Centenary Exhibition of the work of MATTHEW HARRIS JOUETT Supplemented by the work of GILBERT STUART, his Master and OLIVER FRAZER and JOHN GRIMES, his Pupils ©) @ THE J. B. SPEED MEMORIAL MUSEUM FEBRUARY 19th to MARCH 4th MCMXXVIII a (ae.7 = ha Wy seus Ty 5 140 ee t f ¢ , N tbe’ i‘ 7 ial Wie ; * Re , . ‘ ' . ° ' ’ ‘ . 7 7 . ; § . i wa , ape . . . ” : - ‘ é gar. 4 Pe J ‘ ei ; . La . 4 w i ri 4 ae i, a i 5 ‘ 4 ‘ ; Wy ae : ‘ AS Matthew Harris fouett LYS The old adage that some men are born great applies very forcibly to Mait Jouett, as he was known to his host of admiring friends. Coming as he did from a family which had signally distinguished itself over a long period of time, he associated with and painted the portraits of practically all the outstanding | men and women who have so materially assisted in shaping the destiny of this great Commonwealth of Kentucky. When Jouett was born on April 22, 1788, Kentucky was under the tutelage of her parent State, Virginia. The Indian was still on the war-path, and the lives of those who settled beyond The Wzlderness were no less romantic than the clothes they wore. Jouett’s father, Captain John, had been presented with a sword and a pair of pistols by his grateful State of Virginia for his valuable services during the Revolutionary War. Matt in his turn served in the War of 1812, and was present at the Battle of the River Raisin. He came through an unpleasant ordeal only to prove that the paint-brush is mightier than the pistol. After leaving Transylvania University, he studied law under the Honorable George M. Bibb, of the Court of Appeals at Frank- fort. In spite of his decided talent for the Bar, which was ad- mirably fostered by his able mentor, his flair for analyzing the character of his clients on canvas made him dissatisfied with his disputations in the Court Room. In 1817, therefore, he _ decided to take horse for the studio of Benjamin West in Phila- delphia. West was in Europe, so Jouett was advised to ride on to Boston, the home of Gilbert Stuart. He studied with Stuart for about four months and at the end of that time had so captured his admiration and affection that he gave him all the secrets of his own technique. Jouett put this knowledge to such good use that when he wanted to paint /u the Stuart man- ner, the canvases of the two artists could scarcely be differentiated. Notwithstanding this, Jouett has his own individual style and his own best manner is as masterly and at the same time more subtle than much of the work of his contemporaries. During the short years of his activity as an artist he influenced the work of a very attractive young man, John Grimes, who, had he lived, would have contested /ouett’s mantle with Oliver Frazer, the one destined so gloriously to carry on the Jouett tradition. Kentucky did not realize the depth of her mourning when Matthew Harris Jouett left the personality of his genius behind in his portraits on August 10th, 1827. 3 e e e 7 Jefferson. . . kk Bibb . . Robert Alexander . _ (Grandfather of owner) ae R. Alexander Rev. Isaac. McCoy . % (Great grandfather of owner) _ (After Gilbert ovary | The Honorable George Bibb _ (Chief Justice of Kentucky _ and U.S. Senator for 6 years aioe March 4, 1829) er John G. McKinney Mr. Walter Ehrich “Portrdits_~ ee by eae Matthew Harris fouett QS Courtesy of Dr. A. J. A. Alexander : Woodford Co., Ky. Dr. A. J. A. Alexander Woodford Co., Ky. Dr. A. J. A. Alexander Woodford Co., Ky. Dr. A. J. A. Alexander Woodford Co., Ky. Dr. A. J. A. Alexander Woodford Co., Ky. Mrs. A. J. A. Alexander Woodford Co., Ky. Mr. Desha Breckinridge Lexington, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crittenden Frankfort, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crittenden Frankfort, Ky. Mr: and Mrs. Harry Crittenden Frankfort, Ky. Miss Josephine Carter Versailles, Ky. Mr. John Churchill Louisville, Ky. Mr. Walter Ehrich Ehrich Galleries, N. Y. S, 4 James G. McKinney . Mr. Walter Ehrich Ehrich Galleries, N. Y. Ehrich Galleries, N. Y. Portraits by Matthew Garris Jouett * {Continued} es 16 Cuthbert Bullite anti. te (Merchant) | 17 Margaret Howard Wickliffe 18 Squire Warfield ..... 