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Entered according to Act of Congress in the year
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Piet Vere.
Having for a number of years been engaged in a variety of
analytical work, the author has often experienced difficulty in
readily obtaining some of the rarer reagents, or in procuring
those which were obtainable in the market, of the necessary de-
gree of purity. This experience has undoubtedly been shared by
most practical analysts, and cases of misplaced confidence in
““chemically pure” reagents have neither been few nor far between.
So far as the reagents in common use are concerned, there cer-
tainly has, in late years, been a great improvement, but even now
itis very difficult to procure, e.g., concentrated sulphuric acid
completely free from arsenic and from ‘‘nitrose,’’ and absolutely
pure zinc is very precious, indeed. The practice of testing the
reagents is as necessary as ever in order to obtain reliable results,
and a neglect of this precaution in forensic cases would be crimi-
nal. In the manuals of analytical chemistry modes of testing
the purity of all reagents in common use are fully described, but
to find a description of the great number of new reagents intro-
duced recently into special classes of work, we have to resort to
journals and monographs, and the information is scattered
throughout the literature of the day. Even the valuable pamphlet
of Dr. Krauch, chemist of E. Merck’s celebrated establishment,
which appeared late in 1888, contains only 116 headings.
The difficulty of obtaining the desired information at the mo-
ment of need having been brought home time and again, the
author was prompted to undertake the laborious task of compil-
jog all the information to be found in the literature accessible to
him, and the result is before the reader. The manuscript was
nearly completed and publication begun in May, 1888, as a serial in
the Druggist, a monthly issued by the Meyer Brothers Drug Co. As
but few pages appeared in each number, the completion of the
printing was considerably delayed. To collect the 400 different
items treated in book form, electrotype plates were made as each
number of the journal appeared, and this necessitated the de-
ferring of any corrections or omissions to a supplement.
Whenever practicable, the author has endeavored to give
proper credit to originators of analytical processes, and any omis-
sions which may have occurred are certainly not intentional.
Out of the vast amount of material before him he has selected
what appeared to him most important, and in regard to critical
sifting he has spared no effort. Many of the new reactions were
thoroughly tested before admitting them, and hundreds of experi-
ments were made to verify statements in regard to the reliability
of new methods.
There being only metric weights and measures referred to in
the volume, and therefore no possible chance of a mistake, the
author may perhaps be pardoned the liberty of abbreviating
gramme by gr.
As the spectroscope forms so valuable an adjunct to the means
of analytical research, a short chapter has been added, describ-
ing the use of the simpler and inexpensive forms usually employed
in the laboratory, with the aid of the accessories everywhere at
hand. The descriptions of the spectra give the position of lines
and bands aecurately by wavelengths, so that they may be con-
veniently mapped out on diagrams. A number of plates illus-
trate the text and afford aid in the identification of the spectra.
As only a limited number could find a place in the short chapter,
the author has selected of the emission spectra such as may be
easily produced by the aid of a Bunsen gas burner, or a strong
alcohol lamp, and of absorption spectra those of the coloring
constituents of blood and such materials as might be most easily
mistaken for them, some others referring to the detection of
adulteration of red wine, or illustrating chemical reactions (e. g.
furfurol-urea) or identifying color reagents used as indicators in
volumetric work.
The author hopes that his colleagues of the craft may find his
little volume of some use to them, and that they will pass a
lenient judgment on its short-comings.
St. Louris, Mo., March, 1890.
In the succeeding pages the attempt is made to describe the rea-
gents used in the various processes of analysis.
The name reagent might be applied to all bodies, simple or com.
pound, which, when brought together with others, produce, by
their mutual action upon each other, a change of condition in
color, odor, state of aggregation, temperature, etc., ete. It is,
however, usually restricted to those chemicals which we employ
for the purpose of eliciting information as to the constituents of
bodies, whose composition we desire to ascertain. The change
produced by the action of the bodics brought together is called a
reaction, and is due to a rearrangement of their atoms into new
molecules. When a certain substance effects such a change only in
one other, we call it a special reagent for that substance ; when it
produces a similar effect upon a larger number, it is called a group-
reagent or general reagent; and as the effect is due to the mutual
action upon each other, each of the substances may be regarded as
the reagent for the other. |
The book is not intended to be a guide to analysis or to compete
in any way with standard works on that subject, but rather to
serve as a supplement to them, to aid the analyst in selecting, test-
ing and preparing the reagents he needs, and to gather into a
single volume information now scattered over a vast extent of
chemical literature.
The arrangement adopted is in most cases to give, first, the USE
of the reagent; next, TESTs for its purity, and, lastly, such methods
of PREPARATION as are suitable for ee amaaller quantities for
use in the laboratory.
In describing the UsE of reagents the aim has been to give only
a brief mention of the manifold applications of general reagents,
and to allude but shortly to the well-known analytical methods
and conditions under which reactions occur, or the apparatus used,
- while in the case of those less familiarly known, and used only in
special processes, reactions, as well as reagents, have been described.
Space has been given even to some.whose use might have been
deemed superfluous, as they m wy occasionally prove useful under
special conditions,
The enumeration of Tests for purity includes, in most cases, a
short description of physical properties, which are often valuable
helps to identification. Thus, the crystalline form, melting and
boiling points, specific gravity, solubility at different temperatures
in water and in other solventsis described. On the other hand,
such self-evident tests for identity as are to prove that magnesium
sulphate really contains magnesium and sulphuric acid are gene-
rally omitted, and only those tests mentioned which are to prove
freedom from impurities. It is hardly necessary to observe that
for many purposes absolutely pure reagents are not required, that
only the absence of certain kinds of impurities may be needed to
render the reagents serviceable, and that it would entail needless
trouble and expense to employ pure articles where ordinary com-
mercial ones suffice. In most cases the tests for absence of all im-
purities are given and from them only those need to be selected
which are essential for the special purpose.
The description of PREPARATION in some eases confines itself to
modes of purification of commercial articles; in others it gives a
full outline of the manufacture from the crude material.
For greater ease of controlling quantitative relations, making
volumetric solutions, etc., the molecular weights are given with
most articles, the calculations being based on the table of atomic
weights on adjoining page. Wherever water, alcohol or acids are
mentioned without special qualifications, the pure substances, of
the strength stated in the description of these agents, are intended.
Thermometric degrees refer to centigrade, boiling points, etc.,
to normal conditicns of 760 millimetres pressure.
The arrangement of the different articles is according to the al-
phabetical sequence of the groups, in which the different members
again follow in alphabetical order. Thus, the first group, acids,
gives in detail acetic, boric, chromic, ete. The many colur reagents
and indicators used and proposed, mostly for volumetric processes,
have been united into a chapter, the individuals of which are ar-
ranged in alphabetical detail. A general index and another
giving under the name of each substance the tests described for its
detection is added at the end of the volume.
Table of Atomic Weights.
7 IL. IL.
Li—7.007 Be=9.085 B=10.941
Na—22.998] Meg—23.959| Al—27.008
K=—39.019 |Ca—s9.99 Sc—43.98
(Cu=63.173)| Zn—64.905| Ga—68.854
Rb=85.251 |Sr—87.874 |Yt—89.816
(Ag—107.675)| Cd—111.77) In—113.398
Cs—132.583 . |[Ba—136.768 |La—138.526
= ds Yb=172.76
(Au—196.155)} Hg—199.712| T1—203.'715
Periodic System of Elements.
IV. V3
C—11.974 N=14.021
Si—28,195 P—30.958
Ti—48.” Vd—=51.256
Ge—72.28| As—74.918
Zr=-89.367 \Nb—94
Sn—117.698| Sb—119.955
Ce—140.424 |Di—146.18
am Er—165.891!
ee Ta—182.144
Pb=206.471 Bi—207.523
Th=233.414 |—
O=15.96 F+18.984
S=31.984 C]l=85.37) ( Fe=55.913
J Ni—b?. 928
Cr=52.009 Mn=53.906 } Co==58.887
| Cu—63.173
Se=78.797 Br=79.768| ( Ru=101 5
| Rh=104.055.
Mo=95.888 |— s Pd—105.737
Te—=125.. I~126. 557 | Ag—=t07. 675
Th=148.8 (?) |—
St: = ( Os=191.12
= 3 awe |
Wig a | Pt—=194.415
Ng=214 —_ Coen 2 155
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UsrEs. ‘Io separate calcium oxalate from phosphate, barium
chromate from strontium chromate, zinc sulphide from manganese
and other sulphides, to acidulate solutions, etc.
U.S. P. acid has specific gravity 1.048, and contains thirty-six
per cent of absolute acid. Itis generally sold of sufficient purity
for analysis.
Tests. It should leave no residue on evaporation (absence of
non-volatile matters).
No precipitate should be produced by barium chloride (absence of
sulphates), nor by silver nitrate (absence of chlorides), nor with am-
monium oxalate (absence of calcium salts).
No precipitate should be produced by hydrogen sulphide (absence
of arsenic and copper groups), nor, after neutralization with am-
monium hydrate, by ammonium sulphide (absence of iron and
aluminium groups).
No bleaching of indigo should occur on heating (absence of nitric
acid). After neutralization by sodium carbonate, no empyreumatic
odor nor bleaching of dilute potassium permanganate solution
should indicate organic impurities.
PURIFICATION of impure acid may be accomplished by digesting
it with some potassium permanganate, then adding sodium acetate
and distilling.
UsED occasionally instead of borax in assaying and in blow-pipe
analysis ; also to liberate volatile acids, etc. ; also in the preparation
of ammonium borofluoride, a reagent for potassium.
Tests. The colorless, transparent, scaly crystals dissolve with-
out residue in 26 parts of cold, 3 parts of boiling water, and in 15
parts of cold alcohol. The watery solution, acidulated with nitric
acid, should not be precipitated by barium chloride or silver nitrate,
nor be colored red by potassium sulpho cyanide? When mixed with
strong sulphuric acid, a crystal of ferrous sulphate should not pro-
duce a brown, nor a few drops of di-phenylamine a blue color
(absence of nitrates). Hydrogen sulphide should produce neither
color nor precipitate in the watery solution, either before or after
addition of ammonia to alkaline reaction. Heated on piatinum
foil, the acid should readily fuse into a glassy, transparent mass.
PREPARATION. Pure borax is dissolved in twice its weight of pure
boiling water, one-half its weight of very concentrated hydrochlo-
ric acid is thoroughly mixed with it, and the liquid set aside to cool
and crystallize. The crystals are drained on a funnel, washed
‘with a little very cold, pure water, then redissolved in 5 parts of
boiling water, and the purified crystals are drained and dried.
Usrs. Chromic acid is a strong oxidizing agent, but is seldom
employed in the pure state. A very weak solutionin dilute gly-
cerin serves to harden tissues for microscopical examination. Itis
also used to produce with strychnia the characteristic color reac-
tions; to convert alcohol into aldehyde, etc.
Tests. The commercial article is of sufficient purity, forming
long, scarlet, rhombic crystals.
PREPARATION. Dissolve, by means of heat, two parts of potas-
sium dichromate in a mixture of seven parts of concentrated sul-
phuric acid and five parts of water, set aside until the crystals of
potassium sulphate have separated; pour off the red liquid; add
eight more parts of concentrated sulphuric acid, and finally drain
the crystals of chromic acid on a funnel closed with an asbestos
plug. For most uses potassium dichromate mixed with sulphuric
acid will answer all purposes, without separating the acid.
CITRIC ACID, Hs Ce Hs O7 + He O.
Usrs. Citric acid is occasionally employed instead of acetic acid
for acidulation in urine analysis, also in the determination of phos-
phorie acid.
Tests. The colorless transparent rhombic crystals should leave
no residue on ignition upon platinum foil. It should dissolve in
three-fourths of its weight of cool water and in one-half of its
weight of boiling water. At 15° C., one part should dissolve in 1.15
parts of 80% alcohol. 0.7 grammes of citrie acid should accurately
saturate 10 Ce. of normal potassium hydrate solution, phenol phtha-
lein being used as indicator.
UsrEs. To show’ the presence of ferrous salts in mineral waters,
etc., also to indicate the presence of free mineral acids (#lueckiger).
For this purpose, three parts of ferrous sulphate and two parts of
gallic acid are each dissolved 1n 100 parts of water and then mixed,
To this colorless mixture one part of sodium acetate is added, which
produces a violet color. When a small quantity of this freshly pre-
pared mixture is dropped into a liquid containing free mineral acids
the color is discharged.
Usxs. It serves to recognize some oxygenized ethereal oils,
which unite with the gaseous acid and may then, by heating with
alcoholic soda solution, be converted into terpenes. A concentrated
aqueous solution is used in blow-pipe analysis.
Tests: The commercial liquid acid is suitable for blow-pipe
work, even when it has turned brown from partial decomposition.
The gas for oil analysis must be prepared when needed.
PREPARATION. Into atubulated retort of 500 Ce. capacity place
100 Ce. heavy paraffin oil, then 10 grammes white phosphorus ; add
carefully and gradually 128.2 grammes powdered iodine, and lastly,
18 Ce. pure water, drop by drop. Heat gently and dry the gas by
passing over anhydrous phosphoric acid.
Uses. Concentrated, pure hydrobromic acid has been recently
employed as a solvent for mercury, lead and copper, also for lead
sulphate and especially for metallicsulphides. In conjunction with
copper amalgam, it converts sulphur, either free or in sulphides,
into hydrogen sulphide, which may be accurately determined by
absorption. It is also employed as a delicate test for copper.
Tests. No residue should be left on evaporation. Barium
chloride must give no precipitate. On addition of chlorine water
chloroform shaken up with it should not show the iodine color.
The precipitate with silver nitrate should be almost insoluble in
aqua ammonia of U.S. P. strength, and in the ammoniacal filtrate,
nitric acid should cause only a slight turbidity.
PREPARATION. Hydrobromic acid of great concentration and
purity is best made by Harding's method. The vapor of bromine
is first passed over red hot manganese dioxide to destroy organic
impurities, then, together with pure hydrogen gas, is passed through
a tube of platinum containing a layer of finely divided metallic
platinum (platinized asbestos) heated to a bright red heat. The
elements unite and the gaseous hydrobromic acid is passed first
through a tube containing antimony, to absorb free bromine, then
through a wash bottle, and is finally received into a cool receiver
containing distilled water.
Or (according to Squibb) seven parts of pure concentrated sul-
phuric acid are added to one part of pure water, and, after cool-
ing, are slowly poured, with constant stirring, into a hot solution
of six parts of pure potassium bromide in six parts of pure water.
The mixture is set aside for twenty-four hours, the liquidis decanted
from the crystals of potassium sulphate, transferred to a retort and
Acid of sufficient purity is now sold by dealers.
Hydrochloric Acid, H Cl.
UsED as a general solvent; also to detect lead, silver, mercurous
salts and free ammonia, to acidulate, to liberate boracic and other
Tests. Colorless liquid leaving no residue on evaporation.
Must not color a mixture of starch and potassium iodide (absence
of chlorine and of ferric chloride).
Must not bleach blue iodized starch in dilution (absence of sul-
phurous acid).
No precipitate should be produced by barium chloride (absence
of sulphates), nor by hydrogen sulphide (absence of arsenic and
copper groups and sulphurous acid), nor, after neutralizing with
ammonia, by ammonium sulphide (absence of iron and aluminium
It should leave chloroform colorless, even after addition of
chlorine water (absence of iodine, bromine).
When hydrochloric acid is to be used for arsenic testing, its per-
fect freedom from even traces of arsenic must be proven by placing
about 2Ce of the acid, diluted with an equal amount of water, into
a test tube, adding a little pure granulated zinc, and covering the
mouth of the test tube with a piece of filter paper, moistened with a
drop of silver nitrate solution; or inserting a slip of the paper with
the silver solution into a slit of a loosely fitting cork, so as to hang
into the test tube without coming in contact with its sides.
Hydrogen gas will be evolved, which, if arsenic be present, will
contain arsenetted hydrogen and blacken the silver spot on the paper.
If sulphur dioxide be present, blackening will also occur through
its reduction and formation of hydrogen sulphide. A paper moist-
ened with lead acetate will be blackened by sulphur, but not by
To purtfy crude hydrochloric acid, which generally contains
arsenic, one litre of it is mixed with 10Cce. of concentrated stannous
chloride solution (or four grammes of finely granulated tin), and
permitted to stand for twenty-four hours, after which time a few
drops of the clear acid must show a slight excess of stannous
chloride, by producing a precipitate in a solution of mercuric
chloride. The acid is then separated from the precipitate, placed
into aretort and, after adding twenty-five grammes of sodium
chloride, distilled into a receiver containing 500Cc. of pure water,
until most of the acid has passed over. As perfectly pure acid may
be obtained cheaply and readily, it will rarely be advantageous to
purify the crude on a small scale.
Hydrochloric acid of U.S. P. strength has specific gravity 1.16;
contains 31.9 per centof HCl, and is suitable for analytical purposes.
For volumetric analysis, normal hydrochloric acid, containing 36.37
grammes of HCl in one litre, is made by diluting the strong acid
carefully until it accurately neutralizes an equal volume of normal
alkali solution.
A most accurate standard solution, by which the whole series of
normal alkali and acid solutions may be adjusted, is obtained by
titration with deci-normal solution of silver nitrate.
UsrEp to decompose minerals containing borates and silicates
either in form of gas or in watery solution.
Tests. Liquid hydrofluoric acid, as supplied by dealers in gutta
percha bottles, is generally pure, but if made from impure fluor-
spar may contain hydro-fluo-silicic acid, and should, therefore, be
tested by evaporation on platinum foil, when no residue should be
left ; also by saturation with pure potassium hydrate,when it should
yield no precipitate of potassium silico fluoride.
PREPARATION. As the apparatus for making the liquid acid in
quantity is somewhat expensive, it will generally be best to buy
from dealers and test for purity. Whensmall quantites are needed,
either in gas or liquid form, a cylindrical leaden vessel with lid may
be employed, of sufficient size tosupport on a tallleaden tripod the
platinum crucible or dish, which is to contain the water to absorb
the gas, when liquid acid is wanted, or to contain in fine powder
the mineral to be decomposed by the acid gas.
On the bottom of the leaden vessel a mixture of two parts of
powdered kryolite, with five parts of concentrated pure sulphuric
acid, is spread ; the tripod is placed in position, and on it the plat-
inum vessel; the lid is loosely laid on, and gentle heat is employed
to evolve the gas from the mixture. When fiuorspar has to be
used instead of kryolite, the first portion of the gas must be suffered
to escape before the platinum Vessel is put on the tripod, so as to
get rid of the silicium tetrafluoride liable to form from silicates,
which often occur in commercial fluorspar. Great care should be
taken to avoid inhaling the gas or to prevent the liquid from coming
in contact with the skin
Usrep to separate barium from strontium, and occasionally to
detect potassium. Also in micro-petrographice work.
Tests. It must give no precipitate with strontium sulphate solu-
tion. It must leave no crystalline residue on evaporation.
PREPARATION. Into a flask of half a litre capacity there isin
troduced a mixture of twenty-five grammes each of fine quartzsand
and powdered pure fluor spar or kryolite, with 125 Ce. of pure concen-
trated sulphuric acid. The flask is closed by a cork, through which
a wide glass tube passes, bent twice at right angles, whose free end
dips into a beaker containing half a litre of pure water. When the
flask is gently heated, silicon tetrafluoride gas is evolved, which in
contact with the water is at once decomposed according to the fol-
lowing equation:
3SiF4+38H2O = 2HeSik's+ HeSi0s.
The gelatinous silica thus formed surrounds each gas bubble as
it enters the water, and necessitates continual stirring to prevent
the formation of channels through which the gas can escape unde-
composed, or the clogging of the delivery tube. Itis best to either
enlarge the end of the delivery tube by attaching thereto a small
funnel tube, or else to pour some mercury into the beaker, just suf-
ficient to let the end of the delivery tube reach under its surface.
When gas is no longer evolved, the gelatinous mixture of silica and
hydrofluosilic acid is separated by filtration, first through a clean
linen strainer, then through filter paper, and the acid is preserved
insmall glass stoppered vials in acool place. As the glass flask is
corroded, so as to be unfit for subsequent use, it is best to make a
full supply of acid at once.
Hydrogen Sulphide or Sulphuretied Hgdrogen.
UsED as a general reagent to separate metals into groups, and to
identify some by the characteristic color of their sulphides.
It is either used by passing the gas directly into the metallie solu-
tions, or by adding to them a saturated solution of HeS in pure
Tests. Water saturated with pure HzS leaves no residue on
evaporation, does not forma precipitate on addition of ammonia,
gives acopious precipitate of sulphur on addition of ferric chloride,
and must have the strong characteristic odor of the gas in full
To insure purity, it is best to use in its preparation only pure in-
gredients, and to pass the gas through a suitable wash bottle to
deposit impurities mechanically carried over from the apparatus.
PREPARATION. Ferrous sulphide is treated in a suitable appar-
atus with pure dilute sulphuric or hydrochlorie acid.
To obtain good ferrous sulphide, put cuttings of clean sheet iron
or nails into a hessian crucible, heat to a full white heat, then add
pure sulphur in small lumps until the mass is fused, and pour
into a suitable clean mould. |
Many varieties of apparatus have been devised for making sul-
phuretted hydrogen. A very simple one may be constructed by
taking astout wide mouth bottle, perforating its cork twice, passing
through one of the perforations a funnel tube reaching nearly to
the bottom, through the other a glass tube bent twice at right
angles, whose short end just reaches through the cork, while the
longer passes through the cork of a smaller wide mouth bottle,
under the surface of the water with which it is about half filled ; while
another tube, also bent twice at right angles, rises from above the
water to conduct the washed gas into the receiving vessel, which is
nearly filled with pure, cold water. Into the larger bottle a suffi-
cient quantity of ferrous sulphide, broken into small lumps, is placed
and the dilute acid poured in through the funnel tube. All joints
must be perfectly tight.
To ascertain whether the water is saturated with the gas, close
the bottle and shake it well. Ifthe water still absorbs a portion of
the gas enclosed, a vacuum will result, indicated by an inward rush
of air on reopening the bottle. Before sealing the small bottles, in
which the solution is to be preserved, displace the air above the
liquid with hydrogen sulphide.
Usrs. Iodic acid is used in analysis of alkaloids (e. g. to dis-
tinguish morphine from codeine). It is sometime kept as anhy-
dride, iodine pentoxide, Iz Os, and dissolved when needed, or else it
is made for immediate use by mixing potassium iodate with sul-
phuric acid.
Tests. The anhydride, Iz Os, is a white crystalline powder, which
at 800° C. is decomposed into iodine and oxygen, leaving no residue.
It is easily soluble in water, forming iodic acid. Its solution must
not color starch solution.
PREPARATION. JDissolveiodine in very concentrated nitric acid.
Eyaporate to dryness, so as to volatilize any surplus, of either acid
or iodine, not exceeding a temperature of 200° C. Dissolve the yel-
low residue in water. Evaporate again to dryness, and then keep
the residue at 200°C. until the color has become white. The pen-
toxide thus formed is dissolved in ten parts of distilled water, as it
is needed.
Usrs. With nitrous acid it is colored intensely yellow, and forms,
when dissolved in sulphuric acid, a most delicate reagent for traces
of nitrites. (Griess.)
Tests. The long needle-shaped crystals are sold of sufficient
purity. ;
PREPARATION. As the solution decomposes by long standing,
only enough may be prepared for present use by dissolving one part
in about 100 parts of very dilute sulphuric acid.
Meta-Wolframic Acid.
Usses. Scheibler recommended the use of the free acid and of the
sodium salt, as well as the phospho-wolframic acid (see under phos-
phoric acid) for analysis of alkaloids, some of which it precipitates,
but offers no advantage over other reagents. It is sold of sufficient
purity by dealers.
Molvbdic acidand its sodium and ammonium salts are now supplied
in commerce perfectly pure, and at such rates that their prepara-
tion and purification from the crude mineral is not advantageous.
11 and 12 Mo Os) in nitric acid solution.
De Vry’s or Sonnenschein’s Reagent.
Usts. Produces in solutions of ammonium salts and alkaloids
yellow precipitates.
PREPARATION. Dissolve 1.5 grammes sodium molybdate and
0.86 grammes sodium phosphate in 14 Cc. boiling water, then add
nitric acid, of spec. gr. 1.42, sufficient for 16 Ce. Preserve in closely
stopped vials, to prevent contact with ammoniacal vapor.
Mo O2S0Os.
Froehde’s Reagent.
Usrs. Produces characteristic colors with morphine, codeine,
narcotine, etc.
PREPARATION. Immediately before using dissolve in 1 Cc. conc.
pure sulphuric acid about 5 milligr. of molybdic acid or 5.5 mgr.
of sodium molybdate.
ec. AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE solution in nitric acid (NH4)e
Mo O,.
UsED for precipitation of phosphoric acid.
PREPARATION. Dissolve one gramme finely powdered ammonium
molybdate in 6.7 Ce. of hot water (if the salt has lost ammonia by
long keeping, a little ammonia water must be added), and pour this
solution into 6.7 Cc. of pure nitric acid of spec. gr. 1.2 (made by mix-
‘ing 3.3 Ce. of pure nitric acid of spec. gr. 1.42 with 3.4 Ce. of dis-
tilled water). It does not answer so well to pour the acid into the
aqueous solution. Preserve inthe dark.
For washing precipitates, one volume of this solution is diluted
with three vol. of pure water.
Note. In most cases it is not advantageous to prepare this salt
on a small scale from the ore. Where, however, either molybdenite,
MoS8s, or molybdenum ochre, Mo Os, or lead molybdate, Pb Mo Ou, can
be obtained cheaply, the pure acid or the ammonium salt may be
prepared as follows:
Lead molybdate is finely powdered, and then digested for some
days with very dilute hydrochloric acid to remove carbonates
accompanying it. The powder is separated and boiled with con-
centrated hydrochloric acid. After cooling, the solution of molyb-
dic acid is decanted from the lead chloride, a small amount of sul.
phuric acid is added to precipitate most of the remaining lead, the
liquid is filtered through asbestos, and, after addition of some nitric
acid, is evaporated to dryness. The product is impure molybdic
acid, and it must be purified in the same manner as the native im-
pure acid occurring as molybdenum ochre. The finely powdered
substance is digested at a temperature of about 20° to 25° C. with
ammonia water, being frequently stirred. When the acid has been
dissolved, asmall amount of ammonium sulphide is added to precipi-
tate lead, ete. Itis then filtered, concentrated by evaporation, and
set aside to crystallize. The crystals are purified by recrystalliza-
tion. When molybdenite (molybdenum glance) is used, it is finely
powdered, mixed with pure sand and roasted in a muffle, scorifier or
platinum dish. To oxidize fully, the mixture must be frequently
stirred, so as to expose it freely to access of air while heated to a
red heat. Sulphur is volatilized as SO, while molybdie acid is
formed, which, when finished, will appear lemon yellow while hot,
but white when cooled. It is treated for purification like the im-
pure acid obtained from other ores.
UsED as a solvent of silver, mercury and other metals, as an ox-
idizer of ferrous and other salts, and to detect bile colors, uric acid»
brucine and other alkaloids by characteristic color reactions.
Tests. It should be colorless, leave no residue on evaporation,
give, when diluted, no precipitate with silver nitrate (abs. of chlor-
ine), nor with barium nitrate (absence of sulphate).
After neutralization it must not give a precipitate with hydrogen
sulphide or ammonium sulphide (abs. of metals).
It must show absence of arsenic by Fleitmann’s test, i. e., on add-
ing potassium hydrate in considerable excess of neutralization and
boiling the mixture with pure zine or aluminium, the gas evolved
must not blacken paper moistened with silver nitrate solution.
After dilution it must not color starch solution blue or chloroform
violet, even after adding a little hydrogen sulphide or sulphurous
acid (abs. of iodides and iodates).
PREPARATION. To commercial nitric acid a solution of silver ni-
trate is added as long asa precipitate falls, and then in slight ex-
cess. The clear liquid is decanted from the precipitate and care-
fully distilled, leaving a small residue in the retort. Pure nitric
acid of the U.S. P. strength, spec. gr. 1.42, is needed for bile tests.
For most other purposes, mix equal volumes of the strong acid and
distilled water, or obtain pure acid of spec. grav. 1.2. The strong
acid is easily decomposed by light, and then contains nitrogen tet-
roxide and lower oxides, and becomes yellow.
Red Fuming Nitric Acidis a concentrated nitric acid charged
with nitrogen tetroxide, and may be prepared by placing a mix-
ture of 100 grammes of potassium nitrate (absolutely free from
chloride) and 1.5 grammes starch into a tubulated retort of 1 litre
capacity, connecting with a suitable refrigerator, and adding a
mixture of fifty grammes each of pure concentrated sulphuric acid
and pure fuming sulphuric acid. The distillate may be received
separately, or, if not needed of such concentration, into a receiver
containing 100 Cc. of pure concentrated nitric acid. At first the
heat evolved by the mixture is sufficient, afterwards a goons heat
may be applied to finish the distillation.
A much simpler mode will furnish an acid of less purity, ie use-
ful for some purposes. Nitrogen dioxide is evolved from a flask
containing copper chipsand nitric acid, the gas is passed first into a
washbottle filled partly with nitric acid, so as to convert it into tetrox-
ide, and from thence into the receiver. In this strong nitric acid is
contained, which is gradually saturated with the gas.
Sometimes pure sulphuric acid is thus saturated with nitrogen
tetroxide and used in the analysis of iodides.
Concentrated red fuming nitric acid is used to oxidize sulphur
into sulphuric acid and sulphides into sulphates, also to liberate
iodine from iodides.
Normal Nitric Acid is occasionally used for alkalimetric deter-
mination of the hydrates and carbonates of alkaline earths. It is
prepared by diluting a stronger acid with pure water until it cor-
responds in strength with a normal alkali solution. It contains
62.91 grammes of HNOs in one litre.
Nitro-Muriatic Acid or Aqua Regia.
Usgp as a solvent of gold, platinum, etc., to decompose mercuric
and other sulphides, and as a source of chlorine.
PREPARED by mixing one volume of nitric acid of spec. grav. 1.42
with 3.3 vol. hydrochloric acid of spec. grav. 1.16.
Nitroxyl chloride, NO2Cl, nitrosyl chloride, NOCI, and free chlor-
ine are formed:
2HN0Os+4HClI=NOsCl+NOC1+Clh+3 H20.
The mixture must be keptcool. After effervescence has ceased
the acid is preserved in a cool place, in small vials, not entirely
Osmium Tetroxide; Perosmic Acid.
Usss. It liberates iodine from iodides. A 1% solutionis used in
microscopical work to stain nerve fibres black, and thus differen
tiate them from surrounding tissues.
The commercial article is of sufficient purity. It is very poison-
ous, and should be handled with extreme caution.
OXALIC ACID, Hz C2 O. + 2H2 0.
UsgEs. In qualitative analysis the free acid is but rarely employed
for precipitation of calcium salts, etc.; for microchemical work so-
lutions of various strengths are inuse. A normal volumetric solu-
tion is used in alkalimetry, and a deci-normal one as a companion to
deci-normal solution of potassium permanganate.
Tests. Oxalic acid forms colorless, transparent, clinorhombic
prisms, soluble in 14 parts of water at 15°C. On exposure to dry,
warm air it loses water of crystallization and forms a white powder.
On being heated on platinum foil, it should completely volatilize
without emitting odor of burnt sugar, or leaving any residue. It
should not blacken by heating with concentrated sulphuric acid.
A cold, saturated solution in water should not become turbid by
mixing with an equal volume of cold alcohol.
PREPARATION. To obtain pure oxalic acid from the crude com-
mercial article, 1 part of crude acid is dissolved in 10 parts of dis-
tilled water at 15°C. This leaves a considerable quantity undis-
solved, among which are most of the impurities. The saturated
solution is filtered off, concentrated to three-fourths of its volume
and set aside to crystallize. Thealkaline oxalates yet present erys-
tallize with this first portion. The motherlye, which now contains
only pure oxalic acid, is carefully decanted, concentrated and left
to crystallize, being occasionally stirred to prevent the formation of
large crystals which might enclose moisture. Thecrystals are now
drained on a funnel, and lastly dried on blotting paper. Thus puri-
fied, the acid contains two molecules of water, which it retains un-
changed so long as it is kept in close bottles at ordinary tempera-
tures, so that its composition may be strictly relied upon for quan-
titative work.
Normal Solution of Oxalic Acid
is obtained by dissolving 62.86 grammes (63) of carefully selected
crystals of HeCe Os + 2He O in distilled water, so as to make 1 litre.
Control by testing with normal alxali solution. Deci-normal solu-
ticn is made by appropriate dilution.
Uses. From solutions of potassium salts it precipitates potas-
sium perchlorate, 1 part of which at 15°C. is soluble in 70 parts of
water, insoluble in alcohol. The crystals are rhombic and are of
importance in microscopic determination of potassium. It is also
a special reagent (/raude’s) for aspidospermine, which it colors in-
tensely red, while strychnine is colored a reddish yellow and bru-
cine a dark brownish yellow; other alkaloids give no reaction.
Tests. Pure, anhydrous perchloric acid is a colorless liquid,
fuming in air, spec. grav. 1,782, very corrosive. It cannot be pre-
served in this state many days, as it decomposes, becomes colored
and spontaneously explodes. When united with 2 molecules of
water the acid may be safely preserved, and forms a syrupy liquid,
boiling at 203°C. The somewhat more dilute article furnished by
dealers in chemicals is of sufficient purity.
PREPARATION. Pure potassium chlorate is carefully heated to
about 400°C., when after fusing to a thin liquid it loses a portion of
its oxygen and becomes thick. It is now removed from the fire,
the KCl extracted by cold water, and then recrystallized from a
saturated boiling solution, when KCl Os, deposits first in small
rhombic crystals. These are dried and 1 part mixed with 4 parts of
cone. sulphuric acid and distilled. The distillate is purified by re-
distillation at 110°C., and 5 parts of it are diluted with 2 parts of
distilled water.
Tribasic Phosphoric Acid.
UsEpD occasionally to set free volatile acids from their salts (as
acetic acid from calcium acetate) so as to separate them by distilla-
tion without admixture with another volatile acid; also in testing
for alkaloids it colors aconitine and digitalin violet; also to pre-
pare compound phosphoric acids (phospho-molybdic, phospho-
wolframic, etc.) The anhydride, P2Os, is used for dehydration.
For most purposes the U.S. P. solution, containing 50 per cent of
Hs P Ou, of sp. gr. 1.847, may be used.
Tests. The absence of arsenic must be provenin similar manner
asin hydrochloric or nitric acid, potassium permanganate solution
having first been added drop by drop until no longer decolorized,
so as to oxidize any phosphorous acid present. Silver nitrate should
produce no precipitate in phosphoric acid diluted with 5 parts of
water. A brown or black precipitate would indicate phosphorous
acid; a white, hydrochloric.
Indigo solution must not lose its color by heating with diluted
phosphoric acid, nor should a cooled mixture of solution of ferrous
sulphate with concentrated sulphuric acid show adark color at the
zone of contact when phosphoric acid is carefully poured upon it
(absence of nitric acid).
Hydrogen sulphide must produce no precipitate in diluted phos-
phorie acid saturated with the gas, even after standing for ten or
twelve hours. Neither albumen nor barium chloride should pro-
duce a precipitate (absence of sulphuric and of metaphosphoric
Usss. To detect albumen, with which it forms a white precipi-
tate. For use in urine analysis, a solution of 1 part of glacial phos-
phorie acid in 10 parts of water and 1 part of acetic acid is recom-
mended. In blow-pipe work the free acid is now rarely used, the
sodium salt obtained from microcosmic salt being preferred.
The commercial glacial phosphoric acid is sufficiently pure for
these purposes.
Schulze’s Reagent.
UseEp but rarely as a general precipitant of alkaloids, being less
delicate than sodium phospho-molybdate (see molybdic acid, etc.),
18 . ACIDS.
except with atropine. Brucine is precipitated with rosered color,
dissolved by heating ; other alkaloids and ammonia white; caffeine
is not precipitated.
PREPARED by adding 1 Cc. antimonic pentachloride (obtained by
heating pure powdered antimony in a rapid current of chlorine
gas) to a mixture of 1 Ce. pure, 50 per cent phosphoric acid with 2
Ce. of water; or 1 Ce. antimonic chloride with 8 Ce. of a saturated
solution of sodium phosphate, and decanting from any precipitate
which may have formed after standing.
Scheibler’s Reagent.
UsED, like the preceding, for precipitation of alkaloids, but does
not offer any advantages over phospho-molybdic acid or sodium
meta-wolframate (meta-tungstate ).
PREPARED by dissolving 1 gramme sodium tungstate, NaioWi2 Ou
+ 28H O, in 10 Ce. water, and adding 1Cc. pure phosphoric acid
of U.S. P. strength.
Carbazotic Acid, or Tri-Nitro-Phenol.
UseED in detection of albumen, glucose and alkaloids.
The commercial article is sufficiently pure when in distinct crys-
PREPARATION. As picric acid is liable to explode when suddenly
heated it should be prepared with great caution. Nine parts of
crystallized phenol are dissolved in 10 parts concentrated sulphuric
acid, so as to form phenol sulphonic acid. To this there are gradu-
ally added 45 parts of nitric acid of specific gravity 1.42, previously
diluted with 20 parts >f water. At the end of the reaction the mix-
ture is carefully neutralized with potassium carbonate. The po-
tassium picrate (requiring 340 parts of water for solution of 1 part)
precipitates. The precipitate is separated and purified by recrys-
tallization from boiling water. At last, dilute sulphuric acid is
added, so as to liberate the picric acid; the crystals are separated,
washed with a little water and recrystallized for purification, if
For use, 1 centigramme is dissolved in 10 Ce. hot distilled water,
and, if necessary, filtered after cooling.
UseED in alkaline solution to absorb oxygen; with sulphuric acid
to detect minimal quantities of nitric and nitrous acid, e. g., in
drinking water. Also to detect glycerin by boiling the liquid with
a few crystals of pyrogallic acid and some sulphuric acid, then di-
luting and adding stannic chloride, when the presence of glycerin
is indicated by a reddish violet color (Reichl).
The white crystals of the commercial article are sufficiently pure.
Cig His Os,
as well as the yellow corallin, which contains them, are used as indi-
cators in alkalimetry, especially for free ammonia. It also suits
well for all mineral acids and oxalic, but not so well for other or-
ganic acids. 1 gramme is dissolved in 100 Ce. very dilute alcohol.
The solution turns violet-red with alkalies, yellow with acids.
This acid is rarely used as areagent. Flueckiger proposes it to
detect oil of peppermint, which, with the fused acid, is colored bluish-
green. If alcohol be added the solution becomes dichroic, blue
with transmitted, red with reflected light. The commercial article
is sufficiently pure for this purpose.
Usss. Silicic acid, as well as silicon dioxide, Si O2, is occasionally
used as a fluxin blowpipe work. The precipitate obtained in making
hydro-fluo-silicie acid, when sufficiently washed and dried, consists
of pure acid.
Godeffroy’s Reagent.
UsED as a very delicate reagent for the precipitation of alkaloids
from dilute solutions.
PREPARATION. Boil 60 parts of crystals of commercial sodium
tungstate, Nai Wie Oa + 28 He O, with 1 part of freshly preci) ita-
ted silicic acid, for about an hour, with 200 parts of water. Filter;
heat the filtrate again to boiling, and add a slight excess of freshly
prepared mercurous nitrate solution. Mercurous silico-tungstate
precipitates, which is washed on a filter, and then decomposed with
a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid to decompose the salt.
Mercurous chloride remains as a residue, and the filtrate on evapo-
ration forms transparent, yellowish, quadratic, octohedral crystals,
of the composition Hs Wi2Si O2-+ 29 HzO. One part of these is
dissolved for use in 10 parts of distilled water.
A less pure acid may be obtained more readily by omitting the
precipitation by mercurous nitrate and decomposing the solution
of sodium silico-tungstate directly with hydrochloric acid.
Aniline-Para-Sulphonic Acid.
UsED in conjunction with naphthylamine sulphate to detect small
amounts of nitrites by the production of an intense red color
(Griess). Itis converted by addition of nitrous acid into
Di-azo-benzol-sulphonic acid, or Benzol-sulphon-diazide,
which 1s employed to produce LHhrlich’s Diazo-reaction in urine.
Also as a delicate test for bilirubin, and, in connection with sodium
amalgam, to detect aldehydes. The test solution for urine and
bilirubin is made as follows: 12 to15 Cc. of nitric or hydro-
chloric acid are diluted to 350 Cc. with pure water, and then
saturated withsulphanilic acid. Just before using, 5 Ce. of a solution
of 1 part of sodium nitrite in 200 parts of water are added. Equal
parts of this mixture and the urine are then mixed with a few drops
of ammonia water. After standing for some hours, normal urine
shows a deeper yellow or orange color, which, however, is not in-
tense enough to stain the foam. The deposited earthy salts are not
colored. In the urine of typhoid fever, measles and phthisis, a char-
acteristic red color is developed, plainly visible in the foam, while
the deposit of earthy salts assumes a green to violet color.
To detect bilirubin, urine is mixed with equal volumes of dilute
acetic acid (6 percent) and the reagent. If turbidity renders it
necessary, strong acetic acid may be used in addition. A violet-
red color shows the presence of bilirubin. Orthe urine is shaken
with chloroform, which dissolves the bilirubin. The chloroform
solution is removed and mixed with about double its volume of the
reagent, and enough alcohol added to make a clear solution. At
first a yellow color appears, quickly changing to red. If now
strong hydrochloric acid is added, the color changes through violet
and purple tints to a pure blue, which remains for some time.
Addition of sodium hydrate changes the blue to a greenish and red
It is also used in connection with sodium amalgam to detect
aldehydes. With these ared color is produced, changing to violet
(Fischer and Penzold). It is prepared by dissolving 2 parts of sulph-
anilic acid in about 15 parts of normal sodium hydrate, adding 1
part of sodium nitrite and pouring the solution into 20 parts of
cold normal sulphuric acid. Small needle-shaped crystals precipi-
tate, which must be dried on filter paper and preserved in a cool
place, as a temperature of 60° C. causes them to decompose. When
mixed with ammonia, they violently explode.
Tests. The acid forms colorless, rhombic prisms, which easily
lose water of crystallization; it is soluble in 182 parts of cold water.
ACIDS, 21)
It is obtained of sufficient purity from dealers or by preparing it
according to the following directions:
PREPARATION. On the small scale, sulphanilic acid may be pre-
pared by heating 1 part of pure aniline oil with 2 parts of fuming
sulphuric acid, and purifying the product by repeated recrystalliza-
Also by decomposing commercial Helianthin, called also Orange
III, and consisting of sulpho-dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol, (CHs)eN.
Ce Hs. N:N.CgH4.SO03H, by a reducing agent into sulphanilic acid
and para-amido-dimethyl-aniline. As the latter is used as a most
delicate reagent for hydrogen sulphide, a process for the prepara-
tion of both is here given.
One part of helianthin is triturated with five parts of water and 2
parts of freshly prepared ammonium sulphide, and heated ona
water bath. Sulphanilic acid and para-amido-di-methyl-aniline are
formed, the first of which is insoluble in ether, the latter soluble,
The solution is therefore shaken with ether, left to stand a little
while, and the ethereal layer separated; the operation being several
times repeated, so as to use an amount of ether about equal in bulk
to the solution. The united ethereal layers are digested with white
lead to remove ammonium sulphide, filtered and mixed with con-
centrated sulphuric acid, previously dissolved in an equal bulk of
ether. The mixture is set aside to form crystals of sulphate of para-
amido-dimethyl-aniline, which is preserved as a reagent for HS.
After removal of the ethereal solutions, the residue containing the
sulphanilic acid is heated to boiling to remove ammonium sulphide
and set aside to deposit the acid, which may be purified by recrys-
Uses. Sulphuric acid is used in a variety of chemical operations.
For some, the crude oil of vitriol of commerce suffices, as for drying,
etc.; for others, the pure acid, either in concentrated or dilute state,
is employed. Among its applications are: neutralizing alkalies;
liberating nitric, hydrochloric, boric, phosphoric and other acids
from their salts ; recognition of oxalic and other organic acids by
their decomposition products ; evolution of hydrogen, hydrogen
sulphide, arsenetted hydrogen and other gases ; detection of lead,
barium and strontium, etc.
A small amount of nitric acid in concentrated sulphuric acid is
used as Hrdmann’s Reagent in the analysis of alkaloids, and is pre-
pared as follows: 1 drop of nitric acid of spec. grav. 1.25 is dissolved
in 16 Ce. water. Of this solution 10 drops are added to 20 grammes
pure concentrated sulphuric acid.
The concentrated commercial acid (oi! of vitriol) is, on account of
its manufacture from pyrites, so often contaminated with arsenic
that for most purposes of analysis it is best to buy the pure acid,
which is now made on the large scale, in platinum stills, so cheaply
that it is not profitable to incur the trouble and risk of preparing it
by redistilling the crude acid from glass on a small scale.
Tests. Pure concentrated sulphuric acid should contain at least
96 per cent of He SO4 and have sp. gr. 1.810. It should be colorless,
and must be protected from dust and moisture in well closed, glass-
stoppered bottles.
It must show absence of the nitrogen acids by leaving colorless at
the zone of contact with the cone. sulphuric acid dilute solutions of
ferrous sulphate, brucine, di-phenyl-amine, meta-phenylen-diamine,
para-toluidine or pyrogallic acid. It must, after dilution with much
water, not color blue a dilute solution of potassium iodide and
starch (nitrous acid).
To show absence of arsenic and of sulphurous acid place 5 Cc. of
diluted acid into a test tube, add a few granules of pure zine, and
cover the test tube with a cap of filtering paper, moistened with
a drop of silver nitrate. Blackening of the silver indicates arsenic
or sulphurous acid. If lead acetate be used instead of silver nitrate
to moisten the paper, blackening occurs only if sulphurous acid is
present, which is reduced to hydrogen sulphide by the nascent
Absence of lead is shown by carefully pouring upon a few Ce. of
sulphuric acid in a test tube some hydrochloric acid. A white tur-
pidity at the zone of contact shows the presence of lead, while pure
acid remains clear. The sulphuric acid remaining clear when
mixed with about 4 volumes of pure alcohol indicates the absence ~
of lead, lime and iron.
Selenous acid is shown by a red precipitate of selenium, when
sulphurous and hydrochloric acids are added in small quantity.
On saturation with ammonia and ignition on platinum foil no
residue should remain.
PREPARATION. When it becomes necessary to purify commercial
acid in the laboratory, the nitrogen compounds are first removed
by mixing in a large porcelain dish 1 litre of the acid with about 6
grammes of ammonium sulphate and heating the mixture until
copious white vapors of acid arise.
To remove arsenic it is necessary to convert its trioxide, which
easily volatilizes at the boiling point of the acid, into pentoxide,
which does not pass over with the sulphuric acid during distillation.
Hence, before the acid has fully cooled, 10 grammes of manganese
dioxide are added, and the mixture heated to the boiling point.
After cooling. the clear liquid is separated and introduced into a
glass retort of from 2 to 3 litres capacity, whose outside had been
previously coated with clay, and carefully distilled. After reject-
ing the first few Ce. of distillate, the distillation is continued until
750 Ce. have passed over.
Dilute sulphuric acid may be prepared by carefully adding 10 Ce.
concentr. sulphuric acid of spec. gr. 1.840 to 174 Ce. of pure water.
For volumetric purposes, normal sulphurie acid, containing 48.915
grammes He S O,zin 1 litre, is prepared by carefully diluting the
stronger acid so as to accurately saturate an equal volume of
normal alkali solution. It may be controlled by precipitating with
barium chloride, and weighing the precipitated barium sulphate.
100 Ce. norma! sulphuric acid correspond to 11.68 grammes barium
Mol. weight of He S Ou=97.824.
UseEp to reduce gold, silver and mercury from their salts; to con-
vert cupric into cuprous salts, chromic acid into chromic oxide, etc.
PREPARED by saturating pure water with pure sulphur dioxide
gas, of which about 9.5 per cent will dissolve at ordinary tempera-
ture, producing a solution of sp. gr. 1.028.
Pure sulphur dioxide is best obtained by heating pure sulphur or
copper with pure sulphuric acid. The solution must be carefully
protected from light and air; if preserved too long, sulphuric and
pentathionic acids are liable to form. When made by boiling char-
coal with sulphuric acid it will contain carbonic acid.
Tests. It must be perfectly clear and colorless, and strongly
saturated with S Oc. It should not precipitate barium chloride
previously acidulated with hydrochloric acid.
On evaporation on platinum foil it must leave no residue. - If not
known to be made from pure materials, it must be tested for
arsenic by the methods already described.
Digallic Acid or Tannin.
UsED to precipitate alkaloids, gelatin, albumin, starch; also ferric
and vanadic salts (blue-black). One drop of its 10% solution added
to 1 Ce. of centinormal iodine solution forms Griessmayer’s test for
alkaline hydrates, with which it produces a red color.
Tests. Pure tannic acid burns completely, leaving no residue.
With water it must yield a clear, colorless solution, not precipitable
by alcohol. A solution of 1 part in 5 parts of boiling waver must
remain clear on addition of a double volume of strong alcohol
‘absence of gum, dextrine, etc.), also on addition of adouble volume
of cold water (abs. of resins).
PREPARATION. Select a pale yellow, light article of commercial
tannin, with but little odor, tested for purity as above, dissolve 1
part in 5 parts of cold water, filter and fill up to 10 parts with 10%
alcohol. If preserved in solution too long it will decompose, form-
ing gallic acid.
UsED occasionally to prevent the precipitation of ferric oxide and
alumina by caustic alkalies, while other members of the third and
fourth group are precipitated. Also for acidulation oforganic mix-
tures in toxicological examinations and to precipitate potassium as
acid tartrate, for which purpose, however, sodium acid tartrate is
preferable. To detect iodates in presence of iodides by the yellow
color surrounding the crystal.
On account of rapid deterioration of the solution by mould, it is
kept in a dry state until required, when 1 part is dissolved in 2 parts
of pure water (or in 5 parts according to U.S. P.)
Tests. The crystallized acid of commerce is generally found
sufficiently pure.
It should leave no residue on ignition.
It should yield no precipitate with calcium sulphate (absence of
oxalic acid); nor with silver nitrate (abs. of chlorides); nor with
barium chloride acidulated with hydrochloric acid (abs. of sul-
phates). Mol. W.—149.656.
UsEs. Dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid it gives a red
brown color to morphine, being a most delicate reagent for it
(Flueckiger). It also gives with hydrogen dioxide and with barium
dioxide a very characteristic yellow color, not communicable to
ether. For this reaction a solution in concentrated sulphuric or
hydrochloric acid is made, containing 1.5 milligr. titanic acid in
1 Cc.
PREPARATION. The minerals rutile, brookite and anatase consist
of more or less pure titanic acid. They are finely powdered, mixed
with 10 parts of potassium di-sulphate, and heated in a platinum
crucible until a clear, glassy mass results. This is powdered and
extracted with cold water. A drop of sulphuric acid is added to the
filtered solution, and then hydrogen sulphide passed through for
some time. The solution is again filtered, and then heated to boil-
ing for about an hour, while a current of carbonic acid gas is passed
through it, the water lost by evaporation being occasionally re-
placed. This precipitates the titanic acid, which is collected on a
filter and is sufficiently pure for use.
UsEp to detect albumen in urine. A crystal thrown into urine
containing albumen surrounds itself with a white coagulum
Tests. The acid forms transparent rhombohedric crystals, which
easily deliquesce, melt at 52.3° C., boil at 195° C. Whenheated with
potassium hydrate solution, chloroform and carbonic acid gas are
PREPARATION. Mix thoroughly a solution of 15 parts of chloral
hydrate in 15 parts of water, with a solution of 8 parts of potassium
permanganate in 82 parts of boiling water. The result is the oxida.
tion of the trichloractic aldehyd (chloral) into the corresponding
acid, which unites with the potassium, while manganese dioxide
precipitates. The mixture is filtered, then supersaturated with
strong (glacial) phosphoric acid and distilled. From the distillate
the crystals are separated, and, if necessary, purified by redistilla-
tion. :
Chloral hydrate may also be converted into trichloracetic acid
by oxidation with red fuming nitric acid in direct sunlight. 1 part
of chloral hydrate is added to4 parts red fuming nitric acid, exposed
to direct sunlight for several days, until no more red fumes are
given off. The mixture is distilled and the crystals separated as
before. They are somewhat more difficult to purify from accom-
panying nitric acid.
NOTE. Other acids, but rarely employed, or made extemporan-
eously by adding sulphuric acid to their salts, are
Formic Acid, H.C H Oz.
Used in Hampe’s process for separating zinc from other metals.
It is made by distilling at 100° C. a mixture of equal weights of
crystallized oxalic acid and glycerin. The commercial article is
sufficiently pure if entirely volatile.
Selenic acid, see Sodium selenate.
Selenous acid, see Ammonium selenite.
Vanadic acid, see Ammonium metavanadate.
Uses. To distinguish meta-phosphoric acid, which forms a pre-
cipitate with albumin, from ortho- and pyro-phosphorie acids.
Also to remove tannin from mixtures, etc.
PREPARATION. The white of a hen’segg carefully separated from
the yolk is shaken with about five volumes of pure water and fil-
tered. Or the commercial dried albumin is dissolved in water.
Fusel Oil.
Usrs. Amylic alcohol is employed as a solvent of alkaloids, also
to separate urobiline out of urine; also to separate lithium chloride
from the chlorides of sodium and potassium.
Tests. Even the purest article of commercial fusel oil contains
several isomeric alcohols, difficult to separate. The greater part
consists of iso-amylic alcohol (C Hs)z C H. C He. C He OH, boiling,
when pure, at 131,69 C., and of spec. grav. 0.811. It should be
strictly neutral to moist test papers. On evaporation no residue
must be left. Concentrated sulphuric acid should not give a brown
color unless heat is applied; while cool, a variety of colors are pro-
duced, differing according to the proportions of acid and alcohol:
1 part of acid with 1 part alcohol, cherry red, passing into violet:
with 5 to 6 parts of alcohol, blue; with 10 or more parts, greenish.
‘Absence of pyridine and furfurol must be insured by rectification,
as below described, as their presence would interfere with alkaloid
PREPARATION. For analytical purposes, amyl alcohol must be
purified by shaking for some minutes, 100 parts of the alcohol with
1 part of concentrated sulphuric acid, adding at once 10 parts of
water; shaking again, and after a short period of rest draining off
the amylic alcohol floating on the acid mixture. It is then digested
over some calcium carbonate and hydrate, and then subjected to
fractional distillation. All th. portion coming over below 181°C.
is rejected, and only the fraction boiling between 131° and 133°C. is
preserved. By this cautious fractional distillation, alcohol free from
pyridine and furfurol may be obtained, suitable for forensic
Spirit of Wine.
Usrp as a general solvent of iodine, potassium or sodium hydrate,
ammonia, ammonium sulphide, resins, organic acids, alkaloids and
various salts; also to separate substances soluble from those insol-
uble in it; to precipitate from aqueous solution calcium sulphate or
malate, lead salts, etc.; to reduce oxides, to form with some acids,
esters recognizable by characteristic odor, such as acetic, salicylic,
It is employed either as absolute alcohol, of spec. gr. 0.7937, boil-
ing at 78.4°C., or of U. S. P. strength, containing 91% by weight
(94% by volume) of absolute alcohol, having spec. gr. 0.826 at
15.6° C.
For most analytical purposes the ‘‘Cologne spirit” of commerce
is sufficiently pure.
Tests. Pure alcohol must be miscible with water in all propor-
tions without becoming turbid. It must be free from other alco-
hols (methylic, amylic, ete.), aldehyde and acids, hence, it must be
entirely neutral to moist test papers; must not be colored on addi-
tion of potassium hydrate, conc. sulphuric acid, nor silver nitrate
even after exposure to sunlight; no foreign odor must be perceiv-
able on evaporation. It must show absence of furfurol by not
assuming a red color, when 10Cc. are mixed with 1 Ce. of color-
less aniline oil and 0.5 Ce. hydrochloric acid (Jorissen).
PREPARATION. Redistil commercial alcohol, rejecting the first
and last portions, then digest it for 24 hours with 1 gramme potas-
sium permanganate for each litre and distil again.
The most concentrated alcohol obtainable by distillation alone
has spec. gray. 0.825, and contains 89 per cent alcohol by weight.
To remove the remaining 11 per cent of water, the alcohol may be
digested with an excess of freshly calcined quicklime for several
days, replacing the lime daily by a new supply, and finally distil-
ling it carefully and slowly from a new portion of lime. ‘The first
four-fifths are quickly transferred to perfectly dry, glass-stoppered
vials. If carelessly distilled the odor of lime will adhere to the
alcohol, and moist test papers will show alkaline reaction.
Absolute alcohol must not change the white color of powdered
anhydrous copper sulphate to blue. Whenshaken with a few milli-
grammes of anthraquinone and sodium amalgam the color must be
green; a red color indicates the presence of water.
Wood Spirit.
USED occasionally instead of ethyl alcohol for solutions and sepa-
rations, also for detecting salicylic acid by the characteristic odor
of its methyl ester, and for separating boracic acid, which vola-
tilizes completely by distillation with methyl alcohol.
PURIFICATION. Methyl alcohol is seldom found pure in com-
merce, being usually mixed with a large percentage of acetic acid,
acetone, tar oils, etc. To free it from these it must first be distilled
over an excess of quicklime. The distillate is mixed with powdered
anhydrous calcium chloride, with which it forms erystals of Ca Cle
+2CHs0O. These are separated from the liquid, dissolved in water
and distilled, yielding an almost pure methyl alcohol, which is suit-
able for most purposes. To make it absolutely pure, methyl oxalate
is prepared from it by distilling it with an equal weight of conc.
sulphuric acid and twice its weight of potassium acid oxalate.
Methy) oxalate, on cooling, forms colorless crystals, and these on
redistilling with water yield pure methyl alcohol and oxalic acid.
