F Aa 187 —- Bric-a-Brac Gil Paintings Priental Rugs, Etec. See Go be sold Cursday and Wednesday Afternoons and Wednueshay. Evening (2.30 and 8.15 J, a.) May 12th and 13th, 1914 At The Merwin Galleries 16 East 40th Street New UYurk LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK MAY 11 1914 CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION Bric-a-Brac, Oil PBaintinas Old Furniture, Ete. SELECTED FROM A NUMBER OF RECENT CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDING PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS; CLOCKS IN BRONZE, ORMOLU, ETC.; CHINESE, FRENCH AND OTHER PORCELAINS; ORIENTAL RUGS; CUT GLASS: BRONZES AND ENAMELS; OLD VIOLINS; SOME ANTIQUE FURNITURE, JEWELRY, COINS AND MEDALS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. (N.B.—Tue Paintincs WILL BE Sotp aT 8:15 P.M. May 13) TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Tuesday Afternoon and Wednesday Afternoon and Evening May 12th and 13th, 1914 AT The HMerwin Galleries 16 East 40TH Street, New Yorx TELEPHONE 1106 MURRAY HILL WHERE THE COLLECTION MAY BE VIEWED FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE SALE CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which ihe lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse, 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Merwin Sales Co. shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Merwin Sales Co. to enforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. THE MERWIN SALES COMPANY, 16 East Fortieth Street, New York. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 W. 27th St e/th ot. CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF BRIC-A-BRAC PAINTINGS, ETC. FIRST SESSION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 12th, 1914 COMMENCING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK LIBRARY CHAIR. Oak frame, seat and back upholstered in tapestry. PAIR JAPANESE JARDINIERE PEDESTALS. Enamel ware, birds, flowers and figures. Height, 1334 inches. SMALL SWINGING OIL LAMP. With glass panel sides. PAIR ORNAMENTAL PANELS. Semi-circular. By Francis Lathrop. Size of each, 21 by 10% inches. VIOLIN, BOW AND CASE. Stradivarius model. Has silver crest on string piece. VIOLIN, BOW AND CASE. Ole Bull model. VIOLIN AND CASE. Copy of Nicholas Amati. SET OF GOLDSMITH’S WEIGHTS. In fine condition. Contained in mahogany box. 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 —— The same, another set; smaller. ANTIQUE PLATED MUFFIN DISH. With open-work sides, oak sole and Interior Tray. Length, 11 inches. GREEN GLAZED LAMP SHADE WITH BEAD FRINGE. Height, 7 inches. TERRA-COTTA GROUP OF MALE BACCHANAL FIGURE RESTING ON PANTHER. On vine-cluster base. Height, 10 inches. JAPANESE THAPOT AND COVER. Height 8 inches. ANTIQUE PLATED BUTTER DISH. With open-work sides and Interior Tray with handles. COMBINATION COMPASS, THERMOMETER AND BAROMETER. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE: TEAPOT and small globular vase. 2 pieces. TWO CHINESE PROVISION JARS. Blue and white floral decoration. Height, 514 inches. SMALL CARVED WOOD BOX. Incomplete set of dominoes, thermometer, Italian ma- rine medal, small ormolu cherub, two fossils, etc. (lot). OLD BRASS THREE-LIGHT OIL LAMP. With tall support on tray base; and pair Snuffers at- tached. Height, 18 inches. JAPANESE AND CHINESE TEAPOTS. TEAPOT. Satsuma. THAPOT. Blue dragon decoration on terra cotta. 4 22 28 24 25 26 av 29 30 31 32 34 - 85 36 TEAPOT. Porcelain. Blue and white. TWO TEAPOTS. Terra cotta, square form. THAPOT. Ise. Banko ware. TEAPOT. Terra cotta, grotesque decorations. TEAPOT. Glazed pottery. TEAPOT. Kiyoto. Glazed. TWO TEAPOTS. Colored decorations on white porcelain. THREE TEAPOTS. Ise Banko, Owari and another. THREE TEAPOTS. Kiyoto Raku, Soma, and Imado Raku. TEHAPOT. Colored glaze decoration on terra cotta. THAPOT. Buff glaze. TEAPOT. Owari. Elephant grip on cover. TWO THAPOTS. Terra cotta, TWO TEAPOTS. Imari. Blue and white. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari. Blue and white. 5 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. 45 46 4% 48 49 50 51 TWO TEAPOTS. Owari. Glazed. One lid lacking. TEAPOT. Old blue and white. Curious form. THREE TEAPOTS. Owari. All different. TEAPOT. Terra cotta, with rustic handle. THAPOT. Owari. Flower and lustre scroll decoration. FOUR TEAPOTS. Ise Banko, Joshin and others. TWO TEAPOTS. Terra cotta. TWO THAPOTS. Owari. Grotesque decorations. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari. Blue and white, high and low forms. FOUR THAPOTS. Owari, Tokyo and Kiyoto. FOUR THAPOTS. Kiyoto. Terra cotta. TWO TEHAPOTS. Blue and white, unusual forms. TWO TEHAPOTS. Shudu ware. One round, one square. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari and brown glazed. TWO THAPOTS. Owari. Terra cotta. 52 53 54. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TWO TEHAPOTS. Kiyoto. Glazed. Different forms. THREE TEAPOTS. Tokyo, baked clay and another. One cracked. THREE TEAPOTS. Owari, white porcelain and another. TWO TEAPOTS. Kiyoto and another. THREE TEAPOTS. Ise Banko, one with encrusted flowers and another. PAIR SILVERIZED CHINA VASES. Decorated with flowers and birds. Height, 12 inches. CLOISONNE VASE. Gourd shaped, decorated with flowers and peacocks on Turkish red ground. Height, 10 inches. In lined and padded case with folding cover. MARBLE MANTEL CLOCK. Surmounted by reclining female figure in bronze. MAHOGANY TALL-BOY CHEST. Seven long drawers, with walnut fronts and drop han- dles. Height, 5 feet. COPPER KETTLE AND SPIRIT LAMP. Suspended on shaped arm with tall oxidized tripod supports. Height, 44 inches. PATR TALL CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASES. With floral and leafy decorations on dark blue surface. Height, 12 inches. PAIR OF LARGE WALL BRACKETS. With supports of embossed leather representing “Ulys- ses” and “Penelope.” vg 65 66 67 68 69 70 eu U2 73 PAIR JAPANESE BRONZE VASES. With scroll handles and decorations of inset leaves. Piece of inset lacking on one vase. Height, 834 inches. CHINESE PORCELAIN VASE AND COVER. Finely decorated in blue and white floral design. Height, 14 inches. EARLY AMERICAN AMBER GLASS BOTTLE. With bulging sides. Height, 5 inches. PAIR CARVED WALNUT PLAQUES. The panels are beautifully carved in mezzo-relievo with forms of cherubim and sprays of roses, and are sur- rounded by carved frames richly ornamented with oak leaves and acorns. Height, 2% inches; width, 21 inches. LOUIS XVI. CONSOLE TABLE WITH MARBLE AMOUR? Carved, fluted and gilt ornamentation, fluted supports, shaped stretchers. Made by Damon, of Paris. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY DESK. With drawer and lower compartment. This desk was used in the Senate chamber, Old City Hall, formerly “State House,” Hartford, Conn. , SILVERIZED OPEN WORK STRING BOX. Circular, on 4 shaped feet. DRESDEN CANDLESTICK. Supported on rustic branch with birds and flowers. Height, 9% inches. JAPANESE LACQUER BOWL. Diameter, 12 inches. PAIR JAPANESE GARDEN VASES. Enamel ware, dog handles. Decorated with gilt ser- pents and colored figures, flowers, birds and houses. One repaired at neck. Height 36 inches. 8 74 UB 76 ra 78 iio 80 81 83 84 85 86 PAIR FRENCH VASES. With gilt dragon decoration on yellow ground. SILVER TRAVELING LUNCH SET IN LEATHER CASE. (9 pieces). PORCELAIN TABLE SERVICE. Platter, Tureen, 2 Covered Dishes, and Gravy Boat and Tray with green and gold decoration. (10 pieces). COPPER JUG, OIL CAN AND PEWTER TEAPOT. (3 pieces). TEN ASSORTED DELFT TILES. MARQUETERIE POWDER F FLASK, oe MATCH BOX, ANTIQUE LOCK AND KBY BRASS DISH DECORATED WITH THE ANNUN- CIATION AND COPPER TRIPOD VESSEL. RUSSIAN BRASS COFFEE POT AND TWO BRASS BENITIERS. 3 pieces. TWO WROUGHT IRON CANDLESTICKS AND SNUFFERS RACK. 3 pieces. SET OF INDIAN IMPLEMENTS IN SILVER CASE; and KNIFE AND FORK IN LEATHER CASE. In all, 8 pieces. BRASS DOOR KNOCKER; and BRASS SMOOTHING IRON. 2 pieces. BONE LADLE ETCHED WITH “THE LAST SUP- Jelaler,” eh SWORD WITH CARVED IVORY HANDLE. 2 pieces. PAIR OF THREE-LIGHT BRASS WALL SCONCES. SMALL MARQUETERIE JEWEL CABINET. With three drawers. (Slightly chipped). 88 FOUR WALKING STICKS WITH SILVER HEADS. 9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 PAIR OF RUSSIAN BRASS CANDLESTICKS. EMPIRE BRASS INKSTAND. TWO BRASS SNUFF BOXES, THREE BRASS SPEC- TACLE CASES. Engraved with figure decoration and long inscriptions. (5 pieces). TWO VIENNA BOWLS, RED GLAZED VASE, HEART SHAPED FAIENCE VASE AND PITCH- ER. 5 pieces. SIX ASSORTED AUSTRIAN PLATES. (One chipped). FIVE BLUE AND WHITE DAVENPORT PLATTERS AND DISHES. TWO BLUE AND WHITE ENOCH WOOD PLATES. One the “Landing of the Pilgrims.” OVAL WEDGWOOD PLATTER. Harbor Scene in blue and white. HAVILAND FISH PLATTER AND SIX SERVICE SHELLS. SEVEN ASSORTED PIECES OF GLASS. Five Cups, Decanter and Poodle Pitcher. (% pieces). EIGHT ASSORTED PLATES. Four old Meissen, 2 Spode, 2 French. (One repaired and several chipped). SIX BLUE AND WHITE DAVENPORT PLATES. (One cracked). TWELVE BLUE AND. WHITE DAVENPORT PLATES. (One cracked, one chipped). BROWN GLAZED VASE, TWO ENGLISH WATER PITCHERS. (One slightly chipped). 3 pieces. 10 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 aby 118 119 PEWTER STAMP BOX AND BRASS THA BELL OF QUAINT DESIGN. PEWTER LOVING CUP. Inscribed with armorial bearings, initials and date 1853. PAIR OF BRASS CANDLESTICKS. Baluster pattern. ANOTHER PAIR, SMALLER. THREE COAT HOOKS OF WROUGHT STEEL SHAPED AS ELEPHANTS’ HEADS. PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS. Baluster pattern. BRASS HANGING MOSQUE LAMP. Fitted for electricity. ALPINE ICE PICK WITH CARVED WOOD HAN- DLE. FIRESIDE KETTLE STAND OF PIERCED BRASS. ANTIQUE BRASS SIX-LIGHT CHANDELIER. VENETIAN WROUGHT IRON HANGING LAN- TERN. ANOTHER, SMALLER. BRASS FIRE SET OF THREE PIECES. ANOTHER, WITH STAND AND BELLOWS. FIVE BRASS WALL SCONCES. BRASS BEDROOM CANDLESTICK AND BRASS HAND LANTERN. 2 pieces. COPPER TANKARD WITH GADROONED MOULD- INGS. at 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 130 BRASS THA KETTLE AND FOUR BRASS CAN- DLESTICKS. 5 pieces. BRASS HALL LANTERN WITH COLORED GLASS PANELS AND WROUGHT IRON WALL HOOK. THREE DOLLS. Imperfect. TWO PEWTER TANKARD COVERS. Nicely etched. MISCELLANEOUS CHINA. Austrian cup; 2 Dresden saucers; 2 Austrian saucers; Japanese saucer; 8 vase and teapot covers; small stand; 3 pieces wall sconce. Together, 18 pieces. CHINESE BRONZE FLOWER VASE. Bottle shape, inset floral decoration. Height, 8 inches. FRENCH CHINA FLOWER VASE. Gilt and floral decoration. Height, 14% inches. PAIR CHINESE VASES. Blue and white. Height, 12% inches. CHINESE SPILL VASE. Blue and white, birds and trees. Height, 12 inches. GENTLEMAN’S OLD MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE, With drop front desk enclosing drawers and pigeon holes, long drawer on top and large closet in lower half. Chipped in a few parts. Height, 55 inches; width, 45 inches; depth, 22 inches. PAIR CHINA VASES. Decorated with blossoms. Height 934 «ches. PAIR TALL JAPANESE VASES. Richly decorated in colors and gold with figures, house- boats, trees and flowers. One has been neatly repaired at neck. Height, 25 wches. 12 132 133 134 135 137 138 139 140 141 HANDSOME BRONZE AND ORMOLU MANTEL SET. By Picard, of Paris. The clock is of bronze, richly ornamented with leaves in scrolls and garland, with claw feet, and is surmounted by a heavy bronze figure of a philosopher with a scroll. Total height, 25 inches. The candelabra are in the form of male figures in bronze, supporting 10-light ormolu branches, and rest- ing on square plinths with medallions and trophies. Height, 3% inches. JAPANESE OCTAGONAL PROVISION JAR. Decorated with trees and flowers in gilt and colors. Height, 13 inches. JAPANESE TALL VASE. Decorated in gilt and colors with turtles and trees. Height, 18 inches. EARLY AMERICAN AMBER GLASS BOTTLE. With portrait on either side in high relief. Height, 6 inches. OPALESCENT SHAVING MUG. Gilt decoration, old; ruby glass jelly dish; pair of china ornamental flower vases; tall wine colored glass vase; and English Hague teapot. Together, 6 pieces. EARLY FROSTED FLOWER VASE. With ruby base and rim and floral decoration on body. Height 12 inches. WHITE QUEEN’S WARE SWEET COMPORT. Adjustable, with two trays. EARLY AMERICAN GLASS CANTEEN. Amber shade. On one side is the American eagle, on the reverse is the cornucopia. Height, 6% inches. SMALL LUSTRE WARE CREAM EWER. TWO HARLY AMERICAN MEDICINE BOTTLES. Round. Height, 5% inches. 13 143 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 154 TWO EARLY AMERICAN MEDICINE BOTTLES. Round and thicker. Height, 54 inches. TWO HARLY AMERICAN MEDICINE BOTTLES. Square. Height, 5 inches. THREE EARLY AMERICAN MEDICINE BOTTLES. Various sizes, 2 round, 1 square. GLASS SPARK LAMP. With bulbous font, graduated support, square base. , Height, 334 inches. TWO LONG GREEN PERFUME BOTTLES. Height, 8 inches. BRONZE PLAQUE. “Fruit,” in form of garland. Length, 18 inches. LADY’S BREAST PIN. Made of ebony wood from Brazil, 8. A. GOLD SHIRT STUD. With small diamond in centre; another, with small coral; watch key, and miniature pocket knife. To- gether, 4 pieces. GENTLEMAN’S WALTHAM WATCH. In 20 years gold case. GENTLEMAN’S SILVER WATCH CHAIN. With pendant charm containing miniature set of dice. FRIENDSHIP BRACELET. Silver. With nine dimes suspended, each bearing names, initials and monograms. GENTLEMAN’S GOLD WATCH CHAIN. Heavy link, with locket pendant having cat’seye and cameo. LADY’S TORTOISE SHELL WATCH CHAIN. 