Water bee a ac he 2 Soa tae ae dh. eckegtists Wat ‘Relief ale -/2"79- Bier (Concludétittom last week) The second and concluding ‘session of ‘the sale of pictures and sculptures, con- of the Relief Fund of the American Artists’ Committee of One Hundred, co-operating with the Fraternité des Artistes -of Paris, at the American Art Galleries, May 4, | brought a total of $12,440 for 73 pictures, five sculptures, and one medallion, which Biel to the total of the first session, or ~ $1,890.50, makes a grand total for the sale of $14, 330. 50, a fair result, only, as it had ae been hoped ‘that the sale would net some $25,000. There were too many very “slight” works sent in for the sale, which pulled down the total. The attendance was not jlarge. William A. Coffin, chairman of the | American Committee, an id Mr. Kir by made brief introductory addresses before the sale, and Mr. Coffin thanked the contributing artists, the American Art Association which | gave its galleries and services, and others _ |-for the assistance and co- operation. He -|also read an appreciative cable from Leon | Bonnat, the French artist. Mr. Thomas E. | Kirby acted as auctioneer. caer highest figure of the session and sale s $1,500, given by Knoedler and Co. for Sat Re eal Landscape,” by J. Francis Murphy. The same firm paid $700 for Irving R. Wiles’ “Mirror Lake,” and $550 for Blashfield’s fine conception, “The Sisters,” three heads of handsome young women personifying the three Republics of France, (1789), Russia (1917) and the United States (1776). . The works which brought $100 and over May 4, with artist’s name, titles, buyer’s name and price, follows: Dewing, T. W., Figure of a Young Woman” P \ eae AI ea a, eee ae a Castel), ON ite NIOULT OSS aaukit « «cece s $125.00 r | Olinsky. Ivan, ““Anna,’? W. M. K. Olcott.. 120.00 r (Murphy, J. 3, “Autumnal Landscape, ys a I ci. aan css... 1,500.00 py Davia ©. 1. “Summer Morning,’ Mc- ; | Donough TE aS ae a earn 125.00 ] | Benson, F. “Early oe aes (Water- sf color), O wees [SUSE rae 280.00 : | Dunsmore, J. W “Olde Friends.” W. W. fey | =) Sa eet a Rm ee 185.00 _ °| Williams, F. Ballard, “Near Pompton, N. J.,’’ E. ape Be gv ss c's cs es 150.00 | Coffin A., “October Evening,” J. E. | MeCarth Ne aig oss omc 150.00 | Carlsen, Emil, “Evening,” H. Schultheis. 160.00 | Volk, Douglas, “Wood Nymph,’? John Agar ere tered Recs (Pe aunsc cits toc «demas 8s 410.00 3 | Howe, W. H.. “Hill Pasture, Dover Val- ley, N. J.,”’ James Logan.............. 220.00 Hescogs, Childe, “North Gorge, Appledore,”’ : NU SPRINIOMOER ALI AGE yon ie act", «oie sed 6 =v Gib foie os 195.00 Cofin, W.-A.,: “Early Evening,” F. Lceser = Rete Cais fet ors.siciapie bias, «ue ese s-3''s © 140.00 Coleman, C. C., ‘“‘Gateway, Capri,’ Miss Mi UE Say |S Se aR aD ee ee 160.00 Knight, L. Aston, “Abbey of St. Gond” i, Onierrnense aso Carthy cass. sis cee ves 100.00 : Hawthorne, C. W., ‘‘Foxgloves,’”? Knoedler @ ST tc elers es. cis'w hyn ste:© 2.0 ara0 0s 105.00 Symons, Gardner, “Hillsides and Melting ‘ Snow,” H. etultheis si csn eens oso 190.00 Cohen, Lewis (Dec’d), “Autumn,” Miss E. Lice ata 6 25 Sas Sas ar en 100.00 | Van_Boskerck, R. W., “Seine, Normandy, F Loeser ia CGI ae SR a ee 150.00 | Cox, Louise, “Goldilocks,” John Levy...... 140.00 | Robinson, W. S., “Autumn Evening,” C. L. EIN ELS ciel, 2505 sa seins as S500 8 om wiles bbe 00 180.0 ‘Jones, Francis C., ‘In the Garden,” Miss | IIE, fi 8 Ss acs 0 sic 5 aw G4 v's ,0' © 100.00 | Redfield, E. W., “Brook and Meadow,” ys Ee Bsion, Gas alg ee 380.00 ones, olton, “‘Sprin orning,”’ “os Saal Salad sre DRA. 150.00 | Wiles, ce R., “Mirror Lake,” Knoedler | PMR has) os. idlicds Fo Wiel ora Wialee sis 6. « 700.00 t Cox, ae lah SAncust:” John. Fry...... 280.00 ) Watrous, H. W., “Peace with Honor,” T. F. | RE Te 160.00 : Smillie, Geo. H., is Palmer, WwW. Le tributed by American artists for the benefit — | Butler, Howard R., ‘‘Sunrise, Maine Coast,” - : ta i an Sarr, {Fo — 7 > poy Old Pasture lands” Geo. a * x 380.00. So aida EPMO aT 0-5 'o,s weit Sree sen a ane “Tye Pine Grove,” Bernet, Ce gt. Harrison, Birge, ‘“‘The Lights of Levis,” 4 VEG Grit Ll Soar erene ois ionetees hotior'eriene ee alee 140.00 Eaton, C. W., “Evening, Belgium,” T. Fe Prendergast ciaNe Stig Wise eed Moraes wile rules 100.00 Lie, Jonas, ‘“Old_Covered Bridge,” C. A. BS Taiche paee ns recat case at nen @ ee ite abate See Mane Eons 200.00 Terre + COM tie eerie ieee ees ake Sere 150.00 Lockman, Dewitt, “Springtime,”’ oye rags a (Os. ole race eee eee ene ecelahel amas at PUT Bc 125.00 Dufner, E., “Summer Days,” Abratate & NUT LS ie eas Briain s arcs fee nctaletsPoraie ee 105.003 100.00 — 470.00 520.00, F. Loeser Oo. Knight, L. Aston, “Our Garden, Launay, Normandy,” eh CLR INCI TIC ots. whe ccet trae. Nas Waugh, F.—J., Ce | ticiincion SS Ss Pea aa ax 140.90 — King, “Paul, “Od House, Gernigntown.” a Olivine GaN Gar esl Sie ig see oe MEL etre wicheses 170.00. Blashfield, E. a “The Sisters,’”? Knoedler ig OPCS Ons ie ng cate at are etaca uals. oh avonciamatimarane - 550.00 Maynard, G. W., “The Oceanides,” F. Loeser m. & Co. ES SIGUE af abo Tek Maus eye Bree eee tole ceret aris les 11520042 SO tinlpess con acer el gitahenateya tone vor nt felete meee tee Meteors oie $12,440.00 PiesteSession!= LOtAL sc <2 2 siecepete a Sissies ious ole 1,890.50 | Grand —£0tal cece 6 oie et cielo a ye ees. ae $14,330.50 * — - » ee ies So)” Bu Dee are placed en tof the war- iva ‘Ballery nd H commissions on dyes es Bhs : of Daint- ‘ad ur eontetbited by the. and owners for the relief fund, r Nasaisee the Hraternite ‘des | { Sorenaataree is 4 ee re ihe ‘aes . Le Art Galleries, and opened on Tues- a _ The keynote of the motive back one. enters: the galleries and passes le’s Washington draped with French 1 American flags, and is repeated in | shfield’s “Sisters,” showing heads of | tea, France and Russia, the latest ition to the family of republics. A 2 eagle by Paul Bartlett is repre- e of “Preparedness.” Ais by Thomas. Nast ‘alae the tone of patriotism. It is more finished ‘than his cartoon ‘and shows Liberty lifting an American flag from a portrait of Wash- ing ton, at the base of his statue. In back rises the Capitol. : The contributions run the entire | amut of mediums. There are oils and | e els, chalk drawings and water col- | ‘There is an interesting drawing black and white chalk on gray paper Lord Frederick Leighton, showing ‘t ua of drapery. ' W. Sergeant Kendall's “l/Egypti- enne” is a life-size head of a young yoman with the charm of the East in ie richness of its coloring. George El- mer Brown has a fine “Breezy Day at | Btaples”—fiat country with belts of for- | = “sweeping none ad of the wind. “Autumnal Landscape” is full of that er of the country that J. Francis Murphy can so well express. Quietness, rest, and the peace of God—so strangely foreign to us in cities in these days of ‘tension. | ‘That same impression of restfulness “is in Hmil Carlsen’s “Evening” —a sail: ing ‘vessel quietly coming into an estu- lary of the sea between wide stretches lof sandy shore and lighted with the afterglow of a summer day. ‘Childe Hassam again in this show gives us “The North Gorge Apple- dore,’ but not in as high a key as ‘The Gorge,’ shown in the Helectic “show last week, nor was the charming bath- ‘ing figure contrasted in the’ sofimess of her outlines to the rugged rocks and the swirling of the blue surf. ' In a pastel of yellow and. brown Charles Noll Flagg shows “Friendly Fishing. Boats,’ two Venetian boats |¥ying side by side moored to a buoy. heir yellow and brown and white sails i\Rhang from the rigging in colorful | masses, . |. Reealling again the object of the sale, “phe Salute,” by R. ©. Zogbaum, shows “a vessel of our old “White Fleet’’ fir- ing. a “salute as she _passes a town on, ‘the Mediterranean. Ab ri, >minds one” of Kipling’s tribute to “Fighting Bob” ‘“Fogbaum does things with his bad oer and I do things with _my pen; while you sit up in a conning tower, ‘boss of ten thousand men.” ‘ Colin Campbell Cooper shows *‘Siun- ‘set near Florence’—a view frota a height overlooking a village on the hill: side and away to a range of blue moun- tains and the sky of evening, in all the charm of water color. Elliott Daingerfield has a water col- or also, “Moonlight,” but into it he has ‘not put as much fantasy as he does his oils. “Brook and Meadow,” by Edward Redfield, shows the characteristic choice ‘of subject of the painter, but not his usual dexterity in handling ice-bound streams and the fields of winter snows. There is a richly decorative ‘‘August”’ by Kenyon Cox, showing the seated fig- ure of a woman, draped’ in a deep red ‘covering. In her hand she earries a ‘sickle, The figure of a nude boy ap- ‘proaches her, bringing on his back a sheaf of wheat. Both are against the | background | of a summer sky. |. A twinkling line of lights in a low: ‘foreshore and a harbor with floating | icerfloes, the dull color of winter, water Land a cold sky, is Birge Harrison’s “The | Light of Levis.” ————— ee i tT ia i ah ee etal! i American Painti contributed in aid of the Relief Fund of the American Artists’ Relief Conmittee of One Hundreds sold at the American Art Association, New York, May 3 and 4, 1917, Prices Buyers $ 30. L. Wallerstein 57.50 Abraham & Straus — 30. ; T.F, Hatfield 25. foe 42.50 J.D. Holmes 60. Abraham & Straus 47.50 Morris §, Allen 25. Abraham & Straus 40. John de Lenahan 62.50 Fred. Loeser & Co. 67.50 .F. Hatfield 32.50 Abraham & Straus 37.50 .F. Hatfield 42.50 Fred. Loeser & Co. 35. Miss Lorenz, Agt. 52.50 JK Johns 42.50 Geo.Broadhurst ; 100. Leo.Wallerstein 25. Fred. Loeser & Co, 25. Morris S. Allen 7D Jed. Lenahan 165. Fred.Loeser & Co. 40. Lid e te aoe John Levy 125. N.E. Montross 40. JeM. McCarthy 30 T. Pendleton 120. NeM.K. Olcott 60. John G. Agar 20). Fred.Loeser & Co. 55. Lid " tt 90. Henry Schultheis 1500. M.Knoedler & Co. 125. McDonough Gall. 356 Miss Wellington 256 Miss Lorenz, Agt. 40. M.Knoedler & Ro. 40. EA. Milch 70. John Levy 30. G. Sterling 280. Otto Bernet, Ast. Nos. 108 and Sculpture, Prices Buyers WeW. Seaman, Agt. B.A. Mileh , Fred. Loeser & Go, JeM. McCarthy Henry Schultheis M.Knoedler & Go, John G,. Agar James Logan Vv. Harris Fred.Loeser & Co, LeRoy Ireland Abraham & Straus Miss Wellington Mrs.F.L. Eldridge L. Wallerstein We Trevor Abraham & Straus JM. McCarthy JG. Agar L. Wallerstein M.Knoedler & Go, H. Schultheis E. Lenahan LeRoy Ireland C.A. Black Mr. Lynde JH. Bailey M.O'Brien & Son Fred. Loeser & Co, iy bid * McDonough Gall, John Levy C.L. King M.Knoedler & Co, Miss Wellinston J.0. MeDermott C.L. King Ge Sterling Miss Wellington M.Knoedler & Co. aan = Y 2h te et os : nO ieee See er oes. fe atk 3 ts Bie POT ZS oo Bi aneT IS 3 _sotgzi ten > gabe AtehlT-, TM eaeit xis atator ta exsdy05@ bre ago bremh. est. to bad teil - MxOY wor BAD on nee > mee yo: em: to oo? F Eee ats fe Bio ye meee ty 4.6 wee er ee en ees Bets ditt | { sn Nos. Prices 147 = 280. 48 160. 49 5B. 50 65. Bl 3B. 52 115. 53 25. 54 380. 54.A 140, 55 60. 56 100. 57 70. 58 200. 59 150. 59 A 206 60 125. 61 105. 62 100. 63 5B. 64 470. 65 520. 66 140. 67 170. 68 550. 