LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co.| 14 East 57th St. New York MA ie edie Tee's PN os os sn,% Conditions of Sale. C& 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot soin dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money zf required, in default of which the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put upagain and re-sold. 3. . The Lots to betaken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remain- der of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible ifthe Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any errorin the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exbibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. f . To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time ofits sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the under- signed are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part pavinees shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice and the deficiency (ifany) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER, By OrTGIES & Co, 205 Fifth Avenue Frt Galleries 366 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH STREET : * Free Exhibition Day and Evening FROM FEBRUARY 22D TO FEBRUARY 28TH Oil Paintings and Ulater Colors BELONGING TO M@Mr. £. Wolff, Fr. OF NEW YORE WITH THE ADDITION OF OTHERS BELONGING TO THE ESTATES OF . THE LATE Mr. Jobn ADcResson AND Mr. Augustus kount3e * TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS BY AUCTION Cbursday Evening, February 28th AT EIGHT O’CLOCK ROBERT SOMERVILLE s ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEER MANAGERS ee a) - +3 om, e ae > at hDl ; e+ , ef . e ; At . x Me : ne i CET es + ‘ 5 5 * ; - ¥ ; Pe in a! we “ Y hee D. of ‘ 5 ~« cl in a 2 , * . 5 s i \ t . + Rote. jR. A. WOLFF, Jr., has been a collector of paintings for over fifteen years and in this time has purchased some very desirable pictures by quite a large number of ‘very well-known artists and a few of considerable celebrity. All the paintings are in the best order, mostly of desirable sizes and are to be sold on account of Mr. Wolff’s departure for Europe. The pictures belonging to the estates of Mr. McKesson and Mr. Kountze, both of New York, are sold by order of the executors. Those marked with a star belonged to the late Mr. Kountze. There are eighty pictures by seventy artists in this collection. Catalogues mailed, free of charge, on appli- cation to the managers of the sale. ORTGIES & CO., 366 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. COLMAN (Sam’!) : : New York Member of the National Academy of Design Member of the Water Color Society Rear Greenwich, Conn. I17x9 Water Color CICERI (E.) ; : Paris Medals 1852, ’76 On the Doing, France 12x8 5 TOFANO (Edward) . : ‘ Paris Pupil of Morelli Ht the Window 6x10 Water Color JAZET (P.)- 2 Ni Pupil of Barrias Che Prisoner 64% x 8% 8 7 RICHARDS (Wm. T.) . \\V.. Newport Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876 Prize Medal, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, 1885 Honorary Member National Academy, N. Y. Wild Flowers 54x5% peice al Sy Paris Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, 1889 On the Sofa TK XI pf cy’ * Water Color / g ROWBOTHAM (Thos. L), dec’d . London Member of the Institute of Painters in Water Colors Born 1823 Died 1875 “Ebrenbreitstein on the Rbine I9 x 8 pane Color 9 oO 10 IRVING (J. Beaufain), dec’d Vt » New York Pupil of Leutze Member of the National Academy of Design Born 1826 Died 1877 On Guard 834 x 1734 LI PASINI(A.) on Pupil of Ciceri N\ Medals, 1859, °63, °64 Legion cf Honor, 1868 Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Landscape, Higiers 9% x 12% Water Color 12 VIBERT Ip. ; ‘yl wed Beas Pupil of Barrias Medals, 1864, ’67, 68, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1870 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 H Mountebank 3% x 4% Io 13 GUES (ALFRED) . Paris The ity 7x 10% T4 WORMS (Jules) Pupil of Lafosse ~ Medals, 1867, ’68, ’69, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1876 In the Garden 434 X 634 oak Paris ~ 5 MILLET (J. F.), dec’d : Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche Medals, i853, °64, ’67 Legion of Honor 1868 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1814 Died, 1875 Cbe Block thouse 19% X14 Crayon Drawing Purchased from Karl Bodmer at Barbizon, who was illustrating a book on American History with Millet II 16 CICERI (E.) ).. 