Numbecéa aceoravn g Lyman dy. Y PS a / Em tho: Nol 76 No.74 SAGKSONS Certs 1686 sr. NO. 72 To NO.18.3 MIerChANTs CAPAS 1899 yon OKENS <3. BEW@(6Kes 1a: GUTTAG BROS.. Deal in Foreign Liberty Railroad Municipal Industrial ' Public Utility BABY BONDS ($100 and $500 Denominations) Bank, Insurance and Trust Co. Stocks Joint Stock Land Bank Stocks List Z-ACA containing recommendations sent upon request. GUTTAG BROS. Respectfully invite your orders and inquiries in: Foreign Bonds Foreign Exchange Foreign Monies U. S. Rare Coins Letters of Credit Travelers’ Checks Address all communications to GUTTAG BROS. New York, N. Y. We constantly have on hand a stock of North, South and Central American coins, and issue a Coin Bulletin which is mailed free to collectors regularly upon request. aK iv AY) cS HARD TIMES TOKENS Published By GUTTAG BROS. NEW YORK U.S. A. PREFACE It is many years since Lyman H. Low published his list of Hard Times Tokens. As this Work has been out of print for a jong time, we feel there is really a demand for a new Edition, so we are now publishing it. Our new edi- tion is numbered according to Low with the text from his book, but we have added to this the photographs which we feel the collectors will greatly appre- ciate. We shall from time to time enlarge same, adding the new varieties which are discovered. Before adding any new coin to this list we willl have to receive a photo- graph of same, when it will be given a number. If you will communicate with us when you find a new variety we shall be glad to add it to the new list. We are largely indebted to Mr. E. H. Adams for his photograph plates. We also take this occasion to gratefully acknowledge the assistance received from the following collectors: EDGAR H. ADAMS, DR. GEORGE HET- RICH, W. F. DUNHAM, LEONARD KUSTERER, ELLIOT SMITH, G. L. TILDEN, F. H. SHUMWAY. GUTTAG BROS. HARD TIMES TOKENS The accompanying cut explains the references by number, in the following descriptions, to the different styles of borders and edges. The metals are designated as follows:—AR, Silver; AZ, Copper; B., Brass; W., White metal. The size is given in milli- meters. BORDERS 6 3 1 N | 4 E AS \IT SOMETIMES j 4 s FS APPEARS Copp os Viet 50 " (<) cB. ) fd COMMEMON'SZ, gj THE GLORIOUS VICTORIES OF f four HERO IN & f& WAR &IN LY ; =, PEACE +99, n.d” Q rasa» : a No. 4—Obv. ANDREW JACKSON above, PRESIDENT No. 1—Obyv. ANDREW JACKSON. Head r. Rev. OF THE U S below. Draped bust r., head ' THE BANK MUST PERISH. ** * Within a laureated. Rev. Same as No. 2. Borders 5. wreath of olive and oak leaves THE | UNION |} Edge 1. Metal B. Size 27. MUST AND | SHALL | BE PRE-SERVED. Borders 5. Edge 3. Metal AZ. Size 27. 1628 overag = THE GLORIOUS 9 “ VICTORIES OFT eo OUR HEROIN (7; WAR& IN a) 2 ot PEACE* Gy-qa’ 1833. 5 oe No. 5.—Obyv. AND. JACKSON PRESIDENT OF THE rs = 4 wv UNITED STATES. 1833 Within wreath, mili- No.'2.—Obv.. ANDREW JACKSON above, PRESI- } i tary bust, head slightly turned 1. Rev. THE = = ae GALLANT & SUCCESSFUL DEFENDER OF eee eae ee One ae N. ORLEANS. Within a wreath of oak leaves, A’ D. 1832. In field, WE | COMMEMOAT | THE an eagle with olive branch and arrows in his GLORIOUS l VICTORIES OF | OUR HERO talons, and a shield on his breast; below, 8 JAN. IN| WAR & IN | * PEACE * Borders 5. Edge 1815 Borders 4. Edge 3. Metal B. Size 26. fee 1.. Metal B. Size 27. a OF N.YORK SO - § S VICToriousKE | MI Los Lioks Soars tm 2 APRIL m THE GLORIOUS + 4 4S) victories OF my 1 OUR HEROIN fy Gee = 1834, oF No.6—Obv. FOR THE CONSTITUTION HURRA| Ship sailing Rev. FLOURISH COMMERCE, FLOURISH INDUSTRY. In field, WHIGS | No. 3—Obv. * ANDREW JACKSON * above, PRESI- OF N. YORK | VICTORIOUS | Les trois jours DENT below. Civilian bust r., a close copy of | APRIL|8 9. & 10. | 1834 Borders 5. Edge the last. Rev. Same as No. 2. Borders 5. Edge land 3. Metal B. Size 25, 2514. Also found in 1. Metal B. Size 27. silver with edge 3. Dies by Thomas Lovett. = : se COt.dc.. J 0 ‘a= No.7.-Obv. THE GLORIOUS WHIG VICTORY OF 1834. Liberty cap in glory, inscribed LIBERTY Rev. FELLOW CITIZENS, SAVE YOUR CONSTITUTION. Ship sailing r. Borders 5. Edge 3. Metal AX. Size 27. Also found in white metal and brass, with same edge. That in white metal has the rays in glory shorter, heavier and differently arranged. my. 25 VICFORY k oh 4) Si 3) ty No. 8.—Obv. PERISH CREDIT. PERISH COMMERCE E Boar running 1. MY | VICTORY | MY | THIRD ‘a 5A. 1 2rass HEAT | DOWN WITH THE | BANK | 1834 Rev «. MyYe SUBSPIPULE.. * above, . HOR THE U.S BANK. below. Small military bust 8.23. b0A0~ of Jackson, head turned slightly 1. MY | EX- z PERIMENT | MY | CURRENCY | MY | XZn€vs@Q GLORY Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal H. Size oniy ve Ze Y Many of these show a break in rey. die on Jackson’s chin, resembling a wart. < PE. Ss MY ky ViCFORY » 3 amt Yo 2 TRIADBEAT 2) Si oP We Zoey + Sy down VAITH THE f) C2 o¢ No.9.—Same as No. 8. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 28%. Planchet not as thick as No. 8, and with a square edge. These were issued with a slight plating of silver, Bi No. 10.—Obv. Copy of No. 8. between PERISH and CREDIT. Rev. Copy of No. 8. The bust of Jackson has a_smaller_head Nose of boar points be- and broader shoulders. Borders 4. Metal 2. Size 28. dge I. GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK “(A (su) EXPERIMENT EA I DOWN WITH THE atyy at hs No. 11,—Obv. Borders 4. Edge 1. Same as No. 8 Rev. Same as No. 10. Metal B. Size 28. No. 12.—Obv. ‘A PLAIN SYSTEM?” above, * ‘VOID OF POMP’ * below. Jackson advancing |., sword in r. hand, purse in |. Rev. THE CONSTITU- TION above,. AS I UNDERSTAND IT. below. Balking mule r., on which LL.D.; above, ROMAN | FIRMNESS; below, 1834 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28. met . WILLIAM. H. SEWARD. above, OUR NEXT GOV%R below. Civilian bust 1. Rev. A FAITHFUL . FRIEND . above, * TO OUR COUNTRY * below. Eagle with olive branch and arrows in his talons. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 28. As will be seen, the die-sinker carelessly reversed an A to form the V. No. 13.—Obv. No. 14.—Obv. No. 13. THE GLORY Same. as Rev. AND PRIDE. above, OF OUR NATION * below. Eagle with olive branch and arrows in shield on breast. Borders 5. Metal B. Size 27%. his talons, and Edge 1. BULLION, SPECIE, FOREIGN BANK NOTES, ETC. 9 ss ay Touches &. soy No. 19.—Obv. Copy of No. 17. Corner of safe opposite r. part of X in EXECUTIVE; the perpendicular strap on end passes through the exact centre of handle; rosettes are smaller and less leaf-like; the ground and grass are different; date small, 7 above Gin AGENT. Rev. Copy of No. 17. The r. ear points to the second L in ILLUSTRIOUS; the 1. touches top of I in IN; 1. fore foot points at P in PREDECESSOR, 1. hind foot nearly touches R of same word. Periods, smallest of this type. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 28%, 2914. No. 15.—Obv. WILLIAM. H. SEWARD. OUR NEXT. GOV Civilian bust 1. similar to No. 13, but larger head; different profile. Rev. Same as No. 13. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 28. No. 16.—Obv. GULIAN. C. VERPLANK. OUR NEXT GOVR Civilian bust 1., probably No. 13 recut about the head. Rev. A close copy of No. 13; a different olive branch with two berries; period after COUNTRY and none after FAITHFUL. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 28. PER No. 20.—Obv. Copy of 17, with FINANCIERING instead GREET Spe alas. Eg CU TY > > _o ( ? == 42> A, of EXPERIMENT. Proportions of safe are CSI Ni <2 ge RMS slightly different from preceding; the strap on i) RS end passes through handle a little 1. of its centre. Mri Rev. Copy of No. 17. The r. ear in same posi- ay 3 tion as on No. 19; the |. similar to No. 18; I in IN % ABST ‘) touches ear below its point. O in FOLLOW be- SCay ACES low T in ILLUSTRIOUS; both hind feet rest QERIMSY’ squarely on ground. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal fE. Size 28%. No. 17—Obyv. * . EXECUTIVE . * above, EXPERI- MENT . below. Tortoise r. carrying safe in- scribed, SUB _| TREASURY. Below, 1837 | FISCAL AGENT Rev. *. ILLUSTRIOUS. * | I FOLLOW | IN THE | STEPS | OF MY ! . PREDECESSOR . Jackass running 1. First S in STEPS is entirely beneath the foreleg; the ground below is short and of slight depth, a small tuft beneath hind feet. Rosettes have plain cen- tres. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28y4. No. 21.—Obv. Female head 1. with chaplet of laurel leaves, within a circle of thirteen stars. Ex. 1837. Rev. MILLIONS FOR DEFENCE Wreath of olive leaves, nine berries outside, six inside, within | FOR TRIB- which, NOT | ONE | CENT | UTE Borders 4. Edge 1. No. 18—Oby. Same as No. 17. Rev. Copy of No. 17. The jackass and ground beneath, on this and the two varieties following, are longer than on the preceding; r. ear points to r. part of first L in ILLUSTRIOUS; 1. ear between and beyond the letters I, which begin the two lines over the animal. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 29. The borders of Nos. 17 and 18 are but slightly raised; and barely perceptible on 17. : No. 22.—Obv. Similar to No. 21. Head smaller, fifteen stars, two of them small, separated by date. Rev. Same as No. 21. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal #, Size 27. 