| NeWaC | m July 7, 1924 No. 331 Sale Thursday, July 10, 1924 FIREARMS AND EDGED WEAPONS Guns, Pistols, Carbines, Cannon Models, Swords, Daggers, Rapiers, Rare Early Ammunition Fencing Set THE PROPERTY OF MR. EMERSON CHAMBERLIN and others TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Thursday Afternoon, July 10, 1924: AT 2:00 O’CLOCK THE WALPOLE GALLERTES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 / View from July 7, 1924 No. 331 Sale Thursday, July 10, 1924 FIREARMS anp EDGED WEAPONS Guns, Pistols, Carbines, Cannon Models Medals, Swords, Daggers Fencing Set The Property of MR. EMERSON CHAMBERLIN and others U. S. MARTIAL PISTOLS Unusual Number of English and French Flintlock Military Pistols; Bowie Knives, Machetes; Italian and French Rapiers and Swords; Bootlegger’s Cane; Burglar Door Pistol and Many Other Curious “Freaks”; Baker DB Shotgun, One of the Finest Modern English Makes, As New; the Lever-Action Carbine, the Rarest of all Colts; Fitch Revolutionary Musket; Lacquered British East India Gun Dated 1781; Dated “Long Tom” 1787; Colt Paterson Shot Gun; a Seotch Flintlock Rifle in Fine Condition; Fl Sporting Rifle with Lock on Left Side; Silver mtd Caucasian Sword Dated 1656; Extremely Rare Dahlgren Sword Bayonet; Esquimaux Hand-Adz; Dated fl Pistol 1770; Japanese “Fan Dagger”; Pistols in Pairs and Cases by Famous Makers, Cominazzo, LePage, Pair of Hewitt’s from the Collection of the Duke of Athol, ete. RARE EARLY AMMUNITION TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Thursday Afternoon, July 10, 1924 AT 2:00 O’CLOCK Ps ee ae THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer Conditions of Sale 1. ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goops BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AFTER 9:30 O'CLOCK THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE SALE. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o’clock on the day following the sale. 9. Terms Casu. If accounts are not paid when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such re-sale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $2.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LenorE YouNnG TURNBULL 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. Water S. Scorr FIREARMS Guns :: Pistols :: Carbines :: Cannon Models d- 2 een fe 4.79 5 Bo 6 Edged Weapons :: Fencing Set The Property of MR. EMERSON CHAMBERLIN, AND OTHERS GERMAN “KAMARAD” BOMB (NOT LOADED). L. 314 ins. When used it was concealed over and back of thumb. Rare. Schrapnel shell (cylindrical). L. 7 in. Steel shellhead. L. 914 in. (3 pieces.) THREE RELOADING TOOLS. L. 91% ins. Nickeled. OLD TIME IRON AXE. L. 10 in. 6 in. blade; 3 in. wide at tip. LEATHER SADDLE-CARBINE SCABBARD. L. 31 in. Fine condition. FINE SET OF HARTMAN’S TUNING FORKS. Five pieces in the original morocco lettered case, 8 x 5). WOOD SHOULDER STOCK. L. 14 in. For 8mm. automatic pistol. 3 Dd i 4 C 7. SKULL FROM OHIO INDIAN MOUND. Petrified cat. L. 10 in. (2 pieces). dF * 8. TWO OLD TIME RAZORS. Pair of old-time spectacles, pewter rims and oval pewter case, brass button-mold, very rare, early American piece. (4 pes.) The case of one razor is horn fashioned as a shot gun. — 9. FOUR OLD-TIME BURGLAR KEYS. A Colonial Lancet in a ‘leather case. Ox shoe of early American iron. Eagle from German helmet. (7 pes.) (0 : 10.. POWDER POUCHES FOR PISTOLS. L, 4 in. Pewter, bronze, etc., one of horn (no charger) ; mainly with brass chargers. (9 pes.) OLD AMERICAN TIN CANTEEN. L. 6 in. Star decoration; screw cover; large leather U. S. cartridge pouch, 8144x6x3. (2 pes.) ] ~ 12. COPPER POWDER FLASK; OLD PISTOL MODEL (rusted). Two powder horns (one for pistol) ; buckram cartridge hold- er; oval painted tin powder and shot holder, etc. (a parcel). 13. TWO OLD-TIME DOUBLE SHOT AND POWDER POUCHES. Leather, with brass charges. (2 pes.) m\) ay 014. PEWTER POWDER FLASK. Four leather covered, four bronze; 1 flat and one painted red, flat bottle shape. (11 pes.) 40. ——. ANOTHER LOT SIMILAR. (12 pes.) 4 3 4 16. ——-. ANOTHER LOT SIMILAR. (16 pes.) vA - 17. CAMOUFLAGED GERMAN SNIPER’S HELMET. Taken August, 1918, by Capt. Leroy of the French Infantry at Verdun. | i * 18. BOOKS—TWO RARE U. S. MUSKET AND RIFLE PAMPH- LETS. Rules for the management of the Springfield Rifle and Army Revolvers, Cal. .45. Fully illus., Wash., 1887. Allin’s Rules for the Rifle Musket, 1855, plates, p. 31, front p. dmegd. at bottom. Wash. (1857). (2 pes.) 4 gv 21. to i) ey OLD-TIME “BOOTLEGGER’S” CANE. L. 3514 in. Lower section has long glass liquor vial and top section a drinking glass. VERY RARE AND CURIOUS. (Illustrated, Plate 1) FINELY CARVED SEMINOLE CANE. L. 36 in. One of the finest carved canes ever offered for sale. The head is as a cherry held in four leaves, the stick encrusted with carved and painted wood forms of frogs, snake, lizard, tortoise, fish, etc. (Illustrated, Plate 1) GUNS INVENTOR’S MODEL REVOLVING SHOT GUN. L.46 in. Cartridge. Huge, large bore; indented cylinder, firing 8 shots. Two small gold inlaid panels in the beautifully polished stock and the barrel having octagon breech ends with a carved copper band. A VERY RARE AND CURIOUS MODEL. (Illustrated, Plate 1) COLT-PATERSON REVOLVING SHOT GUN. L. 501% in. Percussion twist steel barrel, which is pitted, as are other metal parts. VERY RARE. (Illustrated, Plate 1) MATCH LOCK GUN. L. 4214 in. Brass mounted, including long serrated and pierced strips; the octagon barrel slightly belled and rifled, held with two brass sleeves and having saddle rings; the butt, which is a flat- tened oval, is inlaid with ivory. (Illustrated, Plate 1) COMBINATION RIFLE AND SHOT GUN. L. 47 in. Percussion superposed barrel, has under hammer, trigger euard with nipple set in copper tub is main spring. Two ram- rods and deeply curved butt, brass bound. Mark: W. P. DeWitt, Elmira, N. Y. (Illustrated, Plate 1) HANDSOME COLT REVOLVING RIFLE. L. 424% in. Percussion. 