View from March 17th No. 178 Sale March 22, 1921 ‘The Collection of - Mrs. Walter Austin of Dedham, Mass. na Costume Brocades, Silver Blue and White Canton And Mrs. Austin’s Important Group of Japanese Prints in Snow and Rain To be sold by Auction Tuesday Afternoon and Evening March 22, 192; at 2:30 and 8:15 o’clock The WALPOLE GALLERIES No. 10 East 49th Street | “New York ~ ma CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per lot. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of the sale. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be ‘responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliver- jes will be made during the sale. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such re-sale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re-sale, at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by competent cataloguers; the vari- ous lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. . Material on exhibition three days before the sale. Priced copies of this catalogue at $2.00 each. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES, Edward Turnbull, Lenore Young Turnbull, 10 East 49th Street, New York. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by — MR. WALTER S. SCOTT. Telephone Murray Hill 6512. Catalogues on request. | — tacege, Lil - oan SR ena a | — % hes re bel foie une. i— _ s “ é « . * os “ =~ 6 Wi q AVE > ¥ _ ind ‘i mae oo ee Pe ; 3 No. 289. Hokkei, “Shokoku Meisho Series.” View from March 17th No. 178 Sale March 22, 1921 SIMULA ATT ~The ollection of Mrs. Walter Austin of Dedham, Mass. Jewelry Silver, Costume Brocades Blue and White Canton And Mrs. Austin’s Important Group of Japanese Prints in Snow and Rain Triptychs and Kakemono Prints and an Utamaro Painting To be sold by Auction Tuesday Afternoon and Evening ~“ March 22, 1921 5 S SUA AAA TT THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 10 East 49th Street, New York Tel. Murray Hill 6512 AH AH HAR 2! WUT . » > , e . ‘ coe 4 £ ; = ‘ 5 i Ets ‘ d f tee \ . i me 2 og 5 fe . a * ‘ ¢ * Ne a - : ¥ -@* ’ 1 ’ aoy : ; + - ¢ = s Bt ‘ ‘ x 4 oy i c » 2 r J os 4 ¢ > ‘ ie : , 3 ei : i o> ey + bs Moe is o + uw Pi - = ~ y's 1 * a on a : tr 224 Beas F .t : - ? = s ‘ ' S es 4G4. iets 4 ro eo to s . ‘1 4 . Ps y, r ” Y . y sy Mp te) on my? anal oe A + Leon vegigee: eit ae re re . oey f Mga yen ee ee ee 4 Cepene Caen art , 2 oe ~ Dedham, Mass. Dear Mrs. Turnbull: I came home and began collecting my stuff at once. I have the Japanese Costume all ready, also a gorgeous short red satin coat for evening, a long fifteen foot silk crepe with cocks, a pale blue satin fukusa or gift cloth, a scarlet satin one with snow-ball and a scarlet brocade with bamboo and snow. I have a gold brocade Priest Robe, a yellow one, and a large blue crepe with gold Dragons, two red cloth embroidered jackets for wear with armor, a long panel and several smaller pieces and the Chinese curtain with gold elephants on red satin. | ; I have collected the china, plates in blue, old dishes in quaint shapes and rare, ten rare deer plates in blue and white, etc. Also the silver and a wonderful jade necklace with pure gold elephant heads and chains, very odd and made especially for me. There is a Medicine Box of Lacquer, Silver Plum Blossom Compote, a silver teaset and carved bowl, a silver teakettle, a pearl and aquamarine necklace, a necklace of honey-colored.amber beads, amethyst and jade pendant, a charming old garnet necklace set in silver that I got many years ago in England, some Dutch and Sheffield silver, ete. Isn’t the Utamaro painting a beauty? I bought it in Tokyo at an exhibition and sale. I hope you will like my many triptychs and my Snow and Rain prints and my splendid falcons. Thanking you ever so much for your trouble and kindness. Sincerely yours, , Masei EF, AvStTIN. The Collection of Mrs. Walter Austin of Dedham, Mass. Jewelry, Porcelain, Silver, Costume Brocades, Needuer Blac and White Dishes, Bronze, etc: (A few items from other private sources included to complete the afternoon session) FIRST SESSION Lots, 1-210 OLD AMERICAN IRON HANGING- LAMP HOLDER. With» chains and ring. EARLY AMERICAN TIN SKILLET. SET OF TIN CANDLE MOULDS. For three candles, with handle. OLD BRASS SEASIDE CAKE MOULD. Fluted and having coiled fish on ‘top. Ring handle L. 8”. . OLD BRASS PULL AND PLATE. Dragon form. . OLD LONG BRASS FUNNEL. L. 15”, width of mouth 8”. Unusual example. OLD AMERICAN BRONZE STIRRUP AND BIT (2 pes.). OLD AMERICAN HEAVY IRON BLACKSMITH’S TOOL. The old wood handle a little damaged. - OLD AMERICAN IRON FISHERMAN’S TRIDENT. Three points each with a hook pointing up and to the centre. . OLD AMERICAN IRON FLATIRON HOLDER. The wooden handle damaged. OLD AMERICAN IRON TRIVET. OLD AMERICAN IRON PORRINGER. Lettered “T. Clark 14 pint” on the bottom. TWO SMALL OLD AMERICAN FLAT IRON HOLDERS. Wrought iron. (2 pes.). Re VERY LARGE OLD AMERICAN PEWTER LADLE. The handle turned to form a hook. : OLD PEWTER PLATE. Diameter 114" OLD BRASS NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT Maltese Cross shape with design and lettering in relief, Diam. 81”. OLD AMERICAN CHEMIST’S BOTTLE. Clear and heavy glass, small mouth at end and larger on the side. TWO BOTTLES OF FINE EMERALD GREEN GLASS. Shoulder panels and rim (2). OLD AMERICAN SUGAR BOWL. Queen Anne shape, no cover. ENGLISH DECORATED FIGURINE. Cupid tossing flowers. RUBY GLASS BOHEMIAN WINE GLASS: BLACK ONYX CAMEO VASE (2). BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE CUP AND SAUCER. Shell and floral pattern. OLD ADAMS BLUE AND WHITE SUGAR BOWL. Tall oe panelled shape with landscape. No cover. DRESDEN PORCELAIN SUGAR SIFTER. Garlands of flowers and gilt scrolls. H. 7”. a OPAL GLASS GOBLET. Carved with relief of vine spray. “WASHINGTON VASE” GRAVY BOWL COVER AND TRAY. Complete, with the landscape in soft maroon shade. Fine condi- tion. Staffordshire. H. 714”. “WASHINGTON ’ VASE” CUP AND SAUCER. nee design and color, good condition. THREE ALABASTER ‘OVAL SCALLOPED TRAYS. at Ge: Jackson’s Warranted “BATTERY AND NEW YORK PLATE.” china. Diam. 8”. OLD CUT GLASS SMALL VASE. OLD PINK LUSTRE CUP OR SMALL BOWL. ve children at play. LOWESTOFT CUP AND SAUCER. Dainty pie “tassel” rim and a single rose touched with gold. OLD AMERICAN CHILD’S PLATE. The Wolf in Grandmother's | Bed in blue, floral edge in relief. Diam. 5”. 6 SIGN. = eee ee q sen QUAINT OLD HORN SPOON (BOWL). With horn handle and 3 incised with a bird on a bough singing. “Un Recuerdo”. L. bowl 8”. 5b 39. OLD ENGLISH CARVED STICK. Heavy fruit carving set with paste, brass carved tip. Repaired. 06. PERSIAN DOUBLE EDGED DAGGER. Shaped hilt and sheath 50 hammered in Persian Roses. a 2s 3": OLD PERSIAN BRASS CUP. Incised figure medallions. — 388. VERY EARLY AMERICAN OLD OIL LAMP OR BRASS. rf) MY Hinged extinguisher, round base with thumb ring. H. 6”. OLD IRON CANDLESTICK. Round bottom and candle raiser ; and a polished wood reel holder (2). . OLD AMERICAN COPPER SMALL POT. With base.and handle (wood) ; very crude work but a delightful example. i BRASS. CRUCIFIX. Ona ete standard of candle holder shape. | ‘] H. 20”. / 42. OLD SILVER INCENSE BURNER. Maltese cross: on hinged $0 cover, has one arm broken. Hourglass shape. H. 7”. ‘ 43. OLD HEART SHAPED SILVER BONBONNIERE. Carved en 30 repousse, with pierced crown and long thin silver chain. Monogram ey? =. *Would make a pretty puff-holder. 