CATALOGUE No. 1355 A COLLECTION OF RARLY AMERICAN STONE IMPLEMENTS, Peruvian Pottery, Revolutionary Relics, Karly American Bullet Moulds Locks and Keys, Ete. BELONGING TO Capt. Roswell Randall Hoes (Chaplain Corps) U. S. Navy AND FROM OTHER SOURCES An Extraordinary Collection of Early American and other Giassware, Early American and En- glish China and Porcelains Fine and Rare Specimens of Japanese and Chinese Porcelains Early American and English Pewter Japanese Swords and Bronze Ornaments, Etc. ‘ TO BE SOLD Thursday Morning and Afternoon, June sth, 1924 AT 10.30 AND 2.30 O’?CLOCK (Daylight Saving Time) STA N. V. HENKELS & SON AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings S04 Walnut St... Philadelphia, Pa. * i | ae ; ; \ i y i ¥ ~, * ed . ger” ] 7 > The only Auction House in the country where the per: who compiles the catalogue, cries the sale—an advante not to be lightly overlooked. sna TERMS OF SALE ; ee >. No credit given under any circumstance. Nothing returnable on account of imperfections. — On mail orders, payment must be made on receipt oF bill, ‘ anne must be made when eee < charge for those who cannot attend sale. In all cases of disputed bids, the Auctioneer oe right of re-selling the lot in question. STAN. V. HENKELS & SON, AvucTION COMMISSION Mencuants, Be 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, | Philadelphia — CATALOGUE Colonial Bullet Mould, for casting 24 bullets; about 2 feet long, including handle. A very rare and interesting piece, Small Antique American Bullet Mould. Brass Bullet Mould, for casting 4 bullets, period of the Civil War. 4 2 Iron and Brass Bullet Moulds, period of the Civil War. 5 2 Brass Colonial Table Spoon Moulds. 6 Colonial Brass Tea Spoon Mould. 7 8 -_= Ow WwW Curious Old Colonial Iron Door Lock. Large and Curious Colonial Iron Key. 9 Large and Curious Colonial Iron Key. 10 Large and Curious Colonial Iron Key. 11 Curious Wrought-iron Colonial Key. 12 3 Antique Wrought-iron Keys. 13 2 Antique Wrought-iron and Brass Keys. 14 Curious Wrought-iron Folding Key. 15 2 Colonial Tooth Extractors. 16 Pair of early American Barbers’ Shears, used by a Wash- ington barber to clip the hairs of various Presidents. 17 Quill Pen Cutter, Colonial. 18 Boxwood Sand Box, used by Judge Richard Parker, who conducted the trial of John Brown. 19 =: Tin Lamp, for heating curling iron. may 4 pairs of Antique Spectacles. 21 Colonial Wood Plane. 22 Antique Colonial Folding Brass Rule. 23 Antique Steel Curling Tongs. 24 Antique Brass Match Box. 25 Antique Colonial Wooden Collection Plate. 26 Set of Antique Brass Weights. 27 Colonial Wooden Machine, for setting out webs for candle wicks. 28 Pair of Ornamental Antique Brass Stirrups, oD 30 31 32 33 34 3 36 37 38 39 40 4! 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 4 A very early Colonial Tinder Box, made by Ives, of Bristol. This is a very curious piece and is said to be the only complete one in existence. , Small Colonial Brass Mortar and Pestle. Flint Lock for Rifle, made by Tower. The Dublin Castle Flint Lock for Rifle. Colonial Steel Tomahawk Head. Steel Dress Sword. Wood Canteen, used in the Revolutionary army in 1776 by Isaac Dubois, with his initials cut in the wood of one side. Colonial Powder Horn. 41 Brass American Military Buttons, about the time of the Civil War. 8 Brass Waterbury Volunteer Firemen’s Buttons. Antique Ivory Pocket Nutmeg Box, used in Colonial times by old gentlemen to flavor their toddy. Carved Mother-of-Pearl Shell, with a representation of the Nativity. Beautifully Woven Panama Grass Cigar Case. 2 very small beautifully carved Weoden