Rare China and Other Objects THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE CONNOISSEUR DR. PLEASANT HUNTER AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW BEGINNING FRIDAY, JANUARY 24rx, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK COLLECTION OF THE CONNOISSEUR DR. PLEASANT HUNTER OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY ann SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY 30TH, 3lst anp FEBRUARY Ist, 1913 BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF HISTORICAL BLUE AND WHITE CHINA AND OTHER RARE AND INTERESTING OBJECTS COLLECTED BY THE CONNOISSEUR DR. PLEASANT HUNTER OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY CATALOGUED BY THE OWNER, THE CHINA, POTTERY AND GLASS HAVING BEEN PREVIOUSLY EXAMINED AND AUTHENTICATED BY DR. EDWIN ATLEE BARBER, DIRECTOR OF THE PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM, PHILADELPHIA, AND AUTHOR OF ‘‘ANGLO- AMERICAN POTTERY’”’ AND OTHER WORKS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY ty “+ 2 \AG MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1918 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, he highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. _ 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to he, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manaaens. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Avcrioneer. ORDER OF SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 30th eee eV AAUARY OULD BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CrLock Historical China, Platters, Plates, Teapots, Pitchers, Cups and Saucers, and Cup Plates; Holland Delft; Newhall and Castleford China —Catalogue Nos. 1 to 275, inclusive. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 81st AT 2.30 O’CuLock Historical China, Old English Glass, Stiegel Glass, Copper Lustre, Pink Lustre, Resist Silver Lustre — Catalogue Nos. 276 to 550, inclusive. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY Ist ee? RUA AS AT 2.30 O’C1Lock CONCLUDING SESSION Pewter, Sheffield, Old Silverware, Lowestoft, Old Worcester, Bennington, Leeds, Whieldon, Bristol Glass, Statuettes, Enamel Patch Boxes and Mirror Knobs, Old Engravings, Hepplewhite and Chippendale Mirrors, Low- Boys, Corner Chair — Catalogue Nos. 551 to 825, inclusive. PREFATORY NOTE MemoriaL Harr, Poirapevpuis, Pa., January 7, 1913. Dr. Pleasant Hunter, 15 Washington St., Newark, N. J. My Dear Mr. Hunter :— I have carefully examined the manuscript of your cata- logue, particularly that part relating to pottery, porcelain and glass, and have taken the liberty of correcting the few mistakes I have found therein. I would suggest the use of the word “Chinese” in connection with the term “Lowestoft,” in order to prevent misunderstanding, since these pieces are not the soft-paste English Lowestoft, but the usual Oriental hard-paste, or pseudo-Lowestoft, of collectors and dealers. Having enjoyed the privilege of inspecting your collec- tion, I was impressed with the high quality and variety of the English so-called lustre group, which contains many unusual types, and with the blue and white Staffordshire pieces, which include such a large number of rare historical designs, in the best condition. I have been particularly interested in the examples of the more unusual wares, which seldom come into the market, such as a Samuel Boyle cream- ware jug (No. 287), an old Jersey City blue and white flowerpot and saucer (No. 440A), and some rarities belong- ing to the Bennington school. Of no less importance are the Staffordshire and Liverpool jugs and the old English fritted porcelains, while the collection of old glass, particu- larly the Bristol group, and the Bilston and Battersea enamel patch boxes, greatly increase the scope and educa- tional value of the collection. Very truly yours, (Signed) Epwin A. Barer. GUE eo 2 S. FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 oO’cLOCK I—P.LatTe Bamborough Castle. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 2—Two Puates Tschurleek. Dark blue. London. Medium blue. Each: Diameter, 10 inches.. 3—Two PiaTEs Willow pattern and landscape. Diameter, 10 inches. 4—Two PLaTEs Pomerania and Indian temple. Diameter, 10 inches. 5—Two Puates Landscape views. Medium blue. 6—Two PLATEs Staffordshire. Blue. {—Puncu Bow. Landscape design. Dark blue. Diameter, 91% inches. 8—InvALIb’s Cup Summer-rose decoration. Dark blue. (Repaired.) 9—Two PLATES Staffordshire. Diameter, 8 inches. 10—TIwo Puates American Marine. Medium blue. Baker’s Falls. Brown. Each: Diameter, 9 inches. 11—Two PuatTes Conway, New Hampshire. Red. Adams. Hartford, Conn. Red. Adams. 12—Two Puates Ruggles House, Newburgh. Light blue. Columbus. Black. | Each: Diameter, 10 inches. 183—Two Puates Columbus. Brown. Baker’s Falls. Black. Each: Diameter, 9 inches. 14—Two Puates Valley of Shenandoah from Jefferson’s Rock. Junction of the Sacandaga and Hudson River. Each: Diameter, 7 15—Two Puares Millennium. Red. Schuylkill Water Works. Light blue. Each: Diameter, 10 16—Two Prates Harper’s Ferry from the Potomac Side. Columbus. Medium blue. Each: Diameter, 9 17—Two VecerTaB_eE Disues Fishkill Landing. Light blue. Near Hudson. Medium blue. Diameter, 81% inches; 9, 18—Two Puates Montevideo. Red. Adams. Columbian Star. Brown. Each: Diameter, 7 19—Sovur Puatre City of Albany. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 20—P.LaTE McDonough’s Victory. Dark blue. Diameter, 61, inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. 21—Gravy Boat PLATTER Bank of Savannah. J. & W. Ridgway. (Small part of border restored.) 292—_PLATE Vue du Chateau d’Ermenonville. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 293—PLaATE Mill at Charenton. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 24—Si1x Soup PLatTeEs Millennium. Light blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 25—PLaTE Cream ware. Ship design. Bird medallions on border. Wedgwood. 26—PLATE Thorps & Sprague. Albany. Red. (Rare.) QY—PLATE Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia. Side wheel. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 28—PuLaTE Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia. Stern wheel. Dark blue. Diameter, 934 inches. 696 096 29—PLaTE Boston Hospital. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 30—PLaTE Niagara. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 31—P.LaTE ’ Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 32—PLATE Pittsfield. Dark blue. Diameter, 101% inches. 33—PLATE Meeting of Sancho. Dark blue. 34— PLATE Sancho, the Priest and the Barber. 35—PLATE McDonough’s Victory. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 36—PLATE Rhode Island coat of arms. Dark blue. Diameter, 814 inches. 37— PLATE Landing of the Pilgrims. Medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches. $8—PuatTE Boston State House, with chaise. 39—Sovurp Prats Staughton’s Church. Dark blue. Diameter, 814 inches. 40—P.uatE View of Albany. Cows and men in boat. House on left. City in the distance. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 41—P.aTE Erie Canal at Buffalo. Lace border. Light blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 42—PLATE Erie Canal at Buffalo. Lace border. Pink. Diameter, 10 inches. 43—PLATE President’s House, Washington. Brown. Diameter, 10 inches. 44—PLatTE President’s House, Washington. Medium blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 45—PuLaTE Ruggles House, Newburgh. Light blue. Diameter, 101% inches. 46—PLaTTER Medium blue. Gravy-well. Spode. Diameter, 201% inches. 47—PLaTE Buenos Ayres. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 48—PLaTE Wilkie design. Escape of the Mouse. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 49—Fruir Disu Charleston Exchange and Bank of Savannah and City Hall, New York. Dark blue. 50—Tatut Trapror Franklin’s Moral Pictures. Lavender. 51—Tatu Trapor Dark blue. 52—Tatu Trapor McDonough’s Victory. Dark blue. (Repaired.) 53—Gravy Boar Catskill Mountain House. Dark blue. (New handle.) 54—PITcHeER Rebecca at the Well. Dark blue. 55—PIrcHEeR Boston State House. Dark blue. 56—PLaTTER Christianburg—On Gold Coast of Africa. Dark blue. Diameter, 181% inches. 57—PLaTTER Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford. Dark blue. Diameter, 1614 inches. « 58—PLaTTER Knight of the Wood Conquered. Dark blue. (Slight crack in border.) 59—PLATTER Upper Ferry Bridge. Dark blue. Diameter, 181, inches. 60—PLaTTER Boston State House. Dark blue. Diameter, 141%, inches. 61—PLATTER Penitentiary in Allegheny. Lavender. Diameter, 1814 inches. 62—PLaTTER Spanish Convent. Purple. Diameter, 17 inches. 63—PLATTER Niagara. Adams. Red. Diameter, 20 inches. 63A—PLaTTER Lake George. Adams. Red. Diameter, 131% inches. 64—PLaTTER The Narrows from Fort Hamilton. Light blue. Diameter, 1714 inches. 65—PLaTTER Penn’s Treaty. (Riveted.) Brown. * Diameter, 1714 inches. 