44. SHEFFIELD COASTER. Grapes and vine en repousse. — Z 45. PAIR OF KIEN LUNG PLATES. Liver color glaze. Six-char- eae acter mark. Diam. 6”. ; | 46. SMALL BROWN POTTERY JUG. Rare iridescent glaze. Ameri- oes can workmanship. arly. 47. JAPANESE SILK CREPE FUKUSA. . Decoration of Basket of ) a Flowers in red and brown. Square shape, tassels. 48. ORIENTAL COVER. Embroidered and with spangles. Dark blue 25. native cloth. Insets of small mirror spangles. 49. INDIAN BEAD MACE. Beaded wrist-strap and beaded pendant ball finial. Given as a Trophy to the winner of a race among the Northwestern Indians. i 50. INDIAN BEAD KNIFE SHEATH. White. ground with decora- 1] tion in red ‘and black. 51. FLUTED TORTOISE SHELL TRAY. Lacquered 1 in gold and a. [, ag little color with the sun rising beyond Fuji. 7 f q _52. OLD TORTOISE SHELL BOX WITH PERFUME BOTTLE. a Old chest shape, dome hinged cover. Fitted square bottle and brass stopper. | 53. EARLY TIN LAMP FROM CAPE COD. Saucer basin, tall repainted. H. 11”. Very desirable as it has just been put in beautiful condition. standard, glass globe with pewter rim, wicks and shade. Has been | rie OPAL GLASS SHALLOW TRAY. Diam. 6”. rh FINE OLD LARGE COPPER TEAKETTLE, Flat ey A or and japanned with birds and bunches of flowers. L. 64%. 2 Oe | hinged handle. 57. OLD AMERICAN SJLHOUETTE. Portrait of a young » man in =— old small oval bronze frame. 58. BIRD DRAWING IN WATER COLORS: In old gold frame. 2 —_— Bird on a cherry bough. Sq..8vo. - Psd. COLOR PRINT: THE UNION VOLUNTEERS. Youth in uni- es 5” form with the flag trampling the Confederate flag. Sm. folio, ‘old. / 7 Vi , mahogany frame. N. Y. Currier & Ives, 1861. 4 60. SMALL HOOKED RUG FROM THE HUNTER COLLECTION. ey, Autumn Leaf pattern in high relief in soft autumn colors on a leat _ brown ground. Well lined and in fine condition. 31x 1972" ; 61. PINK LUSTRE BOWL. Old — design of House and Bird. de Diam. 6”. Time erack. 62. OLD RHODIAN BOWL. Formal quatrefoil and oan shape me- — / ne ae dallions in iyory, in panels of old blue. Repaired. Diam. 8”. 2a. PINK LUSTRE PITCHER, “The Mariner’s Compass,” and heart- 3 i shaped panel with seaman’s Song, “Glide on my Bark,” etc. —~ 4 ‘ \ i 2.4 f i] ~ r . . . . f 7 . - ’ . i ~~ j te . ‘ 4 » * » ‘ Mo cos “ . ’ . ‘ tes . = . ’ é 3 re ~~ vee rt ; * ‘ pm! % t » ¢ a ‘ Iliroshige, Paroquet and Peach Bough. COsTUME—Continued. OBI CLASP IN PINK SILK. Shibuichi and gold clasp. A nar- row silk band intended to hold the large bow of Geisha Bue sash in position. HEAD DRESS OF TINSEL, SILVER GLASS BEADS AND SILK TASSELS. 78. PAIR OF STRAW SANDALS. With purple brocade straps and / ZY) pair of toe-socks to wear with them. | 79, PAIR OF POINTED STRIPS OF CHINESE EMBROIDERY. 5) Green satin ground, beautifully embroidered either side in various Le" flower sprays. L. 1 yard, 15 inches; width (widest point), 314”. TRIANGULAR EMBROIDERY. Urashimo riding on the carp in heavy relief embroidery on a gold ground. 30 x 16”, widest points. ® 81. CHINESE TEMPLE PENNANT. Made of squares of various finely woven brocades in crest patterns in gold and colors, joined and bordered by strips of old brocade. Tassels at bottom, middle and top. 16 x 68”. 82. VERY FINE GOLD DRAGON EMBROIDERY ON PANEL OF PALE BLUE REP SILK. Wide brocade border in tones of < /- brown. Two Dragons, in gold and silk in high relief, chasing the Burning Gem. Width 37”, length 3 yards 18”. 83. FUKUSA OR GIFT SQUARE. Embroidered with a snow scene in L& 5 marvelous skill, five boys under a tree rolling a huge snow ball. Boek ols. 84. FUKUSA OR GIFT SQUARE OF CRIMSON BROCADE. Em- broidered in wonderful skill with Moso going to dig for bamboo y shoots in the snow. Orange color, red silk lining. 2514 x 29”. SQUARE OF CHINESE BLUE AND GOLD EMBROIDERY. Rich ground of Chinese-blue satin embroidered in fan-shaped panels yw in gold patterned in emblems of good luck, Chinese Lion and he. Peonies, long-tailed turtle, stork, pine, etc., white silk lining. . 2914 x 26”, FUKUSA OF BLUE AND GOLD. Square of heavy midnight blue “0 atin embroidered in gold with a large medallion formed of half fr vo Cherry-blossoms, finished in tendrils of gold; lilac silk lining. Rix al”. gv. PALE PINK SATIN SQUARE. Embroidered with a border of white and ivory chrysanthemums, the leaf sprays in tones of green. a. silk lining and corner silk tassels. “4 feet square. *Very fine Japanese embroidery. 11 et ts / 88. CRIMSON EMBROIDERED ALTAR CLOTH. Chinese embroid- ery in gold of an Elephant in trappings of blue and gold surrounded. — % by flower sprays and clouds in blue and colored silks. The over- Pa l9- 89. iil 90. drape of 12 inches in width embroidered in harmony. 37 x 41”. PANEL OF NATIVE CLOTH WITH WIDE BORDER OF CLOTH OF GOLD WEAVING IN A PEONY SPRAY PAT- : ; TERN. 27 x 46”, the border 414” wide, with corner insets. TRIANGULAR EMBROIDERY. Tiger by a waterfall snarling at 15 a Dragon in the clouds, all in high relief embroidery. 25 x 12”, Dike oe yor gv fe oer ui ee 94. 95. widest points. SQUARE OF CUT VELVET. Mount Fuji by Moonlight from the ships in the Bay. 22” square. hg PAIR OF CHINESE CRIMSON AND GOLD EMBROIDERED LONG PANELS. Crimson satin ground with waves, Kylin ani- mals and Elephants in gay trappings and a spray of the Sacred j-~ Peach in gold, with clouds, flowers, etc., in silk embroidery. Each I; 134 yards x 22 inches. FUKUSA OR GIFT SQUARE OF MIDNIGHT BLUE SATIN. _. Embroidered in Ebisu riding on the long-tailed turtle, in gold and colors. 26 x 2814”. ; LONG PANEL OF FINE CHINESE EMBROIDERY. Crimson satin ground embroidered in celebration of the Boys’ Festival, clouds above, Pagoda and large tree with boys. playing, and scat- tered over the field groups of boys, Mimosa, Plum and Cherry trees and rocks in the most remarkable embroidery. Orange silk lining — throughout. In two overlapping panels, each 29” by 2 yards 6”. *Very fine condition and quality. PANEL OF RICH GREEN SATIN OF THE FINEST QUALITY EMBROIDERED IN FLOWER SPRAYS. Wide border of black 5D silk embroidered in three tones of blue in melons, moths and leaves, _ rich orange silk lining. Width 24”, length 52”, top unfinished. In perfect condition and very fine quality. KESA OR PRIEST ROBE OF CLOTH OF GOLD LINED WITH FINE WHITE SILK. Very fine quality in an all-over eae b A OT, 15% Ae 98. gleaming Peony spray pattern, woven in gold. 2 yards x 1 yard 12”. KESA OR PRIEST ROBE OF ORANGE BROGADE. Woven in a bold design of Storks, Peonies and other flowers in gold and colors. White brocade lining. Width 1 yd. 12”, length 2 yds. 10”. HUGE CARP KITE FOR THE BOYS’ FESTIVAL, In grey and yellow native cloth. Length 31% yards, width (widest point) 1 yard. 1 4 Po, al ae 101. ie 102. ome v4 103. P / By gy ns 4 HE TWO SMALLER CARP KITES FOR THE BOYS FESTIVAL. Gayly colored, 214% and 11% yards. JAPANESE FESTIVAL PENNANT OF RAINBOW TINTS. Eight strips of very fine thin cloth as challie in very long stream- ers, sewed together on a hoop 11 inches in ameter, the long ends float loose in the wind. HOOKED SQUARE OF OLD CREWEL AND BEAD WORK. A Tanager with scarlet head in high relief with Hibiscus flowers ina large medallion on a bead background of lattice effect of maroon and ivory. 