Ro ANN, F ‘ ae i } : i | \ 334 é = Ss Le (Waele Hea a ' at ics q d LNG i hee URSsat ee SSS Eee ie Seaceceltess ele ce ee , > it os s : eRe TAIT it ms Sieioreiereias Beene oe eae ees EE ‘ Fern ee ae ie mS fbi PArw- 3 (dor anew vi de DARA PY C fo VARAALOW x Ta WA W\\/ LNA \\ UE \ WV NY NZ \YZN Wy Ins = LSE SO SEE SSK IR OE SEY WN PRS AAWNAIN IS TS AN ZINK IS — a COOKING, TOILET AND HOUSEHOLD RECIPES, Oe une aad —_— Se aoe Vy = 1 =i MENUS, DINNER-GIVING, TABLE ETIQUETTE, ae —— NPP - ha” _ a Y "% a nA “| CAR | Op FACTS WORTH KNOWING, Et., Et. ( \ aso aa nntl —— VERVET ieee a anell THE WHOLE COMPRISING pie] | J, GomPREHENSIVE GYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION FOR THE HOME : Mrs. F. Ig. GILLETTE aS Ipuco ZIEMANN, dteWard of the White house ia dBA __ T. B. JACKSON, PuBLISHER. COPYRIGHT 1887 BY F. L. GILLETTE. COPYRIGHT 1889 BY R. T'o the Wives of @ur Presidents, Those Noble Women who have (raced the White ‘louse, And whose Names and Memories Are dear to all Americans, This Volume [s affectionately dedicated —BY THE AUTHUSs- I le PONE MO TN ODO OD TO PEN RRM PUBLISHERS’ PREFAGEE. N presenting to the public the ‘White House Cook Book,” the publishers believe they can justly claim that it more fully represents the progress and pres- ent perfection of the culinary art than any previous work. In point of authorship, it stands pre-eminent. Hugo Ziemann was at one time caterer for that Prince Napoleon who was killed while fighting the Zulus in Africa. He was afterwards steward of the famous Hotel Splendide in Paris. Later he conducted the cele- brated Brunswick Cafe in New York, and still later he gave to the Hotel Richelieu, in Chicago, a cuisine which won the applause of even the gourmets of foreign lands. It was here that he laid the famous ‘“‘spread” to which the chiefs of the warring factions of the Republican Convention sat down in June, 1888, and from which they arose with asperities softened, differences harmonized, and victory organized. Mrs. F. L. Gillette is no less proficient and capable, having made a life-long and thorough study of cookery and housekeeping, especially as adapted to the prac- tical wants of average American homes. The book has been prepared with great care. Tvery recipe has been tried and tested, and can be relied upon as one of the best of its kind. It is comprehen- sive, filling completely, it is believed, the requirements of housekeepers of all classes. It embodies several original and commendable features, among which may be mentioned the menus for the holidays and for one week in each month in the year, thus covering all varieties of seasonable foods; the convenient classification and arrangement of topics; the simplified method of explanation in preparing an article, in the order of manipulation, thereby enabling the most inexperienced to clearly comprehend it. The subject of carving has been given a prominent place, not only because of its special importance in a work of this kind, but particularly because it contains entirely new and original designs, and is so far a departure from the usual mode of treating the subject. Interesting information is given concerning the White House; how its hospi- tality is conducted, the menus served on special occasions, views of the interior, portraits of all the ladies of the White House, ete. Convenience has been studied in the make-up of the book. The type is large and plain; it is sewed by patent flexible process, so that when opened it will not close of itself, and it is bound’in enameled cloth, adapted for use in the kitchen. Tur PUBLISHERS. PAGE Carving, : S . . ° . fs : : ° : : 3 ] Soups, é 3 a : : g : i : 3 5 : eel Fish, .. 3 x é a ‘ ; i , 3 : c is 3 4) Shell Fish, : 5 ; 5 yi y - : : % F ‘ peel yp Poultry and Game, . : 2 : : ; é 5 : : ; 70 Meats, ‘ y : a fi . $ ‘ d ‘ . 94 Mutton and ion, : , ; ‘4 5 £ : ‘ Aen Ge : 120 Pork, 5 : s 4 é ‘i ; E 5 s cae Arf Sauces and Dees for Meats and Fish, 3 ‘ : A x : 138 Salads, . ; : : ; : : : : i f : . 149 Catsups, : : ‘ : é : ; : i : : ‘ ; 156 Pickles, . i 3 - : 3 = é A A i Saas} Vegetables, . : 2 ; : ; P : : : : : 169 Macaroni, . 5 ~ 2 ; i : s f $ Fi AOD Butter and Cheese, .- f ; - 5 3 z 5 5 3 194 Eggs, : : 2 : : : : 5 : i 5 : . 199 Omelets, : 4 3 3 a 5 If i : i : : : 203 Sandwiches, . ‘ 5 : ; ; s ‘ : = . 209 Bread, ‘ f Q ‘ . i y 3 5 211 Biscuits, Rolls, Mutt fins, ta wide 2 2 : ‘i : ; ; 221 Toast, A : ; = z i : j - ; . q 246 Cakes, if 5 a A i ! i ‘ - : 2 . 251 Pastry, Pies a Tarts, 3 : : ; : . : é : . © 284 Custards, Cream and Desserts, ; ; : i f ; . 805 Ice Cream and Ices, : ; Z 3 ‘ é : s E : 334 Dumplings and Puddings, . 5 - - : : ‘ : : . 3839 Sauces for Pudding, . i 3 s 3 ‘ : i ‘ f 371 Preserves, Jellies, etc, . 5 : ; i i i : E Seiie. Canned Fruits, . 3 : 3 : : : : ‘ 3 389 Coloring for Fruit and Gotiserionery : 4 - : : : . 895 Confectionery, . : ; y ‘ : 3 2 ; : 397 Coffee, Tea and Beverages, — . ‘ i 5 ‘ 5 é : : . 408 Varieties of Seasonable Food. : : : : i 2 ; : ; : 421 Menus, L ‘ 4 3 : Y , 428 Management of State Dinners at b W hite Hou: jenn ‘ : s é é : 466 Prepar ations for the Sick, . : ; i : ; : : , : . 469 Suggestions in regard to Heatth,: 5 i : : 3 i i 8 ; : 479 Miscellaneous Recipes, 3 ; 4 Danmtse : : ; 5 : : . 498 Facts worth Knowing, 518 Toilet Recipes and Items, 528 French Words in Cooking, 537 Articles required for the Kitchen, 538 Dyeing or Coloring, : 54) Small Points on Table Etiquette, 544 Dinner-giving, 548 Measures and W eights in or dinary 'y use, : : 552 gE is S Mil YA i A ae ghiLG 7 ERT: erro esata sabes iat aaiettaeal : a eee Sewier GOPYRIGHT 1688. BY R.S. PHALE 5) Yn aoe LY ie et en rg Rain. y > oy fT “HENS BIRIODIE OF WIEIE gr i ses t (eget 218° WHOMTE OWS . White Rouse Cook Book. CARVING. Carving is one important acquisition in the routine of daily living, and all should try to attain a knowledge or ability to do it well, and withal gracefully. When carving use a chair slightly higher than the ordinary size, as if gives a better purchase on the meat, and appears more graceful than when standing, as is often quite necessary when carving a turkey, or a very large joint. More depends on skill than strength. The platter should be placed opposite, and sufficiently near to give perfect command of the article to be carved, the knife of medium size, sharp with a keen edge. Commence by cutting the slices thin, laying them carefully to one side of the platter, then afterwards placing the desired amount on each guest’s plate, to be served in turn by the servant. In carving fish, care should be taken to help it in perfect flakes; for if these are broken the beauty of the fish is lost. The carver should acquaint himself with the choicest parts and morsels; and to give each guest an equal share of those tidbits should be his maxim. Steel knives and forks should on no account be used in helping fish, as these are liable to impart a very disagreeable flavor. A fish-trowel of silver or plated silver is the proper article to use. Gravies should be sent to the table very hot, and in helping one to gravy or melted butter, place it on a vacant side of the plate; not pour it over their meat, fish or fowl, that they may use only as much as they like. When serving fowls, or meat, accompanied with stuffing, the guests should be asked if they would have a portion, as it is not every one to whom the flavor of stuffing is agreeable; in filling their plates, avoid heaping one thing upon another, as it makes a bad appearance. A word about the care of carving knives: a fine steel knife should not come in contact with intense heat, because it destroys its temper, and therefore impairs its cutting qualities. Table carving knives should not be used in the kitchen, either around the stove, or for cutting bread, meats, vegetables, etc.; a fine whetstone should be kept for sharpening, and the knife cleaned carefully te avoid dulling its edge, all of which is quite »ssential to successful carving. Hip-QUARTER. the porter-house and sirloin steaks. tews and corned beef. ws and pot roasts. mode; also a prime No. 1. Used for choice roasts, No. 2. Rump, used for steaks, § No. 3. Aitch-bone, used for boiling No. 4. Buttock or round, used for s poiling-piece. No. 5. Mouse round, used for boilit -pieces, ste teaks, pot roasts, beef a la ng and stewing. hashes, etc. No. 6. Shin or leg, used for soups, a prime boiling piece, No. 7. Thick flank, cut with under fat, is and corned beef, pressed beef. No. 8. Veiny piece, used for corned beef, dried beef. No. 9. Thin flank, used for corned beef and boiling-pieces. good for stews ForE-QUARTER. This is considered the primest piece for No. 1¢. Five ribs called the fore-rib. roasting; also makes the finest steaks. No. 11. Four ribs, called the middle ribs, used for roasting. No. 12. Chuck ribs, used for second q uality of roasts and steaks. No. 13. Brisket, used for corned beef, stews, soups i and spiced beef. a ° " No. 14. Shoulder-piece, used for stews, soups, pot-roasts, mince-meat, and hashes. BEEF. 3 Nos. 15, 16. Neck, clod or sticking-piece, used for stocks, gravies, soups, mince- pie meat, hashes, bologna sausages, etc. No. 17. Shin or shank, used mostly for soups and stewing. No. 18. Cheek. The following is a classification of the qualities of meat, according to the several joints of beef, when cut up. First. Class.—Includes the sirloin with the kidney suet (1), the rump steak piece (2), the forerib (11). Second Class.—The buttock or round (4), the thick flank (7), the middle ribs (11). Third Class.—The aitch-bone (3), the mouse-round (5), the thin flank (8, 9), the chuck (12), the shoulder piece (14), the brisket (13). Fourth Class.—The clod, neck and sticking piece (15, 16.) Fifth Class.—Shin or shank (17). PTE HR ATET — edcieascate ndesedllinaa acta cieacisk otosames aeacmanmacanae aad LOO VEAL. AliInD-QUARTER. Loin, the choicest cuts used for roasts and chops. No. 1. No. 9. Fillet, used for roasts and cutlets. No. 3. Loin,‘chump-end used for roasts and chops. No. 4. The hind-knuckle or hock, used for stews, pot-pies, meat-pies. ForE-QUARTER. No. 5. Neck, best end used for roasts, stews and chops. No. 6. Breast, best end used for roasting, stews and chops. No. 7. Blade-bone, used for pot-roasts and baked dishes. No. 8. Fore-knuckle, used for soups and stews. No. 9. Breast, brisket-end used for baking, stews and pot-pies. No. 10. Neck, scrag-end used for stews, broth, meat-pies, etc. In cutting up veal, generally, the hind-quarter is divided in loin and leg, and the fore-quarter into breast, neck and shoulder. The Several Parts of a Moderately-sized, well-fed Calf, about eight weeks old, are nearly of the following weights:—Loin and chump, 18 lbs; fillet, 12% lbs. ; hind knuckle, 54 Ibs.; shoulder, 11 Ibs.; neck, 11 lbs.; breast, 9 ibs.; and fore- knuckle, 5 lbs.; making.a total of 144 lbs. weight. MUTTON. 5 MUTTON. . Leg, used for roasts and for boiling. . Shoulder, used for baked dishes and roasts. . Loin, best end used for roasts, chops. No. 4. Loin, chump end used for roasts and chops. 5. Rack, or rib chops, used for French chops, rib chops, either for trying or Z SESE SE oo bo oH broiling; also used for choice stews. No. 6. Breast, used for roast, baked dishes, stews, chops. . Neck or scrag end, used for cutlets and stews and meat pies. Nous: —_A gaddle of mutton or double loin is two loins cut off before the car- case is split open down the back. French chops are a small rib chop, the end of the bone trimmed off and the meat and fat cut away from the thin end, leaving the round piece of meat attached to the larger end, which leaves the small rib- A © “I bone bare. Very tender and sweet. Mutton is prime when cut from a carcase which has been fed out of doors, and allowed to run upon the hillside; they are best when about three years old. The fat will then be abundant, white and hard, the flesh juicy and firm, and of a clear red color. For mutton roasts, choose the shoulder, the saddle, or the loin or haunch. The leg should be boiled. Almost any part will do for broth. Lamb born in the middle of the winter, reared under shelter, and fed in a great measure upon milk, then killed in the spring, is considered a great delicacy, though lamb is good at a year old. Like all young animals, lamb ought to be thoroughly cooked, or it is most unwholesome. roasts and corned pork. d baked dishes. d dishes or chops. 1. Leg, used for smoked hams, No, 2. Hind-loin, used for roasts, chops an or ribs, used for roasts, bake sed for roasts, chops, stews. d for smoked shoulder, roasts and corned pork. alt, and smoked bacon. k or shin. The feet are 3. Fore-loin No. 4. Spare-rib, u No. 5. Shoulder, use No. 6. Brisket and flank, used for pickling in s The cheek is used for pickling in salt, also the shan usually used for souse and jelly. For family use, the leg is the most economical, that is when fresh, and the loin the richest. The best pork is from carcases weighing from fifty to about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Pork isa white and close meat, and it is almost impossible to over-roast pork or cook it too much; when underdone it is exceedingly unwholesome. No. 4. No. 5. VENISON 7 VENISON. . Shoulder, used for roasting; it may be boned and stuffed, then afterwards baked or roasted. . Fore-loin, used for roasts and steaks. . Haunch or loin, used for roasts, steaks, stews. The ribs cut close may be used for soups. Good for pickling and making into smoked venison. Breast, used for baking dishes, stewing. ; Scrag or neck, used for soups. The choice of venison should be judged by the fat, which, when the venison is young, should be thick, clear and close, and the meat a very dark red. The flesh of a female deer, about four years old, is the sweetest and best of venison. Buck venison, which is in season from June to the end of September, is finer than doe venison, which is in season from October to December. N either should be dressed at any other time of year, and no meat requires so much care as venison in killing, preserving, and dressing. LS an CAS aE os Ly LENTIL TOI LO ENT OTE TT TTY SIRLOIN OF BEEF. This choice roasting-piece should be cut with one good firm stroke from end to end of the joint, at the upper part, in thin, long of the line from 1 to 2, cutting across the grain, serving each guest with some of the fat with the lean; this may be done by cutting a small thin slice from o 6, through the tenderloin. hich will be of great assistance in , even slices in the direction underneath the bone from 5 t Another way of carving this piece, and w. sert the knife just above the bone at the bottom, and run m the bone at the bottom and end, thus leav- g, thin slices the usual way. When the d before it is cooked, it is laid upon doing it well, is to in sharply along, dividing the meat fro ing it perfectly flat; then carve in lon bone has been removed and the sirloin rolle the platter on one end, and an even, thin slice is carved across the grain of the upper surface. Roast ribs should be carved in thin, even slices from the thick end towards the thin in the same manner as the sirloin; this can be more easily and cleanly done if the carving knife is first run along between the meat and the end and rib-bones, thus leaving it free from bone to be cut into slices. Tongue.—To carve this, it should be cut crosswise, the middle being the best; cut in very thin slices, thereby improving its delicacy, making it more tempting; as is the case of all well-carved meats. The root of the tongue is usually left on the platter. BREAST OF VEAT. > BREAST OF VEAL. This piece is quite similar to a fore-quarter of lamb after the shoulder has been taken off. A breast of veal consists of two parts, the rib-bones and the gristly brisket. These parts may be separated by sharply passing the carving knife in the direction of the line from 1 to 2; and when they are entirely divided, the rib bones should be carved in the direction of the line from 5 to 6, and the brisket can be helped by cutting slices from 3 to 4. The carver should ask the guests whether they have a preference for the brisket or ribs; and if there be a sweetbread served with the dish, as is fre- quently with this roast of veal, each person should receive a piece. Though veal and lamb contain less nutrition than beef and mutton, in pro- portion to their weight, they are often preferred to these latter meats on account of their delicacy of texture and flavor. A whole breast of veal weighs from nine to twelve pounds. A FILLET OF VEAL. A fillet of veal is one of the prime roasts of veal; it is taken from the leg above the knuckle; a piece weighing from ten to twelve pounds is a good size and requires about four hours for roasting. Before roasting, it is dressed with a force meat or stuffing placed in the cavity from where the bone was taken out and the flap tightly secured together with skewers; many bind it together with tape. To carve it, cut in even thin slices off from the whole of the upper part or top, in the same manner as from a rolled roast of beef, as in the direction of the figures 1 and 2; this gives the person served some of the dressing with each slice of meat. Veal is very unwholesome unless it is cooked thoroughly, and when roasted should be of a rich brown color. Bacon, fried pork, sausage-balls, with greens are among the accompaniments of roasted veal, also a cut lemon. NECK OF VEAL. 2 EA SS ea, Se Z LZ. NECK OF VEAL. The best end of a neck of veal makes a very good roasting-piece; it however is composed of bone and ribs that make it quite difficult to carve, unless it is done properly. To attempt to carve each chop and serve it, you would not only place too large a piece upon the plate of the person you intend to serve; but you would waste much time, and should the vertebree have not been removed by the butcher, you would be compelled to exercise such a degree of strength that would make one’s appearance very ungraceful, and possibly, too, throwing gravy over your neighbor sitting next to you. The correct way to carve this roast is to cut diagonally from figure 1 to 2, and help in slices of moderate thickness; then it may be cut from 3 to 4, in order to separate the small bones ; divide and serve them, having first inquired if they are desired. This joint is usually sent to the table accompanied by bacon, ham, tongue, or pickled pork on a separate dish and with a cut lemon on a plate. There are also a number of sauces that are suitable with this roast. CN iamci CHITA Lds tralia At ily r .o¢ sheep from thre LEG OF MUTTON. + from which most nourishment is obtained, is that 1d, and which have been fed on dry sweet dark colored, ‘The best mutton, and tha e to six years O ts prime, the flesh being firm, juicy, pastures; then mutton is in i en mutton is two years old, the meat is and full of the richest gravy. Wh flabby, pale and savorless. In carving a roasted leg, the best slices are found by cutting in the direction from 1 to 2, and slices may be taken from either side. om the broad end from 5 to 6, and the fat and is quite down to ‘the bone, Some very good cuts are taken fr on this ridge is very much liked by many. The cramp-bone is a delicacy, obtained by cutting down to the bone at 4, and running the knife under it in a semicircular direction to 3. The nearer the knuckle the drier the meat, but the ander side contains the most finely grained meat, from which slices may be cut tongthwise. When sent to the table a frill of paper around the knuckle will im- prove its appearance. FORE-QUARTER OF LAMB. 13 FORE-QUARTER OF LAMB. The first cut to be made in carving a fore-quarter of lamb is to separate the shoulder from the breast and ribs; this is done by passing a sharp carving knife lightly around the dotted line as shown by the figures 3, 4, and 5, so as to cut through the skin, and then, by raising with a little force the shoulder, into which the fork should be firmly fixed, it will easily separate with just a little more cutting with the knife; care should be taken not to cut away too much of the meat from the breast when dividing the shoulder from it, as that would mar its appearance. The shoulder may be placed upon a separate dish for con- venience. The next process is to divide the ribs from the brisket by cutting through the meat in the line from 1 to 2; then the ribs may be carved in the direction of the line 6 to 7, and the brisket from 8 to 9. The carver should always ascertain whether the guest prefers ribs, brisket or a piece of the shoulder. %, RCRA LT HRT OP ARENT ERR TT ae f a Ah A a a must be guided according as he desires to prac- ne slices out of the prime part. Under the first thin slices towards The carver in cutting a ham at once fi tise economy, or have mence at the knuckle end, and cut off supposition, he will com the thick and upper part of the ham. To reach the choicer portion of the ham, the knife, which must be very sharp and thin, should be carried quite down to the bone through the thick fat in the direction of the line, from 1to2. The slices should be even and thin, cutting both lean and fat together, always cutting down to the bone. Some cut a circu- lar hole in the middle of a ham gradually enlarging it outwardly. Then again many carve a ham by first cutting from 1 to 2, then across the other way from 304. Remove the skin after the ham is cooked and send to the table with dots of dry pepper or dry mustard on the top, a tuft of fringed paper twisted about the knuckle, and plenty of fresh parsley around the dish. This will always ensure an inviting appearance. Roast Pig.—The modern way of serving a pig is not to gend it to the table whole, but have it carved partially by the cook; first, by dividing the shoulder from the body; then the leg in the same manner, also separating the ribs into convenient portions. The head may be divided and placed on the same plat- ter. To be served as hot as possible. A Spare Rib of Pork is carved by cutting slices from the fleshy part, after which the bones should be disjointed and separated. A leg of pork may be carved in the same manner as a ham. HAUNCH OF VENISON, 15 HAUNCH OF VENISON. A haunch of venison is the prime joint, and is carved very similar to almost any roasted or boiled leg; it should be first cut crosswise down to the bone fol- lowing the line from 1 to 2; then turn the platter with the knuckle farthest from you, put in the point of the knife, and cut down as far as you can, in the directions shown by the dotted lines from 8 to 4 then there can; be taken out as many slices as is required on the right and left of this. Slices of venison should be cut thin, and gravy given with them, but as there is a special sauce made with red wine and currant jelly to accompany this meat, do not serve gravy before asking the guest if he pleases to have any. The fat of this meat is like mutton, apt to cool soon, and become hard and disagreeable to the palate; it should therefore be served always on warm plates, and the platter kept over a hot-water dish, or spirit lamp. Many cooks dish it up with a white paper frill pined around the knuckle-bone. A haunch of mutton is carved the same as a haunch of venison. ; ti ti ‘? { {3 i) So VIPAT ELE SILI TOE US IAY ae 16 TURKEY. w cs 7 il OSS TURKEY. A tur] ey having been relieved from strings and skewers used in trussing should be placed on the table with the head or neck at the carver’s right hand. places the fork in the turkey, and does not remove it until the First insert the fork firmly in the lower part of the breast, just forward of fig. 2, then sever the legs and wings on both sides, if the whole is to be carved, cutting neatly through the joint next to the body, letting these parts lie on the platter. Next, cut downward from the breast from 2 to 3, as meat as may be desired, placing the pieces neatly legs and wings at the middle jomt, An expert carver whole is divided. many even slices of the white on one side of the platter. Now unjoint the which can be done very skillfully by a little practice. cavity of the turkey for dipping out the inside dressing, by cutting a piece from the rear part 1, 1, called the apron. Consult the tastes of the guests as to which part is preferred; if no choice is expressed, serve a portion of both light and dark meat. One of the most delicate parts of the turkey, are two little muscles, ly- ing in small dish-like cavities on each side of the back, alittle behind the leg attachments; the next most delicate meat fills the cavities in the neck bone, and next to this, that on the second joints. The lower part of the leg (or drum- stick, as it is called) being hard, tough, and stringy is rarely ever helped to any one, but allowed to remain on the dish. Make am opening into ine bea * ai iter— ROAST GOOSE—FOWLS. 1 ROAST GOOSE. To carve a goose, first begin by separating the leg from the body, by putting the fork into the small end.of the limb, pressing it closely to the body, then passing the knife under at 2, and turning the leg back as you cut through the joint. To take off the wing, insert the fork in the small end of the pinion, and press it close to the body; put the knife in at figure 1, and divide the joint. When the legs and wings are off, the breast may be carved in long even slices, as represented in the lines from 1 to 2. The back and lower side bones, as weil as the two lower side bones by the wing, may be cut off; but the best pieces of the goose are the breast and thighs, after being separated from the drum-sticks. Serve a little of the dressing from the inside, by making a circular slice in the apron at figure 8. A goose should never be over a year old; a tough goose is very difficult to carve, and certainly most difficult to eat, FOWLS. First insert the knife between the leg and the body, and cut to the bone; then turn the leg back with the fork, and if the fowl is tender the joint will give away easily. The wing is broken off the same way, only dividing the joint with the knife, in the direction from 1 to 2. The four quarters having been removed in this way, take off the merry-thought and the neck-bones; these last are to be removed by putting the knife in at figure 3 and 4, pressing it hard, when they will break off from the part that sticks to the breast. To separate the breast from the body of the fowl, cut through the tender ribs close to the breast, quite down to the tail. Now turn the fowl over, back upwards; put the knife into the bone midway between the neck and the rump, and on raising the lower end it will separate readily. Turn now the rump from you, and take off very neatly the two side-bones and the fowl is carved. In separating the thigh from the drum-stick, the knife must be inserted exactly at the joint, for if not accurately hit, some difficulty will be experienced to get them apart; this is easily acquired by practice. There is no difference in carving roast and boiled fowls if full grown; but in very young fowls, the breast is usually served whole; the wings and breast are considered the best part, but in young ones the legs are the most juicy. In the case of a capon or large fowl, slices may be cut off at the breast, the same as carving a pheasant. OE TE OTT a RT TTT NT re ere Rete 18 ROAST DUCK—PARTRIDGES. ROAST DUCK. arved in the same manner as a fowl, the legs and When the duck is full size, carve it © it in slices from the breast, beginning close to the A young duckling may be ¢ wings being taken off first on either side. like a goose; first cutting wing and proceeding upward to lines 1 to 2. An opening may be mai by the dotted lines at number 3. Some are fond of the feet, and when dressing the duck, these should be Wild duck is highly esteemed by epicures; me manner, the breast being wards the breast bone, as is represented by the de, by cutting out a circular slice as shown neatly skinned and never removed. it is trussed like a tame duck, and carved in the sa the choicest part. PARTRIDGES. Partridges are generally cleaned and trussed the same way as a pheasant, but the custom of cooking them with the heads on is going into disuse somewhat. The usual way of carving them is similar to a pigeon, dividing it into two equal parts. Another method is to cut it into three pieces, by severing a wing and leg on either side from the body, by following the lines 1 to 2, thus making two servings of those parts, leaving the breast\for a third plate. The third method is to thrust back the body from the legs, and cut through the middle of the breast, thus making four portions that may be served. Grouse and prairie- chicken are carved from the breast when they are large, and quartered or halved when of medium size. PHEASANT—PIGEONS. 19 PHEASANT. Place your fork firmly in the centre of the breast of this large game bird and cut deep slices to the bone at figures 1 and 2; then take off the leg in the line from 3 and 4 and the wing 3 and 5, severing both sides the same. In taking off the wings, be careful not to cut too near the neck; if you do you will hit upon the neck-bone, from which the wing must be separated. Pass the knife through the line 6, and under the merry-thought towards the neck, which will detach it. Cut the other parts as ina fowl. The breast, wings, and merry-thought of a pheasant, are the most highly prized, although the legs are considered very finely flavored. Pheasants are frequently roasted with the head left on; in that case, when dressing them, bring the head round under the wing, and fix it on the point of a skewer. PIGEONS. A very good way of carving these birds is to insert the knife at figure 1, and cut. both ways to 2 and 3, when each portion may be divided into two pieces, then served. Pigeons, if not too large, may be cut in halves, either across or down the middle, cutting them into two equal parts; if young and small they may be served entirely whole. Tame pigeons should be cooked as soon as possible after they are killed, as they very quickly lose their flavor. Wild pigeons, on the contrary, should hang a day or two in a cool place before they are dressed. Oranges cut into halves are used as a garnish for dishes of small birds, such as pigeons, quails, woodcock, squabs, snipe, etc. These small birds are either served whole or split down the back, making two servings. DLAI IEE TOS IT, EO EID + —————— — ALMON. 20 MACKEREL BOILED §: —— => MMT ahead MACKEREL. The mackerel is one of the most beautiful of fish, being known by their Tt sometimes attains to the length of twenty inches, but silvery whiteness. nor sixteen. inches long, and about a ceed a usually, when fully grown, 16 about fourtee To carve a baked mackerel, first remove the head and two pounds in weight. hen split them down the back, so as tail by cutting downward at 1 and 2; to serve each person a part of each side piece. small pieces and served with each piece of fish. Other whole fish may be carved The fish is laid upon a little sauce or folded napkin, on The roe should be divided in in the same manner. a hot dish, and garnished with parsley. BOILED SALMON. This fish is seldom sent to the table whole, being too large for any ordinary sized family; the middle cut is considered the choicest to boil. To carve it, first run the knife down and along the upper side of the fish from 1 to 2, then again on the lower side from 3 to 4. Serve the thick part, cutting it lengthwise in slices in the direction of the line from 1 to 2, and the thin part breadthwise, or A slice of the thick with one of the thin, where Care should be taken when carv- in the direction from 5 to 6. lies the fat, should be served to each guest. ing not to break the flakes of the fish, as that impairs its appearance. The flesh of the salmon is rich and delicious in flavor. Salmon is in season from the first of February to the end of August. Consommé, or Stock, forms the basis of all meat soups, and also of all princi- pal sauces. It is, therefore, essential to the’ success of these culinary operations to know the most complete and economical method of extracting from a certain. quantity of meat the best possible stock or broth. Fresh uncooked beef makes the best stock, with the addition of cracked bones, as the glutinous matter con- tained in them renders it important that they should be boiled with the meat, which adds to the strength and thickness of the soup. They are composed of an earthy substance—to which they owe their solidity—of gelatine, and a fatty fluid, something like marrow. Two ounces of them contain as much gelatine as one pound of meat; but in them, this is so encased in the earthy substance, that boiling water can dissolve only the surface of the whole bones, but by breaking them they can be dissolved more. When there is an abundance of it, it causes the stock, when cold, to become a jelly. The flesh of old animals contains more flavor than the flesh of young ones. Brown meats contain more flavor than white. Mutton is too strong in flavor for good stock, while veal, although quite glutinous, furnishes very little nutriment. Some cooks use meat that has once been cooked; this renders little nourish- ment and destroys the flavor. It might answer for ready soup, but for stock to keep it is not as good, unless it should be roasted meats. Those contain higher fragrant properties; so by putting the remains of roast meats in the stock-pot you obtain a better flavor. The shin bone is generally used, but the neck or “sticking piece,’ as the butchers call it, contains more of the substance that you want to extract, makes a stronger and more nutritious soup, than any other part of the animal. Meats for soup should always be put on to cook in cold water, in a covered pot, and allowed to simmer slowly for several hours, in order that the essence of the meat may be drawn out thoroughly, and should be carefully skimmed to pre- LENT AST PLAT ——_ RT TTT TL RT ET TET: spoils the flavor. Never salt it 35 SOUPS. vent it from becoming turbid, never allowed to boil fast at any time, and if more water is needed, use boiling water from the tea-kettle; cold or lukewarm water pefore the meat is tender (as that hardens and pecially if the meat is to be eaten. Take off every parti- and before the vegetables are put in. to a pound of meat and bone, and a toughens the meat), es cle of scum as it rises, Allow a little less than a quart of water teaspoonful of salt. When done, strain through a colander. If for clear soups strain again through a hair sieve, or fold a clean towel in a colander set over an earthen bowl, or any dish large enough to hold the stock. As stated before, stock is not as good when made entirely from cooked meats, but in a family where it requires a large joint roasted every day, the bones and bits and under- done pieces of beef, or the bony structure of turkey or chicken that has been left from carving, bones of roasted poultry, these all assist in imparting a rich dark color to soup, and would be sufficient, if stewed as above, to furnish a family, without buying fresh meat for the purpose; still, with the addition of a little fresh meat it would be more nutritious. In cold weather you can gather them up for several days and put them to cook in cold water, and when done, strain, and put aside until needed. Soup will be as good the second day as the first if heated to the boiling point. It should never be left in the pot, but should be turned into a dish or shallow pan, and set aside to get cold. Never cover it up, as that will cause it to turn sour very quickly. Before heating a second time, remove all the fat from the top. If this be melted in, the flavor of the soup will certainly be spoiled. Thickened soups require nearly double the seasoning used for thin soups or broth. Coloring is used in some brown soups, the chief of which is brown burnt ‘sugar, which is known as caramel by French cooks. Pounded spinach leaves give a fine green color to soup. Parsley, or the green leaves of celery, put in soup will serve instead of spinach. Pound a large handful of spinach in a mortar, then tie it in a cloth, and wring out all the juice; put this in the soup you wish to color green, five min- utes before taking it up. Mock turtle, and sometimes veal and lamb soups, should be this color. Ochras gives a green color to soup. To color soup red, skin six red tomatoes, squeeze out the seeds and put them into the soup with the other vegetables—or take the juice only as directed for ‘spinach. SOUPS. 23. For white soups, which are of veal, lamb or chicken, none but white vegeta- bles are used; rice, pearl barley, vermicelli, or macaroni for thickening. Grated carrot gives a fine amber color to soup; it must be put in as soon as the soup is free from scum. Hotel and private-house stock is quite different. Hotels use meat in such large quantities, that there is always more or less trimmings and bones of meat to add to fresh meats; that makes very strong stock, which they use in most all soups and gravies and other made dishes. The meat from which soup has been made is good to serve cold thus: take out all the bones, season with pepper and salt, and catsup, if liked, then chop it small, tie it in a cloth, and lay it between two plates, with a weight on the upper one: slice it thin for luncheon or supper; or make sandwiches of it; or make a hash for breakfast; or make it into balls, with the addition of a little wheat flour and an egg, and serve them fried in fat, or boil in the soup. An agreeable flavor is sometimes imparted to soup by sticking some cloves into the meat used for making stock; a few slices of onions fried very brown in butter are nice; also flour browned by simply putting it into a saucepan over the fire and stirring it constantly until it is a dark brown. Clear soups must be perfectly transparent and thickened soups about the consistence of cream. When soups and gravies are kept from day to day in. hot weather, they should be warmed up every day, and put into fresh-scalded pans or tureens, and placed in a cool cellar. In temperate weather, every other day may be sufficient. HERBS AND VEGETABLES USED IN SOUPS. Of vegetables the principal ones are carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, green peas, okra, macaroni, green corn, beans, rice, vermicelli, Scotch barley, pearl barley, wheat flour, mushroom or mushroom catsup, parsnips, beet-root, turnips, leeks, garlic, shalots and onions; sliced onions fried with butter and flour until they are browned, then rubbed through a sieve, are excellent to heighten the color and flavor of brown sauces and soups. The herbs usually used in soups are parsley, common thyme, summer savory, knotted marjoram, and other seasonings such as bay-leaves, tarragon, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, mace, black and white pepper, red pepper, lemon-peel and juice, orange peel and juice. The latter imparts a finer flavor and the acid much milder. These materials, with wine, and the various catsups, combined in various proportions, are, with other ingredients, made into almost an endless variety of excellent soups and gravies. sms cteres maT, ES rctaspenaey teats eeacgaaart SOUPS. 24 s that are intended for the principal part of a meal certainly ought not to Ss ay nded to give relish to some particular be flavored like sauces. which are only inte -dish. STOCK. shin of beef, or six pounds of knuckle of veal; any bones, trim- Six pounds of or fresh meat; one-quarter pound of lean bacon or ham, two mings of poultry, ounces of butter, two large onions, each stuck with cloves; one turnip, three carrots, one head of celery, two ounces of salt, one-half teaspoonful of whole pepper, one large blade of mace, one bunch of savory herbs except sage, four quarts and one-half pint of cold water. Cut up the meat and bacon, or ham, into pieces of about three inches square; break the bones into small pieces, rub the butter on the bottom of the stewpan; put in one-half a pint of water, the broken bones, then meat and all Cover the stewpan, and place it on a sharp fire, occasionally stirring its contents. When the bottom of the pan becomes covered with a pale, jelly-like substance, add the four quarts of cold water, and simmer very gently for five or six hours. As we have said before, do not let it boil quickly. When nearly cooked, throw in a tablespoonful of salt to assist the scum to rise. Re- move every particle of scum whilst it is doing, and strain it through, a fine hair This stock will keep for many days in cold other ingredients. sieve; when cool remove all grease. weather. Stock is the basis of many of the soups afterwards mentioned, and this will be found quite strong enough for ordinary purposes. Keep it in small jars, ina cool place. It makes a good gravy for hash meats; one tablespoonful of it is sufficient to impart a fine flavor to a dish of macaroni and various other dishes. Good soups of various kinds are made from it at short notice; slice off a portion of the jelly, add water, and whatever vegetables and thickening preferred. It is best to partly cook the vegetables before adding to the stock, as much boiling injures the flavoring of the soup. hot. Season and boil a few moments and serve WHITE STOCK. White stock is used in the preparation of white soups, and is made by boil- ing six pounds of a knuckle of veal, cut up in small pieces, poultry trimmings, and four slices of lean ham. Proceed according to directions given in ‘‘ Stock,” above. SOUPS, 25 TO CLARIFY STOCK. Place the stock ina clean saucepan, set it over a brisk fire. When boiling, add the white of one egg to each quart of stock, proceeding as follows: beat the whites of the eggs up well in a little water; then add a little hot stock; beat to a froth, and pour gradually into the pot; then beat the whole hard and long; allow it to boil up once, and immediately remove and strain through a thin flan- nel cloth. BEEF SOUP. Select a small shin of beef of moderate size, crack the bone in small pieces, wash and place it in a kettle to boil, with five or six quarts of cold water. Let it boil about two hours, or until it begins to get tender, then season it with a tablespoonful of salt, and a teaspoonful of pepper; boil it one hour longer, then add to it one carrot, two turnips, two tablespoonfuls of rice or pearl barley, one head of celery and a teaspoonful of summer savory powdered fine; the vegetables to be minced up in small pieces like dice. After these ingredients have boiled a quarter of an hour, put in two potatoes cut up in small pieces; let it boil half an hour longer, take the meat from the soup, and if intended to be served with it, take out the bones and lay it closely and neatly on a dish, and garnish with sprigs of parsley. Serve made mustard and catsup with it. It is very nice pressed and eaten cold with mustard and vinegar, or catsup. Four hours are required for making this soup. Should any remain over the first day, it may be heated, with the addition of a little boiling water, and served again. Some fancy a glass of brown sherry added just before being served. Serve very hot. VEAL SOUP. (Excellent.) Put a knuckle of veal into three quarts of cold water, with a small quantity of salt, and one small tablespoonful of uncooked rice. Boil slowly, hardly above simmering, four hours, when the liquor should be reduced to half the usual quantity; remove from the fire. Into the tureen put the yolk of one egg, and stir well into it a teacupful of cream, or, in hot weather, new milk; add a piece of butter the size of a hickory-nut; on this strain the soup, boiling hot, stirring all the time. Just at the last, beat it well for a minute. SCOTCH MUTTON BROTH. Six pounds neck of mutton, three quarts water, five carrots, five turnips, two onions, four tablespoonfuls barley, a little salt. Soak mutton in water for an_ 26 SOUPS. put it in stewpan with three quarts of water. As soon for one and one-half hours Cut best wo bones in each; take off nearly hour, cut off scrag, and as it boils, skim well, and then simmer end of mutton into cutlets, dividing it with t all fat before you put it into broth; skim the moment the meat boils, and every ten minutes afterwards; add carrots, turnips and onions, all cut into two or three pieces, then put them into soup soon enough to be thoroughly done; stir in bar- ley; add salt to taste; let all stew together for three and one-half hours: about one-half hour before sending it. to table, put in little chopped parsley and serve. Cut the meat off the scrag into small pieces, and send it to table in the tureen with the soup. The other half of the mutton should be served on a separate dish, with whole turnips boiled and laid round it. Many persons are fond of mutton that has been boiled in soup. You may thicken the soup with rice or barley that has first been soaked in cold water; or with green peas; or with young corn, cut down from the cob; or with tomatoes scalded, peeled and cut into pieces. GAME SOUP. Two grouse or partridges, or, if you have neither, use a pair of rabbits; half a pound of lean ham; two medium-sized onions; one pound of lean beef; fried bread; butter for frying; pepper, salt, and two stalks of white celery cut into inch lengths; three quarts of water. Joint your game neatly; cut the ham and onicns into small pieces, and fry all in butter to a light brown. Put into a soup-pot with the beef, cut into strips, and a little pepper. Pour on the water; heat slowly, and stew gently two hours. Take out the pieces of bird, and cover in a bowl; cook the soup an hour longer; strain; cool; drop in the celery, and simmer ten minutes. Pour upon fried bread in the tureen. Venison soup made the same, with the addition of a tablespoonful of brown flour wet into a paste with cold water, adding a tablespoonful of catsup, Worces- tershire, or other pungent sauce, and a glass of Madeira or brown sherry. CONSOMME SOUP. Take good strong stock (see pages 21 and 24), remove all fat from the surface, and for each quart of the stock allow the white and shell of one egg and a table- spoontu ee yaaa Y : ie 1 of water, well whipped together, Pour this mixture into a saucepan containing the stock; place it over the fire and heat the contents gradually, stirring often to prevent the egg from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan. Allow it to SOUPS, 27 boil gently until the stock looks perfectly clear under the egg, which will rise and float upon the surface in the form of a thick white scum. Now remove it and pour it into a folded towel laid in a colander set over an earthen bowl, allowing it to run through without moving or squeezing it. Season with more salt if needed, and quickly serve very hot. This should be a clear amber color. JULIENNE SOUP. Cut carrots and turnips into quarter inch pieces the shape of dice; also celery into thin slices. Cover them with boiling water; add a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful pepper, and cook until soft. In another saucepan have two quarts of boiling stock (see pages 21 and 24), to which add the cooked vegetables, the water and more seasoning if necessary. Serve hot. In the spring and summer season use asparagus, peas and string beans — alli cut into small uniform thickness. CREAM OF SPINACH. Pick, wash and boil enough spinach to measure a pint, when cooked, chopped and pounded into a soft paste. Put it into a stewpan with four ounces of fresh butter, a little grated nutmeg, a teaspoonful of salt. Cook and stir it about ten minutes. Add to this two quarts of strong stock (see pages 21 and 24); let boil up, then rub it through a strainer. Set it over the fire again, and, when on the point of boiling, mix with it a tablespoonful of butter, and a teaspoonful of granulated sugar. CHICKEN CREAM SOUP. An old chicken for soup is much the best. Cut it up into quarters, put it into a soup kettle with half a pound of corned ham, and an onion; add four quarts of cold water. Bring slowly to a gentle boil, and keep this up until the liquid has diminished one-third, and the meat drops from the bones; then add half a cup of rice. Season with salt, pepper, and a bunch of chopped parsley. Cook slowly until the rice is tender, then the meat should be taken out. Now, stir in two cups of rich milk thickened with a little flour. The chicken could be fried in a spoonful of butter and a gravy made, reserving some of the white part of the meat, chopping it and adding it to the soup. PLAIN ECONOMICAL SOUP. Take a cold roast-beef bone, pieces of beef-steak, the rack of a cold turkey or chicken. Put them into a pot with three or four quarts of water, two carrots, three turnips, one onion, a few cloves, pepper and salt. Boil the whole gently 28 four hours; then strain it th they will all pass through. § Mix one tablespoonful of flour wi the whole ten minutes. Serve this soup with sippets of toast. Sippets are bits of dry toast cut into a triangular form. A seasonable dish about the holidays. rough a colander, mashing the vegetables so that kim off the fat, and return the soup to the pot. th two of water, stir it into the soup and boil OX-TAIL SOUP. Two ox-tails, two slices of ham, one ounce of butter, two carrots, two turnips, one leek, one head of celery, one bunch of savory herbs, pepper, a three onions, nfuls of catsup, one-half glass of port wine, tablespoonful of salt, two tablespoo three quarts of water. Cut up the tails, separating them at the joints; wash them, and put Cut the vegetables in slices and add them with ¢hem in a stewpan with the butter. er a quick-fire till the the herbs. Put in one-half pint of water, and stir it ov Fill up the stewpan with water, and when boiling, add the salt. gently for four hours, or until the tails are tender. thicken with flour, and flavor with the juices are drawn. Skim well, and simmer very Take them out, skim and strain the soup, Put back the tails, simmer for five minutes and serve. catsup and port wine. p. Youshould begin to make it Another way to make an appetizing ox-tail sou the day before you wish to eat the soup. Take two tails, wash clean, and put in a kettle with nearly a gallon of cold water; add a small handful of salt; when the meat is well cooked, take out the bones. Let this stand in a cool room, covered, and next day, about an hour and a half before dinner, skim off the crust or cake of fat which has risen to the top. Add a little onion, carrot, or any vegetables you choose, chopping them fine first, summer savory may also be added. CORN SOUP. Cut the corn from the cob, and boil the cobs in water for at least an hour, then add the grains, and boil until they are thoroughly done; put one dozen ears of corn to a gallon of water, which will be reduced to three quarts by the time the soup is done; then pour on a pint of new milk, two well-beaten eggs, salt and pepper to your taste; continue the boiling a while longer, and stir in, to season and thicken it a little, a tablespoonful of good butter rubbed up with two tablespoonfuls of flour. Corn soup may also be made nicely with water in which a pair of grown fowls have been boiled or parboiled, instead of having plain water for the foundation. es SOUPS, 29 SPLIT PEA SOUP. No.1. Wash well a pint of split peas and cover them well with cold water, adding a third of a teaspoonful of soda; let them remain in it over night to swell. In the morning put them in a kettle with a close fitting cover. Pour over them three quarts of cold water, adding half a pound of lean ham or bacon cut into slices or pieces; also a teaspoonful of salt and a little pepper, and some celery chopped fine. When the soup begins to boil, skim the froth from the surface. Cook slowly from three to four hours, stirring occasionally till the peas are all dissolved, adding a little more boiling water to keep up the quantity as it boils away. Strain through a colander, and leave out the meat. It should be quite thick. Serve with small squares of toasted bread, cut up and added. If not rich enough, add a small piece of butter. CREAM OF ASPARAGUS. For making two quarts of soup, use two bundles of fresh asparagus. Cut the tops from oue of the bunches and cook them twenty minutes in salted water, enough to cover them, Cook the remainder of the asparagus about twenty minutes in a quart of stock or water. Cut an onion into thin slices and fry in three tablespoonfuls of butter ten minutes, being careful not to scorch it; then add the asparagus that has been boiled in the stock; cook this five minutes, stirring constantly; then add three tablespoonfuls of dissolved flour, cook five minutes longer. Turn this mixture into the boiling stock and boil twenty minutes. Rub through a sieve; add the milk and cream and the asparagus heads. If water is used in place of stock, use all cream. GREEN PEA SOUP. Wash a small quarter of lamb in cold water, and put it into a saup-pot with six quarts of cold water; add to it two tablespoonfuls of salt, and set it over a moderate fire—let it. boil gently for two hours, then skim it clear; add a quart of shelled peas, and a teaspoonful of pepper; cover it, and let it boil for half an hour; then having scraped the skins from a quart of small young potatoes, add them to the soup; cover the pot and let it boil for half an hour longer; work quarter of a pound of butter and a dessert spoonful of flour together, and add them to the soup ten or twelve minutes before taking it off the fire. Serve the meat on a dish with parsley sauce over, and the soup in a tureen. DRIED BEAN SOUP. Put two quarts of dried white beans to soak the night before you make tke soup, which should be put on as early in the day as possible. SOUPS. 30 ean of fresh beef—the coarse pieces will do. Cut them up, and put them into your soup-pot with the bones belonging to them, (which should be broken in pieces, ) and a pound of lean bacon, cut very small, If you have the remains of a piece of beef that has Boe roasted the day before, and so much under-done that the juices remain in it, you may put it into the pot and its bones along with it. Season the meat with pepper only, and pour on it six quarts of water. Ag soon as it boils, take off the scum, and put in the beans (having first drained them) and a head of celery cut ee or a table- spoonful of pounded celery seed. Boil it slowly till the meat is gone to shreds, and the beans all dissolved. Then strain it through a colander into the tureen, and put into it small squares of toasted bread with the-crust cut off. Take two pounds of the ] TURTLE SOUP FROM BEANS. Soak over night one quart of black beans; next day boil them in the proper quantity of water, say a gallon, then dip the beans out of the pot and strain them through a colander. Then return the flour of the beans, thus pressed, into the pot in which they were boiled. Tie up in a thin cloth scme thyme, a tea- spoonful of summer savory and parsley, and let it boil in the mixture. Adda tablespoonful of cold butter, salt and pepper. Have ready four hard-boiled yoiks of eggs quartered, and a few force meat balls; add this to the soup with a sliced lemon, and half a glass of wine just before serving the soup. This approaches so near in flavor to the real turtle soup that few are able to distinguish the difference. PHILADELPHIA PEPPER POT. Put two pounds of tripe and four calves’ feet into the soup-pot and cover them with cold water; add a red pepper, and boil closely until the calves’ feet are boiled very tender; take out the meat, skim, the liquid, stir it, cut the tripe into small pieces, and put it back into the liquid; if there is not enough liquid, add boiling water; add half a teaspoonful of sweet marjoram, sweet basil, and thyme, two sliced onions, sliced potatoes, salt. When the vegetabies have boiled until almost tender, add a piece of butter rolled in flour, drop in some egg balls, and boil fifteen minutes more. Take up and serve hot. SQUIRREL SOUP. Wash and quarter three or four good sized squirrels; put them on, with a small tablespoonful of salt, directly after breakfast, in a gallon of cold water. SOULS. 3! Cover the pot close, and set it on the back part of the stove to simmer gently, . not boil. Add vegetables just the same as you do in case of other meat soups in the summer season, but especially good will you find corn, Irish potatoes, tomatoes and Lima beans. Strain the soup through a coarse colander when the meat has boiled to shreds, so as to get rid of the squirrel’s troublesome little bones. Then return to the pot, and after boiling a while longer, thicken with a piece of butter rubbed in flour. Celery and parsley leaves chopped up are also considered an improvement by many. ‘Toast two slices of bread, cut them into dice one half inch square, fry them in butter, put them into the bottom of your tureen, and then pour the soup boiling hot upon them. Very good. TOMATO SOUP. No.1. Place in a kettle four pounds of beef. Pour over it one gallon of cold water. Let the meat and water boil slowly for three hours, or until the liquid is reduced to about one-half. Remove the meat and put into the broth a quart of tomatoes. and one chopped onion; salt and pepper to taste. A teaspoonful of flour should be dissolved and stirred in, then allowed to boil half an hour longer. Strain and serve hot. Canned tomatoes, in place of fresh ones, may be used. TOMATO SOUP. No.2. Place over the fire a quart of peeled tomatoes, stew them soft with a pinch of soda. Strain it so that no seeds remain, set it over the fire again, and add-a quart of hot boiled milk; season with salt and pepper, a piece of butter the size of an egg, add three tablespoonfuls of rolled cracker, and serve hot. Canned tomatoes may be used in place of fresh ones. TOMATO SOUP. No. 3, Peel two quarts of tomatoes, boil them in a sauce-pan with an onion, and other soup vegetables; strain and add a level tablespoonful of flour dissolved in a third of a cup of melted butter; add pepper and salt. Serve very hot over little squares of bread fried brown and crisp in butter. An excellent addition to a cold meat lunch. MULLAGATAWNY SOUP. (As made in India.) Cut four onions, one carrot, two turnips, and one head of celery into three quarts of liquor, in which one or two fowls have been boiled; keep it over a brisk ELE EY LORELEI fibres: POP SOUPS. 32 fire, till it boils, then place it on a corner of the fire, and let it simmer twenty min- utes; add one tablespoonful of currie powder, and one tablespoonful of flour; mix the whole well together, and let it boil three minutes; pass it through a colander; serve with pieces of roast chicken in it; add boiled rice in a separate dish. It ellow color, and not too thick. If you find it too thick, add a must be of good y of sugar. Half veal and half chicken an- little boiling water and a teaspoonful swers as well. A dish of rice, to be served separately wi put three pints of water in a sauce-pan and o poil. Wash well, in three waters, half a pound of rice; the boiling water in sauce-pan. After it has come to the boil _Jet it boil twenty minutes; strain it through a colander, in about two minutes and pour over it two quarts of cold water. This will separate the grains of rice. ¢t enough to send Put it back in the sauce-pan, and place it near the fire until ho to the table. This is also the proper way to boil rice for curries. If these direc- tions are strictly carried out every grain of the rice will separate, and be thor- oughly cooked. th this soup, must be thus prepared: ne tablespoonful of salt; let this strain it, and-put it into which it will do MOCK TURTLE SOUP, OF CALF’S HEAD. Scald a well-cleansed calf’s head, remove the brain, tie it up in a cloth, and boil an hour, or until the meat will easily slip from the bone; take out, save the broth; cut. it in small, square pieces, and throw them into cold water; when cool, put it in a stewpan, and cover with s¢me of the broth; let it boil until quite tender, and set aside. In another stewpan melt some butter, and in it put a quarter of a pound of lean ham, cut small, with fine herbs to taste; also parsley and one onion; add about a pint of the broth; let it simmer for two hours, and then dredge in a small quantity of flour; now add the remainder of the broth, and a quarter bot- tle of Madeira or sherry; let all stew quietly for ten minutes and rub it through a medium sieve; add the calf’s head, season with a very little cayenne pepper, a little salt, the juice of one lemon, 2nd if desired, a quarter teaspoonful pounded mace and a dessert-spoon sugar. Having previously prepared force-1aeat balls, add them to the soup, and five minutes after serve hot. GREEN TURTLE SOUP. One turtle, two onions, a bunch of sweet herbs, juice of one lemon, five quarts of water, a glass of Madeira. ore, SOUPS. 33 After removing the entrails, cut up the coarser parts of the turtle meat and bones. Add four quarts of water, and stew four hours with the herbs, onions, pepper and salt. Stew very slowly, do not let it cease boiling during this time. At the end of four hours strain the soup, and add the finer parts of the turtle and the green fat, which has been simmered one hour in two quarts of water. Thicken with brown flour; return to the soup-pot, and simmer gently for an hour longer. If there are eggs in the turtle, boil them in a separate vessel for four hours, and throw into the soup before taking up. If not, put in force-meat balls; then the juice of the lemon, and the wine; beat up at once and pour out. Some cooks add the finer meat before straining, boiling all together five hours; then strain, thicken, and put in the green: fat, cut into lumps an inch long. This makes a handsomer soup than if the meat is left in. Green turtle can now be purchased preserved in air-tight cans. Force Meat Balls for the Above.—Six tablespoonfuls of turtle-meat chopped very fine. Rub to a paste, with the yolk of two hard-boiled eggs, a tablespoon- ful of butter, and, if convenient a little oyster liquor. Season with cayenne, mace, and half a teaspoonful of white sugar and a pinch of salt. Bind all with a well-beaten egg; shape into small balls; dip in egg, then powdered cracker; fry in butter, and drop into the soup when it is served. MACARONI SOUP. To a rich beef or other soup, in which thereis no seasoning other than pep- per or salt, take half a pound of small! pipe macaroni, boil it in clear water until it is tender, then.drain it and cut it in pieces of an inch length; boil it for fifteen minutes in the soup and serve. TURKEY: SOUR. Take the turkey bones and boil three-quarters of an hour in water enough to cover them; add a little summer savory and celery chopped fine. Just before serving, thicken with a little flour (browned), and season with pepper, salt, and a small piece of butter. This is a cheap but good soup, using the remains of cold turkey which might otherwise be thrown away. GUMBO OR OKRA SOUP. Fry out the fat of a slice of bacon or fat ham, drain it off, and in it fry the slices of a large onion brown; scald, peel, and cut up two quarts fresh tomatoes, when in season, (use canned tomatoes otherwise), and cut thin one quart okra; 3 SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT, a little chopped parsley, in a stew-kettle with about put them, together with of any kind; cook slowly for three hours, season with three quarts of hot broth salt and pepper. Serve hot. In chicken broth the same of tomatoes, forms a chicken gumbo soup. quantity of okra pods, used for thickening instead TAPIOCA CREAM SOUP. ck; one pint of cream or milk; one onion; two stalks f tapioca; two cupfuls of cold water; one table- e of mace; salt, pepper. Wash the tapioca and Cook it and the stock together very gently for small pieces, and put on to cook for Strain on the tapioca and stock. One quart of white sto celery; one-third of a cupful o spoonful of butter; a small piec soak over night in cold water. one hour. Cut the onion and celery into twenty minutes with the milk and mace. Season with salt and pepper, add butter, and serve. Soups Without Meat. ONION SOUP. One quart of milk, six large onions, yolks of four eggs, three tablespoonfuls of butter, a large one of flour, one cupful of cream, salt, pepper. Put the but- ter inafrying pan. Cut the onions into thin slices and drop in the butter. Stir until they begin to cook; then cover tight and set back where they will simmer, but not burn, for half an hour. Now put the milk on to boil, and then add the dry flour to the onions and stir constantly for three minutes over the fire; then turn he mixture into the milk and cook fifteen minutes. Rub the soup through a strainer, return to the fire, season with salt and pepper. Beat the yolks of the eggs well, add the cream to them and stir into the soup. Cook ies minutes stirring constantly. If you have no cream, use milk, in which case add a ee: spoonful of butter at the same time. Pour over fried croutons in a soup tureen. This is a refreshing dish when one is fatigued. WINTER VEGETABLE SOUP. op ae ae slice three turnips and three carrots, and peel three onions, and a - a : oy little nese: until a light yellow; add a bunch of celery and three eeks cut in pieces; stir and fry all the ingredients for six minutes; rte SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT, 39 when fried, add one clove of garlic, two stalks of parsley, two cloves, salt, pep- per and a little grated nutmeg; cover with three quarts of water and simmer for three hours, taking off the scum carefully. Strain and use. Croutons, vermicelli, Italian pastes, or rice may be added. VERMICELLI SOUP. Swell quarter of a pound of vermicelli in a quart of warm water, then add it to a good beef, veal, lamb, or chicken soup or broth, with quarter of a pound of sweet butter; let the soup boil for fifteen minutes after it is added. SWISS WHITE SOUP. A sufficient quantity of broth for six people; boil it; beat up three eggs well, two spoonfuls of flour, one cup milk; pour these gradually through a sieve into the boiling; soup salt and pepper. SPRING VEGETABLE SOUP. Half pint green peas, two shredded lettuces, one onion, a small bunch of parsley, two ounces butter, the yolks of three eggs, one pint of water, one anda half quarts of soup stock. Put in a stewpan the lettuce, onion, parsley and but- ter, with one pint of water, and let them simmer till tender. Season with salt and pepper. When done strain off the vegetables, and put two-thirds of the liquor with the stock. Beat up the yolks of the eggs with the other third, toss it over the fire, and at the moment of serving add this with the vegetables to the strained-off soup. CELERY SOUP. Celery soup may be made with white stock. Cut down the white of half a dozen heads of celery into little pieces and boil it in four pints of white stock, with a quarter of a pound of lean ham and two ounces of butter. Simmer gently for a full hour, then strain through a sieve, return the liquor to the pan, and stir in a few spoonfuls of cream with great care. Serve with toasted bread and, if liked, thicken with a little flour. Season to taste. IRISH POTATO SOUP. Peel and boil eight medium-sized potatoes with a large onion, sliced, some - herbs, salt and pepper; press all through a colander; then thin it with rich milk and add a lump of butter, more seasoning, if necessary; let it heat well and serve hot. ee TPS Zo % EOI OI TLE 5 IE, omer TENET ROE Hse Ui ie Bo Bolan : TO NT Te eT TET Or aT SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT, PEA SOUP. as into five quarts of water; boil for four hours; then add three or four large onions, two heads of celery, a carrot, two turnips, all cut Season with pepper and galt. Boil two hours longer, and if the e water. Strain through a colander and stir in Serve hot, with small pieces of toasted bread Put a quart of dried pe up rather fine. soup becomes too thick add mor a tablespoonful of cold butter. placed in the bottom of the tureen. NOODLES FOR SOUP. g¢ light, add a pinch of salt, and flour enough to make a very Beat up one eg stiff dough; roll out very thin, like thin pie crust, dredge with flour to keep from Let it remain on the bread board to dry for an hour or more; then sticking. Begin at the end and slice it roll it up into a tight scroll, like a sheet of music. into slips as thin as straws. After all are cut, mix them lightly together, and to prevent them sticking, keep them floured a little until you are ready to drop them into your soup, which should be done shortly before dinner, for if boiled too long they will go to pieces. FORCE MEAT BALLS FOR SOUP. One cupful of cooked veal or fowl meat, minced; mix with this a handful of fine bread-crumbs, the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs rubbed smooth together with a tablespoon of milk; season with pepper and salt; add a half teaspoon of flour, and bind all together with two beaten eggs; the hands to be well floured, and the mixture to be made into little balls the size of a nutmeg, drop into the soup about twenty minutes before serving. EGG BALLS FOR SOUP. Take the yolks of six hard-boiled eggs and half a tablespoonful of wheat flour, rub them smooth with the yolks of two raw eggs and a teaspoonful of salt; mix all well together; make it in balls, and drop them into the boiling soup afew minutes before taking it up. Used in green turtle soup. EGG DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP. To half a pint of milk put two well-beaten eggs, and as much wheat flour as will make a smooth, rather thick batter free from lumps; drop this batter, a tablespoonful at a time, into boiling soup. SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT, 37 Another mode.—One cupful of sour cream and one cupful of sour milk, three eggs, well beaten, whites and yolks separately; one teaspoonful of salt, one level teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a spoonful of water, and enough flour added to make a very stiff batter. To be dropped by spoonfuls into the broth and boiled twenty minutes, or until no raw dough shows on the outside. SUET DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP. Three cups of sifted flour in which three teaspoonfuls of baking powder have oeen sifted; one cup of finely chopped suet, well rubbed into the flour, with a teaspoonful of salt. Wet all with sweet milk to make a dough as stiff as bis- cuit. Make into small balls as large as peaches, well floured. Drop into the soup three-quarters of an hour before being served. This requires steady boil- ing, being closely covered, and the cover not t» be removed until taken up to serve. A very good form of pot-pie. SOYER’S RECIPE FOR FORCE MEATS. Take 14 lbs. of lean veal from the fillet, and cut it in long thin slices; scrape with a knife till nothing but the fibre remains; put it in a mortar, pound it 10 minutes, or until in a purée; pass it through a wire sieve (use the remainder in stock); then take 1 lb. of good fresh beef suet, which skin, shred, and chop very fine; put it ina mortar and pound it; then add 6 oz. of panada (that is, bread soaked in milk, and boiled till nearly dry) with the suet; pound them well together, and add the veal; season with 1 teaspoonful of salt, 4 teaspoonful of pepper, 4 that of nutmeg; work all well together; then add 4 eggs by degrees, continually pounding the contents of the mortar. When well mixed, take a small piece in a spoon, and poach it in some boiling water; and if it is delicate, firm, and of a good flavor, it is ready for use. CROUTONS FOR SOUP. In a frying pan have the depth of an inch of boiling fat; also have prepared slices of stale bread, cut up into little half-inch squares; drop into the frying pan enough of these bits of bread to cover the surface of the fat. When browned, remove with a skimmer and drain; add to the hot soup and serve. Some prefer them prepared in this manner: Take very thin slices of bread, butter them well; cut them up into little squares three fourths of an inch thick, place them in a baking pan, buttered ‘side up, and brown in a quick oven. soar ———s Seer ad Rh OP LT OR TREE LO IS ELT TIT SARITA RTE TI, $m Mee ba te Sa 38 SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT. FISH STOCK. re with a good sized me sliced tomatoes, then add as many different 4—oysters, clams, smelts, pawns, crabs, shrimps, ll together, until the onions are well browned; alt and pepper, and sufficient water to make as cooked for half an hour pound it Place a saucepan over the fi piece of sweet butter, and a sliced onion; put into that so kinds of small fish as you can ge and all kinds of pan-fish; cook a then add a bunch of sweet herbs, s stock. After this h the required amount of hen strain and cook again until it jellies. with a wooden pestle, t FISH SOUP. clean it thoroughly, put it over the fire with a suffi- cient quantity of water, allowing for each pound of fish one quart of water; add an onion cut fine, and a bunch of sweet herbs. When the fish is cooked, and is quite tasteless, strain all through a colander, return to the fire, add some butter, salt and pepper to taste. A small tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce may be added if liked. Served with small squares of fried bread and thin slices of lemon. Select a large, fine fish, LOBSTER SOUP, OR BISQUE. pounds of veal boiled slowly in as Have ready a good broth made of three It must then be much water as will cover it, till the meat is reduced to shreds. well strained. Having boiled one fine middle-sized lobster, extract all the meat from the body and claws. Bruise part of the coral in a mortar, and also an equal quan- Mix them well together. Add mace, cayenne, salt and tity of the meat. the mixture with the pepper, and make them up into force-meat balls, binding yolk of an egg slightly beaten. Take three quarts of the veal broth, and put into it the meat of the lobster cut into mouthfuls. Boil it together about twenty minutes. Then thicken it with the remaining coral (which you must first rub through a sieve), and add the force meat balls and a little butter rolled in flour. Simmer it gently for ten minutes but do not let it come to a boil, as that will injure the color. Serve with small dice of bread fried brown in butter. OYSTER SOUP. No. I. Two quarts of oysters, one quart of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one teacupful of hot water; pepper, salt. SOUPS WITHOUT MEAT, 39 Strain all the liquor from the oysters; add the water, and heat. When near the boil, add the seasoning, then the oysters. Cook about five minutes from the time they begin to simmer, until they ‘‘ruffle.’’ Stir in the butter, cook one minute, and pour into the tureen. Stir in the boiling milk, and send to table. Some prefer all water in place of milk. OYSTER SOUP. No 2) Scald one gallon of oysters in their own liquor. Add one quart of rich milk to the liquor, and when it comes to a boil, skim out the oysters and set aside. Add the yolks of four eggs, two good tablespoonfuls of butter, and one of flour, all mixed well together, but in this order—first, the milk, then, after beating the eggs, add a little of the hot liquor to them gradually, and stir them rapidly into the soup. Lastly, add the butter and whatever seasoning you fancy besides plain pepper and salt, which must both be put in to taste with caution. Celery salt most persons like extremely; others would prefer a little marjoram and thyme; others, again, mace and a bit of onion. Use your own discretion in this regard. CLAM SOUP. (French Style.) Mince two dozen hard-shell clams very fine. Fry half a minced onion in an ounce of butter; add to it a pint of hot water, a pinch of mace, four cloves, one allspice and six whole pepper corns. Boil fifteen minutes and strain into a sauce-pan; add the chopped clams and a pint of clam-juice or hot water; simmer slowly two hours; strain and rub the pulp through a sieve into the liquid. Return it to the sauce-pan and keep it lukewarm. Boil three half pints of milk in a sauce-pan (previously wet with cold water, which prevents burning) and whisk it into the soup. Dissolve a teaspoonful of flour in cold milk, add it to the soup, taste for seasoning; heat it gently to near the boiling point; pour it into a tureen previously heated with hot water, and serve with or without pieces of fried bread—called croutons in kitchen French. CLAM SOUP. Twenty-five clams chopped fine. Put over the fire the liquor that was drained from them, and a cup of water; add the chopped clams, and boil half an hour; then season to taste with pepper and salt and a piece of butter as large as an egg; boil up again and add one quart of milk boiling hot, stir in a table- spoon of flour made to a cream with a little cold milk, or two crackers rolled fine. Some like a little mace and lemon juice in the seasoning. pa roe SME SENT SASL A AE GEE ELIE SIP se The usual custom among professional cooks is to entirely immerse the article to be cooked in boiling fat, but from inconvenience most households use the half-frying method of frying in a small amount of fat ina frying-pan. For the first method a shallow iron frying-kettle, large at the top and small at the bottom, is best to use. The fat should half fill the kettle, or an amount sufficient to float whatever is to be fried; the heat of the fat should get to such a degree that, when a piece of bread or a teaspoonful of the batter is dropped in it, it will become brown almost instantly, but should not be so hot as to burn the fat. Some cooks say that the fat should be smoking, but my experience is, that is a mistake, as that soon ruins the fat. As soon as it begins to smoke it should be removed a little to one side, and still be kept at the boiling point. If fritters, crullers, croquettes, etc., are dropped into fat that is too not, it crusts over the outside before the inside has fully risen, making a heavy hard article, and also ruining the fat, giving it a burnt flavor. Many French cooks prefer beef fat or suet to lard for frymg purposes, con- sidering it more wholesome and digestible, does not impart as much flavor, or adhere or soak into the article cooked as pork fat. Tn families of any size, where there is much cooking required, there are enough drippings and fat remnants from roasts of beef, skimmings from the soup-kettle, with the addition of occasionally a pound of suet from the market, to amply supply the need. All such remnants and skimmings should be clarified about twice a week, by boiling them all together in water. When the fat is all melted, it should be strained with the water and set aside to cool. After the fat on the top has hardened, lift the cake from the water on which it lies, scrape off all the dark particles from the bottom, then melt over again the fat; while hot strain into a small clean stone jar or bright tin pail, and then it is ready for use. Always after frying anything, the fat should stand until it settles and has cooled somewhat; then turn off carefully so as to leave it clear from the sediment that settles at the bottom. LISH, AI Refined cotton-seed oil is now being adopted by most professional cooks in hotels, restaurants, and many private households for culinary purposes, and will doubtless in future supersede animal fats, especially for frying, it being quite as delicate a medium as frying with olive oil. It is now sold by leading grocers, put up in packages of two and four quarts. The second mode of frying, using a frying-pan with a small quantity of fat or grease, to be done properly, should in the first place have the frying-pan hot over the fire, and the fat in it actually boiling before the article to be cooked is placed in it, the intense heat quickly searing up the pores of the article and forming a brown crust on the lower side, then turning over and browning the other the same way. still, there is another mode of frying; the process is somewhat similar to broiling, the hot frying-pan or spider replacing the hot fire. To do this cor- rectly, a thick bottom frying-pan should be used. Place it over the fire, and when it is so hot that it will siss, oil over the bottom of the pan with a piece of suet, that is if the meat is all lean; if not, it is not necessary to grease the bottom of the pan. Lay in the meat quite flat, and brown it quickly, first on one side then on the other; when sufficiently cooked, dish on a hot platter and season the same as broiled meats. Fish. In selecting fish, choose those only in which the eye is full and prominent, the flesh thick and firm, the scales bright and fins stiff. They should be thor- oughly cleaned before cooking. ‘ The usual modes of cooking fish are boiled, baked, broiled, fried and occa- sionally stewed. Steaming fish is much superior to boiling, but the ordinary conveniences in private houses do not admit of the possibility of enjoying this delicate way of cooking it. Large fish are generally boiled, medium-sized ones baked or boiled, the smaller kinds fried or broiled. Very large fish, such as cod, halibut, etc., are cut in steaks or slices for frying or broiling. The heads of some fish, as the cod, halibut, etc., are considered tidbits by. many. Small fish, or pan fish, as they are usually called, are served without the heads, with the exception of brook-trouts and smelts; these are usually cooked whole, with the head on. Bake fish slowly, basting often with butter and water. Salmon is considered the most nutritious of all fish. When boiling fish, by adding a little vinegar and salt to the water, it seasons and prevents the nutriment from being drawn out; the vinegar acting on the water hardens the water. RBRIS pede DS Ey AEMEM ES FISH. Fill the fish with a nicely prepared stuffing of rolled cracker or stale breag crumbs, seasoned with butter, pepper; salt, Baee? and any ones promace herbs fancied; sew up; wrap in a well-floured cloth, tied closely ee twine, and boil The garnishes for boiled fish are: For turbot, fried smelts; for other emon or sliced boiled egg. Do not use the ooking fish, for other food, or they will or steam. boiled fish, parsley, sliced beets, | knives, spoons, etc., that are used in © be apt to impart a fishy flavor. Fish to be boiled should be put into cold water and set on the fire to cook very gently, or the outside will break before the inner part is done. Unless the fish are small, they should never be put into warm water; nor should water, either hot or cold, be poured on to the fish, as it is liable to break the skin: if it should be necessary to add a little water while the fish is cooking, it ought to be poured in gently at the side of the vessel. Fish to be broiled should lie, after they, are dressed, for two or three hours, with their inside well sprinkled with salt and pepper. Salt fish should be soaked in water before boiling, according to the time it has been in salt. When it is hard and dry, it will require thirty-six hours soak- ing before it is dressed, and the water must be changed three or four times, When fish is not very salt, twenty-four hours, or even one night, will suffice. When frying fish the fire must be hot enough to bring the fat to such a degree of heat as to sear the surface and make it impervious to the fat, and at the same time seal up the rich juices. As soon as the fish is browned by this sudden application of heat, the pan may be moved to a cooler place on the stove, that the process may be finished more slowly. Fat in which fish has been fried is just as good to use again for the same purpose, but it should be kept by itself and not be put to any other use. TO FRY FISH. Most of the smaller fish (generally termed pan-fish) are usually fried. Clean well, cut off the head, and, if quite large, cut: out the backbone, and slice the body crosswise into five or six pieces; season with salt and pepper. Dip in Indian meal or wheat flour, or in beaten egg, and roll in bread or fine cracker crumbs—trout and perch should not be dipped in meal; put into a thick bot- tomed iron frying-pan, the flesh side down, with hot lard or drippings; fry slowly, turning when lightly browned. The following method may be deemed preferable: Dredge the pieces with flour; brush them over with beaten egg; roll in bread crumbs, and fry in hot lard or drippings sufficient to cover, the same THE WHITE HOUSE KITCHEN FISH, 43 as frying crullers If the fat is very hot, the fish will fry without absorbing it, and it will be palatably cooked. When browned on one side, turn it over in the fat and brown the other, draining when done. This is a particularly good way to fry slices of large fish. Serve with tomato sauce;.garnish with slices of lemon. PAN FISH. Place them in a thick bottom frying-pan with heads all one way. Fill the spaces with smaller fish. When they are fried quite brown and ready to turn, put a dinner plate over them, drain off the fat; then invert the pan, and they will be left unbroken on the plate. Put the lard back into the pan, and when hot slip back the fish. When the other side is brown, drain, turn on a plate as before, and slip them on a warm platter, to be sent to the table. Leaving the heads on and the fish a crispy-brown, in perfect shape, improves the appearance if not the flavor. Garnish with slices of lemon. —BHotel Lafayette, Philadelphia. BAKED PICKEREL. Carefully clean and wipe the fish, and lay in a dripping-pan with enough hot water to prevent scorching. A perforated sheet of tin, fitting loosely, or several muffin rings may be used to keep it off the bottom. Lay it in a circle on its. belly, head and tail touching, and tied, or as directed in note on fish; bake slowly, basting often with butter and water. When done, have ready a cup of sweet,cream or rich milk to which a few spoons of hot water has been added; stir in two large spoons of melted butter and a little chopped parsley; heat all by setting the cup in boiling water; add the gravy from the dripping-pan, and let it boil up once; place the fish in a hot dish, and pour over it the sauce. Or an egg sauce may be made with drawn butter; stir in the yolk of an egg quickly, and then a teaspoon of chopped parsley. It can be stuffed or not, just as you please. BOILED SALMON. The middle slice of salmon is the best. Sew up neatly in a mosquito-net bag, and boil a quarter of an hour to the pound in hot salted water. When done, unwrap with care, and lay upon a hot dish, taking care not to break it. Have ready a large cupful of drawn butter, very rich, in which has been stirred a tablespoonful of minced parsley and the juice of a lemon. Pour half upon the salmon, and serve the rest in a boat. Garnish with parsley and sliced eggs. FISH. BROILED SALMON. oan inch and a half thick, dry them in a cloth, season Gut slices from an inch t fted flour, and broil on a gridiron rubbed with salt and pepper, dredge them in si with suet. Another mode.—Cut the slices one inch thick, and season them with pepper and salt; butter a sheet of white paper, lay each slice on a separate piece, envelope them in it with their ends twisted; broil gently over a clear fire, and serve with anchovy or caper sauce. When higher seasoning is required, add a few chopped herbs and a little spice. FRESH SALMON FRIED. arters of an inch thick, dredge them with flour, or dip Cut the slices three-qu This mode answers for all fish them in egg and crumbs,—fry a light brown. cut into steaks. Season well with salt and pepper. SALMON AND CAPER SAUCE. Two slices of salmon, one-quarter pound butter, one-half teaspoonful of chopped parsley, one shalot; salt and pepper to taste. Lay the salmon in a baking-dish, place pieces of butter over it and add the other ingredients, rubbing a little of the seasoning into the fish; place it in the oven and baste it frequently; when done, take it out and drain for a minute or two; lay it in a dish, pour caper sauce over it, and serve. Salmon dressed in this way, with tomato sauce, is very delicious. BROILED SALT SALMON OR OTHER SALT FISH. Soak salmon in tepid or cold water twenty-four hours, changing water sev- eral times, or let stand under faucet of running water. Tf in a hurry or desiring a very salt relish, it may do to soak a short time, having water warm, and changing, parboiling slightly. At the hour wanted, broil sharply. Season to suit taste, covering with butter. This recipe will answer for all kinds of salt fish. PICKLED SALMON. Take a fine, fresh salmon, and having cleaned it, cut it into large pieces, and sara ea : : boil itin salted water as if for eating. Then drain it, wrap it in a dry cloth, and set it in a cold place till next day. Then make the pickle, which must be in FISH, 45 proportion to the quantity of fish. To one quart of the water in which the salmon was boiled, allow two quarts of the best vinegar, one ounce of whole black pepper, one nutmeg gratcd and a dozen blades of mace. Boil all these together in a kettle closely covered to prevent the flavor from evaporating. When the vinegar thus prepared is quite cold, pour it over the salmon, and put on the top a tablespoonful of sweet oil, which will make it keep the longer. Cover it closely, put it in a dry, cool place, and it will be good for many months. This is the nicest way of preserving salmon, and is approved by all who have tried it. SMOKED SALMON. Smoked salmon to be broiled should be put upon the gridiron first, with the flesh side to the fire. Smoked salmon is very nice when shaved like smoked beef, and served with coffee or tea. FRICASSEE SALMON. This way of cooking fresh salmon is a pleasant change from the ordinary modes of cooking it: Cut one and one-half pounds of salmon into pieces one inch square; put the pieces in a stewpan with half a cupful of water, a little salt, a little white pepper, one clove, one blade of mace, three pieces of sugar, one shalot and a heaping teaspoonful of mustard mixed smoothly with half a teacupful of vinegar. Let this boil up once and add six tomatoes peeled and cut into tiny pieces, a few sprigs of parsley finely minced, and one wineglassful of sherry. Let all simmer gently for three-quarters of an hour. Serve very hot, and garnish with dry toast cut in triangular pieces. This dish is good, very cold, for luncheon or breakfast. SALMON PATTIES. Cut cold cooked salmon into dice. Heat about a pint of the dice in half a pint of cream. Season to taste with cayenne pepper and salt. Till the shells and serve. Cold cooked fish of any kind may be made into patties in this way. Use any fish sauce you choose—all are equally good. FISH AND OYSTER PIE. Any remains of cold fish, such as cod or haddock, 2 dozen oysters, pepper and salt to taste, bread-crumbs sufficient for the quantity of fish; 4 teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful of finely chopped parsley. CREE EES CBE Lila SLE LEED A re ——— . ODE LEE 46 FISH. Clear the fish from the bones, and put a layer of it in a pie-dish, which alt; then a layer of bread-crumbs, oysters, nutmeg, t this till the dish is quite full. You may form a which should be browned, or puff-paste, which aid in cross-bars over the fish, with a line sprinkle with pepper and s and chopped parsley. Repea covering either of bread -crumbs, should be cut off into long strips, and | of the paste first laid round the edge. Before putting on the top, pour in some made melted butter, or a little thin white sauce, and the oyster-liquor, and bake. Time.