WK- Aman : sara SHIRE Bey } y / _INTER-LIBRARY,, nc ” Ne = >, NUMISMATIC NO®PES? 4. 0 . AND MONOGRAPH No. 23 & y Ss A CRETAN COIN HOARD By RICHARD B. SEAGER THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY BROADWAY AT IS6TH STREET NEW YORK 1924 PUBLICATIONS pues The American Journal of Numisaiatics, 1866-1920. Monthly, May, 1866—April, 1870. Quarterly, July, 1870—October, 1912. Annually, 1913-1920. With many plates, illustrations, maps and tables. Less than a dozen complete sets of the Journal remain on hand. Prices on application. ‘Those wishing to fill broken sets can secure most of the needed volumes separately. An index to the first 50 volumes has been issued as part of Volume 51. It may also be purchased as a reprint for $3.00, The American Numismatic Society. Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Contem- porary Medals. March, 1910. New and revised edition. New York. 1911. xxxvi, 412 pages, 512 illustrations. $10.00. The American Numismatic Society. Exhibi- tion of United States and Colonial Coins. 1914. Vii, 134 pages, 4o plates. $1.00. @ NUMISMATIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS we tem NumisMATic NoTtES AND MONOGRAPHS is devoted to essays and treatises on subjects relating to coins, paper money, medals and decorations, and is uniform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs published by the Hispanic Society of America, and with In- dian Notes and Monographs issued by The Museum of the American Indian—Heye Foundation. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE | AcNeEs BALDWIN Brett, Chairman HENRY RussELL DROWNE JouHN REILLy, Jr. EDITORIAL STAFF SYDNEY Puitie Nok, Editor How.LanpD Woon, Associate Editor V. E. Eare, Assistant No longer the property of The Library Mount Holyoke College A CRETAN COIN HOARD BY RICHARD B. SEAGER THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY BROADWAY AT I56TH STREET NEW YORK 1924 COPYRIGHT, 1924, BY - # THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY fr } } AINSS & Wisc A CRETAN COIN HOARD By RicHArp B. SEAGER In the autumn of 1922, I have been given to understand, some boys playing on a mound of earth in the outskirts of Canea, the Cretan capital, came upon part of the hoard of small silver coins described in this article. Originally, they seem to have been contained in an earthenware jar or pot which in the course of centuries had been broken, allowing the contents to become somewhat scattered. The fragments of the pot were not preserved, and I was unable to get any definite information either as to its size or shape. This is unfortunate as it might have assisted in more nearly fixing the date of burial of the hoard. On my arrival in Crete, I was able to buy about 700 of these coins; and three months later, 303 others, making in all, 1003 pieces. Evidently after the discovery of the first lot, people began digging operations in the vicinity, and gradually unearthed more and Moeveroe A TIC NOTES 2 A CRETAN COIN HOARD more specimens, showing that at some pre- vious period the original deposit had been much disturbed. The coins themselves fell | into the hands of numerous owners—ap- parently; all the men at work had a share in the spoil, and it took some months of nego- tiation to get together the 1003 coins on which the following catalogue is based. Before my arrival in Crete, some had already found their way into the hands of local dealers and were thus dispersed, but I am inclined to think that these were not many in number and that I secured the bulk of the hoard as first found, except for about 80 pieces which were acquired by the Government in Athens. In Crete, coin hoards are not of common occurrence. In twenty years of collecting in the island, this is the first of any size of which I have heard, with the exception of one found a few years ago on the site of Gortyna. This Gortyna find was hurriedly dispersed, barring a few pieces which were seized by the Government, and it has been impossible to learn very much about it. The chief interest of the present hoard NUMISMATIGC NO " A CRETAN COIN HOARD consists in the fact that it presents a great number of dies of a hitherto obscure Cretan mint, of which only a few examples were known, and also increases our knowledge of the lesser silver coinage of Cydonia and Tanos, and their close relation to one an- other. It is also curious in that it contains coins of only three known Cretan towns— Cydonia, Tanos, and Itanos, whereas non- Cretan places, such as Aegina, Argos, Chalcis, Corinth, Histiaea, and Macedon are all represented, together with a Rhodian didrachm—the only coin of this weight in the entire hoard. Nearly all the coins are hemidrachms or still lighter denominations. The only drachms were one of Itanos, to which reference will be made later, one of Chalcis and two of Corinth. From the fact that they were found on the site of the ancient Cydonia, it seems probable that the coins with the Aeginetic reverse (Plates I—V), which comprise 586 of the 1003 pieces in my possession, belong to that mint. There is some evidence for this as will be seen, and one naturally expects the bulk of the coins in a hoard to Peevey INO GRAPHS A CRETAN COIN HOARD belong to the mint of the district in which they were buried, unless they happened to have been the property of some foreign | refugee. We also find in the hoard 200 trihemiobols of Aeginetic weight, with a seated hound on the reverse (Pl. V), all restruck on Rhodian hemidrachms. ‘These, as we know from the legend, certainly belong to Cydonia as do certain of the obols (Plates VI, VII), so that if we assign the 586 pieces with the Aeginetic reverse to the same mint, we have roughly 800 coins belonging to Cydonia out of the total of 1003. I say “roughly,” as only 14 of the 67 obols have been given to Cydonia whereas the number may really be greater, as will be seen when that series is dealt with in the catalogue. The pieces with the Aeginetic reverse may possibly belong to Tanos, which, from the coins already known and the new types included in this hoard, was evidently so intimately connected with Cydonia that it actually used Cydonian dies for its lighter denominations. We have practically no knowledge of Tanos beyond that given by NUMISMAITC NN Ole. PeckhE TAN COIN HOARD Svoronos in his Numismatique de la Créte Ancienne, p. 318, where he places it in the immediate vicinity of Cydonia, and one hesitates to assign so large a series to a mint so little known and to which no coins can be definitely attributed except for a small series of obols. On the other hand the following evidence supports the claims of Cydonia to these coins. Svoronos, of. cit., pp. 326-327, attributes a small bronze with a reverse of very much this type to one of two otherwise unknown towns, Thenae or Therapnae, in Crete. The reverse of this coin is identical with the hoard series except that it lacks the small cross-bar dividing one of the four compartments. Svoronos considers this re- verse loeerepresent, a Greek ‘Theta and, therefore, assigns it to one of the few Cretan towns the name of which begins with TH. He published an excellent example of this same coin in Ephemeris Archaiologike, 1889, Pl. 13, No. 14, where it will be seen how very similar it is to the hoard coins. A variety of this coin among the uncertain bronze of the British Museum (Fig. 1) appears to me to show the letters oe OrN OGRAPHS A CRETAN COIN HOARD K Y A disposed outside the pattern of the reverse. 