JORE’S AUCTION GALLERIES 290 FIFTH AVENUE | SECOND PART OF THE HASELTINE SALE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY 29TH, MARCH ist & 2b, 1888 AT 8 O'CLOCK LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF THE SLEOCOND PART (BEGINNING WITH NO. 238) OF A GREAT COLLECTION PAINTINGS BELONGING TO MR. CHARLES F. HASELTINE HOUSE IN NEW YORK, 278 FIFTH AVE. HOUSE IN PHILA., 1516 & 1518 CHESTNUT STREET ON VIEW DAY AND EVENING BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 20TH. T@ BE SOLD. BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS ! FEBRUARY 29TH, MARCH IST & 2D, 1888 : COMMENCING AT 8 O'CLOCK AT ~~ MOORE’S AUCTION GALLERIES 290 FIFTH AVENUE. WM. P. MOORE, AUCTIONEER. Aerni, 475 Se ee Etienne, 458 Agostini, 247, 248, 414, Falero, 442 Alvarez, 266 Amoros, 259 Anders, 323 Andreotti, 255, 256, 451 Armfield, 267 Atalaya, 447 Aufray, 242 [415 Ferrier, 477 Fondivilla, 413 Fornari, 341 Frere, Ed., 263 Gabrini, 392, 478, 479 Gailliard, 28: Gallait, 352 Aureli, 311, 312, 471, 472 Garcia Mencia, 407 Ballesio, 426 Baudouin, 270 Beauquesne, 402 Benlluira, y Gil, 345 Beranger, 286 Berard, 386 Blauvelt, 328 Boutibonne, 289 Brissot, 337, 430, 431 Cano, 381 Castagnola, 322 Cecconi, 245 Cervi, 260 Chanet, 464 Chartreuse, 290 Chavet, «464 Chelmonski, 434 Clays, 369 Coessin, 274 Constantini, 275 Conti, 423 Coomans, J., 383 Corcos, 276, 466 Corradini, 327 Corrodi, 432 Courbet, 448 Couture, 455 Daini, 445 Daubigny, 279 De Beaumont, 309 De Beul, 282 De Cock, 284 Gatti, 246 Gaubault, 419 Gegerfelt, 348 Gelli, 332 Gioja, E., 393 Girardet, H., 392 Goupil, 326, 360 Ginllemin, 412 Hamman, 314 Hamza, 377 Harburger, 357 Hart, J. M., 463 Haquette, 375 Heger, 376 Hermann, 258, 438 Herzog, 319 Hubner, 250 Indoni, 420, 421, 469 Ingami, 243 Isabey, 265, 305, 371 Jacomin, M. F., 264 Jacque, 278, 308 Jacquet, 450 Jazet, 384, 443 Jourdan, 287 Jullien, 429 Kotschenreiter, 374 Kruseman, 306 Kuhl, 452 Lagye, 272 Landelle, 302 Laupheimer, 269 De Franceschi, 427, 473 Lazerges, H., 303 De Garay, 404 De Grosse, 446 De la Hoese, 325 De la Mar, 330 De Launay, P., 349 De Neuville, 439 De Noter, 329 Desgoffe, 361 Desvarreux, 380 Detti, 300 Devedeux, 435, 436 »Diaz, 271, 307, 394 Dieffenbach, 340, 444 Lazerges, P., 362 Lefebvre, 285, 373 Leman, 30r Lemoine, 234, 334 Lesrel, 405 Leys, 410 Linford, 339, 449 Lossow, 388 Lugo, 416 Luminais, 462, 482 Luna, 304 Madrazo, 385 Marchetti, 268, 288 Donat, 238, 239, 320, 321, Menard, 294 Doyen, 474 Dupré, J., 368 Duval, 364 Duverger, 424 [400, 401 Mendez, 422 Meyer, 251 Meyerheim, 299 Michetti, 297 Duvergne, 240, 241, 262 Monti, 433 Ebert, 350 351 Egusquiza, 440 Entraygues, 253 Moormans, 252 Noel, 298 Outin, 365 THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS ARE REPRESENTED. Pallares, 363 Paling, 378 Palmaroli, 355 Pasini, 295, 366, 396 Perrault, 354 Pinchart, 417, 465 Piot, 372 Poirson, 397 Polidori, 342 Pollet, 353 Portielje, G., 437 Portielje, J., 273 Raggio, 418 Ramsey, 441 Randinini, 468 Regnault, 324 Resio, 408 Ricci, A., 359 Richards, W. T., 387 Richet, 293, 344 Rico, 370 Riva, 399, 470 Rosati, 379 Rossi, 453, 454 Rota, 331 Roubaud, 382 Roybet, 481 Ruiz, 398 Sadler, 390 Schachinger, 257 Schakow, 310 Schlesinger, H., 292 Schouten, 249 Schreyer, 457 Schulz, E., 315 Sell, 460, 461 Senet, 409 Spiridon, 459, 467 Stevens, Alf., 318, 389 Suykens, 316 Szerner, 338 Tamburini, 333 Tissot, 291, 480 Troyon, 395 Valpe, 244 Van Scheudel, 4rz Vanutelli, 336 Vautier, 358 Verdick, 346, 406 Vernier, 347 Velten, 367 Veyrassat, 296, 343 Vibert, 456 Villegas, 261 Vinea, 335 Vion, 403 Volion, 356 Voltz, F., 277 Wahlberg, 280, 476 Weber, Th., 283 Willems, 313 Zingoni, 425 Zuber Buhler, 317 FEBRUARY I8TH, 1888. In view of a prompt removal from my present Philadelphia house and the immediate need of a large sum of money to complete my new building, and to carry out an ar- rangement entered into last summer with a prominent expert in Paris, which sum has been partially advanced by Mr. Moore, and must be immediately realized, I have con- cluded to sell at once from my present stock Five Hundred Paintings, which have been delivered to the auctioneer with instructions to sell to the best of his ability. This sale is, therefore, the greatest event of the season among art sales. As but one-half of the pictures could be exhibited at one time in the galleries, the sale was divided into two portions, this second part of the sale, beginning with No. 238, being now on exhibition. CuHas. F. HASELTINE. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and in case of dispute between bidders, the Jot in dispute to be immediately put up and re-sold. 2. The auctioneer to have the right to bid on behalf of the seller on lots : upon which there is a reserve. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or, if required, the entire purchase money; in default of which the lot or lots so boughtto be immediately put up and re-sold. 4. The buyer to pay the balance of the purchase money in cash at the office of the auctioneer, or to otherwise settle to the auctioneer’s satisfaction, within three days after the sale ends, and the buyer to remove the goods at his own expense and risk within twenty-four hours after the payment ofthe bill, or storage will be charged. The auctioneerin no case holding himself responsi- ble ifthe lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed after they are struck down; they will remain atthe buyer’s sole risk. 5. No sale of an article to be set aside on account of any faults or any error in description—the undersigned not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authenticity of, or any default or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. All articles are on public view one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 6. Buyers to pay for all lots purchased in full before any one or more lots will be delivered. f 7. No article will be taken off the bill of the buyer under any circumstance. The Record of the Sale, kept by the auctioneer’s clerk,in all cases to be f taken by the buyer as absolute and final in all disputes. 