66—PLatTTER Italian view. Medium blue. Diameter, 21 inches. 67—PLATTER Columbia Bridge. Light blue. (Slight crack in border. ) Diameter, 131% inches. 68—PLaTE American villa. Marked, which is unusual. Dark blue. (Border cracked.) Diameter, 10 inches. 69—Two Puates St. Catherine’s Hill. Dark blue. (Clews & Adams.) Diameter, 9 inches. 70—Parir Rectancuiar Pickie DisHes Dark blue. 71—PuattTer Willow pattern. Medium blu es 72—Two PuraTEs 5 Bamborough Castle. Dark bh Guy’s Cliff. Dark blue. "8—Two Pratxs The Seasons (March and April) S | Diameters, fon 74—Two Prates ES Belt-Zona, (red), by Wood, and 75—Turee PLates Palestine, Asia, and Oriental sc 76—Cup Pirate Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue 77—Curp Pirate Ship. (So-called Cadmus.) Dark blue. | Diameter, 31% inches. 7(8—PLatTE Erie Canal. (Cracked). Dark blue. Diameter, 51% ine 79—PuaTE Pilgrim. Dark blue. ee ast. Diameter, 51 inches. AP 30aT PLarrer Exchange. Dark blue. Pragre ks ue Diameter, 8 inches. ndin of Lafayette. Dark blue. Diameter, 151% inches. Black print. Diameter, 17 inches. 1. Black. By Ridgway. Diameter, 19 inches. ul. American flag. Ironstone china. Diameter, 131, inches. 85—PLaTTER Oval. Canton china. Late eighteenth century. 86—PLaTTER Trafalgar Square and National Museum. Dark blue. (Slight crack in border.) Diameter, 1741/4. inchee 8'7—PLaTTER Windsor Castle. (Slight crack in border on back— does not show in front.) Dark blue. Diameter, 181% inches. 88—PLATTER On Gold Coast of Africa. Dark blue. (Slight border crack. ) Diameter, 161% inches. 89—PLATTER Wilkie design. The Valentine. Dark blue. Diameter, 17 inches. 90—Two PircHERS House design. Staffordshire cream ware. Middle of nineteenth century. 91—Tra-SET Teapot, sugar bowl, creamer and waste bowl. Black printed figure decoration. Staffordshire cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 92——AposTLE’s TEAPOT AND Sucar Bow. White stone ware, by Meigh. About 1840. 93—T'wo ApostLE’s PITCHERS White stone ware, by Meigh. About 1840. 94—Tatu Syrup Cur White stone ware. Relief design of “Naomi and her Daughters-in-law.” Staffordshire. About 1850. Pe ee Se ee eS ee ~~ oO eee ee 95—Si1x Curs AND SAUCERS Dark blue. Three different decorations. 96—CREAMER Floral design. Dark blue. Staffordshire. 97—Puncu Bow. Polychrome and gold decoration. Chinese. teenth century. 98—Two Cusrarp Cups witH Covers Canton china. Early nineteenth century. 99—Brerap PLATE 100—PuaTE Late eigh- Fairmount Park. Eagle border. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 101—Puate The Race Bridge, Philadelphia. Light blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 102—PuaTE View of Pittsfield. Dark blue. Diameter, 81, inches. 103—P.uatE View of Pittsfield. Dark blue. Diameter, 734 inches. 104—PuaTE Hoboken in New Jersey. Dark blue. Diameter, 734 inches. 105—Sovur Piate Octagon Church, Boston. (Border cracked.) Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 106—PLaTE B. & O. Incline. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 107—P.LatTE B. & O. on the Level. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 108—P.uaTE City Hall, New York. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 109—P.LaTE Home of Richard Jordan. Purple. Diameter, 7 inches. 110—Sovr Prats Battle Monument, Baltimore. Lavender. Diameter, 9 inches. 111—Two Puates Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue. Diameter, 614, inches. 112—PuaTE St. Peter’s, Rome. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 113—Puate West Point. Brown. Diameter, 71, inches. 114—PuaTEe Insane Hospital, Boston. (Riveted on back.) Dark blue. Diameter, 7 inches. 115—Puate Transylvania University. Dark blue. Diameter, 91/, inches. 116—P.LatEe Syntax Star-gazing. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 117—PuatTe States. (Riveted on back.) Dark blue. Diameter, 1014 inches. 118—Miuniatvure TrEa-ser Teapot, sugar bowl, cup and saucer, and mug. Mason’s. 119—Cuixp’s Tra-ser Teapot, two cups and saucers, and cake stand. Leeds. 119A—Mnrntatvure Sucar Bown anv Pircuer Reddish-brown decoration. 120—P.uaTE Raised border decoration in colors, King George III medallion in center. (Time crack in border.) 121—PuLaTE Temperance. Black print design. Various sentiments. 122—PuLaTE So-called Cadmus. (Small portion of border restored. ) Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 123—PITCHER New York City Hall and Alms House. (Cracked.) Dark blue. 124—TEapor. Basalt. School of Wedgwood. 125—Porce tain TEAPot Newhall. About 1820. 126—PorceLain Sucar Bowu Newhall. About 1820. 127—CastTLEForRD Sucar Bownr 128—Two CastitEFoRD CREAMERS 129—Two CastieForRD TEAPOTS 130—Two OctraconaL Cur Puatss Green edge cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 131—Two Cur Puates Cream ware, Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 132—Two Cur PLATES Columbus and Hudson River views. About 1835. 183—Cvurp PLATE Franklin Flying a Kite. Light blue. 134—Two Cup PLaTEs Willow pattern and rch view. Dark blue. About 1835. 135—Two Cup PLATEs Clews & Wood. Dark blue. About 1830. 136—Two Cup PLaTEs Lakes of Killarney. Dark blue. Pink lustre border. Broadlands, Hampshire, scenery. 137—Tureet Cup PiatEs (Two Adams and one Wood.) 138—Two Cur PuiaTEs Pressed, opalescent glass. American, nineteenth century. 139—Two Cur PLaTEs Pressed glass. American eagle and ship. American, nineteenth century. 140—Two Cur PiateEs Pressed glass. American, nineteenth century. 141—Two Cup Pirates Pressed glass. Chancellor Livingstone ship and Ben- jamin Franklin ship. 142—Two Cup Prats Pressed glass. Eagle Fort Pitt and Eagle 1831. 143—Two Cup Purares Pressed glass. Fort Meigs and log cabin. 144—Turee Cup Prares Pressed glass. Harrison, Clay and Bunker Hill Monu- ment. 145—VasE | French porcelain. Gold and colored decoration. About 1830. 146—Pair or Vases French. Hand painted. Nineteenth century. 147—VasrE French. About 1825. (One handle partly restored.) 148—Vasr French. Hand painted. Napoleon Taking Leave of | Josephine. 149—TeEa-ser Floral decoration. English. About 30 pieces. 150—TEa-ser Cupid decoration in rose color. Worcester. Early nineteenth century. About 30 pieces. 151—Two Fruir Baskets Hard-paste. French. About 1830. 152—Patr or Larce Does Staffordshire. Nineteenth century. Height, 141% inches. 153—Six Cups anp Saucers Wadsworth Tower. Dark blue. 154—Cup anp Saucer Washington. Dark blue. 154A—Cour anv Saucer At the Tomb of Franklin. Dark blue. 155—Cur anp Saucer Washington. Dark blue. 155A—TerEapor Rebecca at the Well. Two pictures on either side. 156—Two Cups anp SAUCERS Rebecca at the Well. Dark blue. 156A—Cvur State House, Hartford. Medium blue. 157—Svucar Bowt anp CREAMER Wadsworth Tower. (Knob off sugar bowl.) Dark blue. 158—Sucar Bow. Tomb of Washington. (Knob off lid and chipped.) Dark blue. 159—Two Sucar Bow1s At Tomb of Franklin. Dark blue. Baltimore Alms House. Dark blue. (Handles and lid repaired.) Two pieces. 160—Gravy TuREEN Upper Ferry Bridge. (Two rivets in lid.) Dark blue. 161—Deerpr Disu West Point. Dark blue. 161A—Deerp Dis To match the preceding. 162—Deepr Disu Hall of Fame. Dark blue. (Very rare.) 163—Sma.u Box Has names of sixteen States on cover and portrait of Washington and Lafayette. (Unusual piece. ) 164—PITCHER Liverpool. Decoration, Packet of Boston. Name of sixteen States. (Small time crack at top.) 165—PiTcHER White stone ware. Probably by Turner. Hunting scene in relief. On blue ground. (Small repair.) 166—Larce PircHer White stone ware. Hunting scene in relief, probably by Turner. (Small time crack.) 167—PitcHER Portrait of Perry and Pike in red. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 168—PitTcHER Liverpool. Arms of the Brown Family. Names of sixteen States. Cream ware. Dated 1801. (Tip of lip repaired. ) 169—PiTcHER Liverpool. Names of fifteen States and poetic inscrip- tion to Liberty on one side. On the other side: (1) “Fame”; (2) “Washington securing Liberty to America” ; (3) “Wisdom and Justice dictating to Dr. Franklin”; also map of Atlantic States. In color. Fine piece. 170—Crram Ware Yellow ground. Portrait medallions of Hull and Pike. Pink lustre bands. 1j1—PircHer Cream ware. Yellow ground. Coat of arms of U.S. A. Printed in reddish brown. ~172—Pam Livervoon Prrcuers (1) Paul Jones and ship Constitution in colors. (2) Masonic emblem and ship Constitution in colors. American eagle with inscription on the front of both. (Fine pair.) 173—PiTcHER Liverpool. Hull & Pike. 174—PiTcHER Liverpool. Peace and Plenty. 174A—Liverpoou PITcHER On the obverse a medallion picture of Commodore Preble, and on the reverse Commodore Preble’s squad- ron attacking the city of Tripoli, August 3, 1804, with an account of the battle which occurred at the time. 175—Two PircHers Mythological subjects in white relief on ground of bluish gray. Mask lip. Monogram P.M. on front in gold. 176—PircHER | Masonic. Decorated in black; pink lustre collar. (Cracked. ) 177—Gravy Tureen, Tray anp LADLE Dark blue. 178—Gravy TurEEen, Tray anp LADLE Medium blue. Ancient Rome. 179—Gravy TuREEN AnD TRAY Medium blue. Scenes from “Merchant of Venice,” “Maid of the Mill,” and “The Quaker.” Rogers. 