10 g Berries OUISTOHE 4 EFA, # 4,08 : AA 177 STOE : x 3 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK Eh Ram No. 23.—Obv. Female head 1. with coronet inscribed UNITED within a circle of twelve stars. Ex. 1837 (the largest date of the series). Rev. Type of No. 21. NOT | ONE | CENT is higher in wreath, which has nine berries outside, four in- side. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 27%. No. 24.—Obv. E PLURIBUS UNUM above female head 1. with chaplet of laurel leaves, plain hair cord; thirteen stars (seven on 1.). Ex. 1837 (the small- est date of the series). Lowest curl terminates r. below neck, opposite the first star. Rev. Type of No. 21, ONF instead of ONE, and without. dash below CENT Wreath has six berries outside, six inside. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28. No. 25.—Obv. ‘Shine as No. 24. Rev. Same as No. 24, with die altered to ONE and the berries increased to seven outside and eight inside. Borders 4, Edge 1. Metal 4. Size 28. No. 26.—Obv. Type of No. 24. Beaded hair cord; lowest curl short and over 37 in the date, which is large. Rev. Same as No. 25. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A, Size 28. No. 27.—Obv. Same as No. 26, with lines cut around motto, aASaN GS No. 28.—Obv. Similar to No. 27. This piece was also struck in ss.) Pr rt = ae eee : ra F am JED forming a’scroll (type of all female heads follow- ing, excepting No. 55). Rev. Same as No. 25. A star has been added on each side of FOR and a dash below CENT Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ©. Size 28. Letters of the motto smaller; plain hair cord (and on all following); lower curl large, terminates r. above 7 in date; six stars on left (all others have seven). Rev. Copy of No. 23. The wreath has six berries out- side, seven inside. Borders, obv. 4, rev. 5. Edge 1, Metal 7. Size 28. No. 29.—Obv. Female head r., general type resembling No. 27 but inferior in design and execution. Heavy masculine features; large lettered motto; lowest curl terminates r. above space between 7 and * Rey. Type of No. 21. The wreath has four ber- ries outside (two opposite second E in DE-, FENCE), and four inside. First letters in ONE and CENT are weak, occasioned by high relief of cheek on obv. Borders, obv. 5, rev. 4. Edge 1. Metal Ae. Size 28%. z No. 30.—Obv. Similar to No. 28. Chin and point of bust short; curl on and below neck, both terminate L., the latter above 37., Rev. Similar to No. 21. The wreath has three berries outside, six inside (in three pairs); without dash below CENT. Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. : Size 28. COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 11 Sl RETOUCHER BErv7ses Ster7s /ar zor VIP SO No. 31.—Obv. Similar to No. 28. Nose sharp; point of bust above I in date; lowest lock horizontal (only instance) with curl terminating r., above 7; end of scroll beneath second U in UNUM. Rev. Sim- ilar to No. 21. The wreath has four berries out- side (one opposite first E in DEFENCE and an- other, very small, on the leaf which points to C), and six inside; a small dot after TRIBUTE. Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28. : The stem of the leaf pointing to N in NOT, on sharp im- ‘pressions, has the appearance of a berry, and probably was intended for such; this with the distinct one below it, would match the pair that are opposite, on the inner side of wreath; but so seldom does it appear with distinctness that I forbear to count it as a berry. - a rrres Se! ovrsTae PE : GIN ow ho, 32.—Obv. A fair copy of No. 31. Curl on and below neck, both terminate at 1.; end of scroll under N in UNUM, which letter is double-cut at bottom. Rey. Same as No. 31. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Ze. Size 28. Bxory? ONE No. 33.—Obv. Same as No. 32. Rev. Similar to No. 21. The wreath has five berries inside, three outside (one opposite second E in DEFENCE). Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 28. No. 34.—Obv. Close copy of No. 32. Lower curl further from 7;.end of scroll under second U in UNUM. Rev. Same as No. 31. Barders 4. Edge 1. Metal AL. -Size 28. No. 35.—-Obyv. Same as No. 34. Rev. Die of No. 31 re- touched. Berries and stems enlarged; leaf oppo- site first E in DEFENCE lengthened from the berry to the leaf above. The small berry on the leaf pointing to C and the stem (or berry) of that pointing to N in NOT are cut out. A ovursTme 6 rwnsroe (err7es No, 36.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. Similar to No. 33. The wreath has two berries outside, six inside, one near E in TRIBUTE. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 28. No. 37.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. BENTONIAN CUR- ENCY Within a wreath of olive leaves (three berrics outside, six inside), MINT | DROP Ex. 1837’ Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 28. No. 38.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. Same as No-37, with leit end of the string (which, with ribbon fastens wreath) extended from the top of I in date, makes ’ the legend apparently read, LBENTONIAN and the date 837. Borders 4. “Edge 1. Metal AE. Size 28. AZ STArS No. 39.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. MILLIONS FOR DEFENCE Within which is a circle of twenty- seven stars surrounding the inscription, NOT | ONE CENT | FOR | TRIBUTE | Ex. A foliate ornament. Borders 4. Edge 1. | Metal 7. Size 28. which at this time, however, there were but twenty-six. No. 40.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. SPECIE PAY- MENTS SUSPENDED A wreath of oak leaves and acorns, the stems crossed at base and tied; the terminal leaves at the top closely approxi- mating, within which, MAY | TENTH | 1837 Second leaf 1. inside, erect and near T in TENTH, I in date beneath the centre of E. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28. No. 41—Obv. * VAN BUREN * —— METALLIC 1837 CURRENCY Wrecked ship 1. her side inscribed EXPERIMENT Mizzen-topmast fallen forward, other topmasts are missing; bowsprit points to M in METALLIC; letters and date small. Rev. Type of No. 21. Wreath has three berries out- side, six inside; no dash under CENT. Borders - 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28Y. 44./ A Also struck in silver. f a E : ; ©o6.° Cows jrit Ponts 76 MM 6A PacTalse The tops of I and B in TRIBUTE are joined. The stars were possibly intended to represent the States, of GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK 7 ovtsime 4A INSTHe ShOrsl DASH UNBEr mossttse sates Cc. a FOR Dy iad ae No. 42.—Obv. Same as No. 41. Rev. Die of No. 41 with wreath re-engraved, seven berries each outside and inside, and a short dash added below CENT. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AX, Size 29. Like the preceding, struck in silver. PH A Sthv er Go. °° No. 43.—Obv. Die of No. 41 with lightning added above the ship and a fore-topmast and main-topmast falling forward. Rev. Same as No. 42. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 29. Also struck in silver. 4.3 A aN s7/reir 20 2 No. 44.—Oby. Copy of No. 41.. Letters and date larger; stars smaller and six-pointed, bowsprit points to star before V. Rev. . I TAKE THE . above * . RESPONSIBILITY . * below. Military bust of Jackson in treasure chest, holding a sword in r. hand and money bag in 1. Beneath the chest H Borders, 4. | Edge 1. ,Metal 2. Size 2814. en Oy HER ~PIOF NAnmr4taro 1932 No. 45.—Obv. * SUBSTITUTE FOR SHIN PLAS- TERS * Phoenix rising from flames; beneath, NOVR | 1837. Rev. Same as No. 33. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A“. Size 28. The last two figures of date show that portions have been recut. DRAFTS AND CABLE TRANSFERS 13 Same as No. 45. Rev. Same as No. 36. No. 46.—Obv. 1 Metal AZ. Size 28. Borders 4. Edge 1. Same as No. 45. Rev. Same as No. 40. Metal 7. Size 28 No. 47.—Obv. Borders 4. Edge 1. No. 48.—Obv. Same as No. 45. Rev. Copy of No. 40. Strings to bow do not.extend inside of the wreath; first leaf 1. inside slants 1., I in date beneath the upright of E in TENTH. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal-7Z. Size 28. No. 49.—Obv. U. S. STANDARD WEIGHT & VALUE Eagle with olive branch and arrows in talons, and a shield on his breast; below, 1837 Rev. HALF |} CENT | WORTH | OF within a wreath of twenty-seven olive leaves, with ten berries, draped with ribbon at the bottom; below, PURE COP- PER Thirteen stars form two-thirds of a circle around the border. Borders 4, Edge 1. Metal AE. Size 23. ( 4 No. 50.—Obv. TOKEN | 25 CENTS | 1837 in large letters and figures. Rev. AMERICAN SILVER in small letters above an eagle, type of 49; the shield has three pales. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AR. Size 26. No. 51.—Obv. Same as rev. of No. 44. Rev. THE CON- STITUTION above, . AS I UNDERSTAND IT . below. Donkey standing 1., on the side of which, LL. D.; above, ROMAN | FIRMNESS and below, VETO On the obverse, H beneath chest. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28, 29. fr 2.00 ove, KS? — Ot No. 52.—Same as No. 5i. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 284. bg ees AOS. >>» & FIRMNASS “A SJ No. 53.—Obv. Copy of No. 51, without H beneath the safe; the spaces in the safe are all filled, and with per- pendicular lines; head large; coat shows eight buttons; the rosette becomes a cluster of six pel- lets. Rev. Copy of No. 51; donkey’s body and ground larger. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28%. While this is a fair copy of No. 51, the work is much inferior and the striking badly executed; impressions are deep in planchets, leaving sharp raised borders. Set/7 ee) Qong ey 1838. No: 54.—Obv. * AM I NOT A WOMAN & A SISTER * Female slave manacled and in chains, kneeling r. on ground, in supplication. Ex. 1838 Rey. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. [The diag- onal of the N in UNITED runs upward instead of down.] Within a laurel wreath, LIBERTY | 1838 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size, 27, 28. No. S44 A A 21OM2LeD. No. 55.—Obv. A very ugly female head 1. with coronet inscribed LOCO FOCO Thirteen stars. Below, 1838. Rev. BENTON above * EXPER IMENT * below. Within a wreath of olive leaves and berries, MINT | DROP | — Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28%. . ~~ 1840. No. 56—Oby. THE SOBER SECOND THOUGHTS above, * OF THE PEOPLE ARE..O . K * below. Bust of Van Buren 1. Rev. THE . IN- DEPENDANT (sic) . TREASURY above, * THE. CHOICE OF . THE . PEOPLE * below. Eagle flying above a safe, holds a scroll in his beak, inscribed JUSTICE on one fold, F.QUA- LIT [EQUALIT] on the other. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 28. These were issued with a light coating of silver, and occa- sionally a specimen is found which shows traces of it re- maining between the letters. I do not know of one un- pierced. It is also found in brass (and pierced). LY? SS FA S+/rertm BE sors SVAN 5 od GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK (FSF A. No. 57.—Obv. MARTIN VAN BUREN above, . THE PEOPLES CHOICE below. Bust of Van Buren facing one-quarter 1. Rev. SUB TREAS- URY | & DEMOCRACY . above a safe, at the right of which the forepart of dog, lying with a key under his right paw. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 23. 1841. No. 58.—Oby. * WEBSTER * above, and CREDIT 1841 CURRENT completing the circle. Ship sailing r., seven sails set, her hull inscribed CONSTITU- TION Rey. Same as No. 39. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28. The hull bears no resemblance whatever to that of a vessel; without the spars and sails it simple represents a slightly curved plank, cut off square at the ends. cn Brass ) soe No. 59.—Oby. Same as No. 58. Rev. Same as No. 31 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28, SS a INE il ies IMENT No. 60.—Oby. Same as No. 58. Rev. Copy of obverse of No. 43; six-pointed stars, (in place of five); let= ters larger; water more turbulent; lightning above; one flash ends under A in VAN; the top of the promontory is opposite the same letter; the ship is without a bowsprit, and has a straight deck. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AX. Size 28. BROKERS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE 15 No. 61.—Obv. Same as No. 58. Rev. Copy of No. 60. The ship is curved; the falling main topmast points at the top of the promontory; a flash of lightning points between them; E in CURRENCY on line with the top of the stern. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal. /Z. Size 28. No. 62.Obv. Copy of No. 58, but better executed. A No.6 cross-tree below the lower sail on the mainmast; the flag on the foremast extends only to the middle of R in WEBSTER; the stars on both obverse and reverse are very small. Rev. VAN BUREN above, and * METALLIC 1837 CUR- RENT * completing the circle. Close copy of No. 61 (CURRENT instead of CURRENCY). The top of the stern on a line with the left part of the second R in the same word; a small stump of bow- sprit. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28%, 29, 2 S-4verea No. 63.—Obv. WEBSTER above, and * CREDIT 1841 All I second CREDI CURRENCY * completing the circle; ship (a copy of No. 58, with ship-like ends), straight deck, inscribed CONSTITUTION. Four stays from the bowsprit to the foremast; the top of the flag is opposite E in CREDIT; the stars are small. Rev. Same as the obverse of No. 44. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Az. Size 28, 28%. have seen of this have a crack in obverse die, from C in CURRENCY, through the ship, to E in Er: No. 64.—Obv. Copy of No. 63. Two stays from the bow- sprit to the foremast; fore-topmast-staysail set, as are eight other sails; the top of the flagstaff on the raid is opposite R in CREDIT. Rev. Same as obverse of No. 44. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ZE. Size 28%, 29%. : = ( Top os t/aq SIASS On STorn Opposite wisn Creaiz- ) 4 3 No. 65.—Obv. A creditable copy of No. 58 with a leaf be- : fore and after WEBSTER, instead of a star. Rey. Same as obverse of No. 30. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 27. Size 2814. KG: as? fzt.F 76° oS No. 66.—Obv. * A FRIEND * above, and below com- pleting the circle, TO THE CONSTITUTION A steer standing r., with ground indicated be- neath. Rev. AGRICULTURE on the left, AND COMMERCE * on the right of a ship sailing r., type of No. 58, but the hull is of better design, having a prow, shapely stern, and sixteen port holes. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 28. The left upright of each N in CONSTITUTION is faintly outlined, and not struck up as strongly as the other letters. No.7 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK No. 67.—Obv. E PLURIBUS UNUM on a scroll above a female head 1., closely resembling No. 34 A branch with five roses and sixteen leaves 1., and four roses and twelve leaves r., in place of stars. Ex. 1841. Rev. Same as No. 40. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28. The bust on the foregoing is the shortest in the series, with the truncation line incomplete at right, and not reach- ing the curl; behind the curl are three small dots, possibly intended to form a part of the outline of the unfinished bust. RIVER = ST.) DROYANL | Yo ALSO, GROUND NOVA | SCOTIA PLASTER | FOR SALE | 1834 Rev. . LAFAYETTE, A FRIEND TO AMERICA & FREEDOM Lafayette, standing, with hat and cane in right hand, on ground signed H at r.; below, DIED MAY 20 | 1834 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal HZ. Size 2814. Gene o% EON Z A SD MADEBY No. 80.—Obv. Same as No. 79. Rev. Legend, WOOD- WORTH’- PATENT above, and PLANING MACHINE below, completing the circle. A plan- ing machine, above, MADE BY/jS. B. SCHENCK and below, ATTLEBORO | MASS. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28. V G J oo No. 81—Obv. HOWELL WORKS GARDEN. In the field, a bunch of grapes with stem and leaves. Rev. SIGNUM | 1834 Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal ff, Size 22. é No. 82.—Obv. PUECH . BEIN | & CO. | NEW OR- LEANS | 1834 The second line so weakly struck, that it is often barely if at all visible. Rev. IM- PORTERS | OF | HARDWARES | GUNS & PISTOLS | CUTLERY &C Borders 6. Edge 1. Metal ZZ. Size 25%. No. F2 A. S+/ree(Sonre Gounrerstan pea ose } 4 oe Fi f0 Ke) & oS _— a CE msgs 183 No. 83.—Obv. Inscription in eight lines, H M & E I. RICHARDS | MANUFACTURERS | Gype sh JEWELRY | NEAR THE | UNION HOUSE | ATTLEBORO | MASS. A sprig of olive (?) leaves at either side. All the lines curve down- ward. Rev. From the same die as No. 79. Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28%. GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK VF. 6S | or RABBITING, © GIS FEET OF BOARDS ee Ss Se | ® ATTLERUROS, £4 MASS oop ING MACS: No. 84.—Oby. Same as rev. of No. 80 (S. B. Schenck.) Rev.. THIS MACHINE IS CAPABLE OF- PLANING TONGING . In field, & | GROOVING, | OR JOINTING, | OR RABBIT- ING, | 18 FEET OF BOARDS | OR PLANK IN A | MINUTE | 1834. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal “8. Size 28%, 29. Vn \ fe Fine CUTLERY Guns PistoLs \ ‘Se NAILS & CASTINGS: 017 New Lever NEW Pee) 185% Burr Buocks §¥ \ Mi SYroNES a VS S \ No. 85.—Oby. J. HALL WALKER & WALTON In field, IMPORTERS OF | AND DEALEARS (sic) IN | HARDWARE AND | SHIP CHAN- DLERY | No. 17 NEW LEVEE | NEW OR- EANS | 1834. Rev. FINE CUTLERY, | GUNS. ISTOLS, | IRON, NAILS & CASTINGS | URR BLOCKS, | MILL STONES &C. Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal B. Size 33. Dor Op 9 ° b ST 20 21834" No. 86.—Obv. S. L. WILKINS | DEALER IN | BOOTS, SHOES, | & SHOE STOCK. | HATS, CAPS, FURS &C | 22 MERRIMACK ST. | LOWELL | MASS. Rey. Same as No. 79. Borders 4 Edge 1. Metal ZZ. Size 2814. tes dies of this token were made by H. M. & E. I. Rich- ards. LETTERS OF CREDIT 19 1835. No. 87.—Obv. O. & P. BOUTWELL | * | * No. 7 * | GRAND | DIVISION ST. | * TROY N. Y. * | ** 1835 ** Rev. * BAKERS & * above, and CONFECTIONERS. below. A sheaf of wheat; below, * T within a circle of pellets. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28. The borders have a short pointed milling, and at a greater distance apart on reverse than on obverse. The dies were cut by True, of Albany. No. 88.—Obv. A female head r. TROY low head). Rev. BUCKLIN’S INTEREST TABLES * within a wreath of oak and olive leaves, 18.35 | — | T * (both very small). Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal 4. Size 27%. Dies by True. The obverse border is coarser than that on the reverse. with coronet inscribed No. 89.