eit im thas laa f oy CHINA, 1810. Indentations on the coin are private marks of merchants through whose hands The marks guarantee that the coin is not counterfeit. it passed. DENMARK, 1659. Com- memorating the defeat of the Swedish King, Charles XII. De- picts the King’s hand, reaching for the Danish crown, severed by a sword issuing from Heaven. ENGLAND, 1658. Machine- made coin issued by Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth. Inscribed on the edge: “‘Let no man remove these letters under penalty of death.” 1865. SCHAUFFHAUSEN, Shooting contest dollar. William Tell’s son holding the apple pierced by his father’s arrow. of the Van Verre Company under whose authority Henry Hudson founded New Amster- dam, now New York. -_BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, 1599. Depicting the duke’s an- noyance at the rebellion of ten noble Wasp Dellar. families. (wasps). 1679. the Almighty. inscribed: Jesus. symbolizing the Holy Ghost. REUSS-SCHLEIZ, German principality. The only coin known depicting To the left is the sun To the right, a dove The AI- mighty in the centre. 7 A tem, al BIOLLARS Devdeile my ORLD An exhibition of coins selected from the Louis G. Kaufman collection of silver pieces of dollar size, issued by 429 civil and religious authorities throughout the world during four centuries. First NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST Co. MARQUETTE, MICHIGAN i “Dollars of the World OR considerably more than 2,000 years, silver has been used as money. But until 1486 its coinage was limited to pieces of small denominations. In that year the first silver coins of dollar size were struck for the Province of Tyrol by Sigismund, Arch-Duke of PIDs Austria, and were called talers. Similar coins were successively adopted by the various countries in Europe, and subsequently by nearly all of the nations on the other continents. —The German states adhered to the original desig- nation of the coin. It became a daler in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, a daalded in the Netherlands, a tallero in Italy, and a dollar in the United States. Similar coins were known as crowns in England, five franc pieces in France, rubles in Russia and Pieces- of-eight (reals) in Spain. A SPECIMAN of that first dollar, now nearly four and a half centuries old, is included in the collection described in the following pages and exhibited in the offices of the First National Bank and Trust Company. Included also in this exhibition are 1600 dif- ferent coins of dollar-size, struck by 429 countries, states, prov- inces, principalities, cities, religious bodies and organizations of various kinds during the past 442 years. Originally the coins were made by hand. The silver was hammered into sheets of re- quisite thickness, the impressions of the dies, obverse and reverse, made upon it, and each coin separately cut out with hand shears. ‘THE COLLECTION is thought to be reasonably representative of the entire silver coinage of this denomination from its inception up to the present time in all parts of the earth, and is believed to be the most comprehensive existing collection of “Dollars of the World.” IT Is, in addition, of unique historical importance since the relatively large dollar-size coins made them particularly adaptable to artistic die work and they are said to profile accurately the govern- ing heads of many of the nations and authorities that issued them. This type of currency, therefore, in addition to its extended use as a monetary unit, serves also to record and portray a distinguished company of the celebrated men and women whose names are asso- ciated with the great events of the past five centuries. ISO4 1928 WITH a charter running back 64 years, the First National Bank and Trust Company is one of the old institutions of America. WITH resources exceeding five million dollars, it has grown to a place among the best banks of the nation. WITH more than 5,000 accounts on its books, its facilities supply the needs of a multitude of clients, ranging from the thrift accounts of individuals to the corporate accounts of companies. BUT the largest accounts of the First National Bank and Trust Company once were smaller. Its oldest clients once were new. So the First National Bank and Trust Company, looking ahead to many tomorrows, values highly those customers whose accounts today may be new and small. BIG enough to fulfill the requirements of great corporations and wealthy individuals, but progressive enough to welcome those of modest means; eager for new affiliations but faithful to old attach- ments—that is the First National Bank and Trust Company policy and practice. OUR officers will count it a privilege to discuss your banking rela- tions with you. ; D % HT ‘ t 4 . . . \ : 7 3 * 7 ‘ . pe % ‘ : ‘ r , i 1 7 { ‘SDVOLLARS OF THE WORLD”? “Qa KOO~e 1. ABYSSINIA, 1887. African state. Menelik II. Claimed to have been a direct descendant of king Solomon and the queen of Sheba. 2. ABYSSINIA, 1900. Inscription: The lion of the house of Judah has con- quered. 8. AIX LA CHAPELLE, 1568. Capital and burial place of Charlemagne. The great king enthroned. 4. ALBANIA, 1926. Independent king- dom since the world war. Amet Zogu. 5. ALGIERS, 1823. Under Turkish do- minion. 6. ALGIERS, 1824. Struck in base silver. 7. ALSACE, 1608. Rudolph II. The Austro-Hungarian rulers were then land- graves of this province. 8. ALSACE, 1620. Leopold. 9. ALSACE, 1621. Ferdinand II. 10. ALSACE, 1622. Leopold. 11. ALSACE, 1632. Leopold. The provincé was annexed to France in 1688, to Germany in 1871, and to France after the world war. 12. AMSTERDAM, 1578. City in the Netherlands. War dollar struck from church silver when besieged by the Dutch patriots. 138 AMSTERDAM, 1601. Dollar of the Van Verre Company. Under the au- thority of this company Henry Hudson founded New Amsterdam, now the City of New York. 14. AMSTERDAM, 1673. War dollar struck during a French invasion of the Netherlands. 15. ANGOLA, 1796. Portuguese African colony. 16. ANHALT, 1806. German principal- ity. 17. ANHALT, 1896. Frederick. 18. ANHALT, 1914. Frederick II and Marie. Commemorating the 25th anni- versary of their marriage. 19. ANHALT-COTHEN, 1747. German principality. 20. ANHALT-DESSAU, 1846. German principality. Leopold Frederick. 21. AN-HWEL, 1894. Chinese province 22. ANNAM, 1820-41. Asiatic state. Now part of French Indo-China. 23. ANNAM, 1841-47. 24. ANNAM, 1847-83. 25. ANNAM, 1847-83. 26. APPENZELL, 1812. Swiss canton. 27. APPENZELL, 1816. 28. ARCOT, 1750. City in India. 29. ARENBERG, 1785. German princi- pality. Louis Engelbert. 30. ARGAU, 1812. Swiss canton. 31. ARGENTINE, 1839. Struck by John Manuel, dictator of the Argentine Con- federation. 832. ARGENTINE, 1879. Republic founded in 1853. Pattern. 33. ARGENTINE, 1882. 84. ARTOIS, 1555-98. Belgian prov- ince. Philip II, king of Spain, was count of Artois. 35. ARTOIS, 1686. After its acquisition by France. This piece is larger than the standard French dollar of that period and was intended for trading in the Netherlands. Louis XIV. 836. AUERSPERG, 1762. Austrian prin- cipality. Henry. 37. AUERSPERG, 1805. William. 38. AUGSBURG, 1694. German bishop- pric. Alexander Sigismond. 89. AUGSBURG, 1744. Joseph. 40. AUGSBURG, 1625. German city. The pine cone is symbolic of this city and appears on its coins. 41. AUGSBURG, 1625. 42, AUGSBURG, 1632. Struck by Gus- tavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, dur- ing the thirty years war. 43. AUGSBURG, 1639. The reverse of these coins bear the portraits or titles and arms of the Austro-Hungarian rulers. Ferdinand III. 44, AUGSBURG, 1641. View of the city. 45. AUGSBURG, 1672. Leopold I. This is the reverse of the coin. 46. AUGSBURG, 1694. 47. AUGSBURG, 1694. 48. AUGSBURG, 1743. Charles VII. 49. AUGSBURG, 1765. 50. AUSTRIA, 1479. On the marriage of Maximilian I to the daughter of the duke of Burgundy in that year. The coin, however, was not struck until 1508. 41} ‘““DOLLARS OF 51. AUSTRIA, 1518. Maximilian I. The reverse bears the inscription: King of many European provinces and most powerful prince. 52. AUSTRIA, 1530. Ferdinand I. Be- came king of Bohemia and Hungary on the death of Louis II, last national Hungarian king. 58. AUSTRIA, 1559. Ferdinand I. 54. AUSTRIA, 1590. In honor of Maxi- milian I, Charles V and Ferdinand I. ' 55. AUSTRIA, 1619. Matthias. 56. AUSTRIA, 1683. Commemorating the deliverance of Vienna from a siege by the Turks. Struck by Leopold I. 57. AUSTRIA, 1705. Joseph I. Eugene of Savoy served under him. 58. AUSTRIA, 1713. Charles VI. 59. AUSTRIA, 1737. Charles VI. 60. AUSTRIA, 1765. Joseph II. 61. AUSTRIA, 1780. For circulation in the Orient. Dollars of this type, still bearing the portrait of Maria Theresa, were struck until recently. This queen allied Austria, France, Russia, Poland and Sweden against Frederick the Great causing the seven years war. 62. AUSTRIA, 1781. Joseph II. 63. AUSTRIA, 1790. Leopold Il. _ 64. AUSTRIA, 1805. Francis II. Be- came Francis I of the Austrian Empire established in 1806. 65. AUSTRIA, 1830. 66. AUSTRIA, 1846. 67. AUSTRIA, 1855. Francis Joseph I. 68. AUSTRIA, 1857. Commemorating the completion of a railroad. 69. AUSTRIA, 1867. Francis Joseph I. 70. AUSTRIA, 1908. On the sixtieth an- niversary of the reign of Francis Joseph I. 71. AUSTRIA, 1909. Francis Joseph I. Last emperor of Austria and king of - Hungary. 72. BADEN, 1626. 73. BADEN, 1765. 74. BADEN, 1766. 75. BADEN, 1817. Francis I. Ferdinand I. William. Charles Frederick. Arms of Baden. 76. BADEN, 1835. Leopold. 77. BADEN, 1841. Leopold. 78. BADEN, 1875. Frederick. 79. BADEN, 1902. Frederick. 80. BADEN, 1906. Frederick and Louise. On the fiftieth anniversary of their matriage. 81. BADEN, 1913. Frederick II. THE WORLD: . BAMBERG, 1623-33. German bish- opric. John George. . 83. BAMBERG, 1657. Philip Valintin. 84. BAMBERG, 1691. Commemorating the erection of a church. 85. BAMBERG, 1693. Sede Vacant. 86. BAMBERG, 1696. Lothar Francis. 87. BAMBERG, 1750. John Philip. 88. BAMBERG, 1795. .To meet contri- butions levied bY the invading French armies. | 89. BAMBERG, 1800. View oF the city . of Bamberg. | 90. BARCELONA, 1808. Shakin city. War dollar, struck during the French invasion. 91. BARDI, 1622. Frederick Lando. 92. BASLE, 1600. Swiss canton. View of the city of Basle. 93. BASLE, 1622. . 94. BASLE, 1694. Inscription: New money of the Republic of Basle. 95. BASLE, 1756. 96. BASLE, 1793. tL BASLE, 1879. Shooting contest dol- ar. 98. BATAVIAN REPUBLIC, 1802. vi tablished after the invasion of the French revolutionary army in 1793. Now Holland. . 99. BATENBURG, 1559. pality. William, 100. BATTHYANI, 1764. principality. Charles. 101. BATTHYANI, 1788. Louis. 102. BAVARIA, 1625. Virgin and Child. Inscription: A shield to all who hope in Thee. 103. BAVARIA, 1627. Arms of the duchy under Maximilian [. 104. BAVARIA, 1694. Maximilian Eman- uel. 105. BAVARIA, 1740. Chatles Albert ; as vicar of the Holy Roman Empire. Italian principality. Dutch princi- Hungarian 106. BAVARIA, 1743. Charles VII. This prince, with the assistance of France, aspired to the throne of Austria, caus- ing the war of the Austrian succession in which he was defeated by Maria Theresa. 107. BAVARIA, 1765. 108. BAVARIA, 1768. ae BAVARIA, 1771. Maximilian Brake II. 1 we BAVARIA, 1801. Maximilian J oseph 42) Pm OOLLARS OF THE’ WORLD’ ’ 1141. BAVARIA, 1803. Created a king- dom in 1806. Inscription: God and the fatherland. Maximilian Joseph IV. 132. BAVARIA, 1818. Commemorating the first assembly of the estates. 133. BAVARIA, 1828. Royal family of Bavaria. Inscription: Blessings of Heaven. 114. BAVARIA, 1842. 115. BAVARIA, 1855. Maximilian II. 116. BAVARIA, 1874. Louis II. 117. BAVARIA, 1888. Otto. 118. BAVARIA, 1911. Leopold. 119. BAVARIA, 1914. Louis III. 120. BEARN, 1683. French province. Louis XIV. 121. BEARN, 1693. Louis XIV. 122. BEARN, 1770. Louis XV. 128. BELGIOJOSO, 1769. Italian princi- pality. Antonius Barbiani. 124. BELGIUM, 1847. Leopold I. First king of the Belgians. This country severed its connection with the Nether- lands in 1831. 125. BELGIUM, 1849. gium. Inscription: strength. 126. BELGIUM, 1853. On the marriage of the crown prince. Leopold I. 127. BELGIUM, 1870. Leopold II. 128. BELGIUM, 1880. On the fiftieth anniversary of its independence. Leo- pold I and Leopold II. 129. BENTHEIM, 1657. German princi- pality. Moritz. 130. BERG, 1806. German grand duchy. Joachim Murat brother-in-law of Na- poleon. 181. BERNE, 1494. Swiss canton. One of the earliest coins dated in Arabic numerals. 182. BERNE, 1679. Inscription: Money of the republic of Berne. 133. BERNE, 1750. Gymnastic contest dollar. 184. BERNE, 1750. Dollar for diligent application to study. 135. BERNE, 1795. 136. BERNE, 1826. Pattern dollar. 137. BERNE, 1835. 188. BERNE, 1857. Shooting contest dollar. 139. BESANCON, 1641. City in Bur- gundy. Charles V. 140. BESANCON, 1659. Arms of Bel- Union makes 141. BOGOTA, 1808. City of the prov- ince now known as the United States of Columbia. Proclamation dollar. Ferdi- nand VII of Spain. 142. BOHEMIA, 1530. Ferdinand I. 148. BOHEMIA, 1556. Ferdinand I. 144, BOHEMIA, 1569. Maximilian II. The first European sovereign to adopt religious toleration from principle and not policy, 145. BOHEMIA, 1594. Rudolph II. 146. BOHEMIA, 1606. Rudolph II. 147. BOHEMIA, 1612. Matthias. 148. BOHEMIA, 1621. Struck by Fred- erick V, known as the winter king. Head of the Protestants. His election caused the thirty years war. 149. BOHEMIA, 1627. Struck by Ferdi- nand III on his coronation as king of Bohemia. 150. BOHEMIA, 1695. Leopold I. 151. BOHEMIA, 1709. 152. BOHEMIA, 1721. Charles VI. 153. BOHEMIA, 1741. Maria Theresa. 154. BOHEMIA, 1790. 