h er a LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK , > : ” ¢ . oe 7 4 e. f 4 1 4, y . G ¥ . ° . ‘a BEA . : & A ¥ t t f ‘ ‘ reste + bh i i) _ a 4 a e +e + 1 P i / - nip A Seca eo bie Beautiful Women by. the a of the Early French, psi and Dutch Schools. ag Gerome s Celebrated Painting Louis x! Ve and Hatame de ts _ Maintenon are te | ai in Mibe: Gardens of Versailles. rg ‘Corots—3. Daubignys—6 Diaz | Zs ‘Duprés—Jacque—Troyon —Van Marcke—Roybet—2 Meissoniers— Thavlow—Henner—Zeim, etc. To be sold. at Auction, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, March 9, af oO, It, at 8:30 o’Clock, ey jae? tht +366, 368 Fi Fifth Ave. (near 34 h St) James P. Silo, Auct yneer. Awe Ay eG Ao ED aNGS aro ts ? the paintings that Hdwar red. The exquisite buyers ofpdintings co before them, their art works. They are fo be scattered by ‘autsion ‘to the four winds of curiosity, indifference, yanity and ae : eit is necessaty that the art lovers be tl pré to guard them: ‘Ther ave delicate Bit capuivating. One of ‘them, Loni be told often in the agex. When it was Sugbt by Mr. Brandus at the Tyner sale ry i moon. It was only a fastidious, archue- blogical parade of ladies in curricles Jers. art of. painting. that. was Gerome's. the | uae Ree ‘ . lady S XIV, and His Conrs in the Wark! pent, Be. ales Bol's portcs ee ee at Versailles.” has. a history which is to! Po Uns tae February, three years ago, it had no) almond eas D wi0 Le Medicis, painted by Franz Po € Licy flowers in her hair, severe br dui TM elegant attitude: a portrait of de Chartres, painted by. mot like to think that many perdons save. Cree nD NS Ae here Se et] het seem to be the queen of the dryads pushed by valets and escorbed by. cous: | because of the Cuillebotte gallery in the. Duxembourg. We told him that pressionists had nothing toe. do to make ainting. as been mutilated!" arent outi of his studio, ana (hat, it ®o moon when it came to Mr... Tyner. eproducaion in an old catalogue of the Salon proved that. ‘An idiotic admirer of classicism had rubbed out his hav the Luxembourg. It has a play of li duced. < Trianon reflect the sunset, the water of the fountain reflects the moon and the conflict Of rays gives to the sky, the air and the Procession a great charm, One evokes in it the Veisaillés of the royal days, when con. felted lords wore coats of violet, green and Dple blossom colors to blend with those of the flower-beds and hedges. \Lhen, im the alleys, ladies of quality had airs of decorated bells, with their ponderous skirts with paniers, their brocade stuffs in poppies, and their delightful little powdered heads: The men bowed low, touching the ground with the tips of their fingers. ‘The wind blew into ihe air the powder. of their fragrant wigs, WON, Their portraits have invaded the gallery that Mr. Silo reserves usually for pstvate sales. They are by Largilliere, «Mi nard Raoux, Rigaud, Tournieres, Vestier, Vigee-Lebrun. Tremouille wears a jew rose in her hair. Mme. d’Epinay looks at one with witty and acute eyes, the Duchesse de Brissae smiles archly. | en. | ghts learnedly repro- . Van Loo, The Duchesse de la Sabie: | el in the form of a Ac Luxembor his | “Louts ‘XITV. and His Court in the Park | ft Versailles’? was so*bad that the im- | 8 ‘crisicism vain but to point to tht) He Sa i ‘ . ste ei ; ye P A | Torres, eight by Schultz, sever by Thaulow, Tt is true that it haa ; hen | ur by Van ie vat it had a moon wie 4 three by his faithful pupil Ede, four by Van) ) en | Biewetao ‘traits uf King Amadeus of One saw in it only the classic se ig | ERB RO'S. HOrtEA Le: aes a Ses y the ‘clagale serteatutta, Savoy, Pourbus’s portraits of James I. of £70) , ad ctiticised harshly the impressionists, | Mairauis d said that Franee was adence| asa 1 and sa a rauce was in decadence} Phe wibdow panes of the pink | aE we shaped eyes blu the cupids of the decorative panels of her time. re ey Ae There are Van Ravesteyp’s portrait of a noble lady, Daniel My Ss) portrait of /a daughter of Charles ANS ir Peter ‘ely’ portraits of Nell,Gwynn and of Jeanne nd large dark eyes, bh sa tier’s pom ithe Marquise de Serilly, and of a “Neue. Gil. Feeding Her Pet Bird,’ learnedly graceful... go eel There is a portrait of Augusta, royal prin- cess, and her brother, Frederick , William, children of George Il1,., by Cosway. Miere+ velt's portrait of Dame Cornelius Van Hooft, England, of Elisabeth of Austria, of the de Montecuculli, of » Henriette, d'Entraygues, Daniel. Mytens’s portrait: of! the Duchess of Buckingham, Kneller’s por- trait of ‘the Countess of Dorchester: are) grave and interesting. : The collection is large and rich in pictures which the uninitiated like as well as in those which the illuminated prefer. There are nine Marcke, seven by Ziem. There are seven bd ‘Diaz, four by Corot. three by Daubigny, four by Pokltonow. ‘The taste that directed their. cholce was not that of an artist great and ferocious. It was’ eclectic, Phe NG The Corots have the silver tones that to- day’s admirers. of Corot exact from” his works, the Daubignys. are simple and tragic. An “Elegy” by Armand Point is interesting to art studehts as the work of tbe great master of the Rose Croix school) that Josepbin Peladan lauds indefatigably. | The picture is of an augelic figure if the style of the pre-Raph@elites, in a frame carved with studied ndive art... a | There are three works by Charles Jacque two by Meissouier, a sea in carefully delin- eated waves by Dupre, a small landscape b Cazin, s “Battie of Rephidim,’’ wherein horses abd fighters are as numerous and fn volved as waves, by Poussin. There ar two heads in the familiar style of Henner and two large pictures by Fromentin. © one ‘The Encampment of a Caravan,” places the blue of a tent beside the orange 6 Egyptian ruins and patches with red th sky over the green Nile. ater oe - Another was made to order by Fromentin for Prince Anatole Demidoff and had th good fortune to please Alexandre Dumas, ‘It is a panel of “Centaurs and Centanr esses’? at a pond, which a tall tree shades, in the light of a gray sky. The work ex presses well Fromentin’s refined talent. Those who, prefer Bouguereau’s way i the ground, ‘a dog. Those who admire Jacquet’s a pes to his model, who is ever youthful} find her in the five figures of women ana fatectiqa’ of pa . rs ce i it is admirable an ‘ars. have to be at its sale. ys § SALE AT THE WALDORF. BY HENRI PENE AM BOIS i nage Sb wer y auction IXTY-SEVEN paintings of the Brandus | ae: by Seer i a ‘Were numerous and brilliant. ] pretty compliments to Mr. Brand He said that they were flattering, collection was modest. But it isn’t Landscapes, portraits, anecdotes, 11 } at last evening’s sale were 4 pratt: and signed with fam not made to be ex isitgoine ad retir ‘tried to acce ice ‘were attrib aA 0 them, ‘The Peaied was of the Barbizon &chool, bizon. e The Mignard portrait of Mademoiselle de a la Seigliere was extremely attentive to ' ‘graces, the Comérre head was _polishe as porcelain. ‘Point's Elegy,” a pr \phaelite figure in a frame. carved with ‘pious fervor ofa Fra Angelico, was ‘novel work of the sale. It was highly preciated. Point is the master that | em -Croix group of painters, mystic | Classic, encouraged by Josephin P produced, ey, _ Point is criticised adversely by ihe. jartists for his aesthetics, which are the present time, but he hag much Hig ‘Elegy’ brought $675. ‘The | price of the evening was paid for splendid ‘‘Constantinople,”’ which k $2,660. The numbers of the cat names of painters, titles of pictures, na: of buyers, and prices paid are in the lege lists ; a ogues, “cya EG Ss tedius, ‘Portrait of Young : Troy, “‘Nicholas de Catina 6. benjamin $14 “Rain and Sunshine,’ Wetzel en ee ek Throwehs: Forest of Fon- ; No. 9—Schulz, Autumn Day at Barbizon,” M,. Martin $i4 f No, ib Sehlz, “Valley of Franchard,” J. ‘Stey- 10, No. 15—Fichel, “Musketeers in veel L W. ie pea Fichel, ‘“‘Greeting the Soldiers,” L, W. ae. >be —Sanchez Perrier, “Autumn,” J. We 18—Gainsborough, “Portrait of a Young Man,” W. Stittenha $175, No, 19—Raoux, ‘‘Mademoiselle Dumesnil,’’ Ww. Barbour, $550. “No. 20—Philppoteaux, ‘“‘French Peasant Girl,’ #4 L. M. Worth, $100. before Bar- oi Van Starenon, bios Bi 9330, W: 160. ~ mh ier ction deve, ‘Ideal io B, Winter, ey e, O68 D I rer ae hildren ee Hy “Henrie pis Maria, Wife of sia "Goclitinobe, ae om Glaenzer, oa a oth ret $218 Helst, “Count of ia ere $1,400." “Forest of Fontainebleau,” L Ww. a Ue haulow, “In Normandy,” D. 8 Bond, “Curiosity,” L, M. Worth, Gr “Park at Chantilly,” Jno, $100. | Yo. Ligne ie ‘span Da B, ‘Wheeler, ‘ Imitative of his own works. The Poussir “Battle of Rephidim,” is a curiosity. Cuyp’s ‘‘Portrait of a Child,’? Tourniere’s Portrait of the Duchesse de Brissac, and tecuculli are charming. The works of Torres and Comerre are ex- asperatingly polished, Daubigny’s “River and Landscape” is admirable, and Fro- mentin’s “‘Encampment of a Caravan” also. calls a letter Controller, death. It asks for a pension, and says: “It would be lamentable if, after having painted the three greatest kings in the world—Louis XIV., Louis XV. which he wrote to Orry, tions, I should find myself impecunious at | eighty years of age. ” He got his pension. The numbers of the catalogue of last evening’s sale, names of artists, pictures, names of buyers and prices paid | are in the following Hst: No. 66—Pokitonow, 's. Bond, $200. | No. 66A—Pokitonow, “Boulevard de la. | Madeleine,” M. B. Lord, $280, No. 67—Jacomin, “Landscape,” John Fen- ning, $100. o er Flock,’ Bocande, $1,210. No. 7i—-Melnik, “Young Lady,” C. A. Sel- zer, $125. “Normandy Cow,” Smith, $125. BY HENRI PENE DU BOIS. The reflector, having great aunties has | There are buyers who like | the pictures that one has to see through a_ do not thins of | It has much to do and | does it well not | 1, the ' Pourbus’s portrait of the Marquis Mon-. tigaud’s portrait of Mme. de la Briffe re- | in 1743, two years before his | and the. King of Spain and the King's: brother | and all the royal princes for four genera- titles of. / “Landscape,” David | No. G8—Torres, ‘Meditation,” W. B. | Strang, $170. | | | No, 69—Torres, ‘Ideal Head,’ W. B. Strang, $165. No. 70—Jacque, “Shepherdess and Her | No. 72—Thaulow, “River Arcques in the . Fahl,’ E. Winter, $390. No. 73—Comerre, ‘‘Indiscretion,” Oo GONZALES COQUES Antwerp 1614-1684 THEZARTIST GASPARD VERBRUGGEN IN) His STUDIO Size: Height, 232 in.; width, 33 in. E, PHILIBERTE LEDOUX “a dc %& & ; A 1767-1840 je 2 i Oe Vio Ri: 4 1.1 Go Klemgammare JEAN FRANCOIS DE TROY te Paris 4 1679-1752 /4 0, NICHOLAS DE CATINAT Marechal de France Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 23 in. Oval Collection Marquis de Biencourt Mtl COLLECTION OF LANDSCAPES BY ADRIEN SCHULZ OF PARIS we PT Adrien Schulz is considered to-day one of the great landscape painters; his works show many of the characteristic qualities of Diaz and Hanoteau, whose pupil he was, and are worthy to be com- pared with theirs They are proof of a direct and intimate study from nature and give an impression of freshness, of pure atmosphere Adrien Schulz, who exhibits in the Salon, is repre- sented in many Art Museums of France, and in numerous private collections All the following landscapes are scenes in the Forest of Fontainebleau 7 RAIN AND SUNSHINE Size: Height, 215 in.; width, 26 in. ADRIEN SCHULZ ROAD THROUGH THE FOREST bo, OF FONTAINEBLEAU H. b, Rete Size: Height, 213 in.; width, 26 in. 8 9 AUTUMN DAY AT BARBIZON /¢ ‘es Oy, DH arctiar Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 24 in. 10 VALLEY OF FRANCHARD / é a ‘ Size: Height; 42 in. width pseu, ale fb tie fe B. VAN DER HELST , »» 4 ne Haarlem © 1613-1670 PORTRAIT OF THE DAUGHTER OF ADMIRAL KORTNAERT 11 eize-wrieight, 32, in:: width, 242 in, E. pigeee M. F. JACOMIN Paris / } @ Medal Paris Salon, 1888, 1889 Hors Concours 1 LANDSCAPE Size: Height, 21} in.; width, 173 in. Bs AG 5 ED. ZIER i 4 Paris } ey #] 13 YOUNG LADY Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 19} in. EMILE VAN MARCKE a Paris 1827-1891 Medals Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 14 COW IN PASTURE Size: Height, 13 in.; width, 10% in. From the Van Marcke Sale EUGENE FICHEL Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medals Paris Salon, 1857, 1861, 1869 Legion of Honor, 1870 15 MUSKETEERS IN TAVERN ¥ 16 GREETING THE SOLDIERS Size: Height, 3} in.; width, 6} in. LMa Melbet E. SANCHEZ PERRIER : t) , Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1886, 1889 Hors Concours 17 AUTUMN Size: Height, 107 in.; width, 203 in. From Boussod Valadon Paris nee >) “y rhs, A Se i? ad ss DUPONT GAINSBOROUGH London mnt sig Wien fe spiny My 1767-1797 a Nephew and pupil of Thomas Gainsborough (eh 2 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN Pe : & ; eee ie Size: Height, 233 in.; width, 20 in. ea CS 0. JEAN RAOUX (a isi Paris 1677-1734 19 MADEMOISELLE DUMESNIL Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 254 in. PAUL PHILIPPOTEAUX Paris / o Oo aS | Papi ai Leon Cogniet and of Felix Philippoteaux vgs FRENCH PEASANT GIRL Size: Height, 18} in.; width, 15 in. AM fo actowe HYACINTHE RIGAUD ges 1659-1743 f ) ae MADEMOISELLE DE NANTES DUCHESSE DE BOURBON 21 (Daughter of Louis XIV.) Size: Height, 52 in.; width, 41 in. France 1826-1872 RUINS Size: Height, 30 in.; itt, IQ in. From the Sortais Collection FREDERIC EDE / i Le Born in Canada, lives in France near Fontainebleau; member of the Artists’ Association of Montigny and the Art Club of Marlotte Ede’s enormous success is due to his same character- istic qualities of Cazin and Thaulow, a direct and intimate study from nature, a great variety of colors and effects, the most exquisite delicacy of tones and the impression of pure atmosphere. Exhibited Salon, 1903 23 ON THE RIVER Size: Height, 22 in.; width, 26 in. ’ WALTER WEST priving / / i, if & hme 3 mH 5 Hed, eu ad ‘ gs dM she TENIERS (DAVID, THE YOUNGER) oT ow f) f ame * Holland David Teniers, the Younger, was born at Antwerp in 1610. He was taught painting by his father, and by Adrian Brouwer. He was appointed Court Painter and Chamberlain to the Archduke Leopold William, Governor of the Spanish Nether- lands. His works were eagerly sought after, and their merits were highly appreciated. He died at Brussels in 1649, and was buried at Perth 95 SCENE IN HOLLAND Size: Height, 15 in.; width, 18 in. aaly =~’ ‘ih , 4 + ie. iv if. ae = > oe Bey al ig _" 2 iL ¥ - _ J. VEYRASSAT. Die Paris Bil Medal Paris Salon, 1872 | i= Legion of Honor, 1878 RUSTIC LIFE mLleicutecdAdin. width. 20in: Lf, Keccthew r?}o), FRANCIS COTES London 1726-1770 One of the Founders of the Royal Academy OT. LADY ASHBURTON Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 20 in. Paris 1822-1894 - Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 a ¢ Legion of Honor, 1865 _ Officer, 1894 SHEEP Sizes Height; 6 in.; width, 72 in: From the Rosa Bonheur Sale JOHN CONSTABLE, R A. Born at East Bergholdt, Suffolk, England, June 11, 29 1776; died in London, March =36)"1837 age became a pupil of the Royal Academy in 1799. Later, he studied with Joseph Farrington and R. R. Reinagle. After painting portraits and his- torical pictures for some time, he turned to land- scape art as his real vocation and exhibited his first picture in 1802. He was elected Associate of the Royal Academy in 1819 and Royal Acade- mician in 1829. He found early recognition in France, where, among all British painters, he was the first whose works found high esteem. His influence had much to do with the evolution and growth of the ‘Barbizon School” of painting. When his ‘‘ Haywain” was shown in Paris, in 1825, Constable was awarded by the King a gold medal as a tribute of the appreciation in which it was held j LANDSCAPE / is vy Size: Height, 8 in.; width, 12 in. From the R. G. Davis Collection London OY 2. Levit Ge PIERRE MIGNARD Paris ¢, a r> : 1610-1695 30 MADEMOISELLE DE LA SABLIERE Rize. tieight, 242-in>; width, 11927 in; AMS. A ctterhocr CHARLES D’ENTRAYGUES Sa, Paris Pupil of Pils Salon, 1896 31 LANDSCAPE Size: Height, tog in.; width, 16% in. From the Artist Paris Born, Paris. hy! Pei _ medal, 1881. Pe ae JULIEN DUPRE Ii oF Paris —_ Third-class medal, 1880; second-class. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1892. COUNTRY SCENE Height, 20 in.; width, 24 in. MADAME VIGEE-LEBRUN es *) 70 33 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY 1755-1842 Size: Height, 24} in.; width, 183 in. a + ety : : ee ; + ie, r _* (ger a . _ A ¢ aes Dh: - (ete ’ ae CONSTANT TROYON Paris Be ‘ 1810-1865 Y als paris Salon, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855 n of Honor, 1849. Rae RED COW ‘ “ee ea "Size: Height, 124 in.; width, 16 in. 2 7 & a a From the Troyon Sale ; JA debe JEAN BEAUDUIN wat ; Ps al Fal i x e, Paris a * 4 RY. 7 é Honorable mention Paris Salon 35 MORNING MIST Direct from the Artist Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 283 in. 67 Rue Caulaincourt Paris JEAN MOSTAERT 1474-1533 RELIGIOUS SUBJECT RELIGIOUS SUBJECT y f 4, LS fhe From fe Hanover Galleries London Size: Height, 16 in:; width, 124 in. see) ing armen ANTONIO TORRES Paris Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris. A young artist of great talent, who has met with considerable success as a painter of ‘Ideal Heads” Bye AT THE SPRING / / ve LAN birt Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25} in. ~ 39 IDEAL HEAD SQ ae. Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 18 in. EA JOHN OPIE, R.A. 249 4 the jf ae Born at St. Agnes, near Truro, Cornwall, England, May, 1761; died in London, April 9, 1807. He began to paint when ten years old, and received orders for portraits at seventeen. In 1780 he went to London, where he was introduced to Sir Joshua Reynolds, who became his friend. He was elected Associate of the Royal Academy in 1787, and Royal Academician in 1788. In 1805 he was made Professor of Painting in the Royal Academy schools Ai) YOUNG GIRL ‘From Thomas McLean Galleries London Size: Height, 35 in.; width, 28% in. dM beonk JOHN HANSON WALKER Sey vy e WAR 4] YOUNG GIRL é ff wo Zé size: Height, 22 in.; width naan. E. J. MERLOT t M ton oe Paris Id & ¢ {, Medal Paris Salon, 1892 Hors Concours 492 NORMANDY COW size: Height, 153 in.; width, 204 in. GG, Bangamam F. MIERIS Holland /3e, 1635-1681 43 DUTCH INTERIOR Size: Height, 155 in.; width, 134 in. LEON COMERRE Paris ry) a f), ne, i Piiedernomie, 1375 Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Hors Concours Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer Legion of Honor, 1903 Ad fey ih Ne RUS SLA Size: Height, 40 in.; width, 28 in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris ROSA BONHEUR Paris . $09 1822-1894 Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer, 1894 45 WHITE HORSE Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 254 in. From the Rosa Bonheur Sale eee & aervyeribg EMILE VAN MARCKE Paris re | co ee #} =) os, ‘ 1827-1891 fd ; Medals Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 46 APPLE TREE IN BLOSSOMS Size: Height, 22 in.; width, 16 in. From the Van Marcke Sale Purchased from Messrs. Boussod, Valadon Paris | Rlene a ANTOINE VESTIER. / / o ' Born at Avallon in 1740; a member of the Academy in 1786; an excellent colorist. He died, 1824, in Paris AT YOUNG GIRL FEEDING HER PET BIRD Size: Height, 252 in.- width; 321m. Ray eee oe Say aa 4 ff Uf Ae level ferler EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Brussels ot SY, 1799-1881 &, Se Legion of Honor. Commander of the Order of Leo- pold, Order of Portugal, Iron Cross 48 SHEEP Size: Height, 163 in.; width, 21} in. From the G. Petit Galleries Paris py A rcth D. HORNE Utrecht DO ‘ 1620-1680 AQ mo BN Wey ed Sa a Size: Height, 39 in.; width, 33% in. SIR W. BEECHEY, R,., A. London 7) Aa) , 1753-1839 “4 ™ ede CHITDREN (OR COUNT SPENCER sizeuwlieight, 25% in;; width, 254 1n: From the Charles Dickens Collection 3 oe v ve BA RY dere: Ay, LEON COMERRE 7 Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Prix de Rome, 1875 Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1903 51 IDEAL HEAD Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 26 in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris aM Lg DAVID BECKS Holland i, V4 7) 1621-1656 Pupil of Van Dyck HENRIETTA MARIA WIFE OF CHARLES I. mize: 18x 24 in. at 0 FELIX ZIEM ‘a St Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 53 CONSTANTINOPLE Size: Height, 253 in.; width, 32 in. a Wie al LLC t/ GABRIEL METSU Spmeseike RY ha pet Kinnis ra 1630-1667 J a 4 Sag Shia F A Dutch woman with red cloak bordered with white fur is seated in the room of a handsome Dutch house, engaged in sewing. Metsu was one of the greatest of Dutch genre painters. 54 DU TCH SCENE size: Height, 32% in.; width, 284 in. A. POINT Paris é Medal Paris Salon, 1889 One of the most capable of the younger French followers of the ‘‘ Primitives.” He designs him- self the frames for his pictures and the result is uncommonly successful, as can be seen in this picture. 55 ELEGY Size: Height, 223 in.; width, 14% in. . f ht lever AIME PERRET y #} \ £ wm & Paris 4 fa 4 Medals Paris Salon, 1877, 1888, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1889 56 Pe ELE LA Ix VE mize flieight, 22 in); width, 254 in. a2 2 frome = cre fe of y, B. VAN DER HELST Haarlem 1613-1670 COUNT OF WALLENSTEIN Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 24% in. N. V. DIAZ Paris 1808-1876 Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 58 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Size: Heigth, 124 in.; width, 16 in. § g ) FRITS THAU Officer of the Legion of , o9 a : a! Size: Height, emi 60 LW beth. LEON COMERRE i Paris a @ iv; Prix de Rome, 1875 Medais Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Hors Concours Chavalier Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer Legion of Honor. 1903 CURIOSITY Size: Height, 48% in.; width, 29% in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris + : Ms pest M. F. JACOMIN Paris / G ii 4 Medals at Paris Salon, 1888, 1889 Hors Concours 61 PARK AT CHANTILGY Size: Height, 21} in.; width, 18 in. Be Ad. 4): heel’ A es, Spee IVAN POKITONOW Paris Born at Odessa, and called the Meissonier of Russia Won all Russian art honors, and Medals in Germany and France ett ff, a a G2 LANDSCAPE 1, bt Size: Height, 7 in.; width, rod in. Ome d, 5 wtp 62a HUNTER’S REST fut | >a HENRI ROUSSEAU Paris q Q S 63 THE BROKEN DOLL Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 15 in. Lich FRANZ POURBUS / AS Qo Born at Antwerp in 1570; .Painter to the Court of Henry IV. Died in Paris, 1622 64 BPENRIETITR: DENTRAYGUES Size: Height, 39 in.; width, 314 in. Collection Marquis de Biencourt - way) auf et ol ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Paris 1803-1860 uM Q 2. Born on the 3d day of the 3d month of the 3d year of the Igth century. Received one of the five Medals of Honor at the Exposition of 1855. One of the greatest artists of the school of 1830 65 FISHERMEN AT CORFU Size: Height, 9 in.; width, 103 in. co. Clacrge We F. L. FRANCAIS Paris aI ; & (). f 8 Pupil of Corot Medals Paris Salon, 1841, 1848, 1867, 1878, 1890 Member of the Legion of Honor, 1853 Officer, 1867 Received the Medal of Honor at the Salon of 1896 65a LAC NEMI Size: Height, 143 in.; width, 222 in. From the Collection of Georges Lutz, sold in Paris in 1902. SECOND EVENING SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 10th PROMPTLY AT 38.30 P. M. IVAN POKITONOW Paris DP AsLiarad. Born at Odessa, and called the Meissonier of Russia Won all Russian art honors, and Medals in Germany and France 66 LANDSCAPE y/ g @. Size: Height, 7 in.; width, 103 in. 66a BOULEVARD DE LA MADELEINE 4509 Size: Height, 7 in.; width, 103 in. ean, . F. JACOMIN ‘Baris /0@. Medals Paris Salon, 1888, 1889 Hors Concours G7 LANDSCAPE Size: Height, 21% in.; width, 18 in. ANTONIO TORRES Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris An Artist of great talent, who has met with success as a painter of ‘‘ Ideal Heads” TION | G8 MEDITATION P 2. Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 24 in. < 69 IDEAL HEAD Ib CTs Size: Height, 24 in.; width, (8m: fu Vegi a pec ce CHARLES JACQUE Paris ' / AAT eS, Medals Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864 Legion of Honor, 1867 70 SHEPHERDESS AND HER FLOCK Size: Height, 18% in.; width 15 in. From the Montaignac Collection as ‘=p : * P, ~ ae ot, i o > a Qe mie y ; 4 oe ed ~ " °: " i “ wae > ‘ : N. MELNIK ls YOUNG LADY. 71 . ? Size: Height, 22} in. FRITS THAULOW Paris 4 7 0, Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1go1 72 RIVER ARCOUES IN THE FALL Direct from the Artist size: Height, 18 in.; width, 212 in. 13 dGUiurMothiand LEON COMERRE Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Prix de Rome, 1875 Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer, 1903 INDISCRETION ox a Size: Height, 484 in.; width, 294 in. From the Artist 67. Rue: Ampere Paris CH Liew C JEAN BEAUDUIN Honorable mention Paris Salon 74 QUIETUDE eize tieioht, 24 in.; width, 29vin- Direct from the Artist 67 Rue Caulaincourt Paris ~] Ort Hoy Lente E. J. MERLOT Paris /ta8 Medal Paris Salon, 1892 Hors Concours NORMANDY COW Size: Height, 1334 in.; width, 20 in. VACSLAV VAN BROZIK Born in Bohemia, 1852. Died in Paris, IgoI Medal Paris Salon, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1884 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1890 Director General of the Musee of Buda-Pesth Director Academy of Fine Arts, at Prague 76 YOUNG Lapy /¢ mize. tleicht, 314: in.; width, ‘24 in. FELIX ZIEM Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 ao C7 VENICE de £3 Size: Height, 18% in.; width, 26 in. Wa Y , ca We eee eee CHARLES LEBRUN Paris 1619-1690 ; Court Painter to Louis XIV. 78 MADEMOISELLE DE LA VALLIERE Size: Height, 293 in.; width 25 in. JULES DUPRE First Salon medal, 1833 Legion of Honor, 1849 600, Officer of Legion, 1870 Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on por- 79 celain. Studied from Nature and the old masters in the Louvre. Exhibited in Salon, 1821, and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans. Died near Paris, 1889 MARINE Size: Height, 14% in.; width, 22 in. ANTONIO TORRES Pari , yj : ae te ey Ai CAM Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris. An Artist of great talent, who has met with considerable success as a painter of ‘‘Tdeal Heads” g t} SS, ¢ IN DREAMLAND 4 Ad “te, 80 Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 253 in. Q1 IDEAL HEAD / vA i, Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 18 in. Ah ferehe i . _ JEAN RAOUX | Paris | 82 : Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25 | ie 4.” a / oe : ae M. J. MIEREVELT pe 1567-1641 Ky Bi, ta? PORTRAIT OF THE ENGRAVER DELFF 83 Size: Height, 224 in.; width, 18 in. 84 Edema JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Paris Medal Paris Salon, 1880 Legion of Honor, 1882 Officer Legion of Honor, 1889 COUNTRY ROAD 77: : Size: Height, 15 in.; width, 18j:in. WwAE ves NES. FRANCIS COTES London ee o i # cil ; . J af : # a e £ ? tal wane hg 4 1726-1770 One of the Founders of the Royal Academy Pee CA VEE VV CIEE WIFE OF SIR JOHN CAULDWELL size: Height, 36 in.; width, 28 in. Vo goad — JOSE FRAPPA Paris Medal Paris Salon, 1889 Legion of Honor 6 %. 0, Hors Concours 86 A TALENTED CARDIVAG Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 193 in. ‘4 /, VA ° oF oh Oey JEAN RAOUX Paris ak 90d, 1077-1734 87 BOnRTKAL TL OR A LADY mize; Leight, 32 in.; width, 254/in. ACynardere N deta LEON RICHET Paris Pupil of Diaz Medal Paris Salon, 1888 o) gg LANDSCAPE 4209. Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 24 in. LA Guth FRANCIS COTES London S, Bd 1726-1770 89 TWO CHILDREN WITH A DOG Biges) leicht, 24 in. width) 3ovin: Clute CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY S Paris 1817-1878 Medals Paris Salon, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1869 Legion of Honor, 1859 pi Officer, 1874 ee 90 RIVER AND LANDSCAPE Size: Height, 9 in.; width, 16 in. ye. “i 4p fe , a ; ie Vl ie PM a i ? NOEL-NICOLAS COYPEL 1690-1734 vou é ois eS ae ©. Ah eh oot O] PeeOkwATIVE PANEL, “SUMMER ™ Size: Height, 40 in.; width, 50 in. ° TS acanele EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Brussels 1799-1881 /{30 Legion of Honor. Commander of the Order of Leo- pold, Order of Portugal, Iron Cross 92 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE size: Height, 12 1n.; width, 15am: From the G. Petit Galleries Paris f a hn Oe HYACINTHE RIGAUD Paris . uf O°, 1659-1745 92 MADAME DE LA BRIFFE 9 Size ieight, 324 in. width, 244 in. [Bacanke. CHARLES JACQUE Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864 Legion of Honor, 1867 / O4 SHEEP ¢ ie Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 152*in. 56 OS CORNELIS JANSEN VAN CEULEN 1590-1664 95 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Hi < [od 2, From the Holland Galleries London mize tieirht, 24%¢in.; | width, 19 in. San I Kk Laer JULES GOUPIL Paris 3 BS O, Pupil of Ary Schaffer Medals Paris Salon, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878 | O96 UNDER THE DIRECTORY Size: Height, 313 in.; width, 193 in. / A. einen. e AL, hme M. W. PETERS, R. A. London (Died in 1814) 7 Mag ¢ ph a ae t ff yah ed é “Senet £ O7 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL Size: Height, 36 in.; width 274 in. (Oval) | Sccanche CESAR DETTI arg Paris a &? te Medals Paris Salon, 1889 Hors Concours 98 A> MUSIC LESSON Size: Height, 28 in.; width, 21 in. From the Artist 41 Rue Victor Massé Paris Pf thie ROBERT TOURNIERES Parts 1668-1752 bu, Veit MADELEINE DE LA FAYEEPIE DUCHESGSE DE LA TREMOUILLE ty size: Height, 425 in.; width, 331 in. From the Georges Sortais Collection JULIEN DUPRE Paris Born, Paris. Third-class medal, 1880; second- class medal, 1881. Chevalier Legion of Honor, S02 stats. bo 00, THE MILKMAID 100 r Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 21% in. Pa DIE : JEAN MOSTAERT 1474-1533 101 Re ClGlOUsS DIRTY CH From the Hanover Galleries i ag. London / } ; ; @, Size: Height, 224 in.; width, 163 in, ROSA BONHEUR Paris 1822-1894 Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer, 1894 102 THE SHEPHERD / 3 Se Size: Height, 25 in.; width, 39} in. From the Rosa Bonheur Sale » vy # : 4 t & A * ' é " J Peed - ae “ : . ~ ea ¢ a 8 Pe y \? (ivy = o | LA io a. f seu i ¥ ' % “& 2 } ih ° + SG AL thu FRANZ POURBUS ae _ MARQUIS DE MONTECUCULI? ’ ‘ Be ize: Height, Pose weit avalelesh. eis Vane fae re Wisneb y= ‘ er. ; ics ; & VW | hese wns OA eat ae,” a Oy * 7 ya ee Jr tA ANE r Tig fa i)" ECO Arideaon FREDERIC EDE Born in Canada, lives in France near Fontainebleau; member of the Artists’ Association of Montigny and the Art Club of Marlotte Ede’s enormous success is due to his same character- istic qualities of Cazin and Thaulow, a direct and intimate study from nature, a great variety of colors and effects, the most exquisite delicacy of tones and the impression of pure atmosphere. Salon, 1903 vee C, 104 RIVER YONNE AT MORET Size: Height, 22 in.; width, 28 in. Be te. ar a be SIR GODFREY KNELLER sank ANS imines piv sire siti wi ral a” gs E 1646-1723 { % i eth a 4 4s ge ey m ‘ya # Ai ab “SHOW PORTRAIT OF LADY CATHERINE 105 SIDLEY COUNTESS