—Oby. A female head r. ill-shaped and poorly exe- : cuted, inscribed TROY within a circle of f = _ cil our- e_@ teen stars uniformly spaced, bringing two be- / 0Q- neath the head. Rev. Same as No. 88. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 27%. Borders have the same difference as No. 88. Dies by (. True. No. 90.—Obv. A feimale head 1. inscribed TROY, without stars. Rev. Same as No 88. Borders 4. Edge ‘1. Metal Ai. Sire 2714. NO STArS Je2o ee Dies by True. ‘ No. 91.—Obv. ‘A head similar to No. 89, but more shapely. Fourteen stars quite distant from. edge, none di- rectly below the bust. Rev. Same as No. 88 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 2814. 7CAQ To Je§7 43 STAIS Distanr 7077 Cage vone be/ow Ses7 ) Fourteen stars around border (none be- . eS eS No. 92.—Obv. BUCKLIN’S BOOK KEEPING * within a wreath of oak leaves and acorns, TROY | —; below, a very small head 1. Rey. Same as No, 88. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 27%, No. 93.—Obv. Same as No. 92. Rev. BUCKLIN’S INTER- EST TABLES .* and within a circle of fourteen stars, 1835 | — | TRUE ALB. ; an ornament above and below. Borders, obv. 4, rev. 1. Edge 1, Metal ZZ. Size 28: Cname o§ Die s/wkec IN SEIT eH MCAT DHTC ALB) No. 94.—Obv. CLARK & ANTHONY | JEWELERS | | WATCHMAKERS | Nos. 25 & 27 | CHEAPSIDE | PROVIDENCE | Reed | 1835 a small branch at either side. Rev. Same as No. 79. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 2814. UILT 1827 URNT 1835 No. 95—Obv. MERCHANTS EXCHANGE WALL ST. N. YORK Front view of building, with cupola Below, BUILT 1827 | BURNT 1835 Rev. Same No. 31. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ©. Size H 20 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK No. 96.—Obv. Same as No, 95. Rev. Same as No. 33. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 4. Size 28. No. 97.—Oby. Same as No. 95. Rev. Close copy of No. 33, without the dash under CENT Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AX. Size 28. The first upright of N in CENT on fully one-half of this issue, is unfinished; the space between the left arm and the upright of T in the same word is solid, showing that the steel die gave way at that point in cutting, or early in use. Grae, a. BUILDING } No. 98.—Oby. MERCHANTS above, and EXCHANGE below. Front view of new Exchange, with dome. Rev. NEW YORK STOCK above, and * EX- CHANGE COMPANY * below. In field, within a circle, No. 6 | TONTINE | BUILDING | WALL | STT Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28%, 29. O sxusnrs i pus Bun, j any) Y & 4855 Ly / Ht No. 99.—Oby. WALSH’S | GENERAL STORE | LAN- SINGBURGH | (N. Y) | 1835 an ornament on each side. Rev. SPEED THE PLOUGH above, and * IT FEEDS ALL * below. A plough on the ground at 1. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28, 2834. No. 100.—Oby. Same _as No. 99, Rev. Same as No. 79. Borders 4. Edge 1. Megal A. Size 28, 2834. f RAL 25\ /) LANSINBURG \\!) \) Hy) ¥ No. 101.—Obv. WALSH’S | GENERAL STORE | LANSINBURG (sic) | NEW-YORK | 1835 Branch with three leaves and twigs at either side. Rey. Same as No. 79. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ZE, Size 284, 2834. IN r.) GROCERIES = CHOICE WINES = /} &c &e eS j 1 836 7 MAIN STREET STLOUIS , 1836. No. 102.—Obv. HUCKEL BURROWS & JENNINGS In field, DEALERS | IN | GROCERIES | CHOICE WINES | &C &C. below, 1836. Rev. BOAT STORES | AND | SHIP CHANDLERY | MAIN STREET | ST. LOUIS Borders 2. Edge 1. Metal, B. and W. Size 29, This card is found with the name of Huckel erased on the piece. No. 103.—Obv. Same as No. 75. Rev. COPY OF A GOLD MEDAL | AWARDED TO|R & W ROBIN- SON, | FOR THE BEST | MILITARY, NAVAL, | SPORTING, | & PLAIN FLAT | BUTTONS | 1836 All in curved lines. Borders 4, Edge 1. Metal AX. Size 28%. ; The F in OF and the E in MEDAL seem to have been destroyed in cutting, as on all I have seen these letters appear as blocks. COIN BULLETIN MAILED FREE UPON REQUEST 21 Une. 7.°° aw) 1837. No. 104—Obv.. Same as No. 75. Rev. A good copy of No. No. 107.—Oby. A double legend, having in the outer circle 103, but the words and lines are differently spaced, : HENRY ANDERSON above, and * MAM- and the date further from BUTTONS Borders 4. MOTH BOOT * below; in an inner circle, Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28, 28%. « CHATHAM SQUARE above, and N. YORK : me E: below. A boot r. Rev. HENRY ANDERSON ( O opposite Dsrn MEG! above, and . CHEAP BOOT & SHOE STORE . below. In field, CHATHAM | SQUARE | NEW Lear | 1837. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. ize 28. The A in ANDERSON and MAMMOTH are the only complete A’s on this card; the others are without cross- [an oo : : = aS las bars, thus, A. The A in SQUARE on the obverse is ZB =~ 76 t filled from the crossbar to point on perhaps one-quarter = ae of the issue, showing that the die was bruised or gave g: way at this place. Cs SPORTIN, 42 gtAIN Fiy, / New I York .105.—Obv. Copy of No. 75. The wreath held by Com- paelat merce is epnosite M in AMERICA; the Liberty cap, below S in INSTITUTE; there is a hyphen between NEW and YORK, and other unimpor- tant differences appear when impressions of the two are brought together, but which cannot be clearly described. Rev. Same as No. 103. Bor- : ders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28%. No. 1082-Obv.* #2 = SODA “WATER 4 Fae A flower vase on a pedestal; below, 1837 Rev. R.L. BAKER above, and * CHARLESTON . S. C * below. In field, within a circlepe GOOD FOR | *1*{|.GLASS . Borders 5. Edge 2. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. Size 19. LOW A wee; m* S fs swA LR Fine canal £Q’ Importersor : f& AND DEALERS IN "4 at HARDWARES AND { SHIP CHANDIERY® Duronts Powprr MILL STONES No. 106.—Obyv. WALTON, WALKER & CO_ In field, IMPORTERS OF | AND DEALERS IN | No. 109.—Oby. BENEDICT & BURNHAM above, and HARDWARES AND | SHIP CHANDLERY | * WATERBURY CONN * below. An eagle sim- No. 17 NEW LEVEE | NEW ORLEANS Be- ilar to that on Half Dollar of 1836; above, E low, 1836 Rev. FINE CUTLERY | GUNS, PLURIBUS UNUM on label; below 1837 Rey. PISTOLS | IRON NAILS, CASTINGS | DU- MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIP- PONTS POWDER | MILL STONES | &C . DOIN = Seetnie neldesO | GILT BUTTONS | &C . &C . Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal, Brass. SHEET &| PLATERS BRASS | &C Borders 4. Size 34. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 27%. No. 110.—Obv. Same as No. 34. Rev. CENTRE MAR- KET above, and ACCOMMODATION below. Front and side view of a building with columns. Below, 14th WARD | N. YORK all within a circle. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal &. Size 28. The crossbar of Ain WARD is incomplete on the reverse of this variety, but it is perfect on the following. ( Long furl on Sero)/ Py Yee < No. 111—Obv. Same as No. 32. Borders 4. Edge 1. Rev. Same as No. 110. Metal AX. Size 28%. ( Arazonian ace) (3 S7TArS) No. .112—Obv. Same as No. 29. Rev. H. CROSSMAN | MANUFA CTURER | No 92% | CHATHAM ST N Y. An umbrella opened. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal AE. Size 28%, 28%. ey Vii O,NO 9242S) . THM SS 50 ( 45 SIATS ) No. 113.—Oby. An eagle with a shield on his breast, stand- ing on an olive branch and arrows; below, 1837 within a circle of thirteen stars. Rev. Same as No. 112. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28Y4. GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK No. 114.—Obv.. Same as No. 28. Rev. surrounding an inscription in five lines; the outer circle is J. H. DAYTON’S, UNION STEAM WASHING EST. * the inner circle, 17TH ST. NEAR 5TH AVENUE above, and * N./Y. * below. In the field, WASHING | DONE FOR | SHIPS, ST. BOATS | HOTELS & |] PRIVATE FAMILIES Borders 4. Edgell. Metal A. Size 28. The edge on the reverse is but slightly raised. No. 115—Obv. . P B & S . DEVEAU’S 156 CHATHAM SQUARE above, and N . YORK completing the circle. Female head 1., similar to No: 34. Rev. In outer circley WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOOT & SHOE STORE Inner circle, 156 CHAT- HAM SQUARE.N.Y. A boot r., below, 1837 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28. A in WHOLESALE is the only A on reverse which has a crossbar. No. 116—Obv. * | EAST.| * * | BOSTON | * * |. 1837 * Reve NCAVERIGK * |e "COACH. "| 4% . * 1837 * . * Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Feucht- wanger’s. Size 18%. ae Nos A Stsrer ¢ gs ot) No. 117—Obv. EXCELSIOR Arms of the State of New York. Below, 1837 Rev. FEUCHTWANGER’S COMPOSITION Within an olive wreath, * * * | THREE | CENTS | * * * Borders 5. Edge 2. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. Size 25. : ; ( WIChel Taveras \ ae sig) , Aw |=~3-3- Kh ed 2} A double legend. HIGH GRADE BONDS 8) Simatl DATE ) No. 118—Obv. An eagle l., wings raised, standing on a rock. Below, 1837, Rev. FEUCHTWANGER’S above, and * COMPOSITION * below. wreath, THREE | CENTS Borders 5. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. Size 25. Within an olive Edge 2. ( AArge DATE J No. 119.—Obv. Copy of No. 118, but the eagle and rocks are smaller and the date larger. Rev. FEUCHT- WANGER’S COMPOSITION and within an oak wreath open at the top, 3 | THREE | CENTS Borders 5. Edge 2. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. Size Ano ae No. 120.—Oby. Type of No. 118, with eagle standing r. and holding a serpent in his talons; below, 1837 Rev. FEUCHTWANGER'’S above, and * COM- POSITION below. Within an olive wreath, ONE | CENT Borders 5. Edge 2. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. Size 18%. F325 28 i= DEALER IN READY MADE N33 OLD LEVEE e CORNER OF (EEARPET BAGS, TRUNKS&¢. © & No. lZlOby NATHAN . CC. FOLGER * above, and NEW-ORLEANS .. below. In field, DEALER.-IN | READY MADE | CLOTHING, HADS;:|- BOOTS, SHOPS: &G-i Nor 33-OLD LEVEE | CORNER OF | BIENVILL ST. Rev. * BOYS AND | CHILDREN’S CLOTHING | STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS | GLOVES, UMBRELLAS | CARPET-BAGS,.| TRUNKS &C | 1837 | B & S.* N. Y. Borders 5. Metal, Brass. Size i) i Edge 1. No. 122.—Obv.. Same as No. 32. Rev. GEORGE A JAR- VIS. above, and * WINE & TEA DEALER * below. In field, 142 | GRAND | CORNER OF | ELM STREET] NEW YORK Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ©. Size 28%. U/C Y CORNEROF D 2 ELMSTREETS. No. 123.—Obv. Same as No. 30. Rev. A good copy of No. 122, but with leaves in place of the six-pointed stars. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AX. Size 28%. jNo. 124.—Obv. NATHL. MARCH | BOOKSELLER & | STATIONER | No. 7 EXCHANGE | BUILD- INGS.| PORTSMOUTH | N. H | 1837 Rev. WILLIAM SIMES & CO | DEALERS IN |} TEAS, WINES, & | GROCERIES . | No. 1 PEIRCE’S | BUILDINGS | PORTSMOUTH | N. H_ Borders 4. 28%, 29. Edge 1. Metal A. Size / : f G? PENCIL | OMAN BACTURERS* \ hg ba kod aii py No. 125.—Obv. Same as No. 29. Rev. S. MAYCOCK & Co. above, and . 35 CITY HALL PLACE N—Y . below. In field, EVERPOINTED | | PENCIL CASE | MANUFACTURERS | SAML. MAYCOCK | JOHN HAGUE | Borders 5, Edge 1. Metal Ai. Size 28%. The dashes are imitated as closely as may be with the material available. [ @ PENCILCASE ¥s CIMANUFACTUR OSAMEMAY COCK’ .126—Oby. Eagle, same as No. 113. Rev. Same as me No. 125. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28%. '—Obv. PHALONS | NEW | & | SPLENDID | eet STYLE | OF | HAIR CUTTING A branch at either side of SPLENDID Rev. No. 35 BOW- ERY above, and NEW YORK below. In field, a pair of scissors, and above, a comb; below, 1837 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal ©. Size 28%. 99 CA f No. 128.—Obv. From one of the dies of 120. Rev. * R. E. RUSSELL * above, and * * * * * * * below, completing the circle. In field, * * *|I1.0.U | 12%c Borders 5. Edge 2. Metal, Feucht- wanger’s. Size 18%. ( R.0§ B20 SMAI Sac) No. 129.—Oby. ROXBURY above, and . below. In field, * COACHES -. Rev. . NEW LINE . above, and * . 1837 . * below. In field, an ornate cross. Borders 4. Size 18%, Edge 1. Metal, Feuchtwanger’s. GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK No. 130.—Obv. J.M. L&W .H . SCOVILL above, and WATERBURY CON below. A phoenix rising from flames; below, 1837 Rev. GILT BUTTONS OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION * In field, SHEET BRASS | PLATED METAL | &| GOLD PLATE Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 4. Size 28%. A: <-SMTS “ON & BS } ‘? DEALER Y Morarendle In @ IN 3S GROCKERY, GLASS, WZ vRy Goons os ARE Neg ! GROCERIES & Bodin ne STRAW- BONNETS - ; GLASSES &c. N22 cocHEco j \DOVER.N. a : Op BLOCK Gy 18372 < O = No. 131—Obv. A. C. SMITH | DEALER | IN | CROCK- ERY, GLASS, | CHINA & BRITANNIA | WARE, | LOOKING | GLASSES &C. | DOVER, N. H | 1837. Rev. HASELTON & PALMER above, and DOVER, N. H. below. In field, DEALERS | IN | DRY-GOODS, | GROCERIES & | STRAW-BONNETS | ‘No. 2 COCHECO | pie Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 28Y4. ORT ES oF Nenockerv”, G Sand @ No. 132.—Obv. E. F. SISE & CQ | GENERAL | COM- MISSION, ! AND FORWARDING | MER- CHANTS. | PORTSMOUTH | * N H * Rey. IMPORTERS | OF | CROCKERY | AND | GLASS WARE | DEALERS | IN | COAL | 1837. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal 2. Size 28%, 29. FOREIGN 43 ADIN AGFer 40° No. 133.—Obv. TIME |IS| MONEY The face of a clock; the short or hour hand touches the r. part of X; the long or minute hand points to 1. of third minute mark after IJ]. Rev. SMITHS | CLOCK | ESTABLISHMENT | No 7% | BOWERY | NEW YORK | 1837 Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal fE. Size 28, 28Y. There is a(slight break)in the reverse die, at the bottom of the date, extending I. and following the border towards E in ESTABLISHMENT. ‘ {BOWERY » © Ww +o" tat BS TS No. 134.—Oby. Same design as No. 133; the hour hand points to the centre of X; the minute hand be- tween the first and second minute mark after i: the space between I and S in the second line is the widest of the series. Rev. Same as No. 133. Bor- ders 4. Edge 1. Metal 7. Size 28. No. 135.—Obv. Same as No. 133, Rev. Similar to No. 133. The word ESTABLISHMENT is curved; NEW and YORK are near together and in lar- ger letters than on the preceding. Borders 4. Edge 1. Size 28%. No. 136.—Obv. A close copy of No. 133. The minute hand points to the third mark following II; the V-in VIII points to the centre of M in MONEY. Rev. Similar to No. 135 but differently spaced; a short dash below O in No; a floral ornament at either side. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28%. No. 137—Obv. BONDS 25 Similar to No. 133. points at the space between the second and third The minute hand [/0 22 which the two hands turn, is composed of eleven dots. Rey. Same as No. 135. Borders 4. Edge 1. mark after II. The circle around the pivot =f ; Metal 42. Size 28%. ( Peererse // Dots 1% Clock Dial snstehinog st AME, a tA as v No. 138.—Obvy. Same as No. 137. Rev. Similar to No. 136; the spacing between the lines differs slightly; the floral ornaments are much larger. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 284. ( 76 hearer Borner) (sper. wAgaves ) No. 139.—Obv. S'S B above two leaves horizontally placed, and joined by a cross; below, 1837. Border com- posed of small leaves. Rev. Four leaves in the form of a cross, crossed. by four small, plain leaves. Border, sixteen leaves with two small ones alternating. Edge 1. Metal, Brass. Size 19. Neither the piace of issue nor the name of the per h i person who caused it to be struck has been discovered. CNG = AR. ED Stave eS 2S KITCHEN “Z Fe) FURNITORE ? ~ WAREHOUSE. b=} 'g TIN ,COPPER..© @ANDZING A> No, 140.—Obv. A head 1., wearing a coronet on which is LIBERTY; below, 1837. Thirteen stars around the border. 17 is a copy after the United States Cent of the period. Rev. EZRA B, SWEET NO. 200 CANAL STREET, NEW-YORK In the field, STOVE | & | KITCHEN | FURNITURE | WAREHOUSE, | — | TIN, COPPER, | AND ZINC | ROOFING Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Ze. Size 27%. ; Rather crude work, in the lettering especially. G in ROOFING quite linked with A in CANAL. 26 GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK VAICKES then NOSHO FAF MIS WITHOUT DATE Vil /3 WG fee ARS , Fes AN oy SF KITCHEN “i r bf FURNITURE © ie) “ - > WAREHOUSE, 3 iz, TIN.COPPER.S ‘O AND ZINC ¢ Yery OST In CT No. 141.—Obv. and Rev. From the same dies as the last, but struck on a larger and thicker planchet. Size 28. No. 145.—Obv. A female head 1., in outline quite like No. 90, inscribed TROY, within a circle of fourteen stars. Rev. BUCKLIN’S BOOK KEEPING: within a wreath of olive leaves, WEST | TROY ve A dash below. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal A. os MRO yy . Size 28, 28%. : AS =. 42) oa Bo) ZA . = a Se m a STor® No. 142,—Obv. BERGEN IRON WORKS above, and be- low, completing the circle, * STORE * An eagle, with wings spread, on a section of wire cable. Rev. BONA! FIDEI SIGNUM (A token of good faith.) Two hands with cuffs, joined in the Be aa, CE No. 146,—Obv. Same as No. 145. Rev. CARPENTER & gel. al, . : MOSHER ’ RIVER’ ST Within a badly-exe- cuted wreath, DRY | GOODS A dash below. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28. se SS No. 143.—Obv. Type of No. 142, but not as well executed; the letters and eagle are smaller; small circles take the place of two stars. Rev. Same as No, 142. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal AX. Size 21¥, 22. No. 147—Obv. Same as No. 145. Rev. Same as No. 146, d but with street number 310 added below the dash. TIS Zy MWS STN No. 144.--Obv. and Rev. Same as No. 143. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal, Brass. Size 21. é No. 148.—Obv. T. DUSEAMAN BUTCHER above, and This and No. 143 are poorly struck, and not well cen- * BELLEVILLE * below, completing the circle tered; most specimens show a break in the obverse die Eagle supporting an elliptical shield, bearing an from B in BERGEN through the eagle, to the space be- . anchor, within a circle of 13 stars. Rev. AGRI- tween IRON and WORKS; on a few it extends from the zs CULTURE & COMMERCE above, and -+ point of wing 1. to B. BAS-CANADA + below, completing the circle. A bouquet of roses, thistle heads, shamrock leaves, etc., in the field. Borders 4, Edge 1. Metal 72. Size 28. BULLION, SPECIE, FOREIGN BANK NOTES, ETC. =a ere Woe Dash RR Se 4 ee 7s Wis 60 ABRAHAM RIKER | No 131 | DIVI- I A slipper, boot and No. 149.—Arms of thé city of Philadelphia, supported and Nonigs== Ope: crested. Rev. F. S. | 50 CENTS Borders 3. SION ST | NEW YORK Edge 1. Metal, Feuchtwanger. Size 26. shoe; an ornament at either side of DIVISION ST and another below it. Rev. Same as No. 97. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 28. 153. Rev. Same as No. 36. Metal 7. Size 28. No, 150.