7 If my reading is correct, (Mr. Eos 11 Robinson of the British | Museum agrees with me,) this would tend to assign all the bronze and silver of this general type to the Cydonian mint. We have the analogy of the obols of Tanos for this curious triangular manner of placing the first three letters of the place-name. (See Plates VI, VII, O: 53 and Q: 53.) The attribution of this series to Cydonia is further strengthened by the coin shown in Fig. 2, which I have called Type A. This coin, which had been in my possession for some time before the discovery of the hoard, makes it fairly clear that this series with the Aeginetic reverse must belong to either Cydonia or Tanos, but preferably the former, as the head on the obverse is almost identical with one which occurs on certain known types of Cydonian obols, drachms and staters. (Svoronos, Num. de la Créte, Pl. IX, Nos. 15, 16, 23,22.) Type A. Vine-crowned head of a nymph to 1., flowing hair, border of dots. Re- struck on an earlier flan. NUMISMATIOC NO Wes A CRETAN COIN HOARD Fig. 1 Fig. 3 PRCREITAN COIN HOARD R Incuse square, divided by broad bands into five compartments. AR .60, wt. 2.19 grm. The weight 2.19 grm. is perplexing as it is a good deal heavier than the hoard series of this type. It may be meant for a light weight Aeginetic hemidrachm, and the ex- tensive cleaning to which it has been sub- jected may partially account for its appar- ent underweight. From its style, it must be earlier in date than any of the hoard series with this Aeginetic type of reverse, with the possible exception of Type B on Plate I. Belonging to the same series is the coin shown in Fig. 3. The obverse die seems to be identical with that of Fig. 2. R Incuse square, divided by narrow bands into five compartments. In lower right hand compartment, two dots (acorn?). Overstruck on an earlier flan. This coin is in the Berlin Cabinet and Dr. Kurt Regling, to whose kindness I owe the cast, tells me that it has hitherto been assigned to Aegina following Mionnet’s publication of it (Mion- AND MONOGRAPHS A CRETAN COIN HOARD net, III, 599, 43, Pl. xviii, 6). The reverse is almost identical with that of certain coins of Aegina, B. Mo CateAgica ee a where what here looks like two dots in one of the compartments, appears to be an acorn. Dr. Regling also tells me he has seen a similar coin in the Cabinet of Mr. Empedocles in Athens which is overstruck on a coin of Sicyon, and which by its style appears to him to be a good deal earlier than the Berlin example. Traditionally, Aegina figures as one of the original founders of Cydonia (Babelon, Traité, Vol. III, p. 1024, and Strabo, VIII, 6, 16), and may have maintained an influence on affairs even during the historical period. But our knowledge of the history of Cretan towns in general is very scanty and aside from an endless series of petty quarrels with each other we have little real information about them. Quite recently, however, a certain amount of evidence has come to light which tends to show that Aegina exercised some obscure commercial influence on the town of Cydonia. There is a possibility, first suggested by Prof. J. L. Myres, of NUM 1S 3A aS A CRETAN COIN HOARD Oxford, that some of her turtle money may have been actually struck at Cydonia. Mr. E. S. G. Robinson is trying to collect some direct proof of a turtle mint in Crete, but the evidence is still insufficient for any defi- nite statement. If this theory should prove to be correct, it would help to explain the appearance of the Aeginetic reverse on the large series of these coins in the present hoard. The question of the date of the hoard is greatly assisted by the presence of the seven tetrobols of Macedon which were issued between 185-168 B.C. (Head, Hist. Num., p. 234) and of the 129 tetrobols of Histiaea which are assigned to 197-146 B.C. or even later. (Hist. Num., p. 364.) The probabili- ties are that the hoard was buried about 150 B.C., at a conservative guess, perhaps during one of the internecine wars which so constantly ravaged this island. These dat- able pieces of Macedon and Histiaea raise interesting questions as to the dating of some of the other coins included in the hoard. The series of trihemiobols belonging to Cydonia, with a youthful male horned head eee ON OGRAPHS 2) A. CRETAN COINSH OAs? on the obverse and a seated hound on the reverse nearly all seem to be struck on hemi- drachms of Rhodes of the type with the facing head of Helios. These Cydonian coins, judging by their condition, must have been nearly fresh from the mint at the time of the burial of the hoard. Few of them show signs of wear and many of them are in nearly mint state. According to Hist. Num., p. 464, these pieces were struck between 400-300 B.C. and Babelon, Vol. III, pp. 1030-31, No. 1758, places them between 360-300 B.C. Both these dates appear manifestly impossible viewed from the evi- dence of the hoard. The original issue of Rhodian hemidrachms on which they are restruck is placed in B. M. Cat. Caria, pp. 240-247, at 304-166 B.C., and it is unlikely that they were restruck directly after their first issue. Secondly, the condition of the coins themselves proves that they cannot have been long in circulation when the hoard was buried. This cannot have taken place, at the earliest, before 185 B.C., as shown by the tetrobols of Macedon, and was more probably nearer 150 than 185 B.C. In NUMISMA PCAN Gite fone LAN COIN HOARD 166 B.C., a reorganization of the coinage took place in Rhodes, and new types of drachms and hemidrachms appeared show- ing the rose on the reverse in a shallow incuse square, to distinguish them from the preced- ing issue which had become shockingly debased in weight. (Hist. Num., p. 640). This new issue was an effort to rehabilitate the Rhodian mint by striking a series of coins of better weight to replace the preced- ing light weight types which were probably no longer accepted at their face value. It | may be that the Cydonian treasury found itself overstocked with hemidrachms of the old type and, the new Rhodian series tending still further to discredit them, decided to restrike the whole lot as trihemiobols of Aeginetic weight. The whole question of weights of the Cretan pieces in this hoard is a puzzling one, and it would appear that all the Cydonian coins which it contains were intended to pass under both the Rhodian and the Aeginetic standards though under different denomina- tions. These