with ivory linen and at foot with fringe. 2 yards 16 inches by 27 inches. Evening Sale TEXTILES 50—GOoLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET LAMBREQUIN Spanish Seventeenth Century Four scrolled Vandyke points; each embroidered in crimson velvet appliqué to cloth-of-gold ground, displaying leaf and husk arabesque developing winged chimeric heads and shel] motive. Trimmed with gold fringe. Length, 21/3 yards; depth, 201/, inches. From an ancient church in Ubeda, Spain. 51—Go.p-EMBROIDERED VELVET LAMBREQUIN Spanish Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding, except that the cloth-of-gold is appliqué to velvet ground. Length, 21/3 yards; depth, 201/, inches. From an ancient church in Ubeda, Spain. 52—GoOLD-EMBROIDERED PANEL Chinese K’ang-hsi Period Deep ivory silk; enriched in mellow harmonious silks and gold threads with flowering and fruiting trees; in one at right birds are nesting and a monkey is nearby. Peacocks and other gay-plumaged birds flit between the trees or are perched below them. (Has been restored.) 22/3 yards by 34 inches. From the Church of Santa Maria, Toledo, Spain. 538—Drap p’Arcent BrocapE Cover Lows XV Period Closely woven diapered bleu-de-ciel ground; woven in silver threads and brilliant colors with vases of beautiful flowers within conventional leaf and vine scrollings. Trimmed with silver galloon. 3 yards 4 inches by 1 yard 61% inches. 54—EmproweErepD Sirk SHaAwt Manillan Eighteenth Century Delicate robin’s-egg-blue corded silk; enriched in ivory with floral medallions enclosing domestic Chinese scene with fig- ures ; the floral scrollings ramify the entire field and are ani- mated with birds. Finished with a deep latticed fringe. 3 yards 6 inches square. Evening Sale TAPESTRY AND CARPETS 55—AuvBusson TAPESTRY French Seventeenth Century | “Mercury Attends Imperial Jove.” ‘The noble god, attired -m in classic garb, stands in the uneven foreground addressing ql a command to fleet-footed Mercury, who appears at left hovering over a battlemented castle. Several warriors are seen on the battlements and portcullis of the castle. Woven in rich golden-yellows, tans, ivory and green with an excep- tionally fine range of blues dominating the yellows. Border of clustered varied rare blossoms in the colors of the field on tawny grounds. Inner guards of typical brown and yel- low bands; unusual outer guards of scrolled yellow trefoils ; finished with blue banding. Height, 10 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 5 inches. From the celebrated Collection Robert Duchesnois, Paris. (Illustrated) 56—Buive Autpusarra Carper Spanish Eighteenth Century Close-piled deep sapphire-blue field ; woven semé with stellate motives in lighter blue. Broad border of other stellate devices, each within four “S” scrolls; vine age triangular motived ene 7 feet io 5 feet 9 inches. 57—CrIMson And YELLOW ALPuUJARRA CARPET Spanish Eighteenth Century Field displaying dull green banded lozenges filled with crim- son floral motives, alternating with rosetted yellow diamond devices. Stellate border with arched guards. Woven in crimson, deep blue and golden yellow. (Needs restoration. ) 7 feet 3 inches by 5 feet 8 inches. s € ed ‘ UNA IME, Ae aS ey AOR. ONG CCR A SAA AE LIE AE TERI ABI Pt ORE a aE SRR ARIE 5 EP SR aan cnqvogeracners e i 4 Fy ' f No. 55—Avususson ‘TAPESTRY (French Seventeenth Century) Evening Sale BRACKETS AND MIRRORS 58—Two Carvep anp GitpeD Brackets Spanish Seventeenth Century Semicircular molded top; supported on double series of numerous finely-scrolled acanthus leaves. Original gilding. Height, 18 inches; width, 17 inches. From the sacristy of the Church of Las Angustias, Alcalé la Real, Spain. 59—CasEMENT Lattice Hispano-Moresque Fifteenth Century Square molded pine lattice; studded at intersections with heavy iron bosses and displaying curiously notched stellate motives partly formed on each bar. Height, 18 inches; width, 1634 inches. From the Palace of the Alhambra, Granada. Note: This interesting lattice was acquired from a well-known Spanish painter who had the entrée at all times, for study, to the Palace of the Alhambra, Granada. 