ae rim. Sasa ncpaaaes CATALOGUE e OF THE { f VERY SELECT & epee tis COLLECTION ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE LIEUT. COLONEL DURRANT, af Lowestoft in Suffolk, and Wimpole Street, London; CONSISTING OF HIS VALUABLE SERIES OF ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS, COMMENCING WITH THE EXTREMELY RARE SERIES OF THE BAZILIoLOGIA, WHICH INCLUDES THE WORKS OF ELSTRACKE, VAUGHAN, DELARAM, PASS, &c. AND CONTINUED BY THE WORKS OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH ENGRAVERS. ALSO, THE WORKS OF REMBRANDT, AND OF BERGHEM, OSTADE, BOTH, PAUL POTTER, CORNELIUS VISSCHER, AND OTHER DUTCH MASTERS. BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS OF THE WORKS OF ALBERT DURER, &. FINE EXAMPLES OF THE FRENCH SCHOOL, INCLUDING THE WORKS OF EDELINCK, NANTEUIL, MASSON, WILLE, BALECHOU, &c. &c. WORKS OF SIR R. STRANGE, BARTOLOZZI, WOOLLETT, &c. MATCHLESS COLLECTION OF THE WORKS OF HOGARTH WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (IN PURSUANCE OF THE WILL OF THE DECEASED,) BY MESSRS. } |1Z6l4+ Ss. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO. AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On THURSDAY, the 6th of MAY, 1847, and Six following Days, (Sunday excepted) at One o’Clock precisely. To be Viewed on Tuesday and Wednesday previous, and on the Morning of each Day’s Sale, until 12 o'clock, but not during or after the Day’s Sale. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale, and of Messrs. Srons & Turner, 57, Jermyn Street. Printed by J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders; the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again. II. No person to advance less than ls,; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode © and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in part of pay- ment of the Purchase-money; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV.—The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any v.. yas error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, immediately after the Conclusion of the Sale ; in default of which, S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the sameas if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they _were bought. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; and if any loss ts sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions farthfully executed by their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. PREFACE. In submitting to the public the Catalogue of the Collection of Engravings formed by the late Lieut. Col. Durrant, it is almost needless to expatiate on their merits. So long and well known was the late possessor, and so ardent in his pursuit, that but few public sales during the last thirty years were unattended by him. The beauty of the impression and perfect preservation of the print was an object of his most careful solicitude, and in numerous instances has a print been exchanged until the finest one could be procured. A collection, therefore, of so much beauty seldom occurs, there being scarcely an impression that may not be considered of the finest quality. His great delight was in obtaining the finest old English Portraits of the most remarkable characters in British history; and to this portion of his collection we would particularly direct the attention of Amateurs, no such series, as to beauty of condition, having ever been before formed. In regard to the works of the Old Masters, there will be iv. found some exquisite examples, the acquisition of which would reflect credit on any possessor of them. The works of Hogarth are of extraordinary quality, being not only in the earliest states, but in their original purity of condition. It is proper to notice, that the works of Faithorne and Hollar, which were in the choicest states, have been bequeathed to an old friend, thus accounting for the absence of such productions in the present collection. Wellington Street, Strand. CATALOGUE THE VERY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE LIEUT. COLONEL DURRANT. FIRST DAY’S SALE. ———— WORKS OF REMBRANDT. PORTRAITS OF REMBRANDT. The Numbers refer to Daulby’s Catalogue. LOT ied 1 Portrait of Rembrandt, and his Wife, (24) very fine, with margin, From the Barnard Collection hieg 2 Rembrandt in a mezetin cap and feathers, 1638, (25) very fine 1 |» b |» | ; | 4 Wve Pi bher. ) ) o 4 prees 3 PorTRAIT OF REMBRANDT in a cap, the hair flowing down his ae back, dated 1639, (26) FIRST STATE, OF GREAT RARITY, being BEFORE THE RIM OF THE CAP WAS CONTINUED ROUND oe THE HEAD ee bole cee lee The same Portrait, with ee cap continued agha the head, (26) | i remarkably fine,—from the Collection of Thomas Wilson 1 | sepa 5 Portrait of Rembrandt drawing, (27) with the Landscape, on ie / | v) india paper, very fine : A ae ie ch votinng la 6 PorTRAIT oF REMBRANDT, in an ae (28) in a cap with feather, //2) 42, 8 | extra fine, before the squares were cut from the angles,— é ; -~” é\yie| Sethe 4 - ) from the Denon Collection 1 | ar ) Palsew 7 The same Portrait, (28) with the angles cut off 1 |’ | > | SACRED SUBJECTS. | hi Lea 8 Abraham entertaining the Angels, 1656, (8u) very fine rH a a 4 biz, 4,7, 9 Abraham sending away Hagar and Ishmael, 1637, (31) extra | /| 3) i * : ——— * ee S 29 Abraham and his son Isaac, 1645, (32) very fine, with much burr | on the edge of the plate; and copy 2 Abraham and his son Isaac, (32) extremely fine, with much burr, ana a very early impression ‘ | Abraham’s Sacrifice, 1655, (32) very fine 1 otic Joseph relating his Dream in the presence of his Father and Mother, 1638 (37), first state, before the turban and curtain Youth were shaded,—from the Barnard Collection 1 Tue Triumepy oF Morpecal, (89) BRILLIANT, RICH WITH Qe BURR,—from the Collection of Thomas Wilson 1 : Tur ANGEL APPEARING TO THE SHEPHERDS, (48) remarkably bolriagh fine, with margin,—from Mrs. Lattin’s Collection 1 | The Nativity, a Night Piece, (45) with the planks, but very fine, YA with margin . : 1 | The Presentation in the vaulted Temple, with the calotte on the Wheta head of Simeon, (49) very fine ; 1 Tue Littte La ToMBE, REMARKABLY FINE, WITH THE BURR, (66) with margin,—from the Barnard § Baker Collections 1 The Tribute to Cesar, (67) first state _ ; 1 Our Saviour driving the Money Changers out of the Temple, 1639, (69) first state,—from the Jost Collection 1 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well, 1658, (71) arched above, very rich, with the burr,—from the Denon Collection 1 THE HUNDRED GUILDER PRINT, Christ healing the Sick in the Temple, (75) fine, with large margin 1 The Good Samaritan, (77) first state, before the horse's tail was Obie, shaded,—from Mr. Serjeant’s Collection 1 The same print, (77) with the tail shaded, a remarkably fine impression, with margin,—from the Barmg Collection 1 Our Lord in the Garden of Olives, (78) very rich with burr,— Gpewe, from the Josi Collection; and the counterproof 2 Tur Larce Ecce Homo, (88) extra fine, but with the cross shadings over the face ‘ ; L Tue DEscENT FROM THE Cross, the large plate, (84) before Solu the address, very fine, with margin,—from William Seguier’s & Collection 1 Descent from the Cross, a Night Piece, very fine, with margin,— from the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds l Our Lord and the Disciples at Emmaus, (90) second state; and Abraham’s Sacrifice, (32) with margin, fine sia 2 Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus, the small plate, (91) extra fine,—from the Barnard Collection a St. Peter and St. John at the beautiful Gate of the T emple, (94) rich with burr,—from the Josi Collection : l St. Philip baptizing the Eunuch, (95) a beautiful impression,— From Gevers Collection I Martyrdom of St. Stephen, (98) very fas are the Josi Col- lection ] St. Jerome seated at ie foot of a rr (100) very finer —from the Dimsdale Collection 1 ST. JEROME SEATED AT THE FOOT OF AN OLD TREE, (102) PRoor BEFORE THE NAME OF REMBRANDT, _ ON INDIA PAPER, EXTREMELY FINE ‘ 1 The same print, (102) with the name of Rembrandt, on india paper, with powerful effect of burr : 1 The same print, (102) on He paper,—from Robert Dumesnil’s Collection 1 St. FRANCIS PRAYING IN A WOODY Fee (107) .Ex- TREMELY RICH WITH BURR, AN IMPRESSION OF GREAT BEAUTY,—from the Wilson and Seguier Collections 1 FANCY PIECES. The Little Goldsmith, (119) very fine, with the burr, on india paper; and another impression, on plain paper 2 The Pancake Woman, (120) extra ey with margin,—from the Baring Collection The Sport of Kolef, (121) fine — The Little Jews’ Synagogue, (122) first state, the right foot of the Jew near the front is not crossed, and other parts un- finished; and another impression, én the finished state 2 Tue MarriaGe or Jason Anp Creusa, (114) first state, ye before the crown on the head of Juno, and before the robe of Medea was lengthened, and without the Dutch verses, extra fine, on india paper, with margin -— 1 THE SAME, also in the first state, but printed on plain paper,— from the Collections of Barnard and Edwards Juno, but before the verses, very fine The Travelling Peasants, (129) an unusually rich impression 1 | 4 » Ye . 47 An old Man with a Boy holding an apple, (182) most probably fe | | intended for Abraham with his son Isaac, very fine 1 7 Cee ee | 48 BEGGARS AT THE DOOR OF A HousgE, (170) very fine, with Aye | | | burr : § : 1 be LANDSCAPES. fe /9| . | 49 View of Amsterdam, (202) fine ; and the copy 2 fic 122) 2 | |50 Tur Turee TREES, (204) BRILLIANT, WITH MARGIN,—from Sige | Mr. Sarjeant’s Collection 1 Gwe /0/0 | 51 The Three Trees, (204) a very powerful cen oof 1] Qe | g V/ 41 | 52 A Village near a high road, arched, (209) very fine, with the burr, Khe ‘i Sec, ) from the Collection of Thomas Dimsdale 1 tie yh | 2\ 3). | 53 Landseape with a square Tower, » Oe very fine, with the burr, 53 a | | | the sky uncleaned I ffir 2 . g , |, |94 A LAnpscaPE OF AN IRREGULAR FORM, (218), 1 very fine, with aye hae ) the burr, extremely scarce,—from the Josi Collection I | , can 55 Long Landscape, in which is the square tower, (215) very fine 1 . & /g, | 56 Landscape with a flock of Sheep, (216) very fine, with burr, and | oy | with margin,—from Pole Carew’s Collection 1 J ) 2 57 Village near the side of a Canal, (219) very fine ] 22, 58 Lone Lanpscare wira Corrace anp Durcu Bary, (217) BRILLIANT, WITH MARGIN,—from the Baring Collection 1 Arched Landseape with an Obelisk, (218) very ss with the burr, the sky uncleaned 1 The same, (218) an impression without the alee L Cottage with the white pails, (224) very fine Rembrandt’s Father’s Mill, extremely Jine, with the burr in the sky ; 1 Pair of small Tandeeaned one with two swans, the other with a boat, (227) very fine 2 Landscape with a Cow drinking, with the burr, the te uncleaned 1 Landscape with a barn and a Man sketching, (211) very fine 1 The Flight into Egypt, in a richly wooded Landscape, in the manner of Elsheimer, (56 of Daulby) very fine for) Co. Ovmes Or ioe) oS = © ie) (op) rw jor) Or NN oS on rors EARLY BRITISH PORTRAITS, INTITLED THE BAZILI@LOGIA, OR BOOK OF KINGS AND EMINENT MEN DURING THE REIGNS OF ELIZABETH AND JAMES I. This extremely rare and interesting Series of Portraits is esteemed the most valuable Book of Prints existing. They were originally published as separate publications, at different periods of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., but were occasionally sold as one series, with a title prefixed intitled ‘‘ Basiliwlogia, or a Book of Kings, being the true and lively Effigies of all our English Kings,” &c. London, 1618. So rare is this Collection, that but five or six copies have been discovered, and they materially varying both in number of plates and beauty of impression, —the most complete was the celebrated De la Bere volume sold by Mr. Christie on March 27, 1811,—which contained 152 Portraits, and produced £601. 15s. Another was the Fife Volume, sold by Mr. Stewart on February 14, 1812, which contained 158 plates, and brought £ Two or three other copies have since been discovered, but with a far less number of plates. The whole of these volumes have been cut up and sold sepa- rately,—the rarity therefore of anything like a perfect series is proportionably increased. It is tobe remarked, that while each of these volumes contained some fine impressions, others were very indifferent ; and so are the few volumes still existing in their original form, of which there are two in the Bodleian Library, (varying in the number of plates), and one in the Bibliotheque at Paris. The present Collection was formed out of the sales of the above mentioned volumes, and others procured from the celebrated Collections of Portraits formed by Bindley, Sykes, Dowdeswell, Towneley, Horace Walpole, &c., and may justly be considered the most beautiful existing, both in regard to the brilliancy of. -|impression and purity of preservation. Many of the plates have been frequently changed, when a finer impression was to be procured, and that without regard to expence, —the series having cost Col. Durrant upwards of £500. They are also highly valuable in connection with the history of English Art, being the first published British Portraits, and chiefly by native artists. ROYAL FAMILY. 67 William the Conqueror, in armour, holding a sword, by R. Elstracke, sold by Compton Holland, brilliant,—from the Sykes Collection é 1 68 William Rufus, (from the ea Gules ) and Henry I., both by Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, very fine 2 69 Stephen, and Henry II., both by Elstracke, both sold by C. Hol- land, very fine : : 2 5 : ERE SENTERO Ne emcees 3! | 70 Richard I. and John, both by Elstracke, both sold by C. Holland, Le very fine,—from the Sykes Collection 2 Vb .|71 John, by Elstracke, proof, before the date 1216, sold by | : C. Holiand 1 Wee Me. 2 Henry II. and Edward L, e Elstracke, the ani with address | of C. Holland, the latter without the address, very fine 2 : Ve _. | 78 Edward IL, and Edward IIL, by R. Elstracke, both with the / address of C. Holland, very fine 2 »| 74 Edward the Black Prince, holding a tilting spear, e R. Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, remarkably fine I Lz | 75 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, holding a sword, by George | Yates, sold by Roger Daniell, fine and very rare 1 - V6). | 76 Richard I. and Henry IV., by Elstracke, both sold by C. Hol- | |. = a land, very fine 2 - |77 Henry V. and Henry VI., by Elstradity both sold * C. Holland, the head in its original state, extremely scarce. It would ) very fine 2 , V5 | » | 78 Henry VI. and Edward v. by Elstracke, both sold by C. Hol- ) aa land, very fine 2 ‘ /8 _» | 79 Richard II. and Henry VIL, i Elstracke, both alt by C. Hol- ) . . land, very fine 2 . /9 | , | 80 Henry VIL, by Elstracke, sol by C. Holland, first state, with . appear that the head was altered by the hand of Delaram, as seen in the preceding lot 1 - | 81 Henry VIII., with sceptre and globe, by Heaneis Delaram, sold ; by Sudbury and Humble, a beautiful impression 1 » | 82 Henry VIII., another impression of the Beireke almost as fine ) and with larger margin L ' | | a V/. 83 Henry VIII., full face, holding a sceptre pay orb, sold by Hen. . ) | ) Balaam, in very fine state 1 7 |» | 84 Queen Anna Boleyn, by R. Elstracke, sold iy C. Holland, very oe jine 1 # ¥ | 85 James IV. of Scotland, ree: a thistle, MEE by C. Holland, very fine 1 | 86 Edward VL., with the prayer he made shortly isfote his death, by ) . Simon Pass, sold by G. L. in Loathburi, very fine,—from | . the Bindley Collection : 1 - | 87 Edward VL, same as the preceding, equally fine, with broader margin : ; orb, by Francis Delaram, sold by Sudbury and Humble, Oj. (nine lines of verse beneath) brilliant I : 9 Queen Elizabeth, same as the preceding by Delaram, and another | PAY, by R. Elstracke, sold by Sudbury and Humble,—below, “ Shee was, Shee is, what can there more be said, . (DQ In earth the first, in heaven the second maide.” l | e&*- 190 Mary Queen of Scots, richly habited, with sceptre and orb, by| BY R. Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, extremely fine Uf Qype 91 Henry Lord Darnley, “ Father to our Soveraigne Lord James,” | vay by Elstracke, sold by Geo. Humble, very fine l | fe 92 James I., with sceptre and globe, in broad hat, by Simon Pass, | 7] | 2 ; sold by C. Holland, fine L 5t-+1~0) \93 Henry Prince of Wales, in robes of the Ganer holding a trun- \/ l) cheon, by Francis Delaram, sold by C. Holland, extremely | | fine 1| | Fiffee 94 Frederick King of ca. in ornamented armour, with names | 4 in circles of his children above, sold by George Humble, vern y | | ) . Y fine 1} ) An x agli 95 Prince Frederick, “ First begotten Son of y’. tehiee illustrious | \/ | y Frederick y’. fifth Count Palatine,” when a child, holding a rattle and ball, by Francis Delaram, sold C. Holland, j aah extremely Jno : | and Seaiakih Duke ofc Cornwall, York bea Albany,” in dress of the order of the Garter, by Simon Pass, sold by C. Holland, brilliant and of the utmost rarity ] Os? 97 Charles I. when Prince, inscribed “ Duke of Cornwall, §c.,” in laced frill, the George pendant from a riband, by Simon Pass, sold by C. Holland, very fine and rare 1 Fife 98 Charles I. when Prince, same print as the preceding, but inferior in impression; Charles as Prince of Wales, by Delaram; : | Small Head, by S. Pass; and Philip III. of Spain, by - | Elstracke 4 tnaphe 99 Charles I. when Prince ‘of Wales, full face, Poe Latin lines beneath, by Crispin de Pass, brilliant 1 lol 100 Charles I. when a boy, inscribed “ Duke of York and Albany,” - four Latin lines beneath, proof, before the name of the en- graver; and old copy of the same 2 Yo 10. PALE S71. 2 1, uae i> 8 | NOBILITY. 101 Bristot, Jonn Dicspy, Ear or, with the staff of Lord Chamberlain, ave to be sold by George Humble, in its earliest state, BRILLIANT (the finest known)—from the Strawberry Hill Collection : 1 102 BuckINGHAM, GrorGE DUKE OF, WHEN EARL oF BUCKING- | HAM, nearly full face, with broad frill, the George pendant from a riband, by Simon Pass, 1617, L. Lisle excud., oF EXTREME RARITY, only three impressions being known,— Srom the Strawberry Hill Collection ] 103 Buckingham, George Duke of, when Marquis of Buckingham, three quarters, a Cupid with festoon of fruit above, by Simon Pass, extra fine,—from the Towneley Collection l | 104 Carlisle, James Hay, Earl of, inscribed “ James Lord Hay, Baron of Saley,” by Simon Pass, sold by ais is and Humble, very fine 1 105 Cumberland, George Clifford, Earl of, in armour, holding a truncheon, by R. Vaughan, sold by C. Holland, extra fine 1 | 106 Devon, Charles Blunt, Earl of, Baron Montjoy and Knight of the Garter, are to be sold by H. Balaam, very fine in state and of the utmost rarity,—from the Fife and Towneley Collections , 1 107 Dorset, RicHarp a ane Ear orf, by Simon Pass, : sold by Sudbury and Humble, the finest impression known, | —from the Sykes Collection J 108 Essex, Robert Earl of, the favorite of Elizabeth, in a high hat and feathers, probably by Elstracke, C. Holland excud., extra ne : . 1 | 109 Essex, Robert Earl of, the Parliamentary General, when a young man, by R, Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, fine and very scarce l 110 Hamilton, James Marquis of, by R. Vaasa sold by Roger Daniel, in fine state,—from the Fife and ee Collec- tions lL lll Horttanp, Henry Riva! EARL OF, in armour, trophies of | arms in the corners, inscribed “ Henry Rich, Knight, Cap-| ) taine of the Guard to his Royale Majestie,” by Will. Pass,| | | sold by Thomas Jenner, a beautiful impression with large margin ; I ie 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 | : ae Pembroke, Philip Earl of, the same as the prebeitings in thesame | ” vi L 7 Leicester, Robert Earl of, inscribed “ Robert Sidney, Viscount Jl, Lisle, Baron of Penshurst, &c.,” by Simon Pass, sold by Sudbury and Humble, extremely fine ] bac Lenox, Ludovick Stuart, Duke of, afterwards Duke of Rich- ws a | , | mond and Lenox, in robes of the Garter, Ca Simon Pass, sold | by C. Holland, extremely fine 1 Mulgrave, Earl of, inscribed “ Hdimond, Rae on Sheffield,” by AG ey R. Elstracke, sold by Sudbury and Humble, very fine Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of, Lord High Admiral 2 ae England, in robes of the Garter, one’ hand on the top of a globe, by Simon Pass, sold by C. Holland, uncommonly fine, —from Lady Bath's Collection’ I Northumberland, Henry Percy, Ear! of, with bald head and long: | 3 |/y)| _ flowing beard, 1619, by Francis Delaram, sold by George Humble, pRiLtLiANT : l Oxford, Henry Vere, Earl of, holding a truncheon, by R.|/ 2| ; Vaughan, sold by C. Holland, very fine,—from the De la | ) Bere and Towneley Collections ] | | Oxford, Robert Vere, Earl of, in armour, balk crossing his 2| yD breast, by R. Vaughan, sold by W. Ruddiard, in an extra- kf ordinary fine state I ) Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, with’ the wand of Lord | 7) | /2| Chamberlain, after P. Van Somer, by SimonPass, suld by | Sudbury and Humble, a clear and brilliant impression 1 | | ae Pembroke, Philip Earl of, inscribed “ Philippe Earle of Mon- 2 : sae gommert, Baron of Shetland,” before the introduction of a the wand of Lord Chamberlain, by Simon’ Pass, sold | by Sudbury and Humble, extremely fine,—from the Towneley Collection ] ” x state of the plate, but inferior in impression l Eind of the Pir st Day's s Sale, Bn nar son i ale 10 SECOND DAY’S SALE. WORKS OF REMBRANDT CONTINUED. PORTRAITS OF MEN. LOT bea /]) x [122 ‘A Man with the crucifix and ch chain, ( (241). very Sine 1 Bae | 3 123 An old Man with a large white beard and a fur cap, (242) before | ra the edges of the plate were cleaned, very fine i a ae 124 An old Man in a fur cap divided in the middle, (245) rich with | [ a burr ; 1 : V3 , |125 A young Man musing, with some bier on a table near him, Gath, | (248) extremely fine : i / ewe 126 Portrait of Janus Silvius, (246) a leak and brillant impres- Wen . ston,—from the Jost Collection : 1 oy a 127 Portrait of Renier Anslo, the Anabaptist Minister, (251) on Wi L, 1 ; india paper 2 /3 128 Porrrair or CLEMENT DE JoNGE, (252) FIRST STATE, OZ Aj BEFORE THE ARCH ABOVE, the first pure etching 1 oe » , 129 Portrait of Clement de Jonge, (252) second state, before the Kodo arch above, the plate having much additional effect, very fine | 7% vik . » 180 Portrait of Clement de Jonge, (252) third state, the arch denoted ¥ Aves by a few slight strokes, extra fine ‘ | 30, . 181 Joun Lurma, (256) FIRST STATE, BEFORE THE WINDOW ihe vey AND BOTTLE, EXTREMELY FINE,—from the Baring Collec- Pied | tion ; lj ) ee 182 John Lutma, (256) with the ata and bottle, on india paper, Wi, of very rich with burr,—from the Denon Collection | / Me. 138 John Asselyn, called Crabbetje, (257) second state, fine 1 dy 1575 | 184 Wrensocarpus, tHE Dutcu Mryister, (259) before the q | plate was reduced at the angles, remarkably fine state, with fre EA ae te margin,—from Mr. Hibbert’s Collection 1 | ae 185 Joun Cornetius Sytvius, (260) a clear and beautiful im-| %/t/ 47 | te pression, with broad margin,— Tal the Collection of Thos. Wilson 1 4 4 | 8), 1136 WYTENBOGARDUS, THE eee called “ The Goldweigher,” Grose : 1 ) | (261) a clear and rich impression 1] wo pe oe EN aE ETS lite, \187 Wytenbogardus, the Raakss, aie petouched plate by ee V - | Be Baillie, on india paper GE Ut. 138 Tue LirtLe Coppinot, (262) with the shathomateal instru- sao. | ments and with the bull's eye, before the picture on the wall, | : | very fine impression, with the burr,—from the Collection of George Walker of Edinborough : 1 | Wihete- 1389 THe Great CopPINotL, (263) very fine, in beautiful condition, Ya Oh) —from the Collection of Mr. Barnard, who purchased tt at) | : | Major the Engraver’s sale in 1750 : 1 | | FANCY HEADS OF MEN AND WOMEN. & Cathe 140 The Second Oriental Head, (266) very fine ] y Yo). | (20 141 Bust of an old Man with a large beard, (268) in a fur cap, his | /y L| : cloak tied by a chain in front, very fine 1 | | a Growe 142 An old Man with a large white beard, in a gown ene of a / 13 | | napp’d texture, (286); and Bust of a bald headed old Man, | | | ' QJ 146 St. Catherine, called the Little Jewish Bride, (812) very fine, | | /| / | | Ge: : ; with margin,—from Hibbert's Collection : 1 ; ffir 147 A young Woman reading, (314) with the short nose, very fine 1 | \/ 2]. | 148 Bust of an old Woman, the lower part oval, (325); and the L A | Ragged Mariner with his hands behind him, (166) | | | ; | Warn 149 Studies of Rembrandt’s Wife, and five other Heads on the same BI, eas sheet, (331) ; and another of Three Heads of Women, one | | « 5 asleep, (334) very fine,—from the Mariette Collection DS ae | | We. 150 Old Philosopher in his study, with globe, &c. by F. Bol, | /) | (ascribed to Rembrandt) very fine, with margin; and the ee ee Boat Builder and his Wife, from Rembrandt’s celebrated pic- | fet ea ture, etched by J. de Frey, proof : 2 | Ha | | } ” pf (293) both very fine J 2 | | / he ? Bs x ) “ \143 Young Man in a mezetin cap, (267) extra fine ayes | Wate 144 Profile of a bald headed Man, (270) dated 1630, very fine 1 | ahd ) ee curves \145 Man seen in front, in a high fur cap, in cloak with a chain, (248) | / | y | : the uncut plate, but without the hand d 1 | eS | DUTCH ETCHINGS. Graves 151 Bercnem. Three Cows reposing, most beautiful proof, with a 0. yj, large margin,—from the Baring Collection oh fol naghe: 152 BercuEem. The same, counterproof of the same state, aia a | sy the Baring Collection : 153 Bercuem. The Bagpiper, extr Eat fine, with margin _~seeeeeensauanaatan ceases ttt NCC A CO OLE LE LT 7 4). mae Nel. S/O , | Jd) . /2\ bt. [2 S). bag Gn 4 12 154 BenGuem, The Tees ENS ee Berghem's name,— From the Dowdeswell Collection 1 155 Bercuem. Landscape with Cattle, with Shenae playing on 1 156 157 164 165 166 167 the, flageolet,—from the Baker Collection BercHeM. The same, first state, the pure etching, very fine \ Bercuem. Upright Landscape, a Shepherd, pointing with his finger and ,addressing a Woman, who is suckling a child, ex- tremely fine,—from the Baring Collection I Bercuem. Set of Animals, (Bartsch, 18 to 16,) BEAUTIFUL PROOFS, WITH LARGE MARGINS 4 BERGHEM. Set, of Goats, called the * Man’s Book,” A SET OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY, PROOFS BEFORE THE NUMBERS, with large margins,—from the Jost Collection 8 BERGHEM. Set of Sheep, called the ‘“* Woman’s Book,” in a similar beautiful condition to the preceding,—firom the same Collection : ‘ 8 BercHem. Pair of Goat’s Heads, BEAUTIFUL PROOFS; and the same, with the inscriptions + BrercHEemM. A Goat's Head, (No. 19) PRoor, EXTREMELY RARE : 1 BACKHUYSEN. Set of Sea Pieces, an PS > fine set, BEFORE THE NUMBERS, with large margins,—from the JosiCollection; and a duplicate proof of one of the subjects, BEFORE ANY OF THE LETTERS : 13 Boru. Set of upright Lateselae with figures, pRoors before the name of Matham, one of them is before all inscription 4 Boru. Set of oblong Landscapes with figures, PROOFS BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTIONS; and a duplicate of the “ Stone’ Bridge,” wn an extremely rare state, before the lines crossing the sky 5 Borsstev. “Landscape, with cart crossing an ancient bridge ; and the same, before the sky and other parts were finished,— Srom Thos. Wilson’s Collection 2 ‘Botsstevu. Portrait of the Artist, first state, boldness in his hand the portrait of his wife; and three other Landscapes, all im- pressions on old paper,—from Dr. Peart’s Collection 4 Boisstgv. ‘Landscape, after Claude; The Bowl Players, &e. early. states ‘ 3 Botssievu. Pair of Views of Tivoli,, CHOICE PROOFS,—from the Chevalier. Claussin’s Collection : 2 Craupe. Landscape, (No. 10) with Cattle passing a bridge, very fine,—from the Massena Collection 1 ey eee ina eee with Chine pr bur berihe 77). 13 Claude's name, with the great tree reduced in height,—from the Massena: Collection 1 Dierricy. \The Knife Grinder A the Fravelling Doctor, very fine,—from ‘Thos. Wilson’s Collection : ‘Dusart. The Large. Village Fair, an impression in the pure Ag, | etched state; and the same, in which more effect is intro- | duced 4 3 4 Part | | Dusart. The Shoemaker ; Interior of a Cabaret, and two |/ | smaller subjects 4 Du JARDIN. Small subjects of sees (No. 35 t to 38 of ae ryy “PROOFS, with margins : | Porter. » Landscape with Cattle oe the Piping ae f / extremely fine, before the address of Clement de Jonge,—from |” the Collection of William Seguier 1} | RuysparEt. Landscape, -called: the’ Little Carn Field,—from | VA 3. the Dowdeswell Collection ‘ 1) ) Stoop. Set or Horses, A MOST SUPERB SET OF PROOFS 24, /9)_ BEFORE THE NUMBERS, WITH MARGINS,—from the Collec- | tions of Ploos van Amstel and G'eo. Baker 12 | | Teniers. The Archers, and companion; and the Temptation | ae | of St. Anthony, two impressions, one having margin 4 | | Water Loo. Small square Landscapes, CHOICE PROOFS, oe Z| 3. margins,—from: Hollingsworth’s Collection | ; WATERLOO. Set of six oblong Landscapes, very fine 6 | 5 a4 “h Warertoo. | Departure of Hagar, very fine, with large enero Z 2), from the. Buckingham Collection Watertoo. Tobit ae the Angel; and Hagar aia ra y 3) very fine 2 | ee WATERLOO. Set of large apyitht! Landscapes with figures, | AN Ae (Bartsch, 119 to 124) extremely fine, with margins,—from the Dumesnil. Collection 6 | the Dowdeswell Collection 4 | | ) VaNnDER VELDE (JouN). Star of the renee Pancake Woman, / 2). &e., very fine : ° ) CANALETTI’s VIEWS IN VENICE, FINE OLD SET, BEFORE THE | Hd Mb. NUMBERS, thirty-two plates, including one of the etchings | before it was divided in two, and which is extremely rare, | ) bound in old calf with arms at the sides | | | Tat | a ‘VANDER VELDE (JoHN). Set. of the Life of Tobit,—from is au a 14 THE VISSCHERS AND SUYDERHOEF. | | fad The Backeansnon Players, after Ostade, beautiful proof, before any wscription,—from George Baker’s Collection Interior, with old man and woman spinning, (companion ail to the preceding,) after Ostade, beautiful proof,—from the Baring Collection ] The Pancake Woman, before the address of Clan de Jonghe, most brilliant ; 1 The Violin Player, after Brouwer, @ silvery sie umpression,— from Esdatle’s Collection - The Travelling Musicians, after Ostade, an impressiun of the greatest beauty,—from the Baring Collection 3 The Rat Catcher, first ae —from the Gevers and Rendorp Collections ’ 1 THe Rat CatTcHEeR, A MATCHLESS PROOF, BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION ; 1 Interior, called the “ Skaters,” after Ostade, brilliant proof, with margin,—from the Gevers Collection 1 Portrait of William de Ryck, the Oculist, a beautiful impres- sion, on a fine sheet of white vellum, —from Pho: Wilson’s Collection : 1 Hadrian Paw, Amipeesaie to England, after Gerard Honthorst, very fine, with large margin, with the Beat of Wille the engraver at the back 1 PorTRAIT OF VONDEL, BEAUTIFUL PROOF, before the figures on the map which hangs against the wall, and before the satyr’s head against the manuscript on the shelf, —from Mr. Christian Josi’s Collection ] Portrait of Coppinol, cooicE PRooF,— ~from the Collections of Mariette and Van Putten eye | Portrait of Cornelius Visscher when young, 1649; and the same in the rare state, holding in his hand a graver; and another Portrait of him, dated 1651 ,—from the Jost Collec- tion ‘ 3 A set of three soit subjects, representing Village Fairs or Tabagie, and an Interior, after Ostade, by Jan de Visscher, very fine 3 2 Landscapes, after bearer by Jan de Visscher, fine specimens of the master : 2 « scuttle) aia ith alae 4 7 Caer Jan By? Q)? Mau 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 2138 214 215 216 15 Times of the Day, set of Landscapes with Cattle, after Berghem, by J. de Visscher, extra fine Berghem’s Ball, a superb proof, with margin,—from the Mariette Collection 1 A Tabagie, in which a party of Baas are fighting with knives, after Ostade, by Suyderhoef, very fine, before the name of Clement de Jonghe, before the white chalk marks, &c.—from the Dimsdale Collection 1 Boors fighting with ae after Terburg, os he lena ney fine Interior, with Boors a ie at trictrac, after Ostade, by ae hoef, with the first address : 1 Admiral Martin Von Tromp, a round, in border of laurel, by Suyderhoef; and Admiral Cornelius Von Tromp, after Lely, by Blooteling, proof before the names of puinter & engraver 2 BAZILIawLOGIA PORTRAITS. NOBILITY CONTINUED. Richmond, James Duke of, when Duke of Lenox, by R. Vaughan, sold by W. Ruddiard, vevy fine and of great scarcity,—from the Sykes Collection 1 Rutland, Francis Manners, Earl of, in esi of the Garter, sold by Jenner, Geo. Ferbearde excud., fine and very rare,— from the Fife and Towneley Collections 1 Somerset, Robert Car, Earl of, in robes of the Garter, by Simon Pass, C. Holland excud., very fine,—from Sir M. M. Sykes’ Collection it Southampton, Henry Rae islor: Earl of, the OF ie of Shake- spere, holding a truncheon, by Simon Pass, sold by Sudbur. y and Humble, brilliant Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, Lord fone: of Rae with his wand, by R. Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, sxtremely Sine Wallingford, William Knollis, Viscount, Master of the Court Z Wards, sold by C. Holland, very fine 1 Wimbleton, Earl of, inscribed “ General Cecil, son to the Earl of Exeter,” in armour, holding a truncheon, by Simon Pass, sold by Sudbury and Humble, extremely fine and rare 1 Worcester, Edward Somerset, Earl of, Lord Privy Seal, by P 4 : Simon Pass, sold by Sudbury and Humble, extra fine ] = 16 GENTRY. Gresham, Sir Thomas, by Francis Delaram, sold by ne and Humble, very fine Smith, Sir Thomas, Ambassador to Raibie, (afterwards oe Strangford) by Simon Pass, C. Holland exeud., extremely Sine i Sutton, Thomas, Foanae: of the Chive House, by R. Elstracke, C. Holland excud., very fine 1 Whittington, Sir Richard, thrice Lord Mayor of London, first state, with the skull instead of the cat, by R. Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, fine and very rare,— ce: the De la Bere and Towneley Collections ] CLERGY. Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Simon Pass, sold by C. Holland, a remarkably fine é impression l Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, fine early impres- ston ; another in the same state, inferior; and the plate in its altered state 3 Abbot, Robert, Bishop of Salisbury, by Delaram, sold by Sud- bury and Humble; and John King, Bishop of London, by F. Delaram, C. Holland excud.; both very fine 2 Babington, Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, by R. Elstracke, umpensis Thome Chardi, remarkably fine ] King, John, Bishop of London, by Delaram ; and James Mon- tague, Bishop of Winchester, Henricus et Compt. Holland excud. 2 Williams, John, bays of Lincoln, aferwenty Archbishop of York, oval, supported by figures, by Francis Delaram, before any address, very ore —from the Dela Bere and Towneley Collections ] Wolsey, Cardinal, Were? ten Latin lines below, by R. Elstracke, C. Holland exeud; and the same, before the address; both fine,—from the Towneley Collection 2 LAWYERS. Bacon, Sir Francis, by Simon Pass; and Sir Henry Herbert, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, "i Simon Pass ; both sold by Sudbury and Humble Lf ; i F | 7 ci: BD odel Fifa Pov Le Pf 230 23] 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 BEAUTY, WITH LARGE MARGIN 1 Coke, Sir Edward, by Simon Pass, C. Holland eeaadh “3 pitti Jine Coventry, Sir boraha, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, no i ; address, very rare y 1 Ellesmere, Lord, Lord Chandalibes by Simon Pass, C. Holland excud., extra fine 1 Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, in sigh hat, by Will. Hole, fine, a print of great scarcity,—from the Towneley Collection 1 Hobart, Sir Henry, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, by Simon Pass, sold by Sudbury and Humble, extra fine 1 Montagu, Henry, afterwards Earl of Manchester, Lord Chief Justice, by F. Delaram, C. Holland excud., extremely fine 1 More, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor of England, by R. Elstracke, sold by C. Holland, very fine : ] OEE CASS AAU SSL Sle Raleigh, Sir Walter, holding a truncheon, by Simon Pass, C. Holland excud., a beautiful impression 1 Sidney, Sir Philip, in armour, holding a truncheon, by R. Vere, Sir Horace, General of the Forces for Defence of the County Palatinate, by F. Delaram, C. Holland excud., extremely fine : 5 l Vere, Sir Horace, same state as the preceding, with larger | margin, but not so fine an impression l LITERARY, & ee gee Overbury, Sir Thomas, murdered in the Tower, by Simon Pass, C. Holland excud.—from the De la Bere and Towneley | Collections : Hien Withers, George, the one in broad brimmed hat, eight lines of | b/s : verse below, by F. Delaram, sold by George Humble, most | beautiful impression,—from the Towneley Collection 1} Cmsar, Sir JuLius, Master or THE Rotts, by R. EL-| 4 Be g STRACKE, sold by C. Holland, AN IMPRESSION OF GREAT. 26 Me eae VACan / Vi, |. Elstracke, C. Holland excud., extra fine I} | 243 Gondamor, Count, Ambassador from Spain to James I., by VA vA Simon Pass, very brilliant impression, in beautiful state 1. D 18 - LADIES. Beprorp, Lucy Harrineton, Countess or, by Simon Lunia Pass, sold by Sudbury and Humble, REMARKABLY FINE | |, |245 Hertford, Frances Countess of, by F. Delaram, sold by Roger (Qe Daniell, fine and a print of the utmost rarity 1 j 246 Pembroke, Mary Sidney, Countess of, holding in her hands the oe Hp, Book of Psalms, by Simon Pass, sold by Sudbury and P Humble, very fine . 1 1 is 247 Somerset, Frances Countess of, the divorced Countess of Essex, va ly : by Simon Pass, C. Holland ewcud., extremely fine 1 248 Stuart, the Lady Arabella, J. W. i sold by George 4 Humble, fine and very rare ] : THIRD DAY’S SALE. LANDSCAPES AFTER DUTCH LOT 249 Courier de Flandres, after Both, by Le Bas; Sea Pieces, after Vander Capella, Vander Velde, &c., by Le Bas, Major, &c. 6 250 Dutch Village, Merry-makings, &c. all after Teniers, by Le Bas and Major 5 251 Dutch Fairs, Marriage Fate, &ec. after Toe s, by Le Bas and Martiny, one before any letters 4 . 40). | 252 Moonlight Landscapes, Frost Scene, &c. after Vander Neer, by Le Bas, Major, &c. . ; 5 S : as Qs ETCHINGS BY OSTADE. The _Numbers_ refer to Bartsch’s Catalogue. |/ /3|, \258 The Laughing Saker (6) first state; and the Hurdy pia! | Player, (8) first and second state : 7/3} |254 Dutch Baker sounding his horn, (7); Smoker, (6); a | leaning on the hatch of his door, (9); The Mule Nurse, (33); Violin and Hurdy Gurdy Players, (45) first states, &c. 6 19 255 Painter with the low cap, (32) ; os paying aay score, (42); | 3) and the Travelling Musicians, (38) first states St ae a aa 256 The School, (17); Smoker at his window, (10) in two early IZ 3. | states ; Two Gossips, (40); RSENS Merchant, (29) all first | states, rare by) 257 The Mountebank, (43) first te the pepe state, and the common impression; The Barn, (23); The Empty Pitcher, (15) first state, rare ; and The Doll, (16) 6 258 The Doll, (16) pure etching ; Man and Woman conversing, (12) first state ; Man and Woman talking, (37) pure etching ; and The Grace, (34) first state, before the cap 4 259 Knife Grinder, (36) first state; Backgammon Players, (39); and The Hog Killer, (41) first state ; and the same in the third state 4 260 Rustic Courtship, (11); The Quarrel, (18) ; and The Singers at a window, (19) ‘ 3 261 The Concert, (30) the extremely rare early state, in which the background is entirely white, and before the planks on the floor; and the third state : 2 262 The Peasant’s Family, (46) the pure ahing, rare; and the third state : 2 263 Beggar with his hands behind his fuk (21); Beggar in a cloak, (22); Man and Woman walking, (24a) all first states, before the border lines, &c. 4 264 Boys fishing from a bridge, (26) first state ; Festival in the Arbour, (47) pure etching, first state; The same, second state; and The Festival under the Great Tree, (48); Crooked Fiddler, (44); Woman spinning, (31); and The Drinking 264+ Party, (50) 4 265 The Dance, called Ostade’s Ball, (49) brilliant ] GERMAN SCHOOL. ALBERT DURER. 266 Portraits of Albert Durer, by Andrew Stock and Lucas Kilian 2 267 Portrait of Erasmus seated in his Study, a very fine early im- pression l - 268 The Prodigal Son, extra + fie —from the Osteen of Mr. Edwards l 20 | 6 | | 6|27 1 Virgin and Child with the monkey, MosT BRILLIANT,—from | | ) Edwards's Collection; and a copy by Wiercx 2 | ye Z| E | 272 Set of the Passion of Our Lord, deen. fine,—from Sir ) et M. M. Sykes’ Collection 16 | 2 /0| . |273 The Crucifixion, the Virgin fainting at ihe foot of the Cross, | hos 1608, brilliant,—from Robert Dumesnil’s Collection 1 /b /O , 274 Tus Sarnt Husert, most ae ee the Collection of | | Thomas Wilson I ) ) ) . | 275 St. Jerome seated in his Study, very fine; and a copy by Wiercx 2 Vo g | : | 276 Man and Woman walking, with Death behind a tree, an impres | | ) | ; ~ | sion of the greatest beauty : 1 | &\ | .|277 The Knight of Death, extremely fine 1 | DA 278 Man and Woman walking, and the Tooth- Seehe both by Lucas . / | Van Leyden; and St. George and the Dragon, after Raphael Bes ! by L. Vosterman 3 VSL _ |279 Portrait of Erasmus, Cock a 1555, by Franols Hogerberg, | ) very fine and rare : 1 bid ) WORKS OF HENRY GOLTZIUS. | LA (280 Portrait of Goltzius, by Edelinck; and Portrait of the Godmother} - See! of Goltzius, very fine, printed on thick Japan India paper 2 | VAULAY | 281 Set of the Passion of our Lord, (the genuine si by H. Goltzius, a | | very fine ] ig eb | 282 Dead Christ in the lap of ne Virgin, in the manner of A. Durer; | he and the same, FINE PROOF, before the date on the rock 2 4/6, 283 Set called the Master Pieces of Goltzius, drawn by him in imi- ) tation of Raphael, Parmegiano, Bassano, Baroccio, Lucas Van | ) | Leyden, and Albert Durer, extremely fine 6 |b 6) . | 284 Tue Boy anv Doe, the celebrated chef d’ouvre of Goltzius, ) | brilliant,—from the Collection of Thomas Wilson 1 | FLEMISH SCHOOL. ,| 285 Portrait of Rubens, in broad hat, within an arched top, by Paul : Pontius, brillant 1 F | 286 Portrait of Rubens, the finished ae of the aloo print, before | any inscription 1 » | 287 Portrait of Rubens, rFRooF in an earlier state, ae before the | engraved border / /b , | 288 Portrait of Rubens, patron by Savery; “Aten Duke of Aremberg, after Vandyck, by P. de Balliu; and Portrait of . | | : Daniel Heinsius, by Suyderhoef, before the address, very fine 8 289 2Oneab he 290 291 292 293 2 The Star of the Kings, ad companion, after P. Molyn, by John | & 21 Ernest, Count Mansfield, after Van Dyck, by Voerst, cHoIcE | 7 y | proor; and Charles Lewis, Count Palatine, after Honthorst,) by Matham A Jacob Cats, the Ambassador dua Poet, Pep and small plate, |, | AA | &e. by Delff, after Miereveld, very fine : 3 | 7 ia Paul Van Somer, the Painter, oval in a border, with emblemati- | y cal figures, &c. by Simon Pass, 1622,—from the Collection of Thomas Wilson 1} Old Woman with a lighted candle a boy sansltng by her side, | \/ | | ascribed to Rubens, by whom it was probably etched, ex- tremely fine 1 | Titian and his Mistress, aiehitis by Van Dyck, first state, before Z| Zi. any address, very fine,—from General Dowdeswell's Collec- tion Ate as The Ecce Eronb, ( Presenting the Reed) otehitng by Van Dyck, § /y . brilliant, before “ cum privilegio,” 3c. l Small set of the Landscapes of Rubens, engraved by Bolswert, | Z| At . very fine 10 SMALL LANDSCAPES OF esas. BY Bocsvant BEAUTIFUL Ze PROOFS rel eee The Waggoner, after eabans: by Bolswert ; ahd two others of ted ae the small set; and the Holy rie after Poussin, by mead, | ee before the drapery | The Crucifixion, after eee by Bolswert, first state, ie st 7 zc the hand of St. John was placed on the Virgin's shoulder, | | and with the address of Martin Vanden Enden, very fine 1 | | The Descent from the Cross, (from the celebrated picture at a Ar, Antwerp) after Rubens, by Vosterman, a beautiful clear and | | brilliant impression, in fine state 1 | | Dead Christ in the lap of the Virgin, (after the picture of Van- | | Lo dyck at Antwerp,) by Bolswert, first state, with the address | ) of Vanden Enden, extra fine Leet Portrait of Joseph Roettiers, the Medalist, dnt? Largilliere, by rg Bk a eee Vermeulen; and the same in an earlier state, the portrait being | | surrounded by a rich border of fruit and flowers, before any | | ) ) | ) . : : inscription 2 | iy Vander Velde; and two small Portraits of Cornelius Visscher, | | /|- by himself, scarce : : 4 | | 8038 /\8\ .| 804 i | | | | 806 807 308 Re 4 ae fee 309 i 310 Aen Lye 312 4\/2| . | 318 » 72). | 315 . | 814 ) |. V8| .| 816 ‘ Vi mnt &\2 6} 318 FRENCH SCHOOL. | WORKS OF NANTEUIL, MASSON, EDELINCK, ée. /. Louis XIV. in ermine, by Nanteuil, 1662; and another Portrait of him, after Mignard, by Van Schuppen; and when young, after Mignard, by Poilly, all very fine 3 Cardinal Mazarine, 1658, and John Baptist Stesut doko both by Nanteuil, very fine ; 2 Pompone de Bellievre, after Le Bare by Nanteuil, BRILLIANT, WITH MARGIN 1 Colbert, after P. de Chaniencee by Nanteuil, 1660; and another Portrait of him, dated 1662, both very fine : 2 Le Grand Turenne, by Nanteuil, (large sheet) in armour, ez- tremely fine William de Brisacier, bhai grey sete: Man, by Miwon. Jirst state, with the errors in the spelling | William de Brisacier, the second state, the errors corrected 1 WILLIAM DE BRISACIER, BEAUTIFUL PROOF, before any in- scription round the oval,—from Mr. Serjeant's Collection 1 Marin Cureus, before the cross hatchings on the face; and Emanuel de la Tour d’ Auvergne, both by Masson, extra fine 1 JACQUES CALLOT. Portraits of Callot, by Ab. Bosse and M. Lasne; and set of six oblong Landscapes, by Callot, &e. : 10 The Temptation of St. Anthony, his chef d’euvre, in the rare and early state, in which are found a less number of rosettes in the arms of Monsieur de la Vrilliere beneath the print 1 The larger set of the Miseries of War, very fine 18 The small set of the Miseries of War, very fine 7 Landscape called the “ Little Fair,” or players at Bowls, fine proof before the name of Callot , 1 The Ceilings at Whitehall, after Rubens, engraved by Gribelin, very fine impressions ; and the Transfiguration, after Raphael, by Valé 4 The Holy Family, by Edelinck, after Repel Aire the arms of Colbert, very fine, =e the Collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence ; : 1 be bolus, Oyo lea ffs Mw 319 Great View of the Pont Neuf, by Della Bella; and feces of |, ai the Holy Family, after N. Poussin, by Natalis, first ee | |" before the drapery | 320 La Vierge au Berceau, after Puphwat: by F. Poilly, before fa 4 1. 2: dedication,—from the Mariette Collection Mclean 321 The Silence, 7H Annibal Carracci, by Hainzelman, very fine 1} Js | $22 The Perla, after Raphael ; and Holy Family, after Poussin, both | / / | i. Wy - Yrs by Poilly, the latter a fine proof ; 2 | ) 323 Tricoteuse Hollandoise, after Mieris, by Wille, fine 1 7 | 4: 824 The Storm, after Vernet, by Balechou, first state, with the word ae “ Campaigne,” extremely fine,—from Thomas Wilson's | Collection : ; : 1, BRITISH PORTRAITS. ROYAL FAMILY. yr htt 325 Kine Epwarp IV., by Vertue, cHotce proor; Richard III), 7 ) by Cross; Mary I., by Gunst, proof; Mary Queen of Scots, | 7 from the gold plate by Vertue, &c. ‘ 5 | Huret, very fine and scarce 1) | ee ba Mary Queen of Scots, 8vo., execution in the background, by Z| . 327 Mary Queen of Scots, full length, by Francis Brees. Hans Va é| Liefrinck excud., fine and extremely scarce Deyrolol 328 Elizabeth, by Pass, 4¢o., from the Pacata Hibernica; 8vo., i Jo). Van Queboren; and three Portraits of the Queen, by Vertue, | | after Isaac Oliver and Hillyard : 5 | “aes \329 ELIZABETH, IN THE MAGNIFICENT DRESS IN WHICH alg | | | WENT TO RETURN THANKS FOR THE DEFEAT OF THE / eo ) Spanish ARMADA, AFTER IsAAC OLIVER, BY CRISPIN| | Pass, most brilliant impression, in an extraordinary state of | preservation, (esteemed the finest extant )—from the Collec- tion of Thomas Dimsdale, Esq. ; 1| (330 Evizaseta, JAmeEs I., ANN oF DENMARK, AND PRINCE | 9] Be Henry, forming the set of Plates intitled ‘ Rec1m ANGLICA, | BA . | published at Cologne by Crispin de Pass, with the title and | | | | ) the genealogical tree, with miniature of Prince Henry, ex= Ns | tremely fine, with margins 6 | 331 Awn or Denmark, by Crispin de Pass, the plate in the prece- \/ V2 ding set, PROOF BEFORF THE ENGRAVED BORDER, PRESQUE | | | UNIQUE : : iP) et | ae 24 Vile, 832 facia L., aoieel an arth promeed with laurel and peldice a Sofft eye ba sceptre, small folio, by Crispin Pass, very fine, with margin 1 : Pare | 333 James I., by Crispin Pass, small folio, in broad hat and rich frill, eee inscribed “ Touch not mine anointed,” with the name of the engraver, which is generally found erased ; and Henry Prince of Wales with the lance, by Hole, (from Drayton’s Polyolbion) Bee oe PROOF before arms and titles on the print 2 . /é, 884 James I. when King of Scots, 8vo., by Crispin Pass, fine and iA, Ye, BN scarce; James IJ., by P. Van Gunst, proor; Mary de Medicis, Poet by Sadeler, &c. : 5 Ares (335 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, dave of James I., sheet oval, pe ; | magnificently dressed, after Mierevelt, by Delph, very fine 1 | J «|, 336 ELIZABETH, QUEEN oF BoueEmIaA, similar to the preceding, a} /7_ , pis MOST BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION Ll] Z i . Z - 837 Cuarves I. in robes of the Garter, 4to. mez., after Vandyck, Ode jee by F. Place, P. ae excud., very fine and extremely 4 | / rare ‘ l ” /3 ” (338 CuHARLEs I. in armour, his hand seals on a globe, after Van- abs i | dyck, by Browne, PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION; and the i | ge companion, Henrietta Maria, by the same artist 2 2 ae 889 Cuartes I. whole length seated, his infant son standing by his ee ie Be Bs side, sheet mezz., after Vandyck, by Browne, PROOF BEFORE Bey : ANY INSCRIPTION ° 1 JL / + |340 Cartes I. in broad peitintsd hat, 4¢o., after A. va a: A, 0 an ee Rae C. de Visscher, extra fine, with margin ; \/ Z , 841 Cuaruzs L, half sheet mezz., after Vandyck, P. Tempest ae ae 4 - ao | rare; and different Portraits of the King, after Vandyck, by | | Smith, Beckett, and Faber H 6 \/ J » 3842 Cuarzes I, anp Henrtetta Marta, sheet ovals, in rich} (Qo | dresses, after Mierevelt, by Delph, very fine 2 348 Cuar_es L., sheet oval, ztat 26, by Crispin Van Queboren, very Oy Pas i Be oe fine and scarce : l 4 es Z |844 Frederick King of Bohemia, and Maurice pane of Orange, os SF oe pee ie sheet ovals, after Mierevelt, by Delph, extremely fine 2 |Z » |» | 845 Cuarztes Lewis, Count PALATINE OF THE RHINE, son of ie : ee the King of Bohemia, on horseback, a view of London beneath Ped the horse’s legs, genealogical circles of the Princess Elizabeth’s children at the left corner above, and ten lines of verse beneath ee the print, A PRINT OF GREAT RARITY, IN BEAUTIFUL PRE- | | | : SERVATION : ; 1 1852 Charles II. ., sm. folio, in armour, by D. Averitt and Charles II.) } 346 Charles I. when Prince of £ Wales, iy F. Delaram; Oliver Crom-| , st well, small folio, by Vermeulen, and Moncornet, &c. 4 ; 347 OLIvER CroMwWELL, Lord Protector, in armour, his page tying | / | //| on his scarf, by P. Lombart, very fine,—from the Bindley | oe Collection : 1| | 348 Oliver Cromwell, small folio, in armour, i Vermeulen ; and |, after Lely, by Faber, folio mezz., 1735; and the same in the after state of 1750 3 349 CHARLES II. when young, sheet Aer after vine Hanneman, / Ness by H. Danckers, very fine L 350 Charles II. in armour, his hand resting on a tr ia ed after R. | 5 Mason, by C. Van Dalen, before the introduction of the “ Re-| | | : galia” on the table : : 1| | 351 Charles II. in armour, same plate as the preceding, with the| ; 4 “‘ Regalia,” very fine 1 ) seated on a throne, on each side of him are Sheldon and| Clarendon, and beneath General Monck, also engraved by Loggan, very fine 2 | 393 Charles II. in armour, holding a Sena by Taare proof before any inscription ; and another of the King, half sheet, | in robes, after Lely, by Tompson ) 354 Charles IL, half sheet mezz., after Lely and nae by Wil-| - liams; and after Wissing, by Vander Vaart, &e. very fine 4 | 355 Charles II., 4t0. mezz.,-sold by Beckett; and in an after state, | ; sold by Smith; small oval, P. Tempest excud., rare ; and | three small mezz.’s by J. Smith, all fine : 6 | 356 Charles II., 4¢0. mezz., after Lely, by Lutterell ; after Riley, E by Beckett; and one E. Cooper excud., all very fine and scarce, &C. ; - 4 357 Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles IL., sheet oval, after 1, VO Wissing, by Williams; and 4¢o. after Wissing, E. Cooper ex- cud.; and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyck, by Browne, all fine 3 858 Catherine, Queen of ' Ghiatles II., whole facet after Wissing, | , by Smith; and two 4to. mezz.’s by Smith and Beckett ; and Charles II. when young, by P. Huyberts, &c. 5 359 Henry Duke of Gloucester, youngest son of Charles I., by Cor- Ly nelius Van Dalen, sheet oval, arms below, beautiful proof 1 ) > “ec em are orp aces as ; 26 '860 Henry Duke of Gloucester, by Van Dalen, with the inscription ; and George Prince of Denmark, (husband of Queen Ann) | folio, by David Loggan, very fine ’ 2 « |861 Henry Duke of Gloucester, sm. folio, whole length, in the robes of the Garter, by R. White, very fine and extremely scarce 1 . |262 Prince Rupert, sheet oval, in border of oak, after Lely, by Blooteling, A MOST BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection : , 1 363 Prince Rupert, sheet, border of oak, after Kneller, by White, very fine and scarce,—from Gen. Dowdeswell’s Collection 1 . /O\ 6864 Prince Rupert, smal/ 8vo. mezz., by Blooteling, proof before the engraved border round the oval ; and William the second Prince of Orange, (father of William III.) when a child, after Vandyck, by Vertue, in mezz., proof before the inscription 2 L\48 . |865 James II. when Duke of York, shee¢ oval, by Cornelius Van Dalen, cHoIcE PRooF,—fiom the Mariette Collection 1 /\/6|. |866 James IL. ‘when Duke of York, same plate as the preceding, with the inscription, extra Jjine : 1 , |867 James II. wHen Duke or York, three quarters, in armour, holding a truncheon, after Lely, by Tompson, FINE PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION ° : 1 368 James II. when Duke of York, oval mezz. sheet, after S. Cooper, by Williams; and three quarters, holding a truncheon, after Lely, by Browne, both very fine ; 2 -|869 James II. when Duke of York, and his Wife, Mary of Modena, 4to. mezz., after Lely, by Valck; and another pair, 8vo. mMezZ. F. de Witt excud., very fine : : 4 370 James II. wHen Duke or York, as Lorp Hicnu ADMIRAL, in armour, holding a truncheon, sheet mezz., after Kneller, by Smith, BEAUTIFUL PROOF : 1 371 James IL., sheet mezz., after Kneller, by Smith; 4to. mezz., by Williams; and James and Maria d’Este, after Kneller, by Smith, all very fine : ; 4 - 3872 Mary d’Este, Queen of James II., sheet mezz., after Wissing, | by Williams; others after Kneller and Largilliere, by Smith, very fine, &e. m E 5 & Va & 373 Mary d’Este, Queen of James II., sheet mezz., after Wissing, | ” by Williams, extra fine; and another, sm. folio mezz., P. Tempest excud , very scarce . 2 27 374 James II. and his Queen Maria d’Este, sheet ovals, by P. Ste- | | phani; William III. when Prince of Orange, after Lely, by | OP Browne, very fine, &c. 4 | ee 375 William III. and Mary his Queen, Ato. mezz. by G. Valck ; |, 6 a a another pair, after Kneller, by Smith, &c. very Sine . 5 ) | | | 376 William III., three different sheet mezz., after Wissing and|. / | | Kneller, by Smith; and on horseback, a Page bearing his Pete | : helmet, mezz., PROOF re ie ) (itt, \3877 Mary Princess of Orange, wife of William IIl., ha if sheet mezz.\. |” 2M after Lely, by Tompson; and the same, choice proof before, { | any inscription Powe «| 378 Mary Princess of Orange, wife of William III., ae oval, after | / J//\ j | Wissing, by Williams ; and when Queen, in the high head | | { | dress, after Vander Vaart, by Smith, extremely fine 2 | bel ae 379 Queen Mary, after Vander Vaart, by W. Faithorne, half sheet ie 6} ai mezz., PROOF; Other Portraits of her when Princess of | Orange, by Blooteling, Valck, Becket, &c. one a proof 74 380 Queen Mary, in the high head dress, by Smith, unfinished proof, Bs JO whole length, by B. Lens, in two states; whole length, after | Kneller, by Faber, &c. ; ; a aes ee 381 Queen Ann when Princess, whole length, after Wissing, by Smith; | « The same, half length, after Wissing, by Beckett, 4to. mezz., by Blooteling, &c. ° 4 882 Queen Ann when Princess, and a Husband Prince George, 8vo. mezz., by W. Faithorne, rare; and two others of the Princess, after Wissing and Kneller, by Smith, very fine 4 383 Queen Ann when Princess, after Wissing and Kneller, by Smith; Ann when Queen, 4to. mezz., after Kneller, by Smith; Prince George of Denmark, after Wissing, by Williams, &c. 3 V 3884 Queen Ann, different Portraits of her and Prince George, all |” | after Kneller, by Smith; and the Young Pretender and his | Sister, whole lengths, after Largilliere, by Smith, very fine 5) | 385 William Duke of Gloucester, son of Queen Ann, different Port- | ” } wes ncag hee VENA raits, after Kneller and Manery, by Smith, very fine 5 | Deolol 386 George I. when Elector, sheet, by W. Sherwin; other Portraits | , |. of him, by Smith, Houbraken, &c. 7 ) 387 George II., after Highmore, by Tinney; and on nteaen by | T. Burford, both rare; others of him Tanjé and Wor- lidge, &c. 5 Eind of the r hird Day’s Sale. : | hamshire, whole length, by Faber, &c. ‘ 4 1. 4a 4 28 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. nn BRITISH PORTRAITS. NOBILITY. Lor V2). | 888 Ailesbury, Robert Bruce, Earl of, Lord Chamberlain, &c., holding his wand, mezz., after Lely, by J. Smith, very fine and scarce, Dodd From Mr. Ord’s Collection : 1 : 2 | : 2 9 ALBERMARLE, Grorcre Moncx, Duke of, in armour, holding Grows ) | a truncheon, a battle in the background, by D. Locgean, . ie extremely fine,—from the Collection of Sir M. M. Sykes 1 aa (390 Albermarle, George Monck, Duke of, sm. folio, his hand on a ) helmet, by Gaywood, after F. Barlow, ke jine and rare, 7 | before the address of Stent 1 . ls 6. 391 Albermarle, Christopher Duke of, folio ne mezz., after T. 2p. is A | Murrey, by J. Beckett, very fine—from Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 2 (4G, 392 Annandale, William Marquis of, sheet mezz. oval, in a border of Monten | ) coats of arms, after Kneller, by Smith, very fine 1 ; |/ ka - |893 Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, sm. Solio in a square; and hi, | the Earl with his Countess, in the same piece, folio oblong, ) pa, both after Vandyck, by Vosterman, extra fine 2 } |Z 3 + |894 Argyle, Archibald Earl of, executed temp. James II., by David) ~/:.avey | teas Loggan, a beautiful impression, with large margin 1 | a Ob 395 Bedford, Francis, and William, Earls of Bedford, two small ovals, Qyo | by G. Glover, extra fine and extremely scarce . 396 Bedford, Wriothesley Duke of, when a youth, whole length, by Qe J. Beckett, before the address of Kneller,— we the Bindley ) Collection 1 . g 4) 397 Berkeley, George Earl of, ull sm. folio, arms beneath, by D. é, , ; | Loggan, but without his name, fine and a print of great | rarity l ' |6}. 398 Bridgwater, John Roce In armour, after Killen by Smith; DY, > ts | | John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, (when Earl of Mulgrave) | also after Kneller, by Smith; John Hobart, Earl of Bucking- 28 * 6, 399 Seige Robert Lord, of Beauchamps Court, in the County of MY, 4 - Warwick, folio, by G. Valck, extra fine,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 | | I it5, 400 Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, sheet at in magnificent 2 ya 4 dress of pearls, after Mierevelt, by Delph, extremely fine 1 : = fy WL, 401 Buckingham, George Villiers, second Duke of , folio mezz., after Paks | S. Verelst, by J. Beckett, fine and very scarce,—from the Bindley Collection a | tuaghe 402 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of, in the as of the Garter, | | Bl. | holding the wand of Lord Chamberlain, by J. Smith, beautiful proof before any letters,—from Sir M. M. Sykes’ and Mr... .. Ord’s Collections bea | ier 403 Buckingham, J. Sheffield, me of, same as the preceding, with Et | the inscription, in fine state, with margin ; and another Port- i rait of the Duke, also by Smith, before a portion of the in- scription was engraved in 2 | Derol ol 404 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of; and eet Lord Cole- - G 4 | Vi | ) | rane, both by Vertue ; Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, by. | Vosterman, &c. 5 | Licv-es \405 Cromartie, George Earl of, han Viscount Tarbat, Ato. ie ek in his robes, by J. Smith, very fine and rare | 4 0° \406 Cumberland, George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, whole ia al ' standing dressed for a tournament, hea R. White, fine and pel ap scarce : ) | | yu 407 Cutts, John Teed. mezz., in armour, after Wissing, by R. a » | Y\ liams ; and Craufurd of Kilbirney, ova/, in border of sox | | after J. de Medina, by Smith, both very fine | | / Qh 408 Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of, (afterwards Duke of Leeds (4\- ; small folio, first state, the name being inscribed “ ee | | after Lely, by Blooteling, very fine | Q & |409 Denbigh, William Fielding, Earl of, A ratinnttlc to the King # y re Persia, 4é0., by Voerst, sold by W. Webb, fine and very rare 1 | ) DY wold 410 Derby, James Stanley, Earl of, the celebrated Loyalist, by D. | fa Loggan; and Dudley Carleton, Viscount Dorchester, after | ) 5 Mierevelt, by Delph, both very fine 2) GQ) 411 Derby, James Stanley, Earl of, by D. Loggan, Wick ; and his Son, | \” Charles Earl of Derby, by Blooteling, fol. mezz., very fine olan 412 Dorset, the Lord Treasurer, by Vertue; Richard Earl of, bid | Simon Pass; and small Portrait of him, in armour, sold by | J. Hind, very rare ; Edward Earl of Dorset, by Vertue, &c. 5 | ; | 1 ee 3 vy i. $$ ees 415 Essex, Arthur Earl of, by Luttrell, second state; Earl of Las, (417 Grey, the Lord, afterwards Earl of Tankerville, after Lely, by | 1 Leake act fore a ba other sm, 4to. mezz.’s, one a proof, &c. 5 ) ae Zale 413 Dorset, Lionel Cranfield, Duke of, two different Portraits, i Pe fy alteration of the position of the fi ace fine GG See 21, | : ie Ale 495 Mar, John Earl of, sheet oval, in border of arms, after Kneller, | . { y y, | and VERY SCARCE,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection ; 30 after bi: outer Boe Kneller, by Vertue, both proofs before any inscriptions, &e. 8 /O\6 414 Essex, Arthur Earl of, 4t0. mezz., after Lely, by Luttrell, first ) state, with the address of J. Lloyd, fine and very scarce 1 | Exeter, (obit. 1700) after Lely, by Tompson ; and John Earl ) of Exeter, after Kneller, by Smith : 3 ~—AlG Falconberg, Thomas Bellasyse Lord Viscount, sheet, in armour, | after M. Beale, by Blooteling, very fine and rare,—from the | Towneley Collection 1 | Browne, folio mezz., EXTRA FINE, with margin 418 Grafton, Henry Duke of, 4¢o. mezz., after Kneller, by Beckett; | and two other small oval mezz. Portraits of him ; and | Lewis Earl of Feversham, folio, after Riley, by Beckett 4 (419 Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of, after Van Dyck, by P. Clouwet, | FINE PROOF; Simon Lord Fraser, of Lovat, by J. Simon; ) and Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax, by Smith 8 » |420 Lauderdale, John Duke of, folio mezz., after Riley, by Beckett, | Jirst state, before J. Smith excud. and the same, CHOICE PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION ; 2 421 Lauderdale, Richard Maitland, Earl of, sheet, oval, in border of arms, after Michelin, by Vandrebane, first state, before the » \422 Linpsery, Roserr. BerTiz, EARL oF, THE LARGE PLATE, AFTER GELDorp, By Vorrst, very fine and a print of great 3 Ge ee rarity,—from the Sykes Collection 1 oe ) a . 428 Lindsey, Robert Bertie, Earl of, the smaller plate, after Geldorp, Cpe: By | by Voerst, W. Webb excud., very fine and rare 1 7 J o _» 424 Marlborough, John the great Duke, different portraits, after Kneller, by Smith, folio and 4to., very fine 6 by Smith, in early state, before the alteration of arms, inscription and date ° 1 ; 426 Melfort, John Drummond, Earl of, inscribed « Lundin,” sm. : folio, in border of arms, after Kneller, by Vandrebane, Jine af /427 Melfort, Earl of, after Kneller, by Beckett, 4¢o. mezz.; James Duke of Monmouth, after Wissing, by Williams; and three 31 BORDER OF OAK LEAVES, BY DAvip LOGGAN, A PRINT OF THE GREATEST RARITY, IN BEAUTIFUL PRESERVATION,— sheet, after Lely, by Blooteling, an impression in a very ear ly state and very fine f 1 MonmoutH, JAMES DUKE OF, WHEN YOUNG, SHEET, IN fo | From the Sykes Collection 1 | vee |429 Monmouth, James Duke of, in the robes of the Garter, sm. | | i a ( O)e 430 Monmouth, James Duke of, Be the Seven Protestant Martyrs, | | ; vst ovals im the same sheet, engraved by J. Savage, sheet, very | 2 fine and rare,—from the Bindley and Ord Collections 1 | Yicives |\431 Montrose, James Marquis of, sm. folio, in armour, by A. Matham, | in most beautiful state, with large margin; anda drawing in ; indian ink after the print 2. Bln. 432 Mulgrave, Edmund Baron Sheffield, Bre cite Earl of, by _ | / V2}. Elstracke; Francis Manners, Earl of Rutland, sold by Jen- | ner ; sh Edward Somerset, Earl of Worcester, by Simon | y Pass ; all fine and very scarce 3; | paves \433 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of, with the staves of Earl 3 Bal Marshal, &c., after Holbein, by Vosterman, beautiful impres- | sion, being before the obit. 1554, the address below, ag! ) y ¥ from Mr. Wilson's Collection AA 434 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of, after Holbein, by “ote | with the address below and the word “ fecit.” after the name of | Vosterman omitted ; and the common impression of the plate 2 | Graves 435 Norfolk, Henry Duke of, (the restored Duke) sheet, in armour, | ; after Lely, by Blooteling, very fine and rare Ol _ \486 Norfolk, Henry Duke of, (the restored Duke) folio mezz., by J. Beckett, fine and rare 3\4). | > | a V8, Y/ Dei, el Northumberland, Algernon Percy, Earl of, Admiral of a o Gl. Fleet, by Cornelius Van Dalen, very fine and rare,— —from the Sykes Collection 1| Grower 438 Northumberland, Algernon Earl of, sm. oval, by G. Glover, |. very scarce; and James Duke of Ormond, 8vo., by David | : Loggan; both very fine : 2 | Ope */439 Northumberland, Josling Percy, Farl of, sheet mezz., after , é Lely, by Browne, extra fine, with large margin; and a | reverse impression of the same plate 2 Q)s 440 Northumberland, George Fitzroy, Duke of, 4to. mezz., after |. Wissing, by Williams; and whole length, with a hunting spear, half sheet mezz., oR H. Gascar; both in remarkably | fine state . 