3 Medals, 1852, ’76 Wear Hvallon, France 12x$ ty VIRY (Paul) ; Ae = Paris Pupil of Picot \ : Dadp and Parrot 33% X54 18 TAIT (A. F.): 2) eee \\ New York Member of the National Academy of Design Deer 13@ x94 19 MEYER VON BREMEN (J.G.),dec’d, Berlin Pupil of Sohn Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia Born, 1813 Died, 1886 Ht the Well 24% 3% 12 20 TOFANO (Edward) . ; Paris Pupil of Morelli Girl’s thead 94 X 12 Water Color 21 PLASSAN (A. E.) a Paris Medals, 1852, °57, 59 ; Legion of Honor, 1859 , Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 ~ Che Pbysician’s Wisit iif 4x 434 22 DURAND (A. B.), dec’d New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1796 Died, 1886 Landscape 20% 21 23 HOEBER (Arthur) : New York Pupil of Géréme Salt Meadow Pools 314 x 21% 13 SN 24 CHINTREUIL (A.), dec’d . . Paris TLD. — Pupil of Corot Medals, 1886, ’87 Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1814 Died, 1870 Evening 17% x 12% 25 POURMEISTER (P.) Munich 730. ~ fn the Library 7% x 10 26 DE PENNE (Charles O.) . NN Rass oat hg Pupil of Jacque 153) Medals, 1875, ’83 Cee Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Dogs 143% X17 27 SANCHEZ-PERRIER (E.) . Seville ve {} - Honorable Mention, 1886 Medal Universal Exhibition, 1889 Mear Seville 13% x 10% 14 28 JIMINEZ (Luis) . Paris Pupil of Seville Academy Medal, 1887 Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1889 Companions 734 X 1234 29 eo Dis ALIX (F. C.), dec’d- >. Paris Pupil of Bonnefond Medals, 1844, ’57, ’59, 63 Born 1813 Died 1880 A Sister of Charity i ie eds 30 DE LA MAR (I.N.) . Hague A Dutch Milkmaid 31 GUES (Alfred). Ly oe Paris % Page and Parrot 6%x9% 15 32 MEYER VON BREMEN (J.G.)dec’d, Berlin ghia Pupil of Sohn “Member of the Amsterdam Academy (AG Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 r tet Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia \ Ned Born, 1813 Died, 1886 sl Ht the Blacksmith’s 5% x 6% oe BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.) / Paris Pupil of Picot \ Medals, 1869, ’72, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal Universal Exhibition, 1889 Door of the Abbey 54% x 8% 34 BAUGNIET (Chas.), dec’d NS Paris Pupil of Willems i L —_ Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1843 Officer of the same, 1872 Member of the Order of Isabella the Cath- olic, the Blanche Ernestine of Saxony and Christ of Portugal Born, 1814 Died, 1886 My husband's Portrait 134% x 164% Water Color 16 35 MCENTEE (Jervis), dec’d» . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1828 Died, 1891 Medal, Paris, 1889 Autumn 17x 10 36 GAST (J.) ; Munich Mother and Child 24 X30 37 SCHLESINGER (C.) Dusseldorf The ford 44 X 30 85 meee (MO E.H,). . ; New York Pupil of the Rotterdam Academy Member of the National Academy of Design Medal, Paris, 1889 , On the Coast 36 x 20 17 ia < fj Ly VS . 39 GRUST\¢Theo.) 4) ae nee | “A Good Right, we 18 X 28 40 LINS (Ad.) Munich Rearing Sunset 35 X 234 From the Berlin International Exhibition, 1892 41 JACOMIN (M. F.) : : Paris Medal, 1883 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Che Evening Star 29% X 23 42 SCHULTHEIS (C.)>) 2a a Easter Morning 17% X 24% abe 18 GEROME (J. L.) OU Ae Sapa Pupil of P. Delaroche ° Medals, 1847; ’48 755 Legion of Honor, 1855 Member of the Institute of France; 1865 One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867 pep. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 ie Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal for Sculpture, 1878, ’81 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878 © Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts Cedars of Lebanon Painted for Corot 13% x 10% 44 ta : Bet eCe (Ea. te, Paris ; Pupil of Devigne & Drolling Medals, 1855, ’57, °59, 61 Medals, London, Vienna and Brussels Ribbon of St Stanislaus of Russia Legion of Honor, 1861 Medal of the First Class and Officer Legion of Honor at the Universal Exposition, 1867 Lo Medal of Honor, Salon, 1872 ; td Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881 ; ge. Corresponding Member of the Academies of Y v Vienna, Stockholm and Madrid ¢ Member of the Institute of France, 1886 ~ 3408 26 oy - 58 HIDDEMANN (F. P.)_. . Dusseldorf Pupil of Hildebrandt Medal, Vienna, 1873 ° Philadelphia, 1876 Tbe Pbilosopby of the Ball 18 x 22 59 BRIBES TEAL Vea ie : . . Munich Pupil of Schirmer Director of the Carlsruhe Academy Medals, Berlin, 1864, Vienna 1873 Member of the Berlin and Munich Academies Grace Before Meat 41 x 28 24 60 PERRIER(G.). . , ; wo Paris Pupil of Hébert Prize of Rome, 1872 Medals, 1876, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1884 H Gleaner 32 X 47 61 .PICKNELL (W. L.) . . New York Pupil of Géréme Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880 Silver Medal, Boston, 1881 Gold Medal, Boston, 1884 Member of the Society of British Artists, London Member of the Society of American Artists, New York Member of the National Academy of Design Medal, Chicago Exhibition, 1893 Eipproach of Evening 30 X 25 62 Servo’ CAs)... : : . Paris Pupil of Cogniet i Medal, 1890 te Wisttul eh tae 18 x 22 1 25 @ % 63 INDONI(F.) ... a ~ Rome On the Cerracg- eae 64 BOKS CE Janies : ; . Antwerp Pupil of DeKeyser “Corpus Delicti” 43 X 29 Exhibited in the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878 65 ¢ MATTONI (V.) ‘oo 9s WN . Rome The Public Writer 20% x 16% 66 JACQUET GJ5Ga) r : , Paris Pupil of Bouguereau Medals, 1868, ’75, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1879 H Girl 7 now 23 xX 30 26 67 ESCOSURA (Leon) . . \N USParis Pupil of Gérdme Chevalier of the Order of Isabella the Cath- olic, Charles III of Spain and Christ of Portugal Hl iRoom in Rnole Castle 233% x 18 68 TOULMOUCHE (A.). : . Paris Pupil of Gleyre se § Ss Medals, 1852, "59, ’61, ’78 E. U., ’89 E. U. _ Legion of Honor, 1870 Che-ferm «»- / yp 25 x 36 69 KAEMMERER (F.H.) . : . Paris Pupil of Géré6me Medal, 1874 ote Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 oS Kol Legion of Honor, 1889 Fishing 31% x21% 27 70 LESREL (A.) . °, > « JNA eaee Pupil of Géréme Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889 Playing Dice 214% x 254% ay WORMS (Jules). act +. Paris Pupil of Lafosse Medals, 1867, ’68, ’69, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1876 The Mew Sash 21% x 17% 72 | VAN MARCKE (E.), dec’d . . Paris \" \y Pupil of Troyon \ 5 Medals, 1867, ’69, ’70, ’78 At uy @ Legion of Honor, 1872 Ao af Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878, , eit Springtime ~” \ \ 21u% x 254% 28 Born, 1827 Died, 1891 ot ‘J 73 WASHINGTON (G.)__.. ay Paris Pupil of Picot Medal, 1893 Hrab Scouting Party 39 X 21% 74 7. LECOMTE-DU-NOUY (J. L. A.) Nv Paris Pupil of Gérdme Grand Prize, 1865 Medals, 1866, ’69, ’72, ’89 Vienna, 1873 Legion of Honor, 1876 The Hmbuscade 21u% x 25% fhe: BEeNEVVILLE (A.); dec’d. \~W. Paris Pupil of Picot Medals, 1859, ’61 Legion of Honor 1873 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Born, 1836 Died, 1885 Che Post of Danger 1234 x 18 29 76 BOUGUEREAU (Wm. A.) We Pais Pupil of Picot Prize of Rome, 1850 Medals, 1855, ’57, 67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Member of the Institute of France, 1876 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Medal of Honor, 1885 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Return from the Vintage - 235% x 37% 77 VIBER To. 43,90" >. Paris Pupil of Barrias Medals, 1864, ’67, ’68, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1870 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 Gulliver and the Dilliputians 48 x 24 