oe” ya | Rr a ae I!
OU CON EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION, ONLY ONE OTHER COPY RECORDED AT PUBLIC SALE . 427, ALKEN CoLorED PLates. Comparative Meltonians, as they are and as they were. By Ben Tally-Ho. A series of 6 plates, At Frneiy CoLorED, AND BriLLiant Impressions, drawn by Henry Alken and engraved by G. Hunt. Oblong folio, half brown morocco, Or1Grn AL Printed Wrappers and title-page bound in. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean, 1823 First Epirion. OF Great Rartry. With THE EXCEPTION oF A Copy Sotp at Soruesy’s, Aprit 24, 1899, TuerrE Seems to Be No Recorp IN ENGLISH BoOK-PRICES CURRENT (1887-1923), on 1n AMERICAN Book PRICES CURRENT (1895-1922), or ANoTHER Copy Berne Sotp at Pustic SALE IN ENGLAND OR AMERICA. The plates are executed in the artist’s best manner and each plate has the publisher’s imprint in the lower margin. The plates comprise,—‘A Meltonian, as he was;” “A Meltonian, as he is;” “Gone Away, a Meltonian as he us’d to be;” “Gone away, A Meltonian as he is;” “Going home, Mel- tonians as they were;”’ “Going home, Meltonians as they are.” In the lower margin of each plate is a line of text. 428, AtKEN CoLoreD Puates. Illustrations to Popular Songs. With 41 CoLoreD PLatEs, on each of which are numerous droll figures. Oblong 4to, half red morocco, leather lettering piece on front cover. London, 1826 First Epition. The plates abound in jocularity and sportiveness. A very interesting example of Alken’s fine style of caricature. 429. ALKEN CoLoreD Piatus. Fores’s Steeple Chase Scenes. Complete set of 6 plates, ALL Fineiy Coxorep, drawn by Henry Alken, engraved by J. Harris. Bound in one volume, oblong imperial folio, half maroon morocco, leather lettering piece on front cover, front cover slightly faded, one plate loose. London: Messrs. Fores, April 24th, 1848 FINE IMPRESSIONS. Set comprises,—“‘The Starting Field; “Wattle Fence with a deep drop ;” “In and out of the Lane;”’ “The Warren Wall;” “The Brook;” “The Run In,” Se A ed Se Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th 430. AtkEen Cotorep Piates. Fores’s Hunting Accomplishments. Complete set of 6 scenes, Attu Finety Couorep, drawn by Henry Alken, en- graved by J. Harris. Bound in an oblong folio volume, half ma- roon morocco, leather lettering piece on “side. London: Messrs. Fores, November Ist 1850 FINE IMPRESSIONS. Set comprises,— ‘Going along at a Slapping Pace;” “Topping a Flight of Rails and coming well into the next field” “Swishing a Rasper;” “In and Out = an Ox Fence;” “Pacing a Brook.” 431. Atken Conorep Puates. Fores’s Hunting Casualties. Complete set of 6 Scenes, Aut Frnety Cotorep, drawn by Henry Alken, engraved by J. Harris. Bound in one volume, oblong folio, half maroon mo- TOCCo, leather lettering piece on front cover. London: Messrs. Fores, January 1st, 1850 _ Frne IMpressSIONs. - Set comprises,—‘A Turn of speed over the flat;” “A strange Country ;” “Dispatched to Head Quarters; “Up to Sixteen Stone; ;’ “A Rare sort for the Downs;” “A Mutual Determination.” 432. ALKEN CoLorep PLatres. Hunting Sketches. Complete set of 6 scenes, Aut Finety Conorep, drawn by Henry Alken, engraved by J. Harris. Oblong imperial folio, half maroon morocco, worn, leather lettering piece on front cover, loose in binding. London: Messrs. Fores, November Ist 1859 FINE IMPRESSIONS. The sub-title of this series, which is in the lower margin of each plate, is “The Right and Wrong Sort, or a Good and Bad Style of going across Country.” 433. ALKEN CoLorep Puates. The High Mettled Racer. Set of six prints: The Foal; In Training; The Racer; The Hunter; The Post Horse; The Death: After Henry Alken. Together, 6 pieces, framed. All late impressions. 434, ALKEN CoLorED PLATES. Biew (WiuiiAm C. A.). The Quorn Hunt and its Masters. With 24 illustrations drawn by Henry Alken, 12 of which are colored; also a colored map of the Quorn and sur- rounding countries. 1899; A History of Steeple-Chasing. With 28 illustrations chiefly drawn by Henry Alken, 12 of which are colored by hand. 1901. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops. London, 1899-1901 435. AMERICAN TurF REGISTER AND SportinG Macazing. Vols. 1 to 10, in- clusive. With numerous engraved and lithographed plates. 10 vols. 8vo, half leather, worn; some plates torn, text and plates foxed. Baltimore, 1829-1839 An PXcEEDINGLY Rare Work. This important and early American Sporting Periodical was founded in September 1829 by John S. Skinner, and he sold the publication in 1835 to Gideon B. Smith who continued it for four years, and he in turn sold it to W. T. Porter. The original front wrappers to the parts in Vols. 6 and 7 are bound in. Assumed to be perfect as to text and plates, but as with all periodicals, sold not subject to return. 436. ANGLING. WALTON AND Corron. The Complete Series of 77 woodcuts to illustrate Major’s 1824 edition of Walton’s Complete Angler. Proors oN InpIA Paper. Bound in an 8vo volume, half green morocco. [London, 1824] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue uauants. Suinionncineuadninniubi sii Mentamiiaini Maine Gen kk 437. ANGLING. Watton AND Corron. The Complete Angler. Edited by John Major. Portrait of Walton, and numerous full-page engrav- ings. Boston, 1866. Limited to 100 copies; [Boosry (THomas).] Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings. By an Old Angler and Bibliopolist. To which is added a Catalogue of Books on Angling. First Eprtion. Frontispiece, and woodcuts in the text. London, 18386; Rennie (James). Alphabet of Scientific Angling, for the use of Beginners. Illustrations in text. London, 1833. Together, 3 vols. 8vo and 16mo, boards (back broken), cloth, and half mo- rocco. Boston and London, 1833-1866 438. ANGLING. Watton AnD Corton. The Complete Angler, b | the Contem- plative Man’s Recreation, Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing written by Izaak Walton and Instruction how to angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream by Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. | Embellished with about 61 portraits, views, fishing scenes, vignettes, | etc., by Stothard, Inskipp, and Hixon, exquisitely engrave a “y Worthing, Fox, and others, all fine impressions; rubricated titles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: William Pickering, 1836 PICKERING’S HANDSOMELY PRINTED Eprrion or Tuts Famous ANGLING Work. It is one of the most notable editions of “The Complete Angler” ever issued. The text is printed by Whittingham, in a large and beautiful type, and is that of the Fifth Edition, with the variations of the four pre- vious editions indicated at the foot of each page. The embellishments after Stothard and Inskipp, all beautifully engraved on copper and steel, are splen- did examples of the best English engraving by some of the foremost engravers. The edges of a few leaves in Vol. 2 are slightly foxed, and there are off- sets of some of the plates. 