2 | i : | : Ly. Yai é | | $$ 32 ey a , 441 Ormond , James the great Duke, in armour, holding a truncheon, Ye | half sheet mezz., after Kneller, R. White excud., remarkably | rare and in fine state : ‘ 1 442 Ormond, James Duke of, and Charles Duke of Somerset; ha/ bobiug ) sheet mezz.’s, after Riley, by Smith, very fine and scarce 2 2 ee (443 Ormond, James Duke of, half sheet mezz., after Riley, by | Smith, beautiful proof before any inscription 1 . /b, 444 Orford, Earl of, (Sir Robt. Walpole) by Houbraken and Vertue: | | Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, by Vertue, proof before the i border, &c. , Ss) ; 1p ¥ | 445 Orford, Horace Walpole, Earl of, after Sir J. Reynolds, by ey McArdell, half sheet mezz., very fine l : JO , 446 Portland, William Bentinck, Duke of, Margaret his Duchess, | | and Lady Mary Wortley Montague, sm. ovals on the same sae: sheet, by Vertue ; and James Duke of Ormond, two different Pf ” > L 448 Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of, after Van Dyck, by Voerst, beautiful proof before any inscription,—from the Rendorp | 3 | portraits, after Kneller, by Smith d 3 (|. 447 Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl of, Lord High Admiral; Qo PA / Thomas Hollis, Duke of Newcastle; and E. Rich, Earl of | P Warwick ; all by J. Smith, &c. 5 i | . Collection 2 ; 1 ‘ Y » |449 Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of, 4¢o., after Mytens, by Mala ; Voerst, W. Webb excud., jine and rare 1 g 450 Perth, James Drummond, Earl of, sm. folio oval, in border of | arms, after Kneller, by White, very fine ry | oe ,|451 Richmond, inscribed “ James Stewart, Duke of Lenox, &c.” | (afterwards Duke of Richmond) 4¢o., after Geldorp, by | Voerst, remarkably fine and very rare 1 | > VAL. | 452 Richmond, Duke of, son of Charles II., 4¢0. mezz., after Wis- ; sing, by Williams; and Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, Ato., also after Wissing, by Williams; both extra Sine 2 pe , | 453 Radnor, John Robarts, Earl of, in his robes, half sheet mezz., | after Kneller, by R. White, fine and very rare and with ) large margin : : 1 ; 7 454 Radnor, John Robarts, Earl of, same print as the preceding, but Malin printed with Jess colour,—from the Marchioness of Bath's h Collection Z ‘ 1 455 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, sheet oval, in border of oak leaves, after Lely, by White, 1681, extra Jine and very | scarce : I { 33 ‘ Vandrebane, very scarce; and Robert Earl of Roxburgh, a, after Pattin, by J. Smith, 4to. mezz., extra Jine 2 0 Becca 456 Roseberry, Primrose Earl of, oval, arms below, after Riley, by) . 457 Russell, William Lord, ewtat. 44, 1683, sheet, after Kneller, by| » Vandrebane, extra fine : l Mk 458 Sandwich, Edward Earl of, the Aathiesl, very fine, before the) , line running below the inscription; and the second Earl, both after Lely, by Blooteling 2 oberg le 459 Seafield, James Earl of, Lord Chancellor of Aerie sheet oval, el in border of arms, after Kneller, by Smith, proof, before the introduction of several of the coats of arms and the names Le of the artists : 1 Jat 460 Shaftesbury, Anthony heiie Cooper, Earl of, Lord High| Chancellor, in his robes, seated, after Greenhill, by Blooteling, | very fine,—from the Bindley Collection 1) Uhh 461 SHArresBuRY, ANTHONY EARL of, same print as the prece- / | : ding, but a proof before the intr eee aL of the motto in the | arms below, “ PRESQUE UNIQUE” ; 1 4 | 14 6 ' i | | | | ; | D oelol 462 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, sheet oval, by . y) : R. White; and Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, 4¢o., | in armour, C. Visscher excud.; both fine 2 | aghc\463 Somerset, Charles Duke of, (the Proud Duke), after Riley, by | Smith, half sheet, in the robes of the Garter, choice proof’ : before any inscription : ; ] Q) is 464 Somerset, Charles Duke of, 4to. mezz., in armour, after Vander | Vaart, by Smith; and the same, proof before any in- scription a Boel 465 Somerset, Charles Duke of, Ato.; Frederiak Duke of Schom- berg, and his Son, the second Duke; and James Earl a Salisbury, (when a boy) all by Smith, &c. Qe 466 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth Earl of, and his Secretary ; mS the Family of Lord Strafford, both after Van Dyck; ie i Thomas Farl of Strafford, 1714; all by Vertue, &c. fae 467 Torrington, Arthur Herbert Earl of, sheet, in armour, sold i J. Savage, extremely scarce, in fine preservation, with wig margin Dodd 468 Tweedale, John Earl of, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, tes _ proof; Charles Viscount Townshend; and Thomas Lord Torrington; all by J. Smith, &c. : 5 F ad mAh: 4 } A a | 34 A Bl, 469 Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 4¢o., in armour, by Voerst, are Be eke to be sold by W. Peake, extremely ae and rare,—from| | Sir M. M. Sykes’ Collection 1 x ae _, |470 Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, small oval, in armour, sold by | ) Hl. Dochin, rare; and Count Gondamor, Ambassador to ) James I., from Spain, by Simon Pass, very fine and rare 2 471 Warwick, E. Rich, Earl of, seated on a bank, after Wissing, by | Smith, with margin; and “The Marquis of Worcester,” ) half sheet mezz., by Williams, extremely scarce 2 | GENTRY. 1. AAG 472 Baniardictons Sir Samuel, of Brightwell, in Suffolk, sheet, by . R. White, very fine,—from the Bindley Collection; and old ab im engraving of the Arms of Barnardiston, by F. Goddard 2 |» Jb) » 473 Blount, Sir Henry, the Traveller, by D. Loggan, large 4to., Bek extra fine and rare, with margin | oe g : 474 Cotton, Sir Robert, of Combermere, by J. Smith, PROOF ; Thomas Coulson, and Sir Robert Clayton, both by Smith; and Peter Beckford, Governor of Jamaica, whole length, by John Murphy 4 . 475 Chetwynd, John, of pote Stafford, after Sir J. de Medina, sheet; and Sir Godfrey Copley, of Spotborough, sm. 4éo.; both by J. Smith, very fine and scarce - : 2 476 Cecil, Hon. Robert, after Kneller; and Hon. Will. Cecil, after Wissing ; both by Smith; Hon. Charles Cecil, by B. Lens ; and the Coke Family, of Holkham, by Vincent, proof, &c. 6 3), 1477 Cottrell, Sir Charles, Master of the Ceremonies to three Kings, ned after Riley, by'R. Williams; and Mr. Will. Cray, of Newcastle, small oval mezz., by F. Place; both very scarce 2 ‘478 Dering, Sir Edward, of Surenden, in Kent, after Cornelius ope ee Jansen, by Glover, an impression of the greatest beauty ; Bae. | and an old engraving of the Arms of Dering, 1630 2 | | LC 41 . |479 Dering, Sir Edward, (the Second Baronet) sheet, after Kneller, te ae by R. White, very fine and extremely scarce . 1 '480 Folkes, Martin, after Vandrebanc, by Faber, fine proof; | another Portrait, after Richardson, by Smith, proof; and ey as ee when older, after Hudson, by M‘Ardell 5 5 | ° JO , 481 Fox, Sir Stephen, aged 75, Anno 1701, after Baker, by Simon; | | | Sir Henry Goodriche, after Hill, by Smith; and John Her- | ees vey, (Treasurer and Receiver-General) after Lely, by ) | | Thompson ; all very fine ; : 3 7 ALCAN *E4 482 483 484 485 486 487 -|488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 35 Fielding, € Colonel Robert, sheet, in richly ornamented ‘dress, | YI. | tee after Wissing, by Beckett, extra fine ; and 4to. mezz. after the same picture, Beckett excud. 2 | Fielding, Colonel Robert, sheet, in rich dress, ihe Wissing, by! , WA Beckett, choice proof before any inscription—from Mr.| a : Ord's Collection L| Gresham, Sir Thomas, after Sir hea kere More, Hite proof ; | 7 | and Thomas Harley, proof before letters; both by Vertue 2) Hamilton, Sir George, of Binnie and Barton; and Dame / | : Hellen, his Lady; both after Sir J. de Medina, by Smith, very fine, in beautiful state 2 | Isham, Sir Thomas, of Lamport, in Seaibenmikes by 3B. 31. Loggan, sheet, very fine PROOF, without name of painter and engraver > : 1] | IsHAm, Str THOMAS, oF LAmMPporT, IN NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, | is YO BY LOGGAN, PROOF BEFORE THE ARMS AND ANY INSCRIP-| TION,—from the Collection of Thomas Dimsdale, Esq. 1. | Isham, Sir Thomas, of Lamport, mezz., after Lely, D. Loggan | _, V/A i excud., very fine and scarce; and Sir John Lowther, after | : Lely, by Browne, CHOICE PROOF 2) } Leate, Alderman, by Payne, (the finest work of the engraver);|, /4 and Sir George Mackenzie, by P. Vandrebanc, in extremely | Jine state 2 | Lloyd, Humphry, of Banhizh, the eretitied Antiquary, by ML, J. Faber, extra fine and very rare ' Malines, Samuel, after G. Claret, by P. Roueere sm. folio, a \/ sy beautiful impression of a print of extreme scarcity l | Marsham, Sir John, Knt. and Bart., sm. folio, arms below, by | / M)\, R. White, extremely fine Moore, Sir John, Lord Mayor of eee after Lely, a 3) M‘Ardell, very fine,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection Nott, Sir Thomas, Knt., sm. folio, arms below, by R. Rs y é). Jine, and a print of great rarity ] Petty, Sir William, after Closterman, by Sraith ¢ Sir Edward | , at Nicholas, by Hertocks; Charles Moore, Son of the Lord ee Bishop of Ely, whole length mezz., by P. Coombes, &. 8 > | Sutton, Thomas, Founder of the Charter House, whole length, | - ave 2 by Faber; Sir Philip Sydenham, of Brympton; and Sir | Robert Southwell; both by J. Smith, very fine 2) | | i SP aaa hed a eee 36 » PAs |497 eed Sir Boni by Pica Sir James Ware; Thomas} (7) 5/1 — ot | Sutton, and John Thurloe; all by Vertue, Xe. 7 4g ‘i 498 Temple, Sir William, sheet, after Lely, by Vandrebanc, very WLS ) bea fine . : I . . JO 6} 499 Trumbull, Sir William, Secretary of State to William IIL, G Cue after Kneller, by Vertue, very scarce ; and Thomas Thynne, of Long Leate, after Kneller, by White, sm. folio, very fine, ) with large margin . 2 oe a 144.1500 Thynne, Thomas, of Long Leate, who was pachesene murdered yen ) on Sunday, ye 12 Feb. 1684, by White, before the address q | at the bottom of the plate ‘ ‘ ] “ Vs , 901 Thynne, Thomas, of Long Leate, in Roman costume, mezz., Matliw | after Lely, by Browne, choice proof before any inser iption, | ) | —from Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 | / id] , 502 Webster, Sir John, the Ambassador, sm. folio, after Cornelius Mllg ) Jansen, by T. Matham, cHoIcE PROOF BEFORE ANY 1N- SCRIPTION,—from the Mariette Collection : i MILITARY AND NAVAL CHARACTERS. . /O , 508 Allin, Admiral Sir Thomas, of Somerliton, in Suffolk, large Grows | folio, after Kneller, by Vandrebanc, very fine,—from Mr. 2 : Ord’s Collection l . // ,, 504 Allin, Sir Thomas, by Vandreband Lord Anam by Hou- Dodol braken, proof; Rupert Douglas (General of Gustavus on Adolphus), by Falck, very fine, &c. 4 4 W 0 6 505 Aylmer, Admiral Lord, three quarters mezz., ae globe, &c. Grows PROOF BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION; and Admiral Sir William ae Bartley, after Lely, by Thompson, very fine s 2 \/ J QO. 506 Blake, Admiral, engraved by Thomas Preston, proof, before the &, A : a a engraved work round the oval and publication line ; and | Admiral Byng seated, with a truncheon, by Houston, FINE 1 | | PROOF ~ | meal 507 Brog, Sir William, sm. aye by Crispin Vans Queboren ; and CLodel Thomas Lord Fairfax on horseback, by W. Marshall; both | an as oe ne 2 , VO]. 508 cute Admiral Sir John, mezz., after ‘Lee by Browne, yey fag. extremely fine, with broad margin 1 a | LG . 509 Drake, Sir Francis, and Thomas Candysh, the Navies by Me an SD Crispin Pass; and Portraits of Columbus and Vesputius, also | by C. Pass . ‘ n) 4 ‘ i i 4 4) ¥ 510 Drake, Sir Bisicsiss ae dein, e Serath Vitek: and Thomas | »| | Candysh, small, by Jodocus Hondius; both very fine and | Va “| scarce; and Thomas Lord Fairfax, by Marshall, with margin, fine 3) fraves \51\1 Hollis, Admiral Sir Tretswell, MeZZ, holding a sword, after» Peli. | Lely, by Brown, very fine and rare,— ae the Gulston, | Bindley, and Ord Collections 1 512 Lambert, Major-General, mezz., sm. folio, in a round, by / 7 . Francis Place, extra fine and rare,—from the Sykes Col- lection be 513 Napier, Charles, prooF; Sir George Rooke; aay General Max-| , // , well; all by J. Smith, very fine, &c. : 6 4514 Saunders, Admiral Charles, after Sir J. Reynolds, by M‘Ardell, aA choice proof; Admiral Boscawen, whole length, after Rey- nolds, by M‘Ardell, &c. : - 3 | 515 Shovell, Admiral Sir Cloudesley, mezz., after Will. Ryck, by / _.,, Smith ; and the same, FINE PROOF before any inscription 2 516 Sidney, Algernon, 4/o., by Luttrell, J. Smith excud.; Sir C. VE, , Shovell, by Smith; Sir Charles Wager, by White, and Faber;| | | and Lord Sandwich, by Blooteling 5) wes \517 Turner, Sir James (General in Scotland under Claverhouse), |/ 3). | sm. folio, by White, fine proof, ‘‘ PRESQUE UNIQUE” 3 ee ey | TOPOGRAPHY, &e. LOT sods YG “vy 518 Smith’s Series of Etchings of Rural Scenery ; and Luffaan’s | , AI. | Plans of the Ports of Holland, France, Spain, &c. 56 | | el Td, Pee 519 Carisbrooke Castle, by W. B. Cooke ; English Views, by Middi- | ea Bt tan ath eonket man, proofs, &c. 19 | ; ia 20 Various Portraits and Teriten ie collected to hitinte Bloom- \/ /2 ) . field’s Norfolk, including Hoefnagle’s View of Norwich, temp. | Elizabeth 58} | | bore 21 The Plates to ENroicks History of Heronintes: Statue ea a ca of Lord Bacon, &e., by Le Keux, &c. proofs on india paper, | Ke. ohh bad | aes cet RL eT ACCT a a - eA a een nn: i : ¥ 38 3 / \/ Ee 529 Views in Oxford, for the Almanacks, chiefly after Turner, R.A. kee Vad | | nt | by Basire, early impressions 19 i 7 | | 523 St. Mary’s Abbey, York, from Gent’s tdistoloe ; Private Etchings bie aes of Views, by Mrs. Dawson Turner, &c. i 38 : ; 7) 6 |524 Rooker and Sandby’s large set of Views in London, fine early bound ecg impressions 6 ‘ “ /\» | 595 Kirby’s Views and Monowelit in the Cantey of Suffolk,) “744, ie hae, scarce 12 4 ©. | 526 Pouncey’s Views in the Tite of Thanet ; and sScthiet set, proofs) Loryece. bee before the letters 9 : \/ | . | 927 Vertue's Views of the Green Dale Oak, near Welbeck, Kenil- Mil | i / | worth Castle in its ancient state, &c. 10 Pes : 7 '> 528 Plan of Norwich, Twickenham 1756, and various other Views 15 Ash m | Ae 529 Caricatures during the period of Pitt and Fox, by Gillray, in hile | [ Tia colours, &c. 15). ~ q : \2 | - | 580 The Magic Lantern, after Schenai Maryinge of the Princess} 227, .,/, - Ann to the Prince of Orange, 1733, &c. “ 16 bal | | DRAWINGS BY HEARNE, &c. Pa fe | 581 Views of the South and North Gates, Yarmouth, by Hearne, Fife | ; highly finished drawings in colours 2 ‘ / / |- | 582 Views of the Convent of the Grey Friars at Lynn, and Caister Bde I ot Castle, Norfolk, highly finished, by Hearne 2 ae / | |” | 5383 Wingfield Castle, Norfolk, by Hearne, highly finished in colours 1 Oabsea . //|. | 584 Thornbury Castle, Gloucestershire, &c., by Hearne, highly| | Jinished 2 Ho Tell ee 535 Dutch Boats in a strong Gale, by Owen, very incised 1 alae, . |/0| 6 | 586 Old London Bridge, with the houses on it, by Canot; and View br on of Old St. Dunstan’s Church, by Shepherd, both in colours 2) / | BRITISH PORTRAITS continvep. | CLERGY. | _ /0\ 6 | 587 Alabaster, William, the Poet, after Cornelius Jansen, by John QJ¢ | Payne, very fine and rare,—from the Bindley Collection; 3 ae and the copy 2 ' / J - | 588 Allestry, Dr. Richard, by David Loggan, extremely Jine, cigs ZL, clic oe | the publisher's address, with large mar gin 4 J \/§\,, | 939 Bathurst, Dr. Ralph, by David Loggan, eae fine, i, A i broad margin ? a ODL ill. 541 542 543 044 545 549 950 551 502 503 39 Burnet, Bishop of ‘Salisbury, sheet, after Mrs. Beale, by R. White, fine and a print of great scarcity 1 Burnet, Bishop, after Riley, by J. Smith, very fine ; Dr. Thos. Burnet, by White ; Bishop Beveridge, mezz., by W. Sherwin, | Bishop Carleton, te Hultsius, &c. 6 | Chandler, Edward, Bishop of Durham, and the same, proof) » | before any inscription, by Vertue; and Archbishop pace | kt by F. Bartolozzi, private plate 3 | | | Crew, Nathaniel, Bishop of Durham, by F. Place, very Hy, and scarce; and Henry Compton, Bishop of London, folio,| | by Beckett, and 40. mezz. sold by J. Smith, rare 3 | Cranmer, ArcuBisHop, by David Loggan, beautiful proof / YZ before any inscription, PRESQUE UNIQUE,— —from the Collection | of Thomas Wilson, Esq. . | Cranmer, Archbishop, by D. Loggan, ieee fake also by Vertue, 5 first state, in which by error it is inscribed Matthew Par aa : | and by P. Gunst, fine proof Carle, Walter, Bishop of Winchester, by T. Cecil ; and Sokal [> Howson, Bishop of Durham, by Martin Droeshout, with is first addresses, very fine Dolben, John, Bishop of Rochester, fact iyi by ae | son, sheet mezz., very fine, with margin ae ) Fleetwood, Will. Bishop of Ely, by R. White, whales Dr. “ee a Lightfoot, by White ; Bishop Lloyd, by Vertue ; Bishop Lake, | ‘ by Payne, &c. : 5 | FuLier, Dr. THOMAS, qathor of the Worthies, by David Log- | 4 Z Z| gan, PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION ROUND THE OVAL, | PRESQUE UNIQUE,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 | | Henchman, Humphrey, Bishop of London, after Lely, sheet / mezz., very scarce,—from the Gulston and Towneley Col- | ie lections 1| Holder, Dr. William, by D the date, and the inscription round the portrait differing in many parts from the common impression 1 Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Exeter, afterwards of Norwich, by J. Payne, extremely fine ; and Archbishop Laud, C. Visscher 9 ; excud., in fine state Kennett, Bishop of Petre by Faber, scarce ; Edward | - Maurice, Bishop of Ossory, by M‘Ardell; Michael Hewitson, | by J. Smith, very rare; Dean Eglesfield, by Faber, &c. 7) | ‘ | | | || | : David ryaecut very fine, er before | Pies | an ) 1 V6i, | | | | 151. 