—Obv. Same as the reverse of No. 66. Rev. J GIBBS MANUFACTURER above, and below, To. 154 ; i completing the circle, * BELLEVILLE * In No. 15 Sean as No. field, OF | MEDALS | AND | TOKENS | &C | orders 4. Edge 1. Edge-l... Metal 7%. Size 28. . NJ. Borders 4. The V in Belleville is an A reversed. No. 155.—Obv. T. D. SEAMAN BUTCHER above, and below, completing the circle, * BELLEVILLE * Rev. Same as the Bouquet similar to No. 151. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AL. } obverse of No. 66. No. 151—Obv. W. GIBBS AGRICULEUREISD ~ Size 28, above, and below, completing the circle, * . N . YORK . * Bouquet of wheat, thistles and roses. — ~~ oe / Rev. Same as the obverse of No: 66. Borders 4. Arcelor od © Edge 1. Metal 2S. Size 28, iN Foes Ke IY 4 of Ht» % . iby SCREWS oO FOR PAPER. wey G0 5 wn) + & or a cipen&, Py, Ss. No. 156.—Obv. Same as No. 88. Rev. MACHINE SHOP above, and below, completing the cir le, * TURN- ING & BORING. * In the field, *** | SCREWS [FOR PAPER) | OU. & (Clb sMiiciES woes At the bottom a minute bust between two small Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Rev. CORPORATION In field, ONE | SHIL- Edge 1. Metal, stars. A screw-bolt. 7E. Size 28. No. 152.—Obv. Same as No. 149. OF PHILADELPHIA LING | TOKEN Borders 3. Feuchtwanger. Size 26. GUTTAG BROS., NEW YORK keryfrir 24) x WH No. 161.—Obv. J. COCHRAN BELLFOUNDER above, and below, completing the circle, *** BATAVIA *e* surrounding a female head, laureated, in pro- file to left. Rev. AN ARMY FOR DEFENCE outside of an unfinished wreath of olive leaves and berries formed by a single branch tied at the base with a bow of ribbon, between the end of which and the stem is the date 1844; within the: wreath the inscription NOT | ONE | CENT | — | FOR - TRIBUTE the last line curving upward. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal AZ. Size 28. No. 157.—Obv. Same as No. 91. Rev. Same as No. 156. Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal At. Size 28%. i/ fh G0 Vi y fo 2 No. 158—Obv. A. LOOMIS CLEVELAND OHIO An eagle with his head 1., a serpent in his beak; his talons hold two arrows, one pointing r. and the PTQUORS Inthe feld, WINES & CIN. No. 162—Obv. M. VAN. BUREN. Bust 1. over small 34 | MERWIN ST | 1843 B ah ‘a fe Ed a olive wreath, encircled by twenty-six stars. Rev. i. Metal JE. Size 2874 Sg INDEPENDENT TREASURY—JULY . 4. 5 ES Pa IZe ge 1840 Eagle with olive branch and arrows in talons, shield on breast, as on silver coinage of same period. Always holed. Borders 3. Edge 3. Metal 7. Size 22%. (W0./62.4. (Rer. D6mocrars 76 the pel/s e AND yrctory jntl/t Fe ours ) Coppe! of Coe V.G. 25 YF 4 (350 No. 159.—Obv. Same design as No. 158; an eagle on two arrows, but both pointing r. Rev. Same as No. 158. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal AE. Size 28. No. 163—Obv. HOWELL WORKS GARDEN A rose with stem and leaves. Rev. Token Borders 1. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 26%. fy ot O .ti4. rs No. 164—Obv. Same as obverse of 83 (Richards). Rev. Same as reverse of No. 80 (Schenck). Borders 4. Edge 1. Metal Al. Size 28%. No. 160.—Obv. Same design as No. 159, but there is no serpent in the eagle’s beak. Rev. Same as No. 158. Borders 5. Edge 1. Metal A. Size 28. COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 29 No. 165.—from the dies of No. 1 Head of Jackson to r. Rev. THE BANK MUST PERISH, &c. Struck in ( White Metal. ) 2 MUST AND) a % SHALL Ke PERS MY TS VICTORY 2 “ROY > No./o No. 168.—Same as No. ll. (A combination of a copy with slight differences, of the obverse of No. 8, boar running 1, with reverse of No. 10, which has the bust of Jackson in military uniform, and which is also a copy of reverse of No. 8, but the head is smaller and the shoulders broader) Metal, cop- per. No. 169.—Oby. same as Obv. of No. 15, (Civilian bust of Seward.) Rev. same as reverse of No. 16. (This it will be remembered is similar to reverse of No. 13, but from a different die.) Metal, brass. No. 170.—Oby. same as Obv. of No. 28. (Female head, plain hair cord.) Rev. general type of reverse of No. 21. (Millions for defence, outside a wreath of olive leaves, and “Not One Cent for Tribute” within the wreath.) On this reverse the wreath has twenty-five leaves, five berries inside and five outside, dash below CENT. Metal, copper. AINE NOAA “kh 0t 15°? (3S Berries each sTme «€ 2,00 No. 171.—Same as No, 51. (Obv. Jackson’s bust in uniform on a treasure chest, with donkey standing 1., &c.) This differs from No. 51 in having been struck from the retouched dies with all the spaces in the safe filled, and on a planchet which is gilded be- fore striking. I do not think this is entirely new, and it probably succeeded No. 51, but No. 52 being in brass, it has been erroneously regarded as No. 51, gilded after striking, to imitate the rarer one which follows it, or perhaps to deceive. Metal, copper gilt. No. 172.—Same as No. 56. (Obv. bust of Van Buren. Rev. eagle with a scroll, flying above a safe.) Metal, ( brass, ) No. 173.—Obv. H. HENNING above FAIRMOUNT. An ornament above and below the issuer’s name. Rev. A continuous wreath inclosing the date 1834. Metal, white metal. Size 35. 0 oo (Hey. wreath 1834 ) Min Cy oo " és LA FON , i oom, eo COPPERK %A «” STOVES ** * SHEET IRON * x TIN-WARE” ae % WORKERS a No. 175.—Oby. GUSTIN & BLAKE, (curving to planchet ( Petovchean Des ) aN circle); TIN,® COPPER & SHEET. IRON WORKERS; CHELSEA, Vi6“Sstars r: and. 1 continuing circle begun by the firm name. Rev. STOVES & TINWARE, below, a teapot, on the base of which, 1835 L. Continuous border of five- pointed stars. Slight milling on borders. Bor- ders 5. Edge 1. Metal, copper. Size, 2814. & xe nS as * S COPPERS x STOVES re * SHEET IRON * x TIN-WARE* x WORKERS pie oid Fi Sead * CHELSEA, ia) No. 176.—Oby. from same dies as No. 175. The reverse No. 177.—Same as No. 102. die slightly retouched. A foot has been added to each of the T8s and J, upright of the final E lengthened. Some attempt has been made to make the milling on the reverse more prominent. The obverse of the specimen before me has a flattened border, as though hammered down, and is without a trace of milling. Metal, copper. ( Brass, planchet silvered before striking. ) No. 178.—Same as No. 102.) White metal. ) GUTTAG BROS., NEW (Huckel, Burrows & Jennings.) ( Eagle W. a <*) 1h STAN & 5 eanee las a SS No. 179.—Same as No. 118. Obv. an eagle |, standing on a rock. Rev. THREE CENTS in wreath, &c.) Struck in copper. ) : _— No. 180.—Same as No. 142. (Bergen Iron Works.) Copper. ) — Cc (%) a Niche, Metal No. 181.—C. W. B. 1842, (the last two figures upside down) in the angles of the five-pointed star, in the centre of which is a spread eagle, head turned, r. The letters are the initials of C. W. Bender. Rev. plain. Metal similar to Feuchtwanger’s. Size, 16. rele ae No. 182.—Same as No. 181. Silver. Size, 14. TT. No. 183.—Same as No. 162, (Obv. bust of Van Buren r. Rev. eagle with olive branch, &c.) ( Struck in brass in- stead of copper.) Edge plain eS HARD TIMES TOKENS. A List made directly from a set of Hard Times Tokens, later compared with Mr. Low’s List, using his numbers to avoid confusion. Anderson, Henry... Bakeraalkcoecnr se, 108 Benedict & Burnham... log Bergen Iron Works........ 142 Bergen Iron Works.. Boutwell, O. & P....... Brigham, Francis L..... Brigham, Francis L....... Bucklins Int—Tables...... Bucklins Int—Tables...... ee Buelklins Int—— 90 Bucklins Int—Tables.................... 91 Bucklins Int—Tables... Oe Bucklins Int—Tables............. 93 Stars. Circles. Beaded Circle. No Beaded Circle. Head inscribed TROY, No stars below head. Head inscribed TROY, Two stars below head. Head inscribed TROY, No stars. Stars far from edge, none under bust. Wreath 1835 Rev. Book Keeping TROY. Ob, stats, oo5. Bucklins Int—Book Keeping.....145 Obv. Head Rev. WEST TROY. Boar . 8 Nose points to C in credit. Boar ..... 9 Same as No. 8 except straight edge. oan 10 Nose points bet. Perish and Credit. | EXON R reece eee . ll Obv. No. 8 Rev. No. 10, brass. Carpenter & Mosher..... .. 146 : Carpenter & Moshet..... 147 No. 310 added below dash. Centre Market... 110 Scroll ends under U in UNUM. Centre Market.......... .l111 Scroll ends under N in UNUM. Clark & Anthony... . 94 Gochicatiee gs oeccr secs. nel Ol Crossman, H..... 112 Female Head Obv. No. 29. (Cisgisisimininy = ln dress hnereoton ceca 113 Rev. Eagle. IDE coy sla al tal i cecn cracrocecoecennceo 114 Deveau, P. B. & S.. pais WD iveseria ies Lives cereaeeee: 148 East Boston Coaches... 116 m, Heute liyat Oia Wee cceyecscrsesssaconesesr 117. Obv. arms N, Y. Rev. 3 cents. ¢ Wie 1G nny pedt © CX wes Lessee seenctucssestesrese staat 118 O. eagle Rev. 3 cents, olive leaves. BeutchwanGe rue ler :cc.csccstshacnecaat 119 ©, eagle R. oak leaves. Me titelwaieien, aplem.ssurtssse cee 120 Olive wreath 1 cent. Holeeres Nathan (C.....c..uneeter 121 Beep Sap OC. mares. camiarstunences 149 Rey. arms Philadelphia. Not one cent Berries. Pemalegileadiecs tacvoc-are: for tribute. Out- Inside. Female 21 9——6 - 13stars. Female 9. 