69 115. ———— — a oe Byers John H. Frye T.F. Hobfield G. Sterling Fred. Loeser & Co. NeM.K. Olcott Geo.Ne Seymour L. Wallerstein Otto Bernet, Agt. JN. McCarthy LeRoy Ireland T. Prendergast C.A. Black vw te M.Knoedler & Co. Abraham & Straus M.Knoedler & Co. Abraham & Straus Fred. Loeser &Co. 7. Pendleton G. Toune C.L. Schlens Miss Wellington John G Agar M.Knoedler & Co. R. Hosea et ees > Abraham & Straus oS pe eyrT Pi rot ee ses %. (400 & 19@00L . hort : _ &to0fO .x.MLE tromre2 ..oeo fietetelisey J stab ,tetered of 20 waitrs05" 4.7 braleril voted FF Peng oe Aan e es — a ol * Jom whe a on ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM MONDAY, APRIL 30th, UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE AMERICAN PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE CONTRIBUTED IN AID OF THE RELIEF FUND OF THE AMERICAN ARTISTS’ RELIEF COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS MAY 3rd AND 4th, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN PAINTINGS ~ AND SCULPTURE CONTRIBUTED BY PROMINENT ARTISTS FOR THE RELIEF FUND OF THE AMERICAN ARTISTS’ RELIEF COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED COOPERATING WITH THE FRATERNITE. DES ARTISTES, PARIS AND FOR NEW. YORK ALLIED WAR RELIEF TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE. WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION ’ MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION _ DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY RI LA FRATERNITE DES ARTISTES AND THE AMERICAN ARTISTS’ COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED Tue American Artists’ Committee was organized in New York, September 25, 1914. Its first circular of appeal for funds to help the suffering families of French soldier-artists. was sent out in October to artists throughout the United States. The names of sixty artists headed that appeal. The Committee later adopted the name, “The American Artists’ Commit- tee of One Hundred,” and now has one hundred and seventy members, resident in twenty-nine cities and towns of America, besides the city of New York, where it has its headquarters at the American Fine Arts Society Building, 215 West 57th Street. We have sent out other appeals to artists and friends of art during the period of the Great War and in February, 1915, we held an exhibition with ex- cellent financial results at the galleries of M. Knoedler & Co., Fifth Avenue. In September last we sent out a letter-circular addressed to ‘‘Friends of France and Friends of Art” which brought in a substantial sum. The present Exhibition, all the paintings and _ sculp- ture being entered for sale at auction without reserve, is the result of an invitation to our members and other artists. The response was very generous, the names are the best in American art and the examples are representative. The Fraternité des Artistes, headed by Monsieur Léon Bonnat, is composed of members of the great — Société des Artistes Francais, the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, the Salon d’Automne, etc.—a union of all the French painters, sculptors, architects, engrav- ers, illustrators, and mural decorators—by far the greater number belonging to the Société des Artistes Francais, a State institution. The relief work of the Fraternité is carried on through the latter society’s efficient permanent organization, in connection with that of the Société Nationale, also “reconnu d’utilité publique,” as is the Fraternité itself. Neither M. Bonnat nor any of his associates have ever put before us the crying needs of the dependents of their confréres, over a thousand of whom have fallen on the field of honor and many more maimed or blinded for life, unless specifically asked to do so. They have done and are doing all that is possible to give financial aid them- selves and are most grateful to us for our brotherly assistance. The letters and cables I have so frequently received from M. Bonnat always express more and more gratitude and we, on our part, consider it a privilege and an honor to be associated with the eminent artists of France in the work they are doing for the destitute and the unfortunate. We are glad, too, to widen the circle of the supporters of our Fund and we gratefully acknowledge all that helps to tighten the bonds that unite us to a noble nation. Wiriiam A. CorrFin. COMITE DE LA FRATERNITE DES ARTISTES GRAND PALAIS DES CHAMPS-ELYSEES, PARIS PRESIDENT Lton Bonnat, Membre de l'Institut, Grand-Croix de la Légion d’Honneur VicrE-PRESIDENTS: * ANTONIN MeErciE, Membre de Institut, Grand-Officier de la Légion d’Honneur * Décédé, décembre, 1916. ALFRED Roti, Grand-Officier de la Légion d’Honneur TRESORIER Cuarres Girauttr, Membre de l'Institut, Officier de la Légion MeEMBRES AuFrrEeD AGACHE, Officier, L. dH. Fevix Avusert, Chevalier, lea. BartTHoLtomeé, Commandeur, Lei sw De Bavopor, Officier, L. d’H. JEAN BeEravp, Officier, L. d’H. Louis Bernier, Membre de l'Institut, Officier, L. d’H. ALBERT Besnarp, Membre de l'Institut, Commandeur, L. @H.. ALEXANDRE BorLeavu. Emre BotssEav, Officier, L. d’H. Dannat, Commandeur, L. d’H. ALpHonse Derrasse, Chevalier, bea: Francois Framenc, Membre de l'Institut, Officier, L. d’H. Gero-WEIss. Jacaurs Hermanrt, Officier, L. @’H. Frantz JourDatin, Ofiicier, L. @’H. Emite Botsseav, Officier, L. d’H. Vicror Latoux, Membre de Institut, Commandeur, L. @H. Lucren Ltvy-Duurmer, Cheva- lier, L. d’H. L. H. Mareursre, Membre de l'Institut, Commandeur, ly. @H. Aset Mienon, Chevalier, rece rt: J. L. Pascat, Membre de lIn- stitut, Commandeur, L. d’H. Grorces Picarp, Chevalier, TA iH. CuartEes Prumer, Officier, | Beate le F Xavier Prrnet, Chevalier, D0, Ene Renarp, Chevalier, L. @H. Danie Savuseés, Chevalier, L. @H. Pau VirTry. WHITNEY WarrEN, Membre de l'Institut. DucHessE v’UzkEs SECRETAIRES Epovarp THoumy, Chevalier, L. d’H. EvcGENE Racuet DELEGUE A LA TRESORERIE CHARLES GEBEL AMERICAN ARTISTS’ COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED Organized September, 1914 Coéperating with La FrarernirE pes ArtisTEs, Paris M. Lton Bonwnat, President RELIEF FUND FOR THE FAMILIES OF FRENCH SOLDIER-ARTISTS Chairman . Treasurer and General A. NCA ct iane Secretary ees Cores On Wt. BAILEY Faxon, A.N.A. orary President of the Fra- 215 West 57th Street, ternité des Artistes New York EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hersert Apams, N.A. De Wirr M. Lockman, A.N.A. Francis C. Jones, N.A. Wiriiam H. Hype, A.N.A. JoHN Franacan, A.N.A. Witr1am B. Van INGEN Rosert Vonnou, N.A. SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE EXHIBITION AND SALE J. Arpen Werr, P.N.A. Danie. C. Frencu, N.A. Paut W. Bartiett, A.N.A. Frank W. Benson, N.A. Francis C. Jonss, N.A. J. Francis Murrny, N.A.. Water L, Parmer, N.A. Dovueias Vouk, N.A. Epwin H. Buasuriexp, N.A. Herzsert Apams, N.A. CuitpeE Hassan, N.A. Bruce Crane, N.A. H. Borron Jonsrs, N.A. Epwarp W. ReEpFIELD Harry W. Warrovus, N.A.. F. Batitarp WitiiaMs, N.A. Wiruram A. Corrin, N.A., Chairman and Director of the Exhibition Wm. Bairey Faxon, A.N.A., Secretary and Treasurer CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Associa- tion of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authen- ticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. FIRST EVEIVING’S SALE THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 1 to 85, inclusive Lucia Fairchild Fuller, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1872— eo ian / mee tS ety Bees See Height, 6 inches; width, 31, inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a little fair-haired boy, clad all in white, standing in full face view. The setting 1s composed of a pathway and the pond and trees of a garden. Robert Aitken, N.A. | American: 1878— 2—VANITY — (Bronze Statuette) YY Ore e 4 se payess Height, 51/ inches. | : / A FULL-LENGTH nude figure of a young woman with a piece of drapery hanging over her left knee, with her hands raised above her head in the act of dressing her hair. Stanley Middleton AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 3—THE GARDENER’S Onn eae Height, 5%, inches; length, 81, 2 AIC A FarM-coTTace with a white awning over the door occupies the center of the picture. In the grass before it is a flock of chickens. Trees are seen on either side and beyond, on the right, are blue hills. In the sum- mer sky of blue are masses of white and gray clouds. tae hae Signed at the lower left. Dewing Woodward AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY -\ 4-INDIAN GIRL “Oa * | ee Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman standing at the foot of a tree. The upper part of the body is nude and from the waist down the figure is draped in yellow. Background of foliage and flowers. Raymond M. Crosby AMERICAN: 1876— 5—CAPE COD IN SUMMER Cea JY, ‘ Height, 8 inches; length, 10% inches ona A stretcu of level lands with a strip of blue water in the middle of the composition. In the distance a build- ing and line of hills. The effect is in sunlight and the sky shows tints of gray and blue. Signed at the lower right. Dewitt Parshall, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 6—OLD FARM, CATSKILLS yp ys: (/ Sa Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches Farm buildings on the shore of a lake at the foot of a hill. Beyond the buildings are trees, and the back- ground shows the hillside extending to the top of the picture. Signed at the lower right. Helen Watson Phelps AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY (—HOLLY HOCKS / 0 Height, 11 inches; A suncH of hollyhocks, with pink blossoms, growing in a garden bed by the side of a pathway in the fore- ground. Signed at the lower right. Dewing Woodward AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 8—DAPHNE | ss weg (0 3 4% 4 ore ee Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches A sTAnpiINnG figure of a young woman in a pink gown looking at a bed of plants with white blossoms; back- ground of green foliage. Signed at the right. Harriette Bowdain AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 9—ASBURY PARK es Vie Uy. of, ge sen Je Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches Betcaw Numerots figures in vari-colored costumes on the boardwalk at Asbury Park. In the distance the sea and sky. Signed at the lower right. Ella Condie Lamb AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 10—DAISY Cy : 0 0 Height, 1114 inches; width, 914 inches Heap of a young girl with blond hair and blue eyes in full face view to the spectator. Around her neck is a chain of white daisies. Signed at the lower right. Lydia Longacre AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 11—LANDSCAPE Wa we jai, go Mullboard: Height, 8°, inches; length, 12 inches Forecrounp: green pastures with boulders; beyond lie a hillside with trees and a distant range of hills; overhead a gray sky. | Signed at the lower right. Susan R. Knox AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 3 12—THE ROAD TO THE SEA, ny vo Height, 10 inches; length, inches A roapway in the middle foreground leading into the left of the picture, where there is a-large tree in sum- mer foliage; beyond is a view of the blue ocean and overhead is a sky with tints of pink and yellow and a space of blue. Signed at the lower left. A. West Salisbury CoNTEMPORARY 13—HUDSON RIVER Ninn abanen Forecrounp: a stretch of the river. Middle dis- tance: the opposite shore, with buildings. Overhead: a sky with tints of pale yellow, pink and blue-gray. inches Lo 0) Height, 10 inches; length, 1 Signed at the lower right. pie E. F. Quinn CoNTEMPORARY 14—NUDE FIGURE e. Re 2 — Height, 131, inches; width, 91% inches A sEATED nude figure, holding in the left hand a small mirror. The setting consists of a piece of red drapery and green foliage. Signed at the lower right. Ferdinand Earle AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 15—IN THE ALPS re ny Atala yo Water Color: Height, 14 inches; width, 101%, inches Tue lower half of the picture is occupied by the smooth waters of a lake in which are reflected the wooded hill- sides of the opposite shore and a range of the Alps beyond. Overhead is a blue sky. Signed at the lower center and dated 1914. Edward H. Wuerpel, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— aseby aoe. 6 oe ee 16—LANDSCAPE, ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches Tue lower part of the canvas is occupied by the pale green waters of the St. Lawrence River with a head- land on the left. Overhead is an early evening sky with pale gray clouds near the horizon, tints of pink and yellow above, and a strip of white cloud. Signed with monogram at the lower left. William Nicholson Taylor AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY / me BRIDGE +. & LOI Se Forrecrounp: a stream and its banks covered with A~ autumn herbage. In the middle distance is a viaduct with bridge crossing the stream. Beyond is a belt of trees in autumn foliage and a sky of bluish-gray. Signed at the lower right. Edward A. Bell, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— en 50 Height, 13 inches; width, 12 inches ae A HEAD and bust picture, with the head in profile to the right, of a young woman with auburn hair, Her shoulders are