—It of cooked fish, $ hour; if made of fresh fish and puff-paste, ? hour. STEAMED FISH. Secure the tail of the fish in its mouth, the body in a circle; pour over it half a pint of vinegar, seasoned with pepper and salt; let it stand an hour in a cool place; pour off the vinegar, and put it in a steamer over boiling water, and steam twenty minutes, or longer for large fish. When the meat easily separates from the bone itis done. Drain well, and serve on a very clean white napkin, neatly folded and placed on the platter; decorate the napkin around the fish with sprigs of curled parsley, or with fanciful beet cuttings, or alternately with both. TO BROIL A SHAD. Split and wash the shad, and afterwards dry it in a cloth. Season it with salt and pepper. Have ready a bed of clear, bright coals. Grease your gridiron well, and as soon as it is hot, lay the shad upon it, the flesh side down; cover with a dripping-pan and broil it for about a quarter of an hour, or more, accord- ing to the thickness. Butter it well, and send it to the table. Covering it while broiling gives it a more delicious flavor. BAKED SHAD. Many people are of the opinion that the very best method of cooking a shad is to bake it. Stuff it with bread-crumbs, salt, pepper, butter and parsley, and mix this up with the beaten yolk of egg; fill the fish with it, and sew it up or fasten a string around it. Pour over it a little water and some butter, and bake as you would afowl. A shad will require from an hour to an hour and a quarter to bake. Garnish with slices of lemon, water cresses, etc. Dressing for Baked Shad.—Boil up the gravy in which the shad was baked, put in a large tablespoonful of catsup, a tablespoonful of brown flour which has been wet with cold water, the juice of a lemon, and a glass of sherry or Ma- deira wine. Serve in a sauce boat. FISH, TO COOK A SHAD ROE. Drop into boiling water, and cook gently for twenty minutes; then take from the fire, and drain. Butter a tin plate, and lay the drained roe upon it. Dredge well with salt and pepper, and spread soft butter over it; then dredge thickly with flour. Cook in the oven for half an hour, basting frequently with salt, pepper, flour, butter and water. TO COOK SHAD ROE. (Another Way.) Hirst partly boil them in a small covered pan, take out and season them with salt, a little pepper, dredge with flour and fry as any fish. BOILED BASS. After thoroughly cleaning it place in a saucepan with enough water to cover it; add two tablespoonfuls of salt; set the saucepan over the fire, and when it has boiled about five minutes try to pull out one of the fins; if it loosens easily from the body carefully take the fish out of the water, lay it on a platter, surround it with half a dozen hard-boiled eggs, and serve it with a sauce. BOILED BLUEFISH. Boiled the same as Bass. BAKED BLUEFISH. Baked the same as Baked Shad—see page 46. FRIED EELS. After cleaning the eels well, cut them in pieces two inches long; wash them and wipe them dry; roll them in wheat flour or rolled cracker, and fry as di- rected for other fish, in hot lard or beef dripping, salted. They should be browned all over and thoroughly done. Eels are sometimes dipped in batter and then fried, or into egg and bread crumbs. Serve with crisped parsley. SHEEPSHEAD WITH DRAWN BUTTER. Select a medium-sized fish, clean it thoroughly, and rub a little salt over it; wrap it in a cloth and put it in a steamer; place this over a pot of fast-boiling water and steam one hour; then lay it whole upon a hot side-dish, garnish with 48 FISH. tufts of parsley and slices of lemon, and serve with drawn butter, prepared as follows: Take two ounces of butter and roll it into small balls, dredge these with flour; put one-fourth of them in a sauce-pan, and as they begin to melt, whisk them; add the remainder, one at a time, until thoroughly smooth; while stirring, add a tablespoonful of lemon juice, half a tablespoonful of chopped pars- ley; pour into a hot sauce boat, and serve. BAKED WHITE FISH. Thoroughly clean the fish; cut off the head or not, as preferred; cut out the backbone from the head to within two inches of the tail, and stuff with the fol- lowing: Soak stale bread in water, squeeze dry; cut in pieces a large onion, fry in butter, chop fine; add the bread, two ounces of butter, salt, pepper and a lit- tle parsley or sage; heat through, and when taken off the fire, add the yolks of two well-beaten eggs; stuff the fish rather full, sew up with fine twine, and wrap with several coils of white tape. Rub the fish over slightly with butter; just cover the bottom of a baking pan with hot water, and place the fish in it, standing back upward, and bent in the form of an! Serve with the following dressing: Reduce the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs to a smooth paste with two tablespoonfuls good salad oil; stir in half a teaspoon English mustard, and add pepper and vinegar to taste. HALIBUT BOILED. The cut next to the tail-piece is the best to boil. Rub a little salt over it, soak it for fifteen minutes in vinegar and cold water, then wash it and scrape it until quite clean; tie it in a cloth, and boil slowly over a moderate fire, allow- ing seven minutes boiling to each pound of fish; when it is half cooked, turn it over in the pot; serve with drawn butter or egg sauce. Boiled halibut minced with boiled potatoes, and a little butter and milk, makes an excellent breakfast dish. STEAMED HALIBUT. Select a three-pound piece of white halibut, cover it with a cloth and place it in a steamer; set the steamer over a pot of fast-boiling water and steam two hours: place it on a hot dish surrounded with.a border of parsley, and serve with ege-sauce. FISH, FRIED HALIBUT. No.1. Select choice, firm slices from this large and delicate-looking fish, and, after carefully washing and drying with a soft towel, with a sharp knife take off the skin. Beat up two eggs, and roll out some brittle crackers upon the kneading board until they are as fine as dust. Dip each slice into the beaten egg, then into the cracker crumbs, (after you have salted and peppered the fish), and place them in a hot frying-pan half full of boiling lard, in which a little butter has been added to make the fish brown nicely; turn and brown both sides, remove from the frying-pan and drain. Serve hot. FRIED HALIBUT. No. 2. First fry a few thin slices of salt pork until brown in an iron frying-pan; then take it up on a hot platter, and keep it warm until the halibut is fried. After washing and drying two pounds of sliced halibut, sprinkle it with salt and pepper, dredge it well with flour, put it into the hot pork-drippings and fry brown on both sides; then serve the pork with the fish. Halibut broiled in slices is a very good way of cooking it, broiled the same as Spanish mackerel. BAKED HALIBUT. Take a nice piece of halibut weighing five or six pounds, and lay it in salt water for two hours. Wipe it dry and score the outer skin. Set it in a drip- ping-pan in a moderate hot oven, and bake an hour, basting often with butter and water heated together in a sauce-pan or tin cup. When a fork will pene- trate it easily, it is done. It should be a fine, brown color. Take the gravy in the dripping-pan, add a little boiling water should there not be enough, stir in a tablespoonful of walnut catsup, a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, the juice of a lemon, and thicken with brown flour, previously wet with cold water. Boil up once and put in a sauce boat. HALIBUT BROILED. Broil the same as other fish, upon a buttered gridiron, over a clear fire, first seasoning with salt and pepper, placed on a hot dish when done, buttered well and cover closely. FRIED BROOK TROUT. These delicate fish are usually fried, and form a delightful breakfast or sup- per dish. Clean, wash and dry the fish, split them to the tail, salt and pepper 4 fo ta en RTI AT RSEICES SLES E OT 50 FISH, them, and flour them nicely. If you use lard instead of the fat of fried galt pork, put in a piece of butter to prevent their sticking, and wach causes them to brown nicely. Let the fat be hot, fry quickly to a delicate brown. They should be sufficiently browned on one side before turning on the other side. They are nice served with slices of fried pork, fried crisp. Lay them side by side on a heated platter, garnish and send hot to the table. They are often cooked and served with their heads on. FRIED SMELTS. Fried with their heads on the same as brook trout. Many think that they make a much better appearance as a dish when cooked whole with the heads on, and nicely garnished for the table. BOILED WHITE FISH. Taken from Mrs. A. W. Ferry’s Cook Book, Mackinac, 1824. The most deli- cate mode of cooking white fish. Prepare the fish as for broiling, laying it open; put it into a dripping-pan with the back down; nearly cover with water; to one fish two tablespoonfuls of galt; cover tightly and simmer (not boil) one-half hour. Dress with gravy, a little butter and pepper, and garnish with hard- boiled eggs. , BAKED WHITE FISH. (Bordeaux Sauce.) Clean and stuff the fish. Put it in a baking-pan and add a liberal quantity of butter, previously rolled in flour, to the fish. Put in the pan half a pint of claret, and bake for an hour and a quarter. Remove the fish and strain the gravy; add to the latter a gill more of claret, a teaspoonful of brown flour and a pinch of cayenne, and serve with the fish. —Plankington House, Milwaukee. BAKED SALMON TROUT. This deliciously flavored game-fish is baked precisely as shad or white fish, but should be accompanied with cream gravy to make it perfect. It should be baked slowly, basting often with butter and water. When done, have ready in a sauce-pan a cup of cream, diluted with a few spoonfuls of hot water, for fear it might clot in heating, in which have been stirred cautiously two tablespoon- fuls of melted butter, a scant tablespoonful of flour, and a little chopped parsley. Heat this in a vessel set within another of boiling water, add the gravy from the FISH. 51 dripping-pan, boil up once to thicken, and when the trout is laid on a suitable hot dish, pour this sauce around it. Garnish with sprigs of parsley. This same fish boiled, served with the same cream gravy, (with the exception of the fish gravy,) is the proper way to cook it. TO BAKE SMELTS. Wash and dry them thoroughly in a cloth, and arrange them nicely in a flat baking-dish; the pan should be buttered, also the fish; season with salt and pep- per, and cover with bread or cracker-crumbs. Place a piece of butter over each. Bake for fifteen or twenty minutes. Garnish with fried parsley and cut lemon. BROILED SPANISH MACKEREL. Split the fish down the back, take out the back bone, wash it in cold water, dry it with a clean dry cloth, sprinkle it lightly with salt and lay it on a but- tered gridiron, over a clear fire, with the flesh side downward, until it begins to brown; then turn the other side. Have ready a mixture of two tablespoonfuls of butter melted, a tablespoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoonful of salt, some pep- per. Dish up the fish hot from the gridiron on a hot dish, turn over the mix- ture and serve it while hot. Broiled Spanish mackerel is excellent with other fish sauces. Boiled Spanish mackerel is also very fine with most of the fish sauces, more especially “* Matre d’ Hotel Sauce.”’ BOILED SALT MACKEREL. Wash and clean off all the brine and salt; put it to soak with the meat side down, in cold water over night; in the morning rinse it in one or two waters. Wrap each up in a cloth and put it into a kettle with considerable water, which should be cold; cook about thirty minutes. Take it carefully from the cloth, take out the back bones and pour over a little melted butter and cream; adda light sprinkle of pepper. Or make a cream sauce like the following: Heat a small cup of milk to scalding. Stir into it a teaspoonful of corn-starch wet up with a little water. When this thickens, add two tablespoonfuls of butter, pepper, salt, and chopped parsley, to taste. Beat an egg light, pour the sauce gradually over it, put the mixture again over the fire, and stir one minute, not more. Pour upon the fish, and serve it with some slices of lemon, or a few sprigs of parsley or' water-cresses, on the dish as a garnish. HUTT TGR: a i as gh re | Aur stiediascaiasdaaccae maa . teacupful of sweet cream, or rich milk, and a little pepper; 52 FISH. BAKED SALT MACKEREL. e mackerel have soaked over night, put them in a pan and pour on Let them stand a couple of minutes, then drain few lumps of butter; pour on a half set in the oven and When th boiling water enough to cover. : them off, and put them in the pan with a let it bake a little until brown. FRIED SALT MACKEREL. any salt mackerel as required; wash and cleanse them well, then day in cold water, changing them every two hours; then put them into fresh water just before retiring. In the morning drain off the water, wipe them dry, roll thera in flour, and fry in a little butter on a hot thick- bottom frying-pan. Serve with a little melted butter poured over, and garnish with a little parsley. Select as m put them to soak all BOILED FRESH MACKEREL. Fresh mackerel are cooked in water salted, and a little vinegar added; with this exception they can be served in the same way as the salt mackerel. Broiled ones are very nice with the same cream sauce, or you can substitute ege sauce. POTTED FRESH FISH. After the fish has laid in salt water six hours, take it out, and to every six pounds of fish take one-quarter cupful each of salt, black pepper and cinnamon, one eighth cupful of allspice, and one teaspoonful of cloves. Cut the fish in pieces and put into a half gallon stone baking-jar, first a layer of fish, then the spices, flour, and then spread a thin layer of butter on, and con- tinue so until the dish is full. Fill the jar with equal parts of vinegar and water, cover with tightly fitting lid, so that the steam cannot escape; bake five hours, remove from the oven, and when it is cold, it is to be cut in slices and served. This is a tea or lunch dish. SCALLOPED CRABS. Put the crabs into a kettle of boiling water, and throw in a handful of salt. Boil from twenty minutes to half an hour. Take them from the water when done and pick out all the meat; be careful not to break the shell. To a pint of meat put a little salt and pepper; taste, and if not enough add more, a little at a FISH. 53 time, till suited. Grate in a very little nutmeg, and add one spoonful of cracker or bread-crumbs, two eggs well beaten, and two tablespoonfuls of butter (even full): stir all well together; wash the shells clean, and fill each shell full of the mix- ture; sprinkle crumbs over the top and moisten with the liquor; set in the oven till of a nice brown; a few minutes will do it. Send to the table hot, arranged on large dishes. They are eaten at breakfast or supper. FISH IN WHITE SAUCE. Flake up cold boiled halibut and set the plate into the steamer, that the fish may heat without drying. Boil the bones and skin of the fish with a slice of onion and a very small piece of red pepper; a bit of this the size of a kernel of coffee will make the sauce quite as hot as most persons like it. Boil this stock down to half a pint; thicken with one teaspoonful of butter and one teaspoonful of flour, mixed together. Add one drop of extract of almond. Pour this sauce over your halibut and stick bits of parsley over it. FRESH STURGEON STEAK MARINADE. Take one slice of sturgeon two inches thick; let it stand in hot water five minutes; drain; put it in a bowl and add a gill of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, half a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of black pepper, and the juice of half a lemon; let it stand six hours, turning it occasionally; drain and dry on a napkin; dip it in egg; roll in bread:crumbs, and fry, or rather boil, in very hot fat. Beat up the yolks of two raw eggs, add a teaspoonful of French mustard, and, by degrees, half of the marinade, to make a smooth sauce, which serve with the fish. POTTED FISH. Take out the backbone of the fish; for one weighing two pounds take a table- spoonful of allspice and cloves mixed; these spices should be put into little bags of not too thick muslin; put sufficient salt directly upon each fish; then roll in a cloth, over which sprinkle a little cayenne pepper; put alternate layers of fish, spice and sage in an earthern jar; cover with the best cider vinegar; cover the jar closely with a plate, and over this put a covering of dough, rolled out to twice the thickness of pie crust. Make the edges of paste, to adhere closely to the sides of the jar, so as to make it air-tight. Put the jar into a pot of cold water and let it boil from three to five hours, according to quantity. Ready when cold. C1SH, 54 ELS MAYONNAISE FISH. Take a pound or so of cold poiled fish (halibut, rock, or cod), not chop, but cut, into pieces an inch in length. Mix ina bowl a dressing as follows: The yolk of four boiled eggs rubbed to a smooth paste with salad oil or butter; add to these salt, pepper, mustard, two teaspoonfuls of white sugar, and, lastly, six tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Beat the mixture until light, and just before pouring it over the fish, stir in lightly the frothed white of a raw egg. Serve the fish in a glass dish, with half the dressing stirred in with it. Spread the remainder over the top, and lay lettuce leaves (from the core of the head of let. tuce) around the edges, to be eaten with, it. FISH CHOWDER. (Rhode Island.) Fry five or six slices of fat pork crisp in the bottom of the pot you are to make your chowder in; take them out and chop them into small pieces, put them back into the bottom of the pot with their own gravy. (This is much better than having the slices whole.) Cut four pounds of fresh cod or sea-bass into pieces two inches square, and lay enough of these on the pork to cover it. Follow with a layer of chopped onions, a little parsley; summer savory and pepper, either black or cayenne. Then a layer of split Boston, or butter, or whole cream crackers, which have been soaked in warm water until moistened through, but not ready to break. Above this put a layer of pork, and repeat the order given above—onions, sea- soning, (not too much), crackers and pork, until your materials are exhausted. Let the topmost layer be buttered’ crackers well soaked. Pour in enongh co water to barely cover all. Cover the pot, stew gently for an hour, watching that the water does not sink too low. Should it leave the upper layer exposed replenish cautiously from the boiling tea-kettle. When the chowder is thoroughly done, take out with a perforated skimmer and put into a tureen. Thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful of flour and about the same quantity of butter; boil up and pour over the chowder. Serve sliced lemon, pickles and stewed toma- toes with it, that the guests may add if they like. ou =| CODFISH BALLS. Take a pint bowl of codfish picked very fine, two pint bowls of whole raw peeled potatoes, sliced thickly; put them together in plenty of cold water and boil until the potatoes are thoroughly cooked; remove from the fire, and drain off all the water. Mash them with the potato masher, add a piece of butter the FISH, 55 size of an egg, one well-beaten egg, and three spoonfuls of cream or rich milk, Flour your hands and make into balls or cakes. Put an ounce each of buttes and lard into a frying pan; when hot, put in the balls and fry a nice brown. Do not freshen the fish before boiling with the potatoes. Many cooks fry them in a quantity of lard similar to boiled doughnuts. STEWED CODFISH. (Salt.) Take a thick, white piece of salt codfish, lay it in cold water for a few min- utes to soften it a little, enough to render it more easily to be picked up. Shred it in very small bits, put it over the fire in a stew-pan with cold water; let it come to a boil, turn off this water carefully, and add a pint of milk to the fish, or more according to quantity. Set it over the fire again and let it boil slowly about three minutes, now add a good-sized piece of butter, a shake of pepper and a thickening of a tablespoonful of flour in enough cold milk to make a cream. Stew five minutes longer, and just before serving stir in two well-beaten eggs. The eggs are an addition that could be dispensed with, however, as it is very good without them. An excellent breakfast dish. CODFISH A LA MODE. Pick up a teacupful of salt codfish very fine, and freshen—the dessicated is nice to use; two cups mashed potatoes, one pint cream or milk, two well-beaten eggs, half a cup butter, salt and pepper; mix; bake in an earthen baking dish from twenty to twenty-five minutes; serve in the same dish, placed on a small platter, covered with a fine napkin. BOILED FRESH COD. Sew up the piece of fish in thin cloth, fitted to shape; boil in salted water (boiling from the first), allowing about fifteen minutes to the pound. Carefully unwrap, and pour over it warm oyster sauce. A whole one boiled the same. — Hotel Brighton. SCALLOPED FISH. Pick any cold fresh fish, or salt codfish, left from the dinner, into fine bits, carefully removing all the bones. Take a pint of milk in a suitable dish, and place it in a sauce-pan of boiling water; put into it a few slices of onion, cut very fine, a sprig of parsley minced fine, add a piece of butter as large as an egg, a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of white pepper, then stir in two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, or flour, rubbed in a little cold milk; let all boil up and remove from the fire. Take a dish you wish to inde) Bron it eM Sy se Ce Es zi SPOOR Y ke LOTT OT FR I TR Te LALA ici UACRTR A ibn ic atacand ghitl r FISH. 56 serve it in, butter the sides and bottom. Put first a layer of the minced fish, then a layer of the cream, then sprinkle over that gomte cracker or bread-crumbs, then a layer of fish again, and so on, until the dish is full; fee cracker or st on the top, to prevent the milk from. scorching. bread-crumbs la : ay to use up cold fish, making a nice breakfast dish, or This is a very good w a, side-dish for dinner. FISH FRITTERS. t codfish, pick it up very fine, put it into a sauce-pan, with plenty of cold water; bring it to a boil, turn off the water, and add another of cold water; let this boil with the fish about fifteen minutes, very slowly; strain oft this water, making the fish quite dry, and set aside to cool. Inthe meantime, stir up a batter of a pint of milk, four eggs, a pinch of salt, one large teaspoon- enough to make thicker than batter cakes. Stir Take a piece of sal ful of baking powder in flour, in the fish and fry like any fritters. Very fine accompaniment to a good break- fast. BOILED SALT CODFISH. (New England Style). Cut the fish into square pieces, cover with cold water, set on the back part of the stove; when hot, pour off water and cover again with cold water; let it stand about four hours and simmer, not boil; put the fish on a platter, then cover with a drawn-butter gravy, and serve. Many cooks prefer soaking the fish over night. BOILED CODFISH AND OYSTER SAUCE. Lay the fish in cold salted water half an hour before it is time to cook it, then voll it in a clean cloth dredged with flour; sew up the edges in such a manner as to envelope the fish entirely, yet have but one thickness of cloth over any part. Put the fish into boiling water, slightly salted; add a few whole cloves and peppers and a bit of lemon peel; pull gently on the fins, and when they come out easily the fish is done. Arrange neatly on a folded napkin, garnish and serve with oyster sauce. Take six oysters to every pound of fish and scald (blanch) them in a half-pint of hot oyster liquor; take out the oysters and add to the liquor, salt, pepper, a bit of mace and an ounce of butter; whip into it a gill of milk containing half of a teaspoonful of flour. Simmer a moment; add the oysters, and send to table in a sauce-boat. Egg sauce is good with this fish. BAKED CODFISH. If salt fish, soak, boil and pick the fish, the same as for fish-balls. Add an equal quantity of mashed potatoes, or cold, boiled, chopped potatoes, a large SHELL-FISH. 57 piece of butter, and warm milk enough to make it quite soft. Put it into a but tered dish, rub butter over the top, shake over a little sifted flour, and bake about thirty minutes, and until a rich brown. Make a sauce of drawn butter, with two hard-boiled eggs sliced, served in a gravy-boat. CODFISH STEAK. (New England Style.) Select a medium-sized fresh codfish, cut it in steaks cross-wise of the fish, about an inch and a half thick; sprinkle a little salt over them, and let them stand two hours. Cut into dice a pound of salt fat pork, fry out all the fat from them and remove the crisp bits of pork; put the codfish steaks in a pan of corn meal, dredge them with it, and when the pork fat is smoking hot, fry the steaks in it to a dark-brown color on both sides. Squeeze over them a little lemon juice, add a dash of freshly ground pepper, and serve with hot, old-fash- ioned, well-buttered Johnny Cake. SALMON CROQUETTES. One pound of cooked salmon (about one and a half pints when chopped), one cup of cream, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one tablespoonful of flour, three eggs, one pint of crumbs, pepper and salt; chop the salmon fine, mix the flour and butter together, let the cream come to a boil, and stir in the flour and butter, salmon and seasoning; boil one minute; stir in one well-beaten egg, and remove from the fire; when cold make into croquettes; dip in beaten egg, roll in crumbs and fry. Canned salmon can be used. Shell=fish. STEWED WATER TURTLES, OR TERRAPINS. Select the largest, thickest and fattest, the females being the best; they suould be alive when brought from market. Wash and put them alive into boiling water, add a little salt, and boil them until thoroughly done, or from ten to fif- teen minutes, after which take off the shell, extract the meat, and remove care- fully the sand-bag and gall; also all the entrails; they are unfit to eat, and are no longer used in cooking terrapins for the best tables. Out the meat into pieces, and put it into a stew-pan with its eggs, and sufficient fresh butter to stew it well. Let it stew till quite hot throughout, keeping the pan carefully SHELL-FISH, covered, that none of the flavor may escape, but shake it over ee fire while stewing. In another pan make a sauce of beaten volk of egg, highly flavored with Madeira or sherry, and powdered nutmeg and mace, a gill of currant jelly, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and salt to taste, enriched with a large lump of fresh butter. Stir this sauce well over the fire, and when it has almost come to a boil, take it off. Send the terrapins to the table hot in a covered dish, and the sauce separately in a sauce-tureen, to be used by those who like it, and omitted by those who prefer the genuine flavor of the terrapins when simply stewed with butter. This is now the usual mode of dressing terrapins in Maryland, Virginia, and many other parts of the South, and will be found superior to any other. If there are no eggs in the terrapin, ‘‘egg balls’? may be substituted. (See recipe). STEWED TERRAPIN, WITH CREAM. Place in a sauce-pan, two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter and one of dry flour; stir it over the fire until it bubbles; then gradually stir in a pint of cream, a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter of a teaspoonful of white pepper, the same of grated nutmeg, and a very smal! pinch of cayenne. Next, put in a pint of ter- rapin meat and stir all until it is scalding hot. Move the sauce-pan to the back part of the stove or range, where the contents will keep hot but not boil; then stir in four well-beaten yolks of eggs; do not allow the terrapin to boil after add- ing the eggs, but pour it immediately into a tureen containing a gill of good Madeira and a tablespoonful of lemon juice. Serve hot. STEWED TERRAPIN. Plunge the terrapins alive into boiling water, and let them remain until the sides and lower shell begin to crack—this will take less than an hour; then re- move them and let them get cold; take off the shell and outer skin, being care- ful to save all the blood possible in opening them. If there are eggs in them put them aside in a dish; take all the inside out, and be very careful not to break the gall, which must be immediately removed or it will make the rest bitter. Tt lies within the liver. Then cut up the liver and all the rest of the terrapin into small pieces, adding the blood and juice that have flowed out in cutting up; add half a pint of water; sprinkle a little flour over them as you place them in the stew-pan; let them stew slowly ten minutes, adding salt, black and cayenne pepper, and a very small blade of mace; then add a gill of the best brandy and half a pint of the very best sherry wine; let it simmer over a slow fire very gently. About ten minutes or so, before you are ready to dish them, add half a pint of rich cream, and half a pound of sweet butter, with flour, to prevent boil- SHELL-FISH, 59 ing; two or three minutes before taking them off the fire, peel the eggs carefully and throw them in whole. If there should be no eggs use the yolk of hens’ eggs, hard boiled. This receipt is for four terrapins. —Rennert’s Hotel, Baltumore. BOILED LOBSTER. Put a handful of salt into a large kettle or pot of boiling water. When the water boils very hard, put in the lobster, having first brushed it, and tied the claws together with a bit of twine, Keep it boiling from 20 minutes to half an hour in proportion to its size. If boiled too long the meat will be hard and stringy. When it is done take it out, lay it on its claws to drain, and then wipe it dry. It is scarcely necessary to mention that the head of a lobster, and what are called the lady-fingers, are not to be eaten. Very large lobsters are not the best, the meat being coarse and tough. The male is best for boiling; the flesh is firmer, and the shell a brighter red; it may readily be distinguished from the female; the tail is narrower, and the two up- per-most fins within the tail are stiff and hard. Those of the hen lobster are not so, and the tail is broader. Hen lobsters are preferred for sauce or salad, on account of their coral. The head and small claws are never used. They should be alive and freshly caught when put into the boiling kettle. After being cooked and cooled, split open the body and tail, and crack the claws, to extract the meat. The sand pouch found near the throat should be removed. Care. should be exercised that none of the feathery, tough, gill-like particles found under the body shell get mixed with the meat, as they are indigestible, and have caused much trouble. They are supposed to be the cause of so-called poisoning from eating lobster. Serve on.a platter. Lettuce, and other concomitants of a salad, should also be placed on the table or platter. SCALLOPED LOBSTER. Butter a deep dish, and cover the bottom with fine bread-crumbs; put on this a layer of chopped lobster, with pepper and salt; so on alternately until the dish is filled, having crumbs on top. Put on bits of butter, moisten with milk, and bake about twenty minutes. DEVILED LOBSTER. Take out all the meat from a boiled lobster, reserving the coral; season highly with mustard, cayenne, salt and some kind of table sauce; stew until well mixed, foes ae {| Mg ita LM ce 60 SHELL-FISH. and put it in a covered sauce-pan, with just enough hot water to keep from burning; rub the coral smooth, moistening with vinegar ual it is thin enough into the sauce-pan. The dressing should be prepared hich ought to boil but once before the ful of butter, and when it boils again it , as too much cooking toughens the to pour easily, then stir ib before the meat is put on the fire, and w coral is put in; stir ina heaping teaspoon is done, and should be taken up at once meat. LOBSTER CROQUETTES. Take any of the lobster remaining from table, and pound it until the dark, light meat and coral are well mixed; put with it not quite as much fine bread- crumbs; season with pepper, salt and a very little cayenne pepper; add a little melted butter, about two tablespoonfuls if the bread is rather dry; form into egg-shaped or round balls; roll them in egg, then in fine crumbs, and fry in boil- ing lard. LOBSTER PATTIES. Cut some boiled lobster in small pieces; then take the small claws and the a suitable dish, and jam them to a paste with a potato ladleful of gravy or both, with a few bread-crumbs; h a strainer, or sieve, to the thickness spawn, put them in masher. Now add to thema set it over the fire and boil; strain it throug of a cream, and put half of it to your lobsters, and save the other half to sauce them with after they are baked. Put to the lobster the bigness of an egg of butter, a little pepper and salt; squeéze in a lemon, and warm these over the fire enough to melt the butter, set it to cool, and sheet your patty-pan or a plate or dish with good puff paste; then put in your lobster, and cover it with a paste; bake it within three-quarters of an hour before you want it; when it is baked, cut up your cover, and warm up the other half of your sauce above mentioned, with a little butter, to the thickness of cream, and pour it over your patty, with a little squeezed lemon; cut your cover in two, and lay it on the top, two inches distant, so that what is under may be seen. You may bake crawfish, shrimps or prawns the same way; and they are all proper for plates or little dishes for a second course. LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG. ele ciety Tl Bae oar i i's . 2 Take one whole lobster, cut up in pieces about as large asahickory nut. Putin awe pan w ith a piece of butter size of a walnut, season with salt and pepper Loy taata. « ae, sae pepe csr to taste, and thicken with heavy cream sauce; add the yolk of one egg and two 04. of sherry wine. ; - SHELL-FISH. 61 Cream Sauce for above is made as follows: 1 oz. butter, melted in sauce pan; 2 oz. flour, mixed with butter; thin down to proper consistency with boiling cream. —fector's Oyster House, Chicago. BAKED CRABS. Mix with the contents of a can of crabs, bread-crumbs or pounded crackers. Pepper and salt the whole to taste; mince some cold ham; have the baking-pan well buttered, place therein first a layer of the crab meat, prepared as above, then a layer of the minced ham, and so on, alternating until the pan is filled. Cover the top with bread-crumbs and bits of butter, and bake. DEVILED CRABS. Half a dozen fresh crabs, boiled and minced, two ounces of butter, one small teaspoonful of mustard powder; cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Put the meat into a bowl and mix carefully with it an equal quantity of fine bread- crumbs. Work the butter to a light cream, mix the mustard well with it, then stir in very carefully, a handful at a time, the mixed crabs, a tablespoonful of cream, and crumbs. Season to taste with cayenne pepper and salt: fill the crab shells with the mixture, sprinkle bread-crumbs over the tops, put three small pieces of butter upon the top of each, and brown them quickly in a hot oven. They will puff in baking and will be found very nice. Half the quantity can be made. A crab-shell will hold the meat of two crabs. CRAB CROQUETTES. Pick the meat of boiled crabs and chop‘it fine. Season to taste with pepper, salt and melted butter. Moisten it well with rich milk or cream, then stiffen it Add two or three well-beaten eggs to bind the mixture. Form the croquettes, egg and bread-crumb them and fry them delicately in boiling lard. It is better to use a wire frying-basket for cro- quettes of all kinds. TO MAKE A CRAB PIE. Procure the crabs alive, and put them in boiling water, along with some salt. Boil them for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, according to the size. When cold, pick the meat from the claws and body. Chop all together, and mix it with crumbs of bread, pepper and salt, and a little butter. Put all this into the shell, and brown in a hot oven. A crab-shell will hold the meat of two crabs. E 5 TE REET LOPS. & = ie Ee fe ; ; ’ f ; f Ee mere OTL fe & f= ES Es RANT EER TE SHELL-FISH. CRABS. (Soft Shell.) Crabs may be boiled as lobsters. They make a fine dish when stewed. Take out the meat from the shell, put it into a sauce-pan with butter, pepper, salt, a pinch of mace, and a very little water; dredge with flour, and let simmer five minutes over a slow fire. Serve hot; garnish the dish with the claws laid around it. The usual way of cooking them mixed; prepare them the same as fry s should be taken off, also the sand bag. is frying them in plenty of butter and lard ing fish. The spongy substance from the side Fry a nice brown, and garnish with parsley. OYSTERS. Ovsters must be fresh and fat to be good. They are in season from Septem- ber to May. The small ones, such as are sold by the quart, ar e largest of this sort are nice for frying or pickling for family use. e good for pies, fritters, or stews; th FRIED OYSTERS. rge oysters from their own liquor into a thickly folded napkin to dry them; then make hot an ounce each of butter and lard, in a thick-bottom fry- ing-pan, Season the oysters with pepper and salt, then dip each one into egg and cracker-crumbs rolled fine, until it will take up no more. Place them in the hot grease and fry them a delicate brown, turning them on both sides by sliding a broad-bladed knife under them. Serve them crisp and hot. — Boston Oyster House. Take lai Some prefer to roll oysters in corn-meal and others use flour, but they are much more crisp with egg and cracker-crumbs. OYSTERS FRIED IN BATTER. Ingredients.—% pint of oysters, 2 eggs, 4 pint of milk, sufficient flour to make the batter; pepper and salt to taste; when liked, a little nutmeg; hot lard. Scald the oysters in their own liquor, beard them, and lay them ona cloth to drain thoroughly. Break the eggs into a basin, mix the flour with them, add the milk gradually, with nutmeg and seasoning, and put the oysters in a batter. Make some lard hot in a deep frying-pan; put in the oysters, one at a time; when done, take them up with a sharp-pointed skewer, and dish them on a napkin. Fried oysters are frequently used for garnishing boiled fish, and then a few bread-crumbs should be added to the flour. Oe a CE ee cae SHELL-FISH., 63 STEWED OYSTERS. (In Milk or Cream.) Drain the liquor from two quarts of oysters; mix with it a small teacupful of hot water, add a little salt and pepper, and set it over the fire in a sauce-pan. Let it boil up once, put in the oysters, let them come to a boil, and when they “‘ruffle’’ add two tablespoonfuls of butter. The instant it is melted and well stirred in, put in a pint of boiling milk, and take the sauce-pan from the fire. Serve with oyster or cream crackers. Serve while hot. If thickening is preferred, stir in a little flour or two tablespoonfuls of cracker- erumbs. PLAIN OYSTER STEW. Same ag milk or cream stew, using only oyster liquor and water instead of milk or cream, adding more butter after taking up. OYSTER SOUP. For oyster soup, see Soups. DRY OYSTER STEW. Take six to twelve large oysters and cook them in half a pint of their own liquor; season with butter and white pepper; cook for five minutes, stirring con- stantly. Serve in hot soup-plates or bowls. —Fulton Market, New York. BOSTON FRY. Prepare the oysters in egg batter and fine cracker meal; fry in butter over a slow fire for about ten minutes; cover the hollow of a hot platter with tomato sauce; place the oysters in it, but not covering; garnished with chopped parsley sprinkled over the oysters. ; — Boston Oyster House. BROILED OYSTERS. Dry a quart of oysters in a cloth, dip each in melted butter well peppered; then in beaten egg, or not, then in bread or cracker-crumbs, also peppered. Broil on a wire broiler over live coals, three to five minutes. Dip over each a little melted butter. Serve hot. ROAST OYSTERS IN THE SHELL. Select the large ones, those usually termed ‘‘ Saddle Rocks,” formerly known as a distinct variety, but which are now but the large oysters selected from any beds; wash and wipe them, and place with the upper or deep shell down, to 64. SHELLFISH. catch the juice, over or on live coals. When they open their shells, remove the shallow one, being careful to save all the juice in the other; place them, shells and all, on a hot platter, and send to table hot, to be seasoned by each person with butter and pepper to taste. Tf the oysters are fine, and they are just cooked enough and served all hot, this is, par excellence, the style. OYSTER ROAST. No. 2. asin with their own liquor and let them boil Put one quart of oysters in a b alt, pepper and a heaping spoonful three or four minutes; season with a little s of butter. Serve on buttered toast. STEAMED OYSTERS. Wash and drain a quart of counts or select oysters; put them in a shallow pan and place in a steamer over boiling water; cover and steam till they are plump, with the edges ruffled, but no longer. Place in a heated dish, with but- ter, pepper and salt, and serve. ips —Baltimore Style. STEAMED OYSTERS IN THE SHELL. Wash and place them in-an air-tight vessel, laying them the upper shell downward, so that the liquor will not run out when they open. Place this dish or vessel over a pot of boiling water where they will get the steam. Boil them rapidly until the shells open, about fifteen to twenty minutes. Serve at once while hot. seasoned with butter, salt and pepper. PAN OYSTERS. No. I. Cut some stale bread in thin slices, taking off all the crust; round the slices to fit patty-pans, toast, butter, place them in the pans and moisten with three or four teaspoonfuls of oyster liquor; place on the toast a layer of oysters, sprinkle with pepper, and put asmall piece of butter on top of each pan; place all the pans in a baking-pan, and place in the oven, covering tightly. They will cook in seven or eight minutes if the oven is hot; or, cook till the beards are ruffled; remove the cover, sprinkle lightly with salt, replace, and cook one minute longer. Serve in patty-pans. They are delicious. —WNew York Style. PAN OYSTERS. No. 2. Ll in a thin pie-tin or'dripping-pan half a pint of large oysters, or more if required; have the pan large enough so that each oyster will lie flat on the bot- SHELLFISH. 65 tom; put in over them a little oyster liquor, but not enough to float; place them carefully in a hot oven and just heat them through thoroughly—do not bake them—which will be in three to five minutes, according to fire; take them up and place on toast; first moistened with the hot juice from the pan. Are a very good substitute for oysters roasted in the shell, the slow cooking bringing out the flavor. — French Restaurant, New Orleans, La. OYSTER FRITTERS. Select plump, good-sized oysters; drain off the juice, and to a cup of this juice add a cup of milk, a little salt, four well-beaten eggs, and flour enough to make batter like griddle-cakes. Envelop an oyster in a spoonful of this batter, (Some cut them in halves or chop them fine,) then fry in butter and lard, mixed in a frying-pan the same as we fry eggs, turning to fry brown on both sides. Send to the table very hot. — Delmonico. Most cooks fry oyster fritters the same as crullers, in a quantity of hot lard, but this,is not always convenient; either way they are excellent. OYSTER PATTIES. Line patty-pans with thin pastry, pressing it well to the tin. Put a piece of bread or a ball of paperin each. Cover them with paste and brush them over with the white of an egg. Cut an inch square of thin pastry, place on the centre of each, glaze this also with egg, and bake in a quick oven fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove the bread or paper when half cold. Scald as many oysters as you require (allowing two for each patty, three if small) in their own liquor. Cut each in four and strain the liquor. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter and two of flour into a thick sauce-pan; stir them together over the fire till the flour smells cooked, and then pour half a pint of oyster liquor and half a pint of milk into the flour and butter. (If you have cream, use it instead of milk.) Stir till it is a thick, smooth sauce: Put the oysters into it and let them boil once. Beat the yolks of two eggs. Remove the oysters for one minute from the fire, then stir the eggs into them till the sauce looks like thick custard. Fill the patties with this oyster fricassee, taking care to make it hot by stand- ing in boiling water before dinner on the day required, and to make the patty cases hot before you fill them. 5 oe Ab hae NR aL AN Onc a i a a dhs ah al OU ei SHELL-FISH. FULTON MARKET ROAST. It is still known in New York from the place at. which it was and is still Take nine large oysters in the shell; wash, dry and roast over a char- Two minutes after the shells open they will be done, the juice in a small, shallow, tin pan; keep hot served. coal fire, on a broiler. Take them up quickly, saving until all are done; butter them and sprinkle with pepper. This is served for one person when calling for a roast of this kind. Itis often poured over a slice of toast. SCALLOPED OYSTERS. Have ready about a pint bowl of fine cracker-crumbs. Butter a deep earthen dish; put a layer of the cracker-crumbs on the bottom; wet this with some of the oyster liquor; next have a layer of oysters; sprinkle with salt and pepper, and lay small bits of butter upon them; then another layer of cracker-crumbs and oyster juice; then oysters, pepper, salt and butter, and so on, until the dish is full; the top layer to be cracker-crumbs. Beat up an egg in a cup of milk and ¢urn over all. Cover the dish and set it in the oven for thirty or forty-five minutes. When baked through, uncover the top, set on the upper grate and brown. OYSTER POT-PIE. Scald a quart can of oysters in their own liquor; when it boils, skim out the oysters and set aside in a warm place. To the liquor add a pint of hot water; season well with salt and pepper, a generous piece of butter, thicken with flour and cold milk. Have ready nice light biscuit dough, rolled twice as thick as pie-crust; cut owt into inch squares, drop them into the boiling stew, cover closely, and cook forty minutes. When taken up, stir the oysters into the juice and serve all together in one dish. A nice side entrée. —Prince’s Bay, S.I. BOSTON OYSTER PIE. Having buttered the inside of a deep pie-plate, line it with puff-paste, or common pie-crust, and prepare another sheet of paste for the lid; put a clean towel into the dish (folded so as to support the lid), set it into the oven and bake the paste well; when done, remove the lid and take out the towel. While the paste is baking prepare the oysters. Having picked off carefully every bit of shell that may be found about them, drain off the liquor into a pan and put.the oysters into a stew-pan with barely enough of the liquor to keep them from burning; season them with pepper, salt and butter; add alittle sweet cream or milk, and one or two crackers rolled fine; let the oysters simmer, but not SHELLI-FISH, 67 boil, as that will shrivel them. Remove the upper crust of pastry and fill the dish with the oysters and gravy; replace the cover and serve hot. Some prefer baking the upper crust on a pie-plate, the same size as the pie, then slipping it off on top of the pie after the same is filled with the oysters. MOCK OYSTERS. Grate the corn, while green and tender, with a coarse grater, into a deep dish. To two ears of corn, allow one egg; beat the whites and yolks separately, and add them to the corn, with one tablespoonful of wheat flour and one of butter, a teaspoonful of salt and pepper to taste. Drop spoonfuls of this batter into a frying-pan with hot butter and lard mixed, and fry a light brown on both sides. In taste, they have a singular resemblance to fried oysters. The corn must be young. FRICASSEED OYSTERS. Take a slice of raw ham, which has been pickled, but not smoked, and soak in boiling water for half an hour; cut it in quite small pieces, and put in a sauce- pan with two-thirds of a pint of veal or chicken broth, well strained; the liquor from a quart of oysters, one small onion, minced fine, and a little chopped parsley, sweet marjoram, and pepper; let them simmer for twenty minutes, and then boil rapidly two or three minutes; skim well, and add one scant table- spoonful of corn-starch, mixed smoothly in one-third cup of milk; stir constantly, and when it boils add the oysters and one ounce of butter; after which, just let it come to a boil. and remove the oysters to a deep dish; beat one egg, and add to it gradually some of the hot broth, and, when cooked, stir it into the pan; season with salt, and pour the whole over the oysters. When placed upon the table, squeeze the juice of a lemon over it. SMALL OYSTER PIES. For each pie take a tin plate half the size of an ordinary dinner plate; butter it, and cover the bottom with a puff paste, as for pies; lay on it five or six select oysters, or enough to cover the bottom; butter them and season with a little salt and plenty of pepper; spread over this an egg batter, and cover with a crust of the paste, making small openings in it with a fork. Bake in a hot oven fifteen to twenty minutes, or until the top is nicely browned. — Boston Oyster House. vstaeieransnemeitiimesiacamctniams eRe healers ee rena ES SLIT LE I ROI ONL OT PIE WT a AS ai el ik ae aha Gy SHELL-FISH. STEWED CLAMS. ‘Wash clean as many round clams as required; pile them in a large iron pot, with half a cupful of hot water in the bottom, and put over the fire; as soon as the shells open, take out the clams, cut off the hard, uneatable ‘‘ fringe”? from » clean scissors, put them into a stew-pan with the broth from each, with strong, the pot, and boil slowly till they are quite tender; pepper well, and thicken the gravy with flour, stirred into melted butter. set two dozen freshly opened very small clams. Boil a pint of Or, you may g milk, a dash of white pepper and a small pat of butter. Now add the clams. Let them come to a boil, and serve. Longer boiling will make the clams almost indigestible. : ROAST CLAMS IN THE SHELL. Roast in a pan over a hot fire, or in a hot oven, or, at a ‘‘Clam Bake,”’ on hot stones; when they open, empty the juice into a sauce-pan; add the clams with butter, pepper and a very little salt. —Rye Beach. CLAM FRITTERS. Take fifty small or twenty-five large sand clams from their shells; if large, cut each in two, lay them on a thickly folded napkin; put a pint bowl of wheat flour into a basin, add to it three well-beaten eggs, half a pint of sweet milk, and nearly as much of their own liquor; beat the batter until it is smooth and perfectly free from lumps; then stir in the clams. Put plenty of lard or beef fat into a thick-bottomed frying-pan, let it become boiling hot; put in the batter by the spoonful; let them fry gently; when one side is a delicate brown, turn the other. CLAM CHOWDER. The materials needed are fifty round clams (quahogs), a large bowl of salt pork, cut up fine, the same of onions, finely chopped, and the same (or more, if you desire,) of potatoes cut into eighths or sixteenths of original size; wash the clams very thoroughly, and put them in a pot with half a pint of water; when the shells are open they are done; then take them from the shells and chop fine,. saving all the clam water for the chowder; fry out the pork very gently, and when the scraps area good brown, take them out: and put in the chopped onions to fry; they should be fried in a frying-pan, and the chowder-kettle be a very clean before they are put in it, or the chowder will burn. (The chief secret. in chowder-making is to fry the onions so delicately that they will be missing in the chowder.) « SHELL-FISH. 6g Add a quart of hot water to the onions; put in the clams, clam-water and pork scraps. After it boils, add the potatoes, and when they are cooked, the chowder is finished. Just before it is taken up, thicken it with a cup of pow- dered crackers, and add a quart of fresh milk. If too rich, add more water. No seasoning is needed but good black pepper. With the addition of six sliced tomatoes, or half a can of the canned ones, this is the best recipe of this kind, and is served in many of our best restaurants. —WNew Bedford Recige. SCALLOPED CLAMS. Purchase a dozen large soft clams in the shell and three dozen opened clams. Ask the dealer to open the first dozen, care being used not to injure the shells, which are to be used in cooking the clams. Clean the shells well, and put two soft clams on each half shell; add to each a dash of white pepper, and half a teaspoonful of minced celery. Cut aslice of fat bacon into the smallest dice, add four of these to each shell, strew over the top a thin layer of cracker-dust; place a piece of table butter. on top, and bake in the oven until brown. They are delightful when properly prepared. SCALLOPS. If bought in the shell boil them and take out the hearts, which is the only part used. Dip them in beaten egg, and fry in the same manner as oysters. Some prefer them stewed the same as oysters. FROGS FRIED. Frogs are usually fried, and are considered a great delicacy. Only the hind- lees and quarters are used. Clean them well, season, and fry in egg batter, or g 7. ’ ’ B, 55 ’ dipped in beaten egg and fine cracker-crun ibs, the same as oysters. FROGS STEWED. Wash and skin the quarters, parboil them about three minutes, drain them. Now, put into a, stew-pan two ounces of butter. When it is melted, lay in the frogs, and fry about two minutes, stirring them to prevent burning; shake over them a tablespoonful of sifted flour and stir it into them; add a sprig of parsley, a pinch of powdered summer savory, 4 bay leaf, three slices of onion, salt and pepper, a cup of hot water and one of cream. Boil gently until done; remove the legs, strain and mix into the gravy the yolks of two eggs, well beaten to a cream; put the legs in a suitable dish, pour over the gravy and serve. mpriths PRT TT TTT EY ETT RETIRE I In choosing poultry, select those that are fresh and fat, and the surest way to determine whether they are young, is to try the skin under the leg or wing. If it is easily broken, it is young; or, turn the wing backwards, if the joint yields readily, it is tender. When poultry is young the skin is thin and tender, the legs smooth, the feet moist and limber, and the eyes full and bright. The body should be thick and the breast fat. Old turkeys have long hairs, and the flesh is purplish where it shows under the skin on the legs and back. About March they deteriorate in quality. Young ducks and geese are plump, with light, semi-transparent fat, soft breast-bone, tender flesh, leg-joints which will break by the weight of the bird, fresh-colored and brittle beaks, and wind-pipes that break when pressed between — the thumb and forefinger. They are best in fall and winter. Young pigeons have Jight red flesh upon the breast, and full, fresh-colored legs; when the legs are thin and the breast very dark the birds are old. Fine game birds are always heavy for their size; the flesh of the breast is firm and plump, and the skin clear; and if a few feathers be plucked from the inside of the leg and around the vent, the flesh of freshly-killed birds will be fat and fresh-colored; if it is dark and discolored, the game has been hung a long time. The wings of good ducks, geese, pheasants, and woodcock are tender to the touch; the tips of the long wing feathers of partridges are pointed in young birds and round in old ones. Quail, snipe and small birds should have full, tender breasts. Poultry should never be cooked until six or eight hours after it has been killed, but it should be picked and drawn as soon as possible. Plunge it in a pot of scalding hot water; then pluck off the feathers, taking care not to tear the skin; when it is picked clean, roll up a piece of white paper, set fire to it, and singe off all the hairs. The head, neck and feet should be cut off, and the ends of the legs skewered to the body, and a string tied tightly around the body. When roasting a chicken or small fowl there is danger of the legs brown- POULTRY AND GAME. 7X ing or becoming too hard to be eaten. To avoid this, take strips of cloth, dip them into a little melted lard; or even just rub them over with lard, and wind them around the legs. Remove them in time to allow the legs to brown deli- cately. Fowls, and also various kinds of game, when bought at our city markets, require a more thorough cleansing than those sold in country places, where as a general thing the meat is wholly dressed. In large cities they lay for some length of time with the intestines undrawn, until the flavor of them diffuses itself all through the meat, rendering it distasteful. In this case, it is safe after taking out the intestines, to rinse out in several waters, and in next to the last water, add a teaspoonful of baking soda; say to a quart of water. This process neutral- izes all sourness, and helps to destroy all unpleasant taste in the meat. Poultry, may be baked so that its wings and legs are soft and tender, by being placed in a deep roasting pan with close cover, thereby retaining the aroma and essences by absorption while confined. These pans are a recent innovation, and are made double with a small opening in the top for giving vent to the accumu- lation of steam and gases when required. Roast meats of any kind can also be cooked in the same manner, and it is a great improvement on the old plan. ROAST TURKEY. Select a young turkey; remove all the feathers carefully, singe it over a burn- ing newspaper on the top of the stove; then “‘draw”’ it nicely, being very care- ful not to break any of the internal organs; remove the crop carefully; cut off the head, and tie the neck close to the body by drawing the skin over it. Now rinse the inside of the turkey out with several waters, and in the next to the last, mix a teaspoonful of baking soda; oftentimes the inside of a fowl is very sour, especially if it is not freshly killed. Soda, being cleansing, acts as a cor- rective, and destroys that unpleasant taste which we frequently experience in the dressing when fowls have been killed for some time. Now, after washing, wipe the turkey dry, inside and out, with a clean cloth, rub the inside with some salt, then stuff the breast and body with ‘‘ Dressing for Fowls.”? Then sew up the turkey with a strong thread, tie the legs and wings to the body, rub it over with a little soft butter, sprinkle over some salt and pepper, dredge with a little flour; place it in a dripping pan, pour in a cup of boiling water, and set it in the oven. Baste the turkey often, turning it around occasionally so that every part will be uniformly baked. When pierced with a fork and the liquid runs out perfectly clear, the bird is done. If any part is likely to scorch, pin over it a piece of but- POULTRY AND GAME. 72 tered white paper. A fifteen-pound turkey requires between three and four hours to bake. Serve with cranberry sauce. Gravy for Turkey.—When you put ue turkey in a roast, ue sae neck, heart, liver and gizzard into a stew-pan with a pint of water; boil until they ake them out of the water, chop the heart and gizzard, w away the neck; return the chopped heart, gizzard and hich they were stewed; set it to one side, and when the become quite tender; t mash the liver and thro liver to the liquor in w turkey is done it should be added to the gravy that dripped from the turkey, having first skimmed off the fat from the surface of the dripping-pan; set it all over the fire, boil three minutes and thicken with flour. It will not need brown flour to color the gravy. The garnishes for turkey or chicken are fried oysters, thin slices of ham, slices of lemon, fried sausages, or force-meat balls, also parsley. DRESSING OR STUFFING FOR FOWLS. For an eight or ten pound turkey, cut the brown crust from slices or pieces of stale bread until you have as much as the inside of a pound loaf; put it into a suitable dish, and pour tepid water (not warm, for that makes it heavy) over it; let it stand one minute, as it soaks very quickly. Now take up a handful ata time and squeeze it hard and dry with both hands, placing it, as you go along, in another dish; this process makes it very light. When all is pressed dry, toss it all up lightly through your fingers; now add pepper, salt,—about a teaspoonful —also a teaspoonful of powdered summer savory, the same amount of sage, or the green herb minced fine; add half a cup of melted butter, and a beaten egg, or not. Work thoroughly all together, and it is ready for dressing either fowls, fish or meats. upon the centres of half of the pieces and cover them with the other halves, pressing the edges neatly together and forming them into little rolls. Have your frying-pan ready with plenty of boiling hot lard, or other frying medium, and fry until they become a golden-brown color. A minute or two will be sufficient for this. Then drain them well and serve immediately on a napkin. POULTRY AND GAME, CHICKEN PATTIES. Mince up fine cold chicken, either roasted or boiled. Season it with pepper and salt, and a little minced parsley and onion. Moisten it with chicken gravy or cream sauce, fill scalloped shells that are lined with pastry with the mixture, and sprinkle bread-crumbs over the tops. Put two or three tiny pieces of butter over each, and bake brown in a hot oven. TO BROIL CHICKEN. After dressing and washing the chickens as previously directed, split them open through the back-bone; frog them by cutting the cords under the wings and laying the wings out flat; cut the sinews under the second joint of the leg and turn the leg down; press down the breast-bone without breaking it. Season the chicken with salt and pepper, lay it upon the gridiron with the inside first to the fire; put the gridiron over a slow fire, and place a tin sheet and weight upon the chicken, to keep it flat; let it broil ten minutes, then turn and proceed in the same manner with the other side. The chicken should be perfectly cooked, but not scorched. A broiled chicken brought to the table with its wings and legs burnt, and its breast half cooked, is. very disagreeable. To avoid this, the chicken must be closely watched while broiling, and the fire must be arranged so that the heat shall be equally dis- pensed. When the fire is too hot under any one part of the chicken, put a little ashes on the fire under that part, that the heat may be reduced. Dish a broiled chicken on a hot plate, putting a large lump of butter and a tablespoonful of hot water upon the plate, and turning the chicken two or three times that it may absorb as much of the butter as possible. Garnish with parsley. Serve with poached eggs on a separate dish. It takes from thirty to forty minutes to broil a chicken well. CHICKEN PIE. Prepare the chicken as for fricassee. When the chickens are stewed tender, seasoned, and the gravy thickened, take it from the fire; take out the largest bones, scrape the meat from the neck and back-bone, throw the bones away; line the sides of a four or six quart pudding-dish with a rich baking powder or soda biscuit-dough, a quarter of an inch thick; put in part of the chicken, a few lumps of butter, pepper and salt, if needed, some cold boiled eggs cut in slices. Add the rest of the chicken and season as before; a few new potatoes in their season might be added. Pour over the gravy, being sure to have enough to high nee erg eh ema wpehcr COT TE NT TT TES 78 POULTRY AND GAME. an inch thick, made with a hole fill the dish, and cover with a crust a quarter of in the centre the size of a teacup. Brush over the top with beaten white of egg, and bake for half to three- quarters of an hour. Garnish the top with small bright celery leaves, neatly arranged in a circle. FRIED CHICKEN. Wash and cut up a young chicken, wipe it dry, season with salt and pepper, dredge it with flour, or dip each piece in beaten egg and then in cracker-crumbs. Have in a frying-pan, one ounce each of butter and sweet lard, made boiling hot. Lay in the chicken and fry brown on both sides. Take up, drain them, and set aside in a covered dish. Stir into the gravy left, if not too much, a large table- r, make it smooth, add a cup of cream or milk, season with salt spoonful of flou and pour over the chicken. Some like chopped parsley and pepper, boil up added to the gravy. Serve hot. If the chicken is old, put into a stew- gently till tender; season with salt and pepper, dip in flour or cracker-crumb and egg, and fry as above. Use the broth the chicken was cooked in to make the gravy instead of the cream or milk, or use an equal quantity of both. pan with a little water, and simmer FRIED CHICKEN A LA ITALIENNE. a cupful of chopped tomatoes, one onion Make common. batter; mix into it Cut up young tender chickens, chopped, some minced parsley, salt and pepper. dry them well and dip each piece in the batter; then fry brown in plenty of butter, in a thick bottom frying-pan. Serve with tomato sauce. CHICKEN CROQUETTES. No. 1. , set it over the fire, and when it Put a cup of cream or milk in a sauce-pan in which has been mixed a table- oils add a lump of butter as large as an egg, spoonful of flour. Let it boil up thick; remove from the fire, and when cool, mix into it a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of pepper, a bit of minced onion or parsley, one cup of fine bread-crumbs, and a pint of finely-chopped cooked chicken, either roasted or boiled. Lastly, beat up two eggs and work in with the whole. Flour your hands and make into small, round, flat cakes; dip in egg and bread-crumbs, and fry like fish-cakes, in butter and good sweet lard mixed, or like fried cakes in plenty of hot lard. . Take them up with a skimmer and lay them on brown paper to free them from the grease. Serve hot. POULTRY AND GAME, 79 CHICKEN CROQUETTES. No. 2. Take any kind of fresh meat or fowl, chop very fine, add an equal quantity of smoothly mashed potatoes, mix, and season with butter, salt, black pepper, a little prepared mustard, and'a little cayenne pepper; make into cakes, dip in egg and bread-crumbs and fry a light brown. A nice relish for tea. TO FRY CROQUETTES. Beat up two eggs in a deep bowl; roll enough crackers until you have a cup- ful of crumbs, or the same of fine stale bread-crumbs; spread the crumbs on a large plate or pie-tin. Have over the fire a kettle containing two or three inches of boiling lard. As fast as the croquettes are formed, roll them in the crumbs, then dip them in the beaten egg, then again roll them in crumbs; drop them in the smoking hot fat and fry them a light golden brown. PRESSED CHICKEN. Clean and cut up your chickens. Stew in just enough water to cover them. When nearly cooked, season them well with salt and pepper. Let them stew down until the water is nearly all boiled out, and the meat drops easily from the bones. Remove the bones and gristle; chop the meat rather coarsely, then turn it back into the stew-kettle, where the broth was left (after skimming off all fat), and let it heat through again. Turn it into a square bread-pan, placing a platter on the top, and a heavy weight on the platter. This, if properly prepared, will turn out like a mold of jelly and may be sliced in smooth, even slices. The suc- cess of this depends upon not having too much water; it will not jelly if too weak, or if the water is allowed to boil away entirely while cooking. A good way to cook old fowls. CHICKEN LUNCH FOR TRAVELLING. Cut a young chicken down the back; wash and wipe dry; season with salt and pepper; put in a dripping pan and bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour. This is much better for travelling lunch than when seasoned with butter. All kinds of poultry and meat can be cooked quicker by adding to the water in which they are boiled a little vinegar or a piece of lemon. By the use of a little acid there will be a considerable saving of fuel, as well as shortening of time. Its action is beneficial on old tough meats, rendering them quite tender and easy of digestion. Tainted meats and fowls will lose their bad taste and 80 POULTRY AND GAME. odor if cooked in this way, and if not used too freely no taste of it will be acquired. POTTED CHICKEN. Strip the meat from the bones of a cold, roast fowl; to every pound of meat allow a quarter of a pound of butter, salt and cayenne pepper to taste; one tea- spoonful of pounded mace, half a smal! nutmeg. pee the meat into small pieces, pound it well with the butter, sprinkle in the spices gradually, and keep pounding until reduced to a perfectly smooth paste. Pack it into small jars and cover with clarified butter, about a quarter of an inch in thickness. Two or three slices of ham, minced and pounded with the above, will be an improve- ment. Keepinadry place. A luncheon or breakfast dish. Old fowls can be made very tender by putting into them, while boiling, a piece of soda as large as a bean. SCALLOPED CHICKEN. Divide a fowl into joints and boil till the meat leaves the bone readily. Take out the bones and chop the meat as small as dice. Thicken the water in which the fowl was boiled with flour, and season to taste with butter and salt. Filla deep dish with alternate layers of bread-crumbs and chicken and slices of cooked potatoes, having crumbs on top. ‘Pour the gravy over the top, and add a few bits of butter and bake till nicely browned. There should be gravy enough to moisten the dish. Serve with a garnish of parsley. Tiny new potatoes are nice in place of sliced ones, when in season. BREADED CHICKEN. Prepare young chickens as for fricassee by cutting them into pieces. Dip each piece in beaten egg, then in grated bread-crumbs or rolled cracker; season them with pepper and salt, and a little minced parsley. Place them in a baking- pan, and put on the top of each piece.a lump of butter, add half of a cupful of hot water; bake slowly, basting often. When sufficiently cooked take up on a warm platter. Into the pan pour a cup of cream or rich milk, a cupful of bread-crumbs. Stir it well until cooked then pour it over the chicken. Serve while hot. BROILED CHICKEN ON TOAST. Broil the usual way, and when thoroughly done take it up in a square tin or dripping-pan, butter it well, season with pepper and -salt, and set it in the oven for a few minutes. Lay slices of moistened buttered toast on a platter; take the POULTRY AND GAME. 81 chicken up over it, add to the gravy in the pan part of a cupful of cream, if you have it; if not, use milk. Thicken with a little flour and pour over the chicken. This is considered most excellent. CURRY CHICKEN. Cut up a chicken weighing from a pound and a half to two pounds, as for fricassee, wash it well, and put it into a stew-pan with sufficient water to cover it; boil it closely covered, until tender; add a large teaspoonful of salt, and cook a few minutes longer; then remove from the fire, take out the chicken, pour the liquor into a bowl, and set it one side. Now cut up into the stew-pan two small onions, and fry them with a piece of butter as large as an egg; as soon as the onions are brown, skim them out and put in the chicken; fry for three or four minutes; next sprinkle over two teaspoonfuls of Curry Powder. Now pour over the liquor in which the chicken was stewed, stir all well together, and stew for five minutes longer, then stir into this a tablespoonful of sifted flour made thin with a little water; lastly, stir in a beaten yolk of egg, and it is done. Serve with hot boiled rice laid round on the edge of a platter, and the chicken curry in the centre. This makes a handsome side dish, and a fine relish accompanying a full dinner of roast beef or any roast. All first-class grocers and druggists keep this ‘‘ India Curry Powder,’ put up in bottles. Beef, veal, mutton, duck, pigeons, partridges, rabbits or fresh fish. may be substituted for the chicken, if preferred, and sent to the table with or without a dish of rice. To Botl Rice for Curry.—Pick over the rice, a cupful. Wash it thoroughly in two or three cold waters; then leave it about twenty minutes in cold water. Put into a stew-pan two quarts of water with a teaspoonful of salt in it, and when. it boils, sprinkle in the rice. Boil it briskly for twenty minutes, keeping the pan covered. Take it from the fire, and drain off the water. Afterwards set the sauce-pan on the back of the stove, with the lid off, to allow the rice to dry and the grains to separate. Rice, if properly boiled, should be soft and white, and every grain stand alone. Serve it hot ina separate dish or served as above, laid around the chicken curry. CHICKEN POT-PIE. No. tr. Cut and joint a large chicken, cover with cold water, and let it boil gently until tender. Season with salt and pepper, and thicken the gravy with tw 6 ETE BENTH PLS RET PTT LETT a POULTRY AND GAME. 82 tablespoonfuls of flour, mixed smooth with a piece of butter Bhe size of an egg. Have ready nice light pread-dough; cut with the top of a wineglass about half an inch thick; let them stand half an hour and rise, then drop these into the boiling gravy. Put the cover on the pot closely, wrap a cloth around it, in order that no steam shall escape; and by no means allow the pot to cease boiling. Boil three-quarters of an hour. CHICKEN POT-PIE. No. 2. pie was made more in our grandmother’s day than now, as This style of pot- so long destroys its spongey lightness,and most cooks consider that cooking crust renders it too hard and dry. Take a pair of fine fowls; cut them up, wash the pieces, and season with pepper only. Make a light biscuit dough, and plenty of it, as it is always much liked by the eaters of pot-pie. Roll out the dough not very thin, and cut most of it into long squares. Butter the sides of a pot, and line them with dough nearly to the top. Lay slices of cold ham at the bottom of the pot, and then the pieces of fowl, interspersed all through with squares of dough and potatoes, pared and quartered. Pour in a quart of water. Cover the whole with a lid of dough, having a slit in the centre, through which the gravy will bubble up. Boil it steadily for two hours. Half an hour before you take it wp, put in through the hole in the centre of the crust some bits of butter rolled in flour, to thicken the gravy. When done, put the pie on a large dish, and pour the gravy over it. You may intersperse it all through with cold ham. A pot-pie may be made of ducks, rabbits, squirrels, or venison. Also of beef- steak. A beef-steak, or some pork-steaks (the lean only), greatly improve a chicken pot-pie. If you use no ham, season with salt. CHICKEN STEWED, WITH BISCUIT. Take chickens, and make a fricassee; just before you are ready to dish it up, have ready two baking-tins of rich soda or baking-powder biscuits; take them from the oven hot, split them apart by breaking them with your hands, lay them on a large meat platter, covering it, then pour the hot chicken stew over all. Send to the table hot. This is a much better way than boiling this kind of biscuit in the stew, as you are more sure of its being always ight. CHICKEN DRESSED AS TERRAPIN. Select young chickens, clean and cut them into pieces; put them into a stew- pan with just enough water to cook them. When tender stir into it half of a POULTRY AND GAME, 83 cup of butter and one beaten egg. Season it with salt and pepper, a teaspoonful of powdered thyme; add two hard-boiled eggs coarsely minced and a small glass of wine. Boil up once and serve with jelly. CHICKEN ROLY-POLY. One quart of flour, two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar mixed with the flour, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a teacupful of milk; a teaspoonful of salt; do not use shortening of any kind, but roll out the mixture half an inch thick, and on it lay minced chicken, veal or mutton. The meat must be seasoned with pepper and salt, and be free from gristle. Roll the crust over and over, and put it on a buttered plate and place in a steamer for half an hour. Serve for break- fast or lunch, giving a slice to each person with gravy served with it. CHICKEN TURNOVERS. Chop cold roast chicken very fine. Put it into a sauce-pan, place it over the fire, moisten it with a little water and gravy, or a-.piece of butter. Season with salt and pepper; add a small tablespoonful of sifted flour, dissolved in a little water; heat all through, and remove from the fire to become cool. When cooled roll out some plain pie-crust quite thin, cut out in rounds as large as a saucer; wet the edge with cold water, and put a large spoonful of the minced meat on one-half of the round; fold the other half over, and pinch the edges well together, then fry them in hot drippings or fat, a nice brown. They may also be cooked in a moderate oven. CHICKEN PUDDING. Cut up two young chickens into good-sized pieces; put them in a sauce-pan with just enough water to cover them well. When boiled quite tender, season with salt and pepper; let them simmer ten or fifteen minutes longer; then take the chicken from the broth and remove all the large bones. Place the meat in a well-buttered pudding-dish, season again, if necessary, adding a few bits of butter. Pour over this the following batter: Hight eges beaten light and mixed with one quart of milk, three tablespoon- fuls of melted butter, a teaspoonful of salt, and two large teaspoonfuls of baking powder, added to enough sifted flour to make a batter like griddle-cakes. Bake one hour in a moderate oven. Make a gravy of the broth that remained from the cooking of the chicken, adding a tablespoonful of flour, stirred into a third of a cup of melted butter; let it boil up, putting in more water, if necessary. Serve hot in a gravy boat, with the pudding. POULTRY AND GAME. CHICKEN AND MACCARONI. Boil a chicken until very tender, take out all the bones, and pick up the meat Boil half a pound of maccaroni until tender, first breaking it up to pieces an inch long. Butter a deep pudding-dish, put on the bottom a layer of the cooked maccaroni, then a layer of the minced chicken, bits of butter, pepper and salt, then some of the chicken liquor, over this put another layer of macca- roni, and so on, until the dish is filled. Pour acup of cream over the whole, and bake half an hour. Serve on a platter. quite fine. ROAST DUCK. (Tame.) Pick, draw, clean thoroughly, and wipe dry. Cut the neck close to the back, a beat the breast-bone flat with a rolling-pin, tie the wings and legs securely, and stuff with the following: Three pints bread-crumbs, six ounces butter, or part butter and salt pork, two chopped onions and one teaspoonful each of sage, black pepper and salt. Do not stuff very full, and sew up the openings firmly to keep the fiavor in and the fat out. If not fat enough, it should be larded with salt pork, or tie a slice upon the breast. Place ina baking-pan, with a little water, and baste frequently with salt and water—some add onion, and some vinegar; turn often, so that the sides and back may all be nicely browned. When nearly done, baste with butter and alittle flour. These directions will apply to tame geese as well as ducks. Young ducks should roast from twenty-five to thirty minutes, and fuil- grown ones for an hour or more, with frequent basting. Some prefer them underdone and served very hot; but, as a rule, thorough cooking will prove more palatable. Make a gravy out of the néck and gizzards by putting them in a quart of cold water, that must be reduced to a pint by boiling. The giblets, when done, may be chopped fine and added to the juice. The preferred season- ings are one table-spoonful of Madeira or sherry, a blade of mace, one small onion, and a little cayenne pepper; strain through a hair’sieve; pour alittle over the ducks and serve the remainder in a boat. Served with jellies or any tart sauce. BRAISED DUCKS. Prepare a pair of fine young ducks, the same as for roasting, place them in a stew-pan together with two or three slices of bacon, a carrot, an onion stuck with two cloves, and a little thyme and parsley. Season with pepper, and cover the whole with a broth, adding to the broth a gill of white wine. Place the pan POULTRY AND GAME. over a gentle fire and allow the ducks to simmer until done, basting them fre- quently. When done remove them from the pan, and place them where they will keep hot. A turnip should then be cut up and fried in some butter. When nicely browned, drain the pieces and cook them until tender in the liquor in which the ducks were braised. Now strain and thicken the gravy, and after dishing up the ducks, pour it over them, garnishing with the pieces of turnip. —Palner House, Chicago. STEWED DUCK. Prepare them by cutting them up the same as chicken for fricassee. Lay two or three very thin slices of salt pork upon the bottom of a stew-pan; lay the pieces of duck upon the pork. Let them stew slowly for an hour, closely cov- ered, Then season with salt and pepper, half a teaspoonful of powdered sage, or some green sage minced fine; ‘one chopped onion. Stew another half hour until the duck is tender. Stir up a large tablespoonful of brown flour in a little water and add it to the stew. Let it boil up, and serve all together in cne dish, accompanied with green peas. —Lalmer House, Chicago. DUCK PIE. Cut all the meat from cold roast ducks; put the bones and stuffing into cold water; cover them and let boil; put the meat into a deep dish; pour on enough of the stock made from the bones to moisten; cover with pastry slit in the centre with a knife, and bake a light brown. WARMED UP DUCK. A nice dish for breakfast, and very relishing, can be made from the remains of a roast of duck. Cut the meat from the bones, pick out all the little tidbits in the recesses, lay them in a frying-pan, and cover with water and the cold gravy left from the roast; add a piece of butter; let all boil up once and if not quite thick enough, stir in a little dissolved flour. Serve hot. ROAST WILD DUCK. Wild duck should not be dressed too soon after being killed. If the weather is cold it will be better for being kept several days. Bake in a hot oven, letting it remain for five or ten minutes without basting to keep in the gravy, then baste frequently with butter and water. If over-done it loses flavor, 30 to 40 minutes in the right kind of an oven being sufficient. Serve on a very hot dish, and send to table as hot as possible with a cut lemon and the following sauce: PEN CTITT acossencsnidaaeadiaadaackaeans caonaeameiaems 86 POULTRY AND GAME. ablespoonful each of Worcestershire sauce and Put in a tiny sauce-pan a t his and the juice of half a a little salt and cayenne pepper, mushroom catsup, e ake it hot, remove from the fire, and stir in a teaspoonful lemon. Mix well, m i - into a hot gravy boat. : of made mustard. Pour in gravy iis senia Stiles Look Hous WILD DUCKS. avor of fish, and when in the hands of Most wild ducks are apt to have the fl able on this account. Before roasting d cooks are sometimes unpalat them, parboil them with a small peeled carrot put within each duck. This absorbs the unpleasant taste. An onion will have the same effect, but unless you ge, the carrot is preferable. Roast the same as tame use onions in the stuffing duck. Or put into the duck a whole onion peeled, plenty of salt and pepper and Serve hot with the gravy it Jaret, bake in a hot oven 20 minutes. inexperience a glass of ¢ yields in cooking and a dish of currant jelly. CANVAS-BACK DUCK. The epicurean taste declares that this special kind of bird requires no spices or flavors to make it perfect, as the meat partakes of the flavor of the food that the bird feeds upon, being mostly wild celery; and the delicious flavor is best preserved when roasted quickly with a hot fire. After dressing the duck in the usual way, by plucking, singing, drawing, wipe it with a wet towel, truss the head under the wing; place it in a dripping-pan, put it in the oven, basting often, and roast it hour. It is generally preferred a little underdone. Place it when done on a hot dish, season well with salt and pepper, pour over it the gravy it has yielded in baking and serve it immediately while hot. —Delmonico. ROAST PIGEONS. Pigeons lose their flavor by being. kept more than a day after they are killed. They may be prepared and roasted or broiled the same as chickens; they will require from twenty to thirty minutes cooking. Make a gravy of the giblets or not, season it with pepper and salt, and add a little flour and butter. STEWED PIGEONS. Clean and stuff with onion dressing, thyme, etc.,—do not sew up; take five or more slices of corned pork, let it fry a while in a pot so that the fat comes out and it begins to brown a little; then lay the pigeons all around in the fat, leaving the pork stillin; add hot water enough to partially cover them; cover tightly and boil an hour or so until tender; then turn off some of the liquid, and keep ae ee POULTRY AND GAME. 87 turning them so they will brown nicely; then heat and add the liquor poured off; add extra thyme, pepper, and keep turning until the pigeons and gravy are nicely browned. Thicken with a little flour, and serve with the gravy poured over them; garnish with parsley. PIGEON PIE. Take half a dozen pigeons; stuff each one with a dressing the same as for turkey; loosen the joints with a knife, but do not separate them. Put them in a stew-pan with water enough to cover them, let them cook until nearly tender, then season them with salt and pepper and butter. Thicken the gravy with flour, remove and cool. Butter a pudding-dish, line the sides with a rich crust. Have ready some hard-boiled eggs cut in slices. Put ina layer of egg and birds and gravy until the dish is full. Cover with a crust and bake. BROILED PIGEONS OR SQUABS. Split them down the back and broil the same as chicken; seasoning well with salt, pepper and plenty of butter. Broil slices of salt pork, very thin; place a slice over each bird and serve. SQUAB POT-PIE. Cut into dice three ounces of salt pork; divide six wild squabs into pieces, at the joints; remove the skin. Cut up four potatoes into small squares, and pre- pare a dozen small dough balls. Put into a yellow, deep baking-dish the pork, potatoes and squabs, and then the balls of dough; season with salt, white pepper, a dash of mace or nutmeg; add hot water enough to cover the ingredients, cover with a “short ”? pie-crust and bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour. —Palmer House, Chicago. WOODCOCK, ROASTED. Skin the head and neck of the bird, pluck the feathers, and truss it by bring- ing the beak of the bird under the wing, and fastening the pinion to the thigh; twist the legs at the knuckles and press the feet upon the thigh. Put a piece of bread under each bird to catch the drippings, baste with butter, dredge with flour, and roast fifteen or twenty minutes with a sharp fire. When done, cut the bread in diamond shape, each piece large enough to stand one bird upon, place them aslant on your dish, and serve with gravy enough to moisten the bread; serve some in the dish and some in the tureen; garnish with slices of lemon. Roast from twenty to twenty-five minutes. POULTRY AND GAME, SNIPE. Snipe are similar to woodcock, and may be served in the same manner; they will require less time to roast. REED BIRDS. Pick and draw them very carefully, salt and dredge with flour, and roast with a quick fire ten or fifteen minutes. Serve on toast with butter and pepper. You can put in each one an oyster dipped in butter and then in bread-crumbs before roasting. They are also very nice broiled. ROAST QUAIL. Rinse well and steam over boiling water until tender, then dredge with flour, and smother in butter; season with salt and pepper and roast inside the stove; ’ thicken the gravy; serve with green grape jelly, and garnish with parsley. TO ROAST PARTRIDGES, PHEASANTS, QUAILS OR GROUSE. Carefully cut out all the shot, wash thoroughly but quickly, using soda in the water; rinse again, and dry with a clean cloth. Stuff them and sew them up. Skewer the legs and wings to the body, larder the breast with very thin slices of fat salt pork, place them in the oven, and baste with butter and water before taking up, having seasoned them with salt and pepper; or you can leave out the pork and use only butter, or cook them without