a) instant Seren erst ary fre ate rather SAT ea! gy Lee. , ad een siite ae : Lah Ty Eire cy SAee ed) vo bt oe Py gap hey SOLS Sue mone tad RENT ¢ a “aye, a Re eee tee er > wee, a Ate eee ey os $ Ca eae) aS, AY Owes es? es * a £ ee xe wine _ Lay ama tei Pere e proves . ext : : : 7 ] Tapentweyee a : : z 7 atl a a » a h- O75 ny - ; = é Teri X a Pak th ee es ae FE wo Fem: hoy OI ered ‘3 pei: Fe PIG 1p 34% te ETE waeut Kh : : Segtetectgness a Ou?’ i : " 1 ee : Kotex BRISSOT de WAR- VILLE (F. S.) - Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, Second-class, 1882. Hors Concours. 9 Feeding the Flock. 16% x 21%. Pa Pad me fee :| & Pupil of his father. Medal, Second-class, 1867 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1881. ‘11 Waiting. MOUCHOT (Lud) Pupil of Cabanel. 12 Cavalier Reading. 18x13 4 ee ny obte, Pye ts AME eee y Ch eae oe Fae a aaa Kaede eee Kesey Sty acta) Aaa fon oo e eS ac ag reqeees oes: a no Meciheod , ~ F Rh og adic a ey asi ied WO snags Pe r iam ee ee ee dei ’ _ Arh anting pi kee ety al a sper. ae tee i Gon ‘eu +*~ iP Sa ele ame ee ‘Pupil A Gudin. eater, Medals; Second-class, 1867 (E. U.)., Second-class, aes Eee ALO 7TO 4h, Oy): eee _ Legion of Honor, 1875. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Hors Concours, 14 A Harbor. 164% x 26. CICERI (Eugene.) Pupil of his father. Medal, 1852. Medal in Engraving, 1876. 15 On the Seine. 16 Marine, DUVERGER (T. E.) a D : git ‘ | : : Medal, Third Class, 1861. : | 3 Rap., 1863. _ Medal, 1865. Hors Concours, 17. Children Playing in Woods. . 16% x 123%. ) mrctre of Deceased Artists, m sition piipersellss 1878. : bcs Flowers. 16 x 12%, cy Popil of P. Detsrocie Medals, Third Class, 1851 ; Second Class, 1852 ; — Third Class, 1855 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1855. Hors Concours. : 19 Domestic Life. TORS. KAEMMERER (F. H) ae Po sel Pupil of Géréme. Medal, 1874. 20 On the Terrace. IL x 7. nak ted ROLE eee : cat esas = . a ; ; - ; be ‘ = » « ; 3 - . bs o : : - ‘ Ss » fj = » \ i : 4 " > 4 7 % ~ . “ an 4 % . =. i ¢ . ~ ~-~ > ¥ ee - = : j a: > oe ae ~ eins « oy eee neh ie S -KOEK KO tl oolong, sia Sir 22 Dutch Landscape. 93 X 12%. DESGOFFE (Blaise) ae i : Pupil of H. Flandrin. __ Medal, Third Class, 1861; Second Class, 1863. _ Honorable Mention, Exposition Universelle, 1878. ici | Legion of Honor, 1878. | Hors Concours. | 24 The Agate Cup. Ge 124%4x9 -_MUNIER (Emile) — Pupil of Lucas and of Bouguereau. Honorable Mention, 1882. 25 Washing Day on the Banks of the Marne. > « ) PEEORINC == ae } 2 et F aa ry - Pe 1 WV G Pupil of Géréme. it ‘ we Medal, Third Class, 1875; Second Class, 1882. ra Hors Concours. “uf | 27 Paris Bric-a-Brac Shop,1 780. : 1334. X10, From the Wolfe Sale. + eee ior as of Trees near Bar- ‘Extract fe letter of Mr. Sabin to Mr. Truax. The Barbizon Diaz is a piece which, I imagine, the Saas did when at ease and in a happy mood. Its PPaieeatictty't is its charm and the soft quiet of evening is reproduced with a fullness of poetic effect not often found - in this artist’s work. The pool in the foreground is in- volved with reflections. It is a little gem with which one who likes a quiet sentiment in a picture must grow in favor as he looks. TAMBURINI (A) - 29 A Pinch of Snuff. 12x94. : . Pupil of Pils and of A. Leloir. Prize of Rome, 1871. Medals, Third Class, 1876; Second Class, 1877. Hors Concours. 30! 