A CATALOGUE A VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ANCIENT AND PODERN PRINTS, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN OF HIGH RANK. Aart the Second, l ~N ~ CONSISTING oF THE WORKS of WENCESLAUS HOLLAR; A MOST VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE ASSEMBLAGE OF ETCHINGS BY REMBRANDT, AND HIS SCHOLARS, COMPRISING MANY PRINTS OF EXTREME RARITY, AND BEAUTY OF IMPRESSION ; SPECIMENS OF THE GERMAN SCHOOL,, Among which will be found the Works of ALBERT DURER, LUCAS VAN LEYDEN, THE LITTLE MASTERS; A CONTINUATION OF THE SERIES OF FOREIGN PORTRAITS, ENGRAVINGS arrer FRENCH PAINTERS, - WORKS OF WILLE, &c. Which, together with the PORTFOLIOS which contained this Collection, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY- Mr. PHILLIPS | At his Great Rooms, 73, Bond Street, On MONDAY, the 9th Day of JUNE, 1834, And Nine following Days (Sunday excepted) at Twelve for One o’Clock precisely, May be Publicly Viewed on the Thursday, Friday & Saturday preceding the Sale, and Catalogues at Two Shillings each, had at the Auction Mart, and at Mr. Puituips’s, 73, New Bond Street, London. Also of Messrs. ARTARIA and FonTAINE, Manheim; Messrs. ArTARIA, Vienna; Mr. JEROME DE Vriges, Amsterdam; Mr. RITTNER, Dresden; Mr. ERn Harzen, Hamburgh; Messrs. HERMAN & BARTH, Munich; Messrs. GALIGNANI & Co., and Mr, Pieri-BENARD, Paris. Rose, SEP BALE WERE UE AL CONDITIONS OF SALE. sues Fe ge oh 4th, ae 4h xo aR | 2 eaen.ase thio 2a _ FIRST,—THE ere bidder to be the 5 pepe and it any dispate arise between two or more bidders, the lot to be put up again and re-sold. wasnt ois de BTS a4 / SECOND.—No person to advance. tee than. Ia—abore five pounds, | aie 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion, ‘ THIRD.—The purchasers to give in their names and places « of abode, and if required to pay down immediately a deposit rs 25 per. ~~ cent in part payment of the Neuer es FOURTH, —The lots to be absolutely cleared away with all faults, and errors. of description, at the purchaser's. s-expense, within ne: _ one day after the sale, ai es x gehen: 3 <3 ° ‘ eee Rt ee ai FIFTH, —AS THIS AUCTION, IS MADE on CONDITION OF PROMPT PAYMENT, “THE. REMAINDER OF THE * i DELIVERY OF THE LOTS. i. 2. .¥hO lye i aa SIKTH.—Upon iaitgre of complying with the abou conditions, the | we “money deposited i in part, of | payment shall be forfeited, all the lots ancleared within the time limited shall be re-sold either Wer public or, private sale, and the deficiency, if any, together with 2 at this sale. ~ « . é 4 WH SAS as! to Goo eG to 4. oF. ¥ LASTLY.—Bat oa any purchaser or uhehouath: porns their lot or lots, and leave the same, or any part, uncleared, or by any neglect or evasion omit.paying for the same, such purchaser or ti a all charges of, anoh re-sale, shall be made good by | the defaulter : NIE ot if faa th 2h eek delay: FIZ RPRE dag: & ~ PURCHASE- -MONEY. ‘MUST BE PAID. ON oF) BEFORE __ purchasers shall, ‘pay five per cent, interest on. the amount of . _ the said purchase, from. the ax of sale until, the amount of the 7 e ~ said bill shall be eaten ets yh SAGA We ees 5. ¥ ec STF 72 a) ae | ik) gae AS AES @ €8) *,* Gentlemen who cannot conveniently attend this ‘Sale, may have ; I their COMMISSIONS faithfully executed under their Instructions by H. Puiviips, and the Lots sent to. ener dircotion pare the * Sale of each Day. bow ‘a .¥ JS ee a Ye 4 Oe a )ifa aS = shee i Vid SERAR ERGY KaLISO 4 j thei Gat aro .acdaul!voaeeh og ape fret ied & ow INDEX TO THE DAYS OF SALE. NINTH DAY, Monday June 9th. S20 \ JS | ~ Works of Couiarrt, Gate, Sapeter, &c.; Engravings after French PainTeRs continued ; ForE1GN Portraits, (Sovereign Princes) continued; Works of Houtar. > TENTH DAY, Tuesday June 10th. Gu lf 6 Miscellaneous Dutch and Flemish; Engravings after Frencn Painters conti- nued; ForEigN Portraits (Sovereign Princes) continued; Works of Hoar continued. ELEVENTH DAY, Wednesday June llth. WG Py 4 Va Engravings, after Frencu Painters continued ; Forzten, Portraits (Royal Females) continued ; Works of Hoxar continued. TWELFTH DAY, Thursday June 12th. dt fo|. Engravings after FRENCH PAINTERS continued ; Foreren, “PoRTRAITS (Ladies and Nobility, &c. 4. ) continued ; ETCHINGS by REMBRANDT. “THIRTEENTH DAY, Friday Sune 13th. Le Pies Works of Detia Betta; Foreren PorTRAITS (Nobility, ke. B ) continued ; ) ETCHINGS by REMBRANDT, continued, RS FOURTEENTH DAY, Saturday June 14th. e4 3 | fe Fes of Le Cuerc and Bosse; Foreign PorTRAITS, (Nobility, &c. C . to F.) 4 continued ; ETCHINGS by REMBRANDT continued. FIFTEENTH DAY, Monday June’ ‘16th. 3% we Works of Picart; Etchings by DENon ; Works of CLaubE Metin; FoREIGN Portraits (Nobility, &c. G. and H.) continued; ETCHINGS by REM- BRANDT, continued; Scuoou of RemBranpt; Bou, Livens, Van Vier, &c. SIXTEENTH DAY, Tuesday, June 17th. U7 g Works of Crispin pe Passe, and ANTHONY and JEROME Wierix; Foreign Porrraits (Nobility, &c, Ito L.) continued; German Scuoor, Litre * Masrers: Dirk Van StareEn, ALTDORFER, BeHam, Binck, Pencz, ALDE- GREVER, Hans Brosamer, the Hoprers, &c.; Works of WILLE. SEVENTEENTH DAY, Wednesday June 18th. Wij W/ GWworks of Cornetius Biormart; Foreien Portaits (Nobility, &c. M.) con- tinued ; GERMAN ScuooL, Vol. 9 of Bartsch; Works of Atpert Durer. EIGHTEENTH DAY, Thursday June 19th. fe An eae Works of RIDINGER;; Foreien Porrraits (Nobility, &c. N to R.) continued ; Ca Woop Cuts by Atsert Durer; Works ofr Hans Buremair, Hans ScHAUFFELEIN, Lucas Cranacu, J. B. Grun; and Lucas Van LEYDEN. arn _. . . ?. 2 ye, S a hor » at ‘ere: alee | Pewee nh Ca ees) ees Be ens fae, See Sat Bi < fe fare tree ae , Miho 3 As ‘ t : ‘ yee seul : Ae, re ¥ y ae ef ‘ x uy j bs» “ ah a — S & ‘es e, ae -S- A tw re * i, xt r= =e i aS bd ° Se eae a aw pare y re “goaly sate iw ‘i bid i sie ‘“ fia . “some proofs. tte mm CEA! > | : ( 93 ) , ,f- , 1186 Philip V. after Rigaud, by Drevet, before the dedication to Pe the Duke of Praca ys ; The same, by Thomassin; Charles . Il. of Spain, and his Queen, large ovals, by Wiser Ae W »| @ +» 1187 Philip V. after Rigaud, by Drevet; The same, by Vermeulen, i and Sarrabat, the latter a proof, mezz.; Charles I]. &c. 13~- ree : yay 1188 Charles II]. after Kneller, by Smith, &e.; Various Grand Dukes of Tuscany, &c. _ : 15 om re +o 1189 Maximilian Emanuel, Count Palatine of the Rhine, by beng meulen, &e. two impressions with differences; Various oy, Princes Palatine, &c. 4 — iy tn te , Af \v 1190 Various, Princes Palatine, by Matham, Natalis, &c. A ofr Ae , 1191 Adolphus John, Count Palatine, by Grignon, curious un- finshed proof; Various other Princes Palatine, by Wierix, _ Matham, Simon Pass, &c. — 13, Ol Kno WORKS OF WENCESLAUS HOLLAR. , 7O\~ 1192 St. Christopher; St. George, &c. after Albert Durer; Judah | ‘and Thamar; David before Saul; &c. after Holbein; The Descent from the Cross; and Solomon visited by ee A of Sheba, after Ditto, fine. a 4 | Jg>> 1193 DeatuH’s Dancer, arTER HOLBEIN, the complete set, with | «the borders, FIRST IMPRESSIONS, BEFORE THE INITIALS | ; tpi OF HOLBEIN AND OF HOLLAR, obits an addatronal plate of | the Pope in a reversed direction, and another of the Rich ee Man, without the border, VERY FINE, AND EXTREMELY | ) RARE IN THIS STATE: from the Barnard Collection, 32( ou , 1194 Esther before Ahasuerus, after Paul Veronese; The Incredu- | lity of St. Thomas, after Salviati; Holy: Family, after AW _. -Pierino del Vaga; and St. John, after Correggio, jine Moet 70 | 6 ib ESTHER BEFORE AHASUERUS, AFTER PAUL VERONESE, FIRST STATE, WITH THE GALLERY OF PORTRAITS AT TOP, AND OTHER VARIATIONS, FINE, AND EXTREMELY RARE, from the Barnard and Townley Collecirons 1 le Molec 4 of, 1196 The great Ecce Homo, after Titian; and the Magdalen, in: | - a large Landscape, after Van Avont, very fine ~ tr tit, A | or 1197 St. Francis in the Desert, after Brouwer, large and acai | plates; St. John; St. Lawrence; Decollation of St. Torin s| | | Me Ste ene vith: opel oa in the - Wilderness, after. Elsheimer *— Ais hie 8 Vag . , -.. ee ( 94 )> . 7 , 1198 Tobit and the Angel, after Elsheimer; Mary Magdalen, after ‘ as Sadeler; Salvator Mundi, after Leonardo da Vinci; Virgin’ Wj _ +. and Infant Saviour, after Rottanhamer} Ge x4P eR IG J | , 1199 The Passion of Our Lord, after Holbein, represented by Figures in the habiliments of Monks, with satirical verses CLO | under each plate, FINE, AND VERY RARE © © (164/ she A vo -¥1200 The large Crucifixion, after Vandyck, very fine © 1 Mijn , /2-,/1201 Subjects from the New Testament, and opm vase Book at Genesis, &e. — — Ite 7s At; 1202 Subjects for Every, Day in the Week; Ecclesiastical Tree, | with St. Benedict, &c.; Set of Emblems; Ecce Homo, | &e. — — a3 Butt , U/ +203 Miraculous Image of the Virgin, with curious variation, and | the small plate of the same, very scarce; Monk reading, | with a View of Thong Castle; Adoration of the Lamb, from J Revelations; Madonna of Cambray; and Noah’s Ark 7/42 ML it» 7 /O _\204 The Augsburg-Confession; Martin Luther, and the Elector of Saxony supporting a-candlestick of seven branches, em- blematical of the Reformed Religion, EXTREMELY RARE 1] og -f Boe “1205 Scriptural subjects, from the Book of Genesis, &c. 257% vA / | , 1206 SCRIPTURAL SUBJECTS, FROM: THE BOOK OF GENESIS, on | | three sheets, before the alae were divided, and before the. y ) English inscriptions, FINE AND VERY RARE > ) MBTACCEE aca 71207 Magdalen in the Cave; Sacra Nemesis, an icnbnell with __-variation; St. Cathrine; after Raffaelle; The e405 ae ’ Lk pearing to St. Norbert; St. Bruno, &&. ) — QO Auto ; Uae 1208 ‘The Judgment of Seleucus against Adultery, after’‘Ginlio Romano; The Daughters of Aglaura, with reverse; Pallas | and hea’! with reverses ; Wenesy A PROOF BEFORE LET-— Y | © TERS, after Elsheimer ) — — $10 7202 4 SO 1209 Twins of Latona; Ceres and Stella, after Eleheimers *! ieuiee! | | of the Satyrs ee and Lion ; Cockers seis ‘Gateleon, 4 &e. ae a ee the Peace between — . _ Spain and the United States of Holland, after C. Schut; ““ Emblemata Nova,” a set; and various other emblems 17/02 A ‘ ,1211 Proclamation of Peace, before the Stadt House, at Antwerp, ’ first state; The Trial of Archbishop Laud; — gov os ee the Earl of Strafford, scarce, &c. | o-G-9— ) 1212 Coronation of Charles I1.; Interior of St. cuore aie aq | _ >». The Combat in ‘Smithfield, between Sir John de Astley anid A ; | Sir Philip Boyle ; and others from Ashmole; ke. i §OCtatA 4 i ' : | | ee ——— | | ( 95 ) | agg 1213 Illustrations of Homer, Virgil, and Juvenal 67 ute | ers 1214 Fable of the Old Man, his Son, and the Ass, (wanting one), | ae _ very rare ; and a curious set of copies of the same, sold | ~ Ro. Walton byte |\Z4l\s 1215 The Hospital, &c. an aitdemetical print, leap very rare 1 ob / rah 1216 A Satrrican PorTRAIT OF ABEL, THE MOoNoPOLIST, -< WITH THE HEAD OF A WOLF, HOOKS FOR. FINGERS, | ot, : SCREW LEGS, &c. INSCRIBED AT TOP— | | “© Who am I? Who am I like? What Nobody? ) iJ ‘* Sure, I’m the picture of a Pattenty,”” | | FINE PROOF, BEFORE THE VERSES AT BOTTOM, PROBA- ay BLY UNIQUE — — yf . | 1217 A copy of the last mentioned print, in the reverse ese as with twelve English verses underneath, -EXTREMELY | RARE — a I Mitta. vA, , 1218 A FIGURE OF AN OLp Man, REPRESENTING TIME WITH _. mis Hour GLass ann ScyTHE, CARRYING THE PoPE ON HIS BACK, inscribed above— 4“ This burden backe to Rome, Ile beare-again ; ‘* From thence it came, there let it still remaine.”’ and twelve English verses underneath, FINE AND EX- TREMELY RARE. — — | y f : 1219 The Funeral Procession of Jean Baptiste. de Tassis, after N. Vander Horst ; “ Deorum Grecanicorum Imagines,’ or Tri- ) umphs of Heathen Gods and Goddesses, scarce, &c. el 4 on | Oo _, 1220 “ Fons Signatus,” after Diepenbeke; and a curtous 0 Se . _ proof of the same, in the state in which it was left by o., HoLiar — on 2 Beni , 1221 Initial Letters; Roman Military Tacties; Hand and Tail | pieces to Geile? s Virgil, &e. — 36 Z\, 1222 The large Prospect of London, on seven sheets, subsequent to the alterations made after the great fire, fine old im- pression ~ — 4s /S~ 71223 The same print, FIRST STATE, with the Cathedral of St. | Paul, as it appeared before the jire, and the address of . - Danckeriz, 1647 — —_ 1 , 1224 The Royal Exchange of London, with the medal of Sir Tho- mas Gresham — — 1 , 1225 THE SaME, FINE PROOF, before the medal of Sir Thomas Gresham was inserted, VERY RARE — 1 1226 The Royal Rehan, the small view; The Tower; St. 4/4 fp o- A \¢ f { ) ( 96 ) ) | ? . yl Al , 1227 Lambeth House ; White Hall; View of Westminster ; The eee PS Hall; Palace vari! &e. beyorte the plates were reduced tee ta | ~ 1228 nner of London ; White Hall ; Windsor; and Tootehill . . Fields, small oblong views, very fine, with copies of ditto | | Dh y 1229 London from the top of Arundel House, before the number, | jfine and scarce; “ A Map or Ground-plot of the City of . London, and the suburbs thereof,” shewing the parts de- 5 | bo stroyed by fire, 1666 — + \ 1h + 1230 Another Ground-plot of the City of London, &c. 1666, some- | what smaller than the preceding print; Small Plan of | London before the Fire; London in Flames, &e. = 8 4 / fo 1231 A new Map of the Cities of London, Westminster, and the Pte Borough of Southwark, with their suburbs, &c. sold by Ro- | . bert Green and Robert Morden, 1675, very scarce, from the ) Barnard Collection; Map of London before the Fire, sur- rounded by the Arms of the Companies ; and another, very . small — oor pa i inn ,, 1232 A View of London before the Fire, from Howell’s Londino-— polis; Long View of London before and after the Fire; | | Large Prospect of London and Westminster, taken from | ) Lambeth, on four sheets = o% 8 ,1283 A View or THE West Front or St. Pavt’s ScHoot, oblong folio, not described by Vertue, FINE AND EXTREME- LY RARE — te BR ils ic ; : a ee ee | jy iy ty ~ 1234 Set of Views near Islington, &c. -— | Ba eat 1235 THE LoNG ViEW or GREENWICH, ON TWO SHEETS, ae PROOF BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION ON. THE pyle bie: yak fot | | FINE AND EXTRA RARE — | Fi | Se, 1236 View of Richmond Palace, scarce; Map and Views of i oul . agate Isle of Man; Prospects of Chester, Glastonbury, &c. becly Z| |, 1237 Small Views of Elizabeth Castle, Jersey’ ; Plymouth; cae et | | Deal and Dover Castles, &c. — 1 7 ) , “| 1238 Views of Albury, in Surry, the Seat of the Earl of ae aa | ) | Jine and scarce — 1239 THE WEST PROSPECT OF ALBURY, FINE AND VERY 4 1241 The set of yan in and about Tangiers, fine ‘tmpres- sions — _ “15 _,, ,1242 Prospect or THE BAY OF TANGIERS, FROM THE SOUTH- | EAST, AN ORIGINAL DRAWING IN COLOURS, BY HOLLAR oa cis’ a | of RARE — — 14 1 6. ¥\240-THE GREAT HoLLow TREE AT HAMPSTEAD very scarce I ln | ey a | ( 9 ) 7| 1. 1243 Small Views of Bramber Castle; Thetford and Newark Ab- | beys; Queenborough Castle; Wiston Place; Hascombe | | Hill; Portsmouth ; Shoreham, &c. very fine 10. far A Gr , 1244 North Prospect of Canterbury; Views and Plans of War-— 2 ae wick; Coventry; Birmingham; Tamworth; Kenilworth sea : | | é Castle ; Compton House; Boscobel House, &c. 14 4 lotto ,1245 Two portfolios, half-bound, green morocco, with holland — | wrappers, measuring 23 in. by 19, lettered FRENCH ) Scuoou, vol. l and2 _ * pucte 4 fb 11246 Two ditto, ditto, lettered FRENCH ee vol. 3 and 4 q Ufo is | Jef 287. Two ditto, ditto, lettered FRENCH SCHOOL, vol.5and6 2 0 y) | | abot | End of the Ninth Day’s Sale. TENTH DAY’ Ss SALE, ; oT UESD A iW, he 10th day of JU N B “1834, : ak At Twelve for One precisely. “MISCELLANEOUS. | LOT : | ee 1248 iahdsias Figures, &e. by Hours Hondius- | 14 16 / \~1249 The Four Seasons ; The Twelve Months, &c. by Hondius 18 an f \, 1250 The Life of St. Thomas Aquinas, in 30 plates, after Otho | Voenius, by C. Boel; Set of Canonized Kings and Emperors, ) &e. — — —- 67 AoA , 1251 Various subjects of Saints; Set of Habits, &c. by P. de Jode 50 obo. y 4252 A set of small illustrations to the Bible, by S. Furck 141 Cavxy fs . 1253 Subjects of Mythology ; Set of small Emblematical Figures ; | The Baptism of Christ with differences; Views in Rome, | &e. etchings by John W. Baur, and his portrait —__ 356 ) 71254. Two different sets of subjects of Battles, by the same 33 4 , 1255 Habits of various Nations ; Views of Gardens ; Small The- y atrical Representations, and a large Emblematical print, al | by J. W. Baur ae aa 58 | JO 71256 A set of Illustrations to the Metamorphoses of Ovid, by J. W. 4 4 . Baur, before any inscriptions, very fine — ~ 16092 » Lf ,1257 Aset of ditto to the Pastor Fido ; Set of Views in Italy, after Baur, by Melchior Kiisell — 78 o | J + 1258 Another set to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, small, after ee designs | of Baur, by Kiisell — — 160 +| 4 \,1259 Various Views, Architectural subjects, &c. by the same, after Baur — —_—— 97 Yeo, » “i ,1260 The Life and Passion of Christ, (first, and second parts), by Melchior Kiisel, after Baur —, 56 ooo | (( Oe 3 Z| , 1261 Prints illustrative of the Bible, in three parts, by Melchior Kiisell = — _— 157 pate w\fAle 1262 Ditto to illustrate the New Testament, in two parts, by ee ) same _ a oo — gtite 1263 The History of the Bible and Testament, in a series of seks, . by Peter Vander Borcht a 105 yas of fiz., 264 A set of Habits of Ecclesiastics of different denominations, and ee es another set of Costumes of various Nations 80 S\ SI (61265 Heads of the Prophets, in ovals; Set of twenty-seven pete | after Stradanus, by C. Galle; and the Passion of Christ, ay ' _ forty plates, after the same, by Collaert, &e. very fine Mla. ? »\4f\ 1266 A set of six, shewing the History and Cultivation of as | _ Silk Worm; and another set of different Trades, &c. after | _ ? 5) 3 py tt Stradanus, by Gaile, &c. — 19 } 7 ie & 1267 A series of Horses of different Countries, engraved by Galle, | Collaert, Mallery, Wierix, &c. after Stradanus, fine 45 of ie o% vo - 1268 Sets of Huntings, after Stradanus, by various Engravers, | exhibiting the different manners of pursuing and catching Animals Page: a, "| OO* LP , ENGRAVINGS AFTER FRENCH PAINTERS, eG 1269 THE PLAGUE, AFTER MIGNARD, BY AUDRAN, first siate 2 before the peacock was erased, EXTREMELY RARE, Be the same in the ordinary state — 2 pV , 1270 Holy Family, by Masson, Poilly, and Voet, the latter a proof before letters; Virgin and Infant Saviour, by Blooteling, i, Poilly, &c. after Mignard — — ao. , 1271 The Procession to Calvary, by Audran ;' St. Cecilia, by Duflos, VA : _. after Mignard, &c. Bier ne ie 8 4444 ” 1272 The Ceiling of the Small Gallery at Versailles; and oe Ceiling of Val du Grace, after Mignard, by Audran MPLA /O., 1273 Alexander in the Tent of Darius, after Mignard, by nee * ia and Drevet, fine ; Hymen ; Zephyr ; and Flora, after Ditto | 5 of by Poilly _- — ie , 1274 Holy Family, by Natalis, Baudet, Poilly, Lady = WY after Sebastian Bourdon — . hug? 1275 Holy Family, by Van Schuppen, Poilly, Rodealed: ye ea ; . &c. after Sebastian Bourdon — 1276 The Agony in the Garden, by Vandrebanc; The Entombment of Christ, by Houlanger, proof before leiters : Holy oe LO ue | by Vallet, &c. after Sebastian Bourdon 5 | . . | | | 4 « 100 ) , 1277 Scenes from Moliere’s Plays, by Joullain; The Seasons, by ) Ravenet, &c. after C. Coypel _ I‘ | 4 € 1278 Holy Family, by Simoneau;. The Virgin, by Hisulenw : | Mythological subjects, &c. by Le Bas, after N. Coypel 47 \70 —= | ; : | A. COYPEL. al \yi8@g eey and Eve, by Drevet; Abraham’s Sacrifice, by Ditto;) et Rebecca at the Well, by Ditto, fine; The Baptism of Our | | | Saviour Als s ae ef ae wv £1280 Jacob and Laban, PROOF; Jephtha’s Vow, by Duchange; . _ Susanna and the Elders, by Simonneau, &c. — § Of f£ |, 1281 Esther before Ahasuerus, by Audran; Jephtha’s Vow, by Duchange; Athalie, by Audran; Susanna condemned, by Awe Poilly — — . " 6 |, ,1282 The Finding of Moses, by Audran, ¥ PROOF BEFORE LETTERS ; Le ; | and the Judgment of Solomon, by Ditto i Pin’ 4 y 42 71283 The Annunciation, by Drevet, &c. — 5 Amt Fs 71284 The Crucifixion, by Drevet; Christ healing the Lame Man, J) 7 | | i ft &e. — — — AMAOAG 4 71285 The Resurrection, by Audran, Sarrabat, Chasteau, &c. MPUCO 1286 History of Eneas, from the Gallery of the Palais Royal, ipa. before letters, the set complete — a oer 1287 The Parting of Hectot and Andromache; and the Anger of Achilles, by Tardieu; Alexander and Rexel by Pees Be Diana and her Nymphs, by Duchange ) 6 1288 Venus and Cupid, by Duflos; Neptune appeasing the fhnpeat, J. by Picart; Apollo and Daphne, by Tardieu; Venus present-| ing the Shield of Vulcan to Eneas, by Poilly ; The ‘Tanaae te j/ of Galatea, by Simonneau, proof hevore letters : 7 |,1289 Cupid in the House of Anacreon, by Desplaces; Jupiter and Leda, by Picart; Rinaldo and Armida, by Ditto; Flora and | - Zephyr, by Ditto _- — B&AHUNY ,1290 Rinaldo and Armida; Cupid and Psyche; and Bacchus and Ariadne, by Audran; J upiter and Juno, by Duchange, &c. 6¢ tz a y 71291 The Triumph of Venus; Cupid = Psyche ; Vertumnus and) 7 | Pomona, &c. — . — \aame m Z 4 71292 Various Allegorical subjects . — Fs K t ‘ 1293 Miscellaneous, Emblematical subjects,&ce, ae ( 10t ) , |#2| , 1294 Landscapes; and Pastoral subjects, after Watteau, by aa ae Ww Cressy, &c. ~— = y 43, 1295 Halt of Soldiers; Various Landscapes, with Figures, ae Watteau, by Chereau, Audran, &c. —_ 9 , Jb, 1296 L’Assemblée Galante; La Musette; The Camp Scene, &c. after Watteau, by Audran, Le Bas, &c. 6) pr LL por ” // \» 1297 The Singing Party, &c. after Watteau, by Moyreau, &c. é ) , 1298 Conversation Pieces; Dancing, &c. after Lancret, &c. a al- 1299 The Elements, and the Seasons, after Lancret, jae Audran, b Bas, &c. on 8 y, Ly » 1300 Blind Man’s Buff; Dancing Parties, &c. after Lancret, by Le | Bas, and Cochin —. —, — 6 LE BRUN. Z a » 1801 Moses and the Daughters of Jethro, by Audran; Fall of the | Wicked Angels, by Loir — 5 »| Z , 1802 The Presentation in the Temple, by Audran ; The Murder of the Innocents, by Loir, fine — 3 » 44 71803 The Visitation, by Poilly; Virgin and Infant Saviour, by ) Rousselet, &c. — — 6 » LL ,1304 Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem, by Simonneau, FINE PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS os 1 ey 1305 The Crucifixion; The Descent from the Cross; and the Descent of the Holy Ghost, by Audran 4 1306 The Descent from the Cross, by Duflos; The Martyrdom of Saint Stephen, by Audran; The Mertyegom of Saint | As Andrew, by Picart, &c. acta , 1307 The Death of Porus, by Picart, on three shoei ; Louis XIV. | | attended by Minerva, Neptune, &c. in an Allegorical ees | | representing the glories of his reign, PROOF iy LO n ) Bs iv 1308 The History of Meleager, from the Orleans Tapestry, hy Picart, fine a — +S |,1309 The Ceiling of the Chapel of Sceaux, representing pA 4 Accomplishment of the Prophesies, by Audran waa . la, 1310 The Seasons, from a Ceiling in the Chateau of Vaux le vi comte, by Audran — , /7% |, 13811 The Gallery of the Hotel de Lambert, with Plans of te ye oa Building, &c. after Le Brun, and Le Sueur, by Picart . De ) | iets | J\G | ,1318 Avcustus III. Kine or Potanp, BY SCHMIDT, FINE /f 24.,%319 Aveustus III. Kine or PoLaANnD, WHOLE LENGTH, ( 102 ) FOREIGN ror bs > eres ) Continued ‘Wai page 93. ” | Ka + 1312 Various Kings of Denmark ; ohare: Christian vu; Protea " | IV. and V. by Picart, Preisler, &e: some proofs’ - Wael : Me 7 1813 Charles XI. and XII. of Sweden, by Drevet, the aaah and . a Queen of Sweden, by Ditto, shake before ane letters 5 | Various Kings of Sweden, &c. — 18 e'’* ae fe 21814 Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg; anti various Kings of . Sweden, Denmark, &c. — 22 Lair /) _« | 71815 Frederick William, King of Prussia; the Czar Peter, &c. 2: Ol aaghe r | Mp 1316 Various Kings of Gia. Poland, &e. — 2 , vA _,1817 Alexander, Emperor of Russia; Frederick, William iil. King of Prussia; Prince of Orange, &c. 12 Cute” | PROOF, BEFORE THE AR MS OR ANY LETTERS, EXTREMELY . RARE | food eee | AFTER RiGauD, BY BALECHOU, @ brilliant impression, | ) before the date, and before the title of Chevalier 5: St. Mr- . chel, under the name of Rigaud — WAM aw y Va , 1820 John III. by Magdalena Masson, large oval; and various, Kings of Poland, &e. by Mellan, Hondius, Vermeulen, &e. 3 ~ ia , 1321 Wladislaus, King, of. Poland, after Rubens, by oo et te Various Princes of Savoy, &c. by Louys, Pontius, &c, 4 fo» 1322 Miscellaneous, Dukes of Brunswick Lunenburg, &e. 5 fe obo~ | o , 1823 Christian Augustus, Duke of Saxony, by Schmidt; Ernest _ Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, by Drevet; John Frederick, Duke of Brunswick, by Nantenil, Boe. Je oe rte jay Ae 7 ra. 1324 Miscellaneous ; Dukes of Bruepenuies Maserayee of. Bran- ~ denburg, &e. ce — 86 De i Ye 18% Miscellaneous ; Dukes of Wartemburg and Baden ; -Land- graves of Hesse Cassel, &e, aa Lo yl y 1326 Guillaume Landgrave de Furstemberg, large oval, ay ‘Nan teuil; Charles Frederick, Margrave of Baden, by ‘Wille, proof and. letters; John George,’ Prince’ of oo by ; «|... -Hainzelman ;.:Various Princes of Anhalt, &e.. 9 | 187 zat, ‘d y 1327 Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria, by. Magdalena Mass, igen | das, &c. — _— 21 wt Us a ( 108 ) |. 