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Thee Pet : ae de dulasate 4 O08 > esas + poh xs reer na airs Setaes Par atts reyes cor whe aerate pahethch f 3 5 ee cae ¥ + Ad: secu # THRs dyes Ta seteet t hoe ory bhehakanes tc: <3 Fes ars reese hp he: Ng, t SESS lt be beoy : eh x ; 4 } mat 2asetn state: are | Batt the yikes: : . ach ake she ti } eret ator 4 Soeigere Pitparesh tent : NY tosetetete Yolen aire 2 eed et “A A LIBRARY NO. M. Knoedler & Co. 828 | 14 East 57th St. Ce. New York ACC. a : Ly 5 ae NE ~ = —— & 7 present art season. ent one of the largest throngs ever | /gathered in Mendelssohn Hall for a if is a picture which has been in many col- _|after a varied history, reaching the collec-| . j||for $13,200—this shows the growing popu- 4 slowly up to $13,000, and was apparently | sold for that unlucky number when, after a ay nen Paintings. 9-6-0 9. ‘collection of Barbizon pictures, on the jevening of Iebruary 26th, is thus far jthe most. important incident of the There were pres- |picture sale. There were only 49 pic- javerage of $4,761 each. |roueously stated in the newspapers, for Mr. Charles P. Taft, brother of the President. | ari tre picture depicts the corner of a farm- yard, surrounded by red-roofed buildings, ! | shaded by two trees in the center. jiof sheep stand near a fence, anda blue-* A flock: “smocked peasant is taking them to a man and woman who are doing the shearing. lections, beginning in that of Gavet, Paris, | { tion of Quincy A. Shaw in Boston. It wa s later for a time in the private collection of | | William Schaus. ' The sensation of the sale came when a} beautiful water color, “The Flock of Sheep,” | by Mauve, was sold to Mr. Eugene Glaenzer arity of Mauve’s works, and is one of the greatest prices that has ever been paid for a water-color. It was started at $5,000 bid immediately to $6,000, then to $7,000, then ‘by small bids to $10,000. It went more Jong wait, two bids of $100 came one after the other. Mr. Glaenzer, who originally sold this water-color to Mr. Graves for $600, : pid $13,500 for a Corot, which he also ‘had originally sold for $2,700 to Mr. Graves. -when the collection was being formed. There were a number of Rousseatis in the “collection which brought varying prices, irom $1,250, given by J. R. Andrews for Autumn Evening in Cologne,” up to 314,500, the second highest price of the sale, ‘ven by Herman Schaus for “Summer “ning on the Oise.” he titles of the pictures, names of the ctists, names of the buyers, and prices paid, follow: ‘Paysaze,” by Ivan Pokitonow; J. A. Stersberg $550 ‘The Sportsman,” Ivan Pokitonow; S. A. Fas- a ne eee ! RIAL Twice mk RU is cissi cols e cde seas 750 ‘Le Buveur,” Charlemont; Wm. Warren...... 575 ‘Le Tenor,” Roybet; Otto Bernet, agent...... 700 ‘The Naturalist,’ Giovanni Quadroni; J. Loeb.. 175 j “The Sultan at Prayer,’”’ Gerome; T. F. Fred- ERLE 2 ag dang oot Oe Ie ae 2,200 *The. Artist’s Model,” Gerome; Scott & Fowles. 3,050 | *Girl with the Red Hood,’ Henner; Otto ; eae nines Gyiiesie sc ss esse eeea nes 4,156 ‘2 ‘The End of the Day,” Felix de Vuillefroy; oP Siloti AS Ue yas ee 1,150 1 ‘The Hay Cart,’ Corot; H. Di, Babcock...... 1,875 N*An Old Mill at Ville D’Avray,’ Corot; : i cage ae Oo oa ee on oiln cg os Ps 0 6,9. 0 Seo nian 13,500 ' ‘Edge of the Forest,’”? Diaz; Herman Schaus..13,000 |P“A Ray of Sunshine,’ Jules Dupre; Otto PS GNe TAME CNT Gc cycsces secre cnc everson eres 2,600 | ‘Evening Landscape,” Jules Dupre; Otto Ber- MVS CUMMILE UD nt slid chelicie 18 a ald) e)= 60. 01s 0 ose an oe win Saree 2,600 ‘Moonrise,’ Jules Dupre; A. Benziger........- 1,300 | *Twilight,” Corot; Boussod, Valadon & Co... '‘Gray Skies on a Summer Day,” Daubigny; | Oye isesveS (roll Bese Gene oon eee ;600 | ‘Fading Lights,’’ Daubigny; Pendleton........ 825 ‘Village of tthe Oise,” Daubigny; William : VCE Se acc wis tbs wtcecestsacaees 5,000 ‘Green Pasture,’ Daubigny; Knoedler & Co.. 7,500 ‘The Pool,” Diaz; James J. Sheppard........ 3,000 ‘Fontainebleau,’ Diaz; Herman Schaus...... 4,200 ‘Oriental Women,” Diaz; George R. White.. 2,100 ‘The Bathers,” Diaz; Thomas James.........- 2,600 ‘In the Forest,” Diaz; H. Rheinhardt........ 4,100 ‘The Road to the Village,” Jules Dupre; J. TPES RE TSN V AE allt (ove is inlwie)s sige eve x's «60 eros bab Sy0 90 2,550 ‘“The Old Oak,” Jules Dupre; Scott & Fowles. 7,900 \‘Evening Twilight,” Jules Dupre; James T. | Baker '“Early Morning,” Jules Dupre; James T. Baker. 2,900 “The Retutn of the Flock,” Jules Dupre; A. ) Benziger \“La Lessiveuse,” Millet; J. J. Sheppard...... 3,200 “Sheep Shearing,” Millet; Scott & Fowles. .+.27,500 | ‘Landscape with Pool,” Rousseau; Otto Ber- | net, agent ; 1,600 “Te Coucher du Soleil,’ Rousseau; B. Franklin 2,000 pacete ease ene @ © ala le 0205610 010:0 6,08 8 ¢ ad.0 $6 e Wtures in all, sold for $233,250, or an i The top price of the sale, $27,500, was! )) paid for Millet’s “Sheep Shearing,” by Scott }& Fowles for a collector, and not, as er- | NRY GRAVES COLLECTIONS, | ty ce The dispersal of the Henry Graves | Autumn Eve 6 OU du, Je dns Andrews .. wisi dees eee s 1,250 on the Oise,’? Rousseau; 14,500 “TLisiere d’un Bois Coupe,” Rousseau; Edwar Cahtll > i... a BEAT Sets a state Airave alain ste a ale aisle te & II,000 ‘Evening in the Forest—Fontainebleau,’’ Rous- Seats William ATED aa wicie ees cores 0 06 sys vcore 4,000 “Cattle Resting,’ Van Marcke; Thomas James. 3,000 “Verdant Pastures,’ Van Marcke; J. William (Gali eres Aas >, Gi BAROLO CISC LE Sry eee ed 8,300 “Sheep and Shepherd,” Jacque; Otto Bernet, LOST aioe sie, oat seagate ekellel ye Gun eth. 41.01'6..ey'e 1m tos ekel piel 6. 9) 6.6 1,300 “The Shepherd,” Jacque; Otto Bernet, agent.. 1,900 ‘Leopard and Serpent,” Barye (water-color) ; Gl aemzer ee (SGmmemetaI arate. elie (eras sais aieleceies 1,500 \“The Wounded Tiger,’ Delacroix; Glaenzer & (Cee aie Or oon opt RE OO EO RR emery 8,000 “The Turkish Butcher Shop,’’ Decamps; B SRericariclints seer Meme. 3, cues ret ecieters aie 5 3,800 “Return from the Hunt,” Isabey; William War- PCH Mey cas ceteganete Sea Ce sine ocala a ears BS pyle ace ete eh 5,200 The Biuft,”? Michel; C. Glucksman.......... 1,050 “River in Flood,” Michel; H. D. Babcock... 700 | “The Flock of Sheep,’’? Mauve (water-color) ; Glaenzer & Co. 13,200 Jb oD SRO ISRIG och OCB ERAEL CE SIC TR Cee ao $233,250 | Chinese Porcelains. First Day’s Sale. The first part of the Henry Graves col- lection of Chinese porcelains was sold Feb. 25. A blue and white hawthorn jar of the K’ang-hsi period, with the original cover brought the top price of the day, $520, paid iby Lhomas B. Clarke. A blue and white club-shaped hawthorn vase went to him for $310, and another pear-shaped vase for $260. W. Rhinelander Stewart paid $180 for a blue and white water vase three and a half inches high, R. E. Moore $165 for a blue and white miniature vase, with an unusual decoration of peacock feathers and flying birds in un- derglaze. Duveen Bros. paid $250 for a ‘soft paste snuff bottle of the Chien-lung period. The total for the afternoon’s sale ‘was $16,170. Second Day’s Sale. ' A blue and white oviform vase of semi- eggshell texture, with decoration painted in brilliant mazarine blue, brought $5,600, the ‘top price at the second afternoon’s sale, 'Feb. 26. The purchaser was Edward Ca- hill. A blue and white beaker, a noble ;specimen of Chinese ceramic art, was pur-— chased by Scott & Fowles for $3,550. B. | Franklin paid $2,050 for a blue and white ‘hawthorn jar. Thomas B,. Clarke purchased ‘a blue and white gallipot for $900, a blue ‘and white vase for $1,125, and an oviform lvase of soft paste for $500. Two blue and 'white hawthorn temple jars were bought for '$1,050 each by Henry D. Babcock. F. D. ‘Stout gave $1,000 for a blue and white vase ‘of the K’ang-hsi period. The total for the af- ternoon’s sale was $42,033, and for the two idays $58,203. { Third Day’s Sale. ' The highest price at the third and last lafternoon’s sale, Feb. 27, was $8,550, Graves collection of porcelains, $8,550, was paid by “Birdwood” for a sang-de-boeuf vase, “The Flame,” of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. “Birdwood” also paid $2,450 for a turquoise bottle. J. W. Ellsworth paid $6,000 for a large sang-de-boeuf vase, of Lang Yao porcelain, of the early K’ang-hsi seriod, and $950 for a Lang Yao vase, with surface of ashes of roses tint and streaked i with pink, ruby and blood reds. Miss Dor- | othy Whitney paid $3,000 for a peachbloom amphora. She paid $950 for a writers peachbloom water receptacle and $460 for a Lang Yao gallipot. Mrs. Potter Palmer, lafter keen competition, paid $4,100 for a |peachbloom vase. A pistache green vase lof the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, was sold for $2,300 to Edward Cahill. Duveen Bros. bought for. $3,600 a writer's peach- bloom water receptacle, for $1,625 a clair- de-lune vase and for $750 an amphora vase. The total for the afternoon’s sale was $102,992, and for the three days $161,195. The total of the entire sale of the late Henry Graves collections of Chinese porcelains and pictures was $304,445— a very good result. | } afternoon. ‘The painting that ope re “Summer Morning on the Oise,” $14,500. Another Rousseau, “Forest |Compidégne,” or with its given | title, “Lisiére d’un Bois Coupé bought for $11,000. by Edward who purchased in the afternoon name. In another’s wen €% the se eggshell blue and white vase of Yun cheng, which brought $5,600 and whic! it is understood. was purchased for at out of town collection... 2 9 =. ‘The titles of paintings which brough | $1,000 and over, with names of artists, buyers where announced, and the pric ‘are here: givers 0 8 i) ne oe eee “Sultan: at Prayer,” Gérome; TF. Fred- (2) d Kol deen yep einen RM REN eR eI feyent erly | “The Artist's Model,” Géréme,; Scott & dey } -Fowles..(....... Ser es pat eC aati Ledegeh A OROR “Girl: With Red Hood,” Henner; Burnet, = VAT ONG erie ls ieee Si dahe Borsa Met ate . 4,450 | “End of the Day,” Vuillefroy; C. Gluckman. 1,150 aint Hay Cart,” Corot; H. D. Babcock..... 875 “Millvat Ville d’Avray,” Corot; Glaenzer‘& ROSSA Ean Cen a ea hk AP Na ener Verran exes » 13,500 “Twilight,” Corot; Boussod, Valadon & Co. 6,000 “Gray Skies,” Daubigny; Burnet, agent. ... 5,600 “Village. by the Oise,” Daubigny; William WiBTY ON cogs x uae ses PEP Ue ik, Sales tara ey - 8,900 “Green Pasture,” Daubigny; Knoedler & — CO Pig rat ge Sea, My efteete an ee itage ¢ 7,500 “The Pool,” Diaz; J. J. Sheppard ..... “Fontainebleau,” Diaz; H. Schaus..... “Oriental Women,” Diaz; White “In the Forest,” Diaz; 4, Reinhardt | “Edge.of the Forest,” Diaz; H. Schaus..... 13,000 | “Ray of Sunshine,” Dupré; Burnet, agent... 2,600 “Evening eaeays ” Dupré; Burnet, agent read | “Moonrise,” Dupré; A. Beng er dic, ka soecan nay | “Road to the Village,” Dupré; J. A. Sters- » ERE ee theca thes GUE Sebo eit lg gt chee . 4 < 24000 “The Old Oak,” Dupré; Scott & Fowles... 7,900 8,700 2,900 Lesst Millet: J. J. Sh d 3200 “La Lessiveuse,” et; J. J. super Beith opeen zt agent, EP, 600 | “Sunset,” Rousseau; “B. Franklin”,...:.... 2,000 1+) AnGre we... Cia ss, os SAG tinreltiy Mae WarBe Sah 1,250 , “Morning on the Oise,” Rousseau; H. Schaus 14,500 |“Forest of Complegne,”. Rousseau; £ [7 Qawanlbe eh Wrcas COLE ATE OL 5 sine 11,000 | “Fontainebleau,” Rousseau: William War- an he OOM Scenes Eas aC ORR RA abel Ce St Malaita di 4,000 |“Oattle Resting,” Van Marcke; Thomas HEY PANGS see cc eae Vaal site Aare I tk» ciel erat SUI 3,000 *“Verdant Pastures,” Van Marcke; J. Will- het PGMA fae Stas tive went. yee ae de ewe wee eel a ne 4 | Evening Landscape—Jules Dupre; oO. Ho BERNE AE ONO ss siecle nh cee oy eerie als 2,600 Moonrisé—Jules Dupre; A. Benziger..... 1,300) {The Road to the Village; Jules Dupre; | Julius A. Stirberg. .. cc. sees eee esse eee 2,550 The Old Oak—Jules Dupre; Scott & ! SHIITES. cherse ya k baie lic teins w wise Eee eos 5 7,900 | Evening Twillght—Jules Dupre.......... 8,700 Early Morning—Jules Dupre..... aiuisleinjeraters 2,900) ) The Return of the Flock—Jules Dupre; A. | SETA ZE ER cree cco aitiae waisialave aoa ahve & pal suatereisian , 100 | La Lessiveuse—Jean Francois “Millet; Js . Je Serer sa NNR te cae at cca aus ile lanarmncanaledn binge ela 3,200 | Sheep. Shearing—Millet; Scott & Fowles. 97. 500 | Landscapes with Pool—Theodore Rousseau; | ©, Ho Bernet, agent Ube esata adsi ate SS RAL Oh 10.0) Le Goucher ‘du Soliel—Rousseau; B. MEET TU Ta S55u, ae s\elentinialsientriel pie le. Weve Wwib ala ty wieeere 2,060 Autumn Evening in Sologne—Rousseau; He. AMArews.. eieciesc reverses ceaers 1,250, Summer. Morning, on the Oise—Rousseau} | Flerman Schaus cf ci sGic keels cep cress eacins 14,500. Lisiere d’un Bois Coupe-—Rousseau; EKid- PSSUWAT CE MOMMILLS 2 plain accicig etnnin ob 8p ele sia Violas 11,000 EVENING IN THE FOREST—Fontaine- . blue—Rousseau; William Warren...... 4,000) » Cattle Resting—Van Marcke; Enos James. 3,000 Verdant Pastures—Van Marcke; J. Will- | PEUTERS CRANUG s recess arp cata: Bain elds sce oles Loans 8,800 Sheep. and Shepherd—Charies- Emile Jacque; Otto Bernet, agent.....6..-..- 1,300. The Shepherd—Jacaue; Otto Bernet, FV 2c ya) ate aba BAe MephS SeW prs oo RNY eur ERI eA IDI 1,900) Leopard and Serpent—Antoine Louis |. Barye, (water color,) Glaenzer & Co... 1,500) | The Wounded THREE Up ler rels, Glaenzer | COS Cfo RUM e gaa ae an Be Retin: Ae tg aa eee id aN 8,000 The Se Sg Butcher Shop—Decamps; B. PLATE LCLAYE 4s 5:aie yp ovesaletosa oon arak Mraleibrace to Sabtateen eels 8,800) Return from the Hunt—Isabey; William A AEDOTI sco) ace bee oletalae uta setts anata poco tet tellas ote 5,200) The Bluff—Georges Michel; C. Gluck- RELEVENT aso. clia-y iotytitcte teed wl ciniere oe eae aide oasis: as 1,050, River in Flood—Georges Michel; H. D. EA DOOCIN Oh avr ald aca ho tated The ee ella 700 | The Flock of "Sheep—Anton Mauve, (water | color;) Glaenzer. & CO...sscccscssves sla, a00 . Total S Quik Weiswiiks selene Re ee ievesenseaaoscoU ' Charles P. Taft, brother of the Presi- dent-elect. was. present at the sale and |may have made purchases’ through) jagents. C. B. Alexander and Miss Alex-. | ander were in the audience, Mrs. J. B. | Travor and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Werte | hetmer were also present. { VASES AND BOTTLES SOLD. Society Represented at Day Sale, Which Brings $42,032. | Miniature vases and snuff bottles in monochrome and soufflé glazes were the) feature of the second day of the Graves sale. Many pieces brought large prices, and the number of prominent persons who) were purchasers made it a social event. The returns for the day were $42,082, and) the highest price—$5,600—was paid by Hd-) ward Cahill for a very beautiful blue and white vase. This was of the Yung-rcheng! period, eviform in shape, of semi-egg- shell texture, the decoration showing a) large kylin feeding its young, done in a! brilliant mazarine blue. It is 1614 inches) high. ———__—_—_—-7-——. A blue and white beaker of the K’ang-. hsi period, with floral designs in the dec-| oration, lotus flowers and conventional leafy scrolls, 28 inches high, brought the’ ;second highest price of the day, going to) | Scott & Fowles for $3,550. Both prices were considered low for the specimens. Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs, C. B, Alex- ander, Mrs. Bayard Cutting, Mrs. Ogden, Goelet, Mrs. Ogden Mills, Mr. and Mra. John EE. Parsons, Mrs. George Leary,| Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. Nelson Robin-) son, Miss Sands, and Miss Dorothy Whit- ney were present and most of them were purchasers. Charles P. Taft, brother of the President-elect, was present, and Da- ve eres the actor, came in during: 16 Sate ul. tae Liens e K floral decorations; ly e ieaee many. purchases, gave 1300 a | soft paste blue and Senin ginger jar with {the original cap-shaped cover and a de~ sign of famous poets in a bamboo grave j for. decoration. For a soft paste blue. and white vase, quadrilateral shape, with }raised ornaments, Ch’ien-lung period, he ‘Bave $1,125, Mrs. Astor bought a beautiful soft Bo 1 oviform blue and white jar of the K’ang- ;bsi period with a design of passion flow- jers, for $370, and another blue and white {jar of gobular shape with a lotus de- {sign and a pair of hate rtiieg done in, high relief went to her for’ eee Miss Dorothy Whitne d $325 for: of hard paste blue and w rie jar, with the decoration in panels; one perfect vase a pair of rare specimens formerly in the William Mann collection, and considered }to have a retnarkable gual. of blue. ‘For a soft paste tall, oviform vase with the decoration the’ ‘Hight Precious Things ” and “‘ Four Accomplishments of a Scholar,” K’ang-hs! period, Mrs. John . Parsons ‘paid $460. Mrs. Cutting $310 for a soft paste gallipot decorat with five-clawed dragons and hoenixes. A magnificent blue and white nger jar with the decorations of fa ulous .monsters in panels, teakwood cover Spe | stand, went to a man who pure under the name of Dupont for Fe30 ee “The | whe will be concluded this afternoon when epecineys of sang de boeuf a l peach bloom porcelains will be sold, with jades and lacquers, : | | Notable Art Treasures COLLECTED BY THE LATE HENRY GRAVES - ut . 4 a | AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 5. MADIZ0M SOUARL SOUTU nthe ue ; NEW YORS a. | eed ae ON VIEW DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, 1909 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE INCLUSIVE NOTABLE ART TREASURES COLLECTED BY THE LATE HENRY, GRAVES UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 251TH, 26TH AND 27TH AND AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE EVENING OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 261TH Subscriber’s Copy No... Q EDITION LIMITED TO ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE COPIE _ De Luxe Illustrated Catalogue ~ OF The Notable Art Treasures COLLECTED BY THE LATE HENRY GRAVES ORANGE, NEW JERSEY THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1909 Susecormancee S COMEILED AND ARRANGED B = We MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY _ ; ; | PHOTOGRAVURES BY ey 2 A. W. ELSON & CO., BOSTO COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY = ==————™ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - a Press of J. J. Little & Ives Co. 425-435 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED THEIR WORKS BARYE, Antoine Lovts Leopard and Serpent CHARLEMONT, Enpovarp Le Buveur COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE : The Hay Cart An. Old Mill at Ville d’Avray Twilight DAUBIGNY, Cuarues Francois Gray Skies on a Summer Day Fading Lights Village by the Oise Green Pasture DECAMPS, ALexanpre GABRIEL The Turkish Butcher Shop DELACROIX, Ferprmnanp Victor Evcrne The Wounded Tiger DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VirciLe The Pool Fontainebleau Oriental Women The Bathers In the Forest Edge of the Forest DUPRE, JvutLes A Ray of Sunshine Evening Landscape Moonrise The Road to the Village The Old Oak (La Riviére) Evening Twilight Early Morning The Return of the Flock AND CATALOGUE NUMBER 43, GEROME, Jean Lton The Sultan at Prayer The Artist’s Model HENNER, Jean Jacques Girl with the Red Hood ISABEY, Evcrne Lovis Gasriet Return from the Hunt JACQUE, Cuaries EmILe Sheep and Shepherd The Shepherd MAUVE, Anton The Flock of Sheep MICHEL, GeorceEs The Bluff River in Flood MILLET, Jean Francois La Lessiveuse Sheep Shearing POKITONOW, Ivan Paysage The Sportsmen’ QUADRONI, Giovanni Barrista The Naturalist ROUSSEAU, Txuetopore Landscape with Pool Le Coucher du Soleil Autumn Evening in Sologne (Dogs and Hare) Summer Morning on the Oise Lisiére d’un Bois Coupé (Forest of Compiégne) Evening in the Forest—Fontainebleau ROYBET, Ferprmvanp Le Ténor VAN MARCKE, Emite Cattle Resting Verdant Pastures VUILLEFROY, Dominieve Fux prE The End of the Day CATALOGUE NUMBER 6 i. 39 40 SALE AT MENDE ‘ * FortierH STreEet, East or Br ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 26, - BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 O'CLOCK __ No. 1 IVAN POKITONOW Contemporary PAYSAGE A DELICATE little picture, showing a stretch of velvety lawn, dotted here and there with fruit trees, and traversed from left to right by a narrow foot- path, across which walks a woman in a vivid scarlet skirt. On the left the ground slopes upward, and on the slight ridge thus formed stands a large building with a tall tower. To the right a smaller house shows embowered among the trees, its white walls and gray slate roof looking cool and invit- ing under the flood of sunshine which pours from out a deep blue sky. The coloring is brilliant and the painting miniature-like in its delicacy of touch and accuracy of detail. Signed at the lower right, I. Poxrronow, 1887. Height, 4144 inches; length, 101% inches. Ip Seis berg No. 2 TAO PE eS IVAN POKITONOW Contemporary THE SPORTSMEN IN a broad tree-dotted meadow, a part of which is used for the cultivation of vegetables, two men stand talking to a young boy. Both carry shotguns, and are evidently in search of game. They gaze earnestly into the distance, and one of them, with upraised hand, shades his eyes from the glare of the sun. The boy is pointing out where the quarry has lit, and near by their dog stands eager to be off. The view extends, bathed in sunshine, to the blue horizon, and in the middle distance is a glimpse of the waters of a nar- row river. Signed at the lower right, I. Poxrronow, 1887. Height, 61, inches; length, 1444 inches. 2 A says No. 3 4 i. - EDOUARD CHARLEMONT 1848— : ae Be LE BUVEUR a BEsIDE an open window, through which can be seen an expanse of green sunny meadow, stands a -eavalier of the late seventeenth century. He wears a coat and breeches of gray, his arms thrust through holes in the shoulders of the coat, the sleeves dan- gling at his side. A broad-brimmed hat is set above a face which is framed by long curly locks descending upon his shoulders. He raises a flagon to his lips in a toast to some companion near by, and a rapier suspended from a broad leather baldric lies on the table close at hand. Signed at the lower right, EK. Cuartemont, 84. Height, 1214 inches; width, 634 inches. No. 4 FERDINAND ROYBET 1840— LE TENOR A youne man stands beside a large portfolio which has been carelessly thrown on the floor, - holding in his hand a piece of music, from which he is singing lustily. His posture is somewhat ae theatrical, as he stands with one foot advanced, ai i Re head and body thrown back, and both hands Pi i - upraised to mark the cadences of his voice. He is richly dressed in the style of the early Oy ancecntlt century, in white silk doublet and knee breeches; a wide ruff is round his neck, a broad sash of ae si white silk round his waist, and his knees are girt with ribbons. His dark spe hair falls in long ringlets about his shoulders, and his whole air is that of a __wealthy dilettante of the period. Signed at the lower left, F. Rovner. | Height, 1234 inches; width, 8 inches J 4 § fo det No. 5 GIOVANNI BATTISTA QUADRONI 1848— THE NATURALIST AN elderly man in a tall beaver hat, pink tail-coat and knee breeches, stands with an expression of disgust on his face in a rough patch of ground, beside a thistle as tall as himself. That he is a naturalist, or rather an entomologist, is shown by his butterfly net, which lies on the ground beside him, and his collecting box, which hangs, wide open, by his side. A fox slinks away on the left, with a little dog snapping at his heels, and a brace of partridges fly off with shouts of clamorous terror. He has evidently disturbed an impend- ing tragedy, and is as much startled at the resultant outcry as are the principals themselves. Signed at the lower left, G. B. QuapRon1. Height, 131, inches; width, 10 inches. o C06 y te LP yp hs No. 6 JEAN LEON GEROME 1824—1904 THE SULTAN AT PRAYER THE picture shows the corner of a Mohammedan mosque, on the tessellated pavement of which stands an old Arab with a flowing white beard, his eyes and hands upraised in the attitude of prayer. He is clad in a long loose robe of blue, girt at the waist by a broad sash, and wears over it a long fur- lined coat. On his head is the green turban of a hadji, which can only | be worn by those who have made the pilgrimage to the Prophet’s tomb at Mecca, while his feet are bare, in accordance with Mohammedan ritual. Be- hind him, sitting cross-legged, is a figure in a flowing robe, with a tall conical hat on his head, and in the background, beside a lofty column, a poorly clad man raises to his lips a cup of water taken from a large jar near by. Signed at the lower left, J. U.. G&rime. Height, 16 inches; width, 12%, inches. BOSO — Sci: Fads No. 7 JEAN LEON GEROME 1824—1904 THE ARTIST’S MODEL THE picture shows a corner of Geéréme’s studio, with the plaster model of a statue of a woman, almost finished, standing on a rough wooden platform. The artist’s model stands with her back to the spectator, casting a linen . cloth over the effigy. She is quite nude, the pink a white de her flesh affording a pleasing contrast to the dull gray of the statue. On the floor, close by, the sculptor Géréme washes his tools in a bucket of water, placing them to dry on an upturned box beside him, and around the walls are hung suits of armor, model ships and other paraphernalia of a studio. Signed J. L. Gtrome. Height, 1914, inches; width, 16 inches. “Ml SO fret Lerlhon , No. 8 JEAN JACQUES HENNER 1829—1905 GIRL WITH THE RED HOOD ONE of those studies of women, temperamental, mysterious and elusive, suggestive of the spirit rather than the flesh, in which this artist finds the expression of his ideals. It is the half-length portrait of a young woman who sits facing the spectator, her right elbow supported upon a table, her cheek resting lightly upon the fingers of the right hand. A cloak of scarlet cloth is thrown around her shoulders and over her head, drawn forward and fastened closely beneath the chin, framing an oval face, dark-complexioned, with a mobile mouth and well-formed nose, surmounted by a wealth of dark chest- nut hair. Her deep brown eyes are full of expression, as they gaze upward out of the picture to the right. It is painted with a breadth of manner and a rapidity of execution which has grasped firmly and rendered faithfully the feeling of mind as well as of body. Signed at the upper left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 24 inches; width, 1934 inches. Tol), ae | barl SON ayy No. 9 DOMINIQUE FELIX DE VUILLEFROY 1841— THE END OF THE DAY THE end of a long summer day: a day of wearisome toil under a burning sun. Over a tract of rough country covered with long coarse grass the dying sun, just dipping brilliant red beneath the horizon, sends a last ray, which touches the waters of a small pool in the foreground, imbuing them with a crimson glow which warms and vivifies the cold gray reflection of the sky overhead. A team of oxen fastened together by a heavy wooden yoke stands drinking in the shallow pool, the rippled surface of which reflects their shapes in grotesque caricatures. At the edge of the pool a young peasant stands leaning upon a staff, his attitude expressive of weariness and an intense desire for rest. Signed at the lower left, VuILLErrRoy. Height, 181% inches; length, 241/, inches. No. 10° J EAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE coROT ay 96-1874 THE HAY CART vik In the centre of a group of trees Sands 2. a ive yhedied hay Bee x a lofty sides, to which are harnessed two gray horses. On the left, out o: a shadow of the woods, a peasant approaches, a scythe slung over his sho ate back bent as if ue a ae day’s ek For the ait pe es trees es beyond, while their feathery branches stand out against the gray of a ee se covered firmament. On the right the ground rises into a rounded hillock, ‘ on the slope of which the figures of a man and woman are seated on the ly tat — | mossy turf. The time is evening, and the sun casts long shadows in the Bea | | | semi-obscurity of the glade. mba Signed at the lower right, Coror. Height, 13, inches; length, 18 inches. | ae wate fetp Ao Sop ee a albums No. 11 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT 1796—1874 AN OLD MILL AT VILLE D’AVRAY THE calm waters of a mill stream run through the centre of the picture. On the right a narrow path skirts the top of the embankment, shaded by a row of willows, beneath which sit a couple of young children. In the back- ground, stretching across the water and for some distance to the right, are the mill buildings, an irregular pile of gable ends and red brick walls, wherein the archways through which the water flows show like darksome caverns. On the left is the farther bank of the stream, affording a glimpse of sunlit meadow stretching to the horizon, with a few willow trees growing on the water’s edge. The sky is asummer blue, partly covered by a few white clouds, and the smoke from the mill chimney ascends straight into the still air. Signed at the lower left, Conor. Height, 1534, inches; length, 2134 inches. | No. 12 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT 1796—1874 TWILIGHT From the borders of a Pocky pool in the right foreground : a woman wends — ; her way over a broken piece of ground towards a clump of trees which’ ‘- a crown a small eminence. The tender greens of the foliage merge by insen- a sible gradations into the bluish green of the trees and the reflection of the : blue heaven in the water. The gentle glow of evening tones down the more 4 garish colors of the day-time, and the light shining from a sky of tender e azure, in which float a few beautiful masses of white cloud, lends an air of © ; peace to all the scene. On the right the view extends over gently undulat-_ : ing ground, past a small building, to the pore glowing pinks in the rays — ; ] of the departing sun. Signed at the lower left, Coror. Height, 191, inches; length, 24 inches. Collection of Apmmau Javurts, Paris. Collection of M. Knorpter & Co., New York, 1893. 