ssiiiied ig CATALOGUE % Oil Paintings Chinese Porcelains, Elegant Household Furnishings Brit-a- Brac, ete. THE COLLECTION OF firs. Lou Pegram NEW YORK CITY Ars : TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Mennesday Afternoon and Crentng March 26th, 1913 COMMENCING AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P. M. Bp filer win Sales Company 16 Cast 40th Street Qew Bork TELEPHONE, Murray Hit, 1106. ah ier LIBRARY ee |M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK. ‘bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the Cee Se 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. — 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his jud ment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shat be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or ‘nominal %: sale. oo 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make sieht cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which — the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk _ within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the —__ remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or — before delivery, in default of which the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, ant and subject to storage charges. - 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fauit in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but Rs will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. ya 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and ~ all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Merwin Sales Co. shail determine, withaut further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such ‘resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together - with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Merwin Sales Co. to enforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. THE MERWIN SALES COMPANY, 16 East Fortieth Street, New York. Teka aS ye % Che Art Collection fairs. Lou Peqram OF NEW YORK CITY ORDER OF SALE Chinese Porcelains, 2 é = : Nowe. 59 Furniture, etc., : : ; : - “ 60 to 214 Paintings, Water Colors, etc., : ‘ : “ 215 to 307 FIRST SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, March 26, 1913. Commencing at 2:30 P. M. CHINESE PORCELAINS 1 GARDEN SEAT. Five colors. Birds and flower design. Hexagon barrel shape. Height, 19 inches; diameter at top, 1014 inches. 2 JARDINIERE. Five colors. Allegorical design. Height, 8% inches; diameter, 141% winches. 38 GARDEN SEAT. Barrel shape. Carved ornaments on deep mazarine blue. Height, 19 inches ; diameter of top, 121 inches. 4 JARDINIERE. Blue and white. Flower design. (Small piece of rim missing. ) Height, 9 inches; diameter, 131% inches. 5 JARDINIERE STAND. Five colors. Flower and peacock design. Height, 18% inches; diameter of top, 1314 twnches. 6 JARDINIERE. Five colors. Allegorical design. (Slight nick in rim. ) Height, 9% inches; diameter, 1514 inches. ] 10 ius 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 dh) 20 iin 7 * ¥ Bae: x roe fy A et es LARGE FLOWER VASE. Bee Five colors. Peacock and flower design. (Side ree paired and small piece of rim missing.) __ ; | Height, 24 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. Dragon design. Height, 151% inches; diameter at top, 10 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. Same as above (slight nick in rim). GARDEN SEAT. Blue and white. Hexagon barrel shape. Height, 19 inches; diameter of top, 1014 inches. - JARDINIERE. Five colors. Flower and bird design. Height, 9 inches; diameter at top, 14 inches. GARDEN SEAT. Barrel shape. Carved ornaments on deep mazarine blue. Height, 1814 inches; diameter at top, 12% inches. JARDINIERE. Fluted sides. Carved ornaments, on deep mazarine blue. Height, 91% inches; diameter at top, 151% inches. FIVE COLORED CUSPIDORS. Flower and bird design. THE SAME. BLUE AND WHITE WASH BOWL. Dragon design. (Repaired; small nick in rim.) Diameter, 16 inches. BLUE AND WHITE DISH. Flower design. Diameter, 13 inches. THE SAME. LARGE TEMPLE VASE. Blue and white. With side ornaments, Doga Foo handles. Fine piece. Height, 32 inches. THE SAME. (Small nick in top rim.) 