” a8 * * « ; AS “f F a x mee ote re oe 2-2 EG eS “ os e ~ ‘ ‘i - . | CL. | | Aa LIBRARY NO. /M:Knoedler&Co.4 ( g 04 14 East 57th St. New York NO» COIR Uwe ‘SSSSSERa8 4 SALE of DR. WILLIAM W, WALKER * WISS BLIZABETH W,.BURKE (Sale at Amer,.Art, February 26th1926 at 8 PM) Artist J, Rix S,. COlman German ccheet 19th Cont. he ° ath Le Unkn PW «Kost, NA keGregor ® 8. aiaesiten T. Conti G, Max A, PitewW, Tait NA C. Picrus (7) Tee Joseph? JH. Pry HeAs Morgan LeP. Dessar WA ; elie Peters hd Seheufer G. Imess jr NA G,. Itfmess jr NA G, I¥inesas jx NA G, Inness Sr NA Fe¥, Kost NA J» Imness jr NA J Rix J.H, Witt ANA P.A, Bieknell P.A. Bicknell Se Hiddleton PR. Green ANA T « Hovenden G.T. Pry O, Achenbach H. Vos A, de Dreu Ha. Ranger NA A,s8, Roorbach P, Jobert P,Le Hunter A. Harrison As Duvannes Schultheis Bele Elgas F.H. Rucksbell S.M,. Stewart ve. Linker passed Eads» Cone J.A. Josephe Joel aeeerae W Ee Wir Hye Vo Vi 11 ems A. Duvannes A, Goetz A, Duvannes Wels Duval J.A. Jose phe P,.W. Ruckshell H. Pearson P.J. Wataon Asi Kelley H.W. Saylor S Ms Stewart wh Schultheis W alle Duv al Aneoe Gellerios Re St "2. Walker passed R.«H. Sawtelle Pindlay Art Gallery Y.We Rueckshell Schultheis Metropolitan Galleries Babcock Galleries Tv, J. Vateon M. Lewie Metropolitan Galleries Med, Rongeron Teds Vatson Pindlay Art Galleries levy Galleries Metropolitan Galleries I. Cohen Selse | Netropeliten Galleries AM. Williams J... Baur J.J. Sowney Metropolitan Galleries ee bee 3S ee ne list of the Walker and Burke sale Feb 26-1926 Artist W. Sartain ANA Serra A. Harrison H. Rudieuhli G@. Immese jr. NA Rix PF. . Kost NA ade MoD, Hart WA ReA. Blakelock WA ¥.A,. Bieknell B, Crane NA IoRe Wiles WA J.C. Miasonier J, Bail -y Yerle Leon y Escosura ge ee Mle P.d. Clays F,MeKs Rehn, NA A. Moreau J. Ravestein Bs Nicol RSA G.8.. Truesdell] JB Stewart G.R, Villegas Bree. A, Duvannes W.B. Crowell Findlay Art Galleries Levy Galleries Metropolitan Galleries T.J,. Wataon Re Glenn A. Duvannes Schultheis G.E. Herrmann T.J, Wataon Metropolitan Galleries etree i tah Galleries Milech Galleries Metropolitan Galleries Jed. Sownoy A, Duvannes Wileh Galleries 8,M, Stewart Awd. Sequeira F,. Buscher W.B. Crowell Clapp & Graham Levy Galleries Jed. Sowney WeB. Crowell ao. Holmes Schultheis Metropolitan Galleries Schulthels A. Davannes G.W. H111 F.Y.G. Walker Levy Galleries Kleinberger Galleries A, Duvannes WeBe Crowell A VIII-XTX CENTURY PAINTINGS From the Estates of the Late Mie LioGtAM W. WALKER MISS ELIZABETH W. BURKE ISOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS] cAnd trom Other Private Sources Peerot RICE ED PUBLIC SALE Evening of February 26 at 8:15 O’Clock ON FREE EXHIBITION From Saturday, February 20, Until Time Gt Sale - Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. $) ~ Sales (onducted by AC. O. Bernet © MG. H. H Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC. MANAGERS 1926 as The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Designs its Gatalogues | CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. THE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on_the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneers hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. RECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to~the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. [X. GUARANTY: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg- ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of sucn expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: ‘The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buver and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET MANAGERS HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS Bese AOAC 5 PomeUNIEED STATES AND STATE TAX Pee N CE AND OTHER PURPOSES rn LOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS 0A PPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to supple- ment this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Admin- istrators, Irustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION +7 INC. MADISON AVENUE, s6rx to 57TH STREET New York (ity * ) : a My EVENING SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26. AT 8:15 P.M. Catalogue Numbers 1 to to1 Inclusive 5O 7 ? ye JULIAN RIX BL AMERICAN: 185I—1903 1. LAKESIDE A FILM of blue-gray waters and a curving bank knee-deep in grass. In the extreme foreground, the firm gnarled trunk of a tree touched with milk- white, the precursor of a line of slender saplings extending round the fringe of the shore. Water color: Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. Signed at lower right, JULIAN Rix. By Nee SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. Inn : Lf yok AMERICAN: 1833—1920 2, ESCALIER DES CARMES, RENNES THE corner of a courtyard, with old rambling convent buildings with dor- mer windows, and before it a spiraled wooden staircase and balcony, over which is leaning a nun. In the yard a novice is seated, surrounded by hens. Water color: Height, 20 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed at lower right, SAM. COLMAN, and dated JULY, 1874. GERMAN SCHOOL Na XIX CENTURY Lb « Nitinns0e 3. GIRL WITH ST. BERNARD Fut length figure of a young girl with feathered hat and long hair dressed in two plaits, clad in a black robe and accompanied by a brown and white St. Bernard at her left side. Background of landscape with slender aspens and wild flowers in the pallid light. Porcelain: Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches. From the Wimmer Gallery, Munich. Si 0. IS 15 RICHARD “H. *CAR TER Stiller, ENGLISH : CONTEMPORARY 4. HELPING GRANDFATHER A CALM gray sea with fishing vessels at anchor in the distance at the left; in the foreground low weed-covered rocks and a shingled beach. Up towards the observer comes an old fisherman with sou-wester and blue jersey, carry- ing a basket of fish, and his young granddaughter in apron and pink bodice carrying a smaller creel with the catch. a Water color: Height, 45% inches; width, 31% inches. Signed lower left, R. H. CARTER. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 1884. ALONZO CHAPPEL ff SGpbe AMERICAN: XIX CENTURY 5. FOR THE HAREM Fut length figure, facing the observer, of a full-breasted Moorish girl, nude to the loins and draped about the legs with a gray muslin undergarment and a billowy pink satin skirt. Board: Height, 10% inches; width, 4 inches. Signed at lower left, CHAPPEL, and dated 1883. GEORGE HENRY SMILLIE (f Muchakl AMERICAN: 1840—1921 6. SCENE IN NEW JERSEY Look1Inc down from the foreground, where a woman in a pink blouse is seated on a stone fence and leaning against the trunk of a tree, an open pros- pect of field and woodland dipping to the dimly seen waters of a lake with mountains on the horizon. ‘The rocks and leaves have glints of autumn sunlight in them. Board: Height, 7% inches; length, 10 inches. Signed at lower right, Gro. H. SMILLIE, and dated 1880. CHARLES B. SCHREIBER J10 4 FrenNcH: XIX CENTURY SJB. Lwaif 9. 4 CARDINAL AT BREAKFAST ‘THE gray-haired ecclesiastic, clad in scarlet robes and cap, is seated facing the observer in a walnut Régence armchair, his breakfast table at his right elbow, leaning forward to offer a fragment of food to the shaggy black dog at his feet. Panel: Height, 8% inches; width, 6% inches. Signed at lower right, Cu. SCHREIBER. 