eet: ae “at 4 Pr ihe ; 17 +7. be is ‘ i . > big CATALOGUE OF THE HASELTINE COLLECTION 2PAININGS 3 NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE FASHUMING GALLERIES 1516 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The Entire Collection to be Sold at moet C SALE, ON THE EVENINGS OF Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER 13th, 14th and 15th, 1880, AT 714 O’CLOCK. THOS. BIRCH & SONS, Auctioneers. Peet. FL HASELTINE, having returned from Europe, is now prepared to exhibit to Art-lovers the finest CoLLecTion OF PainTincs ever offered in Philadelphia for sale. he prevailing high prices abroad, and the unusual scarcity of works of the highest class, made it extremely difficult to gather a great col- lection, but Mr. Hasz.tine is convinced that he has secured one that must please and gratify his friends and customers im this city. The Collection contains specimens of the works of the greatest of the world’s Artists of this cen- : tury. All those who love Art are especially invited to call and examine. ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THE COLLECTION. Meissonier, Gerome, Millet, Van Marcke, Boldini, Daubigny, Dupré, Corot, Troyon, De Camps, Schreyer, Alvarez, Merle, Achenbach, Carl Becker, Zamacois, Jimenez, Rousseau, Bruck Lajos, Szerner, Andreotti, Garcia Menzia, Laeverenz, Zuber Buhler, Beranger, Campriani, Willems, Bodenmuller, Schlessinger, Marchetti, Jacque, Voltz, Olofson, Neustadter, De Preydour, PreindIsberger, Meyer Groz, Innocenti, Schmiechen, Ribera, Prieto, Languerock, Lecomte Du Nouy, Guardabassi, Herzog, Delaroche, De Neuville, Detaille, Simonetti, Pinchart, Bartolini, Indoni, Giota, Corelli, Ferraresi, Galofré, Brissot, Muller, Beranger, De Chirico, Anker, Haag, Munier, Laugée, Periere, Frere, Ziem, Regnart, Trayer, Amberg, Kratke, Thirion, Lebling, Bouchard, Jacomin, Menzlar, Goupil, Erdmann, Velten, Lossow, Jazet, Delort, Richter, ~ Spring, Blanc, Gués, Jannsen, Voss, Coutoure, Palmaroli, Landelle, Valerio, Palizzi, Gericault, Ciceri, Perlberg, Dibdin, David, Gaubault, Carracciolo, Hamman, Rougueron, Pujol, Rota, Coomans, De Beul, Bonafazi, Roszczewski, Maier, Eiserman, De Paal, De Jonghe, Bakalowicz, Leutze, Huntington, Laupheimer, Holmberg, Vernier, Von Schmaedel, Montifiesco,, Leclaire, Pecrus, Guiljon, Spohler, Haseltine, Weissenbruck, Beverwyk, Riboty) 75% Boichard, Kuwasseg, Schill, Neymark. re PHIL ADELPH «ane CATALOGUE. First Evening’s Sale. M. FRANKLIN, Philadelphia. Pupil of Ferris. 1 The Pink Domino. foe LOOP, N.A., New York. Pupil of Coutoure. 2 Undine. WILLIAM S. HASELTINE, Rome. 3 Lake Como. 4 Lake Maggiore. FRANZ DE BEUL, Brussels. 5 Peace and Rest. 6 Fenced In. XANTHUS SMITH. 72. he Fisher, Gar). 8 A Good Catch, Bo Zs CAVAVIA: 9 Still Life.. HENRI BACON, Paris. 10. © Meditation. S. C. WATERS. 11 An Interesting Family. J. GYSELIN CKX, The Hague. 12 The Balloon Vender, ADAM WOODCOCK (deceased). 13. The Falconer. NOEL SAUNIER, a Pacic 14 Waiting, EDWIN EARP, London. 15 Early Morning—Windermere. 7 A. SPRING, Munich. Gold Medal at Munich, 1879. 16 Good Friends. A superb picture. C. MAYR GRAZ, Munich. 17 Old Antagonists. A gem of art. \ F. MULLER, Dusseldorf. 18. *Thy. Word is Trath,” A small but noble head. LOUIS AMMY BLANC, Berlin. Pupil of the Academy at Berlin. Born at Berlin, 1810. 19 Retrospection. G. DI CHERICO, \ 20 Paulina. G. L. BOICHARD, 21. Elise. V. D. ANKER, 22 The Little Nurse. L. HOLMBERG, 23 Captured Banditti. EM. VAN DAMME, ' 24 A Summer Day. 25 Homeward Bound. 