5-shot indented cylinder, front sight and ele- vated rear sight, extended mahogany stock. VERY FINE EXAMPLE. (Illustrated, Plate 1) 6 Pad 1¢ an / 2 30. FINE COLT’S DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN. L. 4614 in. 12-guage, take-down, re-bounding hammers; fine twist steel barrels; lock engraved with hunting dogs; checkered pistol grip. Scarce and fine piece. (Illustrated, Plate 1) “MULLIN” DOUBLE BARRELED SHOT GUN. L. 47 in. Cartridge; new condition; very rare; handsome browned twist barrels; watered steel frame; polished stock and checkered grip. Mark: Patrick Mullin. Mullin was first one of the first fine American shot gun makers. (Illustrated, Plate 1) COLT’S LEVER-ACTION CARBINE. L. 37 in, | Browned barrel, walnut stock, elevating rear sight; guard acts as ejector. Mark: Colt’s Patent, Bartford, 1882. Extremely rare. A few of these were made for the Canadian N. W. Mounted Police. Only three known specimens. RAREST OF ALL COLT GUNS AND THE SECOND ONE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. (Illustrated, Plate 1) MIGUELET LOCK, LONG ARABIAN GUN. L. 71 in. Ivory inlaid in spear forms with painted rings in orange and blue; 5 hammered brass sleeves hold the handsomely silver- inlaid barrel to the stock. FLINT LOCK VALLEY FORGE MUSKET WITH BAYONET. L. 5744 in. Maker: W. L. Evans. About as new, rare in this condition, with good proof marks and U. S. incised “Spread Eagle” and dated 1830. BAKER MILITARY RIFLE. L. 4514 in. Flint lock, using belted ball. Very rare. Steel ramrod; brass patch box; the stock is wormed and broken near the breech; the barrel of twist steel, but is pitted. Mark: E. Baker. the 39. g- DOUBLE BARRELED FLINT LOCK SHOT GUN. L. 51 in. Nicely marked stock; ramrod, brass mounts. Mark: C. Abertt” on one lock’ and “I. Bihningen” on the other, DOUBLE BARRELED HAMMERLESS SHOT GUN. L. 4214 in. Percussion. Very curious. Light weight, with cheek-piece; small piece broken away at forestock; an under ratchet throws the barrels from the breech. COLT LIGHTNING RIFLE. L. 41 in. Cal. .22. Pump action. Octagon barrel; piece of the checkered pump crip broken away. TRIPLETT & SCOTT CIVIL WAR CARBINE. L. 28 in. Mark: Model, Meridian Mfg. Co., “Kentucky.” Cartridge. Fine original blued finish. U. S. COLT’S CIVIL WAR MUSKET. L. 59 in. Front and elevating rear sight, percussion; ramrod. Mark: U.S. Colt’s Patent Mf. F. a Co., Hartford, Ct., 1864. U. 8S. MUSKET WITH BAYONET. L. 59 in. Marked “New York, 1862.” Fine condition, with the bird head trigger, the beak of which pierced ‘the ‘cartridge in a swing- ing chamber. KRAG CARBINE. L. 41% in. Cal. .30. Fine condition and example. Model 1899, Spring- field Armory. SHARP’S GOVERNMENT CARBINE. L. 39 in. Percussion, as new. Breech loading. FACTORY MODEL FROM MASTER ARMORER’S ROOM SHARP’S RIFLE WORKS. VERY RARE IN THIS CONDITION. SHARP’S BREECH LOADING CARBINE. L. 394 in. Model 1852. Percussion. Elevating rear sight. Mark: C. SHarp’s Patent, 1848. oe / 5 SHARP’S CREEDMORE RIFLE. L. 481, in. Mark: “OLp RELIABLE.” Peep sights. Cartridge. About as new, with checkered pistol stock. Mark: Sharp’s Rifle Co., Bridgeport, Conn. U. S. SPRINGFIELD RIFLE. L. 52 in. Model 1884. Bayonet-ramrod; fine condition, blued steel: peep sights, firing a cartridge. No. 334 and 65 incised on the stock. Mark: U. S. Springfield. COLT REVOLVING SHOT GUN. L. 49 in. Percussion. Indented cylinder; mark: Colt’s Patent, 1857. Shows sign of service, pitted; fine circassian walnut stock (crack) and strengthened. COLT REVOLVING CARBINE. L. 37. in. Percussion. Indented cylinder; steel ramrod. COLT LIGHTNING RIFLE. L. 44 in. Cal. 44. Pump action; octagon barrel. Mark:. Colt’s Patent, Hartford, Conn., 1887.” CROSSMAN AIR RIFLE. L. 3614 in. Factory new (not a toy). SPENCER REPEATING RIFLE. L. 47 in. Blued barrel; elevating rear sight; cartridge; fine condition. Mark: Spencer Repeating Rifle, 1866, etc. ENGLISH CARBINE; Tower-Barnett. L. 37 in. Percussion; full stock, brass mounts, nipple cap attached by a chain; fine proof marks and “Tower, Barnett, London,” with crown. HEAVY PERCUSSION MATCH RIFLE. L. 4714 in. Octagon barrel, curly maple stock; brass mounts, including spur guard; silver patch box incised with a head; silver name plate (ornament to stock missing). Mark: AH. W. White, Jackson, Ohio. Rare Western Match Rifle. WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLE. L. 444% in. Old model. 40-65 cal., W. C. F.; octagon barrel. 9 CASE & BAKER [ENGLISH] DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN; AS NEW. L. od 9N1, 12-bore, hammerless-ejector (which ejects the empty shells automatically when opened at the breech). 10 ONE OF THE FINEST modern shot guns; the barrels made of Vickers steel, as supplied for the Maxim gun; Italian Walnut Stock, plain finish. Weight about 634 lbs. ALL THE Ma- TERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP IN THIS GUN ARE THE BEST OBTAINABLE. In case with cleaning-rod and accessories, all as new. THE GUN IN PRACTICALLY FACTORY CONDITION and the case of sole-leather with key. (Illustrated, Plate 2) 19-56. / Q ~ se, CLEANING UTENSILS FOR GUN; ALL AS NEW. Nickel grease can, sponges, wire, etc.; bottle with screw cover, screw driver; cleaning rods; leather-bound buckram gun cover with sole leather handle; chamois cover, ete. (21 pes.) LEATHER GUN CASE. 34x 11x3. As new; green baize lining, key. ENGLISH SOLE LEATHER CARTRIDGE CASE. 17 x 9 x 6. With waterproof buckled cover. Holds 300 shells; lock and key. VERY RARE U. S. 1808 CONTRACT FLINT LOCK MUSKET. i758. in, Marked “W. and H. S., Phila,’ with eagle and U. S. This musket was made by W. and H. Shannon of Philadelphia, Pa. They only made a small number of muskets and they are con- sequently very rare. The first Shannon which has pzssed through our sales. (Illustrated, Plate 3) VERY RARE U. S. 1799 CONTRACT WHITNEY FLINT-LOCK MUSKET. L. 58 in. Full walnut stock of same type as 1763 French model. Lock marked with eagle “New Haven U. States.” The “U. States” is marked the same as on the S. North Berlin. After this the mark was U. S. or United States. U. Me GOVERNMENT CONTRACT FLINT LOCK VERY RARE. FIRST MUSKET. (I!lustrated, Plate 3) LONG KENTUCKY FLINT LOCK RIFLE. L. 59 in. Octagonal barrel, marked “G. Schreyer.” Full curly, light color maple stock with raised carving; well engraved patch box; hickory ramrod. A GENUINE OLD KENTUCKY OF THE PERIOD 1770. Good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 3) KENTUCKY FLINT LOCK RIFLE. L. 57 in. Made by Dreppert of Lancaster, Pa. 42 in. octagonal bar- rel; hickory ramrod; silver nameplate; long patch box; good condition; genuine old Kentucky. ; Dreppert was one of the most noted of the early Kentucky rifle makers. C. Sipley scratched on bbl. (Illustrated, Plate 3) ll /2—60 “| ~1 (G- 67. BEAUTIFUL PERCUSSION KENTUCKY RIFLE. L. 56 in. 4114 in. rifled barrel; .38 calibre; full curly maple stock, carved; finely engraved patch box. Made by “John Sholl.” Set triggers. In almost new condition. Seldom found as fine. A beautiful Kentucky. (I!lustrated, Plate 3) EARLY AMERICAN ENGRAVED POWDER HORN. L. 1144 in. Shows Indians attacking house, men on horses, animals, birds, etc. Beautiful old orange color. A GOOD GENUINE OLD HoRN. Brass charger. (Illustrated, Plate 3) POWDER HORN. L. 3144 in. DOUBLE CURVED AMERICAN COLONIAL ENGRAVED POWDER HORN. Shows two towns, a port, ship, fish, deer, etc. Engraving is well done and a genuine old horn. (Illustrated, Plate 3) CARBINE. L. 37 in. “Stevens’s Favorite.” Needs cleaning. BOLT ACTION SWISS-VETTERLIN REPEATING RIFLE. L. 51 in. : About as new. Mark: W. V. Steiger Thun. BREECH LOADING RIFLE. L. 52. in. Marked: U. S. Springfield. Bayonet, ramrod.. Good general condition. MANTON PERCUSSION FOWLING PIECE. L. 48 in.; bore, 11-16 in. Gold breech band, half octagon browned twist steel barrel, half octagon very light weight checkered grip and ramrod. Nose of hammer is removable. A fine arm by a noted English maker. VIRGINIA MANUFACTORY MUSKET. L. 5714 in. Flint lock. Marked: Virginia Manufactory, “Richmond 1817.” Very rare. In good condition, with ramrod. (Illustrated, Plate 4) FLINT LOCK, FITCH REVOLUTIONARY MUSKET. L. 59 in. Ramrod, brass butt strap. Good, sound condition. AMERICAN MAKE. Fitch was an old time Penn Gun smith. “S, P.” on the bbl. meaning State Property. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 13 b_- 68. BRITISH EAST INDIA CO. GUN. L. 57 in. Marked with shield (heart-shape) “V E I C” 4 and dated. Flint lock. Dated 1781. Maker “Griffin & Tow.” Original lacquer., Finish in dark brown with orange stock and frame line; ramrod; brass mounts, and cut brass band in- laid at lock. (Illustrated, Plate 4) e ~ 69. VERY EARLY FLINT LOCK SPORTING RIFLE. L. 42 in. Fiint lock on left side. Full carved stock cheek piece; slid- ing patch box; sights; ramrod; brass mounts, including spur guard. Mark: “Geo. C. Freund” incised on the octagon barrel. (Illustrated, Plate 4) / 6 %0. SCOTCH FLINT LOCK RIFLE. L. 45 in. Brass patch box with monogram A B; brass mounts. Mark: “Bryce, Edinburgh.” Half octagon barrel. A real Scotch flint lock rifle in good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 4) PISTOLS Flint Lock Pistols, Collection of Rare Ammunition, Ete. & “71. TOWER “LONG TOM” FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 19 in. “Mile End Old Town.” Marked 1787 en butt. Very large. Brass mounts, the butt a little scarred. Mark: Tower and G. B. Crowned. (Illustrated, Plate 4) ff - 72. MILITARY FLINT LOCK PISTOL-CARBINE. L. 28 in. Separate shoulder-stock. Brass mounts, front sight; saddle clip and rings; factory No. 85; No. 4 scratched on tang; “L 18” cartouche on lock with monogram “L A.” Rare. (Illustrated, Plate 4) [ d 73. ENGLISH MILITARY FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 15 in. Dated “G. R. 1770.” With fine proof marks; the stock wormed and bag grip; brass trigger guard. Dated flint locks are rare. Scarce. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 15 f/ ~s1. O92, PAIR FINE ORIENTAL FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L. 18 in. Stock silver inlaid and chiseled; butts silver mounted with Chiseled Masques, etc. (Illustrated, Plate 4) TURKISH OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 15 in. Military pistol; weighted butt, to be used as club, with very beautifully carved brass cap and brass mounts; the shaped bar-— rel carved in a scroll design. | SHORT TURKISH FLINT LOCK BLUNDERBUSS. L. 191, in. 2-inch belled muzzle; brass mounts; checkered grip; the lock carved with crescent and Turkish characters. Good example of the short blunderbus carried by horsemen and fired held against the breast. : PERCUSSION BLUNDERBUSS. L. 3214 in. Unusually large belled muzzle. checkered grip. Diam. 214 in; ramrod and DOUBLE BARREL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 13 in. Striped cherry wood stock that is dulled with years; oval finely carved steel tipped butt; forestock tip broken off and no ramrod. LAZARINO COMINAZZO FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 15 in. A shapely and handsome example of- this famous maker: all the metal parts of excellent workmanship and the whole very graceful. Although it lacks the ramrod and the stock is damaged at the tip. Mark: Lazarino Cominazzo. ENGLISH GOVERNMENT FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 12Y, in. Marked “I. R.” (International Revenue) and having Crown and “V”; No. 150 carved opposite the lock; brass mounts; full stock, large bore and fine proof marks. PAIR KETLAND MILITARY FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L. 15), in. Brass mounts, including nameplate, pan and goose neck butt cap; ramrods. Mark: “Ketland, London.” SMALL FRENCH NAVY FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 9 in. Belthook. Made previous to 1763. Steel mounts. Mark: “Antoine Dumarau.” 16 VERY EARLY FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Made Previous to 1763. Mask butt as a silver lion head; the cannon barrel shows traces of gold inlay; top of flint holder missing. FRENCH CAVALRY OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 144% in. Model 1763. Full stock, ramrod, copper mounts; gooseneck grip with copper butt. FRENCH OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 14 in. Model 1763. Iron mounted. Full stock, ramrod, bird head butt. Mark: Mfre de Libreville” and the date 1763. FRENCH GENDARME FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 121% in. Revolutionary Model. Tron mounts, ramrod; lock, stock and barrel all show service. FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY GENDARME FLINT LOCK PIS- TOL. L. 111% in. Steel mounts, pitted; ramrod and stock showing a few worm- holes. FRENCH NAVY OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 1314 in. Dated 1810; half stock with bronze sleeve and belt hook; bird head bronze capped butt. Mark: “Mauberge.” FRENCH OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 13% in. Model 1816. Copper mounted, including flash-pan, oval butt and checkered stock, ramrod, barrel pitted, front and rear sight. Mark undecipherable. FRENCH CAVALRY OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 14 in. Model 1816. Bronze mounts, crack in stock at ring butt; ramrod, mark: St Etienne, Mfre Royale. FRENCH CAVALRY OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL, NA- POLEON PERIOD. L. 4 in. Bronze mounts and pan; heavy bronze sleeve, ramrod; swivel ring at butt. Mark: Charleville and “An 9” scratched on the breech, meaning year 1806 of Napoleon’s reign. 17 Le” oo, FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 14 in. Model 1816, “des Garde du Corps du Roi.” Brass mounts, with oval brass butt-cap, ramrod. Mark: a Crown “S. B. 16.” FRENCH OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Has been a very handsome piece, but time-worn, with unusual checkered grip and oval octagon butt. FRENCH MILITARY FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 16 in. Marked “Libreville,” with iron mounts and ramrod, bird head butt. FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 16 in. Marked “Smmon JOvEsOoN,” with panelled octagon barrel, oval buit and iron cap; forestock broken away at tip. FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 15 in. Early type, with circassian walnut stock, and oval steel (carved) cap; the cannon bbl. has a front sight; ramrod and “spool carved” thimbles for the same. Shows good workman- ship throughout. me FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 14 in. Marked “Brunon M’re St Etienne” on the lock; has beautiful belled octagon barrel; checkered curved grip, with oval butt; front sight; proof marks; engraved. PAIR EARLY FRENCH FLINT LOCK MILITARY PISTOLS. LL; 15.an. Mark: “Jean Brotte.’ Carved iron mounts with oval ball buts, no ramrods and forestock of one slightly damaged. PAIR FRENCH FLINT LOCK MILITARY PISTOLS. L. 14 in. Three-quarter stocks; brass mounts; bird head form butts; ramrods (combining bullet molds). Date 1813, M’re Imperiale. 100. FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY “TWIST STEEL” FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L, 12 im. Half octagon barrel, rifled and with belled mouth; brass mounted, checkered and octagon butt, ramrod. Carried by a. Major of Roger’s Cavalry in the Americcn Revolution. 18 l/ [(- 1 44 206. a [ih 05. 07. “bd 08. FRENCH OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 11 in. Revolutionary mode!. Shows service; with rare reeded bar- rel, having cannon mouth, and brass pan; bird head butt. HEAVY POTSDAM FLINT LOCK PISTOL; MILITARY. L. 16 in. Brass mounts, heavy steel sleeve on the full stock; oval brass butt cap with brass knob, shows service and lock marked. “Potsdam” crowned monogram on the brass nameplate. CABINET AND COLLECTION OF ABOUT 640 CARTRIDGES, ETC. Flints and earliest types of paper cartridges. Different size percussion caps. Dise-caps for Butterfield revolver. Maynard percussion cap. Colt paper cartridges in original boxes and many forms of curious ammunition. Proberly the Brest private collection of small arms ammunition that has ever been assembled. Cabinet 20 X 15 X 15 with sliding 2 inch drawers having glass fronts (one broken). AMMUNITION COLLECTION OF ABOUT 250 CARTRIDGES. PERCUSSION CAPS, BULLETS, ETC. Almost impossible to procure this early ammunition. CURIOUS AMERICAN AIR GUN. L. 23 in. 614-in. round barrel; trigger guard is the lever. By pulling down the air is compressed in the reservoir in the stock. A UNIQUE PIECE. (Illustrated, Plate 5) Tees: Bon PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 114% in. Cal. ae ramrod, brass mounts; box lock. Marked Deringer, Phila. Model 1843 and scratched “U. 8S.” RarE TYPE, having front and rear sights and rifled. (Illustrated, Plate 5) ALL METAL PERCUSSION SIGNAL PISTOL. L. 9 in. Invention of Lieut. Very. Marked U.S. Army Signal Pistol. A. J. M. 1861. Bronze with steel hammer and nipple. (Illustrated, Plate 5) COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 13% in.; Cal. .45. Handsome specially made shoulder stock with peep-sight attached and brass mounts. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 19 am Vv ‘Thilt [3- d 109. PAIR OF PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOLS. L. 7 in.; Cal. .50. Barrels marked Constable, 1818. Brown twist barrels, nicely chiseled and engraved. Gold breech band. Constable was a noted early American gunmaker. A VERY RARE pair, in almost new condition. Main spring in one is missing. Lock, ramrod, single shot. (Illustrated, Plate 5) (3 ™110. PAIR OF ENGLISH FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L. 14% in. Mark “Smith, Lendon.” Half octagon barrels, ramrod:, brass mounts and butt caps. (Illustrated, Plate 5) I 2 111. FINE PAIR OF BALL BUTT FLINT LOCKS. L. 16 in. Ivory ball butts, stocks fully inlaid in half diamond pearl, some pieces stained red, set in silver wire inlay in a beautiful running design with silver drops. Ball triggers and half octa- gon barrels slightly belled. A very handsome pair. - (Illustrated, Plate 5) 29° fc 112. OLD BRONZE SALUTING CANNON. L. 20. in. With carriage and Spanish flag. Entire length 30 ins. Taken out of Moro Castle, Havana, during the Spanish-American War. (Illustrated, Plate 6) 21 ao dH a 113. CANNON MODEL. L. 744 in. Brass model of 1812 period naval cannon on original ma- hogany naval gun carriage. A perfect litthe model, in good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 7) are 114. CANNON MODEL. L. 1144 in. Iron model of Civil War naval cannon on original 4-wheel iron gun carriage. A well-made piece, in good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 7) 22 ai eo: 115. 116. PAIR OF LAZARINO COMINAZZO ITALIAN FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L. 1414 in. Full carved walnut stocks. Very well made cannon mouth- ed barrels. Gold touch holes and gold lined pans. “Grabinki Poznaniu” on the locks. VERY EARLY PAIR of pistols by one of the best makers. dition. Good con- (Illustrated, Plate 7) U. S. GOVERNMENT MODEL 1826 FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 1314 in. Marked “U. S. S. North 1828.” Bronze flash pan. Swivel ramrod. This is the navy model. Very few of these were Made. Considered as rare as the Berlin North. VERY FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 5) U. S. GOVERNMENT MODEL 1819 FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 16 in. Marked “S. North Midlton, Conn. 1822.” Full walnut stock (crack) ; swivel ramrod. A rare government flint lock in good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) EARLIEST TYPE OF FLINT LOCK FIRE LIGHTER. L. 714 in. Marked “J. Savige, Hampton.” Of the peried 1700, with outside lock mechanism. Good condition. RARE PIECE. (IWustrated, Plate 5) BRASS FLINT LOCK FIRE LIGHTER. L. 74% in. One of the finest ever seen. Marked “Bond.” All the metal parts are nicely engraved brass. Large spare tinder box. Large brass candlestick fitted on left side. IN PERFECT CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 5) FLINT LOCK BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L. 12 in. With elliptical muzzle 1 in. by 134 in. This was made to throw the shot left and right. Full walnut stock. No ram- rod. Fine condition. A very unusual type of pistol. (Illustrated, Plate 5) RARE EARLY FLINT LOCK POWDER TESTER. Finely carved walnut “Violin Form” stock. Almost new condition. A very unusual shaped piece. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 23 [a 124 2° 105. a BEAUTIFUL PAIR FLINT LOCK BRASS-BARREL BLUN- BUSS PISTOLS. L. 7% in. Marked “Hill London.” Small size blunderbuss pistols in pairs are rare. Fine workmanship. Cannon barrels. Good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L. 13 in. Marked “Le Page a Paris.” Brown twist steel barrels sup- erposed; side locks; 2 hammers but only one trigger; ram- rods. Beautiful carved walnut stocks. Le Page was one of the best French gunsmiths. All parts finely engraved. Pistols in factory condition. A very unusual pair. The butt-caps have match-seratchers. (Illustrated, Plate 5) NOEL TEN-SHOT DISC REVOLVER. L. 9 in. French make. Hammer on the right side strikes horizon- tally like that of Porter rifle. Loads on left side by remov- ing cylinder. Folding trigger, which cocks, revolves and fires the pistol. See Sawyer Vol. 2, page 84. Beautifully engraved. RARE PIECE, with pyramid front sight. (Illustrated, Plate 5) COLT 6-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 26 in. With genuine Colt extension stock, HAVING CANTEEN IN THE BUTT. RARER THAN THE COLT DRAGOON WITH STOCK. Canteen in stock is very unusual. In good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) “H. DERINGER” FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 1614 in. 1808 Model. 