eee pa Oe : /? Y, id t 2 > Avenue Hrt Galleries 366 Fitth Avenue fAear 34tb St. Paintings, ® Etchings and — Engravings Thursday and Finny March 15th and 16tb LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 34TH STREET. CATALOGUE PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, INCLUDING ’ RARE AND VALUABLE PROOFS BY WALTNER, BRACQUEMOND, JACQUET, LE COUTEAUX, HAIG AND OTHERS, THE COLLECTION OF nf J ae rm tT ry Wr = Mr. A: G. BLACK, OF NEW YORK, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, MARCH t51x AND I6rH, AT 8 O'CLOCK. a ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS, 1894. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to Eve their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money z/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. - The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errorin the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconyen- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7- Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AucrionEER. By Ortaizs & Co. 2S RIE RRR CATALOGUE. THURSDAY EVENING’S SALE. I PALAMEDES (Anthony) (1604-1680) Ghe Gard Players 9 x 844 2 McENTEE (Jervis), N.A.,dec’d. New York October 1x7 a o AY ERR (James ha) . . New York Gleaving 86 x 1116 FRANZEN (A) . ‘ . New York M Giwilight 13 x 29 5 LE ROUX (Eugene) . é . Havre Spring 12x 8l¢ Water Color 4 LE ROUX (Eugene). : . Havre Water Color ” 4 Bie ROWX (Eucene): ; : o Hlavie AVinter 14 x9 Water Color Go GILL (E.) : : : : London Cuglish Dandscape 18 x 1144 5 VAN HOVE (H.) : Antwerp Hutevior 772% 5% (From the S. B. Fales collection) 10 THENARD P : Paris Llower Hlavket 16 x 25 It LEGNULE (ys 0" ee eae Stable Jutevior 24 x 10 6 I2 WOOD (Geo. B., Jr.) . Philadelphia Bn Old Libvary 15 x 10 (From the Geo. Whitney Sale) 13 ELLIS (G.) , : : ; Havre Handscape 21x 14 Water Color 14 PES (Gee 7 2 Mayre Hantlscape 21x 14 Water Color if XS WESTALL . . ; P London Huniscape 14 xX 14 16 LEEHASS (T.) : : . Munich Mischicl Maker 8xolg 17 REHN (M. F. K.) : - New Work A Breaking Wave 30 x 22 8 18 UNKNOWN “St. Sohn” 16 x 24 1g DESVARREDX (J.) ; 2 Paris Landscape an Sheep Ait 3 DE 20 ATTENDU (A. F,) A Quiet Smoke 4x 316 9) 21 DEL SARTO (after Raphael) Bridgewater Hladonna 2346 x 31 22 WILLIAMS (P.) .. : : London Cuglish Landscape 29 x 19 3 23 CARVER IC =, : 3 ; London Scene off the Lrench Const 13x 91g Io 24 FRANZEN (A.) . : . New York After Sunlight 26x9 25 PALMER (Walter N.), N. A. New York Off Venice 29 X17 26 AVE HIGH es ee Parig Medals, 1884-89 Universal Exhibition, 1889 Fors Concours Market Day at Gangiers 2516 x 156 II _—— — >. bs - c = bee oe Tilt Biot — silage ais i ya A gp ee eR ee ee ee 27 FOX (R.) é : : : London Little Red Riding Aootl 11g x 14 28 WG IR ES Cy =e ? = London Cattle 121g x 84 29 SMILLIE (Geo. H.), N..A.-. New York Aeav Gloucester, Wass. 16x9 12 30 McENTEE (Jervis), N.A., dec’d. New York Gray Day ow the Esopus 20 x 1214 31 FERRERE (Cecile) . . : Paris Ghe Lirst Hesson 18 x 23 32 FROST (Arthur B.) : Philadelphia Ghe LKegatta 2516 x 17)6 Black and White 13 HUBNER (E.) . ; : - . Berlin Nea Gapri 16 x 21 (from Bookwalter-Rogers Collection) 34 MOORE (H.H) G } Paris On the Beach | 742 %5 35 BROWN (John Lewis), dec’d_ . Paris Pupil of Roqueplan Medals, 1865-66-67 Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Born, 1829. Died, 1890 Horse and Cavalier 3x46 14 36 TYLER (James KR.) -. .