; ee chee uy i ae a sub 4 5 ap edie i i ‘ VF bath , oe H : ; A: 1145 Me , , ; Vise tot Car hie 9a et i of any Sinaie chee i hep ae bared sii vane feb cseaty f eegen) ven anter hays ew aia thy. eather t [Aveuee? ih - ara} Me OS al FR ry ‘ Ta. Fr eee TE UN NS & = a AUDRAN (JEAN) RTRAIT OF NOEL COYPEL. Engraved in 1708, after Coypel. Brilliant impression, Black and Gold )> frame, -BACHER (OTTO H.) fe “ENTRANCE TO THE GRAND CANAL. Signed artist’s Seeeeeproot, Oak frame. THE CANAL, VENICE. Signed artist’s proof, in brown ; ie ee ink. An unusually fine impression. Gold frame. i 2 VENICE—SHIPPING AND THE DUCAL PALACE. Proof on Japan paper. Oak frame. a TWO SHIPS. Fine impression in rich brown ink. Oak frame. a VENETIAN SCENE. ie proof etching. Folio, oak frame. 8 MOTHER AND CHILDREN WITH Sara After 9 ELOISA WEEPING ON THE TOMB OF ABEL. 2D. Engraved in stipple by Challiou in the manner of : Bartolozzi, but after his own design. Brilliant im- 10 1h 12 13 14 Gold frame. Cipriani. Printed in red. Gold frame. cd pression printed i in red. Gold frame. BEHAM (HANS SEBALD) MELANCHOLIA. Bartsch No. 144. Engraved in 1539, a Fine impression in excellent condition. ee THE CRUCIFIXION, by Beham, and PORTRAIT aes PHILIP MELANCHTON, by Louis Cranach, and } Four ErcuHines, various, by Dietricy. (6 pieces.) BELLOWS (A. F.—New England Artist) THE VILLAGE ELMS. The:Common, Yale College at New Haven. Engraved by J. Duthrie. BLOOTELING (ABRAHAM) _ JEROME VAN BEVERNINCK. After B. Vaillant. Engraved in 1679. Superb impression of this mas- terly portrait. BORGLUM (GUTZON) OLD MAN’S HEAD. Drawing in black-and-white on brown paper. With signed presentation inscription. Small folio. Oak frame. 8 pple Pee ings are part of the series issued in are, in- their way, the most interesting of Shake- | NG HENRY THE SIXTH (Act II, Scene 3), The a ~ Countess of Auvergne’s Castle. Oak frame. 16 TEMPEST (Act I, Seene 2), The Enchanted Island: i .. before the Cell of Prospero. Oak frame. We ‘MEASURE FOR MEASURE (Act V, Scene 1). Duke a . _in a Friar’s habit, Varrius, Lords, ete. Oak frame. 18 KING LEAR (Act III, Scene 4). King Lear in a Storm. Oak frame. im ROMEO AND JULIET (Act I, Scene 5). Oak frame. 20 HAMLET (Act I, Scene 4). The Platform before the eZ Palace of Elsineur. Oak frame. ior: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (Act III, Scene 1). ‘a Hero, Ursula ant Beatrice listening. Oak frame. 22 SHAKESPEARE. Nursed by Tragedy and Comedy. Oak frame. BRACQUEMOND (FELIX) SEA GULLS. Signed proof etching. One of the artist’s most famous plates. Folio, gilt frame. BRITON-RIVIERE ij 24 LIONS AMONG THE RUINS, engraved by F. Stac- ie poole. Large folio. Fine proof, signed by painter ee and engraver, Gilt frame. 4 BUHOT (FELIX) _ 25 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. Unusually fine impression ee of this masterpiece. Printed in two tones of ink. In 7 ‘*Whistler’s Gold’’ frame. 26 COUNTRY NEIGHBORS. Signed remarque proof with : the artist’s red stamp. Small 4to, gilt frame. A. F. BUNNER i: 27 DUTCH WINDMILL NEAR KISSENDAM, HOL- LAND. Water-Color. Signed. 11x 9 inches. Un- framed. 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 30 sion with margins, Two panies ole 1s to Otherwise in excellent condition. ; CARBON PRINTS Chaigneau; The Seine, Paris, by Moonlight. ‘ (2 pieces.) THE TAILOR, by Moroni; Head of a Nunes Indi Y Scout (de The Folio. 3 pieces, framed, se CARPENTER (L.) GUAYAQUIL FROM THE SEA. And another South - American Scene. Water-Color Drawings. Signed. 2 Small 4to, gilt frames. (2 pieces.) ka. CIVIL WAR BROADSIDE printed in red ink, in Canandaigua, N. en ik April 10, 1865, in celebration of the close of the Civil i War. Royal 8vo. Framed. Scarce. ENGRAVINGS PRINTED IN COLOR SMYTHE (RICHARD) KITTY FISHER (THE GIRL WITH THE DOVES). After Reynolds. Beautiful print in colors with full margins. Carved gilded wood frame. STEVENSON (F. G.) SASKIA. After Rembrandt. Signed artist’s proof. Beautiful impression. Antique gold frame. . SENSENEY (GEORGE) THE SILENCE OF NIGHT. Original etching printed in colors. Signed artist’s proof on Japan paper. Proof No. 15. Wood and Gilt frame. 10 a on he paper. Proof No. 9. R RISE. Hioican etching printed in colors. Signed artist’ s proof on Japan paper. Proof No. 44. Gray Oak frame. 38 ‘sT¢ ORM PAST. Original etching printed in colors. Signed artist’s proof on Japan paper. Proof No. 23. Antique gold frame. 39 ‘EVENING IN NORMANDY. Original etching printed : mi in colors. Signed artist’s proof on Japan paper. ‘Proof No, 24. Antique Gold frame. WEBB (JOHN C.) Pest 40 PORTRAIT OF MRS. ANGELO TAYLOR, AS MIRANDA. Mezzotint printed in colors. Orna- mental Carved Gold frame. GAINSBOROUGH . (THOMAS) ‘y a GEORGINA, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. En- i graved in stipple by J. Jackson, and colored by hand. Bef Mounted in a frame with an Autograph Letter Signed from the Duchess of Devonshire in French. Folio, gilt frame. COUSINS (SAMUEL) 42 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Proof on India paper, from the Chandos portrait. DAUTREY (LUCIEN) | 438 LA GLANEUSE. After the painting by Jules Breton | in the Luxembourg Gallery. Remarque proof on Japan paper signed by painter and etcher. Very ' rare in this state. : 11 | | DECORATIVE PANELS rs 44 DUTCH CHILDREN. Colored prints. _ Lom: folio. Framed. (2 pieces.) . 45 FRANCOIS DE BOURBON, PRINCE DE CONT Robert Dumesnil No. 348. Only state. oe Hoe collection. With margins. DESNOYERS (AUGUST BOUCHER) 46 MADONNA DI SAN SISTO. Proof before letters, with q presentation inscription from M. Desnoyers to M. i Vallot. (Foxed.) S EDELINCK (GERARD) 47 THE VIRGIN SEWING. Clearly printed impression, — with margins. There is a small discolored spot near the Virgin’s right hand. Together with ‘‘THE RETURN FROM MARKET,”’ engraved by Sir Robert Strange in 1750, after the painting by Wouvermans, and ‘‘THE FINDING OF MOSES” — engraved by Baron after the painting by Le Suerer. — (3 pieces. ) a FAGAN (JAMES) 48 GENERAL U. 8. GRANT. Remarque pro on vellum, signed by the etcher. FICQUET (ESTIENNE) 49 MADAME DE MAINTENON. Engraved in 1759, from the painting by Mignard. An unusually fine impres- sion of this little masterpiece on old paper with full margins. Together with PORTRAIT OF DAVID HOLT, mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds, after Duval. (2 pieces. ) 12 be sie r a: 2a oles ‘eG « ON (HEDLEY) ASTLE, Signed artist’s proof etch- om ed foe ( NB IDGE. Picking. Signed artist’s proof, G ilt frame. ST. BI hENNE LIMOGES. Signed artist’s Pyo0e Gold . ss Ns Se IBNNE BEAUVAIS, Signed artist’s proof. oie ” ing, signed artist’s Bor from the collection of a _ Philip Burty, together with EIGHTEEN ETCHINGS by oe _ Jules Jacquemart of various subjects. a DUTCH FISHING BOATS, original etching, by Av- -_ gustus Koopman, signed artist’s proof, and sIx OTHER PIECES, by various artists. (26 pieces.) FORTUNY 2 ae THE DEAD KABYLE. Fine impression with large a a a i margins. - ‘ TWO ARABS. Proof on India paper, and a _ HE DEATH MASK. (3 pieces.) So adi FULLWOOD (JOHN) ass LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER. Etching. Siagnep PrRoor. i eee Gilt irame. ig -GEROME (J. L.) 87 CONFIDENCES. Defaced copper-plate of the photo. gravure made by Goupil from the Panne. Ato, elaborate bronze frame. og 13 -GOLTZIUS (HEINRICH) 58 JAN BOLL. Bartsch No, 161. Dated 1593, ‘Superb impression in perfect condition, Pea 59 NICQUET. Bartsch No. 177. Fine impre slightly stained at the bottom. a a pee 60 JOHANNES ZURENUS. Bartsch No, 189. re exceed . ingly fine i impression of this beautiful little port i GRAVESANDE (CHARLES STORM VAN’S) 61 VILLAGE OF ZANDVOORT. Fine impression on | Dutch paper. Gold frame. . aM ay q 62 ON THE MAAS. Proof on Japan paper of this little masterpiece. Gold frame. 