OF DORCHESTER Size: Height, 49 in.; width, 39 in. Collection of Ralph Sheldon, Esq. Exhibited National Portrait Exhibition 1866 Nes ccand FRITS THAULOW pe Paris On- ‘De S Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901 106 THE SEINE NEAR BENNECOURT size: Height, 32 ins. width gona 7 > <> Ae ca oo < “as < os , = Ps ‘SIR PETER LELY pee London to am 1617-1680 ij f Be NELL GWYNN _ DUCHESS OF PORTSMOUTH ar Size: Height, 50 in.; width, 40} in. a | ee From the Hanover Galleries London a ree Oo nlite EMILE VAN MARCKE Paris 1827-1891 Medals Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 Se 108 CATTLE 3a CA, size: Height, '25°1n.; -width, 424m From Georges Petit Galleries he tb klong JOHN HOPPNER, R. A. 1758-1810 pod a - a 109 GIRE WiTH NEST Puzesiieiont, 30 in; width; 25 71n: NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA Paris 1808-1876 Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 sation 4 De COURTSHIP hab oy Q, Size: Height, 30 in.; width, 37% in. 110 fp oa/ : os Craw: acl, DANIEL MYTENS The Hague we, / oO, 1590-1658 Court painter to Charles I. in 1625 1]] THE DUCHESS OF BUCKINGHAM Size, Height, 30 in}! width, 25 71n- A pect LEON COMERRE Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Prix de Rome, 1875 Legion of Honor, 1885 280 Bagi wig § 112 GIRL AT THE WINDOW Size: Height, 363 in.; width, 26% in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampére Paris NICOLAS POUSSIN wag France 1593-1665 Court painter to Louis XIII. j aaley ie uf opr, 113 DaAvlabicte Ol ORE PHIDIM | The picture illustrates the following passage of Exodus xvii. 8-13: 8. Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim g. And Moses said unto Joshua: Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek; to-morrow I will stand on the top of the hill, with the rod of God in mine hand 10. So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek; and Moses, Amron and Hur went up to the top of the hill 11. And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hands that Israel prevailed, and when he let down his hands Amalek prevailed 12. But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon, and Amron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword Dated 1656 and signed at the right, on the saddle of a horse an Ge Size: Height, 21 in.; width, 30 in. EMILE RENARD. Received Medals at the Paris Salon in 187 ‘ rd 114 YOUNG LADY READING © id Size: Height, 331 in.; width, 243 in J. J. HENNER m (SSO Born in 1829. Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878; Member of the Institute, 1889 115 HEAD Size: Height, 213 in.; width, 15 in. ht hee Gelling FRANZ POURBUS Antwerp gost S$, 1570-1622 116 JAMES I. OF ENGLAND Size: Height, 417 in.; width, 354 in. From the Collection of Le Marquis de Biencourt f ff 4, FELIX ZIEM wate Paris /Q é} Cp, Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 ikjeré VENICE mize: Height, 22 in:;-width, 30) in. & i ROBERT TOURNIERES- f: an 1668-1752 Lf | 'O. 118 MADAME D'EPINAY | ‘ “EF Giller AIME PERRET Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1877, 1888, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1889 otf ppepninatte Hors Concours a aa QS ye i, 119 IN THE FIELDS OF BARBIZON ize; Height, 32 in.; width, 25% in. LA Githw J. G. CUYP 1575-1650 Pe Ge g, 120 PORTRALT. OF “A Chimes Size: Height, 39 in.; width, 30 in. Collection of Count Mnizeck (haces FRITS THAULOW Paris Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, Igo1 beg hy a a! 121 VENICE $ Purchased direct from the Artist Bizet eight, 21% in-7 width, 12 in, BASILE LEMEUNIER Paris i tf f) | Received Medals at the Paris Solon of 1889 and 1893 THE. BIRD CHARMER RIN GARDENS OF. THE TUTE EiE: 122 Exhibited in the Salon, 1902 Size: Height, 293 in.; width, 333 in. if BRONZINO Florence te ee bl iad ea & [502-1572 # 123. AMEDEE, DUC DE SAVOIE size; Ieicht, 53 in.; width, 47 in. Collection of Georges de Montauzon Ciblitem EUGENE FROMENTIN Paris 320-1876 Mf ff rare 1: og, Medals Paris Salon, 1849, 1857, 1859, 1867 Legion of Honor, 1869 124 ENCAMPMENT OF A CARAVAN (Egyptian Ruins on the Nile) Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25 in. From the Georges Petit Galleries Paris oa JS ar Le ie LABILLE-GUIARD 1749-1803 Cy 7 7) a o Most of this Artist’s Portraits are in the Museum of the Palace of Versailles. Member of the French Academy 125 LA MARQUISE DE MEZIERES Sremtieicht, 314 in.; width, 242 in, [scan CONSTANT TROYON Paris 1810-1865 Medals Paris Salon, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1849 126 THE FARM a Goe. size: Height, 21. in.; width) 252m Collection Montaignac ’ 4 Beery A: pines Ge cee A % ees ch M. J. MIEREVELT 1567-1641 #) td Ad Menai ‘ 7 DAME CORNELIUS VAN HOOFT Size: Height, 454 in.; width, 35 in. Collection Théryc du Chatelard vA , OoCas le FELIX ZIEM Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 gy Pe " 277] 128 THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE Size: Height, 21 in.; width, 33} in. a € E. BISSON re) Paris fro} f fa {1 129 Po REV EIL DE LD AMOUR Exhibited in the Paris Salon, 1903 Size: Height, 4334 in.; width, 32 in. a. t yer aS wt is ff A) fh Sheareg LEON COMERRE Paris 3 bo Prix de Rome, 1875 Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Hors Concours Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer Legion of Honor, 1903 130 THE, SIESTA Size: Height, 19 in.; width, 27 in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris Sass See ROBT. TOURNIERES Paris 130a DUCHESSE DE BRISSACG Size: Height, 31% in.; width, 254 in. f ee Dob cH RICHARD COSWAY, R. A. London 1740-1821 AUGUSTA, ROYAL) PRINGES. AND HER BROTHER FREDERICK WILLIAM CHILDREN OF GEORGE UT. 131 Size: Height, 684 in.; width, 494 in. LAST EVENING SALE FRIDAY, MARCH ith, 1904 PROMPTLY AT 8,30 ‘ M. oe FREDERIC EDE _ AeA es © Born in Canada, lives in France near Fontainebleau; member of the Artists’ Association of Montigny and the Art Club of Marlotte Ede’s enormous success is due to his same character- istic qualities of Cazin and Thaulow, a direct and intimate study from nature, a great variety of colors and effects, the most exquisite delicacy of tones and the impression of pure atmosphere. Salon, 1903 13? RIVEROCAND SEAN DOGAPE pize: Height 1s ime ewicth 220i: PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE 1602-1674 | fe 2 0 133 ARMAND DU PLESSIS Cardinal, Duc de Richelieu Size: Height, 273 in.; width, 232 in. Collection Marquis de Biencourt COLLECTION OF LANDSCAPES BY ADRIEN SCHULZ OF PARIS Adrien Schulz is considered to-day one of the great landscape painters; his works show many of the characteristic qualities of Diaz and Hanoteau, whose pupil he was, and are worthy to be com- pared with theirs They are proof of a direct and intimate study from nature and give an impression of freshness, of pure atmosphere Adrien Schulz, who exhibits in the Salon, is repre- sented in many Art Museums of France, and in numerous private collections a st 2 134 Peale AM THROUGH THE FOREST | & Size: Height, 213 in.; width, 264 in. Om 135 Per ee ELE OR ML | | haze as riciont,. 16 in.; width, 222-410, oO: 136 VIEW IN SAVOY 7% Size: Height, 21 in.; width, 26% in. Pe 7 IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAUG®* mize; Heicht, -2 puns. width,.¢2, in, BAN 2 ne he % rae, Gh vf sag LEER EO DL. of Lanta . O: GEORGE HENRY HARLOW \ Born 1787 in London; died 1819 Pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Royal Academy 138 PORTRAIT OF Asia Size: Height, 24} in.; width, 23% in. EAGT ek NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 1808-1876 Legion of Honor, 1851 2G) SOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU mize. Height, 2an.; width, 54.11: 140 ELISABETH GARDNER Born at Cambridge, Mass. Pupil and wife of jO: Bouguereau | 119 141 Pee DAU, GUARDIAN Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 43 in. Exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1896 142 Size: Height, 29 in.; width, : 56 WY We thew LEON RICHET Paris 2 Q nD : Pupil of Diaz Medal Paris Salon, 1888 143 maeeCiURCH AT MORET Size: Height, 20 in.; width, 26 in. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Paris 1817-1878 } i Medals Paris Salon, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1869 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer, 1874 144 THE COUNTRY Kaa Size: Height, 83 in.; width, 16} in. J. J. HENNER ie Paris Cf ki ae Born in 1829. Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878; Member of the Institute, 1889 145 | HEAD Size; Height, 16 in.; width, 13 in. FELIX ZIEM Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 VENICE 146 Size: Height, 25 in.; width, 32 in. 4S 43. Sarg JULIEN DUPRE atts ee Dp O : Medals Paris Salon, 1880, 1881, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1892 147 HOMEWARD BOUND Size: Height, 237 in.: width, 32/in. JOHN CROME (called ‘Old Crome ) 4 Qa 1769-1821 Ss 148 DANDSCAPE (with etching) Size: Height, 194 in.; width, 243 in. ANTONIO TORRES Paris Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Acad- emy, Paris. An Artist of great talent, who has met with considerable success as a painter of ‘‘Tdeal Heads” 5 Ai les oe: ee aed 440. | a, Ot 149 ADMIRATION | Size: Height, 25% in.; width, 32 in. Aki Lang glee f ft 150 CONTEMPLATION &@ Size: Height, 23} in.; width, 36 in. eee 7, 7 ff RST igal IDEAL HEAD | G0. rf Size: Height 24 in.; width, 20 in. 64) Kuseelee LEON COMERRE Paris Medals Paris Solon, 1875, 1881 Prix de Rome, 1875 Legion of Honor, 1885 j ; ; pg Oe | oF 152 A NOVEL Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 23 in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris FELIX ZIEM Paris _ Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 ae Honor, 1857 cer 1878 VENICE } ? | Size: pou 25. in.» width, 320in: bal >t. - ual * S 7 iy i 7? ark ye \ '¢ i an eo aa i sf 76 ri = 7 ye ee A Poste Fey i Mere Hg Saba fe CRN ai] eek Ph ({ an — , ee) PIERRE OUTIN Pupil of Cabanel Medals Paris Salon, 1883, 1889 154 FLIRTING 4 <7 size: Height, 323 in.; width, 233 in. Je Ge La foo ROSA BONHEUR Paris we yo Sy 1822-1894 , S$ ‘ee » Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer, 1894 155 TEAM OF OXEN mize. teivht, 217 1n.; width, 322 in: From the Rosa Bonheur Sale Ae, Strang LEON COMERRE Paris §) 6? : if : Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Prix de Rome, 1875 Legion of Honor, 1885 156 ORIENTAL BEAUTY Size: Height, 46 in.; width, 29 in. Paris ad Medals Paris Salon, 1877, 1888, 1889 - Legion of Honor, 1889 mV ATTING FOR THE BOAT Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 37 in. ? Se Sy Vee VA NARCISCO DIAZ DE LA PENA Paris 1808-1876 LH Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Cor Legion of Honor, 1851 158 TURKISH WOMAN AND CHILDREN Size: Height, 163 in.; width, 23 in. eB. COROT 7 , Bg wv 3 fi Ps ® yA qt i mg" Paris ae . 3 Pupil of Bertin. Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. om ~ Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of Legion of _ Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of bee = A _ ceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 159 VILLE D’AVRAY Size: Height, 12 in.; width, 18 in. ev ‘ From the Collection of Philippe Georges d’Ay , 4 wi, ea re US lao FRITS THAULOW Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901 160 WINTER IN NORWAY Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 324 in. as ss : aes of NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA Paris 1808-1876 PREC TE Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 161 TURKISH SCENE Sizes Lieioht, 15 it; Width e2iauin Dd Ses A) ee GOVAERT FLINCK Holland 0, aa 1615-1660 Pupil of Rembrandt 162 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Size: Height, 29} in.; width, 25 in. Collection of Count Mniszech Vt. A Ka FERDINAND ROYBET j | ° ¥ iy Paris | ig @ Medals Paris Salon, 1866 Grand Medal of Honor, 1893 Legion of Honor, 1892 Officer, 1900 A CONNOISSEUR ae Height, 24 in.; width, 14} in. # > _ — of ' i J | / yf i (> oo Ma a Og } y ae 7 Se Ca i oe vi 937 KL Lef J. B. Cc. COROT Paris co % nm & al 1796-1875 Medals Paris Salon, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867 Legion of Honor, 1846 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867 164 THE RUINS Size: Height, 9} in.; width, 123 in. Collection of Comte Armand Doria ies vA NICHOLAS MAES Pe 1632-1693 6 a QO 165 Dau Giel WP ReORSCHARLES .1 Size: Height, 234 in.; width, 193 in. From the Hanover Galleries London Pe agony , y / fe CO. Vie ae Fisk JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER Born at Lyons, France, February 21, 1815; died in Paris, January 31, 1891. In 1830, Meissonier went to Paris and studied four months under Léon Cogniet. He formed his technique mainly, however, upon careful study of the Old Masters— particularly those of the Dutch school Medals: third-class, 1840; second-class, 1841; first- class, 1843 and 1850; Medals of Honor, 1855, 1867 and 1878; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer, 1856; Commander, 1867; Grand Officer, 1878. Member of the Institute, 1861. One of the founders and the first President of the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris 166 REMBRANDT IN HIS STUDIO > 56 Size: Height, 8} in.; width, 63 i 2 From the Meissonier Sale 1893 No. 48 of the Catalogue (engraved) © aay ee PaBuc COROT | Paris | go Pupueo Bertin. Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 13867. eeion ot bLlonor, 1546. Officer sof) Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of De- ceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 167 oe OO ee LN Tee Size: Height, 9; in.; width, 163 in. From the Collection of Count Zhigomala fo oe ff FELIX ZIEM *t Paris ot\e Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 MARKED PRAGEH OF VENICE 168 Size: Height, 36 in.; width, 263 in. +4 Ck, we a g ANTOINE VESTIER/} 9 @ > Born at Avallon in 1740; a member of the Academy fwelZoo-ran excellent colorist... ble) died, 1424, in Paris PORTRAIT OF PAeMAROUISH =pr SE Tiny 169 size: Height, 39 in.; width, 30 in. (CL en gana J: B. ©. COROT iS 2° Pupil of Bertin. Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of De- ceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Paris 170 ITALIAN MANDOLIN PLAYER Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 213 in. From the Petit Galleries Paris 1460-1531 ORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN Ls i? la E ‘Ter s “; i Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 15 in. or, oY Sia q « Lin bf bhai FERDINAND BOL Dordrecht 6 soo IOIO-I I /H Pupil of Rembrandt yA PORTRAIT OF ALAR Size: Height, 42 in.; width, 334 in. Collection Patureau 1855 hf : NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA os ‘ ra Paris de Them A a w le fs 1808-1876 = § Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 173 TURKISH WOMAN AND CHILDREN Size: Height, 114 .1n\; “width, 7-_ in. Sa ap ae J: SCHOOL OF COLOGNE Sixteenth cennry 6 0 ‘ APOTHEOSIS OF ST. SEBASTIAN rt Sl Ral © 174 Size: Height, 25 in.; width, 45 in. From the Holland Galleries London a a SCHOOL OF COLOGNE Sixteenth Century Le 175 POORATION- OF THE MAGIS Size: Height, 493 in.; width, 37 in. From the Holland Galleries London D tel a EUGENE LOUIS ISABEY : % gi Paris S | Medals Paris Salon, 1824, 1827, 1857 Legion of Honor, 1832 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1857 176 VISIT TO; THE ANGESi@r Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 24 in. From the Georges Petit Galleries Pars Ey, camel Cntemey Bes FT CARLE VAN LOO 2‘) RB: Bern at Nice, 1705. Died at Paris, 1765 Member of the Academy, Paris, 1735 Director Royal Art School, Paris, 1749 Director of the Academy, 1763 POR TR ATL OF Peay OCHESSE DE CHARTRES CT Size: Height, 363 in.; width, 39} in. (/ . CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Paris ; 29 fe 1817-1878 Medals Paris Salon, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1869 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer, 1874 178 LANDSCAPE AND RIVER Size: Height, 153 in.; width, 26 in. From the Daubigny Sale Daubigny’s son Karl wrote on the back of the panel as follows: “Je garantis que cette étude non signée a été peinte par mon pere.”