180—Gravy TUREEN. Unusual handles. Euston Hall. Dark blue. 181—Teaport, Tra Cappy anp Hot-water Juc Fiirstenburg, Germany. Eighteenth century. 182—TrEaprotT Brown glaze. About 1830. 183—Two Sucar Bowts Lids surmounted by female figures. Basalt. Wedg- wood school. 184—TrapoTt anp Cream JuG Basalt. Wedgwood school. 185—Cream Jue Basalt. Marked “Wedgwood.” 186—Two Cours anp Saucers Franklin’s Moral Pictures and English view. 187—Rockincuam PItTcHEeR Hound handle. Fire engine design in relief. American. About 1850. 188—RockineHam PITCHER Hound handle. Hunting scene. American. About 1850. 189—RKocxrincuam PircHerR Hound handle. Boy and dog design. American. About 1850. 190—Srone Ware Jue Dogs, etc., in relief. Doulton. Early half of nine- teenth century. 191—T atu PircHER White stone ware. Relief decoration. Meigh, 1848. 192—PiTcHER White stone ware. Relief design of mounted knights. Ridgway & Son, 1840. 193—Turee ALE Mues Cream ware. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. Height, 6 inches. 194—Turee ALE Mues Cream ware. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. Height, 414% inches. 195— Bow. Painted decoration. Staffordshire cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 196—THREE PLaATEs “Gaudy Painted Ware.” Two by Adams, one Staf- fordshire. 197—-PLATs Green edge cream ware. Painted decoration. Diameter, 7 inches. 198—Two PiatTes One peacock design on spongy ground, Adams; and the other relief and Chinese decoration. Diameter, 6 inches. Diameter, 8 inches. 199—Sovur Puate British views. 200—Two Picxir DisHEs Green edge cream ware. Different designs. 201—Two Picxuirt DisHEs Blue decoration. Staffordshire cream ware. 2902—CrEAM JUG Mottled decoration. Staffordshire cream ware. 203—Svucar Bow. Relief and color decoration. Liverpool cream ware. Early nineteenth century. (Lid missing.) Beautiful plece. 204—CANDLESTICK Mirror black glaze. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 205—Teraror Mirror black glaze. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 206—TuHreEE PLATES Openwork border. Leeds. Late eighteenth century. 207—OcTaconalL PLATE Staffordshire cream ware. Early eighteenth century. 208—TureeE Cups AND SAUCERS | Printed and painted decoration on pink ground. 209—Two Circurar DisHEs Blue decoration. Holland delft. Late eighteenth century. 210—Bow.u Polychrome decoration. Inscribed “Church and King.” Holland delft. (Chipped on edge.) Very interesting piece. 211—Pair Drvue Jars Blue decoration. Liverpool delft. Eighteenth century. 212—Druce VasE Blue decoration. Liverpool delft. Eighteenth cen- tury. (Slight repair.) 213—PLaATE Blue decoration. Holland delft. Eighteenth century. Dutch inscription. 214—P.LaTE German inscription “Hear God Before the King.” German delft. Eighteenth century. Rare piece. 215—Svear Bowri Blue decoration. Holland delft. Eighteenth century. 216—TanxKarp Blue and red decoration. Holland delft. Eighteenth century. 217—Cream Juc “Lowestoft style.” Newhall. About 1820. Unusual shape and size. 218—Two Cream Jvues Porcelain. Newhall. About 1820. 219—Two Cream Jvucs - Porcelain. Newhall. About 1820. 220—PLATTER Dark blue. German scene. By Hall. Staffordshire. About 1830. (Riveted on back on one end.) 221—Cnuiip’s TEA-sET © About fifty pieces. Medium blue. Staffordshire cream ware. Middle of nineteenth century. 222—T wo Mues Franklin’s Maxims. Cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 223—Two PLATES Franklin’s Maxims. Decorated in colors. Diameter, 4 inches. 224—Two PiaTEs Relief and alphabet decoration. Staffordshire. 995—PLATE Blue border. Printed hymn in center. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 226—PLATE Llanarth Court, Monmouthshire. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 227—Two PLATEs Halstead, Essex. Dark blue. St. Paul’s School. Diameter, T1/, inches. Diameter, 8 inches. 9298—PLATTER Compton Verney. Open work and acorn border. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 229—PLaTE McDonough’s Victory. Dark blue. Wood & Sons. Diameter, 10 inches. 230—PLaTE Willow pattern. Medallion in border. “James Kent Steamer North River” (the ship in which Lafayette went to Poughkeepsie). A very rare piece. Diameter, 10 inches. i 1 231—PLAaTE Harvard College. Acorn border. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 232—PLATE Harvard College. Acorn border. Dark blue. (Riveted on back.) Diameter, 10 inches. 233—P.LaTE New York coat of arms. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 234—PLaTE City of Albany. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 235—PLATE Mitchell and Freeman’s Warehouse, Boston. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 tnches. 236—PLaTE Park Theatre. Acorn border. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 237—PLaTE Syntax Turned Nurse. Dark blue. Diameter, 734 inches. 238—PLATE Hoboken in New Jersey. (Two rivets in back.) Dark blue. Diameter, 734, inches. 239—PLaATE Syntax Star-gazing. (Riveted in back and small portion of border restored.) Dark blue. Diameter, 7 inches. 240—PLATTER Military Academy, West Point. (Cracked and worn.) Dark blue. Diameter, 12 inches. 241—P1TcHER Castle Garden. Dark blue. 949PITCHER ° Mount Vernon. Dark blue. 243—PiTCHER | Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia. Dark blue. 24.4.— PITCHER English view. Dark blue. 245—Patr oF PITCHERS Girl at the Well. By Clews. 246—PITCHER Boston State House. Dark blue. (New handle.) 24°7—PLATE Boston Hospital. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. . ' 248—PLATTER American villa. Dark blue. (Two small chips on edge. ) Diameter, 91/. inches. 249—PLATE Burning of Merchants’ Exchange, New York. Light blue. Diameter, 91, inches. 250—PLaTE Burning of Merchants’ Exchange, New York. Brown. Diameter, 10 inches. 251—PuaTE Transylvania University. Diameter, 91% inches. 252—PLaTE Mitchell and Freeman’s warehouse. (Two rivets in back.) Dark blue. Diameter. 9 inches. 253—PLATE B. & O. Incline. (Chip in border and has been varnished. ) Diameter, 91/, inches. 254—Sovup PLATE Staughton’s Church, Philadelphia. (Riveted in back.) Dark blue. Diameter, 81, inches. 955—PLATE States. Dark blue. Diameter, 81/, inehes. 256—PLATE Pittsfield. Dark blue. Diameter, 81 inches. 25'7—PLaTE Portrait of General Jackson. Lustre border. Illustrated. 258—PuLaTE Portrait of Pike. Mottled lustre edge. Very beautiful plate. Illustrated. 259—PLaTE | Lafayette medallion. Raised border and lustre edge. Illustrated. 260—PLaTE Green edge cream ware. [Eagle in colors in center. Illustrated. 261—PLaTE Polychrome decoration. Parrot. Holland delft. Eighteenth century. Illustrated. 262—PLaTTER Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Dark blue. Diameter, 201% inches. 262A—PLATTER Pennsylvania Hospital. Dark blue. Diameter, 181% inches. 263—PLaTTER Highlands, Hudson River. Dark blue. Diameter, 13 inches, 264—PLATTER Alms House, New York. Dark blue. Diameter, 1814, inches. 265—PLaTTER Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford. Dark blue. Oval. Diameter, 15 inches. 266—PLaTTER Lady of the Lake. Dark blue. Diameter, 16 inches. 267—PLatTTER Welcombe, Warwickshire. Medium blue. Diameter, 15 inches. 268—PLaTTER Brancepeth Castle, Durham. Medium blue. (Riveted on back.) Diameter, 19 inches. 269—Two PriatEs Endsleigh Cottage and Pain’s Hill, Surrey. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 970—SmaLL OpeNwork PLATTER Medium blue. Davenport. 27%1—Two Gravy Boats London Bridge and Parliament House. Dark blue. Sproughton Chantry. Medium blue. Q272—Sovup Pate LaGrange. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. Q273—PLaTE City Hall. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 274—Fruir Disu Boston State House. (Mended.) 275—Deer Dis | English view. (Bank of England?) Dark blue. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 o’cLocK 276—Two Puates Brecon Castle and Hawthornden. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 27%7—Two Sour Puates Biddulph Castle, and villa, Regent’s Park. (Crack in border.) Diameter, 10 inches. 278—Two Puiates Lakes of Killarney and tiger. 279—Turee PiateEs Willow. By Clews. Group of horses. 280—Caxr Disx Medium blue. Staffordshire. Diameter, 12 inches. 281—Twetve Davenport PLATES Medium blue. Diameter, 91% inches. 982—THreEe Cups AND SAUCERS Two Staffordshire cream ware, and one French. 283—Juce Portrait busts in relief. Staffordshire cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 284—Fruir Dish anp Tray Perforated sides and border. Willow pattern. 285—Two PLates Columbus. Green. W. Adams & Sons. Palestine. Red and green. Adams. Diameter, 7/ inches. Diameter, 101% inches. 286—Two PuaTEs Polychrome decoration. Ironstone china. 