Figures of Goat and Cow. A piece of the Oak Tree that stood on the Barlow Estate in the Town of Pelham, West Chester County, N. Y., be- neath which the Indians ceded their land to Thomas Pell in 1654. Very curious small Glass Bottle from the Ruins of Pompeii. A piece of the Table that came over on the Mayflower, with its history attached. Old Steel Horse Bit, South American. Revolutionary Signal Horn, made from a Goat’s Horn. An Antique Solid Silver German Double Buckle, about two inches and a half in diameter, beautifully decorated with a German Coat of Arms in High Relief. Monkey Skull from Ceylon. Japanese Bronze Figure of a Skull. An Antique Silver Communion Chalice, very old and curious. 52 a 54 55 56 Ws 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 5 Antique Pewter Lamp. Sperm Whale’s Tooth. Colored Bronze Figure—Siamese Buddah. Thumb Bible, Illustrated. 64mo, calf, New York, 181g. Miniature New Testament, about three-quarters of an inch high, printed at Glasgow, 1898, in case, the smallest New Testament ever printed. Pair of Antique English Walking Shoes. Collection of Curious Shells. Piece of Woven Cloth, found in the graves of the Perue vians. It is many thousands of years old. Pair of North American Indian Decorated Buckskin Moc-. casins for a Child. Pair of Decorated North American Indian Buckskir: Moccasins. New York Indian Stone Chisel, found at Kingston, N. Y. 3 Curious Stone and Mother-of-Pearl Ornaments or Totems made by the Indians of New York. Necklace of 28 Beads, about an inch long, made of greens stone by New York Indians. A very Old and Curious Various-colored Bead Necklace, . made by the New York Indians, containing several hundred: beads. Stone Club Head from the Solomon Islands. In the shape of a six-pointed Star with a hole in the centre. 2 Very Old Stone Weights for fishing, from Samoa. Red Stone Indian Pipe. 6 Early Indian Black Clay Pipes. 5 Turkish Red and Black Clay Pipes. 2 Small North American Indian Stone Tomahawk Heads. Stone Polisher, made by the Arizona Indians. Large Stone Pestle, used by the Indians of New York. Fuegian Spear Head made of bone. Rare. Peruvian Burial Vases, &c. Very Old Peruvian Red Clay Pitcher Bottle, with handle in the form of a man. Very Old Peruvian Red Clay Urn, in the form of a frog decorated with white decorations. a hy 77 Very Old and Curious Black Clay Pitcher Bottle, with two spouts, with a curious idol on top. 78 Very Old Black Clay Pitcher Vase, curiously and artisti- cally decorated. 79 Very Old Red Clay Bottle, curious shape. 80 Very Old Red Clay Two-handled Urn, a white decor- ation. 81 Very Old Red Clay Urn, supported by three feet. 82 Very Old Red Clay Two-handled Urn, slightly damaged. 83 3 Very Old Red Clay Urns. 84 Very Old Red Clay Urn, with curious decorations. 85 Very Old Red Clay Urn, supported by three feet. 86 Very Old Black Clay Vase, with curious handle and dec- orations in relief. 87 Very Old Light Clay Vase. 88 Very Old Red Clay Vase. 89 Very Old Clay Vase, with curious handle. 90 ~=-Very Old Clay Vase, supported on three feet. gt 4 Very Old Red Clay Vases, small. 92 7 pieces of Very Old Red and Black Clay Small Vases, &c. 93 Very Old Red Clay Peruvian Idol. 94 Very Old Stone Poi Pounder, from the Hawaiian Islands, 95 Very Old Stone Seat, supported with four feet, made by the Central American Indians. 96 An Old Hawaiian Calabash. 97 Hawaiian Water Gourd. 98 Very Old Red Clay Water Bottle, in the shape of a large bean pod. 3 99 ~~ Large Calabash, Hawaiian. 100 Polished Cocoa Water Holder, very fine. rot Very Oldand Curious Cocoa Pipe, with ornamental brass top and briar root stem. 102. Curiosuly Carved Wood Kapa Pounder, from the Sand- wich Islands. 