LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York L'Hermitte's “ Repos des Mois- / sonneurs ’ Brings $8,800, Top | Price at Estates’ Auction. Timi at iS A VAN MARCK FOR”. $8,500 Cazin’s “‘Chaumlere du Nord’ Also Fetches $8,500, and Jacque’s “Sheep In Forest’ $4,000. Pictures of the late Isaac D. Fletcher, Charles Francis Williamson, of Paris, who lost his life on the Lusitania; estate | of Mrs. Sarah L. Ames, and others were | sold under the auspices of the American Art Association at the Plaza last eve- ning, Thomas E. Kirby in the auction- er’s chair, 101 numbers bringing $96,140. The highest price of the evening was | paid for L'Hermitte’s “! Repos des Mois- | sonneurs, ” Fletcher estate, which went to Bernet, agent, for $8,800, Van Marck’s “‘ Oaitle in Pasture,’’ sold by order of Charles M. Englis, went to Seaman, {agent, for $8,500, and Cazin's ‘' Chau- miere du Nord,’’ from the Fletcher es- ESR went to the Ralston Galleries for The Pictures and Prices. Following are other pictures bringing $300 and over, names of artists, ana buyers: : 8—Returning Home—Albert P. Ryder; Werdinand Howald ....-..--..045 5—Nymph and Cupid — Jean Francois Millet; Miss R. Teschner............. 525 6—Moonrise—Albert P. Ryder James I. BBA. cna ainic ob Amie 8 tiniprt bis ble ware ene ». BOO | 7—Just Awake—Ludwig Knaus; Holland PAR ORIOR Shui Ol pape ees give ea ya's nee 350 10—Venetian Scene—Felix Ziem; ‘noed- BENS Bo) CO. Sorermipals ss/sind 300 | 16—Marine — Hendrik Willem’ Meésdag; Miss R. Teschner.... 2... c.c erences 320 21—Marine — Johannes Barthold Jong- é kind; Miss R. Teschner.,........-.-+ 6525 22-—-The Storm—-Carleton, Wiggin: MAN, BREN Kos 5 os pe Ving See aes ere eee = 425 23—Windmills ‘on ‘a’ River: Holland— | Jacob Maris; Ralston Galleries...... 8,050 | 24—Chien HEpagnaul—Constant Troyon; -BeaAMAN, AKeNt .. eke e reece ween ee eee 1,600 25—Sheer' and Shepherdesa—' ‘tharlos Emile Jacque; Knoedler & Co.......- 2, 26—Chiens sous Bois—Diaz; Clapp & TPA WER icc ttite cs ashe es pew ae ARNE, . 1,400 27—Ontching ‘Grawfish—Corot; Rudert,y BRON savers eccecn sere ekereeer en tses 1,600 25 The Basse- Cour—Charles Emile Jacque; Ralston Calferies......-.-- 800 29+The Little Housekeepers—Joset Ts- raels; Bernet, agent........ esate Wie veh 2,100 80—Holland in 1850—Johannes HH. Weis- sengruch; Knoedler & Co.......-.55 726 $88—Fishing Vessels off the French ‘Goast —Jules Dupre; Holland Galleries...... 525 88—Venice—Felix Ziem; M. Walker.. 4{—La Vache ,Blanche—Marie Dieter! A. &. Harkness sees cee eee 57h | 43—Psyche—Gabriel von Max; Deutsch ...0.,ecee cee Naeteeees 860 45—The Bather— Bougueread; John Li S0u 4%—South Devon, near Torquay, Eng- Jand—Julian Rix; H. 8. Harkness 1,150 47-The Coffee Hour—Ludwig Knauw bi-—-The Sw: amp. Pasi Ranger; Bernet, agent... 975 34—Diana at Rest—Frederick, Williams; Holland. Galleries. 300 55--Spring Plowing—Horatio Walker x 5 ve |. MeCarthy <....... vee vas i] S6—-A Garden celli; Miss R. Teschner b7--Winter Landscape—Lu: Rudert, agent... ; 1 58—Sheep in the For Ch: Jacque; Ralston Galleries }59 — Fishing Boats — Hend Mesdag; Seaman, agent 60—The ae Call — pas pba » Peasau clan uys; A, N. Cla TesTtallan. Le: ue ° ae io 2 ater 4. -T, Ellis of s ‘T5—A Luncheon ina Palace— | Jean Baptiste, - Tones ‘Pater and.) |. Meusnier; A. Rudert, BBCI sae wes 2,100 ‘Té—The Mussel Stat cod Cuyp; ts 3 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Lae AN interesting early example of a master, who to the present ZS generation is better known for his marine subjects. The scene ee is that of a studio, the walls of which are a dull red, browned Bee with shadow. Meanwhile in the center of the room the light < falls on two easels and two men seated side by side in front of them. The farther one, in his shirt-sleeves and a black vest and trousers, is playing a violin, while his companion, dressed in white nankeen trousers and a black swallow-tail coat is accompanying on the cello. Over the back of this man’s chair hangs a red apron which adds a note of color to the com- position. Yh, Signed at the lower center, and dated 67. John H. Converse Collection, New York, 1911.-¥23 - X60 / Ming To be sold to close an Estate. ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 18389—1886 | / ) f 20—INCOMING SHIP Height, 2814 inches; width, 2134 inches : ou : a. aN: TL cco $e | A SQUARE-RIGGED vessel, near the middle of the picture, with & i sloops and schooners farther away, on a smooth sea which re- gt flects the tints of a high sky of light grays, with a bit of blue in the upper part. A low headland appears on the horizon at left, and a barrel floating and seagulls are seen in the right foreground. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1876. Property of Rosert Hosna, Esa. Lae Ni rr ar A JOHANNES BARTHOLD JONGKIND Q Durcu: 1822—1911 S. 21— MARINE Qw a& Height, 844 inches; length, 101% inches A TIDAL river or inlet puts into a low, rough and wild country A near a town, swinging around a bend into the picture, and in the Len a foreground a heavy single-masted working sailboat lies near the bank, on the right. Light airs swing out her pennant and light from the sky paints the shadows of her spars and rigging black upon the gray-blue water, which is splashed with fiery splendor at one side, by a sun breaking from among clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1871. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Issac D. Fuercner. > a yr CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 22—THE STORM Height, 18 inches; length, 16 inches Zz. Gr. Leancan a4" SHEEP are seen browsing in the middle portion of the picture, ian - which is illuminated by a gleam of sunlight, while farther away a belt of trees and distant fields lie in shadow from the clouds of a gathering storm. ~ ga 5 = Signed at the lower left. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 1902. The Dr. Alexander C. Humphreys Collection, New York, 191 1 #1 #300 4 KH Stan an Lege) By order of Witt1am M. Coteman, Attorney. \k JACOB MARIS NC Ww Durcu: 1838—1899 \WO 23—WINDMILLS ON A RIVER: HOLLAND Height, 834 inches; length, 1414 inches A Gray day in Holland is pictured, with gray-white clouds AY and dark gray rain clouds hanging low and billowing deep Q/> in a sky a bit of whose subdued blue may still be seen in os fleeting rifts. Here and there are birds, soaring. Below, a Oto ( Bezcee/, ak ‘point of land jutting low from the left projects into a sombre, C Pee gray stream, the land seen in low tones of rich brown and gray Wa ee and green, with creamy notes, and disclosing the roofs of a community of cottages beneath the spreading arms of two an- cient windmills. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fiercuer. 4 . = We . \ CONSTANT TROYON \V* QV , a /D £ Frencu: 1810—1865 om r, J 4) 24 CHIEN EPAGNEUL ~ a BE. Seaaw 4! Panel: Height, 744 inches; length, 11 inches a2 SEATED in solitude on the lonely waste of a sandy shore, a chap in blue-green coat and gray breeches and a hat with conical crown, his figure facing the blue arm of a bay which ripples in white around its curving shoreline, looks over his shoulder in the spectator’s direction, at a large dog standing athwart the view, in the immediate foreground. The dog, in shaggy gray and black coat, is carefully studied, standing on a carpet of rich green turf above the sand line of the shore, and in an evanescent light before a rainstorm advancing against the wind. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Frercuer. 7 Rewer? pe 2 % Vr 4 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE \ M Frencu: 1818—1894 \ N 25—SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1134 inches Tue shepherdess, a young woman of rotund features and pen- _ sive expression, stands close in the foreground on the left, with her back to the spectator and face profil perdu against a gray and blue sky. A black kerchief confines her golden-brown hair, and she wears a gray cape with a brown hood, a skirt of crushed-strawberry hue and an apron of rich emerald-green— almost of malachite quality. Before her, at the right, is a gracefully straggling young tree in blossom, on whose root her staff or shepherd’s crook rests, and in front of and about the tree are two sheep and two lambs. One of the lambs, its soft fleece mellowed by a burst of sunlight, is suckling in the shelter of a gray, bleating ewe. In the distance are the thatched roofs of farm buildings. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fiercuer. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA he A Kur \) : Ae 26—CHIENS SOUS BOIS ys a a * ~Y Frencu: 1807—1876 | ; Panel: Height, 1534 inches; width, 12% inches A FonvaINEBLEAU landscape is presented, with rugged trees g 0 of sinuous trunk and gnarled, scraggly limbs and branches, Li 6 a . . . . . 7 . fT ee standing at either side and appearing darkly in tones of rich and deep brown with accents of silvery gray and white, their leaves in a lighter brown touched with red. Between the trees are glimpses of a dark cerulean sky, relieved by a cumulus cloud-mass of grayish-white, above a descending stream which wanders among rocks, and in the foreground are five dogs. Four of them are looking earnestly aloft, into the mysterious distance of the tree leafage, as though some person or animal _ were there attracting their attention, and the fifth les curled ; \ up dejectedly on the ground. sl Signed at the lower right, and dated °64. fe C » \ Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. { r Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. FLetcuer. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT | | A Frencu: 1796—1875 27—-CATCHING CRAWFISH | wd \ (ps Height, 25% inches; width, 191% inches Tus is a forest interior where slender trees grow closely to- re gether and the ground is covered with tangled undergrowth. | Jy. Ze. 77Ce Z&eer Tn the right foreground a narrow brook flows out of the picture and the figure of a man with bare arms and legs is kneeling Li DY on a rock, apparently catching crawfish in the water. Beyond the figure, and in the extreme distance, is visible a tiny spot of luminous sky seen between the tree trunks, and over the red roof of a small cottage in the upper part of the picture tiny spots of delicate blue show through the foliage. Signed at the lower left. The David H. King, Jr., Collection, New York, 1896. 427- ££/00 Alexander Blumenstiel Collection, New York, 1906. -#/9/2 £2/00- Property of Roserr S. Brewsrer, Ese. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1818—1894 23—THH BASSE-COUR Height, 26 inches; width, 211% inches In a corner of the poultry-yard, which the French denominate the “basse-cour” as distinguished from any other part of a farmyard or environments of a barn, a number of chickens are roosting on a stone wall, these appearing in the upper portion of the picture, while two hens are seen in the foreground. A great brass kettle and a chip broom are introduced as among the familiar utensils of their surroundings. All the chickens are hens except one, a rooster on the stone wall who, instead of sitting down quietly like the rest, is up and on watch. Signed at the lower right. From a Combination Painting Sale, American Art Association, New York, January, 1917, Catalogue No. 44, when it was sold by order of Hill, Lockwood, Redfield & Lydon, Attorneys) B//00 Abanuern UM By order of Wituiam M. Coteman, Attorney. JOSEF ISRAELS ye Durcu: 1824—1911 | al a 29 THE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPERS | Se Vere yi Height, 13814 inches; length, 231 inches Two children, a boy and a little girl, are seated in a cottage cia interior, the boy on a chair peeling potatoes, while the little girl | on a stool beside him holds a dish on her lap. On the left, unde Ao a window from which the light enters the room, is a round ; . sa ¢ table with some utensils and vegetables on it. The lighting is 4 i ~ so arranged as to illumine the figures of the children while "gh their environment is subdued. % yy Signed at the lower right. - | wv From a Combination Painting Sale, American Art Association, Janu- ary, 1917, Catalogue No. 101,.when it was sold by order of Hill, Lockwood, Redfield & Lydon, Attorney $5000 > HM Sz Ayph By order of Witu1am M. Coteman, Attorney. 10864 bough Yom. Statham «bo CT ang «XAOKX Sold sor lanbardh bifkM]ob. ERS) OMNES 7 a a Ate Maruef tihng price PSK Mebitrued Mer 1S | KS al» Ow cavemen A eae bth, B2/ tS: Meltancs fs we JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH | Durcu: 1824—1908 30—HOLLAND IN 1850 | ay ~S Water Color: Height, 18 inches; length, 25% inches On the left a line of village houses of humble type extends along a broad road bordering a river or canal, the houses dull \ 22 PLIES red and gray and brown, and diminishing in the perspective | toward a sky white at the horizon and gray with lowering rain- 425 —— Clouds overhead. A group of girls appears before the nearer 4 houses, and a man walks along the green-edged road toward the gang-plank leading to a cargo boat in the stream on the right—across the stream appearing more cottages. Signed at the lower left Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Furrcuer. (| LEON RICHET Frencu: ConrTeEMPORARY | ' 81—THE BATHER ‘, Height, 25 inches; width, 161 inches In a forest setting with a pool on the left is the figure of a young woman seated on a grassy bank. The figure is in full face view to the spectator with the head turned to the right. The expression and the placing of her hand on the breast seem to indicate a note of alarm lest someone be approaching. The Di? PL arheead upper half of the figure is nude, while draperies of pink and white cover the lower portion. i Oo = b fod L, Cis fan 2b POLE ut the lower left, and dated 1881. | | AXXx MK3/5S8~ Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1881. Gos 4 foes eve 4 Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. Ames. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu Scuoou: 1763—1843 /@0 ; 32—ENVIRONS DE ST. CYR, FRANCE atl . Height, 17°4 inches; length, 211% inches S- Bl. St he Ristne foreground with a road passing out of the picture 1K ward the right, around low hills. It comes from the middle distance amidst fields with fringes of trees in a rolling country. The distance is in shadow. Luminous white sky with gray clouds. Oo Sff- Robert Hoe Collection, New York, 1911 WKB fis Hoa WELLL x To be sold to close an Estate. JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1811—1889 FISHING VESSELS OFF o C= THE FRENCH COAST A Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches JteCl and _— Fete. | A STERLING painting of action in a seaway, where small fishing boats toss among the cresting waves—one of Dupré’s vigorous : marines. There is plenty of wind, as the swirling sky shows, ee and the small, yawl-rigged fishers—there are two of them in the near foreground—are pitching in the commotion of the waters. A larger vessel is indicated in the distance, also, lean- ing some. The artist has been interested in the study of light and shadow among the sails, and in the nearer boat he has shown the figures of its easy-going occupants. Signed at the lower left. William Buchanan Collection, New York, 1912. X37, P1000~ 4 die cL a To be sold to close an Estate. LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE Frencu: 1838—1891 34— COUNTRY LANDSCAPE GREEN and level fields of a French countryside are seen, on the right an open one bordered by a green wood in the background, and merging in the foreground with the rear dooryard of a capacious farmhouse. ‘The house with its adjacent outbuild- ings forms a building group of picturesque roof lines, rising in the middleground and toward the left, on a slight incline, and standing out against an active and varied sky in which there is no blue. At the center, intervening between the house and the great field, a line of pollarded trees shows touches of autumn. color, and at the back of the house an old woman in a white cap scatters feed to some chickens. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Frercuer. CAMILLE DUFOUR Frencu: ConreEMPORARY 35—_QUAI D AUTEUIL Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches AL SCENE in the outskirts of Paris, with buildings across the picture, on the bank of the Seine; a stretch of waste land, in the foreground; on the right, a glimpse of the river; sunlight effect, under a gray sky. Signed at the lower right. Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1892. Property of Rozerr Hossa, Esa. — ssauneremeeeen ae Frencu: 1725—1805 36-—BACCHANTE tk Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Ge eee JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE 160 Bust picture of a young woman, the head turned to right and BN We foal? eyes looking upward; brown hair, crowned with vine leaves; z brown and white drapery over left arm. To be sold to close an Estate. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI Frencu: 1824—1886 37—DAY DREAMS TS, Height, 201% inches; length, 25 inches _——- SEVEN women in sumptuous gowns or a négligé which leaves AZ Va a them partly nude, are found at sportive or languorous ease in an 4. theif ) a sylvan retreat, under a mellow light. To right and left the ) woods encroach, while in the distance is glimpsed a low stretch PQ E) of blue sky, topped by a rose-edged gray cloud. On a bed of deep grass that slopes toward the foreground, the women are reclining in various attitudes, all but one of them facing the observer. Their robes are of rose and green, and golden browns, and blue, and one of the group holds captive to a string a flying dove. Signed at the lower left, Monvicet4. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 1907. P Collection of the late J. R. Andrews, New York, 1917. KK) 48-700 li dblllwagu VA To be sold to close an Estate. FELIX ZIEM \ Frencu: 1821—1911 388—V ENICE Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 2434 inches \ a, ee: ee Rs Y & / A SUNSET view in Venice with a group of buildings on the ye right showing domes and towers. The expanse of waters / ~~ occupies the foreground and the left middle distance. Over- 1, Ve DE) head is a sunset sky with warm tints grading upward into blue. poe Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. CLR Oueonppmenttend EE LUDWIG MUNTHE Norwecian: 1841—1896 ”) /O - 39—WINTER EVENING: ON THE BALTIC Panel: Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches AED, 7 > 2e-€o oe A. SNOW-COVERED landscape with a fisherman’s dory and sev- yes eral vessels in the foreground. In the middle distance on the right is a village and on the left the flat country stretches away to the horizon. The sky shows warm gray clouds in the lower portion, with sunset tints of orange and gray blue above. banghh Nuallo lie Kean a 4/h79. X13 _ Signed at the lower left. MK EQS Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 18&0,/4% 475 pNEX ~ Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. Ames. HENRI LEROLLE 0 t Frencu: 1851— | 40—THE HARVEST Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A wHeEatT field in France, with the sheaves in shocks; on a road, in right foreground, a peasant girl returning from work; trees and farmhouse in distance; early evening sky of gray with moon rising above bank of clouds. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from William Schaus, New York. To be sold to close an Estate. ad & Gul we ee 4 3 A / Ce MARIE DIETERLE (Née Van Marcke) Frencu: 1860— 41—LA VACHE BLANCHE Height, 12°4 inches; length, 1614 inches ne es are grazing in well-watered meadows. In the back- ground a yellow cow and a white one are seen with heads down, and beyond them bushes and distant low hills. In the fore- ground, near a shallow stream, a white cow and a black one with a white face are seen against a clump of trees which border the meadow on the left. The white cow is brought into promi- nence, standing almost athwart the picture, ahead of the black one, her head turned toward the open meadow. Light grayish shower clouds are crossing a blue sky and the sunny air is still moist. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from William Schaus, New York. The Millard F. Tompkins Collection, New York, 1915.-¥/My PSS: KM Was, Link. By order of Wit11am Coteman, Attorney. ERNEST: LAWSON, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1878 42—IN THE CORNFIELD Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Two little girls, with white sunbonnets and frocks of pink and of white, one standing, the other sitting, beside a big stack of corn stalks; in the background, standing corn; sunlight effect. Signed at the lower left. Property of Roperr Hosra, Esa. GABRIEL CORNELIUS VON MAX German: 1840— 483—PSYCHE Height, 2% inches; width, 2134 inches A HALF-LENGTH picture of a young woman, whose shoulders and arms are bare, with a light gray drapery wrapped about her body. The head, with eyes closed, rests on her folded hands and blond tresses hang over her shoulder. The background shows a night sky of dark blue above and gray where it ap- pears in the lower left portion of the composition. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1880. Note: Signed also with inscription on the back of canvas, and Biol Eb. Pleshonagee, Stumal, Iarch Yf:h lo, Hike OXXX MK 2345 Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1880. 4eay 12-BAEX Xe Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. Ames. EDUARD GESELSCHAP Durcu: 1814—1878 44—4 MUSICAL EVENING PARTY Height, 8314 inches; width, 2614 inches A FAMILY party of a mother and four children, one of whom is a baby on her lap, gathered about a table under a lamp sus- pended from the ceiling of a studio, with a red curtain at the left and pictures on easels at the right. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1867. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 {fr Dy o 45—THE BATHER Height, 251, inches; width, 1644 inches j | y | y SEATED on a robe of white dropped on the gray rocks beside a 1) okwe blue sea, a nude young woman, with black hair, faces the spec- tator, her right foot drawn up across her left knee to enable y Z her to extract a splinter from it. Her head is turned to her left to look down upon the operation, and she appears in an unconscious attitude of quiet and refined placidity. The flesh tones are cool and fresh, and the drawing and the modulations ri 4 cl ie A Leven . 4 0 of the torse exhibit Bouguereau’s customary accomplishment. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1879. MK 2206+From Goupil & Cie, ey oe U/Fbo _ JAM William Buchanan Collection, New York, 1912, Catalogue No. 63. 9/000. . / if By order of Wittiam M. Coreman, Attorney. Aantueen Willi Sol. hue. i ee aah ~ SAUX. = JULIAN RIX AMERICAN: 1851—1903 46—SOUTH DEVON, NEAR TORQUAY, ENGLAND Height, 24 inches; width, 1914, inches ENTERING into view on the left is a rambling cottage and farm building, which extends toward the background along the bank of a narrow stream that purls in rapid current toward the spec- 5 tator, light reflections and varied shadows glinting from its oe surface. ‘The stuccoed walls are creamy in the sunshine, and a soft, cool gray in transparent shadows, and the roof of deep brown thatch rises at a steep angle and comes down low. Trees of abundant green foliage overhang roof and river, standing out under a brilliant summer sky of rolling white and grayish clouds against the blue, and in the background other buildings appear. z : k Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fretrcuer. LUDWIG KNAUS gy, x 2 German: 1829-—1910 ry ~ | me 47—-THE COFFEE HOUR | fN % | -iy Panel: Height, 2614, inches; width, 1814 inches Boe ,/ Uy a shadowed corner of a modest home a man old and / wrinkled is seated close to the fire, which glows red at the base of a three-legged round stove, and partakes slowly of a cup OO = of hot coffee. With figure to the left, three-quarters front, he turns his rosy face in the direction of the spectator. He is in dark loose apparel and coarse shoes, and his tall hat lies at his feet, holding a kerchief and a roll of manuscript. The | cup and saucer, which he holds separately in his hands as he looks out contemplatively, are white decorated with blue, and | a reddish-brown earthenware pitcher stands at the back of the stove. S NI 8 Signed at the lower left, and dated 1874. | Purchased from the William Schauws Galleries, New York. ’ Property of the Estate of the late Issac D. Frercuer. Mo.0/, a Lab S94 255% L100 Mem bth FRANZ VON LENBACH German: 18386—1904 48—PORTRAIT OF BISMARCK Panel: Height, 281 inches; width, 26 inches A neap and bust portrait of the celebrated German statesman, the body in profile view and the head turned in three-quarter view to the right. The subject is depicted wearing a helmet and a black coat with orange collar. Signed at the upper left, and dated 1889. Property of a Private Collector. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. BritisH: 1825—1904 49—PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE Me aay fies Badd. Zz do 2 yo Tue interior of an English house with a stairway, covered with a red carpet, leading from a hall in the foreground up —— into an apartment beyond, where is seen seated an elderly country gentleman with a document in his hand. Leaning against the bannister at the foot of the stairway, on the right, stands a tenant farmer, wearing his great-coat with cape and holding his hat in his hand, evidently waiting until the squire is ready to give him his answer or a message he is to deliver. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1869. Edward M. Knox Collection, New York, 1906.70 700.4 ldl) os, To be sold to close a Partnership Account. LEON JOSEPH FLORENTIN BONNAT ] 4) Frencu: 1833— | 50—MOTHER AND CHILD Height, 2834 inches; width, 231% inches oe, Si, (Zong hey A HALF-LENGTH seated figure of an Italian peasant woman, the head in full face view, holding a little child on her lap. The 19 ye white head-dress and blouse and the dark red skirt and blue apron form the principal color notes. 4 ~ Signed at the upper left, and dated 1872. Property of a Private Collector. LILI 4 Ou tags ye ha as, 5, db-yoy = Aahag fe BAl 1x ¢ elk 2S) HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. American: 1858—1916 . 51—_THE SWAMP PASTURE \ Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches ‘ TuroucH two clumps of trees left standing by the wood- See one of whom stands by a pile of cordwood in the Dx Vie. a4 i. F center of the picture, the eye is carried across a wide expanse of flat country under a blue sky crossed by yellowish white | clouds. In the extreme distance are low hills that rise grad- | eo 5 | i. ae ually at the left. Henry Ward Ranger Sale, New York, 1917 87 _/000 2 Property of Rozerr Hosea, Esa. WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 Ly? 52—LANDSCAPE: A SHINNECOCK VALE ae 20 age Height, 261% inches; length, 36 inches CO Bo feerud, a9 Ui A HoRIZzON almost level crosses midway of the canvas, its line i) 22 undulating but slightly and interrupted only here and there by the top of a low tree, the broad green landscape otherwise all but treeless. The land slopes gently forward, and toward the center declines quickly to a hollow which continues to the foreground, the whole surface a variety of green, yellow and brown herbage, with stray field flowers and grayish sandy patches. Signed at the lower left. Vad William M. Chase Sale, New York, 1917.-€2G3 —P he q Property of Roperr Hosa, Ese. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. American: 1848— es ba 53—WINTER EVENING AT THE FORGE i) \ | a Height, 2414, inches; length, 401 inches : a. | eig 1, inches; leng lf, € ee oe. A. vILLAGE blacksmith shop, in a one-story building and shed, stands at the left, where a road passes in a snow-covered land- pre scape. In the shed are a horse and sled; bare trees behind ae the shop; a farmhouse in the distance, at right. The early evening sky shows warm gray clouds and strips of blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1878. To be sold to close an Estate. KBKG QW cme egnmcerth foam’ 1b.Ib. Ulwoor Jar btu 5 EES free Ss 3x Mhiined ff FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— 54—DI ANA AT REST Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches Turnep three-quarters toward the spectator, head held slightly to her right, the huntress is seated on a grassy bank at the foot of a group of trees, against whose trunk she rests lightly. Her grayish-white robe, which passes under her arms, leaving her shoulders bare, is held at the breasts by the sling of her quiver, which is seen over her left shoulder. Across her knees an old-gold mantle hangs in folds, draping the ample / figure. At the right a nymph with a bow comes following || some hounds over a grassy field under a bright blue sky. Signed at the right, and dated ’04. Exhibited at the Oregon Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1966. The Charles B. Lawson Collection, New York, 1912. IEA $105 -Mewian Shbla | Hl By order of Wit11am M. Coxteman, Attorney. HORATIO WALKER, N.A Ye AMERICAN: 1858— | 4 S 55—SPRING PLOWING Water Color: Height, 241 inches; length, 2614 inches In the foreground, two young farmers, with a team of horses, are seen plowing up a sod field. Level lands lie beyond and om high sky of white and gray clouds shows a space of blue | | | | and darker clouds in the upper part. ye We Cathy poe Signed at the lower right, and dated 1907. oy nou | J 7 To be sold to close an Estate. NGS, drvcoraugnonarh fol Aladin Jar fi ahaa ferer BMSXx = Udliinek. fl 2 by ADOLPHE MONTICELLI Frencu: 1824—1886 cf 56—A GARDEN PARTY Height, 20 inches; length, 39 inches Asse A Party of some ten young women, and a man or two, all in gaily colored costumes, in groups across the foreground. The landscape setting is composed of foliage and a balustrade, in the right center. Signed at the lower right. The David H. King Collection, New York, 1905 4I3-f 1250 + %, Manes Y To be sold to close an Estate. LUDWIG MUNTHE Norwecran: 1841—1896 57—W INTER LANDSCAPE Height, 82% inches; width, 26 inches In the snow-covered foreground, where marshes bordering a road reflect the glow of the setting sun, a peasant boy and his dog are advancing toward the spectator. On the right are cottages and on the left a plain with a line of low-lying hills. The scene is in Holland. Dark clouds appear at the horizon where the sun is setting and higher up in the sky are red-tinted clouds mingling with blue and gray. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. Ames. offi | pa CHARLES EMILE JACQUE ie Frencu: 1818—1894 58—SHEEP IN THE FOREST we Height, 261 inches; length, 3914 inches a : 4) ob 1p) A tock of sheep with a shepherd clad in blue are crossing an open space in the foreground. Across the canvas in the middle distance are the trunks and branches of forest trees. Above on the left is a space of sky with gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. Ames. HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG Durcu: 1831—1915 59—_FISHING BOATS Height, 30 inches; length, 35% inches Two broad-beamed Dutch fishing boats with a heavy sea run- ning, and breaking over the gunwale of the foremost vessel; a third boat, farther away, on the left; sky of clouds with a patch of blue at the upper right. Signed at the lower right center. Property of Roserr Hosea, Esa. HENRI LEROLLE Frencu: 1851— 60—THE EVENING CALL Height, 251, inches; length, 314 imches DayuicuT is waning over broad agricultural acres of France, which extend before the observer’s eye to a level horizon whose line is interrupted only by an isolated bush clump, and by the far-away silhouette of a farmer following his plow. 'To him calls a peasant girl standing in the foreground, who has set down a large basket and raises both hands to her mouth to form a speaking-trumpet. She stands with her back three-quarters to the spectator, her face being seen less than in profile, and she wears a white waist and dark brown skirt and apron. Near her in the right foreground is a bit of crude fencing, and be- yond her on the left two low grain or hay stacks and a group of small trees alone rise above the ground level. Purplish clouds of after-sunset overspread the greater part of the sky, an expanse of light gray with a glimpse of blue being revealed aloft on the left. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. FiercHer. | } i i EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencu: 1827—1890 61—CATTLE IN PASTURE Height, 26 inches; length, 371 inches AL SUPERLATIVE example of the celebrated cattle painter, de- picting three cows, one of them lying down, in the green pas- tures of the foreground, a group of others in a shallow stream in the middle distance, and a peasant watching over them, at the right. The pastures stretch away to distant blue hills; trees, at the left, border the fields, and overhead is a summer sky of tempered blue with lightly floating clouds. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from William Schaus, New York. To be sold by order of Cuartes M. Eness, Esa. LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— 62—REPOS DES MOISSONNEURS a . . . a beifea Height, 30 inches; length, 38 inches Tur wheat is high and golden, with the top ears turned a warm, rich brown, in a broad grain field of France, and the workers are in it, busy or resting. The land surface rolls down from a low eminence at the left toward the foreground and the right, where in the distance it rises again. On a sweep down the incline the grain has been cut and garnered, and here in the foreground a man in blue, with white shirt thrown open, lies prone after the noonday repast. Seated beside him is a comely peasant girl in pink, with her face turned from the spectator, while in front of her another young woman stands facing the observer languidly, a handful of wheat laid over her arm. Back in the still standing grain on the hillside a farmer is whetting his scythe. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Frercuer. i Pa Ga JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Frencu: 1840—1901 woe 68—CHAUMIERE DU NORD Height, 281% inches; length, 3534 inches is seen close at hand on the left, amid surrounding of bush and | bs “Vy . | Y hg / ALOoNng, detached, a modest but cheery-looking French cottage brush extending far along a broad hillside sloping easily and | | with various interruptions in the spectator’s direction—a land- } | scape near an unseen sea. ‘The cottage is low, with white walls : and red-tiled ridge-pole, and roof of deep, soft and thick gray \ p thatch; and at the nearer end is a lean-to addition of brownish stone, with reddish roof, while a rustic arbor is built out from | —~o & the farther end. On the right, near by, stands a solitary don- key, and beyond him smoke curls up from a small fire. The sky is a varied gray with late afternoon notes, and sea birds are on the wing. | Signed at the lower right. Salon, Champs de Mars, 1891. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fiercuer. | | ALBERT NEUHUYS Durcu: 1844—1914 64—DUTCH PEASANT FAMILY | Height, 31 inches; length, 401% inches | | 70> 00 ae In a cottage interior, with a dark blue bed canopy and a fire- Hi be place where the pot is boiling, is a group composed of a grand- mother seated near a window, a young mother leaning over a cradle in which her baby reposes, and a little girl seated on a low chair and knitting. In the subdued color scheme the principal notes are blues, reds and grays. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. , 9F95b 4 Baighh, th lange fly 24/ 902 = Polxx = | UM EO SO uees Beet 1s /igos~ PISKX 4 Bas XX Mbirmod. Lfh 28) st 18, Oi conecgnensn fans ies Mon Aang by fe Whey fon fp ES Lp42t)- { : = Ee iv 7 22221 wo a PAD W. GEISLER © fe GERMAN: CoNTEMPORARY t Goan EARNING TO BE MEN Height, 35°4 inches; width, 2814 inches g YA 7 OY JE 4 In a shop supplied with a variety of things, an old, sharp and smiling merchant stands behind his counter, fingering coins Co = and some matches he has just passed out, while two youths stand in front of the counter, smoking their first cigars. One is Just lighting his cigar, timidly, and his companion who stands behind him puffs bravely and looks upward, but with an ap- prehensive expression as of unaccustomed emotion. A copy of a painting in one of the Munich galleries. Signed at the lower left, Cop. WG (in monogram), Minxcuen. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fiercuer. ws i W. GEISLER ) \ / GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY = ; : 4 66—FIXING THE SLED ¢ Height, 35%4 inches; width, 281 inches Sratep before a stone building, an old man in blue and brown is whittling a stake for the repair of a heavy sled which a boy AO who is kneeling at his feet holds up on end. 'T'wo other children watch, from his other side, a small girl in a red kerchief and a smaller boy who holds a whip and is blowing his hands. Other children are at play at the base of snow-covered buildings. A copy of a painting in one of the Munich galleries. Signed at the lower right, Cor. W. Grister, Mincuen, 1878. Property of the Estate of the late Isaac D. Fiercuer. | EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER | wie aay Durcu: 1643—1703 67—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN ° x & 2 we Height, 131% inches; width, 111% inches i AGatnst a background of a gray pillar at the right and the 9) ee faint greens of a suggested landscape at the left, under a sky ‘ C of sunset hue, a dignified young man of importance is seated 7h at a table on a veranda. He leans with his left arm on a table at his side, his left hand affectionately encircling the tapering stem of a tall and graceful wine glass. He wears a heavy, black curled wig, white jabot and cuffs, and a long brown doublet with buttoned front and buttoned sleeves. Collection of the Estate of George Crocker, New York, 1912-756 $l IS Weudenn To be sold to close a Partnership Account. J. VON VUCHTEL GERMAN C2. JY, VEE 68—_THEH NAVE OF A CATHEDRAL Vie ts Panel: Height, 74 inches; length, 9 inches AN interior view of a Romanesque church, showing the long 5 fo) perspective of the nave, pillars and vaulted ceiling. In the foreground are a monk and a peasant woman on her knees =) = in prayer. Jarther away appear other figures and the pulpit is seen on the right. Signed at the lower right, on the base of a pillar. Property of the Estate of the late CHartes Francis WIniiamson. Peas ROBERT LE FEVRE a (ATTRIBUTED TO) FreENcH ScHoou 69—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN SB } Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches ~J a | ag te der, a) A HALF-LENGTH portrait of a gentleman of middle age wear- . ing a white wig and dressed in eighteenth century costume of foul o oe dark green coat, red waistcoat and white stock. The figure is painted in a feigned oval. Signed and dated 1787 at the right. Property of the Estate of the late CHartes Francis WrILiiamson. SEBASTIEN FRANCKEN FRENCH 70—COMBAT BETWEEN MUSKETEERS AND ARQUEBUSIERS Panel: Height, 124% inches; length, 161% inches A SPIRITED encounter depicted as taking place at a highroads crossing, at the foot of a hillside. The mounted musketeers occupy the foreground, while the foot soldiers are seen descend- ing the road that leads down the slope of the hill. On the left are trees, and a gallows, with pendent body, is seen on the hill- side, near the middle of the picture. Over all, a sky of gray. Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WILLIAMSON. FRANCESCO GUARDI Iratian: 1712—1793 71—_THE CASTLE BY THE LAKE Panel: Height, 1134 inches; length, 17 inches In the left foreground, a sheet of water; in the right fore- ground, a roadway leading around the shores to a castle, with keep, surmounting an eminence near the middle of the picture. Sky of warm gray clouds and sombre blue. Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WILiiaMson. FRANCESCO GUARDI Iranian: 1712—1793 72—-ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH BUILDINGS (Companion picture to No. 73) Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches A mass of ancient buildings comprising a round tower, crowned by a cross, a dilapidated wall with an abandoned chim- ney, and a gateway, the whole occupying the left of the com- position. On the left, also, in the immediate foreground, is a building with a small chapel before it and a flight of steps. where a woman and a child are descending. On the right is a river with mountaimous country beyond. The picture is animated by various figures, some of them mounted. Sop From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. arts )G 14 + RLLK 7 fo G. Property of the Estate of the late CuHarues Francis WiiiiaMson. FRANCESCO GUARDI IpAriaN ii 2==1793 73—THE WATER MILL eZ Leb: (Companion picture to No. 72) Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches AN Italian landscape with a river and figures. In the fore- ground, a sailboat and a horseman on a roadway bordering the stream. On the right, masses of buildings including a mill, with its wheels turning by the current of the river. In the middle distance, a castle, with mountains beyond. Over all, a sky of white