so-called trihemiobols, as has been shown, are really Rhodian hemi- MDE MONOGRAPHS I2 A CRETAN COIN RGAE? drachms. According to Macdonald, (The Silver Coinage of Crete, British Academy Papers, Vol IX, 1919, p. 18), the Rhodian system was used together with the Aeginetic and debased Aeginetic at Cydonia. There- fore one would have expected these small coins to have passed in Crete at their face value as hemidrachms of Rhodian weight, but this apparently was not the case. At this time the issues actually struck at Rhodes had so lost in weight that the Rhodian drachm was treated in Crete as an Aegi- netic hemidrachm (Macdonald, p. 16). The Rhodian-struck hemidrachm apparently shared the same fate, and to solve the dif- ficulty was valued and, as we have seen, restruck as an Aeginetic trihemiobol. Another problem is presented by the large series of coins with the Aeginetic reverse. These range in weight from 1.36 to 1.94 grammes, but with an average weight of between 1.60 and 1.70 grammes. Of the 71 specimens belonging to the hoard de- scribed below, 11 are under 1.50 grms., 16 range from 1.50 to 1.60 grms., 29 from 1.60 to 1.70 grms., 13 from 1.70 to 1.80 grms., NUMISMA DiC eh 2 A CRETAN COIN HOARD and only 2 examples are 1.80 grms., or over, the heaviest example being 1.86 grms. Five of those below 1.50 grms. were in bad condition or much cleaned, so that the normal low weight for these coins would not be less than 1.50 grms. ‘They seem, asa whole, too light for Rhodian drachms, as in Crete it is the exception to find a drachm of this norm under at least two grammes, and most of them range from 3 to 3.50 grms.— the Cretan series of Rhodian weight being more nearly up to standard than the later issues of Rhodes itself (Macdonald, pp. 16-17). These coins are a good deal heavier than the series of restruck Rhodian hemi- drachms discussed above, where the average weight seems to be between 1.20 and 1.30 grms., with a tendency to rise higher rather than lower, but they would be about right for Cretan-struck hemidrachms of Rhodian weight where the drachm usually ranges from 3 grms. to 3.50 grms., which would give a hemidrachm of 1.50 to 1.75 grms.; or, in other words, just what we find in the hoard series. When one tries to fit them into the Aeginetic standard as found in Peeve NOGRAPHS 13 14 A CRETAN COIN HOARD Crete they can only be diobols, a denomina- tion that, so far, has not been recognized in any of the Cretan mints. In the entire Cretan series, only at Polyrhenium do we find a somewhat similar weight. There the coins with the facing bust of Dictynna on the obverse and the standing Apollo on the reverse, seem to approximate the hoard pieces with weights ranging from 1.62 to 2.II grammes, with an average of 1.80. Macdonald (p. 22) speaks of them as Rho- dian hemidrachms and Head, (Hist. Num., Pp. 475), as hemidrachms of Attic weight. The use of the latter standard in Crete seems to have been very limited, and we find almost no traces of it aside from the series of tetradrachms of Attic weight, which may have been the result of some political or commercial grouping of certain Cretan towns. Accepting, therefore, these coins with the Aeginetic reverse as Rhodian hemi- drachms, we find that they would also be right for Aeginetic diobols if, as Macdonald says (p. 11), the norm for Aeginetic hemi- drachms in Crete is about 2.55 grammes. This would give an obol of .85 and a diobol NUMISMA EITC Ge A CRETAN COIN HOARD of 1.70 grms., which is just what we find in the hoard coins, and not far out for the series of Polyrhenium.* From the reverses of the hoard coins, one would naturally have supposed that they would bear some relation to the Aeginetic system, but one would have hardly expected them to turn out to be diobols, a denomina- tion which seems not to occur in the mint of Aegina itself or anywhere in Crete, if we except the coins of Polyrhenium just men- tioned. If they are really meant to be Aeginetic diobols, they were probably issued to fulfil some commercial need for which the overstruck Rhodian hemidrachms and other small denominations of Cydonia were con- sidered unacceptable. The probable solu- tion of the whole question is, that given the equal use of the two standards by the Cydonian treasury, a coin which could pass in both systems as a definite though different unit of weight was very acceptable, and that the coins with the Aeginetic reverse could 1 Babelon, Tratié, Vol. III, Pl. cclx, 11, shows a coin of Aptera as silver which in the text p. 1022, No. 1741 bis, he gives as bronze and yet describes it as an Aeginetic diobol. The coin really is bronze, and an error has crept into the Plate. Pewee ONO GRAPHS e 16 A CRETAN COIN HOARD be either Aeginetic diobols or Rhodian hemi- drachms, as best suited the needs of the moment. Of the two Aeginetan coins in the hoard, one triobol is in excellent state, Pl. VIII, 65, and shows few signs of having been in cir- culation for a long course of years as one would suppose must have been the case. This type, according to B. M. Cat. Aftica, p. 139, No. 172, must have been issued before 431 B.C., and that it should still be in cir- culation by the middle of the second century B.C. without showing more signs of wear, seems incredible. This dating of these pieces with a crescent in one of the compart- ments of the incuse must be left open to question. The two Corinthian drachms, Pl. IX, 71, must have been in circulation for a long time, as one belongs to the issue of 350-338 B.C. This coin, however, shows considerable signs of wear. The second piece (issue of 300- 243, B.C.) was in very bad state, with a large piece broken out of the side, and is not illustrated. There were 67 obols of Cydonia and NUMISMAT EGAN Oa ASCRETAN COIN HOARD Tanos included in the hoard. Most of these show many signs of wear, especially the types M, N, O and P shown on PI. VI. yoes ix, >) and IT, on the other hand, were in fresher state and may have been the issues in circulation at the time of the burial of the hoard, especially R: 56, of which there were 13 examples out of the 67 pieces. The heads on the obverse of types N, P, Q and T seem to be new; at any rate, I have been unable to trace any published examples of them. The question of sequence for the types with the Aeginetic reverse is not easy to decide, and my arrangement is an arbitrary one. In some cases the reverse of one series running over into another with a different obverse die, has served to indicate the order of sequence; but from the condition of the coins, the different issues must have suc- ceeded one another fairly quickly and, except for type B, none of them had been long in circulation when the hoard was buried. The series with the obverse shown in Plates III to V, Types H and Ha, was the most abundant, numbering about 180 out of the Pens MLONOGRAPHS 18 A CRETAN COIN HOARD total of 554 pieces, which were sufficiently well preserved for purposes of