S39 - | secant SSO RD RES AES PEOPLE I BASIE FRE TSP ES SS EO SNOT EE ERE TOE IES EIS EEES mu) CS SSE EEE ELSES I ROE Ce AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS CONSIGNED BY A. H. GRIFFITH ANDREW JACKSO ON AND OTHER OWNERS RES SIRES ESE SETS | ] | | i | a te Ge fe ANITIEE Ly (sf I CDIELSC 11 ic, Al N LJ ak te) ON G/ PAL LLERIES MADISON AVE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK LIBRARY ) 7 | M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK er } Oe et cet aE SF ITE Sr se oS ae ree eee A COLLECTION OF Modern Paintings by American and Foreign Artists CONSIGNED BY A. H. GRIFFITH For twenty-three years Secretary and Director of ‘ the Detroit Museum of Art ANDREW JACKSON of New Rochelle, N. Y. AND OTHER OWNERS To be sold on the Evenings of Thursday and Friday December 3 and 4, 1914 At 8:15 o’clock ° On Public Exhibition from November 24th AT THE ANDERSON GALLERIES The Metropolitan Art Association Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York Ril f | i : | 1 1 y 4 | preted we eue la la a ay CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. ‘ 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lots shall be re- sold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims, and his de- cision shall be final. He also reserves the right to, reject any fractional or nominal bid which, in his judgment, may delay or injuri- ously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Metropolitan Art Association will not be re- sponsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public ex- hibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale for examination by intending purchasers, and the Metropolitan Art Associa- tion will not be responsible for the correctness ‘of the description, authenticity, genuiness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITH RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Associa- tion will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner ox owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Associa- tion shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale, it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prej- udice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to euforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers, and use all bids competi- tively and buy at the lowest prices permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of earriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage aris- ing from the acts of such carriers and pack- ers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Metropolitan Art Association MapDIson AVENUE AT ForTIFTH ST., N. Y. Telephone Murray Hill 7680 A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00 PATISO ME whtaieecieie tee torarecseo tad acer elovetns eaves 131 INBMERIO, ID ba oGancuacodonos eon anon oN door 20 IRE ibe bearers Rie Gee PORTED UO oe bn ono 56 Bare Otsu: iolag eterna ar eos cence ae 47 IBA SK Oss catrarem aiee aoes cae ee see ee 78, 85 IB LORS UAE ACH ad. semesiretch rentes oresiieisaodeas remeueanae eas 42 Bistie mers Pal ieee tc... eer eyen een ae 137 Black Olivyer Puce 2 mecca care ieles soca erasers 16 Blass Gea O cow we tyereee aeile noncteace tee pease wee 67 Pera Cyetcs Bs eat eae otal ose lc tela etana & ade nares 103 LEY Ub fee o yeas O nee ices senor an een a eRe crema 4 BUG WO RENE AW 2S renrccce cece eeeners oe oa et 84 Capote Mise cs ket cae ne Eat eee 8 (GEG Vain (6 area EE Secrecy ones neice cuee Precrer ae rc ace oie 97 C@aStleat ie Ds NNG ecortss ete oot oreenis w cbess ageoers 41 CORTES SG a aa eee sk OR Se cee a Se 18 (@lva Pblecs OOM cect. ee seeps eae eno 62 @harleteswraize seco ees 126 Cfo) ulin] Oe) SON Mel Oe ner ereeteciteme tre ir eae 15 Goomans wsOsSeDlik.c-cn wee eteice ne nde ee 106 Corradi ©: 2A Ge se carcino ee oe eos 58 COrrody SHerm alec coc les ese we cL OO DEB Cill ee He seve cesses eisiacsleneestt ria cee eee 114 DeBock = Eheophile2. 2 savas ee es 34 WeWler ces ces cos cers Sate eee ea wesc ares 87 WEL aS aaM i He es settee ee ec as 25. 