1924 | Mar.5 _ NeWa | March 3 No. 317 Sale March 5, 1924 PISTOLS ORIENTAL, EUROPEAN and AMERICAN Wheelocks, Flintlocks, Percussion, Revolvers GUNS, BLUNDERBUSSES, EDGED WEAPONS AND POWDER HORNS THE PROPERTY OFA Gentleman of Taste and Knowledge TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION | Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1924 At 10:50 o’clock THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 3 2 West soe Street ; New York, N. Y. e Telephone, Bryant 4140 { ." { 3 VOUW View from March 3 No. 317 Sale March 5, 1924 PISTOLS ORIENTAL, EUROPEAN and AMERICAN Wheelocks, Flintlocks, Percussion, Revolvers GUNS, BLUNDERBUSSES, EDGED WEAPONS AND POWDER HORNS THE PROPERTY OF A Gentleman of Taste and Knowledge Richards Double Brass Barrel Flintlock; Case and Pair of Jones Flintlocks; Pair of Italian Flintlocks with Gold Inlay; Pair of Lazaroni Flintlocks with Portrait Medallions; Spanish Dagger, probably by Ripoll; Pair of “Monks” Flintlocks, still held by the cord that was hung on the neck of the Gate-keeper of the Monastery; Case and Pair of Muff Pistols; Reid’s All Metal Knuckle Duster with Barrel; English Seven-Barrel Revolving Flintlock; Queen Anne Cannon Barrel Flintlock; Unique Wheelock Trap Gun; “Bootleg’’ Pistol and Knife; Bronze Frame Pepperbox; Italian Stiletto; Sword Cane; German Wheelock Rifle, Dated, 1708; Swedish Military Wheelock; English Flintlock Bayonet-Blunderbuss. The Noted “Highlander” Pistol. Generally tn good condition. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday Morning, March 5, 1924 At 10:30 o’clock ; Os fi ff L $6444 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone, Bryant 4140 Conditions of Sale 1. ALL BIDS TO BE PER LoT. ‘They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goops BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AFTER 9:30 0’CLOCK THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE SALE. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Gal- leries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o’clock on the day following the sale. 5. TeRMs CasH. If accounts are not paid when bills are sion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cata- loguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested. will forward pur- chases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $2.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LENORE YOUNG TURNBULL EDWARD TURNBULL 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. WattTer S. Scorr a re Se YTWE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET. NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Pistols Guns Edged Weapons Blunderbusses Powder Horns i PAIR OF TURKISH FLINTLOCK PISTOLS Length, 18 inches. Calibre, .60. Half octagon barrels inlaid in silver, carved and slightly belled; the hardwood stocks which mushroom out at the butt inlaid in silver; the butt-plates and straps of silver chased and engraved. Original flints, brass triggers. A handsome pair. PeereoH HLINTLOCK MILITARY .PISTOL Length, 17 inches. Calibre, .60. Heavy brass mounts, ramrod. Dated 1763 and marked “Libreville.’ Good condition with flint. 3 ENGLISH TURKISH FLINTLOCK, PISTOL Length, 14 inches. Calibre, .60. Half octagon bar- rel; brass mounts, spur trigger, ramrod; hour-glass grip, English proof marks and “London” on barrel. Curious old piece, probably assembled in Turkey. 4 CAUCASIAN MIGUELET LOCK PISTOL Length, 16 inches. Calibre, .60. Engraved barrel, brass sleeve, spur trigger, hour-glass grip. > HEAVY FPLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL Length, 13 inches. Diameter of mouth, 114 inches. Part octagon, with bell mouth barrel, brass mounts; oval butt with brass knob. Deeply incised proof marks, some in inlay work (missing). 3 10 11 NOCK (ENGLISH) FLINTLOCK POCKET PIS- LOL Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .65. Checkered bag shape grip, silver name plate, hexagonal barrel, flint, no ram- rod. Mark: H. Nock. London. Good condition. DAWES (ENGLISH) FLINTLOCK POCKET PIS- TOL 3 Length, 7 inches.. Pretty little cannon barrel and frame of brass. Centre hammer, barrel unscrews, scroll grip (deeply curved) of burl chestnut. Mark: “London Dawes.’ THOMAS (LONDON) FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL Length, 7 inches. Concealed trigger, centre hammer, scroll grip, barrel unscrews. English proof marks and “Thomas.” PAIR OF SMALL FRENCH FLINTLOCK PIS- sO Length, 7 inches. Full stocks, iron mounted knob butts, iron ramrods. No marks. Handsome little pair. [| ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] ORIENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 21 inches. Engraved stock and barrel, brass and iron mounted, part octagon, engraved and reeded — barrel with brass sleeve; knob butt, brass mounted with pointed tip. A Turkish pistol in very good condition. LONG ORIENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 20 inches. Carved stock, engraved brass mounts. Octagonal top barrel engraved and held with metal sleeve. In good condition. 4 12 13 LA ye 16 17 18 19 TURKISH FLINTLOCK LONG PISTOL Length, 18 inches. Brass mounted with carved knob brass butt, carved stock, ‘brass ornament missing at grip. ORO TURKISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 17 inches. - Heavily engraved brass butt and mounts, the barrel inlaid with brass star forms and other designs. Very decorative old piece with slightly belled barrel. ORIENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 19 inches. Inlaid barrel and lock brass mounted. _ Fair condition. ALL METAL RAT-TAIL ALBANIAN PISTOL Miguelet lock. Length, 19 inches. Stock entirely cov- ered with carved brass, which also forms the forestock; part octagon barrel. Interesting pistol in good con- dition. ORIENTAL RAT-TAIL PISTOL Miguelet lock. Length, 19 inches. Brass covered stock and forestock, two brass sleeves; all carved. PERSIAN FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 16 inches. Chiseled barrel and butt; lock and hammer. Brass sleeve on forestock. A light weight and graceful piece in good condition. LARGE MILITARY FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 20 inches. Calibre, .72. Part octagon bar~ rel brass sight and knob butt plate, full rosewood stock, ramrod. Good condition. | TOWER LONG TOM FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 19 inches. George III period with Crown and “Tower’ mark, the broad arrow on the lockplate. Ball brass knob and mounts; ramrod. A handsome old English Army “Long Tom”—a famous early weapon. i e) 20 rst) Ze 23 24 FRENCH FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL Length, 7 inches.—Full stock, chipped, with bird-head butt, iron cap and mounts; ramrod and. half octagon barrel. RICHARDS’ DOUBLE BRASS BARREL FLINT- LOCK PISTOL Length, 11 inches. One centre hammer, safety catch, sliding pan-cover; shapely cannon barrels which un- screw; the rosewood grip with spreading butt is silver mounted, and inlaid in silver; initial plate missing. Marks: Richards T and incised proof marks. Very rare and handsome double brass barrel flintlock. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] LAUGER D. B. (SUPERPOSED) Print iaun Pistol Length, 7% inches. Centre hammer, concealed trigger with a side catch which turns the pan; gooseneck flat erip. Mark: London Lauger. Good condition. CASE AND PAIR OF FLINTLOCK DUELLING PISTOLS Length, 15 inches. Full octagon barrels, smooth bore, set triggers. Makers: John Jones & Son, London. Case and accessories. Very good condition and handsomely chiseled, with gooseneck checkered grips and full rose- wood stocks. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] LARGE SUPERPOSED': BARREL PEENTEOGS. PIS Toe Length, 19 inches. Calibre, .50. Double superposed barrels which turn by hand, one hammer, two frizzens, ramrod, inlaid rosewood stock and ovoid metal capped butt. Large pistol in fair condition. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] 6 Pe, 26 Me 28 29 30 LITTLE FRENCH FLINTLOCK DERINGER Length, 7 inches. Cannon barrel, burl walnut stock with knob butt, horn tipped ramrod. Pretty little pistol in good condition. GERMAN. EFLINTLOCK PISTOL INUAID, IN GOLD ‘Length, 11 inches. Brass mounted, checkered grip, bar- rel carved and inlaid in gold scroll with letters: “Aloys Emm in Freuburg. Forestock cracked, otherwise a hand- some pistol in very good condition. PAIR OF ITALIAN FLINTLOCK: PISTOLS Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .50. Half octagon barrels, gold inlay, steel ramrods, Circassian walnut stocks with silver wire inlay, oval steel tipped butts. Mark: Loggia. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] ReetakUS FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL Length, 814 inches. Centre hammer, safety guard, stock inlaid with silver wire, with brass masque butt, incised lock with “Richards.’ Nice condition with fine English proof marks. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] PAIR OF LAZARONI FLINTLOCK PISTOLS Length, 11 inches. Calibre, .45. All mounts of carved brass with tiny portrait medallions; the shapely barrels inlaid with “brass rat-tails.’ Brass tipped ramrods, stocks of rosewood, one repaired, and one lock-plate re- stored. Mark: “Lazarons.” Fair condition. FRENCH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 12 inches. Ball butt, half octagon barrel, iron mounted in very nice work, with dip and knife sights; ramrod. Very good condition. 7 o1 i 33 35 36 KETLAND FLINTLOCK DUELLING PISTOL Length, 16 inches. Smooth bore, octagon barrel, set . trigger, checkered grip which shows use, brass breech- bands and mounts, silver touch-hole; ramrod. Marks: Ketland & Co., London.’ Fair condition. LADY’S SMITH (ENGLISH) FLINTLOCK Length, 5 inches. Centre hammer, screw barrel, brass frame and mounts, flat grip. Mark: Smith, London. Very Rare In Tus SIze, [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] SPANISH DAG, MIGUELET LOCK (PROBABLY BY *RIPORL) | Length of barrel, 714 inches. Calibre, .60. Half octa- gon, cannon barrel, brass and iron mounts with belt hook. Ball-knob butt, ramrod or iron. Fair condition only, But THE FAmMous Ripott Pistots ARE Very Rare. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] ENGLISH ARMY REVOLVER (KERR’S PAT- ENT) , Length, 12 inches. Calibre, .38. Octagonal barrel with ramrod on side; five-shot, centre fire, side hammer and checkered grip with ring butt. Good condition, COLT| POCKET REVOLY ER : : Length, 6% inches. Calibre, .22. Seven-shot, bird- head butt, brass frame. Fair condition. PERCUSSION DOUBLE ACTION PISTOL — Length, 10 inches. Calibre, .32.. Four chambers in the breech block lift up after each discharge; octagon “twist” barrel with sight at side, engraved frame, checkered goose-neck grip. Mfg. at Liege Belgium. Rare mechanism. Fine condition. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLaTE 1] 8 PLATE 2 Note Error—No. 121 wrongly numbered, should be No. 123 No. 123 should be No. 124 ¥ 37 38 39 41 42 DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN: PISTOL Length, 14 inches; 16 gauge. Heavy pistol, centre fire; barrels tip up by an under lever, long flattened grip with ball and ring butt. No name or proof marks. Fair condition. PAIR OF FRENCH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS Length, 19 inches. Full octagon barrels, with gold breech band and “acier fondu” ; incised lock, fluted half rosewood grips; set triggers, spur guards. Very good condition. ENGLISH SMALL PERCUSSION POCKET PIS- Or. Length, 6 inches. Unscrew barrel, with centre hammer and concealed trigger; engraved frame and checkered gooseneck grip. Mark: Chas. Osborne. Good condition. STARR ARMY REVOLVER Length, 13 inches. Calibre, .44. Civil War double- action, six-shot revolver with lever ramrod, walnut grip. No. 12421, Starr’s Patent, Starr Arms Co., N. Y., 1856. Fair condition. CASE AND COLT Calibre, .31. Colt percussion revolver, octagon barrel, six-shot; in mahogany case with accessories. Mark: Address Col. Sam. Colt, New York, U. S. Amersca. Good condition. GOLD MOUNTED MOORE’S TEAT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER Length, 7 inches. An engraved six-shot pocket revol- ver with sheathed trigger, gold plated (wearing). Mark: Nat. Arms Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., D. Willtamson’s Patent, 1864. Bird-head ebony grip. Good condition. 9 43 45 46 47 48 MOORE’S TEAT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER: Length, 7 inches. Has been gold plated, but worn off; six-shot pocket revolver, with sheathed trigger. Mark: Moore’s Pat. Firearms Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., D. Willsam- son's Patent. Good condition; an unusual cylinder engraved with hunting scenes in low relief. REMINGTON ELLIOTT FIVE-SHOT PISTOL Length, 5 inches. Calibre, .22. Double action, striker revolver, five-shot, ring trigger, in fair condition. SHARP’S FOUR-BARREL PISTOL Length, 5 inches. Calibre, .22. Brass frame, revolving firing pin in the hammer, barrels slide forward; sheathed trigger, handles not original. Mark: C. Sharp’s Patent, 1859, Phila. Fair condition. VOLCANIC REPEATING PISTOL Length, 15 inches. Calibre, 44. Brass frame with octa- gon barrel, under-magazine; ringed guard, cocks ham- mer. Mark: Volcanic Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn., Pat. Feb. 14, 1854. The large volcanic, in fine condition. VOLCANIC REPEATING PISTOL Length, 10 inches. Calibre, .32. Silvered frame on the brass (wearing), with octagon barrel, under-magazine; _ ringed guard cocks hammer. Mark: “New Haven, Conn., Pat. 1854.” The Pocket Volcanic. In fine condition. ENGLISH HEAVY SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .55. Octagon barrel, nearly full stock, with checkered grip, engraved lock and brass- tipped ramrod. Mark: London, maker, R. S. Clark. Good. condition. [ILLUSTRATED—PLaATE 1] 10 49 50 St 32 53 54 me West ihs PERCUSSION: PISTOL Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .45. Single-shot, octagon barrel, half stock, silver mounted, checkered gooseneck grip and cap-box in the butt, with belt-hook. Mark: “A.W. Spes’ and “London.” i Spies was a New York gun-dealer about 1802. Very good condition. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLaTE 1 ]| BECKWITH (ENGLISH) PERCUSSION POCKET Pio LOL, Length, 8% inches. Calibre, .60. Octagonal barrel with belt hook and swivel ramrod; curved checkered grip with cap-box in the butt. Very good condition. Mark: “Beckwith, London” on the barrel. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL Length, 8 inches. Damascus barrel, which unscrews; folding trigger and side hammer; nicely engraved frame with “bag,” ebony grip and masque cap-box in the butt. Belgian proof marks. Single shot. Very good condition. DERINGER POCKET PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 6 inches. Silver mounted and shield shape name plate, octagon barrel with silver breech-bands: “Dersnger, Philadelphia” on barrel and lock. Good condition. NATIONAL DERINGER PISTOL Length, 5% inches. Calibre, .41. Silver plated, check- ered bird-head grip, barrel swings to side, and sheathed trigger. Good condition. Moore’s Patent. ALL METAL NATIONAL DERINGER Length, 414 inches. Calibre, 41. Engraved, barrel which swings to side, silver plated, with sheathed trig- ger: Moore’s Patent, in very good condition. 