63 ON THE VECHT. Signed artist’s proof on “Holland | q paper. Brown wood frame. q 64 ZEEBURG. Signed artist’s proof. One of the artist’s 2 innate | charming small plates, together with THE SHEEP- — FOLD by Braequemond, after Brendel, proof from — | the collection of Philippe Burty, and NEAR STONE- | LEIGH, WARWICKSHIRE, etched by J. G. Strutt, 7 SCENE BY MARLBOROUGH FOREST, etched by | Strutt, GROUP OF ABELES, BANKS OF THE THAMES, by Strutt. (5 pieces.) a | ORIGINAL DRAWING BY GRAVESANDE | 65 ON THE VECHT. This superb chareoal drawing, evi- | dently a study for the dry-point, is signed in full in the lower left corner. It is rarely that original draw- — ings by this eminent artist come into the market... Oak frame. GREATBACH (WILLIAM) 66 THE READER. Line engraving, after painting by Gerard Dow. Proof before all letters on India paper. Rosewood and Gilt frame. 14 H [AD EN (SIR F, SEYMOUR) 67 MYTTO! N “HALL, Heid): A hospitable open doorway seen at the end of a shady avenue of old yew trees. Stenep Proor on JAPAN Paper. Framed. _ *Plate destroyed. Mytton Hall was an old Henry VII. ~ house in Lancashire, Wedmore says the print is characterized A, the breadth of treatment so much a part of Haden’s work. 68 ‘KE eRe GARDENS. (The larger plate.) H. 28. _ An old tree divides into two main branches, with the light concentrated on the upper branches and the _ distance closed in by numerous trees. Framed. yon Plate destroyed. Considered one of the best etchings of _ free branch and stem drawing. ay WATER MEADOW. H. 21. A meadow fringed with % trees, to the right open water and reeds, and an old wooden sluice overgrown with rushes. ae * Seymour Haden said of this etching: ‘‘I like this plate— which is saying a La deal.’’ : 7 EGHAM LOCK. H. 15. Early proof of second state. he signature is removed but the sky is not yet made perfectly white. Signed artist’s proof. aa A WATER MEADOW. H. 21. First state, on ribbed paper. Gold frame. 72 TWICKENHAM CHURCH. H. 107. First state. Proof hie on Japan paper. Gold frame HANDS ETCHING. H. 94. Second state. The subject of the plate now shaded. — HAIG (AXEL HERMAN) ie 74 GOSLAR. Signed artist’s proof. Title is written by the ie) artist in pencil in the lower left corner. Wood and = Gold frame. | 75 BURGOS CATHEDRAL, THE EXTERIOR. Signed i artist’s proof. Wood and Gold frame. HELLEU (PAUL) 76 CRAYON DRAWING. Figure of a woman three-quarter length, seen from the back. Folio. Signed. 77 MEDITATION. Original dry-point. Signed artist’s proof. Imitation mahogany frame. 15 78 Noe 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 es Say lai. HERKOMER (HUBERT) ALFRED LORD TENNYSON, HOPFER a o ler, and THE BETROTHAL, engraved by ai é (5 pieces. ) wa. HOLLAR (WENCELAS) A VIEW OF MASBACH., Characteristic and beaut little plate. “ JACQUE (CHARLES) THE COW TENDER. Original dry-point. Proof on © Japan paper. Oak frame. : | THE FARM WITH A BIG TREE. Proof on Hallaeda paper. Black and Gilt frame. A CORNER OF THE FARM YARD. One of the | Jacque’s prettiest plates. Black frame. Fi a Pra Ve i JAZINSKI (FELIX) (eae SPRING. After the painting by Boticelli, Remarque | proof on vellum, signed by the etcher. ; a || JEAURAT (E.) me. | NICOLAS VLEUGHELS. After Antoine Pesne. En- ~ eraved in 1725, Fine impression and in perfeet con- dition. ; JOHNSON (T.) ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Remarque proof on vellum, | signed by the etcher. | 16 ie si fea artist’s proof on India paper. ig poe in perfect condition. a LECTION OF LAFAYETTE PORTRAITS AYETTE (MARQUIS DE). Mezzotint portrait en- raved by Haid; oe by Duplessis- era es > old engraving ; ; eiansved portrait by Endner. (5) ci _ * This and the following lots of portraits of the Marquis de ; Lafayette form a very remarkable and complete collection, in- eluding many in proof and first state. a, LAFAYETTE, Stipple engraving by T. Clarke of Phila- oe __ delphia; aquatint printed in brown; unsigned; stipple = = pel engraving by Kobell in both first and second states; ind engraver’s proof (probably American) of a line por- * " : Aiea “trait; ete, (8) i A ! 90° ee cert Portraits engraved by Freeman, Fores- i a tier, Varin, Endner, Lefebure, etc. (40) { 1 LAFAYETTE. Portraits engraved by Duchemin, Ruck, l 1 Massard, Fiesinger, Verité, ete. (40) i“ 92 LAFAYETTE. Portraits engraved by Massard, Boudron, z vie: es Girardet, Annin & Smith, ete. (40) LITHOGRAPHS az -BONHEUR (ROSA) : 93 BERGERIE. Original lithograph on India paper. Full ia margins. a 7 i BONINGTON (R. P.) 94 EGLISE ST. SAUVEUR, CAEN. On India paper. One of the artist’s most esteemed lithographs, CALAME (A.) 95 THE UAKE: SUNSET Original lithograph on India ie BRC, ete. Black frame. (7 pieces.) - 17 LION DEVOURING A HORSE, and PIECES by various artists (Jacque, ‘Haz Jones, Wickenden, etc.). Ci pieces.) he HUET (PAUL) 97 VUE DE CHATEAU GAILLARD and THREE “OTHER PIECES. (4 pieces.) RAFFET (AUGUSTE) 98 CATALANS. On India paper. Proof from the collec- —| tion of P. Demidoff. Fivr PrEcEs, various, togeth T with EicHT LirHograPHs by Horace Vernet, and Owe by Charlet. (14 pieces.) FOUR LITHOGRAPHS IN COLOR 99 DOGS, by Walther Klemm. BIRCHES, by Carl Thie- — mann, THE COUNTRY ROAD, by Alois Hanisch. — THE PALACE ON THE ROCK, by the same. Ings the original wrapper. (4 pieces.) im LALANNE (MAXIME) es E | 100 THE SEINE NEAR ARGENTEUIL. Black and Gold frame. 101 FRIBOURG, SWITZERLAND. The plate reduced in size. One of the artist’s most exquisite plates. To- gether with ST. SEBASTIEN, engraved by Gaillard from his painting in the Luxembourg, and LH |. MEUNIER SON FILS ET L’ ANE, soft ground etch- ing after Decamps. On India paper. (3 pieces.) LE MIRE (NOEL) 102 GENERAL WASHINGTON. After the painting by L. le Paon. Engraved from a fictitious picture, the head alone after Peale. On a stretcher. 18 el BOYD. After the painting by . Fine original i impression. Black and Gold MELLAN (CLAUDE) MARY, ST. JOSEPH, ST. JAMES and ST. a. Fine impression, slightly foxed with ‘ MERYON (CHARLES) i LA MORGUE: Delteil No. 36. 6th of 7 states. ¥ * Very clearly printed impression with Meryon’s monogram in the upper left corner. MEISSONIER (J. L. E.) India paper with full margins. Fine impression in perfect condition of one of Meissonier’s finest plates. MILLET (J. F.) 4 106 WOMAN HANGIN G OUT CLOTHES. Lebrun No. 2. = Upon the same plate with A PEASANT RESTING if a Lebrun No. 3, and A PEASANT SEATED, Lebrun : No. z He . *< * TEMPLE. lIine-engraving after the painting by Pietro Testa, together with L’AIR, line-engraving by 5 Dupris (1718) after the painting by Louis de Boul- 4 longle, and UN BON PRINCE EST LE SALUT DU i; ; PEUPLE, line-engraving by Dupris after the paint- ing by Coypel. (3 pieces. ) — SPORTING PRINT 136 THE EXETER ROAD: THE WHITE HART AT HOOK. Color print by C. Laidin. Folio, framed. 