10 in. round barrel with proof mark. Full brass mounted walnut stock marked“Maryland” in incised letters. THIS IS ONE OF THE RAREST OF THR U. S. MARTIAL PISTOLS and the first to appear in the rooms. Good original condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) PAIR OF PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 19 in. Finely carved circassian walnut stocks 1214 in, damascus rifled barrels, set triggers. Spur guards. Well made and in perfect condition. In walnut case with every accessory. Entire outfit in almost new condition. This is one of the largest pair of duelling pistols ever offered and a very unusual pzvir. (INustrated, Plate 5) 24 SMALL ARMS: FIREARMS, ETC. BOOKS. ENCLISH PATENT OFFICE REPORTS. Covering every invention pertaining to firearms in England from 1558 to 1867. Hunpreps oF ILLustrations. Rare books. 2 vols. 12mo and 8vo, paper, London 1859 and 1905. S. NORTH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Marked: “S. North Midlton Conn.” down missing. Otherwise very good condition. government flint lock. U. S. GOVERNMENT MODEL 1826 FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 13% in. Marked “U. S. M. L. Evans 1830.” THIS IS THE VERY RARE EvAn’s PISTOL, made at Va'ley Forge. Has swivel ramrod. Seldom to be _ had. U. S. CIVIL WAR PERCUSSION SIGNAL PISTOL. L. 8 in. Marked “U. S. Army Signal Pistol 1862.” Brass frame Requires cleaning otherwise a good arm. COLT SMALL SIZE PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 10. Cal. 36. Shows considerable original 1816 model. Lip to hold flint Rare U. S. Engraved off set cylinder. finish. Model 1849. SCARCE LITTLE COLT .22 CALIBRE CARTRIGE REVOL- VER. Ll. 6 in. 7 shot. Round barrel. Brass frame. Bird head grip. Good Condition. SHARP 4 SHOT PISTOL. L. 6 in. Cal. .30. Finely checkered ivory grips. Silver plated frame.( wear- ing). Beautiful little pistol. ROBBINS AND LAWRENCE “WINDSOR VT.” 5 SHOT HAMMERLESS RING TRIGGER. PERCUSSION PEPPER- BOX. L. 914 in. Made under Leonard’s patent of 1849. with original bluing. Incised decoration. SAVAGE PERCUSSION 6-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L. 144% in. Marked “Savage R. F. A. Co. Midlton, Ct.”. Good condition with some original bluing. Date 1860. In factory condition 29 in. .36 calibre. G e137. WHITNEY 6-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L. 13144 Marked “FF. Whitney, N. Haven” New condition. 50 138. BEAUT:FUL PAIR OF DOUBLE BARREL FLINT LOCK PISTOLS? Lain Marked “Hewitt Liverpool.” Beautiful walnut half stocks. Silver plates and name plate: engraved with coat of arms. 9 in. twist steel browned barrels side by side. Side locks, gold touch holes. In very good condition in original deep case with accessories. The crest on the name plate is that of the Duke of Athole, io whom these pistols belonged. Unusual pair of pistols, associated with a famous Scotch family. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 3% #139. CASE AND PAIR OF PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 154 in. Half stocks well checkered. Octagonal rifled barrels. Spur guards, set triggers. Marked “Fatout A. Paris.” tn very good condition in case with all accessories, marked “Docteur A. Aubeau.” It was often customary for the attending surgeon to furnish the pistols for a duel. The surgeon weuld arrive on the field with the pistols in one hand and his surgical case in the other. An unusual outfit. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 140. FINE LEATHER PISTOL HOLSTER. L. 11 in. 141. SIX SHOT REVOLVER. L. 11 in. Percusion, octagon bb]. No marks. | -P12. EARLY AMERICAN POCKET PISTOL. L. 814 in. Percussion, gooseneck grip, top hammer, no mark. 26 ENGLISH PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT POCKET REVOLVER. L., 914 ins. Tranter’s patent. In case with tools checkered grip. Original bluing. As new. TWO PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L. 5 and 6 in. Single shot, percussion, concealed triggers, evidently American make. (2) TWO DOUBLE BARREL POCKET PISTOLS. L. 8 in. Parallel bbls, gooseneck grips, no marks, evidentiy American make. (2) REMINGTON-ELLIOTT FOUR SHOT. L. 5 in. Under hammer and ring trigger, inoperative. BRITISH BULL DOG REVOLVER. L. 6 in. Nickel plated and checkered grip; and two small Belgian model revolvers, one 624, ins., one pierced for a saddle cord, and one lacking the ejector. (3) CASE AND PAIR OF DOUBLE BBL. PISTOLS. L. 11% in. One bbl. rifled and the other smooth bore, the lock, etc., handsomely engraved, with gold breech band and decoration; brass tipped ramrods, silver name plate with monogram “N S”; and polished circassian walnut checkered gooseneck erips. Marks: “A V Lebeda a Prague.” The case has name plate “Nicolaus Stieglitz,” and is of polished mahogany. (Illustrated, Plate 9) CASE AND PAIR OF LEPAGE DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 1514 in. Percussion. Finely marked “watered” ae } 9 D1: ” MACHETE. L. 23 in. Horn grip and fitted with a leather belt attachment. SWORD ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L. 25 in. Leather scabbard. Cartouche with “P. D. L.”, brass grip, ribbed, and quillons. SWORD. ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L. 25 in. Leather scabbard. New. Rare in this condition, with brass quillons and scale finished brass grip with crown pom- mel. Made by James M. Chicory. MACHETE WITH HORN GRIP. L. 25 in. Curved blade, wide at the tip. U. S. HOSPITAL CORPS SPADE-KNIFE. L. 131% in. Mark: U. S. Springfield Watervliet Arsenal”. Leather scab- bard, and brass belt hook. U. S. KNIFE BAYONET. L, 14 in. Double edged reaping hook point. In metal sheath. PLUG BAYONET. L. 13. in. Ebony brass-tipped grip, short “S” shape quillons; no marks. Leather scabbard. VeRY RARE. Used on wheelocks and very early arms. GERMAN OFFICER’S TRENCH BAYONET-DAGGER. _ L. 114% in. Metal sheath and checkered grip. World War. New. BOWIE KNIFE. L. 12 in. Leather sheath, brass tipped square form handle. OLD TIME AMMUNITION ABOUT 50 ORIGINAL PACKAGES. Very unusual Creedmore (Sharp’s Rifle) 44-60. Maynard’s Metallic; Sharp’s 40 and 44 Calibre; Martini-Henry (1874) Paper Cartridges; Allen .44 Cal. Army; Allen & Wheelock cartridges for Pond & Eagle revolvers (loading from front of cylinder) ; CoLTs Revo.vine Rifle cartridges (paper) ete. Ir IS NOW ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN THESE SPECIMENS, when desired. 36° F aed G@ 224. COLLECTION OF ABOUT 300 CARTRIDGES, PERCUSSION . CAPS, BULLETS, ETC. 50 A similar and fine lot. q- 225. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY SABRE. L. 4214 in. Pierced iron guard and quillons in one, indented wood handle for cord, and oval steel knop. Captured from Hessian Troops at Trenton. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 37 CAUCASIAN SWORD. L. 38 in. Dated 1656. With double blood-drip channels either side the fine slightly curved blade. Old leather scabbard, ap- parently original, having silver band; the grip with bands of silver inlay and wire of exquisite workmanship; the pommel — as a bird’s head (and deeply cleft) of silver chased and en- graved. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SCOTCH BASKET-HiILT SWORD. L. 361% in. From battle-field of Colloden. Deep blood drip channel in the blade; the basket cuard almost enclosed, iron grip and half spool pommel. (Illustrated, Plate 13) MACHETE. L. 31. Stamped leather scabbard; horn grip with extended tip. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SWORD. ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L., 28 in. Bronze hilt carved with relief of Trophies; deep blood drip channels and a double curved blade. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SWORD. SHORT SWORD DOUBLE EDGE. L. 22% in. Artillery Side Arm with short square carved brass quillons; deeply ribbed grip and lozenge shape carved pommel. Mark: Pasta Lundi, B. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SCARCE DAHLGREN SHORT SWORD-BAYONET. L. 17 in. Extremely rare, brass mounts. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SCOTCH SKENE DHU. Bevelled and double edge. Brass mounted. Wood scab- bard set with oval brass medallions on bands; short carved upturned brass quillons; reeded ebony grip and lozenge shape brass pommel. (Illustrated, Plate 13) HUNTING KNIFE. L. 10 in. Buck horn handle. In Indian sheath with beaded border. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 38 MEXICAN BOWIE KNIFE. L. 1114 in. Mark on red leather sheath “I X L” and on the knife, “Wostenholm, Washington Works, Sheffield.” Buck horn erip with carved german silver tip and quillons. (Illustrated, Plate 13) BOWIE KNIFE. Buck horn handle, brass mounted, long ball-tip “S” quil- lons.. Leather scabbard. “For the Gold seekers protection”, on the blade. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SPANISH PLUG BAYONET. L. 124% in. Ivory grip, brass tipped, double edge. Very RARE. Used on wheelocks and very early arms. Mark, Alca- zar Sarazon. (Illustrated, Plate 13) U. S. WORLD WAR (1918) KNUCKLE KNIFE DAGGER. Metal scabbard. Bronze hilt. New; rare, but few were made. (Illustrated, Plate 13) PISTOLS FRENCH GOVERNMENT CAVALRY PISTOL. L. 10. Percussion (Alteration). Marked: 1813 and Mnf inv. St Etienne. Ramrod, brass mounts, swinging ring in the bird head _ butt. SHORT FRENCH GENDARME PISTOL. L. 10. Percussion. (alteration); steel mounts, ramrod; mark Mf de Mauberge. FRENCH GENDARME SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 10 in. Percussion. Fine condition. Good clear proof marks, ramrod and side hammer. FRENCH SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 11 in. Percussion (Alteration). Bird’s head butt. Brass cap and mounts, no ramrod and slight repair to stock. FRENCH NAVY PISTOL. L. 14 in. Model 1849. Percussion. With belt hook and ramrod. Stock dented, and small piece at grip missing. 39 )- ? 243. FRENCH NAVY PISTOL. L. 12 in. Percussion. Model 1837 (1851). Brass mounts, ring bird- héad butt; swivel (chain) ramrod; belt hook, good proof marks and M’re N’le de Chatelleruulee on the lock. 0 aS ” Sk FRENCH TARGET PISTOL. L. 10 in. Percussion; spur guard octagon bbl., front and rear - sights, yw fluted butt; and half stock ending in a carved Dragon’s head with enone eyes. 4S 2 ike LARGE SINGLE SHOT MILITARY PISTOL. L. 14 in. _ Percussion. The large bore and heavy barrel is strapped to the stock with a carved brass sleeve; brass trigger guard, U gb and fluted grip with flat carved brass cap. Mark “C, 18.” LARGE SINGLE SHOT MILITARY PISTOL. L. 15. Percussion Mark Suhl 1852. With crown; the cap is pro- tected by a false trigger opposite the trigger. Brass mounts. ais e 247. LARGE SINGLE SHOT MILITARY PISTOL. L. 15 in. Percussion. Belgian Flat-butt with set ring, brass mounts, full stock. Proof marks. oh > 248. ENGLISH SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 9 in. Percussion. With Belt Hook and octagon barrel; checkered gooseneck grip, silver name plate, incised lock and tang. 0 4- 249. ENGLISH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 1114 in. Mark: Griffin & Tow. The old Highwayman “To Obey.” Flint lock; stock is cracked and part of guard missing; brass mounts. |- 4950 ENGLISH DUELLING PISTOL. L. 16%, in. Percussion. Maker “Lewis and Tomes.” Octagon bbl., spur guard, safety, checkered gooseneck grip, incised frame, silver name plate, no ramrod. 9 251. LARGE “RASHMORE” ENGLISH PISTOL. L. 18 in. Belt hook. Flint lock. Brass mounts, ramrod, marked: Rashmore, warranted. }~- d 252. SMALL BRASS CANNON BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 614 in. Top action and bag: grip. 40 SMALL AMERICAN SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 5in. Cartridge. Mark “FE. Allen Co.” 1865. Front and rear sights, barrel slides to left; bird-head butt. ALLEN & THURBER SMALL SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 64% Percussion. Flat top hammer. Half octagon bbl., inop- erative. ALLEN & THURBER DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PIS- TOL. L. 914 in. Single trigger. Scarce. The bbls. from one piece of steel; very short bag grip; practically an all metal pistol. ALLEN & THURBER PEPPERBOX. L. 714 in. Six shot with thumb hammer; rare but inoperative; strap- ped cylinder. SHORT ALLEN THURBER & CO. PEPPERBOX. L. 644 in. Five shot double action; top snap; carved frame. ALLEN THURBER & CO, PEPPERBOX. L. 614 in. Five shot, solid bbl., top snap, bag grip. ASHTON SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 10 in. Percussion half octagon blued and rifled barrel, goose neck erip. Mark: Ashton. SMALL AMERICAN SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 4% in. Cartridge, indented action, bird head butt, No. 325. SMALL AMERICAN SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 614 in. Percussion; cannon form all steel (except butt), top hammer. No. 535. BACON UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 9 in. Percussion; short “bag” handle, incised frame, half octagon bbl., front and rear sights, No. 65, mark: Bacon & Co. Nor- wich, C T. UNITED STATES MARTIAL PISTOL. Mark U. S. “I. N. Johnson”, Middleton Conn., 1855. Swivel ramrod, brass mounts. Per- cussion. 41 265. 7 E66 ee 267. 