—KARL DAUBIGNY “T guarantee that this unsigned study has been painted by my father.”—KARL DAUBIGNY CHARLES JACQUE on gy ‘é. 4 ae ! Paris “4, @ a 5 + Medals Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864 | _ Legion of enor 1867 Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 22 in. iM M. W. PETERS, R. A. London q"| $ Died in 1814 180 THE TWO SISTERS Size: Height, 324 in.; width, 27 in. SF Va, / ~~ j Jy BIIL OL tGee— FRITS THAULOW on: Paris Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901 181 RIVER ARQUES ize a tieieht, 211n:,. width) 25.01n, Purchased direct from the Artist EA thadh Cea ck Ui a ‘ SIR PETER LELY London A “ ei ® io iv 1617-1680. 182 JEANNE LOPEZ DE TOLEDO Size: Height, 734 in.; width, 433 in. Collection P. T. Huybrechts, 1878 Collection Edmund Huybrechts, 1902 >) J (OO a, Uf VA eg Wi fg is ae ED pred LEON COMERRE Paris Pixide home, 1875 Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 Hors Concours Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1885 Officer Legion of Honor, 1903 § 7, 183 JULIETTE \ * Size: Height, 564 in.; width, 284 in. From the Artist 67 Rue Ampere Paris io UW. Seferrie Mgerd DANIEL MYTENS The Hague 2. O* 3 0 1590-1658 Court Painter to Charles I, 1625 184 DAUGHTER OF CHARLES 4. Size: Height, 39% in.; width, 32 in. eT Fe ROSA BONHEUR Paris | & 6)- EET 3 id Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 _ Legion of Honor, 1865 ‘ it Officer, 1894 LIONESS | 4 ant we Ay, Ve> au, + nm os ror AR AP Py a ate 7 4 peert 7 r i 1 te late ey i hin } , ‘ * i me ty K ‘ ib A Ay i” 7 A >) ae hm 1) at —-, [hia uy a x 2 GUSTAVE JACQUET es rhs Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1879 LA) PAVANE ‘A Fancy Ball given to Henri the Third of France at Venice on his way from Poland to Paris ” Size: Height, 93 in.; width, 553 in. Madame Frederic Humbert Collection SR ile JAN VAN RAVESTEYN Holland f #3 so i ie é ii ma bm fe é 1572-1660 “fe 187 BOmweATT sO Ay NOBLE LADY Size: Heigth, 43; in.; width, 33% in. Collection of Count Mniszech VA i a yA ‘NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA Paris : | fa 1-99 1808-1876 é Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 188 FOREST: OF FONTAINEBCERY Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 214 in. e ~ Ea ay ef ; FALCKA off FRANCESCO GUARDI 1712-1703 3 /} @ a? Pupil of Canaletto and, like his master, excelled in representing the beauty of Venice 189 Wat INICH Size: Height, 25% in.; width, 313 in. 5 foe EMILE VAN vA. Paris ye 1827-1891 Medals Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 190 WHITE AND BROWN COW Size: Height, 19} in.; width, 254 in. From Messrs. Boussod, Valadon, Paris Jf Ad SféimntngZg Ff JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER Born at: Lyons, France, February 21, 1815; died in Paris, January 31, 1891. In 1830, Meissonier went to Paris and studied four months under Léon Cogniet. He formed his technique mainly, however, upon careful study of the Old Masters— particularly those of the Dutch school Medals: third-class, 1840; second-class, 1841; first- class, 1843 and 1850; Medals of Honor, 1855, 1867 and 1878; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer, 1856; Commander, 1867; Grand Officer, 1878. Member of the Institute, 1861. One of the founders and the first President of the Société Nattonale des Beaux Arts, Paris i 191 warring 3 ir Os Size: Height, 134 in.; width, 63 in, From the Meissonier Sale, 1893 No. 210 of the Catalogue (Engraved painting) Gf Hie NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE 0% 1656-1746 i: } Director of the French Academy in 1686 Was called the ‘‘ Van Dyck of France” 192 PORTRAIT OF A UAroS Size: Height, 33 in.; width, 264 in. From the Féral Collection Exhibited at the Portrait Show, 1904 fpf ' of t Sea 2 eee cor : EUGENE FROMENTIN “a? i & Paris > 1820-1876 Medals Paris Salon, 1849, 1857, 1859 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer, 1869 193 CENTAURES AND CENTAURESSES pize:+Heisht, 78% in.; width, 55 in. Painted to order by Fromentin for Prince Anatole Demidoff. Purchased at the Demidoff Sale by Alexandre Dumas. Purchased at the A. Dumas Sale by the Georges Petit Galleries. Abou btian JULES DUPRE Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on porcelain. Studied from Nature and the Old Masters in the Louvre. Exhibited in Salon, 1821, and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans. First Saled Medal, 1833; Legion of Honor, 1849; officer of Legion, 1870. Died near Paris, 1889 “0G! ayy de A 194 SUNSET Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 231 in. From Georges Petit Galleries Paris Per a JEAN LEON GEROME , pO! Paris "a £7, vy, Medals Paris Salon, 1847, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1855 Officer Legion of Honor, 1867 Commandeur Legion of Honor,?1878 Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 LOUIS XIV. AND MADAME “DE 195 MAINTENON IN THE PARK OF VERSAILLES Size: Height, 313 in.; width, 542 in. This masterpiece is the last zmportant work painted by Gérome HYACINTHE RIGAUD Paris lo : Q : 1659-1745 196 LOUIS IY; Size: Height, 47 in.; width, 35 in. Collection of the Marquis de Biencourt Chateau Azay-le-Rideau Aas 23; 24, (947. i a 3 mw 2%a Park..Qnr jr CES EG YY ONEL- D0 FRANZ POURBUS Antwerp G Ee fe Ra eS oi | A, = z 1570-1622 197 MARIE DE MEDICIS size: Height, 39 in.; width, 29% in. Comte Imperiali Collection FRITS THAULOW Paris } : Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901 198 ABBEVILLE IN WINTER Size: Height, 19} in.; width, 24 in. FRANZ POURBUS Antwerp ) 2 Gt er: 1570-1622 * Lh 199 ELISABETH OF AUSTRIA Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 213 in. From the Collection of Count Mniszech NICOLAS LARGILLIERE France 25 o 1656-1746 | Member of the Academy in 1686 Rector of the Academy in 1722, and its Chancellor, 1743 Largilli¢re was very successful painting portraits in England under Charles II., and in Paris wasa favorite portrait painter of the Court MADAME DE LA HOUSSET MOTHER OF LARGILLIERE 200 Size: Height, 38% in.; width, 28 in. Collection Patureau, 1859 ager ae® by auction at the Waldorf-Astoria of Brandus paintings. It was a fabulous (Success. The prices were exorbitant. Gerome’s ‘‘Louis XIV. and Madame de Maintenon in the Park of Versailles’ ‘b rought $3,600. Its price at the Tyner sale pa February, 1901, was $1,600. But then its moon had been effaced, its play of con- sie lights was not clear. It was fas- tidious and vain. Gerome replaced the “moon and the play of lights. | It was a beautiful work last evening. It |might have been, and was not to the buy- ers, the most attractive of the sixty-nine _ |mumbers of the catalogue. They brought $181, 620. This sum, added to that of the ‘two previous evenings’ sales, which was ‘$73,515, makes $205,135, the total amount of the collection’s sale.. It is much larger ‘than it was expected to be. The art deal- ‘ers said that the business of art had been ‘bad. They were astounded last evening. The highest price, $8,400, paid for Diaz's. Gon! adel seemed absurd. ' Compared with other prices of the sale it Was proportionate. Numbers of the cata- flogue, names of artists, titles of pictures, ‘names of buyers and prices are in the fol- lowing list: No. 1382—Ede, ‘“‘River and Rpanecabey” Joseph G. Wallach, $180. - No. 128—Champaigne, ‘‘Armand du Ples- isis,” L, A. Lanthier, $300. No. 184—Schulz, “A Gleam Through the Forest,” A. J. Spiegelberg, $125. ' | No. 185—Schulz, ‘‘After the Storm,’’ Mrs. (Francis A. Findlay, $110. | No. 186—Schulz, ‘“‘View in Savoy,” Jos, G. Wallach, $100. | No. 137—Schulz, ‘‘In the Forest of Fon- tainebleau,”’ W. B. Strang, $95. No. 1388—Harlow, ‘‘Portrait of a Lady,” L. A. Lanthier, $460. ‘No. 189—Diaz, ‘‘Forest of wopteinebien,’! FB Blanchard, $600. No, 140—Zier, ‘‘Ophelia,” Cc. B, Langley, 120. _ No. 141—Gardner, ‘‘A Faithful Guardian,"3 Lady," >..C.