identification. This type, with its crude copy, I (Pl. IV), and, perhaps, J (Pl. V), were doubtless the dies in use at the time the hoard was hidden. The obverse die, as is usually the case, outlasted the reverse, and one finds the same obverse used with a series of different reverses and can note its gradual deteriora- tion until it becomes so nearly indistin- guishable that it had to be replaced by a new die. (PI. I, B and Ba, and series D.) Nine obverse dies occur among these pieces with the Aeginetic reverse. At first I took type Ba on Pl. I to be independent, but it appears to be the die of type B in the final stages of disintegration. ‘The reverse dies number forty-two, which is surprising con- sidering that these coins were practically unknown before the discovery of this hoard. The obverse types, as is usual in the Cretan series, show extremes of style—some of them being quite good and others very crude. In the series, f sanc rayon Plates II, III, one sees the original die and NUMISMATLGGN ORs A CRETAN COIN. HOARD its coarser copy in two states. The large series H on Plate III has also its crude copy I. The same reverse in several states is shown on PI. I, series B:1, B:1a, C:1b and a- te also C22, Baroa, D:2b and D:2c. Another reverse in several states is shown Greets apoeand isa’ and Gitsb. In the above examples, one can follow the changes in the dies, flaws appearing at the corners of the design and a gradual filling and obscuring of the entire surface. In one or two cases, the pieces with the Aeginetic reverse show slight traces of being restruck on an earlier flan, but in no case have I been able to make out the type of the original. Taking the series as a whole, cases of restriking are very rare in contrast to the trihemiobols where almost every coin shows traces of the older flan. The obols of Cydonia and Tanos, shown on Plates VI and VII, are very perplexing and, except where they bear inscriptions, it is impossible to say to which mint they belong as the types for the two places are identical. Therefore, I have classed as un- certain several obols which have hitherto Nees OUNO GRAPHS 19 A CRETAN COINTHOARD been given to Cydonia and have assigned definitely only those bearing legends. The coins of the hoard were, as a whole, in bad condition, heavily coated with a brown- ish-grey corrosion, and in many cases the metal itself was so rotten and granulated that some literally fell to pieces in cleaning. Fortunately, there was a sufficient number of sound specimens among the mass to enable me to reproduce the series here illustrated. Of the coins foreign to Crete, I have ‘thought it unnecessary to illustrate all the examples. This is particularly so in the case of the 129 tetrobols of Histiaea. Ihave chosen, therefore, specimens which, from either their condition or type, seem worthy of notice. In addition to the Berlin coin, Fig. 3, and the one belonging to Mr. Empedocles, I have been able to trace but two others with reverses of this Aeginetic type The British Museum has a specimen of the coin shown on Pl. I, D: 2b, which appar- ently came from this same hoard as it was bought not long after its discovery, together with one of the Cydonian trihemiobols shown NUM.1S MA Ti CaN Galeries BeCRETAN COIN HOARD on Pl. V, K. A coin similar to H: 24 of Pl. IV is in Mr. Edward T. Newell’s Cabinet, and he tells me that he thinks it came originally from the Pozzi Collection. In the following catalogue the obverse types are indicated by capital letters, and where they pass through various states of deterioration these stages are further in- dicated by the addition of a small letter showing the state of the die. Thus C would be the obverse type in its first state, and Ca the die C showing the first signs of wear or deterioration. The reverse types are indicated by numer- als, to which small letters are added for indicating the different states of the die. Thus taking the obverse types B, C and Ba, we find them associated with the reverse die 1, which passes through stages of deteriora- tion indicated by 1a, 1b and 1c, in the last of which the die has become almost entirely obliterated. The following list gives the number of examples of the varieties contained in the hoard. PeNcveav ONOGRAPHS 21 22 A CRETAN COIN HOARD Cydonia—Type B 15 Examples ane 12 ti ce ey 12 (a9 se a 21 4 (a9 D 69 ce “ E 93 ce ce F 49 (79 ce Fa 6: (79 (<9 G 21 ce “ 1 Se hle acs e: (a9 I 37 ce (79 J 12 66 Uncertain, owing to state... .. <5 outa 32 3 Totals... 7333 ee 586 - Types K-& Dee 188 eS Uncertain owing to staté eee a Total. 2 eee 200 x Cydonia & Tanos Obols. Cydonia:..<;aee ee 14 if Tanos , 2... Ir Me Uncertain... eee 42 ne Total |... 3... eee 67 Se NUMISMATEC NOEs A CRETAN COIN HOARD 23 ene, a ee 2 Examples Uncertain (Orion?)..... I 3 Non-Cretan Coins SULT a ae 2 PO dh oy crs od ss 5 ORS 6 aia i eS PrOmniLinn es os ky. 2 a PAPO eet is a ss 129 ch JENS 2 hg ae 7 a PeUOCIeS ele bas ibs. as I ie RCM cre tn 147 i CYDONIA Type B:x. Youthful head (Apollo?) to | PrateT r., wearing wreath. Ry. Incuse square divided by broad bands into five compartments. Ak 53. wt. 1.68: etm, 7 Examples. RY. 1a. Same die as above showing gradual filling up of the surface. AR .58, wt. 1.74 grm. 8 Examples. Type C:1b. Wreathed head (Apollo?) to r. RZ. Same die as above showing still more marked deterioration. AR) eso, wt. 1.68 grm. 7 Examples. ov ENO GRAPHS A CRETAN COIN HOARD Ry. 2. Similar to foregoing—the incuse seems now to disappear, though the square remains in varying forms throughout the entire series. AR 352, wt. 1.05. 20m 5 Examples Type Ba:1c. Wreathed head to r., very rough die. Ry. Same die as B:1, but with the design nearly obliterated. AR .50, wt. 1.55 grm. 1 Example. Ry. 2a. Same die as © 2) AR .51, wt. 1.62 grm. 11 Examples. Type D:2b. Head of Apollo or nymph to l., hair rolled, with long locks hanging down at back of the neck. ky. Apparently the same die as C:2 and Ba:2a, but somewhat blurred through use. AR .55, wt. 1.74 grm. 27 Examples. RY. 2c. Same die, even more obliterated. The small cross-bar in the lower left hand compartment has now entirely disappeared. AR .§7, who1ssogtam 8 Examples. Ry. 3. Similar, but different die. AR .52, wt. 1.68 grm. 28 Examples. NUMIS MA TT Ceh Osi A CRETAN COIN HOARD Type D:4. Same die, nearly obliterated: Ry. Similar, but different die. . AR .50, wt. 1.36 grm. (much cleaned, hence low weight). 