18” square. OLD WOVEN SPREAD IN COLORS. The State House, Penn- sylvania, in the centre on a floral medallion, followed by a border of half diamonds in many colors, each alternating with ivory; the corners of wonderful bird pattern and a wide border of flowers and birds is finished either end in fringe. *Skillfully woven so that the right and wrong side co-ordinate, and the whole characterised by a very fine use of black among the soft colors. In good condition. *Wxcessively rare in such. fine condition and color. BRASS, COPPER, ETC. SQUARE BRASS TRAY. With high handle knotted as withes 71" square; small brass charcoal burner, with miniature tongs. (2 pes.) RUSSIAN BRASS CANDLESTICK. Wide saucer base, carved slender stem, with jar shape candle holder and bobache. HH. AG” Made of bell- metal with fine ringing tone. FLARING CHINESE BRASS URN WITH ELEPHANT HEAD HANDLES. Carved with Chinese Poem. H. 10”. PAIR OF JAPANESE BRONZE CANDLE HOLDERS. Stork and mate holding aloft a small lotus, square carved bases with four shaped legs. H. 1114”. JAPANESE BRONZE COCK AND ‘DRUM. The Emblem of Peace. Good metal and carving. | Hi l3taes ee PORCELAIN, BLUE PLATES, ETC. SATSUMA OBLONG DEEP eae Tureen form, curved panels in figures in a landscape. L. 914”, H. 6”. PAIR OF WHITE AND GOLD SAKE CUPS. Bee shell oe in a Bird of Paradise design and another in gold scrolls. (3 pes.) . SATSUMA JAR VASE: Crest designs and a small A as brown quail. _ pcs. ) 13: ee f [//6 — |— | PORCELAIN, BLUE PLATES, ETC.—Continued. 111. SMALL SATSUMA COVERED JAR. Kettle shape and fan pat- : terns. Signed. ra 112. ROUND SATSUMA COVERED COVERED BOWL: "SIGNED. “ Fan panels and chrysanthemum knop. Diam. 5”. ae 113. JAR OF CELADON GREEN. Globular, wave at shoulder, em- bryo ring handles and narrow neck. 4H. 3”, 114. QUAINT TEAPOT AS EBISU RIDING A CARP. In blue and 7 [ brown. taf iY 115. BLUE AND WHITE BOWL OF WAVE DESIGN. The mount- \ ing waves at one side forming a handle. Inside a small turtle crawls on rocks in relief. Diam. 6”. ; ra / 116. BLUE AND WHITE VASE. Karako and water cart. H. 314”. 117. BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE PEONY PLAQUE. Peonies, ss rocks and butterflies in fine tones of blue, striped cuff base. Diam. | nie | 7 118. BLUE AND WHITE WATER COUPE. Wave design with three... small turtles at the brim. 119. BLUE AND WHITE WATER COUPE. As Hotei’s bag with ae 7 — relief of Hotei. o 120. SMALL ROUND BLUE AND WHITE HAWTHORN STAND. Tripod low legs as embryo lions. Diam. 3”. 121. BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE SHALLOW BOWL. Fishing 4 o Scene in the bottom.and four character panels dividing the brocade ge pattern borders. Diam. 9”. | 122. OCTAGONAL BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE CANTON bees f 125. 126. ux ; v as : a | ov) BOWL. Shallow bowl with straight rim. Diam. 9”. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE SQUARE PORCELAIN STAND. Key pattern and landscape in good blue. Three peach shaped windows in the base. H. 3”, top 3 x 3”. SIX BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE CANTON PLATES. In- dented bottoms, low cuff standard. Deer, Pines and Rocks. Q” 6 ‘ may fine and rare. FOUR BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE CANTON PLATES. The same design of Deer, Pine and Rocks as the aie Diam. edd (4). LARGE BLUE AND WHITE DRAGON THAPOT. Bird and wave design and large coiled dragon as spout and handle. 14 Diam. Heeios . t a it re te Oh a PORCELAIN, BLUE PLATES, ETC.—Continued. a 28. Al. i TR K. — jar, old han bronze shale. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE SHALLOW BOWLS. Dragon and flame design, six character mark on the bottom. Diam. 8”. SIX OBLONG CHINESE CANTON DISHES. Three sailboats and shore with pines. Indented corner, very low cuff base. 614 x 514 ” (6). FOUR OBLONG CHINESE CANTON DISHES. Same design of boats and pines. | (4.) CARP FLOWER VASE IN BLUE AND WHITE. Height, 614” QUAINT HEART SHAPED BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. The shaped side having another circular opening for flowers. Stork and wave pattern in blue. H. 334”,length, 8”. *Lovely bowl for primroses or similar flowers. SIX BLUE AND WHITE SHALLOW BOWLS. Blue wave all- over design with the Tokukawa Crest in white reserve; narrow cuff base. Diam. 9”. Would make a beautiful salad set. BLUE AND WHITE COVERED CANTON BOWL. Allover leaf and dragon design, cuff base and turtle knop. Diam. 6”. HOTEI TEAPOT IN BLUE AND BROWN. Happy Hotei with a dark. blue robe and rich brown bag, the cover is his fan. SIX OLD BLUE AND WHITE CANTON PLATES. Plain in- curving as a very shallow bowl. Diam. 8”. (6:) BLUE AND WHITE HOTEI TEAPOT. Laughing little Hotei staggering under his bag; the cover a Karako or Happy Boy. LARGE SATSUMA BRUSH HOLDER. Cylindrical form, chrys- anthemum decoration. H. 6”, diam. 54". hee IMARI PLATES. Brocade designs, wave edge, and shaped a shallow bowl. Diam. 91”. Ae TRAY WITH CURLED CORNERS. Design of Gourd Vine and moon in soft color on white paste. 8 x 8”. DRESDEN PLATTER OF OVAL FORM... Ending in pointed handles (one broken), 3 dinner plates and 2 soup plates of the same bird and flower design. (6 pcs.) OVAL GIEN TOILET TRAY. Purple lustre medallion and musi- cal emblems. L. 8”. OVAL. DRESDEN PLATTER FLORAL PATTERN. ata three plates of different floral designs, one repaired. (4.) WHITE AND GOLD CUP AND SAUCER. Square Chinese toilet (2 pes.) 15 PORCELAIN, BLUE PLATES, ETC.—Continued. 144. SIX DRESDEN PLATES. White paste, with a bunch and de- tached sprays of Garden Flowers. Diam. 8”. 145. PAIR OF DECANTERS. Beautiful oval panelled fori, slightly wi) spreading base, plain cylindrical stoppers, and slight design in gold /0 een of head of maize and a thistle. *Very handsome pair. 146. LIVERPOOL CUP AND SAUCER WITH PINK LUSTER RIM. tenets Pastoral design in-black transfer. Cup repaired. aed SILVER, JEWELRY, JADE, ETC. SD 147. SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble. } 148. RUSSIAN CIGARETTE CASE-OF ENAMEL. Lined with lacquer, and having a tea-drinking scene on the case. 49 L nn Purchased in Russia. /149. RUSSLAN SPOON OF SILVER GILT AND ENAMEL. ‘Twisted — 9 © handle, pointed tip of enamel, the flaring flat bowl ik enamel fi + mm =I LAY. vp fj ~ 150. PAIR OF DUTCH SILVER FILIGREE BUCKLES. Length, os. _161. OLD DUTCH SILVER SPOON. Round bowl, with landscape and 14 Oi cattle carved and in repousse; ornamental twisted silver handle | es if _-with flaring end of pierced work in two lions rampant holding a z shield which supports the figure of a Saint in flowing robes. — cy ; 152. LONG CHAIN OF DUTCH SILVER. The link chain pa ag . f 44 by ten filigree balls. Lt —153. OLD SHEFFIELD CAKE BOWL. Morning Glory sake base, applied scroll and leaf edge and high hinged handle pierced and carved in a leaf and acorn design. ‘ SHEFFIELD CHAMBER CANDLESTICK. With snuffer and scissors. Vase shape with panelled body, and half rope edge. Good lines and unusual size. OLD SHEFFIELD CAKE BOWL. Lily cup shape with applied edge in a relief of a jasmine spray, and high wrought hinged handle with monogram. SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble: 157. VERY FINE CHINESE BRONZE AND SILVER PLAQUE. A . formal silver cherry blossom of oval shape in a setting of a falcon, Lp smaller birds and pine, shaped to the oval, in pierced carving. The has oval silver plate at the back is pe with a ring in a cherry blos- | Be as i y — som head. L. 214”. *Would make a beautiful buckle fon the ribbon Sete now in vogue. 16 4 tse Oh Gs ts a SILVER, JEWELRY, ETC.