> BE. “No. 142—Kavel, “Young ley, ye}. fy No! 443_Richet, ‘ee, MeMillan, $300. “The Church at Moret,’ No. 144—Daubigny, “The Country Road,” Ambrose Williams, $1,425. No. 145—Henner, ‘‘Head,” W. B. Stnade. $925. | No, 146—Ziein, $1,400, _ No. 147—Dupre, Julien, ‘Bound, " W. B. Strang, $500. le No. 148—Crome, ‘‘Landscape,”’ G. G. Ben- ¥ min, $385. No, 149—Torres, _ | Meyer, $130. — Ao: 150—Torres, “Contemplation,” W. B. Strang, $700. “Venice,’’? C, W. Russeil, “Homeward ‘“‘Admiration,’? A, ~B) | No. 151—Torres, “Ideal Head,” W. N. J. ‘Kavanaugh, $190, a ee 1 5z—Comerre, ‘A Novel,’’ C. W. Rus-. ~ $400, 153—Ziem, ‘‘Venice,’ EH. O'Reilly, ee “Flirting,” David @. O. 155— Bonheur, ' 4 Tripp, $2,525. aye No. Se ee “Oriental Beauty,” W. “Team of Oxen,’”? R. 2, Waiting for the Boat, ie j kish Woman and Seip, 50. ry ile d’Avray,’’ Ambrose “Winter in Norway,” urkish Scene,” J, W. kk, “Portrait of a Lady,” Pt Marquise de Bee sient $2,350. 171—Matsys, “Portrait of an: Old Man,” W. B. Strang, $600. “No. 172—Bol, - Fortigat of a Lady,” George W. West, a 400. é Co Tie nA potned le } hic A. Lan- ne, Adoration of rawtord, $480 , “Visit to the “Ancestors,” ntermyer, $2,225. ‘ cee and “Phe Return of the “The Two Sisters,’’ R. w, ‘River Arques,’”? L. e] paeanne Lopez de Toledo,” oinerre, “Juliette,” L. Blanch- iy Dane of Charles ‘e, agent, $3,000. r, ‘“*Lioness,”’ E. S. Nash, Ps By: Wes a? 1) ane,” J. Thorn- 425 : evan Ravesteyn, ‘‘Portrait of a e Lady,” G. W., West, $4,200. i z > Rorest of Fontainebleau,” J. Ferning, $8,400. No. 189— Guardi, $3,200. No. 190—Van Marcke, Cow,” E..L) Sein, 5900. No. rae Meissonier, “Waiting,” J. Wen nae 400. 192—Largilliere, “Portrait of a Lady,” G. W. West, $4,8( 198—Fromentin, “Qentaurs and Centaur: esses,”’ J. Ferning, $4,500. 194-Dupre, Ju es, “Sunset,’’ Williams, $4225 195—Gerome, “Louise XIV and Madame fe eet ag in the Park of Versailles,”’ Vest & “Venice,” E. Fischhof, “White and Brown Ambroise = - ee f= a + “aig actenss —— os are ins ee sar Brance, ) \ Mebewary 26, 1908 05 Oke ‘Migs Anna f, Klumpke, } ‘Chateau Rosa Bonheur, oe par Tomery, Dear utes. » inepke:~ oT am: eet ine you, under Seneew ee: gover, a copy ef the"sun" of Saturday last, In it is an article | ‘on our dear friend Rosa Bonheur, . ‘that will certainly in-~— ce pile you, a8 it was T who. introduoed, our chess to Buffalo 3 e . eae | pone t am pattivnlaris. pitee. of. dha denaeed:: wiles says of the fine western horse that she painted in Col, Cody's portrait, which, by the way, is exhibited in” our windew today. You will remember that in 1918 I wrote you = about a Rosa Bonheur, which was Wo, 634 of the. catalogue of. ais her sale in May 1900.) we have had an amusing controversy 4 © about this ploture. You will remember that we wrote ee hee on April 6th, 4918 that the picture had been brought in to... us and. that we. 414 not like its it. looked entirel ‘retouched ia’ - You afterwards wrote us, on September 19th, also 1916, Tari ang us a Leenled tab ae the picture wes. sold in May 1800 ihe ' the Georges Petit Gallery, it now belongs to a person who — gays that he has a. certificate frem'one of the leading ex- ‘perts, Saying that it is a genuine picture, As I have not geen the certificate, I do not know the exact. wording of it, Dut I thought I wenld tell you of this as a proof 6f how little the experts know and how easily they can mislead the public. In your ietter you. told us that the photograph was taken of the picture as it was. wheR : it Left Mica Pediocie: airs : now Lt. is a complete finished work, BE OO gongne that! theae few linea walk find you at in ths best. of health, and with regards to your family, an@ CD atid to 8e8 you in Paris” wher there in ‘May, ma iees: Lessig Sincerely yours, i ; t A 5 ; 4 : ‘ ‘ : : Pe sao ye StL j . $ 5 Rane s 4 : - } he ; ‘nN % ime Fate a Arh em ae . . oh ‘ : : f ai aye, ; We ee RS pape 4 $ ' Fy Pad : a ~ ‘ ’ rig t.% 2 5 Paige me is ¥ y cory April 6, 1918. Miss Anna L. Klumpke, Chateau Kosa Bonheur, | By par Yomery, Se & MM. France. Dear Miss Klumpke: We had recently brought into us a paint- ing signed in full "Rosa Bonheur," which we think is No. 634 of the catalogue of the sale, "Shepherd with his flock of sheep in the field,” canvas 24,8 inches by 39.4 inches, which brought 340 franes,. fhe picture did not look good to us. I am sorry I ATS pe eee Gannot send you a photograph of it. Do you by Beas Ky": chance remember anything about it? It struck me bilge: as being greatly repainted. I am enclosing a small check for your hospital, with our best wishes for its success, Hoping you are in the best of health, believe me, Sincerely yours, (SIGNED) ROLAND #, KNOEDLER. Bnclosure (1) RFK/ . HOPITAL ROSA BONHEUR, By Thomery, 5. & M. 19 Sept., 1916, Dear Mr. Knoedler:= The article which appeared in the New York Times, I mean the reproduction of a group of our wounded French soldiers, was much ap- preciated. The soldiers were glad to know the Rosa Bonheur hospital is a formation of importance. We in my family are defraying all expenses with occasional gifte from my American Friends, Our wounded half paralyzed brave heroes are being much benefitted by their long satay at By. Good air, plenty to eat, although food stuff is often difficult to secure, and out of door exercise, help to regain strength and health. Two of our wounded soldiers have returned to their wife and children. . I am sending (3) photographs of* the picture No, 634 companition ‘by our dear great artist friend Rosa Bonheur, It was sold in this condition at. auction at the Georges Petit caliery, : May, 1900, Paris, I trust this will give you all satisfaction in regard to any modi ficat- fons being added to the unfinished picture, You remember we had the entire collection photographed at my own ex- pense, reserving all rights of reproduction thereon, It is a most valuable collection, and will remain a safeguard to Rosa Bonheur's reputation, Hoping these lines will reach you soon, and with my best remembrances to Mre. Knoedler, Yours sincerely, (Signed) Anna E. Klumpke, G o.2. November ist, 1918. Dear Miss Klumpke, Your favor of the 19th of Sept. with photos of the Rosa Bonheur came duly to hand and the photos were just what I wanted. They confirmed beyond a doubt that some one had finished the picture No. 634 of the sale and contirmed what I said when | saw it that it had not been painted as it was by the great artist. The person to whom [I said this had bought the picture but was fortunate enough in having his purchase price refunded. What has become of the picture I do not know nor can [I imagine who modified it to look like a complete finished work by the Master. I hope your hospital will continue to prosper. It is a great thing to have charitable people look after the suffering heroes and taking good care of them. I understand our American boys have accomplished wonders--they are brave and mag- nificent fighters--over here we all think that the end of the War is not far off. My wife joins me in kindest rememn- brances,. Sineerely, (STGNED) Roland F. Knoedler. Miss Anna L. KlumpkKe, Hospital Rosa Bonheur, By Thomery. Se. & M. -s, x 7, gi - —- es <— ren Sn lr aes ae nae > a ee a 4 =F oe —. co o> ——< oA fn Sapa ry = SES: Sarees