23 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 STRANG (WILLIAM) THE PRODIGAL SON. Original etching, together — with STILL LIFE, etched by Jacquemart, after — Cuyp, and A JAPANESE PLATE, etched by Jacque- mart, from the Lalanne collection, and the INTE- RIOR OF THE STUDIO, original etalon by Sir George Reed. (4 pieces.) TISSOT (JAMES J.) MAVOURNEEN. Signed artist’s proof, also bearing red stamp of the artist. ‘‘Morceau Sa do l’ceuvre.’’—Beraldi. Gold. frame. OCTOBER. Signed artist’s proof, also bearing red stamp of the artist. This magnificent plate disputes with ‘‘Mavourneen’’ the honor of being Tissot’s finest work. TURNER (J. M. W.) AESACUS AND HESPERIE. Drawn, etched and mezzotinted by J. M. W. Turner. From the Turner collection. Gold frame. VAN DYCK (ANTHONY) GUILLAME DE VOS. Wiberal No. 15. The head etched by Van Dyck himself, and the plate finished by Bolswert. Fine impression. Antique gold frame. VAN MUYDEN (EVERT) LION ON A ROCK. Signed artist’s proof. One of Van Muyden’s best wild animal plates. Gold frame. WARD (WILLIAM) THE FRUITS OF INDUSTRY AND CGCONOMY. After the painting by George Morland, This fine mezzotint, published in 1794, is a companion of the following: THE EFFECTS OF EXTRAVAGANCE AND IDLE- NESS. After the painting by George Morland. (2 lots.) 24 _ WATSON (CHARLES J.) aw) CH > CH EYNE WALK, CHELSEA, 1889. Signed artist’s vi proof, This plate i is rare. ie YORK MINSTER, Signed artist’s proof. One of é Pee s most characteristic and beautiful plates. WEBSTER (HERMAN A.) “a ay STREBT IN A FRENCH CITY. Signed proof etching, a Black frame. WHISTLER (JAMES A. McNEILL) / 148 MILLBANK. Wedmore No. 67. The Thames at Mill- ‘ey bank at Low tide. One of the “‘Sixteen Etchings.’’ ! Fine impression, Gold frame. im 149 FULHAM. Wedmore No. 148. With the butterfly low a to the right. Fine original impression, Guilt frame. | 150 BECQURT. Wedmore No. 48. Warmly and not too heavily printed. Gilt frame. | 151 STREET AT SAVERNE. Wedmore No. 11. Fine - impression on Japanese paper. Gold frame. 152 BIBI VALENTIN. Wedmore No. 28. Unusually fine impression on thin Japan paper. Gold frame. 153 THAMES POLICE. Wedmore No. 42. Brilliant im- pression on toned Japan paper. One of the Thames set. Gold frame. 154 THE FORGE. Wedmore No. 63. Proof on Japan paper. One of the Thames set. Gold frame. 155 TINY POOL. Wedmore No. 73. Proof on ribbed paper. Gold frame. 156 OLD HUNGERFORD BRIDGE. Wedmore No. 80. Fine and clearly printed impression. One of the Thames set. Gold frame. 157 FLORENCE LEYLAND. Wedmore No. 96. Proof on ribbed paper. Gold frame. 25 aie ad ADAM AND EVE TAVERN, OLD more No. 144. Brilliant impre paper. Gold frame. | ne 159 LOBSTER POTS. Wedmore No, 174. proof before the margins were trim cepting the small tag which was to be signature. One of the twenty-six etchings thirty sets only were issued. Gold frame. (160 THE LONG GALLERY, LOUVRE. Way No. 52, 161 THE SMITH’S YARD. “Way No. 88. Clearly printed impression. WOOLLETT (WILLIAM) Ea 162 THE BATTLE OF LA HOGUEH, After bag paint by Benjamin West. WOOD ENGRAVINGS KINGSLEY (ELBRIDGE) is One of the most eminent of the American School of wood ee a | 163 NEW ENGLAND ELMS. First state, on rice paper. 4 Rare. ce | 164 LANDSCAPE WITH A HAYSTACK: _MOONRISE. ora : After the painting by D. W. Tryon. Proof on rice 3 paper. 165 APPLE BLOSSOMS. After the painting by D. Wass Tryon. Proof on rice paper. 26 L171 SECOND SESSION Thursday Afternoon, May 16, at 2:30 o’clock ated 66 OVAL SHAVING MIRROR. Adjustable wall bracket. SMALL BRONZE LAMP WITH FAVRILE GLASS SHADE. Fitted for electricity. FOLDING CARD TABLE OF OAK. PAIR OF BRONZE BOOK RACKS. Pierced in an arabesque design. SET OF FOLDING STEPS, ae four carpeted treads. Height, 42 inches. BRASS GOOSENECK READING LIGHT WITH REFLECTOR, fitted for electricity. BRONZE READING LAMP WITH FLUTED GREEN GLASS SHADE, fitted for electricity. BRONZE JEWEL BOX. Gothic relief decoration; fitted with key. MINIATURE CARVED WOOD TOTEM POLE. INDIAN BASKET WORK, consisting of three baskets in graduated sizes, and three small round covered baskets. (9 pieces.) BRASS BOWL of Hast Indian workmanship; incised decoration. SOAPSTONE OIG VESSEL WITH SERPENT HANDLE (repaired). TORTOISE-SHELL PAPER CUTTER, with sterling silver handle in repoussé decoration. BRASS PHOTOGRAPH FRAME, with picture on ivory, signed Sabatier. DECORATED BURNT WOOD OVAL TRAY AND PAPER HOLDER. STANDING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER. DESK SHEARS OF BRASS in a seabbard. (Tip of shears broken.) WHITE ONYX PAPER WEIGHT. SOUVENIR PEN TRAY OF PORCELAIN. MINIATURE TOTEM OF SOAPSTONE. 27 172 173 174 175 176 ay phy - " As cae BRONZE PAPER WEIGHT—_TWO COILED 1 Te) ARDS. i Py As ny BRONZE ORNAMENT—CUPID DRIVING A TOR- TOISE. ay AUTOMATIC PENCIL SHARPENER. a i DESK GALENDAR OF BLACK LEATHER. HANDY DESK BOX OF PEWTER. BRASS INKSTAND AND LETTER RACK COM. | BINED. | CIRCULAR EASEL MIRROR. Bevel glass in a carved wood frame. (Frame chipped.) PEWTER BOWL WITH COVER. Decorated with silver inlay in a floral pattern. Diameter, 644 | inches. | BRONZE LETTER RACK. BEAR AND CACTUS INKSTAND OF METAL. BRONZE WASTE BASKET resting on three sere | feet. (Damaged.) | BRONZE PAPER CLIP—SHAPED AS A FOWL’S 4] HEAD. BRONZE ELECTRIC DESK BELL—SHAPED AS A §} BLACK COCK. BRONZE LETTER OPENER.- | BRONZE PAPER WEIGHT—WINGED LION OF : ST. MARK. CANDLESTICK OF BRONZE AND FAVRILE GLASS in a leaf and flower design. Height, 1144 — inches. MECHANICAL CIGARETTE BOX OF MAHOG- | ANY. MINIATURE ITALIAN WEDDING COFFER. CARVED. WOOD BOOK RACK. (One support. cracked. ) TWO AGATE SPECIMENS, ONE ENGRAVED. LETTER OPENER AND SHEARS, with gilt handles ; in a leather seabbard. MAGNIFYING GLASS. (Chipped.) LETTER SAND BOX OF BOXWOOD. 28 179 | 180 185 bal as WOOD CARVING. An oval tray in the _ ASH TRAY OF COPPER AND BRASS. Ornamented form of an alligator; with ivory and pearl inlays. with a reclining female figure. MINIATURE CHAFING DISH OF COPPER, COM- PLETE WITH LAMP. ANTIQUE OAK TABOURETTE, CARVED IN RE- LIEF. ASH TRAY OF GLASS WITH SILVER RIM. BRASS PIN TRAY. SHELL PAPER CUTTER. TABLE MAT OF PERSIAN EMBROIDERY (worn). Size, 18 x 16 inches. USHABTI, or Servant of the Deceased. Small figure from the tomb of Sakkarah of Psametik. 520 B. C. Guaranteed genuine with seal by R. H. Blanchard, Cairo, Egypt. Length, 4 inches. LARGE BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND THAK- WOOD STAND. Hawthorne Blossoms in ascend- ing and descending branches on a blue ground. Height, 16 inches. BLUE AND WHITE PILGRIM BOTTLE VASH. Decoration of Dragons and conventional chrysanthe- mums on giant crackle ground. Height, 10 inches. BRONZE DESK SET OF SEVEN PIECES. Consist- ing of a letter case, pen tray, clip, file, two covered boxes and blotter, in bronze with relief decoration of signs of the zodiac: From the Tiffany Studios. BRONZE FIGURE OF AN ELEPHANT. (One tusk broken.) Height, 414 inches. PORCELAIN FLOWER VASE. _ Peacock feather decoration. TWO BOOK RACKS. One of brocade, the other em- broidered. WASTE BASKET. Of velour and gilt brocade. (4 pieces.) NARROW PANEL MIRROR. In a gilt frame with decorative Romney print set in the top. Height, 20 inches. 