050 pocct Wrootiucm No. 13 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817—1878 GRAY SKIES ON A SUMMER DAY Tue scene shows a shallow, weedy backwater, with the low-lying banks running out into the water, and forming a number of islets which lie half- submerged, showing the green of their vegetation an inch or two above the surface of the pools. In the centre of the picture a few herons are stand- ing, searching for their food beneath the limpid water. To left and right groups of large trees grow close to the water’s edge, while in the centre of the picture they recede into the dim distance, the varying tones of the masses of green foliage contrasting with the brighter green of the grass and the bluish tints of the distant trees. The sky is covered with a curtain of white clouds, whose beauty is intensified by the glimpses of deep blue heavens beyond. Signed at the lower right, Daunieny, 1875. Height, 81% inches; length, 1434 inches. Exhibition of Ont Hunprep Masterpicces, BaryeE Monument Association, New York, 1890. No. 14 S£5— CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Ws hrdbln 1817—1878 FADING LIGHTS A BROAD river runs across the foreground of the picture, bends to the right, and is lost to view around a curve of the steep wooded banks. The light of day is fast disappearing, and the low level clouds which fringe the darkening sky are flecked here and there with the ruddy glow from a sun which has already disappeared from view. The bordering trees cast a deep shadow over the quiet waters, and the river flows on in semi-darkness, relieved only by the silvery gleam of a wavelet caused by a number of ducks hurrying to- wards the bushes which fringe the water’s edge. The illusive charm of even- ing, the flickering of lights and shadows, the variations of the sombre tones of a large body of water when the borrowed grace of the sunlight is with- drawn, all these Daubigny shows us here, with the directness and simplicity of a lover of nature whose life was spent in close communion with all her diverse manifestations. Signed at the lower left, Davsieny. Height, 11%, inches; length, 1934 inches. Exhibition of ONE Hunprep Masterpieces, BanyeE MonumENT Association, New York, 1890. No. 15 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGN ae 1817—1878 VILLAGE BY THE OISE Tue picture shows a quiet reach on Daubigny’s beloved Oise. The riv % stretches across the foreground to oe middle ee where it turns tot depths the cloudy firmament, the low tree-covered shore on the left, an the steep escarpment of the other shore, to which are moored several barges _ re and other craft. é x t2ee Signed at the lower left, Dausieny, 1858. Ps em es Height, 1034 inches; length, 231, inches. Collection of Dr. Bruck, Paris, the Artist’s Physician. _Private collection of Wi111am Scuavs, New York, 1888. Exhibition of ONE Hunprep Masterpieces, Barve MonumENT Association, New York, 1890. ev an oe ee , ! eNO e16 Nc , _ CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 1817—1878 GREEN PASTURE To the right of the picture a thicket of trees in full foliage spread thei knoll, grass-covered and of rough surface. On the left the ground slop : gently downward to the shallow lily-covered waters of a small river. In th bank of the river rises into a grassy meadow, well wooded and extending — into the dim distance. The still-flowing waters of the river reflect the blue - green of the distant trees, blending it with the azure of the sky and the ‘od brighter green of the near-by vegetation. hs : 3 Signed at the lower right, Dausicny, 1877. Bac % Height, 151, inches; length, 26%, inches. ‘ Collection of Aaron Hearty, New York, 1891. sgh Ahrens 4 y a z = prt Mipilaad No. 17 : oe e. a NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA : 1807—1876 4 THE POOL In the depths of.a forest of silver birches lies a small clearing, almost circu- lar in shape, on the nearer side of which is a tiny pool, fringed with tufts of coarse grass. The silver tones of the tree trunks are strongly accentuated by broad splashes of light which filters through the interlacing boughs over- head. The open glade is in full sunlight, and above the branches of the encir- cling trees a small patch of blue sky, covered with rolling clouds, appears, and is reflected in the depths of the pool below. The figure of a peasant woman in white cap and blue apron appears in the middle distance, her back bowed under the weight of a large bundle, her costume lending a pleasing note of color to the prevailing tones of the composition. Signed at the lower right, N. Dtaz.. Height, 91% inches; length, 131, inches. Pa et rc ne ae a ‘NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1807—1876 TON ee the heavens, a young peasant woman is carrying a large bundle of — : sky. The an grass and sedge are yellow ad dry, indicating the em ; of autumn. The sunlight falls here and there upon the scene, and the trunks | of the birches shine in places with a glow almost of burnished silver. The coloring is subdued and harmonious, the treatment of the sky and modelling -_of the clouds are equally fine, and the whole composition is full of grace and beauty. . Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz. Height, 103, inches; length, 141, inches, Private collection of Witt1am Scuaus, New York, 1888. No. 19 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA cai 1807—1876 ORIENTAL WOMEN A Group of beautiful Eastern women, painted with all that romantic charm which Diaz, poet that he was, could bring into play. Beneath the shadow of a tree they sit, laden with jewels, the soft masses of their skirts clinging (&% ee eS close to their limbs, their jackets and caps encrusted with bullion and coe : embroidery. One younger than the others rests her head on her companion’s shoulder, and a third stands leaning forward above them. In the distance, in the glare of the sun, is the wall of the garden which confines them, and be- yond are the buildings of the town, glaring white beneath the light from a blue and cloudless sky. Signed at the lower left, N. Dtaz. Sat fa Height, 141/, inches; width, 111/, inches. Private collection of Witt1am Scuavus, New York, 1888. Odo — LT Gams No. 20 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1807—1876 THE BATHERS A TENDER little scene, showing in every line the capacity for poetic senti- ment and engaging frankness so characteristic of the artist. In the golden glow of a summer day a little group of maidens recline upon the banks of a river, resting after a dip in the cool waters. Their robes are loosely gathered round their lower limbs, leaving their shoulders and bosoms bare to the balmy air. Masses of spring flowers are in their laps, as though they intend later to weave wreaths for their fair hair. The ground dips to the blue of the river, and beyond rises gently into rounded hills, their outlines rendered indistinct by their cloak of verdant forest growth. Signed at the lower left, N. Dtaz. Height, 101, inches; length, 16%, inches. im : Bg fi edge of the forest a pack of hounds darts in full cry, ‘glowed ! _ men, their pink coats making vivid contrast against the | yackgrot of tation. Along the horizon a low belt of trees terminates the pate and presents an agreeable outline against the sky. 0 Neate aia Signed at the lower left, N. Dtaz. ws Height, 201% inches; length, 28%% inches. \ = eee 7 1 : < Collection of M. Maurnet, Paris. it . ae < at Bi i 2 3 \ 13 GC) oor maw Setiaus No. 22 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1807—1876 EDGE OF THE FOREST In a picturesque glade on the edge of the forest of Fontainebleau lies a shallow pool, surrounded with tall yellow grass and sedge, which is ap- proached across a rough rock-strewn piece of ground by a narrow footpath leading through a gap in a belt of trees, some of whose branches are faintly touched with yellow, indicating the approach of autumn. A peasant woman, her back bowed beneath the weight of a heavy bundle of fagots, crosses the path in the middle distance. The foliage of the trees stands out clearly against a summer sky covered with fleecy clouds, their trunks being for the most part outlined against the darkness of the undergrowth, with here and there a patch of sunlight accentuating the gloom beyond. The placid waters of the pool reflect the blue of the sky above and the foliage of the trees on the farther side. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz, 71. Height, 26 inches; length, 3014 inches. Collection of Bovussop, Vatapon & Co., Paris. Collection of M. Knorpter & Co., New York, 1893. — - ea ets No. 23 JULES DUPRE | ?b00-— col Uroittunem 1812—1889 A RAY OF SUNSHINE A sANpy road, deep sunk between its confining banks, runs from the right foreground to the middle distance, where it reaches the level of the sur- rounding country. The scene extends, a wild stretch of common, until it ‘merges into the blue horizon lying darkling beneath the shadow of the heavy clouds, behind which the sun has obscured his face, while to right and to left dense thickets of trees add their shade to the prevailing gloom, their masses lending balance to the composition. On the right, beneath the shadow of the trees, stands a lowly one-storied cottage with thatched roof and rough-cast walls, towards which an old woman is slowly wending her way. Through a gap in the heavy masses of vapor with which the sky is covered appears a broad patch of blue near the zenith, whence a ray of sunlight darts down and with fine dramatic effect illumines a broad patch of road, the scarlet cloak of the woman and the white wall of the cottage, heightening and accentuating the impression of an approaching storm. Signed at the lower left, J. Dupre. Height, 10%, inches; length, 1414 inches. Collection of M. Ferpinanp Herz, Paris, 1886. Collection of Tue American Art Assoctation, New York, 1892. Pye ee ee Pe #600 eye No. 24 : Vi tcot Heliieine JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 ‘ EVENING LANDSCAPE THrovuGH the centre of the picture flows a quiet river, on which floats a small flat-bottomed boat with a single occupant. On the right the form of a graceful tree rears itself on the water’s edge, and spreads its shadowy branches across the sky. On the left the bordering meadow extends to a small cottage in the middle distance, half seen in the dim twilight, and beyond, the ground rises to the horizon, where it breaks into low hills of graceful outline. The shades of advancing evening are falling over the scene, and the white shirt of the boatman stands out vividly in the gathering dusk. Signed at the right of centre. Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. Collection of M. Ferprnanp Herz, Paris, 1886. Collection of Tur American Arr Association, New York, 1892. No. 25 JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 MOONRISE A vivip and unusual rendering of a phase of nature majestic and awe- inspiring. The sense of loneliness in the midst of vast spaces, the immen- sity of earth and sky, overwhelm the mind, as the great orb of the har- vest moon, rising above the edge of a narrow belt of cloud, shines from a misty sky, and, half revealing, half concealing the surrounding objects, lends to them the mystery of deep shadow and forms ill-defined. The details of a lonely foreshore, the rocks covered with slimy seaweed and the pools of water between the rocks emerge from the obscurity, and on the left a con- fused mass of dark shadows gradually assumes the outlines of a small cot- tage. A broad path of light is cast by the moon across a large pool in the foreground, and a candle gleams in the cottage window, the only sign of life in the desolate scene. Signed at the lower left, J. Dupre. Height, 131, inches; length, 2234 inches. vd /BOO— Lb. Cinsegur JULES | DUPRE u 1812—1889 THE ROAD TO He VILLAGE a narrow ont winds from the foreground towards a vilege whos buildings are faintly outlined on the horizon. A few fruit trees grouped here and there serve to deepen the obscurity, and on the right a lofty oak | rears its limbs and foliage against the sky. The heavens are covered with a mass 2 of filmy cloud, thinning toward the middle of the picture, where the last | a rays of the sun break through in a pale diffused light, illumining the sures rounding country, while a ruddier glow shines through the branches of the s a oak tree. Signed at the lower right, J. Duers. Height, 15 inches; length, 1814 inches. Collection of M. Ferpinann Herz, Paris, 1886. Collection of THe American Art Assoctation, New York, 1892. | V9 00m | Bed + Fob, | ach JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 THE OLD OAK (La Riviere) A cow stands knee deep in a shallow reedy stream which runs through a flat marshy meadow. Upon the right bank grows a thick clump of trees, their foliage standing out darkly against the blue and gray of the sky. A tangled mass of undergrowth surrounds them and obscures the outlines of their trunks, of which one catches a glimpse here and there. In the middle distance a grand old oak tree is silhouetted against the horizon, rearing its head alone above the surrounding country. Subtle contrasts of the pale blue sky against the gray of the clouds accent and enliven the interest in the masses of vapor, and serve to harmonize the diverse colors of the scene. Signed at the lower left, Dupre, Height, 15%, inches; length, 2114 inches. Collection of M. Cuaries Noet, Paris. Collection of M. Knorpier & Co., New York, 1893. . nite ae ft ¢* 47 00 ee No. 28 % ¢ 4 ® i YF Balin, x" JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 EVENING TWILIGHT THE picture shows the banks of a wide river, lying glassy still at the end of a summer’s day. Not a ripple disturbs the surface of the water, save that made by a small flat-bottomed boat, the occupant of which is leaning over the side, setting his night-lines. The sun has dipped below the horizon behind a clump of noble trees on the right of the picture, and its last rays shine blood-red through the interstices of the lower branches. The sky is covered by a light film of fleecy cloud, from the under surface of which a broad patch of light is reflected on to the surface of the water, giving it the appearance of molten silver, affording a strong contrast with the deep shadow cast by the trees and low-lying bank of the stream. The whole scene breathes an air of ineffable peace and calmness. Inscribed on the back of the panel: “ A Madame Héloise . .. son vieux ami JuLes Durrs£.” Signed at the lower left, Jutes Dupre. Height, 17144 inches; length, 2414 inches. Collection of M. Ferpinanp Herz, Paris, 1886. Collection of THe American Arr Association, New York, 1892. PARASOL FACE. eH RTOS 50 eae Maes a Me d a Salts: Ugh <> pies —_ . : * . fie 4 r a No. 29 JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 EARLY MORNING - Tue tender pearl gray light of early morn suffuses the sky, revealing a Be _ humble cottage with thatched roof standing beside a narrow river. A faint glow, as of the first sunrise, illumines one of its whitewashed walls, in effec- ie F tive contrast to the gloomy shadows of a huge tree which stands on the left. Ry - Through the mist which is rising off the water the forms of trees and fence . be : ~ show, but the light is as yet of that mysterious quality which hides as muchs a % ng | as it reveals, giving substance to shadow, and making the forms of the trees # - and bushes seem ethereal and ghostlike. iy : i s a Inscribed on the back of the stretcher: ay. “A Madame Tarizol, son vieux ami J. Durr.” Signed at the lower right, J. Dupre. E Collection of M. FERDINAND Herz, Paris, 1886. | uo iS: a Py Collection of Tus American Arr Assocration, New York, 1892. PIL eS SSP “) . Be ag Private collection of Wit11am Scuavs, New York, 1888. os ¥ Exhibition of ONE Hunprep MASTER RIE CES, Barye Monument Association, Vew York, 180@t= e | THEODORE ROUSSEAU 1812—1867 . ta _ Listbee D’'UN BOIS COUPE r a eo ae (Forest of Compiégne) Fe bictoeanows a ~~ os landscape, stretching on the right over — j ’ lating country, pleasantly wooded and smiling in the sunshine, until it | reaches the horizon, blue in the distance. On the left the ground breaks into low hills, of. which one, tree-crowned, descends sharply toward a cluster of aa thatched cottages which stand huddled in a narrow valley, their steep- : : pitched roofs of thatch showing between the branches of the trees. In the a foreground a group of peasants and a garde champétre sit enjoying their noontime rest, and a woman ascends from the valley along a footpath which runs through the centre of the picture. The full-arched dome of the sky is soft and airy, alive with vibrating atmosphere, with a few white clouds here and there, and the bright sunshine envelopes the whole scene in a bath of light. * i % Signed at the lower left, T. Rousseau, 1833. Height, 2014, inches; length, 2834 inches. Collection of M. Faure, Paris, 1886. Collection of Tur American Art Association, New York, 1892. Ey AT ‘ \ ps eee cel en 3 1 rae KOOO - Sow ch, Ww hole a No. 38 THEODORE ROUSSEAU 1812—1867 EVENING IN THE FOREST—FONTAINEBLEAU A LARGE pool extends across the picture from right to left, lying darkling in the shadow of a dense forest of lofty trees which grow close up to its farther bank. In the foreground the trees have receded somewhat from the water’s edge, leaving a natural clearing which is thickly grown with deep green mossy grass and studded here and there with large boulders, the lighter tones of which stand out strongly in the prevailing gloom. The time is near evening, and on the right the crystal clearness of the sky is tinged with the ruddy glow of the departing sun. Signed at the lower left, Tu. R. Height, 25 inches; length, 3914 inches. Exhibition of One Hunprep Masterpieces, Banvye Monument Association, New York, 1892. oa ala 6 ae, ite am, Sh s = ah Gtawr. {MILE VAN MARCKE 18271891 CATTLE Bp heat G A Broan, flat meadow stretches across the picture, dotted with shady trees, 4 : and extending as far as the eye can see till it reaches a line of blue hills in the far distance. It is early summer, and the vegetation is rank and lush; every leaf is full and juicy, and the uncertain skies give promise of frequent 9 showers. In the foreground a large red cow lies full face to the spectator, — = her head somewhat raised, her flanks enjoying the sunlight which plays fall upon her. Close behind her is a companion, white with a brown head, and others are scattered here and there, standing or lying, feeding or placidly rumi- nating. A number of seagulls fly low, beneath a sky which is covered with © : heavy rain-clouds, a small patch of blue appearing at intervals between them. — : Signed at the lower right, EM. Van Marcxe. % Height, 1114 inches; length, 1614 inches. Collection of Aaron Heary, New York, 1891. EMILE VAN ay ¥ a vo CR gene No. 40 EMILE VAN MARCKE 1827—1891 VERDANT PASTURES THE time is early spring; the grass is green and juicy, every leaf is full of sap, and the vegetation as yet unscorched by the parching breath of summer. Ankle deep in the shallow waters of a little river which runs across the foreground of the picture, makes an abrupt turn on the right round a clump of trees, and disappears in the distance, stand two fine cows, one red and the other white. Lazily they nuzzle at each other in the full sun- shine, their tails swinging from side to side, while their flanks seem to heave with lazy enjoyment. In the background a number of other cows are crop- ping the long grass, while one of their number is slowly approaching the drinking place. The view extends over a level meadow to a line of dark trees on the horizon, with here and there one taller than its fellows standing out against the sky, which is covered with a bank of heavy gray clouds, except for a broad patch of blue at the zenith. Signed at the lower left, Em. Van Marcxe. Height, 19%, inches; length, 241, inches. No. 41 "CHARLES EMILE J Sn eas 1813—1894 | SHEEP AND SHEPHERD On the slope of a hill on which grow a few gnarled and stunted trees as small flock of sheep are busy cropping the short blades of grass. Near at hand a tall peasant in blue blouse and sabots, guardian of the flock, sits upon the © ground, half leaning upon his staff, and gazing towards the open sea, which, — hidden by the shoulder of the hill, extends upon the left to the horizon. Be- side him sits his dog, a thin, black beast of nondescript ancestry. There is a Sh note of movement among the sheep, and a couple are slowly making their * way to a small pool in the foreground. The sky is overcast and threatening, 2 and on the left the sun casts a watery gleam upon the sea, breaking in heavy rollers on the beach. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. Height, 193, inches; length, 24 inches. SS Fa as. ea oe Jo ¥ WA ; Zo. Wa becth JAC No. 49 ANTON MAUVE 1838—1888 THE FLOCK OF SHEEP she te : | _ Water Color . 2. page ae i On a grassy knoll at the edge of a sparse plantation of fir trees, whose thin ‘ os angular branches stand out in bold silhouette against a gray and wintry sky, - ce . a flock of sheep move slowly forward, grazing as they go, under the guard a of a peasant and his dog. Beyond the firs the ground is clear once more, and the eye wanders along a terrain bleak and uncultivated, wherein a few leafless — trees grow out of a scrubby undergrowth, with no sign of human habita- tion save for the distant spire of a church silhouetted upon the horizon, and __ : showing dim in the haze of gathering twilight. } a . inn i “1 Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve F. Height, 22 inches ; length, 341, inches. | BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAINS ® = - FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25rx, 1909 “AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 o’cLocK CIMENS OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAINS, MOSTLY OF MINIATURE FORM 1—Miniatvre Buve anp WuitTE GaLiiror One of the smallest known. The decoration of this little piece is as accu- rately done as on the larger specimens, the floral and vine design being fully carried out and well executed. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved fee stand. s 2 MrntatureE Buvue anp Wuirre SNUFF-BOTTLE Oviform. Decorated in beautiful deep blue. The design is a five-clawed dragon amid cloud forms and fire emblems pursuing the sacred pearl. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 38—Miniature Buve anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Oviform. Pure white texture. Archaic dragon and the sacred fungus in brilliant underglaze blue. Character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 4—Bivur AND WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Octagonal shape. Decoration of lilies in two shades of brilliant cobalt- blue. Character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 5—Buive anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Graceful shape. Decorated in deep blue, with a landscape and river scenery. Six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has ‘carved teakwood stand. “j acne abate ae 2 6—Miniature Bivue anp WHITE Vase Bottle-shaped. Pure white texture. Decorated with Mee clawed dragon on a background of leaves and flowers minutely pencilled ir in two shades of underglaze blue. Six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1728- 1735. Has carved teakwood atand. Y—MiniaturEe Buvur anp Wuite Vase Bottle-shaped, with short neck. Lotus and leafy scrolls beautifully pena — cilled in pale blue. Seal mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has. carved z teakwood stand. 8—Mrniature Buive anp WuitE SNUFF-JAR ay With an opening in the porcelain cover for the spoon. The iad is of | brilliant blue, and on it is a dragon decoration, pencilled in pale blue. | Six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved tealvonl stand. ) 9—Buve anp Wuire SNUFF-ROTTLE With compressed body and tall, slender neck. A swimming duck and lotus : plant and insects painted in underglaze blue of brilliant quailty: Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 10—MiniaturEeE Buve ann WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in brilliant cobalt-blue, with a branch of fruit. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 11—Miniatvure Buvet ann Waitt Vase Bottle-shaped. Chrysanthemum flowers and foliations outlined in pale blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 12—MiIniATuRE BuLuEeE Aanp WHITE VASE Bell-shaped. Fine clear texture of the “soft-paste” type. Brilliant opaque-blue ground, and decoration of a five-clawed dragon, cloud forms and fire emblems pencilled in pale blue. Underneath the foot a dragon within a circle, pencilled in underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 183—Buve ano WuHuitEr SNUFF-BOTTLE Conical shape. Paste and the blue of exceedingly fine quality. On a ground of wave design in brilliant sapphire-blue is a male figure, dragon, horses and cow in white reserve. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. { or he ae 14— 7B: on w VTE SNUFF-BOTTEE. a ef a ae | shape. ‘Unusual decoration of marine monsters rising from the se painted i in two shades of cobalt-blue. Topped with a carved metal ornament of a chiselled dragon design. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung, 1736- — 1795. Has carved UE SICES stand. | a < -15—Buve AnD WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Te JS a - Cylindrical shape. Decoration of male figure, dragon, horses, cows and tn ei: : dog on a ground of wave pattern in brilliant mazarine-blue. Ch’ien-lung | i period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Has carved Resie a man Pitta: Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. es ~ teakwood stand. — “17—Buve anp Wuitre SNnurr-BoTrLe Bs te Cylindrical shape. Peony flowers and leafy scrolls pencilled in fine cobalt- blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. he ; | 18—Buve ann WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Melon-shape, with six lobes. Each lobe is decorated with a melon vine in _ bearing, pencilled in delicate blue on a brilliant white ground. Ch’ien- me lung period, 1736-17 95. Has carved teakwood stand. : 19—Bive AND WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE bs Egg-shape. Lotus buds amid leafy scrolls pencilled in two shades of blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. “4 20—Buive anp WuitE OvirorM SNUFF-BOTTLE Fine texture of “ soft-paste ” type. It is decorated with cloud forms and flying bats in brilliant blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 21—Buve anv WuiTEe SNUFF-JAR With porcelain top. Embellished with an imperial dragon in brilliant blue on a background of peonies and leafy scrolls delicately pencilled in pale blue; on the top a show symbol. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. ’ Rye eis Has a hairline drawing | in pale | blue representing» a-hor te — ms al alae: Has carved an wor stand. 23—BuiveE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE A ee ae Egg-shape. The decoration consists of cloud forms in brilliant blue fro n which a dragon is emerging. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 24—Biur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot shape. A vine pencilled in blue creates twelve medal lions, each one of which bears a lotus flower surrounded by leaves. Yun rs chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 25—BuuE AND WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot shape. The whole surface is covered with leaves and peony flowers, over which is a writhing dragon beautifully pencilled ina +e pale shade of cobalt-blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 296—BuvuE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical shape. Decoration of sky lions amid cloud forms and fire em- blems sporting with a brocade ball, pencilled in two shades of underglaze blue. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teak- wood stand. 297—BuvuE AND WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot. Decoration of peonies and foliations, over which is a bold five-clawed dragon, painted in brilliant opaque-blue. Six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 28—BuivuEe anp WuHuitre SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical shape. Decorated in brilliant blue, with nine medallions formed of dragons and cloud forms. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 29—Buve anp WuitE SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot. Decoration of elephant, kylin, sky lion, tiger, and chimera, painted in two shades of brilliant underglaze blue. Six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. / adrilateral uae! with bevels edges. Decorated in very fine blue, he di with exquisitely pencilled peony ‘flowers and leafy scrolls. Six-character it mark of Yung-chéng, 1728- 1735. Tall stand; silver inlay. Cylindrical shape, with decoration in pale blue. Double lines are so en- __twined as to form twelve medallions, each of which contains flowers. Yung- 2 i ee period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Brive AND > Wurre SNUFF-BOTTLE - Oviform. The decoration consists of horses running, walking and feeding. A wide range of variation may be noticed in the tones of blue used in the ; decoration of this specimen. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng period, _ 1723-1735, Has carved teakwood stand. 33—Bive ann Wuire Snurr-sorrie Cylindrical shape. Decoration in brilliant blue, with passion flowers drawn in twelve divisions. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng, ie 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. H ? 34—Buiue anp Wuire SNurr-BoTrLe Cylindrical shape, with decoration in brilliant blue of bronze vase with lotus flowers and a bronze stand supporting a swinging lantern. Four-char- acter mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 85—BLuE AnD Wuitr SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical shape. Decorated in brilliant blue, with a five-clawed dragon, phoenix, cloud forms and the sacred pearl. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 86—Buvue anp WuirTrr SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical shape. Decorated in brilliant blue with fantastic animals and marine monsters on a ground of wave pattern. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 37—BuvE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant blue with twelve medallions of roses, asters, chrysanthemums, lilies, fruit and basket designs. Four- character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. A YAS en, 5 Rhy | ae — ~ r t ’ a ho ee as oO a ea 38—Bive AND Wuire SNuFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical shape. Decorated in ies underglaze monkeys in aggressive or defensive attitudes. Underneath | au foo monkey sits entirely composed. Yung-chéng period, (1728-1735, — carved teakwood stand. OR egy y 39—Min1aTuRE BiuE AND WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Flowers and scrolls in white reserve on an opaque-blue ground, and inter- cepted by a “cracked ice” pattern. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has — carved teakwood stand. 40—BuvE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in brilliant blue, with five-clawed dragons rising from the sea. . in pursuit of the effulgent orb. Underneath the foot is an unusual device of a man fishing. ela ees 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood — ; stand. ~ 41—Buve anp WuHuitE CYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with figures of eight horses in different attitudes. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. 42—Biuz ann Wuire SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot. The decoration represents a juggler entertaining a group of officials. Marked Ch’eng-hua, but more probably made during > the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. | 43—BiLvuE and WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Miniature gallipot. Decorated in brilliant blue, with a scene depicting men worshipping at a temple, and garden views. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. (Small chip at foot.) Has carved teakwood stand. 44—Briur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE. ’ Tall hexagonal shape, with ivory-tipped stopper. Flowing lines divide the body into sections, each of which contains a conventional lotus flower painted in opaque-blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teak- wood stand. 45—Bive anp WuiTE SNUFF-BOTTLE Quadrilateral, with bevelled edges. Decorated in brilliant blue, with fig- ures of the Eight Immortals, bat symbols and cloud forms. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. fracisalahdped ppbzorated gerleontine a storm dragon descending hy upon a seated tiger, painted i in underglaze blue of brilliant quality. K’ang- ___hsi period, 1662- 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. , f nF * + @ -41—Bive AND a ee SNUFF-BOTTLE . a * Miniature gallipot. - - Decorated in underglaze Blac of two shades on a “brilliant white ground, with numerous figures riding and leading fabulous animals ce in a style that shows ae influence. K’ang-hsi pe- oh Eee Fine texture of “ soft-paste ” type. The decoration, a . two shades of brilliant blue. 7 teakwood stand. ae K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved i‘ 49—Mintature Buivur anp Wuire Vase : Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant blue; symbols of happiness and 5 longevity are drawn round the body, and point borders on the neck and . ‘e ‘ base. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. (Repaired at lip.) Has carved teakwood stand. \ 2 a §0—BuiuEr anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE wee tie a) rT Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with eight five- clawed dragons rising from the sea in pursuit of the pearl of omnipotence. " Kang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. . 51—Larce Buve anp WHitE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant blue, with four bold dragons on _ the body, one on the shoulder and one underneath the foot. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. (Repaired at neck.) Has carved teakwood stand. 52—Larcrt Buve ann WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in brilliant cobalt-blue, with a bold five-clawed dragon amid ae cloud forms and fire emblems pursuing the sacred pearl. Incised thread Ee lines underneath the foot. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved Res teakwood stand. ie Height, 41/, inches. 58Sorr-rasre SNUFF-BOrTEE Brown crackle texture. Wares in brilliant blue, rior, objects of art, symbols and six-character marks. fine specimen of “ soft-paste” porcelain is ascribed to ‘the ‘Ming Has carved teakwood stand. 54—Sorr-pasts Buue anv WuitE SNUFF-BOTTLE _ Tall oviform. The decorahomy: in brilliant blue represents a, procession 55—Sort-PasTE SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in two shades of blue, with a scene representing a festival Youths and men are playing upon the lawn, while mothers are caring eo . their babes in the summer houses. Ivory-tipped stopper decorated with trigram. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. PA | Height, 3% inches. e 56—SoFrT-PASTE SNUFF-BOTTLE Decorated in underglaze blue under a brown crackled surface, with figures of forty monkeys in different attitudes; a very unusual decoration. K’ang- — hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. : Height, 31, inches. 57—Sort-PastEe SNUFF-BOTTLE Tall hexagonal-shaped. Decorated in brilliant nme blue, ain twelve figures carrying twelve different flowers representing the twelve months of the year. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. ; Height, 31% inches. 58—Sort-PpastE BLuE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Brown crackle texture, with a single five-clawed dragon pursuing the sacred pearl, painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. K’ang- hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. __ . Height, 34%, inches. 59—EXTRAORDINARY SOFT-PASTE SNUFF-BOTTLE Bs Of the-Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Tall octagonal-shaped. Decorated } in brilliant underglaze blue, with a scene representing the Pa sien, or Eight Immortals in the clouds. These Immortals are: 1, Hau-chun-li, a fat man with naked stomach and holding a fan. He is supposed to possess the elixir of immortality and lived 1122-249 B.c, 2. Leu-tung-pin, born 4.p. 755, who overcame numerous temptations. He a is always represented as carrying a sword. es at med supported himself on a staff. His emblem was a ou and staff. ebrth uncertain. He wears a sae: head-dress. His emblem is a pair of Ais 5. Lan-tsae-ho, of uncertain sex, but generally thought to be female. The emblem of this immortal is a flower basket. ; _ 6. Chang-ko-laon lived in the seventh and eighth centuries. He was a ia necromancer, and was accompanied by a white mule, which car- ried him long distances and when not needed was folded up and put away. His emblem was a musical instrument. ‘ Hau-seang-tage, who lived in the eighth century 4.p._ His emblem was a flute, which he played. "Ho-seen-koo, a female who rejected ordinary food and ate powdered _ mother-of-pearl, which was supposed to insure immortality. Her emblem is a lotus leaf. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 60—Larcx Sort-paste Biur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE -_ Cylindrical-shaped. Thin texture. The decoration depicts a monkey seated on a tree trunk, a deer, the symbol of longevity; and birds perched on tree branch. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. | + [es Height, 4 inches. 61—Miniatvure Sort-pasteE Buve anp Wuire Vase Quadrangular-shaped. Decoration in brilliant underglaze blue of nine male figures engaged in different out-of-door occupations. Seal mark of _Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 62—Sort-paste Biue anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE | Cylindrical-shaped. Decoration in brilliant blue represents a high official with two attendants leaving his house. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 63—Sort-paste Buur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Oviform. The decoration, which is painted in underglaze blue, is the con- ventional chrysanthemum flower amid leafy scrolls. Seal mark of Yung- chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 2 . 64—Sort-paste Biur anp Wuite SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated with an imperial five-clawed dragon amid cloud forms, painted in two shades of cobalt-blue and in white reserve. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. e-kwae, an coninerted who took refuge i in the hogy of a lame beggar ~ ae Sate wre n 65—Sort-paste Biur anp Wuire SNUFF-BOTTLE hi oR ee) es Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in fine underglaze blue of a scene repre- a senting four Chinese boys launching a boat. Seal mark, Ch’ien-lung, 2 - 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. , : ss oe J 66—Sort-pastE Biur anp WuitTE SNUFF-BOTTLE re ae “4 Of unusual form. The decoration, in brilliant blue, depicts two Chinese is ac RS: ladies welcoming a visitor. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has teak- | wood stand. 67—Sort-paste Buur anp WuitE SNUFF-BOTTLE a. Miniature cylindrical-shaped. A landscape and fishing scene finely pen- : a - cilled in two shades of underglaze blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, i eh Has carved teakwood stand. eae ive AS 68—Sort-pasTE BLuE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE cA Miniature hexagonal jar-shaped. ‘The decoration, which is remarkably 2 mae oe: fine, depicts a grandee with his children in the garden. Yung-chéng pe- y. riod, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. : 69—Sort-pasTE BLuE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE | ’ i Octagonal-shaped. Decorated with eight imperial dragons in different 5 attitudes pursuing the sacred pearl. Mark underneath the foot of an im- perial dragon pencilled in blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 70—Sort-pastE Biur anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE | Cylindrical-shaped. The decoration, which is painted in brilliant cobalt- i blue, represents a five-clawed dragon, a phoenix, sacred pearl and cloud forms. Underneath the foot a five-clawed dragon pencilled in underglaze blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 71—Sort-paste Burue anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. The decoration, which is painted in two shades of - brilliant blue, is illustrative of the legend of the broken jar. Four-char- 4 acter mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 72—Sort-pasteE BLuE anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE & Cylindrical-shaped. It is decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with four panels representing boys playing games, igniting fireworks and reading. The foot underneath has an unusual mark of a man fishing, pencilled in blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. «% Biyentyas, ee ert Peniood stand. _ Decoration of the sacred lotus, leafy scrolls and “ the eight Buddhistic _ symbols of happy auguary,” exquisitely painted in two shades of bril- _ liant cobalt-blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. — ort-pasTE Biur anp Wuire SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in fine underglaze blue, with an equestrian figure of a mandarin and a Chinese lady in a conveyance and her attend- ~ ants. Yung-chéng oa 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Fierce aste Buive anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE _ Cylindrical-shaped. Decoration, finely painted in pale blue, depicts a scene representing Chinese boys launching a boat. Yung-chéng period, io 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 7)Sorr-rasre Buive anp Waite SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with the ideal- PGi ized flowers of paradise amid leafy scrolls. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. _ '18—Sorr-raste Buus anp WuitEe SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decoration, which is in very brilliant cobalt-blue, depicts two five-clawed dragons rising from the sea, amid cloud forms and fire emblems, in pursuit of the effulgent orb. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 79—Sort-pasteE Biue anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated in brilliant blue, with an imperial pa amid cloud forms pursuing the sacred pearl and another dragon rising from the sea. Six-character mark of Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Has carved teakwood stand. 80—Sort-paste Bivue anp WHITE SNUFF-BOTTLE Crackled texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with a five- clawed dragon and phenix amid cloud forms and fire emblems. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Se Saeices BuLve anp Ware Sipe Crackled texture. The decoration, which is finely Sener in represents two dragons rising from the sea in pursuit of the pearl pi nipotence. Underneath the foot a mark of dedication, Wan-Juh, fying “true jade.” K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved. Lae stand. . BEAUTIFUL CABINET SPECIMENS OF BLUE AND WHIT! iy ILLUSTRATING THE HIGHEST TYPE OF SOFT PAST: a. ‘AND HARD PASTE. FORCES? 82—MiniatureE Buve anp Wuitrrt Rovwvcer-spox Decoration of phenix, sacred pearl and floral sprays painted’ in brilliant — underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood | a stand. 83—MinitatTurE Buve anp Wuite Water VASE Globular-shaped. Of almost egg-shell thinness. Conventional peony amid — leafy scrolls pencilled in brilliant mazarine-blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. | 84—Miniatrure Sort-paste Bive anp Wurre Rover-nox Of unusual form and thin texture. The cover and base each bear a peony — flower surrounded with leafy scrolls exquisitely pencilled in fine blue. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 85—Wrirer’s Biue anp Wuitre WatTeER VASE Of almost eggshell thinness. Decorated with a garden scene and three ea male figures in lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground. K’ang-hsi pe- riod, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. 86—Sort-pastE Bivur anp Wuire Miniature Vase Bottle-shaped. Decoration of conventional flowers and geometrical lines eae in brilliant blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. ae, 87—Writer’s BLuuz anp Wuitrrt Water VASE Of very thin texture. Garden scene and river view exquisitely painted in brilliant blue. Underneath the foot the “sacred fungus” pencilled in underglaze blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood ol stand. as ASTE. Brive AND Wurrr Vase iniature gourd-shape. Branches of pomegranates painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. ‘Chrien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. :9Sorr-pasrz Hees AND Waite Wrirer’s VasE | Low circular shape, and of almost eggshell thinness. Decoration of con- ventional lotus and leafy scrolls exquisitely painted in pale blue. Yung- - ching Pe 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. ~PASTE BLvE AND WuitEe CovurE | finiature globular shape, of very thin texture. Decorated in brilliant ae he Buve ann Wuire Wrirer’s Water VasE Low circular shape. Brown crackle texture. Border of sceptre head and band of scroll designs pencilled in underglaze blue. Six-character mark of Chia-ching, 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. 92—Buve anp Wuire Rovcer-Box Pure white thin texture. Decoration of five-clawed dragons amid cloud forms in pursuit of the sacred pearl, and a band of wave designs painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. Underneath the foot the bat symbol. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 93—Sort-pastre Brur anp Wutre Wrirer’s Vase Low circular shape. Branches of pomegranates, pencilled in brilliant blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. ~94—BuivE anp Waite Rover-Box Bold five-clawed dragon, cloud forms and the sacred pearl, and a border of wave designs painted in lustrous underglaze blue. Four-character mark of Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 95—Sorr-paste Brue anp Wuire Wrirer’s Vase Of very thin texture. The eight trigrams and bands of sceptre heads and gadroons, pencilled in very brilliant blue. Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. 96—Sort-pasteE Bivur anp WuirTeE Vase Miniature bottle-shaped. Finely painted decoration in pale blue illustrat- ing the legend of the broken jar. Six-character mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 97—BLvuE AND Were Rover-nox | Square shape. Peonies, lotus and ee scrolls, ee oueds in u blue. Late Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has teakwood stand. 98—Buve anp WuitTEe MiIniatTurRE Jar Branches of pomegranates and border designs ERNE in ‘anderglaze blue | of lustrous quality. K’ang-hsi see 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. 99—Sort-pastE BLtuE AND WHITE WriTER’s VasE Scroll and border design, pencilled in blue outline. Yung-chéng perio 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. ie 100—Buvr ano Waite Miniature VASE * An unusual decoration of peacock feathers and flying birds painted in . underglaze blue of brilliant quality. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has a carved teakwood stand. e 101—Sort-pastE BLUE AND Wurre RovcE-Box Miniature form of very thin texture. Decoration in deep blue of male ie figure, goats and landscape. Six marks of Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. . 102—Sort-pasteE Buve anp Wuite CovrrE Globular-shaped. Decorated in brilliant blue, with the eight trigrams _ and bands of sceptre heads and gadroons. Bears six marks of the Hsiian-té period, but it is probably not earlier than Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Has carved teakwood stand. 103—Buve anp Wuire MINIATURE VASE Graceful bottle-shaped, with compressed body and tall, slender neck. The Persian flower and vine decoration prevails, and is most accurately painted in hairlines of brilliant blue. Bears six-character mark of : ie Hsiian-té, but probably was not made earlier than K’ang-hsi period, 1662- > a 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. a 104—Buvur anp Wuite Writer’s Water VaAsE Globular-shaped, and of very thin texture. Decoration in very brilliant mazarine-blue of a five-clawed dragon rising from the sea amid cloud forms and fire emblems in pursuit of the sacred pearl. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. ae = aa eg carved sees asd: “2 106—Sorr-raste tee anp Wuirte Wrairer’s Vase _ Bie. Thin texture. Decorated in lustrous blue, with a garden scene, mented ea : 2 figure and two children carrying umbrella. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. 4 hiv’ r Fee carved teakwood stand. yp Ebi li 107—Sorr-rasrs Buve anp White Writer’s Vise ~ Scroll and leaf pattern borders, exquisitely pencilled in blue outline. Six- i aaa mark of the Hsiian-té, 1426-1435. Has carved teakwood stand. Bive AND Wurre Minrature Jar Z ie Band of floral scrolls and conventional borders painted in dark blue. e Ch’ Soe period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. ae / -109—Bive AnD WuitE Rovcr-zox _ Decoration in brilliant blue, depicting a presentation to a grandee. The body is embellished with a landscape and river scene with a bridge. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Has teakwood stand. es 110—Sorr-vasre Buve anp Wuite Wrirer’s Vase _ Miniature jar-shape. Decoration finely painted in underglaze blue, de- _ picting a landscape, fagot gatherer crossing a bridge and a fisherman returning home. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 111—Sort-paste BiruE anp Wuire Rovce-sar With perforated cover. The decoration, in brilliant blue, represents fig- ures in garden and children picking lotus. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. 112—Sort-paste Bive anv WuitE Rovce-Box Flat circular shape, and of brown crackled texture. Decoration of land- scape and river scenery in underglaze blue of fine quality. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has teakwood stand. 113—Sort-paste Buve anp Wuite Wrirter’s Vase Dragons, cloud forms and fire emblems pencilled under the glaze in pale blue. Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. Has teakwood stand. 114—Sort-pastx Br E AND. ) Ware Wrirer’s ae Decorated in deep cobalt-blue, with v various sy abe 1736-1795. Has HAbNood stand. i ey ae 115—Sort-paste Brut anp WuirTe Rovex-pox : The decoration, which is in fine underglaze blue, hicey Fak of the ‘set eight trigrams known as the Pa-kwa forming a. circle around the mysti device of the Yan and Yin, the male and female elements of nature, BS ae element. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has teakwood stand. _ 116—Sort-paste Buve anp Wuitre WINE-cuP ia . Of thin crackled texture. Decorated in two shades of blue, with designs” of a turbulent sea and the symbolical bat. Six-character mark of ae ; hua, 1465-1487. Has teakwood stand. o 117—Sort-pastE Biure anp Wuirr Writer’s VASE Band of conventional peonies and leafy scrolls pencilled in underglaze — blue of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1662-1722. Has carved — teakwood stand. . 118—Sort-paste Biue anp Wuitre RovuGE-Box Flat circular shape, and of brown texture. A beautifully drawn phos painted in underglaze blue, forms a medallion on the cover. The texture of the porcelain as well as the decoration is remarkably fine. Ch’eng- = = hua period, 1465-1487. Has teakwood stand. 119—Buve anp Wuire Wrairer’s Water VasE Semi-globular shape, and of pure white thin texture. Decorated in bril- Vee liant opaque-blue, with a five-clawed dragon rising from the sea in pur- aes suit of the sacred pearl. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has teakwood yee stand. 