FirtrH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER FORTY-FIFTH ST. SILO BUILDING JAS. P. SILO, - - - = - AUCTIONEER. CATALOGUE OF HIGH CLASS OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE EMMA A. TILLOTSON BY ORDER OF STEWART AND SHEARER, Attorneys, 45 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, Executors. ALSO BELONGING TO THE LATE GEORGE H. COMBS AT ABSOLUTE SALE BY AUCTION THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS January 21st and 22d, 1909 At eight o’clock LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW CORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. "sm 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and tc pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself res- ponsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; Tue Firrh AveNuE Art GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no ways responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAS. P. SILO, Auctioneer. The ALEXANDER PRESS, 114 & 116 West 27th Street. u CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, JAN UARY 21st, 1909, at 8.30 o’clock. 1 REAM (C. P.), Deceased Still Life 12x10 PISANI (Louis) Florence | Morning Prayer, after Willems 22x16%4 BELLOT (R. de) Paris A Myrtale fe 1) 22x16 . (Water Color) CHAPMAN (W.) Italian Street Scene 54x8% UNKNOWN Feeding the Ducks 1534x1234 EVERSEN (E.) Street in Leyden 18x14 RICHARDS (T. Addison), N. A. New York The Brook 17x14 PENNACCHINI The Letter 30x22 (Water Color) { y) Munich * ¥ Vv) Rome ¥ ) CARLIN (John), Deceased October, Orange Co., N. Y. 10x14 10 GUIDI (G.) Waiting 14x10 11 BAIRD (W. B.) Pigeons 6%4x0% . 12 BAIRD (W. B.) Chickens 6x54 13 WEIR (R. W.) At the Well 14x22 Rome Paris Paris New York | | | 14 G LEONARDI (A.) u Beatrice Cenci in Prison 39x50 15 MARCOTTE (P.) Paris River Scene 15x22 16 OCKERT Munich Deer Chase 5x10 17 OCKERT Munich Companion to Above 5x10 18 ZAMPIGHI (E£.) Florence A Good Joke 18x22 Se 19 CHAPMAN (J. G.) Rome Gathering Grapes 14x10 20 HICKS (Thos.), Deceased, N. A. By His Own Fireside 24x18 ZA\\ DAINGERFIELD (E.) New York Chrysanthemums 36x25 Ze SYMINGTON (J.) New York A Puritan Maiden 22x16 (Water Color) 23 SIMONI Rome Team of Oxen 24x42 ~eondae, F fi ‘ ' ff i 24 MARKO (A.) Florence In the Alps 30x40 25 ARMSTRONG (D. Maitland) Newburgh The Chimney Corner 21x17 26 VERGLEIT (V.) Munich Interior of Cathedral 1514x23% (Water Color) 27 DOEEsCA:) Munich Winter Scene 22x36 28 PISANI (Louis) Rome Chestnut Roaster, after Estienne 814x7 Soe o- 29 IL AUEYZ/2 ie (85) Florence Messina from Across the Straits 23x49 30 BENEDICTER (J.) Munich Visiting the Ruins 30x23 31 SEWELL (R. W.) New York Street in Morocco 2914x24 32 SPIRIDON (1.) Paris In the Bois 21x24 33 SMITH (Henry P.), Deceased Springtime, Connecticut 14x19 | | q 34 Go DUPRE (Leon Victor), Deceased Landscape 1034x17 35 ROYER (Lionel) Paris v), } Arriving at Elysium : : 18x22 36 Q a, KENSETT (J. T.), N. A., Deceased ; Along the Hudson 10x14 37 HUNT (Wm.), Deceased Rage Playmates 10x14 28 SU POPE (John), A. N. A. New York J Landscape and Catile 18x30 | 39 SMILLIS (N. S. J.) New York Roses 12x36 40 PISANI (Louis) Florence The Embroiderer, after Beranger 2814x20% 41 PHIETPS (CH) Paris A Token of Love 2914x24 42 DE LUE Paris Cattle in the Marsh 211%4x29 (Water Color) 43 PARTON (A.), N. A. New York Early Morning 23x31 wr 4) Marea s¥ . 