8. After the sale no re-examination of the lot or lots will be allowed, until alllots are paid for in full by the buyer, when the lots will be delivered on the premises to the buyer. 9. Lots purchased will not be transferredffrom the bill of the buyer to an- other person until such lots are paid for in full, or a deposit made on each bill of at least 25 per cent. to. Cheques from strangers or persons unknown or irresponsible, will not be accented in payment, and in cases of doubt goods will not be delivered until such cheque is paid. rz. Should a buyer wish a lot sold over for his account, the lot must first be paid for in full. A commission will be charged by the auctioneer, the loss or gain to be for the account of the buyer. 12. To prevent inaccuracy and inconvenience, no lot can on any account be removed during the hours of sale. 13. Upon failure to comply withthe above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time afore- said shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, andthe deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. WILLIAM P. MOORE. CATALOGUE. FOURTH EVENING’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH, 1888, = Sa earn his agar At Eight O’clock. THE FIRST FIGURE OF THE MEASURE IS THE WIDTH. DONE EQ) eee eels Born in Brussels. Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. 238 A Winter Day, near Bruges 239 A Cloudy Day by the Lakeside 9% x 656 DUVERGNE (PAUL) = 5. ee 240 Benares, India: A Procession to the Tombs 241 Coast of Sicily 197% X 113% [6] AUFRAY (JosrpH ATHANAS). . . . . . Paris Born in Paris. Pupil of Barrias. 242 In a Swiss Village 123% x 16% MING AWOL CE ee 9 ee oe ee OS 243 The Butler in Love 1244x14% NEAT Pile (VW) 6 5 eee ose ee OMS 254 e e Present Warmth and Antici- pated Food 814 x 10% beeen 5 8 Rome 245 Kindling the Fire 7x 10% [7] GNU eae Se ee 246 Contemplation 5% X 9% AGOSTINI (Gummo)... =. +. Plorence 247 : Castle of Verrucci, near Pisa 248 Lake of the Four Cantons 1254 x 1654 SCHOUTEN #1.) =. 2s —Brussels Pupil of J. H. Te De Hiaaa, 249 Fowls in the Barn 174% -% 13% HUBNER (Pror. Kart Witnetm) . . deceased Born at Kénigsberg, 1814. Died about 1878. Studied at the Dusseldorf Academy, and under W. Von Schadow and K. Sohn. Royal Professor at Dusseldorf. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Academies of Amsterdam aad Philadelphia. Medal at Metz. Medals at Dusseldorf, Munich, Berlin and Vienna. Member of various European Academies. 250 The Expected Letter 24 X 30 [8] MEVER (LI) 0-2 22-5. 55 -Wamien 251 Little Brother 11%x19% MOORMANS (Francois Leonarp Jean) . Paris Pupil of the Academy at Antwerp. Born at Rotterdam. 252 beg, Si 2154 x 184 ENTRAYGUES (Cuarzzes Bertrand D’) . Paris Born at Brives. Pupil of Pils. 253 Leaving the Foster Mother 2134 X17 EOMOUUE (8 6 oA Coming Storm--- Normandy Coast BOme22 ae ANDREOTTI (Feperico) . . = NOMIC A work by this artist was sold in she a Royal Exhibition i in London for The Decne Melody 256 Secret Instructions LOX 127; SCHACHINGER (GasrigL) . . 2. Mimics Professor at Munich. : 257. The Chatelaine 654 x 10% EER IVEAUNGN © CLO) ee =e IS orn at Pari is. The famous author of “A Coal Story ” and ‘* After the Sermon.” 258 In the Olden Time 54%X7 AMOROS (Gi) = 25 22 = ree Born in Spain. Pupil of Domingo. 259 Testing the Blade 2138 x 14% [ 10 ] CERVIAC 4 =e eee Ome 260 Prepared for the Ride 21% x 30 VIECLEGAS =. se-. iis a ROME Born at Seville. : The greatest living Spanish artist. : Medals at Seville, Madrid, Cordova, Rome, Naples, Parma and Turin. : t 261 7 Mid-day on the Naples Coast 10% x7 DUVERGNE (Piut) =... ss Paris 262 A Canal in Cairo 10 X 134% j PRERE (Pierre Epouarp) <>. -.-.--.— Paris Born at Paris, 1819. EI Pupil of Paul Delaroche. i Medals, 1851 and 1852. a Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. - Cross of the Legion of Honor, 185s. Hors Concours. 263 Dreams of the Future 10% x 13% [ir] JACOMIN (Martg-Ferpinanp) . . . . - Paris Born at Paris. Medal, 1883. Exempt. His Picture of 1883 purchased by the French Government for the Luxembourg. 264 After the Rain 734X9% ISABEY (Louis Gasrret Evcenz) . . deceased Born at Paris, 1804. Died, April 26th, 1886. Pupil of his Father. Medals, First-class, 1824 and 1827. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Medal, First-class, 1855, E. U. Hors Concours. 265 A Blustry Day on the French Coast 18144 x 12% ALVAREZ. \ POPINO= 5 == OMS Born in Spain. Medals at Rome, Seville and Madrid. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. 266 A Card of Introduction Text [12] ARMEIE LD (Grorce) <2 so. London A great painter. Pictures by this artist are quite rare. 207 In Full Chase 24x 18 MARCHPITT (Lj: = ee eas The illustrious artist. Several Medals. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. 268 Spanish Men-at-Arms LAUPHEIMER (H.) .. 3.2. . . Munich Born at Wurtemberg. Studied at Munich. Medal at Munich, 1881. Honorable Mention, Paris, 188s. Medal, Universal Exhibition at Antwerp, 1885. 269 He Loves Me Not 13% x 23 BAU DOIN -CAtsERT) 588 rie 270 On the Seine 4134, X 23% [ 13 ] DIAZ DE LA PENA (NarcissE VirGiLe) deceased Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 271 Greek Mother and Child 5% x 8 TEAG VLAN ICT OR oe er WEED Born at Antwerp. Pupil of Baron Leys. Medal, Vienna Exposition, 1873. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. Medals at Ghent, Antwerp and Amsterdam. Medal at Brussels. 272 Sunday Morning in the Cat Soar 1958 X 2434 A splendid work of art. POR TIELAE (ee ener : Gold Medal in London, 1877. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1883. 273 The Belle of the Hague 1934 X 2334 “ER ROAR eT AC pena Seg ae ANTAL ar £ t h U aaa eres ed aes i if td i 4 , "ae Aa SEN ARTE MR Ro INGE HL jerseys Waisman 55 [14] COESSIN de la FOSSE (Cuas. ALEXANDER) Paris Born at Lisieux, Calvados. Medal, 1873. Exempt. 274 In the Summer by the Sea 127% x 16% CONSTANTINI (G.) ee io Pe ROnE The Meissonier of Italy. Great Medal of Rome, 1879. Medals, Naples, Rome and Turin. 