1328 Various Princes of Orange and Nassau, by Crispin de Pas, | | Bolswert, Matham, Hondius, &e. — 9 bnced 2 as a pene William, Count Nassau, after Miereveldt, by Delff, two im- | | | . _- pressions, ONE A FINE PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS 2 Ufa | A whe , 1330 Ernest Casimir, Count Nassau, by C..de Pas; The Nassau , bao Family, after Vandyke, &c. —— 2 Ope WH Pio 1331) William Charles Henry, Prince of Orange, by ole | | | Tanjé, &e.; Henry Casimir, Prince of Nassau, by Gole, va _ Blooteling, &e. — —_— 16 fee 1332 William Charles Henry, Prince of Orange, by Houbraken, % proof and letters ; Thesame, by Tanjé, &c. ; John apa | e Prince of Orange, by Houbraken — | c# Wk , 1333 John William, Prince of Orange, by Houbraken, finished. proof and letters, and a curious proof before any of the or- naments which surround the oval.; William V. Prince a Orange, by Beauvarlet, Tanjé, &c. | Nhe, ag , /~ , 1334 Various; Kings of Sardinia and Naples ; owes of Veniee and Genoa; Grand Dukes of Tuscany ; Dukes of Modena, Mantua, &c. —s — | 31 RCL ft ~ 1835 Miscellaneous ; Turks; Persians, hy 7 Baa 42 OOn ? BD WORKS OF HOLLAR. Continued from page 97. a CAS eee of - 1336 Views on the Rhine, at Cologne, Bonn, Stras bo fe g, &e, red | | jine; and some copies of the same /\ / 1837 A set of Views on the Rhine, at Mentz, lone i os jine — — 12 J / \» 1888 Small oblong Prospects on the Danube, the Rhine, &c. 22 | Melis 1339 View of the Spa, at Savona; Augustin Monastery ; and the A Monasteries of Groenendael and Tungarloa, &c. : 6 » /2_,1340 Set of Ruins, after Sebastian Vranck ; Views on the Maese; Li, : Tyre, &c. after Peeters — 16 fpr “9 , 1841 A TRUE AND EXACT GROUND-PLOT OF THE FAMOUS CITY . oF Canpta, sold by John Overton, very scarce 1} ode y “4 1842 Small set of Views in the environs of Prague, early prom ductions of Hollar, very fine — 24 4 ge, , 1343 Views near Genoa; Views.on the Danube, &e. 28) Qa ei /o |, ¥344 Views on the Rhine, the Scheldt, &c. long slips, fine 12) .fa es Gn 1845 Monastery, with the Virgin Mary on a Camel; Kronenburg ; Ruins of Ancient Rome ; Willebroek, . after Breughel; Co- logne on the Rhine sy 7| » } ‘ ~ ) | ( 104 ) /o |, 41846 The Entry of the Count de la Tour into Hemissem, at the | : % conclusion of the General Peace, on five sheets, including the title ; and the Chateau of Monjardin, after Diepenbeke 6/7772% 44. 7 41847 Views of Windsor Castle; Maps of A&neas’s Voyage; and the Itinerary of Antoninus; Ruins of Persepolis ; Emblema- tical print of the Civil Wars in England, from Rushworth ; Views of Gratz, Lucerne, &c. —_— — ES20 byy th | , 1848 A Mappe of King Charles, his Carne! or Leaguer inthe| , | North, Anno Domani 1639, fine and very scarce VYAtiize | , 1349 Plans of the Cities of Florence, Pavia, Sienna, Osnaburg, Y, : Hildesheim, &c. — Vo Mb tilegy , 1850 Small Views in the Neighbourhood of Prague, Strasbourg : &c. early productions of Hollar; and a View, “ Alt. Mar- | grave Baden” — al 10\ 1351 A NEW AND ExacT Map oF GREAT epee ¢ &e. with small Plans of the Cities of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, He, York, Oxford, &c. sheet, VERY SCARCE —, @ , 1852 A NEW Map oF THE KINGDOME OF ENGLAND, AND Pane CIFALITY OF WALES, surrounded by twenty-nine small Views of the principal Cities, &c.; sold by Peter Stent, vy. ! rare — Reet rte Nbllewst , 1353 A NEW AND ExacT Mapp oF IRELAND, WITH AN ADDI- TION OF THE FOURE CHIEFFE CITTIES BELONGING TO THE SEVERALL PROVINCES THEREOF, sold by Peter |Z Stent, EXTREMELY RARE “oes Loan gf | ~1354 A Map of Berkshire; Small Maps of Norfolk, Staffordshire, ,. " Chester, Middlesex, &c.; Denmark, Africa, &e. — WAL e , 1355 Plan of the City of Oxford, SCARCE; Views of hg npr Carrara, &c. — —! 6 ffi , 1356 Long View of Deal Castle, on two sheets, Jine and searce 1 oon ; 1357 Views of the Carthusian Monastery, on four large plates ; | : Various Plans of Cities in Germany, &c. — 12 Pe , 1868 View or THE CarRTHUSIAN Monastery, the small plate, |, ~ not described by Vertue, fine, and very rare, witha copy 2/44 Lt , 1359 Tor Abbey, in Devonshire; Views and Plans of Cities: a Germany, Italy, &c. —_— es ag , 1360 A long View of the City of Prague, on three sheets very fine | y and scarce —_ , 1361 Plan of the City of Cologne, with Armorial ieasibge of the | Burgomasters, &c. underneath, FINE AND VERY SCARCE 1 (© , 1862 A LARGE VIEW AND PLAN OF THE CiTy oF ARMENTIERS, ' besteged by the Arch-duke Leopold in 1647, on four sheets, - REMARKABLY FINE, AND EXTREMELY RARE Wt La ( 105 ) J tol , 1363 Plan of the City and Environs of Landrecy, in Hanau, be- | sreged by the Arch-duke Leopold, in 1647, fine and scarce — i 1 | »| f+ ¥864 The Palatine Palace at Heidelberg ; Plan of Munich; Tri- » umphal Arch erected in honor of the Arch-duke Leopold; | | View of Aston House, &c. : a 18 RZ - ee , 1865 Plates to Ogilby’s China, with maps, &c. — 31 Ai4 % _,1366 Sheet Maps of Hungary, America, and Africa, scarce AS june ; , 1367 A Plan of the City and Bay of Tripoli, very scarce ; Plan _ of Mardyke, near Dunkirke; View of the Faro di Messina, | | &e | /eolh of hodren ose : 4 Uf % L , 1868 Views of Clifton House; Holme Pierepont; Langat House; “ 7, + MWollaton Hall; Ossington House ; ‘The Abbey: of Osney, id | &e — — Ss 12‘ Vu tf rae | 41369 Large View of Jerusalem, on two sheets, fine and scarce 1 pein 2. f / 1870 A TRUE Mapp AND Description OF THE TOWNE OF PLY- | _ MOUTH, AND THE FORTIFICATIONS THEREOF, WITH THE WORKS AND APPROACHES OF THE ENEMY AT THE LAST | SIEGE, 1643; FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE. 1 _ 1871 Lares View or THE City or CoLoens, on four sheets, with the Arms of the Corporate Companies, and German leiter-press description underneath, FINE AND VERY SCARCE, not mentioned in Vertue’s catalogue L , 1372 An orthographical designe of severall Viewes upon the Road an England and Wales; Maps of Poland and Jamaica, the latter not in Veriue’s catalogue; Eruption of Mount Etna, &e. — — 5 , 1873 The set of Dutch Shipping, very fine; and a copy of one, | av, , additional —_ — 13 Uffut. , 1374 Sea Storms; and Sea pieces, with Shipping, two of them not described by Vertue — 11 | 0 , 1375 A View of Bugia, with the burning of the Algerine Men of War, by Sir Edward Spragge, in 1671, very scarce 1 VUZE ? + 1376 View of the City of Besancon, and the Port of Tripoli, in Barbary, ditto — — 2 » 1877 REPRESENTATION OF THE BATTELL FOUGHT BETWEENE THE ENGLISH FLEET, COMMANDED BY HIS H. PRINCE RvupeErRT, &c. AND THE DuTcH FLEET, COMMANDED BY ADMIRALL DE RUYTER, 1666, on two sheets, FINE AND EXTRA RARE. From the Barnard Collection 1 _ 13878 A representation of the English Royal Navy, under the command of Prince Rupert, riding before the Vly, at the BR v5 ote ( 106 ) Skelling, &c. extremely fine, and very scarce; anda single sheet of the print described in the preceding lot 2 | 1379 REPRESENTATIONS OF SEA FIGHTS, FORMING A CON- TINUATION OF THE PRECEDING SERIES, FINE PROOFS, , WITHOUT ANY INSCRIPTIONS, EXTREMELY RARE 4, rr , 1380 A View or TINMoUTH TOWN AND HaRBOUR; AND THE Wrecks or Captains VicaR AND GrRay’s SHIPS, Ex- TREMELY RARE, with a sheet of letter-press. /\/co, 1881 THE SovERAIGNE OF THE SEAS, builte in the yeare 1637, | very scarce, ascribed to Hollar, but not noticed by Vertue; as Admiral Kempthorn’s Engagement with the Algerine Men of War, in 1669; and two small Sea pieces, with be Shipping — ; — 4)are | ' . burmng of above 150 Dutch Vessels, and the Town of 2478) « , | f/2\ ,1882 Two portfolios, half-bound green morocco, with holland wrappers, measuring 23 in. by 19, lettered FRENCH SCHOOL, vol. 7 and 8 — — 4\/O)\ , 4383 Two ditto, ditto, lettered FRENCH Somnus vol. 9and 10 2¢#reze “\ZO)\. "1884 avo ditto, ditto, lettered FRENcH ScHOOL, vol. ll and 12 ‘ tbls sen nent tp et NN TENE scpsrmaetireemses ele CAA NOTA _ End of the Tenth Day's Sale. ( 107 ) ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, the llth Day of JUNE, 1834, At Twelve for One precisely. ENGRAVINGS, AFTER FRENCH PAINTERS, &c. LOT ofl fatnel) ,| £2| , 1885 The Times of the Day, &c. by Aliamet, ihc others, Lt : q\- 1386 The Storm; Sunrise; Views of ae &ec. by sitio | ie &e. — ,| & \- ¥887 Thunderstorm; Sunset; View of Tivoli, &c. by ditto, &e. see Sy fb f , 1388 The Storm, * the Calm, before the lines over the inscrip- 4 tion ; and the Bathers, by BaJechou — 3 4 vraew ,|fO\ + 1389 Views in Italy, by Le Bas; The Shipwreck, by Binet, &c. 4 Pee? Ze » (0. 74890 Les Promenades, by Le Bas; Views in Italy, by Ditto tt Hy , & » 1391 Views in Italy, by Le Bas, Ke. — pate _,, 1392 Fishing pieces, by Le Bas, Benazech, &c. igi »| Jf » 1393 Views near Naples, by Basan; Fishing, &c. by Bertaud of , f2., 1894 Italian Sea Port; The Storm, Xe. by Bertaud, &c. ofhr~ PS 1895 Le Coup de Vent, by Le Charpentier, two impressions, one before the additional inscription; The Turkish Sea my &e. by Cousinet — — Lf ,\47 > gy ,13897 The Paksiinke’:; proof and letters; and various Employments 1896 Conflagration at a Sea Port, proof before letters; The Storm, we and the Calm; Various Sea pieces, by Coulet, &c. 72 ae at a Sea Port, by Daullé ; Nedponean Harbour, &c. - 6 bath , #4 -1898 The Bathers; Views in Italy, &c. by Duret, Daullé, &c. CbHhie " ivi a H , 1399 Italian Sea Ports; Shipwreck; Fishermen, &c. wpe Foradini, Gouaz, &c. = wud ,1400 Views in the Alps, by Ouvrier; the Storm, and thd Calm, by Cousinet, &c. ae we ox 8 eames — A CN A ( 203). ) ° : f£ \, 1401 The Shipwreck, by Poli, &c. proofs before letters ; View of 4 4 4 a) ~~ ~S 4 4 VA di Avignon, by Martini; Port of Messina, slo before letters,| 7 ew — EEE: 8 + 1402 Views near Naples, &e. by De Mareen Ozanne, &e, some _ proofs —_ oem 10 | Y » 1403 Morning, and Evening, by Vivares; The Shipwreck, by Tar- dieu, proof before letters, &c. — ij sit . Vae , 1404 The Italian Aqueduct; The Shipwreck, and various Fishing | pieces, by Le Veau, &ec. _- 12 a . FOREIGN PORTRAITS, | | Continued from Page 103. | . //\» 1405 Various Queens of France i. — AB-OPRECGY Ji, 1406 Maria de’ Medicis, by L. Vorsterman ; wie of Austria, by M. Lasne, two impressions, one before the alterations in her | dress, and the intial letiers in the angles ; The same, by |, | L. Visscher, Morin, &e. | or : +e, “tw | LS ; , 1407, Anne of Austria, after Mignard, by Nanteuil; The same, 3 Y, M. Lasne, Mellan, &e. — fay Ze 1408 ANNE OF AusTRIA, BY NANTEUIL, LARGE OVAL, A FLEUR DE LIS AT EACH ANGLE, VERY FINE pa VA 1409 ANNE OF AUSTRIA, AFTER MIGNARD, BY Masson, LARGE h - OVAL, DITTO | $65] fae \AYIOb ) FI ; 1410 Marie Therese, Reine de France, by aS agp Masson, large ‘ . | oval, rare; The same, by Visscher, &. j— 3% LN S, . 1411 The Dathawse of Orleans and Alencon, by Ma gdaliiia Mas- ‘son, and Giffart, large ovals, FINE AND RARE =—— 8 bbe Ute, | f ,1412 Marie Anne de Baviére, Dauphine de France, large oval, by . | . Habert; the same, by Bouttats; and Marie. sang Princesse . de Conti, by Habert, pITTO vite att 3¢ ~f /o ,1413 ANNE Marie LOUISE pD’ORLEANS, AFTER Néwrin,: BY = 7 | VALLET, BEAUTIFUL PROOF, WITH OPEN LETTERS, AND | BEFORE THE ORNAMENTS ROUND THE OVAL WERE | , . ENGRAVED; and the same in the finished state Khel n2 | , 1414 Margaret Duchess of Orleans, after Vandyck, by Soutman; : | Anne Marie Louise, ‘Sopris by Van epee oe Princesse * bakin des ato segs anamam eak er peo iy Anne Marie Louise, Duchesse de Montpensier, after Rigaud, by Vermeulen, three wmpressions, in iif oe ONE 7’ A FINE PROOF BEFORE LETTERS yeOD pr lirithe, | ba | . ; - ‘ —— se ¢« dQ9 ) : | a |e 1416 Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orleans, after Rigaud, by Simonneau, PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, AND BEFORE | THE BORDER ; and two subsequent states, with differences 3 , fit Bae: 1417 Louise ‘Adelaide D’Orleans, Abbesse de Chelles, by Drevet; | Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d’Orleans, by Simonneau, | &c.; Armande Henriette de Lorraine, by Van Schuppen sh ollino Z| 1418 Christine de France, Duchesse de Savoie, by Pitau, two im- | pressions, one before the additional shading, and before the | crosses on the drapery — ow , 1419 Marie Josephe de Saxe, Dauphine de France, after Vanloo, by De Larmessin, whole length ; Marguerite de Lorraine, by Van Schuppen; Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orleans, by Horthemels; Duchesse de Lorraine, after Vandyck, &c. 8 he ar he| » 1420 Marie, Duchesse de Nemours, after Rigaud, by Drevet, two a empressions, with differences — 2 °s , 1421 Marie de Lorraine, Duchesse de Guise, after Mignard, by Masson, oval, two iwmpressions, one, before the word ““ Roma,” after the Painter’s name, and before the rabbit on the pedestal; and Marie Duchesse de Nemours, by |, ,: Drevet — — 34 _, 1422 Princesse de Conti; Duchesses de Bourgogne, de Bourbon, de Chartres, de Maine, &c. — 21 FA Pat: 1423 Marie Antoinette, Reine de France; Comtesse de Provence, after Le Brun, by Pether, proof and letiers ; Marie Louise, by Audouin, &c. —— — 9 G |, 1424 Duchiesses d'Angouléme, et de Berri; ‘Marie Antoinette; Madame Adelaide, &c. — 2% GZ |, 1425 Isabelle de Bourbon, and Maria Louisa of Savoy, Queens of Spain; Elizabeth Maria, Princess of Portugal, by Magdalena Masson; Isabella Clara Eugenia, by Vorsterman; Isabella d’Este, oe — — 6 /o 61426 Isabella Clara Eugenia, after Rubens, Vandyck, &c. by Galle, proof and letters ; Elizabeth de Bourbon, Queen of Spain, / ose tthtt wy &e: — we 19°C hcaghe ; 4 ? 1427 Marie Jeanne, Duchesse de Savoie, by Van Schuppen, Nan- | a teuil, &c. —_— — ALD MMI MAzL, , be 1428 Various; Empresses of Russia, Queens of Denmark, and Mh. ax Norway, &c. — — 26 Cail , “/ 71429 Catharine Queen of Poland, after Vanloo, by De L’Armessin ; various Queens of Poland, Denmark, &c. 9 _| Sf |. 1430 Marie DE PoLoGne, REINE DE FRANCE, WHOLE LENGTH IN HER ROBES, AFTER TocQuE, BY DAULLE, FINE PROOF Uy BEFORE LETTERS, VERY RARE _ WUiAa oe | : y | \, 1438 Roman Sacrifice, after Andrea Manteca Caricature Heads, | | Bik. ae ee _| G@\- 1431 Christine, Queen of Sweden, by Nanteuil, and Lasne; Louis | YY, , - Marie, Queen of Poland, by Nanteuil, &ce. 4UG ¥ 1432 Ulrica Eleonora, Queen of Sweden, by Edelinck ; PROOF | a ’ BEFORE THE ARMS OR LETTERS; the same before the Latin : . verses, &c.; and Christiana, aie of Brandenburg, by ia Drevet — vies 4 |G” aa Og iy 1433 Christiana, Materave of Brandenburg, by Drevet, BEAUTIFUL ill PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS; and the same, lettered 2 | ol on WA ls 1434 Various; Princesses of Austria, Saxony, Brunswick, a ok ae Oe as ets 7 car | 1435. Catharine Charlotte, and Catharine Constance, Duchesses of ae Bavaria, by Matham, first state of the dedication ; Elizabeth ip | Augusta, Electress Palatine, by Wille, &c.; Duchess of ae Mecklenburgh, by Fritzsch; Electress of Saxony, by Kilian, be &e. — — = RF x: Vt © 1436 Amelia Van Solms, Princess of Orange, by Houbraken, . PROOF and letters; The same, by Suyderhoef, Delff, &c.; | | Various Princesses ‘of Orange, by piercapricig Tanjé, tip, | | some proofs — — . 20 M7 Various ; Queens of Pituigal: Spain, Naples, and Sicily, &e. ahh ibeks of sila &e. — | 17 | 1 . WORKS OF HOLLAR. | | Continued from page 106. | , V4 &c. after Leonardo da Vinci aw tua RS Mint 3 , 1489 Heads of Females, after Holbein ; Negiaél Heads, and various Studies, after Leonardo da Vitieis Se. Seep oS bo v \f/ \7 1440 Warriors Heads, &c. after Parmegiano ; and others, after j Leonardo da Vinci aa —_— 20 , 1441 Whole length Figures of Women, and Boy Steapaae after Parmegiano; Caricature Heads, after Leonardo da Vinci, oe | _ — ; ba ,1442 Various caricature Heads, &c. after Leonardo de Vinci bas ) , 1443 Female Heads, and Caricature subjects, after Giorgione, Leo- A, nardo da Vinci, &c. — — is 1444 An Old Man, and Young Woman, after Hulsman ; Naked Woman, after Rembrandt, scarce; Lady sloyialel ‘on the Virginals ; and Nymphs reposing, by Pontius and Hollar 6 g de Vadder, &c. _ — 1 ” VO), Y445: The set of Landscapes, after Van sala ee, Van Artois, mires 2 a ¢, Ee _ 1446 View of Two Houses, connected by a long open galt | _ scarce ; Dutch Merry Making, after Teniers ; Winter piece a with the Nativity of Our Saviour, after Braun ; Boors Fight- _ ing; Landscapes; and Dutch Wedding, Attee Breughel, 5% Up o| ff bw Baae pane} after Breughel, P. Brill, Hlaheimd?, &e. ; and 8 utd Portico of a Building, after estes Witt J , 1448 The Spa at Savona; Views of Menara nace Five sal | | Landscapes, very scarce ; The Chateau of Mi Gnieacthn, after | Diepenbeke, &c. a -- 5 ( l; Wh , f£,, 1449 Set of Women’s Heads, in small squares, &c. bacon | A a: 1450 Set of portraits of Ladies, in circles, very fine; Vertue men- a tions only eighteen of this set — 371M th ,>6\, 1451 Set of Costume of English Ladies, whole lengths, with the title; “ Ornatus Muliebris Anglicanus”’ 27 V f, Wt , 1452 English Nobility, small whole lengths, in their Creation — Robes — — — 184 “Wardud - 1453 The Small Habits or Costume of English Females, entitled ) “Aula Veneris, &c.” several in first states, before the English inscriptions — _ 1B URZ/7777, , 1454 French Cavalier ; Dutch Lady; Habits of Religious Orders, &e. re — — SMYVUAAN 1455 Habits, Ensigns, and Costumes of Knights, from Ashmole’s History of the Order of the Garter, one a curious prof / before the inscriptions — Ue , 1456 Beggars, after Callot, narrow slips, very rare ; Ccpactecttic| ) pieces ; Men Smoking; and playing on Musical Instruments; 5 Head of a Female, after Martin Schoéen, &c. sol lehe , 1457 The Virgin with her hands joined ; Lady holding a flower, after Albert Durer; Albert Durer the Elder; Alathea Tal- | bot, Countess of aaninsledy small oval, and ther Anonymous, Heads ~— — sre TULL , 1458 Charles, Duke of Lorraine, and ditto kneeling, rare ; Philip | IV. of Spain, and his Queen; Joannes Malderes, Bishop of |_/“ Antwerp, after Vandyck; Cornelius de Wit, small oval 74 lee , 1459 Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordova, and John, Count Nassau, small equestrian portraits ; Joannes de Weert, large eques- trian portrait, with the representation of a Siege in the dis- of Ps tance; not mentioned by Vertue, very rare SUC fH , 1460 John ihe Fourth, King of Portugal, small oval, with pene of his Coronation, &c, VERY FINE AND RARE © Att | | } | ¢) 3. ) @ |, 1461 Franciscus de Neville; Johannes Heénricus a Craenhals ;|~ Head of a Merchant, in an oval, searce ; Stochovius, small oval, proof and letters, &c. the , 1462 Portrait of Aretin, and various Heads, after Ditians Francis Van Wyngaerde ; Caspar Kinschotius, &e. 11 _, 1463 The Countess. of Suffolk ; Madame Anne Wibouts, small ovals, scarce ; a whole length Figure of a Man, unfinished, with a blank space for the head, in which was afterwards inserted the Portrait of Charles L.:scarce, &e. —( 8G, , 1464 Head of a Man, after Biler, very fine; Statue of Homer ; Heads, after Zimmerman, Holbein, &c»; an Anonymous _ Portrait, after Miereveldt, oval, unfinished, rare 4 , 1465 A large Head of a Negress, not described by Vertes eatreme- - ly rare; Small Heads of Negroes, &c. oe /2., 466 Aretin the Poet, after Titian ; The Abbot of Tanga 3 ; The | _. Emperor of China, Masidabine! &e. — 10 7g, 1467 Strasbourg Cathedral ; Ditto, smaller, very scarce ; Tower | of Mechlin Cathedral, outline ; Genehaeh of: Balthasar Car- | los, Infant of Spain, &c. — aReSy yy, z. ,1468 Antwerp Cathedral, first state, with the single line of in- ae scription, very fine ane toms Vina . v4 it 1469 Monumental Effigies ; Coats of Aone &e. from Dugdale’s 3 “1 | ‘Monasticon, &c. for amMpresstons om TT (pl , ve _, 1470: Views and Plans of St. George’s Chapel: at Windsor ; West- . minster Abbey, &c. from Dugdale, jine impressions — 11 | Je Pe | , 1471 Canterbury Cathedral, fine impressions; before the insertion a | of the English tetle ; The Cathedrals of Lincoln; ‘Chichester, | . Salisbury, Litchfield, Worcester, &e. — 15 Lor ; 4b , 1472 Views of Old St.Paul's Cathiodral ; Church of Sti Faith, &e. |, wery fine Sa ine aha 2 y F » 1473 Views and Plans of the Tenmie of ade aoe at Jerusalem, &c. “i, | | with a reverse of the large View, very fine 5 Yawlag aa , 1474 The set. of Butterflies, in 12 roam and three copies, by : ; 4 _ Ertinger, very fine — — ] ble , b> 475 The large Moth; and three additional pte of: the ipa set, all very scarce _— a ba tli oe , 1476 PART OF THE SET OF ame FINE IMPRESSIONS, AND. A - CLASSED AMONG THE RAREST PRINTS OF THE MASTER 25 @\. 