40 (954 Laud, Archbishop, after Vandyck, D. Loggan excud., sheet mezz. and John Hough, Bishop of Worcester, by Faber, both very Jine and scarce ; 2 & | 555 Lamplugh, Thomas, Archbishop of York, after Kneller, by Van- | drebane, very fine, before the address below of Christ. Brown; | and the same, with the address 2 - |556 Mews, Peter, Bishop of Winchester, by Loggan; John Moore, Bishop of Norwich, by White; and Brian Walton, Bishop of Chester, by Lombart, fine } ' 597 Morley, George, Bishop of Winchester, sheet mezz., after Lely, by Thompson; and the same in its rare orignal state, by Van Somer, before it was much darkened 2 | | ; _» |558 Patrick, Simon, Bishop of Ely, sheet, by White; Bishop Pearson, | by Loggan, very fine; and Archbishop Tennison, after Mrs. Beale, by Vandrebane : . 3 (559 Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Vertue, proof before any | inscription; and three different Portraits of Potter, Archbishop | of Canterbury, by Vertue, &e. 3 4 | 960 Reynolds, Bishop, by Loggan, very fine ; Archbishop Usher, | by Marshal ; Bishop Lake, by Payne, &c. 6 - |561 Richardson, John, Archbishop of Armagh, by T. Cross, very / rare; and Thomas Attwood de Rotherham, by Marshal, . ( Towneley Coll.) fine and scarce. : 2 562 The Seven Bishops, ovals on one sheet, by David Loggan, ex- tremely fine and scarce : : 1 *,." This is the original print from which so many copies were taken. : | 563 Sydrach Simpson, Robert Manton, and John Collins, all by T. Cross, the two latter of extreme rarity 3 f 564 Stillingfleet, Dr., and Dr, Tillotson, before they were Bishups, after Lely, by Blooteling, very fine ~ 1 | 565 Smalbroke, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, by Vertue; Dr. . Thomas Stackhouse, by Vertue, proof before any inscription ; | Dr. John Owen, mezz., J. Vande Velde excud., &c. 6 | 566 Sterne, RicHarp, ARCHBISHOP OF York, sheet mezz., by | F. Pace, very fine and extremely rare,—from the Towneley Collection I | 567 Tanner, Bishop of St. Asaph, sheet, by Vertue, proof before | arms or inscription; Bishop Tennison, by Vertue, proof, ) &e. . : : 4 4 i Doo ol Bxe 2) ltl) 0)¢ GES je 568 977 978 979 580 581 4} Trimnell, Bishop of Norwich, by J. Faber, very fine; Arch- bishop Whitgift, by Vertue, before the crest in the background ; William of Wyckham, by Houbraken, &c. 4 Wallis, Dr. John, the celebrated Mathematician, by David Log- | gan, extremely fine, with large margin 1 | Walton, Brian, Bishop of Chester, the compiler of the Polyglot | Bible, by P. Lombart, very fine 1 | Ward, Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, sheet, by David Loggan, ea- | 1 tremely fine, with large margin by Heath; Erasmus, by Vosterman; and Andrew Stock, &c. 10 The Oxford and Cambridge Founders, Chichley, Fleming, Sutton; Margaret Countess of Richmond; Mary Countess Warburton, Bishop, and Bishop Hurd, by Hall ; Bishop Horne, , of Pembroke, &c., in mezz., by J. Faber : 15 }* Walter de Merton, Wadham, Bishop Fox, Cardinal Wolsey, &c. by Faber, all very fine early umpressions 7 | LAWYERS. Coke, Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice, folio, by David Loggan, | a extra fine i Z|. ' | } | ' ' Carter, Sir Lawrence, by WerGe. before the Ane ess; Sir Rob. \/ st | Eyre, and Alexander Denton ; and the latter, pr oof before | any letters; Parker, Earl of Macclesfield, by Kyte, &ce. 7 Guilford, Francis North, Lord, Keeper of the Great Seal, folio, by David Loggan, very fine and scarce, Be Mr. Ord's Collection 1 | |/ } | VA , Hale, Sir Matthew, in his sis: folio, by R. White, very fine 2 | 4. and rare, with large margin l } | : Hale, Sir Matthew, Lord Chief Justice of palate’: in his | | / Jo robes, folio mezz., sold by T. Jordan, very fine, before the address was engraved in Jeffreys, Lord, when Sir George and Lord Chief Tse folio, after Kneller, by White, first state, extra fine,—from the Dimsdale and Ord Collections : 1 Jeffreys, inscribed “ George Earl of Flint, Viscount Weikham, |, Y &e.” 4to. mezz., after Kneller, E. Cooper excud., very finé and extremely scarce ; ‘ ] G : | ae, — | Z| : t r : ) : | | ) —————— 42 |. |582 Jeffreys, the same plate as the preceding, but altered to George] 7 ee be Lord Jeffryes, and without the painter’s name; and another Gran | print inscribed “ The Lord Chancellor,” J. Oliver excud., Ato. mezz., very scarce : 1 . 3 //\ y » |583 Jones, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief ieee of the Common Pleas, Se B | folio, by R. White, very fine and extra rare,—from Sir | Be. ) M. M. Sykes’ Collection 1 | ae * |. (584 Jones, Sir Thomas, inscribed “ One of the Judges of the King’s Q)o ee Bench,” mezz., after Claret, by Thompson, very fine and : | scarce,—from the Bindley Collection : ] | 4 é * |585 Jekyll, Sir Joseph, by Vertue, fine proof before any inscrip- oA ove tion ; Sir Richard Holford, after Richardson, by Vertue; and . Ay | Sir William Petyt, by White, &c. 4 “9| ~ |586 More, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor of Eagland the beautiful Gows little prints, by Valdor, and Wiercx, both very fine 2 . |587 Page, Sir Francis, proof before any inscription ; James Rey- | nolds, Lord Chief Baron, proof; Judge Price, &c.; all by Dooll | Vertue 5 : : C 588 Rainsford, Sir Richard, ar Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, Growe | after Claret, by Thompson, extra fineandscarce, with margin 1 | 989 Rainsford, Sir Richard, Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, Mls . after Claret, by Thompson, wee Jine as the preceding, but ie with still larger margin - 1 | , 14 - | 590 Street, Sir Thomas, folio, by White, very He Jirst state, oa L praca the address of C. Harper _ | 591 Willes, Sir John, by Vertue, proof before any inscription ; fab te ln John Strange, by Houbraken, proof; Sir Henry Montague, lL / on by F. Delaram, &c. - 5 ee bd), | 599 Wright, Sir Nathan, Lord Kaeo Sir Thomas Trevor, and b), oa. | Sir George Treby; all folio, by White, the latter ts before | | the publisher's address : 3 ‘ | 593 Whitelock, Bulstrode, Lord Goitimiananee of the Great Seal, Lovie | 8vo., by Gaywood, P. Stent, very fine and extremely scarce, | | with margin 5 : 1 | LITERARY CHARACTERS. | | : Pa | 9 » | 594 Brown, Sir Thomas, by Van Hove, and White; Dr. Bentley, u oY, wee 7m ) Vertue; J. Barclay, by Mellan, &c. | 995 Brown, Dr. John, of Norwich, three different prints, a “i | R. White,—from the Bindley Collection ; Lord Bacon, 2 | Vertue, Marshal, &c. : siete Tag ge | ee Pee Cees ee piesa ici 43 ler 596 Blackmore, Sir Richard, by Williams, fine and scarce; Samuel | il /3| Butler, mezz., after pes Sir William Congreve, by | | ) Z Smith, &c. 5 | ) 597 Chauncey, Sir Henry (title to his Her tfordshire), by J. Savage ; c VST and Dr. William Conyngham, of Norwich, wood-cut, neve Pau WD rolol- YW ve Tare gOVAL/ \598 Chauncey, Sir Henry, 2 J. Savage, very ie : i / | 7 | Drolol- 599 Evelyn, John, by Bartolozzi, fine proof; Samuel Dale, by | V6. | Vertue; Will. Lilly, and Francis Quarles, by Marshal, &. 9) 600 Newton, Sir Isaac; Robert Boyle, and Sir W. Congreve ; all | 7 | / by Smith; Dr. Hawkesworth, after Sir J. Reynolds, es Watson, &e. 601 Flatman, by White (. Mariette's Coll.) ; Sir ieee: Browne, ¥ . V. 4). Vanderbane, proof; Dryden (from his Poems), proof, &c. 5 602 Howell, James, by Mellan and Bosse, proof ( Mariette’s Coll.) ; | / iS and the same, with two variations; Sir K. Digby, after Van Dyck, by Voerst, in the first and second states 603 Holt, John, by D. Loggan, fine and very scarce; and Dr. |/ se Nathaniel Highmore, by Blooteling, fine, with large margin as oe ae 604 King, Sir William, Physician to Charles IH., and Sir Roger we: L’Estrange, first state, (before he was aie aie sheets, by) | R. White, very jine 2) | 605 Milton, by W. Marshal, very ane and scarce; Sir Roger 2 | |. L’Estrange, by White, and by Becket; and,the latter, proof, ) before any letters o ) | 606 Rapin, by Vertue, fine proof; mien of him, ‘ Houbraken and | 1” | e3 | i King; Tindal, the Historian, by B. Picart, proof, &c. 5 | | | 607 Sermon, William, by Sherwin, very jfine,—from the Mariette | \7 | Collection; and Sir Thomas Urquhart, whole length, by | F G. Glover, rare oi 608 Sydenham, Dr. Thomas, 8vo., ors Mrs. Beale, ie Blooteling, | | 7 | / AG choice proof 1 | | 609 Lambarde, William, the Eictocon of ore by Vertue; and the | VA same, choice proof; John Locke, two different, by Vertue, &c. 6 | | 10 Poets of England—Waller, B. Johnson, Shakspeare, Spencer, i ) | Saher Mller Qpe 2Joclol Cloyne Miller and Chaucer, by Vertue, jine 611 Pope, by Faber, and Smith; Steele and Wyeheley, by Smith;|), (47 Allan Ramsey, by G. White, &c. a Sake eee Richardson, the Novelist, two different, by Mi Ardell, neg ; | and Mathew Prior, by Simon 4} | ‘1 /)4|. 6183 629 3 I. 614 ee eas ae I/ |S], 1645 |. 4]. 616 | ha ey me . (617 mo “VY. |618 ie | 4). 619 | i : 7). \62 ee ic JO\, \ 69) j Beene I “a 622 bes /\/7 1}. | 628 be /\ +). 624 _ V2), | 625 40). | 696 te Se 4). | 627 is Se ee ae /1. | 628 gen : a4 Rushworth, John, by White; Sir Thomas Overbury, drawing, after the rare print ; Sucklin, by Marshal, &c. 1] Spencer, Sidney, and Beaumont, the larger plates, by Vertue, choice proofs 3 Swift, seated at a table, a¥oofi Sir James Work, by Vertue, Jirst ‘state; and Strype, the Historian, by Vertue, choice proof, &c. : 4 Young, Dr. by Hbdtiraver Sir P. Sidney, by Vertue ; Swift,. Steele, Ramsey, &c. ‘ } 6 ARTISTS. 7 Bulfinch, John, by D. Loggan, 8vo., very rare; and Cocker, the Writing Master, by Gaywood, very fine and scarce 2 Jones, Inigo, after Van Dyck; and Portraits of eminent Painters, after Van Dyck, by Pontius, &c. in proof or early states 7 Pontius, and other eminent Artists, after Van Dyck; Mierevelt, by Delph, proof, &c. : 5 0 Holbein, by Vosterman, and andere Stock ; Hoefnagle, George Jameson, Van Dyck, &c. : : 10 Kent, the Architect, by Ravenet, proof; Vivares, by himself, proof; Ravenet, by himself, &c. : 8 Ellicot, the Watchmaker, by Dunkarton, first state; John Harrisson, by King ; Thomas Mudge, by Townley, &c. 5 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, by Sherwin, and by Caroline Watson, choice proofs ; Marchi, the Engraver, after Sir Joshua, by Spilsbury ; Lawrence, when a boy, by Sherwin, proof, &c. 5 Hondius, Abraham; William Vander Velde, Wissing, and Kneller, by Smith; Largilliere and Family, by Becket; Lely, by Valck, &c. : 7 Flatman, the Poet and Painter, mezz., by Phones and William Vander Velde, by Smith ; both choice proofs 2 Lely, Sir Peter, 4to., by G. Valck; and the same, choice proo before any letters 2 Giles, Henry, the Glass Painter, of York, aah Pierce Tem- pest, and William Lodge; all by Place, extremely scarce 3 Gibbons, Grinling, by Smith; Schalken, John Lambert, and Kneller, by Smith ; Baptiste, the Painter, by G. White, &c. 7 Wren, Sir Christopher; Sir John Vanburgh, Murray, and Kneller ; all by Smith, very fine, &e. : 5 630 Murray, Thomas, and Kneller, the Painters ; both by J. Smith, | | YY | | aa proofs before any inscriptions 2 | frecut'es 631 Smith, the Engraver, by himself ; and Rowbilliac, the Sculptor, | by D. Martin ; both very wnt proofs a Boype— 632 Gibbs, the Architect, by M‘Ardell; Rysbrack, the sen Bar 2 ; al bi J\/ | Faber ; Monamy, Van Bleeck, Pine, &e. i Uy Ua 633 Walker, Robert, the Painter, by Lombart; Rembrandt, e \7 Schmidt, proof; N. Poussin, by Pesne, and Ferdinand ; and | ) . Charles De la Fosse, by Duchange, proofs : 5 | | Graves 634 Gamble, the Musician, by Cross, rare; John Ayres, the |> | / ” Writing Master, by R. White, fine proof, &c. : 3 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. Boye. -|635 Titus Oates, Prance, and Dugdale, by R. White; Col. Blood, by PAG AS | G. White, &c. 2 6 Foes 636 Titus Oates, proof before alteration in the eae. and be-|, V4, fore any address; and Benjamin Hewling, executed in the West, by Nutting, proof before the inscription ; 2 Boyne. 637 Charles John Count Koningsmark, tried for the murder of |/ |Z , Thomas Thynne, of Long Leate, sheet, by R. White, very yy fine and scarce hye. | 20VtLL | 638 Josiah Keeling, Discoverer of the Rye House Plot, by R. White, ft | oh: very fine and extremely scarce 1 | | Mlle 639 Hobson, the Cambridge Carrier, (eloped by Milton) a » VO, | z J. Payne, a beautiful impression | | aI oolel 640 Hans Worremberg, the Dutch Dwarf, two different prints, . yo pee P. Schenck, very scarce : : 2 | End of the Fifth Day's Sale. snot one ls Regri Pates iS eethcoe ieee ; (646 Dr. Dodderidge, by Heath ; Miller the Botanist ; Bishop Cousin ; ; 647 Portraits of the time of Queen Elizabeth, from the Heriologia, ; 648 Jeanne d’Arc, Prince Bursa &e., by De Matti choice ; 649 Samuel Haworth, John Mayew, Charlton, Waterhouse, and other ‘ | 650 Charles I. and Charles II., different early prints of them; other - 651 Portraits to illustrate Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 8vo. » |652 Dudley, Earl of Leicester; Thos. Duke of Norfolk, by Mon- » 653 Lord Bacon, Sir Thos. Overbury, Selden, Drummond, and other '+ 654 Charles II., by Hertocks, proof; Elizabeth, by var and 2 655 Milton, by Caroline Watson, and Cipriani; Dean Prideaux, and : 1656 Elizabeth, in the dress she went to St. Pauls, by Tiffin; Mr. > ee 46 SIXTH DAY’S SALE. MISCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS. LOT |, [64 arious small Portraits and Fancy subjects, from books, &c. 60 oild 642 Miscellaneous Portraits, ancient and modern 60 Gb cyne 643 Nathaniel Highmore, by Blooteling; Earl of Nottingham, the | Admiral, by Pass ; different Portraits of Hall, Bishop of Nor- ) wich, &e. . 17 |644 Queen Ann and the Revent Morton, small ovals, by Houbraken, proofs; The young Dukes of Suffolk, after Holbein, by Bar- tolozzi, proofs; Portraits of Washington, Nelson, &c. 10 645 Kings of England, (small set) by Vertue, one before the letters ; Kings of England, by Trotter, proofs, &e. 9 others of celebrated Collectors, &c. ~ , 24 Jine impressions 22 proofs ; Voltaire, Rousseau, &c., by Ficquet, &c. 9 Medical Portraits, temp. Charles II., &c. 15 Kings and Queens of England, &c. . 16 edition, some proofs, uncut plates, §c. ; 15 ) cornet, in two states ; a other early Portraits 14 early English Portraits 18 various small Portraits of the Kings of England, &c. 22 | of other Eminent Persons, proofs, &c. : 14 | Hastings, by Bretherton, 1782; and other English Portraits 22 47 i, we. \657 Col. Stanley, by Bartolozzi, private plate; Bindley, Watson | - V/ |. ) Taylor, Dr. Heath, Trattle, Miles, Thomas, and other Col- | ge ) lectors : EET) be Doolel, 658 Sir William aed the Poet, scarce ; James Earl of Carlisle, | /— | by Pass; different Heads of Pope, etched by Richardson, &e. St fet pad oe fBoype. 659 Thomas Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man, by Simon; Zac. » Vd |, | Pearce, Bishop of Bangor, by Faber; Josh. Hort, Archbishop eats Le . of Tuam, by And. Miller, scarce, ee ie oe ea fen 660 The Lord Grey, afterwards Earl of Tankerville, after Lely, by | » ) rf & Browne, very fine and scarce ; and Madam Soams, first state, inscribed “ Sooms,” by Becket 2 | oe Gave 661 Arthur, Earl of Essex, after Lely, by Lutterell ; and Edward |, / | : Rich, Earl of Warwick, after Wissing, by J. Smith, both fine | ’ and scarce 2 | D vclole 662 Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, sak Mytens, by Pinas and Portraits | « bi, : by Houbraken, from Birch’s Lives, very fine impressions 6— Pi | Od? 663 John Evelyn, by Nanteuil ; and various Portraits of the British Vol. | Poets, &c. ; ; 47} | | BRITISH PORTRAITS contTiInvuep. | ——__———— anv" LADIES. ed | gow 664 Barrineton, Lapy ANN, and Lapy Mary Sr. Joni; seated , YW) b | | together at a table, mezz., by Gascar, very fine, a print ul | ® extreme scarcity QD) Lol 665 Beaufort, Mary Duchess of, asdeice of Aries Lord ee \7 JA, after R. Walker, by J. Nutting, fine and rare,—from Mus- grave's and Towneley Collections 1 degre 666 Bellasis, the Lady, and the Lady Ashley, both after Lely, by cae Thompson, both very fine; Lady Brandon, after Wissing, by | Smith; Lady Byron, after Hogarth, by Faber, &c. 5 Greaves 667 Bulkeley, Mad. Sophia, holding a vase, mezz., by H. Gascar, , us re very fine and rare,—from the Bindley Collection Esa | flor \668 Cromwell, Elizabeth, Lady Southwell, the two plates of her, by | 12 | Smith; and the Duchess of Bolton, also after Kneller, by | | | Smith, all proofs before any scriptions : 2 ee ae Qo g 669 Chesterfield, Elizabeth Butler, Countess of, by Browne ; The |, Z| same, engraved by Beckett, both very fine ; and the latter, | | retouched by J. Smith : . 