155. BOLIVIA, 1827. First dollar of the republic. Simon Bolivar, South Amer- ican liberator after whom the country was named. 156. BOLIVIA, 1844. 157. BOLIVIA, 1852. Bolivar. 158. BOLIVIA, 1865. 159. BOLIVIA, 1870. Arms of the re- public. 160. BOLOGNA, 1740. City in the papal states. 161. BOLOGNA, 1782. Pius VI. 162. BOLOGNA, 1796. Separated from the papal states by General Bonaparte. 163. BOLOGNA, 1797. 164. BOLOGNA, 1859. Provisional gov- ernment, preceding the foundation of the present kingdom of Italy. Victor Emanuel II. 165. BOUILLON, 1613. Duchy near Luxemburg. 166. BOUILLON, 1616. Henry De la Tour. 167. BOUILLON, 1815. Philip d’Au- vergne. Pattern. 168. BRABANT, 1579. Philip II, king of Spain was duke of Brabant, a prov- ince now part of Belgium. 169. BRABANT, 1603. Albert and Eliza- abeth. 170. BRABANT, 1618. Albert and Eliz- beth. Alea ie ‘‘DOLLARS OF 171. BRABANT, 1636. Philip IV. 172. BRABANT, 1686. Charles II. 173. BRABANT, 1686. 174. BRABANT, 1703. Philip V. 175. BRABANT, 1713. Maximilian Emanuel of Bavaria with the aid of Louis XIV governed this province for a short time. 176. BRABANT, 1754. Maria Theresa. 177. BRABANT, 1764. The Burgundian cross. 178. BRABANT, 1784. Joseph II. 179. BRABANT, 1790. Insurrection against Joseph II. Arms of the eleven revolting provinces. 180. BRABANT, 1792. Leopold II. 181. BRABANT, 1796. Francis II. 182. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1620. German principality. Joachim Ernst. 1838. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, Lows Frederick, Albert and Christian. 184. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1695. George Frederick. 185 BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1727. Christina. 186. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1729. Charles William. 187. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1754. 188. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1769. On the union of Anspach and Culm- bach. Alexander and George. 189. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1769. Alexander. 190. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, | OS ge AF 191. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1779. Commemorating the treaty of peace be- tween Frederick the Great and Maria Theresa. 192. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1779. Peace dollar. 193. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1779. (194. BRANDENBURG-ANSPACH, 1779. 195. BRANDENBURG-BAIREUTH, 1664. German principality. Christian Ernest. 196. BRANDENBURG-BAIREUTH, 1671. On the marriage of the margrave. In- scription: Now it follows after this that I will not travel alone. 197. BRANDENBURG-BAIREUTH, 1704. Christian Ernest. 198. BRANDENBURG-BAIREUTH, 1766. Frederick Christian. 199. BRANDENBURG (Electorate) 1639. The late German emperors, the Hohen- zollerns, descended from this house. George William. THE WORLD’ 200. BRANDENBURG, 1685. Frederick William. The Great Elector. One of the most renowned German rulers. 201. BRANDENBURG, 1695. Frederick III became the first king of Prussia in 1701. His monogram. 202. BRANDENBURG-FRANCONIA, 1542. German principality. George and Al- bert. ‘2038. BRANDENBURG-FRANCONIA, 1549. Albert. 204. BRAZIL, 1811. rule, 205. BRAZIL, 1820. 206. BRAZIL, 1824. stitutional empire. 207. BRAZIL, 1837. 208. BRAZIL, 1863. 209. BRAZIL, 1889. Peter II. Last Bra- zilian emperor. 210. BRAZIL,. 1897. public. 211. BRAZIL, 1900. Commemorating the fourth centennial of its discovery by Cabral. 212. BREDERODE, 1556-68. German principality. Henry. 218. BREMEN, 1562. bishopric. George. 214. BREMEN, 1602. German City. — 215. BREMEN, 1723. The key on the arms is symbolic of this city. 216. BREMEN, 1906. 217. BREMEN and VERDEN, 1674. Charles XI of Sweden was duke of this — principality which did not include the city of Bremen. 218. BRESLAU, 1753. German bishopric. Philip Gotthard. 219. BRESLAU, 1544. German city. 220. BRESLAU, 1709. Struck by Charles XII, king of Sweden. 221. BRETZENHEIM, 1790. principality. Charles August. | 222. BRIXEN, 1710. Austrian bishopric. Caspar Ignatius. 223. BRUNSWICK-GRUBENHAGEN, 1595. German principality. Philip II. 224. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1 624. German principality. . 225. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1624. Christian. 226. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1645. Frederick. 227. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1648-05. George William. Memorial dollar on his death. Under Portuguese Independent con- Dollar of the re- German arch- 4 German al a Me Pe DOLLARS OR 228. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1667. John Frederick. 229. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1667. Wild horse of Brunswick. 230. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 16/79. 231. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1695. Titles and arms of Ernest Augustus. 232. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1698. Wild man dollar. 233. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1708. 234. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1713. George Ludwig, who became George I of England in 1714. 235. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1714. Sophia. Commemorating the death of this princess. . 236. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1729. Titles and arms of George II of En- gland. 237. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1745. 238. BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1756. Made of silver from the mines of Lute- dale, hence the figure of fortune play- ing the lute. 2389 BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG, 1801. George III of England. 240. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1566. German principality. Henry. 241. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1588. — 242. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1595. Rebel dollar. Korah. Dathan and Abiram being swallowed up by the earth. 243. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, P97) 1tuth dollar. Inscription: Truth conquers all calumnies, etc. 244, BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1597. Lie dollar. Inscription: Lies can be dealt with easily, etc. 245. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1599. Pelican dollar. Pelican feeding her young with the flesh of her breast. Inscription: For our alters and homes. 246. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1599. Wasp dollar. Depicting the duke’s annoyance at the rebellion of ten noble families (wasps). 247. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1622. Coined from silver taken from the cathederal of Halberstadt by the protestant bishop. 248. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1626. Commemorating the death of the duchess. 249. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1643. Augustus. 250. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1643. Bell dollar. Inscription: Its sound is a message of peace. THE WORLD’’ 251. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1650. Fortune dollar. Depicting hunt- ing, fishing, mining and science. In- scription: Men of the. world in this manner seek money. _— 252. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1656. Augustus. 253. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1660. Commemorating the duke’s travels. 254. BRUNSWICK - WOL FENBUTTEL, 1663. Arms of the duchy. 255. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1664. Augustus. eer nen te: - WOLFENBUTTEL, pee NAGS - WOLFENBUTTEL, 258. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1676. Augustus Frederick. Com- memorating his death. 259. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1691. Rudolph and Anton. 260. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1704. Rudolph Augustus. 261. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1704. On the death of the duke’s wife. The deceased duchess ascending to Heaven from her palace. 262. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1712. Anton Ulrich. ee Rung ~ WOLFENBUTTEL, 264. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1725. Louis Rudolph 265. BRUNSWICK - WOL PENBUTTEL, 1728. Monogram of Augustus Wil- liam. 266. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1729. Louis Rudolph. 267. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1752. Swan dollar. From silver of the Brunswick mines. 268. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1752. Mining dollar. pela oe - WOLFENBUTTEL, 270. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL 1856. William. 271. BRUNSWICK - WOLFENBUTTEL, 1915. Ernst and Victoria. Memorial dollar, 272. BRUNSWICK, 1624. German city. 273. BRUSSELS, 1579. War dollar, struck when the city was besieged by the Span- iards, 274 BUENOS AYRES, 1808. South American province. Proclamation dollar. #{ 5 jp ‘*DOLLARS OF THE WORLD 275. BULGARIA, 1885. kingdom. 276. BULGARIA, 1892. 277. BURGAU, 1766. pality. 278. BURGUNDY, 1515- 55. French prov- ince then governed by the celebrated Charles V, Holy Roman emperor, king of Spain and founder of one of Europe’s most extensive empires. The conquests of Mexico by Cortez and of Peru by Pizzaro, during his reign, fur- ther extended his dominions. The em- peror ceded the Spanish, Italian and Dutch thrones to his son Philip II and his German empire to his brother Ferdi- nand I. Retired to Spain and died in a monastery. 279. CAMBODIA, 1860. dom. Norodom I. 280. CAMBODIA, 1875. Pattern dollar. Norodom I. - 281. CAMBRAI, 1573. Arch-bishopric. Arms of Louis Berlaimont, the arch- bishop. 282. CAMPECHE, 1790. Proclamation dollar of this Mexican city. 283. CAMPEN, 1622. City in the Neth- erlands. Ferdinand II. 284. CAMPEN, 1863. War @ollar, dur- ing a siege of the city. 285. CARINTHIA, 1621. Austrian prov- ince. Ferdinand II. 286. CARINTHIA, 1654. Ferdinand III. 287. CARINTHIA, 1660. Leopold I. 288. CARTHAGENA, 1873. Spanish city. Revolutionary dollar. 289. CASALE, 1594. Italian city. Vin- cent I 290. CATTERO, 1813. City in Dalma- tia. Struck by the French army when besieged by the allies. Initial and crown of Napoleon. The coin was cast in silver. 291. CENTRAL AMERICA, 1842. The five mountains represent Guatemala, Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 292. CHAUX DE FONDS, 1863. Swiss city. Shooting contest dollar. 293. CHIHUAHUA, 1915. War dollar, struck by General Villa when in control of this part of Mexico, 294. CHILE, 1811. Ferdinand VII, king of Spain. Before the establishment of the republic. 295. CHILE, 1817. republic. 286. CHILE, 1839. breaking its chains. Arms of the Ferdinand I. Austrian princi- Asiatic king- First dollar of the The Chilean eagle lic, 298. CHILE, 1873. a CHINA, 1800. Revolutionary ont: ar: 800. CHINA, 1810. The indentations on the coin are private marks of merchants through whose hands it passed. These marks guarantee that the coin is not counterfeit. . 201. CHINA, 1856. Struck by Chinese merchants. Inscription: One ounce cake of pure silver. 302. CHINA, 1912. empire. 303. CHINA, 1912. Sun-Yat-Sen. First president of the republic. 304. CHINA, 1912. Li Yuan-hung. Leader of the revolutionary forces. 305. CHINA, 1913. Li-Yuan-hung. 306. CHINA, 1914. Pattern. 807. CHINA, 1916. Yuan Shih-kai, sec- ond president of the republic. . 308. CHINA, 1916. Yuan Shih-kai. Sie CHINA, 1922. Revolutionary dol- ar. 310. CHINESE TURKESTAN, 1910. Chi- nese province. 811. CHUQUISACA, 1789. Now Sucre (Bolovia). Proclaiming its fidelity to Charles IV, king of Spain. $12. CHUQUISACA, 1825. Commemo- rating the gratitude of the city to Boli- var. 313. CIS-ALPINE, 1800. Italian ecb. lic founded by General Bonaparte. Commemorating the battle of Marengo. 314. COIRE, 1633. Swiss city. — 815. COLOGNE, 1570. German arch- bishopric. Saint Peter with the keys of Heaven. 316. COLOGNE, 1688. before the Infant Jesus. $17. COLOGNE, 1777. Maximilian Fred- erick, 318. COLOGNE, 1516. German city. ih honor of Saint Ursula. 819. COLOGNE, 1569. Arms of the city. $20. COLOGNE, 1700. | $21. COLOGNE, 1705. View of the city. 322. COLORADO, 1900. This piece, known as a Lesher dollar, was struck by private interests without govern- 297. CHILE, 1854. Arms of the repub- Last’ dollaeioe the@ The three kings mental authority during Bryan’s second —S campaign for the presidency when free coinage of silver was a national issue. It was intended solely for the purchase of commodities, . “{ 6 7 ee ee ae — - - ~ « ‘- 4 a. a fe OOLLARS OF $23. COLUMBIA, 1834. South Amer- ican state. 324. COLUMBIA, 1865. Arms of the United States of Columbia. $325. COLUMBIA, 1871. 8326. COMORO, 1883. colony. Pattern. $27. COMORO, 1890. Depicting the vari- ous implements of war. $28. CONGO, 1887. Belgian African colony. Leopold II. 829. CONGO, 1896. Leopold II. Pattern. $30. CONSTANCE, 1761. German bish- opric. Francis Conrad. $31. CONSTANCE, 1625. German city. 832. COPIAPO, 1865. City in Chili. War dollar. Struck during war with - Spain. $33. CORDOVA, 1852. South American province, now part of the Argentine Republic. $334. COREA, 1900. Japanese protectorate. $35. CORVEY, 1683. Saint Vitus, who was the patron saint of this abbey. $36. CORVEY, 1709. $37. CORVEY, 1758. $38. COURLAND, 1645. State on the Baltic sea, subsequently annexed to the Russian empire under Catherine Il. Jacobi. $39. COURLAND, 1780. Peter. Last of the dukes of Courland. $40. CRONSTADT, 1660. City in Tran- sylvania. When besieged by George Rakoczi II. $41. CUBA, 1898. First dollar of the republic. 342. CUBA, 1916. 