1477 A new book of Flowers and Fishes, after Francis Barlow ; Armorial Bearings ; ‘Coats of Arms,&c. = 21 O , 1478. Lions, after Albert Durer ; Wild Boar, after Cranach, &c. 13 ( 13 ) olf Sis ayo Van AVont’s Boys, entitled, “ Papodegnion, sive Puerorum Ludentium,” &c. ~~ — a ai 26 PLLA wee t 1480 Boys, after Van Avont ; Single Fig igures, &c. | Q2 | ole . | var 1481 Set of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, after Barlow; Wild Beasts, &c. — — ipMaitr | A , 1482 Part of the sét of Sporting subjects, after Van Avont, with a proof of the title, before any letters ; ee and | Vee Lions, after Rubens — 10 vellr , 1483 Animals, after Barlow ; Hunting Horns; Arrows; Spears, | _&c.; Dead Game ; pes: &e. unfinished plates 21 Amey , 1484 The Peer gitie Hace: after P. Boel; and the same subject, by | ‘Gaywood, scarce oo vA 1485 A set of Birds, after Barlow, entitled, “ Diverse Avium | Species, &c.” by Hollar, and Gay wood : 18 , 1486 The large Cat’s Head, with German inscription ; The Mole ; and Stag, after Albert Durer ; A Bird, on the Branch of a Treé;&e. — — V4 , 1487 THE sMALL Cat’s Heap, not described in Vito's Cata- logue, OF EXTREME RARITY, AND VERY FINE VV Hollar’s Jirst drodactions, EXTREMELY RARE | et , 1489 The large Elephant, surrounded by uh ies of his wonder- ful performances, FINE AND RARE , 1490 The large Eucharistical Cup, after Andrea Mantegna, with a | copy, in-a reversed direction, both very fine 2 _,1491 The set of Arundel Vases, after Holbein; Ornaments for ’ Sword Hilts, &c. from iHoteuetien fine and rare 15 ,1492 The Portraits of Hans Sebald Beham and his Wife; and _. various Medals, Seals, Coins, &c. | — deg 4 1493 The Seasons, represented by Portraits of English Ladies, three-quarter lengths, with Latin and English verses, fine _old wmpressions =» 5 oe — 4 ,1494 THE SMALL SET OF THE SEASONS, ‘HALF-LENGTHS, BEAU= TIFUL PROOFS, BEFORE THE VERSES, EXTREMELY RARE 4 1495 The Seasons, whole-lengths, with Views of Cheapside, St. _ James’s Park, &c. very fine _ 4 (1496 Tue ser or Murrs, with an additional plate, not mentioned by Vertue, and the rare uncut al A VERY FINE AND | _- UNIFORM SET | = — 9 Jo. 1497 The Seasons, long Views in Serashaire rg, m Hollar’s early , manner, very scarce See 4 i Q fe Ah ( iid) , Leh 1498 The small set of Seasons, Village Scenes, after E. Vande] Velde, ditto _ silo | 1 \/ \+1499 The Twelve Months, in octane) &e. after r ditto, Jine j i ‘and scarce ) sass Fee tan 12 | odo } fete 1500 Various Title Pages, &e. — l6-LACCH f\- , 1501 An Emblematical subject, representing the. Fatal Effects of Intemperance, with a description, in. German, Abraham | Hogenberg excudit, FINE AND VERY SCARCE. 1 | /&\ + 1502. Frontispieces to Walton’s Polyglot; Cosin ’s. Scholastical | | History; Hibernia Antiqua, &e. - wer: Ais \e 1503 Two Rorieslion half-bound green morocco, with holland wrappers, measuring 23 in. by 19, lettered. GERMAN 7 ee escearecaeetlAc NCIC ON IL L LLL I A A ~ = ScHoot, Works OF HOLLAR . ee 2 » /Si + 1504 Two ditto ditto. GiltO cc 4 meena Gurney _ Af}. 1505 Two ditto “ditto = © 39° GIG" oy bi eee /O\, 1506 Two ditto — i; ditto~ | > ditto if a 2. J§\ +1507 Two ditto _ ditto ditto _— 27 ms ATER x >» wae © Wied 1p Si, SE Beer Stal i : “ eons & = A‘e PE 4 ae ee Sao? ae ee End of the Eleventh Day’s Sale. : Ys PER RE. QR cain are! f gg E AES | 112 RO GE yee ees ty x » # sige) Ack , act rige bbe: eee tig $ ’ Ams a! a b 1a if Sa TG $ ‘ Ye vad Ss d Pee l Ccees TWELFTH DAY’S SALE, THURSDAY, the 12h day of JUNE, 1834, At Twelve for One precisely. ENGRAVINGS AFTER FRENCH PAINTERS, &c. POUSSIN. LOT | /\ ~ | ,4508 Noah’s Sacrifice by Gantrel, and Frey; The Visit of the | Angels to Abraham, by Chasteau; The Rod of Aaron . changed into a Serpent before Pharoah, by Poilly; The Israelites gathering Manna in the Wilderness ; Adoration of the Golden Calf; The Seasons, by Audran, &c. 10 , | #% -1509 The Finding of Moses, by Stella, and Rousselet; Rebecca at the Well, by Rousselet; Moses and the Daughters of Jethro; Moses striking the Rock, by Stella, &c. 6 ~|,1510 The Finding of Moses, by Mariette, and Loir; Moses trampling on the Crown of Pharaoh, by Baudet, PROOF BEFORE | LETTERS ri — 3 , |4# 7511 The Plague, by Picart, &c.; Esther before Ahasuerus, Pesne; The Nativity, by Bicate and Pesne ry ae - 1512 Ra teation of the Magi, by Vallet; The Flight into ee by Audran ; Virgin and Infant Sion, by Pesne, &c. vi 21513 The Holy Family, by Pesne, Stella, Baudet, &c. 5 ° 44 , 1514 The Holy Family, by Natalis, and Chasteau; The Crucifixion, by Stella, fine — 3 » |f 1615 John baptizing in the Wilderness; The pen ey of Christ, by . Audran, &c. ditio 4. /\ « \1516 The Woman taken in Adultery, by Ree Christ giving Sight to the Blind, by Chasteau, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, &e. sie ue 6 4 C “MGs hag ; j ) = | 11 ,A1bY7 Taking down from the Cross, by Audran, and Chauveail ® Ananias and Sapphira, by Audran; Peter and John at the Jb Beautiful. Gate ofthe Temple, by Stella, &e. + aeeo Cute 5 » /lg , 1818 Scriptural subjects, by Polanzani, &c. — ole Saban’ / & , 4519 The Seven Sacraments, by Pesne; and an additional one of | the Extreme Unetion, a pRoor BHFORE, Ha ng ile Picd | (4. 1520 The Seven Sacraments, by Drevet, _jine " k | a ‘ , 1521 The Seven Sacraments, by Audran, very Jine “i va : 46 » 1522 The Sacraments, by Chastillon (wanting one) — , 6 7 2, 1523 St. Paul carried up to Heayen. by, Angels, by Natalia) Chas- | __ teau, and Pesne ; The Martyrdom of St. Cecilia, by Baronius ; | The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew, &e. © = Sn 2. g-., 1524 Pyrrhus, when a Child, pursued by his Enemies, on two | sheets, by Audran, FINE PROOF BEFORE THE LETTERS, VERY RARE; and the same with the letters. 2hjvnarw | 2 61525 The same dubieet by Chasteau, proof before letters; The | Rape of the Sabines, by Audran; Cesar offering’ Sacrifice | Gi hvctn at the Tomb of Alexander, by Van Houten, rare 8H , Mee 1526 The Labours of Hercules; and Sales from a Drawing © ee Book, by Pesne —_— — > 85 ph SG Ve 1527 Venus presenting the Arms to ‘Eneas, by Loir ; Apollo and - Phaeton, by. Perelle; The Empire of Flora; and other | Allegorical subjects, by Moyreau, Massé, coe w0fdedtac : 8» 1528 Jupiter and Calista; and Venus and Satyr, by Daullé ; es ) Triumph of Galatea, by. Pesne, &e. — 5 ob 7 7 1529 Apollo and the Seasons, by Avril; Narcissus, iy ‘Rnd | | Rinaldo and Armida ; and the Epes of plore os Ditto, A C2. f &e. — o— : 9 4 S$ , 1580 ‘Set of large cide with Bile) and igus: me en- graver’s name : foot o a , 1581 Ser oF LARGE LANDSCAPES, BY Bauer, “FINE PROOFS BEFORE. THE ARMS OR ANY LETTERS, piece el” RARE — eae | J E> » M532 Landscapes, by Chastillon, &e, and after Gaspar Ppl, | a 7 Vivares * — | — 7. Foray) “a ( W7 ) FOREIGN PORTRAITS, - Continued from page. 110,, Sey we ny | 1533 The Praepssion of, Charles VII. to his. Citation af Rheims, ; ee accompanied | by. Joan of Arc, by J. Poinssart,. rare and | . curious ; ; Magions, Portraits of, Joan. of Arg, by De as peonsy. Lp eg iia oo §Mirltone yA Pty 1584, Agnes, ce apants hin by sas clan ; Madame-Aved, by | _. , Balechou;. Maria Angelique: Arnauld,, by Van. Bene, | | oa Be. ¢. Teabella, Van. Assche, after Vandyck, by. Leonart;. Antoinette Bourignon,. by Gunst; Madame Berthelot, by Van Schuppen; Anne Philippe sie le. Bouthillier, by Nan- hie cage 7 | teuil, ied —_ — , | r 4 | , 1535 Margaret Becaille, after, Largilliere, by Desplaces, PROOF, | | 4 and letters ;, Margaret Henrietta de la Briffe, after Rigaud, by C. Drevet; Catherine Besserin, _by Hainzelmann ;. | _ Comtesse de Bossu, by.Morin,&c. 2 6A f/ Ye , 4 _ 1536 Madame du Barré, mezz. by Watson, proof ; Aroaee de la. Briffe, by C. Drevet; Henrietta Maria.de Buade, by Mellan, proof before A eatiaon ; Baronne de; Bautersem, by Van Bh _ Schuppen; Marie de la Boissiere; Maria;Von Buchs, &c. 22 Cie , £2 » 1887, Adrienne le Couvreur, after. Coypel, by Drevet; Marie. | Cadesne, after Rigaud, by Drevet, PROOF, AND LETTERS ; Margaret. de. Valois, Comtesse de ay us, after. Rigaud, by ) Daljenn 4,3 ae En tage MT ss ae " 19 , 1538 Denise Camusat, by Trouvain, prone ad letters ; ‘Adrienne «Je Couyreur, by..Drevet; Antonine Albert, Abbess of ped Chaulnes, by Gantrel, &c. a eee vs/tolleiio » & » 1689 Catharine, Countess of Culenborch, by. Delft; Judith Coter- | mann; Marguerite d’Estampes, &c. _— 18, Mann’ <4 ae , 1540. Maria. Angelique; Duchess de. Fontange, large oval, after | Mignard;, by Habert, scarce; Isabella d’Este, by. Pontius ; BP Countess. of Culenborch, by Delf = . — 3 ove | Ye , 1541,Madame Duclos, Actrice, after Largilliere, by Desplaces, FINE PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, VERY RARE; and a lettered impression - — — — &£fénae od 4 Ge 1542 Catherine Dufresne, in an oval,. by Lépicie, FINE Reo | BEFORE LETTERS, DITTO Tol ffi ; | ‘ah , 1543 Elizabeth de Gouy, femme de H: Rigaud, after Rigaud, "5 | | Wille, BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, &c. 2. gr | <3 & , 1648 Marie Felice des Ursins, Duchesse de Montmorenei, by. Van. (h TR) ,| & |. 544 Catherine Maria le Gendre, by Vallet, proof before letters ; | - Madame Gillier, by Nanteuil ; ots Sen yuier, by ee Balechou — 5 fhe | , J§ \, 1645 Madame de Genlis ; “Anne Habert; “Anné Hamean ; M, aly 7 ‘ees _ Hervey, &ec. , —_ oo i b , 1546 Madame Keller, after Rigaud, by Drevet, PROOF AND ae TEBS; Margaret Elizabeth de cope by wee Tomb Moule | of Madame Langhans, &c. — hate W| | 4 . 1547 Helen Lambert, after Largilliere, by Drevet; “Marie, qe ~ “de Nicolas Lambert, after Ditto, by Ditto; “Magadeleine de 7, Lamoignon, by Edelinck, fine — ; 32 =e) | Schuppen; Jeanne Marie Chesard de uy Boulanger, | | “proof and letters, &c. — | 14 / /é&> » \649 Marie Gabrielle de Rochechouard de Mortemart, by Gantrel ; lL; | Madame de Miramion, by Edelinck; Duchesse de Mo ae ; morency, by Valet; Anne Michelin, by Diflos, Ser 12 be Z a ~ 1550 Madame de Mantasgdh,? by Picart ; Louise de la Mothe-Hou- dancour, by Poilly, before the name of the Engraver, &o. vy / / +» 1551 Marie’ Antoinette dé'Narbonne-Pelet, by Daullé, two ‘impres- | » sions, one, a proof not quite finished; The same, a ‘copy of | ditto’; Brigitt’ Rosenkrantz ; Anna Magdalena Plazin, &e. ; ex Meetateha’ Moonsia, by vache * ili tek, aust sh 19 «| Ve 1552 Anne de Courtenay, Dame de Rosny, by Van ‘Schuppen; : Helena ‘Leonora de Sieveri, by Visscher ; Countess of Ra- vensburgh, by Hudson, proof’; Maria de Gist ‘by Houbra- ken; Anna Maria " ae 1555 Care de la oS eeonills, affer De Troy, by Trouvain, before. the Painter's namé'was inserted, &c.; Catherine Touchel- — | -- 1ée, by Roullet, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS Louise Christine ee i] tie Solms, i Soutman, lian aia cds a | g : / | ( 119 ) | ¢ | iy , 1556 Columba de Tofaninis, by Bloemart, proof before any letters ; | Marguerite Becaille Titon, by Desplaces; Anne Varice de / La Valliére, by Dossier, &c. — — 17 bit : | I , 1557 Madame de la Valliére; Julié de Villeneuve; Ann Vanloo, — Xe. — — a 23 | % | . 1558 Louis Antoine de Gondrin, Duc d’Antin, after ee by Bical Tardieu and Chereau; Paul de Beauvilliers; Duc de St. . pee Aignan, by Thomassin ; Duc d’Aranda, by Moitte, proof and — | aa letters . Sa | es are Sa NBiay ¥ a | b 3 1559 George Dietlof Von Lee by Schmidt ; Charles, Comte — . __ dAumale, by Wille; M. de Garsault, by Wille; Louis de | 4, Valois, Comte @ Alais en a (21 Wen 1560 Francois Joseph, Duc d’Alencon, by Vallet ; Eustache Ber-. | ‘ nard d’Avernes, by Landry; Le Comte “fs St. Aoust, by _ Lasne, proof and letters ; Gaspar Alterius, by Simon, &c. 6. Me sino 2, 1561 Duke of Alva, proof ; Comte d’Avaux ; Conradus Adeler ; _ _ Comte d’Alais ; Bartolomeeus (Poe die by Bloemart, &c. tthe she = 562 Marquis Joona tig after Rigaud, by Duflos, two impressions, one before the alterations in the inscription ; Etienne d’Ali- — | : gre, after Mignard, by Lochon; Jean Henri d’Anglebert, ms ee _ Vermeulen — —_ — \ 1563 Marquis d’Argenson, after Rigaud, two umpressions with ae | ferences ; Arnauld d’Andilli, by Morin; Francois d’Aligre, | by Cathelin ; Fleuriau d’Armenonville, i Cars, &c. 6) y | ZG , 1564 Jaques Pialat by Nanteuil, first state, before the alteration — des in the arms, and the title ; Dreux d’Aubray, oval, with arms, — | | _ by Nanteuil, and Mellan; Marquis dknmenton, by Duflos | | . _ and Pitau — — 5 say Ze t 1565 Michel Larcher, by Nanteuil, oval with arms, two impressions, of ade one before the wtial letters wn the angles; The same, by _y, | Ditto, small square, PROOF AND LETTERS 4 MUifei As E 1566 ETIENNE D’ALIGRE, CHANCELIER DE FRANCE, AFTER | NANTEUIL, BY EDELINCK, LARGE OVAL, BEAUTIFUL — | | | | with letiers. —— —_ 2 | PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, VERY RARE; and the same, v, t- Sie _ 1567 Jacques d’Auvergne, by Lenfant; Dreux d’Aubray, by Mel- | Jan; Joannes Acronius, by V. Velde; Michel Anguier, by — Goes: Ariosto, after Titian, by Sandrart; D’Alembert; An- cos: karstrom, &c, rs 32 ia . | 4 "A ‘i aa A small Head stooping, somewhat. resembling deabicthhe . ee ee | f3.| | me 1569 Portrait oF REMBRANDT, CALLED’ THE rere or Pane ~¢( 720% : ErcHinds BY -REMB BRANDT. me The Number phe each print refers to Daddy's Catalogue ad OME i "PORTRAITS OF REMBRANDT. ea |, oO 1568 Portrait of Reitianads: mezz. by Gole; (1) ib ; Young Man: resembling. Rembrandt, (2) if tne Head — much | resembling Rembrandt, (3) oe 3 lord lun Me te PRINT, (4) very jine, and extremely rare « (6) the third impression ; a bust-of a Young Man, resem- _. bling Rembrandt, coarsely etched, (7) scarce fia Portrait | : of Rembrandt, while young (8) desert a BN 3) 2 | i 1371 Portrait of Rembrandt; while young, (8). the third émpres- | | «oe 6 Ston, with the back aiid ehacletr, and the kibxeray Jine | eo and rare sen — 8 1 |\77 | WY , 1572 Portrait of ealishintly while. wianans (8yt the pp: aes | | ston, with the name on the left only, Rt. 1631, and before | | - the additional work on ihe nif» EXTREMELY WAS, and a | . copy. of the Same ji et eye eee | 2 5S I | c 1573 PoRTRAIT OF Nene tor. WHILE yoUNG, ©) the first ‘ _Unpression, with the head only, etched, the ruff and cloak | ; ... are added in, black chalk, by the juaind of. Ramlenon bier y | self, PRESQUE UNIQUE oF S| | ra 1874. A Head. resembling” Rembrandt, @y jhe ccudadh cand wre | | states, fine and scarce a ON SAL te i aa 1875. A small Portrait of Rembrandt, in a eo and fur cloak, (7); a Bust of a TORRE: man sreembling, Rembrataas qs) two | | : impressions: i edged FS 3. 2) Jo. : 1976 A Bust resembling’ Rembrandt; (20) fret state ; and another | - impression after the plate was. Fetoucheds. a net very _... much resembling Rembrandt, (21); > and a copy» oo4 J ie 1577, A Portrait of Rembrandt, (22) the third impression ; and a _ . peverse; and a Portrait of Rembrandt, Witte sagen sabre, ae _ (28) fine eas Se ay 8S non eb yeh A |S) ibis The Portraits of Rembrandt, and his. Wife, (Ayuakareveree ‘ a ; _ Umpression and: another; in: which the Portrait of his f . Mother (ais). has been. inserted an the place of his wife ; a nl and a Portrait of Rembrandt, in the mezetin cap anid’ feather (25) eo 4 ) _ ( Tt y | : 7 /o . 879 The Portrait of Rembrandt in a Mantle, leaning on & win- | dow sill, fine (26) Pront L i Van) ae ae 1580 The Portrait of Rembrandt drawing, (27) two impressions, d, one very fine — Uptlerde J / 4 1581 The Portrait of Rembrandt drawing, (27) two ‘rtp | with differ ences ams 2 fe y) 43 e. 1582 THE PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT DRAWING, (27) FIRST | ‘i STATE, before the Landscape, and the scroll containing the © | Pd name and date, and otherwise unfinished, FINE AND EX-_ | TREMELY RARE how — rY pw illitip Ai Y iz 1583 A Portrait of Rembrandt in an oval, (28); and two capes | of the same; A bust of Rembrandt in his youth, (14) ; and another bust resembling Rembrandt (19) 5st ONLY Ya 2) 8,» ae Portrait of Rembrandt in an oval, (28), before the ee | projections on the sides of the oval were removed, een and Ap, rare — i Ket , 1585 A PorTRAIT OF REMBRANDT IN A CAP, AND WITH A | REMARKABLE PROJECTION OF THE UNDER LIP; wn an | oval measuring 27, by 22;. Not described in any Cata-— | eid logue, and PROBABLY ate —_ Mrdbary | | SUBJECTS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. ; ) | , b 1586 Adam and Eve, (29) a brilliant impression with a reverse 2 ue _ , 1587 Abraham entertaining the three Angels, (30) fine impresston, © | with the burr; and Abraham sending away Hagar and Ishmael, “ne Ae! — _ arharalns | | (132) ~i — 2 "i | $~ , 1689 Abraham with his son Isaac, (32) , original and copy; Abra- A | | é _ ham’s Sacrifice, (33), very fine; and a reverse of the same 4 Lad 4 , , 1590 Four prints for a Spanish Book (34) :—Jacob’s Ladder, four | | empressions with differences, two of them on India paper ; | The Combat of David with Goliath, three impressions, one | | of them on India paper, and one a reverse; The Image — Pee which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, three impressions — wee with differences, one of them on India paper; and the — | ad Vision of Ezekiel, two impressions, different, one of ie | | on India paper a WAS R | | | ( 12 ) | S| Js , 140k Four PRINTS FOR A ‘Spanien Book, (34) FIRST PROOF.ON A.% .) . INDIA PAPER OF THE, LARGE PLATE, BEFORE THE SUB-| | | JECTS WERE DIVIDED, EXTREMELY: RARE, AND FINE bg | For) 1592 Joseph telling his Dream to his Brethren, (37) before, the | (00) shading on the face of Joseph's brother in the turban, and before the addetional work on the drapery, and other parts | of the subject ; and an impression in the ordinary state / / ,%593 Sacab lamenting the supposed, death, of Joseph, (35), the or sand two copies ; and Joseph: aud Sibi be Wite, fi. 1594 Haman‘and- Mordecai, (39) fine, with fie burr, and a re= overse © bre |: _— , a 2 Va 1) i 1595 David on ore vey (40) ; Tobit, (41); “The regi sitenss «eo: eaingy frome Tobit, and his» family, . sila and The Angel mineereeis to 0 sia eatin a“: ties (ar pple: 4, ».- 4D- 3a : Bets Al by ahs > " OFfat ~ SUBJECTS FROM. THE NEW. TESTAMENT. Sy, 6" The’ “Angel” ‘appearing to the Shepherds, Pa a lear pie | _ fine: unpression — 1 Bale 1697 The Nativity, a Night piece, Cay very fine, on nals paper; wee “before the planks which form the Righetess ‘and’ two other im- pressions with differences se i ee wit / 2.1698 The Nativity, or Adoration of the Shepherds, (44); The | . -Cireumcision, (46); The little Circumcision, (47) rag im- : pressions, and three copies ~~ aon NE Es 7? wih aan - 1599 The Presentation’ of Jesus in the vaulted Temple, oO) thrée | umpressions, with differences ~~ Sa SS ae V0 Pris Avon The Presentation, in Rembritnaits dark’ ier (0) a bril-| ) , i“ liant impression } a Lc EY oe eo a EPR sy L. / Ae kb 1601 The Presentation, with the Auber) (ou); The little sees Po: | ats “Ee yor, (82), t100° Wee ine: ‘with dag and "two copies | SSS e AGE AT 54 va e C602 The Flight into seevet a Night piece, (53) sex impressions, | with differences, one of them in the first state, in which the figure of Joseph is little more than outline, and eg Rem- | - brandt’s name distinctly visible in the foreground = & of oo 3 1603 The Flight into Egypt, a small arched plate, (52 ais 163) | ‘before the additional shading on the figure of Joseph, Sc. ) ds The Flight into Egypt, the Holy Family crossing a) | © gill; and-two copies of the little Flight into Egypt, (52) 5 F | fo. 1604 The Flight into Egypt, in the style of EISSSReT, (56) fine 1 | 042 : | ( 198 ) | £\F\. 