3 | | : ; : : malt 7 ||, {670 672 Gl, 1678 o 674 41\/ |, \675 |. Yl, |e76 7 | 4]. jer /3\ , | 678 \44\, | 679 EAL ee # | | 680 | 2 Gwinn, Mad. Ellen, small mezz., P. Tempest excud.; and 48 Cleveland, Barbara Duchess of, four different engravings, after Mallee Lely and Wissing, by Williams, Beckett, and Schenck, ex- tremely fine ; 4 Cleveland, Barbara Duchess of, after Kneller, 3 Beckett ; and Elizabeth Lady Cutts, after Kneller, by Smith, both very Jine : : 2 Cartaret, Lady ; Mrs. Cross, by Smith; Lady Elizabeth Crom- well, by Smith, all fine; Frances Lady Cartaret, by Vertue, &e. : 4 + 7 Derwentwater, Mary Ratcliffe, Countess of, in rich dress of ostrich feathers, by B. Lens; and Mad. Mary Davis, (the actress) after Lely, by Thompson, both very fine 2 Derwentwater, Mary Countess of, in rich dress of ostrich feathers, by Bernard Lens, proof before any inscription,—from the Gulston and Ord Collections 1 Essex, Countess of, wife of Arthur Earl of Lesoasd in mourning for her Lord, who died in the Tower, with her Son and Daughter, mezz., proof before any inscription, very scarce, Srom Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 Finch, Lady Essex, after Lely, by Browne ; sed the same Lady, etching, by Van Somers, proof before any inscription; Lady Mary Fielding, after Lely, by Beckett; Countess of Exeter, by Thompson, &c. 5 Grammont, Lady (La Belle Hamilton), and Mrs. Middleton ; both after Lely, by M‘Ardell, beautiful pair of proofs 2 Grafton, Isabella Bennet, Duchess of, after Kneller, by Smith; when younger, after Kneller, by Beckett, in two states ; and seated, after Lely, by Verkolie 4 Grafton, Isabella, Duchess of, oval, leaning on eS hand, after Wissing, by Smith, extremely fine; and the same Lady, after Kneller, by R. White, mezz., very searce and fine 2 Gwynne, Mad. Ellinor, seated with a lamb, after Lely, by Valck, in the pure state of the “— before the cross hatch- ings, &c. very fine 1 Gwynne, Mrs. Ellen, seated in a landscape, vee Lely, by yen P. Van Bleeck, an impression of great beauty : 1 Mad. Elinora Gwinne, 4to. mezz., after Lely, by G. Valck ; both fine and very scarce : 2 2 YA NLL 49 683 Gwynne, Mad. Elinora, after S. Cooper, by G. Valck; and Mad. Ellen Gwinn, and her two sons, Charles Earl of Beau- fort, and James Lord Beauclaire, after Lely, by Thompson ; both very fine 2 684 Grey, the Lady, Wife of Ford, Lord Goa) after Lely, by| - Browne; and the Ladies Henrietta and Katherine Hyde, Daughters of the Earl of Rochester, after Wissing, by Smith ; both very fine 2 685 Hughes Mad. (the Actress), after Lely, by Babies proof be-| , Sore the name of the engraver, extremely fine, with broad margin,—from Mr. Ord’s Collection 1 686 Herbert, Mrs. Marianne, mezz., by W. Buthorne the Lady}. Howard, after Kneller, by Smith; Mrs. Arabella Hunt, by Smith, &c. 5 | 687 Howard, Catherine, Re tduas of Mewuivans after Van Dyck, by Jode, proof before any inscription; Mrs. Anne Killegrew, both plates by Beckett; and another of her, by Blooteling ; all fine ‘ : 4 688 Kildare, the Countess of, the larger sized plate, after Wissing, | » by Smith, éxtremely fine and scarce; and small early copy, R. Palmer excud., rare 2 _|689 Kildare, Countess of, the large plate, aki Smith, witiog before part of the address ; and the small ioe proof before any imseription, very rare 2 690 Kirk, Mad. Mary, after Lely, by Bicted extra fine; Sarah | , Duchess of Marlborough, the large and small plates, by J. Smith; and Miss Flora Macdonald, two different plates, by Babi proofs 5 691 Lorne, Lady (Duchess of Aviary after ely: by Browne; |. Lady Eliz. Jones, by Thompson; Ladies Frances and Cathe- rine Jones, by Smith; Mad. Jane Long, by Thompson, &c. 7 692 Mazarine, Ortance Manchini, Duchess of, different portraits, |’ by G. Valck, Verkolie, and A. de Blois; each very scarce 3 693 Mazarine, Ortance Manchini, Duchess of, seated, her hand on a vase, after Lely, by G. Valck, with the first address 1 693 Mazarine, Ortance Manchini, Duchess of, after Lely, by Valck, before the flowers were introduced on the drapery, very fine 1 695 Middleton, Mrs. Jenny, as a Shepherdess, by H. Gascar; and Anne Duchess of Monmouth, feeding a lamb, after Lely; both early mezzotintos, of great scarcity : 2 50 f ’ | : /3 fe (696 Monmouth, Anne Duchess of, different portraits of her, in 4fo., Yi aes | by Williams, Schenck, &c.; all fine and scarce ce 4 > ) AeA -, |697 Newcastle, Margaret Lucas, Duchess of, standing within a niche, ‘e (Seer Cee | Cuney ) lines of verse below, after Diepenbeck, by P. Van Schuppen, | extremely fine if Te (698 Norfolk, Margaret Audley, Duchess of, after Lucas de Heere, Oj | by P. W. Tomkins, private plate, proof, ek: the Bindley | | | Collection 1 /. , |699 Northumberland, Elizabeth Connie of, two meres after My Lely, by Becket, and Browne; Mad. Katherine Neville, after Lely, by Browne, first state, inscribed “Van Dyck,” as ) painter; Frances Stuart, Countess of Portland, after Van ) Dyck, by Browne, &c. 7 V4, 700 Ossory, Countess of, after Wissing, bit Becket, very fine ; OL Christina Popping, small oval, by Simon Pass, 1614, a little print of great rarity; Mad. Ruten, after Van Dyck, of | ) Bolswert, &c. : 4 LY - 701 Portsmouth, Louise Duchess of, feeding a lamb, mezz., ea Graves oe Lely, by G. Valck, a beautiful impression, with broad margin 1 d\ 2 , 702 Portsmouth, Louise Duchess of, small oval, after Lely, by Oye Pa | Blooteling, proof before any inscription; and the same, ) ) with the inscription, but before the engraved border 2 “ / | . |703 Portsmouth, Louise Duchess of, seated on a sofa with a dog, OJe sd mezz., by H. Gascar, before his name, very fine and rare 1 | | ie 704 Portsmouth, Louise Duchess of, three different portraits, by OD) ol ! | Thompson, and Van Somer; Countess of Stamford, 4to., . ) after Lely, by Thompson, very fine, &e. 5 " | | . |705 Robarts, Mad. Jane, (the Actress), after en by Biseee very Grows Bee fine and extremely scarce 1 : / |, |706 Shore, Mrs. Jane, done from the original iene in the Eton bovis Bee Collection, by J. Faber, 4to. mezz., fine and very rare 1 : if 4 707 Seymour, the Lady Katherine, and the “ Lady Stanhope,” both Oy) ee teas after Lely, by Browne, both very fine and scarce 2 eae ¥% | 708 Soams, Madam, inscribed ‘“ Sooms,” after Kneller, by Beckett ; mA ot pb | and the same, proof before any inscription; and the Countess few ae ) of Stamford, after Wissing, by Beckett, very fine 8 \4 Ve Y _ 709 Vandyck Beauties—Celebrated Ladies of the Court of Charles I. born a | ) engraved by Lombart, with the additional Heads of Lords | = Arundel and Pembroke, ei early set, in beautiful pre- | servation ; 12 Wem oje 51 710 Wentworth, Henrietta Maria Lady, the Mistress of the Duke} / |./ of Monmouth, whole length, after Kneller, by Williams, very fine and rare 3 a 711 Williams, the Lady, whole fence after Wissing, by Beckett ;| . | Y | and Mrs. Catherine Wilkinson, after T. Hill, by J. Smith, | very scarce 4 ae 712 Windham, Mad. Anne, after Wissing, by Hearee proof; a| , /0), smaller plate of her, by B. Lens; Diana Duchess of St. Albans, and the Countess of Westmorland, by Smith; Gri-| | selda Countess Stanhope, by M‘Ardell, &c. : (hoe : } THEATRICAL. | 713 Penkethman, and Anthony Leigh, as the Spanish Friar, both by | . V7 J. Smith; and Woodward, the Comedian, after Sir J. Rey- | nolds, by Watson; all very fine 3 | | 714 Quin, by Faber, very fine; and Leigh, as the Std Friar, by |/ | 6}. J. Smith, fine proof Ae 715 Colley Cibber, as Lord Foppington, after fascists by J. Simon, | , 2 very fine and scarce 1 716 Woodward and Shuter, as Captain Bobadil ft Master Stephen;|,, 7 . and different Portraits of Woodward, as Petruchio, Mercutio,| | and the Fine Gentleman 6] | 717 Garrick, as Tancred ; and the original hekice in pencil, by|~ | Worlidge, for the print; others of Garrick, Foote, &c. 9 | 718 Mrs. Woffington, as Mrs. Ford, full length, by J. Faber; very), 4 Be Jine and scarce ] | ) 719 Samuel Foote, after Sir J. Reynolds, fe Blackmore, | Z yy b | proof ; ’ 720 Garrick, as Abel ees after Zoffany, by Dixon, the Ao 30, ys Yel. plate, very scarce; and Foote and Weston, as Major) | Sturgeon, &c., after Zoffany, by Haid ; both choice proofs 2) 721 Shuter, Beard, and Dunstal, by Fraleeted" and King and aM » VO, Badderley, by Earlom; both after Zoffany, fine proofs | | 722 Garrick, whole length, leaning near the bust of Shakspeare, Sica yA | ; Gainsborough, by V. Green ; and Garrick, as Richard, after ) | Pl ogeand ; | ) Pe ] / : : Dance, by Dixon, fine proofs 2} | ) 723 Mrs. Jordan, after Stothard, proof; rete fyaver and |, & Re others in the school of Garrick, &c. 24/ | ) 725 Miss Farren, after Sir Thos. Lawrence, by Bagttiiies Sine Anti 2 724 Mrs. Jordan, Bannister, Incledon, Barrymore, Cooke, John Palmer, Parsons, &c. proofs, &c. 12 proof, and the etching 726 Mrs. Siddons, as the Tragic Muse, after ‘Sir J. Reynolds, 2 727 728 Haward, fine proof : WORKS OF VERTUE. THe ARUNDEL FamMILy, arTER VAN Dyck, choice proof be- fore any inscription i Edward VI. granting the Charter to Bacevall Hospital, after Holbein, beautiful proof before any inscription 729 The Children of Henry VII., after Jan de Mabuse, proof es any inscription 7380 Henry VII. and VIIL., a their Queens, Elizabeth, of ees - |73l and Jane Seymour, after Holbein, fine proof ‘ 1 Vertur’s Ten Historicar Prints, including the Procession of Queen Elizabeth to Hunsdon House, the Arundel Family, &c. very fine impressions, bound together WORKS OF SIR ROBERT STRANGE. Portrait of Sir Robert Strange, in a circle, after Greuze; and the same, proof, not quite finished ‘ The Saint Jerome of Correggio, by Sir R. Sige remarkably Jine Belisarius, after Satta Rosa, very fine I The Virgin, and the Angel Gabriel, after Cusco ¢ and the Return from Market, after Wouvermans, very fine 3 King Charles I. in his robes, after Van Dyck, very fine 1 Charles I., with the horse, after Van Dyck, with the open letters, very fine : : 1 CuHar Es I., WITH THE HORSE, AFTER VAN Dyck, BEAUTI- FUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS Henrietta Maria, with the young Princes, after ies Dyck ] Henrietta Maria, with the young Princes, fine proof before any letters 1 Henrietta Maria, with a young Pine proof before the jewels were introduced on the table, very rare The Children of Charles I., after Van Dyck, very fine 1 Charles I., with the Duke d’Espernon; and the King and Queen, with the young Princes ; both after Van Dyck, by Baron 2 agin 53 ay 44 The Apotheosis of the Princes Alfred and Octavius, a ‘ | ae West, by Strange, proof; Portrait of Volpato, the Engraver, | | by Raph. Morghen, &c. ; 8 | | Wat 745 Portraits of King Charles I.; Thomas Cromwell, Earl of ) b| Pon : Essex ; Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford; James Mar- quis of Montrose; and Hamilton, the Poet; all by Strange, ) small rounds, proofs, extremely scarce,—from Mr. Baker's Collection ‘ 7 5 | | 1 | | Fey re WORKS OF WILLE. | / | fives 746 Petit Puysicien, after Netscher, BEAUTIFUL PROOF, with Sal large uncut margin 1 eae b Valeer 747 L’Observateur distrait, after Mieris, by J. G. Wille,—a present | J | ic From Wille to Woollett : ; 1 | st vey '748 L’Observateur distrait, a most beautiful proof, with a little ig y i | ptece of rock etched at the right corner : 1 | 7 | White _ |749 Musiciens Ambulans, after Dietricy, very fine early impression, | Zz / ) | before the final “ E'” in the word “ Electorale,”—from the | ) e ) oy Josi Collection : é 1 | ie | ery 750 Musici—ens AMBULANS, AFTER DIETRICY, A BEAUTIFUL I ; | | ime PROOF BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION, IN THE FINEST STATE l| | | | | oe 751 Tricoteuse Hollandoise, after Mieris, a very fine impression 1 \f J I~ | Zilse.|752 Repos de la Vierge, after Dietricy, very fine : LpoAal ol ee. 753 Repos de la Vierge, fine proof before any letters 1 | eet | a ow 754 Oliver Cromwell, by Wille ; The Young Pretender, by Daullé, ane ae PROOF; and Portrait of Wille, by J. G. Muller See | : — ! Oe eae MODERN PORTRAITS. bee ONS Oe peer ec e235. 755 Capt. Dampier, by Sherwin; Rev. James Bentham, Samuel | Lee e t 4 Pegge, Thos. Edwards, &c. 8 Pe Q)¢ |756 Dr. Southgate, De Lolme, Cowper, Richardson, and other | ie i | Literary Personages, &c. : : 21] | ey 757 Duke of Wellington, after Isabey; Sir David Baird, Sir John |, / oe , ) Moore, Lords Hood, Hawke, &c. ; 8 a WY oolel 758 Woollett, and West, by Caroline Watson; Horace Beckford, | , WA * after Cosway ; Lord Byron, after Westall, &c. 14 . lisle, by Ryder, private plate; Lord Fitzwilliam, Founder of | frowy 759 Lord Chatham, by Sherwin, fine proof; The late Earl of Car- | , / the Fitzwilliam Museum, private plate, &c. 4 | . t | ' } fot nn ee ee a ar nn en eee ae aan PORE A eect re Napoleon, after Appiani, by Bartolozzi, proor ; different Port- raits of Blucher, &c. x 8 Pitt, after Edridge, and after Hoitenee by Clint ; and Charles James Fox, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Jones, all fine proofs 3 Lords Thurlow, and Mansfield, after Sir J. Get hee*: and Pitt, after Gainsborough, all by Bartolozzi : 3 Sir Joshua Reynolds, by V.Green; Ann Viscountess Townshend, after Sir J. Reynolds, by V. Green, whole length, fine Ste &e. Sir Joseph Radeliffe, Bart., aiote length, see Owen, by Heath, proof, private plate 1 Sir Edward Kerrison, Bishop Bathurst, ue Catherine Parr, Mlb &c. engraved by Edwards, presentation proofs 6 The Duke of Wellington, after Sir Thos. Lawrence, by W. D. Grow Taylor, artist's proof on india paper : if ROYAL FAMILY. Lady Jane Grey, after Holbein, by Sievier ; Charles II. receiving the first pine apple, by R. Graves, &c. ; 4 George II., whole length, after Pine, by Dickinson; and George III., after Edridge, by Cardon, proof on india paper 2 Princess Charlotte, after Dawe, by Cooper; and with Prince Leopold, in their box, by Dawe; Queen Victoria, after Lane, by Lewis, proofs, &c. 7 Duke of York, after Sir Thos. Lawiae by Don neg before letters, on india paper i Princess Charlotte, after G. Haves by Wedgwood, rate rare; George Prince of Wales, by ae Duke of Gloucester when a boy, after Sir Joshua, &c. 3 9 Eind of the Sixth Day’s Sale. SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. ENGLISH SCHOOL. LOT a 772 Dogs and the Frog, an original etching, by Mr. Edwin earns E15 1822, on india paper ad 7 | i SS 7783 Shakespeare Characters, from the designs of Mariner etched | | | 7 | by B. Reading, proofs on india paper 12 | Granny 774 Private Etchings by J. G. Spurgeon ; various Etchings of Heads . 51 ; 7. by Worlidge, &c. 1450) Mor 775 Virgin and Child, after eee by J. Smith ; Subjects after | & the Dutch Masters, by Warner Vaillant, early English mezzotintos i ae botnagh 776 The Cartoons of Fe Nbaal engraved in migazounts By J. Simon, | i Yo) : fine set, very scarce : 8 | | WY Ler 777 Landscapes, after Zuccarelli, by Bamne: one a fine proof; Sea_ ripe Piece, after Vernet, &c. : Z 4 | | | bh lidzpel 778 Scene in Tom Jones, engraved conjointly by Woollett and Bar- | |> | ae tolozzi; and other Fancy Subjects, after De Loutherbourg, ; proofs, &c. 7| ! Q) : 779 Scene in Tom Jones, by Woollett, proof efi any letters; and | . V4 6 ‘ the Battle of La Hogue, the small plate, by Voysard, proof 2 | ee by Middiman, proofs, &c. aw Gy) - 781 Marine Views, after Joseph Vernet, Be Le Veau, aii proofs, |» 6 | ee 4 | ly ae 782 Landscapes with Datch Boors, Merrymakings, &c. inet Teniers, Pe | ba | by Le Bas; others after Rembrandt, Ferg, &c. 14 | | Tea ek Graves 783 Landscapes, after Poussin, and Berghem; small Heads of Infant |, //g7 Christ, &c. after Carlo pees the Houghton Gallery, | proofs, &c. 7 : Vi Mon 784 The Cartoons of ely by Gribelin, 1720, Sine old ete Fr q sions ° OD lhor 785 Landscapes, ehings by Weirotians others by Smith of ae | : 3 | aber 780 English Landscapes, after Gainsborough, Barrett, Gilpin, &c. | : J e | ester, Byrne, Perelle, &c. : : 19 ) al : ) 56 786 Landscape with Ruins, drawing, by R. Wilson, R.A.—from Mr. Lock’s Collection ; Cupid sleeping, etching by Parme- giano; Cattle, by P. Potter, proofs, &c. . 