11 55 56 57 58 59 COLT DERINGER PISTOL ‘Length, 5 inches. Calibre, .41. Side-swinging barrel, nickle plated, wood grip, and COLT on the barrel. FINE FRENCH PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 17 inches. Strapped barrel, which is slightly belled, bronze frame, chiseled in trophies, with butt cap to match; full stock and ramrod, grip cracked, other- wise a fine piece in good condition. RICHARDSON DUELLING PISTOL Length, 1314 inches. Calibre, .60. Percussion, octagon barrel, silver mounted, spur guard and cap béx in the butt; set trigger. Half stock, with saw handle and check- ered grip. . A handsome English pistol in fine condition. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] ALSOP PERCUSSION REVOLVER Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .38. Flat grip, five-shot, with octagon barrel and sheathed trigger, ramrod under the barrel and grooved cylinder. Maker: C. R. Alsop, Middletown, Conn., 1861. Fine condition. NOCK. PEPPERBOX . Length, 8 inches. Six-shot, with grooved barrel, flat top hammer, and flat butt; stock chipped, otherwise in — good condition. : Tue Nock (ENciisH) Prppersox Is Very RARE. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] SPANISH PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 13 inches. Single shot, half octagon, slightly belled cannon barrel, dragon shape hammer, bird’s head ring butt and _ belt-hook, nearly full stock, slightly cracked near lock. Date about 1845. Fair condition. Inscription in gold on barrel: “En Eibur ano 1845, Panon de herradurtis. Por Livi Echeverrin.” Rare make. 12 61 62 63 65 67 SPANISH PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 12 inches. Single shot, octagon barrel, full stock and checkered grip, bird-head butt, with ring. In fair condition. With Spanish inscription in gold on the bar- rel: “En Eibur, por Antonio Paguaya, I. P., Ano, 1853, etc. (BOOTLEG PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 10 inches. Half octagon barrel with under- hammer, no guard; mahogany grip with brass back stay In fair condition. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL Length, 7 inches. Damascus octagon unscrew barrel, with side hammer and folding trigger; engraved frame with fluted ebony grip and masque cap box in the butt. In very good condition. MUFF PINFIRE REVOLVER Length, 5 inches. Calibre, .22. Belgian six-shot, double action, folding trigger and side ramrod. Scarce in the small size. In fair condition. ASTON PERCUSSION U. S. PISTOL Length, 14 inches. Brass mounted with swivel ramrod. Maker: H. Aston, Middletown, Conn., 1850. Fine con- dition. ALLEN & WHEELOCK REVOLVER Length, 14 inches. Calibre, .45. Percussion, six-shot, half octagon barrel, original bluing, trigger guard as ramrod. Allen’s Patent, Worcester, Mass. 1857. Rare military revolver. In fine condition. ALLEN & THURBER PEPPERBOX PISTOL Length, 714 inches. Calibre, .32. A six-shot pepperbox in good condition. Allen’s Patent, 1845. 13 68 69 70 71 72 73 74, SMALL SINGLE SHOT “@. K.7 PISTOas Length, 5% inches. Calibre, .22. Half octagon barrel, which swings to side, sheathed trigger, brass frame, rose- wood grip. Mark: “O. K.’ Good condition. ALLEN & WHEELOCK MUFF PISTOL Length, 414 inches. Calibre, .32. Half octagon barrel, with flat hammer and incised frame. “Allen’s Patent, 1845.” Good condition. SMITH & WESSON “OLD MODEL” REVOLVER Length, 71%4 inches. Calibre, .38. Five-shot, rim fire, nickel finish; tip-up barrel with sheathed trigger and rosewood grip. Very good condition, SMITH & WESSON “OLD MODEL” REVOLVER Length, 11 inches. Calibre, .38. Octagon barrel; five- shot rim fire, blued finish; tip-up barrel with sheathed trigger and rosewood grip. Factory new condition. PAIR OF PERCUSSION. POCKET PISTOLS Length, 6 inches. Calibre, .50. Unscrew “twist” Dam- ascus barrels, chiseled frames, concealed triggers and cap box in the butt; good condition. SMALL PINFIRE REVOLVER Length, 7 inches. Double action, folding spur trigger; ring butt; no thumb-piece on hammer. Fair condition. DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 914 inches. Parallel octagonal barrels with ramrod; checkered grip, with German silver cap box, European, probably Belgian. Fair condition. 14 75 76 77 78 79 SPANISH PERCUSSION PISTOL, MIGUELET SHG ela Length, 8 inches. Nearly full walnut stock, with check- ered grip; the butt of bird-head form, with metal mount; half octagon cannon barrel and ramrod. Scarce pocket size. In good condition. CASE AND FINE PAIR OF FRENCH DUELLING PISTOLS Length, 18 inches. Percussion; handsome carved curled walnut stocks. Set triggers, with silver cap box in the butts and shell decoration at forestock; the grips are checkered and the oval butts with handsome band of relief carving; the octagon barrels, locks, etc., are nickeled. In handsome walnut, red velvet lined case, with coat of arms engraved on the name plate and “Hiram Crosby” on a slip in the cover. IN FINE CoNDITION. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] SCARCE CLARK POCKET PISTOL Length, 16% inches. Percussion; centre hammer, Eng- lish-Belgian pistol, with an octagonal unscrew barrel, concealed trigger, checkered grip, oval butt with en- graved band. Mark: “R. S. Clarke, London.” With Bel- gian proof marks, [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] FROTECTOR PALM PISTOL Length, 5 inches. Calibre, .32. Double action, seven- Shot with vulcanized grip. Mark: Chicago Fire Arms Co., 1883-1893. Known also as “The Lemon Squeezer.” Practically new condition. Rare in this shape. | ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] SPANISH MIGUELET (CONIVERTED) PISTOL Length, 15 inches. Percussion; half octagon barrel, nearly full stock, with brass band and ramrod. Fair condition. : 15 80 81 82 83 85 PAIR OF “MONKS” FLINTLOCK PISTOLS Length, 16 inches. Brass mounts, rings and cord. Bel- gian proof marks. This pair of pistols came from a French Monastery; they have the original cord of twisted crimson by which they are hung around the neck of the Gate-keeper. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] VERY LONG COLONIAL FLINTLOCK GUN Length, 64 inches. Calibre, .70. A very old Colonial arm in good condition, with brass mounts and brass- tipped ramrod. Rare. This gun was actually used in the French-Indian Wars. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 4] WICKHAM: U. S. FLINTLOCK MUSKET Length, 59 inches. Made in Philadelphia in 1834. In very good condition. Mark: U. S., H. T. Wickham, Phila., 1834.” Browned barrel and ramrod. COLONIAL AMERICAN FOWLING PIECE Length, 56 inches. A 14-gauge English flintlock. In good condition, with brass mounts and ramrod. Light weight. Mark: P. H. Dils. Burl mahogany stock and cheek piece. ENGLISH OFFICER’S FLINTLOCK FOWLING PIECE Length, 54 inches. Calibre, .40. Checkered burl ma- hogany stock and pistol grip and ramrod. Mark: J. Bishop. Very nicely engraved barrel and in good con- dition. KETLAND FLINTLOCK FOWLING PIECE Length, 48 inches. Fourteen-gauge. Brass mounts, ramrod; light weight. Mark: “W. Ketland & Co., Lon- don,” Ketland Fowling Pieces are scarce. 16 PLATE 4 Ay, 87 88 89 GOLCHER! FLINTLOCK FOWLING PIECE Length, 48 inches. Ten-gauge with 38-inch part octa- gon barrel and half stock of mahogany. Mark: “Josh Golcher (worn). | ARMENIAN MIGUELET LOCK LONG GUN Length, 60 inches. Slender brass covered “crutch” stock with saddle ring; the half stock nearly covered with bands and strips of finely chiseled steel in a small Persian pattern. Part octagon barrel, held to the fore- stock with carved brass sleeve. Unusually handsome Oriental gun. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 5] ARMENIAN MIGUELET LOCK GUN Length, 60 inches. Engraved metal full stock with four strips of pearl inlay, many proof marks, and held with four carved brass sleeves. Narrow crotch, carved brass butt; saddle ring, and ramrod. JAPANESE MATCHLOCK GUN Length, 45 inches. Octagon barrel, ball trigger, pan cover missing, brass mounts, with ramrod. In fair con- dition. ENGLISH FLINTLOCK BAYONET-BLUNDER- BUSS : Length, 32 inches. Sixteen-inch part octagon cannon brass barrel; checker grip and brass mounts; ramrod. Mark: Tatham, and “Mosely Mills” in script on the barrel. Very fine and rare English Bayonet-Blunderbuss. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 4] 17 iM 92 93 94 95 FINE BRAZIER FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 32 inches. Fine cannon shape 16-inch iron bar- rel, brass mounts, with brass-tipped ramrod. English proof marks and “Brazier, Minories, London. An English Blunderbuss made by the Minories Gunsmiths is especially rare. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 4] GERMAN D. B. COMB RIFLE AND SHOT GUN Length, 44 inches. Percussion; elaborately carved stock, checkered grip, with hound head tip; parallel octagon barrels with gold breech bands; the hammers are carved with scales as dolphins, at which a gold snake hisses from the lock plate, ending in a boar’s head with gold tusks and eyes. The guard and patch box are of wood. Mark in gold inlay, on the barrel strap: “H. Sturm & G. Noack a Suhl. Brass tipped ramrod. A very fine example of the gunsmith’s art. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 5] U. S. HALL FLINTLOCK MUSKET ‘Length, 52 inches. Breech loading, ramrod, spur guard. Mark: H., Ferry, 1834. In good condition. U. S. HALL PERCUSSION MUSKET Length, 52 inches. Government alteration from flint- lock; breech-loading. Mark: H. Ferry, U. S., 1831. In fair condition. GOLCHER PERCUSSION RIFLE Length, 51 inches. Engraved lock, set trigger, silver plated mountings; octagon barrel and brass tipped ram- rod; burl walnut stock. Very good condition. A fine old Pennsylvania Sporting Rifle. Marked “G. ' Golcher.” 18 96 OF, 98 100 101 SHARP'S PERCUSSION RIFLE Length, 48 inches. Breech loader, with patch box in the mahogany stock, and two tubes of rare original discs. Mark: C. Sharps, pat. Oct. 1852, R. S. Lawrence, Pat. Lock, 1859. In fair condition. JOSLYN CARBINE Length, 36 inches. Carbine ring on side. Mark: “Joslyn Firearms Co., Stonington, Conn. Good condition, but needs cleaning. VOLCANIC REPEATING RIFLE Length, 35 inches. Octagonal barrel with original blu- ing, brass frame and lever action. In very good condi- tion. The forerunner of the Henry and the Winchester Rifles. NeSTARR & SON U.S: FLINTLOCK MUSKET Length, 52 inches. In good condition, with sling strap, ramrod and iron patch box in the stock. Mark: Mid- dletown, Conn, 1840. SHORT FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 20 inches. Flaring 1%-inch muzzle, with half octagon inlaid barrel and stock, brass mounted. A North African piece, used in Tunis, Algeria, etc., used by horsemen, and intended to be held against the breast and fired. Fair condition. SHORT FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 20 inches. Flaring 2-inch muzzle, with elab- orately inlaid barrel and stock (repaired); brass mounts and carbine ring. A North African piece, used in Tunis, Algeria, etc., used by horsemen, and intended to be held against the breast and fired. Fair condition. 19 102 103 104 105 106 107 SHORT FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 16 inches. Two-inch bell muzzle on an inlaid half octagon barrel, with heavily carved stock, which is also inlaid with silver wire. One of the rare pieces much used in Algeria, Tunis, etc. In good condition. SHORT FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 18 inches. Flaring 14-inch muzzle, with one- third octagon brass inlaid barrel and stock, iron mounts, carbine ring and engraved guard. A North African piece, used in Tunis, Algeria, etc., used by horsemen, and intended to be held against the breast and fired. Good condition. SHORT FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Length, 20 inches. Part octagon barrel, boldly inlaid with brass and 2-inch bell muzzle, and brass mounts and carved stock. Inscription inlaid at the breech. A North African piece. In very good condition. FRENCH SABRE Length, 44 inches. Curved long blade, metal scabbard, wire wrapped grip, curved brass guard ending in the quillons. Mark: “Chatelleraux, about 1847 on the back of the blade. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] EMBROIDERED SPANISH CARTRIDGE BELT Pomegranate and fuschia design in needlework on un- dressed leather cover the 18 metal cartridge boxes, and with cut leather decorations finish the belt. Good con- dition. LARGE SILVER MOUNTED POWDER HORN WITH DOUBLE CURVE | Length, 16 inches. Carrying strap, silver bands at tip and butt. In very good condition. Dark grey color. 20 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 LARGE GREY POWDER HORN Length, 11 inches. Metal charger and wood butt; silk cord and tassel, fine condition. TWO LEATHER POWDER FLASKS Brass chargers and strap base rings (2). COPPER POWDER FLASK Shell decoration and charger. BRASS POWDER FLASK. CHARGER. Shell decoration. SPANISH WILD BUCK FLINTLOCK POWDER HORN Length, 10 inches. Rough surface, slightly curved and flattened, with iron mounts and iron belt hook. Fair condition. A very rare powder horn. F LAT BLACK HORN POWDER HORN Length, 8% inches. Brass tip and band, cord and tas- sel carrying strap. Fine condition. FLINTLOCK TINDER BOX Pistol shape, with iron frame and wood grip. In very good condition, with lyre-shaped pierced front rest. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] FRENCH FLINTLOCK TINDER BOX Length, 8 inches. All metal. Mark: “Descos Laine.” Pistol shape. Excessively rare, looks just like a “devil’s horse.” Good condition. [ILLuSTRATED—PLATE 1] 21 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 DOUBLE SHOULDER SHOT BAG Leather, with brass charger. BURGLAR’S IRON BILLY Length, 11 inches. Twelve-sided, heavy head, iron grip, turned to a ring at end; with leather hand thong. Captured by Capt. Connor of the N. Y. Police from a burglar. . [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] LONG SPANISH BOOTLEGGER’S KNIFE Entire length, 22 inches. An 11-inch razor-like blade folds into a sheath shaped and carved like a leather boot- leg, with bronze boot tip. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] ITALIAN STILETTO KNIFE Entire length, 13 inches. A wicked pointed blade folds into a horn handle with safety catch. In good condi- tion. Lettering on the blade apparently “Rioletta.” [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] U. S. ARTILLERY SIDEARM Length, 25 inches. Roman type with reeded brass grip and brass oval butt and short quillons. Double-edge blade, wood scabbard with metal tip. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] HINDU CURVED DAGGER Length, 13 inches. Thorn-pointed flat blade, with carved - hilt of ebony, striped with bone; the red morocco sheath is decorated with brass curleycues. [IntustRATED—PLaTE 2] U. S. SIDE ARM ENTRENCHING TOOL Entire length, 15 inches. Double edge blade, with spindle wood grip and brass mounted leather sheath. Mark: “Springfield, U. S. Good condition. [IntusTRATED—PLATE 2] 22 123 124 125 126 127 128 123 POIGNARD Length, 16 inches. Beveled double edge, pointed blade, brass mount, carved brass quillons, and paneled ebony grip set in brass with ball tip. Leather sheath with metal tips. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] ITALIAN STILETTO Length, 13 inches. Snakeskin sheath with metal tip; long slender pointed blade, reeded bone grip set in metal. Good condition. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] HINDU KOUTTAR | Length, 16 inches. Double sliding steel grip, silver in- laid with scissor tongue blade, opening on a third inner blade. Cloth sheath. FRENCH SWORD BAYONET Length, 26 inches. Wood grip, metal scabbard. Mark: M’re d Ormes de St. Etienne, F’bre, 1879 in script on the narrow back of the blade. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] TWO SWORDS Carved bronze hilts, S shape quillons and gadrooned guards as ripe, one marked Ingenthal. (2) FRENCH SWORD BAYONET Length, 28 inches. Metal scabbard, curved blade, reeded brass grip and curved quillon. In good condition, with “St. Etienne, Janvier, 1871 on back of blade. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] AFRICAN DOUBLE POINT HORN DAGGER Length, 21 inches. An unusual weapon, made of a pair of antelope horns, with carved brass sleeves at the butt, joined end to end to form the grip, and one horn tipped with metal. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2 | 23 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 SLENDER SWORD CANE Length, 24 inches. Light weight wood like bamboo, with crook top, silver mount, which pulled out discloses a 22-inch four-edged blade, tapering to a point. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] YATAGHAN : Length, 30 inches. Handsome piece in fine condition with crotch bone handle; beautifully incised scimetar blade, and brass mount, which as a band of Doser: re- inforces the grip. | [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 2] HINDU KOUTTAR OF RARE FORM Wier HANDLE Length, 28 inches. Decorated and carved blade and shaft with long steel or iron handle with knobbed grip. [| ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] GERMAN SAW TOOTH SWORD BAYONET Length, 24 inches. Brass grip; double row of alternat- ing saw teeth down one side, with leather scabbard, marked “W. R. Kirschbaum, Solingen.” Fine condition. | ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 2] JAPANESE SHORT SWORD Length, 22 inches. Shark skin hilt, with iron cap inlaid in gold; no menuki, and a lacquer scabbard (worn). TRIANGULAR BAYONET Rusted, and two leather scabbards (3). CROSS HILT SWORD Length, 34 inches. Grooved blade, carved cross shape quillons, and knob butt; leather sheath (lacks tip). [ILLUstRATED—PLATE 2] 24 137 138 19 140 141 142 143 TWO ITALIAN STILETTOS ; Length, 12 inches. One with brass tipped horn handle; the other of ebony mounted in carved brass designs. (2) eaont PHILIPPINE KRIS Length, 14 inches. Double edge wave blade, inlaid on either side with characters; small oval bronze guard and shaped wood handle. [InLustRATED—PLATE 2 | KAFFIR HORSEHAIR FLY SWITCH, ETC. Metal wirebound handle; two swords from sword canes, one with bone head and one with Gladstone’s head in metal; and “Espada de Toledo”; tortoise shell case with a dagger. (4 pieces.) TOWER “LONG TOM” FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 20 inches. Very large Engish pistol with crown and tower on lock and G. R.; brass mounts, iron butt and belt-hook, slightly pitted. Rare. | ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] JOHNSON FLINTLOCK HORSE PISTOL Length, 14 inches. In fair condition, hammer needs at- tention, swivel ramrod. Dated 1842. ENGLISH PERCUSSION BAYONET PISTOL Length, 13 inches. Rare alteration from flintlock of the blunderbuss type, with brass cannon barrel and bayo- net released by the trigger guard; beveled bag, Eiger grip. Mark: “Waters & Co., Patent 914.” — SCOTCH HIGHLANDER PISTOL Length, 15 inches. All metal; flintlock, ball trigger, belt hook, ramrod, and claw butt; incised frame, slightly belled and shapely barrel. Fair condition; trigger needs to be set over. Mark: “Thos. Caddell.” Very rare. THE Famous HIGHLANDER. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] 25 144 145 146 147 148 149 ENGLISH FLINTLOCK FOUR BRASS BARREL PISTOL Unscrew brass barrels in one piece, with brass mounts, and bag checkered (worn) grip. Mark: “Barnett” and three fine indented English proof marks. Very rare form. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLaTE 1] U.S. COLT’S PERCUSSION Misti Length, 55 inches. Fair condition. Hartford, 1863. Civil War piece, with ramrod, elevated rear sight. CASE AND PAIR OF MUFF PISTOLS Length, 4%4 inches. Calibre, .38. Percussion, top ham- mer, folding trigger, and bag shape walnut grips, un- screw barrels, blued finish; in red lined mahogany case. [ILtUSTRATED—PLATE 1] U. S. MAYNARD PISTOL CARBINE Fine example, with swivel ramrod, brass mounts, and detachable shoulder stock, browned barrel. Mark: U. S. Springfield. [ILLuUsTRATED—PLaTE 4] U. S. WATERS PERCUSSION. PISTOL Length, 14 inches. Government alteration from flint- lock. Fair condition. Mark: “A. Waters, Millbury, Mass.” REMINGTON BELGIAN DOUBLE BARREL PISTOL Parallel blued barrels and frame; two hammers, one trigger, checkered grip, ring butt. Mark: “Remington Brevet, Nagant Liege.’ Very good condition. 26 150 151 15Z 153 154 a ENGLISH FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL Length, 7 inches. Concealed trigger, engraved barrel. “Mortimer, Gunmakers to His Majesty. Stock cracked, otherwise good, rare little piece. SMALL CONTINENTAL PEPPER BOX REVOL- VER Length, 6 inches. Calibre, .22. Rim fire. Norwich, Conn., 1866. Five-shot, indented barrel, sheathed trig- ger. Good condition. | ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] PAIR (NEW) U.S. ARMY FIELD GLASSES AND CASE E. Leger, Paris. Case and strap. Fine. CASE AND HOLLIS (ENGLISH) MUFF PISTOL. Length, 414 inches. Silver mounted, barrel unscrews, with concealed trigger, twist barrel, In good condition. In English oak case with accessories. FINE NICKEL PLATED SMITH & WESSON TARGET REVOLVER Length, 13 inches. Calibre, .38-44. Large revolver. No. 1155, with checkered vulcanized rubber grip. Pat- ented 1871. 6%4-inch barrel. Factory new with patent automatic rebounding lock, in original cardboard box with directions. RUPERTUS SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PIS- TOL Length, 7% inches. Sheathed trigger; in case with full accessories. No name marked. In fine condition. 27 156 157 158 159 160 161 SMITH & WESSON EXHIBITION REVOLVER Length, 8% inches. Calibre, .38. Indented cylinder. Five-shot, with sheathed trigger; in rosewood case with cartridge stand. No. 1694. A Supers Examere. The frame silvered and entirely chiseled in scrolls, enclosing a medallion Greek head, and show- ing traces of having been picked out with gold. Handsome pearl handle. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] CASE & BACON PERCUSSION REVOLVER Factory new, octagon barrel, five-shot, engraved cyl- inder, original bluing, in mahogany case with accessor- ies. One of the best of the Simili-Colts. CASE AND COLT SIDE HAMMER POCKET RE- VOLVER : Percussion; octagon barrel, five-shot, indented cylinder. Fair condition, in mahogany case with accessories. CASE AND’ PAIR OF ENGLISH PISTOLS Five-shot, percussion, with unscrew octagion barrels, checkered bag grips and folding triggers. Very good condition, in case with accessories. FINE FRENCH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 12 inches. Handsome half octagon cannon brass barrel, brass mounts and flash pan; brass-tipped ramrod and thimbles. Fine example of a very rare type in collector’s condition, almost new. . | ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 1] LARGE WHITNEY PERCUSSION REVOLVER Length, 14 inches. Six-shot, octagon barrel, nickel fin- ish, or “Tinned for the Navy.” A rare form. Mark: E. Whitney, N. Haven. Good condition. . 