27s A Gay Cavalier 144% x 10% CORCOS (Marrao: Vittorio). <4, ers Born at Leyourne. Pupil of Morelli. 276 The Balloon Ascension 144% x 30% WHOM ASC UR EDERICM), 222500. so ve ages Ch 30rn at Nérdlingen, 1817. Pupil of the Munich Academy. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin and Vienna. Medals at Munich and Dusseldorf. Great Wiirtemberg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. ee A. Holstein 224% x 184 rey ¥ s a 4 [15] JACQUE (Cuaries Emir) gi Satis ; First President of the French Society of Animal Painters. Born at Paris, 1813. For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861 and 1863. j Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. ; For Paintings, Medals, 186r, 1863 and 1864. . Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. | 278 Homeward Bound 133% X 9% DAUBIGNY (Cuar es Francois) . . deceased Born at Paris, February x5th, 1817. Died in Paris, February zoth, 1878 Pupil of Delaroche and his father. Medal, 1848, and First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 279 The Pasture by the Sea 1134 x 636 Paris WAHLBERG (ALFRED)... . Born at Stockholm. Medals, 1870 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Sweden. Chevalier of the Order of the North Star. Chevalier of the Order of the Wasa. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. 280 On the Loire 164% x 10% ane TNE eT a aT SAI OO ET ET AS Se cnr aT ee FO Ly dale ease I Sy een ameter Ra a RE NOT HS RN eT MOLT oe HT gp [ 16] GAILLARD (Francois) . . . . . . Brussels 281 Afternoon in Brussels 30% X 37% DE BEUL (Franz) Brussels Pupil ef laeade, 282 The Pool by the Roadside 205% X 3034 WCB =(Panonone) == = = = Paris Born at Leipsic. Various Medals in Germany and Belgium. 283 A Windy Day off Ostende Eien 4334 x 20 DE COCK (Cmsar) ——— Born at Gand, Belgium. Medals, 1867 and 1869. Hors Concours. 5 284 On the Route from Vasvony to Honfleur Paris 2494 X 1738 4 [17] LEFEBVRE (Jures JosEpx) a ee tS Born at Tournan (Seine-et-Marne) in 1836. Pupil of Leon Cogniet. Prize of Rome, 1861. Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1870. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medals, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. The Grand Medal of Honor, 1886. Hors Concours. Member of the Jury of the Vienna Exposition, 1882. 285 Graziella 5% x 8% BERANGER (Jean Baptiste AnToINE Emre) Paris Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Born at Sevres. Medals, 1846 and 1848. Hors Concours. 286 Paying Calls 6% x 83% JOURDAN (AvoLPHE) ee eS Born at Nimes. Pupil of Jalabert. Medals, 1864, 1866 and 1869. Hors Concours. 287 The Love Letter 1234 x 164% SEAN RHR PET on ont = ay _— ann IE ARE NH TT CN BENT AORTIC IF nae meg OE ana I aN See TT NE i [ 18 ] NEAR CEREE ts GE.) ===. =: woe rans The Eminent Spanish Panes 288 Awaiting a Chance 15 x 2334 BOUTIBONNE (Cuartres Epovarp) . . . Paris Born at Pesth, Hungary, of French Parents. Medal at Paris, 1847. Medals at Liege and Toulouse. 289 In the Time of the Directory 2614 x 42 CHARTREUSE (M.) . . . . 2... Paris 3 290 Evening in Brittany 22 x 108 ASOT (JANES)9 2 London Born at Nantes. Pupil of Flandrin and Lamothe. Medal, 1866. His “ Meeting of Faust and Marguerite” is in the Luxembourg. 291 Watching the Races 20 X 36 The original of the celebrated etching. ee EE ee se ee bated ? SCILLESINGER (HENRI) =~ 2 >. = spac 2 Faris Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main. Pupil of the Academy at Vienna. Naturalized Frenchman. Medals, 1840 and 1847. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1866. Hors Concours. 292 Contemplation 9% X 13 POIC HE S( LEON) 6 ee eee Born at Solesmes (Nord). Pupil of Diaz, Lefebvre and Boulanger. Honorable Mention, 1885. 293 At the Spring 2654 x 365% MENARD (Emre Rent) . .. . . . Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau, T. Robert Fleury and Baudry. This picture was the artist’s representative work in the Salon of 1884. 294 The First Astronomers 46% x 35% [ 20] PASINY (ALBERT) = =. se ee ais Pupil of Ciceri. Born at Busseto, Italy. Medals, 1859, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor at the Academies of Parma and Turin. 295 Scene in Damascus 798 x9% VEV RAS SAL -(]ULEs=)AcQums)= = =. <.__ 3 Paris Born at Paris. Medals, 1866, 1869 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. 296 A Normandy Horse Market 1334 x9 MICHETTI— .. Naples Medals at Rome, Naples, Turin, Florence and Parma. Grand Medal of Italy. Numerous other Medals and Decorations from various countries. 297 Bathing from the Pier---near Naples 16x7 SO ties ies simone eager [21] NOEL (Jurzs) Paris Born at Quimper. Pupil of Charioux. 298 A Windy Day at Treport 21% x 15% VCE VERE (ic) deceased Born in Berlin. Many Medals. One of the greatest of Street Scene Painters. 299 Bruges 377% X 27% DETTI (Casarz) fetes Se Paris Born at Rome. fapu of eres of San Luca, Rome. Cheyalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. 300 The Minuet 21% x 15% LEMAN (J.) Antwerp Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Medals«in Brussels and Antwerp. fake he XO ace de Maintenon 2198 x 165% EET tuoan. eto osrmnltaittheenen tees 1 coe oath ree ee enn [ 22 ] : TANDEM LE (Cuanets) =. fot ee ae Born at Laval, 1821. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1842, 1845, and First Class, 1848. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Hors Concours. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. ‘The Presentation of the Virgin,” by Landelle, is in the collection of the Luxembourg. 302 Zerlina of Tangier I1y x17\4% This Picture is from the celebrated collection of the late Adolph E. Borie. LAZERGES (Hippotyre Jean Rarmonp) . Paris Born at Narbonne (Aude), 1817. Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers. Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 303 The Merchant of Bagdad 18 x 25% eUINAG(Wanrano) =. 3... > e = - ROME Born in Spain. Pupil of Villegas. Medals at Madrid, Cordova, Seville. Medals at Rome, Naples and Turin. 