439. ANGLING. WaLToN AND Cotton. The Compleat Angler. Edited by Richard LeGallienne. Illustrated by Edmund H. New. 12mo, full olive green levant morocco, with piscatorial inlays on each cover consisting of a group of white and gilt water-lilies, with green and gilt leaves, two fish encircling the design, gilt paneled back, inner borders with gilt emblematic tooling, gilt edges, By rivire. London, 1904 A Fine Epirion IN A BEAUTIFUL BINDING. 440. AneLInc. Watton anp Corton. The Complete Angler, or Contem- plative Man’s Recreation. Edited by George A. B. Dewar, with an Essay by Sir Edward Grey. With numerous etchings by William Strang and D. Y. Cameron. 2 vols. square 8vo, full green levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, By rIvibRE, slightly rubbed. London, 1904 WINCHESTER EpiTion. The text of this Edition is an exact reprint in spelling and punctuation of the Fifth (1676) Edition; the last published in Walton’s Lifetime. 441, Coacninc. Mauer (Caprarn). Annals of the Road, or, Notes on Mail and Stage Coaching in Great Britain. To which are added Essays on the Road, by Nimrod. With numerous full-page illustrations, In Cotor. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1876 First Eprtion. VERY FINE PUBLICATION ON Mart, AND STAGE CoAcHING IN GREAT Brirarn. The plates are very interesting, depicting scenes in snowstorms, coaches, stage-coach dépots, ete. Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th COMPLETE SET OF COLORED PLATES ON COCK-FIGHTING 442. Cocx-Ficutine. A Series of 6 Finety Coxorep engravings depicting scenes in Oock-Fighting. Drawn and engraved by N. Fielding. “Pubd. July 1, 1853, by R. Ackerman.” Each engraving neatly mounted on linen hinges. Bound in one vol. oblong small folio, three-quarter blue morocco, leather lettering piece on front cover. London, 1853 we Set. Very finely executed. The titles of the plates are,— Set Too, - ight, Throat, Knock Down, Recovery, Death. 443. CoLorEp Puate. Virw or Bricuton. The Chain Pier at Brighton with Characters. Aquatint, In Cotor. Drawn and engraved by Brighty. Good impression with the inscription. Size, height, 944; length, 1814 inches. 444, Cotorep Piates or Roap Scenes. Fores’s Road Scrapings. A_ series of 12 oblong plates, each containing several scenes, VERY FINELY Gotorep. Bound in one vol. oblong folio, original half roan and boards, with design on front cover, binding worn. London: Published by N. Calvert, 1840 Depicts road scenes in England, France, Spain, and other countries. ose ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY EISEN AND OTHERS 445. Ersen (CuHartes). OrtcinaL Penci, Drawine of a pair of lovers seated on a bank with a cupid above, trees and wreaths of roses surrounding them. Unsigned. Oval, 534 by 4 inches. Laid down on a gray mat; [Auso] OrtcrnaL Penciy Drawine of a scene in an oriental court showing the turbaned ruler with attendants and slaves entertaining a French lady with numerous attendants. Signed, J. J. Hoch, 1775. 6% by 8 inches, laid down on gray mat; [AND] OriciInaL Wasu Drawine in sepia of the symbolic crowning with laurel wreath of a poet or writer. Unsigned, but probably late XVIIIth Century work. 714 by 41% inches, matted. Together, 3 pieces, each in gilt frame (one damaged), glazed. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY EISEN ARE EXXCEEDINGLY rare and the one here described is an EXceprioNALLyY Fine EXAMPLE, charmingly and delicately depicting this favorite subject of the period. The other drawings are also desirable specimens. 446. Encuisn Country Lire. Mines (Henry D.). English Country Life; a Valuable Work of Reference for the Gentleman, the Sportsman, the Farmer, etc. Illustrated with 52 plates, 16 of which are col- ored. Imperial 4to, half calf, marbled edges. London, circa 1860 447. Excuisu Country Scenz. Morianp (Grorce). The Country Butcher. Mezzotint, engraved by J. R. Smith, after the painting by Morland. Good impression, with inscription; [Auso] Mezzotint, “Phaeton,” engraved by Green, after Stubbs. Together, 2 pieces, size about 18 by 22 inches. 448, ENcrAveD Portraits. Portrait of Pierce Egan, Author of “Life in London.” Mezzotint, engraved by Turner, after Sharples; Portrait of the Famous George Taylor, after Hogarth; Portrait of F. Buckle, the Jockey. Together, 3 pieces. Size about 10 by 18 inches, each, Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue pe aa a 449, Ercuine. Santer (W. Denny). London to York. Etched by James Dobie, after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler, remarque proof. Signed in pencil, by both painter and etcher. Fine impression, on Japan paper; [Axso] Large photogravure portrait of “Don Bar- tholzar Carlos” after Velasquez. Together, 2 pieces, size about 24 by 30 inches. Framed. , 450. Fenctnc. THipaurr ( GIRARD). Académie de VEspée de Girard Thi- 451 452 453 . Foxnounps. Trarrorp (Str Humpurey F. ppe—Editor). The Fo: bault d’Anvers ou se demonstrent par Reigles Mathematiques sur le fondement d’un Cercle Mysterieux la Theorie et Pratique des vrais et jusqu’a present incognus Secrets du Maniement des Armes a Pied et A Cheval. With large finely engraved plates by A. Bols- wert. Atlas, folio, old calf. No place, 1628 EXTREMELY RARE. Fine impressions of the plates, which are very illus- trative in detail, of the art of fencing. hounds of Great Britain and Ireland, Their Masters and Hunts: men. Several full-page photogravures, one in colors; and several hundred illustrations in the text. Folio, half red morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1906 . Frencu Cortor Prints. Vue du Char Funébre, de la translation 3 St. Denis, des Corps de Louis XVI et de la Reine Marie Antoinette. Line engraving, colored. Good impression, with inscription. Also engraving by Dupreel, Procession passing a Cathedral. Together, 2 pieces. Size, about 12 by 20 inches. - Horse Harness. Tun Spur. Zscniie (R.) anp Forrer (R.). Der Sporn in Seiner Formen-Entwicklung. Ein Versuch zur Charac- terisirung und Datirung der Sporen unserer Kulturviélker. With “0 plates, containing 188 illustrations. Folio, sheets, enclosed in board portfolio. Berlin, 1891 A treatise on the development and shape of the Spur through all the ages, and is an effort to date and characterize the spurs of the civilized countries. 