Tests. Absolute methyl alcohol boils at 65.5° C., and has specific
grav. 0.798 at 20° C.
In5 Cc methyl alcohol dissolve 0.1 gramme iodine and add solu-
tion of potassium hydrate till the brown color disappears. If ace-
tone was present, a yellow precipitate of iodoform will fall.
The color of moistened test papers should not be changed.
Propenyl Alcohol.
UsED as a solvent and to detect boracic acid by flame test, etc.
Tests. Pure glycerin is a colorless, inodorous, thick liquid of
sweet taste and neutral reaction, miscible with water in all propor-
The best quality of the commercial article is sufficiently pure for
ALLOXANTIN, Cs Hs Ns 07 + 3 He O.
Usss. To distinguish cotton from woolen fabrics. If a piece of
mixed cloth is moistened with a solution of 1 part of alloxantin in 10
parts of warm water, dried, and then exposed to ammonia vapor, the
woolen is colored crimson, the cotton remains white (Overbeck).
PREPARATION. One part of nitric acid, spec. gr. 1.42, is diluted
with eight parts of water, heated to 60° C., and saturated with uric
acid. It is then heated to boiling and a concentrated solution of
stannous chloride, mixed with an equal volume of hydrochloric
acid is added as long as a precipitate falls. An excess of stan-
nous chloride is indicated by the production of a yellow color-
The precipitate is collected on a filter, washed with very cold water,
in which it does not readily dissolve, and then dried.
Usrs. The pure metal in thestate of foil, ribbon or wire is used
to generate pure hydrogen from a solution of potassium or sodium
hydrate. Hence, it is employed in Zatehouse’s modification of
Flettmann’s test tor arsenic. Also used to reduce nitric acid to
Tests. In a solution of potassium hydrate it must be soluble
without residue. The gas evolved during the solution must not
blacken paper moistened with silver nitrate or lead acetate solu-
Uses. In microchemical detection of potassium salts, by forming
with them alum crystals, recognized under the microscope by their
octohedral form. Also to distinguish eosine from other dyes on
textile fabrics. A hot solution of 1 part aluminium sulphate in 4
parts water removes the color of cochineal and other red lake dyes;
coal-tar colors, such as corallin, fuchsin, saffranin, ete., are dis-
solved, while eosin remains unaffected (Dyer’s Gazette). Also to
precipitate albumen.
Tests. The commercial salt, obtained by solution of clay or
bauxite in sulphuric acid, or as a bye-product of the soda manufac-
ture from kryolite is sufficiently pure, when free from iron.
PREPARATION. On the small scale it is obtained in precipating
alum solution by ammonia, separating the aluminium hydrate by
filtration, washing it thoroughly, and dissolving in pure sulphuric
acid to neutralization.
NOTE. Alum, either the potassium aluminium sulphate or the
corresponding ammonium salt, is sometimes, but rarely, used for
similar purposes. Tbe commercial salt, purified by repeated crys-
tallization, or the U.S. P. salt may be used.
These are alloys of various metals with mercury. The principal
ones employed are copper amalgam for use with hydrobromic acid,
to remove sulphur from sulphides, and sodiwm amalgam as a gene-
ral reducent, by the introduction of nascent hydrogen, especially
in organic compounds. They are described under the headings of
the respective metals.
Aqua Ammonia.
Uses. The watery solution of ammoniacal gas, N Hs, usually
called ammonium hydrate, is a reagent of great importance and
generai utility. It serves to neutralize acids, to precipitate the
bases of many salts and to recognize some of them by characteristic
colors; also to separate the insoluble hydrates of iron, aluminum:
etc., from those of zinc, nickel, cobalt, copper, ete., which
are soluble in ammonia; also to separate the soluble chloride,
from the insoluble iodide of silver, etc., etc.; also as volumetric so-
lution in acidimetry.
The U.S. P. prescribes two preparations of different strength:
Ammonia water of spec. grav. 0.9598, containing 10% of gas in
solution, and suitable for most purposes in analysis, and stronger
ammonia water of spec. grav. 0.9026, containing 28% of gas in solu-
tion. Of the first 17 grammes saturate 100 Ce. normal acid solution,
of the latter 6.07 grammes only are required. M. W.=17.021.
Tests. The colorless solution must leave no residue on evapora-
tion. It must be free from carbonate, hence, solution of calcium or of
barium hydrate mustnotrenderit turbid. In ammonia supersatur-
ated with nitric acid neither silver nitrate nor barium chloride must
produce a precipitate (absence of chloride or sulphate). Hydrogen
sulphide must produce neither coloration nor precipitate. Neither
odor nor color must appear on neutralization with dilute sulphuric
or hydrochloric acids, red color showing presence of pyrrol, brown
of tar oils, ete.
PREPARATION. It will seldom be necessary to prepare ammonia
on the small scale, as a very pure article is readily found in the
market. When needed, 5 parts of freshly burnt lime are moistened
sufficiently to slack and fall into powder. With this, 4 parts of
granulated ammonium chloride are thoroughly mixed, and suffi-
cient water added to form loose lumps. These are introduced into
a flask, resting on a sand bath, and connected by glass-tubing with-
out rubber joints, with one or, still better, two small wash bottles,
and lastly, with a well-cooled receiver, containing ten parts of pure
water. The wash bottles are partially filled with a small quantity
of water, kept at a temperature of 90° to 98° C., so as to prevent the
passage of pyrrol, aniline and similar volatile products into the
receiver. The solution in the receiver is, at the close of the distil-
lation, diluted to the required strength and kept in small vials,
whose glass stoppers are coated with paraffin to prevent adhesion
to neck.
Sometimes alcohol is saturated with the gas and used under the
name of Liquor Dzondw. In connection with lead acetate, it serves
to precipitate lactic acid. The U.S. P. spiritusammonie, contain-
ing 10% of gas, is suitable for this purpose.
Volumetric Solutions of Ammonia.
The volatility of ammonia makes it difficult to preserve, for any
length of time, a uniform amount of gas in concentrated solutions,
and hence, though these are occasionally employed for special
purposes, the half-normal solution is most frequently used on
account of less liability to alter its titre, either from loss of gas or
from absorption of C O2 from the air.
Half-Normal Solution of Ammonia, containing 8.5 grammes
NHs per litre. Astronger solution of ammonia is diluted until
100 Ce. accurately saturate 50 Cc. of Normal acid solution (either
sulphuric, hydrochloric or oxalic), rosolic acid or cochineal solu-
tion being used asindicator.
Normal Solution, containing 17 gr. N Hs, and five-times normal,
containing 85 gr. N Hsin 1 litre, are occasionally used in water
analysis, and prepared in same manner as the half-normal.
UsED in separating copper from cadmium; copper benzoate being
soluble, cadmium insoluble ina 10 % solution of ammonium ben-
zoate (Gucct).
Tests. The U.S. P. salt is sufficiently pure. It forms colorless
crystals, readily soluble in water and in aleohol. On heating they
fuse, then give off vapors of benzoic acid and ammonia, and leave
no residue. Its dilute solution should not, after acidulation with
nitric acid, give a precipitate with barium chloride or silver nitrate.
PREPARATION. Dissolve8.5 grammes of pure benzoic acid in suf-
ficient ammonia water to neutralize accurately, and dilute with
distilled water to 100Cc., or make a 10% solution of the crystals.
Usrs. This reagent precipitates many metallic salts from their
solutions as carbonates. It is especially employed in systematic
analysis as the general precipitant of barium, strontium and cal-
cium, which it serves to separate from magnesium and the alkalies.
.Also used to separate arsenic sulphide by solution from insoluble
antimony sulphide, etc.
Tests. After removing the outer crust of the commercial article
(purified by resublimation), so as to reject the outer layer of ammo-
nium dicarbonate and accidental impurities adhering to it, the crys-
talline mass must be completely volatilized by heat. It must be
free from empyreumatic odor; after addition of a slight excess of
nitric acid, neither hydrogen sulphide, barium chloride, nor silver
nitrate, must produce a precipitate. A solution in water must not
blacken ferric chloride.
PREPARATION. Onthe large scale, ammonium carbonate is made
by subliming 1 part of crude ammonium chloride with two parts of
chalk, or four parts of ammonium sulphate with four parts of chalk
and one part of charcoal. This product must be resublimed, and,
if not found in commerce of sufficient purity, must again be puri-
fied by careful resublimation. It consists principally of ammonium
dicarbonate and ammonium carbamate : NH,HC0O3s+N H4 CO,
N He. By solution in water, or in contact with moist air, the car-
bamate is converted into carbonate, and the dry commercial pro-
duct, in undergoing this change, surrounds itself with a white
pulverulent crust of dicarbonate. Theinner crystalline part, shown
to be free from chloride, sulphate, sulphide and hyposulphite, by the
tests above described, is used for the solution by adding to 1 part of
it amixture of 1 part of 10% ammonia water with 4 parts of pure
water. The solution contains neutral carbonate in about double
normal strength (192 gr. in 1 litre).
A mixture of 391 Ce. of 10% ammonia water with 235 Ce. of this
solution of carbonate is diluted with pure water to make 1 litre, and
ismuch employed under the name of Schaffgol’s solution in techni-
cal laboratories for the precipitation of magnesia in the analysis of
Sal Ammoniac.
Usres. The solution of ammonium chloride serves to retain in
solution magnesium and manganous carbonates and hydrates, etc.,
while barium, strontium, calcium, aluminium, ferric salts, etc., are
precipitated by ammonium carbonate and hydrate. From alkaline
solutions it precipitates aluminium hydrate, etc.; from neutral and
acid solutions, platinum and iridium as double chlorides. N H4 Cl
= 53.321.
Txests. Not a trace of residue must be left when ammonium
chloride is heated on platinum foil. At ordinary temperatures it
must form a perfectly clear solution with 4 parts of pure water.
In dilution of 1 to 20 no precipitate must be formed with hydrogen
sulphide, dilute sulphuric acid or barium chloride ; nor must ferric
chloride, potassium ferrocyanide or tannic acid produce either col-.
oration or precipitate after acidulation with hydrochloric acid. On
evaporation with nitric acid no brown tint nor empyreumatic odor
should appear.
PREPARATION, When pure ammonium chloride cannot be ob-
tained, the best commercial article may be purified either by care-
ful resublimation, or by making a saturated solution in boiling
water, adding to this a little chlorine water, so as to convert fer-
rous salts into ferric, and then adding a slight excess of ammonia
water, so as to precipitate ferric hydrate. The liquid is heated to
expel all the excess of ammonia, the precipitate is separated by fil-
tration and the filtrate set aside to crystallize, being occasionally
stirred to prevent the formation of large crystals. Thecrystals are
drained on a funnel; if not yet entirely pure they are recrystal-
lized; 1 part of the dry salt is dissolved, for ordinary use, in 8 parts
of pure water.
A volumetric solution of jive-times-normal ammonium chloride,
made by dissolving 266.96 grammes of the pure dry salt in water
and diluting so as to fill 1 litre, is used in water analysis for the
separation of calcium from magnesium.
UsEs. In the analysis of phosphates and phosphatic fertilizers,
solutions of ammonium citrate are used in two degrees of concen-
There are 8 varieties of calcium phosphate, the primary, Ca H4
(P O4)2, also called the acid or monobasic, soluble in water; then
the secondary, Ca H P Ou, also called the dibasic or neutral (the so-
called ‘“‘reduced” phosphate, which is insoluble in water, but sol-
uble in solution of ammonium citrate ; the third is the tertiary, Cag
(P O42, also called tribasic, which is insoluble in either water
or ammonium citrate. Mol. W. = 188.564.
PREPARATION. For the concentrated solution, 100 grammes of
pure citric acid are dissolved in a mixture of 100 Cc. pure water
and 120 Cc. ammonia water of 10%. The solution is then accurately
neutralized by addition of ammonia water, poured into a 1 litre
flask and filled up to the mark with water.
The dilute solution for washing is made by diluting 1 part of the
concentrated solution with 2 parts of water.
Ammonium-magnesium citrate solution is sometimes used for the
precipitation of phosphoric acid, and is prepared as follows: 27
grammes pure magnesium carbonate are added gradually to a hot
solution of 270 gr. citric acid in 350 Cc. water; after solution, 400
Cc. ammonia water of 10% are added, and the mixture filled up
with water to 1 litre.
Uses. Ammonium or sodium boro-fluoride, which are quite sol-
uble in water, form, on adding them to potassium salts, precipitates
of potassium boro-fluoride, requiring 223 parts of cold water for
their solution; soluble in 16 parts of boiling water (Stolba).
Tests. No precipitate should be produced by hydrogen sulphide
or ammonium sulphide. As the reagent is only used for qualitative
work, the presence of some silico-fluoride and borate is not objec-
PREPARATION. The first step is the preparation of hydro-fluo-
boric acid, by heating 1 part of powdered boric anhydride, obtained
by fusing boracic acid (or instead thereof 2 parts of powdered borax:
glass) with 2 parts of finely powdered fluorspar and twelve parts
of concentrated sulphuric acid.
Boron trifluoride, B Fs, is formed, a colorless gas, fuming in air,
which is conducted by a glass tube into 10 parts of distilled water,
in which it readily dissolves, forming a dense solution, intensely
acid, containing boric and hydro-fluo-boric acid. ;
This is carefully saturated with strong ammonia water (or, if the
sodium salt is required, with the sodium carbonate).
Uses. For the decomposition of silicates, titanates, tin stone,
chromic iron ore, etc., instead of hydrofluoric acid or potassium
hydrogen fluoride (Gzbbs).
Tests. Neither hydrogen sulphide, ammonium sulphide, am-
monia, ammonium carbonate, nor sodium phosphate with ammonia
should produce a precipitate. No residue must be left on evapora-
PREPARATION. In a platinum vessel pure hydrofluoric acid is
supersaturated with ammonia and carefully evaporated. Hydro-
fluo-silicic acid can also be used, the precipitate being separated by
passing through a filter previously washed out with hydrofluoric
acid. Commercial salt may be purified by precipitating and filter-
ing just like hydro-fluo-silicic acid. Itis best to prepare the reagent
only in sufficient quantity for present use, as it must be preserved in
guttapercha vessels, and, if kept in glass, attacks it, becomes con-
taminated and must be purified.
Ammonium Thio-Sulphate.
Uses. Ammonium hyposulphite has been proposed (as well as
other hyposulphites) to serve as a general reagent, instead of hydro-
gen sulphide, for separating metals into analytical groups; also as
aspecial reagent for separation of cadmium from copper (Orlowsk7).
From solutions acidulated with H Cl it precipitates the same
metals as HeS, excepting lead, tin, antimony and cadmium.
Tests. Ammonium hyposulphite forms colorless, deliquescent
crystals, which must volatilize at high heat without residue. Sil-
ver nitrate produces in its solution a white precipitate, turning
black after awhile, or immediately on application of heat. Hydro-
chloric acid, added to solution, leaves it clear at first, but soon, es-
pecially on heating, precipitates sulphur, while sulphur dioxide
PREPARATION. In milk of lime, made by mixing 100 parts of
freshly slaked lime in fine powder with 500 parts of water, 90 parts
of sulphur are boiled for some time, replacing the water as it
evaporates. The solution after cooling is decanted, and saturated
with sulphur dioxide gas, until the yellow color disappears and
sulphur is no longer precipitated. It is then filtered and a concen-
trated solution of ammonium carbonate is added as long as calcium
carbonate precipitates. The liquid is filtered, concentrated by
evaporation on water bath, and set aside to crystallize. The crys-
tals are purified by recrystallization, and 1 part is dissolved for
use in 5 parts of water. In nearly all cases, sodium hyposulphite
may be used instead of the ammonium salt.
Uses. When dissolved in sulphuric acid, ammonium meta-vana-
date serves to detect a number of alkaloids by very characteristic
color reactions—colchicin, blue-green; gelsemine, purple; hydras-
tine, carmine red; narcotine, vermilion; piperine, blood red, then
black; strychnine, violet-blue, changing to red; etc., etc. (Man-
Tests. Absence of nitric acid must be shown by any of the vari-
ous tests. Absence of chromium is shown by dissolving in dilute
hydrochloric acid and adding hydrogen dioxide, freshly prepared
from barium dioxide and dilute hydrochloric acid. Pure vana-
dates produce a red color, not communicated to ether, which re-
mains colorless when shaken with it, while the presence of chro-
mates is revealed by a blue color, communicated to ether. Absence
of lead is shown by He S in acid solution, that of iron by potassium
ferrocyanide or other tests.
PREPARATION. Lead vanadate or other rich vanadium ores are
finely powdered, mixed with saltpetre and fused. The melied mass
of impure potassium vanadate is dissolved in water, filtered, neu-
tralized by nitrie acid and precipitated by barium chloride. The
impure barium vandate is washed and then decomposed with dilute
sulphuric acid. The barium (and lead) sulphate is removed by fil-
tration, the filtrate is neutralized with ammonia water, and then
concentrated by evaporation. A solid piece of ammonium chloride
is placed into the solution, which gradually dissolves, and thereby
separates from it granules of white ammonium meta-vanadate,
The salt is washed with concentrated solution of ammonium chlo-
ride, in which it is insoluble; it is then dried and, if necessary,
purified by recrystallization. For use 1 part is dissolved i in 200
parts of pure sulphuric acid of spec. gr. 1.77, and preserved in glass-
stoppered vials.
Ammonium Molybdate, see molybdre acid, ec.
UsEs. In dry substance, to oxidize metals, carbon, etc., to facilitate
the combustion of filters ; also in solution in the molybdate proc. ss
for determining phosphoric acid. Mol. W. = 79.922.
Tests. No residue must be left on heating upon platinum foil.
No precipitate in watery solution, acidulated with nitric acid, by
silver nitrate, nor by barium chloride.
PREPARATION. Pure ammonium carbonate is saturated with
_ pure nitric acid, and heated to expel carbon dioxide; then some
ammonia water is added to alkaline reaction, and the clear
solution set aside to crystallize. The crystals are dried, fused in a
platinum dish, and preserved in glass-stoppered bottles.
Usses. To precipitate the salts of metals, especially those of cal-
cium ; to separate calcium, barium, zinc and lead, which form in-
soluble oxalates from vanadic acid, which remains in solution
(Halberstadt); to separate calcium from strontium by a solution
containing 30 gr. ammonium oxalate and 200 gr. ammonium sul-
phate in 1 litre of water (Stdersky). Mol. W. = 141.78.
Tests. The salt on ignition upon platinum foil must volatilize
completely. No precipitate must be formed in its solution by hy-
drogen sulphide or ammonium sulphide. The precipitates by bar-
ium erlones and by silyet* nitrate must completely redissolve in
nitric. acid.
‘PREPARATION. The solution may be made by dissolving 1 ‘part
of pure oxalic acid in 21 parts of water, adding 4 parts of ammonia
water of 10%, and heating long enough to expel the excess of am-
monia. If much water is lost by evaporation it must be restored,
so as to make 25 parts of solution, as ammonium oxalate is not sol-
uble in a less quantity of water.
The crystals are prepared by supersaturating a hot saturated so-
lution of pure oxalic acid in water with strong ammonia water,
boiling to expel excess of ammonia and setting aside to crystallize.
1 part of the crystals is dissolved in 24 parts of pure water.
Volumetric solution of ammonium oxalate for titration of alumin-
ium salts, etc., contains for deci-normal strength 14.2 gr. erystal-
lized ammonium oxalate in 1 litre. Calcium chloride serves as
Uses. For precipitation of magnesia, when the introduction of
sodium phosphate is to be avoided on account of subsequent search
after alkalies.
Tests. Absence of metals is shown by precipitating from the
aqueous solution all the phosphoric acid by lead acetate, removing
any excess of lead by hydrogen sulphide and evaporating the fil-
tered solution. No residue must be left on heating upon platinum
foil. Absence of arsenic is to be proved by Fleitmann’s test (see
nitric acid, page 14) ; absence of sulphates by barium chloride after
acidulation with nitric acid.
PREPARATION. Fifteen Ce. of pure phosphoric acid, of spec.
gray. 1.347 (U. S. P. strength), are slightly supersaturated with
ammonia water, and then diluted with distilled water to 100 Ce.
The dry salt is obtained by saturating pure phosphoric acid with
strong ammonia water, evaporating until it begins to solidify,
mixing again with a slight excess of strong ammonia water and
setting aside to crystallize. The crystals must be preserved in well-
closed bottles, as they lose ammonia and gradually form the sec-
ondary salt, (N H4)2H P O4.. One part is dissolved for use in 10
parts of pure water.
Uses. Selenous, as well as selenic acid, or rather the solutions of
their alkali salts in sulphuric acid, have recently been used in the
analysis of alkaloids, etc. Elaterin, colocynthin and hydrastine give
peculiar color reactions (Johannson); codeine produces, even in
minimal quantities, a green color (Lafon), etc.
PREPARATION. Powdered selenium is dissolved in concentrated
nitric acid, which oxidizes it to selenous acid, H2Se Os. The solu-
tion is evaporated to dryness, and the acid may be thus preserved
or dissolved in water, saturated with ammonia and crystallized.
Both the acid and the ammonium salt must be carefully protected
from light and contact with seca eens See also sodiwm selenate.
Usss. In quantitative analysis, to separate ferric and aluminium
salts as insoluble succinates from zinc, manganous, nickelous and
cobaltous salts, whose succinates are soluble,
Tests. The salt erystallizes in long, colorless, triclinic prisms,
which, by long keeping, lose ammonia, forming the acid salt. It
must leave no residue on heating upon platinum foil. A concen-
trated solution, when mixed with concentrated potassium acetate
and some acetic acid, should not yield a precipitate of cream of
tartar (absence of tartaric acid). After acidulation with nitric
acid, neither silver nitrate nor barium chloride should produce a
precipitate. When heated with indigo solution and sulphuric acid
it should not discharge the blue color.
PREPARATION. The crude acid, of which about 4 per cent are ob-
tained by the dry distillation of amber, is freed from oil by
solution in hot water, filtration, concentration and crystallization.
After recrystallization, the ‘acid is dissolved in dilute nitric acid,
heated and repeatedly recrystallized untila white product free from
empyreuma is obtained. Care must be taken to wash the crystals
so as to remove nitric acid. It is then supersaturated with am-
monia water, crystallized (and recrystallized, if necessary) and the
dry salt preserved for use in well-closed bottles to prevent loss of
ammonia. For use, 1 part is dissolved in 10 parts of water, ren-
dered slightly alkaline by ammonia.
Uses. To introduce sulphuric acid without disturbing the neu-
trality, as in precipitating barium, etc. To separate, in conjunc-
tion with ammonium oxalate, calcium from strontium. To precipi-
tate urates and albumoses in urine.
Tests. Ammonium sulphate forms colorless, rhombic crystals,
soluble in two parts of cold water. It should be completely vola-
tilized by heat, decomposing into ammonia, free nitrogen, water
and ammonium sulphite, which sublimes. As the commercial salt
is difficult to purify, itis best to make it from pure materials.
PREPARATION. Pure dilute sulphuric acid is fully saturated by
gradual addition of ammonia water. The neutral solution is evap-
orated and crystallized.
Uses. Ammonium sulphide and sulph-hydrate are generally
employed either indiscriminately or in a mixture containing vari-
able quantities of both. They serve to precipitate the metals of the
third (or aluminum) group as hydrates, and those of the fourth (or
iron) group as sulphides.
Mixed with the yellow polysulphide they are used to separate the
sulphides of the sixth (or arsenic) group, which dissolve from those
of the fifth (or copper) group, which are insoluble in ammonium
sulphide ; also in organic analysis, e. g., to recognize chloral hy-
drate by a characteristic precipitate. Occasionally an alcoholic
solution is substituted for the aqueous one.
Tests. Ammonium sulphide and sulph-hydrate must not con-
tain ammonium carbonate or free ammonia; hence, solutions of
calcium or magnesium salts must not be rendered turbid by them,
even when heated. They must be perfectly volatilized on heating.
Hydrochloric acid should not produce any precipitate in the color-
less sulphide or sulph-hydrate, and only a white precipitate of pure
sulphur in the yellow polysulphide. Purity is best insured by using
for their preparation pure materials, careful washing of the gas and
full saturation.
PREFARATION. Hydrogen sulphide, made as directed in the article
treatiny of that reagent,(HeS, page 10), is passed through a wash-bottle
and into a bottle containing pure 10% ammonia water until it ceases
to be absorbed. The liquid consists now of a solution of ammonium
sulph-hydrate. This may be preserved and used as it is, but gene-
rally it is converted, at least partially, into sulphide by the addition
of more ammonia water. If this be added in too large a quantity,
or if the saturation at first was incomplete, free ammonia will be
present in the mixture, which would lead to errors in analysis.
Hence, it is best to use only enough ammonia water to partially
convert the sulph-hydrate. Theory requires exactly the same
amount of ammonia to be added as that which was first taken for
saturating with the gas. Usually, 3 volumes of the sulph-hydrate
are mixed with 2 volumes of ammonia water of the same strength
as that used at first.
The colorless product should be preserved in small bottles, well
protected from air and light, for exposure decomposes it and ren-
ders it yellow.
At first, only a polysulphide is formed, but soon more oxygen is
absorbed and polythionates form, which render its use objection-
To make the yellow polysulphide, pure sulphur should be di-
gested with the above solution of sulphide, and tbe clear liquid
decanted from undissolved sulphur and well preserved.
(Sulphocyanide, Thiocyanate or Rhodanate.)
Usss. The soluble sulphocyanates, especially the potassium and
ammonium salt, are used to detect ferric salts, and distinguish
them by their intense red color from the colorless ferrous. Also to
precipitate from cupric salts in presence of a reducent, such as SOx,
white cuprous rhodanate. Alsoin the volumetric silver assay by
Volhard’s process.
Presence of calcium, strontium, barium, magnesium and some
other chlorides interferes with the ferric reaction, and in small
quanties prevents it entirely. Mol. W. = 76.0.
Tests. The watery solution must remain clear and colorless on
addition of hydrochloric acid. With silver nitrate it must form a
pure white precipitate completely soluble in ammonia water.
PREPARATION. To 4 parts of pure carbon disulphide add 15 parts
each of strong alcohol and concentrated ammonia water. Mix
well, and leave them to digest for several days. Two-thirds of the
mixture are then removed by distillation; the remaining third is
filtered, concentrated and at last set aside to crystallize, under a
bell glass, over sulphuric acid. Colorless, very deliquescent
crystals will form, which must be purified by recrystallization. In
all these operations, too high a temperature must be avoided,
otherwise the salt will decompose, forming thio-urea, ete.
Another mode of preparation consists in digesting a mixture of
hydrocyanic acid and yellow ammonium polysulphide, the
latter being in some excess. After some days standing, the excess
of ammonium sulphide is removed by heat, and the crystals are ob-
tained as in the other method. They must be preserved in well-
closed bottles, as they rapidly attract moisture from the air and
dissolve in four-fifths of their weight of water.
Decinormal Solution is made by dissolving eight grammes of the
salt in one litre of water, and diluting, so as to correspond accu-
rately with decinormal solution of silver nitrate. A 10% solution of
ferric alum is used as indicator.
Usss. Aniline, dissolved in alcohol, is used to detect chloroform,
chloral, etc., by the production of the characteristic isonitril odor,
when heated together with them and a solution of an alkaline hy-
drate (Hoffman). A solution of 0.5 Ce. of pure colorless aniline in
15 Ce. of alcohol and 15 Ce. of concentrated ether, is used to detect
minute quantities of fluorine in silicates by passing through it the
vapor evolved when the silicate is heated with sulphuric acid.
Aniline silicofluoride is formed, and afterward converted into
sodium silicofluoride by addition of sodium hydrate dissolved in
absolute alcohol (A7op).
A mixture of 1Cc. of colorless aniline oil with 0.5 Ce. of hydro-
chloric acid forms Jorissen’s test for furfurol in fermented and dis-
tilled liquids. This quantity is added to ten Cc. of the alcohol,
whiskey, etc., to be tested, and shows the presence of furfurol,
Cs H4 O2 (pyromucic aldehyde), by a rosered color.
In saturated aqueous solution, aniline serves to dissolve gen-
tiana violet, fuchsin, etc., for the staining of micro-organisms.
Also used in the preparation of aniline sulphate, hydrochlorate and
other salts and derivatives.
Filter paper, saturated with aniline oil, neutralized with hydro-
chloric acid, indicates ozone in gas mixtures by assuming a brown
color (Wagner). The browning of colorless aniline oil under in-
fluence of air and light is attributed by Schoenbein to ozone, but is
not as sensitive a test as the hydrochlorate.
It is also used in gas analysis in the place of glacial acetic acid,
as an absorbent of cyanogen in mixtures of gases (Jacquemin).
Also for the volumetric determination of nitrous acid, based upon
the formation of di-azo-benzol (Green and Rideal). Mol. W = 92.865.
Tests. For most purposes the commercial aniline oil is suffi-
ciently pure, when recently distilled and colorless; for making the
sulphate for the nitric acid test it is even preferable on account of
containing para-toluidine. Pure aniline is a colorless liquid of spec
gr. 1.0276 at 12°C. It dissolves in 31 parts of water at 12.5° C., is
miscible with alcohol in all proportions. Its reaction is feebly
alkaline, discernible by dahlia paper, but not by litmus. With
sodium hypochlorite in dilute solution it gives a purple violet
color. It must be proven free from arsenic by Fleitman’s test.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, aniline is made by reducing
nitro-benzol with nascent hydrogen from iron chips and hydro-
chloric acid, then adding lime and distilling. When absolutely
pure materials are used this furnishes pure aniline. But when the
nitro-benzol has been made from impure benzol, or when arsenic
trioxide has been used in the manufacture, the crude oil must be
purified. The removai of ortho-toluidine is accomplished by satu-
rating the aniline oil with hydrochloric acid, then adding sodium
phosphate to decompose the salt. The mixture is kept warm and
separates into two layers; the lighter. containing the oily ortho-
toluidine, is removed, and the heavier residue is set aside to cool,
when crystals of aniline, and para-toluidine phosphate are formed.
These are purified by recrystallization, then decomposed by sodium
hydrate and distilling (L. Levy). The distillate is reduced to the
temperature of 10° C., when most of the paratoluidine crystallizes,
its melting point being 45° C., while aniline remains liquid down to
8°C. The liquid aniline is separated by filtration, and may be fur-
ther purified by fractional distillation, preserving the fraction,
coming over at 182.5° to 184° C.
Perfectly pure aniline may be made, on a smaller scale, by using
pure acetanilide (antifebrine), which is easily purified by recrystal-
lization from benzol and by distillation at 295° C. The pure acetan-
ilide is decomposed by sodium hydrate and the aniline distilled off
and rectified by redistillation.
Decinormal Solution for the analysis of nitrites is made by mix-
ing 9.38 grammes of pure aniline oil with 100 Ce. of normal sulphuric
acid and 100 Ce. normal hydrochloric acid, and filling up to 1 litre
with distilled water. Starch solution, with potassium iodide, isused
as indicator. A normal solution is more recently used containing
93 gr. aniline and 450 Ce. hydrochloric acid in 1 litre.
Ussrs. Aniline sulphate, containing para-toluidine sulphate, is
used in solution in strong sulphuric acid to discover small traces of
nitrates (in drinking water) by the production of an intense red
color. Pure aniline sulphate hardly shows the reaction, but when
mixed with paratoluidine the reaction is more distinct than with
either reagent alone. Nitrites, in concentrated solution, produce
with it a yellowish brown; in dilute solutions, a faint yellow color,
due to the formation of diazobenzol. With chlorates, bromates,
iodates and hypochlorites violet to blue colors are produced, with
chromates, permanganates and vanadates, orange changing to
Aniline sulphate forms a valuable reagent for recognition of wood
pulp in paper, as it colors the lignin a golden yellow, while pure
cellulose remains unaffected.
A decinormal solution containing 14.2 gr. aniline sulphate and
3.65 gr. hydrochloric acid in 1 litre has been proposed for the titra-
tion of nitrites (Grecn & Rideal), but is little used on account of
the difficulty of avoiding sources of error.
Tests. Aniline sulphate is readily soluble in water and acids,
less in strong alcohol, insoluble in ether. Its solution colors pine
wood intensely yellow, produces with hypochlorites a violet color,
with solution of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, first an
orange then a blue. The commercial salt is sufficiently pure.
PREPARATION. For most purposes a solution of 1 part aniline oil
in 99 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid answers best.
Usss. In conjunction with ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid,
to detect, by the production of methylene blwe, even such minute
traces of hydrogen sulphide as would escape detection by lead salts
or other reagents (Caro and Fischer). To about 50 volumes of the
aqueous solution, suspected of containing Hz S, one volume of con-
centrated hydrochloric acid is added, and then a few vranules of
para-amido-dimethyl-aniline, or its sulphate or hydrochlorate.
After solution, a drop or two of dilute solution of ferric chloride is
added. If hydrogen sulphide was present the liquid, after a little
time, assumes a deep blue color. The addition of hydrochloric
acid is necessary to prevent the formation of the red coloring matter,
which would interfere with the delicacy of the reaction.
Paper stained with a solution of this reagent, as well as with
tetra-methyl-paraphenylen-diamine, has been introduced by Wurster
as adelicate reagent for ozone. When moistened it turns blue with
the smallest quantities of this active modification of oxygen. It
also serves to detect substances which ozonize air, such as turpen-
tine, colophony, etc. Hence, it is used to detect wood pulp in paper,
during whose manufacture rosin is added tothe pulp. A moist
strip of Wurster’s paper pressed upon such wood pulp paper turns
PREPARATION. From Helianthin (Orange III) as described in
article on preparation of sulphanilic acid, on page 21.
p Amido-benzol-azo-dimethyl-aniline, N He. Ce Ha. N:N. Ce Ha. N
(C Hs)2. Used for the detection of nitrous acid,with which it forms
a tetrazo salt, whose dilute solution turns blue on exposure to air
NOTE. For other derivatives of Aniline and its homologues,
see the articles as they occur in alphabetical order, and especially
those in the chapter on Color Reagents and Indicators.
Usrs. To detect the presence of small quantities of water in
alcohol, ete. (Claus). A few milligrammes of anthraquinone and
sodium amalgam are mixed and thoroughly shaken up with abso-
lute ether (being absolutely free from alcohol and moisture). A
few drops of the liquid to be tested for water are then added. If
water be present a red color is produced. Absolute alcohol (which
may be added without ether being used) produces a green color.
Both colors disappear on shaking with air, but reappear again on
standing quietly.
Tests. Anthraquinone forms yellow, rhombic, needle-shaped
crystals, melting at 278° C. and subliming at a higher temperature
without residue. The commercial article is produced on the large
scale by oxidation of anthracene, asa step in the manufacture of
artific‘al alizarine, and is sufficiently pure for the above reaction.
PREPARATION. On the small scale, it may be made by passing
chlorine (or bromine) into a boiling solution of one part of anthra-
cene in 6 parts of strong alcohol. After cooling, the precipitate is
first washed on a filter with cold alcohol, then with dilute solution
of sodium hydrate in water, then dried and sublimed in a glass
tube. ,
Usss. To detect free nitrous acid (in amyl nitrite, ethyl nitrite,
etc.) by the production of a deep emerald green color. A solution
of antipyrine in water is added to this substance. If free nitrous
acid is presenta deep green color at once results, followed by the
deposition of green crystals of iso-nitroso-antipyrine, Cu Hn Ng Os.
These are insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, acetic acid and in
alkaline hydrates. An excess of nitrous acid or nitric acid oxidizes
the green salt and colors it red.
By using a mixture of strictly neutralized sodium nitrite and
antipyrine solutions, the presence of any free acid capable of liber-
ating nitrous acid may be detected by the same reaction.
With ferric salts antipyrine produces a red color similar to that
of the sulphocyanides, but the reaction is not so delicate in great
Tests. Antipyrine, as sold by dealers, is sufficiently pure for use
as areagent. It forms a white crystalline powder, melting at 113°
C., soluble in two-thirds its weight of water. The solution is neu-
tral to test papers. When mixed with some potassium or sodium
nitrite and a few drops of sulphuric acid it must promptly turn
green. It must be carefully preserved in the dark, as exposure im-
pairs its activity.
PREPARATION. The process of manufacture patented by Dr.
Knorr consists in the production of methyl-oxy-chinizine, by the
condensation of equal molecules of phényl-hydrazine and aceto-
acetic ester. This is heated at100 C. in closely sealed vessels with
an equal amount of methyl alcohol and methyl iodide, and thus an
impure icdide of the dimethyl compound results. This is purified
by treatment with sulphur dioxide, and then the base is separated
by sodium hydrate ard purified by recrystallization from toluol,
ether or benzol. The solution is only made when needed, and then
1 part of antipyrine is dissolved in ten parts of pure water.
Arsenous Acid Anhydride.
Usrs. Arsenic trioxide serves to detect acetic acid in presence of
other volatile organic acids by the kakodyl test. When an alka-
line acetate is fused with Ase Os the very characteristic, disagree-
able odor of dimethyl-arsine (kakodyl) is produced. It is also
occasionally used as areducing agent to convert nitro-benzol into
aniline, etc. Also for the preparation of decinormal volumetric so-
lution of ‘sodium arsenite, used in the titration of chlorine, hypo-
chlorites, bromine, iodine, ete. For the latter purpose the arsenic
trioxide must be very pure. Mol. W. = 122.798. -
Tests. Pure arsenic trioxide must completely volatilize when
heated in a glass tube; the sublimate it then gives must be perfectly
colorless or white, and must. not at first show a reddish color of
the more easily sublimed sulphide, whose presence would render it
unfit for volumetric use, as it rapidly changes the titre of the solu-
tion by the formation of arsenicacid. The solution in water must
not be colored dark by lead solution (absence of sulphide). It
must give with ammoniated solution of silver nitrate a pure yellow
precipitate (a brown red precipitate would indicate presence of
arsenic acid). Its aqueous solution, acidulated with pure hydro-
chloric acid, must give with hydrogen sulphide a pure yellow pre-
cipitate. When converted into arsenetted hydrogen in a Marsh
apparatus, the spots produced by the ignited gas on porcelain
must completely dissolve in sodium hypochlorite, showing the ab-
sence of antimony.
In the powdered arsenic of commerce, the absence of chlorides
may be shown by converting the trioxide into arsenic acid by
means of boiling with concentrated nitric acid, diluting and then
adding silver nitrate, when a white precipitate, soluble in ammonia,
will indicate chlorine.
Ammonium salts are said to be occasionally present, and may be
detected by heating with sodium hydrate.
PREPARATION. From the white arsenic of commerce arsenic tri-
oxide may generally be obtained of great purity by breaking open
the larger pieces and carefully selecting the glassy transparent
amorphous inner portions, rejecting the opaque, porcelain-like
crystalline crust. The glassy amorphous modification is much
more soluble in water than the crystalline opaque envelope. It is
tested for purity, and, if found pure, is preserved in glass stop-
pered bottles. It will soon become covered by an opaque crust,
but this will not interfere with its use when it has once been fourd
Usses. Asbestus is a natural silicate of calcium and magnesium,
closely allied to hornblende; its purest variety is called amianthus.
It occurs in slender, flax-like fibres, capable of resisting high tem-
peratures without fusing, and is not attacked by water and most of
the acids. This makes it valuable material for filtering many sub-
stances which would destroy ordinary filtering paper. It is also
used to close tubes, etc., in such manner that gases can easily pass
through its interstices while powdered solids are retained. Some-
times it is impregnated with concentrated sulphuric acid and
placed into tubes to dry the passing gases. Occasionally it is
coated with a finely divided metal, and thus used in either gas
analysis or in the combustions of organic ultimate analysis. The
long fibre is used as a support in blowpipe operations in the place
of platinum wire. It is also woven into cloth, useful for various
Tests. The purest, variety, amianthus, is preferable for most
purposes, whether requiring long or short fibre. It must not yield
anything soluble to either hot or cold water or hydrochloric acid.
After boiling for some time with concentrated hydrochloric acid,
this, on evaporation upon platinum foil, must show no residue.
It must resist the temperature of white heat without fusion.
PREPARATION. Asbestus of a less degree of purity may be used
after having been deprived of all soluble matter by boiling with
hydrochloric acid and thorough washing. Palladiwm-asbestus is
made by dissolving 1 gramme of palladium in nitro-muriatic acid,
and evaporating the solution until all free acid is expelled. The
palladious chloride (about 1.7 gr.) is dissolved in very little water,
and to this are added 5 Cc. of a cold, saturated, aqueous solution
of sodium formate and enough pure sodium carbonate to render the
liquid alkaline.
With this mixture one gramme of pure, long-fibred amianthus is
impregnated and dried; first at a very gentle heat, lastly at 100 C.
The palladium, reduced to a fine metallic state, is precipitated
upon the fibre, and after being perfectly dried adheres well. It is
washed with warm water upon a funnel until all soluble salts are
removed, then again dried at 100° C., and carefully preserved with-
out bending or unnecessary handling, in glass tubes. Itis used to
absorb hydrogen from gas mixtures, etc.
Platinum-Asbestus is prepared in the same manner, using for 1
gramme of asbestus 1.2 gr. of platinic chloride, corresponding to
about 0.5 gr. of metal.
Copper- Asbestus is made by impregnating the short-fibred va-
riety with saturated solution of pure copper nitrate, drying and
heating to redness, when the salt will be converted into black
cupric oxide. Itis then heated in a current of hydrogen gas until
the oxide is fully reduced to metal. In the elementary analysis of
organic substances containing nitrogen this is used instead of
copper turnings.
NOTE. Many other silicates, natural and artificial, are em-
ployed for the same purposes as asbestus. Thus, pumice stone is
used for soaking with sulphuric acid to dehydrate gases; it is also
coated with metallic copper for organic analysis. Garnets, quartz
in small fragments, kieselguhr, glass wool and slag wool are used
for filtering acids.
also called docimastic or pyrognostic reagents, are used in the assay
of ores, etc.,in the dry way, by blowpipe or furnace operations.
They are described under their respective titles. See Stlicie Acid,
Coal, Fluxes, Lead, Lead Monoxide, Sodiwm Drborate, etc.
Uses. Azolitmin, being the most important of the four coloring
principles contained in litmus, is sometimes isolated to serve-as
indicator in alkalimetry and for the preparation of test papers.
The removal of the other coloring principles, which interfere with
its prompt reaction, makes it more sensitive than the crude litmus
preparation. Itis colored red by acids, blue by alkalies.
Tests. Azolitmin forms an amorphous, red-brown powder, very
little soluble in water, insoluble in acids, forming with alkalies
blue salts, which easily dissolve in water.
PREPARATION. Litmus is digested with 6 parts of hot water; the
solution is filtered, and into it strips of cotton or linen cloth (free
from starch) are immersed until the color has been absorbed. They
are then taken out, permitted to drip and, when partly dry, are
immersed into dilute sulphuric acid (1%). The acid renders the
azolitmin red and insoluble, and fixes it in the fibre. The strips are
next washed in water until no more coloring matter can be ex-
tracted. ‘This removes the other pigments and leaves only azolit-
min in the cloth. It is next soaked in water made alkaline by a
small quantity of sodium hydrate. The blue, soluble sodium salt is
formed, and may be extracted by pressure. From this solution
either the dry azolitmin is obtained by precipitation with sulphuric
acid, or the solution is mixed with only afew drops of very dilute
acid to give it a neutral purple tint, and then preserved as an indi-
cator for alkalimetrie work, or converted into test paper by soak-
ing strips of unsized paper with it. See also Color Reagents and
Indicators, Litmus and Testpapers.
Usrs. To remove sulphuric acid by precipitation as barium sul-
phate in cases where the introduction of acetic acid is preferable to
that of the other acids of barium salts. Hence, it isemployed in the
separation of magnesium from the alkalies (in water analysis, etc.).
The sulphates of magnesium and the alkalies are converted into
acetates, and these, by ignition, into carbonates. Water dissolves
out the alkalies and leaves magnesium carbonate and oxide.
Tests. As the reagent is but seldom used, it is best to prepare it,
whenever needed, from pure materials. When bought in crystals
it should, in addition to the tests used for other barium salts (see
barium chloride), show the absence of hydrochloric, nitric and
other acids. Its solution is therefore precipitated by dilute, pure
sulphuric acid in slight excess and filtered. The filtrate must leave
no residue when heated on platinum foil. It must give no precipi-
tate with silver nitrate either before or after neutralization with
sodium hydrate. With diphenyl-amine and concentrated sulphuric
acid it must show no blue color.
PREPARATION. Pure barium carbonate is added in slight excess
to pure dilute acetic acid. After standing some time, the solution
is filtered and is then ready for use. By evaporation crystals may
be obtained, which are dissolved in 7.2 parts of water, when needed
in solution.
Usrs. Native barium carbonate, witherite, is too impure for ana-
lytical purposes, but is often used to prepare from it pure barium
chloride and other salts. The pure salt is used to remove by pre-
cipitation ferric, chromic and aluminium salts from those of zinc,
manganese and other bases of the third and fourth analytical
groups, sulphuric acid being absent. Also to remove sulphuric
acid from solutions, etc. Also to prepare some of the less fre
quently used barium salts, such as the acetate, by saturating their
Tests. Barium carbonate must yield nothing to pure water de-
prived of carbonic acid gas by boiling. It must leave no residue
insoluble in water after neutralization with pure dilute hydro-
chloric acid. On addition of a slight excess of pure dilute sulphuric
acid to this solution, the whole of the base must be precipitated as
barium sulphate, and after boiling and careful filtration, so that
none of the fine particles of the precipitate can pass through the
filter, addition of alcohol must not produce a turbidity (absence of
calcium and strontium), nor leave any residue on heating upon
platinum foil.
PREPARATION. To a boiling solution of pure, crystallized barium
chloride in pure water add a concentrated solution of pure am-
monium carbonate, mixed with a little ammonia water, as long as
a precipitate falls. Wash out, first by repeated decantation, then
on a filter, until every trace of chloride is removed, as shown by
nitrate of silver. The precipitate is then dried and preserved free
from dust, etc. For use it is mixed with pure water to the con-
sistence of thick milk.
Uses. To detect and separate the inorganic acids of the first
group, which form barium salts insoluble in water, from those of
the other groups forming soluble barium salts. As a special re-
agent for sulphuric acid, whose barium salt is insoluble in water
and in all dilute acids, but soluble in hot concentrated sulphuric
acid as barium disulphate, Ba(HS O4)2. Also in volumetric ana-
lysis as normal and decinormal solution. Ba Cle + 2H2 O = 248.428.
Tests. The pure salt forms colorless, rhombic crystals, soluble
in 2.3 parts of water at 15° C., insoluble in absolute alcohol, and in
concentrated H Cl. The aqueous solution must be strictly neutral
to test papers; must not yield any precipitate with hydrogen sul-
phide, or ammonium sulphide, containing nofree ammonia. After
precipitation with sulphuric acid in slight excess the filtrate must
yield no precipitate with sodium carbonate and hydrate, nor leave
any permanent residue on heating upon platinum foil.
To the flame it must communicate a yellowish-green color, free
from red, showing a pure barium spectrum. To render the flame
test more effective, the salt is washed with alcohol of spec. gr. 0.928
and the washings tested, in which very little barium chloride dis-
solves, while the calcium and strontium salts, if present, are freely
dissolved and thus more readily shown.
PREPARATION. There are two native minerals which serve as the
source of barium preparations, the sulphate, called heavy spar or
barytes, and the carbonate or witherite. On the larger scale, finely
powdered barium sulphate is heated to a white heat with chareoal
and manganous chloride (obtained as a bye-product in the chlorine
manufacture). Or by heating together 12 parts of heavy spar, 6
parts of dry calcium chloride, 2 parts of charcoal and 2 parts of iron.
The product in each case is leached out with boiling water, crystal-
lized and refined by recrystallization.
On the smaller scale, 8 parts of finely powdered barium sulphate
are mixed thoroughly with two parts of lampblack, and one part of
linseed oil (or rosin), placed ina crucible and gradually heated up
to a bright white heat, at which they are kept for many hours.
The product, consisting of impure barium sulphide, is leached out
with about four times its weight of water. Of the solution about
1-20th part is set aside, and to the rest a slight excess of hydro-
chloric acid is added. After the expulsion of the HS, the liquid is
filtered, evaporated to about one-third, and then enough of the re-
served barium sulphide solution is added to render the liquid
slightly alkaline. It is now again filtered, evaporated to dryness,
dissolved in three parts of water, filtered and, after slight acidula-
tion with hydrochloric acid, concentrated and crystallized. The
crystals are dissolved in 2 parts of hot water and 2 parts of alcohol
added. This precipitates barium chloride, which is separated on a
filter and washed with alcohol, while strontium and calcium chlor-
ides remain in solution.
From witherite, barium chloride is made by dissolving 10 parts
of the powdered material in about 15 parts of hydrochloric acid.
After solution, 1 more part of witherite is added and digested in a
warm place for 24 hours. In case iron is present, as shown by
tannic acid and other reagents, enough of the solution of bleach-
ing powder (calcium hypochlorite) is added to remove it. The
liquid is then filtered, evaporated, crystallized, and after reerystal-
lization, purified by precipitating with alcohol as above.
For use, 1 part of the crystals is dissolved in ten parts of water.
Normal solution contains 243.423 grammes in 1 litre.
Usses. To prepare hydrogen dioxide for detection of chromie
acid, titanic acid, etc. ©
Tests. After precipitation by sulphuric acid the filtrate must on
evaporation leave no fixed residue. When a small quantity is sus-
pended in cold water and dilute hydrochloric acid added, it must
yield sufficient hydrogen dioxide to color blue a dilute solution of
potassium dichromate.
PREPARATION. As pure dioxide is somewhat difficult to obtain
entirely free from oxide, and as the presence of this does not
interfere with the use, a preparation of suflicient purity is obtained
by heating dry barium oxide, Ba O, to a red heat in a suitable tube,
while a current of oxygen is passing over it.
(Crystallized : Ba (O H)2 + 8H: O.)
Uses. In the dry state it is used as a flux to decompose silicates
for the determination of their alkalies. In crystals and in solution
it serves to remove C Oz from mixed gases ; to prepare pure alka-
line hydrates ; to liberate organic and inorganic bases from their
compounds, e. g., glycerin from fats ; to remove chlorophyll, ete.
To precipitate acids forming insoluble barium salts, e. g., to re-
move sulphates, phosphates, etc., from urine, preparatory to test-
ing for urea, etc. In volumetric analysis for acidimetry, determi-
nation of chloral hydrate, etc. Molec. weight: Ba (O H)z = 170.683;
Ba (O H)e + 8He2 O = 314.363,
Tests. After precipitation by sulphuric acid the filtrate must
leave no fixed residue on evaporation. The salt Ba (O H)z + 8H2 O
is soluble at 15° C. in 20 parts of water, at 100° C. in 8 parts.
PREPARATION, Either by precipitation of a concentrated solu-
tion of barium chloride by sodium hydrate, or by heating barium
nitrate for some time to a white heat and then adding water. Or
better, by heating a mixture of 10 parts of barium carbonate with 1
part of lampblack, and 1 part of linseed oil (or rosin) for several
days to a white heat (by placing the crucible in a brick kiln). The
cooled mass is leached out with boiling water, filtered while hot,
and the clear solution left to cool in well-stoppered bottles, so as
to let the crystals deposit. They are separated by filtration and
kept in well-closed bottles. In all of these operations access of
air must be prevented as much as possible, so as to exclude its
C Oe from the solution, which would rapidly absorbit. From the
crystals, the dry barium hydrate is obtained by heating them ina
platinum or silver vessel till the water of crystallization is expelled,
which occurs below a red heat.
Baryta Water. For use,1 part of the crystals is dissolved in 20
parts of water, boiled immediately before, so as to expel C Oz. The
volumetric solution is made of half-normal strength, 157.181
grammes to 1 litre, containing 85.341 gr. of Ba(O H)2. To prevent
its rapid deterioration a special absorption tube is attached to the
bottle, a layer of petroleum is poured upon its surface, and fre-
quently the burette is connected with the containing vessel so as to
exclude C Ox.
Rohrbach’s Solution.
Uses. In petrographic work the concentrated solution is used to
separate various components of rocks by difference in specific
gravity. Thesolution in its utmost concentration contains an ex-
cess of mercuric iodide and attains the spec. gray. 3.588, but be-
comes gradually lighter by the separation of crystals of mercuric
iodide. Epidote and olivine float in it.
PREPARATION. Into a small flask place 100 grammes barium
iodide (which may be made from barium carbonate and hydriodic
acid), 180 gr. red mercuric iodide and 20 Ce. of water. Heat to 200°
C. on an oil bath, accelerating the solution by agitation. As soon
as dissolved, reduce the temperature to 100° and evaporate (in a
porcelain dish) until a crystal of epidote floats. On cooling, the
density increases. The solution is carefully decanted and pre-
served in a glass-stoppered vial.
For other petrographic reagents, see Bromoform, Cadmium Boro-
tungstate and Mercuric Potassium Iodide.
Usrs. For the same purposes as barium chloride, when the intro-
duction of chlorine is objectionable. By ignition it loses its acid
and is converted into BaO. Mol. W. = 260.565.
Tests. It crystallizes in regular octahedra, soluble in 12 parts of
water, insoluble in alcohol. In addition to the tests for other ba-
rium salts, the absence of chlorine must be shown by silver nitrate
failing to give a precipitate in a dilute solution, slightly acidulated
with nitric acid.
PREPARATION. Barium carbonate is saturated with dilute nitric
acid, concentrated and crystallized.
For use, dissolve 1 part in 15 parts of water.
Usep for the convenient preparation of hydrogen sulphide free
from arsenic (Winkler). The almost universal freedom from ar-
senic of the native barium sulphate, from which the material is
prepared, together with its cheapness, recommends it as a substitute
‘aid 2, Pvp
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for ferrous sulphide. Itis used, broken into lumps, in any form of
generating apparatus, and with pure acid furnishes pure hydrogen
PREPARATION. 100 parts of heavy spar, 25 parts of powdered
charcoal and 20 parts of sodium chloride are intimately mixed, and
by aid of.a little water formed into a stiff dough. This is pressed
into clay crucibles of suitable size (about 25 Cm. high and 10 Cm.
wide), and dried at a gentle heat. The crucibles are covered first
with powdered charcoal, then the cover is luted on with clay,
leaving asmall opening for escape of gas. They are then heated
for several hours to a white heat (ina brick kiln or suitable fur-
nace). After cooling, the crucibles are easily emptied, the sintered
mass broken into lumps of suitable size and preserved in tightly
sealed cans. When stone coal, absolutely free from arsenical
pyrites, is used in the place of charcoal, a more compact mass is ob-
Notr. The volatile fraction of petroleum boiling between 50°
and 60° C., of spec. gr. 0.670 to 0.675, consisting principally of pen-
tane, Cs Hiz, hexane, Ce Hu, and their isomers, is recognized in the
U.S. P. under this name, while other authorities use the name for
a different substance. The similarity of the name of the coaltar
product, benzol, also called benzene, has led to some confusion.
Dragendorff, who introduced the petroleum product into plant
analysis, calls it petrolewm-ether, including in this designation all
the more volatile congtituents, while he gives the name benzin to
the coaltar derivative . Ce He. To prevent mistakes it is best
to follow the nomenclature of the Pharmacopeeia, avoid the name
benzene, and call the coaltar product BENZOL, as proposed by Lie-
big in 1834), confining the names BENZIN and PETROLEUM-ETHER
to the more volatile portion of petroleum, although, strictly
speaking, it is no ether.
Uses. In organic analysis benzin is used for dissolving resins,
oils and fats ; the more volatile portions serve to remove the active
principles of plants from various solutions. Thus, from acidulated
solution petroleum-ether extracts salicylic acid, phenols, absinthin,
piperine, lupuline, cantharidin, etc.; from alkaline solution strych-
nine, brucine, emetine, coniine, nicotine, etc., etc. (Dragendorf,.)
Tests. For solution of oils and fats the U. 8. P. benzinis suitable.
On evaporation, it should not leave a disagreeable odor of sulphur
compounds, nor any less volatile residue, boiling above 60° C. On
agitating 2 parts of benzin with a mixture of four parts of nitric
and one part of concentrated sulphuric acid, neither a dark color
nor a bitter almond odor should be produced, the latter indicating
presence of benzol, which occurs in small quantity in Russian pe-
troleum. For extracting alkaloids, etc., a petroleum-ether of lower
boiling point is preferable.
PREPARATION. A sufficiently pure product, rectified on the
large scale, is generally obtainable in the market. If necessary,
commercial benzin may be refined by first digesting with a solution
of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, washing and then
mixing with about one-fourth of pure hogs lard. The mixture is
carefully distilled, rejecting the portion boiling above 60° C., and,
if necessary, redistilled.
UsrEs. As a solvent of fats, oils, resins, caoutchouc, sulphur,
phosphorus, iodine, alkaloids, ete. For the preparation of nitro-
benzol, aniline and other derivatives.
Tests. Pure benzol is a transparent liquid of spec. gr. 0.8846 at
15°C. It boils at 80.387° C. and solidifies at 0° to rhombic prisms.
A higher boiling point indicates the presence of toluol and other
homologues of higher boiling point and lower spec. gravity. It is
insoluble in water, soluble in 4 parts of aleohol. Pureconcentrated
sulphuric acid dissolves pure benzol without coloration, forming
benzol-sulphonie acid. Benzol should be free from more than
traces of thiophene, C4 H4 S, which is pratt to the amount of 4%
in crude benzol from coaltar. When a small amount of benzol con-
taining thiophene is dropped on heated sodium, an alkaline sul-
phide is formed, as shown by the violet-blue color produced by
sodium nitroprusside in a solution of the charred residue.
PREBARATION. The purest benzol is obtained by the dry distilla-
tion of 1 part benzoic acid with three parts of slightly moistened
quicklime and rectification by fractional distillation. On the large
scale, benzol is made for the manufacture of aniline by distillation
of coaltar. The so-called light oil, which comes over between 60°
and 150° C., is agitated with sulphuric acid to remove basic com-
pounds; it is then washed with weak lye, and rectified by repeated
fractional distillation. The final product is cooled with ice and the
benzol crystals, which form at 0°, are separated and drained.