6 Examples. Type Ca:3a. Same die as C, in second state showing flaw above the bridge of the nose. This die is shown on Plate II, Ca. RY. Same dieas D:3 Not illustrated. AK 52. wl. t.41-grm. 1 Example. Ry. 4a. Later state of D:a. AR .55, wt. 1.74 grm. 6 Examples. RY. 5. Similar but different die. AR 232, wt, 1.16 grm. 2 Examples. Much cleaned, hence low weight. Ry. 6. Similar but different die. AR_ .48, wt. 1.52 grm. 4 Examples. Ry. 6a. Same die Ca:6 in second state. AR .56, wt. 1.68 grm. 7 Examples. Ry. 6b. In third state, showing die nearly filled up. AR .54, wt. 1.79 grm. 1 Example. Type E:7. Head of Apollo or nymph to Pee vON © GRAPHS 25 PLATE II 26 PLATE Ill A CRETAN COIN HOARD l., hair rolled with locks hanging down at back of neck; border of dots. Ry. Similar but different die. AR OSSS,.wL i. 72.000 16 Examples. Ry. 8. Similar but different die. AK 552) wt, 1/30ceru 26 Examples. RY. 9. Similar but different die. AR .53, wt. 1.52 grm. 14 Examples. RY. ro. Similar but different die. AK .55, wt. 1.03 grim 37 Examples. Type F:11. New die similar to E but of coarser workmanship; border of dots. Ry. Similar but different die. AR .53, wt..1.70 g1m: 29 Examples. Ry. 12. Similar but different die. AR .58, wt. 1.56 grm. 7 Examples. RY. 13. Similar but different die. AR .53, wt. 1.59 gum, 4 Examples. Ry. roa. Same die as E:10 AR .55, wt. 1.62 grm. 9g Examples. Type Fa:7a. Same die but beginning to show signs of wear. Ry. Same die as E:7, also beginning to fill up. AR .60x.50,wt. 1.41 grm. 7 Examples. NUMISMA TIC IN © Takes Pee ANE COIN HOARD Ry. 14. Similar but different die. Pe s0, wi. I.41 prin. 21 Examples. Ry.1s. Similar but different die. * — wk 450, wt. 1:50 grm. 3 Examples. RY. 15a. Same die, showing flaw beginning to develop in upper right hand corner. Ak s+) wt. 1.62 grim. 2 Examples. Type G:15b. Head of Apollo or nymph to l., hair rolled, long locks hanging down at back of neck; border of dots. Coarse style. RY. Same die as Fa:15 and 152. AK iso: wt. 1.67 erm. 3 Examples RY. 16. Similar but different die. AR .52, wt. 1.58 grm. 4 Examples. RY. 17. Similar but different die. wie :54, wt, 1.59 etm. 7 Examples. RY. 17a. Same die as 17, but showing signs of wear. The short bar in lower left hand compartment entirely obliterated. Ak 56, wt. 1-62 erm: 3 Examples. Not illustrated. RY. 18. Similar but different die. This is the only type showing the short crossbar Peon ONC) GRAPHS 27 28 PLATE lV A CRETAN COLIN OAR in the lower left hand compartment KH in this unusual position. AR +454, wt. 1.62 grm. 4 Examples. Type H:19. Head of Apollo or nymph to l. Hair rolled, long locks hanging down at back of neck. Ry.. Similar to the usual type. AR .60, wt. 1.59 grm. 5 Exar.ples. R7. 20. Similar but different die. AR .56, wt. 1:55 gnu: 3 Examples. RY. 21. Similar but different die. AR .s0, wt. 1.62 grm, 2 Examples. Type I. Similar to Type H but very crude, coarse work. This die, I, and Type H are both associated with the following reverses, Nos. 22-29. Types H, I:22. Ry. Similar but different die. H:22—AR_ .52,wt. 1.74 grm. 20 Examples. I:22—AR. .53,wt. 1.52 grm. 1 Example. Ry. 23. H—AR_ .57, wt. 1.60 grm. 29 Ex. I—AR_ .53, wt. 1.76 grm. 2 Ex. Type H:23a, Same die. NUMISMALE?PIOG Nowe A CRETAN COIN HOARD Ry. This seems to be the die of No. 23 recut. Not illustrated. Bie s7, wt. 1:74 grm. 4 Examples. Types H, I:24. RY. Similar but different die. H:24—AR_ .54,wt. 1.68 grm. 4 Examples. I:24—AR_ .60x .50, wt. 1.62 grm. 1 Ex. RY. 25. Similar but different die. H—AR .55, wt. 1.79 grm. 29 Examples. I—AR .54, wt. 1.65 grm. 11 Examples. RY. 26. Similar but different die. H—AR_ .53, wt. 1.62 grm. 13 Examples. I—AR_ .57, wt. 1.62 grm. 6 Examples. Ry. 27. Similar but different die. H—AR .51, wt. 1.72 grm. | 19 Examples. I—AR_ .50, wt. 1.67 grm. 1 Example. Ry. 28. Similar but different die. H—AR .52, wt. 1.57 grm. 17 Examples. I—AR_ .52, wt. 1.63 grm. 10 Examples. RY. 29. Similar but different die. H—AR_ .57, wt. 1.62 grm. 5 Examples. I—AR_ .51, wt. 1.42 grm. 1 Example. Much cleaned. Poros) NOGRAP HS 30 A CRETAN COIN HOARD Type Ha:30. Same die as Type H, but much worn. Ry. Similar square divided into five com- partments. One of the crossbars is carried outside the square on the right and ends in a ball-like knob. In the centre of each of the three square compartments, a pellet. AR .50, wt. 1.62 prm. 2 Examples. (This, and the succeeding coins, Ha:30-38, show the die of Type H ina very worn state and must therefore be later than most of the preceding examples of this die.) RY. 31. Similar to No. 30 but different die. AR .55, wt. 1.50 grm.; another example, wt. 1.79 grm. 4 Examples. Ri. 32. Similar but with the knob on horizontal crossbar outside on I.,instead of r. AR .57, wt. 1.52 grm.; another example, wt. 1.72 grm. 5 Examples. RY. 33. Similar but with exterior knob on lower end of vertical crossbar. AR .59, wt. 1.07 ore 5 Examples. Ry. 34. Similar but different die. AR .62, wt. 1.62 grm. 1 Example. NUMIS MATIN Oar ieCRETAN COIN HOARD RY. 35. Similar but with exterior knob at top of vertical crossbar. ites 54, Wt, 1.42 grm. 3 Examples. RY. 36. Similar but different die. Ae 7,52, Wt-'1.55 grm. 1 Example. In the following coins, Nos. 37 and 38, we again find the obverse types H and I associated with the same reverses. Type Ha, 1:37. Same die. RY. Similar to No. 36, but different die. Maa .55, wt. 1.05 grm. 3 Examples. I—AR .52, wt. 1.48 grm. (Much cleaned, hence low weight.) 3 Examples. RY. 38. Similar to Nos. 33 and 34 but different die. Ha—AR .57,wt.1.62grm. 4 Examples. I—AR_ .53, wt. 1.46 grm. (Much cleaned, hence low weight.) 1 Example. RY. 39. Usual type without knob or pellets. AR .50, wt. 1.86 grm. 2 Examples. Type J:39. Head of Apollo or nymph to r., hair rolled with long locks hanging down at back of neck; border of dots. meow) NOGRAPHS al PLATE A’ CRETAN: COIN@HOARTS RY. Same die as No. Ha:309. AR .54, wt. 1.68 grm. 1 Example. Ry. 40. Similar but ‘different die. AR. .57, wt. 1:40:8tnn 1 Example. Ry. 41. Similar but different die. AR” 552, wts Ll. sovgrms 4 Examples. RY. 42. Similar but different die. AR -251,-wt.. 1.67) pie 6 Examples. The following series are all struck on Rhodian hemidrachms and have long been recognized as belonging to Cydonia. In the large number, 200 examples, contained in the hoard, two obverse dies could be clearly recognized, and appear below as Types K and L. Of these obverse dies, K occurs the more frequently. The reverse dies are three in number and occur in conjunction with both the obverse types K and L. Most of these dies pass through various states, but I have shown two states only of one of them, in K-L:45 and 45a. In many cases it was possible to make out the symbol and magistrate’s name of the original Rhodian flan. A list of those which could be dis- tinguished is given below, and two coins NUMISMA PIC UN Grits Peerne LAN COIN HOARD with clear traces of the old flan are shown Ieee Vv L:46 and K:47. Types K-L:43. Young horned head (Pan?) to |.; border of dots. Ry. K Y Seated hound to r. K—AR_ .55, wt. 1.36 grm. 35 Examples. L—AR_ .57, wt. 1.40. 