354 | JULIAN RIX Wh Lithin AMERICAN: 1851—1903 8. AUTUMN A CLEFT in the foreground between two grassy banks, with a single tree at either side forming an arch of russet and green foliage, under which flows the dark blue waters of a stream towards the distant pillow of white cloud. On the right bank in the middle distance a curtain of woodland. Panel: Height, 5% inches; width, 4 inches. Signed at lower left, JULIAN RIx. Vine EDITH HOWORTH AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 9. ON THE DUNES, PROVINCETOWN SILVER-WHITE sand with two figures of women, one in white, the other in blue and carrying a blue parasol, and the curving blue ribbon of the sea at the top of the picture. Millboard: Height, 4 inches; length, 6 inches. Signed at lower right, HoworTH, and dated 1913. FRANCISCO FERNANDEZ LEA SPANISH: 1859— ae Coe 10. PARIS? Aga Dye Ay ‘THE corner of a broad street which curves away into the left middle dis- tance, the white sidewalk at the left with lampposts and kiosks, a line of vehicles at the right and on either side the indistinct towering masses of the buildings. Pedestrians moving to and fro, harried by the wind, which, by the exercise of great force, has managed to blow a young lady’s umbrella inside out. Panel: Height, 5% inches; length, 9% inches. Signed at lower left, F. FERNANDEZ. /3 4 UNKNOWN Z A 11. 4d RIVERSIDE SKETCH A TALL elm overshadows two yellow-thatched barns, reflected in the water of the brook washing the foreground; on the grassy bank is a figure touched with white. The sky is filled with a veil of purplish-gray cloud. Panel: Height, 9 inches; width, 7% inches. Lor FREDERICK W. KOST, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861—1925 12. SOU TE Ee pass.7 3 A STREAMLET flows into the right foreground between brown banks, with two trees in the left middle distance and a solitary bare trunk with a few shivering leaves before them at the curve of the brook. Uncertain sky with grayish-black rain clouds. ; Panel: Height, § inches; length, 6% inches. jin fled Yaege Bok, fv he GEORGE HYDE : £O A ENGLISH : CONTEMPORARY Vis ve Maegeave Pere DILLY CJ/RCUS FROM REGENT STREET THe Circus at night looking south, with the Café Monico and the flaring London Pavilion at the left, and the lights of the Criterion Theatre at the right; between, the lithe mass of the statue of Eros. Omnibuses, cabs and pedestrians are traversing the wet roadways. Millboard: Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches. Signed at lower right, GEO. HYDE. J2%2 STANLEY MIDDLETON Yt YU. Y-lh AMERICAN: 1852— feet Ol A YOUNG GIRL Heap and shoulders portrait in full profile to the left, of a charming young girl with long dark hair loosely knotted, and graceful bare shoulders. Neutral dark-green background. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed at lower left, STANLEY MIDDLETON. ae TITO CONTI =, Mecennnee ITALIAN: XIX CENTURY 15. LADY WITH A MANDOLIN INTERIOR with an embroidered chair and a table covered with a crimson vel- vet cloth, behind which is an ebony credenza. A young woman in a white seventeenth century costume, holding a mandolin loosely in her right hand, is smilingly turning over pages of music on a stand, her face seen in profile to the right. Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches. Signed at upper left, Tito ConrTI. 130 - eB GABRIEL MAX GERMAN: 1840— Aa toed 16. PORT RALIVOF ea DY Neb LACK Heap and shoulders portrait facing left, of a young woman with brown eyes and pale face, her head covered with a long black veil and clad in a purple dress with white at the throat. Dark brown background. Height, 14% inches; width, 11 inches. Signed at lower left illegibly. ARTHUR FITZWILLIAM TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1819—1905 WA Micisicises 17. BUSYBODIES THE grass at the foot of a wooden barn with its bars at the right, through which is peering the head of a tortoise speckled hen; outside a fluffy brood of chicks is fluttering about round a red pottery feed-bowl. Board: Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, A. F. Tart, and dated, NEw York, 1879. CG. PICRVU Sia J/O- FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY Ihbow A Buin 10: SUKBUAGR IAG & A WIDE sandy beach, with a line of bathing machines at the left and dipping down to a pale sea with scattered vessels on the horizon. In the foreground a group of fldneurs, men, women and children idly watching the bathers. Height, 5% inches; length, 10% inches. Signed at lower left, C. Picrus (?). ISAAGeAS JOSERHI JS 7 AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY od las ei io tee aREE SISTERS AT a rustic table, outdoors, are three women—a fair-haired sister at the left with a white blouse seen in profile and knitting, a second seated opposite her in dark blue and reading a letter at which the third, clad in lavender, is looking, over her shoulder. Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. Signed at lower right, |. A. JosEPHI, and dated 1897. Vie JOHN HEMMING FRY Wie buchohiclé, AMERICAN : CONTEMPORARY 20. SPIRIT OF THE WATERFALL A STREAMING cascade drops down between dark rocks on either side; on the right, bending down to place her hand in the water, is the nude figure of a young woman with fair hair, her body softly lighted from upper right. Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 12% inches. Signed at lower left, J. H. Fry. IS HERBERT A. MORGAN AMERICAN: 1857—I9QI7 fier BLUE CAP Heap and shoulders portrait in profile to the left, the head turned towards the observer, of a beautiful young girl with long brown hair, a light blue Dutch cap and draped about the shoulders with yellow muslin. Dark neutral background. Board: Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. _ Signed at lower right, HERBERT A. MorGan. J10 + JO-7 JL $2. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1867— Jf Metlane 22; SALE Pd Geis ela Ar the right, an orange half-moon hangs low in the greenish sky; a brown- black canopy of trees overhangs the road in the foreground, along which is coming a flock of sheep with the dim black figure of their shepherd, wending their way homeward between the meadows in the eerie light. Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed below to left of centre, DESSAR. CHARLES ROLLO PETERS AMERICAN: 1862— a Tas a3, PHALGHED- COTTAGE A HARMONY of green and brown tones, with a low thatched building set among long grass at the foot of the field, with the thick rugged trunk of a tree rising from the left foreground; at the right, an impenetrable green curtain of wood. Panel: Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, CHARLES Rotio PETERS, and dated 1894. GEORGE M. REEVS AMERICAN: 1864— %6-be Cagle 24. MOONLIGHT EFFECT A WASTE of waters, dead-black in the foreground and on the horizon, across which runs the line of the coast broken by the silhouette of a two-masted schooner in full sail. At the left a hazy mass of cloud conceals the moon. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, Gro. M. REEvs. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club. PE JULIUS SCHEUERER S f.. teuart. GERMAN: XIX CENTURY 25. THE FARMYARD In the foreground, the corner of a duck pond surrounded by a brilliantly plumaged group of cockerels, turkeys and hens; at the left steps leading down from a stone bar, at the right the long grass of a meadow and distant trees. Height, 6% inches; length, 15% inches. Signed at lower left, JUL. SCHEUERER. ID ~ GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. ‘$i AMERICAN: 1854— 26. SOUVENIR AN impression of a meadow and stream, surrounded by dull brown tree masses, with a gap in the central middle distance where the sky lightens; in the foreground long green grasses and at the left the straight poles of two young poplars. Board: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. Signed at lower left, INNESS, JR., and dated Nov. 24, 1899. 201 GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. DPB yr Be AMERICAN: 1854— 27. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP ON the rising grass meadows, a flock of sheep and their white-clad shep- herdess are moving up to the left, past the fringe of green and russet-red trees dividing the meadow from the yellow cornfields beyond at the right. The immediate foreground is in shadow from gathering storm clouds in the summer heavens. Board: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. Signed at lower right, INNESS JR. A 5- 4Z/o- GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— Sho: % Mural 28. d COURTYARD: SOUVENIR OF MORET THE corner of a court in the open air, enclosed by gray-walled stone build- ings and a wedge of ultramarine sky, the scene divided by triangles of shadow. In a doorway at the far end of the yard is an old woman in a blue blouse and apron. Board: Height, 84% inches; width, 12 inches. Signed at lower left, INNESS, JR., with an inscription to his friend Dr. W. W. Walker. Dated 1900. P hincr : GEORGE INNESS, }R, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— t, : f 4 iis 2G NS Ee eSK EO Dark rolling country with a ragged patch of black trees at the right; the sky is heaped with dull orange and red clouds opening to a single horizontal streak of blue. Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. Signed at lower right with initials, G. I. FREDERICK W., KOST, N.A, : AMERICAN: 1861—1925 en la 30. THE FORD A PEASANT driving a cart drawn by a white horse has crossed the rambling waters of the foreground to reach the grassy bank on the farther side where the road begins again; at the left a tiny peninsula with a single sapling, at the right a boundary line of hedge and towering trees massed darkly in front of the white cumulus clouds reflected in the placid water. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower left, Kost. JULIAN RIX FO -1 AMERICAN: 1851—1903 a. SF. Ssnrers Se ree AND SKY A HILLSIDE, the foreground in deep shadow at the foot of the rounded trunk of a sturdy tree. Across the middle distance, a fringe of trees is broken by a gap at the right through which the cloudy summer sky comes down to touch the earth. A solitary figure touched with white stands motionless in the grass. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed at lower right, JULIAN RIx. GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. Med — J th Itelesw AMERICAN: 1854— 32. MAN AND HORSE BEFORE a low white wall, sloping up at the left behind a heap of hay, is a man in white shirtsleeves and blue overall trousers, his back to the observer, bending down to attend to a brown stallion standing in full profile to the left. Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 13% inches. Signed at lower right, INNESS, JR. JULIAN RIX Viet Jawtlly AMERICAN: 1851—1903 Jd 33. OCTOBER RIVER ‘THE broad waters, stretching across the whole width of the scene, converge sharply to a point in the middle distance; at the left, a grassy bank sur- mounted by a brilliant group of orange and brown trees, at the right a bank surmounted by rising woodland, the whole touched by the light of an after- noon sun in the sparkling turquoise sky. Board: Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, JULIAN Rix, and dated illegibly. Viens Vee AS - JOHN HARRISON WITT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—I9QOI KM betsos 34. A ERIENDEINGNEED INTERIOR of a dining-room with a table covered with a white cloth, at which is seated a small boy dressed in pink with a white napkin round his neck, clutching to him a spoon and plate at the approach of a ginger kitten stand- ing on the table and rubbing itself against his left shoulder. Hetght, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. Signed at lower right, J. H. Wirr. FRANK ALFRED BICKNELL 3 AMERICAN: 1866— Ih. Low ee 35. NEAR AMSTERDAM A COUNTRY road, leaving the right foreground, runs away past a tumble- down red barn at the right, behind which are two windmills thrusting fingers into the gray cloudy sky. At the left, a deserted open plain, mottled with green and brown, with scattered trees in the distance. Board: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. Signed at lower left, FRANK A. BICKNELL, and dated HOLLAND, 1890. FRANK ALFRED BICKNELL AMERICAN: 1866— AF y, 7 to. 36, d= ENE RIAN PROSPEGE THE pale rippling waters of the canal are disturbed by a half-dozen of tall blue mooring poles and the corner of a flight of steps at the left; opposite, diagonally away into the left middle distance runs a line of palaces, the great domes of the Salute rising behind them, and with gondolas moored beneath their windows. Height, 15% inches; width, 12% inches. Signed at lower right, FRANK A. BICKNELL, and dated VENICE, 1893. STANLEY MIDDLETON Vpcocd. AMERICAN: 1852— Peon Ol A LADY IN A FEATHERED HAT Heap and shoulders portrait facing half left, of a young woman with auburn hair crowned by a large hat trimmed with black feathers, and wearing a black fur with a bunch of blue violets at the throat. Background of bril- liant green. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. Signed at lower right, STANLEY MIDDLETON. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN, A.N.A. LO 4 AMERICAN: 1856— NA.t. Sawtlly 38. OCTOBER PASTURE THe flat dark country is broken by sombre patches of grass, brightened by a pyramid of red-brown trees at the left, at the edge of which is huddled a flock of sheep, with their shepherd in blue smock. In the distance, wood- land and farm buildings dwarfed beneath the colossal bulk of the rain clouds. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, FRANK RUSSELL GREEN. AMERICAN: 1840—1895 rie THOMAS HOVENDEN Gand lay dak “cer, 39. NEGRO BOY INTERIOR, with an old rocker covered in red in which is sprawled the figure of a colored boy in white shirt and ragged blue trousers, triumphantly smok- ing a cigarette poised in his uplifted right hand, with a grin of glee on his face. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, T. HOVENDEN, and dated 1880. J/0 GEORGIA TIMKEN FRY = AMERICAN: 1864—1921 J Nuckehll 40. SHEEP DRIVEN HOMEWARD A YELLOW evening sky above the regular masses of countryside, seen hazily in the waning light. Up the lane in the foreground between rising banks comes a flock of sheep, cropping the straggling grass as they go, and followed by the dark brown figure of a shepherd. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed below, GEORGIA TIMKEN FRy. 0 OSWALD ACHENBACH : = GERMAN: 1827—1905 dhulie 41. MOONLIGHT EFFECT In the left foreground the sea-wall, with a group of peasant lads and girls looking over a parapet to the inky sea, faintly lighted by a full moon half- concealed by black clouds. On the surface of the water can be discerned a single boat, and behind, two or three twinkling lights of the harbor. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Signed on wall below, ACHENBACH, and dated 1886. tO - ADRIEN LOUIS DEMONT Frencn: 1857— Wbepelelins Lpllieee 42. CLOUDS AND WIND THE gale roars over the rolling, weed-covered sand dunes of the foreground, across whose expanse is struggling a fisherwoman !aden with a creel; at the right the angry white line of the sea. In the left middle distance the spire and red roofs of a village, before a blue inland lake sleeping peacefully be- neath the threatening masses of brownish cumulus cloud. Height, 24 inches; length, 35 inches. Signed at lower right, ADRIEN DEMONT, and dated 1886. Z HUBERT VOS DutcH: 1855— Iplliofeotdan. Sallie 43. DUTCH INTERIOR ‘THE corner of a stone-walled cottage, with a red canopied alcove at the left and a window embrasure at the right admitting sunlight, which falls onto the face of a young girl in a curious blue peasant cap, sitting before a wheel and spinning yarn. ‘The floor, with its scattered pots and pans, and the lower half of the wall are in deep shadow. Height, 32 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, HUBERT Vos. ALFRED DE DREU /00 é FRENCH: 1812—1860 fidbcoth L4llewe 44, THE BONE OF CONTENTION A YARD before a stone wall, with a pile of forage at the right on which is standing a white terrier in the centre of the picture; a tall white pointer and his brown companion are disputing possession of a bone on the ground before them, lying in a patch of light. Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches. Signed at lower left, A. DE Dreu. bo - HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. if Yalead AMERICAN: 1858—1916 45. WOODLAND IN SUNSHINE A CLEARING, girdled solidly with sun-touched trees, with a triangular patch of sky above; at the left a rough wooden fence, in the foreground a small russet tree springing solitary from a patch of rocks half-covered in grass and leaves. A group of three men, in white, blue and red shirts respectively, are resting in the shade at the right and looking towards the observer. Board: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, H. W. RANGER. 222. Lon A. Si ROORBACH AMERICAN : CONTEMPORARY Nt a e 46. RAHWAY MEADOWS, N. J. UNKEMPT green pasture land sprinkled with weeds, with a cart track curving away from the right foreground towards a white-walled gabled cottage in the middle distance, encompassed by trees; the countryside is broken up by further scattered trees writhed into curious shapes at the fantasy of the painter. Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, A. ROoORBACH. PAUL JOBERT FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY AT eCORT OF SHONELEUR y In the foreground is moored a collection of fishing vessels with half-furled gray sails; in the right middle distance the sun falls on the sea-wall and wharves of the port, with the white lighthouse pointing up into the sky. On the murky water a boat is putting out at the right, a seaman managing with dificulty the huge gray billow of the mainsail. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, PAUL JOBERT, and dated HONFLEUR 1898. JEAN BAPTISTE MADOU YO 4 BELGIAN: 1796—1877 hay PANELED interior with a group of men in eighteenth century costume seated at the right, drinking, playing cards and flirting with the maid servant, a beggar lad carrying a monkey and demanding alms and his master at the left playing a hurdy-gurdy. Behind the last, by the casement, a woman is entering from the rickety stair, carrying a bowl. 48. THE TAVERN Panel: Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches. Signed at lower right, J. Mapou, and dated 1870. EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. L00- AMERICAN: 1829—I1901 homie 49. FISHERMAN’S HUT In the left foreground, a tumble-down fisherman’s cottage sheltered by trees and perched on the very edge of the sea, with steps leading down to the water, at the top of which is the figure of a woman drying linen. A gray- blue sea is breaking onto the tiny area of beach in the foreground with its scattered rocks and moored boat. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower left, EDWARD Moran. [50+ JOSEPH COOMANS Ganley bth Diller BELGIAN: 1816—1891 50. SCENE ON 4 TERRACE A WHITE stone parapet overlooks the calm blue sea. On the terrace a group of half-naked Greek children is sprawling above over floor and stone table with fishing nets, seaweed and flowers, the mother draped in chiton and crimson cloak standing erect at the right by a vine-wreathed pillar, and carrying on her right arm her youngest baby. Panel: Height, 23 inches; length, 28 inches. Signed at lower left, Jos. COOMANS, and dated 1876. JOOn J. H. L. DE HAAS Meey Gallerie BELGIAN: 1830—1880 s1. SEASCAPE AT EVENING A GROUND-SWELL is chopping the surface of the leaden sea, lighted in the centre by the rays of the evening sun concealed behind a turbulent mass of yellowish cloud. At the left, a two-masted tramp steamer, at the right a fishing schooner, tossing on the surface. Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower right, J. H. L. pE Haas, and dated 1862. FRANCISCO PRADILLA - 60 ra SPANISH: 1847—1921 OO 52. 4 QUIET AFTERNOON Vitllerpiolilin Sallirics Own the grass a lady in white is sitting in an armchair reading a paper, a child sprawled beside her turning over leaves, while a second girl is gathering wild flowers in the foreground. At the left a third child, dressed in scarlet, is throwing a flock of white geese into agitation in the shadow of the huge summer trees which tower up behind the peaceful scene, bounded in the left foreground by a tangle of branches. Height, 26% inches; width, 19% inches. Signed at lower left, Fr. PRADILLA. x, GEORGE ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A. Lon AMERICAN: 1871— oS. boten! 53. STORM COUNTRY A DESERTED open plain, with rolling sandhills in the foreground meeting the edge of windswept greenish-black scrub vegetation, beneath a brilliant tur- quoise sky slashed with black storm clouds. In the middle of the foreground the tiny figures of a man in a red coat and a child are making their way limpingly toward the horizon. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower left, Gro. ELMER BROWNE. FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY Go PAUL VERNON tS CbGao 54. LOE TAMBOURINE GIRE In the interior of a forest, a blanket is spread on the grass; three small girls dressed in bright colored gypsy costume and a small black dog are attentively watching the movements of a fourth child at the right similarly attired and moving forward to the accompaniment of a tambourine held in her left hand. Panel: Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at lower left, PAUL VERNON. ALEXANDER HARRISON ta O- AMERICAN: 1853— Vlbespiolalien Millbrae. 55. LIDAL INLET FLAT white sand at the seashore, broken by the curve of an inlet, into which water is flowing from the calm blue ocean, with its flecks of pale light at the left. “The broad sky echoes in its pale evening tone the smoothness of the water. Height, 271% inches; width, 27% inches. ALBERT INSLEY ‘ € e FO — AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY A hw. S/S 56. THE RIVER THE broad waters of the foreground, strewn with floating lilies, converge to a point where the grass banks with their tall green trees crowd together; on the stream is the solitary figure of a man in a small rowboat. ‘The cloudy evening sky is tinged with sunlight and clears to a pale blue at the zenith, Height, 14 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, ALBERT INSLEY, and dated 1879. E. JELLI . 