454. Horse Harness. Zscuiutute (R.) AND Forrer (R.). Die Pferdetrense in Jhrer Formen-Entwicklung. Ein Versuch zur Characterisirung und Datirung der Mundstiicke der Pferdezaumung unserer Kul- turvolker. With 20 full-page plates containing about 200 illus- trations of bits worn by horses in the early days. 1893; Die Steigbiigel in Ihrer Formen-Entwicklung. Characterisirung und Datirung der Steigbiigel unserer Kulturvélker. With 20 full-page plates containing 167 illustrations of stirrups used in the early days. 1896. Together, 2 vols. folio, boards, cloth backs. Berlin, 1893-1896 455. Horse Racine. A collection of 35 Finriy Cororsp AQUATINTS of English race horses, painted by J. F. Herring, J. Ferneley, Han- cock, F. C. Turner, H. Hall and engraved by Charles H unt, Suther- land, R. G. Reeve, J. Harris and Edelman. Bound in an oblong imperial folio volume, full blue morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing a border of double gilt fillets with scroll-work corner ornaments, with emblematic design in each corner, lettered in gilt on front cover. ‘London, 1815-1845 [Continued Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th [No. 455. Horse Racinc—Continued] A Very Fine AND Rare SERIES OF PRINTS DEPICTING RACE HORSES, Most or WHICH HAVE THE JocKEY Up, VERY SPIRITED, AND FINELY COLORED. A NuMBER OF THE PLATES ARE “Proors.” The following is a list of the plates; they are listed under the name of the races, and the year in which it was won,— Great St. Lecer: Philo da Puta. 1815; The Duchess, 1816; Ebor. 1817; Reveller. 1818; Antoni. 1819; St. Patrick, 1820; Theodore. 1822; Barefoot. 1823; Jerry. 1824; Tarrare. 1826; Matilda. 1827; Velocipede. 1828; Row- ton. 1829; Rockingham. 183838; Elis. 1886; Mango. 1887; Don John. 18388; Launcelot. 1840; Nutwith. 1848; Foig-a-Ballagh. 1844. Derpy STAKES: Mameluke. 1827; Dangerous. 1833; Phosphorus. 1837; Amato. 1838; Little Wonder. 1840; Attila. 1842; Cotherstone. 1843; The Merry Monarch. 1845. - Oaks STAKES: Cyprian. 1836; Deception. 1839. _ Newmarker WHIP: Sultan. 1823; NEWMARKET STAKES: Riddlesworth. 1881; Royat Sraxkes at Ascot: Glencoe, 1835. al No Races RecorpDED: Bessy Bedlam; Euclid. 456. Horse Racine. Dusost (A.). A Collection of Eleven Plates, executed in Lithography; Representing a View of Newmarket and the Life of the Race Horse, from the Moment of his entering the Stud until that of his sale. [Text in French and English.] With 11 plates by Dubost. Oblong folio, boards, rubbed, text and plates slightly spotted. Paris, 1818 A VERY RARE VOLUME. 457. Horse Racine. Fores’ Turf Companion: consisting of Forty Por- traits, with Pedigrees and Performances of the most eminent Race Horses and Stallions of the Old School. 40 engraved copperplates. each a portrait of a horse with his pedigree below, engraved by James and Henry Roberts. 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges, By ZAEHNSDORF. [London] circa 1830 VERY RARE. 458. Horse Racine. Woop (Rev. J. G.). Horse and Man. Their Mutual Dependence and Duties. Jllustrated. 1885; Watson (A.Frep E. T.—Editor). The Racing World and its Inhabitants. Full-page illustrations in color. 1904; Day (Witi1Am). The Racehorse in Training, with Hints on Racing and Racing Reforms to which is added a chapter on “Shoeing.” Seventh Edition. 1892; PENNELL- Eumurrst (Captain E.). The Best of the Fun. 1891-1897. With 8 colored plates. 1908. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885-1904 459. Horse Racine. The British Turf and the Men who have made it. Being an Historical and Contemporary Work on Racing in the British Isles from its earliest inception to the present day .. . Together with an International Section containing articles, ete. on Racing in all parts of the World. Compiled by “The Sporting Life.” With numerous engravings and half-tone illustrations, in- cluding all Derby Winners from the year 1860 to 1906. Thick folio, full green morocco, Jansenist, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, somewhat rubbed. London, 1906 460. Horsr Racine. Cook (THEoporr A.). A History of the English Turf. With numerous fine plates and illustrations. 3 vols. 4to, decorative cloth, gilt edges. London, no date Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 461. HorsEMANSHIP. AMMAN (Jost). Artliche und Kunstreiche Figurn qu der Reutterey, sampt jrem musterhafften Geschmuck, Der- gleichen nie aussgangen. With 97 woodcuts by Jost Amman. Oblong small 4to, full old calf, blind stampd. Frankfort a.M.: 8S. Feyrabend, 1584 First Epirion. ExTreMety Rare. A fine series of plates on eques- trianism. The plates depict kings, princes, noblemen, captains, soldiers, etc., on horseback, and figures of horses. i 462. HorseMANSHIP. Fouquet (Samuveu). Traitté des Emboucheures. Illustrated. 4to, full old calf, gilt, sprinkled edges, binding worn. Paris, 1668 RARE Work. With bookplate of Lud. de Maneval. C.M.fecit. 463. HorspMANSHIP. Esenperc (LE Baron D’). Description du Manage Moderne. 60 plates engraved by B. Picart. Oblong small folio, three-quarter green morocco, gilt, morocco lettering piece on ob- verse cover, [London] 1727 ORIGINAL EpITION, with the first impressions of the plates. Although the title is dated 1727, the date appearing at the end of the dedication is 1728. 464, HorseMANSHIp. CAVENDISH (WiLLIAM). A General System of Horse- manship in all its Branches: containing a Faithful translation of that most noble and useful work of his Grace, William Caven- dish. With all the 43 original copperplates which were engraved by the best foreign masters, also head-pieces and initial letters. 2 vols. in 1, folio, full calf, roan back, binding somewhat worn. London, 1743 An excellent treatise on this favorite sport. 465. HorsemMANsuHIp. LA Guerintre (M. ve). Ecole de Cavalerie, conte- nant la Connoissance, l’Instruction et la Conservation du Cheval. Numerous copperplates. Small folio, full mottled calf. Paris, 1751 It is seldom that copies of this important and rare work occur for public sale. 466. HorseMANSHIP. THOMPSON (CHARLES). Rules for Bad Horsemen; Hints to Inexpert Travellers, and Maxims worth Remembering by the most Experienced Equestrians. New Edition, with modern additions by John Hinds. With two plates. 1830; Jounson (T. B.). The Shooter’s Companion. Second Edition, improved and very considerably enlarged. With plates. 1823. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, full yellow calf and full maroon calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1823-1830 467. HorseEMANSuHIP, ALLEN (JOHN). Principles of Modern Riding, for Gentlemen; in which the Late Improvements of the Manege and Military Systems are applied to Practice on the Promenade, the Road, the Field, and the Course. Numerous descriptive plates. Royal 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, By Tour. London, 1825 468. HorsEMANSHIP. Herbert (H. W.). Frank Forester’s Horse and Horsemanship of the United States and British Provinces of North America. With steel-engraved original portraits of celebrated horses. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt backs, with emblematic tooling, gilt tops. New York, 1857 Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th 469. HorspmMansuip. Finis (J.). Principes de Dressage et d’Equitation. 1890; Levesque (D.). En Déplacement. N.p. Both illustrated. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, second volume with original eeeppers bound in, one plate loose in first volume. 3 Paris, 1890 and no place 470. HorsEMANSHIP. © Prcarp (L.). Origines de l’Ecole de Cavalerie et de ses Traditions Equestres. Nwmerous fine plates, mounted on guards. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, three-quarter green levant mo- rocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, F Saumur, no date 471. Horses. Equile . . . Pictore Johane Stradamo. . . ac Studio Marci Sadeleri in lucem editi. With 14 engravings belonging to the work and 19 additional plates, all mounted. Oblong royal 8vo, boards, worn. [Antwerp] circa 1570 A Very RARE SERIES. 472. Horsms. Soiitpysen (Smur pe). Le Parfait Mareschal qui enseigne a conoistre la Beauté, la Bonté & les Deffauts des Chevaux. 2 vols. in 1. 1677; Fouqurr (S.). L’Art de monter a Cheval. 1664. Both with engravings. Together, 3 vols. in 2, 8vo, calf, bindings worn, the first being damaged. Paris, 1664-1677 473. Horses. NbEwcastLtE (DUKE or). Methode et Invention Nouvelle de dresser les Chevaux . . . Seconde Edition. Nwmerous fine plates. Folio, calf, worn. London, 1737 474, Horses. Autuen (M.). The Farrier’s Assistant . . . London, 1737; Dupaty bE CLuAM. La Science et Art de ’Equitation. Hngravings. Yverdon, 1777. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, sheep and boards, the former, gilt edges, several pages of text of the latter, stained. 475. Horses. Larossp (M.). Cours d’Hippiatrique, ou Traité Complet de la Médecine des Chevaux. Ornamented with 65 finely engraved plates, mainly Cotorep By Hanp. Folio, full red morocco, gilt, gilt back and edges, binding rubbed. Paris, 1772 A FIneLty Executep Work which for a long time has been considered the best authority on this science. Several of the folding plates show ex- ceedingly fine dissections of the horse, which are not usually found in books of this nature. 476. Horses. MANuscript JourNAL. Journal de distribution des Four- rages pour l’Ecurie de S. A. S. E. Mgr. le Cardinal de Rohan... ; [Auso] Etat du prix de Strasbourg concernant tous les Objets, qui ont rapporte a la partie des Ecuries. Inserted on guards are 10 HAND-PAINTED PLATES IN WATERCOLORS representing several types of carriages ‘of this period, also a plate of drawings in ink. All bound into a small folio volume, vellum sides, vellum paper back. No place, 1782-1785 An interesting journal, very legibly and painstakingly written. The draw- ings are finely executed in detail. 477. Horses. OnsscHetwitz (L. W. F.). De Nederlandsche Stalmeester, of Grondige Onderrichting . . . With numerous folding copper- plates of horses. Der Haage, 1803; Ricutrer (C. G.). Anweisung zur guten Pferdezucht und Wartung auch wie man ein guter Pfer- [Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [| No. 477. Horses—Continued| denkenner . . . With 2 folding plates at end. Halle, 1795. With arms in gilt on sides; Quast (W. F. L. von). Das Reitpferd dar- gestellt und durch 23 kupfertagelm erlautert. With 22 folding plates. Berlin, 1809. Together, 3 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards and half calf, worn. Various places, 1795-1809 ALL Rare Works. a EXCEKEDINGLY RARE, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WORK 478. Horses. VERNET (CARLE AND Horace). Recueil de Cieyaux de tous 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. Genres. With title and 36 Finn AQuaATINT ENGRAVINGS, drawn by Carle and Horace Vernet and engraved by Levachez. Oblong folio, original boards, very slightly foxed. Paris, ¢ cured 1828 ONE OF THE RAREST AND Most BEAUTIFUL oF ALL Books oF ITs CLAss. THE PLATES ARE ALL BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, representing: “Chevaus Militaires, de Mameluck, de Chasse, de Course et de Manége avec les figures — analogues soit d’>homme ou de femme, chacune dans le costume particulier q i lui appartient.’”’ Brunet gives the number of plates as 50. The plates in the present copy are numbered 1 to 36. WeE BELIEVE THIS IS THE ONLY Copy THAT HAS BEEN OFFERED FOR Puspiic SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. Horses. GericAuLt. Etudes de Chevaux. Frontispiece, 25 litho- graphs on India paper and a portrait. Large folio, boards. Paris, circa 1838 A fine series of lithographs, and a work seldom offered for public sale. Horses. Stusss (Grorce). The Anatomy of the Horse. Jllustrated. Folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1853 Horses. Percivan (Witut1AM). Hippopathology. [With a copious Index to the entire work.| Numerous plates. 4 vols. in 7, 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1871-1876 New Epirion. Contains treatises on the disorders and lamenesses of the Horse with Methods of Cure; Diseases of the chest and air-passages; dis- eases of the digestive organs; glanders and farcy, ete. Horsts. Fournier (P.) AnD Curot (E.). Le Pur Sang. Illustrated. 1906; Dr Vaux (Baron). Les Hommes de Cheval. Profusely illus- trated, many being in color, several plates IN Two States. 1888. Together, 2 vols. thick 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1888-1906 Horses. Dr Vaux (Baron). Les Hommes de Cheval. Numerous illustrations, several being in color. 1888; Fournier (P.). Le Demi-Sang. Trotteur et Galopeur. 26 illustrations. 1907. To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, half and quarter morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1888-1907 Horses. Montigny (ComMTE DE). Comment il faut choisir un Cheval. Illustrated. N.d.; Comment il faut dresser un Cheval. Jllustrated. N.d.; CoutruLx (Le Comte pe). De la Condition des Chevaux de Chasse en France. N.d.; Hermant (A.). Le Cavalier Miserey. Illustrated. 1901; D’Ocacne (M.). Le Mail-Coach en France. 1891. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 16mo, half and quarter morocco, gilt tops, some uncut. Paris, various dates Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th 485. Horses, Erc. Barrom (E.). L’Art Equestre. Jllustrated. 1889; Masson (KE. te). Traité de la Chasse Souterraine du Blaireau et du Renard. TJllustrated. 1865; Montoux (A.). Extérieur et Anatomie. 