stuffing. Make a gravy of the drippings thickened with browned flour. Boil up and serve in a boat. These are all very fine broiled, first splitting down the back, placing on the gridiron the inside down, cover with a baking tin, and broil slowly at first. Serve with cream gravy. GAME. PIE. Clean well, inside and out, a dozen small birds, quail, snipe, woodcock, etc., and split them in half; put them in a sauce-pan with about two quarts of water; when it boils, skim off all scum that rises; then add salt and pepper, a bunch of minced. parsley, one onion chopped fine, and three whole cloves. Cut up half a pound of salt pork into dice, and let all boil until tender, using care that there be enough water to cover the birds. Thicken this with two tablespoonfuls of browned flour and let it boil up. Stir in apiece of butter as large as an egg; remove from the fire and let it cool. Have ready a pint of potatoes cut as small as dice, and a richcrust made. Line the sides of a buttered pudding-dish with the crust; lay in the birds, then some of the potatoes, then birds and so on, until the dish is full. Pour over the gravy, put onthe top crust, with a slit cut in the POULTRY AND GAME. 89 centre, and bake. The top can be ornamented with pastry leaves in a wreath about the edge, with any fancy design placed in the centre across the slit. —Rockaway Beach. SNOW BIRDS. One dozen thoroughly cleaned birds; stuff each with an oyster, put them into a yellow dish, and add two ounces of boiled galt pork and three raw potatoes cut into slices; add a pint of oyster liquor, an ounce of butter; salt and pepper; cover the dish with a crust and bake in a moderate oven. SQUIRREL. They are cooked similar to rabbits, are excellent when broiled or made into a stew, and, in fact, are very good in all the different styles of cooking similar to rabbit. There are many species common to this country; among them the black, red, gray and fox. Gophers and chipmunks may also be classed as another but smaller variety ROAST HARE OR RABBIT. A very close relationship exists between the hare and the rabbit, the chief difference being in the smaller size and shorter legs and ears of the latter. The manner of dressing and preparing each for the table is, therefore, pretty nearly the same, ‘To prepare them for roasting, first skin, wash well in cold water and rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water. If a little musty from being emptied before they were hung up, and afterward neglected, rub the insides with vinegar and afterward remove all taint of the acid by a thorough washing in lukewarm water. After being well wiped with a soft cloth put in a dressing as usual, sew the animal up, truss it, and roast for a half or three-quarters of an hour, until well-browned, basting it constantly with butter and dredging with flour, just before taking up: To make a gravy, after the rabbits are roasted, pour nearly all the fat out of the pan, but do not pour the bottom or brown part of the drippings; put the pan over the fire, stir into it a heaping tablespoonful of flour, and stir until the flour browns. Then stirin a pint of boiling water. Season the gravy with salt and pepper; let it boil for a moment. Send hot to the table in a tureen with the hot rabbits. Serve with currant jelly. FRICASSEE RABBIT. Clean two young rabbits, cut into joints, and soak in salt and water half an hour, Put into a sauce-pan with a pint of cold water, a bunch of sweet herbs, POULTRY AND GAME. 90 an onion finely minced, a pinch of mace, half a nutmeg, a pinch of pepper and half a pound of salt pork cut in small thin slices. Cover and stew until tender. Take out the rabbits and set in a dish where they will keep warm. Add to the gravy a cup of cream (or milk), two well-beaten eggs, stirred in a little at a time, a tablespoonful of butter, and a thickening made of a tablespoonful of flour and alittle milk. Boil up once; remove the sauce-pan from the fire, squeeze in the juice of a lemon, stirring all the while, and pour over the rabbits. Do not cook the head or neck. FRIED RABBIT. After the rabbit has been thoroughly cleaned and washed, put it into boiling water, and let it boil ten minutes; drain it, and when cold, cut it into joints, dip into beaten egg, and then in fine bread-crumbs; season with salt and pepper. When all are ready, fry them in butter and sweet lard, mixed over a moderate fire until brown on both sides. Take them out, thicken the gravy with a spoon- ful of flour, turn in a cup of milk or cream; let all boil up, and turn over the rabbits. Serve hot with onion sauce. (See Sauces.) Garnish with sliced lemon. RABBIT PIE. This pie can be made the same as ‘‘Game Pie,’’ excepting you scatter through it four hard-boiled eggs cut in slices. Cover with puff paste, cut a slit in the middle, and bake one hour, laying paper over the top should it brown too fast. BROILED RABBITS. After skinning and cleaning the rabbits, wipe them dry, split them down the back lengthwise, pound them flat, then wrap them in letter paper well buttered, place them on a buttered gridiron, and broil over a clear, brisk fire, turning them often. When sufficiently cooked, remove the papers, lay them on a very hot platter, season with salt, pepper, and plenty of butter, turning them over and over to soak up the butter. Cover and keep hot ina warming oven until served. SALMI OF GAME. This is a nice mode of serving the remains of roasted game, but when a superlative salmi is desired, the birds must be scarcely more than half roasted for it. In either case, carve them very neatly, and strip every particle of skin and fat from the legs, wings and breasts; bruise the bodies well, and put them with the skin and other trimmings into a very clean stew-pan. If for a simple and inexpensive dinner, merely add to them two sliced onions, a bay-leaf, a small POULTRY AND GAME. gt blade of mace and a few peppercorns; then pour in a pint or more of good veal gravy, or strong broth, and boil it briskly until reduced nearly half; strain the gravy, pressing the bones well to obtain all the flavor; skim off the fat, add a little cayenne and lemon juice, heat the game very gradually in it, but do not on any account allow it to boil; place pieces of fried bread round a dish, arrange the birds in good form in the centre, give the sauce a boil, and pour it on them. ROAST HAUNCH OF VENISON. To prepare a haunch of venison for roasting, wash it slightly in tepid water, and dry it thoroughly by rubbing it with a clean, soft cloth. Lay over the fat side a large sheet of thickly buttered paper, and next a paste of flour and water about three-quarters of an inch thick; cover this again with two or three sheets of stout paper, secure the whole well with twine, and put down to roast, with a little water, in the dripping-pan. Let the fire be clear and strong; baste the paper immediately with butter or clarified drippings, and roast the joint from three to four hours, according to its weight and quality. Doe venison will require half an hour less time than buck venison. About twenty minutes before the joint is done remove the paste and paper, baste the meat in every part with butter, and dredge it very lightly with flour; let it take a pale brown color, and serve hot with unflavored gravy made with a thickening, in a tureen and good currant jelly. Venison is much better when the deer has been killed in the autumn, when wild berries are plentiful, and it has had abundant opportunities to fatten upon this and other fresh food. a —Windsor Hotel, Montreal. BROILED VENISON STEAK. Venison steaks should be broiled over a clear fire. t=raimg: often. It requires more cooking than beef. When sufficiently done, season with salt and pepper, pour over two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly, melted with a piece of butter. Serve hot on hot plates. Delicious steaks, corresponding to the shape of mutton chops, are cut from the loin. BAKED SADDLE OF VENISON. . * 4 32 i 1 Wash the saddle carefully; see that no hairs are left dried on to the outside. Use a saddle of venison of about ten pounds. Cut some salt pork in strips about , and an eighth of an inch thick, with which lard the saddie In a large drippiag-pan cut two carrots, one onion, two inches long with two rows on each side. and some salt pork in thin slices; add two bay leaves, two cloves, four kernels ‘of butter, and let it b by spp Te ich np 92 POULTRY AND GAME. of allspice, half a lemon, sliced, and season with salt and pepper; place the saddle of venison in the pan, with a quart of good stock, boiling hot, and a small piece oil about fifteen minutes on top of the stove; then put it in pasting well every five minutes, until it is medium rare, so a hot oven and bake, that the blood runs when cut; serve with jelly or a wine sauce. If the venison ig desired well done, cook much longer, and use a cream sauce with it, or stir cream into the venison gravy. (For cream sauce see Sauces. ) Venison should never be roasted unless very fat. The shoulder is a roasting piece, and may be done without the paper or paste. In ordering the saddle request the butcher to cut the ribs off pretty close, as the only part that is of much account is the tenderloin and thick meat that lies along the backbone up to the neck. The ribs which extend from this have very little meat on them, but are always sold with the saddle. When neatly cut off they leave the saddle in a better shape, and the ribs can be put into your stock- ot to boil for soup. P roe —Windsor Hotel, Montreal. VENISON PIE OR PASTRY. The neck, breast and shoulder are the parts used for a venison pie or pastry. Cut the meat into pieces (fat and lean together) and put the bones and trim- mings into the stew-pan with pepper and salt, and water or veal broth enough to cover it. Simmer it till you have drawn out a good gravy. Then strain it. In the meantime make a good rich paste, and roll it rather thick. Cover the pottom and sides of a deep dish with one sheet of it, and put in your meat, having seasoned it with pepper, salt, nutmeg and mace. Pour in the gravy which you have prepared from the trimmings, and a glass of port wine. Lay on the top some bits of butter rolled in flour. Cover the pie with a thick lid of paste and ornament it handsomely with leaves and flowers formed with a tin cutter. Bake two or more hours according to the size. Just before it is done, pull it forward in the oven, and brush it over with beaten egg; push it back and let it slightly brown. —Windsor Hotel, Montreal. VENISON HASHED. Cut the meat in nice small slices, and put the trimmings and bones into a sauce-pan with barely water enough to cover them. Let them stew for an hour. Then strain the liquid into a stew-pan; add to it some bits of butter, rolled in flour, and whatever gravy was left of the venison the day before. Stir in some currant jelly, and give it a boil up. Then put in the meat, and keep it over the POULTRY AND GAME. 93 fire just long enough to warm it through; but do not allow it to boil, as it has been once cooked already. FRIED VENISON STEAK. Cut a breast of venison into steaks; make a quarter of a pound of butter hot in a pan; rub the steaks over with a mixture of a little salt and pepper; dip them in wheat flour, or rolled crackers, and fry a rich brown; when both sides are done, take them up on a dish, and put a tin cover over; dredge a heaping tea- spoonful of flour into the butter in the pan, stir it with a spoon until it is brown, without burning; put to it a small teacupful of boiling water, with a tablespoon- ful of currant jelly dissolved into it; stir it for a few minutes, then strain it over the meat, and serve. A glass of wine, with atablespoonful of white sugar dis- solved in it, may be used for the gravy, instead of the jelly and water. Venison may be boiled, and served with boiled vegetables, pickled beets, etc., and sauce. at we understand how to choose Tn the selection of meat it is most essential th ar bright red color, the fat it; in beef it should be a smooth, fine grain, of a cle white, and will feel tender when pinched with the fingers. abundant kidney fat or suet. The most choice pieces for roast are the sirloin, fore and middle ribs. Veal, to be good, should have the flesh d plenty of kidney fat; the joints stiff. a bright red, firm and juicy and a close Will also have firm and dry, fine grained and of a delicate pinkish color, an Mutton is good when the flesh is grain, the fat firm and white. Pork: if young, the lean will break on being pinched smooth when nipped with the fingers, also the skin will break and dent; if the rind is rough and hard it is old. Tn roasting meat, allow from fiftee will vary according to the thickness of the roast. roasting depends on the heat and goodness of the fire; if put loses its juices, and the result is a tough, tasteless roast; whereas, if the oven is of the proper heat, it immediately sears up the pores of the meat and the juices n to twenty minutes to the pound, which A great deal of the success in into a cool oven it are retained. The oven should be the hottest when the meat is put into it, in order to quickly crisp the surface and close the pores of the’meat, thereby confining its natural juices. If the oven is too hot to hold the hand in for only a moment, then the oven is right to receive the meat. The roast should first be washed in pure water, then wiped dry with a clean dry cloth, placed in a baking-pan, laid under it, but without any seasoning; some pieces of suet or cold drippings ney to soften the no water should be put into the pan, for this would have a tende outside of the meat. The water can never get so hot as the hot fat upon the surface of the meat, and the generating of the steam prevents its crispness, S° desirable in a roast. MEATS, 95 It should be frequently basted with its own drippings which flow from the meat when partly cooked and well seasoned. Lamb, veal and pork should be cooked rather slower than beef, with a more mederate fire, covering the fat with a piece of paper, and thoroughly cooked till the flesh parts {rem the bone; and nicely browned, without being burned. An onion sliced and put on top of a roast while cooking, especially roast of pork, gives a nice flavor. Remove the onion before serving. Larding meats is drawing ribbons of fat pork through the upper surface of the meat, leaving both ends protruding. This is accomplished by the use of a larding-needle, which may be procured at house-furnishing stores. Boiling or stewing meat, if fresh, should be put into boiling water, closely covered, and boiled slowly, allowing twenty minutes to each peund, and when partly cooked, or when it begins to get tender, salted,adding spices and vegetables. Salt meats should be covered with cold water, and require thirty minutes very slow boiling, from the time the water boils, for each pound; if it is very salt, pour off the first water, and put it in another of boiling water, or it may be soaked one night in cold water. After meat commences to boil, the pot should never stop simmering and always be replenished from the bodling tea-kettle. Frying may be done in two ways: one method, which is most generally used, is by putting one ounce or more (as the case requires) of beef drippings, lard or butter, into a frying-pan, and when at the bodling pownt, laying in the meat, cooking both sides a nice brown. The other method is to completely immerse the article to be cooked in sufficient hot lard to cover it, similar to frying doughnuts. Broiled meats should be placed over clear, red coals, free from smoke, giving out a good heat, but not too brisk or the meat will be hardened and scorched; but if the fire is dead, the gravy will escape, and drop upon the coals, creating a blaze, which will blacken and smoke the meat. Steaks and chops should be turned often, in order that every part should be evenly done—never sticking a fork into the lean part, as that lets the juices escape; it should be put into the outer skin or fat. When the meat is sufficiently broiled, it should be laid ona hot dish and seasoned. The best pieces for steak are the porter-house, sirloin, and rump. Yi THAWING FROZEN MEAT, Etc. If meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, or any other article of food, when found frozen, is thawed by putting it into warm water or placing it before the fire, ib will most certainly spoil by that process, and be rendered unfit to eat. The only 96 MEATS. way to thaw these things is by immersing them in cold water. This should be done as soon as they are brought in from. market, that they may have time to be well thawed before they are cooked. If meat that has Hee ue is to be boiled, put it on in cold water. If to be roasted, begin by setting it at a distance from the fire; for if it should not chance to be thoroughly thawed all through to at first too near the fire will cause it to spoil. If it is expedient to thaw the meat or poultry the night before Coole: lay it in cold water early in the evening, and change the water at bed-time. If found crusted with ice in the morning, remove the ice, and put the meat in fresh cold water, letting it lie in it till wanted for cooking. Potatoes are injured by being frozen. Other vegetables are not the worse for it, ‘provided they are always thawed in cold water. the centre, placing it TO KEEP MEAT FROM FLIES. Put in sacks, with enough straw around it so the flies cannot reach through. Three-fourths of a yard of yard-wide muslin is the right size for the sack. Put a little straw in the bottom, then put in the ham and lay straw in all around it; tie it tightly, and hang it in a cool, dry place. Be sure the straw is all around the. meat, so the flies cannot reach through to deposit the eggs, (The sacking must be done early in the season before the fly appears.) Muslin lets the air in and is much better than paper. Thin muslin is as good as thick, and will last for years. if washed when laid away when emptied. —National Stockman. ROAST BEEF. One very essential point in roasting beef is to have the oven well heated when the beef is first put in; this causes the pores to close up quickly, and pre- vents the escape of the juices. Take a rib piece or loin roast of seven or eight pounds. Wipe it thoroughly all over with a clean wet towel. Lay it in a dripping-pan, and baste it well with butter or suet fat. Set it in the oven. Baste it frequently with its own drip- pings, which will make it brown and tender. When partly done, season with salt and pepper, as it hardens any meat to salt it when raw, and draws out its juices, then dredge with sifted flour to give it a frothy appearance. It will take a roast of this size about two hours time to be properly done, leaving the inside a little rare or red—half an hour less would make the inside quite rare. Remove the beef to a heated dish, set where it will keep hot; then skim the drippings from all fat, add a tablespoonful of sifted flour, a little pepper and a teacupful of boiling water. Boil up once and serve hot in a gravy boat. MEATS, 97 Some prefer the clear gravy without the thickening, Serve with mustard or grated horse-radish and vinegar. YORKSHIRE PUDDING. This is a very nice accompaniment to a roast of beef ; the ingredients are, one pint of milk, four eggs, white and yolks beaten separately, one teaspoonful of salt, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted through two cups of flour. It should be mixed very smooth, about the consistency of cream. Regu- late your time when you put in your roast, so that it will be done half an hour or forty minutes before dishing up. Take it from the oven, set it where it will keep hot. In the meantime have this pudding prepared. Take two common biscuit tins, dip some of the drippings from the dripping-pan into these tins, pour half of the pudding into each, set them into the hot oven, and keep them in until the dinner is dished up; take these puddings out at the last moment and send to the table hot. This I consider much better than the old way of baking the pudding under the meat. BEEFSTEAK. No. 1. The first consideration in broiling is to have a clear, glowing bed of coals. The steak should be about three-quarters of an inch in thickness, and should be pounded only in extreme cases, 7.e., when it is cut too thick and is ‘‘ stringy.”’ Lay it on a buttered gridiron, turning it often, as it begins to drip, attempting nothing else while cooking it. Have everything else ready for the table; the potatoes and vegetables dished and in the warming closet. Do not season it until it is done, which will be in about ten to twelve minutes. Remove it to a warm platter, pepper and salt it on both sides and spread a liberal lump of butter over it. Serve at once while hot. No definite rule can be given as to the t¢me of cooking steak, individual tastes differ so widely in regard to it, some only liking it when well done, others so rare that the blood runs out of it. The best pieces for broiling are the porter-house and sirloin. BEEFSTEAK. No. 2. Take a smooth, thick-bottomed frying-pan, scald it out with hot water, and wipe it dry; set it on the stove or range, and when very hot, rub it over the bottom with a rag dipped in butter; then place your steak or chops in it, turn often until cooked through, take up on a warm platter, and season both sides with salt, pepper and butter. Serve hot. Many prefer this manner of cooking steak rather than broiling or frying in a quantity of grease. 7 MEATS. BEEFSTEAK AND ONIONS. Prepare the steak in the usual way. Have ready ina frying pan a dozen onions cut in slices and fried brown in a little beef drippings or butter. Dish your steak, and lay the onions thickly over the top. Cover and let stand five minutes, then send to the table hot. BEEFSTEAK AND OYSTERS. Put one quart of oysters with very little of Broil the steak the usual way. n it comes to a boil, take off the the liquor into a stew-pan upon the fire; whe scum that may rise, stir in three ounces of butter mixed with a tablespoonful of sifted flour, let it boil one minute until it thickens, pour it over the steak. Serve hot. ‘ — Palace Hotel, San Francisco TO FRY BEEFSTEAKS. Beefsteak for frying should be cut much thinner than for broiling. Take from the ribs or sirloin and remove the bone. Put some butter or nice beef dripping into a frying-pan, and set it over the fire, and when it has boiled and become hot, lay in the steaks; when cooked quite enough, season with salt and pepper, turn and brown on both sides. Steaks when fried should be thoroughly done. Have ready a hot dish, and when they are done, take out the steaks and lay them on it, with another dish cover the top to keep them hot. The gravy in the pan can be turned over the steaks, first adding a few drops of boiling water, or a gravy to be served in-a separate dish made by putting a large tablespoonful of flour into the hot gravy left in the pan, after taking up the steaks. Stir it smooth, then pour in a pint of cream or sweet rich milk, salt and pepper, let it boil up once until it thickens, pour hot into a gravy dish, and send to the table with the steaks. POT ROAST. (Old Style.) This is an old-fashioned dish, often cooked in our grandmothers’ time. Take a piece of fresh beef weighing about five or six pounds. It must not be too fat. Wash it and put it into a pot with barely sufficient water to cover it. Set it over a slow fire,.and after it has stewed an hour salt and pepper it Then stew it slowly until tender, adding a little onion if liked. Do not replenish the water at the last, but let all nearly boil away. When tender all through take the [ from the pot, and pour the gravy ina bowl. Puta large lump of butter in the bottom of the pot, then dredge the piece of meat with flour, and return ib Ss GE. > NA WASH v MEA TFS. 99 to the pot to brown, turning it often to prevent its burning. Take the gravy that you have poured from the meat into the bowl, and skim off all the fat; pour this gravy in with the meat and stir in a large spoonful of flour; wet with a little water; let it boil up ten or fifteen minutes and pour into a gravy dish. Serve both hot, the meat on a platter. Some are very fond of this way of cooking a piece of beef which has been previously placed in spiced pickle for two or three days. SPICED BEEF. (Excellent.) For a round of beef weighing twenty or twenty-four pounds, take one quarter of a pound of saltpetre, one quarter:-of a pound of coarse brown sugar, two pounds of salt, one ounce of cloves, one ounce of allspice, and half an ounce of mace; pulverize these materials, mix them well together, and with them rub the beef thoroughly on every part; let the beef lie for eight or ten days in the pickle thus made, turning and rubbing it every day; then tie it around with a broad tape, to keep it in shape; make a coarse paste of flour and water, lay a little suet finely chopped over and under the beef, inclose the beef entirely in the paste, and bake it six hours. When you take the beef from the oven, remove the paste, but do not remove the tape until you are ready to send it to the table. If you wish to eat the beef cold, keep it well covered that it may retain its moisture. BEEF A LA MODE. Mix together three teaspoonfuls of salt, one of pepper, one of ginger, one of mace, one of cinnamon, and two of cloves. Rub this mixture into ten pounds of the upper part of a round of beef. Let this beef stand in this state over night. In the morning, make a dressing or stuffing of a pint of fine bread-crumbs, half a pound of fat salt pork cut in dice, a teaspoonful of ground thyme or summer savory, two teaspoonfuls sage, half a teaspoonful of pepper, one of nutmeg, a little cloves, an onion minced fine, moisten with a little milk or water. Stuff this mixture into the place from whence you took out the bone. With a long skewer fasten the two ends of the beef together, so that its form will be circular, tape, to prevent the skewers giving away. Make ) knife; fill these incisions very closely with the and bind it around with incisions in the beef with a shar} stuffing, and dredge the whole with flour. Put it into a dripping-pan and pour over ita pan over it to keep in the steam, and roast slowly from three to four hours, n hour to each pound of meat. If the meat should be pint of hot water; turn a large allowing a quarter of a SERRE RE SPT NSC and then put into a dripping MEATS. IO0O tough, it may be stewed first in a pot with water enough to cover it, until tender, -pan and browned in the oven. Tf the meat is to be eaten hot, skim off the fat from the gravy, into which, after it is taken off the fire, stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs. If onions are disliked you may omit them and substitute minced oysters. TENDERLOIN OF BEEF. To serve tenderloin as directed below, the whole piece must be extracted before the hind quarter of the animal is cut out. This must be particularly noted, because not commonly practised, the tenderloin being usually left attached to the roasting pieces, in order to furnish a tidbit for afew. To dress it whole, proceed as follows: Washing the piece well, put it in an oven; add about a pint of water, and chop up a good handful of each of the following vegetables as an ingredient of the dish, viz., Irish potatoes, carrots, turnips, and a large bunch of celery. They must be washed, peeled, and chopped up raw, then added to the meat; blended with the juice, they form and flavor the gravy. Let the whole slowly simmer, and when nearly done, add a teaspoonful of pounded allspice. To give a richness to the gravy, put in a tablespoonful of butter. If the gravy should look too greasy, skim off some of the melted suet. Boil also a lean piece of beef, which, when perfectly done, chop fine, flavoring with a very small quantity of onion, besides pepper and salt to the taste. Make into small balls, wet them on the outside with eggs, roll in grated cracker or fine bread- crumbs. Fry these force-meat balls a light brown. When serving the dish, put these around the tenderloin, and pour over the whole the rich gravy. This dish is a very handsome one, and, altogether, fit for an epicurean palate. A sumptu- ous dish, STEWED STEAK WITH OYSTERS. Two pounds of rump steak, one pint of oysters, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, three of butter, one of flour, salt, pepper, one cupful of water. Wash the oysters in the water, and drain into a stew-pan. Put this liquor on to heat. As soon as it comes to a boil, skim and set back. Put the butter in a frying-pan, and when hot, put ina steak. Cook ten minutes. Take up the steak, and stir the flour into the butter remaining in the pan. Stir until a dark brown. Add the oyster liquor, and boil one minute. Season with salt and pepper. Put back the steak, cover the pan, and simmer half an hour or until the steak seems tender, then add the oysters and lemon juice. Boil one minute. Serve on a hot dish with points of toast for a garnish. MEATS, SMOTHERED BEEFSTEAK. Take thin slices of steak from the upper part of the round or one large thin steak. Lay the meat out smoothly and wipe it dry. Prepare a dressing, using a cupful of fine bread-crumbs, half a teaspoonful of salt, some pepper, a table- spoonful of: butter, half a teaspoonful of sage, the same of powdered summer savory, and enough milk to moisten it all into a stiff mixture. Spread it over: the meat, roll it up carefully, and tie with a string, securing the ends well. Now fry a few thin slices of salt pork in the bottom of a kettle or sauce-pan, and into the fat that has fried out of this pork, place this roll or rolls of beef, and brown it on all sides, turning it until a rich color all over, then add half a pint of water, and stew until tender. If the flavor of onion is liked, a slice may be chopped fine and added to the dressing. When cooked sufficiently, take out the meat, thicken the gravy, and turn over it. To be carved cutting crosswise, in slices, through beef and stuffing. BEEFSTEAK ROLLS. This mode is similar to the above recipe, but many might prefer it. Prepare a good dressing, such as you like for turkey or duck; take a round steak, pound it, but not very hard, spread the dressing over it, sprinkle in a little- salt, pepper, and a few bits of butter, lap over the ends, roll the steak up tightly and tie closely; spread two great spoonfuls of butter over the steak after rolling it up, then wash witha well-beaten egg, put water in the bake-pan, lay in the steak so as not to touch the water, and bake as you would a duck, basting often. A half hour in a brisk oven will bake. Make a brown gravy, and send to the table hot. TO COLLAR A FLANK OF BEEF. Procure a well-corned flank of beef,—say six pounds. Wash it, and remove the inner and outer skin with the gristle. Prepare a seasoning of one teaspoon- ful each of sage, parsley, thyme, pepper and cloves. Lay your meat upon a. board and spread this mixture over the inside. oll the beef up tight, fasten it with small skewers, put a cloth over it, bandage the cloth with tape, put the beef into the stew-pot, cover it with water to the depth of an inch, boil gently six hours; take it out of the water, place it on a board without undoing it; lay a board on top of the beef, put a fifty pound weight upon this board, and let it remain twenty-four hours. Take off the bandage, garnish with green pickles and curled parsley, and serve. 102 MEATS. DRIED BEEF. of beef, or that part which will be the most lean and tender, Buy the best good piece. For every twenty pounds of The tender part of the round is a very of salt, one teaspoonful of saltpetre, and a quarter of a pound Mix them well together, and rub the beef well with one-third Let it lie in the liquor it makes for beef use one pint of brown sugar. of the mixture for three successive days. six days, then hang up to dry. A large crock or jar is a good vessel to prepare the meat in before drying it, BEEF CORNED OR SALTED. (Red.) Cut up a quarter of beef. For each hundred weight take half a peck of coarse salt, a quarter of a pound of saltpetre, a quart of molasses, or two pounds of coarse brown sugar. Mace, cloves and the same weight of saleratus, and allspice, may be added for spiced beef. Strew some of the salt in the bottom of a pickle-tub or barrel; then put ina layer of meat, strew this with salt, then add another layer of meat, and salt and meat alternately, until all is used. Let it remain one night. Dissolve the saleratus and saltpetre in a little warm water, and put it to the molasses or sugar; then put it over the meat, add water enough to cover the meat, lay a board on it to keep it under the brine. The meat is fit for use after ten days. This receipt is for winter beef. Rather more salt may be used in warm weather. Towards spring take the brine from the meat, make it boiling hot, skim it clear, and when it is cooled, return it to the meat. Beef tongues and smoking pieces are fine pickled in this brine. Beef liver put in this brine for ten days, and then wiped dry and smoked, is very fine. Cut it in slices, and fry or broil it. The brisket of beef, after being corned, may be smoked, and is very good for boiling. Lean pieces of beef, cut properly from the hind quarter, are the proper pieces for being smoked. There may be some fine pieces cut from the fore-quarter. After the beef has been in brine ten days or more, wipe it dry, and hang it in a chimney where wood is burned, or make a smothered fire of sawdust or chips, and keep it smoking for ten days; then rub fine black pepper over every part to keep the flies from it, and hang it in a dry, dark, cool place. After a week it is fit for use. A strong, coarse brown paper, folded around the beef, and fastened with paste, keeps it nicely. Tongues are smoked in the same manner. Hang them by a string put MEATS. 103 through the root end. Spiced brine for smoked beef or tongues will be gener- ally liked. ROAST BEEF PIE WITH POTATO CRUST. When you have a cold roast of beef, cut off as much as will half fill a baking- dish suited to the size of your family; put this sliced beef into a stew-pan with any gravy that you may have also saved, a lump of butter, a bit of sliced onion, and a seasoning of pepper and salt, with enough water to make plenty of gravy; thicken it, too, by dredging in a tablespoonful of flour; cover it up on the fire, where it may stew gently, but not be in danger of burning. Meanwhile there must be boiled a sufficient quantity of potatoes to fill up your baking-dish, after the stewed meat has been transferred to it. The potatoes must be boiled done, mashed smooth, and beaten up with milk and butter, as if they were to be served alone, and placed in a thick layer on top of the meat. Brush it over with egg, place the dish in an oven, and let it remain there long enough to be brown. There should be a goodly quantity of gravy left with the beef, that the dish be not dry and tasteless. Serve with it tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce or any other kind that you prefer. A good, plain dish. ROAST BEEF PIE. Cut up roast beef, or beef steak left from a previous meal, into thin slices, lay some of the slices into a deep dish which you have lined on the sides with rich biscuit’ dough, rolled very thin, (say a quarter of an inch thick); now sprinkle over this layer a little pepper and salt; putin asmall bit of butter, a few slices of cold potatoes, a little of the cold gravy, if you have any left from the roast. Make another layer of beef, another layer of seasoning, and so on, until the dish is filled; cover the whole with paste. leaving a slit in the centre, and bake half an hour. BEEF STEAK PIE. Cut up rump or flank steak into strips two inches long and about an inch wide. Stew them with the bone in just enough water to cover them until partly cooked; have half a dozen of cold boiled potatoes sliced. Line a baking-dish with pie paste, put in a layer of the meat with salt, pepper, and a little of thinly sliced onion, then one of the sliced potatoes, with bits of butter dotted over them. Then the steak, alternated with layers of potato, until the dish is full. Add the gravy or broth, having first thickened it with brown flour. Cover with a top crust, making a slit in the middle; brush a little beaten egg over it, and bake until quite brown. I ERP TT TIE RTT RO mE ETT SIRT EN ra MEATS. FRIZZLED BEEF. Shave off very thin slices of smoked or dried beef, put them in a frying-pan, cover with cold water, set it on the back of the range or stove, and let it come to a very slow heat, allowing it time to swell out to its natural size, but not to boil. Stir it up, then drain off the water. Melt one ounce of sweet butter in the frying-pan, and add the wafers of beef. When they begin to frizzle or turn up, break over them three eggs; stir until the eggs are cooked; add a little white pepper, and serve on slices of buttered toast. FLANK STEAK. This is cut from the boneless part of the flank and is secreted between an out- ‘side and inside layer of creamy fat. There are two ways for broiling it. ‘One is to slice it diagonally across the grain; the others to broil it whole. In either case brush butter over it and proceed as in broiling other steaks. It is considered by butchers the finest steak, which they frequently reserve for themselves, TO BOIL CORNED BEEF. The aitch-bone and the brisket are considered the best pieces for boiling. If you buy them in the market already corned, they will be fit to put over the fire without a previous soaking in water. If you corn them in the brine in which you keep your beef through the winter, they must be soaked in cold water over night. Put the beef into a pot, cover with sufficient cold water, place over a brisk fire, let it come to a boil in half an hour; just before boiling remove all the scum from the pot, place the pot on the back of the fire, let it boil very slowly until quite tender. A piece weighing eight pounds requires two and a half hours’ boiling. If you do not wish to eat it hot, let it remain in the pot after you take it from the ‘fire, until nearly cold, then lay it in a colander to drain, lay a cloth over it to retain its fresh appearance; serve with horse-radish and pickles. If vegetables are to accompany this, making it the old-fashioned “boiled ‘dinner,”’ about three-quarters of an hour before dishing up skim the liquor free from fat and turn part of it out into another kettle, into which put a cabbage carefully prepared, cutting it into four quarters; also half a dozen peeled medium-sized white turnips, cut into halves; scrape four carrots and four parsnips each cut into four pieces. Into the kettle with the meat, about half an hour before serving, pour on more water from the boiling tea-kettle, and into this put peeled medium-sized potatoes. This dinner should also be accompanied MEATS, by boiled beets, sliced hot, cooked separate from the rest, with vinegar over them. Cooking the cabbage separately from the meat prevents the meat from having the flavor of cabbage when cold. The carrots, parsnips and turnips will boil in about an hour. A piece of salt pork was usually boiled with a ‘“‘ New England boiled dinner.” SPICED BEEF RELISH. Take two pounds of raw, tender beefsteak, chop it very fine, put into it salt, pepper and a little sage, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter; add two rolled crackers made very fine, also two well-beaten eggs. Make it up into the shape _ of a roll and bake it; baste with butter and water before baking. Cut in slices when cold. FRIED BEEF LIVER. Cut it in rather thin slices, say a quarter of an inch thick, pour over it boiling water, which closes the pores of the meat, makes it impervious to the fat, and at the same time seals up the rich juice of the meat. It may be rolled in flour or bread-crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper, dipped in egg and fried in hot fat mixed with one-third butter. PRESSED BEEF. First have your beef nicely pickled: let it stay in pickle a week; then take the thin flanky pieces, such as will not make a handsome dish of themselves; put on a large potful, and let them boil until perfcctly done; then pull to pieces, and season just as you do souse, with pepper, salt and allspice; only put it ina coarse cloth and press down upon it some very heavy weight. The advantage of this recipe is that it makes a most acceptable, presentable dish out of a part of the beef that otherwise might be wasted. FRENCH STEW. Grease the bottom of an iron pot, and place in it three or four pounds of beef; be very careful that it does not burn, and turn it until it is nicely browned. Set a muffin ring under the beef to prevent its sticking. Add a few sliced carrots, one or two sliced onions, and a cupful of hot water; keep covered, and stew slowly until the vegetables are done. Add pepper and salt. If you wish more gravy, add hot water, and thicken with flour. Serve on a dish with the vegetables. TO POT BEEF. The round is the best piece for potting, and you may use both the upper and under part. Take ten pounds of beef, remove all the fat, cut the lean into 166 MEATS. square pieces, two inches thick. Mix together three teaspoonfuls of salt, one of pepper, one of cloves, one of mace, one of cinnamon, one of ae one of thyme, and one of sweet basil. Puta layer of the pieces of beef into an earthen pot, sprinkle some of this spice mixture over this layer, add a piece of fat salt pork, cut as thin as possible, sprinkle a little of the spice mixture over the pork, make another layer of the beef with spices and pork, and so on, until the pot is filled. Pour over the whole three tablespoonfuls of Tarragon vinegar, or, if you prefer it, half a pint of Madeira wine; cover the pot with a paste made of flour and water, so that no steam can escape. Put the pot into an oven, moderately heated, and let it stand there eight hours; then set it away to use when wanted. Beef cooked in this manner will keep good a fortnight in moderate weather. It is an excellent relish for breakfast, and may be eaten either warm or cold. When eaten warm, serve with slices of lemon. STEWED BRISKET OF BEEF Put the part that has the hard fat into a stew-pot, with a small quantity of and skim it thoroughly; then add carrots, turnips, onions, water; let it boil up, Stew till extremely tender; then take out all the celery and a few pepper-corns. flat bones and remove all the fat from the soup. Hither serve that and the meat in a tureen, or the soup alone, and the meat on a dish, garnished with some vegetables. The following sauce is much admired served with the beef: Take half a pint of the soup, and mix it with a spoonful of catsup, a teaspoonful of made mustard, a little flour, a bit of butter and salt; boil all together a few minutes, then pour it round the meat. DRIED BEEF, WITH CREAM. Shave your beef very fine. Put it intoa suitable dish on the back of the stove; cover with cold water and give it time to soak out to its original size before being dried. When it is quite soft and the water has become hot (it must not boil), take it off, turn off the water, pour on a cup of cream; if you do not have it use milk and butter, a pinch of pepper; let it come to a boil, thicken with a tablespoonful of flour, wet up in a little milk. Serve on dipped toast or not, just as one fancies. A nice breakfast dish. BEEF CROQUETTES. No. I. Chop fine one cup of cold, cooked, lean beef, half a cup of fat, half a cup of cold boiled or fried ham; cold pork will do if you have not the ham. Also mince up a slice of onion. Season all with a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of MEATS, 107 pepper, and a teaspoonful of powdered sage or parsley, if liked. Heat together with half a cup of stock or milk; when cool, add a beaten egg. Form the mix- ture into balls, slightly flattened; roll in egg and bread-crumbs, or flour and egg. Fry in hot lard or beef drippings. Serve on a platter and garnish with sprigs of parsley. Almost any cold meats can be used instead of beef. BEEF CROQUETTES. No. 2. Take cold roast or corned beef. Put it into a wooden bowl and chop it fine. Mix with it about twice the quantity of hot mashed potatoes well seasoned with butter and salt. Beat up an egg and work it into the potato and meat, then form the mixture into little cakes the size of fish balls. Flatten them a little, roll in flour or egg and cracker crumbs, fry in butter and lard mixed, browning on both sides. Serve piping hot. MEAT AND POTATO CROQUETTES. Put in a stew-pan an ounce of butter and a slice of onion minced fine; when this simmers, add a level tablespoonful of sifted flour; stir the mixture until it becomes smooth and frothy; then add half of a cupful of milk, some seasoning of salt and pepper; let all boil, stirring it allthe while. Now add a cupful of cold meat chopped fine and a cupful of cold or hot mashed potato. Mix all thor- oughly and spread on a plate to cool. When it is cool enough, shape it with your hands into balls or rolls. Dip them in beaten egg and roll in cracker or bread-crumbs. Drop them into hot lard and fry about two minutes a delicate brown; take them out with a skimmer and drain them on a piece of brown paper. Serve immediately while hot. These are very nice. Cold rice or hominy may be used in place of the potato; or a cupful of cold fish minced fine in place of the meat. COLD ROAST, WARMED. Cut from the remains of a cold roast the lean meat from the bones into small, thin slices. Put over the fire a frying-pan containing a spoonful of butter or drippings. Cut up a quarter of an onion and fry it brown, then remove the onion, add the meat gravy left from the day before, and if not thick enough, add a little flour; salt and pepper. Turn the pieces of meat into this, and let them semmer a few minutes. Serve hot. COLD ROAST, WARMED. No. 2. Cold rare roast beef may be made as good as when freshly cooked by slicing, seasoning with salt, pepper and bits of butter; put it in a plate or pan with a MEATS. spoonful or two of water, covering closely, and set in the oven until hot, but no longer. Cold steak may be shaved very fine with a knife and used the same way, Or, if the meat is in gmall pieces, cover them with buttered letter paper, twist each end tightly, and boil them on the gridiron, sprinkling them with finely chopped herbs. Still another nice way of using cold meats is to mince the lean portions very fine, and add to a batter made of one pint of milk, one cup of flour and three eggs. Fry like fritters, and serve with drawn butter or sauce. COLD MEAT AND POTATO, BAKED. Put in a frying-pan a round tablespoonful of cold butter; when it becomes hot, stir into it a teaspoonful of chopped onion and a tablespoonful of flour, stir- ring it constantly until it is smooth and frothy; then add two-thirds of a cupful of cold milk or water. Season this with salt and pepper and allow it to come to a boil; then add a cupful of cold meat finely chopped and cleared from bone and skin; let this all heat thoroughly; then turn it into a shallow dish well buttered. Spread hot or cold mashed potatoes over the top, and cook for fifteen or twenty minutes in a moderate hot oven. Cold hominy or rice may be used in place of mashed potatoes, and is equally as good. BEEF HASH. No. I. Chop rather finely cold roast beef or pieces of beef steak, also chop twice as much cold boiled potatoes. Put over the fire a stew-pan or frying-pan, in which put a piece of butter as large as required to season it well, add pepper and salt, moisten with beef gravy if you have it, if not, with hot water; cover and let it steam and heat through thoroughly, stirring occasionally, so that the ingredients be evenly distributed, and to keep the hash from sticking to the bottom of the pan. When done it should not be at all watery, nor yet dry, but have sufficient adhesiveness to stand well on a dish, or buttered toast. Many like the flavor of onion; if so, fry two or three slices in the butter before adding the hash. Corned beef makes excellent hash. BEEF HASH. No. 2. Chop cold roast beef, or pieces of beefsteak; fry half an onion in a piece of butter; when the onion is brown, add the chopped beef; season with a little salt and pepper; moisten with the beef gravy, if you have any, if not, with sufficient water and a little butter; cook long enough to be hot, but no longer, as much cooking toughens the meat. An excellent breakfast dish. —Prof. Bit. MEATS. 109 Some prefer to let a crust form on the bottom and turn the hash brown side uppermost. Served with poached eggs on top. HAMBURGER STEAK. Take a pound of raw flank or round steak, without any fat, bone or stringy pieces. Chop it until a perfect mince; it cannot be chopped too fine. Also chop a small onion quite fine, and mix well with the meat. Season with salt and pepper; make into cakes as large as a biscuit, but quite flat, or into one large flat cake a little less than half an inch thick. Have ready a frying-pan, with butter and lard mixed; when boiling hot, put in the steak and fry brown. Garnish with celery top around the edge of the platter and two or three slices of lemon on the top of the meat. A brown gravy made from the grease the steak was fried in, and poured over the meat, enriches it. TO ROAST BEEF HEART, Wash it carefully and open it sufficiently to remove the ventricles, then soak it in cold water until the blood is discharged; wipe it dry and stuff it nicely with dressing, as for turkey; roast it about an hour and a half, Serve it with the gravy, which should be thickened with some of the stuffing, and a glass of wine. It is very nice hashed. Served with currant jelly. —Palmer House, Chicago. STEWED BEEF KIDNEY. Cut the kidney into slices, season highly-with pepper and salt, fry it a light brown, take out the slices, then pour a little warm water into the pan, dredge in some flour, put in slices of kidney again; let them stew very gently; add some parsley if liked. Sheep’s kidneys may be split open, broiled over a clear fire, and served with a piece of butter placed on each half. BEEF’S HEART, STEWED. After washing the heart thoroughly, cut it up into squares half an inch long; put them into a sauce-pan with water enough to cover them. If any scum rises, skim it off. Now take out the meat, strain the liquor, and put back the meat, also add a sliced onion, some parsley, a head of celery chopped fine, pepper and salt, and a piece of butter. Stew until the meat is very tender. Stir upa tablespoonful of brown flour with a small quantity of water, and thicken the whole. Boil up and serve. MEATS. BOILED BEEF TONGUE. Wash a fresh tongue and just cover it with water in the pot; put in a pint of salt and a small, red peppers add more water as it evaporates, so as to keep the tongue nearly covered until done—when it can be easily pierced with a fork; take it out, and if wanted soon, take off the skin and set it away to cool. If wanted for future use, do not peel until it ig required. A cu] ful of salt will do for three ou have that nun iber to boil; but do not fail to keep water enough tongues, if y Tf salt tongues are used, soak. in the pot to keep them covered while boiling. them over night, of course omitting the salt when boiling. tongue, place it in a sauce-pan with one cup of water, half a cup vinegar, four tablespoonfuls sugar, and cook until the liquor is evaporated. SPICED BEEF TONGUE. a mixture made of half a pound of brown sugar, a piece espoonful of ground cloves; put itina Or, after peeling a Rub into each tongue of saltpetre the size of a pea, and a tabl brine made of three-quarters of a pound of salt to two quarts of water and Pickle two weeks, then wash well and dry with a cloth; roll out keep covered. r the tongue and place in a a thin paste.made of flour and water, smear it all ove pan to bake slowly; baste well with lard and hot water; when done scrape off the paste and skin. TO BOIL TRIPE. Wash it well in warm water, and trim it nicely, taking off all the fat. Cut into small pieces, and put it on to boil five hours before dinner in water enough to cover it very well. After it has boiled four hours, pour off the water, season the tripe with pepper and salt, and put it into a pot with milk and water mixed in equal quantities. Boil it an hour in the milk and water. Boil in a sauce-pan ten or a dozen onions. When they are quite soft, drain them in a colander, and mash them. Wipe out your sauce-pan and put them on. again, with a bit of butter rolled in flour and a wineglass of cream or milk. Let them boil up, and add them to the tripe just before you send it to table. Hat it with pepper, vinegar and mustard. It is best to give tripe its first and longest boiling the day before it is wanted. Orr RY TRIPE. Boil the tripe the day before till it is quite tender, which it will not be in less than four or five hours. Then cover it and set it away. Next day cut it into long slips, and dip each piece into beaten yolk of egg, and afterwards roll them MEATS. III im grated bread-crumbs. Have ready in a frying-pan over the fire some good beef-dripping. When it is boiling hot put in the tripe, and fry it about ten minutes, till of a ight brown. You may serve it with onion sauce: Boiled tripe that has been left from the dinner of the preceding day may be fried in this manner. FRICASSEED TRIPE. Cut a pound of tripe in narrow strips, put a small cup of water or milk to it, add a bit of butter the size of an egg, dredge in a large teaspoonful of flour, or work it with the butter; season with pepper and salt, let it simmer gently for half an hour, serve hot. A bunch of parsley cut small and put with it is an improvement. Some put in oysters five minutes before dishing up. TRIPE LYONNAISE. Cut up half a pound of cold. boiled tripe into neat squares. Put two ounces of butter and a tablespoonful of chopped onion in a frying-pan and fry to a deli- cate brown; add to the tripe a teaspoonful of chopped parsley and a little strong vinegar, salt, and cayenne; stir the pan to prevent burning. Cover the bottom of a platter with tomato-sauce, add the contents of the pan and serve. TO CLARIFY BEEF DRIPPINGS. Drippings accumulated from different cooked meats of beef or veal can be clarified by putting it into a basin and slicing into it a raw potato, allowing it to boil long enough for the potato to brown, which causes all impurities to dis- appear. Remove from the fire, and when cool drain it off from the sediment that settles at the bottom. Turn it into basins or small jars and set it in a cool place for future use. When mixed with an equal amount of butter it answers the same purpose as clear butter for frying and basting any meats excepting game and poultry. Mutton drippings impart its kind. an unpleasant flavor to anything cooked outside of ROAST LOIN OF VEAL. Prepare it the same as any roast, leaving in the kidney, around which put Make a dressing the same as for fowls; unroll the loin, put around the kidney, fold and secure with several coils of white considerable salt. the stuffing well cotton twine wound around in all directions; place in a dripping-pan with the EIS TOS, OI I Aol MEATS. thick side down, and put in a rather hot oven, graduated after it commences to roast to moderate; in half an hour add a little hot water to the pan, and baste often; in another half hour turn over the roast, and en pny done dredge lightly with flour and baste with melted butter. Before serving, carefully A roast of four to five pounds will bake in about two hours. remove the twine. here is too much in the drippings; For a gravy, skim off some of the fat if t dredge in some flour, stir until brown, add some hot water if necessary, boil a few minutes, stir in such sweet herbs as fancied, and put ina gravy boat. Serve with green peas and lemon jelly. Is very nice sliced cold for lunch, and Wor- cestershire or Chili sauce forms a fine relish. ROAST FILLET OF VEAL. Select a nice fillet, take out the bone, fill up the space with stuffing, and also put a good layer under the fat. Truss it of a good shape by drawing the fat round, and tie it up with tape. Cook it rather moderately at first, and baste with butter. It should have careful attention and frequent basting,.that the fat may not burn. Roast from three to four hours, according to the size. After it ig dished, pour melted butter over it; serve with ham or bacon, and fresh cucumbers, if in season. Veal, like all other meat, should be well washed in cold water before cooking and wiped thoroughly dry with a clean cloth. Cold fillet of veal is very good stewed with tomatoes and an onion or two. In roasting veal, care must be taken that it is not at first placed in too hot an oven; the fat of a loin, one of the most delicate joints of veal, should be covered with greased paper; a fillet, also, should have on the caul until nearly done enough. BOILED FILLET OF VEAL. Choose a small, delicate fillet; prepare as for roasting, or stuff it with an oyster force-meat; after having washed it thoroughly, cover it with water and let it boil very gently three and a half or four hours, keeping it well skimmed. Send it to the table with a rich white sauce, or, if stuffed with oysters, a tureen of oyster sauce. Garnish with stewed celery and slices of bacon. A boiled tongue should be served with it. VEAL PUDDING. Cut about two pounds of lean veal into small collops a quarter of an inch in thickness; put a piece of butter the size of an egg into a very clean frying-pan to melt; then lay in the veal and’a few slices of bacon, a small sprig of thyme, and a seasoning of pepper and salt; place the pan over a slow fire for about ten MEATS. Lae minutes, then add two or three spoonfuls of warm water. Just boil it up, and then let it stand to cool. Line a pudding-dish with a good suet crust, lay in the veal and bacon, pour the gravy over it; roll out a piece of paste to form a lid, place it over, press it close with the thumb, tie the basin in a pudding cloth, and put it into a sauce-pan of boiling water, keeping continually boiling until done, or about one hour. FRIED VEAL CUTLETS. Put into a frying-pan two or three tablespoonfuls of lard or beef drippings. When boiling hot lay in the cutlets, well seasoned with salt and pepper, and dredged with flour. Brown nicely on both sides, then remove the meat, and if you have more grease than is necessary for the gravy, put it aside for further use. Reserve a.tablespoonful or more, and rub into it a tablespoonful of flour, with the back of the spoon, until it is a smooth, rich brown color; then add gradually a cup of cold water and season with pepper and salt. When the gravy is boiled up well return the meat to the pan and gravy. Cover it closely and allow it to stew gently on the back of the range for fifteen minutes. This softens the meat, and with this gravy it makes a nice breakfast dish. Another mode is to simply fry the cutlets, and afterwards turning off some of the grease they were fried in and then adding to that left in the pan a few drops of hot water, turning the whole over the fried chops. FRIED VEAL CHOPS. (Plain.) Sprinkle over them salt and pepper, then dip them in beaten ege and cracker- crumbs, and fry in drippings, or hot lard and butter mixed. If you wish a gravy with them, add a tablespoonful of flour to the gravy they were fried in and turn in cream or milk; season to taste with salt and pepper. Boil up and serve hot with the gravy ina separate dish. This dish is very fine accompanied with a few sound fresh tomatoes, sliced and fried in the same grease the cutlets were, and all dished on the same platter. VEAL COLLOPS. Cut veal from the leg or other lean part into pieces the size of an oyster. u ar ay TOP ANAC 7aea*: di 7 ro Season with pepper, salt and a little mace; rub some over each piece; dip in egg, then into cracker-crumbs, and fry. They both look and taste like oysters VEAL OLIVES. Cut up a slice of a fillet of veal, about half an inch thick, into squares of three inches. Mix up ic a little salt pork, chopped with bread-crumbs, one onion, 114 MEATS. and one egg well beaten; put this mixture a little pepper, salt, sweet marjoram, the four corners together with little bird upon the pieces of veal, fastening skewers; lay them in a pan with a sufficient veal gravy or light stock to cover swers; le the bottom of the pan, dredge with flour, and set in a hot oven. When browned small bit of butter on each, and let them remain until quite tender, on top, put a Serve with horse-radish. which will take twenty minutes. VEAL CHEESE. al quantities of boiled sliced veal and smoked tongue. Pound the a mortar, moistening with butter as you proceed; then pack it ne it in alternate layers; first, the tongue and then the veal, Press it down hard and pour melted Prepare equ slices separately in in a jar or pail, mixit so that when cut it will look variegated. putter over the top. Keep it well covered and in a dry place. Nice for sand- wiches, or sliced cold for lunch. VEAL CROQUETTES. Mince a coffee cup of cold veal in a chopping bowl, adding a little cold ham, es of onion, a pinch of mace, powdered parsley and pepper, or cream come to the boiling point, then add a and two or three slic some salt. Leta pint of milk tablespoonful of cold butter, then the above mixture. Beat up two eggs and mix with a teaspoonful of corn-starch or flour, and add to the rest; cook it all about ten minutes, stirring with care. Remove from the fire, and spread it on a platter, roll it into balls, when cooled flatten each; dip them in egg and bread- crumbs, and fry in a wire basket, dipped in hot lard. BROILED VEAL CUTLETS. (Fine.) Two or three pounds of veal cutlets, egg and bread-crumbs, two tablespoon- fuls of minced savory herbs, salt and pepper to taste, a little grated nutmeg. Cut the cutlets about three-quarters of an inch in thickness, flatten them, and brush them over with the yolk of an egg; dip them into bread-crumbs and minced herbs, season with pepper and salt, and fold each cutlet in a piece of white letter paper well buttered; twist the ends, and broil over a clear fire; when done remove the paper. Cooked this way, they retain all the flavor. VEAL POT-PIE. Procure a nice breast or brisket of veal, well jointed, put the pieces into the pot with one quart of water to every five pounds of meat; put the pot over a slow fire; just before it comes to a boil, skim it well and pour in a teacuptul of cold water; then turn over the meat in order that all the scum may rise, remove MEATS. 115 all the scum, boil quite hard, season with pepper and salt to your taste, always remembering that the crust will take up part of the seasoning; when this is done cut off your crust in pieces of equal size, but do not roll or mould them; lay them on top of the meat, so as to cover it; put the lid on the pot closely, let the whole boil slowly one hour. If the lid does not fit the pot closely, wrap a cloth around it, in order that no steam shall escape; and by no means allow the pot to stop borling. The crust for pot-pie should be raised with yeast. To three pints of flour add two ounces of butter, a little salt, and wet with milk sufficient to make a soft dough; knead it well and set it away to rise; when quite light, mould and knead it again, and let it stand, in winter, one hour, in summer, one half hour, when it will be ready to cut. In summer you had better add one-half a teaspoonful of soda when you knead it the second time, or you may wet it with water, and add another bit of butter. VEAL. PIE. Cut the veal into rather small pieces or slices, put it in a stew-pan, with hot water to cover it; add to it a tablespoonful of salt, and set it over the fire; take off the scum as it rises; when the meat is tender turn it into a dish to cool; take out all the small bones, butter a tin or earthen basin or pudding-pan, line it with pie paste, lay some of the parboiled meat in to half fill it; put bits of butter in the size of a hickory nut all over the meat; shake pepper over, dredge wheat flour then fill it nearly to the top with some of the water in roll a cover for the top of the crust, puff-paste it, early half an inch thickness; cut a ns on either side of it, put the over, until it looks white, which the meat was boiled; giving it two or three turns, and roll it to n slit in the centre, and make several small incisio crust on, trim the edges neatly with a knife; bake one breast of veal will make two two-quart basin pies; half a pound of nice corned arboiled with the meat, will make it very nice, and hour ina quick oven. A pork, cut in thin slices, and p: very little, if any, butter, will be required for the pie; when pork is used, no other salt will be necessary. Many are fond of thin-slices of sweet ham cooked with the veal for pie. VEAL STEW. of veal into pieces three inches long and one Cut up two or three pounds n with two quarts of water, let it boil thick. Wash it, put it in your stew-pa skim it well, and, when all the scum is removed, add pepper and salt to your 116 MEATS. taste, and a small piece of butter; pare and cut in halves twelve small Irish potatoes, put them into the stew-pan; when it boils, have ready a batter made with two eggs, two spoonfuls of cream or milk, a little salt and flour enough to a little thicker than for pan-cakes; drop this into the stew, a spoonful at when all is in, cover the pan closely so that no steam make it a time, while it is boiling; can escape; let it boil twenty minutes, and serve in a deep dish. VEAL LOAF. Three pounds of raw veal, chopped very fine, butter the size of an egg, three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of cream or milk; if milk use a small piece of butter; mix the eggs and cream together; mix with the veal four pounded crackers, one teaspoonful of black pepper, one large tablespoonful salt, one large tablespoonful of sage; mix well together and form into a loaf. Bake two and one-half hours, basting with butter and water while baking. Serve cut in thin slices. VEAL FOR LUNCH. Butter a good-sized bowl, and line it with thin slices of hard-boiled eggs; have veal and ham both in very thin slices; place in the bowl a layer of. veal, with pepper and salt, then a layer of ham, omitting the salt, then a layer of veal, and so on, alternating with veal and ham, until the bowl is filled; make a paste of flour and water, as stiff as it can be rolled out; cover the contents of the bowl with the paste, and over this tie a double cotton cloth; put the bowl into a sauce- pan, or other vessel, with water just up to the rim of the bowl, and boil three hours; then take it from the fire, remove the cloth and paste, and let it stand until the next day, when it may be turned out and served in very thin slices. An excellent lunch in travelling. VEAL PATTIES, Cut portions of the neck or breast of veal into small pieces, and, with a little salt pork cut fine, stew gently for ten or fifteen minutes; season with pepper and salt, and a small piece of celery chopped coarsely, also of the yellow top, picked (not chopped) up; stir ina paste made of a tablespoonful of flour the yolk of one egg, and milk to form a thin batter; let all come to a boil, and it is ready for the patties. Make the patties of a light, flaky crust, as for tarts, cut round, the size of a small sauce-plate; the centre of each, for about three inches, cut half way through, to be raised and serve asa cover. Puta spoonful of the stew in each crust, lay on the top, and serve. Stewed oysters or lamb may be used in place of veal. MEA TeSi ifeatt Vf BRAISED VEAL. Take a piece of the shoulder weighing about five pounds. Have the bone removed and tie up the meat to make it firm. Put a piece of butter the size of half an egg, together with a few shavings of onion, into a kettle or stone crock and let it get hot. Salt and pepper the veal and put it into the kettle, cover it tightly and put it over a medium fire until the meat is brown on both sides, turning it occasionally. Then set the kettle back on the stove, where it will simmer slowly for about two hours and a half. Before setting the meat back on the stove, see if the juice of the meat together with the butter do not make gravy enough, and if not, put in about two tablespoonfuls of hot water. When the gravy is cold it will be like jelly. It can be served hot with the hot meat, or cold with the cold meat. BAKED CALF’S HEAD. Boil a calf’s head (after having cleaned it) until tender, then split it in two, and keep the best half; (bone it if you like); cut the meat from the other in uni- form pieces; the size of an oyster; put bits of butter, the size of a nutmeg, all over the best half of the head; sprinkle pepper over it, and dredge on flour until it looks white, then set it on a trivet or muffin rings in a dripping-pan; put a cup of water into the pan, and set it ina hot oven; turn it that it may brown evenly; baste once or twice. Whilst this is doing, dip the prepared pieces of the head in wheat flour or batter, and fry in hot lard or beef dripping a delicate brown; season with pepper and salt and slices of lemon, if liked. When the roast is done put it on a hot dish, lay the fried pieces around it, and cover it with a tin cover; put the gravy from the dripping-pan into the pan in which the ith the slices of lemon, and a tablespoonful of browned flour, Let it boil up once, and strain it into a pieces were fried, w and, if necessary, a little hot water. gravy boat, and serve with the meat. CALF’S HEAD CHEESE. ter enough to cover it, until the meat leaves the bones; into a wooden bowl or tray; take from it every Boil a calf’s head in wa then take it with a skimmer season with pepper and salt, a heaping table- particle of bone; chop it small; se, ek, spoonful of salt, and a teaspoonful of pepper will be sufficient; if liked, add a tablespoonful of finely chopped sweet herbs; lay in a cloth in a colander, put the at into it, then fold the cloth closely over it, lay a plate over, and on minced mee ‘ ! a it a gentle weight. When cold it may be sliced thin for supper or sandwiches. DESC TNLS Eo ve Spread each slice with made mustard. MEATS. BRAIN CUTLETS. Well wash the brains and soak them in cold water till white. Parboil them till tender in a small sauce-pan. for about a quarter of an hour; then thoroughly drain them, and place them on a poard. Divide them into small pieces with a knife. Dip each piece into flour, and then roll them in egg and bread-crumbs, and fry them in butter or well-clarified dripping. Serve very hot with gravy. Another way of doing brains is to prepare them as above, and then stew them gently in rich stock, like stewed sweetbreads. They are also nice plainly boiled, and served with parsley and butter sauce. CALF’S HEAD BOILED. Put the head into boiling water and let it remain about five minutes; take it out, hold it by the ear, and with the back of the knife scrape off the hair, (should it not come off easily, dip the head again in boiling water). When perfectly cut off the ears, and remove the brain, which soak for clean, take the eyes out, Put the head to soak in hot water a few minutes to an hour in warm water. make it look white. and then have ready a stew-pan, into which lay the head; cover it with cold water, and bring it gradually to boil. Remove the scum, and add a little salt, which increases it and causes it to rise to the top. Simmer it very gently from two and a half to three hours, or until the bones will slip out easily, and when nearly done, boil the brains fifteen or twenty minutes; skin and chop them, (not too finely), and add a tablespoonful of minced parsley which has been previously scalded; also a pinch of pepper, salt; then stir into this four tablespoonfuls of melted butter, set it on the back of the range to keep it hot. When the head is done, take it up, and drain very dry. Score the top and rub it over with melted butter; dredge it with flour, and set it in the oven to brown. When you serve the head, have it accompanied with a gravy boat of melted butter and minced parsley. CALF’S LIVER AND BACON. Slice the liver a quarter of an inch thick; pour hot water over it, and let it remain for a few minutes to clear it from blood; then dry it in a cloth. Take a pound of bacon, or as much as you require, and cut the same number of thin slices as you have of liver; fry the bacon to a nice crisp; take it out and keep ib hot; then fry the liver in the same pan, having first seasoned it with pepper and salt and dredged in a little flour; lay it in the hot bacon fat and fry it a nice brown. Serve it with a slice of bacon on the top of each slice of liver. MEATS. 119 If you wish a gravy with it, pour off most of the fat from the frying-pan, put in about two ounces of butter, a tablespoonful of flour well rubbed in, add a cup of water, salt and pepper, give it one boil and serve in a gravy boat. Another way.—Cut the liver in nice thin slices, pour boiling water over it, and let it stand about five minutes; then drain and put in a dripping-pan with three or four thin slices of salt pork or bacon; pepper and salt, and put in the oven, letting it cook until thoroughly done, then serve with a cream or milk gravy poured over it. Calf’s liver and bacon are very good broiled after cutting each in thin slices. Season with butter, pepper and salt. CROQUETTES OF SWEETBREADS. Take four veal sweetbreads, soak them for an hour in cold salted water, first remoy- ing the pipes and membranes; then put them into boiling salted water with a table- spoonful of vinegar, and cook them twenty minutes, then drop them again into cold water to harden. Now remove them, chop them very fine, almost to a paste. Season with salt, pepper and a teaspoonful of grated onion; add the beaten yolks of three raw eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, half a cupful of cream, and sufficient fine cracker crumbs to make stiff enough to roll out into little balls or cork-shaped cro- quettes. Have ready a frying-kettle half-full of fat over the fire, a dish containing three smoothly beaten eggs, a large platter of cracker dust; wet the hands with cold water and make the mixture in shape; afterwards rolling them in the cracker dust, then into the beaten egg, and again in the cracker dust; smooth them on the outside and drop them carefully in the hot fat. When the croquettes are fried a nice golden brown, put them on a brown paper a moment to free them from grease. Serve hot with sliced lemon or parsley. SWEETBREADS. There are two in a calf, which are considered delicacies. Select the largest. The color should be clear and a shade darker than the fat. Before cooking in let them lie for half an hour in tepid water; then throw into hot arden, after which draw off the outer casing, remove the They should always be thoroughly cooked. any manner water to whiten and h little pipes, and cut into thin slices. FRIED SWEETBREADS. are put into hot fat and butter, and fried After preparing them as above they first. rolling them in egg and the same as lamb chop, also broiled the same, cracker-crumbs. BAKED SWEETBREADS. Three sweetbreads, egg and pread-crumbs, oiled butter, three slices of toast, j brown gravy. Choose larze, white sweetbreads; put them into warm water to draw out the 100se large, MEATS. 120 blood, and to improve their color; let them remain for rather more than one hour; then put them into boiling water, and allow them to simmer for about ten minutes, which renders them firm. Take them up, drain them, brush over the egg, sprinkle with bread-crumbs; dip them in egg again, and then into more bread-crumbs. Drop on them a little oiled butter, and put the sweetbreads into a moderately heated oven, and let them bake for nearly three-quarters of an hour. Make three pieces of toast; place the sweetbreads on the toast, and pour round, but not over them, a good brown gravy. FRICASSEED SWEETBREADS. If they are uncooked, cut into thin slices, let them simmer in a rich gravy for three-quarters of an hour, add a well-beaten egg, two tablespoonfuls of cream and a tablespoonful of chopped parsley; stir all together for a few minutes and serve immediately. Mutton and Lamb. ROAST MUTTON. The pieces mostly used for roasting are the hind quarter of the sheep, called the loin and leg, the fore-quarter, the shoulder, also the chine or saddle, which is the two loins together. Every part should be trimmed off that cannot be eaten; then wash well and dry with a clean cloth; lay it in your dripping-pan and put in a little water to baste it with at first; then afterward with its own gravy. Allow, in roasting, about twelve minutes to the pound; that is, if your fire is strong, which it should be. It should not be salted at first, as that tends to harden it, and draws out too much of the blood or juices; but salt soon after it begins to roast well. If there is danger of its browning too fast, cover it with a sheet of white paper. Baste it often, and about a quarter of an hour before you think it will be done dredge the meat very lightly with flour and baste it with butter. Skim the gravy well and thicken very slightly with brown flour. Serve with currant jelly or other tart sauce. BONED LEG OF MUTTON ROASTED. Take the bone out of a small leg of mutton, without spoiling the skin if possible, then cut off most of the fat. In the hole whence the bone was taken, fill with a stuffing made the same as for fowls, adding to it part of an MEATS, 121 onion finely minced. Sew the leg up underneath to prevent the dressing or stuffing from falling out. Bind and tie it up compactly; put it in a roasting- pan, turn ina cupful of hot water and place it in a moderately hot oven, bast- ing it occasionally. When partly cooked season with salt and pepper. When thoroughly cooked, remove and place the leg on a warm platter; skim the grease from the top of the drippings, add a cup of water and thicken with a spoonful of dissolved flour. Send the gravy to the table in a gravy dish, also a dish of currant jelly. BOILED LEG OF MUTTON. To prepare a leg of mutton for boiling, wash it clean, cut a small piece off the shank bone, and trim the knuckle. Put it into a pot with water enough to cover it, and boil gently from two to three hours, skimming well. Then take it from the fire, and keeping the pot well covered, let it finish by remaining in the steam for ten or fifteen minutes. Serve it up with a sauce-boat of melted butter, into which a teacupful of capers or nasturtiums, have been stirred. Ifthe broth is to be used for soup, put in a little salt while boiling; if not, salt it well when partly done, and boil the meat in a cloth. BRAISED LEG OF MUTTON. This recipe can be varied either by preparing the leg with a stuffing, placed in the cavity after having the bone removed, or cooking it without. Having lined the bottom of a thick iron kettle or stew-pan with a few thin slices of bacon, put over the bacon four carrots, three onions, a bunch of savory herbs; then over these place the leg of mutton. Cover the whole with a few more slices of bacon, then pour over half of a pint of water. Cover with a tight cover and stew very gently for four hours, basting the leg occasionally with its own liquor, and sea: soning it with salt and pepper as soon as it begins to be tender. When cooked strain the gravy, thicken with a spoonful of flour, (it should be quite brown), pour some of it over the meat and send the remainder to the table in a tureen, to be served with the mutton when carved. Garnish the dish around the leg with potatoes cut in the shape of olives and fried a light brown in, butter. LEG OF MUTTON A LA VENISON. Remove all the rough fat from the mutton and lay it in a deep earthen dish; rub into it thoroughly the following: One tablespoonful of salt, one each of celery-salt, brown sugar, black pepper, English mustard, allspice, and some sweet herbs, all powdered and mixed; after which pour over it slowly a teacup of good vinegar, cover tightly, and set in a cool place four or five days, turning it and MEATS. 122 quid each day. To cook, put in a kettle a quart of boil- an inverted shallow pan, and on it lay the meat just as er the kettle tightly and stew four hours. Do not Adda cup of hot water to the pickle remaining thicken the liquid with flour and strain through elish of currant jelly, the same as for basting often with the li ing water, place over it removed from the pickle; cov: let the water touch the meat. and baste with it. When done, a fine sieve, to serve with the meat; also a 1 venison. This is a fine dish when the directions are faithfully followed. STEAMED LEG OF MUTTON. Wash and put the leg in a steamer and cook it until tender, then place ina salt and dredge well with flour and set in a hot oven until nicely roasting pan, aing in the bottom of the steamer may be used for browned; the water that rem, soup. Serve with currant jelly. HASHED MUTTON. Cut into small ~ieces the lean of somé cold mutton that has been underdone, and season it wich vepper and salt. Take the bones and other trimmings, put them into a sauce-pan with as much water as will cover them, and some sliced onions, and let them stew till you have drawn from them a good gravy. Having skimmed it well, strain the gravy into a stew-pan, and put the mutton into it. Have ready-boiled some carrots, turnips, potatoes and onions. Slice them and add to the meat and gravy. Set the pan on the fire and let it simmer till the meat is warmed through, but do not allow it to boil, as it has been once cooked already. Cover the bottom of a dish with slices of buttered toast. Lay the meat and vegetables upon it, and pour over them the gravy. Tomatoes will be found an improvement. If green peas or Lima beans are in season, you may boil them and put them to the hashed mutton, leaving out the other vegetables, or serving them up separately. BROILED MUTTON CHOPS: Loin of mutton, pepper and salt, a small piece of butter. Cut the chops from a tenderloin of mutton, remove a portion of the fat, and trim them into a.nice shape; slightly beat and level them; place the gridiron over a bright, clear fire, rub the bars with a little fat, and lay on the chops. While broiling frequently turn them, and in about eight minutes they will be done. Season with pepper and salt, dish them on a very hot dish, rub a small piece of butter on each chop, and serve very hot and expeditiously. Nice with tomato sauce poured over them. MEATS, FRIED MUTTON CHOPS. No. 1. Put into a frying-pan a tablespoonful of cold lard and butter mixed; have some fine mutton chops without much fat; trim off the skin. Dip each in wheat flour, or rolled cracker, and beaten egg, then lay them into the hot grease, sprinkle with salt and pepper, fry on both sides a fine brown. When done, take them up and place on a hot dish. If you wish a made gravy, turn off the super- fluous grease, if any, stir into the hot gravy remaining a heaping spoonful of flour, stirring it until smooth and free from lumps, then turn into that a cup of cold water or milk; season with pepper and salt, let it boil up thick. You can serve it in a separate dish or pour it over the chops. Tomato sauce is considered fine, turned over a dish of hot fried or broiled chops. FRIED MUTTON CHOPS. No. 2. Prepare the chops by trimming off all extra fat and skin, season them with salt and pepper; dip each chop in beaten egg, then in rolled cracker or bread- crumbs; dip again in the egg and crumbs, and so on until they are well coated with the crumbs. Have ready a deep spider containing a pound or more of lard, hot enough to fry crullers. Drop into this hot lard the chops, frying only a few at one time, as too many cool the fat. Fry them brown, and serve up hot and dry, on a warm platter. MUTTON CUTLETS. (Baked). Prepare them the same as for frying, lay them in a dripping pan with a very little water at the bottom. Bake quickly, and baste often with butter and water. Make a little brown gravy and turn over them when they are served. BAKED MUTTON CHOPS AND POTATOES. Wash and peel some good potatoes and cut them into slices the thickness of apenny-piece. The quantity of potatoes must, of course, be decided according to the number of persons to whom they have to be served; but it is a safe plan to allow two, or even three, potatoes for each person. After the potatoes are sliced, wash them in two or three waters, to thoroughly cleanse them; then arrange them neatly (in layers) in a brown stone dish proper for bakin @ purposes. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper between each layer, and add a sufficient quantity of cold water to prevent their burning. Place the fick in a very hot oven—on shelf—so as to brown the potatoes ina few minutes. Have ready some nice loin chops (say one for each person); trim off most of the fat; make them into a neat round shape by putting a small skewer through each. When the nse tnd an hee nti gies Sa EEN MEAT. 124 potatoes are nicely browned, zemove the dish from the oven, and place the chops on the top. Add a little more salt and pepper, and water if required, and return part of the oven, where it may be allowed to remain until the dish to a cooler sufficiently cocked, which will be in about three-quarters of an hour. When the upper sides of she chops are a nice crisp brown, turn them over so as to brown the other side also, If, in the cooking, the potatoes appear to be getting too dry, a little more water may be gently poured in at one corner of the dish, only care must be taken to see that the water is hot this time—not cold, as at first. The dish in which the chops and potatoes are baked must be as neat-looking as possi- ple, as it has to be sent to the table; turning the potatoes out would, of course, spoil their appearance. how delightful it is. While the chops are baking the gravy drips from them among the potatoes, rendering the whole most delicious. Those who have never tasted this dish have no idea MUTTONETTES. Cut from a leg of mutton slices about half an inch thick. On each slice lay a spoonful of stuffing made with bread-crumbs, beaten egg, butter, salt, pepper, sage and summer savory. Roll up the slices, pinning with little skewers or small wooden toothpicks to keep the dressing in. Put a little butter and water in a baking-pan with the muttonettes, and cook in hot oven three-quarters of an hour. Baste often, and when done thicken the gravy, pour over the meat, garnish with parsley, and serve on hot platter. IRISH STEW. Time about ¢wo hours. Two and a half pounds of chops, eight potatoes, four turnips, four small onions, nearly a quart of water. Take some chops from loin of mutton, place them in stew-pan in alternate layers of sliced potatoes and chops; add turnips and onions cut into pieces, pour in nearly a quart of cold water; gover stew-pan closely, let it stew gently till vegetables are ready to mash and the greater part of the gravy is absorbed; then place in a dish; serve it up hot. MUTTON PUDDING. Line a two-quart pudding-basin with some beef suet paste; fill the lining with thick mutton cutlets, slightly trimmed, or, if preferred, with steaks cut from the leg; season with pepper and salt, some parsley, a little thyme and two slices of onion chopped fine, and between each layer of meat, put some slices of potatoes. When the pudding is filled, wet the edges of the paste around the top of the basin, and cover with a piece of paste rolled out the size of the basin. Fasten down the edge by bearing all around with the thumb; and then with the thumb MEATS, 125 and forefinger twist the edges of the paste over and over so as to give it a corded appearance. This pudding can be set in a steamer and steamed, or boiled. The time required for cooking is about three hours. When done, turn it out care- fully on a platter and serve with a rich gravy under it. This is a very good recipe for cooking small birds. SCRAMBLED MUTTON. Two cups of chopped cold mutton, two tablespoonfuls of hot water, and a piece of butter as large as an English walnut. When the meat is hot, break in three eggs, and constantly stir until the eggs begin to stiffen. Season with pepper and salt. SCALLOPED MUTTON AND TOMATOES. Over the bottom of an earthen baking-dish place a layer of bread-crumbs, and over it alternate layers of cold roast mutton cut in thin slices, and tomatoes peeled and sliced; season each with salt, pepper and bits of butter, as laid in. The top layer should be of tomatoes, spread over with bread-crumbs. Bake three-quarters of an hour, and serve immediately. LAMB SWEETBREADS AND TOMATO SAUCE. Lamb sweetbreads are not always procurable, but a stroll through the markets occasionally reveals a small lot of them, which can invariably be had at a low price, owing to their excellence being recognized by but few buyers. Wash them well in salted water and parboil fifteen minutes, when cool, trim neatly and put them in a pan with just butter enough to prevent their burning; toss them about until a delicate color; seascn with salt and pepper and serve, surrounded with tomato sauce. See Sauces. ROAST QUARTER OF LAMB. Procure a nice hind-quarter, remove some of the fat that is around the kidney, skewer the lower joint up to the fillet, place it in a moderate oven, let it heat through slowly, then dredge it with galt and flour; quicken the fire, put half a pint of water into the dripping-pan, with a teaspoonful of salt. With this liquor baste the meat-occasionally; serve with lettuce, green peas, and mint sauce. A quarter of lamb weighing seven or eight pounds will require two hours to roast. A breast of lamb roasted is very sweet, and is considered by many as prefer- able to hind-quarter. It requires nearly as long a time to roast as the quarter, and should be served in the same manner. Make the gravy from the drippings, thickened with flour. 