120 Deblavients rH raw: cr ten techn saute menses tes 59 DelOSPICENG {oo Jian sarc tack ee ea 138 Des Sara Cro aes ease eee 61 dO XoNN ay mth asia) eee are seraiean S te rene Rarer Tr ne eter 108 DD ESSa Te IOUS ea ier are os ck eo ees 50 Dielman, MregeriGk: hoses. oc cee cote 43 1B ib: et OPS Bees tog Sean eee EA ere Be 60 Doeleman, J. H...5, 32, 538, 74, 17, 89, 93, 99 D Ovens SPs Va rose enteric stearate ce ee 24. DU Prev LEON se Vi ClOMse aes esac syne ea 107 Hatons- Charles HMarty enya. ee ase occas 94 Baton, Charles Warren.............. 44, 112 BHggleston, Benjamin........... 35, 45, 64, 133 Pimecsons Wi One ee ee es nee 26 Pnglish School .......:.....----+--se+2-: 81 HoiaAOeNUL Ce SoecucnHogoscHoseDoRUOUOdS 119 IieSWeie, 160! Goooec ceo os ane sooo coomon ao uUO 10 Gaul, Gilbert.............2-. eee cesses 139 Gay, Walter 20. a. ccc ee ee lee en 1 Gitkord, Re SWale cs ete oo ees 96 Grol Alberts tint. ees ee ee 101 Gripper ©. baer ee ee DilaWy Dtl; LAL Guido, Reni (After) .........-.-+-+-+-++-- 68 Gann, “Archies. .23 cn ne it eee 12 ERA er WOUISie. .c cre Eis. regener re 72 See, ARB cdc onadococnooncucmncdecnde 111 laine IDG Ucn go gucoonbonocusueancc coum 54 lglsmenie, dis Woodson unn4 scanp ose apo ado dGos 91 Ebubbard: Rie Wisaes eoentas 6 = eepe 19, 29, 105 Ingres, Maurice ........-.-.+-++s+s+ee- 100 Inness, GeOrge ...... 2. eee ee eee eee eee ee 109 Irwin, Benoni ..........-.---------+s-:> 88 Goa ea Ha Ears cre ares are eee racer et SA 95 Janssens, Jacques .........---e ee eee eeee 134 Johnson, David: .....-.---2--+2+-+--+ee: 118 Johnson, HMastman ..........-- see secre ees 92 Keeler, Rolston ........---+-e+eseeeecees 40 Kensett, J. F....<....2.---.4-.20:- 21, 26, 116 Koopman, AUZUStUS ....---. ees tees ee eens 52 Torenze, disse 25 he ie wots es ere ee ee $2 WAZ ZATIOVICIN, HL ccs hanes ie = toe 123 iMmcOenil Cy 1s sen acoouusoocnsAqeaase 23, 86 Mesdas. El. W sec (00 oes hese gle ae 33 Millar: Addison 'T. 2... .vi.2 6s ee 30, 80 while (ORene Ss ocoonccocnssoa0D 5 onuo UCD 13 Minard, (lene eee eG an Sno 14 Murphy, J. Wi... 5s ee cee ene eer tee 128 Nattier, J. M. (After).........-.------; 129 Nowell, G. Glenn.......-----s sees cere eees 39 ars gotten bir abi, EPI E MEE MNONU REN Ge verren st ae Tem en wecn: Reerntetet ied tue viicenenrere re 20 OUES GIy SHAS scp egevuen cc ieee ree eae a 73 Peuitis AG cates oer te he ee eee 17 PLIM PtOny Wr Gre scenes 1 PONG Ori © sete ec gene ree oer ee 4, 27 POLI HAN ecedcrote cnctee alae ee ee Redfield: SMe We. see ee 49 Reid; GROMCEb aE een wea nee 39 A Gab Greed DUB 21 é Wana Vat Sick eminem che ties eater cee ers 98, 110 Roermeesten. GW tssc5)s eines os va ee oe 15 Schlessinger Kens case eee ae 135 EMMOKE, IKAlS 5 osouasoc 3, 6, 9, 65, 70, 76, 83 Simonetti wAve oF ees si cent ee 63 STMLGL He PRS oak ca cn eda eects mee ace 46 StuarteGilbertaCAtter) see. eee 115 Svensd ens =O @ sige era an ee val FEN OMPSON El Aly wer ees en ee eee 124 ‘Bhurstons sHiemrye secant ee ee ae 122 JUEUESOENL, (CORRS Sigoasccsoncucrcobnanea- 132 el wal lati a nee) rated cress eea ss cratoctc nose ae ec penceartes 1138 HN NS AU E9 bes Str sea Ors rere nek og ete 38, 104. DINK O Watton cate treoersern ca ores 22, 73 WMantly.ckss (CALLER ins gosta cnctak eon os 102 VansGovents Janes con ee ee 125 Wan miley de lisa Ores wn vary eo teks © ae en 117 21) cad Of: He) pests Weed Lee es Sat EN Bear td i ee 55 Van Mastenbroeky J. El... 25 -2.06s cen 51 Wiismullen yo: Fi en orc ae ee eee 130 Willem SW sec dcosee cs oseseee ne re eee 66 Wolt, sGustavGlce cs a2 cul cna ee 28, 121 Yoshida, H. NOTE. This Collection contains a number of Paintings by representative artists, and covers a wide field, ranging from the older Ameri- cans to the modern, and embracing works by Dutch, Belgian, French, and Italian artists. Among the Americans are Inness, De Haas, Bierstadt, Kensett, Dielman, Cas- ilear, E. L. Henry, David Johnson, Hubbard, McCord, Rix, Eastman Johnson, Chapin, and Swain Gifford; among the younger men are Dessar, Ben Foster, Gruppé, Redfield, De Haven, Robert Reid, Twachtman, Eg- gleston, Murphy, Groll, Warren and Harry Eaton, Tyler, Van Laer, and Truesdell. The Dutch painters include De Bock, Doeleman, Mesdag, Roermeester, Van Mast- enbroek, and Wijsmuller; among the French and Belgian artists are Barillot, Coomans, Bistagne, Charlet, De Beul, Iwill, Helleu, and Victor Dupré, and a few Italian artists. are represented