304 Speeding in Front of the Doge's Palace 27 x 40% [ 23 ] ISABEY (Louis GaprirL Eucenz—) . . . Paris Born at Paris, 1804. Died April 26th, 1886. Pupil of his Father. Medals, First Class, 1824 and 1827. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 20) Scheveningen 193% xX 11% — ee ae ae KRUSHEMAN: (5 24. = 2 Baesele Pupil of B. C. Koek-Koek and Verboeckhoyen. 306 Winter near Rotterdam 2772 X 19% eta DIAZ DE LA PENA (NarcissE ViRGILE), deceased i Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. | Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851. j Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, } 1878. 307 Near Fontainebleau 1634 X 1034 el [ 24 ] JACQUE (Guartus Emin) —-. 7 =. = Paris First President of the French Society of Animal Painters. Born at Paris, 1813. For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. For Paintings, Medals, 1861, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. 308 The Edge of the Woods 18 x 14% De BEAUMONT (Cuartes Francois Epouarp) Paris Born at Lannion (Cotes du Nord). Pupil of Boisselier. Medals, 1870 and 1873. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877. Hors Concours. 309 The Reception of the Duchess 361% x 22 De EPA IOW ee ee ee 310 A Polish Belle # 1778 X 31% [25 ] Pel IEG eS eee ae oe ea OIE Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples. A celebrated painter. 311 Receiving the Cardinal on Monte Pincio 3634 X 2334 Nothing finer by Aureli has ever been seen in the United States. 312 In Paris--Time of the Directory 38 x 2334 WELLE MS2(RLORENT)= 43. Brussels Pupil at the Academy of Malines. Born at Leige, 1824. Medals, 1844 and 1846. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1853. Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals in Brussels in 1842 and 1845. Many other medals in Belgium and foreign countries. a3 The Conqueror of the Cross- Bowmen 3034 X 45% This beautiful specimen of Willems probably shows the artist at his very best; it was his Exhibition picture in the Paris Salon of 1844 and received a Medal. It is a most important work, and has recently been purchased from one of the greatest collections of Europe. [ 26 ] HAMMAN (Epovarp Jean Conrad) . . . Paris Born at Ostend, Sept. 24th, 1810. Pupil of the Art Academy at Antwerp and De Keyser. Settled in Paris in 1846. Gold Medal at Brussels, 1848. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1854. Medals in Paris Salon, 1853, 1859 and 1863. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Hors Concours. 314 Haydn’s Inspiration for ‘‘ The Seasons and the Creation ” 4138 x 290% Haydn, while crossing to England in the midst of a terrific storm, was so inspired by the play of nature’s elements, as to produce in his mind that which was afterwards produced in perfection in the above great oratorio. SOHULZ (2) Seg ee pe ce asseldorr A fine artist. 310 The Art Enthusiast 33% 26 x SUYKENS (H.) Paris Pupil of Breton. A superb painter. 3216 Noon in the Harvest Field 6634 x 43% [ 27 ] ZU BEER-BUR EER (farrz) 4... ; 924. Paris Born at Locle. Pupil of Picot and Gros Claude. Medal at Centennial Exposition, 1876. Distinguished with several Medals. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. 317 The Song of the Bird 2534 X 32 STEVENS (Atrrep) . . . Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris. Medal, 1853. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863. Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. fficer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Ferdinand of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exhibition at Antwerp, 1885. 318 The Garden Stroll 104% x 18% HERZOG (H.) . . . . Philadelphia Born at Bremen, 1834. Pupil of Schirmer and Gude. Honorable Mention at Paris, 1864. Medal at Paris, 1865. Medal at Brussels, 1867. Medal at Berlin, 1868. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. 319 | Scheveningen 204% x 14% es goa neti F 5 Tn f f ness ig eS “ee Se soe cana eee came ae ee eg foe on he ae a Tew ie Sa ener Sec a 4 ~ aN mec Se aes . presen PS porn sn ee FIFTH EVENINGS SALE, Tuurspay, Marcu 1st, 1888, At Eight O’clock. THE FIRST FIGURE OF THE MEASURE IS THE WIDTH. DOIN AGI (ME Beran ceaeenn Saree ee Brussels Born in Brussels. Pupil of B.C. Koekkoek. 320 A Day’s Decline High wae Dry 97% x 6¥% GASTAGNOLA(G:)r eae a ss ee -Blorence Medals at Florence, Rome and Naples. 322 The Silent Prayer 105% x 18 UNG DE DY Goes @ Dag & tpi eee ce eee ree eee ee) Cady. faache 10% x12% REGNAULT (AvExanprE-GeEorcGEs-HeEnr1) deceased Born at Paris, 1843. Died, 1871. Pupil of Lamothe and Cabanel. Prize of Rome, 1866. Medals, 1869 and 1870. Exempt. 324 Studies 144% x 10 Dre La HOESE (Jean). . et OS Born at Molenbeck-Saint Neat Belgium. Pupil of the Academy at Brussels Medal at Brussels, 1874. 325 The eune Wife 93% x on GOUPEL ULES 555 ee ne ee eee ae eS Pupil of A. Scheffer. Born at Paris. Medals, 1873, 1874, and First Class, 1875: Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 188:. Hors Concours. ' 326. Listening 5 the Skylark 7H X 9% pew Semon NY a a a - Daa EE [ 30 ] CORRADINE (C45) —. —. aes Oe Pupil of aie 327 Preparing for the Reception 79~2xX12Y% BUAUVELT (C.-b.) = =. soe 3 Se Geceased 328 Lighting the Pipe IO X 12 DENOTE RACDAWD ==". 9. = brussels 329 Still Life 854 X 105% Wek NAR Cia es ee ats Pupil of Breton and Maure. 330 Humble Labor in a Holland Home 113% x 1834 [31] ROD ASs(GIOVANNI) 2-2 3 to =. ee orn at Trieste. Pupil of the ere of the Fine Arts at Venice. The Youre Nenponen 10% xX 133% GEE) Ss Se renee Pupil of Tito Conti. 332 The Call to Fall In Q X 1234 TAMBURINI Ce) ee ee STS Medals at Florence and Rome At the John Wolfe Sale a similar head sold for $745, although not so large. 333 The Lesson of the Day Tox 12% LEMGINE (2 EF) S02" oe Par 334 Low Tide, Coast of Brittany 3576 x 219% oe RA a nbc eve et etme cap ria A the ts nr sai a [ 32 | VINEA (Bo) fee. FOREN Ce Medals in Florence, Parma, Bologna, Milan, Naples and Rome. In the Dock at Marseilles 124 x 83% VANUTELLI (Cavauiere Scipione) . . . Rome Born at Rome. Medals, 1864 and 1867. 