26 Examples. RY. 44. Similar but different die. K—AR .61, wt.1.16grm. 46 Examples. L—AR .56, wt.1.28 grm. 14 Examples. Types K-L:45. Same dies but showing signs of wear. Ry. Similar but different die. K—AR_ .62,wt.1.46grm. 22 Examples. L—AR_ .58, wt. 1.41 grm. 15 Examples. Types K-L:45a. Same dies, much worn. RY Same die as No. 45, but the flaw by the K has increased in size. K—AR_ .53, wt. 1.24 grm. 15 Examples. L—AR .54, wt. 1.23 grm. 15 Examples. Type L:46. Die of Type L badly struck. Ry. Same die as No. 45. The facing head of Helios of the original Rhodian flan is clearly visible. AR .60, wt. 1.38 grm. eo ON OGRAPH S oe 34 A CRETAN COINS OA? Type K:47. Die of Type K, badly struck. RY. Same die as No. 43. Magistrate’s name, EYKPATH®; symbol, anchor, of the original Rhodian flan clearly visible. AR .55, wt. 1.07 grm. (Broken and much cleaned, hence low weight.) The following is the list of the Rhodian magistrates’ names and symbols as far as they could be made out on this series. Fora list of these names and symbols, see B.M. Cat. Caria and Islands, p. 247, Nos. 188-196. AMEINIA®, symbol, bearded ithyphallic term r. 12 Examples. 1 AMEINIA®S, term, 1-23 grm. 2 AM ore eeaeas Pe ee 1.20 Gee 3A VU eae ; Tt 4°ACM?) ee {207 AOA term, tsi 6 AM TAGAee 7 AMEINIA® bE ee 8 AMEIN..., term, Laney go AMEINIA2 7 hide ee 10 A. ou). ge ee it 3s,-SINIAg Tah 12°) /.KINIAS ver ys NUMISMA TLTCRN Os Neen AN COIN HOARD AKEXIx, symbol, dolphin. 4 Examples. ec eee ead 1.27 grm. eee acolphin ...>.;- “» -(broken) Gee od E20 ent, > Te Ano 2 30,0" ANAZANAPOS, symbol, trident. 1 Example. PN eAN. tS. 1.26 grm. EYKPATH2, symbol, anchor. 10 Fxamples. fore RE AYH. anchor, 1.29 grm. 2 EYKPATH> He TOTAL. ANOS ee ee ial 200 a, Sevier a en PO pea Peewee A EELS (broken). 1.12“ oped a oie ee TL TOek (OCS Stan eee ancnor, 91.91. * De A ea m i ea hk ag aa os D207 et eas hg se BO) o reo tse One coin shows a bunch of grapes as the symbol but no letters can be distinguished. In addition to the above, nearly all of the 200 examples of this series bear some traces of the original flans on either the obverse or reverse. With the exception of the coin Poa ero NO:GRAPHS 33 A CRETAN COIN HOARD mentioned below, the highest weight was 1.52 grm., but the well preserved specimens average from 1.20 to 1.30 grm. as a rule. One of these coins seems not to be struck on the usual tvpe of Rhodian hemidrachms, and weighs 1.74 grm., which puts it in a quite different class to the others. The original obverse shows traces of a facing head to the right; and the reverse, very faint traces of a design in a square or incuse with a bunch of grapes asa symbol. It appears to be one of the early Rhodian hemidrachms of the issue of 408-400 B.C., B.M. Cat. Caria, Ploxxxvi On Plates VI and VII are shown the series of obols of Cydonia and Tanos which num- bered 67 examples. Only 14 of these can, with certainty, be assigned to Cydonia and eleven to Tanos. The remaining 42 pieces might belong to either town. Unfortunately these tiny coins of thin metal had suffered greatly from corrosion and were in a very fragile state so that some of the examples shown on Pl. VI leave much to be desired. Also the specimens of what seem to be the earlier types of the series M, N, O, and P NUM IS MAT ERCGIN Oa. Aone lLAN COIN HOARD were already badly worn before the burial of the hoard, but as one or two of them seem to be unpublished I have thought it advisa- ble to illustrate them, poor though they may be. The plates are arranged to show the close relationship of the two mints by bringing similar dies together rather than with a view to grouping the coins of each town separately. In some cases the obverse dies of the two places are identical; and the same may have been the case with the reverses where they are without legends, so that it seems quite impossible to assign the un- inscribed specimens with any certainty to either one or the other of these mints. UNCERTAIN Type M:48. Wreathed head of Apollo or nymph to |., much worn. He Pitee Crescents; in centre, a pellet; border of dots. AR .s5o, wt. .51 grm. (much corroded and cleaned). 1 Example. This obverse appears to be from the same die as that used for M:50 (below), which clearly belongs to Cydonia. een ONO GRAPHS 37 PLATE VI 38 A CRETAN COIN HOARD Type N:49. Head of nymph to r. Crude, heavy fabric. Ry. Three crescents; in centre, a pellet. AR 42, wt. 1.10 gigs 1 Example. The head on the obverse of this coin seems to be a rough copy of the fine staters of Cydonia signed by Neuantos. CY DO sams Type M:s50. Wreathed head of Apollo or nymph, to r. ky. Three crescents; in centre, K; border of dots. AR .42, wt. 1.07 grm. (Svoronos, PI. ix, r7): 3 Examples. The obverse, as noted above, seems to be the same as that of M:48. Type O:51. Head of nymph vio; crowned with ivy; border of dots. RY. KY A QN. Three crescents; in centre, bucranium; border of dots. AR .48, wt. .77 grm. (highest wt. 1.03 grm.) Svoronos, Pl. ix, 27. 9 Examples, all much worn. NUMISMA TiC Go BeCRETAN COIN HOARD TANOS Type P:52. Head of Apollo or nymph tor.. Much worn. Ry. Three crescents—in the arc of one of them a T—in centre, a pellet; border of dots. AR .51, wt. .71 grm. (much corroded and cleaned). 1 Example. This coin, which seems to be an un- published variety, has in the arc of one of the crescents the same badly formed T that we find on the Tanos pieces described below (0:53). The surface of the coin is so worn that it is not clear whether the legend was originally TAN as on the other Tanos pieces. Type 0:53. Same die as O:51. Ry. TAN Similar die to P:52. hice so. we. 04 grim. (Svoronos, Pl. xxx, 23). 8 Examples. Wen Gok LAT N. Type 0:54. Same as O:53. Ry Three crescents—in the arc of each, a pellet—a fourth in the centre; border of dots. AR .53, wt. .o4 grm. 5 Examples. This type is published by: Svoronos, PI. ix, 29, as belonging to Cydonia. PeweoerONO GRAPHS A CRETAN COIN HOARD RY. O:ss. Three crescents; in centrem a pellet; border of dots. AR .42, wt. .93 gem. (Syoron0se Plein 28). 7 Examples. There seem to be faint traces of a T in the arc of one of the crescents, and of an A in the |. field, but the coin is much worn. The piece figured in Svoronos under Cydonia (Pl. ix, 28) also shows traces of these letters, so it may be that this is really a worn die of the reverse of P:52 and O:53. TANOS Type Q:53. Head of Apollo or nymph to r. (wreathed?); hair rolled and bound at the back of the neck; border of dots. Ry. Apparently the same die as O:53. AR .43, wt. .77 grm. 2 Examples. This obverse seems to be unpublished. UNCERTAIN Type Q:56. Same die as Q:53. Ry. Three crescents; in centre, ‘a pellet; border of dots. AR .50, wt. .62 grim. 3 Examples. NUM ISMAVPCUGNa es peCRETAN COIN HOARD The reverse die of this piece seems to be the same as that of R:56 described below and hitherto assigned to Cydonia. Type Q:57. Same die as Q:53 and Q:56. RY. Three crescents; in centre, bucranium; border of dots. AR .47, wt. .75 grm. 4 Examples. This reverse is very similar to that given below under S:60 and assigned by Svoronos to Cydonia. Type R:56. Head of Apollo or nymph to r., hair rolled and bound at back of neck; border of dots. Ry Same die as Q:56. AR .48, wt. .77 grm. (Svoronos Pl. ix, 3): 13 Examples. Type R:58. Same die. Ry Similar to O:54, but a different die. aay, Wie.77 RIM: 1 Example. Type S:59. Youthful head to r., hair rolled and bound at back of