14 155 156 159 160 161 163 164 166 TWO GOLD FINGER RINGS. Each with a very large amethyst. LONG SILVER NECK CHAIN. Small link. Length, 52 inches. BRONZE INAUGURAL MEDAL. March 4, 1897. The Capitol, with pendant busts of McKinley and Hobart. OPERA GLASSES. French. Formerly the property of Harry Thaw. AMETHYSTS. All cut. Sizes, from 1 to 3 karats. 60 pieces. BAROQUE PEARLS. Various sizes. 100 pieces. YELLOW SAPPHIRE. Brilliant. About 3 karats. LAPIS. Ovals and Rounds, large. 10 pieces. CORAL BEADS. String of red Norcal Beads with clasp. Length, 54 inches. TOPAZ. Spanish Hyacinth Topaz, faceted stones, in sizes vary- ing from 1 to 3 karats. 15 pieces. TOPAZ. Pair of fine Golden Topaz oval facets, each 9 karats. 2 pieces. HYACINTHS. Spanish Hyacinths, faceted. 10 pieces. 15 168 169 170 al 172 173 174. 175 176 177 178 179 OPALS. Various shapes and sizes. 148 pieces. OUR AA, Different shapes, sizes varying from 3 to 10 karats. Faceted. 6 pieces. AMETHYSTS. Oval Cabochon Amethysts, in sizes varying from 5 to 8 karats. 25 pieces. AMETHYSTS. Faceted Amethysts, sizes varying from 5 to 10 karats. 5 pieces. TURQUOISES. Various sizes. 100 pieces. TURQUOISE. Large Turquoise Ovals for brooches. 2 pieces. TOPAZ. Small faceted yellow Topaz. 108 pieces. PEARLS. Small Baroque Pearls. 6 pieces. RUBIES. Spinal Rubies, Ceylon. Various sizes. 5 pieces. CAMEOS. Stone cameos, various sizes and shapes. 17 pieces. CRYSTAL DROPS. Faceted crystal drops, for chains, pendants, etc. 30 pieces. SAPPHIRE. Brilliant faceted pink sapphire. 3 karats. Fine. LAPIS. Genuine Lapis, in sizes from 2 to 5 karats. 10 pieces. 16 SSSR a as ay 2 Ce eo 180 181 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 LS AQUAMARINES. Faceted Aquamarines, various sizes. 25 pieces. PERIDOTS. Small peridots, various sizes, faceted. 25 pieces. RUBY. Faceted reconstructed ruby. 3 karats. SCARABS. Antique Egyptian Scarabs, before B.C. 1500. 4 pieces. — The same. 5 pieces. AMETHYSTS. Amethyst buttons, drilled. Medium size. 23 pieces. PAIR BRASS CANDLESTICKS. Supported by dragons. PAIR BRONZE CANDLESTICKS. With tripod supports in form of eagles, shaped trian- gular base. Height, 8% inches. EARLY AMERICAN AMBER GLASS CANTEEN. On one side is the American eagle with stars, on the reverse is a horse and wagon and the words “Success to the Railroad.” Height, 634 inches. TWO COLONIAL DOUBLE MIRROR FRAMES. Gilt. Gilt rubbed off in places. Size, 10 by 20 inches. VIOLIN AND BOW. In line and shaped leather case. ANTIQUE INCENSE BURNER. The pierced folding top in form of tower. Height 13 inches. This was secured from an old Italian church. ANTIQUE BRASS LAMP. Circular wick with spur wheel, inverted bell front, column support, square marble base, frosted globe. Height, 20 inches. Suspended from the rim are 10 glass pendants, each with two drops. 17 | ] 194 195 196 LOY 198 199 200 201 202 208 204 205 206 EARLY AMERICAN CLARET DECANTER. With original stopper; and two small wine glasses. 3 pieces. “CHRISTOFLE” SILVER BEAKER. With scroll handle. Height, 9%4 inches. GENGHIS RUG. Size, 3.6 x7.2 CABISTAN RUG. Old dye. Size, 3.10x8 CASHMERE RUG. Size, 7.6x11 BOKHARA RUG. Old dye. 3.6x4.3 HAMADAN RUG. Size, 2.9x3.10 SHIRVAN RUG. Old dye. 3.4x4.8 VELVET PILE RUG. Size, 9x6 SHIRVAN RUG. Old dye. Size, 3.4x4.2 KARABAGH RUG. Size, 3.2x5.6 HAMADAN RUG. Old dye. Size, 4.11x5.1 MOSUL RUG. Old dye. Size, 6x4.8 ANATOLIAN MAT. Old dye. Size, 26 inches by 18 inches. 18 207 208 209 210 211 213 214 215 216 FERAGHAN RUG. Size, 3.9x6.2 KAZAKJA RUG. Size, 2.10x5.4 STAFFORDSHIRE CUP AND SAUCER. By J. Ridgeway. Richly decorated in blue and gold, with the crown and royal emblem of Britain on both pieces. This cup and saucer was presented by Queen Victoria to Mrs. Craggs, of Hull, England. and secured from one of her descendants. A letter of authentication ac- companies the lot. WALKING CANE HEADS. Elaborately carved wood, one in shape of old man’s head; the other of a lion devouring a lamb. 2 pieces. TORTOISE SHELL MINIATURE GUITAR AND MANDOLIN. Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 2 pieces. MAHOGANY BOOKSLIDE. _ With five metal sliding partitions. VERY OLD WOOD SHIELD. With two fishes carved on face and motto “PERSEVERE ET SUCCEDE” in raised letters. This shield belonged to Captain James Cook, the fa- mous navigator, who was killed in the Sandwich Islands in 1779. MEERSCHAUM PIPE. With very large bowl and cover, cherry stem. VIOLIN. Made by OC. E. Farley, New Boston, N. H. VIOLIN. Imperfect. 218 219 220 2a1 222 223 224 226 227 228 VIOLIN. Lacks string piece and strings. OCTAGONAL TABLE TOP. Of Marble and Cretacious Period Chalk. Size, 26 inches. DRESDEN BISQUE FIGURE. Man st glass. anding on circular base, holding bottle and Height, 11% inches. DRESDEN BISQUE FIGURE. Girl seated on rustic pedestal, circular base. Height, 15 inches. DRESDEN GROUP. Baby in cradle with two children standing by. Height, 334 inches. ALABASTER STATUETTE. Figure of a girl playing tambourine. Height, 13 inches. METAL FIGURE OF A BULL. Height, 6% inches. SHEFFIELD PLATED CAKE BASKET. Fluted and engraved, on circular base, with swinging handle. Diameter, 12 inches. Made by James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield. Bears royal coat-of-arms of Britain. VIOLIN WITH BOW. German copy of Stradivarius. VIOLIN. An early copy of Stradivarius. VIOLIN. Imperfect. VIOLIN STRINGS. Various. About 140. 20 SECOND SESSION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON MAY 13th, 1914 COMMENCING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK 229 MAHOGANY TELESCOPE DINING TABLE. Length, 52 inches; with three loose leaves, the whole extending to 116 inches. On carved supports with claw and ball feet. 230 MEERSCHAUM CIGARETTE PIPE IN CASE. 231 WALKING CANE HEAD. Finely carved ivory, in shape of boar’s head. 232 HMBROIDERY. 3 pieces. 233 CHREMONIAL SHORT SWORD. 234 GLASS CUTTER. Two office knives, 24-inch rule and shoemaker’s tool. 5 pieces. 235 BONE PAPER CUTTER. Ink bottle with sterling top, two pin trays, pen tray, pen cleaner and office knife. 7 pieces. 2386 GENTLEMAN’S SUIT CASE. 237 CIRCULAR BASIN. Heavily silver plated. Diameter, 16 inches. 238 DRAUGHTSMAN’S SCALE. By C. Lurrig, Berlin, in case. 239 CARVED WOOD FINIAL. The upper portion in shape of a pineapple. Height, 14 inches. 21 240 FRINGED TABLE COVER. Oriental pattern. 60 inches square. 2404 PAIR OF SADDLE-BAG CUSHIONS. 241 BRASS CIRCULAR PAIL. With two side handles. Height, 9 inches. 242 CARVED WOOD BUST, “SHAKESPEARE.” Height, 11 inches. 243 CUT GLASS BOWL. Pineapple pattern. Diameter, 9 inches. 244 TWO SMALL CLOISONNE VASES. | With handles. Height, 4 inches. 