103 Bone Fugeian Spear. 104 4 Curious Reed Pipe Stems. 104A A Collection of about One Hundred Early Egyptian 7 Amulets of various shapes and sizes. It contains many of the symbols which we call “dat” or “tat,” a few gods; in fact, it is a remarkable collection, and should interest the Student on Egyptology. 104B 2 Karly Egyptian Bronze Figures. Very fine. 104c Shell Cameo. Head of Pius IX. Very fine. 104D 2 Shell Cameos. Madonna. Very fine. 104E Chinese embroidering in Gold Bullion on Black Silk. Very fine. Very Old Violin 104F A Very Fine and Choice Old Violin. Been in the pos- session of the family of the present owner for over one hundred years (inside, ‘‘ Antonie Stradivarious 1736 *y, and it has always been considered a genuine instrument made by the great master. lt 1s in very good condition, perfect in tone, and is welf worthy the consideration of performers on the Violin. 105 Very Old Egyptian Tear Bottle. 106 Very Curious Red Clay Oil Lamp from the Ruins of Pompeii. 107 +Pair of Very Curious Glass Bracelets for the Ankles, worn by the South African Women. 108 Decorated Gourd from Peru. 10g.) = Hawaiian Reed Flute. 110 A Very Curious ‘‘Game Stone” from the Hawaiiarm Islands. rir An Ostrich Egg. P 112 A lot of Specimens of Cloth made by Natives of the Sandwich Islands. 113 2 Curious Bone Knitting Needles. 114 United States Red Cross Flag, used during the Spanish. American War on one of our Red Cross Ships. 115 Large lot of Relics from Various Countries. 116 =Antique Gold Breast Pin, 117 Antique Gold and Red Cornelian Seal. 118 Antique Gold and Topaz Seal. 11g = Antique Gold Breast Pin. Curious, 120 Antique Gold Breast Pin, with ten imitation diamonds. 121 Antique Silver Breast Pin of a Bird. {22 123 424 M25 126 127 128 A2Q “130 131 “— 32 133 £34 135 136 137 138 139 140 G41 142 143 144 145 147 148 449 “I 50 GO. 152 153 154 155 8 Antique Gold Breast Pin for Hair. A pair of Antique Gold Hoop Earrings. Red Cross Flag of the Spanish Ship “ Reina Mercedes,” Battle of Santiago, 1898. Large Indian Stone Axe Head. Large Indian Stone Axe Head. Indian Stone Axe Head. Fine. Indian Stone Axe Head. Indian Stone Axe Head, New Jersey. “Indian Stone Tomahawk Head. Indian Stone Tomahawk Head. Indian Stone Tomahawk Head, New Jersey. Indian Stone Tomahawk Head, New Jersey. * Indian Stone Axe Head. Indian Stone Axe Head, Princeton, N. J. Large Stone Pestle, Ulster County, N. Y. Indian Stone Pestle, Ulster County, N. Y. Indian Stone Chisel. Indian Stone Chisel. Indian Stone Chisel, from the Valley of the Connecti- cut, Mass. Indian Stone Chisel. Indian Stone Chisel, Ulster County, N. Y. Stone Gouge, New England. Indian Fire Stone. Indian Stone Last, found near Stroudsburg, Pa. Indian Stone Gouge, Massachusetts. Indian Spear Head, Ulster County, N. Y. Indian Stone Spear Head, Ulster County, N. Y. Indian Stone Gouge, Kingston, N. Y. Indian Stone Pestle, New Hampshire. Very Old Indian Stone Gouge, New England. Indian Polishing Stone, Ulster County, N. Y. Indian Polishing Stone, Kingston, N. Y. Indian Stone Drill, Ulster County, N. Y. Stone for head of War Club, Delaware Indians. Indian Stone Knife, Monroe County, Pa. 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 ) Round Indian Stone Implement, Ulster County, N. Y. 40 Arrow Heads from the Valley of Connecticut. 4 Arrow Heads, Ulster County, N. Y. Lot of Arrow Heads. Lot of Broken Indian Stone Implements. 