843. CUENCAMI, 1914. City in the Mexican state of Durango. War dollar. Struck by Generals Contreras and Ceni- ceros. Inscription: Death to Huerta. $44. CUNDINAMARCA, 1821. South American state, now part of Columbia. $45. CUZCO, 1825. City in Peru. Memorial dollar to its emancipator Bolivar. Ruins of the palace of the Incas. $46. CUZCO, 1834. On the adoption of the Peruvian constitution. $47. CUZCO, 1837. For the republic of South Peru. $48. DANTZIC, 1577. When the city was besieged by the armies of Poland. Inscription: Christ, Saviour, defend us. French African Asiatic province. «B49. DANTZIG, 1649. John Casimir. King of Poland. Tey I WwiORi LAL). «. 350. DANTZIC, 1685. John III, king of Poland, whose assistance to Leopold I saved Vienna from capture by the Turks. 351. DEMERARY, 1800. British colony of Demerary and Essequebo, British Guiana. George III. 352. DEMERARY, 1816. 353. DEMERARY, 1832. William IV. 354. DENMARK, 1572. Frederick II. 355. DENMARK, 1620. Christian IV. Elected chief of the protestant league against Ferdinand II of Austria. 356. DENMARK, 1620. 357. DENMARK, 1628. Christian IV. 358. DENMARK, 1649. Frederick III. The Danish crown became hereditary under this king. 359. DENMARK, 1652. 360. DENMARK, 1569. Commemorat- ing the defeat of the Swedish king, Charles XII. Depicts the king’s hand, reaching for the Danish crown, severed by a sword issuing from Heaven. 361. DENMARK, 1600. Frederick III. 362. DENMARK, 1666. 363. DENMARK, 1675. Christian V. 364. DENMARK, 1690. Christian V. 365. DENMARK, 1704. Frederick IV. Commemorating the fifth year of his reign. 366. DENMARK, 1711. Frederick IV. 367. DENMARK, 1731. Christian VI. 368. DENMARK, 1747. Frederick V. Coronation dollar. 369. DENMARK, 1764. Frederick V. 370. DENMARK, 1776. Crown and monogram of Christian VII. 371. DENMARK, 1799. Christian VII. 372. DENMARK, 1835. Frederick VI. 373. DENMARK, 1840. Christian VIII. 374. DENMARK, 1848. Frederick VII. On the death of his predecessor. 375. DENMARK, 1849. Arms of the kingdom. 376. DENMARK, 1863. Christian IX. On the death of Frederick VII. 377. DENMARK, 1868. 378. DEVENTER, CAMPEN and ZWOLLE, 1555. The three imperial cities in the Netherlands. Charles V. 379. DEVENTER, CAMPEN and ZWOLLE, 1568. Arms of the three cities. 380. DEVENTER, 1609. Commemorat- ing the treaty of peace between Spain and the Dutch provinces. 381. DIETRICHSTEIN, 1646. Austrian principality. Sigismund. a TOOT Laks Oe 382. DIETRICHSTEIN, 1695. Ferdinand. 383 DIETRICHSTEIN, 1728. Charles Louis. $84. DOMBES, 1652. ity. Gaston. 885. DOMINICA, 1891. the Dominican republic. 886. EAST FRISIA, 1540-99. of the Netherlands. $87. EAST FRISIA, 1564. 388. ECUADOR, 1846. 889. ECUADOR, 1858. Arms of the re- public. 390. ECUADOR, 1897. The president of the republic. 391. EGGENBERG, 1630. German prin- cipality. John Ulrich. 392. EGGENBERG, 1658. tian and John Siefried. 393. EGYPT, 1861. Under Aziz. 894. EGYPT, 1905. Under Hamid II. 395. EGYPT, 1916. Under Hussein. 396. EGYPT, 1923. Fuad. 397. EICHSTADT, 1694. opric. $898. EICHSTADT, 1757. 899. EICHSTADT, 1781. View of the city. 400. EICHSTADT, 1783. John Anton III. 401. EICHSTADT, 1796. Joseph. 402. EISLEBEN, 1661. German city. Commemorating the reformation of Martin Luther. 403. ELWANGEN, 1765. opric. Anton Ignatius. 404. EMBDEN, 1600. City in the Neth- erlands. 405. ENGLAND, 1552. England. Edward VI. 406. ENGLAND, 1601. Elizabeth, the virgin queen. Virginia, the first English settlement in America was so named in her honor. The figure 1, above the crown is an abbreviation of the date of the coin. These pieces were hammered. 407. ENGLAND, 1622. The reverse of this coin bears the inscription: What God has joined let no man sever: re- ferring to the union of England and Scotland. James I, in whose reign first appeared the political parties known as the Tories who stood for the king and the Whigs who represented the people. 408. ENGLAND, 1625-48. Arms, crown and monogram of Charles I. Inscrip- tion: Under Christ I reign. French principal- First dollar of Province John Chris- German bish- Sede Vacant. Sede Vacant. German bish- First dollar of THE WORDD: 409. ENGLAND, 1645, Charles I. The sun above the king’s head is the mint mark denoting the date of the coin. This king’s controversy with parlia- ment led to his execution. 410. ENGLAND, 1652. Dollar of the Commonwealth of England, after the execution of Charles I. 411. ENGLAND, 1658. Oliver Crom- well, lord protector of the common- — wealth and the most illustrious char- — acter in English history. This coin is machine made and is inscribed on the edge: Let no one remove these letters under penalty of death. Inscription on — reverse: Peace is secured by war. 412. ENGLAND, 1672. Charles II. As- cended the throne after Cromwell's death, at the instance of General Monk. The island of Manhattan was ceded to England by the Dutch in this reign. 413. ENGLAND, 1688. James II. Ex- iled, died and buried in France. The last of the Stuarts. 414. ENGLAND, 1692. William and Mary. Called to the throne by a Brit- ish national convention. 415. ENGLAND, 1700. William III. After the death of the queen. 416. ENGLAND, 1713. Anne. Mart: borough served under her. Gibraltar acquired in this reign. 417. ENGLAND, 1723. George I. First English king of the house of Bruns- wick. This prince could not speak English. . 418. ENGLAND, 1739. George II. Can- ada was taken from France during his reign and the British colony of India was greatly extended. 419. ENGLAND, 1743. Arms of En- gland, France, Ireland and Brunswick. The English rulers of this period con- tinued to entitle themselves kings Or’ France. 420. ENGLAND, 1804. Bank of Posie dollar. George III. The American revolution, the wars with Napoleon and the war of 1812 occurred during his reign. 421. ENGLAND, 1804. Reverse of bank of England five shilling dollar. 422. ENGLAND, 1816. George III. Pat- — tern dollar. | 423. ENGLAND, 1817. George III. Pat- tern dollar, representing England, SCOtHs on land and Ireland. 424. ENGLAND, 1818. the dragon. 425. ENGLAND, 1821. St. George and | George IV. “{ 8 }» ‘*DOLLARS OF THE WORLD’’ 426. ENGLAND, 1826. Arms of Great Britain. 427. ENGLAND, 1831. Pattern dollar. 428, ENGLAND, 1839. Victoria. Pat- tern dollar at the beginning of her reign. 429. ENGLAND, 1847. Victoria. Pat- tern dollar. Known as the Gothic crown. ‘This is said to be the most attistic coin ever struck. 430. ENGLAND, 1887. Victoria. Jubilee dollar. On the fiftieth anniversary of her reign. William IV. ' 481. ENGLAND, 1887. Reverse of four shilling jubilee dollar of Victoria. 482. ENGLAND, 1893. Victoria. At the close of her reign. 433.. ENGLAND, 1902. Edward VII. Pattern dollar, copied after the old type of Charles I. 434. ENGLAND, 1902. Edward VII. 435. ERBACH, 1624. German princi- pality. 436. ERFURT, 1617. German city. 437. ERFURT, 1631. Struck by Gusta- vus Adolphus, king of Sweden, after the battle of Leipsic. 438. ERITREA, 1891. Italian African colony. Humbert I, king of Italy. 439. ESTERHAZY, 1770. Austrian prin- cipality. Nicolaus. 440 ETRURIA, 1806. Italian state. Charles Louis and his mother, the regent, 441. ETRURIA, 1807. and the regent. 442. FERRARA, 1619. Italian city under papal authority. Paul V. 443. FLANUERS, 1665. Belgian province. Philip 1V, king of Spain, was count of Flanders. 444, FLORENCE, 1861. Italian city. Dol- lar of the provisional government prior to the foundation of the present king- dom of Italy. Victor Emanuel II. Charles Louis 445. FORMOSA, 1840. Island in China sea. Inscription: Silver cake of stand- ard purity, struck in the reign of Tao Kuang. 446 FRANCE, 1643. First French dol- lar. Louis XIII whose prime minister was the illustrious Cardinal Richelieu. 447, FRANCE, 1653. Louis XIV. Most celebrated of the French Bourbon kings. Engaged in six wars during his reign of seventy-two years. Established France as the leading European power. Tu- renne, Villars, Vendome, Conde and Vauban served under him. Golden age of French literature. Louisiana named in his honor. 4458. FRANCE 1665." Vouls XIV: 449. FRANCE, 1679. Struck by the French parliament. Louis XIV. 450. FRANCE, 1708. Louis XIV. 451. FRANCE, 1715. Louis XIV. At the end of his reign. 452. FRANCE, 1716. Louis XV. These pieces were struck over dollars of Louis XIV which is apparent on many of the coins, 453. FRANCE, 1723. Reverse of dollar of Louis XV. In 1717 the king ceded to the Compagnie de Mississippi all of the Louisiana territory for colonization purposes and extended to it the national credit. Its collapse doubled the French national debt. 454. FRANCE, 1724. Louis XV. 455. FRANCE, 1726. Louis XV. 456. FRANCE, 1769. Louis XV. 457. FRANCE, 1774. Louis XV. Last year of his reign. 458. FRANCE, 1786. Louis XVI. Ally of the American revolutionists. Pattern dollar. 459. PRANCE, 1787. Reverse of the French dollar preceding the revolution. 460. FRANCE, 1791. Louis XVI. Pat- tern dollar. 461. FRANCE, 1792. Louis XVI. Struck during the king’s imprisonment prior to his execution. First dollar of the revolutionary government. 462. FRANCE, 1793. Under the conven- tion, during the ascendency of Robes- pierre. Inscription: Reign of the law. 463. FRANCE, 1799. Dollar of the Di- rectory. Inscription: Union and strength. 464 FRANCE, 1804. Consulate estab- lished by Napoleon Bonaparte upon his return from Egypt and overthrow of the Directory. Ceded Louisiana to the United States. 465. FRANCE, 1805. Napoleon I. First dollar of the empire. The reverse of these coins, for a period of three years, continued to bear the _ inscription: French Republic. The calendar, adopted during the revolution, fixing the year 1792 as year One was abandoned in 1806 and the coins were again dated in Arabic numerals. “{ 9 ‘““DOLLARS’ OF THE WoRwmD 466. FRANCE, 1808. Napoleon I. The empire attained its greatest extent in 1810 and included or dominated France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Bel- gium, Holland, Baden, Bavaria, Wur- temburg, Westphalia and Dalmatia. It was allied to Austria, Russia, Denmark, Norway and Saxony, and a marshal of the empire became crown prince of Sweden. 467. FRANCE, 1814. Louis XVIII. Dur- ing Napoleon’s exile at Elba. 468. FRANCE, 1815. Reverse of dollar struck by Napoleon 1 during his reign of one hundred days following his re- turn from Elba. Last coinage of the emperor whom Lord Roseberry desig- nated as the greatest, by far, of all great men. ? 469. FRANCE, 1816. Napoleon II. Pat- tern dollar. ‘This prince did not reign. 470. FRANCE, 1821. Reverse of dollar of Louis XVIII, who again ascended the throne after the fall of the empire. 471. FRANCE, 1825. Charles X. Exiled for attempting to dissolve the legisla- tive assembly and restrict the freedom of the press. 472. FRANCE, 1830. Louis Philippe I. The citizen king. 473. FRANCE, 1831. Reverse of French dollar of this period. 474. FRANCE, 1831. Commemorating the king’s visit to the mint. 475. PRANCE, 1832. Henry V. Pattern dollar. This prince did not ascend the throne. 476. FRANCE, 1844. 477. FRANCE, 1848. the second republic. 478. FRANCE, 1848. Pattern dollar of the second republic. 479. FRANCE, 1848. Pattern dollar of the second republic. 480. FRANCE, 1848. Pattern dollar of the second republic. 481. FRANCE, 1850. Adopted dollar of the second republic. 482. FRANCE, 1852. Louis Napoleon. Bonaparte, president of the republic. 483. FRANCE, 1853. Napoleon III. First coinage of the second empire. Inscrip- tion: Napoleon III by the grace of God and the will of the nation. 484, FRANCE, 1854. Reverse of dollar of the second empire. 485. FRANCE, 1870. Napoleon III. 486. FRANCE, 1870. Pattern dollar. In anticipation of the successful conclu- sion of the Franco-Prussian war. In- scription: Germania finished 1870. Louis Philippe I. Pattern dollar of “4 10 487. FRANCE, 1870. Napoleon III. Last coinage of the second empire, aes 488. FRANCE, 1871. First dollar of the third republic. 489. FRANCE, 1871. Henry V. Pattern dollar. In anticipation of his accession to the French crown. | 490. FRANCE, 1872. Thiers first presi- dent of the third republic. Satirical pattern dollar. 491. FRANCE, 1873. Reverse of pattern dollar, dedicated to the international monetary commission by Henry V, pre- tender to the French throne. 492. FRANCE, 1874, Napoleon IV. Pat- tern dollar of the prince imperial who > never reigned. 493. FRANCE, 1874. Marshall McMahon, second president of the republic. Satir- ical pattern dollar. - 494. FRANCE, 1876. Dollar of the pres- ent republic. Hercules, Liberty and Equality. | . 495. FRANKFORT, 1622. German city. 496. FRANKFORT, 1763. 497. FRANKFORT, 1772. Convention dollar. View of the city. 498. FRANKFORT, 1776. Convention dollar. 499. FRANKFORT, 1793. ar, 500. FRANKFORT, 1796. During the French occupation of the city. | 501. FRANKFORT, 1841. 3 502. FRANKFORT, 1866. Portrait, said to be, of the actress Janauschek. 503. FRIBOURG, 1813. Swiss canton. 504. FRIBOURG, 1881. Shooting contest dollar. Figures represent the cantons of Fribourg and Solothurn joining the — Swiss federation in 1481. 505. FRIEDBERG, 1804. German prin- cipality. 506. FRISING, 1709. German bishopric. John Francis. | 507. FRISING, 1790. Joseph Conrad. 508. FUGGER, 1694. A wealthy family of Augsburg bankers authorized to issue money. ay 509. FUGGER, 1781. Arms of the House. 510. FULDA, 1788. German bishopric. Sede Vacant. . 511. FULDA, 1796. Coined from church i silver, to meet contributions levied by the French army. Adelbert, the bishop. 512. FUNG TIEN, 1900. Chinese prov- ince. 513. FURSTENBERG, 1762. German principality. Joseph William Ernest. ae ’ ue Ls ae Tee Ola, DP DOLLARS OF ‘THE WORLD” 514, FURSTENBERG, 1767. Joseph Wen- cel, 515. FURSTENBERG, 1790. Mining dol- lar. 516. GELDERLAND, 1561. Philip II, king of Spain, duke of this Dutch province. 517. GELDERLAND, 1718. Frederick William I, king of Prussia, who ac- quired the province by the treaty of Utrecht. 