1605 The Rest in Egypt, in a wood; by Night, (57) Firs’ sTATE, | ‘before the head of the Ass was introduced, FINE AND EX- 4 Spy thera i ' TREMELY RARE}; and one in the usual state = i yo\, 606 The Rest ey (58); The Return from Egypt, (54) — po a dt The Virgin and the Infant Jesus in the clouds, (60); _ : The Holy Family, (61); and the Holy reise Joseph look- f . ~, “ing in at'the window, (62) — Lew Z| , 4607. Jesus disputing with the Doctors, (63) ; The: same subject, a _ | »- larger sketch, (64) first state before the plate was corroded ; | and the same subject, a small upright, (65) Ey shots aan yl _ 1608 The little La Tombe, (66) two impressions; one very fine, . PE the Collection of weiss) a and a copy of se | Bioesamey ) — epivets Gf behaad sia 1609 The little La Tombe, (66) A MOST BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, : WITH THE BURR . | Mall ay, , 1610 i eaethicta tn Crete) (a2) dteet-otates Christ driving the — Money changers out of the Temple, (69) two impressions, — one before the mouth of the man, who 1s dragged on the oe ground by the ox, was Canara and.a reverse impression — is of the same =i : cium oat. 4 ol” %; V4 , 1611 Jesus and the Samaritan ae at ‘jee Well, arched, (71); | «The same subject, an upright,. (72), with a copy; and the | & small Resurrection of Lazarus, (73) | — 4 Mure - fi3 , = Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at, the Well, arched, (71) _». before the name and date, and some other differences, fine © | | t and rare — sivas lye BAY | _ 1613) The larger Resurrection of per (74) two inupresstons, } - one of them very fine a 1s 7] | 24 1614 The Hundred Guilder piece, (75) fine — aw Af | ae 1615 THe HuNnpDRED GUILDER PIECE, (75) very fine ee Zen fp yoG THe HuNnDRED GUILDER PIECE, (75) a reverse of the ear- ‘ e . West state of the plate, with the burr, before the cross hatch- | | é ings on the neck of the ass, and other differences, PROBABLY | | no reRUTNLQUE ps (£8 = — . ie Chive Z| Lie pest The Hundred | Guilder piece, (75) retouched by Captain ) A | ’ Baillie; and a copy of the same, by Worlidge | 2 VAwe Laff | for 1618 The Hundred Guilder, piece, (75). retouched by . Captain | | ~\. Baillie, two impressions, one on satin; and The four pieces | | into which the plate was subsequently cut, with differences 8 oe Le | 7o , ¥619 Our Lord in the Garden of Olives, (78) two impressions, one | : | | remarkably fine, with the burr, 2 fue | . | . | | | . | . : \ | ) ( 124 y : | (24 3 , 1620 Our Lorp BErorE Pinate, (79) with the group of figures | in front, EXCEEDINGLY FINE AND VERY wig WITH THE © ; lathe BURRS: — Ri: eR E ToLt yy, 4621 Our Lord before Pilato, (79) with the group f jigures im | Sront, on vellum, RARE a L So ra _, 1622 Our Lorp BEFORE PILATE, (79) A MOST BRILLIANT IM- | pare PRESSION ON INDIA PAPER, BEFORE THE PLATE WAS ) | a ‘which were subsequently made in the composition, before | ssarooathe, namepof, Rembrandt, &e: FINE AND BUTS MOY ) i -REDUCED IN SIZE AT TOP, BEFORE THE BALUSTRADE ON . 4 THE RIGHT WAS INTRODUCED, AND BEFORE THE CROSS By HATCHINGS ON VARIOUS PARTS OF THE ade pics EX- . TREMELY RARE —. — i Fish 2\. ei , 1623 The large Ecce Homo, (83) VERY FINE AND RARE 1 ee fp lar 1624 THE LARGE EccE Homo, (83) BEFORE THE CROSS HATCH- . INGS ON THE FACE OF THE MAN WHO IS BENDING en WARD, VERY FINE ) Pace bl GION | (3/0 ¥628 The Three Crosses, (80) very ‘ps TE dee: a Ly , 1626, The Three Crosses, (80) jine, before the address of Carelse.| | 2 Ne. 7 \e MORE THE THREE Crosses, (80), before the extensive alterations | <»-/ RARE, From the Barnard Collection - Yn : : 2 ; 3, | 3 He). ¥8 1628 Two, Porttoliog, half potisdy green moroceo, perce holland | | sf soc{ Wrappers, measuring 23 by 19 in. lettered FRENoH: eames | | rs vob. 17 and 18 — — 2 . Vip gy 1629 SP wOrhtte 26 weaciG Mitten.) =. Ties mas 19 and 20, eak Poe 4 4 1630 Two ditto HHO, ey eige vol. 21 and 22-058 ; 700) fergcn 4 ¢ HO HT ota Moi) pa RE: Swit ; ees? ; £ 7 38 “4 ober bc $ oo fasiiniet sodleves a Genes eee ae End of the Twelfth Day's Sale. ue eo ee ‘ vi tes eashyad oes ey 2: as qi! &. 7% os eal wh } : atte Wr oF rt thoi we ae hh i OG ive sa " on ora ¥. | , ia Sher ‘ ; Toi ia I et 8 | ide WOWOR K a4 eri be Pvoc : my > “K = a 7? e Cj ¥ f sinh in iereter eane Re C RS nineteen een eet RN AR TT sl Aa. 1631 ‘Portrait of Della Bella, by Hollar; Battle of the Amalekites, ( 125 ) % % » a = x 4 x . Bete © 4G Hagens Gah fie FO i% pe dl MEAT HTT? 2A VAS GAA Zz : 5 ‘ & ¥ * ; j RSM GIR Ne muds aly diva 6 epctigd | if Nr FRIDAY, the 13th day of JUNE, 1834, — At Twelve for One precisely. t WORKS OF DELLA BELLA. LOT ALN ~~ and various Old and New Téstament subjects, some proofs he “~~ and variations MAE, ONG S SN 26 Alen gia g |, 1632 Pharoah and his Host drowned in the Red Sea; St. Prospero ” - ! 4 succouring a Besieged City ; Institution of Vall’ Ombrosa ; | Canonization of St. Andrew Corsini, &c. — 43 ache. es 1633 Views and Plans of the Church of Notre Dame de Loretto ; A “°°"" Moorish Equestrian maT in circles ; ae ike of Death, . in ovals, &c. —_ 31 Lie | 7a 1634 Various, from the Antique, Fane Hibjects of Children, &e. 20| » 15> 1635 Sea pieces, Shipping, &c. some proofs ee | et Te ,1636 The Polish Ambassador’s Entry into Rome; Funeral Cere- | monies, Catafalques, &c. a ze | - a Yaave! Cavalry Exercises, Tournaments, &c. pet ie ; 7o\. 1638 Landscapes with Animals, &c. in circles — | , ss 4639 Upright and Oblong Landscapes, with figures, some proofs sad nt . Vac 1640 Views of Buildings in Rome, &c. a ll | Ar LAAN _ 1641 View of Paris from the Pont Neuf, before the weathercock on | | | ) the steeple of the Church of St. Germain era | oe | View on the Arno at Florence, &c. - — 4 - fo. 1642 Animals, Birds, Hunting pieces, &c. — 21) glo 8. 1643 A Fan Mount, in the centre a Stag Hunt, surrounded by flowers and foliage, in outline, from a design of Della Bella, | | extremely rare; a Map of the Heavens, Ke. Sinner | gs F 1644 Theatrieal Representations, &c. — AON: pee . VAL 1645 Military Exercises, Costume, &c. — 62 t 2"- | ' | ( 186 ) a Jb 1646 Plans of Battles, Sieges, &c. ; System of Heraldry, we. | OB ca te \, 1647 Battles of Nordlingen, Rocroy, &c. large sheets, rare 6 | 0% | Jo - 1648 Cosmo de’ Medici, small circle ; Sigismond Boldoni ; Monyey St. Denis, Roy d’Armes de France, two impressions, onea@ curious unfinished proof ‘igishwed! ob dbibak) idl a . 2, , 1649 Horatius Gonzales ; Marguerite Costa’; Louis XIII: ; Vettoria | | ‘Urbino, Grand Duke of Tustay, Francis Duke of ‘Tuscany, f- | | . | Bee. rare a pit ae | / Ll, 1650 Titles, Frontispieces, &e. wa Sa a 24) J Nasal 1651 Various Animals, Landscapes with’ Figtites, ue.” 65 | oO / 1652" Diverse Capricci; Animals, Figures, Se. bi a8 ae : , 1653 Designs for a Drawing Book — SY ite es ol 16 | Ae /| Ste 1654 Miscellaneous Sketches, &e. = G: Gu io , 1655. Grotesque Figures, Emblems, &c. == = — —§ 62 (@y%az0 || , 1656 ‘Two Original Peres: in Pen and” Tok; “Mythologie a 4% . Cards, &c. - —— oS. «Sen ee a 2. 2... 1657 Miscellaneous playing Cura oC 4 UO ae por ae ia Wiz, ore ie “1658 / Seroll work, Cartotches, and ‘\ various ornamental d signs iL ees . : Nes , | oman ye, FOREIGN PORTRAITS. MERE dP nore | Continued: front pase. jaan v7 a a ont - 1659 9 Paigots ae Wendbaie’ Duc de Beaufort, by Nanteuil ; “ioe ~ Seguier, “Marquis de St. Brisson, , by Nanteuil and Lvchon, very fine — —o 3 a J 71660 Louis Francois Due de Boufilers, by Duflos ; Henri de J Lor- “rane, Comte de Brionne, by Lubin ; ‘duet Bunau 5 ‘Louis — Francois le Tellier, Marquis de Barbezieux, by’ Veniedian? Baron de Bautersem, by Van Schuppen — dae 5 / f Rae 1661 eo Marquis de Beringhen, after Mignard, by Roullet ; | “Jaeques Louis, Marquis de Beringhen, after Mignard, by’ : | ' Roullet ; Henry, Marquis de Beringhen, by Audran, after | Nanteuil ; two theese one before’ me alteration of the | dress — — ah Ppa - | ia |, 1662 Frederick Maurice de la Tour Waived: vibsinie Turemne, | ~ by Nanteuil, A FINE PROOF BEFORE THE ‘INSCRIPTION, Ve : , VERY RARE, and an impression with the letters ie ar od Coal r et, 1663 Fred. ‘Matttite de la Tour Auvergne, Vicomte Turenne, by ae -Nanteuil, oval, with French verses underneath ; and Geoffroy _ | © Maurice, Due de Bouillon, by Nanteuil, ate ‘without any | inscription, both very fine : a QW%< es ~~» a * ‘ La 4 ( i27 ) ANY LETTERS, before the face was altered, and before the | | Sages _ alteration, an, the arms, and a lettered impression of the | ame fe same, fine — — 2 Bina wn | i aX 1665 Claude de Bourdaloue, after Largilliére, by Pitau, three im- | _ pressions, one before the. alteration wn the dedication, and before the word ‘‘ Bituricus,” in the oval; Sebastien de— ; Pontaut, Seignr. de Beaulieu, by Edelinck ; Rabutin, Comte .» de Bussy, by ditto; Henri de Lomenie, Homie de Brienne, ih, v4 ; | . by Lenfant ; Nicolas Faure de Berlise, by Vallet . 9 WW haaghe , Z ,14666 Gustavus Bondhe, by Lombart, proor and letters ; the same, | 45 by Pitau, proor before the arms were inserted, kc. 4 har ; 667 Henri, Comte de Bergh, by Delff, de Marcenay, &c.; Pon- «» taut de Beaulieu, by Lubin; Conrad Baron Bosislhorsy , by m4 $ 1664 Henry. Comte:de Bruhl, by Balechou, FINE PROOF, BEFORE ; ; | is “s _ Crispin de Pass; Thadeeus ve nai by. Natalis; Field. VY | »« Marshal Blicher. &e. — —_ 31 Conus M1 61 vA 1668 Miscellaneous ; Men of the Sword, &c. — 38i focw “ltt . y Claude Bouthillier, by Huret; De ‘ube by Lenfant, | O17: —- Od plvaght | Ze , 1670 M. Boileau, Gretier au Parlement, by ahteut, proof before | . the Latin verses, fine and rare, and an impression in the — VW | Lean fap 1669 Louis Sees. by Lenfant ; M. Bordier,: by, V.,Schuppen ; i j = usual state — a 2 _— le Boultz; Francois Blondeau; Etienne, Jehannot inne Bartillat, fete the alteration in the arms; and the initial ¥ letters in the angles ; Ditto, on Satin; Hugues»de.Lionne, | » Marquis de Berni, two impressions, one ete the inser iption, i . bles was. erased, all by Nanteuil, fine... —. 6 no Ef | 1672. Louis Boucherat, in a large oval of laurel, 1677, by Nantonil | | ‘a ‘Louis de Bailleul, by Ditto, two impressions, one before the roe . date, fine baie Es “~ — 3/02 Rar 1073 Jean Baptiste de Blye, by Edelinck ; Charles Honorat Baren- | | | . tin, after Rigaud, by Gantrel ; Ta Bignon, and: Louis \% | - Boucherat, large ovals, by eat ditto A | WyleO P ae | 1674 JEAN BapTISTE DE BLYE, BY EDELINCK, A BEAUTIFUL | Be | PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, EXTREMELY RARE, at the _ | salignt of the print is written in the autograph of the En- |g ~— graver, Donné.a Pitau, par moy Edelinck,” &e. . 1 oe 1675 Francois Brunet, after De Troy, by Vermeulen; Stephanus . ~ ai . ~FO,? . Babine: by Thomassin ; Antoine Bruneau, Louis de Bag- / |... nols; and Charles ionevat Barentin, by Gantrel, &c.» 6-74 | ( 1% ) , 3 |, ¥676 Theodore Bignon, by Van Schuppen, FINE PROOF prmere LETTERS, &c.; Jerome Bignon, by Ditto, two impressions, | | with and without the inscription in the oval... — 4 » S-\, 4677 Simeon Joseph Barbot, by Van Schuppen ; Chev. Bertin, | © proof; Jean Beguin, by Cotin; Louis de: Boucherat, by Thomassin, Chasteau, &c.; pata Baptiste Boyer; by Ver- | meulen and Coelmans ; Cornelius Van Bynkershoek, by ay Houbraken, &c. ee 10 , J» 1678 Joachim de Seigliere de Boisersit, by Nantenils ‘The same, Pe FS aa by Van Schuppen, large ovals, FINE AND RARE Qu pA 1679 Pierre Vincent Bertin, on a seroll, supported — bye female | figures representing Painting and Architecture, after Coypel, . by Edelinck, PROOF. BEFORE ANY LETTERS; The same, ) by Vermeulen and Drevet, si the latter a opcite BEFORE | LETTERS me MES OU —_ iki nie Legge a , 1680 Guillaume de Bhinavier after Migmitiay by Masson ; Claude le %G ~ Blane, by Drevet ; Benoise, by: pee esi sedecaien ’ Bordes, by Van Sobinppen; jine © ee 4 - 1681 GUILLAUME DE BRISACIER, AFTER = hboeeaelle BY Masson, z “ ) | : "PROOF, BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION IN THE OVAL © gap 1 me , Yes Theodore Bignon and Jaeques Favier de Boulay, by Pitau ; ; ke Claude Bazin, Henri Godet Desbords and Pierre sigh de | | . ) \ Braux; by Van Schuppen 9.) a Chimatu ae 1683 Nicolas René Berrier and Jean a ‘Baaionigns, wii ‘Wrne 3: and a proof of the latter — tala a aes line g* tnserip- tion, all very fine Plies Bey 3 , Vy ly 1684 Francois de Braque aun Clande tls Brio, bic iediices a Nicolas | | de Bailleul, ‘by Lasne, 8c. 0) Com Looe ea BSKIMAM Re 1685 Nicolas Brulart, by Landry, two Shi Mekianale one. sae the / . devices in the angles + ; George Joly, Baron de Blaisy, by . -Edelinck ; Theophile Braehet, by Morin; Francois de | Braque, by Picart — — ey a AS , 1686 Joannes de Brunenc, after Rigaud; rpaecamuiea, A FINE | PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS 5 anee before the addi- > > | tional inscription, &c. — she 3 _, 1687 Charles Bernard, by Lasne; Nicolas de Lamoignon de Bas- | ville, by Picart; Abel Brunyer, by Landry; Richer de | A - Belleval, by Rousselet ; Jacques Favier poririeniee in | | ) ‘Francois du Bois, by Gantrel Bol hs: 1 aes 1 + BEAUTIFUL PROOF babiikics THE B EMBLEMATICAL DEVICES IN THE b Re and a finished impression® : ca a ¢ ae ) le |, 1689 Ismael Bouillaud, by Van Schuppen ; Goyard Bidloo, by Bloo- / teling, two impressions, with Latin and Dutch inscriptions; Brunyer, by Landry; Henry Blacuodeeus, (Blackwood) by | | Mellan, proof and letters ; Jean Louis de Balzac, by. Vallet 8 Lede es g , 1690 Nicolas Boileau Despreaux, by Daullé, proof and. leiters ; ) -. . The same, by Chereau; Isaac de Benserade, by Edelinck ; Geerard Brandt, by Munnikhuysen, proof and letters; Barly, Fe sf etetneteacetasereeon SNe -eipeepnere Marchand, by Lenfant, &c. pe 1070 yy, 1691 David Blondell, by Nanteuil; Beaumarchais; La Bruyere ; | Blanchard ; Duffon; Balzac ; gh &e. 22, Ki , 1692 Beectiencons-— Eminent Ties and German Statesmen, | &e. — 20 ) Maw Za r | f2\3 1693 Various German and French. Literary Characters, by Delff, | {oS Maat Kilian, Miiller, &c. — 34 laced . | Jo +1694 Various German and French Literary and Scientific Persons, | 9) 05. by Matham, Sadeler, Delff, Mellan, &c. . fat? yeos8 oh 3 Wal 1695 Martin Vanden Baugart (Des Jardins), after Rigaud, by Ede- | ee: linck, two impressions, one before the address of Drevet, . ) gt very fine — — a Le Ad tl) , 73, 1696 Nicolas Blasset, by Lenfant; C. E. Bulsceuss by Wille: | je “© Joannes Bollius, by “hte Adrian Brauwer,. after had | ) | - dyck, by Bolswert, before the alteration in the spelling of ; the name ; and the same, by Boulonnois, &c. ap: Uff i | . | f\3 1697 Jacques Blanchard, by Edelinck; J. de Breuck, after si | . ~*)) dyck, by Pontius; Vander Bruggen; Bouchardon; J. P. Le 4} “@ Bas; S. a Bolswert; Nicolas Barbeaux, &c. ~ WAu2 . , 1698: Ronis: de Boullogne, after Rigaud, by Drevet ; The same, by | Vermeulen, proof before letters; Edmé, Bouchardon, by — | 4 *» Beauvarlet; M. Brizard, by Avril, &c.; Baptiste, the Some® | “9. painter, two proofs, one unfinished a5 (Atlin “© ETCHINGS BY REMBRANDT, . | Lo | Continued from page 124. | SUBJECTS FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT, continunp. bi 1699 Our Lord on the Cioss: between the two thieves, an oval, Fe (81); The little Crucifixion, (82); and the Descent from | be - the Cross, a sketch, (85) —_ 3 yer Ly 3 : ‘1700 Tue Descent From THE Cross, (84) before the address, an impression remarkable for cts tone and brilleancy aye | Ss | Ub | | | 8 7 , 170Y The Descent from the Cross, a Night piece, (86) two impres- sions, one on India papery vie very fine ; and the » eee sf nd stg Jesus, (88) ‘oH at eine ials 3 hte. | 2471, 1702 Jesus Christ entombed, (87) two impressions,’ one very 5 ed. | | € on India paper a 1” Senad a obe . | 4 Mb 1703 Jesus Christ entombed, (87) the first impression, ‘etched with | | mi! but little more than the single line, on —_ paper, fine, . . | and very scarce — Be ay Lye | 2D 22 61704 Our Lord and the Disciples at fait 68 jirst state, be- | fore the hat was perfectly Rates §ec.; and the same, in the | ~ second state — — 2 6 1705 Our Lord and the Disciples at Reniegee the small print, (91) -4.8 with a copy; and Christ healing the Sick, ay on India { : 2/2 one with the steps, and before the cross hatchings on its | | | | | paper, with a reverse = ia 4 | rae ,1706\'The Good. Samaritan, (77) jine a ee cy | | a oy , 1407 ‘The: Good Samaritan, (77) before ne name of Ritnbronde Se and the date, fineand rare. eee Calm a8 lai 1 | io Js G03 ‘THE Goon SAMARITAN, (77). before the s horse's tail was . os) \ shaded, VERY FINE AND RARE ie —~ 1 | i] J |, 1409 The Prodigal Son, (70) and a reverse; and the Decollation Ped _ ces cof St, John the Baptist (92)1 tueh soho th aay 3 | 3 ae 1710 The Decollation of St. John, doubtful, (93) two imine visions, | | | figure of the Executioner, &c. very scarce = Piece v7 1 St. Peter and St: John at the Beautiful Gate of the ineid pie, | | iis (94) three impressions, with differences = = 3 JL OVINZ St. Peter and St. J ohn at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, | | (94) on India eae eg fine, before some Gestion | i lines ‘on thé archy Gee 0 CO ee Wh eo ZL Zz 1718, Saint) Peter, (58); The ‘Mastiindom tak St. Stephen, (98) . | : very fine; and the Baptism of the’ Eunuch, (95) batt Sct 14 The Death of the Virgin, (97 J very Sine, eee og Mariette pe Collections and aréversé «= ) Steet} edad oe) oe Qe re Icy aay 4b oa. Poke chemo ‘iets sees fF PAK ogee Op A" : ; Te anal pious sUBIRCTS. ieee ees ie 2 Ls /1715 Saint Jerome sitting at the foot of a Tree, ( 100); ‘Saint Jerome kneeling, arched, (101) with a copy; : Ws Jerome kneeling, (103); and a reverse eed 54VEN Ate | Pha 1716 Saint Jerome sitting before the trunk of an 1 old tre, (102) & very fine ; “= Perak we ee é). A717 Saint Jerome unfinished, (104) a asa iphone oso 1 : ; ; i : | | | ( isl ) 2/\. , V418 Sawnr JEROME, UNFINISHED, (104) oN INDIA) PAPER, A : . "a f _ (s99) BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, WITH THE BURR 1 Ke b ) Aa 19 Saint Jerome, in Rembrandt’s dark manner, (106) three im- ie he . pressions, one before the alteration wn the curtain, fine and | / | scarce _. — a 3 Vedlleer) Arar , 1720 Saint Francis praying, (107) fine and scarce _ 1 uth | Pity BS 1721 The Hour of Death, “(i0s), with a copy of the same; and | Youth vipat by Death, (109) both scarce , 3 ny ~ ; . diy : , : : : ' FANGY.PIECES.. -otste bacon. °° | 1% vart Bb Ss 1722 An ALLEGORICAL PIECE, (111) ON INDIA PAPER, FINE | ea AND EXTREMELY RARE _ : | Ae 2 , 1723 The Star of the Kings, (112) two impressions, one on India 52> paper, very fine; Fortune, an Allegorical Pave) (123); and , 2 The Marriage of Jason and Creiisa, (124) “i vB pony fe, jz. 724 Tue MarriAce or Jason anv Crevsa, (114) on India “ ) : paper, before the crown on the head of Juno, without the: GP caere Dutch verses, and the name of Rembrandt, and before the | Be t dresses of Medea and her page were lengthened, FINE AND | , | | Storey Ey Rare as wees tee a 2+ 1725° The four Hunting pieces, (113) fine and scarce 4 Mpodlea) 2| afta FoR Three Oriental Figures, (114), and a reverse; The Blind | ~ Bagpiper, (115) two impressions with differences ; and the Rat-killer, (117) fine, with two copies 7 | obe- ae The Spanish Gypsey, ELAS) very fine and scarce; anda 4 ri copy of ditto iets 2 hia flr re, | woke 1728 The Goldsmith, (119) on India paper; The renee Wo-' + man, (120); A Jew’s Synagogue, (122) fine, and a reverse ; ' | ® and The Sport of Kolf (121) jine — 3 Won Dele | _1729 The Corncutter, (125) very fine and scarce god titty’ 7 g-.1430 The School Master, (126); ‘The Mountebank, (127) with a | | | g copy ; The Draughtsman, (128); Peasants travelling, (129); The Jew with the high cap, (131) and a reverse, &¢ g Lay G06 Aji Cupid reposing, (130) fine and very scarce age aid oo o . »1732 THe Onton WomAN, (133) FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE 1 a j “| me 1733 The Peasant with his hands behind him, (134) and copy, ‘ e Man playing at cards, (135) two wmpresstons, one oefore the | #e shadow above the head was made darker ; The Bind Fd-. oye dler, (137 ); The’Man on horseback, (138) ;. The Polander, | ok (139); Another Polander, (140) first state, &c Mn» bony | | | be » 1784 An old»Man seen from:behind, (141); The!two travelling ; ae i 5 ( Was ) ' | _ Peasants, (142); The Astrologer, ‘by Bol, (147); A Man | . > with a pen, (58); A Man gee Sa agi | sions, with differences el iv 9 | cy iat 1735 The old Man without a beard, (43): ) bee old Midi ‘with a> bushy beard, (144); The’ Persian, (145); A blind Man, | py (146) scarce; The Hog, (152) &e. 9 9 6 9, 1786 The little Dog sleeping, pepe the third state, EXTREMELY . RARE — ot law caw 1 wii. | | , 1737 THE LITTLE Doe SLEEPING, risen: THE FIRST STATE, | UNDESCRIBED, AND MOST PROBABLY UNIQUE. Jt measures ey 42, by 24, but the mark of the plate rs only visible on the . top and right hand sides, it having evidently been etched | : | . ) . | _on the corner of a large plate, and the copper afterwards | = ~ cut to the size of the second state, viz. 83 by 1g, of which | ~*~ « there 1s a perfect impresston in the British Museum, The . plate ‘was subsequently again reduced to the size describe | ry Dailby, being the above mentioned third state — ee At» 1788 THE SHELL, exceedingly Je and ete scarce | BEGGARS. - | 1739 A Beggar standing, spiritedly etched, cise ; A Beggar, a e. profile in a cap, (156); Two Beggars, a man and woman, | conversing, (157); A Beggar Woman rie alms, sae - | and various copies i 84 Z | - 1448 Two ‘Beggars coming from behind a bank, (158), two im= | he pressions, one before the plate was reduced in size, and os before the additional. work, on the hare; and various parts | _,. _ of the figures, fine and. rare ©. - dinseuteo ee FENR W\ C0. G 1741 A Beggar, in the manner of Callot, (159), two impressions, g one before the plate was reduced for the second time, with 5 the high cap, and before the additional cross vn | _ the cloak, fine and rare. at 2fbod bin Pst 1742 A Beggar, in the manner. of Caliot, (159), THE. FIRST | sTaTE, before the plate was reduced either at the upper or —.... lower edge, before the additional shading on the cap, cloak, | «= &e., and with the left leg nee white, VERY FINE AND | EXCEEDINGLY RARE more Ath AP @ SET ie 1743 A Beggar in a slashed cloak, (160), three ‘ggseanlee with | differ ences, one before the additional lines on the lower part . of the face, on the right leg, &c.; A Beggar Woman, in Callot’s manner, (161) —_ 4 ( 133 ) Z\ 6G |. ¥744a-Lazarus'Klap, or the dumb Beggar, (165), veryrare) (° 1 Lotlind OI Gis The ragged Mariner, (166); A Beggar warming ‘his hands | am over a chafing dish, (167), and a copy of ditto; A Beggar | with his mouth open, (168); A Beggar, and iis companion, | a ‘in two pieces, (171); A Beggar with a-wooden leg, (172); | | tat yee a Peasant standing with his hands behind hws a basket | | ; at his feet, (173), scarce HD 3 of ce 7 fs) “he Beggars at the door of a house, (170), brilliant, agit es : burrs and two copies of ditto — Pr eo (lopticer \2 ; ae FREE SUBJECTS. | “yer ) J\/ 1747 The Flute-player, (180) ; The Shepherds in the Wood, | bas —. (181), both fine and scarce — ld fr’ ae | A748 The Flute-player, (180), FIRST STATE, ‘with the head among” e the boughs of the tree, and before the adddienat shading on | ) the foliage above the hat of the shepherdess, VERY FINE i AND EXTREMELY RARE o olla. Z| 7o, 1749 A Man watering, (182); and copy of ditto; A Woe | crouching under a Tree, (183), both rare a seme | (eet) os) ACADEMICAL SUBJECTS. J | 15\ 1 450 A’ Painter drawing after a Model, (184); The Prodigal | | | Son, (185); The Go-cart, (186); The Bathers, (187); A. | ~~ Man sitting on the Ground, (188) aa 5 od. @ Lil h A751 A Woman sitting before’'a Dutch Stove, (189), two impres- “sions, one on India paper, with the cap on, and a u Rey t an my stove pipe, fine and rare ) — Mtlleno Wi J 752 A Woman sitting before a Dutch Stove, (189), on ee | paper, very Jine, with the cap, and without the key in the 9 stove pipe, EXTREMELY RARE as 1 Meo Mlrert Zz ‘ 1753 A naked Woman, (190); A Woman bathing near the foot of | +a large tree, (193); A Woman with her feet in the water | | ‘after bathing, ( “ie on oe paper 3 hoe C91), on Ini | Z paper, fine 3 — Yi J 72 A755 The Woman with the Arrow, (194), with the burr, FINE | AND RARE: 3 pas} 142 ; ; Bs @ Last | wranes — Rede = » JS \, YI58.Twoditto mee tabto ee » (2.7 1959 Two ditte - : et ine hy End of th iy, ; ‘Sat veiied noo caput do aa ‘08h ‘ent Yo ole ant | i tl? "Mood FS anortoriny asoriwy Aieag: Brooty ee hB i ei «O38 — ~ esrorvans areal Yo URE Lot Ps bre a. ar to aalT « ‘bas ; — BOL, ee oS raatonted itis Pir oP aio’ stip vom BPEAM 2 pT yuk ‘io uebsoA oP bas. tocnaiiote bial engin WANG, ce, Vesa, ahaa io ok Lane, eile aighaex reel Roregoarbiog f Pat yada oS SR eae eemlip ys She aarorrara dang 9 ge a ne tt ease x enti 404 ; faht ai CS Ny Make ne crud wil? Fase . P th i 4 - raqotl ‘1 vate ( 185 ) ~ FOURTEENTH DAY'S SALE, s én TUR i, A Y, the 14th day of JU wy E,. 