6 Revolutionary Cannon Balls. Mortar and Pestle. Lot of Minerals. Early Glass, Porcelain and China and Pewter 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 378 179 180 181 182 183 384 185 186 187 188 Bridgeton Glass Bottle—Washington-Taylor. Early Jersey Bottle, with Eagle; reverse, Coffin & Hay, Hammonton, N. J. Jersey—Washington-Taylor Flask. Similar Piece. Jenny Lind Glass Bottle; reverse, Glass House, S. Huffsey Early Jersey Twisted Blown Bottle. Three-mold Blown Bottle. Large Steigel Glass Bottle, with Dutch Tulips, etched on sides and ends. fine piece. Purple Steeple Bottle, Rare. Fine color, Pale Green Steigel Glass Bottle. Very fine. 3 Purple and Blue and Brown Glass Bottles, Four-Pinch Glass Bottle. Four-Pinch Glass Bottle. Fine piece. Pair of Purple Hyacinth Glass Vases. Large Bohemian Engraved Decanter, with Stopper. Tall Bohemian Engraved-glass Wine Decanter, with Stopper. Large Gallon Demijohn, Pickle Jar and Brown Glass Bottle. Old Blown-glass Pitcher, with slight crack. Old Blown-glass Pitcher. Perfect piece. 4 Purple Glass Finger Bowls. Pair Amber Glass Finger Bowls. 3 Glass Finger Bowls, assorted. Bohemian Glass Stein, beautifully etched. 2 Bohemian Glass Vases, beautifully etched. 189 190 IgI 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 B17 218 219 220 221 222 223 10 2 Sandwich Glass Sugar Bowls. 6 pieces of Sandwich Glass Dishes and Trays. Pair of Bohemian Glass Vases, beautifully etched. Dolphin Glass Candlestick, pale green. Bohemian Glassware—z2 Bottles and 2 Vases. Pressed Glass—2 Lamps and 2 Candlesticks. Pressed Glass—z2 Bottles and 1 Candlestick. 7 pieces of Lemon Colored Pressed Glassware. Brown Pressed Glassware. 7 pieces. Blue Pressed Glassware. 8 pieces. Green Pressed Glassware. 8 pieces. Pair of Green Glass Blown Vases. Lemon Colored Pressed Glassware. 7 pieces, Brown and Amber Pressed Glass. 10 pieces. Blue Pressed Glass. 8 pieces. Brown Pressed Glass. 10 pieces. Green and Lemon Pressed Glass. 8 pieces. White Pressed Glass. 12 pieces. Cut Glass Decanter. Fine piece, old. Individual Water Bottles. 3 pieces, old. Pair of Decanters. Old. 3 pieces of Glassware—2z Decanters and 1 Water Bottle. Pressed Glassware, Trays and Dishes. 10 pieces. Pressed Glassware. 15 pieces. Bohemian Glass Hochs. 3 pieces. Bohemian Glasses. 3 pieces. Cameo Glass Bottle, Silver Top. Pressed Glassware Vases. 7 pieces. Cut Glass Comport. Fine piece. Sandwich Pressed Glass Comport. Pressed Glass Comports. 4 pieces. Glass Placques, with embossing of coins on the back. Curious. 2 pieces. Pressed Glass Placque, with embossed figure of Wm. McKinley. Pressed Glassware. 12 pieces. Pressed Glassware. 16 pieces. 11 224 Pressed Glassware. 20 pieces. 225 Pressed Glassware. 20 pieces. 226 ‘Pressed Glass Salt Cellars. 3 pieces. 227 ~Pressed Glass. 12 pieces, 228 Pressed Glass Comport, Chicken Dish, &c. 6 pieces. 229. Glassware, Fluid Lamps, Bottles, &c. 6 pieces. 230 Cut-Glass Mug. Sterling silver top. 231 Large Glass Pickle Jars. Pair. 232 Pressed Glassware Chicken Dishes. 2 pieces. 233 Ruby Pressed Glass Tumblers. 7 pieces. 234 Colored Glassware. 8 pieces. 235 Colored Glassware. 5 pieces. 236 Colored Glassware. 6 pieces. 237 Opalescent Glass. 5 pieces. 238 Opalescent Glassware. 7 pieces. 239 Colored Glassware Pitchers. 3 pieces. 240 Assorted Colored Glassware Vases. 6 pieces. 241 Pair of Milk-White Candlesticks, 242 Pressed Glass Tray, with Locomotive and Train. 243 Colored Glassware. 8 pieces. 244 Pressed Glass Opaque Plates. 6 pieces. 245 Steigel Wine Glasses. 3 pieces. 246 Pressed Glass Toddy Tumblers. 12 pieces. 247 ~— Bristol Glass Salt Urns. Pair. 248 Pair of Old Jersey Engraved Glass Beakers. Very jine. 249 Pair of Colonial Cut Lemon-Colored Glass Comports, with covers. A beautiful pair. 250 Blue Glass Finger Bowls. 