in both oil and water colors. a ae eS = a es 3 Ih ie ie : |i - COLLECTION OF Modern Paintings by American and Foreign Artists FIRST SESSION Thursday Evening, December 3, 1914 At 8:15 o’clock No. 1 W. E. PLIMPTON American Painter A Girl Sketching Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1883. No. 2 N. POLLI Modern Italian Painter The Side Show Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. Water Color, signed. allt! iain’ same une t, No. 3 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary American Painter Carthew From the Beach, St. Ives, Cornwall Height, 71% inches; width, 944 inches. Academy board, signed. No. 4 G. BURGO Modern Italian Painter At His Devotions Height, 1814 inches; width, 914 inches. Panel, signed and dated 1885. No. 5 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter The Road to Delft Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. Panel, signed. No. 6 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary American Painter Morning on the Beach, St. Ives, Cornwall Height, 714 inches; width, 914 inches. Academy board, signed. 12 No. 7 C. POLIDORI Modern Italian Painter The Return to the Castle Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. Panel, signed. No. 8 M. CABOT Modern French Painter Flower Piece Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 9 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary American Painter Under the Oaks, Springtime, : Worcester, Mass. e Height, 71% inches; width, 91% inches. Academy board, signed. No. 10 = BEN FOSTER IL 4 Contemporary American Painter = Landscape at Sunset Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. Academy board, signed. 13 No. 11 WALTER GAY Contemporary American Painter The New Baby Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 12 ARCHIE GUNN . Contemporary American Painter The Head of a Girl | Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 13 OSCAR MILLER Contemporary American Painter Study of Fruit and Wine foe Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 92. No. 14 G. MINARD * Modern French Painter In An Italian Wine Shop Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. Water Color, signed. ah 14 No. 15 MME. URANIE ALPHONSINE COLIN-LEBOUR. Modern French Painter ? f 0 Italian Peasant Girl Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas. No. 16 OLIVE P. BLACK f g? —_— Contemporary American Painter g Spring Height 20 inches; width, 26 inches. Canvas, signed. cis No. 17 F. PETITI f 0 Modern Italian Painter 14 — On the Coast of the Adriatic Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. ' Canvas, signed Rome. No. 18 G. CERRI Modern Italian Painter 4 i$ $o The Lovers Height, 1814 inches; width, 14% inches. Canvas, signed. 15 Ge — No. 19 RICHARD W. HUBBARD American Painter, 1816-1888 Scene in the White Mountains Height, 1614 inches; width, 1314 inches. Canvas, signed with monogram. No. 20 F. ATALAYA Modern Spanish Painter On the Terrace Height, 614 inches; width, 1414 inches. Panel, signed. No. 21 J. F. KENSETT American Painter, 1818-1872 Autumn Landscape Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Canvas, inscribed on the back “‘Presented to the Patriotic Fund by J. F. Kensett, May 29th, 1861.” No. 22 UNKNOWN PAINTER Breton Peasant Girl Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas. 16 No. 23 GEORGE H. McCORD 3 GO American Painter, 1840-1909 eS Sunset in the White Mountains i ‘i Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, signed and dated ’87. No. 24 PAUL VAN DOYEN fo Modern Flemish Painter 445 Stable Interior Height, 2314 inches; width, 36 inches. Gensias, signed from Antwerp. faut No. 25 M. F. H. DE HAAS ye American Painter, 1832-1895 4 A BA Marine View Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 26 2 W. C. EMERSON 16 ag Contemporary American Painter Early Autumn Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. j y ey signed. = CH my 17 No. 27 C. POLIDORI Modern Italian Painter The Secret Meeting Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. Panel, signed. No. 28 GUSTAVE WOLF Contemporary American Painter November Day Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 29 RICHARD W. HUBBARD 4, o0 American Painter, 1816-1888 Landscape Near Cooperstown Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. Panel, signed and dated 1885. No. 30 ADDISON T. MILLAR ae American Painter, 1860-1913 er ° A 0 A French Village Height, 1314 inches; width, 2314 inches. Pastel, signed. 