287—PiTrcHER Ironstone china. Dragon handle. By Samuel Boyle. Successor to Mason. About 1840. 288—Puncu Bow. Polychrome decoration. Ironstone china. 289—PLaTE Polychrome decoration. Birds and flowers. Diameter, 10 inchee. 290—Bowu Blue. Decorated with deer. Staffordshire cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 291— Bow. Red, blue and gold decoration. Two small time cracks. 292—Gravy Boat anv Sarr CeLLar Blue-edged cream ware. Early nineteenth century. 293—Two Cream PitcHers Cream ware. Meigh and Castleford. 294—Patr or Cut Guass Decanters English. Early nineteenth century. Height, 15 inches. 295—Pair or Cut Guass DECANTERS English. Early nineteenth century. Height, 11 inches. 996—DECANTER WITH TUMBLER Top Ruby glass. Bohemian. 297—Oup EnewisH Cut Grass Compote or Berry Dis 298—BorTriE-sHAPED DECANTER Ruby glass. Bohemian. 299—Pair or CANDLESTICKS Pressed glass. Blue. American. 300—Two Guass Fiasxs Busts of Washington and Taylor. About 1850. 301—Two Guass Fiasxs Eagle and Masonic designs. Made in Pittsburgh. About 1870. 302—Cur Grass CeLery Hoiper American. Nineteenth century. Height, 91, inches. 303—Parr or Orv Encuisn Water Pircuers Cut glass. Height, 9 inches. 304—Parr Otp Encusn Decanters Cut glass. Height, 14 inches. 305—Parr OLp EneuisH Decanters Cut glass. Height, 111% inches. 306—Parr Op Encuiso Preserve Disues Length, 8 inches. 306A—OLp EncusH Wine Grass Raised diamond cut, square base. 307—Buown Guass PircHer Red and green stripes. New Jersey. Middle of nine- teenth century. 308—Buiown Guass PitcHer Green. New Jersey. Middle of nineteenth century. 3$09—Buown Furr Guass Fluted sides. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. About 1770. 310—Btown Fur Guass Height, 534 inches. Fluted sides. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. About 1770. 3811—Buown Furr Guass Height, 61, inches. Fluted sides. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. About 1770. 312—Biown Furr Guass Etched decoration. Fluted sides. nineteenth century. 3138—Buown Fur Guass Etched decoration. Fluted sides. nineteenth century. $14—Btiown Furr Grass Etched decorations, birds, etc. $15—TuMBLER Height, 434 inches. American. Early Height, 6 inches. American. Early Height, 61% inches. Height, 6 inches. Pressed glass. Medallion with patriotic design. Amer- ican. About 1860. 316—Coverep Sucar Bown Blown glass. Surmounted by swan. New Jersey. Early nineteenth century. 317—DerEcantTeR Blown in figured mould. Quilted pattern. American. About 1825. | Height, 934 inches. 318—Water Pircuer Blown in figured mould. Quilted pattern. American. About 1825. Height, 6 inches. 319—Two Liavor Frasxks Blown glass. Decoration and inscriptions in enamel colors. Swedish. Eighteenth century. 320—CreEam JuG Blown glass? Fluted sides. Blue. By Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. About 1760. 321—Smaru Guass TumBLER Decorated in enamel colors. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. 1767 to 1774. 322—Sma.u Buve PircHer Quilted design. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manheim, Pa. 322A—Smartu Buve Pircuer Fluted sides. Made by Baron Stiegel, Manhein, P. 323—Guass PiIrcHER wiITH CorRUGATED NECK English. Early nineteenth century. 324—Buver BorrTue wItH STOPPER American. Early nineteenth century. 3825—Two Winer GLASSES White spiral stems. English. Early eighteenth cen- tury. 326—Two Matcu Ho.upeErs In shape of high hat. Blown glass. Quilted pattern. American. About 1830. 327—Tureet WINE GLASSES Inthelio cut design in ruby red glass. 327A—Tureer Cut Guass TuMBLERS Fish fin pattern. (Different sizes.) Four goblets. Cut and etched glass. Seven pieces. 828—JEweEeL Box Cameo red and white glass. Metal mounts. Bohemian. 329—PLATE Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 330—P.LaTE Wilkie design: The Valentine. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 331—P.LatE Wilkie design: Escape of the Mouse. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 332—PuLatTE Pine Orchard House. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 333—PLaTE McDonough’s Victory. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 334—PLaTE City of Albany. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 335—Puate Fairmount Park. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 3$36—PLaTE States. Dark blue. Diameter, 101/, inches. 337—PLaTE Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia. Side Wheel. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 338—PLATE Bank of U. S., Philadelphia. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 339—PLATE Gilpin’s Mills. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 340—PLaATE East View of LaGrange. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 341—PLaTE Wilkie design: Christmas Eve. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 342—PLATE Wilkie design: Playing at Draughts. Dark blue. Diameter, 73/4, inches. 343—PLaATE City Hall, New York. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 344—PLaATE Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 345—Sour PLatTEe B. & O. on the Level. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 346—PLaTE Syntax and the Bees. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 34°7— PLATE Syntax Taking Possession of His Living. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 348—PLATE Wilkie design: Christmas Eve. Dark blue. Diameter, 81% inches. 349—PLATE City Hotel, New York. Dark blue. (Crack in bor- der.) Diameter, 814, inches. 350—Bow1 Harvard College. Dark blue. (Cracked.) 351—PLatTE Falls of Montmorency. Dark blue. Diameter, 81 inches. 352—PLATE Nahant. Dark blue. Diameter, 81/4 inches. 353—PLATE | Syntax Reading his Tour. Dark blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 354—PLaTE LaGrange. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 355—PLatTE State House, Boston, with chaise. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 356—PLaTE Table Rock, Niagara. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 3857—PuLaTE B. & O. on the Level. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. $58—PLaTE Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 359—Sovur Puate View of Liverpool. (Ship Cadmus?) Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 360—Sour Piate Octagon Church, Boston. Dark blue. Diameter, 10 inches. 361—PuaTTER LaGrange. Dark blue. Diameter, 181% inches. 362—PLaATTER Christianburg, on Gold Coast of Africa. Dark blue. Diameter, 181% inches. 363—PLaTTER Niagara. From American side. Dark blue. Diameter, 1414 inches. 364—PLATTER Battery Park. Dark blue. (Riveted.) Diameter, 181%, inches. 365—PLaTTER , Pennsylvania Hospital. Dark blue. Diameter, 181%, inches. 366—PLaTTER | Capitol at Washington. Dark blue. (Riveted.) Diameter, 201% inches, 367—PLATTER Fairmount Park. Dark blue. Diameter, 201/, inches. 368—Two PuiaTEs (4) Blue decoration. Canton china, Early nine- teenth century. (B) Green decoration. Relief border. 369—Sucar Bownu “Gaudy Painted Ware.” 370—PiTcHER Surrender of Cornwallis. Copper lustre. Illustrated. 370A—PiTcHER Same subject as preceding, but larger, and different colored band. 371—P1ITcHER Andrew Jackson. Copper lustre. Illustrated. | 372— PITCHER Silver lustre. Resist decoration. (Slight repair.) 3738—PITcHER Silver lustre. Resist decoration. Birds and flowers. A most beautiful piece. 3874—OcTAGONAL CREAM JUG Silver lustre decoration of wheat and grapevines. 375—TrEaporT Silver lustre. Resist decoration. 376—PiTcHER Pink lustre. Relief designs. Eagle, flowers, landscape, etc. Probably Wedgwood. Illustrated. $77—F Lower Port anp Saucer Yellow ware. Pink lustre decoration. 378—Coprrer Lustre TrEa-set Four pieces. Illustrated. 379—Larce Copper Lustre Pircuer Raised decoration. Blue ground. Illustrated. 380—CopreEr erin VASE Two handles. Very rare. Illustrated. 381—Coprrer Lustre PircHer Two lips. Very unusual. Illustrated. 382—Correr Lustre Pircuer 383—Two Copper Lustre Pircuers | 384—Two Coprrer Lustre Bowts 385—Correr Lustre GosLet 386—Two Copper Lustre PircHers 387—Two Coprer Lustre SHavine Mues 388—Twetve Cups anp SAUCERS Pink lustre. Marked Dawson. 389—Correr Lustre GosLet 390—Two Corrrr Lustre GosBLets 391—T wo Corrrer Lustre SuHavinc Mugs 392—Corrrer Lustre PItcHER 393—Correr Lustre Compore Raised floral decoration. Illustrated. 394—Six Coprrer Lustre Cups Raised floral decoration. Illustrated. 395—Sitver Lustre PircHer Resist decoration on white ground. 396—Sitver Lustre PircHer Resist decoration. Handle repaired. 397—PIrcHER Dog’s head handle, eagle, etc., in pink lustre. 398—Two Conicat Cups Copper lustre. Blue band. Early nineteenth century. -399—Tra Cur, Mue ann Two.Conicat Cups Copper lustre. Early nineteenth century. 400—CreEam JuG Copper lustre. Mottled pink lustre band. 401—CreEam Juc Copper lustre. Red printed band on white figured scene. 402—CrEAM JUG Copper lustre. Red printed band on white figured scene. 