5 pieces. 251 Pair of Blown-Glass Decanters. 252 +#Pair of Cut-Glass Decanters. 253 Cut-Glass Decanter. 254 Steigel Glass Flip Glass, with etching of schooner on side. Fine piece and perfect. 255 Early Jersey Blown-Glass Jar, with Cover. Fine piece. 256 Mille-Flore Glass Ink Stand—paper weight. The flowers appear both in the stopper and in the base. Fine piece. 12 257 +Pair of Bohemian Glass Hyacinth Vases. Delicately etched. 258 Blown Glass Blue Mug and Vase. 2 pieces. 259 ~+Large Baltimore Pottery Pitcher, with Masque. A marked piece. 260 ~ +Bennington Pottery Pitcher. 261 + Pair of Baltimore Pottery Mugs. One marked. 262 Large Staffordshire Blue Coffee Pot, with cover, with European scenery on the side. 263 Staffordshire China Blue Tea Pot, with cover. 264 Willowware Sauce Boat, with tray and three saucers. 265 Staffordshire China Plates, Shell Pattern. 3 pieces. 266 = Staffordshire China Vegetable Dish, European scenery. 267 ~+Blue Staffordshire China Platter, with American ship in harbor. 268 Blue Staffordshire States Plate, mended. 269 ~=S@Blue Staffordshire China Plate, with City Hall, New York. 8 inches. 270 ~=Blue Staffordshire China Plate. 6 inches. Landing of Lafayette. 271 ~~ Blue Staffordshire China States Plate. 272 French Transparent Plate, with Masonic and other scenes. 3 pieces. 273 Staffordshire China. 4 pieces. 274 Willow-ware Steak Platters. 2 pieces. 275 Canton Platters. Large and small. 3 pieces. 276 Willowware Comport, Platter and Plate. 3 pieces. 277 ~+ Staffordshire China Plates. 3 pieces. 278 Staffordshire China Plates. 3 pieces. 279 ~=Staffordshire China Plates and Saucers. 4 pieces. 280 Staffordshire and Dutch Pottery Plates. 4 pieces. 281 Blue and Flower Plates. 4 pieces. 282 Lustre and Pink Transfer-ware. Plates. 4 pieces. 283 Staffordshire China Blue Plates, Hoboken, in New Jersey. 6 inches. 2 pieces. 284 Staffordshire and Transfer China Plates. 5 pieces. 285 Staffordshire China Black Platter, with view of ship “« Neptune.” 13 286 Staffordshire China Blue Plates. 3 pieces. 287 Staffordshire China Plate, with scenes of ships, Boston Mails ; center with view of cabin interior. 288 Staffordshire China Plates. One with view of Fonthill Abbey, the other with figures of animals. 2 pieces. 289 Large Blue Delft Placque, with floral decorations. 290 Large Blue Delft Placque, with floral decorations. 291 Blue Delft Plate, bearing date of 1763. 292 ~+Large Nankin Platter. 2093 Lustre China Tea and Coffee Set. Including tea pot, coffee pot, sugar bowl and creamer. 2904 Lustre China Milk Pitcher, with chariot scenes on sides in blue background. 295 Lustre China Coffee Cup and Saucer. 296 2 Lustre China Small Mugs. 297 2 Lustre China Cream Pitchers, small. 298 Lustre China Milk Pitcher. 299 ~=Lustre China Milk Pitcher. 300 ~=Lustre China Milk Pitcher. 301 Lustre China Milk Pitcher. 302 Lustre China Cream Pitcher. 303 2 Lustre China Cream Pitchers. 304 3 Lustre China Mugs. 305 Lustre China Water Pitcher. 306 ~=Lustre China Gravy Boat, with lid, ladle and tray. 307. ~+Lustre China Cream Pitcher, with scenes printed in black on sides. 308 2 Lustre China Cups and Saucers, with birds and floral designs. 309 ~=)> Lustre China Bouillon Cup and Saucer. 310 Lustre China Mug, with Japanese Scenes. 311 Mille-Flore Paper Weight. 312 Mille-Flore Paper Weight. 313. Mille-Flore Paper Weight. 314 3 Glass Hochs, with blue and white spiral in stems. 315 6 Purple Cordial Glasses. 