18 No. 31 C. P. GRUPPE 44 i? Contemporary American Painter Dutch Interior with Figure Height, 13 inches; width, 1614 inches. Water Color, signed and dated ’97, with inscription. No. 32 J. H. DOELEMAN 00 Contemporary Dutch Painter 4, 4, — Spring Near the Hague Height, 814 inches; width, 1514 inches. Academy board, signed. No. 33 He | : 0? i H: W. MESDAG we Modern Dutch Artist Dutch Fishing Boats Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Charcoal Drawing, signed, inscription on back. No. 34 q 6 of THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutch Painter, 1851-1904 Evening [Marl © ‘| q Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches. met pening eS Canvas. i aE [ge 4 / 0 £ No. 35 BENJAMIN EGGLESTON Contemporary American Painter Autumn In the Wosds Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 36 J. F. KENSETT American Painter, 1818-1872 Sunset on Lake George Height, 17 inches; width, 24 inches. Canvas No. 37 CHARLES P. GRUPPE Contemporary American Painter A Dutch Canal Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas. No. 38 J. G. TYLER Contemporary American Painter At a Lively Clip Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed. 20 SS ee No. 39 ROBERT REID 4 Contemporary American Painter 3 rs f Cross Lights Height, 30 inches; width, 27 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 40 ROLSTON KEELER g° Contemporary American Painter 8 Pd Autumn in the Country Height, 28 inches; width, 32 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1913. No. 41 J. W. CASILEAR American Painter, 1811-1893 rf a ao Swiss Landscape Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, signed with initials and dated °74. No. 42 ALBERT BIERSTADT American Painter, 1830-1902 } The Snow Covered Sierras Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, signed. 21 No. 43 F. D[TIELMAN] Contemporary American Painter Head of a Young Woman Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed with initials. Oval. No. 44 CHARLES WARREN EATON Contemporary American Painter Midsummer Night Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. ashe ee eet Sen No. 45 BENJAMIN EGGLESTON Contemporary American Painter a aN \S Margery Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed and dated Paris, 1896. No. 46 J. B. SMITH Fae ° A So Scottish Painter 4 on On Loch Lomond, Scotland Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1872. i i M <« it 22 | No. 47 L. BARILLOT Contemporary French Artist Normandy Cattle f ee Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. *Purchased from Marshall Field Collection. No. 48 H. YOSHIDA Contemporary Japanese Painter f Japanese Street Scene 10 Height, 13 inches; width, 19 inches. Water Color, signed, and inscribed on the mat. No. 49 EDWARD W. REDFIELD Contemporary American Painter e 7 An Early Thaw a “~ Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 50 ° LOUIS P. DESSAR Contemporary American Painter ‘ 0 0 A Normandy Shepherd bm Height, 13 inches; width, 914 inches. Canvas, signed. 23 No. 51 J. H. VAN MASTENBROEK Modern Dutch Painter Dutch Landscape Height, 914 inches; width, 17 inches. Water Color, signed and dated 1904. No. 52 AUGUSTUS KOOPMAN American Painter, 1869-1913 Market Place, Etaples Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas, signed with an inscription. No. 53 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter Evening in Holland Height, 12 inches; width, 19 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 54 E. L. HENRY American Painter, 1841- Home Again Height, 15 inches; width, 24 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1908. 24. a No. 55 ALEXANDER T. VAN LAER be Contemporary American Painter vied at Snow in April Height, 22 inches; width, 39 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 56 A. BALLIN 60 Modern Italian Painter f ae The Guardsman Height, 39 inches; width, 2614 inches Water Color, signed and dated Rome, ’83. No. 57 CHARLES P. GRUPPE G6 Contemporary American Painter Conet Unloading Hay on a Connecticut River Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 58 : fo C. A. CORRADINI d a i- Modern Italian Painter The First Born Height, 2014 inches; width, 1614 inches. Canvas, signed. 