Benzo-purpurin, B, see color reagents and indicators,
Usres. To convert, by heating in alkaline solution, metallic sul-
phides into their hydrates and oxides ; to convert arsenic trisul-
phide into arsenite, the pentasulphide into arsenate. In most
cases the subnitrate may be substituted for it.
Tests. It must dissolve in nitric acid without residue, and with-
out becoming colored blue (copper). The absence of tin, antimony,
arsenic and tellurium is shown by dissolving the hydrate in dilute
nitric acid, precipitating with He S and filtering. The precipitated
bismuth sulphide is digested with ammonium sulphide, which
should not extract anything soluble, so that when filtered and acid-
ulated with H Cl only pure sulphur should be precipitated .
In the first filtrate from the precipitate by HzS in acid solution
thallium may be recognized by neutralizing and adding potas-
slum iodide, which would precipitate yellow thallous iodide. Iron
and other metals of the fourth group would be shown by neutraliz-
ing with ammonia and adding ammonium sulphide. Silver, which
is frequently present in bismuth compounds, is shown by precipi-
tating the solution of bismuth hydrate in nitric acid with concen-
trated H Cl, when bismuth will remain in solution, while silver
chloride precipitates and is blackened by sunlight. Copper may
be shown either by ammonia or in small quantities by electrolytic
deposition. For arsenig Mleztmann’s test may be used (page 14).
PREPARATION. To Masure bismuth hydrate (and other com-
pounds) free from antimony, arsenic, tin, tellurium, silver, copper,
thallium and iron, which, from being found in the bismuth ores,
occasionally pass into the metal and the preparations made from it,
itis best tostart from a pure metal. Commercial bismuth is first
purified by remelting at lowest heat in a shallow iron pan, slightly
inclined. Arsenic is thus almost entirely volatilized, while most
other impurities remain unmelted on the pan, the purer bismuth
trickling off. It is again melted, and for every 1,000 parts a mix-
ture of 45 parts of potassium cyanide and 17 parts of sulphur is
stirred in, while the heat isincreased. This converts the remain-
ing arsenic, copper, etc., into sulphides, which separate from the
melted bismuth. To free it from the last traces of impurities, the
metal (or the commercial hydrate or subnitrate) is dissolved in
nitric acid, avoiding excess. To the solution water is added until it
begins to get turbid, the liquid is left at rest to deposit the precipi-
tate. from which itis decanted. Sodium (or potassium) hydrate is
now added till the reaction becomes alkaline, and then concen-
trated glycerine, which redissolves the bismuth hydrate, but leaves
other metals undissolved. To this solution there is then added a
solution of 5 parts of glucose for one part of bismuth employed
(freed from lime by addition of sodium carbonate) and the mixture
left at rest in a well-closed flask, to reduce whatever silver and
copper was present and deposit them as metallic silver and cuprous
oxide. After filtration, bismuth is reduced by boiling and precipi-
tates as a finely divided gray powder, absolutely pure from arsenic
and other impurities. This is collected on a filter and washed.
From the pure metal the prepared by dissolving it in
nitric acid, precipitating by sodium hydrate, washing out and dry-
Dragendorff’s Reagent.
Uses, Inthe analysis of alkaloids this is used similarly to cad-
mium-potassium iodide. The addition of a few drops of its solution
to10 Ce. of an aqueous solution of alkaloids, acidulated with 2 Cc. of
sulphuric acid, produces an amorphous orange precipitate with
even very dilute solution of brucine, strychnine, curarine, atropine,
physostigmine, aconitine, quinine, cinchonine, morphine, codeine,
narcotine, papaverine, thebaine, delphinine, caffeine, berberine,
bebeerine, nicotine and coniine. Narceine, theobromine, veratrine,
digitaline and solanine are precipitated from concentrated solution,
dilute solutions become only slightly turbid. Ammonia and alka-
line hydrates and carbonates decomposéjhe reagent to bismuth
hydrate or carbonate. Urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, asparagin,
creatine and creatinine are not precipitated. (Dragendorf.)
PREPARATION. Bismuth iodide is first prepared by subliming in
a tube of hard Bohemian glass an intimate mixture of 4 parts of
metallic bismuth (or 5 parts of bismuth sulphide) with 7 parts of
iodine. The sublimate is dissolved in a warm, concentrated solu-
tion of potassium iodide, and as much more of this is added as was
necessary for solution. The reagent is kept in the dark in well-
closed bottles. It will not keep after dilution.
Fron’s modification of Dragendorff’s solution requires acidulat-
ing the alkaloid solution with strong H Cl, to prevent decomposi-
tion of the reagent. It is made by suspending 1.5 gr. of freshly
precipitated bismuth subnitrate in 20 Cc. of water, heating to boil-
ing and and adding 7 grammes of potassium iodide and 10 Ce. of
H Cl.
( Throsulphate.)
Usrs. To detect potassium whose salts are precipitated by the
reagent as bismuth-potassium hyposulphite, of lemon-yellow color,
entirely insoluble in alcohol. (Campari.)
PREPARATION. The reagent is only prepared when needed by
dissolving bismuth subnitrate in as little H Cl as possible; sodium
hyposulphite (thiosulphate) is at the same time dissolved in a mini-
mum of water. Two or three drops of each solution are then
mixed and added to 5 Ce. of strong alcohol. The colorless mixture
produces the yellow precipitate in potassium salts.
Uses. For detection of glucose in urine, either by Boettger’s
method (adding the bismuth salt and sodium bicarbonate to the
urine and heating), or by some of its modifications, in which an
alkaline solution of bismuth is prepared from it. Among these,
Nylander’s solution appears to be most satisfactory. Also, in the
same manner as bismuth hydrate, in converting arsenic sulphides
into the corresponding oxides. Also for preparing other bismuth
Tests. It should conform to the tests for absence of foreign sub-
stances enumerated under bismuth hydrate. Especially should
freedom from arsenic be shown by Fleitmann’s test (see Nitric Acid,
page 14).
PREPARATION. Dissolve 1 part of pure, granulated bismuth in 6
parts of pure nitric acid of spec. gray. 1.25; apply heat enough to-
ward the last (to finish ‘the solution) to expel the red fumes and to
reduce the volume to about one-third. Then pour into a large
amount of pure water. Decant the acid liquid from the subsided
precipitate, add more water and decant again several times, finally
drain the precipitate and dry it ata gentle heat. Ifit should give
off nitrous fumes it must be washed again.
Nylander’s Solution is made by dissolving 2 gr. bismuth subni-
trate and 4 gr. rochelle salt in a solution of 10 gr. sodium hydrate in
90 Ce. water, and separating the undissolved bismuth salt ; one
Ce. of this solution is added to 10 Ce. of urine or other saccha-
rine liquid.
Ussrs. For volumetric determination of manganese. It converts,
in connection with nitric acid, the lower oxides of manganese into
permanganic acid, which may then be volumetrically determined
by oxalic acid (Leop. Schneider).
PREPARATION. One part eachof bismuth hydrate and potassium
chlorate are intimately mixed and heated to redness. The mixture
is then fused with two parts of sodium hydrate. The dark brown
mass is washed out with water until it shows no more alkaline re-
action, leaving a pale brown residue of sodium bismuthate, Na Bi
Os. This is triturated with dilute (5%) nitric acid, which dissolves
out the sodium, evolves oxygen and leaves the red-brown hydrate
of the tetroxide, which is washed and dried.
Black Flux, see Fluxes.
Bohlig’s Reagent, see Mercuric Oxychloride.
Borax, see Sodium Didorate.
In the shape of foil, wire or turnings, brass is sometimes substi-
tuted for copper, zinc or gold to precipitate mercury from its salts;
brass foil is used in Hager’s Kramato-method for detection of ar-
Pernambuco wood.
Usgs. To detect hydrofluoric acid and mineral acids in vinegar.
The brazilwood and the closely allied sappanwood, both derived
from varieties of czesalpinia, contain a crystallizable yellow color-
ing principle, Brazilin, C2 Ha» O7, which, on exposure to light,
changes to a reddish color. With sulphuric, nitric and hydro-
chloric acid it forms compounds of an intense peachbloom-red
color. Hydrofluoric acid and many organic acids produce with it
a bright yellow.
It is generally employed as a testpaper, made by immersing strips
of unsized paper in a strong watery infusion of the wood. It must
be prepared, dried and preserved with exclusion of daylight.
When a strip of moist brazilwood paper, slightly reddened by
exposure to light, is exposed to the fumes of hydrofluoric acid it
turns yellow. This serves especially in the blowpipe test of mine-
rals containing fluorides, which are decomposed by microcosmic
When brazilwood paper is immersed for half a minute in vinegar
(or other liquids), containing even less than one-half per cent of
sulphuric acid, and then dried, the color becomes a bright peach-
bloom-red. Hydrochloric or nitric acid produce a similar effect.
Atomic weight = 79.768.
Usgs. Bromine, being characterized by great affinity for hydro-
gen and for metals, serves, therefore, as an oxidizer, and for the
conversion of metals into bromides, most of which are soluble in
water. It sets free iodine from its compounds; it readily unites
with ‘sulphur, thus serving for the decomposition of sulphides; it
liberates nitrogen from ammonia; it forms with phenol an insol-
uble tribromphenol, and thus is used for its detection and volumetric
determination (Koppeschaar). In combination with alkalies (as
hypobromite) it serves to decompose urea and to determine its
quantity by measuring the resulting nitrogen (Knop and Huefner).
In solution in water, hydrochloric acid or potassium bromide solu-
tion, it is useful for detection of alkaloids, being used instead of
chlorine to produce the thalleioquine reaction with quinine and
quinidine; also to precipitate cinchonidine, oxyacanthine, sanguin-
arine, hydrastine, bebeerine, etc. With bile colors it produces the
characteristic color reactions. It is also used in the solid form, by
impregnating cylinders formed of the silicious earth, called Kiesel-
guhr (or, improperly, infusorial earth) in mineral assays, for the
decomposition of natural metallic sulphides. (A. Brand.)
Tests. At ordinary temperatures,pure bromine is a dark brown-
red liquid, emitting orange-red vapors. At 15° C.its spec. grav. is
2.97; at —24.5° C. it becomes solid, and boils at 63° C. under normal
pressure of 760 Mm. At 15° C. it dissolves in 33.3 parts of water,
forming bromine water, which must be preserved in the dark, as in
sunlight it is rapidly decomposed, forming oxygen and hydro-
bromic acid; potassium bromide, as well as hydrochloric acid, in-
creases its solubility. It also dissolves in alcohol, ether, chloro-
form, etc., but gradually decomposes them, as well as cork, caout-
chouc, etc.
Commercial bromine is seldom entirely free from chlorine and
bromoform, but these may be disregarded in most operations, if
not present in too large a quantity. To detect chlorine, the bro-
mine is converted into barium bromide by neutralizing with pure
baryta water, crystallizing the resultant mixture of barium bromate
and bromide and heating the crystals to redness. The resulting
barium bromide is entirely soluble in absolute alcohol, barium
chloride being left as insoluble residue.
Absence of iodine may be shown by shaking an aqueous solution
of bromine with ferric chloride and chloroform. Iodine would
color the chloroform violet. When dissolved in solution of sodium
hydrate no yellow drops should separate, nor any odor of bromo-
form be given off.
PREPARATION. Pure bromine may be made from the crude com-
mercial article by repeated redistillation over powdered potassium
bromide, rejecting the last portions of the distillate. The organic
matter is entirely destroyed by passing the vapor over red hot
manganese dioxide. It may be made absolutely pure by convert-
ing the bromine into barium bromide by high heat, dissolving in
absolute alcohol and, after removal of the alcohol, distilling the
pure salt with pure sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide.
Deci-normal solution of bromine is made by mixing 100 Cc. of
deci-normal solution of potassium bromide, containing 11.8787 gr.
K Br in one litre, with 100 Cc. of deci-normal potassium bromate
solution, containing 16.6667 gr. K Br Ogin one litre, and with 10 Ce.
of pure sulphuric acid. It contains 7.9768 gr. Br in one litre, but
will rapidly decompose in the light. Paper dipped into a solution of
starch and zinc iodide serves as indicator. It is employed for titra-
tion of phenol.
UsED occasionally in petrographic work for mechanical separa-
tion of the ingredients of rocks by specific gravity. For this pur-
pose the commercial article of spec. gr. 2.775 at 14.5 C. is of sufli-
cient purity. Itis often obtained as a bye-product of the bromine
For other petrographic reagents see Bariwm Mercuric Iodide,
Cadmium Boro-tungstate and Mercuric Potassium Iodide.
BRUCINE, Ces Has Ne O4 + 2He O.
Uses. For the detection and approximate estimation of small
quantities of nitric acid and nitrates, especially in drinking water.
With nitric acid brucine produces an intense red eolor, rapidly
changing to yellow (Kakoteline). Itis used by adding to the water
to be examined an equal bulk of a solution of 1 part of brucine in
300 parts of very dilute sulphuric acid. To this concentrated sul-
phuric acid is cautiously poured, so as to form a layer underneath.
The red color appears at the zone of contact. Molec. Weight =
Tests. The commercial article is sufficiently pure. As it is ob-
tained as a bye-product of the manufacture of strychnine, it may
contain small amounts of other strychnos alkaloids, but they do
not interfere with its use. It forms white, monoclinic crystals, sol-
uble at 15° C. in 320 parts of water, 1.5 parts of alcohol and in 7
parts of chloroform.
CADMIUM BORO-TUNGSTATE, Bie He We Os) . 7(W Os). Be Os +
16 He O.
Klein’s Reagent.
Uses. For separations in petrographic work. A saturated
aqueous solution of this salt has, at 15° C., spec. gr. 3.28. Crystals
fuse at 75°C. in their water of crystallization, and this liquid has
spec. gr. 3.6, and is sufficiently dense to float crystals of spinel.
PREPARATION. Six parts of sodium tungstate are dissolved in 30
parts of water and boiled with 9 parts of boracic acid. The solu-
tion is stirred while cooling and decanted from the crystals of
borax, which separate. It is concentrated by evaporation and
crystals removed as they form, until it becomes dense enough to
float the glass stirring rod. Two parts of barium chloride, dissolved
in a minimum of boiling water, are now added to the boiling solu-
tion. A dense white precipitate is formed, which is separated by
filtration and washed with water. It is then dissolved in hot
water containing 10% of concentrated hydrochloric acid. To the
solution some more hydrochloric acid is added, and it is then evapo-
rated to dryness. The dry mass is dissolved in boiling water, leav-
ing an insoluble residue of tungstic acid. From the hot concen-
trated solution quadratic crystals of bariwm borotungstate, 2(Ba He
W2 Os) .'7(W Os). B2O3 + 16H2O, form on cooling, and may be puri-
fied by recrystallization. To a boiling solution of the crystals a
concentrated solution of cadmium sulphate is now added as long as
barium sulphate precipitates. The liquid is filtered, and from it
erystals of cadmium boro-tungstate are obtained by evaporation on
a water bath. The salt is soluble in less than one-tenth of its
weight of water.
It is used in a Harada’s separating funnel, surrounded with a hot
water jacket.
Uses. To add to starch solution for the purpose of indicating the
presence of chlorine, bromine, nitrous acid or other agents capable
of liberating iodine from its compounds. It is preferred for this
purpose to potassium or zinc iodide, on account ofits greater sta-
bility and resistance to decomposition by light, etc., although it is
not entirely unaffected by strong sunlight.
Tests. The saltforms hexagonal plates of a white, pearly lustre,
soluble in alcohol. At 20° C. one part requires 1.1 of water for so-
lution. After protracted exposure to light Cd Iz becomes yellow,
and should then be rejected until purified again. Its aqueous solu-
tion, slightly acidulated with H Cland saturated with He S, should
yield a pure yellow precipitate. The filtrate from this should, on
evaporation, leave no permanent residue.
PREPARATION. Digest one part of pure metallic cadmium, in fine
granules, with 2 parts of pure powdered iodine, suspended in 4
parts of water. After the solution has become colorless, filter it off
from the small excess of cadmium, evaporate and set aside to crys-
Molec. weight = 364.884; Cd = 111.77; I = 126.557.
Marme'’s Reagent.
Usrs. The solution of this salt produces in solutions of a great
number of alkaloids, acidulated with H2SOu., floceculent precipi-
tates, some of which soon become crystalline (nicotine, morphine,
cinchonidine, etc.). They are easily soluble in alcohol and in an
excess of the reagent; less so in water, insoluble in ether. From
the precipitates the pure alkaloids are easily obtained by mixing
them with solutions of alkaline hydrates or carbonates, and shak-
ing out the free alkaloid with amyl alcohol, ether or benzol.
Strychnine and quinine are precipitated completely from solu-
tions of 1:10000, and many other alkaloids (of opium, cinchona,
strychnos, etc., etc.) in almost as great dilution; while the reagent
fails to precipitate glucosides (such as salicin, amygdalin, digitalin,
etc.), urea and ureides, caffeine, etc. (Marmé.)
PREPARATION. A concentrated solution of K I is divided into 2
equal parts. One of them is heated to boiling and cadmium iodide
is added to it as long asit will dissolve. The other portion of K I
solution is then added, and by concentration crystals of
Cd Iz. 2K I+ 2H: O are obtained. A saturated solution may be
preserved for a long time, while in dilution it rapidly decomposes
Calcium Carbonate, Ca COs.
Usrs. In assaying for iron or copper as a flux. The ordinary
crystallized calcite is sufficiently pure.
Usrs. Anhydreus calcium chloride rapidly attracts moisture and
deliquesces. It is therefore used to remove aqueous vapor from
air or other gases. It is placed into cases of balances and desic-
cators so as to permit cooling, preservation and weighing of filters,
precipitates, etc., dried by heat, without absorbing moisture again.
In suitable tube apparatus it is used to absorb the water produced
by the oxidation of hydrogen or otherwise liberated, and thus to
determine its weight.
In solution Ca Cle is used as a general reagent for separating
organic acids into groups. One group (oxalic, tartaric, racemic,
citric, malic, etc.) is precipitated, their neutral calcium salts being
either insoluble or difficultly soluble in water, while those of other
groups (suecinic, benzoic, salicylic, ete., or acetic, formic, butyric,
lactic, ete.) form soluble calcium salts.
Addition of a few drops of Ca Cle solution tourine, in which glu-
cose is determined by Fehling’s solution, if made just before the
finishing point, serves to promptly settle the cuprous oxide by en-
tangling the suspended particles in the gelatinous caleium tartrate
and thus facilitates the perception of the end of the reaction.
Tests. For many purposes of drying the anhydrous Ca Cle need
not be pure. But for accurate gas analysis or for elementary
organic analysis pure Ca Cleis required. It should be white, dry
and either in solid, fused fragments, or in pieces of spongy texture,
offering a larger surface for absorption. When too highly heated
during the process of fusion, the last portions of the hydrate will
decompose into Ca O and H Cl, leaving a product of alkaline reac-
tion, capable of absorbing some C Oz.
The crystallized salt, Ca Cle + 6 He O, is used for making the so-
lution, and must be strictly neutral. Its dilute solution must yield
no precipitate with Hz S, nor with ammonium sulphide or hydrate,
nor with calcium sulphate or barium chloride. After precipitation
with a mixture of ammonium carbonate, hydrate and chloride, the
filtrate must not be precipitated by sodium phosphate (absence of
magnesium). No ammonia must be evolved on heating with cal-
eium or potassium hydrate.
PREPARATION. Fragments of pure, white marble are added to dilute
H Cl (1:6) until no more is dissolved. Some lime water is added to
the solution, and then Hz S passed through it until a small filtered
portion is no longer changed by ammonium sulphide. It is then
poured into a flask, well corked and left for 24 hours in a warm
place to deposit sediment. The clear filtrate is then accurately
neutralized with H Cl, evaporated and left to crystallize.
The crystals are dried on filter paper and either preserved to use
for solution or made anhydrous by heating them untilthe opaque,
dry mass, which at first results, fuses at the lowest possible tem-
perature. The solution is prepared by dissolving 1 part of Ca Cle +
6 He O in 5 parts of water.
Uses. To prepare hydrofluoric and hydrofluosilicic acid.
Also, with potassium or sodium acid sulphate in blowpipe analysis,
to liberate alkalies (especially lithium) from their silicates and
recognize them by their flame color. Pure ammonium fluoride or
liquid hydrofluoric acid or powdered cryolite are often used in
preference. It is best to select pure crystals of the mineral and
powder them, rather than buy an often impure commercial pow-
dered fluorspar.
Usrs. Calcium hydrate (slaked lime) is used in the form of pow-
der, in solution (as imewater), and in the intermediate state of a
thin magma (as milk of lime). Lime water serves to detect carbou
dioxide by the formation of insoluble calcium carbonate ; also to
recognize tartaric and citric aeids, etc. In the form of milk or dry
powder it is used to liberate ammonia from its compounds and to
separate magnesia from the alkalies by converting magnesium
salts in the insoluble hydrate, requiring 55,000 parts of water for
solution. It is also used in the separation of alkaloids from the
crude drugs; in the making of calcium hypochlorite and other
preparations, among them the soda-lime, employed in ultimate
organic analysis for determining the nitrogen in the form of am-
Tests. For some purposes the ordinary burnt lime furnishes
preparations of sufficient purity, but for others a strictly pure
article, free from alkalies, barium, strontium or magnesium, must be
used. Alkalies are most easily detected by the spectroscope, the
hydrate being for this purpose converted into chloride by adding H
Cl. Limewater is quickly changed by the C Oz of the atmosphere,
and must, therefore, from time to time, be tested for strength, by
giving a strong alkaline reaction with test papers, and precipitate
with sodium carbonate; or else kept saturated by keeping it in
contact with excess of solid hydrate. At15°C., one part of calcium
hydrate requires 780 parts of water for solution. It should give no
precipitate with solutions of calcium sulphate, potassium chromate
or barium chloride. After precipitation with a mixture of ammo-
nium carbonate, chloride and hydrate, the filtrate on evaporation
should leave no permanent residue.
PREPARATION. When only absence of alkalies is required, the
ordinary hydrate may befreed from them by repeated boiling ina
silver dish with distilled water, before making the solution or
milk, or drying again for use in powdered form. Absolutely pure
hydrate is made from pure calcium chloride by precipitating its so-
lution with excess of ammonium carbonate, washing and drying
the precipitate and then calcining it in a platinum crucible by pro-
tracted application of a bright red heat until a small specimen no
longer shows effervescence with dilute nitric acid.
It is slaked by addition of one-half its weight of pure water and,
after cooling, the product is preserved in close vessels.
Chlorinated Lime. Bleaching Powder.
UsrEs. For a number of purposes for which chlorine is employed.
For making solutions of alkaline hypochlorites ; converting alco-
hol, acetone, etc., into chloroform. For recognizing aniline by
the violet-blue color produced with hypochlorite alone, turned into
rose-red by addition of ammonium sulphide; for liberating nitro-
gen from urea; for distinguishing the spots of antimony from those
of arsenic produced in Marsh’s test, As being soluble, Sb insoluble.
For the convenient evolution of chlorine gas, bleaching powder
is made into small cubes with plaster of paris, which are acted on
by H Cl in an apparatus similar to that for evolving Hs S.
Tests. A good commercial article is of sufficient purity, pro-
vided it is free from arsenic. Its strength in available chlorine
should not be less than 25%, the highest possible limit being 52.17.
This is ascertained by titration with deci-normal sodium arsenite
solution, of which 1 Ce. = 0.003537 Cl.
Of the hypochlorite, 7.074 grammes are thoroughly mixed by
trituration with water sufficient to fill a1 litre flask. After subsi-
dence, 50 Ce. of the clear liquid (corresponding to 0.3587 gr. of
hypochlorite) are transferred to a flask and deci-normal solution of
sodium arsenite added from a burette until a drop taken out fails
to give a blue color on starch paper prepared with zinc iodide.
Each Ce. of arsenite used indicates one per cent of available chlo-
PREPARATION. On the large scale chlorinated lime is manufac-
tured by passing chlorine gas into chambers containing, on shallow
shelves, freshly slaked lime, keeping the temperature below 26° C.,
80 as to prevent the formation of chlorate.
Gypsum, Plaster of Paris.
Usrs. In saturated aqueous solution calcium sulphate is used to
detect barium, strontium and oxalic acid. Moulded into small
cylinders it is introduced into tubes to furnish water, as it re-
linquishes its water of crystallization by heating. The partially
dehydrated plaster of paris is used as a cement, etc. Also in blow-
pipe analysis and assaying to fuse with fluorspar, etc. Molec. W. =
Tests. Pure natural crystals of transparent gypsum (selenite)
are selected. They require for solution at 15° C. 380 parts of water.
PREPARATION. Into the bottles filled with pure water small frag-
ments of crystals are introduced, so as to remain in excess and in-
sure full saturation.
Usrs. A solution of caramel containing 100 grammes in 1 litre is
used in sugar refineries as a standard of comparison for ascertain-
ing the decolorizing power of boneblack.
PREPARATION. Sugar is carefully heated to between 180° C. and
200° C., and thus converted into dark-brown caramel. Of this 100
gr. are dissolved in 200 Ce. of water, and 100 Ce. of alcohol added,
then diluted to 1litre. After standing for some days, to allow de-
positing the sediment, the liquid is filtered and preserved.
Usss. As a general solvent of oils, fats, resins, gutta percha, caout-
chouc, etc.; also of phosphorus, sulphur, iodine, arsenic chloride,
bromide or iodide, etc. As a special reagent for the recognition of
iodine, which dissolves in it with a beautiful violet color ; for alco-
hol by the formation of cuprous ethyl-xanthate. For the prepara-
tion of potassium sulphocarbonate, Ke C Ss, used for the detection
of nickel, etc.
It is also used to identify codliver oil. One drop of the oil added
to 20 drops of carbon disulphide and 1 drop of conc. sulphuric acid
produce a beautiful violet color, which soon fades.
Trsts. Pure carbon disulphide is a mobile, colorless, very vola-
tile and highly refractive liquid of peculiar odor, rather agreeable
when pure, but very fetid when impure, especially when contain-
ing selenium or organic sulphides or mercaptans. At 15° C. its
sp. gr. is 1.268; it boils at 46° C., but volatilizes at a much lower tem-
perature. In water it is almost insoluble, but mixes in all propor-
tions with alcohol and ether.
The substances most frequently found as impurities are sulphur,
sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and sometimes selenium and
other impurities. Moist test papers should show neutral reaction
(abs. of S Oz) ; lead carbonate or lead acetate solution should not be
colored black or brown (abs. of Hz 8); on spontaneous evaporation,
on a watch glass, no residue should remain (abs. of more than traces
of water, sulphur, arsenic compounds, etc.) The odor should not’
be fetid nor the color yellow.
PREPARATION. The use of absolutely pure carbon disulphide by
perfumers for extracting the odors of flowers has caused it to be
manufactured largely at very low prices, so that few will incur the
risk of preparing or rectifying C Seon asmall scale. It is made by
heating in a suitable distilling apparatus of stoneware or iron
(Schroetter’s) pieces of pure charcoal to a bright red heat, and then
introducing, through a side tube, pieces of pure sulphur. The vapor
is condensed and rectified by redistillation at a temperature not
exceeding 50° C.; the distillate is shaken with solution of potassium
permanganate, decanted and, if necessary, redistilled at a low tem-
Usrs. This has been reeommended by Sonnenschein, under the
older name of ceroso-ceric oxide, as one of the most delicate re-
agents for strychnine. When a small amount is brought together
with strychnine and concentrated sulphuric acid the same series of
colors are produced as with other oxidizers, potassium dichromate,
permanganate, lead dioxide, manganese dioxide, etc. A deep blue
at first, passes through violet into red. The cerium produces the
reaction with smaller amounts of strychnine and the successive
colors change much more slowly, so as to give better opportunity
for observation. The hydrate being more soluble is preferable to
the anhydrous dioxide.
Tests. Cerium salts are rarely found in commerce entirely free
from didymium and lanthanum, but these do not interfere unless
in too great a quantity, soitis best to test the specimen to be used
by producing the colors with a minute crystal of strychnine and
sulphuric acid,
PREPARATION. The anhydrous oxide is obtained by heating to
redness either the oxalate or the nitrate of cerium. The hydrate is
formed by precipitating cerous hydrate from a solution of the ni-
trate or oxalate by the addition of potassium hydrate. Thisis kept
stirred up in the solution while either chlorine gas is passed through
(or solution of calcium hypochlorite is added), until the precipitate
has been converted into the brownish-yellow ceric hydrate, Ce2 O
(O H)s. This is separated by filtration, washed, dried and care-
fully preserved.
UseEs. In solid pieces, wood charcoal serves as a support in blow-
pipe operations ; also for purifying alcohol from fusel oil previous
to rectification by distilling. In powder, different varieties of car-
bonaceous material, wood, charcoal, coke, lampblack, ete., are used
for the reduction of oxides, ete., at hightemperature. (Preparation
of potassium iodide, bromide, barium sulphide, ete.) Animal char-
coal, principally boneblack, is used for the removal of coloring ma-
terials in the purification of alkaloids, sugar, urine, etc.
For blow-pipe supports, a thoroughly burned charcoal, derived
from pine or other soft wood, is preferable. It should he selected
of straight, parallel fibre, free from knots or bark, and split into
pieces of five to six inches in length, two inches broad and about
three-quarters to one inch thick, the surface used presenting a
radial section. Finely powdered charcoal, compressed into pieces
of suitable shape and size, are now sold for the same purpose.
Us es. This reagent has been introduced by De Vrij for the esti-
mation of quinine in a mixture of cinchona alkaloids, by precipita-
tion as herapathite. Its use is based on the difference in solubility
of the iodosulphates (herapathites) of the cinchona alkaloids. The
assay is made as follows: In a beaker, very gently heated on a
water-bath, 1 gramme of the alkaloids is dissolved in a mixture of
19.69 grammes alcohol of 94% and 0.31 gr. sulphuric acid, and, after
solution, 30 grammes alcohol are added. The solution of the re-
agent is then added, drop by drop, with constant stirring, until the
color of the solution has become an intense yellow. This is due to
the yellow cinchonidine iodosulphate remaining in solution, while
the darker quinine salt precipitates, showing red stripes whenever
the beaker is rubbed by the stirring rod. The heat is now increased
sufficiently to redissolve the precipitated quinine salt, and the
beaker is set aside for twelve hours to deposit the crystals, which
are weighed. One part of herapathite corresponds to 0.55055 of
quinine. z
PREPARATION. On a water bath dissolve 2 parts of chinoidine in
4 parts of benzol; after cooling, decant the clear liquid and agi-
tate it thoroughly with 2 parts of dilute sulphuric acid (1 : 10).
Transfer to a porcelain capsule, and add to it asolution of-one part
iodine and two parts potassium iodide in 50 parts of water, drop
by drop, and with constant stirring. Chinoidine iodosulphate pre-
cipitates. After washing it by repeated addition of water and de-
canting, one part is dissolved in six parts of alcohol, by careful
heating on a water bath. The solution is set aside to cool and de-
posit its less soluble portion. The clear liquid is separated, evapo-
rated almost to dryness, and one part of the residue is dissolved in
five parts of cold alcohol and carefully preserved.
Uses. When chloral hydrate is brought together with an alka-
line sulphide, especially ammonium sulphide, a deep red-brown
precipitate is formed, of such intensity of color that the reaction
may be used, not only for the recognition of chloral, but also for’
ammonia, and for HeS. Chloral hydrate dissolved in freshly satu-
rated sulphuretted hydrogen water’ produces, with even small
traces of ammonia, a distinct yellow to red-brown ; when dissolved
in ammonia water it serves, by the same reaction, to detect small
amounts of hydrogen suiphide. :
Chloral hydrate also serves to detect naphthol. The substance
containing the naphthol is dissolved in concentrated solution of
potassium hydrate. On addition of a small crystal of chloral hy-
drate (or a drop of chloroform), and heating, it turns deep blue, if
even traces of naphthol are present (Lustgarten).
Chloral hydrate, as well as the alcoholate and metachloral, have
also been proposed as aids in differentiating essential oils, for
recognition of digitalin, etc.
A solution of 12% of chloral hydrate is used in microscopical
investigations to render transparent some vegetable tissues, e. g.,
the epidermis of wheat or rye grains, etc. It is also used to dis-
solve alkaloids, and for this purpose a solution in 4 parts of
glycerin is sometimes employed instead of the above, in water.
Also for preparing trichloracetic acid.
Tests. For all the above purposes crystals of chloral hydrate,
as now sold, are sufficiently pure.
PREPARATION. By passing dry chlorine gas slowly, but without
intermission for several weeks, into alcohol of no less strength than
0.8086 spec. grav. (97% by volume, or 95.34% by weight). When no
more hydrochloric acid gas is formed, even by raising the tempera-
ture to 65° C., the product is heated with an equal volume of cone.
sulphuric acid, distilled, purified by redistillation and then con.
verted into hydrate by addition of the necessary amount of water.
Chloral, Ce Cls H O, = 146.018; chloral hydrate, C2Cls HO + HzO
= 163.978.
Usses. To convert metals and their oxides into chlorides, thereby
rendering them soluble, e. g., gold, platinum, etc.; to decompose
sulphides ; to liberate bromine and iodine from their compounds.
To oxidize in the presence of water a number of bodies, by uniting
with the hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, while oxygen is lib-
erated. It is hence employed in the oxidation of nickel, in the
preparation of ceric hydrate, ferricyanides; in the quantitative
determination of bromine and iodine in their silver salts, ete. In
organic bodies it is capable of substituting H, e. g., in the preparation
of chloral, in bleaching indigo, etc. It also serves as a special rea-
gent for quinine and quinidine (thalleioquine reaction). It is used
either as gas, well dried, or in saturated watery solution as chlor-
ine water.
Tests. Chlorine water must be well saturated, and, as it rapidly
deteriorates, even by the most careful keeping, should be frequently
renewed. It may be examined with volumetric arsenic solution, as
described under calcium hypochlorite, gq. v. It should not contain
hydrochloric acid (asit will when long or carelessly kept). Thismay
beascertained by shaking with some metallic mercury until the odor
has entirely disappeared, when the acid reaction of the liquid will
indicate the presence of H Cl. When shaken with chloroform or
carbon disulphide, these reagents must not become colored, even
transiently ; a brownish color would indicate bromine ; a violet,
Dry chlorine gas has a greenish-yellow color; specific grav. 35.37
(H =1). Itisvery corrosive, irrespirable, and shows great affinity
for hydrogen. It is tested by dissolving in water and examining
as above.
PREPARATION. Chlorine may be prepared in a variety of ways;
by bringing together hydrochloric acid with potassium perman-
ganate or dichromate, or manganese or lead dioxide, etc. The
best method is that of Wiggers: A eapacious flask is fitted with a
safety-funnel tube and a delivery tube. The latter communicates
with a small wash bottle containing water (or in case dry gas is to
be used, concentrated sulphuric acid). From this, a tube leads
to a U tube containing fragments of Mn Oz, to remove H Cl, and
then connects with the apparatus for decomposition, or with the
flask containing water to be saturated. Into the evolution flask
is placed an intimate mixture of 15 parts of high grade mangan-
ese dioxide (free from lower oxides of manganese and from lime-
stone), with 18 parts of dry sodium chloride. To this a cooled mix-
ture of 45 parts of conc. sulphuric acid (free from arsenic) and 21
parts of water is added, and the mixture thoroughly shaken together.
The flask is now closely attached to the apparatus and, after re-
jecting the first portion, contaminated with the air in the apparatus
(and containing bromine, if any was present in the salt), the chlor-
ine is used to saturate the water or for other purposes.
After saturation, the chlorine water must be preserved in well-
closed bottles, in a cool place, with perfect exclusion of light.
Ample precautions must be taken to avoid inhalation of the gas.
Recently, Winkler has proposed to prepare chlorine from hydro-
chlorie acid and calcium hypochlorite, the latter being made up
into cubes of suitable size by,admixture with plaster of paris. A
Kipp’s apparatus is employed, and renders the regulation of the
supply of chlorine easy.
UsEs. Chloroform is employed as a solvent for iodine, bromine,
phosphorus, sulphur, etc.; for gutta percha, caoutchouc, Canada
balsam, resins, oils, fats,"paraffin, many alkaloids, etc. Hence, it
is useful for removing these substances from mixtures, for recog-
nizing iodine by the violet color of the solution ; for differentiating
alkaloids according to Dragendorf’s process by successive applica-
tion of various solvents (benzin, benzol, chloroform, amyl alcohol,
etc.). Also, for the assay of cinchona barks a mixture is used by
Prollius consisting of 20 parts of chloroform, 76 parts alcohol and 4
parts of ammonia water, the chloroform being substituted in
special cases instead of the ether usually employed. It also forms
a very delicate reagent for the detection of naphthol by the pro-
duction of a blue color by boiling it for some minutes with its alka-
line solution (Lustgarten). To detect even minute quantities of ani-
line (Hoffmann) and aniline dyes, rosaniline derivatives, etc. (Curt-
man), by the production of malodorous isonitrils, when heated with
them and alcoholic solution of alkaline hydrates. In wine analysis
it serves to detect adulterations with various coloring materials
(cochineal, elderberries, red currants, logwood, rose or poppy pe-
tals, etc.)(De Groot). Mol. W. = 119.084. ;
Tests. Pure chloroform is a colorless, volatile liquid of a burn-
ing, sweetish taste and a peculiar ethereal odor. Spec. gray. at 15°
C., 1.499. It is readily decomposed by light and air; hence, it should
be preserved as much as possible excluded from both. Addition of
a small amount of pure alcohol protects it from change and is not
objectionable for analytical purposes. Choroform boils at 60°
—61°C. Itis soluble at 15° C. in 200 parts of water, and mixes with
alcohol in all proportions. When purified with impure oil of vit-
riol it is liable to contain arsenic, and must, therefore, be tested for
its absence. Its solution in water must be neutral to test papers ;
it must give no precipitate with silver nitrate (abs. of free chlorine
and arsenic). At ordinary temperatures it must completely vola-
tilize without residue. In contact with pure conc. He S O4 no
browncolor must appear. It must not liberate iodine from a solu-
tion of pure potassium iodide; hence, no violet color must be pro-
duced by mixing them.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, chloroform is made by distill-
ing 820 parts of bleaching powder (35% of active chlorine) with 100
parts of strong alcohol, U. S. P. The distillate is rectified after
agitation with conc. sulphuric acid. By using acetone instead of
alcohol a purer product is obtained in greater abundance.
On asmall scale, pure chloroform may be prepared by distilling
3 parts of chloral hydrate with a solution of 1 part of potassium hy-
drate in 10 parts of water, and purifying the product by redistilla-
tion from a water bath.
Chromic Acid, see page 6.
CHROMIC ALUM, Cre K2(S O4)4 + 24 HeQ, and CHROMIC SUL-
PHATE, C2 (S O4)s3 + 18 He O.
Usss. A few drops of the watery solution of either of these salts
are added, together with some ammonium chloride, to volumetric
solution of gelatine for titration of tannic acid for the purpose of
facilitating the separation of the flocculent precipitate, and thus
determining the final point (Johanson).
The commercial articles are of sufficient purity.
UsED as an absorbent of oxygen in gas analysis (Von-der Pford-
PREPARATION. Two parts of chromic acid are heated with 15
parts of hydrochloric acid of spec. gr. 1.16, and the resulting green
solution of chromic chloride is reduced to blue chromous chloride ©
by immersion of metallic zinc. This is done within the gas absorp-
tion apparatus, so as to use the solution before coming in contact
with air. By absorption of oxygen the blue solution turns green.
Uses. This alkaloid occurs in a dark brown variety of cinchona
bark from Colombia; its nitrate, Cig Ha Ne O2. HN Os, is almost
insoluble in water, acidulated with nitric or acetic acid, and upon
this insolubility the method of Arnaud and Pade for determining
nitric acid in nitrates by precipitation is founded. The alkaloid is
by careful neutralization with sulphuric acid converted into sul-
_ phate (Cig Hos Na O2)2 . H2 S Os, which is easily soluble in water, and
with this solution the soluble nitrates are precipitated. The
molecular weight of Ci9 Hos Ne Oz is 311.39.
Tests. The alkaloid crystallizes is colorless, anhydrous prisms ;
melts at 195° C. and turns polarized light to the right [(¥ )p = +
117.9]. It is insoluble in water ; at 17° C. it dissolves in 100 parts of
ether and in 31.6 parts of 90% alcohol. The taste is only feebly
bitter ; the solution of the sulphate does not fluoresce.
Citraconic Acid, Cs He O..
This acid, obtained by distilling dry citric acid, is occasionally
used for the separation of primary from secondary and tertiary
amines. The primary amines form with it amides (resp. anilides),
which, on account of less volatility, are, on distillation, retained
as residues, while the secondary and tertiary distil over (Michael).
Usrs. Cobaltous nitrate is used in blowpipe analvsis, especially
for the detection of aluminium salts, which give with it an opaque,
blue mass (Thenard’s blue), and of zinc salts which, on heating
with it, give a yellowish green (Rinmann’s green), These reac-
tions, however, furnish no absolute proof of the presence of alum-
inium and zinc, for cobaltous nitrate produces a transparent blue
glass with alkaline phosphates, borates and silicates and an opaque
blue, not only with aluminium, but also with earthy phosphates
and silicates; and a green of various shades with tin, titanium,
antimony and niobium compounds. Those of magnesia and tan-
talic acid produce a flesh-colored mass; barium, a brown-red ;
beryllium, calcium and strontium, a gray mass.
Tests. The impurities most likely to occur in cobalt compounds
arise from the metals ordinarily associated with it in the ores:
nickel, iron, manganese, copper, silver, bismuth, arsenic, lime,
magnesia, etc. Its solution, acidulated with H Cl, should give no
precipitate with hydrogen sulphide. After precipitating the aque-
ous solution with ammonium sulphide, the filtrate should, on heat-
ing upon platinum foil, leave no fixed residue. When to the solu-
tion potassium cyanide is added until the precipitate is redissolved,
and then bromine or sodium hypobromite added, no black precipi-
tate of nickelic hydrate should fall, even after an hour’stime. The
cobaltous nitrate of commerce is generally of sufficient purity.
Co (N Os)2 + 6 He O = 270,449.
PREPARATION. The pure metal is dissolved in dilute nitric acid,
the solution concentrated and crystallized. A 10% solution in
water is usually employed.
Pure metallic cobalt may be obtained by the following process: |
Any rich cobalt ore, either the speiss cobalt (smaltine), Co Ase, or
cobalt glance (cobaltine), Co Ase. Co Se, or earthy cobalt, is finely
powdered and roasted until all volatile ingredients are driven off.
Ten parts are then mixed with one part of ferrous sulphate, and
the mixture is introduced, in small portions, into a hessian erucible
containing 30 parts of potassium disulphate fully melted.
The heat is continued until the mixture is thoroughly fused and all
evolution of sulphuric acid vapor has ceased. It is then extracted
by boiling water, which extracts cobaltous sulphate, leaving be-
hind the arsenic as ferric arsenate, and most of the iron and nickel,
calcium sulphate, etc. The filtered solution is slightly acidulated
and saturated with hydrogen sulphide, so as to precipitate the
metals of the fifth and sixth analytical groups. It is again filtered,
hydrogen sulphide expelled by boiling, and a concentrated solution
of potassium nitrite, and then acetic acid is added. After com-
plete precipitation, the yellow potassium-cobaltic nitrite, Coe (N
O2)s . 6 K N Osc (Fischer’s salt) is separated by filtration and thor-
oughly washed with cold water. It is then dissolved in boiling hy-
drochloric acid ; the solution, containing cobaltous chloride and
potassium chloride, is concentrated by evaporation and mixed with
about an equal volume of ammonia water and ten percent solution
of ammonium chloride, and set aside for several days, covered so
as to admit free access of air. When the color has become a pure
red purple, and when a small sample no longer turns blue on add-
ing an excess of hydrochloric acid, it is supersaturated with hydro-
chloric acid, and the temperature raised to boiling heat. Nearly
the entire amount of cobalt separates in crimson-colored, quadratic
‘erystals of purpureo-cobalt chloride, Co2(N Hs) Cle. This is heated.
to redness in a current of hydrogen, when pure metallic cobalt re-
mains as a gray powder.
Usss. This reagent produces at once in a solution of alkaline
pyrophosphates a crystalline orange-colored precipitate, which
does not form with ortho or metaphosphates until the lapse of con-
siderable time. Hence, it serves to distinguish and separate pyro-
phosphoric acid (Braun),
PREPARATION. Cobaltous chloride is first made by dissolving 6
gr. of metallic cobalt in 22 Cc. of conc. hydrochloric acid and ob-
taining crystals by concentration. A mixture of 1 part of cobal-
tous chloride, 1 part ammonium chloride, 1 part potassium per-
manganate and 6 parts of concentrated ammonia water is then
heated in a closed vessel for 24 hours to 70° C. The orange-eolored
liquid is separated by filtration, and any erystals remaining in the
residue are redissolved out by boiling water containing 5 per cent
of hydrochloric acid. The solution is evaporated somewhat, and
then an excess of very cone. hydrochloric acid is added. This pre-
cipitates the luteo-cobaltic chloride in brownish-yellow crystals,
which may be purified by recrystallization from boiling water.
The test solution is made by dissolving one part of the reagent in
20 parts of water.
Users. For the detection of potassium, with which it forms a
yellow precipitate, Co2(N O2)6.6 K N O2 + X& He O ( Fischer’s salt),
which is hardly soluble in cold, somewhat more in hot water, in-
soluble in alkaline chlorides, nitrites, acetates or in dilute acetic
acid. It dissolves in boiling hydrochloric acid. Cesium, rubidium
and ammonium salts form similar precipitates. Potassium salts
are precipitated from very dilute solutions, where platinic chloride
no longer shows a reaction. As no precipitate is formed with the
salts of the alkaline earths, zinc, magnesium or iron, they need not
be removed from solution before application of the reagent for the
precipitation of potassium (Curtman).
PREPARATION. A solution of 4 grammes cobaltous nitrate is
mixed with one of 10 gr. sodium nitrite, both in very little water,
and 2Cc. acetic acid are added and then water to fill up to 100 Ce.
(Curtman). Cobaltous chloride may be used instead of nitrate (LD.
L. de Koninck).
Cebalt paper is occasionally used as an indicator for “‘spotting,”’
jn the volumetric determination of zinc, copper, etc., by sodium
sulphide. It is made by dipping strips of filter paper into an alco-
holic solution of cobaltous chloride, colored bya little aniline blue,
so that only one-half of the length of the strip becomes stained, while
the other half remains white. A drop of the mixture to be tested for
excess of sulphide is placed on the white end, so that by spreading
over the paper the liquid may reach the stained end and color it
black in case of an excess of the sulphide.
Cochineal; see Color Reagents and Indicators, page 77.
Under this designation a number of various coloring agents are
described, which have the property of forming with acids and with
alkalies compounds different in color, so that in neutralizing acids
or alkalies, and especially in volumetric analysis, they indicate the
point of neutralization. Others serve as colorimetric reagents by
observation of the various degrees of intensity of color, produced by
different amounts of the colored compounds, produced by them
with certain chemicals. Some of them are derived directly from
plants or animals, others are artificial products prepared from ani-
line, phenol, anthracene, naphthalin and other aromatic com-
pounds produced by the coaltar industry. Nearly all of them are
used only in small quantity and the state in which they are found
in commerce, as manufactured on the large scale for the purposes
of the dyer and calico printer ; hence, in most cases, there is no
occasion to describe tests for their purity, nor processes for prepar-
ing them on the small scale. Many of the indicators will serve
equally well for all general purposes, but there are distinct features
in the behavior of several of them, which make them valuable for
differentiation. Thus, litmus and phenol-phthalein indicate alka-
line reaction with hydrates and carbonates, but not with dicarbon-
ates, while methyl-orange, lacmoid, Poirier’s blue, etc., show the
alkaline reaction with diearbonates as well. Phenol-phthalein does
not show the alkaline reaction with aniline, toluidine or quinoline,
but reacts with the acids of their salts as if no base was present;
litmus remains unaffected by them, while methyl-orange shows the
alkaline reaction of the free bases. Urine, which shows acid reac-
tion with litmus and phenol-phthalein, gives an alkaline reaction
with lacmoid on account of the bases of the phosphates, ete., etc.
Thus, by a judicious use of different indicators, valuable informa-
tion may be obtained.
Aurin; see Rosolic Acid, page 19.
BENZOPURPURIN B., Cs: Has Ng Os S2 Naz. This is one of the
tetrazo-tolidine colors, allied to congo-red. Its aqueous solution is
orange-red, turning violet on addition of acids ; red with alkalies.
While useful for general purposes it is especially so in the titration
of pyridine, which does not give an alkaline reaction with litmus
or tropzolin, while ethyl-orange and benzopurpurin B. show with
it alkaline reaction. Paper saturated with its solution, rendered
violet by a minimum of acid, forms a very delicate reagent for
traces of gaseous ammonia. |
Brazilwood, see on page 58.
CABBAGE, RED. The leaves to water or dilute alcohol yield a
violet color ; turned red by acids ; green by alkalies. It is suitable
to all purposes of alkalimetry, including ammonia. Paper stainea
with it makes a very sensitive test paper.
Cobalt paper ; see Cobalt Compounds, page 5.
COCHINEAL. The insect contains a coloring material, soluble
in water and alcohol, whose principal constituent is carminic acid,
Ci Hig Ow. The tincture is made by macerating 1 part of the whole
cochineal with 80 parts of 20 to 25 percent alcohol. It reddens lit-
mus paper. The color is a yellowish-red, turned violet by alkalies,
restored by acids and shows well by artificial light. Salts of iron,
alumina, lead, copper and alkaline acetates interfere. ‘The tinc-
ture is very sensitive to alkalies and alkaline earths, even their
carbonates and dicarbonates producing the violet color ; hence, it
is for these preferable to litmus, and stands equal to lacmoid ; for
ammonia it is superior to phenol-phthalein; for organic acids,
it is less sensitive and inferior to litmus. By soluble lead salts,
even in very dilute solution, it is colored a peculiar purple-violet
and is, therefore, used to detect lead in drinking water. It is
also employed for staining vegetable tissues in microscopic investi-
gations. :
COLEUS VERSCHAFFELTI. The strong alcoholic tincture of
the deep red leaves of this common garden plant has been recom-
mended by Boetiger; it turns green with alkalies, red with acids.
It contains the purple, resinous Colein, Cio Hio Os.
CONGO RED, -Csz Hee Ne O¢ Se Naz, a naphthyl-amine-tetrazo-
benzidine color, made by the action of tetrazo-diphenyl] chloride on
naphthionic acid. It dissolves in water with a bright red color,
changed to blue by acids and restored to red by alkalies. It indi-
cates free mineral acids by a blue color, even if only a trace is
present (0.0019% of HCl), while neither acid salts, such as alum-
inium sulphate, potassium dichromate, etc., nor acetic or other or-
ganic acids produce any change. On the other hand, it is very sen-
sitive to a number of alkaloids, to aniline, toluidine, etc., which re-
store to red the color changed to blue by acids, so that it proves a
useful indicator for their titration. It is extensively employed in
the clinical analysis of gastric juice, in which it indicates the small-
est traces of free hydrochloric acid. It is useful in testing acetie
acid, which, when pure, does not change its red color, while the
presence of a trace of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid turns it
blue. ' It is generally used as congo paper, made by soaking unsized
paper in a watery solution of 1%, and drying. The color is retained
firmly, even if the paper is thrown into liquids.
Corallin: a compound of aurin and methylaurin; see Rosolic
Acid, page 19.
CURCUMIN W. The commercial name for a stilbene color,
soluble in water with greenish-yellow color, and turning red with
the least trace of alkali. Like phenol-phthalein, it does not indicate
dicarbonates. It is suitable for titration of ammonia.
CYANIN or QUINOLINE-BLUE, Cz Hs; NoI, used for sensitiz-
ing photographic dry plates; crystals of green metallic lustre,
soluble in alcohol; is occasionally used as indicator. It turns blue
with alkalies, colorless with acids.
(N He)e (1 : 8), is obtained, in the form of a grayish crystalline
powder, by the reduction of meta-dinitrobenzol. It is a strong
base, little soluble in water, easily dissolved by alcohol or ether.
It serves for the detection of nitrites, especially small quantities
found in drinking water. The free nitrous acid (liberated from the
nitrites by sulphuric acid) produces with it a yellow color, so in-
tense that even traces of it become visible. Hence, phenylene-
diamine may be used as a colorimetric indicator, and by compari-
son of color with a standard of known strength an approximate
quantitative determination may be made. For water analysis one
part of meta-phenylene-diamine is dissolved in 200 parts of water.
Of this solution, 1 Cc. is added to a mixture of 100 Ce. of the water
under examination with 1 Ce. of dilute sulphuric acid (1 : 8).
N.CeHs4.N:N .CeHs.S03H,is knownin commerce as Helianthin
‘(see page 21), Methyl Orange, Poirier’s Orange, III, or Tropaeolin, D.
This, as well asits base, is a usefulindicator; the base being by some
preferred on account of a greater difference in the (+) yellow color of
alkalies and the (—) crimson red of acids. But they are nearly of
equal value, and the sulphonic acid is more easily procured. The de-
scription of their application will answer for both.
The yellow solution is turned crimson red by even small traces:
of free mineral acids and restored by alkalies. Neither hydrogen
sulphide, arsenous nor carbonic acid interfere with this effect.
It is suitable as indicator for hydrates, carbonates, dicarbonates,
borates, silicates, arsenites and sulphides of the alkalies and alka-
line earths ; also for all free mineral acids, especially for the titra-
tion of phosphoric acid, in which the change from (—) red to (+)
yellow occurs as soon as the primary salt, Na He P Ou, is formed.
It will show alkaline color with aniline, toluidine, quinoline and
many alkaloids, which do not show any reaction with phenol-phtha-
lein. It cannot be used in hot liquids. About 5 drops of the solution
are used for 100 Cc. of the liquid used for titration. The solution
of methyl orange contains 1 part in 1,000 parts of water. That of
the base 1 part in 200 parts of alcohol.
DIPHENYL-AMINE, (Ce Hs)2 N H, is obtained by the dry distilla-
tion of aniline blue (triphenyl-rosaniline) in grayish crystals, melt-
ing at 54° C., slightly soluble in water, more solublein acids. A1%
‘solution in conc. sulphuric acid (forming diphenyl-sulphonie acid)
is colored intensely blue by nitric aeid ; also, temporarily by nitrous
acid, |fading to greenish yellow; also, somewhat less intensely by
hypochlorous, bromic and iodic acid ; tosome extent by chromic,
vanadic, permanganic, molybdic and selenous acid, some ferric
salts, barium and hydrogen dioxide. A red color is produced by
-ehloric acid. Ozone colors the alcoholic solution of diphenylamine,
or papers stained with it, yellow to brown. It is principally em-
ployed to detect small quantities of nitric acid in sulphuric acid
and nitrates in drinking water, also in wine or milk diluted with
well water containing nitrates. The bluecolor is so intense, that 1
part of nitric acid can be shown in 3,000,000 of water, if to 1 Cc. of
water a few drops of the solution are added and then 1 Ce. of conc.
sulphuric acid, so as to form a layer beneath the water. The zone —
of contact is colored blue. The color disappears by addition of
stannous salts. Hence, the quantity of nitric acid may be volumetri-
cally determined, according to Longi, by using aj normal solu-
tion of stannous potassium sulphate with diphenyl-amine as indi-
EOSIN, Ke Ca He Bra Os, or tetrabromfluorescein-potassium, is a
phthalein color, forming red crystals, soluble in 2 parts of water
with a deep yellowish-red color. In dilution the color is reddish-
yellow by transmitted light, showing green fluorescence by re-
flected light. Addition of acids destroys the fluorescence and pre-
cipitates the color, leaving a colorless liquid. Alkalies restore color
and fluorescence. It has been especially recommended for titra-
tion of soap (Fleischer).
Ethyl Orange, one of the azo colors, in composition and uses
very similar to methyl orange, see above dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol-
sulphonic acid.
EUPITTONIC ACID, Ci Hs (O C Hs)s Os (Hexa oxymethyl-aurin,
Reichenbach’s Pittakal). Long orange needles, obtained during
the manufacture of creasote by oxidation of beechtar oils. It is
slightly soluble in water or alcohol. The*solution is colored blue
by alkalies, brownish-yellow by acids.
ferric alum,used as indicator for rhodanates, see iron com-
FLAVESCIN, obtained by dry distillation of oakwood at low
temperature ; soluble in ether, alcohol and water ; the yellow solu-
tion is rendered colorless by acids, and yellow again by alkalies
FLUORESCEIN, C2 Hie Os, is the anhydride of resorcin-phtha-
lein, made by heating to 195—200° C. a mixture of 7 parts of re-
sorcin with 5 parts of anhydrous phthalic acid, and purifying by
solution in sodium hydrate and precipitation by sulphuric acid.
It dissolves in alcohol with orange-red color and green fluorescence,
which disappears on addition of acids. It is especially suitable for
the titration of dark colored gas waters, etc.,in which a color
change can not be observed, while the disappearance of fluores-
cence is sharply marked. It is kept in the very dry state. When
needed, a few crystals are dissolved in alcohol, the solution diluted
with water and added to the gas liquor until fluorescence appears
H Cl (Triamido-diphenyl-tolyl-carbinol). The crystals have a
green metallic lustre and transmit red light. They are slightly
soluble in water, readily in alcohol with a crimson red color, in-
soluble in oils. Addition of acids changes the color to yellow;
great dilution with water or neutralization by alkalies restores the
color; ammonia and caustic alkalies also discharge to color of the
aqueous solution. Hence, Fuchsine has been tried as an indicator,
but is unsatisfactory. It is used to detect alcohol as an adultera-
tion of essential oils, being insoluble in the oils, but soluble in
alcohol, its dissolving in and coloring the oil shows admixture of
alcohol. Fuchsine, dissolved in glacial acetic acid, is used as a
delicate reagent for nitrous acid (nitrites), whose presence changes
the original crimson color, successively, to violet, then blue, green,
yellow and finally toorange. Dilution with water does not restore
the original color; nitric acid does not produce the color changes.