316 2 Early American Glass Toddy Goblets, heavy glass, with American Eagle and wreath, heavily etched on sides. fine pieces. at/ 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 S32 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 « 14 Early American Glass Mug. Miniature Dark Blue Glass Mug. Early American Cup Plate—American Eagle. Early American Cup Plate—Log Cabin. Early American Cup Plate—‘ Benjamin Franklin Sailing Boat.”’ Early American Cup Plates—“ Henry Clay.” 2 pieces. Early American Cup Plates—Fancy designs. 3 pieces. Early American Cup Plates—Fancy designs. 2 pieces. Lowestoft Bouillon Cup and Saucer. Lowestoft Bouillon Cup and Saucer. Lowestoft Bouillon Cup and Saucer. Lowestoft Bouillon Cup and Saucer. Nankin China Tea Pot, with lid. Nankin China Mug. Wedgewood Pitcher-urn—blue. Wedgewood Cream Pitcher—dark blue. Blue Sandwich Glass Ink Stand. Liverpool Syrup Jug. Pewter Ware Pair of Porridge Bowls. Large Pewter Placque, English Hall Mark. 16% inches. Large Pewter Placque, English Hall Mark. 13% inches. Pewter Communion Service, comprising large Tankard Plate and pair of Chalices. 4 pieces. Fine set. Large Double-handled Pewter Porringer, with lid. Fine piece. Pair of Pewter Candlesticks, fluted. Large Double Decker Pewter Ink Stand, Con a for pens, stamps, &c. Large Dutch Pewter Ale Pitcher. Very graceful. Dutch Pewter Ink Stand, with combination of Inkwell, Sand Shaker and horn for holding quills. Large Pewter Bed Warmer, with handle. Pewter Muffinier, with beautifully pierced top. Large Pewter Chocolate Pot Makers, F. Porter and Westbrook, No. 4. 15° 347 Early American Large Pewter Coffee Pot. 348 Early American Pewter Tea Pot. 349 + Brittania and Pewter Tea Pots, large and small. 2 pieces, 350 Pewter Stamp Box, Round Lid Box and one other. 3 pieces. 35€ Pewter Stein and Small Mug. 2 pieces. 352 Sheffield Candle Stick and Pewter Mug. 2 pieces. 353 Sheffield Tea Pot, with ebony handle. 354 Pair of English Pewter Plates, beaded border. Sizé, (0 in. 355 Large Pewter Deep Bowl, London Hall Mark. 12% in. 356 Large Pewter Deep Plate, London Hall Mark. Size, 13% in. | | 357 Large Pewter Placque, with inscription. Size, 12 in. Foreign Hall Mark. 358 2 Pewter Plates. 359 Early Pewter Oil Lamp, with tall stem. Rare China 360 Pair of Early Staffordshire China Dogs. 361 = Early Staffordshire Group, man and woman, 362 ~=— Early Staffordshire Figure of Child. 363 Staffordshire China Soup Tureen, green pattern, with lid and ladle. Fine piece. 364 Staffordshire China Coffee Pot, Cream Pitcher, Gravy 7 Boat, Sugar Bowl and Dish. 4 pieces. 365 Staffordshire China Coffee Pot, Cream Pitcher and Ale Stein. 3 pieces. 366 China Water Pitcher and Sugar Bowl. 2 pieces. 367 3 China Plates, Chinese. _ 368 Blue China Bouillon Cup and Saucer, Willowware Bouil- lon Cup and Saucer, and two other pieces. As a lot. 369 China Mugs. 3 pieces. 370 Blue China Vase, with portrait of a lady, 371 White-Glass Fruit Dishes. 3 pieces. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain and Enamel 372 Cloisonné Vase with Orchids. Worked without the wire. Fine piece. 373 Cloisonné Vase, octagonal sides. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 394 393 394 16 Cloisonné Insence Stand, with exquisite design of dragon on the sides, and minute gold-wire inlaying. Fine prece. Cloisonné Vase. Cloisonné Vase. Cloisonné Vase. Satsuma Square Vase, with exquisitely-executed scenes on the four sides. Crackleware Square Vase, with beautiful scenes and floral designs in gold and colors on the sides. Satsuma Vase, in the shape of anegg. Fine prece. Ox-Blood Vase, beautiful color, 7 1-2 in. high. Very Old Medallion China Square-shaped Vase, with cover. Decorated with figures in colors, with teakwood stand. Small Hawthorne