7 - ot MANHATTAN PEPPERBOX. L. 714 in. Double action; 6 shot, indented bbl., top snap; short wal- nut grip. MANHATTAN SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 714 in. Flat top hammer. D. A. percussion. Bag grip, half octagon bbl., mark: Manhattan Mfg Co., New York. J. M. MARLIN SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 5 in. Cartridge; brass frame; bird head butt. Mark: O K J. M. Marlin, New Haven, Conn. REMINGTON-BEALS PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL. L. 8 ane shot. With outside cylinder pawl; sheathed trigger. REMINGTON SMALL DOUBLE BARREL DERINGER. L. 5 Al calibre. Superposed bbls. New condition. Nickled. DOUBLE BARREL REMINGTON BREVET PISTOL. L. 1014 in. Mark also “Brevet Nagant”; Blued parallel bbls, and frame; checked grip and ring butt. No 1075 and a fine example. SIGNAL PISTOL. L. 124 in. . Maker: Amer. Ord. Co., blued barrel and brass frame. “Mark II,” 1900. About new. LARGE GERMAN SIGNAL PISTOL. L. 1414 in. Blued steel frame, ring guard, ring butt. Fine condition. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 10 in. Remington type. Original bluing. Cannon mouth, front sight. Checkered walnut grip with ring butt and spur guard. SMALL STEVEN’S TARGET PISTOL. L.9 in. Cal. .22. About new. Nickled finish and long blued bbl. STEVEN’S. LORD MODEL. TARGET PISTOL. L. 22 in. With metal shoulder stock. Cartridge. Nickled frame and spur guard. 42 “LADY'S SOUTHERNER” DERINGER. Brown Mfg. Co. (worn). Iron frame. Cartridge, silver mounts LONG UNDERHAMMER SHOTGUN PISTOL. L. 21 in. Percussion. Short gooseneck grip with shoulder stock slot, re-inforced brass band at breech. UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 9 in. Percussion, with curly maple “bag” handle; half octagon small rifled barrel and spur trigger. FRANK WESSON POCKET RIFLE. L. 3314 in. With metal shoulder stock. Cartridge; neéds cleaning. SMALL BRASS FRAME SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 7 in. Cartridge, octagon bbl. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 714 in. Octagon bbl.; goose neck checkered grip; with silver name plate. UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 814 in. Saw handle; with goose neck grip; half octagon bbl. Spur trigger, inoperative. UNDERHAMMER PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 in. Trigger guard is main spring. Octagon bbl.; silver shield name plate; one key-brad guard missing; bag handle. DOUBLE SUPERPOSED BBL. PERCUSSION PISTOL. “London” Belt hook, checkered (worn) bag grip with name plate; deeply rifled bbls. SMALL SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 514 in. D. A. Percussion, top snap, inoperative, nicely incised in- cluding twist barrel, short bag grip. SHORT SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 9 in. Large bore. Percussion. Belgian proof marks, nicely check- ered grip and oval german silver capped butt. VEST POCKET PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 434 in. “Bag” handle, top action, engraved frame. 43 MEDALS, ETC. 287. MINIATURE GERMAN IRON CROSS. 2 x 2. Found on World War Battlefield near Mt. Faucon. (Illustrated, Plate 14) | @ ~ 288. MINIATURE CANNON MODEL. L. 2 in. 7 > : On wood carriage, delightful little piece, perfect model. Se (Illustrated, Plate 14) [@ ~ 289. FRENCH GOVERNMENT MEDAL. Diam. 234 in. : Gold bronze by Ch. Pillet. Signed to commerorate (Ver- dun) “on ne passe pas” 1916. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 3 5o- 290. GERMAN-SILVER FLINT STRIKER TINDERBOX. L. 2 ae Small, like a reeded oval snuff box. r (Illustrated, Plate 14) I. GO 99), BRASS AND COPPER CIGAR LIGHTER. Made by German prisoners in France, as a book. | ~.) (Illustrated, Plate 14) | 292. MINIATURE REVOLVER. L. 14 in. Gold plated with pearl grip. (Illustrated, Plate 14) “L- 293. MINIATURE REVOLVER. L. 134 in. Gold, with ring for fob attachment. | (Illustrated, Plate 14) i= 294. MINIATURE PISTOL REVOLVER. L, 14 in. Pearl grip and safety. attachment. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 44 295. SMALL VERDUN MEDAL. Diam. | in. Gold bronze, 1916. Head of Joan of Arc. Signed Vernier, Twin Towers on reverse; with text (leaflet) accompanying excessively rare. (2pes.) (Illustrated, Plate 14) REVOLVERS, ETC. 3 296. DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. L. 9 in. Cal. .22. Nine shot. Octagon bbl. Indented cylinder deeply curved checkered grip and ring butt. Marked “J. Blanch. London.” (p 297. BRITISH BULL DOG REVOLVER. L. 61% in. Cal. .44. Five shot. Nickeled. Checkered hard rubber grip. Mark “British Bull Dog.” (7 398, “KERR” REVOLVER. L. 11 in. Mark “James Kerr & Co., London.” Six shot. Large, blued octagon bbl., indented cylinder, checkered grip with ring butt. A favorite Confederate weapon. 999, PIN-FIRE SINGLE ACTION REVOLVER. L. 7 in. Six shot, folding trigger; bag grip. [-2 300. SMALL FRENCH PINFIRE REVOLVER. L. 614 in. Cal. .32. Six shot. Folding trigger. Bag shape checkered grip; with set cord attachment. : = ey 301. SMALL LEFAUCHEAUX REVOLVER. L. 7% in. Six shot, pin-fire. Folding trigger; incised frame and cylinder, saw-handled checkered walnut grip. /4 “ 302, FINE LEFAUCHEAUX PIN-FIRE REVOLVER. L. 11% ing © Six shot; Blued bbl. and blued engraved cylinder; the “saw- handle” carved in relief; other parts carved and nickeled in- cluding the ring butt. VERY FINE EXAMPLE FACTORY NEW. In case with cleaning rod. [— 303. LE PAGE REVOLVER. L. 9 in. Six shot, ring trigger; saw handle and ring butt, incised, pitted. Mark: “Le Page Moutier Mre B'te a Paris.” Rare and interesting form of the famous Le Page pocket revolver. A5 LARGE FRENCH REVOLVER. L. 1114 in. Pin-fire, six shot. Blued. Spur trigger guard, oval metal butt cap with ring. LADY’S MUFF DOUBLE ACTION FRENCH REVOLVER. L. din. Cal. .22. Five shot. Blued; long indented cylinder, unusual folding trigger, pierced so that it can be pulled with a cord. LUGER HOLSTER STOCK. L. 14 in. Wood, as new. COLT’S POCKET PISTOL. L. 9 in. Cal. .31. Five shot, cartridge. Government alteration; nickled. About as new. Dated 1872. COOPER PATENT DOUBLE ACTION PERCUSSION REVOL- VER. } No. 1360. In original cardboard box but without accessor- ies. 5 shot. Fine piece. COLT’S REVOLVER. L. 13 in. Factory alteration. Cartridge; 1871. COLT REVOLVER. L. 13 in. Alteration. Six shot. Cartridge. Brass mounts and spring ejector. Mark “Address Col. Sam’l Colt.” COLT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 14 in. In holster. Nickled (worn). .44 calibre. Six shot. PAIR CIVIL WAR COLT REVOLVERS. L. 14 in. Percussion. In holsters. Carried by Colonel Larnley of Baltimore and returned to his fam- ily after he was killed in battle. IMITATION COLT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 11 in. Interesting piece with carved cylinder octagon barrel, and the regulation Colt grip of circassian walnut. SMALL “DEFENDER” CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 6 in. .22 calibre. 7 shot, bird head butt. 46 SMALL “DEFENDER” CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 5% in. 22 Calibre. 