60—Two Carvep AnD GILDED Mrrrors Spanish Louis XV. Period Scrolled cartouche shape; enriched with open leaf and ro- ceaille scrollings, developing a winged leaf pediment and an open cartouche at foot. Height, 3514 inches; width, 20% inches. From the collection of Espinosa de los Monteros, Alcalé la Real, Spain. 61—Two Carvep anp Gitpep Mirrors Spanish Louts XVI Period Guilloched oblong, with round corners; enriched at crown — with basket of flowers and leaf-scrolled open wings, at foot with long supporting scrollings terminating in flowers. Height, 33 inches; width, 201% inches. 62—PotycHromEe Mirror Italian Renaissance Style Red ground; developing, in natural mahogany, scrolled car- touches, dolphins, chimeric animals and birds. Finished on inner and outer edges with gilded moldings. Height, 3734 inches; length, 381% inches. Evening Sale SPANISH AND OTHER FURNITURE 63—Two Carvep anp GinpepD TorcHEres Spanish Renaissance Leaf-garlanded circular top with turned bobéche; baluster stem enriched with two series of cherubs’ heads. Tripod base with open out-scrolling brackets and central leaf car- touches. Height, 5 feet 7 inches. From the Church at Ubeda (Jaen), Andalusia. 64—ExBony CaBIneT AND STAND Spanish Seventeenth Century Oblong; with canted top supporting an oblong compartment with hinged cover; front with two enclosing doors and cen- ter enclosing cabinet enriched with paintings on copper dis- playing “Christ Arisen,” “The Virgin and Child” and “St. Catherine.” Ten drawers flank the central door; these have ivory panels engraved with scenes from the adventures of the illustrious “Don Quixote.” Stand with splayed twisted bulbous legs having balustered scrolled iron brack- ets to center of top; apparently of a later period. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 7%, inches. From the collection of Carvajal Martinez de Pinillos, Baeza (Jaen), Spain. 65—Ivory Inzam Watnvut VarcuEeNo and STAND Hispano-Moresque Sixteenth Century Oblong, with hinged fall front and lifting top. Interior fitted with long top compartment, nine varied drawers and two flanking enclosed cabinets; trimmed with gilded forged iron scroll drop handles. Inlaid in ivory and boxwood with floral and geometric motives, the top and front with series of round and pointed arches sheltering vases of flowers. Carved stand with fluted legs and arcaded stretcher appar- ently of a later period. Height, 541%, inches; width, 3714 inches. From the collection of the Toledo family, Seville, Spain. Evening Sale 66 Ivory Intarp VarcuENo anp STAND Hispano-Moresque Sixteenth Century Oblong; enriched with pierced forged iron corners, side plates and bail lifting handles. Front fitted with four cen- tral drawers flanked by two enclosing doors, three further drawers at foot and at crown. These are all enriched with double twisted ivory columns. supporting niches and paneled with latticed oblongs of ivory. Traces of gilding exist. Stand with triple baluster end supports having~scrolled cross feet and arcaded central stretcher, apparently of a later period. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 11% inches. From the collection of the Marquis de Corvera, Murcia, Spain. (Illustrated) ae ae ARGUENO AND STAND NLAID V ory I No. 66—Iv Century ) -Moresque Sixteenth (Hispano Evening Sale 67—-DecoratEeD EKrony Cazinet Spanish Seventeenth Century Oblong, with incurved top having a lifting cover to compart- ment; front with two paneled enclosing doors and long drawer under, on bulbous feet. The interior fitted with central columned niche composed of door with drawers at crown and foot, flanked by five drawers on each side; within © the central door are three small drawers. The interior of cover is enriched with paintings on metal displaying classic landscapes ; the interior of doors and the drawer fronts are similarly enriched, displaying scenes from the allegory of “Venus and Adonis” and “Apollo and Daphne”; the center drawer with a view of a Dutch mansion with an avenue of trees, the seigneur, his wife and daughter standing in fore- ground. Splayed stand apparently of a later date. Very reminiscent of Spain’s occupation of the Netherlands. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 1 inch. From the collection of the Marqus de Corvera, Murcia, Spain. (Illustrated) (hanjuay yzuaajuaaay ysiuvdg) LANIGAV() ANOD HY qaLvaoodqqd—LZ9 “ON Evening Sale 68—Carvep Watnut TaBLe Spanish Sevent Broad oblong top in one piece; paneled f. two drawers; enriched with moldings, pate: Very unusual end supports, somewhat lyre- pierced open geometric stretchers and the Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 3 feet 10 ine 2 feet 7 inches. From the famous collection of Rojas de Acev Spain. | ee (Illustrated ) (hanquag yyuaajuaaay ysvuvdg) ATAV T, LON TV A CAAUVY—B89 ‘ON Evening Sale 69—CarvED AND GILDED CABINET | Spanish Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular, deep molded cornice, broken over pilasters, serpentined in center and crested with an open pediment of scrolls and rocaille. Front enclosed with two shaped doors, having scrolled rails and two glazed panels. Pilasters, which are also repeated on ends, composed of flat baluster motives enriched with leaf capitals, shell devices and drops of leaves. Ends glazed with four scroll panels. Base, of similar contour to cornice, adorned with rosettes, leafage and molded feet. Height, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 81% inches. From the collection of the well-known Toledo family, Seville, Spam. 70O—Two Carvep anp GILDED SoLtomonic CoLuMNS 7 Spanish Sixteenth Century Deeply, spirally twisted columns; enriched with twining vines bearing many clusters of fine grapes; toward crown a pheenix is perched enjoying the fruit; near the foot is a seated cherub bearing a cluster of grapes on his head. Fin- ished at crown with a quaint eight-scrolled Corinthian cap- ital. (Portions of carving missing. ) Height, 5 feet 101% inches. From an altar lately in the Cathedral of Murcia, Spain. These columns were replaced by others of modern origin mm 1856. (Illustrated ) No. 70—Two Carvep anp GILpED SoLtomonic CoLuMNS (Spanish Sixteenth Century ) Evening Sale PAINTINGS ON TILES JUAN ZULOAGA SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY VI—THE ERA OF THE DONKEY, 7 KO) < rae 5 ON og (On sixteen faience tiles) Height, 24 inches; width, 24 inches SeverAL donkeys are grouped before a white-walled, tiled-roof cottage. An ancient peasant is examining the mouth of a white donkey in the foreground to ascertain its age. A muleteer is at left and a peasant family is seen at an open door at right. (Two tiles cracked. ) Signed at lower right, J van ZuLoaca. JUAN ZULOAGA SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY 742—THE WALLS OF SEGOVIA ib. oy Br | (Painted in colors on ee! faience tiles) Ba tcee ers Height, 21 inches; length, 561 inches Berore the silhouetted walls of Segovia, a prelate peddler and a countryman in holiday attire are mounted on asses wending their way to the countryside. An animated group of rustics and a bull are about center. (Framed.) Signed, Juan ZULOAGA, SEGOVIA. (Illustrated) Evening Sale OIL PAINTINGS DUTCH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 73—FLOWERS (Two) Ty: %- Rie - — es Height, 121% inches; width, 8 inches if oe (a) A goblet filled with rare pink roses and sprays of white harebells. | (sz) A blue porcelain vase of peonies and varied mixed flowers. From the collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. MARGHERTHA HAVERMANN DutrcH: 1720—1795 74—FLOWERS (Two) \ yn: NA oer. S 1 ap Height, 18 inches ; width, 12384 inches Crimson pear-shaped pottery vases filled with variant bouquets of beautiful flowers, a butterfly hovering near a flower in each bouquet. M. BAMONTE SPANISH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 75—STILL LIFE (T a ‘v, (ten) Vere ee OO. 0 F Height, 16 inches; length, 2414 mches ~ re (a) Two dead birds are spread on a table amid onions and other vegetables before a tub of earthenware plates. (3) Apples, and a cut cheese are on a table before a milk churn and a herring tub. Evening Sale SCHOOL OF ARELLANO SPANISH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 76—F LOWERS (Two) KY. rhea dh eet Height, 23°24 inches; width, 1714 imches i Guass bowls standing on a stone table filled with bouquets of tulips and other spring flowers. SPANISH SCHOOL EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY T7—LA VIRGEN DE LA LECHE (Arched panel) /\ Height, 1124 inches; width, alp harder Tue Holy Virgin, robed in crimson and green, is seen at a window under a canopy. She holds the Saviour to her breast. On the sill of the window some fruit is spread and a vase of lilies stands at left. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. BOLIVIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 78—THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI b 2 (On copper) | “VL ew o Ge J~- Height, 13 inches; width, 1114 inches Tuer Holy Virgin, seated and seen three-quarter-length at left. holds the Saviour on her knee; St. John the Baptist, nearby, is offering a basket of fruit to Our Lord. The Magi grouped at a table toward right, a lamb in the foreground. St. Anne and St. Elizabeth are behind the groups. The Holy Father in Majesty is in the clouds above. From the collection of Don Roberto Dupuy de Lome, lately Span- ish diplomatist to South America. Evening Sale SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 79—VENUS AND ADONIS (Two) norm Gap beend = / () ve Height, 22 inches; length, 28% inches (a) Venus, attired in pink robes, addresses Adonis, who wears a blue tunic and rich red mantle, with the admonition, “Be brave toward the timid, courage against the courageous is not safe.” Trees embower the group at right. (s) A wild boar in the foreground of uneven wooded country has just overcome Adonis, who is prone on the ground. Hounds and men are attacking the boar; at left, Venus shoots an arrow at the ferocious animal from her bow. From the collection of Ramirez de Arellano, Madrid. SPANISH SCHOOL Earty EIGHTEENTH Comzoha 80—ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPES AND FIGURES (Two) Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches (a) A cascade at left tumbles from high rocks to a ruined aque- duct, then to a rocky platform, finally winding round to the cen- ter, where two women draw water. At right is a military group before an extensive ruined palace. (s) An expansive columned and arcaded ruin stretches from right to a lake at left; a villa crested by trees and a hillside overlook the lake; several groups of figures animate the prospect. From the ancient Collection Sabatier, Seville, Spain. Evening Sale CORNELIUS DE HEEM Dutcu: Circa 1665 SI—STILL LIFE: FRUIT \\ A ee Height, 29 inches; length, 38%4 sae aie Pracuszs, purple grapes, pears and a melon gleam with sunlight on the foreground of a dark, bosky dell. Several large clusters of white grapes hanging above are sparsely illuminated; at left and right, further fruit is perceptible in the shadow. From the collection of Ramirez de Arellano, Madrid. (Companion to the following) Ss * CORNELIUS DE HEEM Dutcu: Circa 1665 82—STILL LIFE: FRUIT oF Gf AALS Cee y J % Height, 29 inches; length, 38°4 inches ey: Hues, opened pomegranates hold the place of honor in a compo- sition only slightly varying from the preceding. From the collection of Ramirez de Arellano, Madrid. (Companion to the preceding) Evening Sale SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY - 83—CUPIDS AND FLOWERS (Two) Height, 3834 inches; width, 2614 inches Two variously posed cupids are seen in each composition, sport- ing with sprays and wreaths of flowers. From the collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. (Companions to the following) SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH Cxsrean |S AH oe 84-—CUPIDS AND FLOWERS (Two) Height, 38°4 inches; width, 2614 mches A sIMILAR composition to No. 85. From the collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. (Companions to the preceding) HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—17438 85—PORTRAIT OF LOUIS XV of {3 ~/ INA GK / Pee? Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches Haur-Lencru, slightly turned to right, he wears a curling peruke to shoulders, steel corselet with a blue ribbon sash across the breast and an ermine-lined red coat bearing the order of S. Esprit. In carved and gilded Renaissance scroll frame. Evenng Sale M. (?) ARELLANO Sa: SPANISH: SEVENTEENTH Century a f 86—FLOWERS | tr Height, 35 inches; width, 24°4 inches Aw ornate ivory vase stands on a stone pedestal and holds an immense bouquet of varied beautiful flowers, some trailing over to the pedestal. From the famous collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. Evening Sale SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 87—AN ORNATE VASE OF FLOWERS). (s | Sis a Pas : (ij 3°/¢ inches Siz | é TA ON ates Height, 43 inches; width, 2 Ow a stone parapet are large apples and a central lest nated vase bearing an immense bouquet of beautiful varied flowers ; in deep rich colors. From the collection of the Toledo family, Seville, Spain. (Companion to the following) SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY y 88—AN ORNATE VASE OF roe Beg de Height, 43 inches; width, 23%4 ieee SIMILAR in composition to No. 87. From the collection of the Toledo family, Seville, Spam. (Companion to the preceding) SPANISH SCHOOL EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 89—STILL LIFE: FRUIT : | Q rb inh ie i Bey Height, 27 inches; length, 4 2 A wuHiTE gadrooned faience bowl, standing at right of a stone table, is occupied by peaches, apples and ripe red cherries; in the center is set a branch bearing diminutive ripe pears; at left, near peaches and cherries, are two large stems of artichokes. Evening Sale [os a aa a eed temen, son ti aay ata nan os sini i : ine eet oe . er ormmtinlams AAR. a A iim ee eam MORN. Re aca TR te gmail PERIOD OF RUBENS FLEeMIsH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 90—INFANT BACCHANALS ee wat vA — ~~ ~~ (On panel) Height, 201% inches; length, 38 inches A crovur of animated cupids are at a table spread with fruit and wine; two others at left pour out a libation; at right, seated on a red pedestal, a further cupid plays a flute, and at his feet two others are seated on a blue velvet cushion. The floor is curiously strewn with single blossoms which an overcome cupid attempts to gather up. From the collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. Evening Sale SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 91—WATER FETE, SEVILLE 40 ios Height, 38 inches; length, 571% inches Two plebeian factions of the city in varied athletic costumes gather in close formation on either side of a small stream and meet in the center of a stepped bridge in a wild mélée. ‘The con- testants, as overcome, are pushed into the stream, causing much merriment. The stream is lined with tall houses, their windows sheltered by awnings and crowded with animated spectators of quality enjoying the curious spectacle. Many persons have mounted to the roofs to see the sport. In carved and gilded leaf- scrolled frame of the period. From the collection of the Toledo family, Seville, Spain. JACOPA DE PONTE BASSANO Irauian: 1510—1592 92—ORPHEUS CHARMING THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD Height, 3514 inches; length, 48 inches Tue famous musician of the gods stands at left of an arbored grove of trees playing a viol; the varied animals of the field and chase, with many groups of birds, press forward to listen to the dulcet tones. A vista of the sun setting over darkening moun- tains is seen about center. pes \ From the collection of Rojas de Aceves, Seville. Evening Sale : SCHOOL OF SEVILLE—~ EarLy SEVENTEENTH Cenrihty, 93—CHRIST DISPUTING WITH THE DOCTORS IN THE TEMPLE (On panel) Height, 211% inches; length, 28%4 inches Tue youthful Saviour stands before a group of seated school- mates, propounding the law to the aged doctors sitting on the other three sides of the room, their president seated on an elevated stall opposite Our Lord. Rich with the color of the varied drap- erles. In ancient carved and gilded frame. From the Collection Carvajal Martinez de Pinillos, Baeza (Jaen), Spain. MEXICAN SCHOOL Late SIXTEENTH CENTURY 94—THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN Be (On panel) Height, 35°4 inches; width, 25 inches Tue Holy Virgin ascends, standing on a crescent and a cherub’s head supported on the back of an eagle perched on a cactus shrub. The Holy Father and Son in Majesty