Ginger Jar. Very Old and Curious Porcelain Figure of a fat man fan- ning himself. Highly decorated in colors. White Porcelain Incense Burner, supported on three feet, with carved teakwood cover, mounted with jade, with teak- wood stand. Very Beautiful Porcelain Vase, whitish-gray in color, with decorations in dark gray, with teakwood stand. Green Porcelain Globular Vase, with teakwood stand. Satsuma White Vase, decorated with figures in red and. gold, green enamel on the inside. Fine old piece. With teakwood stand. Speckled Dark Green Globular Porcelain Vase, with teakwood stand. Tall Blue Porcelain Vase, dark blue enamel, remarkably fine piece as to color, with teakwood stand. Crackleware Circular Vase, decorated with figures in colors of Chinese warriors, very old, with teakwood stand. Pair of Tall Round Vases, enameled, with figures in col- ors of Chinese ladies, apple blossoms and roses. A re- markable pair. Snuff-colored Porcelain Cylinder Vase, with decorations. in relief and teakwood stand. A Double Globular Crackleware Yellow Vase, with teak- wood stand. 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 ati. Are 413 414 415 416 417 A18 419 17 Pair of Small White Porcelain Vases, decorated with figures in colors. Green Porcelain Cylinder Vase, with teakwood stand. Small Globular Porcelain Vase, with cover. Peculiar mixed colored glazing, with teakwood stand. Very rare and choice old piece. Square Porcelain Upright Vase, with decorations in relief, Small Red Porcelain Vase, with panels in white, deco- rated with figures in colors. Dark-Green Globular Porcelain Ginger Jar. Small Porcelain Medallion Vase, decorated with flowers in colors, with teakwood stand. A Very Rare and Curious Porcelain Incense Burner, light blue crackle, supported on three feet, with teakwood cover. Double Globular Vase, bluish-gray, glazed, fine old piece, with teakwood stand. Pair of ‘Dog Foo” Figures, black glaze, very curious. Very Rare Circular Vase, with lid, white decoration on blue glazed background, a choice and rare old piece. Irwari Circular White Vase, with birds and floral decora- tions in colors. Very Old Brown Glazed Circular Vase. Very Old Blue Glazed Ginger Jar. Blue and White Porcelain Circular Vase. Pair of Blue and White Hawthorne Porcelain Ginger Jars or Tea Caddies. White and Blue Porcelain Circular Vase, with teakwood stand. Small Circular Vase, green glaze, with teakwood stand. Very Old Porcelain Vase, grayish-white glazing. Very Old Circular Ginger Jar, bluish-green glaze. Square-shaped Porcelain Vase, with decorations in colors, Small Crackleware Vase, snail-colored glaze. Very Old Crackleware Vase, with snail-colored glaze, decorations in relief. Very Old Small Crackleware Vase. Small Satsuma Jar, with cover, gold and white decora- tions in relief. 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 430 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 18 Very Old Small Globular Vase, with cover, mixed blue glazing. 2 Old Porcelain Vases, with covers, curious glaze. 4 Small Chinese Porcelain Vases. Curious Small Porcelain Incense Burner, with bronze top. Kiyomizu Figure of a Child’s Head, covered with a white hood, with cover. Very old and rare. Very Curious Porcelain Vase, rough glaze, with floral decorations in black. Very Old Small Crackleware Bowl, light pea-green glaze. Small Porcelain Bonbon Box, with teakwood lid. Small Porcelain Bonbon Box, dark brown glaze, with cover. Small Porcelain Tea Caddy, blue decorations. Small Brown Porcelain Incense Burner, with bronze cover. Small Six-sided Porcelain Satsuma Vase, beautifully deco- rated in colors. 