120—Buvr anp Wuire Miniature JAR So ae Pure white texture. Decoration of flowering plants and butterflies, painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. ee a Aad of Eiraeet Oak thinness. Decoration of sky lions, “cloud forms and fire emblems pencilled in brilliant mazarine-blue. Yung- 3: a) ney 1723-1735, Seg | 122—Sorr-rasre Bive aNp Wuire Wrirer’s Vase tt _ Decoration of chrysanthemums and leafy scrolls pencilled in dark cobalt- - blue. e Chrien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. GE ih St JE ee Wuiret Rovuce-sox ) finiature form. Decoration in dark blue of conventional lotus and leafy rolls suggesting Persian influence. The piece bears the six marks of Phancie put eerouely suggests Japanese origin. Has teakwood stand. Sorr-paste Biue anp Wuire Rover-Box Gray crackle texture. The cover is decorated with a scene representing _ two women listening to a musician, while the body bears a landscape pen- eilled in beautiful blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has teakwood pend: Ronietive bottle-shaped. The decoration, pencilled in brilliant blue, rep- resents a man carrying an open umbrella. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. _ Has teakwood stand. 126—Buve anv Wutre Rover-sox Fashioned in shape of a seed pod of a lotus, and decorated in underglaze blue of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved _teakwood stand. 127—Miniature Buve anp WHITE Jar - Oviform. Branches of pomegranate and border designs painted in lus- trous blue on a brilliant white ground. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. 128—Buve anp Wuitt Rovce-Box Decoration in brilliant blue and white reserve, with sceptre-head scrolls and lotus flowers. Has six marks of Kia-tsing, but is of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 129—Buve anp Wuitrr Writer’s Water VAsE Globular shape, and of almost eggshell thinness. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with dragon and phoenix amid cloud forms and fire em- blems. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. 130—Sort-pastE BituE anp WuitE RovuceE-Box Crackled texture. Large bat painted in brilliant blue on the cover, and a small one marks the foot underneath. Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 23/4 inches. 1381—Sort-paste Buus anp WuirTr Jar Miniature form. Flowering plants beautifully pencilled in fine under- glaze blue in four reserve panels. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has teakwood stand. Height, 34, inches. 1382—-Sort-pasteE BLuE AND WuitE WrireEr’s VASE Lotus-pod shape, and of very thin texture. Band of lotus and leafy scrolls and borders of sceptre heads and gadroons painted in lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground. Four-character mark of the Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 21, inches. 1383—Smatu BLure anp Waite VASE Bottle-shaped. Of pure white texture. Decorated in an unusually fine tone of blue, with symbols and different objects of art. Six-character mark of Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/4, inches. 1384—Sort-pasteE BLue anp Wuite RovceE-Box Flat circular shape. Gray crackled texture. The cover is decorated with a four-clawed dragon amid cloud forms, and round the base is a band of wave designs. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 23/4, inches. 135—Sort-paste Buus anp Waite VASE Miniature gallipot. Brown crackled texture. The decoration, which is painted in brilliant blue, consists of a five-clawed imperial dragon in the clouds, while another rises from the sea. The top of the neck bears four bats. Has six-character mark of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. | Height, 33/4, inches. 404 185 214 401 369 377 168 405 - 186—Sorr-pastz Buvz anp Wuire Octaconat Jar | Miniature form, with cover. Beautifully decorated in brilliant under- glaze blue, with landscape and figures and river view. Four-character mark of Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches. 187—Buve ann Wurre Smarty Mace Miniature bottle-shaped. Decorated in pale blue, with a winged monster holding a shell-like object in his mouth and the effulgent orb. The piece bears the four marks of Ch’eng-hua, but probably dates from K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 43/4, inches. - 188—Bivure anp Waite Rovce-zox Flat circular shape. Decorated in dark cobalt-blue, with conventional lotus flowers and leafy scrolls. Bears six marks of the Hsiian-té period, but is undoubtedly of a later period. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 314, inches. 139—Sort-paste Biur anp WuitTEe Writer’s Vase Globular-shaped, and of eggshell texture. Decorated in brilliant under- f glaze blue, with a fabulous bird amid cloud forms and fire emblems and a as _-__— border of wave designs. Four-character marks of the Ch’eng-hua pe- riod, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. { E. Diameter, 21% inches. 5 i — :140—Sorr-paste Bive anp Wuire Vase ; Miniature bottle-shaped. Decorated in brilliant cobalt-blue, with con- ventional chrysanthemums, foliated scrolls and bands of palmettes and gadroons. The base bears the four marks of Hsiian-té, but it is a pro- ies duction of the Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/, inches. 141—Larct Buvurt anp Waitt Rovcr-Box Low circular shape. Decorated in lustrous blue on a brilliant white - pee . ground, with a bold four-clawed dragon amid cloud forms pursuing the z sacred pearl. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood "stand. Diameter, 34, inches. 142—Sort-paste Buur anp Waite Vase Miniature cylindrical form. Finely painted decoration in two shades of brilliant underglaze blue, “ Long Elizas ” admiring a blooming plant, various objects of art known as “ The Hundred Antiques,” and on the shoulder “ The Eight Precious Things.” Six marks, Ch’eng-hua, 1465- 1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. ~ Miniature yi are “The ieee | : brilliant opaque-blue, represents a dignitary atk his. servant, an : ous objects of art known as “ The Hundred Antiques.” On the shoulder — “The Eight Precious Things ” pencilled in blue. Four-character r mark of Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 14: inches. i. 144—Sort-pastE Bitur anp Wuitrrt RovucE-Box Low circular shape. Decoration of ducks, crane, willow trees Re. painted underneath the glaze in lustrous blue. Bears the four-character — mark of Hsiian-té, but probably of the Yung-chéng period, 1723- ae ‘ Has carved teakwood stand. , Diameter, 33, we he 145—Sort-paste Brive anp White Birp-cace Cup ; ? Barrel-shaped. Of very thin texture. Decorated with peonies and leafy scrolls beautifully painted in underglaze blue of fine quality. Has silver lid. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has tall carved teakwood stand. : Length, 31, inches. 146—Larce Bivue anp WuirTEe Rovce-Box Lotus and leafy scrolls painted in dark cobalt-blue on a brilliant white © ground. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. : Diameter, 334 inches. cay ; : C 147—Buve anp Wuite BotrLe-sHAaPeD VASE . ; Of very graceful form. Decorated in underglaze blue of fine quality, with beautifully pencilled lotus flowers and leafy scrolls, round the shoul- der a band of gadroons, and encircling the neck palmettes and Greek fret. Six-character mark of the Chia-ching eres 1522-1567. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 4%, incher 148—Sort-paste Brive anp Waite Rovce-sBox Bs me Brown crackled texture. The decoration, which is finely painted in bril- liant underglaze blue, consists of a five-clawed dragon, and a pheenix amid cloud forms and fire emblems. On the base a band of wave design. Has six-character mark of Ch’eng-hua, 1465-1487. Has tall carved teakwood stand. is Diameter, 3 inches. 149—Sort-pastE BLuE anp WHITE VASE Miniature cylindrical form. Brown crackled texture. Decorated in two shades of opaque-blue, with “ Long Elizas,” “ The Hundred Antiques ” “Ye and “ The Eight Precious Things.” Six-character mark of Ch’eng-hua, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41% inches. ae he acnap epdcsrivat4 in fpenmant “bee with a band of floral scrolls and > ae 8 bands ‘of sceptre heads and gadroons. Has silver handle. Ch’ien-lung ; eae oe Has carved teakwood stand. . | i [aK Diameter, 3 inches. E /151—Miiarone Buive AND WHITE Jar witH CovER Semi-globular shaped. The decoration of dragon, cloud forms and fire emblems in outline and white reserve on a brilliant opaque-blue ground. The foot bears a false mark of Wan-li. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has ore teakwood stand. Diameter, 34% inches. Diiiniatare oviform. Brown Ee led. texture. Beautifully painted deco- | ration in brilliant underglaze blue of a large phceenix standing on a rock, yea and the sacred fungus. The neck has been considerably ground down and surmounted with a silver collar, but the quality of the porcelain and the decoration are so exceedingly fine that this defect is lost sight of. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41% inches. (tears 153—Sort-PasTE Buve anp Waite WINE-cvuP Decorated in dark cobalt-blue, with peony in bloom. Ch’ien-lung ‘period, 1786-1795. : | -:154—Sorr-paste Buve anp Wuire Roveer-zox Diameter, 3 inches. Flat circular shape. Finely decorated in brilliant underglaze blue; the aa es top with a domestic scene and the side with landscapes and water view. Es ASE ag Early Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. “4 Mears. oe: Diameter, 3 inches. a, ee) a Ps 155—Sort-paste Biue anp Wuire Vase ‘ Miniature cylindrical bottle form. Decorated in brilliant opaque-blue, on six raised upright panels, with four “ Long Elizas” intercepted by floral sprays. On the shoulder “The Eight Precious Things,” and underneath the foot the Yuh mark. Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/4 inches. 156—Buve anp Wuire Botrie-sHareD VASE Miniature form. Decorated in lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground: . two dragons, one writhing in the clouds, the other swimming in a tur- bulent sea. Seal mark of Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 4%, inches. i vee ve Ve! ae 157—Larce Buve anp Waitt SNUFF-BOTTLE Tall octagonal shape. Decorated in brilliant blue, with figures of the Eight Immortals amid cloud forms. The chief Immortal is Hau-chung-le, who is said to have lived under the Chou Dynasty, B.c, 1122-1249, He is supposed to have obtained possession of the elixir of immortality, and may be recognized by his rotund stomach and the fan he holds. He is said to revive the soul of the dead. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 43, inches. 158—Sort-paste Brut anp Wuitre Tra Bow1 With cover. Brown crackled texture. The decoration, which is painted in brilliant cobalt-blue, consists of a band of archaic dragon scrolls inter- cepted by the show symbol and a border of gadroons. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Diameter, 33, inches. 159—Bivr anp Wuite BottTie-sHarep VasE Cabinet size. Decorated in lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground, with two fabulous dragons amid fire emblems, a neat border of sceptre- head scrolls, and underneath the foot an artemisia leaf, a symbol of happy augury. Wan-li period, 1573-1619. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 160—Bxive anp Wuarre Wairer’s Water Vase Decorated in lustrous blue with the symbols of happy augury and vari- ous ornaments known as “ The Hundred Antiques.” Underneath the foot a leaf mark symbolizing good augury. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 3%, inches. 161—Smati Buve anp Waite BottTie-sHaPeD VASE Decorated in brilliant blue, with a band of chrysanthemum flowers and leafy scrolls, and border of gadroons and palmettes. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41, inches. 162—Sort-pastE Brut anp WHITE RovcE-Box Globular-shaped. Decorated in lustrous opaque-blue, with a five-clawed dragon amid cloud forms and fire emblems pursuing the pearl of omnip- otence. The base is encircled by a band of wave designs, and underneath the foot is the bat symbol pencilled in blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 31/4, inches. [ea] oD 390 mee period, 1573-1619. Has carved teakwood stand. 166—Wrirer’s Biue anp Wuire Vase 168. Bree | anp Wurre Vase - Miniature oviform bottle-shaped. Decorated in lustrous blue on a bril- liant. white ground, with “The Hundred Antiques” and “The Eight Precious Things,” and underneath the foot the Yuh mark, signifying jade. K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. aes = Height, 5 inches. “2 ; NH | 164—Sort-pastrt Buue anp Wuirr Smarty Vase Graceful oviform, with spreading neck and base. The decoration de- picts fabulous dragons painted in outline and cloud forms in mazarine _opaque-blue. The lip is defined by a line glazed to resemble iron. Wan- li _ Height, 51, inches. ‘le are E Buve anp WuirTe Vase . Bottle-shaped. Of cabinet size. The decoration, which is in brilliant underglaze blue, consists of a band of conventional chrysanthemums amid leafy scrolls, a band of palmettes and borders of points and sceptre heads. LEncircling the foot the svastika symbol. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 514, inches. Globular shape, with wide mouth. Decoration of the idealized flowers of paradise amid leafy scrolls beautifully painted in outline in pale blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. | Diameter, 4 inches. 167—BuveE anp Were VasE Cylindrical bottle-shaped, with trumpet neck. The body of the vase bears a decoration painted in pale opaque-blue of a rock, an overburdened blos- soming plum tree and birds in flight; a scroll border encircles the neck. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 168—Wrirer’s Burve anp Wuite Water VaAsE Globular-shaped. Decorated in very lustrous opaque-blue, on a brilliant white ground, with conventional lotus flowers and bold foliated scrolls. ~ K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 31, inches. 169—Buve anp Wuitt Smati GALuirot Thin texture. Decorated in brilliant opaque-blue, with an equestrian figure and his servant, plum in blossom and maple tree. Underneath the foot the Yu mark. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41, inches. i ¥ - 1 mi aD APs Soe ee ee. 170—Sort-PastTE Buve | AND Aware * Cylindrical bottle-shaped, of cabinet'si size. painted in brilliant blue, consists. of landscape + a scenery and river view. K’ang-hsi period, faa wood stand. ; ee aR . reas | TY yee le Height, 5 uh. aa vag ay -* & 171—Sort-pastt Biur anp WHITE TAL Gast Brown crackle texture. ‘The decoration, which is fue painted i rocks and birds in flight. Chin-ching “eth 1522-1567. see 33, inches. ih a . : ae 172—Sort-pasteE Buve ano Wuire Vase 5 Cabinet-size oviform. Of very thin texture, nee finely decorated with cy scene representing a royal fishing party, pencilled in two shades of bril- liant underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. wood stand. Ne 173—Sort-pastre Buue anp Waitt GALuirot Decorated in fine underglaze blue, with landscape and river view. Ch’ien- et a lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. hee dae Height, 5 inches. 174—Buvur anp WHuiteE VAsE Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Decorated in dark cohaleeulas with oe of flowering plants, ferns and butterflies. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5Y, inches, = 175—Buivur anp Wuire Writer’s Water VASE Globular-shaped. The body is completely covered with a Persian foli- ated pattern pencilled in dark cobalt-blue; a scroll border is around thee t, ean foot, and a band of key pattern encircles the mouth, broken by the six Bos marks of Hsiian-té. Undoubtedly the piece was not produced before the | : at Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. TARA Diameter, 4 inches. “eae 176—Sort-paste Bive anp Wuite Vase aN Cabinet-size oviform, of graceful shape. Decoration in brilliant under- glaze blue of tree peonies, rocks and chrysanthemums. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. He se artists, out Re Oat Ms ent es, the Christian Laese from ie their Bibles and deans and used oy for decorating porcelains. k led texture. The decoration, which is in brilliant opaque-blue, con- sists - crows in a eS aig plum tree, rocks and grasses. K’ang-hsi Height, 51, inches. Decorated 3 in piallinnt blue, cae a ee of eee Areeon scrolls, pal- _ mettes, floral sprays and symbols. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has ~ carved teakwood stand. ea Height, 43/4, inches. ae shape. Crackled texture. Landscape, mountain scenery and river view painted in brilliant blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. é ey, Height, 43/, inches. - 181—Sort-paste Buve anp WuiTeE Vase Cabinet-size bottle-shaped, of semi-eggshell texture. Landscape, moun- tain and river view finely pencilled in two shades of underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 414 inches. 182—Sorrt-paste Biue anp Wuite WInNE-cuP Tall shape. Crackled texture. Decorated in brilliant blue, with various objects of art known as “ The Hundred Antiques.” Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 183—Sort-pastE BLUE AND Wurre VASE Oviform bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Pine tree, the sacred fungus and rocks painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 184—Sort-pastE Biue anp WHITE Jar Cabinet size; oviform. Band of conventional flowers and leafy scrolls pencilled in brilliant blue; border designs to conform. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. 185—Buve anp Wuite Writer’s Water Vase Globular-shaped. Decoration in lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground of three large lotus flowers amid bold leafy scrolls. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 4 inches. 186—Buvr anp Wuitrt GALLiror Cabinet size. Decoration of conventional lotus amid scrolls beautifully painted in brilliant blue. Bears the four marks of Hsiian-té, but has the characteristic of pieces made during the Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51/4, inches. 187—Sort-pastE Buvue anp Wuirer Attar VASE Beaker-shaped. Chrysanthemum and leafy scrolls painted in brilliant cobalt-blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. 188—BuvE anp Wuite Botrie-sHAPED VASE Cabinet size. Decorated, in very lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground, with four large lotus flowers amid bold foliated scrolls; encircling the neck is a band of palmettes. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51/4, inches. 189—Buve anp Wuite Gaturpot or CaBinet Size Decorated in brilliant blue on a pure white ground, with a band of con- ventional flowers and scrolls, a band of palmettes, floral sprays and border of sceptre heads. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 43/4 inches. 190—Wraiter’s Sort-PastE Buvur anp Wuitr Inx-3ox Brown crackled texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue. The cover bears a decoration of four figures in a temple libation scene. Round the box are the Buddhistic symbols in vases of flowers, dishes of fruit and emblems of longevity. This piece was evidently especially de- signed for presentation to a mandarin. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 21, inches; diameter, 33, inches. 6172 807 clV LOV 907 “191-Bive AND Wurre Borris-sHarep Vase _ The decoration of blossoming plum i is in pale Live, and an macenon is a verse dedicating the piece to the person who was to receive it as a pres- ent. K’ang-hsi Ponds Ole 1722, Has carved teakwood stand. - : Height, 534 inches. ee eee Buve AND WHITE SMALL JAR Brown crackled texture. Tree peonies and floral sprays painted in bril- liant underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak- wood sept: Height, 4 inches; diameter, 4, inches. 198—Buve AND WuHuitTE Smatu Vase a With dragon and loose handle. It is decorated in brilliant underglaze — plue, with pheenixes, storks, shou marks and other emblems of happiness and longevity. It bears the six marks of Wan-li round the lip, but was doubtless not produced prior to the reign of Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. _ Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51, inches. 194—Bive anp Wuirtr Vase Globular-shaped body, with spreading neck and base. The decoration, which is in lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground, depicts a as variety of fishes in different attitudes of swimming. K’ang-hsi period, — - 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. x he z Height, 5%, inches. 195—Buve anp Wurre Borriz-suarep VAsE ; Cabinet size. Decorated in lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground 3 | '_ with tree peonies, rocks and insects. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has 7 es carved teakwood stand. : Height, 61, inches. 196—Buve anp Whiter Vase Cylindrical-shaped. Thick pure white texture. Decorated in two shades a8 of brilliant underglaze blue, with lotus plants in bloom, cranes and water scene. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 71/, inches, 197—Buve anp Wuire Vase Graceful oviform of cabinet size. Decorated in very lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground. The embellishment, which is beautifully painted, consists of four large conventionalized lotus flowers amid bold foliations. Marked underneath the foot with the six-character mark of Hsiian-té, but undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 734, inches. a as ee underglaze Hise with bands of caiedeodhenane and leafy serolls. Ch’ lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. me ot 4 Height, 4 inchoes Wiawteior 4 inches. 199—Buive anp Wuire Vase wood stand. 200—BuveE anp Wuitrt Botrrir-sHAPED VASE With bulbous mouth. Very thin texture. Decorated in brilliant cobalt- blue on a lustrous white ground, with conventionalized chrysanthemums amid leafy scrolls and border designs of palmettes, sceptre head and points. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. __ Height, 6%, inches. — 201—Buvre anp WuiteE Vase Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Decorated in pale blue, with scene of fish- Neen ing-boats and fisherman and inscription. Four-character mark of Ch’eng- hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand. 202—BLvE AND WHITE VASE Of cabinet size. Globular-shaped body, with tall trumpet-shaped neck and flaring base. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with plum tree in blossom, peonies, rocks and birds. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722, Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 91% inches. 203—Buive anp Wuire Vase Graceful bottle-shape, of cabinet size. Decorated in lustrous blue on bril- liant white ground, with tree peonies, rocks and birds. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 734 inches. 204—BuvE AnD WuitrE VASE Bell-shaped body, with tall tubular neck. The decoration, which is finely painted in brilliant sapphire-blue on a lustrous white ground, represents two four-clawed dragons rising from the sea in pursuit of the sacred pearl; encircling the neck is a single fabulous dragon clutching in its claw a symbol. “K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 934, inches. Globular-shaped body, with flaring neck and base. “Decorated in alia a8 opaque-blue on a brilliaint white ground, with numerous crabs in differ- aa ent. attitudes. Late Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak-_ a Height, 8 inches. Height, 6% inches. — 8 —Sorr-zasre BLurE anp Woautre VASE - Height, 81, inches. feviideeal shape. The ground is of beautiful blue, ‘marked + resemble the ‘ ‘ eracking of ice’ é nu- Height, 8 inches. Known as mandarin shape. The decoration, which is finely pele) in ___ two shades of blue and mostly in outline, consists of a male and a female - figure standing on cloud forms and holding wands, a pheenix, sceptre- ___ head scrolls and the Ai-yeh symbol. Six marks of the Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 8%, inches. 209—Buve | AND WHITE VAsE - Graceful bottle- -shaped, with tall trumpet-shaped neck. Beautifully deco- rated with lustrous blue on a brilliant white ground, with parent birds perched on a pine tree watching their young. Bears six-character mark of Ch’eng-hua, but undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period. Has carved teakwood stand. . Height, 914, inches. 210—Buve ann WuiteE VASE Bottle-shaped, with bulbous neck. Of thick texture. Decorated in dark opaque-blue, with peonies amid an elaborate foliation. Wan-li period, 1573-1619. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 81 inches. 211—Sort-paste Bivue anp Wuitre Sectionat Box Tall circular shape, with three compartments and of brown crackle tex- ture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with bands of archaic dragon scrolls. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795, Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 334 inches. 212—Buve anp Wuire VAsE Pear-shaped, with boldly flaring mouth of very thin texture. It is beau- tifully decorated, in brilliant underglaze blue on a lustrous white ground, with conventionalized lotus flowers, archaic winged dragons, leafy scrolls and fine border designs. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 81%, inches. 213—Buve anp WuirteE Vase Oviform, with tubular neck and bulbous mouth. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue of two shades, with branches of prunus blossom, tree peonies, chrysanthemums, birds and rocks, pencilled in two reserved panels. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1014 inches. 214—Surers Bive anp Wuire Vase Fashioned on the lines of the peachbloom vases. It is covered with a monochrome glaze of the purest moonlight white or clair-de-lune color, and decorated in brilliant mazarine-blue with two ascending five-clawed, horned dragons, which are surrounded by fire emblems. The mark writ- ten underneath in cobalt-blue is Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih (Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi of the Great Ch’ing Dynasty). Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches. 215—Sort-paste Bivue anp WHITE Jar Beautifully decorated in outline in pale blue, the embellishment consist- ing of eight large peonies amid an elaborate foliation; a band encircling the neck is pencilled to resemble “ cracked ice.” Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 744 inches; diameter, 74 inches. 216—Buve anp Wuite Vase Pear-shaped, with flaring mouth. Thin pure white texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with an elaborate design of five-clawed drag- ons rising from the sea amid cloud forms and fire emblems and pursuing the pearl of omnipotence. Underneath the foot, pencilled in cobalt-blue, seal mark of Ch’ien-lung, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 114, inches. ¥Iy 1ZZ ZOv ely sl? eis ile Behe Ge EN ; "ea haa a af Fee De - i epee a Pad 2 a. . aon a 7 * - 217—Buve, AND Wuite HawtTHorn GincER JAR a - Ovoid-shaped. Decorated in opaque cobalt-blue, with blossoming branches and twigs of the prunus blossoms, so arranged as to display their white blossoms and buds, reserved upon a mottled background of blue, which is covered with a reticulation of darker blue lines to repre- sent cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. — Height, 8 inches; diameter, 71, inches. 