1901; Crarry. Sur le Turf. Profusely illustrated by Orafty. 1899. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo and 8vo, half morocco, cloth, boards with cloth and leather backs, one vol. gilt top, one gilt edges. A Paris, 1865-1901 486. Horsns, Ere. | Ayes (M. H.). Among Men and Horses. Illustrated. London, 1894; Tuermeter (W. B.) AND SuTHERLAND (C. L.). Horses, Asses, Zebras, Mules, and Mule Breeding. TJllustrated. London, 1895 ; “TAYLOR (H. R.). The Old Surrey Fox Hounds. A History of the Hunt from its earliest days to the present time. Edited by H. G. Harper. Full-page illustrations, one in color. London, 1906; [Yonem (Cuartorre M.).] The Lances of Lynwood. Illus. y trated. London, 1864; Curzon (Louis H.). The Blue Ribbon of fam the Turf. A Chronicle of the Race for the Derby. Frontispiece. se] Philadelphia, 1890; Srrinecrietp (J. K.—Compiler). Catalogue of the Thoroughbreds belonging to the Hurstbourne Stud Farm, the property of Norwin T. Harris. Jllustrated. [Louisville, 1890]. Together, 6 vols. royal 8vo, 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 487. Horsrs, Etc. ARMATAGE (GroRGE). The Horse, its Varieties and Man- agement in Health and Disease. London, 1898; Hints on Horse- MANSHIP, to a Nephew and Niece. By an Officer of the Household Brigade of Cavalry. London, 1889; Barnum (H. L.). The Amer- ican Farrier. Philadelphia, 18382; Hinps (JoHn). Conversations on Condition. The Grooms’ Oracle, and Pocket Stable-Directory . . . With a folding aquatint plate in colors by Alkin. London, 1829; Pemproke (Karu or). Military Equitation: or, a Method of Breaking Horses, and teaching Soldiers to Ride. Third Edition. With 17 copperplates. Sarum, 1788; Goopwin’s Official Stake Entries for 1890-1891-1892 . . . Together with a Complete and Carefully Compiled Index. New York [1890]; Hinps (Joun). The Grooms’ Oracle, and Pocket Stable Directory . . . From the second London Edition. With colored folding aquatint plate. Phila- delphia, 1831; The Veterinary Surgeon, or, Farriery Taught on a New and Easy Plan . . . Folding plates, one with portion torn away. Philadelphia, 1880. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, full sheep, full calf, half calf, half morocco, and cloth, some bindings worn. 488. Horses, Etc. Brcokrorp (WititiAM). Thoughts on Hunting. In a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend. With full-page engravings by John Scott. [London] 1810; Wuirenursr (Frep. F.). Hark Away. Sketches of Hunting, Coaching, Fishing, etec., etc. Lon- don, 1879; Mirus (Joun). The Life of a Foxhound. Second Edi- tion. Illustrated. London, 1861; Stimpson (JosepH Carrn). Horse Portraiture: embracing Breeding, Rearing, and Training Trotters, with their Management in the Stables and on the Track, and Preparation for Races: including Histories of the Horse and Horsemen. Plates. New York, 1868; GmmMan (W.). Saddle and Sentiment. Frontispiece. New York [1892]; Mason (R.). The Gentleman’s New Pocket Farrier . . . also, Annals of the Turf, or Virginia Stud Book. Richmond, 1828; GunrHer (F. A.). New Manual of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine. Frontispiece. Bos- [Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 488. Horses, Erc.—Continued] ton, 1847; Kuape (H. M.—EKditor). Krider’s Sporting Anecdotes, illustrative of the habits of Certain Varieties of American Game. Plate. Philadelphia, 1853; Dotuar (J. A. W.). Moller’s Operative Veterinary Surgery. Translated and edited from the Second En- larged and Improved Edition of 1894. Edinburgh, 1895. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth, full sheep, full calf and half morocco, some bindings worn. 489. Huntinc. Ripincrr (JoHann E.). Genaue und richtige Abbildungen der wundersamsten Hirschen, welche von grossen Herren selbst gejagdt und geschossen wurden. Engraved title and a series of 100 finely engraved plates, with descriptive text engraved in lower margin of each plate. Bound in one vol. folio, half red leather, binding rubbed. Augsburg | VeRY Rare. A FINE SERIES OF ENGRAVED PLATES depicting scenes from —_ the Chase in the German forests in the 18th century. Ridinger was an qi = nent German designer and engraver, and his delineations of animals, espe- cially wild ones, are unsurpassed for accuracy and fidelity to nature. 490. Hunting. CHasot (Le Comte pe). La Chasse du Chevreuil et du Cerf. Avec lHistorique des Races les Plus Célébres de Chiens Courants. 1891; Jaquimr (L. bE). La Vénerie Moderne. N.d. Both illustrated. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1891 and no date 491. Huntinc. CHariton (JoHN). Twelve Packs of Hounds; being a collection of Sketches of some of the Hounds, and their Masters, that I have seen. With numerous illustrations, mostly full-page, some in colors. Oblong folio, cloth. London, 1891 492, Hunting. Lignivinte (JEAN DE). Les Meuttes et Veneries. Introduc- tion et Notes par Ernest Jullien et Henri Gallice. Some facsimiles. 2 vols. medium 4to, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original vellum covers bound in. Paris, 1892 Epition Limirep to 100 copies on “papier de Hollande,” this being, No. 61. 493. Huntine. L’Armorial de la Vénerie. Les Grands Veneurs de France. Suivis dune Etude sur les Principaux Equipages de lEtranger par le Baron de Vaux. With 20 chromolithographs artistically mounted, and 108 illustrations. Oblong, small folio, full dark blue morocco, gilt lettering on obverse cover, inner gilt borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1895 494, Hunting. Les Chasses et le Sport en Hongrie. D’Aprés lOriginal Hongrois de Mrs. Mrs. les Comtes Emman, Andrasy, and others. Traduit par J. B. Durringer et F. A. Schwiedland. With 25 col. ored lithographs. lUarge folio, half roan, gilt edges, a few fox marks. Pest, no date A BEAUTIFUL WoRK, which seldom occurs for public sale in this country. 495. IcutHyoLocy. Game Fishes of the United States, by S. A. Kil- bourne, text by G. Brown Goode. With 20 large and beautiful plates IN Cotor, also other illustrations and a map. Giant folio, cloth, half leather. New York, 1879 A fine work treating upon the Salmon, the Speckled Trout, the Spanish Mackerel, the Black Basses, the Striped Bass, the Red Snapper, ete. 496. 498, 499 500. 5OL. 502. Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th IcutHyoLtocy. Hovucuton (W.). British Fresh-Water Fishes. IJllus- trated with a colored figure of each species drawn from nature by A. F. Lydon and numerous engravings. Small folio, leather back, gilt top, uncut. London, no date . OrteINAL WartercoLtor Parntinc. “A Coast Scene.” Original water- color by William T. Richards. Signed. Height, 634; length, 1314 inches. In a fine gold frame, with a very wide gold mat, and glazed. rd Row.anpson Drawine. Coacutne Scenes. English Landscape, with Coach in foreground marked “Canterbury and Dover.” OricrInaL Prncit AnD WasH Drawine, sy THomas Rowianpson; [Atso] An old English drawing, Landscape with Coach in foreground. To- gether, 2 pieces. Size about 1214 by 19 inches. Ww . Sport. Prnnevy-E:muirst (Captain). The Cream of Leicestershire. Eleven Seasons’ Skimmings. Notable Runs and Incidents of the Chase (selected and republished from “The Field.”) With illus- trations, some colored. 1883; “WaANDERER”—pseudonym. A Loose Rein. With illustrations by G. Bowers. 1887. Together, 2 vols. Svo, uniformly bound in half maroon levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1883-1887 The work “A Loose Rein’ was issued in 11 original parts, the original wrappers being bound in. Sport. Rarmonpt (Eveento). Della Caccie di Eugenio Raimondi Bresciano libri quattro agguioui’n questa nuoa’ impressione il quinto libro della villa. With 19 finely engraved plates. Small 4to, full green morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt panelled back, gilt edges. [In Venetia, 1630] RARE AND A VERY FINE Copy. The plates depict Boar Hunting, Hawking, Hare Shooting, Sea Fishing, etc. There is no date on the title-page, but the Dedicatory Epistle is dated “Di Venetia li 14 di Settembre 1630.” Sport. TuHayer (F. S.—Editor). Hoofs, Claws and Antlers of the Rocky Mountains. By the Camera. Photographic reproductions of wild game from life, with an Introduction by Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. Numerous full-page plates. Denver, 1894. Edition de Luxe, limited to 1000 copies; Brown (J. M.). “In the Days When We Went Hog-Hunting.” With 12 full-page illustrations. Lon- don, 1891; Bowers (G.). Leaves from a Hunting Journal. A series of 20 lithographs in colors of hunting scenes, with teat, in script, in margin. London, 1880; Cromer (CuHaArLEs). The Rules of Golf Tlustrated. A series of 24 plates, in colors, each with a “rule.” [London] no date. 1 vol. 4to, 3 vols. oblong folio. Together, 4 vols. cloth and boards. Sport. LAspruyerre (L.). Les Ruses du Braconnage. Paris, 1886; Lacour (Crs. B. pe). Traité sur ?Art de Chasser avec le Chien Courant. Paris, 1883; PrneLais (B. pk LA). Menus Propos d’un Chasseur. Illustrated. Paris, 1891; Maneart (Sip MoHAmMeED EL). Traité de Vénerie. Traduit de ’Arabe. [Text in French and Arabic.] Paris, 1880; Faure (E.). La Sauvagine. Jllustrated. Bordeaux, 1889. Together, 5 vols. half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, one vol. spotted. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 503. Sport. Fur, Feather & Fin Series. Edited by Alfred E. T. Watson. Profusely illustrated. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, vellum backs, uncut and partly unopened. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1893-1905 LARGE PAPER, limited to 157 copies, of which this, No. 70. This series of monographs is on the various English birds, beasts and fishes which are generally included under the head of “Game.” Each volume is devoted to a bird or beast, and is divided into three parts,—Natural History, the View Point of Sport, and Gastronomically. The illustrations are a prominent fea- ture of the volumes, and after original drawings by Stuart-Wortley, A. Thornburn, and others. This set comprises the following volumes,— The Partridge, the Grouse, The Pheasant, The Hare, Red Deer. By Macpherson, Stuart-Wortley, George Saintsbury and othe 5 vols. 1893- 1896 ; Wild Fowl, Snipe and Woodcock. By L. H. De Visme Shaw, and others. 2 vols. 1903-1905 ; The Fox. By Dale. 1906 ; The Trout. By Marquess of Granby and others. 1898; Fe The Rabbit. By Harting and others. 1898; Gs y Pike and Perch. By Senior and others. 1900; The Salmon. By Gathorne Hardy and others. 1898. 504. Sport. CANTELEU (CTE. DE). Manuel de Vénerie Francaise. 1890; Satnt-ALBIN (A. DE). Les Courses de Chevaux en France. 1890; Privost (C.) AND Joxuutver (G.). L’Escrime et le Duel. 1891. All illustrated. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt, emblematical gilt tooling on backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1890-1891 505. Sport. [Appreryey (C. J.).] Remarques sur la Condition des Hun- ters. Illustrated. Bruxelles, 1862; Las Curens Courants Francais pour la Chasse du Liévre. Paris, 1890; Snos a Paris. Illustrated by Crafty. [Paris] n.d.; [Canretnu (Ctr. pE).] Quelques Notes sur l’Entretien du Cheval. Jllustrated. N.p., 1890. Together, 4 vols. oblong 8vo, 8vo and 12mo, half and quarter morocco, 2 vols. gilt tops, 3 uncut. 506. Sport. DE Vaux (Baron). Les Femmes de Sport. Préface par Arséne Houssaye. 1885; Toucustone (S.-F.). L’Elevage du Pur Sang en France. 1893. Limited to 465 copies. Both illustrated. 1885. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, one uncut. Paris, 1885-1893 507. Sport. Taprin (Witi1aAm). The Sporting Dictionary, and Rural Re- pository of General Information upon every subject appertaining to the Sports of the Field. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt emblematic tooling on backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1803 First Eprtion oF THis FAMOUS Work, which describes at length the methods of cock-fighting, coursing, shooting and all branches of British sport. It is an authority on the horse, his training, breeding, racing, and all that pertains thereto. 508. Sport. Scorr (Joun). The Sportsman’s Repository; comprising A Series of Highly Finished Engravings, representing the Horse and the Dog, in all their Varieties. From original paintings by Mar- shall, Reinagle, Gilpin, Stubbs, and Cooper. 4to, half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt backs with emblematic tooling,.gilt top, uncut. London, 1845 o Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th 509. Sport. Le Livre du Roy Modus et de la Royne Racio. Nouvelle Edi- tion. Avec une Préface par Elzéear Blaze. With numerous illus- trations and initial letters CoLtorrep By Hanp. Royal 8vo, full mo- rocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1839 510. Sporting Macazinus. The Sporting Magazine. Second Series [so called, but really the 3rd]. Vol. 11, May to Oct. 1835, Nos. 61 to 66; Vol. 18, May to September 1836, Nos. 73 to 77; Vol. 14, April to September, 1887, Nos. 84 to 89. London, 1835-1837; Tun New Sportine Macazinn. Vols. 1-7 and 9 to 15 (lacks vol. 8), May 1831 to October 1838. 15 vols. London, 1831-1838; Volume containing odd issues of: The Sporting Magazine, New. Series,—Vol. 17, Nos. 101 and 103; Vol. 19, Nos. 109 and 113, Vol. 20, No. 115; New Sporting Magazine: Vol. 16, No. 97; Vol. 17, No. 99; Vol. 18, No. 101. With numerous engraved plates. Together, 18 vols. uni- _formly bound in green morocco, bindings worn. re London, 1831-1838 Assumed to be perfect, but as with all periodicals sold not subject to return. 