518. GENEVA, 1723. Swiss republic. 519. GENEVA, 1794. The reverse of this coin is inscribed: Prize of labor. 520. GENEVA, 1796. 521. GENEVA, 1848. 522. GENOA, 1625. Italian state given the right to issue money by Conrad II, whose name appears on its coins for several hundred years. 5283. GENOA, 1796. Dollar of the re- public and dukedom. 524. GERMAN EAST AFRICA, 1893. German African colony. William II. 525. GERMAN NEW GUINEA, 1894. German colony. Dollar of the New Guinea Company. These coins were re- called by the German imperial govern- ment, 537. GRONINGEN, 1672. City in the Netherlands. Memorial dollar. Struck by the university of the city. 588. GRONINGEN, 1672. While the city was besieged by the bishops of Cologne and Munster. 539, GRONINGEN, 1682. For the prov- inces of Groningen and Ommelanden. 540. GRONINGEN and OMMELANDEN, 1685. Inscription: For religion and liberty. 541. GUADALAXARA, 1822. Mexican city. Struck by the cathedral. Pro- claiming Augustin first constitutional emperor of Mexico. 542. GUADELUPE DE TECPAN, 1813. Mexican city. War dollar. Struck by General Morelos during the rebellion against Spain. This piece is cast in silver. 543. GUASTALLA, 1619. Italian princi- pality. Ferdinand. 544. GUATEMALA, 1810. This coin bears the portrait of Charles IV and the title of his successor Ferdinand VII, king of Spain. 545. GUATEMALA, 1871. In honor of President Carrera. 546. GUATEMALA, 1879. 547. GUATEMALA, 1895. 548. GURK, 1801. Austrian bishopric. Francis. 549. HAITI, 1820. Henry I. Negro king of the island. 550. HAITI, 1895. public. 526. GERMANY, 1925. Dollar of the German republic. Although the Ger- mans issued a far greater number of sil- ver dollar size coins than any other peo- ple, this is the only dollar ever struck for Germany as a nation. 527. GERONA, 1808. Spanish City. Dur- ing siege by the French armies. 551. HALBERSTADT, 1691. German 528. GERTRUDENBERG, 1593. City in bishopric. Saint Stephen, the first mar- the Netherlands. Memorial dollar. tyr. 529. GLARUS, 1847. Swiss canton. 552. HALLE, 1545. German city. Arms Shooting contest dollar. of the municipality. 580. GLUCKSTADT, 1624. City in 553. HALLE, 1746. Dollar of the re- se a ee im, i oe oe | P, a) Stee ae /. PO ee ee —.. = * 7 i < ee { 2 a oe 7 Ate * ety Poe pet ie SEY i" a - oe ie eee BORON. a h rs i: { Schleswig Holstein, founded by Chris- 554. HAMBURG, 1629. German city. tian IV, king of Denmark 531. GOSLAR, 1705. German city. 532. GOTHA, 1715. German city. Com- memorating the third centennial of the execution of the reformer John Huss. 5383 GREECE, 1833. Otto. First dollar. After its liberation from Turkish do- minion. _ 534. GREECE, 1876. George. 535. GREENLAND, 1771. Danish col- ony. For commercial reasons this coin was made to resemble the Spanish colonial piece of this period. 586. GRISSONS, 1842. Swiss canton. Shooting contest dollar. 555. HAMBURG, 1694. 556. HAMBURG, 1730. On the second centennial of the Augsburg confession. 557. HAMBURG, 1748. On the centen- tennial of the peace of Westphalia. 558. HAMBURG, 1900. 559. HANAU, 1623. German principal- ity. 560. HANAU, 1784. William. 561. HANOVER, 1855. Formerly the duchy of Brunswick. George V. 562 HATZFELD, 1597. German princi- pality. Sebastian. 563. HAWAII, 1883. Kalakaua I. King of the islands. 11) ‘‘DOLLARS OF THE WORLD’’ 564. HAWAII, 1891. Pattern dollar of Queen Lilivocalania. 565. HAWAII, 1893. Pattern dollar of Caivlania. 566. HEERENBERG, 1546-86. Dutch principality. More properly known as S’Heerenberg. 567. HEERENBERG, 1546-86. William IV. 568. HELMSTEDT, 1676. City in the Netherlands. Memorial dollar. Struck by the university. 569. HELVETIA (Switzerland), 1550. Early dollar of the Swiss federation. 570. HELVETIA, 1798. Reverse of first dollar of the republic. 571. HELVETIA, 1801. 572. HELVETIA, 1855. 573. HELVETIA, 1889. 574. HELVETIA, 1900. 575. HELVETIA, 1923. 576. HENNEBERG, 1553. German prin- cipality. William VII. 577. HENNEBERG, 1695, 578. HENNEBERG, 1697. 579. HERMANSTADT, 1611. City in Transylvania. Struck during a siege of the city. Arms of prince Gabriel Bathori. This coin has no reverse. 580. HESSE-CASSEL, 1624. German principality. 581. HESSE-CASSEL, 1630. Known as Pattern dollar. Pattern dollar. the whirl-wind dollar. Inscription: God will raise the weak. 582. HESSE-CASSEL, 1754. William VIII. 583. HESSE-CASSEL, 1765. Frederick Il. The Hessian troops employed by England during the American revolu- tionary war were hired from this prince. 584. HESSE-CASSEL, 1778. Dollar used to pay the Hessian troops engaged in the revolutionary war. Known as the blood money dollar. 585. HESSE-CASSEL, 1840. Arms of Hesse. 586. HESSE-CASSEL, 1851. Frederick William I. 587. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1623. Ger- man principality. Louis V. 588. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1696. Min- ing dollar. 589. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1714. Ernest Louis. 590. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1825. Louis I 591, HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1840. Louis II. 592. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1888. Louis — IV 593. HESSE-DARMSTADT, 1904. Philip and Ernst. Commemorating the fourth centennial of the birth of landgrave Philip. i 594. HILDESHEIM, 1624. German bish- opric. Ferdinand. 595. HILDESHEIM, 1698, +, ua HILDESHEIM, 1766. Frederick Wil- lam. Z , 597. HILDESHEIM, 1628. German city. 598. HOHENLOE, 1609. German prin-— cipality. 599. HOHENLOE-INGELFINGEN, 1796. — nf German principality. Frederick Louis. 600. HOHENLOE-KIRCHBERG, 1781. German princpiality. Christian Fred- erick. 601. HOHENLOE-LANGENBURG, 1751. German principality. On the associa- tion of three principalities. 602. HOHENLOE-NEUENSTEIN, 1 6 9 7. German principality. Wolfgang. a 603. HOHENLOE-OEHRINGEN, 1696. German principality. 604. HOHENLOE-OEHRINGEN, 1 7 30. Commemorating the second anniversary of the Augsburg confession. . , 605. HOHENLOE-OEHRINGEN, 1770. Louis Frederick. . 606. HOHENLOE-OEHRINGEN, 1785. Louis Frederick. PISA ee 607. HOHENLOE-OEHRINGEN, 179 7, Louis Frederick. 608. HOHENLOE-WALDENBURG, 175 8. German principality. Convention dol- lar. Charles Albert. iS 609. HOHENLOE-WEICKERSHEIM, 1752. German principality. Memorial dollar. Charles Louis. 610. HOHENZOLLERN - HECHINGEN, 1783. German principality. Joseph _ William. Ce 611. HOHENZOLLERN - HECHINGEN, 1804. Herman Frederick. 612. HOHENZOLLERN-SIGMARINGEN, 1844. German principality. Charles I. 613. HOHNSTEIN, 1587. German prin- Sie cipality. 614. HOLLAND, 1586. Province of the Netherlands. Earl of Leicester. eo ie 615. HOLLAND, 1671. The edge of this coin bears the inscription: Death to those who cut the nerves of the re- public. | 616. HOLLAND, 1680. 7‘ 617. HOLLAND, 1790. Arms of the province. 3 Pees {12 - 627. HONG KONG, 1900. «648. HUNGARY, 1900. 618. HOLLAND, 1808. Kingdom estab- lished by Napoleon I, subsequently an- -mexed to France and later became the kingdom of the Netherlands. 619. HOLLAND, 1809. Louis, brother of the emperor. 620. HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, 1614. Dan- ish province. John Adolph. 621. HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, 1622. Fred- erick III. 622. HOLSTEIN-GOTTORP, 1753. Charles Peter. Afterwards Peter III of Russia. Inscription: Peter, by the grace of God, grand duke of all the Russias. 623 HOLSTEIN-NORBURG, 1676. Dan- ish principality. From silver of the Holstein mines. 624. HOLSTEIN-SONDERBURG, 1761. German principality. Frederick Charles. : _ 625. HONDURAS, 1881. Central Ameri- can state. 626. HONG KONG, 1866. British Asiatic colony. Victoria, queen of England. British ori- ental trade dollar. 628. HORNE, 1540-68. the Netherlands. 629. HUNGARY, 1506. Independent kingdom until 1526. Under Austrian dominion until the great war. 680. HUNGARY, 1554. Ferdinand I. First of the Austro-Hungarian kings. 631. HUNGARY, 1565. War dollar. Dur- ing the war against Maximilian II. 632. HUNGARY, 1585. Rudolph II. 633. HUNGARY, 1599. Rudolph II. 634. HUNGARY, 1614. Matthias. 635, HUNGARY, 1619. 636. HUNGARY, 1630. Ferdinand II. 637. HUNGARY, 1657. Ferdinand III. 6388. HUNGARY, 1664. Victory dollar. Struck by Leopold I. 639. HUNGARY, 1682. Leopold I. 640. HUNGARY, 1703. Leopold I. 641, HUNGARY, 1717. Charles VI. 642. HUNGARY, 1745. Maria Theresa. 643. HUNGARY, 1782. 644. HUNGARY, 1792. Arms of the Kingdom under Francis II. _ 645. HUNGARY, 1830. Francis I. _ 646. HUNGARY, 1837. Ferdinand I. ie 647. HUNGARY, 1896. Commemorating the 1000th year of the kingdom. Fran- cis Joseph. Pattern. Principality in 649. HUNGARY, 1907. Francis Joseph. On the fortieth anniversary of his coro- nation as Hungarian king. aes. ie st: cal Spe DOLLARS OF THE WORLD’’ 650. HU PEH, 1900. Chinese province. 651. INDIA, 1600. Dollar of the East India Company, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth of England. The first dollar ever coined for foreign trading. This company founded the British col- ony of India. 652. INDO-CHINA, 1903. French Asia- tic colony. 653. INNSBRUCK, 1885. Shooting contest dollar. 654. IRELAND, 1643. Necessity dollar struck by the lord lieutenant from silver plate. Crown and monogram of Charles I of England. 655. IRELAND, 1644. Reverse of neces- sity dollar. V. S. signifies five shillings. These pieces were known as Ormonde money. “The Marquis of Ormonde was then lord lieutenant of Ireland. 656. IRELAND, 1804. Dollar of the bank of Ireland. 657. ISENBERG, 1811. pality. Charles. 658. ISLES DE FRANCE ET BONAPARTE, 1810. French colony in the Indian ocean. Necessity dollar. Struck by the French army. 659. ITALY, 1810. Napoleon I. Crowned king of Italy in 1805. 660. ITALY, 1814. Napoleon. 661. ITALY, 1873. Victor Emanuel II. First ruler of the present kingdom established after the country’s libera- tion from Austria. 662. ITALY, 1879. Humbert I. 663. ITALY, 1911. Fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the kingdom. 664. ITALY, 1914. Victor Emanuel III. 665. JAPAN, 1870. Pattern dollar. 666. JAPAN, 1870. 667. JAPAN, 1880. Trade dollar. 668. JAPAN, 1880. 669. JAVA, 1786. Dutch Asiatic colony. Dollar of the Dutch East India Com- pany. 670. JEVER, 1798. German principality. 671. JULIERS, CLEVES and BERG, 1475. German principalities. William IV. 672. KAUFBEUREN, 1542. German city. Charles V. 673. KEMPTON, 1694. German Abbey. Saint Hildegard. 674. KEMPTON, 1748. Engelbert. 675. KHEVENHULLER, 1771. German principality. John Joseph. 676 KIANG NAN, 1894. Chinese prov- ince. Austrian city. German princi- 13) ‘DOLLARS OF THE WORLD oo 677. KIRCHBERG, 1749. German prin- cipality. George Frederick. Commemo- rating the death of the burgrave. 678. KIRIN, 1898. Chinese province. 679. KWANG TUNG, 1894. Chinese province. 680. LANDAU, 1713. German city. Struck by the duke of Wurtemburg while besieged by the French armies. 681. LAUENBURG, 1645. German prin- cipality. Augustus. 682. LAUSANNE, 1 87 6. Shooting contest dollar. 683. LEEUWARDEN, 1580. Province of the Netherlands. Commemorating its liberation from Spanish rule. 684. LEGHORN, 1659. Italian province (Tuscany). Ferdinand Il. Swiss city. 685. LEGHORN, 1699. Cosmos III. 686. LEGHORN, 1701. The rose dollar of Tuscany. 687. LEGHORN, 1712. . 688. LEGHORN, 1723. John Gaston. 689. LEIPzIC, 1631. German city. Memorial dollar. Struck during the thirty years war. 690. LEUCHTENBERG, principality. 691. LEYDEN, 1574. City in the Neth- erlands. Commemorating a victory over the Spanish army. 1547. German 692. LIECHTENSTEIN, 1728. German principality. Joseph John. 693. LIECHTENSTEIN, 1758. 694. LIECHTENSTEIN, 1/778. Francis Joseph. 695. LIECHTENSTEIN, 1924. John II. The only German principality surviv- ing the great war. 696. LIEGE, 1550. Belgian bishopric. 697. LIEGE, 1570. 698. LIEGE, 1666. Arms of the bishop. 699. LIEGE, 1668. Maximilian Henry. 700. LIEGE, 1744. Sede Vacant. Saint Lambert, patron saint of the bishopric. 701. LIGURIA, 1798. Italian republic founded by General Bonaparte. 702. LIMA, 1808. City in Peru. Pro- claiming the fidelity of the city to Ferdinand VII, king of Spain. 703. LIMA, 1821. Commemorating the independence of Peru. 704. LIPPE-DETMOLD, 1658. German principality. Herman Adolph. 705, LIPPE-DETMOLD, 1685. Simon Henry. > 706. LIPPE-DETMOLD, 1713. Frederick Adolph. . 707. LIPPE-SCHAUMBURG, 1802. Ger- man principality. Convention dollar. 708. LIPPE - SCHAUMBURG, 1857. George William. On the fiftieth anni- versary of his reign. . 709. LOBKOWITZ, 1794. Austrian prin- cipality. Francis Joseph. . 710. LOMBARDY, 1848. Italian province. Dollar of the provisional government established during the attempted libera- tion of Italy. : 711. LORRAINE, 1569. French princi- pality. Annexed to France in 1766, to Germany in 1871 and to France after the great war. 712. LORRAINE, 1603. Charles II. 713. LORRAINE, 1724. Leopold I. 714. LOWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM, 1 6 er Mae | German principality. Memorial dollar. 715. LOWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM, 1 7 6 6. A princess of this house was recently lost in an attempted aeroplane flight over the Atlantic. 716. LUBEC, 1730. German bishopric. Henry. . 717. LUBEC, 1775. Monogram of the bishop Frederick Augustus. 718. LUBEC, 1537. Germancity. This coin is known as the gadfly dollar, so called because the gadfly appears in the inscription and was the name of the burgomaster. a 719. LUBEC, 1559, Saint John with the lamb. ey a 720. LUBEC, 1631. 721. LUBEC, 1730. On the second cen- tennial of the Augsburg confession. 722, LUBEC, 1752, 723. LUBEC, 1904. cing aA | 724. LUCCA, 1744. Italian province. Saint Martin dividing his cloak with a beggar. . Deere . 725. LUCCA, 1753. Arms of the prov- — ince. oa 726. LUCCA, 1756. 