218—Bive AND WuitE HawtTHorn GINGER JAR Companion to the preceding. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand and ¢ cover. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 71/, inches. 219—Buve AND WHITE GINGER JAR 7 ____ Ovoid-shaped. Decorated in lustrous underglaze blue on a brilliant white ground, the decoration representing a garden scene with figures of Chinese ladies and numerous children at play. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 73, inches; diameter, 73/, inches. 220—Buivur anp Wuite HawrnHorn GincErR JAR Ovoid-shaped. With clusters of prunus blossoms, alternating with single flowers, studding the ground of brilliant cobalt-blue, which is covered by darker blue lines to represent cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand and cover. = Height, 81, inches; diameter, 71/, inches. — 221—Buve anv WHITE HawtHorn Vase Club-shaped. Decorated with branches of the prunus blossom in white reserve on a ground of brilliant opaque-blue marked to imitate the crack- ing of ice. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 171% inches. 222—Buve anp Wuite Hawtuorn Tempie Jar Decorated with blossoming branches and twigs of the prunus blossoms, so arranged as to display their white blossoms and buds reserved upon a mottled background of brilliant opaque-blue, which is covered with a reticulation of darker blue lines to represent cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. : Height, 1234 inches; diameter, 9 inches. 223—Hawtuorn TEMPLE JAR Decorated with branches of prunus blossoms, which extend upward and downward in white reserve on an, opaque ground of mazarine-blue, and marked with darker lines to imitate the cracking of ice. K’ang-hsi pe- Height, 131, inches; diameter, 93/4, inches. S SS ele * : ian : i =i a " a ar. as - te er 4 ns or ad —-— é ea - A, - ao 6 - * a ‘ ten ’ . \ > \, Jae = | | | : SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 261TH, 1909 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 o’cLOCK MINIATURE VASES AND SNUFF-BOTTLES IN MONOCHROME AND SOUFFLE GLAZES 224—MInIaATURE GALLIPOT Covered with a mottled deep red glaze shading into celadon and of the Lang Yao type. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. 225—SNUFF-BOTTLE Egg-shaped. Dark blue souffié over a white glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795, Carved teakwood stand. 296—CyLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Covered with a rose-color souffié glaze on a pale yellow ground. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 997—GALLIPOT-SHAPED SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of plum color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 228—MIniATURE GALLIPOT Coated with a robin’s-egg blue souffié glaze. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Carved teakwood stand. 229—CYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a pistache-green glaze, and ornamented with a dragon and tiger carved in relief in the paste. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand 930—MIni1aTuRE VASE Ovoid-shaped. Coated with a monochrome glaze of rose color. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735, Teakwood stand. 231—SINGLE-COLOR SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Enamelled with a turquoise-blue glaze of opaque quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 932—OviroRM SNUFF-BOTTLE Of ivory-white texture. Decoration of lotus flowers incised in the paste under the glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. 233—Ecc-sHAPED SNUFF-BOTTLE Invested with a café-au-lait glaze of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 234—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Coated with a monochrome glaze of robin’s-egg blue over a network of minute crackles. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 235—Ecce-sHAPED SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a white glaze which is minutely crackled. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. ‘Teakwood stand. 236—“ Iron-rust ” Miniature GALLIPOT Invested with an iron-rust glaze of fine quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 937—CYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Invested with a monochrome glaze of crushed strawberry tint. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 238—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Coated with a red soufflé glaze on a brilliant white ground. Six-charac- ter mark of the Wan-li period, 1573-1619. Carved teakwood stand. 239—CyYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Covered with an ox-blood and purple flambé glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 940—EcGc-sHAPED SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a mustard-yellow crackled glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 2941—CorRAL-RED SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of coral-pink. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 942—Min1taTuRE Sunc VASE Coated with a clair-de-lune glaze. It is marked on one side with a single splash of dark maroon, a characteristic of many “ Sung” pieces. 'Teak- wood stand. 243—AsueEs oF Rosres MintaturE GALLipotT Invested with a monochrome glaze of ashes of roses tint applied over a crackled surface. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. 944 _FLaAMBE SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical form. Enamelled with a sang-de-beuf and purple flambé glaze of lustrous quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved ivory stand. 945—Lane Yao Miniature GALLirotT Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of red and ashes of roses tint over a bold crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Q46—MiIn1IaTuRE GALLIPOT Souffié decoration in red, blue and dark green. Mark of the Wan-li pe- riod, 1573-1619. Carved teakwood stand. 2947—SineveE-cotor Miniature GALLIPOT Invested with a monochrome glaze of dense brown of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 948—SInGLE-coLor MIniaturRE GALLIPOT Enamelled with a rose-pink glaze. Tao-kuang period, 1820-1851. Carved teakwood stand. 949—MintaturE GALLIPOT Coated with a grayish-red crackle glaze, the result of overfiring. K’ang- hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. 250—MIn1aTuRE VASE Cylindrical-shaped. Invested with a rose-color glaze. Seal mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 951—“ Iron-rust’”? MiInrtaturE GALLIPOT Coated with a deep brown glaze with metallic souffié. Yung-chéng pe- riod, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 252—SIncGLE-coLtor MIntiaTuRE GALLIPOT Invested with a monochrome glaze of rich café-au-lait color. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 2538—DecoratEeD Miniature GALLIPOT Enamelled with an opaque dark blue glaze, and decorated with two five- clawed dragons amid cloud forms in pursuit of the sacred pearl, in white reserve and incised. Seal mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 254—MiIniaATuRE GALLIPOT Enamelled with a peculiar gray streaked glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 955—MInIATuRE GALLIPOT Coated with a thick glaze of plum-color splash. An evident attempt to imitate the fine plum tint of the Sung Dynasty. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Carved teakwood stand. 956—CYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green over a net- work of fine crackle. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 257—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Souffié decoration in red, yellow and blue. Six marks of the Wan-li pe- riod, 1573-1619. Teakwood stand. 258—CYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Coated with a glaze known as “ mustard-seed yellow.” Yung-chéng pe- riod, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 259—MiniatTurRE GALLIPOT Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of stone-blue color, with the surface marked to resemble veined marble. Bears mark of the Ming Dynasty. Carved teakwood stand. 260—Ecc-sHAPED SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a brilliant dark green crackled glaze. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Teakwood stand. 261—MiniaturEe GALuiport Coated with a dead pink glaze over a ground of yellow, which shows through the glaze and producing a most’ peculiar effect. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 962—MIniATURE GALLIPOT Invested with a monochrome glaze of tea color of fine even quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 963—* Iron-rust ” MintaturE AMPHORA Invested with a monochrome glaze of brilliant brown over which is a metallic souffié. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 264—SINGLE-COLOR SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Invested with a monochrome glaze of olive-green of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 265—Mirror-Bsiack MINIATURE GALLIPOT Enamelled with a brilliant mirror-black glaze of even quality. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 266—Miniature GALLIPOT The color and surface represent the skin of a dried olive. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 2967—MinitaturE GALLIPOT Invested with a purple and red splash glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Carved teakwood stand. 268—MIniaTuRE SuNcG VasE . Cone-shaped. Coated with a plum-color glaze and splashes of clair-de- lune. Underneath the foot is the clair-de-lune color of the “ Sung” porcelain. Carved teakwood stand. 969—CyYLINDRICAL SNUFF-BOTTLE Enamelled with a mottled liver color and pale yellow splash glaze. K’ang- hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Q70—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Coated with an opaque olive light-brown glaze, which is flecked with dark brown. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 971—SINGLE-cOLOR SNUFF-BOTTLE Cylindrical-shaped. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of deep rose color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved ivory stand. 272—Sort-paste Mintature VAsE Ivory-white glaze, with figure of dragon incised underneath. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Q73—MInIATURE VASE Bottle-shaped. Coated with a thick glaze of dark sage-green. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 27 4—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Enamelled with a café-au-lait glaze of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Q975—MInIATURE SINGLE-coLoR VASE Bottle-shaped. Invested with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. ‘Teakwood stand. 276—MInNIATURE SINGLE-COLOR VASE Bottle-shaped. Enamelled with an opaque glaze of pale turquoise-blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 277—SINGLE-coLoR VASE Miniature bottle-shaped. Coated with a monochrome glaze of very dark brown color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 2QY8—MInIATuRE BotTrTrLeE-sHAPED VASE Enamelled with an opaque glaze of pale green tinted with pink. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. : 3 ra a: w a D i. / se oo i 4 & 4 i ¥ } . glaze of Pe aleclcata Eni eich is mi- euneccheng periods 1723-1735. Carved ithe ‘4 Af) ‘ me ern “specimen of Srey HOF crackle. Carved tnamelled with an iron rust soufflé glaze of even quality. ] eC oe ee: Carved teakwood stand. eck. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of fine tur- ae is flecked with darker spots. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- With trumpet neck. It is bavected with a monochrome glaze of ‘* crushed age ” tint shading my aareee tones and resembling the specimens Teakwood stand. oa with an opaque g glaze of pale sea-green tint. The foot is marked Ce eng-hua, 1465- 1487, but the piece was undoubtedly made not earlier ‘ : than Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. : Mintarvre Tuicx-ser Borrie . Enamelled with a brilliant monochrome glaze. Tao-kuang period, 1821- 1851. Carved teakwood stand. - 286—Mimtarure Boe “SHAPED VASE Enamelled with a rose-color soufflé glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1786-1795, Teakwood stand. - 987—Mrxtarene SINGLE-coLor VASE Bottle-shaped. Enamelled with a camellia-leaf green glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 288—Misiarvne BorrLe-sHAPED VASE Enamelled with a fine glaze of light café-au-lait color. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 289—MInIATURE BiBpERON VASE Invested with a monochrome glaze of green with mottling of a deeper tint. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. 290—MiniaTuRE BorTrLE-SHAPED VASE Covered with a mustard-yellow crackled glaze. Chia-ching period, 1796- 1821, ‘Teakwood stand. 291—Mrin1aturE BorrLE-SHAPED VASE Invested with a sapphire-blue glaze of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 992—Mrrror-BLAcK MINIATURE VASE Bottle-shaped. Invested with a mirror-black glaze of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 293—MAaZaARINE-BLUE MINIATURE VASE Bottle-shaped. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of mazarine-blue of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 294—MusTaRD-YELLOW MINIATURE BOTTLE Covered with a mustard-yellow glaze applied over a network of fine crackle. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 295—PEAcOCK-BLUE MINIATURE JAR Egg-shaped. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of peacock-blue of opaque quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 296—Perart-cray MINIATURE BOTTLE Coated with a pearl-gray glaze, which is completely covered with a net- work of minute crackle. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teak- wood stand. 297—LEAF-GREEN MIntATURE BorrTie Invested with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf color of very fine quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 298—Rose-pink MINIATURE BoTTLE Coated with a thick glaze of rose-pink color, which is covered with incised leafy scrolls. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. pale turquoise-blue glaze epeliel over : Puech period, 1723-1735, Carved ; vith a ie Be peachbloom tint, which is marked with verdigris- ‘ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. ¢ Buve Minrature Borrie with 3 a thick glaze of pear-skin surface. Yung-chéng period, Fe ea stand. A ce, a souffle glaze of rose-pink color. Ch’ien-lung period, 0. Teakwood stand. perace ‘ul bottle-shaped. Invested with a monochrome glaze of starch- : oe Beene gaan K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. _ 7 : a = “Enameled with a mottled pink glaze of the peachbloom type. Ch’ien- a ps period, EeO 1795. Carved teakwood stand. Eaeacciied with a monochrome glaze of sapphire-blue of opaque quality, underneath which is a decoration of butterflies and flowers delicately etched in the paste. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 307—MIn1ATuRE VASE Bottle-shaped. Of ivory-white color, the surface covered with a network of crackles outlined in pink. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. : z fi: a 308—Miniature Borrie-sHapep VAsE a me Coated with a deep green glaze, which is covered with a metallic souffié. \ ae } Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 309—Sune Vase Cone-shape, of cabinet size. Coated with a pellucid glaze of clair-de-lune applied over a crackled surface. Teakwood stand. 810—Min1atTure BrpERon Invested with a monochrome glaze of starch-blue, which is mottled with darker tints. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. 3811—MInIATURE GALLIPOT Coated with a “running glaze” of crushed strawberry tint and verdi- gris-green. Chia-ching period, 1796-1821. Carved teakwood stand. 312—TurRQUOISE-BLUE VASE Cabinet size, bottle-shaped. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of pale turquoise-blue of brilliant opaque quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. "Teakwood stand. 318—MiniaTurRE GouRD-SHAPED VASE Invested with a monochrome glaze of mottled red of the Lang Yao type. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. $14—MInIaATURE SPLASH BOTTLE Coated with a monochrome glaze of opaque mazarine-blue, over which are splashes of deep violet color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 315—SMALL CABINET-SIZE GOURD-SHAPED VASE Invested with a “ lilac-pink ” glaze, which is minutely crackled. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 316—PownpEr-BLUE MINIATURE BIBERON Invested with a soufflé glaze, known as powder-blue, of brilliant quality. Over the glaze are slight traces of a decoration which originally was pen- cilled in gold. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 317—MiniaturEe BotTLe-sHAPED VASE Enamelled with a liver-red glaze shading into a pale celadon at the base. Lang Yao type. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 318—Smauti Casinet-sizE Botrie With corrugated body. Enamelled with a pellucid celadon glaze of brownish tint, underneath which is a pink crackled surface. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. 319—SrarcH-BLvuE CaBinet VasE Of graceful bottle-shape and finished technique. Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of starch-blue, and decorated with a dragon, fire emblems and the sacred pearl delicately traced in white reserve. Ch’ien-lung pe- riod, 1736-1795. Teakwood stand. 320—Smatu CyuinpricaL VasE The surface is covered with a network of large and small crackles, over which is a slight tinge of red glaze. This piece was undoubtedly in- tended to have been a pale liver color specimen, but in firing almost all the color was lost. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Tall carved teak- wood stand. Height, 334 inches. 321—Miniature Monocurome Vase Graceful bottle-shaped, of finished technique. It is invested with a glaze of mottled olive-green, resembling the shell of a tortoise. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwod stand. 322—MInIATURE EGG-sHAPED JAR Coated with a monochrome glaze of tea color of fine even quality. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Tall teakwood stand; silver inlay. 323—Min1taTurRE BotTrieE-sHAPED VASE Enamelled with a brilliant mirror-black glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Teakwood stand. 324—Smatut Jar with WivrE Movutu Coated with a dark green mottled glaze of brilliant and iridescent quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Teakwood stand. 325—WINE-cUP Invested with a monochrome glaze of “ plum-red” of fine quality and iridescent metallic lustre. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teak- wood stand. 326—WInE-cuP Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-beuf type. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. 327—MInIATURE WaTER RECEPTACLE Globular-shaped. Invested with a monochrome glaze of “ crushed straw- berry ” tint. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. 328—SMALL VasE Coated with an olive-green glaze of lustrous and iridescent quality. Chia-ching period, 1795-1821. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 434 inches. 329—CABINET-SIZE GALLIPOT Of brown ground and flecked with lustrous metallic spots. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/4, inches. 3830—MIn1aTuRE VASE Coated with a lustrous glaze to imitate “elephant hide” color. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 831—Mirror-BLAck VASE Cylindrical-shaped, of cabinet size. Invested with a brilliant mirror- black glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 434, inches. 332—CaBINET-SIZE AMPHORA Invested with a celadon glaze of pale sea-green tint. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 51 inches. 333—SmatL GALLIPOT Coated with a mottled glaze resembling tortoise-shell. Yung-chéng pe- riod, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 334—CaBINET-SIZE GALLIPOT Invested with a glaze of café-au-lait color over a surface covered with a network of fine crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Height, 41, inches. oe PA TE | AND HARD PASTE 1 wee 7 * old wilion 2 patter, Diameter, 534, inches. Diameter, 5% inches. WI BE etied Sete Decorated in dark cobalt-blue, with a central dallion of archaic dragons and show symbols surrounded by a border f nae ic scrolls and a narrow border of Greek fret. Ch’ien-lung Diameter, 6 inches. Bae Ptleped edge. Decoration in brilliant blue of a landscape, willow a - tree 3 and river view; delicately pencilled border of scroll and diaper pat- ; terns intercepted by three butterflies. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. a Diameter, 614, inches. He Vai Very thin texture. Floral and leaf shape panels in white reserve on a blue ground. Border design to conform, pencilled in underglaze blue, the whole embellishment on a brilliant white ground. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722, re eRe Diameter, 6, inches. 340—Smart Buve anp WuitE PLatE Thin pure white texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, with a central medallion in design of an eight-pointed star within which are con- yentionalized lotus flowers. Round the border are eight sprays of the sacred lotus and leafy scrolls. Underneath the foot are six marks of Ch’eng-hua, but it is undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Diameter, 61/, inches. a lucky cree ‘among ‘the Chines: vee its he bears the six marks of Hsiian-té, but doubtless was m of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, ise 342—Biur anp Wuire Prater and garden scenes, ne pencilled in EOS AZe blue. lung period, 1736-1795. | 343—Buvuse anp WuiTE PLatEe Invested with a beautiful opaque-blue glaze ae to represent the ° ing of ice. The decoration, which is in white reserve, consists of nu ous fish and lotus plants. It bears the mark of Hsiian-té, but undoubtedly made during the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-17 22. 344—LarcrE Sort-PastE Biue anp Waiter PLATE Brown crackled texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, vit and ‘ central medallion of floral and foliated design. A narrow band of leafy scrolls and floral sprays round the under border. Six marks of Hesiian-té, | but probably not earlier than Chia-ching, 1522-1567. . 2 : Diameter, 73), inches. — | 345—BivuE and WHITE PLATE 5 Thin texture. Indented panels to represent lotus petals are decorated in brillant blue, with sprays of various flowers. A curious mark underneath _ the foot, a rudely drawn bronze vase, is not often seen as a mark, butee nee sometimes appears on pieces made under K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Diameter, 8% inches. ia 346—BLivEe anp WuitTE PLaTE | Thin sonorous texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue. In the | ; centre a bold four-clawed dragon amid fire emblems, clutching in its fore- feet an object bearing a Chinese inscription. Encircling this decoration a is a series of indented panels representing lotus petals. Round the outer pr ma rim a border of wave design, and on the under border “ ‘The Eight Pre- 7 cious Things.” Marked Hsiian-té, but undoubtedly made during the i K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Diameter, 81, inches. are. anton of hone the eda of ae Seiaeeh On the outer border ; Bh are rocks. and nove scenes. Six-character mark of the Ch’eng-hua pe- . “riod, 1465-1487. mah ; tad : : a a tod Diameter, 934 inches. a Pr Diameter, 10 inches. oo in ‘prilliant blue, with Chinese domestic scenes. On the under r border, sprays of blossoms, flowers and orchids, and underneath the foot a branch of peonies outlined in underglaze blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- eer eeee- > ‘ ak ., Diameter, 101, inches. 350 Lance Biss anp WuitEe Piate - Thin pure white porcelain of sonorous texture. The decoration, which is “finely, painted in underglaze blue, consists of various fishes, seaweeds and ah other aquatic plants. On the border, which is of opaque-blue in design of waves, is the Yu symbol, or two fish joined, represented twelve times, — __ which signifies domestic happiness. On the under border is a decoration of water plants, fungus, shells, a crab and crayfish pencilled in dark blue. Six-character mark of Ch’eng-hua, but undoubtedly made during the reign of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, Diameter, 1014, inches. 351—Buvre anp WuirTE VASE : ie Pear-shaped, of cabinet size. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue, and : ds | is remarkable for the variety of symbols used in its decoration. A bronze fel . : incense burner, lacquer boxes and writing cases are surrounded with smaller symbols, such as the pearl; a Konsi, the stone of honor for a magistrate; a bronze piece shaped like a mason’s square, called Khing and used as a bell; a sceptre and emblems of good augury. Evidently a piece made for presentation. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. ; Height, 55% inches. | | With hat-shape , elle are oe ah Huttertice oo) ‘peony Keene : lung period, ms uy 95. Carved Peak onde stand. are sat den Ch’ien-lung oa 1. 36-179 95. 354—Sort-pastE Biur anp WuitsE Vase Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Semi-eggshell texture. Decoration brilliant cobalt-blue, and consists of various ornaments known as" Hundred Antiques ” and symbols of happy sage See ge: Be 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. _ H agi. 7 ine. z P 355—BLvuE and WuHuiITE VASE ei . 2 ie ‘ Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Pure white texture. It is decorated - in Ny . brilliant underglaze blue, with a wide band of conventional flowers and ey : . profuse foliations. The shoulder and neck are encircled by bands of - sceptre-head scrolls and palmettes, and round the foot is a border of gad " . ; rons. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. _ A eight, 7, inches. : >. 356—Sort-pastE BLuz anp Wuite Bown On the inner surface, pencilled in pale blue, is an ox and a border of diaper patterns, and on the outer surface rabbits in white reserve on a clouded blue ground. Four-character Hes of Ch’eng-hua, 1465- 1487, Teakwood stand. Diameter, 47, inches. 357—BuvueE anp Wuitre GaALLipot Of graceful form and fine texture. Decorated in lustrous underglaze blue, with clusters of hawthorn blossom, peony flowers and bold leafy scrolls. | Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Tall carved teakwood stand. | ‘ Height, 6% inches. T-PASTE BuivEe AND ie cae Bows , | Brown crackled texture. The outer surface decorated i in brilliant cobalt- * blue with sprays of asters and neat border design. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Tall carved teakwood stand. Vege Diameter, 51%, inches. Thin dna of sonorous Venture: The outer surface decorated in bril- ~ Tiant underglaze blue, with, beautifully painted lotus, the eight Buddhistic bene emblems. of happy augury and medallions containing the Wan Shou Wu 15 g, “A myriad ages never ending.”? On the inner surface the show ¢: ol surrounded by the emblems of happy augury. Seal mark of the ee Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Teakwood stand. ! eee eas. yas Height, 33/, inches; diameter, 7%, inches. 60—Buive anp Wurre Borrie-snarep Vase a Of pure white texture and finished technique. Beautifully decorated, in brilliant underglaze blue and in white reserve, with medallions of lotus and leafy scrolls, borders of sceptre heads and arabesque designs. K’ang-hsi ae period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Height, 714, inches. 