Fuchsine-sulphurous acid is a delicate reagent for aldehydes and
some of their derivatives (it reacts with chloral, but not with chloral
hydrate). It is prepared by passing S O2 into a dilute solution of
fuchsine in water until the color has changed to a pale yellow.
The reagent may be preserved without change in well-closed
bottles. The addition of a small quantity of an aldehyde produces
an intense violet-red color.
Fuchsine Paper. When paper is dipped into a solution of fuchsine,
rendered yellow by sulphuric acid, and dried, it becomes a sensi-
tive indicator of ammonia gas, which colors it red.
GALLEIN, or Pyrogallol-Phthalein, C2 Hio Os, is obtained by
heating for some hours an intimate mixture of 1 part of anhydrous
phthalic acid with 2 parts of pyrogallol to 190° to 200°C. The
fused mass is dissolved in strong alcohol and precipitated by water.
Itis a brown crystalline powder, with green metallic lustre, almost
insoluble in cold, and but slightly in hot water; alcohol dissolves
it with dark red color. In alkaline hydrates it dissolves with red
color as long as itis in excess ; with excess of alkali the color is deep
blue, or in dilution, violet. Acids change the color to a pale yellow.
It is a suitable indicator for ammonia, as well as for the fixed alka-
line hydrates, carbonates and dicarbonates, for carbonic acid does
not affect it. It indicates organic acids well and for their titra-
tion is preferable to methyl-orange (Dechan).
GENTIANA VIOLET, crystals of pale green metallic lustre,
easily soluble in water with violeé color, whichis unchanged by
alkalies, but indicates small traces of acids by turning blue (or
green with greater excess). It is much used for staining of micro-
organisms, urinary casts, etc.
GEORGINA or DAHLIA. The petals of the dark violet varie-
ties yield to alcohol and watera coloring matter (anthocyanin),
which, like that of coleus or red cabbage leaves, is colored green
by alkalies, red by acids. It is often used in the form of paper im-
pregnated with the tincture.
GUAIACUM, TINCTURE AND PAPER. The freshly prepared
tincture and paper is turned blue by ozone, and, therefore, serves
to detect ozone and various substances capable of setting it free.
When added to urine containing pus, the blue color is produced.
In conjunction with oil of turpentine, or ether containing hydrogen
dioxide, it has been used to detect blood. Hydrocyanic acid turns
blue a mixture of guaiacum and copper sulphate, and freshly pre-
pared guaiacum-copper paper can detect very small quantities.
On the other hand, a mixture of guaiacum and very dilute solution
of potassium cyanide detects traces of copper by the blue colora-
tion. :
The tincture, as well as the paper, soon lose their sensitiveness
by keeping, and must, in case of doubt, be tested with a specimen -
known to contain ozone, or hydrocyanic acid, to see whether they
yet promptly produce the blue color. It is best to prepare them
fresh immediately before use.
Clean pieces of the crude native resin are selected in preference
to the refined (which has been exposed to air, etc., by the purify-
ing proeess), or else the inner portion of a larger piece of guaia-
cum wood (lignum vit). Three parts of resin (or 12 parts of wood)
are digested with 100 parts of alcohol and the clear tincture de-
canted; air and light being excluded, as far as possible. The paper
is made by steeping into this tincture a paper free from wood pulp,
as the latter often turns blue spontaneously. If copper is to be
added, the paper is first dipped into the guaiac tincture, dried quickly
to remove alcohol, and then dipped into a solution of one part of
copper sulphate in 1,000 parts of water, and applied immediately
to the mixture to be tested for hydrocyanie acid.
Helianthin, also called Poirier’s Orange III, Methyl Orange or
Tropzolin D, see dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol-sulphonic acid, page 20.
INDIGO. Commercial indigo contains a variety of ingredients,
of which indigo blue or indigotin, Cie Hio Nz O2, is the most im-
portant. This is insolublein water and alcohol, soluble in concen-
trated sulphuric acid, forming mono and disulphuriec acids. The
alkali salts of the latter (sulph-indigotic acid), sold as indigo-car-.
mine, are soluble in water. Indigo solution, as well of the acid as
its salts, is of deep blue color, and is used as a qualitative reagent
for nitric acid, chlorine and its oxygen acids, which oxidize and
convert it into isatin-sulphonic acid, thereby changing the deep blue
color into yellow. The solution is prepared either by dissolving 1
part of indigo-carmine in 150 parts of water, or by gradually stir-
ring 1 part of finely powdered indigo into 6 parts of fuming sul-
phuric acid, contained in a vessel well cooled, to prevent the de-
struction of indigotin by heat. The mixture is set aside for some
days and then poured into 120 parts of water, well mixed and then
This solution is also used in Mulder’s test for glucose in urine.
The urine is colored by afew drops of indigo carmine, sufficient
sodium carbonate is added to render the mixture alkaline, and then a
gentle heat applied. If glucose be present, the blue color changes
first to green, then to a purplish red and at last to yellow. Shak-
ing vigorously with air restores the blue color.
It also serves as an indicator for volumetric determination of
caustic alkalies in the presence of carbonates. The solution for
this purpose is made by treating 1 part of indigo with 6 parts of
fuming sulphuric acid for several days, just as above described,
then adding calcium carbonate to neutralize, diluting with 10 parts
of water and filtering. The blue solution is not affected by alka-
line carbonates, but turns yellow with caustic alkalies. A few
drops are added to the alkali solution to be tested, and acid is
added until the yellow color changes to blue (Engel and Ville).
An empirical standard solution for the volumetric determination
of nitric acid in small quantities, especially nitrates in drinking
water, is made by diluting solution of indigo (or of pure indigotin)
so that it corresponds toa solution of pure potassium nitrate in
water, containing 0.1607 grammes in 1 litre (=0.1 gr.H N Os).
This solution is so adjusted that when 10 Cc. of the indigo solution
are added to 10 Cc. of the nitrate solution, mixed with 10 Ce. of
pure conc. sulphuric acid, while yet hot, the last drop must com-
municate a permanent greenish-blue color. The results are re-
liable only when equal conditions of temperature, rapidity of mix-
ing, etc., are scrupulously observed in standardizing and in actual
analysis. Each cubic centimetre of indigo solution used to pro-
_ duce the permanent color indicates 0.1 milligramme of H N Os.
- Others make standard solutions of different strengths: 1.8724
grammes of K N Osto1 litre,.each Cc. corresponding to 1 Mgr.
Ne Os (Marx, Trommsdorff, etc.); or 0.0962 gr. K N Os = 0.06 gr.
HN Os in 1 litre (Mayrhoffer).
LACMOID, Ciz Hy N O4<. A resorcin derivative, owing its name
to its similarity to litmus (lacmus), which, however, it greatly ex-
ceeds in delicacy. It is made by gradually heating to 110° C., on an
oil bath, a mixture of 20 parts of resorcin (meta-di-oxy-benzol) with
1 part of sodium nitrite and 1 part of water, contained ina capa-
cious flask. A violent reaction ensues, during which ammonia is
evolved and the color changes from yellow to blue. The mass
fuses, and, after cooling, is dissolved in a small quantity of water.
To the blue solution hydrochloric acid is added, which precipitates
the lacmoid; this is separated on a filter, washed and dried,
forming a red-brown, friable mass. It dissolves readily in alco-
-hol, slightly in water, with a deep wine-red color, which is changed
to blue by alkalies, and restored [to red by acids. It is a delicate
indicator for the hydrates, arsenites and borates of alkalies and
alkaline earths and for inorganic acids. Solutions of zinc, cupric
and ferric chlorides and sulphates, which redden litmus, leave lac-
moid unchanged, unless they contain free acid. The solution is
made by dissolving 1 part of lacmoid in 200 parts of dilute alcohol.
Paper is impregnated with a still weaker solution. One drop of
ammonia water in 5 litres of water suffices to produce the blue
color (Traub and Hock).
LITMUS or LACMUS. In commercial litmus there are con-
tained azolitmin, erythrolitmin, spaniolitmin and erythrolein,
combined with ammonium, potassium and calcium, and mixed with
a considerable amount of gypsum, carbonate of calcium, etc. For
very sensitive work azolitmin is isolated and its pure solution used.
See page 47. Most of the other ingredients which interfere with
delicate reactions may be removed and a good solution obtained by
exhausting coarsely powdered litmus with boiling strong alcohol,
so dissolve out the erythrolitmin. The residue, in which alkalies
still preponderate, is then digested with an equal weight of water,
and the solution drained off. This may be used for making ordi-
nary blue litmus paper, but is too alkaline for delicate indications.
The residue_is now digested with five parts of boiling water, and
the filtered solution, which contains mostly azolitmin, is preserved
in wide-mouth bottles, closed with a plug of cotton, so as to ex-
clude dust but admit air, for in closely stopped bottles the solution
soon deteriorates.
To make blue test paper, unsized white paper, free from wood
pulp, but not too porous, is dipped into the solution, and dried by
suspending on strings of clean twine. For red paper a very small
quantity of hydrochloric acid is added to the solution before dip-
ping, so as to barely turn the color red.
Litmus solution and paper turn blwe with alkalies, red with acids
and many metallic salts. By lamplight the color change is not
easily observed, unless the yellow sodium flame be used. Carbonic
acid gives an intermediate violet color, dicarbonates do not affect
the color. Hence, it is suitable for titration of the hydrates
of alkalies and alkaline earths, alkaline silicates and arsenites, and
for free sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric and oxalic, somewhat less
for acetic acid. In the titration of carbonates heat must be called
in aid to decompose dicarbonates and expel carbon dioxide.
LOGWOOD and HH#MATOXYLIN, Cis Hu Os. An aqueous
solution of hzematoxylin is used to detect alum in bread by assum-
ing a blue color. Also, in the titration of the carbonates of alka-
line earths or other alkalies, with which it turns of a violet-blue
color, which acids change to yellow. Instead of the solution of
pure hematoxylin, the yellow inner part of a larger piece of log-
wood may be extracted with pure boiling water. The violet solu-
tion is turned yellow by a drop of very dilute hydrochloric acid.
_ Paper, previously freed from lime by dilute acid and washing, is
stained yellow with this solution and forms a delicate indi-
eator for ammonia, which turns it blue or blue-black, also for other
alkalies. It must be preserved in closely stoppered bottles.
MALVA. The petals of malva rosea and other dark red varieties
yield to dilute alcohol a color similar to, if not identical with that
of georgina, which turns green with alkalies, red with acids. They
are often used for fraudulent manufacture of red wine.
Mesityl-quinone is a rather improper name for a substance whose
yellow solution in ether is colored violet by alkalies.
Methyl-orange, the same as Helianthin, Tropeolin D, or Orange
Ill. See Dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol-sulphonic acid, page 78.
METHYL-VIOLET or Pentamethyl-parafuchsin, Cig Hiz N3 (C Ha)5-
H Cl, is made by oxidation of dimethyl-aniline with cupric nitrate
and sodium chloride. It forms crystals of gold-green lustre, easily
soluble in alcohol and in water with violet color. Addition of a
small quantity of a mineral acid changes the color to blue, a larger
amount to green. In very dilute solution it serves in clinics to de-
tect traces of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. It belongs to the
group named “‘basic colors,” by Ehrlich, and is used for staining
of micro-organisms, urinary casts, etc.
It also serves to detect fusel-oil in spirits. The alcohol is mixed
with an equal volume of ether,and then diluted with sufficient
water torender the ether insoluble. The ethereal layer floats on
top and holds the fusel-oil (amyl alcohol) in solution. It is then
separated and thoroughly shaken with a solution of 1 part of
methyl violet in 100 parts of water, to which enough of very dilute
(2%) hydrochloric acid has been added to render it green. The
mixture is poured into a graduated cylinder, and the ether left to
evaporate spontaneously, so as to concentrate the solution of fusel-
oil. As soon as the ether has evaporated, so as to contain 2% of
amyl alcohol a blue color will be communicated to it, and by using
a measured volume of spirits the quantity can be determined
(Uffelmann). If bile be present in urine and a few drops of the
solution of methyl-violet are added, the color turns a carmine-red
(Paul). As acetic acid does not change its color, the presence of
even minute quantities of mineral acids in vinegar may be detected
‘by the blue color of a dilute methyl-violet solution when a drop of
adulterated vinegar is added to it.
Nessler’s test for the colorimetric determination of ammonia is
an alkaline solution of mercuric potassium iodide. See Mercury
and its Compounds.
p NITROPHENOL, Ce Hs.N O2 OH (1:8), colorless crystals, sol-
uble in much water. The color is turned yellow by alkalies ; hence,
its occasional use as indicator. Prepared by gradual addition of 1
part of phenol to 6 parts of ice cold dilute nitric acid of spec. gr.
1.12 (20%). A dark oily liquid separates, which consists of ortho
and para-nitrophenol. These are separated by distilling with
superheated steam at 214°C., when the ortho-compound distills
over while the para-nitrophenol remains as residue, and is further
purified by converting into the yellow sodium salt, crystallizing,
separating by acid and distilling.
ORANGE PEEL. An ethereal tincture of fresh orange peel be-
comes colorless with acids and bright yellow with alkalies ; itmay,
therefore, in case of necessity, serve as indicator (Bouchardat).
Petri and Lehmann’s indicator is made by mixing 5 Ce. liquid
phenol with 5 Ce. conc. sulphuric acid, adding to it, drop by drop,
a solution of 1 gr. potassium nitrite in 20 Cc. concentrated sul-
phuric acid, and heating to 80° C. until the color has become a
dark blue-violet, and continuing the heat for some time after.
The mixture is then poured into two litres of cold water, when the
indicator separates as a violet insoluble mass. This is washed, dis-
solved in ether, the solution filtered and the ether distilled off.
The residue is dissolved in alcohol. With dilute acids the color is
orange-red, with alkalies, violet-blue. Concentrated sulphuric acid
turns it blue. .
PHENACETOLIN, introduced by Degener for the purpose of de-
termining at a single titration the amount of hydrate of alkalies or
alkaline earths and that of their carbonates. The indicator is pre-
pared by heating for several hours 20 parts of conc. sulphuric
acid with 17 parts of phenol and 12 of glacial acetic acid, untila
resinous looking residue remains. This yields to boiling water a
brown solution of phenacetolin, while a greenish mass remains
undissolved. The filtered solution may be used directly or evapo-
rated to dryness for preservation. It is more soluble in alcohol
than in water. The solution, when strongly diluted, is rendered
pale yellow by alkaline hydrates, deep red by carbonates and golden
yellow by acids. When a mixture of caustic alkali and carbonate ~
is titrated with sulphuric acid the specimen solution is tinted with
a few drops of phenacetolin until pale yellow, as soon as enough
acid is added to neutralize the hydrate, the color changes to red
from the remaining carbonate, and turns a deep golden-yellow
with the first drop of acid in excess. The indicator also serves for
alkaline silicates and arsenites.
PHENOL-PHTHALEIN, C2 Hu O4. This is one of the most sen-
‘sitive indicators known, on account of the difference of its color
reactions, passing from deep purplish-red for alkalies to colorless
for acids with great promptness and without intermediate tints.
It is suitable for most acids and acid salts, for alkaline hydrates
and carbonates, but is not adapted to ammonia or dicarbonates.
It is prepared by mixing 10 parts of melted phenol with a solution
of 5 parts of anhydrous phthalic acid in 4 parts of cone. sulphuric
acid, and keeping them for a whole day at the temperature of 120°
‘C. The fused mass is then poured into boiling water, and the ex-
‘cess of phenol and of phthalic acid is removed by repeated change
of boiling water. The undissolved residue is then dissolved ina
‘dilute solution of caustic soda, filtered and precipitated by acetic
acid, to which a little H Cl has been added. After 24 hours, the
phenol-phthalein has subsided and is separated from the solution.
When dried itforms a brownish-gray mass, which may be used in
its as yet somewhat impure state, or purified by treatment with
animal charcoal, ete.
A solution of 1 part in 100 parts of alcohol, of about 50%, serves
as indicator, of which 2 drops suffice to color 100 Ce. of liquid. In
pure water it produces a slight milky turbidity, and remains color-
less with most soluble salts and free acids, but turns a deep purp-
lish-red on the slightest excess of alkaline hydrate or carbonate
or caustic alkaline earths ; dicarbonates leave it colorless.
m Phenylene-diamine. See page 78, m Diamido-Benzol in this
PHLOROGLUCIN, Ce Hs (O H)s, isomeric with pyrogallol. It is
used to detect minute quantities of free acid, especially for the
clinical examination of gastric juice for free hydrochloric acid.
For this purpose dilute solutions of phloroglucin and vanillin are
mixed, and a drop or two added to an equal amount of the gastric
juice. If even as little as 0.025% of HCl is present, the mixture
slowly reddens as it dries(Guenzburg). The color change is not
prompt enough to allowits use as volumetric indicator. It also
serves to detect cane or grape sugar by turning an orange color
when gently heated with them. In microscopical research it serves
to stain woody fibre; it may also be used to detect wood pulp in
paper, by staining it violet-red when brought together with it in
acidulated alcoholic solution and heated; pure linen or cotton
paper is not affected (Wiesner).
Phloroglucin may be prepared from phloretin, phloridzin, guer-
cetin, maclurin and other substances by melting them with alkaline
hydrates. Its principal source is the maclurin, obtained as a bye-
product in the manufacture of the yellow dye from fustic (morus
tinctoria). On a small scale it can be made by melting 1 part of
resorcin with 6 parts of sodium hydrate, until the evolution of gas
ceases and the fused mass has assumed a chocolate brown color.
This is then dissolved in acidulated water, and the phloroglucin
extracted by shaking with ether. The impure phloroglucin left on
evaporation of the ether is heated to 100° C., to remove any un-
changed resorcin, and then purified by repeated crystallization.
Poirrier’s Blue, Cs B, a rosaniline derivative is sometimes used
in alcoholic solution as indicator for even feeble acids, which do not
respond to methyl-orange or phenol-phthalein. It turns red with
alkalies, blue with acids. Borax manifests acid reaction with it.
Rhubarb. Its tincture is used to stain paper, which turns yellow
with acids, brown-red with alkalies.
Rosolic acid, see page 19.
SODIUM SALICYLATE, (Na C7 Hs Os)2 + He O, is used as an in-
dicator for the titration of ferric salts by sodium hyposulphite.
The violet color it produces with ferric salts turns colorless at the
completion of the reduction (Haswell).
The commercial salt is of sufficient purity. See also Salicylic
Acid, page 19.
TEST PAPERS. These are used in narrow strips for ascertain-
ing neutrality, either by dipping into the liquid or by placing upon
them a drop by means ofa glass rod. In some cases of volumetric
analysis they are employed in preference to adding the color rea-
gent to the solution. The paper used in their preparation should
be unsized, so as to permit the ready entrance of the color to the
fibre, yet not too loose in texture so as to absorb too readily. A
pure, unsized rag paper, linen or cotton, is to be selected, free from
admixture with wood pulp, which interferes with some reactions.
Filter paper is mostly too porous in structure. The paper is cut
into sheets of suitable dimensions, which are impregnated with
the color solution (litmus, turmeric, red cabbage, phenol-phthalein,
etc.), either by dipping or by the application of a soft flat brush.
The moist sheets are hung up to dry onstrings of white thread,
preferably in a dark room. After drying, they should be preserved
in dark wrappers. It is very convenient to glue them together at
one end before cutting into narrow strips, so as to have them in
book form.
TETRA-HYDRO-ELLAGIC ACID, Cy Hio Og, called also hydro- .
rujigallic acid, when melted with potassium hydrate, is converted
into an isomeric body as yet unnamed, which is recommended by
Oser and Kahlmann as a sensitive reagent, especially for carbon-
ates, which react with it as if no carbonic acid were present.
Hydrorufigallic acid is prepared by adding potassium perman-
ganate to a solution of gallic acid in very dilute sulphuric acid.
The product is extracted by shaking out with ether, evaporating
and crystallizing from alcohol. One part of the crystals is fused
with 5 parts of potassium hydrate until the mass turns red-violet.
It is now saturated with sulphuric acid, which leaves an insoluble
greenish-yellow substance, which is purified by crystallization
from boiling water. It is now dissolved in dilute potassium hy-
drate solution. The color, until neutralized, remains olive-green,
but on the slightest excess of alkali becomes intensely red. When
the red substance is diluted and accurately neutralized with sul-
phuric acid it forms the indicator. Any excess of acid colors it
yellow; alkalies, red. Not only the carbonates of alkalies, but of
alkaline earths, also ferrous and manganous carbonate turn the
color red, and, therefore, the indicator is valuable in titration of
mineral waters, etc.
TROPAEOLIN. This name is given by manufacturers to a va-
riety of orange dyes, which are distinguished by the affixes: O, OO,
900 I, OOO II, D and Y. All have been used as indicators and re-
semble, more or less, the Zropaeolin D, which, under the name of
Helianthin, Methyl Orange has been described in this chapter as
Dimethyl-amido-azobenzol-sulphonic acid. ‘This appears to excel in
delicacy, but the others are occasionally substituted, and produce
mostly yellow tints with alkali, red with acids.
Tropaeolin O, Chrysoin or Resorcin Yellow, is meta-dioxy-azo-
benzol-sulphonic acid.
Tropaeolin OO, or Diphenylamin Orange, is phenyl-amido-azo
benzol-sulphonic acid.
Tropaeolin OOO I, Mandarin or Orange II, is sulpho-azobenzol-
Tropaeolin OOO II, or Orange I, is sulpho-azobenzol-alpha-naph_
Tropaeolin Y is oxyazobenzol-sulphonic acid.
TURMERIC or CURCUMA. The root of several varieties of
curcuma contains curcumin, Cu His O4, which is soluble in alcohol
with yellow color, changed to brown-red by alkalies. Other con-
stituents, soluble in water, impair the delicacy of this color-change.
Hence, the tincture is made by digesting one part of the powdered
root repeatedly with small quantities of water and rejecting the
aqueous extract, and then digesting for several days with6 parts of
alcohol and filtering. Itis seldom used directly, but serves to im-
pregnate unsized paper, which should be dried and preserved in
the dark. The color of turmeric paper is changed to brown-red by
alkalies, and restored to yellow by acids, with the exception of
boracic acid, which produces, even in the presence of hydrochloric:
acid, a red color (after drying), which serves for the detection of
borates. Turmeric paper is especially useful for titration with
baryta water and for colored liquids, which would hide the color of
an indicator added directly. Also for organic acids, especially
citric, acetic, tartaric, lactie, oxalic and succinic, but hardly for
the fatty acids of oils, etc. Brown-red turmeric paper serves to
detect acid in alcohol.
VANILLIN, Cg Hip Os, the methyl ether of protocatechuic aldehyd,
forms the crystalline covering of vanilla beans. It is purified by
recrystallization from boiling petroleum-ether. Dissolved in di-
lute hydrochloric acid, it is used especially in microscopic research
- as areagent for phenols, with which it produces ared color. Not
all phenols react with equal promptness. A solution containing
one part of vanillin, dissolved in 100 parts of alcohol, to which .
100 parts of water and 600 parts of hydrochloric acid are added,
reddens, in dry microscopic sections, only phloroglucin and orcin,
while pyrocatechin, cumarin, resorcin, phenol, salicylic acid, pyro-
gallol, etc., etc., are not affected, but require a more concentrated
Mixed with phloroglucin in dilute solution it serves to detect
minute quantities of acid (hydrochloric acid in gastric juice). See
phloroglucin above, page 87.
Wurster's papers for ozonometry, see p amido-dimethyl-aniline,
page 43. The tetra-methyl paper gives with ozone a blue color, the:
di-methyl paper a red.
Congo-red and Congo-paper, see Culor Reagents and Indicators,
page 77.
Uses. In the metallic state copper is employed in qualitative
analysis, in the form of bright, polished foil or wire, for the reduc-
tion of arsenic by Reinsch’s method, and for the detection of the
salts of mercury, by reduction to metallic quicksilver. Occasion-
ally it serves to detect nitric acid by its reduction to a lower oxide.
It is also used to reduce stannic chloride to stannous. In elemen-
tary organic analysis of nitrogenous bodies it is used to deoxidize
nitric oxide and reconvert it to nitrogen. The form used for this
purpose is either a bundle of copper turnings, a spiral of thin
wire, a roll of thin foil or of wire webbing, or asbestus coated
with fine copper (see page 47). For nearly all these purposes a
good commercial article is sufficiently pure, and care must
only be taken to have a perfectly clean surface, but in forensic ex-
amination for arsenic the metal must be absolutely free from
arsenic, and for the preparation of copper amalgam a perfectly
pure metal is necessary. Atomic weight of Cu = 63.178.
Tests. Iron, manganese, nickel, lead, silver, tin, bismuth, anti-
mony and arsenic are often found in copper, when made by the
furnace process, while the cement copper, prepared by precipitat-
ing the solutions by iron, is only liable to contain the latter metal,
and copper, made by the recently introduced electrolytic process,
is absolutely pure, and should be used for chemical purposes to
the exclusion of any other.
To test for arsenic, a small quantity of copper is boiled with sul-
phuric acid and the solution tested by Marsh’s process in a suit-
able apparatus for evolving and igniting the hydrogen. To
examine for other impurities, the metal is dissolved in nitric acid,
in which it must leave no residue; a small portion of the solution
is tested with sodium chloride or hydrochloric acid, and must give
no precipitate (absence of silver and bismuth). The rest of the so-
lution is precipitated by pure sodium hydrate, and the cupric hy-
drate well washed on the filter. Filtrate and washings must give
no precipitate with hydrogen sulphide (abs. of lead, zinc). The
precipitated cupric hydrate is redissolved in dilute sulphuric acid,
and, after the copper has been precipitated by electrolysis upon a
platinum electrode, the acid solution must remain perfectly clear,
and, on heating upon platinum foil, must leave no residue.
PREPARATION. Either by electrolytic reduction of pure copper
sulphate or by reducing pure cupric oxide by heating in a current
of hydrogen. The wire, turnings or rolls of foil, for use in organic
analysis, must be first heated in air to destroy organic dust, and
then freed from the oxide superficially formed by ignition in hy-
_ Copper Amalgam is sometimes used in connection with hydro-
bromic acid for reducing sulphides, converting sulphur into hydro-
gen sulphide. It is made by superficially coating pure copper in
powder with mercury by rubbing it together with asmall quantity ~
of mercuric nitrate solution, washing the product and then incor-
porating it, under hot water, with a proper amount of pure mer- |
CUPRIC ACETATE, Cu (C2 Hs O2)2 + He O.
Uses. Neutral cupric acetate in aqueous solution is reduced by
glucose at ordinary temperature, after some hours, to cuprous
oxide. This occurs more rapidly if to the solution about 1% of
acetic acid is added, and the mixture boiled for a short time and
then set aside. These reactions serve to distinguish glucose from
cane sugar, which does not reduce at ordinary temperature ; from
dextrin, which does not reduce the boiled acidulated solution, and
partly from milk sugar, which only reduces in very concentrated
solutions (Barfoed).
Mol. W. = 198.1338.
Basie cupric acetate, or sub-acetate, Cu (C2 H3 O02. Cu(O H)e + 5
He O, is proposed as a reagent for albuminoids, which, in presence
of caustic alkalies, reduce it to cuprous oxide (Palm).
Tests. When used for detection of glucose only, the commercial
salt is of sufficient purity. In rare cases the purest salt is required:
Pure cupric acetate forms opaque, deep green, clinorhombie erys-
tals. At 15° C. it is solublein 13.4 parts of water, and in 135 parts of
alcohol of spec. gr. 0.830, at 100° C. in 5 parts of water, at 70° C. in
14 parts ofalcohol. Its aqueous solution should not yield a precipi-
tate with barium chloride; nor, after addition of nitric acid, with
silver nitrate. After ignition no soluble substance should be ex-
tracted by water. A saturated aqueous solution of ammonium
carbonate must dissolve it without residue. After precipitation
by He S, the filtrate must leave no residue on evaporation. After
Complete precipitation by potassium or sodium hydrate, the filtrate
must yield no precipitate with HS.
PREPARATION. By saturation of pure cupric oxide with pure
acetic acid and crystallizing. The commercial salt may be puri-
fied by repeated recrystallization from hot water or alcohol. Be-
low 8% C. small rhombic crystals with 5 He O are formed, above 8
C. the ordinary large clinorhombic crystals with 1 molec. H20O.
If the solutions are kept at boiling heat basic acetate precipitates,
while acetic acid volatilizes.
CUPRIC BUTYRATE, Cu (C4 Hz O2)2 + 2 He O.
~ Uses. To detect adulteration of oil of lemon by turpentine.
Pure oil of lemon, when heated to 1722 C., dissolves a small quan-
tity of dry cupric butyrate, forming a clear green solution; if oil of
Cee a
turpentine is present, the mixture becomes turbid by separation
of yellow cuprous hydrate (Heppe).
PREPARATION. A concentrated solution of butyric acid in water
is digested with an excess of pure cupric oxide or hydrate. The
filtrate, on evaporation, forms monoclinic crystals.
Soldain’’s Reagent.
Usss. This salt, dissolved in an excess of potassium dicarbonate
solution, is used as a very delicate reagent for glucose, etc., espe-
cially for the detection of invert sugar in cane sugar, or glucose in
urine. It is reduced to cuprous oxide by dextro-glucose, levulose,
milk sugar, tannic and formic acid, but remains unaffected by
cane sugar, dextrin, starch, tartaric and uric acid, and by any of
* the constituents of normal urine. In testing for invert sugar, 9.3
gr. cane sugar are dissolved in sufficient water to make 15 Ce. and
added to 50Cc. of Soldaini’s solution previously heated. The heat
is then continued for five minutes, when the reduction will be
complete if invert sugar was present in the amount of 0.5 milli-
grammes or more. In testing urine not more than half a volume
must be added to one volume of the reagent. As it keeps well
without decomposition, it is one of the best reagents for use in
PREPARATION. Fifteen gr. freshly precipitated basic cupric car-
bonate, Cu C Os. Cu (O H)z (prepared by precipitating a solution of
33.96 gr. pure crystals of cupric sulphate by an excess of sodium or
potassium carbonate) are dissolved in a solution of 416 gr. of potas-
sium dicarbonate in 1,200 Cc. of water, and then water added to
make 1,400 Ce. If any portion remains undissolved, the solution
must be filtered.
Uses. In gas analysis cuprous chloride, in acid solution, serves
to absorb carbon monoxide, acetylene, ethylene and phosphine, and
in ammoniacal solution, also, some of the homologues of ethylene-
This is either done by introducing into the absorption tube a
ball of paper pulp soaked in a saturated solution of cuprous chlor-
ide*in hydrochloric acid (Bunsen), or by placing this solution
directly into the gas pipette (Winkler), or by using in the same
manner an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride, which has
greater absorbing power than the acid solution (Hempel). For the
absorption of oxygen it is not so well suited as its action is too
PREPARATION. Cuprous oxide is first made by heating a solution
of cupric sulphate with sodium hydrate and glucose in some excess.
This is added to concentrated hydrochloric acid in a well-closed
flask until no more is dissolved. Or 10.8 gr. cupric oxide are mixed
with 200 Cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and the solution
poured into a flask filled with copperwire or turnings, closed
well to exclude air and digested until the solution becomes color-
less. The ammoniacal solution is made by pouring the above
colorless acid solution into a beaker containing 1,500 Ce. of water.
The cuprous chloride, being insoluble in dilute acid, precipitates-
After settling, the liquid is decanted, and the cuprous chloride, to-
gether with 150 Cc. of water, is transferred to a flask closed with a
doubly perforated cork and tubes, through which ammonia gas is
passed until the salt is nearly all dissolved. This solution is di_
luted to 200 Ce. and preserved in a close flask. It is capable of ab-
sorbing 6 Ce. of carbon monoxide.
Usrs. Cupric hydrate, either freshly precipitated or carefully
preserved in close vessels, becomes, by the presence of glycerin,
soluble in a solution of sodium or potassium hydrate, and serves to
determine glucose by means of a standardized solution containing
13.516 gr. of Cu (O Hein 1 litre, corresponding to 34.635 gr. of Cu
S O, + 5 He Oin Fehling’s solution, and, like it, requiring 5 gr. of
anhydrous glucose for complete reduction (Loewe). Cu(OH)2=
PREPARATION. As cupric hydrate, when well prepared and care-
fully preserved, will keep unchanged for many years (Loewe), it
may be madein some quantity and stored for use, or the requisite
quantity may be freshly precipitated, when needed, from the corre-
sponding amount of pure crystals of sulphate. To prepare it for
keeping 50 gr. of cupric sulphate are dissolved in 200 Ce. of water,
40 Cc. ammonia water added, and then a solution of 22 gr. pure
sodium hydrate in 100 Cc. water. The precipitate is carefully
washed and then dried over sulphuric acid and preserved in a
close vessel.
Loewe’s Solution is made by dissolving 138.516 gr. of cupric hy-
drate (or the fresh precipitate from 34.635 gr. of Cu S O4 + 5 He O)
by the aid of gentle heat in 500 Cc. water, to which 27 gr. pure
glycerin and 24 gr. of sodium hydrate have been added. After
cooling to 15° C. the solution is diluted to 1 litre. (Loewe directs
the use of the 15.315 gr. hydrate produced by 40 gr. sulphate and
dilution to 1,155 Cc., which gives the same proportions as above.)
Haines’ Solution differs from the above, not only in strength, but
also in not removing the alkaline sulphate produced by the pre-
cipitation of the hydrate, It uses % gr. copper sulphate and 9 gr.
potassium hydrate, dissolved in 100 gr. glycerin and 600 Ce. water.
Uses. In organic analysis for the oxidation of H to HzO and of
C to C Oz, in appropriate combustion tubes. It is used either in
form of fine powder or of more compact granular masses, ob-
tained by more intense ignition, or as asbestus coated with cupric
In blowpipe work it serves to distinguish the halogens present
in minerals or salts by the color communicated to the outer flame,
when they are heated in the reducing flame with a microcosmic
bead saturated with cupric oxide—chlorine, blue; bromine, bluish-
green; iodine, yellowish-green (Berzelius). It is also used for con-
verting the sulphides of arsenic, antimony and tin into their high-
est oxides, by boiling their solutions in sodium sulphide with
cupric oxide, which is thereby changed to cuprous sulphide (Berg-
lund). Cu O = 79.188.
Tests. Cupric oxide must not yield anything to boiling water.
When heated to a red heat no vapor must be given off, either of
sulphuric, sulphurous, selenous, nitrous, carbonic or other acids,
which sometimes are due to dust or vapors finding their way into
open vessels when carelessly kept, or to imperfect ignition. When
prepared in the dry way the fine powder is deep black and of
sandy feel, the compact variety grayish-black and quite hard.
That, prepared in the wet way, has a brown-black color.
PREPARATION. For the purposes of organic analysis, cupric
oxide is generally made by dissolving copper in nitric acid and
heating the dried nitrate to a red heat, while occasionally stirring
the mass with a glassrod, until no more nitrous vapors are per-
ceptible. After just sufficient cooling to permit handling, the
oxide is ground in a clean, hot wedgewood mortar, sifted through
a sieve of copper wire, and the fine powder carefully preserved
from dust and vapors in closely stopped bottles. The coarser par-
ticles are reheated ata higher temperature to form the compact.
variety used in the combustion of more volatile substances.
Asbestus is coated, either by sprinkling with the fine powder,
or better, by soaking in a concentrated solution of cupric nitrate
and heating to red heat. For desulphuration the fine powder ob-
tained as above may be used, or else it is prepared in the wet way
by protracted boiling of a solution of pure cupric sulphate with a
small excess of pure sodium carbonate, until the precipitate has
all been converted into oxide, then thoroughly washing and ie
ing at 160 C.
Usrs. Cupric sulphate serves to detect bromides by forming
with them, on addition of acid, ared cupric bromide. A solution
of 1 part of cupric sulphate and 2} parts of ferrous sulphate pre-
cipitates iodides, as white cuprous iodide, from neutral solutions.
In conjunction with sulphurous acid it serves to detect sulphocy-
anates in gas waters, etc., by a precipitate of white cuprous sul-
phocyanate. It is also used for precipitation of alkaline ferrocy-
anides, producing a deep brown-red cupric ferrocyanide; some-
times an empirical copper solution is used for their titration
(Hurter). Ina solution made slightly alkaline it forms with arsen-
ous acid a bright yellowish-green, with arsenic acid a greenish-
blue precipitate. It is also used for the detection of glucose by
Trommer’s test. On adding}a small amount of cupric sulphate to
the solution containing glucose, maltose, cellulose, lactose, invert
sugar, etc., and then an excess of potassium or sodium hydrate;
_ the precipitate of pale blue cupric hydrate at first formed is redis-
solved with a deeper blue color, and, on heating, yellow cuprous
hydrate separates, which by continued boiling is converted into
the red cuprous oxide. Care must be taken to use no more cupric
sulphate than can be reduced by the glucose, otherwise the sur-
plus will form black eupric oxide and interfere with the reaction.
If glucose is to be detected in urine, albumen must first be coagu-
lated by heat, and turbid urine must be filtered and, if necessary,
clarified by subacetate of lead. Chloroform, chloral hydrate,
tannin and other substances produce the same reaction. It also
serves to detect C O in blood by the bright red color of the precipi-
tate. Cupric sulphate is also used for the preparation of pure
copper and some of its compounds, especially for making various
volumetric solutions for the detection of sugars, among them
Fehling’s, Barreswill’s, Pavy’s, Haines’, ete. Cu S Os-+ 5He O=
, Anhydrous cupric sulphate is of a pure white color, but attracts
water and becomes blue; it is employed for detecting the presence
of water in alcohol, etc., and for the purpose of dehydration.
Tests. Cupric sulphate forms large, deep blue, triclinic crystals,
. aR eosuble: in 24 parts of water at 15° C., in 1 part at 100° C.; insoluble
wcohol. Its acidulated aqueous aolution must, after precipita.
I y by He S, yield a filtrate which leaves no residue on evapora-
tion. If into its acidulated solution bright pieces of pure iron are
immersed, and, after complete precipitation of the copper, the
liquid is filtered, then heated with a little nitric acid and precipi-
tated by ammonia in slight excess, it must, after removing
the ferric hydrate by filtration, yield no residue on evaporation
and ignition upon platinum foil. For quantitative purposes only
clean crystals must be selected, which have not become white by
superficial loss of water of crystallization.
' | PREPARATION. As it is very difficult to purify commercial sul-
phate containing other metals (excepting iron), recrystallizing is
not to be depended upon for obtaining pure material, and it is best
to use pure metallic copper and dissolve it in pure sulphuric acid.
By boiling in a suitable flask the sulphur dioxide evolved may be
utilized for making sodium di-sulphite or solution of sulphurous
acid. The solution of sulphate in the flask is filtered, freed from
any remaining S Oz by heating with a little nitric acid and repeated
crystallization, the first crystals forming being the purest. The
pure dried crystals must be carefully preserved in well stoppered
bottles to prevent loss of water.
Usgs. In solution with alkaline hydrates for detection and volu-
metric determination of sugars. The principal one of these is
known as
Fehling’s Solution,
of which, however, a number of modifications exist. Itis so ad-
justed that 1 litre is designed to be completely reduced to red
cuprous oxide by boiling with 5 grammes of dextro-glucose, Ceé His
Os. It is usually assumed that this reduction occurs most accu-
rately when the glucose is used in 2% solution. Careful investiga-
tions of Soxhlet, Degener and Allihn have shown that accurate re-
sults are obtainable only when the solutions not only contain the
same amount of cupric tartrate (36.702 gr. Cu Cs Hs Os + 2 H2O
corresponding to 34.635 gr. CuS O4-+ 5 Ha O in 1 litre at 15° C.), but
also the same amount of alkaline hydrate and tartrate, and when
the same conditions of concentration of the glucose solution,
rapidity of admixture and time of boiling are strictly complied
with. By using a1% solution of sugar, 100 Ce. of Fehling’s solu-
tion require for reduction: :
0.4752 gr. dextrose, time, 2 minutes.
0.5044 gr. levulose, time, 2 minutes.
0.6756 gr. lactose, time, 6 minutes.
0.7788 gr. maltose, time, 4 minutes.
0 4940 gr. invert sugar (either from cane or milk sugar), time, 2
minutes —
(Deyener states that by the use of 18 molecules of Rochelle salt
and 6 mol. of alkaline hydrate, 6 mol. of cupric salt arereduced by1
mol. of glucose.)
Fehling’s solution, as usually prepared, easily deteriorates and
deposits cuprous oxide, even at ordinary temperatures, and still
more by boiling, even without any addition. To prevent this, Pavy
adds ammonia. Others recommend to keep separate solutions of
the copper sulphate and the alkaline tartrate and hydrate and to
mix them in proper proportion immediately before use. It is
best in every case where accurate results are required to make a
preliminary test, using 10 Ce. of Fehling’s solution, and according
to the results obtained to dilute the urine or glucose solution so as
to contain near to 1%, and then repeat the titration with 10 Ce.
(or more) of Fehling’s solution, adding rapidly to it nearly the
whole quantity ascertained to be requisite, and then finishing as
rapidly as possible by gradually adding the rest till the reduction is
_ complete, The end-point is ascertained by the disappearance of the
biue color, or, as this in many cases is not reliable enough, by separa-
ting a drop of the hot mixture and ascertaining the presence or ab-
sence of copper by ‘‘spotting” withsolution of potassium ferrocyan-
ide, acidulated. with acetic acid. A very accurate result may be ob-
tained by using for the final determination anumber of flasks contain-
ing the same amount of Fehling’s solution. To the first one of these
an amount of sugar solution is added, slightly less than that indi-
cated by the preliminary test; to the next one a little more, and so
on. After boiling, the clear liquid of the flasks is tested for copper
by ferrocyanide. The true amount of sugar needed must be be-
tween that used in that last flask giving the reaction and the first
one failing todoso. Some prefer to heat the sugar solution with
an excess of Fehling’ssolution, and to weigh the reduced cuprous
_An addition of a few drops of solution of aluminium sulphate or
calcium chloride or zinc chloride towards the end of the reduction
facilitates the rapid deposition of the cuprous oxide and leaves the
liquid clear, Cu C4 H4 O¢ + 3He O = 264.709.
Tests. Fehling’s solution must, on boiling for 2 minutes, either
alone or diluted with water, remain perfectly clear and show
neither change of color nor the slightest red deposit.
PREPARATION. Distelye 34.635 gr. of cupric sulphate, in clear
_ erystals, in distilled water, and dilute to 600 Ce. at 15° C. (or at the
temperature indicated on the flask), and preserve in a well-closed
glass-stoppered flask. Then 173 gr. of Rochelle salt, K Na Cs Hg
Os + 4 He O, and 125 gr. K O H (or 89 gr. Na O H) are dissolved in
water, diluted to 500 Ce., and also preserved separately in a well-
closed bottle. The water used for solution should be boiled before
use to destroy any germs of fungi, which might attack the tartrate.
To avoid deterioration the tartrate solution may be made only im-
mediately before use.
It is a useful precaution to ascertain the correctness of the titre
of Fehling’s solution by actual trial with absolutely pure dextro-
glucose, under the same conditions of concentration, time of boil-
ing, etc., as are to be observed with the specimen to be tested. For
its preparation, see Glucose.
In Pavy’s modification of Fehling’s solution 400 Ce. of ammonia
water, of 0.88 sp. gr., are used instead of water, and the whole in-
gredients mixed and reduced to 1 litre.
Instead of 173 gr. Rochelle salt, Schmiedeberg proposes to use 16
gr. pure mannite. Degener precipitates the cupric sulphate by
alkaline tartrate, and saturates with this a solution of caustic soda.
Barreswill, whose solution is much used in France, uses cream of
tartar, sodium carbonate and potassium hydrate to dissolve the
same quantity of cupric sulphate as in Fehling’s solution.
Copper forms a large number of compounds containing 2 or 4
mol. of N Hs, according to the general formule: Salts of cupri-
diammonium Cu (N Hs)e. Re; cupri-tetrammonium Cu (N Hs)4.
Re; cuproso-diammonium Cuz (N Hs)2. Re; cuproso-tetrammonium
Cuz (N Hs)4 . Re. Of these the following are used as reagents:
Schwettzer’s reagent, used, especially in microscopical investiga-
tions, to dissolve cellulose (cotton cloth, filterpaper, etc.). Itisa
deep blue liquid, made by repeatedly letting strong ammonia
water drip slowly through fine copper turnings packed into a small
cylindrical percolator, air being freely admitted (Peligot). Or by
dissolving pure cupric hydrate in ammonia water. It should be
freshly prepared for use, as preservation gradually impairs its
O. This is used in watery solution for the same purposeas the
hydrate. It also forms a precipitate of green cupric arsenite with
arsenous acid. It is also used as Kieffer’s volumetric solution for
determination of acids.
The dry salt crystallizes in deep blue, rhombic prisms, soluble
‘in 1.5 parts of water, which lose ammonia in air, and still more
rapidly by heating.
It is prepared by dissolving 1 part of cupric sulphate in 3 parts
of ammonia water. ‘To the filtered liquid6 parts of strong alcohol
are added, causing precipitation of the crystals. They must be
preserved in well-closed bottles. Kieffer’s solution is prepared by
dissolving cupric sulphate in water, adding ammonia until
the pale blue precipitate of cupric hydrate is redissolved, and
then adjusting the titre by dilution with water, soas to correspond
with either normal or decinormal hydrochloric (or sulphuric) acid.
The formation of a pale blue precipitate indicates the end of the
reaction. .
is used for the quantitative determination of carbon in iron by the
McCreath-Uligren method. In this process 50 Ce. of the cupram-
monium chloride solution (containing 15 gr. of the crystals) are
used for every 1 gr. of iron to be tested. The iron at first precipi-
tates the copper, dissolving in its stead, but by stirring for several
minutes the precipitated copper is redissolved, forming cupri-
cuproso-tetrammonium chloride, while all of the carbon is left be-
hind undissolved. This carbon is carefully collected in a small
filtering tube, filled with asbestus or glass-wool, and washed -thor-
oughly, first with water, then with dilute hydrochloric acid, and
at last with water. The filtering tube is then transferred to a
flask connected with suitable apparatus and the carbon is oxidized
by means of chromic and sulphuric acid. The resulting carbon
dioxide is absorbed in a Liebig’s potash-bulb and weighed.
The reagent is prepared by dissolving 160 gr. of cupric oxide in
450 Ce. of hydrochloric acid of spec. gr. 1.16. After solution and
filtration the liquid is saturated with ammonia gas and left to crys-
tallize. Of the blue octohedral crystals, of Cu (N Hs)4 Cls + He O,
300 grammes are dissolved in water and diluted to 1 litre.
Uses. This ferment, contained in malt, has the property to con-
vert starch into dextrin and maltose. By heating with dilute
acid (inversion) and titration with Fehling’s solution, the amount
of sugar, and, by calculation, that of the starch may be deter-
mined. Itis principally used for determination of starch used in
adulteration of food (sausages, etc.).
PREPARATION. 5 gr. of ground malt are dipested at 80° to 40°
C. for 14 hours in 50 Ce. water, filtered and used at once.
Diazo-benzol-sulphonic acid, see sulphanilic acid, p 20.
Dimethyl-para-phenylen-diamine, see p Amido-dimethyl-aniline,
p. 48.
Dipheny!l-amine, see in chapter on Color Reagents and Indicators,
p. 79.
Dipterocarpus Oil.
This oil, distilled from gurjun balsam, a substance closely allied
to copaiba, is used to detect free mineral acids in presence of or-
ganic acids; 1 part of the oil, dissolved in 30 parts of glacial acetic
acid, does not change color on addition of organic acids, but with
the smallest traces of sulphuric, hydrochloric or other mineral
acids it turns first rose-red, then deep violet The color is not
discharged by alcohol (Jortssen). .
Hosin, see Color Reagents, page 79.
Acetic Hther.
UsrEs. As a solvent of chloral hydrate, which it extracts from
animal fluids in either acid or neutral solution. Also for the
separation of alkaloids from solutions made alkaline by sodium
carbonate. For this purpose it must be free from admixture with
alcohol. An equal volume of the alkaline liquid containing the
alkaloid and of acetic ether is thoroughly shaken together, and,
after separation, the ethereal layer containing the alkaloid is re-
moved. To itacidulated water is added, which renders the alka-
loid salt insoluble in the ether, but soluble in water. For purifica-
tion the process is repeated. It is especially applicable to mor-
phine, strychnine, brucine, etc., less so to the cinchona alkaloids
(Bar foed).
Tests. Pure acetic ether is a colorless, volatile liquid of
fruity odor; specific grav. at 0° C. = 0.9051, at 15° C. =0.8981; it
boils at 72.782 C. It is miscible in all proportions with alcohol,
ether and chloroform. At 17.502 C. 1 part requires 17 parts of
water for solution; while 28 parts of acetic ether dissolve in 1 part
of water. Its reaction with test papers is neutral, when well pre-
served from air and light, otherwise it is liable to contain free
acetic acid. For analytical purposes the presence of alcoholis
especially to be guarded against; hence, when 10 Ce of the ether
are shaken with an equal volume of pure water ina graduated
cylinder; well-stoppered, and set aside to separate the upper ethe-
real layer, must, at 17.5° C., occupy a volume of at least 9.3Cc. A
greater shrinkage from solution in the water indicates too much
PREPARATION. To a mixture of 26 parts of conc. sulphuric acid
with 12.5 parts of 94% alcohol 20 parts of anhydrous sodium ace-
tate are gradually added and the mixture distilled on a water-bath.
The product is purified by shaking at first with some dry sodium
carbonate, then with fused calcium chloride, and, lastly, redistil-
ling below 76° C.
UsEs. Pure ethylic ether, usually called ether, is used as a sol-
vent for a variety of substances, inorganic and organic, among
them iodine, bromine, phosphorus, sulphur, perchromic acid,
lithium chloride, fats and resins, salicylic, benzoic and other acids,
chloral hydrate, glucosides and alkaloids. Some of them may bg
recognized by the characteristic color of the solution. Occasion-
ally, ether is added to prevent the solution of portions of the pre-
cipitates in the mixture in which they are produced, e. g., ammo-
nium platinic chloride. Mixed with absolute alcohol it serves to
extract and separate lithium from other alkaline chlorides. Mixed
with alcohol and ammonia it forms Prollius’ mixture for alkaloid
Tests. For most analytical purposes the stronger ether U. S. P.
is sufficient, but some require pure absolute ether. This is a color-
less, volatile liquid, neutral to testpapers; does not change the
color of white anhydrous cupric sulphate to blue; does not reduce
a cooled mixture of sulphuric acid and solution of potassium di-
chromate to green chromic alum inthecold. It does not dissolve
aniline violet; hence, a color communicated indicates alcohol. If
entirely free from water, the admixture of an equal volume of car-
bon disulphide does not render it turbid. It boils at 34.97° C.; its
spec. gr. at 17.52 C. is 0.7185.
Pure officinal ether (xther fortior, U.S. P.) has spec. gr. 0.725 at
15°C. It contains 94% wf absolute ether, the remainder being al-
cohol and some water. It boils at 87° C.; hence, the average heat
of the human body (87° C.) suffices to boil it, when held in the
hand in a test-tube in which a few fragments of glass have been
added to the ether.
When 10 Cc. of this ether are shaken with 10 Ce. of glycerin ina
graduated cylinder the ethereal layer must, after the separation,
occupy no less a volume than 8.6 Ce. Like the absolute, it must be
strictly neutral to testpapers.
Ether is sometimes adulterated with benzin (petroleum ether).
To detect its presence 5Ce. ether are mixed in a graduated cylinder
with 10Ce. conc. sulphuric acid. If pure, the ether will form with the
acid a clear uniform liquid; if benzin be present it will float on top,
and may be measured and, after separation, identified by dropping
into it a crystal of iodine, which, in benzin, dissolves with violet
color; in ether, with brown.
When solution of potassium iodide is added to pure ether no
iodine is liberated (absence of hydrogen dioxide or ozone); potas-
sium hydrate must not produce a yellow or brown color (abs. of
PREPARATION. A mixture of five parts of pure, strong alcohol
with nine parts of concentrated sulphuric acid is kept in a leaden
(or glass) still at a temperature between 130° and 145° C., alcohol
being from time to time added, so as to keep a constant volume of
the liquid within the still. If the limits of temperature are strictly
maintained only ether and water distill over; at lower temperature,
alcohol; at higher, sulphur dioxide and ethylene are carried into
the condenser. The product separates into two layers; the upper,
containing ether, with some alcohol and water, is removed, agi-
tated with calcium hydrate and rectified by repeated distillation,
the fractions containing most alcohol and water being separated.
For obtaining absolute ether the alcohol is removed by repeated
washing with water, and the water by digesting with anhydrous
calcium chloride and freshly burnt lime and finally redistilling.
Prollius’ mixture is made by mixing 70 Ce. alcohol of 94% with
30 Ce. of ammonia water of 28%, and enough of stronger ether to
make 1 litre. A modification of this adds from 250 to 800 Ce. chloro-
form and lessens the ether by an equal volume.
Ethyl Orange, see Color Reagents, page 80.
EHupittonic Acid, see Color Reagents, page 80.
Fehling’s solution, see Cupric Tartrate.
Fernambuco wood, same as Pernambuco, see Brazilwood, page 58.
Flavescin, see Color Reagents, page 80.
Fluorescein, see Color Reagents, page 80.
Fluorspar, see Calcium Fluoride, page 64.
2e2-- KLUXES.
_These are agents used in the dry (docimastic) assay, which are
added to the ores for various purposes. Some act as solvents of
the impurities (gangue) accompanying the metals, converting them
into fusible slag, such as powdered glass, quartz, kaolin, borax,
microcosmic salt, or sodium, potassium and calcium carbonate,
fluorspar, kryolite, litharge, etc. Others serve to reduce oxides,
such as charcoal mixed with alkaline carbonates, black flux, potas-
sium cyanide, etc. Others are used to oxidize, as saltpetre and
litharge; some of them also decompose sulphides and separate the
metal; some serve to concentrate the metal or extract it from the
ore by alloying with it, as metallic lead, etc., or to volatilize, as
ammonium salts. Others form a cover over the fused ore to ex-
clude air, as sodium chloride, glass, ete.
Most of these reagents are described under their respective head-
ings in other portions of this work, while a few special mixtures
find their place here.
BLACK FLUX jis a mixture resulting from the deflagration of
crude cream of tartar (argols) with a portion of saltpetre not quite
sufficient to oxidize all of its earbon. It is used as a reducing
agent in the assay of ores of lead, copper, tin, bismuth, nickel,
zinc, etc. It is prepared by deflagrating in a red hot crucible,
placed under a well drawing flue to carry off the gases, a mixture
of saltpetre and argols varying in proportion. For very active re-
duction three parts of cream of tartar are mixed with one part of
nitre. When less active reduction is desired, only 2.5 or even 2
parts of cream of tartar are used. The mixture, before deflagration,
is called raw flux.
As asubstitute for black flux some use a mixture of one part of
starch or wheat flour, with from 2 to 5 parts of potassium or
sodium carbonate, according to the more or less active reducing
properties required.
GRAY FLUX. Is made like black flux from a mixture contain- :
ing 2 parts of nitre to 3 of cream of tartar. Its reducing property
is much smaller than that of black flux.
WHITE FLUX. In this the amount of saltpetre used is from
1 to 2 parts to1 part of cream of tartar, so that no more unoxidized
carbon remains or even some undecomposed nitrate remains to act
as an oxidizer. Itis prepared like the preceding.
GLASS. Finely powdered crown-glass, free from lead and ar-
senic, is used either to form a protective cover, or as a solvent of
basic ingredients of the ores. Its fusing point should be between
those of borax and of fluorspar at about 1200° C. As it acts by the
union of its silicic acid with the bases of the ore, it should not con-
tain less than from 60 to 70% of Si Ox.
In its stead powdered quartz or silicic acid (see on page 19) is
sometimes used.
For other fluxes see the articles Calcium Fluoride, Carbonate and
Sulphate, Kaolin, Kryolite, Potassium Carbonate, etc., etc.
Frochde’s Reagent, see Sulpho-molybdic Acid, page 12.
Fuchsine, see Color Reagents, page 80.
Nordhausen Sulphuric Acid.
Usss. This acid consists of a combination of sulphur trioxide,
S Os, with sulphuric acid, H2zS Os. When these are in exact mole-
cular proportion pyrosulphuric acid (disulphuric), He Se O7 results;
when more S Osis present, it fumes in contact with moist air, and
is called fuming sulphuric acid.
It is used for dissolving indigo and for preparing organic sul-
phonic acids; also for the solution of nitrogenous organic bodies
and the conversion of their nitrogen into ammonia salt, according
to Kjeldahl’s method ; also in gas analysis for the absorption of
heavy hydrocarbon gases.
Tests. In most cases the commercial acid is sufficiently pure.
If desirable to test it qualitatively, the same method is employed
as with ordinary sulphuric acid (page 22), great caution being
necessary in diluting the acid. For quantitative analysis of its
sulphur trioxide the volumetric method may be used; the speci
men is weighed in a very small flask, this is carefully set up into a
beaker, whose bottom is covered with water, insufficient to reach
the neck of the little flask; the beaker is covered and left to stand
for several days, so that the acidin the flask may first very gradually
dilute itself, by attracting moisture, before an attempt is made to
mix it with more water for proper dilution.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, fuming sulphuric acid and
sulphur trioxide are made by the dry distillation of ferrous sul-
phate or acid sodium sulphate. On the small scale, it may be
made by mixing pure concentrated sulphuric acid with sulphur
trioxide (now easily obtainable in the market),or by adding to it
phosphorus pentoxide sufficient for dehydration. See Sulphur Trt
Furfurol, Cs Hs O2 (pyromucic aldehyde), is occasionally used to |
detect urea, which is colored violet by addition of a saturated aque-
ous solution of furfurol, followed by hydrochloric acid. It is ob-
tained as a bye-product of the manufacture of garancin from
madder; also by distilling one part of wheat or rye bran with one
part of cone. sulphuric acid and three parts of water, and rectify-
ing the distillate over sodium carbonate and chloride.