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LARGE FLOWER VASE. Five colors. One side girl and peacock, the other side peacock and flowers. Fine piece. Height, 24 inches. JARDINIERE STAND. Five colors. Flower and bird design. Height, 181% inches; diameter of top, 131% inches. GARDEN SEAT. Medallion. Peacock, Crane and Flower Design. Barrel shape. Height, 18% inches; diameter of top, 121% inches. THE SAME. ‘With design reversed. GARDEN SEAT. _ Blae and white. Hexagon barrel shape. Height, 19 inches; diameter of top, 1014 inches. JARDINIERE. Five colors. see a “ENAMELED. WARE. oe gos cee ee rae Oval dish. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower eee anid peacock design. -, 12 by 14 inches. 62 ENAMELED WARE. yee =~ Oval fruit dish, with base. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower ‘and peacock design. : 101% by 141% inches. 53 ANOTHER. _ 1114 by 1514 inches. 54 ENAMELED WARE. Ay Salad dishes. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower and peacock design. Leaf shape, 101% inches; another, circular, 8% inches; another, 7 by 81% inches. g pieces. 55 ENAMELED WARE. Vegetable side dishes. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower and peacock ‘design. 12 pieces. D146 anches. 5 tre h, hee ‘oval, 101% inches. Light green 56 o7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 ENAMELED WARE. 3 Dinner plates. Light green and yellow. Flower and peacock design. 4 pieces. 914 «ches. ENAMELED WARE. Dinner plates. 8 inches. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower and peacock design. 2 pieces (one damaged). ENAMELED WARE. Five large coffee cups and saucers (one damaged) ; two small coffee cups and one saucer. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower and peacock design. 13 pieces. ENAMELED WARE. Covered centre dish. Light green and yellow glaze. Flower and peacock design (handle of cover — broken). FINE FURNITURE, RUGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, PRINTS, ETC. GILT PEDESTAL. With scroll handles and oval top, on circular plinth. Height, 36 inches. GILT DRAWING ROOM SOFA. On shaped legs. In silk tapestry. With slip cover. HANDSOME DRESDEN GROUP OF MAN AND WOMAN. On tree root base. Height, 19 inches. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE SHAPED JAR- DINIERE. Height, 15 inches. TWO GILT DRAWING ROOM CHAIRS. Cane seats, lyre backs. GILT TURN BALL CORNER CHAIR. In flowered silk tapestry. DRAWING ROOM CHAIR Gilt legs and back, in silk tapestry. With slip cover. BASKET-WARE MATCH CELLAR. In form of sofa. Height, 7 inches. 6 68 69 | 70 fal 72 73 74 75 76 T7 18 79 8() 81 CHINA OVAL VASE. With scroll handles, floral panels, detachable top: Height, 18 inches. GILT TWO-SEAT TETE-A-TETE SETTER. In silk tapestry. On six shaped legs. DRAWING ROOM CHAIR. Gilt, tapestry seat. With slip cover. LADY’S GILT EASY CHAIR. In silk tapestry. With slip cover. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE JAR. With detachable cover. | Height, 18 inches. DRESDEN BASKET. Rural handle with two Dresden figures. Height, 8 inches. DRESDEN GROUP OF FOUR FIGURES SEATED AT CARD TABLE. The figures with moveable heads. Height, 7 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. Woman running. Height, 7 inches. GILT UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. By Behning & Son, New York. Height, 48 inches. PIANO BENCH. In flowered tapestry, gilt French legs. PAIR CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PROVISION JARS. With detachable covers. Height, 6 wnches. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE ROSE JAR. With carved teak wood top. Height, 10 inches. PAIR CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE VASES. Height, 8 inches. FRENCH SHIELD-SHAPED DISPLAY CABINET. Gilt. With landscape panel, signed ‘‘E. Fauvol,”’ ormolu mounts, and ormolu cupid ‘Sage gnes On shaped legs. By R. J. Horner & Co., pees 6 feet. 7 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 BRONZE BUST. ‘‘Hogarth’’ on square plinth. Height, 15 inches. PAIR JAPANESE JARS. With figures and trees in colors. Height, 12 inches. PAIR JAPANESE ROUND JARS. Design in colors. With lids. Height, 9 inches. PAIR TAPESTRY FEATHER CUSHIONS. CRIMSON SILK FEATHER CUSHION. SQUARE PEDESTAL. Of black and brown marble, with ormolu mounts. Revolving top. Height, 40 anches. ALABASTER FIGURE. On circular base. Girl with toy cradle and doll. By Silenzio. - Height, 30 nches. ORIENTAL SEA BLUE GOURD-SHAPED VASE. With scroll handles. Height, 18 inches. ORIENTAL GOURD-SHAPED VASE. With grotesques and figures in colors. Height, 18 wches. MAHOGANY INLAID OCCASIONAL TABLE, With two folding leaves and lower shelf. Height. 26 inches. ONYX CURIO STAND OF TWO SHELVES. Top supported on ormolu mounted cireular pillars. On shaped ormolu feet. Height, 30 inches. LADY’S CORNER ARM CHAIR. In crimson plush. DRESDEN VASE. Finely painted panels, gilt seroll and floral decora- tions, ormolu mounts and grotesque mask handles. On shaped plinth. Height, 18 inches. INLAID MAHOGANY TELEPHONE TABLE. Height, 28 inches. \ 8 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 107 MAHOGANY BOW FRONT DRESSING TABLE. With large plate mirror, 30 by 24 inches, on shaped supports. Has one long and four small drawers a brass knobs. On two tapered and two French egs. MAHOGANY INLAID SECRETAIRE DESK. With two long outside drawers, brass handles. Shaped legs on claw and ball felt. Height, 40 inches. MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD. Two long and two short drawers, with four brass handles.“ Swinging mirror back, 40 by 30 inches. The whole finely carved in scroll design. MAHOGANY CHEVAL MIRROR. On tapered supports. On four shaped feet. Size of plate, 50 by 21 inches. GREEN PLUSH ROLL-ARM EASY CHAIR. Hair stuffed. : MAHOGANY CELLARETTE. Five compartments and top drawer. Brass handles. Mirror Cornice. Height, 54 inches; breadth, 30 anches. FLOWER VASE. Japanese design in gilt and colors. Height, 12 inches. VENETIAN GILT AND RUBY DECANTER. With two handles. Height, 11 inches. ANTIQUE ROCKING-CHAIR. With spar back, seat in red plush. ONYX PEDESTAL. Octagonal top, square pillar on plinth. Ormolu mounts. Height, 40 inches. ALABASTER STATUE. Boy with goat, on square plinth. Height, 34 inches. MAHOGANY ARM-CHAIR. Floral maple inlay. Upholstered in tapestry. 9 108 109 110 117 113 ae 114 119 120 NA LADY’S ARM-CHAIR. In red plush. CIRCLE-BACK ARM-CHAIR. Upholstered in saddle bags. lion masks at sides. OAK BUFFET. With long celerette, under shelf, and two short drawers with brass handles, supported on Cupid heads. Broad cornice. The whole carved in scroll and shield design. PAIR GLASS CANDLESTICKS. With shades. Height, 16 inches. EARTHENWARE STEIN. : With metal top. Height, 10 inches. DECORATED CLOISSONNE GOURD - SHAPED VASE. Height,.8 inches. BRONZE STATUE. African warrior with club, seated on root of tree, circular base. Signed ‘‘Piat.’’ Height, 27 inches. FRENCH ONYX MANTLE CLOCK. Four ormolu pillars, ormolu mounts, and ormolu lion surmounting. Height of clock, 18 inches. LARGE BRASS EMBOSSED PLAQUE. Circular shape. Size, 30 inches. THREE-LEAVED TAPESTRY DRAUGHT SCREEN. MAHOGANY HIGHBOY. Five long and two short drawers. Ten brass handles. Carved in seroll design, with carved cornice. Height, 66 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. Man with cloak. Height, 8 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. ‘‘Punch.’’ Height, 8 inches. WALL MIRROR. In heavy gilt metal frame. Size 45 by 18 anches. 10 122 123 124 125 126 (497 128 129 130 131 132 ANTIQUE HALL CANDLE LAMP. Suspended by six chains. SMALL MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLE. _ With lower shelf. On four shaped legs. Height, 24 inches. ROGER GROUPS. Plaster Statuettes. Rip Van Winkle. ‘‘At Home,’’ **Returned.’’ On circular basis. 2 pieces. Height, 20 and 22 inches. GRANDFATHER EIGHT-DAY CLOCK. With Westminster Chimes. In Mahogany Case. Plate glass dodr. Surmounted by three brass pe- riods. Brass and ormolu face. Height, 7 feet. MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL CHAIR. Inlaid Lyre back. On four shaped legs. JAPANNED STANDARD LAMP. On tall stem supported on triple elephant head. Three scroll feet. With shade. Height, 60 inches. UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. In mahogany frame. By Weber, N. Y. Height, 50 inches. REVOLVING PIANO STOOL. Mahogany stained. PAIR OF TEAK-WOOD PEDESTALS. Carved in fruit design, each on four shaped legs. Height, 36 inches. TALL MAHOGANY BOWFRONT DRESSING CHEST. Of 4 long and 4 short drawers, with cellarette. Brass handles and knobs. Swinging mirror back on carved and shaped supports. Size of plate, 29 by 19 anches. FINE HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN PLATE. ‘‘ Angelica und Medoro.’’ Guilt scroll border. Diameter, 914 inches. 11 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 FINE HAND PAINTED OVAL PORCELAIN PLAQUE. | With gilt scroll borders. In plush frame. Size of plaque, 11 by 9 inches. FLOWER VASE. Pompeiian design in colors, marked ‘‘Old Hall, athe Oe Height, 14 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. Lady curtsying. Height, 8 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. Woman playing Mandolin, seated on chair resting on platform. Height, 11 inches. BRASS FENDER. Length, 60 anches. PAIR BRASS ANDIRONS. With ball terminals. SET FIRE BRASSES. In brass basket repose. 5 pieces. GREY MARBLE CIRCULAR PEDESTAL. Fluted pillar. On Octagonal base. Height, 40 tnches. BRASS ADJUSTABLE LAMP. On wrought brass stand, fitted with marble slabs. On four brass feet. With shade. OCCASIONAL TABLE. With lower shelf, and drawer with brass handles. MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE. One long and four short drawers with brass handles. Oval mirror on carved supports. On four shaped legs. Size of plate, 31 by 21 inches. MAHOGANY ‘‘CECILIAN’’? PIANO-PLAYER. Height, 40 inches; length, 44 inches. MAHOGANY ORGAN SEAT. Height, 23 wches. lz 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 MAHOGANY CABINET. With swinging compartments, fitted for pianola music rolls. With 44 music rolls. Height, 45 inches. FRENCH ONYX MANTLE CLOCK. With Ormolu Cupids, pills, and Ornament. By Camerden and Forster, New York. Height, 15 wches. PAIR MAHOGANY SEXAGONAL PEDESTALS. Inlaid. Height, 18 inches. TWO OAK HALL CHAIRS. Spiral Spars, legs, and back. Carved in grape drop and leaf design. Tapestry panels and seats. CIRCULAR OAK TELESCOPE DINING TABULE. With three loose leaves, extending to 8 feet three inches. On six spiral legs, four with claw feet. PAIR SEVRES VASES. Beautifully panelled with landscapes and figures. Circular base with four block feet, ormolu mounts and mask handles, the whole in floral and scroll design. Movable top surmounted by ormolu acorn. Height over all, 30 inches. EBONY DRAWING ROOM TABLE. Inlaid in mahogany and walnut. Beautifully orna- mented in scroll, floral, and arabesque design with birds, encircling harvesting implements and flowers. On four square pillar legs. Lower shaped shelf with vase ornament. Height, 28 inches; length, 46 inches. HEAVY OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Of two arm and six single chairs. Finely carved in scroll design, the tops with grotesque masks. Spiral legs on claw feet. Upholstered in flowers and figured ‘tapestry. OLD DUTCH BLUE AND WHITE TOBACCO JAR. With Indian figures on panel. Height,.12 inches. TERRA COTTA GLAZED AND PAINTED PLAQUE. Pastoral Scene. (Mended.) Diameter, 14 inches. 13 156 157 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 TERRA COTTA BUST. | ‘*Diana.”’ Height, 22 inches. LONG EARTHENWARE PANEL. Dwarfs drinking. 8 by 32 inches, in ebonzed frame. OAK CURIO CABINET. With mirror interior, glass shelves, and glass semi- circle front. Carved scroll and vine drop design. Surmounted by shaped cornice. Height, 66 inches; breadth, 54 inches. OAK CORNER CURIO CABINET. Mirror interior, and glass shelves. Plate glass front. Carved in scroll and vine drop design. Height, 63 inches. METAL FIGURE. Of woman supporting oak branch, forming two- bulb electrolier. On circular base. Height, 30 anches. HEAVY MAHOGANY HALL SUITE. Of sofa, arm, and single chair, masked corners, on claw feet. -Hair stuffed in green plush. MAHOGANY CHEVAL MIRROR. With spiral legs and supports. On four claw feet. Size of plate, 50 by 21 wnches. SEXAGONAL INLAID PEDESTAL. 7 Height, 22 inches. OVAL WALL MIRROR. In carved and gilt frame. Size of plate, 24 by 19 inches. “WROUGHT IRON HALL LAMP. LARGE VENETIAN PUNCH BOWL. Gilt scroll decorations, fitted with octagonal rim; ten sexagonal venetian punch glasses to match. Height of bowl, 11 inches; height. of glasses, 4 inches. OCTAGONAL MIRROR PLATEAU. With ormolu base. Diameter, 18 inches. 14 168 169 170 a(t oe Ye 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 VENETIAN MIRROR. With oval plate (12 by 9 inches). Handsome Mosaic frame. Surmounted by Mosaic Knot and branch. é Height, 23 inches. THREE-LEAVED DRAUGHT SCREEN. Bronzed. Floral and cherubim panels. Plate glass centre. On four feet. LARGE SOFA. In mahogany frame. Finely carved. Griffins and scroll decorations. On ball feet. Upholstered in stamped velvet. ; LARGE ARM CHAIR. In mahogany frame. Finely carved griffins and seroll decorations. Adjustable back. Two loose cushions in stamped velvet. LADY’S HIGH ARM CHAIR. In mahogany frame. Arms supported on carved griffins. Upholstered in stamped velvet. PAIR OF ORMOLU MANTEL ORNAMENTS. Mythological figures on tall pillars, marble plinths. FLINT SPECIMEN. Diameter, 4 inches. MAHOGANY CURIO CABINET. With glass front. On four block feet. Height, 58 inches. TALL PORCELAIN JARDINIERE. With bust in panel, gilt scroll decorations on blue ground. Detachable ld. Height, 21 inches. ITALIAN MOSAIC HEAD. In oval gilt frame. 14 by 11 inches. DRESDEN FIGURE. Girl with flowing drapery, on tree base. Height, 13 inches. MAHOGANY BOW FRONT DRESSING CHEST. Of three long and three short drawers, brass knobs and handles. Large swinging mirror back on earved and shaped supports. ee of plate, 40 by 33 inches. ] 180 181 182 183 184 186 187 188 189 190 191 cod ie ta ENGLISH PORCELAIN TEAPOT. With duck head mouth and high stop, floral docs in gilt, and colors. H ie o inches. | ENAMEL WARE CROCK. With curious seroll design of brown and blue. Height, 15 inches. GILT CARVED WOOD FIGURE. Of the Virgin standing on Serpent. Height, 40 inches. CARVED-WOOD FIGURE. St. Peter with rod. Height, 42 inches. GLAZED CASE. Enclosing carved-wood. Madonna and child. Height, 15 inches. GILT-CARVED WOOD. Angel with wings. Height, 24 inches. TWO CARVED-WOOD FIGURES. Of dancing cherubim. Height, 22 and 23 inches. PAIR OF BRASS THREE-LIGHT WALL CAN- DELABRA. Each with porcelain plaque in center. Height, 24 inches. SMALL ANTIQUE BELLOWS. Brass studded. MAHOGANY HALL TABLE. With lower shelf. Four spiral supports, two drawers with brass handles. PORCELAIN VASE. Gilt floral and bird design on blue ground, dragon handle. Height, 121% inches. OLD DUTCH GLAZED PITCHER. Hand colored. : Height, 64% inches. 16 282 193 194 195 196 197. 198 499 200 201 202 203 204 205 LADIES’ ORIENTAL WHITE SILK OPERA SHAWL. | Beautifully embroidered in large floral and scroll design. Centerpiece, 66 inches square, with 5 inch erochet border and silk fringe. A beautiful piece, evidently the work of some lady of high easte. HEAVY VELVET PILE RUG. Crimson design on green ground. 12 feet 6 by 9 feet 6. HEAVY ORIENTAL RUG. 13 feet by 10 feet. MIRZAPORE RUG. 8 feet by 4 feet 6. INDIAN RUG. 6 feet by 3 feet. MIRZAPORE HALL RUG. 11 feet by 3 feet 3. MIRZAPORE HEARTH RUG. 5 feet 3 by 38 feet 6. MIRZAPORE RUG. 8 feet 3 by 4 feet. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. Showing Slave States and Free States, with remarks regarding population and proportionate number of Senators, ete. Mounted on linen. Size, 50 by 40. COLORED PRINT. (Partly colored by hand.) ‘‘Crossing the Brook.’’ In gilt frame. 21 by 16 inches. COLORED PRINT. ‘““The Struggle.’’ In gilt and glazed frame. ‘Size 12 by 16 inches. COLORED PRINT. ‘‘Watching.’’ In gilt and glazed frame. Size, 11 by 8 anches. THREE COLORED PORTRAITS. Of vases, in one glazed frame. TWO PRINTS. ‘‘Diana or Christ,’’? and ‘‘Raphael’s Cherubs,’’ in glazed frames. 17 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 FOUR PHOTOGRAPHS. In oak frames, different. sizes. THREE PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS. In ebonized frames. 8 by 10 inches. TEN JAPANESE COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. In three glazed frames. SEWED-WORK BOAT RACE SCENE. In glazed and gilt frame. 6 by 12 inches. PAIR SEWED-WORK HORSE RACE SCENES. In glazed and gilt frames. 6 by 2 wehes. PAIR SEWED-WORK HUNTING SCENES. In glazed and gilt frames. 6 by 2 inches. ENGRAVING. ‘‘The Straw Yard.’’ Engraved by W. Y. Davey after Hening. In broad glazed frame. 24 by 28 inches. ENGRAVING. Stipple plate in copper. ‘‘La Princesse—Marie— Therese—Charlotte, Fille Du Roy Louis XVI. Part De Paris Pour Se Rendre En Suisse.’’ Par Antoine Deif. Grave par C. Silanio. In glazed and ebonized frame. Size 14 by 18 inches. CRAYON DRAWING. Easter Landscape and figures. Artist unknown. In gilt frame. Size 18 by 10 inches. 18 = . : s ‘ ; S 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS SECOND SESSION Friday Evening, March 28, 1913. Commencing at 8:15 P. M. L. CROOK FRUIT. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 9 wn.; width, 12 in. JAMES G. TYLER SHIPPING SCENE. Panel. Signed. Height, 8 in.; width, 12 in. T. L. SMITH LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 15 in. TH. CEDERSTROM MONK AT PRAYERS. Panel. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 10 in. FRANK DE HAVEN AUTUMN LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 6 in.; width, 8 in. B. S. LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE. Panel. Initialed. Height, 7 wn.; width, 11 tn. A. F. TAIT RETRIEVER WITH BIRD. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 1n.; width, 16 in. CARLETON WIGGINS PASTORAL LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 wn.; width, 20 an. A. L. CROOK THE LITTLE GRANDMOTHER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. 19 224 995 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 V. TOGETTI THE PROPOSAL, Canvas, Signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 20 in. PAUL DE LONGPIE | | LILACS. at Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 in.; width, 21 in. 3 A. L. CROOK FRUIT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 27 in.; width, 21 in. V. TOGETTI CHILD AND BUTTERFLY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 16: in. K. WITKOWSKI SWEET MELODY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 28 in.; width, 23 an. T. B. HOFNER THE FARM YARD. Canvas. Signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 42 in. JAMES G. TYLER SEA-SCAPE WITH SHIP IN DISTRESS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 30 in.; width, 42 an. A. L. CROOK LITTLE MOTHER. 3 Canvas. Signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 32 an. L. DE MARTINI THE FORTUNE TELLER. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 40 in.; width, 32 m. UNKNOWN PAINTER LANDSCAPE WITH CASTLE AND FIGURES. Panel. Height, 7 in.; width, 10 a. Cc. D. WELDON THE FAIRY QUEEN OF THE CARNIVAL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 40 wn.; width, 28 im. 20 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 UNKNOWN PAINTER PRAIRIE FIRE. Canvas. 