336 Early Morning at Venice 734 X 1234 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (Fexrx Saturnin), Paris Born at Sens (Yonne). Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. Medal, 1882. Exempt. 337 Spanish Muleteers in Castile 13% X 97% SZERNER (WiADYSLAW)-... <>. ©. >..0. Paris Pupil of Josef Brandt. : 338 The Halt at the Well 18 x 225% A splendid work. [ 33 J EINPORD (Ceanuis) =, * . e eintord Gog A Summer Day in the Woods ia 17 DIEFFENBACH (Anton Heinrich) . . Berlin Born at Wiesbaden, 1831. Studied sculpture under Pradiez at Paris. Studied painting at Dusseldorf under R. Jordan Medal at Wiesbaden. Medal at Berlin. 340 A Hartz Mountain Watchman 9% x 11% FORNARI (E.) Rome Medal at me 341 Obtaining Supplies 105% xX 151% POLIDORE (CG) = 307 = Ree 342 A Bit of Gossip 10% x15 ‘pa aT i i if 1) 1 {i 4 | I {| ¢| j i i i [ 34 J VEYRASSAT (Jutzs JacQqUuES) . +» + + - Paris : Born at Paris. Medals, 1866, 1869 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. : Hors Concours. 343 Neighbors and Friends 14 X 934 RICHET (Leon) . . a5 - Pans Born at Solesmes (Nord), Pupil of Diaz, Lefebvre and Boulanger. Honorable Mention, 1885. 344 A Sunny Day 18 x 22 BENLLUIRA @ Ginj=22— 5.2 7. = ROME 345. An Interesting Game 20% X 14 OR DICK= = Pe el as 346 The New Necklace 85x 11% [35 ] VERNIER (Eomrn Lovis)+.-. 4°... -. Paris Born at Lons-le-Saunier. Honorable Mention, 1878. Medal, 1879. Exempt. 347 A Summer Day at Havre 23% X15%4 GEGERPELT (Witteim— pry. Saris a cea ee 348 Moonrise at Venice 254%4X 15 DELAUNAY + PreRRE es a, oe ri 349 Coast of Normandy 4144 X 23% EBERT A 2 = ee en 250 Theresa a51 Eloise 1654 x 2214 [36] GALLAIT (Louis) <<..o8..3. = -Boussels Born at Tournay, Belgium, March roth, 1810. Died, November, 1887. Pupil of the Academies of Tournay and Antwerp. Pupil of Hennequin. First Prize at Ghent, 1831. Medals, 1835 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1841. Grand Medal of Honor, 85s, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Institute of France. Hors Concours. The City of Brussels struck a Special Medal in his Honor in 1841. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak of Holland. Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Commander of the Order of St. Etienne of Austria. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Héerlandes. Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium. Member of the Academy of Antwerp. Member of the Royal Academy, London. Member of the Academies of Munich, Berlin and Paris. Great Gold Medal of Austria at Vienna, 1882. Received the Prussian Crder of Merit. His works are mostly owned by European governments and crowned heads. The Belgian government offered him for ‘The Plague of Tournay,” before it was finished, £5,000. This example of the master is in his best manner, and is one of his celebrated works. 452 Sorrows Forgotten 10% x 13% POLLET (Victor Frorence) . . . . deceased Born at Paris. For Aquarelles, Prize of Rome, 1838. edals, First Class, 1849. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. For Paintings, Medal, 1845. Cross of the Legion of Honer, 1355. Hors Concours. 393 The Birth of Venus 125% X 97% Pollet was considered the finest aquarellist of his time. Certainly nothing can surpass this in finish or beauty. a Aires [37 | PER LE (EGON) ogee oe ee RS Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau. Medals, 1864 and 1876, Hors Concours. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. Medal, Antwerp Universal Exhibition, 1885. Many Medals received at other Exhibitions. 354 Days of Gladness 1398 X 1934 A most beautiful example. PALMAROLI (Vincente) —....... «se. ~ Paris Born at Madrid. Pupil of his Father and Madrazo, and the Academy of the Fine Arts at Madrid. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. X e e 399 e The Visit to Versailles 1234 xX 17% WOLLON (ANDOIND) 2s es Born at Lyons, 1838. Pupil of the Academy at Lyons. Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1869. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. 256 cD) Gathered Treasures 127% X 95% The greatest artist of still life in the world. BE gc stan eR [38 ] HARBURGER (Epmonp) . . .. . . Munich Born at Eichstadt, Bavaria. Pupil of W. Lindenschmidt, Munich. 397 May and December ii I 2374 X 137% A picture in the Seney Sale, not so fine nor so large as this, sold for $1,125. VAUTIER (Benjamin, Prorgssor) . . Dusseldorf Born at Morges, Switzerland, 1830. Pupil of Rudolphe Jordan, Dusseldorf. Medals in Paris, 1865 and 1866. Medal, Second Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Medals at Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf and Vienna. Member ofthe Academies of Berlin, Munich, Antwerp and Amsterdam, Professor in the Academy of Berlin. Medal of the First Class in Berlin, 1886. ae Desperation 115% x 10 ge CNG ee ee a ee OS 399 Forty Winks 12x 17% [ 39 ] GOUPIL (Jutzs) east xs A SASS Pupil of A. Scheffer. Born at Paris. Medals, 1873, 1874, and First-class, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 188r. Hors Concours. 360 Listening to the Song of the Bird 17% X 24 DESGOFFE (Braisz-ALEXANDRE) . . . . Paris Born at Paris, Jan. 17th, 1830. Pupil of Flandrin. Medals, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours, 361 Objects of Art in the Cluny Palace 18% x 254 « Desgoffe, the painter of still life, for thorough imitation of jewels tapestries, objects of art, and precious things in general—he never wastes time on vulgar things—excels even Dutchmen. Perfect in design, truthful in color, finished to microscopic exactness of detail, he leaves the spectator nothing to desire in these respects.”— Yarves’ ‘Art Thoughts.” LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paut) . . . Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of his Father. Medal, 1884. 362 An Algerian Home 2834 x 2214 Le pba FH ey Ry NT. ran ren ae rage 8 Seca ee S Pupil of Ciceri. Born at Busseto, Italy. Medals, 1859, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Uniyerselle. Hors Concours. Medal of the Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor at the Academies of Parma and Turin. 