126 MEATS. The mint sauce is made as follows: Take fresh, young spearmint leaves. stripped from stems; wash and drain them or dry on 2 cloth, chop very fine, put in a gravy tureen, and to three tablespoonfuls of mint add two of finely pow- dered cut-loaf sugar; mix, and let it stand a few minutes; then pour over it six tablespoonfuls good cider or white-wine vinegar. The sauce should be made some time before dinner, so that the flavor of the mint may be well extracted. TO BROIL THE FORE-QUARTER OF LAMB. Take off the shoulder and lay it upon the gridiron with the breast; cut in two parts, to facilitate its cooking; put a tin sheet on top of the meat, and a weight upon that; turn the meat around frequently to prevent its burning; turn over as soon as cooked on one side; renew the coals occasionally, that all parts may cook alike; when done, season with butter, pepper, and salt,—exactly like beef- steak. It takes some time to broil it well; but when done it will be found to be equal to broiled chicken, the flavor being more delicate than when cooked other- wise. Serve with cream sauce, made as follows: Heat a tablespoonful of butter in a sauce-pan, add a teaspoonful of flour and stir until perfectly smooth; then add, slowly stirring in, a cup of cold milk; let it boil up once, and season to taste with salt and pepper and a teaspoonful of finely chopped fresh parsley. Serve in a gravy boat, all hot. LAMB STEW. Cut up the lamb into small pieces (after removing all the fat), say about two Wash it well and put it over the fire, with just enough cold It should stew gently until it inches square. water to cover it well, and let it heat gradually. is partly done; then add a few thih slices of salt pork, one or two onions sliced up fine, some pepper and salt if needed, and two or three raw potatoes cut up Cover it closely and stew until the meat is tender. Drop ina few made dumplings, made like short biscuit, cut out very small. Cook fifteen Thicken the gravy with a little flour moistened with milk. into inch pieces. minutes longer. Serve. PRESSED LAMB. The meat, either shoulder or leg, should be put to boil in the morning with water just enough to cover it; when tender, season with salt and pepper, then keep it over the fire until very tender and the juice nearly boiled out. Remove it from the fire-place in a wooden chopping-bowl, chop it up like hash. Place it ina bread-pan, press out all the juice, and put it in a cool place to harden. season more if necessary, The pressing is generally done by placing a dish over the meat and putting a flat-iron upon that. Nice cut up cold into thin slices, and MEATS, 127 the broth left from the meat would make a nice soup served with it, adding vegetables and spices. CROQUETTES OF ODDS AND ENDS. These are made of any scraps or bits of good food that happen to be left from one or more meals, and in such small quantities that they cannot be warmed up separately. As, for example, a couple of spoonfuls of frizzled beef and cream, the lean meat of one mutton chop, one spoonful of minced beef, two cold hard-boiled eggs, a little cold chopped potato, a little mashed potato, a chick’s leg, all the gristle and hard outside taken from the meat. These things well chopped and seasoned, mixed with one raw egg, a little flour and butter, and boiling water; then made into round cakes, thick like fish-balls, and browned well with butter in a frying-pan or on a griddle. Scraps of hash, cold rice, boiled oatmeal left from breakfast, every kind of fresh meat, bits of salt tongue, bacon, pork or ham, bits of poultry, and crumbs of bread, may be used. They should be put together with care, so as not to have them too dry to be palatable, or too moist to cook in shape. Most housekeepers would be surprised at the result, making an addition to the breakfast or lunch table. Serve on small squares of buttered toast, and with cold celery if in season. Pork. The best parts and those usually used for roasting are the loin, the leg, the shoulder, the spare-rib and chine. The hams, shoulders and middlings are usually salted, pickled and smoked. Pork requires more thorough cooking than most meats; if the least underdone ‘it is unwholesome. To choose pork: if the rind is thick and tough, and cannot be easily impressed with the finger, it is old; when fresh, it will look cool and smooth, and only corn-fed pork is good; swill or still-fed pork is unfit to cure. Fresh pork is in season from October to April. When dressing or stuffing is used, there are more or less herbs used for seasoning,—sage, Summer Savory, thyme, and sweet mar- joram; these can be found (in the dried, pulverized form, put up in small, light packages) at most of the best druggists; still those raised and gathered at home are considered more fresh. ROAST PIG. Prepare your dressing as for “Dressing for Fowls,”’ adding half an onion, chopped fine; set it inside. Take a young pig about six weeks old, wash it MEATS. ide, and in another water put a teaspoonful of baking thoroughly inside and outs . gain; wipe it dry with a.fresh towel, salt the soda, and rinse out the inside a inside and stuff it with the prepared dressing; making it full and plump, giving it its original size and shape. Sew it up, place it in a kneeling posture in the -pan, tying the legs in proper position. Pour a little hot salted water 3 J c be ; : -pan, baste with butter and water a few times as the pig warms: When it begins to smoke all over dripping into the dripping afterwards with gravy from the dripping-pan. rub it often with a rag dipped in melted butter. This will keep the skin from cracking and it still will be crisp. It will take from two to three hours to Make the gravy by skimming off most of the grease; stir into that pan a good tablespoon of flour, turn in water to make it the roast. remaining in the right consistency, season with pepper and let all boil up once. Strain, and if you like wine in it, add half a glass; turn it into agravy boat. Place the pig upon a large, hot platter, surrounded with parsley or celery tops; place a green wreath around the neck, and a sprig of celery in its mouth. In carving, cut off its head first; split down the back, take off its hams and shoulders, and separate the ribs. ROAST LOIN OF PORK. Score the skin in strips about a quarter of an inch apart; place it in a dripping- pan with a very little water under it; cook it moderately at first, as a high heat hardens the rind before the meat is heated through. If it is very lean, it should be rubbed with fresh lard or butter when put into the pan. A stuffing might be made of bread-crumbs, chopped sage and onions, pepper and salt, and baked separately on a pie dish; this method is better than putting it in the meat many persons have a great aversion to its flavor. A loin weighing about six pounds will roast in two hours; allow more time if it should be very fat. Make a gravy with flour stirred into the pork drippings. Serve with apple sauce and pickles. ROAST LEG OF PORK. Choose a small leg of fine young pork; cut a slit in the knuckle with a sharp knife, and. fill the space with sage and onion chopped, and a little pepper and salt, When half done, score the skin in slices, but do not cut deeper than the outer rind. Apple sauce and potatoes should be served with it. The gravy is to be made the same way as for beef roast, by turning off all the superfluous fat and adding a spoonful of flour stirred with a little water; add water to make the right consistency. Serve in a gravy boat. MEATS. 129 BOILED LEG OF PORK. For boiling, choose a small, compact, well-filled leg, and rub it well with salt; let it remain in pickle for a week or ten days, turning and rubbing it every day. An hour before dressing it put it into cold water for an hour, which improves the color. If the pork is purchased ready salted, ascertain how long the meat has been in pickle, and soak it accordingly. Put it into a boiling-pot, with suffi- cient cold water to cover it; let it gradually come to a boil, and remove the scum as it rises. Simmer it very gently until tender, and do not allow it to boil fast, or the knuckle will fall to pieces before the middle of the leg is done. Carrots, turnips or parsnips may be boiled with the pork, some of which should be laid around the dish as a garnish. Time.—A leg of pork weighing eight pounds, three hours after the water boils, and to be simmered very gently. FRESH PORK POT-PIE. Boil a spare-rib, after removing all the fat and cracking the bones, until tender; remove the scum as it rises, and when tender season with salt and pepper; half an hour before time for serving the dinner thicken the gravy with a little flour. Have ready another kettle, into which remove all the bones and most of the gravy, leaving only sufficient to cover the pot half an inch above the rim that rests on the stove; put in the crust, cover tight, and boil steadily forty-five minutes. To prepare the crust, work into light dough a small bit of butter, roll it out thin, cut it in small square cakes and lay them on the moulding-board until very light. No steam should possibly escape while the crust is cooking, and by no means allow the pot to cease boiling. ROAST SPARE-RIB. Trim off the rough ends neatly, erack the ribs across the middle, rub with salt and sprinkle with pepper, fold over, stuff with turkey dressing, sew up tightly, place in a dripping-pan with a pint of water, baste frequently, turning over once so as to bake both sides equally until a rich brown. PORK TENDERLOINS. The tenderloins are unlike any other part of the pork in flavor. They may be either fried or broiled; the latter being dryer, require to be well-buttered before servine. which should be done.on a hot platter before the butter becomes oily. cop] ) Fry them in a little lard, turning them to have them cooked through; when done, remove, and keep hot while making a gravy by dredging a little flour into 130 MEATS. if not enough add a little butter or lard, stir until browned, and add the hot fat; : and pour over the dish. A little Worcester. a little milk or cream, stir briskly, shire sauce may be added to the gravy if desired. PORK CUTLETS. Cut them from the leg, and remove the skin; trim them and beat them, and sprinkle on salt and pepper. Prepare some beaten egg in a pan; and on a flat dish a mixture of bread-crumbs, minced onion and sage. Put some lard or drip- pings into a frying pan over the fire, and when it boils put in the cutlets; having dipped every one first in the egg, and then in the seasoning. Fry them twenty or thirty minutes, turning them often. After you have taken them out of the frying-pan, skim the gravy, dredge in a little flour, give it one boil, and then pour it on the dish round the cutlets. Have apple sauce to eat with them. Pork cutlets prepared in this manner may be stewed instead of being fried. Add to them a little water, and stew them slowly till thoroughly done, keeping them closely covered, except when you remove the lid to skim them. PORK CHOPS AND FRIED APPLES. Season the chops with salt and pepper and a little powdered sage; dip them into bread-crumbs. Fry about twenty minutes, or until they are done. Put them on a hot dish; pour off part of the gravy into another pan to makea gravy to serve with them, if you choose. Then fry apples which you have sliced about two-thirds of an inch thick, cutting them around the apple so that the core is in the centre of each piece; then cut out the core. When they are browned on one side and partly cooked, turn them carefully with a pan-cake » turner, and finish cooking; dish around the chops or on a separate dish. FRIED PORK CHOPS. Fry them the same as mutton chops. If a sausage flavor is liked, sprinkle over them a little powdered sage or summer savory, pepper and salt, and if a gravy is liked, skim off some of the fat in the pan and stir in a spoonful of flour; stir it until free from lumps, then season with pepper and salt and turn in a pint of sweet milk. Boil up and serve in a gravy boat. PORK PIE. Make a good plain paste. Take from two and a half to three pounds of the thick ends of a loin of pork, with very little fat on it; cut into very thin slices three inches long by two inches wide; put a layer at the bottom of a pie-dish. MEATS, ere Wash and chop finely a handful of parsley, also an onion. Sprinkle a small portion of these over the pork, and a little pepper and salt. Add another layer of pork, and over that some more of the seasoning, only be sparing of the nut- meg. Continue this till the dish is full. Now pour into the dish a cupful of stock or water, and a spoonful or two of catsup. Put a little paste around the edge of the dish; put on the cover, and place the pie in a rather hot oven. When the paste has risen and begins to take color, place the pie at the bottom of the oven, with some paper over it, as it will require to be baked at least two hours. Some prefer to cook the meat until partly done, before putting into the crust. —Palmer House, Chicago. PORK POT-PIE. Take pieces of ribs of lean salt pork, also a slice or two of the fat of salt pork; scald it well with hot water so as to wash out the briny taste. Put it into a kettle and cover it with cold water, enough for the required want. Cover it and boil an hour, season with pepper; then add half a dozen potatoes cut into quarters. When it all commences to boil again, drop in dumplings made from this recipe: One pint of sour or buttermilk, two eggs, well beaten, a teaspoonful of salt, a level teaspoonful of soda; dissolve in a spoonful of water as much flour as will make a very stiff batter. Drop this into the kettle or broth by spoonfuls, and cook forty minutes, closely covered. PORK AND BEANS. (Baked). Take two quarts of white beans, pick them over the night before, put to soak in cold water; in the morning put them in fresh water and let them scald, then turn off the water and put on more, hot; put to cook with them a piece of salt pork, gashed, as much as would make five or six slices; boil slowly till soft (not mashed), then add a tablespoonful of molasses, half a teaspoonful of soda, stir in well, put in a deep pan, and bake one hour and a half. If you do not like to use pork, salt the beans when boiling, and add a lump of butter when preparing them for the oven. BOSTON PORK AND BEANS. Pick over carefully a quart of small, white beans; let them soak over night in cold water; in the morning wash and drain in another water. Put on to boil in plenty of cold water with a piece of soda the size of a bean; let them come to a boil. then drain again, cover with water once more, and boil them fifteen 9 : to) 3 minutes, or until the skin of the beans will crack when taken out and blown To MEATS. upon. Drain the beans again, put them into an earthen pot, adding a table- spoonful of salt; cover with hot water, place in the centre of a pound of salt pork, first scalding it with hot water, and scoring the rind across the top, a quarter of an inch apart to indicate where the slices are to be cut. Place the pot in the oven, and bake six hours or longer. add hot water from the tea-kettle as needed, on account of evaporation, to keep é When the meat becomes crisp and looks cooked, remove it, ag Keep the oven a moderate heat; the beans moist. too long baking the pork destroys its solidity. FRIED SALT PORK. Cut in thin slices, and freshen in cold water, roll in flour, and fry crisp. If required quickly, pour boiling water over the slices, let stand a few minutes, drain and roll in flour as before; drain off most of the grease from the frying- pan; stir in while hot one or two tablespoonfuls of flour, about half a pint of milk, a little pepper, and salt if over freshened; let it boil, and pour into a gravy dish. A teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley will add pleasantly to the appear- ance of the gravy. GRILLED SALT PORK. Take quite thin slices of the thick part of side pork, of a clear white, and thinly streaked with lean; hold one on a toasting fork before a brisk fire to grill; have at hand a dish of cold water, in which immerse it frequently while cook- ing, to remove the superfluous fat and render it more delicate. Put each slice as cooked in a warm covered pan; when all are done, serve hot. FRIED HAM AND EGGS. Cut slices of ham quite thin, cut off the rind or skin, put them into a hot frying-pan, turning them often until crisp, taking care not to burn the slices; three minutes will cook them well. Dish them on a hot platter; then turn off the top of the grease, rinse out the pan, and put back the clear grease to fry the eggs. Break the eggs separately in a saucer, that in case a bad one should be among them it may not mix with the rest. Slip each egg gently into the frying- pan. Do not turn them while they are frying, but keep pouring some of the hot lard over them with a kitchen spoon; this will do them sufficiently on the upper side. They will be done enough in about three minutes; the white must retain its transparency so that the yolk will be seen through it. When done, take them up with a tin slice, drain off the lard, and if any part of the white is discolored or ragged, trim it off. Lay a fried egg upon each slice of the ham, and send to table hot. MEATS, COLD BACON AND EGGS. An economical way of using bacon and eggs that have been left from a previous meal is to put them in a wooden bowl and chop them quite fine, add- ing a little mashed or cold chopped potato, and a little bacon gravy, if any was left. Mix and mould it into little balls, roll in raw egg and cracker-crumbs, and fry in a spider the same as frying eggs; fry a light brown on both sides. Serve hot. Very appetizing. SCRAPPEL. Scrappel is a most palatable dish. Take the head, heart and any lean scraps of pork, and boil until the flesh slips easily from the bones. Remove the fat, gristle and bones, then chop fine. Set the liquor in which the meat was boiled aside until cold, take the cake of fat from the surface and return to the fire. When it boils, put in the chopped meat and season well with pepper and salt. Let it boil again, then thicken with corn-meal as you would in making ordinary corn-meal mush, by letting it slip through the fingers slowly to prevent lumps. Cook an hour, stirring constantly at first, afterwards putting back on the range in a position to boil gently. When done, pour into a long, square pan, not too deep, and mold. In cold weather this can be kept several weeks. Cut into slices when cold, and fried brown, as you do mush, is a cheap and delicious breakfast dish. TO BAKE A HAM. (Corned.) Take a medium-sized ham and place it to soak for ten or twelve lours. Then cut away the rusty part from underneath, wipe it dry, and cover it rather thickly over with a paste made of flour and water. Put it into an earthen dish, and set it in a moderately heated oven. When done, take off the crust carefully, and peel off the skin, put a frill of cut paper around the knuckle, and raspings of bread over the fat of the ham, or serve it glazed and garnished with. cut vegetables. It will take about four or five hours to bake it. Cooked in this way the flavor is much finer than when boiled. PIGS’ FEET PICKLED. Take twelve pigs’ feet, scrape and wash them clean, put them into a sauce- ? ac se a - TAY ay N he NATrTILV Y AG. pan with enough hot (not boiling) water to cover them. When partly done, salt. hours to boil them soft. Pack them in a stone them. It requires four to five crock, and pour over them spiced vinegar made hot. They will be ready to use ina day or two. If you wish them for breakfast, aspoonful of butter, with flour enough to make split them, make a batter of two eggs, a cup of milk, salt, a te MEATS. 134 a a thick batter; dip each piece in this and fry in hot lard. Or, dip them in beaten egg and flour and fry. Souse is good eaten cold or warm. BOILED HAM. First remove all dust and mold, by wiping with a coarse cloth; soak it for an hour in cold water, then wash it thoroughly. Cut with a sharp knife the hardened surface from the base and butt of the ham. Place it over the fire in cold water, and let it come to a moderate boil, keeping it steadily at this point, allowing it to cook twenty minutes for every pound of meat. A ham weighing twelve pounds will require four hours to cook properly, as underdone ham is very unwholesome. When the ham is to be served hot, remove the skin by peeling it off, place it on a platter, the fat side up, and dot the surface with spots of black pepper. Stick in also some whole cloves. Tf the ham is to be served cold, allow it to remain in the pot until the water in which it was cooked becomes cold. This makes it more juicy. Serve it in the same manner as when served hot. BROILED HAM. Cut your ham into thin slices, which should be a little less than one quarter of an inch thick. Trim very closely the skin from the upper side of each slice, and also trim off the outer edge where the smoke has hardened the meat. If the ham is very salt lay it in cold water for one hour before cooking, then wipe with a dry cloth. Never soak ham in tepid or hot water, as it will toughen the meat. Broil over a brisk fire, turning the slices constantly. It will require about five minutes, and should be served the last thing directly from the gridiron, placed on a warm platter, with a little butter and a sprinkle of pepper on the top of each slice. If ham or bacon is allowed to stand by the fire after it has been broiled or fried, it will speedily toughen, losing all its grateful juices. Cold boiled ham is very nice for broiling, and many prefer it to using the raw ham. POTTED HAM. To two pounds of lean ham allow one pound of fat, two teaspoonfuls of powdered mace, half a nutmeg, grated, rather more than half a teaspoonful of cayenne. Mode.—Mince the ham, fat and lean together, in the above proportion, and pound it well in a mortar, seasoning it with cayenne pepper, pounded mace and nutmeg; put the mixture into a deep baking dish, and bake for half an hour; then press it well into a stone jar, fill up the jar. with clarified lard, cover it MEATS, 13 closely, and paste over it a piece of thick paper. ‘If well seasoned, it will keep a long time in winter, and will be found very convenient for sandwiches, etc. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. (Cooked.) Two pounds of lean pork, two pounds of lean veal, two pounds of fresh lean beef, two pounds of fat salt pork, one pound beef suet, ten tablespoonfuls of powdered sage, one ounce each of parsley, savory, marjoram and thyme, mixed. Two teaspoonfuls of cayenne pepper, the same of black, one grated nutmeg, one teaspoonful of cloves, one minced onion, salt to taste. Chop or grind the meat and suet; season, and stuff into beef skins; tie these up, prick each in several places to allow the escape of steam; put into hot, not boiling water, and heat. gradually to the boiling point. Cook slowly for one hour; take out the skins and lay them to dry in the sun, upon clean, sweet straw or hay. Rub the out- side of the skins with oil or melted butter, and place in a cool, dry cellar. If you wish to keep them more than a week, rub ginger or pepper on the outside, then wash it off before using. Thisis eaten without further cooking. Cut in round slices and lay sliced lemon around the edge of the dish, as many like to squeeze a few drops upon the sausage before eating. These are very nice smoked like hams. COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGES. Six pounds lean fresh pork, three pounds of chine fat, three tablespoonfuls of salt, two of black pepper, four tablespoonfuls of pounded and sifted sage, two of summer savory. Chop the lean and fat pork finely, mix the seasoning in with your hands, taste to see that it has the right flavor, then put them into cases, either the cleaned intestines of the hog, or make long, narrow bags of stout muslin, large enough to contain each enough sausage for a family dish, Fill these with the meat, aip in melted lard, and hang them in a cool, dry dark place. Some prefer to pack the meat in jars, pouring melted lard over it, covering the top, to be taken out ag wanted and made into small round cakes with the hands, then fried brown. Many like spices added to the seasoning—cloves, mace and nutmeg. This is a matter of taste. — Marion Harland. TO FRY SAUSAGES. Put a small piece of lard or butter into the frying-pan. Prick the sausages with a fork, lay them in the melted grease, keep moving them about, turning them frequently to prevent bursting; in ten or twelve minutes they will be Another sure way to prevent the cases from sufficiently browned and cooked. ater and let it come to the boiling point; turn bursting is to cover them with cold w MEATS. 136 oft the water and fry them. Sausages are nicely cooked by putting them in a baking-pan and browning them in the oven, turning them once or twice. In this way you avoid all smoke and disagreeable odor. A pound will cook brown in ten minutes in a hot oven. HEAD CHEESE. Boil the forehead, ears and feet, and nice scraps trimmed from the hams of a fresh pig, until the meat will almost drop from the bones. Then separate the t in a large chopping-bowl, and season with pepper, Chop it rather coarsely; put it back into the meat from the bones, put i salt, sage and summer savory. same kettle it was boiled in, with just enough of the liquor in wl ich it was boiled to prevent its burning; warm it through thoroughly, mixing it well together. Now pour it into a strong muslin bag, press the bag between two flat surfaces, with a heavy weight on top; when cold and solid it can be cut in slices. Good cold, or warmed up in vinegar. TO CURE HAMS AND BACON. (A Prize Recipe.) For each hundred pounds of hams, make a pickle of ten pounds of salt, two pounds of brown sugar, two ounces of saltpetre, and one ounce of red pepper, and from four to four and a half gallons of water, or just enough to cover the hams, after being packed in a water-tight vessel, or enough salt to make a brine to float a fresh egg high enough, that is to say, out of water. First rub the hams with common salt, and lay them into a tub. Take the above ingredients, put them into a vessel over the fire, and heat it hot, stirring it frequently; remove all the scum, allow it to boil ten minutes, let it cool and pour over the meat. After laying in this brine five or six weeks, take out, drain and wipe, and smoke from two to three weeks. Small pieces of bacon may remain in this pickle two weeks, which would be sufficient. TO SMOKE HAMS AND FISH AT HOME. Take an old hogshead, stop up all the crevices, and fix a place to put a cross- stick near the bottom, to hang the articles to be smoked on. Next, in the side, cut a hole near the top, to introduce an iron pan filled with hickory wood sawdtst and small pieces of green wood. Having turned the hoshead upside down, hang the articles upon the cross-stick, introduce the iron pan in the opening, and place a piece of red-hot iron in the pan, cover it with sawdust, and all will be complete. Let a large ham remain ten days, and keep up a good smoke. The best way for keeping hams is to sew them in coarse cloths, whitewashed on the outside. MEATS. E37 TO CURE ENGLISH BACON. This process is called the ‘‘ dry cure, ’’ and is considered far preferable to the New England or Yankee style of putting prepared brine or pickle over the meat. First the hog should not be too large or too fat, weighing not over two hundred pounds; then after it is dressed and cooled cut it up into proper pieces;. allow to every hundred pounds a mixture of four quarts of common salt, one quarter of a pound of saltpetre and four pounds of sugar. Rub this preparation thoroughly over and into each piece, then place them into a tight tub or suitable cask; there will a brine form of itself, from the juices of the meat, enough at least to baste it with, which should be done two or three times a week; turning each piece every time. In smoking this bacon, the sweetest flavor is derived from black birch chips, but if these are not to be had, the next best wood is hickory; the smoking with corn-cobs imparts a rank flavor to this bacon, which is very distasteful to English people visiting this country. It requires three weeks or a month to smoke this bacon properly. ; —Berkshire Recipe. TO TRY OUT LARD. Skin the leaf lard carefully, cut it into small pieces, and put it into a kettle or sauce-pan; pour in a cupful of water to prevent burning; set it over the fire where it will melt slowly. Stir it frequently and let it simmer until nothing remains but brown scraps. Remove the scraps with a perforated skimmer, throw in a little salt to settle the fat, and, when clear, strain through a coarse cloth into jars. Remémber to watch it constantly, stirring it from the bottom until the salt is thrown in to settle it; then set it back on the range until clear. Tf it scorches it gives it a very bad flavor. Sauces and Dressings. DRAWN BUTTER Melted butter is the foundation of most of the common sauces. Have a covered sauce-pan for this purpose. One lined with porcelain will be best. Take a quarter of a pound of the best fresh butter, cut it up, and mix with it about one tablespoonful of flour. When it is thoroughly mixed, put it into the sauce- and add to it half a teacupful of hot water. Cover the sauce-pan and set it pan, Shake it round continually (always moving in a large tin pan of boiling water. it the same way) till it is entirely melted and begins to simmer. Then let it rest till it boils up. If you set it on too hot a fire, it will be oily. If the butter and flour are not well mixed, it will be lumpy. If you put too much water, it will be thin and poor. All these defects are te be carefully avoided. Tn melting butter for sweet or pudding sauce, you may use milk instead of water. TARTARE SAUCE. The raw yolks of two eggs, half ateacupful of pure olive oil, three tablespoon- fuls of vinegar, one of made mustard, one teaspoonful of sugar, a quarter of a tea- spoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of salt, one of onion juice, one tablespoonful of chopped capers, one of chopped cucumber pickle. Put together the same as mayonnaise dressing, adding the chopped ingredients the last thing. This sauce is good for fried or boiled fish, boiled tongue, fish salad, and may be used with fried and broiled meats. EGG SAUCE, OR WHITE SAUCE. Mix two tablespoonfuls of sifted flour with half a teacup of warm butter. Place over the fire a sauce-pan containing a pint of sweet milk and. a salt-spoon of salt, and a dash’ of white pepper; when it reaches the boiling point, add the butter and flour, stirring briskly until it thickens and becomes like cream. Have ready three cold, hard-boiled eggs, sliced and chopped, add them to the sauce; let them heat through thoroughly, and serve in a boat. If you have plenty of cream, use it and omit the butter. By omitting the eggs, you have the same as “White Sauce.” OYSTER SAUCE. Take a pint of oysters and heat them in their own liquor long enough to come to a boil, or until they begin to ruffle. Skim out the oysters into a warm SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. 139 dish, put into the liquor a teacup of milk or cream, two tablespoonfuls of cold butter, a pinch of cayenne and salt; thicken with a tablespoonful of flour stirred to a paste, boil up and then add the oysters. Oyster sauce is used for fish, boiled turkey chickens and boiled white meats of most kinds. LOBSTER SAUCE. Put the coral and spawn of a boiled lobster into a mortar, with a tablespoonful of butter; pound it to a smooth mass, then rub it through a sieve; melt nearly a quarter of a pound of sweet butter, with a wineglass of water or vinegar; add a teaspoonful of made mustard, stir in the coral and spawn, and a little salt and pepper; stir it until it is smooth, and serve. Some of the meat of the lobster may be chopped fine, and stirred into it. SAUCE FOR SALMON AND OTHER FISH. One cupful of milk heated to a boil and thickened with a tablespoonful of corn-starch previously wet up with cold water, the liquor from the salmon, one great spoonful of butter, one raw egg beaten light, the juice of half a lemon, mace and cayenne pepper to taste. Add the egg to thickened milk when you have stirred in the butter and liquor; take from the fire, season and let it stand in hot water three minutes, covered. Lastly put in lemon juice and turn out immediately. Pour it all over and around the salmon. SAUCE FOR BOILED COD. To one gill of boiling water add as much milk; stir into this while boiling two tablespoonfuls of butter gradually, one tablespoonful of flour wet up with cold water; as it thickens, the chopped yolk of one boiled egg, and one raw egg beaten light. Take directly from the fire, season with pepper, salt, a little chopped parsley and the juice of one lemon, and set covered in boiling water (but not over fire) five minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour part of the sauce over fish when dished; the rest in a boat. Serve mashed potatoes with it. FISH SAUCE. No. 2. Make a pint of drawn butter, add one tablespoonful of pepper sauce or Wor- cestershire sauce, a little salt and six hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine. Pour over boiled fish and garnish with sliced lemon. Very nice. FISH SAUCE. No. 3. a cupful of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls Half a cupful of melted butter, half of made mustard. Boil ten minutes. of tomato catsup, salt, and a tablespoonful SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. CELERY SAUCE. Mix two tablespoonfuls of flour with half a teacupful of butter; have ready a pint of boiling milk; stir the flour and butter into the milk; take three heads of celery, cut into small bits, and boil for a few minutes in water, which strain t the celery into the melted butter, and keep it stirred over the fire for five or ten minutes. This is very nice with boiled fowl or turkey. Another way to make celery sauce is: Boil a head of celery until quite tender, then put it through a sieve; put the yolk of an egg ina basin, and beat it well with the strained juice of a lemon; add the celery and a couple of spoonfuls of liquor in which the turkey was boiled; salt and pepper to taste. off; pu CAPER: SAUCE, Chop the capers a very little, unless quite small; make half a pint of drawn butter, to which add the capers, with a large spoonful of the juice from. the bottle in which they are sold; let it just simmer, and serve in a tureen. Nastur- tiums much resemble capers in taste, though larger, and may be used, and, in fact, are preferred by many. They are grown ona climbing vine, and are culti- vated for their blossom and for pickling. When used as capers they should be chopped more. If neither capers nor nasturtiums are at hand, some pickles chop- ped up form a very good substitute in the sauce. BREAD SAUCE. One cup of stale bread-crumbs, one onion, two ounces of butter, pepper and salt, a little mace. Cut the onion fine, and boil it in milk till quite soft; then strain the milk on to the stale bread-crumbs, and let it stand an hour. Put it in a sauce-pan with the boiled onion, pepper, salt and mace. Give it a boil, and serve in sauce tureen. This sauce can also be used for grouse, and is very nice. Roast partridges are nice served with bread-crumbs, fried brown in butter, with ’ eranberry or currant jelly laid beside them in the platter. TOMATO SAUCE. Take a quart can of tomatoes, put it over the fire in a stew-pan, put in one slice of onion, and two cloves, a little pepper and salt; boil about twenty minutes; then remove from the fire and strain it through a sieve. Now melt in another pan an ounce of butter, and as it melts, sprinkle in a tablespoonful of flour; stir it until it browns and froths a little. Mix the tomato pulp with it, and it is ready for the table. Excellent for mutton chops, roast beef, etc. SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. 140 ONION SAUCE. Work together until light a heaping tablespoonful of flour, and half a cupful of butter, and gradually add two cups of boiling milk; stir constantly until it comes toa boil; then stir into that four tender boiled onions that have been chopped fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with boiled veal, poultry or mutton. CHILI SAUCE. Boil together two dozen ripe tomatoes, three small green peppers, or a half teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one onion cut fine, half a cup of sugar. Boil until thick; then add two cups of vinegar; then strain the whole, set back on the fire and add a tablespoonful of salt, and a teaspoonful each of ginger, allspice, cloves and cinnamon; boil all five minutes, remove and seal in glass bottles. This is very nice. MINT SAUCE. Take fresh young spearmint leaves, stripped from the stems; wash and drain them, or dry on a cloth. Chop very fine, put in a gravy boat, and to three tablespoonfuls of mint put two of white sugar; mix and let it stand a few minutes, then pour over it six tablespoonfuls of good cider or white-wine vinegar. The sauce should be made some time before it is to be used, so that the flavor of the mint may be well extracted. Fine with roast lamb. SHARP BROWN SAUCE. Put in a sauce-pan one tablespoonful of chopped onion, three tablespoonfuls of good cider vinegar, six tablespoonfuls of water, three of tomato catsup, adittle pepper and salt, half a cup of melted butter, in which stir a tablespoonful of sifted flour; put all together and boil until it thickens. This is most excellent with boiled meats, fish and poultry. BECHAMEL SAUCE. Put three tablespoonfuls of butter in a sauce-pan, add three tablespoonfuls of sifted flour, quarter of a teaspoonful of nutmeg, ten pepper-corns, a teaspoonful then add to this, three slices of onion, two slices of of salt; beat all well together; two of thyme, a bay leaf and half a dozen mush- carrot, two sprigs of parsley, Moisten the whole with a pint of stock or water and a cup of rooms cut up. Set it on the stove and cook slowly for half of an hour, watching sweet cream. 5 : closely that it does not burn; then strain through a sieve. Most excellent with roast veal. meats and fish. — St. Oharles Hotel, New Orleans. SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. MAITRE D’HOTEL SAUCE. utter; add to it the juice of a lemon, two table- ablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, a teaspoon- savory, a pinch of cayenne and salt. Simmer Make a teacupful of drawn b spoonfuls of minced onion, three t ful of powdered thyme or summer over the fire, and stir well. Excellent with all kinds of fish. WINE SAUCE FOR GAME. half a glass of port wine, half a glass of water, a tablespoonful of cold butter, a teaspoonful of salt, the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of cayenne pepper and three cloves. Simmer all together a few minutes, adding the wine after it is strained. A few spoonfuls of the gravy from the game may be added to it. This sauce is especially nice with venison. —Tabor House, Denver. Half a glass of currant jelly, HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. ice of half a lemon, the yolk of two eggs, a Half a teacupful of butter, the ju -speck of cayenne pepper, half a cupful of boiling water, half a teaspoonful of -salt; beat the butter to acream, add the yolks of eggs one by one; then the lemon- all thoroughly; place the bowl in which is the juice, pepper and salt, beating beat with an egg-beater until it begins mixture in a sauce-pan of boiling water; to thicken which will be in about a minute; then add the boiling water, beating all the time; stir until it begins to thicken like soft custard; stir a few minutes after taking from the fire; be careful not to cook it too long. This is very nice with baked fish. —Miss Parloa. CURRANT JELLY SAUCE. Three tablespoonfuls of butter, one onion, one bay leaf, one sprig of celery, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, half a cupful of currant jelly, one tablespoonful of flour, one pint of stock, salt, pepper. Gook the butter and onion until the latter begins to color. Add the flour and herbs. Stir until brown; add the stock, and simmer twenty minutes. Strain, and skim off all the fat. Add the jelly, and stir over the fire until it is melted. Serve with game. BROWN SAUCE. Delicious sauce for meats is made in this way: Slice a large onion, andfryin . butter till it is brown; then cover the onion with rich brown gravy; which is left from roast beef; add mustard, salt and pepper, and if you choose a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce; let this boil up, and if too thick, thin it with a little SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. 143 stock or gravy, or even a little hot water with butter. Pour this when done through a fine sieve. Of course a larger quantity can be prepared at once than is mentioned here. MUSHROOM SAUCE. Wash a pint of small button mushrooms, remove the stems and outside skins, stew them slowly in veal gravy or milk or cream, adding an onion, and season- ing with pepper, salt anda little butter rolled in flour. Their flavor will be heightened by salting a few the night before, to extract the juice. In dressing mushrooms, only those of a dull pearl color on the outside and the under part tinged with pale pink should be selected. If there is a) poisonous one among them, the onion in the sauce will turn black. In such a case throw the whole away. Used for poultry, beef or fish. APPLE SAUCE. When you wish to serve apple sauce with meat prepare it in this way: Cook the apples until they are very tender, then stir them thoroughly so there will be no lumps at all; add the sugar and a little gelatine dissolved in warm water, a tablespoonful in a pint of sauce; pour the sauce into bowls, and when cold it will be stiff like jelly, and can be turned out on a plate. Cranberry sauce can be treated in the same way. Many prefer this to plain stewing. Apples cooked in the following way look very pretty on a tea-table, and are appreciated by the palate. Select firm, round. greenings; pare neatly and cut in halves; place in a shallow stew-pan with sufficient boiling water to cover them, and a cupful of sugar to every six apples. Hach half should cook on the bottom of the pan, and be removed-from the others so as not to injure its shape. Stew slowly until the pieces are very tender; remove to a dish carefully; bolt the syrup half an hour longer; pour it over the apples and eat cold. A few pieces of lemon boiled in the syrup adds to the flavor. These sauces are a fine accom- paniment to roast pork or roast goose. CIDER APPLE SAUCE. Boil four quarts of new cider until it is reduced to two quarts, then put into it enough pared and quartered apples to fill the kettle; let the ee stew Cre a moderate fire four hours; add cinnamon if liked. This sauce is very fine with almost any kind of meat. OLD-FASHIONED APPLE SAUCE. pples, put them ina deep pudding-dish; Pare and chop a dozen medium-sized a sprinkle over them a heaping coffee-cupful of sugar and one of water. Place 144 SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. them in the oven and bake slowly two hours or more, or until they are a deep red brown; quite as nice as preserves. CRANBERRY SAUCE. of sugar, and a pint of water. Wash One quart of cranberries, two cupfuls the water, but in a covered sauce- the cranberries, then put them on the fire with pan. Let them simmer until each cranberry bursts open; then remove the cover of the sauce-pan, add the sugar and let them all boil for twenty minutes without the cover. The cranberries must never be stirred from the time they are placed onthe fire. This is an unfailing recipe for a most delicious preparation of cran- berries. Very fine with turkey and game. APPLE OMELET. d spare-rib or roast pork, is very deli- es, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon- the apples Apple omelet, to be served with broile cate. Take nine large, tart apples, four eg ful of butter; add cinnamon or other spices to suit your taste; stew till they are very soft; mash them so that there will be no lumps; add the butter and sugar while they are still warm; but let them cool before putting in the beaten eggs; bake this till it is brown; you may put it all in a shallow pudding- dish or in two tin plates to bake. Very good. FLAVORED VINEGARS. Almost all the flavorings used for meats and salads may be prepared in vinegar with little trouble and expense, and will be found useful to impart an acid to flavors when lemons are not at hand. Tarragon, sweet basil, burnet, green mint, sage, thyme, sweet-marjoram, pared by putting three ounces of either of these herbs, when in etc., may be pre + stand ten days, strain off clear, and blossom, into one gallon of sharp vinegar; le bottle for use. Celery and cayenne may be prepared, using three ounces of the seed as above. CUCUMBER VINEGAR. Ingredients.—Ten large cucumbers, or twelve smaller ones, one quart of vinegar, two onions, two shalots, one tablespoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of pepper, a quarter of a teaspoonful of cayenne. Mode.—Pare and slice the cucumbers, put them in a stone jar, or wide- mouthed bottle, with the vinegar; slice the onions and shalots, and add them, with all the other ingredients, to the cucumbers. Let it stand four or five days; boil it all up, and when cold, strain the liquor through a piece of muslin, and SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. 145 store it away in small bottles well sealed. This vinegar is a very nice addition to gravies, hashes, etc., as well as a great improvement, to salads, or to eat with ‘cold meat. CURRY POWDER. To make curry powder, take one ounce of ginger, one ounce of mustard, one ounce of pepper, three ounces of coriander seed, three ounces of turmeric, half an ounce of cardamonis, one-quarter ounce of cayenne pepper, one-quarter ounce of cinnamon, and one-quarter ounce of cummin seed. Pound all these ingre- dients very fine in a mortar; sift them and cork tight in a bottle. This can be had already prepared at most druggists, and it is much less trouble to purchase it than to make it at home. CURRY SAUCE. One tablespoonful of butter, one of flour, one teaspoonful of curry powder, one large slice of onion, one large cupful of stock, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the onion fine, and fry brown in the butter. Add the flour and curry powder. Stir for one minute, add the stock and season with the salt and pepper. Simmer five minutes; then strain and serve. This sauce can be served with a broil or sauté of meat or fish. TO BROWN BUTTER. Put a lump of butter into a hot frying-pan, and toss it about until it browns. Stir brown flour into it until it is smooth and begins to boil. Use it for coloring gravies, and sauces for meats. TO BROWN FLOUR. Spread flour upon a tin pie-plate, set it upon the stove or in a very hot oven, and stir continually after it begins to color, until it is brown all through. Keep it always on hand; put away in glass jars covered closely. It is excel- lent for coloring and thickening many dishes. TO MAKE MUSTARD. take four spoonfuls of mustard, half of a teaspoonful of Boil some vinegar; a tablespoonful of melted butter; mix well. sugar, a salt-spoonful of salt, FRENCH MUSTARD. ustard, one tablespoonful of granulated sugar, well ¢ until it is smooth; add one teacupful of all smooth; then set on the stove and cook Three tablespoonfuls of m worked together, then beat in an eg vinegar, a little at a time, working it 10 SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. three or four minutes, stirring all the time; when cool, add one tablespoonful of the best olive oil, taking care to get it all thoroughly worked in and smooth. i ig very nice. You will find this very Site OS raja KITCHEN -EFEPEER: Mix one ounce of ground ginger, half an ounce each of black pepper, ground cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, one teaspoonful of ground cloves, and six ounces of salt. Keep in a tightly corked bottle. —The Caterer. PREPARED COCOANUT. (For Pies, Puddings, &c.) To prepare cocoanut for future use; first cut a hole through the meat at one of the holes in the end, draw off the milk, then loosen the meat by pounding the nut well on all sides. Crack the nut and take out the meat, and place the pieces of meat in a cool open oven over night, or for a few hours, to dry; then grate it. If there is more grated than is needed for present use, sprinkle it with sugar, and spread out in a cool dry place. When dry enough put away in dry cans or bottles. Will keep for weeks. SPICES, Ginger is the root of a shrub first known in Asia, and now cultivated in the West Indies and Sierra Leone. The stem grows three or four feet high, and dies every year. There are two varieties of ginger—the white and black— caused by taking more or less care in selecting and preparing the roots, which are always dug in winter, when the stems are withered. The white is the best. Cinnamon is the inner bark of a beautiful tree, a native of Ceylon, that grows from twenty to thirty feet in height and lives to be centuries old. Cloves.—Native to the Molucca Islands, and so called from resemblance to a nail (clavis). The East Indians call them “‘ changkek,’”’ from the Chinese ‘“‘ te- chengkia’”’ (fragrant nails). They grow on a strait, smooth-barked tree, about forty feet high. Cloves are not fruits, but blossoms. gathered before they are quite unfolded. Allspice.—A berry so called because it combines the flavor of several spices —grows abundantly on the allspice or bayberry tree; native of South America and the West Indies. A single tree has béen known to produce one hundred | and fifty pounds of berries. They are purple when ripe. Black pepper is made by grinding the dried berry of a climbing vine, native to the East Indies. White pepper is obtained from the same berries, freed from SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. 147 their husk or rind. Red or cayenne pepper is obtained by grinding the scarlet pod or seed-vessel of a tropical plant that is now cultivated in all parts of the world. Nutmeg is the kernel of a small, smooth, pear-shaped fruit that grows on a tree in the Molucca Islands, and other parts of the East. The trees commence bearing in the seventh year, and continue fruitful until they are seventy or eighty years old. Around the nutmeg or kernel is a bright, brown shell. This shell has a soft scarlet covering, which, when flattened out and dried, is known asmace. The best nutmegs are solid, and emit oil when pricked with a pin. HERBS FOR WINTER. To prepare herbs for winter use, such as sage, summer savory, thyme, mint or any of the sweet herbs, they should be gathered fresh in their season, or procure them from the market. Examine them well, throwing out all poor sprigs; then wash and shake them; tie into small bundles, and tie over the bundles a piece of netting or old lace, (to keep off the dust); hang up in a warm, dry place, the leaves downward. Ina few days the herb will be thoroughly dry and brittle. Or you may place them in a cool oven, and let them remain in it until perfectly dry. Then pick off all the leaves, and the tender tops of the stems; put them in a clean, large-mouthed bottle that is perfectly dry. When wanted for use, rub fine, and sift through a sieve. It is much better to put them in bottles as soon as dried, as long exposure to the air causes them to lose strength and flavor. MEATS AND THEIR ACCOMPANIMENTS. With roast beef: tomato sauce, grated horse-radish, mustard, cranberry sauce, pickles. With roast pork: apple sauce, cranberry sauce. With roast veal: tomato sauce, mushroom sauce, 0 sauce. Horse-radish and lemons are good. With roast mutton: currant jelly, caper sauce. With boiled mutton: onion sauce, caper sauce. ae With boiled fowls: bread sauce, onion sauce, lemon sauce, cranberry sauce, jellies. Also cream sauce. With roast lamb: mint sauce. With roast turkey: cranberry sauce, currant jelly. With boiled turkey: oyster sauce. With venison or wild ducks:. cranberr warmed with port wine. nion sauce and cranberry yy sauce, currant jelly, or currant jelly Se ST To Te rated a 148 SAUCES AND DRESSINGS. With roast goose: apple sauce, cranberry sauce, grape or currant jelly. With boiled fresh mackerel: stewed gooseberries. With boiled blue fish: white cream sauce, lemon sauce. With broiled shad: mushroom. sauce, parsley or egg sauce. With fresh salmon: green peas, cream sauce. Pickles are good with all roast meats, and in fact are suitable accompaniments to all kinds of meats in general. Spinach is the proper accompaniment to veal; green peas to lamb. Lemon juice makes a very grateful addition to nearly all the insipid members of the fish kingdom. Slices of lemon cut into very small dice and stirred into drawn. butter and allowed to come to the boiling point, served with fowls, is a fine accompaniment. VEGETABLES APPROPRIATE TO DIFFERENT DISHES. Potatoes are good with all meats. With fowls they are nicest mashed. Sweet potatoes are most appropriate with roast meats, as also are onions, winter squash, cucumbers and asparagus. Carrots, parsnips, turnips, greens and cabbage are generally eaten with boiled meat, and corn, beets, peas and beans are appropriate to either boiled or roasted meat. Mashed turnip is good with roast pork and with boiled meats. Tomatoes are good with almost every kind of meats, especially with roasts. WARM DISHES FOR BREAKFAST. The following of hot breakfast dishes may be of assistance in knowing what to provide for the comfortable meal called breakfast. Broiled beef steak, broiled chops, broiled chicken, broiled fish, broiled quail on toast, fried pork tenderloins, fried pig’s feet, fried oysters, fried clams, fried liver and bacon, fried chops, fried pork, ham and eggs fried, veal cutlets breaded, sausages, fricasseed tripe, fricasseed kidneys, turkey or chicken hash, corn beef hash, beef croquettes, codfish balls, creamed codfish, stewed meats on toast, poached eggs on toast, omelettes, eggs boiled plain, and eggs cooked in any of the various styles. VEGETABLES FOR BREAKFAST. Potatoes in any of the various modes of cooking, also stewed tomatoes, stew- ed corn, raw radishes, cucumbers sliced, tomatoes sliced raw, water cress, lettuce. To be included with the breakfast dishes: oatmeal mush, cracked wheat, hominy or corn-meal mush, these with cream, milk and sugar or syrup. SAUCES AND DRESSINGS—SALADS. 149 Then numberless varieties of bread can be selected, in form of rolls, fritters, muffins, waffles, corn-cakes, griddle-cakes, etc., etc. For beverages, coffee, chocolate-and cocoa, or tea if one prefers it; these are all suitable for the breakfast table. When obtainable always have a vase of choice flowers on the breakfast ta- ble; also some fresh fruit, if convenient. Salads. Everything in the make-up of a salad should be of the freshest material, the vegetables crisp and fresh, the oil or butter the very best, meats, fowl and fish well cooked, pure cider or white-wine vinegar—in fact, every ingredient first- class, to insure success The vegetables used in salad are: Beet-root, onions, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, lentils, haricots, winter cress, peas, French beans, radish, cauliflower,—all these may be used judiciously in salad, if properly seasoned, according to the following directions: Chervil is a delicious salad herb, invariably found in all salads prepared by a French gourmet. No man can be a true epicure who is unfamiliar with this excellent herb. It may be procured from the vegetable stands at Fulton and Washington markets the year round. Its leaves resemble parsley, but are more divided, and a few of them added to a breakfast salad give a delightful flavor. Chervil vinegar.—A. few drops of this vinegar added to fish sauces or salads is excellent, and well repays the little trouble taken in its preparation. Half fill a bottle with fresh or dry chervil leaves; fill the bottle with good vinegar and heat it gently by placing it in warm water, which bring to boiling point; remove from the fire; when cool cork, and in two weeks it will be ready for use. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Put the yolks of four fresh raw eggs, with two hard-boiled ones, into a cold bowl. Rub these as smoooth as possible before introducing the oil; a good measure of oil is a tablespoonful to each yolk of raw egg. All the art consists in introducing the oil by degrees, a few drops at a time. You can never make a good salad without taking plenty of ‘time. When the oil is well mixed, and assumes the appearance of jelly, put in two heaping teaspoonfuls of dry table salt, one of pepper, and one of made mustard. Never put in salt and pepper 150 SAUCES AND DRESSINGS—SALADS. before this stage of the process, because the salt and pepper would coagulate the albumen of the eggs, and you could not get the dressing smooth. Two table- spoonfuls of vinegar added gradually. The Mayonnaise should be the thickness of thick cream when finished, but if it looks like curdling when mixing it, set in the ice-box or in a cold place for about forty minutes or an hour, then mixitagain. It is a good idea to place it in a pan of cracked ice while mixing. For lobster salad, use the coral, mashed and pressed through a sieve, then add to the above. Salad dressing should be kept in a separate bowl in a cold place, and not mixed with the salad until the moment it is to be served, or it may lose its crispness and freshness. DRESSING FOR COLD SLAW. (Cabbage Salad.) Beat up two eggs, with two tablespoonfuls of sugar add a piece of butter the size of half an egg, a teaspoonful of mustard, a little pepper, and lastly a teacup of vinegar. Put all these ingredients into a dish over the fire, and cook like a soft custard. Some think it improved by adding half a cupful of thick sweet cream to this dressing; in that case use less vinegar. Hither way is very fine. SALAD CREAM DRESSING. No. 1. One cup fresh cream, one spoonful fine flour, the whites of two eggs beaten stiff, three spoonfuls of vinegar, two spoonfuls of salad oil or soft butter, two spoon- fuls of powdered sugar, one teaspoonful salt, one half teaspoonful pepper, one teaspoonful of made mustard. Heat cream almost to boiling; stir in the flour, previously wet with cold milk; boil two minutes, stirring all the time; add sugar and take from fire. When half cold, beat in whipped whites of egg; set aside to cool. When quite cold, whip in the oil or butter, pepper, mustard and salt; if the salad is ready, add vinegar, and pour at once over it. CREAM DRESSING. No. 2. Two tablespoonfuls of whipped sweet cream, two of sugar, and four of vine- gar; beat well and pour over the cabbage, previously cut very fine and seasoned with salt FRENCH SALAD DRESSING. Mix one saltspoon of pepper with one of salt; add three tablespoonfuls of olive oil, and one even tablespoonful of onion, scraped fine; then one tablespoon- SAUCES AND DRESSINGS—SALADS. 151 ful of vinegar; when well mixed, pour the mixture over your salad, and stir all till well mingled. The merit of a salad is that it should be cool, fresh and crisp. For vegetables, use only the delicate white stalks of celery, the small heart-leaves of lettuce, or tenderest stalks and leaves of the white cabbaye. Keep the vegetable portions crisp and fresh, until the time for serving, when add the meat. For chicken and fish salads, use the Mayonnaise dressing. For simple vegetable salads, the French dressing is most appropriate, using onion rather than garlic. MIXED SUMMER SALAD. Three heads of lettuce, two teaspoonfuls of green mustard leaves; a handful of water-cresses; five tender radishes; one cucumber; three hard-boiled eggs; two teaspoonful of salt; one teaspoonful of pepper; teaspoonfuls of white sugar; one half a teacupful one teaspoonful of made mustard; one teacupful of vinegar; of oil. Mix all well together, and serve with a lump of ice in the middle. «Common Sense in the Household.” CHICKEN SALAD. Boil the fowls tender, and remove all the fat, meat in small pieces, but do not hash it. To one chicken put twice and a half its weight in celery, cut in pieces of about one-quarter of an inch; mix thor- a cool place,—the ice chest. ‘‘ Mayonnaise dressing,’ and when ready for the g and mixing it thor- gristle and skin; mince the oughly, and set it in Tn the meantime prepare a table pour this dressing over the chicken and celery, tossin oughly. Set it ina cool place until ready to serve. Garnish with celery tips, or cold hard-boiled eggs, lettuce-leaves, from the heart, cold boiled beets or capers; olives. e is a good substitute for celery; when celery 1s not to be had Crisp cabbag Turkey makes a fine salad. use celery vinegar in the dressing. LOBSTER SALAD. No. I. Prepare a sauce with the coral of a fine, new lobster, boiled fresh for about it smooth, and mix very gradually with a dress- half an hour. Pound and rub ing made from the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, a tablespoonful of made mus- tard, three of salad oil, two of vinegar, one of white powdered sugar, a small | ack pper: ‘nch of cayenne and two fresh teaspoonful of salt, as much black pepper, @ pinch of cay 2 yolks of eggs. Next fill your salad bowl with some shred lettuce, the better part of two, leaving the small curled centre to garnish your dish with. Mingle Se seed to every pint. Pack the cabbage in a stone jar; boil the vinegar and Bee five minutes and pour on hot. Cover and set away ina cool, dry place. It will be goodina month. CAKES. These can be made with sweet milk and baking-powder, using two heaping teaspoonfuls of the baking-powder in place of soda. RAISED DOUGHNUTS. Old-fashioned ‘‘raised doughnuts,”’ are seldom seen, now-a-days, but are Make a sponge as for bread, using a pint of warm water or milk, and a large half cupful of yeast; when the sponge is very light, add half a cupful of butter or sweet lard, a coffee-cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and one small teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a little water, one tablespoonful of cinna- stir in now two well-beaten eggs, add sifted flour easily made. mon, a little grated nutmeg; until it is the consistency of biscuit-dough, knead it well, cover and let rise; then roll the dough out into a sheet half an inch thick, cut out with a very small biscuit-cutter, or in strips half an inch wide and three inches long, place them on greased tins, cover them well, and let them rise before frying them. Drop them in very hot lard. Raised cakes require longer time than cakes made with baking-powder. Sift powdered sugar over them as fast as they are fried, while warm. Our grandmothers put allspice into these cakes; that, however, is a matter of taste. BAKERS’ RAISED DOUGHNUTS. Warm a teacupful of lard in a pint of milk; when nearly cool, add enough flour to make a thick batter, and add a small cupful of yeast; beat it well, and set it to rise; when light, work in gradually and carefully three cupfuls of sugar, the whipped whites of six eggs, half a teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a spoon- ful of milk; one teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, and half of anutmeg grated; then work in gradually enough flour to make it stiff enough to roll out; let it rise again, and when very light, roll it out in a sheet an inch thick; cut into rounds; put into the centre of each round a large Sultana raisin, seeded, and mold into perfectly round balls ; flatten a little; let them stand a few minutes before boiling them; have plenty of lard in the pot, and when it boils drop in the cakes; when they are a light brown, take them out with a perforated skimmer; drain on soft white paper, and roll, while warm, in fine powdered sugar. —Pursell’s Bakery, New York City, CRULLERS OR WONDERS. Three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of melted lard or butter, three tablespoon- fuls of sugar, mix very hard with sifted flour, as hard as can be rolled, and to be rolled very thin like pie-crust; cut in squares three inches long and two wide, then cut several slits or lines lengthwise, to within a quarter of an inch of the CAKES. 232 edges of the ends; run your two forefingers through every other slit; lay them down on the board edgewise, and dent them. These are very dainty when fried. Fry in hot lard a light brown. GERMAN DOUGHNUTS. One pint of milk, four eggs, one small tablespoonful of melted butter, flavor- ing, salt to taste; first boil the milk and pour it, while hot, over a pint of flour; beat it very smooth, and when it is cool, have ready the yolks of the eggs well- beaten; add them to the milk and flour, beaten well into it, then add the well-beaten whites, then lastly add the salt and as much more flour as will make the whole into a soft dough; flour your board, turn your dough upon it, roll it in pieces as thick as your finger and turn them in the form of a ring; cook in plenty of boiling lard. A nice breakfast cake with coffee. NUT CAKES (Fried.) Beat two eggs well, add to them one ounce of sifted sugar, two ounces of warmed butter, two tablespoonfuls of yeast, a teacupful of luke-warm milk and a little salt. Whip all well together, then stir in by degrees one pound of flour, and, if requisite, more milk, making thin dough. Beat it until it falls from the spoon, then set it to rise. When it has risen, make butter or lard hot ina frying-pan; cut from the light dough little pieces the size of a walnut, and with- out molding or kneading, fry them pale brown. As they are done, lay them on a napkin to absorb any of the fat. TRIFLES. Work one egg and a tablespoonful of sugar to as much flour as will make a stiff paste; roll it as thin as a dollar piece, and cut it into small round or square cakes; drop two or three at a time into the boiling lard; when they rise to the surface and turn over they are done; take them out with a skimmer and lay them on an inverted sieve to drain. When served for dessert or supper, put a spoonful of jelly on each. PUFF-BALL DOUGHNUTS. These doughnuts, eaten fresh and warm, are a delicious breakfast dish, and are quickly made. Three eggs, one cupful of sugar, a pint of sweet milk, salt, nutmeg, and flour enough to permit the spoon to stand upright in the mixture; add two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking-powder to the flour; beat all until very light. Drop by the dessertspoonful into boiling lard. These will not absorb a bit of fat, and are not at all rich, and consequently are the least injurious of this kind of cakes. GENERAL REMARKS. ‘Use the very best materials in making pastry; the shortening should be fresh, sweet, and hard; the water cold (ice water is best), the paste rolled on a cold board, and all handled as little as possible. When the crust is made, it makes it much more flakey and puff much more to put it in a dish covered with a cloth, and set in a very cold place for half an hour, or even an hour; in summer, it could be placed in the ice box. A great improvement is made in pie-crust by the addition of about a heaping teaspoonful of baking-powder to a quart of flour, also brushing the paste as often as rolled out, and the pieces of butter placed thereon, with the white of an egg, assists it to rise in eaves or flakes. « As this is the great beauty of puff-paste, it is as well to try this method. If currants are to be used in pies, they should be carefully picked over, and washed in several waters, dried in a towel, and dredged with flour before they are suitable for use. Raisins, and all dried fruits for pies and cakes, should be seeded, stoned, and dredged with flour, before using. Almonds should be blanched by pouring boiling water upon them, and then slipping the skin off with the fingers. In pounding them, always add a little rose or orange water, with fine sugar, to prevent their becoming oily. Great care is requisite in heating an oven for baking pastry. If you can hold your hand in the heated oven while you count twenty, the oven has just the proper temperature, and it should be kept at this temperature as long as the pastry isin; this heat will bake to a light brown, and will give the pastry a fresh and flakey appearance. If you suffer the: heat to abate, the under crust will become heavy and clammy, and the upper crust will fall in. PASTRY, PIES AND: LARTLS. 285 Another good way to ascertain when the oven is heated to the proper degree for puff-paste: put a small piece of the paste in previous to baking the whole, and then the heat can thus be judged of. Pie-crust can be kept a week, and the last be better than the first, if put ina tightly covered dish, and set in the ice-chest in summer, and in a cool place in winter, and thus you can make a fresh pie every day with little trouble. In baking custard, pumpkin or squash pies, it is well, in order that the mix- ture may not be absorbed by the paste, to first partly bake the paste before add- ing it, and when stewed fruit is used the filling should be perfectly cool when put in, or it will make the bottom crust sodden. HOW TO MAKE A PIE. After making the crust, take a portion of it, roll it out and fit it to a buttered pie-plate by cutting it off evenly around the edge; gather up the scraps left from cutting and make into another sheet for the top crust; roll it a little thinner than the under crust; lap one half over the other and, cut three or four slits about a quarter of an inch from the folded edge, (this prevents the steam from escaping through the rim of the pie, and causing the juices to run out from the edges). Now fill your pie-plate with your prepared filling, wet the top edge of the rim, lay the upper crust across the centre of the pie, turn back the half that is lapped over, seal the two edges together by slightly pressing down with your thumb, then notch evenly and regularly with a three-tined fork, dipping occasionally in flour to prevent sticking. Bake in a rather quick oven a light brown, and until the filling boils up through the slits in the upper crust. To prevent the juice soaking through into the crust, making it soggy, wet the under crust with the white of an egg, just before you put in the pic mixture. If the top of the pie is brushed over with the egg, it gives it a beautiful glaze. FOR ICING PASTRY. To ice pastry, which is the usual method adopted for fruit tarts and sweet dishes nastry, put the white of an egg on a plate, and with the blade of a es of pastry, | foxes knife beat it to a stiff froth. When the pastry is nearly baked, brush it over with this, and sift over some pounded sugar; put it back into the oven to set the vlaze, and in a few minutes it will be done. Great care should be taken that the paste does not catch or burn in the oven, which it is very liable to do after the icing is laid on. Or make a meringue by adding a tablespoonful of white sugar to the beaten white of one egg. Spread over the top, and slightly brown in the oven. Wi) PASTRY, PIES A ND TARTS. FINE PUFF-PASTE. Into one quart of sifted flour, mix two teaspoonfuls of bakin e powder, and a teaspoonful of salt; then sift again. Measure out ne teacupful u butter and one of lard, hard and cold. Take the lard and rub into the flour until a very Then put in just enough ice-water, say half a cupful, con- fine, smooth paste. ; | taining a beaten white of egg, to mix a very stiff dough. Roll it out into a g é thin sheet, spread with one-fourth of the butter, sprinkle over with a little fiour, then roll up closely in a long roll, like a scroll, double the ends towards the th another quarter of the butter. centre, flatten and reroll, then spread again wi Repeat this operation until the butter is used up. Put it on an earthen dish, cover it with a cloth and set it in a cold place, in the ice-box in summer; let it remain until cold; an hour or more before making out the crust. Tarts made with this paste cannot be cut with a knife when fresh; they go into flakes at the touch. You may roll this pastry in any direction, from you, towards you, sideways, anyway, it matters not, but you must have nice flour, 2ce-water, and very little of it, and strength to roll it, if you would succeed. This recipe I purchased from a colored cook on one of the Lake Michigan steamers many years ago, and it is, without exception, the finest puff-paste I have ever seen. PUFF-PASTE FOR PIES. One quart of pastry flour, one pint of butter, one tablespoonful of salt, one of sugar, one and a quarter cupfuls of ice-water. Wash the hands with soap and water, and dip them first in very hot, and then in cold water. Rinse a large bow] or pan with boiling water, and then with cold. Half fill it with cold water. Wash the butter in this, working it with the hands until it is light and waxy. This frees it from the salt and buttermilk, and lightens it, so that the pastry is more delicate. Shape the butter into two thin cakes, and put in a pan of ice- water to harden. Mix the salt and sugar with the flour. With the hands, rub one-third of the butter into the flour, Add the water, stirring with a knife. Stir quickly and vigorously, until the paste is a smooth ball. Sprinkle the board lightly with flour. ‘Turn the paste on this and pound quickly and lightly with the rolling-pin. Do not break the paste. Roll from you, and to one side; or, if easier to roll from you all the time, turn the paste around. When it is about one-fourth of an inch thick, wipe the remaining butter, break it in bits, and spread these on the paste. Sprinkle lightly with flour. Fold the paste, one- third from each side, so that the edges meet. Now fold from the ends, but do PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. 287 not have these meet. Double the paste, pound lightly, and roll down to about one-third of an inch in thickness. Fold as before, and roll down again. Repeat this three times, if for pies, and six times if for vol-aw-vents, patties, tarts, etc. Place on the ice, to harden, when it has been rolled the last time. It should be in the ice-chest at least an hour before being used. In hot weather, if the paste sticks when being rolled down, put it on a tin sheet, and place on ice. As soon as it is chilled, it will roll easily. The less flour you use in rolling out the paste, the tenderer it will be. No matter how carefully every part of the work may be done, the paste will not be good if much flour is used. — Maria Parloa. SOYER’S RECIPE FOR PUFF-PASTE. To every pound of flour allow the yolk of one egg, the juice of one lemon, half a saltgpoonful of salt, cold water, one pound of fresh butter. Put the flour on to the paste-board; make a hole in the centre, into which put the yolk of the egg, the lemon-juice, and salt; mix the whole with cold water (this should be iced in summer, if convenient) into a soft, flexible paste with the right hand, and handle it as little as possible, then squeeze all the buttermilk from the butter, wring it in a cloth, and roll out the paste; place the butter on this, and fold the edges of the paste over, so as to hide it; roll it out again to the thickness of a quarter of an inch; fold over one-third, over which again pass the rolling-pin; then fold over the other third, thus forming a square; place it with the ends, top, and bottom before you, shaking a little flour both under and over, and repeat the rolls and turns twice again, as before. Flour a baking sheet, put the paste on this, and let it remain on ice or in some cool place for half an hour; then roll twice more, turning it as before; place it again upon the ice for a quarter of an hour, give it two more rolls, making seven in all, and it is ready for use when required. RULE FOR UNDER CRUST. A good rule for pie-crust for a pie requiring only an under crust,—as a custard or pumpkin pie,—is: Three large tablespoonfuls of flour sifted; rubbing into it a large tablespoonful of cold butter, or part butter and part lard, and a pinch of salt, mixing with cold water enough to form a smooth, stiff paste, and rolled quite thin. PLAIN PIE-CRUST. Two and a half cupfuls of sifted flour, one cupful of shortening, half butter and half lard, cold; a pinch of salt, a heaping teaspoonful of baking-powder, 288 : PASTRY, PIES AND ‘TARTS. sifted through the flour. Rub thoroughly the shortening into the flour. Mix together with half a teacupful of cold water, or enough to form a rather stiff dough; mix as little as possible, just enough to get a into shape to roll out; it d very lightly. This rule is for two pies. a little pie-crust left, do not throw it away; roll it thin, cut Just before tea, put a spoonful of raspberry jelly must be handle When you have it in small squares and bake. ow each square, PUFF-PASTE OF SUET. Two cupfuls of flour, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of baking- powder, one cup of chopped suet, freed of skin, and chopped very fine, one cup- ful of water. Place the flour, sifted with the powder, in a bowl, add suet and water; mix into smooth, rather firm dough. This paste is excellent for fruit puddings, and dumplings that are boiled; if it is well made, it will be light and flaky, and the suet imperceptible. It is also excellent for meat pies, baked or boiled. All the ingredients should be very cold when mixing, and the suet dredged with flour after it is chopped, to prevent the particles from adhering to each other. POTATO CRUST. Boil and mash a dozen medium-sized potatoes, add one good teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of cold butter, and half a cupful of milk or cream. Stiffen with flour sufficient to roll out. Nice for the tops of meat pies. TO MAKE PIE-CRUST FLAKY In making a pie, after you have rolled out your top crust, cut it about the right size, spread it over with butter, then shake sifted flour over the butter, enough to cover it well. Cut a slit in the middle, place it over the top of your pie, and fasten the edges as any pie. Now take the pie on your left hand, and a dipper of cold water in your right hand; tip the pie slanting a little, pour over the water sufficiently to rinse off the flour. Enough flour will stick to the butter to fry into the crust, to give it a fine, blistered, flaky look, which many cooks think is much better than rolling the butter into the crust. TARTLETS: Tarts of strawberry or any other kind of preserves are a Retails mails “dene trimmings of puff-paste rolled a little thicker than for ordinary pies; then cut ee with a round cutter, first dipped in hot water, to make the edges smooth, and placed in small tart-pans, first pricking a few holes at the bottom with a PASLIRY, PLIES AND TARTS. 2 89 fork before placing them in the oven. Bake from ten to fifteen minutes. Let the paste cool a little; then fill it with preserve. By this manner, both the flavor and color of the jam are preserved, which would be lost were it baked in the oven on the paste; and, besides, so much jam is not required PATTIES, OR SHELLS FOR TARTS. Roll out a nice puff-paste thin; cut out with a glass or cookey-cutter, and with a wine-glass or smaller cutter, cut out the centre of two out of three; lay the rings thus made on the third, and bake at once. May be used for veal or oyster patties, or filled with jelly, jam or preserves, as tarts. Or shells may be made by lining patty-pans with paste. If the paste is light, the shells will be fine. Filled with jelly and covered with meringue (tablespoonful of sugar to the white ©), and browned in oven, they are very nice to serve for tea. If the cutters are dipped in hot water, the edges of the tartlets will rise much of one eg higher and smoother when baking. TARTLERES. Tartlets are nice made in this manner: Roll some good puff-paste out thin, and cut it into two anda half inch squares; brush each square over with the white of an egg, then fold down the corners, so that they all meet in the middle of each piece of paste; slightly press the two pieces together, brush them over with the egg, sift over sugar, and bake in a nice quick oven for about a quarter of an hour. When they are done, make a little hole in the middle of the paste, and fill it up with apricot jam, marmalade, or red-currant jelly. Pile them high in the centre of a dish, on a napkin, and garnish with the same preserve the tartlets are filled with. TARTS. Larger pans are required for tarts proper, the size of small, shallow pie-tins; then after the paste is baked and cooled and filled with the jam or preserve, a few stars or leaves are placed on the top, or strips of paste, criss-crossed on the top, all of which have been previously baked on a tin by themselves. Dried fruit, stewed until thick, makes fine tart pies, also cranberries, stewed and well sweetened. GREEN APPLE PIE. Peel, core and slice tart apples enough for a pie; sprinkle over about three tablespoonfuls of sugar, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, a small level tablespoonful of sifted flour, two tablespoonfuls of water, a few bits of butter; stir all together 19 290 PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS, with a spoon; put it into a pie-tin lined with pie-paste; cover with a top crust has : and bake about forty minutes. The result will be a delicious, Juicy ple. APPLE CUSTARD PIE. No. tI. Three cupfuls of milk, four eggs, and one cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of thick stewed apples, strained through a colander. Beat the ee ete yolks of the eggs lightly, and mix the yolks well with the apples, flavoring with nutmeg. Then beat into this the milk, and lastly the whites. Let the crust partly bake before turning in this filling. To be baked with only the one crust, like all custard pies. APPLE CUSTARD PIE. No. 2. Select fair sweet apples, pare and grate them, and to every teacupful of the apple add two eggs well beaten, two tablespoonfuls of fine sugar, one of melted butter, the grated rind and half the juice of one lemon, half a wine-glass of brandy, and one teacupful of milk; mix all well, and pour into a deep plate lined with paste; put a strip of the paste around the edge of the dish and bake thirty . minutes. APPLE CUSTARD: PIE. No.3. Lay a crust in your plates; slice apples thin, and half fill your plates; pour over them a custard made of four eggs and one quart of milk, sweetened and sea- soned to your taste. APPLE CUSTARD PIE. No. 4. Peel sour apples and stew until soft, and not much water left in them; then rub through a colander, beat three eggs for each pie to be baked, and put in at the rate of one cupful of butter and one of sugar for three pies; season with nutmeg. IRISH APPLE PIE. Pare and take out the cores of the apples, cutting each apple into four or eight pieces, according to their size. Lay them neatly in a baking dish, season- ing them with brown sugar, and any spice, such as pounded cloves and cinna- mon, or grated lemon-peel. A little quince marmalade gives a fine flavor to the pie. Add a little water, and cover with puff-paste. Bake for an hour. MOCK APPLE PIE. Ni if s . . Crush finely, with a rolling-pin, one large Boston cracker; put it into a bowl, and pour upon it one teacupful of cold water ; add one teacupful of fine white PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. 291 sugar, the juice and pulp of one lemon, half a lemon-rind grated, and a little nutmeg; line the pie-plate with half puff-paste, pour in the mixture, cover with the paste, and bake half an hour. These are proportions for one pie. t APPLE AND PEACH MERINGUE PIE. Stew the apples or peaches and sweeten to taste. Mash smootn and season with nutmeg. Fill the crusts and bake until just done. Put on no top crust. Take the whites of three eggs for each pie, and whip to a stiff froth, and sweeten with three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Flavor with rose-water or vanilla; beat until it will stand alone; then spread it on the pie one-half to one inch thick; set it back into. the oven until the meringue is well ‘‘set.’’ Hat cold. COCOANUT PIE. No. 1. One-half cup dessicated cocoanut, soaked in one cupful of milk, two eggs, one small cupful of sugar, butter the size of an egg. This is for one small-sized pie. Nice with a meringue on top. COCOANUT PIE. No. 2. Cut off the brown part of the cocoanut, grate the white part, mix it with milk, and set it on the fire and let it boil slowly eight or ten minutes. Toa pound of the grated cocoanut, allow a quart of milk, eight eggs, four table- spoonfuls of sifted white sugar, a glass of wine, a small cracker, pounded fine, two spoonfuls of melted butter, and half a nutmeg. The eggs.and sugar should be beaten together to a froth, then the wine stirred in. Put them into the milk and cocoanut, which should be first allowed to get quite cool; add the cracker and nutmeg, turn the whole into deep pie-plates, with a lining and rim of puff- paste. Bake them as soon as turned into the plates. CHOCOLATE CUSTARD PIE. No. I. One quarter cake of Baker’s chocolate, grated; one pint of boiling water, six egos, one quart of milk, one-half cupful of white sugar, two teaspoonfuls of Dissolve the chocolate in a very little milk, stir into the boiling water, When nearly cold, beat up with this the yolks of all Vanilla. and boil three minutes. the eggs and the whites of three. : When the custard is ‘‘ set ’’—but not more than Stir this mixture into the milk, season and pour into shells of good paste. ; half done—spread over it the whites whipped to a froth, with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. You may bake these custards without paste, in a pudding-dish or cups set in boiling water PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. to Oo to CHOCOLATE PIE. No. 2. and place on the back of the stove and e egg and some sugar in it; when Lovers of chocolate will like this. Put some grated chocolate into a basin let it melt (do not add any water to it); beat on melted, spread this on the top of a custard pie. LEMON PIE. (Superior.) Take a deep dish, grate into it the outside of the rind of two lemons; add to that a cup and a half of white sugar, two heaping tablespoonfuls of unsifted flour, or one of corn-starch; stir it well together, then add the yolks of three well-beaten eggs, beat this thoroughly, then add the juice of the lemons, two cups of water, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Set this on the fire in another dish containing boiling water and cook it until it thickens, and will dip up on the spoon like cold honey. Remove it from the fire, and when cooled, pour it into a deep pie-tin, lined with pastry; bake, and when done, have ready the whites, beaten stiff, with three small tablespoonfuls of sugar. Spread this over the top and return to the oven to set and brown slightly. This makes a deep, large-sized pie, and very superior. Sine —Hbbitt House, Washington. LEMON PIE. No. 2. One coffee-cupful of sugar, three eggs, one cupful of water, one tablespoonful of melted butter,'one heaping tablespoonful of flour, the juice and a little of the rind of one lemon. Reserve the whites of the eggs, and after the pie is baked, spread them over the top, beaten lightly, with a spoonful of sugar, and return to the oven until it is a light brown. This may be cooked before it is put into the crust or not, but is rather better to cook it first in a double boiler or dish. It makes a medium-sized pie. Bake from thirty-five to forty minutes. LEMON PIE. No. 3. Moisten a heaping tablespoonful of corn-starch with a little cold water, then add a cupful of boiling water; stir over the fire till it boils and cook the corn- starch, say two or three minutes; add a teaspoonful of butter, and a cupful of sugar; take off the fire, and when slightly cooled, add an egg well beaten, and the juice and grated rind of a fresh lemon. Bake withacrust. This makes one small pie. LEMON PIE. No. 4. Two large, fresh lemons, grate off the rind, if not bitter reserve it for the filling of the pie; pare off every bit of the white skin of the lemon, (as it toughens PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. while cooking); then cut the lemon into very thin slices with a sharp knife, and take out the seeds; two cupfuls of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of water, and two of sifted flour. Put into the pie a layer of lemon, then one of sugar, then one of the grated rind, and, lastly, of flour, and so on till the ingredients are used; sprinkle the water over all, and cover with upper crust. Be sure to have the under crust lap over the upper, and pinch it well, as the syrup will cook all out if care is not taken when finishing the edge of crust. This quantity makes one medium-sized pie. ORANGE PIE. Grate the rind of one and use the juice of two large oranges. Stir together a large cupful of sugar and a heaping tablespoonful of flour; add to this the well- beaten yolks of three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Reserve the whites for frosting. Turn this\into a pie-pan lined with pie-paste, and bake in a quick oven. When done so as to resemble a finely baked custard, spread on the top of it the beaten whites, which must be sweetened with two tablespoonfuls of sugar; spread evenly, and return to the oven and brown slightly. The addition of the juice of half a lemon improves it, if convenient to have it. BAKERS’ CUSTARD PIE. Beat up the yolks of three eggs to a cream. Stir thoroughly a tablespoonful of sifted flour into three tablespoonfuls of sugar; this separates the particles of flour so that there will’ be no lumps; then add it to the beaten yolks, put in a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and a little grated nutmeg; next the well-beaten whites of the eggs; and lastly, a pint of scalded milk (not boiled) which has been cooled; ‘mix this in by degrees, and turn all into a deep pie-pan, lined with puff-paste, and bake from twenty-five to thirty minutes. I received this recipe from a celebrated cook in one of our best New York bakeries. I inquired of him ‘‘ why it was that their custard pies had that look of solidity and smoothness that our home-made pies have not.’’ He replied, “The secret is the addition of this bét of flour—not that it thickens the custard any to speak of, but prevents the custard from breaking or wheying, and gives that smooth appearance when cut.” CREAM PIE. Pour a pint of cream upon one and a half cupfuls of sugar; let it stand until the whites of three eggs have been b orate a little nutmeg over the mixture, and bake with- oe s c eaten to astiff froth; add this to the cream, and beat up thoroughly; out an upper crust. Ifa tablespoonful of sifted flour is added to it, as the above Custard Pie recipe, it would improve It. 5 ; 294 PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. WHIPPED CREAM PIE. Line a pie-plate with a rich crust, and bake quickly in a hot oven. When done, spread with a thin layer of jelly or jam, then whip one cupful of thick sweet cream until it is as light as possible; sweeten with powdered sugar and flavor with vanilla; spread over the jelly or jam; set the cream where it will get very cold before whipping. CUSTARD PIE. Beat together until very light the yolks of four eggs and four tablespoonfuls of sugar, flavor with nutmeg or vanilla; then add the four beaten whites, a pinch of salt and, lastly, a quart of sweet milk; mix well and pour into tins lined with paste. Bake until firm. BOSTON CREAM PIE. Cream part.—Put on a pint of milk to boil. Break two eggs into a dish, and add one cup of sugar and half a cup of flour previously mixed; after beating well, stir it into the milk just as the milk commences to boil; add an ounce of butter and keep on stirring one way until it thickens; flavor with vanilla or lemon. Crust part.—Three eggs, beaten separately, one cup of granulated sugar, one and a half cups of sifted flour, one large teaspoonful of baking-powder, and two tablespoonfuls of milk or water. Divide the batter in half and bake on two medium-sized pie-tins. Bake in a rather quick oven to a straw color. When done and cool, split each one in half with a sharp broad-bladed knife, and spread half the cream between each. Serve cold. The cake part should be flavored the same as the custard. MOCK CREAM PIE. Take three eggs, one pint of milk, a cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, or three of flour; beat the sugar, corn-starch, and yolks of the eggs together; after the milk has come to a boil, stir in the mixture, and add a pinch of salt and about a teaspoonful of butter. Make crust the same as any pie; bake, then fill with the custard, grate over a little nutmeg and bake again. Take the whites of the eggs and beat to a stiff froth with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, spread over the top and brown in a quick oven. FRUIT CUSTARD PIE. Any fruit custard, such as pineapple, banana, can be readily made after the recipe of ‘‘Apple Custard Pie.”’ PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS: CHERRY PIE. Line your pie-plate with good crust, fill half full with ripe cherries; sprinkle over them about a cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of sifted flour, dot a few bits of butter over that. Now fill the crust full to the top. Cover with the upper crust, and bake. , ; This is one of the best of pies, if made correctly, and the cherries in any case should be stoned. CURRANT PIE. No. 1. Make in just the same way as the Cherry Pie, unless they are somewhat green, then they should be stewed a little RIPE CURRANT PIE. No. 2. One cupful of mashed ripe currants, one of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of water, one of flour, beaten with the yolks of two eggs. Bake; frost the top with the beaten whites of the eggs and two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. and brown in oven. GREEN TOMATO PIE. Take medium-sized tomatoes, pare, and cut out the stem end. Having your pie-pan lined with paste made as biscuit dough, slice the tomatoes very thin, filling the pan somewhat heaping, then grate over it a nutmeg, put in half a cup of butter, and a medium cup of sugar, if the pan is rather deep. Sprinkle a small handful of flour over all, pouring in half a cup of vinegar before adding the top crust. Bake half an hour, in a moderately hot oven, serving hot. Is good; try it. APRICOT MERINGUE PIE. A canned apricot meringue pie is made by cutting the apricots fine and mix- ing them with a half cup of sugar and the beaten yolk of an egg; fill the crust and bake. Take from the oven, let it stand for two or three minutes, cover with a meringue made of the beaten white of an egg and one tablespoonful of sugar. Set back in a slow oven until it turns a golden brown. The above pie an be made into a tart without the addition of the meringue by adding criss- cross strips of pastry when the pie is first put into the oven. All of the above are good if made from the dried and stewed apricots instead of the canned, and are much cheaper. Stewed dried apricots are a delicious addition to mince-meat. They may be use in connection with minced apples, or to the exclusion of the latter. PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. HUCKLEBERRY PIE. Put a quart of picked huckleberries into a basin, of water; take off eye floats; take up the berries by the handful, pick out oe Ae pions and ice berries, and put them into a dish; line a buttered pie-dish with a, pie-paste, put in the berries half an inch deep, and to a quart of berries, put half of a teacupful of brown sugar; dredge a teaspoonful of flour over, strew a saltspoonful of salt, and a little nutmeg grated over; cover the pie, cut a slit in the centre, or make several small incisions on either side of it; press the two crusts together around the edge, trim it off neatly with a sharp knife, and bake in a quick oven for thre-equarters of an hour. BLACKBERRY PIE. Pick the berries clean, rinse them in cold water, and finish as directed for huckleberries. MOLASSES PIE. Two teacupfuls of molasses, one of sugar, three eggs, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one lemon, nutmeg; beat and bake in pastry. LEMON RAISIN PIE. One cup of chopped raisins, seeded, the juice and grated rind of one lemon, one cupful of cold water, one tablespoonful of flour, one cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter. Stir lightly together and bake with upper and under crust. RHUBARB PIE. Cut the large stalks off where the leaves commence, strip off the outside skin, then cut the stalks in pieces half an inch long; line a pie-dish with paste rolled rather thicker than a dollar piece, put a layer of the rhubarb nearly an inch deep; toa quart bow] of cut rhubarb put a large teacupful of sugar; strew it over with a saltspoonful of salt and a little nutmeg: grated; shake over a little flour; cover with a rich pie-crust, cut a slit in the centre, trim off the edge with a sharp knife, and bake in a quick oven until the pie loosens from the dish. Rhubarb lies made in this way are altogether superior to those made of: the fruit stewed. RHUBARB PIE, COOKED. Skin the stalks, cut them into small pieces, wash, and put them in a stew-pan with no more water than what adheres to them; when cooked, mash them fine, and put in a small piece of butter; when cool, sweeten to taste; if liked adda little lemon-peel, cinnamon or nutmeg; line your plate with thin crust, put in PAS DRY PIDS eAN DD.) LARMS: 207 the filling, cover with crust, and bake in a quick oven; sift sugar over it when served. PINEAPPLE PIE. A grated pineapple; its weight in sugar; half its weight in butter; one cupful of cream; five eggs; beat the butter to a creamy froth; add the sugar and yolks of the eggs; continue beating till very light; add the cream, the pineapple grated, and the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake with an under crust. Eat cold. GRAPE PIE. Pop the pulps out of the skins into one dish, and put the skins into another: Then simmer the pulp a little over the fire to soften it; remove it and rub it through a colander to separate it from the seeds. Then put the skins and pulp together, and they are ready for pies or for canning or putting in jugs for further use. Fine for pies. DAMSON OR PLUM PIE. Stew the damsons whole in water only sufficient to prevent their burning; when tender, and while hot, sweeten them with sugar, and let them stand until they become cold; then pour them into pie-dishes lined with paste, dredge flour upon them, cover them with the same paste, wet and pinch together the edges of the paste, cut a slit in the centre of the cover through which the vapor may escape, and bake twenty minutes. PEACH PIE. Peel, stone, and slice the peaches. Line a pie-plate with crust, and lay in your fruit, sprinkling sugar liberally over them in proportion to their sweetness. Allow three peach kernels, chopped fine, to each pie; pour in a very little water, and bake with an upper crust, or with cross-bars of paste across the top. DRIED FRUIT PIES. Wash the fruit thoroughly, soak over night in water enough to cover. In the morning, stew slowly, until nearly done, in the same water. Sweeten to taste. The crust, both upper and under, should be rolled thin; a thick crust to a fruit pie is undesirable. P RIPE BERRY PIES. All made the game as Cherry Pie. Line your pie-tin with crust, fill half full of berries, shake over a tablespoonful of: sifted flour, (if very juicy), and as 298 PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. much sugar as is necessary to sweeten sufficiently. Now ~ up ues crust to the top; making quite full. Cover with crust, and bake about forty minutes. Huckleberry and blackberry pies are improved by putting into them a little ginger and cinnamon. JELLY AND PRESERVED FRUIT PIES. Preserved fruit requires no baking; hence, always bake the shell, and put in the sweetmeats afterwards; you can cover with whipped cream, or bake a top crust shell; the former is preferable for delicacy. CRANBERRY PIE. Take fine, sound, ripe cranberries, and with a sharp knife split each one until you have a heaping coffee-cupful; put them in a vegetable dish or basin; put over them one cup of white sugar, half a cup of water, a tablespoon full of sifted flour; stir it all together and put into your crust. Cover with an upper crust and bake slowly in a moderate oven. You will find this the true way of making a cranberry pie. = vs — Newport style. CRANBERRY TART PIE. After having washed and picked over the berries, stew them well in a little water, just enough to cover them; when they burst open, and become soft, sweeten them with plenty of sugar, mash them smooth (some prefer them not mashed); line your pie-plates with thin puff-paste, fill them, and lay strips of paste across the top. Bake ina moderateoven. Or you may rub them through a colander to free them from the skins. GOOSEBERRY PIE. Can be made the same as Cranberry Tart Pie, or an upper crust can be put on before baking. Serve with boiled custard, or a pitcher of good, sweet cream. STEWED PUMPKIN OR SQUASH FOR PIES. Deep-colored pumpkins are generally the best. Cut a pumpkin or squash in half, take out the seeds, then cut it up in thick slices, pare the outside and cut again in small pieces. Put it into a large pot or sauce-pan, with a very little water; let it cook slowly until tender. Now set the pot on the back of the stove, where it will not burn, and cook slowly, stirring often until the moisture is dried out and the pumpkin looks dark and red. It requires cooking a long time, at least half a day, to have it dry and rich. When cool, press through a colander. PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. BAKED PUMPKIN OR SQUASH FOR PIES. Cut up in several pieces, do not pare it; place them on baking- tins and set them in the oven; bake slowly until soft, then take them out, scrape all the pumpkin from the shell, rub it through a colander. It will be fine and light and free from lumps. PUMPKIN PIE. No. 1. For three pies: One quart of milk, three cupfuls of boiled and strained pumpkin, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful of molasses, the yolks and whites of four eggs beaten separately, a little salt, one’ tablespoonful each of ginger and cinnamon. Beat all together and bake with an under crust. Boston marrow or Hubbard squash may be substituted for pumpkin, and are much preferred by many, as possessing a less strong flavor. PUMPKIN PIE. No. 2. One quart of stewed pumpkin, pressed through a sieve; nine eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately; two scant quarts of milk, one teaspoonful of mace, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, and the same of nutmeg; one and one-half cupfuls of white sugar, or very light brown. Beat all well together, and bake in crust without cover. A tablespoonful of brandy is a great improvement to pumpkin or squash pies. PUMPKIN PIE, WITHOUT EGGS. One quart of properly stewed pumpkin, pressed through a colander; to this add enough good, rich milk, sufficient to moisten it enough to fill two good-sized earthen pie-plates, a teaspoonful of salt, half a cupful of molasses, or brown sugar, a tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, or nutmeg. Bake in a moderately slow oven three-quarters of an hour. SQUASH PIE. One pint of boiled dry squash, one cupful of brown sugar, three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, a pinch of salt, and one pint of milk. This makes two pies, or one large deep one. SWEET POTATO PIE. One pound of steamed sweet potatoes finely mashed, two cups sugar, one cup cream, one-half cup butter, three well-beaten eggs, flavor with lemon or nutmeg and bake in pastry shell. Fine. 28 ee ST LETT ee eee 300 PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. COOKED MEAT FOR MINCE PIES. In order to succeed in having good mince pie, it is quite essential to cook the meat properly, so as to retain its juices and strength of flavor. Select four pounds of lean beef, the neck piece is as good as any; wash it, and put it into a kettle with just water enough to cover it; take off the scum as it reaches the boiling point, add hot water from time to time, until it is tender, then season with salt and pepper; take off the cover and let it boil until almost dry, or until the juice has boiled back into the meat. When it looks as though it was beginning to fry in its own juice, it is time to take up, and set aside to get cold, which should be done the day before needed. Next day, when making the mince-meat, the bones, gristle and stringy bits should be well picked out before chopping. MINCE PIES. No. tI. The “Astor House,’’ some years ago, was famous for its ‘‘mince pies.”’ The chief pastry cook at that time, by request, published the recipe. I find that those who partake of it never fail to speak in laudable terms of the superior excellence of this recipe, when strictly followed. Four pounds of lean boiled beef, chopped fine, twice as much of chopped green tart apples, one pound of chopped suet, three pounds of raisins, seeded, two pounds of currants picked over, washed and dried, half a pound of citron, cut up fine, one pound of brown sugar, one quart of cooking molasses, two quarts -of sweet cider, one pint of boiled cider, one tablespoonful of salt, one tablespoon- ful of pepper, one tablespoonful of mace, one tablespoonful of allspice, and four tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two grated nutmegs, one tablespoonful of cloves; mix thoroughly and warm it on the range, until heated through. Remove from the fire and when nearly cool, stir in a pint of good brandy, and one pint of Madeira wine. Put into a crock, cover it tightly, and set it in a cold place where it will not freeze, but keep perfectly cold. Will keep good all winter. —Chef de Cuisine, Astor House, N.Y. MINCE PIES. No. 2. Two pounds of lean fresh beef, boiled, and when cold, chopped fine. One pound of beef suet, cleared of strings and minced to powder. Five pounds of apples, pared and chopped; two pounds of raisins, seeded and chopped; one pound of Sultana raisins, washed and picked over. Two pounds of currants, washed and carefully picked over. Three-quarters of a pound of citron cut up fine. Two tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one of powdered nutmeg, two of mace, PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS, 301 ‘one of cloves, one of allspice, one of fine salt; two and a quarter pounds of brown sugar, one quart brown sherry, one pint best brandy. Mince-meat made by this recipe will keep all winter. Cover closely in a jar, and set in a cool place. —Common Sense in the Household. For preserving mince-meat, look for ‘‘ Canned Mince-Meat.”’ MOCK MINCE-MEAT, WITHOUT MEAT. One cupful of cold water, half a cupful of molasses, half a cupful of brown ‘sugar, half a cupful of cider vinegar, two-thirds of a cupful of melted butter, ‘one cupful of raisins, seeded and chopped, one egg beaten light, half a cupful of rolled cracker-crumbs, a tablespoonful of cinnamon, a teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice, nutmeg, salt, and black pepper. Put the sauce-pan on the fire with the water and raisins; let them cook a few minutes, then add the sugar and molasses, then the vinegar, then the other ingredients; lastly, add a wine-glassful of brandy. Very fine. FRUIT TURNOVER. (Suitable for Picnics.) Make a nice puff-paste; roll it out the usual thickness, as for pies; then cut it out into circular pieces about the size of a small tea saucer; pile the fruit on half of the paste, sprinkle over some sugar, wet the edges, and turn the paste over. Press the edges together, ornament them, and brush the turnovers over with the white of an egg; sprinkle over sifted sugar, and bake on tins, in a brisk oven, for about twenty minutes. Instead of putting the fruit in raw, it may be boiled down with a little sugar first, and then enclosed in the crust; or jam of any kind may be substituted for fresh fruit. PLUM CUSTARD TARTLETS. One pint of greengage plums, after being rubbed through a sieve; one large cup of sugar, the yolks of two eggs well beaten. Whisk all together until light and foamy; then bake in small patty-pans shells of puff-paste, a light brown. Then fill with the plum paste, beat the two whites until stiff; add two table- spoonfuls of powdered sugar, spread over the plum paste and set the shells into a moderate oven for a few moments. These are much more easily handled than pieces of pie or even pies whole, and can be packed nicely for carrying. LEMON TARTLETS. No.1. Put a quart of milk into a sauce-pan over the fire. When it comes to the boiling point, put into it the following mixture: Into a bowl put a heaping table- 302 PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS. spoonful of flour, half a cupful of sugar, and a pinch of salt. Stir this all together thoroughly; then add the beaten yolks of six eggs; stir this one way nae the boiling milk, until cooked to a thick cream; remove from the fire, and stir into it the grated rind and juice of one large lemon. Have ready baked and hot, some puff-paste tart shells. Fill them with the custard, and cover each with a meringue, made of the whites of the eggs, sweetened with four table- spoonfuls of sugar. Put into the oven and bake'a light straw-color. LEMON TARTLETS. No. 2. Mix well together the juice and grated rind of two lemons, two cupfuls of sugar, two eggs, and the crumbs of sponge cake; beat it all together until smooth; put into twelve patty-pans lined with puff-paste and bake until the crust is done. ORANGE TARTLETS. Take the juice of two large oranges, and the grated peel of one, three-fourths of a cup of sugar, a tablespoonful of butter; stir in a good teaspoonful of corn- starch into the juice of half a lemon, and add to the mixture. Beat all well. together, and bake in tart shells without cover. MERINGUE CUSTARD TARTLETS. Select deep individual pie-tins; fluted tartlet pans are suitable for custard tarts, but they should be about six inches in diameter and from two to three inches deep. Butter the pan and line it with ordinary puff-paste, then fill it with a custard made as follows: Stir gradually into the beaten yolks of six eggs two tablespoonfuls of flour, a saltspoonful of salt and half a pint of cream. Stir until free from lumps and add two tablespoonfuls of sugar; put the sauce-pan on the range and stir until the custard coats the spoon. Do not let it boil or it will curdle. Pour it in a bowl, add a few drops of vanilia flavoring and stir until the custard becomes cold; fill the lined mold with this and bake in a moderate oven. In the meantime, put the white of the eggs in a bright copper vessel and beat thoroughly, using a baker’s wire egg-beater for this purpose. While beat- ing, sprinkle in lightly half a pound of sugar and a dash of salt. When the paste is quite firm, spread a thin layer of it over the tart and decorate the top with the remainder by squeezing it through a paper funnel. Strew a little powdered sugar over the top, return to the oven, and when a delicate yellow tinge remove from the oven, and when cold, serve. PASTRY,\ PIES AND TARTS: , BERRY TARTS. Line small pie-tins with pie-crust, and bake. Just before ready to use, fill the tarts with strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, or whatever berries are in season. Sprinkle over each tart a little sugar; after adding berries add also to each tart a tablespoonful of sweet cream. They form a delicious addition to the breakfast table. CREAM STRAWBERRY TARTS. After picking over the berries carefully, arrange them in layers in a deep pie- tin lined with puff-paste, sprinkling sugar thickly between each layer; fill the pie-tin pretty full, pouring in a quantity of the juice; cover with a thick crust, with a slit in the top, and bake. When the pieis baked, pour into the slit in the top of the pie the following cream mixture: Take a small cupful of the cream from the top of the morning’s milk, heat it until it comes to a boil, then stir into it the whites of two eggs beaten light, also a tablespoonful of white sugar and a teaspoonful of corn-starch wet in cold milk. Boil all together a few moments until quite smooth; set it aside, and when cool, pour it into the pie through the slit in the crust. Serve it cold with powdered sugar sifted over it. Raspberry, blackberry, and whortleberry may be made the same. GREEN GOOSEBERRY TART. Top and tail the gooseberries. Put into a porcelain kettle with enough water to prevent burning, and stew slowly until they break. Take them off, sweeten weil, and set aside to cool. When cold pour into pastry shells, and bake with a top crust of puff-paste. Brush all over with beaten egg while hot, set back in the oven to glaze for three minutes. Hat cold. 2 —Common Sense in the Household. COCOANUT TARTS. Take three cocoanuts, the meats grated, the yolks of five eggs, half a cupful of white sugar, season, a wine-glass of milk; put the butter in cold, and bake in a nice puff-paste. CHOCOLATE TARTS. Four eggs, whites and yolks; one half cake of Baker’s chocolate, grated; one tablespoonful of corn-starch, dissolved in water; three tablespoonfuls of milk, four of white sugar, two teaspoonfuls of vanilla, one saltspoonful of salt, one- half teaspoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of butter, melted; rub the choco- late smooth in the milk, and heat to boiling over the fire, then stir in the corn- starch. Stir five minutes until well thickened, remove from the fire, and pour 304. PASTRY, PIES AND TARTS, J into a bowl. Beat all the yolks and the whites of two eggs well with the sugar, and when the chocolate mixture is almost cold, put all together with the flavor- ing, and stir until light. Bake in open shells of pastry. When done, cover with a meringue made of the whites of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls of sugar flavored with a teaspoonful of lemon-juice. Eat cold. are nice for tea, baked in patty-pans. ae : ; —COommon Sense in the Household. MAIDS OF HONOR. Take one cupful of sour milk, one of sweet milk, a tablespoonful of melted butter, the yolk of four eggs, juice and rind of one lemon, and small cupful of white pounded sugar. Put both kinds of milk together in a vessel, which is set in another, and let it become sufficiently heated to set the curd, then strain off the milk, rub the curd through a strainer, add butter to the curd, the sugar, well-beaten egos, and lemon. Line the little pans with the richest of puff- paste, and fill with the mixture; bake until firm in the centre, from ten to fifteen minutes. GERMAN FRUIT PIE. Sift together a heaping teaspoonful of baking-powder and a pint of flour; add a piece of butter as large as a walnut, a pinch of salt, one beaten egg, and sweet milk enough to make a soft dough. Roll it out half an inch thick; butter a square biscuit tin, and cover the bottom and sides with the dough; fill the pan with quartered juicy apples, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and molasses. Bake in rather quick oven until the crust and apples are cooked alight brown. Sprinkle a little sugar over the top five minutes before removing from the oven. Ripe peaches are fine, used in the same manner. APPLE TARTS. Pare, quarter, core and boil in half a cupful of water until quite soft, ten large, tart apples; beat until very smooth and add the yolks of six eggs, or three whole ones, the juice and grated outside rind of two lemons, half a cup butter, one and a half of sugar (or more, if not; sufficiently sweet); beat all thoroughly, line patty-pans with a puff-paste, and fill; bake five minutes in a hot oven. Merigue.—lIf desired very nice, cover them when removed from the oven with a meringue made of the whites of three eggs remaining, mixed with three tablespoonfuls sugar; return to the oven and delicately brown. CREAM TARTS. Make a rich, brittle crust, with which cover your patty-pans, smoothing off the edges nicely, and bake well. While these “shells”? are cooling, take one CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 395 teacupful (more or less according to the number of tarts you want) of perfectly sweet and fresh cream, skimmed free of milk; put this into a large bowl or other deep dish, and with your egg-beater whip it to a thick, stiff froth; add a heap- ing tablespoonful of fine, white sugar, with a teaspoonful (a small one) of lemon or vanilla. ill the cold shells with this and set in a cool place till tea is ready. OPEN JAM TARTS. Time to bake until paste loosens from the dish. Line shallow tin dish with puff-paste, put in the jam, roll out some of the paste, wet it lightly with the yolk of an egg beaten with a little milk, and a tablespoonful of powdered sugar. Cut it in very narrow strips, then lay them across the tart, lay another strip around the edge, trim off outside, and bake in a quick oven. CHESS CAKES. Peel and grate one cocoanut; boil one pound of sugar fifteen minutes in two- thirds of a pint of water; stir in the grated cocoanut and boil fifteen minutes longer. While warm, stir in a quarter of a pound of butter; add the yolks of seven eggs well beaten. Bake in patty-pans with rich paste. If prepared cocoa- nut is used, take one and a half coffee-cupfuls. Fine. Custards, Creams and Desserts. The usual rule for custards is, eight eggs to a quart of milk; but a very good custard can be made of six, or even less, especially with the addition of a level tablespoonful of sifted flour, thoroughly blended in the sugar first, before adding the other ingredients. They may be baked, boiled or steamed, either in cups or one large dish. It improves custards to first boil the milk and then cool it before being used; also a little salt adds to the flavor. A very small lump of butter may also be added, if one wants something especially rich. To make custards look and taste better, duck’s eggs should be used when obtainable; they add very much to the flavor and richness, and so many ane not required as of ordinary eggs, four duck’s eggs to the pint of milk making a delicious custard. When desired extremely rich and good, cream should be sub- stituted for the milk, and double the quantity of eggs used to those mentioned, omitting the whites. When making boiled custard, set the dish containing the custard into another 20 SA AND EEE ARISE a Dae erat é Sra ee ae 306 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. and larger dish, partly filled with boiling water, placed over the fire. Let the cream or milk come almost to a boil before adding the eggs or thickening, then stir it briskly one way every moment until smooth and well cooked; it must not boil or it will curdle. To bake a custard, the fire should be moderate, and the dish well buttered. Everything in baked custard depends upon the regularly heated slow oven. If made with nicety, it is the most delicate of all sweets; if cooked till it wheys, it is hardly eatable. Frozen eggs can be made quite as good as fresh ones if used as soon as thawed soft. Drop them into boiling water, letting them remain until the water is cold. They will be soft all through and beat up equal to those that have not been touched with the frost. Eggs should always be thoroughly well-beaten, separately, the yolks first, then the sugar added, beat again, then add the beaten whites with the flavoring, then the cooled scalded milk, The lighter the eggs are beaten, the thicker and richer the custard. Hggs should always be broken into a cup, the whites and yolks separated, and they should always be strained. Breaking the eggs thus, the bad ones may be easily rejected without spoiling the others, and so cause no waste. A meringue, or frosting for the top, requires about a tablespoonful of fine sugar to the beaten white of one egg; to be placed on the top after the custard or pudding is baked; smoothed over with a broad-bladed knife dipped in cold water, and replaced in the oven to brown slightly. SOFT CARAMEL CUSTARD. One quart of milk, half a cupful of sugar, six eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt. Put the milk on to boil, reserving a cupful. Beat the eggs and add the cold milk to them. Stir the sugar in a small frying-pan until it becomes liquid and just begins to smoke. Stir it into the boiling milk; then add the beaten eggs and cold milk, and stir constantly until the mixture begins to thicken. Set away to cool. Serve in glasses. BAKED CUSTARD. Beat five fresh eges, the whites and yolks separately, the yolks with half a cup of sugar, the whites to a stiff froth; then stir them gradually into a quart of sweet, rich milk, previously boiled and cooled; flavor with extract of lemon or vanilla, and half a teaspoonful of galt. Rub butter over the bottom and sides of a baking-dish or tin basin; pour in the custard, grate a little nutmeg over, CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND. DESSERT. S. 307 and bake in a quick oven. It is better to get the dish in a shallow pan of hot water, reaching nearly to the top, the water to be kept boiling until the custard is baked; three-quarters of an hour is generally enough. Run a teaspoon handle into the middle of it; if it comes out clean it is baked sufficiently. CUP CUSTARD. Six eggs, half a cupful of sugar, one quart of new milk. Beat the eges, and the sugar and milk, and any extract or flavoring you like. Fill your custard cups, sift a little nutmeg or cinnamon over the tops, set them in a moderate oven in a shallow pan half filled with hot water. In about twenty minutes try them with the handle of a teaspoon to see if they are firm. Judgment and great care are needed to attain skill in baking custard; for if left in the oven a minute too long. or if the fire is too hot, the milk will certainly whey. Serve cold, with fresh fruit sugared and placed on top of each. Strawberries, peaches or raspberries, as preferred. BOILED CUSTARD. Beat seven eggs very light, omitting the whites of two; mix them gradually with a quart of milk and half a cupful of sugar; boil in a dish set into another of boiling water; add flavoring. As soon as it comes to the boiling point, remove it or it will be liable to curdle and become lumpy. Whip the whites of the two eggs that remain, adding two heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar. When the cus- tard is cold, heap this on top; if in cups put on a strawberry, or a bit of red jelly oneach. Set in a cold place till wanted. —Common Sense in the Household. BOILED CUSTARD, OR MOCK CREAM. Take two even tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, one quart of milk, three eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt and a small piece of butter; heat the milk to nearly boiling, and add the starch, previously dissolved in a little cold milk; then add the eggs, well beaten, with four tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar; let it boil up once or twice, stirring it briskly, and itis done. Flavor with lemon, or vanilla, or raspberry, or to suit your taste. A good substitute for ice cream, served very cold. FRENCH CUSTARD. One quart of milk, eight eggs, sugar and cinnamon to taste; rane the eges, beat the yolks until thick, to which add the milk, a little vanilla, and sweeten to taste; put it into a pan or farina kettle, place it over a slow fire and . — = _ = 2 ~ Ae SRS oe te = Spc een a ea Bae ae Sate sae ea —— 308 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. all the time until it becomes custard; then pour it into a pudding-dish the whites until stiff and dry; have ready a pan of boiling cover and place them where the stir it to get cold; whisk water, on the top of which place the whites; water will keep sufficiently hot to cause a steam to pass through and cook them, place in a dish (suitable for the table) a layer of custard and white alternately; on each layer of custard grate a little nutmeg with a teaspoonful of wine; reserve a layer of white for the cover, over which grate nutmeg; then send to table, and eat cold. GERMAN CUSTARD. Add to a pint of good, rich, boiled custard an ounce of sweet almonds, blanched, roasted, and pounded to a paste, and half an ounce of pine-nuts or peanuts, blanched, roasted and pounded; also a small quantity of candied citron cut into the thinnest possible slips; cook the custard as usual, and set it on the ice for some hours before using. APPLE CUSTARD. Pare, core and quarter a dozen large juicy pippins. Stew among them the: yellow peel of a large lemon grated very fine; and stew them till tender in a very small portion of water. When done, mash them smooth with the back of a spoon (you must have a pint and a half of the stewed apple); mix a half- cupful of sugar with them, and set them away till cold. Beat six eggs very light, and stir them gradually into a quart of rich milk, alternately with the stewed apple. Put the mixture into cups, or into a deep dish, and bake it about twenty minutes. Send it to table cold, with nutmeg grated over the top. ALMOND CUSTARD. No. tf. Scald and blanch half a pound of shelled sweet almonds, and three ounces of bitter almonds, throwing them, as you do them, intoalarge bowl of cold water. Then pound them, one at a time, into a paste, adding a few drops of wine or rose-water to them. Beat eight eggs very light, with two-thirds of a cup of sugar, then mix altogether with a quart of rich milk, or part milk and part cream; put the mixture into a sauce-pan and set it over the fire. Stir it one way until it begins to thicken, but not till it curdles; remove from the fire, and when it is cooled, put in a glass dish. Having reserved part of the whites of the eggs, beat them to a stiff froth, season with three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and a teaspoonful of lemon extract; spread over the top of the custard. Serve cold. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. ALMOND CUSTARD. No. 2. Blanch a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, pound them as in No. 1 above, with six ounces of fine white sugar, and mix them well with the yolks of four eggs; then dissolve one ounce of patent gelatine in one quart of boiling milk, into it the other mixture; stir the whole over the fire until it thickens and is smooth; then pour it into your mold, and keep it upon ice, or in a cool place, until wanted; when ready to serve, dip the mold into warm water, rub it witha cloth, and turn out the cream carefully upon your dish. strain it through a sieve, and pour SNOWBALL CUSTARD. Soak half a package of Coxe’s gelatine in a teacupful of cold water one hour, to which add a pint of boiling water, stir it until the gelatine is thoroughly dis- solved. Then beat the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, put two teacupfuls of sugar in the gelatine water first, then the beaten whites of ege, and one tea- spoonful of vanilla extract, or the grated rind and the juice of a lemon. Whip it some time until it is all quite stiff and cold. Dip some teacups or wine-glasses in cold water and fill them; set in a cold place. In the meantime, make a boiled custard of the yolks of three of the eges, with half of a cupful of sugar, and a pint of milk; flavor with vanilla extract. Now after the meringue in the cups has stood four or five hours, turn them out of the molds, place them in a glass dish, and pour this custard around the base, BAKED COCOANUT CUSTARD. Grate as much cocoanut as will weigh a pound, Mix half a pound of pow- dered white sugar with the milk of the cocoanut, or with a pint of cream, add- ing two tablespoonfuls of rose water. Then stir in gradually a pint of rich mill. Beat to a'stiff froth the whites of eight eggs, and stir them into the milk and sugar, a little at a time, alternately with the grated cocoanut; add a teaspoonful of powdered nutmeg and cinnamon. Then put the mixture into cups, and bake them twenty minutes in a moderate oven, set in a pan haif filled with boiling water. When cold, grate loaf sugar over them. WHIPPED CREAM. No. tI. To the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth, add a pint of thick, sweet cream (previously set where it is very cold), and four tablespoonfuls of sweet Wine, with three of fine white sugar, and a teaspoonful of the extract of lemon or vanilla. Mix all the ingredients together on a broad platter or pan, and whip it to a standing froth; as the froth rises, take it off lightly with a spoon, and lay 310 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. it on an inverted sieve with a dish under it to catch what will drain through; and what drains through can be beaten over again. Serve in a glass dish with jelly or jam, and sliced sponge cake. ‘This should be whipped in a cool place, and set in the ice-box. WHIPPED CREAM. No. 2. Three coffee-cupfuls of good thick sweet cream, half of a cup of powdered sugar, three teaspoonfuls of vanilla; whip it to a stiff froth. Dissolve three- fourths of an ounce of best gelatine in a teacup of hot water, and when cool pour it in the cream and stir it gently from the bottom upward, cutting the cream into it, until it thickens. The dish which contains the cream should be set in another dish containing ice water, or cracked ice. When finished, pour in molds and set on ice or in a very cold place. SPANISH CREAM. Take one quart of milk and soak half a box of gelatine in it for an hour; place it. on the fire and stir often. Beat the yolks of three eggs very light with a cupful of sugar, stir into the scalding milk, and heat until it begins to thicken, (it should not boil, or it will curdle); remove from the fire, and strain through thin muslin or tarletan, and when nearly cold, flavor with vanilla or lemon; then wet a dish or mold in cold water and set aside to stiffen. BAVARIAN CREAM. One quart of sweet cream, the yolks of four eggs, beaten together with a cupful of sugar. Dissolve half an ounce of gelatine or isinglass in half a teacup- ful of warm water; when it is dissolved, stir in a pint of boiling hot cream; add the beaten yolks and sugar; cook all together until it begins to thicken, then remove from the fire and add the other pint of cold cream, whipped to a stiff froth; adding a little at a time, and beating hard. Season with vanilla or lemon. Whip the whites of the eggs for the top. Dip the mold in cold water before filling; set it in a cold place. To this could be added almonds, pounded; grated chocolate, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, raspberries or any seasonable fruit. STRAWBERRY BAVARIAN CREAM. Pick off the hulls of a box of strawberries, bruise them in a basin with a cup of powdered sugar; rub this through a sieve, and mix with it a pint of whipped cream and one ounce and a half of clarified isinglass or gelatine; pour the cream into a mold, previously oiled. Set it in rough ice, and when it has become firm turn out on a dish Raspberries or currants may be substituted for strawberries. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. GOLDEN CREAM. Boil a quart of milk; when boiling, stir into it the well-beaten yolks of six eggs; add six tablespoonfuls of sugar and one tablespoonful of sifted flour, which have been well-beaten together; when boiled, turn it into a dish, and pour over it the whites beaten to a stiff froth, mixing with them six tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Set all in the oven, and brown slightly. Flavor the top with vanilla, and the bottom with lemon. Serve cold. CHOCOLATE CREAM. No. tr. Three ounces of grated chocolate, one-quarter pound of sugar, one and one- half pints of cream, one and one-half ounces of clarified isinglass, or gelatine, the yolks of six eggs. Beat the yolks of the eggs well; put them into a basin with the grated choco- late, the sugar, and one pint of the cream; stir these ingredients well together, pour them into a basin, and set this basin in a sauce-pan of boiling water; stir it one way until the mixture thickens, but do not allow it to boul, or it will curdle. Strain the cream through a sieve into a basin, stir in the isinglass and the other one-half pint of cream, which should be well whipped; mix all well together, and pour it into a mold which has been previously oiled with the purest salad-oil, and, if at hand, set it in ice until wanted for table. CHOCOLATE CREAM OR CUSTARD. No. 2. Take one quart of milk, and when nearly boiling stir in two ounces of grated chocolate; let it warm on the fire for a few moments, and then remove and cool; beat the yolks of eight eggs and two whites with eight tablespoonfuls of sugar, then pour the milk over them; flavor and bake as any custard, either in cups or a large dish. Make a meringue of the remaining whites. LEMON CREAM. No.1. One pint of cream, the yolks of two eggs, one quarter of a pound of white sugar, one large lemon, one ounce isinglass or gelatine. Put the cream into a lined sauce-pan, with the sugar, lemon-peel, and isin- glass, and simmer these over a gentle fire for about ten minutes, stirring them all the time. Strain the cream into a basin add the yolks of eggs, which should be well-beaten, and put the basin into a sauce-pan of bonne water; stir the mix- ture one way until it thickens, but do not allow zz to pad; ute it piace fire, and keep stirring it until nearly cold. Strain the Se juice —- a basin, gradual pour on it the cream, and stir 7 well until the juice is well mixed with it. Have SEE OE ie Seana neat ae ae a es CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 312 ready a well-oiled mold, pour the cream into it, and let it remain until perfectly set. When required for table, loosen the edges with a small blunt knife, put a ‘dish on the top of the mold, turn it over quickly, and the cream should easily slip away. LEMON CREAM. No. 2. Pare into one quart of boiling water the peels of four large lemons, the yellow outside only; let it stand for four hours; then take them out and add to the water the juice of the four lemons, and one cupful of white, fine sugar. Beat the yolks of ten eggs, and mix all together; strain it through a piece of lawn or lace into a porcelain lined stew-pan; set it over a slow fire; stir it one way until it is as thick as good cream, but do not let ct boil; then take it from the fire, -and when cool, serve in custard cups. LEMON CREAM. No. 3. Peel three lemons, and squeeze out the juice into one quart of milk. Add ‘ the peel; cut in pieces and cover the mixture for a few hours; then add six eggs, well-beaten, and one pint of water, well-sweetened. Strain and simmer over a gentle fire till it thickens; do not let tt boil. Serve very cold. ORANGE CREAM. Whip a pint of cream so long that there will be but one-half the quantity left when skimmed off. Soak in half a cupful of cold water a half package of gela- tine, and then grate over it the rind of two oranges. Strain the juice of six oranges, and add to it a cupful of sugar; now put the half pint of unwhipped cream into a double boiler; pour into it the well-beaten yolks of six eggs, stirring until it begins to thicken, then add the gelatine. Remove from the fire, let it stand for two minutes and add the orange juice and sugar; beat all together until about the consistency of soft custard, and add the whipped cream. Mix well, and turn into moulds to harden. To be served with sweetened cream. Fine. SOLID CREAM. Four tablespoonfuls of pounded sugar, one quart of cream, two tablespoonfuls wf brandy, the juice of one large lemon. Strain the lemon-juice over the sugar, and add the brandy, then stir in the cream, put the mixture into a pitcher and continue pouring from one pitcher to another, until it is quite thick, or it may be whisked until the desired con- ‘sistency is obtained. It should be served in jelly-glasses. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. BANANA CREAM. the bananas, mash them with an iron or wooden spoon; allow equal quantities of bananas and sweet cream ; to one quart of the mixture, allow one-quarter of a pound of sugar. Beat them all together until the cream is light. After peeling TAPIOCA CREAM CUSTARD. Soak three heaping tablespoonfuls of tapioca in a teacupful of water over night. Place over the fire a quart of milk; let it come to a boil, then stir in the tapioca; a good pinch of salt; stir until it thickens; then add a cupful of sugar, and the beaten yolks of three eggs. Stir it quickly and pour it into a dish and stir gently into the mixture the whites beaten stiff, the flavoring, and set it on ice, or in an ice-chest. PEACH CREAM. No. 1. Mash very smooth two cupfuls of canned peaches, rub them through a sieve, and cook for three minutes in a syrup made by boiling together one cupful of sugar, and stirring all the time. Place the pan containing the syrup and peaches into another of boiling water and add one-half packet of gelatine, prepared the same as in previous recipes, and stir for five minutes to thoroughly dissolve the gelatine; then take it from the fire, place in a pan of ice-water, beat until nearly cool, and then add the well-frothed whites of six eggs. Beat this whole mix- ture until it commences to harden. Then pour into a mould, set away to cool, and serve with cream and sugar. It should be placed on the ice to cool for two or three hours before serving. PEACH CREAM. No. 2. A quart of fine peacnes, pare and stone the fruit and cut in quarters. Beat the whites of three eggs with a half cupful of powdered sugar until it is stiff enough to cut with a knife. Take the yolks and mix with half a cupful of granulated sugar and a pint of milk. Put the peaches into the eee ier place in a pudding-dish and bake until almost firm; then put in the whites, mixing all thoroughly again, and bake a light brown. Hat ice-cold. . ITALIAN CREAM. Put two pints of cream into two bowls; with one bowl mix six ounces oF powdered loaf sugar, the juice of two large lemons and two glassfuls of vite wine: then add the other pint of cream, and stir the whole very hard; boil two “ounces of isinglass or gelatine with four small teacupfuls of water till reduced to 314 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. one-half; then stir the mixture lukewarm into the other ingredients; put them in a glass dish to congeal. SNOW CREAM. Heat a quart of thick, sweet cream; when ready to boil, stir into it quickly three tablespoonfuls of corn-starch flour, blended with some cold cream; sweeten to taste, and allow it to boil, gently, stirring for two or three minutes; add quickly the whites of six eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; do not allow it to boil up more than once after adding the egg; flavor with lemon, vanilla, bitter almond or grated lemon peel; lay the snow thus formed quickly in rocky heaps on silver or glass dishes, or in shapes. Iced, it will turn out well. If the recipe is closely followed, any family may enjoy it at a trifling expense, and it is really worthy the table of an epicure. It can be made the day before it is to be eaten; kept cold. MOCK ICE. Take about three tablespoonfuls of some good preserve; rub it through a sieve with as much cream as will fill a quart mould; dissolve three-quarters of an ounce of isinglass or gelatine in half a pint of water; when almost cold, mix it well with the cream; put it into a mold; set it inacool place, and turn out next day. PEACH MERINGUE. Pare and quarter (removing stones) a quart of sound, ripe peaches; place them all in a dish that it will not injure to set in the oven, and yet be suitable to place on the table. , Sprinkle the peaches with sugar, and cover them well with the beaten whites of three eggs. Stand the dish in the oven, until the eggs have become a delicate brown, then remove, and, when cool enough, set the dish on ice, or in a very cool place. Take the yolks of the eggs, add to them a pint of milk, sweeten and flavor, and boil same in a custard kettle, being careful to keep the eggs from curdling. When cool, pour into a glass pitcher and serve with the meringue when ready to use. APPLE FLOAT. One dozen apples, pared and cored, one pound and a half of sugar. Put the apples on with water enough to cover them, and let them stew until they look as if they would break; then take them out and put the sugar into the same water;: let the syrup come to a boil; put in the apples, and let them stew until done through and clear; then take them out, slice into the syrup one large lemon, and add an ounce of gelatine dissolved in a pint of cold water. Let the CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 315 whole mix well and come to a boil; then pour upon the apples. The syrup will congeal. It is to be eaten cold with cream. Or you may change the dish by making a soft custard with the yolk of four eggs, three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, and a scant quart of milk. When cold, spread it over the apples. Whip the whites of the eggs, flavor with lemon, and place on the custard. Color in the oven. SYLLABUB. : One quart of rich milk or cream, a cupful of wine, half a cupful of sugar; put the sugar and wine into a bowl, and the milk lukewarm in a separate vessel. When the sugar is dissolved in the wine, pour the milk in, holding it high; pour it back and forth until it is frothy. Grate nutmeg over it. CREAM FOR FRUIT. This recipe is an excellent substitute for pure cream, to be eaten on fresh berries and fruit. One cupful of sweet milk; heat it until boiling, Beat together the whites of two eggs, a tablespoonful of white sugar, and a piece of butter the size of a nutmeg, Now add half a cupful of cold milk and a teaspoonful of corn-starch; stir well together until very light and smooth, then add it to the boiling milk; cook it until it thickens; it must not boil. Set it aside to cool. It should be of the consistence of real fresh cream. Serve in a creamer. STRAWBERRY SPONGE. One quart of strawberries, half a package of gelatine, one cupful and a half of water, one cupful of sugar, the juice of a lemon, the whites of four eges, Soak the gelatine for two hours in half a cupful of the water. Mash the straw- berries, and add half the sugar to them. Boil the remainder of the sugar and the water gently twenty minutes. Rub the strawberries through asieve. Add the gelatine to the boiling syrup and take from the fire immediately; then add the strawberries. Place in a pan of ice water, and beat five minutes. Add the whites of eggs, and beat until the mixture begins to thicken. Pour in the molds and set away to harden. Serve with sugar and cream. Raspberry and black- berry sponges are made in the same way. LEMON SPONGE. Lemon sponge is made from the juice of four lemons, four eggs, a cupful of sugar, half a package of gelatine, and one pint of water. Strain lemon juice on a L=) . ix wit re ler of the water, the sugar; beat the yolks of the eggs, and mix with the remainder of the wate Se fe Saracen eet ane i 316 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. having used a half, cupful of the pint in which to soak the gelatine. Add the sugar and lemon to this and cook until it begins to thicken, then add the gela- tine. Strain this into a basin, which place in a pan of water to cool. Beat witha whisk until it has cooled but not hardened; now add the white of the eggs until it begins to thicken, turn into a mold and set to harden. Remember, the sponge hardens very rapidly when it commences to cool, so have your molds all ready. Serve with powdered sugar and cream. APPLE SNOW. Stew some fine-flavored sour apples tender, sweeten to taste, strain them through a fine wire sieve, and break into one pint of strained apples the white of an egg; whisk the apple and egg very briskly till quite stiff, and it will be as white as snow; eaten with a nice boiled custard it makes a very desirable dessert. More eggs may be used, if liked. QUINCE SNOW. Quarter five fair-looking quinces, and boil them till they are tender in water, then peel them and push them through a coarse sieve. ‘Sweeten to the taste and add the whites of three or four eggs. Then with an egg-whisk beat all to a stiff froth and pile with a spoon upon a glass dish and set away in the ice-box, unless it is to be served immediately. ORANGE TRIFLE. Take the thin parings from the outside of a dozen oranges and put to steep in a wide-mouthed bottle; cover it with good cognac, and let it stand twenty- four hours; skin and seed the oranges, and reduce toa pulp; press this through a sieve, sugar to taste, arrange in a dish, and heap with whipped cream flavored with the orange brandy; ice two hours before serving. LEMON TRIFLE. The juice of two lemons and grated peel of one, one pint of cream, well- sweetened and whipped stiff, one cupful of sherry, a little nutmeg. Let sugar, lemon-juice, and peel lie together two hours before you add wine and nutmeg. Strain through double tarlatan, and whip gradually into the frothed cream. Serve very soon heaped in small glasses. Nice with cake. FRUIT TRIFLE. Whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth, two tablespoonfuls each of sugar, currant jelly and raspberry jam. Haten with sponge cakes, it is a delicious dessert. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS, GRAPE TRIFLE. Pulp through a sieve two pounds of ripe grapes, enough to keep back the stones, add sugar to taste. Put intoa trifle dish, and cover with whipped cream, nicely flavored. Serve very cold. APPLE TRIFLE. Peel, core and quarter some good tart apples of nice flavor, and stew them with a strip of orange and a strip of quince-peel, sufficient water to cover the bottom of the stew-pan, and sugar in the proportion of half a pound to one pound of fruit; when cooked, press the pulp through a sieve; and when cold, dish, and cover with one pint of whipped cream, flavored with lemon-peel. Quinces prepared in the same manner are equally as good. PEACH TRIFLE. Select perfect, fresh peaches, peel and core and cut in quarters; they should be well sugared, arranged ina trifle dish with a few of their own blanched kernels among them, then heaped with whipped cream as above; the cream should not be flavored; this trifle should be set on the ice for at least an hour before serv- ing; home-made sponge cakes should be served with it. GOOSEBERRY TRIFLE. One quart of gooseberries, sugar to taste, one pint of custard, a plateful of whipped cream. Put the gooseberries into a jar, with sufficient moist sugar to sweeten them, and boil them until reduced to a pulp. Put this pulp at the bottom of a trifle dish; pour over it a pint of custard, and, when cold, cover with whipped cream. The cream should be whipped the day before it is wanted for table, as it will so much firmer and more solid. This dish may be garnished as fancy dictates LEMON HONEY. One coffee-cupful of white sugar, the grated rind and juice of one large lemon, the yolk of three eggs, aaa the white of one, a tablespoonful of butter. Put into a basin the sugar and butter, set it in a dish of boiling. water over the fire; ee ile ee is melting, beat up the eggs, and add to them the grated rind from t the imei of the lemon; then add this to the sugar and butter, cooking and stirring it until it is thick and clear like honey. This will keep for some days, put into a tight preserve jar, and is nice for flavoring pies, etc. 318 CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. FLOATING ISLANDS. Beat the yolks of five eggs and the whites of two very lights sweeten with five tablespoonfuls of sugar and flavor to taste; stir them into a quart of scalded milk and cook it until it thickens. When cool, pour it into a glass dish. Now whip the whites of the three remaining eggs to a stiff froth; adding three table- Pour this froth over a shallow dish spoonfuls of sugar, and a little flavoring. of boiling water; the steam passing through it cooks it; when sufficiently cooked, take a tablespoon and drop spoonfuls of this over the top of the custard, far enough apart so that the ‘‘little white islands”’ will not touch each other. By dropping a teaspoonful of bright jelly on the top or centre of each island, is pro- duced a pleasing effect; also by filling wine-glasses and arranging them around a standard adds much to the appearance of the table. FLOATING ISLAND. One quart of milk, five eggs, and five tablespoonfuls of sugar. Scald the milk, then add the beaten yolks and one of the whites together with the sugar. First stir into them a little of the scalded milk to prevent curdling, then all of the milk. Cook it the proper thickness; remove from the fire, and when cool, flavor; then pour it into a glass dish and let it become very cold. Before it is served, beat up the remaining four whites of the eggs to a stzf froth, and beat into them three tablespoonfuls of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly. Dip this over the top of the custard. TAPIOCA BLANC MANGE. Half a pound of tapioca, soaked an hour in one pint of milk, and boiled till tender; adda pinch of salt, sweeten to taste, and put into a mold; when cold, turn it out, and serve with strawberry or raspberry jam around it anda little cream. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. BLANC MANGE. No. 1. In one teacupful of water boil until dissolved one ounce of clarified isinglass, or of patent gelatine, (which is better); stir it continually while boiling, Then squeeze the juice of a lemon upon a cupful of fine, white sugar; stir the sugar into a quart of rich cream, and half a pint of Madeira or Sherry wine; when it is well mixed, add the dissolved isinglass or gelatine, stir all well together, pour it into molds previously wet with cold water; set the molds upon ice, let them stand until their contents are hard and cold, then serve with sugar and cream or custard sauce. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 319 BLANC MANGE. No. 2. Dissolve two ounces of patent gelatine in cold water; when it is dissolved, stir it into two quarts of rich milk, with a teacupful of fine white sugar; season it to your taste with lemon, or vanilla, or peach water; place it over the fire and boil it, stirring it continually; let it boil five minutes; then strain it through a cloth, pour it into molds previously wet with cold water, and salt; let it stand on ice, or in any cool place, until it becomes hard and cold; turn it out carefully upon dishes and serve; or, half fill your mold; when this has set, cover with cherries, peaches in halves, strawberries or sliced bananas, and add the re- mainder. CHOCOLATE BLANC MANGE. Half a box of gelatine soaked in a cupful of water for an hour, half a cupful of grated chocolate, rubbed smooth in a little milk. Boil two cupfuls of milk, then add the gelatine and chocolate, and one cupful of sugar; boil all together eight or ten minutes. Remove from the fire, and when nearly cold beat into this the whipped whites of three eggs, flavored with vanilla. Should be served cold with custard made of the yolks, or sugar and cream. Set the molds in a cold place. CORN-STARCH BLANC MANGE. Take one quart of sweet milk, and put one pint upon the stove to heat; in the other pint mix four heaping tablespoonfuls of corn-starch and half a cupful of sugar; when the milk is hot, pour in the cold milk with the corn-starch and sugar thoroughly mixed in it, and stir all together until there are no lumps and it is thick; flavor with lemon; take from the stove, and add the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth. A Custard for the above.—One pint of milk boiled with a little salt in it; beat the yolks of three eggs with half a cupful of sugar, and add to the boiling milk; stir well, but do not let it boil until the eggs are put in; flavor to taste. FRUIT BLANC MANGE. Stew nice, fresh fruit (cherries, 1 raspberries, and strawberries being the best), or canned ones will do; strain off the juice, and sweeten to taste; place it over the fire in a double kettle until it boils; while boiling, stir in corn-starch wet with a little cold water, allowing two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch to each pint e stirring until sufficiently cooked; then pour into molds wet in of juice; continu Served with cream and sugar. cold water, and set away to cool. SS eee SS bas — - ae = A Fats Sant a ee ee Sess eee Sees ese a ee CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. ORANGE CHARLOTTE. For two molds of medium size, soak half a box of gelatine in half a cupful of water for two hours. Add one and a half cupful of boiling water, and strain. Then add two cupfuls of sugar, one of orange juice and pulp, and the juice of one lemon. Stir until the mixture begins to cool, or about five minutes; then add the whites of six eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Beat the whole until so stiff that it will only just pour into molds lined with sections of orange. Set away to cool. STRAWBERRY CHARLOTTE. Make a boiled custard of one quart of milk, the yolks of six eggs, and three- quarters of a cupful of sugar; flavor to taste. Line a glass fruit dish with slices of sponge cake, dipped in sweet cream; lay upon this ripe strawberries sweetened to taste; then a layer of cake and strawberries as before. When the custard is cold, pour over the whole. Now beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add a tablespoonful of sugar to each egg, and put over the top. Decorate the top with the largest berries saved out at the commencement. Raspberry Charlotte may be made the same way. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. (Fine.) Whip one quart of rich cream to a stiff froth, and drain well on a nice sieve. To one scant pint of milk add six eggs beaten very light; make very sweet; flavor high with vanilla. Cook over hot water till it is a thick custard. Soak one full ounce of Cox’s gelatine in a very little water, and warm over hot water. When the custard is very cold, beat in lightly the gelatine and the whipped cream. line the bottom of your mold with buttered paper, the side with sponge cake or lady-fingers fastened together with the white of an egg, Hill with the cream, put in a cold place, or in summer on ice. To turn out, dip the mold for a moment in hot water. In draining the whipped cream, all that drips through can be re-whipped. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Cut stale sponge cake into slices about half an inch thick and line three molds with them, leaving a space of half an inch between each slice; set the molds where they will not be disturbed until the filling is ready. Take a deep tin pan and fill about one-third full of either snow or pounded ice, and into this set another pan that will hold at least four quarts. Into a deep bowl or pail (a whip churn is better) put one and a half pints of cream (if the cream is very thick take CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 321 one pint of cream and a half pint of milk); whip it to a froth, and when the bowl is full, skim the froth into the pan which is standing on the ice, and repeat this until the cream is all froth; then with a spoon draw the froth to one side, and you will find that some of the cream has gone back to milk; turn this - into the bowl again, and whip as before; when the cream is all whipped, stir into it two-thirds of a cup of powdered sugar, one teaspoonful of vanilla and half of a box of gelatine, which has been soaked in cold water enough to cover it for one hour, and then dissolved in boiling water enough to dissolve it (about half a cup); stir from the bottom of the pan until it begins to grow stiff; fill the molds and set them on ice in the pan for one hour, or until they are sent to the table. When ready to dish them, loosen lightly at the sides and turn out on a flat dish. Have the cream ice-cold when you begin to whip it; and it is a good plan to put a lump of ice into the cream while whipping it. —Maria Parloa. ANOTHER CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Two tablespoonfuls of gelatine soaked in a little cold milk two hours; two coffeecupfuls of rich cream; one teacupful of milk. Whip the cream stiff in a large bowl or dish; set on ice. Boil the milk and pour gradually over the gela- tine until dissolved, then strain; when nearly cold, add the whipped cream, a spoonful atatime. Sweeten with powdered sugar, flavor with extract of vanilla. Line a dish with lady-fingers or sponge cake; pour in cream, and set in a cool place to harden. This is about the same recipe as M. Parloa’s, but is not as explicit in detail. PLAIN CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Make a rule of white sponge cake; bake in narrow, shallow pans. Then make a custard of the yolks, after this recipe. Wet a sauce-pan with cold water to prevent the milk that will be scalded in it from burning. Pour out the water and put in a quart of milk; boil and partly cool. Beat up the yolks of six eggs, and add three ounces of sugar and a saltspoonful of salt; mix thoroughly and add the luke-warm milk, Stir and pour the custard into a porcelain or double sauce-pan, and stir while on the range until of the consistency of cream; do not allow it to boil, as that would curdle it; strain, and when almost cold, add two teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Now having arranged your cake (cut into inch slices) around the sides and on the bottom of a glass dish, pour over the custard. If you wish a meringue on the top, beat up the whites of four eggs with four table. spoonfuls of sugar; flavor with lemon or vanilla, spread over the top, and brown slightly in the oven. 21 meer ene SS Lee TOS gwTe aS CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. PLAIN CHARLOTTE RUSSE. No. 2. Put some thin slices of sponge cake in the bottom of a glass sauce-dish; pour in wine enough to soak it; beat up the whites of three eggs until very light; add to it three tablespoonfuls of finely powdered sugar, a glass of sweet wine, and one pint of thick, sweet cream; beat it well, and pour over the cake. Set itina cold place until served. NAPLE BISCUITS, OR CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Make a double rule of sponge cake; bake it in round, deep patty-pans; when cold, cut out the inside about one quarter of an inch from the edge and bottom, leaving the shell. Replace the inside with a custard made of the yolks of four eggs, beaten with a pint of boiling milk, sweetened and flavored; lay on the top of this some jelly or jam; beat the whites of three eggs with three heaping tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar until it will stand in a heap; flavor it a little; place this on the jelly. Set them aside in a cold place until time to serve. ECONOMICAL CHARLOTTE RUSSE. Make a quart of nicely flavored mock custard, put it into a large glass fruit dish, which is partly filled with stale cake (of any kind) cut up into small pieces about an inch square, stir it a little, then beat the whites of two or more eggs stiff, sweetened with white sugar; spread over the top, set in a refrigerator to become cold. Or, to be still more economical: To make the cream, take a pint and a half of milk, set it on the stove to boil; mix together in a bowl the following named articles: large half cup of sugar, one moderately heaped teaspoonful of corn- starch, two tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, one egg, a small half cup of milk and a pinch of salt. Pour into the boiling milk, remove to top of the stove and let simmer a minute or two. When the cream is cold pour over the cake just before setting it on the table. Serve in saucers, If you do not have plenty of eggs you can use all corn-starch, about two heaping teaspoonfuls; but be careful and not get the cream too thick, and have it free from lumps. The cream should be flavored, either with vanilla or lemon extract. Nut- meg might answer. TIPSY CHARLOTTE. Take a stale sponge cake, cut the bottom and sides of it, so as to make it stand even in a glass fruit dish; make a few deep gashes through it with a sharp knife, pour over it a pint of good wine, let it stand and soak into the cake. In ths — ~ 2 Sa ee a ee es “ ern aes ee MG Naser See Se eee a APM A IM nue ~ er LEO ONE IT eS SATA EELS AE EM, as SAL Rr CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. 323 the meantime, blanch, peel and slice lengthwise half a pound of sweet almonds; stick them all over the top of the cake. Have ready a pint of good boiled cus- tard, well flavored, and pour over the whole. To be dished with a spoon. This is equally as good as any Charlotte. ORANGE CHARLOTTE. One-third of a box of gelatine, one-third of a cupful of cold water, one-third of a cupful of boiling water, and one cup of sugar, the juice of one lemon, and one cupful of orange-juice and pulp, a little grated orange-peel and the whites of four eggs. Soak the gelatine in the cold water one hour. Pour the boiling water over the lemon and orange juice, cover it and let stand half an hour; then add the sugar, let it come toa boil on the fire, stir in the gelatine, and when it is thoroughly dissolved, take from the fire. When cool enough; beat into it the four beaten whites of egg, turn into the mold and set in a cold place to stiffen, first placing pieces of sponge cake all around the mold. BURNT ALMOND CHARLOTTE. One cupful of sweet almonds, blanched and chopped fine, half a box of gela- tine soaked two hours in half a cupful of cold water; when the gelatine is suffi- ciently soaked, put three tablespoonfuls of sugar into a sauce-pan over the fire and stir until it becomes liquid and looks dark; then add the chopped almonds to it, and stir two minutes more; turn it out on a platter and set aside to get cool. After they become cool enough, break them up in a mortar, put them in acup and a half of milk, and cook again for ten minutes. Now beat together the yolk of two eggs with a cupful of sugar, and add to the cooking mixture; add also the gelatine; stir until smooth and well dissolved; take from the fire and set in a basin of ice-water and beat it until it begins to thicken; then add to that two quarts of whipped cream, and turn the whole carefully into molds, set away on the ice to become firm. Sponge cake can be placed around the mold or not, as desired. CHARLOTTE RUSSE, WITH PINEAPPLE. Peel and cut a pineapple in slices, put the slices into a stew-pan with half a pound of fine white sugar, half an ounce of isinglass, or of patent gelatine, (which is better), and half a teacupful of water; stew it until it is qa vender, then rub it through a sieve, place it upon ice, and stir it well when it is anos the point of setting, add a pint of cream well whipped, mix it well, and pour it into a mold lined with sponge cake, or prepared in any other way you prefer. CUSTARDS, CREAMS AND DESSERTS. COUNTRY PLUM CHARLOTTE. Stone a quart of ripe plums; first stew, and then sweeten them. Cut slices of bread and butter, and lay them in the bottom and around the sides of a large bowl or deep dish. Pour in the plums boiling hot, cover the bowl, and set it away to cool gradually. When quite cold, send it to table, and eat it with cream. VELVET CREAM, WITH STRAWBERRIES. Dissolve half an ounce of gelatine in a gill of water; add to it half a pint of light sherry, grated lemon-peel and the juice of one lemon and five ounces of sugar. Stir over the fire until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Then strain and cool. Before it sets beat into it a pint of cream; pour into molds and keep on ice until wanted. Half fill the small molds with fine strawberries, pour the mixture on top, and place on ice until wanted. CORN-STARCH MERINGUE. Heat a quart of milk until it boils, add four heaping teaspoonfuls of corn- starch which has previously been dissolved in a little cold milk. Stir constantly while boiling, for fifteen minutes. Remove from the fire, and gradually add while hot the yolks of five eggs, beaten together with three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, and flavored with lemon, vanilla or bitter almond. Bake this mixture for fifteen minutes in a well-buttered pudding-dish or until it begins to “set.” Make a meringue of the whites of five eggs, whipped stiff with a half cupful of jelly, and spread evenly over the custard, without removing the same farther than the edge of the oven. Use currant jelly if vanilla is used in the custard, crab-apple for bitter almond, and strawberry for lemon. Cover and bake for five minutes, after which take off the lid and brown the meringue a very little. Sift powdered sugar thickly over the top. To be eaten cold. WASHINGTON PIE, This recipe is the sarae as ‘‘ Boston Cream Pie,” (adding half an ounce of but- ter, ) which may be found under the head of ‘“ Pastry, Pies and Tarts.’? In summer time, it is a good plan to bake the pie the day before wanted; then when cool, wrap around it a paper and place it in the ice-box so as to have it get very cold; then serve it with a dish of fresh strawberries, or raspberries. J = ? top with thinly sliced bits of pre served citron or quince marmalade. Strew the top thickly with granulated white sug nof a glass on at table. of rich milk for each p n ine the bottom and f stale cake thin a large pineapple; place in the dish first ntil all is used. Pour over a small teacupful of water, and cover with slices of cake which have been dipped in cold water; cover the whole with a buttered plate, and bake slowly for two hours. SD ANMCE DPNTEV ET ORANGE ROLEY Ff Make a light dough the same as for a pple dumplings, roll it out into a narrow long sheet, about quarter of an inch thick. Spread thickly over it peeled and Ub eit plentifully with white sugar; scatter over all a tea- sliced oranges, spoonful or two of gr ited orange-peel, then roll it up. Fold the edges well 366 DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS. together, to keep the juices from running out. Boil it in a floured cloth one hour anda half. Serve it with lemon sauce. Fine. ROLEY POLEY PUDDING. (Apple.) Peel, core and slice sour apples; make a rich biscuit dough, or raised biscuit dough may be used if rolled thinner; roll not quite half an inch thick, lay the slices on the paste, roll up, tuck in the ends, prick deeply with a fork, lay it ina steamer, and steam hard for an hour and three-quarters. Or, wrap it in a pud- ding-cloth well floured; tie the ends, baste up the sides, plunge into boiling water, and boil continually an hour and a half, perhaps more. Stoned. cherries, dried fruits, or any kind of berries, fresh or dried, may be used. FRUIT PUFF PUDDING. Into one pint of flour stir two teaspoonfuls baking-powder and a little salt; then sift and stir the mixture into milk, until very soft. Place well-greased cups in a steamer, put in each a spoonful of the above batter, then add one of berries or steamed apples, cover with another spoonful of batter, and steam twenty minutes. This pudding is delicious made with strawberries, and eaten with a sauce made of two eggs, half a cup butter, a cup of sugar beaten thor- oughly with a cup of boiling, milk, and one cup of strawberries. SPONGE CAKE PUDDING. No. tf. Bake a common sponge cake in a flat-bottomed pudding-dish; when ready to use, cut in six or eight pieces; split and spread with butter, and return them to the dish. Makeacustard with four eggs to a quart of milk; flavor and sweeten to taste; pour over the cake, and bake one-half hour. The cake will swell and fill the custard. Serve with or without sauce. SPONGE CAKE PUDDING. No. 2. Butter a pudding-mold: fill the mold with small sponge cakes or slices of stale plain cake, that have been soaked in a liquid made by dissolving one-half pint of jelly in a pint of hot water. This will be of as fine a flavor and much better for all than if the cake had been soaked in wine. Make a sufficient quan- tity of custard to fill the mold, and leave as much more to be boiled in a dish by itself. Set the mold, after being tightly covered, into a kettle, and boil one hour, Turn out of the mold, and serve with some of the other custard poured over it. GRAHAM PUDDING. Mix well together one half a coffee-cupful of molasses, one-quarter of a cup- ful of butter, one egg, one-half a cupful of milk, one-half a teaspoonful of pure * DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS. 367 soda, one and one half cupfuls of good Graham flour, one small teacupful of raisins, spices to taste. Steam four hours, and serve with brandy or wine sauce, or any sauce that may be preferred. This makes a showy as well as a light and wholesome dessert, and has the merit of simplicity and cheapness. BANANA PUDDING. Cut sponge cake in slices, and, in a glass dish, put alternately a layer of cake and a layer of bananas sliced. Make a soft custard, flavor with a little wine, and pour over it. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and heap over the whole. Peaches cut up, left a few hours in sugar and then scalded, and added when cold to thick boiled custard, made rather sweet, are a delicious dessert. DRIED PEACH PUDDING. Boil one pint of milk and while hot turn it over a pint of bread-crumbs. Stir into it a tablespoonful of butter, one pint of dried peaches stewed soft. When all is cool, add two well-beaten eggs, half of a cupful of sugar and a pinch of salt: flavor to taste. Put into a well-buttered pudding-dish and bake half an hour. SUET PUDDING, PLAIN. One cupful of chopped suet, one cupful of milk, two eggs beaten, half a tea- spoonful of salt, and enough flour to make a stiff batter, but thin enough to pour from a spoon. Put into a bowl, cover with a cloth, and boil three hours. The same, made a little thinner, with a few raisins added, and baked in a well- ereased dish is excellent. Two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder in the flour improves this pudding. Or if made with sour milk and soda it is equaily as good. SUET PLUM PUDDING. One cupful of suet, chopped fine, one cupful of cooking molasses, one cupful of milk, one cupful of raisins, three and one-half cupfuls of flour, one egg, one teaspoonful of cloves, two of cinnamon, and one of nutmeg, a little salt, one iea- spoonful of soda; boil three hours in a pudding-mold set into a kettle of water, eat with common sweet sauce. If sour milk is used in place of sweet, the pud- ding will be much lighter. PEACH COBBLER. Line a deep dish with rich thick crust; pare and cut into halves or quarters some juicy, rather tart peaches; put in sugar, spices and flavoring to taste; stew it slightly, and put it im the lined dish; cover with thick crust of rich puff-paste, 368 DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS. and bake a rich brown; when done, break up the top crust into small pieces, and stir it into the fruit; serve hot or cold; very palatable without sauce, but more so with plain, rich cream or cream sauce, or with a rich,brandy or wine. Other fruits can be used in place of peaches. Currants are best made in this manner: Press the currants through a sieve to free it from pips; to each pint of the pulp put two ounces of crumbed bread and four ounces of sugar; bake with a rim of puff-paste; serve with cream. White currants may be used instead of red. HOMINY PUDDING. Two-thirds of a cupful of hominy, one and a half pints of milk, two eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, one teaspoonful of extract of lemon or vanilla, one cupful of sugar. Boil hominy in milk one hour; then pour it on the eggs, extract and sugar, beaten together; add butter, pour in buttered pudding-dish, bake in hot oven for twenty minutes. BAKED BERRY ROLLS. Roll rich biscuit-dough thin, cut it into little squares four inches wide and seven inches long. Spread over with berries. Roll up the crust, and put the rolls in a dripping-pan just a little apart; puta piece of butter on each roll, spices if you like. Strew over a large handful of sugar, a little hot water. Set. in the oven and bake like dumplings. Served with sweet sauce. GREEN-CORN PUDDING. Take two dozen full ears of sweet green corn, score the kernels and cut them from the cob. Scrape off what remains on the cob with a knife. Adda pint and a half or one quart of milk, according to the youngness and juiciness of the corn. Add four eggs well beaten, a half teacupful of flour, a half teacupful of butter, a tablespoonful of sugar, and salt to taste. Bake in a well-creased earthen dish, in a hot oven, two hours. Place it on the table browned and smoking hot, eat it with plenty of fresh butter. This can be used as a dessert, by serving a sweet sauce with it. If eaten plainly with butter, it answers as a side vegetable. GENEVA WAFERS. Two eggs, three ounces of butter, three ounces of flour, three ounces of eas nee Br : : F pounded sugar. Well whisk the eggs, put them into a basin, and stirto them the butter, which should be beaten to a cream; add the flour and sifted sugar gradu- ally, and then mix all well together. Butter a baking-sheet, and drop on it a teaspoontu ih ixture ata ti Se é . tcaspoonful of the mixture at a time, leaving a space between each. Bake in a COC Matchothe miacad ar SOM ee hes ci li cool oven; watch the pieces of paste, and, when half done, roll them up like U Li C DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS. 369 wafers, and put in a small wedge of bread or piece of wood, to keep them in shape. Return them to the oven until crisp. Before serving, remove the bread, put a spoonful of preserve in the widest end, and fill up with whipped cream. This is a very pretty and ornamental dish for the supper-table, and is very nice, and very easily made. MINUTE PUDDING. No. I. Set a sauce-pan or deep frying-pan on the stove, the bottom and sides well buttered, put into it a quart of sweet milk, a pinch of salt, and a piece of butter as large as half an egg; when it boils have ready a dish of sifted flour, stir it into the boiling milk, sifting it through your fingers, a handful at a time, until it becomes smooth and quite thick. Turn it into’ a dish that has been dipped in Make a sauce very sweet to serve with it. Maple molasses is fine with aps water. it. This pudding is much improved by adding canned berries or fresh ones just before taking from the stove. MINUTE PUDDING. No. 2. One quart of milk, salt, two eggs, about a pint of flour. Beat the eggs well; add the flour and enough milk to make it smooth. Butter the sauce-pan and put in the remainder of the milk well salted; when it boils, stir in the flour, _ etc., lightly; let it cook well. Tt should be of the consistency of thick corn eggs Serve immediately with the following simple sauce, vez: Rich milk or oc mush. cream sweetened to taste, and flavored with grated nutmeg. SUNDERLAND PUDDING. gar, half a cupful of cold butter, a pint of milk, two cupfuls of sifted flour, and five eggs. Make the milk hot; stir in the butter, and let it cool before the other ingredients are added to it; then stir in the sugar, flour, and eggs, which should be well whisked, and omit the whites of two; flavor with a little grated lemon-rind, and beat the mixture well. Butter some small cups, rather more than half fill them; bake from twenty minutes to half an hour, according to the size of the puddings, and serve with fruit, custard or wine sauce, alittle of which may be poured over them. They may be dropped by spoonfuls on buttered tins, and baked, if cups are not convenient. One cupful of su JELLY PUDDINGS. Two cupfuls of very fine, stale biscuit or bread-crumbs; one cupful of rich milk—half cream, if you can get it; five eggs, beaten very light; half a tea- spoonful of soda, stirred in boiling water; one cupful of sweet jelly, jam or mar- malade. Scald the milk and pour over the crumbs. Beat until half cold, and 4 eatin =e epee: Sane map rmre 370 DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS. of stir in the beaten yolks, then whites, finally the soda. Fill large cups half full with the batter; set in a quick oven and bake half an pees When done, turn out quickly, and dexterously; with a sharp knife make an incision in the side of each; pull partly open, and put a liberal spoonful of the conserve within. Close the slit by pinching the edges with your fingers. Eat warm with sweetened cream. QUICK PUDDING. Soak and split some crackers; lay the surface over with raisins and citron; put the halves together, tie them in a bag, and boil fifteen minutes in milk and water: delicious with rich sauce. READY PUDDING. Make a batter of one quart of milk, and about one pound of flour; add six eges, the yolks and whites separately beaten, a teaspoonful of salt and four tablespoonfuls of sugar. It should be as stiff as can possibly be stirred with a spoon. Dip a spoonful at a time into quick boiling water, boil from five to ten minutes, take out. Serve hot with sauce or syrup. A ROYAL DESSERT. Cut a stale cake into slices an inch and a half in thickness; pour over them a little good, sweet cream; then fry /ightly in fresh butter in a smooth frying- pan; when done, place over each slice of cake a layer of preserves; or, you may make a rich sauce to be served with it. Another dish equally as good, is to dip thin slices of bread into fresh milk; have ready two eggs well-beaten; dip the slices in the egg, and fry them in butter to a light brown; when fried, pour over them a syrup, any kind that you choose, and serve hot. . HUCKLEBERRIES WITH CRACKERS AND CREAM. Pick over carefully one quart of blueberries, and keep them on ice until wanted. Put into each bowl, for each guest, two soda-crackers, broken in not too small pieces; add a few tablespoonfuls of berries, a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and fill the bowl with the richest of cold, sweet cream. This is an old- fashioned New England breakfast dish. It also answers for a dessert. SE SS a RS ea a ROO RAST E Si THE FAMOU M. ROO RED THE BRANDY SAUCE, COLD. Two cupfuls of powdered sugar, half a cupful of butter, one wine-glassful of brandy, cinnamon and nutmeg, a teaspoonful of each. Warm the butter slightly, and work it toa light cream with the sugar, then add the brandy and spices; beat it hard and set aside until wanted. Should be put intoa mold to look nicely, and serve on a flat dish. BRANDY OR WINE SAUCE. No.I. Stir a heaping teaspoonful of corn-starch in a little cold water to a smooth paste (or instead use a tablespoonful of sifted flour); add to it a cupful of boiling water, with one cupful of sugar, a piece of butter as large as an egg, boil all together ten minutes. Remove from the fire, and when cool, stir into it half of a cupful of brandy or wine. Tt should be about as thick as thin syrup. RICH WINE SAUCE. No. 2. One cupful of butter, two of powdered sugar, half acupful of wine. Beat Add the sugar gradually, and when very light add the a little at a time, a teaspoonful of grated nut- and stir for two minutes. The the butter to a cream. wine, which has been made hot, meg. Place the bowl ina basin of hot water, sauce should be smooth and foamy. BRANDY OR WINE SAUCE. No.3 Take one cupful of butter, two of powdered sugar, the whites of two eggs, five tablespoonfuls of sherry wine or brandy, and a quarter of a cupful of boiling Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the whites of the eggs, one at a water. Place the bow] in hot water, and time, unbeaten, and then the wine or brandy. stir till smooth and frothy. SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. Gn me i?) SAUCE FOR PLUM-PUDDING. (Superior.) Cream together a cupful of sugar and half a cupful of butter; when light and creamy, add the well-beaten yolks of four eggs. Stir into this one wine- glass of wine or one of brandy, a pinch of salt and one large cupful of hot cream or rich milk, Beat this mixture well; place it in a sauce-pan over the fire, stir ++ until it cooks sufficiently to thicken like cream. Be sure and not let it boil. Delicious. LIQUID BRANDY SAUCE. Brown over the fire three tablespoonfuls of sugar; add a cupful of water, six whole cloves and a piece of stick cinnamon, the yellow rind of a lemon cut very thin; let the sauce boil, strain while hot, then pour it into a sauce bow! contain- ing the juice of the lemon and a cup of brandy. Serve warm. GRANDMOTHER’S SAUCE. Cream together a cupful of sifted sugar and half a cupful of butter, add a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon and an egg well beaten. Boil a teacupful of milk and turn it, boiling hot, over the mixture slowly, stirring all the time; this will cook the egg smoothly. It may be served cold or hot. -SUGAR SAUCE. One coffee-cupful of granulated sugar, half of a cupful of water, a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Boil all together until it becomes the consistency of syrup. Flavor with lemon or vanilla extract. A tablespoonful of lemon-juice isan improvement. Nice with cottage pudding. LEMON SAUCE. One cupful of sugar, half a cupful of butter, one egg beaten light, one lemon, juice and grated rind, half a cupful of boiling water; put in a tin basin and thicken over steam. LEMON CREAM SAUCE, HOT. Put half a pint of new milk on the fire, and when it boils stir into it one tea: spoonful of wheat flour, four ounces of sugar and the well-beaten yolks of three egos; remove it from the fire and add the grated rind and the juice of one lemon; stir it well, and serve hot in a sauce tureen. ORANGE CREAM SAUCE, HOT. This is made as “‘ Lemon Cream Sauce,”’ substituting orange for lemon. Creams for puddings, pies and fritters, may be made in the same manner SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. 