9 Naples. Paris. Paris. Munich. Brussels. G. INNOCENTI, | Rome. Pupil of the Academy of Rome. Born at Rome. 26 The Connoisseur. 27. ‘The Secret Letter, A. LAUPHEIMER, Munich. 28 Head of an Old Man. | 29 Head of an Old Woman. H. DAURIAC, Paris. | 30.—=s Fruit. JULES GOUPIL, Paris. Pupil of Ary Scheffer. Medals, 1873, 1874, and First Class, 1875. Medal, 1878, E.U. Hors Concours. Born at Paris. 31 Paying Calls. oe = | | fe) at GIOVANNI ROTA, Brussels, 32 Rosalie. 33 Marianna. FRANZ DE BEUL, Brussels. 34 A Quiet Hour. | 35 ‘The Repose. JEAN BAPTISTE ANTOINE EMILE BERANGER, Paris. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1846 and 1848. Hors Concours. Born at Sevres. 36 ©Polly’s Breakfast. 37 Thoughts of the Absent. Most beautiful expressions of this famous artist. II LOUIS JIMENEZ, Paris. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts at Seviile. Born at Seville. 38 Fully Absorbed. A noble work of art. LOUIS BRUCK LAJOS, Paris. Pupil of Munkacsy. Honorable Mention, 1879. 39 Le Dejeuner. Particular attention is requested to this perfectly beau- tiful painting. MANUEL JIMENEZ PRIETO, Paris. Pupil of his Father. Born at Seville. 40 ‘The Spanish Merchant of the Olden Time. 12 CARLOS LOUIS RIBERA, Paris. Pupil of his Father and Delaroche. Medals, 1839 and 1845. Hors Concours. Born at Rome, 1812, of Spanish parents. 41 On the Boulevard. An artistic gem of the highest class. JEAN PIERRE HAAG, Paris. Pupil of Hd. Frere. Born at Elbeuf, Seine Inférieure. 42 The Good Boy. 43 The Naughty Boy. PHILIPPE FRANCOIS SAUVAGE, Paris. Pupil of Ed. Frere. Born at Villiers-le-Bel. 44. Helping Mother. 45 Feeding the Pets. x3 ALFRED GUES, Paris, Born at Montargis. 46 The Fair Falconer. The finest example of this artist that has ever been seen in America. F. SCHLESSINGER, Dusseldorf. 47. The Visit to the Doctor. A highly important and beautiful work. A. GARCIA MENZIA, Madrid. 48 The Auspicious Moment. G. LAEVERENZ, Munich. 49 Saturday Afternoon. J. LANGUEROCK, Paris. 50 Forty Winks. ‘> W. VELTEN, The German Meissonier. 51 The Stirrup Cup. SCHILL, 52 Hours of Study. F, PERLBERG, 53 Heron Hunting. M. DONAT, 54 Summer in Bavaria. 55 The Woodland Path. PIERRE MARIE BEYLE, 56 The Performéer’s Pet. 15 Munich. Paris. Paris. Brussels. Paris. * EDOUARD RICHTER, ie Paris. | Pupil of Hebert and Bonnat. 57. The Stroll by the Brook. HUGHES MERLE, Paris. Pupil of L, Cogniet. Medal, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1866. Hors Concours. Born at Saint Marcellin. 58 Miranda. LOUIS BRUCK-LAJOS, Paris. Pupil of Munkaesy. Honorable mention, 1879. 59 A Rose for You. This beautiful work is fresh from the artist’s easel, and exhibited now for the first time. GAETANO CHIERICI, Milan. 60 Good Morning, Dollys 16 EMANUEL LEUTZE, N.A. (deceased). Born, 1816. Died, 1868. Pupil of the Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts and Academy at Dusseldorf. Medal at Brussels. Many works of his have been pur- chased by the Academy at Dusseldorf and by the Gov- ernments of Brussels, Germany, and the United States. 61 Venice. MAX VON SCHMAEDEL, Munich. 62 ‘The Philosophical Fool. DANIEL HUNTINGTON, N.A.,, New York. Pupil of Morse and Inman. Member of the National Academy in New York, 1840. - President, 1862 to 1869. Again elected, 1877. Born, 1816. 63 Preciosa. G. TOESCHI, Rome. 64 The Visit of the Cardinal. J. VALENTYNE, 66 ‘The Early Morning Load. o HENRI D. -ROSZCZEWSKI, Pupil of Blaise Desgoffe. 