25 No. 59 FRANK DE HAVEN Contemporary American Painter Autumn Landscape Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 60 CHARLES TEMPLE DIX American Painter, 1840-1 873 Scene Off the Coast of Maine Height, 30 inches; width, 45 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1858. No. 61 T. DES MARAC Modern French Painter Waiting Height, 2714 inches; width, 1634 inches. anel, signed. No. 62 Cc. H. CHAPIN American Painter River Landscape Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches... Water Color, signed. 26 No. 63 ATTILIO SIMONETTI Modern Italian Painter An Odalisk Height, 3314 inches; width, 26 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 64 BENJAMIN EGGLESTON Contemporary American Painter Ideal Landscape Height, 22 inches; width, 28 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 65 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary Boston Painter The Coast of Monhegan Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1913. No. 66 W. H. WILCOX Early American Painter - Autumn Landscape Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1856. 4 4 pe: : wie No. 67 G. O. BLAS Italian Coast Scene Height, 23 inches; width, 3514 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 68 GUIDO RENI (After) The Magdalen Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Canvas. *Copy from the original painting in the Uffizi Gallery at Florence. See SECOND SESSION Friday Evening, December 4, 1914 At 8:15 o’clock No. 69 G. GLEN NEWELL Contemporary American Painter Edge of the Wood Height, 6 inches; width, 414 inches. baupah dRemeh; signed. No. 70 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary American Painter The Hillside, Worcester, Mass., Springtime Height, 714 inches; width, 914 inches. Academy board, signed. No. 71 CHARLES C. SVENSDEN Contemporary American Painter A Pilgrim in the Desert Height, 1114 inches; width, 1714 inches. Water Color, signed and dated 1897. 29 ve No. 72 LOUIS HAGER r) 0 Contemporary Dutch Painter : The Evening Hour Height, 4 inches; width, 6 inches. Panel, signed. No. 73 UNKNOWN PAINTER ¢@ wn Head of a Monk Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches. Canvas. - ° gabe 42 pac apes" No. 74 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter be 7 a Voorburg, Holland Height, 8 inches; width, 13 inches Panel, signed. No. 75 G. F. ROERMEESTER Modern Dutch Painter oo” W inter in Holland Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches. Water Color, signed. 30 No. 76 KARL SCHMIDT Contemporary American Painter On the Beach Near Carthew, St. Ives, Cornwall Height, 734 inches; width, 9% inches. Academy board, signed. No. 77 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter Autumn in the Woods Near the Hague Height, 7 inches; width, 1114 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 78 FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter The Old Mill Height, 16 inches; width, 23 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 79 ALOYSIUS O’KELLY Contemporary American Painter Market Scene - Height, 13 inches; width, 914 inches. Panel, signed. oe oe 7) 00 Prod No. 80 ADDISON T. MILLAR f ey American Painter, 1860-1914 e UV “— —_ Entrance to the Plaza Major, Madrid Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. Water Color, signed with an inscription. SB hunt Tak = No. 81 a ENGLISH SCHOOL Me AA Landscape WA Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. Canvas. No. 82 L. LORENZE ve Chickens in a Barn gd Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. Canvas, signed. zB No. 83 ee fb KARL SCHMIDT = 4 on : Contemporary Boston Painter Late Afternoon, Brittany Height, 734 inches; width, 914 inches. Academy board, signed. o>) 32 2 é No. 84 W. S. BUDWORTH | Contemporary American Painter Co il) Sunday Afternoon, Eastchester Creek Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 85 ; FUKAWA BASKE Va Contemporary Japanese Painter Sunset Y et Height, 18 inches; width, 28 inches. i Water Color, signed. | No. 86 GEORGE H. McCORD American Painter, 1840-1909 4 00 I Winter Landscape Ht | Height, 714 inches; width, 10 inches. 