29 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 SIX METAL ASH RECEIVERS. JAPANNED CRUMB TRAY. PAIR OF MARINE GLASSES. In a Teather ease LeMaire, Paris, maker. ee ae BRASS YACHT CLOCK. With gong that chimes the watches. Seth Thomas, maker. BRONZE PAPER HOLDER, with silver Rite in ae strap pattern. GREEN WICKER WASTE BASKET. THREE METAL ASH RECEIVERS. PAIR OF MARINE GLASSES. Ovington Bros, | makers. (In a worn leather case.) a PAIR OF THERMOS BOTTLES. In a leather case. CLOISONNE BOTTLE HOLDER. TALL METLACH STEIN WITH FIGURE DECO- | RATION. GERMAN STEIN WITH METAL COVER AND 4} BASE. TWO SINGLE PORTIERES. One blue, the other red. #| DOWN SOFA PILLOW. Blue velvet with medallion 7 of Chinese embroidery. HOT-WATER KETTLE WITH SPIRIT LAMP. GREEN GLAZED TEAPOT WITH WICKER HANDLE. BRASS BOWL with relief decoration. THREE ALASKAN BRACELETS. PAIR OF FIELD GLASSES mounted in aluminum. SILVER CUP decorated in repoussé in a flower and leaf pattern. SILVER-PLATED COCKTAIL SHAKBR AND CUP. SILVER VASE with emblem in relief. WOOD TRAY with glass bottom covering an embroid- ery representing a gamecock on a holly branch. OBLONG SILVER-PLATED TRAY with beaded edge. COVERED TOBACCO JAR OF POTTERY shaped as a melon with figure of a negro boy seated. FLASK covered with Indian woven work. 30 : Ae es children. 8 | PEWTER ALE MUG marked Simpson’s, Cornhill. ROUND SILVER-PLATED MIRROR TRAY with two handles. Diameter, 11 inches. ROOKWOOD PITCHER-JUG. Indian corn decora- Reo we tior. 4 BRIDGE OUTFIT. In a red leather case with gilt ‘- mountings. Cross, maker. SILVER SOAP BOX decorated in repoussé in a flower . ; and leaf pattern. _ THREE BOTTLES WITH SILVER TOPS in a travel- ling ease of brown leather. SILVER OVAL PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. 195 COCKTAIL SET consisting of mahogany tray, glass lined, with horn handles; eight metal supports for as many glasses; silver shaker and cup. TWO TRAVELLING WALLETS AND A CIGAR CASE. ‘The cigar case and one wallet of tan leather, the other of black leather. CUT GLASS CIGAR BOX with gilt mountings and gilt decoration on the hinged cover. _ THERMOMETER IN THE FORM OF A LARGE BRASS KEY. 4 Je) lop) 197 WOOD AND LEATHER JEWEL BOX silk-lined. | PAIR OF FIELD GLASSES in a travelling case of tan leather. Carl Hess, Jena, maker. HAT BRUSH in a travelling case of red morocco. i SILVER POCKET CARD CASH, chased in a scroll pattern. 198 SILVER PEPPER GRINDER. Tiffany & Co., makers. SILVER PAPER FILE. SILVER WINE FUNNEL. CARVED IVORY MINIATURE ' PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Oval (cracked). IMITATION TORTOISE-SHELL FAN in the form of a windwill. 31 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 METAL LETTER OPENER. = MINIATURE CHINESE SILVER FIGURE with ca MINIATURE METAL FIGURE OF THE MADONNA ' AND CHILD. IVORY CRIBBAGE MARKER in the form of a seat SILVER-PLATED DRINKING CUP (slightly bat-— tered). SMALL STEEL DAGGER WITH BRASS HILT AND SHEATH. BRASS BOX WITH HINGED COVER. LEATHER MUG WITH HANDLE. CUT GLASS POCKET FLASK with silver cup cover ; in a tan leather case. SILVER TWINE BALL HOLDER. Black, Starr & Frost, makers. SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Oval; ceed : (No glass. ) SILVER POCKET FLASK chased in a shell and leaf pattern. SIX APOSTLE SPOONS. ONE PICKLE FORK. SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Square. Marcus — & Co., makers. | CHIROPODIST SET with ivory handles; in a black morocco case. TRAVELLING CLOCK. Repeater; in a green mo- rocco case. PAIR OF OPERA GLASSES in a black leather case. Callaghan, London, maker. SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Oblong. Marcus & Co., makers. SILVER BOTTLE OPENER. LARGE CUT-GLASS BOTTLE with cut glass and silver top fitted with silver padlock and key. CUT-GLASS DECANTER with gilt decoration in a vine and scroll pattern. SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Tiffany & Co., makers. LARGE SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Marcus & Co., makers. 82 206 CUT -GLASS FLOWER VASE resting in a sterling bok silver base pierced in a geometrical pattern. ‘CUT: GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE. Etched decora- & tion ; ornamental silver i Marked going ee : > Silver, France.’ 207° LARGE METAL PHOTOGRAPH FRAME. Oval; a decorated in a repoussé pattern of fruits and flow- ers. ___-' TWIN PHOTOGRAPH HOLDER of Silver decorated in repoussé in a rococo pattern. TALL PERFUME BOTTLE with green glass ribs. (Top chipped.) TWELVE ROSE LEAF SPOONS. - - CUT GLASS BITTERS BOTTLE. COPPER COFFEE PERCOLATOR. | _ WASTE BASKET COVERED IN TAPESTRY AND ps __ VELVET. | 209 TWELVE CUT-GLASS WHISKEY GLASSES. . SIXTEEN COCKTAIL GLASSES (assorted). ; SEVEN ETCHED WATER GLASSES. pa TEN LIQUEUR GLASSES (assorted). TWO VICHY GLASSES. (47 pieces.) | 210 TWELVE NUT PICKS. TWELVE AFTER DINNER COFFEE SPOONS. i SIX DECANTER MARKERS. Two of sterling silver. a. 211 CUT-GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLE, etched; with silver mountings. METAL CIGARETTE BOX, chased in a pictorial de- sign representing Shakespeare at the Court of Eliza- beth, England. HOLOSTERIC BAROMETER, with thermometers according to Fahrenheit and Centigrade; brass mounting; in a morocco plush lined case. Gall & Lembke, makers. © 212 SILVER TROPHY CUP WITH THREE HANDLES. Height, 10 inches. | 2138 PAIR OF CUT-GLASS BOTTLES WITH SILVER 1 TOPS. a 33 7 r 15, RR oc: Ys eee 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 226 227 FROG AND TOAD OF BRONZE. ° COILED RATTLESNAKE OF BRONZE. WROUGHT IRON PAPER WEIGHT, in the form of ‘ ' a grotesque dog. (4 pieces.) : BRONZE INDIAN HUNTER. By C. Kavsa. Signed. | Height, 914 inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF AN AFRICAN DONKEY. By . Cain. Signed. Height, 534 inches. BRONZE HEAD OF BLIND HOMER. Life size; resting on a marble base. Height, 19 inches. ELECTROLIER: BRONZE FIGURE OF A KNEEL- ING FAUN holding two lghts fitted with red silk shades. On a circular base of green marble. Height, 21 inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF A FISHERMAN, SEATED. Height, 21 inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUFFALO standing on a base of red stone. By C. Kaupa. Signed. Height, 20 inches. BRONZE SEATED MERCURY, after the antique. Height, 20 inches. BRONZE WINGED VICTORY on a marble base. Height, 36 inches. THREE-LIGHT ELECTROLIER WITH SILK SHADE. Bronze Neptune on the back of an ala- baster turtle holding up a dolphin. CEILING CHANDELIER formed as a shower of flow- er lights; twelve Favrile glass shades resting in silk stems. THREE SINGLE LIGHT WALL BRACKETS OF BRONZE with Favrile glass shades; fitted for elec- tricity. TWO PAIRS OF GREEN SILK VELOUR WINDOW HANGINGS lined and padded; edged with tassel fringe; silk cord and tassel. ONE PAIR OF GREEN SILK VELOUR PORTIERES lined with red; the edges finished with green guipure. 34 228 LONG BLUE SILK VELVET BUREAU SCARF em- -__ broidered with gold. Lined. SQUARE OF SILK TAPESTRY FOR TABLE COVER. “TWO DOWN SOFA PILLOWS. One covered with _ tan silk, embroidered in a floral design, the other with silk brocade with corded edge. LARGE ROYAL COPENHAGEN VASE with decora- tion of fish and water lilies. Height, 15 inches. ELECTRIC READING LAMP. The bowl of green overlaid with a network of bronze, rests on three . large bronze crabs; the leaded green glass shade a decorated in a design of daffodils. Fitted with three ‘e lights. Height, 24 inches. | 232 MANTLE CLOCK of wood, with pierced brass panels a and four brass pineapple finials; the brass dial marked for hours and minutes; hour strike. In run- ning order. Francis Perigal, maker. Height, 19 inches; width, 1034 inches. | 233 LANTERN CLOCK OF BRASS, with brass dial and i gong; resting on four brass feet. Philip Carter, : maker. Height, 1414 inches. _ 234 TWO DOWN SOFA PILLOWS. One covered with = green silk velvet, the other with green cut velvet. 