511. Sportine Prints. Nevins (Rate). Old English Sporting Prints and their History. Numerous reproductions in color and in black-and- white. Royal 4to, buckram, gilt top, edges scraped. London, 1923 First Eprrion. No. 978 of an edition of 1500 copies. 512. Sportine Print. Cheval de Retour de la Chasse. Aquatint, engraved by L. Debucourt after the painting by Carle Vernet. Size, height, 2214; length, 30 inches. Good impression, with the inscription. 513. Sportinc Print. Exercice de Franconi Aquatint, engraved by P. L. Debucourt, after Carle Vernet. Size, height, 14; length, 18 inches. Good impression, with inscription. 514. Sportinc Print. The Father of the Turf, portrait of Tregonwell Trampton. Mezzotint, engraved by John Jones, after the painting by Wootten. Size, height, 18; width, 1334 inches. FINE IMPRESSION, with the inscription. 515. Sportine Print. Fencing, Intérieur d’un Atelier. Aquatint, engraved by Jazet, after the painting by Vernet. Good impression, with the inscription; [ALso] Aquatint in color, The Duel, after Vernet. Fine impression, margins stained. Together, 2 pieces. Size, about 2014 by 2514 inches. 516. Sportine Print. French Racing Scene. Aquatint, engraved by P. L. Debucourt, after the design by Carle Vernet. Size, height 2014; length, 3414 inches. Good impression, with inscription in French and English. 517. Sportine Print. French Racing Scene. Course du Grand Prix Eaite au Champ de Mars, A Paris. Aquatint. P. L. Debucourt, sculpt.,— Carle Vernet, del. Size, height, 2014; length, 3414 inches. Good impression, with the inscription. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 518. Sportinc Print. Nonpareil trotting one-hundred miles on Sunbury 519. 520. 5238. 524, 525. 526. Common, April 27th, 1836. Aquatint, engraved by George Hunt, after the painting by F. C. Turner. Size, height, 1234; length, 22 inches. Good impression, with inscription. SportTinG Print. Pavilion rode by Chifney. Mezzotint, engraved by W. Ward, after the painting by H. B. Chalon. Size, height, 16; length, 22 inches. Good impression, with the inscription. Sportinc Print. The Race for the Welter Stakes, run on the 16th, June 1801. Adquatint, engraved by C. Turner, after the painting by H. B. Chalon. Size, height, 21; length, 3334 inches, — Good impression with the inscription, in French and English, ™ . SportTinG Print. The Race Horse Orville. Mezzotint, engraved by William Ward, after the painting by H. B. Chalon. Size, height, 16; length, 22 inches. Good impression, with the inscription. . Sportinc Print. Race Horse, Sir David. Mezzotint, engraved by William Ward, after the painting by H. B. Chalon. Size, height, 16; length, 22 inches. Good impression, with the inscription. Sportinc Print. The Rub Down after the Race. Aquatint, engraved by P. L. Debucourt, after the painting by C. Vernet. Size, height, 2214; length, 80 inches. Good impression, before the title. Sportinc Prints. Départ du Chasseur. Aquatint, by Jazet, after Vernet. Good impression, with inscription; [Atso] Engraving by Coqueret, after Vernet, Couple riding through the woods. Good impression, before the title. Together, 2 pieces. Size, about 21 by 28 inches. SportTinc Prints. The Portrait of the Prize Fighter. Mezzotint, en- graved by Turner; [Autso] Pen-and-ink drawing, by Davenport; Plan, engraving by Muller; and set of six colored reproductions after Goodwin Kilburne. Together, 9 pieces. Size, about 18 by 23 inches and smaller. SPoRTING Prints IN Cotor. Oriental Field Sports; Wild Sports of the East; and exhibiting in a Novel and Interesting Manner the Natural History of the Elephant, the Rhinoceros, the Tiger, etc., etc. With 40 Cotorep Encravincs by H. Merke, re-drawn from Thomas Williamson’s designs, by Samuel Howett. Oblong royal folio, half contemporary calf, binding broken and poor, corner of one plate torn away; illustrated title is cut and mounted. London, 1807 ONE OF THE FINEST SERIES OF SporTING PLATES EveER PUBLISHED AND EXTREMELY Rare. A fascinating series of plates depicting various stages of the hunt and of the shooting and trapping of wild beasts. es eee ee te Se ee ee See Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th THE VERY RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS 527. Sporting Prints in Coton. Hare Hunting. A series of four CoLorEep Eneravines, after designs by J. Pollard. Each plate mounted on bristol board, and matted. Size of each plate: Height, 714; length, 1014 inches. — Circa 1806 AN EXCESSIVELY RARE Series. ALL ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Undated but about 1806. The plates are all numbered, and with title in lower mar- gins. Hach plate has an oil stain in the lower right-hand corner. The captions are as follows :— 1. The Meeting ; 2. The Finding; 3. The Chase ; 4. The Death. We believe the above to be the first complete set of this attractive series that has been offered at public sale in this country. SPLENDID PROOF IMPRESSIONS—RARE 528. Sportinc Prints In Conor. Two finely CoLtorep SportTinG PRINTS IN Coors, “The Meet,” and “Breaking Cover,” drawn and engraved by Charles Hunt. Size of each: Height, 1214; length, 1714 inches. Each plate is mounted on cardboard, and each is matted. Circa 1826 BotnH PLATES ARE PROOF IMPRESSIONS; AND ARE EXXCEEDINGLY RARE. Both are undated, but about 1826. CHARACTERISTIC SCENES OF THE HUNTER AT His Sport. 529. Sporting Prints in Cotor. Chances of the Steeplechase. A series of 8 plates, In Cotors, painted by J. Pollard and engraved by Rosen- burg and C. Hunt. Bound in one vol. oblong imperial folio, half red morocco. London, circa 1830 A Very ScARCE AND FASCINATING SERIES OF CoLOoRED AQUATINTS DE- PICTING VARIOUS SCENES IN STEEPLECHASE Ripine. Plates 7 and 8 have the sub-titles, the sub-titles on the other plates have been cut away. We believe this to be the only set that has been offered at public sale in this country. RARE SERIES OF FINE HUNTING PRINTS 530. Sportinc Prints 1x Cotor. Hunting Recollections. A series of 6 CoLtorep Aquatints by J. Ferneley, engraved by EH. Duncan. Each plate hinged on sheet of bristol board. Size of plates: Height, 1014; length, 1834 inches. [1833] AN EXTREMELY Scarce SERIES OF HUNTING PRINTS, ALL FINE IMPRES- SIONS. These plates were formerly in frames, and the margins show creases owing to the same having been folded in order that the plates would fit the frames. The series comprises :— (1) Smooth Glides the Water Where the Brook is Deep; (2) Larking—More Dirt, the Less Hurt! (3) Taking it Cooly, Very Like a Whale; (4) Doing it Well; (5) A Floorer—Pick up the Pieces! (6) A Flying Leap. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 531. D380. 534. Doo. 536. 537. 538. 509. 540. Sporting Print 1n Cotor. Panoramic View of British Horse Racing; The Race for the St. Leger Stakes of 1812, on Doncaster Course. Aquatint, Printep In Coors, engraved by Olark and Dobourg, of London, after the painting by Clifton Thomson, of Nottingham,— Published and sold May 1st, 1815 by Edw. Orme. Stretched on mounting board, has small margins. Size, height, 2334; length, 561% inches. : London, 1815 Or GREAT Rarity. Fine IMPRESSION, with inscription in French and English. ' . SporTING Print 1n Conor. Colonel Mordaunt’s Cock Match, at Luck- now, in the Province of Oude, in the year 1786. Merzzorrnt IN Cotors. Engraved. by Richard Earlom, after the “painting by Zofany. Size, height, 1814; length, 26 inches. a Goop IMPRESSION with inscription. SPORTING Print In Cotor. The Hampshire Hunt, Aquatint, in colon Engraved by O. Turner, after the painting by T. Smith. Size, height, 19; length, 30 inches. FINE IMPRESSION, with the inscription. SPORTING Print rn Cotor. Philip Payne, on his favorite (Cherring- — ton) with hounds. Mezzotint, In Cotors. Engraved by O. Turner, after the painting by T. R. Davis. Size, height, 18; length, 26% inches, Good impression, with the inscription. Sportinc Prryt 1n Coror. The Earl of Darlington and his Fox Hounds. Stipple In Cotor, engraved by J. Dean after the painting by B. Marshall. Size, height, 1834; length, 2314 inches. Good impression, with inscription. SPporTING Print 1n Cotor. Francis Buckenfield Astley Esq., and. his Harriers. Stipple, in colors, engraved by R. Woodman after the painting by B. Marshall. Good impression, with the inscription. Size, height, 19; length, 24 inches. Sporting Print 1n Coror. The Procession of His Majesty King George IV, to Ascot Heath Races. Aquatint, In Cotors. R. G. Reeves sculp.,—Pollard Pinat. Size, height, 10; length, 3014 inches. FINE IMPRESSION, with inscription. Sportinc Print ry Coror. Saddling before the Race. Agquatint In Coors. Size, height, 1914; length, 35 inches. Probably a view at one of the French Courses. Good impression, stained and repaired. Sports. D’ArtemMacGNeE (H. R.). Sports et Jeux d’Adresse. Contain- ing 328 illustrations in the text and 100 plates, of which 29 are CoLorep By Hann. 4to, decorative boards, gilt top, uncut. Paris, no date Sports. Moreau (P.). anp Vourguin (G.). Les Sports Modernes Illustrés. Encyclopédie Sportive. Paris, no date; Parran (W.— Editor). The Book of Sport. New York, 1901. Limited to 450 copies. Both profusely illustrated. Together, 2 vols. 4to and small folio, cloth, leather back and three-quarter green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris and New York, no date and 1901 Second Session, Monday Evening, November 10th 541. Sportsman (Tux). Second Series, Vols. 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19. With a number of fine copperplate engravings. 5 vols. 8vo, half cloth, original pape labels, some plates spotted. London, 1845-1850 Assumed to y perfect, as to text, but as with all periodicals sold not subject to return. Vol. XIX has no title-page, the title-page in Vol. XVIII has been substituted from Vol. XIV; Vol. XIV, has a title-page belonging to ‘‘The > Sporting Magazine.” 542. Opp Votumegs. A collection of Odd Volumes, including History, Fic- tion, Travel, Drama, etc. Together, 84 vols. 4to, 8vo and 12mo, half alf, half morocco, cloth, boards. Includes, 7 vols. of Pictorial History of England; 6 vols. of Bancroft’s History of the United States; Vol. 2 of Huishes “Memoirs of her late Majesty Caroline;” Vol. 1 of Lossing’s Civil War in America; Part 1, of Vol. 1 of Biographia Dramatic; and odd volumes (about 15) of dramatic works by Addison, Lillo, Murphy, and other dramatic writers; Works of H. W. Longfellow, Vols. 1, 3, 4 and 7. Boston, 1866. 100 copies printed; Reign of King Philip IJ. By W. H. Prescott. Vol. 2 Boston. 1855; Tradi- tions and Recollections. By R. Polwhele. Vol. 1. London, 1826; and others. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MAnaczrs, DEPARTMENT OF BooKs AND PRINTS, ARTHUR SWANN, DiReEcror. OTTO BERNET anp HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. - i e | & \ > P) INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: PLAZA 1270 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY - COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY LIBRARY | GETTY CENTER SLAP 94087 ‘_— oe rk Pe i Pe La, maj Aras ete ee : : bi aes ¢ “s ', Se ae SPORTING BOCKS AND PRINTS ’ PART OF THE RENOWNED COLLECTION OF THE LATE OLIVER H.P. BELMONT AND OTHER PROPERTIES. SOLD-NOVEMBER 10TH, 1924 we THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMPRICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC.OF Naw YOR CI? GRAND TOTAL $10.00 136 137 138 pe 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 17,00 £200 5.00 5.00 10.00 22,00 12.50 10.00 25.00 5 .0O 17.00 40 .00 200 ,00 25.00 15.00 ae 10 .00 7.50 27.50 35.00 32.50 15.00 11,565.00 $11.00 5.00 50.00 1.00 4.00 Cee £450 11.00 2.00 45,00 22 .50 3.00 8.00 11.00 1.50 2..00 5.00 4,00 5 .00 40 ,00 40 .00 11.00 on her #11.00 392 925.00 446 $2.50 Paue0 | 393 7.00 447 2.50 jae 893A 10.00, 448 7.00 1ae00. «394 10.0 “449 2,50 1m 50) 6 | 395 21.00 450 15.00 17.00. . 396 132008 "45% 9,00 TeEO 7 S97 22,50 452 3.00 6.00 398 gnuO0. 55". 25-00 Sono 399 164007 464 . 67.50 13.00 ° 400 15.00 455 250.00 410.00 401 20.00 456 25.00 27 aw 402 2.450 457 O50 Teo 403 37.50 458 10.00 9.00 4.04 8.00 459 TT 3.00 £05 7.50 460 G00 a) 406 5.00 461 32.50 7.00 407 27250 462 BOO 3.00 408 55.00 463 20.00 7.00 409 67.50 464 sO 16.00 410 8.00 465 40.00 5.00 411 9.00 466 13.00 3.00 412 10.00 467 15.00 3 OO 4135 8.00 468 £7.00 4,00 414 110.00 469 13.00 27.50 415 90.00 470 5.00 3.00 416 45.00 471 15,00 24600, 417 35.00 472 2050 5.00 418 50.00 473 5.00 6.00 419 45.00 474 3.00 £7.50 420 65.00 475 5. WG 12.00 . 4e1 BOLGO. A796 205.00 6.00 422 45.00 477 15.00 13.00 4236 50.00 478 460.00 22.50 424 80.00 479 13.00 10.00 425 37.50 480 10.00 6.00 426 90.00 481 5.00 27.50 427 425.00 482 7.00 W-s= 428 55.00 483 4.00 2.50 429 72.50 484 2. 60 5.00 431 85-00 486 8.00 10.00 432 f 85.00 487 15.00 4.00 433 35.00 488 Se 50 22.50 434 15.00 489 105.00 2e00 435 300.00 490 ou 2.00 436 7,50 491 2.50 10.00 437 2.50 492 5.00 12.00 438 rf oie 8 493 2.50 37.50 439 28.00 494 20.00 2.50 440 22.00 495 22 .50 Zr 00 441 17.00 496 4,. OO £'. BO 442 125.00 497 5.00 5.00 443 9.00 498 25.00 8.50 444 17.50 499 14.00 17.50 445 47.50 500 Liev . oth sO: 430 , 90.00 485 11.00 © acti