1 | ] Canvas, signed. No. 87 i A. DE CLERCQ ! Modern Dutch Painter Oe Dutch Landscape x ae Height, 16 inches; width, 23 inches Canvas, signed and dated 1903. 33 Vf 00 aa No. 8&8 BENONI IRWIN American Painter, 1840-1896 Head of a Young Turk Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. Waiter Color, signed and dated 1883. No. 89 J. H. DOELEMAN Modern Duich Painter Daily Toil Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Academy board, signed. No. 90 H. YOSHIDA Contemporary Japanese Painter Springtime After Rain, Near Tokio Height, 1214 inches; width, 19 inches. Water Color, signed and dated 1903. No. 91 J. F. HERRING Modern English Painter English Landscape with Horses Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas, signed. 34 No. 92 EASTMAN JOHNSON American Painter, 1824-1906 On the New England Coast, Summer Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches. Canvas, signed with initials. No. 93 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter Going Home Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 94 CHARLES HARRY EATON American, 1850-1901 November Height, 12 inches; width, 7 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 95 M. J. TWILL Contemporary French Painter Landscape Height, 934 inches; width, 12 inches. Pastel, signed. 85 hss LE ALA os e_UTRRER THT TSeL eC LEN vat TAY SU kh a 93 = 4 a 00 a Ce No. 96 R. SWAIN GIFFORD American Painter, 1840-1905 South Marsh, Nonquit Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 97 F. CACHOUD Modern Painter The Crescent Moon Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches.. Pastel, signed and dated 1906. No. $8 JULIAN RIX American Painter, 1851-1903 Autumn Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches.. Water Color, signed. a No. 99 J. H. DOELEMAN Contemporary Dutch Painter A Dutch Roadway Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches.. Academy board, signed. 36 No. 100 MAURICE INGRES es 0G Contemporary French Painter ys sain November Ie Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. | Canvas, signed. | No. 101 ALBERT L. GROLL iy Contemporary American Painter q 4 00 | = i October Skies Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. i Canvas, signed. i No. 102 ANTHONY VANDYCK (After) O° Flemish, 1599-1641 q g , Portrait of the Prince of Carignan Height, 1014 inches; width, 814 inches. Panel. No. 103 a B. BRADLEY A OF A Shepherd and His Flock 1 Height, 18 inches; width, 28 inches. Canvas, signed. 37 fica gilli ik a A i = = i = = a e ee = Pa e Es = No. 104 J. G. TYLER 0 0 Contemporary American Painter 4 y¥ — Evening, Casco Bay Height, 714 inches; width, 12 inches. Panel, signed. From the Salmagundi Club Exhibition, 1914. No. 105 RICHARD W. HUBBARD 00 American Painter, 1816-1888 / "i —_ Landscape Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Academy board, signed with monogram, and dated ’80. No. 106 JOSEPH COOMANS 00 Modern Belgian Painter 4 § e The Princess Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. feenves, signed and dated 1871. an No. 107 LEON VICTOR DUPRE French Painter, 1816- Brother and Pupil of Jules Dupre Landscape at Sunset Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. Panel, signed. PN ~N ‘= 38 No. 108 LOUIS DE NORMAN Modern French Painter The Music Lesson Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. Panel, signed and dated 1863. No. 109 GEORGE INNESS American Painter, 1825-1894 Delaware Valley Height, 6 inches; width, 8 inches. Panel, signed. No. 110 JULIAN RIX American Painter, 1851-1903 Winter Sunset Glow Height, 14 inches; width, 17 inches. | 4 Canvas, signed. | No. 111 PAUL HELLEU | Contemporary French Artist ff Ls Ce 7 ° ° \ ar } Le Girl with a Harp i Height, 35 inches; width, 20 inches. a Drawing in black and red crayon, signed. 39 No. 112 ge CHARLES WARREN EATON 4 Sg a Contemporary American Painter Morris Canal at Bloomfield Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. POP TNTET EERE eee 0 No. 113 4 Li pil JOHN H. TWACHTMAN American Painter, 1852-1902 The Beach at Coney Island Height, 14 inches; width, 24 inches. Canvas, signed. PEM eae ITT TTP cyt No. 114 FRANZ DE BEUL ii ts vo de kas re) 4 f std Modern Belgian Painter A Shepherd Bringing Home His Flock Height, 1214 inches; width, 1714 inches. Canvas, signed. 