727. LUCCA and PIOMBINO, 1805. Ital- ian principality established by Napo- leon. His sister Elisa and her husband. 728. LUCCA and PIOMBINO, 1807. — 729. LUCERNE, 1622. Swiss canton. 730. LUCERNE, 1796. 731. LUCERNE, 1814. 732. LUCERNE, 1816. 733. LUGANO, 1883. Swiss city. Shooting contest dollar. ; {14 784. LUNEBURG, 1547. German city. Named after the moon (Luna) which is featured on its coins. 735. LUXEMBURG, 1795. Principality between France and Germany. Neces- sity dollar. Struck by the Austrians during war with France. Inscription denotes monetary value of the coin. 736. LUXEMBURG, 1889. Arms of the duchy. Pattern. _ %37. MADAGASCAR, 1883. Island in the fe. Indian ocean. «788. MADAGASCAR, 1886. Ranavona fe iii, queen of the island. Pattern. 739. MADRAS, 1800. Province of India. 940. MAESTRECHT, 1794. City in the Netherlands. During the siege by the French revolutionary armies under Gen- eral Kleber. 9741. MAGDEBURG, 1585. German arch- bishopric. Joachim Frederick. 742. MAGDEBURG, 1638. Memorial dol- poe dar. 743. MAGDEBURG, 1638. German city. g Commemorating its reconstruction after it was destroyed by the imperial forces under Tilly. i 744, MAGDEBURG, 1681. Memorial dollar. Struck by the great elector, Frederick William of Brandenburg. _ ]45. MAJORCA, 1808. One of the Ba- - learic Islands. War dollar during Na- __ poleon’s invasion of Spain. 746. MAJORCA, 1808. War dollar. Arms of Aragon and Majorca. 947. MAJORCA, 1821. War dollar. Struck by Ferdinand VII of Spain. 748. MALTA, 1723. Mediterranean Is- land. Antoine Manoel. 749. MALTA, 1738. Raimond Despuig. 9750. MALTA, 1757. Saint John. In- - scription: None greater hath risen. 751. MALTA, 1790. Emanuel de Rohan. 752. MALTA, 1798. Ferdinand Homp- esch. Last master of the knights of Malta. After an existence of nearly three hundred years, this order was sup- _ pressed by General Bonaparte. ince, _ 954. MANSFIELD, 1589. i 7 cipality. Be 755. MANSFIELD, 1609. 156. MANSFIELD, 1619. 4 pa: 57. MANSFIELD, 1623. 758. MANSFIELD, 1662. | Es, 759. MANTUA, 1578. Italian state. Vin- iy cent I. German prin- SOLLARS OF THE WORLD’ 760. MANTUA, 1612. 761. MANTUA, 1612. Inscription: Con- tinual light. 762. MANTUA, 1627. Inscription: Hos- tile when armed. 763, MANTUA, 1628. The sun, the world and the zodiac. Inscription: I do not retreat nor deviate. 764. MANTUA, 1629. Struck by the city of Mantua during its siege by Ferdinand II of Austria. 765. MANTUA, 1629. Siege dollar of the city of Mantua. 766. MANTUA, 1637-47. Charles II. 767. MANTUA, 1666. Isabella and Fer- dinand Charles. 768. MANTUA, 1675. 769. MANTUA, 1703. 770. MAYENCE, 1637. German arch- bishopric. Anselm Casimir. 771. MAYENCE, 1685.. Anselm Francis. 772. MAYENCE, 1765. Armsofthearch- bishop. 773. MAYENCE, 1768. Emeric Joseph. 774. MAYENCE, 1794. Coined from church silver to meet contributions levied by the French armies. Frederick Charles. ae MAYENCE, 1794. Convention dol- ar. 776. MAYENCE, 1795. Memorial dol- lar. In honor of General Clairfait. 777. MAYENCE, 1796. Frederick Charles. 778. MAYENCE, 1808. Charles. First premier of the Confederation of the Rhine, established by Napoleon I. 779. MECCA, 1920. City in Asia Minor. 780. MECKLENBURG, 1540. German state. Henry V. 781. MECKLENBURG, 1543. Albert VII. 782. MECKLENBURG-GUSTROW, 1549. German principality. John Albert I. 783. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, 1623. German principality. Adolph Fred- erick. 784. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, 1749. Christian Louis I. 785. MECKLENBURG- SCHWERIN, 1904. Frederick Francis IV. On the marriage of the duke. 786. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN, 1915. Frederick Francis IV. In honor of his ancestor Frederick Francis I. 787. MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ, 1717. German principality. Commemorating the second centennial of the reforma- tion. Maria and “415 } ‘‘DoLLARS OF THE WORD. 788. METZ, 1638. German city before its annexation to France in 1648. 739. METZ, 1639. Arms of the city. 790. MEXICO, 1739. Under Philip V of Spain. 791. MEXICO, 1759. VI. 792. MEXICO, 1763. Under Charles III. 793. MEXICO, 1808. Charles IV. 794. MEXICO, 1809. Ferdinand VII. 795. MEXICO, 1821. Ferdinand VIL. Last Spanish ruler of Mexico. 796. MEXICO, 1822. Augustin. Elected constitutional emperor and executed two years thereafter. 797. MEXICO, 1822. Reverse of first dollar of independent Mexico. 798. MEXICO, 1824. Dollar of the pro- visional government. 799. MEXICO, 1824. Guadalupe Victor. president. Dollar of the first republic. 800. MEXICO, 1866. Maximilian. Dol- lar of the empire established by Napo- leon II]. Overthrown by the Mexicans after the departure of the French troops. Maximilian was executed after a reign of three years. 801. MEXICO, 1870. Second republic. 802. MEXICO, 1889. 803. MEXICO, 1909. s04. MEXIco, 1910. 805. MEXICO, 1921. On the centennial of Mexican independence. 806. MEXICO, 1760. Mexican city. Pro- claiming the coronation of Charles Tit: 807. MEXICO, 1789. Proclaiming the coronation of Charles IV. 808. MEXICO, 1789. Coronation procla- mation dollar. 809. MEXICO, 1789. Coronation procia- mation dollar struck by the Council of Commerce, 810. MEXICO, 1789. Coronation procla- mation dollar struck by the Royal Min- ing Tribunal. 811. MEXICO, 1808. Proclaiming the coronation of Ferdinand VII. 812. MEXICO, 1823. Augustin I. Pro- claiming his coronation as emperor. 813. MEXICO, 1823. Struck by the Council of State on the coronation of Augustin I and the empress. 814. MIDDLEBURG, 1572. City in the Netherlands. War dollar. Struck by the Spaniards when besieged by the Dutch. Under Ferdinand 815. MILAN, 1588. Italian state. Philip Il. The kings of Spain were at that time dukes of Milan. 816. MILAN, 1605. Arms of the duchy. 817. MILAN, 1608. Philip III. 818. MILAN, 1622. Philip IV. 819. MILAN, 1666. Charles II and Maria Ann, his mother. ' $20. MILAN, 1694. Charles Il. | 821. MILAN, 1707. Charles III, arch duke of Austria, as claimant to the Spanish throne. 822. MILAN, 1728. Charles VI. Austro- Hungarian emperor who acquired the duchy by the treaty of Rastadt. — 823. MILAN, 1744. Maria Theresa of Austria. 824. MODENA, 1631. Italian state. 825. MODENA, 1721. Raynaldo. 826. MODENA, 1739. Francis III. 827. MODENA, 1795. Hercules III. 828. MOLDAVIA, 1597. Now Roumania. Sigismund. a $29. MONACO, 1653. Principality on the Mediterranean sea. Honore II. . 830. MONACO, 1678. Arms of the prin- cipality. ; 831. MONACO, 1837. Honore V. 832. MONTENEGRO, 1909. Now in Jugo-Slavia. Nicholas I. 833. MONTFORT, 1621. German princi- pality. 834. MONTFORT, 1759. Francis Xavier. — 835. Morocco, 1884. North African state. Now French protectorate. Dated according to the Mohammedan calendar. 836. MOROCCO, 1898. 837. Morocco, 1914. : 838. MULHOUSE, 1623. German city. 839. MUNSTER, 1634. German bish- opric. 840. MUNSTER, 1661. $41. MUNSTER, 1706. On the death of the bishop. 842. MUNSTER, 1761. 843. MUNSTER, 1534. German city. Struck by John of Leyden, king of the Anabaptists, during his control of the city. 844. MUNSTER, 1648. On the peace of Westphalia, which concluded the thirty years war. The treaty was signed at Munster. 845. MUNSTER, 1660. War dollar. Struck during a revolt against the authority of the bishop. ; ~{ 16 be 846. MUNSTERBERG-OELS, 1620. Ger- man principality. Henry and Charles. 847. MURBACH and LUDERS, 1614-25. German abbey. 848. MYSORE, 1784. Province of India. 849 NAPLES and SICILY, 1554-88. Italian states, then under the dominion ‘i of the Spanish kings. Philip II. $50. NAPLES and SICILY, 1684. The two hemispheres and bearing the in- - scription: One not sufficient. Struck = 7 -by Charles IL - $51. NAPLES and SICILY, 1689. Charles o Tk: 852. NAPLES and SICILY, 1693. Order ‘ of the golden fleece. 853. NAPLES and SICILY, 1715. Charles VI of Austria became king of these provinces in 1714. 854. NAPLES and SICILY, 1730. - 855. NAPLES and SICILY, 1749. 856. NAPLES and SICILY, 1750. Charles III of the Bourbon house. 857. NAPLES and SICILY, 1798. Ferdi- oie mand IV. 858. NAPLES and SICILY, 1799. Dollar of the republic. - $59. NAPLES and SICILY, 1805. — nand IV. After his restoration. - 860. NAPLES and SICILY, 1808. Joseph. Brother of the French emperor. 861. NAPLES and SICILY, 1810. Joachim Murat. After Joseph ascended the Spanish throne. 862. NAPLES and SICILY, 1813. Joachim a Murat. _ 868. NAPLES and SICILY, 1817. Ferdi- -nand I. Second restoration. 864. NAPLES and SICILY, 1818. of the kingdom. 65. NAPLES and SICILY, 1825. Francis Ferdi- Arms a 866 NAPLES and SICILY, 1852. Ferdi- — nand IL. 867. NAPLES and SICILY, 1859 Francis Il. Last coinage of the kingdom. 868. NASSAU, 1681. German state. Five brothers of the ruling House. 869. NASSAU, 1811. Frederick William. . NASSAU, 1811. Frederick Augus- 871. NASSAU, 1817. 872. NASSAU, 1833. __- $78. NASSAU, 1854. Adolph. 874. NASSAU, 1860. Armsoftheduchy. 8 NAVARRE, 1654. French province. - Baus XIV. William. A DOLLARS, OF THE WORLD’’ 876. NAVARRE, 1718. Louis XV. 877. NETHERLANDS, 1830. Present kingdom founded after separation from France in 1814. William I. 878. NETHERLANDS, 1840. the kingdom. 879. NETHERLANDS, 1842. William IL 880. NETHERLANDS, 1852. William III. 881. NETHERLANDS, 1898. Wilhelmina. 882. NEUCHATEL, 1713. Frederick I, king of Prussia, who inherited this Swiss principality. 883. NEUCHATEL, 1810. Alexandre Berthier, marshal of the first French empire received the principality from Napoleon. Pattern. 884. NEUSS, 1556. Arms of German city. 885. NEW GRENADA, 1837. South American state. 886. NEW GRENADA, 1848. Arms of the republic. 887. NICARAGUA, 1849-51. Central American state. Arms of the republic counter stamped on old Mexican dollar. 888. NICARAGUA, 1912. 889. NIDWALDEN, 1861. Swiss canton. Shooting contest dollar, depicting the death of Arnold Winkelried. 890. NIMWEGEN, 1690. City in the Netherlands. 891. NORWAY, 1629. Under Danish do- minion until annexed to Sweden in 1812. Independent since 1905. Chris- tian IV. 892. NORWAY, 1655. Frederick III. 893. NORWAY, 1661. The Norwegian lion. Inscription: The Lord provides. 894. NORWAY, 1676. Christian V. 895. NORWAY, 1693. Arms of the king- dom. Inscription: Piety and justice. 896. NORWAY, 1694. Monogram of Christian V. 897. NORWAY, 1695. Christian V. 898. NORWAY, 1704. Frederick IV. 899. NORWAY, 1733. Christian VI. 900. NORWAY, 1749. Frederick V. 901. NORWAY, 1781. Inscription: New silver money of the Danish kingdom. 902. NORWAY, 1788. Christian VII. 903. NORWAY, 1821. Charles XIV. Previously marshal Bernadotte of the first French empire. 904. NORWAY, 1833. Charles XIV. 905. NORWAY, 1844. Charles XIV. Last year of his reign. 906. NORWAY, 1846. Oscar I. of 17 Ye ‘‘DOLLARS OF THE WORLD 907. NORWAY, 1861. Charles XV. In- scription: A country must be built by law. 908. NOSTITZ, 1719. pality. Antoni John. “909. NUREMBURG, 1575. German city. ‘910. NUREMBURG, 1632. Struck by Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, during his occupation of the city. German princi- - 911. NUREMBURG, 1635. 912. NUREMBURG, 1650. Memorialdol-_ lar. In honor of the emperor Ferdi- nand III. 913. NUREMBURG, 1680. 914. NUREMBURG, 1693. 915. NUREMBURG, 1710.. Commemo- rative dollar. 916. NUREMBURG, 1721. 917. NUREMBURG, 1742. Charles VII. Holy Roman Emperor. This is the reverse of the coin. 918. NUREMBURG, 1673. Memorial peace dollar. 920. NUREMBURG, 1768. 921. OETTINGEN, 1542. German prin- cipality. 922. OETTINGEN, 1624. 923. OETTINGEN, 1694. 924. OETTINGEN, 1759. John Aloys I. Convention dollar. 925. OLDENBURG, 1660. North Euro- pean state. Anton Gunther. 926. OLDENBURG, 1901. As part of the German empire. Frederick August. 927. OLMUTZ, 1695. Austrian arch- bishopric. Charles. 928. OLMUTZ, 1701. Arms of arch- bishop, Charles, duke of Lorraine. 929. OLMUTZ, 1704. Charles. 930. OLMUTZ, 1722. Wolfgang. 931. OLMUTZ, 1744. Jacob. 932. OLMUTZ, 1820. Rudolph. Last coinage of the bishops. 933. ORANGE, 1650. French principal- ity. Annexed to France in 1713. Wil- liam. 934. ORANGE FREE STATE, 1887. South Africa. Pattern. 935. ORTENBERG, 1656. German prin- cipality. Christopher. 936. OSNABRUCK, 1682. German bish- opric. Ernest Augustus, bishop, and duke-of Brunswick. One of the illus- trious men of his time. 937. OSNABRUCK, 1698. Sede Vacant. 988. OSNABRUCK, 1715. Sede Vacant. Representing Charlemagne. 939. OSNABRUCK, 1633. German city. Victory dollar. In honor of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden. 940. OVERYSSEL, 1563. Province of the Netherlands under Philip I, king of Spain. . 941. PAAR, 1771. German principality. John Wenzel. 942, PADERBORN, 1663. German bish- opric. | 948. PADERBORN, 1693. Saint Anthony entering Heaven and being received by Mary and the Saviour. 944. PADERBORN, 1719. Sede Vacant. — He 945. PALATINATE, 1547. German state. Frederick II. 946. PALATINATE, 1579. John Casi- mir. 947. PALATINATE, 1667. CharlesLouis, — during whose reign most of the cities of the province were destroyed by marshal ‘Turenne. 948. PALATINATE, 1711. John William. 949. PALATINATE, 1740. Albert and Philip. Vicars of the Holy Roman Em- pire. 950. PALATINATE, 1765. Christian TV. — 951. PALATINATE, 1790. Charles The- odore. pies 952. PALATINATE, 1792. Arms of the province. ; i 953. PALATINATE, 1805. Maximilian — Joseph. 954. PALATINATE-NEUBURG, 1624. German principality. Inscription: I am consoled in God. Wolfgang William. — 955. PALATINATE - ZWEIBRUCKEN, | 1623. German principality. John II. 956. PANAMA, 1904. Dollar of the re-- public. Balboa. 957. PARAGUAY, 1854. South American state. 958. PARAGUAY, 1889. : 959. PARMA, 1605. Italian state. 