A 10% infusion of galls in water or dilute alcohol contains both
tannic and gallie acid, and is sometimes used to detect iron, with
which it produces a greenish-blue to black color, according to the
state of oxidation, and finally a black precipitate. It also serves
as a precipitant of gelatin. When asmall amount of iodine solu-
tion is added it indicates alkalies by an evanescent rose-red color.
It is now seldom used, pure tannic or gallic acid being preferred.
Uses. For removing tannic acid from vegetable extracts (detan-
nation). Also in standardized solution for volumetric determina-
tion of tannin. The aqueous extract containing the tannin is mixed
with an equal volume of a saturated solution of ammonium chlor-
ide, and the standardized solution of gelatin added till no more
precipitate falls. The observation of this endpoint is facilitated
by the presence of ammonium chloride and chromic alum, which
cause the flocculent precipitate to separate rapidly and leave a
clear solution. Dry gelatin also serves to collect alum from in.
fusions of bread or flour adulterated with it. .
PREPARATION. Ten parts of isinglass, or other pure variety of
gelatin, are dissolved by the aid of heat in water, saturated in the
cold with ammonium chloride, and containing 0.5 gr. of chromic
alum. After the gelatin solution has cooled, enough of the ammon-
ium chloride is added to make 1 litre. The titre is adjusted to cor-
respond to pure tannic acid.
Dextro-glucose vr Grape Sugar.
Usss. To adjust the titre of Fehling’s solutionand as areducent.
Tests. By the polariscope. A solution containing in 100 Ce. 10
gr. of anhydrous glucose, at 20°C. in a tube 200 Mm. long, turns the
plane of polarization 10.6°, sodium light being used as illuminator.
‘In an instrument graduated to read per cent of glucose, the per-
centage of the solution must accurately coincide with the reading.
PREPARATION. Mix 2,500 Ce. of 90% alcohol with 100 Ce. of most
concentrated hydrochloric acid, keep the temperature at 45° C. and
dissolve in it 800 gr. of pure cane sugar. In about two hours the
inversion into dextrose and levulose is complete. Set aside in a
cool place for several days. The dextrose (glucose) will then sep-
arate in crystals, whileacid and levulose remain in solution. The
crystals are drained on a glass funnel, washed with alcohol until
all acid has been removed; then they are dissolved in hot alcohol
(methyl alcohol is preferable) and recrystallized. The recrystal-
lization is repeated once or twice, the product is then powdered
and dried sharply at 1022C. Pure anhydrous glucose is the result.
lh beled Chi NE
Glyeerin, see Alcohols, page 28. For absolutely pure glycerin the
following tests are added: After evaporation, at moderate heat,
upon a slip of glass the microscope must show by transmitted light
neither turbidity nor black or brown coloring of the spot occupied
by the glycerin. A mixture of 3 Cc. each of glycerin and ammonia
water (10%), heated to boiling in atest tube, must, after addition
of 0.5 Cc. solution of silver nitrate, remain clear and colorless for
at least 5 minutes.
Uszs. Metallic gold is used for the preparation of gold chloride
(aurochloric acid). Also in the docimastic assay, by Plattner’s
method, of nickel ores or alloys, containing a small percentage of
copper, for the purpose of preventing the slagging of the copper
while nickel and arsenic, etc., are removed by oxidation. In thin
foil it sometimes serves instead of copper for the recognition of
Tests. Are made with its solution and are the same as those for
gold chloride, as described in the next article.
PREPARATION. Coin gold is dissolved in a minimum of cold nitro-
hydrochloric acid (see page 15). The solution is set aside for seve-
ral days to deposit all of its silverchloride. It is then decanted
and precipitated with pure ferrous sulphate, dissolved immediately
before use in boiled distilled water. The fine gold powder is per-
mitted to settle in a warm place, the liquid is then poured off and
the sediment repeatedly washed. It may then be used directly for
preparation of gold chloride or fused with pure potassium nitrate
and borax.
Cis. H Cl +4 He O.
Gold Chloride.
\ Usges. Aurochloric acid is used to detect tin by the precipitation
of the purple of Cassius. The more neutral auric chloride is em-
ployed in the analysis of alkaloids, many of which it precipitates
from solution, forming with them double salts. In a solution of
albumin acidulated with formic acid the addition, drop by drop, of
a 1% solution of gold chloride and heating, produces, first, a rose-
red, then a purple color, changing, on further addition of gold so-
lution, to blue.
Tests. A dilute solution, heated gently with some excess of ox-
alic acid, must, after separating the metallic gold by filtration,
leave no permanent residue on evaporation. Addition to a con-
centrated solution of ammonium or potassium chloride must pro-
duce no precipitate.
PREPARATION. Aurochloric acid is made from the pure gold, ob-
tained by precipitation by ferrous sulphate or oxalic acid and thor-
ough washing. Itis dissolved in a minimum of pure nitro-hydro-
chloric acid (see page 15), and, after solution, concentrated on a water
bath, while a small amount of hydrochloric acid is added. The
residue, on cooling, forms yellow crystals of Au Cls. HCl + 4 H2 0,
which are dissolved in 30 parts of water. If the gold chloride, Au
Cls, is to be made, the addition of H Cl is omitted and the evapora-
tion conducted at a somewhat higher temperature (110° C.). The
dry residue is either dissolved for use in 30 parts of water or crys-
tallized by addition of water and evaporation at 100° C. A temper-
ature of 185° C. completely decomposes auric chloride into aurous
chloride and free chlorine.
Guaiacum, see Color Reagents, page 81.
Gurjun, see Dipterocarpus Oil, page 101.
Hematoxylin, see Logwood in Color Reagents, page 84.
Hydriodic Acid, see on page 7.
Hydrobromic Acid, see on page 7.
Hydrocerolignone, Cig His Oc, is recommended by Liebermann as
a most delicate reagent for quinone. Even in very dilute aqueous
solutions of quinone the addition of a few drops of alcoholic soiu-
tion of hydroccerolignone produces at first an orange color, then a
steel-blue precipitate of coerolignone.
It may be prepared from ccerolignone by reduction with nascent
hydrogen (boiling with zinc and hydrochloric acid). Ccerolignone
separates when crude pyroligneous acid is mixed with potassium
dichromate as a steel-blue precipitate, which is purified by dissolv-
ing in phenol and precipitating by alcohol.
Hydrochloric Acid, see on page 8.
Hydrofluoric Acid, see on page 9.
Hydrofluostlicic Acid, see on page 10:
Usrs. For the preparation of pure metals by reducing metallic
oxides. In the determination of copper as cuprous sulphide. In
gas analysis for determination of oxygen by explosion. For the
production of high temperatures by burning with oxygen in the
compound blowpipe in the assay of refractory metals.
Tests. Pure hydrogen, when burnt from a jet, does not produce
any spots on a cold piece of porcelain held into the flame. The
water condensed on the porcelain must have a perfectly neutral
reaction; the products of the combustion passed into lime or baryta
water must not render it turbid. A paper moistened with silver
nitrate must not be blackened by the gas.
PREPARATION. In small quantities, for gas analysis, pure hydro-
gen gas may be made by the electrolysis of very dilute, pure sul-
phuricacid. Also by heating palladium which had previously been
saturated with hydrogen at 100°; or by bringing pure zine and
pure acid together in one of the compartments of a gasburette.
On a somewhat larger scale, for reductions, pure, dry hydrogen
gas is made by placing pure zinc and pure dilute sulphuric acid
into a suitable gas generator, connected with a .series of tubes or
flasks for purification; first, a simple wash flask to retain any par-
ticles of acid carried over mechanically; then one filled with solu-
tion of potassium permanganate, next with sodium hydrate, and
lastly, with anhydrous calcium chloride, to remove moisture. For
use in the compound blowpipe, the presence of carbon in zine, other-
wise pure, does not interfere.
Uszes. To oxidize, in alkaline solutions, the sulphur of metallic
sulphides, sulphuretted hydrogen, or polythionates to sulphuric
acid, which may then be determined as barium sulphate (Classen
and Bauer) or volumetrically (Hliasberg), thereby also allowing
the determination of chlorides, bromides and iodides, when He S is
present. Also to detect titanic, molybdic and vanadic acid by col-
oration of yellow to orange-red (Schoenn). Also in the analysis of
nitro-glycerin and other nitro-compounds by oxidizing Ne Os to Ne
Os (Hampe). For recognition of chromic acid and chromates by
their conversion into a deep blue substance, whose composition is
as yet unknown (usually called perchromie acid), soluble in ether.
Tests. A solution of hydrogen dioxide is so liable to deteriora.
tion by decomposition into water and oxygen gas that an estima-
tion of its strength should be made by the depth of the blue color
produced with potassium and dichromate solution. A small per.
centage of free acid preserves it longer, but care should be taken
that another acid should be used than that which is to be deter-
mined. Hence, for determining sulphides it must not contain sul-
phuric acid, nor hydrochloric, if chlorides are to be detected. For
oxidizing the lower oxides of nitrogen, phosphoric acid might be
added. The solution should leave no permanent residue on evapo-
PREPARATION. Pure barium dioxide, suspended in water, is very
gradually added to an ice cold mixture of 1 part of pure sulphuric
acid with 5 parts of water, the vessel being surrounded by ice and
the mixture being constantly stirred until the acid is nearly neu-
tralized. After filtration, the excess of acid is carefully removed
by the addition of baryta water. The liquid is filtered again and
preserved in a cool dark place. It may be concentrated by freez-
ing the water and decanting the concentrated solution.
flydrogen Sulphide, see Hydrosulphuric Acid, page 10; also Bar-
tum Sulphide, page 52. To free hydrogen sulphide from arsenic,
hydrochloric acid in various states of dilution is used in a system
of four wash bottles, the contents of which are kept at 60° to 70° C.
The first has 1 part of hydrochloric acid with 2 parts of water; the
second, 1:4; the third, 1:8; the fourth, distilled water. No rubber
is used about the apparatus (Lenz).
Users. For quantitative determination of silver, which is reduced
to metal by hydroxylamine hydrochlorate and potassium hydrate
from its haloid salts and their solutions in sodium hyposulphite
(Lainer), Also to recognize aldehydes and ketones by converting
them into isonitroso compounds (acetoximes), in which the group
= C = O is replaced by = C= N — O — H (Negeli, V. Meyer).
Tests. Hydroxylamine hydrochlorate forms transparent mono-
clinic crystals, soluble in water and in alcohol. Absence of am-
monium chloride must be shown by platinic chloride producing no
turbidity in its solution. The salt melts at 151° C., and, on further
heating, suddenly decomposes, leaving no permanent residue.
PREPARATION. Pure nitromethan,C Hs.N Ocis prepared from
silver nitrate and methyl iodide. This is mixed with dilute hydro-
chloric acid in molecular proportion, and placed in stout glass
tubes, sealed hermetically. These are placed into a suitable safety
envelope and heated not to exceed 150° C. A solution of hydroxy-
lamine salt and C O are formed. After opening the tubes the solu-
tion is carefully concentrated by evaporation, the crystals are re-
dissolved in hot absolute alcohol, and on its evaporation are care-
fully preserved in opaque vessels.
Indigo, see Color Reagents, page 82.
Indol, Cs H7 N, is occasionally used to detect, under the micros’
cope, lignin in vegetable tissues, in paper, etc., by coloring it in-
tensely red. It is, however, much inferior to aniline sulphate for
this purpose.
Uses. In connection with potassium hydrate to detect, by the
formation of iodoform ethyl, propyl, butyl and capryl alcohols:
acetic, propionic and butyric aldehydes, quinic, meconic and
lactic acids, methyl butyrate, methyl benzoyl and oil of turpentine
(Lieben). ‘To detect metallic mercury in sublimates in glass tube
by conversion into Hg Iz. To detect bismuth by the blow-pipe test
as scarlet oxyiodide. To detect tannic, gallic and pyrogallic acids
by an evanescent purple-red color (Nasse). In gas analysis it is
used to absorb carbon disulphide (Hiloart). To identify starch by
its blue-black coloration, especially starch granules in situ under
the microscope, iodine is used either as iodine-water, a saturated
solution of iodine in distilled water containing about 0.014% of
iodine, or as a solution in dilute alcohol, glycerin or potassium
iodide solution. A solution of iodine in zine chloride, or of iodine
in water, followed by concentrated sulphuric acid, colors cellulose
blue. In volumetric analysis a solution of iodine and potassium
iodide (mostly of decinorma] strength) is used with a companion
solution of sodium hyposulphite (thio-sulphate) and starch solu-
tion as indicator for a great variety of determinations. It per-
mits the estimation of arsenic trioxide and arsenites, chlorine and
hypochlorites, sulphites, hyposulphites, chromates, chlorates,
manganese dioxide, etc. Also of acetone by the formation of iodo-
form and measuring back the surplus of iodine, and of many
other substances by either direct or indirect methods. It is also
used to precipitate many alkaloids, forming with some of them char
acteristic compounds. An alcoholic solution of iodine is some-
times used to add to oils, with which some of the iodine unites,
enabling a differentiation of the oils by measuring volumetrically
the amount of iodine retained, which is expressed in per cents of
the oil, and called the iodine-addition number (Hwb/). Atom. W.
I = 126.559.
Tests. When heated in a test-tube pure iodine completely vola-
tilizes, showing no deposit of moisture at first, nor colorless crys-
‘tals in its sublimate, nor leaving a trace of residue. Its solution
in chloroform must be perfectly clear. To distilled water, recently
boiled to expel absorbed gases, it should impart only a ight brown
color (a deeper brown indicating presence of hydriodic acid, chlor-
ide of iodine, etc.). To detect iodine cyanide, water saturated with
iodine is shaken with pure carbon disulphide until all color of
iodine is removed, and, after settling of the iodine solution in C Sz,
a portion of the clear liquid is carefully decanted. In this a small
granule of ferrous sulphate is dissolved, then a few drops of ferric
chloride are added, and lastly some potassium hydrate. After di-
gesting the mixture for some time it isacidulated with hydrochloric
acid. A. blue precipitate of ferric ferrocyanide would indicate
presence of iodine cyanide. After converting the iodine into silver
iodide, ammonia water must not dissolve any portion of it. Hence,
after filtration and acidulating with nitric acid, it must remain
clear. Perfectly pure resublimed iodine is now easily obtainablé
from dealers.
PREPARATION. Commercial iodine is powdered and heated to
100° C. ona water-bath in a porcelain dish for about 15 to 20 min-
utes. The vapor is either suffered to escape or condensed upon
the bottom of a flask filled with cold water. This removes any
iodide of cyanogen, which volatilizes at 45° C.and forms colorless
crystals, adhering to the cold flask. All moisture is also driven
off and chloride of iodine mostly decomposed or volatilized. After
20 minutes the remaining iodine is thoroughly mixed with about
five per cent of pure dry potassium iodide to decompose any re-
maining chloride or bromide ofiodine. It is then returned to the
porcelain capsule, which is closely covered with a clean glass fun-
nel, and slowly heated on a sand-bath so as to sublime the iodine,
which adheres in large crystals to the funnel. It must be carefully
preserved in close vessels.
Deci-normal solution ismade by adding 12.66 gr. of pure iodine
to a solution of 18 grammes of pure potassium iodide in 900 Ce.
water, dissolving by agitation, avoiding heat and filling up tol
See also Sodiwm Hyposulphite and Starch.
Uses. The aqueous solution of the black erystals of this salt has
been used in the analysis of alkaloids, some of which it precipi-
tates, while morphia is not precipitated by it (Planta).
As pure metallic iridium only dissolves when in the state of min-
utest subdivision, but is easily dissolved as alloyed with platinum
and other metals, it is not advantageous to prepare its salts on
the small scale; they are obtained as bye-products at the platinum-
affineries and sold by dealers in a sufficiently pure state.
Uses. In the metallic state iron is used to detect copper by re-
ducing it from its salts, showing a red film of metallic copper upon
the iron. For this purpose any bright piece of sheet iron or wire
is suitable. Minute traces of copper are detected by using a bright
steel needle as electrode of a battery. In the wet assay copper is
completely precipitated by pieces of iron wire placed into the
acidulated solution. It is also used for the preparation of salts,
for adjusting the titre of volumetric solutions of potassium di-
chromate or permanganate. For this purpose the fine, soft wire
used by florists is sufficiently pure, when bright and freefrom rust.
Fe = 55.913.
Tests. The gas evolved from absolutely pure iron and pure di-
_lute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid must be inodorous and not
blacken a drop of silver nitrate placed on filter paper over the
test-tube from which the gas is evolved. The solution resulting
must be clear and without flocculi, nor must any part of the iron
remain undissolved. It must not yield a precipitate with hydrogen
sulphide. After precipitation of the solution, neutralized with am-
monia, by ammonium sulphide, the filtrate must leave no residue
after evaporation and ignition.
FERRIC ACETATE, Fez (C2 Hs 02)6.
Uses. When perfectly neutral ferric acetate in very dilute solu-
tion is mixed with potassium sulphocyanate, no reddening Occurs
from the formation of ferric sulphocyanate until free acid is added.
Hence, the mixed solutions are employed to detect free acid (Mohr).
Presence of sodium acetate interferes with the reaction. Ferric
acetate is also used in the analysis of tannins, in the place of skin
powder, to precipitate tannic acid.
Tests. The solution must not contain free acid. When diluted
so as to show only a faint yellow color, afew drops of potassium
sulphocyanate solution must not produce a red color, until a drop
of hydrochloric acid is added. The U.S. P. preparation is too
acid to be used for this test.
PREPARATION. 5.5 gr. of ferric chloride are dissolved in water
and poured into ammonia water in slight excess, so as to precipitate
the ferric hydrate completely. The precipitate is thoroughly
- washed and dissolved in 3.5 grammes of glacial acetic acid without
the aid of heat. The small residue left undissolved is filtered off
and the solution diluted to 100 Ce. It should be carefully pre-
served in a cool, dark closet.
Uses. Asa group reagent for organic acids not precipitated by
calcium chloride. It produces with succinates and benzoates
brownish, with ferrocyanides blue, with tannates blue-black pre-
cipitates; acetates, formates, sulphocyanates, pyrogallates and
meconates are colored red, ferricyanides brown, gallates black,
salicylates violet. Of organic bases it colors aniline red, mor-
phine blue, while codeine, thebaine, papaverine and narcotine are
left colorless, and narceine colored blue only after partial decom-
position by heat. Thalline, even in minute traces, is colored
green by ferric chloride, antipyrine brown-red, etc.; phenol is col-
ored violet, and, in aqueous solution, all phenols, aromatic oxy-
acids, carbohydrates and alcohols give characteristic color reac-
tions with very dilute ferric chloride, so that Landwehr proposes it
as a general reagent for the presence of the hydroxy] group. In con-
junction With ammonia very dilute solutions of ferric chloride color
many organic sulph-hydrates a deep red-brown (Claesson). It is also
used to decompose phosphates of alkaline earths, and to remove their
phosphoric acid. In conjunction with potassium nitrite it serves
to detect small quantities of hydrocyanic acid by converting it into
nitroprusside, which is readily known by its reaction with alkaline
sulphides (Vortmann). Mol. W. Fee Cle = 824.046.
Tests. Ferric chloride must dissolve without residue in water
or alcohol; it must be free from ferrous salt; hence, it must give
with freshly prepared potassium ferricyanide solution a clear
brown color, without shade of green or trace of precipitate. It
must be perfectly neutral, so that when stirred with a glass rod
dipped into ammonia water a permanent brown-red precipitate is
formed. Absence of the nitrogen acids must be shown either by
ferrous sulphate and sulphuric acid, or.after precipitation of the
iron by ammonia, in the filtrate, by diphenylamine or pyrogallol
and sulphuric acid. Absence of sulphates is shown by barium
chloride. After precipitation of the iron by ammonia the colorless
filtrate must not yield a precipitate with ammonium sulphide, nor
leave, on evaporation, a permanent residue. After addition of an
excess of ammonium acetate and boiling until the iron is com-
pletely precipitated as basic aeetate, the filtrate must leave after
evaporation, no fixed residue. After acidulation with hydro-
chloric acid sulphuretted hydrogen must produce a pure white
precipitate of sulphur, which volatilizes without residue.
PREPARATION. Ferrous chloride is first made by gently heating
in a large flask 1 part of pure, fine iron wire with 4 parts of hydro-
chloric acid, of spec. gr. 1.16, until no more hydrogen gas is
evolved. The solution is separated from the small excess of iron,
and converted into ferric chloride by passing into it pure chlorine
gas (the absorption being hastened by frequent agitation) until a
drop taken out gives a pure brown color to a fresh solution of po-
tassium ferricyanide. The excess of chlorine is now expelled by
moderate heat and the solution placed under the bell glass of an
exsicecator to crystallize. If wanted in solution it is diluted so that
for 1 gr. of iron used 20 Ce. areobtained. The process of prepara-
tion by the aid of nitric acid, as usually employed, yields a pro-
duct from which the last traces of the oxides of nitrogen are diffi-
cult to remove.
Uses. Ferrous chloride, dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid,
is used for the quantitative determination of nitric acid and ni-
trates, according to Schloesing’s and other modified methods. Also
for converting arsenic into the volatile As Cls, which is separated
by distillation and its quantity ascertained (Beckurts). Occasion-
ally, it serves in the separation of selenium. Mol. W. = 126.653.
PREPARATION. Ferrous chloride is only prepared when required
for instant use, as it can be preserved only with difficulty. Pure,
fine iron wire is then dissolved in pure hydrochloric acid of such
concentration as is suitable for the special work; the vessels in
which the solution is made are filled either with hydrogen or car-
bonic acid gas to prevent decomposition by atmospheric oxygen.
Ferric dinitrosulphide is made, according to Hoffmann and Power,
by adding a solution of ferric chloride or sulphate, drop by drop»
to a mixture of equal parts of concentrated solutions of potassium
nitrate and ammonium sulphide. The mixture is boiled for a few
minutes, filtered while hot from the sulphur, and set aside to de-
posit, on cooling, black, rhombic crystals of ferric dinitrosulphide.
These are dissolved in 10 parts of water.
Ferric Ferricyanide is made only when needed by mixing the
freshly prepared solution of potassium ferricyanide with ferric
chloride. The brown solution is reduced more or less rapidly
by morphine and many other alkaloids and by most ptomaines,
so that adeep blue precipitate of ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian
blue) or of ferrous ferricyanide (Turnbull’s blue) is formed.
Ferric Oxide, Fez Os, is used in the docimastic assay of copper.
The commercial article is sufficiently pure.
Ferric Sulphate, Fe2(S O4)3, and ferric ammonium sulphate, Fee
(S O43. (N Hae S Os + 24 He O (ferric alum), are sometimes used
in 10% solution as indicators in the titration of silver by ammo-
nium rhodanate. Freedom from chlorine is the only requisite of
Ussrs. The tendency of ferrous sulphate to change to ferric salt
makes it a powerful reducent. As such it serves to precipitate
gold; to recognize nitric acid by reducing it to N O, which dis-
solves in the remaining solution of ferrous sulphate with a dark-
brown color. By heating this brown color disappears readily.
A similar reaction is produced by acids of selenium, but then, heat-
ing does not cause the brown color to disappear, but rather to be”
come more intense, and finally change to ared precipitate of se-
lenium. It is also used to detect ferricyanides by forming with
them Turnbull’s blue; also tannic acid, with which, when per-
fectly ‘free from ferric salt, it gives a white gelatinous precipitate,
turning blue-black in air, while with gallic acid no precipitate is
formed, but the colorless solution turns blue inair. Mol. W.=
Tests. The pale bluish-green, monoclinic crystals must be free
from yellow spots of ferric salt and form with water a perfectly
clear pale greenish solution, whose reaction is neutral or but
feebly acid. After acidulation with a drop of hydrochloric acid
this solution must yield no precipitate with hydrogen sulphide.
If, after being acidulated by boiling with sufficient nitric acid, the
solution is precipitated by excess of ammonia water and the ferric
hydrate filtered off, the filtrate, divided into three portions, must
give no precipitate with ammonium sulphide (abs. of zinc), nor
have a blue color or after acidulation by acetic acid give a red-
brown precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide (abs. of copper)
nor after evaporation and ignition leave any residue.
PREPARATION. An excess of clean, fine iron wire is dissolved in
pure, dilute sulphuric acid, the solution filtered, aciduiated slightly
with sulphuric acid and concentrated. Thecrystals are drained on
a funnel washed with a little acidulated water, dried and carefully
preserved. The solution is only made when needed, with water
previously boiled to expel oxygen.
A very good article may be obtained from the residue of the sul-
phuretted hydrogen apparatus, if pure ferrous sulphide and pure
acid have been employed.
Uses. This salt serves for the same purposes as ferrous sulphate;
being less liable to oxidation it is also used in volumetric analysis
for adjusting the titre of potassium permanganate solution. Mol.
W. = 891.363.
Tests. This salt must, in addition to the same tests as ferrous
sulphate, stand a quantitative comparison with pure iron, so as to
show that it reduces an equivalent amount of potassium perman-
ganate. 3.91363 gr. must require the same number of Ce. of per-
manganate, as 0.55913 gr. of iron.
PREPARATION. 277.457 gr. of pure crystals of ferrous sulphate
and 131.866 gr. of pure ammonium sulphate are separately dis-
solved in a minimum of water at 70° C., mixed, a few drops of sul-
phuric acid added, and permitted to cool while constantly agitated,
so as to form very small erystals. These are carefully dried and
FOR HH, tS, eto
= th
AhesltesS bus bnan, Bf
Users. For the preparation of hydrogen sulphide.
Tests. For most purposes the commercial ferrous sulphide fur-
nishes gas of sufficient purity, especially if care is taken to thor-
oughly wash it. But as arsenic and phosphorous are rarely en-
tirely absent, evenin the purer article furnished by the trade, an
absolutely pure article must be made from pure iron and pure sul-
phur for accurate work, especially in forensie cases. Van der
Pfordten states that passing the gas over fusing potassing sulphide
at 350° C. furnishes hydrogen sulphide free from arsenic, even
though very crude ferrous sulphide be used. Arsenic may be de-
tected by dissolving the finely powdered ferrous sulphide in nitro-
muriatic acid, removing the excess of nitric acid by evaporation,
and adding to the residue zine and hydrochloric acid in a test tube
covered with a cap of filter paper, on which a drop of concen-
trated silver nitrate solution willindicate the presence of arsenic
by turning first yellow and, on moistening, black (@wutzett’s test).
PREPARATION. Pure, fine iron wire, cut in pieces of suitable
length, is heated to bright redness in a hessian crucible, piece3 of
pure sulphur are then gradually added until the massis well-fused;
any excess of sulphur volatilizes. The fused mass is poured ona
clean place, so as to form thin plates, which are broken into pieces
of suitable size.
Ferrous sulphide remaining after having been immersed in the
acid of the apparatus, although well washed, rapidly deteriorates
by oxidation, unless it be covered by glycerin. (Kubel.)
Usss. This reagent has been introduced by Eder as a general
reducent of metals from their salts. It reduces at ordinary tem-
peratures platinic chloride, potassium-platinic chloride, silver ni-
trate, chloride, bromide and iodide to the metallic state; from
mercuric chloride it precipitates metallic mercury by heating; ferro-
and ferri-cyanides of iron are converted into the yellow potassium
ferrocyanide, etc. The reagent acts not only in alkaline and in
neutral, but also in acid solutions. Mol. W. =845.447.
PREPARATION. To concentrated solution of pure ferrous sul-
phate a concentrated solution of pure potassium oxalate is added,
with constant stirring, until the precipitate of ferrous oxalate at
first formed is redissolved, forming a clear, deep-red solution. Or
else dry ferrous oxalate is boiled with a 80% solution of potassium
oxalate until no more is dissolved. The dry double salt is very
unstable, it decomposes with water, and remains in solution only
through excess of potassium oxalate.
Isinglass, see Gelatin, p. 106.
This native silicate of aluminium is used occasionally as a flux
in dry assaying; also in the state of powder as an inert addition to
vegetable powders to prevent them from adhering together while
being extracted by asolvent. Itshould be of a pure white color
and yield nothing soluble to water_or to very dilute hydrochloric
acid. |
KRYOLITE, Ale Fe.6 Na F.
Usses. This native mineral, consisting of aluminium and sodium
fluoride, is used in the place of fluorspar for the preparation of
hydrofluoric and hydro-fluo-silicic acid; also, in dry assays, as a
flux for removing silicic acid.
Only pure white, translucent pieces, free from foreign enclosures
must be selected.
Usses. Metallic lead, either granulated or in foil (for cornets), is
used in the docimastic assay of ores and alloys of silver, gold,
platinum, etc. For this purpose it must be either absolutely pure
or, if containing silver only, this percentage must be accurately
known, so as to be deducted in the calculation. The lead, during
the process of cupellation, becomes oxidized and then yieldsits
oxygen again to the sulphur, arsenie or antimony combined with
the metals and helps, together with the borax used at the same
time, to form slag, while the rest of the fused lead dissolves the
silver, gold, ete., and after oxidation leaves them behind as a “‘but-
ton.’? Various amounts of test lead are used according to the
quality of the ore oralloy. The weight in these operations is
frequently expressed in assay-tons. The American assay-ton =
29.166 grammes (450.26 grains troy), so that the number of milli-
grammes of metal found in 1 assay-ton of ore corresponds to the
number of troy ounces in 1 ton of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois. Pb =
Tests. Pure lead has spec. gr. 11.37, and melts at 326°C. When
perfectly pure melted lead shows a convex surface like mercury, a
flat surface indicates impurities. For most purposes it is suffi-
cient to test 1 assay-ton by cupellation, when it must leave either
no residue or one of pure silver, which is weighed and noted for
correction. When greater accuracy is required the test lead is dis-
solved in pure, dilute nitric acid and must stand the following
tests: After great dilution a few drops of hydrochloric acid must
either give no precipitate or one which will dissolve readily in am-
monia water, indicating silver. A portion of the nitrate solution
is then precipitated with pure dilute sulphuric acid, the mixture is
evaporated until all the nitric acid is expelled and vapors of sul-
phuric acid begin torise The residue, still containing a small ex-
cess of sulphuric acid, is mixed with dilute alcohol and filtered.
From the filtrate the alcohol is evaporated and the silver (if any)
precipitated by hydrochloric acid and filtered off. The clear fil-
trate on evaporation and ignition must leave no residue; another
portion must give no arsenic reaction; another should yield no pre-
cipitate with hydrogen sulphide, nor, after addition of ammonia,
with ammonium sulphide.
PREPARATION. The purest lead from ‘‘Pattinson’’ process is
sufficiently pure for most purposes, and is either rolled into sheet
or foil or granulated by agitation while melted. For absolutely
pure metal it must be reduced from a pure lead salt by electrolysis.
Or the purest litharge obtainable is fused and, from time to time,
some lamp black (or oil) is sprinkled upon the surface. This re-
duces a small portion of the oxide to metal, which dissolves the
silver and, by means of its greater specific gravity, sinks to the
bottom; from thence it is removed and the operation repeated,
Finally, the mair bulk of the litharge is reduced and is now free
from silver.
LEAD ACETATE, Pb (C2 Hs O2)2 + 3 Hz O.
Uses. For the detection of hydrogen sulphide paper moistened
with solution of lead acetate is often used, and shows its presence
by the brown to black color of the lead sulphide formed. Also for
the detection and precipitation of several acids, some of which
are recognized by characteristic color or other properties, among
them chromic, hydriodic, phosphoric, malic acid, ete. For the re-
moval from urine of mucin, albumin, etc., by precipitation. For
the precipitation of tannic acids and coloring materials, etc., from
vegetable extracts. Also for the preparation of basic lead acetate
and of pure lead. It is also used for the detection of glucose and
lactose. When a solution of lead acetate and then ammonia
water, drop by drop, are added to solutions of sugars, urine, etc.,
the white precipitate indicates the presence of glucose or lactose
by assuming a red color after standing for some time (Rubner).
It also serves to separate gallic from tannic acid, the lead salt of
gallic acid being soluble, that of the tannic insoluble in acetic acid
In very dry air or in the exsiccator it loses its water of crystal-
lization and becomes epbydrouge ih (Ce Hg O2)2 = 824.207.
Tests. Pure lead acetate crystallizes in transparent monoclinic
tables, soluble without residue in 1.8 parts of pure water, at 15°
C.,from which carbonic acid has been expelled by boiling. A
slight residue of carbonate must dissolve in dilute acetie acid. In
alcohol about an equal weight of lead acetate dissolves at 70°C. On
cooling, Pb (Cz Hz O2)2 + 2 HzO precipitates, leaving less than 4% in
solution. With litmus, but not with phenol-phthalein, lead ace-
tate gives an alkaline reaction, Potassium ferrocyanide must pro-
duce a pure white precipitate. After precipitation of the aqueous
solution by hydrogen sulphide, and the expulsion of the excess of
H2S by boiling, the filtrate must not form a precipitate with silver
nitrate, nor with barium chloride, nor yield on evaporation a fixed
residue. The watery solution, after precipitation with ammonium
carbonate, must show no blue color. The U.S. P. preparation is
sufficiently pure for nearly every purpose.
PREPARATION. The test solution is made by dissolving one part
of lead acetate in ten parts of pure water.
Under this general designation a solution of several basic lead
acetates, in various proportions, is known. That used in analysis —
corresponds with the preparation of the Ph. Germ., and contains
nearly equal proportions of triplumbic acetate, 2 Pb (C2 Hs O2)2 +
Pb (O H)z, and diplumbie acetate, Pb (Ce Hg O2)2 + Pb (OH),
while that made according to the U. S. P. contains principally
the latter salt, but may in most cases be substituted for the other.
Uses. ,For the separation of gums, tannic acids, coloring mate-
rials, etc., from vegetable extracts, syrups, sugars, beer, urine, etc..,
previous to examination by the polariscope or by reagents for
sugars, alkaloids and other substances not precipitated by the
lead salt. Also for the determination of lactic acid (Palm). Also
for the precipitation of albuminoids, to separate them from pep-
tones, etc.,in which case the lead solution is mixed with alcohol.
Tests. It should conform to the same tests for freedom from
impurities as the neutral acetate, when wanted quite pure. For
most purposes the pharmacepial preparations are sufficiently pure.
Spec. gr. 1.228 to 1.24.
PREPARATION. Into a very strong and capacious flask 300 gr. of
pure lead acetate, 100 gr. lead monoxide (pure litharge) and 1 litre
of water are placed and secured to the flywheel of some moving
machinery, so as to keep the mixture thoroughly agitated for from
10 to 12 hours; or heat is applied on a water bath, with occasional
shaking, for a less time. The mixture is then filtered and care-
fully preserved from contact with carbonic acid.
LEAD CARBONATE, Pb C Os, and the basic white lead, Pb (O
H)z. 2 Pb C Os, are used as flux instead of litharge or other lead
compounds. Also for the removal of tannic acids from solutions
(Jackson). For either purpose an unadulterated article of commer-
cial white lead is sufficiently pure, if it is completely soluble in so-
lution of sodium hydrate.
Uses. A saturated solution of lead chloride either in water or
in solution of pure sodium chloride, in which it is more soluble,
produces in solutions of the hydrochlorides of most alkaloids
colorless, crystalline precipitates of double salts. Quinine and bru-
cine in crystalline powder; morphine, codeine and cinchonine in
needles; strychnine in felted fibres, etc. From these the alkaloids
may be separated by Hz S or by sulphuric acid (Palm). Also, in
alcoholic solution, for the precipitation of albuminoids, even in the
smallest traces (Palm). Pb Cle = 278.268.
Tests. Lead chloride forms long, colorless, rhombic prisms
soluble at 15°C. in 105 parts of pure water (requiring up to 135
parts, if a little hydrochloric acid is present); at 100°C. in 23 parts
of water. Absence of other metals is shown by the same tests as
for metallic lead or lead acetate.
PREPARATION. A saturated solution of pure lead acetate in
water is precipitated by avery slight excess of pure hydrochloric
acid. The precipitate after washing is dissolved in boiling water
and the crystals preserved, which separate on cooling.
Uses. Fused lead chromate in fine powder is used for the oxi-
dation of hydrogen and carbon in the ultimate analysis of or-
ganic compounds. It is thereby reduced to chromic oxide and a
basic chromate. It is preferred before cupric oxide in the case of
some non-volatile substances, which are more difficult to oxidize,
and is sometimes used either jointly with cupric oxide or mixed
with potassium dichromate.
Tests. Lead chromate after fusion and powdering has a brown.
ish-yellow color. Its most troublesome impurity is organic matter,
accidently present through careless preservation. On heating to
fusion it must yield neither carbon dioxide nor water, at a higher
heat it must give off pure oxygen.
PREPARATION. A clear solution of 21 parts of crystallized lead
acetate is precipitated by a solution of 16 parts of potassium dichro-
mate. The precipitate after washing and drying is fused in a hes-
sian crucible, cast into thin plates and powdered while yet warm.
It must be carefully preserved from dust and moisture. After use
it may be regenerated by thorough washing, moistening with nitric
acid and fusing. A current of oxygen may serve instead of nitric
Usrs. In some cases it is used as a substitute for lead acetate,
in quantitative analysis it serves to oxidize arsenous into arsenic
Tests. Lead nitrate forms regular octohedral crystals, soluble
in 2 parts of pure water. The tests for absence of cther metals
are the same as for other lead salts.
PREPARATION. Pure lead monoxide is dissolved in a slight ex-
cess of nitric acid and recrystallized from hot water.
LEAD MONOXIDE, Pb O, Litharge.
Uses. Pure monoxide is used in quantitative analysis for the
separation of phosphoric and arsenic acid, and, in conjunction
with lead nitrate for that of arsenous acid. In assaying litharge,
which needs not to be absolutely pure, is used for removing silica
and as an oxidizing flux. It also serves to prepare pure metallic
lead, ete.
Tests. Other metals are to be detected by the same tests as for
other lead salts. The following generally suffices: Metallic lead ig
_ found as a residue after solution in acetic acid; no effervescence
a must occur during this solution, showing ee of carbonate.
“Te filtered solution is precipitated by dilute sulphurie acid in
slight excess, and the precipitate filtered off. The filtrate, after
addition of ammonia, must neither show a blue color (copper),
nor a precipitate (iron, aluminium).
PREPARATION. On the larger scale litharge is obtained as a bye-
product of the cupellation of argentiferous lead. Pure monoxide
for the determination of arsenic is made by precipitating a solution
of pure lead acetate or nitrate by ammonium carbonate, washing
the precipitated carbonate and expelling C Oe by ignition. It
should be carefuly preserved, as it = acts C Oe from the atmos-
RED LEAD, Pbs O4, is used as an oxidizing agent; to prepare
chlorine from hydrochloric acid; to detect strychnine, and asa
flux for oxidizing sulphides, etc., and for removing silicic acid by
converting it into a fusible slag.
Uses. For the separation of bromine from chlorine, especially
in water analysis. The mixed haloid salts of the residue, from
which iodine has been removed by palladious chloride or nitrate,
are introduced into a retort, together with lead dioxide and acetic
acid. Bromine is liberated and distils over, while the chlorides
are not decomposed (Wortmann).
Tests. The brown-purple powder must not yield anything sol-
uble to nitric acid.
PREPARATION. A pure article of red lead is digested with an
excess of nitric acid, and the process repeated as long as the nitric
acid extracts anything. Itis then thoroughly washed and dried.
Uses. Freshly precipitated hydrate dissolves to a small amount
in pure water. This solution precipitates albumin, forming one of
the most delicate reagents (Palm). The solid hydrate is some-
times used for the precipitation of tannic acid.
PREPARATION. Solution of pure lead acetate or nitrate is pre-
cipitated by an insufficient amount of potassium or ammonium
hydrate, the precipitate thoroughly washed with boiled water and
preserved free from contact with carbonic acid gas.
Litmus, see Color Reagents, page 84.
Uses. As it is more easy to obtain metallic magnesium free
from arsenic than zinc, the metal is sometimes substituted for zine
to generate pure hydrogen with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid; _
from alkaline hydrates it does not liberate hydrogen; hence, it
may be used to advantage in Marsh’s or Gutzeit’s arsenic test, but
not in Fleitmann’s, unless it has been platinized. When a few
drops of platinic chloride solution are dropped upon magnesium
it becomes coated with a thin film of platinum, and will now de-
compose even pure water. (The same process of platinizing is
also applied to zinc and cadmium to render them more soluble in
acids.) It may then also be used to great advantage for many re-
ducing operations, e. g., to convert nitro-benzol into aniline (Balle).
Magnesium also serves in the wet assay to precipitate lead (Roess-
ler). As burning magnesium is very rich in the violet and ultra-
violet rays, it is sometimes used as a source of light to detect fluor-
escent substances, e. g., quinine in urine. Mg. = 23.959.
Tests When asmall piece of pure magnesium is treated with
pure dilute hydrochloric acid ina test tube covered with a cap of
filter paper, upon which a drop of concentrated silver nitrate solu-
tion is placed, the color of the silver spot must not change to yellow
or brown for an hour (absence of arsenic by Gutzeit’s test). The so-
lution in the tube, subdivided into several parts, must yield no
precipitate with H2S, nor, after neutralization by ammonia, with
ammonium sulphide or carbonate. After precipitation by ammo-
nium phosphate the filtrate must leave no residue after evapora-
tion and ignition. The magnesium of commerce is generally pure
from all other metals, except a trace of sodium, which is rarely
objectionable, or some superficially adhering iron (from rusty rol-
lers), which is easily removed by scraping.
PREPARATION. Seven parts of pure sodium chloride are fused
together with 9 parts of potassium chloride, and, after cooling, are
reduced to fine powder and intimately mixed with 96 parts of an-
hydrous magnesium chloride and 16 parts of fluorspar. A crucible,
provided with cover, is heated in a furnace, and, as soon as it at-
tains a bright red heat, 16 parts of metallic sodium are rapidly cut
into small pieces, incorporated with the above mixture and put
without delay into the crucible, which is then closely covered.
A peculiar noise accompanies the reaction and, as soon as thisis
complete, the crucible is removed from the furnace. After the
red glow has disappeared, but before the mass has solid-
ified, the lid is removed and the small globules of mag-
nesium are, by means of a clay pipe stem, collected to a
single mass, the lid is then replaced and, after cooling, the
metallic magnesium is freed from adhering slag by washing with
water, and, if needed, even with a little dilute hydrochloric acid
(Fittig). The metal has asilvery lustre and spec. grav. 1.75.
Usrs. This salt, as well as its basic compounds of various com-
position (Mg C O3. Mg (O H)2 + 3 He O and 3 Mg C Os -+Meg (O H)e
+. 4 H2 O) is occasionally used in iron analysis and for saturation
of acids instead of the oxide and hydrate; also for the preparation
of other magnesium compounds. Mg C Os = 83.818.
Tests. Itisalight, white, flocculent substance of which only
traces are soluble in water. In dilute acetic acid it must dissolve
without residue. The solution, after expelling C O2, must not be
rendered turbid by Hz S nor by ammonium sulphide, carbonate or
oxalate after addition of-a sufficient amount of ammonium
chloride and hydrate. It must be entirely free from sulphate or
chloride; hence, no turbidity must be produced by silver or
barium nitrate.
PREPARATION. Cold saturated solutions of magnesium sulphate
(4 vol.) and sodium carbonate (10 vol.) are mixed. After standing
for a day or two, the precipitate is collected on a filter and washed
with distilled water until the filtrate is no longer rendered turbid by
barium chloride or silver nitrate. The product then consists of
Me CO3+3H:;O. If made at higher temperature it loses C Oz and
contains various proportions of Mg (O H)a.
Usrs. The anhydrous salt is used for the preparation of the
pure metal. The hydrated, Mg Cle-+ 6H20O, serves instead of
magnesium sulphate for the precipitation of phosphoric acid,
where the introduction of a sulphate is objectionable. Mg Clk =
94.699; Mg Cle + 6 He O = 202.459.
Tests. It must be free from all other bases and from sulphate
and phosphate. The absence ot other bases is shown by the same
tests as described for sulphate or carbonate. Its solution must not
give a precipitate for several hours after being mixed with am-
monium chloride and hydrate, nor with barium chloride. The erys-
tals must dissolve without residue in 5 parts of concentrated
alcohol. With sodium hydrate it must not yield ammonia vapor.
PREPARATION. The hydrate may be made by adding a slight
excess of magnesium oxide to hydrochloric acid, shaking up fre-
quently, filtering and evaporating, but not to dryness. The crys-
tals obtained must be protected from moisture. The anhydrous
salt is made by adding to the above solution twice as much ammo-
‘nium chloride as there had been used of magnesium oxide, eva-
porating to dryness and then igniting at as low a temperature as
possible to expel all the ammonium chloride. The salt must be
carefully protected from moisture.
Magnesia mixture (with chloride) for precipitating phosphoric
acid is made by dissolving 1 part of Mg Cle + 6 He O and 2.5 parts
of ammonium chloride in 10 parts of pure water and adding 5
parts of ammonia water, and filtering after standing for several
Magnesium hydrate, Mg (O H)s, is occasionally used in the search
for alkaloids for the removal of ammonia, amines and volatile
ptomaines (Tamba). For this purpose it is precipitated from mag-
nesium sulphate by an alkaline hydrate and used after thorough
Usrs. The oxide, also known as calcined magnesia, is occasion-
ally used in the analysis of iron, for the removal of phosphoric and
arsenic acid, etc., and for preparing other magnesium salts. Mg
C= 9 O10:
Tests. In dilute acetic acid it must dissolve without efferves-
cing or leaving any residue. This solution must yield no precipi-
tate with H2S; after addition of ammonium chloride and hydrate
in slight excess no precipitate must fall (abs. of phosphoric acid,
aluminium, ete.); nor mustfurther addition of ammonium sulphide
or oxalate produce either precipitate or color. After precipitating
from the acetic solution all the magnesia by addition of ammonium
hydrate and phosphate, the filtrate must, after ignition, leave no
residue. The solution innitric acid must yield no precivitate with
the nitrate of barium or silver. It requires about 55000 parts of
water for solution.
PREPARATION. Magnesium carbonate is heated to a red heat, in
a suitable crucible, until all carbon dioxide has been expelled. It
must be carefully protected from moisture and air.
Usss. For the detection and quantitative determination of phos-
phorie and arsenic acids, which are precipitated as double salts of
ammonium and magnesium. For this purpose a solution of mag-
nesium sulphate, ammonium chloride and hydrate is usually em-
ployed under the name of magnesia mixture; also for the precipi-
tation of globulin and its separation from albumin (Hammarsten).
Also for testing ammonium sulphide for presence of free ammonia
or carbonate (see page 39). Mg.S O4-+ 7 He O = 245.408.
Tests. Pure magnesium’ sulphate forms transparent, rhombic
prisms, soluble in 0.8 parts of cool and in 0.15 parts of boiling
water, insolubleinalcohol. Its reaction is neutral. Its solution in
water, after acidulation with acetic acid, must not be precipitated
by He 8; after addition of ammonium chloride and hydrate in slight
excess no precipitate must fall, nor must the further addition of
ammonium sulphide or oxalate produce either color or precipitate.
even after some length of time. Silver nitrate must produce no pre~
cipitate. The flame must not show the sodium reaction. After
precipitating the watery solution of magnesium sulphate by am-
monium phosphate and hydrate the filtrate must leave no residue on
PREPARATION. Epsom salt, selected as pure as obtainable, is
dissolved in boiling water, digested for some time with a small
amount of magnesium oxide, filtered, crystallized in small crys-
tals and recrystallized, if necessary.
Magnesia mixture is made by dissolving 1 part of magnesium
sulphate and 2 parts of ammonium chloride in 8 parts of water,
adding 4 parts of ammonia water and filtering after the mixture
has stood for several days ina closed vessel.
Magnesium sulphide, Mg S and hydrosulphide, Mg (S H)s are
sometimes used to prepare sulphuretted hydrogen free from ar-
senic, by heating them while moist (Divers and Shimidzu). The
sulphide is prepared by heating to redness an intimate mixture of
magnesium sulphate and lampblack. The hydrosulphide is made
by mixing an alkaline sulphide with magnesium sulphate. The
mixture on moistening and heating gently gives off He S in a regu-
lar current (Gerhard).
Usrs. For the preparation of chlorine, bromine, iodine, oxygen,
manganates and permanganates, etc.; also for absorbing gases
(hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide). Mn O, = 85.826
Tests. The native mineral varies considerably in composition.
Some varieties have a large percentage of Mn Os, and but a small
amount of lower oxides of manganese and iron, while others are
of low grade, containing carbonates, silicates, etc. The dark gray
erystals of pyrolusite, containing 90% or more of Mn Oz, should be
selected in preference to the soft, black varieties. Freedom from
carbonates should be tested for by acetic acid, which should not
produce effervescence. Its percentage of available oxygen may
be readily ascertained by Fresenius and Will’s method, in their
two-flask apparatus, by converting oxalic acid by means of man-
ganese dioxide and sulphuric acid into C Og, and ascertaining its
amount by loss of weight (Mn O2-+ He S O4 + He Ce Os = Mn § Og
+ 2 He O + 2 C Or).
Uses. For the titration of boracie acid, which it precipitates as
manganous borate, Mn Be Ou, insoluble in alcohol (Hdg. F’. Smith).
Also for the detection of chromates in presence of dichromates by
the brownish-black precipitate of manganese chromate (Donath),
Mn 8 O14 = 149.78.
Tests. Manganous sulphate at different temperatures crystal-
lizes with different amounts of water. Below 6° C. Mn S O44 7H2O
forms in pink colored, monoclinic prisms; above 7° C. and be-
low 19° C. triclinic prisms of red color, containing 5 He O; between
20° C. and 80°C. monoclinic prisms with 4 He O; above that tem-
perature still less water, in colorless crystalline powder, of but
slight solubility. It must not give the iron reaction with potassium
PREPARATION. On a large scale it is obtained generally as a
bye-product of other manufactures. It may be made by heating in
acrucible the purest dioxide with aslight excess of sulphuric acid,
until all the free acid evaporates; then raising the heat for a short
time to redness so as to decompose the iron sulphate. The residue
is leached out with water and recrystallized for purification.
Manganates and permanganaics are described under their resp.
bases, see potassium salts, etc.
Usrs. To detect glucose in urine, etc. With carbohydrates and
concentrated sulphuric acid it produces a red color. Hence, a few
drops of 215% solution of menthol in alcohol are added to the li-
quid to be tested and conc. H, S OQ, poured into it, so as to form a
layer beneath. If glucose ora glucoside or carbohydrate is present
the zone of contact assumes a cherry-red color (Molisch).
Tests. The colorless or white crystals melt at 42° C. and boil at
212°C. At 100° C. they volatilize, and, if pure, leave no residue.
When heated with a mixture of 2 parts of concentrated sulphuric
acid and 1 part of water the melted menthol becomes at first
brownish-red and finally deep blue, while the acid assumes a red
brown color. The commercial article sold as ‘‘pip-menthol’’ is
sufficiently pure.
PREPARATION. Pure oil of peppermint is solidified by a freezing
mixture and reduced to —22° C. The solid is placed upon a fun-
nel and slowly permitted to assume the surrounding temperature.
A portion becomes liquid again and drains away, while the crystals
remain on the funnel.
Usss. For the preparation of its various salts. For amalgama-
tion of copper, tin, sodium, zine, ete. For filling tubes, etc., ina
number of experiments, especially in gas analysis, where a heavy
liquid is required to confine gases or liquids and keep them sepa-
rated from each other. Hg = 199.712.
Tests. A small drop, heated in a porcelain capsule, must vola-
tilize without residue. When boiled for 1 minute with a concen-
trated aqueous solution of pure sodium hyposulphite it must not
become tarnished. When rolled over white paper it must leave no
trail. A solution of ferric chloride, shaken for some minutes with
mercury, must not indicate any reduction by giving with potassium
ferricyanide a blue precipitate. It must dissolve without residue in
dilute nitric acid and, after precipitation by Hz S, the filtrate must,
on evaporation, leave no fixed residue. Very dilute nitric acid is
digested at ordinary temperature with an excess of mercury until
saturated. Some of the solution is then precipitated by a slight
excess of hydrochloric acid and rapidly filtered. The precipitate
must not yield any lead chloride to boiling water, nor silver chlor-
ide toammonia. The filtrate must give no precipitate with hydro-
gen sulphide.
PREPARATION. Pure mercury is best made from the crude com-
mercial by distillation, an apparatus being employed for
distillation under reduced pressure. For most purposes of
gas analysis mercury may be purified sufficiently by digesting
for several days with dilute nitric acid, washing, drying by blotting”
paper and then pressing through chamois leather.
Usrs. Mercuric chloride, also called corrosive sublimate, is used
for the detection and quantitative determination of small traces
of arsenic, which are liberated as arsenetted hydrogen and passing
through a solution of mercuric chloride deposit all of their arsenic
as a yellow or brown compound with mercury (Mayeng¢on and Ber-
geret). Also for the detection and volumetric determination of
iodides, producing with them scarlet HgI,. It yields up its chlorine
either partly or entirely to reducents (Ag, Sb, As, Bi, Sn, As, Fe), and
is thereby converted into mercurous chloride and finally into metallic
mercury. Hence, it serves to detect tin, which it converts from stan-
nous to stannic chloride; also formic acid, etc., etc. It precipitates
some of the alkaloids (strychnine, colchicine, etc.); also gelatine
and albuminoids as mercuri-albuminate. The latter reaction is
most sensitive when the double salt Hg Cl, + 2 Na Cl, mixed with
citric acid, is employed (Stwetz). It is also used to detect ammonia
and ammonium carbonate by forming with them a white precipi-
tate of mercur-ammonium chloride. For other ammonia salts
the oxychloride (Bohlig’s reagent) is used. It also serves to distin-
guish alkaline carbonates, which produce a red-brown precipitate
of basic mercuric carbonate, from di-carbonates, which give no
precipitate. Itis also used as a microchemical reagent to coagu-
late and harden certain tissues and render them more visible under
the microscope. Also to prepare a number of mercurial com-
pounds, mercuric iodide, Nessler’s test, Bohlig’s and Mayer’s solu-
tions, etc. Hg Cl, = 970.452.
Tests. Sublimed mercuric chloride forms transparent crystal-
line crusts. When obtained from solution it forms rhombic crys-
tals with acute terminals. It dissolves at 15° C. in 16 parts of water,
in 3 parts of alcohol, of spec. grav. 0.820, or in 4 parts of ether; also
in 2 parts of boiling water, or 1.2 parts of boiling alcohol. The so-
lution in water reacts acid, but becomes neutral on addition of Na
Cl. In the above solvents it must dissolve without residue. With
Fleitmann’s, or similar tests, it must not give any arsenic reaction.
After precipitation of its aqueous solution by H,S no residue
should remain by evaporating the filtrate, nor should the precipi-
tate yield anything soluble to ammonia.
Commercial corrosive sublimate often contains a small amount
of calomel, while otherwise pure. Such an article may be used
for all solutions; but for decinormal volumetric solution the titre
must be adjusted, or pure, recrystallized mercuric chloride taken.
PREPARATION. On the large scale the salt is made by sublima-
tion of mercuric sulphate mixed with sodium chloride, and this
process may be imitated on the small scale with pure salts. The
commercial product may be purified by recrystallization from
boiling water, or from alcohol, if it does not completely dissolve
in the latter. The test solution contains one part of mercuric
chloride in 20 parts of water.
Deci-normal solution contains 18.52 grammes of mercuric chlo-
ride in 1 litre, the solvent consisting of 4 parts of water and 1 part
of alcohol. It is used for the titration of K I; as long as more than
2K I are in solution for each Hg Cle added, the red precipitate of
Hg Ie redissolves, forming Hg Iz. 2 K I; but as soon as the Hg Cle
exceeds this proportion, by even a single drop, the red precipitate
remains undissolved and indicates the end of the reaction: 4 KI +
Hg Ch =2KCl+ Hg ki.2K 1.
A solution of mercuric oxychloride is somennnied employed as Boh.
lig’s reagent for the detection of ammonium salts. Itis made by add.
ing to a solution of 1 part of Hg Clein 30 parts of water, drop by
drop, with constant agitation, a solution of 1 part of potassium
carbonate: in fifty parts of water, until the mixture ceases to red-
den litmus paper. The brown-red precipitate is filtered off; the
clear filtrate indicates the presence of ammonium salts by a
white precipitate,
Uses. For the volumetric determination of glucose, which in
alkaline solution reduces it to metallic mercury (Knapp).
Tests. The salt crystallizes in colorless quadratic prisms,
soluble in 12.8 parts of water at 15° C., in three
parts at 100° C.; somewhat less soluble in alcohol. With
potassium cyanide it forms a soluble double salt, Hg (C N)2.
2K CN. Its watery solution should not turn turmeric paper brown.
With a very dilute solution of potassium iodide, added drop by
drop, it should not yield a red precipitate of Hg Ie; after acidula-
tion with nitric acid its solution should not give a precipitate with
Silver nitrate. At an elevated temperature it should separate into
gaseous cyanogen, brown solid paracyanogen and metallic mer-
cury, and should finally at 860° C. volatilize without residue.
PREPARATION. Mercuric oxide is dissolved in a slight excess of
hydrocyanic acid, concentrated by evaporation at a low tempera-
ture in the dark, and the crystals carefully protected from light.
Knapp’s volumetric solution contains 10 grammes mercuric cyan.
ide and 12.5 gr. sodium hydrate, dissolved in water to make 1 litre,
One decigramme of glucose reduces 40 Ce. of the solution. Am-
monium sulphide is used as indicator by the method of “spotting.”’
Hgle.2K I.