403—CrEAM JUG Copper lustre. White medallion containing colored decoration. Yellow band. 404—Pair Cream JuGs Copper lustre. Blue band with white relief design. 405—Cream Juc Copper lustre. Cornwallis and Lafayette. Yellow band. (Slightly chipped.) 406—Corrrer Luster Marcu Box 407—Corrrr Lustre Cream Juc Fluted sides. 408—Coprer Lustre Pircuer Polychrome decoration in relief. Illustrated. 409—Parr Coprer Lustre Compores Salmon color band. Raised design in colors. 410—Corrrer Lustre Cream Jvc Raised floral design in colors. 411—T wo Smaru Copper Lustre Mues Raised decoration in colors on blue band. 412—Correr Lustre Vase | White medallion on each side, containing designs painted in colors. 413—Correr Lustre Cream Juc Cornwallis and Lafayette. Red band. (Spout re- paired. ) 414—Corrrr Lustre Cream Jue Cornwallis and Lafayette. Yellow band. (Spout re- paired.) 415—Cream Juc tn Form or House Lustre top. Early nineteenth century. 415A—LarcE PITCHER Silver lustre. Height, 7%, inches. 416—Siuver Lustre PITcHER Height, 5%, inches. 417—Sitver Lustre PircHer Height, 3 inches. 418—Sixiver Lustre Sucar Bown anp Cream JuG Fluted sides. 419—Sinver Lustre PiItcHer Raised white decoration around collar. 420—PiTcHER Creamware. Printed medallion of Faith. Silver lustre outlines. 421—THREE Sucar Bowts Two pink lustre and colored decoration, and one copper lustre. 422—Two Muc-sHarep Cups Pink lustre decoration. 423—PLATE Pink lustre and colored decoration. Marked Daven- port. Unusual. -424—T wo CaKkE PLATES Porcelain. Pink lustre and colored decoration. 424 A—Pinkx Lustre PLATE Marked “Stubbs.” Rare. 425—Brerap PLATE Porcelain. Printed decoration in colors. Pink lustre border. 426—Two Cur PuiateEs Pink lustre. 427—NInE Cups AnD SAUCERS Porcelain. Pink lustre decoration. 428—Curp AND SAUCER | Lady of the Lake. Blue, with lustre borders. 429—TEAPOT | Tortoise-shell ware. English. Eighteenth century. (Damaged and no lid.) 430—Suavine Mue Rockingham ware. Made by E. & W. Bennett, Balti- more, 1853. 431—Parian Mue Blue pitted ground. Relief portrait busts. Supposed to have been made in Trenton about 1850. 432—Two Mucs “Present from Delaware” and “Cottage at Penn.” 433—Fruir Disu anp Tray Cream ware. Herculaneum pottery of Liverpool. Early nineteenth century. 434—Correr Lustre PITCHER Enamel color decoration. 435—OcraconaL Juc Mason’s ironstone china. Red, green and blue decora- tion. About 1850. 436—Cream Ware PITCHER Grape decoration in relief. Staffordshire. About 1830. 437—Ta tu COoFFEE-POT “Gaudy Painted Ware.” Dome-shaped cover. By W. Adams. About 1820. 438—Harp Porcevain Miniature Orenwork Fruit Dis France. About 1830. 439—CorFFEE-POT AND SucAR Bown Dark blue. Printed decoration. Pink lustre bands. Staffordshire. About 1825. 440—Spritt Vase Relief decoration. In white on blue ground. Marked Wood and Caldwell. 440A —Fiowrr Por anp Tray Blue ground. Raised decoration. Made in Jersey City, about 1840. Jersey City cream ware of this character is rare. (Small portion of border of flower pot restored.) 441—Svucar Bownu New Orleans. Black. Lace border. 442—S1x Cups anp SAuCERS Wegely. Decorated in lake. Marked “W.” 443—S1x Cups anp SAucERS Mason’s style. Polychrome decoration of birds and flowers. 444—CrEAM JUG White stone ware. Light brown relief decoration. 445—Six Puates Printed decoration in colors. Incised silvered borders. English. Middle nineteenth century. 446—CreamM JucG Fluted. Liverpool. About 1820. 44°7— PITCHER Pink lustre. Designs in relief on white ground. Dog’s head handle. 448—PrIrcHER Pink lustre decoration of birds. (Lip repaired. ) 449—Larcr Copper Lustre PITCHER Ribbed body. Pink lustre, bands at top and bottom. 449A—Ftiower VAsE Copper lustre. Raised decoration on blue ground. 450—Correr Lustre PircHer Enamel. Color decoration. 451—Correr Lustre PITCHER Pink lustre band. With raised figures and plaid band around neck. 452—PiITcHER Black printed decoration on blue ground. Lustre top. Staffordshire. Nineteenth century. MODERN PIECES 453—TuHREE SPopE CoPpELAND CuPrs AND SAUCERS 454—Minton Cup AnD SAUCER 455—Coa.Lport Sucar Bow1. Gold decoration on dark blue ground. 456—Srvres Cup AnD SAUCER 457—Two PorcEeLAIn Cups AND SAUCERS Sévres. Dated 1872-1891. 458—Two Coatrort Cups AND SAUCERS Bird and turquoise decoration. 459—Two Worcester Cups AND SAUCERS Openwork and jeweled decoration. 460—Two Skvres Curs anp SAUCERS Openwork border around cups and openwork saucers. 461—DrerspEN Cup AND SAUCER Pastoral scene. 462—Coarrort Cup anp Saucer Gold and turquoise decoration. 463—MintTon Cur ann SAUCER Solon style. 464—Minton Cur anp Saucer Heavy gold and cherub medallion decoration. Signed: Boullemier. Museum piece. Antonin Boullemier was born in 1840 and died in 1900. His first work was at Sévres, where it is said his “talent was recog- nized, and he made his mark as one of the best china painters of the day.” After the Franco-German War he left Paris and went to England and connected himself with “Messrs. Minton, of Stoke-upon-Trent, for whom he worked until his death, April 25, 1900.” In a booklet published by Tiffany & Company appear these words: “The ability of M. Boullemier is of such a high order that it may be well said he was without a single contem- porary competitor. His skilful paintings of cupids and mytho- logical subjects have always been greatly admired and much sought after by collectors of ceramics and his exquisite decora- tions of plates and vases remain as examples of his strong individuality.” 465—Crown Dersy Cur anp Saucer Very fine gold decoration. 466—Fovur Minton Cups AND SAUCERS 467—PLATTER Porcelain. K. P. M. marked. Royal Berlin. 468—SaLtT CELLAR 7 Silver lustre Copper lustre lining. 469—Tureer Satt CELLARS Copper lustre. Enamel colored decoration. 470—Turee Sart CELLARS Copper lustre. Enamel colored decoration. AYV1—Five SaLt CELLARS Copper lustre. All different. 4°72—Sartr CeLuar anv Musrarp Por Pink lustre. Early nineteenth century. 4'°78—Correr Lustre MustTarp Por AND SALT SHAKER Color decoration. Early nineteenth century. 4°74—Mustarp Por Dark blue. Dr. Syntax Studying Nature. Early nineteenth century. 475—Two Sart SHAKERS Mocha decoration on salmon ground. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 476—Satt SHAKER Landing of Lafayette. Dark blue. (Base slightly repaired. ) 477—Turer Sart Suakers Slip decorated. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth cen- tury. 4°78—Satr SHAKER Relief decoration in white on blue ground. By Enoch Wood. Marked piece. Very rare. Illustrated. 479—Sartt SHaxer Cream ware Colored decoration. Leeds. 480—Satt SHaxer Cream ware, and marbled decoration. Early nine- teenth century. 481—Fruir Dish anp Tray Openwork. Berry decoration. Soft-paste. Wor- cester. Eighteenth century. Choice piece. 482—Bowu. Wilkie design. Dark blue. 483-—PiTcHER Pale pink lustre. On black printed decoration. 484—Fovur Sarr Suaxers Blue decoration. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. (Base of two repaired. ) 485—Tra Cappy Mocha decoration on salmon ground. Illustrated. 486—SaLt SHAKER Cream ware. Marbled decoration. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 487—Tatu TEapor Polychrome decoration. (Knob on lid repaired.) 488—GREEN GLAZE CREAM JUG Incised and beaded decoration. Staffordshire. About 1830. | 489—Buack Basat 'TEAPOT Wedgwood school. Early nineteenth century. 490—Two Cream Ware CuPs AND SAUCERS Printed calico decoration. 491—MemoriAu Jue Decoration, scenes commemorating the victory over Napoleon. 492—_APOTHECARY JAR With under-glaze black print of G. T. Morton & Co.’s medical warehouse. 493—Smatu PircHer Bamboo or cane ware. Marked “Wedgwood.” Early nineteenth century. 494—M ason’s PitrcHer Dragon handle. 495—Yerttow Ware Vase 3 Floral band around center. Figure of female and child around collar. Said to be Madame Récamier.. 496—STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER Hunting scene decoration. 497—Cream Warr Juc Butterfly and floral decoration in bright colors. Staf- fordshire. About 1825. 498—GreEN TEAPOT Basketwork and leaves decoration. (Lid missing. ) 499—Fruir Disa Openwork border. 500—Two Cream Ware Pircuers Decorations of dogs in relief and grape vine. Pink lustre borders. (Tip of one lip repaired.) 501—Two Coprrr Lustre Pircuers Blue band. Raised decoration. = 502—Cream Ware PitcHer Pineapple design. Red and silver lustre decoration. 503—Corrrer Lustre Prerrer Box With pink lustre band. 504—Two Sart CELLARS Copper lustre. 504A—Two PitcHERs Copper lustre. 505—Fovur Conicat Cups Copper lustre. Different shapes and different designs. 506—Mustarp Pot, Perper Box anp Two SAtt CELLARS Copper lustre, with blue and white decoration. Four pieces. 507—Correr Lustre PITCHER White band with red printed figure scenes. 508—Correr Lustre Vase Blue band. With white decoration in relief. (One handle broken. ) 509—Correr Lustre PITCHER Light blue body with raised colored flowers. © 510—Two PircHers Gold lustre. Raised figures in white. 