28 162 163 164 165 166 RARE AMERICAN FLINTLOCK DUELLING PLS Or, Length, 17 inches. In good condition with octagonal barrel; burl walnut stock with checkered grip, oval butt with incised silver band and inlay, silver and gold breech band; rainproof pan with gold touch-hole and spur- guard. London barrel, with T. C. Legg, Columbia, S. C. on the lock. _A rare flintlock. In good condition. [ILLusTRATED—PLATE 3] REPEATING PISTOL; INVENTOR’S MODEL Length, 1114 inches. Calibre, .22, 3%4-inch octagon barrel, heavy oval frame and folding trigger; slide loader in the top, and within an endless chain of 40 small cups, and by pulling the trigger forms the repeat. Catch on left side is the cut-off. Mark: “Guy Gucout, Patent.” Very RARE. PERHAPS UNIQUE. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 614 inches. Parallel barrels; one thorn and one curved trigger; flat oval walnut grip, one barrel rifled and one smooth-bore; browned finish. Pocket size. In very good condition. BRITISH STARR BOER WAR REVOLVER Length, 13 inches. Calibre, 44. Enclosed cylinder, double action, blued finish. English proof marks, English purchase from the U. S. and altered for the Boer War. Factory new. ProspaBLy THE First ONE offered for sale in this country. ENGLISH SUPERPOSED BARREL FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 7 inches. Flattened bag grip, slightly pitted frame, top hammer with safety ‘catch and a side catch which turns the flash-pan. Fair. condition. Mark: “London.” | 29 167 168 169 170 171 PERCUSSION DAGGER PISTOL Length, 13 inches. Ebony pistol handle, which holds a double-edge 8-inch dagger, having pistol barrel either side, length 3 inches; the double quillons or hilt is formed of the two hammers and two triggers. Very RARE AND DESIRABLE PIECE. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] ENGLISH DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PIS- TOL Length, 13 inches. Separate round barrels, brass frame, good and interesting alteration from flintlock; with fine old silver masque butt and engraved name plate. Mark: “London.” In good condition. : COLT DOUBLE ACTION CARTRIDGE REVOL- VER Length, 13 inches. Calibre, 45. In fine working order, with checkered burl walnut grip, ring butt, blued finish, six-shot, indented cylinder. [IrLustRATED—PLaTE 3] COLT REVOLVER; OFFICER’S MODEL ‘Length, 14 inches. Calibre, .44. Six-shot, percussion, groved cylinder, brass mounts in fair condition. BLISSETT (LIVERPOOL) PERCUSSION PIS- TOL : Length, 11 inches. Brown twist, shapely octagon bar-. rel with full mahogany stock, checkered, flat oval grip and swivel ramrod. a A handsome pocket pistol of the heavy type. In fine con- ition. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] 30 172 173 174 175 176 177 VERY RARE ITALIAN ALL METAL FLINT- LOCK BELT PISTOL . Length, 17 inches. All outside mechanism, and with slender, shapely barrel grooved at the breech; the butt cap is finely wrought bronze, incised. Proof marks. PROBABLE THE EARLIEST TYPE OF FLINTLOCK. Seldom offered for sale. [InLusTRATED—PLATE 3] CURIOUS ALL METAL PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 6 inches. Hook handle, thorn trigger, centre hammer ; initials “J. S.” crudely carved. Good condition. All metal pistols are rare, particularly the small ones. Hand- made by an American gunsmith. [InLustRATED—PLATE 3] DOUBLE BRASS BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 614 inches. Octagonal parallel barrels, slightly engraved with Belgian proof marks, one trigger broken off, flat walnut grip. Otherwise good condition. BELGIAN REMINGTON CARTRIDGE PISTOL Length, 8 inches. Nickel finish, spur guard, half walnut forestock, fluted grip, ring butt, and Remington breech- action. Fine condition. No. 380, Belgian proof marks. COLT REVOLVER; BISLEY MODEL Length, 11 inches. Calibre, Al. Hard rubber grip, original bluing and in good working order. Mark: Bisley Model, 41 Colt. ALLEN & THURBER ALL METAL PEPPER BOX Length, 7 inches. German silver engraved grip; ribbed six-shot barrel. Date, 1837; top snap. Fine and much sought for. Date, 1837. [InLusTRATED—PLATE 3] 31 178 179 180 18] 182 183 ALLEN DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 6% inches. Scarce example in very good condi- tion, having one trigger and two thumb-hammers. The parallel barrels are worked from one piece. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] BRASS CANNON BARREL FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 714 inches. Flare, 7% inch. Engraved brass frame, top hammer, flat bag stock slightly cracked, other- wise in fair condition. Scarce little bell-mouthed piece. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] GERMAN SILVER SIMILI-COLT REVOLVER Length, 914 inches. Calibre, .32. Percussion, with Ger- man silver engraved frame and barrel; engraved cylin- der with Belgian proof mark. All handsomely chiseled. Fine condition. Very unsual imitation Colt. [ILLustRATED—PLATE 3] _ REMINGTON VEST POCKET PISTOL Length, 334 inches. Calibre, .22. Single shot. The smallest size “muff” pistol with square grip. In good condition. | : _ [ILLustraTED—PLATE 3] MUFF OR VEST POCKET PISTOL Length, 414 inches. Calibre, .22. Rim fire cartridge; barrel swings to side, lacks trigger. RETD’S ALL METAL KNUCKLE DUSTER Length, 6 inches. Calibre, .32. The five-shot “My Friend, New Model,’ wirH THE BARREL; engraved ring grip and sheathed trigger, nickle finish. | Fine condition and rate. Few were made of this type. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] 32 PLATE 5 Note Error—No. 203 wrongly numbered, should be No. 81 No. 214 should be No. 87 184 185 186 187 188 COOPER SIMILI-COLT REVOLVER Length, 10 inches. Calibre, 32. Double action, five- shot, with octagon barrel; brass guard and scarce-shoul- dered cylinder. In almost new condition with original bluing. Mark: Cooper Fire Arms Mfg. Co., Frank- ford, Phila, Pa. Pat. 1851 to 1863. CURIOUS FRENCH FLAT POCKET PISTOL Length, 3%4 inches. Calibre, .22. Square form, double action, tip-up barrel. In very good condition. Flat and compact, having the appearance of a small auto- matic. '[ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] ENGLISH SEVEN-BARREL FLINTLOCK RE- VOLVING PISTOL Length, 8 inches. Centre hammer, with seven separate numbered barrels, which revolve by hand. There are centre and side safety catches and checkered bag grip with one screw missing. In good cleaned condition. Very rare form. ' [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] PAIR OF FINE FRENCH FLINTLOCK PISTOLS Length, 12 inchces. Handsome octagon barrels with checkered grip and flat oval steel capped butts; full mahogany stocks; the metal parts beautifully chiseled. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] LARGE PEPPER BOX PISTOL Length, 10% inches. Six-shot cartridge; barrel tips up by under lever, with folding trigger, hour-glass grip and ring butt; metal pitted, otherwise fair condition. Sharp’s pistol type, unusually large and curious. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] 33 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 WHITNEYVILLE ARMORY REVOLVER Length, 914 inches. Calibre, 32, Six-shot. Nickel finish, with bird-head form grip, long (four-inch) octa- gon barrel. In fine condition. : VEST: PISTOE Length, 4 inches. Calibre, .22. Rim-fire cartridge. In fair condition. BALLARD’S DERINGER Length, 5 inches. Calibre, 41. Scarce model with rim- fire cartridge and tip-up barrel; bird-head ebony grip. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] TAYLOR POCKET PISTOL Length, 6 inches. Single shot with brass frame and rim-fire. cartridge; sliding octagon barrel. The scarce small size. In fine condition. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] MARLIN SMALL “O. K.” CARTRIDGE PISTOL Length, 5134 inches. Rim-fire cartridge, sheathed trig- ger; silvered frame with. barrel sliding to side. In very good condition. WESSON SUPERPOSED BARREL CARTRIDGE PISTOL Length, 5 inches. Rim-fire cartridge; in fine condition, with nickel finish and rosewood grip; sheathed trigger and barrels turning over by hand. HANDSOME FRENCH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 12 inches. Octagon barrel, and checkered grip with oval butt, and fine steel engraved mounts. Officer’s pistol. Mark: “Model Revolutionnaire.” Crack in stock, otherwise very good condition. 34 196 197 198 ja 200 201 202 LITTLE BRASS PERCUSSION PISTOL Length, 514 inches. In fair condition with sheathed trig- ger, walnut grip, and round brass barrel and frame. H. J. HALE (AMERICAN) UNDER-HAMMER PISTOL Length, 9 inches. Half octagon barrel, with brass bound narrow neck, curly maple stock (cracked) ; thorn trigger, in fair condition. AMERICAN UNDER-HAMMER PISTOL Length, 11 inches. Double action; six-inch octagon bar- rel, and curly maple saw, handle grip. Very rare type, with the trigger guard for the mainspring. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] EARLY AMERICAN UNDER-HAMMER PISTOL Length, 10% inches. Seven-inch half octagon barrel and bag, mahogany grip. In good condition. RUGGLES’ UNDER-HAMMER PISTOL Length, 8 inches. Percussion; part octagon barrel with curly maple stock and thorn trigger. Mark: A. Ruggles, Stafford (Conn.). Cast steel. Fine condition. RARE PRUSSIAN HELMET WITH BEAVER TAIL BACK AND SPIKE Worn by a Prussian Colonel of First Cuirassiers Tromp- ette. Bright nickel finish, New condition. BEAUTIFUL LONG NORTH AFRICAN POWDER HORN Carved and painted in rich native design. Tortoise shell color, double curve and globe shape butt. A large horn of unusual shape. 35 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 VERY LONG CREAM COLORED POWDER HORN Double curve, brass mounts and shoulder cord. LARGE THREE-CORNERED WHEELOCK FLASK Height, 10 inches. Flat base, metal, leather covered, stamped. with masque heads, cord and tassels. Rare form. NEW AUTOMATIC COLT PISTOL HOLSTER Stamped U. S. from the German War. AMERICAN COLONIAL CANTEEN Pewtered copper with ring on side. In good condition. THREE-CORNERED LEATHER SHOT POUCH Flat shape with brass charger and strap. Unusual shape. AMERICAN PEWTER FLASK Flat oval with screw cover, half pint size. VERY SMALL AMERICAN COLONIAL POWDER FLASK Length, 4 inches. Pewter and copper with bullet com- partment inside. Very RARE AND PropABLy UNIQUE. From Haverhill, Mass. [ILLusTRATED—PLATE 3] CURIOUS FLAT HORN POWDER FLASK Brass mounted with brass charger and right angles with the top, held down by steel spring attached to the sides, which are fitted with rings. - [ILLustraTED—PLatTE 3] FINE COPPER SPORTING POWDER FLASK Stamped with trophy of Game and Birds in high relief. 36 Z)2 213 214 215 216 vA EARLY ENGLISH CLEAR HORN POWDER FLASK Brass mounted with screw charger. Fine example. Date, about 1740. PISTOL SHAPED PERSIAN LEATHER POWDER FLASK Eighteenth Century, stamped, boiled leather, having a curious combination tool attached by a strap. No charger. FRENCH SHOT FLASK WITH GLASS GAUGE Very interesting and curious form, having brass charger. Incised Boche Igenr a Paris. With glass gauge of magni- fying glass form set in brass. FARLY AMERICAN “DEAD SHOT” POWDER CANISTER With original printed picture label from Boston. Flat- tened form, japanned. FLINTLOCK PISTOL SWORD Length, 27 inches. A grooved blade with ebony grip and metal guard, has on the right side a flintlock four-inch pistol with ribbed barrel slightly bell, which is guarded by a shell. In very good, condition. EXCESSIVELY RARE. [InLusTRATED—PLATE 4] VERY FINE FRENCH ALGERIAN FLINTLOCK PISTOL Ten-inch cannon barrel with six-inch chiseled silver sleeve; the walnut stock is carved and inlaid with silver, including the rounded butt-cap, and all metal parts includ- ing the barrel nicely engraved; flat trigger with curled tip. In fine condition. [InLtusTRATED—PLATE 3] 37 qs LONG FRENCH WHEELOCK PISTOL 219 220 Ze Length, 24 inches. The long 17-inch barrel is inlaid with gold Persian design and breech and tip; the full stock of light brown wood is inlaid. in an allover design of brass wire and brads; round steel ball butt inlaid in gold, the lock, ramrod tip and spur guard also inlaid in gold a little rubbed. In very good condition. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 3] RARE ENGLISH SUPERPOSED BARREL FLINT- LOCK PISTOL Length, 12 inches. Heavy brown twist octagon barrels, gold inlaid breech-bands ; brass tipped ramrod, engraved mounts and checkered bag grip; (fitted for shoulder stock) ; safety-catch, platinum vent-holes. English proof marks and “Archer, London.” Fine condition. Historic and fine old piece, having name plate of Lt.-Col. Campbell, 46th Regiment. [ILLUSTRATED—PLaTE 3] FINE OLD ENGLISH CANNON BARREL FLINT- LOCK APIs TOR Length, 6% inches. Brass mounts and masque butt. Queen Anne period. Rosewood stock inlaid with silver scrolls, and a beautiful old unscrew cannon barrel. Marked “Jackson, Maidstone.’ Very good condition. [ILLusTRATED—PLaTE 3] ENGLISH FLINTLOCK DAGGER PISTOL Length, 734 inches. The 3-inch dagger is released by the trigger guard. The barrel unscrews, has centre hammer and safety catch; flat scroll grip of rosewood. Mark: “Jover, London.’ Good condition, [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] 38 222 223 224 225 226 UNUSUALLY FINE ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PIS- TOL Length, 1414 inches. Handsome part octagon brown twist barrel; the safety catch pin is on the frizzon (un- usual feature); with brass mounts, engraved parts. Mark: “Grierson, Gunmakers to His Majesty.” The tip of safety broken, but can be easily repaired, otherwise almost new condition. [ILLusTRATED—PLATE 4] FRENCH CAVALRY: OFFICER’S FLINTLOCK — PISTOL Length, 18 inches. In good condition with belt hook, heavy brass mounts, ramrod; nearly full rosewood stock. Mark: “Regt de Fiennes No. 32,” “Comp’e de Dvpille”’ on the reverse plate. Fleur-de-lys with S P, | B and ERECONNET On the lock plate. FRENCH REVOLUTION CAVALRY PISTOL Length, 17 inches. Flintlock in good condition with heavy brass mounts, 10-inch barrel held to the stock by a double heavy brass band; slight damage to stock at butt. FRENCH REVOLUTION CAVALRY PISTOL Length, 16 inches. Flintlock in good condition with half stock, heavy brass mounts. Mark: “M’re N’le de Tulle.” EARLY ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 15 inches. Military pistol in fair condition with brass mounts and masque butt; the regimental number on the brass name-plate. English proof marks and “Tower, 1761” (wearing) G. R. and crown. 39 227 228 229 230 231 Zoe ENGLISH FLINTLOCK BRASS BARREL PIS- TOL | | Length, 11 inches. In fair condition; brass mounts. Dated 1782. Slightly flaring cannon barrel, burl wal- nut stock and bag grip; ramrod. “G. C.” roughly scratched on the stock. Dated flintlocks are rare. RARE TENNESSEE DERINGER Length, 614 inches. Percussion; heavy octagon barrel, silver mounted with checkered grip and sheathed trig- ger. Mark: Schneider & Glassick, Memphis, Tenn.” Good condition. RING HAMMER GERMAN. PERCUSSION PIS- LOL Length, 15 inches. In very good condition, except that ramrod is missing; heavy military piece, brass mounted with German proof marks on the lock. The model of 1850; dated 1856 on barrel. CLEVER LITTLE “PENCIL” CONCEALED DAG- GER Length, 7 inches. A four-inch grooved and pointed blade set in a light colored round wood the size of thick pencil. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 2] SHORT FRENCH GENDARME PISTOL Length, 11 inches. Flintlock; in fair condition, with heavy brass sleeve and mounts and brass-tipped bird- head butt; ramrod. HOLSTER AND GERMAN STEYR AUTOMATIC eg baw ChE, Length, 9 inches. New condition, ‘Woffenfabrik Steyr.” Scarce pistol from Germany’s War; with ribbed grips, blued condition. In leather holster which shows — a little wear. [ILLustRATED—PLaTE 4] 40 PLATE 3 a 233 234 a35 236 237 238 DOUBLE BARREL FLINTLOCK: PISTOL Length, 8 inches. Parallel barrels, rosewood nearly full stock, with rosewood grip, mushroom metal bound butt. Pretty little French pocket pistol with very small flintlocks. In fair condition. ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL Length, 9 inches. Unscrew barrel with centre hammer and safety catch; flat “scroll” grip. Mark: “London.” Good condition. RARE CONFEDERATE SWORD REVOLVER Length, 27 inches. Lefauchaux six-shot, pin-fire. In very good condition, with ring butt and six-inch bar- rel fastened on top of a 21-inch sword. CONFEDERATE ArMorRY Piece. ONLY Two oF Wuicu Have Breen Sotp py AUCTION. [ILLustRATED—PLATE 4] LOCK FOR LARGE WHEELOCK Length, 10 inches. Unusual shape with Armorer’s in- dented mark, and slight chiseling. Good condition and rare. [ILLustRATED—PLaTE 3] CURIOUS AND RARE OLD WHEELOCK TRAP GUN Length, 22 inches. Made by Tanner at a very early period, and in fair condition, except that the wood is much worm-eaten, and grooved to fit on a fence post to steady it. No trigger, grip or shoulder stock. The 12-inch cannon barrel is pitted and has a contrivance to spring it when the bait is pulled. Very Rare. THE ONLY SPECIMEN SEEN. [ILLustRATED—PLATE 4] FINE SILVER MOUNTED POWDER FLASK Pale honey colored horn, pressed and grooved, with charger, silk cord and tassel. 41 239 240 242 243 244 PAIR OF ALL METAL TARGET OR SALOON PISTOLS Length, 8 inches. Calibre, .18. Full nickel, with trig- ger guards as mainsprings, with accessories, and would go very well in a case. Patented Feb. 6, 1877. In fine condition. LARGE BRASS GUN CAPPER Fine and scarce piece, to be attached to belt or button. [IrLustRATED—PLATE 3] BARNETT LARGE CANNON LOCK Length, 8 inches. English flintlock lock, with the orig- inal bluing. | Very large and fine old lock, CURIOUS ALL METAL BURGLAR ALARM RE- VOLVER : Length, 7 inches. Six-shot, cartridge of heavy comstruc- tion, having large disc trigger for attaching to the door. The two-inch barrel shoots a .22 calibre bullet. The grip is pierced for screwing on the door. Good con- dition. [ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 3] ELLS PERCUSSION REVOLVER Length, 9 inches. Calibre, .32. Five-shot, octagonal barrel; double action, engraved frame and cylinder. A scarce pistol. In fine condition. [IntusTRATED—PLATE 3] LARGE PETTINGILL PER'CUSSION REVOLVER Length, 15 inches. Six-shot, double action; hammer- less: in good condition except that ramrod is missing. No. 3283. 245 246 247 248 249 LARGE SPANISH MILITARY PISTOL Length, 1414 inches. Inlaid cannon barrel with gold and bold Armorer’s mark; steel engraved mounts, belt- hook; burl walnut checkered grip; bird-head butt, with metal cap and a very fine chiseled example of the migue- let lock. A Hanpsome Pistot. In Goop ConpiITIon. [ ILLUSTRATED—PLATE 4] FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL Length, 13 inches. As new. Probably French, and very unusual in such good condition; with 1)4-inch bell mouth, nearly full burl walnut stock; ramrod. FLINTLocK Biupersuss Pistors ARE RARE, ESPECIALLY IN Sucu FINE ConpiTION. : [ILLusTRATED—PLATE 4] ENGLISH (OR FRENCH) MILITARY WHEEL- OCK PETRONEL Length, 24 inches. A very scarce and desirable early pistol, in good condition with brass butt; thorn trigger, embryo spur guard; reeded band at mouth; full burl mahogany stock and ramrod. FINE AND VERY RARE. UNIQUE BRONZE FRAME PEPPERBOX Five-shot, engraved frame in good condition, with pear shape rosewood grip; indented barrel and top-snap. (Steel eaten away in barrel, making small hole.) Probably the earliest type of American pepperbox. VERY RARE, [ILLusTRATED—PLATE 3| PAIR OF ENGLISH FLINTLOCK POCKET PIS- hed eae Length, 6 inches. Unscrew barrels with centre hammers and engraved frames; flat scroll shape walnut grips. Handsome little pair marked “Scudamore.” Fine con- dition. 43 250 Zo 252 293 COLT HOUSE PISTOL Length, 7 inches. Calibre, .41. Five-shot, silver plated and engraved with round cylinder, and bone grip; sheathed trigger. Pat. 1871. In very good condition. COLT’S REVOLVING RIFLE Length, 45 inches. Percussion; six-shot, indented cyl- inder. No. 2230. Elevated rear-right. A rare rifle with the metal parts slightly pitted, and in fair condition. [ItLustraTED—PLaTE 5] FINE SHARP’S MODEL TARGET RIFLE Length, 46 inches. Calibre, .40. Breech-loading ; gradu- _ ated peep and target sights, handsome polished Circassian walnut stock; heavy octagon barrel, blued finish; as new except that the vulcanized finger grip is chipped. Mark: C. Sharp’s patent, Sep. 1848. | Tuts Rirte Was Ostainep DirEcTLY FROM THE SON OF THE Master ARMORFR OF THE SHARP’S RIFLE WorkKs AND Was A Monet PIEcE oF THE SHOP. [ILLUsTRATED—PLaTE 5] | GERMAN WHEELOCK RIFLE Length, 46 inches. Dated, 1708. Rifled octagon barrel with incised bands of chain design at breech and tip, and with script lettering “Hans Leffler, Anno 1708.” ‘The Wheelock is a gem of locksmith’s art; the curved thumb-piece as a dolphin supporting an urn; the screw as a daisy, AND EVERY PART CHISELED IN EXCELLENT DESIGN, THE LOCK PLATE HAVING SUNKEN ARMORER’S MARK AND THE DATE 1708, with thorn trigger. The full stock has carved steel sleeve at the tip, and at the first thimble is carved to represent a duck’s head; has cheek piece, patch box and an elaborate inlay of hunting scenes in steel, including dogs and deer in foliation. One thimble and the ramrod missing, otherwise in fine con- dition. | [In-ustRaATED—PLatTE 5] 44 Tart. Mae ee an, es Ve 254 SWEDISH WHEELOCK PISTOL OF ABOUT 1650 255 Length, 22 inches. Similar to the first wheelocks de- scribed in the History of the Thirty Years’ War. FINE WORKMANSHIP IN PLAIN LINES, with a 14-inch octagon polished steel barrel; the wheelock plain but very hand- some; curved thorn trigger and (new) guard; extended stock with metal tip and oval butt, with steel ribbon band; no ramrod, otherwise in fine shape. A Miuitary WHEELocK. Very Harp ta Finp. [ILLUsTRATED—PLATE 4] FENCING FOIL, MASQUE AND GLOVE The foil with button; wrapped hilt and brass tip. (3 pieces. ) Very decorative pieces. SEASON 1923-1924 A Noted Eastern Collection of Rare Edged Weapons, Guns, Pistols, Cannon Models and Powder Horns. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. i The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late F. Meee, well known Dealer and Expert. A Private Library to close an estate. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement the : Colle 7 tion of the late J. E. Doren A Fine Group of Colonial and Early American Furniture, Early American Furnishings, Glass, Pewter, etc. The Fourth Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late : | Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints and Books from Private ie . A Collection of Books relating to Western New York. The Irish Library of the late Dr. J. Orr Kyle. | ) Miscellaneous Art Objects, Lace, ‘Perfume, Be fe Cae an Estate. THE WaLPoLe GaLLeriEs, 12 W. 48th St., New York —