—Continued- (158. ¥ ae t 172, f CHINESE CARVED AND PIERCED BUCKLE OF “PORK- FAT” JADE. Carved and pierced with the “Boy’s Festival,” the happy Karako and set in silver, marked ‘pure silver.” SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble. CHINESE BUTTERFLY OF JADE AND PEARL BEADS. Pink crystal and jade in the body. SILVER ORNAMENT CARVED WITH BIRDS AND WAVES. In a fine pattern, probably the top of a sword hilt. SMALL OVAL ENAMEL MEDALLION. Cupid and a young girl in pink. EMERALD JADE PENDANT AS A TINY GOLD FISH. With avring inits mouth L.144”. © GREEN GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE AS EMERALD JADE. Flat- tened oval, pink crystal stopper. _/ CAMEO CARVED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. Blue glass in a lotus finish and pink stopper. *Made in Japan after an old design. SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble. _ MANDARIN’S CAP ORNAMENT OF A CRYSTAL BALL. Set in bronze filigree, of fine workmanship. In such form as to make a very beautiful parasol top. SILVER ORNAMENT, OF THE LONG TAILED TURTLE ON A ROCK. Repousse and engraved, with applied relief of dashing waves. H. 3”. JAPANESE SILVER LONG TAILED TURTLE, Emblem of longevity. L. 414”. RARE LACQUER FIGURE NETSUKE. A man seated with a “bowl, fine carving in the expression. He wears a high square hat. «Lacquer netsukes of such fine character are very rare. TWO SMALL CRYSTAL BALLS. Uniform size (of a marble). “THREE CARVED SILVER OJIME OR SLIDES. One signed hy Ichijo. Used on the silk cords of the Inro or medicine cases that ‘are suspended from the belts of the men of Japan. . FLOWER BOWL AS A HUGE SILVER CHYSANTHEMUM. Ge The outer petals boldly carved, the standard as a spray with bud and leaves beautifully Fashioned. It has a silver wire flower holder Coals or can be used as a bon-bon holder. Diam. 5”, H. 41h, 17 SILVER, JEWELRY, Ay. f aa — pn 175. ETC.—Continued. OLD IRON BOX AND HINGED COVER. Inlaid with silver. _ relief of two Game Cocks and a Monkey and a tiny vine (gold), on four tiny ball feet. Silver lining. 3 1/3 x 24%4 x 1%. *Fine workmanship, and very suitable for an occasional box for many uses or a cigarette box. JAPANESE SILVER CARD CASE, TRIS BLOSSOM DESIGN. Fine relief work on a hand- hammered ‘ ‘orange peel” surface; silver | jf ~~. chain and finger ring. 176. 178. | FG Ly), /). STRING OF GREEN GLASS BEADS AS EMERALD JADE. q 4) 103 beads as Emerald Jade, with gold clasp. #Good rich color, very much like malachite in the markings. CARVED AMETHYST UNSET. Carved with seal (size of one’s . thumb). OLD TIME BLACK ONYX BAR PIN SET WITH THREE PEARLS. In delicate gold tracery; good gold pin and safety- chain and pin. ‘ UNSET STAR SAPPHIRE. Beautiful tone, size of a finger nail. SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble. | 19 SILVER, JEWELRY, ETC.—Continued. 19%. THE DUCK HUNTER: SMALL IVORY CARVING. “On ivory each base. H. 234”. 198. CARVED IVORY PARASOL HANDLE, BY YOSHITSUGA. y 5 Straight tapering form exquisitely carved with Iris blossoms and / L ~~~ ~leaves in relief. | 199. IVORY GROUP CARVING, BY TOMOMASA. Signed. Man. ce: leading a bullock with straw saddle cloth on which is seated a « woe tiny boy blowing the flute. Teakwood stand. Entire height 4”. A charming little carving full of sylvan spirit, done by the hand of a master. 200. SMALL CRYSTAL BALL. Size of a marble. 201. FLOWER SHAPE COMPOTE OF SILVER, Large plum blos- som, set on a standard formed of blossoming twigs of the plum, Z the leaves and blossoms life size and beautifully modeled in the / y=" silver. Diam. 6”, height 414”. | Ww A lovely piece and a beautiful design for a mahogany table for bon- bons, ete., Japanese mark, “real silver.” 202. MUG OF JAPANESE SILVER, BY KONOIKE. Signed. Hand- | / hammered “orange peel” surface, with a relief pattern of Iris i «Blossoms in the Pond. Rey Fine example of the best Japanese silversmith. 203. TWO SMALL CRYSTAL BALLS. Uniform size (of a marble). 204. TEA SET OF SILVER MADE TO ORDER. Rich Lotus design —p wer in high relief with teapot, sugar bowl and cream pitcher on ham- be ae mered “orange peel” ground with mark “pure silver.” (3 pes.) 205. TEA KETTLE OF REPOUSSE SILVER, BY BISANSHA. The | ~gy body in waves with Dragon pursuing a Kylin animal, and the D> “Spout as the head of the Howo Bird, swinging high handle and / es ee carved top. 4 een Made to order for special design by Mrs. Austin. 206. JAPANESE SILVER BOWL, BY MASAYOSHI. Signed. Flower shape, carved in intaglio with a landscape with Torii, Cher- /, / ——- ry Tree and Inn with boat on the outside. | *Made to special order with design for Mrs. Austin. 207. LACQUER BOAT FOR FLOWER ARRANGEMENT. Wave design in gold on smooth black lacquer, lined with red lacquer. Length, 16”. 208. OLD TIME LACQUER AND PEARL WORK BOX OF LARGE SIZE. Chest shape with sloping cover inlaid with flowers in iri- t) descent pearl; the cover (cracked) having a gorgeous pheasant 4 v “- inlaid in iridescent pearl, a small bird, cherry bough and sugges- 5 tee tion of fence. The inner tray divided into numerous compart- V ments of convenient sizes. Four button feet 15 x 11 x 5144”, 20 | SILVER, JEWELRY, ETC.— Continued. 209. KIMONO RACK OF LACQUER. Smooth black lacquer with but- terflies here and there exquisitely developed in silver and gold lacquer. *These Kimono racks have been put to charming use as racks for evening coats, and wraps. ART the GOLD LACQUER SHRINE AND BUDDHA. Holding the Sacred Jar, terraced lotus gold lacquer stand and long ov al De. mbus, canopy upheld by slender columns. Cabinet doors and ms ack lacquer finish outside. Entire height 15”. SECOND SESSION Nos. 211 - 415 JAPANESE COLOR PRINTS - The special Collection of Rain and Snow Prints -Triptychs and Kakemono Prints JAPANESE COLOR PRINTS. el oe AUSTIN (WALTER). Tale of a Dedham Tavern; History of the Norfolk Hotel, Dedham, Mass. Illustrations from rare old views, etc. 8vo, board, uncut. Cambridge, 1912. *Privately printed. Scarce. With the bookplate of Mr. and Mrs. Austin. The “Tavern” one of the most beautiful historic spots in Dedham is their home. S. NUMABE. Modern Japanese Artist. 212. CRYPTOMERIA FOREST. Water color. 13x 18. Signed. K. NUMABE. Modern Japanese Artist. fee orhibol ON THE VERANDA OF THE TEMPLE. Water color. Signed. 13 x 18. 214. TORII AND TEMPLE IN THE WOODS. Water color. yas Ue eae ; | CHINESE PAINTING. 215. A PRIEST RIDING ON A BLACK BULLOCK. The path is along a steep cliff. Signed. Kakemono mount. 216. PAINTING ON SILK. Pair of Mandarin Ducks swimming down stream under a cliff from which hang Plum blossoms. Signed. Kakemono mount. 21 CHINESE PAINTING—Continued. 217. 