- New York Ghivee Lishers 29x 18 37 WILEIAMS (P\>5, oa oe 2 honden Guglish Landscape 29 x 19 38 FRERE (Theo.) ; : Paris Pupil of Coignet Medals, 1848-65 Haland of Philae Tbs 15 39 WEBER (Carl) Summer Day 36 x 1916 40 PINELLI (A. de) : , . Munich Ghe HLarting 31 x 46 41 MORRIG (i. ©)> ~~ = London Cattle 84g x 111g 16 42 JO 1d Dect ag se) eae : : : London Landscape aul Horses 42 x 29} 43 BUCHANAN (G. F.) : Edinburgh Sunset in Rosshive 26 x 19 44 UNKNOWN ¢ Ge eases 44 i } Ayssia Representing Candaules exposing her beauties to his friends 47 x 66 17 pi i ie Ak TS ee ae 45 PINEELTI (A. de): —. : . Munich Hermann antl Dovothen 32 x 46 46 MORAN: (Thos.), NoA... . New York _ FLingals Gave, Hale of Statta, ™ 7 Srotland 30 X 25 47 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.) New York Cvening on the Avon 25x15 18 48 BUCHANAN (G. F.) ; Edinburgh Lage of the Grossachs—Morning 26 x I9 49 STEEN (Jan.) (1626-1679) Ghe Htinevant Musician Ig x 1546 50 COLE (G.) and MORRIS (J..C.) London Landscape and Cattle Cattle by Morris 44 x 31 19 51 DE HAAS (M. F. H.),N. A. New York Gray Day at Aarvagansett 20 X 14 52 WILMARTH (L. E.), N. A.. New York Good-bye Diss 14x 18 53 HART (William), N. A. . New York Handscape and Gattle—Autunn 10x 71g 20 54 BLAKELOCK: GR: Avjna =. New York Moonlight 6 x ol 55 HEBERT (Antoine Auguste Ernest) Paris Prix de Rome Medal, Paris, 1851 Exposition Universelle, 1855, 1867 (Z. U.) Legion of Honor, 1853 Officer of the same, 1867 Commander, 1874. Director of the Academy of France, at Rome, 1866 Member of the Institute of France, 1874. Ghe Dosplrovus near Constantinople 17 x 101g 56 REHN (M. F. K.) : . New York A Ucllow Day, Hew Fevsey Goast 17 X 11 21 } ; f y i i | i aS — Sa , ae Z STs _ ieee se — _ att id ck er i, Be He BF SEG ee: Ree Nea ee abe — Ra ne gh yoo ee re = a7 JOHNSON (David), N. A. New York West Campton, H. H, I9lg x 13 58 TRYON (D. W.), N. A. Moonrise 10x 14 Water Color 59 ELORRIAGA (R. de) Ghe Gartinal 17x11lg 22 New York Rome 60 DE HEEM (John David) (1600-1674) Still Lite 33% X 27 Painted in 1652 61 SCHENCK G.) ; ‘ : Paris Pupil of L. Coignet. Medal, 1865. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal and Isabella the Catholic. Sheep in Storm 23 x 1536 62 SAINTIN (Jules E.) . : : Paris Pupil of Drilling, Picot and Le oucher Medals, 1866-70 Munich, 1883 Legion of Honor, 1877 Cherished Grewsuvres $f x13 23 63 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.) New York Aampton Lervy, on the Avon 30 x 20 64 HAMILTON (Hamilton), N. A. New York Glens of Sunshine 13 x 16 65 MOELLER (Louis), A. N. A. New York Hospitatity 13 x 18 24 66 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d Paris Pupil of Leduc Born, 1763. Died, 1843 farm House and Gattle 16x II 67 DESGOFFE (Blaise) . : : Paris Medals, 1861-63-89 Legion of Honor, 1878 Agate Goblet 81g x 12 68 WYANT (A. H.), N. A., dec’d New York Sunshine and Shower 12x 14 25 : SaaS = neal RN ia . es Sa an BY ora Og A ae ee Set a ga RT pe iN re vee = 69 INNESS (Geo.), N. A. ; New York Midsummer 12x18 4 70 EGUSQUIZA (Rogelio de). Madrid A Aright Outlook ) 1114 x 24 i from A. T. Stewart Collection 71 FICHEL (Eug.B.) . . . Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1857-61-69 Legion of Honor, 1870 Card Layer 10 x 8 Bays 26 72 VERBOECKHOVEN (E.), dec’d Brussels Medals, 1824-41-55 Legion of Honor, 1845 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal Decorated with the Iron Cross Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St, Petersburg Born, 1799. Died, 1881 A Gow II x 15 73 CHAPLIN (C.), dec’d : é Paris Pupil of Dritlng Medals, 1851-52-65 Legion of Honor Officer of the Legion of Honor Girl Blowing Bubbles 101g x 1616 27 ss ay M ee — LS Sy ee paperreattT a a =e FRIDAY EVENING’S SALE. j ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. TA ARIS El (Stephen): Southwalk, Philadelphia.” : Original etching. ‘ 75 SLOCOMBE (Fred.) “Little Stan more Church.” ; 4 Original etching. First state, on parchment: 76 McFADDEN (Frank). “The Black Fen.” : Original etching. 4 77 FULLWOOD (John). “The Swak lows’ Haunt.” " First state, on parchment. ; 78 MANLEY (J.R.) “Shady Brook.” First state, on parchment. ‘ 79 LAW (David). “Windsor Castle.” | : First state, on parchment, : 28 : ; : 3 # * : i 4q Ay i fy i Po McPADDEN (lank) “Where the Pike Ties.’ Original etching. On parchment. 81 PARISH (Stephen). Gloucester, Mass.”’ Original etching. “Toner Harbor ? eo Ch AIG NAW (Fee Pie ast Drop.” Original etching. First state, on parchment. o o ? tL 83 BRUNET-DEBAINES. “At Even- ing Time it Shall be Light,” after LEADER. Second state, on parchment. 84 “ Pickwick, Sam and Tony Weller”; from Pickwick Papers. Photogravure from original painting by Geo. C. Eichbaum., 85 MORAN (Peter). “A Summer Aiter- a if baant i 4 si ii 3 tae ACU E DAES, , * ef gram Eada? Tena ai # z \ \ a i {| } | “(] 86 CHAIGNEAU (P.) Original etching. On parchment. ane 1 Seep ae fold.” Original etching. On parchment. 29) on Ba Lime EEE Ping ae = 4 a ae : } Wy li ; iN I Ae )..90 TURNER (C. Y.) “Dreaming.” 544 87 BAUER(W.C.) ‘River Dart,” after: 4 oA TAN Six First state, on parchment. 88 HUILLER (L’. H.) “Disappointed Anglers,” after SADLER. ae First state, on parchment. 89 LANCON (A.) “ Combat de Cerfs,” Chie’ after COURBET. . First state, on parchment. (Hannah Thurston.) Original etching. First state, on parchment. “git! LALANNE (Maxime). “Morning,” @ ¢... after JULES DUPRE. First state, remarque proof, on parchment. Etcher’s last work. ez LE COUTEUX (L.) “Morning,’? after pa JULES BRETON. First state, on parchment. 93 BRUNET-DEBAINES. “Venice,” .% after ZIEM. Sas First state, on parchment. 30 se Ss LA RAEI 04 MORAN (P.) “Cattle.” Original etching. First state, on parchment. 95 KING (Jas. S.) “Sunday Morning, Colonial Days,” afterJ. BROWNSCOMBE. First state, on parchment. 96 BRUNET-DEBAINES. “Parting Day,” after B. W. LEADER. A second state etching. 97 LATHROP (W. L.) “Evening in Finisterre,” after JULES BRETON. First state, on parchment. 98 DELAUNAY. “The Watermill,’ after HOBBENA. Remarque proof. moO HAIG (A. H.) “Alcazar, Segovia.” Original etching. First state, on parchment. pO MAR PIAL (Ay PP.) -.“ Les Concal- aises.” First proof etching, on parchment. 