5 Small Porcelain Vases, assorted. Very Curious White Porcelain Teapot, with decorations in high relief. Small Satsuma Bowl, beautifully decorated. Small Satsuma Bowl, decorated in gold and colors, with teakwood stand. 6 Small Porcelain Vases, assorted. 7 pieces of Chinese Porcelain, assorted. 6 pieces of Chinese Porcelain, assorted. Very Curious Jade Figure of a Reclining Deer. Fine. Jade Carving of a Chinese God, teakwood stand, Handsomely-carved Ivory Cigarette Case. Carved Ivory Group of Twelve Rats, very old and curious. Carved-ivory Figure of an Elephant. Carved-ivory Figure of a Harlequin. Very Curious Carved Jade Figure on bronze stand, Very Old Small Satsuma Cup. Small Greenish-White Jade Vase. Very fine and rare, Small Iwari Cup, with lid and stand. Very Curious Small Crackleware Vase, with cover. 19 450 6 Decorated Porcelain Tear Bottles. 45! Small Decorated Porcelain Tear Bottle. 452 Set of Five Chinese Porcelain Death or Execution Cups, 453 Small Crackleware Tea Pot. 454 3 Small Porcelain Vases, 455 Hanley English China Comport, without cover. Se SS er tS ssNnSSSSUSENENECSEED Misceliameous Porcelain 456 Porcelain Placques, with portraits in high relief of Wash- ington, Franklin, Lincoln, Grant, Whittier and Holmes, 6 pieces. 457 3 Very Old Chinese Porcelain Butterfly Plates. 458 6 Ridgway English China Soup Plates, blue decorations. 459 Currier & Ives Lithograph in Colors, “ The Little Fa- vorite,” in antique mahogany frame. 460 2 Walrus Teeth, etched in black, with symbolical figures, 461 Copper Tea Pot. 462 Silver Child’s Set, with pearl handles. 463 Antique Open-face Gold Watch. 464 Antique Beaded Coin Purse. ris 465 Antique Beaded Coin Purse. 466 Antique Small Beaded Bag. 467 ‘Pair of Antique Bellows. 468 Antige Compass. 469 ‘Pair of Antique Bubble Mirrors. 470 Antique Silver Plated, Candle Snuffer and Tray. 471 2 Silhouette Portraits, in wooden frames. 472 Antique Compass, in boxwood case. 473 Silhouette Portrait, unknown, in frame. 474 Ladies’ Antique Mahogany Work Box. 475 Pair of Brass Candelabra, with glass pendants. 476 Pair of Brass Candelabra, with glass pendants. 477 Pair of Brass Candlesticks. 478 Pair of Small Brass Candlesticks. 479 4 Assorted Antique Brass Candlesticks. 480 Pair of Small Sheffield Silver Candlesticks. - 20 481 Ancient Wooden Chest, handsomely carved, \ handle, with inscription engraved on bottom, “ GF 482 Lacquered Box, &c. 4 pieces. 483 Circular Tall-neck German Gin Bottle, with » pain side. 484 Curious Chinese Soap-stone Carving. 485 Japanese Sword, with carved-ivory scabbard. 486 Japanese Sword, with carved. ivory scabbard. 487 Curious Malays Knife, with bone handle and leathers 488 Japanese Sword, with handsomely lacquered scabl ard 489 Japanese Sword, with handsomely carved- -ivory ‘sca bar 490 Curious Chinese Group of Articulated Turtles, nig | cover, on lacquered base. | 49t Antique Pewter Teapot, with ebony handle. ¥ an 492 Antique Pewter Slop Bowl. 7 493 Ivory Tusk Vase, mounted with silver. as) 494 Piece of Carved Teakwood, with saa of Le | 7 praying, inlaid with ivory and pearl. 495 Brass Egg Boiler. 496 Thermometer mounted on a deer s foot. | 497. Cut-Glass Whiskey Decanter. 498 Cut-Glass Whiskey Decanter. | 499 Japanese Bronze Vase. 500 Ostrich Egg, with cocoa cup stand. sor Large Spy Glass. | 502 Antique Iron Lamp. 503 Pair of Opera Glasses. 504 Inkstand, Candlestick, &c. 7 pieces. t bh aan ‘ ‘ eae aN VEE! UR URE Raat, ak iN voit ria’ fe een ty be A AL as : Pe ’ 7 ae ma i ae he bate k NE ole ea Z . - ek net 2 he. ater te j (Ad eiey a % 4 ; OMe Re EW Sissy eet i a ® a Cee? Dt ee iaee Sy Sie vf