6 15 stars. Female 9—_4 Female Head 6——6 Female 7——8. Small date plain hair cord. Female I 7 8 Large date bead hair cord. Female 7 8 Scroll around motto. Female 6—/ Female 4__4 Female 4-6 Female 46 Scroll ends 2d U UNUM, curl R. Female 46 Scroll ends at N UNUM, curl L. Female 4—-6 Scroll ends 2d U UNUM, curl L. Female 3 5 Scroll ends N UNUM. Female Head Female Head... 3——6 L. 31. Berries enlarged. in defence—cut off. Female Head 36 2——_6 Female Head 70 3——4 Female Head 68 3——6 Ob. 5 roses L-4 roses R. Female Head ..Mint drop. Female Head 69 3——5 Female Head 38 3——6 Female Head... May Tenth. Female Head... SVE 3——6 Female Head... 39 27 stars. Female Head 40 Leaves 1837. Female Head 67 Leaves 1841. Female Head, LOCO FOCO....Mint drop. Female Head, LOCO FOCO...... 55 Glorious Whig Victory......ssesee 7 (Gilli <= Ise kiovornnea eiepenieaxos: 150 GUD DS sa Veerccresters chess -stgeacvatrsccseanosts 151 Halitcent purexcoppeirsc..c.-sssraace 49 UDatndhsy sce WV x GANS ceases sacacctaseckoteoecvstns 78 HlaseltoneGasbalimen.etissccecceaesssensses 131 IRIS aia AWhee Jeepers 79 liaise tasec2 WV carlo te ctoccsvsssvececsreaeetierts 80 Hathaway, Ephraim A... 74 Howell works garden... 81 Howell works gardent.............06 163 alien WalixersGea Wea ltoti....ceccastsescs 85 Huckel Burroughs Jenning.......... 102 sate Sys GOONS CAs cesscccesecsntssssccsseses 122 Jehniis; Cited: a dernace merece 123 Jackass balky......... Jackass running... Jackass running..... Jackass running..... Jackass running...... Jackass standing... Jackass standing.... Jackass standing.... Jackson, Andrew... Jackson, Andrew... Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Jackson, W@OmiS; iN. .cess5.2 TEOOMMS, oN. JE Co yopaali ign Merron eee Where len Nathiatiielia,se:nz-ccrscosecesnesest Maycock & Co...... MavicOek=Gee COM..uiic..036 Merchants’ Exchange... - Merchants’ Exchange... .. 96 Merchants’ Exchange... OF, Merchants “Hxchange...ic; 98 Pii@erisce st te eraeete. tcccsveseere ... Not Phoenix ...... 45 Phoenix sii 46 Phoenix. ..... : dP) gWOXSi Due er eeey rane Coe Sree ere oa 47 Phoenix aausscut..: . 48 Puech, Bein & Co... .. 82 Pile Oneeserre es eee at ce eee essere 127 52 Phila-Corporation Robinson, Jones & C6, ears 3—5 Scroll ends N UNUM, obv. Roses. Liberty cap. Rev. Lafayette. Woodworths Pat. Grapes. Rose. Stars. Leaves. Short ground, S under foreleg. B-on leaf pointing to C Ground longer, L. ear bet. & beyond I & In. Point of left ear touches I in IN. Financiering. Good shape, ground narrow. Same as 51 brass. Big belly, Ground wide. Bust o. Andrew Jackson President of the US *ANDREW JACKSON* President of the *U S AND. JACKSON Eagle, Serpent, Arrows point R. & L. Eagle, Serpent, Arrows both point R. Same as 159 no serpent in eagle’s beak. R. Simes & Co. R. Female head No. 29. Eagle shield on breast. R. 4 berries out, 6 inside. R. 3 berries out, 5 inside—dash. R. 3 berries out, 5 inside—no dash. R. New York Joint Stock Exchange. one cent. 3——5 2——6 _M ay Tenth. Specie Payment Strings extend into wreath. I af § Specie Payment. AM. Inst. ONE in 1833 exact size. Do not extend into wreath. IRObinson, JOMesrGc COcicceut sre 76 AM. Inst. ONE in 1833 smaller size. Roxbury @Ga CheG i. xeeceesceererertee eee 129 Russell PR sh acisente ee 128 Richards, H. M. & E. J... Pe Ooee he leatay etter Richards, H. M. & E. J... 164 Schenck. Riker, Abraham................ 155 R. 3 berries out, 5 inside No. 33 but no dash. Riker, Abraham... 154 2 berries out, 6 inside No. 36. Robinson, R. W.... ...103 O. Am. Institute A points bet. dots. Robinson, R. W.... ...104 Larger. A gold; the A points to a dot. Robinson, R. W.... ..105 Hyphen bet. New-York. Schenck, S. B.... .. 80. Rev. W. P. Haskins. Schenck: Ss be ... 84 Grooving or jointing machine. Schenck, S. B:x.. 164 Rev. H. M. & E. Richards. Scovilley je Meals & WE. a SO) Seamaster es cn nent: eel) Simes 1 C5 2W- 9M... 124 Sise Qe: COseE eins coil V2; Simithicpa Glock: tases csrancaceescctantsts 133. Hour hand touches right side X. Min. hand Points between 2d & 3rd dots. Simitin (Clocks tscesssscsssessrsuessssmeeree 134 Establishment straight, hour hand points center X, min. bet. Ist & 2d dots. Syrortunss (Chore yar cca 135 Establishment curved up. Hour hand points right of X, min. bet. 2d & 3d dots. Gromer S— (CHOLRS ra an ndccconiuontos 136 Small ornaments side 7%. Smiuthyst Clocks! s.c0. arc ieet steers 137. Dotted circle. SinithyseaClocks: =... 138 Large ornaments. Seward, William H..... wld) Rearaithtulliiends Seward, William H..... .. 14 The glory and pride. Seward, William H..... «. 15) Larger*head: than No.-13. SteGin cessiraeiosiictian teen: PaOOE Sips Sober second thought.. .. 56 R., bust Van Buren. Smit nyeeeGes Crsertercreneses tees 131 R. Haselton & Palmer. SiS io Biraassterastestiessestice ae 139 "156 O. No. 88 Head Troy Stars. Starbuck & Son, N.... ; e 157 ©.91 Head Troy Stars, none under bust. Starbuck & Son, ee Simicetuel 2iaunbrenttsesatrcts: 140 Thin planchet. Wee, Ue Ztaw bee. 141 Thick planchet. Roken™25¢"....- ee) VanBuren .... ..Not one cent. VanBuren ..... wee Al 3——6 Wit Ut eligy spree tesaceateeanee ae reter ater sy soc8 42 7——/ No lightning. WWEiia BBE (Gi hope reencerer conan aoa 43 7 7 Lightning. Wiciti BAEC Thr foescscescseteeesosee tess tout osisteser 44 Jackson in safe. Wirwalbinnecam WEN Riba pesca: S7Re Sake: Wier plat clan. at tavecrsssesueene 16 Wie lbSUCtlamiati thers ctcemacreinesceeestos Not one cent. Wiebster=..-. .. 65 Leaf before and after Webster—female head. WNREDSEGI cr.ccetcsastioteottscusthecoereleersstaees 58 Stars. Nile bStetomarncarsccsataraeististraces acces 5 4+—_6 WiGDStER G25 ces, seses treectgceerastssvsasreusane 60 Lightning points bet. cliff and Van. Webster .... ... 61 Lightning strikes cliff. WESC tateresccstestswiseneassstsssseave ... 62 Lightning o. Current instead of currency. Wie ln Stetia reacztestetvechessicicssoneszecetoarceries 63 No lightning 7 sails set. Niles ete csr cons . 64 No lightning 9 sails set. Woman & Sister.. by O! Walshe tse ccecscoste ... 99 R. Speed the plow. Walsh .... 7 LOO Poker leatayetre, Walsh ..... eraiatree 101 Ornaments *WALSH.* R? Lafayette. Walton, Wialkteri@: Con... 106 Wiillins SS alee es atest eee 86 Nini csr pe NY on Kusns.crectsseet ores 6 Courtesy of W. F. DUNHAM. GUTTAG PUBLICATIONS U. S. PAPER MONEY ALBUM Full morocco,, for exhibiting paper money, $5.00 FOREIGN CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE GUIDE Extensive information regarding current bank notes and coins issued throughout the World. $1.50 per Copy COINS OF THE AMERICAS This book contains the premium on United States Coins, with illustrations of these, Mexi- can and Central and South American coins. 50c per Copy CIVIL WAR TOKENS AND TRADESMEN’S CARDS Contains a list of copper coins of one cent value issued and circulated during the Civil War period, with illustrations $7.50 per Copy ANDREWS ON CENTS Interleaved, Reprinted 1924 $1.00 per Copy NEW JERSEY CENTS Fully Illustrated, $5.00 per Copy GUTTAG-GREEN REFERENCE AND CHECK BOOK, $1.50 HARD TIME TOKENS Numbered according to Low’s Fully Illustrated $10.00 PATTERN AND TRIAL PIECES OF THE U. S. (Adams) Fully Illustrated FREYS DICTIONARY OF NUMISMATIC NAMES (Frey) A book for every collector. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY OF THE U. &. (Valentine) Just out 1924. $5.00 EXHIBITION OF U. S. AND COLONIAL COINS 39 Plates “Million Dollar Book” fF. THe NUMISMATIST An Illustrated Monthly for Those Interested in Coins, Medals and Paper Money. VOL. XLI DECEMBER, 1928 No. 12 List of New York City Store Cards Struck in the Hard Times Period. By WAYTE RAYMOND. (Paper read at the Annual Convention of the American Numismatic Association, Rochester, N. Y., August 18 to 23, 1928.) In 1886 the late Mr. Lyman H. Low published the first edition of his list of Hard Times tokens. This list consisted almost entirely of the tokens having a political reference or with devices imitating the legal coinage. In the second edition, published in 1899, Mr. Low included the dated trades- men’s tokens of the period, also a number of undated ones. It is now my purpose to prove the eligibility of many other tokens, undated, but by style and a reference to old directories, clearly belonging to the series. My investigation has, so far, only taken in the pieces struck in New York City. The photographs accompanying this article illustrate all the tokens of that City which can be positively claimed to have been struck between the years 1832 and 1844. I have taken the very great liberty of giving them numbers in continuation of the Low list. 184. Atwood’s Railroad Hotel, 243 Bowery. This well-known old card with the equesrian figure of Washington on obverse, is generally supposed to have been of an earlier date. The fact, however, that the same die was used for the Bale & Smith card would place it in this period. See No. 186. The New York directories do not mention this hotel or its proprietor. 185. Bailly, Ward & Co., 41 Maiden Lane. See New York directories 1832-1843. 186. Bale & Smith, 68 Nassau Street. A great firm of die-sinkers and token makers of the period. This token has the same obverse as the Atwood piece. The New York directories only give this address in 1835 and 1836. From 1844-48 at 96 Fulton Street. i 187. J(oseph) and L. Brewster, Hatters, 166 Water Street. See New York directories of 1834 and 1835. In 1840-41 at 176 Water Street. 188. Collins’ Ready Made Linen and Fancy Store, 67 Maiden Lane. Wm. Collins was the proprietor and we find him at the above address in 1838 and 1839. In 1845-46 at 69 Maiden Lane. 189. W. D. Crumbie, corner Bowery and Houston Street. A soda water check. At this address in 1844-46. 