220. R29. ar, R20. PAINTING ON SILK. A child ean playing the flute, above a crimson spray of pendant autumn vine is shadowed on the moon. Signed. Kakemono mount. A PRINCESS RIDING ON A DRAGON. She appears from the misty background standing on the dragon’s hack carrying a flat sword in a pink sheath. ‘Kakemono mount, on old brocade, un- signed. KAKEMONO PAINTING. A SNARLING TIGER. Signed. Superb treatment, a huge tiger only partly seen in a furious rage. HIROSHIGE, 1796-1858. KUWANA FERRY. Good print but toned; early crepe print of a girl lighting an Ando, a few other crepe prints, etc. (7). TWO PRINTS FROM THE OBLONG HALF BLOCK SERIES. A-snow print and a fine blue water print. Merge with three smaller prints (5). THREE PRINTS FROM THE ROKUTAMAGAWA, Women washing clothes; pounding clothes by moonlight and horseman crossing a river (Di EARLY SNOW LANDSCAPE KNOWN AS “DEATH’S HEAD.” The snowy hills take the faint form of skulls, the bare cherry boughs as skeletons, all in very pure coloring of white and blue of the river. BIRD AND FLOWER PANELS BY HIROSHIGE. * PAROQUET AND PEACH BOUGH. A brilliant bird with soft green throat, blue wing and rose-toned breast. Beautiful color and condition. Signed and with the Ichiryusai seal. Illustrated. RED THROAT AND PEACH. Large panel in beautiful color and fine condition. GOTENYAMA IN SPRING. Mother and child gathering mush- rooms on a hillside overlooking the water. Large cherry tree in the foreground. *Fine color and condition. ’, PANEL PRINT. Youth admiring the waterfall from the monkey bridge. Good condition and impression. RED HIBISCUS FROM WHICH FLIES A LONG-TAILED BROWN BIRD. Good condition and impression, rare. MANDARIN DUCKS AND SNOWY BAMBOO. Snow falling and suggestion of stream. Good impression and condition. D> i ie ee ee ha 7 ae Ce ate t em eg F ; . e a BIRD AND FLOWER PANELS—Continued. 230. 231. 232. 233. . w34. 2305. 236. 237. 238, 239, 240. 241. 242. 248. 6244, PANEL PRINT. Worshipers visiting the seeines Cherry trees in bloom along the path. KEISAI YEISEN KAKEMONO PRINT: THE GIANT CARP. Large carp swim- ming up the waterfall. *Splendid condition and rare. ‘ THE GREY TORIT: PANEL BY YEISEN. Lady and child at the foot of the steep steps near a grey Torii at the foot of the hill where cherries bloom. FALCON AT SUNRISE KAKEMONO PRINT. A magnificent ' bird stretching on a pine. seen against a huge red sun. By Yeisen. Splendid color and condition. FALCON ON A PINE: SUNSET KAKEMONO PRINT. Splen- did and bold composition with the bird seen against the red sunset clouds and fading red sun. By Yeizan. , THE FALCON HUNTERS: UNSIGNED PILLAR PRINT. Youth and a girl each with a falcon. THE SEVEN GODS OF LUCK: PILLAR PRINT. Unsigned. KAKEMONO PRINT. Dragon Boat with the Seven Gods of Luck. HIROSHIGE, 1796-1858. THREE FAMOUS RAIN PRINTS. RAIN AT SHONO: LIGHTLY PRINTED. A light grey and ereen impression of this famous print, with margins. NIPPON BRIDGE IN RAIN. Sharp heavy downpour oe Fuji grey rising beyond a yellow horizon. Margins. THE TORII IN RAIN. Woman with umbrella and man im a yel- low hat in the foreground running in the rain, a man in a straw eoat running along the embankment. Small margins. THIRTEEN FAMOUS SNOW PRINTS BY HIROSHIGE. KAMEIDO TEMPLE SNOW. Good condition and soft color of this famous snow print from the Tokaido. Full margins. KAMEIDO TEMPLE SNOW. A different series and view; very fine color and condition with margins. SNOW PRINT FROM THE TEA HOUSE SERIES. Geishas arriving from the boat; time stained. LONG BRIDGE NIPPON IN SNOW. Full margins, and re- taining the yellow, tones of the boat in the foreground. : 23 i THIRTEEN FAMOUS SNOW PRINTS—Continued. 2405. 246. RAT, 248, 249. 250. LONG VIEW OF NIPPON BRIDGE IN SNOW, Small margins. - NIPPON BRIDGE: SNOWY DAY. Good margins and condition. NIPPON BRIDGE: SNOWY DAY. The same print but with different sky tone and the horse on the bridge is pink. EVENING SNOW KAMBARA. Soft and beautiful printing of this rare snow landscape; the sky dark on the horizon and lighter grey above. Margins. | SNOW PRINT FROM THE FIGURE SERIES. Three ladies under the Torii and other worshipers in the temple grounds; all with umbrellas. Rare print in good color, margins trimmed. HILLSIDE SNOW AT KAMEYAMA. A fine impression having small margins of a noted snow print, conveying as do few of Hiro- shige’s prints, the cold bleakness of the hillside torn by the wind. MAISAKA IN SNOW. Fine impression with full margins which are necessary for the seals in this print. ae RARE SNOW PRINT BY HIROSHIGE. Yoshitsune. Yoritomo. and their Mother fleeing in the snow. , A beautiful impression with margins, and in very fine color printing. OCHANIMIZU SNOW PRINT: VERY FINE IMPRESSION. Geishas on the hillside path to left near the tea-water trough. Full margins and beautiful color. TWENTY NOTED PRINTS FROM THE | OBLONG HIROSHIGE SERIES. NAGAKUBO: THE MOONLIGHT PRINT FROM THE KISO- KAIDO. The shadowy bridge and tired horse and travelers, man leading a horse and two boys playing with dogs in the foreground. Margins, good condition and color. *Very rare with margins. ARASHIYAMA CHERRIES FROM THE KYOTO MEISHO. A swift current by a bank perfumed with cherry blossoms. Mar- gins. aw PRINT FROM THE TEA HOUSE SERIES. Two Geishas enter- ing a boat followed by a maid with a tray. Good impression but no margins. . . PRINT FROM THE TEA HOUSE SERIES. Three Geishas with New Year’s tokens approaching the teahouse. | : TEA HOUSE SERIES. Showing the house with the four trees at the gate, women and children passing. © | 24 % nog = ™~ ¢ TWENTY NOTED PRINTS—Continued. Ro”. 260. 261. Ri. TOKAIDO PRINT. Fuji seen to the left from the path bordered - with trees down which rides a:horseman. YOSHIWARA MOONLIGHT. A noted print with the shadows of the cherry blossoms on the moon over the house at the gate. FUJI SEEN FROM THE PINE TREE HILL. Spring season, + Fuji seen between the two bark brown boles of the old trees. TOTSUKA: BRANCH OF MAIN STREET. The traveler mount- ing his horse held by a servant. FUJI FROM THE BRIDGE: CHERRY SEASON. Many pink trees in the foreground and the water a good blue. With margins which are necessary for the seals. SHINAGAWA AT SUNRISE. A striped sailed junk in the harbor and other junks and sailboats seen against the cloudy sky. Margins. . THE SAILBOAT. River view with sailboat in the foreground. TEMPLE AND TORIT AT TSUKUDA JIMA. The Torii directly in the foreground. Margins. WISTARIA VIEWING AT KAMEIDO. With the picturesque blue umbrellas on the drum bridge. NIPPON BRIDGE AND HARBOR. Crowded with ships, sail- boats and junks. Yellow light on the horizon. Full gmargins. Scarce. THE MOON PRINT FROM THE SETTSU GEKKO. A grey and blue print. Margins. . GOYU, WITH THEE SAILING SHIPS. Bullock carts on the wharf in the foreground. Margin line. KAMEIDO IN SUMMER. Good impression and condition. Margin. . THE TREASURE BOAT WITH SEVEN GODS. Silken sail and smiling Happy Gods afloat in the pink and black boat with Dragon head prow. Good impression and condition, small margin. GEISHAS WADING THE STREAM. Ogiya, from the Tea House series. And another similar. No margins. (2.) HIROSHIGE’S HALF BLOCK TOKAIDO SET. 54 prints on 27 sheets, containing some well known prints: “Two Ladies in the Snow,” “The Ferry Boat,” “Hara,” fine Fuji views, etc. 25 280. rol. 283. 