44 THOMPSON (G.) The Windmill 2814x21 (Water Color) 45 ROSSERT (P.) The Flower Market 2514x21Y% 46 BEAUQUESNE (W.) The Wounded Soldier 18x15 47 BROWN (J. G.), N. A. At the Well 734X014 48 STORY (G. H.), N. A. On the Beach 11x18 f 6 Paris Paris New York New York cf, shee os 49 4 HART (Wn), Deceased, N. A. Approaching Storm 11x19 50 j MARCOTTE (P.) Paris é French Fishing Boats 2514x31 51 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (F. S.), Deceased Going to Pasture 15x18 a2 TURNER (Shirley) New York Ideal Head 16x14 53 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A., Deceased Fountain, Near Rome 10x16 J 54 4 JOHNSON (Eastman), N. A., Deceased Waiting 1214x9% 55 DE SCHRYVER (L.) Bare if The Flower Girl TIAX9 (Water Color) 56 3 WIGGINS (J. C.), N. A. New Work Va Morning at Barbizon 251%4x36 57 A x VERBOECKHOVEN (E.) Brussels % Sheep in Stable dl 104x144 58 HAQUETTE (Georges) Paris ee The Fisherman’s Wife and Child 1 2514x3614 59° ‘aa BROWN (J.G.), N. A. New York I Don’t Believe a Word of It 694x1034 60 \ ELLWELL (D. Jerome) The Fishing Boats 14x26 ee oh Y) SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert), Dec’d Sheep in a Snow Storm 2114x2534 62 a1 DE JOUGHE (G.) Paris e A Happy Family 32x39% 63 DIAZ (N.), Deceased : "y ; A Spaniel ; 2x2, eur’ 7.8 64 4 VON BREMEN (Meyer), Deceased Mother and Child 1334x10 65 44% DE HAGEMANN (C.) Paris L é Street in Morocco 18x15 66 PORTIELJE 5.) Brussels F Tamborine Girl d 12x9 67 RYDER (P. P.), A. N. A., Deceased Cottage Interior 12x16 68 CARLIN (John), Deceased , #4 Old Knickerbockers 10x12 69 RUMPF Head of an Old Max 15%x14 70 CHAPMAN (J. LINTON) At Prayer 1334x10 71 At the Window 23x17% 72 LANG (Louis), N. A., Deceased Studying the Music 10x8 73 SETZER (K.) No Fool Like an Old Fool 121%4x9% fj } & Munich ' et fi ae Rome sod 2 ge re WL fe fe . 7 ” m9) Vienna A Me n) HANVEY (H.) London | Tandem 23x1434 75 /) : UNKNOWN 4) a Returning Home, after Troyon i 354x514 76 J KAHLER (Carl) New York ib At the Opera 79x56%4 SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1909, at 8:30 o'clock 77 MORGAN (Wm.) New York Tired Out 38x20 78 MILLER (Chas. H.), A. N. A. New York Border of the Old Mill Pond 18x24 79 COGNIART (E.) Paris Corner of the Barnyard 15%4x11 (Water Color) 80 MAZZOLINI (J.) Rome The Fortune Teller 1914x244 ? ¥ 3 fe 81- f yy LIGNE (L. de) Brussels Flowers 38x27 (Water Color) S ye 82 4 4 BROOS (J. J-) Brussels f > The Arrival Up 6x8 83 ee WEBER (O. S.) New York Nantasket Beach, Mass. 14x24 LO. 84 n, Vv CHERUBINI (A.) Rome ne Hen and Chickens 2414x294 85 yy PASCUTTI (A.) Paris ee aege 0 The Musicale 21x28%%4 86 McCORD (Geo.), A. N. A. Near Stowe, Vermont 17x14 87 LEFEBVRE (A.) Hide and Seek 24x15 88 SHURTLEFF (R. M.), N. A. In the Adirondacks 15x18 89 MORGAN (jJ.) A German Peasant 34x28, 90 -MOREAU (Cocrame) In the Park 18x22 New York Paris New York Munich Paris Su eT is A 91 HERBO (Leon) Paris Oriental Head 24x1934 92 : VEYRASSAT (J.) Paris Feeding Poultry 2814x3514 93 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.),A. N. A. New York Along the Thames 211%4x33 94 MICAS (Jeanne) Paris Sheep in Pasture 23x29 95 POPE (John), A. N. A. Landscape with Cattle 24x42 New York vi 96 We BRUNERI (E.) Paris The Stolen Kiss 10%4x8 97 ra + j Paris | DIAGNE (V. C.) The Cardinal’s Walk 11%4x9 (Water Color) 98 GREATOREX (Eliza), A. N. A., Deceased Fort Lafayette 1134x20 Bocas: ~ New York r WILKINSON (D. H.) Sheep in Snow 12%4x1914 (Water