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LAURENS MORGAN HAMIL'TON PARIS, FRANCE & MEULAN, SEINE-ET-OISE COMPRISING RARE ATLASES & MAPS OF THE RENAISSANCE AMERICAN & KUROPEAN VIEWS ALSO THE HAMILTON COLLECTION OF SHIP MODELS NAVAL & SHIPPING PRINTS MARINE RELICS & AMERICANA TO BE SOLD BY HER ORDER TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH, EIGHTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES LAY45 [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC.) 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR, A, N. BADE INTRODUCTION HE early map makers were artists and not mere artisans. They produced maps which reveal a fine imaginative sense, with a feeling for color and harmony; and for this reason they are found to be of a high decorative value. In the minds of the pioneers of map making was a sense of wonderment that the world was so marvellous and so beautiful. They adorned their productions with rich coloring of ships and shipping craft. Portraits of princes and potentates decorated the margins, and bits of native costume filled up the corners. The earliest Atlases may have been produced upon a thrifty principle and are therefore rather rough in technique, though they are among the most scarce and valuable of all. The art of map making in Europe quickly developed. The earlier work of Mercator, and of Hondius, Ortelius and others had shown the way, but had only whetted the appetite for some- thing better. The great publishers of Amsterdam began in 1631 to issue Atlases and Maps which even if published to-day, with the greater facilities of production now known, would be regarded as amazing enterprises. In the seventeenth century, when printing and engraving were in danger of becoming commercialized and when they had lost much of their simple beauty, the firm of Blaeu of Amsterdam raised map production to a fine art and began their vast enterprise of successfully mapping out the coun- tries of the world. Yet another great Dutch firm arose—that of Jansson —and issued admirable plans of towns and cities, which were a great advance upon the earlier work of Braun and Hogenburg, and of John Speede. The output of Atlases from Amsterdam in the first half of the seventeenth century marks a great landmark in the history of geography. Every library in the princely houses of Europe had one or more of them, a noble row of folios bound in Dutch vellum with simple ornaments of gold. The collection now being sold was made by one who had vision to per- ceive before almost anyone else had done so the great merit and high decorative value of early maps, and who concentrated upon getting to- gether the best of them with contemporary coloring. Some of the greater landmarks in the history of old maps may be here noticed. It was in 1570 that Ortelius produced at Antwerp his first Atlas. The story runs as follows: An Antwerp merchant named Hooft- man had begun in the sixteenth century to collect old maps. His nautical curiosity developed and his collection increased. He soon found that the job of rolling up and unrolling his large maps was a nuisance, so Abraham Ortelius was commissioned to obtain as many single sheet maps as he could find and to stitch and bind them in a volume. Having in this way put together about thirty maps for his master Hooftman, Ortelius decided to extend the benefit to all scholars and to publish a book of maps. Thus began the Atlas by which he is known to all geographers. In the early years of the seventeenth century, Gerard Mercator and Jodocus Hondius produced their great Atlas. This was published in vari- ous languages and became an epoch-making book. The name of Mercator is now a household word. The craft of map making descended from Hondius to his son in law Jan Jansson, who became one of the great map makers of Europe, founding the house of Jansonius at Amsterdam. Meanwhile the Englishman John Speede had, in 1611, produced his Atlas of the most famous parts of the world, with maps decorated with the arms of leading families and with border illustrations of figures in national costumes and small inset views of towns and cities. For many of his maps Speede borrowed from Hondius and others. The year 1631 marks the advent of the greatest map producing house in Europe. It was in this year that W. J. Blaeu produced his first Atlas. The work was a success and it is now rare. In 1635 Blaeu, now joined by his son Jean Blaeu, published a larger Atlas in two volumes. It is in the intro- duction to this Atlas that the younger Blaeu in a touching paragraph speaks with a filial admiration of his father’s work and how he started map making’ because, being stimulated by the examples of the great geog- raphers (Mercator and others), he decided to devote his life to mapping out the world. The result was that the great house of Blaeu was soon producing the most beautiful maps the world has ever seen—lovely in coloring, excellent as to paper and beautiful in their ornamentation, their small views, their coats-of-arms, their allegorical figures and their native costumes. The House of Jansson, which was contemporary with Blaeu, was conducted by direct descendants of the family of Hondius. They pro- duced about 1630 a series of maps and plans of towns, done for the most part by George Hoefnagle, which were a great advance upon the famous book of town plans done by George Braun and Francis Hogenburg and published a decade or two earlier. Amsterdam continued to be the chief map producing city of Europe. Other great cartographers arose and among them Peter Goos, who pub- lished in the middle of the seventeenth century his great and beautiful maritime Atlas with fine border ornaments. Other countries joined with the Dutch, and Atlases and Maps of great beauty were produced by Sanson, De Wit, Seller, Nicolas Visscher, Van Keulen, Le Clerc, to name but a few of the great map makers of the period. Under Blaeu the art had risen very high. He had set a lofty standard of design and execution. The great Amsterdam house had shown the way and had improved in artistic methods upon all who had gone before. There can be no wonder that the collectors of the twentieth century have detected the merits of these Atlases, which for two centuries have lain buried in old private libraries, for the most part unopened. , ARTHUR L. HUMPHREYS ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH MAPS OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, CITIES, RIVERS, ETC. BY ORTELIUS, VISSCHER, BLAEU, SPEEDE AND OTHER FAMOUS CARTOGRAPHERS AFRICA, BY BLAEU, SPEEDE AND VISSCHER ASIA, BY BLAEU, VISSCHER AND SPEEDE AMERICA: A SPLENDID SERIES OF MAPS SHOWING AMERICA IN WHOLE OR PART NORTH AMERICA SOUTH AMERICA ATLASES BOOKS AMERICAN VIEWS FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER EIGHTEENTH MARINE RELICS GLOBES, PLANISPHERES AND CONSTELLATION CHARTS ENGLAND AND WALES: MAPS AND VIEWS OF THE COUN- TIES, CITIES AND ISLANDS SCOTLAND IRELAND VIEWS OF ENGLISH AND SCOTCH CASTLES SHIP MODELS OLD EUROPEAN VIEWS NAVAL AND MARINE PRINTS 19TH CENTURIES AMERICANA IN COLORS OF 17TH-18TH- 1- 42 43— 46 A7— 54 55— 70 71-112 113-120 121-142 143-167 168-208 204-226 227-242 243-327 328-330 331-333 304 335-350 351-874 375-392 393-421 + = 4 he - - i f . % Pe A - - + oe ) bl . e 4 ° + x : gas ® ‘ nad. 4 he pe 4 a‘ ‘ } ‘ ' : . 1 ea wea d : on oo > | vs ® 4 ; . f= . ' . ay 3 7 So fi « . SALE THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH, AT _ 8:15 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-203 MAPS OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, CITIES, RIVERS, ETC. BY ORTELIUS, VISSCHER, BLAEU, SPEEDE AND OTHER FAMOUS CARTOGRAPHERS NUMBERS 1-42 ANCIENT GAUL Ortelius (Abraham). Gallie Veteris Typus. Colored. Symbolic title and. two inset ships. Folio. [ Brescia, 1598] AUSTRIA Medlinga, Vienna. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Insert view of all processes of wine-making, with people in costume. Folios. (2) BADEN AND HOCHBERGEN Vera totius Marchionatus Badensis et Hochbergensis. From Jans- son, Pitt and Swart’s Atlas 1683. Highly colored. Title in gold under a coat-of-arms, with six figures in costume at sides. E’mblem- atic design at bottom showing horses, a hunter with game, figure of plenty, shepherd, cupid, etc. Folio. COBLENTZ, TREVES, ROTHENBURG, AND PRAGUE Views of the above cities engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Col- ored. Five views on two sheets. Folio. (2) DANUBE RIVER Danubius, fluvius Europe maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia. From Jansson, Pitt, and Swart’s Atlas 1683. Wirth two beautiful colored insets; one on either side of the gold title shows a European king in armor defending the cross held by his wife; on the other side an Eastern potentate with sword and shield in front of his wife, who is stamping on the cross and offering incense; in the lower corner is an emblematic scene of nine river gods filling the stream. Folio. 