511—Corprer Lustre TEaror Eagle handle. Central band of yellow with raised floral decoration in colors. Illustrated. 512—Correr Lustre PIrcHer Two bands of pink lustre with landscape decoration. (Crack on one side.) 513—Tatu Copper Lustre PITCHER Fluted. “Floral decorations in colors. 514—Correr Lustre PITCHER Pink lustre band around center and collar. Sunder- land lustre handle and lip. Very unusual decoration. Illustrated. 515—Larere Copper Lustre PircHer Conical shape. Figure 7 handle. Blue central band. Colored floral decoration in relief. (Small imperfec-~ tion in base.) Illustrated. 516—CuiLp’s Copper Lustre SET Teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, waste bowl, four cups and saucers. 51%—Correr Lustre PircHer Blue band. Raised decoration. 518—Correr Lustre PITCHER Blue band. Lustre decoration. 519—Correr Lustre PITCHER Yellow band. Raised lustre decoration. 520—Two Correr Lustre PITCHERS Two bands of pink lustre. 521—Muve Yellow ground. Silver resist decoration. Stafford- shire. About 1820. Illustrated. 522—Cream Ware PITCHER Decorated in relief, pink lustre band. 523—PiTCHER Silver lustre. With wood graining around shoulder. (Repaired.) Museum piece. 523A—Two Satu PIrcHeErRs One lustre, black print on light-blue ground, pink lustre border. The other, copper lustre, pink lustre bands around collar. 524—Two Cream Jues Soft-paste. English porcelain. Pink lustre bands. 525—Two Cream Jucs Soft-paste. English porcelain. Pink lustre bands. 526—Two Cream Jues Soft-paste. English porcelain. Pink lustre bands. 527—Terwn Pinx Lustre Curs AND SAUCERS Very fine. 527A—Six Cups anD SAUCERS - Decoration in magenta. 'Temperance star on one side and temperance sentiments on the other. Pink lustre band on the inside. 528—Cur anp SAUCER Rose lustre. 529—Four Cups anp SAUCERS Pink lustre. 529 A—Fovur Cups AND SAUCERS With handles. Pink lustre. 530—PitTcHeER Wellington and Napoleon in colors. Resist lustre bands. Illustrated. 531—Cream Ware PiTcHER With relief design of flowers in colors on fawn-colored ground. 532—Cream Ware PircHer With magenta medallions on blue ground. Pink lustre. Early nineteenth century. Illustrated. 533—Cream Wake PiTcHeER Crimson underglaze. Armorial decoration. Gypsy scenes under gray sprig. Mask lip. Very unusual. 534—Cream WakeE PitcHer Hunting scene in relief. Pink lustre. Staffordshire. Early nineteenth century. 535—Pinx Lustre VAse Black printed decoration. ( Repaired.) 536—Tartt TEAPOT Pink lustre. Illustrated. 5387—Pink Lustre PircHer With fawn-colored band under glaze. Black printed figure scene. Floral decoration around collar. 5388—SHELL-sHAPED Pink LustTRE PITCHER Black hunting scene. “Snipe Shooting.” and “Cours- ing.” 589—Marsiep Pinx Lustre PITCHER (Sunderland.) Decoration, harbor scene and poetic inscription “On Time.” 540—Two Pink Lustre Mucs (One cracked.) 541—Pinx Lustre Mustarp Por anp SaLt CELLAR 542—Sma tu Pink Lustre PITCHER 543—Urn-SHAPED ‘l'EAPOT Decoration: pink lustre landscape. A choice piece. Illustrated 544—Larce Cream Ware TEAPOT Pink lustre decoration. Illustrated 545—Pink Lustre PircHer Eagle head handle. Elongated lip. Black under- glaze decoration. Illustrated. 546—Pinx Lustre TEaror Black printed band and floral decoration. On four feet. (Small crack on one side.) 547—Svucar Bowu Purple or rose resist lustre decoration. Illustrated. 548—MorTtriep Pinx Lustre Pitrcuer Illustrated. 549—Morriep Pinx Lustre PircHer Illustrated. 550—Pinx Lustre Pircuer Black printed floral decoration. (Lip mended.) 550A—LarcEr SHELL-SHAPE Pink Lustre PitrcHer Black hunting scene. “Snipe Shooting” and “Cours- ing. THIRD and LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.80 o’CLOCK 551—Hor Water Pan Pewter. Diameter, 8 inches. 552—Turere Derr Pans Pewter. Diameter, 7, 8 and 121%, inches. 553—Derrp Pan Pewter. Inscription, H. E. H. on border. Diameter, 10 inches. 554—Two Puates Pewter. Diameter, 91, inches. 555—Two PuateEs Pewter. Beaded edge. One has arms and dagger on border. Called the Trent Coat-of-arms. Diameter, 91/ inches. 556—Fovur Puiates Pewter. Diameter, 6, 814, 9 and 91 inches. 557—Two CrrcuLarR PLATTERS Pewter. Diameter, 19 and 201% inches. 558—Two CircuLar PLATTERS Pewter. Diameter, 1314 and 16 inches. 559—Two Purates Pewter. One has inscription, B. T. S., on border. 560—CuspPipor Pewter. Diameter, 6 inches. 560A—Parr PewTer VASES 560B—Parr SMaLtu PewTrer Gravy LapLes 560C—SmaLi PEwTErR Gravy LADLE 561—Hor Water Pan Pewter. Diameter, 14 inches. 562—Pair oF CANDLESTICKS Pewter. Height, 9 inches. Illustrated. 563—Two CanDLESTICKS One pewter; one pewter top and Sheffield base. 564—Smatu Frask anp Mvue With glass bottom. Pewter. 565—Turee Pewrer Muvstarp Pots Pewter. Two Dixon & Son, Sheffield. 566—Correr Hot Water KetTTLe -567—T wo Correr Curs, Lapiz, Stew Pan anv Stew Pot Five pieces. 568—“Paut REvERE” LANTERN 569—Brass Mortar AnD PESTLE , 57 en LADLE AND Brass Cup 571—Two Pair Brass CANDLESTICKS 572—Two Pair Brass CANDLESTICKS One pair unusually small. 573—TureEE Pewter LAmps One swinging. 574—One Brass CANDLESTICK AND SMALL Brass SNUFFERS 575—Pair BriraANNiA PEPPER SHAKERS 576—CorFEE-POT AND TEAPOT Pewter. Height, 11 inches. Height, 8 inches. 577—PewtTer Inx StTanp Illustrated. 578—Prewtrer Mue witn Cover 579—Turer Pewter Pepper SHAKERS 580—Larcr PewTrEer Perper Box 581—PewTer Lape 582—PrEwTerR CANDLESTICK AND Pewter Rose Jar Two pieces. 583—Two Pewter Castors One very small. 584—Prewrer Trapor 585—Scnorar’s Companion Box Pewter. 586—Pewrer Toracco Box Raised figures on side, dog on lid. 587—Prewter Sun Dirart 588—-PewTer Cup anp SMALL BRITANNIA PircHEeR | 589—CuineEsE Tra Cappy Pewter. 590—Prewter Lamp Height, 10 inches. 591—Four Pewrer LApLeEs 592—PEwTER PorninceEr Small. 593—PrwtTer Muc anp SALt STAND Two pieces. 594—Two CircutarR PEWTER PLATTERS Diameter, 2014 and 22 inches. 595—Two CrrcuLtar PEWTER PLATTERS 596—OvaL Pewter PLATTER Very rare piece. Length, 22% inches. 597—TIwo Pewter Puates Inscription on border, F. F., under crown. Diameter, 81, inches. 598—Iron CANDLESTICK Heart-shaped base. Old German. Height, 14 inches. 599—PewTeR TANKARD WITH COVER 600—Fovur Prewrer Mues 601—Turert Pewter Perrer Boxes “Home, Sweet Home,” on side of two. 602—PrewtTer SnuFF Box Daniel Boone etched on cover. 603—Two Pewter Cups Inscription on one, “Just a Thimble Full.” 604—Two Pewrer Ink Stranps 605—Pewrer Sucar Bow. wirH Cover Rare. Illustrated. 606—PrEwtTER TANKARD Eagle on lid. 1847. Exceptional piece. Illustrated. 607—PrEwtTER TANKARD Curved sides. 608—Patir Brass CANDLESTICKS 609—Patr Pewrer CANDLESTICKS Saucer shaped, with extinguishers. Illustrated. L&L TSL Pe eee a ee ee SS ; * 610—Pewrerr PorrinceR WITH COVER Illustrated. 611—Cuiup’s Pewter TEA-sET 612—Pare or Pewrer Pircuers Boardman & Hart, N. Y. Height, 9 inches. Illustrated. 613—LarcEr Pewrer PitrcHer Height, 9 inches. 614—Larce Pewrer PITcHER Height, 7% inches. 615—Larcre Pewter PItcHerR Made by L. H. Pallthorp, Philadelphia. Height, 73, inches. 616—Smauu Copper TEA-KETTLE Philadelphia make. Exhibited at City Hall, Phila- delphia, Founders Week. Also at Hudson-Fulton Ex- hibition. Museum piece. Illustrated. 617—Brass Warmine Pan 618—Correr Warmine Pan Eagle and flag decoration. 619—Pair Brass ANDIRONS Etched decoration. 620—Pair Brass ANDIRONS With shovel and tongs. 621—Patir Brass ANDIRONS 622—SHEFFIELD SNUFFERS AND TRAY Hand engraved. 623—Patr SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Height, 61% inches. 624—Patr SHEFFIELD COASTERS Grape-vine border. 625—SHEFFIELD SucAaR Basket Octagonal. 626—SHEFFIELD SNUFFERS AND TRAY Shell pattern. 626A—SHEFFIELD SNUFFERS AND TRAY Rope decoration. 627—SHEFFIELD PLATTER Grape-vine border. With feet. Hand chased. Length, 33 inches. 628—Parr Beproom CANDLESTICKS With extinguishers. Sheffield. 804. 629—Pair SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Two lights. Oval shape, with lyre. Height, 151 inches. 630—SHEFFIELD CoFFEE URN 631—Patr SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Square base, oval stem. | Height, 10 inches. 632—Suerrietp Hor Water Meat PLatTer And CovER’ With well and tree. Silver mounts, wooden handles. 633—Sitver-PuiatTeD WINE SET Three Bohemian glass bottles of green, red and blue. Handsomely cut. Three red glasses. 634—SHEFFIELD EPERGNE Cut glass bowls. 634A—Two Pair Tati SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Square base. 634B—S1x Op SiILverR Spoons American. Maker: P. Sayre. 635—Souip SirverR CREAMER Old English. (Hall mark.) 636—Sitver Box In SHAPE OF TrRuNK Repoussé figures in panels on sides and top. 637—Sitver Box Square shape. Repoussé figures on sides and top. 638—Sour Sirver Tra Cappy Repoussé designs of Cupids. 639—PouisHED STEEL SuGAR CUTTER Old English. 639A—Pair Knee BuckieEs Silver. 640—Brass Betry Lamp 641—Harp Paste Porceiarn CHocoLatEe Pot Old Meissen style. Decorated in magenta and gold. Fine piece. 642—Hor Water DisH Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. Brown. Fitz-Hugh pattern. 