1834, At Twelve for One precisely. WORKS OF SEBASTIAN LE CLERC. LOT . , 1760 Subjects from the Old Testament; Passion of our Saviour, &e. _ 238 ¢ 1761 Miscellaneous Scriptural Illustrations : 103 , 1762 A similar lot — as 120 , 1763 The Saints for every day in the year, chiefly proofs before the plates were cut — 480 _, 1764 Tobit and the Angel; Elijah’s Ascent to Heaven; The “‘ Puer Paryulus”: St. Peter’s Penitence ; The Miracle of, the Loaves and Fishes, &c. proofs, with curious variations 21 , 1765 The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict, &c. 64 _ 1766 Battles, Sieges, Processions, &c. many of them curious proofs, with variations ; and a Plan of Metz, during the Siege by Charles V., a drawing by Le Clerc 67 1767 Miscellaneous; chieily Historical, many proofs 106 . “9768 Alexander’s Entry into Babylon, three impressions, one with face in profile, and other variations; and The Academy of | Sciences, proof before any letters, and two other impres- | | ‘Oe: sions, with differences — 6 1769 The Gobelin’s Gallery, (Alexander’s Battles from Le Brun) ; yd The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche; The Apotheosis of Isis ; : some proofs before letters, with curious alterations 16 , 1770 Building the Louvre, before the date; Marriage of the Duke . of Burgundy, proof, Knights of the St. Esprit taking the a Oath of Fidelity in the Chapel at Versailles, proof before | | letters; Le Mai des Gobelins, with variation; La Forteresse Bc de Montmelian, &c. — 12 , 1771 Miscellaueous, Natural History, &c. — 103 , M/ /V772 Miscellaneous Architectural, Plans of Buildings, &c. 300 ) | as # ae | € 496°) n| S| | , 1773 Funeral Ceremonies, Triumphal Arches, &c. some proofs 40 es ee 1744 Miscellaneous relating to Geometry, Agttopgey, Fortification, | Bee &e. — arn 2602 bz Le | 2) IS» ‘1775 Landscapes, Medals, Designs for a Drawing Book, &ce. 500 d’~ | 2 | yz 61776 Illustrations of AZsop’s Fables; Landscapes ; io , < A ase en it tn te nnn sli tenet ma | Vignettes; Title pages,&c. © -— .. 300 K¥u20 Ps | 4 +1777 Labyrinth of Versailles ; Costumes Ornament aaa 160 in 4* / a , 1778 Misodilitnoduh-Euistonidal Emblematical MER Sihineg on 200 oar La | i WORKS OF BOSSE. re a | oA i” 179 Virgin and Infant Saviour, after Stella, &c. 84 YEE, ; _» 1780 The Wise and Foolish Virgins, Works of Merey, &e. 1B Barre i “ '» 1781 History of the Prodigal Son; The Cardinal jd gene: Prepara- tion for'a Christian Soldier, &e.) emer 29 VoD | fe Pa \- 1782 Various, relating to the History of France ; eae during si | | the Installation of. -the sgn ye ok the Order of the St 4 | . Esprit, &c. ere Lome iii? BB oe Vracte wad At , 1783 The Seasons; The Blemonts: The Senses, &e. - ott Se lod - . 4%Z , 1784 Various Conversation pieces». oe ey one 12 Yynuane « Var 1785 The Senses; the Faculties; ‘The Schoolmaster, Be ne.) 092 Mee 1G: 1786 Various Trades, &e.- — PH Bool, _ 1787 The Seasons; The iver dition of Oks circles ;. oi Tesdiieehoukes The Four Quarters ‘of ‘the World; '&e.W byes ahi | 21 ce , 1788 Costume of the French Nobility, &e, 9 het ov87 Kienar2 NG 1789: Miscellaneous Costume —s_— se 46 |n 4 Be , 1790 Historical subjects; Triumphal Aréhes, &e. | enn 60 Lrute ” v Bb | » 1791 Various—relating to the Art of Engraying, as isan? a7 Ay ” ca wv 1192 SAR att cea nih ecient RO AP 69 DO | ‘ é ’ 4, Wea Wu ENTREE ani: FOREIGN PORTRAITS. Continued from ge 129. H# | de Brion, Marquis de Combronde, by Lenfant; Henri de | | Fourcy, by Picart ; Charles de. adeaeiiet tne aie de | oes Chasteauneuf, by Ragot, &c. me BCCI ” ve L 1794 Francois de Bonne de Cincy Due de) iaedieniadll ey Nan- teuil; Jacques, Marquis de Castelnau, by Ditto; Marquis de Chasteauneuf, by Vermeulen, proof before the’ mareds &e.; Marquis de Chamilly, &c. watinsi eh gap Re °_ te j | 4 ', 1793 Balthawne i Senin Wiaeinadd ses 4 4 : 2 eee ee $ it ae ee | oid Ee . 4 emis we J § ity Woe ha oe y nee reas ins : te | | | ( 138 ) 7 (39% Henri de Fourcy, Comes de Chessy, after Largilliére, by pe | | Drevet, FINE PROOF, and the same with letters ; Joannes | | fa elon Gremprich: de Croonefelt, MmeZZ. ~ Blooteling, ey and} 4 Gepuecee iene — ual AACA | (1808 Martin de Charmois, after Bourdon, by Simonneau, PROOF, | and letters ; Samuel Bernard, Comte de Coubert, attar : . es Rigaud, by Drevet, jine’ -) , 2° “Rae °3 1309 Samuel Bernard, Comte de Coubert, after Rigaud, by Drevet { D4 J. 4 ftv pa TWO PROOES, one before the tools were engraved ; Nicolas | Piel, ~ Coustou, (Sculptor), by Dupuis, PROOF AND LETTERS ; ae oe ‘ Robert de Cotte (Architect), after Rigaud, by Drevet 6/{2220 Eo abee © 1814 Philippe de Champagne, by Edelinck ; Philippe Collot, by woe _,, Ditto ; Francois Chauveau, by Cossin ; The same, by Edé- | _ two impressions, one on India paper, and iti afore | | the words “ Consetiler d’Estat” — <8 | 91%] » ABO, SAMUEL BERNARD, COMTE DE Cousert, VERY. FINE, _ 4 |. © \ “BEFORE THE worps “ Conseiller d’Estal” lag, Gaye v6 5 1811, Miscellaneous—Poets, Lawyers, &c. &c. chiedy French 3244 | an Ga a 1812 _Miscellaneous—Painters, Sculptors, &c. — 35 nH | » ION 1813 Antoine Coyzevox, (Sculptor), after Rigaud, by Audran, ete linck ; Jean Chapellain, by Nanieuil ; Thomas Corneille, by 2 | scoaeey PROMASSION. 4, — — 7 bot nua he c 185, Neel Coypel, by Aatinats ‘Wander Cabel ; Le Clere ; Callot, . - Corelli and Coan Musicians ; Hoan. Bapt. © seamaies | i wis Laurence Coster, of Haarlem, by V. Nelgen wre | | Jacob Cornelisz, by. Visscher, &e. r — 23° 80 zecc : Wa | ” 1816 aera Count Dehn, after Rigaud, by Chereau, two empres- . j . 00 { } : : - | | . | ) - f> 1 SAM one, before the alteration in the arms, before the reg hae ay _&e.; Duc de Duras, by Landry, See te rape ” 7 7 1817 Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau, after Rivet | ‘by Drevet, FINE PROOF, BEFORE, ANY LETTERS, &c. 40 a | vi P 1818, Jean. Frangois d’Estrades, by Pitau ; ‘Antoine Daubray, by eo Ge ~~ Valilet ; Carolus Dujour, by ALéntanes Pierre Maugis Des | | cotati, Gitenees, by MEOTURt Lin — ee oahaph: Z iy , 1819 Jean Dorieu, by Nanteuil ; Jean ‘Delpech, nt Roullet ; Duar-| . tius, by L. Vorsterman ; Count Dehn, by Chereau ; Dear | | ? » dins, the Sculptor, after Rigaud, by Drevet —. ee y - 1820 NATHANIEL DiLGERUS, By EDELINCK, VERY FINE Ve: | oe AS: 1821 Miscellaneous — Statesmen, Soldiers, Remarkable Hexsons; 2 40 be 1822, ‘Albert Durer, re Edelinck, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS ; Pierre Clement Daffincourt, after Rigaud, by , Audran, four i Shiiotes | sions, two proofs before letters: and variations in the plany poh lee ; ( 139 ) —— . . of Dunkirk, which he holds in his hand ; Réné Descartes, by Edelinck ; Joseph Dominique, Harlequin, by Habert ; Duflos, by Bin &e, — oS i 1823 Louis de la Tourd’ Auvergne, Comte d’Evreux, after Rigaud, . by Schmidt, very fine; The same, a mezz. by Haid, but | without his name — — 2 lfm /\7 1824 Louis DE LA Tour pD’AUVERGNE, CoMTE D’EVREDUX, AFTER RiGaup, BY SCHMIDT, A BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS — — 1 hithisline , JZe\, 825 Charles Comte d‘Escars, by Landry, the Engraver’s name in M.S.; Louis Godefroy, Comte d’Estrades, by Picart; La | Valette, Duc d’Espernon, by Nanteuil ; Comte d’Evreux, by ROL Sen. ce cuuts 5 = 1 Verlltno 1826 Maréchal d’Estrées, by. Audran, three, impressions, one before the names of Painter or Engr aver ; Philippe Eurard, by Edelinck ; Wohl Edel, by Van Schuppen ; Gerard Ede- linck, by N, Edelinck ;, The, same, by Devaux ; Marquis de : Cing Mars, &e.. oo : — | 16 iyfagh + | /2Z4 » 1827 Miscell laneous—Musicians, Painters, oa 24 Vp pian | , 1828 Abraham de Fabert, by Edelinck and Poilly ; ; Charles ’An- ., ..gennes de Fontainneriant, by Habert ; ; Marquis de Farvaques, jos by Ravenet cs a 5 , Jf» 1829 ‘Charles Jerome de Cisternay du Fay, after Rigaud, by Drevet, ie beautiful proof before the letters, and another before the _ the arms or letters, &c. ce — 3 elteie | } . | as 1880 fEgidius le Maistre, D. de. Ferriers, by Lenfant ; Jean sine | oh, _ tiste de la Faille, by Lauwers ; ; Gaspar de Fieubet, iM Pitau, &e.- es sent 6Y Mp, y , 1831 Nicolas Fouquet, by Nanteuil and Mellan ; yore dé eve aay _ by Nanteuil ; Nicolas Joseph Foucault, by Van Schuppen ; | @ René Fremin, by Surugue, proof and letters, &e. 8 / 11d lrg RSOd Joseph Audomar Joly ; Henri de Fourcy; Pierre de Seve, “4, .© Baron. de F lecheres, by Cars ; Renatus Le Fevure, by Gan- - trel, &e. ize ot 5 VAIZZ i oe S 1833 Louis Phelypeaux, Comte de St. Florentin, by Wille, before. ast the title of Minister, and with the white mallets in the arms, WA Waa 2” very fine. — — 1 2) so 5 1834 Louis PHELYPEAUX, CoMTE DE ST. FLORENTIN, py WILLE, | A BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS Merler Lore 1835 Guido Crecentius Fagon, by Edelinck, éwo impressions, one before the Latin verses ; Nicolas Fouquet, by Nanteuil ; The same, a small bust, by Van Schuppen; Pierre de Mari- dat ; Joseph Foucault, by Van Schuppen — 6Y12CE senninrcieennerertanteinritea aise scaeteabsitnten eee ne eevee eee (( 0 5) a f~ |» +836) Jean Forest, painter; after Largilliere, by DrevetsFINE PROOF “BEFORE \DHE: INSCRIPTION, cand. an. oe with the | — | letters ts demi? eed eal | ve a oeny Nicolas Le Bivnes oe Edelinck . Guido Ciscnmtimaimabcas. by | : | _Edelinck,;,De la Fond,. by: Lonbatins Siesta ee | } . &L, —- ‘Wake ae rk : 190 4 here 8 z 1838 “André: Felibien, :by. Dansph: ateuase Rivet by oe 4 . Le -. De la Faille, after Vandyck, by .Lommelin; a » Fontan, hi bbies” ern, iS, Me mag Ree a eae ae 4 oh i | hea F RPCR IS Jasle |i View 6 ae Oo RR ee ij \° fone ‘ETCHINGS BY REMBRANDT, cat | | z ‘ . COREE from page 134. | 9 a Laat ; See) a | Ss LANDSCAPES. | pond | a ae , 1839 A Small Landscape with a house and a ee tree itt) it, (199) fine a and very SCALOB ge — 1 Sipe \ Llp \n "1840 Stx’s BRIDGE, (200) before, the shading on one of the hats, fine and.very rare cht ie — vr W/Z | "4% _* There are three states ag this Mate hitters undescribed ; in the Digs Leste which occurred in Sir Thomas Baring’s Sale, neither of the hats of the menvon the bridge were ‘shaded ; the second is/as above described ; : and in the third, which isthe: aE: state, both hats-are shaded, Sf \ ae 5 1841 View of Omval, very fine, (20h) ig Te Seen (el 7c 2 | 7o | % 1842 View of Amsterdam, (202) very Maks dad scarce ' lAoticn JS | 7g |. 1843 The Sportsman, (203) without the: horse and barn on the ’ / Scleft, fine:and:rare! 2) ee me 8 hh i Si Peat HIE’ /o\/@ \, 1844°THE THREE TREES, (204) A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION 4 fit Sota 4. t¢ 4 1845 Fhe Peasant carrying the milk pails, (205) fine and rare 1 LA lo Ceri THE PEASANT CARRYING ‘THE MILK PAILS, (205) before - the mountains on the left, and before some additional lines | + . 6. “ion the banks of the canal, FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE 1 SZ. o |}. 1847. THE ‘Coach Lanpscare, (207) ON INDIA PAPER, VERY | , le FINE, ‘AND OF EXTREME RARITY, with a copy of ditto 2 “4c | yo, 1848A Village near a high road, arched, (209) BRILLIANT §© 1@% “et tbe 47 ae £1849 A VILLAGE NEAR A HIGH ROAD, ARCHED. (209) before the cross hatchings on the front of the cotiage, VERY FINE i AND EXTREMELY RARE © ann St Ayeked GOR Poe 1850 A Landscape with the square tower, (210) jine, li 2s Cea , 1851 A Farm Houseand Barn, (211) witha aia. and a ‘copy | andthe Shepherd, (212) © 2? w-—+0 sibomieie) 95 4 pa , 1852. A Landscape of an irregular form, (213) Fine w and ieee scarce ; anda a of ditto aol, i deh Ser ( 1415) y , | , 4853 A Landscape, with a hai (214) fine and rare ; and a copy | of ditto — — oe WYhollnv this 1854 The Landscape without the pointed tower, (215) ete Gf ALBENE is — — LJiffrs ‘x wae 1855 An Arched Landscape with Cattle, (216) fine, witha copy 2 ,4- anh A Large Landscape with a Cottage, and. a Dutch Barn, aie (217) very fine ; and the copy — 2 VERVE , M6 ; 1857 A Large. Landscape with a Mill sail: seen above a Cottage, fine, (222) — | 1 Ohl *: a 1858 An Arched Landscape with an Obelisk, (218) and two . copies —_ — 3 Lg tte Ly fp $: L 1859 An Arched ess with an pies ft tS) very Sine, woth 7 ii the burr. mer the 1 off ale ats 1860 A Village with a Canal, (19) ne a copy 2 VLU J sO Y 1861 A Grotto with a Brook, (223) fine and scarce 1 Wa tee S8\ 78) > 1862 A CoTTAGE WITH WHITE PALES, (224) first state, ex- . _ tremely fine, and rare; and two copies — / os , 1863 Rembrandt’s Father’s Mill, (225) fine, with two copies YA, boved J2\ 72, 1864 THe GoLpWeIGuER’s FIELD, (226) EXTRA FINE ; Yoo lees cw: , 1865 Two Landscapes of the : same size, CPR one with the burr, ee ‘wery fine. . — asc iia 7 4 “1866 A Landscape with a Cons ‘drinking 2, (228) very fine, with | ~ the burr ; and two copies of ditto —— 3 » \f0 Fe 1867 copies of — Three Tress, and other rare ie oe 5 “PORTRAITS: OF MEN. 1868, A Man. in an Arbour, (237); An old Man with a large beard, unfinished, (239); An Old Man with a large white -beard, (242); and copies» 45 oT 5 | 1860 Bast. of an Old Man witha long ed ,- (210), ikimactes- sions, one before: the iphae was reduced in ie fine os very scarce. + } aa yen tet 12; , 1870 The Man with the: Crucifix au aiitn, (241), very hee 1. - 1871 Tue MAN WITH THE CRUCIFIX AND CHAIN, (241), BEFORE THE SHIRT COLLAR: WAS INTRODUCED, VERY FINE) AND | | “EXTREMELY RARE > = f1) 1872 Portrait of a Man with a short beard, (243), two impressions, one with the left hand on the right arm, and before the plate Ls was reduced in size, fine and very rare poe 2.42 \ 6873 Portrait of a Man with a short beard, (243), the left ail erased, but before the plate was reduced, ditto i Ye y se (C4 5) 1874 Abraham Vander Linden, (244), two impressions; one on India paper, before some additonal lines under the ae of the sleeve, both very fine = eT sat Ue fas /2.., 1875 Abraham Vander Linden, (244), befhe the cross hatchings on the sleeve, &c., and before — ting was a EXTREMELY RARE ! — MF, (a , 1876 Janus Silvius, (246), with a copy; Anold Man, in a fur ees divided in the middle, (245), fine; A tie Man aay (248); and Manasseh Ben Israel, (249) ° sh | ft , 1877 Doctor Faustus, (250), with the lide Fine Brn " @ : “Uprd bai , 1878 Renier Anslo, (251), on hisses pend Wig Seis COPY, by Savary — — 2 VU e ‘1879 Renier Anslo, (251), snenrthed aie: his name, and four Dutch verses by Vondel, i bia —— sae “J CopPeNnoL — — t , 1880 Clement de Jonghe, (2025 two 1 dnprevdtehavinel sips de 1881 Clement de Jonghe, (252), before the arch t an the back ground was introduced, very fine — | (100 , 1882 Clement de Jonghe, (252), rrrst state, before the addi- ys tional lines on the back of the chair, on the hat,§&c. — _ 1883 CLEMENT DE JONGHE, Gn), Jirst state, on India Lager jine wit — kee -1 |. , 1884 Abraham fiance" or Beaune (258), thiveé Sie: with differences — — ASN Ch A | V4 6 1885 Abraham France or Fransz, (253), two impressions, ah differences, one, on India paper, with less work about the | , face and hair and upon the print — 2 , 1886 OLD HaaRING, THE BURGOMASTER, aes ‘VERY FINE AND RARE | — ellie ata Li '» 1887 Young Haaring, (255), shurh impressions, toate differences 3 we , 1888 Young Haaring,- (255), two impressions, before the picture was introduced, one on vellum, fine — —_— 2 , 1889 John Lutma, (256), fine ; and a reverse — LW pMlEO , 1890 Joun Lutma, (256), A SUPERB IMPRESSION, ON FINE VELLUM, BEFORE THE WINDOW AND BOTTLE WERE IN- * - TRODUCED, EXTREMELY RARE | “ls, VWZgcee J} &\» 1891 Joun Lutma, (256), rirst state, before the re-biting of F the plate, or tele bi with = <— Paes ig Y| be rare ie , 1892 John Asselyn or Crabbetje, (287), on India sites il jine —— pile Yatna ¥ ” ’ ( 143) | | b Jo , 1893 JOHN ASSELYN, (257), FIRST STATE, WITH THE EASEL, on | | vellum, EXTREMELY SCARCE. se | l fa Lw g [5 - 1894 EpHraim Bonus, (258), A SUPERB IMPRESSION, WITH «9. LARGE MARGIN — — VK la /o\| 1895 WTENBOGARDUS, OR WYTENBOGAERT, A DutcH i NISTER, (259), REMARKABLY FINE, with the copy 2 V2 “ 2|, 1896 WTENBOGARDUS, THE DUTCH MINISTER, (259), THE EARLIEST STATE OF THE PLATE, BEFORE IT WAS | CUT INTO THE OCTAGON FORM, BEFORE THE CURTAIN Pas AND ARCH ON THE RIGHT, AND WITH THE RUFF ONLY | | |. ETCHED IN OUTLINE, FROM BARNARD’S COLLECTION, | MOST PROBABLY UNIQUE a WWZZ : ‘% | /1897 Two portfolios, . half-bound, green morocco, with holland . wrappers, measuring 23 in. by 19, lettered FRENCH SCHOOL, | «..... vol. 29 and 30 — eS 2 he 1 ff ,'898 Two ditto DITTO vol. 31 and 32 2 oft - >. ca ~ S Eyre t ’ iz. . 4 a : End of the Fourteenth Day’s Sale. etn rer snl seh dtm a am - at Meer Cem dlic ic De 2% ope ko se eon ¥ past AGRE QI. oF gwadseoQ bins; ? . RIFT CERNTH: -DAYS ‘SA 2g inh (ERAS ax0W eee awk Ssei - oe “ NDA Yo the 16th, day..of -J UN Bynd834, | om yitnow. esvahy y WA) “at Twelve for One precise ly. es aii 5H08. wen) gav.2idiboe ivemid tectifyent ss eine’. caKy eunsteopsiil hese qo hewwiten 7 wid to Heri naiainat wide wath set iki a Eee ah Lhe ‘ | rye PICART. i ie nee a gine | LOT -. . Leiba AG EG BORE.. ag 9 Ss 1899 Illustrations of ‘the Old: Testament, | in ornamental ‘Vignette ie ) borders ; Miciatiess of Saints, &c. Se a oe Uart/ Ae , 1900. Scriptural subjects, &e.. a “ages oa 4 iu en ty A ay | a4 x . 1901 ‘Ilustrations | of the Old and New ‘Testament, s0 some Agia 233 Ow e | "a L, 1902 Historical and Mythological subjects, &e. some proofs. « 250 ta ca \/2-|* | , 1903 "A similar lot” es a = enor} swnslt eee id es 50 6c Hei e904" “Warlous Mythological’ subjects OF NE eee pa 23 Liana | “y \- 1905 Historica] and Allegorical subjects _ 4 oe y th Lo $?— 1a) + 1906 Caricatures, relating to Law, and the Mississipp! | Sel the ey | . 2 79 “The Murder of the Ferop a De Waitt and-other ai _Illustrations: of. Dutch History _ by meee: on a i be be. We a Rete ped ercanphiornes Abigy wt | «i “CLAUDE MELLAN. --sedaaggeass = ABOIGS fA blll ABB ; oe 8nec sayy jaoall Spal. gil wy 4. ‘toss The. gCticifixion ; ak. ‘Entomibient ; opie” Resitrrection, STi ? a¥G «ili “Via wick? Jo _ fia The* ‘Holy ‘Family ; : Hiuiderebiet' , t St." Vere men provf, | we pe na ¥ ‘&e. 3 coer. ott ew . pi tr « O. sehg 17 , “(835 ‘Various ‘Saints, en ee: Sst sae ee TLL bewedlt "a0 6 HM; A , 1986" St’ Peter Nolasque, carried to the “Mass, by Angels, fine and | ba pit wery rare; ‘The Magdalen with the eross and skull ; and| / / aio “the Portrait of Claude Mellan, “fine ree Be Lie Hi "EROR dg t o|. 1937. St. ‘John in the. OS Jine; and various Saints: ae Y, : “Martyrs AR acy | Ada ‘ 00 LE \+ 1938 Religious. subjects, ge a . — — Tage as : at bey v4 pA 19 | 1939 Mythological subjects, &e. raga re tng i 7 ba ve 17 y a : 1940 Historical, Sel cag ALE ROR Csi “49 ee 4 |- J941 ee of the Moon, curious ; Various. cA Pe 4, Mid _ ede Busts and. ‘Statues cra! the sh titi Se oa —— ee, es °°48 Aartci. «AS, “Miscellaneous—Title-pages ; z Coats ‘of “Arms ; ; “Vidette: : Yj 98/4 “Emblematical, (Omaments,, &e. 6 some FON, see “a of hie. | Re Lim wate n | ) \/ : 3. F Sena 6294 \, Oued: atio oF 0 RE I: G Ne P 0 R , R AL T s, puck YeOl | 49299) et 7nDn6V pee a ‘saat ys & af 0 eet ae. ae | Continued from Page ‘140, 2 9944 Charles de Lorraine, pry de Guise, by “pgm mh ition 61. che, by Picart; “Henri de Guénégaud, by Nanteuil, two : i Es ee poMeal | . £a60L 78 My | . | | | Pe mivonean one A see the order aM bg the St. Esprit; ;Thes same, hg any ription; D orieu, By J o, &e. Dik a anes Peon\ serie ae nie létteréd ¢ O46 "Fouguiet de Belle-isle, Due de 'Gigord! “Aftet R: Rigatid, Wille 2% e Rie, ““Frangois Adhemar dé Monteil, by Tu ibin; Due d’Antin , by ‘87° SAtidran} Gabriel’ de" la Gardie, by Van Schappen, PROOF rr a on eee Je SAISS So \ pe yen, 5 OMAN XY ae tM. ROG ron chal ak hr Yu and ienbhe beg , Yoa7 Jean ‘dé Gassion, and ‘the Duc 8 ‘Gram HE pal, ‘Gabriel de “la Gardie, by Van" Schuppen, ‘PROOF wero “'-"" petrers; Henri de Guénégatd, by" Nanteuit s* ny Bertiard | 7 Lf, Potier, Due de GéSvres, by Petit, &e. °° // \,, 1948 Various Portraits of the Gondy Family, by Duflos, &c. 1hnthur i (wat ) Z . 