31 ee en ae ) x ‘ \ , ' ¥ i eC ‘atiagstt } t i } i it f, iy , Se SS, Se eas ae * a e IOI Pass : Aa at} A 12 fd L RY é v 104 100 107 —— ™ BRUNET-DEBAINES. after CARL HEFFNER. First state, on Japan paper, femarque proof. | “Windsor,” “Courtship of . ter C. Y. TURNER," ical on Oe Se t. G (James oe - es Standish,’ BRACQUEMOND (F.) “New. Born, -aiter J. FF. Minne va First state, remarque proof, on parchment. HAMILTON (Hamilton), “The Comif” municants,” after JULES BRETON. jum First state, on parchment. DAMMAN (M.) “The Shepherdess'//, Sab 4 alter J.P. MILLAIs. First state, remarque proof, on parchment. ’ 1 “Gate of Venice.” 2 ef f af MORAN (T.) Original etching. First state, on parchment. MONJUR. “Reading at Diderot,” after E. MEISSONIER. First state, on parchment. 32 f "*« 108 BRUNET-DEBAINES. “Pastorale,” aitem J. Bb. COROm. First siate, artist proof, on parchment. Edition limited to 100, “ef 19 LE COUTEUX(L.) “Spinner,” after é aa MILLET. 4 f dude Chae il First state, oh parchment, remarque proof. = 110 STOCKS (Lumb.).. “The. Game of Whist,” after THOMAS WEBSTER, RK. A. Engraved on parchment. 111 LA LANNE (Maxime). “Golden Sunset,” alter C. DAUBIGNY. First state, on parchment. Plate destroyed. : f i is $ a 5 9 fo ke 112 WALTNER (Chas.) “The Gilder, anni, after REMBRANDT. Second state, on parchment. se, 143 LE COUTEUX (Lionel). “In the a. Pasture,” after J wae DUPRE. First state, remarque proof, on parchment. » ya une ‘ J @, 4 BOULAND (fils). “ Picquet,” after : MEISSONIER. ect leah) ak : VA, First state, remarque proof, on parchment. Py Ze, ~ 3 : 3 LoS) So es. ( ‘ RR oe an a iy Sg mage eae oe ge ine ieee ee 113 RAJON. “The Last Ray,” aftey” Gt, JULES BRETON. \ chee On parchment, first state, remarque proof. ~\ 116 BRUNET-DEBAINES. “Hay <9 % y ie Wain,” after CONSTABLE. Ps First state, on parchment. 100 printed. 117 JACQUET (Jules). “ Portrait of the“ “"~ » Sergeant,” after MEISSONIER. thi tao First state, remarque proof, on Lege is eye be nt ag nye Pita sovnsstten 116 KOEPPING (Ch.) “Le Matin, altey GS Ce. JULES BRETON. Salon, 1883. f First state, remarque proof, on parchment. Limited to 160, 119 CHAUVAL. “Storm,” after Diaz. 7y/ ae A remarque proof etching, on parchmenté” First state. entttt 120 HAIG (Axel). ‘St; George’ s, Lang | Pal burg on the Lahn.” pula ford @ Bfeo Original etching, only one state; plate de Bete al. =: stroyed. Limited to 650 impressions. 121 LE COUTEUX (L.) “Le Gouter,”/,4 after JULES BRETON. Salon, 1886. c First state, remarque Sec : OP: vent Limited to 150. Posies 34 a Tr) € wt @ 122 WALTNER (Chas.) “ L’ Angelus,” after MILLET. Remarque proof etching, on parchment. I 23 “CE COUTEUX (Lionel). “The Lun- oo Cheon; alter JULES-BRETON. Fifst state, remarque, on parchment. Salon of 1386. whe re TAC OUR (Jules\o: “1:84 45. alter MEISSONIER. (17 Pepi, Remarque proof engraying. sie Z 6 Mts He faa Uv od, 4 oy om 125 BRACQUEMOND. “La Rix,” after es) le MEISSONIER. Pie Hp se ‘ie, free SAF ot wT al ik j = ae af Remyqce proof, on parchment. f i cial ‘Con NRA RY ATI NAHE 2 twee, i120 WALTNER(Chas.) “Night Watch,” after REMBRANDT. First state, on parchment. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS. JOHN C. RANKIN CO., 34 GORTLANDT ST. N.Y. oo ee a