are above, at right and left St. Joseph and St. Anne amid flowers and birds; at the four corners are oblong panels depicting further incidents in the life of the Virgin. The features of the figures and the portions of robes of illuminated inlaid mother-of-pearl are carefully painted; the background of deep ivory. Contemporary frame, with flower scrollings and birds executed in illuminated mother- of-pearl, curiously showing Chinese influence. From the collection of Don Roberto Dupuy de Lome, lately Span- ish diplomatist to Central and Southern Americas. \ ee BF hy We ~ Evening Sale QUENTIN MATSYS Friemiso: 1466—1530 95—THE MISERS [ae Height, 321 inches; width, 2814, inches In a linen-paneled oak secret sanctum two misers are seated at their account book, one making entries and counting gold and silver coin; the other, with arm over shoulder of his confrére, watches attentively the transaction. The writer wears a blue robe, fur-trimmed at throat, ruffled with red at wrist, and huge, fuzzy red headgear falling on his shoulders ; the other wears a green tur- ban-like head-covering and lavender coat. Both men have coarse strong features indicative of their miserable occupation. On a shelf above them are various parchments and a round box of deeds. Note: This characteristic painting is a very nearly related variant of the famous work, No. 616A by Matsys in the Pinacoteca at Bologna. Inscribed on back of canvas: “Restaurado y forrado por Siguenza 1844.” From the celebrated collection of the well-known Spanish con- notsseur, Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega of Madrid. es ep aoa nee ‘hei ie ion a tes WOT fo? i | mca erasable eceereaemanmm cretion suansunnnnntyS nia trnAs!/iet mini agrees oe" gist et ce Evening Sale SEBASTIAN DEL PIOMBO IraLian: 1485—1547 (On panel) Height, 11144 mches; width, 84% imches 96-—CHRIST CARRYING THE ae Over Lord, seen at half length; wearing a white robe and a crown of thorns, supports a heavy cross; He is weary with the exer- tion, but the deeper thoughts for the sins of the world BR: press more heavily on His imagination. 4 From the collection of Ortunio y Acuna, Burgos. Inherited in 1768 by Dotta Ana Maria de Acuna from her OTOL Prebendary of Burgos Cathedral. ADRIAN ISENBRANDT FiLemisH: Circa mee 97—THE CRUCIFIXION (Triptych) 0 , (On panels) atk | Height, 18 inches; width, closed, 11 mches Tue center leaf discloses the body of Our Lord nude save a loin- cloth, and crowned with thorns, hanging on a cross set before a varied mountainous Italian landscape. The Virgin, in green robes, and St. John, in crimson and green, stand at either side of the cross. Left leaf: The Virgin holding the Infant Saviour on her knee, St. Elizabeth behind contemplating the group. Right leaf: St. Joseph prepared, with staff and cloak, for the “Flight into Egypt.” Simple, gilded molded case with traces of polychrome inscriptions on black. From the collection of Don Antonio Maria de Leone, collateral descendant of the Famous Priest of the same name, Badajoz, Spam. (Illustrated) | i Evening Sale FLEMISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY | 98—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT y. 7 (On panel) Height, 2144 inches; length, 34 inches Tue comely Virgin, in dark blue and crimson robes and white mantle, sits in the foreground of a quaintly romantic landscape, feeding the Infant Saviour; St. Joseph, in pink robes, kneels at left offermg a gourd of water. Behind the Virgin an ass is tethered under a date palm whose branches two angels in flowing robes are endeavoring to bring near to earth so that the fruit may be gathered for the sacred company. From the collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega, Madrid. Llombart, Barcelona, Spain. | 4 tage sar Evening Sale JAIME II VERGOS OF THE CATALONIAN SCHOOL SPANISH: Cree as sae 7 fe a 99—CHRIST IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE~ (On panel) Height, 48 inches; width, 33Y inches In a rocky garden, overlooking the ae of Jerusalem, ‘distant green mountains and a setting sun, Our Lord kneels in agony of spirit, His eyes cast on an angel hovering above within a halo and