covered with drapery of warm-tinted gray-green, and the background presents a contrasting tone of qualified blue. Signed at the lower left. Lord Frederick Leighton, P.R.A. BritisH: 1830—1896 19—STUDY OF we a CAA fe Height, 1434 inches; width, 1234 inches A prawine in black and white chalk on gray paper, showing a kneeling figure with voluminous folds of a cloak, and a cape held around the shoulders with folded arms. Met oS Fades Ali fetes | oan Ae (ao v-VW- BRAMALL Jerome Meyers AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 20—CHILDREN AT PLAY (7. Ff cig ee 0° Pastel: Height, 14 inches; length, 13°, inches A view in one of the city parks. On the right, in the foreground, is a mother holding her baby in her arms, and a little child beside her. On the left is a group of _ children at play, and in the background are trees in spring foliage. Signed at the lower left. Frency: 1705—1765 21—_CRAYON DRAWING ( y ; Oo : : : Sirdar Height, 161/, inches; width, 101% inches Carle Van Loo : : : A FULL-LENGTH seated nude male figure holding a large volume in the hands, which are extended to the right. Carlton T. Chapman, N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— 22-THE OPEN SEA of. Ba ms Bos ~ j g 0 Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches ———— A view in mid-ocean with the waves breaking into white caps, and overhead a sky of gray and white clouds with a space or two of blue. Signed at the lower left. Charles Bittinger, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1879— es; length, 16 inches 23—AFTER SUNSET mes 0° Water Color: Height, 12 % A youne woman with green jacket and white skirt is seated in the foreground on the flat sandy shore of the ocean. Beyond hes the sea and on the right is a head- land with hight. Over all is an evening sky with tem- pered tints of gray, pink and blue. Signed at the lower right. Henry Prellwitz, N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 24. A LULL IN THE ohn HE ae Tap he » oe _ Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 aad ForEGRounp: a level snow-covered plain. Middle dis- tance and distance: rising ground and hill-sides with groups of trees; a gray sky at the top of the com- position. | Signed at the lower left, and at the right. Mary Fairchild Low, A.N.A. AMERICAN : ConNTEMPORARY STH DOVE OF WAR. |\_ , : ee SO Height, 12 inches; length inches A DRAMATIC composition showing the waters of the Seine in the foreground with one of its banks on the left. On the right center looms up the bulk of Notre Dame of Paris against a sunset sky showing tints of yellow, pink and red, and clouds of gray. High up on the left is a German aeroplane pursuing its flight over the city. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1917. William Nicholson Taylor AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 26—VENETIAN FRAGMENT vA pee ee Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches THe motif for the picture is the entrance from one of the canals of a palace in Venice. The building shows walls of red with white mouldings over the arches and, on the right, is the forward part of a gondola. Signed at the wpper left. Thure De Thulstrup AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 27—A MODERN QUEST EEA er , ath, -go Water Color: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches << Cr A youneé woman in brown riding habit and brown leather boots, riding astride a fine gray horse as he makes a jump over a rail-fence. In the distance are other hunters crossing the fields. The figure and the upper part of the horse are in relief against a sky of blue-gray. Signed at the lower left. H. L. Hoffman AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 28—_THE OLD HOME: OLD LYME, CONNECTI- cur Den: hay Te Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches From a point of view in the foreground where are a field and trees with a few leaves clinging to the branches, one sees a stretch of country with a stream and belt of trees in the distance. In the forward plane stands a comfortable looking white house with green shutters. Signed at the left center. Edmund Greacen AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 29—SPRING Hoi, eee [ | 0 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches In the foreground a grassy bank with trees in spring foliage; on the left, the expanse of a river with a landing-place and boats; beyond rise the shores with buildings and trees. Overhead a sky of gray and tempered blue. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1914. Walter Clark, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1917 30—A NEIGHBORING HAILLSIDE %, BvS St. gU_ Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inehes Iy the foreground a roadway curves from the left into the middle of the picture, where there are groups of large trees. Sky of warm-tinted white and gray clouds. Signed at the lower right. Arthur J. E. Powell CoNTEMPORARY 31—WINTER Ay {/ y ( Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Op ee Tue dark waters of a stream occupy the foreground with a green punt pulled up on a snow-covered bank on the right. In the middle distance is a stretch of country with clumps of trees, and overhead a winter sky of gray and tempered blue, Signed at the lower right. F. Edwin Church AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY 82--_HOLLYHOCKS. (3 = />-40 Millboard: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches 3 A mass of pink hollyhocks bordering a garden path- = way, and green foliage in the upper part of the pic- an ture. _ Signed at the lower left, and dated 1915. F. L. Stoddard ConTEMPORARY 33—A WESTCHESTER HILLSIDE if () go Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches’ yew, ee am Le sie ee A erassy slope diversified by rocks, with a group of small figures. On the right of the hillside a belt of trees and on the left, in the distance, a view of rising ground. Sky of gray with a space or two of blue. Ernest Albert AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 4 WINTER BYENINE Cn / Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches 7 p SU From an elevation in the snow-covered foreground, where there are several evergreens, the view includes a timbered hillside; overhead is an evening sky with tints of yellow, pink and pale blue. Signed at the lower right. Lida Wise Hickok ConTEMPORARY ( 35—ROSES oe Y ane [ er Height, 17%, inches; width, 10 inches A suncH of red roses in a blue vessel which is sus- pended from a gray wall, forming the background for the flowers. Signed at the lower right. Edward A. Bell, A.N.A. American: 1861— 36—THE SHEPHERDESS 3 eS pees ape Height, 14 inches; ot Ab 1614 inches In the right foreground, seated on the grass, is a young shepherdess, with white blouse, blue skirt and apron, and a red kerchief on her head. On the left is a little : stream and beyond are pastures. At the edge of a wood are several sheep. : - Signed at the lower left. Raymond M. Crosby AMERICAN: 1876— 37—_CAPE COD IN WINTER Cl fk a ee e. ; mk 0 Height, 14 inches; length, 1614 inches j : Forrecrounp: a snow-covered slope with bushes red and brown. Middle distance: a clump of trees on a hillock. Beyond are an arm of the sea and a distant shore under a sky of blue-gray. Signed at the lower left. Emma Lampert Cooper AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 38—THE LITTLE SHOP: HOLLAND . \Y jie (j US Hehe tanec re ) 1234 mches \ THe picture shows a cottage interior with a counter in the foreground on which are some earthen vessels. Standing behind the counter is a woman in gray-blue, with a red kerchief about her shoulder, about to dip up something from a bowl, On the left is a small win- dow and back of the figure is a shelf with jars and bottles. A pair of scales hangs from the rafters, and in the immediate foreground on the left is a chair. Signed at the lower right. Ella Condie Lamb AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 39—A TOUCH OF FROST a ae Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches(\ LY) i Ne NT K if In a wood, with the herbage of ah open space appear- ing in the foreground, is a tree on the left with its branches extending outward, its leaves turned red by the first touch of autumn frost. On the right beyond is the mass of the forest and above is a sky of dull blue and gray. : Signed at the lower right. Louis M. EilShemus AMERICAN: OTL) A Ratan 40—CRANSTON’S POINT: HUDSON RIVER v Bice ce view of the Hudson with the Readiand crowned by the hotel on the right. A sailboat is seen in the river on the left and beyond are the wooded shores. Over all a summer sky with white clouds and pale blue. Water Color: Height, 13 inches; length, 191, inches Signed at the lower left. Roswell Morse Shurtleff, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841—1915 40,—FALLING LEAVES ieee, C gets L pee, Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Ve A woop interior with a pool in left foreground and a i large tree-trunk forming a prominent feature in right : center. The trees of the woods beyond show autumn % foliage and through the openings appears a sky of : gray. Signed at the lower left and on back of canvas, with title. Donated by Mrs. R. M. Shurtleff. William H. Lippincott, N.A. American: 1849— 41— BLANCHE, FRENCH PEASANT CHILD 50 Height, 19 inches; width, 17 i es vi ele es elg inches Gis ae y, A HEAD and bust picture of a child in full face to the spectator wearing a little cap of white on her blond curly locks, and a blouse of light blue. Signed at the lower right. Eliot Clark, A.N.A. (Elect) AMERICAN: 1883— | 04 42--DISTANT COUNTRY OA ae = ( / te Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches — Forrecrounp: rolling pasture lands with a large tree in autumn foliage on the right. ‘Through the middle distance runs a belt of forest and beyond appears a wide stretch of country with hills in the distance. ‘The late afternoon sky of pale yellow, blue, and gray shows a few pink clouds floating. Signed at the lower right. V. Seydel ConNTEMPORARY 43—_W HITE PEONIES C2 2 p-Bit- Porte Height, 15 secrets length, nches A exass bowl holding a bunch of white peonies and green leaves. , Signed at the lower right, and dated 1914, Harriet Sartain AMERICAN: CONTEMPOR A 44—4A COUNTRY GARDEN Sep . ( ign eee / Pg Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches A LAwn and garden beds, with borders of flowers in bloom occupying the foreground. In the upper half of the picture are a barn with whitewashed founda- tion, and the foliage of trees on the left. In the right upper corner a bit of blue sky. The effect is in gentle sunlight. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1917. is 7 Sa Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches ye 0. 2 * Cullen Yates, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 45—UPLANDS | ae ~~ hee Forrcrovunp: a little stream running from left to cen-— ter, and on the right a group of saplings in autumn foliage. Middle distance: rolling fields. Distance: a hillside. Sky: blue with white clouds. aimee eh i a en a ee Signed at the lower right. F. Usher De Voll AMERICAN: CONTEMPQGRARY,, 46—EARLY. SPRING: CENTRAL PARK SOUT 2 Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches ForEecrounp: the lake in Central Park near 59th street with pathway and hillside appearing on the left. Beyond, on either side, are some of the high buildings, hotels and apartment houses of the city, and over all is a sky of warm tinted gray. Signed at the lower. left. H. Leith-Ross OS ge 47—THE BRIDGE AT NEW HOPE 3 poe a Height, 16 inches; length, 2014 inches Tue waters of a river occupy the right foreground and on the bank, at the left, are some trees with twisted branches. In the middle distance a steel bridge cross- ing the river, and houses and trees on the opposite shore, Above is a‘sky of gray. Signed at the lower right. Thomas Nast AMERICAN . Y . 