5-1 Quiet Tete-a-tete, 1816 x 2134 ri TOUDOUZE (Edouard) . ‘ * : mt - i Fake Or IE SEDO Avent or a ben 7 ‘ eee "3 it the Slat beet pe Pe %& sabe a : oA Pec lbeecaa Goan Finn, Soe mk Pal Ne RAEN kyr h Rh : geo 7 Pe 3 a TD) ‘erie | i: of i te Px ofS ‘ 4 at iy; aah ary a PVIBE RE (120... ee ay BS : 7 ~ «& St e of a Me> aH { . ee 3 > = - Pa a / a er IS ? = ae Pupil of Barrias, Medals 1864, 1867, 1868. Medal, Third Class, 1878 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1870. __ - Hors Concours. rtinire Se oe 32 Portrait of the Actor Coque- : = epee India Ink Drawing. ; a A House at Barbizon. Liters) (8% x12. PA eh oe Pe ~“VERNON (Paul) 35 Turkish Children at Play. 19% X 2574 _.VELY (Anatole), dec’d. Pupil of Signol. Medals, Third Class, 1874 ; Second Class, aS Hors Concours. 36 The Forbidden Book. 47%4 X 31% Pupil of Picot. be "Medals, ‘Third Class, 18: 5035 Sores { Legion of Honor, 1873. ; | Officer of Legion of Honor, 1881, 7 Hors Concours. Fs rs i pr R 38 On Guard. : 10%xX7% Say yo i a \ DAU BIGNY (ei F. .: dec d. | poe ae Pupil of P. Delaroche. a | ye Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1850, 867. is poe ins Legion of Honor, 1859. - Nf 4 6- | Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 39 Landscape, The Upper Seine. 1734-X 2% igi ay 41 A Dutch Landscape. a ei 124% x 15% ’ 47 PAM ACOIS (Edouard) ~ dec'd. Pupil of Meissonier. Medal, 1867. 2 : Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 42 Waiting and Watching. 57x 4 1-16. aan of neni cee Medals, 861, Ge - ape Legion of Honor, vince = | 44 The Harem. | en 123{ eS eee This picture and No. 70 were pamhieed = of Mr. Williams, of the old firm of Wil- | liams, Steevens & Williams, who imported them in 1853 or 1854. DIAZ (N.), dec’d. Medals, (Raa 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. . Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. | 45 A Wood Nymphand Cupids. 94% x 5¥é, Be Ril in oe Mountains, 20x 26. > | Pupil of V. Bertin. ee Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.). : a Legion of Honor, 1846. Piticcs of the Legion of Honor, 1867. ~ Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 47 The Path through the Woods. ow (1434Xx 19% me AEMMERER (F. HD) 2 Pupil of Géréme. Medal, 1874. 48 Teasing the Parrot. 43 X 20. oo es .% or Sib ae 4 ee (Nj decd Medals, 1844, he 1848. 50 The "Setting Sun. +o sage Gr ES Neuve from letler of Mr. Sabin to Mr. Truax, The DISC RER PCH AES GOT a the ee are most thoroughly studied. — - wonderful whirl of vapors ‘iit lighted edges: ing shapes and ¢ off into gloomy ground is most judicious, as its paises gives relief to the irregular nee of the clouds. The trees are out-lined very sharply against the horizon, their depth of color giving atmosphere. The pool in the foreground is made to reflect the glare of the sky. — To one who likes wierd effects and feels the mystery — and sublimity of clouds, this picture is a fascination. { AACQUECCE) Sect we Medals, 1861, 1864. at ee Ee Rap. 1863. Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. 51 Landscape and Sheep. 181 x 15 % SEA ue é - Ny Se Sa, TN ¢ =a \\ \A NI SS Wee 1] BS i ee Se are Se ee ‘ - ' 3 = = = <1 a = § 2 53 A Baldiccop the 16th Century. ee 24x ae DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d. tee _ (Eugene), dec ae Medals, Second Class, 1824; First Class, 1841; ‘ “*Phird Class, 3855 (E00). : Legion of Honor, 1845. | Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Belgium; sige Michael, of Bavaria, and of Christ, | of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. S Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Ant- werp and St. Petersburg. heehee Dated, 1858. ae 60 Sheep and F owls. 24 X 32. ig Ss , OFEO rut. in. The poksesston Of CA Truay Bsz opel Aes a = aiid = eh ey er a x 2. ——— Wil y ; \ AUNTHE (L) Pupil of Andreas Achenbach. Medals, Vienna, 1873; Berlin, 1872, 1875. First Gold Medals, Paris, 1878, and Sidney, 1879. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Chevalier of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. Member Royal Academy, London. 62 A Winter Twilight. 2344x184 eee 63 | cae Pastoral. oe ~ MILLET Chen dec’d f, a “dé ee : ~ 7a : Pupil of P. Deloshe i Medals, 1853, 1864. | ra | Medal, 1867. (Exposition Universelle). |. aes Legion‘of Honon.1868,.. °° ee Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, aan Exposition Universelle, 1878, : f ~The Churner. ae : | 10% x 73%. Millet was very fond of this subject and 2 e has done it in crayon, calque, water colors sta hig eae and oil; he also etched it. edgy terior te the Forest of = Pontainebleau. / aaa 0 ees MICHEL (Georges), dec'd. ‘The father of the modern school of French paysagtstes. 66 The Old Chateau. 20 x 26. From the collection of Durand-Ruel, with his certificate. aie yi cP: a Pps S 13%. = ae ea et O46. we a fF Sf a Z AMACOI =) [ Edouard] ~ decd. Pupil of Meissonier. Medal, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. ~~ 68 An Awful Story. 2154 x 18. From the sale of Zamacois’ effects, with the ‘stamp of the French Government. 3 q { ; | : ¢ 1 ] ; & ¥ i a = ae x * “The sky (of the Rousseau) i a tem ime as a magnifi- cent and masculine piece of work. The vapors of the coming night advance in majestic movement to subdue the day—whose light, for the moment, is hightened for the struggle. - The rolling loads and shadowy masses are contrasted by bits of quiet sky of lively tint—to reproduce which is _ beyond the resources of etching. There is something _in the sky which reminds one of Rembrandt—perhaps it is the vigor of direction, the bold zig-zag of light. Was not Rousseau a thoughtful student of the Dutch masters ? The foreground and distance are kept quiet, harmo- niously reproducing the evening motive, and repose is suggested by the figures of returning laborers. Here nature and thought, and not pigments and painters’ rules, were the man’s first advisers. As a specimen of strength, force of impression and freedom from the common-place, it is an admirable pic- ture one I should say, not easily matched. Yours truly, Jos. F. SABIN. - % “Medals, Third ‘Glass, -1844,-Seoond Class, 1846; First Class, 1848. — Sie = ae ee . Legion of Honor, eer ME er a Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 4 si sition Universelle, 1878. 443 yy Landscape. | 18 RAG. hae Ee ee SO tas ge REIT ee eeeete Mery BE. ¥ t ere SIRO Lg LYM fi Me Uripgualye the possession of C, LIRUAX £59. _ . iM TA ant ~ ea ROLY ie Re elie y na ere nnen ae ene ee het tea ~ + xDee frlacen aval baiapaity tar clas > \. Dies 5 Pe ? Pee | 7 se a: eee eee > My “i j & aie - " ss 4 ie y, vias | fe Tre WOSEOBSHOL OF LILTLICL ‘ a ie * if i ee Steet z = eh ee. ry seats of. the TY ebes Noehstift. ere : wee ‘The Advance Guard. DECAMPS [A. G.], Paris. Medals, 1844, 1846, 1867. ve Legion of Honor, 1853. 73 The Assassin. Tales) ee Medals, 1866, 1869, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1876. 74 Pompeian Fruit Seller. wee he a PATS Saari 7S | Mid-day_ H —Clime. | set VERBOECKHOVEN [Eugene], dec’d, Bruss Medals, 1824, 1841, 1855. ° “= * = ets! “ve an cate = art Se ea Ee Bae ee, a ra Ty oe rs ahs oy ame aly be soho 5 has, yk t