1 hier tT ie: 12 a Ce 13 Av > | oY (y' DENMARK Speede (John). The Kingdome of Denmarke. Colored. Inset ships, borders in compartments showing ten natives in costume, views of six cities, two portraits, etc. Folio. [London]: G. Humble, 1626 DENMARK Regni Daniz Accuratissima delineatio. From Jansson’s Atlas 1680. Colored. Title in gold under a coat-of-arms, supported by nude figures of early Danes. Inset with four ships, two coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. FRANCE Speede (John). France. Colored. Inset borders in compartments showing ten costumes of the French and views of eight cities. Folio. . [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] FRANCE Visscher (Nikolaas). Gallia vulgo La France. Colored. Title sur- rounded by symbolic figures. Inset coat-of-arms and seven ships. Folio. [Amsterdam, ca. 1690] FRANCE AND HOLLAND Views of Reims en Champagne, Avignon, Urbs Campa, Flissinga [Flushing]. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Showing ships, — natives in costume, etc. Folios. (4) FRANKFORT Blaeu (Johannes and Cornelius). Novam Hance Territorii Franco- furtensis Tabulum. Colored. Elaborately illustrated with thirty- eight coats-of-arms, and four symbolical figures at the top represent- ing Peace, Concord, Conciliation and Justice. Textin French. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1649] GERMANY Speede (John). A Newe Mape of Germany. Colored. Border in- sets in compartments showing ten inhabitants in costume and views of eight cities. Folio. [London]: G. Humble, 1626 GERMANY View of Danzig. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Fifteen in- habitants in costume in the foreground, numerous ships in the dis- tance and coats-of-arms at top. Folio. 2 14 ee GERMANY View of Nuremberg. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Shows twenty-four people of the City in costume of their rank, and three coats-of-arms. Folio. GERMANY View of Wiismaria [Mecklenburg-Schwerin]. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Showing five inhabitants in costume, about fifteen ships, herd of cows, and three coats-of-arms. Folio. GREECE - Speede (John). Greece. Colored. Inset ships. Folio. [London]: Geo. Humble, 1626 HESSIA Hassia Landgraviatus. From Blaeu’s Atlas 1649. Colored. Inset with seven coats-of-arms. Folio. HOLLAND Blaeu (Willem). Novus XVII Inferioris Germaniz Provinciarum Typus. Colored. Inset with figures of Minerva and Mercury on either side of the title, sixteen ships and numerous porpoises, etc. Text in Dutch. Folio. Amsterdam, [1649] HOLLAND Speede (John). A New Mape of ye XVII Provinces of Low Ger- manie. Colored. Inset with four ships, borders in compartments showing ten costumes and eight views of cities. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] HOLLAND View of Dordrecht. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. A herd of cows, numerous inhabitants in costume and many ships and boats in the foreground; two coats-of-arms at the top, with a symbolic female figure. Folio. HOLLAND Views of Rotterdam and Vlissingen [Flushing]. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Many ships in the foreground and coats-of- arms at top. Folio. (2) ITALY Visscher (Nikolaas). Totius Italie Tabula. Colored. Four cupids over title, dedication under coat-of-arms near six symbolic figures. Folio. [ Amsterdam, ca. 1690] ITALY Views of Palermo, Catana and Padua. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Numerous ships, coats-of-arms, etc. Folios. (3) MEDITERRANEAN SEA Valk (Gerard and Leonard). Mare Mediterraneum. Colored. Folio. | [Amsterdam, 1748] PARIS Plan de Paris. Engraved chart in twenty sections, with key map, by Louis Bretez, engraved by Claude Lucas. Folio, half calf, sides with centre panel of Spanish calf with a gilt coat-of-arms. {Paris} lta PARIS AND GIBRALTAR Colored charts of Paris by Jean de Ram and Gibraltar by A. C. Seut- ter. Published in Amsterdam and Augsburg about 1725. Ships and views inset. Folios. (2) | PICARDY Surhon (Jan). Picardia Regio Belgica. Colored. Inset with coat- of-arms and a farmer and his wife. Folio. Amsterdami: Guilielmum et Joannem Blaeu, [1650] POLAND Speede (John). A Newe Mape of Poland. Colored. Borders in com- partments showing eight figures in costume, six cities and two coats- hs of-arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] POLAND AND LIVONIA Views of Riga and Warsaw. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Numerous ships and boats in the foreground, inhabitants in costume, coats-of-arms, etc. Folios. (2) PORTUGAL Visscher (Nikolaas). Portugalliz et Algarbiz Regna. Colored. Coat-of-arms in gold and colors, ten ships and symbolic figures. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1690] ol 3 Cag 34 bY RHINE Rhenus Fluviorum Europe celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et reliquis, in illam se exonerantibus fluminibus. From Jansson, Pitt and Swart’s Atlas 1683. Highly colored. Title in gold surrounded by symbolic figures of river gods, Bacchus, animals, etc.; ten coats- of-arms in gold and colors, supported by eleven cupids; four ships, etc. Folio. ROMAN EMPIRE Speede (John). A New Mappe of the Romane Empire. Colored. Inset are four ships, animals, borders in compartments showing ten | people in costume and views of six cities. Folio. [London]: Roger Rea the Elder and Younger, [1626] RUSSIA Speede (John). A Map of Russia. Colored. Inset chart of Mos- cow, five views, costumes, etc. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] SICILY Ortelius (Abraham). Siciliz veteris typus. Cum priviligio, 1584. ‘Colored. Inset chart of Syracuse, five ships, sea-monsters, etc. Folio. [Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1584] SPAIN, VALENCIA [Ortelius (Abraham).] Valentize Regni. Cum privilegio 1584. Col- ored. Large and small ship insets. Folio. [Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1584] SPAIN Speede (John). Spaine newly described. Colored. Inset ship and borders in compartments showing ten natives in costume and views of nine cities. Folio. [London]: George Humble, 1626 SPAIN Visscher (Nikolaas). Hispaniz et Portugallie Regna. Colored. Over the title is the figure of Hispania beside the coat-of-arms, which is supported by cupids. Folio. [ Amsterdam, ca. 1690] SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Sevilla, Lisabona, Alhambre, Monasterium 8. Laurenty in Escuriali. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. All colored. Inset with many ships, natives in costumes, coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. (4) 5 o9 42 44 ef Vv ry by yp “in SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK [Pitt (Moses).] Svecie, Norvegiz, et Danize, Nova Tabula. Colored. Title in gold under three coats-of-arms surrounded by emblematic designs. Inset with ten ships, numerous animals, etc. Folio. [Oxford: For Moses Pitt, 1680] TUSCANY [Ortelius (Abraham).] Bellarmato. Thusciz descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Colored. Inset with five ships. Folio. [Antwerp: Plantin, 1584] VOLGA RIVER Olearius (Adam). Nova et Accurata Wolgze fluminis, olim Rha dicti delineatio. Two parts on one sheet. Colored. Inset with five natives in costume surrounding title in gold, a group of eight deer and coat- of-arms supported by two nude figures, etc. Folio. [Oxford: For Moses Pitt, 1683] YPRES Sanders (Anton). Nova et Exacta Geographica Sale et Castellanize Iprensis de Casselrie van Ipre. La Chastelenie d’Ipre. Anno 1641. Colored. With a large view of Ypres at the top, and the other bor- ders in compartments showing 20 views of public and, private build- ings of that city. Three coats-of-arms at the top. The whole heightened with gold. Text in Latin. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Blaeu, 1649] An unusual illustrated map. AFRICA BY BLAEU, SPEEDE AND VISSCHER NUMBERS 43-46 AFRICA Blaeu (Willem). Africa nova descriptio. Colored. With over twenty- five animals, birds, fish and sea monsters inset in the body of the map, with nine ships on the oceans. Borders in compartments show- ing twenty natives in costume and nine cities and settlements. Text in French. Folio. [Amsterdam], [1650] One of the most profusely illustrated of the Blaeu maps. AFRICA Speede (John). Africa described. Colored. Inset with five ships, numerous animals, whales, etc.; borders in compartments showing ten natives in costume and views of eight cities. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] 6 45 AFRICA Visscher (Nikolaas). Africa accurata tabula. Colored. Title up- CY held by mythological figures and a negro on either side; coat-of-arms surrounded by mythological figures; inset with eleven ships, and numerous animals, fish, etc. Folio. [Amsterdam, ca. 1690] 46 ALGIERS Views of Algiers. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Four large / ~— oared pirate galleys in the harbor, the walled town, and castles in the rear. Folio. ASTA BY BLAEU, VISSCHER AND SPEEDE NUMBERS 47-54 47 ASIA Blaeu (Willem). Asia noviter delineata. Colored. Inset with five ys ships, animals, whale, etc. Borders in compartments showing twenty natives in full costume and nine cities of Asia. Text in French. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1650] BEAUTIFUL MAP. 48 ASIA x Visscher (Nikolaas). Asia nova delineatio. Colored. Inset are six 5 _» Ships, animals and birds, mythological figures around title, etc. Folio. RZ a [Amsterdam, ca. 1690] 49 FAR EAST ay’ Views of Batavia in Java, Quinzay [Peking], and Calcutta. From Jansson’s Atlas 1657. Colored. Many ships, natives, etc. Folios. (3) 50 INDIA Blaeu (Willem). India que Orientalis dicitur et Insulee adiacentes. ‘¢ “Colored. Inset with a man in armor, two men in costume, seven ships, cupids, etc. Text in French. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1650] 51 INDIA ( & [Speede (John).] A New Map of East India. Colored. Costume ug insets. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] 7 5D MOLUCCAS Blaeu (Willem). Molucce Insule celeberrime. Colored. Inset with eight ships, two natives in costume, chart of Bachian Island, ete. Text in French. Folio. Amsterdam, [1650] PALESTINE Blaeu (Willem). Terra Sancta que in Sacris Terra Promissionis olim Palestina. Colored. Inset with a portrait of Moses and a High Priest in full costume, ship, and porpoises. Folio. Amstelodami, 1629 TURKEY Speede (John). The Turkish Empire. Colored. Border insets of ten natives in costume and charts of six cities. Folio. [London]: Roger Rea the Elder and Younger, 1626 AMERICA SPLENDID SERIES OF MAPS SHOWING AMERICA IN WHOLE OR PART NUMBERS 55-70 ORIGINAL CHART OF THE TERRAQUEOUS GLOBE [BELLIN (JACQUES NICOLAS).] Colored lithograph by Sarony and Major. Undated. Small folio. if ae P 41 188 VUE DE BOSTON (o~ ,_ Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. t Apu 189 2 oO at 44 “3 (kz Wad 190 Habermann. Small folio. VUE DE BOSTON Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. Habermann. Small folio. 2 copies. VUE DE BOSTON Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. Habermann. Small folio. VUE DE BOSTON Same as the preceding. Two copies. NOUVELLE ORLEANS Colored lithograph by Th. Miller. About 1867. Folio. THE WATER-FALL OF NIAGARA Old copper-plate engraving after the drawing by R. Hancock. Col- ored by hand. Published 12th May 1794, by Laurie & Whittle. Small folio. VUE DE PHILADELPHIE Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Balth. Fred- “| eric Leizelt. Small folio. THE EAST PROSPECT OF PHILADELPHIA, IN THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA Old copper-plate engraving. “Engraved for the London Magazine.” With inset views of the State House and the Battery. Oblong 4to folding plate. VUE DE QUEBEC Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Balth. Frederic “| Leizelt. Small folio. VUE DE LA BASSE VILLE A QUEBECK Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. Habermann. Small folio. 42 198 VUE DE LA RUE DES RECOLLETS DE QUEBECK a Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. fe eopermann. Small folio. 199 VUE DE LA PLACE CAPITALE A QUEBECK 2 Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. 4 tee Small folio. 200 VUE DE LA HAUTE VILLE A QUEBECK : Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. | net Habermann. Small folio. 201 VUE DE LA VILLE A QUEBECK | - Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Francois Xav. Habermann. Small folio. 202 VUE DE SALEM g- Old copper-plate optical view in colors. Engraved by Balth. Frederic “bP Leizelt. Small folio. / 203 INDEPENDANCE DES ETATS UNIS so Engraving by L. Roger, 1786, PRINTED IN COLORS after Duplessis 17 “~— Berteaux. Double column of text in French. Fine original im- pression. 45 , © ey SALE FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER EIGHTEENTH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 204-421 MARINE RELICS NUMBERS 204-226 204 PAIR OF SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TEETH | Both decorated with Frigates under full sail; one has in addition an ye American Eagle. (2) Length, 51% inches 205 SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TOOTH ree Fine large tooth decorated with an English Frigate under full sail, Dd “By Robert Vaux.” Length, 8 inches 206 SCRIMSHAW WHALE’S TOOTH >< Decorated with a British Man-of-War at anchor. Length, 814 inches 207 PERPETUAL CALENDAR - 17TH CENTURY “A — Printed dial in a circular frame, with a revolving chart. Diameter, 714 inches 208 COMPASS 18TH CENTURY L- Printed dial. Made by D. Adams, Charing Cross, London. Diameter, 6 inches 209 OLD BLOCK SUNDIAL FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY iG 57 Small sundial in the form of a cube with printed paper dials and | mw brass stiles. Set on wood base with an inset compass. Made by ~ Berenger, Paris. Height, 7 inches 210 POCKET SUNDIAL 197 Engraved brass octagonal dial with inset compass. With finely etched folding stile. In leather case. Diameter, 31% inches 211 POCKET SUNDIAL AND COMPASS 18TH CENTURY Ke 4 A Interesting old folding sundial made of two hinged walnut panels, & 2" with hand-drawn dials and inset compass. Length, 4 inches; width, 21% inches A5 POCKET SUNDIAL AND COMPASS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Printed dials with inset compass. Simple form of perpetual calendar on the back. Length, 4 inches; width, 21% inches POCKET SUNDIAL AND COMPASS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Printed and painted dials on two hinged wood panels. With inset compass. Length, 31% inches; width, 214, inches POCKET SUNDIAL AND COMPASS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Circular wood case, printed and painted dial under dome crystal. Dome-shaped cover. Diameter, 214, inches FOLDING BRASS POCKET SUNDIAL Circular dial with engraved face and hinged stile. Diameter, 234, inches POCKET COMPASS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Brass dial with water level and adjustable levelling screws. Leather case. Diameter, 4 inches MARINE COMPASS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Brass marine compass by Chapotot, Paris. Semicircular engraved dial, mounted on an adjustable ball and socket joint. Width, 81% inches OLD BRASS AND TEAKWOOD SEXTANT Inlaid with ivory panels on teakwood. In perfect working condition. Original oak case. WALNUT BOOK STAND Turned legs and stretcher; sloping top, forming convenient book rest. Height, 11 wnches; width, 15 inches NEEDLEWORK MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES Worked by Elizabeth Wright, Aged 10. Stitched in varying: colors of silk. NEEDLEWORK MAP OF PALESTINE Worked by ‘Philadelphia Measor, Susan Downer’s School, Aged 15 Years, 1848.”’ Stitched in varying colors of silk. On stretcher. NEEDLEWORK WOOL PICTURE . A British Sloop in full sail on a placid sea. Lighthouse on shore. Worked in many-colored wools. Old mahogany frame. Small folio. 46 230 NEEDLEWORK WOOL PICTURE A small fore-and-aft Pilot boat in a mottled sea. Worked in colored wools. Small folio. Old maple frame. NEEDLEWORK WOOL PICTURE English Man-of-War in full sail in a gently ruffled sea. Worked in pleasing colors. Folio. Old maple frame. NEEDLEWORK WOOL PICTURE English Frigate in full sail. White-capped sea and gray sky. Colored wools. Small folio. Old maple frame. THE LONDON TUNNEL Miniature colored engraving showing the proposed tunnel under the Thames. Wood frame. Diameter, 5 inches GLOBES, PLANISPHERES AND CONSTELLATION CHARTS NUMBERS 227-242 MINIATURE ASTRONOMICAL GLOBE With the earth as a centre, the various orbits of the astronomical bodies revolving around it from a common axis. Diameter, 51% inches MINIATURE GLOBE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Newton’s globe on axis set in turned oak bowl. Height, 4 inches MINIATURE CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL GLOBES ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Globes supported on annular brass rings. Mounted on turned walnut stands. (2) Height, 7 inches CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL GLOBES ENGLISH, 1800 Pair of globes made by Carey, London, 1800, suspended on annular brass rings. Set on carved mahogany stands in the Sheraton style. Compass in the base. (2) Height, 25 inches CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL GLOBES ENGLISH, 1795 Pair of globes made by Dudley Adams, London, 1795, suspended on brass annular rings. Set on carved mahogany stands in the Shera- ton style. With compass in the base. (2) Height, 2214 inches AT 234 235 Us oO * ie C6 CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL GLOBES ENGLISH, 1816 Pair of globes made by Carey, London, 1816. Exhibiting the tracks and discoveries of Captains Cook and Vancouver. Suspended in annular brass rings and set on mahogany stand in Sheraton style. (Asis) (2) Height, 40 inches CONSTELLATIONS Hemispherium Stellatum Australe Antiquem. Colored. Chart of the constellations, each represented by its mythological sign including those of the zodiac, Taurus, Phoenix, Virgo, Noah’s Ark, Cetus, ete. Border of numerous flying cupids. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] CONSTELLATIONS Hemispherium Stellatum Boreale cum subiecto Hzemispherio Ter- restri. Colored. A chart of the Eastern Hemisphere showing the North Pole, with the signs of the zodiac and constellations covering the countries they represent. A winged herald at each upper corner surrounded by cupids, and two men supporting the globe at the lower corners, with astronomers, students and others in costume near by. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] CONSTELLATIONS Hemispherium Sceno Graphicum Australe cceli Stellatiet Terre. Colored. A chart of the Southern hemisphere showing South Ameri- ea and Africa, with the signs of the zodiac, and constellations cover- ing the countries and portions of the globe they represent. Symbolic figures support the titles with cupids underneath; four astronomers with a telescope and other objects of their craft in one corner, and an Eastern potentate with attendants, astronomer and pupils in the other. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] CONSTELLATIONS Planispherium Braheum, sive structura Mundi totius ex Hypothesi Tychonis Brahei in plano delineata. Colored. Zodiac in compart- ments of varying hues, with its signs. In the centre the orbits of the planets around a chart of the North Pole. Titles supported by cupids, and a view in both lower corners showing thirteen astronomers and their pupils, with three globes and other instruments, and the ruins of two castles in the distance. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 48 237 A WONDERFUL REPRODUCTION OF THE PTOLEMY GLOBE [NUMBER 237] PLANISPHERE Ptolemaeus (Claudius). Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptole- maici. Highly colored, with the zodiac in varying hues, and the em- blems of the constellations in separate compartments. E’mblematic figures surround the title. In the lower corners are nine astronomers in picturesque costume engaged in teaching eight pupils, or in dis- cussion or the work of their profession. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, ca. 1661] A WONDERFUL REPRODUCTION OF THE PTOLEMY GLOBE, with a chart of the Eastern hemisphere in the centre, showing Greenland at the top. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 49 238 PLANISPHERE Planispherium Arateum sive compages Orbium Mundanorum ex Hypothesi Aratea in plano expressa. Colored. The path of the zodiac in varying hues in compartments showing the signs of the zodiac, each sign also represented by a human figure. In the centre the planets in their orbits also represented by human figures. Numerous ym. ecupids surround the titles, and views in each lower corner picture fourteen astronomers in costume, four globes and other instruments of their calling. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 239 PLANISPHERE Planispherium Ptolemaicum, sive machina Orbium Mundi ex Hy- pothesi Ptolemaica in plano desposita. Colored. The zodiac in vary- 79 ing hues encircling orbits on which the planets are represented by Dad mythological scenes. In the centre a chart of the North Pole showing a a portion of America. Titles supported by winged female figures, and at each lower corner an astronomer and pupil, in costume, with globes, charts, etc. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 240 PLANISPHERE Scenographia Compagis Mundane Brahea. Colored. Zodiac in com- 7 partments of varying hues with its signs, encircling a chart of the ry eastern hemisphere. Borders of flying cupids, and a symbolic figure at each lower corner surrounded by children, with four astronomers in the distance. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 241 SACRED CONSTELLATION CHART Coeli Stellatiani Heemispherium. Colored. A chart of the constella- 4 Os tions, each represented by the figure of a saint or sacred object, in- cluding Job, the Cross, St. Gabriel, St. Matthew, etc. Charts of the poles in lower corners, and cherubs and other symbolic figures in borders. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 242 SACRED CONSTELLATION CHART | Y Coeli Stellati Christiani hemispherium prius. A chart of the con- Y V yh stellations, each represented by the figure of a saint of sacred object, yy’ including the Ark of the Covenant, Noah’s Ark, St. Peter’s Ship, Abraham, King David, St. Thomas, etc. A chart of the poles in two corners, and borders of cherubs and symbolic figures. Folio. [Amsterdam: J. Jansson, 1661] 50 243 247 ENGLAND AND WALES MAPS AND VIEWS OF THE COUNTIES CITIES AND ISLANDS NUMBERS 243-827 GREAT BRITAIN The South Part of Great Britain by Herman Moll, 1710; A New Map of Ireland by Herman Moll, 1714; Map of North Britian, by John Elphinstone, 1745. All colored. Folio. (8) London, 1710-45 GREAT BRITAIN [Ortelius (Abraham).] Angliz, Scotiz, et Hiberniz, sive Britannicar Insularum descriptio. Colored. Inset ship, four boats and coat-of- arms. Folio. [ Brescia, 1598 | GREAT BRITAIN Speede (John). The Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland. Colored. Inset views of Edinburgh and London, two ships, sea- horses, etc. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] GREAT BRITAIN Visscher (Nicolas). Magne Britannize Tabula: Comprehendens Angliz, Scotiz, ac Hibernie Regna. Highly colored. Around the title are numerous mythological figures, a portrait of William III, and the coat-of-arms of England. Inset are three other coats-of- arms supported by cupids. Folio. | Amsterdam: Nicol. Vischer, [ca. 1690] ENGLISH HISTORICAL MAP Speede (John). The Invasions of England and Ireland. Corn. Danckertsz sculpsit. Colored. Inset with hundreds of ships includ- ing the Spanish fleets at the time of their invasion, views of the bat- tles of England and Ireland, the royal arms supported by winged boys, coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. [London]: George Humble, [1615] FINE EARLY HISTORICAL MAP. ENGLAND : [Blaeu (Johannes).] Angliz Regnum. Colored. Inset with four ships and two royal coats-of-arms. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1667] 51 249 ' seribed. Jodocus Hondius Ceelavit. ENGLAND Visscher (Nicolas). Anglie Regnum. Colored and heightened with gold. Title surrounded by symbolic figures, two inset coats-of-arms supported by cupids. Folio. [ Amsterdam, ca. 1690] ENGLAND Views of Cambridge and Edinburgh. From Braun’s Atlas 1574. Colored. Citizens in costumes in the foreground, animals, castles, etc. Folios. (2) BEDFORD Speede (John). Bedford Shire and the Situation of Bedford de- Colored. Inset with a chart of Bedford, man in armor and six coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: George Humble, [1615] BERKSHIRE Speede (John). Berkshire described. Colored. Inset view of Wind- sor Castle, portrait, battle scene and three coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: I. Sud. and Georg Humble, [1611] BRECKNOCK [Blaeu (Johannes).] Comitatus Brechinizw; Brecknoke. Colored. Inset are three coats-of-arms, shepherd with cows and sheep, carto- grapher with globe, etc. Textin Dutch. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1655] BUCKINGHAM Speede (John). Buckingham both Shyre and shiretowne. Colored. Inset charts of Buckingham and Redding and nine coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] CAMBRIDGE [Blaeu (Johannes).] Cantabrigiensis Comitatus; Cambridge shire. Colored. Inset with twenty-six coats-of-arms. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] CARNARVON [Blaeu (Johannes). Comitatus Cenarvoniensis; Vernacule Carnar- von-Shire. Vulgo Anglesey. Colored. Insets of three coats-of-arms, three ships, a farmer. Text in German. Folio. | [Amsterdam, 1655] 52 259 CARNARVON Speede (John). Caernarvon both Shyre and Shire-towne with the ancient Citie Bangor described. Colored. Inset charts of Bangor and Carnarvon, three ships, three coats-of-arms, Neptune riding on a dolphin, porpoises, etc. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and Georg Humble, 1610 CHESTER [Blaeu (Johannes).] Cestria Comitatus Palatinus. Colored. Inset are twelve coats-of-arms, four gentlemen in the costume of the period, a farmer and his wife, sheep, etc. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] CHESTER Saxton (Christopher). The County Palatine of Chester. Corrected and Amended by P. Lea. Colored. Inset chart of Chester, nine coats-of-arms and three ships. Folio. London: Geo. Willdey, [ca. 1627] CORNWALL Speede (John). Cornwall. Jodocus Hondius Celavit, 1610. Col- ored. Inset view of Cornwall, Roman antiquities, four ships, nine coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and G. Humble, [1611] CUMBERLAND Speede (John). Cumberland and the Ancient Citie Carlile described. Colored. Inset chart of Carlisle, six coats-of-arms, Roman monu- ments, ship, battle scene, etc. Folio. [London]: I. Sudbury and Georg. Humble, 1610 DENBIGH AND FLINT Blaeu (Johannes). Denbigiensis Comitatus et Comitatus Flintensis; Denbigh et Flintshire. Colored in outline. Colored insets of two coats-of-arms, ship, ornamental titles. Folio. Text in French. [Amsterdam, 1667] DENBIGH Speede (John). Denbigh Shire. Jodocus Hondius Celavit. Colored. Inset chart of Denbigh, three coats-of-arms, Neptune mounted on a sea-horse, ship, etc. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1610 53 264 268 DERBY [Blaeu (Johannes).] Darbiensis Comitatus. Vernacule Darbie shire. Colored. Inset are six coats-of-arms, a herdsman with his wife and daughter, cows, sheep, etc. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] DERBY Speede (John). Darbieshire described. Anno 1610. Colored. In- set are five coats-of-arms, and charts of “Darby” and Buxton. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and G. Humble, [1611] DEVONSHIRE . Speede (John). Devonshire with Excester described. Colored. In- set chart of ‘““Excester’, and ten coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: John Sudburi & George humble, [1615] ‘DORSET [Speede (John).] Dorsetshyre with the Shyre-towne Dorchester described, as also the Armes of noble families since the Normans Conquest to this present Anno 1662. Jodocus Hondius Caelavit. Colored. Inset chart of Dorchester, three ships, sea monsters, and five coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] DURHAM [Speede (John).] The Bishoprick and Citie of Durham. Colored. Inset chart of Durham, ship, battle scene, three coats-of-arms, ete. Folio. [London: John Sudbury and G. Humble, 1611] ENGLISH ISLANDS [Blaeu (Johannes).] Holy Iland. Garnsey. Farne. Iarsey. Col- ored. Inset are eight ships, cupids, etc. Text in French. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1667] ESSEX . _, [LBlaeu (Johannes).] Essexia Comitatus. Colored. Inset with nine coats-of-arms, five ships, and three cupids. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] GLOUCESTER [Blaeu’ (Johannes).] Glocestria Ducatus; Vulgo Glocester shire. Colored. Inset are twelve coats-of-arms, a shepherd and two shep- herdesses, cupids, etc. Folio. Text in French. [Amsterdam, 1667] 54 272 278 Ver 279 ror GLOUCESTER | Speede (John). Glocestershire contriued into thirty thre seuerall hundreds. 1610. Colored. Inset are twelve coats-of-arms, charts of Bristow and “Glocester” and views of the battles of Gloucester and Tewkesbury. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, [1611] HAMPSHIRE | : Speede (John). Hantshire described and devided. Jodocus: Hondius celavit. Colored. Inset are ten coats-of-arms, a chart of Winchester, and a view of Maud of England escaping in a coffin through the ranks of her enemies. Folio. [London]: I. Sudbury and G. Humbell, [1611] “HARTFORD” Speede (John). Hartford Shire described. Colored. Inset charts of “Hartford” and Verolanium, three battle scenes and four coats-of- arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] HASTINGS ‘ Line engraving. Colored by hand. Engraved by R. Wallis after the painting by J. M. W. Turner. Published 1851. Folio. HEREFORD | [Blaeu (Johannes).] Herefordia Comitatus. Hereford-shire. Col- ored. Inset are seven coats-of-arms, a mariner and cupids. Text in Dutch. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1655] HEREFORD Speede (John). Herefordshire described. Colored. Inset chart of Hereford, eight coats-of-arms, two astronomers in costume, and a view of a battle. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and Georg Humbell, 1610 HUNTINGTON Speede (John). Huntington both Shire and Shire Towne with the ancient citie Ely described. Colored. Inset charts of Huntington and Ely, eleven coats-of-arms, two hunters in costume, etc. Folio. [London]: George Humbell, [1615] ISLE OF WIGHT [Blaeu (Johannes).] Vectis Insula. Anglice, The Isle of Wight. Colored in outline. With colored insets of sixteen ships, four coats- of-arms, deer, etc. Text in Dutch. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1655] 55 284 285 AlN Vig iJ yLaneas shire. wf? \\ Colored in outline. ISLE OF WIGHT White (William). Wight Island. Augmented and published by John Speede. Colored. Inset charts of “Southampton” and “New- port’, two ships, six coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and G. Humbell, [1611] KENT Speede (John). Kent with her Cities and Earles described and ob- served. Colored. Inset views of Canterbury and Rochester, battle scene, six ships and ten coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: G. Humble, [1614] LANCASTER [Blaeu (Johannes).] Lancastria Palatinatus. Anglice Lancaster et Colored. Inset are two ships, three coats-of-arms, farmer with cows, etc. Textin Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] LEICESTER [Blaeu (Johannes).] Leicestrensis Comitatus. Leicester shire. Colored insets of ten coats-of-arms and cupids. Text in Dutch. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1655] LEICESTER Speede (John). Leicester both Countye and Citie described. Jodocus Hondius caelavit. Colored. Inset with a chart of Leicester, ten coats-of-arms and a view of the battle of Bosworth Field. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1610 LINCOLN [Speede (John).] The Countie and Citie of Lyncolne described. w\ Jodocus Hondius celavit 1610. Colored. Inset chart of Lincoln, ship, two battle scenes and twelve coats-of-arms. Folio. [London: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1611] 286 LONDON VIEWS | y, Y The South West Prospect of London, engraved by Bowles; A View of / fs (\,, the City of London . . . from Westminster Bridge. Both colored. Small folios. (2) 287 LONDON VIEWS /. |r j} v AN 1 NV A View of Westminster Bridge from Lambeth; London Bridge, en- graved by Toms; A View of the Waterloo Bridge, engraved 1816. All colored. Small folios. (3) 56 LONDON VIEWS A Perspective View of Twickenham, engraved by Hooker after Heckell; A View of the Tower taken upon the Thames, published by Boydell, 1751; A View of Westminster Bridge, engraved by Boydell, 1753. All colored. Small folios. (3) VIEWS OF LONDON Five engraved views of old London by Havell and others after draw- ings by Allom. Colored. Small folios. (5) VIEW OF LONDON FROM GREENWICH PARK Colored aquatint by J. C. Statler after J. Farrington. Published 1796. Folio. THE SOUTH EAST PROSPECT OF WESTMINSTER Line engraving by B. Cole. Colored. About 1740. Folio. THE PORT OF LONDON; AND, TOBERMORY, SOUND OF MULL Colored lithographs. The first dated 1834 and signed F. D. H. The second by J. Needham. Folio and oblong folio. (2) MIDDLESEX Norden (John). Midle-sex described with the most famous Cities of London and Westminster. Augmented by John Speed. Colored. Inset charts of London and Westminster, views of St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s and four coats-of-arms. Folio. London: Henry Overton, [ca. 1626] MONMOUTH Speede (John). The Countye of Monmouth wih the sittuation of _Shire-towne Described Ann 1610. Colored. Inset chart of Mon- mouth, ship, five coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] MONTGOMERY [Blaeu (Johannes).] Montgomeria Comitatus et Comitatus Mer- vinia. Colored. Inset are three coats-of-arms, two ships, sheep, cupids, etc. Text in French. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1667] NORFOLK Hogius (Cornelius). Norfolciz comitatus. Colored. Inset with four ships, two coats-of-arms, etc. Folio. Framed. [London], 1574 THE EARLIEST SURVEY MAP OF NORFOLK. 57 297 298 o01 503 NORFOLK Saxton (Christopher). Norfolk a Countie florishing & Populous de- scribed and devided. Augmented by I. Speede. Colored. Inset chart of Norwich, a battle scene and nine coats-of-arms. — Folio. [London]: J. 8S. & G. H. [1611] NORTHAMPTON Saxton (Christopher). The County of Northampton togeather with ye three small Counties of Bedford, Huntington & Rutland. Cor- rected and Amended by P. Lea. Colored. Inset charts of Oukham, Northampton, ‘““Peterburgh’, Bedford and Huntington; 30 coats-of- arms. Folio. London: .George Willdey, [ca. 1627] NORTHAMPTON Speede (John). Northamtonshire. Jodocus Hondius Celavit 1610. Colored. Inset charts of Northampton and “Peterborow”’, battle scene, and ten coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: George Humbell, [1614] NORTHUMBERLAND ! | Speede (John). Northumberland. Colored. Inset charts of “Bar- wick” and “Newe Castle’, ten coats-of-arms, and Roman monuments. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1610 NOTTINGHAM | [Blaeu (Johannes).] Comitatus Nottinghamiensis. Nottingham shire. Colored. Inset are eight coats-of-arms, a farmer and his family, etc. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] NOTTINGHAM Speede (John). The Countie of Nottingham described the Shire Townes situation and the Earls there of observed. Jodocus Hondius ecelavit 1610. Colored. Inset are eight coats-of-arms, a chart of Nottingham, and a view of the battle with the Erectors of Lambert. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and Georg Humble, 1610 OXFORD [Blaeu (Johannes).] Oxonium Comitatus, Vulgo Oxford shire. Colored. Inset are twenty coats-of-arms and two residents in cos- tume. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] PEMBROKE ; [Blaeu (Johannes).] Penbrochia Comitatus et Comitatus Czermari- .™, dunum. Colored. Inset are thirteen coats-of-arms, two ships, cupids, cows, etc. Text in Spanish. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1665] 58 305 THE WEST PROSPECT OF HIS MAJESTIES DOCK-YARD NEAR PLYMOUTH \g~ line engraving by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck. With contemporary coloring. Published 1736. Oblong folio. 306 RADNOR Blaeu (Johannes). Radnoria Comitatus. Radnor Shire. Colored. -— Inset are three coats-of-arms, a herdsman with cows and sheep, a gentleman on horseback, etc. Text in Dutch. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1655] 307 RADNOR Saxon (Christopher). The Countie of Radnor described and the — Shyretownes sittuatione Anno 1610. Augmented and published by John Speede. Jodocus Hondius Caelavit. Colored. Inset with a chart of Radnor and four coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury & George Humbell, [1611] 308 RUTLAND ee [Blaeu (Johannes).] Rutlandia Comitatus. Rutland shire. Col- I~ ored. Inset are six coats-of-arms, shepherd and shepherdesses with cows and sheep, mariner with a compass, etc. Text in Dutch. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1655] 809 RUTLAND ge Speede (John). Rutlandshire with Oukham and Stanford her bor- nt dering Neighbour Newly described. Colored. Inset charts of “Stan- if ford” and “Oukham”, eight coats-of-arms, and winged boys. Folio. [London: John Sudbury and George Humbell, 1611] 310 SHROPSHIRE iP Speede (John). Shropshyre described. The Sittuation of Shrowes- pwn bury shewed. Colored. Inset chart of Shrewsburg, four coats-of- | arms, and a view of the battle of Shrewsbury. Folio. [London]: George Humbell, [1615] 811 SOMERSET \- [Blaeu (Johannes).] Somersettensis Comitatus. Somersetshire. Colored. Inset are two ships, seven coats-of-arms, three sheep, and | an allegorical figure of plenty. Text in French. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1667] 59 614 616 Cy SOMERSET Blome (Richard). A Mapp of the County of Somerset. Colored. Inset ships and coats-of-arms. Folio. Framed. [London, 1715] SOMERSET [Speede (John).] Somerset-Shire described and into Hundreds de- vided. Colored. Inset chart of Bath, two ships, and ten coats-of- arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] STAFFORD Speede (John). Stafford Countie and Towne with the ancient Citie Lichfeild described. Colored. Inset charts of Lichfield and Stafford, four coats-of-arms, and a view of a battle during the War of the Roses. Folio. [London]: John Dudbury and Georg Humble, 1610 SUFFOLK Saxton (Christopher). Suffolciz Comitatus. Colored. Insets of ~ two coats-of-arms and ornamental border around title. Folio. Framed. [London], 1575 EARLIEST SURVEY MAP OF SUFFOLK. SUFFOLK Speede (John). Suffolke described and divided into Hundreds. Colored. Inset chart of Ipswich, ship, and twelve coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] SURREY [Blaeu (Johannes).] Surria. Vernacule Surrey. Colored. Inset are eight coats-of-arms. Text in Spanish. Folio. [ Amsterdam, 1665] SUSSEX [Blaeu (Johannes).] Suthsexia, Vernacule Sussex. Colored. Inset ~ are six coats-of-arms, and about twenty ships. Text in Spanish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] THAMES RIVER Lithographic Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames from West- fi /\ /. minster Bridge to London Bridge. 10 plates by T. M. Baynes. Pub- lished London, 1825. Oblong folio in wrappers. RARE. WALES , Blaeu (Johannes). Wallia Principatus Vulgo Wales. Colored. In- sets of seven coats-of-arms, three ships, eight cupids. Text in Latin. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1767] 60 821 WALES Speede (John). Wales. Colored. Marginal insets of charts and , « views of sixteen cities and castles of Wales, ships and dolphins, iB e Folio. Mounted between glass and framed. [London], 1610 e 322 WARWICK Speede (John). The Counti of Warwick. Jodocus Hondius celavit. Q- Colored. Inset charts of Warwick and “Coventree’’, battle scene, and eleven coats-of-arms. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, [1611] 323 WESTMORLAND J, [Blaeu (Johannes).] Westmoria Comitatus; Anglice Westmorland. _w*Colored. Inset are six coats-of-arms, horseman, etc. Text in Span- ish. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1665] 324 WILTSHIRE ( ae Speede (John). Wilshire. Colored. Inset chart of Salisbury, view of Stonehenge and sixteen coats of arms. Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and G. Humble, [1611] 325 WORCESTER Saxton (Christopher). Worcester Shire Described. Augmented and published by John Speede. Jodocus Hondius celavit 1610. Colored. Ir “a Inset chart of Worcester, six coats-of-arms, and a view of the battle of Evesham. Folio. London: John Sudbury and George Humble, [1611] 826 YORKSHIRE [Blaeu (Johannes).] Ducatus Eboracensis pars Borealis. The fie Northriding of York Shire. Colored. Inset are seventeen coats-of- a arms, fishwoman carrying basket of fish, fisherman and boy with a ta met, etc. Text in French. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1667] 327 YORKSHIRE \K/ Speede (John). York Shire. Colored. Inset coat-of-arms and ship. nn Folio. [London]: John Sudbury and G. Humble, 1610 61 SCOTLAND NUMBERS 328-330 828 SCOTLAND Allard (Charles). Novissima Regni Scotiz Septentrionalis et SS Meridionalis Tabula. Colored. Inset emblematic figures around } title, two coats-of-arms surrounded by cupids. Folio. Amsterdam, [ca. 1698] 329 SCOTLAND 4) Speede (John). The Kingdome of Scotland. Colored. Insets of ANP ships and dolphins. Folio. [London], 1650 | With border insets of colored full-length portraits of Queen Anne, Charles Duke of “Yorke,” King James and Henry Prince of Wales; also a chart of the “Yles of Orknay.” 330 LIDDESDALE Pont (Timothy). Lidalia vel Lidisdalia Regio. Lidisdail. Colored. ‘ Shepherdesses and cupids surrounding title. Folio. [Amsterdam; J. Blaeu, 1654] IRELAND | 4 - —— NUMBERS 331-333 331 IRELAND | <0 Blaeu (Willem). Hibernia Regnum. Vulgo Ireland. Colored. In- A set are two coats-of-arms. Text in French. Folio. [Amsterdam, 1654] 302 CONNAUGHT se Speede (John). The Province of Connaugh with the Citie of Gal- a | ,{ waye Described. Colored. Inset chart of Galway and coat-of-arms. /\WWo'’Folio. (Repaired) [London]: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1610 303 MUNSTER yh Speede (John). The Province of Mounster. Colored. Inset charts i” of Cork and Limerick, ship, an Irishman with a harp riding on a fish, etc. Folio. [London]: Thomas Bassett, [1676] i B34 | VIEWS OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH CASTLES NN Old engravings of about 1750. Colored. Small folios. (20) 62 SHIP MODELS NUMBERS 335-350 3835 SHIP MODEL IN A BOTTLE - 5 Miniature wood model of an auxiliary schooner. Set in an old gin | |» [bottle. On wood stand. ie 836 MODEL OF AN ENGLISH MAN-OF-WAR OF 50 GUNS CIRCA 1750 y n0- Hull of wood, bow with carved lion figurehead, carved stern and t wy Wo quarter galleries. Fully rigged with silk sails. (A number of the ’ Wu brass guns are missing, sold as is) Height, 14 inches; length, 15 inches 337 DUTCH CLIPPER SHIP “WILHELMINA” OF AMSTERDAM CIRCA 1850 bee Fine graceful hull, with neatly proportioned masts and spars. Fly- r me 7 ing the Dutch flag. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches 838 MODEL OF THE-DWEEH FULL-RIGGED SHIP “CAROLINA,” ~ AMSTERDAM CIRCA 1860 3] —— Hull red to waterline, white above, with blue band above deck. Fully rigged, under full sail. Set in plaque of waves. Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches 339 MODEL OF THE DUTCH BRIG “FRANCISCUS” CIRCA 1860 i Ga Hull bronze to waterline, black above. Rigged with masts and spars. Yi. Set in plaque of waves. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches /), ; 340 MODEL OF a iat CIRCA 1850 17 ge Hull solid, painted white. Fully rigged. Set in plaque of waves. Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches Vite ene 841 MODEL OF A FULL-RIGGED SHIP CIRCA 1850 50 Solid hull, painted white with black port stripe. Set in plaque of 17 ——~ huge waves and heeled over under shortened sail. Height, 814 inches; length, 12 inches 342 MODEL OF A PACKET SHIP CIRCA 1850 ha Sg Solid hull with complete rigging. Painted red to waterline, gray above, with black port stripe. Set in plaque of waves. | Height, 131% inches; length, 18 inches 63 MODEL OF A BRITISH FRIGATE, CIRCA 1800 [NUMBER 343]. EIGHT BONE SHIP MODELS, VERY FINE SPECIMENS, FULLY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BEST CRAFTSMANSHIP BY THE FRENCH PRISONERS OF WAR IN ENGLAND FROM 1790 TO 1820 NUMBERS 3848-350 » 348 MODEL OF AN ENGLISH FRIGATE CIRCA 1800 A s0- Fully planked and ribbed; stern and quarter galleries elaborately vA carved and three-quarter length figurehead of a female with flowing robe; completely rigged and deck equipped; set on a stand with inlaid teak of key design. Height, 10 inches; length, 11 wches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 64 ip 344 350 MODEL OF A BRITISH MAN-OF-WAR, 112 GUNS [ NUMBER 344] MODEL OF A BRITISH MAN-OF-WAR, 112 GUNS CIRCA 1790 Hull completely constructed of bone; fully planked and ribbed, ex- quisitely carved stern and bowplanks; masts and spars of wood; hull baleen trimmed; guns of bronze, and deck fully equipped; carry- ing six boxwood boats; set in plaque of waves. Height, 1414 inches; length, 17 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 65 MODEL OF BRITISH SHIP-OF-THE-LINE “WARRIOR’’, 120 GUNS | | ~ [NUMBER 345] 345 MODEL OF SECOND-RATE SHIP-OF-THE-LINE “WARRIOR”, 120 GUNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Stern gallery carved with a lion motif; decorated bowplanks; Masts and spars of wood; fully rigged; complete deck equipment. Set in waves. Height, 26 inches; length, 30 inches 6 eee : [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 66 MODEL OF BRITISH FRIGATE “LOSTAT’’, 72 GUNS [NUMBER 346] 346 MODEL OF BRITISH FRIGATE “LOSTAT” CIRCA 1780 Model entirely constructed of bone; ribbed and planked; carrying 72 guns. Carved quarter and stern gallery; full-length figure of J 60 a hussar; baleen trimmed; completely rigged and full deck impedi- menta. Height, 1514 inches; length, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 67 MODEL OF BRITISH BATTLESHIP, 120 GUNS "es aa [NUMBER 347] 347 MODEL OF SECOND-RATE BATTLESHIP ~~ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Model completely of bone; planked and ribbed; carrying 120 guns. ie Finely carved quarter and stern galleries, with a figurehead of a es 0 warrior; baleen trimmed. Completely rigged; bronze cannon; deck equipments. Height, 2114 inches; length, 23 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 68 MODEL OF A BRITISH FRIGATE, CIRCA 1790 [NUMBER 348] 348 MODEL OF A BRITISH FRIGATE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Model entirely constructed of bone; carrying 84 guns; ribbed and (07 planked. Finely carved gallery and baleen trimmed; figurehead of Z y a gladiator, full length. Carrying boxwood boats. Complete deck yi ‘equipment. Original strawwork stand. Height, 1514 inches; length, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 69 MODEL OF FIRST-RATE BRITISH SHIP-OF-THE-LINE, CIRCA 1780 [ NUMBER 349] 349 MODEL OF FIRST-RATE SHIP-OF-THE-LINE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 / i bh Model entirely constructed of bone; planked; finely carved stern and 5 quarter gallery; fully rigged, with complete deck equipment. En- closed in glazed case. Height, 29 inches; length, 33 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 70 MODEL OF BRITISH SHIP-OF-THE-LINE, 84 GUNS [NUMBER 350] 350 MODEL OF SECOND-RATE SHIP-OF-THE-LINE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 “ Model completely of bone, carrying 84 guns; planked and ribbed, Za st? superb carved sternpiece, quarter galleries and apron in the holds. Y _ Carved figurehead, three-quarter length female figure, with beautiful He ‘baleen trim. Enclosed in glazed case. Height, 31 inches; length, 39 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 7] OLD EUROPEAN VIEWS NUMBERS 351-374 AMSTERDAM Engraved view of the town of Amsterdam. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Finely colored. Folio. Showing the Dutch fleet in the harbor. AMSTERDAM; VENICE Engraved view of the towns and harbors by Aueline. Published about 1670. Quaintly illuminated in gold and colors. Small folios. (2) BELGIUM AND FRANCE Plan of the town of Louvain and view of the town of Bethune. En- eraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely colored with inset coats- “of-arms. Folios. (2) CAMBRAI Plan and view of the town of Cambrai. Engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely illuminated. Folios. (2) AN EXACT PROSPECT OF THE TOWN OF CARTHAGENA; VIEW OF THE BURNING OF THE TOWN OF PAITA Old engravings, colored. With scenes of shipping in the harbors. Small folios. (2) CONSTANTINOPLE AND BOMBAY Engraved views about 1750. Colored. Folios. (8) EUROPEAN CITIES, 1814 Eleven colored aquatint views of various European cities which fig- ured in the Napoleonic Wars. Published by R. Bowyer, London, y_y4 1814. Small folio and folio. (11) These plates are from “An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe.” FRENCH VIEWS Old Engraved plates, mainly in the optical style. Colored. Small folios. (7) FAMOUS FRENCH CHATEAUX A series of four engravings finely colored by hand. Engraved by J. Rigaud from his own designs. Oblong folios. (4) Ue 360 361 362 A 365 366 367 | Sead ye LILLE Plan of the City of Lille. From Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely illuminated. Folio. VUES DE LA MALMAISON A set of four fine colored aquatints engraved by Louis Garnerey after the drawings by Aug. Garnerey. Published about 1815. Small folios. (4) MONS AND ARRAS Views of the towns of Mons and Arras (on one sheet) and a plan oof the town of Arras. Engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Col- ored. Folios. (2) NAMUR AND OSTEND Engraved view and plan. Published in Jansson’s Atlas in 1657. Finely illuminated. Folios. (2) YPRES Plan and view of the City of Ypres engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely illuminated. Folio. GERMANY Plan of the town of Regensburg and view of the town of Schalbach, engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely illuminated with inset arms and vignettes. Folios. (2) GERMANY AND HUNGARY Plans of the towns of Stada and Saltzburg and view of the town of Papa. Engraved for Jansson’s Atlas of 1657. Finely illuminated. Folios. (3) GENOA Engraved view of the town of Genoa. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Colored. Folio. A naval battle is pictured in the harbor. 368 369 THE MANNER OF THE LAPLANDERS LIVING IN SUMMER THE MANNER OF THE LAPLANDERS LIVING IN WINTER Engraved by F. H. Van Houe. Contemporary coloring. Quaint old double view showing details of the domestic life and superstitions of the Laplanders. With the finely illuminated coat- of-arms of the Rt. Hon. Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury. MADRID, SPAIN Engraved view of Madrid. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Finely colored. Folio. MESSINA, ITALY View of the town of Messina. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Finely colored. Folio. A splendid view with active shipping scene in the harbor. MILAN AND TURIN, ITALY Engraved views. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Finely colored. Folios. (2) NAPLES, ITALY Engraved view of the town of Naples. Unsigned. Published in Paris about 1670. Finely colored. Folio. An animated naval review in the harbor with flying flags and salut- ing guns. MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS Are de Triomphe, 3; View of Lorette, from Baten Schenk’s Atlas; Malaga, 1730; and others. 7 pieces, small folio. VENICE Engraved bird’s-eye view of Venice about 1670. With splendid de- tail of ships and shipping in the foreground. Large oblong folio. 4 Framed. 74 NAVAL AND MARINE PRINTS IN COLORS OF 17TH-18TH-19TH CENTURIES NUMBERS 375-392 375 ANCIENT SHIPS AND SHIPPING S Set of four colored aquatint plates, published 1811; and three others. [s (AX Small folios. (7) 576 NAVE (ITALIAN SHIP OF ABOUT 1690) _» , Old engraving from Coronelli’s Atlas published 1695-97. Side ele- nH g.e¥ation of an armed merchantman of the period. Showing details t 4 ~ of construction and rig. Colored. Folio. 