190. Day, Newell & Day, Locksmiths, 589 Broadway. In New York directories 1834 and 1835. 191. Doremus, Suydam & Nixon, Dry Goods, 50 and 52 William Street. In New York directories at this address in 1835 and 1836. > 192. Doremus, Suydam & Nixon, 39 Nassau Street. At this address 1844-1846. 193. Doremus, Suydam & Nixon, 37 and 39 Nassau Street. At this ad- dress in 1836 and 1837. There are other cards of this concern, but the ad- dresses place them either before or after the Hard Times period. 194. Dr. L. Feuchtwanger, 377 Broadway. Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger was the maker of the “American Silver Composition,’’ used in many tokens of the time. New York directories place him at this address in 1831 and 1832. 195. Dr. L. Feuchtwanger, 2 Cortlandt Street. New York directories do not give this address, but as the card is of exactly the same die work I THE NUMISMATIST DECEMBER, 1928. No. No. TAL 1 )5, 196. H. ie No. 198. No. 203 No. 205 % No. 207. No. 208. THE NUMISMATIST No. 204. No. 209. No. 210. include it. He also appears at 60 Maiden Lane in 1844-45 and at 23 Liberty Street 1845-46. 196. Hallock & Bates, 234 Pearl Street, Wholesale Dry Goods. In New York directories 1835-1837. 197. Hallock, Dolson & Bates, 41 William Street. Evidently the same firm, as the die work is quite similar. directories. They do not, however, appear in the 198. Dr. J(onas) G. Hewett, Bone Setter, 68 Prince Street. In New York directories 1837-1838. At 100 Spring Street in 1850-51. 199. L(ewis) G. Irving. Evidently the agent or partner of J. S. Pease and Company, St. Louis. In New York directories 1844-46 at 19th St., near Third Ave. 200. Wm. G. Jones, Union Coal Yard, corner of Chamber and Washing- ton Streets. In New York directories 1823-24 at 58 Wall Street. 1844-45 at 58 Wall Street. 1845-46 at Merchants Exchange. As this ‘card is of exactly the same die work as 193 I include it. DECEMBER, 1928. 71 og 201. H. Law, Baker, 187 Canal Street. In New York directories 1834- 1835 only. 202. Leverett & Thomas, Hardware, 235 Pearl Street. In New York directories 1833-35 only. 203. Robert Lovett, Seal-engraver, 67 Maiden Lane. At this address 1833-34. In 1824-25 at 249 Broadway. 1850-51 and later at 5 Dey St. It will be noticed the reverse is the same as on the Collins card. 204. Edwin Parmele, 340 Pearl Street, Liquor Store. At this address from 1834 to 1839. 205, 206 and 207. Squire & Merritt, Ship Chandlers, 175 South St. In New York directories at this address 1831 to 1837. 208. Suydam & Boyd, Dry Goods, 187 Pearl Street. At this address 1831 to 1834. 209. Suydam & Boyd, 157 Pearl Street. At this address 1834 to 1837. 910. Van Nostrand & Dwight, Books, 146 Nassau Street. In New York directories 1835-37. i iS EE PO Fs Pe = ae Se tds ae There are other merchants who issued tokens, the names of which appear in the directories before, during and after this period, some of which have not been included, as the style of die work places them either earlier or later. Some of these pieces were struck in more than one metal and have varied edges. I will try to tell more about such varieties at a later date, also to describe the tokens of the period issued in New York and other States. In connection with my researches along these lines I have been able to place the approximate date of issue of a great many other old store cards and expect to be able to compile a very complete list of all such tokens issued before 1845. These are all of great interest as they were undoubted- ly used as a medium of exchange, while the later ones are merely advertis- ing checks. WERE I A BOOK. By WALDO C. MOORE. (Read at the Annual Convention of the American Numismatic Association Rochester, N. Y., August 18 to 23, 192 Were I a book I’d like to fe A big numismatography; Then ey’ryone would want to see The prints that were inside of me. They’d leaf my pages through and say: “There’s the obol, there’s the labay, There’s the old skilling of Norway, And there’s Canada’s bank bouquet.” I’d show them menagerie views— Guineas, magpies and kangaroos, Eagles, owls, copperheads and gnus And all the beasts that thrive in zoos. And when I stood upon the shelf I’d think of things inside myself, Of cuts showing all kinds of pelf ra Made up of metals from the delf. IRISH FREE STATE CURRENCY ISSUED. The notes authorized by the Irish Free State Government have been placed in circulation, according to news from Dublin. They are said to be gaudy. The pound note is printed in green and the ten-shilling note is In) Orange: The five-pound note shows the portrait of a woman, emplematic of Ireland, but she is an American woman, the wife of Sir John Lavery, Irish artist. Lady Lavery posed for the portrait her husband painted for the note. The wording on the notes is in both Irish and English. THE NUMISMATIS The Problem of the Silver Dollar. By ROBERT H. LLOYD, North Tonawanda, N. Y. (Paper read at the Annual Convention of the American Numismatic Associatio Rochester, N. Y., August 18 to 28, 1928.) Mention of the silver dollar immediately brings to the mind of an Amer: can a series of complexes which may be dislikes, fears, satisfaction or amuse ment. But whatever the impression it makes, this venerable coin is repre sentative of one of America’s outstanding characteristics. It has an inte: esting history which we must study if we are to pass on its future, whethe to condemn or to exonerate. The first dollars were made in 1794, the second year of the mint operatio1 From then until 1873 the coinage of dollars continued intermittently, wit long years between some of the issues. The total amount produced in thi eighty-year period was only a little more than eight millions of dollars Everyone is acquainted with the story of its revival. The silver interest found themselves without a market for their product and agitated fo resumption of dollar coinage. In response to their plea Congress passed th act of 1878, unquestionably one of the greatest pieces of class legislatia ever put over in Washington. The new dollars were turned out at an ur precedented rate. By 1893 over three hundred million pieces had bee minted. In 1886 the issue of one and two dollar certificates tended to chee the increase of dollars in circulation, and this, with the reaction in 189: stopped the flood of silver. In 1904 the dollar was again discontinued b Congress. In the West hard money was preferred and accepted as a matter of coursé In the Hast some preferred the paper notes, and this preference graduall increased since the Treasury seemed quite willing to issue the certificates “Cartwheels,”’ as the dollars were called, continued to circulate until afte the Spanish-American War, when the increase in paper notes forced th coins into the vaults. There was no change in the distribution of silver dollars or silver certifi cates until the World War, with its widespread influence, touched the cur rency of the United States. Silver,-preferred money in the Far East, wa in demand. Subsidiary silver was needed here. For war-time cooperatioi the Pittman Act directed the sale of some two hundred millions of our dol lars to China. Some fifty millions more were melted for subsidiary coin i} the United States. Necessarily, silver certificates had to be retired to } large extent and their place was taken by the Federal Reserve Bank notes familiar currency of the post-war years. The provisions of the Pittman Act provided for the recoinage of dollar after the war. Accordingly, in 1921 the Treasury purchased the silver t¢ restore the melted coins. Since that time all the mints have been busil2 engaged restoring the dollars, and now the task is about complete. Agait we have about five hundred million silver dollars, of which only fifty millior are circulating in the West or lying in bank vaults available to the public We are concerned today as to what the future policy of the dollar shoulc be. The act of 1878 made the silver dollar a standard unlimited legal tende: coin, forming for the United States what is known as the “limping standard.’ A “limping standard” occurs when a nation accompanies its gold standar« with a semi-silver standard in which a coin of silver has unlimited legal- tender quality. There are many objections to the limping standard. Ye the action of recent years indicates that the Government is satisfied witl its present policy and does not wish to arouse the silver interests. So wé will go on with a standard coin which is nothing but a token, since the de cline in the price of silver has removed all possibility of the dollar becoming a full-bodied coin. From this point of view we can review the recent devel opments and proposed changes in the silver dollar. In 1923 the Administration conceived a plan to test the dollar’s useful ness. The Treasury officials began to issue dollars to the public to see i they could be effectively circulated again. If they would stay in circulatiorz a reduction in the certificates would follow, thereby decreasing printing costs. Savings would result and the plan was thought to be a forward step In carrying out the plan the Treasury issued dollars in place of certifi