2 Height, 18 in.; width, 30 in. WILLIAM M. BROWN FRUIT. ; _ Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 16 in. R. R. FORTANA REVERIE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 13 in. SANFORD R. GIFFORD (Attributed to) OCTOBER SUNLIGHT. Canvas. Height, 12 in.; width, 10 in. A. L. CROOK FRUIT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 1n.; width, 16 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER OIL PORTRAIT OF GENTLEMAN, Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 24 in. R. A. FOX CHUMS—CAT AND DOG. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 24 in. V. TOGETTI THE BIRTHDAY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 8 in.; width, 6 in. A. L. CROOK THE LIBRARY TABLE. Panel. Signed. Height, 10 1n.; width, 14 an. V. TARBELL ROSES. Panel. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 30 in. FLEMISH SCHOOL (Unknown Painter) THE REVEL. Canvas. Height, 25 in.; width, 31 an 21 246 201 / = { " HUGUET PORTRAIT OF GENTLEMAN. a Panel. Height, 13 in.; width, 10 in. ENGLISH SCHOOL (Unknown Painter) GENTLEMAN WITH WIG. Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 25 an. F. MILE LANDSCAPE WITH CASCADE. ' Canvas. Height, 9 in.; width, 13 in. NICOLAS FRANCOIS OCTAVE TASSAERT HOMELESS IN THE SNOW. Canvas. Signed ‘‘Oct Tassaert 18 6’’. Height, 1714 1n.; width, 15 an. This picture represents a family of Peasants gathered round a faggot fire burning in the snow of a winter landscape. The atmosphere is one of utter desolation. R. DOMINGO LANDSCAPE. Height, 6 in.; width, 8 wn. FIGURE STUDY. Height, 7% in.; width, 7% 10. STUDY OF HORSES. Height, 6 in.; width, 9 in. IN THE BULL RING. Height, 514 in.; width, 10% in. (4 pieces. ) E. BEAUVERIE Contemporary French Painter LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP. Panel. Signed and dated, Paris, ’71. Height, 10 in.; width, 131% sn. * Property of Miss M. P. Culyer of Mt. Kisco, N. ¥. LATHROP (Francis) THREE DECORATIVE PANELS IN OIL COLORS. . Female figures for a music room. LATHROP (Francis) GIRL IN BLACK. Pastel. 22 204 955 256 257 258 (259 260 261 LATHROP (Francis) PORTRAIT OF GEORGE PARSONS LATHROP. Profile portrait of the artist’s brother. Canvas. Height, 14 in.; width, 12 tn. LATHROP (Francis) TWO STUDIES OF DRAPERY. LATHROP (Francis) STANDING FIGURE. Draped. LATHROP (Francis) HEAD OF A MAN. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter MEGURO BAMBOO FOREST. | Water color. Signed. Height, 16% in.; width, 2314 in. LATHROP (Francis) CHARCOAL DRAWINGS. Small upright panels showing female figures sym- bolizing the seasons (9). ROBERT J. WICKENDEN Contemporary American Painter LANDSCAPE NEAR PITTSFIELD, MASS. Panel. Signed. Height, 15 in.; width, 22 in. MAX WEYL Contemporary American Painter LANDSCAPE—A SKETCH. Panel, Signed. Height, 161% in.; width, 12 in. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter IRIS POND, EVENING. Water color. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 24 wn. 23 KENNETH R. CRANFORD Contemporary American Painter 268 COMPANIONS. Canvas. Signed and dated, 1885. Height, 31 in.; width, 42 in. SIR PETER LELY 1618-1680 264 THE FIRST DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH AS A CHILD. Seated on a bit of crimson drapery, a nude child erowned with roses holds the head of a young lamb at his side; beyond stretches a wooded landscape. Canvas. Height, 50 in. ; width, 40 on. This picture is a replica of one at Hampton Court, London, but is believed to be the work of Lely. W. DEGADE Contemporary German Painter 265 LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 in.; width, 36 in. BERTRAM PRIESTMAN | Contemporary English Painter 266 CATTLE RETURNING HOME. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 26 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Italian School 267 HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN. Panel. Height, 21 in.; width, 16 in. J. H. MOSER 268 A BARN SKETCH. GEORGE AMES ALDRICH Contemporary American Painter 269 AN OPERA AUDIENCE. Panel. Signed. Height, 7 in.; width, 5 a. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter 270 VILLAGE INN. Water color. Signed. Height, 19 in.; width, 281% tn. 24 271 272 273 274 279 276 277 278 279 280 ANTON MAUVE (Attributed) SHEEP ON A SNOWY ROAD. On Academy Board. Height, 12 in.; width, 15 im. KARL TERMOHLEN MISTY SUNSET. Canvas. Height, 11 in.; width, 18 in. WOMAN PLAYING A HARP. Canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 14% in. GEORGE INNES (Attributed) LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 614 in.; width, 9 in. A. T. MILLAR Contemporary American Painter THE HAY CART, EVENING. Wash drawing. Height, 81% 1n.; width, 14 im. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter FISHERMAN. Water color. Signed. Height, 15 in.; width, 23 wn. UNKNOWN ARTIST RETURN OF THE HAY WAGON. Pen and Ink Drawing. Height, 514 in.; width, 13 >. n. JULIAN ONDERDONK Contemporary American Painter NEAR THE SALT MEADOWS. Panel. Signed. Height, 5 in.; width, 9 an. GEORGE AMES ALDRICH WINDING STREAM—EARLY MORNING. Panel. Signed. Height, 71% in.; width, 91-1. JULES BRETON (Attributed) THE GLEANERS. Panel. Height, 5 in.; width, 8% 25 ~, MN. 281 282 283 285 286 287 288 . 290 G we GEORGE AMES ALDRICH Contemporary American Painter OLD MILL AT MOONRISE. een Panel. Height, 5 in.; width, 7 in. ae UNKNOWN PAINTER ROSAMOND. . ' Panel. Height, 81% in.; width, 6% in. JULIAN ONDERDONK _ MOONRISE ON LONG ISLAND. Panel. Signed. — Height, 6 in.; width, 9 in. E. S. HAMILTON NUDE STUDY. Panel. Height, 4 in.; width, 8 im. | J. ELIOT ENNEKING | a a Contemporary American Painter mat a A LANDSCAPE SKETCH. os o Panel. Signed. Height, 8 in.; width, 10 in. ia J. ELIOT ENNEKING er Contemporary American Painter LOOKING TOWARD STONINGTON, CONNECTI- oR OUT: a Panel. Signed. Height, 81% in.; width, 10 in. a GEORGE AMES ALDRICH BY THE RIVER. Panel. Signed. Height, 1234 1n.; width, 9 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER A RIVER SUNSET. Panel. Signed (illegible). Height, 8 in.; width, 12 in. ARTHUR PARTON A VIEW OF THE HUDSON FROM HUDSON. Canvas. Signed and dated 1866. Height, 14 in.; width, 27 in. The painting is of the home of Frederick Bawin Church, the Celebrated Artist. J. ELIOT ENNEKING Contemporary American Painter A WHITE HOUSE IN SUNLIGHT. Panel. Signed. Height, 8% in.; width, 10 in. . 26 KARL TERMOHLEN i KARL TERMOHLEN 95 - MOONRISE. a UNKNOWN PAINTER 206 ITALIAN GIRL. fiaage eee _ UNKNOWN PAINTER pas 207 VIEW ON THE RHINE. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter ; 298 ‘OJI VILLAGE. Water color. Signed. Height, 13 in. GEORGE AMES ALDRICH 299 A DESERTED CASTLE. Pot: ALEXANDER WUST 300 THE WATERFALL. _ GEORGE AMES ALDRICH 301 MOTHER AND CHILD. ad OE ae LI re engine ec aaa Height, 20 in.; width, 24 mM. | Signed. Height, 20 in.; Canvas. Signed. Hohe 20 in; Ae Canvas. - Height, 30 in.; Canvas. - Height, 24 in.; Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 in.; Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 in.; width, 24 an. width, 24 in. width, 24 in. width, 30 in. 3 width, 24 in. Panel. Signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 26 in. width, 14 in. ' width, 18 an. 302 303 304 305 306 307 : KARL TERMOHLEN LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 im KARL TERMOHLEN SUNSET. ses Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. JULES DUPRE (Attributed) LANDSCAPE. Panel. Height, 9 in.; width, 13 in. GEORGE AMES ALDRICH Contemporary American Painter NYMPHS. Panel. Signed. Height, 9 in.; width, 12 an. JULIAN ONDERDONK MOONLIGHT ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. Panel. Signed and dated 1909. Height, 8 in.; width, 12 wn. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN | LADY IN GARDEN. Water color. Signed. (Gilt and white frame.) Height, 18 in.; width, 11 in. 28 > x ’ 5 ‘ 1) OS een ve 1) a ae ie 7 ; Sale ue 5 ns Shoah ee a ~f oP a $ ¢ “ ‘ i wt