Color) 100 J FALCONER (J. M.) London [ Returning from the Fields 20x15 101 WIGGINS (J. C.), N. A. New York Outside the Barn 834x1034 102 LEADER (B. W.) London Summer Time 47x28 103 HAGBORG (A.) Paris Normandy Fisherwomen 48x33 104 GOORER (Ci-S:) London Landscape with Cattle 19x15 105 ZIEM (F.), Deceased On the Lagoon 12x28 Bi We 106 LANDSEER (Sir E.), R. A., Deceased A Bloodhound 12x16 Sy, 107 n VERBOECKHOVEN (E.), Deceased Brussels i Sheep 28x22 108 Qi vu JACQUET (Gustave) Paris “/ ‘Ideal Head 15x18 109 DE BEUL (F.) Brussels Shepherd and Sheep 27x33 110 fa CHAPMAN (C. T.), Nv. A. New York j Off Shore 28x28 111 i} 0) VON BREMEN ( Meyer), Deceased ; The Flower Fete 9x7 AD 112 Ae tt SARTAIN (Wm.), A. N. A. New York } A Chapter from the Koran | s) 32x40 113 = ¥} MORGAN (Wm.), A. N. A. New York ¥ At the Cabin Door 12x9 114 iO PAVE AL i). No A New York “Good Dog Scotty” E 20x30 . ae 115 “ay GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A., Deceased Lago Maggiore 13x24 116 - DE PENNE (H.) Paris Huntsman and Dogs 114x19% 117 | 0 CASAISE (Es) Paris At the Apothecaries 17x24 118 Vv QUARTLEY (A.), N. A., Deceased In Shallow Water 13x23 119 DE HAAS (M. F. H.),. Deceased Sunset—Marine 12x18 120 [- COL (D.) , Brussels Something in His Eye 19x15 121 DE SCHRYVER (L.) Paris WO zsvenue Champs Elysees 2114x29 122 JOHNSON (E.), N. A., Deceased ‘ Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet ¥ and a Light Unto My Path 22x26 123 \ DUPRE (Julien) Paris Milking Time 18x21 124 9, ROUSSEAU (Theo.), Deceased | ¥ The Windmills 11%4x18 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.) Paris : Soldiers at Well 16%4x12Y% 126 BOUGHTON (G. H.), A. R. “., Deceased Afternoon Tea 1234x18 127 BERAUD (J.) Paris In the Bois 1814x23% 128 GOUPIL (J.), Deceased The New Ring 121%4x9 129 WEISS (Jose) Paris Gray Day on the Arun 24x16 130 PEREZ (A.) Paris Unmasking 232x284 i t i | | 131 ESCOSURA (Leon) The Broken Clock 8x6 132 NICOLE CG.) Noe. Approaching Shower 24x40 133 COOMANS (A.), Deceased Who Did It? 26x22 134 SCHREIBER (Ch.) The Singing Lesson 1534x18% 135 DESGOFFE (Braise) Still Life 25x31 A Y) J | atts i fie i wv i £ New York Paris = ti” if : ¥ Paris 136 TROYON (C.), Deceased A Donkey 11x8 137 A SHEVILLARD (V.) Ean eat CU A Good Story 10x7 AG 138 ) DIAZ (N.), Deceased ee Faggot Gatherers 1214x16 139 W HENNER (J. J.), Deceased Sleep 11x84 #% F 3 140 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), Deceased ened oe River and Landscape 1134x2034 141 CASANOVA (A.) : ae yr O A Game of Chess 414x6 142 SEIGNAC (P.) Pane Children at. Play 1614x22 143 if LESUR (A.) Paris Lt 4 The Critic IYAXTV, ri CLAYS (Paul Jean), Deceased iD & Holland Boats on the Maas, Dordrecht | = 36x29, P 145 KT] BOGERT (George H.) Nesee Wack lu ; After the Storm 28x36 146 VAN MARCKE (E.), Deceased Landscape and Cattle 18x22 147 WORMS (Jules) The Politicians 29x3914 148 BONHEUR (Auguste) Cows Drinking 1914x274 149 DIAZ (N.), Deceased Roses 814x10% 150 BOUGEAUREAU (Wm.), Deceased Children 45x35 Paris Paris oi BONHEUR (Rosa), Deceased Mon cheval prefer 35x46 152 ZIEM (Felix), Deceased Orchard Near Constantinople 1914x3134 153 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene), Deceased Landscape and Cattle 34x53 154 SCHREYER (A.), Deceased Arabian Horsemen 34x4714 155 COROT Landscape 17%4x12% JAMES P. SILO, jes {Vv ) Le . wt) — 4 © "h} oe. | eb fr A Y @ Py) gee fi ,O Ky) i iP # Auctioneer.