960. PARMA, 1796. Ferdinand I. : 961. PARMA, 1815. Marie Louise. Sec- ond wife of Napoleon I. Created duchess of this province after his exile to St. Helena. 962. PARMA, 1858. Robert and Louise, regent. Last of the dukes of Parma. 968. PARRAL, 1913. Mexican city. War — dollar. Struck by General Villa. 964. PASSAU, 1701. German bishopric. i John Philip. 965. PASSAU, 1703. Arms of the bishop. _ 966. PASSAU, 1723. Joseph Dominic. 967. PASSAU, 1761. Sede Vacant. {18 —OOLLARS OR PASSAU, 1779. Leopold Ernest. PASSAU, 1792. Joseph. PEI YANG, 1896. Chinese province. PERSIA, 1894. 'Nassir. PERSIA, 1902. Mussafer. Pattern. . PERSIA, 1902. 974. PERSIA, 1904. Mussafer. - 975. PERU, 1689. Under Spanish rule. These coins were known as pieces of eight (reals). Holed for trading with the Peruvian indians, who wore them around their necks, _ 976. PERU, 1690. Under Charles II of a Spain. _ 977. PERU, 1775. Under Charles III. _ 978. PERU, 1822. First dollar after lib- eration from Spain. _ 979. PERU, 1826. _ 980. PERU, 1836. Arms of the republic. 981. PERU, 1847. - 982. PERU, 1852. Commemorating the adoption of the civil code. 983. PERU, 1880. 984. PERU, 1893. . 985. PHILIPPINES, 1855. Under Span- ish rule, Pattern. 986. PHILIPPINES, 1897. Last dollar as Spanish colony. 987. PHILIPPINES, 1904. Under the present government. 988. PIACENZA, 1591. Italian province. Alexander, duke of Parma, opponent of William the silent in the Netherlands. ; --nand I, grand duke of Tuscany. 992. POLAND, 1585. First dollar of the kingdom. Stephen Bathori. 998. POLAND, 1621. Sigismund III. 994. POLAND, 1630. Sigismund III. 995. POLAND, 1633. Arms of the king- 996. POLAND, 1641. Vladislaus IV. 997. POLAND, 1649. John Casimir. 998. POLAND, 1650. John Casimir. Ab- dicted, retired to France and became the abbot of St. Germain. 999. POLAND, 1702. Augustus II. 1000. POLAND, 1702. Monogram of Augustus IT. 1001. POLAND, 1755. Augustus III. moe2e02. POLAND, (17 66. Stanislaus Augustus. Last of the national kings. THE WORLD’”’ 1008. POLAND, 1/776. Stanislaus Augustus. 1004. POLAND, 1793. Struck by the Targowitz Confederation, which at- tempted to re-establish Polish independ- ence under Russian protection. Kos- ciuzko, who had previously served un- der Washington in the revolutionary war was killed during this conflict. 1005. POLAND, 1795. Struck during the war for independence. The king- dom was finally partitioned between Austria, Prussia and Russia. Now again independent. 1006. POLAND, 1823. Alexander I. Czar of Russia, king of Poland. 1007. POLAND, 1835. 1008. POLAND, 1836. Royal family of Nicholas I. Czar of Russia and king of Poland. 1009. POMERANIA, 1617. North Euro- pean state. On the centennial of the reformation. 1010. POMERANIA, 1635. Bogislaus XIV, 1011. POMERANIA, 1642. Christina, queen of Sweden, duchess of this prov- ince. 1012. PORTO RICO, 1895. Last coinage under Spanish rule. 1013. PORTUGAL, 1640-56. First Por- tuguese dollar. Struck by John IV, who was elected king of Portugal after its separation from Spain. Brazil taken from the Dutch in his reign. 1014. PORTUGAL, 1689. Arms of the independent kingdom. 1015. PORTUGAL, 1838. Maria II. 1016. PORTUGAL, 1898. Carlos and Amelia. On the fourth centennial of di Gamma’s discovery of route to India. 1017. PORTUGAL, 1899. Carlos I. 1018. PORTUGAL, 1910. Emanual II. Last of the Portuguese kings. Com- memorating the centennial of the war with France. 1019. PORTUGAL, 1910. First dollar of the republic. 1020. PORTUGAL, 1915. 1021. POTOSI, 1808. City in Bolivia. Proclaiming its fidelity to Ferdinand VII of Spain. 1022. POTOSI, 1811. Proclamation dol- lar of General Barreda. | 1028. POTOSI, 1816. Proclaiming the Spanish king’s appreciation of the serv- ices rendered by the city. 1024. POTOSI, 1825. In honor of Gen- eral Bolivar, on its liberation from Spanish rule. 19: ‘‘DOLLARS OF THE WORLD’? 1025. POTOSI, 1852. In honor of presi- dent Belzu. 1026. POTOSI, 1865. eral Melgarejo. 1027. PRUSSIA, 1701. FrederickI. First king of Prussia. 1028. PRUSSIA, 1703. The Prussian black eagle. 1029. PRUSSIA, 1705. Frederick I. 1030. PRUSSIA, 1720. liam I. 1031. PRUSSIA, 1751. Dollar of the Embden Asiatic Trading Company. Oriental trade dollar. 1082. PRUSSIA, 1764. Frederick II, known as Frederick the Great. The most famous of Prussia’s kings and one of the ablest generals of modern times, under whose rule Prussia became one of the most powerful European states. 1033. PRUSSIA, 1765. Frederick II. Dollar of the bank of Berlin. 1034. PRUSSIA, 1767. Frederick II. For trading with Russia and Livonia. 1035. PRUSSIA, 1767. Frederick II. For trading in the orient. 1036. PRUSSIA, 1785. 1037. PRUSSIA, 1791. 1038. PRUSSIA, 1795. liam II. 1039. PRUSSIA, 179 7. trading. 1040. PRUSSIA, 1799. liam III. 1041. PRUSSIA, 1839. liam III. 1042. PRUSSIA, 1850. liam IV. 1043. PRUSSIA, 1859. 1044. PRUSSIA, 1870. £4William I. Founded the North German Confeder- acy in 1866 and the German empire in 1871. Bismarck served under him. 1045. PRUSSIA, 1874. William I. 1046. PRUSSIA, 1888. Frederick. 1047. PRUSSIA, 1888. William II. 1048. PRUSSIA, 1901. William II. On the second centennial of the founding of the kingdom. 1049. PRUSSIA, 1913. William II. Last German emperor and last king of Prussia. | 1050. PRUSSIA, 1913. William II. Pat- tern dollar. 1051. QUEDLINBURG, 1704. abbey. Anna Dorothea. In honor of Gen- Monogram of Frederick Wil- Frederick Wil- For oriental Frederick Wil- Frederick Wil- Frederick Wil- German 1057. RATISBON, 1786. 1052. RAGUSA, 1736. Province of Dal- matia. Saint Biagio. 1058. RAGUSA, 1747. 1054. RAGUSA, 1774. 1055. RAGUSA, 1794. 1056. RATISBON, 1547. opric. German bish- Anton Igna- tius. a 1058. RATISBON, 1787. Saint Peter in boat. 1059. RATISBON, 1809. Charles. First premier of the Confederation of the Rhine, established by Napoleon. 1060. RATISBON, 1586. German city. 1061. RATISBON, 1696. Crossed keys symbolize this city. 1062. RATISBON, 1759. 1068. RATISBON, 1775. 1064. RATISBON, 1793. Francis II of Austria. This is the reverse of the coin. 1065. RATZBURG, 1623. 1066. RECKHEIM, 1540. Netherlands, 1067. RETEGNO, 1676. Italian princi- pality. Teodoro Trivulzio. 1068. RETEGNO, 1686. Arms of the principality. | ee 1069. RETEGNO, 1726. Antonius Tri- vulzio. RY 1070. REUSS-EBERSDORF, 1812. Ger- man principality. Arms of the house. — 1071. REUSS-EBERSDORF, 1847. Henry LXXII. The seventy-second prince of this House bearing the name of Henry. Sede Vacant. German city. City in the © 1072. REUSS-GREIZ, 1619. German principality. 1078. REUSS-GREIZ, 1698. Henry VI. Commemorating the death of the duke on the battlefield. 1074. REUSS-GREIZ, 1769. Heart 1075. REUSS-GREIZ, 1812. Henry XIII. 1076. REUSS-GREIZ, 1848. Henry XX. | 1077. REUSS-SCHLEIZ, 1679. German principality. The only known coin de- picting the Almighty. To the left is the sun inscribed: Jesus. To the right, a dove symbolizing the Holy Ghost. vacey Struck The Almighty in the center. in honor of the Trinity. 1078. REUSS-SCHLEIZ, 1844. Henry | LXII. 1079. RIGA, 1660. City on the Baltic sea. At this time under Swedish rule. Struck on the coronation of Charles xT of Sweden. {20 » MmOOLULARS. OR 1080. RIO DE LA PLATA, 1815. After- wards Argentine Republic. 1081. ROME, 1588. The Papal states. First dollar of the popes. Sixtus V. 1082. ROME, 1635. Urban VIII. 1083. ROME, 1646. Innocent X. 1084. ROME, 1655-67. Arms of Alex- ander VII. 1085. ROME, 1667-69. Dollar of Cle- ment [X. Saint Peter’s throne. 1086. ROME, 1669. Sede Vacant. Arms of the cardinal. 1087. ROME, 1671. Clement X. 1088. ROME, 1672. Inscription: May more abound. 1089. ROME, 1673. Pius V receiving news of the victory over the Turks at Lepanto. Struck by Clement X. 1090. ROME, 1675. Saint Peter and Saint Paul guarding the closed holy door. 1091. ROME, 1675. Pilgrims entering the open holy door. 1092. ROME, 1676. Sede Vacant. 1093. ROME, 1676-89. On the defeat of the Turks at Vienna. 1094. ROME, 1676. Innocent XI. 1095. ROME, 1677. Saint Peter’s ca- thedral at Rome. Inscription: Gates of Hell shall not prevail. 1096. ROME, 1678. Christ quieting the sea. Inscription: The wind and sea obey Him. 1097. ROME, 1680. Saint Peter en- throned. 1098. ROME, 1690. Alexander VIII. Commemorating the pontiff’s aid to the Venetian army. 1099. ROME, 1694. Innocent XII. 1100. ROME, 1696. ‘The pope and the cardinals. 1101. ROME, 1698. Peter bestowing benediction. 1102. ROME, 1699. On the restoration of the port of Anzo. 1103. ROME, 1700. Sede Vacant. 1104. ROME, 1707. Saint Clement be- fore the Sacred lamb. 1105. ROME, 1711. City of Castiglione. 1106. ROME, 1713. Inscription: With a fountain he adorned the public square. 1107. ROME, 1715. Clement XI. 1108. ROME, 1731. Clement XII. 1109. ROME, 1753. Benedict XIV. 1110. ROME, 1759. Arms of Clement XIII. 1111. ROME, 1780. Dollar of Pius VI. THE WORLD’’ 1112. ROME, 1799. Dollar of the Ro- man Republic established by the French revolutionary army. 1113. ROME, 1816. Arms of Pius VII. In 1809 Napoleon annexed the Papal states to the French empire and brought the pope to France. After the em- peror’s abdication in 1814 the states were restored to Pius VII. 1114. ROME, 1823. Sede Vacant. Arms of the cardinal. 1115. ROME, 1825. Leo XII. 1116. ROME, 1829. Sede Vacant. 1117. ROME, 1830, Pius VIII. 1118. ROME, 1830. Sede Vacant. 1119. ROME, 1831. The Holy Family. Inscription: To enlighten the Gentiles. 1120. ROME, 1845. Gregory XVI. 1121. ROME, 1846. Sede Vacant. The cardinal’s arms. 1122, ROME, 1850. Pius IX, 1123. ROME, 1870. Annexed to Italy in this year. Last coinage of the popes. 1124. ROME, 1878. Leo XIII. Pattern dollar. 1125. ROSTOCK, 1637. German city. 1126. ROUMANIA, 1881. Charles I. 41127. ROUMANIA, 1883. Arms of the kingdom. 1128. ROUMANIA, 1906. Charles I. On the fortieth anniversary of his reign. 1129. RUSSIA, 1675. First Russian dol- lar. Struck by the czar Alexis. 1130. RUSSIA, 1705. Peter I (the great) at the beginning of his reign. 1131. RUSSIA, 1707. Peter I. 1132. RUSSIA, 1719. Peter I. 1138. RUSSIA, 1721. Commemorating the signing of treaty of peace with Sweden. 1184. RussIA, 1725. T1856. RUSSIA) (17252) Peter le ase reigning year of the czar who founded the Russian empire and signally ad- vanced its civilization. 1136. RUSSIA, 1726. CatherineI. In- scription: Catherine, empress and auto- crat of Russia. 1137. RUSSIA, 1726. Catherine I. 1138. RUSSIA, 1727. Peter II. 1189. RUSSIA, 1728. Monogram of Peter II. 1140. RUSSIA, 1731. Anne. 1141. RUSSIA, 1734. Anne. 1142. RUSSIA, 1738. Anne. “{ 21 }» ‘*DOLLARS OF THE WORLD’’ 1148. RUSSIA, 1741. John III. Infant czar for three months. These coins were recalled by his successor, Elizabeth, who imposed a penalty for noncompliance. 1144. RUSSIA, 1742. Elizabeth. 1145. RUSSIA, 1754. Elizabeth. 1146. RUSSIA, 175 8. The Russian eagle. : 1147. RUSSIA, 1759. Commemorating the Russian victory over Frederick the Great at Kunersdorf. 1148. RUSSIA, 1762. Peter III. 1149. RUSSIA, 1762. Catherine II. One of Russia’s most illustrious rulers. The great Catherine ascended the throne after having caused the assassination of her husband Peter III. She projected the partition of Poland. 1150. RUSSIA, 1796. Catherine II. 1151. RUSSIA, 1796. Under Paul I. Dollar of the bank of Russia. 1152. RUSSIA, 1797. Inscription: Not to us, not to us, but to Thy name. Struck by czar Paul who was assassi- nated because of his projected alliance with Napoleon Bonaparte. 1153. RUSSIA, 1813. Dollar of Alex- ander I, who burned Moscow during the French invasion of 1812. 1154 RUSSIA, 1827. 1155. RUSSIA, 1834. Nicholas I. 1156. RUSSIA, 1 859. Alexander II. Abolished servage in Russia. Ceded Alaska to the United States. Assassi- nated by the nihilists. 1157. RUSSIA, 1868. 1158. RUSSIA, 1883. lar of Alexander III. 1159. RUSSIA, 1887. Alexander III. 1160. RUSSIA, 1895. Nicholas II. 1161. RUSSIA, 1913. Nicholas II. The last of the czars. Romanoff jubilee dollar. 1162. ST. GALL, 1777. Swiss abbey. 1163. ST. GALL, 1780. Arms of the abbot. 1164. SALVADOR, 1892. Central Amer- ican state. 1165. SALVADOR, 1894. Columbus. 1166. SALZBURG, 1522. Austrian arch- bishopric. Mathew Lang first bishop to strike silver dollars. 1167. SALZBURG, 1550. Arms of arch- bishop Ernest. 1168. SALZBURG, 1587. Arms of arch- bishop Wolfgang Theodore. Coronation dol- 1169. SALZBURG, 1593. Struck by the arch-bishop to pay his troops. Tower withstanding the four winds. 1170. SALZBURG, 1594. 1171. SALZBURG, 1623. arch-bishop Paris. 1172. SALZBURG, 1697. i 1173. SALZBURG, 1712. Francis Anton. 1174. SALZBURG, 1729. with salt box. Salzburg (salt town) so named for its salt mines. 1175. SALZBURG, 1738. Leopold. 1176. SALZBURG, 1748. Andreas. 1177. SALZBURG, 1752. 1178. SALZBURG, 1757. Sigismund. 1179. SALZBURG, 1758. Angel holding picture of the Virgin and Child. 1180. SALZBURG, 1759. arch-bishop. 1181. SALZBURG, 1765. Sigismund. 1182. SALZBURG, 1772. Hieronymus. 1183. SALZBURG, 1793. Hieronymus. 1184. SALZBURG, 1805. Ferdinand. Arch-duke of Austria. 1185. SAN FRANCISCO DE IXTLAHUA- CA, 1809. Mexican city. Proclama- tion dollar. Ferdinand VII of Spain. 1186. SAN LUIS POTOSI, 1828. Mexi- can city. 1187. SAN MARINO, 1898. ian republic. 1188. SAN MIGUEL EL GRANDE, 1808. Mexican city. Proclaiming its loyalty — to Spain during the French invasion of | that country. 1189. SANTIAGO, 1789. City in Chile. On the coronation of Charles IV as — king of Spain and emperor of the In- dies. 1190. SARDINIA, 1684. Charles II, igi of Spain was also king of this italian state. 1191. SARDINIA, 1734. After separa- tion from the Spanish house. Emanuel III. 1192. SARDINIA, 1755. 1198. SARDINIA, 1793. deus III. 1194. SARDINIA, 1799. uel IV. 1195. SARDINIA, 1819. uel I 1196. SARDINIA, 1826. 1197. SARDINIA, 1849. Charles Albert. 