284. TWELVE OF THE HIROSHIGE TRIPTYCHS _ INCLUDING SIX SNOW SCENES. . FAMOUS SNOW TRIPTYCH WITH THREE FIGURES. Lady in blue to right with closed umbrella stepping from a boat to join two persons under a yellow umbrella in the centre sheet, to left an Inn in pink with boatmen, and a beautiful blue .river landscape under a grey sky in the background. Fine condition and color. A SNOWY GARDEN WITH TWO FIGURES: TRIPTYCH. Lady in blue with a brush on the left, a garden in snow with river and hill beyond with three birds in flight i in the centre sheet pe a man with umbrella under the snowy bamboo to right. *A celebrated triptych. Illustrated by Hiroshige and Kunisada. SNOW TRIPTYCH WITH THREE LADIES. Sumida bank with the river a beautiful blue and three ladies each under an umbrella of yellow, soft pink and black and yellow. Fine color and condi- tion. Rare in such shape. MOONLIGHT, ONE OF A SET OF SETTSU GEKKA. A woman in blue seated, her hands clasped at her knees; a woman on the verandah, her shadow falling on the round window behind her; a woman coming from the garden, also casting a shadow. Good impression and condition. | FOUR COMPANIES OF WOMEN PILGRIMS TO THE BENTEN SHRINE, YENOSHIMA. Converging towards the — sandy isthmus, each with different dress and umbrellas. Goodim- pression and condition. : BENTEN FESTIVAL AT YENOSHTMA. Groups of women pil- grims on the rocky paths skirting the chiffs, ‘boys diving. Good impression and condition. THE YOUNG LORD GENJI ON THE SHORE; ee ae Seated in the middle sheet watching the waves. SUMIDA RIVER TRIPTYCH IN CHERRY SEASON. Picnic to left, a girl coming up the bank in the centre to join two others on tie: right sheet. *Very fine condition and impression. SUMIDA RIVER IN CHERRY SEASON: TRIPTYCH. Picnic to left; in the centre a girl comes up to join her companions on the ‘right. Fine condition and impression. | HIROSHIGE AND KUNISADA, TRIPTYCH. FIREFLY GATHERERS AT NIGHT. A windy night by the river, the willows black in the twilight, under which stands a man in blue, his companion striking at the fireflies with her fan; the third sheet shows a group. 26 : , UsplVey MOUR oILy,, ‘BPBSTUNY, 2 oIsSIYSOIF, “9LG “ON es)’ ee =, ee Oe ee ee ee ee HIROSHIGE AND KUNISADA, TRIPTYCH—Continued. (R85. 292. SNOW TRIPTYCH BY HIROSHIGE AND KUNISADA. A snowy garden by a river with round mountain beyond is the centre sheet (by Hiroshige); to left and right figures (by Toyokuni Kunisada), in a fine snow landscape by Hiroshige. Signed by both. SNOW TRIPTYCH: HALF BLOCK SIZE CREPE PAPER. Garden in centre sheet, lady with rabbit to left. THE SNOW RABBIT: TRIPTYCH BY HIROSHIGE AND KUNISADA. The middle sheet is the lovely snow garden by _. Hiroshige, and to right three girls finishing a huge snow-rabbit, while a man and lady near the house look on. Fine impression and condition. — HARUNOBU, 1725-1770. YOUNG GIRL WITH A LETTER. Standing on the verandah -where a lantern hangs from the boughs of a pine tree. Good line — but ae color going. : AOIGAOKA HOKKET, 1800-1840. PRINT FROM THE SHOKOKU MEISHO. Hillside in snow, with Berserian led by a coolie following a kago. VERY RARE. Illustrated. (Frontispiece. ) HOKUSAI, 1760-1849. Five of the “36 Views of Fuji.” THE LONE FISHERMAN. Series “36 Views of Fuji” in the province of Kai. Good color and condition. PRINT FROM THE “36 VIEWS”. High wooden bridge on two trestles, a boat in the foreground, Fuji seen through the Piers of Mannen Bridge, boat in the foreground and man fishing to right. FUJI FROM TAGO NEAR YEJIRI. Fuji, a fine deep blue, flecked with white rising behind green hills, a village on the farther shore, and two boats in the foreground. Good impression and condition. KOISHIKAWA YUKI NO ASA. Fuji seen from the verandah at Koishikawa on a snowy morning. Fair impression and condition. THE GREAT JUNK AT USHIBORI. Good condition and color of this rare print from the “36 views”. TWO SMALL HOKUSATL PRINTS. Lady chopping Mulberry leaves, and two ladies with a child and a bucket on the verandah (2). YOUTH AND GIRL WITH AN UMBRELLA. She turns to look at a companion hidden by another umbrella. Chuban or square form. C 27 297. 298. 301. 302. 304. 306. 308. _ HOKUSAT, 1760-1849—Continued. CHUBAN OR SQUARE PRINT. Man ‘seated smiling. Mounted on old bronze gilt and framed. oe THE SUNSET. Travellers on the shore approaching cliffs of soft pink snow-covered, and the tall trees on the summit weighted with snow. On the horizon the sun appears of enormous size. Very fine color and condition. } FREEING THE BIRDS. Oblong print of good color. Unsigned. KOBAYASHI KIYOCHIKA, about 1880: | ; TRIPTYCH: MATSUCHIYAMA YUKI NO KURE. Evening snow at Matsuchiyama, with the ferry boat on the Sumida River. From the “Tokyo Meisho Shinkei no Uchi” series. Signed, pub-- lished by Inouye Meiji 29th (1896). -*A very soft and beautiful snow triptych. KIYOMINE, 1786-1868. LADY PLAYING WITH A KITTEN. Unusually fine example, in the Utamaro manner; the printing of her thin green fan, black gauze robe and the kitten partly underneath is very fine. Good condition and color. eisai THE BLACK OBI. Very fine example and condition. A tall beauty in a trailing purple robe of fine color ties her velvety black obi, holding a letter in her mouth. | *Full size and beautiful quality. THE SAMISEN PLAYER. A tall beauty standing reading a letter, her samisen and its box at her side. Slightly mellowed. — ISODA KORIUSAI, 1760-1780. HASHIRAYE OR PILLAR PRINT: THE FALCONER. Youth in a landscape dominated by Fuji, carrying a wand and with a Faicon stretching on his wrist. Mellowed, but fine lines, and no holes. MOTHER AND. CHILD WITH A MAID, Late impression, mounted on an old lavender brocade and framed. KUNICHIKA, 1830-1865. | 3 BOATING IN WINTER TRIPTYCH. Snow print with two ladies. on the bridge preparing to enter the boat to left where a man and another Geisha await them. Good condition and color. KUNIMARU,*1786-1817. KAKEMONO PRINT: GEISHA IN A CORAL ROBE. Her _ pink obi patterned in a large black carp. | ELEVEN SMALL PRINTS BY KUNIMARU. Fireworks, snow and moonlight with ladies. (11.) . ~ 28 UTAGAWA KUNISADA, 1786- 1864. BLUE SNOW AND FIGURE TRIPTYCH BY KUNISADA. Sumida River bank in snow with three Geisha girls, each with an umbrella. Charming print in tones of blue on the snow. SUNSET AND SNOW TRIPTYCH: CHUSHINGURA. A splendid composition, the masts of the vessels beyond the snow bound cliffs seen against the striated red clouds of sunset. The figures of the Ronins subordinated to the landscape. Wormhole ‘and left sheet trimmed, otherwise fine condition and color, . GEISHAS IN THE SNOW. River bank, Geisha under a blue um- brella landing from a boat followed by a maid with a tray, a com- . panion emerging from the house with an umbrella to meet her. *Beautiful color and condition. One of Kunisada’s best compositions. » SNOW LANDSCAPE. Travellers on the embankment near the steps. Margins. LANDSCAPE. Three women lunching at noon under a tree by a river; peasants ene and a boy leading a horse ‘on the path beyond. . LADY WITH A KETTLE OF SAKE. Carrying it on a black tray. ILLUSTRATIONS OF A STORY. 24 plates, Seon a a snow scene, a moonlight scene, ete. Peon) YO: BOATING IN SUMMER. The red boat strung ; with large lanterns. .. SNOW TRIPTYCH WITH THREE FIGURES, River bank with * fine blue in the water. Man to right in brown check under an umbrella, a lady on the middle sheet hurrying to the protection of — an umbrella held by a man in blue to left. LADY IN BLACK PLAYING WITH A KITTEN. One of - Kunisada’s finest examples. Kakemono print. Such use of black is only equalled by his master Toyokuni. . GIRL WITH UMBRELLA: KAKEMONO PRINT. Her dress of Gourd design in checks. LADY AND CHILD WITH A BLUE UMBRELLA. Kakemono print. 32 " ‘WINTER BOATING TRIPTYCH: Snow covered Nuilesepe Ww ith a boat to left in which are three persons, two other groups of three epproaching. Very fine impression and condition. 322, THREE GIRLS WITH COCKS AND DOVES. Triptyeh of nice eolor and good condition. 29 UTAGAWA KUNISADA, 1786-1864—Continued. 323. 326. 327, 328. 329. 330, B31, JOR, 333. d04, 330. 