67 Objects of Art. H. HERZOG, - 68 Moonlight on the Hudson. EDOUARD JEAN BAPTISTE DETAILLE, Pupil of Meissonier. inte 1869, 1870 and 1872. ross of the Legion 0 i Honor, 1873. Hors Concours. Born at Eas, wi 69 Sketches from the Army. 18 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE, Paris. Medals, 1861, 1863, and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Born at Paris, 1813. 70 The Farm—near Barbizon. JEAN LOUIS ANDRE THEODORE GERICAULT (deceased). Pupil of Cogniet, Champmartin, Delacroix, Henriquel Dupont, Charles Vernet, Guerin, and Scheffer. Medal, 1812, and several others. One of the great artists of France. Born at Rouen, 1791. Died at Paris, 1824. 71 Officer of the Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard Charging. 72 Wounded Cuirassier leaving the Battle. These are the studies (sold in Rome while there in 1817) made for his large works in the Louvre. They are lat- terly from the collection of the sculptor, J. H. Haseltine of Rome. meee, PAAL,, Paris. | Pupil of Diaz. 73 Fontainebleau. #9 EUGENE CICERI, _ Paris. | Pupil of his Father. | Medal, 1852. 74. Fontainebleau. EMILE LOUIS VERNIER, . Paris. Honorable mention, 1878. Medal, 1879. Born at Lons-le-Saunier. 75 eiavre, PROF. CAVALIERE ATTILO : SIMONET TI, Rome. | Pupil of Fortuny. Professor at Naples. Born at Rome. 76 Weariness. EMILE AUGUSTE PINCHART, Paris. Pupil of Gerome. ’ Born at Cambrai. 77 For His Stomach’s Sake. 20 A. FERRARESI, Rome. 78 Awaiting an Audience. A. CORELLI, Rome. 79 The Brigand Chief. PAUL LEON JAZET, Paris. Pupil of M. F. Barrias. 80 Orders to the Front. JEAN BAPTISTE JULES TRAYER, Paris. Pupil of his Father and M. Lequien. Medals, 1853 and 1855. K. U. 81 Domestic Pleasure. 21 Pupil of Hans Makart. — a | $2 The Garden Walk. A. BONAFAZI, $ 8 3 Antonio. 84 Theresa. Ze Second Evening’s Sale. P. MULTIDE, Sen’r, 85 View in Wales. T. STANLEY, 86 The Old Mill. EoD, LEWIS. 87 Pemigewasset Valley—Maine. 23 Tomer London. M. DONAT, 88 View near Basses! 89 Sunlight and Shade. XANTHUS SMITH. | go The F isherman’s Hut. gi Harvesters Lunching. A. VAN WYK, gz °-Dieppes 4 93 : On the French Coast. TH. REH, : 94 Hearing no Good of Himself. 95 In the Cabaret. gah B. WINNEPENNING, Amsterdam. 96 ‘The Gallant Hunter. A. F. HEYLIGERS, Brussels. 97 The Lecture. GUSTAVE DE JONGHE, | Paris. Pupil of the Academy at Brussels under Navez. Gold Medal at Antwerp, 1862. Medal at the Paris Salon, 1863. Born at Courtrai, 1828. 98 ‘The New Novel. LADISLAS BAKALOWICZ, Paris. Pupil of the Academy at Varsovie. Born at Cracovie. 99 Curiosity. 25 JULES -GOUPIL, Pupil of A. Scheffer. Medals, 1873, 1874, and Ist Class, 1875. Medal, 1878 Hors Concours. Born at Paris. — TH. DE HEUVEL, 101 Grandmother’s Good Morning. LAURENT DE BEUL, 102 Driving the Flock. K, GRAY, 103 A Happy Family. B. GALOFRELas 104. Crossing the Campagna. 105 On the Coast near Naples. 26 F. BARTOLINI, Rome. 106 Busy Hours in a Sunny Clime. GUSTAVE DAVID, Paris. Pupil of Picot. Born at Paris. 107 Leisure Hours. ee DIBDIN, London. 108 Church of St. Nicholas—Ghent. tog ‘The Belfrey—Ghent. EDWIN EARP, | London. 110 Loch Achray, Scotland. 111 Near Bowness, Windermere. 27 ANDREAS ACHENBACH, ‘Du Pupil of Schirmer at the airabe at Dar Medals, 1839. Medal First Class, 1855, B. v. eoeae the Legion of Honor, 1864. Medal, 1867, E.U. H Concours. Knight of the Order of Leopold. Member the Academies of Berlin, Amsterdam, and Antwe Medals of Prussia and Belgium. Medal Centennial E. position, 1876. Many of his works are in the Muni Pinakothek. Born at Hesse Cassel, 1815. ‘ 112 Entrance to the Scheldt—near Flushing. " | L. ALVAREZ, 113. Porto Veneri. H. HERZOG, 114 After the Storm. A; CAMPRIANI, 115 On the Coast near Naples. ; 28 ' CHARLES KUWASSEG, Fus, Paris. Pupil of his Father. Born at Draveil, Seine-et-Oise. 116 Ghent, PAUL EMANUEL PERAIRE, Paris. Pupil of Isabey and Luminais. Medal, 1880. Born at Bordeaux. 