366 Waitine---Scene in Cairo re) 634 x 8% A beautiful example. VERE EIN (CW ee eee -- =.= Mine Several medals. 367 The Horse Market 31% x 214 DUPRE [Utts) oo ee Born at Nantes, 1812. Medal, 1833. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870, Hors Concours. 368 Afternoon on the Holland Meadows 203% X 12% SAP RN EE a ata had Pig chai Seglaah oe aL [ 42 ] CEAYS (Pau |RAN)= =e oe. = mussels Born at Bruges, Belgium, 1819. Pupil of Gudin. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 188r. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. Medal at Brussels, 1851. Various Medals in various countries. 369 : A Lazy Day on the Rhine 1594 X 19% RICO MARTIN Drseo)- 4... a0 Go aris 30rn at Madrid. Pupil of Madrazo. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. 379 In Pront-of St Marks at Venice 2744 x 184 emeeaiee a Ses Timms OO eee ISABEY (Louris Gasriet Euvcenr) . . deceased Born at Earle, July 22d, 1804. Died, April 26th, 1886. Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey. Royal Marine Painter, 1830. é edals, 1824 and 1827. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Medals, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 71 ie Wakaion ob Willem Prince of Orange 23% X 1634 [ 43 ] PIOT-NORMAND (Atrexanpre) . . . ._ Paris Born at Pont l’Eyéque (Calvados). Pupil of Picot. A superb artist. 372 The New Necklace 3274 x 4636 One of the most important works by this artist. LEFEBVRE (Jutzs JosepH) . . . . . . Paris Born at ‘Tournan (Seine-et-Marne) in 1836. Pupil of Leon Cogniet. Prize of Rome, 186r. Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1870. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medals, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. The Grand Medal of Honor, 1886. Hors Concours. Member of the Jury of the Vienna Exposition, 1882. 3/3 Espionage 1158 x 1734 KROTSCHENREITER-(G)- ... . Munich Medal at Munich, 1880. 374 Old Cronies 9% X 14% : ¥ q i| ; a Fs PA OR RIG Nog TONED! A sinecia ORE Ee apa ae free ig ae ZeR p eed Shen He et Nprore sages tee [44] PAQUET YE (Guorcis)-.2. t=. 2 - Gn POT Born at Paris. Pupil of Millet and Cabanal. Medal, 1880. Exempt. 379 Shrimp Fishing 15 X 217% HEGER (H.) SS pe re aN beeen The Wonderful painter of interiors. Several Medals. ee Room in the Rathhaus at Luneburg, 1566 1234 x 16 EEN M ZA Ce) as es ge ee en e 3F7 e Arousing the Marquis 16% x 227% PALING (J. J.) Sa ee stendam Pupil of Jove! Israels. Already an Illustrious Painter. 2 378 A. Holland Home 1734 X 14 [ 45 ] N@S Gel Ie ( Ge a ea ae te OS 379 The Grandfather's Visit 1038 X 14 DESVARREUX-LARPENTEUR (James) . Paris Pupil of Yvon, Jacque and Vuillefroy. 380 Gathered by the Brookside 29 X 23% CAN@-(Sgpaetian)= .s5 33-3 6 2 =e 381 Morning on the Spanish Coast 1944 X 11% ROUBAUD (Francois) Re er eet er celd Born at Odessa, Russia. Pupil of Josef Brandt. Medals at Moscow and St. Petersburg. Medal at Munich. 382 By the Mosque 204% x 290% [ 46 ] COOMANS (PrzrreE OLtvigr JosEpn), Born at Brussels, 1816. Pupil of Van Hasselaere at Ghent, De Keyser at Antwerp, and of Baron Wappers. Medal at The Hague, 1857. Medal at Metz, 1858. In 1863 his exhibition picture was purchased by the Emperor Napoleon III. 383 ro) Maidens Crowning the Young Bacchus 264 x 32% This picture has just been received from the artist. Brussels JAZET (Paut Leon) tS eg en ee Born at Paris. Pupil of Barrias. 384 The Cavalry Review 22 X 29% MADRAZO (Raimunpo Dr) . Ree ere het Born at Rome, of Spanish parents. Pupil of his Father. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours, Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Chevalier of the Order of the Rose of Brazil. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III, of Spain, 385 The Passing Glance 18% x 22% [ 47 | BERARD CLnon- Bantry 4. = =. 5 Paris Born at Rio de Janeiro. Pupil of Pils and Lehmann. Pupil of Jacquet. 386 The Fair Julie 184 -x 22 RICHARDS (Wituiam T.) . . . Philadelphia Born at Philadelphia, 1833. Studied in Florence, Rome and Paris. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design. Associate Member of the Water-Color Society 387 Rocks at Newport 30% x 23 LOSSOW (HERMANN) =>. 2. =. Mumien A splendid artist. 388 The Fair Flower-Seller 124 x 184 a ee Paces tellin ae — RLS UMD LIE aga Rian ALE rr ap vd stig oe q t i 2 < [ 48] STEVENS (Atrrep) . . . Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris. edal, 1853. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863. Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Cheyalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Ferdinand of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exhibition at Antwerp, 1885. ; 389 The Young Dreamer 2138 X 1538 A picture of the first quality. SADLER (W. Denpy) . . a3, London One of the most celebrated English artists. = Sadler’s picture in the Seney sale sold for $1,700. The celebrated picture of ‘Palm Sunday,” in the Hoffman House, is by this painter. 390 = More Rushes than Fish 26 X 34 GIRAKD i (Henri) 25 -- . 5 Paris Born at Brientz, Switzerland. A pupil of his father. 391 A. Home in the Fields 1634 x 11% [°49"] GABRINE (2) 25. ae = Rome 392 The Favorite Page 174 x 23 GIO) Aa DUARDO)— =... = Rome A noted painter. 393 Art Treasures 1778 X 29034 DIAZ DE LA PENA (NarcissE VirciLz) . deceased Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Uni- verselle, 1878. 394 The Bathers 7X 10% A strong and finished work. [ 5°] TROYON (Constant) . . . +. =) deceased Born at Seyres, iBic: ied, 1865. Pupil ‘of Rivereux. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1848 and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 399 In the Shadow of the Woods 2558 X 214 DASENISCATBERT)—- oc ge 2 ee a ee Pupil of Ciceri. Born at Busseto, Italy. Medals, 1859, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor at the Academies of Parma and. Turin. 396 The Day's Decline 15 x 10 POIRSON (MAURICE): <5. > 3-5 ans Born at Paris. Pupil of Cabanel. edal, 1875. Exempt. 