48—DRAWING: WASHINGTON 0 es Height, 23%, inches; width, 1514 inches A pen and ink drawing, showing a figure of Liberty removing an American flag from a sculptured portrait of Washington which appears on the base of a monu- ment with a tall shaft. On the shaft are inscribed the names of the States of the Union. In the background appear a great multitude of people, the Capitol and other buildings. Signed at the lower left. Jeanne Cattrel Carre CoNTEMPORARY 49—WINTER mi nw eA Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches / naam A sNow-coveERED landscape with a hillock and an oak tree on the right. In the middle distance, among the bare trees, is a cottage with low sloping roof. In the distance a belt of trees, and overhead a blue winter sky with a strip of white cloud. ES SERIES = he 38 y | Ge ae ee ie Signed at the lower right. Alice Worthington Ball AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY s “ yj , d 50—HOLLYHOCKS Hs Th é i oO ens Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches In the foreground, along a white paling fence, are tall hollyhocks with pink blossoms. Beyond is a bit of grassy hillside and a white house shining in the sun- light. In the upper part of the picture, a sky of tem- pered blue. Signed at the lower right, and dated 715. Jules Tureas AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 51—A CONNECTICUT LANE ee ae: Height, 24 inches; ¢° width, 14 inches At er In the foreground a Wanda? bordered by a stone fence, in which are a cart, drawn by two red oxen, and a man with a white shirt. Across the picture, bordering the roadway, is a line of tall trees, and overhead is a sky with white clouds. Signed at the lower left. George H. Clements AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 52—CAPE COD ag ee NAPE 2 ye Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches Forrecrounpn: the shores of an inlet with herbage and large boulder. Middle distance: on the right a hill- side with trees; on the left the opposite shore. Over the tree-tops the sails of a passing ship are seen, and above is a sky of gray. Signed at the lower right. J. Stone CONTEMPORARY © 58—WOOD INTERIOR ue os ll v4 Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches —— A patH leads through the grass of the foreground through a pine forest with the branches and foliage of the trees filling the upper part of the canvas. Signed at the lower right. Jane Peterson AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ae HITE BOAT 54—THE WHITE BO nd ee Water Color: Height, 18 inches; length, 2334 inches A wHitE sailboat is seen on the left of the picture tied at a wharf. On the wharf are buildings and people and another boat appears moored farther away on the right. The water of the foreground reflects the varied tints of the buildings, personages, and the blue sky. Signed at the lower right. prc ei Oe a Ee a = _ — — — - st I a eg eas ee | | | f f Dewing Woodward AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 55—A DRAGON-FLY sd a ie eee | 3 {Re Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Two nude figures of children, a little boy and a little girl, seated in the foreground and looking upward to the right where a dragon-fly is seen flying above a grassy hillside. | Signed at the lower right, and dated 1916 Clark G. Voorhees AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 56—LANDSCAPE oh =r qe Peotug, ‘2 3 pe Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches é ForEGrounp: pastures and a stone fence; beyond, belt of trees and overhead an autumn sky of gray with little spaces of misty blue. Signed at the lower right. J.S. Kaufman CoNTEMPORARY 57—CHAMOIS HUNTING IN SWITZERLAND / J) 00 Height, 24 inches; width, mee Bounpine over the rocks in the right foreground which overhang a gorge are three chamois, while at some distance away on a ledge of the high cliffs is seen the smoke of a hunter’s rifle. Above, in the distance, on the left, beyond the gorge, are mountain tops and a sky with clouds tinged with orange. Signed at the lower left. Edith Mitchell Prellwitz, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 58—THE POOL [) ame D Height, 18 inches; length, 221, inches Ix the middle foreground a pool in the meadows in which two girls are bathing. On the left is a clump of trees, and on the right a stretch of country with a line of wooded hills. Above, a sky of gray-blue with one or two strips of white cloud. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1906. Edward Lind Morse AMERICAN: 1857— 59—THE SWITCHLIGHT Be Ae BiG Ee Go yee — Height, 18%, inches; length, 25 inches In the foreground are two trees, the upper branches bare of foliage, beyond which is seen a level stretch of country with a line of trees. In the left center glows a switchlight where the railroad tracks pass through the country, and beyond is a range of hills. Overhead a late evening sky of gray-blue shows strips of light. Signed at the lower left. Walter Nettleton, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1861-— LL S 58 | Height, 20 inches; length, 2314, inches Ra or “em ——— In the snow-covered foreground are the trunks and branches of several large pine trees reaching up to the top of the picture; beyond is an open space where the snow gleams in the sunlight, and farther away is the wood. In the upper left portion of the canvas a bit of blue sky shows through the branches. 60—THE EDGE OF THE WOODS_/. /) . To bis Signed at the lower right. ef 0 Height, 26 inches; width, 16 inches oS ———" 36 William Baxter Closson, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 61—THE SPIRIT OF FIRE se: cf A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman in dancing posture, her arms extended and her drapery of yellow and red whirling about her. On either side of her, in the background, are accompanying figures in blue. The color scheme suggests the title of the picture. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1916 Henry Salem Hubbell, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1870— 62—THE PIED MANNEKIN | Height, 26 inches; width 18% ie - Roatan , ae | A THREE-QUARTER length seated figure of a young girl with brown hair, which is tied by a green ribbon. The figure, in an arm-chair of blue, green and gold, is seen in profile view to the left. The young woman wears a gown of white with a scarf with white, violet and green pattern about the shoulders and arms and a fichu around the neck. In her hands, on her lap, she holds a little mannekin with scarlet horned cap and green and white jacket. The background shows a wall covered with flowered paper and a shelf on which are some vases and jars of pottery and brass. Signed at the lower right. W. Sergeant Kendall, N.A. AMERICAN: 1869— , : /, 68—L’EGY PTIENNE ae, S ee Pena DA en ee Height, os inchés> width, 19 inches A LiFE-sizE head and-bust picture of a young woman with dark hair, the head in profile to the left. Her low-neck gown shows tints of qualified pink, and white drapery fills the upper part of the corsage. Signed at the upper left. Jane Peterson AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 64—4A GRAY DAY YW. ioe cane /) / Water Color: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches {/ A wHargor’ scene with boats lying at a wharf, with buildings at the left of the picture. The gray sky and shipping are reflected in the water in the fore- ground, Signed at the lower left. Dorothea M. Litzinger AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 65—AUTUMN FLOWERS named Meee as = Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A suncu of red, yellow and white zinneas, with green leaves, in a bowl. Signed at the upper left, and dated 16. George Elmer Browne AMERICAN: 1871— c 66—A BREEZY DAY AT ETAPLES 9 ' J 0 Height, 25 inches; width, 21, inches Tue lower half of the picture is occupied by a stretch of flat country with belts of forest. Above is a blue sky with great white clouds swept onward by the wind. Signed at the lower left. H. S. Phillips AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 67—_THE GARDENER’S DAUGHTER 06 Height, 26 inches; width, 231/ chet VL 2 Sa hiieg ——— A FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a little girl in full face view wearing a white bodice and light gray-green skirt. Beside her, on the left, is an earthen pot with a grow- ing plant. Signed at the lower right. Ann Crane AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 68—WINTER YY ood Ce Height, 23%, inches; length, 26 inches Lh rekon Forrcrounp: a sloping hillside, partly covered with snow, with dead herbage and, at the left, a tree with some brown leaves still clinging to its branches. In the middle distance a stretch of country with several houses standing on the edge of a wood. Beyond rises a hillside crowned with trees and above is a strip of pale blue winter sky. Signed at the lower right. e eat Ernest T. Rosen AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 69—LIGHTS AND Sia 7 Ra 0 Pastel: Height, 28°, ine (ss A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a young woman with light auburn hair, wearing a gown of blue with fichu and pendent scarf of pink. The body is in pro- file view and the head tilted backward to the right. The setting for the figure is an apartment with hard- wood floor and the light falls from the left. Signed at the lower left. ; # | Ben Carre CoNTEMPORARY Lise 70—A STORMY EVENING, PRYNCE’S BA!‘ Height, 22 inches; length, 27. inches Forrecrounp: the grassy shores of a river with trees in the center and left of the picture. On the right, the expanse of waters and the distant shore; overhead — an evening sky with clouds illumined by the setting sun after a shower has passed. Signed at the lower right. Gordon Ross CoNTEMPORARY 71—LANDSCAPE Q Pastel: Heigh j ; wi i 560 ight, 28 inches; aa 23 inches Forrcrounp: meadows with a stream in the center. kg On the bank at the left a tall full-foliaged tree, and beyond, on the low horizon, buildings and a belt of trees. Above rises a high sky with gray and white : clouds and some spaces of blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower right. William H. Hyde, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1€58— 72—_THE APPROACH OF WINTER 2 ga Height, 22 inches; length, 28 Te nti ee Forrecrounp: a field with brown and yellow herbage; on the right the trunks and branches of two trees which extend to the top of the picture. On the left, some small trees in autumn foliage; beyond lies a stretch of country, and the picture is completed by a sky of gray clouds with a space of pale blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1917. pee H. Des Fontaines | FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY 43—THE PORTIERE YY. VW io ea Height, 23¥, inches; length, 29 inches THe picture shows a well furnished apartment with an armoire, a tapestry on the wall, a large arm-chair, a table with books and a bunch of flowers, a mirror and pictures. ‘Two women, one the mistress of the house in a morning dress of white, the other a maid in black with white apron and cap, are holding up a green and pink portiére which they have taken from the armoire for inspection. ‘ Signed at the lower left. Henry Oliver Walker, N.A. AMERICAN: 1843— 74—WEEPING NYMPH : | ay ae? Pastel: Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches —— In the right foreground is a seated nude figure, in back view to the spectator, the left hand raised to the head and held over the eyes. The setting for the figure is the edge of a wood with the branches and foliage of some great trees. Beyond, through the interstices, are seen a hillside and a sunset sky. Signed at the lower left. Chester Loomis, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— woe COUNTRY CHURCH: Bim Cachet. v Height, 241% inches; length, inches ao Forercrounp: a level green plain, partly in shadow, with some slender trees on the right. In the middle distance, among the trées, a white church with belfry and a house with red roof. Beyond is a range of moun- tains. Above the low horizon rises a sky filled with gray and white clouds except in the upper part where eT ; : I : ' there are spaces of blue. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1914. Elmer E. Garnsey AMERICAN: 1862— 76—THE OPAL SHORE Wr xt go / 0) aa Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Forrecrounp: a sandy sea-shore with a dark purple shadow cast from the left. Middle distance: a hillock with white walled houses and crowned by trees and, on the right, a view of the sea. Overhead, a sky of green- ish-yellow with tints of rose-purple at the horizon. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1916. / L. Calust CoNTEMPORARY Height, 30 inches 25 inches Tuer lower half of the picture is occupied by the wide expanse of the sea, with a fisherman in the bow of his row-boat hauling in a net. Farther away, on the right, two sailing vessels are indicated, and over all is a gray sky with pink, red and yellow tints in the upper part. Signed at the lower right. Mary Brewster Hazelton AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 78—_THE ABSENT ee [3 QO =) yo Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A sEATED figure of a young girl, wearing a fur-trimmed robe of iridescent blue. In her right hand, which rests on a round-top table, she holds a miniature at which she is gazing with sympathetic expression. On the table is a slender glass holding white narcissi and yel- low daffodils. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1917. 71—THE FISHERMAN YS y Be Fie Tg William J. Whittemore, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— 79—SMILING GIRL eas yi (Y TALC Soe Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A THREE-QUARTER length seated figure of a young girl, her brown hair dressed with a tortoise shell comb, in three-quarter view to the left, the head turned to the right to face the spectator. She wears a high-waisted gown of white, holds in her lap a book and on her left arm hangs a shawl with pattern of blue, red and yel- low. The background is formed by a piece of tap- estry with trees and foliage. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1909, with Copyright. A. Castaigne AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 80—CATASTROPHE AT SEA Y ) nm) Height, 24 inches; length, 35 inches Tuer composition shows the decks of an ocean liner, filled with passengers and sailors, which has struck an iceberg which looms up on the left. The sailors are lowering a life-boat and among the people in the fore- ground is an officer giving orders and enforcing a com- mand with a gesture of his left hand. Signed at the lower right. John H. Niemeyer, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1839— 81—4APPRECIATION pun AV. a vi rota Height, 33 inches; width, 21 inches A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a young woman in back view, wearing a gown of lilac with over-dress and sleeves of lace. She is depicted facing a wall with striped paper of green and gray, looking at a picture of a winter scene, Signed at the lower right, in the shadow of the figure. William H. Singer, Jr., A.N.A. “AMERICAN: merce Ly . Ae 82—OLDEN FARMS, MAY MORNING ~ ‘ / e-62_ — Height, 311% inches; length, 334, inches A view in the mountain country of Norway, with the green and brown fields of a farm occupying the lower part of the composition. Near the middle of the pic- ture is a pine tree, its topmost branches appearing in relief against the snow-covered tops of a range of mountains. Farm buildings are seen near the right center. In the upper right hand portion of the com- position is a sky of gray-blue. Signed at the lower right. William De Leftwich Dodge AMERICAN: 1867— 88 MOONLIGHT IN GEORGIA (7. \Y, / oY Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches On the left of the composition is the trunk of a large tree with its drooping foliage filling the upper part _ of the picture. Beyond a level space, which is illumined by the moonlight, is a belt of forest. In the right up- per portion appears a sky of gray-blue with accents of white. | Signed at the lower right. j - i be k 7 ! Sydney H. Hirschberg eras, AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 84 THE PURSUIT eee ors Goat Lp. i, jj Bag Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inches Maa A Uwnirep Srates soldier in blue uniform is depicted . riding at full gallop on a white horse as he advances toward the spectator, on the right of the picture. Be- hind him, following on the left, are two other cavalry- men, also riding furiously in pursuit. The effect is in moonlight and heavy shadows are cast by the horses and the trees on the side of the road. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1918. Artist Unknown 85—FLOWERS AND UIT fe , ] y Maa Height, 28 inches; length, 66 ey In the middle of this decorative composition is a large brass vase in which are disposed roses and other flow- ers with many colored tints. On either side, lying on the table, are other blossoms and with the-flowers are mingled bunches of grapes. SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 86 to 169, inclusive Elliott Daingerfield, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 86—THE CANYON RIM C af SZ, 90 Vp yr 4 w~7 aS Height, 8%, inches; length, 10% smMches l 4 yah 2 Aa ( A LanpscareE showing a view of the (ara Canyon of Arizona, from rocky heights which occupy the fore- ground. Two trees near the center of the picture are in relief against the distant view and the sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left. a ya Thomas W. Dewing, N.A. AMERICAN: 1851— 87—PASTEL ve Wx a Lee av, ¢ 6 Height, 1014, inches; width, 7 inches — [pac A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a young woman in three- “quarter view to the left, her right arm extended and holding in the hand a part of the drapery which © clothes the figure. Signed at the aeereaata : ce ? George H. ‘Story, A. NA. ‘ American: gates oe ak 4 6 | Height, 11 inches; widen, 9 inches | — } i A HALF-LENGTH picture of a young woman in profile view to the right with her canvas on an easel peony her and a background composed of a landscape view. 88—THE FAIR SK ETCH ER \ Signed at the Pier left. Robert Reid, N.A. AMERICAN: 89-—THE BLACK HAT OF ( ea a 3 ( ( Aadle Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches A HEAD and bust picture of a young woman in three- quarter view to the right. She wears a wide-brimmed hat of black straw, a blouse of pink and a necktie of black. The background is composed of light green foliage with the indication of a paling fence. Signed at the lower right. Ivan G. Olinsky, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1878— 90—ANNA : ete: MY. Wie CG a | Lae Height, 14 inches; width, 12°%4 inches . S A weap and bust picture of a young girl with brown hair, in full face view, wearing a jacket of pale green. Signed at the lower right. Ben Foster, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— 91—-LANDSCAPE Ly a 4 ces Height, 12 % s; length, 15 inches Forrcrounp: level fields with some cattle grazing. Be- yond lies a hillside crowned with forest; overhead: a gray sky with dark clouds. Signed at the Sieber left. W. Granville-Smith, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1870— 92—_LANDSCAPE . L cary, ( _ ul | vi ” 6 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches — ForEGrRouND: a river on the left and trees and shrub- bery on the bank at the right. Across the stream is a stretch of fields with trees and, in the distance, a line of hills: over all a sky of light gray. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1917. Chauncey F. Ryder, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1868— 983—OGUNQUIT COAST + nd g C ices 6 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Forrecrounp: a rocky shore. Middle distance: the = blue water of an arm of the sea. In the distance ap- pears the farther shore and overhead is a sky of white and gray with atmospheric blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower right. Frederick Ballard Williams, N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— 94 LANDSCAPE i, Ah lithe 7d 0 1 dad Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Forrecrounp: gray-green pastures with bushes and, on the right, a stone fence, Middle distance: a belt of trees with a white house. Beyond: a range of wooded hills and a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right. J. Francis Murphy, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 95—AUTUMNAL LANDSCAPE i sO ( Oley Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches In the foreground are level pastures with herbage show- ing autumn tints and a little pool indicated in the right center. On the left are trees in autumn foliage reaching up to the top of the picture. Nearby are other trees and bushes, mostly denuded of leaves. In the distance are farm buildings and a range of hills and above is a sky showing clouds of gray and tem- pered white with a space of qualified blue in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1917. Charles H. Davis, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1856— 96—_SUMMER MORNING Pg Ss / S kai rs) Height, 12°, inches; length, 16 inches Forrcrounp: herbage and large boulders with slender trees, the foliage appearing in the upper part of the picture. In the middle distance are the blue waters of ~ a river and beyond are the farther shores, partly | wooded, and a summer sky of qualified whites and blue. The effect is in sunlight with part of the fore- ground lying in shadow. Signed at the lower right. Charles Caryl Coleman, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— 97—_VESUVIUS: A VIEW seh KAR lk THE ISLAND OF ISCHIA g G6 3 —Pastel: Height, 1014, inches; length, 17% inches Ne war EEE THE view is from grassy heights in the foreground where a hamlet is seen nestled among the trees. On the left is the expanse of the sea; in the. distance, near the center of the picture, appears Vesuvius with smoke rising from its crater, and on the right, in the evening sky, is the rising moon. Signed with monogram at the lower right, and dated 1904. Se eae Henry Prellwitz, N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 98—ROSES Cr (S Bics sae ish fom) Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches Pink roses in a glass vase with a background of green curtain. Signed at the lower left. Will H. Low, N.A. American: 18538— 99—_GLORIA NEE & Sale (Drapery Study for Mural Painting in New York State 3 4 d¢ Education Building, Albany, N. Y.) Height, 1714 inches; width, 131, inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman in full face view, seated on a bench. She is clad in a drapery of yellow and holds in her hands a crown of bay leaves, while other crowns are at her side, on the right. Signed on the left, and dated 1915. John Flanagan, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1§65— 100—-HEAD OF APHRODITE bh a (Medallion—Galvano ay, , c pa Ae B) iy Oe: Diameter, 41/, inches A MEDALLION with the head of a young woman in pro- file to the right. The left hand appears on the right, touching the back of the neck. Signed at the left with initials J. F. ba Evelyn B. Longman, A.N.A. | AMERICAN: 1874— 101—_FEMALE TORSO (Bronze Statuette) ees REG ome a — Height, 12 inches Tue torso, right thigh and left leg of a nude female seated figure. The movement shows the torso inclined slightly to the right as it is looked at in front view. Signed on the side of the pedestal, and dated 1911. Paul Wayland Bartlett, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 102—PREPAREDNESS mM . Tenertaban Ly (Bronze Statuette) Be () Sie Height, 121% inches An American Eagle, standing, firmly perched on a rock, wings folded and head erect. On front of the rock and clutched by the eagle’s talons, a United States shield and a ribbon with inscription: “Pre- paredness.” cS Signed on the base, and dated 1916. Copyrighted. Daniel Chester French, N.A. AMERICAN: 1850— 103—VANITY é Nritebs (Bronze § mee ' Wa (| yo Height, 121, inches A FULL-LENGTH nude standing figure of a young wom- an, gracefully poised as she inclines her head forward and looks into the surface of a metal disk which she supports on her left arm. Signed on the base, and dated 1901. A. Sterling Calder, N.A. AMERICAN: 1870— 104—STUDY FOR STATUE OF HISTORY (Bronze Statuette) ce ae a SS eis Ke as SY Height, 171, inches A sEATED figure of a young woman, her right arm rest- = ing on a book and the hand touching the side of the @: head. The left arm lies across her lap with the hand holding the lower part of the book. Draperies of the Greek fashion hang from her shoulders and cover the body with their folds. Hermon Atkins MacNeil, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 105—PRIMITIVE CHANT (Bronze Statuette) y J u Height, 251, inches A youne Indian brave in posture of the dance, his chin buried in the elbow of his right arm, which is folded and supported at the wrist by the left hand. Around the loins is a breech cloth with a pair of wings at the back; in the hair an eagle’s feather. Signed on the base, with inscription: “Primitive Chant.” Madame Francois Millet (DavuGHTeR-IN-LAW oF JEAN Francois MILueT) 106—HEAD OF A ee sea 50) d 6 Height, 19 inches; width, 15%4 inches AN A HEAD and bust picture of a young woman with black hair and wearing a black bodice. The head is turned in three-quarter view to the left and the eyes look upward, : Frank W. Benson, N.A. AMERICAN: 1862— 107—EARLY MORNIN e FY geWater Color: Height, 13%, inches; length, 191, inches A wipDE expanse of water, with a little island and patches of reeds, in which are swimming many ducks. Above, against the sky, several ducks are seen in flight, one falling, which has been shot by a hunter. Signed at the lower left, and dated °16. John Ward Dunsmore AMERICAN: 1856— 108—OLD FRIENDS : Bed. Y Fs ie Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches | Ty a comfortable room with a fireplace on the right, a tall clock in the corner, and a table bearing a de- canter and glass, a gentleman in red coat is seated astride a chair with his back to the fire, while he smokes a long clay pipe and looks at his dog who is standing beside him. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1916. % Frederick ee Williams, A AMERICAN: 1871— 109—NEAR POMPTON, N. i) , Ficos y /&U OL Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Forrcrounp: autumn pastures with gray boulders. Middle distance: in center and on left a group of trees; beyond, a white church spire and other indica- tions of a village embowered amid the trees. Distance: a hillside and a sky of gray clouds above. Signed at the lower right. Charles P. Gruppe AMERICAN: 1860— a » 110—CALEDONIA ea : | : ase ve Height, 18 inches; width, 15 AC, A streAM in the foreground makes a bend around its 4 bank, on the left, where there is a group of trees, the foliage reaching to the top of the canvas. On the right are pastures with grazing cattle and a distant range of hills. Sky of gray clouds and tempered blue. Signed at the lower right. William A. Coffin, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 111—OCTOBER EVENI / cai qf Height, 15 inches In the foreground are grassy stretches and boulders; on either side of the picture are trees with autumn foliage reaching up to the top of the canvas and framing in a view of a lake and distant hills. Above is an evening sky, warm-tinted at the horizon and graduating upward into tempered blue. Near the left center is the crescent moon. ngth, 1814 inches Signed at the lower right. Emil Carlsen, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 112—EVENING Ht, Joh th ae _ 06 Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Tue lower half of the composition is occupied by a wide stretch of sandy-shore. In the middle distance is an estuary of the sea with a sailing vessel. Beyond rises a range of hills indicating the opposite shore. Overhead a sky of tempered qualified grays. Signed at the lower left. Bruce Crane, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 7 ere abe : : 113—ON ee FARM TV. Tox nedlin eee : 4 a2 O- Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches | . Forrcrounp: a field with three shocks of corn. Mid- dle distance: a barn, on the left, a hay-stack and an- other barn painted red with white trimmings, near which stands a tree. Beyond is a belt of foliage and overhead a sky of qualified blue. The effect is in sunlight. Signed at the lower right. Douglas Volk, N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 114—4 WOOD NYMPH nO) ae ae Height, 20 inches; /width, 13 inches In the foreground a seated nude figure, in profile to the right, of a young girl with long golden hair bound with a chaplet of green. Seated on a rock on the edge of a pool she looks pensively downward into its placid depths. The setting for the figure shows a dark shady recess in the woods with an overhanging rock and autumn fohage. A little stream trickles over the rocks into the pool. Signed at the lower right. William H. Howe, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— 115—HILL PASTURES, DOVER VALLEY, N. Y. Millboard: Height, 16 inches; lengt 1934 inches. A HERD of cows advancing alon through level green pastures. T the foremost group, are respectively black and white, red and white, and brown and white. In the distance a line of hills. Overhead, a sky of gray. The effect is in sunlight coming from the left. road which leads ree cows, composing Signed at the lower right, and dated 1917. [Ds Childe Hassam, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 116—THE NORTH GORGE, APPLEDORE —y $ Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches ieee On either side of the composition the steep rocky cliffs of the gorge rise from the foreground to the top of the canvas. Between them, in the foreground and middle distance, appear the bottom of the gorge with water surging in, and the shore. Beyond lies the blue ex- panse of the ocean with surf breaking on the shore and a sail on the horizon. Above is a strip of gray sky. Signed at the right, and dated 1916. William A. Coffin, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— I17—EARLY EVENING ; y 0 Height, 14 inches; length, 20 7 Rd (Lg —— In the foreground are some pastures sloping from either side of a roadway which leads from the left into the middle of the picture. The pastures are bor- dered by groups of trees which traverse the canvas and beyond, in the middle of the composition, appear a view of a lake, distant trees and houses. Overhead is an evening sky with a belt of clouds at the horizon tinged with orange and pink, gradated upward from warm tints into qualified blue. Signed at the lower right. Abbott Handerson Thayer, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849— 118--HEAD A eae ie 20 inches; width, 16 A weap and bust picture of a young woman in three- quarter view to the right. She wears a close-fitting hood of dark green with fur lining and a cloak of green. | Signed at the right. Edward H. Potthast, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 119—THE RED woust hr ah ait dg. ( | 70 Water Color: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches Forrecrounp: the blue waters of a little harbor. Mid- dle distance: a landing-place with red-topped piles and buildings. On the right is a building with red walls and green shutters which gives the title to the picture. Signed at the lower right. Charles Caryl Coleman, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— a Av 120—THE GATEWAY, ISLAND OF CAPRI Z ( _ A GATEWAY in a stone wall, with a causeway leading from it in the foreground, and blue sky and foliage seen beyond, form the setting for a group of three peasant- girls of the Island of Capri, Italy. Through the door- way is advancing a girl carrying a water-jug on her shoulders, while her two companions are, one on the right standing, and the other, a little girl on the left, seated on a stone step. Height, 22 inches; width, 13 inches Signed with monogram C. C. C. and dated Capri, 1906, and CopyricHtT. Henry Bacon AMERICAN: 1839— 121—_LITTLE BOY BLUE a a | : Te ge ae ye Gal. G0 water Color: Height, 14 inches; length, 2114 inches A scene in Egypt with a blue-clad shepherd boy head- v ing his flock, in the right foreground, as they proceed toward a stream and green pastures on the left. Be- yond, on the right, is another flock of sheep guarded by adog. In the distance is a stretch of sandy country and three of the pyramids. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1909. ALS rr 08 Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Charles Courtney Curran, N.A. AMERICAN: Bee 122—_SHOWERS ies Prethirelinnns a A view from the crags of a mountain top. On a table- like rock in the foreground is a group of people who have climbed up to see the view. Above the crags and occupying the greater part of the canvas is a sky showing clouds of warm-tinted white and gray in the lower portion, a space of blue and darker gray clouds above. From these dark clouds a shower is seen de- scending on the right and sweeping across the picture. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1910. Charles Noel Flagg, A.N.A. American: 1848—1916 ane & 123—FRIENDLY FISHING BOAT'S Pastel: Height, 24 inches; width, 1614 inches Two Venetian boats, side by side, and held by a buoy, with yellow, brown, and white sails hanging from the rigging. Signed at the lower right, and dated 718. Will H. Low, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— o Tot St! DA POW hs APU Atty _ [ or Height, 25 inches; width, 16 inches 124—_LA COMMUNIANTE | A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a little French girl, clad all in white with a long white veil and white gloves. She is depicted in full face to the spectator and about = to step through a gateway in a garden wall. Behind the figure are trees and green foliage. : Signed at the lower right, and dated 1901. Louis Aston Knight AMERICAN: 1873— ff J 125—THE ABBEY OF ST.GOND \ Va Wie Car be, ( Sige ae (Battle-field of the Marne) | Water Color: Height, 21°4 inches; width, 1714 inches Tue picture shows the ruined walls of the Abbey of St. Gond, after the retreat of the Germans from the battle of the Marne. About a doorway in the stone walls of the building in the immediate foreground are utensils which show that the occupants had but lately laid down their work. Overhead is a sky of white clouds with a space of blue. Signed at the lower right. GS Rufus Fairchild Zogbaum > AMERICAN: 1£49— 126—THE SALUTE | LY. Water Color: Height, 164, inches; length, 241%, inches One of the white cruisers of the United States fleet, seen in the blue waters of the foreground firing a salute as the vessel passes a town on the Mediterranean. On the left and right are motor launches, in the dis- tance mountain peaks and the buildings of the town at the edge of the sea; over all, a blue sky with gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1909. Robert Vonnoh, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— ~ 127—SPRING IN THE ee Ye pthera ta : ( Bee: Height, 18 inches; length, 211% inches —— Tue scene is in France and the foreground is occupied by a garden in which a man and a woman with straw hats are at work. Imside the garden wall, which traverses the canvas, is a peach tree in blossom and over the wall, on the left, are seen a house with white walls, tile roof and blue shutters, and the roof and tower of a church; above, on the left, are a bit of blue, and white clouds. Signed at the lower left, and at the lower right. Charles W. Hawthorne, N.A. AMERICAN: 1872— Seta ace ™. Tanmrtdbhe G D f tee 0 6 Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman in white dress, holding a white parasol over her head. She has stopped in a walk through her garden to look at a border of foxgloves in bloom. The effect is in strong sunlight. Signed at the upper left. Gardner Symons, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1865— , Me forg se 129— HILLSIDES AND MELTING SNOW “/ if 0 ods. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Forrcrounp: fields sloping downward to the left, partly covered with snow. Middle distance: a hill- side with a piece of woods. In the distance a range of hills and, above, a sky of gray. Signed at the lower right. -—y 0 Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches (05 — Lewis Cohen, A.N.A. AmeERICAN: 1857—1915 130—AUTUMN A roapway leads from the foreground into the middle of the picture with boulder-strewn pastures on either side. On the right, trees in autumn foliage line the roadway, and beyond, on the left, are seen belts of trees grayed by the autumn haze. Two figures in the middle foreground and others near the center of the compo- sition enliven the scene, and overhead is a sky of tem- pered gray. Signed at the lower left. Gifford Beal, N.A. AmeERIcANn: 1879— eae ee re) (a) ° ° i ° & mS ie Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches 131_OLD TOWN ae lewd From an esplanade in the immediate foreground a green terrace stretches upward with buildings and trees, on the right. On the left is a vine-covered trellis. Fig- ures in vari-colored costumes are indicated, some in the foreground and others on the terrace, or the steps at the left. The effect is in sunlight. Signed at the lower right, and dated ’15. Charles Courtney Curran, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 182—FRUIT ; w4 rae, > (7 * — Pastel: Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Grapes, apples, oranges, and other fruits, in a platter on a table with a brass vessel in the background in which are some autumn leaves. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1914. Harry Willson Watrous, N.A. AmeERican: 1857— 133-—SOLIT AIRE Thr i ie E ’ 3 Ree: ( f jj g¢ Height, 2414, inches; width, 18 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman in a fluted gown of white, seated on a Chippendale chair in back view to the spectator. Before her is a red table against a tapestry-covered wall and she turns her head over her left shoulder, in three-quarter view, as she looks up from the playing cards. Signed at the lower right. 184_IN THE VILLA D’ESTH (. io eae Height, 19 inches; aa. 231, inches f 0 Charles A. Platt, N.A. AmeErRiIcAN: 1861— Tue garden of a well known Italian villa, with its walls pierced by a gateway on the right, occupies the foreground. In the left center a tree stretches its foliage upward with branches and foliage showing against a sky of gray-blue. The shadow of the branches is cast on the sunlit wall near the middle of the picture and the wall on the left, where there is a bench, is in SETI Frank W. Benson, N.A. AMERICAN: 1862— 135—THE MIRROR : Mm. @ (3 VY Water Color: Height, 1934 inches; length, 2434 inches THE composition shows the wide expanse of a lake or river with wild geese swimming in the foreground, and in the distance. On the right are bunches of reeds. The geese, the reeds and the shores, which are outside of the picture, are reflected on the glassy surface. Signed at the lower left. ( Signed at the lower right. rene Robert Ward Van Boskerek, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 136—THE SEINE AT st A2g hte i CAUDEBECK-EN-CAUX, NORMANDY FO Fis Height, 19°, inches; length, 24 inches Tue foreground is occupied by a broad roadway with an arched ridge on the- right, and the nearer shore of the Seine, where flowers are seen growing amid the grass. On the left is the river with the opposite shore showing groups of trees. On the right, beyond the bridge, is a house with red tile roof and garden wall. In the distance is a steep, partly timbered hillside bor- dering the river, and overhead is a summer sky with clouds showing tints of tempered white, pink and yel- low and spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left. Colin Campbell Cooper, N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 137 -SUNSET NEAR FLORENCE 7 AAAYC ee tte t 5 2° water Color: Height, 191% inches; length, 2514, inches THE composition shows a wide view from heights in the foreground, overlooking the buildings of a village in a hollow on the right. Far away are blue mountains and in the sky above, which shows warm sunset tints mingled with gray, the sun is seen as it nears the horizon. Signed at the lower left. et 3 en! - f fad Elliott Daingerfield, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 138—MOONLIGHT Wyre KO ne 4 ae Water Color: Height, 25 inches; width, 191, inches In the foreground a roadway leads from the center and the houses of a village are seen on either side. Back of them appears the foliage of large trees. Above is a high sky of evening grays with the moon seen in the right upper portion, veiled by the clouds. Signed at the lower left. — Louise Cox, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— ; 139—-GOLDIELOCKS. (| ik g do Height, 20 inches; léngth, 24 inches ( A picture of a little golden-haired child wearing a blue frock, white socks and black pumps, seated in an armchair upholstered in blue, and holding by a string with the left hand a red toy balloon. On the left an oaken table with an embroidered cover, a blue and white jar, a picture frame and books. Signed at the upper right, and dated 191}. ( William S. Robinson, N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 140—AUTUMN EVENING ts o ) {2 = Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches oe omg | In the foreground at the left, a brook; on the right, | sloping ground with boulders and a group of trees and : shrubbery showing bare branches and brown foliage. : In the middle distance, on the left, appear a stretch of : pasture, a glimpse of a stream, and a hillside; over- : head is an evening sky showing tints of pale tempered yellow, pink, and_greenish-blue, with some clouds of ie gray. Signed at the lower right. F. Luis Mora, N.A. AMERICAN: 1874— 141—JOAQUINA VE: iy Ca lie eG faced oe i g — Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches A uiFE-sizE head and bust picture, with the face inv profile to the right, of a young girl with dark com- plexion and dark brown hair. About her shoulders is a gray-white Spanish shawl with flowers and figures, and in her hair is a red rose. Signed at the lower left. Francis Coates Jones, N.A. AMERICAN >: 1857 od ae nes 142—IN THE GARDEN) C77 ee Der SO go Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches f Tue composition presents a garden with plants an bushes bearing blossoms of white, pink and violet. the foreground are two figures of young women, one in a yellow-gray gown standing and holding in her hands a flower-pot, the other in light purple kneeling in the grass before some pots and plants. In the upper part of the picture, through the trees which border the garden, are seen the walls and a window of a white house. Signed at the lower right. Edward W. Redfield } AMERICAN: 1868— 1483—BROOK AND MEADOW 7 O.Yure MD nn y ) Lee Height, 251/, inches; length, 27 inches A STREAM runs swiftly across the foreground between snow-covered banks and beyond les a stretch of country with two hills on the left, belts of trees and, in the distance, a snow-covered hillside. Above is a strip of gray-blue sky. On the nearer bank at the right is the foliage of a tree which reaches up to the top of the composition, and on the farther bank are bushes bare of leaves. The effect is in sunlight on a bright winter’s day. Signed at the lower left. H. Bolton Jones, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— : 144SPRING MORNING Le, Se uh i O 6 0 Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches q A sTREAM, with its waters reflecting the green early spring foliage of trees growing on its banks, flows into ti.e picture from the left middle foreground. On the right are level green pastures with strips of shadow and, in the middle distance, seen through the inter- stices of tree trunks and foliage, is a belt of forest appearing blue through the atmosphere; overhead is a sky of pale blue with floating white clouds. Signed at the lower right. oe . 4 -¥ ( Sh se 6 Charles S. Hopkinson AMERICAN: 1869— 1444—THE BREEZE ae ee Height, 24 inches; length, 26 inches _ Tue lower part of the composition is occupied by the waters of the ocean, with light from the sun at right gilding the waves. At left, a sailboat; above, a sky with tints of blue and gray-pink. Signed at the lower left with initials C. H. and red identifying mark. Anton Rudert AMERICAN: 1890— 145—SULTRY SEASON RAD —y 6 Height, 20 inches; length, 25%, inches A sUMMERTIME picture showing, on the right, the walls and roof of a cottage with an opened green- shuttered window, a well, water-barrel, and_ bench. Near the middle of the composition is a large tree with its foliage filling the upper part of the canvas and casting shadows on the grassy foreground and the walls of the cottage. In the distance, on the left, appear bushes. Surrounding the yard, a distant line of trees and a space of gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Irving R. Wiles AMERICAN: 1861— 146—MIRROR LAKE YU: TOnvedhr Ci | 1 i. 4 ,, yo Height, 26, inches; width, 201 inches j In the immediate foreground, seated on a chair on a landing, is a young girl with white dress and green jacket, her head turned in profile view to the left. The upper part of the profile is relieved against the waters of the lake, which fill the middle part of the compo- sition, and above are the farther shore with buildings and clumps of trees, and a sky of gray and tempered blue. Signed at the lower left. te ue ae tae Gud: Se Ra eS a, CS a ne a RST Kenyon Cox, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1856— 147— AUGUST 1, ee Shes a 06 Height, 20 inches; length, 26/An¢éhes A FIGURE of a young woman, symbolizing August, ap- pears seated on the left of the composition in side view to the spectator. Her hands, in one of which she holds a sickle, are clasped over her knees and the upper part of the figure is covered with a drapery of quali- fied crimson. Near her, on the right, advancing from a harvest field, which lies in the sunlight beyond, is the nude figure of a boy carrying on his shoulders a sheaf of wheat. The dark green foliage of a tree makes a background for the head of the figure of August and the picture is completed by a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1917. Harry Willson Watrous, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— -5 9 148—PEACE WITH zonal | Fe Ss Tie J) do? — Height, 23 inches; length, 28 inches Ae A wavy, clad in cloak of green velvet and wearing a wide-brimmed black hat, appears on the right, in a nursery with white walls and a frieze of fantastic ani- mals. In her white-gloved left hand she holds the right hand of a little boy who is standing before her and is dressed in a sailor costume of blue. Behind him, on the floor at the left, are some of his toys. Signed at the lower right. Henry Oliver Walker, N.A. AMERICAN: 1843— 149—YOUNG DAVID Se ope Rens oi 2. Height, 26 inches; width, 2114 inches A HALF-LENGTH figure of a young man, the body in full face view and the head turned to the right. A kerchief of gray-red is tied around his head and over his bare shoulder and chest a goatskin is draped. Background of blue and gray, indicating a clouded sky. Signed at the lower right. Francis Coates Jones, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 150—THE SISTERS j- eA fl ere C Sai Height, 26%, inches; width, 22 inches A croup of two young women in an apartment with light gray walls and polished floor. One seated in an armchair is working with her needle on a bit of light blue material, while the other stands beside her, lean- ing against the frame of a doorway which appears on the left. Signed at the lower right. William T. Smedley, N.A. AMERICAN: 151—DIANA Be (Q Lest Az WH. 3 Nae Height, 29 inches; width, 20 inches a A HALF-LENGTH, life-size picture of a young woman, in full face view; drapery of gray-white with notes of pink. The background shows dark foliage and sky of qualified white and blue. Signed at the lower right. George H. Smillie, N.A. AMERICAN: 152—OLD PASTURE LANDS -~0 0 AN: X). f / y ee ae Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches { Forrecrounp: sloping pastures with a little stream in the center, the whole in shadow. Middle distance: a clump of trees, some of them in autumn foliage illu- mined by sunlight from the left; in the distance, on right, a line of hills. Sky, gray and white clouds with spaces of blue. . Signed at the lower left, and dated 1917. Arthur Crisp AMERICAN: 1881— 1583—_THE LITTLE COQUETTE Eaeeg 7 ¢ Pastel: Height, 30 inches; width, 21%, inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman coming down the steps from the entrance to a Colonial house with yellow door and pinkish-gray walls. On either side of the doorway are hollyhocks. The young woman wears a gown of green trimmed with white, and a straw hat tied under her chin with a green ribbon. As she trips down the steps, she holds out her skirt with both hands. 