117. Spring—Mont Valerien, Paris. Cyto. PRERE, Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and Roqueplan. Medals, 1848 and 1865. Hors Concours. Born at Paris, 1815. 118 Fair at Tanteh—Lower Egypt. F. SPOHLER, Amsterdam. 119 Canal in Rotterdam. 120 Scene in Leyden. ~ V. BEVERWYK, 121 Canal in Amsterdam. 1. GUILION. 122 Scheveningen. FLORENT WILLEMS, — Pupil of the Academy af Malines. Medals, 1844 and 1846. Oross of the Legion of Honor, 1853. Medal, 1st Class, 1855, HE. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Medal, 1st Class, 1867, E. U. Medal, 1878, EH. U. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. _ Hors Concours. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medal — in Brussels in 1842. Many other Medals in Belgium © and Foreign Countries. Born at Liége, 1824. 123. Ax Intellectual Treat. LUCIEN FRANC REGNART, £ * 124 * Lady Jane Grey. 30 EUGENE ROMAIN THIRION, Paris. Pupil of Picot, Fromentin, and Cabanel. Medals, 1866, 1868, and 1869. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal, Second Class, 1878, H..U. Hors Concours. Born at Paris. 125 Lily’s Morning Meal. W. MENZLAR, Munich. 126 Clothilde. JULES GOUPIL, Paris. Pupil of A. Scheffer. Medals, 1873, 1874, and First Class, 1875. Medal, 1878, E. U. Hoe Concours. Born at Paris. 127. Young Girl in the Time of the Directory. A finer work this Artist has never produced. GAMBA DE PREYDOUR, Paris. Pupil of Hamon. 128 Aurora. 31 G. MAIER, 129 The Jolly Cavaliers. F. PERLBERG, 130 Freebooters. CHARLES EDOURD DELORT, P Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome. Medal, 1875. Born at Nimes. 131 ‘The Standard Bearer. ALFRED LOUIS JACOMIN, Pupil of his Father. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. "Brussels, 1875. si Born at Paris. sa 132 Testing the Sword, L. MARCHETTI, Pupil of Fortuny and Villegas. 133 Awaiting a Chance. 32 PROF. WILHELM AMBERG, | Berlin. Pupil of the Academy at Berlin, Herbig, Karl Begas, and Cogniet. Member and Professor in the Academy at Berlin. Born at Berlin, 1822. 134 | Deep Thoughts. One of the most beautiful and important pictures by this Artist ever imported. EDOUARD JEAN BAPTISTE DETAILLE, Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals, 1869, 1870, and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Hors Concours. Born at Paris, 1848. 135 Studies from the Life. G. BOLDINI, | Baie One of the most illustrious artists of the world. 136 ‘One so Graceful and so Fair.” 33 OTTO ERDMANN, FR. BODENMULLER, F. ANDREOTTI, : som : Ae . ac PROF: CARL BECKER,* a3 Pupil of the Berlin Academy, Von Risber: Hess, and Member and Vice-President of the Academy at Member of the Academy at Vienna. Member Royal Society of the Fine Arts of Belgium. Offi the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna, an Munich, and many other honors and decorations. Whil at Paris and Rome he was the pensioner of hee Be: Academy. Born at Berlin, 1820. é 137 Hildegarde. 138 Dreamy Days. Pupil of Knaus. 139 A Flemish Patricienne. 140 Your Very Good Health. 34 F. INDONI, Rome. 141 The Secret Letter. | B. GIOTA, Rome. 142 The Rival Pets. F. SCHLESSINGER, Dusseldorf. 143 Early Lessons. ADOLPHE SCHREYER, Paris. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medals at Paris, 1864, 1865, and 1867. Hors Concours. In 1862 created Court Painter of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary member of the Deutsches Nochstift. Born at Frankfort on the Main, 1828. 144 Siberian Travellers. WLADYSLAW SZERNER, Paris. 145 ‘The Circassian Vanguard of the Russian Troops. 35 Gah Eee ee AL OE a ed aes? ee beet he a, agit eis Vey ys seo ae af or aay ha tle) Sarit = ‘ Pict anehly G4 ae a Tras nae ser oe ee ve Fa we ew he 8 Ve Pe Ts a Nt GUSTAVE MARDOCHE NEY Pupil of Bonnat. Born at Poitiers. : 146 The Scout. ALFRED EMILE GAUBAULT, © ; Pupil of Detaiile. | fe: 147. The Orders of the Day. CHARLES LOUIS KRATKE, Pa Pupil of Gerome. Bias: 1484 Angling in More Ways than One. 1488 ‘Tender Strains. PIERRE LOUIS BOUCHARD, _ Pupil of H. and M. P. Flandrin. 149 The Pretty Milkmaid. ‘150 ‘The Young Stepmother. 36 JULIEN DUPRE, Paris. Pupil of Pils, Laugée, and Lehmann. Honorable Mention, 1879. Medal, 1880. 151 The Midday Meal. GEORGES LAUGEE, Fils, Paris. Pupil of his Father, Pils, and Lehmann. Born at Montivilliers (Seine Inférieure). 152 In the Harvest Field. F. PERLBERG, . Paris. 153. The Silent Moonlight. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS (deceased). Pupil of Pujol. Many Medals. Cross of the Legion of Honor. Officer of the Legion of Honor. Many foreign distinctions. One of the greatest artists of the century. Born at Paris, 1803. Died, 1860. 154 ‘The Fisherman of Calais. 37 CONSTANT TROYON (decea: : Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, and 1855. boas, on ee Legion of "Honor, 1849. Member of the Acs oe Amsterdam. Born at Sévres, 1810. Died, 1865. ite 155 A Psalm. vo LTZ, Pupil of the Academy of Munich. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin, and the great | Wiurtemberg Art Medal. His pictures are represented — in all the Royal Galleries of Germany. Born at Nord-— lingen, 1817. . ha Rey Hoos 156 A Family Gathering. FELIX SATURNIN BRISSOT DE _ WARVILLE, Pupil of M. L. Cogniet. From the Salon of 1880. Born at Sens. 157 Dans la Bruyére. 38 VOL TZ, Munich. 158 By the Brookside. FRANZ VAN LEEMPUTTEN, Brussels. 159 Return from Labor. 160 Fast Friends. A. S. MELVILLE, | London. 161 After Work. 162 Rest by the Way. A. COOMANS, Brussels. 163 Basking in the Sunlight. 164. Mother and Child. 39 165 Cinderella. > ean M. DONAT, 166 An Autumn Day. ° 167 Woods in Summer. 40 : Third Evenings Sale. PAUL PASCAL, Paris. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts at Madrid. 168 On the Road from Damascus. 169 The Rising Tide on the French Coast. KARL YON, | Antwerp. 170 Passing the Light-Ship. AI EDOUARD DE BEAUMONT, Paris. 171 Vanity. D. JANNSEN, Amsterdam. 172 Utrecht. J. WEISSENBRUCK, Amsterdam. 173. The Hague. Wola. COOPRR 174 Street Scene in Lausanne, Switzerland. G. KOTSCHENREITER,. Munich. Pupil of Hans Makart. 175 A Painful Tooth. 42 a a F. C. PECRUS, Paris. ° 176 Cheveux d’Or. XANTHUS SMITH 177. Country Inn, Cheltenham. CARL WEBER. 178 ‘The Bavarian Alps. PORTIELJE, Brussels. 179 At the Spring. P. MONTEFIESKO, Naples. 180 The Descent of Vesuvius. 43 THAREH, << 181. My Fair Neighbor. “PROF. FRIEDERICH JOHANN | . VOLTZ, Mun Pupil OE the geadary at igre Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin, and the great ; Wirtemberg Art Medal. His pictures have been pur- chased by all the Royal Art Galleries of paneer i Born at Nordlingen, 1817. ae 182 High Noon. — MAX LEBLING, 183. The Surprise. EM. VAN DAMME, 184 The Coming Rain. 185