235 THREE DOWN SOFA PILLOWS with tapestry and ie - silk brocade covers. » 236 SMALL DROP-LEAF TABLE OF OAK. 237 ANTIQUE OAK HALL MIRROR. Carved frame with brass hooks. 238 DEER HEAD, MOUNTED. 939 TWO PAIRS OF BLUE WINDOW HANGINGS edged with tassel fringe; silk cord and tassels. THREE LAMBREQUINS to match the foregoing. {| 240 PHILIPPINE BOLO. Engraved blade and twisted cord handle. Wooden scabbard. 941 JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. Engraved blade. Brass and enamel mounts. Leather sheath. 35 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 299 256 PERSIAN DAGGER. Blade engraved on either side sheath. HUNTING SWORD. Blade anennae with Latin in- f[ scription and wild animals. Brass mounts. Leather — sheath. TWO PAIRS BROWN VELVET WINDOW HANG- | INGS. TWO VELVET PORTIERES to match the foregoing. + with figure of ‘‘Pandur.’’ Brass mounts. beaten i s 4 BRASS FOLDING FIRE SCREEN. Fan-shaped with pierced leaves. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE with two horns; ninety records in two black leather cases. s, PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS. Ball and baluster | pattern. CIRCULAR AUTOMOBILE LUNCH BOX containing a complete service for six persons; plates, knives and forks, four thermos bottles, enameled boxes, etc.; the box cover fitted as a table. Never used. Di- ameter, 25 inches. RUGS ANTIQUE HAMIDAN MAT. Soft cream color sround; rose medallion. Size, 2.10 x 3.9 feet. BALOOCHISTAN RUG. Dark red ground; conven- tional design. Size, 3.4 x 6.6 feet. SEREBEND RUG. Rose ground; cream border; small palms. Size, 3.9 x 5.2 feet. HATCHLI BOKHARA. Sometimes called Christian Bokhara from the cross design. Excellent color and ~ quality. Size, 3.11 x 5 feet. HATCHLI BOKHARA. Sometimes ealled Christian Bokhara from the cross design. Excellent color and quality. Size, 4.3 x 5.5 feet. LARGE PERSIAN HALL RUG. Size, 7.6 x 15.9 feet. FINE QUALITY KERMANSHAH CARPET. Red ground all over design in large and small palm leaves. Cartouches with vista of gardens and dwell- ings. Very unusual design. - Size, 8.9 x 12.10 feet. 36 257 _— “y Sag le i. roe SSiout 40 yards. Blue, about 20 yards. | am: Red, about 10 yards. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Light blue ground with floral pattern in green, dark blue, rose and white. Size, 8.6 x 3.4. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE RUNNER. Hall runner or stair earpet of mahogany color with border of golden brown. Size, 3.2 x 13. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE RUG. Dull red ground with peony blossoms and butterflies; border of gold and blue. Size, 9 x 4. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. With silky pile, the field of deep gold, with figures in blue, red and ivory; Foo Yung design with-symbols of the eight precious things in the border. Size, 3.1 x 6. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL CURIO RUG. Thick ' pile, closely woven ground of golden brown, covered with patterns of pottery vases, incense burners and sacred emblems and having two small dragons in the eenter fighting for the sun. Size, 9.4 x 11.9. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESH WOOL RUG. Large dining room rug of pavement design in three shades of blue with border of swastika pattern in dark blue. Size, D2 x 13.3. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Thick pile, rose ground closely woven, with hght green scrolls throughout; center symbol of happiness in dark blue. Outside border of dark blue, inner of swastika pattern in light green. Size, 9.2 x 12. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Plain Turquoise blue center with sun sprays in soft shades of light brown and blue border. Thick pile. Size, 10.3 x 12, * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 37 268 269 270 271 272 2724 MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Thick, silky MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Thick airy, of ¢ dark om | blue ground with two large five-clawed _ drago 5 fighting in the clouds above the sea. Shaded wi light green, having border of swastika pate ae Size, 10 x 12.2. ~~} * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE SILK RUG. Golden brown field strewn with butterflies and flowers in blue, light | green and other colors. In the center the Chinese zodiac with a blue dragon encircling the sun and in ~ the corners the sacred white elephant. Triple border showing swastika pattern, peony scroll and ivory | buttons. Size, 9.1 x 12. | * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash, ae MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. The ground of rich copper red, with closely woven pile of splendid quality, strewn ‘with passion flowers, clematis, butter- flies and vases, after Ming patterns in blues and ivory. Size, 5.2 x 8.5, * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. Ground of golden brown with five medallions, each with a different motif; the center peony scroll and flowers; the bor- ders of ancient pottery with flowers, fruits and but- terflies and the palm of Buddha; Phoenix heads guard the corners. Size, 5.9 x 9.7. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. The blue field strewn with flowers, butterflies, pomegranates, sprays of peaches, and the Buddha hand, with medallion of flowers encircling musical stone suspended by a bat. Borders of peony scrolls, palmettes and ivory but- tons. Size, 6.3 x 12.3. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. pile; golden brown ground with five medallions, each of different pattern; Phoenix heads guard the cor- ~ ners; blue border with scroll pattern, ancient pot-° — tery, flowers, fruits, butterflies and hand of Buddha. Size,.59) xi Dare * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 38 : oa hee of iden brown brocaded with flowers, peacock feathers; medallion of peony flowers supporting the palm of ‘Buddha; corners guarded by Phenix heads and passion flowers ; there are four borders, one of peony scrolls, one of swastika pattern with forty- four disks (emblems of riches), others of plain blue. Size, 6.4 x 12.6. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. i 274 MODERN CHINESE SILK RUG. The field is of golden brown with Chinese lattice work in th. cor- as ners, character of longevity in center, with leaf scrolls in green and lilies, magnolias and peonies ; in 1 one corner is a representation of the sun. The bor- ’ der shows musical instruments set in fretwork, liz- Pee) ards and characters of the eight precious things. | Size, 6.2 x 10. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 275 MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. The dark blue ground with sprays of flowers, butterflies, fruits in blue, sea green and ivory, with medallion in center showing a musical stone suspended by a bat. Border of white peony scroll and ivory buttons. Size, 6.2 x: 12.3. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 276 MODERN CHINESE SILK RUG. Dark brown of Ming pattern. In the center is a tree supporting two white doves; Phcenix heads guard the corners, with floral firures and butterflies between. The outer border shows a swastika pattern, the inner peony scrolls with symbols of the eight precious things. Size, 6 x 11. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 277 MODERN CHINESE WOOL RUG. The salmon pink ground strewn with butterflies, flowers and pome- eranates; the corners are ouarded by Pheenix heads; the center medalion shows a musical stone surrounded by a peony scroll with the palm of Buddha. Bor- ders of peony and swastika patterns and plain deep blue. Size, 6.8 x 12. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. 39 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 MODERN CHINESE SILK RUG. Copy of a melee picture called the Sea Market and Pearl Buildings of the Sea God, by a painter of the Ming Dynasty. — It shows the pilo or memorial arch to the Sea God — and the monument to the Sacred Lion; the temples — in the clouds, marble stairs, bridge and pagoda are — supposed to be of pearl. It has a triple border, two of swastika pattern, one of peony scroll with a deep blue ground for the sea with clouds in dull ivory. It is called ‘‘Hai Sze Cheu how,’’ and is by the 4 famous artist Wong Shih Ku of the Ming Dynasty. | Tradition says that, at an appointed time of each} year, the sea King exhibits all precious things at this market. People sometimes may view these magic buildings at sea. Size, 6.3 x 11.9. * Property of Mr. A. W. Bash. a | MAHOGANY FURNITURE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR. With lyre back; curved paw feet; slip seat upholstered in green velvet. MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR WITH RUSH SEAT. MAHOGANY ROUNDABOUT CHAIR with duck feet; slip seat covered with blue brocade. MAHOGANY FOLDING TOP TABLE. Hexagonal pedestal rising from a wide base; plate glass top. MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR with carved arms; cane seat. WICKER BASKET CHAIR upholstered in tufted brown velour. EASY ARMCHAIR OF MAHOGANY with cane back, seat, and sides; fitted with removable back and seat cushions of brown tapestry. TRIANGULAR LIGHT STAND OF MAHOGANY with three spiral legs, three drop leaves, and shelf bottom. Diameter of top, 21 inches. CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR. Jar splat; tapering legs; the slip seat upholstered in green bro- eade. (Brocade slightly worn.) 40 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 3 SMALL MAHOGANY WORK TABLE with deep bed; four drawers with brass knobs; plate glass cover. SMALL MAHOGANY STAND with deep bed contain- ing one drawer with bronze pull. MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR with scroll arms supported by carved griffins; paw front feet; the seat up- holstered in green velvet. CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR of Chippendale design; scroll and ribbon back; cabriole legs with claw and ball feet; the slip seat upholstered in green cut velvet. MAHOGANY HALL SEAT WITH DRAWER with high square back and slip seat upholstered in blue brocade; the front columns ornamented with pine- apple tops; paw feet; the large single drawer fitted with brass knobs. (Brocade slightly worn.) LARGE OVER-STUFFED EASY CHAIR. Uphol- stered in green silk velour, tufted, and ornamented with large bronze-headed tacks; resting on ball feet. LARGE OVER-STUFFED LIBRARY SOFA. Uphol- stered in green silk velour, tufted, and ornamented with large bronze-headed tacks; resting on six ball feet. OLD ENGLISH SECRETARY. Satinwood veneer with inlaid panels; the upper part having eleven drawers and a center cupboard with pigeon holes; drop leaf. The serpentine base, resting on ball feet, contains three large drawers. Brass drop handles and key masks. MAHOGANY HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS. Broken arch cornice with three carved torch and urn finials; seroll and shell carving at top and bottom; carved cabriole legs with claw and ball feet; five large and six small drawers with brass drop pulls and key masks. WIDE COUCH WITH CARVED FEET. Upholstered in brown velour; tufted cushion seat; three large wall cushions. MAHOGANY COMBINATION BUREAU-WARD- ROBE. Bevel plate mirror; two large and two small drawers and cupboard compartment. 41 = ro as a » ihe? " ’ ‘ P we .- mo) re 299 LARGE. MAHOGANY CABINET—BACHE ra 8 DELIGHT. The front ornamented with two ¢ umns resting on paw feet; three small top cota q fitted with compartments. The two large doors open- — ing show three large sliding trays, three smaller trays, five drawers, and hat compartment; brass drop pulls. 300 MAHOGANY BOOKCASE. Fluted front columns resting on ball feet; double glass doors; four shelves. Height, 50 inches; width, 48 inches. 301 MAHOGANY ROUND TOP TABLE. With fluted pedestal resting on a square scroll base; beaded bed; veneered top in radiation. Plate glass cover. Di- ameter, 52 inches. 302 LIBRARY TABLE OF MAHOGANY. With four doric columns at each end rising from a base supported by paw feet; two drawers with brass drop pulls; plate glass cover. Length, 56 inches; width, 36 inches. 303. TALL MAHOGANY CORNER BOOKCASE. With six glass doors; four shelves in the upper part, three in the bottom. 304 TALL MAHOGANY DOUBLE BOOKCASE. Double glass doors; four shelvés each. 305 DOUBLE MAHOGANY BOOKCASE. Four glass doors each; four shelves each. 306 MAHOGANY BOOKCASE AND CLOTHES PRESS COMBINED. The upper part has two glass doors and four shelves; the lower section fitted with two solid doors and six sliding shelves. 306-a OLD MAHOGANY CABINET. Shelves enclosed by double glass doors with grooved mahogany tracery. Cornice top. Height, 48 inches; width, 46 inches. 206-b SHERATON MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD. Round corners, taper legs, with three drawers and three cup- boards; holly inlays, brass drop handles and key masks, Length, 6 feet; width, 26 inches, oeemanameaanitts = ia a ee oa ae era) THIRD SESSION ~ May 16, at 8:30 o’clock i Be Sd em, 2 Ol and ABodern Paintings 307 A. HASSELL ; Contemporary English Painter. ° {Gea SALMON TROUT oe Canvas Height, 17 inches ; width, 22 inches. * Property of Mrs. R. C. McCormick of New York. 308 UNKNOWN PAINTER English School. STABLE INTERIOR WITH HORSES Beats eon Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches, * Property of Mrs. A. Newman of New York. 309 JOHN RUSSELL (Attributed) English, 1744-1806. DECORATIVE PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN , Pastel. Height, 24 inches ; width, 20 inches. 43 iS oe we y Contemporary Ja apanese ee ‘RETURNING WORSHIPPERS Water-Color. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. sel W. P. W. DANA Contemporary American Painter. GATHERING SEA WEED Canvas. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 30 inches, * Property of Mrs. R. C. McCormick of New Forks : ~~ 312, JOHN F. KENSETT Contemporary American Artist. LAKE COMO, ITALY Height, 2214 inches; width, 37 inches. * Property of Mrs. E. B. Goldman of New York. 313 zs Rac: ARTHUR WARDLE ae Contemporary English Painter. ANIMAL SUBJECT Pastel. Height, 914 inches; width, 1314 inches. 