150 ay XIX CENTURY V hake: 57. THE MARAUDERS A STONE vault, with a brown-frocked, bearded old monk asleep in a chair at the left leaning on a table with wine. At the right a cassone, on which are wine flasks. “Iwo men in cavalier costume have mounted the wooden partition behind, one of them reaching over with a halberd to pick up a white sack lying at the feet of the unconscious monk, his companion roaring with laughter at the sight. Height, 1614 inches; length, 23% inches. Signed at lower right, E. JEL, and dated 1880. Collection of Madame de Bocaude. — Rot +. tov 404 ARSVHURS CH DOeDD AO 7 ENGLISH: coxnsnonny fifi eeneg SO. READY aT GesiaRa INTERIOR of a stable, the floor strewn with straw, a wooden door at the right and a feed bin covered with a scarlet cloth at the left. A row com- posed of two brown and white foxhounds, a white bitch and her pup, are looking alertly towards the right for the entry of the master. Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at the lower left, A. C. Dopp. Zor F. LEO HUNTER ff fg yg CONTEMPORARY 59. THE SHORE A DULL glassy sea of gray with two fishing vessels and a steamer at the left, and gulls skimming the surface; at the right the low barren shore jutting out to end in a pile of wreckage signalled by a hoisted barrel. On the edge is beached a fishing boat with drooping mainsail, a two-masted vessel with bare poles showing in the right middle distance. Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, F. Leo HuNTER, and dated 1884. N84 ALEXANDER HARRISON ; ; AMERICAN: 1853— Nliepeldars Siallric 60. TANGIERS LooKING down from elevated ground with a building at the right, the town is seen spread out as a patchwork of brightly-colored roofs and minarets, with the curve of the bay at the left and its smooth blue water and the undulating forms of distant green mountains behind, over which a cloudy summer sky broods hazily. / Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, A. HARRISON. W. SARTAIN, A.N.A. AKS- AMERICAN: 1843—1924 4. Yuvaunes 61. STREET IN SHADOW ‘THE view is down an old cobbled street with tall white- and yellow-walled gabled buildings at either side, those on the right in the light of the mid- day sun from a glaring cloudless blue sky, cut by the sloping roof of a three- story house at the end of the street, facing the observer. In the roadway are the figures of two men and a woman, in the shadow. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. Signed at lower right, W. SaRTAIN. ENRIQUE SERRA IS- SPANISH: 1860— 4b.f6 Cecwel{ 62. BACCHANTE AT SUNSET A poo. fringed with grasses, with saplings rising at left and right, and the orange sky between throwing its light on the mirror surface. In the fore- ground is an old marble bust of a bacchante on a tall pedestal, a cupid on her right shoulder holding a bunch of grapes, the whole overgrown with a tangle of grasses and softened by the sunset light. Height, 30 inches; width, 211% inches. Signed at lower right, ENRIQUE SERRA, ROMA. G5! ALEXANDER HARRISON a AMERICAN: 1853— Gamal bah ballin 63. SOLITUDE ScRUBBY brown grassland dipping in the middle distance to the flat tur- quoise surface of the sea and the gray thread of the ocean. At the right a solitary hut; in the centre, dominating the scene, a single feathery green tree with a smaller companion on either side, painted in careful detail against the even tone of the heavens. Height, 24 inches; length, 31% inches. Signed at lower left, A. HARRISON. I50 5 HERMANN RUDISUHLI May Delle GERMAN: XIX CENTURY 64. TREES THE peacock-blue waters of a broad stream flow across the scene, between the great billowy foliage of the oaks and beeches of the foreground and the tall bent feathery cypresses which tower up from the farther shore amid a tangle of green woodland, standing with rounded solidity before the dark cushions of cloud slashed here and there with the flaring evening light. Board: Height, 19% inches; length, 271% inches. Signed at lower left, HERMANN RUDISUHLI, MUNCHEN. JO +r GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. AMERICAN: Yilefodlins Lill : 65. SUNSET STRAGGLING grass country, cut by a stream flowing diagonally away from the right foreground, with two solitary trees at the right before which a number of cattle and their herdsman are descending to the water’s edge. “The glare of the yellow sun and the lurid red sky throws a fiery light over the whole. Height, 13% inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at lower right, INNEsS, JR. 17/0 - JULIAN RIX If Yilacrv AMERICAN: I185I—1903 66. SUMMER LANDSCAPE A BRILLIANT turquoise and white sky looks down on the serpentine waters of a stream flowing between flat meadow banks, with a grove of trees at the right, dominated by two huge oaks with white trunks and heavy masses of dark leafage tinted red by the sun. In the middle distance, at left centre, the eye is caught by a tiny white cottage. Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, JULIAN Rix, and dated 1801. Le - ALEXANDER HARRISON y hee LO AMERICAN: 1853— 67..THE MARITIME ALPS Bare yellow ground stretching away to white cottages on the low rising ground of the middle distance, with its crown of green trees and the castle below white in the sunlight in the centre of the scene; behind, snow-covered mountains tower up towards the pale blue sky. At the right a scattered group of bare stunted trees, possibly an orchard. Height, 22% inches; length, 32 inches. Signed at lower left, A. HARRISON. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Ln ae WILLIAM F. DE HAAS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 4s. Mutannes A cray sullen sea is breaking gently into the right foreground, the undulating line of the wooded shore being visible in the right middle distance; at the left sailing vessels, where the storm clouds are gathered, pierced by the arc of a rainbow. 68. MARINE WITH RAINBOW Height, 20 inches; length, 36 inches. Signed at lower right, WILLIAM F. DE Haas, and dated 1873. Signed on back of canvas, WILLIAM F. DE Haas, and dated 1873. FREDERICK W,. KOSTU Xe AMERICAN: 18601I—1925 ASheultheec: 69. THE WATER CART THE grass meadow, with the cart track running away to the left from the centre foreground, is broken by the ford of a stream crossing the latter at right angles; halted in the brook is a water-cart drawn by a horse and ac- companied by two peasant lads. ‘The horizon is curtained by a strip of pale- tinted woodland almost merging into the light cloudy sky. Height, 24 inches; length, 28 inches. Signed at lower left, Kost. JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. £00 1 AMERICAN: 1828—1901 LG Zé Aarescasad 70. COWS IN PASTURE ‘THE open green country, divided by low stone fences and broken by scat- tered trees and the distant spire of a church, extends away at the right to distant hills; in the foreground a stubble with scattered stones and a small pool of water visited by brown and white cattle and a brood of ducks. Be- hind them at the left, a stone fence runs into a copse of sturdy trees tower- ing into the summer sky. Height, 29 inches; width, 201% inches. Signed at lower left, JamES M. Hart, and dated 1892. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. JO si 4 AMERICAN: 1847—I9QI19Q Ff. Y, : co 71: EN DVO tage. It OOD Ruppy brown earth with rocks and two huge trees leaning inwards, and massed foliage forming an arch through which is visible a patch of water and the light sunny sky above. The ground and foliage are filled with notes of warm color—reds, greens and yellows against the prevailing brown over- tone. Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed at lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK. FRAN j JL IO- ANK ALFRED BICKNELI AMERICAN: 1866— Vriesproletame 4 the THE ground is brown and yellow in the sunlight and slopes down gently to the right; a line of gnarled trees, starting from the right foreground, bears a tangle of serpentine branches, veiling with their scattered ochre and orange tints the light sky behind. Wandering in the clearing among the tall trees are the figures of a woman in a blue costume and a child. 72, TREE SHAPES Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower left, FRANK A. BICKNELL. | BRUCE CRANE, N.A. FO 4 AMERICAN: 1857— Eg pea 73. SNOW-CLAD LANDSCAPE On the flat snow-covered countryside, with its frozen streamlet in the fore- ground, are scattered bare trees and a curtain of purple wispy woodland against the midddle distance, with cottages at the left. “The sky is bluish-gray with a streak of brilliant yellow on the western horizon. Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. GERMAN: 1813—1886 LAS _ MEYER VON BREMEN y i er nse 4, De COOP INTERIOR with a gateleg table, on which are a basket and a small coop cov- ered with a cloth, at which a group of young children are peering eagerly. Before the table a Tyrolese chair covered with a black shawl and a red umbrella. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, MEYER VON BREMEN, and dated BERLIN, 1874. J10- Lo JULIAN SCOTT AMERICAN: 1846—I1901 7s. 4 NAVAJO WATER PLACE, ARIZONA Sthullldeee AN arid desert, with scattered pushed up rock formations catching the sun- light. A flock of sheep, tended by an Indian mounted on a brown horse, straggles from the huddled group of the foreground away over the plain to the middle distance; a squaw and Indian children with pots and camp trap- pings are perched on the rocks in the left foreground opposite the animals, separated from them by the blue waters of a narrow creek. _ Height, 16 inches; length, 48 inches. Signed at lower right, JULIAN SCOTT. (Illustrated ) MONTAGUE FLAGG, N.A. AMERICAN: 1845—IQI ; Gln 76, ITALIAN MUSICIAN y SEATED in a chair is the figure of a black-haired young girl in white cap and bodice and peasant skirt, looking dreamily towards the observer, while at her feet a boy in green coat, red waistcoat and blue breeches, and wearing a conical hat, is playing on a flageolet. Height, 30 inches; width, 23 inches. Signed at lower right, MONTAGUE FLAGG. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. * CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. ATS - AMERICAN: 1859— tbhiée Z, ° 77. THE FAR HORIZON In the foreground an angularly blocked emerald tree-mass, before which is standing, with her back to the observer, an erect nude female figure with red-brown hair, her left arm extended in gesture. ‘The rolling arable coun- try extends away into the distance to blue hills beneath a huge pillow of white cloud. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. Signed at lower left, CHILDE Hassam, and dated TO2T. Signed on back of canvas with monogram. /S0 - HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN: 1854—1907 78. SEASCAPE IN STORM y Lines of brown rollers are breaking angrily in towards the right foreground, with its curved rocky shore, in a mass of white foam and flying spray, touched by the light from an unseen sun; behind, the gulls are flying aimlessly about under a leaden sky. Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches. Signed at lower left, HENRY P. SMITH, and dated 1882. EDMOND T’SCHAGGENY BELGIAN: 1818—1873 79. SHEPHERDESS AND FLOCK Vip y In the foreground a group of three sheep, two young lambs nestling in the grass, a brown sheep-dog and the figure of the young shepherdess in green blouse and striped crimson skirt leaning on her staff. Background of lake and woodland, with a low thatched farm cottage and distant cornfields. Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at lower left, EDMOND ‘\’SCHAGGENY, and dated 1869. Authenticated on back as follows: “Je déclare avoir peint le tableau ci- contre, Bruxelles, septembre 1870.” From Goupil Galleries, New York. JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. AMERICAN: 1828—I9OI 4. Suvamue 80. CATTLE IN PASTURE FLAT meadows reaching away to the distance, with scattered rocks and beeches, and dotted with brown and white cattle up to the foreground, with its spread- ing trees and animals pasturing in the shade. At the foot of the nearest tree, a small pool has formed in the marshy ground. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, JAMES M. Hart, and dated 1883. ILO oa IRVING RAMSEY WILES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— Wuleh, Sell : 81. WOMAN READING DOCUMENTS INTERIOR of a salon, with a screen and gilded Louis XV chair and dark green portiere hung behind. A dark-haired young woman dressed in black is kneeling on the floor at the edge of a rug before a white wall at the left, intently studying a mass of papers heaped on the top of a large brown box, her head bent down so that the face cannot be distinguished. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, InvING R. WILEs. NIOn JEAN CHARLES MEISSONIER FRENCH: 1852—I1917 SIM bf ( 6 Ul 82. THE ARGUMENT THE picture represents the scene on the terrace of Meissonier’s house at Poissy, with portraits of the artist and Berne-Bellecour, who are seated with a companion at a table projecting from the brick parapet. All are in cavalier costume; the one at the left in a pale blue jacket over full breeches of green velvet, his companions on the farther side of the table in apricot-red and drab respectively. Overhead is a vine arbor and below in the distance, beyond the wall, appears a view of the town with a church, the whole pervaded with a clear light. Height, 1834 inches; width, 15% inches. Signed at lower left, CHARLES MEISSONIER. Purchased from Jules Ochme, N. Y., 1899. Dr. Leslie D. Ward Collection, American Art Association, 191 1. £22 _ SiMoo- JOSEPH BAIL B deguctea 4LEFo bs FRENCH: 1862—1921 hs 83. SUNLIT INTERIOR WITH FIGURES A HIGH dark room, with an open door behind and a dresser and linen press at the left, before the latter of which is seated a young woman in a scarlet blouse, white apron and cap, before an open drawer. In the doorway, at the left, through which the sunshine is streaming, is the erect figure of her companion, similarly dressed but with a black bodice, her right hand posed on her hip. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at lower right, BAIL, JOSEPH. HUGUES MERLE 475 - FRENCH: 1823—1881 J bswwohed 84. PEASANT GIRL AND CHILD THREE-QUARTER length figure of a young girl in white blouse, red bodice and black skirt, carrying on her back a young fair-haired child clad in a white shift, the smiling faces close together in embrace. Background of flat land- scape under a sky veiled with white cloud. Height, 39 inches; width, 31 inches. Signed at lower left, HuGuES MERLE, and dated 1879. Zoo- IGNACIO LEON Y ESCOSURA wv, ZB, d, ye SPANISH: 1834—1909 85. VAN DYCK AND THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD BAROQUE interior, with a tester bed at the left and a leaded window with a massive carved Renaissance table at the right, behind which is the easel of the artist. In the centre of the scene the lady is seated, dressed in black and holding a virginal, to the music of which Van Dyck in peach velvet is playing a mandolin, the group posed on a plinth covered in blue velvet. Panel: Height, 24 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower left, LEON y Escosura, and dated 1879. ~ ADOLPHE SCHREYER GERMAN: 1829-—1899 | a Desert scrub country beneath a glowing sky of turquoise. At the left a serried troop of warriors with waving lances, in the foreground their leaders, mounted and carrying flint-lock rifles, the foremost in white on a gray horse in profile to the left, his face turned towards the observer, carrying his gun pointed downwards under his left arm. Behind him a bearded com- panion in red mounted on a shaggy black pony. Ib6So - 86. CAVALCADE OF ARABS Height, 29% inches; width, 25% inches. Signed at lower right, AD. SCHREYER. (Illustrated ) No. 86—CAVALCADE OF ARABS (By Adolphe Schreyer) PAUL JEAN CLAYS S00 — . LEMISH: I819—I1900 ,, . 87, LA TAM ISH epee TT DE NGIT THE choppy grayish-white waters of the Thames estuary, with factory chim- neys on the left bank and the square blocks of warehouses and wharves at the right, with moored vessels. On the waters are a number of square- rigged sailing barges with their masthead lanterns lighted, and rowboats putting back and forth, the whole seen lighted up by the powerful rays of a full moon emerging from behind the clouds. Height, 24 inches; length, 26 inches. Signed at lower right, P. J. Cuiays. Signed on back of canvas, P. J. Cuays. (Illustrated ) (stp uvoe ynvg 4g) LINN] dad LadaAy :aSINVY, VI—Zg8 ‘on FRANK K. M. REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: A THE choppy olive-gray ocean is breaking in to the left foreground on a mass of low granite rocks touched with red, above which is hovering a flight of gulls. On the horizon, a two-masted sailing vessel battling the wind from the sullen sky. 88. GRAY SEA Height, 22 inches; length, 37 inches. Signed at lower right, F. K. M, REHN. Peter A. Schemm Collection, American Art Association, 1911. MTS ADRIEN MOREAU Wf ff, Oopzocll FRENCH: 1843—1906 89. THE WEDDING PARTY ‘THE corner of a stone and red brick house at the left, fronting a green lawn in the shade of summer trees. Along the path in the foreground is coming a medieval procession composed of bride and bridegroom, the latter in a blue velvet court suit followed by their male and female attendants; while before the door of the house is seated a noble and his wife, with their friends and a group of three wedding musicians. Height, 32 inches; length, 40 inches. Signed at lower left ADRIEN Moreau, and dated 1878. HIS” - JAN RAVESTEIN As Ab olsto DutTcH: 1573--1657 90. ERNESTINA DE NASS ‘THREE-QUARTER length figure, facing the observer, of a dark-haired lady with pearl headdress and huge starched white ruff, dressed in black hung with pearls and with white Vandyke lace cuffs, her left hand leaning on a table on which is a book, her right holding a velvet mount with a jeweled brooch. Panel: Height, 46 inches; width, 34 inches 200- ERSKINE NICOL, R.S.A. Stbulthicuc SCOTTISH: 1825—1904 91. THE SWEETSHOP In the foreground is a white stone wall in which is the tiny window with its jars of sugar candy; outside two red-cheeked urchins in tam-o’shanters and school clothes are leaning on the sill looking avidly in. At the right glimpses of a nineteenth century Scottish street, with white-walled houses in the sun- shine and men and women gossiping. Height, 43 inches; width, 33 inches. Signed at lower right, E. Nicox, A.R.A. aO — 002 GAYLORD SANGSTON TRUESDELL AMERICAN: 1850—1899 4 92. SEASIDE WITH CATTLE ie In the distance the blue untroubled sea, like a horizontal band under a June sky; on the grass of the foreground a peasant woman, with a white hand- kerchief round her head, is seated in profile to the left behind two cows, one black and white, the other a pure white and standing in profile to the right in the bright afternoon sun. Height, 31 inches; length, 38 inches. Signed at lower right, TRUESDELL, and dated 1892. GAYLORD SANGSTON TRUESDELL AMERICAN: 1850—1899 ty, ote ‘ Z, “ 93. MARINE BETWEEN the grass-covered rocks in the right foreground and their gray neighbors in the left middle distance, a black sea is breaking under a flat gray sky, the whole filled with the cold morning light. Height, 25% inches; length, 38 inches. Signed at lower right, G. S. “TRUESDELL. LUDWIG MUNTHE bf, Wf, ; NorwWEGIAN: 1841—1896 94. WINTER: SUNSET GLEAM A SNOW-BOUND frozen stream, with ice partly broken at the left and the dark shapes of skiffs and fishermen moving about in the dim light; the right, fenced country and in the middle distance cottages, the whole under a mantle of snow. The sun, sinking in the mottled sky, produces a glow of yellow and red in the west which seems to accentuate the darkness of the fore- ground. Height, 26 inches; length, 41% inches. Signed at lower left, L. MUNTHE. New England Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Institute, Mass. Art Depart- ment. BERNHARD GUTMANN LSE - AMERICAN: 1869— A. Syrannee 95. VASE OF FLOWERS Own a table before a pair of curtained glass doors, the left-hand one of which is open, is a decorated porcelain vase of pale green filled with a gay mass of pink peonies, white marguerites and other flowers. Height, 29 inches; length, 32 inches. Signed at lower right, BERNHARD GUTMANN, and dated 1922. IIE BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— Lh Aedll 96. LOWLAND SHORE A SWAMPLAND, at the right, broken with patches of dry grass and an occa- sional beached boat; in the middle distance a huddled group of shadows with a small jetty at which a steam-tug is moored. A great straggling expanse of smooth fen stretches its waters from the left foreground to the flat contours - of the horizon, with here and there the white shape of a sailing boat. “The ‘ sky is a pallid yellow, heavy with dark rain clouds at the zenith. Height, 28 inches; length, 38 inches. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. LIE HUGH BOLTON JONES, N.A AMERICAN: 1848— | 74 G hulle) 97. LANDSCAPE AFTER A SHOWER THE emerald grass of the left foreground is sprinkled with patches of brown bracken and glows freshly after the rain; behind it, a line of bare trees thrust their feathery tops into the placid blue and white sky. An irregular shallow brook winds down from behind them into the right foreground, separating the meadow from the trees and cold bracken land of the middle distance, which rises to a low hill crested by a darker bank of woodland. Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches. Signed at lower left, H. BOLTON JONES, and dated 1883. Purchased from Reichard & Co., New York. PINCKNEY MARCIUS SIMONS JMO -~ AMERICAN: 1867—1909 lag MYbrnie 98. BACCHANALE A FANTASTIC background of domes and spires, with a canal at the left_and turreted seventeenth century houses, before which is the whole group of the revelers. At the right are musicians with violins and bass-viols, in the centre a canopy borne on pikes, beneath which are women reclining or singing, and bejeweled priests, with a colossal church candle flaming at the edge of the marble pool in the left foreground. Among the brilliant figures of the assemblage can be distinguished the gowned figure of a fair-haired man standing at the right between the rows of musicians and holding on high in his right hand a chalice of wine. Height, 48 inches; length, 68 inches. Signed at lower left, MARCIUS SIMONS. LEON BONNAT ALIO - FRENCH: 1833—1922 Murbegen Lallerce Petry roy GIRL Fut length figure facing the observer of a dark-haired child with a white cap and blouse and peasant skirt draped in blue and crimson, her right hand carried up to her smiling mouth. Height, 59 inches; width, 32 inches. Signed at lower left, LEON BONNAT. Go- J. E. STEWART VE Mi ttasitee AMERICAN: 1852— 100. A RIVERSIDE FLIRTATION A STILL, mirror-like stream flows between carefully kept lawns under the deep shadow of leafy woods; in the foreground on the near right bank is beached a rowing boat, in the bows of which a gentleman in a dark blue coat is making love to a fair-haired woman in white sitting on the gun- wale of the boat and leaning affectionately back on his left shoulder. Height, 59 inches; length, 91 inches. Signed at lower left, J. E. Stewart, and dated 1885. IIS- CORDERO RICARDO VILLEGAS Kl. Lrewelt SPANISH: 1852— 101. THE SWORDSMAN Ar the foot of a rope ladder hanging at the right is a cavalier clad in an apricot velvet suit and leather doublet, who, dropping to the ground his hat and black cloak, is facing the observer with left hand upraised and drawn sword, in an attitude of attack. At his feet is a white handkerchief. Height, 95 inches; width, 54 inches. Signed at lower left, Vi1LLEGAS, and dated Paris 1880. ed rd * +) Meee OK ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ACHENBACH, Oswatp Moonlight Effect BAIL, JosEPH Sunlit Interior with Figures BICKNELL, Franx ALFRED A Venetian Prospect Near Amsterdam ‘Tree Shapes BLAKELOCK, RatpH Apert, N.A. End of the Wood BONNAT, Lton Gypsy Girl BROWNE, Georce Eume_r, A.N.A. Storm Country CARTER, RicHarp H. Helping Grandfather CHAPPEL, Atonzo For the Harem CLAYS, Paut JEAN La Tamise: Effet De Nuit COLMAN, SaMueEL, N.A. Escalier des Carmes, Rennes CONTI, Trro Lady with a Mandolin COOMANS, JosEPH Scene on a ‘lerrace CATALOGUE NUMBER 41 83 36 35 72 71 29 a2 87 1) 50 CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Lowland Shore Snow-Clad Landscape DE DREU, ALFRED The Bone of Contention DE HAAS Simla Seascape at Evening DE HAAS, Wituiam F. Marine with Rainbow DEMONT, Aprizen Louis Clouds and Wind DESSAR, Lovis Paut, N.A. Sheep at Twilight DODD, ArtTuurR C. Ready to Start ESCOSURA, Icnacto LEON y Van Dyck and the Duchess of Oxford FERNANDEZ, Francisco Paris: A Windy Day FLAGG, Montacug, N.A. Italian Musician FRY, Georcia TIMKEN Sheep Driven Homeward FRY, JoHN HEMMING Spirit of the Waterfall GERMAN SCHOOL Girl with St. Bernard GREEN, Frank RussELu, A.N.A. October Pasture CATALOGUE NUMBER 96 73 44 51 68 42 22 58 85 IO 76 40 20 38 ] GUTMANN, Bernuarp Vase of Flowers HARRISON, ALEXANDER Solitude ‘Tangiers The Maritime Alps Tidal Inlet HART, James McDoucat, N.A. Cattle in Pasture Cows in Pasture HASSAM, Cuitpr, N.A. The Far Horizon HOVENDEN, THomas Negro Boy HOWORTAH, EpirH On the Dunes, Provincetown HUNTER. -F. Leo The Shore HYDE, GEorGE Piccadilly Circus from Regent Street INNESS, Georcg, Jr., N.A. A Courtyard: Souvenir of Moret Landscape with Sheep Man and Horse Souvenir Sunset Sunset: A Sketch INSLEY, ALBERT The River Lao, E. The Marauders CATALOGUE NUMBER a5 63 60 67 55 80 70 ca, 39 59 13 56 57 JOBER I SPAGE Port of Honfleur JONES, Hucu Botton, N.A. Landscape after a Shower JOSEPHI, Isaac A. The Three Sisters KOST, FReEpeRIcK W., N.A. Southfield, S. I. The Ford The Water Cart MADOU, JEAN BaptTIsTE heel avern MAX, GABRIEL Portrait of a Lady in Black MEISSONIER, JEAN CHARLES The Argument MERLE, HucueEs Peasant Girl and Child MIDDLETON, STANLEY Head of a Young Girl Portrait of a Lady in a Feathered Hat MORAN, Epwarp, A.N.A. Fisherman’s Hut MOREAU, Aprien The Wedding Party MORGAN, HeErpert A. The Blue Cap MUNTHE, Lupwic Winter: Sunset Gleam CATALOGUE NUMBER 47 oF 19 16 82 84 14 37 49 89 21 94 NICOL, Erskine, R.S.A., A.R.A. The Sweetshop PETERS, CuHares Roto ‘Thatched Cottage Patio: (2), C. Sur la Plage PRADILLA, Francisco A Quiet Afternoon RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. Woodland in Sunshine RAVESTEIN, Jan Ernestina de Nass REEVS, Georce M. Moonlight Effect REHN, Frank K. M., N.A. Gray Sea RIX, JULIAN Autumn Lakeside October River Summer Landscape Tree and Sky ROORBACH, A. %. Rahway Meadows, N. J RUDISUHLI, Hermann ‘Trees SARTAIN, W., A.N.A. Street in Shadow SCHEUERER, Jutius The Farmyard CATALOGUE NUMBER gl 23 18 52 45 90 24 88 64 61 CATALOGUE NUMBER SCHREIBER, CuHartes B. A Cardinal at Breakfast 7 SCHREYER, ApDoLPHE Cavalcade of Arabs 86 SCOTT, Julian A Navajo Water Place, Arizona 75 SERRA, ENRIQUE Bacchante at Sunset 62 SIMONS, Pinckney Marcius Bacchanale 98 SMILLIE, Grorce Henry Scene in New Jersey 6 SMITH, Henry PEMBER Seascape in Storm 78 STEWART, J. E. A Riverside Flirtation 100 TAIT, ArtrHur Firzwituram, N.A. Busybodies 17 TRUESDALE, Gay torp SANGSTON Marine 93 Seaside with Cattle 92 T’SCHAGGENY, Epmonp Shepherdess and Flock 79 UNKNOWN A Riverside Sketch II VERNON, Pau. The Tambourine Girl 54 VILLEGAS, Corprro Ricarpo The Swordsman VON BREMEN, Meyer The Coop VOS, HvuBERT Dutch Interior WILES, Irvinc Ramsey, N.A. Woman Reading Documents WITT, JoHN Harrison, A.N.A. A Friend in Need CATALOGUE NUMBER IOI 74 43 81 34 at COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ee ee? re ab’ ye. a a gk 2 od Pa, Le tee <~ ae ee Rc Fy SP a Sem See een nae Nh we Ate Zohan = Meee ee ee ee eer sax prot autem pont waeiber ne voc san'iav p= tae em en vas Tomm gana Spur eM Re wD aie PO sn TOR es Wer yom wt Bow me ese wr aS OW oP er OO ONO Pe nee ee PES ee nee oe a sab Yandel Pw ey Yn A mC ee pele ohn menarcheal opti nt seen a re i wre ne rae re a taf mt nt a err wm Nn J ne bee ome 7. ey PO a re pe we ee a mor paren os mew mw nmin oa we Sea Sox poe otis nee ere tre evr me rm mm fe es bw Os mre we res meena a aire eae: ocenoee new o> aaa emaribabew pant-abt per aa iaemcew we panientar anes ? ot 7 aoe pee ree aaa eg A ns ag ns eam Fy RO es al fn pn AeA AD Jn ey sore ns ann Yon Joa Ae ewe Swe ena! voy Ses wee hae NS, es Tn a ac i npr val pai epene hn wi vm eA Fon apt on apart nad ed soem pepper eet en ey Won sea a5 pel dt ee ll PL al Sn etl a= n> ee Pa el al vehacen Sropt event meshoemmdnntierp oo cmaliome eae t se ant omnia mended ce pete de ln aay al titnd ee oe a waa Spetrap card caer sa me saps Sane parva are® RODS snd ots are ete As eS ene tne ies Wee sr SS SS ea eNO nn NS Ps a sees we NS eae en rasa pune vog fre or mre bas sam ts pam ev rnc Wee ont ao Se sci rye ee pi A YEE De 0 eyo 0S Joes ae ee 30ers ae Pore PTE ae cow ny concen g ea ee ee eT e tae ao nas ins moe nemreenat coe one ek pes yoann nant a femalnne ee hae ae Ae een aT mn in Seas” Aet eee ee ee ACR ee eae eT eee, Sw Se Se pa pa Ba a ee ae ae mas peyote bern we omar nem oul com ae wa pS nts Wome om see SW an Kn HO 2am Se NOS” Yas Ben Yor Wow yw Wi pow we Pom srw Sep SFr ale JV ee Soe news noe os oe ee nore eee a mastec pot cons ses ence cp eas re beae ae ao meow etn Serre ay are asc meses whe wae! 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