377 SEAPORTS OF ENGLAND ~ A series of seventeen colored aquatints drawn and engraved by Wil- és lian Daniell. Published London, 1825. Small folios. (17) 378 SEAPORTS Old engraved optical views, colored. Calais, Gibraltar, Amsterdam, O~ ete. All with fine maritime activities and naval battles. Small folios. (6) | 379 SUN UNDER A CLOUD; NOON; MOON LIGHT; FRESH GALE a Engravings by Canot after paintings by Monamey. Colored. Pub- 3° lished in London about 1745. Small folios. (4) 380 ENGLISH NAVAL VESSELS, 1836 . A pair of quaint old water-color drawings of British Men-of-war. 5 sg One has the written caption, ‘H.M. Ship Caledonia, July 25, 1836 Maselong, Greece.’”’ Small quartos, old frames. (2) 381 BRIG IN A CALM; BRIG IN A SQUALL q oe A pair of small water-color drawings, signed G. Jeanne and dated 1869. (2). 382 A SHIP IN DISTRESS; THE TAKING OF THE PRINCESS yh i. Engravings by Canot and N. Parr, both after paintings by Monamey. j : N Colored. Published in London about 1745. Small folios. (2) 15 O91 7 v 4 392 - () V Vv 7 hi f /i A SQUADRON OF SHIPS SAILING BEFORE THE WIND Engraved by Toms. Colored. Published in London about 1745. * Small folio. LE COUP DE TONNERRE Old French engraving of the wreck of a frigate in a terrible tem- pest on the river St. Laurent. Colored. Folio. THE WATERFORD LINE SCHOONERS ALEXANDER, MARTHA, AND RAPID Colored aquatint engraved by Smart and Reeve after the painting by John Lynn about 1830. Impression later. Folio. SOUTH SEA WHALE FISHERY Colored aquatint after the painting by W. J. Huggins. London, Pub- lished Jan. 1, 1825. Impression later. Folio. THE LADY KENNAWAY OFF MARGATE .. . HOMEWARD BOUND 1827 Colored aquatint by E. Duncan after the painting by W. J. Huggins. Published 1829. Impression later. Folio. THE WELLINGTON, CAPT. JAMES LIDDELL, OFF DOVER, AUGUST 12th, 1839 Colored aquatint by C. Rosenberg after the painting by W. J. Hug- gins. Published 1840. Impression later. Folio. H.C.S. MACQUEEN OFF THE START, 26th JANUARY 1832 Colored aquatint by C. Rosenberg, after the painting by W. J. Hug- gins. Published 1834. Impression later. Folio. THE GALLANT ACTION BETWEEN H.M. PACKET ANTELOPE AND THE FRENCH PRIVATEER L’ATALANTE Colored aquatint engraved by C. Rosenberg after Yates. Published 1794. Small folio. THE FUNERAL PROCESSION OF THE LATE LORD NELSON _ FROM GREENWICH TO WHITEHALL 2 yy /eColored aquatint engraved by Hill after Pugin. Small folio. WHALING A set of six colored aquatints engraved by Dubourg after drawings \ by Clark. Published Feb. 1st, 1813. Small quartos, framed. (6) 716 AMERICANA NUMBERS 393-421 393 AMERICANA A portfolio of miscellaneous portraits, views, maps, caricatures, etc. 4 ~ relating to important events of American history. 44 pieces, vari- ous Sizes. 394. AMERICAN INDIANS Engravings by Theodorum Viero of Venice. Colored by hand. Small Ss! tolio (3) 395 AMERICAN PORTRAITS l, _ Old German line engraved portraits of Franklin, Putnam, Arnold, “Robert Rogers, Charles Lee, and Commodore Hopkins. Engraved about 1780. Small quarto. (6) A RARE SET. (\ 396 AMERICAN PORTRAITS i, _ George and Martha Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Green, Schuyler, Hamilton, Hopkins, Monroe, Jackson, and many others. 26 pieces, various sizes. 397 AMERICAN PORTRAITS of George Peabody, Philanthrophist; Washington Irving, engraved by ni. NV Leprix; and Daniel Webster, etched by King. All fine proofs. Folios. eC) 398 D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN — Mezzotint portrait by J. E. Haid. 1778. Oval in rectangle with tablet inscribed: ‘““D. Benjamin Franklin, et vita inter Americanos acta, et magnis electricitatis periculis clarus.”’ Small folio. 399 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN | re Engraved portrait by Chevillet. Bust in oval after the Houdon (L bust over an engraved tablet reading: “Frankelin Ministre Pleni- potentiaire des Etats Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale.” Dessiné par Bounieu d’aprés le Buste de M. Houdon. Small folio. 400 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN if — Engraved portrait by Cathelin after Madame Filleul. Half-length portrait, with right hand pointing to document on table. Small folio. 17 401 A402 A403 408 “town. JOHN JAY Original pencil portrait by L. Massard. Signed. Beautifully drawn. s The subject is seen bust length, three-quarters to the right. Height, 5 inches; width, 4 imches LE GENERAL WASHINGTON Engraved portrait. Bust in uniform. Oval, with frame-like border with tablet beneath showing the surrender of Cornwallis at York- Engraver unknown. Hart, No. 20a. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON Stipple portrait “Engraved from a copy after Stewart’ by [W. Jackman]. Hart, No. 683a. Subject half-length seated, book in right hand and dress sword in bended left forearm. Folio. LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON: THE SOLDIER Lithograph by Regnier after the painting by Stearns. New York, 1853. Folio. Published in LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON: THE CHRISTIAN Lithograph by Regnier after the painting by Suet New York, 1853. Folio. Published in WASHINGTON AND MRS. WASHINGTON Colored lithographs. The first drawn on stone by Fanoli after Stuart, the second by Lafosse after Jalabert. Folios. (2) WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN, AND JEFFERSON Three fine lithograph portraits by Grevedon and Maurisse, litho- graphed by C. Motte. 1826. The Franklin is in proof state. Small upright folios. (3) | THE REVEREND MR. GEORGE WHITEFIELD Mezzotint portrait engraved by J. Greenwood [of:-Boston] after the painting by N. Hone. Published in London 1769. False margin. { The subject was the founder of the first Methodist Church and school in America. 718 409 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Engravings entitled as follows: The Manner in which the American _- Colonies declared themselves Independent; The American General | Lee taken Prisoner by Lieut. Col. Harcourt; The American Congress; NI MWe Premier Assemblée du Congrés. All contemporary. (4) 410 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Mort du General Warren. Lithograph by Zancon after Trumbull; - siege d’York-Town. Engraved by Fontaine after Couder; Capitula- / tion de Cornwallis. Engraved by Delignon after Martinet. Small yA. folios. (3) 411 DIE SCHLACHT VON BUNKER HILL }4— Engraved by G. Nordheim after the painting by Trumbull. Folio. 412 AMERICAN VIEWS A View of the City of Boston the Capital of New England; The L- Siege of Rhode Island, 1778; Mount Vernon; Quebec the Capital of Blocsiats, from the North East. All engraved between 1775 and /v 1780. (4) 418 POLITICAL CARICATURES RELATING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION . A collection of eleven pictorial satires on the political situation be- tween England and the Colonies. Engraved in France and Holland. Small folios. Some colored. (11) 414 LES PRESIDENTS DES ETATS UNIS Lithograph by A. Mourin. With the portraits of the Presidents from Washington to Monroe. Folio. 415 THE TEA-TAX TEMPEST, OR THE ANGLO-AMERICAN / ake REVOLUTION Line engraving dated 1778. Unsigned. Folio. 416 TRAITE AVEC LES ETATS UNIS Colored lithograph by C. Motte after the drawing by V. Adam. y {- Represents the signing of the Treaty of Peace between the United States and France as represented by the Amrican Commission and Napoleon. Folio. RARE early lithograph. (hs, 417 UN BON AVERTI EN VAUT DEUX Artist and engraver unknown. Finely colored. An allegorical group representing France considering the pleas of the American colonies and the threats of Great Britain. CHARLES II AND CATHERINE OF GREAT BRITAIN Engraved portraits by R. White, with the Dedication, from Moses Pitt’s Atlas of 1689. All three finely colored and illuminated. rt | Folios. One framed. (8) CHARTS OF THE RACES OF THE WORLD A set of five charts depicting in panorama form the various races and costumes of the Continents of the world. Engraved by Philipeau and Mixelle after Sauvier. Executed in the gouache manner of the late 18th century and colored. Time-stained and worn about the edges. Folios. (5) FOREIGN FIELD SPORTS Colored aquatints by Dubourg and Merke after Howitt. Represent- ing the native sports of many countries including America. Four- teen plates. Small folio. (14) SPANISH BULL FIGHT ’ Twelve aquatint plates in colors illustrating the sport of bull fighting in Spain. Engraved by Dubourg. Published by Orme, London, TSPBr a GL2) 80 eT eel MR c RET Ber i hae ee , | | JHE GETTY CENTER | LIBRARY | Wa DANS: ater [)} BAR GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3125 01033 5418 Mat ans