397 On the Way to the Bois I5 x 184 [51] RUIZ(L) - . - e - Rome rn in Spain. Pupil of Willegas and Fortuny. 398 Don Quixote 217% x 30% RIV AS (Guissark)> Se ee Ome 399 Resting by the Way 15 X 2134 4 F SX El EAE NEN CS Fripay, Marcu 2p, 1888, At Eight O’clock. THE FIRST FIGURE OF THE MEASURE IS THE WIDTH. IDO INDIES (GNA Se aa Se ee US Born in Brussels. Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. 400 A Winter Day near Haarlem AOI The Bridge of Tarles 974 x 0% BEAUQUESNE (Witrrip Constant) . . . Paris Born at Rennes. Pupil of Horace Vernet and Emile Lecompte. 402 The Parting Shot 133% X 103% [53 ] VAL ONE (GUSTAV re er oe PARIS 403 Evening on the Upper Marne 20 X 113¢ Dn GARAY (Wee SS ge ee aS 404 Conscious of Admiration 474, X 0% A Gem. LESREL (ApotpHe ALEXANDRE) . . . . Paris Born at Genest (Manche). Pupil of Gerome. 405 A Soldier of Fortune 654 x 834 VER DICK (RS) 25 ee 406 Sealing the Letter 99h x 1256 [54] GARCIA MENCIA (A)... . . . Madrid Born at Madrid. Pupil of Madrazo and Revera. Medal at Madrid, 1880. 407 La Source 934 X 14% TRESS IO: (Rs te, et ee ome 408 A Love Song 16 x 10% SN (Reg es oe ee ROE 409 The Farewell Kiss 10% x 13% LEYS (Baron JEan AucusTE Henri) . deceased Born at Antwerp, 1815. Died, 1869. Pupil of F. De Brackeleer. Made Baron in 1862. Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Member of the Academy = Antwerp. 410 The Cathedral at Arle 77%a X97 [55 ] VAN SCHEN DEL “(PrmeRRE) y= «5 = deceased Born at Ter Heyden, 1806. Died, 1870. Studied at Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp. Medals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Antwerp and Brussels. Medal at Paris, 1844 and 1847. Hors Concours. : AIT Saturday Night at Leyden 8 x 6% GUILLEMIN (Atexanpre Marizg) . . deceased Born at Paris, 1817. Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1841, 1845 and 1859. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Hors Concours. AI2 Old Friends 6% x 734 RON DIV TilcAs (EAC) ae OIE 413 Straying 232x174 [56] AGOSTINI =(Guwo) =. =. =. Florence 414 The Jungfrau 415 Porto Furago-Isola d’Elba 1254 x 1654 LUGO (£.) . eee Florence Medal at Turin. 416 The Finished Meal 834 x 12 PINCHART (Eire Aucustze) . . . . ~. Paris Born at Cambrai (Nord). Pupil of Gerome. Honorable Mention, 1883. Medal, 1884. Exempt. 417 Charity 1034 X 1334 Sze) RAGGIO) (GG) = ie Rome 418 Asking Alms of Italian Banditti 12% x 20 GAUBAULT (A.) Paris Pupil of Detaille. 419 Vive l Alsace 25144 x 214 INDONI . . . . Rome A good and careful artist. 420 A Glass of the Best A2I The Dance 10 x 143% MENDEZ“ G.) 2 aris 422 The Countess 114% x 1654 [58] CON PEUEIto) 2a (ae en MORENCe One of the greatest painters of Italy. Medals in Naples, Florence, Rome and Turin. A number of Italian Decorations. 423 Shall it Be? 634 x 834 DUVERGER (TueopHite Emmanuet) . . Paris Born at Bordeaux, Sept. 17th, 182t. One of his paintings in the Luxembourg. Medals, 1861, 1863 and 1865. Hors Concours. 424 Sleep or Breakfast 10% x 13% FINGONIS(AG) fe - POTENCE 425 Home Delights 27 X 204 BALLESIO (F.)... : Rome Medals at Rome and Florence. 426 The Return of the Fisher Wives 1638 x 114 [59] Dre PRANCESCHI (M}.. < . - . « Rome 427 The Restless Model 1934 x 2434 CHAND BACH = Sa5- ee ee ee, FANS 428 The Love Letter 1054 x 16 JULLIEN (M.) Paris Pupil of Dupré. 429 The Day’s Decline 10% x 13% BRISSOT Dr WARVILLE (Fetrx Saturnin) Paris orn at Sens (Yonne). Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. al, 1882. An Artist of sterling Merit. 430 The Departure at Early Morn 431 Sheep at Rest 32 xX 2214 [ 60] CORRODI (H.). . . . . Rome and London Born in Rome, July 23d, 1844. Pupil of his Father, Solomon C. Corrodi. Medal, Vienna, 1874. 2 On the Seine at Grenouillere 2538 X 145% NON T(E asap es ee Rome azo) Ready for Escape 127% x 18% CHELMONSKI (Josepn). . . . . =a aris Born at Varsovie. Pupil of M. Gerson and Schreyer. One of the greatest Polish painters. Honorable Mention, 1883. 434 Scene on a Russian Farm 1734 x 1234 DE NC DIO COIS ee eee Born at Clermont-Ferrand. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Decamps. 435 ummer 436 Autumn 1638 x 13 [61] PORTIELJE (Gerarp) . . . . . . Antwerp 437 Disturbed Slumbers 2334 X 17% HERMANN (Lz0) sas Paris Born at Paris. 438 The Artist Cardinal 696 x 8% Nothing finer in quality by this artist can be found; it is superb in subject, color and finish. De NEUVILLE (AtpHonst Maria) . . deceased Born at St. Omer (Pas de Calais), 1836. Died at Paris, 1885. Pupil of Laurient and Delacroix. Medals, 1859 and 186r. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours. 439 A Turcoman for Service 74x 114 As fine in the quality of its art as any example of this master. EGUS@UIZAS(ROGERIO2 DR) 5 =a = ae et eee aris Born in Santander, Spain. Pupil of Madrazo. e ° aS e Oblivious of Time 3178 x 22% [ 62] RAMSEY (Milne) . . fag aa rece Panis Pupil of Bonnet : q 441 , Objects of Nature and Art 36 x 29 a eee Panis Born at Grenada. 442 Corinne ki 9% x 12% a This artist's work has always created an immense sensation wher- ie ever exhibited. Many of his works have been engraved. ” FALERO (Lowuts) y JAZEE (Pave Leon) =. Ge. 5 = Paris 3 Born at Paris. i Pupil of Barrias. i 443 Lunching in the Park q 6% x9\% iB 4 Ni i" 4 DIEFFENBACH (Anton Henrico) . . Berlin | Born at Wiesbaden, 1831. Studied Sculpture under Pradier at Paris. : Studied Painting at Dusseldorf under R. Jordan. H Medal at Wiesbaden. f Medal at Berlin. 444 Peter Paul Rubens IO X 1234 [ 63 ] DAINI (A.) . . . Rome Pupil of Fortuny and Villegas. Medal at Turin. 445 The Dervish 2634 X 39% A remarkable work. Ducrossr (A.) + 3.4 2 =. 45 «= -2 home 446 The Tambourine Girl 244 x 36% APMENVA UA) 2 ee oe eae Pupil of Boldini. 447 A Day in the Park 144 x 21% COURBET (Gustavz) .... . deceased Born at Ornans (Doubs), 1829. Died, 1877. Pupil of Steuben and Hesse. Medals, 1849, 1857 and 1861. ors Concours. He refused the Cross of the Legion of Honor after accepting the Cross of St. Michael of Bavaria. 448 A Mountain Stream 2154 x 18 if i [ 64 ] LINFORD (CHARLES) ee bE iladelpnia 449 An Autumn Psalm 17 x 12 JACQUET (jnan Gustave) ——- 2 Panis Born at Paris, 1846. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medal, 1868. Medal of the First Class, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Hors Concours. 450 Bessie 934 xX 125% ANDREOTTI (Frepericgo) . .. . . . Rome A work by this artist was sold in the Royal Exhibition in London for 800. ASI Neglecting Business 10% x 123% RO No ( Get eee te a oo ee ee Lich 452 Mine Host 8 x 104 [ 65 ] ROSSl=(LUcuis se = ee ens Pupil of Fortuny. Medals in Parma, Turin, Rome, Milan, Bologna and Naples. 493 ‘he limid Voyager 4954 Reconciliation and Declaration 10% xX 13% COUTURE =( VHOMAS)\: = 39-3 ~COCeaser Born at Senlis (Oise), Dec. 21st, 1815. Died in Villiers le Bel (Seine et Oise), March 31st, 1879. Pupil of Gros and Paul Delaroche. ~The ed Grand Prix in 1837. Medals. 1844, and First Class, 1847. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1848. Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 495 Damocles in Chains 9% X 127% A work of the finest quality. MIBEK (|) BAN- GEORGES eso) as ee baris Born at Paris, 1840. Pupil of Barrias and the School of Fine Arts. Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 40 = Awaiting the Contest 1478 X 998 7 = —— SO EE eg [ 66°] Ve SCHREYER (Aporpz). . . . . . . Paris i Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medals at Paris, 1864, 1865 and 1867. Hors Concours. In 1862 created Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. : * Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. Great Gold Medal at Munich, 1876. 457 . A. Wearisome Journey 12548 xg\ PITUNNES (Wo. a ee ecpaced. Born in Russia. Died in Paris, 1884. Medals at Moscow snd St. Petersburg. ‘ 458 The Breakfast in the Park 16 x 104% An exquisite painting, SPIRIDON; (Ienace) woe Se Se ArIS Born at Rome. Medals at Rome, Turin and Milan. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Honorable mention in the Paris Salon of 1880. 4959 The Standard of the Queen 938 X 15% [ 67] SELL (CurisTian) . . ere deceased Born at Altona, 1831. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy, Theodore Hildebrandt and W. Von Schadow. Travelled in Germany and Belgium. Followed the German armies in the wars of 1866 and 1870. Medals at Berlin and Munich. His ‘‘Scene at the Battle of Koniggratz” is in the National Gallery at Berlin. The Leipsic Museum possesses his ‘‘ Soldiers in the Thirty Years War dividing Booty.” 460 French Cuirassiers in the Hands of the Germans. 461 The Advanced Line 10% x 84 LUMINAIS (Evariste Virar) . . . . . Paris Born at Nantes. Pupil of Cogniet and Troyon. Medals, 1852, 1857 and 1861. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Hors Concours. 62 Cle Ciena 1234 x 16% PEAR Cl Ams Nl) nee ee SN OL Born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1828. Studied at Dusseldorf. Pupil of Schirmer. Associate of National Academy of Design, 1857, Academician in 1859. : 463 A Summer Day 23 X32 [ 68] CHAVET (Victor) Born at Aix (eouchee. ae Rhove): Medals, 1853 and 1857. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Hors Concours. 464 Idle Hours 734, X 10 ; Paris PINCHART (£mirz Aucuste) : Born at Cambrai (Nord), Pupil of Gerome. Honorable Mention, 1883. Medal, 1884. Exempt. 465 Retrospection 105% x 16 Paris CORCOS (Marrero Virrorio) Born at Levourne. Pupil of Morelli. 466 Sketching an Nature 32x 514 Paris SPIRIDON (Ienace) Born at Rane: Medals at Rome, Turin and Milan. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Honorable Mention in the Paris Salon of 1880. 467° Rosalind 94% X 15% Probably nothing so beautiful by this Artist has ever been exhibited Raris [ 69 J RAND ENN a ee ROME 468 Five Minutes for Refreshments 2134 X 30 A most superb Aquarelle. IN DONS = Rome 469 An Hour of Idleness 21 X 30 Aquarelle. A fine example of the Artist. RIVA (GrussEpPPE) . Rome A superb Aquarelle. 470 Girls at Play in the Italian Hills 403% X 27 AUREL NG) ee ee Rome ~ Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples. A celebrated painter. 471 | On the Outskirts of Rome 472 Disturbers of the Peace 1434 X 2134 ila ME cess” AGE [70°] DE FRANCESCHI (M.) . © = 4...) Rome Pupil of Rico. 473 Mid-day at the Venice Docks 30 X 2134 DOYEN (GusTavE) . . Fe, See bens Born at Festieux Gane: Dec. zoth, 1837. Pupil of Bouguereau and Reverchon. Medal, 1882. Exempt. From the Salon of 1880. 474 The Royal Heir 3234 X 54 This picture has always attracted a great amountof praise since its exhibition in the Salon. DIN (Rye er eee OS Pupil of Oswald Achenbach, Medals at Rome and Naples. 475 Early Morning at Naples 59%, X 29% One of the best pictures of that beautiful city ever produced. ['71 ] WAHLBERG (Atrrep) . . . . . . . Paris Born at Stockholm, Medals, 1870 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Sweden. Chevalier of the Order of the North Star. Chevalier of the Order of the Wasa. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. This picture is from the Exposition at Limoges. [Oe Mid-summer in Sweden 5636 x 40% FERRIER{(Joseph Marie Avucustin GABRIEL) Paris Born at Nimes (Gard). Pupil of Pils and Hébert. Prix de Rome, 1872. Medals, Second Class, 1876, and First Class, 1878. Hors Concours. 477 Hamlet and Ophelia 261% x 39 This picture has been engraved. GABRINI (P.) . Rome Medals at Rome and Turin. 478 The Departure from the Castle 479 Leaving the Palace at Venice 22 x 3134 [72] TISSOT (Jamzs) . . See ee Londen Born at Nantes. Pupil of Flandrin and Lamothe. Medal, 1866. His ‘‘ Meeting of Faust and Marguerite ” is in the Luxembourg. 480 In the Cathedral 20 X 28% ROYBET (FrErpinanpD) io Born at Uzés (Gard) Medal, 1866. 481 Pa. Sultana 384% x 290% The finest example of Roybet that Mr. Haseltine has ever imported. LUMINAIS (Evariste Vira) Born at Nantes. Pupil of Cogniet and Troyon. Medals, 1852, 1857 and 186r. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Hors Concours. 482 The Captives 4394 X 55% This picture is probably the finest work of this artist to be found in the country. JOHN ©, RANKIN, JR., 34 CORTLANDT S8T.,N. Y.