396, THE OLD CHERRY TREE: TRIPTYCH. Geisha girl standing against the huge trunk of the old tree by the river, a girl either side coming to join her. THREE GEISHAS IN GALA ATTIRE. One with superb carp robe, the other with a robe of tiger pattern. | THE BLUE TORII: . TRIPTYCH. A lady of the nobility in her Kago emerging from under the blue Torii; in front the gay group of her attendants in blue and pink with the leaders in pink and black swing past Fuji, in tender green tones. | THREE LADIES IN CHERRY SEASON: TRIPTYCH. One with a boy who runs to get the little figure of Daruma held by the Z lady to left. CROSSING THE RIVER: TRIPTYCH. An animated river scene with ladies carried over on the shoulders of bearers. i FIVE SHEETS BY KUNISADA: PROCESSION. Green hill- side and Cherry blossoms with the cortege of a lady of rank. TOYOKUNI KUNISADA. THE CHERRY TREE BY THE STONE LANTERN. Pleasing landscape with a youth admiring the tree. VERANDAH WITH A LADY. Who waves to a man in the gar- den, and two other prints, sheets from triytpchs. (3.) AUTUMN MOONLIGHT: TRIPTYCH. Garden scene and veran- dah with groups there and down by the river. LADY OF THE NOBILITY WALKING WITH ATTENDANTS: TRIPTYCH. Very gay scene under the long pink sprayseof the - pendant cherries. THE IRIS GARDEN: TRIPTYCH. Samurai attended by four ladies on the bridge in the Iris Garden. LADY WITH A DOG ON A LEASH. Verandah scene with cherry tree. Loe KUNITORA. FESTIVAL UNDER RYOGOKU BRIDGE: TRIPTYCH. Many boating parties crowd the river. An arch strung with lanterns in ~ the centre. Good color and condition. HASHIRAYE OR PILLAR PRINT. Girl and her lover, who holds a pink bowl. - | | KUNIYASU, 1799-1830. A GREEN AND PINK TRIPTYCH. The procession of many girls accompanying a lady of the nobility, background of green hills, many pink cherry trees and a Temple. | ahah 30 > “oh BP 346, A. 988. i 339. one : 3.) ne Re +843 - . u BY Bag. ey 845. 348. fie - UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI, 1797-1861. RING AROUND THE MOON. From the “Hundred Poems” ; Kago bearers see a flight of birds across the nimbus of the moon among the clouds. Pure blue tones, fine condition, margin line. ONIWAKA AND THE GIANT CARP. Benkei’s name (when a boy) struggling in a waterfall with the Giant Carp. Very beauti- ful color, two small margins. . PROCESSION AT SUNRISE. Shore road with long procession with effect of pink and green, the distant sailboats seen against the long rays of the rising sun. Triptych. THE SNOW TIGER. Four girls barefooted in the snow who have fashioned a huge tiger. Good condition and color. *Two sheets of a triptych but a complete composition. TRIPTYCH BY KUNIYOSHI. Three girls under a willow, two with baskets of mulberry leaves, the third with a pink pole. Good condition. KRITH FLYING: TRIPTYCH OF THE BOYS’ FESTIVAL. ~ Full of motion but toned. A PROCESSION OF STRANGE SEA CREATURES: TRIPTYCH. A great bell borne through mounting green waves escorted by, Octopus, Carp, Lobsters, and every kind of fish, led by a ghost and a man seated on a turtle. Good condition and color. SADAHIDE, 1820-1864. MOONLIGHT AND SNOW TRIPTYCH. The Ronins forcing an entrance to Moronao’s domain. Splendid example in fine color. ‘THE STONE LANTERN: -TRIPTYCH, Lady lighting a huge grey stone lantern, watched by her companion while to the left in a round window is seen a-girl with a samisen, the shadow of another on the blind. SADANOBU, Flo 1840. SNOW TRIPTYCH: THREE GIRLS WITH UMBRELLAS. River bank with boats and snow falling. In the foreground are _ three ladies with raised umbrellas. SADATORA, FI. 1825. GIRLS PLAYING ON THE BEACH: TRIPTYCH. Dark stormy blue in the water. And another triptych showing the Vision of Benten (mellowed and corner patched). (2 triptychs.) YANAGAWA SHIGENOBU, 1782-1832. _-A GIRL LEANING FAR OUT OF A ROUND WINDOW. Against which grows a scraggly old Plum Tree in bloom. Chuban- form. i ee 31 SHIKO., . 350: TWO GIRLS SEEN AT HALF LENGTH. One with a blue fan and one with insect cage. Good line but color faded. Chuban form. TAMAGAWA SHUCHO. Flourished about 1790-1800; very little known of him. 351. FLOWER ARRANGEMENT. The bust portrait of a beauty with a spray of chrysanthemums arranging them in a hanging vase. Very fine impression, a few wormholes at the sides. Full size and beautiful color. ! : KATSUKAWA SHUNSEN. Worked about 1790. 352. THE BLACK KAGO. Cherry blossom time, and a lady seated in a kago conversing with a man in green standing near. Hillside pink with blossoms and a misty distance. 353. SNOW LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Man and woman ap- proaching through the snow, a house where the family is seen through the round window. Unsigned. 354, WOMEN ON THE SHORE NEAR A SHRINE. One viding on a 2. black bullock led by a boy. Very long print. | 355. KAKEMONO PRINT. Geisha girl with voluminous robes of lavender over cherry color blue flowered green in cherry blossoms. 356. GIRL WITH A BLACK UMBRELLA: KAKEMONO PRINT. Snow storm, and a girl in purple, her towel thrown over her head, walking in the storm. 357. KAKEMONO PRINT BY SHUNSEN. Girl with cee her flowing robes flowered in chrysanthemums. 358. THE DRAGON OBI: KAKEMONO PRINT. Geisha girl with a pink brocade tied with an obi of fine blue in’a large dragon and wave pattern. 359. GEISHA TYING HER OBI: KAKEMONO PRINTS + Dying her green robe with an obi of black wave pattern and violet clouds. FIVE SURIMONO. The beautifully designed and printed New Year’s cards of the Japanese. 360. LADY WITH A BRANCH OF WISTARIA. Unusual use of black, the design in gold bronze. oot A TRAVELLER ADMIRING A WAT Printing in bronze and color. LADY RAISING, THE BAMBOO BLIND. Very fine Be and silver printing. 32 FIVE SURIMONO—Continued. : ee 963. A LETTER WRITER AND A LADY. He-is showing the letter he has written, some silver printing and color. 364. SURIMONO BY HOKKEI. Street Mummer in black meeting a 365, 366. 367. 368. 369. Pa Tus orl 372. O73. 374. _ lady who directs her maid to give a contribution. TOYOKUNI. GIRL IN BLACK IN THE SNOW: KAKEMONO PRINT. Her head wound with white and carrying a yellow and lilac umbrellas. Beautiful color. | | THE CHERRY TREE POEM: TRIPTYCH. Three ladies under a profusely blooming pendant Cherry Tree, two watching their companion, who wears a soft black robe tied with cherry color, and attaches a Poem in honor of Spring to the blossoming boughs. TRIPTYCH: THREE GIRLS WITH BURDENS. One in blue stopping to adjust the strings of her large hat, the other two have laid down their boxes to wait. Good condition and color. THE HOBBY HORSE: TRIPTYCH. A youth of the nobility with his play horse attended by three girls, under a large plum tree in blossom against a sunset sky. | | PEONY FESTIVAL: TRIPTYCH. Very rich dark colors, with four figures and a mass of rich blossoms. ‘THREE GIRLS ON THE SHORE. Good color and ¢ondition; sheet from a triptych and a lady seated (2 prints). LADY WITH FAN: SUMMER NIGHT. And two other prints of night scenes with women (3). TSUKIMARO, 1789-1829. YOUTH AND HIS MISTRESS WITH FALCONS. Seen at half length, good color but the background toned. PAINTING BY UTAMARO, 1754-1806. GIRL AND KITTEN. A round window through which is seen a girl at half length holding a kitten. Painted on paper, signed, and mounted on old brocade. eee *Bought many years ago by Mrs. Austin at an Exhibition and sale in Tokyo. : WAMARO THE GOLD FISH BOWL: SILVER PRINTING. Two young girls, one holding a gold fish bowl, printed in silvery mica, her fan also printed in the same. eerie oe - *Very fine condition and impression, with printing of great purity, but thinned on right margin. . ' 33 WA 375. 