245 SQUARE JAPANESE PLATTER. Colored decorations. 246 WOOD TRIPOD CAMERA STAND. | 24% CUT GLASS BOTTLE AND TUMBLER. 248 CUT GLASS SUGAR BOWL. And another with cover. 2 pieces. 249 FRENCH CHINA VASE. With colored floral decoration. 250 OPALESCENT GLASSWARE. i Three finger bowls and 4 bovril cups, some with gold initials. Together, 7 pieces. 251 HAVILAND WHITE SAUCERS. Diameter, 5 inches (5); 414 inches (6). Together, 11 pieces. Hach piece painted in colors with bird and floral spray. Comprises: 3 oval platters, tureen, flat and cover; salad bowl and flat; 2 side dishes and covers; sauce boat; 4 fruit plates; bread plate; 27 other plates; and 6 egg cups. Together, 51 pieces. 22 | i 252 LIMOGES DINNER SERVICE. | | 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 PAIR JAPANESE DECORATED QUILL VASES. : Height, 6 wches. BOHEMIAN GLASS VASE. Glass quill holder, Favrille vase, 2 metal figures, metal elephant, enameled model of Temple, globular vase cover, and ashed stand. Together, 9 pieces. SMALL PERFUME ATOMIZER. COPPER DOUBLE BOILER AND COVER, Smaller copper pot, copper wine filler and copper ket- tle. Together, 6 pieces. BRASS READING LAMP. With shaped oil font and smaller font with double burner on opposite ends of revolving beam, supported on tall centre standard. With globe and green shade. Total height, 25 inches. as SMALL PICTURE FRAME. Gilt carved wood, with cherubim head decorations. BRASS PEN TRAY. With paper knife and claw and ball wax stamp with the Austrian seal. 3 pieces. CUT GLASS BOWL. Diameter, 914 inches. CUT GLASS BOWL. Diameter 8% inches. COLONIAL CUT GLASS FRUIT BOWL. With ball support and circular base. Height, % inches; diameter, 94% inches. CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE FRUIT BOWL. Diameter, 10 inches. JAPANESE BOWL. With colored decorations. Diameter, 91% inches. 23 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 a4 275 H 276 av SMALL TIMEPIECH. By Caldwell, Philadelphia. Brass frame, with open back and sides. Height, 5 inches. AGATE PAPER CUTTER. Length, % inches. LARGE ONYX BALL. Diameter, 2" inches. COPELAND FRUIT PLATE, And small Crown Derby plate. 2 pieces. STERLING SILVER FERN DISH STAND. Presentation Communion cup, napkin ring, and ster- ling shoe lifter. Together, 4 pieces. PARASOL. With ivory handle, silk shade and lace cover. SMALL BOOKSLIDE. ANTIQUE JAPANESE FLOWER VASE. Repaired. DECORATIVE TILES. One with butterflies, the other with bird. 2 pieces. VENETIAN GLASS VASE. With gilt scrolls, six ruby panels and six gilt ruby knots, on gilt hexagonal base. Height, 14 inches. BASALTINE WARE DECORATIVE PLATE. “St. George and the Dragon.” Diameter, 9% inches. VENETIAN FLOWER VASE. With gilt floral decorations. One lip broken off. Height, 9¥%4 inches. CUT GLASS SWEET COMPORT. Diameter, 81%4 inches. CROWN DERBY VEGETABLE DISH WITH COVER, One plate and one large oval platter. Together, 4 pieces. 24 279 280 281 283 284. 285 286 287 288 SMALL COPPER KETTLE. On stand with spirit lamp. Kettle handle broken. SIX DINNER FORKS. Heavily plated. Engraved with name “Dr. Foster, from M. H. H.” 6 pieces. EARLY BISCUIT WEDGWOOD TEAPOT WITH COVER. TORTOISE SHELL CARD CASE. With silver mounts. BISQUE VASE. Decorated with gilt and colored foliage and flowers. Height, 153% inches. TALL CHINESE POTTERY VASE. Bottle shape. Decorated in black, white and green with birds, trees, flowers and foliage on dark red ground. Height, 23 inches. PURPLE GLASS FLOWER VASE. With drop handles, enamel and gilt flower spray deco- ration. Height, 11 inches. TALL JAPANESE VASE. Richly decorated in gilt and various colors with figures of peacocks, birds, warriors, trees and flowers. Slight chip in rim. Height 33 inches. TALL GILT PORCELAIN VASE. With lion mask handles. Heavily gilt with hand painted roses, signed “Soustre”’; and figure of a Cour- tier, signed “Delus.” Height, 1% inches. PAIR BRONZED FEMALE FIGURES. By Vely. “Peureuse” and “Frileuse,” on rustic sup- ports, with ornamental ormolu bases. Height, 15 inches. 25 290 291 } 295 i 299 PAIR FRENCH CHINA VASES. Finely hand painted, one with bird and flowers; the other with medallions of cats and donkey. Height, 13% wches. JAPANESE VASE. With figures and flowers in colors. Height, 12% inches. JAPANESE AND CHINESE TEAPOTS. THAPOT. Lacquer, with tortoise shaped cover and bronze handle. THAPOT. China. Dragon decorations on green and black ground. TWO TEAPOTS. Blue and white, small; one lacking cover. THAPOT. Banko ware. Colored flower decoration on brown ground, with handle. THAPOT. China. Blue grotesques on black ground. TEHAPOT. Squat shaped, terra cotta. TEAPOT. Terra cotta. Square shape. THAPOT. Satsuma. TWO TEAPOTS. Shidu ware and Kyoto. Small. TEAPOT. Blue decoration on terra cotta. 26 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 TEAPOT. Aidzu. With leaf decoration and rustic cover grip. TEAPOT. Shidu. Semi-circular form. TEAPOT. White porcelain. TWO THAPOTS. Green glazed pottery, different. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari ware. Different design. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari, one terra cotta, the other with colored decora- tions on white. TWO TEAPOTS. Owari. Blue and white, different forms. THREE TEAPOTS. Owari, Kiyoto and another. TWO TEAPOTS. Kiyoto and Owari. PAIR CHINESE HEXAGONAL VASES. Blue and white. Slightly chipped at base. Height, 11% inches. PAIR CHINESE CIRCULAR VASES. Blue and white. Height, 12 inches. ORMOLU AND ENAMEL CIRCULAR MANTEL CLOCK. Rounded circular canopy supported on six tall com- posite pillars, resting on circular, graduated base and enclosing drum shaped 400-day clock. The canopy, pillars and base richly decorated in champ-leve en- amel. With globe cover and black wood plinth. Total height, 19 inches. 314 315 319 820 821 822 323 324 325 326 PAIR JAPANESE VASES. With flowers, birds and scrolls in gold and orange. Height, 13 inches. SILVER PLATED FIVE-LIGHT CANDELABRA. The base embossed with flowers, having four scroll arms with embossed cups and center flame finial. MAHOGANY CENTER TABLE. With carved bed and legs, having carved X brace. RUSSIAN HAMMERED BRASS JUG. JAPANESE OBLONG PORCELAIN JARDINIERE. METAL BOWL DECORATED IN NIELLO. COPELAND FRUIT STAND AND TRAY. With blue and white decoration. (Stand repaired). PAIR OF FLAT MANTEL VASES AND JAPANESE TEAPOT. (One vase chipped). COPPER LUSTER MILK JUG AND BRASS CAN- DLESTICK. ASSORTED CHINA. Five pieces. Two chipped. TWO ANTIQUE SUGAR BOWLS AND GRAVY BOAT AND TRAY. 4 pieces. One handle broken. DAVENPORT TEAPOT AND SUGAR BOWL. Blue and white. 2 pieces. IRONSTONE PLATE. Blue and white; Napoleon blue and white plate; cus- pidor and cover. 4 pieces. CARVED CONSOLE, MIRROR SUPPORT. hipped. 28 327 PINE BEDSTEAD. With shaped posts. 