373 with any other flavoring; if flour is used in making them, it should boil in the milk three or four minutes. COLD LEMON SAUCE. Beat to acream one teacupful of butter and two teacupfuls of fine white sugar; then stir in the juice and grated rind of one lemon; gr ate nutmeg upon the sauce, and serve on a flat dish. COLD ORANGE SAUCE. Beat to a cream one teacupful of butter and two teacupfuls of fine white sugar; then stir in the grated rind of one orange and the juice of two; stir until all the orange-juice is absorbed; grate nutmeg upon the sauce, and serve on a flat dish. COLD CREAM SAUCE. Stir to a cream one cupful of sugar, half a cupful of butter, then add a cupful of sweet, thick, cold cream, flavor to taste. Stir well, and set it in a cool place. CREAM SAUCE, WARM. Heat a pint of cream slowly in a double boiler; when nearly boiling, set it off from the fire, put into it half a cupful of sugar, a little nutmeg or vanilla extract; stir it thoroughly, and add, when cool, the whites of two well-beaten eggs. Set it on the fire in a dish containing hot water to keep it warm until needed, stir- ring once or more. CARAMEL SAUCE. Place over the fire a sauce-pan; when it begins to be hot, put into it four tablespoonfuls of white sugar, and one tablespoonful of water. Stir it continu- ally for three or four minutes, until all the water evaporates; then watch it carefully until it becomes a delicate brown color. Have ready a pint of cold water and cup of sugar mixed with some flavoring; turn it into the sauce-pan with the browned sugar, and let it simmer for ten minutes; then add half a glass of brandy or a glass of wine. The w ine or brandy may be omitted if preferred. A GOOD, PLAIN SAUCE. A good sauce to go with pl: xin fruit puddings is made by mixing one cupful of brown sugar, one cupful of best molasses, half a cupful of butter, one large teaspoonful of flour; add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, half a nutmeg, grated, half a teaspoont ful of cloves and cinnamon. When these are all stirred together, add a teacupful of boiling water; stir it constantly, put into a sauce- pan and let it boil until clear; then strain. = a ea ee Se er eee SERRE aT = 374 SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. OLD-STYLE SAUCE. One pint of sour cream, the juice and finely grated rind of a large lemon; sugar to taste. Beat hard and long until the sauce is very light. This is delic- ious with cold “‘ Brown Betty ”’—a form of cold farina, corn-starch, blanc-mange, and the like. PLAIN COLD, HARD SAUCE. Stir together one cupful of white sugar, and half a cupful of butter, until it is creamy and light; add flavoring to taste. This is very nice, flavored with the juice of raspberries or strawberries, or beat into it a cupful of ripe strawberries or raspberries and the white of an egg, beaten stiff. CUSTARD SAUCE. One cupful of sugar, two beaten eggs, one pint of milk, flavoring to taste, brandy or wine, if preferred. Heat the milk to boiling, add by degrees the beaten eggs and sugar, put in the flavoring, and set within a pan of boiling water; stir until it begins to thicken; then take it off, and stir in the brandy or wine gradually; set, until wanted, within a pan of boiling water. MILK SAUCE. No.1. Dissolve a tablespoonful of flour in cold milk; see that it is free from lumps. Whisk an ounce of butter and a cupful of sugar to a cream, and add to it a pinch of salt. Mix together half a pint of milk, one egg, and the flour; stir this into the butter, and add a dash of nutmeg, or any flavor; heat until near the boiling point, and serve. Very nice in place of cold cream. MILK OR CREAM SAUCE. Cream or rich milk, simply sweetened with plenty of white sugar and flavored, answers the purpose of some kinds of pudding, and can be made very quickly. FRUIT SAUCE. Two thirds of a cupful of sugar, a pint of raspberries or strawberries, a table- spoonful of melted butter and a cupful of hot water. Boil all together slowly, removing the scum as fast as it rises; then strain through a sieve. This is very good served with dumplings or apple puddings. JELLY SAUCE. Melt two tablespoonfuls of sugar and half a cupful of jelly over the fire in a cupful of boiling water, adding also two tablespoonfuls of butter; then stir into SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. 375 it a teaspoonful of corn-starch, dissolved in half a cupful of water or wine; add it to the jelly, and let it come toa boil. Set it in a dish of hot water to keep it warm until time to serve; stir occasionally. Any fruit jelly can be used. COMMON SWEET SAUCE. Into a pint of water stir a paste made of a tablespooonful of corn-starch or flour (rubbed smooth with a little cold water); add a cupful of sugar and a table- spoonful of vinegar. Cook well for three minutes. Take from the fire and add a piece of butter as large as a small egg; when cool, flavor with a tablespoonful of vanilla or lemon extract. SYRUP FOR FRUIT SAUCE. An excellent syrup for fruit sauce is made of Morello cherries (red, sour cherries), For each pound of cherry juice, allow half a pound of sugar and six cherry kernels ; seed the cherries and let them stand in a bowl over night ; in the morning, press them through a fine cloth which has been dipped in boiling water; weigh the juice, add the sugar, boil fifteen minutes, removing all the scum. Fill small bottles that are perfectly dry with the syrup; when it is cold, cork the bottles tightly, seal them and keep them in a cool place, standing upright. Most excellent to put into pudding sauces. ROSE BRANDY. (For Cakes and Puddings.) Gather the leaves of roses while the dew is on them, and as soon as they open, put them into a wide-mouthed bottle, and when the bottle is full, pour in the best of fourth proof French brandy. Tt will be fit for use in three or four weeks, and may be frequently replenished. It is sometimes considered preferable to wine as a flavoring to pastries and pud- ding sauces. LEMON BRANDY. (For Cakes and Puddings ) When you use lemons for punch or lemonade, do not throw away tne peels, but cut them in small pieces—the thin yellow outside (the thick part is not good), and put them in a glass jar or bottle of brandy. You will find this brandy useful for many purposes. In the same way keep for use the kernels of peach and plum stones, pound- ing them slightly before you put them into the brandy. | Cn SE a ~. ¢ E = NN Fruit for preserving should be sound and free from all defects, using white sugar, and also that which is dry, which produces the nicest syrup; dark sugar can be used by being clarified, which is done by dissolving two pounds of sugar in a pint of water; add to it the white of an egg, and beat it well, put it intoa preserving kettle on the fire, and stir with a wooden spoon. As soon as ib begins to swell and boil up, throw in a little cold water; let it boil up again, take it off, and remove the ‘scum; boil it again, throw in more cold water, and remove the scum; repeat until it is clear and pours like oil from the spoon. In the old way of preserving, we used pound for pound, when they were kept in stone jars or crocks; now, as most preserves are put up in sealed jars or cans, less sugar seems sufficient; three-quarters of a pound of sugar is generally all that is required for a pound of fruit. Fruit should be boiled in a porcelain-lined or granite-ware dish, if possible; but other utensils, copper or metal, if made bright and clean, answer as well. Any of the fruits that have been preserved in syrup may be converted into dry preserves, by first draining them from the syrup, and then drying them in a stove or very moderate oven, adding to them a quantity of powdered loaf sugar, which will gradually penetrate the fruit, while the fluid parts of the syrup gently evaporate. They should be dried in the stove or oven on a sieve, and turned every six or eight hours, fresh powdered sugar being sifted over them every time they are turned. Afterwards, they are to be kept in a dry situation, in drawers or boxes. Currants and cherrics preserved whole in this manner, in bunches, are extremely elegant, and have a fine flavor. In this way it is, also, that orange and lemon chips are preserved. Mold can be prevented from forming on fruit jellies by pouring a little melted paraffine over the top. When cool, it will harden to a solid cake, which can be easily removed when the jelly is used, and saved to use over again another year. It is perfectly harmless and tasteless. PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC, BET Large glass tumblers are the best for keeping jellies, much better than large vessels, for by being opened frequently they soon spoil; a paper should be cut to fit, and placed over the jelly; then put on the lid or cover, with thick paper rubbed over on the inside with the white of an egg. There cannot be too much care taken in selecting fruit for jellies, for if the fruit is over ripe, any amount of time in boiling will never make it jelly,—there is where so many fail in making good jelly; and another important matter is overlooked—that of carefully skimming off the juice after it begins to boil and a scum rises from the bottom to the top; the juice should not be stirred, but the scum carefully taken off: if allowed to boil under, the jelly will not be clear. When either preserves or canned fruits show any indications of fermenta- tion, they should be immediately reboiled with more sugar, to save them. It is much better to be generous with the sugar at first, than to have any losses after- wards. Keep all preserves in a cool, dry closet. PRESERVED CHERRIES. Take large, ripe Morella cherries; weigh them, and to each pound allow a pound of loaf sugar. Stone the cherries, (opening them with a sharp quill,) and save the juice that comes from them in the process. As you stone them, throw them into a large pan or tureen, and strew about half the sugar over them, and let them lie in it an hour or two after they are all stoned. Then put them into a preserving-kettle with the remainder of the sugar, and boil and skim them till the fruit is clear and the syrup thick. PRESERVED CRANBERRIES. The cranberries must be large and ripe. Wash them, and to six quarts of cranberries allow nine pounds of the best loaf sugar. Take three quarts of the cranberries, and put them into a stew-pan with a pint and a half of water. Cover the pan, and boil or stew them till they are all to pieces. Then squeeze the juice through a jelly bag. Put the sugar into a preserving kettle, pour the cranberry juice over it, and let it stand until it is all melted, stirring it up fre- Ya quently. quarts of whole cranberries. Let them boil till they are tender, clear, and of a Then place the. kettle over the fire, and put in the remaining three bright color, skimming them frequently. When done, put them warm into jars with the syrup, which should be like a thick jelly. PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES. For every pound of fruit weigh a pound of refined sugar, put them with the sugar over the fire in a porcelain kettle, bring to a boil slowly about twenty : iW Bi ean 4 int i bia Te H i jaa el if i} iy } pe z aa aoe 378 : PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. minutes. Take them out carefully with a perforated skimmer, and fill your hot jars nearly full; boil the juice a few minutes longer, and fill up the jars; seal them hot. Keep ina cool, dry place. TO PRESERVE BERRIES WHOLE. (Excellent.) Buy the fruit when not too ripe, pick over immediately, wash if absolutely necessary, and put in glass jars, filling each one about two-thirds full. Put in the preserving kettle a pound of sugar and one cupful of water for every two pounds of fruit, and let it come slowly to a boil. Pour this syrup into the jars over the berries, filling them up to the brim, then set the jars in a pot of cold water on the stove, and let the water boil and the fruit become scalding hot. Now take them out and seal perfectly tight. If this process is followed thoroughly, the fruit will keep for several years. PRESERVED EGG PLUMS. Use a pound of sugar for a pound of plums; wash the plums, and wipe dry; put the sugar on a slow fire in the preserving-kettle, with as much water as will melt the sugar, and let it simmer slowly; then prick each plum thoroughly with a needle, or a fork with fine prongs, an d place a layer of them in the syrup; let them cook until they lose their color a little and the skins begin to break: then lift them out with a perforated skimmer, and place them singly in a large dish to cool; then put another layer of plums in the syrup, and let them cook and cool in the same manner, until the whole are done; as they cool, carefully replace the broken skins so as not to spoil the appearance of the plums; when the last layer is finished, return the first to the kettle, and boil until transparent; do the same with each layer; while the latest. cooked are cooling, place the first in glass jars; when all are done, pour the hot syrup over them; when they are cold, close as usual; the jelly should be of the color and consistency of rich wine jelly. PRESERVED PEACHES. Peaches for preserving may be ripe but not soft; cut them in halves, take out the stones, and pare them neatly; take as many pounds of white sugar as of fruit, put to each pound of sugar a teacupful of water; stir it until it is dissolved; set it over a moderate fire; when it is boiling hot, put in the peaches; let Hom boil gently until a pure, clear, uniform color; turn those at the bottom to the top carefully with a skimmer several times; do not hurry them. When they are clear, take each half up with a spoon, and spread the halves on flat dishes to become cold. When all are done, let the syrup boil until it is quite thick; pour it. A rani ieee — , ost ‘ sis rece AS I RN PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. 379 into a large pitcher, and let it set to cool and settle. When the peaches are cold put them carefully into jars, and pour the syrup over them, leaving any sedi- ment which has settled at the bottom, or strain the syrup. Some of the kernels from the peach-stones may be put in with the peaches while boiling. Let them remain open one night, then cover. In like manner quince, plum, apricot, apple, cherry, greengage and other fruit preserves are made; in every case fine large fruit should be taken, free from imperfections, and the slightest bruises or other fault should be removed. PRESERVED GREEN TOMATOES. Take one peck of green tomatoes. Slice six fresh lemons without removing . the skins, but taking out the seeds; put to this quantity six pounds of sugar, common white, and boil until transparent and the syrup thick. Ginger root may be added, if liked. PRESERVED APPLES. (Whole.) Peel and core large firm apples (pippins are best). Throw them into water as you pare them. Boil the parings in water for fifteen minutes, allowing a pint to one pound of fruit. Then strain, and, adding three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pint of water, as measured at first, with enough lemon-peel, orange-peel or mace, to impart a pleasant flavor, return to the kettle. When the syrup has been well-skimmed and is clear, pour it boiling hot over the apples, which must be drained from the water in which they have hitherto stood. Let them remain in the syrup until both are perfectly cold. Then, covering closely, let them simmer over a slow fire until transparent. When all the minutiz of these directions are attended to, the fruit will remain unbroken, and present a beautiful and inviting appearance. PRESERVED QUINCES. Pare, core and quarter your fruit, then weigh it and allow an equal quantity of white sugar. Take the parings and cores, and put in a preserving-kettle; cover them with water and boil for half an hour; then strain through a hair sieve, and put the juice back into the kettle and boil the quinces in it a little at a time until they are tender; lift out as they are done with a drainer and lay on a dish; if the liquid seems scarce add more water. When all are cooked, throw into this liquor the sugar, and allow it to boil ten minutes before putting in the quinces; let them boil until they change color, say one hour and a quarter, on a slow fire; while they are boiling occasionally slip a silver spoon under them to see that they do not burn, but on no account stir them. Have two fresh lemons 380 PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. cut in thin slices, and when the fruit is being put in jars lay a slice or two in each. Quinces may be steamed until tender. PRESERVED PEARS. nd of sugar; pare off the peeling thin. Make a One pound of fruit, one pou nice syrup of nearly one cupful of water and one pound of sugar, and when and stew gently until clear. clarified by boiling and skimming put in the pears Choose rather pears like the Seckle for preserving, both on account of the flavor and size. A nice way is to stick a clove in the blossom end of each pear, for this fruit seems to require some extraneous flavor to bring out its own piquancy. Another acceptable addition to pear preserves may be found instead, by adding the juice and thinly pared rind of one lemon to each five pounds of fruit. If the pears are hard and tough, parboil them until tender before beginning to pre- serve, and from the same water take what you need for making their syrup. Tf you can procure only large pears to preserve, cut them into halves, or even slices, so that they can get done more quickly, and lose nothing in appearance, either. PINEAPPLE PRESERVES. Twist off the top and bottom, and pare off the rough outside of pineapples; then weigh them and cut them in slices, chips or quarters, or cut them in four . or six, and shape each piece like a whole pineapple; to each pound of fruit, put a teacupful of water; put it in a preserving kettle, cover it and set it over the fire, and let them boil gently until they are tender and clear; then take them from the water, by sticking a fork in the centre of each slice, or with a skimmer, into a dish. Put to the water white sugar, a pound for each pound of fruit; stir it until it is all dissolved; then put in the pineapple, cover the kettle, and let them boil gently until transparent thoughout; when it is so, take it out, let it cool, and put it in glass jars; let the syrup boil or simmer gently until it is thick and rich, and when nearly cool, pour it over the fruit. The next day secure the jars, as before directed. Pineapple done in this way is a beautiful and delicious preserve. The usual manner of preserving it, by putting it into the syrup without first boiling it, makes it little better than sweetened leather. TO PRESERVE WATERMELON RIND AND CITRON. Pare off the green skin, cut the watermelon rind into pieces. Weigh the pieces, and allow to each pound a pound and a half of loaf sugar. Line your PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. kettle with green vine-leaves, and put in the pieces without the sugar. SEASONABLE FOOD. JUNE. MEATS. 424 Beef, veal, mutton, lamb. POULTRY AND GAME. Chickens, géese, ducks, young turkeys, plovers, pigeons. FISH. Fresh salmon, striped bass, halibut, fresh mackerel, flounders, kingfish, black- fish, weakfish, butterfish, pompano, Spanish mackerel, porgies, sheep’s-head, sturgeon, sea bass, bluefish, skate or rayfish, carp, black bass, crayfish, lobsters, eels, white bait, frogs’ legs, soft crabs, clams. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, spinach, cauliflower, string beans, peas, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, artichokes, parsnips, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, cress, oyster plant, egg plant, rhubarb and all kinds of garden herbs, sorrel, horse-radish. JULY. MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork. POULTRY AND GAME. Fowls, chickens, pigeons, plovers, young geese, turkey-plouts, squabs, doe- birds, tame rabbits. FISH. Spanish mackerel, striped bass, fresh mackerel, blackfish, kingfish, flounders, salmon, cod, haddock, halibut, pompano, butterfish, a sweet panfish, sheep’s-head, porgies, sea bass, weakfish, swordfish, tantog, bluefish, skate, brook trout, crayfish, blask bass, moonfish—a fine baking or boiling fish; pickerel, perch, eels, green turtle, frogs’ legs, soft crabs, white bait, prawns, lobsters, clams. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, asparagus, peas, green string beans, butter beans, artichokes, celery, lettuce rr 1 1 ‘ i i ettuce, carrots, salsify, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, cabbage, onions, endive, radishes, turnips, mint, various kinds of greens and salads. SEASONABLE FOOD. AUGUST. 4 MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork. POULTRY AND GAME. Venison, young ducks, green geese, snipe, plover, turkeys, guinea-fowls, squabs, wild pigeons, woodcock, fowls. FISH. Striped bass, cod, halibut, haddock, salmon, flounders, fresh mackerel, ponito, butterfish, sea bass, kingfish, sheep’s-head, porgies, bluefish, moonfish, brook-trout, eels, black bass, crayfish, skate or rayfish, catfish, green turtle, white bait, squid, frogs’ legs, soft crabs, prawns, clams. VEGETABLES. Carrots, artichokes, onions, string beans, lima beans, cauliflower, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, green corn, tomatoes, peas, summer squash, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, rhubarb, beets, greens, mushrooms, chives. SEPTEMBER. MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork, venison. POULTRY AND GAME. Larks, woodcock, snipe, wild pigeons, squabs, young geese, young turkeys, plover, wild ducks, wild geese, swans and brant fowls, reed-birds, grouse, doe-birds, partridges. as o FISH. Salmon, halibut, codfish, pompano, striped bass, haddock, cero, a large fish simi- lar to the Spanish mackerel; flounders, fresh mackerel, blackfish, Spanish mackerel, butterfish, whitefish, weakfish, smelts, porgies, squids, pickerel, crayfish, catfish, bluefish, wall-eyed pike, sea bass, skate, carp, prawns, white bait, frog’s legs, hard crabs, moonfish, soft crabs, herrings, lobsters, ¢lams. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, cabbages, turnips, artichokes, peas, beans, carrots, onions, salsitfy, mushrooms, lettuce, sorrel, celery, cauliflower, Brussels-sprouts, sweet potatoes, squash, rhubarb, green-peppers, parsnips, beets, green corn, tomatoes, cress. Nai " OCTOBER. MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork, venison, antelope. 426 SEASONABLE FOOD. POULTRY AND GAME. Turkeys, geese, fowls, pullets, chickens, wild ducks, the canvas-back duck being the most highly prized, for its delicate flavor; woodcock, grouse, pheasants, pig- eons, partridges, snipes, reed-birds, golden plover, gray plover, squabs. FISH. Striped bass, fresh cod, halibut, haddock, Spanish mackerel, fresh mackerel, cero, flounders, pompano, weakfish, white perch, grouper, sheep’s-head, whitefish, bluefish, pickerel, red-snapper, yellow perch, smelts, sea bass, black bass, cisco, wall-eyed pike, crayfish, carp, salmon-trout, spotted bass, terrapin, frogs’ legs, hard erabs, soft crabs, white bait, green turtle, scallops, eels, lobsters, oysters. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, cabbages, turnips, carrots, cauliflowers, parsnips, string beans, peas, lima beans, corn, tcmatoes, onions, spinach, salsify, egg-plant, beets, pumpkins, endive, celery, parsley squash, cucumbers, mushrooms, sweet herbs of all kinds, salads of all kinds, garlic, shallots. ee NOVEMBER. MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, pork, venison, antelope. POULTRY AND GAME. Rabbits, hares, pheasants, woodcock, partridges, quails, snipe, grouse, wild ducks, wild geese, fowls, turkeys, pigeons. FISH. Striped bass, fresh cod, halibut, haddock, salmon, fresh mackerel, blackfish, whitefish, bluefish, catfish, redfish or spotted bass, black bass, yellow perch skate : 5 7° Sch 9 red-snapper, salmon-trout, pickerel, shad, wall-eyed pike, cisco, crayfish, terrapin, green turtle, scallops, prawns, white bait, frogs’ legs, hard crabs, oysters. SEASONABLE FOOD. 427 VEGETABLES. Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, onions, dried beans, artichokes, cabbages, beets, winter squash, celery parsley, pumpkins, shallots, mushrooms, chiccory, all sorts of salads and sweet herbs. DECEMBER. MEATS. Beef, veal, mutton, pork, venison. POULTRY AND GAME. Rabbits, hares, grouse, pheasants, woodcock, snipe, partridges, turkey, fowls, chickens, pullets, geese, wild geese, ducks, wild duck, tame duck, canyas-back duck, } quails. FISH. Turbot, sturgeon, haddock, halibut, eels, striped bass, flounders, salmon, fresh cod, blackfish, whitefish, grouper, cusk, shad, mullet, a sweet panfish, black bass, yellow perch, salmon-trout, pickerel, cisco, skate, wall-eyed pike, terrapin, crayfish, green turtle, prawns, hard crabs, soft crabs, scallops, frogs’ legs, oysters. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, cabbages, onions, winter squash, beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, parsnips, dried beans, dried peas, mushrooms, parsley, shallots, Brussels-sprouts, leeks, horse-radish, garlic, mint, sage and small salads. Garden herbs which are mostly.used for stuffings and for flavoring dishes, soups, etc., or for garnishing, may be found either green or dried the year round, always in season. Melons ean be had at most of our markets from July 1st until the 15th of Octo- ber; they are received from the South in the early part of the season, and are not as fresh and ; ood as those ripened in our own vicinity. MENUs. BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON AND DINNER FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND FOR A WEEK IN EACH MONTH IN THE NARS JANUARY. New Year’s Day. Breaktast. Dinner. Baked Apples 425. Oysters on Half Shell. Hominy 244. Julienne Soup 26. Broiled White Fish 51. Ham Omelet 206. Baked Pickerel 43. Potatoes alaCreme171. Parker House Rolls 224. Roast Turkey 71, Oyster Stuffing 72. Crullers 281. Toast 246. Mashed Potatoes 170. Boiled Onions 176. Coffee 408. Baked Winter Squash 188. Cranberry Sauce 144. Chicken Pie 77. Supper. Plain Celery 155. Lobster Salad 151. Olives. Spiced Currants 168. English Plum Pudding 353, Wine Sauce 371. Mince Pie 300. Orange Water Ice 337. Cold Roast Turkey 71. Boston Oyster Pie 66. Celery Salad 154. Baked Sweet Potatoes 175. i Fancy Cakes 275. Cheese. Fruits. Rusks 227. Fruit Cake 256. Nuts. INS CSATEE Confectionery. Sliced Oranges. Coffee 408 Tea 410. MENUS. Sunday. Breeaktlast. Oranges. Oatmeal, with Cream 243, Broiled Mutton Chops 122. Tomato Sauce 140. Favorite Warmed Potatoes 173. Eggs on Toast 248. Graham Gems 230. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Potted Ham 134. Cheese Cream Toast 198. Celery Salad 154+ Baked Lemon Pudding 355. Dinner. Oysters on Half Shell. Mock Turtle Soup 32. Boiled Halibut 48, Sauce Maitre d’Hotel 142. Roast Haunch of Venison 91, Currant Jelly 383. Potato Croquettes No.1 174. Creamed Parsnips 180. Celery. Pickled White Cabbage 162. Chicken Patties 77. Jelly Kisses 330, Cold Raised Biscuit 223. Raisins. Nuts. Fruit. Gooseberry Jam 387. Citron Cake 260. Coffee 408 Tea 410. 2 / Monday. Breahtast. Dinner. Baked Apples 425. Boiled Rice 244. Pork Cutlets 130. Waffles 231, with Maple Syrup. 72 Potato Fillets 173. Toast 246. Coffee 408. BRuncheow. Cold Roast Venison 91. Broiled Oysters 63. Potato Salad 155 Rye Drop Cakes 232. Oanned Peaches 390. Tea 410. Macaroni Soup 33. Boiled Leg of Mutton 121, Caper Sauce 140. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174. Steamed Cabbage 178. Cheese Fondu 197. Cucumber Pickles 159. Boston Cream Pie 294. Sliced Oranges. Crackers. Cheese. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Breaktlast. Raspbérry Jam 387. Hominy 244. Saratoga Chips 171. Porterhouse Steak 97. French Griddle Cakes 235. Brown Bread 216. Coffee 408. BRurwcheow. Scrambled Mutton 125. Welsh Rarebit 198. Olives. Hominy Croquettes 244. Qurrant Jelly 383. Molasses Cup Cake 274. Chocolate 410. 2 Dinwer. Oyster Soup 38. Roast Loin of Pork 128, Apple Sauce 143. Boiled Sweet Potatoes 175. Scalloped Onions 177. Stewed Carrots 189. Pickled Green Peppers 162. Royal Sago Pudding 357, Sweet Sauce 375. Crullers 281. Fruit. Cheese. Coffee 408. 430 MENUS. Wednesday. BeeakTlast. Old-fashioned Apple Sauce 143. Fried Mush 243. Pork Tenderloins 129. Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. Parker House Rolls 224. Omelet 208. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Cold Roast Pork 128. Stewed Codfish 55. Green Tomato Pickles 161. Rusks 227. Strawberry Jam 387. Tea 410. Bimmer. Beef Soup 25, Roast Fillet of Veal 112, Tomato Sauce 140. Browned Potatoes 175. Macaroni ala Creme 193. Parsnip Fritters 180. Piccalili 165. Lemon Pie 292. Cocoanut Tarts 303. Cheese. Coffee 408. Thursday. reahtast. Stewed Peaches. Corn Meal Mush 243. Stewed Beef Kidney 109. Crisp Potatoes 173. Egg Muffins 229. Ham Toast 248. Coffee 408 gr Ruwcheow. Veal Croquettes 114. Sardines. Cold Slaw 153. Cheese Toast 247. Canned Plums 392. Soft Ginger Cake 272. Cocoa 411. Binrmer. Chicken Cream Soup 27. Boiled Corned Beef 104. Boiled Potatoes 104. Boiled Turnips 104. Boiled Cabbage 104. Beets Boiled 186. Charlotte Russe 320. Preserved Strawberries 377. Fruit Jumbles 280. Fruit. Coffee 408. Friday. a iS Breaktast, Orange Marmalade 386. Oat Flakes 245. Codfish Balls 54. Baked Eggs on Toast 248. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Sally Lunn 226. ised Doughnuts 282. Vegetable Hash 188. Deviled Lobster 59. Graham Bread 216. Peach Butter 393. Golden Spice Cake 267. Tea 410. Binner. Celery Soup 35. Baked Halibut 49, Hollandaise Sauce 142, Browned Potatoes 170. Scalloped Oysters 66. Stewed Tomatoes 181, Fried Salsify 186. Suet Plum Pudding 367, Brandy Sauce 371. Sponge Drops 277. Fruit. Coffee 408. MENUS. Saturday. Breakfast, Dinwer. Apple Sauce 143. Cracked Wheat 245. Tomato Soup 31. Beef Hash 108. Fried Raw Potatoes 171. rei inte ae Buckwheat Cakes with Maple Syrup 236. sipaes segiee aero Mee Wheat Bread 213 Mashed Potatoes 170. Ladies’ Cabbage 178. SIE ay: Boiled Rice 179. Cold Slaw 153. BRumchearw. Apple Pie 289, Mock Ice 314. Scalloped Fish 55. Head Cheese 136. ; Cookies 280. Cheese. Celery 155. Grafton Milk Biscuits 226, Coffee 408. Grape Jelly 385. Cream Cake 264, Chocolate 410, FEBRUARY. Washington’s Birthday. Dinner, rs on Half Shell. Mock Turtle Soup 32. Sp F ra Beeaklast Orar Oatmeal with Cream 243. R 9ng ic Thite Fish 5 tkasnal Sean Country Sausage 135. Baked Omelet 208. Baked White Fish 50, Bechamel Sauce 141. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Clam Fritters 68. Boiled Turkey 73, Oyster Sauce 138. Egg Muffins 229. Wheat Bread 213. Boiled Sweet Potatoes 175. Coffee 408 D cP Pe x 1 Coffee 408. Steamed Potatoes 172, Stewed Tomatoes 181. Scalloped Onions 177. Supper. Salmi of Game 90, Cold Boiled Turkey 73. Olives: Gniee cs eahie: Potatoe Croquettes 174. Lobster Salad 151 Soda Biscuit 223. English Pound Cake 259. Pineapple Preserves 380. Tea 410 Coffee 408. Washington Pie 324. Bavarian Cream 310. Variegated Jelly 332. Marble Cake 261. Candied Fruits. Raisins and Nuts. MENUS. 432 Sunday. Breaktast. Old-fashioned Apple Sauce 143. Graham Mush 243. Broiled Ham 134. Potatoe Croquettes 174 Fried Eggs 201. Virginia Corn Bread 219. German Doughnuts 283. Wheat Bread 213. DBinwer, Oxtail Soup 28. Baked White Fish (Bordeaux Sauce) 50. ; Braised Ducks with Turnips 84. Mashed Potatoes 170. Stewed Tomatoes 181. Timbale of Macaroni 193. Coffee 408. Supper. Celery Salad 154. Fried Sweetbreads 119. Boston Oyster Pie 66. Sago Apple Pudding 357. Cold Boiled Tongue 110. Lemon Jelly 331. Fruit. Sliced Cucumber Pickle 160. Orange Short Cake 240. Ginger Snaps 275. Almond Macaroons 331. Tea 410. Coffee 408. Monday. Dreaktast. Diner. Stewed Apricots. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Fried Chicken 78. Potato Puffs 171. Flannel Cakes 233. Milk Toast 246. Coffee 408. Buncheon. Warmed-up Duck 85. Sliced Bologna Sausage 135. Celery 155. Potato Biscuit 226. Canned Grapes 390. Chocolate 410. Vermicelli Soup 35. Stewed Brisket of Beef 106. Scalloped Potatoes 172. Stewed Parsnips 180. French Cabbage 179. Mixed Pickles 166. Cranberry Pie 298. Spanish Cream 310. Fruit. Cheese. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Dreaktlast, Sliced Oranges. Hominy 244. Hamburger Steak 109. Puff Ball Doughnuts 283. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Duncheow. Cold Sliced Beef 106. Potato Puffs 171. Tomato Catsup 156. Light Biscuit 224. Jelly Fritters 328. Tea 410. Grilled Pork 182. Saratoga Chips 171. Tennessee Muffins 229. Bivnrer. Scotch Mutton Broth 25, Baked Ham 133. Potato Snow 172. Scalloped Tomatoes 181. Veal Croquettes 114. Stewed Beets 186. Sunderland Pudding 369, Custard Sauce 374. Lemon Cookies 281, Fruit. Coffee 408. MENUS. Wednesday. Breakfast. Dinner. Fried Apples 130. Mullagatawny Soup 31. Corn Meal Mush 243. Boned Leg of Mutton, Roasted, 120. Fried Pork Chops 130. Newport Waffles 231. Ba cae aC Favorite Warmed Potatoes 173. Boiled Potatoes 169. Stewed Onions 176. Brown Bread 216. Coffee 408. Mashed Turnips 190. Hot Slaw 153. Lumcheon. : Tapioca Blanc Mange 318, Sliced Ham 133. Scalloped Oysters 66. with Raspberry Jam 387. Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. wen : i Sweet Pickle 167. Lemon Toast 326. AIRS ECG E ane : Tea 410. Coffee 408. Thursday. Breakfast. : S Dinner. Bananas. Samp 245. Tapioca Cream Soup 34, Broiled Veal Cutlets 114, Tomato Sauce 140. Ourry Chicken with Rice 81. Fried Potatoes 171. French Rolls 225. s as ‘, Wonders 282. Wheat Bread 213. YI SISTA aie Coffee 408. Stewed Salsify 185. Boiled Squash 188. , Pickled Onions 163. gr , Luncheon, Delicate Indian Pudding 351. Hashed Mutton on Toast 122. Potato Croquettes 174. Pickled Oysters 164. Preserved Cherries 377. Feather Cake 264. Crackers. Cheese. Chocolato 410. Coffee 408. Orange Jeliy 332. Friday. Breakiast. Dinner. Oranges, Lobster Soup 38, atmeal, with Cream 243. Sees mp users Boiled Cod with Oyster Sauce 56. Veal Hash on Toast 249. Potato Puffs 171. Fried Cabbage 178, Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. Mnuttonettes 124. Corn Meal Griddle Cakes 234, : Coffee 408. Olives. Cocoanut Pudding 352. Luncheon. Lobster Croquettes 60. French Stew 105. Cold Slaw 153. Rusks 227. Sweet Omelet 326. Coffee 408, Tea 410. Banana Cream 313. Oup Cakes 276. MENUS. 434 Saturday. Reeaktast. Apple Jelly 385. Boiled Rice 244. Fried Pickled Pigs’ Feet 133. Baked Potatoes 175. Fish Omelet 207. English Crumpets 242. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Dried Beef with Cream 106. Cheese Fondu 197. Dinwer. Turtle Bean Soup 30. Beef a la Mode 99. Baked Potatoes 175. Sour-crout 179, Macaroni a la Ttalienne 192. Chowchow 163. Chocolate Custard Pie 291. Little Plum Cakes 279. Potato Salad 154. Grafton Milk Biscuit 226. Fruit. Corn Meal Puffs 351. Lemon Sauce 373, Coffee 408. Cocoa 411. MARCH. Sunday. Breaktast, Dinwer. Sliced Oranges. Oat Flakes 245. ‘ Porterhouse Steak 97. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173, Oyster Omelet 206. Raised Biscuit 223. Sour Milk Griddle Cakes 233. Coffee 408. Supper. Calf’s Head Cheese 117. Lobster Patties 60. Potato Salad 154. Warm Soda Biscuits 223. Honey. Lemon Cookies 281. Tea 410. Swiss White Soup 35. Boiled Fresh Mackerel 52, Egg Sauce 138. Roast Beef 96. Yorkshire Pudding 97. Browned Potatoes 175. Spinach with Eggs 188. Boiled Parsnips 180. Scalloped Cheese 197. Chicken Croquettes 78. Tapioca Cream Custard 313. Rhubarb Pie 296. Sponge Drops 277. Cheese. Coffee 408. MENUS. Monday. Dreeaktast. Baked Apples 425. Binner. Hominy 244, Fried Ham and Eggs 132. Crisp Potatoes 173. Plain Muffins 229. Braised Veal 117. Brown Bread 216. Coffee 408. Split Pea Soup 29. Steamed Potatoes 172. Cabbage with Cream 178. Prurcheon Stewed Beets 186. Mixed Pickles 166. Cold Roast Beef 96 Fish Fritters 56 Superior Bread Pudding 346, Plain Sauce 378. Baked Potatoes 175. Orange Tarts 302, Fruit. Indian Loaf Cake 220. Plum Preserves 378 Coffee 408. Chocolate 410. hata Tuesday. Breaktast. 5 Binwer. Bananas. Fried Mush 243. Consomme,Soup 26. Fried Veal Chops 113. Hasty Cooked Potatoes 172. Egg Biscuit 224. Wheat Bread 213. Mashed Potatoes 170. Stewed Carrots 189, Roast Chicken 74. Coffee 408. Tomato Toast 248. by ; Spiced Currants 168. Runcheon, Oyster Stew 63. Spiced Beef Relish 105. Almond Pudding 347. Lemon Trifle 316, Hominy Croquettes 244. Angel: Cake 266. Bruit Rusks 227. Canned Peaches 390. Coffee 408. Tea 410. Wednesday. Reeakhlast. Dinner, Lemon Marmalade 386. Vegetable Soup 34. Oracked Wheat 245. Baked Calf’s Head 117. Country Sausages 135. Potato Puffs 171. Bread Griddle Cakes 235. Boiled Potatoes 169. Stewed Onions 176, Cream Toast 246. Macaroni and Tomato Sauce 193. Coffee 408. Cold Slaw 153. Buncheon. Apple Custard Pie 290. Chicken Patties 77. Baked Omelet 208. Wine Jelly 331. Potato Croquettes 174. Goconnut-Coolkiesvsel East India Pickle 165. ese: Beaten Biscuit 225. Apple Pudding 359. z Tea 410. Coffee 408, MENUS. 436 Thursday. Breaktlast. Stewed Prunes. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Pork Cutlets 130. Baked Potatoes 175. Scrambled Eggs 201. Corn Meal Fritters 237. Wheat Bread 218. Coffee 408. Purncheow. Fricasseed Tripe 111. Hashed Beef on Toast 249. Ohicken Salad 151. Cream Toast 246. Crullers 282. Grape Jelly 385. Chocolate 410. Diner. Oyster Soup 39. Spiced Beef 99. Potato Croquettes 174. Spinach with Eggs 188. Scalloped Tomatoes 181. Olives. Plain Charlotte Russe 321. Jam Tarts 305. Fruit. Coffee 408. Friday. Hreakilast. Peach Jelly 386. Boiled Rice 244. Fried Pan Fish 43. ‘YJeal Hash on Toast 249. Saratoga Chips 171. Feather Griddle Cakes 233. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Oold Spiced Beef 99. Stewed Codfish 55. Fried Potatoes 171. | Brown Bread 217. Apple Fritters 237. Tea 410. Dinner. Tomato Soup No. 2 31. Boiled White Fish 50, Maitre d’Hotel Sauce 142. Potato Snow 172. Fried Parsnips 180. Boiled Cabbage 177, and Ham 134. Cucumber Pickle 159. Cracker Pudding 350, Fruit Sauce 374. Lemon Jelly 331. Delicate Cake 261. Fruit. Coffee 408. Saturday. Breakilast. Cider Apple Sauce 143. Hominy 244. Calf’s Liver and Bacon 118. Potatoes ala Creme 171. Egg Muffins 229. Brown Bread 216. Coffee 408. Cumcheow. Ham Omelet 206. Pan Oysters 64. Rice Croquettes 243. Cream Short Cake 240. Strawberry Preserves 377. Chocolate 410. Dinwer. Philadelphia Pepper Pot 30. Baked Mutton Cutlets 123. Roast Sweet Potatoes 176. Mashed Turnips 190. Stewed Celery 185. Lobster ‘Salad 152. Apple Dumplings 341, Sweet Sauce 375. Baked Custard 306. Raisins. Nuts. Coffee 408. MENUS. APRIL. Sunday. Beeahlast. Dinner. Stewed Apples 328. Cream of Spinach Soup 27. Oatmeal with Cream 243. Weal Cutlets Broiled 114. Shirred Eggs 200. Boiled Shad 46, Sauce Tartare 138. Warmed Potatoes 173. Leg of Mutton a la Venison 121. French Rolls 225. Wheat Bread 213, Coffee 408. Steamed Potatoes 172. Creamed Parsnips 180. e Oyster Patties 65. Ourrant Jelly 383. SUPPEN. Lettuce Salad 154. Cold Roast Chicken 74, : S : Mayonnaise Fish 54. Welsh Rarebit 198. Delmonico Pudding 361, Pineapple Sherbet 337. Baking Powder Biscuit 223. Rolled Jelly Cake 268. Fruit. _ Layer Cake 268, with Banana Filling 270. Coffee 408, Chocolate 410. Monday. Beeaklast. Dinner. Sliced Oranges. Hominy 244, Mock Turtle Soup 32. Broiled Halibut 49. Omelet of Herbs 205. Tenderloin of Beef 100. Saratoga Chips 171. Raised Mufins 228. Boiled Potatoes 169. Steamed Cabbage 178. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Stewed Onions 176. * Radishes. Burrcheon. Mutton Pudding 124. Bneye aging Set, Oyster Roast 64. Peach Meringue Pie 291. Lettuce with Cream Dressing 150. Orisp Cookies 281. Fruit French Rolls 225. Oup Custard 307. Tea 410. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Dreaktast. Dinner. Stewed Prunes. Celery Soup 35. Oat Flakes 245. 2 Frizzled Beef 104. Grilled Salt Pork 182. French Stew 106. Potato Puffs 171. Sally Lunn 226. Potato Puffs 171. Mashed Turnips 190, Toast 246. Coffee 408, Brats Gatleta 8. Luncheon. Pickled Cabbage 161. Roast Beef Pie with Potato Crust 103. Golden Cream Cake 264. fried Tripe 110. Hominy Croquettes 244. Olives. Light Biscuit 224. Orange Cocoanut Salad 329, Jelly Puddings 369. Nuts. Raisins. Chocolate 410. Coffee 4(8. 438 MENUS. Wednesday. Breakbrlast, Baked Apples 425. Boiled Rice 244. Mutton Chops Fried 123. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Parker House Rolls 224. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Rurrcheow, Chicken Omelet 206. Fried Eels 47. Radishes 155. Steamed Brown Bread 217. Sponge Cake 257. Quince Preserves 379. Tea 410. Dimer. Mullagatawny Soup 31. Boiled Fillet of Veal 112. Boiled Sweet Potatoes 175 Stewed Tomatoes 181. Baked Sweetbreads 119, Chowchow 163. Mock Cream Pie 294. Lemon Jelky 331, Almond Jumbles 280. Fruit. Coffee 408. Thursday. ReeakhTast. Oranges. Cracked Wheat. 245. Dried Beef with Cream 106. Veal Collops 113. Baked Potatoes 175. Grafton Milk Biscuits 226. Dipped Toast 246. Coffee 408. Runcheow. Pressed Beef 105. Stewed’ Kidneys 109. Baked Potatoes 175. Pickled Peppers 162. Fried Dinner Rolls 241. Canned Peaches 390. Cocoa 411. Dinrrer. Beef Soup 25. Chicken ala Terrapin 82. Browned Potatoes 170. Fried Parsnips 180. Macaroni and Cheese 192. Lettuce 156, with French Dressing 150, Banana Pudding 367. Jam Tarts 305. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee 408. Friday. Deeaktast. Bananas. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Stewed Codfish 55. Boiled Potatoes 169. Hot Cross Buns 227. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. ° Durrcheon, Rissoles of Chicken 76. Potted Fish 52. Nun’s Toast 246. Potato Biscuit 226. Lemon Cake 260, Peach Jelly 386. Tea 410. Bread Omelet 207. Bimmer. Vermicelli Soup 35. Baked Shad with Dressing 46. Scalloped Potatoes 172. Spinach with Eggs 188. Veal Croquettes 114. Olives. Fig Pudding 359. Chocolate Eclairs 273. Fruit. Coffee 408. MENTS. Saturday. Deeakfast. Stewed Apricots. Samp 245. Broiled Ham 134. Fried Eggs 201. Sweet Potatoes Fried 175. Newport Waffles 231. Flannel Cakes 233, Coffee 408. Durmcheow, Veal Stew 115. Scalloped Cheese 197. Potato Croquettes 174. Radishes 155. Boston Brown Bread 216. Ginger Snaps 275. Canned Grapes 890, Chocolate 410. : Binwer. Onion Soup 384. Pot Roast 98. Mashed Potatoes 170. Boiled Onions 176, Lobster Patties 60. Lettuce 156, with Mayonnaise 149. Pineapple Charlotte Russe 323. Lady Fingers 277. Nuits, Raisins. Coffee 408. MAY. Sunda Breeaklast. Sliced Pineapple. Oat Flakes 245. Fried Chicken 78. Mushroom Omelet 206. Saratoga Chips 171. Sally Lunn 226, Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Green Peas 187. Supper. Veal Loaf Sliced 116. Scalloped Clams 69 Ham Salad 153. Rusks 227. Preserved Pears 380. Almond Cake 267. Tea 410. y- Dinner. Cream of Asparagus Soup 29. Boiled Bass 47, Sauce Tartare 138. Roast Lamb 125, with Mint Sauce 141, Boiled New Potatoes 169. Rice Croquettes 243. Lobster Salad 152. Cabinet Pudding 354. Custard Ice Cream 335. Jelly Kisses 330. Fruit. Coffee 408. MENTS. Monday. . Breeahlast. Oranges. Boiled Rice 244. Broiled Lamb Chops 122. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Egg Muffins 229. Milk Toast 246. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Cold Roast Lamb 125. Chicken Turnovers 83. Lettuce 156, with Mayonnaise 149. French Bread 218. Layer Cake with Fig Filling 271. Chocolate 410. Diner. Macaroni Soup 33. Beef Steak Pie 103. Mashed Potatoes 170. String Beans 185. Ladies’ Cabbage 178. Horse-radish 156. Rhubarb Pie 296. Rice Meringue 362. Nuts. Cheese. Raisins. Coffee 408. Tuesday. , Beeahtast, Stewed Rhubarb. Oatmeal with Cream 243. Broiled Shad 46. Scrambled Eggs 201. Browned Potatoes 170. Brown Bread 217. Parker House Rolls 224. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Hamburger Steak 109. Potato Croquettes 174. Bean Salad 155. Sour Milk Biscuits 223, Election Cake 264. Peach Butter 393. Tea 410. Binner. Swiss White Soup 35. Roast Loin of Veal 111. New Potatoes a la Creme 171. Baked Onions 176. Cheese Fondu 197. Spinach with Egg 188. Transparent. Pudding 365, Cold Cream Sauce 373. Cookies 280. Fruit. Coffee 408. Wednesday. Reeakhrast, Stewed Peaches. Fried Mush 243. Frogs’ Legs Fried 69, Tomato Sauce 140. New Boiled Potatoes 769. French Rolls 225. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Ruamcheon. Veal Pie 115. Broiled Ham 134, String Beans 185. Corn Bread 219. Pineapple Fritters 238. Chocolate 410. Dinner. Julienne Soup 27. Boiled Beef Tongue 110. Potato Snow 172. Boiled Turnips 136. Macaroni a la Italienne 192. Lettuce Salad 154. Chocolate Pudding 357, Whipped Cream 309. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee 408. MENTS. Thursday. Breaktast, Sliced Pineapple. Hominy 244. Tripe Lyonnaise 111. Plain Omelet 204, New Potatoes ala Creme 171. Plain Crumpets 242. Wheat Griddle Cakes 233. Coffee 408. Burmacheow. Cold Tongue 110. Beefsteak 97. Walnut Catsup 157. Light Biscuit 224. Cheap Cream Cake 272. Preserved Apples 379. Tea 410. Friday. Beeaklast. Oranges. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Fresh Salmon Fried 44. Boiled Eggs 200. Warmed Potatoes 173. Cream Wafiles 231. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Lamb Stew 126. Asparagus Omelet 205. Lettuce Salad 154. German Bread 219. Canned Peaches 390. Molasses Cup Cakes 274. Chocolate 410. Saturday. Breaklast, Stewed Rhubarb. Cracked Wheat 245. Baked Mutton Chops with Potatoes 123. Eggs aux Fines Herbes 202. Graham Gems 230. Dipped Toast 246. Coffee 408. String Beans 185. Lumcheow. Fried Spring Chicken 78. Clam Fritters 68. Sliced Tomatoes. Wheat Drop Cakes 233. Ooffee Cake 264. Crab Apple Jelly 385. Chocolate 410. Boiled Potatoes 169. Corn Starch Cakes 277. Green Peas 187. Jelly Fritters 328. ° Dessert Puffs 325. Bimmer. Split Pea Soup 29. Chicken Pot Pie 81. Stewed Tomatoes 182 Fried Sweetbreads 119. Bean Salad 155, Burnt Almond Charlotte 323. Orange Jelly 332. Fruit. Coffee 408. Bimmer. Irish Potato Soup 35. Steamed. Halibut 48, Egg Sauce 138. Steamed Sweet Potatoes 175. Veal Olives 113. Dandelion Greens 189. Cold Lemon Pudding 356. Fruit. Coffee 408. Bimmer. Ox-tail Soup 28. Spiced Beef 99. Boiled New Potatoes 169. Spinach with Eggs 188. Radishes 155. Pineapple Pie 297. Fruit. Coffee 408. MENUS. 442 JUNE. Sunday. Dreaklast. Strawberries and Cream. Hominy 244. fried Brook Trout 49. Poached Eggs 201. Potatoes a la Creme 171. Corn Meal Muffins 230. Mushrooms on Toast 247. Coffee 408. Supper. Scalloped Crabs 52. Cold Pressed Lamb 126. Sliced Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 149. Buns 227. Angel Cake 266. Raspberries. Tea 410. Mon BreeahTast. Stewed Apricots. Graham Mush 243. Fried Chicken a la Italienne 7& Steamed Potatoes 172. Continental Hotel Waffles 231. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Baurricheow, Pickled Salmon 44, Scalloped Chicken 80. Sliced Cucumbers. Strawberry Short-cake 240, with Cream. Chocolate 410. Hominy Croquettes 244, Binwer. Green Pea Soup 29. Boiled Salmon 43, Bechamel Sauce 141. Stewed whole Spring Chicken 76. Steamed New Potatoes 172. Beet Greens 189, Summer Squash 188. Raw Cucumbers 155. Sweetbread Croquettes 119. Chocolate Blanc Mange 319. Strawberry Ice Cream 335. Queens Cake, 266, Coffee 408. day. Dinner. Beef Soup 25, with Noodles 36. Veal Pie 115. New Potatoes 169 Cucumbers a la Creme 183. Asparagus 187, White Sauce 138. Lettuce 156, French Dressing 150. Green Currant Pie 295. Boiled Custard 307. Brunswick Jelly Cakes 278, Cheese. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Breaktast. Raspberries and Cream. Oat Flakes 245. Soft Shell Crabs Fried 62. Warmed Potatoes 173 Pop-overs, 233. Toast 246. Coffee 408. Purncheon, French Stew 105. Cold Sliced Tongue 110. Bean Salad 155. Milk Biscuits 226. Cold Custard Pie 294, Iced Tea 410. Ham Omelet 206. Binwer. White Mushroom Soup 26. Roast Beef 96. Potatoes ala Creme 171. Fried Cauliflower 177. Spinach with Eggs 188. Sliced Tomatoes, Mayonnaise 149. Strawberry Short-cake 240, with whipped Cream 309, Wafers 276. Coffee 408. Cheese. MENTS. Wednesday. Beeaktast. Cherries. Cracked Wheat 245. Broiled Lamb Chops 122. Tomato Sauce 140. Saratoga Chips 171. Raised Muffins 228. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Runcheow. Roast Beef Pie 1038. Fried Potatoes with Eggs 174. Crab Salad 153. Soda Biscuit 223. Pineapple Fritters 238. Tea 410. Diver. Veal Soup 25, with Croutons 37. Boiled Chicken 75. Caper Sauce 140. Steamed New Potatoes 172. Asparagus on Toast 187. String Beans 185. Young Onions. Green Gooseberry Tart 303. Golden Cream 311. Cocoanut Macaroons 330. Cheese. Coffee 408. Thursday. Breeaktast. Strawberries and Cream. Oatmeal with Cream 243. Chicken Omelet 206. Corned Beef Hash 108. Potatoe Fillets 173. Grafton Milk Biscuits 226. Cream Toast 246. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Smothered Beefsteak 101. Potato Croquettes 174. Lettuce with Mayonnaise 149. Cream Short-cake 240. Cherry Pudding 352. Chocolate 410. Dinner. Clam Soup, French Style 39. Broiled Forequarter of Lamb 126, Tomato Sauce 140. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174. String Beans 185. Cauliflower 177. Tomato Salad 154. Strawberry Bavarian Cream 310. Sliced Pineapple. Pound Cake 259, Coffee 408. Friday. Beeakhlast. Sliced Tomatoes. Boiled Rice 244. Broiled Spanish Mackerel 51. Scalloped Eggs 200. French Rolls 225. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Ruancheon. Clam Chowder 68. Cold Pressed Beef 105. Mixed Summer Salad 151. Buns 227. Fancy Cakes 295. Currants. Tea 410. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Dimmer. Cream of Asparagus 29. Baked Blue Fish 47, Tomato Sauce 140. New Potatoes and Cream 171. Summer Squash 188. Muttonettes 124. Sliced Cucumbers 155, Charlotte Russe 320. Strawberries and Cream. Pastry Ramakins 197. Coffee 408. 444 MENUS. Saturday. BRreakhlast. Stewed Green Currants. Dinner. Steamed Oatmeal 245. : Porterhouse Steak Broiled with Watercresses 97. Tomato Soup 31. New Boiled Potatoes 169. Roast Loin of Mutton 120. ks 2 ic st 246. gues Restos ae Scalloped New Potatoes 172. Cauliflower 177. Luncheon. Beet Greens 189. Radishes 155. Fricassee Chicken 75. Cherry Pie 295. Mock Ice 314. Rice Croquettes 243. 2 E ted Cakes 277. Cheese. Dressed Cucumbers 155. French Bread 218. Venn 52 Cup Cakes 276. Coffee 408. Srawberries and Cream. Iced Tea 410. JULY. Fourth of July. Rreakiast. Dinner. Red Raspberries and Cream. Clam Soup 39. Fried Chicken 78. Scrambled Tomatoes 182. Warmed Potatoes 173. Tennessee Muffins 229. Roast Lamb 125, Mint Sauce 141. Toast 146. Coffee, 408. New Potatoes Boiled 169. Boiled Cod 56, with Lobster Sauce 139. i Green Peas 187. Spinach with Eggs 188. Supper. Cold Sliced Lamb 125. Crab Pie 61. Watercress Salad 155. Cucumbers Sliced 155. Chicken Patties 77. Cheese Toast 247. Naples Biscuits 322. Vanilla Ice Cream 334.. Graham Bread 216. Sponge Cake 257. , BSE ae Chocolate Macaroons 331. Strawberries. Tea 410. Coffee 408. MENTS. Sunday. Breakfast. 2 Dinner. Fresh Cherries. Hominy 244, Cream of Spinach Soup 27. Broiled Chicken 77, Poached Eggs 202. Boiled Blue Fish 47, Sauce Maitre d’Hotel 142. Saratoga Chips 171. New England Corn Cake 219. Roast Lamb 125, Tomato Sauce 140. Wheat Bread 213. New Potatoes with Cream 171. Coffee 408. a Green Corn 183. Caulifiower 177. 5 White Sauce 138. Crab Salad 153. Supper. Salmon Croquettes 57. Spiced Beef Tongue 110. Lobster. Patties 60; Cottage Pudding 352. Chocolate Ice Cream 335. Sliced Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 149, Raspberries. Crumpets 242, White Fruit Cake 257. Blackberries, Tea 410. ee Banas Monday. Duecaktast. * olan tards Dinner. Stewed Pears 329. i 27. Oatmeal with Cream 243. poHenEeneOED. 2 Veal Chops Fried 113. Plain Omelet 204. Beef a la Mode 99. Warmed Potatoes 173. Boiled Potatoes 169. Green Peas 187. Raised Muffins 228. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Stuffed Baked Tomatoes 181. : t Lettuce Salad 154. Luncheon. ey Blackberry Pudding 364. Floating Islands 318. Cold Roast Lamb 125. Corn Pudding 183. eae Potato Salad 154. French Bread 218. eonee Cake gre: Currant Fritters 237. Coffee 408. Cocoa 411 Tuesday. Ge > % Fe ‘ Deeahtast. Dinner. Raspberries. ae 2 Cracked Wheat 245. Vermicelli Soup 35. Beefsteak Broiled 97. Cream. Toast 246. Chicken Stewed, with Biscuit 82, Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Light Biscuit 224. Brown Bread 217. : Coffee 408. Lobster Croquettes 60. Steamed Potatoes 172. Stewed Corn 183. es EE Cucumbers Sliced 155. Luncheon. Ripe Currant Pie 295. Snow Cream 314, Cold Sliced Beef 99. Cheese Souffle 197. Tomato Salad 154. Graham Bread 216. Coffee 408. Green Gooseberry Tart 303. Tea 410. Ribbon Cake 266. Cheese. MENUS. 446 Wednesday. Breaklast. Blackberries. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Beef Hash 108. Fresh Salmon Fried 44. Potato Fillets 173. Tennessee Muffins 229. Dipped Toast 246. Coffee 408. Braricleow. Chicken Turnovers 83. DIiNUWer. Spring Vegetable Soup 35. Scalloped Mutton and Tomatoes 125. Boiled Potatoes 169. Spinach with Eggs 188. Clam Fritters 68. Young Onions. Corn Starch Pudding 349. Raspberries with Cream. Silver Cake 261. Beefsteak Pie 103. Lettuce with Mayonnaise 149. Buns 227. re Layer Cake 268, Banana Filling 270. Coffee 408. Chocolate 410. Thursday. Beeaktast. Red Raspberries. Diner. Graham Mush with Maple Syrup 243. Geavessoup & Roast Beef Pie with Potato Crust 103. Broiled Lamb Chops 122. Potatoes a la Creme 171. Fried Tomatoes 182. Raised Biscuit 223. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Luncheon, Sliced Veal Loaf 116. Brain Cutlets 118. Fried Potatoes 171. Dressed Cucumbers 15 French Bread 218. Cherry Pie 295. Tea 410. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174. Cauliflower 177. Stewed Green Peas 187. Lettuce 156, with Mayonnaise 149. Cherry Roley Poley 366. Syllabub 315. Boston Cream Cakes 273. Coffee 408. Friday. Breeaktast. Fresh Currants. Boiled Rice 244. ‘Perch Fried 42. Baked Potatoes 175. Parker House Rolls 224. Coffee 408. Runcheon. Broiled Chicken on Toast 80. Green Corn Fritters 239. Stewed Tomatoes 181. Berry Tea Cakes 232. Cocoa 411. Scrambled Eggs 201. Wheat Bread 213. Blackberries. DiMWEer. Clam Chowder 68. Salmon 44, and Caper Sauce 140. New Potatoes Scalloped 172. Summer Squash 188. Chicken Turnovers 83. New Beets Boiled 186. Rice Pudding 362. Raspberry Sherbet 337. Philadelphia Jumbles 279. Coffee 408. Beeahlast, Stewed Gooseberries. Corn Meal Mush 243. Broiled Ham 134. Vegetable Omelet Newport Breakfast Oakes 241. Crisp Potatoes 173, Brown Bread 21 Coffee 408. Luncheow. Fricassee Salmon 45. Beefsteak 9 Bean Salad 155. Corn Bread 219. Transparent Pudding 365. Iced Tea 410. Breeaktast Peaches and Cream. Boiled Rice 244. Broiled Spanish Mackerel 51. Eggs aux Fines Herbes 202. Warmed Potatoes 173. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Cold Boiled Chicken 75. Pickled Salmon 44. Potato Salad French Rolls 225. Raspberries, White Mountain Cake 265. Tea 410. Saturday. Rusks 227. Dinner. Bane Green Pea Soup 29. French Stew 105. 7. New Potatoes with Cream 171. Mock Oysters 67. Scalloped Clams 69. Tomato Salad 154. Custard Pie 294. Sponge Drops 277. ie Red Raspberries and Cream. Coffee 408. UGUST. Sunday. Dinner. Consomme Soup 26. Baked Pickerel 43, Egg Sauce 138. Stewed Ducks 85. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174. Cabbage with Cream 178. Lobster Salad 151. Stuffed Baked Tomatoes 181. Lamb Sweetbreads 125. 155. Custard Pudding 348. Frozen Peaches 337. Fruit Jumbles 280. Coffee 408. 448 MENUS. Monday. Beeaklast, Stewed Plums. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Mutton Cutlets 128. Tomato Toast 248. Potato Fillets 173. Egg Muffins 229. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Veal Pot Pie 114. Vegetable Omelet 205. Lettuce with French Dressing 150. German Bread 219. Peach Fritters 238. Chocolate 410. Dinner. Tomato Soup 31, Roast Beef’s Heart 109. Boiled New Potatoes 169. Cauliflower 177. String Beans 185. Cucumbers Sliced 155 Damson Pie 297. Peach Trifle 317. Sponge Cake 257. Cheese. Coffee 408. ° Tuesday. - Beeaktast. Blackberries. Hominy 244. Frizzled Beef 104. Boiled Eggs 200. Saratoga. Chips 171. Breakfast Puffs 242. Dipped Toast 246. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Sliced Beef Heart 109. Fried Tripe 110. Stuffed Baked Tomatoes 182. Pear Pickle 167. Buns 227. Plum Cobbler 367. Tea 410. New Potatoes and Cream 171. Dinwer. Scotch Mutton Broth 25. Broiled Fore-quarter of Lamb 126. Lettuce 156, French Dressing 150. Corn Pudding 183. Apricot Meringue Pie 295. Lemon Jelly 331. Cookies 280. Fruit. Coffee 408. Wednesday. Beeaklast. Fresh Pears. Cracked Wheat 245. Brain Cutlets 118. Meat Omelet 204, Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Huckleberry Griddle Cakes 235. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Broiled Salmon 44. Sliced Pressed Lamb 126. Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 149. French Bread 218. Sponge Cake 257. Blackberries and Cream. Iced Tea 410. Dinwer. Cream of Spinach Soup 27. Fried Chicken a la Italienne 78, Tomato Sauce 140. Boiled Sweet Potatoes 175. Stuffed Egg Plant 185. Green Corn Boiled 183. Rice Pudding 363. Walnut Cake 271. Young Onions. Peaches and Cream. Coffee 408. Green Peas 187. MENUS. Thursday. Bxeaktlast. Musk Melon, Dinner. Oatmeal, with Cream 243. Calf’s Liver and Bacon 118. ice Hop Soup. 20: Broiled Tomatoes 182. Crisp Potatoes 173. tewed Brisket of Beef 106. New England Corn Cake 219 - A : New Potatoes Boiled 169. L B . Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. ee ee Fried Egg Plant 184, Lumucheow. Lettuce Salad 154. Steamed Chicked 75. Green Corn Fritters ‘239, Huckleberry Pudding 364, Rich Wine Sauce 371. Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. Dressed Cucumbers 155. Light Biscuit 224. Peaches and Cream. HOUT Chocolate 410, Cream Tarts 304. Fruit. Friday. Breakfast. Whole Peaches. Binrwrer. Corn Meal Mush 243. : - ; . Corn Soup 28. Fried Blue Fish 42. Dried Beef, with Cream 106. Sweet Potatoes Fried 175. Baked Salmon Trout 50, Bechamel Sauce 141. Raised Muflins 228. Potato Oroquettes 174. Spinach with Eggs 188. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408, Hashed Mutton 122. Luncheo 1. Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 149. P j Die P Beef Croquettes 106. Scalloped Lobster 59. CRIT LD AL Peach Cream 313. Mixed Summer Salad 151. Wafers 276. Cheese. German Bread 219. Coffee 408. Huckleberry Short-cake 241. Tea 410. Saturday. Areahtast. Fresh Green Gages. Dimer. Oat Flakes 240. Chicken Cream Soup 27. Broiled Chicken 77. Cream Toast 246. Boiled Potatoes 169. Trish Stew 124, Graham Gems 230. Wheat Bread 213. Steamed Potatoes 172. Green Peas 187. Es Boiled Corn 183. Crab Salad 153. Luncheon. Huckleberry Pie 296. Broiled Ham 134. Tomato Omelet 205. Peaches and Cream. i Dressed Cucumbers 155. Cup Cakes 276. Giosce: French Bread 218. Cold Fruit Pudding 349. Chocolate 410. Coffee 408. 450 MENUS. SEPTEMBER. Sunday. Beeaktast. Dinner Musk Melon. Corn Meal Mush 243. Beef Soup 25, with Croutons She Fried Smelts 50. Weal er an Ponstiat Boiled Fresh Mackerel 52, Hollandaise Sauce 142. Potatoes a la Creme 171. Graham Gems 230. Wheat Bread 213. Roast Partridges 88. Cofteer £08. Mashed Potatoes 170. Stewed Corn 183, Supper. Stuffed Egg Plant 185. Tomato Salad 154. Potted Ham 134. Small Oyster Pies 67. Lobster Croquettes 60. Peach Meringue Pie 291. Rice Omelet 206. Cold Slaw 153. Tutti Frutti Ice Cream 336. French Bread 218. Gream Cake 264. Sliced Peaches. Rochester Jelly Cake 267. Cheese. aaa eeae Coffee 408. Monday. Breahlast, i lea Dinner. Peaches and Cream. Graham Mush with Maple Syrup 243 Vegetable Soup 35. Broiled Lamb Chops 122. Fried Tomatoes 182. ers Baked Potatoes 175. Raised Muffins 228. Tenderloin of Best-100. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Potato Puffs 171. Lima Beans 185. i ; Fried Tomatoes 182. Runcheon. Salmi of Game 90. Cold Beef Tongue 110. Mixed Summer Salad 151. Potato Croquettes 174. Peach Pudding 359, with Whipped Cream 309, Watermelon Pickle 167 Egg Biscuit 224. G T Layer Cake 268, with Peach Cream Filling 270. cocoanut Tarts 303. Cheese. Chocolate 410. Coffee 408. Tuesday. BeeahkTast. iniwer Breaktast Binrer. Huckleberries. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Vermicelli Soup 35. Veal Collops 113. Ham Toast 248. Baked Mutton Cutlets 123. Potato Fillets 173. Boiled Potatoes 169. Baked Beets 186. Newport Breakfast Cakes 241. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408, Corn Pudding 183. Horseradish 156. Plum Pie 297. Ruwcheoaw. Cold Roast Warmed, 107. Floating Island 318 Lemon Cake 260. Cheese Fondu 197. Fish Salad 152. Cheese. Potato Biscuit 226. Coffee 408. Peach Cobbler 367. Tea 410. MENUS. Wednesday. Beeahlast. Sliced Tomatoes. Dinner. Oat Flakes 245. ‘ Beef Hash 108. Boiled Eggs 200. Split Pea Soup 29. Sweet Potatoes Baked 175. Roast Tame Duck 84. Parker House Rolls 224. Wheat Bread 213. Browned Potatoes 170 String Beans 185 Coffee 408. Baked Tomatoes 182. Luncheon. Lettuce 156, with Mayonnaise 149. Fried Smelts 50. Ham Toast 248. Darled Hoge a mddingntod. Potato Salad 155. French Bread 218. Peach Meringue 314. Feather Cake 264. Huckleberry Cake 274. uckleberry Cake 274. Coffee 408. Chocolate 410. Thursday. Breeahtast. : Bimner. Whole Pears. Hominy 244. Hamburger Steak 109. Bread Omelet 207. Steamed Leg of Mutton 122. Saratoga Chips 171. Light Biscuit 224. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Corn Soup 28. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174. Fried Corn 184. Stewed Salsify 185. Runcheon. Currant Jelly 383. Duck Pie 85. Grilled Bacon 132. Grape Pie 297. Tapioca Cream Custard 318. Tomato Salad 154. Graham Bread 216. EAB OnS Gncese: Cold Berry Pudding 845. Tea 410. Coffee 408. Friday. Breahrast. Musk Melon. Dinner. Oatmeal with Cream 243. Clam Soup 39. Broiled Spanish Mackerel 51. Scalloped Eggs 200. | Warmed Potatoes 173. Wheat Bread 213. Mashed Potatoes 170. Cauliflower 177. Fresh Salmon Fried 44, Tomato Sauce 140. Tennessee Muffins 229. Coffee 408. White Sauce 138. Beefsteak Rolls 101. Cucumbers Sliced 155. Buncheow. Country Plum Charlotte 324. Hashed Mutton 122. Oyster Fritters 65. Cold Greens 189. Corn Bread 219. German Custard 308. Jumbles 279. Boston Cream Cakes 273. Grape Jelly 385. Fruit. Coffee 408. Chocolate 410. MENUS. Saturday. Breeaklast, Fresh Apricots. Cracked Wheat 245. Stewed Kidneys 109. Grilled Salt Pork 132. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Sally Lunn 226. Dry Toast 246, Coffee 408. Burncheon. Breaded Chicken 80. Potato Croquettes 174. Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 149, Twist Bread 218. Sponge Drops 277. Dinner, Gumbo Soup 33. Roast Loin of Veal 111. Browned Potatoes 175. Succotash 184. Mashed Squash 188. Bean Salad 155. Baked Custard 306. Peaches and Cream, Almond Cake 267. Huckleberries and Cream. Coffee 408. Tea 410. OCTOBER. Sunday. BeeakTast. eee Ox-tail Soup 28. Grapes. Oatmeal with Cream 243, Broiled Veal Cutlets 114. Minced Eggs 202. Crisp Potatoes 173. Buckwheat Cakes 236. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Oyster Stew 63. Cold Pork and Beans 131. Cold Slaw 153. Boston Brown Bread 216, Peach Meringue Pie 291. Tea 410. Broiled Halibut 49, Sauce Tartare 138. Roast Beef 96, Brown Sauce 142. Steamed Potatoes 172. Cauliflower 177 Boiled Onions 176. Chicken Salad 151. Scalloped Tomatoes 181. French Cocoanut Pudding 352. Grape Trifle 317. Fancy Cakes 275, Fruit. Coffee 408. Breakfast. Stewed Quinces. Lamb 245, Blue Fish Fried 42. Hasty Cooked Potatoes 172, Milk Toast 246. MENUS. Monday. Dinner, Julienne Soup 27. Roast Pheasants 88, Pop-overs 233. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. a eS Boiled Potatoes 169. Mashed Turnips 190. Larrcheon, Cold Roast Beef 96. Fried Potatoes 171. Chocolate 410, Dveaktast. Baked Pears 328. Onion Omelet 206, French Bread 218. Peach Fritters 238. Tomato Salad 154. Apple Custard Pie 290. Baked Quinces 329. Chocolate Eclairs 273. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Binmer. Cracked Wheat 245. Calf’s Liver and Bacon 118. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Coffee 408. Raurcheon, Cold Roast Pheasant Potato Croquettes 174. Tea 410. Beeaktlast. Grapes. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Tomato Omelet 205. Beefsteak Broiled 97. Warmed Potatoes 173. English Brown Bread 217. Cof Luncheon. Scrambled Mutton 125. Corn Pudding 183. French Ginger Bread 272. Sliced Oranges Fried Eggs 201. Dry Toast 246. New England Corn Cake 219. Lobster Salad 151. Graham Bread 216. Country Plum Charlotte 324. Sardines. Cocoa 411. Game Soup 26, ' Braised Leg of Mutton 121. Mashed Potatoes 170. Scalloped Oysters 66. Boiled Sweet Potatoes 175. Cold Slaw 153. 88. Peach Cobbler 367. French Custard 307. Layer Jelly Cake 268. Coffee 408. Wednesday. Dimmer. Mock Turtle Soup 382. Boiled Fillet of Veal 112. Crumpets 242. ffee 408. Potatoes a la Delmonico 174, Fried Egg Plant 184. Mashed Squash 188. Olives. Saucer Puddings 361. Rolls 225. Apple Snow 316. Crisp Cookies 281. Coffee 408. MENTS. 454 Thursday. Breaktast. Baked Quinces 329. Boiled Rice 244. i Broiled Grouse 88. Tripe Lyonnaise 111. Potatoes a la Creme 171. Raised Muffins 228. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Rurcheow. Veal Croquettes 114. Cheese Souffle 197 Potato Salad 154. Buns 227. Grape Pie 297. Tea 410. Friday. Breaklast, Stewed Plums. Oat Flakes 245. Eels Fried 47. Beef Hash 108. Potato Fillets 173. Egg Muffins 229. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Luncheor. Oyster Pot Pie 66. Muttonettes 124. Fried Egg Plant 184. French Bread 218. Stewed Crab Apples. Silver Cake 261. Chocolate 410. Diner. Swiss White Soup 35. Pot Roast 98. Steamed Potatoes 172. Lima Beans 185. French Cabbage 179, Lettuce Salad 154. Plum Puff Pudding 366. Blanc Mange 319. Dominoes 275. Fruit. Coffee 408. Dimer. Onion Soup 34. Baked Smelts 51. Potato Snow 172. Cauliflower 177 Beef Croquettes 106. Spiced Plums 168. Plain Charlotte Russe 321. Quince Jelly 384. Nuts. Raisins. Coffee 408. Saturday. Breaklast, Whole Pears. Hominy 244. Mutton Cutlets 123. Tomato Sauce 140. Saratoga Chips 171. Corn Meal Griddle Cakes 234. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Rurrcheon. Dried Beef with Cream 106. Baked Omelet 208. Tomato Salad 154. Rusks 227. Quince Trifle 317. Tea 410. Dinner. Veal Soup 25, with Noodles 36. Chicken Pot Pie 81. Mashed Potatoes 170. Fried Salsify 186. Baked Onions 176. Ham Salad 153. Chocolate Pie 292. Sliced Oranges. Hickory Nut Cake 271. Coffee 408. MENUS. NOMEMBER. Thanksgiving Day. Breeahlast. Grapes. Oat Flakes 245, Broiled Porterhouse Steak 97. Codfish Balls 54. Browned Potatoes 170. Buckwheat Cakes 236, Maple Syrup. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Gold Roast Turkey 71. Scalloped Oysters 66. Preserved Egg Plums 378. Tea 410. Beeaktast. Stewed Crab Apples. Cracked Wheat 245. White Fish Fried 42. Hasty Cooked Potatoes 172. Tennessee Muffins 229. Wheat Bread 213. Supper. Pickled Pigs’ Feet 133. Scalloped Potatoes 172. Light Biscuit 224. Go. Preserved Cherries Byte Tea 410. Potato Salad 154. Cream Short Cake 240. Eelairs 278. Jelly Omelet 207. Crullers 281. Coffee 408. Chicken Salad 151. lden Spice Cake 267. Birrnrer. Oysters on Half Shell. Cream of Chicken Soup 27. Fried Smelts 50, Sauce Tartare 138. Roast Turkey 71, Cranberry Sauce 144.” Mashed Potatoes 170. Baked Squash 188. Boiled Onions 176. Parsnip Fritters 180. Olives. Chicken Salad 151. Venison Pastry 92. Pumpkin Pie 299. Mince Pie 300. Charlotte Russe 320. Almond Ice Cream 334. Lemon Jelly 331. Hickory Nut Cake 271. Cheese. Fruits. Coffee 408. Sunday. Bimner. Mullagatawny Soup 31. Boiled Codfish 56, Oyster Sauce 138. Roast Wild Duck 85. Mashed Potatoes 170. Currant Jelly Sauce 142. Baked Squash 188. Boiled Beets 186. Small Oyster Pies 67. Baked Plum Pudding 354, Sweet Sauce 875. Jelly Kisses 330. Fruit. Coffee 408. 456 MENTS. Monday. Beeakrlast, Grapes. Hominy 244. Fricasseed Tripe with Oysters 111. Baked Potatoes 175. Breakfast Puffs 242. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Luncheon. Cold Roast Duck 85. Welsh Rarebit 198. Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. Cold Pickled Beets 186. French Bread 218. Dinner. Vermicelli Soup 35. Leg of Mutton a la Venison 121, Steamed Potatoes 172. Ladies’ Cabbage 178, Stewed Onions 176. Mixed Pickles 166. Pumpkin Pie 299. Orange Jelly 332. Nut Cakes 283. Cheese. Cookies 280. Gooseberry Jam 387. Coffee 408. Cocoa 411. Tuesday. Beeahkfast. : ade Dinner. Stewed Prunes. Oatmeal with Cream 2438. Snipe on Toast 88. Potato Puffs 171. Wheat Bread 213. Scrappel 133. Newport Waffles 231. Coffee 408, Buncheow, Scalloped Mutton and Tomatoes 125. Hominy Croquettes 244. Cold Slaw 153. Beaten Biscuit 225. Chocolate Custard Pie 291. Tea 410. Oxtail Soup 28. Roast Leg of Pork 128. Browned Potatoes 175. Lima Beans 185, Mashed Turnips 190. Celery Salad 154. Apple Corn Meal Pudding 360, Wine Sauce 371. Lemon Tartlets 301. Fruit. Coffee 408. Wednesday. BeeakTast. Oranges. Graham Mush 243, Country Sausages 1365. Boiled Eggs 200. Saratoga Chips 171. Buckwheat Cakes 236. Dry Toast 246, Coffee 408. Burnclheow, Cold Roast Pork 128. Lobster Salad 151. Baked Sweet Potatoes 175. German Bread 219. Doughnuts 281, Apple Sauce 143. Chocolate 410. Dinner. Turtle Soup from Beans 30. Spiced Beef 99. Mashed Potatoes 170. Fried Parsnips 180. Scalloped Onions 177, Pickled White Cabbage 162. Cranberry Tart Pie 298. Blane Mange 318 Crackers, Cheese,. Coffeo 408, MENTS. Thursday. Dreaklast. Di BLU. Stewed Apricots. Oat Flakes 245. Squirrel Soup 380. Broiled Veal Cutlets 114. Fried Oysters 62. Warmed Potatoes 173. Cream Waffles 231. Roast Loin of Mutton 120. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Boiled Potatoes 169. Mashed Squash 188. Fried Cabbage 178. Rumcleow. Olives. Beef Croquettes 107. Fish Omelet 207. Apple Puff Pudding 346, Celery Salad 154. Grandmother’s Sauce 372. Raised Biscuit 223. Feather Cake 264. Canned Peaches 390. Tea 410. Coffee 408, Friday. Nuts. Raisins. Fruit, Breakfast. Bananas. Hiner. Steamed Oatmeal 245, Striped Bass Fried 42. Minced Eggs 202. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Baked Pickerel 43. Corn Bread 219. Nut Cakes 283. Soamedpatatoes lia: Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Fish Chowder 54. Boiled Turnips 190. Rabbit Pie 90. for Plain Celery. Rurcheow. Ee ruaeatteee Cold Roast Mutton 120 Apple Custard Pudding 348, Hard Sauce 374. Halibut on Toast 249. Savory Biscuits 277. Fruit, Potato Salad 154. French Bread 218. Coffee 408. Grape Jelly Pie 298. Chocolate 410. Saturday. Beeaklast. Baked Sour Apples 425. Boiled Rice 244. Dimmer. Celery Soup 35. Porterhouse Steak Broiled 97. Boiled Ham 134. Plain Omelet 204. Potatoes ala Creme 171. BandacRe seh Potioss We: Wheat Griddle Cakes 233. Dry Toast 246 Coffee 408. Lima Beans 185. Stewed Parsnips 180, Sour-crout 179. Lauricheon. Oxford Dumplings 343, Sweet Sauce 375. Veal Stew 115. Potato Puffs 171. Cream Tarts 304, Fruit. Pickled Mangoes 163. Coffee 408. Grafton Milk Biscuits 226. Ohocolete Eclairs 273. Lemon Sponge 315. Tea 410. 458 MENUS. DECEMBER. Christmas Day Heeaklast. Oranges. Boiled Rice 244. Broiled Salt Mackerel 44. Poached Eggs a la Creme 202. Potato Fillets 173. Feather Griddle Cakes 233. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Cold Roast Goose 74. Oyster Patties 65. Cold Slaw 153. Buns 227. Dinner. Oysters on Half Shell. Game Soup 26. Boiled White Fish 50, Sauce Maitre d’Hotel 142. Roast Goose 74, Apple Sauce 143. Boiled Potatoes 169. Mashed Turnips 190. Creamed Parsnips 180. Stewed Onions 176. Boiled Rice 179. Lobster Salad 152. Canvas Back Duck 86. Christmas Plum Pudding 353, Sauce 372. Vanilla Ice Cream 334. Mince Pie 300. Orange Jelly 332. Delicate Cake 260. Salted Almonds 325. Charlotte Russe 323. Confecti Fruit Peach Jelly 386. onfectionery. ruits. Tea 410. Coffee 408. Sunday. SO -y psy ls Fx ss Breeaktast. Dinner. Grapes. Chicken Cream Soup 27. Steamed Oatmeal 245. Pickled Pigs’ Feet Fried 133. Oyster Toast 247. Potato Puffs 171. Egg Muffins 229. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Supper. Cold Potted Beef 105. Celery Salad 154. Saratoga Chips 171. Rusks 227. Little Plum Cakes 279. Quince Jelly 384. Tea 410. Panned Oysters 64. Boiled Halibut 48, Sauce Hollandaise 142. Roast Goose 74, Apple Sauce 143. Stewed Celery 185. Lobster Salad 151. Boiled Potatoes 169. Mashed Turnips 190. Scalloped Clams 69. Mince Pie 300. Orange Cream 812. Citron Cake 260. Coffee 408. Cheese. MENUS. Monday. Deeakhiast. Sliced Oranges. Graham Mush 243, Codfish Steak 57. Lyonnaise Potatoes 173. Hashed Beef on Toast 249. French Rolls 225. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. Rurncheon, Cold Roast Goose 74. Scalloped Cheese 197. Ham Salad 153. French Bread 218. Apple Meringue Pie 291. Chocolate 410. Bimuen. Onion Soup 34. Roast Spare Rib 129. Oranberry Sauce 144. Browned Potatoes 175. Stewed Carrots 189. Boiled Onions 176. Plain Celery. Boiled Rice Dumplings with Custard Sauce 342. Pastry Sandwiches 278. Fruit. Coffee 408. Tuesday. Hreahlast. Stewed Prunes. Boiled Rice 244, Pork Chops and Fried Apples 130. Warmed Potatoes 173. Buckwheat Cakes 236. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Rurmcheow. Sliced Head Cheese 136. Bread Omelet 207. Parsnip Fritters 180. Cold Slaw 153. Graham Bread 216. Mince Pie 300. Tea 410. Diner. Scotch Mutton Broth 25, Boiled Turkey 73, Oyster Dressing 72. Mashed Potatoes 170. Baked Squash 188. Boiled Parsnips' 180. Piccalili 165. Baked Corn Meal Pudding 350, Hard Sauce 374, Apple Tarts 304. Cheese, Coffee 408. Wednesday. Beeaktast. Cider Apple Sauce 143. Hominy 244. Broiled Rabbits 90. Codfish Balls 54. Potato Fillets 173. Continental Hotel Waffles 231. Dry Toast 246. Coffee 408. Runcheow. Turkey Hash 73. Rice Croquettes 243. Lobster Salad 151. Raised Biscuits 223. ° Almond Custard 308. Cocoa 411. Binwer. Oyster Soup 39. Sliced Beef Tongue 110, Brown Sauce 142, Potato Puffs 171. Steamed Cabbage 178. Lamb Sweetbreads 125, with Tomato Sauce 140, Birds’ Nest Pudding 344, Plain Sauce 873. Crackers. Cheese. Coffee 408. 460 MENUS. Thursday. Greaktast. Stewed Peaches. Dinner. Cracked Wheat 245. Vegetable Soap Be Mutton Chops Broiled 122, Tomato Sauce 140. Saratoga Chips 171. New England Corn Cake 219, Wheat ‘Bread 213. 3 i Boiled Turnips 190. Fried Onions 176. Beef a la Mode 99 Browned Potatoes 170. Bakers’ Doughnuts 282. Coffee 408. Oyster Salad 152. for{t Runcheow. Snow Pudding 361. Squash Pie 299. Cold Spiced Tongue 110. Nuts Raisins a . y Se Pickled Onions 163. Cheese Cream Toast 198. Twist Bread 218. Fried Sweet Potatoes 175. Layer Cake 268, with Apple Filling 269. Tea 410. Friday. Coffee 408. Breakfast. Apple Sauce 143. Binrwer, Oatmeal with Orca 243, Pea Soup 36, with Croutons 37. White Fish Fried 42. Grilled Bacon 132. Baked Potatoes 175. Codfish Steaks 57. Feather Griddle Cakes 233. Potato Snow 172. Baked Beets 186. Brown Bread 217. Coffee 408. i ; : Chicken with Macaroni 84. Celery Salad 154. mucheon. x } 1 i 241. Sw Sance 375 Cold Pork and Beans 131. Beef Croquettes 106. Baked Apple Dumplings 341, Sweet Sauce 375. Green Tomato Pickles 100. Bakers’ Custard Pie 293. Cheese. ilk Biscuits 226. ! ‘ake 266 : : Milk Biscuits 226 Angel Cake 266 Coffee 408. Preserved Pears 380. Chocolate 410. Saturday. Beeaktast. Dinwer Bananas. Tapioca Cream Soup 34. Oat Flakes 245. Pork Cutlets 130. Oyster Fritters 65. Lamb Stew 126. Hasty Cooked Potatoes 172. : es x Gunham Griddle Cakes 234. Mashed Potatoes 170. . Creamed Parsnips 180. Wheat Bread 213. Coffee 408. Boston Pork and Beans 131. x Cold Slaw 153. Runche SMMC MEDI, Apple Fritters 237, Sugar Sauce 372. Boiled Tripe 110. ! Chicken Omelet 206. Themen Pie s92: Potato Salad 154. french Bread 218. Ginger Cookies 275. Nuts. Raisins. Preserved Citron 380. Coffee 408 Tea 410, ©PEEIAL MENUS. State Dinner at White House. Blue Points. Haute Sauterne. Amontillado. POTAGES. Potage tortue 4 lAnglaise Consommé Printaniére Royale. HORS D’CEUVRES. Canapé 4 la Russe. Timbales 4 la Talleyrand. Rauenthaler Berg. POISSONS. Saumon, Sauce Hollandaise. 5 Grenadines de Bass. Pommes de Terre Duchesse. Cucumber Salade. ’ Brnest Jeroy. RELEVES. Selle d’Agneau, Sauce Menthe. Filet de Boeuf 4 la Richelieu. Chateau Margause. ENTREES. Ris de Veau a la Perigneux. Cotelettes d’Agneau d’or Maison. Terrapin @ Ja Maryland. Punch Cardinal. a Olas de Vougeot. ROTI. Canvas Back Duck. ENTREMETS. German Asparagus. Petite Pois. Gelée au Champagne. Plombieré aux Framboise. Pudding Diplomate. Café. Liqueurs. Fruits. Fromage. pa Soh aceetae aa 462 SPECIAL MENUS. Mrs, Cleveland’s Wedding Lunch. JUNE 4TH, '88. Consommé en tasse. Soft Shell Crabs. Coquilles de Ris de Vean. Chateau Iquem.. Snipes on Toast. Lettuce and Tomato Salade, Moet & Chanden. Fancy Ice Cream. Cakes. Tea. Coffee. Fruits. Mottos. General Grant’s Birthday Dinner. Clams. Haute Sauterne.. POTAGES. Consommé Imperatrice Bisque de Crabes. Amontillado. VARIES HORS D’CEUVRE VARIES. Bouchees 4 la Regence. POISSON. Truites de riviere Hollandaise vert pré. Pommes de terre 4 la Parisienne. Coucombres. Johannisberger. RELEVE. Filet de Boeuf 4 la Bernardi. Ernest Jeroy. ENTREES. Ailes de Poulets 4 la Perigord. Petits Pois au Beune. * Caisses de ris de Vean 4 I’Italienne. Haricots verts. Asperges, Sauce Creme. Sorbet Fantaisie. A ROTI, Squabs. Salade de Laitue. Nuits. ENTREMETS SUCRES. Croute aux Mille Fruits. Cornets 4 la Chantilly. Gelée 4 la Prunelle. PIECES MONTEES. Glace Varietees. Fruits. Petits Fours. Café, Denn Tor 4 Goners, Huitres en Coquille. Potage Julienne aux Quenelles. Paupiettes de Turbots 4 la Joinville. Oucumbers. Pommes d’Auphine. Filets Mignons & la Provencale. Larded Sweetbread a la Meissoniére. Punch au Kirsh. Quails Bardés sur Cronstade. Lettuce Salad. German Asparagus. Plombiere aux Fraises. Fruits. Café. Fromage. Men fox 6 Gourrs. Huitres en Coquilles. Sauterne Purée St. Germain. Consommé Paté d’Italie, Amontillado Broiled Blue Fish, Maitre d’Hotel. Cucumbers. Pommes Duchesse. Hochheimer Small Tenderloin Sautés, Marrow Sauce. Lamb Chops a la Maréchale. Moet & Chandor Oroutes aux Champignons 4 la Parisienne. Sorbet Venetienne. Squabs with Water-cresses. Chateau Latoure Lettuce and Tomato Salad. Artichauts, Sauce Hollandaise. Créme Bavaroise au Chocolat. Fruits. Café. Fromage. SPECIAL MENUS. Bilenn Tox 8 Covers. Huitres en Coquille. Haute Sauterne. Bisque of Lobster. Lamb Broth with Vegetables. Radishes. Olives. Amontilledo. Timbales 4 |’Hcossaise. Bass 4 la Régence. Rauenthaler Berge Potatoes Windsor. Filet of Beef Larded & la Parisienne. Saddle of Mutton, Currant Jelly. Ernest Jeroy- Sweetbreads a la Pompadour. Terrapin 4 la Maryland. Chateau Latour. Cauliflower au Gratin. Celery au Jus. Punch Maraschino. Canvas Back Duck. Lettuce Salad. Soufié 4 Orange. Fruits. Café. Fromage. Menu Tor 10 Covers. Consommé de Volaille. Haute Sauterne Huitres 4 la Poulette. Radishes. Olives. Bouchées 4 la Bohemienne. Johannisberger. Truites Saumoné au Beurre de Montpellier. Tartelette Potatoes. Cucumbers. Filets Mignon de Bouef & la Trianon. Cotelettes de Pigeon, Maréchale. Moet & Chandog Petits Pois Garnis de Fleurous. Artichauts & la Barigoule. Punch Romaine, Bécassines au Oresson. Chas. de Vougere Lettuce Salad Pouding Nesselrode. Fruits. Café. Fromage. 464 SPECIAL Dienn fox 12 Gouers. Little Neck Clams. Cream of Asparagus. Consommé Royal. Radishes. Olives. Amontillado. Caviar sur Toast. Pompano Maitre d’Hotel. Bass 2 la Régence. Pommes Parisienne. Moselbluemchen, ° Cotelettes d’Agneau 4 la Purée de Célen. Filet of Boeuf 4 la Pocahontas. Moet & Chandon. Terrapin & la Richelieu. Sorbet Dunderberg. Canvas Back Ducks. Nuits. Celery Mayonnaise. Artichauts Bottoms. French Peas. Omelette Célestine. Fruits. Café. Fromage. Haute Sauterne, MENUS. Phen for 24 Cours. Huitres. POTAGES. Consommé Francatelli. Bisque d’Ecrevisses. HORS ['CEUVRE. Timbales & la Reyniére. POISSON. Filet Turbot Portugaise. Pommes de terre Parisienne Celery Mayonnaise. RELEVE. Selle d’Agneau 4 Ia Colbert Haricots' verts. ENTREES, Ailes de Poulets 4 la Hongroise. Oépes 4 la Bordelaise. Asperges Sauce Oreme. Sorbet 4 la Prunelle. A ROTI. Faisan rotes Franqué de Cailles. ENTREMETS DE DOUCEUR. Croutes aux Ananas. Fruits. Café. Glaces Fantaisies. Petits Fours, SPECIAL MENUS, BUFFET FOR 1,000 PEOPLE. COLD SERMICE. Consommé en Tasse. Sandwiches. Caviar on Toast. Radishes. Celery. Cold Salmon Mayonnaise. Lobster and Shrimp Salad. Westphalia Ham i la Gelée. Boned Turkey. Galautine of Faison. Cold Game in Season. Mayonnaise of Chicken. Cold Turkey. Fillet of Beef. Game Pies, Saddle of Venison, Currant Jelly. Russian Salad. Neapolitaine Ice Cream. Water Ices. Nesselrode Puddings. Claret and Champagne Jellies. Biscuits Glacée. Charlottes Glacée. Assorted Cakes. Assorted Candies. Tea. Coffee. Lemonade. MANAGEMENT AND DIRECTIONS OF DINNERS AND REGEPTIONS ON STATE OCCASIONS AT THE WHITE HOUSE. Etiquette as observed in European courts is not known at the White House, The President’s Secretary issues invitations by direction of the President, to the distinguished guests. The Usher in charge of the cloak-room hands to the gentleman on arrival an envelope containing a diagram of the table (as cut shows), whereon the name and 3 s ~ Fie) oO @ OS GF Sh LF OF SP TH SF SP IV 91 LE ST GL 06 18 && &@ VG GS ire Kk wp oo an Entrance eee | seat of the respective guest, and the lady he is to escort to dinner, are marked. A card corresponding with his name is placed on the napkin belonging to the cover of the seat he will occupy. The President’s seat is in the middle of the table. The most distinguished guests sit on his right and left. If their wives are present they will occupy these seats, and the gentlemen will be seated next to the President’s wife, whose seat is directly opposite the President. DINING ROOM. THE GREAT DINNERS AND RECEPTIONS. 467 Official dinners all over the world are always served after the French fashion, and are divided into three distinct parts. Two of them are served from the kitchen, and the third from the pantry. The first part of the dinner served French style includes from oysters on the shell to the sherbets. The second service continues to the sweet dishes. The third includes ice, cakes, fruits, cheeses, which are all understood as des- serts, and are dressed in the pantry. All principal dishes which are artistically decorated are shown to the President first, then are carried around the table before being carved by the Steward in the pantry. Fancy folding of the napkins is considered out of fashion; plain square folded, so as to show monogram in the middle, is much preferred. The following diagram will illustrate the arrangement of the glasses on the table. (See diagram. ) Slocc NG HOW TO ARRANGE GLASSES ON TABLE. IV—Glass for Water. V—Glass for Champagne. ViI—Glass for Burgundy. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATI J—Glass for Sauterne. A—PULATE. JI—Glass for Sherry. TII—Glass for Rhine Wine. i r i igns o obscure Flower decorations on the table are to be in flat designs. so as not t the view of the guests. 