1198. SAVoyY, 1577. Italian state dol- lar of Emanuel aime its most cele- brated duke. Victor Ama- “| 22 Arms } of Saint Rupert — Arms of the In memory of the patriots. | Small a Charles Charles Basune Victor Eman- | Charles Belin: be a 1199. SAvoy, 1588. Under Charles 4 i ay Emanuel. «1200. SAvoy, 1610. Charles Emanuel I. » | 1201. SAvoy, 1632. Victor Ama- ar. §«=.cdeus I, 1202. SAvoy, 1680. Victor Amadeus II. This province was annexed to France in 1860. 1203. SAXE-ALTENBURG, 1624. Ger- 4 man principality, ane 1204. SAXE-ALTENBURG, 1626. 1205. SAXE-ALTENBURG, 1841. Jos- oy) eph, «1206. SAXE-ALTENBURG, 1903. Ernst. On the fiftieth anniversary of his reign. +1207. SAXE-COBURG, 1817. German principality. Ernst. 1208. SAXE-COBURG, 1827. 1209. SAXE-COBURG, 1829. Arms of the duchy. - 1210. SAXE-CoBURG, 1854. Ernst II. 1211. SAXE-CoBURG, 1895. Alfred. 1212. SAXE-GOTHA, 1554-65. Ger- man principality. John Frederick II. 1213. SAXE- GOTHA, 1566. John Fred- oe erick II, 1214, ee Sorex. 1618. 1215. SAXE-GOTHA, 1624. 1216. SAXE-GOTHA, 1671. _ orative dollar. 1217. SAXE-GOTHA, 1675. On _ the death of duke Ernest. 1218. SAXE-GOTHA, 1691. _ dukes of the principality. 1219. SAXE-GOTHA, 1717. On the sec- ond centennial of the reformation. Frederick II. 1220. SAXE-GOTHA, 1755. __ orative dollar. : pant. SAXE-GOTHA, 1764. Casimir. Commem- The seven Commem- Frederick [222, SAXE-HILDBURGHAUSEN, 1780. _ German principality. Joseph Frederick, regent. _ 1228. SAXE-MEININGEN, 1763. Ger- ~~ man principality. Louise Eleanore. i 1224. SAXE-MEININGEN, 1846. Bern- yabard. 225. SAXE-MEININGEN, 1902. George Al. 226. SAXE-SAALFELD, 1694. German principality. John Ernest VIII. (1227 SAXE-SAALFELD, 1717. On the q te second centennial of the reformation. Martin Luther. a 1228. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1574. German _—s principality. Frederick and John. “DOLLARS OR THE WORLD. 1229. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1584. Frederick William. 1230. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1600. Frederick and John. . 1231. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1619. _ Eight Brothers. 1232. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1757. 1233. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1763. Anna Amalia. 12384. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1815. Fatherland dollar. During war with Napoleon. 1235. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1842. Charles Frederick. 1236. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1855. Carl Alexander. 1237. SAXE-WEIMAR, 1903. William Ernst. On his marriage. 1238. SAX-WEISSENFELS, 1663. Ger- man principality. On the founding of a church at Weissenfels. 1239. SAXE-WEISSENFELS, 1699. On the death of the duke. Jacob wrestling with the angel. 1240. SAXE-ZEITZ, 1667. principality. Moritz. 1241. SAXONY, 1518. Frederick III. One of the most elaborate of the early dollars. 1242. SAXONY, 1525. John and George. Inscription: Silver money of the duchy of Saxony. 1248. SAXONY, 1540. Henry. 1244. SAXONY, 1549. Maurice. 1245. SAXONY, 1567. Victory dollar. Struck by Augustus I. 1246. SAXONY, 1569. Augustus I. 1247. SAXONY, 1591. Christian I. 1248. SAXONY, 1596. Christian II. John and Augustus. 1249, SAXONY, 1611. Death dollar. 1250. SAXONY, 1612. John George I. Mpa ye Christ is the aim of my ife. 1251. SAXONY, 1617. On the centennial of the Lutheran reformation. Freder- ick III, Luther’s protector. 1252. SAXONY, 1619. John George I. As vicar of the Holy Roman Empire. 1253. SAXONY, 1629. John George I. 1254. SAXONY, 1630. Commemorative of the marriage of the princess. 1255. SAXONY, 1630. On the centen- nial of the Augsburg confession. John, the Constant. 1256. SAXONY, 1661. John George II. 1257. SAXONY, 1669. On the baptismal of the prince. German Christian II. “{ 23 Ie ‘““DOLLARS OF THE Wortnm 1258. SAXONY, 1671. Arms of Saxony. 1259. SAXONY, 1678. Dedication of new shooting houses erected at Dres- den. Figure of Hercules. 1260. SAXONY, 1678. Same event. 1261. SAXONY, 1678. The Order of the Garter bestowed on John George II by the king of England. 1262. SAXONY, 1679. 1263. SAXONY, 1680. On the death of the duke. 1264. SAXONY, 1690. John George III. 1265. SAXONY, 1691. John George III. Mortuary dollar of the duke. 1266. SAXONY, 1691. Same event. 1267. SAXONY, 1693. Under John George IV. Order of the Garter. Shooting contest dollar. 1268. SAXONY, 1694. On the death of John George IV. 1269. Sak 1697. Frederick Augus- tus 1. 1270. SAXONY, 1701. Arms of Saxony and Poland. This duke was king of Poland. 1271. SAXONY, 1709. Monogram of the duke as Poland’s king. 1272. SAXONY, 1711. 1278. SAXONY, 1717. On the death of the duchess Anna Sophia. 1274. SAXONY, 1727. On the death of the duchess Christine Eberhardine. 1275. SAXONY, 1733. Frederick Augus- tus I. Last year of his reign. 1276. SAXONY, 1740. Vicariat dollar of Frederick Augustus II. 1277. SAXONY, 1741. Vicariat dollar of the same duke. The vacant throne of the emperor. 1278. SAXONY, 1742. Frederick Augus- tus II. 1279. SAXONY, 1757. Frederick Augus- tus II. 1280. SAXONY, 1763. tian. 1281. SAXONY, 1765. Frederick Augus- tus III. 1282. SAXONY, 1767. Xavier. Admin- istrator during the minority of the duke. 1283. SAXONY, 1790. Frederick Augus- tus III. Vicariat dollar. 1284. SAXONY, 1792. Frederick Augus- tus IIL. 1285. SAXONY, 1806. In this year the duchy became the kingdom of Saxony, by reason of its alliance with Napoleon. Frederick Chris- 1286. SAXONY, 1820. Frederick Augus- tus I, king of Saxony. | 1287. SAXONY, 1825. Coined from sil- ver of the Saxon mines. 1288. SAXONY, 1827. Frederick Augus- tus I. On the death of the king, after a rule of sixty-four years. 1289. SAXONY, 1831. On the adoption of a new constitution. 1290. SAXONY, 1832. Anthony. 4291. SAXONY, 1854. Frederick Augus- tus II, 1292. SAXONY, 1854. of the king. 1293. SAXONY, 1858. John. | 1294. SAXONY, 1872. John. On the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage. 1295. SAXONY, 1875. Albert. 1296. SAXONY, 1904. George. Death dollar. 1297. SAXONY, 1909. Frederick Augus- tus III. Commemorating the founding of the Leipzic university in 1409. 1298. SCHASSBURG, 1660. City in Mortuary dollar Transylvania. Struck by Achatius Barc- fe wi when besieged by George Rakoczi 1299. SCHAUENBURG, 1614. Principal- ity in Holstein. Ernest. : 1300. SCHAUFFHAUSEN, 1621. Swiss canton. : 1301. SCHAUFFHAUSEN, 1865. Shoot- ing contest dollar. William Tell’s son holding the apple pierced by his father’s arrow. tke 1302. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, 1808. Then a Danish province. he oh 1308. SCHLICK, 1505-28. Bohemian principality. Titles of Louis II, last national king of Hungary and Bohe- mia. Killed at the battle of Mohacz. 1304. SCHLICK, 1525. 1305. SCHLICK, 1645. 1306. SCHLICK, 1767. 1307. SCHWARZBURG, 1605. German — principality. 1308. SCHWARZBURG, 1687. Christian William. 1309. SCHWARZBURG, 1711. Anton Gunther II. 1310. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, 1765. German principality. John Frederick. 1311. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, 1780. On the marriage of the prince. 1812. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, 1786. 424: POOLULARS OBR: THE WORLD’ 1818. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, 1812. Frederick Gunther. Convention dollar. 1314. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT, 1845. Frederick Gunther. 1815. SCHWARZBURG-SONDERHAUSEN, 1764. German principality. Christian Gunther. 1316. SCHWARZBURG-SONDERHAUSEN, 1854. Gunther Frederick Charles. 1317. SCHWARZENBERG, 1696. German principality. Ferdinand and Maria Anna. 1318. SCHWARZENBERG, 1696. Ferdi- nand. 1319. SCHWARZENBERG, 1783. John. 1820. SCHWYZ, 1867. Swiss canton. Shooting contest dollar. 1321. SCOTLAND, 1565. Dollar of Mary Stuart. Inscription: Let God arise and scatter His enemies. 1322. SCOTLAND, 1570. Struck by James VI. Inscription: For me, or against me, if I merit it. 1323. SCOTLAND, 1675. England. Charles II of —- 4824. SCOTLAND, 1688. James VII (II Pattern dollar. William and of England). 1325. SCOTLAND, 1692. Mary. 1326. SCOTLAND, 1716. James VIII. Pattern dollar. This prince did not ascend the throne. In 1707 England and Scotland were united as Great Britain. 1827. SERVIA, 1879. Milan IV. 1328. SERVIA, 1904. Peter I. On the centennial of its independence. 1329. SIAM, 1851-68. Asiatic state. Struck by king Maha Mongkut. 1830. SIERRA-LEONE, 1791. _ British African colony. Dollar of the Sierra Leone Company. 1331. SILESIA, 1541. ince. Frederick II. 1882. SILESIA, 1648. Ferdinand III, of Austria, duke of Silesia. 1338. SILESIA, 1657. George, Louis and Christian, the three dukes. 1834. SILESIA, 1660. George. 1335. SILESIA, 1666. Christian. 1336. SINTZENDORF, 1676. German principality. George Louis. 1337. SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1738-84. Ger- man principality. Christian August. 1338. SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1748. On the death of the countess Elisa. 1339. SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1754. On the death of the countess Dorothea. Bohemian prov- 1340. SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1768. 1341. SOLMS-LAUBACH, 1770. Memo- rial dollar in honor of count Otto, for- mer head of the House. , 1842. SOLOTHURN, 1550. ton. 1348. SOLOTHURN, 1813. 1844. SOLOTHURN, 1855. Regular Swiss dollar with inscription on edge commemorating shooting contest. 1345. SOMBRERETE, 1791. Mexican city. Proclamation dollar. The Som- brerete mountain gives its name to the Mexican hat known as the sombrero. 1346. SOMBRERETE, 1812. War dollar. Struck by General Vargas. 13847 SOUDAN, 1887. African state. 1848. SPAIN, 1504-16. The first Span- ish dollar. Struck by Ferdinand V and Isabella I shortly after the discovery of America by Columbus. 1349. SPAIN, 1588. Under Philip II. Arms of Spain. The defeat of Invin- cible Spanish Armada in this year marked the beginning of the decline of this power. 1350. SPAIN, 1607. 1351. SPAIN, 1635. Under Philip IV. 1352. SPAIN, 1729. Under Philip V, grandson of Louis XIV, whose acces- sion to the throne caused the war of the Spanish succession. 1353. SPAIN, 1776. Charles III. Ob- tained Louisiana from England. 1354. SPAIN, 1803. CharlesIV. Ceded Louisiana to France and abdicated the throne in favor of Napoleon’s brother Joseph. 1355. SPAIN, 1810. Ferdinand VII, son of Charles IV, whose efforts to retain the throne, assisted by Great Britain, caused the Peninsular war. 1356. SPAIN, 1811. Joseph. Became king of Spain after relinquishing the throne of Naples. 1357. SPAIN, 1813. Ferdinand VII. Se- cured the throne after the French were driven from Spain by Lord Wellington. The Spanish colonies in Mexico, Cen- tral and South America were lost dur- ing his reign. Ceded Florida to the United States. Re-established the in- quisition. 1358. SPAIN, 1823. 1859. SPAIN, 1833. Last year of his reign. 1860. SPAIN, 1834. Isabella II. 1361. SPAIN, 1855. Isabella II. 1362. SPAIN, 1861. Isabella II. Swiss can- Under Philip III. Ferdinand VII. “{ 25 “DOLLARS OF THE WORLD? oe 1363. SPAIN, 1870. Under provisional republican government, 1864. SPAIN, 1871. Amadeus I. 1365. SPAIN, 1874. Don Carlos, pre- tender. Pattern. 1866. SPAIN, 1875. 1367. SPAIN, 1884. Alfonso XII. 1368. SPAIN, 1885. Reverse of dollar struck by Don Carlos. Pattern. 1369. SPAIN, 1888. Alfonso XIII. 1370. SPAIN, 1893. Alfonso XIII. Ceded Porto Rico and the Philippines to the United States. 1371. SPEYER, 1770. opric. Alfonso XII. German bish- 1372. SPRINZENSTEIN, 1705. German principality. Francis Ignatius. 1373. SPRINZENSTEIN, 1717. John Ehrenrich. 1374. STABLO, 1570. pality. 1875. STOLBERG, cipality. 1376. STOLBERG, 1624. 1377. STOLBERG, 1706. 1378. STOLBERG, 1760. German. princi- 1547. German prin- Christian Ernst. On the fiftieth anniversary of his reign. 1379. STOLBERG, 1764. Arms of the principality. 1380. STRASSBURG, 1590. German city before its annexation to France. Struck during a siege of the city. 1381. STRASSBURG, 1592. During the war between the cardinal of Lorraine and the elector of Brandenburg. War dollar. 1882. STRASSBURG, 1650. Inscription: Virtue only is the perpetual flower. 1883. STRASSBURG, 1679. On the treaty of peace between France and Austria. 1384. STYRIA, 1564-90. Austrian prov- ince. 1385. 1386. 1387. 1388. 1389. 1390. LOise 1629. 1636. 1641. 1682. STYRIA, STYRIA, STYRIA, STYRIA, STYRIA, Ferdinand. Ferdinand III. Ferdinand II. Ferdinand III. Leopold I. STYRIA, 1713. Charles VI. 1391. STYRIA, 1740. Charles VI. 1392. SUB-ALPINE, 1802. Italian state founded by Bonaparte. 1893. SUMATRA, 1890. _ Asiatic island under Dutch protection. Dollar of the Soengy Diskie Estate, large plantation owners. 1394. SWEDEN, 1542. GustavusI. This king drove the Danes from Sweden and ruled by personal authority and not by law. First dollar of this kingdom. 1895. SWEDEN, 1396. SWEDEN, 1559. 1561. Gustavus I, Eric XIV. Be- came insane, was deposed and assassi- nated. 1397. SWEDEN, 1398. SWEDEN, 1399. SWEDEN, 1400. SWEDEN, 1401. SWEDEN, 1562. 1579. Joba it. 1605. Charles IX, 1610. Loads Charles IX. . Gustavus II (Adolphus). Most famous of Sweden’s kings. during the thirty years war. the battle of Lutzen. 1402. SWEDEN, 1615. Leader of the protestant forces Killed at Salvator dollar. This reverse appears on many of the early Swedish coins. viour of the world, save us. Struck by Gustavus Adolphus, 1408. SWEDEN, 1640. Christina, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus. Inscription: Sa- Ab- dicted the throne and died in Rome. 1404. SWEDEN, 1405. SWEDEN, 1406. SWEDEN, the king. 1407. SWEDEN, 1408. SWEDEN, 1647. 1654. 1660. 