clouds and blue. LAO From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. Canis IGIKNA K223 ot Jo Fb 0. Property of the Estate of the late CHartes Francis WiLitaMson. | : : FRENCH SCHOOL (EienTrrEentH CrentTURY) TA—_THE FARM Height, 18 inches; length, 211% inches ee ye Z Casta © A L A DECORATIVE composition including among the elements a es white house, trees, a farmyard, sheep and peasant figures. Signed with the initials of the painter, J. B. G., at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Cuarues Francis WILLIAMSON. JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH PATER Frencu: 1696—1736 AND MEUSNIER French painter of Architectural Subjects; | | () () Contemporary of Pater , VU 75—A LUNCHEON PARTY IN A PALACE 7 = Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches By 2 le a THE picture shows a great hall of a grand palace, splendidly decorated, from which leads a wide corridor at the end of which, in the distance, is a vista of formal gardens and sky. This architectural setting, painted by Meusnier, is remarkable for the excellence of its representation. In the great hall, in the right foregronud, is a party of people, all the figures in the picture being painted by Pater, gathered about a table. On the left are a buffet and some other figures. Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WILLIAMSON. AELBERT CUYP ih ate Durcu: 1620—1691 a KAU | | +“) ‘) = _ — 76—THE MUSSEL EATER ee ae awvect, gf Panel: Height, 2014 inches; length, 301% inches On the right of the canvas a blacksmith wearing a golden- ie E brown jacket is seated in his smithy, beside a cask, eating _ ’ & mussels; a small boy, and a girl who wears a red bodice and a white apron, are watching him. Farther to the right two richly dressed men are looking in through a window. The | smith’s assistant stands in the left background, in the shadow, | holding a hammer in his hand. A small dog lies in front of the cask. Nearby are a cock and two hens. This picture is a replica, though in lesser dimensions, of the painting in the Boyman’s Museum in Rotterdam. Signed on the end of the tool bow at the lower left, A. C: Smith's Catalogue Raisonné, London, 1829. No. 178. la led. dh, 46 60-' Collection of A. Febvre, Paris, 1882. -¥4 deo GBS O= if = . a | Collection of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, 1883. Hho 2x Kis-4s 10 JOO = Collection of F. Zschille, Cologne, 1889. Hay a= Juurhes 2Gb Collection of Van Loon, Amsterdam. { Collection of Baron v. d. Heydt, Berlin. C. Hofstede de Groot: A Catalogue Raisonné of the work of the most eminent Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Century. London, 1909. No. 186; 3@ Hudson-Fulton Celebration Exhibition, New York, 1909. No. 14. M. C. D. Borden Collection, New York, 1918. $23 4700 7 Thon. fame To be sold to close a Partnership Account. Co ee Us ANDREA PREVITALI ns VENETIAN: 1480—1528 J 77—THE VIRGIN MARY KNEELING / (One Section of a Diptych) Cn, (ar, sales at, Height, 4214, inches; width, 274% inches “OO Tuer Virgin is shown at full length kneeling at a prie-dieu, Th “Ss - facing the spectator. She wears a trailing gown of old-rose hue, bound at the high waist with a rope-girdle of pale blue, and a blue mantle lined in a rosy-gray. She has turned mo- mentarily from her prayer-book stand, on which her right hand rests, while the left is at her breast, and leaning her head toward her left shoulder, with eyes directed abstractedly at the floor, seems to be repeating her prayer inwardly. A nim- bus encircles her head. The light falling from the right on the many folds of gown and mantle effects many interesting modulations among the bright colors. Neutral background. Signed at the lower left: ANprEAs . Brercomensis . Ioannis Bevunt . Discrputus . Pryxir. (ANpREA Bercamo— [ Previratr]—purin or Giovanni BELLINI, PAINTED IT.) Purchased from Prof. Lava, of Overzo, near Treviso, Italy, 1902. Restored under the supervision of Sir Edward Poynter, P.R.A. Clement A. Griscom Collection, New York, 1914.-K25% pboo-+ Melafald. To be sold to close a Partnership Account. IW 7 EF Ar4encer ENGLISH SCHOOL | a 2* =~ 78—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches , oR A HALF-LENGTH of a gentleman, in nearly full face view; ruddy complexion, gray wig, brown coat with frogs, white stock and ruffle. To be sold to close an Estate. GIAMPETRINO LompBarp ScHoou: SIXTEENTH CENTURY |G AC Devaew-19 THE CRUCIFIXION SO Panel: Height, 34 inches; width, 24 inches : THE figure of Christ on the cross occupies the central, upper ad part of the composition. Standing are two figures on either side of the cross; on the right, Saint Peter, holding a large key, and a female figure; at left, Saint John, holding a goblet. All | four personages have halos. In right foreground, inconspicu- | . . . ously placed, a bearded gentleman with hands held in adoring | position. | | | | | Property of PasauaLe Farina. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (Pamiglia Morro, Genova) ; Ay eames Oval: Height, 391% inches; width, 30 inches ey ; Heap and bust, with face in three-quarters view to left, of a 3 nae man with high, curling powdered wig; wine-colored velvet / coat, white lace frill at neck, yellow cloak about the shoulders; blue ribbon in the curls on the right side of face. 80—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN / & (/ To be sold to close an Estate. PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE Frencu: 1602—1674 81I—-MADAME CHARLOTTE DE MONTMORENCY Height, 29 inches; width, 241 inches =o yy a ae Hatr-Lencrs, full face, of a lady with blond hair, slightly seh powdered; white and gold gown with full sleeves and wide, eee = fluted lace collar; pearl necklace and earrings, brooch of sap- phires and three pear-shaped pearls pendent; double rope of large pearls hanging from shoulders. From the collection of M. Gavet, Paris. The David H. King Collection, New York, 1905.-¥/F-4 VLE SERIALS LES To be sold to close an Estate. FRANS POURBUS Fremisu: 1545—1581 82—PRINCESSE DE CONDE Height, 29 inches; width, 2814 inches Hatr-Lenern of a lady in nearly full face, with brown hair; gold-embroidered black gown, high, wide spreading lace ruff; jeweled brooch and hair ornament, red tiara and red orna- ment at center of corsage, with six pendent strands of pearls. f— 2 Py The David H. King Collection, New York, 1905.X/8- 9950. Ganley UY To be sold to close an Estate. ENGLISH SCHOOL 83—STSTERS Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A PICTURE of two little girls, in white dresses, half length, life size, seated together. The one nearest the spectator has brown hair and brown eyes and holds in her hands a pet bird. The other, with blond hair and blue eyes, has her right hand on her little companion’s shoulder, while her left hand rests on those of her sister, as she holds the bird. The figures are placed in a landscape setting. Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WititaMsoy. JAN JOSEPHSZ VAN GOYEN Durcu: 1596—1656 84—THE FERRYMAN Panel: Height, 23 inches; length, 32 inches a A DutrcH landscape with a stream in the foreground, a church, other buildings and trees on the opposite shore, at the right. On the top of a hill, in the middle distance, is a windmill; over- head a summer sky of light blue with white clouds. In the left foreground a ferryman is seen pushing off his punt, on which are three passengers, one of them a woman, standing up and holding a staff. Signed with initials, J. V. G., on the head of a barrel floating in the stream. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WriiiaMson. O00 C= aaa 00 FRANCOIS BOUCHER 1770 Frencu: 1703 85—ENVIRONS OF BEAUV AIS Va, Y . j BLL . 2 GyA 2 Vege EEE Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches J} Vie re 0? ay. 0 ee, 2 COG ae A DECORATIVE composition depicting a pastoral scene m France. In the foreground, by the side of a stream, a man and a woman are loading goods into a punt. On the right are buildings, including a high slate-roofed tourelle, with a woman on a balcony. At the left are peasants’ cottages, the whole embowered amid trees. The sky is of blue with white clouds. Note: Accompanied by an engraving of “Environs of Beauvais,” | by Francois Boucher, picture described above, by Jacques Philippe | Le Bas, dedicated to “Monsieur Le Febvre, Intendant et Controleur- Général des Affaires de la Chambre et Menus Plaisirs de sa Majesté.” Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis WILLIAMSON. | | | CLAUDE LE LORRAIN (CLAUDE GELLEE) Frencu: 1600—1682) | 86—CHRIST AND APOSTLES IN LANDSCAPE | p Ice - Biss Seana, ee) Ui Height, 3414 inches; length, 40 inches || ‘ : ; : | Sunset effect, with tall trees, at left; a river with stone arched bridge, in center; hillside and rocks, at right; a range of moun- tains beyond. Peasants and cattle are crossing the bridge, and in left center foreground are figures of Christ and two Ve apostles in robes of red and blue. Property of a Private Owner. | N WILLIAM HOGARTH : Bririso: 1697—1764 87—PORTRAIT OF NANCY DAWSON, ENGLISH ACTRESS | Va) ZB | Vig CL. Z te aLen~ Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches J2O oe HAtLr-LENGTH, with head in nearly full face to left, of a comely woman, wearing a wide-brimmed hat of blue silk and white lace, and ivory satin gown with lace front; blue wrap about the shoulders. To be sold to close an Estate. A) ENGLISH SCHOOL 88—PORTRAIT OF A LADY PN, ; Height, 47 inches; width, 33 inches A. FULL-LENGTH, standing figure of a lady, with heavy, brown ko CaS hair, wearing a straw-colored gown and diaphanous fichu. The left arm rests on a stone balustrade with the hand resting at the cheek, the head being inclined to the right. Landscape background, with foliage at left. To be sold to close an Estate. ANTOINE COYPEL Fae ) Frencu: 1661—1722 89—BACCHUS AND ARIADNE ¥ Height, 33 inches; length, 51 inches Tue full-length, seated, figures of Bacchus and Ariadne form Pay ee the central group of the composition, with a ser ving man, nude, back of them, on the right, pouring wine from a ewer into a cup held out by Ariadne. The costume of Ariadne is of French seventeenth century fashion with colors of ivor y-white and blue, while the figure of Bacchus is depicted nude, except for a brown dr ‘apery fastened about the shoulders. In his right hand he holds a staff. Both personages are crowned with vine garlands. Other figures, supporting the central group, are seen in the left foreorannd and in the haakowawn dT 11 CLAUDE LE LORRAIN (CLAUDE GELLEE) Frencu: 1600—1682) 86—CHRIST AND APOSTLES IN LANDSCAPE Pa ize. a Seana, ces fe Height, 341 inches; length, 40 inches Vo Ge. Sunset effect, with tall trees, at left; a river with stone arched bridge, in center; hillside and rocks, at right; a range of moun- tains beyond. Peasants and cattle are crossing the bridge, and in left center foreground are figures of Christ and two apostles in robes of red and blue. Property of a Private Owner. \ | | - UN WILLIAM HOGARTH e Britisu: 1697—1764 87—PORTRAIT OF NANCY DAWSON, INGLISH ACTRESS 2 GD. Jae JteadLer~ Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches DO. ge HaA¥-LENGTH, with head in nearly full face to left, of a comely woman, wearing a wide-brimmed hat of blue silk and white lace, and ivory satin gown with lace front; blue wrap about the shar iwldarea Hogarth iy pa Ninarc Nancy VaWso an 1G ook 2yves he Cl ary on the frame ne vi Hogarth, b.1697-d.1764' in New torK ; ii oe (Letter f ENGLISH SCHOOL 88—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ee, Height, 47 inches; width, 33 inches A. FULL-LENGTH, standing figure of a lady, with heavy, brown hair, wearing a straw-colored gown and diaphanous fichu. The left arm rests on a stone balustrade with the hand resting at the cheek, the head being inclined to the right. Landscape background, with foliage at left. To be sold to close an Estate. ANTOINE COYPEL Frencu: 1661—1722 89—BACCHUS AND ARIADNE By Cor Height, 33 inches; length, 51 inches Tur full-length, seated, figures of Bacchus and Ariadne form ALS the central group of the composition, with a serving man, nude, back of them, on the right, pouring wine from a ewer into a cup held out by Ariadne. The costume of Ariadne is of French seventeenth century fashion with colors of ivory-white and blue, while the figure of Bacchus is depicted nude, except for a brown drapery fastened about the shoulders. In his right hand he holds a staff. Both personages are crowned with vine garlands. Other figures, supporting the central group, are seen in the left foreground, and in the background, on the right. The setting is composed of forest trees and a blue sky with white clouds. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd, SG/A + KES Yu Gar Property of the Estate of the late Cuartes Francis Wi.tiaMson. JEAN BAPTISTE OUDRY Frencu: 1686—1755 90—W HITE POINTER AND PARTRIDGE (Companion picture to No. 91) Height, 38 inches; length, 51 inches | A LIFE-SIZE picture of a fine white pointer. The dog occupies ] the right hand portion of the composition and in the immediate foreground, on the left, is a partridge, partly screened by a little bush and the large green leaves of a wayside plant. ‘The landscape setting comprises foliage, a lake, a prospect of hills, on the left, and a gray sky. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1726. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. bar qt -®S0. Gree 3S Property of the Estate of the late Cuaries Francis WILLIAMSON. | i i ' § JEAN BAPTISTE OUDRY Frencu: 1686—1755 91—POINTER AND QUAIL (Companion picture to No. 90) 2x08 : Height, 38 inches; length, 51 inches A LIFE-SIZE picture of a white pointer, with liver-color mark- ings on face and ears. ‘The dog is advancing, on the left of the composition as, with head turned to the right, he points a couple of quails, seen in the immediate foreground amid some stalks of wheat and some red poppies. The landscape setting comprises foliage and a range of hills. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1726. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. Vadis 197.792 Property of the Estate of the late CHarLtes Francis WILLIAMSON. JACOB VAN RUISDAEL il ‘ Durcu: 1628 or 1629—1682 | 92-_LANDSCAPE | 2 = Sab FE ED Height, 33 inches; length, 4314 inches Dee ee= Corracrs and other buildings are seen among trees, on a slope at the right, which borders a pond. A punt with figures is in an inlet in the foreground. On the bank of the pond at the left, are groups of trees. In the distance looms up a windmill and the high sky is filled with clouds. Property of a Private Collector. | | RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON | Bririso: 1801—1827 93—A FRENCH CATHEDRAL OW. Height, 37 inches; length, 461 inches a A sipE view of a cathedral, with its tower, fills the greater a, (Cruces pan of the canvas; old houses with peaked roofs, on the left and the right. In the foreground market place are numerous 4 C figures, including two mounted hussars and a quack orating Ce from a platform, at the right. Above the roofs, a sky of white and gray clouds. To be sold to close an Estate. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—1746 94—_LA MARQUISE DE LAFAYETTE Height, 57 inches; width, 4714 inches Ce Ce. Sean tun ee A Aes a "THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH, seated figure of a lady about thirty, Ha full face view; powdered hair and curls at either side; white satin, gold-figured robe, with short sleeves trimmed with lace; blue velvet cloak, with orange and gold lining. From the collection of Baron de Raincourt. The David H. King Collection, New York, 1905, 65-498 7200 Is hg. To be sold to close an Estate. GEORGE WILLOUGHBY MAYNARD, N.A. AMERICAN: 18438 95—THE OCEANIDES CS 200 ; Height, 50 inches; width, 36 inches ON a mass of great rocks which appear amid the blue waters of the ocean are three mermaids, one lying down with her hands under her head; another, who is nearest the spectator, supports herself with her right arm on the rocks, while the other part of her body floats in the water, and the third, in back view to the spectator, is seen seated and looking seaward. Above the expanse of the ocean is a sky of gray and white clouds with spaces of blue. Signed at the lower right. Collection of the American Artists’ Committee of One Hundred, New York, 1917. ¥/69-+ PE" Property of Rozerr Hosra, Esa. MARIANO FORTUNY Y CARBO Spanisu: 1841—1874 96—ENVIRONS DE TANGER (The artist’s last work, unfinished) eo Height, 