382. MARO—Continued. THE WRITING LESSON. Lady seen at half length, with a child. Retaining the color but the background toned. “PILLAR PRINT OF TWO LOVERS. Seen at half length, purple cloths are tied over their heads. ‘Toned. YEISEN, 1789-1848. LADY IN BLUE LIGHTING THE ANDO.. Sheleans over, hold- ing her robes with the left hand. RYOGOKU BRIDGE TWILIGHT. Fine ne of a Yeisen landscape. Margins. THE FERRY ON A SNOWY MORNING. The bontmit pushing away from the shore. Good color and condition with margin. RAIN PRINT. Pouring rain outside the Temple with worshippers in umbrellas under the trees. Worm holes, but full margins. THE BLACK GAUZE HAORI: KAKEMONO PRINT. Maid in blue holding up a black gauze haori or man’s coat; the superim- posed gauze over her blue robe in very fine printing. KAKEMONO PRINT: MOONLIGHT NIGHT. Young girl with a pink fan on a windy moonlight night. *Beautiful example for color and composition, GIRL IN A GREEN FLOWERED CHERRY ROBE. With an. open umbrella. Lovely print. KAKEMONO PRINT: GEISHA RAISING AN UMBRELLA. Snow storm print. THE BLUE CARP ROBE: KAKEMONO PRINT. A lady of Many Hairpins in a pibe of beautiful blue in a pattern of Carp and waterfall. ae HASHIRAYE OR PILLAR PRINT. A girl in black in a snow storm. ‘Toned. PILLAR PRINT OF A GIRL IN THE oe Cees an umbrella. KAKEMONO PRINT. Girl lighting the Ando, holding a es in her muuth. KAKEMONO PRINT. Geisha with folded arms, holding a s leer in her left hand. LADY AT THE WELL. Her robes of Chinese bie over black and | cherry color, standing by a black well with yellow buckets. DIPTYCH: LADIES AND FARMER GIRLS. Three ladies meeting two farmer girls who offer their wares, 34. a Pig ; wig a9 “as E 41 (eae? See B92. | 393. 394. 895. F306. 397. 398. 402. 403. eae : 5 404 ‘ = . 3 < __-‘-YBISEN, 1789-1848—Continued. - MOONLIGHT IN AN AUTUMN GARDEN: TRIPTYCH. .Three girls seen against bunches of autumn grasses and flowers on a yellow foreground ; a great moon rising, behind the central group. LADY OF THE NOBILITY WITH HER RETINUE: Crossing Ryogoku Bridge. Very gay and pretty pink effect. A MUSICAL PARTY: TRIPTYCH. Three young women in robes of lovely tone playing the koto, samisen and: biwa. ’ ' KIKUGAWA YEIZAN, 1800-1829. THE PORTRAIT OF DAIKOKU.. The young women beside a child who is on the floor leaning on her elbows looking at a picture. ‘THE PLUM GARDEN: TRIPTYCH. Six ladies and a child admiring Plum Gardens; the central! sheet in beautiful contrasting black and white tones, beautiful use of black and yellow in. the other sheets, pale yellow ground and a sky of primrose tone. - Beautiful example, mounted on white silk brocade and framed. LADY WITH A KNEELING MAID. Who hands her a box con- taining a gift. Fine composition and color. Framed. ‘HASHIRAYE OR PILLAR PRINT. Maid discovering ‘ther mis- tress’ lover by reflecting his face in a mirror. Good condition but toned. | . GIRL WITH BLACK OBI. Pillar print. “Tied over a purple (faded) robe, she is. turning to left. . GIRL GOING TO THE BATH: KAKEMONO PRINT. Towel thrown over her head and carrying a black and yellow closed um- brella. Unusually fine example. oo . KAKEMONO: THE BLACK ROBE. Very fine ean a geisha in a rich black robe bordered with cherry blossoms on a stream, over Chinese blue, and tied with a butterfly obi of yellow is walking with raised parasol of purple and yellow. Very good condition and: impression. ~ WIND AND SNOW AND. A YELLOW UMBRELLA. A Geisha girl whose gauzy purple silks, with dull green uchikaka blowing in the wind and snow, holding a large yellow and purple umbrella. *Very fine condition and color. 3 THE BAMBOO GREEN ROBE. Young girl tying her brocade obi cover a beautiful robe of light bamboo green; near her is a com- panion in velvety black. *Very fine condition and impression, full size. GIRL AT FLOWER ARRANGEMENT. Ina green robe, carrying a green jar ar a Cherry Bough. 85 KIKUGAWA YEIZAN, 1800-1829—Continued. 405. 406. 411. 4.12. 413. 414, 415." YELLOW AND PURPLE. Two girls, one in vivid yale tied with black holding a closed umbrella, her companion just behind her in rich purple. | ; THE CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. Girl in a robe of smooth brownish green tied with black and brown brocade over grey and bordered with black, standing on a yellow foreground. Fine im- pression and condition. GEISHA TAKING OUT HER SAMISEN. From its bag and black box, her companion in green waiting for her. THE WRITING LESSON. Two ladies and a girl seated at a low red table. Good color and condition. KAKEMONO PRINT. Girl in black gauze lighting the Ando. ~ YOUNG GIRL IN A LAVENDER ROBE. Arranging her hair. Kakemono print. MOTHER AND SON: KAKEMONO RRINT. The Baby reach- ing for the mirror which she holds to reflect his image. *Fine example of a good Yeizan. THE CHECKED OBI: KAKEMONO PRINT. Geisha in an of of dragon pattern tied with a bold checked obi. GEISHA GIRL IN CEREMONIAL ATTIRE. Her sutbete obi of large chrysanthemum pattern. Fine color and condition. Kake- mono print. YOSHIKAZU, FI. 1850. TRIPTYCH: THREE GIRLS WITH UMBRELLAS IN SNOW. Temple grounds in the foreground, three young women in blue with — raised umbrellas, other people nearer the entrance. YOSHITORA, FI. 1855. BOATING PARTY IN SPRING: TRIPTYCH., Youth and three girls, two of the latter poling the boat under the drooping cherry boughs. : —E a ' “sf i ree¥ LLAP 75 Dita _ - ¢ i : . » \ * . * ¥ 2 r . « boss aad ’ 2 \ r e * F M ‘ = a : = . uj “% pe - ‘ ’ ‘ ] “ Season 1920-1921 Literary and Artistic Prospectus Japanese Color Prints: A Notable French Collection and one of the finest, if not the finest sale ever held in this country, with upwards of 50 each of Kiyonaga, Koriusai, Utamaro, ten fine Sharaku Prints, Harunobu, the rarest Kuniyoshi (whose genius was first recognized by the F rench), Hiroshige and Hokusai examples. Catalogued by Frederick W. Gookin, Esq. The ex- hibition and sale to be held by the Walpole Galleries in the large Supper Room at Delmonico’ s at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street, the week of January 17th to 22nd, selling te last three nights of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The well balanced collection of Mr. George T. Rockwell of Cedar Grove, New Jersey, one of the most important sales of recent years of Lacquers, including Shrines, Boxes and Inros; Carvings (the netsukes are a feature of this division) ; Japanese Color Prints in first and fine states; well chosen small bronzes ; Sword Guards; Chinese Snuff Bottles, fine Chinese and Japanese : Pottery and Porcelain, etc. i A fine Private Library from New England. The Original Drawings made by Bayard Taylor. on is travels, in Europe and Africa. ae A fine Collection of original European Drawings dating from % the Sixteenth Century. The final portion of the private tie of the late Gen. H, ve Closson, Wash. ugtion, D. C. | oe A Chitestion of Autographs, mainly the property of a Gs York enthusiast, including many important examples and manu- scripts. The Onentt: Art Collection of Mrs. Walter Austin of Ded- ham, Mass., containing jade, silks, costumes, Priest’s robes, deer plates in blue and white, dishes in quaint shapes, jade and ‘silver necklace, etc.