bearing a “Symbolic Cross” and the “Cup of Bitterness.” In the foreground the three faithful disciples of Our Lord are ses Rich in gold and full of color. ay Mae From the collection of the well-known connoisseur, Don Tieaeaa Llombart, Barcelona, Spain. Evening Sale SPANISH GOTHIC SCHOOL Late FIrreEENtH CENTURY 100—“CHRIST ARISEN” AND “ST. DOMINIC” | ( Altarpiece) (On panels) Height, 1714 inches; lengthN77 wches Five panels within graceful traceried canopied niches supported on slender, crocketed Gothic pinnacles. ‘The center presenting Our Lord arisen from the tomb with an angel at either side, each holding a symbol of the Passion. At left, St. Cecilia before her Roman judge; architectural background. Outer left panel, St. Faith kneeling, partially enveloped by flames. At right, the angel visiting St. Dominic, the scene transpiring before an archi- tectural background. Outer right panel, “The Adoration of the Magi,” the Virgin seated before a white-robed angel near the foreground of a landscape, the adoring Magi at left and right. From an altar in the Church of St. Domingo, Alcala la Real, near the Castle La Mota, Spain. neat ESHA RE NEE BCR RNS RY ed ah MAROON Si ma acti ssi i ARI A i tO as! Evening Sale JAIME II VERGOS OF THE CATALONIAN SCHOOL Spanish: Worxkep circa 1453 101—“LA ORACION DEL HUERTO” Height, 59 inches; wid 4 inches PaneEv with a gilded Gothic traceried niche enriched with fine leaf crockets; supported by slender crocketed pinnacles. On paneled plinth with ogival tracery. Our Lord kneels in a rocky formal garden, a white-robed angel appears bearing a “Cross” and the ~ “Cup of Bitterness.” Beyond a small hedgerow at left, eight disciples sleep before a rocky bank. In the distance, Judas stands — e. at a wicket gate of a paled fence guiding the advancing multitude of Roman soldiery, who are seen before the quaintly drawn, distant: i a city of Jerusalem. Our Lord is habited in blue robes finely illumi- nated with gold floral embroidery; the haloed disciples and the troops are in brilliant rose-crimson, red, blue and green vest- ments. From a church in Tarragona, Spain. Evening Sale The Following Series of Sanctuary Panels, Doors and Gothic Canopies are of great importance, rivaling in devotional and decorative quality that remarkable Altarpiece bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum by the late Mr. Laffan. These primitives by Borrassd (1890-1434), rich in flaming colors and gilded back- grounds, formed a magnificent setting for an altar in the Church of San Martin at Segovia. ‘The costumes are of special dis- tinction and the panels are in rare original condition. During the eighteenth century these paintings were removed from situ and abandoned behind the organ of the church, languishing there till 1886, when they were acquired by the well-known collector, the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga. LUIS (?) BORRASSA Spanish (Cararontan): 18901484 9 ae 102—THE ANNUNCIATION e,, y a (On panel) . “si Height, 40 inches; width, 3914 inches a PaneELED with gilded Gothic tracery at sides only. The Holy Virgin kneels at right on a tesselated floor before a draped table, reading from an open missal; the announcing angel is at left carrying a scepter bearing a scrolled label inscribed “Ave Maria grazia.” A Gothic chest, on which is a vase of lilies, stands before : the rear wall. The Holy Father in Majesty is observed at one of the round-headed windows above the chest. directing the spiritual _ Dove toward the Virgin. In an arched alcove behind the Virgin is a canopied bedchamber. (Companion to the following) : ris eee ’ Pte red - Evening Sale LUIS (?) BORRASSA Spanish (Catatonran): 1390—1 434 103—THE BIRTH OF CHRIST (On panel) Height, 40 inches; widths, 39, inches Tue Virgin, in embroidered robes, is kneeling Rete ae child Christ, St. Joseph at her right holding a lighted candle; St. Anne also kneels nearby; behind St. Anne is a hilly country - with two shepherds dazzled at the phenomenon, an angel in the — = quaintly towered and turreted city of Jerusalem. Behind the ‘e. Virgin, at left, is an open lean-to stable & ogee wee an Ox and — an ass. .) (Companion