261% inches; length, 60 inches Aw ébauche, or the laying-in of a picture. An old, uprooted ans tree is to the left, and to the right are suggestions of figures about a hut. In the distance, to one side, is a body of water, and in the middle the ruin of a square, low building. The work is painted in free, vigorous strokes, each one of which is full of significance, and demonstrates the artist’s manner of ap- proaching an important composition, and as such is most in- teresting. Seal at the left, Venre Fortuny. EL HY, / From the W. H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898-#/2N- 8/00 og Ora Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, 1913,-*4/5% PEE, Ae Steg To be sold to close a Partnership Account. WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 | 97—AFNTER THE BATH || Ve 8. Wile ee Height, 74 inches; width, 44 inches 50 A FULL-LENGTH nude figure of a young woman, with the body pie OO in three-quarters view to left, standing firmly with her left foot at the edge of a pool and the right foot on a rock where draperies are lying. She is grasping a branch high above her head with her left hand while drying her foot with the other. The head is inclined downward. The background is composed of green foliage. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1888. Property of the Estate of Joun J. Banican. “x00/ On crnagumuid for bh tle May oly Ahoy fre BKxx. Uliwed See! 1h/19 77. ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN: 1828—1899 J 98—ARAB WARRIORS Wan if ND Height, 33 inches; length, 5114 mches A party of Arab chieftains, mounted on spirited horses, are seen galloping across an open country headed to the left of the picture where, in the distance, smoke indicates a burning JrrCbaud ' village or a battle. The center of interest is a chieftain riding a white horse, his gun slung over his shoulder and his small- 08 dee coe 5 Oe arms stuck in his belt. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Saran L. AMES. | . | MARIE DIETERLE | . (Née Van Marcke) P ¥ Frencu: Contemporary -99—CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE | 7: / Cart btlher Height, 45 inches; length, 651% inches | Ngee dak Mea Be: “AV HERD of cows and calves are crossing the foreground of the picture led by a fine white cow. The coats of the other cattle | are brown and dun color with white markings. On the left | in the distance is a mounted herdsman and on the right a view of the sea, while overhead is a sky of gray and white clouds with a space of tempered blue in the upper portion. | Signed at the lower left. Property of Grorcr C. Smirn, Esa. Lisbon Wie 1 XG 71 Seo CLO bo. bullh ALPHONSE DEK NEUVILLE Frencu: 1836—1885 100—A FRENCH ATTACK IN THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR Height, 56 inches; length, 79 inches A xopy of French troops in spirited action on a hillside, at left, from which there is a view of a town in a valley. Other troops are in movement in the right foreground. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1881. To be sold to close an Estate. EDOUARD DETAILLE Frencu: 1848—1912 101—d4 FRENCH ADVANCE IN THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR Height, 56 inches; length, 75 inches LES g WHEELIE A roap leads from the right into the middle distance and is filled with French infantry, running to attack across a wide Ga stretch of fields. In a hollow, beside the road, are dead horses and soldiers, and shells are bursting overhead. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1881. To be sold to close an Estate. NR LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS RTA LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER BERNIER, R. A Holland Cow 15 BONINGTON, Ricuarp Parkes A French Cathedral 93 BONNAT, Lion JoserH FLORENTIN Mother and Child 50 BOUCHER, Frawncots Environs of Beauvais 85 BOUDIN, Euvcrne A Summer Day 13 BOUGHTON, Gerorct Henry, N.A., R.A. “And He fell into a deep sleep” 8 BOUGUEREAU, Wuuitam Ano.rHE The Bather AS After the Bath O7 BRISTOL, Joun Bunyan, N.A. Italian Landscape 4 CAZIN, Jean CHARLES Chaumiére du Nord 63 CHAMPAIGNE, Puiniprr pr Madame Charlotte de Montmorency 81 sank didi alaeclinNnCeRe acascioe on ap CHASE, WitiuMm M., N.A. Landscape: A Shinnecock Vale CLAUDE LE LORRAIN (CraupE GELLre) Christ and Apostles in Landscape COROT, Juan Baptists CAMILLE Catching Crawfish COYPEL, Antoine Bacchus and Ariadne CUYP, ALBERT The Mussel Eater DETAILLE, Enovarp A French Advance in the Franco-Prussian War DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcissr VircitE Chiens sous Bois DIETERLE, Marie La Vache Blanche Cattle and Landscape DUFOUR, CamuiE Quai d’ Auteuil DUPRE, Juxzs Fishing Vessels off the French Coast ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Gentleman Sisters Portrait of a Lady CATALOGUE NUMBER OZ 86 bo “I bo for) 101 33 CATALOGUE : : 3 NUMBER FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano Environs de Tanger 96 FRANCKEN, Srpastien Combat between Musketeers and Arquebusiers 70 FRENCH SCHOOL The Farm 7A Portrait of a Gentleman 80 GEISLER, W. Learning to Be Men 65 Fixing the Sled 66 GESELSCHAP, Envuarp A Musical Evening Party 4A GIAMPETRINO The Crucifixion 79 GREUZE, Jean Baptiste Bacchante 36 GUARDI, Francesco The Castle by the Lake fal Italian Landscape with Buildings 72 The Water Mill 73 HASSAM, Cumonez, N.A. Landscape 1 HOGARTH, Witiiam Portrait of Nancy Dawson, English Actress 87 HOMER, Winstow, N.A. Musical Amateurs 19 a a an cals eas oie ISRAELS, Josrer The Little Housekeepers JACQUE, Craries Eire A Shepherdess and Her Sheep: Spring Time Sheep and Shepherdess The Basse-cour Sheep in the Forest JONGKIND, Jowannes BarrHoip Marine KNAUS, Lupwiae Just Awake The Coffee Hour LANDSEER, Sir Envwin Henry A Dog LARGILLIERE, Nicowas vE La Marquise de Lafayette LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. In the Cornfield LE FEVRE, Roserr (Attributed to) Portrait of a Gentleman LENBACH, Franz von Portrait of Bismarck LEROLLE, Henri The Harvest The Evening Call 94 69 48 40 LHERMITTE, Lton Avaustin Repos des Moissonneurs MARIS, Jacoz Windmills on a River: Holland MAX, Gasriet CorneLius von Psyche MAYNARD, Grorck Wittovcupy, N.A. The Oceanides MESDAG, Hernprix Wittem Marine Fishing Boats MEUSNIER anp PATER (See Pater) MICHEL, Grorces Environs de St. Cyr, France MILLET, Jean Francois Nymph and Cupid MONTICELLI, AnoiruE The Abduction Day Dreams A Garden Party MUNTHE, Lupwic Winter Evening: On the Baltic Winter Landscape NEUHUYS, Apert Dutch Peasant Family CATALOGUE NUMBER 62 43 59 Or 64 a a a lal a ie ace: se i NEUVILLE, ALpHonst DE it A French Attack in the Franco-Prussian War i] NICOL, Ersxivz, A4.R.A. Patience is a Virtue OUDRY, Jean Baptiste White Pointer and Partridge Pointer and Quail PATER, Juan Baptiste JoseruH, AND MEUSNIER i] A Luncheon Party in a Palace PELOUSE, Lton Germain ‘ih Country Landscape POURBUS, Frans 1] Princesse de Condé i PREVITALI, Anprea The Virgin Mary Kneeling Incoming Ship | QUARTLEY, Arruvr, N.A. i |} RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. The Swamp Pasture RICHET, Lton The Bather RIX, JuLian South Devon, near Torquay, England CATALOGUE | NUMBER 100 49 90 9] _ er 34 31 ROBINSON, THeEoporE Looking up Fifth Avenue from Twenty-third Street RYDER, Axsert P., N.A. Returning Home Moonrise SCHREYER, Anpotr Arab Warriors TIMMERMAN, L. The Port TROYON, Constant Chien Epagneul TWACHTMAN, Joun Henry Water and Land VAN DER NEER, Ecton Henprix Portrait of a Young Man VAN GOYEN, Jan Joserusz The Ferryman VAN MARCKE, Enure Cattle in Pasture VAN RUISDAEL, Jacoz Landscape VUCHTEL, J. von The Nave of a Cathedral CATALOGUE NUMBER 98 11 67 84 61 68 eNOS oe Suara Von ren ereraten ene Oren Cen e ag siecle an ame RT WALKER, Horatio, N.A. ny ~~ 2D INE Spring Plowing WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes Henprik Holland in 1850 WIGGINS, Carterton, N.A. The Storm Winter Evening at the Forge WILLIAMS, Frepericx Bariarp, N.A. Diana at Rest ZIEM, Feérrx Venice Venetian Scene Venice TALOGUE NUMBER Ot Or 30 FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY NS i RR a i at cla Samael COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY Mery yor PRIS aes a a ® eve ~VUe 4 row . E ; , a wt Eo nes “ 2 7 4 e mare Sn Sas = <7 SS a és eee eee