1949 Francois Guénault, by Nanteuil, Melchior de Gillier, by “et | Ditto ; Petrus Gassendus, by Dittos Christopher Gottvaldt, | | by Edelinck; Francois Geoffroy, Ky Surugue, and: Chereau ; | | dajyoadlerre no eae by Lepicié, &e. oe pd FS Aas raat Val ‘ | JO » 195 50 George Groevius, by Valck; Gevartius, after Rubens, “by ) | Rae . Pontius; and various Por traits, OF Suyderhoef, Matham, | | . ee . Kilian, &e ag -- > Tees} of » 1951 Mixeecdianents.1D uth and German, chiefly Saldiets ty ag Ad. |oOH an 1952 Miscellaneous—Statesmen, &e. by Goltzius, Kilian, Sadeler, &e. .. $e cogal a 1 Masbenr J | js 1953 Henry Golimas; ny Edelinek, two. impressions, ONE. A FINE | ” Li , . PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS; and a counterproofjof the Yoo Lt same; The same, natural size, engraved by himself, fine 3 7 pi arn! i We. ; 1954 a Go.rzius, large head, engraved by himself, FINE 1h | | - PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS aes ay ba) ‘i he 4955 Claude Deshais Gendron, after Rigaud, ‘by Daullé, : FINE | .),»y PROOF BEFORE THE PO and an ‘impression with | _. the letters — a! 2% as | Sy 1956 Francois Girardon, after Rigaud, by Duchange, Pr Caf a letters; Jean Francois Guillieaumon, Maitre ‘Tapissier, if ) | Si ON. Edelinck, two impressions, one before the medals on each ) Bee side of the pedestal; Etienne Gantrel, by Sarrabat, oval, | MeCZZ. — ait 3 Drab } GZ, 1957 Jacques Gole, by himself, mezz.'oval, three impressions, two | | |: before the letters ; Theodore Galle; pad Vander Geest, ae be xe after Vandyke, &c. — 13 1958 Miscellaneous—S tatesmen ; ; Warriors, &e. . | . . | ee a eEEEEEEemne J yo . T98S\ANMah with*nouétiiches;! tii'a high aay Sittings 1(299) Sam #88 Olde Manowitli/a square’ beard p (291).;'and/an Old’ Man with Rey a very large beard, (304) fine WN ASO pr 8 Rae an) rest Bust ofa Man bald headed, (302) with® atopy 7A grotesque | 5 Head in a high fur cap, (305) two impressions, one® before . . the retouch, anda COpy 5 —_ i with lees “the mouth’ open, (306) Bs ROTC RE ae) 3 fy: 1990 pK Portrait resembling RuinBeahetl “in a mezetin caps (293) two impressions, one without the name; and a copy; Bust "of an Old Man: with an aquiline nose, ’ (128 Suppl.) two im eer Si 0 Wraaruek one before the retouch ; A Head of a Young Man, | Bore __ turned to the left ; and: ain Old Man sitting: i a'chair, with ch ROSE Bas book open ‘on hie knees; not. by Rembrandt = "6% g yar West “Tur Moor witt 4 HAMMER, “(Appendix 8), etched in the | e style of Rembrandt, by A. d’Hae, whose name appears in ae we ted places; Goth mowtty ‘were afterwards erased, very raré aro" ae ——— Daokt 00d asl tm el! Se RE ee ae | ¥ om qth * ie bide Mase) ‘ald g Easy lateen TRIG - | We oes | tt yee OF WOMEN: | LAST EX: a . cog A Ty oot # iy » aia a ad si BAGO eck , 1992 The Groat Jewish eee (il), very fine » it caumae rT 1993. Tux Great Jewisa Bripg, (311), octtnnde cross lines Za be ‘ rey nie pe the hands and various paris of the drapery, VERY FINE bf) 2S) AND EXTREMELY RARE 0, je sty sod AY 1994, A Study. for the Great Jewish Bride, (Bartsch 341 }; Sain ipa ae Catharine, (312); Two Portraits of. ‘Ola Women, (3. ae i z «9, the _second, two. AMPFERSORS with. diferences, nt $e ~ fine st = —_ ee : Sag ey _ ey \Z y S. . _ Tong A Young Woman reading, (314), two impressions, nade .. the nose was lengthened, very rare and, jine ‘ JO yo 1996 An Old Woman with her hand on her breast, ln), STATE, with the lines in the back ground extended. above 2 a her head, and before the'searf wiad flowered # pat 088 same . in the altered state, fine and very rare | | | | 2. yo ,1997 Rembrandt's” Wife, (316) ;! Rembrandt’s Mother, (318) ; : | | | @ Old Man (or Woman?) sleeping, (803), with a reverse, ana | se Copy. of ditto; Head of an Old Woman, etched no/lower | | § + ata the chin, (319), with a copy; another Head ofan Old lieed Seta aiemins eves than the chin, (820) biol, Fi ¢ ; xCe vi ¢ £m a yt iy AG } et ad ‘ nf ( 51 ) go . 1998 Bust of an Old Woman, lightly. etched, (321), two-tmpres- | . stons, different ; anda copy; An Old: Woman in a black ‘ veil, (322), two impressions, one before the plate was re-. vvoe touched, Here ait a Woman with a basket, A$2H) and otis d @COpy, _ — Liadha T-/ Verda) ye 1999 A Morisco, (324); Bust rs a Woman, the lower pat oval, me: (825), two impressions, and a- copy; A Woman in a large — (£98) \ hood, (826),5 The Head of Rembrandt; and other Studies, , , 2000, ). Rembrandt's Wite, and five other ee (331); Three Heads | ea -Of; Women, (333), two be rs chek Aare Heads of ont, | oz jen one asleep, (334), and a copy — | polirn! ‘a Fant - Chee bie”. steer oo cat a Dh cik re 4 Jo a Two, Women in separate beds, and other alee aie | - Rembrandt’s Head, and other feather (337); Sketch of a | | ae lan . Tree, and other subjects, (839) | oo 3 WYL a? JZ) A | Aiea A HEAD OF A Woman, a study, Poupmeel 141), FINE | AND EXCESSIVELY RARE; The Head of Rembrandt, and | | other studies, (329), an imperfect impression 2 Vif F ies 3% ‘SCHOOL OF‘REMBRANDT. | 2008 The Nativity, (347) scarce ; Jacob and Esau, by Hetermont | s | | , _» Joannes Secundus; by the same, &e. cogs oe eat hotline 2) ps, 2004 The Mountebank at a Village Fair, by RENESSE, “VERY FINE | : AND EXTREMELY RARE Riess 4s irlst | an 1/7 J | , 2005, The Interior of ‘a Protestant Church, fine and. rare. T seo8 % Al or 2006 “An Ola Man seated ina chair, in.an oval, very highly, finished, 3 ree by’ H. OLDELAND, fine: and extremely: Mires ove 1 oes J a $007, The Virgin and Child; and three of separate Figures of the | “G ayy, a Kings presenting gifts, by J. Duc, very scarce and fine _4 He 2008 The Circumcision, (— Berendreck es) 5 3 and various Heads in at #& . Uy the School ue REMBRANDT ee — bh / | Tema ial Aner aswe VE BID nf é . oitoih; iaieins HhMeei so F Lita PRBMER foge | | era dh fn ck FERDINAND BOL. isipiuned | £ PATH NT; WAR, Gos as | 2009. The: abrince sienna 1 Gideon’ 's| ‘Sacrifice; ete the e Holy bes Family seated near'a window, fines 99 =) 3 5 Ytlirtle v bike amo Aner mpein — the: ch a ‘and St. Taib raned “in Hi . | BI) cca Cave, arehed Ot 4 i iself opti bon ya | - ZB 2011 ‘An old Man leaning on‘a vntib ey rr bret Monijewinhts Seber iy | hat; and the’Woman with a\pear, all very jine 3 few nr . ha 10} 2 - 2018 Different Heads of old and young ‘Men, larger than the 2025 St. Jerome in his Cell, praying before a eruciix, exceedingly ( 2 ») y s a rT — ee ee ae a a hae x vind ov «intanh whi. gteedeed<(l af Ba8t 6 ree uy Sere on id SEGRE VAS MS 4 RR, . JOHN LIVENS. ont oo pa 2012 The Resurrection of Lazarus, F FINE ‘AND ‘VERY ey ti 1 aie 2013 The same subject, copied by J. Louys, brilliant tt Impression and almost as rare as the preceding 2014 The Virgin and Child; St. Jerome Praying 5, St Ant &e. — 2015 St. Francis i in a Grotto ; ‘and the same, Before. the oa ves reduced, FINE AND RARE ‘eee — 2016 Various small Heads, some of them in , early states sik “ , 2017, An Oriental Figure, standing, before the plate was reduced-; . and small plates of Heads. helt walle 10 [a> .. preceding, some before the address of Wyngaerde ss & 2019 ‘Others of the same; and the Quarrellers at Cards interrapted O “by Death, all’ very ie SS ae elt ge 5 | be- 2020 The large Oriental Head, FIRST STATE, before the Plate was reduced in size, and before the name of Livens; and: large Head of a Capuchin, also before the plate was reduced (this state of the latter is not described in any catalogue) 2. 2021 The Portrait of Ephraim Bonus, seated, before the address ; and of J. de Bran, by Vorsterman, after Livens, two impres- sions, with differences i in the inscription — 2022 THe PortTRaAIT oF VONDEL, THE CELEBRATED DutTcH PoET, A BEAUTIFUL PROOF OF THE FINISHED STATE | BEFORE ANY LETTERS, THE INSCRIPTION BEING WRIT- TEN WITH A PEN, PRESQUE UNIQUE = = —— Je _ JOHN GEORGE VAN VLIET. 2023 Lot and his Daughters in the Cave, first state; and Isaac enraged at the Imposition of Jacob and neboeu) both 7 4 Jine, but the former has the name cut off 2024 Susanna and the Elders, BRILLIANT ; and sei Baption of the Eunuch, after Rembrandt, Sine — 2 e jine re pn 2026 A Hermit, sitting at the foot of a tree, reading; and se Ballad Singers, both rare and very fine 2 . ( 158 ) : | /iz,. 2027 The Debauchees; The Repast, or Ham-cutter, remarkably |. Jine ; and the same in a subsequent state, with the address | -of J. de Ram ~ FEV WIC = 8WL ILA fi 2h - 2029 The set of Trades, wanting one > (the Carpenter), very fee fl impressions Sees See ah RS a Abuwri eae 9080 Four of the Senses Seeing’ Tasting: Feeling; and Siting, ‘f fine aretagarett 3 — 4 deo NSZs er homer eee The ‘Tooth: Drawer ; ‘Card ‘Players ; : e The Astrologer; and the Mountebank, all ‘ne yaa 5 YY Uf th FP oh ‘2032 ‘The Officer, with cap ‘and feather, two impressions, with 4 differences m the work s “Head of an old. Man, stooping: ° Kel: 1S 8% oY ‘ : Phe ) Ba abs A 2033 Abraham and Hiaes : Man’ ‘ate afeamle his “ralor), ‘Head oF after perandt, fe PY ScHMIDT, ‘fine * ee ee te pile, ‘ar '$ Ko ae Bik 2S bk iie bY { . Bi bas. DIG ii } BD GOTT das arith; Big 2, 8 ; Droop be 4a & 3543 SWISS RMS ase h d a Vb, mai ENR. shy olios, ‘half-bound 1], green morocco, Kes ollan $ lintne » > S008 5 oinfols 33 and 34 & TRReIY .OSS5s i stats ee see oit’t Us 74 + Sib att. Ww DITTO % & Ls eS aw i aS and 36 "? “2 ; anus Sis Ba" Bi, x ke 4 one 5 ozs ¥ ‘ ne - eh Ns. & ia bed > ¢ 2 (sirgclotes weaeay th Hoacsesesh tom ae Yo otat +e As ; lan. F ¢ pars i rege 7" 4 ‘ % + BBNTHKG 6 % 3 a 4 2 ; 25? td BIG € ? Zr 3 f 3 pam sad BR, uh .: _ BIKE ows edovel islis .aen nai eb .L lo bas ¢ . End of the Fineenth Day $s Sale, Wade Astoee 2 : aha Sig el CF ns ey BY, TISAI HoTrudl. ME: vr Bist aC ze ") tt +e 4 gh aee ha Vids | V eae cks A T re of Pe et 3 4 xUS ‘ 5 Same: eyatoae 3 eens " a a ya we tng Oe BTA 7A GBs mG 5 % i “a Vs Re ! We y ¥ ne J BY | % 2 ip Hy ¥ ¥ ul #1 “4 ea oN z : i i, he “TIA Weetins BOM AOSYl ART .@ARTTA1 YHA AXOVWRA f -. SUOIAU BU HesnT Wat A ATIW WNT —— Pay, VAY TOTOID WHO at eat Y ViENV MWA Vint Ae panel bas ¢oisie fest .ovel B bee, ni eistdavei aid bee to.f 8208 ene od besedeH brs dossl to avii ie iz 3 & Rio Wiss sseinise Sal aia etogeriel, sad tad oi, ont to ristiqsS ot bas TH Ait Ka 2% bia af) bos anckeo@ $208 ; ¥ AST ont Whasdmof iefis dovewe - Wigarhowss (atioww -s-ewied geiysiq dicO wc mi saw se BROS me lis a _» 9 bes Saaies ov sto deoi edi ie yale Jere A agus . ® ont, Woy Hosen aren't Hood, ese oe belle ‘ , \f// |, 2028 Beggars ; and other small whole eth Tews 18\ Vian OG: IEA, ( Wa ) & -phyotW adel ved asl? to die oll Je pieiee eae affenink oviaw fF ott 1a WE 99th vd proses & have - ae . 2nOVRART eat t) flityy homent oiit Tey Pee iP’ \ POY _ SIXTEENTH DAY'S. SALE, cok to wong ‘al TUESDAY, hee" 17th. pre Tal HM st cael WW oor bl (at ‘Twelve for One precisely. iio ad rt? od ns tate at TAN iw a€ } Leer Lon hia 6 iO were Y Gey | ‘fel ae = aay nt ten nF ' en iy ~ - 4 - re Lie Yor « Y , “ee 2 ty ge ih a ix cx SOEs _CRISPIN DE PASSE. ree LOT ae s\ 51+ 2036 The Angel appearing to the. Shepherds, after Bloemart; The | -, Martyrdom of the Prophets ;_ ; the .Magdale n; and various | "Scriptural. ye odt a) oines oilt-DRe 1 20am a ee Ole 4 fe, 2037 The Four Evangelists, large hpads, after Geldorp ; H and a set | | 4. ofthe Apostles. aidise Layee 16 Laan | Bly 2038 Set ‘of, twelve of the Sybils; nate of ie daughter of Tue 3 pd Susanna,. and, other, i fPRI6 celebrated for their virtues, | | cust Se ese a crtiembldms = eat 4 el 2039 “The. Seven Ke) of ae pea after. M. de Vos ; : ‘Siege of | | - Garthage, after, C, Van Broeck ; _ Diana surprised by, Acteon, : ee ‘&e. — Th re 16 : | G , 2040 The, Ages of ‘Man ; : The Seasons; ; Een ned Dog, after Golt~. . ZAUS ; “Mars and opt &e. ee ; vane: 2041 The. Metamophente | of Ovid ;, Fables ; Dosa of eminent. . ‘men, Soe — dof» ieee 42. J / , 2042 View of an Tek Hi of Mate peo ; The Four Seasons ; | x and various Landscapes, after Eine Roland Savery, &e, | by Magdalena, Passe y \inegaiie Ga eee ee A. THE WORKS OF ANTONY AND . JEROME WIERIX. , i _ hehe § ayy’ x FYE Le u , Ks | J/ , 2043 A set of ‘lanieninne to the Old and New Teta. after Peter Vander Borcht, by J. Wierix, &e., 5 =» Ahk , 2044 Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit ; Susanna and the Elders, by A. Wierix ; St. Michael, by Hieronimus Wierix, ' &c, Derg ? rm — -10 | PA | , 2045 History of the Fall of Man, by John Wierix; A set of the > / if, ate Passion, by Hier. Wierix ; The Twelve Apéstics! &e. ee yard » 4 \, 2046 Set of the Infancy and Lite of Christ, by Hier. Wierix, with ¢ ere variations ee bos 62/1 eae / | , 2047 A set of the Passion, with borders of Animals, Fruit, nt 5 | ‘Sh &c. by Antony Wierix, after M. de Vos, fine» © a7 Jills “A vy, 2048 The Virgin and Child; The Holy Family, and various of the , ce Infancy of Jesus, &c. "by Hieronymus Wierix __ 31 Cr ee L +} Ke _, 2049 Set of emblematical subjects on the Human Heart, by Ant. | me Wierix ; and other devotional pieces, by Hier. Wierix 28» Ahuth | si 2050 Various Scriptural and Devotional Subjects, by the same 29. VIZ J jo ; 2051 A figure of Christ, with the blood streaming from his hands — and side into a sacramental cup, and. the Scourging of Christ, fine proofs before any letters, ; Heads of Saints, &c. Jine aon ae II fa aller» J\ 2 ; 2052, St. Luke painting the portraits of the Virgin and Infant, z after Quintin: Matsys, by Ant. Wierix, aA cuRtous UN- 2 ab FINISHED PROOF; and the same in the finished’ state f oo 2053 St. Ignatius hby bie? St. Lucia, and other Saints ; | /\/O\* wi _ Scriptural subjects, &c. by Hieronymus Wierix fine. 4 + 2054 Various Saint subjects, by the same Ss lea ts ivan (5 J //| E2085 Set of subjects relating to the Life of the Virgin, with small | ay A. | | *= _emblematical pieces, in circles, at the four corners, by He | | | io ~ Wierix, BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSIONS = 8 — | Vhollins aa: 2056) infil of the Nativity, Crucifixion, &c.; Set of the Fite | fon : _ Virgins, with differences, &c. by the same 23 | 2\ fr, 2807 ‘The Seven Cardinal Virtues and Vices, by Ditto, after Stra- | | @ danus, very fine — Gece ic. 16 ale | ce 2058 The Portrait of Frederick Otho, by John Wierix ; St. Jerome, | s ~~ ‘St. Augustin, &e. by Ant. Wierix ; The Martyrdom of St. | 4 “Lucia, &e. J “ = 5 A ton 2) 4, 2060 Natatr (Hreronymo) Evancetic# HIsToria bens | | “NES, VERY FINE IMPRESSIONS, COMPLETE _ 153 lle “FOREIGN PORTRAITS, glehinia ie tip Page 148. | Z\< 2060 sei Diesen Sekt by Nanteuil, hain ker: nner mee ». ocby Landry ; Alex. Hubert Jaillot, by Meratdhilen Jean Issaly, >> by Drevet, Jeliotte, Musician, by Cathelin, tio} Jean de “Julienne, by Balechou, &c. —_ 1247 ee ths en sss tn ese rc mater sate a = — nett A ET LTO OT LODE SACLE Ae | m | Jo, 2061 Count Kaunitz, by Edelinck;)Koertin,/a: Dutch Minister; by 4 ‘tr 4 a a > > , ae 2067 Francois de iibcinorenaninel jak atieiunenanaaal *e a 4 9069 Paul Armand Langlois, AE Van Schuppen ; ; seh reas “be — ' 7 > Lieu, by Nanteuil;' G@.de Lamoignon, by Poilly, ovals, with: ( 156 ) | Matham, two impressions, ‘ote a he before letters ;— | %& oFanws Tuell) by Valeky Qeon ove: yay eam mae 1-6 (Ch 1S, 2062 Jean Baltazar, after Rigaud, yi Dievdl BEAUTIFUL PROOF | /°s. BEFORE LETTERS, AND BEFORE*THE All ‘TERATION OF THE | “©”. OREsT; and the same, lettered 900) = 9) so) 2 60~ ) Oe 2063 Jean Jacques Keller, after Largilliére, by: Bdelinek, two i im- ) Phe ats pressions, ONE A FINE PROOF BEFORE LETTERS ; Several . |. “9 'Prints shewing the process:of founding the Statue of Louis | | 8 XLVeby Keller edie vi fared Se 7 a de ) Ae » 2064 Diners (oF :— Statesmen, | Warton Ses! chiefly a vn y, odMulindyd .y iad clad tiaien bea te Eevagebes ii feast 3a os 2065 Francois de Montmorency, Dae i Pines emily, pes “ »\ Rigaud; by Edelinck ;'Guido de Durasfort, Comte de’ Lorge; | i by Simon ; ‘Crequy,' Duc de Lesdiguéres, mt Lenfant, &e; | “Godefroy, urea! de Loe, by Vermeulen ~ Pah one -— aa cae ie Jean PauldeCrequy, Due de’ Leiahglerall ‘atter Rigaud, by | ~ Drevet; “proof and letters ; eae and» Leopold, Dukes of | . hoes Lorraind, by Gaitrels &E, oooh mmeighem Tat ) . { by Vermeulen, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS; another, wn- jinshed ; and a lettered impression — his. 3 he i 2068 Woldemar de Léwendal, by Wille, A FINE PROOF BEFORE — LETTERS, AND. BEFORE THE ARMS. WERE FINISHED ; and the same. on letters...) © he . ) . | be Loir, by Picart; Ponssémothe de'Lestoille, by Picart; Fran- | . cois de tamoener en ne — a polaage SE | | , 2070 Francois Léscuyer, by, pone ; Isaac de Fontan by get Jacques de Lorme; Pompone de Leon, by Vallet, &e. 5 bo Louis ‘Phelypeaux’ te Laurilliere ;: and Francois ‘Antoine du pes ogi) emblematical devices °° ©) = (00 90 (abe nae 4 | ga 2072 Guillaume de Bdindl gone ‘ovals, by Nanteuil; The same, a . -. Jarge oval, by Ditto; sph oe ean hg: Lamoignon, by | ‘Van.Sehuppen' Ua Saat ; aeeeh eons Fe aay thane Cae — © ONE A PROOF BEFORE ANY dations: 1 sit hee mteere 72] 74 Nicolas de Launay, after Rigaud, by Chereau; PINE»PROOF: . “BEFORE ANY LETTERS, AND ‘BEFORE agape. | rue WORK ON THEDRAPERY, &: ound ls ce, ees | ee 2 Se, of euaperedaar Ly nal bus cals iiootia, ( 7 ) | , 4, 275 Nicolas Lambert, after Largilliére, by Drevet; Frederic Leo- | ae ~~ nard, after Rigaud, by Edelinck ; Guillaume de Lamoignon, | ee after Nanteuil, by Edelinck, bee Jean Baptiste Lully, by © | | 75°" "Roullet, &e. | — — 6 4 MUM fo , 2076 Charles Duc de rutile after Titian, by Vorsterman ; Baron Lobcovicz, by Sadeler; H. C. Longkuis, by Hondius; Gar- | die, Comte de Leckoo, by Falck — 12.04* , J \, 2077 Jean Loret, de Carentan, by Nanteuil, and Lasne; Frederick | Leonard; by Edelinck, &c.; Michael Lasne, by Habert; — | ~- Michel Larcher, &c. — | —_— ie Lin thtirad’ , /2.» 2078 Justus Lipsius, after Vandyck, by Bolswert, Galle, &c.; Mare > Antoine Lumague, proo Jean, Baptiste Lull b Edelinck Cornelius sta st us 7s ie HY Pe ,|/6 +» 2079 Justus Lipsrus, py MicHart LASNE, A BEAUTIFUL PROOF . BEFORE ANY LETTERS, AND VERY RARE | IEA Fé Gi | 2080 Marie Charles, Duc de Luynes, by Ingouf; Jerome de La- | - » lande, by Ditto; Justus Lipsius, by Gaywood; Henricus Li- © | o eo dihertijafter. Wandyek; by De Jode; Various, by Delff, &c. 20 Ww t ki by “in| 2081 - Miscellaneous :—Statesmen, Wartiars; Remarkable. Persons, boc &e. chiefly French and Sickie acne ea | 46 AAA “7 Py 23 fl | ins oe GERMAN SCHOOL, | SPECIMENS BY THE LITTLE MASTERS, &c. Wee ve BARTSCH, VOL. Vu. /| 2). 2082 Six of the Pé&sion of Christ; in orcgieehteht borders, The Adoration of the Kings, represented under a gothic canopy, surrounded by small. circles of the Life of the Virgin, (the ' «© © latter is coloured, but apparently at the time the plate was ed ~-engraved,) &c. all wndescribed by Bartsch neh) ub Lp) 208, Small circles of the Passion; Saint subjects, &c.; and pe | “in'a lozenge form, of the Acftomaliin tials, the Nativity, &eo. | g mostly with the mark of the engraver, none of these known | Le «to Bartsch — ee —_— ats. °F ya , 2084 The | Nativity, esi Christ’ praplerr on the Mount, in circles ; The Man of Sorrows, in an initial letter O; and Our Saviour a with Martha and Mary, all. unknown to Barteck ” aeanengcene ey : « 8 ) A) /2\, , 2085 The Virgin lamenting over the body, of .her Son, in a circle ee ee nS 4s Le |G, | surrounded by smaller ones, of _ the, Life; of. Christ ; and a | circle of circles of peoarepatiapcnen 3 St. Hubert hunting, &e. || ee Fitna. wi | rein doides Yo sermposbysiews 9 ot noe ! . 2086: StsRoch. me: the vibaaieet sate different sand) St. James the | Ope minor standing under an arch, with, a representation of the - \oMartyrdom above, not in Bartsch: ol soe¢ tows 8 fb at | 2087. The Ensign, (No.9); A Saint holding: asword, accompanied by a Lion; another subject of Saints; and Sata isaee fe the three ao undescribed : _ of *f “4 fhe it sas 3 Tot Hf iy _ MONOGRAM. No.2 | 77. . ae 2088 The Master of the Vineyard, (D: p.' Figure of a Man with a bow and arrow, undescribed ; _Angels carrying the instru- | ments of the Passion, (mon. 140, ‘No. 2); and. the Portrait a of Christian II. of Dchinntt ow, Sioloki, 10 Deeb ons airw Das eeeg Las = hes ors aA eéts aps 938 ,eeatéi Mi aidbrcs MGoenk en ar stool Batis DIRK. VAN STAREN. aa nat alt nol ag ami io beeld odd f i saqriae _ 2089 Eve fat the little Cain: sai Christ, calling St. Eefer ieee Andrew ; : y _ and, the Temptation, of Satan, fine, oiisowh op le 202 ae oe 2090 The Deluge, jine and very rare ridiculed) i. fartlrn 2091; Christ, and..St, Peter on, the, water; pit the Rares of arg ie @ maria J OST Jo oot re OAL 2092 The Virgin and Child aa St. ance same, with sa 2) . Bernardin adoration; and St.. Luke painting the Virgin and. a at Child; very fine 3 aoveS of : aindA Jew Powe! ede ads pei a nehedeank ) Stak 2098 St. ge eed al Bacchus and. various familiar, subjects, oleneQNos. 10,t0 17). :sauhoiatt bas eauiet teppei ots hi he gigeglne todio bas. paso Woe “ ait Dos ed 7 ted ao SEY ALBERT “ALTDORFER © (nee big, soupne. 