to the preceding and the following) , Evening Sale LUIS (2) BORRASSA i >a? (On. panel) — . BS ; Height, 40 inches; width, 39 in A stmrLar setting to the previous panel with the throwing its radiance on the Virgin at left; she he on her knee; St. Joseph is seated nearby ; the thre jeweled golden cups of frankincense and myrrh, are right. ine err (Companion to the preceding and fo ied Evening Sale % LUIS (?) BORRASSA SpanisH (Caratonran): 1390 ‘ se ABTS: ew ae. Smee he THe Winged Saint stands on a tesselated pa’ parapet overlooking the country; he has one f figure of “Sin” ready to dispatch with his u enemy of the world; he wears a black cloak y crimson velvet and gold and silver armor. cs é From the collection of the M arquis Delgado de Villalone (Companion to the preceding and following Evening Sale = A LS a - ~~ ae a * ‘ LUIS (2?) BORRASSA SpanisH (CaraLonian): 1390—1434 106—TRIPTY CH Y (On panel) Height, 321% inches; length, 57 inches THREE panels, divided by slender carved and gilded Gothic pin- — Ss nacles and finished on sides only with chevroned moldings. Center: “Christ Arisen”; Our Lord, nude, save for a loin-cloth, stands in His tomb before the cross; the Magdalene kisses his right hand and St. John is at right. In the background many symbols of the Passion are observed. At left: St. Anthony and St. Mary Magdalene; three-quarter-length figures in rich red robes, stand- ing before a wall; wooded hills in the distance. Figures captioned at foot. At right: “St. Fabian and St. Sebastian”; St. Fabian, Ca in rich red robes and mitred as a bishop, carries a veil tied to cross. Similar background to the preceding. The figures also captioned at foot. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga. (Companion to the preceding and following) re. | ) age met ce? | ery * > 4 ® ‘ ee y —S A Evening Sale LL LUIS (?) BORRASSA aa SpanisH (CatTatonian): 1390—1454 107—TWO SANCTUARY DOORS: ST. PETER AND ST. JOHN (On panels) Heights, 6 feet 1 inch; widths, 2 feet 6 inches Carvep and gilded paneled round niches surmounted by traceried arcades and central Gothic finials; finished at sides with, slender Gothic pinnacles. The niches occupied by standing figures of saints. St. Peter, in crimson robe and papal tiara, carries two huge keys and a missal; St. John in ermine-trimmed black habit. Gilded backgrounds. One door retains the original shaped iron lock plate, hasp and bolting bar. From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga. (Companions to the preceding) Evening Sale 108—TureEe Carved anp GiLpED CANOPIES Spanish Gothr Composed of three delicately traceried arches with scroll pinnacled cresting. The front arch straight, the sides set at a retreating angle. (Many portions missing.) Heights, 11 inches; lengths of two, 30 inches; one, 32 inches. | From the collection of the Marquis Delgado de Villalonga. — Note: Originally used in combination with the paintings Nos, 102 to 107, inclusive. MELCHIOR D’HONDECOETER Dutcu: 1636—1695 109—PEACOCK AND FOWL AKA Height, 48°4 inches; length, 671 ‘inches A FLOWER-DECKED foreshore of a lake is occupied toward right by a magnificently plumaged peacock amid a group of roosters, fowl, a turkey and two rabbits; a fruiting orange-tree is at left; across the lake, before snow-clad hills, a swan is attacking a heron. From the famous collection of Don José de Sotomayor y Ortega of Madrid. AMERICAN ART ASSOCI ATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY , PRESSWORK i AND BINDING BY SITION ~SENOR LAUREA SPANISH COLL TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SA AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLER NEW YORK / ca EN A eo CaP iF yo AG ele ae , y “Cain ¥ ee ST, f Pr +t - ‘ rN Nat TN ite rie Bs Ly Ii te SS ey F ae aS 3 GAL AOI ty IO BOY a A KGa S — ween “a : pany A ‘ = crt. es 4s ie 4 e r Be hl ASO * 7a L GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE er ” ; BY 7 ew ae j f wrt t 4 - EPR BI oe ¥ rs, ' Pe =. Leh ee Be VK ’ 7 d ; ‘ ‘ etch Coe aA era red abtieg (7 + Ne a BY Bale es a KF Ee ie 3 r de! >." : aa 7f t Uh A Se 3 3125 01663 1927 the DR Se Ke Ged hs | 1% ; w. 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