468 DINNERS AND RECEPTIONS. Corsage Bouquets for ladies consist of not more than eight large roses tied together by silk ribbon, with the name of the lady stamped on in gold letters. Gentlemen’s Bouttonieres consist only of one rose bud. Bouquets for ladies are to be placed on the right side; for gentlemen, on the napkin next to card bearing his name. Printed Menus are never used on any official occasion. The private dinners Menus are either printed or written on a plain card and placed on each cover. Liquors, cordials, cigars are served on a separate table after the ladies have retired to the parlor. Dishes for invalids should be served in the daintiest and most attractive way; never send more than a supply for one meal; the same dish too frequently set before an invalid often causes a distaste, when perhaps a change would tempt the appetite. When preparing dishes where milk is used, the condition of the patient should be considered. Long cooking hardens the albumen and makes the milk very constipating; then, if the patient should be already constipated, care should be taken not to heat the milk above the boiling point. The seasoning of food for the sick should be varied according to the condition of the patient; one recovering from illness can partake of a little piece of roast mutton, chicken, rabbit, game, fish, simply dressed, and simple puddings are all light food and easily digested. A mutton chop, nicely cut, trimmed and broiled, is a dish that is often inviting to an invalid. Asa rule, an invalid will be more likely to enjoy any preparation sent to him if it is served in small, delicate pieces. As there are so many small, dainty dishes that can be made for this purpose, it seems useless to try to more than give a small variety of them. Pudding can be made of prepared barley, or tapioca, well-soaked before boiling, with an egg added, and a change can be made of light puddings by mixing up some stewed fruit with the puddings before baking; a bread pudding from stale bread-crumbs, and a tiny cup-custard, boiled in a small basin or cup; also various drinks, such as milk punch, wine, whey, apple-toddy, and various other nourish- ing drinks. BEEFSTEAK AND MUTTON CHOPS. Select the tendérest cuts, and broil over a clear, hot fire. Let the steak be Salt and pepper; lay between two hot plates three Tf he is very weak, do not let him swallow e has chewed the meat well. The essence of sed, is considered by some physicians to red in the usual manner. rare, the chops well done. minutes, and serve to your patient. anything except the juice, when h rare beef, roasted or broiled, thus expres be more strengthening than beef tea prepa 470 FOR THE SICK. BEEF TEA. One pound of lean beef, cut into small pieces. Put into a glass canning-jar without a drop of water; cover tightly, and set in a pot of cold water. Heat gradually to a boil, and continue this steadily for three or four hours, until the meat is like white rags, and the juice all drawn out. Season with salt to taste, and when cold, skim. VEAL OR MUTTON BROTH. Take a scrag-end of mutton (two pounds), put it in a sauce-pan, with two quarts of cold water, and an ounce of pearl barley or rice. When it is coming to a boil, skim it well, then add half a teaspoonful of salt; let it boil until half reduced, then strain it, and take off all the fat, and it is ready for use. This is excellent for an invalid. If vegetables are liked in this broth, take one turnip, one carrot, and one onion, cut them in shreds, and boil them in the broth half an hour, In that case, the barley may be served with the vegetables in broth. CHICKEN BROTH. oR Make the same as mutton or beef broth. Boil the chicken slowly, putting on just enough water to cover it well, watching it closely that it does not boil down too much. When the chicken is tender, season with salt and a very little pepper. The yolk of an egg beaten light and added, is very nourishing OATMEAL GRUEL. Put four tablespoonfuls of the best grits (oatmeal coarsely ground) into a pint of boiling water. Let it boil gently, and stir it often, till it becomes as thick as you wish it. Then strain it, and add to it while warm, butter, wine, nutmeg, or whatever is thought proper to flavor it. Salt to taste. If you make the gruel of fine oatmeal, sift it, mix it first to a thick batter with a little cold water, and then put it into the sauce-pan of boiling water. Stir it all the time it is boiling, lifting the spoon gently up and down, and letting the gruel fall slowly back again into the pan. CORN-MEAL GRUEL. Two tablespoonfuls of fine Indian meal, mixed smooth with cold water and a salt-spoonful of salt; add one quart of boiling water, and cook twenty minutes. Stir it frequently, and if it becomes too thick use boiling water to thin it. If the stomach is not too weak, a tablespoonful of cream may be used to cool it. Some like it sweetened and others like it plain. For very sick persons, let it settle, pour off the top, and give without other seasoning. For convalescents, toast a piece of bread as nicely as possible, and put it in the gruel with a table- HOR THE STOR: 471 spoonful of nice sweet cream, and a little ginger and sugar. This should be used only when a laxative is allowed. EGG GRUEL. Beat the yolk of an egg with one tablespoonful of sugar; pour one teacupful of boiling water on it; add the white of an egg, beaten to a froth, with any seasoning or spice desired. Take warm. MILK PORRIDGE. The same as arrowroot, excepting it should be all milk, and thickened with a scant tablespoonful of sifted flour; let it boil five minutes, stirring it con- tinually, add a little cold milk, and give it one boil up, and it is ready for use. ARROWROOT MILK PORRIDGE. One large cupful of fresh milk, new if you can get it; one cupful of boiling water; one teaspoonful of arrowroot, wet to a paste with cold water; two tea- spoonfuls of white sugar; a pinch of salt. Put the sugar into the milk, the galt into the boiling water, which should be poured into a farina-kettle. Add the wet arrowroot, and boil, stirring constantly until it is clear; put in the milk, and cook ten minutes, stirring often. Give while warm, adding hot milk should it be thicker than gruel. ARROWROOT BLANC MANGE. One large cupful of boiling milk, one even tablespoonful of arrowroot rubbed to a paste with cold water, two teaspoonfuls of white sugar, a pinch of salt; flavor with rose-water. Proceed as in the foregoing recipes, boiling and stirring eight minutes. Turn into a wet mold, and when firm, serve with cream and powdered sugar. TAPIOCA JELLY. Soak a cupful of tapioca in a quart of cold water, after washing it thoroughly two or three times; after soaking three or four hours, simmer it in a stew-pan until it becomes quite clear, stirring often; add the juice of a lemon, and a lit- tle of the grated peel, also a pinch of salt. Sweeten to'taste. Wine can be substituted for lemon, if liked. SLIPPERY-ELM BARK TEA. ale cear ste pour boiling water over it, cover, and let it infuse Break the bark into bits, po g until cold. Sweeten, ice, and take for summer disorders, or add lemon juice and drink for a bad cold. 472 FOR THE SICK. FLAX-SEED TEA. Upon an ounce of unbruised flax-seed and a little pulverized liquorice-root pour a pint of boiling (soft or rain) water; and place the vessel containing these ingredients near, but not on, the fire for four hours. Strain through a linen cloth. Make it fresh every day. An excellent drink in fever accompanied by a cough. FLAX-SEED LEMONADE. To a large tablespoonful of flax-seed, allow a tumbler and a half of cold water. Boil them together till the liquid becomes very sticky. Then strain it hot over a quarter of a pound of pulverized sugar, and an ounce of pulverized gum arabic. Stir it till quite dissolved, and squeeze into it the juice of a lemon. This mixture has frequently been found an efficacious remedy for a cold, taking a wine-glass of it as often as the cough is troublesome. TAMARIND WATER. Put tamarinds into a pitcher or tumbler till it is one-third full; then fill up with cold water, cover it, and let it infuse for a quarter of an hour or more. Currant jelly or cranberry juice mixed with water makes a pleasant drink for an invalid. SAGO JELLY. Made the same as tapioca. If seasoning is not advisable, the sago may be boiled in milk, instead of water, and eaten plain. Rice jelly made the same, using only half as much rice as sago. ARROWROOT WINE JELLY. One cupful of boiling water, one scant tablespoonful of arrowroot; mix with a little cold water; one tablespoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, one tablespoonful of brandy, or three tablespoonfuls of wine. Excellent for a sick person without fever. HOMINY. Put to soak one pint of hominy in two and one-half pints of boiling water over night, in a tin vessel with a tight cover; in the morning add one-half pint of sweet milk, and a little salt. Place on a brisk fire in a kettle of boiling water, the tin vessel containing the hominy; let boil one-half hour. Cracked wheat, oatmeal, mush, are all good food for the sick. LOR THE SICK, CHICKEN JELLY. Cook a chicken in enough water to little more than cover it; let it stew gently until the meat drops from the bones, and the broth is reduced to about a pint; season it to taste, with a little salt and pepper. Strain and press, first through a colander, then through a coarse cloth. Set it over the fire again, and cook a few minutes longer. Turn it into an earthen vegetable dish to harden; set it on the ice in the refrigerator. Eat cold in slices. Nice made into sandwiches, with thin slices of bread, lightly spread with butter. BOILED RICE. Boil half a cupful of rice in just enough water to cover it, with half a tea spoonful of salt; when the water has boiled nearly out and the rice begins to look: soft and dry, turn over it a cupful of milk, and let it simmer until the rice is done and nearly dry; take from the fire and beat in a well-beaten egg. Hat it warm with cream and sugar. Flavor to taste. CUP PUDDING. Take one tablespoonful of flour, one egg; mix with cold milk and a pinch of salt to a batter. Boil fifteen minutes in a buttered cup. Eat with sauce, fruit, or plain sugar. TAPIOCA CUP PUDDING. This is very light and delicate for invalids. An even tablespoonful of tapioca, soaked for two hours in nearly a cup of new milk; stir into this the yolk of a fresh egg, a little sugar, a grain of salt, and bake it in a cup for fifteen minutes. A little jelly may be eaten with it, BAKED APPLES. , a little tart and juicy, but not sour; clean them nicely, and one in about an hour; Get nice fruit bake in a moderate oven—regulated so as to have them d when the skin cracks and the pulp breaks through in every direction they are done and ready to take out. Serve with white sugar sprinkled over them. SOFT TOAST. © thin slices of stale bread; put them ona alt, and pour upon them some boiling the same size, and drain off the water. Toast well, but not too brown, tw warm plate, sprinkle with a pinch of s ‘ water; quickly cover with another dish of Put a very small bit of butter on the toast and serve at once while hot. poe FOR THE SICK. IRISH MOSS BLANC MANGE. A small handful of moss (to be purchased at any drug store); wash it very carefully, and put it in one quart of milk on the fire. Let the milk simmer for about twenty minutes, or until the moss begins to dissolve. Then remove from the fire and strain through a fine sieve. Add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and half a teaspoonful of vanilla flavoring. Put away to harden in cups or molds, and serve with sugar and cream. A delicate dish for an invalid. EGG TOAST. Brown aslice of bread nicely over the coals, dip it in hot water slightly salted, butter it, and lay on the top an egg that has been broken into boiling water, and cooked until the white has hardened; season the egg with a bit of butter and a crumb of salt. The best way to cook eggs for an invalid is to drop them, or else pour boiling water over the egg in the shell and let it stand for a few minutes on the back of the stove. OYSTER TOAST. Make a nice slice of dry toast, butter it and lay it on a hot dish. Put six oysters, half a teacupful of their own liquor, and half a cupful of milk, into a tin cup or basin, and boil one minute. Season with a little butter, pepper and salt, then pour over the toast and serve. MULLED JELLY. Take one tablespoonful of currant or grape jelly; beat with it the white of one egg and a teaspoonful of sugar; pour on it a teacupful of boiling water, and break in a slice of dry toast or two crackers. CUP CUSTARD. Break into a coffee-cup an egg, put in two teaspoonfuls of sugar, beat it up thoroughly, a pinch’ of salt and a pinch of grated nutmeg; fill up the cup with good sweet milk; turn it into another cup, well buttered, and set it in a pan of boiling water, reaching nearly to the top of the cup. Set in the oven, and when the custard is set, itis done. Eat cold. CLAM BROTH. Select twelve small, hardshell clams, drain them, and chop them fine; add half a pint of clam juice or hot water, a pinch of cayenne, and a walnut of LOR THE SICK. 475 [oat butter; simmer thirty minutes; add a gill of boiled milk, strain, and serve. This is an excellent broth for weak stomachs. MILK OR CREAM CODFISH. This dish will often relish when a person is recovering from sickness, when nothing else would. Pick up a large tablespoonful of salt codfish very fine; freshen it considerably by placing it over the fire in a basin, covering it with cold water as it comes to a boil; turn off the water and freshen again if very salt, then turn off the water until dry, and pour over half a cupful of milk or thin cream; add a bit of butter, a sprinkle of pepper, and a thickening made of one teaspoonful of flour or corn-starch, wet up with alittle milk; when this boils up, turn over a slice of dipped toast. CRACKER PANADA. Break in pieces three or four hard crackers that are baked. quite brown, and let them boil fifteen minutes in one quart of water; then remove from the fire, let them stand three or four minutes, strain off the liquor through a fine wire sieve, and season it with sugar. This is a nourishing beverage for infants that are teething, and with the addition of a little wine and nutmeg, is often prescribed for invalids recovering from a fever. BREAD PANADA Put three gills of water and one tablespoonful of white sugar on the fire, and just before it boils add two tablespoonfuls of the crumbs of stale white bread; stir it well, and let it boil three or four minutes; then add one glass of white wine, a grated lemon and a little nutmeg; let it boil up once, then remove it from the fire, and keep it closely covered until it is wanted for use. SLIPPERY-ELM TEA. Put a teaspoonful of powdered slippery-elm into a tumbler, pour cold water upon it, and season with lemon and sugar. TOAST WATER, OR CRUST COFFEE. ces of crusts of bread, the end pieces of the loaf; toast them a are to be taken that they do not burn in the least, as that Put the browned crusts into a large milk pitcher, and pour over them; cover the pitcher closely, and let steep Take stale pie nice, dark brown, ¢ affects the flavor. enough boiling water over to co until cold. Strain, and sweeten to taste; put a piece of ice in each glass. This is also good, drank warm with cream and sugar, similar to coffee. 476 FOR THE SICK, PLAIN MILK TOAST. Cut a thin slice from a loaf of stale bread, toast it very quickly, sprinkle a little salt over it, and pour upon it three tablespoonfuls of boiling milk or cream. Crackers split and toasted in this manner, are often very grateful to an invalid, LINSEED TEA. Put one tablespoonful of linseed into a stew-pan with half a pint of cold water; place the stew-pan over a moderate fire, and, when the water is quite warm, pour it off, and add to the linseed half a pint of fresh cold water; then let the whole boil three or four minutes; season it with lemon and sugar. POWDERS FOR CHILDREN. A very excellent carminative powder for flatulent infants may be kept in the house, and employed with advantage whenever the child is in pain or griped, dropping five grains of oil of anise-seed and two of peppermint on half an ounce of lump sugar, and rubbing it in a mortar, with a drachm of magnesia, into a fine powder. A small quantity of this may be given in a little water at any time, and always with benefit. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Tie a quarter of a pound of wheat flour in a thick cloth, and boil it in one quart of water for three hours; then remove the cloth and expose the flour to the air or heat until it is hard and dry; grate from it, when wanted, one table- spoonful, which put into half a pint of new milk, and stir over the fire until it comes to a boil, when add a pinch of salt and a tablespoonful of cold water, and serve. This gruel is excellent for children afflicted with summer complaint. Or, brown a tablespoonful of flour in the oven or on top of the stove on a baking-tin; feed a few pinches at a time to a child, and it will often check a diarrhcea. The tincture of “kino’’—of which from ten to thirty drops, mixed . with a little sugar and water in a spoon, and given every two or three hours, 1s very efficacious and harmless—can be procured at almost any druggist’s. Tablespoon doses of pure cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt, has cured when all else failed. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. This recipe may be found under the head of ‘‘ Coffee, Tea, Beverages.” It will be found an excellent medicine for children teething and summer diseases. FOR THE SICK. ACID DRINKS. 1. Peel thirty large Malaga grapes, and pour half a pint of boiling water upon them; cover them closely, and let them steep until the water is cold. 2. Pour half a pint of boiling water upon one tablespoonful of currant jelly, and stir until the jelly is dissolved. 3. Cranberries and barberries may be used in the same way to make very refreshing acid drinks for persons recovering from fevers. DRAUGHTS FOR THE FEET. Take a large leaf from the horseradish plant, and cut out the hard fibres that run through the leaf; place it on a hot shovel for a moment to soften it, fold it, and fasten it closely in the hollow of the foot by a cloth bandage. Burdock-leaves, cabbage-leaves, and mullen-leaves, are used in the same manner, to alleviate pain and promote perspiration. Garlics are also made for draughts by pounding them, placing them on a hot tin plate for a moment to sweat them, and binding them closely to the hollow of the foot by a cloth bandage. Draughts of onions, for infants, are made by roasting onions in hot ashes, and, when they are quite soft, peeling off the outside, mashing them, and app!x- ing them on a cloth as usual. POULTICES. A Bread and Milk Poultice.—Put a tablespoonful of the crumbs of stale bread into a gill of milk, and give the whole one boil up. Or, take stale bread- crumbs, pour over them boiling water and boil till soft, stirring well; take from the fire and gradually stir in a little glycerine or sweet oil, so as to render the poultice pliable when applied. A Hop Poultice.—Boil one handful of dried hops in half a pint of water, until the half pint is reduced to a gill, then stir into it enough Indian meal to thicken it. A Mustard Poultice.—Into one gill of boiling water stir one tablespoonful of Indian meal; spread the paste thus made upon a cloth, and spread over the paste one teaspoonful of mustard flour. If you wish a mild poultice, use a cea- spoonful of mustard as it is prepared for the table, instead of ae mustard flour. Equal parts of ground mustard and flour made into a paste with warm water, and spread between two pieces of muslin, form the indispensable niustard plaster. : Say : : ae ae A Ginger Poultice.—This 1s made like a mustard poultice, using grou 478 FOR THE SICK. ginger instead of mustard. A little vinegar is sometimes added to each of these poultices. A Stramonium Poultice.—Stir one tablespoonful of Indian meal into a gill of boiling water, and add one tablespoonful of bruised stramonium seeds. Wormwood and Arnica are sometimes applied in poultices. Steep the herbs in half a pint of cold water, and when all their virtue is extracted stir in a little bran or rye-meal to thicken the liquid; the herbs must not be removed from the liquid. This is a useful application for sprains and bruises. Linseed Poultice.—Take four ounces of powdered linseed, and gradually sprinkle it-into a half pint of hot water. A REMEDY FOR BOILS. An excellent remedy for poils is water of a temperature agreeable to the feelings of the patient. Apply wet linen to the part affected, and frequently renew or moisten it. It is said to be the most effectual remedy known. Take inwardly some good blood purifier. CURE FOR RINGWORMS. Yellow dock, root or leaves, steeped in vinegar, will cure the worst case of ringworm. HOW COLDS ARE CAUGHT. A great many cannot see why it is they do not take a cold when exposed tu cold winds and rain. The fact is, and ought to be more generally understood, that nearly every cold is contracted indoors, and is not directly due to the cold outside, but to the heat inside. A man will go to bed at night feeling as well as usual and get up in the morning with a royal cold. He goes peeking around in search of cracks and keyholes and tiny drafts. Weather-strips are procured, and the house made as tight as a fruit-can. In afew days more the whole family has colds. Let a man go home, tired or exhausted, eat a fullsupper of starchy and vege- table food, occupy his mind intently for a while, go to bed in a warm, close room, and if he doesn’t have a cold in the morning it will be a wonder. A drink of whiskey or a glass or two of beer before supper will facilitate matters very much, People swallow more colds down their throats than they inhale or receive from contact with the air, no matter how cold or chilly it may be. Plain, light suppers are good to go to bed on, and are far more conducive to refreshing sleep than a glass of beer or a dose of chloral: In the estimation of a great many this statement is rank heresy, but in the light of science, common sense and experience it is gospel truth. Pure air is strictly essential to maintain perfect health. If a person i accus- tomed to sleeping with the windows open there is but little danger of taking cold winter or summer. Persons that shut up the windows to keep out the “ night air” make a mistake, for at night the only air we breathe is ‘‘ night air, ‘ and we need good air while asleep as much or even more; than at any, other ne of day. Ventilation can be accomplished by simply opening ene window aN oe at the bottom and also at the top, thus letting the pure air in, the bad air going 480 HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. outward at the top. Close, foul air poisons the blood, brings on disease which often results in death; this poisoning of the blood is only prevented by pure air, which enters the lungs, becomes charged with waste particles, then thrown out, and which are poisoning if taken back again. It is estimated that a grown person corrupts one gallon of pure air every minute, or twenty-five barrels full in a single night, in breathing alone. Clothing that has been worn through the day should be changed for fresh or dry ones to sleep in. Three pints of moisture, filled with the waste of the body, are given off every twenty-four hours, and this is mostly absorbed by the clothing. Sunlight and exposure to the air purifies the clothing of the poisons which nature is trying to dispose of, and which would otherwise be brought again into contact with the body. Colds are often taken by extreme cold and heat, and a sudden exposure to cold by passing from a heated room to the cold outside air. Old and weak persons, especially, should avoid such extreme change. In passing from warm ‘crowded rooms to the cold air, the mouth should be kept closed, and all the breathing done through the nostrils only, that the cold air may be warmed before it reaches the lungs, or else the sudden change will drive the blood from the surface of the internal organs, often producing congestions. Dr. B. I. Kendall writes that ‘the temperature of the body should be evenly and properly maintained to secure perfect health; and to accomplish this purpose requires great care and caution at times. The human body is, so to speak, the most delicate and intricate piece of machinery that could possibly be conceived of, and to keep this in perfect order requires constant care. It is a fixed law of Nature that every violation thereof shall be punished; and so we find that he who neglects to care for his body by protecting it from sudden changes of weather, or draughts of cold air upon unprotected parts of the body, suffers the penalty by sickness, which may vary according to the exposure and the habits of the person, which affect the result materially; for what would be an easy day’s work for a man who is accustomed to hard labor, would be sufficient to excite the circulation to such an extent in a person unaccustomed to work, that only slight exposure might cause the death of the latter when over-heated in this way; while the same exercise and exposure to the man accustomed to hard labor might not affect him. So, we say, be careful of your bodies, for it is a duty you owe to yourselves, your friends, and particularly to Him who created you. When your body is over-heated and you are perspiring, be very careful about sitting down to ‘cool off,’ as the custom of some is, by removing a part of the clothing and sitting in a cool place, and perhaps where there is a draught of air HEAL TH-SUGGES TIONS, 481 passing over your body. The proper way to ‘cool off’ when over-heated is to put on more clothing, especially if you are in a cool place; part of the clothing you have already on. If possible, get near a fire where there is no wind blowing, and dry off gradually, instead of cooling off suddenly, which is always dangerous.” but never remove a Many colds are taken from the feet being damp or wet. To keep these extremities warm and dry is a great, preventative against the almost endless list of disorders which come from a ‘‘slight cold.” Many imagine if their feet are not thoroughly wet, there will be no harm arising from mere dampness, not knowing that the least dampness is absorbed into the sole, and is attracted nearer the foot itself by its heat, and thus perspiration is dangerously checked. WATER. All beings need drink as much as they need food, and it is just as necessary to health as pure air; therefore the water should be boiled or filtered before being drank. Rain-water filtered is probably the best attainable. Boiling the water destroys the vegetable and animal matter, and leaves the mineral matter deposited on the bottom of the vessel containing it; therefore it leaves it clear from poison- ous substances. REGULATION IN DIET. The food we eat is a very important item, and one which it would be difficult to arrange any rule for which would apply to all persons under different cir- cumstances. In health, it is safer to eat by instinct rather than to follow any definite rules. While there are many who have a scanty living, with a small variety of food, there is a large number who have an abundance and a large variety. The former class, in many cases, live miserable lives, either to hoard up for miserly purposes the money which might make them happy, or in some cases through poverty; while the latter class, as a rule, have better health and have much more enjoyment in_ this life, unless it be some who are gluttonous, and make themselves miserable by abusing the blessings they should enjoy. Avoid extremes in living too free or scanty; have a good nourishing diet, and a sufficient quantity, and it should always be properly cooks uo if the a is poorly done, it affects not only the nutritious qualities, but is ou so easily digested; thus making food, which is originally the best kind, a very little value to us; and with very poor cooking it is sometimes a positive injury. It is very important that the food be taken with regularity at the accustomed time. Be careful not to take too much drink during any meal; but, if thirsty, drink water before meal-time so that you will not care oe ee 23 482 HEALTH-SUGGES TIONS. after eating, as it is a bad plan to drink much either during or for a little time after the meal is taken. It is a very bad plan to hurry in eating, because by so doing the food is not properly masticated; it is better to be a long time in eating and chew the food well. —Dr. B. I. Kindall, Hnosburg Falls, Vt. HOW TO USE HOT WATER. One of the simplest and most effectual means of relieving pain is by the use of hot water, externally and internally, the temperature varying according to the feelings of the patient. For bruises, sprains, and similar accidental hurts, it should be applied immediately, as hot as can be borne, by means of a cloth dipped in the water and laid on the wounded part, or by immersion, if convenient, and the treatment kept up until relief is obtained. If applied at once, the use of hot water will generally prevent, nearly, if not entirely, the bruised flesh from turning black. For pains resulting from indigestion, and known as wind colic, etc., a cupful of hot water, taken in sips, will often relieve at once. When that is insufficient, a flannel folded in several thicknesses, large enough to fully cover the painful place, should be wrung out of hot water and laid over the seat of the pain. It should be as hot as the skin can bear without injury, and be renewed every ten minutes or oftener, if it feels cool, until the pain is gone. The remedy is simple, efficient, harmless, and within the reach of every one; and should be more generally used than it is. If used along with common sense, it might save many a doctor’s bill, and many a course of drug treatment as well. GROWING PAINS CURED. Following in our mother’s footsteps, we have been routed night after night from our warm quarters, in the dead of winter, to kindle fires and fill frosty kettles from water-pails thickly crusted with ice, that we might get the writhing pedal extremities of our little heir into a tub of water as quickly as possible. But lately we have learned that all this work and exposure is needless. We simply wring a towel from salted water—a bowl of it standing in our sleeping room, ready for su¢h an emergency—wrap the limb in it from the ankle to knee, without taking the child from his bed, and then swathe. with dry flannels, thick and warm, tucking the blankets about him a little closer, and relief is sure. —Good Housekeeping. HOW TO KEEP WELL. Don’t sleep in a draught. Don’t go to bed with cold feet. Don’t stand over hot-air registers. HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. Don’t eat what you do not need, just to save it. Don’t try to get cool too quickly after exercising. Don’t sleep in a room without ventilation of some kind. Don’t stuff a cold lest you should be next obliged to starve a fever. Don’t sit in a damp or chilly room without a fire. Don’t try to get along without flannel underclothing in winter. DIPHTHERIA. A gargle of sulphur and water has been used with much success in cases of diphtheria. Let the patient swallow a little of the mixture. Or, when you dis- cover that your throat is a little sore, bind a strip of flannel around the throat, wet in camphor, and gargle salt and vinegar occasionally. COLDS AND HOARSENESS. Borax has proved a most effective remedy in certain forms of colds. In sudden hoarseness or loss of yoice in public speakers or singers, from colds, relief for an hour or so may be obtained by slowly dissolving, and partially swallow- ing, a lump of borax the size of a garden pea, or about three or four grains held in the mouth for ten or fifteen minutes before speaking or singing. This pro- duces a profuse secretion of saliva, or “ watering ”’ of the mouth and throat, just as wetting brings back the missing notes to a flute when it is too dry. A flannel dipped in boiling water, and sprinkled with turpentine, laid on the chest as quickly as possible, will relieve the most severe cold or hoarseness. Another simple, pleasant remedy is furnished by beating up the white of one sweetening with white sugar to ege, adding to it the juice of one lemon, and Tt has been known to effectually 5D) taste. Take a teaspoonful from time to time. cure the ailment. Or, bake a lemon or sour orange done, open at one end and take out the inside. This is an excellent remedy for hoarseness. An old time and good way to relieve a cold is to go t drinking nothing, not even water, for twenty-four hours, and eating as little as possible. Or, go to bed; put your fect in hot mustard and water; put a bran or oatmeal poultice on the chest; take ten grains of Dover’s powder, and an hour afterwards a pint of hot gruel; in the morning, rub the body all over with a ake a dose of aperient medicine. ellent to promote perspiration in not to get chilled by twenty minutes in a moderate oven. When SGweeten with sugar or molasses. o bed, and stay there, coarse towel, and t Violet, pennyroy case of sudden chill. exposure to fresh out-door air. al, or boneset tea, 1s eXc Care should be taken next day 484 HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS., MOLASSES POSSET. This old-fashioned remedy for a cold is as effectual now as it was in old times. Put into a sauce-pan a pint of the best West India molasses, a teaspoon- ful of powdered white ginger, and a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Set it over the fire, and simmer it slowly for half an hour, stirring it frequently. Do not let it come to a boil. Then stir in the juice of two lemons, or two table- spoonfuls of vinegar, cover the pan and let it stand by the fire five minutes longer. This is good fora cold. Some of it may be taken warm at once, and the remainder kept at hand for occasional use. It is the preparation absurdly called by the common people a stewed quaker. Half a pint of strained honey mixed cold with the juice of a lemon, and a tablespoonful of sweet oil, is another remedy for a cold; a teaspoonful or two to be taken whenever the cough is troublesome. COUGH SYRUP. Syrup of squills four ounces, syrup of tolu four ounces, tincture of bloodroot one and one-half ounces, camphorated tincture of opium four ounces. Mix. Dose for an adult, one teaspoonful repeated every two to four hours, or as often as necessary. LEANNESS Ts caused generally by lack of power in the digestive organs to digest and assimilate the fat-producing elements of food. First restore digestion, take plenty of sleep, drink all the water the stomach will bear in the morning on rising, take moderate exercise in the open air, eat oatmeal cracked wheat, Graham mush, baked sweet apples, roasted and broiled beef; cultivate jolly people, and bathe daily. r FOR TOOTHACHE. The worst toothache, or neuralgia coming from the teeth, may be speedily and delightfully ended by the application of a bit of clean cotton, saturated in a solution of ammonia, to the defective tooth. Sometimes the late sufferer is prompted to momentary laughter by the application, but the pain will disappear. Alum reduced to a powder, a teaspoonful of the powder and an equal quan- tity of fine salt well mixed, applied to the gums by dipping your moistened finger in the mixed powder; put some also in the tooth, and keep rubbing the gums with it; it scarcely ever fails to cure. HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. TO CURE A STING OF A BEE OR WASP. Bind on common baking-soda, dampened with water. Or mix common earth with water to about the consistency of mud. TO CURE EARACHE. Take a bit of cotton batting, put on it a pinch of black pepper, gather it up and tie it, dip it in sweet oil, and insert it in the ear; put a flannel bandage over the head to keep it warm; it often gives immediate relief. Tobacco smoke, puffed into the ear, has oftentimes been effectual. Another remedy: Take equal parts of tincture of opium and glycerine. Mix, and from a warm teaspoon drop two or three drops into the ear, and stop the ear tight with cotton, and repeat every hour or two. If matter should form in the ear, make a suds with castile soap and warm water about 100° F., or a little more than milk warm, and have some person inject it into the ear while you hold that side of the head the lowest. If it does not heal in due time, inject a little carbolic acid and water in the proportion of one drachm of the acid to one pint of warm water each time after using the suds. CROUP. Croup, it is said, can be cured in one minute, and the remedy is simply alum Take a knife or grater, and shave off in gmall particles about a tea- spoonful of alum; then mix it with twice its amount of sugar, to make it palata- ble, and administer it as quickly as possible. Almost instantaneous relief will Turpentine is said to be an excellent remedy for croup. Saturate a y it to the chest and throat, and take inwardly three and sugar. follow. piece of flannel, and app! or four drops on a lump of sugar. Another remedy.—Give a teaspoonful of ipecacuanha wine every few minutes, until free vomiting is excited. Another recipe said to be most reliable: Take two ounces of the wine of ipecac, hive syrup four ounces, tincture of bloodroot two ounces. Mix it well. Dose, for a child one year old, five to ten drops; two years, eight to twelve drops; three years, twelve to fifteen drops; four years old, eS to twenty drops; five years old twenty to twenty-five drops, and older children in propor: shall be necessary to procure relief. If it is tion to age. Repeat as often as st] > ranedr A p 5 n 3 thought best to produce vomiting, repeat the dose every ten or fifteen minute for a few doses. 480 HEALVH-SUGGESTIONS. BURNS AND SCALDS. A piece of cotton wadding, spread with butter or sweet oil, and bound on the burn instantly, will draw out the pain without leaving a scar; also a handful of flour, bound on instantly, will prevent blistering. The object is to entirely exclude the air from the part affected. Some use common baking-soda, dry or wet, often giving instant relief, withdrawing the heat and pain. Another valuable remedy is to beat the yellow of an egg into linseed oil, and apply it with a feather on the injured part frequently. It will afford ready relief, and heals with great rapidity. Some recommend the white part of the egg, which is very cooling and soothing, and soon allays the smarting pain, It is the exposure of the part coming in contact with the air that gives the extreme discomfort experienced from ordinary afflictions of this kind, and anything which excludes air and pre- vents inflammation is the thing to be at once applied. TO STOP THE FLOW OF BLOOD. For a slight cut there is nothing better to control the hemorrhage than com- mon unglazed brown wrapping paper, such as is used by marketmen and gzocers; a piece to be bound over the wound. A handful of four bound om the cut. Cobwebs and brown sugar, pressed on like lint. When the blood ceases to flow, apply arnica or laudanum. When an artery is cut the red blood spurts out at each pulsation. Press the thumb firmly over the artery near the wound, and on the side towards the heart. Press hard enough to stop the bleeding, and wait till a physician comes. The wounded person is often able to do this himself, if he has the requisite knowledge. GRAVEL. Into a pint of water put two ounces of bicarbonate of soda. Take two table- spoonfuls in the early forenoon, and the same towards night; also drink freely of water through the day. Inflammation of the kidneys has been successfully treated with large doses of lime-water. Persons troubled with kidney difficulties should abstain from sugar and things that are converted into sugar in digestion, such as starchy food and sweet vegetables, SORE THROAT. Everybody has a cure for this trouble, but simple remedies appear to be most effectual. Salt and water is used by many as a gargle, but a little alum and honey dissolved in sage tea is better. An application of cloths wrung out of hot HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. 487 water and applied to the neck, changing as often as they begin to cool, has the most potency for removing inflammation of anything we ever tried. It should be kept up for a number of hours; during the evening is usually the most con- venient time for applying this remedy. *, Cut slices of salt pork or fat bacon, simmer a few moments in hot vinegar, and apply to throat as hot as possible. When this is taken off, as the throat is relieved, put around a bandage of soft flannel. A gargle of equal parts of borax and alum, dissolved in water, is also excellent. To be used frequently. Camphorated oil is an excellent lotion for sore throat, sore chest, aching limbs, etc. Fora gargle for sore throat, put a pinch of chlorate of potash in a glass of water. Gargle the throat with it twice a day, or oftener, if necessary. WHOOPING COUGH. Two level tablespoonfuls of powdered alum; two-thirds of a cupful of brown sugar, dissolved in two quarts of v rater; bottle and put in a dark closet where it is cool, For a child one year old, a teaspoonful three times a day on an empty stomach. For a child two years old, two teaspoonfuls for a dose. For a child five years The state of the bowels must be attended to, and the doses No other medicine to be taken, except an emetic, at first, ant, a milk diet is to be avoided. old, a tablespoonful. repeated accordingly. if desirable. Except in the case of an inf DIARRHEA. Tale tincture of Jamaica ginger one ounce, tincture of rhubarb one ounce, tincture of opium half ounce, tincture of cardamom one and one-half ounces, tincture of kino one ounce. Mix. Dose for an adult, half to one teaspoonful, and for children one year old, five drops; repeated every two to four hours; en to twelve drops, and older two years old, five to ten drops; three years old, t children in proportion to age. FOR CONSTIPATION. ten fasting is sufficient for some, and they are especially good One or two figs eat . 1 ] ale then A in the case of children, as there 1s no trouble in getting them to take them. A a simple remedy, and quite spoonful of wheaten bran in a glass of water 1s effective, taken half an hour before breakfast; fruit eaten raw; partake largely of laxative food; exercise in the open air; drink etc. It is impossible to give many of the numerous treatments in so short a DAC ‘ce it ‘ ; 9 ral character of our diet and experience is space, suffice it to say that the general freely of cold water during the day, 488 HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. such as to assure us that at least one-quarter of the food that we swallow is intended by nature to be evacuated from the system; and if it is nob, it is again absorbed into the system, poisoning the blood and producing much suffering and permanent disease. The évacuation of the bowels dazly, and above all, regularly, ig therefore all important to aid this form of disorder. RELIEF FROM ASTHMA. Sufferers from asthma should get a muskrat skin and wear it over their lungs, with the fur side next to the body. It will bring certain relief. Or, soak blotting-paper in saltpetre water, then dry, burning at night in the patient’s bedroom. Another excellent recipe : Take powdered liquorice root, powdered elecampane root, powdered anise-seed, each one drachm, powdered ipecac ten grains, powder- ed lobelia ten grains; add sufficient amount of tar to form into pills of ordinary size. Take three or four pills on going to bed at night. An excellent remedy for asthma or shortness of breath. RECIPES FOR FELONS. Take common rock galt, as used for salting down pork or beef, dry in an oven, then pound it fine and mix with spirits of turpentine in equal parts; put it in a rag and’ wrap it around the parts affected; as it gets dry put on more, and in twenty-four hours you are cured. The felon will be dead. Or purchase the herb of stramonium at the druggist’s; steep it and bind it on the felon; as soon as cold, put on new, warm herbs. It will soon kill it, ina few hours at least. Or saturate a bit or grated wild turnip, the size of a vean, with spirits of turpentine, and apply it to the affected part. It relieves the pain at once; in twelve hours there will be a hole to the bone, and the felon destroyed; then apply healing salve, and the finger is well. Another way to cure a Felon: Fill a tumbler with equal parts of fine salt and ice; mix well. Sink the finger in the centre, allow it to remain until it is nearly frozen and numb; then withdraw it, and when sensation is restored, renew the operation four or five times, when it will be found the disease is destroyed. This must be done before pus is formed. A simple remedy for felons, relieving pain at once, no poulticing, no cutting, no “‘holes to the bone,” no necessity for healing salve, but simple oil of cedar applied a few times at the commencement of the felon, and the work is done. HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS, REMEDY FOR LOCKJAW. If any person is threatened or taken with lockjaw from injuries of the arms, legs or feet, do not wait for a doctor, but put the part injured in the following preparation: Put hot wood-ashes into water as w. arm as can be borne; if the injured part cannot be put into water, then wet thick folded cloths in the water and apply them to the part as soon as possible, at the same time bathe the back- bone from the neck down with some laxative stimulant say cayenne pepper and water, or mustard and water (good vinegar is better than water); it should be as hot as the patient can bear it. Don’t hesitate; go to work and do it, and don’t stop until the jaws will come open. No person need die of lockjaw if these directions are followed. Cure for Lockjaw, said to be positive.—Let any one who has an attack of lockjaw take a-small quantity of spirits of turpentine, warm it, and pour it in the wound—no matter where the wound is or what its nature is—and relief will follow in less than one minute. Turpentine is also a sovereign remedy for croup. Saturate a piece of flannel with it, and place the flannel on the throat and chest —and in very severe cases, three to five drops on a lump of sugar may be taken internally. BLEEDING AT THE NOSE. Roll up a piece of paper and press it under the upper lip. In obstinate cases, blow a little gum arabic up the nostril through a quill, which will immediately stop the discharge; powdered alum, dissolved in water, is also good. Pressure by the finger over the small artery near the ala (wing) of the nose, on the side where the blood is flowing, is said to arrest the hemorrhage immediately. Some. times by wringing a cloth out of very hot water, and laying it on the back of the neck, gives relief. Napkins wrung out of cold water must be laid across the forehead and nose, the hands dipped in cold water, and a bottle of hot water applied to the feet. TO TAKE CINDERS FROM THE EYE. In most cases a simple and effective cure may be found in one or two grains of flax-seed, which can be placed in the eye without pain or injury. As they dissolve, a glutinous substance is formed, which envelops any foreign body that may be under the lid, and the whole is easily washed out. A dozen of these seeds should constitute a part of every traveller’s outfit. Another remedy for removing objects from the eye: see a horsehair =a double it, leaving a loop. If the object can be seen, lay the loop over it, close 490 HEAL TH-SUGGESTIONS. the eye, and the mote will come out as the hair is withdrawn. If the irritating object cannot be seen, raise the lid of the eye as high as possible and place the loop as far as you can, close the eye ard roll the ball around a few times, draw out the hair, and the substance which caused the pain will be sure to come with it. This method is practiced by axemakers and other workers in steel — Montreal Star. EYE-WASHES. The best eye-wash for granulated lids and inflammation of the eyes is com- posed of camphor, borax and morphine, in the following proportions: To a large wine-glass of camphor water—not spirits—add two grains of morphine and six grains of borax. Pour a few drops into the palm of the hand, and hold the eye in it, opening the lid as much as possible. Do this three or four times in twenty-four hours, and you will receive great relief from pain and smarting soreness. This recipe was received from a celebrated oculist, and has never failed to relieve the most inflamed eyes. Another remedy said to be reliable: A lump of alum as large as a cranberry boiled in a teacupful of sweet milk, and the curd used as a poultice, is excellent for inflammation of the eyes. Another wash : A cent’s worth of pure, refined white copperas, dissolved in a pint of water, is also a good lotion; but label it povson, as it should never go near the mouth. Bathe the eyes with the mixture, either with the hands or a small piece of linen cloth, allowing some of the liquid to get under the lids. Here is another from an eminent oculist : Take half an ounce of rock salt and one ounce of dry sulphate of zinc ; simmer in a clean, covered porcelain vessel with three pints of water until all are dissolved; strain through thick muslin; add one ounce of rose-water; bottle and cork it tight. To use it, mix one tea- spoonful of rain-water with one of the eye-water, and bathe the eyes frequent- ly. If it smarts too much, add more water. SUNSTROKE. Wrap a wet cloth bandage over the head; wet another cloth, folded small, square, cover it thickly with salt, and bind it on to the back of the neck; apply dry salt behind the ears. Put mustard plasters to the calves of the legs and soles of the feet. This is an effectual remedy. TO REMOVE WARTS. Wash with water saturated with common washing-soda, and let it dry with- put wiping; repeat frequently until they disappear. Or pass a pin through the HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. 491 wart and hold one end of it over the flame of a c fires by the heat, and it will disappear. Another treatment of warts is to pare the hard and dry skin from their tops, and then touch them with the smallest drop of strong acetic acid, taking care that the acid does not run off the wart upon the neighboring skin; for if it does, it will occasion inflammation and much pain. If this is continued once or twice daily, with regularity, paring the surface of the wart occasionally when it gets hard and dry, the wart will be soon effectually cured. andle or lamp until the wart SWAIM’S VERMIFUGE. Worm seed, two ounces; valerian, rhubarb, pink root, white agaric, senna, of each one ounce and a half. Boil in sufficient water to yield three quarts of decoction. Now add to it ten drops of the oil of tansy and forty-five drops of the oil of cloves, dissolved in a quart of rectified spirit. Dose: one tablespoonful at night. ; FAINTING. (Syncope.) Immediately place the person fainting in a lying position, with head lower than body. In this way consciousness returns immediately, while in the erect position it often ends in death. FOR SEVERE SPRAINS. The white of an egg, a tablespoonful of vinegar and a tablespoonful of spirits of turpentine. Mix in a bottle, shake thoroughly, and bathe the sprain as soon as possible after the accident. This was published in Lafe Secrets, but it is republished by request on account of its great value. It should be remembered by every one. An invaluable remedy for a sprain or bruise is wormwood boiled in vinegar and applied hot, with enough cloths wrapped around it to keep the sprain moist. CAMPHORATED OIL. Best oil of Lucca; gum camphor. Pound some gum camphor and fill a wide- necked pint bottle one-third full; fill up with olive oil, and set away until the camphor is absorbed. Excellent lotion for sore chest, sore throat, aching limbs, etc. LINIMENT FOR CHILBLAINS. Spirits of turpentine, three drachms; camphorated oil, nine drachms. Mix for aliniment. For an adult four drachms of the fence and eight of the latter may be used. If the child be young, or if the skin be tender, the camphorated oil may be used without the turpentine. 492 HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. “THE SUN’S” CHOLERA MIXTURE. More than forty years ago, when it was found that prevention for the Asiatic cholera was easier than cure, the learned doctors of both hemispheres drew up a prescription, which was published (for working people) in The New York Sun, and took the name of “The Sun Cholera Mixture.’’? It is found to be the best remedy for looseness of the bowels ever yet devised. It is to be commended for several reasons. It is not to be mixed with liquor, and therefore will not be used as an alcoholic beverage. Its ingredients are well known among all the common people, and it will have no prejudice to combat; each of the materials is in equal proportions to the others, and it may therefore be compounded without pro- fessional skill; and as the dose is so very small, it may be carried in a tiny phial in the waistcoat pocket, and be always at hand. It is: Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture of rhu- barb, essence of peppermint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose fifteen to thirty drops in a wine-glass of water, according to age and violence of the attack. Repeat every fifteen or twenty minutes until relief is obtained. No one who takes it in time will ever have the cholera. Even when no cholera is antici- pated, it is a valuable remedy for ordinary summer complaints, and should always be kept in readiness. COMP. CATHARTIC ELIXIR. The only pleasant and reliable cathartic in liquid form that can be prescribed. Each fluid ounce contains: sulph. magnesia one dr., senna two drs., scam- mony six grs., liquorice one dr., ginger three grs., coriander, five grs., with flavor- ing ingredients. Dose.—Child five years old, one or two teaspoonfuls; adult, one or two table- spoonfuls. This preparation is being used extensively throughout the country. It was originated with the design of furnishing a liquid cathartic remedy that could be ‘ prescribed in a palatable form. It will be taken by children with a relish. GRANDMOTHER’S COUGH SYRUP. Take half a pound of dry hoarhound herbs, one pod of red pepper, four table- spoonfuls of ginger, boil all in three quarts of water, then strain; and add one teaspoonful of good, fresh tar and a pound of sugar. Boil slowly and stir often, until it is reduced to one quart of syrup. When cool, bottle for use. Take one or two teaspoonfuls four or six times a day. HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. GRANDMOTHER’S UNIVERSAL LINIMENT. One pint of alcohol, and as much camphor gum as can be dissolved in it, half an ounce of the oil of cedar, one-half ounce of the oil of sassafras, aqua ammo- nia, half an ounce, and the same amount of the tincture of morphine. Shake well together, and apply by the fire; the liniment must not be heated, or come in contact with the fire, but the rubbing to be done by the warmth of the fire. These recipes of Grandmother’s are all old, tried medicines, and are more effectual than most of those that are advertised, as they have been thoroughly tried, and proved reliable. GRANDMOTHER’S FAMILY SPRING BITTERS. Mandrake root, one ounce; dandelion root, one ounce; burdock root, one ounce; yellow dock root, one ounce; prickly ash berries, two ounces; marsh mal- low, one ounce; turkey rhubarb, half an ounce; gentian, one ounce; English camomile flowers, one ounce; red clover tops, two ounces. Wash the herbs and roots; put them into an earthen vessel, pour over two quarts of water that has been boiled and cooled; let it stand over night and soak; in the morning, set it on the back of the stove, and steep it five hours; it must not boil, but nearly ready to boil. Strain it through a cloth, and add half a pint of good gin. Keep it ina cool place. Half a wine-glass taken as a dose twice a day. This is better than all the patent blood-medicines that are in the market—a superior blood purifier, and will cure almost any malignant sore, by taking according to direction, and washing the sore with a strong tea of red raspberry leaves steeped, first washing the sore with castile soap, then drying with a soft cloth, and washing it with the strong tea of red raspberry leaves. GRANDMOTHER’S EYE-WASH. Take three fresh eggs, and break them into one quart of clear, cold rain- water; stir until thoroughly mixed; bring to a boil on a slow firs, stirring often; then add half an ounce of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol); continue the boiling for two minutes, then set it off the fire. Take the curd that settles at the bottom of this and apply to the eye at night with a bandage. It will speedily Strain the liquid through a cloth and use for This is the best eye-water ever made for man draw out all fever and soreness. bathing the eyes occasionally Hee : or beast. I have used it for twenty years without knowing it to fail. A494 HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS. HUNTER’S PILLS. These pills can be manufactured at home, and are truly reliable, having been gold and used for more than fifty years in Europe. The ingredients may be pro- cured at almost any druggist’s. The articles should be all in the powder. Saffron, one grain; rue, one grain; Scot aloes, two grains; savin one grain; cayenne pepper, one grain: Mix all into a very thick mass by adding sufficient syrup. Rub some fine starch on the surface of a platter or large dinner-plate, then with your forefinger and thumb nip off a small piece of the mass the size of a pill and roll it in pill form, first dipping your fingers in the starch. Place them as fast as made on the platter, set where they will dry slowly. Put them into a dry bottle or paper box. Dose, one every night and morning as long as occasion requires. This recipe is worth ten témes the price of this book to any female requiring the need of these regulating pills. HINTS IN REGARD TO HEALTH. It is plainly seen by an inquiring mind that, aside from the selection and preparation of food, there are many little things constantly arising in the experi- ence of every-day life which, in their combined effect, are powerful agents in the formation (or prevention) of perfect health. A careful observance of these little occurrences, an inquiry into the philosophy attending them, lies within the province, and indeed should be considered among the highest duties, of every housekeeper. That one should be cautious about entering a sick room in a state of perspira- tion, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. Do not approach con- tagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts the vapor. That the flavor of cod-liver oil may be changed to the delightful one of fresh oyster, if the patient will drink a large glass of water poured from a vessel in. which nails have been allowed to rust. That a bag of hot sand relieves neuralgia. That warm borax water will remove dandruff. That salt should be eaten with nuts to aid digestion. That it rests you, in sewing, to change your position frequently. That a little soda water will relieve sick headache caused by indigestion. That a cupful of strong coffee will remove the odor of onions from the breath. That well-ventilated bedrooms will prevent morning headaches and lassitude. A cupful of hot water drank before meals will relieve nausea and dyspepsia. HEALTH-SUGGESTIONS, 495 That a fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by frequent sponging off with soda water. That consumptive night-sweats may be arrested by sponging the body nightly in salt water. That one in a faint should be laid flat on his back, then loosen his clothes and let him alone. The best time to bathe is just before going to bed, as any danger of taking cold is thus avoided; and the complexion is improved by keeping warm for several hours after leaving the bath. To beat the whites of eggs quickly add a pinch of salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly. Hot,. dry flannels, applied as hot as possible, for neuralgia. Sprains and bruises call for an application of the tincture of arnica. If an artery is severed, tie a small cord or handkerchief above it. For bilious colic, soda and ginger in hot water. It may be taken freely. Tickling in the throat is best relieved by a gargling of salt and water. Pains in the side are most promptly relieved by the application of mustard. For cold in the head, nothing is better than powdered borax, sniffed up the nostrils. A drink of hot, strong lemonade before going to bed will often break up a cold and cure a sore threat. Nervous spasms are usually relieved bya little salt taken into the mouth and allowed to dissolve. Whooping-cough paroxysms are relieved by breathing the fumes of turpen- tine and carbolic acid. Broken limbs should be placed in natural positions, and the patient kept quiet until the surgeon arrives. Hemorrhages of the lung of salt. The patient should be kept as quiet as possible. Sleeplessness caused by too much blood in the head may be overcome by applying a cloth wet with cold water to the back of the neck. Wind colic is promptly relieved by peppermint essence, taken in a little warm water. For small children it may be sweetened. Paregoric is also good. For stomach cramps, ginger ale or a teaspoonful of the tincture of ginger in a half glass of water in which a half teaspoonful of soda ee been dissolved. Sickness of the stomach is most promptly relieved by drinking a teacupful of Tf it brings the offending matter up, all the better. hot soda and water. : ae es A teaspoonful of ground mustard in a cupful of warm water 1s a prompt an s or stomach are promptly checked by small doses 496 HEAL TH-SUGGESTIONS. reliable emetic, and should be resorted to in cases of poisoning or cramps in the stomach from over-eating. Avoid purgatives or strong physic, as they not only do no good, but are posi- tively hurtful. Pills may relieve for the time, but they seldom cure. Powdered rosin is the best thing to stop bleeding from cuts. After the pow- der is sprinkled on, wrap the wound with soft cotton cloth. As soon as the wound begins to feel feverish, keep the cloth wet with cold water. Hggs are considered one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up slight- ly, with or without sugar, and swallowed, they tend by their emollient quali- ties to lessen the inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and by forming a transient coating on those organs, enable Nature to resume her healthful sway over the diseased body. Two, or at most, three, eggs per day, would be all that is required in ordinary cases; and, since the egg is not merely medicine, but food as well, the lighter the diet otherwise, and the quieter the patient is kept, the more certain and rapid is the recovery. Hot water is better than cold for bruises. It relieves pain quickly, and by preventing congestion often keeps off the ugly black and blue mark. “ Children ery for it,’’ when they experience the relief it affords their bumps and bruises. For a sprained ankle, the white of eggs and powdered alum made into a plaster is almost a specific. MEDICINAL FOOD. Spinach has a direct effect upon complaints of the kidneys; the common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the same trouble; asparagus purifies the blood; celery acts admirably upon the nervous system, and is a cure for rheumatism and neuralgia; tomatoes act upon the liver; beets and turnips are excellent appetizers; lettuce and cucumbers are cooling in their effects upon the system; beans are a very nutritious and strengthening vegetable; while onions, garlic, leeks, chives and shalots, all of which are similar, possess medical vir- tues of a marked character, stimulating the circulatory system, and the con- sequent increase of the saliva and the gastric juice promoting digestion. Red. onions are an excellent diuretic, and the white ones are recommended raw as aremedy for insomnia. They are tonic, nutritious. A soup made from onions is regarded by the French as an excellent restorative in debility of the digestive organs. We might go through the entire list and find each vegetable possessing its especial mission of cure, and it will be plain to every housekeeper that a vegetable diet should be partly adopted, and will prove of great advantage to the health of the family HOUSEKEEPER’S TIME-TABLE. Mode of Time of Timeof Preparation. Cooking. Digestion. Apples, sour, hard H. M. H. M Apples, sweet and mellow Beat RAW roi wigs et 2 50 ASpaATAgUA. +O Sie ses see IAW fing tails) ee mee ee 1 50 ‘Beans (pod) seer scene nes Boiled 15 to; 2 30 eons with green corn. Boiled 1 00 23 Boiled 45 3 45 Roasted 25 3 00 é Broiled 15 3 00 salted.. Fried 15 4 00 ag, fresh ete eee Boiled 35 4 15 Beets, young . Broiled 20 3 00 Beets, old .. Boiled 2 00 3 45 Bread, corn Boiled 4 30 4 00 Bread, wheat Baked 45 3 15 Bukhers st ae ee a el Baked 1 00 3 30 Cabbage -sictniroes- ee ae Melted fetes: 3 30 Cabbage and vinegar. Raw ys esses 2 30 Cabbage... ase. ss nee Raw : +s 2 00 Cauliflower she ee povled : 08 ~ os Cake, sponge ; Hele 1 : @ g Hee! orang ‘| Boiled 1 00 3 15 Cheese, old... | Ray as, Chicken.) ewe Brie a ae ie Codfish, dry and whole. ee eis 4 te 9 n Custard (one quart) ....... Baked 30 9 45 Dueck; tame; 322) oe Roasted 1 30 4 00 Muck }wild si. besa Rascted 100 4 650 Dumpling, apple............... fe Boiled 1 00 3 00 Mees, Heamdyrcsts here e pe anen eae ee eee | Boiled 10 3 30 ‘| Boiled 3 3 00 Fried 5 83 30 ‘ LS te aS [edn Gir aaa 2 00 Fowls, domesti Boiled 1 00 4 00 Gelatine | BERANE Tan} Bolede eee ee ae 2 30 Goose, wild.. Roasted. 20 2 30 Wainy es. ee citieroce Boiled 20 2 30 Meat and vegetables Hashed 30 2 30 UU GoM RCSB Rie oa adiqneass vaonu sche ves As ERA W Ses Wien Mase idomerare's 2 15 es BP RG states ace mien eae g ea e T Byoye (eta Bare Rots Mc alloy ns Ae 2 00 Mutton. Roast 25 3 15 Mutton Broiled 20 3 00 Onions Boiled 1-2 00 3 00 Oyste1 Roasted: 32 | eitestac 3 15 Oysters..... Stewed 5 3 30 Parsnips..... Boiled 1 00 3 00 Pigs’ feet.... Samsedias yy mek eae 1 00 Pork sso Roast 30 9 1d Ponkess meres Boiled 25 4 30 Pork, raw or .. Bried sj \ P Pah sie 415 orks Broiled. 20 3 15 Potatoe Boiled 30 3 30 Potatoes Toasted | 2% vOASTC! SS | Boiled 20 1 00 Salmon, fresh..... Bel - - ; a ss Priec at oe ee Sone: Broiled 20 3 30 é UE ON Gio cart attalioasie sah aldo ios Boiled 1 00 4 00 Eoup, ae ‘| Boiled 2 00 3 00 up, ch : | roiled 43.30 3 30 Soup, oyster or mutton : Boiled 1-2 00 2 30 Spinach’ o2..6 ose uhrer ee ee Mane Boiled ies 3 00 MA DIOCAHAG is oe poe eae Se eens Boi ed { 00 2 30 Tomatoes. . Fresh 1 30 2 30 POM ALORS he ead oa else ero ee NED Se Se 30 13 Trout, salon, fr es j 20 23 Turkey, boiled or ........--+-+2++++ tue - 45 3 3 a urnips HS pape oe ge tee Bro ‘od 20 4 00 Tint ice UAT INR Pe 9 1 35 V SHOAIK S Set occa wis Seine neta ateimeteambheh-garesinatiace Broiled 20 * Minutes to the pound. The time given is the general aver: 29 + Mutton soup. age; the time will vary slightly with t he quality of the article. ERS En = a USES OF AMMONIA. All housekeepers should keep a bottle of liquid ammonia, as it is the most powerful and useful agent for cleaning silks, stuffs and hats, in fact cleans everything it touches. A few drops of ammonia in water will take off grease from dishes, pans, etc., does not injure the hands as much as the use of soda and strong chemical soaps. A spoonful ina quart of warm water for cleaning paint, makes it look like new, and so with everything that needs cleaning. Spots on towels and hosiery will disappear with little trouble if a little ammonia is put into enough water to soak the articles, and they are left in it an hour or two before washing; and if a cupful is put into the water in which ' clothes are soaked the night before washing, the ease with which the articles can be washed, and their great whiteness and clearness when dried, will be very gratifying. Remembering the small sum paid for three quarts of ammonia of common strength, one can easily see that no bleaching preparation can be more cheaply obtained. No articles in kitchen use are so likely to be neglected and abused as the dish- cloths and dish-towels; and in washing these, ammonia, if properly used, is a greater comfort than anywhere else. Puta teaspoonful into the water in which these clothes are, or should be washed every day; rub soap on the towels. Put them in the water; let them stand half an hour or so; then rub them out thoroughly, rinse faithfully, and dry out-doors in clear air and sun, and dish- cloths and towels need never look gray and dingy—a perpetual discomfort to all housekeepers. A dark carpet often looks dusty soon after it has been swept, and you know it does not need sweeping again; so wet a cloth or a sponge, wring it almost dry, and wipe off the dust. A few drops of ammonia in the water will brighten the colors. 29 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES, 499 For cleaning hair-bru it is exc t: ; a g : a - i ok it is excellent; put a tablespoonful into the water, having it only tepid, and di dl 6 sees . : s y bey ae Ip up and down until clean; then dry with the brushes down, and they will be like new ones. When employed i i thine i : ; Pio ed in washing anything that is not especially soiled, use the waste water afterward for the house plants that are taken down from their us- ual position and immersed in the tub of water. Ammonia is a fertilizer, and Zer, a ps to keep h y the ple i ris ry in f i Beles to keep healthy the plants it nourishes. In every way, in fact, ammonia is the housekeeper’s friend. Ammonia is not only useful for cleaning, but as a household medicine. Half a teaspoonful taken in half a tumbler of water is far better for faintness than al- coholic stimulants. In the Temperance Hospital, in London, it is used with the best results. It was used freely by Lieutenant Greely’s Artic party for keep- ing up circulation. It is a relief in nervousness, headache, and heart disturb- ances. TO DESTROY INSECTS AND VERMIN. Dissolve two pounds of alum in three or four quarts of water. Let it remain over night, till all the alum is dissolved. Then, with a brush, apply, boiling hot, to every joint or crevice in the closet or shelves where croton bugs, ants, cock- roaches, etc., intrude; also to the joints and crevices of bedsteads, as bed bugs dislike it as much as croton bugs, roaches, or ants. Brush all the cracks in the floor and mopboards. Keep it boiling hot while using. To keep woolens and furs from moths, be sure that none are in the articles when they are put away; then take a piece of strong brown paper, with not a hole through which even a pin can enter. Put the article in it, with several lumps of gum camphor between the folds. Place this in a close box or trunk. A piece of cotton cloth, if thick and firm, will needle can pass, the parent moth can enter. Place pieces of camphor, cedar-wood, Russia leather, tobacco-leaves, whole cloves, or anything strongly aromatic, in the drawers or bon where furs and other things to be preserved from moths are kept, and they will never be harmed. Mice never get into drawers or trunks where gum camphor is placed. ne:—-Mix half a pint of alcohol, the same quantity of turpentine, Another recty ; and two ounces of camphor. Keep in a stone bottle, and shake well ene us- and crumbled-up pieces of ing. The clothes or furs are to be wrapped in linen, ide blotting-paper dipped in the liquid to be placed in the box with them, so that 1 smells strong. This requires ren Another authority says that a po Cover every joint with paper. answer. Wherever a knitting- ewing but once a year. sitive, sure recipe is this: Mix equal quan- 500 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. tities of pulverized borax, camphor gum and saltpetre together, making a pow- der. Sprinkle it dry under the edges of carpets, in drawers, trunks, etc., etc. It will also keep out all kinds of insects, if plentifully used. If the house- keeper will begin at the top of her house with a powder bellows and a large quan- tity of this fresh powder, and puff it, thoroughly into every crack and crevice, whether or not there are croton bugs in them, to the very bottom of her house, special attention being paid to old furniture, closets, and wherever croton water is introduced, she will be freed from these torments. The operation may re- quire a repetition, but the end is success. MOTHS IN CARPETS. If you fear that they are at work at the edge of the carpet, it will sometimes suffice to lay a wet towel, and press a hot flat-iron over it; but the best way is to take the carpet up, and clean it, and give a good deal of attention to‘the floor. Look in the cracks, and if you discover signs of moths, wash the floor with ben- zine, and scatter red pepper on it before putting the carpet liming down. Heavy carpets sometimes do not require taking up every year, unless in con- stant use. Take out the tacks from these, fold the carpets back, wash the floor in strong suds with a tablespoonful of borax dissolved in them. Dash with in- sect powder, or lay with tobacco leaves along the edge, and retack. Or use tur- pentine, the enemy of buffalo moths, carpet worms and other insects that injure and destroy carpets. Mix the turpentine with pure water in the proportion of three tablespoonfuls to three quarts of water, and then after the carpet has been well swept, go over each breadth carefully with a sponge dipped in the solution and wrung nearly dry. Change the water as often as it becomes dirty. The carpet will be nicely cleaned as well as disinfected. All moths can be kept away and the eggs destroyed by this means. Spots may be renovated by the use of ox-gall or ammonia and water. A good way to brighten a carpet is to put a half tumbler of spirits of turpen- tine in a basin of water, and dip your broom in it and sweep over the carpet once or twice, and it will restore the color and ‘brighten it up until you would think it new. Another good way to clean old carpets is to rub them over with meal; just dampen it a very little and rub the carpet with it, and when perfectly dry, sweep over with meal. After a carpet is thoroughly swept, rub it with a cloth dipped in water and ammonia: it will brighten the colors and make it look like new. TO TAKE OUT MACHINE GREASE. Cold water, a tablespoonful of ammonia, and soap, will take out machine grease where other means would not answer on account of colors running, etc. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. TO WASH FLANNELS. The first thing to consider in washing flannels so that they ret ain their size, is, that the article be washed and rinsed in water of the same te mperature, that is, about as warm as the hands can bear, and not allowed to cool between. The water should be a strong suds. Rub through two soapy waters; wring them out, and put into plenty of clear, clean, warm water to rinse. Then into another of the same temperature, blued a little. Wring, shake them well, and hang up. Do not take out of this warm water and hang out in a freezing air, as that cer- tainly tends to shrink them. It is better to dry them in the house, unless the sun shines. They should dry quickly. Colored flannels should never be washed in the same water after white clothes, or they will be covered, when dry, with lint; better be washed in a water for themselves. In washing worsted, such as merino dress goods, pursue the same course, only do not wring them hard; shake, hang them up and let drain. While a little damp, bring in and press smoothly on the wrong side with as hot an iron as can be used without scorching the goods. Flannels that have become yellow from being badly washed, may be nicely whitened by soaking them two or three hours in a lather made of one-quarter of a pound of soft soap, two tablespoonfuls of powdered borax, and two table- spoonfuls of carbonate of ammonia, dissolved in five or six gallons of water. TO STARCH, FOLD AND IRON SHIRTS. To three tablespoonfuls of dry, fine starch allow a quart of water. First wet the starch smooth in a little cold water in a tin pan, put into it a little pinch of salt and a piece of enamel, or shirt polish, the size of a bean, or a piece of clean tallow, or a piece of butter the size of a cranberry; pour over this a quart of boiling water, stirring rapidly, placing it over the fire. Cook until clear, then remove it from the fire and set the pan in another of warm water to keep the starch warm. Turn the shirt wrong side out and dip the bosom in the hot starch as warm. as the hands can bear the heat; rub the starch evenly through the linen, saturat- ing it thoroughly; wring hard to make dry as possible. Starch the eher ond wristbands the same way; then hang them out to dry. Three hours Poe f oe ing them, wet the bosoms and cuffs in cold water, wae oe seca and fold, roll up tightly, wrap in a towel and let remain two or ines fae oe The back of the shirt should be ironed first by doubling it cae hrougt. both sides of the sleeves; : pete xt, and the centre, the wristbands may be ironed ext, @ 2 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. then the collar band; now place a bosom board under the bosom and with a fresh clean napkin dampened a little, rub the bosom from the top towards the bottom, arranging and smoothing each plait neatly; then with a smooth, moderately hot flat-iron, begin ironing from the top downward, pressing hard until the bosom becomes smooth dry and glossy. Remove the bosom board and iron the front, fold both sides of the shirt towards the centre of the back, fold together below the bosom and hang: on the bars to air. CLEANING OIL-CLOTHS. A dingy oil-cloth may be brightened by washing it with clear water with a little borax dissolved in it; wipe it with a flannel cloth that you have dipped into milk, and then wring as dry as possible. TO CLEAN BLACK LACE. No. ft. A teaspoonful of gum arabic, dissolved in one teacupful of boiling water; when cool, add half a teaspoonful of black ink; dip the lace and spread smoothly between the folds of a newspaper and press dry with book or the like. Lace shawls can be dressed over in this way, by pinning’ a sheet to the carpet, and stretch- ing the shawl upon that; or black lace can be cleaned the same as ribbon and silk. Take an old kid glove (black preferable), no matter how old, and boil it in a pint of water for a short time; then let it cool until the leather can be taken in the hand without burning; use the glove to sponge off the ribbon; if the ribbon is very dirty, dip it into water and draw through the fingers a few times before sponging. After cleaning, lay a piece of paper over the ribbon, and iron; paper is better than cloth. The ribbon will look like new. TO CLEAN BLACK LACE. No. 2. Black laces of all kinds may be cleaned by alcohol. Throw them boldly into the liquid; churn them up and down till they foam; if very dusty, use the second dose of alcohol; squeeze them out, “‘spat’’ them, pull out the edges, lay them between brown paper, smooth and straight; leave under a heavy weight till dry; do not iron. TO WASH WHITE LACE. No. I. First, the soiled laces should be carefully removed from the garment and folded a number of times, keeping the edges evenly together, then basted with — a coarse thread without a knot in the end. Now put them in a basin of luke- warm suds. After soaking a half hour, rub them carefully between the hands, renewing the suds several times; then, after soaping them well, place them in MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES, cold water and let them come toa scald. Take them from this and rinse them thoroughly in luke-warm water, blued a very little, then dip them into a very thin, Clear starch, allowing a teaspoonful of starch to a pint of water, so thin that it will be scarcely perceptible. Now roll themina clean, fresh towel without taking out the bastings; let them lie for an hour or more; iron over several thick- nesses of flannel, taking out the bastings of one piece at a time, and ironing on the wrong side, with a moderately hot iron; the laces should be nearly ey and the edges and points pulled gently with the fingers into shape, before ironing. TO WASH WHITE THREAD LACE. No. 2. To wash white lace, cover a bottle with linen, stitched smoothly to fit the shape. Wind the lace about it, basting both edges to the linen. Wash on the bottle, soaping and rinsing well, then boil in soft water. Dry in the sun. Clip the basting threads and do not iron. If carefully done, it will look like new lace, TO CLEAN SILKS OR RIBBONS. Half a pint of gin, half a pound of honey, half a pound of soft soap, one- eighth of a pint of water. Mix the above ingredients together; then lay each breadth of silk upon a clean kitchen table or dresser, and scrub it well on the soiled side with the mix- ture. Have ready three vessels of cold water; take each piece of silk at two. corners, and dip it up and down in each vessel, but do not wring it; and take care that each breadth hag one vessel of quite clean water for the last dip. Hang it up dripping for a minute or two, then dab in a cloth, and iron it quickly with a very hot iron. Where the lace or silk is very much soiled, it is best to pass them through a warm liquor of bullock’s gall and water; rinse in cold water; then take a small piece of glue, pour boiling water on it, and pass the veil through it; clap it, and frame to dry. Instead of framing, it may be fastened with drawing-pins closely fixed upon a very clean paste, or drawing-board. TO CLEAN BLACK DRESS SILKS. One of the things ‘‘not generally known,”’ at least in this country, is the black silk; the modus operandi is very simple, and chieved in any other manner. The silk must be thoroughly brushed and wiped with a cloth, then laid flat eo a board or table, and well-sponged with hot coffee, thoroughly freed from sediment by Ge ing strained through muslin. The silk is sponged on the side intended to show; Parisian method of cleaning the result infinitely superior to that ai 504 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. #t is allowed to become partially dry, and then ironed on the wrong side. The coffee removes every particle of grease, and restores the brilliancy of silk, with- out imparting to it either the shiny appearance or crackly and papery stiffness obtained by beer, or, indeed, any other liquid. The silk really appears thickened. by the process, and this good effect is permanent. Our readers who will experi- mentalize on an apron or cravat, will never again try any other method. TO WASH FEATHERS. Wash in warm soap-suds and rinse in water a very little blued; if the feather is white, then let the wind dry it. When the curl has come out by washing the feather or getting it damp, place a hot flat-iron so that you can hold the feather just above it while curling. Take a bone or silver knife, and draw the fibres of the feather between the thumb and the dull edge of the knife, taking not more than three fibres at a time, beginning at the point of the feather and curling one-half the other way. The hot iron makes the curl more durable. After a little prac- tice one can make them look as well as new feathers. Or they can be curled by holding them over the stove or range, not near enough to burn; withdraw, and shake out; then hold them over again, until they curl. When swansdown be- comes soiled, it can be washed and look as well as new. ‘Tack strips on a piece of muslin and wash in warm water with white soap, then rinse and hang in the wind to dry. Rip from the. muslin, and rub carefully between the fingers to soften the leather. INCOMBUSTIBLE DRESSES. By putting an ounce of alum or sal ammoniac in the last water in which muslins or cottons are rinsed, or a similar quantity in the starch in which they are stiffened, they will be rendered almost uninflammable; or, at least, will with difficulty take the fire, and if they do, will burn without flame. It is astcnish- ing that this simple precaution is so rarely adopted. Remember this and save the lives of your children. HOW TO FRESHEN UP FURS. Furs when taken out in the fall are often found to have a mussed, crushed- out appearance. They can be made to look like new, by following these simple directions: Wet the fur with a hair-brush, brushing up the wrong way of the fur. Leave it to dry in the air for about half an hour, and then give it a good beating on the right side with a rattan. After beating it, comb it with a coarse comb, combing up the right way of the fur. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. NOVEL DRESS MENDING. A novel way of mending a woolen or silk dress in which a round hole has been torn, and where only a patch could remedy matters, is the following: The frayed portions around the tear should be carefully smoothed, and a piece of the material, moistened with very thin mucilage, placed under the hole. A heavy weight should be put upon it until it is dry, when it is only possible to discover the mended place by careful observation. TO RENEW OLD CRAPE. Place a little water in a teakettle, and let it boil until there is plenty of steam from the spout; then, holding the crape in both hands, pass it to and fro several times through the steam, and it will be clean and look nearly equal to new. TO RAISE THE PILE ON VELVET. To raise the pile on velvet, put ona table two pieces of wood; place between. them, bottom side up, three very hot flat-irons, and over them lay a wet cloth; hold the velvet over the cloth, with the wrong side down; when thoroughly steamed, brush the pile with a light wisp, and the velvet will look as good as new. TO CLEAN KID GLOVES. Make a thick mucilage by boiling a handful of flax-seed; add a little dissolved toilet soap; then, when the mixture cools, put the glove on the hands and rub them with a piece of white flannel wet with the mixture. Do not wet the Or take a fine, clean, soft cloth, dip it into a little sweet milk, gloves through. ap, and rub the gloves with it; they will look like then rub it on a cake of so new. Another good way to clean any color of kid gloves is to pour a little benzine into a basin and wash the gloves in it, rubbing and squeezing them until clean. If much soiled, they must be washed through clean benzine, and rinsed in a fresh supply. Hang up in the air to dry. STARCH POLISH. aceti and one ounce of white wax; melt and run it A piece the size of a quarter dollar added to a quart tiful lustre to the clothes and prevents the iron Take one ounce of sperm into a thin cake on a plate. of prepared starch gives a beau from sticking. FOR CLEANING JEWELRY. re is nothing better than ammonia and water. If For ing jewelry the Saeco aha d brush them in this wash, very dull or dirty, rub a little soap on @ soft brush an 506 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. rinse in cold water, dry first in an old handkerchief, and then rub with buck or chamois skin. Their freshness and brilliancy when thus cleaned cannot be sur- passed by any compound used by jewelers. TO CLEAN SILVER PLATE. Wash well in strong, warm soap-suds, rinse and wipe dry with a dry, soft cloth; then mix as much hartshorn powder as will be required into a thick paste, with cold water; spread this over the silver, with a soft cloth, and leave it for a little time to dry. When perfectly dry, brush it off with a clean soft cloth, or brush and polish it with a piece of chamois skin. Hartshorn is one of the best possible ingredients for plate powder for daily use. It leaves on the silver a deep, dark polish, and at the same time does not injure it. Whiting, dampened with liquid ammonia, is excellent also. TO REMOVE STAINS FROM MARBLE. Mix together one-half pound of soda, one-half pound of soft soap, and one pound of whiting. Boil them until they become as thick as paste, and let it cool. Before it is quite cold, spread it over the surface of the marble and leave it at least a whole day. Use asoft water to wash it off, and rub it well with soft cloths. For a black marble, nothing is better than spirits of turpentine. Another paste answers the same purpose: Take two parts of soda, one of pumice-stone, and one of finely-powdered chalk. Sift these through a fine sieve, and mix them into a paste with water. Rub this well all over the mar- ble, and the stains will be removed; then wash it with soap and water, and a beautiful bright polish will be produced. TO WHITEN WALLS. To whiten walls, scrape off all the old whitewash, and wash the walls with a solution of two ounces of white vitriol to four gallons of water. Soak a quarter of a pound of white glue in water for twelve hours; strain and place in a tin pail in a kettle of boiling water. When melted, stir in the glue eight pounds of whiting and water enough to make it as thick as common whitewash. Apply evenly with a good brush. If the walls are very yellow, blue the water slightly by squeezing in it a flannel blue-bag. Before kalsomining a wall, all cracks should be plastered over. Use plaster of Paris. Kalsomine may be colored easily by mixing with it yellow ochre, Span- ish brown, indigo; squeeze through a bag into the water, etc. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. PAPER-HANGERS’ PASTE. To make paper-hangers’ paste, beat up four pounds of good, white, wheat flour (well sifted previously) in sufficient cold water to form a stiff batter. Beat it well in order to take out all lumps, and then add enoug gh cold water to make the mixture of the consistency of pudding batter. To this add about two ounces of well-pounded alum. Pour gently and quickly over the batter boiling waiter, stirring rapidly at the same time, and when it is seen to lose the white color of the flour, it is cooked and ready. Do not use it, however, while hot, but allow it to cool. Pour about a pint of cold water over the top to prevent a skin from forming. Before using, the paste should be thinned by the addition of cold water. TO WASH COLORED GARMENTS. Delicately colored socks and stockings are apt to fade in washing. If they are soaked for a night in a pail of tepid water containing a half pint of turpen- tine, then wrung out and dried, the colors will ‘‘ set,” and they can afterwards be washed without, fading. For calicoes that fade, put a teaspoonful of sugar of lead into a pailful of water and soak the garment fifteen minutes before washing. THE MARKING SYSTEM. Mark all your own personal wardrobe which has to be washed. If this were invariably done, a great deal of property would be saved and a great deal of trouble would be spared. For the sake of saving trouble to others, if for no other reason, all of one’s handkerchiefs, collars and underclothing should be plainly and permanently marked. A bottle of indelible ink is cheap, a Co pout still cheaper, and a bright, sunny day or a hot flat-iron will eu the busi- ness, Always keep on hand a stick of linen tape, written over Jf whole length with your name, or the names of your family, ready to be cut off and coed on to stockings and such other articles as do not afford a good surface on which to mark. : Then there are the paper patterns, of which every mother has : store. On the outside of each, as it is tied up, the name of the cao should be plainly written. There are the rolls of pieces, which may contain a good deal not ap- All these hidden mysteries should be indicated. The parent from the outside. ay for summer, and the sum- winter things, which are wrapped up and put aw ‘ ea: chouldcal bein mer things, which are wrapped up and put away for the ae a i oak ie labeled packages, and every packing trunk should have on its i: a CO ; f Kages, — Congregationalist. or its contents. 