12 Growe , |, | 787 Illustrations to Shakespere, by J. Heath; to Rogers's Pleasures| 4, Z,, of Memory, after Westall, by Charles Heath, proofs, &c. 21 9 /4,\,| 788 The Regatta Ticket, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi, proof ; y We Wilkes’ Ticket, proof; and the same, in three different states, from the Collection of Sir M. M. Sykes 5 _ \/2|. 1789 Tickets for the Benefit of Giardini and Tenducci, after Cipriani, Muy | by Bartolozzi, several of them early proofs 10 | eakg 790 Tickets for the Benefit of Giardini, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi, Whit | choice proofs, &c. é ; Th 5 , |/0| .| 791 Tickets after Cipriani; Fancy Heads, after Cipriani, ‘by Barto- More lozzi, proofs, &c. 9 ~ el, 792 Scraps of Nature; Set of beautiful Etchings of Landscapes, by Piulbeer Brandard, on india paper, bound together 17 WORKS OF HOGARTH. 793 Portrait of William Hogarth with his Dog, extra. fine 1 es 794 Hogarth painting the figure of Comedy, with the white face, A tis ; inscribed below “ The face engraved by William Hogarth,’ |“ . without the date I 795 Hogarth painting the figure of Comedy, with the white face, age “ The face engraved by W. Hogarth” effaced, and the date | introduced : : 1 | - ¥3), 796 The Plates to the Analysis of Beauty, first states, very fine 2 Guus be /y . | 797 Set of the Harlot’s Progress, remarkably fine, in the first states 6 ay f A /2\6 | 798 Set of the Rake’s Progress, a choice set, some of the plates Yui < Be before the usually described first states : S| ie / 5. 799 Modern Midnight Conversation, first state, very fine l) Wade ies b . | 800 Modern Midnight Conversation, Jirst state, printed in red ink, bios ee, very scarce ‘ : I ) is eh 801 Southwark Fair, very fine : 1 La hide | Z gy » | 802 The Distressed Poet, first state, very fine 1 Cotueys | 2 4. 803 The Enraged Musician, first state, very fine Me 70% |; _- | 804 The Four Times of the Day, first states, very fine 4) Z, bw 7/4, 805 Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn, the usually described Jirst state : ; ; 1 806 ‘Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn, very fine, earliest state, : | bemg with the thick wig, which the female wears in the left | | corner of the print, &c. : 8 ae Se alice gfer «| 807 Garrick in the character of Richard IL. very fine 1|/ 72 a Gres 808 Set of the Idle and Industrious Apprentices, remarkably Sine, ve /7) L | in the first states : Io Aer Ode 809 The Gate of Calais, very Sine ° 1 a Fem Qj | 810 Set of the Marriage a la Mode, first sthstéa, an extremely fine y iss | | : set 6 os Bevin 811 Beer Street, and Gin Lane, and Beer Street, first state, with ns et “6 4 Frenchman Beet] Mite 812 Gin Lane, and the same, first state, with fhe white faced baby, | / | /0\, very fine 2 | ) | QJ | 813 Moses brought before Pitaroat¥’s Daughter, arid Paul before. | 7 | Y}. | Felix, first states, very fine a : 2) | laigacict 814 Set of the Election Pieces, in the earliest states, a remarkably | | vg | y 0). fine set While 815 The March to Binchiey, “ the Sunday print,” extra fine 1/0 3] Groves 816 France and England, on the thin paper, Plate 2 is before the | word “ England ” ° 9 | 3. White 817 The Cock Pit, very fine ae De OD) », | 818 The Country Inn Yard, Jirst eae The Tats “ Plate . oa | ST, . Jirst and second states ; and the Times, “ Plate 2” 4| | | lo}? 819 Churchill the Bruiser, first state, with the white “ Lyes” on the | 2) / ah Club ; second state, before the picture on the pallet ; and the | third state, with the picture introduced : 3 | | 0° 820 The Bench, first state ; Datur Vacuum; Laughing Audience ; e vi fae and Company of Undertakers, all fine 2 OWL 821 The Bench, first state, very fine; the second state ; and “a : | Jp Sleepy Congregation, first state || 71" | Ope 822 Portrait of Sarah Malcolm, executed 1732 for once very at a Z Ae . and rare ; and the copy . OU 823 The Five Orders of Perriwigs, first hte before the letter “EB | /| “0 | in advertisement ; and the second state 4, 824 Aineas in a Storm; and Rich’s Glory, or his TEridiaphant ent 2 | V3, 2 into Covent Garden, both very fine and scarce * | ape 825 The Beggar’s Opera; and the same, proof before the pon ST. above, very fine : aves |826 Time smoaking a Picture; and the same, first state, before he | 2|/ word “ Crates ” | | = | I | | eee ee ee — ee Se ee a — | ZA/2 AV/8\, | 827 828 . | 829 58 Fa VIII. at Anna Boleyn, first state, with the lines of verse below, very fine 1 Receipt Plate for the print of hie March to Finchley, with the original autograph and seal of Hogarth, in beautiful preser- vation ] Columbus breaking the ter ; Receipt Ticket for the Analysis of Beauty, with the original autograph and seal of Hogarth, in very fine state 1 Crowns and Mitres; The Reoaipe Ticket for the Blectiba Enter- tainment, with the original autograph and seal of Hogarth, very fine 1 Paul before Felix, the small nieve jirst staih Tartuff’s Banquet; Woman swearing a Child ; and the Cock Pit, all fine 4 Portrait of the celebrated Lord Lovat, ‘ drawn from the life” ; and the same, first state, before the price “ One Shilling” rare . : 2 Portrait of Gibbs the Architect, mezz., in an engraved oval, with border, by McArdell, very fine and scarce 1 Large set of the Hudibras, before “ Down with the Rumps,” Jirst state, a fine set : 12 Sancho’s Banquet, and the Head of Sancho, from the original drawings by F. C. Lewis, proof, only 7 taken; and the Poli- tician, by Sherwin 5 3 Set of the Plates to Don Quixotte, proofs before the quotations below, very fine 6 Taste in High Life, by Simiual Phillips ; and the Beggar’s Opera, by W. Blake, proofs 2 Taste in High Life ; Indian Emperor ; and the pee Opera, all with the letters 3 Enthusiasm Delineated, copy ofan the rare shoe The Politi- cian, proof before the date ; View of Rosamond’s Pond ; and Portrait of Broughton the Boxer, private plates 4 Portrait of Frances Lady Byron, by J. Faber, the large uncut plate, very fine and scarce 1 Sancho’s Feast, the original plate; and the Mystery of Masonry, Jirst state, both very fine 2 Booth, Wilks and Cibber contriving a Panté mia first state, rare; and Taste in High Life, the original plate 2 Frontispiece to Kirby on Perspective, by Woollett ; Satan, Sin and Death, by Se ae ; and others after sketches by Hogarth : 5 : 59 844 Portrait of Huggins, small round, rare ; John Wilks, Martin | y ys, | | : Folkes, and Cap. Coram, all fine Ap te totter Wits 845 View at Twickenham, proor; Battle of the Pietauds « and the | _ | J3 / ; “ Bathos,” &c. 8 tee ; |” DF vores. 846 Before and After, first states ; arc the Modern 1] “Midnight Con- ae : ; j / ' V/\. B versation, second state - : Bl lrawd WORKS OF SHARP, BARTOLOZZI, WOOLLETT, &c. oy More; \847 Mary Queen of Scots, and her Son, James I. when a boy, after 2. a | Zucchero, by Bartolozzi, choice proof before any letters 1 | | his 848 Charles I. in three ay after Van Dyck, by Sharp, fine ff 2). : ae proof ercrnbe 849 Dr. Hunter, by See after Sir Joshua Rernaide, fine proof 1 2 4). i folser, \890 St. John preaching in the Desert, after Salvator Rosa, a / Z|. | Browne, fine proof, on india paper ) While: 851 The Watering Place, after Rubens, by Browne, bans proof, on mY fo | | india paper ; ) Graves 852 The Waggoner, after Tee by Browne, ie proof before he Yo] 41 ioe motto in the arms ) Qh 853 The Waggoner, after Rubens, o Browne, Aye before any 7 Zs ) : letters or the arms 1) Wile |854 Brisk Gale, and companion, after vander Velde and Back-| iH 7 A | huysen, by Canot, fine proofs 4 (3 | | tcbhrlson, \895 The Landing of neas in Italy, after Claude, by Mason, is | F 7 | a | proof; and Waterfall, after Ruysdael, by S. Smith, proof; | ) | ) and the etching cee Mller 856 The Circumcision, after Geereing by Bavtolont is proof;— |” / J) | , | : From Sir M. M. Sykes’ Collection 1 | ! 7 (Qge 857 The Clytie, after Annibal Caracci, by Bartolozzi, pee ak Cae, | : | ! —from Sir M. M. Sykes’ Collection 4 | Lolaen 858 The Clytie, by Bartolozzi, with the letters; and the Riots in | » Yst | Broad Street, after Wheatley, by James Heath, fine proof 2 : | “ffee 859 Set of the Shooting Pieces, after Stubbs, by Woollett, sa yy * | proofs Lt; bite \860 The Niobe, after Wilson, ee Sharp and Smith » fine early proof ; x ; he es. 861 Death of Captain Cook, the large plate, after Webber; Henry | , r | VIII.’s Ship, the Great Harry, by Canot ; Series of cess of the Battle of the Nile, &c. ; 8| | | ae a ey tts ashen , V3), 1862 , / _, |863 Dutch Boors, after Teniers, ne Michel; Pope Clement; Sir 60 Caius Gabriel Cibber’ s Figures at Bethelem Hospital, by Sharp, proof, rare; Tomb of William of Wyckham, at Winchester, by Sherwin, &c. : 6 Thomas Gresham, &c., proofs,—from the Houghton Gallery 7 a : (864 Ann Page, and Slender, after Leslie, by Engleheart, proof on Pabeor india paper, &e. 3] 865 Salvator Mundi (from the picture by Caan Dolci at Burleigh),| Y//57%, | by Cardon, proof on india paper : 1 2... 866 The Silence, after Annibal Caracci, by Bartolozzi, choice proof 1 Cd) g , 441, 1867 Virgin and Child, after Raphael, by Anderloni; and the same 10 composition, by Guidetti, fine proofs 4 2 alder V2 |. 868 Fishermen on the look out, after Collins, by J. Phelps, artist's Vhtz | proof, on india paper 1 - 2° 869 The Waterfall, after Zuccarelli, by Middiman, proof; and the Soloer a" etching ; and Smugglers attacked, after Bourgeois, by Earlom, _ proof 3 , J), |870 The Smugglers attacked, nee Co eae bs Earlom, proof be- Qhe fore the title | l / /b . 871 Statue of Mr. Pitt, from Nollekens’ Statue at Cambridge, by Guay J. Heath, presentation proof, on india paper, to the Duke | of York 1 J. |, 872 King Lear in the Storm, ane West, by Sharp, fine proof 1 Webres J ve _, 873 Death of Lord Nelson, after W est, by Heath, choice proof be- Gay Sore any inscription (only eight taken) 5 1 Z Y , 874 Series of Plates of the Bayeux Tapestry, from the Drawings of Seffiue : Charles Stothard, in colours 17 J). |875 The Happy Cottagers ; the Sailor’s Return, bes after Bigg, me & : ae Nutter, &c. proofs i co 13 |. 1976 Holy Family, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Sharp, fine prot VSP | with perfect margin \7 /5) , (877 The Blind Fiddler, after Wilkie, by Bane proof, on ae SE ibs ) paper, before the cross lines on the boy’s hat : Baraca / /4,., 878 The Blind Man’s Buff, after Wilkie, by Rainbach, choice proof, be aan on india paper 1 £ 879 La Femme Hydropique, anon Gerard Dow, by Cee Jine| Yb betx proof 1 ee d | , | 880 Napoleon, in his obese after Gerard, by Daterert jine early Jo oa | impression 1 The Banditti Prisoners, after Both, by aes proof before any inscription ; : J 883 882 Jacques at the Stream, after Hodges, by Middiman; and others | 61 from Boydell’s Large Shakspeare, proofs : 3 The Field of the Cloth of Gold, published by the Antiquarian Society ; Design for a Monument to Lord Nelson, by Ca- | nova, &c. 3 ete of Edmund Waller, the Poet, a Bachis iful drawing in |. J/ pencil, by David Loggan : 1 883** Portrait of Peter Mews, Bishop of Winchester; and of a _ J$ 884 885 Jalex |\886 Wl \887 raves 888 While \889 Veivlall, 890 894 895 Gentlemen, temp. Charles II., highly Ire in pencil by Loggan 2 MEZZOTINTOS. WORKS OF RICHARD EARLOM, &c. James Duke of Richmond, whole length; and Sir Thomas, G | Chaloner ; both after Van Dyck; Marchioness of Wharton, after Lely ; all by Earlom, fine 3 Sir Thomas Chaloner, and Sir Thomas Whatton: both after, “7 ¢ Van Dyck, by Earlom, choice proofs 2 The Cradle; and old Man, in a broad brimmed hat, — M’Ardell, , | G Jine proofs; and Lady reading, after Rembrandt; all by | Earlom 3 The Misers, after Quintin Matsys, by Dene the large plate, |\/ . choice proof Die The Misers, after Quintin Mateys, by Garlont. the small plate ;. eg Se E and the Shepherd Boy in a Storm, after Gainsborough, by Earlom, choice proofs 2 Rubens, his Wife and Child, from the Acne at Blenheim, by 7/7 7 — M‘Ardell; and Rubens’ Wife and Page, by Earlom, choice proofs : 2 | Tue Fruit anp FLower PI£EcE, AFTER one Huysum, BY | // | EARLOM, CHOICE PROOF BEFORE THE MOTTO’S The Herb and Fruit Markets, after Snyders, by Earlom, fe ) / v9} proofs before the motto’s Christ in the Garden, after P. da Cortona, oy Murphy, ae a boa and Abraham’s Sacrifice, after Rembrandt, by Murphy 2 | Gamesters, after Teniers, by Val. Green, proof; Fruit ney : 4 / after M. A. Campidoglio, by Earlom, &c. : 4) The Water Mill, after Hobbima, by Earlom, choice proof 1 | 7, Ae The young Duke of Buckingham and his Brother; and Lords | / G | John and Bernard Stuart, after Van mee by M‘Ardell,, ae proofs : 2 | | ” - OB | 896 Bates (897 Are. 898 | 7 » | 899 Laae 900 1214, | 901 71.1. |908 /\2\. |903 /p . 904 ee 905 .|f|. |906 / 7) 907 7’ |908 . /\61, pe? 18). loro i ) aie 62 VoLPpATO AND MorGHEN’s SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS, AFTER RAPHAEL, IN THE VATICAN, with the four circles, thirteen plates, fine old impressions, bound together PORTFOLIOS. Portfolio, with leaves of stout drawing paper, 284 by 21 inches, russia back, with basil sides Portfolio, with leaves of stout drawing paper, similar in size, &c., to the former Portfolio, with leaves of drawing paper, lettered ‘ Portraits,” Vol. I., 284 by 21 inches Portfolio, full bound in russia, richly gilt border, with leaves of drawing paper, lettered “ Landscapes,” 23 by 17 inches Portfolio, fellow volume to the preceding, lettered “ Landscapes,” 23 by 17 inches Portfolio, full bound in russia, with leaves of stout white paper, lettered “ Portraits,” Vol. I., 19 by 144 inches Portfolio, similar to the last, lettered “ Portraits,” Vol. II., 19 by 144 inches Two Portfolios with flaps, without fede 23 by 18 inches, half- bound, russia back and corners Two Portfolios with flaps, without leaves, 23 by 18 inches, lettered “* Houbraken,” and “ Portraits,” Vol. I. Two Portfolios with flaps, without leaves, 23 by 18 inches, lettered “ Dutch School,” Vol. V., and “ Smith’s Portraits,” Vol. III. | Two Portfolios, half-bound green morocco backs and corners, lettered “ Rembrandt,” Vol. I. and II., 23 by 18 inches Three Portfolios, without leaves Two Portfolios, with leaves of tinted paper, half bound russia, lettered “‘ Scarce Portraits,” 12 by 10 inches Two small Portfolios with leaves, and two without leaves ENGRAVINGS, &c. FRAMED AND GLAZED. Norwich, beautiful drawings in pencil, by Rob. White, (temp. Charles II.) in black frames : 2 Lie lan Lily be rheas ye RAE lia Y sy. ‘911 Portraits of Sir Samuel Barnardiston, and Dr. John Brown, of Wie 63 lO ilk 12 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, in ornamental herded ieohiy finished drawing in pencil : ] wea 913 The Misers, after Quintin Matsys, by Earlom, pes “T have | / | 4 lost my way,” after Lady Bedingfield; and two Views of King’s ) and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge : 4 EOL, '914 Portraits of the Duke of Wellington, and the Duke of York, after Beechey, by Skelton; and of Master Betty, as pone after Opie, by James Heath Aiollecveuy 915 Head of the “ Salvator Mundi,” after the sslebeetea picture ne ne / Gls Leonardo da Vinci, at Leigh Court, by Felsing, proof eee aa any letters, in the earliest state, in gold bead frame LL, 916 Master Lambton, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, by Cousins, pe a proof, with the address of Sir Thomas Lawrence, in maple- | wood frame, with plate glass. ] White \917 PoRTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, daa Salter, by | 4 ae Greatbach, artist’s proof before any letters ; this has written | beneath (at the request of the late possessor) “Wellington, | in the hand-writing of the illustrious Duke, in maple-wooc | : frame : J | Q): 918 The Highland Whiskey Still, after eee by Rob. Graves ie AWE 7 A.R.A., artist's ee before any letters, in maple-wooc frame OD? 919 Tue BaTTLes or THE Boyne, AND La Hoeeu after WEST by WooLLETT, FINE PROOFS, tn eee es frames, with meet 6 |. plate glass ; | ECL, \920 Cromwell dissolving the Long Parianeat and te Restoratior | of Charles II., after West, by Sharp and Hall, rine PROOFS | in maple-wood frames, with plate glass Qde 921 Death of Major Pearson, after Copley, by James Heath, Be in maple-wood frame, with plate glass 4 SOLE 999 Tue TRIAL OF QUEEN CATHERINE, CALLED “ THE KEMBLI | FAMILY,” BEAUTIFUL PROOF, WITH THE HEAD OF THES, PERE BENEATH, AND BEFORE ANY LETTERS, OF WHICE ONLY FOURTEEN WERE TAKEN, in gold frame, with pes ) | g st 6 Bt, O70) pees ee > bi THE END. fh 6. . J. & —— J. DAVY & SONS, Printers, 137, Long Acre. ‘ Ezz ELZZA Zz a 7'¢ iy 4 Fi : - %y. - ‘ ‘ a> ah ‘ > Ve era may xy 5 &) 2 . ¥ % 4 “he 7 eit a » Pon's ey =~ ' 2 ane 5 : : % rf ‘ Fi % ¥ ? ms At aed t E te ‘ +> > q % a7 4% 2 La) Yee Peco. te So Hi Fe re 3 . 5 ami Saheb ser 8 F ‘jz a 3 rel LSE ORE tps | see wey: —— ae