7 shot with sight-shield for shoulder stock, attached. Patent 1877. SMALL “DEFENDER” REVOLVER. L. 514 in. 22 calibre. 7 shot. Nickeled. Date 1889; DicraTor 5 shot worn. SMALL SIDE HAMMER REVOLVER. L. 5}4 in. Model “Forehand & Wadsworth.” Cal. .22. Seven shot. MANHATTAN POCKET REVOLVER. L. 7 in. Nickeled. Sheathed trigger. Gal® 222; Seven shot. MANHATTAN PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 914 in.; Cal. .38. 5 shot. Blued. About as new, with brass mounts, octagon bbl. and date 1864. SMALL PRAIRIE KING REVOLVER. L. 514; Cal. .22. 7 shot, nickeled, factory new, with incised frame and bird- head grip. Rare in this condition. RARE REMINGTON-BEALS POCKET REVOLVER. L. 7 ins. With outside cylinder pawl. with full accessories. EXTREMELY RARE and in fine condition, with blued finish. Dated 1856. In original cardboard box REMINGTON-BEAL REVOLVER. L. 1014 ins.; Cal. .38. Octagon bbl.; 5 shot, percussion, silver plated (a little worn). Very rare size. REMINGTON “BEALS” PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L, 13144 in. Scarce. Six shot, octagon bbl., pyramid front sight; brass guard. Searce type. In good condition. REMINGTON ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14; Cal. .44. Percussion. In mahogany case with some accessories; blued finish; good condition. SHORT REMINGTON CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 8% in. 5 shot, factory altered, tinned for navy. Dated 1865. 47 REMINGTON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 13 ins. Six shot; octagon bbl., brass guard. REMINGTON RIDER POCKET REVOLVER. L. 614; Cal. .32. 5 shot. Nickeled. Factory alteration. About as new. Scarce. REMINGTON-SMOOT REVOLVER. L. 614 in.; Cal. .32. 5 shot. Bone handles; nickel finish; sheathed trigger. Scarce. Indented cylinder, dated 1873. SAN FRANCISCO REVOLVER. D. A. 6 shot. Rare. Irish Constabulary Model with checkered erip and ring butt: Mark: “Webley’s Patent” and “N. Curry & Bro., San Francisco.” Very rare early Western revolver. SLOCUM REVOLVER (BACON ARMS CO.). L. 744 ins. Reeded and indented cylinder; incised bronze frame, unus- ual shape mahogany grip. 5 shot, sliding cylinder chambers. “S & W” REVOLVER. L. 744 in.; Cal. .32, Five shot. Nickeled. About new. Concealed trigger. Mark: Smith & Wesson . . . 1871. SMALL “S & W” REVOLVER. L. 61,4 in. 22 calibre. 7 shot. Blued. Indented cylinder, concealed trigger; bird-head butt. Mark: “Smith & Wesson . . . 1860.” “S & W” REVOLVER. .32 Cal.; L. 714 in. Early type. Sheathed trigger. Original blueing. 5 shot, indented cylinder; bird-head grip. DOUBLE ACTION TRANTER REVOLVER. L. O14 in. In case. 5 shot, cartridge. Double-spur trigger. New, with original blued finish and checkered grip. No. 57800. FREAK PISTOLS, ETC. PENCIL PISTOL: NICKEL FINISH . L. (entire), 334 ins. Chambered for Smith & Wesson .32 cartridges, _ A curious freak pistol, to be carried concealed in the palm cf the hand; fired by squeezing in the hand with the barrel between the first and second fingers. Pencil pistols, nickel finish, are quite rare, as but few were made. 43 f « 336. PENCIL PISTOL: BLUED FINISH. Entire Length 3%, ins. Chambered for a Smith & Wesson .32. Rare little pistol fired by holding in the palm of the hand and 5% pushing spring trigger with two fingers. 4): 7 331. REUTHE TRAP PISTOL. L. 10 ins Double barrel, with forked bait prong and iron ringed staple. 4 - 338. SHORT SOUTH SEA CLUB. L. 161% ins. ( Mushroom head, checkered (crude) grip. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 49 ¢ 339 —~ , 7 4- ~ 340. 45 341. AL 348. CAT O° NINE TAILS. From a former Delaware States Prison Official. (Illustrated, Plate 15) LONDON BOBBY’S (POLICEMAN) CLUB. L. 1714 ins. Painted with gold and green “V. R.” and Crown; with ribbed erip. (Illustrated) FINE INDIAN BEADED KNIFE SHEATH, L. 9 in. In bright blue and red and green beads; with stiff rawhide back; two crosses worked in the centre with different color blue beads. (Illustrated) OLD CARVED WOOD POWDER POUCH. L. 9 ins. Round with flat underside; and long neck; top carved as a cross and circle and pin dot ornamentation. (Illustrated) ESQUIMAUX HAND ADZE. L. 91% ins. Bone handles, with carved bear-head. Hand-forged steel blade. Rare museum piece. Tied with raw-hide. (Illustrated) OLD TIME BOTTLE REVOLVER FLASK. L. 7 ins. Amber glass checkered grip. Very rare form of bcettle. Lettered “Diana Revolver.” (Illustrated) “THE DEFENDER” PIPE AS A SHOTGUN. L. 5, ins. Briar wood bowl, and quaint hard rubber stem as a shotgun. (Illustrated) PIPE AS A PISTOL. L. 9 ins. Briarwood bowl and hard rubber (pistol) stem. — (Illustrated) JAPANESE FAN DAGGER. L. 13 ins. The fan sheath lacquered bamboo. (Illustrated) Very curious. PISTOL-SHAPED SNUFF BOX. L. 4 ins. Very rare. All metal. Taking the form of a lady’s double bbl. deringer; the stock colored brown as wood; the cover being under the barrels, hinged. - (Illustrated) 50 CURIOUS PERCUSSION BURGLAR ALARM DOOR PISTOL. Evidently to be fitted into the knob. (Illustrated) Leek ins, STEEL TOMAHAWK. L. 11 ins. Two UNUSUALLY SMALI. BAYONETS, one with leather sheath. L. 844 and 13 ins. 3 pieces. (Illustrated) BRASS CANNON FLINT-LOCK. L. 814 ins. (Illustrated) BRASS KNUCKLES. L. 334 ins. Fan shape; hand forged. Rare form. (Illustrated ) HEAVY BRASS KNUCKLES. The finger holes like signet rings in fan shape. rare early form. Hand forged, (Illustrated) SMALL BURGLAR ALARM DOOR PISTOL. Percussion, with swivel screw for attaching. (Iustrated) PAIR MEXICAN SPURS. As new. (Jllustrated) BURGLAR’S IRON “BILLY.” Early form with leather thong. (Illustrated) GERMAN “BLACK JACK.” L. 9 ins. Dumb-bell shape, with looped handle. Used by reconnais- ance parties. (Illustrated) “BLACK JACK.” L. 814 ins. Woven black with loaded pear shape end, and spiral grip. (Illustrated, Plate 15) The Adams-Payne Printing Service, Inc., 313-317 West 37th Street, New York City ; | 1924 July 10 NeWaC c.1 Walpole G/Firearms andedged weap | aS Tae ; 92-P5534 ee pears | | INO) 3 3125 01182 9915 nas SSE Eee Sear Ae eee 2 ES > itd Br oh a SEASON 1923-1924 A Fine Library of Handsomely Bound Books to Close an Estate. A Noted Western Collection of Rare Edged Weapons, Guns, and Pistols. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late F, Meder, well known Dealer and Expert. A Private Library to close an estate. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement, the Col- lection of the late J. E. Boynton. A Fine Group of Colonial and Early American Furniture, Early American Furnishings, Glass, Pewter, etc. The Fifth Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints and Books from Private Collections. A Sale of Prints, principally Etchings. A Collection of Books relating to Western New York. Fine and Rare Books, Modern First Editions, New York Items, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc. . THe WALPOLE GALLERIES, 12 West 48th St., New York City