78 _ JACQUE (Charles), decane. eS % _ «Medals, 1861, 63, °64 i Legion of Honor, 1867 j \ Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Born, 1813 Died, 1894 Watering Sheep 43 x 31 30 79 * INNESS (Geo.), dec’d_ . . NewYork /t77F Pupil of Regis Gignou Member of the National Academy of Design Medal, Paris, 1889 Munich, 1892 Chicago, 1893 Born, 1825 Died, 1894 Sunset 66 x 48 80 SCHREYER (Ad.) . : 3 . Paris Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort Medals, 1864, ’65, ’67 Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Medal at Brussels, 1863 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Medal at Vienna, 1873 Medal at Munich, 1876 Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam Pursued 67 X 47 From the Vienna Exhibition of 1873, where this picture received a medal ROBERT SOMERVILLE ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEER MANAGERS 31 a P55 kb mn me Gy a aR a we ie i Dot Baas tetata alate sees hated tatatys ceeterty it UMA ideae atta int Oete Iii sett tut - —_ > ( Vela Tete lene Alea t ee tata te ATER E tlato ts diate tape @ atime ate eis et ke UUM aUMEeani TMM ani niet iaautientiinnny il) a it f : te et vt: sa SA a tone i r, ; ‘ el bids Ws “ NPV Pas tater Pe shes (i iy ‘i THLE eet AG te fy : 4 {i fleets titer ae Athi aelisagel eit is i termes ye Ane Oy ¢ ' Ki 1 Sete ny ete ls Loe ipetviel: rats a rey i i Peer a ee ; : 1 if ,¢ rey ig DEG phates bE tcE AD + ahs ie) i ite M CAE en eee tee Pettit ‘CLR aes (erelatals elite PC UH rar ae fi Tt eG En ale fat} PU aE a ee Fea . ih i iy nt ee lslste Gaels Bfet Vetse (tas Th ay 729 yea ‘ae a Hat i Nat a piers tiatittatntecitesltay eB, Hi { fang tus HR NRA itetitel $F 4 Cat at Metal ele, ( ¢ ate Pee chee Pen tiy, itetwnad aM +3 lt ti PERT OS MOET STR OCA Ca Sree Seat tty 4 , te iv on es th ait AM ODOU BIE Hanae aii sn a ‘ { ne ( i it i it th aslitetstiecitt atest Seleieat a ' itt ee ny q Mile ta Cte | POR OTR AE Heo aaa f i Hey! i Fttarereatpretalatangtedttagh rift greed" Bi HHSe PRM ae ! A i f ‘ vite Oo att deattety + OO i Heiser! aetatatetue te aiastit | tba rt Gti el So i itt ali SO RRR HD ; aT iat ar ty i Get atatatcatarate et tet itt : it i hs i &, ¢ Py te i \ ati: ‘ ree nats eae Min tat rey ; y ry 3! + it ¥j ie — — 3 — a titel cone *. : 4 c= es a ec os a ot ie teal ~ ~~ a — Ss =i > See Ae - eer ye ~ a » Cee ae ae as Mi ns IE ll I i IP SS le ~ se PA re Me SN 4445 tefgtate a ‘ rt ——— . le -. a ee ween ae ey yt ne Pow reny idly SSeS Pato eee Shost a Oh le a tleit My oat Heute Vitti stata a fe ‘ ite rbd # Sar areet 4 ‘i diate einen tA tian mieten Cia tetatett oe i Thi tar a ; wel a Lee ‘ vy gets 1G i Lattin tie tt ately stent ty fh afaiataetetetceacer tal Ceunetsetiety wate ale tt ret PAMIMRAtE Tale Ma Hea St ttett tt 9 : fie 4 , Put hee Fa Pas a sa te ye MG Aten aet iet ee ati tats su 5 Tat ft est Hy ut it #i! oe. ss a a ee ee ay ee oars _—- ide eae i APpths ¢ ut tts af te +i iy : ea} PPE TO LABRET Ete oy ts ¢ CLS Niet dehy efit Oh AR Bet ah iP , eee als. fe et ee fee belie’ Heat tite 1] * Mth ate i‘ i? ue rvanutdatrine . nate RDU eat a*+ M att 4 ie r Par TET Pat bees 4 . ¢ eat ‘ 4'3, ~ rigid ; ' iti rears tt ey ABS at PR UD ten ett ie (etal, ' slate pimtit Vi tatate ye ted bth reigetiatiaat oy 1k ated a, OPA sti 2 3 4 ale 4 ‘dieu iste ele Met Hiss AP MAC ts { 4 \¢ eet tte Fie tt ter eT} if Rath stat Att 3 use t 4 644,87, fd :? 4:4 ti Phat tat teat hil guts ei seie ' t re + Ha a /#) ste Uta : ., We $ Hits MOG ae } ‘ toe ua Pe < AO eather the fi Cie hod Weunmnanan ten yeu i leN aioe ay : 2. es Peete ot ‘a —~ } ee et $418 ay i ee LN aa aetna it K +4 Pt We ae Ve tte GTC Teha iene tstaheti eet eta t ‘ eke ts tutes seth & $itrh BeSe ts ashlee Oy ooh f) Ae) "oY Ame 48h" Pret iy 7148") ‘ uf fit - ne Oy Gta a4 4 LU Utaleeti hte’ iv sete TALS ATES TRACT LOR Mes SPE ee Pa — => ~ i A “ a eee — As te eae eee ane 2 oe ape — = anaes an ae, ; DT eT: f A Pez ee £74 gay q]ti4.U : arene if. €, ees — SS Ehret a EE Ne hs! 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