16TZ, 1707. Christina. Charles X. On the death of Charles XI. Charles XII, whose victories in Denmark, Poland and Russia placed him high among the illustrious men of his time. He was killed at the battle of Frederickshall at the age of thirty-seven. 1409. SWEDEN, 1713. Charles XII. _ 1410. SWEDEN, 1141. SWEDEN, Charles XII. 1412. SWEDEN, 1413. SWEDEN, land If. 1414. SWEDEN, Ulrica. 1415. SWEDEN, 1416. SWEDEN, 1718. 1718. Charles XII. Monogram of 1719. Ulrica Bleonore, 1721. Commemorating the bi-centennial of the expulsion of the Danes from Sweden and the introduc- tion of the Lutheran religion. Gustavus — 173.1; 1750. 1770. (Adolphus Frederick). 1417. 1418. 1419. 1420. 1421. SWEDEN, SWEDEN, SWEDEN, SWEDEN, SWEDEN, “26 yw 1782. 1793. 1796. 1805. | 1816. Frederick I and Frederick I. or 2 Frederick II Gustavus III. Gustavus IV. Gustavus IV. Charles XIII. _ 1422, SWEDEN, 1821. On the third centennial of the expulsion of the Danes, etc. Gustavus I and II and Fred- coum erick I. _-: 1423. SWEDEN, 1821. Charles XIV. if John Bernadotte, French revolutionary general and marshall of the empire, adopted by Charles XIII as heir to the throne. 1424. SWEDEN, 1836. Charles XIV. 1425. SWEDEN, 1848. Oscar I. - 1426. SWEDEN, 1859. Arms of the i kingdom, Inscription; Right and ae, truth, _ 1427. SWEDEN, 1862. ae SWEDEN, 1907. Charles XV. Oscar II. On _____ the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage. ©1429. SZECHUEN, 1912. Chinese prov- meer. ince. 1430. TAI CHING, 1900. Chinese prov- - ince. 1481. TARRAGONA, 1809. Spanish city. Necessity dollar during the French in- vasion. 1432. TAsco, 1914. Mexican city. War — dollar. Struck by General Zapata. 14338. TASSAROLO, 1640. cipality. Philip Spinola. 1434. TEEUTONIC ORDER, 1575. A _ military and religious order of knights founded in 1190 and suppressed by Napoleon in 1809. At one time it ruled >. Prussia, 1435. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1603. 1436. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1618. Maxi- milian. 1437. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1623. Charles. 1438. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1624. Charles _ 1489. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1673. John ee Caspar II. _ 1440. TEUTONIC ORDER, 1776. Charles Alexander. 1441. THOREN, 1563. German order. 1442. THORN, 1629. City in Poland. i Commemorating the defense and burn- _ ing of the city. 1443. THORN, 1631. Under the Polish __ king Sigismund III. 1444, THORN, 1638. Arms of the city. 45. THORN, 1659. John Casimir, king of Poland. a 1446. TICINO, 1814. Swiss canton. _ 1447. TOURNAY, 1592. Belgian prov- ms ince, under the king of Spain, Philip II. (1448. TTRANQUEBAR, 1671. Danish In- dia. Dollar of the Danish Eastern Company, for trading in the orient. Italian prin- PWOLLARS OF THE WORLD’’ 1449, TRANQUEBAR, 1749. Pattern dollar of the Danish Eastern Company. 1450. TRANSVAAL, 1892. (South African Republic.) President Paul Kru- ger. 1451. TRANSYLVANIA, 1593. Now Roumania. Sigismund Bathori. Capt. John Smith, Virginia colonist, had pre- viously served under this prince. 1452, TRANSYLVANIA, 1605. by Stephan Bocskai. 1453. TRANSYLVANIA, 1613-29. Ga- briel Bethlen. Struck 1454. TRANSYLVANIA, 1628. Gabriel Bethlen. 1455. TRANSYLVANIA, 1628. Arms of the prince, 1456. TRANSYLVANIA, 1648. George Rakoczi I. 1457. TRANSYLVANIA, 1659. George Rakoczi II. ; 1458. TRANSYLVANIA, 1661. John Kemeny. 1459. TRANSYLVANIA, 1667. Michael Apafi. 1460. TRANSYLVANIA, 1681. Michael Apafi. 1461. TRANSYLVANIA, 1715. Under Charles VI of Austria. 1462. TRAUTSON, 1620. German prin- cipality. Paul Sixtus, 1468. TRAUTSON, 1638. John Francis. 1464. TRAUTSON, 1715. Francis Euse- bius. 1465. TRAUTSON, 1719. JohnLeopold. 1466. TREVES, 1715. German arch- bishopric. Sede Vacant. 1467. TREVES, 1757. John Philip. 1468. TREVES, 1765. Arms of the arch-bishop. 1469. TREVES, 1771. Clemens Wenzel. This arch-bishop was crown prince of Poland and duke of Saxony. 1470. TREVES, 1794. Clemens Wenzel. Contribution dollar. Struck during the French occupation. 1471. TUNIS, 1817. North African state. Under Turkish sovereignty. 1472. TURKEY, 1777. Under Abd-El- Hamid I. 1473. TURKEY, 1839-61. Ul-Medjid. 1474. TURKEY, 1876. Aziz. 1475. TUSCANY, 1572. Cosmos I. . 1476. TUSCANY, 1585. Francis I. 1477. TUSCANY, 1589. Ferdinand I. Under Abd- Under Abd-UI- Italian state. “(27 ‘‘DOLLARS OF THE WORLD” 1478. TUSCANY, 1615. Cosmos II. 1479. TUSCANY, 1638. Ferdinand II. 1480. TUSCANY, 1676. John baptizing Christ. Inscription: My beloved Son. 1481. TUSCANY, 1680. Cosmos III. 1482. TUSCANY, 1758. Francis III, duke of Lorraine and Francis I of Aus- tria, husband of Maria Theresa. Be- came Holy Roman Emperor as the re- sult of the triumphs of his wife. 1483. TUSCANY, 1771. Peter Leopold. 1484. TUSCANY, 1774. Dollar for trad- ing in the orient. 1485. TUSCANY, 1803. Independent kingdom. Annexed to France 1807- ré14, 5 Lous I. 1486. TUSCANY, 1814. Returned to Austrian dominion. Ferdinand III. 1487. TUSCANY, 1826. Leopold II. 1488. TUSCANY, 1839. Arms of the duchy. 1489. TUSCANY, 1846. Last of the dukes. 1490. TYROL, 1486. Sigismund. Aus- trian province. The first dollar size coin ever struck in silver. The pieces coined in 1484 were somewhat smaller. 1491. TYROL, 1603. Rudolph II. 1492. TYROL, 1654. Ferdinand Charles. 1493. TYROL, 1665. Sigismund Fran- cis. 1494. TYROL, 1679. Leopold I. 1495. TYROL, 1707. Joseph I. 1496. TYROL, 1710. 1497. ULM, 1572. German city. 1498. UNITED STATES, 1795. Silver dollars were first coined in this coun- try in 1794, during Washington’s ad- ministration. Coinage suspended in Leopold II. 1804. 1499. UNITED STATES, 1795. Reverse of first dollar. 1500. UNITED STATES, 1800. During the administration of John Adams. After 1804 no silver dollars were struck until 1840. 1501. UNITED STATES, 1836. Pattern dollar. Known as the flying eagle. Jackson’s presidency. 1502. UNITED STATES, 1864. During the civil war. Type of dollar in circu- lation from 1840-1878. 1503. UNITED STATES, 1872. Reverse of dollar of that period. The inscrip- tion: “In God we trust’, first appeared during the civil war. 1504. UNITED STATES, 1873. trade dollar. Pattern 1505. UNITED STATES, 1873. Pattern trade dollar. 1506. UNITED STATES, 1873. Pattern trade dollar. 1507. UNITED STATES, 1873. Pattern trade dollar. 1508. UNITED STATES, 1873. Pattern — trade dollar. a fa, 1509. UNITED STATES, 1873. Pattern trade dollar. 1510. UNITED STATES, 1878. Pattern standard dollar. 1511. UNITED STATES, 1879. Pattern known as goloid metric dollar, so called because it contained a small percentage of gold. | 1512. UNITED STATES, 1880. - Trade dollar adopted for commerce with the oriental countries. 1518. UNITED STATES, 1883. ard dollar from 1878-1904. 1514, UNITED STATES, 1900. Com- memorating the erection of a statue in Paris to General Lafayette by the chil- dren of the United States. — ; 1515. UNITED STATES, 1921. Type used since 1921. Known as the peace dollar. 1516. URBINO, 1574-24. 1517. URUGUAY, 1844. Struck by General Oribe. Stand-_ Italian state. War dollar. 1518. URUGUAY, 1877. Arms of the republic. 1519. URUGUAY, 1917. Commemora- tive dollar. } 1520. UTRECHT, 1569. Province of the Netherlands, then under dominion of the House of Spain. 1521. UTRECHT, 1785. pendent province. 1522. VAUD, 1812. Swiss canton. — 1523. VENEZUELA, 1 863. President — Palz. : 1524. VENEZUELA, 1876. 1525. VENEZUELA, 1883. Commemo- rating the centennial of the birth of Bolivar. 1526. VENICE, 1578-85. Italian state. Dollar of the doge Nicolo Da Ponte. 1527. VENICE, 1722-32. 1528. VENICE, 1756. 1529. VENICE, 1763-78. The doge kneeling before the lion of St. Mark. 1530. VENICE, 1778-89. The doge before St. Mark. 1581. VENICE, 1789-97. Dollar or Louis Manin, last doge of Venice. Ws As an inde- {28 > 532. VENICE, 1797. During the inva- _ sion of Italy by General Bonaparte. 1533. VENICE, 1848. During the re- —__ bellion against Austrian rule. - 1584. VERDEN, 1548. German City. (1585. VIENNA, 1781. Austrian arch- bishopric. Christopher. 1536. WALDECK, 1824. cipality. (1537. WALDECK, 1847. Arms of Wal- deck and Pyrmont. 15838. WALDECK, 1903. Frederick. 1539. WALLENSTEIN, 1632. Albert, duke of Mecklenburg, Freidland and Sagan, leader of the Imperial armies in the thirty years war and one of the ablest generals of modern times. Assas- sinated by his troops at the instigation of Ferdinand II because of his ambition to obtain the Bohemian throne. 540. WARSAW, 1812. An independent _ duchy in Poland established by Napo- leon for his ally Frederick Augustus, king of Saxony. 541. WEST FRISIA, 1673. _ of the Netherlands. 542. WEST FRISIA, 548. WEST FRISIA, 544. WEST FRISIA, 1742. 545. WESTPHALIA, 1809. German kingdom founded by Napoleon. 1546. WESTPHALIA, 1 8 1 1. _ brother of the emperor. 47. WESTPHALIA, 1811. 48. WINDISCH-GRATZ, 1732. Aus- _ trian principality. Leopold Victor. 1549. WISMAR, 1622. City in Mecklen- burg. St. Laurent and gridiron. St. Laurent was martyred on a gridiron. 1550. WISMAR, 1674. 1551. WORMS, 1617. German city. On _ the centennial of the reformation. 552. WURTEMBERG, 1537. Ulrich. German prin- Province io77. 1682. Jerome, 53. WURTEMBERG, 1629. _ Louis Frederick, administrator. co WURTEMBERG, 1640. Eberhard II. 55. WURTEMBERG, 1694. Arms of the duchy se 1556. WURTEMBERG, 1707. Eberhard ve LOUis. 557. ‘WURTEMBERG, 1769. Charles Eugene. 58. WURTEMBERG, 1795. Frederick Eugene. On the third centennial of the founding of the duchy. ““DOLLARS OF THE WORED ’ ed WURTEMBERG, 1803. Frederick 1560. WURTEMBERG, 1810. Kingdom established in 1806. Frederick I. 1561. WURTEMBERG, 1812. Arms of the kingdom. 1562. WURTEMBERG, 1563. WURTEMBERG, memorative dollar. 1564. WURTEMBERG, 1846. marriage of the crown prince. 1565. WURTEMBERG,: 1869. ee ats WURTEMBERG, 1892. 1818. William I. 1833. Com- On _ the Charles I. William 1567. WURTEMBERG-OELS, 1674. Ger- man principality. Sylvius Frederick. 1568. WURTEMBERG-OELS, 1686. On the death of the duke’s mother. 1569. WURTEMBERG - OELS, 1716. Charles Frederick. 1570. WURTEMBERG - OELS, 1785. Charles Christian. 1571. WURZBURG, 1652. German bish- opric. John Philip I. 1572. WURZBURG, 1675-83. Peter Philip. 1573. WURZBURG, 1693. ~John Gott- fried. 1574. WURZBURG, 1693. 1575. WURZBURG, 1725. Christopher Francis. 1576. WURZBURG, 1765. Adam Fred- erick. 1577. WURZBURG, 1779. Francis Louis. 1578. WURZBURG, 1785. 1579. WURZBURG, 1786. Convention | dollar. 1580. WURZBURG, 1795. Sede Vacant. 1581. WURZBURG, 1795. George Charles. Struck during French occu- pation to meet war contributions. 1582. WURZBURG, 1795. Reverse of war contribution dollar. Inscription: For the country. 1583. WURZBURG, 1632. German city. . Struck by Gustavus Adolphus when possessed of the city during the thirty years war. 1584. ZACATECAS, 1810. Mexican state. War dollar. Struck by the Spaniards during an insurrection. 1585. ZANZIBAR, 1881. Indian ocean. 1586. ZARA, 1813. City in Dalmatia. War dollar. Struck by the French army when besieged by the Austrians. Island in the a A ‘*DOLLARS OR THE Worth 1587. ZEALAND, 1583. Province of the Netherlands. William I (the silent) , founder of .the Dutch republic. 1588. ZELLERFELD, 1730. German city. On the second centennial of the Augsburg confession. 1589. ZUG, 1622. Swiss canton. 1590. ZUG, 1869. Shooting contest dollar. 1591. ZURICH, 1512. Swiss canton. The three beheaded saints holding their heads in their hands. 1592. ZURICH, 1559. 1593. ZURICH, 1620. 1594, ZURICH, 1761. Inscription: God keep us in peace. 1595. ZURICH, 1761. city of Zurich. 1596. ZURICH, 1776. 1597. ZURICH, 1783. 1598. ZURICH, 1813. 1599. ZURICH, 1859. Shooting contest dollar. 1600. ZWOLLE, 1612-19. City in the Netherlands. View of the “{ 30 First National Bank &§ Trust (Sompany Service a”, THE BANKING DEPARTMENT of the First National Bank and Trust Company receives the deposit accounts of corporations, indi- | viduals, banks and firms: conducts a general commercial banking business and extends credit to corporations, partnerships and indi- _vidual enterprises; makes loans on approved collateral; buys and sells bankers’ and trade acceptances; collects notes, drafts, coupons and bonds; transfers funds for customers by wire and executes telegraphic orders to make payments in Marquette. THE FOREIGN DEPARTMENT issues travelers’ letters of credit and _ travelers’ checks; purchases and sells foreign exchange: sells drafts and cable orders, payable in foreign currencies. THE TRUST DEPARTMENT acts as executor, administrator, trustee or guardian: as custodian of securities; collecting income and z matured principal and holding the securities available for sale, transfer or delivery; as trustee under corporate mortgages; as cus- todian under escrow agreements; as disbursing agent for dividends, transfer agent or registrar of stocks. _ THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS of the First National Bank and “Trust Company are men of proved ability and integrity, and their experience makes possible a complete financial service of exception- able dependability and helpfulness. . & $ rire us : 4 * hs 5 ¥. , ' “ ' ‘ ‘ * t e 4 ‘ , aa 4 ‘ . x . \ . ri = 7 * ‘ : - « EA $i ee a 1 3 ? ; > ¥ 1 e “ « J = ~ ie) Epa Gs is the earliest dotiae: ever rads ie for the Province of Tyrol, by Sigismund, Arch- Duke of Austria in 1486. It is now in the First ideas Bank and Trust Company. — If it had been placed on deposit the year it was made and its interest compounded monthly at beats. + the rate the First National Bank and Trust Company — pays on thrift accounts—it | ‘would now amount to- more than a half million dollars. | apt i Vou cannot use compounded interest for 442 years : but it can work for you through all your life. A dollar’ starts a First’ National Bank and Taye Com- | pany Thrift Account.