328 COUCH. Having carved frame with paw feet, and covered with crimson cut velvet. 329 COINS. Miscellaneous coins, small, some silver. 14 pieces. 330 COINS. Copper Coins, including Massachusetts Cent, 1788. Y pieces. 331 COINS. Coins and Medals, all large, some silver. 8 pieces. 332 COINS. Ancient Coins, mostly silver. 11 pieces. 333 COINS. Ancient Coins, mostly bronze. 15 pieces. 334 —— Another lot. 16 pieces. 335 COINS. Ancient Coins, bronze and brass, mostly large. 15 pieces. 336 COINS. Gold Coins. One dolar, with monogram on back; quarter dollar; Four Reales, Guatemala; Spiel Marke ; California half dollar; small coin (mutilated) ; and 2 model British Sovereigns, very small. Together, 8 pieces. 337 COINS. American Coins. Trade dollar, made into locket, 5c piece; 3c. pieces (5); half cent; postal coin, 3c. To- gether, 9 pieces. 29 339 340 341 342 343 COINS. British Coins. Five shilling piece; four pence; two pence (2); 134 pence (3); Penny, 1797; East India 1 cent; Irish half penny; and 12 model copper coins. Together, 22 pieces. ANCIENT COINS. Tetradrachms of Ptolemy XI. and XIII. Date he- fore 70 B. C. 2 pieces. ROMAN COIN. Brutus Denarius, bearing bust of Brutus and his ancestor Ahala. Rare. ROMAN COINS. Silver Denarii; all before 300 A. D. 17 pieces. ANCIENT COIN. Bronze of Septimus Severus. ANTIOCH COL (ONTA) CAE(SAR). Diameter, 114 inches. Rare. FOREIGN COINS. Mediaeval, English, Ancient, South Ameriean and EuropeanMoney, in copper, bronze, silver, porcelain, bamboo, wampum, etc. 37 pieces. —— Another lot. 38 pieces. —— Another lot. 3% pieces. ANCIENT COIN. Thasos Tetradrachm, Greece, 150 B. ©. Dionysius; and Hercules with Club. Silver. ANCIENT COIN. Athenian ‘Tetradrachm. B. C. 550. One of the earliest Greek Coins. ANCIENT COIN, Jewish Quarter. Shekel. Period, first revolt of the Jews, Palm Tree. Diameter, 1 ineh. CHINESE KNIFE MONEY. About 800 B. C. Length, 5 inches. 30 350 351 352 353 854 355 356 357 358 359 360 ANCIENT COIN. Oxydized silver Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great. Damascus mint. B. C. 336. Good. PAIR FRENCH CHINA VASES. Venetian-red bulb shaped bodies with garlands and bacchantes. - Height, 10% wches. CHINESE VASE. Blue and white, flowers and bird. Height, 12 inches. CLOISONNE ENAMEL GLOBULAR VASE. Height, V4 inches. CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASE. Bottle shaped. Height, 7 wmches. TALL JAPANESE SPILL VASE. Five colors, with brass base. Height, 13 inches. HUNGARIAN POTTERY VASE. With openwork decorations, gilt and colors. Height 13 inches. FRENCH ORMOLU CLOCK. Supported on broad plinth by two Egyptian figures and surrounded by mythological figures. On wooden stand. Height, 18 inches. PAIR OLD BRASS CANDLE STICKS. Decorated with boar heads, on oak leaf base. Height, 9 ches. PAIR SMALL BRASS CANDLE HOLDERS. With tray base and handles. Height, 3 wches. OLD PLATED CREAM AND SUGAR SET. With engraved monogram “OC. W. F.” 2 pieces. = ANTIQUE PLATED SUGAR BOWL. With engraved decorations, mask handles, and four shaped mask supports. 4 4L a) PAIR OLD BRASS CANDLE STICKS. i With figure and scroll supports, one on wood, the | other on marble plintb Height 9 inches. 363 PAIR SMALL BRASS COMBINATION MATCH-BOX HOLDERS AND TRAYS. | | 364 PAIR METAL FEMALE FIGURES. | (One imperfect) on circular base. Height, 17 inches. 365 SMALL BRASS CONCAVE MASK. Diameter, 4. inches. 366 ANTIQUE BRASS MATCH HOLDER. | 367 NAPOLEON. Circular copper plaque with profile portraits in re- lief. Napoleon and Josephine. Andeieu, fecit. Dia- meter, 534 inches, | 368 PORTRAITS, } American. (28). 369 NEW YORK. Views from Valentine’s Manual. 10 pieces. 370 ENGRAVINGS. Foreign Views and Portraits, 90 pieces. 371 PHOTOGRAPHS. Union Officers of the Civil War and others. 924 pieces. 372 PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet size. General Sherman, Edwin Booth in Character, and others. 11 pieces. | 373 AMERICAN VIEWS. i Etchings. Plynlimmon Court, Phila.; Fort Wilson. i Phila.; The Old Stone Bridge at Nicetown, and others i 8vo. 11 pieces. 82 Sages SERPS ies 374 375 376 Byars 378 379 380 381 382 AMERICAN VIEWS. Line engravings and woodcuts. (46) REMBRANDT. Photogravure after Rembrandt. “The Consultation” Size, 25 inches, by 1544 inches. Glazed and gilt frame. PORTFOLIO. Engravings, prints, pencil and pen and ink sketches, 8vo to 4to. 44 pieces, in leather portfolio. DARLEY (F. O. C.) Illustrations for Dickens’ Works. Two lithographs. Size, 19 inches, by 14 inches. Glazed frames. 2 pieces. ENGRAVINGS. Le Boufon des Chasseurs. By J. Moyreau after Wou- vermens. Size, 1334 inches by 18 inches. Framed; and etching “Cows in Stream”. D. B. 1790. Size, 19 inches by 17 inches. Framed. 2 pieces. ENGRAVING. “Ann Page, Slender and Shallow”. Engraved by Charles Burt after Leslie. Size, 16 inches by 20 inches. Printed by J. Dalton, New York (1851). LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Framed photograph. Group, comprising: Farragut, Sherman, Thomas, Lincoln, Meade, Grant, Hooker, Sheridan and Hancock. Published by Notman Photo Co., Boston, 1884. WEBSTER (NOAH). Colored print. “Noah Webster, the School-master of the Republic”. Published by Root and Tinker, 'Trib- une Building, New York, n. d. Size, 16 inches by 23 inches. In glazed frame. ENGRAVINGS. “The Hero of Lucknow”, by A. H. Ritchie; Scenes from Shakespeare (3); and another. Together, 5 pieces. 33 WATER COLOR. View on the Wissahicon, by unknown painter. Size 1344 inches by 10% inches. 384 HARLY LITHOGRAPHS. By Engelmann, Childs & Inman, and others. 4to and 8vo. 16 pieces (some margins torn). 385 PHILADELPHIA (PA.). Views. Pen-and-ink Sketch of the Hall of Independ- ence; Merchant’s Hotel; Young Ladies Lyceum In- stitute. Lithograph by Duval; Duval’s Lithographic Establishment, and others. 8vo and small 4to. 12 pieces. | 386 ENGRAVINGS. Views, etc., some by Sartain. 4to. 53 pieces. 387 HARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS. Franklin House. Broadway. Humorous window sketch. Bufford’s lith., and 4 others. 4 to, 3 pieces. 388 HARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS. Portrait of 8. L. Southard, Senator from New Jersey. Drawn by C. Fenderick. Lith. by Duval; Portrait | of Martin Van Buren. Drawn by Fenderick. Lith. | by Duval; and others. 9 pieces. Small folio, etc. 389 HARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS. Battle of New Orleans, 1815. Designed on the field I of battle by H. Ladotte. Drawn on stone by A. Hotty 1 P. 8. Duval lith. Phila., 1840;View of the Battle of i New Orleans and one other. 4to, 3 pieces. 