Usrs. Mercuric iodide is used to make a permanent iodized
starch solution, to serve as indicator, by triturating 0.1 gr. Hg Is
with 5 gr. of starch and some water, and, after solution, diluting
' tollitre (Gastine). The double salt, called also potassium iodo-
hydrargyrate, in neutral alkaline and acid solution, finds many ap-
plications in analysis. Neutral, as Mayer’s solution, it serves for
volumetric determination of alkaloids. Also for indicating the
completion of the fermentation process of beer, as young beer
gives only aslight turbidity, while old, ripened beer gives a copious
precipitate with the reagent (Johanson). In alkaline solution it
serves either as Sachse’s solution for volumetric determination of
glucose or as Nessler’s test for detection and colorimetric determi-
nation of ammonia, especially in drinking water. In acid solution
it is used as Geissler’s test for detection of minute quantities of al-
bumin and in milk analysis for the precipitation of all albuminoids
(casein, etc.), preparatory to determining the lactose by polariza-
tion. Hg Is= 452.826; Hg Ie . 2 K I = 783.978.
Tests. Mercuric iodide forms a scarlet powder or quadratic
crystals. It is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, acetic acid
and aqueous solutions of mercurie chloride or potassium iodide,
forming with them colorless solutions. It should completely vola-
tilize and give the other tests of purity from foreign metals, as de-
scribed under mercuric chloride. In most cases itis used as pre-
pared by potassium iodide and mercuric chloride, without sepa-
rating the potassium chloride formed.
PREPARATION. Solutions of 10 parts of mercuric chloride and
of 12.25 parts of potassium iodide are mixed, the precipitate col-
lected on a filter, washed and dried.
MAYER’S SOLUTION is made of decinormal strength, and
contains 13.546 gr. mercuric chloride and 49.8 gr. potassium iodide
in 1 litre. It precipitates most alkaloids, forming with them gene-
rally crystalline compounds either of the formula Alk lk .
Hg Is, as aconitine, nepaline, atropine, hyoscyamine, coniine, nico.
tine, emetine, colchicine, ete., or of the formula Alk 1. HI. Hg
Tz, as strychnine, brucine, morphine, narcotine, quinine, cincho-
nine, etc., etc.
Occasionally, a solution of one-half the strength is employed
SACHSE’S SOLUTION contains in 1 litre 18 gr. Hg Ie, 25 gr.
K ITand 50 gr. K OH, dissolved in water. Of this solution 40 Ce.
are placed in a porcelain capsule, and the glucose solution added
from a burette as in Fehling’s process. It requires 0.1501 gr. of
dextro-glucose to reduce the 40 Ce. of solution to metallic mercury.
An alkaline solution of stannous chloride serves as indicator to
show the complete reduction of Hg by spotting.
NESSLER’S SOLUTION for the detection and colorimetric de-
termination of ammonia is made by mixing 50 gr. of K I, dissolved
in 50 Ce. of hot water, with a hot solution of 25 gr. of Hg Cle in 100
Ce. of hot water, adding to the turbid red mixture a solution of 160
gr. of K O H (or 120 gr. of Na O H) in 400 Ce. of water, and filling
up, after cooling, with (distilled) water to1 litre. The solution,
after standing, deposits its surplus of Hg Iz, and may be decanted,
but it is essential that a full saturation with Hg I, should be made,
lest an excess of K I should redissolve the precipitate made by am-
monia. Some direct 66.4 gr. of K I and 27.1 gr. of Hg Cl., so as to
niake the solution one-fifth normal. Of this solution 1 Ce. eachis
added in Nessler cylinders, having the 50 Ce. mark at equal height
from bottom, to the specimen of water to be tested and to 4 speci-
mens containing various amounts of standard ammonia solution.
A reddish-yellow color indicates the presence of ammonia, and by
comparison of the depth of color the quantity is estimated.
GEISSLER’S SOLUTION, for detecting and removing albumin-
oids, is made by dissolving 13.5 gr. Hg Cl, and 338.2 gr. K I in 20
Ce. acetic acid of spec. gr. 1.048 and 64 Cc. of water, and aiding so-
lution by gentle heat. In this strength it serves to precipitate
albuminoids from milk, of which various quantities are taken, ac-
cording to its specific gravity, and obtaining a solution ready for
determining lactose by the polariseope. For mere qualitative de-
tection of albumen a much weaker solution is used, made by add-
ing to the above amount 400 Cc. of water instead of 64 Cc.
Uses. In solution containing nitrous acid and but slight excess
of nitric acid it serves to detect albuminoids, tannin, guaiacol, eu-
genol, vanillin, etc., by producing a red colored precipitate (Mil-
lon’s reagent). Also for the precipitation of the albuminoids of milk _
preparatory to estimating lactose by polarization. For the volu-
metric determination of urea by Liebig’s method. Hg (N Os), =
Tests. Mercuric nitrate must not give a white precipitate with
hydrochloric acid (abs. of mercurous salt, etc.). By heat it is first
converted into red oxide and then completely volatilized. Tests
for admixture of other metals are the same as for mercuric chlor-
ide. The salt may crystallize with various amounts of water. So-
lution of the perfectly neutral salt in water gradually decomposes
it, and protracted boiling precipitates mercuric oxide.
PREPARATION. By dissolving pure mercury in a slight excess of
hot conc. nitric acid and crystallizing.
Liebig’s volumetric solution is made by dissolving 77.2 grammes
of pure mercuric oxide in a slight excess of nitric acid and diluting
to 1 litre. Each 1 Ce. corresponds to 10 Mgr. urea. In adding the
solution to urine care must be taken to neutralize the liberated
acid by repeated additions of sodium carbonate (calcium carbonate,
Pflueger). A white precipitate of a compound containing 1 mole-
cule of urea and 2 mol. of mercuric oxide, C O (N H,), .2 Hg O,
falls as long as urea is present. As soon as it is all removed, the
mercuric solution is converted into a reddish precipitate by the
sodium carbonate used as indicator. Sometimes the chlorides are
first removed by silver nitrate, an excess of which does not inter-
fere (Rautenberg).
Millon’s reagent is made by dissolving 1 part of mercury in 1 part
of nitric acid, of spec. gr. 1.42(up to 1.52), and, after complete solu-
tion by the aid of heat, adding an equal volume of water. It should
contain N, Os, but no great excess of nitric acid. When, by long
preservation, nitrous acid has become deficient, the reagent is no
longer sensitive, but may be restored by adding a little K N Og.
For removing albuminoids from milk a solution is used containing
double the amount of nitric acid as Millon’s solution (Hoffmann’s
Usss. For detecting some acids, especially those of the chlorine
group, by characteristic precipitates. For separating phosphoric
acid from bases (H. Rose). Also for oxidation of some reducents
(formic acid, etc.), which separate from it metallic quicksilver.
Also for detecting brucine, which, with mercurous nitrate free
from excess of acid, gives a red color (flueckiger).
Tests. The salt forms transparent, monoclinic crystals, which,
in water acidulated with nitric acid, dissolve without change, but
are soon decomposed in solution in pure water, a yellow basic
salt, Hge(N Os)2H 20-+ He O, being deposited. Other basic salts form
when metallic mercury is kept in contact with the neutral solution,
but the formation of mercuric salt is thereby prevented. Light de-
composes the salt. Addition of aslight excess of dilute hydro-
chloric acid should completely precipitate the mercury as calomel
and leave in the filtrate nosubstance capable of being blackened
by Hz S or of leaving a fixed residue on heating. Other tests are
the same as for mercuric chloride.
PREPARATION. Equal weights of pure quicksilver and nitric
acid of spec. gr. 1.2 (made by mixing 7 parts of water with 6 parts
of pure nitric acid of spec. grav. 1.42) are placed for 24 hours in a
porcelain capsule in a cool, dark room. The crystals are then
separated, carefully drained and preserved in opaque bottles. For
use they are dissolved in 10 parts of water containing about
5% of nitric acid, and the solution preserved in an opaque bottle
containing a small amount of metallic mercury. When contain-
ing some free nitrous acid the solution issometimes called Plugge’s
UssEs. Precipitated mercuric oxide in fine powder is used for
the separation of magnesium from the alkalies, by digesting their
chlorides with it. Alsoin the volumetric determination of cobalt
by Winkler’s method for removing iron, manganese, etc. Also in
the determination of nitrogen in organic bodies, according to
Kjeldahl’s method, as an addition to shorten the time of digestion
with sulphuric acid; the mercury being subsequently removed by
Hz28, Also for separating uranium chloride from the chlorides of
other bases (Alibegoff). Also for the preparation of mercuric salts.
Tests. It must volatilize without residue. The oxide prepared
by precipitation in the state of a tine yellow powder is preferable
to the red crystals obtained by the dry methods.
PREPARATION. To a hot, dilute solution of pure sodium hydrate,
which must be kept in excess, a solution of pure mercuric chloride
is gradually added. The yellow precipitate is thoroughly washed
by decantation and preserved in the moist state.
Meta-phenylene-diamine, see Oolor Reagents, m diamido-benzol,
page 78.
Uses. Its high specific gravity, = 2.1992 at 0° C., makes it use-
ful in a set of reagents for petrographic separation. It is also
used for the detection of pyridine bases. A few drops of the base
are heated in atest tube with an equal amount of methyl iodide,
and then mixed with a little powdered potassium hydrate and a
few drops of water. On gentle heating a peculiar penetrating
odor indicates a pyridine base(A. W. Hofmann). C Hs3I = 141.581.
Tests. The tests for purity need not be extended beyond identi-
fication of boiling point and specific gravity. The commercial
article is sufficiently pure. Methyl iodide is a colorless liquid of
ethereal odor, spec. gr. 2.1992, at 02 C. and boils at 44°C. When
heated with 75 parts of water it is decomposed into hydriodic acid
and methyl alcohol. It attracts moisture from air and forms a
crystalline hydrate.
PREPARATION. One part of red phosphorus in small pieces and
5 parts of concentrated wood alcohol are placed into a flask and
gradually mixed with 10 parts of powdered iodine. The product
of the reaction is distilled off and rectified, preserving the portion
boiling at 44° C,
UsxEs. On account of its specific gravity being 3.342 at 5° C. the
liquid is used as a petrographic separator. C Hy, Ie = 267.088.
Tests. The yellow liquid boils at 180°C., being partially de-
composed, and congeals at 0° C., forming tabular crystals.
PREPARATION. Fifty gr. iodoform and 200 gr. concentr. hydrio-
dic acid are heated to 127° C.and small pieces of phosphorus
thrown in until the liquid is no longer colored brown; then more
iodoform and phosphorus may be alternately added, hydriodic
acid being regenerated (Baeyer). It may be purified by freezing
and selecting the crystals.
Methyl Orange, see Color Reagents, Dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol-
sulphonic acid, page 78.
Methyl Violet, see Color Reagents, page 85.
Methylene aceto-chlorhydrin has been proposed by Grimauz as a
reagent for morphine. When the reagent is added to morphine
in powder, or dissolved in glacial acetic acid, and then sulphuric
acid in excess, a rose-red color is produced.
Millon’s Reagent, see Mercuric Nitrate, page 133.
Molybdic Acid and derivatives, see page 12.
Usrs. The two varieties called Alpha and Beta-naphthol are both
used for the detection of chloroform and chloral hydrate, which,
with solution of naphtholin potassium hydrate, heated to about 40°
C., give a transient blue color (Lustgarten). Both in solutionin
cone. alcohol give various color reactions with dry powdered
sugar and other carbohydrates (/hl). These, however, are more
delicately shown in Molisch’s modification, by means of which very
minute traces of sugar may be detected by alpha-naphthol (or
naphthalin), but not by beta-naphthol. Molisch mixes a few drops
of a 15% solution of alpha-naphtholin alcohol with the urine or
other sugar solution, and then adds concentr. sulphuric acid, to
form a layer beneath. At the zone of contact a violet color ap-
pears, even if but slight traces of sugar are present.
Tests. The commercial articles are sufficiently pure; even
naphthalin will answer as a substitute.
PREPARATION. A mixture of 4 parts of naphthalin and 3 parts
conc. He S Osis kept for 12 hours at the temperature of 80° C. and
then poured into 10 to 12 volumes of boiling water. After cooling,
the unchanged naphthalin is filtered off and the filtrate saturated
with lead carbonate. On evaporation the beta-salt crystallizes
first, the alpha afterwards. The mixed salts are boiled with 12
parts of alcohol, which dissolves the alpha, but leaves the beta-
salt undissolved. From the separated lead salts the naphthalin-
sulphonic acids are isolated by hydrogen sulphide. Heating with
potassium hydrate liberates the naphthols corresponding to the
Uses. The solution in acetic acid serves for the separation of
cobalt from nickel, its nickel salt being soluble, the cobalt salt in-
soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid (12%); also of iron from alum-
inium, the iron salt forming aninsoluble precipitate, which, by
heating with oxalic acid, is converted into ferric oxide, while alum-
inium remains in solution (llinskt and v. Knorre). Also to separ-
ate copper from lead, cadmium, zinc, magnesium, etc (v. Knorre).
mat: W. = 172.681.
Tests. The compound crystallizes either in short prisms or
thin tablets of orange-brown color; melting at 109.5° C., almost in-
soluble in water, very soluble in ether, carbon-disulphide, glacial
acetic acid and hot alcohol, somewhat less in cold alcohol and
acetic acid of 50%. Its alkali salts are green; that of sodium is in-
soluble in weak soda lye.
PREPARATION. One part beta-naphthol and 0.75 parts of zine
chloride are dissolved in 6 parts of hot alcohol, and, after boiling
a short time, 0.5 parts of sodium nitrite dissolved in a little water
is added and the boiling continued until the red-brown zinc-
nitroso-beta-naphthol begins to separate. After 12 hours’ stand-
ing this is filtered off and washed with a little alcohol. The zine
salt is then diffused in 10 parts of water and gently heated with 1
part of sodium hydrate. This dissolves the zinc, while green
sodium-nitroso-beta-naphthol separates in crystals. After cooling,
the sodium salt is removed by filtration, washed with dilute
sodium hydrate solution and decomposed by cold, dilute hydro-
chloric acid, which leaves the pure alpha-nitroso-beta-naphthol
(llinskt and Henriques).
Metallic nickel is sometimes used in the form of capsules, in-
stead of silver, for dissolving aluminium hydrate in alkaline hy-
drates so as to separate it from ferric hydrate. Also in the form
of wire in blowpipe work. Also for the preparation of nickel
salts. Ni = 57.928.
Usrs. As an indicator in the volumetric determination of zine
by sodium sulphide. Also in conjunction with potassium hydrate
for detection of glucose, as proposed by Mazzara.
Tests. Commercial nickel chloride is sufficiently pure for the
above purposes.
PREPARATION. The metal is dissolved by means of heat in hy-
drochloriec acid and crystals obtained by evaporation.
NICKELOUS HYDRATE, ozide or oxalate, are sometimes used
in blowpipe analysis, to detect potassium in presence of sodium
and lithium by the blue color given to the borax bead, colored
brownish by anickel salt. The purity of the commercial article
suffices for this purpose. The hydrate also serves for removal of
Usres. For volumetric determination of tannic acid an empyri-
cal solution of nickelous sulphate is used with ferric chloride as
indicator (Casali). Thé salt is also used as indicator by spotting
in the volumetric determination of zine by sodium sulphide. At.
W. = 279.472; anhydrous Ni S O4 = 153.752.
Tests. Nickelous sulphate crystallizes at ordinary temperature
in dark green, monoclinic prisms, containing 7 He O, but may be
obtained between 380° and 40° quadratic blue-green crystals
with 6 HeQO, or at still higher temperature again in, monoclinic
crystals with 6H, O. Hence, for quantitative work, it must be
weighed in the anhydrous state, after drying at 270° to 300° C. Its
solution must not become blue-black on addition of tannic acid,
nor give a blue precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide. A borax
bead saturated with it must not show the intense blue color of
PREPARATION. Nickel sulphate is now sold quite pure, being
manufactured on the large scale for electro-plating. To remove
the remaining traces of copper, iron and cobalt it may be dis-
solved in water acidulated with a few drops of sulphuric acid, and
digested for some time with a small bright piece of iron wire, to
precipitate copper, if any be present. After filtering the iron is
converted into ferric salt by heating with some nitric acid, and
then removed by precipitating with a large excess of ammonia
water in which nickel redissolves, leaving ferric hydrate behind.
The filtrate is evaporated to dryness and heated to 300° C. to ex.
pel ammonia. It is then redissolved in water acidulated with
acetic acid and the cobalt precipitated by potassium nitrite. The
yellow precipitate of potassio-cobaltie nitrite (Fischer’s salt) is
allowed to subside for 24 hours and then removed by filtration.
In the filtrate the nickel is then precipitated by sodium carbonate,
the precipitate thoroughly washed, dissolved in sulphuric acid
and crystallized.
Casali’s volumetric nickel solution is made by dissolving 2.89 gr.
of pure anhydrous nickel sulphate in boiling water acidulated
with a few drops of sulphuric acid. After cooling, a solution of
OXYGEN. : 139
3) gr. of ammonium sulphate is added. The solution is divided
into two equal parts, and to one-half ammonia water is added,
drop by drop, until it has assumed a violet-blue color. The two
solutions are then mixed and diluted to 1 litre. One Cc. precipi-
tates 0.01 gr. of pure tannic acid from galls, or 0.01497 gr. of oak bark
tannin (quercotannic acid and phlobaphen, etc.) Paper moistened
with ferric chloride serves to indicate the complete precipitation
of tannin.
NITROUS ETHER or ethyl nitrite, C2 Hs .N Os, may be used,
on account of its nitrous acid, to detect antipyrine by the green
color of the iso-nitroso-antipyrine produced by adding to it nitrous
ether and some free acid. Also to detect phenol and salicylic acid
by the yellow color of the nitro-compound formed, and albumen
by the formation of yellow xanthoprotein (Hyckmann). U.S.P.
spir. etheris nitrosi will answer the purpose. :
OILS are occasionally used for analytical purposes:
Linseed oil to absorb vapors of carbon disulphide;
Sweet almond oil as a solvent, and to differentiate in microscopi-
cal research between coloring matters soluble in it (saffron), from
those insoluble (safflower);
Poppy oil to detect turpentine as an adulterant of essential oils;
Oil of turpentine to aid in the detection of blood by guaiacum
(Van Deen), ete.
Osmic acid, see page 15.
Uses. Pure, dry oxygen gas is used for combustions in elemen-
tary organic analysis. O = 15.96.
Tests. Absolute purity from carbon dioxide and chlorine is
requisite; hence, the gas passing through lime water and through.
silver nitrate solution must not render them turbid. Moisture
must be removed by passing it through dry calcium chloride, or.
cone. sulphuric acid, or both. Nitrogen may be present from in-
complete expulsion of air from the generating or storing appar-
atus; its presence and quantity is ascertained by enclosing a
measured volume of the gas in a graduated tube over mercury
and absorbing the oxygen by potassium hydrate and pyrogallic
acid. If no portion is absorbed by solution of potassium hydrate
alone (C Oz), and the whole is then absorbed after introduction of
the pyrogallic acid, the oxygen is pure; if not, the percentage of
remuining nitrogen is noted and allowed for in calculating the re-
sults of the combustion.
PREPARATION, It is best to prepare sufficient to serve for seve-
ral occasions, so as to avoid the necessity of losing from each
small portion the quantity necessary to expel air from the appar-
atus. Itis made by carefully and very gradually heating an inti-
mate mixture of 20 parts of pure potassium chlorate with one part
of pure manganese dioxide in a copper flask with metallic delivery
tube and ground joint connections. (See also potassium chlorate).
A wash bottle is introduced containing a dilute solution of caustic
soda, and the tube leading from it to the gasholder is so arranged
that the first portion of gas generated can escape for a sufficient
length of time to insure expulsion of air from all parts of the ap-
paratus. The gas is then received into the holder, which is filled
completely with water, from which dissolved gases have been ex-
pelled by boiling. Whenthe gasis to be transferred into the com-
bustion tube similar precautions for expulsion of air must be taken,
as it must pass through apparatus interposed between the holder
and the tube, which contains absorbents retaining chlorine, car-
bon dioxide and moisture, so that only pure, dry gas may reach
the combustion tube. Potassium chlorate yields 39.18% of its
weight of oxygen; 100 grammes yield 27.4 litres.
Oxygen may also be obtained from hydrogen dioxide solution
by the addition of potassium permanganate; 100 Ce. of the usual
3% commercial solution of H, O; furnishing one litre of oxygen
Uses. In gas analysis metallic palladium in the form of thin
foil or wire, or as a finely divided metallic coating of asbestus, etc.,
serves to absorb free hydrogen from gas mixtures, and thus to
measure its quantity by contraction of volume. This absorption
takes place after the metal has, by heating in air, been superfi.
cially coated with a thin film of palladious oxide. During the ab-
sorption the metal becomes hot and cools again as soon as all the
hydrogen has been occluded. If air be now readmitted the oc-
cluded hydrogen unites with its oxygen, liberating heat enough to
set the metal aglow, and, after the disappearance of the hydrogen,
the film of oxide is restored, making the palladium ready for
another operation. The process is conducted in a narrow glass
tube, bent into suitable shape, interposed between the gas burette
and pipette. Sometimes a measured volume of air is added at
once to the mixture of gases and the’ palladium in the tube
heated by a water bath, while the gases are slowly passed over it,
effecting a quiet combustion of the hydrogen in contact with the
metal (Winkler, Hempel).
Palladium, fully charged with occluded hydrogen by connecting
it with the positive pole of a galvanic battery and immersing it
into dilute sulphuric acid, is used to reduce metals from their so-
lutions, and thus to make quantitative determinations of copper
and gold, ete. (Schwartzenbach and Kritschewsky). For these
uses the metal furnished by the platinum affineries is sufficiently
pure. See also palladium-asbestus, on page 46. Pd = 105.735.
_ Tests. Pure palladium dissolves without residue in warm, fum-
ing nitric acid. It does not yield anything soluble to cold, dilute
sulphuric acid. In nitro-muriatic acid it dissolves without resi-
Usss. Palladious chloride and its double salt sodiwm-palladious
chloride, Pd Cle. 2 NaCl, are used for detection and quantitative
determination of iodine, which is precipitated from iodides as
brown-black palladious iodide, Pd Js, insoluble in water, while
bromides are not precipitated. Paper or cloth strips, immersed
in dijute solution of palladious chloride (2 Mgr. in 1 litre of water),
are blackened by C O, Ha S, C Hua, Ce He, H ozone and N H3(?),
while C Oz, N, O, Cl, Ne Oz and cyanogen are without effect (Boett-
ger, Fodor, Schneider).
Palladious chloride and sodium-palladious chloride is also used
for the detection, removal and quantitative determination of car-
bon monoxide, absorbed by cuprous chloride from mixtures of
gases. The pure solution of cuprous chloride does not affect the
palladium solution, but as soon as it contains C O it reduces and
precipitates metallic palladium: Pd Cle+CO-+ HzO =Pd+C
Oo+2HCl. EKach1 gr. of Pd = 0.2641 gr. = 211 Ce. of C O.
A mixture of the two solutions, palladious chloride and cuprous
chloride, both saturated with sodium chloride, may be used to first
absorb the C O and then convert it into C Oz, which may be de-
termined by absorption in K O H in the gas pipette and thus volu-
metrically determined (Winkler). Pd Cle = 176.477.
Tests. Pure anhydrous palladious chloride is a brown mass,
which attracts moisture from air; it dissolves easily in water, from
which, on evaporation, it crystallizes in quadratic prisms, contain-
ing Pd Cle+ 2H, O, which no longer attract water. After precipi-
tation by an excess of pure potassium iodide from a solution acid-
ulated with hydrochloric acid, the filtrate should not give more
than mere traces of a precipitate with hydrogen sulphide or am-
monium sulphide. Its solution gives a brownish precipitate with
potassium hydrate, which redissolves on addition of an excess of
the alkali. From this solution alcohol reduces metallic palladium.
Ammonium chloride in concentrated solutions produces a flesh-
colored precipitate soluble in ammonia water.
PREPARATION. Pure palladium is dissolved in nitro-muriatic
acid, the clear solution is evaporated to expel the excess of acid,
then redissolved in water and crystals obtained by evaporation.
These for use are dissolved in 10 parts of water. Sodiwm-palla-
dious chloride is made by adding 6 parts of pure sodium chloride
for every 5 parts of metallic palladium dissolved in the nitro-muri-
atic acid, evaporating to dryness and dissolving in 12 parts of
water (Fresenius).
PALLADIUM NITRATE, Pd (N Os)2, has been proposed for the
detection of bromides. In concentrated neutral solution it gives
with bromides a red-brown precipitate of Pd Bre, while palladious
chloride gives none; iodides, however, are precipitated by it, as
well as by palladious chloride. Hence, after precipitation of the
iodides by Pd Cle and neutralization, bromides may be detected in
the filtrate by palladious nitrate. The method is not much in use.
Pd (N Os)o = 229.539.
It is made by dissolving palladium in concentrated nitric acid.
Paraffin of commerce consists of a mixture of various hydro-
carbons of the general formula Cn H en + 2, with others of the ole-
fine series. It is sold in different states of consistence—solid,
semi-solid and liquid (paraffin oil). The solid is sometimes used to
prepare hydrogen sulphide by heating it together with sulphur.
The semi-solid serves as a valuable lubricator for glass apparatus:
ground joints, stoppers and stopcocks. Liquid paraffin is a ready
‘ solvent of chlorine, bromine, iodine, colorless phosphorus, etc.;
hence, it is used in the preparation of some of their compounds,
hydriodic acid (see page 7), hydrobromic acid, phosphorus com-
pounds and haloid ethers. With chloroform and ether it forms
clear solutions when they are anhydrous, but turbid if they con-
tain water; hence, it may be used to detect its presence in them
(Leon Crismer). It absorbs gaseous hydrocarbons, and its use is,
therefore, proposed in gas analysis (Hasenpflug). Liquid paraffin,
as well as solid, is also used to prepare hydrogen sulphide by heat-
ing it with sulphur (Lidof’). The liquid paraffin used for these
purposes must be colorless, free from fluorescence, its spec.
grav. not less than 0.840; it must not contain volatile constituents
boiling below 860° C. Freshly cut metallic potassium or sodium
must not lose its lustre when immersed in it for some time. When
kept at 100° C. in contact with cone. sulphurie acid it must not
within 24 hours either become brown itself or communicate to the
acid more than a light brown color.
PARALDEHYDE, (C2 Hy O)s, has been recommended by Amthor
for detection of caramel in wine, ete. When paraldehyde is
added in sufficient quantity to wine colored with caramel a brown
precipitate forms, while the liquid becomes colorless. Natural
wines give a white precipitate. The paraldehyde of commerce is
sufficiently pure for this reaction.
Usss. The commercial salt, containing ortho-toluidine and ani-
line, is used for the detection of nitric acid, even in small traces,
as in natural waters. When a few drops of a solution of para-
toluidine in sulphuric acid arc mixed with several Cc. of water con-
taining anitrate, and then concentrated sulphuric acid added, so
as to form a layer beneath, the zone of contact assumes a red
eclor, which gradually fades into yellow. Chlorates, bromates,
iodates, chromates and permanganates produce a blue color with
the reagent, so intense as to hide the red of nitrates, if simultan-
eously present. With nitrous acid the color is yellow to brown,
according to the quantity present (Longt). The absolutely pure
salt gives with nitric acid a blue color, which gradually passes
into red, while the impure commercial gives the red at once. See
also Aniline Sulphate, page 42.
Tests. Pure para-toluidine crystallizes in colorless tables;
melts at 45° C.; boils at 198°C. It dissolves in 285 parts of water
at 12%. Chlorinated lime solution does not color it blue or violet,
if aniline is absent.
PPEPARATION. The pure salt may be made by distilling the
commercial, preserving the fraction boiling between 195° and 205°
C., and cooling it to 0°; this separates most of the ortho-toluidine,
which remains liquid to —20° C. Two parts of the crystals are
then dissolved in8 parts of boiling water; 1 part of oxalic acid is
added and the solution cooled to 80°. Para-toluidine oxalate pre-
cipitates, while the aniline salt remains in solution. The precipi-
tate is filtered off, washed with ether to remove the last trace of
ortho-toluidine, and the pure oxalate is then decomposed by dis-
tilling with calcium hydrate.
Carbolic Acid.
Uses. For detecting nitric acid, by which phenol is converted
into the intensely yellow tri-nitro-phenol, picric or carbazotic
acid, whose color may be still more heightened by converting it
into the ammonium salt. Drinking water or other liquids contain-
ing traces of nitrates are evaporated to dryness and moistened
with a drop of a mixture of 1 part phenol, 4 parts of concentrated
sulphuric acid and 2 parts of water. In conjunction with mercur-
ous nitrate, phenol serves to detect nitrous acid by precipitation
of metallic mercury and a red color of the solution (Plugge). Itis
also used for the detection of wood pulp in paper, which turns
yellowish-green when moistened with a solution of 1 drop of liquid
phenol in 1 Cc. of hot concentrated hydrochloric acid (Zhl). Phe-
nol has also been proposed to detect adulterations of butter with
other fats. Ifigr. of butter is melted with 3 gr. of deliquesced
phenol, and then 900 Ce. of water added, and the mixture gently
heated, the solution must remain clear and uniform, if the butter
is pure (Crook). Conjointly with sulphuric acid, phenol serves to
detect, by the red color produced, colocynthin (Johannson) and
elaterin (Lindo); narceine, veratrine, codeine, etc. (Arnold); also
sugars by a reddish-brown (Molisch). It also serves to detect gly-
cerin in wine, ete., by heating the solution to dryness, moisten-
ing with a drop or two of a mixture of equal parts of phenol
and concentrated sulphuric acid and adding ammonia. A red
color indicates glycerin (Donath and Mayrhoffer). A standardized
solution of phenol is also used for titration of bromine, with which
jt precipitates as tri-brom-phenol (@iacosa).
As the violet color, which is produced when phenol is mixed with
neutral ferric chloride, does not appear in presence of glycerin,
this reaction may serve to detect the latter. The liquid is diluted
with water and very little phenol is added; if, on addition of one
drop of ferric chloride, no violet color appears, glycerin is present
It also, in conjunction with calcium hydrochlorite, serves to de-
tect ammonia by a green color (Lez).
Phenol-potassium serves for the identification of iodoform in
urine, etc. The liquid is mixed with a little alcohol and a few
drops of it poured upon a small quantity of phenol potassium in a
test tube and gently heated. A red coating will cover the bottom
of the test tube, soluble in dilute alcohol (Lustgarten). ,
Cs Hs . O H =93.804,
Tests. Pure phenol crystallizes in colorless, rhombic needles,
melting at 40° to 41° C. Phenol hydrate, (Ce Hs .O H)z + He O,
melts at 16°C. Presence of water or of cresol, or other homologues,
changes the melting point. It boils at 188°. At 16° it dissolvesin
15 parts ot water; at 87° it is miscible with it in all proportions.
It easily dissolves in alcohol and ether. The watery solution red-
dens litmus slightly. Traces of ammonium nitrite (often found in
the atmosphere) color it red. With Hz S it must produce neither
color nor precipitate. The purest white crystals of commerce,
though not entirely free from homologues, are sufficiently pure
for making the reactions described above. The strength of solu-
tions is ascertained by titration with bromine.
PREPARATION. Phenol is obtained on a large scale by fractional
distillation of the ‘‘dead-oil” portion of coal-tar, saturating the
product with caustic alkali to remove tarry matters, etc., decom-
posing again by acid to separate the phenol, which is further
purified by repeating the process and by fractional distillation.
Phenol-potassium is made by dissolving 4 parts of potassium in 9.5
parts of phenol, in a vessel filled with hydrogen gas to prevent
oxidation by the atmospheric oxygen. It forms needle-shaped
crystals, which easily deliquesce and must be carefully preserved.
Phenol-phthalein, see Color Reagents, page 87.
Usss. Phenyl-hydrazine and its hydrochlorate, CeHs. NH .N
He . H Cl, are used for the detection of aldehydes, ketones, and es-
pecially of sugars. The characteristic compounds formed with
these differ in their melting points, so as to permit more special
identification. Those with dextrose (phenyl-dextros-azon) and
with levulose (phenyl-levulos-azon) melt at 204° C.; lactose, 200°;
maltose, 206°; benzaldehyde (bitter almond oil) and cinnamic alde-
hyde at 152.52; salicylicaldehyde at 142°; acetophenon at 1702, etc. (EZ.
Fischer). For sugar in urine the reagent is especially valuable, as it
is less liable to mislead than the various tests based upon reduction
of metallic salts, there being no other substance in urine capable of
producing phenyl] dextros-azon. To5 Ce. of urine a solution of 0.1
to 0.2 gr. of phenyl-hydrazine hydrochlorate and 0.15 gr. of sodium
acetate in 2 Ce. of water is added and heat applied for several
minutes, when golden-yellow phenyl-dextros-azon is precipitated,
mostly in needle-shaped crystals (Jaksch). The test has been modi-
fied by Schwarz, who mixes 5 Ce. of urine with 5 Ce. of normal
potassium hydrate, adds 1 or 2 drops of the free base, phenyl-hy-
drazine, and heats to boiling. If glucose is present, the solution
assumes an intense yellow or orange color. After cooling a slight
excess of acetic acid is added, which precipitates the yellow erys-
tals of phenyl-dextros-azon. CsH;s.N H.N He = 107.886.
Tests. Pure phenyl-hydrazine crystallizes in tabular crystals,
which at 23° C. melt to form a yellow, oily liquid, which only con-
geals again at a much lower temperature. It boils at 233°
to 234° C. In cold water it dissolves very sparingly, and is almost
insoluble in solutions of caustic alkalies. It reduces salts of cop-
per, silver, gold and platinum in the cold.
Phenyl-hydrazine hydrochlorate forms small, silky tablets, easily
soluble in hot water, sparingly in cold, almost insoluble in con-
centr. hydrochloric acid. ~The commercial preparations are of
sufficient purity.
PREPARATION. Dissolve 10 gr. aniline in 200 gr. conc. hydro-
chloric acid, cool the solution well and very gradually add a solu-
tion of 7.5 gr. sodium nitrite in 50 Ce. water. Some sodium chlor-
ide is precipitated, and the solution contains diazo-benzol chlor-
ide; it is filtered and then an ice-cold Solution of 45 gr. stannous
chloride in 45 gr. conc. hydrochloric acid is added. Phenyl-hy-
drazine hydrochlorate is formed at once, and separates in minute
white crystals, which are removed by filtration. From these the
pure base may be made by dissolving in warm water, adding
sodium hydrate sufficient to combine with the acid, removing that
part of the oily base which separates and, finally, extracting the
rest by shaking out with ether (V. Meyer and Lecco).
Phloroglucin, see Color Reagents, page 87.
UssEs. The ordinary colorless, transparent variety is used in
gas analysis, in the form of thin pencils, for absorption of oxygen
(Lindemann). Also for making various preparations of phos-
phorus, red phosphorus, the oxides and acids, the various halogen
compounds of phosphorus, etc.; it is also used for the preparation
of hydriodic acid, methyl iodide, etc., for which, however, red
phosphorus is preferable. P = 380.958.
Tests. Pure phosphorus of the ordinary variety is of waxy con.
sistence, transparent, colorless, or slightly yellow; it melts at 44°,
ignites at 50°, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in absolute al-
cohol or ether, easily in carbon disulphide, chloroform, benzol,
etc. The principal impurities of phosphorus are arsenic and sul-
phur. To detect these one part of phosphorus is dissolved at
gentle heat in 14 parts of nitric acid of 40%, spec. gr. 1.251; after
solution the liquid is evaporated to expel nitrous fumes and sur-
plus of nitric acid. The solution should now contain pure ortho-
phosphoric acid, which may be tested as directed on page 17. No
yellow precipitate of arsenic should be produced by protracted
passing of H2S. Gutzett’s modification of Marsh’s test, in which
hydrogen is produced by pure zinc and pure dilute acid in a long
test tube, covered by a cap of filter paper moistened with a drop
of cone. solution of silver nitrate, must, after addition of the phos-
phoric acid solution, show no sign of arsenic during half-an-hour,
by a yellow color of the silver spot turning to black by moisten-
ing. In the dilute solution of phosphoric acid barium chloride
should produce no precipitate.
Exposure to light and air changes the external portion to an
opaque white, while the interior turns yellow or red.
Red phosphorus is insoluble in C 82, more stable in air, and re-
quires 260° C. for ignition. The tests for purity applied after oxi-
dation are the same as for the ordinary variety.
PREPARATION. It will hardly be attempted to manufacture
phosphorus from bone ashes on the small scale. To convert it
into the thin pencils used in gas analysis a sufficient amount of
phosphorus is melted under water in a capacious test tube to form
a layer of 6Cm. indepth. Into this a narrow glass tube, slightly
conical, is immersed with the wider end down, the top is closed
with the finger, and tube and contents transferred to a beaker of
cold water. The melted phosphorus shrinks in solidifying and
drops into the beaker in the shape of a thin pencil. The product
must be carefully preserved under water in a bottle surrounded
by a metallic box.
fied phosphorus is made by heating the ordinary phosphorus in a
close tube, freed from oxygen, to 300° C. It generally contains
some unchanged phosphorus of the ordinary variety, which may
be dissolved out by carbon disulphide.
Usrs. Phosphorus pentoxide, or anhydrous phosphoric acid, on
account of its great affinity for water, is employed for dehydration
of bodies containing water, or for decomposing those which con-
tain hydrogen and oxygen. It serves to concentrate acids by with-
drawal of water, and is, therefore, useful as an addition to sul-
phuric acid used in Ajeldahl’s process for converting the nitrogen
of organic bodies into ammonium salts.
Tests. Phosphorus pentoxide forms white, amorphous flocculi,
which, at a high temperature, sublime unchanged and without
residue. From air it attracts moisture and liquefies. Dropped
into water it hisses and dissolves into meta-phosphoric acid. Its
solution is tested for arsenic like that of phosphorus.
PREPARATION. By burning phosphorus in a suitable apparatus
in dry air or oxygen.
Usss. In the state of wire or foil, or wroughtinto various shaped ~
vessels, the metal, on account of its high fusing point (near 2,600°
C.), serves as a support in many operations requiring high temper-
ature, fluxions, blowpipe work, etc. Its insolubility in most acids
renders it most valuable as material for vessels in which hydro-
fluoric acid, concentrated sulphuric acid, ete., are distilled. Ina
state of fine subdivision, as platinum-black or sponge or platinized
asbestus (see page 47), it condenses up to 200 volumes of oxygen,
and thereby serves to unite this with hydrogen or vapors contain-
ing it. In nitro-hydrochloric acid it dissolves, and from the chlor-
ide thus obtained other preparations are made.
By the aid of zinc platinum foil serves to recognize antimony,
which, when dropped upon the foil in acid solution, is reduced by
the zinc to black metallic antimony, which closely adheres to the
platinum foil. Pt = 194.415. .
Cautions in using platinum vessels. Many substances, when
brought in contact with metallic platinum, are capable of injuring
it, either by alloying with it at high temperature or by corroding
or dissolving it. Hence, neither chlorine nor compounds capable
of evolving it must be treated in platinum vessels. Caustic alka- ~
lies, especially lithium and mixtures from which they may result,
are liable to corrode platinum vessels in which they are fused, un-
less air can be absolutely excluded from them (it is supposed that
a peroxide forms, to which the corrosion is due). Alkaline nitrates,
sulphides, phosphides, cyaniaes, metals or metallic sulphides,
oxides or organic salts, from which metals may be easily reduced,
are likewise injurious. When it is necessary to heat a platinum
crucible in a charcoal or coke furnace, it must be encased in cal-
cined magnesia, contained in a Hessian crucible, to avoid direct
contact with the fuel. Over a gas or alcohol lamp it may be heated
in direct contact with the flame, provided it be supported on a
triangle of platinum wire, so as to avoid contact with other
metallic support at high heat. To clean platinum crucibles
or capsules from material closely adhering after fluxions, etc.,
scouring with round sea sand, or fusing in them borax or acid po-
tassium sulphate, may become necessary. They should be occa-
sionally burnished to prevent scaling and formation of fissures;
for this purpose a wooden block, fitting accurately into the vessel,
is very useful, as it gives a firm support and enables the restora-
tion of indented parts into perfect shape.
PREPARATION of platinum ina fine state of subdivision. That
of platinum asbestus, by means of reduction of platinic chloride
by a salt of formic acid, is already described on pages 46 and 47.
Platinum black ismade by reducing platinum chloride, either by
metallic zinc, etc., or better, by reducing platinum chloride, dis-
solved in glycerin by boiling with sodium hydrate, washing thor-
oughly and drying.
Platinum sponge is made by precipitating platinic chloride by
ammonium chloride, forming the yellow double salt, Pt Cla. 2. N Hg
Cl, which is washed and ignited, and thus leaves the metal asa
gray, coherent mass of somewhat less fineness of subdivision than
platinum black.
He Pt Cle + 6 Hz O.
UsEs. Under the name of platinum chloride both of the above
preparations are used indiscriminately. The commercial article,
dry or in solution, generally contains chloro-platinic (or platino-
hydrochloric) acid, which differs from the neutral Pt Cl4 by an ad-
ditional 2 H Cl+6H:20O. They serve for the detection and quan-
titative determination of potassium, rubidium, cesium, ammon-
ium and thallium, which areprecipitated as chloro-platinates (usu-
ally called double salts), insoluble in alcohol, while the sodium
salt is very soluble, but may be recognized by its crystals under
the microscope. They are also used for the detection and quanti-
tative determination of many alkaloids, which are precipitated as
insoluble chloro-platinates, while others (atropine, aconitine, vera-
trine) are soluble. A few drops of the solution added to pure zinc,
cadmium, etc., render them more soluble in acids by the establish-
ment of galvanic action. An empirical volumetric solution of
sodium chloro-platinate in dilute alcohol is used for titration of
potassium salts; 12 to 15 gr. of the sodium salt are dissolved in 100
Cc. of 50% alcohol, and its effective titre ascertained by pure potas-
sium nitrate. It is then used for addition to specimens to be
tested, the potassium chloro-platinate separated, and in the filtrate
the platinum is first precipitated by zine and then the residue of
chlorine determined by silver nitrate. The difference in the chlor-:
ine of the chloro-platinate added and that of the residue left after
precipitating the potassium aa realy admits of the calculation
of potassiumopresent (Dubernard). Pt Cl4= 335.895; He Pt Cle =
408.635; He Pt Cle + 6 He O = 516.395.
Tests. Pt Cl4 forms brown deliquescent masses, solublein 8 parts
of absolute alcohol. It is capable of crystallizing with 5 He O in
red crystals; at 100° C. these lose 1 mol. water and turn byown.
From its solution in hydrochloric acid red needles of chloro-pla-
tinic acid crystallize with 6 mol. water. These, by heating, lose,
first, water and hydrochloric acid, then chlorine, forming at 225°
dark-brown platinous chloride.. Protracted ignition dissipates all
chlorine and leaves metallic platinum, which, if the salt was pure,
should yield nothing soluble to nitric acid. Salt, containing pla-
tinous chloride, Pt Cle (by over-heating in drying), leaves a green-
ish-brown residue when dissolved in alcohol.
PREPARATION. Metallic platinum, cut into small chips, is first
boiled in nitric acid to remove any substance soluble in it; it is
then washed, dried and boiled in hydrochloric acid. After again
washing and drying, 1 part is placed into a flask with 7 parts of
hydrochloric acid of spec. gr. 1.16, and heated to 80° C.; 14 parts of
nitric acid are then added insmall portions, 10 or 12 drops at atime,
and time given for the reaction to be completed, until all but a
very small residue is dissolved. Thesolution is filtered into a por-
celain dish and evaporated at 100° C. until the residue solidifies on
cooling. To decompose a small rest of nitric acid yet present, a
small amount of hydrochloric acid is added and the solution again
evaporated; it is then redissolved in some water and again evapo-
rated, as long as acid vapors escape. The residue is then dissolved
in enough water to make the solution contain 5% of metallic pla-
tinum (Post).
NOTE. In a great many analytical operations it is immaterial whether
the salts of potassium or those of sodium with the same acid are employed,
making in quantity due allowance for the difference in atomic weights,
Hence, the description of uses, tests and preparation of potassium com-
pounds, to a great extent, apply to those of sodium as well, and need not
there be fully repeated. It is only when metallic bases are to be removed
or detected without introducing sodium, or when acids are to be detected
which, as tartaric acid, form difficultly soluble salts with potassium, but
not with sodium, that sodium compounds can not be substituted for those
of potassium.
Usrs. Metallic potassium serves to detect nitrogen in organic
substances by uniting, at high temperature, with it and carbon to
form potassium cyanide (Lassaigne). This method does not apply
> go &
to Aiazorcompcads, whose nitrogen volatilizes before the metal
can act (Graebe). Potassium may also be employed, either alone
or as amalgam, for the reduction of many compounds, but for this
the cheaper sodium is generally preferred. In absolute alcohol it
dissolves, while hydrogen escapes, forming: potassiwm ethylate, K .
C2 Hs O, which is sometimes used for the reduction of nitro-com-
pounds (Maumene). K = 39.019.
Tests. Metallic potassium is of silver-white lustre, of spec. gr.
0.86; it melts at 62.5° C., and between 719° to 731° is converted into
green vapor. It rapidly attracts oxygen from air, water, ice, etc.,
and must, therefore, be preserved under petroleum naphtha.
Thrown on water it ignites and forms hydrate, which dissolves.
In air it burns with violet flame, visible through blue glass or in-
digo solution. This flame, observed with the spectroscope, should
show the pure spectrum, free from sodium and other lines. For
analytical purposes the metal of commerce is sufficiently pure.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, by heating to bright redness,
in a suitable iron distilling apparatus, a mixture of potassium car-
bonate and charcoal, such as is obtained by charring cream of tar-
tar. Great caution is necessary to guard against explosions. The
metal may be redistilled in a current of dry hydrogen.
Usrs. For the detection and separation of tartaric acid in wine,
etc. Also, instead of sodium acetate in the Kakodyl test for ar-
senic (Cadet). In this, by infusing arsenic trioxide with an acetate
the malodorous diméthyl arsine is formed. Also for the various
other reactions instead of sodium acetate, when the introduction
of sodium is to be avoifled. Mol. W. = 97.887.
Trsts. Potassium acetate isa very deliquescent, colorless salt,
soluble at 15° C. in 0.4 parts of water and in 4 parts of alcohol.
When brought in contact with concentrated sulphuric acid it does
not color it brown, unless it contains organic impurities derived
from tarry matters of pyroligneous acetic acid. Neither hydrogen
sulphide, ammonium sulphide, sodium carbonate, potassium ferro-
cyanide, silver nitrate nor barium chloride should render the solu-
tion turbid or produce in itany color. No effervescence should occur
with aceticacid. After addition of an excess of hydrochloric acid
and evaporation to dryness, it must redissolve in water without
- residue. The flame colored by it should show no sodium line in
_ the spectroscope.
' PREPARATION. Neutralize pure potassium di-carbonate (or car-
_ bonate with pure acetic acid), evaporate and crystallize,
Uses. To make solution of bromine for the volumetric deter-
mination of phenol according to Koppeschaar’s method. As bro-
mine is too volatile to keep titre for any length of time, the solu-
tion is prepared only as needed by mixing equal volumesof a
solution containing 0.01 of the molecular weight of K Br Os, ex-
pressed in grammes, = 1.668 gr. in 500 Ce. of water, and of a solution
containing 0.05 Mol. W. of K Br = 5.939 gr. in500 Cc. The litre of
liquid thus mixed contains 4.786 gr. of bromine, which is liberated
by a sufficient amount of hydrochloric or caiphiuris acid, and is
capable of converting 0.01 Mol. W. = 0.988 gr. of phenol into tri-
brom-phenol. When 50 Ce. of each solution are mixed and added
to 0.988 gr. of pure phenol and 5 Ce. of acid, the whole amount is
converted and no residue of bromine left, but if the phenol con-
tained impurities then only part of the 100 Ce. of solution expends
its bromine, and the residue is measured by adding K I and starch,
and determining the liberated iodine by deci-normal sodium hypo-
sulphite. The process may be so modified, that the bromine solu-
tion is added to the phenol and acid from a burette until all phenol
is precipitated and the percentage read off directly, paper moist-
ened with starch and zinc iodide being used as indicator. Other
modifications are used. Thus, Allen makes the mixture of the salts
by saturating a hot solution of alkaline hydrate (potassium or so-
dium) with bromine, evaporating to dryness and adjusting the titre
of the solution by pure phenol. Sodium salts,in proper propor-
tion, are frequently used in the place of those of potassium. K Br
Os = 166.667 (K. Br = 118.787; Na Br Oz =150.646; Na Br = 102.766).
Tests. Potassium bromate crystallizes in the hexagonal system,
forming rhombohedra closely resembling regular cubes. At 15° it
requires ahout 18 parts of water for solution; at 100°C. only 2.1
parts. At 850° melts, and a higher heat gives off all its oxy-
gen and becomes K Br. It is best tested for purity by titration
with silver nitrate. When 1.66667 gr. are dissolved in water it
requires 100 Cc. of deci-normal silver nitrate to precipitate them
as Silver bromate. Or if the same quantity of salt be first deprived
of oxygen, by heating in a platinum crucible, the solution requires
100 Ce. of deci-normal silver nitrate to form silver bromide, if the
salt was pure.
Or else 1.66667 gr. are dissolved in water, 2 gr KI, starch and a
slight excess of hydrochloric acid are added and then titrated with
deci-normal sodium hyposulphite (ioe Pure salt requires
exactly 100 Ce,
PREPARATION. Four parts of potassium carbonate are dissolved
in 8 parts of water and 1 part of bromine added; chlorine gas is
then passed through the mixture. Crystals of potassium bromate
separate and are recrystallized from boiling water.
Usrs. For the preparation of bromine solution (see bromate);
also of hydrobromic acid; also for the detection of small quantities
of copper (Hndemann and Prochazka); a crystal of potassium bro-
mide is thrown into the solution and then cone. sulphuric acid
added, if copper be present, the crystal surreunds itself by deep-
red cupric bromide. K Br = 118.787.
Tests. Pure potassium bromide crystallizes in colorless or
white cubes. At 20° C. it dissolves in 1.55 parts of water, at 100° in
0.98. Moist red litmus paper must not be turned blue by it. Ad-
dition of dilute HzS O4must produce neither effervescence nor
yellow color. When ferric chloride or chlorine water are added
to its solution, starch added to it must not be colored blue, nor
chloroform shaken with it assume a violet color. When distilled with
potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, no chlorochromic acid
must pass into the distillate, as shown by its remaining colorless
when saturated by ammonia. To the flame it must not communi-
cate the yellow color of sodium. The absence of other metals is
shown as in potassium acetate. 1.1879 gr. must require exactly 100
Ce. of deci-normal silver nitrate for precipitation.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, either by double decomposi-
tion of ferrous bromide and potassium carbonate, or by adding
bromine to potassium hydrate, decomposing by charcoal and heat
the bromate formed and crystallizing. Either process may be used
on the small scale, or pure hydrobromic acid may be neutralized
by pure potassium carbonate and crystallized.
Usss. For the precipitation of many metallic bases, some of
which may be recognized by characteristic colors. For neutraliz-
ation of acids. Mixed with sodium carbonate it serves as a flux
for the decomposition of insoluble silicates, titanates, barium salts,
etc., the mixture fusing at a lower temperature than either of the
constituents unmixed. Also in blowpipe operations, instead
of sodium carbonate, to detect sulphates by the hepar test, to re-
duce metals, etc. Also in various tests for glucose (Boettger’s,
Mulder’s etc.) to render liquid alkaline. Also for the preparation
of various compounds of potassium and as volumetric solution in
acidimetry. K,C Os = 187.892.
Tests. Potassium carbonate is rarely sold in crystals, (K, C
Os)2 + 8 He O; generally as a coarse, white powder, very deliques-
cent, soluble in 1 part of cold and # parts of hot water. Its solution
must not yield a precipitate with ammonium carbonate or sulphide.
After slightly supersaturating with acetic acid it must give no pre-
cipitate with H, 8, Ba Cl, or Ag N Os. The absence of arsenic
must be proven by Flewtmann’s test (page 14) or Guwtzeit’s (see
H Cl, page 8; Fe S, page 117; Mg, page 124; Ag N Os; Zn). With
silver nitrate the solution must give a pure white precipitate,
which neitherdarkens by gentle heating nor leaves any residue
on addition of an excess of nitric acid. With di-phenyl-amine or
pyrogallol and sulphuric acid it must not show the color of
nitric acid. After acidulating with H Cland evaporating to dry-
ness the residue must completely redissolvein water (abs. of silica)-
Ammonium molybdate must not give a precipitate in the solution
acidulated by nitric acid. When the solution is gently heated with
a few drops of ferric chloride and ferrous sulphate solution it must
not yield a blue color on acidulation with hydrochloric acid. The
flame color must be violet, showing absence of sodium.
PREPARATION. The purest salt is prepared from cream of tartar,
purified first by repeated recrystallization, and then by digesting
for some hours on a water bath with anequal weight of water con-
taining 3% of H Cl. The mass is then placed upon a funnel, closed
with alight prop of asbestus, filter paper or cotton, and washed
by covering it with a disk of filter paper, upon which cold water is
poured repeatedly, in small portions, until silver nitrate fails to
show H Clin the wash water. The purified cream of tartar is then
dried and incinerated in a clean, iron dish, either alone or after
mixing with half its weight of pure potassium nitrate. The charred
mass is leached out with water, filtered and evaporated until it be-
gins to show a solid crust. It is then cooled and the crystals of
potassium carbonate are drained on a funnel, rinsed with a little
water and then dried. An article pure enough for most purposes
is obtained by recrystallizing commercial potassium di-carbonate
(bi-carbonate), washing the crystals upon a funnel until after acid-
ulation with nitric acid the wash water is no longer rendered turbid
by barium or silver nitrate, and then heating them above 106° C.
up to 190° in asilver or platinum dish, until half of the carbonic acid
is expelled and pure neutral carbonate left. The solution is gene-
rally made to contain 10 %. For fluxing, 5.3 parts of anhydrous
Sodium carbonate are thoroughly mixed with 6.9 parts dry potas-
sium carbonate.
Normal solution contains 68.946 gr. in 1 litre, but can not be
made by direct weighing, unless the salt is ignited just before
weighing and not permitted to attract moisture. It is made by
adjusting by dilution the titre of a stronger solution, so as to cor-
respond with normal acid solution, methyl orange being used as
(Di or Bicarbonate.)
Usrs. For the preparation of Soldaini’s reagent for glucose (see
page 93); for introduction of carbonic acid into combustion tubes,
in Dumas’ method for determining nitrogen in organic compounds,
by heating the salt to a temperature between 1068 to 190° C., when
it parts with C O2 and He O, while Ke C Osis left behind (2K H C'Os
= KeC Os: + C O2-+ Hy, O). Also for separation of the quinine
group of alkaloids, which from acid solutions are precipitated by
potassium acid carbonate, from the strychnine group, which are
not thus precipitated. Also for the preparation of pure potassium
carbonate and other salts. K H CO3 = 99.873.
Tests. Potassium dicarbonate crystallizes in colorless mono.
clinic prisms, soluble at 15° in 4 parts of water. When entirely free
from neutral carbonate it does not attract moisture from the air,
nor does its solution in 20 parts of cold water precipitate magne-
sium sulphate. For the preparation of pure potassium compounds
it must stand the tests as described for potassium carbonate; for
most puposes the commercial salt is sufficientky pure.
PREPARATION. Potassium carbonate is dissolved in about 3
parts of water, and a slow current of earbonic acid gas is passed
through it for several days. Large crystals of dicarbonate form,
and are drained and purified as directed for the preparation of po-
tassium carbonate, page 154. Or pure, dry potassium carbonate,
made from cream of tartar, is exposed for some time to an atmos-
phere of carbon dioxide. It is then dissolved and erystallized, if
necessary, taking, however, great care to use no heat, asin so-
lution the dicarbonate loses C Oz, and is converted into the neutral
salt much below the boiling point.
Usrs. For preparing oxygen gas (page 139). Potassium chlorate
melts at 359° C., and at a somewhat higher temperature is decom-
posed into oxygen, potassium chloride and perchlorate, which, at a
still higher heat, also loses its oxygen and is converted into chlor-
ide. When about 5% of Mn Os, Pb O2 or Cu O are mixed with the
chlorate it yields its oxygen at from 260° to 270° C. It is also used
in forensic analysis together with hydrochloric acid to destroy or-
ganic matters, so as to prepare the way for examination for metal-
lic poisons (Fresenius and Babo). K Cl Os = 122.269.
Trsts. Potassium chlorate crystallizes in the monoclinic (mono-
symmetric) system, mostly in colorless, transparent tables. It is
soluble in 16.7 parts of water at 15°C. and in1.75 parts at 100°. Its
dilute solution is neutral to test papers, and must not give pre-
cipitates with hydrogen sulphide, barium chloride, silver nitrate,
ammonium oxalate or potassium ferroeyanide. After ignition on
platinum foil the residue must be completely soluble in water, of
neutral reaction and give no precipitate with mercuric chloride.
It must show no trace of arsenic by the most sensitive tests.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, by Graham’s process of satu-
rating with chlorine gas a moist mixture of 1 molec. potassium
carbonate with 8 mol. of calcium hydrate, leaching out with water,
filtering and crystallizing. Or from 1 mol. potassium chloride and
3 mol. calcium hydrate and chlorine. On a small scale it may be
made by passing pure ehlorine through a hot concentrated solu-
tion of pure potassium hydrate or carbonate. The crystals sepa-
rate and are purified by recrystallization.
Uses. For the precipitation of barium and strontium and their
separation, as strontium chromate is soluble, barium insoluble in
acetic acid (J. Lawrence Smith). For detection of silver, lead and
mercurous salts, which give precipitates of characteristic color.
As a test for barium dioxide, etc., by production of blue color. As
indicator in the titration of chlorides, etc., by silver nitrate (Mohr).
In deci and centi-normal solution, containing 9.6948 gr. and 0.969
gr. Ke Cr Og in the litre, for adjusting the titre of volumetric solu-
tion of iodine (ZL. Crismer), and of sodium hyposulphite (Zulkow-
sky). Ke Cr O4 = 193.887.