neck; border of dots. Ry. Three crescents; in arc of each, a pellet —in centre, bucranium; border of dots. Aron AG, Wt,.02 grm. min ple. ewe OUNO GRAPH > AI A CRETAN COINSHOAE Type S:60. Same die. Ry. Three crescents; in centre, bucranium; border of dots. AR. (45; wt75 gin, 6 Examples. This. coin is shown in Svoronos, Pl. ix, 14, and in the B. M. Cat. Crete, Pl. vii, 9, as belonging to Cydonia, but it might equally well belong to Tanos. CY DONTSA Type T:61. Youthful head to L., hair rolled and bound in knot at back of neck. Coarse style. ky. Three crescents; in centre, bucranium; in field near border, K; border of dots. Very crude style. AR .47, wt..75 gia 1 Example. This seems to be an altogether un- published type of Cydonia. Type U:61. Head of Apollo or nymph to r. (wreathed?); hair rolled and bound at the back of the neck; border of dots. Bar- barous style. Ry Same die as T:61. AR .47, wt. .77 grm. 1 Example. NUMIS MA PiGenN Or. A CRETAN COIN HOARD This coin seems a barbarous copy of Q:57. The presence of the K on the reverse would seem to confirm its assignment to Cydonia. PAN OS No. 62. Helmeted head of Athena to 1. RY. Star of eight rays. AR .51,wt. .58 grm. (Obol. Svoronos, PI. xix, No. 22, or similar.) t Example. No. 63. Helmeted head of Athena to 1. RX. ITANION. Eagle standing tol., with head turned r. In r. field, a triton to l., raising his r. hand and carrying in his l. a trident; concave field. AR .80,wt. 5.11 grm. (Drachm. Svoronos, Pk, xix, No. 24.) 1 Example. ORION (?) No. 64. Vase with two neck-handles (or deeply fluted neck) and a vertical handle on the body. Ry. Incuse square of Aeginetic pattern, divided by bands into five compartments, badly worn and much corroded. Aieewo wt, 75 erm. 1 Example. Peer NOGRAPHS 43 PLATE VIII A CRETAN COIN HOARD This type has been published by Cameron and Hill, Num. Chron., Fourth Series, Vol. XIII, 1913; No. 22,°Pl xve ree oe teresting to find it in this hoard containing such a mass of coins with reverses of Aeginetic pattern. I have always noticed in buying coins on Cretan sites, that coins foreign in origin to the place where they are found will often be similar in type to the issues of the local mint of that district. Thus at Praesos, foreign coins with the reverse type of a bull’s head facing are common and the same occurs at Gortyna and Phaistos where Euboic types are often found. In the mountain towns of the West, Elyros, Hyrtakina, Lisos and Polyrhenium, the silver obols of Sicyon with flying doves | are very common, probably because they are almost identical with the local silver obols of this region. In the Messara, I have several times seen drachms of Samos with the incuse lion mask on the reverse, which are again similar to the earlier issues of Gortyna, which controlled this district. This same fact holds good with the bronze coinage, as, for example, Retimo, the ancient NUMIS MA DEG UN Ofer A CRETAN COIN HOARD Rithymna, where foreign bronze coins with dolphin types are found in considerable numbers; and Cydonia, where bronze with bunches of grapes frequently occur, resem- bling but not belonging to the Cydonian series. On the following plates, Nos. VIII to XII, are shown the non-Cretan coins belonging to the hoard. AEGINA No. 65. Tortoise; structure of shell di- vided into ten plates, to r., A, to l., (A?), Ry. Incuse square divided by bands into five compartments; in left upper compart- ment, a crescent. AR .55, wt. 2.98 grm. “friobol. B.M. Cat’ Aviica; Pl. xxiv, 15). 1 Example. No. 66. Tortoise; badly worn. Ry. Incuse square divided by bands into five compartments. eee te 2.07 orm. Much cleaned, hence low weight (Triobol. cf. B.M.Cat. Attica, Pl. xxv, 8). t Example. Peeler oN OG RAPHS 45 46 A CRETAN COUNT OR ARGOS C. 322-220 B.C anueiater No. 67. Forepart of wolf to 1.; in front, A- Ry. A in shallow incuse square; below, animal (horse?) running to r.; above, A-I in two deeper incuses. AR .57, wt. 2:33) grm. Much ecleaneq. hence low weight. (Hemidrachm.) 1 Example. The symbol on the reverse of this coin does not seem to be given in either the B.M. Cat. or in Babelon. No. 68. Forepart of wolf to 1. Ry. A in shallow incuse square; below, crescent; in field A-P. AR .s58, wt. 2.46 grm. (Hemidrachm. B.M.Cat. Peloponnesus, p. 141, No. 60.) 3 Examples. No. 69. Same. Ry. A in shallow incuse square; below, club; in 1. field, N and beneath it, I. AR .55, wt. 2.39 #0. Micheecleaned hence low weight. (Hemidrachm.) 1 Example. This coin also seems slightly different to any given in the B.M. Cat. NUMISMAT VON i Peck rE LAN COIN HOARD CHALCIS c. 369(?)—336 B.C. No. 70. Female head to r., wearing earring; hair rolled. (Badly struck.) RY. Eagle to r., with outspread wings seizing a serpent with its claws and beak; below, AAX; concave field. AR .67, wt. 3.49 grm. (Drachm. Cf.B.M. Cat. Central Greece, Pl. xx, 14.) 1 Example. Pen th c.350-338 B.C. No. 71. Pegasos, with pointed wing, flying 1.; beneath, 9. RY. Headof Aphrodite, 1., wearing earring, and necklace; hair bound with crossed cords and tied at crown of head, leaving loose ends. Pema wie 2.20) prm. Much cleaned. (Drachm. B.M.Cat. Corinth, p. 46, No. 384; Pixie £43) 1 Example. A second coin of Corinth, not illustrated, and with a large piece broken out of the side, seems to be similar to B.M.Cat. Corinth, Pl. xili, 17, of the issue of 300-243 BG: Mee wmvLONOGRAPHS 47 PLATE iB.< 48 A CRETAN COIN HOARD RHODES c. 400-333 B.C. No. 72. Facing head of Apollo, very much corroded. Ry. POAION. Rose and bud in incuse square; in r. field, bunch of grapes; below, E. AR .77, wt. 5.24 grm. Much cleaned. (Didrachm. B.M.Cat. Caria, p. 233, No. 27, and Pl. xxxvi, 8). 1 Example. MACEDON c. 185-168 B.C. No. 73. Head of Maenad to r., wreathed with vine and wearing necklace and earring. Ry. MAKE / 2ONON. Between the two lines, stern of galley r., in field, r., IT. AR .52, wt. 2.04 grm. (Tetrobol. B.M. Cat. Macedon, p. 10, No. 27). 3 Examples. *No. 74. Similar. Ry. Similar, but with the two lines of the inscription above stern of galley and no letter in field. AR .57, wt. 1.87 grm. Much cleaned. (Tetrobol. B.M.Cat. Macedon, p. 10, No. 23). 2 Examples. * Through an error, the obverses and reverses of Nos. 74 and 75 have been incorrectly placed on the plate. NUMISMATIC NOTES A CRETAN COIN HOARD No. 75. Similar. Ry. Similar to No. 73 above, but with M. in field to r., instead of II. AR .56, wt. 1.81 grm. (Tetrobol. B.M. Cat. Macedon, p. 10, No. 26). 