390 HARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS. } | Officer in Uniform on horse-back. Drawn from life on stone by A. Koellner; Officer in Uniform, of the ! Troy Citizens Corps, Drawn on stone by A. Hoffy, 1 Duval lith; Colored lithograps by Hoffy of Uniformed i Officer; Gen. David R. Porter, Gov. of Pa. Drawn i on stone by Peter Hotter, and 2 others. Small folio i and 4to. 6 pieces. 34 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 HARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPH. Washington Grays. Officer in Uniform. Small folio. — National Greys of Philadelphia, Peter Fritz, Com- mandant. Officer in Uniform, with view of buildings. Drawn by D. 8. Quintin, 1838, Small folio. (small tear in markin neatly repaired). — Boon Light Infantry, St. Louis, Mo. Officers in Uniform. Huddy Lithographer, 1844. Early proof impression, with signature of the W. M. Huddy. Small folio (slightly stained). EARLY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS. By A. Newsam. Portrait of Jonathan Smith; Por- trait of Philip S. Physick; James Tjorne as “Fig- aro”; Rare Military Portrait of General Harrison, and one other. Small folio and 4to. 5 pieces. NEWSAM ENGRAVING. Portrait of Jas. C. Booth. Drawn on stone by A. Newsam. Lithograph by P. S. Duval. Small folio. Rare print. PHILADELPHIA (PA.). The Monument to Liberty (never erected.) Designed by William W. Story. Lithograph by Thomas Hunt- er, Phila., 1875. Size, 15 inches by 22 inches. (mar- gin torn). COLORED LITHOGRAPH. The Capture of Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 2d, 1864, by the Union Army, under Major General Sherman. Published by Currier and Ives. Size, 12 inches by 17 inches. MEDALS AND BADGES. Rifle prize medals, G. A. R. cross and medal, Coney Island Souvenir, Evacuation of Boston, Ribbons, ete. Together, 18 pieces. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Bronze medals with battle scenes, to William Wash- ington and John Eager Howard. Diameter, 134 inches. 2 pieces. 35 401 402. 403 404 405 4.06 407 MEDALS. Industrial Exhibition of Toronto; another Toronto medal; National Cash Register; Italo-American, 1892 Seal of New Brunswick, N. J.; Burlington Carnival, 1887; Coney Island Jockey Club; and others. Bronze ete. 10 pieces. MEDALLION PORTRAITS. Carolus X., Charles IX., Raoul, Charles VIII., Louis XVIII., Marie Therese and another. 1 pieces. MEDALLION PORTRAITS. Ludovico XVI. and Ludovicus Philippus I. 2 pieces. Diameter, 27% inches. MEDAL. Medallion portrait of Governor Isaac Shelby (of Ken- tucky) and on reverse, the “Battle of the Thames”. Diameter, 244 inches. OVAL BRASS PLAQUE. With portrait of J. A. Garfield in relief. Size, 8% inches by 8 inches MEDALS. Bronze medals with portrait bust of Benjamin Frank- lin, Dante, Lavater, Amyot, Galilaei, Moreau, Bacon and Congreve. Together, 8 pieces. SILVER AND COPPER COINS. Including Mexican dollar; Irish penny; French, Brit- ish and other foreign. 25 pieces. BABYLONIAN TABLETS. Containing Temple Records from Tello. Made on Baked Clay. Sizes, from 1 to 2 inches square. 12 pieces. These cuneiform tablets belong to the fine made by Ernst de Sarzec, at Mosul, Tello, near Shatra, in 1895. Each tablet has been carefufly interpreted by an authority, who assigns them to the dynasty of Ur, 2700-2500 B. C. They refer to the administration of Temple property, to stock raising, agriculture ete, and testify to the character of the ancient principality. 36 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 ANTIQUE BRONZE MEDALLION. Profile bust portrait in relief of Saint Jerome, called “Hieronymus”. In good condition, Diameter, 234 inches. COPPER MEDALLION. Portrait of Napoleon III. and on reverse, Empress Eugenie. Diameter, 2 inches. ART METAL INKSTAND. In form of Indian’s head with bronze face. TWO JAPANESE BOWLS. Decorated in colors. Height, 4 inches. SMALL PLATED CRUET SET. Small bell with sterling handle (imperfect). 2 pieces. SMALL CLOISONNE INK-POT AND STAND. OLD COPPER KETTLE. With iron handle. Height of kettle, 514 inches. OLD WALNUT SHAPED CANDLESTICK ON TRAY BASE. Height, 13 inches. ANTIQUE RUSSIAN COPPER KETTLE. With cover and nozzle (lacks handle). Height, 7% inches. BRASS CANDLESTICK ON SERPENT SUPPORT. Height, 144 inches. RUSSIAN HAMMERED BRASS CANDLE STICK. Height, ? inches. PAIR OLD SHEET BRASS CANDLE HOLDERS. Height, 6 inches. PAIR OLD BRASS CANDLE HOLDERS. With Platter Base. Height, 4 inches. 37 | | } 4 | | 422 423 424 426 | i 421 428 429 { | 1 } | 430 | 431 PAIR OLD BRASS CANDLESTICKS. With octagonal stem on circular base. Height, 4% inches. PAIR SHAPED COLONIAL BRASS CANDLESTICKS STICKS. Height, 7 inches. PAIR FINELY SHAPED COLONIAL BRASS CANDLESTICKS. Height, 8 inches. PAIR MEXICAN TERRA-COTTA WATER PIT- CHERS. With double handles. Height, 10 inches. SIOUX INDIAN PIPE OF PIECE. Made in two pieces in form of tomahawk, from red eatlanite. Hngraved blade. Total length, 18 inches OLD RUSSIAN BRASS AND COPPER TEAPOT AND SUGAR POT. Finely shaped and in good condition. 2 pieces. FOUR JAPANESE FLOWER POT HOLDERS. With shaped rims. Diameters, 4 to 5 inches. EARLY MEXICAN TERRA-COTTA CANDLE HOLD- ER. With three sockets (chipped and repaired); Small Mexican enamel jar; Mexican cup. ‘Together, 3 pieces JAPANESE BRASS FINGER BOWL. With engraved rim; small brass flower pot. 2 pieces. MEXICAN TERRA-COTTA DECORATED FLOWER POT AND VASE. Small plaster cast; Together, 3 pieces. OLD BRASS PAIL. Height, 6 wches. 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 JAPANESE BRASS FLOWER POT. With grotesques in relief. Height, 5% inches. CROWN DERBY CAKE BASKET. (Imperfect); small stein wiith cover; Pottery pin tray; Bohemain glass vase. ‘Together 4 pieces. SMALL ENGRAVED BRASS TRAY WITH PLEAT- ED RIM. Small pleated brass dish and holder. Together, 3 pieces. PLATED HELMET-SHAPED PIN TRAY ON SHAP- ED FEET. SMALL BRASS JARDINIERE AND COVER. Brass dish with folding lid; Miniature Copper pail; Together, 3 pieces. PLATED AND ENGRAVED CIRCULAR SUGAR BOWL. On four shaped feet. PLATED BREAKFAST SERVICE. Comprising butter cooler with tray and cover; sugar bowl (lacks cover) ; cream pitcher; and lump sugar dish with cover. Hach piece is engraved and stands on four shaped feet. (Two are stamped with Mono- gram “B”). NAPOLEON. Small Veneered Rosewood Pedestal; inlaid with ma- hogany and maple in spray design enclosing the Royal Crown and “N” of Napoleon. Evidently from a Na- poleon Collection. SMALL ETCHING, AFTER CONSTABLE. Another after Rost, and two small frames. AMERICAN FLAGS. The United States Flag. With 24 stars. (circa 1828). 2 contemporary flags. Size 19 inches y 26 inches. 39 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 CAMPAIGN FLAG. The United States Flag. With portrait of Stephen A. Douglas, surrounded by 33 stars., Campaign banner, with candidates names removed. Philadelphia 1860. Size, 22 inches by 36 inches CAMPAIGN POSTER. In Philadelphia, Sept. 3, 1866. Geary the Candidate for Governor was in the Procession, every radical can- didate for the United States senator took part.” With curious woodcut depicting the mingling of blacks and whites. Folio broadside. (Phila. 