Tests. Potassium chromate crystallizes in yellow, rhombic
pyramids, isomorphous with K, S Ou, soluble at 15° in 1.65 parts of
water. At high heat it melts without decomposition. Metallic im-
purities are detected in similar manner as in other potassium salts.
Of other acids it is most likely to contain sulphuric and hydro-
chloric. Its solution in dilute hydrochloric acid must give no pre-
cipitate with barium chloride. The precipitate produced by silver
nitrate in its aqueous solution must completely redissolve in nitric
PREPARATION. Fifteen parts of potassium dichromate are dis-
solved in water and 7 parts of dry potassium carbonate added.
The solution is concentrated by evaporation and set aside to erys-
tallize. Any dichromate remaining undecomposed is deposited
first; as soon as only yellow crystals begin to form the motherlye
is poured off, and from it the neutral chromate is obtained and
purified by recrystallization.
Users. Potassium dichromate (bichromate or acid chromate) is
used for separation of barium from strontium, asin aqueous or
acetic acid solution it forms a precipitate with barium, but not with
strontium (J. Lawrence Smith). Also for detecting lead, silver and
mercurous salts; also hydrogen dioxide and dioxides producing it
by the blue color of perchromic acid, soluble in ether. Also as a
test for alkaloids, either as Lwchini’s reagent, a saturated solution
in hot concentrated sulphuric acid, which produces characteristic
appearances with several alkaloids and glucosides, or in saturated
aqueous solution, or in the dry state with concentrated sulphuric
acid. By the latter method strychnine gives the characteristic
series of color changes from deep blue through shades of violet
and purple to a final yellowish-red. Aniline with similar treat-
ment produces a blue color, which soon disappears. Atropine,
heated with dichromate and sulphuric acid, emits the odor of bit-
ter almonds; amyl alcohol is converted into valerianic acid;
malates give the odor of fresh apples (Papasogli and Poli). In aque-
ous solution it produces with benzidine a deep blue precipitate, in-
soluble in most solvents (Juliws). Itis also used for the oxidation
of carbon and its determination as C Og in the McCreath-Uligren
method of iron analysis (see cupri-tetrammonium chloride, page
100), and for estimation of cellulose (Cross and Bevan); great care
must be taken to avoid the inaccuracies arising from imperfect
oxidation to C Oinstead of C Oz. In microscopical examinations
it serves not only for hardening tissues, but also as a reagent for
differentiating various tannic acids, etc. (Sanic, Nickel). In or-
ganic analysis it also serves to oxidize sulphur. In volumetric
analysis a deci-normal solution containing 14.6888 gr. Ke Cre O7 in 1
litre is used to convert 16.7734 gr. of iron from ferrous into ferric
salt, potassium ferricyanide serving as indicator by spotting
(Penny, Schabus). Sometimes the solution is made with 4.896 gr.
in 1 litre, being 4 of the deci-normal strength, so that if 5.591 gr. of
iron be weighed as a specimen each Cc. corresponds to 1 % of Fe.
Centi-Normal solution is also used. Normal solution, containing
146.888 gr. in 1 litre, is used in alkalimetry with phenol-phthalein as
indicator (Richter), having the same value as equal volumes of nor-
mal sulphuric, oxalic and other acids. Ke Cre O7 = 293.776.
Tests. Pure potassium dichromate forms large, red triclinic
(asymmetric) prisms or tables, soluble in 10 parts of water at 15°,
in 1.1 parts at 100° C. Ata low red heat it fuses; at white heat it is
decomposed into oxygen, chromic oxide and yellow neutral chro-
mate. It should conform to the same tests for purity as the neu-
tral chromate, and 14.689 gr. should require exactly 100 Cc. of nor-
mal potassium hydrate for neutralization.
PREPARATION. Commercial salt is dissolved in 10 parts of hot
water, and if sulphates are found present they are removed by add-
ing a little baryta water, mixing thoroughly and setting aside for
some hours before filtering. For the removal of chlorides, freshly
precipitated oxide of silver is used in similar manner. The fil-
tered solution is then concentrated and very small crystals obtained,
these are drained, washed and recrystallized. Before weighing
out for making volumetric solutions the salt is fused to remove
moisture accidentally enclosed. For ordinary qualitative work a
10% (saturated) solution is used. A special solution for detection
of strychnine is made by dissolving 0.01 gr. potassium dichromate
in 5Cce. water, and adding 15 gr. (8.15 Ce.) sulphuric acid of spec.
gr. 1.84. After cooling, the solution of these proportions gives
better results than others by the greater permanence of the blue
color (Flueckiger).
Usss. Dry potassium cyanide is used at high temperature as an
active reducent of metals not so easily reduced by other means,
especially of tin, antimony, arsenic, etc., from their oxides and
sulphides. In blow pipe analysis it serves, mixed with sodium car-
bonate, for many reductions on charcoal. Also, to detect sulphur,
sulphides and sulphates by the production of rhodanate (sulpho-
cyanate). In solution it serves for the precipitation of metals,
some of which redissolve, forming double cyanides, while others
do not. Of the soluble ones, some are again precipitated by acids
(Ni, Zn, Mn, Cd, Cu, etc.) as cyanides, or as hydrates by addition
of bromine or chlorine (nickel), while iron and cobalt are, by boil-
ing with asurplus of potassium cyanide (in presence of some free
hydrocyanic acid), converted into compound cyanides, which
are not precipitated either by acids, bromine or chlorine. Upon
this behavior depends the application of K C N for the separation
of cobalt from nickel. Potassium cyanide dissolves cupric sul-
phide, but leaves cadmium sulphide undissolved, thus permitting
the separation of these metals. From a solution of their double
cyanides, ammonium sulphide precipitates zinc, but not nickel,
and is therefore used in Wvehler’s method for their separation. In
electrolytic analysis potassium cyanide serves to prepare solution
of gold, ete. It is also used for the titration of copper ores by
Parkes’ method, the copper being dissolved in ammonia and am-
monium carbonate (Fleck, Jeller). It also serves to detect picric
acid by the red color of the isopurpuric acid formed. Also to dis-
tinguish gallic acid, which it colors red, from tannic acid, which is
not colored (Young). KCN = 65.014.
Tests. When crystallized by fusion and slow cooling or from
alcoholic solution, potassium forms regular octohedra or cubes. It
is generally sold in fused masses or granules, easily soluble in
water, slightly in absolute alcohol. The aqueous solution rapidly
decomposes, forming ammonia and potassium formate. If fused
with access of air it always contains cyanate, and the commercial
article is seldom free from this and carbonate. It may, however,
be used for many purposes, if free from sulphur and silicic acid.
It must yield with lead acetate a pure white precipitate, and with
ferric chloride must not give a red solution. After acidulation
with hydrochloric acid and evaporation to dryness, the residue
must completely dissolve in water. For separation of metals a
pure salt must be employed, which, in addition to above tests, and
those directed to show absence of metallic impurities in all potas-
sium salts, must show especially absence of chloride, cyanate and
carbonate. Hence, the precipitate occasioned in its solution by sil-
ver nitrate must be completely dissolved in nitric acid. Cyanate
is discovered by heating the aqueous solution and then adding po-
tassium hydrate, when ammonia will be evolved, derived from de-
composition of the cyanate. Carbonate is shown by the gas liber-
ated by dilute hydrochloric acid, rendering limewater turbid.
PREPARATION. On the larger scale potassium cyanide is made,
according to Liebig’s method, by drying yellow potassium ferro-
cyanide, free from sulphate, by gentle heat, so as to render it an-
hydrous, mixing 8 parts with 3 parts of dry potassium carbonate,
and fusing the mixture at a low red heat in an iron vessel, well
covered to prevent access of air, until the yellow color has entirely
disappeared, and pouring the fused mass, after subsidence of the
finely divided iron, into suitable vessels. To purify this, the ordin-
ary commercial salt, it is dissolved in 50% alcohol, filtered and ob-
tained dry by evaporation. An absolutely pure product for sepa-
ration of metals is obtained by passing the vapors of hydrocyanic
acid, as they come from the retort into an alcoholic solution of
pure potassium hydrate. This is evaporated and kept in the dry
state, as the solution rapidly decomposes, even at ordinary temper-
ally used to precipitate quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, cinchoni-
dine and other alkaloids. As it very rapidly spoils, the solution is
made when needed by adding to a concentrated solution of silver
nitrate one of potassium cyanide until the silver cyanide at first
precipitated is completely redissolved.
used for a similar purpose as the silver salt, but is less stisfactory;
it is made, like the preceding, only when needed from cupric sul-
phate and potassium cyanide.
H2 O, is sometimes used for the precipitation of the salts of alka-
loids as platino-cyanides; free alkaloids are not precipitated
(Schwarzenbach, Delffs). It is made by heating equal parts of
spongy platinum and potassium ferro-cyanide to a low red heat,
extracting the fused mass with water and crystallizing. It forms
long prisms, blue in reflected, yellow in transmitted light.
Uses. Potassium ferrocyanide, or yellow prussiate, forms pre-
cipitates with many metals, some easily identified by characteristic
colors: white, Ag, Al, Bi, Ca, Cd, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sb, Sn; yellowish-
white, Mg; greenish-white, Ni; green, changing to gray, Co; white,
changing to blue ferrous; dark blue ferric; red-brown Cu, uranic;
brown uranous, Mo. Some of these are decomposed by alkalies,
others are not. Hence, a method of separating iron from mangan-
ese by adding citric acid and ammonia to their mixed ferrocyan-
ides; ferric salt is decomposed by the ammonia and dissolves in the
citrate; manganese remains unaffected (Blum). In gallium salts the
precipitate only falls in presence of excess of H Cl (Lecocg de Bois-
baudran). Sometimes a volumetric solution is used for titration
of zine (Galetti). Kg Feo’ (C N)w + 6 He O = 848.678.
Tests. Potassium ferrocyanide crystallizes in transparent yel-
low monoclinic tables, whose angles so nearly approach the square
(89° 27’) that, until recently, they were assigned to the quadratic
system (Wyrouboff, Groth). At 15° it dissolves in 4 parts, at 100° in
2 parts of water; insoluble in alcohol. Sunlight gradually decomposes
the solution, depositing prussian blue. The water of crystallization
is lost below 100°; fusion converts it into potassium cyanide, iron
carbide and nitrogen: Ks Fee” (C N)iz = 8 K CN + 2 Fe Co+ 2 No.
For most purposes of analysis the recrystallized commercial salt is
sufficiently pure; absence of sulphates is proven by barium chlor-
ide, whose precipitate must redissolve in hydrochloric acid or in
much boiling water.
PREPARATION. The commercial salt is purified by adding to the
solution sufficient baryta water to precipitate sulphates, filtering
and repeatedly crystallizing. One part is dissolved in 12 parts of
water, and the solution, as well as the dry salt, preserved in dark
Uses. Potassium ferricyanide, or red prussiate, is by light and
other reducents easily converted into the yellow salt; hence, it
serves, especially in alkaline solution, to oxidize alcohol, oxalic
acid, carbohydrates, indigo and other organic substances; also
phosphorus to phosphoric, sulphur to sulphuric acid. With nitro-
gen dioxide it forms nitric acid, being at the same time converted
into nitro prusside. It is mostly used to detect ferrous salts by
precipitation of Turnbull’s blue, manganese by a brown, nickel by
a brownish-yellow, cobalt by a red-brown precipitate. If to the
cobalt solution ammonium tartrate or chloride and then free am-
monia is added and then ferricyanide a deep-red solution results,
capable of detecting traces of cobalt in presence of nickel (Skey,
Gentl). Inconjunction with sulphuric acid ferricyanide serves to
detect aniline by a blue to purple color (Letheby). Its solution
mixed with ferric chloride forms a brown solution of ferric ferri-
cyanide, which, by reduction to prussian blue, serves to detect
morphine and other alkaloids and reducing ptomaines. Kg F’”
(C N)is = 657.880.
Tests. Potassium ferricyanide forms deep-red, rhombic crys-
tals of long, tapering columns, with almost a square base. Itis
soluble in 2.6 parts of water at 15° C.; in 1.3 at 100°. Its solution
is rapidly decomposed by light, while fresh it must give a clear
brown solution with ferric chloride.
PREPARATION. Five parts of the yellow ferro-cyanide are dis-
solved in 50 parts of water, thoroughly mixed with 1 part of bro-
mine and set aside ina dark place (or the solution is fully satu-
rated with chlorine gas) until a drop of the solution no longer pro-
duces a blue color with ferric chloride. The solution is then evapo-
rated to about one-fifth of its volume and set aside to crystallize.
The crystals are drained and purified by recrystallization, All
operations and the preservation must strictly exclude light. Solu-
tion is made only when needed.
POTASSIUM FLUORIDE, K F, and potassium hydrogen fluor-
ide are sometimes used instead of the ammonium salt in the ana-
lysis of silicates, borates, titanates, ete. Tests and preparation
are similar to ammonium salt (see page 34).
Usses. For neutralization of acids and for their titration by
means of volumetric standard solutions, which are preferable to
sodium hydrate on account of less liability of corrosion of burettes
and to ammonia on account of greater stability of titre. For precipi-
tation of insoluble metallic hydrates from the solutions of their
salts. Some of these are soluble in excess of the reagents, as alumi-
nium, beryllium, chromium, zinc, lead, and may, therefore, be sepa-
ratedfromtheinsolubleones, asiron, manganese, cadmium, bismuth,
etc. By boiling the solution chromium and beryllium are again pre-
cipitated, but not aluminium, zinc or lead. Beryllium may thus be
separated from aluminium, but only when the solution of KOH
is so diluted that it contains 0.1 % of the mixed hydrates, other-
wise the precipitate of beryllium hydrate carries with it some
aluminium (Zimmermann). In ultimate organic analysis K OH
serves to determine the quantity of C O2, which is absorbed either
by solution of potassium hydrate contained in Liebig’s bulbs, or
their modification, or by solid hydrate in suitable tubes. Also for
making Moore’s (Heller’s) test for glucose, whose solution it colors
brown, slowly in the cold, rapidly when heated. Also as addition
in other glucose tests by cupric, bismuth, mercuric and other salts,
picric acid, etc. Also for giving color reactions with some alka-
loids by fusing them with dry K OH, grass green with quinine and
quinidine, blue-green with cinchonine and cinchonidine, greenish-
yellow, changing tored with cocaine (Lenz). Alsoin microscopic
work for clearing up and corrosion of tissues, separating starch
from the epidermis of grains in flour examinations; for coloring
lignin yellow (woodpulp in paper); for saponification of fats, etc.
Also for preparation of a stable solution of starch (Mueller).
K O H = 55.979.
Tests. Potassium hydrate is usually sold as a white, fused
mass, often molded into thin pencils, and of different degrees of
purity. For filling potash bulbs and tubes for absorption of C Oc
a moderate degree of purity suffices. Neither is absolute purity
required for volumetric solution to determine the percentage of
acids, as the solution is standardized by normal acids, nor for de-
tection of glucose, for fusion with alkaloids or for microscopic
work. But for separation of metals, for determination of sulphur
in organic compounds, potassium hydrate must be pure. Small
traces of sodium hydrate are objectionable only in special cases.
Pure potassium hydrate dissolves without residue at 15° C. in 0.47
parts of water and in 2 parts of alcohol; in either case no deposit must
show itself after dilution with the solvent and standing for some
hours. After acidulation with acetic acid no precipitate must be
produced by Hz §; nor after such acidulation and subsequent addi-
tion of a slight excess of ammonia must any precipitation be pro-
duced by addition of ammonium sulphide or oxalate, nor by simply
simply heating to 100° for half an hour, with occasional replacing
of the evaporated ammonia, and setting aside to cool. To detect
traces of impurities, several grammes of K OH must be examined.
After acidulation of the K OF solution with nitric acid neither
ammonium molybdate,nor barium chloride,nor silver nitrate must
occasion any turbidity. To detect traces of carbonate in the hy-
drate, a solution of 15% is made and added to a mixture of 10 Ce.
saturated solution of calcium sulphate with 5 Ce. of water; 0.2%
of carbonate produced a decided precipitate of calcium carbonate
After acidulation with H Cl and evaporation to dryness no insol-
uble residue must be left. After acidulation with sulphurio acid
and addition of a few crystals of pure pyrogallol, the solution of
potassium hydrate must not show a brown or yellow zone of con-
tact when stratified over concentrated H2S O4 (abs. of traces of
nitrates and nitrites). With pure aluminium or zinc it must evolve
pure hydrogen gas, which does not stain paper moistened with sil-
ver nitrate. After conversion into chloride it must give a pure
potassium spectrum.
PREPARATION. Potassium hydrate is made by decomposition
either of carbonate by calcium hydrate, or of sulphate by barium
hydrate, or of nitrate by metallic copper. According to the pur-
ity of the ingredients a more or less pure product is obtained.
Carbonate derived directly from wood-potash or from various po-
tassium minerals is apt to contain many impurities, while that ob-
tained from bicarbonate or from purified cream of tartar furnishes
better results. The more impure varieties of commercial hydrate
may be purified by solution in strong alcohol (free from aldehyde,
fusel oil, etc.), which leaves most impurities undissolved, evapo-
rating and fusing the dry residue. That resulting from careful
decomposition of pure sulphate by barium hydrate is pure. So
ig that occasionally made from pure metallic potassium, In all
operations requiring heating (or even preservation) of potassium
hydrate in concentrated solution or fusion, vessels of glass, porce-
lain or platinum must be avoided and iron or, still better, silver
used. Access of air must be avoided as much as possible, as its
C absorbed with great avidity.
To prepare the hydrate from carbonate 2 parts of potassium car-
bonate are dissolved in 24 parts of water, the solution heated to
boiling and 1 part of pure, freshly-slacked lime added gradually in
small portions, with frequent stirring and occasional replacing of
the evaporated water. When a small portion of the filtered liquid
no longer effervesces with acid, the mixture is covered and set
aside to deposit the calcium carbonate; the clear liquid is then re-
moved by decanting or by a syphon, carefully protected from the
C Oc of the air and may be used directly as a test solution, or for
preparing normal solution, or evaporated in a silver dish and
fused. From potassium sulphate the hydrate is prepared by care-
fully neutralizing a solution of 16 parts of crystals of barium hy-
drate in 48 parts of boiling water, by adding pure potassium sul-
phate (about9 parts) until a small filtered portion no longer gives
a precipitate with potassium sulphate. The mixture is covered
and set aside until the barium sulphate has subsided; it is then de-
canted, evaporated to dryness and, if necessary, freed from a trace
of sulphate by re-solution in strong alcohol and evaporation.
Wehler directs heating to redness in a copper crucible 8 parts of
fine cut metallic copper with 1 part of pure saltpetre and leaching
out with water.
Normal potassium hydrate is made either by using the solution
obtained in the above processes, or dissolving a fair commercial
hydrate, free from carbonate, and standardizing by means of nor-
mal acid. The solution then contains 55.979 gr. of K O H in one
POTASSIUM HYPOCHLORITE, K Cl O, is sometimes used in-
stead of the sodium salt as a source of chlorine; for oxidation of
nickelous to nickelic salt; for solution of arsenic spots in Marsh’s
test, and, instead of hypobromite, for liberation of N from urea.
It is made by precipitating a solution of calcium hypochlorite by
potassium carbonate. .
Ussts. To furnish, by adding sulphuric acid, iodice acid to detect
reducing alkaloids by liberation of iodine, e. g., to distinguish
morphine, which rapidly reduces, from codeine. K I Os = 213.456.
Tests. Potassium iodate crystallizes in the regular system; at —
15° C, it dissolves in 18 parts of water; at 560° it melts and sepa-
rates into potassium iodide and oxygen. The residue may then be
tested for purity as directed for potassium iodide. The commer-
cial salt is pure enough for use.
PREPARATION. 12.7 parts of iodine are diffused in water and
chlorine passed into it until the iodine has completely dissolved;
12.2 parts of potassium chlorate are then added and heat applied
until no more chlorine escapes. On cooling, crystals of iodate
form, which are purified by recrystallization.
Usres. For detection of lead, silver, mercury, palladium, etc.,
by colored precipitates. For preparation of volumetric and other
test solutions of iodine, of mercuric iodide, Nessler’s, Mayer’s, etc.
For the absorption of chlorine, which liberates iodine and may
thus be determined by solution of sodium hyposulphite. With
starch paste as indicator of ozone, nitrous acid, chlorine, bromine,
etc. Mixed with sulphur as a blowpipe reagent for bismuth. Also
in 25% solution in water to extract the coloring matter of old
bloodstains for examination by the spectroscope (Helwig). KI=
Tests. Pure potassium iodide crystallizes in colorless transpa-
rent cubes (the white porcelaiu-like crystals are generally due to
crystallizing from alkaline solution, octohedra are formed when
free iodineis present). At 15° dissolves in 0.714 parts, at 100°
C. in 0.48 parts of water; it is also soluble at 15° in 20 parts absolute
alcohol. At 634°it melts, and at higher temperature is vaporized;
at 200° it absorbs oxygen and becomes contaminated with iodate
(Petterson). For many purposes small amounts of chloride, sulphate
or sodium do not interfere with its use, but iodate and carbonate
must be absent in all cases. The pure salt must not give alkaline re-
action when laid on moist testpapers. On addition of dilute sulphuric
acid it must not effervesce nor color a starch solution blue.
Neither must free iodine be liberated by nascent hydrogen (zinc
and HCl). The absence of cyanogenis shown by heating the solu-
tion with a little ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride and potassium
* hydrate; after acidulation no blue color must appear. The ab-
sence of chloride is shown by digesting the well-washed precipi-
tate formed with silver nitrate in ammonia and then acidulating
with nitric acid, only a slight opalescence must be produced.
- Barium chloride must give no precipitate. Flame color and spec-
trum must be pure. The absence of metallic impurities is shown,
asin other potassium salts.
PREPARATION. Potassium iodide free from iodate is best ob-
tained on the laboratory scale by Frederking’s modification of
Baup’s process. 17 gr. of pure, fine, iron wire, in short pieces, are
covered with 100 Cc. water, and 75.8 gr. of pure iodine, in fine
powder, gradually added. After solution of nearly all the iron
and filtering, 25.2 gr. of iodine are dissolved in the solution, so as
to form Fe, Ie. Fe Is, and then pure potassium carbonate added as
long as a precipitate of ferric hydrate falls (requiring 55 gr. of dry
Kz C Os), the mixture is filtered, heated and, if more precipitate
falls, filtered again, evaporated and crystallized.
A stable solution of starch and potassium iodide is obtained by
placing in a capacious flask 5 gr. of fine starch and 50 Ce. water.
After thorough shaking, the adhering starch particles are washed
down by a spritz-flask, and 25 Cc. of solution of 1 part of pure po-
tassium hydrate in 2 parts of water added. Strong shaking will
now produce a uniform gelatinous mass. To this 2 gr. potassium
iodide dissolved in 500 Cc. of water are added, and the mixture
heated to boiling with constant agitation. After cooling, the clear
solution is diluted to one litre, and will now remain undecom-
posed for a great length of time (Reinhardt).
Usss. Besides its use for the preparation of potassium hydrate,
nitrite and nitric acid, potassium nitrate serves as an oxidizer of
carbon, of sulphides, and, especially in blowpipe work, for recog-
nition of chromium salts by conversion into yellow potassium
chromate; in assaying for making black, gray and white flux and
uncombined for oxidation of the sulphides of silver, copper and
lead. Also for making solution for standardizing indigo solution.
In many cases sodium nitrate is now used instead of the potassium
salt. KN Oz = 100-920.
Tests. Potassium nitrate forms colorless, rhombic prisms, sol-
uble at 15° C. in 4 parts, at 100° in 0.5 parts of water, nearly insol-
uble in alcohol. The tests for metallic impurities are the same as
for other potassium salts. The solution must not be rendered tur-
bid by silver or barium nitrate, must show no precipitate with .
ammonium molybdate, nor give arsenic reactions by Gutzeit’s test
(see, on page 117, ferrous sulphide). It must be neutral to test-
papers. With chlorine water and starch solution no iodine or bro-
mine reaction should be given.
PREPARATION. On asmall scale, pure potassium carbonate may
be neutralized with pure nitric acid and crystallized. Commer-
cial saltpetre is purified by repeated recrystallization, rejecting
the first crystals, which contain the less soluble earthy salts, as
well as the mother-lye containing the more soluble chlorides.
Thecrystals are, by stirring, obtained as small as possible, to pre-
vent enclosure of mother-lye. Thecrystalline powder is then
placed upon a funnel to drain, covered with filter-paper and
moistened, first, with a saturated solution of pure nitrate, which,
on percolating, withdraws soluble impurities, then with a little
pure water, and, finally, dried.
Uses. To detect cobalt and separate it from nickel, etc., as
Fischer’s salt (presence of calcium, strontium, barium and lead in-
terferes); for conversion of aromatic amines into di-azo compounds
and various color reactions based upon this process (Weselsky,
Ehrlich). With sulphuric acid for the recognition of various
phenols by characteristic colors (Liebermann), and of antipyrine by
the green color of the nitroso compound. A standard solution is
used in conjunction with starch and zine iodide for comparison
with specimens of drinking water tested for nitrites by the colori-
metric method, the depth of color of starch blued by the iodine lib
erated by nitrites serving as a means of determining the quantity.
A solution of a small quantity of potassium nitrite (or of Nz Os) in
nitric acid is sometimes used as Plugge’s reagent to distinguish
antifebrin (acetanilide), which is colored red, from phenacetin,
which remains unaffected. The reaction is analogous to that pro-
duced by mercurous nitrate with free nitrous acid (also called
Plugge’s reagent) on phenol. K N Oz = 84.96.
Tests. Potassium nitrite is usually sold in fused masses or pen-
cils, very deliquescent and oftenimpure. For most purposes the
presence of a small amount of nitrate is not objectionable, but me- |
tallic impurities, chloride and sulphate must be absent, and may
be detected as in other potassium salts. ;
PREPARATION. Potassium nitrate is fused with twice its weight
of lead, the mass being constantly stirred until the lead is oxidized.
It is then leached out with cold water, filtered and carbonic acid
passed into the solution to precipitate the lead. After filtering,
nitric acid is added to neutralize any carbonate and the liquid
evaporated. The first crystals, containing nitrate of potassium
and lead, are rejected and from the residue small prismatic crys-
tals of potassium nitrite are obtained. If He S should still show a
trace of lead in these, and it is necessary to remove this, the crys-
tals are fused for about 12 hours, to decompose the rest of the lead salt
and render it insoluble. The residue is recrystallized and care-
fully preserved. The standard colorimetric solution is made by de-
composing 0.406 gr. of pure silver nitrite by a slight excess of pure
potassium chloride, diluting with water to 1 litre and filtering.
Each 1 Ce. corresponds to 0.01 milligr. of Ne Os. See also silver
nitrite, starch and zine iodide.
is proposed as a reagent for albumin in urine (Mya). In action it
is similar to the ferrocyanide and does not differ from that of the
sodium salt, see sodium nitroprusside.
UsEs. The several oxalates have been used, instead of oxalic
acid, as reducents, etc., and especially for standardizing volumetric
‘solution of potassium permanganate, but only the
TETROXALATE, K H C2 O4 . He C2042 Ha O, deserves notice.
On account of its permanence in composition and great stability in
solution it is recommended as starting point for alkalimetric and
oxidimetric solutions (Kraut, Albricht, Meissl). Mol. W. = 258.515.
Tests. Potassium tetroxalate (quadroxalate) crystallizes in
transparent, monoclinic prisms, which dissolve at 18° C. in 55.25
parts of water, more readily in boiling water, and become anhy-
drous at 126° C. The salt is tested as directed for other potassium
salts for absence of metallic impurities, and of nitrate, chloride and
PREPARATION. Either by mixing boiling hot solutions of 1 part
of potassium carbonate and 2.1 parts of oxalic acid, crystallizing
and recrystallizing in very small crystals from boiling water; or by
purification of the commercial salt. This consists principally of a
mixture of K HC, O1-+ H, O with K H C204. Hy Co O, + 2 H2 O.
The amount of oxalic acid necessary to convert it into tetroxalate
is ascertained by titration with normal potassium hydrate, and a
slight excess of this amount is mixed with the salt in boiling solu-
tion. On cooling the crystallization is interrupted so as to obtain
small crystals. These are placed on a funnel to drain and are
washed with a little very cold water to remove more soluble im-
purities until the filtrate no longer shows impurities. If necessary,
another recrystallization from boiling water is resorted to. The
salt is dried at a low temperature in an exsiccator.
Potassium ferrous oxalate, see page 117.
Usrs. The readiness of potassium permanganate to yield its
oxygen makes it a valuable agent ina variety of operations in volu-
metric analysis. With the addition of sulphuric acid it serves to
convert oxalic acid into carbon dioxide : 2K Mn O4+ 5 He Cz O4 +
3 HeS O4 = Ke SO4-++2Mn 8S O,+ 10 CO2+8H2 0. Theintense
purple-red solution of permanganate being during the reaction
converted into the almost colorless manganous sulphate, so that
the end of the process is sharply indicated by a single drop of per-
manganate in excess, giving a permanent rose-red color. Organic
substances in drinking water are in similar manner determined,
and conventionally estimated by assuming them to be five times
the amount of the potassium permanganate used in their oxidation
(Kubel, Woods, Mohr, etc.) Ferrous salts are in like manner con-
verted into ferric and by various modifications of this process,
direct or indirect, quite a variety of substances are volumetrically
determined. It is also used for titration of spir. etheris nitrosi,
etc. Methylalcohol reduces dilute solutions of permanganate very
rapidly, ethyl alcohol rather slowly, so that it may serve to differ-
entiate the alcohols (Cazeneuve and Cotton). Alsoto aid in the con-
version of the nitrogen of organic matters into ammonium salts,
in Kjeldahl’s and Wanklyn’s processes. Alsoas Wenzel’s reagent (1
K Mn O, in 200 H, S O,) for alkaloids. Also with indigo as indi
eator for titration of tannin (Loewenthal, Neubauer). Mixed with
dilute sulphuric acid it serves to detect hydrastine by the produc-
tion of intense blue fluorescence, which disappears by further oxi-
dation (Lyons). Also for the purification of carbon disulphide.
K Mn O4 = 156.765. -
TrEsts. Potassium permanganate crystallizes in long rhombic
prisms of dark metallic lustre, deep purple-red by transmitted
light. Soluble in 16 parts of water at 15°, in2 parts at 100° C. When
absolutely pure, 218.58 parts of potassium permanganate should re-
quire 448.94 parts of oxalic acid for complete decomposition. But for
nearly all purposes a good commercial article is sufficiently pure
as the volumetric solution is not made by solution of a definite
weight, but by adjusting the titre by a standard solution. When
it is to be tested for nitrates and chlorides the solution is first de-
composed by oxalic acid and the tests applied to the colorless
liquid. To test for sulphate the solution is boiled with excess of
ammonia until all the manganese is precipitated, and then the
barium salt added to the acidulated filtrate.
PREPARATION. Of the various processes for preparing the salt
on a laboratory scale, free from other salts, that of Sqwibb is very
suitable. A mixture of the purest manganese dioxide and potas-
sium hydrate is heated almost to redness, and then a little water
sprinkled upon it and the process of heating and sprinkling re-
peated several times. The mass is finally leached out with boiling
water, the crystals repeated)y purified by recrystallization, and the
product dried and preserved in the dark,
Volumetric solutions of various strengths are made either empiri-
cal, so that 1 litre corresponds to 10 gr. of metallic iron, or as di-
rected by the U.S. P., 1 gr. to be dissolved in 1,000 Ce. of water; or
in the system, generally deci-normal, and for water analysis centi-
normal. As 2 mol. of K Mn O,furnish the necessary oxygen for
converting 5 mol. of Hz Cz Os into C Oe, and as oxygen is diatomic,
one-fifth of the molecular weight or 31.353 gr. are necessary for 1
litre of normal solution and a corresponding quantity for deci and
centi-normal. As ordinarily made these solutions change titre
rapidly, hence the necessity of taking the titre frequently, so as to
make corrections for the changes. == 45.09"
Of very hard water only 50 Cc. or even 25 Ce. are used and di-
luted to 100 Ce. and the degrees found multiplied accordingly.
NOTE. As stated ina note on potassium and its compounds, on page 150.
it is in many analytical operations immaterial whether the salts of sodium
or of potassium with the same acid are used, due allowance being made for
the difference in atomic weight. Hence, the descriptions of uses, tests for
purity and preparation to a great extent apply to sodium salts, as well as
those of potassium, afid need not be repeated. The tests for freedom from
metallic impurities are the same for all sodium salts, and are, therefore,
given with the metal atthe start and only referred to briefly with the in-
dividual salts.
Uszs. Metallic sodium, on account of its great affinity for oxy-
gen, iodine, chlorine, etc., removes them from their compounds,
and by this and by the liberation of hydrogen it acts as a strong
reducent and is much employed in organic work. For such pur-
pose it is used either alone or, where a slower continuous action
is desirable, as amalgam, with more or less excess of mercury.
With acids it serves to convert arsenic into As Hs, and thus lead to
its detection. It is used in the preparation of aluminum and mag-
nesium, and for that purpose is now manufactured on a large
seale. In connection with di-azo-benzol-sulphonic acid it serves
to detect aldehydes, glucose, etc., by ared color (fischer and Pen-
zold). See Sulphanilic Acid, page 20. Na = 22.998.
Tests. Pure metallic sodium has a silvery lustre; it may be
erystallized in regular octohedra; spec. gr. 0.972; melts at 95.6° C.
‘To prevent its oxidation it must be preserved under a cover of
petroleum naphtha or paraffin, or enclosed in an atmosphere of
hydrogen. Perfectly dry chlorine or bromine does not affect it in
the cold. Its solution in hydrochlyric acid must not give color or
precipitate with HeS, nor after addition of ammonia with am-
monium sulphide or carbonate, nor with sodium phosphate. The
solution in H Cl must yield no ammonia vapor when heated with
caustic lime, nor deposit a yellow precipitate on addition of sodio-
cobaltic nitrite, even after long standing; its spectrum must show
the D line unaccompanied by potassium or lithium lines. These
tests must be given by all the salts of sodium when perfectly free from
metallic impurities.
PREPARATION. In an iron retort, with suitable condenser, an in-
timate mixture of 30 parts of dry sodium carbonate, 18 parts of
lampblack or fine coke powder and 5 parts of calcium carbonate,
is heated to a bright red heat, and the distilling metal condensed
under petroleum naphtha or melted paraffin. If necessary, it is
purified by redistillation.
Sodium amalgam is made by melting together, under a cover of
paraffin, 1 part of sodium with 50 parts of mercury. The mole-
cular proportion (46 to 200) is therein deviated from by adding more
mercury as a diluent, to prevent too vigorous reaction.
SODIUM ACETATE, Na C, Hs 02: + 3 H2O~
Usrs. For detection of alcohol as ethyl acetate by heating it
with sodium acetate and sulphuric acid. For the precipitation of
ferric salts as insoluble basic acetate. For the removal of
phosphoric acid, ferric or aluminium phosphate, dissolved
in hydrochloric acid becoming insoluble on heating with
sodium acetate solution. It is also used as an addition to
uranium solution in volumetric determination of phosphoric acid.
It is also used in separating the bases of the third and fourth ana-
lytical group (those precipitated by ammonium sulphide), ferric
and aluminium salts being precipitated by boiling with sodium
acetate as basic acetates, while manganese and zine salts remain in
solution. Also to detect arsenic by the production of Kakodyl.
Also for the preparation of pure acetic acid. A solution of 10 gr.
of tannic acid and 10 gr. of sodium acetate in 100 Ce. of water is
used under the name of tannin reactive forthe separation of
basic from acid coaltar dyes. The basic colors, such as fuchsine,
malachite green, phosphine, flavaniline, methylene blue, methyl
violet, bismarck brown, etc., are precipitated from aqueous solu-
tion by the addition of a small amount of the reagent and heat-
ing, while acid colors, such as the phthaleins, rosaniline sulphonic
acid, azocolors, alizarin, etc., remain unaffected (Weingaertner).
Na Ceo Hz Oc + 8He O = 135.746.
Tests. Sodium acetate forms colorless monoclinic crystals,
which effloresce in dry, warm air. At 15° C. it dissolves in about
3.5 parts of water; at 100°, in 0.5; in absolute alcohol it is insol-
uble, but somewhat soluble in dilute, in 48 parts of 90%. At58° C.
it melts, and at 128° it boils. Its solution must satisfy the tests
for absence of other metals, as directed for metallic sodium. It
should not effervesce with acids, nor be rendered turbid by bar-
ium chloride, nor dilute solution of silver nitrate, nor should it
give the nitric acid reactions with di-phenyl-amine or pyrogallol
and sulphuric acid. When brought together with conc. sulphuric
acid the dry salt should give neither color nor empyreumatic
PREPARATION. Pure acetic acid is accurately neutralized by
pure sodium carbonate and crystallized. The test solution con-
tains 1 part in 10 parts of water; it does not keep well, on account
of mould.
SODIUM ARSENATE, Na, H As O4 + 7 He O, is recommended
by Vitali to identify morphine. A solution of morphine in con-
centrated sulphuric acid, on heating with a little sodium arsenate,
becomes first blue, then green, then, on dilution with water,
changes to rose-red and, finally, to blue. Addition of ammonia
in excess turns the color green. The commercial salt is sufficiently
Usss. Like those of potassium bromate, to liberate, in eonnec-
tion with H Cl or other acids, iodine from iodide, bromine from
bromide; hence, for titration of phenol, according to Koppeschaar.
Na Br Og = 150.646.
Tests. Sodium bromate forms shining tetrahedra, soluble at
15° C. in 8 parts of water. The same tests are applicable to it as
for metallic sodium and for potassium bromate. See page 152.
PREPARATION. Hot conc. solution of sodium hydrate is satu-
rated with bromine and the crystals, which separate on cooling
of the evaporated solution, are purified by recrystallization.
Uses. Sodium carbonate is used for the same purposes as po-
tassium carbonate, neutralization of acids, precipitation of me-
tallic bases, and transfer of the acids of their salts to the sodium
for easier examination. In blowpipe analysis the anhydrous salt,
Naz C Os, isemployed to reduce metals, to convert sulphates into
sodium sulphide (hepar), ete. Also for fluxing silicates, titanates,
etc., for which a mixture of 6.5 parts of potassium carbonate and
5.3 parts of the dry sodium salt is mostly preferred on account of
the mixture melting at a lower temperature than either salt un-
mixed (see potassium carbonate, page 154). Also for detection of
manganese, which fuses with NazC Oz to form blue-green man-
- ganate. NagC Os= 105.67; Nae C O3 + 10 HeO = 285.27.
Tests. Nae C Os + 10 Hz O crystallizes in colorless monoclinic
prisms, which in dry air rapidly lose water and at 100° C. become
anhydrous. The crystals dissolve in 1.6 parts of water at 159, in
0.185 parts at 100°C. The anhydrous salt at 15° C. dissolves in 6.7
parts, at 100°1n 2.3 parts. Inalcohol it isinsoluble. The tests for me-
tallic impurities are those directed for metallic sodium, page 181;
those for acids the same as for potassium carbonate, page 154.
PREPARATION. The purest commercial dicarbonate (bicarbonate),
such as made from kryolite, is placed into a glass funnel or per-
colator, and small quantities of pure water are, from time to time,
sprinkled upon it until the solution dripping from it no longer
gives a brown red precipitate with mercuric chloride, and, after
acidulation with nitric acid, ceases to be rendered turbid by bar-
ium chloride and by silver nitrate. The saltis then dried and
heated in a silver dish to a temperature of 150° C. to 180° C , soas
to expel CO2 and HzO. A red heat must be avoided to prevent
the formation of Na OH, which is copiously formed at 400° C.
The test solution is made to contain 20% of the anhydrous salt.
(Di or Bi-carbonate.)
Uses. For similar purposes as the potassium salt. It is recom-
mended by Holthof for fluxing silicates, etc.,in preference to the
mixed carbonates of potassium and sodium, or either neutral car-
bonate alone on account of its promptness of decomposing the
minerals at a lower temperature. Na H C Og = 83.882.
TEstTs. Pure sodium dicarbonate can be obtained in monoclinic
prisms, but is usually met with in form of powder. It dissolves
in about 10.5 parts of water at 15°C.; at higher temperature it
loses C Og and is gradually converted into neutral carbonate. In
addition to the tests for purity, as directed for the carbonate, it
should, for some purposes, be free from neutral carbonate formed
by exposure to heat, and, therefore, must not give a brown-red
precipitate with mercuric chloride, which indicates presence of
NazC Os. For most purposes the product prepared from kryo-
lite (e. g., that of the Pennsylvania Salt Co., at Natrona) is sufii-
ciently pure.
PREPARATION. Commercial dicarbonate is purified by packing
into a percolator and washing repeatedly with small portions of
pure water until the drippings no longer produce a brown-red
precipitate with mercuric chloride, nor after acidulation by nitric
acid are rendered turbid by silver nitrate or barium chloride. It
is then very carefully dried at a low temperature.
Usses. For the precipitation of lead, silver and mercurous salts.
In volumetric solution for the wet assay of silver and as compan-
ion solution to silver nitrate in various precipitation analyses. In
conc. solution as a precipitant of bebeerine (Bachmeyer). As a
precipitant of albumen in urine, Roberts reeommends a solution
of one part Na Clin 2.5 parts of water containing 5% of hydro-
ehloric acid of spec. gr. 1.052. In the so-called halimetric method
of analysis of beer it serves to determine the C Oz expelled by
shaking the beer with sodium chloride by the difference in weight
before and after the operation. It also serves for preparation of
hydrochloric acid and chlorine and for furnishing monochromatic
light for the polariscope. Na Cl = 58.368.
Tests. Sodium chloride crystallizes in transparent, colorless
cubes, soluble at 14° C. in 2.79 parts of water, at 100° in 2.52 parts;
very sparingly in alcohol. At772° melts, and if it then comes
in contact with the flame it loses Cl and becomes partly converted
into carbonate; hence, great care must be observed in its fusion.
It reacts neutral to testpaper, and when pure is not deliquescent.
It should stand the same tests for absence of other metals as are
directed for metallic sodium, page 181. With silver nitrate it
should yield a pure white precipitate, soluble without residue in
dilute ammonia water. After addition of chlorine water, or di-
lute nitrous acid, it should give no color either to starch or to
chloroform or ether shaken with it. After heating to dryness
with hydrochloric acid, the residue must completely dissolve in
water. No precipitate must be produced by barium chloride.
The colorless transparent cubes of natural rock salt (sal gemme)
are often found absolutely pure.
PREPARATION. When pure sal gemme is not obtainable, the
best commercial salt may be purified by the method of Marguer.
itte. Saturated solution of Na Clin water is charged with H Cl
' gas, which causes the salt to separate in small crystals, which are
drained upon a funnel, washed with hydrochloric acid and then
heated to expel the excess of acid.
Deci-normal solution contains 5.8368 gr. in 1 litre of water. It is
either made by direct weighing of pure fused salt or by diluting a
stronger solution so as to correspond with a solution containing in
1 litre 10.7675 of pure silver converted into nitrate. Potassium
chromate generally serves as indicator.
Uses. Both the crystals, Nae Bs O7 + 10 He O, and the fused an
hydrous Na, Bs O7, the so-called borax glass are used. In blow-
pipe work it serves to convert metallic compounds into borates,
which dissolve in the fusing borax glass and are recognized by the
color communicated to the bead and their behaviorin different
parts of the flame. For this purpose a small portion is fastened
to a loop of platinum wire and heated in the oxidation flame until
it melts into a colorless transparent globule of suitable size. To
this while hot the specimen to be examined is attached and again
placed into the flame for fusion. If powdered borax be mixed
with glycerin and introduced into the flame the green color of
boracie acid will flash up for an instant and thus detect both
glycerin and borax. The alkaline reaction of borax is changed to
acid by addition of poly-atomic alcohols (Klein, Jehn). In doci-
mastic assaying borax is used as a flux to exclude air as well as to
dissolve silica and other substances. Naz Bs O7 = 201.48; Na, Ba
O7; + 10 He O = 381.08.
Tests. The crystals of borax with 10 mol. of water are mono-
clinic prisms, soluble in 14 parts of water at 15°, in 0.5 parts at
100°. There are also hexagonal crystals, with 5 mol. of water,
which separate from hot concentrated solution. When heated
water escapes, puffing up the salt to a white, spongy mass, which
at 561° C. melts to transparent, colorless buraz glass. A good re-
crystallized article of commercial borax is sufficiently pure. Its
solution should give no precipitate with sodium carbonate, nor,
after acidulating with nitric acid, become turbid by the addition
of silver nitrate or barium chloride.
PREPARATION. The commercial salt is repeatedly recrystal-
lized and either preserved in crystals or powder, cr it is fused in a
platinum vessel and powdered,
Users. For the same purposes as potassium hydrate, see page
162, for which it may be substituted in all cases where the introduc.
tion of sodium is not objectionable. For volumetric work sodium
is less desirable than potassium hydrate on account of its trouble-
some foaming and greater liability to corrode glass) Na OH=
Tests. For metallic impurities the same as for metallic sodium,
page 181; for other impurities the same as for potassium hydrate
page 162. It is soluble at 15° in 1.7 parts, at 100° in 0.67 parts of
water, and quite soluble in alcohol. Exposed to air it first at-
tracts moisture and then C O, and becomes covered with a crust
of carbonate.
PREPARATION. From sodium carbonate and calcium hydrate or
from sodium sulphate and barium hydrate, or from metallic
sodium, in the same manner as directed for potassium hydrate.
Ordinary test solution contains from 10 to 12%; normal solution,
39.958 grammes in 1 litre.
Usrs. As a source of chlorine; for oxidation of nickelous to
nickelic salts, etc.; for solution of arsenic spots in Marsh’s test,
and their distinction from antimony spots, which do not dissolve.
For liberation of nitrogen from urea instead of sodium hypobro-
mite. For detection of aniline, with which it produces a violet-
purple color; codeine dissolved in conc. sulphuric acid gives a
blue, aesculin a violet eolor with sodium hypochlorite (Raby);
morphine, dissolved in it and then neutralized with ammonia,
assumes a dark red color (Fairthorne). The liquor sode chlorate
of the U.S. P. is sufficiently pure.
PREPARATION. 80 parts of bleaching powder (impure calcium
hypochlorite) are diffused in 400 parts of water, and into this are
poured 100 parts of sodium carbonate dissolved in 400 parts of
boiling water. After cooling, enough water is added to make 1,000
parts. Strain and preserve the clear liquid in well stopped bottles.
Usses. For the determination of ammonia and urea by the
method of Knop and Huefner. A freshly prepared solution of
hypobromite is added to the ammonia or urea in a suitable appa-
ratus, which permits the measuring of the nitrogen liberated by
the decomposition:
2NH3;+3NaBrO=38 NaBr+3H20+Ng;
C O(N Hp +3 Na Br O= 3 Na Br+2 Hs O + C O2 + Na.
1 gr. urea contains 0.46666 gr. N,which at a pressure of 760 Mm and
0° C. occupies 872.7 Ce., so that each 1 Ce. of nitrogen corr esponds
to 0.002681 gr. of urea. Ora volumetric solution of hypobromite
is added in excess to the urea and the surplus after decomposition
is measured back (Hamburger). As it requires 3 mol. of hypobro-
mite (Na Br. O = 118.726) to decompose 1 mol. of urea(C ON, H,
— 59.976), each 1 gr. of bromine used corresponds to 0.218 gr. of
urea. a=xx—{jw
Sodium hypobromite also serves for ap-
proximate determination of olefines iu min-
eral oils). When a measured quantity of
volumetric solution of hypobromite is added
in excess to a mineral oil the olefines com-
bine with the bromine, while the paraffins do
not. The residue of hypobromite, whose Br
has not combined, is measured back by lib-
eration ofiodine from KI and titration with
sodium hyposulphite (Allen). Na Br O =
PREPARATION. The solution, as originally |
directed by Knop, is made by dissolving 100
gr. Na O H in 250 Ce. of water, and, after
cooling, adding 25 Cc. of bromine. Other
proportions are also used, but in all of them
itis neceseary to have a sufficient surplus of
Na O H to absorb the liberated C Os.
For measuring the nitrogen many kinds of
appaatus have been devised; among them a
very simple but efficient one by Squibb is
here illustrated.
A 50 Ce. pipette (D) graduated into tenths
is held by perforated corks (F, G)in position
easily changed by sliding in a cylinder (E)
filled with water or dilute sodium hydrate.
The upper
tube of the
pipetteis bent
and by means
of along rub-
ber tube (C)
connects with
the bottle (A)
containing the
hypo bromite
and in a sepa- | ,
rate tube (B) i if
4 Cc. of urine.
Allen’s volumetric solution for olefines contains 40 Ce. of bro-
mine and sufficient sodium hydrate to make the solution feebly
alkaline ini litre. Its titre is ascertained by the iodine liberated
from K I, measured by deci-normal sodium hyposulphite.
Is recommended by Schuetzenberger and Risler (under the title
hyposulphite) for the titration of oxygen in water, sodium sulph-
indigotate serving as indicator.
The solution is prepared by shaking asolution of sodium acid sul-
phite of spec. gr. 1.25 with a surplus of zinc dust, diluting with 10
parts of water from which the air has been expelled by boiling, add-
ing milk of lime to alkaline reaction and drawing off the clear liquid
without permitting access of air (Tiemann and Preusse). The
titre is adjusted by an ammoniacal solution of 4.469 gr. of cupric
sulphate in ilitre. 10 Cc. of this solution correspond to 0.001484
gr. of Cuz O, equal to a loss by reduction of 1 Cc. oxygen at 0°
and %60 Mn. barometric pressure. A measured quantity of the
water to be examined is added to sodium sulphindigotate, which
by addition of sodium hydrosulphite has just been deprived of its
blue color. Shaking with the oxygen of the water restores the
blue color, which is again dispersed by titration with the hydro-
sulphite, and thus the contents of oxygen determined. In alka-
line solution it serves to detect anthraquinone by aredcolor. It
is to be regretted that the name hyposulphite, properly belonging
to the salt Naz Se Os, has been applied to the hydrosulphite, Naz Se
Oz, while Naz S2 Os is now often called thiosulphate, thus giving
rise to mistakes.
Sodium Thiosulphate.
Usss. In deci-normal solution as a companion to iodine in the
various operations of iodimetry; for titration of free iodine and of
all substances capable of liberating it from potassium iodide; for
solution of silver salts; in blow-pipe analysis for detection of cyan-
ides. A bead of hyposulphite is charged with the supposed cyanide,
and, while hot, dipped into dilute solution of ferric chloride. A
red color, due to the formation of ferricsulphocyanide, reveals the
presence of cyanide (froehde). Naz Se Os + 5 He O = 247.644.
Tests. Sodium hyposulphite crystallizes in colorless, transpar-
ent monoclinic prisms, soluble at 15° in 0.65 parts of water, insol-
uble in alcohol. At 56° melts and at 100° becomes anhydrous,
at 225° it is decomposed, The same tests for metallic impurities
apply as directed for metallic sodium; but an absolutely pure salt
israrely needed. It should not effervesce with acetic acid; 21%
solution should not be rendered turbid by barium chloride; no red
color should be communicated to phenolphthalein. ‘To show ab-
sence of chlorine the salt must first be converted into sulphate,
either by sulphuric acid or by hydrogen dioxide, the filtered solu-
tion must not be rendered turbid by silver nitrate. Very pure salt
is now sold by dealers in photographic goods.
PREPARATION. The salt obtained on a large scale, as a bye-pro-
duct of the Leblanc soda process, may be purified by repeated re-
crystallization. Or sodium sulphite is boiled with excess of sul-
phur, filtered and crystallized.
Deci-normal solution contains 24.7644 gr. in 1 litre, but, on account
of the varying amount of water in the salt, it is best prepared, not
by direct weighing, but by adjusting a stronger solution by deci-nor-
mal iodine (containing 12.6557 gr. in 1 litre). ‘The solution should be
made with water from which all oxygen has been expelled by boil-
ing and carefully preserved in the dark.
Usss. This salt is occasionally used instead of potassium iodate
to make iodic acid for alkaloid analysis. It is prepared in the
same manner as the potassium salt, see page 164. NaI O3 = 197.435.
SODIUM MOLYBDATE, Naz Mo O4 + 2 H2 QO, is occasionally
used instead of molybdic acid, or ammonium molybdate, for prepa-
ration of Froehde’s reagent, etc. It is made by saturating molyb-
dic acid with sodium hydrate. See Molybdic Acid and derivatives,
pp. 12 and 13
Usss. It is used for the same purpose as the potassium salt, for
which it is substituted when it is not desirable to introduce potas-
sium. NaN Os = 84.899.
Tests. Sodium nitrate crystallizes in the hexagonal system,
forming colorless rhombohedra. At 15° C. it dissolves in 1.25
parts of water, at 100° in 0.56 parts. It is to be tested especially
for freedom from iodine, chlorine, sulphate and phosphate, cal-
cium and magnesium. Tests are the same as directed for sodium
metal and for potassium nitrate.
PREPARATION. On the large scale, by refining Chili saltpetre
by recrystallization; in small quantity by saturating nitric acid
with sodium earbonate and crystallizing.
Usrs. For the same purposes as the potassium salt, except for
the separation of cobalt, in which potassium is required; hence, it
serves for conversion of amines into di-azo compounds, for recog-
nition of phenols, of antipyrine, for liberation of iodine, etc.
Also in the preparation of sodio-cobaltic nitrite, the reagent for
potassium (Curiman), see page 75. Na N Oc = 68.939.
Tests. The salt crystallizes in colorless rhombohedra, but is
generally sold fused in pencils. It is very soluble in water and in
-aleohol. The tests for purity of metallic sodium and of potassium
nitrite apply to sodinm nitrite.
PREPARATION. By fusion of sodium nitrate with lead in the
same manner as the potassium salt.
Uses. For the detection of alkaline sulphides, which, even in
traces, give with solution of nitroprusside a red purple color,
which rapidly changes to deep blue. Alkaline hyposulphites do
not give the reaction while unchanged, but by heating they are
decomposed, and the formation of sulphide is then shown by the
above reaction. Sulphites in neutral or alkaline solution give a
deep red with a mixture of nitroprusside and zinc sulphate (Boede-
ker). After addition of sodium carbonate to the solution of nitro-
prusside it serves to detect creatinine in urine by an intense red
color, which gradually turns to straw yellow, the change being
hastened by acidulating with acetic acid (Weyl). Acetone, under
like treatment, becomes brown red, and on acidulation turns
purple (Legal). Sodium nitroprusside precipitates many alka-
loids, whose characteristic crystalline forms serve to distinguish
them under the microscope (Davy). Itis also used in the differen-
tiation of oils. Mol. W. = 297.785.
Tests. Sodium nitroprusside crystallizes in ruby red, rhombic
prisms, soluble in 2.5 parts of water at 15°, insoluble in alcohol;
the solution is decomposed by boiling heat and by direct sunlight.
The salt need not be absolutely pure, but must give the reaction
with sulphides even in the minutest traces.
PREPARATION. Four parts of powdered potassium ferrocyan-
ide are heated with 5.5 parts of nitric acid, of spec. gr. 1.2, until
the solution no longer gives a blue color with ferrous sulphate.
On cooling, potassium nitrate crystallizes out and is removed;
the solution is concentrated again and the nitrate removed on
cooling, the last portion may be precipitated by addition of alco-
hol. The nitroprussic acid is then saturated with sodium carbon-
ate, the solution concentrated and the deep red crystals separated
and purified by recrystallization.
UsEs. In volumetric analysis of superphosphates to remove the
calcium as insoluble oxalate and unite the phosphoric acid to
sodium, without disturbing the relative proportions of acid and
base (Mollenda).
Tests. The saltis generally obtained as a crystalline powder,
soluble in 81.3 parts of water at 15° C. and in 15.8 parts at 100°. If
wanted perfectly pure it should give the tests directed for metallic
sodium and for potassium oxalate; but this is hardly necessary, the
main requirement is perfect neutrality.
PREPARATION. A saturated hot solution of oxalic acid is accu-
rately neutralized with sodium carbonate or hydrate, and the re-
sulting salt carefully dried.
SODIUM PHOSPHATE, Naz H P 0: -+ 12 Hs O.
Uses. Secondary sodium ortho-phosphate, Naz H P Ou, is used to
precipitate many metals, forming phosphates insoluble in water.
After separation of the metalsof groups III, IV, V and VI by means
of HeS and (N Ha) S, it is employed to precipitate Ba, Sr, Ca and
Mg together, or, after Ba, Sr and Ca have been precipitated as
carbonates, while Mg was held in solution by ammonium chloride,
to detect and precipitate magnesium asMg N H4P O, In conjunc-
tion with sodium acetate it serves for precipitation of chromic salts
as chromic phosphate (Carnot), of cadmium (Carnot and Proromont),
so as to prepare them for weighing. It is also used for precipita-
tion of zinc in neutral solution and itsseparation from magnesium,
which only precipitates from solution made alkaline by ammonia
(Loeseman and Meyer). NazH P O4= 141.794; Nas H PO. + 10H,
O = 357.314.
Tests. Na, HP O4-+ 10 H, O crystallizesin colorless, mono-
clinic prisms, which lose water in air. It dissolves at 15°C. in
10.4, at 30° in 2.5, at 40° in 0.95 and at 99° in 0.611 parts of water.
At 35° it melts, becomes anhydrous at 100°, and at 300° is converted
into pyrophosphate, 2 Naz H P Os = Nag P2 O7 + H2 O. The solu-
tion must not effervesce with acids, must yield no precipitate with
ammonium carbonate, hydrate, oxalate or sulphide, the precipi-
tates made by silver nitrate or barium chloride must completely
redissolve on addition of nitric acid. After heating to dryness
with H Cl no insoluble residue must be left on addition of water.