861—Sorr- -pasTE Buur anv Wuirte Vase Re \ Graceful | oviform. Ivory-white crackle texture. Decorated in lustrous ae. Vai ble with landscape and river view. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. i Height, 7%, inches. ; - 862—Sort-paste Buvue anp WuitTEe GaLuipor Of graceful shape and ivory-white texture. It is decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with a pine tree, bamboo, the sacred fungus, two cranes and the symbolical bat. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teak- -. wood stand. Height, 64% inches. ae $63—Sort-paste Buus anp Wurre Rovez-2ox | 70a Flat circular shape. Decoration of chrysanthemum and leafy scrolls pen- fe? = cilled underneath the glaze in brilliant cobalt-blue. Ch’ien-lung period, bane 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. ele Height, 23% inches; diameter, 4 inches. | 364—BivE anp Wuitre BorrLE-sHAPED VASE Decorated in lustrous opaque mazarine-blue on a brilliant white ground, with a river view, a rocky shore, pine and bamboo. K’ ang-hsi period, / hy 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. yaa Height, 715% inches. 365—Sort-paste Buur anp WuirteE Vase Pear-shaped, with flaring mouth. Covered with a rice-color crackle glaze and decorated in brilliant blue with tree peonies, butterflies and spray of aster. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 366—BorTTLE-sHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. The body is invested with a monochrome glaze of maza- rine-blue, and decorated with a design of turbulent water with ascending carp outlined in a darker shade of blue. Round the neck, pencilled in blue and rouge-de-fer, is a four-clawed dragon pursuing the sacred pearl. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. 367—Sort-pasteE BLtur anp WuHuitTEe GALLIPOT Of graceful shape and finished technique. Decorated in brilliant blue under an ivory-white glaze with a band of conventional flowers and leafy scrolls. Borders of palmettes, sceptre heads and floral sprays complete the embellishment. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. 368—Sort-pastE BLue anp Wuitet VASE Oviform, with spreading neck and base. Ivory-white crackle texture. Decorated in brilliant blue with conventional butterflies and flowers, bands of scrolls and borders of palmettes. Ch’eng-hua period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 614, inches. 369—BivuEe anp Wuite VASE Graceful bottle-shape, of cabinet size. It*is of thin pure white texture, and decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with five conventionalized lotuses amid leafy scrolls, a band of palmettes and borders of sceptre heads and gadroons. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 634 inches. 370—Sort-pastE Buus anp Wuirte Vase Bottle-shaped, with flaring mouth and base. Ivory-white crackle glaze. Decorated in brilliant blue with tree peonies in full bloom, rocks and in- sects. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. | 386 399 373 398 400 HERS Lge re: 1. var 397 368 (ee) Oator ets aa Covered with an ivory-white glaze over a brown crackled surface. Decorated in brilliant blue with branches of pome- granates and Buddha’ ’s hand fruit. Round the shoulder is a wide band of gadroons and a narrow border of sceptre heads, and encircling the foot a band of palmettes, K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood ea Height, 6% inches. ste Ee eee Buve AND Wuitr VasE Have Tall oviform. Covered with a soft ivory-white crackled glaze, and deco- a San rated i in brilliant blue with the Pa Pao, or “ Eight Precious Things,” and a es ‘Four Accomplishments of the Scholar.” K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722, Carre) teakwood stand. <2 Height, 934 inches. ia . -818—Sovr-rasrs Buve anp Wurre Vase Graceful bottle-shaped. Coated with an ivory-white glaze of lustrous quality. ‘Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with a band of conven- tional flowers and leafy scrolls. Borders of sceptre heads, gadroons and a band of palmettes. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand. | Height, 7 inches. 3 ae. et S14—BeavtipuL a? GALLIPOT Of graceful shape and finished technique. It is covered with an ivory- white glaze over a network of brown crackles, and decorated in pale blue eee with a garden scene in which are palms and bamboo. Round the shoulder ey ot : and foot are bands of sceptre-head scrolls beautifully pencilled in under- : The piece is very choice, and doubtless dates from the Ming period. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 734 inches. 375—Sort-pastE Biruz anD WHITE VASE o | Oviform, known as the mandarin shape. It is decorated in brilliant under- : glaze blue with conventional flowers amid profuse foliated scrolls. Four marks, Ch’eng-hua period, 1465-1487. Teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. + 376—Sort-paste Buiur anp WuiTeE VaAsE Oviform. Of thin texture, and coated with an ivory-white crackle glaze. Decorated in brilliant opaque-blue with the Pa Pao, or the “ Eight Pre- cious Things,” and the “ Four Accomplishments.” Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. ; aay 2 % glaze blue. The foot underneath is covered with incised thread lines. ; | i | Height, 9 inches.. = ak rae : sapphire blue o ‘This vase specimens formerly in the William Man Collection, onde As for the remarkably fine quality of ‘blue: Wang-hsi pried 1662 Carved teakwood stand. . tree peonies in blooms pe AnD WHITE vies separating them, and emitting flames fon Whee mouths. riod, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Wang: ! Height, 94 inch Teta ae Gee BLuE AND gee GALLIPOT forms in pursuit of the pearl of omnipotence. Four clean mark of Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Carved teakwood cover and stand. _ | Height, aa inches Se 380—Sort-PastE BLUE AND WHITE VASE Graceful oviform, with tubular neck and spreading mouth. Enamelled with an ivory-white crackled glaze, and decorated in two shades of cobalt- he blue with a blossoming plum tree, pine, bamboo, palms and rocks. A band of palmettes and border of scroll design complete the decoration. Six marks, Hsiian-té period, 1426-1435, Carved teakwood stand. s aaa Height, 83, inches, 381—Buve anp WHITE Sort-pastE VasE > Graceful oviform, of cabinet size. It is covered with an ivory-white glaze of soft texture over a surface marked with a network of crackles, and is’ . decorated in brilliant blue of fine quality with two pine trees, a deer and ‘ | doe and the symbolical bat, all emblems of longevity. K’ang-hsi period, __ 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 101, inches. 382—Sort-pasTtE BLtuE anp WHITE GALLIPOT s Of graceful form and finished technique. It is enamelled with a glaze of ivory-white of soft texture applied over.a surface marked with a net- “The prone Rea which is painted in prilliant athe consists of a | wide band of conyentional flowers amid foliated SC a border of. gadroons and a wide band of palmettes. Encircling che shoulder. are floral scrolls and arabesques. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- ; : 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. _ . ae aha Height, 93/, inches. : Oe ees 883—Sorr-paste Biur anp Wuire Gincrer Jar The decoration, which consists of chrysanthemum flowers amid a profuse foliation, a border of sceptre-head scrolls round the shoulder and a band aay ot gadroons encircling the foot, is painted in brilliant cobalt-blue ap- 4 plied underneath the glaze and over a surface marked with brown crackles. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Hej Height, 734, inches; diameter, 7 inches. — Sh Ry eens preset eeres ope emmet in —Sort-paste Biure anp WHITE Jar -Oviform, with spreading base. It is covered with an ivory-white glaze applied over a network of brown crackles, and is decorated in brilliant -cobalt-blue with a wide band of passion flowers amid foliated scrolls, bor- ders of sceptre-head scrolls and a band of gadroons. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 71/, inches. : . cas ne aes aie si Et a See - 2 ee ee oe © 885—Sorr- -pasTE BLUE AND Wurre JAR Semi-globular shape. It is enamelled with a soft ivory-white glaze, ap- plied over a surface completely covered with a network of brown crackles, and is decorated with a band of lotus amid leafy scrolls beautifully painted in brilliant opaque-blue. Round the shoulder is a band of sceptre ei 4 tes ve heads incised in the paste, and two butterflies worked in high relief. : ie sehen ake 2 Height, 43, inches; diameter, 734, inches. : ee apa EH sii Ch’ aie period, 1465- 1487. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. : : 386—Sort-pasTte BLiue anp WHITE Jar Globular-shaped, with spreading base. It is enamelled with an ivory- white glaze of soft texture applied over a network of brown crackles. The decoration, which is finely painted in brilliant underglaze blue, consists of branches of pomegranates, peaches and Buddha’s hand fruit, the em- blems of the three abundances, “the abundance of years,” “ the abun- dance of happiness ” and “ the abundance of sons.” A border of sceptre heads and diapers round the shoulder and a band of palmettes encir- cling the base complete the embellishment. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- (ce 1722. Has carved stand and cover. Height, 11% inches; diameter, 71/4, inches. 387—Buve anp WuirTeE VasE Bottle-shaped. Pure white sonorous porcelain. It is decorated in under- glaze blue of brilliant quality with landscape, river views and rocky cliffs. Underneath the foot is the six-character mark of Chia-ching period, 1522-1567. ‘Tall carved teakwood stand. Height, 1214 inches. 388—SurerB Buive anp WuitE HawrHorn Gincer Jar The ground is of brilliant opaque mazarine-blue of high quality, marked with darker lines to resemble the cracking of ice. Clusters of prunus blossoms are in white reserve, and in three lozenge-shape panels are fabu- lous monsters painted in lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. : Height, 8 inches; diameter, 73, inches. 389—Surers Buus anp Wuire VasE Graceful bottle-shaped, with tall slender trumpet-shaped bulbous neck. It is enamelled with a brilliant soufflé glaze known as powder-blue, and decorated in reserve panels with various objects of art and “ The Eight Precious Things” finely pencilled in lustrous opaque-blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1214, inches. 390—Svurers Biue anp WHITE JAR With original hat-shaped cover. ‘Tall cylindrical shape, of pure white texture, and decorated in blue of lustrous opaque quality with two bold dragons rising from the sea amid cloud forms. Round the shoulder a band of palmettes and floral scrolls. Underneath the foot is the six- character mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, pencilled in blue. Has finely carved teakwood tall stand. . Height, 1014 inches. 391—BeavtiruL Bivure anp WuitTEe GourD-sHAPED VASE Of very thin texture and perfect technique. It is invested with a mono- chrome glaze of opaque mazarine-blue, and almost entirely covered with a decoration representing gourd-vines in bearing in reserve and blue outline. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has finely carved teakwood stand. Height, 12% inches; diameter, 83, inches. 392—Buve anp WuirTe GincER Jar Oviform shape, of thin texture. Decorated in brilliant underglaze blue with an elaborate design of conventional flowers and leafy scrolls. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 83% inches; diameter, 71/, inches. =e £ev CCV 6C¥ €CP cEV SéV vev th original ectae cover. freee texture. Decorated in fine co- . t-b. with a scene representing the famous poets in a bamboo grove. bh “i Round the shoulder. tree peonies in bloom, and on the cover lotus scrolls , ae and a band of sceptre heads. Has six-character mark of Wang-hsi ie : ‘riod, 1662-1722, _ Has carved teakwood stand. ’ re ares Wiese, 4) iigigh, 814 inches; diameter, 15, inches. BAUTIFUL, nee anp Wuire Ginczr Jar With original dome-shaped cover. The birth of the butterfly is the ome of the decoration, in beautiful tones of blue. From the base of the lotus flowers, leaves and lily pads creep up, partly hiding two-thirds he white surface. In three different-sized butterflies the growth of nsect is depicted. The smallest, near the neck and the cover, aes S the full-grown butterfly. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 914 inches; diameter, 73/, inches. 395—Buivz ann Wutre Hawrnorn Gincer Jar ee _ With clusters of prunus blossoms studding the ground of opaque cobalt- blue, which is covered by darker blue lines to represent cracking ice. ot 3 -K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. ls ‘ Height, 95% inches; diameter, 83% inches. Fr 396—Buve AnD Wuite HawrHorn GINGER JAR With its original cap-shaped cover. It is decorated with blossoming branches and twigs of the prunus blossom; the branches spread alter- nately upward and downward, so as to display their white blossoms and buds reserved upon a mottled background of brilliant opaque-blue, which is covered with a reticulation of darker lines to represent “ cracking ice.” K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 91/, inches; diameter, 814 inches. . i 897—Surrrn Sort-paste Buus anp Waite VasE . Graceful bottle-shape. Globular body, with tall tubular neck. It is of thin texture and finished technique, covered with an ivory-white glaze, which is applied over a network of brown crackles. The embellishment, which be is beautifully drawn and painted in brilliant underglaze blue, consists of i ; five large peaches, the Chinese fruit of immortality, above which are five te, bats, the emblem of happiness. Round the shoulder is a band of sceptre | heads and Greek fret, and on the neck, suspended from a narrow band encircling the lip, are pendants of the Buddhistic emblems of happy au- C= | 399—BEAUTIFUL Sort-PAsSTE BLuE AND Wuitr BoTTLE-sHAPED VasE aah 400—SvuPrerB SoFT-PASTE BLtuE AND WHITE VASE 401—Matrcuurtss Buus anp Wuirrt Vase eS Ns as i) i Of very fe texture and ee Ges It is erie with a pell glaze of ivory-white, applied over a crackle surface. On the body 0 vase are branches of peaches, pomegranates and Buddha’s hand fruit. the emblem of the “ Three Abundances,” and round the shoulder and fo are broad bands of chrysanthemum scrolls. The entire embellishment. of this superb specimen is finely drawn and painted in underglaze blue of. . most brilliant quality. pees period, 1662- “1722. oe sae! a wood stand. on eee Height, 12%, inches; diameter, % inches. % Globular body, with tall tubular neck, flaring at mouth. It is enamelled with an ivory-white crackle glaze. The decoration, which is beautifully — pencilled in fine underglaze blue, consists of branches of peach, pome- granate and Buddha’s hand fruit, which signify the “abundance of years,” the “ abundance of happiness ”’ and the “ abundance of sons.” A band of lotus scrolls encircling the neck completes the embellishment. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. eet Height, 13 inches; diameter, 8% inches. Quadrilateral shape, with raised ornaments. It is covered with a fine ivory-white glaze of soft texture, and decorated with conventional flowers and leafy scrolls beautifully pencilled in fine quality of underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has finely carved teakwood stand. — Height, 14% inches; width, 61, inches. Graceful oviform. Of semi-eggshell texture and perfect technique. The decoration, which is of a thoroughly artistic character, is painted in bril- liant mazarine-blue of the highest quality, and represents a large kylin feeding its young, and beside it a brocade ball with ribbon filets. On the shoulder are two symbolical bats, and on the neck a disk to represent the moon. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 16% inches; diameter, 7, inches. ‘he A atel [as ca ved ria stand and cover. A s e0 Nom sani lly Magners Beier ait Noma 9% inches. earl specimen oe the highest standard of SDinese ceramic art is. oe a play a each flower the cup- shaped fruit anadel with the ae in the midst of a whorl of petals. used i in “the beautifully executed decoration Hanete that this matchless oo was made i in the ee potteries. It is of the K’ang-hsi pe- Height, 28 inches. Globular ee with tall slender neck. It is decorated in brilliant under- glaze blue with three large kylins, which are sporting with brocade balls with ribbon filets. Encircling the neck is an archaic dragon, and round. : the shoulder a band of diaper patterns intercepted by a single peony. __ K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. . tsi Z Height, 17 inches; diameter, 8, inches. 405—Beravtirut Bivz anp Wuire Borris Globular body, with tall slender neck. Decorated in underglaze blue of brilliant opaque quality with a Chinese legendary subject, Len-tung-pin, the dragon slayer, beautifully painted in two panels, which are inter- cepted by various ornaments and accessories. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- ae 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. : ne Height, 173% inches; diameter, 83% inches. 406—Buive anp Wuite Gincer Jar Oviform. Decorated in lustrous opaque-blue on a brilliant white ground with a landscape, river view and rocky cliffs. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 83, inches; diameter, 84, inches. cover are “ ‘The Eight Pree Things? ran — needles. ened period, 1662- 1722, Has carved € | Height, 16 aie the Buddhistic emblems of happy augury. Wang-hsi periods, 1662. : Has carved teakwood stand. ; Height, 161 inches; homie 9% 4 409—Buive AnD Wuitr VaAsE . Par Large bottle-shaped. Globular body, with tall tubular necka ‘of S . of peonies, convolvulus and clusters of prunus blossoms amid leafy oat 4 finely drawn and pencilled in blue outline. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. é . ; Height, 19 inches; diameter, 10% inches. 410—Buve anp Waite HawtTnHorn TemMrPLe Jar Decorated with branches and twigs of the prunus blossom; the branches spreading alternately upward and downward, so as to display their white — blossoms and buds reserved upon'a pale blue opaque ground, with a reticulation of darker blue lines to represent the cracking of ice. Ae hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 10 inohon. ae 411—Buve AND Wuitt HawtHorn Tempe JAR Decorated with branches of prunus blossoms and buds in white reserve upon a brilliant opaque-blue ground marked with darker lines to repre- ple sent cracking ice, the symbol of the coming spring. Encircling the neck irae: is a band of sceptre-head scrolls pencilled in underglaze blue. K’ang-hsi a period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 13% inches; diameter, 10 inches. : fa in ne ee the aR EE fruit in a A ring of palmations ES the neck. Has carved teakwood stand. ye Height, 1% med diameter, 9% inches, baton: AND ne HawTHorn Breaxer ith branches and twigs of prunus blossoms, the floral emblem CB a3 sue ar, in reserve upon a mottled background of brilliant : / ich i is covered with a reticulation of darker blue lines, to r Craeshal oviform, of clear white texture. Decorated with blossoming _ branches: and twigs of hawthorn, the branches spreading alternately coe amas “) upward and downward, so as to display their white blossoms and buds ' “reserve upon a mottled background of brilliant opaque-blue of very a _ fine quality, which is covered with a reticulation of darker blue lines to is represent cracking ice. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. (Chipped at foot.) e Has carved teakwood stand and cover. % ’ 7 Height, 13 inches; diameter, 9%/, inches, So alee ie A suitable companion to the preceding. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 13 inches; omelet, 10 inches. a ee 416—Brve anp Wuire Temple Jap Of graceful oviform. Decorated in brilliant blue with an elaborate gar- ‘ den scene, in which are numerous students playing games, or practising their avocations. On the neck, pencilled in underglaze blue, are “The Eight Precious Things.” K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 121/, inches; diameter, 101% inches, THIRD AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27rx, 1909 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 o’cLOCK EXCEPTIONALLY FINE SPECIMENS OF JADE, GLASS AND CINNABAR LACQUER 417—Fer-ts’u1 SNUFF-BOTTLE Carved and highly polished gray texture, exhibiting beautiful emerald- green mottling. ; Height, 21% inches. 418—AcaTE ORNAMENT Two mandarin ducks carved in red and gray agate. Finely carved teak- wood and ivory stand. 419—SmatuL Rusy Guiass Course Semi-globular shape. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Diameter, 214 inches. 420—JapE Jul, oR SCEPTRE Milk-white texture; carved and highly polished. Length, 8 inches. 421—Surers Fet-rs’u1 VAsE Of exquisite shape and fine workmanship. Carved dragon handles and archaic scrolls. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 55% inches. 422—BrautiruL WuitE JapE Bow. On four feet. The outer surface ornamented with archaic scroll designs and lion-head handles carved in high relief. Has finely carved teakwood stand, and extra brocade stand. Diameter, 51/, inches. 423—Suprers Fer-ts’u1 Writrer’s Taste ScREEN Legendary subject carved in high relief. Carved teakwood stand with carved white jade panel. Height, 5%, inches; width, 35% inches. 424—BrauTIFUL CarveD JADE GARNITURE Consisting of incense burner, small vase and perfume box, all of grayish- white texture, beautifully carved and fashioned after ancient Chinese bronzes. Has stands of fine green jade, exquisitely carved in openwork, and the whole mounted on a group of carved teakwood stands. 425—BEAUTIFUL JADE ImpERIAL WaTER RECEPTACLE In the design of a Chinese peach, the fruit of immortality, the branches and leaves and a symbolical bat carved in relief and openwork. 'Teak- wood stand, carved to conform. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 426—Fer1-ts’u1 BowL anp Cover Highly polished surface, with sceptre-head scrolls and a band of Greek fret incised. Mounted on a beautiful carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 53% inches. 427—BEAUTIFUL WHITE JADE COVERED Box Square-shaped, with grooved corners. The outer surface artistically carved in low relief with lotus plants, millet, quail and the show emblem. Mounted on a group of finely carved teakwood, tinted ivory and brocade stands. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 5% inches. 428—JapE CouPpE Lozenge-shaped. Grayish-white texture. Two dragons skilfully carved in high relief and undercut. Has finely carved teakwood stand and an extra brocade stand. Length, 744, inches. 429—Supers WHITE JADE GouRD-SHAPED VasE witH CovER Winged dragons and loose ring handles carved in high relief and under- cut. The vase is embellished with symbolical bats, cloud forms and shou character carved in low relief. Has finely carved teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches, 430—Larce JADE Vase witH CovEeR Graceful oviform. Grayish-white texture, with brown markings; plum tree in blossom and bird on rocks skilfully carved in high relief and under- cut. Has finely carved teakwood stand. Height, 9% inches. LCS cls Le9 864 vI9 OS? €c9 909 Height, 41, inches; length, 8 inches. Graceful quadrilateral aha Archaic dragons carved in ae ‘Has finely carved teakwood stand. ole Sear Height, 10%, inches. cn ower Pave. Loose ring handles carved and undercut. The cover is enescented pA the ee Buddhistic emblems of happy augury, sym- Height, 5 thokes: diameter, 6 inches. | —IMPORTANT LaPis-LazuULI ORNAMENTAL PIECE Figures of the Taoist immortals, pine grove and deer carved in high re- aie lief. Mounted on a carved ivory stand. ie Height, 514, inches; length, 13/4, inches. —- 43°7—Imrrria, Yettow Grass Vase Graceful bottle-shaped. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng engraved underneath the foot. Height, 83/4, inches. 438—Green Gass Vase Graceful bottle-shaped. Four-character mark of Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, ZA Height, 914, inches. 439—CinnaBar LacavEer Box Quadrangular shape. Beautifully carved in high relief. On the cover is a scene representing two figures on the shore of a stream; underneath, a pine and feeding mandarin ducks. ‘The sides and under border have peony scrolls skilfully executed. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 21, inches. 440—CinNABAR LAcauER ImpERIAL CaKkE-BOx Chrysanthemum flower-shape. Profusely embellished with floral scrolls, exquisitely carved in relief on a ground of fret pattern. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. - Diameter, V inches. 441—BravuTIFUL CrnNABAR LACQUER CABINET The panels of the four doors and face of drawer in the base are artisti- cally carved in high relief with views of the Taoist’s paradise, showing figures of the immortals and their attending sprites. 'The borders, sides and top are of diaper and Greek fret design beautifully executed in low relief. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Mounted on a movable stand, carved to conform. Height, 2334, inches; width, 14% inches; diameter, 6% inches. AN EXTRAORDINARY COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL SINGLE- COLOR PORCELAINS OF HIGH QUALITY 442—Min1aTurE “ Rose pu Barry” Vase Bottle-shaped. Invested with a soufflé glaze of “ Rose du Barry ” color. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved ivory stand. 443—SmMALL LEMON-YELLOW SAUCER Thin white texture. Coated with a monochrome glaze of lemon-yellow of iridescent quality, and with a surface to resemble lemon skin. Seal mark of the Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795, pencilled in underglaze blue. Diameter, 314 inches. 444—SmaLL LEMON-YELLOW SAUCER Thin white texture. Invested with a lemon-yellow glaze of iridescent quality. Seal mark of Chia-ching period, 1796-1821, pencilled in under- glaze blue. Diameter, 31/, inches. 8esS v9V 829 LLY ves v6 0€9 LSV 609 445—MINIATURE STARCH-BLUE VASE Amphora-shaped. Coated with a monochrome.glaze of dark starch-blue color of brilliant and opaque quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41%, inches. 446—Miniature Wuite Porcetain Vase Graceful bottle-shaped. Clear white texture, covered with a lustrous glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 43/, inches. 447—YerLLow BotrLe-sHAPeD VASE Cabinet size. Invested with a brilliant opaque glaze of dark yellow or burnt Sienna color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 51, inches. 448—Smatut APPLE-GREEN VASE Graceful oviform, with spreading neck and foot. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of brilliant apple-green. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. 449—Mirror-BLAcK BorTrrLE-SsHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of mirror-black of lustrous quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. (Broken at top.) Height, 534 inches. 450—MIiIniatureE Wuite Vase Tall cylindrical shape. Thin texture. Coated with a brilliant white glaze of very fine even quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 53% inches. 