1866). WOODEN VIOLIN CASE. JAPANNED COAL SCUTTLE. With liner. ANTIQUE FIRE IRONS. Support, coal tongs, poker, shovel and brush. ANTIQUE FIRE IRONS. Coal tongs, poker and holder. ADJUSTABLE MUSIC STANDS. Japanned. Two complete and one lacking music hold- er. 3 pieces. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BEDSTEAD. The top posts are beautifully shaped and fluted, those at foot plain, square, tapering. Height of Post, % feet 9 inches. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BEDSTEAD. Four-poster. The top posts are shaped, carved and fluted and those at foot plain but of like shape. Height of posts, 7 feet, 6 inches ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BEDSTEAD. Four-poster. The posts are elaborately carved in pine- apple, oak leaf, spiral and fluted design. Height of posts 8 feet. VIENNA WALL CLOCK. With enamelled dial, large brass disc pendulum with lyre supports. In large glazed mahogany case with shaped pediment and base. 40 453 454 455 456 457 458 THIRD SESSION WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 13th, 1914 COMMENCING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK MARTIN KAVEL SPIRIT LAMP AND KETTLE. Unframed Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 22 in. SILAS S. DUSTIN Modern American Painter COW IN STREAM. BARNYARD WITH COWS. : Two Canvasses. Signed. Height, 17 in.; width, 21 in. Two pieces T. SOMMER A MODERN PHRYNE. Panel. Signed. Height, 5% in.; width 5Y in. UNKNOWN PAINTERS LILLIES AND POPPIES. ROSES AND PRIMROSES. Canvasses. Height, 19 in.; width, 12 m. Two pieces. R. O. JONES Contemporary American Painter THE RISING MOON. Canvas. Signed Height, 20 w.; width, 24 in. M. COSNOVA Contemporary French Painter LITTLE GIRL HOLDING KITTEN. Pastel. Signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 18 in. 41 UNKNOWN PAINTER 459 STILL LIFE. “ORANGES” AND “APPLES”. Two Canyasses. Height, 10 in.; width, 12 in. Two pieces. C. HIDE 460 MARGUERITE. , Canvas. Signed and dated, 1870. Height, 18 in.; width 12 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER 461 CLOISTERED. Oval Canvas. Height, 26 in.; width 22 in. C. H. SHERMAN Contemporary American Painter 462 TWILIGHT. Canvas. Signed and dated 1900. Height 14 in.; width, 12 in. GARDNER ARNOLD RECKARD American School 463 FARMYARD WITH CHICKENS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 in.; width 25 m. A. G. DECAMPS (Attributed) French. 1803-1860 464. COURTYARD IN MOROCCO. Board. Initialled. Height, 14 wn.; width, 10% in. UNKNOWN PAINTER 465 SHASCAPE WITH SHIPPING. ROSES AND VIOLAS. Unframed Canvasses. Height 16-in.; width. 22 in.; and Height. 12 in.; width 16 in, Two pieces. 42 466 468 469 470 A471 A%2 A. MILLROSE SEASCAPE: MOONLIGHT. Canvas. Signed. Height 12 in.; width, 18 i. E. A. DUNN Contemporary American Painter OLD BOOKS. Water color. Height 13 in.; width, 20 a. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE Contemporary American Painter HOMEWARD BOUND. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 9 im. G. PIERRE BEAUREGARD French. 1847-1894 APPLES ON PALETTE Canvas. Signed and dated 1878. Height, 14 in.; width 15 m. Exhibited at Chicago World’s Fair, 1893. UNKNOWN PAINTER Dutch. Nineteenth Century COTTAGE INTERIOR WITH FIGURES. Canvas. Signed “Brij”. Height, 28 in.; width, 3234 1. BARTHELEMY Modern American School FARMYARD WITH CHICKENS. Unframed Canvas. Height, 22 in.; width, 28 m. UNKNOWN PAINTER Nineteenth Century PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. Unframed Canvas. Height, 34 in.; width 24 in. 43 LILIAN BOWLES 473 HILLY LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height 12 im.; width, 10 in. 474 475 476 477 JEROME THOMPSON LANDSCAPE Canvas. Two pieces. WITH FARMYARD. Height, 5 in.; width, 1% in. CARL L. F. BECKER (Attributed) German. i1gth Century LADY IN BALCONY. Canvas. Signed and dated 1866. Height 25 in.; width, 18 in. RICHARD CREIFELDS Contemporary American Painter HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 12 in. BLYTHE Early American Painter BOY EATING MELLON. Canvas. Signed. Height, 27 in.; width, 22 in. CHESTER HARDING (Attributed) American. 1792-1866 PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER. Canvas. Height, 29 in.; width, 24 in. WILLIAM HENRY POWELL Born New Y Henry Inman a ork, 1823; died, 1879. Studied under nd also in Paris and Florence. Asso- ciate of Academy in 1838. Painted “Washington at Valley Forge”, “The Landing of the Pilgrims”, “Perry’s Victory on Lake Erie”; and portraits of Washington Irving, Emma Abbott, General McClellan and others. 478 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Canvas. Signed and dated 1854 Height, 36 in.; width, 29 in. 4t AV9 480 481 482 483 484. 485 L. MICHOT THE JESTER Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, 12 in.; width, 10 in. FREDERICK De MOSS Contemporary American Painter BLOSSOM TIME. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 30 in. THOMAS FENWICK British. 1g9th Century SCOTTISH LOCH SCENE. Unframed Canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 26 in. DENNIS MALONE CARTER Born in Ireland, 1817; died in New York, 1881 One of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 12 in. WILLIAM H. BEARD American. 1825-1900 DEER HERD IN CLEARING. Canvas. Signed and dated 1868. Height, 13 in.; width, 17% in. J. J. ULYSEE THE DUEL. : Panel. Signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 15 in. A lengthy description of the painting will be found in Young’s “Lights and Shadows of New York Art Galleries”. UNKNOWN PAINTER English School WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE. Board. Signed (name illegible). Height, 12 in.; width, 20 in: 45 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 V. ANDER Modern American Painter SLEIGHING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Modern Spanish School THE BOUDIOR. Panel. Height, 18 in.; width, 12% in. GEORGE MORELAND (Attributed) British. 1776-1804 VILLAGE INN WITH FIGURES, DOGS AND HORSE. Unframed Canvas. Signed Height, 20 in.; width, 26 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER GROUP OF DANCING CHERUBS. Panel. Height, 734 in.; width, 10 im. WILLIAM BRACKETT American School LANDED. Canvas. Signed and dated 1865. Height, 24 in.; width, 17 in. From the collection of Sir Richard Potter, London. E. A. DUNN Contemporary American Painter FISH AND FLOWER MARKET, VENICE. Water color. Signed. Height, 19 in.; width, 26 in. FREDERICK De MOSS Contemporary American Painter SUMMER AFTERNOON. Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 in.; width, 30 in. 46 493 494 495 496 A97 498 499 UNKNOWN PAINTER Early Italian School HEAD OF AN OLD MAN. Canvas. Height, 18% in.; width, 13¥2 in. CONSTANT TROYON (Attributed) French. 1810-1865 COWS IN PASTURE. Canvas. Initialled. Height, 16 in.; width, 20 in. PETER PAUL RUBENS (Aiter) Flemish. 1577-1640 THE ABDUCTION OF PHOEBE AND CLAIRE. Canvas. Height, 23 in.; width, 20 in. EMIL FINKERNAGEL American. i1gth Century MOUNTAIN SCENE IN SWITZERLAND. Canvas. Signed and dated 1855. Height, 39 in.; width, 51 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Seventeenth Century (?) A GOLDEN BIRD. Panel Height, 9 in.; width, 13 i. F. C. REINERMANN 1764-1835 WOODED LANDSCAPE. Panel. Height, 12 in.; width, 10 im. UNKNOWN PAINTER PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH NOBLEMAN. Unframed Canvas. Height, 28 in.; width, 22 in. 47 JARED B. FLAGG American, 1820-1899 500 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Signed and dated 1873. Height, 36 in.; width, 29 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER 501 RUINS OF POMPEII. Unframed Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 50 in. WILLIAM HENRY POWELL American. 1823-1879 502 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Oval Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 24 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Highteenth Century 503 BUST PORTRAIT OF AN IRISH CARDINAL. Unframed Canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 14 in. J. G. BROWN, N.A. American. 1831- 504 “I DONT BELIEVE A WORD OF IT”. Height, 14 in.; width, 9 in. Canvas. Signed and dated 1862. In this painting, which represents a Federal soldier talking with a lady, it is believed that the artist’s wife was the model for the latter portrait. WILFRED BEAUQUESNE French. 1847- 505 CHARGE DE CUIRASSIERS (VERDUN). Canvas. Signed and dated 1908. Height, 18% w.; width, 22 wm. J. VAILLANT Modern French Painter 506 MARGUERITE. Canvas. Signed. Herght, 2% in.; width, 22 in. 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 FRANCIS WHEATLEY British. 1747-1801 LADIES AND GYPSIES: BENEATH THE TREES. Unframed Canvas. Height, 26 in.; width, 19 in. MANTOLINI Italian School AN ITALIAN MAIDEN. Canvas. Signed. Height, 39 in.; width, 29% wn. GARDNER ARNOLD RACKARD American School IN THE WOODS. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891. Height, 12 in.; width, 17 im. YULIE CHELI CAPELLA Italian. 19th Century PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 m.; width, 21 m. In handsomely carved and gilt frame. WILLIAM HENRY POWELL American. 1823-1879 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Oval Canvas. Height 30 in.; width, 24% m. THOMAS COUTURE French. 1815-1879 HEAD OF A BOY. Unframed Canvas. Height, 14 in.; width, 10 1n. UNKNOWN PAINTER PORTRAIT OF AN OLD NOBLEMAN. Unframed Canvas. Height, 23% wm.; width, 19 wm. 49 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 GARDNER ARNOLD RACKARD American School THE ORGAN GRINDER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 11 i. JAN STEEN (School) Dutch. 17th Century FEASTING OUTSIDE THE TAVERN. Unframed Panel. Height, 27% in.; width, 41 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER AURORA Canvas. Height, 34 in.; width 23 in. ERNEST GIRARD PORTRAIT OF YOUNG SPANISH WOMAN. Water Color. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 1% in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Early Italian School FIGURE OF A WOMAN. Unframed Canvas. Height, 35 in.; width, 27 in. N. BRIGANTI Contemporary Painter A SOLDIER IN CUBA. Canvas. Initialled. Height, 14 in.; width, 11 in. WILLIAM HENRY POWELL American. 1823-1879 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG BOY. Canvas. Height, 2” in.; width, 22 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER HEAD OF A SAINT BERNARD. Canvas. Initialled “J. A.” Height 19 in.; width, 15 in. 50 522 523 524 526 527 528 529 UNKNOWN PAINTER English. 19th Century BOY WITH DOG. Panel. Height, 14 in.; width, 11% m. E. VAN DER POOL Dutch. 1621-1664 THE DESTRUCTION OF GOMORRAH. Unframed Panel. Height, 17 in.; width, 14% in. C. SALIANTE CATHEDRAL INTERIOR WITH WORSHIPPERS. Water Color. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 9 in. E. N. BICKNELL SEASCAPE WITH SHIPPING. Water Color. Signed. Height, 9 in.; width, 20 in. L. E. JARDAN LITTLE BARE-FOOT GIRL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 21 in.; width, 14% in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Italian School THE ADMONITION. Canvas. Height, 15 in.; width, 19 i. LUIS A. DRONSART “Contemporary Dutch Painter THE MOUNTAINEER. Canvas. Signed and dated 1875. Height, 35 in.; width 28 in. Ss. W. WENZLER A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. Canvas. Signed and dated 1864. . Height, 15 in.; width, 11 wm. 51 530 d31 5382 533 534 535 536 537 A. HERRING HORSES IN A STABLE. Panel. Signed. Height, 7% in.; width, 1014 in. E. BUER LANDSCAPE WITH TREES: EARLY MORNING. Water Color. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 15 in. WILLIAM HENRY POWELL American. 1823-1879 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Canvas. Height, 36 in.; width, 29 in. J. McNEVIN British American Painter CHURCH INTERIOR WITH WORSHIPPERS. Water Color. Signed and dated, N. Y., 1866. Height, 15 in.; width, 12 in. SPRUYT Dutch. 17th Century WINTER SCENE IN HOLLAND. Panel. Signed. Height, 17 in.; width, 25 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER THE FOX HUNT. Board. Initialled. Height, 8 in.; width, 14% in. UNKNOWN PAINTER Contemporary American THE MILKMAID. Canvas. Height, 26 in.; width, 18 in. UNKNOWN PAINTER English. 1gth Century COTTAGE INTERIOR WITH FIGURES. Canvas. Initialled I. D. C. P. and dated 1832. (Can- vas torn). Height, 33 in.; width, 40 in. res Ja 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 CORNELIUS HAWKENS BASKET OF FRUIT. Panel. Signed. Height, 6 in.; width, 9 in. HENRY TIDY PORTRAIT BUST OF YOUNG LADY. Water Color. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 7 in. W. A. TERBURY Contemporary American Painter AN INDIAN MAIDEN. Board. Signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 9 in. UNKNOWN PAINTERS FLOWER STUDY AND LANDSCAPES. Four Water Colors. Sizes, about 9 in. by 14 in. VALLEJO FELL Ancient Spanish School EL SENOE EN LA COLUMA AZOTANDOLO. Canvas. Signed. (Torn). Height, 54 in.; width, 81 i. P. FARETO Modern Italian STILL LIFE. STUDIES, “FRUIT” AND “FISH.” Two Unframed Oval Canvasses. Signed. 2 pieces Height, 25 in.; width, 20 m. A. BERTRAM CILLIN THOR. Plaque. Signed. Height, 11 m.; width, 151% wm. Attached to this plaque, to represent the clock on the old tower, is a small French timepiece. 53