0 GC No. 115 MA a ~~ GILBERT STUART (After) George and Martha Washington Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Canvas, oval. 40 E E' é = 3 No. 116 J. F. KENSETT American Painter, 1818-1872 i, 4 00 e Lake Canesis Height, 1414 inches; width, 24 inches. Canvas relined, signed with monogram and dated ’61. No. 117 O. VAN HEYDEN y) Modern Flemish Painter A y g Cattle in the Dutch Meadows casas Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. Water Color, signed. No. 118 DAVID JOHNSON Contemporary American Artist 4 ce Ge Autumn Landscape Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. Canvas signed (and on the back as well). No. 119 G. FORTUNATI Modern Italian Painter y : | 00 An Italian Peasant pee Pleight, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. Water Color, signed. 41 & e : WAM RL iuamc eee phi Wun Uncle AR ROS Waal a ea) a e 3 . 00 No. 120 M. F. H. DE HAAS American Painter, 1832-1895 Full-Rigged Ship by Moonlight Height, 32 inches; width, 23 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1877. No. 121 GUSTAVE WOLF Contemporary American Painter Late Afternoon Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 122 HENRY THURSTON Holland Cattle Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 123 LAWRENCE MAZZANOVICH Contemporary American Artist Windy Afternoon in Connecticut Height, 21 inches; width, 26 inches. Canvas, signed. 42 No. 124 HARRY THOMPSON Modern English Painter Landscape with Sheep if Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches. 3 Canvas, repaired and relined. Signed. | if No. 125 | JAN VAN GOYEN 76 ' Dutch 17th Century Artist y 5 Lona 4 Skating i Height, 14 inches; width, 1314 inches. Panel, signed with initials and dated 1643. *F'rom the estate of William Schauss, ex- fi hibited at the Metropolitan Museum : of Art. Purchased from Durand-Ruel. No. 126 00 FRANZ CHARLET 7 hy gee: Contemporary Belgian Artist Five O’clock Tea Height, 29 inches; width, 37 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 127 00 CHARLES P. GRUPPE ce a ae Contemporary American Painter | Between Showers, Katwyk, Holland 4 Height, 30 inches; width, 23 inches. Canvas, signed. 43 No. 128 J. FRANCIS MURPHY Contemporary American Painter Landscape in Autumn Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. Canvas, signed. hs No. 129 4 4 f UF JEAN MARC NATTIER (After) pony French, 1685-1766 La Marquise De Marigny De Menars Sister-in-Law of Madame de Pompadour Age ggatrimettcag HET Wai ; Height, 37 inches; width, 31 inches. i Canvas. ; E i No. 130 e J. H. WIJSMULLER f ” 4 f a ? Contemporary Dutch Painter E ' The Three Mills 5 Height, 27 inches; width, 4O inches. Canvas, signed. *Purchased from the Artist. No. 131 R. ARISON f f f Modern Italian Painter , “ The Tambourine Girl Height, 48 inches; width, 28 inches. Canvas, signed. 44. E & a = ig a he = Be & & b4 5 = = * No. 132 GEORGE S. TRUESDELL American Artist On the Seashore Height, 40 inches; width, 58: inches. Canvas, signed. No. 133 BENJAMIN EGGLESTON Contemporary American Painter Evening Calm Height, 36 inches; width, 48 inches. Canvas, signed. No. 134 JACQUES JANSSENS Modern Belgian Painter Woodland in Summer Height, 28 inches; width, 1934 inches. Canvas, signed and dated 1885. With attestation on the back of the canvas. No. 135 KARL SCHLESINGER Modern Swiss Painter A Young Woman Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. Canvas, signed. 45 No. 136 oe HERMAN CORRODI ee — Modern Italian, 1844- View Near Cairo, Egypt Height, 26 inches; width, 49 inches. Canvas, signed from Rome. No. 137 y PAUL BISTAGNE 7 Z a Contemporary French Painter Hauling the Seine Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches. Canvas, signed and dated ’84. No. 138 U0 J. DELESPIERRE a -_ Modern French Painter A Study of Cauliflower Height, 2814 inches; width, 3672 mches. Canvas, signed. AG No. 139 4 i ve GILBERT GAUL American Painter, 1855- A Mexican Ranchero Height, 24 inches; width, 34 inches. Canvas, signed. 46 i ) fi def’ HS gaa ke aR aE a RP Bib MB AIS Lag OVE AA Ng Sachi A ei a § TERA AS