7 -s 1: TENE TC ye CNS ee POMEL ARUA SW hie nte cre y aaeenee ~ % f es AL / ($05 PICTURES, MARBLE FIGURES, AND BUSTS. mar, 5 | be i Loki fh CATALOGUE. OF A COLLECTION OF PICTURES, Chiefly Painted PY that well-known and i ingenious Artist “Mr. GUY HEAD, ‘Of Duke Street, St. James’s, lately Deceased; COMPRISING ixcellent, Copies of many Capital Paintings, with a few" ~vod original Pictures, some eleg mt Marble Figures and Busts: WHiCH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. KING, _ At his GREAT ROOM, 38, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, . | On TUESDAY, March 5, 1805, r | . At TWELVE. o’Clock. EEE o May be viewed on Saturday till the Sale, and Cataloryes then had at the Room. N. B. Conditions as usual. tH "O}]}O COSI AM SE hb 13 A CATALOGUE, &ca TUESDAY, March 5, 1805. PICTURES. | WO—The Death of Adonis, by Giradon—and a Saint, A. Sacchi: Sketch A Female Head, from Portrait of a Lady, from: Martin Luther, from: Two Portraits, from St. Francis, from. Two Children, from The Laughing Girl,. from: A Magdalen, from The Portrait of Rembrandt The Deification of Hercules, from: An Old Man Warming Himself A Candle-light, from Eee eu 14 Mrs. Stanhope, from. 1S 16 i7 i8 19 20 21 237 The Chenie, from A Sibyl, from Saint Sebastian. A Study, from The Temptation of St. Anthony A Magdalen, from The taking Down from the Cross, from: ‘Silenus, from. Georgione: Vander belst- Georgione 2 Rubens Fra. Bartooneo Carlo Cignant Sir foshua Reynolds Rubens. _L. Carrache — Spagnioletts — “fordaens Sir F. Reynolds Guido ” Rubens Sal. Rosa Corregio - _Vandyke Rubens. _ Guercino Vanni " Shae per | 23 A Bacchanalian Scene Parmegiano 24 The Holy Family, from Schidone 25 Our Saviour, from : Rubens 26 St. Remualdo, from. e. # AL. Saccht 27 Live Fowls, from Hondikooter 28 The Departure of Hector Durnold 29 The Triumph of Venus | g©. Portrait of an Old Man, from: -° Kandyke 31 Virgin and Child, from 3 Raphael- 32 St. Michael, from _ Guido 33 The Fall of the Damned, from. Rubens. 34 The Last Judgment, froin Do. | 35 The Elevation of the Cross, from Do. | A Large and Capital Picture, well calculated for an Altar-Piece. 36 Abraham putting away Hagar, . from. : Guercino 37 The Prodigal Son, from Do. 38 Lions, from Rubens | 39 Last Supper Tintoret 40 A Pair of pleasing Landscapes, on Copper, anframed 41 A Pair of do. with Water, on Copper, unframed 42 A Pair of Waterscapes, on Copper, gilt frames 43 A Waterscape, Winter Scene, Figures Skaiting, 7 gil frame 44 A Landscape with Cattle, gi/s frame 45-A Do. larger, ia gilt frame 46 A Landscape, with Stag Hunting, handsome gilt lind 47 A Hair of Landscapes with Fi igures,-on Copper, unframed “ Watteaw 48 A Small Landscape, in gilt frame, and the Solitary Traveller, do. 49 One—A Winter Scene, with Figures Skaiting, handsomely framed: 50 One—Nymphs and Satyr, gilt frame 51 One—Jupiter and Juno, do. 52 One—Hercules and Dejanira, do. 53. One—Landscape with Figures 54 One—Tygers and Cubs, gé/t frame 55 One—Tygers and Hunters, do.. 56 Two Views in Venice Canalett §7 Butchers buying Calves | Morland! ) Soe ! bias A 58 Hurdy-Gurdy Man | | 59 Flemish Tooth Drawer Seeniayg _ 60 Girl and Pigs 7 : ~ 61. -Acpea Piece : Ware: 62 ‘Two Views in Venice 63 A curious old Picture of the Nite . oe a 64 Pyramus and Thisbe, unframed fete 65 A Conversation | Nahe E a - est MARBLE FIGURES AND BUSTS. a 1 oa 66 A Head from the Antique, supposed Mithridarer aes ae a 67 Do. from Do. ... probably, Homer” 68 Head of a Fawn, very fine ie ree iS 69 Bust of Sir Isaac Newton > Ss eee 70. ——— Seneca oe ee 71 ———— Ariadne, fine - | Pie Ws Be bare to 72 ——-— Sappho priate ie ai Ny 73 ——— Madona | ve 5 iA 74 ——— Apollo Belvidere, large and capital ber ar fg 75 Boy with a Bird’s Nest, whole length Figure, fie ge ee 76 Ceres, whole length Figure, very fine 3 a ey 79 Flora, whole length, remarkably fine eer, wl & ; 78 Venus rising from the Sea, a most beautiful figure a . 79 A large and very fine toned Gong, and a Chinese Bronze of Flowers for Impressions, in Japan Case. ~prst 3 ong eg) ¥ ve. FINIS. ; sat) “oat | Va & f Cin Ant ght 04 ia Hs 4 en ane! wt ta ae