643—TrapotT Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. Rose decoration. 644—F ive Cups anp SAUCERS Chinese, ‘‘Lowestoft” so called. 645—Cur anp SAUCER Chinese, “Lowestoft”? so called. 646—Hetmet CREAMER Chinese, “‘Lowestoft”’ so called. Unusual size. 647—PuatTreEr Chinese, “‘Lowestoft” so called. 4 648—DisH Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. Armorial decoration. 805 649—Hor Water Juc Chinese, “Lowestoft”? so called. 650—Puncu Bowr Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. Ship Constitution decoration. Illustrated. 651—Hor Water Juc Chinese, “Lowestoft” 652—TurEEn AnD TRAY Chinese, “‘Lowestoft”’ decorations. 653—Hetmet CREAMER Chinese, ‘‘Lowestoft”’ 654—Hetmet CREAMER Chinese, “Lowestoft” 655—Tza Cappy Chinese, ‘‘Lowestoft”’ paired.) 656—Tra Cappy Chinese, “Lowestoft” paired. ) 657—Hor Water PircuHer Chinese, ‘‘Lowestoft”’ so called. so called. sO so sO so so called. called. called. called. called. Red birds and flower (Cover slightly re- (Cover slightly re- 658—Two Hor Water PITCHERS Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 659—Hortr Water JuG Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. and bird decoration. 660—CuocoLaTE Pot Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 661—Hetmet PITCHER Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 662—Terapot anp TRAY Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 663—Two Curs AND SAUCERS Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 664—TEAPOT Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 665—HewtmMet PITCHER Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. blue. 666—Tera Cappy Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 667—TIwo Cups AND SAUCERS Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. Female with crown Eagle decoration. Eagle decoration. Eagle decoration. Eagle decoration. Floral decoration. Urn decoration im Sepia landscape me- dallions painted by hand in imitation of English cop- per-plate engravings. 806 668—TrEaror Chinese, “‘Lowestoft” so called. 669—Dererr OcTaconat DisH Chinese, “Lowestoft” so called. 670—O.xp Cuinesre SHavine PuatTe 671—Toppy Mvue Cream ware. Inscription, “Drink and Sing.” Staf- fordshire. Early nineteenth century. 672—Mue Soft-paste, blue decoration, Worcester. Eighteenth century. 673—Gravy Boat Soft-paste, porcelain, Worcester. Eighteenth century. 674—Two DisueEs Dark blue decoration, soft-paste, Tournay. Eigh- teenth century. 675—Cup anv SAUCER Gold decoration, Worcester. Early nineteenth cen- tury. 676—Sort Porcerain TEAPoT Crown Derby. Gold decoration. Mauve mark. Late eighteenth century. 676A—Cup anp SAUCER Porcelain. Corn-flower decoration. Crown Derby. Eighteenth century. 677—Cur AnD SAUCER Porcelain, crown Derby. Eighteenth century. 678—Mue Porcelain, soft-paste, Worcester, blue and gold decora- tion. Eighteenth century. 679—Cur anp SavucEeR Capo-de-Monti style. Made by Fisher of Herrand, Hungary. Nineteenth century. 680—Cup AND SAUCER Soft-paste, porcelain, blue and gold decoration, Caughley, England. Eighteenth century. - 681—TuHrREE Cups AND SAUCERS Porcelain, Spode, English. Nineteenth century. 682—Spopr TEApot anp Tray Red and gold decoration. (Small crack on one side.) 683—Two SropE Cups AND SAUCERS Red and gold decoration. 684—Two Orenwork Fruit BASKETS Boat-shaped. Medium blue. “Spode” impressed. Very fine. Illustrated. c 685—LozENGE-SHAPED 'T'EAPOT Polychrome underglaze decoration. 686—Urn-SHAPED VASE Fawn-colored ground. English. First half of nine- teenth century. 687—BeEennincton Doe Basket in mouth. Illustrated. 687A—Terapor Flint enamel. Bennington. 688—PitTcHER Flint enamel. Bennington. Illustrated. 689—Foor Tus Flint enamel. Bennington. 690—CusPIDOR Flint enamel. Bennington style. 691—Two Lamp STANDARDS Flint enamel. Bennington style. Illustrated. 692—Two FemMate FicureEs Flint enamel. Bennington style. Illustrated. 693—Butrer Disu By Ralph Beach, Kensington, Pa. Rare. Illustrated. 694—Porttrery BotriLe In shape of a man astride a barrel. Mottled brown, blue, and yellow glaze. English. Middle of nineteenth century. 695—Orrenwork Fruit Basker Brown and yellow decoration. Wedgwood. Late eighteenth century. 696—Sma.u Fruir Disu Openwork. Soft-paste. Worcester. Eighteenth cen- tury. Very choice. Illustrated. 697—Smatt Fruit Disu Same as preceding. 698—PITCcHER Portrait of Hull in colors on each side. 699—TeEapotT | Cream ware. Leeds. Late eighteenth century. Illustrated. 700—Trapor Cream ware. Leeds. Late eighteenth century. Illustrated. 701—Terapor Decorated in red. English. Early nineteenth cen- tury. 816 102—Larce TEAporT Black printed decoration. Liverpool. About 1800. 702A—HeEart-sHAPED TEAPOT Leeds. Small calico band at bottom, green band at top. Beautiful raised work around body. Excep- tional piece. (03—Trarot Leeds. Printed and painted decoration of Aurora and map of the world. Cherubs on cover. A museum piece. Illustrated. 703A—Two Lereps Mues (a) Medallion portrait of Thomas Jefferson. (b) Picture illustrating “Charity.” Two pieces. 703B—LeEEps TEAPOT AND Lerps Gravy Boar Teapot has twisted handle. (Cover of teapot slightly repaired. ) Two pieces. 704—Gravy Boat Whieldon. Sheep and cows in relief. Illustrated. YO5—FicurE Mother and child. Whieldon. Green and white. Illustrated. 706—FicurE Monkey. Whieldon style. 707—Sucar Bow. Strawberry decoration in relief. 707A—Svucar Bow. Strawberry decoration. 708—Inx Stanp Basalt. Marked, “Wedgwood and Bentley.” About 1768. 709—CreaM Jue Salt glaze enamel. Colored decoration. Slight re- pair at top of one side. About 1770. 710—Cream Juc Salt glaze enamel. Colored decoration. Handle re- stored. About 1770. 711—Cream PitcHerR Salt glaze enamel. Colored decoration. About 1770. Illustrated. : 711 A—Sarr GuazE PLATTER Diameter, 15 inches. 711B—Satutr GuazeE PLATTER Same as preceding. 11C—Satt Guaze PLATE Diameter, 7 inches. 711D—Satuttr Giaze PLATTER Openwork border. 712—Darx Buiurt ENAMELED PURSE With silver and gold inlaid designs. 713—WatcH By Chevalier. Geneva, 1750. Enameled back. 818 Qe eee eel ae i seat 714—Carp Case Mother-of-pearl. %715—Berap Bac German silver mounts. 716—Porrrair Bust : Rev. John Wesley. Modeled by Enoch Wood. Late eighteenth century. (Base repaired.) V17—STATUETTE Franklin. Staffordshire. Middle of nineteenth cen- tury. 718—StTaTvETTE Wellington. Staffordshire. Middle of nineteenth cen- tury. (Head mended.) 719—Two STatTvuETTEs Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Staffordshire. About 1849. {20—STaTUETTE Milton. Staffordshire. About 1850. (One foot broken.) 721—-STATUETTE Double. “Gin” on one side and “Water” on the other. (22—STaTUETTE “The Vicar and Moses.” Staffordshire. Early nine- teenth century. (Hand off.) _ 723—STATUETTE Hamlet. Staffordshire. Nineteenth century. (24—STaTUETTE French soldier. Staffordshire. Nineteenth century. 725—Tosy Jue Staffordshire. Nineteenth century. 726—Pair oF VASES Old English. Milk-white glass. Polychrome decora- tion of flowers. 727—NaitsEa OPALESCENT Guass ROLLING-PIN It is said when sailors went to sea, they gave their sweethearts a rolling-pin filled with wine. If broken during their absence it meant they were, or would be, shipwrecked. 728—BristoLt Guass GOBLET “29—Bristot Guass CREAM JUG . (Handle riveted at top.) 730—Turee Sma Bristot Guass VAsEs Floral decoration. 731—Turer Smauyt Bristot Guass Mues Pastoral scene decoration, and cne small cream jug un- decorated. Four pieces. a ne ae 132—Bristot Guiass CoveErED Bow AND SAUCER Birds and flowers, and fruit decoration in color. (Saucer has small repair.) Illustrated. 783—Hor WarTer Jue witH Cover Milk white glass. Figure scene painted in colors. Bristol. Eighteenth century. - Illustrated. "34—Bristot Guass Teapot Floral decoration. Illustrated. 735—Bristot Guiass Mue Ship and floral decoration. Illustrated. {36—Prrrer SHAKER Opalescent white glass with floral decoration. Silver top. Bristol, England, eighteenth century. Very fine. Illustrated. 737—Sma.u Bristout Guass VASE Small repair at base. 438—Turee Bristot Guass Cups AND SAUCERS Floral decoration. 739—BristoLt Guiass Mue Rabbit and floral decoration. (Cracked.) “40—Bristot Guiass Mue Medallion and floral decoration. (Cracked.) Illustrated. 441—Bristot Grass Mue Boy and two lambs decoration. (Cracked.) Illustrated. 742—BristoL Giass Mue Man and maiden decoration. (Cracked.) Illustrated. "43—Bristot Grass Mue Eagle decoration. Inscription, “Liberty.” (Cracked.) Illustrated. ”44—BristoL Guass TEAPOT Bird and floral decoration. Illustrated. %45—Patcu Box Battersea enamel. Pink. Decoration, house and chaise. "46—Patcu Box Battersea enamel. Pale blue. "47—Patcu Box (As is.) Battersea enamel. “A Trifle from Harry.” Y48—Two BAatTTERSEA Enamet Mirror Knoss Decoration, women’s heads. "49—Two BarTrErsEA ENAMEL Mrrror Knoss Decoration, urns. "50—Two BarrersEA EnamMeEL Mirror Knoss Decoration, woman and dog, and urn. 819 : Y51—EnameEt Patcu Box Bilston. Dark blue. ‘The Gift of a Friend.” 