Absence of arsenic must be shown,
PREPARATION. On the large scale, it is made by digesting bone
ashes with dilute sulphuric acid, separating the calcium sulphate
by filtering and concentration, then adding sodium carbonate to
alkaline reaction. The filtrate is concentrated, and the crystals
obtained on cooling are purified by recrystallization. On the
small scale sodium carbonate is added to phosphoric acid until the
reaction becomes alkaline and crystals obtained as above. The
ordinary test solution contains 10% of the salt.
Microcosmic Salt.
Ussrs. This salt is easily converted by heat into sodium meta-
phosphate, Na P Os, and, therefore, is very useful in blowpipe
work for detecting metals by the color of their beads, which give
clearer and more characteristic reactions than those with borax,
but being much more fusible require a much narrower platinum
loop to keep them from dropping off. Silica leaves an insoluble
skeleton of the shape of the mineral fragment containing it, and
is, therefore, easily observed in the transparent bead. As the
salt is not so liable to lose water of crystallization as the sodium
phosphate, it is used for making, by direct weighing, solutions for
standardizing uranium solution used in titration of phos-
phoric acid. Instead of making them deci-normal (containing
20.8657 gr. in 1 litre) an empirical solution is often employed contain-
ing 29.339 gr. in 1 litre, corresponding to 10 gr. of phosphoric an-
hydride, P2Os. The salt is also used for precipitation of magne-
sium and other purposes, instead of the sodium phosphate. Na (N
Ha) H P O4 = 186.817; Na (N Ha) H P O4 + 4 He O = 208.657.
Tests. Microcosmic salt forms colorless, monoclinic crystals,
soluble in about 4.5 parts of water at 15°, much more soluble in
boiling water. The same tests fcr purity apply as for sodium
phosphate. When heated on platinum foil or wire it must give a
perfectly transparent mass.
PREPARATION. Six parts of sodium phosphate and 1 part of
ammonium chloride are dissolved in 2 parts of boiling water, and
after a short time of heating together are set aside to cool. The
double salt separates in crystals andis recrystallized from water
containing a little ammonia, so as to purify them from adhering
Na Cl.
SODIUM PYROPHOSPHATE, Naz Pe O7-+ 10 He O, is used in
electrolytic separations of nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, zinc,
cadmium, copper, silver, mercury, etc. The pyrophosphates of these
metals are precipitated from solution by the sodium pyrophosphate,
add are redissolved as double salts when the sodium salt is added in
sufficient excess. By adding either ammonium hydrate, or ecar-
bonate, or oxalate, or various other substances, to the solution, itis
possible to precipitate some of the metals by the electric current,
leaving others in solution (Brand). The salt is prepared by heat-
ing to redness pure secondary orthophosphate, dissolving and crys”
tallizing the residue. It forms large, transparent monoclinic
prisms, soluble in ten parts of cold and 1 part of boiling water.
Sodium phospho-tungstate, see phospho-tungstic acid, page 18.
SODIUM SALICYLATE, 2 Na C7 Hs Os + He O, is proposed by
Hager as a reagent to test the purity of quinine sulphate. Toa
saturated solution of quinine sulphate in water a few drops of 20%
solution of sodium salicylate are added. If the quinine was pure
the solution remains clear; cloudiness indicates presence of other
cinchona alkaloids. It also serves todetect ethyl - and especially
methyl - alcohol, by heating with a small amount of the salicylate
and concentrated sulphuric acid, when it gives the odor of gaul-
theria. See also on page 88.
SODIUM SELENATE, Naz Se O, + 10 He O, is proposed by
Johannson for detection of colocynthin, which is colored reddish-
yellow in contact with a solution of sodium selenate in dilute
sulphuric acid. Also used for demonstrating brucine in micro-
scopical sections of strychnos seeds by using it dissolved in nitric
acid (Lindt). The commercial product is sufficiently pure.
Schlippe’s Salt.
Usss. For precipitation of quinine, morphine and other alka-
loids, as sulphantimonates of yellow to brownish color, differing
as to formation of resinous masses, solubility in excess of precipi-
tant, etc. Dilute aqueous solutions are used, sometimes with the
addition of alcohol (Palm). Mol. W. = 478.525. °
Tests. Sodium sulphantimonate crystallizes in orange red,
transparent, regular tetrahedra, which, by long keeping, become
superficially coated with opaque, orange yellow Sh2Ss. The salt
is soluble in 8 parts of water at 17°; in 4 part at 100%. Clear,
transparent crystals are sufficiently pure for use.
PREPARATION. 21 parts of finely powdered gray antimonous
sulphide, Sbz Ss, 2 parts of sulphur and 380 parts of sodium hydrate
are boiled with 180 parts of water until the gray color has disap-
peared, filtered and concentrated. A little alcohol is then added
and the liquid set aside to crystallize. The pure crystals are se-
lected, washed with alcohol and then carefully preserved without
removing the adhering alcohol. This prevents their decomposi-
tion for a long time.
Usxs. Instead of potassium disulphate as a flux for decompos-
ing and rendering soluble aluminium minerals, such as emery,
corundum, which are insoluble in acids, and for which the use of
potassium salt would lead to troublesome formation of alum. (J.
Lawrence Smith.)
Tests. The fused mass or the anhydrous triclinic prisms are
to be tested like the corresponding potassium salt.
PREPARATION. 15 parts of pure crystallized sodium sulphate,
Na, S O, + 10 H, O, and 5 parts of conc. sulphuric acid are heated
in a platinum vessel until all of the water has escaped and white
fumes of sulphuric acid begin to form, while the mass is in quiet
fusion. On cooling it is broken into small pieces and preserved.
Usges. In docimastic assaying for titration of zine and nickel;
alkaline solution of lead, or alkaline solution of iron in glycerin,
nickel chloride, or cobalt paper being used as indicators by spot-
ting, NaeS = 77.98.
PREPARATION. 13 gr. of sodium hydrate are dissolved in water
to make one litre. 500 Ce. are then saturated with He S and, after
expelling the surplus by gentle heat, are mixed with the rest of
the solution. This now contains somewhat more than the 12.01
-gr.of Na, S necessary to convert 10 gr. of zinc into sulphide. It
is therefore standardized by solution of1 gr. of pure zinc, which,
after solution in acid and neutralization by ammonia, must require
exactly 100 Ce. of the sulphide solution. The adjusted solution is
filled into small vials, nearly full, stopped with rubber and pre-
served, mouth downward.
Uses. This salt serves occasionally as a reducent by introduc-
ing S Og into solutions. Also for the detection of arsenic. A
small crystal of 0.01 to 0.02 gr. of Naz S Os is thrown in a solution
of 0.3 to 0.4 gr. of stannous chloride in 3 to 4 Ce. of pure cone. hy-
drochloric acid and the specimen to be tested for arsenic dissolved
in hydrochloric acid is poured upon it to form a separate layer
above it. If arsenic be present yellow As2 83 will form above the
line of contact, by the HeS being liberated from Naz S Os by the
reducing power of the stannous chloride (Schlickwm). In concen-
trated solution, to which a little pyrogallol has been added, it
Serves to detect small traces of cupric salts by a blood red color
(Aliame). NaeS Os = 125.86; Naz S O3 + 7 He O = 251.58.
Tests. Sodium sulphite crystallizes in monoclinic prisms con-
taining 7 mol. of water. It dissolves in about 2 parts of cold water;
on heating a saturated solution anhydrous salt separates. In alco-
hol itis insoluble. By careless keeping it changes tosulphate. For
making the tests above stated, the only requirement is that it
should evolve, on addition of acids, a copious amount of S Os.
PREPARATION. A saturated solution of sodium carbonate is di-
vided into 2 equal portions. One of them is saturated with sul-
phur dioxide, forming acid sulphite, and then the other portion
added and crystals obtained.
Sodium acid sulphite is sometimes used to separate acetone, which
forms with it a crystallized compound C3 He O. Na H S Os, from
which acetone may be again obtained by heating with sodium
Uses. In freshly prepared saturated solution for precipitation
of potassium (ammonium and calcium) as acid tartrate. Also for
preventing the precipitation of alumina, ferric oxide, etc. Mol.
W. = 199.614.
Tests. The salt crystallizes in rhombic needles, very soluble in
water. The solution rapidly spoils by fungous growths. After ig-
nition the solution of the residue should contain pure sodium car-
PREPARATION. A saturated solution of tartaric acid in hot
water is divided into two equal parts. One-half is accurately
neutralized by sodium carbonate, to form neutral tartrate, and the
other half is added and crystals obtained. The solution is only
made immediately before use, and should be very concentrated.
UsEp for preparing Fehling’s and Nylander’s solutions, in the
place of Rochelle salt, to aid in the solution of the metallic salts;
the tests are the same as for the acid salt, and its properatier is
there described.
Rochelle Salt.
UsED, as the preceding, in the preparation of Fehling’s and Ny.
lander’s solution, etc. The pure salt forms colorless, transparent,
rhombic prisms, soluble in 1.7 parts of water at 6° C. After igni-
tion its solution should only contain potassium and sodium ecar-
bonate. The commercial salt is sufficiently pure after recrystal-
Sodium thiosulphate, see sodium hyposulphite, page 189.
b. ACID TUNGSTATE, Naio Wize On + 28 He O (= 5 Naz W Og +
7 W Os), the ordinary commercial salt.
Usrs. Both salts serve as precipitants of albuminoids in urine,
also for precipitating barium from solutions of its salts in strong
acetic acid (Ca and Mg are precipitated only from neutral and al-
kaline solution). The salts also serve for the preparation of meta-
tungstate and of phospho-tungstic and silico-tungstic acids, see
page 18 and 19.
Tests. The neutral salts form colorless, monoclinic prisms;
the acid, triclinic. Both salts are quite soluble in water. They -
should be free from carbonate, sulphate and chloride. A solution
in 20 parts of water should not effervesce with strong nitric acid,
and after boiling the mixture, the filtrate should not give a precipi-
tate with either silver nitrate or barium nitrate.
PREPARATION. Wolframite, a native tungstate of iron and
manganese, is finely powdered and heated to bright redness after
mixing with two-thirds of its weight of sodium carbonate. The
mass is leached out by boiling water, and the hot sulution poured
into an excess of hot cone. nitric acid. A yellow precipitate of
W Os falls. This is separated, washed and boiled with sodium
earbonate. From this solution the neutral salt crystallizes. By
neutralizing a hot, concentrated solution of this salt (or, on the
large scale, the solution of the fused mass above obtained) with
hydrochloric acid the acid salt is prepared and obtained in crys-
When to the boiling, saturatedsolution of either salt some of
the yellow W Os is added in small successive portions, so long as
it loses its yellow color, the filtrate on evaporation yields meta.
e. SODIUM META-TUNGSTATE, Nae Ws O13+ 10 He O ( = Nag
W Os -+ 8 W Os).
Uses. For analysis of alkaloids, which it precipitates even in very
small quantities, e. g., strychnine 0.0001 milligr. (Schezdler). It
is tested as the salts above eed:
Uses. With free iodine starch forms a compound of such in-
tense dark blue color that it remains visible even after the utmost
dilution; bromine gives an intense yellow. Hence, starch is used
to detect free iodine and bromine. Most varieties of starch give
the blue color with iodine in the raw state, but a few varieties
give a yellow or brownish color which might be mistaken for the
bromine reaction. After boiling with water all varieties give the
blue color with iodine, but after keeping for some time the color
becomes uncertain again. Hence, the importance of a well keep-
ing preparation of starch to be available at any time. Such solu-
tions may be made by the aid of sodium, calcium or zine chloride,
by alkaline hydrate, etc. It is also important to have permanent
starch solutions containing soluble iodides, from which small
traces of chlorine, bromine or nitrous acid can liberate free iodine,
and are thus instantly detected, and measured by titration with
sodium hyposulphite (thiosulphate). Presence of alkaline, magne.
- sium and aluminium sulphates, of albumin, resorcin, phloroglucin
and other organic substances interfere with the promptness of the
starch reactions.
PREPARATION. Starch solutions must be made thin and uni-
form without lumps. For ordinary purposes, 1 part of starch is
thoroughly mixed with 10 parts of cold water, and then enough
boiling water added, with constant stirring, to make about 200
parts of transparent jelly. To render this less liable to spoil,
about 5% of calcium or zine chloride may be added, or sodium
chloride to saturation. A still better keeping solution is made,
according to Mueller, by triturating 2 gr. of starch with 25 Ce. of
conc. alkaline hydrate solution (which converts the cellulose of the
starch into soluble granulose) until it becomes transparent, and
then diluting with water to one litre. The alkali must be neutral-
ized before using.
Soluble iodides are often added, especially K I, Zn Tz and Cd Is, -
to the preceding solutions to the amount of 0.5 to1%. Gastine
recommends that 5 gr. starch and 0.1 gr. of mercuric iodide be
triturated with water, and then poured into enough boiling water
to make one litre. The solution after filtering keeps for years.
Uses. In the volumetric determination of sulphates. They are
precipitated by strontium chloride, the resulting almost insoluble
strontium sulphate is converted into carbonate by boiling with
sodium carbonate, and the strontium carbonate is finally decom-
posed by a measured volume of normal hydrochloric acid and the
surplus of acid measured back by normal alkali (Mohr). Sr Cle =
159.114; Sr Cle+ 6 He O = 267.474.
Tests. The salt forms hexagonal prisms, soluble at 15° C. in
0.75 parts of water and in 24 parts of absolute alcohol. For the
use above described, it is sufficient that its solution give no preci-
pitate with potassium dichromate (abs. of barium).
PREPARATION. Hydrochloric acid is saturated with strontium
carbonate and the solution crystallized.
Uszs. In saturated aqueous solution for the detection of barium
by precipitation as sulphate. Strontium sulphate requires about
3,500 parts of water for solution, and yields its acid to barium,
which forms an insoluble sulphate. The solution is prepared by
digesting pure, colorless, native coelestine (strontium sulphate)
with water, or by preparing the strontium sulphate by precipitat. -
ing its chloride or nitrate by dilute sulphuric acid, washing the
precipitate thoroughly, and placing it in a large bottle filled with
water, so as to obtain a saturated solution.
SUGAR, Ci Hx On.
Saccharose or Canesugar.
Usss. To detect small quantities of free sulphuric acid in vine-
gar, etc. The liquid, mixed with a small quantity of sugar, is
evaporated in a porcelain dish on a water bath; a black or brown
residue indicates free sulphuric acid (Runge). Also to detect bile
acids by the deep red color they produce when mixed with sugar
and cone. sulphuric acid (Petienkofer). A reversal of this reaction
is used to detect free sulphuric acid in alum, aluminium sulphate,
etc. Bile (cholic acid) is mixed with sugar and the alum added;
red color indicates free acid (Egger). The bile reactions depend
on the formation of furfurol by the action of concentrated acid on
sugar (Mylius). With morphine the mixture of sugar and sul-
phurie acid produces a violet color (Z’amba). Free arsenic acid,
Hz As Ou, mixed with sugar solution, assumes a rose red color after
some hours, which, by longer standing, turns to deep purple.
Milk sugar, glucose and mannite act similar to cane sugar; arse-
nates or arsenous acids do not give the reaction (F'resenius’ Zett-
schrift, xxi, 124). Commercial loaf sugar is sufficiently pure.
Usss. For preparing sulphur dioxide, ferrous sulphide, sodium
hyposulphite and other sulphur compounds. For combining with
metals in some docimastic assays. For detection of bismuth by
the production of the red iodide coating on charcoal, a mixture
of sulphur and potassium iodide is added to the bismuth specimen
and heated on charcoal before the blow pipe. S = 81.984.
Tests. From solutions sulphur crystallizes in rhombic octo-
hedra. It melts at 117° C., and from the state of fusion ecrystal-
lizes in monoclinic prisms. At 447 it boils. The condensed vapor
forms sublimed sulphur, the sulphur flowers of commerce, and
this is the quality used as reagent for bismuth and for many
preparations. Pure sulphur, to make pure preparations, must be
completely volatilized by heat, must yield nothing to distilled
water to disturb the neutrality of testpapers. It must be free
from arsenic, which is detected by digesting with ammonia
water, filtering and acidulating with hydrochloric acid. A yel-
low preeipitate of Ase Oz indicates arsenic. To detect selenium
the sulphur is heated with nitromuriatic acid, diluted with water,
and to the clear filtrate sodium sulphite is added, when a red pre-
cipitate indleates the presence of selenium.
An impure sulphur iodide, made by melting together 2 parts of
iodine and 8 parts of sulphur, is used in blow pipe work to produce
on plaster of paris tablets films of various metallic iodides (Wheeler
and Luedeking).
Uses. In gas analysis, for the absorption of olefiant gas. The
most concentrated (fuming) sulphuric acid obtainable is saturated
with sulphur trioxide so as just to remain liquid. Into this solu-
tion little globes of coke are dipped and introduced into the ab-
sorption apparatus containing the dry mixture of gases (Bunsen).
Itis also used to rapidly concentrate sulphuric acid in Kjelhahil’s
process of nitrogen determination. Also for purposes of dehydra-
tion. S O3 = 79.864.
Tests. Sulphur trioxide forms long silky needles melting at
14.8° and boiling at 46.2°. When not entirely free from H,S Osa
compound is formed, similar to asbestus in appearance, which
does not boil at 50° C., but higher temperature decom-
poses and gives off vapors of pure trioxide. It fumes in air and
attracts moisture, and must therefore be carefully preserved. It
is tested in the same way as sulphuric acid. See pages 21 and 105.
PREPARATION. By distillation, at a gentle heat, of fuming sul-
phuric acid, care being taken to cool the receiver weli and to pre-
vent absolutely all excess of moisture.
Tannin, see Tannic Acid, page 28.
Tannin-reagent for aniline dyes, see Sodiwm Acetate, page 182.
Testpapers, see Color Reagents, page 88.
Uses. For quantitative determination of iodine. In very di-
lute neutral solutions of chlorides, bromides and iodides asatu-
rated aqueous solution of thallous nitrate precipitates theiodide
as yellow thallous iodide, Tl I, which is totally insoluble in water
while thallous chloride and bromide, though difficultly soluble,
remain in solution (Huebner and Frerichs). T1 N Os = 265.616.
Tests. Thallous nitrate forms colorless rhombic prisms, solu-
ble at 15° C. in about 10 parts of water, much more soluble at 100°.
At 205° it melts and at higher temperature is decomposed. It
colors the flame green and shows a single green line in its spee-
trum. Its neutral or acid solution should not be precipitated by
hydrogen sulphide. Addition of ammonia water should leave the
aqueous solution clear even after heating, and from this solution
ammonium sulphide precipitates it as black Tl, S. After com-
plete precipitation the filtrate on evaporation should leave no per-
manent residue.
PREPARATION. Metallic thallium is dissolved in dilute nitric
acid and crystallized.
To prepare Metrartyiic THALLIUM the flue-dust and deposit of
the lead chambers of sulphuric acid manufactories using thalli-
ferous pyrites is leached out by boiling water, filtered, concen-
trated and mixed with conc. hydrochloric acid, which precipi-
tates thallous chloride, a curdy, white salt, requiring 360 parts of
cold water for solution, and still less soluble in hydrochloric acid.
The precipitate is separated and added in small portions, with
constant stirring, to half of its weight of hot conc. sulphuric acid,
and the mixture heated to expel excess of acid. The fused acid
sulphate resulting is dissolved in about 100 parts of water and
H, S passed through the solution to precipitate any lead, silver,
mercury, bismuth, arsenic, antimony or selenium, which may have
been deriyed from the pyrites. The filtrate, after expulsion
of the excess of H2S, is heated with ammonia water, to precipi-
tate iron, alumina, etc., and is then concentrated to crystallize
thallous sulphate, which separates in colorless, rhombic prisms,
From this, metallic thallium is precipitated by pure zine or by
electrolysis, from solution made alkaline by ammonia.
THALLIUM PAPER, made by dipping unsized paper into thal-
lous hydrate solution, Tl O H, is used to indicate ozone, which
turns it into brown thalliec salt ( Boetiger). The solution of thal-
lous hydrate is prepared by adding to the solution of thallous sul-
phate, obtained as above described, enough barium hydrate to re-
move the sulphuric acid. The paper has also been used as an in-
dicator for sodium sulphide titration.
THYMOL, Ce Hs . Cs3H7. C Hs. O H.
Usss. For the detection of glucose or other carbohydrates by
Molisch’s method. A 15% alcoholic solution is added to the solu-
tion to be tested. This is then floated on conc. sulphuric acid. A
carmine red zone of contact shows the presence of glucose. Other
carbohydrates and glacial acetic acid give similar reactions.
Cio Hig O = 149.7.
Trsts. Thymol forms colorless, transparent monoclinic (or
hexagonal) prisms, melting at 50°, boiling at 222°C. They have
the odor of thyme. At 15° it dissolves in 833 parts of water; also
in 0.5 parts of alcohol and easily in chloroform, ether, glacial
acetic acid, etc. The commercial article is suitable for the reac-
PREPARATION. From oil of thyme, monarda or ptychotis,
which, besides thymol, Cio Hu O, contain thymene, Cio His, and
eymol, Cio Hu. The fraction of the oil distilling above 200° C. is
shaken with strong sodium hydrate solution, which dissolves the
thymol and leaves the thymene, etc., to float.ontop. This is re-
moved and from the solution in soda the thymol is precipitated
by hydrochloric acid, and recrystallized from alcohol or from
glacial acetic acid.
TIN, Sn.
Uses. In blowpipe work tin is added to beads of borax or mi-
crocosmic salt for the purpose of reducing the metallic oxides
therein dissolved. It is also used for the precipitation of selenium
and arsenic from their solution in strong hydrochloric acid. If
the acid is too dilute, it may be concentrated by addition of strong
sulphuric acid. Tinis first dissolved, forming stannous chloride,
and this precipitates the arsenic in brown flakes, containing a
compound of tin and arsenic (Bettendorf). Sn 117.698.
Tests. Pure tin has a silvery white lustre; crystals form in the
quadratic system; spec. gr. 7.29; the metal is very ductile and may
be reduced to thin foil. It melts at 228.5° C. and boils at white
heat. Heated in air it oxidizes. It dissolvesin hydrochloric acid,
evolving hydrogen; in sulphuric acid, evolving sulphur dioxide;
in cold, dilute nitric acid, without evolution of gas, forming stan-
nous nitrate and ammonium nitrate; in cone. nitric acid it oxi"
dizes to Sn Og without solution, evolving nitrous fumes. The gas
escaping while tin dissolves in pure hydrochloric acid must not
color paper moistened with silver nitrate, nor must the solution
become colored by boiling with strong hydrochloric acid. This
test of purity suffices for Betiendorf’s arsenic test. For blowpipe
use and for preparation of pure salts, the absence of other metals
must be shown. The solution in dilute hydrochloric acid must
yield with HzSa pure brown precipitate, from which ammonia
water extracts nothing soluble, but which completely dissolves in
warm yellow ammonium sulphide. The filtrate, after precipita-
tion with H,S, must yield neither color nor precipitate by treat-
ment with ammonia and ammonium sulphide, nor, on evapora-
tion, leave any permanent residue.
PREPARATION. Small amounts of pure tin may be made by fus-
ing pure stannous chloride with potassium cyanide.
STANNIC CHLORIDE SOLUTION, Sn Cli, is used as an acces-
sory in Haswell’s process of titration of mercurous chloride by
ferric chloride and potassium permanganate. To make it, stannic
hydrate is first prepared from stannous chloride boiled with potas-
sium chlorate and hydrochloric acid. The solution is precipitated
by sodium hydrate, and the washed precipitated stannic hydrate
is dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The solution must retain for
three hours the red color communicated by a drop of permangan-
ate. It is also used with pyrogallic acid to detect glycerin. See
page 19.
Usszs. For the detection of gold by formation of purple of Cas-
sius. For reducing mercuric chloride to mercurous and finally to
metal. For a number of reductions depending on the formation
of stannic salt by attraction of chlorine,e. g.platinic chloride into
deep red colored platinous chloride. For detection of brucine by
the deep purple-red color produced in the brucine solution after
the red color has faded into yellow. For detection of arsenic by
the brown compound of tin and arsenic formed in solutions in
strong hydrochloric acid (Bettendorf.) For detection of arsenic as
yellow sulphide by the joint action of stannous chloride and so-
dium sulphite in hydrochloric acid solutions (Schlickum). See
Sodium Sulphite, page 195. Also for the separation of caesium
from potassium and rubidium, by removing it from a solution of
their chlorides as a crystalline precipitate of caeswwm-stannous
chloride, while potassium and rubidium remain in solution (Stol-
ba). Sn Cle = 189.488; Sn Cl, + 2 He O = 225.358.
Tests. Stannous chloride crystallizes with 2 mol. of water in
transparent, colorless, monoclinic prisms. By cautious heating
to 1008 the water is lost; at 250° the anhydrous salt melts, and be-
tween 617° and 628° it boils and may be distilled without decom-
position. It is easily soluble in water, but the solution rapidly
absorbs oxygen and forms stannic chloride and oxychloride, un-
less kept in contact with metallic tin. When 1 part of the dry
salt is boiled with 5 parts of pure conc. hydrochloric acid, the so-
lution must remain clear and colorless. The dilute solution, acidu-
lated with hydrochloric acid, must give no precipitate with barium
chloride. Boiling the solution with excess of sodium hydrate
must yield no ammonia. Other tests of purity are the same as
directed for metallic tin.
PREPARATION. Pure tiu in foil or granules is dissolved by heat-
ing with pure conc. hydrochloric acid, the tin being kept in excess,
From the solution crystals may be obtained, or it may be diluted
for use as test solution, so as to contain about 10% of the salt,
metallic tin being kept in contact with it.
See also Potassium Stannous Chloride on page 171.
Stannous Sulphate, see Potassium Stannous Sulphate, page 171.
Toluidine, see Para-Tolurdine, page 143.
TRI-ETHYL PHOSPHINE, P (Cy, Hs)s, is used to a very limited
extent in the analysis of illuminating gas, to absorb C Se, with
which it forms a solid compound (Poleck). Itis a liquid of spec.
gr. 0.812, boiling at 127.5° C., and of peculiar, narcotic odor. Itis
made by heating phosphonium iodide, P H4 I, with three mole-
cules of alcohol for many hours to 180° C. in s sealed tube. The
resulting tri-ethyl phosphonium iodide, P (C, Hs)s3 H 1, is decom-
posed by potassium hydrate into K I and triethylphosphine.
TRI-METHYL AMINE, N (C Hs3)s, has been proposed by Vignon
to use instead of potassium hydrate to separate ferric hydrate,
which is insoluble, from aluminium and chromium hydrates,
which are soluble init. The liquid is obtained as a bye-product
of the manufacture of sugar from beets; it boils at 9.3° C., and is
very soluble in water; it is characterized by a peculiar odor of
herring pickle.
(See Prcric Acid, page 18.)
Uses. Symmetric tri-nitro-phenol is usually called picrie acid.
In addition to the uses already enumerated (to precipitate albu-
men and alkaloids, and to detect glucose by the intense red color
produced by the reduction, when heated with it in alkaline solu-
tion, of the picric to the picramic acid) it also serves to detect crea-
tinine. A dilute aqueous solution of picric acid in dilute solution
of sodium hydrate added to urine, or other solution of creatinine,
produces quickly, 7m the cold, an intense red color, which, by ex-
cess of alkali, or by addition of acetic. or hydrochloric acid, is
changed to yellow. With acetone only a faint reddish-yellow
color is given; with creatine a pure yellow, passing gradually into
red; with glucose the deep red color is only produced by heating
or by long standing in the cold (Jaffe).
Turmeric, see Color Reagents and Indicators, page 89.
URANIUM ACETATE, Ur 02 (C. Hs 0,). + 2H, O.
(Uranyl Acetate.)
Usss. Uranyl acetate precipitates phosphoric acid as acid
uranyl phosphate, Ur O, .H P O4+ 4H, O, which is insoluble in
water and in acetic acid and forms a most eligible compound for
gravimetric determination of phosphoric acid (Knop). It is also
used volumetrically, according to Pincus, in empirical solution,
made by standardizing with solution of sodium ammonium phos-
phate, so that1 litre of the uranium solution corresponds to 5 gr.
P, Os. The end of the reaction is indicated by ‘‘spotting” with
potassium ferrocyanide, which gives a brown-red color with the
least excess of uranium solution. In the same manner it is also
used for titration of arsenic acid (Boedeker). It has been intro-
duced into microchemical work by Streng for the detection of |
small amounts of sodium, based upon the formation of a double
salt, Ur O2 (Cz Hs O,)2 . Na C, Hs O2, which contains only 6.6% of
Na and crystallizes in regular tetrahedra, easily distinguished
from the rhombie or quadratic forms of the uranium acetate,
which polarize light, while the tetrahedra do not. Addition of
magnesium acetate forms a characteristic uranium-magnesium.
sodium acetate, crystallizing in rhombic plates, which contains
only 1.48% of Na. Uranium acetate is proposed by Johanson for
determination of the age of beer, as it gives increasing amounts of
precipitate with increasing age up to a certaintime. Itis also
used for precipitation of albumin (Kowalewsky). Ur O2 (C2 Hg Oo)
+ 2 He O = 424.058.
Tests. Uranium acetate crystallizes above 10° C. in yellow,
rhombic prisms with 2 He O; below 10° C. it forms quadratic
octohedra with 3 HzO. Both forms are easily soluble in water and
inalcohol. The acidulated solution must give neither color or
precipitate with H, S. With a mixture of ammonium carbonate
and sulphide no precipitate must form, while the sulphide alone
gives a brown precipitate. The filtrate from the latter must leave,
on evaporation, no permanent residue. The commercial salt is
sufficiently pure for volumetric work.
PREPARATION. Uranium pitch-blende, the most common ura-
nium ore, containing Urs Os, is powdered and dissolved in nitric
acid. From the filtered solution yellow fluorescent crystalline
needles of Ur O2(N Oz), + 3 He O are obtained. To remove for.
eign metals, if any, H, S is passed through the acidulated solution
and the precipitate removed. The filtrate is then precipitated
by ammonium hydrate and sulphide, the washed precipitate is di-
gested with ammonium carbonate solution, which dissolves the
uranium, leaving the other metals behind. The filrate is evapo-
rated to dryness, heated with a slight excess of sulphuric acid
and finally decomposed by barium acetate and the filtrate crystal-
lized. The solutions are stable, if protected from light.
URANIUM NITRATE, Ur O2 (N Os)2 + 6 He 0.
Uses. For the same purposes as the acetate. In titration of
phosphoric acid the formation of free nitric acid, which would in-
terfere, is prevented by addition of sodium acetate.
Txrsts. From watery solutions uranium nitrate crystallizes with
6H, Oin greenish-yellow, rhombic prisms; from solutions con-
taining much free nitrio acid it crystallizes with 3 H, O in yellow,
fluorescent needles. The tests for purity and preparation are the
same as directed for the acetate. Addition of alcohol and exclu-
sion of light make its solution quite stable.
UREA, C O(N Ha)o.
Is occasionally used to detect furfurol by the violet color
and peculiar absorption spectrum it produces with it on addition
of a little hydrochloric acid (Schiff.) Also for the gasométric
determination of nitrites. When excess of urea, a nitrite and
dilute sulphuric acid are heated in a _ suitable apparatus
double as much nitrogen is liberated as the nitrate con-
WATER. 207
tains: 2 C O (N Hz)q + N2Os=2Ne + C Oo+ (N Haz C Os. By
reversing the process and using an excess of the nitrite, the nitro-
gen serves as the measure of the urea decomposed (Vivier).
CO (N Hae), = 59.976.
A small quantity of urea may be prepared by saturating conc.
ammonia water with carbon oxysulphide (prepared from potas-
sium sulphocyanate and sulphuric acid). The solution is shaken
with white lead, filtered, the rest of the lead removed by H, 8,
and, on evaporating the filtrate, urea crystallizes in quadratic
VANILLIN, Cz Hs Os, see on page 90, Color Reagents and Indi-
cators, where the formula is erroneously given Cg Hie Os, instead
of Cs Hs Os.
UsEs. Pure water is employed as a general solvent and diluent;
also for precipitation of substances insoluble in water from alco-
hol, acids and other solvents, e. g., cuprous chloride from hydro-
chloric acid, etc., and for decomposition of some metallic salts,
e. g., bismuth nitrate into subnitrate, antimonic chloride into oxy-
chloride, etc. Also for the formation of hydrates from anhy-
dric oxides, calcium, barium, etc. HzO = 17.96.
Tests. Pure water must be without color, taste or odor; must
not change the color of testpapers; its freedom from solids in so-
lution is shown by evaporating in a bright platinum capsule seve-
ral Ce., which must not leave a trace of residue. Its freedom from
such gases as can be expelled by heat must be insured by boiling
immediately before use, that from others which may be absorbed
from the atmosphere of the laboratory by its not giving precipi-
tates with silver nitrate, potassium-mercuric iodide, barium hy-
drate, or color with starch, iodide of potassium and acid. After
protracted standing in direct sunlight with silver nitrate it must
not blacken it.
PREPARATION. From the purest obtainable natural water by
distillation from any kind of still in which the condensing part
consists of pure block tin, glass being objectionable on account of
its yielding both alkali and silica to the condensing steam. The
first and last fifths are to be rejected and only the middle three-
fifths preserved in well-closed bottles of insoluble glass, safe from
contact with absorbable gases or contamination by impure corks,
Wurster’s papers, see pages 48 and 90.
XYLIDINE, Ce Hs. (C Hs)2. N He.
Strips of paper dipped into a mixture of equal volumes of ortho-
cylidine and glacial acetic acid and dried are used by Schiff as a
most delicate reagent for furfurol, the least traces of which give
to the paper a red color. As furfuro] is among the products of
dry distillation of carbohydrates, etc., the test may be extended
tothem. The commercial article is sufficiently pure.
YEAST is sometimes used for the detection and determination
of glucose in urine bythe fermentation test. A fresh wine or
beer yeast should be selected and thoroughly washed before use.
The amount of glucose may either be determined by measuring
the C Oc evolved in a fermentation tube or by ascertaining the
loss of weight in a Fresenius & Will or a Geissler apparatus.
The determination by difference of specific gravity, on account of
the alcohol formed, is not very reliable.
Usrs. Metallic zinc in the form of thin sheet, granules, dust
or in the irregular, spongy form, cast so as to present much sur-
face, is used to substitute for other metals in their salts and thus
to precipitate them in the metallic state; or as a reducent either
at high temperatures or by means of the nascent hydrogen pro-
duced when it is placed in contact with dilute acids or solution of
caustic alkalies. Thus it serves to precipitate silver, mercury,
lead, copper, antimony, tin, etc. It reduces in acid solutions ferric
to ferrous salts, sulphurous acid to hydrosulphurous, He S Oz, and
to He $8, phosphorous acid to P Hs, ete. By the aid of acids or al-
kaline hydrates it serves to liberate H, Sb Hs, As Hs, He S, and
thus serves especially for detection of arsenic and antimony. In
alkaline solution, especially when in fine powder and aided by
iron, it serves to convert nitrates to nitrites and to ammonia; in
acid solution it is used to detect picric acid by producing a blue,
di-nitro-cressol by a red color, etc. Zn = 64.905. (According to
some recent investigators Zn = 65.3.) ~
Tests. Pure zinc has a blueish lustre, crystalline fracture, and
may be obtained in hexagonal pyramids (when containing copper
in regular cubes). Spec. gr. = 7 to 7.2. It melts at 412° and boils
at 940° C. It is easily soluble in dilute acids, also in potassium, .
ZINC, 209
sodium and ammonium hydrate, in most cases evolving free hy-
drogen. The principal impurities are arsenic, cadmium, lead,
iron and copper. Not all of them interfere with every reaction,
so that the testing for purity need only be carried out in the spe-
cial direction needed. Arsenic is detected by dissolving a piece
of the zinc in pure, dilute sulphuric acid, of 8.3%, in along test
tube, covered with a cap of filter paper, moistened with a drop of:
saturated silver nitrate solution. If arsenic be present, a yellow
compound, Ags As (Ag N Os)s, will form (in case of traces only
after some time). This slowly blackens, or, in contact with water,
at once decomposes, leaving black metallic silver ( @utzeit’s arsenic
test). Immediate blackening indicates presence of antimony, sul-
phur or phosphorus. The solution in the test tube should be free
from black flocculi of undissolved lead. The filtrate, acidulated,
if not already acid, should give no precipitate by passing He S to
saturation; after filtering and neutralizing by ammonia, ammo-
nium sulphide should give a pure white precipitate, and the fil-
trate from this should leave no residue on evaporation and igni-
tion on platinum foil. A drop or two of deci-normal permanga-
nate solution added to the solution of zinc in sulphuric acid must
give it a permanent red color, if no iron is present.
PREPARATION. Very few specimens of commercial zinc are
strictly pure, and even some sold as strictly pure will not stand
Gutzeit’s arsenic test, and can not be used in forensic analysis;
some analytical operations, however, permit the use of zinc of less
purity, and require only absence of certain impurities to which
testing and purification must be specially directed.
To obtain zinc free from arsenic, various processes may be chosen.
. Selmi directs to stir ammonium chloride into the fusing metal,
which removes the arsenic as volatile As Cls.
L’ Hote uses 1 to 1.5% of magnesium chloride, which from the
melted zinc removes arsenic and antimony, but leaves Mg.
Stolba forms at the end of a wooden rod little balls of sulphur
and plaster of paris; when the melted metal is stirred with the
ball, sulphur and water vapor are evolved and agitate the fused
mass. When no more vapors escape the ball is withdrawn and
the scum scraped off, and the remaining metal is now freed from
arsenic, ironand lead. If necessary, the process is repeated.
To obtain zine absolutely pure, it must be carefully distilled
from a clay retort, changing the receiver after the first portion,
containing the arsenic and cadmium, has passed over. The distil-
lation is interrupted before the whole of the metal has passed,
Lead and iron remain inthe retort. If the product is not abso-
lutely pure, it must be redistilled.
Zine amalgam, made by heating 1 part of zine with 3 parts of
mercury, is sometimes used to convert potassium iodate into
iodide, so as to be used in starch solution for showing presence of
chlorine, etc. (Morse and Burton).
Uses. A boiling saturated aqueous solution of zine chloride
rapidly dissolves silk, while it does not affect wool or cotton;
hence, it is employed for examination of textile fabrics (Re-
mont). A solution of 1 part in 30 of water is used as reagent for
glucosides, alkaloids, etc., by evaporating the specimens with it
to dryness. Strychnine and veratrine give red color; narceine,
olive green; thebaine, berberine and quinine, yellow; salicin be-
comes red-violet; santonin, blue-violet; cubebin, crimson; digi-
talin, chestnut-brown (Czumpelitz). Added to the glucose solu-
tion towards the end of Fehling’s titration, it promotes the sepa-
ration of CueO, and thus facilitates the observation of the end
point (Beckmann). A solution of 50 parts of zine chloride and 16
parts of potassium iodide, dissolved in 17 parts of water, and then
saturated with iodine, converts cellulose into starch and reveals
its presence by the deep blue color; hence, it is especially useful
in microscopical work on vegetable structures. (Schulze.) With
creatinine it forms a compound easily recognized under the mi-
croscope by the peculiar rosette shape of its crystals. A satu-
rated solution of Zn Cle in water boils at 300° C., and is used occa-
sionally as a bath for maintaining that temperature. Zn Cl,=
Tests. Anhydrous zine chloride forms a white deliquescent
mass, boiling between 676° and 683°, and may be distilled without
decomposition. In water and in alcohol it readily dissolves.
From aqueous solution acidulated with H Cl octohedral crystals
of Zn Cle + H2O may be obtained, but without surplus of acid the
solution cannot be evaporated without decomposition and forma-
tion of oxychloride, which, however, rarely interferes in the re-
actions. The tests for purity are the same as directed for the
PREPARATION. Anhydrous zine chloride (which is rarely needed)
may be made by heating zinc in chlorine gas, or by distilling the
commercial salt, which yields Zn Cle, leaving Zn O as a residue.
For most purposes a solution is required, which is made by satu-
rating pure hydrochloric acid with pure zine.
Usrs. Zine iodide added to starch solution serves for detec-
tion and as indicator in the titration of chlorine, bromine, ni-
trous acid, etc., which render the starch blue through liberation
ofiodine. With hydrogen dioxide it produces the same result
(Schoenbein); in acid solutions a little cupric sulphate and ferrous
sulphate must be added to render the reaction sensitive (7raube).
With potassium iodide zinc iodide forms a double salt, which is
used to precipitate alkaloids and serves especially for detection
of narceine, whose precipitate gradually forms hair-like crystals,
which after 24 hours’ standing assume a blue color (Dragendorf’).
Zn I, = 318,019.
Tests. Zinc iodide crystallizes from watery solution in deliques-
cent regular octahedra. It melts at 446° C., and at higher tempera-
ture sublimes without decomposition, forming needle-shaped
crystals. For the purposes above stated the salt is sufficiently
pure if when dissolved in starch solution it gives no eg ebs even
when dilute sulphuric acid is added.
PREPARATION. 64.905 parts of finely powdered zinc are rubbed
in a mortar with 126.557 parts of iodine until the color has disap-
peared, and then either sublimed or dissolved in water and the
crystals well dried and preserved.
The starch solution containing zinc todide, used for detection of
nitrites in drinking water, etc.,is made by dissolviug 4 gr. of
starch in a boiling solution of 20 gr. zine chloride in 100 Ce. of
water, adding 2 gr. of zinc iodide, filling up toa litre and filtering.
The solution should be placed into small vials and kept in the
ZINC SULPHATE, Zn S 0:1 + 7 H2 0.
Ussrs. In the analysis of gaswater, zinc sulphate serves to pre-
cipitate the sulphocarbonates; the precipitate, after washing with
cold water, is brought into a flask containing water connected
with a receiver containing tri-ethyl-phosphine. When heated to
boiling the zine sulphocarbonate decomposes and the vapor of
C S2is absorbed by the tri-ethyl-phosphine. ZnSOs4+ 7 He O =
Tests. Zinc sulphate crystallizes in colorless, rhombic prisms,
soluble at 15° in 0.67 parts, at 100° in 0.167 parts of water. Itis
tested for impurities in the same manner as the metal, but for the .
above use the commercial article, free frum iron, is sufficiently
PREPARATION. Pure zinc is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid
and crystallized.
Usss. To prepare pure hydrogen sulphide, free from arsenic,
Hager proposes to use zine sulphhydrate, Zn (S H)., formed into
pencils. Itis also used to detect free mineral acids in vinegar by
the liberation of He 8; pure acetic acid does not decompose it
(foehringer). Zn (S H)o = 180.878.
PREPARATION. Purezinc sulphate is either precipitated by am-
monium sulphide and the white precipitate washed and dried, or the
sulphate is boiled with pure sulphur and potassium hydrate, and
the washed precipitate moulded into pencils with 10% of white
bolus (Hager).
Ussrs. For detection of alcohol, which is converted by it into
ethyl benzoate, Ce Hs.C OO. Ce Hs, an ester of peculiar pleasant
odor, even when only a small quantity is presentin water. The
ester dissolves in the surplus of benzoyl chloride, whose disagree-
able penetrating odor disguises that of the ethyl benzoate. Addi-
tion of potassium hydrate solution decomposes the surplus of
benzoyl chloride, while ethyl benzoate remains unaffected, and
may now be recognized by its odor. A few Ce. of liquid contain-
ing 0.1% of alcohol give a decided reaction (Berthelot).
Benzoyl chloride has also been recommended by Baumann (and
his collaborators, Goldmann, Wedenski and Udransky) to detect
cystine in urine, ete., by converting it in alkaline solution into the
insoluble sodium compound of benzoyl]-cystine, in which the cys-
tine is recognized by its sulphur reaction, ete. Also for precipi-
tating glucose from urine made alkaline by sodium hydrate, asa
benzoyl compound in which the glucose may be identified by the red
eolor reaction it gives with alpha-naphthol and conc. sulphuric
acid. CsHs.COCl = 140.148.
Txsts. Benzoyl chloride is a highly refractive liquid of pene-
trating disagreeable odor, spec. gray. 1.25 at 15° C. By aidofa
freezing mixture it is obtained in transparent crystals, which melt
at —1° C. and boil at 198.389 C. It easily dissolves in ether and car-
bon disulphide. Water decomposes it, slowly at ordinary tem-
perature, rapidly when hot, into benzoic and hydrochloric acid,
It is sufficiently pure when it forms ethyl benzoate with alcohol,
recognized by its pleasant odor after the surplus of benzoyl chlo-
ride has been decomposed by potassium hydrate.
PREPARATION. Four parts of benzoic acid are distilled with 7
parts of phosphorus pentachloride, the distillate is receivedina
flask surrounded by a freezing mixture, and the crystals, after
draining, are purified by redistillation, preserving the fraction
distilling near 198°to C.
Usres. Cadmium chloride very rapidly and completely precipi-
tates from even very dilute solutions of hydrogen sulphide or alka-
line sulphides, all of the sulphur as yellow cadmium sulphide, but
is not affected by hyposulphites (thiosulphates). Hence, itis used
in the analysis of mineral waters to precipitate together all the
sulphur present as alkaline sulphide or free hydrogen sulphide.
The precipitate very frequently carries down with it some unde-
composed cadmium chloride.
Tests. Cadmium chloride forms colorless prisms of the form-
ula Cd Cl, + 2H, O, which easily lose water in dry air or by
heating. At 20° C. 100 parts of water dissolve 140.8 of Cd Cle.
The anhydrous salt melts at 541° C.and at higher temperature
Sublimes unchanged, forming colorless, shining scales. The solu-
tion, slightly acidulated by H Cl, should yield with He S a precipi-
tate of pure yellow color. The filtrate from this should, on evapo-
ration, leave no permanent residue. The yellow precipitate should
yield nothing to ammonia water (absence of arsenic).
PREPARATION. Pure metallic cadmium is dissolved in some-
what diluted hydrochloric acid. The solution is hastened by con-
tact with metallic platinum (wire or foil). The concentrated solu-
tion is crystallized and, if great purity is desired, is sublimed.
Usts. A solution of carbazol in conc. sulphuric acid, of spec.
gr. 1.84, assumes a green color in contact with nitrates, nitrites,
chromates, ferric salts, chlorine, bromine, iodine and other oxi-
dizing agents. So intense is this green color, that even 0.0027
mer. of nitric acid render it distinctly visible. Hence, it is recom-
mended for detection of nitrates in drinking water, and their
rapid colorimetric determination by comparison with the color
produced in standard solutions of pctassium nitrate. The water,
if necessary, is freed from iron by alkaline hydrate and from chlo-
rides by silver sulphate, and 2 Cc. are mixed with 4 Ce. of cone.
sulphuric acid and cooled. To this 1 Cc. of the solution of car-
bazol is added, and after thorough mixing the color is compared
with that of the standard (Hooker).
TrEsts. Carbazol or diphenylimide crystallizes in shining white
scales, which melt at 288° C. and sublime unchanged at 352° C. It
is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in cold, more in hot alcohol,
ether, chloroform, carbon disulphide, benzol and glacial acetic
acid, and quite readily in conc. sulphuric acid. The latter solu-
tion, at first brownish-yellow, turns olive green after some hours,
while that in acetic acid remains unchanged for a considerable
time. The crude article, obtained as a bye-product of the manu-
facture of aniline and of anthracene, is sufficiently pure if its so.
lution turns intensely green with a trace of nitric acid.
PREPARATION. During the manufacture of anthracene the frac-
tion distilling between 320° and 860° C. is preserved separately,
and from it the carbazol contained in it is extracted by acetic
ether. From the dry extract pure carbazol may be obtained by
dissolving in toluol and adding picric acid. The carbazol picrate
separates inred prismatic crystals. These are treated with am-
monia water, when carbazol remains insoluble, while ammonium
picrate dissolves. The product is purified by recrystallizing from
hot absolute alcohol.
_Usxs. To displace the air in apparatus during the distillation
of easily oxidized substances, or when the presence of either oxy-
gen or nitrogen would be objectionable, as in elementary organic
analysis, for nitrogen determination, according to Dumas, where
carbon dioxide is introduced, either into the open combustion tube
from without or generated within the closed tube. Water satu-
rated with carbon dioxide occasionally serves in the analysis of
soils, to extract those carbonates insoluble in pure water, which
by conversion into dicarbonates become soluble, the apparatus
used permitting saturation under higher than ordinary atmos-
pheric pressure. Also to extract bloodstains from cloth (Strwve).
The gas used for these purposes is either liberated by heat from
sodium dicarbonate, which yields C Ozand HzO, or, if the pres-
ence of moisture is to be avoided, from anhydrous neutral sodium
carbonate and potassium dichromate, or from manganous carbon-
ate, ete. Or it is evolved from calcium or other carbonates by
addition of hydrochloric aeid. In such case it must be purified by
passing through wash bottle and drying apparatus. Pure mate-
rials should be used to avoid introduction of volatile impurities.
Uses. Solution of the sulphate is used to distinguish tannic
acid, whose solution is precipitated, from gallic acid, which is not
precipitated by cinchonine (or other alkaloids). It also serves for
volumetric determination of querco-tannic acid, according to
Wagner’s method, by means of a solution containing 4.523 gr. of
cinchonine sulphate in 1 litre, corresponding to 10 gr. of querco-
tannic acid. The method is not very accurate. The nitrate is
used with potassium iodide to detect bismuth, in nitric acid solu-
tion, by an orange precipitate (Leger). 1 gr. cinchonine, dissolved
in dilute nitric acid, is added to a solution of 2 gr. potassium
iodide and water enough to make 100 Ce. The pharmacopeial
preparation is of sufficient purity. Ci9 He Ne O = 293.408.
_ Ethylic ether, page 102; when a specimen is shaken in a test tube
with a drop of mercury the metal should remain perfectly bright.
a tarnish indicates the presence of sulphur (ZL. L. de Koninck).
Uses. For the detection of nitrous acid, which, with the solution
of alpha-naphthyl-amine in glacial acetic acid, produces a yellow
color, turning violet-red on addition of hydrochloric acid. Also for
detection of hydrogen dioxide and other active oxidizers, which
convert anaphthyl-amine, in aqueous solution, into violet-blue
oxy-naphthylamine or naphthameine (Wurster).
In conjunction with sulphanilic acid, it serves as Griess’ reagent
to detect small quantities of nitrites, see page 20. Hydrogen di-
oxide, which, especially in presence of sodium ehloride, converts
ammonia into nitrites, may thus be detected by Griess’ reagent in
minute quantities, as in saliva. If urea, leucine, tyrosine or simila1
amido-derivatives are present, together with the nitrite, the sulph
anilic acid of Griess’ reagent is decomposed by them and the
violet-blue color of naphthameine appears, the same as if the
anaphthyl-amine were used alone (Wurster). Cio H7 N H,=1382.761.
Tests. Commercial alpha-naphthyl-amine, after recrystalliza-
tion from alcohol, is sufficiently pure for the reactions above de-
scribed. It is prepared in large quantities by the reduction of
nitro-naphthalin for the manufacture of magdala-red and other
diazo-colors. It forms white crystalline masses, sometimes with a
gray or brownish tint. It has a penetrating, unpleasant odor
which distinguishes it from the inodorous beta-naphthyl-amine.
It melts at 50° and boils at 300°C. Itis quite soluble in alcohol,
ether, glacial acetic acid or aniline, but requires 600 parts of cold
water for solution. As the solution deteriorates by keeping, it
should only be made in small quantities shortly before using, and,
if preserved at all, should, be kept dark and closely guarded
against accidental absorption of nitrous fumes. The solutions for
Griess’ test for nitrites are made as follows: 0.1 gramme of szwl-
phanilic acid (see page 20) is dissolved in 80 Cc. of dilute acetic
acid; 0.1 gr. anaphthyl-amine is boiled with 20 Ce. aistilled water,
decanted from the blueish residue, and added to 180 Ce. of dilute
acetic acid. The liquid to be examined is then mixed with half its vol-
ume of the sulphanilic solution, heated to 80° C. and the naphthyl-
amine gradually added until the color, at first yellow, turns red
(llosvay). If very carefully preserved, the solutions may be
mixed and added to the specimen.
When white light passes through a prism whose planes meet at
an acute angle, the rays composing it are dispersed into a color-
spectrum, in which the violet rays are refracted farthest from their
original direction, the red rays least. If a screen with a narrow
slit is interposed between the source of light and the prism, the
eolorbands of the spectrum are yet continuous if the light emit-
ted contains all the rays composing white light. Butif the source
of light emits only rays of one color, then the image of the slit
appears as a bright line of that color. If rays of several colors
are emitted from the source of light, we have a discontinuous or
interrupted spectrum consisting of images of the slit in the several
colors With dark spaces between, and giving the appearance of
bright colored lines upon a dark background. Light emitted by
solids at white heat produces a continuousspectrum. A platinum
wire held in the flame until it becomes incandescent, or the bright
flame of the gas-lamp or candle containing incandescent carbon,
give white light and a continuous spectrum. Gases or vapors,
when sufficiently heated to becomeluminous, emit, under ordinary
pressure, color rays which are dispersed into an interrupted spec-
trum of bright lines ; with increasing pressure and density these
lines spread into diffuse luminous bands, and finally form a con-
tinuous spectrum. A few solids, erbium, didymium and thulium,
give, when heated, a continuous spectrum of moderate brightness
as a background upon which certain brilliant lines are seen as an
interrupted spectrum. When light of high intensity passes
through transparent media, a portion of itisabsorbed. When
this occurs uniformly for all rays, the spectrum merely loses some
of its brilliancy. But when particular rays are absorbed more
than others, certain parts will be wanting in the continuous spec-
trum, and are represented by dark lines or bands. :
Of such origin are the dark lines in the solar spectrum, mapped
by Fraunhofer in 1814, and since bearing his name. As ageneral
rule, transparent media absorb those rays which they would emit
when highly heated and colored substances absorb the rays of
their complementary colors. Instruments for the observation of
spectra, called spectroscopes, are of various construction, some
very complicated and of powerful dispersion, for the use of as-
tronomers, some very simple.
In the following pages a concise description will be given of
such phenomena only as may be observed by means of the simple
spectral apparatus usually kept in analytical laboratories. The
emission spectra of such metals and salts, as are capable of being
produced at the temperature of the Bunsen gas burner, are valu-
able means of their identification. Absorption spectra of solu-
tions are also very useful for the recognition of coloring materials,
etc. From the great number of the latter already described in
works dealing especially with this topic, a few only have been
selected, which are interesting, either on account of serving as
color indicators, or forming the result of specific reactions, or
being the means of identifying blood stains or poisoning by inha-
lation of deleterious gases, or vice versa, recognizing the gas by
the changes produced by it in the coloring matter of blood.
Of the various instruments employed in the laboratory, the
form adopted by Kirchoff and Bunsen is represented on plate
VIJ, as constructed in the simplest manner by Desaga and
others. A flint glass prism, contained in a dark box, receives light
through the adjustable slit at the end of one of the tubes, the
spectrum is observed through a small. telescope. For measuring
the position of the colored images of the slit which form the
lines of the spectrum, a photographed scale is inserted into the end
of a third tube, and reflected so as to coincide with the color spee-
trum observed by the telescope. A small prism, covering half the
length of the slit, is often added, to introduce spectra of known
substances, exactly superimposed over those of the substance
under examination, so as to recognize coincidences and differences
by comparison. .
In more elaborate instruments the telescope turns upon a pivot,
and the position of the lines is determined by measuring their
angular difference upon a graduated are provided with nonius.
Another form of instrument, the direct vision spectroscope, con-
tains, in a straight tube, a number of small prisms (from 8 to 7),
arranged to refract the rays of light so as to leave the instru-
ment nearly in the same direction in which they entered. The
plate represents the instrument devised by Prof. Vogel, which, in
addition to the slit and the prisms, has a collimator lens, and a
mirror to reflect light from a second flame upon the comparison
prism. No arrangement, for measuring the position of lines, is
attached to this instrument; in observing flame spectra, the com-
parison prism answers as a substitute, while for absorption spec-
tra, observed with reflected solar light, the position of the Fraun-
hofer lines, seen at the same time, serves as a guide.
For accurately recording the position of lines and bands, it is
best to give the wave length (X) of the ray, which is generally
done in millionths of a millimetre. For ordinary purposes, dia-
grams with a scale attached suffice, but it must be remembered
that all spectra produced by refraction, not only differ according
to the density of the glass or other material of the prism, but also
condense the red end of the spectrum out of all proportion with
the violetend. This will best be seen by comparison with the
diffraction spectrum, produced by a fine grating, in which the
lines, differing by an equal measure of their wave-lengths, ap-
pear at equal distances from each other, while equal differences
in wave-length are distorted to very unequal measures in the
spectrum produced by refraction by prisms (see plate). In the
plates illustrating this chapter, the refraction spectra are repre-
sented as seen with the instruments in common use. The scale,
immediately below the spectrum, indicates the wave-length (\),
the figures from 40 to 80, representing one hundred thousandths of
millimetres, as there is not room to give the third figure (400 to 800)
necessary for the usual expression of waye-lengths in millionths
of one millimetre.
When an observation is to be made, the instrument is first di-
rected towards the clear sky, or a white wall, and the opening of
the slit and adjustment of the focus of the eyepiece so arranged
as to give the sharpest possible definition of the fine dark lines
running parallel to the colorbands. Of these lines, the most
prominent ones were designated by Fraunhofer by letters of the
alphabet, beginning at the red end of the spectrum. When the
instrument is directed to the sun’s disk, a very brilliant spectrum |
appears extending from near the line A, in the red, to beyond the
line H in the violet end of the spectrum. Such a sight, however,
must be taken with extreme caution, and for seconds only, as it
might injure the eye. It is best to use the reflected light of a
bright sky or a white wall, when a portion of each end of the
colorspectrum will become shaded (see plate VIII, 1, sun. The
position of the colorbands is indicated at the bottom of each
plate). The instrument is then secured in this position, if absorp-
tion spectra are to be observed, and a suitable holder arranged
os , es
Po oa a \
for placing the tubes, holding the colored liquids between the slit
and the source of light. Pe”
= i
“a pt4
>A *
A <
\ \