508 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. TO REMOVE STAINS AND SPOTS. Children’s clothes, table linens, towels, etc., should be thoroughly examined before wetting, as soap-suds, washing-fluids, etc., will fix almost any stain past removal. Many stains will pass away by being simply washed in pure, soft. water; or alcohol will remove, before the article has been in soap-suds, many stains; iron-mold, mildew, or almost any similar spot, can be taken out by dipping in diluted citric acid; then cover with salt and lay in the bright sun till the stain disappears. If of long standing, it may be necessary to repeat the wet- ting and the sunlight. Be careful to rinse in several waters as soon as the stain is no longer visible. Ink, fruit, wine, and mildew stains must first be washed in clear, cold water, removing as much of the spots as can be; then mix one tea- spoonful of oxalic acid, and a half pint of rain water. Dip the stain in this, and. wipe off in clear water. Wash at once, if a fabric that will bear washing. A tablespoonful of white currant juice, if any can be had, is even better than lemon. This preparation may be used on the most delicate articles without in- jury. Shake it up before using it. Mark it “ poison,”’ and put it where it will not be meddled with. OIL STAINS IN SILK AND OTHER FABRICS. Benzine is most effectual, not only for silk, but for any other material what- ever. It can be procured from any druggist. By simply covering both sides of greased silk with magnesia, and allowing it to remain for a few hours, the oil ig absorbed by the powder. Should the first application be insufficient, it may be repeated, and even rubbed in with the hand. Should the silk be Tussah or Indian silk, it will wash. To remove an acid stain on violet silk: Brush the discoloration with tincture of iodine, then saturate the spot well with a solution of hypo-sulphite of soda, and dry gradually. This restores theoriginal color perfectly. Muriatic acid is successfully used for removing ink stains and iron mold on a number of colors which it does not attack. Sulphurous acid is only employed for whitening undyed goods, straw hats, etc., and for removing the stains of certain fruits on silks and woolens. Sul- phurous gas is also used for this purpose, but the liquid gas is safer. Oxalic acid is used for removing ink and rust stains, and remnants of mud stains, which do not yield to other deterrents. It may also be used for destroy- ing the stains of fruits and astringent juices, and old stains of urine. However, its use is limited to white goods, as it attacks fugitive colors, and even light MISCELLANEOUS Ue OEP ES. 509 shades of those reputed to be fast. it in cold or lukewarm water, to let rub it with the fingers. The best method of applying it is to dissolve it remain a moment upon the spot, and then Wash out in clear, warm water, immediately. Citric acid serves to revive and brighten certain colors, especially greens and yellows. "It restores scarlets which have been turned to a crimson by the action of alkalies. Acetic acid or tartaric acid may be used instead. Where it is feared that soap may change the color of an article, as, for in- stance, scarlet hosiery or lilac print, if the garment be not badly soiled, it may be cleansed by washing without soap in water in which pared potatoes have been boiled. This method will also prevent color from running in washing prints. To prevent blue from running into a white ground, dissolve a teaspoonful of copperas in a pailful of soft water, add a piece of lime the size of an acorn, and soak the garments in this water two hours before washing. To keep colors from running in washing black prints, put a teaspoonful of black pepper in the first. water. Salt or beef’s gall in the water helps to set black. A tablespoonful of Spirits of turpentine to a gallon of water sets most blues, and alum is very efficacious in setting green. Black or very dark calicoes should be stiffened with gum arabic —five cents worth is enough for a dress. If however, starch is used, the gar- ment should be turned wrong side out. A simple way to remove grass stains is to spread butter on them, and lay the article in hot sunshine, or wash in alcohol. Fruit stains upon cloth or the hands may be removed by rubbing with the juice of ripe tomatoes. If applied imme- diately, powdered starch will also take fruit stains out of table linen. Left on the spot for a few hours, it absorbs every trace of the stain. For mildew stains or iron-rust, mix together soft soap, laundry starch, half as much salt, and the juice of alemon. Apply to the spots, and spread the gar- ment on the grass. Or wet the linen, rub into it white BOaD, then a pow- dered chalk; lay upon the grass and keep damp. a mildew Blaine may - removed by rubbing yellow soap on both sides, aa afterwards laying On, eur thick, starch which has been dampened. Rub in well, and expose to light and alr. ; There are several effectual methods of removing grease from cloths. First, wet with a linen cloth dipped in chloroform. Second, mix four tablespoonfuls of alcohol with one tablespoonful of salt; shake together until we salt is solved, and apply with a sponge. Third, wet with weak ammonia s t en i 5 4. Ap : af : oa aoe Pear al lay a thin white blotting or tissue paper over it, and iron lightly with an 510 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. not too hot. Fourth, apply a mixture of equal parts of alcohol, gin, and ammonia. Candle grease yields to a warm iron. Place a piece of blotting or other ab- sorbing paper under the absorbing fabric; put a piece of the paper also on the spot, apply the warm iron to the paper, and as soon as a spot of grease appears, move the paper and press again until the spot disappears. Lard will remove wagon grease. Rub the spot with the lard as if washing it, and when it is well out, wash in the ordinary way with soap and water until thoroughly cleansed. To make linen beautifully white, prepare the water for washing by putting into every ten gallonsa large handful of powdered borax; or boil with the clothes one teaspoonful of spirits of turpentine. Fruit stains may be taken out by boiling water. Place the material over a basin or other vessel, and pour the boiling water from the kettle over the stains. Pure water, cold or hot, mixed with acids, serves for rinsing goods in order to remove foreign and neutral bodies which cover the color. Steam softens fatty matters, and thus facilitates their removal by reagents. Sulphuric acid may be used in certain cases, particularly for brightening and raising greens, reds, yellows, ete., but it must be diluted with at least. one hun- dred times its weight of water and more in cages of delicate shades. CEMENT FOR CHINA AND GLASS. To half a pint of milk put an equal quantity of vinegar in order to curdle it; then separate the curd from the whey, and mix the whey with the whites of four or five eggs, beating the whole well together. When it is well-mixed, add a little quick-lime, through a sieve, until it has acquired the consistence of a thick paste. With this cement broken vessels and cracks of all kinds may be mended. It dries quickly, and resists the action of fire and water. Another: Into a thick solution of gum arabic, stir plaster of Paris until the mixture assumes the consistency of cream, apply with a brush to the broken edges of china and join. together. In three days the article cannot be broken in the same place. The whiteness of the cement adds to its value. ‘ CLEANSING SINKS. To purify greasy sinks and pipes, pour down a pailful of boiling water in which three or four pounds of washing soda have been dissolved. A disinfect- ant is prepared in the same way, using copperas. Copperas is a poison and should not be left about. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES, aun Leaks in waste pipes:—Shut yourself into ar : i ‘oom from which the pipe starts. 7 > Thre 5 ry 7 ) * Put two or three ounces of oil of peppermint into a pail of boiling hot water and pour down the pipe. Another person who has n should follow the course of the pipe thr pretty sure to discover ot yet inhaled the strong odor ough the house. The peppermint will be a break that even an expert plumber might overlook. —The Examiner. MANAGEMENT OF STOVES. If the fire in a stove has plenty of fresh coals on top not yet burned through it will need only a little shaking to start it up; butif the fire looks dying and the coals look white, don’t shake it. When it has drawn till it is red again, if there is much ash and little fire, put coals on very carefully. A mere handful of fire can be coaxed back to life by adding another handful or so of new coals on the red spot, and giving plenty of draught, but don’t shake a dying fire, or you lose it. This management is often necessary after a warm spell, when the stove has been kept dormant for days, though I hope you will not be so unfortunate as to have a fire to coax up on a cold winter morning. They should be arranged over night, so that all that is required is to open the draughts in order to havea cheery glow in a few minutes. — Good Housekeeping. TO REMOVE INK FROM CARPETS. When freshly spilled, ink can be removed from carpets by wetting in milk, Take cotton batting and soak up all of the ink that it will receive, being careful not to let it spread. Then take fresh cotton, wet in milk, and sop it up care- fully. Repeat this operation, changing cotton and milk each time. After most of the ink has been taken up in this way, with fresh cotton and clean, rub the spot. Continue till all disappears; then wash the spot in clean err ate and a little soap; rinse in clear water and rub till nearly dry. If the ink is dried in, we know of no way that will not take the color from the carpet as well as the ink, unless the ink is on a white spot. In that case, salts of lemon, or soft soap, starch, and lemon juice, will remove the ink as easily as if on cotton. TO TAKE RUST OUT OF STEEL. article in a bowl coniaining kerosene oil, or wrap the -ated with kerosene; let it remain twenty-four spots with brick dust; if badly rusted, use y particle of brick dust or If possible, place the steel up in a soft cloth well-satu hours or longer; then scour the rusty salt wet with hot vinegar; after scouring rinse ont eee salt off with boiling hot water; dry thoroughly with flannel clovhs, i 512 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. near the fire to make sure; then polish off with a clean flannel cloth and a little sweet oil. TO MAKE A PASTE OR MUCILAGE TO FASTEN LABELS. Soften good glue in water, then boil it with strong vinegar, and thicken the liquid, during boiling, with fine wheat flour, so that.a paste results; or starch paste, with which a little Venice turpentine has been incorporated while it was warm. A recipe for a transparent cement which possesses great tenacity and has not the slightest yellow tinge: Mix in a well-stoppered bottle ten drachms of chloro- form with ten and one-half of non-vulcanized caoutchouc (rubber) cut in small pieces. Solution is readily effected, and when it is completed add two and one- half drachms of mastic. Let the whole macerate from eight to ten days without the application of any heat, and shake the contents of the bottle at intervals. A perfectly white and very adhesive cement is the result. POSTAGE STAMP MUCILAGE. Take of gum dextrine, two parts; acetic acid, one part; water, five parts. Dissolve in a water bath and add alcohol one part. —Scientific American. Gum of great strength, which will also keep for a long time, is prepared by dissolving equal parts of gum arabic and gum tragacanth in vinegar. A little vinegar added to ordinary gum water will make it keep much better. FAMILY GLUE. Orack the glue and put it in a bottle; add common whiskey; shake up, cork tight, and in three or four days it can be used. It requires no heating, will keep for almost any length of time, and is at all times ready to use, except in the coldest of weather, when it will require warming. It must be kept tight, so that the whiskey will not evaporate. The usual corks or stoppers should not be used. It will become clogged. A tin stopper covering the bottle, but fitting as closely as possible, must be used. GLUE. Glue to resist heat and modsture is made as follows: Mixa handful of quick- lime in four ounces of linseed oil, boil to a good thickness, then spread it on tin plates in the shade, and it will become very hard, but may be easily dissolved over the fire as glue. A glue which will resist the action of water is made by boiling one pound of common glue in two quarts of skimmed milk. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. FURNITURE CREAM. Shred finely two ounces of beeswax and half an ounce of white wax into half a pint of turpentine; set in a warm place until dissolved, then pour over the mixture the following, boiled together until melted:—Half a pint of water, an ounce of castile soap, and a piece of resin the size of a small nutmeg. Mix thoroughly, and keep in a wide-necked stone bottle for use. This cleans well, and leaves a good polish, and may be made at a fourth of the price it is sold at. CEMENT CRACKS IN FLOOR. Cracks in floors may be neatly but permanently filled by thoroughly soaking newspapers in paste made of half a pound of flour, three quarts of water and half a pound of alum mixed and boiled. The mixture will be about as thick as putty, and may be forced into the crevice with a case knife. It will harden like papier-mache. A POLISH FOR LADIES’ KID SHOES. A fine liquid polish for ladies’ kid shoes, satchels, etc., that is easy of appli- cation, recommended as containing no ingredients in any manner injurious to leather, is found by digesting in a close vessel at gentle heat, and straining, a solution made as follows: lamplack, one drachm; oil turpentine, four drachms; alcohol, (trymethyl), twelve ounces; shellac, one and one-half ounces; white turpentine, five drachms; saudarac, two drachms. PASTE FOR SCRAP-BOOKS, ETC. Paste that will keep.—Dissolve a teaspoonful of alum in a quart of water. When cold, stir in flour, to give it the consistency of thick cream, being par- ticular to beat up all the lumps. Stir in as much powdered resin as will lie on a dime, and throw in half a dozen cloves to give it a pleasant odor. Have on the : sful of boiling water; pour the flour mixture into it, stirring well all fire a teacuy a the time. In a few minutes it will be of the consistency of molasses. Pour it into all teaspoonful each of oil an earthen or china vessel, let it cool, and stir in a sm u as; lay a cover on, and put in a cool place. When needed ») of cloves and of sassafré ee for use, take out a portion and soften it with warm water. This is a fine paste to use to stiffen embroidery. TO REMOVE INDELIBLE INK. Most indelible inks contain nitrate of silver, the stain of which may be o moved by first soaking in a solution of common salt, and afterward washing 30 514 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. with ammonia. Or use solution of ten grains of cyanide of potassium and five grains of iodine to one ounce of water, ora solution of eight parts each bichloride of mercury and chloride of ammonium in one hundred and twenty-five parts of water. A CEMENT FOR ACIDS. A cement which is proof against boiling acids may be made by a composition of India rubber, tallow, lime and red lead. The India rubber must first be melted by a gentle heat, and then six to eight per cent. by weight of tallow is added to the mixture while it is kept well-stirred; next day slaked lime is ap- plied, until the fluid mass assumes a consistency similar to that of soft paste; lastly, twenty per cent. of red lead is added, in order to make it harden and dry. TO KEEP CIDER. Allow three-fourths of a pound of sugar to the gallon, the whites of six eggs, well beaten, a handful of common salt. Leave it open until fermentation ceases, then bung up. This process a dealer in cider has used for years, and always successfully. Another recipe:—To keep cider sweet allow it to work until it has reached the state most desirable to the taste, and then add one and a half tumblers of grated horse-radish to each barrel, and shake up well. This arrests further fermentation. After remaining a few weeks, rack off and bung up closely in clean casks. A gentleman of Denver writes he has a sure preservative: Put eight gallons of cider at a time into a clean barrel; take one ounce of powdered charcoal; and one ounce of powdered sulphur; mix, and put it into some iron vessel that will go down through the bung-hole of the barrel. Now put a piece of red-hot iron into the charcoal and sulphur, and while it is burning, lower it through the bung-hole to within one foot of the cider, and suspend it there by a piece of wire. Bring it up and in twelve hours you can cure another batch. Put the cider in a tight barrel and keep in a cool cellar and it will keep for years. A Holland recipe:—To one quart of new milk, fresh from the cow (not strained), add one-half pound of ground black mustard seed and six eggs. Beat the whole well together, and pour into a barrel of cider. It will keep cider sweet for one year or more. TO BLEACH COTTON CLOTH. Take one large spoonful of sal soda and one pound of chloride lime for thir- ty yards; dissolve in clean, soft water; rinse the cloth thoroughly in cold, MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. soft water so that it may not rot. This amount of cloth may be bleached in fourteen or fifteen minutes. A POLISH FOR LEATHER. Put a half pound of shellac broken up in small pieces into a quart bottle or jug, cover it with alcohol, cork it tight, and put it on the shelf in a warm place; shake it well several times a day, then add a piece of camphor as large as a hen’s egg; shake it well, and in a few hours shake it again and add one ounce of lamp- black. If the alcohol is good, it will all’ be dissolved in two days; then shake and use. If the materials were of the proper kind, the polish correctly prepared, it will dry in about five minutes, giving a gloss equal to patent leather. Using aniline dyes instead of the lampblack, you can have it any desired color, and it can be used on wood or hard paper. TO SOFTEN WATER. Add half a pound of the best quick lime dissolved in water to every hundred gallons. Smaller proportions may be more conveniently managed, and if al- lowed to stand a short time the lime will have united with the carbonate of lime, and been deposited at the bottom of the receptacle. Another way is to put a gallon of lye into a barrelful of water, or two or three shovels full of wood-ashes, let stand over night; it will be clear and soft. WASHING FLUID. One gallon of water and four pounds of ordinary washing soda, and a quar- ter of a pound of soda. Heat the water to boiling hot, put in the soda, boil about five minutes, then pour it over two pounds of unslaked lime, let it bubble and foam until it settles, turn it off and bottle it for use. This is the article that is used in the Chinese laundries for whitening their linen, and is called ‘‘ Javelle water;’’ a tablespoonful put into a suds of three gallons, and a little, say a quae: ter of a cupful, in the boiler when boiling the clothes, makes them very white and clear. Must be well-rinsed afterwards. This preparation will remove tea stains, and almost all ordinary stains of fruit, grass, etc. This fluid brightens the colors of colored clothes, does not rot them, but should not be left long im “7: Sy veer arrays ine, s be done in quick any water; the boiling, sudsing, rinsing and blueing, should quick succession, until the clothes are re HARD SOAP. (Washing.) and three of unslaked lime. Pour on four gal- fectly clear, then drain off, and put in ady to hang on the line. Six pounds of washing soda, lons of boiling water, let it stand until per 516 MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. six pounds of clean fat. Boil it until it begins to harden about two hours, stir- ring most of the. time. While boiling, thin it with two gallons of cold water, which you have previously poured on the alkaline mixture, after draining off the four gallons. This must be settled clear before it is drawn off. Addit when there is danger of boiling over. Try the thickness by cooling a little on a plate. Put in a handful of salt just before taking from the fire. Weta tub to prevent sticking; turn in the soap, and let it stand until solid. Cut into bars, put on a board and let it dry. This makes about forty pounds of soap. It can be flayored just as you turn it out. SOAP FOR WASHING WITHOUT RUBBING. A soap to clean clothes without rubbing: Take two pounds of sal soda, two pounds of common bar soap, and ten quarts of water. Cut the soap in thin slices, and boil together two hours; strain, and it will be fit for use. Put the clothes in soak the night before you wash, and to every pailful of water in which you boil them add a pound of soap. They will need no rubbing, but merely rinsing. TO MAKE SOFT SOAP WITHOUT COOKING. Pour two pailfuls of boiling water upon twenty pounds of potash, and let it stand two hours. Have ready thirty pounds of clean grease, upon which pour one pailful of the lye, adding another pail of water to the potash; let it stand three or four hours, stir it well; then pour a gallon of the lye upon the grease, stir it well; and in half an hour another gallon of the lye, stir it thoroughly; m half an hour repeat the process, and thus proceed until you have poured off all the lye; then add two pails of boiling hot water to the remainder of the potashes, and let it stand ten hours; then stir the mixture, and if it has become stiff, and the grease has disappeared from the surface, take out a little, and see whether the weak lye will thicken it; if it does, add the lye; if it does not, try water, and if that thickens it, let it stand another day, stirring it well five or six times dur- ing the day; if the lye does not separate from the grease you may fill up with water. OLD-STYLE FAMILY SOFT SOAP. To set the leach, bore several holes in the bottom of a barrel; or use one with- out a bottom; prepare a board larger than the barrel, then set the barrel on it, and cut a grove around just outside the barrel, making one grove from this to the edge of the board, to carry off the lye as it runs off, with a groove around it, running into one in the centre of the board. Place all two feet from the ground and tip it so that the lye may run easily from the board into the vessel below MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. 517 prepared to receive it. Put half bricks or stones around the edge of the inside of the barrel; place on them one end of some sticks about two inches wide, in- clining to the centre; on those place some straw to the depth of two inches, over it scatter two pounds of slaked lime. Put in ashes, about half of a bushel at a time, pack it well, by pounding it down, and continue doing so until the barrel is full, leaving a funnel-shaped hollow in the centre large enough to hold several quarts of water. Use rain water boiling hot. Let the water disappear before adding more. If the ashes are packed very tzghtly it may require two or three days before the lye will begin to run, but it will be the stronger for it, and much better. To make boiled soft soap. Put ina kettle the grease consisting of all kinds of fat that has accumulated in the kitchen, such as scraps and bones from the soup-kettle, rinds from meat, etc.; fill the kettle half full; if there is too much grease it can be skimmed off after the soap is cold, for another kettle of soap. This is the only true test when enough grease is used, as the lye will consume all that ig needed and no more. Make a fire under one side of it. The kettle should be in an out-house or out of doors. Let it heat very hot so as to fry; stir occa- sionally to prevent burning. Now put in the lye a gallon at a time, watching it closely until it boils, as it sometimes runs over at the beginning. Add lye until the kettle is full enough, but not too full to bod well. Soap should boil from the side and not the middle, as this would be more likely to cause it to boil over. To test the soap, to one spoonful of soap add one of rain-water; if it stirs up very thick, the soap is good and will keep; if it becomes thinner, it is not good. This is the result of one of three causes, either it is too weak, or there is a deposit of dirt, or it is too strong. Continue to boil for a few hours, when it should flow from the stick with which it is stirred, like thick molasses; but if after boiling it remains thin, let it stand over night, removing it from the ery carefully into another vessel, being very particular ; Wash the kettle, return the soap, and and good; otherwise, if fire, then draining it off v: to prevent any sediment from passing. boil again, if dirt was the cause; it will now be thick it was too strong, rain-water added will make it right, adding the water grad- ually until right and just thick enough. An agreeable Disinfectant: Sprinkle fresh ground coffee on a shovel of hot coals, or burn sugar on hot coals. Vinegar boiled with myrrh, sprinkled on the floor and furniture of a sick room, are excellent deodorizers. To prevent Mold: A small quantity of carbolic acid added to paste, mucilage, and ink, will prevent mold. An ounce of the acid toa gallon of white-wash will keep cellars and dairies from the disagreeable odor which often taints milk and meat kept in such places, To make Tracing-paper:—Dissolve a ball of white bees-wax, one inch in di- ameter, in half a pint of turpentine. Saturate the paper in this bath and let it dry two or three days before using. To preserve Brooms: Dip them for a minute or two ina kettle of boiling suds once a week and they will last much longer, making them tough and pliable. A carpet wears much longer swept with a broom cared for in this manner. To clean Brass-ware, etc.: Mix one ounce of oxalic acid, six ounces of rotten stone, all in powder, one ounce of sweet oil, and sufficient water to make a paste. Apply a small portion, and rub dry with a flannel or leather. The liquid dip most generally used consists of nitric and sulphuric acids; but this is more cor- rosive. Polish, or Enamel for Shirt-bosoms, is made by melting together one ounce of white wax, and two ounces of spermaceti; heat gently and turn into a very shallow pan; when cold cut or break in pieces. When making boiled starch the usual way, enough for a dozen bosoms, add to it a piece of the polish the size of a hazel nut. An Erasive Fluid for the Removal of Spots on Furniture, and all kinds of fabrics, without injuring the color, is made of four ounces of aqua ammonia, FACTS WORTH KNOWLING. 519 one ounce of glycerine, one ounce of castile soap and one of spirits of wine. Dis- solve the soap in two quarts of soft water, add the other ingredients. Apply with a soft sponge, and rub out. Very good for cleaning silks 5 ° To remove the Odor of Onion from fish-kettle and sauce-pans in which they have been cooked, put wood-ashes or sal soda, potash or lye; fill with water itd let stand on the stove until it boils; then wash in hot suds, and rinse well. To clean Marble Busts: First free them from all dust, then wash them with very weak hydrochloric acid. Soap injures the color of marble. lg 7 £ a, 9 “S To remove old Putty from Window Frames, pass a red-hot poker slowly over it and it willscome off easily. Hanging Pictures: The most safe material and also the best, is copper wire, of the size proportioned to the weight of the picture. When hung the wire is scarcely visible, and its strength is far superior to cord. To keep Milk Sweet: Put into a panful a spoonful of grated horse-radish, it will keep it sweet for days. To take Rust from Steel Implements or Knives: Rub them well with kerosene oil, leaving them covered with it a day or so; then rub them hard and well with finely powdered unslaked lime. Poison Water: Water boiled in galvanized iron becomes poisonous, and cold water passed through zinc-lined iron pipes should never be used for cooking or drinking. Hot water for cooking should never be taken from hot water pipes; keep a supply heated in kettles. Scouring Soap for Cotton and Silk Goods: Mix one pound of common soap, half of a pound of beef-gall and one ounce and a half of Venetian turpentine A Paint for Wood or Stone that resists all Moisture: Melt twelve ounces of gallons of fish oil, and one pound of melted loring substance with a little lin- Apply several coats resin; mix with it, thoroughly, six sulphur. Rub up some ochre or any other co it the right color and thickness. seed oil, enough to give The first coat should be very thin. of the hot composition with a brush. tcher of cold water on a table in. your room he room is filled from the respiration Very few realize how important or, indeed, understand or rea- yet in a few hours a pitcher To Ventilate a Room: Place a pi and it will absorb all the gases with which t of those eating or sleeping in the ap or the health of the family, ‘ity in the rooms; artment. such purification is f lize that there can be any imput 520 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. or pail of cold water—the colder the more effective—will make the air of a room pure, but the water will be entirely unfit for use. To fill Cracks in Plaster: Use vinegar instead of water to mix your plaster of Paris. The resultant mass will be like putty, and will not ‘‘ set’ for twenty or thirty minutes; whereas if you use water the plaster will become hard almost immediately, before you have time to use it. Push it into the cracks and smooth it off nicely with a table-knife. To take Spots from Wash Goods: Rub them with the yolk of egg before washing. To take White Spots from Varnished Furniture: Hold a hot stove lid or plate over them and they will soon disappear. To prevent Oil from becoming Rancid: Drop a few drops of ether into the bottle containing it. Troublesome Ants: A heavy chalk-mark laid a finger’s distance from your sugar-box and all around (there must be no space not covered) will surely pre- vent ants from troubling. To make Tough Meat Tender: Lay it a few minutes in a strong vinegar water. To remove Discoloration from Bruises: Apply a cloth wrung out in very hot water, and renew frequently until the pain ceases. Or apply raw beefsteak. A Good Polish for removing Stains, Spots, and Mildew from Furniture, is made as follows: Take half a pint of ninety-eight per cent. alcohol; a quarter of an ounce each of pulverized resin and gum shellac; add half a pint of linseed oil; shake well and apply with a brush or sponge. ‘ To remove Finger-marks: Sweet oil will remove finger-marks from var- nished furniture, and kerosene from oiled furniture. To remove Paint from Black Silk: Patient rubbing with chloroform will remove paint from black silk or any other goods, and will not hurt the most delicate color or fabric. To freshen Gilt Frames: Gilt frames may be revived by carefully dusting them, and then washing with one ounce of soda beaten up with the whites of three eges. Scraped patches might be touched up with Judson’s or any gold paint. Castile soap and water, with proper care, may be used to clean oil paint- ings; other methods should not be employed without some skill. ) FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 521 To destroy Moths in Furniture; All the baking and steaming are useless, as, although the moths may be killed, their eggs are sure to hatch, and the up- holstery to be well riddled. The naphtha-bath process is effectual. A sofa, chair or lounge may be immersed in the large vats used for the purpose, and all insect life will be absolutely destroyed. No egg ever hatches after passing through the naphtha-bath; all oil, dirt, or grease disappears, and not the slight- est damage is done to the most costly article. Sponging with naphtha will not answer. It is the immersion for two hours or more in the specially prepared vats which is effectual. Slicing Pine-apples: The knife used for peeling a pine-apple should not be used for slicing it, as the rind contains an acid that is apt to cause a swollen mouth and sore lips. The Cubans use salt as an antidote for the ill effects of the peel. To clean Iron Sinks: Rub them well with a cloth wet with kerosene oil. To erase Discoloration on Stone-china: Dishes and cups that are used for baking custards, puddings, etc., that require scouring, may be easily cleaned by rubbing with a damp cloth dipped in whiting or * Sapolio,”? then washed as usual. To remove Ink, Wine or Fruit Stais: Saturate well in tomato juice; it is also an excellent thing to remove stains from the hands. To set Colors in Washable Goods: Soak them previous to washing in a. water in which is allowed a tablespoonful of ox-gall to a gallon of water. Equal parts of ammonia and turpentine will take paint To take out Paint: Saturate the spot two or out of clothing, no matter how dry or hard it may be. three times, then wash out in soap-suds. Ten cents’ worth of oxalic acid dis- ' : ‘ ees ; ‘ayahee solved in a pint of hot water will remove paint spots from the windows. Pour a little into a cup, and apply to the spots with a swab, but be sure not to allow f i 3 Re 7 : See the acid to touch the hands, Brasses may be quickly cleaned with it. Great care must be exercised in labelling the bottle, and putting it out of the reach of children, \as it is a deadly poison. To remove Tar from Cloth: Saturate the spot and rub it well with turpen- tine, and every trace of tar will be removed. Ants that frequent houses or gardens may be destroyed by a pound, and potash four ounces; set them in an fire until dissolved and united; afterwards beat To destroy Ants: taking flour of brimstone half iron or earthern pan over the 522 FACTS WORTH KNOWING. them to a powder, and infuse a little of this powder in water, and wherever you sprinkle it the ants will fly the place. Simple Disinfectant: The following is a refreshing disinfectant for a sick room, or any room that has an unpleasant aroma pervading it: Put some fresh ground coffee in a saucer, and in the centre place a small piece of camphor gum, which light with amatch. As the gum burns, allow sufficient coffee to consume with it. The perfume is very pleasant and healthful, being far superior to pas- tiles, and very much cheaper. Cure for Hiccough: Sit erect and inflate the lungs fully. Then, retaining the breath, bend forward slowly until the chest meets the knees. After slowly rising again to the erect position, slowly exhale the breath. Repeat this process a second time, and the nerves will be found to have received an access of energy that will enable them to perform their natural functions. To keep out Mosquitos and Rats: If a bottle of the oil of penny-royal is left uncorked in a room at night, not a mosquito, nor any other blood-sucker, will be found there in the morning. Mix potash with powdered meal, and throw it into the rat-holes of a cellar, and the rats will depart. If a rat or a mouse get into your pantry, stuff into its hole a rag saturated with a solution of cayenne pepper, and no rat or mouse will touch the rag for the purpose of opening com- munication with a depot of supplies. Salt will Curdle new Milk; hence, in preparing porridge, gravies, etc., the salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. To prevent Rust on Klat-irons: Bees-wax and salt will make your rusty flat- irons as smooth and clean as glass. Tie a lump of wax in arag and keep it for that purpose. When the irons are hot, rub them first with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or cloth sprinkled with salb. To prevent Rust on Knives: Steel knives which are not in general use may be kept from rusting if they are dipped in a strong solution of soda; one part water to four of soda; then wipe dry, roll in flannel, and keep in a dry place. Flowers may be kept very Fresh over Night if they are excluded from the air. To do this, wet them thoroughly, put ina damp box, and cover with wet raw cotton or wet newspaper, then place in a cool spot. To sweeten Milk: Milk which is slightly turned or changed may be sweet- ened and rendered fit for use again by stirring in a little soda. To scour Knives easily: Mix a small quantity of baking soda with your brick-dust and see if your knives do not polish better. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. 523 To so,en Boots and Shoes: Kerosene will soften boots and shoes which have been hardened by water, and render them as pliable as new. Kerosene will make tin tea-kettles as bright as new. Saturate a woolen rag and rub with it. It will also remove stains from clean varnished furniture. i Faded Goods: Plush goods and all articles dyed with aniline cotor have faded from exposure to the light will look as bright as new with chloroform. s which after sponging Choking: Ege Noge foi¢ iin ecen yt meme noeia mene Inexpensive Drink .....-++++++serr etre! Junket, Delicious .....-+-ss1-eerr reset (ROUMMISS ols 3s0s Geaiaisie chink water ae eo eieree eceaaae Tiem ONAdAs. cies occ e sraounelchonnierastnia ns mie tana Lemonade, For a Summer Draught ....--:- Temon Syraper ss ave siscine se gore cae Mead Sassafras ...- eee gest cste ett Pineappleade.......eersee cece errs Punch, Hot, To Make ....--+e+ere teeters’ ‘ Punch; Milkeso Soi feiasies saiseanes Seas eee Punch, Milk, Fine ........ eee errr No.1... Sasa ecsmeeaneasee Punch, Roman. Punch, Roman. 409 417 Bryreraces—Continued- Raspberry Shrub .........0 ee seed eens Aiea es Syrups Lerma ns 562 Fie! pe ele npoisisssleym acepann ove sosstera 416 Syrup, Strawberry and Raspberry .......... 418 Seidlitz Powder. ic a6 Waias t= nieces eles ale wie 420 The Healing Properties of Tea or Coffee .... 408 Tea, Iced. i. icc ence eect e rene cee neces 410 Tea, To Make 410 Vinegar, Home-Made Table..............-- 419 Vinegar, Pineapple .... 2... sseeceee ee esses 419 Vinegar, Raspberry. No. 1.......---++-++- 419 Vinegar, Raspberry. No, 2.....+.++++e+++> 419 Vinegar, Very Strong Table...........+++++ 420 Water, Strawberry ...---++ esse cence cers 418 Wine, Blackberry. No. 1......++++ sess ees 412 Wine, Blackberry. No. 2.-.+-.++++eeeeees+ 412 Wine, Black Currant ....-...-e+s sees eres 12. 414 Wine, Currant. No. 1......-.-e+ crete eee 411 Wine, Currant. No. 2.......+seeeeeee eres 412 Wine, Grape. ... cs. seen eee eeice ceicecete ns 412 Wine, Honey or Methelin .....--.-+++ +200: 413 Wine, Orange, Florida ....++--++eeerss sees 413 Wine, Raisin ....-.5. secre reer ecete tees: 414 Wine, Whey ....-.ccsess tess rsetee eet 416 BREAD: General Directions...-..-+++s+rsseercerr ts 211 Bread, Brown, Boston...... +--+ ++++errs 00 216 Bread, Brown, Boston, Unfermented.......- 217 Bread, Brown, Rhode Island......++--++ ++: 217 Bread, Brown, Steamed.......+. sees cere eeee 217 Bread, Brown, Virginia... Be es ote eimai gee gud Bread, Compressed Yeast...secceescerette? Be rend Corns ass screen cms nt oe Bread, Corn and Ry@...--+esercrtstttt ae oo 53 Bread, Corn, Boston... sees crest 7, eR INDEX. Breap—Continued- PAGE. Biscuits, Ronis, Ero.—Continued- PAUE. Bread, Corn, Virginia...... oie wetnisiaseleatyon uns 219 Cakes, Griddle, Huckleberry ............... 285 Bread, French........... Ueietaleiscsioraeieiais Stee 218 Cakes, Griddle, Potato ............ 0.0.00. 235 Bread, German........... ales lobia einusune/boestinais 219 Cakes, Griddle, Rice. .o. eek eee. 235 Breas: Cra baninsey cs aie veeie ats: ceiecellrtes recat piles 216 Cakes, Griddle, Sour Milk...........,..... 233 Bread, Graham, Unfermented.............. 216 Cakes, Griddle, Swedish’ ................... 236 Breads MAL PV OASts sca! ste, syur suave s Lelavy Mechs ei oieseials 215 Cakes; Griddle,*Wheat...j. 12 isms cerecie sine’ 233 LB GPG Ag ah, de er er i MaRS oy cena Hath aon eal 217 Cannelons, or Fried Puffs........-.......- 238 Bread, Rye and Corn................ ENG reteic 218 Cracked Wheat tx estas seis aise oni ersleis tes 245 Bread, Self-Raising.... 2... 06s... ce eee eee 215 OL ACK Orsrsticni sink iis teas soeel ne) eiste ete ip misters outs haa Dee, PBYOAC, WiRbs suse alts Muncie code ow pulse das Duy ee Crackers: Wrench) s wend vie da ee ceeainc ties inet 3 LEO BTCA. WEA bis /sisere Heel a Wace slash: win togev oda tocdiace 213 (OREEY OS #024 ECs i ERI rotor ue Bebo ear ey ei ir 228 Cake, Corn, New England.................. 219 Croquettes, Hominy’... / 2206.5 ose ss 244 Cake; Corn, Spider ie sia c sis suis cle popewear 221 Groqucties; Rice sone Are Mia w cota ee Waike, Indian oa kes e a amie aii las: «sores 220 Oromipets yn gslishA es i redaleraie wis cis. 36 oie Sew 242 Cake, Johnnie. .\. 0.) 0k ee eb eee ees 220 Oramipets, Plain aw ace tn Wea ist weet 242 Cake, Potato, Raised. ...2.-.0.. 02... ..0.005 221 Hitters, cp plore aac oli seilantete maces gtee eae 237 Southern Corn Meal Pone, or Corn Dodgers.. 221 Mrittersy Creamy pile, swiss ier cee cee 2ST Yeast, Dried, or Yeast Cakes HPribtors: Ourvanty sc wiceus kek Mew eaclaeees eaters 237 Yeast, Home Made........ 2... eee eee eee Fritters orn: Mal .cto oak aawenkc se eas 237 Veast, UOnrivaledieie ccs ee. sedate ehepeteremtie tars 214 Mritters; German te cashe ise terse oes 239 Brsourrs, Rouns, Murrins, Ero.: Fritters, Golden Ball .......0.ce ees cen 238 General'Sugrestions «06. sees cule cvas 221 Britters: tireen ‘Corn. a0 fonts Maveieipicct enn'e 239. Biscuit, Baking; Powder............0..202.. 223 ITH OT A LONE Yat ctr oils e/vvalieib a Maier e wiih e wis iatsse 239 IBiscuib, Beate susie paiiwuicteieb s aepdic ail vieiae wre 225 PPPOLS ALS ETP joes vie bole csiatialecere Maj Tein eog: BISCHib OPO Suna OMe aun ei Siete an ek siete ape 224 HrAGPerss Me GAC yt: 5. Haavelouyerc stale clelereleeice ee 238 Biscuit, Graham (With Yeast) .............. 224 WPISbSrs iMeOADPle, ws. sia%y aa sales wie ainiele ial ders 238 Biseuth; Guratbon: Millen, pose the vos siaselt Slavs d= 226 MIPersWHORP Meccan a bie ace otic aie wna Genk MBAS OU ts dot i tit Sa NOs EE eNissthel scoaierateien cea veesteis lave 224 Gem, ahem SNOW oieasheu disteneel aierrhc es 230 ABOU ule Nitec PN Guie i siate ate’s he ». cig visio meine © 224 Gems Crab tNOs es x cnn mete dae 230 PAGCUIE, POUR CO uc Laine aiilstat a! Same sd eins alane y aexses 226 Gems; Graham, Plaine weyers es. sick 230 Biscuit, Raised.......... Lime Re ule eM eds ik 223 PVOMUN Yaeeliayh cies tinieuare we alaete Bt 244 MBISCUIS DORM Menten cela uuer aitial sale! chats nist aeachals 223 EPOMMITLY/shererpatensioretsiies ay ects a higia hie a keela fave ed ove 245 BISGU AL, SOME MIM ees rales efsia! le aisials (eset 223 Hulled Corn or Samp... 0... eee eee 245 Bigchih VIM gar) aera ae se dle east’ cae oan 226 Muffins, Corn Meal (Without eggs)......... 230 Bread, Warm for Breakfast ............2.-- 222 Murine, tayo (Hine): Liat cusee se eas 229 Bread Crumbs, Prepared ............ 0.056% 242 Mntins, Hominy: i 235 12) elh cd se lapraelececlaisiere se LOO) Buns, London Hot Cross .................. 227 WERE EA TAS he ELAN st eievstore sialeyetaialioiai veg aU: ire renc ied 229 Cake, Newport Breakfast ....5............. 241 Moubins.thaiseds. NOV Pris stiiecusanecns a 228 Cakes; Buckwheat si 700i cea bienlisieis.erew ee ye 236 Muffins, Raised.. No. 2.........5..0-0..... 228 Cakes, Buckwheat (Raised) ................ 236 Muffins, Mann essee2y,.ckaa 196 Cheese, Cream Toast ....-. +++. cree rere cers 198 Cheese, Fondu ..... 20s ede cere eee e erences: 197 Cheese, Scalloped... ...--. sees cece cess eres 197 Cheese, Souffle... . 2.2. -+2s cece cess ster tt: 197 Cheese, Straws, Cayenne......-+eerseeesere? 198 Cur 195 Pastry Ramakins...... 2.02 +eserrre sree: 197 Rarebit, Welsh......c. sess seeseses test ctet 198 fa) 8g sep eRu SAIPAN CaO Ci to Alara Obs 196 Welsh Rarebit, emg t sabe vote Oreo itak N)e Caxz, Ero.: Suggestions in Regard to Cake Making ....-- O51 Cake; Almond 4 )a2 ssivieiee seca anrseinerirgee © 267 Cake, Angel... .).0s oi syar seiseiee ci mee tein tit 266 Cake, Bread or Raised: “ 256 Cake, Brides. os. ate ocin ensiogeee seas 259 Cake, Chocolate. No, 1...--++- sess seer 262 Cake, Chocolate. No. 2....+-+-+esestt7 es" 263 Cake, Chocolate. No. 3....++eeserrs ttt 263 Cake, Chocolate, French....-.++sssr-9t"*" 262 Cake, Gitron..... SET ORNS ravata ca naar rce mene 260 263 Caxn, Eiro.—Continued : PAGE. Cake, Cocoanut and Almond ............... 268 Oke; Gomeorsin oc veut vai ta ecicke ates 264 Wake Groammrricnntoinccne aan cpa rae ane 264 Cake, Cream (Cheap) .... 2... 00.0000. eeee ee 272 Cake, Cream, Whipped..............00+-05 268 Cake, Custard or Cream .......i...00cee vee 271 CHKe, Delicatoers ie. via asco tos teaccine es 260 Wake; Mleeiam. vac oa vaso Coes. wae ale 264 Wakes Roather® pic cachiesewacde ioe sasariewie 264 Oake, Fruit (Superior).'.. cc ees 256 Cake, Fruit, by Measure (Excellent) ........ 256 Cake, Fruit, Dried Apple .................. 265 Oakesebimnit Wuayenis aegis icleic ence nice ioveraieyels ae 267 Cake, Fruit, Molasses.... 0.00... cece eee 257 Markey Proipe WIG oi iota ie ieicieese sittin dens aes 257 Cake, Ginger Bread, Hard ................. 272 Gake, Ginger Bread, Plain ............. 2... 272 Cake, Ginger, Soft. . ..i5 5 es pe eek oie a ele 272 Cake; Gold... cesses tecele ae eiciee se He 261 Cake, Gold and Silver ..........-.5. ees eees 273 Cake, Golden Spice.......-... 2.0. +eee eee. 267 Cake, Golden Cream ........ 0... esse eeeeee 264 Cake, Gold or Lemon ........ 2:1. seee sees 261 Cake, Hickory Nut or Walnut.............-- 271 Cake, Huckleberry ....--.- esse eee eee sees 274 Cake, Jelly Layer ....--6. ess ssee eee eens 268 Cake, Jelly, Rochester .........++.++2+-++-+ 4 Cake, Jelly, Rolled ........ ese cece eens eens Cake, Layer, To Cut.......--.6. eee eevee 26 Cake, Lemon . Cake, Lemon or Gold Cake, Loaf (Superior) .. Cake, Loaf (Washington) Cake, Marble.......--+ss sere cess cess tees 2 Cake, Pound, Citron ......-+ see reese seen ee 26 Cake, Pound, Cocoanut... +++ ++. eesseees 260 Cake, Pound, English ....--++++++ess5-9+5> 259 Cake, Pound, Plain ....-+-+++sesserse sess 259 Cake, QUEENS ..-- eee eece recs teet erste 266 Cake, Ribbon... ....ssss eres ests sects: 266 Cake, Silver or DOlGALG Ls vce sletaamie ceaseless aOb Cake, Snow (Delicious) ...-.++++eeseeee ress 261 Cake, Sponges... --ss sees serve eee otee ces: 257 Cake, Sponge, Almond ....-+-.+seereerrree 258 Cake, Sponge, Lemon . Rigs 258 Cake, Sponge (Old- peeciored) Pek mem eorecehta 258 Cake, Sponge, Plaim...--.++++++-ssertesrt 259 Cake, Sponge, White ...-+--+++ssrr resets 257 Cake, Sweet Strawberry...--++++eseeser rt 274 Cake, White Mountain. No. 1....++--+++++* 265 Cake, White Mountain. No. 2....+++++++++° 265 Cake, Without Eggs..--:++-- +1 eerste 265 Cake, Fillings....-++++stss70** ta dari 269 to 271 556 INDEX. Caxz, Eto.—Continued- PAGE, No. 1, Cream Filling. ........50..000+-004 269 No. 2. Cream Filling........... aiutaieeGlaieal ee 269 No. 8. Ice Cream Filling ................+. 269 No. -4. Apple Filling... oc. eee cece eee 269 Noms 5. A pplen Piling... iios- sieisre sores aeiaieiesels 269 No. 6. Cream Frosting ..........0.cseeeees 270 No. 7. Peach,Cream Filling ...........-- +. 270 No. 8. Chocolate Cream Filling ............ 270 No. 9. Chocolate Cream Filling........... 270 Wont), Banana vhiling eet ccc yes wees sok 270 No. 11. Lemon Jelly Filling................ 270 No. 12. Orange Cake Filling................ 271 INfo IB ieee Will bsaieg i prea Beigel haan Sierras 271 Nort GHrait Pine 35. 5).).c 0 asin sieieie’ sch ss 271 Cakes, Corn Starch........... wiv cious srouayealsees 277 Cakes, Cream Boston... .,......ese0csees 273 (Chien Goh oisog > = Betcan einen o arch n Rec ro aiese 276 Cakes, Cup, Molasses........ 0.20 .eeeeeee.. 274 (OhNM eshte Rapiot CaAato ca mado sare comtrcoe 275 Cakes, Fried, or Doughnuts................ 281 Cakes, Fried, or Crullers.................... 281 Cakes, Jelly, Brunswick.................... 278 Cakes, Molasses Cup... ........-...-+-- cere 274 MOAICE Ss NU Lp LITO saute; shale evale sin gteliiayete mAyote's 283 Oakes; Peaches io seis senile diseceiele' Rie siete pester O: Giawes Plt FHC, oi .cies face ops 4, « Vota o-asereraty -o arele 279 ORGS VATIOL ALCO ss ias:s ore oie wsiere, Siete etslesole elas. 2t v: @ookies. ie. ie. des 280 WMOGI1eSs OOCORND D.g 255) 5 hays ois 2 loser elmieies.0 ove 281 - Cookies, Crisp (Very nice) ..............04- 281 WOOK TGs ya AVOTILCS 6) 5) 08s Sia pialoie sie ate Rialert orale 280 Waoios NU bT si) csote cmcceeospishnery sisieielelsa avis 280 (Chajol:akclef AG ulate: ) nee SPRPe Aimer Ao a aarey CreaneN 275 MPOKTOS WOUIO Is os, ioe ea ssehol ea raieteie tia itl wtale ne 281 Orullers, or Pried Oakes... iv. vijncesscse cece 281 Orullers,jor Wonders... ee cies bates 282 Doughnuts, Bakers’ Raised............. misie eo Doughnuts, Germans: Mean cls te tdisieveacislele 283 Doughnuts, or Fried Cakes.................- 281 Douchnuts: Patt Bal res sss oe sees seis wien 280 Doughnots, Raised. oii. oak eae cece ee « 202 TOPS, S PONE Osh atale suseralete- a claissa neheisialrway ons 277 WDOMINOOS create sits, < sielatwthd lavshart Coates UD Piclairs: CHocolave: pices gio ste vassals ovis: hb hiatal « 273 Frosting, Almond. ........ 0... .... 0005 seen DE PUOSHINTY DOMOU cis iae's ches, otek on decease ach LOD Prosting, Chocolates. tio, sieve cave viee.> we ODE Frosting, Gelatine............. SOLD 255 Proctings Golden 4.0. aries awe dieistelaein tiaice's VED Brosting,-or Tein sis cies bck cee nota cinle 253 Frosting, without eggs...........00..0. eee. 255 Gingerbread, Hard........ elas sadioc ate aaa carane'e 272 Gingerbread) Plaine: (oils, cesinseecs «gece d 272 Caxz, Eto.— Continued: PAGE. Gingerbread, Soft..... aie. dsieesecaieis Ud eee 272 Ginger Biscuit, White ..............0..0008 273 Gin ger. Cpoldtestacs.. suite siesta taviniecaciyicone oie 275 GUID Or SHADE scsyssre a sth clay ce site atcincs sluts cw. e ays 275. Ginger Snaps, Bakers’... 5.66 on. eee ee 274 Heing, \Chocolatey Plain. «5c, ccsise tielsieine sh) aie.e 254 MCT SATs ieyciape shale torescie- s leptassaiatacpielaisic lores 254 iCute veake Mogngh a dubin Gerey pert ice Orn reres Cn 254 ELITES Hip yotiey 310 Jelly, Wine... 2. ese eee e eet eee reeset tes 331 Cream, Chocolate. No. 1... -..+0- sess esse 311 Kisses, Jolly .... 2... cece eee eee terre ees 330 Cream, Chocolate or Custard. No. 2.....-.. 311 Kisses or Meringues......---seseerceresre 329 Cream, For Fruit... .... 02+ .ee ee es eee eee 315 Meringue, Corn Starch......... +++ +--+ +555 324 Cream, Golden......... sees eeee rset cere ees 311 Meringue, Peach.......+-++. seer eee neeees 314 Creams Ttalian 1c. sias ot ct acietise 6 slew snivietes's SOLO Meringues or KisseS......2+ sees see rere ees 329 Cream, Lemon. No.1 ....-s.s sess even cess 311 Macaroons, Almond.......-+++e2seeese sess 88h Cream, Lemon. No. 2 ......+0 sees ewes eres 312 Macaroons, Chocolate...... Mis enone « Mate arn 331 Cream, Lemon. No.3 ......+.+see+e-- eee 312 Macaroons, Cocoantt. ..... eee eeeeeete eee 330 Cream, Mock, or Boiled Custard ..........-- 307 Mock Ice... 2. 2s. eee eee eee eter eens tees 314 Cream, Orange... -- +. sees eee ceesceeennce 312 Naples Biscuit, or Charlotte RUSSO 6h. see 322 Cream, Peach. No.1 .....-.0seseeeee eres? 313 Omelet, Sweet. No. 1. ....-... cess ners ees 326 Cream, Peach. No. 2 ...-.sse sees cere eens 313 Omelet, Sweet. No. 2.....-.6s eee eeeeeeee 326 Oream Pie. NO. 2 2... ..eeeeee cece cree cers 324 Peaches and Cream.... 2... see cence eee eens 827 Cream, SHOW cece sere eee ceeeccees 314 Pears, Baked...... 02.4 ceee eens ce se eee cees 3828 Cream, Solid .... 2... cece cere cece cece neces 312 Pears, Stewed. .....- 0. cece cece cece cere cees 329 Cream, Spanish.........2ee cee eeee cece ses BLO Puffs, Dessert. .... oc ceis eee cece cee cece ete 325 Cream, Tapioca Custard ..........+.-.-+--- 313 Quinces, Baked.... 2.2.2... sees cece cee eeee 329 Cream, Velvet, With Strawberry........-.-. 324 Salad of Mixed Fruits............. et aise 327 Cream, Whipped. No.1........-+22-eeeeee 309 Salad, Orange Cocoanut..........-+ eelteunrd a 327 Cream, Whipped. No. 2.......... Dore adeuatete 310 Short Cakes, Fruit .... sees rece cree 325 Croutons, After Dinner........... Seearreer 325 Snow Pyramid........-.+. cece eee eee eees 328 Crystallized Fruit .... sees eee eeeee 327 Snow, Apple... ....- ees eens eens eee tee tees 316 Gustard, Almond. No.1 308 Snow, Quince..... 26. e eee eee eee cee ees 816 Oustard, Almond. No. 2 ........ssseseeeee 309 Sponge, LOMOn........-. cess sete cere ees 315 Custard, Applo.... se. ce tee eens cece cece ress 808 Sponge, Strawberry ......- sees seen eee tees 315 Custard, Baked .... 0... cece wece cess cccenrs 306 Syllabub. 2.2.2... cece eee eee tee eee eee 315 Custard, Boiled .........00s cece eee seceees 307 Toast, Lemon..... 222. scee eres cece tere cere 326 Custard, Boiled or Mock Cream ..........-- 307 Trifle, Apple... 0... eee eee nee cee epee cees 317 Custard, Caramel, Soft ........-++..000 00+ 306 Trifle, Fruit....... Se Lae i tates dicstan neat tatereeests 316 Custard, Cocoanut, Baked..........---++.- . 309 Trifle, cece eee eee ene 317 GustardOup sists chee wins core sceitlaieis a oie eipieie OO Trifle, Grape... 2... eee cece eee ete eee eee 317 Custard, French ........... Raaiaitatte ese RARE Os Trifle, Lemon. .... 2.6. ees cele ee eee ceed 316 Custard, German........... Ridutorco eee ajs sie ai 808 Trifle, Orange......cee cece tee eee eee eens 316 Custard, Snowball...... aes ea etee ra maleurate .. 309 TPyifley OACHe ds sig cicielolas walsiege aes el cies orem eine 317 Custard, Tapioca Cream ...........--s0 eee 313 Washington Pie... 21... eee eee eee cent eens 324 Dessert Puffs ........-++++ see tees eeee tees B25 Dinner GIvInG .. 2... eee eee cece tee reese 548 Bloat, Apple. ... ccc. cece eee cee eeseeenee 314° Divwurs AND RECEPTIONS av Warrn House....-- 466 Float, Oranges cise Sesie cece te sp erieees 326 Floating Island. No.1......ecsseceeecdses 318 DRESSINGS AND SAUCES... ..00seee cece teers jae Bs Floating Island, No.2...... Nias occ cease 318 DUMPLINGS AND PUDDINGS ...- +... ese ssee cers 339 Fritters, Jelly....... wecccveccecccoececcees B29 DYEING AND COLORING... eee sees cence teen cess 541 Fruit, Crystallized ........... a bereet seer h General Remarks ......-.. cece ects cesceees DAL Fruit Short Cake. 0.2... .cce cece tone ceeees 325 Cotton Goods........ Le tiene ost eca ciel eigtalokaleiekt 543 Gooseberry Fool....... Ghats cigubis toa bretaia atoms 329 Silks ez a terriisieiste Sete baialn erates Bus SMe 541 Honey, Lemon... ices cecceecscervesecasss OLE Woolen Goods s...sceececsrseaccencecssces O42 Eaas anD OMELETS: Eggs and Bacon, Mixed................, ae Eggs, aux Fines Herbes..........., He 202 Eggs, Botled sss. sce aaa due aa ten uae 200 Eggs, Boiled, Soft....... wie Syavetenmie alate eee 200 Eggs; Cold;for Picnion si ahh is 203 Biggs, Hried rei ian sins tiene aan ee ae ae 201 Eggs, in cases.... 202 Bp ee, Minced soe Malia ogee tra ube einee at Ciipieeds 202 Eggs, Mixed generally, savory or sweet...) .. 203 Eggs, Poached, a la Creme................. 202 Eggs, Poached or Dropped................. 201 Kegs, Scallopeds sc .8y ee aes meee te ee 200 Eggs, Scrambled... ssctsswaesten ost e) 90T Hees, Shirred sje ee eo nen aly ned ae ete ate 200 He gs, To sy aieatsa neh Santee 199 Omelots sees. s eerste ice eaten ecm et ae 203 Ombelet, “Asparagus incsiass peat tae 205 Omelet; Baked: oo isre case ann mis 208 Omelet, Bread. >No: Ty) oe. 3 oo as te 207 Omelet, Bread: Now 26 iss2 Niece eee 8 207 Omelet;:Cheesen in sesuicinsesineg i laeeen eens 205 Omelet. Ohicken' 2.7 a Uist hues 206 Omelet, Wish esr orcas sontste near epee ee 207 Omelet, “Hany i. 25 355 Serta oe Seen a en 206 Omelet, Jelly...... bia 207 Omelet, Meat'or Hishiw.\/. cite cecse os = des dots 204 Omelet, Mushroom..... Stason oe ene Meee 206 Omelet of Herbs... cin.) s%,cavseivels coax ats ai 20D Omelet; Oyster: sic s4ervg ates paitetonsnl sens 206 Omelet, Onions ii siog se Sse gna ae cee Rates he 207 Omelet; Pla. Ne oan elon eet imme ciantT 204 Omelet, Rites: isis Pcasedatee ae eee i oes 206 Omelet, Rum. ..\Ps cient sees se eee eee 208 Omelet; Soule so ssec ass cosic cache sevens 2 oe 208 Omelet, Tomato. No. Lives cecc cess cese cess 205 Omelet, Tomato, Noi ..c..4, cassie wnt ees 205 Omelet, Vegetable. .... 20. cece eee ene eee 205 Faors WortH KNOWING... ...cscesceegecec cess 518 Fisu: General Remarks .........ceeeeree cern ceee 41 Bish; toWiry reste au). Mae slates cette ae atelet ai eam see Modes of Frying ....... 20.200 veeecese cers 40 Fish and Oyster Pie.........2¢2+ees eee ress 45 Bass, Boiled... 2.05.2 ses. cece eeeresee cree 47 Blue Fish, Boiled...... 0.2... -ses eee see? 47 Blue Fish, Baked... 2.2.2... eee eee eee rene 47 Chowder (Rhode Island) .......--+-++:+++++ 54 Clams, Chowder..... ...2.2s+escees seer eee? 69 Clams, Fritters... ......00es0e2 ce) crttees . 68 Clams, Roast in Shell... ......+2e+--eete ee? 68 Clams, Scalloped.........--+eseeer errs eere ss Clams, Stewed... ......0e0 e008 silaets fatale) Winzetela INDEX Codfish Balls Crabs, Fried Fritters Lobster Croqueties,.. 6... 0.0... 00. cece oe Hobsters; DWEviled\ sins. cieclcese eek omens Wobster Patties cc's ti: jaon dasa tie shateisre ieee Lobsters, Scalloped . 0.5 soi eco es cole soe Lobsters, to Pot. ..... Mackerel, Baked (salt)... Mackerel, Boiled (fresh)...........0.+. 254. Mackerel, Boiled (salt) .........-..-0e.000- Mackerel, Broiled (Spanish),............... Mackerel, Fried (salt)... 2.50... eee ce cece eee MayOnnaise sic cs vaae adie cece e seteinsee eecie Modevof Prying i. ioe one beet eee tds tee ee Oyster Fritters... ... 20.0... ++ AoE RES Oyster Patties. ..... 6. ce cece eee eee ee en es Oyster Pie (Boston)... 20.2. sees eee eee: Oyster Pies, Small .......--- sees ss seen eee Oyster Pot Pie... .... 6 see eee tee eee eee OYStOrS.. 66. cee e eee eee teen eee ene cease Oysters, Broiled......-...-++++ sere teen eee Oysters, Fried Oysters, Fried in Batter ........--++++++-.- Oysters, Fried (Boston)... osc 2 eee. s ce esee ess Oysters, Fricasseed.... +--+ +--+ ees eee nee Oysters, Mock Oysters, Pan. Oysters, Pan. Fise—Oontinued: Oodfish sco ase un Ce Cd Coden tn Medea OU So eee Codfish, Bakeus wwe Munson bee nace 56 55 5 60 INDEX. Fisu— Continued: pace. Haute Suaeustions—Continued: PAGE. Oysters, Plain Stew ......--++sesseveeseess 63 (Ofoyiredarren Ane y oiearuemicas Nicwt ache ty MECC epee Witt 484. Oysters, Roast (Fulton Market) ...2-. +++ «s+ 66 @roupitasercsioe asian eeleee iets vcaclva se ees 485 Oysters, Roastin Shell........-+s+++e0+-+++ 63 PLAT RGSS HosistascatatciN cies lererhie doa etelties sie: Case oe 487 Oysters, Roast. No. 2.....-2---++esseeeeee 64 DTP LIOET As shores alore earctasahice sreaplehareseiersiotave asaie O25 483 Oysters, Scalloped ......+---+eeeeeseeereee 66 HEY OHVVIGLS AC Bise ee chal araistude’sacetn si onatetay steteier eal o1ete.s' << 490 Oysters, Steamed ......-..---- cece eee cess 64 AAS GLU EE Seton ne pid aecaoNG Mista als RUNS eA CS oes 491 Oysters, Steamed in Shell........+.++-+-++- 64 Mor: COUsti patil OMirs siqia's oiersiereiaelalele x clevete wien 487 Oysters, Stewed in Cream......--++-+.+++++ 63 POr/Severe MPlAlNs \. 2 ses oss Pers Shee wake ee 491 Oysters, Stew (dry) ....+-2--eeee cess cece ee 63 Mon Woathachess curser acetic cemise cei tte 484 Oysters, SoUp.... see eee e eee eee ee reese 63 Grayvolcar van tassie ese we ee ee neo fhetens 486 WAT ct Hack tocs aiciet ties pit g, die oie staves or ureraronaaiehenelOpei 43 Grandmother Cough Syrup ................ 492 Pickerel, Baked....-....2-. 2+ see cee sence 43 Grandmother Eye Wash ..................- 493 Per ran Ge aes aseny er alarac are famailonebarats 45 Grandmother Family Spring Bitters ....... 493 Potted (fresh) . 2... se. cece ee eee cece ee ee 52 Grandmother Universal Liniment .......... 493 PPOEUOU yea yreterctecteccle cian alee ele aalotey a Crerenatpeeta 53 Growing Pains Cured ............ 0... 0000s 482 Salmon and Caper Sauce..........-...6+.-- 44 Hints in Regard to Health ................. 494 Salmon, Boiled 43 Hoarseness and Colds .5...... 0.0. cece eens 483 Salmon, Broiled 44 How Colds are Caught........2.........02. 479 Salmon Croquettes ....-.. 22.20. cess eee ee 57 How to Keep Wellin 22s aiviclis sais ge cicietse 482 Salmon, Broiled (Salt) ............-2see cece 44 How to Use Hot Water ..................., 482 Salmon, Hricgysseels hss ls gi ansnwe siessiee ieseals s 45 PUN CGS PETS ae Nee broke stectioleierts siciadecol save. cthics 494. Salmon, Fried: (fresh): 3h es otis sec oat ses 44. AUOHTIBOSS Me rorya jaitoninte = atarcrelseentstasina colsiee 484 Salmo, Patios so. 2 2..c0% sti 0 a celeb le «= 45 Liniment for Chilblains ................... 491 Balmon,"Pickleds 12) icveie ceive clown sedew 44 IPO AGIAN OOM rade sects ae cteacls na visitas 496 Balmon’ SmOKOd a tise). jks: caw gs Mo ater sin areiale 45 Molasses*Posset sce o eek ec ee Clee iat 484 SoaO pedi tars tessrainiate ste ralois oialals eareinem ejetsratwaye 55 Recipefor Welong les. . weccis ceciets sisson) 400 PONT: AOC we ais ai ciereta ches i wie eye atocwlarete, wares 46 Hepulahion im Diet. ee Gees cia elw sie oes eat 481 psirads, Brouled emir enes asm na sveleMatemraccuetarac oie = 3 46 ReliefyPromo eis"als\e\slecefe eisie ce 'e 50 Swim’ seVierMitaGO:. ease: cleo miele siayere vie loveleie b Vian 491 RODS ARUO ccc Ciaran wiacahs a wlewieins acd iapecetelord tenis esp 46 “The Suns ” Cholera Mixture .............. 492 Sturgeon, Fresh Steak Marinade ........... 53 To Cure the Sting of Bee or Wasp .......... 485 TrentwBrook. HP PICA: sa. nisieih cw cceiy sas ee ence 49 Mo Cure Mara chests: ccc .te pests indone ce talsjeieae 485 Trout, Salmon, Baked. oi. 2.6 si vocelee see dn 50 PEOOEHAGH OS BON 24 ocala o Sai tiara aya ca oth pases char 484 Win GOs USAC sea) a5. wielaie ee leisl ais since ©: visiteyee ayessials 48 To Stop the Flow of Blood................. 486 White, Bordeaux Sauce.......-...2--.e20es 50 To Take Cinders From the Hye............. 489 MVD tes BOW hei cies ere: kere sacs thpin « Boatelpiecs, ohare 50 TO, Remiove: Warts .ic% a secJolcstien's ne cela hh ss 490 PCAN OMBiaciawoas ate ster lew cota cota ia estat vinnece seid 69 VETMITUO OWA S stein salen sinless tise ae aaicie’ 491 Terrapin Stew, with Cream .............66. 58 AVViELOEE Grane he ualeaislak staritre naib: « ators) a eitvel vial Kiaie siete te 483 MOTTA PIN SHO WEA vs ehic-stele) aceiets vel cheertelede ovates 58 Whooping Cougs tae ccnic sie sccaloincis's cine) vrelsiniies 487 Dette PIMs FON ayeraraseie siete o's reserniows shales these SS abe) e 57 Housekeepers’ Time Table................. 497 Turtle or Terrapin Stew .........0. cee eee. 57 Ioz Crrams AnD Ioxs : Fruncn WoRDS IN COOKING....... 0.0. cece eee 537 CECA HIT ee ee ee aa 336 GAME AND AP OULTBRN 0's c ciaicrs acl eleisin Gooig tis, alte stele 70 VO ZEN APES aie siw (oaje tne metas acs asflats sie aha 337 Hears Suacesrions: PrOZCNPP CACHOS sae aincieitece au ecole there eave Jere oxtiecie 337 Bleeding at the Nose ...........ceeee ee eens 489 Toe Almond ..... +. s+ esse eee eee eee es 338 Burns.and \Scaldsiy isos os seissies cos he bn 486 Ice Currant... 00... ee ee eee eee eee 338 Gamphorated Oiler. 2c cicisie cc's «views! poteeichoiel scaie 491 ARAL antoa oe essen fog Hem aroreeete Aeros 337 Colds and Hoarseness........ 0.00.20. ee ee ee 483 AGO WOLAR COV ALOE rc kcopen « clevein ine a la iae ce pages 337 Compound Cathartic Elixir................. 492 MGC; OPOAMI ac stent aentnaiaiea ayes cater exe iovensthone 334 INDEX. Ioz Creams, Ero.—Continued- Ice Cream, Chocolate, No.1.......... ae Ice Cream, Chocolate. No. 2... serene = . 868 Ice Cream, Cocoanut......... 2... ...00..... 335 Ice Cream, Custard..............0...,..... 335 Toe Cream, Pruit~ cacti «emia 334 Tee Oream Bares ys ashes eee 334 Ice Cream, Strawberry..................... 835 Ice Cream, Tutti Frutti.................... 336 Ice Cream, Without a Freezer.............. 336 Sherbet, Pineapple........ .2............. 337 Sherbet, Raspberry ...25 203 020.00, 337 JELLIES AND PRESERVES........ Bho eiersnatauarcte ne aes 376 Macoaront : Maccaroni, a la Oréme..................... 193 Maccaroni, a la Italienne .................. 192 Maccaroni and Tomato Sauce .............. 193 Maccaroni, Timbale of .................... 193 Meats t 2) eta oe eee Wicje in Satara. sins oinsy eile 94 Beef Croquettes:: Noel. o.is228 ..gles venien Se 106 Beef Croquettes. No. 2......c. cece cuceosss 107 Beef, Corned or Salted (Red) ............... 102 Beef, Corned; to'Boily 2... sain ee ne neds 102 Boot, Dridd ouiient eid sak Hae ce aaar eee 104 Beef, Dried, with Cream: . ics... ossae secre: 106 Beef, Flank of, to Collar ............-c00-0 101 Beefy Frizzled: = soe cae. cas is siesitee 3 sais 104 Beef Hasht, INOKLs fist e tiv ccitetle as eten areeee 108 Beet: Hashai No.2) 726 cscs pian doce ne altnteters 108 Beef Heart, Stewed .... ..cecece cee cscece: 109 Beef Heart, 0: Roast, 3's stenen a Wao eke a 109 Beef Kidney, Stewed .:.......0.. sere were 109 Boot Liver; WN riedar Gis) estas emer es ajageteraists 105 Beef, Pot Roast (Old Style) ........-.+.-++- 98 Beef, Pressed or.ici. ca sictotes sujsiaine tccierein leant 105 Beek, Roasts: cralerctsiers srereieielsteweareieinsrete nuesatan aes 96 Beef Pie, Roasts i.:c05s «ciclec pecan tare ew ciapsietciepeeirele 92 Venison, Pie’ or Pastrye <2. js/isie\ce tere slave ee 92 Venison, Roast Haunch of.........+..005-- 91 Woodcock, Roasted: oi ici. sien sojatameariaeeyeies 87 PRESERVES, JELLIES, Ero. : General Remarks... 2... ccs cece seen eee ee 376 A New Way of Keeping Fruit ..........-.-+ 388 Brandied Peaches or Pears........-e+++-++: 387 Jam, Gooseberry ......+. cece cece cess teers? 387 Jam, Raspberry .... 2... cece cence ceeeeteees . 387 Jam, Strawberry ........ cece eese cere r eee 387 Jellies, Fruit... 20. ceeccacccecs oesusesee® 383 Jelly, Apple 22.2... ce teee cere ceeeacen ee 385 Jelly, Crab Apple......eeeeese een ete cere: 885 Jelly, Currant.... 0... cece cece tener ereteees 383 Jelly, Currant (New Method)......---+++++:: 384 Jelly, Grape.... cee eee e cere cece cece eeeere 385 Jelly, Orange, Florida ......-+++s++eeeesess 385 Jelly, Peach (1.0... cece eee ceee conn erence 386 Jelly, QUINCE. 5.5 ss pees see nse orem me nee 384 Jelly, Raspberry ...- +2. eece cess cent seers 834 Macedoines....-.cssserceen eters sere cent tt 008 Marmalade, Lemon.......++-seesseeerttr et! 386 INDEX. Presenvus, J ELLIus, Et0,— Continued: Marmalade, Orange Ne oie a er tenn "eee Orange Syrup. ueie i eyomckees een 386 Pine Apple Preserves.........0..0.,0 0.0: 380 Preserved Apples (Whole).................. 379 Preserved Cherries ....,..........,...,.. 377 Preserved Oranberries..........,........_. 377 Preserved Hep, Plumas. eka eb a 378 Preserved Peaches..........0.00.0. 0.5.6... 378 Preserved! Peara < Wen CM ie ota ae 380 Preserved Pumpkins....................... 381 Preserved Quinces. 00. ..00.0s. 000200002, 379 Preserved Strawberries .................... 377 Preserved Tomatoes (Geen) 23s ie orate 379 Preserving Fruit (New MOdS isaac nse pe 382 Preserving Fruit (New Method of).......... 383 Raisins (A French Marmalade) . asa BF Ne 386 To Preserve and Dry Green Gages: o) 3 naces2 381 To Preserve Berries Whole (Excellent) ...... 378 To Preserve Fruit Without BUGBE ME aiack Bo 382 To Preserve Water Melon and Citron Rind... 380 Puppines anp Dumpnines : General Remarks tics. 2 vsyveuc wie os ae OBO A Roy alWMersent* x. touienn siicester a iden te 370 Batter, Common) sys .tircc se nichole i aeons 343 Berry Holle Bakedar i: witty st eee ebaen ein 368 Coblere Reach tii csiteia er cease etbia one 367 Currants, /Po.Oleani. cai e we oy delves tutes 341 Domplines sate se. cians heme wetness 341 Dumplings, Apple (Boiled)................. 342 Dunvplings, Pemoany Sj cs sc aves btee vw cee 343 DummplingstOxlOrd ve ivin-.ikew seerserei ced cette 343 Dimiplingss Preserves i yf. ssdviere las clarence a ate 843 Dumplings, Rice, Boiled (Custard Sauce) .... 342 Duniplings, Suet, No. Wea. tae st wee 342 Dumplings, Suet. No.2 ............--2.-. 342 Puftets, Apple, Boiledas sous cea se erly e-* 343 Pudding, Almond. vieie. os ies oes ees ne eyes 344 Pudding, Almond. No.1 .............-..: 347 Pudding, Almond. No.2..............--.. 347 Pudding, Apple and Brown Bread .......... 346 Pudding, Apple, Baked .................-5. 344 Pudding, Apple, Boiled.........+...20.+65- 344 Pudding, Apple Custard ........-+.+..++4-- 348 Pudding, Apple Puff ..........2. 002 eee ee 346 Pudding, Apple Roley Rolevzwconctearorticee 366 Pudding, Apple Tapioca ....--..+--++++++-- 845 Pudding, Apple Sago........++++ sees rere ee 357 Pudding, Banana ........ +--+ seer sees cere: 367 Pudding, Batter, Baked....-.+.+++++2++s-5+ 347 Pudding, Batter, Boiled .......--+++-+++--> 347 Pudding, Berry, (Gio fe hiner rad meeribe COCO a8 Pudding, Blackberry and Whortleberry ..... 364 Pudding, Bird’s Nest .....--++++eerertseees 344 a 1 4 q 4 566 INDEX. Puppines anp DumpLincs—Continued - PAGE Pudding, Bread and Butter. No.1......... 344 Pudding, Bread and Butter. No. 2......... 345 Pudding, Bread, Baked Plain ..........1... 346 Pudding, Broad: Bouse i. ss. iig as se ssi ania 347 Pudding, Bread (Superior)................. 346 PUCOING \Oabinot tas noel aie seis ss deme clpiateie 354 Pudding, Cherry, Boiled or Steamed ........ 852 Puddings Cherry an NOs Boos. sje a acho earns 353 Pudding, Chocolate. No. 1................ 357 Pudding, Chocolate. No. 2................ 358 Pudding, Chocolate. No.3................ 358 Pudding, Chocolate. No. 4................ 358 Pudding, Cocoanut. No. 1(French)........ 352 Pudding, Cocoanut. No.2 ..........0.000- 352 Pudding, Cocoanut. No.3 ............ 040. 352 Pudding; Cold Haast. seis dacs jeteis teatvighese cele ay ace 349 Pudding, Corn Meal, Apple .. 360 Pudding, Corn Meal, Baked Without Eggs... 350 Pudding, Corn Meal, Baked With Eggs...... 351 Pudding, Corn Meal, Boiled................ 351 Pudding, Corn Meal, Boiled Without Eggs .. 351 Pudding, Corn Meal, Fruit ................. 360 Pudding, Corn Meal Puffs ................. 351 Pudding, Corn (Starch oc uiien e eccajens sae O49 Pudding, Ohristmas Plum, By Measure...... 353 Pudding, Cobpage 7.02. lite vale ve oelce tin’ «ep BDZ ugding, Cracker chi .ns.teuciseiee soe e ane DO Pudding, Cranberry, Baked ................ 355 (Sivols shi Vesey Ohich nn ipo care eamie ssc nk tLe Ee tenner tind 349 Pudding, Cream Meringue ................ 349 Pudding, @uban*... 2.0... .4 cus Einisintn,obee ls oicse 350 Pudding, Currant, Boiled ............+.0.-- 364 Pudding, Custard. No.1...... 0.5... 0. 0005 348 Pudding, Custard, No. 2.2... 348 Pudding, Custard Apple ............ 00.0045 348 AGIs CSG Sort ican taeaes tarsi oie ands 348 Pudding: Delmonicow wes aes clea es cae ee oe 361 Pudding, Mnglish Plum (The Genuine)...... 353 1 ELETO SOE BYecreal Wb Ae Se ces RE eh Sep EMA ee ear 359 ACI Oss HEAT bi go eat cite Mees Eonar 360 udcdingn Mruit s steaks wi «arouse oie ae aul eo ed Pudding, Wrnit; Ooldeacie beset bes chee 349 Podoing,| Cor! Meabcjectacc. ice es " 360 Buddies, Hrait Putts oyacs aunc dors a 366 Banding: shai h Rigo Anand cocaine ey ukweetenS 363 Puuding, Graham ce veiw ee wae te ote. 366 Padding, Green Gornis!} sis ds eke oe 368 enddanes, omuiny sie hehe Dreier ean 368 Pudding, Huckleberry, Baked .............. 364 Pudding, Indian, Delicate.................. 351 Pudding, Joly anaes dc oon angles Sates Tee BEG enddime Remon nice awit cak te, paste as 356 Pudding, Lemon, Baked (Queen of Puddings) 355 Puppines anp Dumpiinas—Continued- PAGE. Pudding; Lenron;| Boiledevcicis. ciate 356 Pudding; lemon, Cold. gos en cee oe 356 Pudding, Minute. No.1 ...........2...... 369 Padding Minutec NOw2 rl reece es 369 Pudding sNantnek et opis ceicese acs cates oye 361 Pudding; Orange:: "Nox 1. Senses holies ek 355 Pudding, Oranges sINO. 2 wrists aes cies 355 Pudding, Orange Roley Poley.............. 365 Budding Peach; Dried iis ope. seater es we 367 Pudding, Peach, Pear and Apple ...... eres 359 Pudding, Pie Plant or Rhubarb ............ 360 Pudding, Pineapples sin) sive se es ce ean ee SOD. Pudding, Plum, English (The Genuine) ...... 353 Podding. “PlumsPaked i aveea casas eyed 354 Pudding, Without Eggs ....2.............. 354 PAGING sy PUNO Le Getler aie) letatet oat Neath c 364 PAGING Wai Ck aie vote seis Aer Sata. SB TO Pudding, Raspberry eo.c. o2 ess ce savice se css O09 Pudding; Meadyistrs,t loosen clam ia 370 Pudding, Rhubarb or Pie Plant ........... 360 Pudding, Rice, Boiled. No.1...) .... 0.2... 368 Pudding, Rice, Boiled. No.2.............. 363 Pudding, Rice, Bruit. ...05.. eo ot. 868 Pudding, Rice(Pine). 3h. tees cree ve 362 Pudding, Hace(Piain) rio. th etch aaa y ee 362 Pudding) Race, Menon.) 5.4 sve vanes 362 Pudding, Rice, Meringue.... 2.2.0... cece ee 362 Pudding, Rice, Snow Balls ..........2....3. 368 Pudding, Rice, Without Eggs............... 363 Pudding, Roley Poley (Apple) ............. 366 Pudding, Roley Poley (Orange) ............ 365 Puddings Sago. Apple eos ya wow hh ac eeu 35 Pudding Sago: slam -wacses oS eh ye eee 357 PUAGINS APG, ROY Ala tae ne bela cai oac een 357 UIC AUGER as ee tnrten sa Senihies caea ne 361 Puc ines SAG. tee ahora eae ae 361 Pudding, Sponge'Cake. No. 1............5 366 Pudding, Sponge Cake. No. 2............. 366 Pudding, Strawberry Tapioca.............. 859 Pudding (Suet, Plains io vine es sees ek 367 Puddine. Stet, Plame. ows eee st 367 Pudding, Stnderland: 3/57 5454 2.0) oc ae oe ice 369 Pudding, Sweet Potato............c00.0 000 865 Pudding Tapioca. dos Mea cas oats tewad 358 Fudding., Papioce,sApplesa. ves ies scsi bee 345 Pudding ahoasbes oto nkievata neem estore 362 Pudding, ‘Transparent, 2.2.00. 200s se. sek 365 Pudding, Whortleberry and Blackberry...... 364 GenevaaWiarerera cern hike cuit ke es tarcns ows 368 Huckleberries With Crackers and Oream..... 370 Royal Dessert, A li scits nace peen aakahgen 370 WO GHOp Sets gervoneuetere soe eee ae eis 341 Por Stone Raisins) sa harileee seas ene se 341 SaLaDs AND DRESSINGS: Celery, Undressedinsiin. ie conta ca shoyu mek ee Cucumbers, To Dress Raw. .........0ee0ee 155 Dressing, Cream Salad. No.1............. 150 Dressing, Cream Salad. No.2............. 150 Dressing for Cold Slaw (Cabbage Salad)..... 150 Dressing, Mayonnaise. ........ 2... cee. even 149 Dressing, Salad, French..............000005 150 HTLGLY Opis Cl det mltate He eeve sion Leh sia een voli 154 Horse! Radishrs 1104 spsoine Wetes sheren ales teaanion 156 PrebhuCec ssi ae ies Chee eave wis came mice bitieaiae 156 Peppergrass and Cress... o.oo e so ec one 155 RAGISHOBS So hccats or oe yanl ial Sp eecnalctauals vate’ ental tater te 155 Salads Beam Scoot aussie esata mews ve eee 155 Salad, Cabbage, or Cold Slaw .............. 150 Halas Onlerys sta areywieuetieuy sieve stave fi otalalleters es 154 akads Cie ke my is ca creole lacotase ayer ietacate steak ote 151 Salad, Orabis ior tpi. sc byateoucaleia nel DO Salad, Duntehivrey wares ease aieisere esau biel 152 Salags; Bisby choy cecsce aval ope hcveter ts) atatorer=s 152 Gala, Sea iv ia eaheropeea eee peemctae inte nari bine 153 Salads hetiaces iu. sap, cick endo letctnnais ts vashaieielare 154 Salad, Lobster. No. t.. 0.0 co. s cece eee ee 151 Salad, Lobster. No. 2.......2.2.0+-+-05-- 152 Salad, Oyster. ...5 ects ese cece ce eet e ce 152 Salad, Potato, Cold..........+-eeeeeeeetees 155 Salad, Potato, Hot..........---eees eee e cee 154 Salad, Summer, Mixed.........--.+sss0+0+- 151 Salad, Tomato....-.---eeeeee cece ee neres 154 Slaw, Cold ...... cee cece epee rece te tee nese 153 Slaw, Cold, Plain........++-+eeee eee eeeee 153 Slaw, Hot... .. 2s. cece cece cece eect neceeces 153 Slaw, Cold, Dressing for......s.eeuererere 150 SANDWICHES : Cheese..... cece cccecece sens sonseccsoesere 210 Chicken ........ cece cere cece eens state charles 209 EV SGTn coos gic oohreve aha neo risie eee. loredera brain nneraiene 209 Ham, Plain (0.2 2c csc cee cee c ce ete erence 209. Mushroom .:.. 200 cececcecercnceseccerce® 210 Sardine .... 2... cece ccceeeee® eaiaveusieleiere eieaale 209 Watercress ....--scce sere eeeseee Rite Dateainaie oe Savors AND DRESSINGS FOR MzAtTs : Butter, Drawn ....-+-++eeee seer sere Aa eels) Butter, To Brown ....e+-e esse crrs tess ttet 145 Cocoanut Prepared (For Pies, Puddings, Htc.) 146 Curry Powder ....+-+----++++ eect eveperce racely 145 Curry Sauce. -... cere rere rerce tress secs: 145 Flour, To Brown...+--++sersee* aMatatevel Netora ate 145 Herbs for Winter ....--.eeecerrrscerscret® 147 Mustard, French......+sssseesrreeessersts 145 Mustard, To Make ....-..s2ercreee crests 145 Meats and Their Accompaniments .-.-«+++++ 147 INDEX. Savons anp Drrsstnes—Continued: Omelet, Apple......... Repper, Witchen ls, wcis4awisce acces Hance, A pole seh ss steers eon ieee yeu Sauce, Apple, Cider Sauce, Apple, Old Fashioned Sauce, Bechamel Sauce, Bread Sineer Brown sai a Nese DS Meni eter leas Sauce, Brow, Sharp <3. ss ws etsy a cites site acis Baace, Gaon lca! aclretsta hiss we eh oie ent cit ak ae HUGE iO CLOT y: we iarastele alain) dies eos oralanetes on ana ss Sauce, Chili... Dance, Cranberry cies ceils. oig,y vie 6 4 sl ores 144 Sauce, Curry Sauce; Hooror White eels sclstercia's eles via ichee 13 Sauce, Fish. No.2. 20.02.00... eiiately sain staves 13 Sauce. Hishy!s NOLS acts ainia ag Wain joitare kno ierennie 13) Sauces Por: Botled.Codeic i. celine sstieln a's 139 Sauce, For Salmon and Other Fish.......... 13 Name, sHOMaANGaisoy stir cstriact actet ce eto staee erate 142 Sauce, Jelly, Currant .... 2...) ..ce eee neces 142 Sauce, Lobster ss... cece ce ene secu segs ess 139 Sauce, Maitre d’Hotel .............--2 00+ 142 Sanco, am Ge ries cistern: alanis ieatesevatelsiahalaveteinie 141 Sauce, Mushroom............. 143 Ganeey, MIO! hoalat arm Sa cede ned = eee eis e mh ecieile 141 Sauce, Oyster. .... 2... ese cece eee 138 Sauce, Tartare... ce. ccee rece eeee rene tees 138 Sauce, Tomato..... 2. cere ence ee cee eens 140 Sauce, Wine, For Game.........+.e esse sees 142 Spices 6... ee eee cece eee eee eee eens 146 Vegetables Appropriate to Different Dishes .. 148 Vegetables for Breakfast ......++++++++ ess 148 Vinegar, Cucumber.......-..-- +e sees sence 144 Vinegar, Flavored. ....-..+-eseeeee cree eees 144 Warm Dishes for Breakfast..........--+++: 148 SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS: Brandy, Cold.......+eeessee ec eeee er eeeees 371 Brandy, Liquid... ....-0+++sveeeeeteeerees 372 Brandy or Wine. No. 1.....--.++--ee eee e- 871 Brandy or Wine. No. 3.....---+-+++ese sess 371 Caramel... . 2.2... e eee eee e ese ees nere 373 Cream, Cold......-... es ecee cece tree te rete 373 Cream, Warm... ....eeeesecesee neta eect ee 373 Custard. ...---ceecese cer ce ree seeeterners 374 Brits co icce vinnie’ 6 cslsleieie we ci me eiecim nm elnicie tala 374 Grandmother’s ..... yarsicivioralalaie’e Mesacyjsteiscesdarele 372 Hard, Plain, Cold .......2-seeeeeeeeere rere 374 Jolly fay dees aes whois vo ootereie serie 374 Lemon. . 2. sec cec ewe ere cencscc see cccn matic 372 Lemon (Cold) .....-.. sees ee renee eter cess 373 Lemon Cream (Hot). ....+-seerserseeeere es 372 Milk. No. 1.....-. Mapeteeralere eae sige a> Shot 374 568 INDEX. Sauces ror Puppincs—Continued: pace, SIOK, COOKING ror THE—Continued: PAGE. Mullion! Groamisr sini shacen suntan aleatee ti 374 Trish Moss Blanc Mange.... 0... ...0 ee. eee 474 DIGEST Tle nn Sos iuman rena te iam tee eats 374 Jelly, Arrowroot Wine .... 2... cc. eeee wees 472 Orange: Cream (Hot) 2 atin See ON eee tenes 372 SOUY CHICK OI a. cis dase Cea vk oie Siero ee coe 473 Orange Cream (Cold).2 60.2028. eee es 373 Sly MUM GM es irra otitis wie aweitns coe e mek 474. PLAIN CAs GLOOGis sce tase as ais wee hee ttip eee areas 373 VOY ANARO Yea ai sce ts steer oe clennae an ag 472 Plum Pudding, Superior............2...... 372 DOLLY ME APIOGA shay a aeistoreioeteisleteh ke Mea eiole wee wk 471 DUG AEE vie wees teard crete eters co seas 372 MIMS SCCM Hoa py creraya tae able ie’ ga etucaenebarsisietsirra eis 476 Sweet! Common’ won c.caee ts cies eet ee oes 375 Mitke Porridge ise, watte a tah alae ernst 471 Pay BU PCO BAUM isto tsre)m etd wage snatee Meteor tet, « 376 Millkyor Cream: Codfish :5 001.) 00. vice eee cs hee 475 Wine, RICH. UNOs, Bess slenecs 3 bastall api anyes Pak ors 371 AHN SeM Woy) rool od Fao Ware ter ep ues eR re 476 Lemon Brandy for Cakes and Puddings..... 375 Me SOU verse siettteresieeds sisare's tomiorckeortee sic Cotas 474 Rose Brandy for Cakes and Puddings....... 375 Mutton Chops and Beefsteak............... 469 SEASONABLE Foops, VARIETIES OF........+-0e0- 421 Matton or Veal Broth................0.0.05 470 Sior, Coosa von rar: Oat NealiGruielorss aie mnveiercs sake ce cae ore 470 ern PROM Gene re ee 469 Oyster, POasta, catia eke Seis ecco 474 NTA Dae es Ee 477 SATA AAs ESTOA CE oorva rata pare tcvct at stelereretetc atau arpieis os 475 nolbss Hakedy: on we 473 Parada eaoker Ge tet ceatsnthre oleae atsier his 475 Aewemed} tor Bolles ey ee 478 Os METIS races ets pitas Se one e yee eh 471 Arrowroot Blanc Mange.........+.se0.000- 471 Pommdse, ATLOWLOOL, SMA s sie cacls sae tea Ss 471 Arrowroot Milk Porridge..................- 471 Poultices:, ...'.. ND Omar habe a eecak aie Ge Ae ck 417 Arrowroot Wine Jelly ....2...0ss00:2.c 0. 4723 Powders fowl hildionasacsc ui tsonian wie toe. 476 Baked Apples... sa eee ee 473 Pudding, Cup... ttre teen sees ence cece eee 473 Beefsteak and Mutton Chops................ 469 POE) OEP VAPIOOR's fa). tes siet fs ee on as UE APSAU Ta a ee ene eae Poe Ne 470 MiCe BOO oe heats arcane by oan tess base 473 Blackberry Cordial......-. 002... .e.2c0 00. 476 Ringe worms, Cure fOr nhc d.iscis desis octee eee SATO Blanc Mange, Arrowroot .......-.. s+. 2... 471 PAC OW CMS ers tciciersciclecsih ese eitie, o.oecAacs Seah ee eee 472 Blanc Mange, Irish Moss ................-. 474 POM POBSH mae merece oan oe Hee at ee cinte ee 473 Boils, Remedy for.......0.0.c.scececeeene. 478 BERR en ets yer tcu e cise yer oo Broth, Veal or Mutton.........-s-sese000.. 470 BUpnery Hbte Banke Bea oo ca eine Ao = glances 471° Broth Glare ee ee eee as 474 Tamarind: Water ras bocdhie iociere Slee cues 472 Brpih; Ohiekeni 48st deasmces tues 470 Scie 1 hel Blah et ie OC CES ego 471 Peed Mind «deve ae Ac gee 2 ERE Sek (as Be a den et A el ea oe eons PaAnAdan. sie isle oss holes tesa ees 475 Tea, lax Seed... ...... + 4.1. . eee ee esses. 472, Whroken Wellyek. VCio.5 dove tisey cone tie wanes 473 Siigb ascii Cet nae om ia ce noeie GuibkenBrciie, Bak eet a ee 470 Pps SM ppery Ba 5 72s seeiaae ee oh oo ake \ Clam enoth es Aue ee tics Nea heacaa aed 474 ete BUDPORY EDS pi ese eine ties ents 47h Codfish, Milk or Cream........ 02.06.0000 De Ra ee ee RPS CONOR en es ati ee eornmeal Gruel\ ee A oa SS aes 470 Toast, Milk, Plain. ....-..-. 21.200... esas 476 Orhoher Parada scissor eh LIE an aka A OUT cr EO Se Re es GupPudding te 2 Coe al wee gee 473 onset Oysters civic teveavieie sale ate’s of cece sian cue 474 Oup Pudding, Tapioca............se000000. 473 MOAB DOLE... saan eiacnerets ome eee ke Sa eh dee 473 SOUS bard. 2k tlie are avareiole ss iste helet nieces 474 Veal or Mutton Broth........+..........44, 470 MOurenfor Rim ewOrme tiles sso c ee cih om oes AUBUMOURSA toe tcacniciy walsiatpeity oaks Mek teins Dea ee 21 Draughts for the Feet ........ 06.000 e eee 477 Asparagus, Cream Of ............-.c0ce0 ee 27 HUA GTUGL Aa s)ss aralsle a dicis vies castes e atan eee 471 Bean (Dried). 22... ee eee eee eee sue 29 BE ee eoae Rep epe Bee arse aa ve So leyapastalcla lo) ohare aie OURS ture sate Sra 474 BROOR lope sierain We cicie epetier Pete dlieisie tina's ofije e ovoisherte 25 laa Seed Meas. at bias deat eaan see cues 472 Bisque, or Lobster............ 0... sees anes 38 Bilax! Seed Lemonade: 224 igs dieser opera osace 472 Calf’s Head or Mock Turtle................ 32 or Ohildnen: Meething scx suas ance waves © 476 Celery ecarncdainds cua onee Watreics cee ns 35 Grucl, Conmm' Meal. cess eae a ewe sks wens 470. @hicker Orea mg aca cwvetaciss ck cculewane 27 Grol Epa atlas isla adie we amet e noe Taian 471 Clam, Plain and French ’..................- 39 Gruel; Oat, Meals. ss s05s des thee ee do sc cs 470 Consort ye revicjarstin/siiernu sts bivalents tcr re 27 Sours—Continued- Croutons for...... tig HS Ae 0) eis awe law sighniaieta aly Dumplings Weg fOreAss sain scesa eon eee ee Dumpling Suet for Hippy Balls: LOPS wien: odiawush sprtielas ete tec tear RISD ee pivictecie's) Syelaie Wis Nowe Nets selena Crater ete ea Gromer fs. Rt Sa AG ee piety ee Oe ae Herbs and Vegetables Used in Julienne ee ss elas eae ae ee eee Lobster, ‘or Bisqrie to. tens ae ae Macearoni 330.5. cantata it vaca Moe ae ne ee Mullagatawney-s 3 ci\n\c; te seit stamens Mutton Broth (Scotch)...............5...5- Noodtes' Oc). ssiectigcei ce eee eee Onion ie These eas ota enitenion shea Gee Oyster Soup. Oyster Soups.) (NO; 2) ir ce vue on eiuistoineeiein ete Pen (Green) is03), iss oeteneata ea ape een Pea, Split. Pea; Splits’; Nos2eie« cate apcam sets hele ies Pepper Pot (Philadelphia)................- Plain, Economical ............- Potato (Irish): sagan aetselea ste eemcie melee nae Spinach, Cream ‘of. sass ade dae see eerie Somer elie ees chapter eee Stock. Waiter. igo ei ese Pena tener cslehe Stock, To @larity <0) scsn.celes.0='eietelecsieje apes tinys Tapiods Cream, «chic seswpcicscm-te sine iretoeee Boiaaio; No, Aas ..8 Sarat taeialsiplatentcaee onic Pom ato; | NOs: Baie essacsaetae setae aeae pai Wornatios NO. Bice yisiacasdesetw aia iol eivio oisieinle ete wibleds Veal (Excellent) ......0...5.08esteeesrene: Vegetable, Spring Vegetable, Winter ioral COLES oars cet rece acarcnoraese ea REBAR BSOG White) (Swiss) is fac cote ea cuacteeeete tee SAB ON Taste Eriquerre, Sanu Pornts ON ...-+--+-++ Toast: American ....¢.... Dialers ett ores eeeeeees Apple....... Soatahalenote! gince miata tote RAR AS HY TO Cheese. No.1 ......ce.ces . Oheexo, No: Besncnss4 awanies INDEX. PAGE, 37 36 37 36 38 23 38 25 Toast—Continued. Cream GYR AAR pi aagl remap tuMeA Raleiaers Guy. Fe Hashed Beotionis Aiincisca sae oan ae one 249 INE eae Seen ta aca) Ps park a ah CG 246 Tomet Reorezs, Ireus, Ero.: Amtidotes fon Poisons 1). oasis cals oka heels 585 Bad Breath Bandoline Barber’s Shampoo Mixture SER ALM 0a Te BY UnIG Rta NING OSA ee EO SPER Ce LES Burnett’s Celebrated Powder for the Face... 531 anaphor Mee eis eases hs hse c ge elta elt iasel laads 533 Cold Crean h anc: ais whale retelarsisrsioltletoreio ht sepeutters 529 Cologne Water (Superior).................. 52. Complexion, Wash <0 vos dines slp 'e nn ele eet oye 531 @reamcot ieee vs wrctateie avers aisle te oleic sreperes 528 PRGA OT AROSCRa.ctereieietelelew\s elars;stesn\eialaieisis"o{o\ «i 529 Cure: for Pimples soi mcr so!) lais aioe ieleie'e sles 532 Dye for White or Light Eyebrows .......... 530 BiG Ts Dr Grae eects ie stapes atsictaciels,ph ars eve eregpanlassts 529 Hair Invigorator.......... cece eee eee eees 529 LATTA Wah ne cisvorlviateiidieleintevsloslo's wrslelalpieleia.s' 530 How to Keep Brushes Clean............---- 534 Jockey Club Boquet Cologne..........-.... 528 Lavender Water:.......sececcccseeeeeccees 528 Lip Salve .....1- se seen secre terete ences 529 Maceassar Oil for the Hair ...........+++-- 529 Odoriferous or Sweet Scenting Bags........ 533 Ox Marrow Pomadeo......--.++2+sseeeeeees 530 Pearl Smelling Salts ......--..++e++reeeeee 532 Pearl Tooth Powder......-+--++-s+eeceters 582 Phalon’s Instantaneous Hair Dye.......---- 529 Pimples, Cure for......--sseesseeeeerecess 532 Razor Strop Paste .....---++++ereeeeeeeees 533 Removing Tartar From the Teeth.......--- 533 Rose Water ...-sceecece ccteerererte reece 528 Shaving Compound ......-++++seereer terete 533 Toilet or Face Powder....--+-+++sesrer0* 531 Toilet [eWlS. vue > see este ners Tp 534 Toilet Soap .....cs-eesssere tes teet estes: 535 To Increase the Hair in the BrowS.+.+++e+e« 530 57° INDEX. Torzet Reoretrs, Ero.—Continued. PAGE. To Remove Freckles .......... stinalpuea asa 531 To Remove Moth Patches......-+++-+++-++ 532 VEGETABLES: ' General Remarks ....... NA a dba cus bbe yniie Gis dese pase 169 DS DAPADUBSle sy. jate-gyvesieysusaa sievol abe ofa cca sitet selewalelyle » 187 Asparagus With Eggs ....0....60...0+.060+ 187 Beans, Lima and Kidney ......12.0..65.+.- 185 BOATS SUT LUG si jackin: cusvne a: calstskep ere oioys thecal miyie 185 POSTS AKOGIN . k: shaiacbetctavnh daisies se Ok am ataheeary 186 IBCOtH BON OCH lary ctetnte phokeatae terete dasa Sata eal 186 AIPOLS, IMONIAG ys nrc winds S hraeui eles dip eee aint 4 186 PabHase, BOUeGe: eie Sades: ctlSsterrele ere cise eons 177 Cabbage, French Way of Cooking .......... 179 Cabbares Hite dive i Yicliiceiciastscn'seetaco'e staat 178 Wabbage, Cbadiosiiew ea saeineca.. ans bani ens 178 Cabbage, Sour-Crout... 2.0. cee tee ee wee 179 Cabbage, Steamed sii. /0 sascte sea sieniwaniie © 178 Cabbage With Cream.........6..0 20.2000 178 Carrots, Mashed ...........+- aperonetenewalak. ehat tte 189 OETTODS, SHC WO ai. score ang: fb.d ieibietetel stats sleveiale 18§ Oslo wor eres cies ties OG ihe Win aie ote wisiadole 177 Caulitlowery Bred. S Aoi's aie Dew ole lee ek sete 177 OLS Cae SAN Sent on Sey Ran See MASE ttm aa dhe Eh 185 Com Boiled, Greens sos sewd visies wale Soe 183 Ora PROM satan ccte craicte abate who ate io wiake 184 CornEPud ding ceca Lew tek sea awe wes dee 183 Gorn, Roasted (Greens. ists bon aie. cans 184 Morn, Stewedis.) ovove cca ey oats ait i pane 183 Corn Sueeoiash aioe awe e in een cue Mee 184 Gucumbers) ‘ata Oréme.. 8s sei See 183 Cucwmbers whe hs \ can cee bare ehapiaeince ae 183 Cymblings, or Squashes.............00.005 188 Bigg Plants iO, nas creck ona oak ne tua 184 Ripe ck lant, Stnikedssi situ. wicmunsien we ae ne 185 Mndive; Steweds forte ys diese are usd atte 190 IGREOHE ats ia tte sti ue so siaten Ui eaes as eee GER 189 Mushrooms, Baked...... 190 Mushrooms, Canned’... ci h ed oe pu as 191 Mushrooms, For Winter Use ............... 191 Mushrooms, Stewed ........ 0... ccc eceeees 190 AO aren |e cote batstais (a stgrebiciety pita earth ered Renee ep 186 Onions; Baked hn. bnhes stich ak Seats 176 Ontons;Boilods safes ay sagen) pallies bee 176 Onions, Fried..3,....... chasis hare alee ete ais 176 Onions, Seallopeds Avvins vaca eae ae 177 Onions; Showedss 1252s catekoaes Aa ek 176 Oyster Plant or Salsify Fried............... 186 Oyster Plant or Salsify Stewed............. 185 Parsnips, Boiled ............ plain sle'sjavteisie'e o(v, LOO Parsnips, Creamed......... Peele sle’eelersisineren! LOO PANSOIPS, HTC Miva sjels,0a «lr acon tie poarch) 180 SHATSMI DAU TIULOrs: e's cis weoss txineae hin cas wae GE BO Parsnips, Stewed .......sesceseevesscescess 180 VEGETABLES — Continued. PAGE, PCAs MG TEONONG Macs die\y.s ocapunehals Wie rat Mahan 187 Peas, Green, Stewed ........ 00.00 Bea a, 187 Potato Croquettes.. No.1 ......) 0.00056... 174 Potato Croquettes. No.2.........0.0 00055. 174 OPA TOUR IMSS Ss saialincarak cram ateinats aa abasemesrcans 173 POfAtO: PUresajrsy- cisco ce wcicia’s'a ae eennie cure aan tae ETL POtato: Sno weewania wise sey weld ware varie Gee LTD, Potatoes,,Oréme : 0 lee eee cc 171 Potatoes, a la Delmonico................... 174 Potatoes, Baked... Re atts miei oe 175 Potatoes, Browned—With Roast. No.1..... 175 Potatoes, Browned—With Roast. No.2..... 175 Potatoes Browneds sevcsces wiisiicis s Pena 170 Potatoes, Cris Potatoes, Favorite, Warmed................ 173 Potatoes, Fried, With Eggs. ................ 174 Potatoes, Hasty Cooked: ............0.0005% 172 Potatoes, liyonnaise: . 2... ek eee cece ene 173 Popatoes Mashed ime ctecic cesses eiies see ao 170 Potatoes, Mashed, Warmed Over............ 170 Potatoes, New, and Cream ..........0.0.005 171 Potatoes) New, LO Bok ies snes osiieeic aes 169 Potatoes, Raw, Fried... oe eek oes 171 Potatoes, Saratoga Chips .............00008 171 Potatoes, Scalloped (Kentacky style) ........ 172 Potatoes, Steamed: ).2 sch ces skcwloa aetaes Sales 172 WOALOOR, WEL bie eit iw aides sce uale Nwae cee ee ale 175 Potatoes, Sweet, Baked....... > a nai a er ee 176 Bum pking Stowed isc «sive ealersnae e wee 190 PRIGO OM OU dei se EMCI} tesa Lucchesi are p eith es 179 ME BLE ya ee LEM sp eiar ieee. cess cil syslog 186 Salsify or Oyster Plant, Stewed ............ 185 Hour-Crout oo cee ete entry ys es Care ass 179 SPiMaCh oer taco h tals ice Petes e weet a esate a 188 Squashes, or Cymblings...............0.... 188 Squash, Winter, Baked... 0.02 0.0.0 00000 188 Squash, Winter, Boiled .................... 188 Shrines BeaNsye ess sts. ciortte Rcaue rar ae geste 185 BUCCOLMBM tates neki eine Gan ta Seated 184 Tomatoes, Baked (Plain) .......... Gisieleres eet LOZ Tomatoes, Boiled and Fried........ slaisie aie aie (LOZ Tomatoes, Fried and Boiled.......... vaeciee Lom Tomatoes, Scalloped .............000 seas LBL Tomatoes, Scrambled 2... .20..... 0.0. ce en 182 Pomatoes, Stewed s... 3s N so shales ae vee boca 181 Tomatoes, Stuffed, Baked.......... Ree eae 181 Woimatoes, No» Peelec ic Cneiae spake Sai 181 Tomatoes, Raw, To Prepare................ 182 PETE Spins ta: sie aie nat Teme Tenet ee 191 Truffles (Italian Style of Dressing)...... Be te Oe MrufflessAuNaturells cyt tee cise eee eae eo. 192 pilus Ese al feabenpiygty east eet Sea Lejeiete Sdeces ale nie nehieO Vepotablo Tash :..jijtceccteseseeviev'eriosens ca 108