152—EnamMEL Patcu Box Bilston. Pale blue. Birds and nest decoration. 753—Ewnamet Patcu Box Bilston. Pink. Floral decoration. "54—EnaAMEL Patcu Box Bilston. Blue. “The Gift of a Friend.” 755—EnamMEL Patcu Box Bilston. Pink. “With Grateful Heart This Trifle I Present. As Such Accept It and I am Content.” %56—Enamet Patcu Box Bilston. Pale blue. “A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.”’ 757—EnameE. Patcu Box Bilston. Pale pink. “A Trifle from Kendall.” Y58—Enamet Patcu Box Pale blue. “Bind Me Fast or Set Me Free, Give Me Love or Liberty.” 759—EnameEt Patcu Box Green. Bilston. “Long May You Live and Be Happy.” 760—EnaAMEL Patcu Box Bilston. Pink. ‘Wherever I Be, Vl Think Upon Thee.” 761—EnameEL Patcu Box Bilston. Pink. “May the Enemies of Liberty Feel the Evils of Slavery.” 762—Two Enamet Patcu Boxes Bilston. Blue and pink. ‘My Dearest Love, I'll Con- stant Prove.” ‘Joined by Friendship. Crowned with Love.” %63—Two Enamet Patcu Boxes Bilston. White and blue. 764—Two Enamet Patrcu Boxes 3 Bilston. Pink and green. “Glory to Thee, Blessed Liberty.” ‘A Person Without Money, and None He Can Borrow, Small is His Credit, and Great is His © Sorrow.” 165—Powprr Horn Fine hand decoration. English coat-of-arms and all the forts of New York State. Made in 1759 by Peter Myer. A very choice piece. "66—THREE PiateEs Strawberry decoration. Diameter, 10 inches. 820 767—Two Trarorts Strawberry decoration. "68—ANTIQUE IRAN RuG 9 feet 10 inches by 5 feet. 769—OLp Hanp Manvet Rue Fawn ground. Scroll and flower design. 5 feet by 2 feet 714 inches. 770—Ormoxvu Gitt Five-BRANCH CANDELABRA Y71—ANOTHER (72—THREE-PIECE CANDELABRA Ormolu gilt. Five-candle light. “73—THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA “Rebecca at the Well.” Y74—Encuisu Lacauer COFFEE SET Peacock, flowers and butterfly designs. Coffee urn with lamp. Three trays, cake basket, two coasters, coffee caddy and sugar box. Most unusual set. Illustrated. "75—TIwo Brown STEEL ENGRAVINGS By Bartolozzi. 776—Two Eneravinecs oN COPPER The Honorable Mrs. Damer and Mrs. Casway. 777—Four Oxtp Cotorep Curs Story of Prince Poniatowsky. Old hand-made gold frames. Very rare. 178—Oup Stee, ENGRAVING By Renault. 1796. Triumph of Liberty. A fine piece. 779—LirHocraPH or West Pornt 1n Cotors By Havel. 1848. Gold frame of epoch. 780—Corrrr Piate Artist Proor ENGRAVING By F. S. King. Exhibited at the Pan-American and Paris Exhibitions. 781—Turee Artist Proor Encravines By F. S. King. All bear the signature also of F. S. Church, the painter. 782—Two Artist Proor ENGRAVINGS By F.S. King. “Flight into Egypt” and “The Christ Child and St. John the Baptist.” 783—SeLectep Brocraruy or ABRAHAM LINCOLN So shaded in the writing as to make his portrait. 784—Coxorep LirHocrapn sy Orro BorricHEeR “Washington Greys, 8th Regt., N. Y. S. T. On special duty at Camp Washington Quarantine, St. I., Sept. 11 to 28th, 1859. “By order of Commander-in-Chief, Governor John A. King.” Published by Goupil & Company. Walnut frame. Height, 30 inches; width, 39 inches. 821 784A—Co.xorep Facsimite: “THe Duxe’s Pian” “A description of the town of Mannados or New Amsterdam, as it was in September, 1661.” Walnut frame. In the lower left-hand corner is following statement: “British Museum, November 8/58. “Tt hereby certify that I have closely examined the copy of a map of the town of Mannados or New Amsterdam, now in the Library of the British Museum, and find that it agrees in every particular with the original. “Richard Sims, “Manuscript Department.” Height, 214% inches; width, 27 inches. (85—SILHOUETTE Square frame. Oval opening. Gilt. Silk embroidery. Oval frame. Two pieces. 785A—Water Cotor Mother and Babe. Signed piece. 785B—SERPENTINE Carp TaBLE Mahogany and curly maple. Slender fluted legs. Original condition. 786—Two Manocany Watt CABINETS Mirror in top, back and bottom. 787—Pier Sewine TABLE witH Two Drawers Drop leaves. Bag at bottom. 788—Sueraton Manocany Mirror Fluted tapering columns. Painted picture on glass at top. “89—CuHIPPENDALE Manocany Mirror Gilt border and gilt urn at top. 490—Coton1aL Mirror Double column. Rope in center of column. Painting on glass at top. Rosette in oak leaves above painting. 791—Coton1raL Mirror Half pillar columns. Painted picture on glass in colors at top. 792—Manocany Cornice Top Mirror Beaded columns. Painted picture on glass, in colors, at top. 793—SuHERATON Mirror Fluted columns with oval painted scene on glass im colors at top. ”“94—CHIPPENDALE MIRROR Mahogany. Eagle at top. 795—Gitt Mirror Urn and garlands on top, and garlands on bottom. (Parts of top carving restored. ) : “96—Manocany CHIPPENDALE Mirror Scroll top and bottom. & S "97—MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE MIRROR Same as preceding, but smaller. “98—Two Cornick Tor Manocany Mirrors Painted picture on glass in colors. 799—Gitt Sconce ) Chippendale style. Garlands from top reaching to sides. ‘Two ornamental candle holders at bottom. 800—Watu Bracket Wood. Hand carved. 801—Smart Hanp Mirror Curly maple. 802—Manocany SHAvinNG Mirror On standard. Inlaid. 803—CotoniaL Mirror Acorns at top. Eagle in center. Twisted columns with capital. 804—HeEPPLEWHITE Mirror Mahogany. Inlaid. Drops on sides. Wood carved top. Illustrated. 805—CuHIPPENDALE Mirror Mahogany. Wood carving on sides and top. Round cornered frame on top and square on bottom. Illustrated. 806—HerrprLewHitre Mirror Mahogany. Inlaid. Wood and carved top. Illustrated. 807—CotontaL Mirror Picture on top representing house near water, with tree and ship. Gilt frame. 808—CHIPPENDALE Mirror Mahogany. Inlaid. Curved top and bottom. 809—Manocany TaBLe Drop leaves. Drawer in end. Square tapering legs. Original pull. 810—Parr HerrLewnHiTrt BELLows Inlaid shell at top. 810A—SatTinwoop Tra Cappy 811—To1Let Box } Cushion top. Wood from Hancock House, Boston, and brocade from Mrs. Hancock’s dress. 812—CuILp’s Manocany Bureau Glass handles. Four drawers. 813—HEPPLEWHITE COMMODE WITH Foxpine Top, Maxine TABLE WHEN CLOSED Original condition. 825 \ i 814—SERPENTINE Foxupine Carp Taste Mahogany. Fluted legs. Original condition. 815—Watunvut Low-Boy Ball and claw feet. Carved shell on center lower drawer, and also below drawer. Carved knees. Fluted corners. Original condition. Illustrated. 816—Watnot CHAIR Cabriole legs and stretchers. Dutch style. Original condition. Illustrated. 816A—Watnout CHa Same as preceding except that it has no stretchers. 817—MaHocGaAany CHIPPENDALE ARMCHAIR Arms added since chair was made. 818—Two Cuairs * Chinese Chippendale style. Ball and claw feet. Carved hips. Lower part of legs restored. Illustrated. 819—Two CuHIPPENDALE CHAIRS Mahogany. Ball and claw feet. Shell top. Illustrated. 820—Si1ix Neepitework Fire ScREEN Mahogany. Cabriole legs. Illustrated. 821—HErrLewHITE Sewine TABLE US ees Mahogany. Oval. Legs curved at bottom. _ some inlay. Illustrated. 822—-Manocany Low-Boy yl Ball and claw feet, carved hips. Old brasses. 823—Banso Crock with ALARM ATTACHMENT (Unusual in banjo) “kk Me 7 Original condition. Historical picture of Battle of Plattsburg. Sane 824—Martua WasHINGTON Sewine TABLE | eh | uh ee : Mahogany. Curly maple border. — Adjustable writing m desk attachment. Fluted body and legs. ee oS 825—CorneER CHAIR > Geet Walnut. Three front legs. © Ball. ae claw fee Original condition. , Pak Illustrated. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. pes ' y f ; a } e ‘ f ‘ 5 i ye , d ; : \ ‘ ‘ ' j ; é L ‘ a5 ‘ + Pen *' P M » j i ; i as Le 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 £4 ’ } , t * - . iva iy t 4 > . Mu ; grea f b¥ ay ¥ \ . 3 i i , iy , ; i, . Y ‘s 4 Oe a T Po apgtinnee v- rd a ae ee a A cance te a tec tito ; . HEARST BUYS OLD CHINA é : f ui : 4 Pays $120 |for Pair of Pitchers at are. ‘Hunter. Sale. ; William R. Hearst yesterday afternoon added largely to his growing collection of | old blue china. He was one of the heavi- ‘est purchasers at the sale of Dr. Pleasant - Hunter, which began at the American Art Association, paying $120 for a pair of ‘Liverpool pitchers. ;* He secured for $50 a rare plate which was decorated with a medallion showing the steamer North River, in which Lafay- -ette made the journey to Poughkeepsie. -He also bought a Castle Garden pitcher in. dark’ blue for $100 and a Mount Vernon pitcher for $62.50. _ Other sales were: A deep dish, “Hall ‘of Fame” pattern, to Mr. Heiffenbach for $65 ; two pitchers to Frank Seaman, $90: Liverpool pitcher to Mr. Madigan for $85: Wadsworth Tower’? cups and saucers to) Mrs. C..D..Kienbruch for $66, platter of, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, | for $82.50 to H.. A. Dixon, who also se-. cured the Boston State House platter for! $70, and the ‘View of Albany” plate to Mr. Ulrich for $60. ~ ae _ The: total for the session amounted to} $4,904.50. The sale continues this after- nom | i Me ant sass mst Val aw ai eae, ROS,