287. > a9} lo. dee & 4 waibbe tt. siieed. off ALIS | , 2094 Judith: -Ainminaiean Dalilah ;: and ‘various other Scriptural sub- | / , | & jects; (sto.7 and 9:t0:1$)viowl si growth eet 18477 | / 2095 The ‘Holy Family ;:The Virgin and oo ‘Ste Christopher ; rar | St. George; &e.. = wile whee a 2096 Venus and Cupid, icon: Raphaelj:two different; The Judgment‘ | \. of Paris; Mutius Scevola; Dido, &c.' ost mr) 15.444 , 2097 -The Ensign; . Violin Player ; Portrait ofMartin Luther; andi) ~ ©) another-of:a young*Mai;* Interior of ‘axChurch}&ei 98 OY /, /| 2-\, 2098 Etchings of Landscapes, (70 and 74) ; and ten of Vases and ~ Cups; three of them undescribed b LAO 12 Saifon / //\ , 2099. Small plates of Ornaments ;°An Ensign; Two Figures ina, : ‘ circle, &c. none of which are described by Bartsch 8 oe , Jf, 2100 The History of the Fall of Man, and sa sialon wood AS be a> | -euts, the setcomplete seta fs iin wh {her fa > BEDI Abraham’s Sacrifice ; The Resurrection ; Decollation’ of Ss vo John; St. Jerome; pledawins of Rory &c, all in wood, by A “Altdorfer mtabividemekonens aside 12,04? J 18 BARTHOLOMEW BEHAM. i WA | , 2102, Combats of naked Men; The Por fruits of ee Balderman, | 1. _. and Leonart Van Eckh, &e. of Baste Pt: _ HANS SEBALD BEHAM. | ) i ee , 2103 Adam and Eve; Judith with the Head of Hptacnad two,” Y | different ; Joseph and his Mistress, &c. 10¢ , 2104 The Virgin and Child; The. Prodigal.Son; and other Scriptural subjects; and the Head of Christ, (No. 28), - before the plate was reduced in size, very rare’ sd Yowley 4 Jf, 2105 Set of the Apostles, small whole lengths; Riva ci one) ; and | the Four Evangelists — wee? 15 Le y Se _, 2106 St. Sebald ; Roman Charity ;: Dido; the Ronis AEUADOMNS Bp | * justice of Traian, &c. fine — “baila 9 {x \/o | 62107 The Labours of Hercules; the set, very fine ) 12 Yy, pes : . WV ,2108 Nessus and Dejanira; The Seven Planets, with title, &c. 15 “Ly Mi ‘| g , 2109 The Seven Liberal Arts; The Seven o_,€ Virtues ; The Triumph of Religion, &e.0 ee TG ob / & | /2i10 Patience ; Fortune, and Mevtartini: Death ‘and the’ Female : ona bed: Death and the Three Women; and other subjects connected with the Dance of Death, &ec. | 12 fh elhitiv y By 2111 The Rustic Wedding, a set of ten; The Banquet; and '. Battle of Peasants, with variations; and another set of the | “ “ Marriage, different, in twelve pieces. we) nto, | BLYKAZ FP citad / , \,2112 Various of Peasants ; Soldiers ; and others ; Subjects of. 2 Fools, &e. “eo oi ieee J 6 \ 2B Ornaments ; Cups; Gent of Arms; Friezes; Capitals of | , | | Pillars, &c. om | eet ee REIN 6127) U. oll igo » (/ |, 2114 The. Bath of Youth, on four sheets; ‘by Beham ;) and various, by Hans Brosamer, &c. woop CUTS & lesa ltée 16 ( 160 ) itt heats nba ety shh iwigei#epent. SRR /\/4\ 2115 Adame heal Eve; “David a sed Head of Goliah; ba ‘Bathsheba is receiving the message from David; &o., a qothbeaat® 0 /2.,, 2116 St. Jerome, in a Landscape, (22), in the distance’ is repre- | sented various scriptural events, particularly the cavaléade | of the Kings. proceeding to .~pay: homage 4o° the Infant Saviour, the place of .whose nativity is indicated, in the ex- treme distance, by a star—a i aery rare and curious speci- ibe : Mens odd: —_ —_—. | oh arn 2117 The Virgin od Child, te a Nabete Different peel | | | oe for Knife ascites &e. most o which are poralionensio dl | . Bartsch - 53 ~~ ee Me rphe- | | 6 c 2118 Subjects of Soldiers, vicaain prediatrts Portraits of | . . holding a skull; and others ; anda Head of a cng with a cx . ‘cap, undescrsbed- , pyseke tesla cya) Ge | , 2119 The Portrait of Teazhian' Flimcoteiotar Jatin lines:at bottom, not described ; and a copy; A, Soldier standing near a tree, | an etching’; and various subjects, fers and after Binck, not in | Bartsch — —— wae 8S iS ee ee Pe) oe yf -MONOGRAM No. 170 aii Byte wacours 2120 Emblematical audiject, (30), very fines Cupid ice . ace. ee Se oh eae AX ye ; & _ GEORGE PEN CZ. _ Mai Tobit; Paved ee “Bathsheba ; Tomine ibe "Mares ) . Curtius, &c. — : at | | 2 Uae , 2122 Sophonishba drinking’; the: Poison; 5 , alee 34 Nirginios stabbing his Daughter; The Judgment of Paris, &e. vee! | 2 ZZ » 2123 The Six Triumphs of Petrarch, fine, &e. tik ae te | J | Ak , 2124 The Portraits of G. Pencz, and his alin. on ‘one, plate, jine | ae and rare jie wp al Jb epee as _X : Be: Be 2 | ae "HENRY ALDEGREVER. ¥ | rf. 2125 Set of four, the History of Lot; The eistors, of Faas el Thamar ; thet: of Susanna ns the Elders, a o Ret; of four, &c. - | eats epg Gar ” coded ‘4 H 16 C4 ( 161 ) G \, 2126 David and Bathsheba, very fine ; The Annunciation; The / Nativity ; and other subjects of the New Testament 12 & nite /\ Z|, 2127 Tarquin and Lucretia; Rhea Silvia ; Mutius Scevola before | 4 + Porsenna ; Battle of Naked Men, Ke. ; . 9 hod (Zz ,|# \,2128 The Labours of Hercules, (wanting one); Pyramus seth | » Thisbe,&c. — —~ 15 ¢ laut sl/ pune The set of the Seven Cardinal Virtues, and the Vices V4 ¢ Wee y) Ga 2130 The Portrait of John Van Leyden, King of the Rembaptists | * A; | «=o. at Munster, FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE . Crs s , #181 John Van Leyden, and Bernard Knipperdolling, the copies a Muller, with a proof of the latter before any letters ; ay WY : > Figures of Intemperance and Force, &c. VIM AK - ly , 2132 Portrait of Henry Aldegrever; and an early copy of the any ) vA oe, . Martin Luther; and Albert Vander ng 4 pee 1 Jf, 21383 ‘Friezes : Ornaments ; Alphabets, &e. — ia al | Gay _ 2134 Similar Designs | — — Z, i y |” , 2135 Designs for Knife and Dagger Sheaths; Boys playing, &e. 17 Gch Y, agh. Ne eae: , 2136 Ornaments, with Grotesque Figures ; Dagger Sheath, with — | Sethe thie Jen niga ” ‘the Death of Abel, = 34 Virbr0 _. —- HANS: BROSAMER. | wi Ae E 2187 Solomon's Idolatry; The Crucifixion; Marcus Curtius leaping ie | into the Gulf; and the Judgment of” Paris aA oe a No _, 2138 Christ on the Cho the A ay and St. John standing on each side, rare and fine — = KZ Yicthe , | /6 - 2139 Laocoon and his Two Sons; A Man playing on the Lute; and | the Portrait of Jean de icieeniis jine 3 fagle’ . ! ) _ DAVID eR A de | Age 21. 10 The Woman ae in Adultery; Jesus Christ taking leave of the Virgin; The Last Judgment; The Monopolizer. of Corn, [ &e. — oy gah Aly 2nd The Parable of the Mote and the Beam; An Interior a a Chapel; and another Interior, with the Parable of the | _Widow’s Mite, the, latter a curious vahenney prod, very Pare a Y ler Cline Lee 2142 Different Emblematical subjects; The Virgin ie ge at e. ho Hs Temple; The Holy Family, &c. two before the numbers 5 | Yer Y 4 ee ng SG nnn nn eeecemnemmmanenesmenemmnamennsnsm esses meena teen scene aeeemetneemeemeeeetaeenemns steric carecmeiiinctnct A T EIT ee '( 162 =») | and a Bacchanalian subject , before thenumbers; St. — | | ‘658 Midritie Monstetss&¢7 oor «i 108) sa tatrmsa nh SOT ar 2144 Figures of Soldiers, Peasants; '&¢2;°5 Woman’ beating the "Devils and different Grotesque subjects 27901" 8) 9422: y, | , \» 2¥45 Martie’ ph rik nt oie — and Galba; Martin Luther, . | . &e. - st wills woe ee WMIQiDIRARE pees 10 Jj pl loi; | 19s 2146 The Virgin Rivnciittng over the Deail Body'of' Christ ; anda | ‘Trophy of Arms, with Figures‘of History and’ Victory, very Jine; peas se pa taney pe et Ko, ‘Wickirwe heey ; : } : } : | : "Sy a OS MS y ete & PIS? a oer Ea ia PE LHASt Tite f « | 4 Jy , 2148 The Virgin’and Child, with “Angels dancing; alter Raphael’; een 4% TARR & pce nq te | SRR OME HOPFER. an me SF Oe j 7 > is 7 Ai , 2147 The Death of ‘the Virgin St. ‘George; St. J ae : Fauns | | ; dancing, Ke, Fo egal ra eT 2148 ‘The Temple of Diana. at pore onan The. apie of Paris: | .» The Battle of, Agincourt, &e, two, before the numbers oon , 2149 Portraits, of, Leopold Dickins, two -AIERERE i John Bpecheye: _stein; The. Sultan Soliman, § &e. Aivicnedl sehen yA Ka eae | 2150. Christ, supported by the. Almighty ; ‘end others, by. ee | ) ¢ HopFeErR; Judith and — ‘Holofernes,.. (mon., 265), ‘not in | » Bartsch ;, The same subject, (Taam 7s &c, ie ook Ree Lo . Pave ye tee Nore, aa % eaatbosk Wakan:esaaiowe eed OF WILLE. : | re mae 28 baa ‘awe ls Np ! % & J\ 2 2151 "iooce de la Vierge, after Deine fine ys ee ae Lotanv S| vs. ee 2152 HaGaRr PRESENTED “TO. ABRAHAM BY. Saran, AFTER | 3 DIETRICY, A BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE THE ARMS OR | | ANY LETTERS pans lene : i /| & - 2153 La Maitresse d’Ecole ; and La Petite Ecoliére te a: of /| Ih « 2154 L’Observateur. Distrait, after Mieris, very jine lie’ J fo 2455 Jeune j joueur d’Instrument, after Schalken, ditto 1 oO / & » 2156 La Menagére Hollandoise, after Gerard Dow, ditto —_ 1 alll ak | , BEE LE PETIT PHYSICIEN, AFTER NETSCHER, FINE PROOF | | BEFORE ANY LETTERS — . WeACL Ble | 2158 La Liseuse; and La Devideuse, after Gerard Dow, ya very | | jine » — — | Glin _7|, ,2159 Bons Amis, AFTER OSTADE, FINE PROOF BEFORE THE | ARMS OR ANY LETTERS — Pee | ; . oC : : ; 2160 The Death of Cleopatra, after Netscher, very fine 1 (163) £4) —— , 2161. LA Cusine HOLLANDOISE, AFTER METZU, BEAUTIFUL “PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS. yy Ve land - 2 C2162 La GAZETTIERE Biesedtlemaccall AFTER rosie BEAU- | | | TIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS © a! eel rl 9 . “2163 La TRICOTEUSE HOLLANDOISE, AFTER MIERIS, A VERY s BEAUTIFUL PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS bl Gyille 2) fg (2164: Musiciens Ambulans, after Dietricy, very fine ae 1% Ae bid son Les OFFREs— RECIPROQUES, AFTER DIETRICY, FIRST | PROOF, WITH THE SMALL TaND sane ETCHED IN THE — MARGIN c ny mF ctl ein 1 |. lr 4. | ,2166 Instruction Paternelle, iter Terbure, Fines 1% eg hon PROOF, BEFORE ANY LETTERS / /o|\,2168 The Death of Marc Antony, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS : | 0fGe> a 2169 Le Maréchal Des Logis, PROOF, very fine Mi y ¥ , 2170 La Bonne Femme de Normandie, and J La Scour — la ice Ly 2V A, +} | Femme de Normandie, very fine a Tu te F| F |. 27k La Tante de Gerard Dow, PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS " Vz; aibhor a Mb. 2172 Philosophe du Tems passé; ‘and Sapeur des Gardes' Suisses, UA the latter a beautiful proof before the arms or any leliers 2 Cus 2 Zz), 2178 _Le Maréchal Saxe, after Rigatd ; and Phillip wai PROOFS 5 eA if, ' BEFORE LETTERS ~ — Mirlianb Z| Wd 2174 Les delices Maternelles ; Banat, after Parrocel; Landscapes, ee, after Weirotter, Bed _ hy) ly YtAlh 2167 CONCERT DE FAMILLE, AFTER SCHALKEN, A BEAUTIFUL A Kt ld “i, ) 7 vn: Te; ey 1 Jf, 215 Two portfolios, half-bound, green ad biacs: with holland wrappers, measuring 23 in. by 19, lettered FRENCH SCHOOL, _ VOLS. 37 and 38 po fess # ay a 7 E : k ll | 2176 Two ditto ere fib ET CO ag VOLS. 39 arid 40 gill End of the Sixteenth Day's Sale. So al . s 4 Se} oh a a 5 Fs oN Ac ( 164 ) ~ ' : (> =: ¢ M - : ‘ ; EAE UT wie stag: a: wend? hey tea a Fay + \ arei was ¢ Hoes + Aet 2 4e — ali ia 4 Ts oess os i ee tale ue Re Se ees eae ek y eee a RA Melis tc Po . ton Y i’ CT Aah pate re. Se eee er. Te xf . x et eR a. bes _ SEVENTEEN TH DAYS. SALE, WEDNESDAY, chi 18th. Day: of JUNE: 1894 pee e | oli "FR: ty Bi stat Ae 3; 4h ; Dy Sieh sii ares 14 iven At ‘Tieetve for tne wanintee est. SN “ " Z die . ened Verdi sett ed a nenebebaions milled aon pyloric? } EPS Suet skye Keren vate nil i Aiek ahaha sh: hes vy he . ‘Miia os eed - CORNELIUS’ BLOEMART.. | LOT % G\: it Joseph and his MMisttess ‘the. ‘Kanuneiation, ‘after i al co; ce the Nativity, Holy Family, &e. by ‘Cornelius Bloemart — 20 lA JE 2178 The Virgin and Child. >from Titian, Guido, &e.; ‘Ditto. # ionded : , ‘by St. Roch and St. Sebastian, after Barbers , fine, ‘ke. 7 fer : 1y\« , 2179, The Nativity, after Raffaelle ; ; “The Holy Family, | from Anni- “pal Caracci; and the same, from Parmigiano, first state, all very fine. a ae 3| oe ite 2180 ‘The Virgin and Child, ‘Several different ; the Marriage. of &. ff eit “Catharine ; the Magdalen, &e. after various masters «18 A | G Bist The Crucifixion ; ~The | Magdalen, after Caravaggio; The| 7 a te Doctors of the Church, after A. Bloemart, Reb er? Wei J 2182 St. Anthony ‘of Padua ’ adoring the Infant Jesus, after Cirro . _ Ferri; and the same, 4 CURIOUS ‘UNFINISHED PROOF 2% . : 2183 St. Willibord, St. Boniface, whole-lengths ; “St. Jerome, ‘St. | _ Anthony, | &e, fine SM taeda Mat 4 2184 Boy with a rommel pot; “Anothet holding a ‘cat, and various k similar subjects, ditto” “sbi i abs aaa eat a 12 Loy , 2185 Old Woman singing, and different fancy subjects 4 Ae, yt eee Meleager and Atalanta, after Rubens, Jans Beggars, al 1 +. Wiis aaah, ge Venne, &e. ee oS § me” 2187 The Twelve Months, and various other Landscapes, after as ~ Bloemart, by Fred. Bloemart, &e ark: isl, oe 1, 2188 The Four Elements; The Five ‘Senses ; and a set of Land A scapes, by F. Bloemart; and another set by Cornelius Bloe mart, &c. ; De . 6 a « } ( 165 ) |Z |, BO SE Margaret, after Carracci; a large Thesis with the Portrait — . of Alexander VII.; and various frontispieces, &c. 22 ed , /f \ 2190 Illustrations to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, from the designs of ena Jine impressions — “61 ¢ FOREIGN PORTRAITS, Continued from page 157. i J \e , 2191 Henri Duc ue Montmorenci, and Louisde Marilliey foie = Charles de Houel de Miriiinthie: by Van Schuppen; Henri — - de Lorraine, Marquis de Moy, a Pitau; and M. de la Meil- leraye, by Gantrel ans shi hplenn Pl oe 2192 Louis de Vendosme, Duc de Mercceur, by Nanteuil, two im- » pressions, one a proof, before the inscription, rare; Charles | de la Porte, Duc de la Meilleraye ; and Charles Duc de 7, : Mantoue, by Ditto | ~~ 4 Y, ij t par _, 2193 Henri de Lorraine, Marquis de Mouy, by N anteuil, Jine proof before woneiaemane? in the oval, rar e; and’ the same, nds _ lettered a 74 L\ 8 2 MARQUIS DE MaRigny, BY Witte, BEAUTIFUL PROOF, BEFORE ANY LETTERS — Tice Se /\ 7 | , 2195 Bardo Bardi Magalotti, by Vermeulen, FINE PROOF BEFORE | _| g 0) SANT LETTERS, &e. ~~ av 2, | 4 b i 2196 Bardo Bardi Magalotti,. by Vermeulen, before the address of | . Vermeulen, and-TWO CURIOUS UNFINISHED PROOFS, one wy | of them a reverse, touched “Upon, by the REO, 34 fhe ; ac epi97 Claude Berbier du Metz, by Edelinck ; Due de Mercceur, by | 4 Nanteuil; Comte de Merode, by Natali; meee de Mira- Lo i ¢ beau, by De Marcenay, &e. | 9, Lita ttn 2 re 2198 Michael de Marillac; Pierre Monnerot; ier Malier, &e. by | » Lasne; Jerome Le Minho, by Lentant, &e. | 3 My Mfr. oe 7 “2199 Charles. Manessier, and Edmund, Marquis de Muis, by Len-— | fant; Jean Jacques de Mesmes, and Henri de Mesmes, by | ae i Laney Mathieu Molé, by Famnediess ic) is . 7 Wo , & , 2200 Hue de Mirosmenil, by Vallet; Scevole de St. Marthe, iy | -Habert; Réné de Maritlae, by Lenfant ; Henri de Mesmes, | a ya | ogi ie Randi. &e, rea wid oS 4, Z|, 2201 Mathieu Moleé ; Jean de ‘Longueil, Marquis. de. Maisons ; | ‘Henri de Mesmes,8 &e. by Claude Manes we eT: &e. domme iin pee a “camel Piyet, + rN > =a > > x Ce nn aE = Sl A LN a RTE P. ; 2203 Réné de Longueil, Marquis de Maisons; Denis Metied Mathieu , 2208 Alexander: Morant, by: Edelinck; Jean Rouillé, Comte de | _ 2209: Gedeon Berbier du’ Metz; after Rigaud, by Edelinek; FINE _ 2210 Jules Hardoin Mancante. Ta Aves Canite e Morsten ; | _ 2211 Jules Hardouin Mansart, by Edelinck ; the same, before the _ 2213 Jean Baptiste. Poequelin: de Moliare,.- by Habert; Pascua ( 166 ) , 2202 Henri de Mesmes; and Henri Louis Habert.de Montmorenci; by Mellan; Andre Coquebert; by Colin; Nicolas wpe by Lenfant; Anthonius de Murat, by De Leu | wg Molé, two different; Jean de Mesgrigny ;: ais Amelot, Marquis de Mauregard ; all-by Nanteuil ae AV, fin 2204 Réné de Longueil, Marquis de Maisons, first mp with the | date of 1661, &c.; and J. Antoine>de Mesmes, PROOF BE- FORE THE INSCRIPTION, &c. both by Nanteuil «ss B ofo~ 2205 J. Antoine de Mesmes, by Nanteuil, rInz PROOF; BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION, dated 1655; Another, with the inscrip=. tion, and dated 1661; and a third, with the angles filled up by branches of: lilies, tems ey. oo cumek®. vee 2206: Denis Marin, by Masson, large ditt _Eeidius Menage; Pierre » de. Maridat; Marin Curzeus: de-Ja Chambre; and,Henri de » Mesmes, all-by Nanteuil; Mothe le Vayer,; by Mellan, &c. 6 (72/2. an 2207 Marin Cureeus de la Chambre, after Mignard, by Masson, » BRILLIANT IMPRESSION; before the cross lines.on the face | Meslay, by Ditto; ‘Comte de Maurepas; Bachelier de Mont- cel; Marquis de Mereville, by Petit; and the: same; by Le oitbes Marquis de Menars, by Vallet,&es 5 8 PROOF BEFORE THE INSCRIPTION ; and -a lettered. impres- sion: £3, CSR bf — ee : ’ Mi il /2. -2220 Pierre de Maupertuis, by Daullé ; Claude Mellan, by Ede- | _ 2216 Joannes Frederick Maijer,a curious portrait, the lines which ( 167 ) + form the wig, ruff, &¢c. are produced by very minute writing, in the Dutch language; Scevole de St. Marthe, by. Edelinck ; “Abraham Vander — by Delff, fine; Pierre Augustin 6 es Mercier, by Daullé . ~ ae | 9 (tinted 9617 N. Mouton, the Sapna Musician, after De Troy, by Edelinck, -° | FINE PROOF BEFORE THE NAMES OF PAINTER OR EN- Vy | GRAVER, another before the address of Audran, &c. 3 Nard’ jf 2218 Jean Mariette, Graveur et Libraire, by Daullé, BEAUTIFUL __, ’ PROOF, BEFORE ANY LETTERS; and Ditto, lettered * bOn 2219 JEAN MARIETTE, GRAVEUR ET LIBRAIRE, BY = gan _ A CURIOUS UNFINISHED PROOF a 1. Or “linck, &c.;. Vander Meulen, by Ficquet, touched proof ; ' Masson, in ae emblematical: print; by Habert; Carolus de | emeertlery:s : peeiant de Meehan Miciiarcons by: Picart, &e. ae: — mie 1a te . VA , 2221 Shindesisisiir leieiiiran’ ‘Metivar ean N.: de ree me | a, de Miromenil ;* Mathieu de Montreuil ; Menage >| | ~ Moliere ; Loberan de Moutigtiy; &e.: = | br AVAP 9922) Seedcbeebbacidiribinaciunsecieri Soldiers, &c. a” a | | an ve ure | ~ 2223 Literary Characters, &c. some proofs pate 27 WN /\ / +%224 Various—of the Medici Family, Soldiers, &c.. 60 | Kon ‘ fo , 2225 Miscellaneous—by Sadeler, Hondius, se &e. WZ | ,fe a Le & = nib i yt &ce. chiefly Germans 87 | fo~ i 4 We | a | 4 if | ‘ Re ins 4 , 2228 The Holy Trinity ; The Four Evangelists, by Jean Ladens- GERMAN SCHOOL, . ; i . ; say Continued from page 162. " : a a - BARTSCH, VOL. IX. 2227 Female with a Vase : The Ensign; and two Genii with a - Lioness, after Raphael, (mon. 86,) fine ; Ornaments, (mon. — ~99;) Judgment of Paris, (mon. 183;) and a Man on a Y ~ -. Horse, with the same mark, wndescribed, &c. WMiluardt pelder; The Judgment of Solomon, (mon. 30,) &e. 8 aoe EO te J\78 2229 | The Dance of Peasants, in nine pieces; A Woman beating | her Husband, (mon. 247;) Prudence, Temperance, and | ~ Charity, (mon. 141,) not in Bartsch, &. = — 16 ae ms le Ae E. fi fo 1G 2934 t The. Nativity ; St. Eloy ;-The Child sitting among -Broken ‘ ja : | ; ( 168 ) 2230°The Dance ef Beggars, a set of ftwebve, by Cor. .Métensis, -y ol (mon. 603) ‘The Bath of Bathsheb#;:The History,of Samp- Snel Corp keesby Ci Matsys srs corn iad nothaol ane 472 cys7 2231. ‘David cutting off the Head of Goliah’, St, George;Hercules, | By and Dejanira, and other small! a rae called a "Old Collaert. — nl? cosmeiieay, Dae [Oo - 9932 The Holy Family ; A A:Combat of Warriors. and. vations small 0) 9” vignettes,» ke. ays the same, none of which were known to “Bartsch 3° ee whoo lo beri, CR 74248 eo Ste Cichlid? Saint holdmg a.Flag 5 Cleopatra ; The jon) Judgmentof Paris, &e.by. thesame artistjalso undeseribed 6 72 - gr oy cee aPillarsye&ee! by. Grandhomme, fine swoiskiveke cra eased Mt 2235 Samson destroying the Lion, not in Barisch ;-The Marriage ooo’) of Std Catherines: St.Eloy atework im preseneesof King esol. sDagobert;:&er bythessames « srapumiAy dees: combi We 54d¢-0 Ly Gs 2236 Laocoon); ‘Three: Females ‘Dancing 5° Samson: and the Lion, é sifelitfosalsanl to the preceding ;) Two Smiths: fighting with |). ,,- iciTongs, &c. by.the same,:the last twovlndescribed» ) 4 “ffi | 87- The Last Supper’s ; The Death of the Good:and the!Bad Man ; ovo\ Am Allegorical Subject, and other:wood-cuts, dip nteiins ‘. Hevessen, (mon. 65,) noneof which are noticed by Bartsch ; ood The Descent:from the Cross, on: four sheets, (mon. 24},) Slist Sdn 2ipads levy se dove boow soe eee ee pee a ‘ 2238: The: Massacre ‘ofthe Innocents, (two differents)« Venus, | #i Cupid, and a Satyr ; aud the Portrait of the Artist himself, vauiofalbby AuGuUsTIN ‘HIRSCHYVOGEL | S60 gonecnorteth AE BES ; 2239, Various Landscapes, byrdittas: acotan (eH, por? 18 LG ed 2240 The Portrait of a Man seated near a Window, holding a oes Chp.in dis left hand, on which 1s’ the-markof the engraver, ee cand date; 1554; by Haws Szpatp LavTENSAG; ‘REMARK- ay ® © ABLY FINE AND VERY RAREY, (Bartsch; No. lore 1 We 22410 The Portrait of, Hieronymus Schurstab, by LauTensac, «fine -Ahiasl and rare, 682 6 ye dene ateh) APES Jamal Gad ee | rill Vall - 9242 Another Portrait, by by the. same, of a Man with long, Mous- »» , taches, and: divided. Beard, tablet beneath, on which %s S9aRHh engraved; ‘ANNO Avavis sum XXXVI > anda Greek - Inseription, (Bs. No..9,). @ENBOAND VERY RAREW | ae U 4a cage 2243, Various small. Landscapes, by: LAUTENSAG. 2) 4 Seah, o> BhareZ os Sy , 2244 Larger Landscapes, by Dito, with» subjects! from+Seripture © introduced ; and dmsiolomit the same seep einA are, Vn ther Jine ae : “i ( 169 ) P di al vefoe Ing: the Brutes ; sohbet of Hunting, &c. by Virgil Solis 23 bly bel | Jz. ; 2245 The Nine Muses ;, The Seven Liberal Arts ; Orpheus charm-. |, ams “The Seven Dibernk Arts, and the Seven Cardinal. Virtues, |, » represented by Female Figures, encircled by clouds; and | _ os 9 the Bath, known by the name of. the Bociety of vs ees eae her | tists — ao lg 1° SA | , 2247 Subjects of Architecture, Vases, &c. by Ditto 28 Uy, ‘ae /\& |» 2248 Various Specimens, by Jost Amman, Frederick Brentel, &c. WKS px Yreet Z e] | _ 2249 A representation of the famous Clock at Strasburg, and dif- ) ferent Portraits, wood-cuts, by Tobias Stimmer ; a curious | | Ls . allegorical print of Fortune distributing her Favours, (mon. | | Shs seiellel Maat eens tiie ss . Lau bate d VR a o4 | 7 2250 A set of wood-cuts, hy Jost Amman, of different professions, es «trades, &c. Au — ) 116.4, re: Ps oh 2251 Large View on fourteen Ail. Sa of St. Mark’s Place, |7 : Venice, by J. Amman, shewing the procession of the Doge | . .@. -to solemnize the ceremony» of: espousmg the Sea, ver | Viieiet BRCKCE wecctut? 4+ or et = Ch) Seay, 4 , ‘ 1 Melon Pe? 4 ™ sie A curious set of phackihapicarts, in. ae by the same artist, in | »en)’ suits of books, printers’ dabbers, cups, &c. accompanied by -© figures in the costume of the. time, anamaery employed, | ,2 | i" Siler niitintess one,) undescribed by Bartsch»... ++» 51% : Fs c 2253.Allegorical piece on the nature of Goakdives on two sheets, | by J. Amman; large wood cut on several sheets, ofa Battle, ' marked H. S.; and other specimens of wood engraving yA a, 347 _io.oodifferent artists Seti eke ky yJochyrret Ake 2264 | The Annunciation, very bere, midrlead M. Kis the “sted - sehmon: M.L.), curtous and rare; and. other wood cuts. by ae » various engravers — ) — 5 M14, AAG 2255. 