44 " pia oo . ade Beas: 2 he “contemporary Japanese Painter, be AUTUMN J AT HOKOGAWA _ Water-Color. Signed. | Height, 23 inches; width, 15 inches. ae 815 W. R. DERRICK Contemporary American Painter. THE FARMER AT WORK Water-Color. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches, _* Property of Mr. Albert Roullier of Chicago. ea By ie _——s ROBERT J. WICKENDEN Contemporary American Painter. LANDSCAPE NEAR PITTSFIELD, MASS. itis. | : Panel. Signed. | __- Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. 317 C. VAN LEEMPUTTEN Belgian Painter. ee. SHEEP ; ; Panel. Signed. Height, 614 inches; width, 9 inches. * Property of Miss M. P. Culyer of Mt. Kisco, N. Y. 45 “sa ils aide Dab = VA bi hee pres é z HENRY Leal ey ee eae Contemporary American Painter. ot SUNSET ON THE LAKE Water Grler Signed and dated 1 1899 Height, 1214 inches; width, 18 inal * Property of Mr. Albert Roullier of Chica, 319 | GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. ehh EARLY AUTUMN, FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Na . Canvas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 2154 i inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Canta ~~ 3200 UNKNOWN PAINTER STILL LIFE Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 14 inches. 321 ACHILLE FRANCOIS OUDINOT French, 1820-1890. GOING TO MARKET Water-Color. Signed, = Height, 714 inches; width, 1214 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 46 Ft) “ae ba z BEAUVERIE E nae, width, 1344 a8 ty of Miss Mi P. Culyer of Mt. Kisco, N. Y. are 323 GEORGE V. CURTIS — _ Contemporary American Painter. LES MAZETTES, BARBIZON Canyas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 2134 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. pam 324 AMIE CORBOULD French Painter. aa THE BLACKSMITH’S SHOP BS. Canvas. Signed and dated, 1846. cn Height, 1514 inches; width, 1814 inches. 3 -* Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. ‘5 4 4 325 . MAX WEYL 4d Contemporary American Painter. Ae 7 . GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC ait | Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 3114 inches. 47 THE SULLY BEACH, FOREST OF Hee Canvas. Signed. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 327 CHARLES P. GRUPPE Contemporary American Painter. GOING TO PASTURE Water-Color. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. * Property of the artist. 328 FUKAWA BASKE. Contemporary Japanese Painter. CHERRY SEASON AT MAKAJEMA Water-Color. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches. 329 H. M. ROSENBERG Contemporary American Painter. E NEAR HALIFAX | ae | Water-Color. Signed. | f Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. * Property of Mr. Albert Roullier of Chicago. j | 48 | sate a a! fo) ge s30 * # ‘ee (0. PICHAT ae Goetcupantt French Painter. _ FRENCH CAVALRY OFFICER nae Panel. Signed. a Height, 121% inches width, 1014 inches. 331 LOUIS BRAQUAVAL Contemporary French Painter. RUE ST. WOLFRAM, ABBEVILLE oa : Panel. Signed. Height, 1494 inches ; width, 1814 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 332 HENRY FARRER Contemporary American Painter. THE EVENING HOUR Water-Color. Signed and dated 1901. Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. * 2 ae of Mr, Albert Roullier of Chicago. et eee Foe Tee ee oo oul 7 zZ 1 or F = y 333 PAUL VERON Contemporary French Painter. o CLEARING AFTER A STORM “i Panel. Signed and dated, ’61. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. * Property of Miss M. P. Culyer of Mt. Kisco, Nie Ys 49 THEODORE VON DER BEEK Contemporary Dutch Painter. A GIRL AT PRAYER Canvas. Signed. Height, 3614 inches; width, 2514 inches. , * Sold by order of James, Schell & Hlkus, 170 Broadway, 4 Attorneys for the Trustee in Bankruptcy of Lathrop, Haskins ~ & Co. i 335 UNKNOWN PAINTER French School. MOTHERHOOD Canvas. Height, 11 inches; width, 814 inches. * Property of the artist, Charles P. Gruppe. 336 CARLETON WIGGINS Contemporary American Painter. CATTLE AT PASTURE Canvas. Signed and dated, France, 1881. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. * Property of Miss M. P. Culyer of Mt. Kiseo, N. Y. 337 GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. MORNING ON THE FARM AT BARBIZON Canvas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 2134 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 50 w. -R. DERRICK Br "Contemporary American Painter. THE SHEPHERDESS — “W. ater-Color. Signed. _ Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. _ * Property of Mr. Albert Roullier of Chicago. 339 — : e: "FRANCESCO CAVALIERE TREVISANI Tye ane Italian, 1656-1746. THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS % ORs Height, 28 inches; width, 29 inches. ee 340 oy 12% LOUIS BRAQUAVAL =! - Contemporary French Painter. i, ON THE QUAI D’ORSAY, PARIS Eo Panel. Signed. é Height, 1314 inches; width, 15 inches. -* Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 341 GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. MY GARDEN AT BARBIZON—MORNING Canvas. Signed. Height, 2314 inches; width, 2814 inches, -* Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 51 Donteitporne Dutch : A ROTTERDAM CANA Ne Canvas. Signed and dated 190. Height, 21 inches : width, 15 inch. * Property of the artist, Charles 12. Gruppe, se 343 UNKNOWN PAINTER French School. : rm Lae REIN DECORATIVE PORTRAIT OF A LADY = Canvas. Height, 3514 inches; width, 2714 inches. ee were GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. MY GARDEN AT BARBIZON—AFTERNOON Canvas. Signed. - Height, 2314 inches; width, 2814 fran tale * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. C 4 345 — U FUKAWA BASKE. Contemporary Japanese Painter. . EARLY EVENING | ee || Water-Color. Signed. | Height, BG inches; width, 22 inches. a * e ——$——$$<—— y ae’ Dutch Painter. oe _ SUNSHINE AND SHADOW ny 49h: Oa. Sized, LOUIS BRAQUAVAL r rs Contemporary French Painter. _ON THE QUAI DE L’HOTEL DE VILLE, PARIS ae (RIGHT BANK) Panel. ‘Signed. Height, 1434, inches ; width, 18% inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 348 WILM STEELINK Contemporary Dutch Painter. THE PASTURE LOT Canvas. ‘Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 19 inches. * Property of the artist, Mr. Charles P. Gruppe. 349 G. HENKEL Contemporary Dutch Painter. MAN SMOKING Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 1414 inches. ; 58 dees ‘Signed : Height, 1814 inches ; width, 2134 i ine ee * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 351 KENNETH R. CRANFORD | Contemporary American Painter. COMPANIONS Canvas. Signed and dated, 1885. Height, 31 inches; width, 42 inches. * Property of Miss M. P. Culyer of Mt. Kisco, N. Y. 352 BERTRAM PRIESTMAN Contemporary English Painter. CATTLE RETURNING HOME — Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. 353 LOUIS BRAQUAVAL Contemporary French Painter. IN THE TUILERIES GARDEN—MORNING Panel. Signed. Height, 1434 inches; width, 1814 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 54 SSS af ee. a ie GEORGE V. CURTIS ee Contemporary American Painter. Zz tHE MILL AT PERTH, BARBIZON : ae Canvas. Signed. eight 18, inches width, 2134 inches, aoe __ * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 355 MAX WEYL - Contemporary American Painter. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Panel. Signed. Height, 914 inches; width, 17 inches. 356 _._-—* PHILIP ROOS, Called Rosa Da Tivoli Be German, 1657-1705. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP AND CATTLE ae ae “Canvas. Relined. Mg Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches, * Property of Dr. Conrad Gold of Baltimore. 357 NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE French, 1656-1746. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Pastel. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. 55 358° pe. ; GEORGE _ CURTIS. Contemporary Mitori@amn Painter. Canvas. Signed. - as Height, 1914 inches; width, 2314 inches. * Property of Mr. G. v. Curtis. 359 ANTON RAPHAEL MENGS ‘ Bohemian, 1728-1779. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S PATHER ne Pastel. é Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches, * Property of Dr. Conrad Gold of Baltimore. 360 GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. sah BEECH TREES IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINE- | . | BLEAU | Canvas. Signed. Re: 1 Height, 1814 inches; width, 2134 inches. - | * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 361 LOUIS BRAQUAVAL Contemporary French Painter. i ON THE QUAI DE L’HOTEL DE VILLE, PARIS = J (LEFT BANK) 2 | Panel. Signed. ‘ \ Height, 1434 inches; width, 1814 inches. 4 * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 56 a oa ee VO i ee as . a 2 GUSTAVE COURBET ae French, 1819-1878. ‘THE RETREAT OF THE FAUNS| ee — Panel. Signed. Bocavs 13144 inches; width, 191% inches. a * From the Collection of M. Croizet, where it had been for twenty-five years. Bought from his widow by Mr. Curtis, its _-~present: owner. ey, ; S 363 : SCHOOL OF MIGNARD French, 1610-1695. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 364 ae GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. HEAD OF A GIRL Canvas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 1514 inches. _ * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 365 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY ee eae ~~ 4 French, 1817-1878. . THE BANKS OF THE OISE 4 . Canvas. Signed. j é Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. f * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. ; 57 LOUIS BRAQUAVAL | Contemporary French Painter. - - MARKET SCENE AT ABBEVILL: Panel. Signed. , Height, 1434 inches; width, 1814 ees * Property of Mr. G. V. ent 367 | W. CLARKSON STANFIELD English, 1793-1867. OFF THE ENGLISH COAST . Canvas. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches, * Property of Dr. Conrad Gold of Baltimore. — 368 ae MICHEL J. VAN MIEREVELT (After) a || | PORTRAIT OF A LADY | 7 | Height, 45 inches; width, 2814 inches, | 369 GEORGE V. CURTIS a Contemporary American Painter. SUNSET ON THE FARM AT BARBIZON Canvas. Signed. Height, 2114 inches; width, 2514 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 58 Te [aa Fat tet nd e870. fe ei _ JOSEF DE RIBERA | Spanish, 1588-1656. HEAD OF A PHILOSOPHER _ _ Canvas. Relined. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. 371 F, NIKUTOWSKI _ a Contemporary Hungarian Painter. ‘VIEW OF A HUNGARIAN VILLAGE 2 Canvas. Signed. " Height, 2314 inches; width, 31 inches. F he ad * Sold by order of James, Schell & Elkus, 170 Broadway, Attorneys for Trustee in Bankruptcy of Lathrop, Haskins & Co. ; . 372 fo 2 ~~ «6 6CHARLES P. GRUPPE a 3 Contemporary American Painter. OCTOBER DAY IN CONNECTICUT Canvas. Signed. Height, 30 inches; width, 45 inches. * Property of the artist, Charles P. Gruppe. on 373 . JAN VAN GOYEN hs Dutch, 1596-1656. 2. ; WINTER SPORTS IN HOLLAND Panel. Height, 14 inches; width, 23 inches, * Property of Dr. Conrad Gold of Baltimore. 59 a AT THE CLEF D’OR, BAI B. Canvas. ‘Signed. Height, 231% inches; width, 2814, Ve) inche * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 2 4y Ea 3¢D W. DEGADE Contemporary German Painter. LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS Canvas. Signed, Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. * Sold by order of James, Schell & Elkus, 170 Broadway, Attorneys for the Trustee in Bankruptcy of Lathrop, Sa ‘) & Co. a 376 SIMON DE VOS 1603-1676. PORTRAIT OF A MAN Panel. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. *Property of Dr, Conrad Gold of Baltimore. 377 GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. FERNS IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU, AUTUMN Canvas. Signed. Height, 1814 inches; width, 2134 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 60" rea re Lee Be . ‘LouIs ; NICHOLAS CABAT : French, 1812-1893. conn _D’APREMONTT IN THE FOREST OF - FONTAINEBLEAU Cavin Relined. | Height, 50 ince: width, 80 inches. Na -* This eminent French landscape painter was made an officer of the Legion of Honor in 1855, Member of the Insti- tute in 1867 and-Director of the Preach Academy at Rome in 1879. Though highly esteemed in France he is age kt represented in American Collections. Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. i f 379) GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. ar: IRIS AND PEONY ‘aa ~ Canvas. Signed. ——sHHeight, 2114 inches; with, 2814 inches. c * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. a a a 380 FRITZ VON WILLE Contemporary German Painter. r~ Sige De oe AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Canvas. Signed. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. * Sold by order of James, Schell & Elkus, 170 Broadway, Attorneys for the Trustee in Bankruptcy of Lathrop, Haskins & Co. 61 GEORGE V. CURT es 2 Contemporary American Painter. MY HOUSE Ae BARBIZON F Canvas. Signed. Height, 1 inthes? with, 2814 inches. * Property of Mr. G. V. Curtis. 382 R. SWAIN GIFFC 2D, N. A. American 184(-1905. LATE AFTERNOON, ISLAND OF NAUSHORN, MASS. 0 Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 28 inches. 383 GEORGE H. BOGERT Contemporary American Painter. THE SEINE AT ROCHE-GUYON, FRANCE . | Canvas. Signed. a | Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches. 384 SCHOOL OF TENIERS TWO DECORATIVE LANDSCAPES WITH FIGURES — Canvas. ; » i Height, 96 inches; width, 72 inches. * Formerly the property of Joseph Bonaparte and purchased + from his Bordentown home. » | Property of Dr. Conrad Gold of Baltimore. 62 a eS aD ane “Sign with initials. Height, 7 inches; ; width, 9 inches. os Bc _ CARLO DOLCI (Attributed) PENITEND MAGDALEN Canvas. Relined. ae v7 *- Height, 39 inches ; width, 29 inches. Bid ea First Word of Title as oe ea ee your bids on this sheet for one sale only, with full name and address. soks are sold us catalogued and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. ial defects are found, not mentioned in the catalog f such defects must be given promptly and the goo ® date of sale, No exception will be made to this rule. graph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts, Bindings, Magazines and other periodicals _\I miscellaneous books arranged in parcels are sold as they are without recourse, rs s Clash. References or cash deposit required with orders from strangers. ue, the lot may be returned. ds returned within ten days Lot | First Word of AGAAGAERLERERSRULATES BISERREES i Ut Company ion ies of The Anderson Auct New Galler The ieth Street Madison Avenue at Fort RPOUGLAS TAYLOR & CO., NEW YORK Us ch, YF ‘iS \ t bs Sie a “i Sy es PRES SG Sah hee NACE PNY SCRE ; aie Aon Ue tess (, ae y i * ptr ; STI vax ee 4 3 3125 01662 9913 PMI AT, CT