451—Miniature “ MustTarp-sEEp ” VASE * mustard- Graceful bottle-shape. Coated with a soufflé glaze known as seed” color of very fine quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 452—MIntaTuRE CLAIR-DE-LUNE VASE Bottle-shaped, with bulbous mouth. Invested with a monochrome glaze of claire-de-lune type applied, over a network of fine crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/4, inches. 453—MIn1IATuRE RosE-cotor VAsE Bottle-shaped. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of rose-pink. T'ao- kuang period, 1820-1851. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 44% inches. 454—BEAUTIFUL VIOLET-COLOR VASE Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of deep violet color of exceedingly fine brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 5% inches. 1 455—CaAMELLIA-LEAF GREEN VASE Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green, which has been applied over a network of fine crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. 456—PEAR-SHAPED PURPLE VASE Of graceful form. Invested with a monochrome glaze of aubergine pur- ple of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. 457—CELADON GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Enamelled with a celadon glaze of pale sea-green tint of pellucid quality, applied over a surface covered with a network of brown crackles. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. | Height, 5 inches. 458—CaBInET Size Wuitrre Porcevain VASE Thick-set bottle-shaped. Pure white texture, with decoration incised in the paste of a four-clawed dragon pursuing the effulgent orb. The mark of Ch’eng-hua is pencilled underneath the foot, but the specimen is un- doubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/, inches. 459—Whriter’s Water RECEPTACLE Flat circular shape. The inner and outer surfaces are covered with a mi- nute network of crackles, over which is a monochrome glaze of pale yel- low of opaque quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has tall carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 454 inches. 98 Les 6LYV Sé9 vIS (AAS LOV 460—PowpdEr-BLUE BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Of graceful form and fine technique. It is invested with a soufflé maza- rine-blue glaze known as powder-blue. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 61, inches. 461—Smauu Liver-cotor VAsE Bottle-shaped. Invested with a monochrome glaze of foie-de-veau tint of lustrous quality. Though it bears the mark of Hsiian-té, it dates from the reign of Yung-chéng, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. ' Height, 4%, inches. 462—Smatu APPLE-GREEN VASE Pear-shaped, with spreading base. Enamelled with a mottled mono- chrome glaze of apple-green. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 53% inches. 463—CaBINET-SIzZE Rosr-cotor VASE Graceful bottle-shape. Invested with a soufflé glaze of rose color, simi- lar to that found on fine rose-back plates. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 514, inches. 464—C1LAIR-DE-LUNE GALLIPOT Of graceful shape and cabinet size. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of clair-de-lune color, applied over a surface completely covered with brown crackles. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 4% inches. 465—BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE-BLUE VASE Pear-shaped, of cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of deep sapphire-blue of very brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 534, inches. 466—Svurers Pure Wuire Vase Interesting cylindrical bottle-shaped, with wide flange round the mouth. It is of pure white texture and of finished technique, and covered with a brilliant white glaze of exceeding purity. Underneath the foot is the six-character mark of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722, finely pencilled in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. | 467—Brivuiant CaMELLIA-LEAF GREEN VASE Graceful bottle-shape, of cabinet size. The surface is entirely covered with a network of minute crackle, over which is a monochrome glaze of camellia-leaf green of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 64% inches. 468—MustTarpD-YELLow BorrTLE-sHAPED VasE Of cabinet size. It is enamelled with a mustard-yellow glaze of opaque and lustrous quality applied over a surface of minute crackles. Ch’ien-— lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. s Height, 534 inches. 469—LaPis-LAZULI BoTrTLE-sHAPED VASE Cabinet size. It is coated with a mottled blue glaze of lapis-lazuli tint of brilliant quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 57, inches. 470—Supers GRis-PERLE CrackLE VASE Graceful bottle-shape, with tall trumpet neck, of cabinet size. It is in- vested with a minutely crackled glaze of gris-perle tint, which extends over the lip into the neck of the vase. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has tall carved teakwood stand. Height, 534, inches. 471—Suprers Lacework Coverrep Rick Bow. Of semi-eggshell porcelain; pierced with a floral design representing ‘ conventional peonies in the midst of leafy scrolls, which is filled in with glaze so as to form a “ rice-grains ” transparency, giving the effect of lacework. Seal mark of the Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Diameter, 444, inches. 472—LLivER-RED BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Coated with a fine monochrome glaze of liver-red color. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 61% inches. 4'73—Rosin’s-Ecc BLvuE GaLuirot Of cabinet size. Invested with a souffié glaze known as robin’s-egg blue, over which is an iridescent lustre. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 47%, inches. “Has carved teakwood and: Height, 61/4, inches. 1736-1795. “ig aig fone and DB glmettes carved in low eect in the paste, under- veath a pellucid sea-green celadon glaze. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 54, inches. of eesti’ ie oy perfect technique. It is invested with a mono- chrome glaze of coral-red color of beautiful even quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. a cal aaa : fart - Height, 5% inches. Mea P ercccfal Pern, of cabinet size. The surface is completely covered with a network of small crackles, over which is a monochrome glaze of _ camellia-leaf green of brilliant opaque quality, which extends over the lip into the neck of the vase. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. ous Of graceful form and cabinet size. It is covered with a monochrome glaze, known as “ powder-blue,” of rich sapphire-blue tint. K’ang-hsi ris | period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. \ aia Height, 51, inches. ome F ai, ; _ 480—Surrers Powprer-BLuE GALuipor 4 ; 481—Svurers Sune Vase Graceful bottle-shaped, of finished technique. It is of dense texture, and coated with a monochrome glaze of clair-de-lune tint which has been applied over a network of brown crackle and which extends over the lip into the neck of vase, and also covers the foot underneath. Height, 51/, inches. 482—Fine “ Iron-rust ” GALLIPOT Of graceful form and cabinet size. Invested with a dark-brown mono- chrome glaze, which is thickly speckled with minute points of deep metallic lustrous. aspect. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. . Height, 6 inches. 483—MustTarD-YELLOW CABINET-SIZE VASE Oviform. It is covered with a monochrome glaze of mustard-yellow, minutely crackled throughout. The foot is enamelled underneath with the same glaze, which is also partially spread on inside of the mouth. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. eight, 51%, inches. 484—SvuPERB MazaRINE-BLUE VASE Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze known ? of mazarine tint. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. as “ powder-blue,’ Height, 55% inches, 485—Suprers Pure WuitE Botrrie-sHArPED VASE Of cabinet size. It is of almost eggshell thinness, and is invested with a brilliant white glaze of exceeding purity. Seal mark of Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, pencilled in underglaze blue. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 53/4 inches. 486—BeravtiruL APPLE-GREEN BoTTLe-sHAPED VasE Of cabinet size. It is invested with a fine monochrome glaze of opaque apple-green, which has been applied over a surface covered with a net- work of bold brown crackles. The foot underneath is enamelled with a rice-color crackled glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 534 inches. 487—Pxium-cotor BotrLe-sHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Coated with a monochrome glaze of plum color of variegated tints. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 514 inches. 524 475 619 483 632 495 612 468 Oo N ie reen, over which i is a pink g period, 1786-1796, Has ; 2 Poe as rr} jae "Height % anche Has carved bacaa fd eet. 554 inches. Height, 51% inches. oa size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of pale turquoise-blue’ of opaque and brilliant quality, which has been applied over a eas at y crackled surface. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved a Height, 5%, inches. 49: —Fine Pra-creen GaLuiror ie Of graceful form and cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze be known as pea-green. The foot is marked Ch’eng-hua, but it is un- doubtedly a production of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Has carved teakwood stand. se Height, 5°, inches. ~494—Crare- -DE-LUNE GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Coated with a thick glaze of claire-de-lune of the Sung type. K?’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 51, inches. | 495—Mestany-vent0w CrackLEe VASE Graceful oviform. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of mustard- yellow of brilliant opaque quality, which has been applied over a surface i. s entirely covered with a network of fine crackles. The foot is enamelled he — ———,_~—s with the same glaze, which also extends over the lip to the mouth of vase. de Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. ty Height, 55% inches. 496—Surers Corat-rED INcENSE BURNER Semi-globular shape on tripod and with arched handles. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red of very fine and even quality. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 497—BravuTIFUL PEACOCK-BLUE GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of brilliant opaque _ peacock-blue, underneath which is a surface completely covered with *‘ fish-roe ” crackle. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 5% inches. 498—ExaquisirE SOFT-PASTE VASE Graceful pear-shaped, of semi-eggshell texture. It is decorated with palms, tree peonies and butterflies delicately etched in the paste, and is invested with an ivory-white soft glaze.. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 53, inches. 499—ExevuisiTE RosE-Back SAUCER Pure white semi-eggshell texture. The under border is covered with a rose-color souffié glaze of very fine quality. Mark underneath the foot, six characters of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teak- wood stand. Diameter, 54, inches. 500—Exeuisire Rosr-Back SAUCER Companion to the preceding. Diameter, 514, inches. 501—Pracocxk-BLUE BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Enamelled with a finely crackled monochrome glaze of rich and translucent peacock-blue tint. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 55% inches. 502—CiTRON-YELLOwW VASE Pear-shaped, with spreading base and mouth. Enamelled with a citron- yellow glaze of iridescent quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6% inches. 503—Mirror-BLack GALLIPOT Cabinet size. It is coated with a monochrome glaze of mirror-black of brilliant quality and pear-skin surface. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 7 inches. és €£9 SS: Ge9 €0g 504—Roszrin’s-Ecc Brive BorriuE-sHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of purest robin’s- egg blue tint. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 6% inches. 505—Supers “ Iron-rust ” CaBinet-sizE VASE Graceful bottle-shaped. Enamelled with a dark brown monochrome glaze; thickly flecked with iridescent metallic spots. Underneath the foot an incised seal mark of Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 714, inches. 506—CaBINET-SIZE GALLIPOT Dense texture. Invested with a monochrome opaque café-au-lait glaze with iridescent lustre, and applied over a surface completely covered with a bold crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 734, inches. 507—Rosin’s-Ecc Buut AMPHORA Of cabinet size and thin texture. It is invested with a soufflé glaze of robin’s-egg blue color, which covers the foot underneath, and is also partially spread inside the mouth. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 7, inches. 508—CrusHED STRAWBERRY GOURD-SHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Coated with a thick monochrome glaze of “ crushed strawberry ” tint and pear-skin surface. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 6% inches. 509—Svurers Tra-Lear Cotor GALiipor Cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of tea-leaf color of fine quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 614, inches. 510—Corat-reED CaBINET-sIZE VASE Graceful pear-shaped, with spreading mouth and base. Invested with a monochrome glaze of fine coral-red. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 75% inches. 511—Brivuiant STARCH-BLUE VASE Graceful bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Covered with a monochrome glaze of brilliant starch-blue of opaque quality. The foot is enamelled underneath in the same glaze, which also covers the surface of the inside of the mouth. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 744 inches. 512—CaBINET-SIZE WHITE VasE Graceful bottle-shaped. Clear white texture. Decoration on the body of dragon pursuing the sacred pearl etched in the paste underneath a brilliant white glaze. Underneath the foot is a four-character mark of Ch’eng-hua, but is undoubtedly of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 75% inches. ~ 513—STone-cotor Borrie-sHaPep VASE Globular body, with tubular neck. Coated with a thick stone-color glaze, which is crackled throughout. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 654 inches. 514—BerautiruL APPLE-GREEN OvirormM Jar Of graceful form and cabinet size. It is invested with a monochrome apple-green glaze of brilliant opaque quality, which has been applied over a crackled surface. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has tall carved teakwood stand. Height, 5% inches. 515—F ine Corat-rep Botrie-sHaPep VasE Of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red of fine even quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 81% inches. 516—Supers Mirror-Buack Vase Of graceful amphora shape. It is invested with an intense mirror-black glaze of brilliant quality, which is applied so as to leave a well-defined white rim about the mouth. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 81% inches. 517—BravtTirut TurQUOIsE-BLUE VASE Graceful bottle-shaped, of thin texture and cabinet size. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of pale turquoise tint, which is minutely crackled throughout. The foot underneath is enamelled with the same glaze, and the lip defined by a brown rim. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. ces ZN9 ve9 C9 Z1S Cee oY inches. 1 Hine tehmique. : It i is enamelled with a soufflé nk lea nt : . well-defined white 1 rim round ne fone Yung- a es oe Height, 1% inches. ] om ah a ae flange round the mouth. It is of fan namelled with a pellucid gine of perfect purity. The Pare ‘floral Poe oy formal borders and eae of gadroons and leaf x ae “design. Crrien-lung period, 17 ue 95. Has carved teakwood stand. pa om . ‘4 Height, 7% inches. Ps Liver-cotor BorrLEe-sHAPED VASE Of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of liver-red color of very fine even quality and pear-skin surface. The foot underneath is fs enamelled i in pale celadon and has an incised mark of dedication. Yung- he: oe Be eee 35. Has carved teakwood stand. ae Height, 8% inches. | 622—Beavriror Oeircrar GREEN VASE . ~ Graceful bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. Enamelled with a monochrome ie gaze of camellia-leaf green color of very fine quality and minutely : > ~~ erackled throughout. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teak- wood stand. : Brite: | . S Height, 834 inches. 523—Surenn Corat-rep VasE Graceful shape, with spreading base and mouth. Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of coral-red of very fine quality and iridescent lustre. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1% inches. 524—MusTarp-YELLow CracKLEeD VASE Bottle-shaped. Covered with a monochrome glaze of mustard-yellow, which is minutely crackled throughout. Ch’ien-lung Pree 1736-1795. | yo Has carved teakwood stand. 14 Why Height, 814, inches. 525—Mrrror-Bitack CaABINET-SIZE VASE Pear-shaped, with spreading mouth. Enamelled with an intense mono- chrome glaze of brilliant mirror-black. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 8 inches. 526—F ine “ Inon-rust”” BorrLe-sHaPED VASE Of cabinet size. Coated with a dark-brown monochrome glaze which is speckled with minute points of deep metallic lustrous aspect. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 75, inches. 527—Larcr EccsHELL PLATE Deep form. Pure white texture. Covered with a pellucid glaze of per- fect purity. The decoration, which is carved in low relief in the paste underneath the glaze, consists of floral scrolls and “‘ the eight Buddhistic emblems of happy augury.” Clh’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 8 inches. 528—Fo1r-pE-vEAu Cotor BoTTLe-sHAPED VASE Globular body, with tall slender tubular neck. Coated with a mono- chrome glaze of foie-de-veau color. Underneath the foot is an engraved six-character mark of the Hsiian-té period, 1426-1433. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 954 inches. 529—BeravTiruL LEMON-YELLOW GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Invested with a monochrome glaze of lemon-yellow of fine quality and lemon-peel surface. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. . Height, 71/4 inches. 5380—Fint SANG-DE-POULET GALLIPOT Graceful form and fine texture. Covered with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-poulet of lustrous and even quality. Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 834 inches. 5381—BravtTiruL APPLE-GREEN GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Invested with a fine monochrome glaze of apple-green of very fine opaque quality, which is minutely crackled throughout with a network of well-defined lines. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 8%/, inches. 582—Fine CuHERRY-RED VASE Bottle-shaped, of cabinet size. It is covered with a fine monochrome glaze of cherry-red with shadings of ruby-red. Seal mark of the Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 101% inches. 5383—BeEavTiIruL PEacock-GrEEN VasE Graceful bottle-shaped, with trumpet neck and of fine technique. In- vested with a monochrome souwffié glaze of peacock-green of brilliant quality, which extends over the rim inside the mouth and invests the base of the foot. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches. 534—Finrt CreLapon GALiipot Of cabinet size. It is enamelled with a monochrome glaze of pellucid sea- green tint. Underneath the foot, pencilled in underglaze blue within two circles, is a six-character mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 91% inches. 5385—*“ CrusHED STRAWBERRY ” CouUPE Of low circular shape. The outer surface is enamelled with a monochrome glaze of “crushed strawberry ” tint applied over a boldly crackled sur- face. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Diameter, T4/ inches. 536—Surers “ CrusHeD STRAWBERRY ” GALLIPOT Of cabinet size. Enamelled with a fine monochrome glaze of “ crushed strawberry ” and peachbloom tints. Underneath the foot, beautifully pencilled, is a six-character mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Height, 85% inches. 5387—UnievE SApPHIRE-BLUE VASE Tall oviform. Of thin texture and cabinet size. Enamelled with a mono- chrome glaze of brilliant sapphire-blue; thickly flecked with iridescent metallic spots. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 91% inches. 5388—GracreruL CELADON AMPHORA Of fine texture. Enamelled with a pellucid monochrome glaze of pale sea-green tint, which is marked with bold brown crackle which extends over the rim, inside the mouth, and invests the base of the foot, with the exception of the circular rim, which is glazed in brown. Pencilled in underglaze blue is a seal mark of the Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 101% inches. 539—Surrers CHERRY-RED GALLIPOT Of graceful form and fine technique. It is invested with a fine mono- chrome glaze of cherry-red, and is shaded from a delicate opaque pink to the darker tones of red.. The foot underneath is unglazed and shows the texture of the paste. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 91% inches. A REMARKABLE SERIES OF PEACHBLOOM SPECIMENS 540—PracHBLOOM RoUGE-BOXx In varied ashes of roses tint, and slightly flecked with spots of dark red. Underneath the foot, neatly pencilled in blue, is the six-character mark of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. 541—Pracusioom RovceE-Box Of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. The cover and body enamelled with the peachbloom glaze of ashes of roses tint, and running into the “ crushed strawberry ” tone; a very unusual specimen. ‘Teakwood stand. 542—PracHBLOOM RoUGE-BOX The colorings of the cover are very even, while the bottom varies from deep to very delicate pink near the foot. Six-character mark of K’ang- hsi period, 1662-1722, pencilled underneath the foot. ‘Teakwood stand. 543—Wrtirer’s PracHstoom Water DisH Low circular-shaped. In varied peach tints flecked with spots of verdi- gris-green. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of Kang-hsi, 1662-1722, written in cobalt-blue. Carved teakwood cover. Diameter, 41, inches. 544—Wrtrrer’s PeacHustoom Water DisH Low circular-shaped. Invested with the peachbloom glaze. The lighter shades of pink are singularly predominant in this specimen, and only slight traces of green are visible. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, written underneath in cobalt-blue. Teakwood stand and carved cover. Diameter, 41/, inches. 610 624 620 631 607 636 519 alm st oe ae tg the t tones are rich aa ae 3 he dots of. moss-green. lose none of their color. The texture i is very i ; Six-character mark of ‘Bang-hsi, 1662-1722, written underneath nS oad in -cobalt-blue. : ‘Teakwood stand and cover. _ é LSA ete ;; Diameter, 4Y, weken ooM ei Recepracie be pe ve Invested with a peachbloom glaze of tle quality. of incised archaic ie forms are drawn in the paste. The Diameter, 5 inches. el ce: ; ITER PEAcHBLOOM Water RECEPTACLE ene ee a a Pe ee en oe -globular shaped. Drawn in the paste are three disks of incised ca dragon forms. It is enamelled with a peachbloom glaze of mottled ‘crushed strawberry ” tint, and shows slight flecks of verdigris-green. : _ Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, pencilled underneath the cf foot i in cobalt-blue. Tall carved teakwood stand. es Diameter, 5 inches. Semi-globular shaped. Three disks of archaic dragons incised in the paste. The predominating color of “ ashes of roses” blends with the delicate shadings of the peachbloom tint and harmonizes with the pale green markings encircling the neck. Underneath the foot, pencilled in —_ cobalt-blue, is the six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Teak- _ wood stand. ; Diameter, 5 inches. Bathe 549—Pracustoom Rovcsr-Box The surface of the cover is of mottled pink flecked with moss-green, and the under border is enamelled with a soft glaze of varying pinks. Six- character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, neatly pencilled in underglaze cobalt-blue. Carved teakwood stand. 550—PracusBitoom RovucE-Box ee The cover of this exceedingly fine specimen carries the rich deep pink bate of the ripened fruit commingled with much lighter tones, while the base fens is covered with a glaze which is more even in the darker tones. The mark Rie: pencilled underneath in underglaze blue is K’ang-hsi nien-chih, 1662- ve 1722. Carved teakwood stand. 551—PEacHBLOOM RovuGE-BOx The cover is of pale peach-pink, over which is a peculiar soufflé effect. The lower part is of a deeper tone, with beautiful green shading. Six- character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, pencilled in cobalt-blue under- neath the foot. Carved teakwood stand. 552—WritEr’s PeacHstoom Water DisH Low circular-shaped. There is something about this piece that suggests a later period than the other specimens. The glaze lacks the quality of the others, though in spots it seems almost the same, and bad firing is blamed by some for giving the peculiar qualities. Teakwood stand and carved cover. Diameter, 41% inches. 553—Wrairer’s Peacustoom Water DisuH Low circular-shaped. The color is remarkably brilliant, shading at the foot into a “crushed strawberry ” tint. Six-character mark of K’ang- hsi, 1662-1722, pencilled underneath the foot in cobalt-blue. Tall carved teakwood stand and cover. Diameter, 41/, inches. 554—Writer’s Peacoptoom Warer Disx Low circular-shaped. Invested with a glaze to imitate the ripening peach and slightly flecked with opaque-green. The mottled surface of this piece is very even in texture, while the glaze is smooth and soft. Six- character mark of K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722, pencilled underneath in underglaze blue. Teakwood stand and carved cover. Diameter, 41/,-inches. 555—WritTErR’s PEAcHBLOOM WatTEeR RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. Three disks of dragon and cloud forms are in- cised in the paste. The glaze investing the shoulder is of true peach- bloom tint, shading round the foot to a soft ashes of roses tint. Under- neath the foot, pencilled in cobalt-blue, is the six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. (Repaired at lip.) Teakwood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 556—Writer’s PeacHBtoom Water RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. Invested with a brilliant glaze of even quality to imitate the fully ripened fruit. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662- 1722, pencilled in cobalt-blue underneath the foot. Tall teakwood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 76S 629 06S 819 109 $09 £09 ces 557—Writer’s Peacustoom Water RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. Three disks of incised dragon and cloud forms beautifully drawn in the paste. Invested with a peachbloom glaze of ashes of roses tints. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, pen- cilled in underglaze blue. Carved teakwood stand. 558—PracuBLoom RovcE-Box This specimen is remarkably rich in its pure tones of the ripened peach, and is classed as one of the finest rouge-boxes of the peachbloom family. The mark pencilled underneath in underglaze blue is “ Ta-ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih,” 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. 