5 The Saviour (mon. 139; No. 2); The Rich Man and Lazarus »(mon.;72); and the. fae of Proserpine, by the same | // ‘ artist ; not described, &c.. "ee sires 6 Im Ley 2 £ |, 2256 Avcollection of Designs for Goldsmith's Work, By Erasmus . _Hornnick (mon. 78), consisting of Jewellery, Cups, Knife- | : a. cases, &e. none of which are mentioned by Bartsch 23 VibCewo LBA RAR 2257, The Man bound to a Tree; the portraits of A. Durer, and | or of Martin Luther, by Mencutor Loron, fine and scarce 3 | /\ » |, 2258 Portrait of the Sultan Soliman, and the same, whole length, Jirst state, before the inscription at top was erased ;-and ee > the portrait of Ishmael, Persian Embassador .to Constanti- | h oy» nople; by the same; brilliant impressions and scarce 3 ao na ns pe ntact /\ 6 } a pS (. 170 )) 2259 Portrait of a Man in a border, surrounded by fourteen Coats: | of Arms in ovals, (mon. N. F. 1584), probably by Nicolas Andrea ; Jupiter and Leda, (mon. 37,) not mentioned, both oa ory ware: Sig. D6 ATLA AOR Eee ore 2260 Pyramus and ‘Thisbe, (mon. 2443)’ Begears, an ‘etching, marked N.H.3 small portrait»in‘a circle, resembling the Earl of Surrey, rica we B.; and ‘other eae _— ~ monograms. = 1 Dae jpn Boa fe a eS m gelAwakid « “tuts awed! °6 eames Bie 2261 A set of the Twelve Months, in — steps ; St. Christopher - seated; and the same, a curious | geo poten ; Females Dancing,-in the style of old Collaert,&e. 9 = = 20 b- _ 2262 A Battle of Naked* Men, a priser various + designs ‘for orna= ments, knife: Sheaths, Se) e298 ZO Fe : ames: + Dante seated at a'table, accompanied by Boccaccio, Petrarch, - &e. consulting “upon the works of esol rine ‘by erie ae Cock, very fine and raré © Wali 2264 St: Michael mete down Satan, by M. Peham ; mad Death of the te ee fabric: Sine: fret gs pt Paul Vten Wael, fo “ae a&es ¥ alt 4 ae ea eee Hythe Se td eee Hi Perret) iG et Iv Abeer , 2265 Tur Veewsi OF COUNT dente COMPLETE 5 wittt ‘A COPY OF THE AURORA, ADDITIONAL, VERY FINE) =| © 8 ollie : , 2266 Venus and Satyr; Landséapes, after Elsheimery “&e. by | two different ; etchings, fine, &c. © 9 — 6 |Z, fee wh |, 2278 THE uaa. small circle, engraved forthe pommel | ’ | of the Emperor Mazximilian's sword; THE ORIGINAL | «VERY FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE. ©: 1 ,\f , 2279 Christ expiring on the Cross; angela ae the pani ] Handkerchief, &c. fine. | — Ly lly B; ou , 2280 The Prodigal Son oe Swines ver y fines iene a re- EMOTSR 6 fk y — a 2 fer mm 2281 St. Anne and the Virgin; gg various a the Virgin. and | ~ ) - Child, Jine — — SEMIS, | 2282 “The ict and Child coiled onva siete Ditto crowned by 2 Te » «two Angels, &c... oes Dene click’ ¢ beollixs 2) 2_\ 2283 "The Virgin and Infant, with Ih MR eyp a very y fine: ; ane a copy Vp | . g¥aeiofethezsame. ee —386ni 2 Minty , 2284,The Holy Family; and St. eeromed Bae? en rare ; and |} gated ‘copies of ditto . . irked as 4 J a 2285, The Holy Family, with the butterfly, very en The Virgin : and Child near a Gate, and the copy) 5) ==. 3 2 idk 2286 Five of the ip tg and two different. of St. ee ghia Bes, ix PEE —_, ; — 8 . a ays on ew nelale. saidicteroy copies, “St ide Niet; &e. fine 6 9 > — 6. | 4 JO 2288 St. HUBERT KNEELING BEFORE A. es BRILLIANT 1 . 7 2289 The same, a curious copy, same size, engraved apparently by | | .Joun Duvet; another copy, with maogeat G. H.; and. ) St. Anthony, by A. Durer | eet caloahge ‘3 Bo Zz E 2290 St. Jerome in his chamber, very nei and two copies, hich, HA ve ) . Wierix-and M. Karturus — eee ya “2201 St. Jerome performing penance, very fine. 1 [bronlty Sf, 2292 Sr. JuRoME, A SMALL CIRCLE, A FINE TMPRESSION OF A/ ; | i 7 oo PRINT OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. Hen 12] gaviact | ; | a ee : . ( 172 ) / I |» 2293 St. Génévieve, exceedingly fine — | vA mrarlty 1 \ Mf , 2294 The Three Genii; The Sorceress; The Satyr and Family’ | ) if Y lf g Five Figures in a Cave, &c. _ a Ltd J). } 4 2295 ‘The Rape of Amymone, fine ; fone an early Italian copy : | P ditto ; and another of a similar subject, an etching ra BPAY la /) yo . 2296 A Satyr with a Female, &e. called “The Effect of Jealousy,” | /. 1 | “very fine impression 1 a ee aad es a oa . A , 2297 Two copies of the last, in a reverse direction, not in wipe | * and a’curious variation of one of them ——™ sa a4 ‘a? 4 bibs Mat é Cm Ae f , 2298 The age ned: The copy by Wierix ; and another ¥ | “copy ‘reversed 1 a ho eh sy aed TERR pa a , 2299 Four Naked Females ; and the Dream, very fine, &e. BAN MALE , ff» 2300 The large Fortune, or Pandora, jine impresston WARin A fz , 28301 The small Fortune ; ~The little Courier ; : res Hen-pecked Husband, &e. itachi —_ ALLL /\ oa 2302 The Turk; The Ensign; A \Gedups of Soldiers, REF SS M9 /| _¢ , 2803 The Monster and Female ; and a laine giving sinc toa xa male,iboth.very fine 9.5000 ak NOdy g 1S 2304 ‘The Promenade, Death behind a ‘tree, [BRILLIANT uh a 28 1 Sh J)» | Sees, ‘The:Monstrous Siecle The White Horse; and the small ditto, “at all fine. 2 lig MYT aoe a » _ EIGHTEENTH DAY'S SALE, THURSDAY, the 19th day of JUNE, » 1834, At Twelve for One precisely. ’ , , ; t fk 6GhRaeS cn Oe oe ” ny FRad 9.5 EMPs ETS ey tt r 2 i % fy Lb } ry 4 nae “WORKS OF RIDINGER.. “Lor eet’ odd & | shee 2315 His own Portrait, in mezzotinto, by his Son: Thesame, whifle | $604 length, in a woody scene, with his painting materials, &c. ; _ set of Views with Animals; Adam and Eve in’Paradise, &e. 14 Vo WHA s =a 2316 The Seasons, in large Landscapes, with Dog's; baja The m4 ‘hs LY, id Feud of Lions; and a Lion Hunt, after Rubens’ 2 6) paghs' Se 2317 Various Wild Animals, &c. with Germitar peak aia aut. sites tions —- a W | Auk 4 » els 9318 Horses of various Countries’) ) 0) fo etudood oT on 50 Wprolil , |fo |. 2319 Large upright plates of Horses exercising 9 +. 18 ae: Ile _, 2320 ). Various Wild Animals, with impressions of their feet, and — : German letter-press description 69 6 Garou’ 23 lay oF | fo} - 2821 Methods of ensnaring Wild Animals; Hunting pieces with | ul sail _ Stags, Wild Boars, &e. WEE cia et a i in Ger- | awd asntBAll a eae: ‘36 Lala /o-* “9322 Stags, Wild Boars, &c. in pright Landscapes rks 51 (oo eds 2\ 2) “9393 Elephants, Dogs, Foxes, Lions, &c. aa 20 che S\ISA1 "9394 The set of Fables, with the German, Latin and French | press. — — | LGA a Jes |, 2825 Landscapes with Cows and other Animals, after Roos, fine ee ol QA 2326 The set of Wild Animals in large woody Landscapes, entitled hen dhc, Contemplatio ferarum bestiarum, §e.” — ——sCSYL peter 2 | Se PB20 Wild Boar, Stag hunting, &c. very fine; Animals in large #8 “upright Landscapes, with minute description of their feet 10 2 2328 Horses, Stags, &c. ° — — 26 We | ( 174 ) chy cy: at. ia bak 1D ee a rae : Dp OMS ck FOREIGN PORTRAITS, < +. 4 ein? ) etwas aN a Sasa peas Continued fron page 167." | . 0g tind WU... G80N gt ales oneal Gee. ~~ = , fil, 2 2333 Robert Nanteuil, by Edelinck, before the comin of the .| AA . 2835 Philibert Orry, after Rigaud, Oy Lépicié, fine fies reek eA: | ea c 2337 ‘Axelius Oxenstiern, by Hondius, &e. ; : ; Christopher Opalenski | motto s Various, of the Orsini Family, &c.; The. ‘Bu ; ta Rs al _ 2329 Adrien Macnee, Due de Noailles, be Drrce 7a Jine; Anne _.. Jules, Due de Noailles, by Van Schuppen; beautiful proof. before any letters; Louis de Gonzague, Duc de Nevers, by | - Vallet; Abraham du Quesne, by Edelinck, (7) enoee 6 6 », 2330 Philibert, Marquis de Nerestang, by Van Schuppen, proof and letters; Charles Achille, Marquis de Nerestang, by Thomas- sin; Anne Jules, Duc de Noailles, by Edelinck, and Gantrel;_ M. ‘ie Nestier on horseback, by Daullé | ¥ , 2331 Nicolas Potier de Novion, Premier President, by Nanteuil, in > ae octagon. of oak leaves; and in oval of laurel leaves; The» same, by Simonneau ; = Frangois ‘Theodore de Nesmond, and Guillaume de Nesmond, by Lenfant; Joannes Neyen, of. ( Antwrerp, ‘by, Muller, two, ere with bo Minercets. | ~ &e. — 9 Ty . /é |. 2332 ‘Admiral Van Nes, a Blooteling, tea, impressions, with dif- ferences ;_ Piccolomini, by. Vorsterman, bt ae @ 2% words “ ipse Velen ” to ‘ ipst delineawit” ; Andreas Colyns. de Nole, after ee cd De Jade, Pe te by. Mellan, | jb. & _, Tanie, &e. (jena? Hpsaqht Si VWAlALthr, ym the arms, or any letters. ; another with the letters, but |. . before the Order of the Saint Fear and 9 one m the usual | etate — as ee ee | 2336 PHILIBERT Orry, AFTER Ricaup, BY Peper BEAUTE: k FUL PROOF, BEFORE THE ARMS, OR, ANY LETTERS | Wihrw4, by Vorsterman, two impressions, one before the name or ‘masters in deliberation respecting the cen of er de. ; “Medicis into Amsterdam, by Suyderhoef, Be. at al Cth attte; * si (@ Tee y Pe | rd - 2338 Jaques Francois de Chastenet de Puysegur, by Daullé, pRooF — ca AND LETTERS; De Choiseul, Marquis de Praslain, after . Rigaud, by Sarrabat, mezz. thrée impressions, one a pooof before the arms (very rare), and another with the original Wy y |. head erased, and that of the Dauphin eubstituted 5 Vacegfeyl Zz | fa , 2339 Andreas de Paiot and Dufresne de la Pipardiére, by Lenfant ; . | , Denis de Paleau, by Picart ; Alexander Petavius, by Pitau, ,,,/. ee SD ages. ¥. =" — bs 5 ffs | ™ , 2340 Nicolas Pinette,-by Edelinck ; wee Petre, after Nanteuil, by | I Ve \- Langlois, proof before the cinerenwed Bernard de Pichou, © | ‘ by Pitau; Jacques le Pelletier, by Habert, &c.; Frangois | Dip same gerien by Van Schuppen; Petavius, by Pitau; Francois — hy, 4 Pinsson, by Van Schuppen avi A 9 hg | “2841 Claude le Pelletier, by Drevet; Louis le Pelletier, by Van | ri a Schuppen, Edelinck, &c. ; ; J. B. Louis Picon, oy Chereau, | . ii, dahigyid’ ‘ah AAD 4 ole by | 7 & per Simon Arnauld de Pomponne, large oval, by sintered, very | i “fine ; Pierre Poncet, by Dittoand Lenfant = — 3 iff i howe 2848' nee Joseph de Polliehda; by Mellini, r1NE proor, before |“ | . any letiers ; Louis Picon, by Chereau ; ; Francois Pinsson, by | | * Van Schuppen; Paul Phelipaux de Sesighinnisuiia by Ede- y ae 0 * ‘Tinck ; Francois Pithou, by Ditto atest ia... sim 5 2344 Réné Pucelle, after Rigaud, by Drevet, FINE PROOF, BEFORE BA 4 a “ “ANY LETTERS ; and the same in the usual state ve ae Ae | ats Marquis’ de Pombal, by Balechou ; and various, by Pintius, | ~Sadeler, &e. pirates.) nie _ 24 Vigllins | £O | . 2346 Miscellaneous—S tatesmen, ene Characters, &c. 30 Jn i/O Is 2347 Miscellaneous Literary Characters, &e. by Sandrart, v. Velde, ys © Mellan, &c. | — ae 27 1: = Francois de la Peronie, by eatiees FINE PROOF ; and ‘the same | . SARs with letters — — — 2- of Dh. We a" | . | ,2849 Blaise Pascal, and Jean Charles Parent, by Edelinck ; Roger | | de Piles, by Picart, proof before letters ; Benjamin Prioli, ~ | | . ' Pitau, proof and letters, &e. — — Ons a hy 9350 Frangois de Poilly, by Roullet ; Paul Pontius, by whe | ' &e.; Picart; Pepin; Le ‘pallies Paul Pelisson, by Ede- ~‘linek ; “Charles ‘Perrault and Claude Perrault, by’ a4 eee th — a nile | Saute aes Sealy es ig Quinault, ma Jean de 1a Quentinye, by Sa ai ; Claude Jegou de Querian, by Lenfant; Artus Quelli.. \ ; ia noel by Colin; and H. Quellinius -- 3 be Mh lin’ en ee NS eee er YL A Erne ¢' 176 ) J§&\ , C352 nee Quinault, by Nanteuil, oval;, holding» a, paper ane »- ee seribed, ¢ CEuvres de Quinault,”, EXTREMELY RARE, Vide ° Catalogue de M.. Paignon Dyonval,, Nox 6934).5 WtlGis nl ty , 2853 Louis: Maria Duc D’Aumont; by ValletsJarge oval; 'Comte _ de Rasumowsky, by Schmidt ; Charles, Comte.de. Revel, . we by Rete two eiaennscrne one befetren the arms were | ‘ Sh bss she! Sey. Ue SURG Ws oo aye ASSaR 4 2354 L. Favart a Ridhdhonre, by. Colin, large oor abs Claude Reg- _ nauldin, by Lasne; Pierre — by Landry and Trouvain ;_ yy | » oo Guillaume:Ribier, &e vos). on ye ae = ONT Aa P Y 3 4 2355 Claude Regnauldin, by Nanteuil, three impressions, one before . | | : | ; } ; ; | | Oo , Fle “the little flourish after the date, another with; the addition of a pone sonnet, fitenee fpdin: a separate’ Diaips &e. wid ; ) | : ; | UA Sine halavowun ciewdewnl at pelea | Jo | , 2856 GN edéta Parse after Mignara, by Mai Schuppen; fone | before the alteration in the arms, and before any letters ; an her's acapreesion ew shes insertion of the igitgooae above the bh Pou nccoval; &e... . 2s teeot 6 | Taalive’ geet? ott MigNir tics Meg | 9357 Charles paint: Comte ie Revel, after Rigauild by. Vermeu- | 7 ©! dens and various Soldiers, &c. chiefly German and Danish* 21 fort gh teapal 2358 + Miscellaneous—Statesmen, mpg = pe &c, chiefly,German | ) taid Danish): chowiwe tek ofa geet OR - UV b ta Me ce | 8 2359 Eusebius Renaudot, om Cherean; BEAUTIFUL Serer: ‘BEFORE | 1, | a ed ANY LETTERS, and the same lettered — Pp eere¥ otea fer. , /6 , %860°Racine, by Edelinck, &¢..; Rabelais, by Haberts Renouard:; | : - . Rubens, by ie, proofs -Renaudot ; ees ee 7 Cx, Matham, &es»)) ©. fami it et aie Ms Otte , | fo | + 2361 Rousseau: Raitielais ; Rvboais Ronsard ; ar de: Ravels; ‘ Of Salvator Rosa, &c. —_—— Joie 88a Lf , 2862 Hyacinth Rigaud, bolts a cial) after: binanelfy:by Deny 2, two proofs; one with the names of the artists only; the other |, before any letters ; and the same with the inscription — 3¢ | , 2363 Hyacinth Rigaud, after himself, by Drevet, holding a palette . and pencils, Two BEAUTIFUL PROOFS, BEFORE ANY LET- | ‘TERS, one atapia Bipee) pt tly th by the tthe: himself 2. ld fli | LAY. , Repos Ff ob tne feeg | woop ENGRAVIN Gs, BY. ALBERT DURER. | : | ae 8 hie soll 9aeg Fe 9364. The sed of the Deion ‘ob Chitty Hoot impressions detrei letter-’ t the back, — press at the back, very fine... | » 2865 The small set of the Passion, very’ noha eho sions of the tetle amet &e. ye pei ®. 43 Le ¥4 Uae aps F cam De | ( 177 ) _, 2366 Sampson destroying the Lion; The Last Supper; The | Crucifixion; and a curious impression of the same, printed on vellum, ctilsidlerably reduced in size, &c. 9 Witt ln f | et 2367 The set of the Apocalypse (wanting the title), chiefly ap iy «" ampressions before the letter-press at back Ltd 4 ‘Ss Ms, 2368 The set of the Life of the Virgin, mostly first eT A.) ) y with an additional one of the title, different 214 Vince | _ 2369 Various of the Holy Family; and the Virgin and Infant , Jesus, fine — 7 (oie sed! St.. Christopher, three ‘different ; St. Francis; St. George, ro &e. — —_ 9 wae 987 1 St. Jerome in his Chamber ; Ditto Praying ; The Assumption | Wa vee of the Virgin ; Bevhidtion of St. John, &c. fine - 9 Maolleae i — The large OStimn, in four sheets, surmounted by a Satyr, 0 fine and enstvennitli rare.—( Bartsch describes this print as upon three sheets only, the middle prece of which he ae 7 “never seen ) — Af do ; 2973 The Men ina Bath; a Soldier and Death, with a “rte oe" and the companion ; ities Siege of a City, &c.. - | °8 : e374: The set of circles of Designs for Goldsmith’s Work, with two a0 01 additional without the mark of A. DuRER | 7 2375 Maps of the Zodiac ; large jai of Ulrick Agobolee, Js. Ay Durer, &c. - — —_— 7 , 2376 Various Coats of Arms, &c. some rare 14 2377 Different Scriptural Subjects, &c. attributed to A. DuRER 10 2378 Various of the Crucifixion ; The Virgin and Child; The BM Twelve Months, in small slips, &e. Ditto’ =~ +’. 20 _ 2879°S8t. Sebald; St. Sebastian; St. Catherine; The Holy , 2380 Tournaments; Satirical: and 1 Allegotcal peeing * Coats of eshte “Arms,&e, ae 16 on & Mode 3ait) oe! 9 wean i yf “Tas WORKS OF HANS. BURGMAIR. NS bo Reg, Guat: Kerchief, &c. peer 10 = oe~ ) ) | | 7. |» 2381 Venus bas iedeauth: etching on iron, ifiie and rare, (the . + only piece by Burgmair not engraved on wood) — | a a TA das as 2882 x Ndi and Eye; Christ on the Mount; and the Virgin in — | ©° 5) \Jamentation, lange pospiairt ‘cuts on sétieral int fine and © | $i ware So \g 3 3 May | Z|, %883 Christ bearing his Onine: ‘The Gtucifixion’ and the Ascension, ve Gh large wood cuts, on soveial sheets, ditto | 3 | 2A J\/F |; A ny, s\/0 |e ad ( 178 ) 2384 Death destroying a Young Man, a Female flying in dismay; _ chiaro-scuro of three blocks, fine and rare ; ; Portraits of Emperors of Germany, &c. eu 7 , 2885 The Seven Cardinal Virtues ; pire of the ae of Gatzin ; part of a set of Battles, &e _, 2886: Part of the set of:the Triumph of the ratparien ‘Maximilian, ae of: forty-six err Sine emi. er 42 a — +E OGES HANS SCHAUFELEIN.. wt preeese , 287. The. Padres of, Christ, nieahodk dain Ly pemaics bre eR . 2388 Judith, cutting. off. the head. of; Prpeemewsite ‘Susannah and the Elders. ; Esther and -Ahasuerus;, aus -varioms others, by Sénentiiaias undescribed, by Bartsch. cre PERO pee ee y striexf i LUCAS, CRANACH, 5. cut + mahaheirotole: 24 9 dats trike = eel ORS Pes 2389. ‘The Repentance, ti St: Chrisostome, fine, and rare? 2 2 Vaid 2390 Adam and Eve; The) Holy, Family, am chiaro-scuro ; The Temptation of St. Antony; St. Christopher, in two states, ince tes -wood engravings ia —. ip cited dT SOR. Wiley , 2891 Jesus Christ and the. Twelve Apoetisse Ke, ditto: ae OP ay |, 2892 St. Jerome, St. George, and various other Saints; Mareus - Curtius leaping into. the. Gulpbib The Judgment. of Paris, Key WO & urn mt ioe Omer: elt oy ie 2393 Stag Hopanae : Bennenanindiiat of. Touriinblantall &e: fine 6 roe PHY Ae . 2394 Portraits of different members of the House. of. Saxony 3° Luther and Huss. smears the. Communion 5 ae Molanathomat whole length Keen. a cP ae eae? Pay fi asx rent Raa - 4 JOHN -BAUDOUIN. GRUN. FF seri , 2395 The ‘Paleftenier, : aman enteeeodiand to barat a nd cae white horse, VERY. ‘RARE AND. EXTRA. FINE). rates ” Te ZZ 2396 Adam. and Eye; the. Annunciation; ‘Descent ri the Cross a4 Set of the Twelve Apostles, &e: (== ve Mcaeer ta 2397 The Conversion of Saul ; The Three Kates The Serer, in chiaro-seuro ; Horses, &e. oe Con | (swe ERO | Utley oa Rua ee ee ee oo mW Sy ey Ot BEL mit Mae LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. J /0 | , 2898 Set of six, the Creation; and the Fall of Man, very fine 6, Yip lino S$ 2399 EVE OrrERING ADAM THE FoRBIDDEN Fruit, FINE . ~~" PROOF, the mark being drawn in woth a pen, EXTREMELY ol bi: RARE — —— ,2400 Lot and his Daughters, (the companion to the last,) SCARCE | AND REMARKABLY FINE = 1 Villers /\ /3\ 2401 Eve tempting Adam, small; Adam and Eve with their First- born; Abraham and the three Angels; &c. fine 44a, o Ly) ” Gi: , 2402 Four subjects of the History of Joseph, and two copies 6 Ante ye. 62403 The Return of Jephtha, vERY FINE ‘he LiAclne fo. |, 2404 DaLILan CUTTING OFF THE HAIR» OF SAMPSON, VERY ie $a cas tele FINE AND RARE 1 Af 2, |, 2405 David playing before Saul; The Return of David with the Head of Goliah; and Ditto praying, fine — 3 NLaet yt ae 2406 David praying, ( an etching); Solomon adoring the Idol, | + and a copy; and Esther before Ahasuerus ' A, Mrley y, - We “ye The Triumph of Mordecai; and the two Elders watching by Susanna, very fine — os 2) “ee 2408 : The Meeting of .St. Joachim and St. Anne ; The ‘Annuncia- | tion; The Visitation ; and the Adoration of the Magi, the | "soo eopy ~ — 4 Good a | , 2409 The Adoration of the Magi, a fine impression BY 1 ALC o b eae 2410 ithe Repose in Eeypt, BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION AND VERY RARE — EEF BF 1 Yr rie L, , 2410 ‘The Baptism of our daviGuri very fine ; the same ‘rétouched ; poet ys and Christ Tempted in the Wilderness — 3 Lor (0 /o , 2412 Tue RAIstnG or LAZARUS, EXCEEDINGLY FINE. Lh) Dr | fo iB 2413 The set of the Passion, copies by J. Muller, on fine; and . two of the original — 16 ZL. 7 |. 2414 THE PASSION OF OUR LORD, IN’ cIRcLES, WITH | ‘ORNAMENTS, THE COMPLETE SET; FINE AND EXCES- | | / ‘SIVELY RARE as ue m., Cr ‘els, yt ', 2416 Christ Crowned with Thorns; The Ecce Homo, &e. fine 4 | AX ft. (2-7 2AN6 Jesus CHRIST PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE; large plate, | with several figures, VERY FINE 1 Garden - — — 2 he Ula! 2418 The Return of the Prodigal Son, VERY FINE 1 fad Hts a , 2417 The Crucifixion’; and Christ and Mary’ Magdalen in the ae ( 180 ) 3 Cat 2419 The Virgin and Child; Ditto with s anigetety ; ee two copies 3 ) The Holy Family, &e. | DSR, SOMAIIS 6 i P ,2420 The Twelve Apostles, small were length’ ‘figures — | O82 LA J [3+ PARE St. Luke; St. Peter and St.Paul’ seated, ina’ Landscape : ‘ . G and copy ; and the Conversion of Sauls.) — AO Aw /| , 2422 St. Christopher; St. John; selny? Decollation of ‘ditto St. ) a% co Jerome, &e. Levee oor! 880g faa ua F , 2423 St. Sebastian; St. eed and the ‘Temptation of ditto, &c. t, | : very fine — 1 WS. Ohne Fig ck ia Mla. J|, 2424 St. Dominic; St. Francis; and St. George, all fine — 3 |. Bo ST _ | ,2425. Mary Magdalen enjoying dhe pleasures of the World, “called | . “THE DaNCE OF THE MAGDALEN,” VERY FINE, and the |,,,,_ pw same in the retouched state — 2 . | YL» 2426 Mary Magdalen in the sires St. Catherine, etching, &e. | jine - SDF. aiewhk ahs oe — 38H tL, V4 Var 2427 THe Monk SERGIUS KILLED BY Maia VERY FINE AND RARE — — ie Wry e: | : / | / | ,2428:\The Seven Cardinal, Virtues; finey = © 5 —». 7 Hs Le /2 ac 2429 The Poet Virgil suspended from a windows: and Pyramus _ Thisbe, very fine — Mla llrra 4b si (A380 Mars, Venus and Cupid, dette OEE 4 : oye 2431 Venus and Cupid in the clouds ; The Ensign; Warriors in a 4 f wood, &c.. — a 6 ee, 2\ 2. , 2432 The Lady in a wood ; Man and Woman seated; and = . Fool, an etching — — a d ly + , 2433 Man with a bunch of gTapes; The Boy with a horn; The i awe Musicians, &c. — 6 CCU 2 el. 2434 THE UYLENSPIEGEL, VERY FINE, AND THE MOST ae RARE OF THE WORKS OF LUCAS VAN LEYDEN, | | with the copy by Hondius ee 2] at 2435 A subject representing three ieee two Females nay a Man, | | & one of the former carries a casket on her head, the other turns | =. her face to salute the man, who stands behind her, very rare Ee and unknown to Bartsch Se i «i ” bit , 2436 Head of a Warrior; and various ; Ornaments, Coats of Arms, &e. — — — Le~ , bi, ', 2487 The Arms of the City of Leyden, in five alia ; Children } ‘ | playing, in circles, two corollas undescribed by Bartsch, bom - | &e. — jee 7 4 fk 2438 Portrait of Lucas Van Leyden, an etching; aptithed Portrait of the same, holding a skull; and the Emperor Marini, | the copy, fine = = ee . |