2 Examples. Miro LAE A Circa 196-146 B.C. In the following series it will be noted that the weights are very irregular, ranging from 1.62 to 2.30 grm. The probable ex- planation of this irregularity is given by Babelon, 7raite, Vol. III, p. 210, where he assumes that these light weight coins were issued to challenge the supremacy of the Rhodian hemidrachms which were circulat- ing in such great numbers at this time. The whole hoard shows the influence of these Rhodian coins as we have already seen in connection with the Cydonian series,and it is interesting to note that the foreign pieces for the most part conform to the same standard. The hoard contained 129 of the coins of Histiaea. For the most recent discussion of this mint,see Newell, Octobols of Histiaea, mee VONOGRAPHS 49 50 PLATE: X A CRETAN COIN HOARD Numismatic Notes and Monographs No. 2, New York, 1921; also B.M.Cat. Central Greece, pp. 128-135. No. 76. Female head to r. usually wear- ing earring, necklace and vine wreath; hair rolled. Behind head, X. RY IZTI AIEQN. Nymph Histiaea seated to r., on stern of a galley and holding a stylis. On galley, wing; beneath, E (?). AR _ .60, wt. 1.87 grm. There are slight variations in the grouping of the letters of this inscription, but save where they are of importance, they will not be mentioned, and the ethnic will be under- stood to read as above. All the following coins up to No. ror show the galley deco- rated with a wing, which must be understood in the description of the succeeding pieces. ~ No. 77. Similar, behind head A. Rz Similar, beneath, J (?) AR .55, wt. 2.25 grm. No. 78. Similar, behind head, A. Ry. Similar, beneath, Toe AR .58; wt. 2.07 “gimee Dee aie p. 131, or similar. 2 Examples. NUMISMATIC NOTES A CRETAN COIN HOARD RY. No. 79. (Ad ?) after final N; in r. field, below arm, =. Mok 03 -%..55, Wt. 1.81 grm. RY No. 80. Beneath, trident and T I. eect wt, 213 prm. B.M.Cat. 54, p. 129, or similar. 3 Examples. Ry No. 81. Beneath, A’; above, A. Biuceese, wt. 2.04 grm. B.M.Cat. 74, Dalat. No. 82. AR .61, wt. 1.92 grm. Ry. No. 83. Beneath, trident(?) AR .56, wt. 2.24 grm. RY No. 84. Beneath, E A. AR .60, wt. 2.07 grm. fh “No. 8s. Tor, XN > M00, Wl. 2.13: 9Tm. Ry. No. 86. Above, A. ees Wien 2-20 erm. BiM.Cat. 77, pers. RY No. 87. Symbol illegible. AR 50, wt. 2.18 grm. No. 88. Hair standing out in loose locks. Ry. No symbol visible. AR .62, wt. 1.74 grm. AND MONOGRAPHS 51 PLATE eal 52 PLATE XII A CRETAN COIN HOARD Ri No. 8g. Beneath, bee or fly. AR .56, wt. 2.20 grm. Ry. No. 90. Beneath, A. AR (55, wt. 1.72 grime RY. No.gr. IZTI NQHIA; beneath, double axe and A. AR .62, “wt. 2.20 7pm) Beate Dokisc: 4 Examples. Ry. No. 92. Beneath, &. AR .61, wt. 2:26 gr Ry. No. 93. Very barbarous style. AR _ .60, wt. 2.04 grm. RY. No. 94. Beneath, thunderbolt and X. AR .sc, wt. 1.78 grm. B.M. Cat.s58, p. 130.. Ry. No. 95. Illegible monogram below. AR .55, wt. 1.87 grm. No. 96. AR _ ,60, wt. 2.30 grm. No. 97. Head with flying locks of hair. AR .56, wt. 1.86 grm. No. 98. IXTIATEQN. Barbarous style. AR _ .60, wt. 1.74 grm. RY. No. 99. Beneath, trident. AR .55, wt. 2 grm. Biv Cat Fivmeiy or similar. NUMISMATIC NGA: A CRETAN COIN HOARD Ry. No. 100. Beneath, E VY. AR .60, wt. I.o1I grm. 2 Examples. RY. No. ror. On galley, tripod; beneath, trident. roe oee 6s wt, 1-790 erm. B.M. Cat. 110, p. 134, or similar. 3 Examples. Ry No.102. On galley, bird; beneath, OE. eect. 1.04 - grm. B.M. Cat. 100, p. 133, or similar. 2 Examples. RY. No. 103. On galley, dagger. AR .58, wt. 1.81 grm. RY. No. 104. On galley, thunderbolt; beneath, X. AR .58, wt. 1.87 grm. 3 Examples. No. 105. Behind head traces of letter or symbol. Ry. In upper r. field, large bird. AR .56, wt. 2.07 grm. RY. No. 106. On galley, star; beneath, trident. oso awit. 91.02) srm. &.M.Cat. 123, p. 134. 3 Examples. Pie ionio7, 1Ct. ... Very crude style; inscription and type blundered. AR .61, wt. 2.04 grm. meee vLONOGRAPHS 54 A CRETAN COIN HOARD The following coins are not illustrated but are included in the catalogue for purpose: of réfetence No. 108. Obverse die of No. 99 and similar. Ry. On galey, wing; beneath, TI with or without trident. These are different dies to the reverse shown under No. 80. AR. 60, .55, 58, Who 2.307 eenr 4 ogee eae Babelon, Traiie, II], Pl cxeyviipegse ee No. 109. Obverse die of No. 80. Ry. On galley, wing; beneath, trident (?) and FP. AR .63, wt. 213° 2i, = eiea es p. 129, or similar. Ry. No. 110. On galley, wing; beneath, trident. AR .55, wt. 2.10 grm. -B-DL Cate 4638) p. 128, or similar. RY. No. 111. On galley, wing; beneath. trident and YQ. AR .58,. wt. 1.85) 9h. Bei ean p. 135, or similar. ky. No. 112. On galley, star; no symbol; NUMISMATUCEN Daa A CRETAN COIN HOARD not the same dies as No. 106 which has the trident as symbol. Poo wie. 1-o291m. B.M.Cat. 125-126, p. 134, or similar. 3 Examples, different dies. Ry. No. 113. Beneath galley, crested helmet. Pees teow te74 etm. B.M.Cat.117, p. 134, and similar. 3 Examples, different dies. nemo. tr4, Lype to leit. fereO7 Wie Tor grm. B.M.Cat.108, p. 133, or similar. There are seventy of these coins of His- tiaea in addition to the above, but a good many of them are in bad condition with the symbols and legends largely obliterated, so that I have not attempted to illustrate or describe them. Peet NOGRAPHS CRETAN HOARD Pirate | CYDONIA ae De ee ore ee ee eT CRETAN HOARD Pirate II CYDONIA Pirate III CYDONIA CRETAN HOARD PLATE IV CYDONIA CRETAN HOARD PLATE V Bobtas ~ KLi45 4 L:46 K:47 CYDONIA CRETAN HOARD PLATE VI M:48 TANOS UNCERTAIN CRETAN HOARD PLATE VII CYDONIA CRETAN HOARD Pirate VIII CRETAN HOARD Pate 1X PLATE X CRETAN HOARD HISTIAEA = CRETAN HOARD PLaTE XI 96 97 HISTIAEA CRETAN HOARD PLATE XII I0O Iol HISTIAEA Numismatic Notres AND MONOGRAPHS t. Sydney P:* Noe. Coin Hoards. 1921. 47 pages. 6 plates. 5oc. 2. Edward T. Newell. Octobols of Histiza. 1921. 25 pages. 2 plates. soc. 3. Edward T. Newell. Alexander Hoards— Introduction and Kyparissia Hoard. 1921. 21 pages. 2 plates. s5oc. 4. Howland Wood. The Mexican Revolu- — tionary Coinage 1913-1916. 1921. 44 pages. 26 plates. $2.00. 5. Leonidas Westervelt. The Jenny Lind Medals and Tokens. 1921. 25 pages. 9 plates. soc. 6. Agnes Baldwin. Five Roman Gold Me- dallions. 1921. 103 pages. 8 plates. $1.50. 7. Sydney P. Noe. Medallic Work of A. E'S sz=«~-- eal Mint of the Philip-- '$ pages. 4 plates. LL.D. Computing pages. 25 plates. The First Seleucid {921. 40 pages. 8 French Orders 922. 110 pages. 35 NuMIsMATIC NoTEs AND MoNoGRAPHS 12, aa 14. 15; 16. 17. Rb ee 19. 20. 21. 22. (CONTINUED) Howland Wood. Gold Dollars of 1858. 1922. 7 pages. 2 plates. 5oc. R. B. Whitehead. Pre-Mohammedan Coinage of N. W. India. 1922, 56 pages. 15 plates. $2.00. George F. Hill. Attambelos I of Characene. 1922. 12 pages. 3 plates. $1.00. M. P. Vlasto. Taras Oikistes (A Con- tribution to Tarentine Numismatics). 1922. 234 pages. 13 plates. $3.50. Howland Wood. Commemorative Coin- age of United States. 1922. 63 pages. 7 plates. $1.50. Agnes Baldwin. Six Roman Bronze Medallions. 1923. 39 pages. 6 plates. | $1.50. Howland Wood. ‘Tegucigalpa Coinage LY of 1823. 1923. 16 pages. 2 plates. §oc. Edward T. Newell. Alexander Hoards— II. Demanhur Hoard. 1923. 162 pages. 8 plates. $2.50. Harrold E. Gillingham. Italian Orders of Chivalry and Medals of Honour. 1928. 146 pages. 34 plates. $2.00. Edward T. Newell. Alexander Hoards —III. Andritsaena. 1924. 39 pages. 6 plates. $1.00. . C. T. Seltman. A Hoard from Side. 1924. 20 pages. 3 plates. s5oc.