559—PracHBLoom RovcE-Box Invested with a beautiful pale peach-pink, which is mottled with a faint green, an exceedingly fine specimen which exhibits the lighter tones of the peachbloom family. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722, pencilled underneath the foot in cobalt-blue. Carved teakwood stand. 560—Wrairer’s Pracustoom Water Disu Low circular-shaped. Invested with a glaze which exhibits the colors of the ripening peach, and is flecked with deep and pale green dots; a beau- tiful specimen. The mark pencilled underneath in cobalt-blue is “ K’ang- hsi nien-chih,” 1662-1722. ‘Teakwood stand and carved cover. Diameter, 41/, inches. 561—Writer’s Peacustoom Water Disxu Low circular-shaped. In this superb piece the mottled shades of rich pink are emphasized by deep moss-green spots, and the colors commingle most harmoniously. The foot, which is enamelled in pure white under- neath, is inscribed “ K’ang-hsi nien chih,” 1662-1722. Teakwood stand and carved cover. Diameter, 41/ inches. 562—Wrairter’s Pracusptoom Water RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. Invested with tints of mottled green and ashes of roses which are particularly beautiful and unusual. Three disks of in- cised dragon and cloud forms are beautifully drawn in the paste. Six- character mark written underneath in cobalt-blue, K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. ing aes diaper amid cloud fond character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-172 On the stand belonging to this beautiful ee is BS. n inseript Chinese which has been translated as follows: ere “ A stand for a vase of the Emperor K’ang-hsi, Dynasty of Tseng ~ treasured by the ‘proprietor of aie Yen-Chou studio. ‘Ene by student Shu-Yar.” | HAE BS an 565—Warren’ s PracHBLOOM Warer RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. Invested with a pellucid glaze of delieane » pink tint _ which has thickened at the foot and produced a ring of dark red slightly ‘ flecked with verdigris-green. 'The conventional dragon disks which are ; incised in the paste are unusually prominent on account of the transpar- _ ay fe ency of the glaze. Underneath the foot, written in cobalt-blue, is a six- * character mark, K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722, Tall carved teakwood stand. “e Diameter, 5 inches. 566—Surers Peacuptoom AMPHORA Of graceful shape, exhibiting in typical form the mottled play of col- e ors characteristic of the celebrated peachbloom glaze. ‘The three tints distinguished by the Chinese connoisseur are all seen in this beautiful “specimen; viz., the chiang tou hung, or “ haricot-red,” of the ground, ” and the clouds of p’ing-kuo ch’ing, or “ apple-green.” The glaze ends below in the usual sharply cut straight line, so as to leave a rim of biscuit round the foot, which is deeply hollowed out underneath. The mark pencilled in brilliant under- glaze blue is composed of six minute characters arranged in two columns, reading, Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih, “ Made in the reign of K’ang- ‘hsi (1662-1722) of the Great Ch’ing (Dynasty). Carved ivory stand. the mei kuei pan, or “ rose spots, 3 ee ie "Nes re re ed pea achbloom tint. of 7 ee toner 0: oO ae a is very ‘rich in color and even “eae The has been restored to carry out the original form. Underneath ed in blue, is the six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662- Height, 8 inches. Warren’ Ss PracuBLoom ‘Warer REecerracte ~ Semi-globular shaped. Ornamented with three disks of dragon and cloud forms incised in the paste. The light and deep rich pink of the fully © : ae peach predominates in this piece, and although there is a fire ooo ee foot, no restoration has been made. On the foot, six-charac- aon 5 inches. Graceful ovoid-shaped body, with tall trumpet-shaped neck. It is cov- ered with a rich glaze of velvety aspect exhibiting the beautiful play of colors which distinguishes the peachbloom vases. The neck is coated in- side with a glaze of mottled peachbloom, with verdigris-green markings. Round the foot, moulded in relief, is the conventional chrysanthemum pattern. The mark underneath, Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih, “ Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi and of the Great Ch’ing,” is beautifully writ- ten in underglaze cobalt-blue. : Height, 81, inches. 571—Wrirer’s Pracustoom Water RECEPTACLE | Semi-globular shaped. This specimen is very fine in texture, and the tones of the glaze vary from moss-green, or green of the newly formed fruit, to the lighter shades of the ripening peach. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 572—SurErB PEACHBLOOM AMPHORA Although this piece has been badly broken and mended, and a gold lip added, it remains one of the most wonderful specimens of peachbloom as to texture and color known. Every tone, from the mottled clouds of in- tense emerald-green, passing into olive, to the rich color of the ripened peach, is here represented. The mark pencilled in underglaze blue is composed of six minute characters arranged in two columns reading, Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih, “ Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi,” 1662- 1722, Carved teakwood stand. 573—Writer’s PEacHBLOOM WatEeR RECEPTACLE Semi-globular shaped. It is invested with a beautiful glaze, which is variegated with mottled clouds of intense emerald-green and “ crushed strawberry ” tint. There is an etched decoration in the paste under the glaze in the form of three medallions of archaic dragon scrolls. The specimen ranks among the finest of its form known, and exhibits a won- derful variation of tones and a quality of texture rarely equalled in the water vases of this family. The mark, written underneath in blue in large characters, is, ‘“‘ Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi of the Great Ch’ing (Dynasty),” 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. : Diameter, 54, inches. 574—Wrirer’s Water Disy Of the ‘ peachbloom ” type. The tints of this piece suggest ashes of roses rather than peaches, though it is a genuine piece of the peachbloom family, and accidents in firmg may be blamed for the unusually dark colorings. Underneath the foot, six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662- 1722, pencilled in blue. Carved teakwood stand. 575—Wrtrer’s Water DisH Low circular-shaped. The entire surface is enamelled with a pellucid monochrome glaze of pale sky-blue tint, known as “ moonlight-white ” or claire-de-lune glaze. Underneath the foot in a glazed white panel is a six-character mark of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. Tall carved teakwood stand and cover. 576—Surers AMPHORA VASE ** moon- Invested with a pellucid monochrome glaze which is known as light white,” or claire-de-lune, of perfect purity. This specimen was undoubtedly made by the same artist as the justly celebrated peachbloom examples, being similar in shape, size, texture and quality of glaze; it is identical with the best specimens of that family, and similar fine ex- amples to the above described are even more rare than the better known peachbloom variety. As in the case of all peachbloom examples of this shape, the foot is hollowed out underneath, and the mark pencilled in blue is composed of six minute characters arranged in two columns, reading Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih, ‘* Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi,” 1662- 1722, Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 577—BeavtiruL CLAIRE-DE-LUNE VASE Fashioned on the lines of the peachbloom vases, with the same two white rings in relief round the base of the neck, and a similar mark underneath. It is covered with a monochrome glaze of purest “ moonlight white,” or claire-de-lune tint, varying in tone according to the depth, so as to bring out the decorative details underneath, which are worked in low re- lief in the paste. This decoration consists of a fringe of scrolled and crested waves round the lower part of the vase, from which rise two three- clawed dragons enamelled in rowge-de-fer. The mark written under- neath in cobalt-blue,-in three columns, is Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih, ** Made in the reign of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722) of the Great Ch’ing Dy- nasty.” EXTRAORDINARY SPECIMENS OF SANG-DE-BQAUF 578—MIniaturE SANG-DE-BaeuF COUPE Low circular-shaped, with wide mouth. The outer surface is invested with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-beuf of brilliant quality, and the inner surface coated with a pale celadon glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722, ‘Tall carved teakwood stand. 579—MInIATURE SANG-DE-B@UF VASE Bottle-shaped. Invested with a brilliant red glaze applied over a green crackled surface. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Teakwood stand. 580—WritErR’s SANG-DE-B@uF WatTER RECEPTACLE Globular-shaped. ‘The inner and outer surfaces are coated with a red glaze of Lang Yao type applied over a boldly crackled surface. K’ang- hsi period, 1662-1722. 581—WriteEr’s Sanc-pE-BeuF Water DisH Low circular-shaped. The outer surface is invested with a mottled Lang Yao red glaze, and the foot covered with a celadon glaze mottled with sang-de-beuf. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Tall teakwood stand. Diameter, 4 inches. 582—MiIn1aTuURE SANG-DE-B@eUF VASE With gracefully flaring neck. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of brilliant red, which thickens at the rim of the foot. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Height, 31, inches. 5883—MInIATURE SANG-DE-B@UF BEAKER Invested with a brilliant glaze of “ ox-blood ” color, which covers the in- terior as well as the exterior surface. The foot is covered with a rice- color glaze, which denotes that the piece is a Lang Yao specimen of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Height, 314 inches. 584—MInIATURE SANG-DE-BH&UF VASE Graceful bottle-shaped. Invested with a mottled glaze of blood-red tone,. which covers the entire outer surface and inside the neck. There is a passage of deep blood-color on the body of this specimen, observable only in sunlight. The rim of the foot is unglazed, and underneath is of rice-color, which is characteristic of the Lang Yao specimens of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 41, inches. 585—MIniaTuRE SANG-DE-B@UF VASE Graceful bottle-shaped. Enamelled with a beautiful monochrome glaze of the sang-de-beuf mottled tints of the celebrated Lang Yao porcelains, which is of wonderful purity and brilliancy. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 414, inches. 586—Sanc-pE-BauF VasE Thick-set bottle. Coated with a monochrome glaze of mottled blood-red. The foot underneath is covered with a sea-green celadon glaze, which de- notes that this is a Lang Yao specimen. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 41/4, inches. 587—SMaLi Sanc-DE-B@UF JAR Graceful oviform, with wide mouth. Of Lang Yao porcelain of K’ang- hsi date, 1662-1722, of brilliant sang-de-bauf glaze, displaying the char- acteristic mottling and play of color. 'The base is invested with an apple- green enamel applied over a bold crackle. The foot underneath is coated with a rice-color crackled glaze. Tall teakwood stand. Height, 3 inches. Las g6s Ba 9s OLS S95 6SS €6S 588—S: ANG- DE-BEUE!. : ea is n celadon glaze and a se piss marked with bold crackles. | ‘Srtie aie underneath. Carved teakwood gee | SE i oe saat e-sh sped, with bulbous mouth. Lang Yao. porcelain of the K’ang- oe glaze. Cael EAlvocd stand. Height, 114% inches. - Lee Yao Gatuiror | _ Covered with a monochrome glaze of the sang-de-beuf color. The colors, of v : ied tones, pass from ruby-red to the deepest crimson, and are of brilliant quality. (Unfortunately this specimen has been broken and repaired, os all of the original remains.) K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Carved teakwood stand. fs “ Height, 614 inches. a | — 592—Sane-pz-navur Vase Graceful bottle-shape. Enamelled with a sang-de-bauf mottled glaze of the typical ox-blood color. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. ' Height, 7 inches. -593—Sanc-pE-BEUF GALLIPOT Of Lang Yao porcelain of K’ang-hsi date. Invested with a sang-de- beuf glaze of crackled texture, displaying the characteristic mottling and play of color. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 11, inches. 594—Lane Yao Vase Bottle-shaped. Of dense texture. The glaze, which is of fine quality, displays the characteristic mottled sang-de-beuf and tones of ashes of roses, and is applied over a network of fine crackles. The foot under- neath is invested with a brown crackled glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 914 inches. . mF Ste << : en ce nn 3 Sw . be J whe a 595—Sanc-pE-BeUF GALLIPOT Enamelled with a running glaze of brilliant red, which has thickened at the foot and left the neck and one side of shoulder of a pellucid sea- green celadon glaze which displays a network of crackle underneath. An indented panel underneath the foot is invested with a pale green glaze. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Teakwood stand. Height, 74 inches. 596—Lane Yao Vase Graceful oviform, of the K’ang-hsi date. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of sang-de-beuf type, which displays a beautiful variation of colors. The base is coated underneath with a grayish rice-color glaze. Carved teakwood stand. ‘ Height, 10 inches. 597—Lane Yao Prar-sHaPep VASE Of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Coated with a mottled glaze of varying tones and beautiful quality. The form of this specimen is similar to the noted Barlow vase, and, like that, the glaze runs down in- side the neck. The base is defined by an unglazed rim, and the foot underneath is invested with rice-colored crackled glaze, which is a char- acteristic of Lang Yao specimens. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1114 inches. 598—LarcE SANG-DE-BeUF VASE Tall cylindrical shape. Enamelled with a monochrome red glaze. The surface of the glaze exhibits a superficial network of crackled lines, and its depth reflects the richly mottled tints of sang-de-beuf type, streaked and mottled in lighter shades. The lip is defined by a rounded rim of white, and the foot underneath is inscribed with the six-character mark of Hsiian-té, 1426-1435. This vase dates from the early reds, during the dynasty in which M. Julien believes some of the finest reds were made. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 161% inches. 599—Larcr Lane Yao Vase Thick-set bottle-shape, with tall tubular neck. It is enamelled with the celebrated Lang Yao red glaze of the reign of K’ang-hsi, 1662-1722. The surface is covered with a network of crackled lines, over which is a glaze of sang-de-beuf type of varied tones. The base is invested with a rice-color enamel mottled with the typical ‘‘ ox-blood ” color. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1414 inches. 602 600 599 600—BeravtTiruL SAnc-pE-BeuF Vase—* THe FLAME ” Of the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722, of rare type and magnificent color- ing. The crackled ground exhibits the usual brilliantly mottled tones, passing from the paler ruby shades into the deepest flaming crimsons. The foot is enamelled white, with a tinge of green. This specimen is one of great beauty, and stands in the very highest rank among Lang Yao monochrome vases. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 174, inches. 601—Lane Yao Vase Tall cylindrical shape. Enamelled with the crackle glaze of sang-de- beuf tint of the celebrated Lang Yao porcelains. The surface is of ashes of roses tint, and is mottled and streaked with pink, ruby and blood reds, showing almost every gradation of color of the old red family. The neck has been ground and mounted in silver of Oriental workmanship. The foot underneath is invested with a rice-color crackled glaze. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 17 inches. 602—Larce Sanc-pE-Baur VasE Thick-set bottle, with tall tubular neck. It is of Lang Yao porcelain of K’ang-hsi date, and is invested with a mottled glaze of typical ox-blood color. The lip is defined by a prominent line of white, and the foot by a biscuit edge which encircles a base invested with a rice-color crackled glaze. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 603—Larcre Lane Yao Vase Tall cylindrical shape, with bulging body and gracefully spreading neck and base. It is of Lang Yao porcelain of the K’ang-hsi date, and is in- vested with a monochrome glaze of ashes of roses and markings of bril- liant sang-de-beuf on shoulder and round the base. The foot underneath is invested with a pale green enamel mottled with clouds of typical ox- blood color. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 1834 inches. 604—Larcre Sanc-pE-BeuF VAsE Tall oviform, with gracefully spreading neck and base. Of Lang Yao porcelain of the early K’ang-hsi period. It is invested with a beautiful monochrome glaze, exhibiting in typical form the mottled play of colors characteristic of the best types of sang-de-beuf specimens. The edge of the foot is unglazed, and the base underneath is covered with a rice- color crackled glaze. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 16%, inches. ENG * By - Thikeset x ote wit ith ; ih. | BEAUTIFUL ‘SINGLE- COLOR "SPECIE ‘ 606—Bravtirun Riess, Wire aes 3 at Se ay aR - Graceful bottle, with ribbed surface of very - eta texture, a or with bands of chrysanthemum scrolls delicately etched in the p Ch’ dentine peried is 1736- Le Has catved tall teakwood stand. pee 2 | : mie 188 atohs 8% in 607—Beravrirut SAPPHIRE-BLUE BoTTLE Of cabinet sizg. Enamelled with a dense monochrome! glaze ) are ac: 608—BeautiruL Rep GALLirot at ; Of graceful form and finished technique. Enamelled with a monochrome — . glaze of fine red of even and lustrous quality. Underneath the foot, pen- — ; cilled in underglaze blue, is a mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723- 1736. ba Has carved teakwood stand. ae : Height, % a iby? : 609—Surers Cetapon AmpHora . ee if Of charming form and fine texture. The body is cover eee a See ae } fully executed decoration of floral and foliated scrolls carved in the paste in low relief, and the vase is invested with a celadon monochrome glaze — of sea-green tint, deepening in tone as it thickens in the recesses of the decoration. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood tall stand. 2 ap Height, 105% inches. — 610—Surrrs PowprEr-BLUE AMPHORA Of graceful shape and finished technique. Invested with a soufflé glaze known as “ powder-blue,” of brilliant mazarine tint, over which are slight traces of a former decoration which was originally pencilled in gold. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood and ivory inlaid stand. a Height, 1034 inches. — creat aridet, Zeyh Aa tan ter be Mean 2 so with a ‘monochrome come of ne sea aa slaid forms and fire emblems i in pur- of omnipotence. Underneath the foot is an incised seal aus tite 1736- 1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. of Det eggshell thinness and charming form. Enamelled with a pel- A lucid glaze of perfect purity. ‘The body of the vase is covered with a “ae band of peony scrolls carved in low relief, and a ring of palma- _ tion encircles the neck. Borders of gadroons, sceptre heads and Greek _ fret complete the decoration. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 121, inches. ’ (615—Bearror Viotet-cotor Botrie Globular-shaped body, with tall tubular neck. Coated with a monochrome _ glaze of deep violet-color, with orange-peel surface. Ch’ien-lung period, be Wy ae i98. Has carved teakwood stand. re Height, 11% inches. " 616—Ross-coron Prar-sHarep VasE Of graceful shape. Enamelled wth a monochrome glaze of deep rose _ tint applied so as to leave a well-defined white rim round the mouth. Tao-kuang period, 1820-1851. Has carved teakwood stand. ; Height, 10 inches. 617—Beavtirut Turevoist-BLvE Vase Graceful bottle-shape, with tall trumpet-shaped neck. It is enamelled with a turquoise glaze of rich mottled tones, which extends over the lip, inside the mouth and the base of the foot, with the exception of a cir- cular rim, which is unglazed and shows the texture of the paste. Yung- chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches. 618—BeavutiruL CHERRY-RED BoTTLE Globular-shaped body, with tall tubular neck. Coated with a fine mono- chrome glaze of brilliant cherry-red, shading into darker tones, and applied over a surface marked with large crackles. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 12 inches. 619—BeEavuTIFUL ORANGE-YELLOW VASE Graceful gourd-shape of very fine texture. It is invested with a mono- chrome glaze of orange-yellow color of even and brilliant quality. Ch’ien- lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 121, inches. 620—BrautTiruL MaZzARINE-BLUE GALLIPOT Of charming form and finished technique. Invested with a monochrome glaze of deep mazarine or sapphire-blue of brilliant quality, applied so as to leave a well-defined white rim round the mouth. Underneath the foot, finely pencilled in underglaze blue, is the six-character mark of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 11% inches. 621—ImrportTant Rose pu Barry VAsE Globular-shaped body, with tall slender trumpet-shaped neck. Invested with a monochrome soufflé glaze of ‘“ Rose du Barry” tint. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 143% inches. 622—Brautirut Preacock-BLuE VAsE Of charming bottle-shape and finished technique. Invested with a mono- chrome glaze of “ shagreen” or peacock-blue of brilliant even quality, which extends over the rim of the mouth into the neck. The surface underneath the glaze is covered with a fine crackle, which is known as truitée, commonly called “ fish-roe” crackle. K’ang-hsi period, 1662- 1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12% iches. 623—BeEautTiFruL Ivory-wHITE VASE Of most charming form and perfect technique. It has two lion-head handles carved in high relief on the shoulder, and a band of sceptre heads and Greek fret worked in low relief and incised, and is invested with a pellucid glaze of perfect purity. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 16 inches. 624—BeavTiruL STarcH-BLUE BoTriE Of graceful shape. Invested with a monochrome glaze of pale starch- blue tint of opaque quality; shows traces of a decoration which, owing to having been pencilled in gold over the glaze, has almost been obliter- ated. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Height, 16%, inches. 625—Matrcuierss PistacHE-GREEN VASE Charming oviform, with gracefully spreading neck. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of pistache-green, which extends over the lip, into the mouth and neck of vase. Underneath the foot, which is covered with white enamel, is a six-character mark, pencilled in underglaze blue, of the Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735. Height, 15 inches. 626—Larcre Rep Vase Oviform body, with spreading neck and base. Dense texture, enamelled with a brilliant mottled red glaze of the sang-de-beuf type. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 147%, inches. = 627—Beavtirut Ivory-wuHire Botrie Of graceful shape and finished technique. Enamelled with a brilliant ivory-white glaze of perfect purity, which is slightly crackled round the base and foot. Wan-li period, 1573-1619. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1534 inches. 628—Surers CELADON VASE Gracefully shaped tall slender oviform of perfect technique. The whole surface is coated with a rich unctuous celadon glaze of sea-green tint, which deepens as it thickens in the recesses of the decoration. This deco- ration, which is executed in relief in the paste, consists of large peony flowers amid elaborate leafy scrolls, and a band of palmettes encircling the neck. Yung-chéng period, 1723-1735, Height, 17144, inches. 629—Brituint Rep GaLLipor Of graceful form and thick texture. Enamelled with a mottled mono- chrome glaze of brilliant ruby-red tint. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 121, inches. 680—Unieve VAsE Tall oviform, with wide tubular neck. Enamelled with a monochrome : > applied over a surface which is covy- glaze of old ivory or “ rice-color ’ ered with a network of brown crackles. This piece was purchased from the Sixth Prince in Peking in 1891, and was claimed by him to be a Lang Yao specimen. It certainly is closely related to the red family, and may safely be attributed to the K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 1714 inches. 631—Svurers PowpEr-BLvE VasE Club-shaped. Enamelled with a mottled cobalt-blue glaze of brilliant texture, known as ‘‘ powder-blue.” ‘Two rims of the lip are of white, and left free of the glaze. Underneath the foot is an inscription etched in the paste which reads, ** This was the property of our ancestor, Johi-Ko, who lived during the reign of K’ang-hsi.” K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 1734 inches. 632—ImportTant MustTarD-YELLOw VasE Tall oviform, with spreading base and tubular neck. It is invested with a monochrome glaze of mustard-yellow color, which is minutely crackled throughout; the foot is enamelled underneath with the same glaze, which also spreads over the surface inside the mouth and neck. Ch’ien-lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 1714, inches. 633—BeEavTIFUL Mirror-BLack BIBERON Globular-shaped body, with tall slender tubular neck. Invested with a mirror-black glaze of brilliant and very high quality, which is applied so as to leave a well-defined white rim round the mouth. K’ang-hsi period, 1662-1722. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 1734 inches. 634—Vrry Rare Turavoise Botrie Globular-shaped body, with tall tubular neck. It is enamelled with a mottled monochrome glaze of pale turquoise tint of opaque quality. The glaze has been applied so as to leave the rim round the foot and the rim of the mouth untouched with the glaze, an indication that this specimen was made during the Ming Dynasty. It is ascribed to Wan-li, 1573- 1619. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. “Has carved ae REA Height, 161 inches. 7 PEN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. he,» * HNN 3 3125 01662 8907 H INSTITUTE WAY | GETTY RESEARC i FS OE ne ty eT COTE eae at dt ts ot yy ae ER nrg oe ae ys Wes ing ty wen se ele: SNe ie 2) 4 See : rh iret eiirabetria pie b ele tourette beret lr cate rt i = and cing dy bes + pw bese peek, epeers: weletnie® yer? ore eel ete: +) ose lnk + St Ae RLS € bee rink > ay ie ie bys al ee cba and bet deep OPED OEE cee ew OE SSS eae ok Soe SP Fe EST Se nbn tnt ent are Boh Sop 2 Tee LS ap es eh eh op ee Pg et ae om 345 San Soy Beh Re EO Bee eetthe pers reset pate see: odbb peeeete eee tite ttc pee So bew 5085 Sate leer sz. 2 Seppe eh ped od oe SDF be ep yt ee Ee cag wrobawd eed OEP OS ey eG od wh nb amee he hp RE ee eee ee ore in bata we at ah ae Or eh eee we pack PRP oh bp dm eb ep nk ot ee eee fete ee eked epee ef ehh rat me sop ten AF sah mh eh Shp ep mming af ng ee mt pp pd Taek es teh map cep god arp amp op hey op eee od ed ek ey Ftd = oe skp irre sere Ure cay & ROFL T Ey ang any np ers ete ee storks Bas re cere eercy eitelbensicherate! 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