19 Daughter of Dr. Horace Holley ..... (Attributed) 20 Self Portrait of Matthew Harris Jouett .~ 21 Mrs. Matthew Harris Jouett (nee Margaret Allen of Fayette Co., Ky.) 22 Judge John McKinley . 3 23 Mr. Justice Thomas Todd (Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, subsequently associate Jus- . tice of the eee Court of the United States) 24¥Judge Harry Innes . hee (Commissioned by “‘ Wash- ington’? — United States Judge for the District of Kentucky) 25° Mrs. Harry lanes 3440. 26 Mrs. John J. Crittenden . (nee Maria Knox Innes, Daughter of Judge Harry Innes and 2nd wife of John J. Crittenden, also daughter- in-law of Justice Thos. Todd) a ee Mr. and Mrs. James R 27 Mrs. Jouett & Child. i... 28 Colonel James Masterson . | (Indian Fighter) Mrs. Joseph M. Roger an Mr. and Mrs. James | Courtesy of Mr. Hugh K, Bullitt Cincinnatt Museum / Pee 4, Judge Alexander P.M Mr. George Todd Mr. George Todd | Mr. George Todd - 6 3 care Sart ta eee ‘a ‘ie of Matthew Harris Jouett) ns oe up the great N ai __west and stopped the Indian _ depredations) a (Founder of Morrison Hall, Transylvania University) (President of Transylvania ey ° . (“No North, No South, No ae No West, Nothing But wrence Leavy .... ernor James McDowell f Virginia) aits by Matthew Garris Fouett {@ontinued]} Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Todd Louisnile, Ky Mr. ae Mrs. James Ross Todd Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Todd Louiswlle, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Todd Louisville, Ky, Mrs. . J ames Ross Todd Louisuille, Ky. Falson. Club bai, Louisville, Ky. Transylvania University. Lexington, Ky. Transylvania U niversity — Lexi ngton, as Transylvania University Lexington, Ky. Transylvamia U niversity meme ane Ky. Transylvania University Lexington, Ky. Mr. T. W. Rainey Lexington, Ky. Mrs. J]. R. Morton Lexington, Ky. Mrs. J. R. Morton Lexington, Ky. Mr.and Mrs. William Preston Lexington, Ky. “Portraits by eMatthew Harris Fouett {Continued} 44 Mrs. James McDowell . 45 Colonel Edmund Taylor, Sr. 44, Honorable Isham Talbot . WY (U. S. Senator from Kentucky) 47 Honorable John Brown. (First U. S. Senator from Kentucky) 48 Governor Isaac Shelby . (First Governor of Kentucky) 49 John G. Chiles (Attributed.) (Owner of The Phoenix, Lexington.) 50 Honorable James Johnson (Member of Congress, Brother of Richard M. Johnson; Vice President of the United States under Van Buren) 51 Catherine Cornelia Prather 52 Mrs. Somers (Wife of Jouett’s physician) 53 Samuel Vance. (of Aberdeen, Virginia. Grandfather of Dr. Ap. Morgan Vance) 54 Mrs.Matthew Harris Jouett 55 The Jouett Home . 56 Joseph Hamilton Daviess . (Prosecutor of{Aaron Burr) 57 Blue Boy . (Attributed) Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Johnston Lexington, Ky. Mrs. John S. Cannon Frankfort, Ky. Mrs. Mary Talbot Rodman Frankfort, Ky. Mr. Mason P. Brown Frankfort, Ky. Mrs. Edmund Shelby Kinkead Lexington, Ky. Miss Ophelia Chiles Lexington, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Offutt Frankfort, Ky. Mrs. Lewis Humphrey Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Lewis Humphrey Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Ap. Morgan Vance Louisville, Ky. * Mr. Richard H. Menefee Louisville, Ky. Mr. Richard H. Menefee Louisville, Ky. Mr. J. T. Menefee Louisville, Ky. Mrs. J. C. Turner ‘Lexington, Ky. ae Portraits by eMatthew Garris Fouett ; be {Continued} Courtesy of 58 Peter Grayson, Poet . . . Mr.and Mrs. William Wymond ee Louisville, Ky. 59 Capt. Robinson de Hart . Mrs. J. B. Speed Louisville, Ky. 60 Thomas Prather. .. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Minnigerode Louisville, Ky. 61 William Prather. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Minnigerode (His Son) Louisville, Ky. 62 James Moore... ... Mrs. J. W. Moore re (First President of Transyl- vania University) 63 Elizabeth Jouett .... Mr. Matt H. Crawford (Sister of the Artist) Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. “@ashington” ‘Portraits ATTRIBUTED TO GILBERT STUART 64 George Washington . . . Filson Club Louisville, Ky. 65 George Washington ... Mrs. George Bayless . Simpsonville, Ky. - 66 George Washington ... Mr. George Todd ; os New Albany, Ind. ae “Portraits by Gilbert Stuart ee _ 67 Wilson Cary Nicholas . . Mr.and Mrs. Leonard Hewett (Governor of Virginia) Louisville, Ky. 68 Governor Desha. . . . . Mr. Desha Breckinridge 7 (Attributed) Lexington, Ky. “Portraits by Oliver Grazer 69 Jouett Menefee ..... Mrs. James Ross Todd mt) Louisville, Ky. 70 Col. Wm. R. McKee . . Miss Alice Lafon Jones iz and Louisville, Ky. 71 Mrs. Samuel McKee . . Mrs. T. Hoyt Gamble om 8, Louisville, Ky. “Portraits by John Grimes 72 Mrs. Washington Barrow . 73 James Ware Parrish . (Attributed) 74 Orlando Payne (Attributed. ) (Endeared himself to the people of Lexington during the chol- era epidemic of 1833.) Courtesy of Mrs. Thomas Clay Lexington, Ky. Lt.-Col. A. N. S. Strode- Jackson Louisville, Ky. Miss Ophelia Chiles Lexington, Ky. eMiniatures by Fouett and ‘Photographs of “Portraits not Exhibited (On display in case) Mrs. John Harris Todd (Miniature) (Daughter-in- law of Chief Justice Todd, subsequently Mrs. John J. Crittenden, appears on the Crittenden Bank note) General Postlewaite . (Miniature) Dr. Samuel Brown (Younger brother of John Brawn, first to use vaccine in the West) Honorable James Brown . (First Secretary of State of Kentucky, First U. S. Sen- ator from Louisiana, Min- ister to France when the Monroe Doctrine was trans- mitted by his hands to the French Government) Preston Watts Brown Rev. John M. Mason (Stuart) James G. McKinney . The Edgehill Portrait of Jefferson . : (Stuart) Mrs. John R. Walliams Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Pragoff Louisville, Ky. Miss Mary Mason Scott “‘ Liberty Hall,” Frankfort, Ky. Miss Mary Mason Scoti “Liberty Hall,” Frankfort, Ky. Miss Mary Mason Scott “Liberty Hall," Frankfort, Ky. Miss Mary Mason Scott “‘ Liberty Hall,’’ Frankfort, Ky. Cleveland Museum of Art Mrs. W. H. Martin Midway, Ky. 10 eMiniatures by Fouett and ‘Photographs of “Portraits not Exhibited Dolly Madison (Stuart) Mr. Justice Thomas Todd . Mrs. Thomas Todd (nee Lucy Payne, sister of Dolly Madison) Col. Charles Stuart Todd. . (Minister to Russia) The Crittenden Bank Note . ($5.00) The Crittenden Bank Note ($20.00) The Crittenden Bank Note (#50.00) The Crittenden Cup {Continued} Courtesy of Mrs. W. H. Martin Midway, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Ward Loutsville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Ward Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Ward Louisville, Ky. Mrs. John R. Williams Louisville, Ky. Mrs. W. H. Martin Midway, Ky. Mrs. Theodore O’Hara Samuels Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Theodore O’Hara Samuels Louisuile, Ky. 11