7 \ Y a * ® 3 aay -— a z L . =] i . -<_ on . a = arin as Signed at the lower right center. : Walter L. Palmer, N.A. a we AMERICAN: 1854— q “- : F 154—THE PINE GROVE Qlo earrntk Agort- fT Si ye V¢@ Millboard: Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches ¢ —— In the foreground, near the middle of the composition, rises the great trunk of a pine tree with its branches spreading out at the top of the canvas. Farther away, on either side, are the trunks and foliage of other trees. The ground is covered with snow, and late afternoon sunlight, coming from the right, illumines the picture. Beyond the woods lies a hillside, and a sky of pale blue with warm tints near the horizon is seen through the trees. Signed at the lower righi. Birge Harrison, N.A. American: 1854— 154,—THE LIGHTS OF BEVIS, yee / aes Height, 25 inches; let 27 inches Tue lower part of the composition shows the wide expanse of the harbor waters with cakes of ice, the whole illumined by the full moon, which is seen in the upper center in a night sky of tempered blue. Across © the canvas extends the shore, with snow-covered cliffs and forest, and the lights of the town at the waters’ brink and on the high ground above. _ Title and signature on back of stretcher. J. Alden Weir, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— 155—STILL LIFE a | Nee ( 0 gO Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches A SsTILL-LIFE of game-birds, showing a grouse and a pheasant on a large pewter platter. Signed with initials at the upper left, and dated ’89. / UO Bert Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Charles Warren Eaton AMERICAN: 1857— 156—EVENING: BELGIUM gee SAIN Tue lower portion of the composition is occupied by gray-green fields with a row of trees extending from the left nearly across the canvas, and on the right a house with low sloping roof. The sky shows gray clouds below and the dark tints of evening above, with some spaces of pale blue. Signed at the lower left. Frank Vincent Du Mond, N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 157—GRASSY HILL 2. Sane y, dA Uae = Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches From a green orchard with apple trees, in the fore- ground, there is a view of a wide stretch of country in summer time with a river traversing the picture. On a hillside on the left and a mass of trees near center. Sky, gray with white clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1912. ALE ogee te oe Jonas Lie, A.N.A.. AMERICAN: 1880— 158—OLD COVERED BRIDGE Q. (Shack as Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Tue waters of a broad stream occupy the lower half of the picture with a covered wooden bridge crossing it on the right. On the farther shore, near the end of the bridge, a group of trees and cottages. Distance: a hillside on the left and a mass of trees near center. Sky, gray with white clouds Signed at the lower right: William A. Coffin, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1855— 159—THE VALLEY FARM es ee RiaGak. a os ie Gye: g¢V Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches In the foreground is a grain field with standing shocks; the middle distance shows rolling country with belts of trees and a red brick farmhouse with outbuildings. In the distance, a range of mountains. The sunset sky shows great masses of clouds tinged with orange-red by the setting sun. : Signed at the lower right. George Elmer Browne AMERICAN: 1871— Ob fe 159s_THE CLEARING: OGUNQUIT LOWE. / Vo Height, 251% inches; length, 311/, inches ——— Tue foreground is occupied by a sandy slope, diversi- fied by autumnal herbage and a bunch of saplings, on the right. In the middle distance a hillside, and over- head an afternoon sky of qualified blue with white clouds. The effect is in bright sunlight. Signed at lower right center. De Witt M. Lockman, A.N.A. (Elect) AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 160—SPRINGTIME A oy anne pee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A HALF-LENGTH picture of a young girl, in full-face view, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat trimmed with mauve ribbon and pink roses, and a gown with trans- parent sleeves of dark purple. The left hand holds one of the hat strings which are tied under her chin. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1916. Edward Dufner, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1872— 161—SUMMER DAYS ESE Ong 4 0 ise oWater Color: Height, 311, inches; width, 24° inches In the foreground on the bank of a little stream, which traverses the composition, is the seated figure of a young woman in white with her hat and parasol lying on the grass before her. She is depicted looking across the stream at two children who are throwing bits of bread to some ducks. Beyond the stream lie pleasant pastures partly illumined by gleams of sunlight a group of trees on the left and a distant belt of timber. At the top of the picture is a strip of warm-tinted gray sky. Signed at the lower left. /OV Chia v Height, 34°34 inches; width, 28 inches _ young woman wears an old-fashioned bonnet lined with Howard Russell Butler, N.A. . AMERICAN: 1856— 162—SUNRISE, COAST OF MAINE uv 6 Height, 25 inches; length, see THE composition shows a rocky cliff on the léft an é the foreground rocks on shore. The sea, occupying ~ ~ the middle portion, reflects the glowing sunlight as it Sa appears in the sky above with tints of yellow, orange, and red. Signed at the lower left. Albert Rosenthal | AMERICAN: 18638— NR 16383—PRISCILLA ———— A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH life-size seated figure of a comely young woman, the body in profile view to the right, and the head turned to face the spectator. ‘The pink and trimmed with pink and green. A brown jacket, white jabot and ruffles at the wrists complete the costume and the right hand rests on the arm of her chair. Signed at the upper right, and dated 1912. Louis Aston Knight AMERICAN: 1873— & GB NOH, Aan K__ 164—OUR GARDEN: LAUNAY, NORMANDY UL r, ] vd Height, 32 inches; width, 25%, inches In the left foreground is a stream which winds its way through green fields into the distance and is crossed by a little bridge on the left. In the imme- diate foreground, on the right, growing on the bank of the stream, is a mass of bushes with many blossoms of white, yellow, red and pink. CALDER, A. Srerute, N.A. Study for Statue of History (Bronze) — CALUST, L. i The Fisherman Soa rd - CARLSEN, Emm, Nid. ae Evening | ‘ 7 112 CARRE, Brn aes A Stormy Evening: Princess. Bay ee 70. a CARRE, JEAN CAaTTREL : ; Winter aaa a 2) CASTAIGNE, A Ae a Catastrophe at Sea ~~ 809 CHAPMAN, Carterton, N.A. hee The Open Sea 22 CHURCH, F. Epwm | ‘a Hollyhocks 32.453 : CATALOGUE NUMBER CLARK, Entor, A.N.A. Distant Country 42 CLARK, Watrer, N.A. A Neighboring Hillside 30 CLEMENTS, Gerorcer H. Cape Cod 52 CLOSSON, Wixi1am Baxter, A.N.A. The Spirit of Fire 61 COHEN, Lewis, A.N.A. Autumn 130 COFFIN, Wirrram eyecN A. October Evening 1d Early Evening Oy The Valley Farm 159 COLEMAN, Cuaruszs Caryu, A.N.A. Vesuvius: View from the Island of Ischia 97 The Gateway, Island of Capri 120 COOPER, Coun Campsett, N.A. Sunset near Florence 137 COOPER, Emma Lampert The Little Shop: Holland 38 COX, Kenyon, N.A. August 147 COX, Lovisr, A.N.A. Goldielocks 139 CRANE, Ann Winter CRANE, Bruce, N.A. On the Farm CRISP, Arruur The Little Coquette CROSBY, Raymonp M. | | se Cape Cod in Summer ‘ Cape Cod in Winter CURRAN, Cxartes CourTney, N.A. Showers Fruit DAINGERFIELD, Exuiorr, N.A. The Canyon Rim Moonlight DAVIS, Cuartes H., N.A. Summer Morning | DERRICK, Witiiam R. The Lily Pond DEWING, Tuomas W., N.A. Pastel | DODGE, Wiriiam pe Lerrwicu Moonlight in Georgia DUFNER, Epwarp, A.N.A. Summer Days DU MOND, Franx Vincent Grassy Hill DUNSMORE, Joun Warp Old Friends EARLE, Ferprnanp In the Alps EATON, Cuar.es WarrEN Evening: Belgium EILSHEMUS, Louis M. Cranston Point: Hudson River FLAGG, CuHar.es Noe, A.N.A, Friendly Fishing Boat FLANAGAN, Joun, A.N.A. Head of Aphrodite FONTAINES, H. pes The Portiére FOSTER, Ben, _N.A. Landscape FRENCH, Dantext Cuester, N.A. Vanity (Bronze) FULLER, Lucia Farircuixup, A.N.A. Sturgis GARNSEY, Ermer E. The Opal Shore CATALOGUE NUMBER 157 108 156 40) 123 100 73 91 103 GRANVILLE, Smrri W., N.A. Landscape GREACEN, Epmunp Spring GRUPPE, Cuartes P. aa Caledonia Creek aaa HARRISON, Bireer, N.A. The Lights of Levis HASSAM, Cuinpz, N.A. 7 The North Gorge, Appledore HAWTHORNE, Cuarizs W., N.A. Foxglove | HAZELTON, Mane BREWSTER The Absent One HICKOK, Lina Wiser Roses HIRSCHBERG, Sypvey H. The Pursuit HOFFMAN, H. L. The Old Home: Old Lyme, Connecticut — HOPKINSON, Cuartes S. The Breeze HOWE, Wixu1am H., N.A. | Hill Pastures: Doyer Valley, N. Y. CATALOGUE NUMBER MUBBELL, Henny Saten, A.N.A. The Pied Mannekin 62 HYDE, Wiiuam H., A4.N.A. The Approach of Winter 72 JONES, Francis Coates, N.A. In the Garden 142 The Sisters 148 JONES, H. Botton, N.A. Spring Morning | 144 KAUFMAN, J. S. | Chamois Hunting in Switzerland 57 KENDALL, W. Sercerant, N.A. L’Egyptienne | 63 KING, Pav Old Houses near Germantown 167 KNIGHT, Lovis Aston The Abbey of St. Gond 125 Our Garden: Launay, Normandy 164 KNOX, Susan R. The Road to the Sea ie? LAMB, Exia Conpir Daisy 10 A Touch of Frost 39 LEIGHTON, Lorp Frepericr, P.R.A. Study of Drapery 19 LEITH-ROSS, H. The Bridge at New Hope LIE, Jonas, A.N.A. Old Covered Bridge LIPPINCOTT, Wituram H., N.A. Blanche, French Peasant Child LITZINGER, Dorornea M. ~ Autumn Flowers LOCKMAN, De Wirt M., 4 N. A, Elect einer geuS on as tg LONGACRE, Lyp1a Landscape LONGMAN, Evetyn B., 4.N.A. Female Torso (Bronze) LOOMIS, Crestor, 4.N.A. a A Country Church, Vermont LOW, Mary Faircuiip The Dove of War LOW, Witt H., N.A. Gloria La Communiante MAYNARD, Georce Wittovenusy, N. se The Oceanides _ MEYERS, Jerome Children at Play MIDDLETON, Srantey The Gardener’s Cottage MILLET, Mapame Francots Head of a Young Woman MORA, F. Luis, N.A. Joaquina MORSE, Epwarp Linp The Switchlight MURPHY, J. Francis Autumnal Landscape MAC NEIL, Hermon Arxins, N.A. Primitive Chant (Bronze) NAST, THomas Washington NETTLETON, Watter, A.N.A. The Edge of the Woods NIEMEYER, Joun H., A.N.A. Appreciation OLINSKY, Ivan G., A.N.A. Anna PALMER, Watrter L., N.A. The Pine Grove PARSHALL, Dewitt, A.N.A. Old Farm: Catskills CATALOGUE NUMBER 3 106 141 59 48 60 81 90 PETERSON, Jane The White Boat A Gray Day PHELPS, Heten Watson Hollyhocks PHILLIPS, H. S. The Gardener’s Daughter PLATT, CHARLES A., N.A. In the Villa d’Este POTTHAST, Epwarp H., N.A. The Red House POWELL, Artruur J. E. Winter PRELLWITZ, Eprra Mrrcnert, 4.N.A. Be: The Pool ie oe PRELLWITZ, Henry, N.A. A Lull in the Storm re ae Roses — is QUINN, E. F, ; : . ae Nude Figure ce REDFIELD, Epwarp W. Brook and Meadow REID, Rosert, N.A. The Black Hat 3 CATALOGUE NUMBER ROBINSON, Wii S., N.A. Autumn Evening 140 ROSEN, Ernest T. Lights and Shadows 69 ROSENTHAL, Apert | Priscilla ~ 163 ROSS, Gorpon 7 Landscape rel RUDERT, Anton Sultry Season 145 RYDER, Cuauncey F., A.N.A. Ogunquit Coast_ 93 SALISBURY, A. Wesr Hudson River 13 SARTAIN, Harrier A Country Garden 4d SEYDEL, V. White Peonies 43 SHURTLEFF, Roswett Morset, N.A. Falling Leaves 40 SINGER, Wixiram H., 4.N.A. Old Farms: May Morning 82 SMILLIE, Georce H., N.A. Old Pasture Land 152 STODDARD SE eh | A Westchester Hillside STONE, J. Wood Interior STORY, Grorce H., 4.N.A. The Fair Sketcher SYMONS, Garpner, N.A. Hillside and Melting Snow TAYLOR, Witriam NIcHOLSON The Bridge Venetian Fragment THAYER, Assorr Hanperson Head THULSTRUP, Tuure pr A Modern Equestrienne TURCAS, Juxes A Connecticut Lane UNKNOWN Flowers and Fruit VAN BOSKERCK, Roserr Warp, N.A. The Seine at Caudebeck-en-Caux, Normandy VAN LOO, Care is Drawing VOLK, Doveuas, N.A. A Wood Nymph VOLL, F. Usuer vr Early Spring: Central Park South VONNOH, Roserr, N.A. Spring in the Garden VOORHEES, Crarx G. Landscape WALKER, Henry Otniver, N.A., Weeping Nymph Young David WATROUS, Harry Wittson, N.A. Solitaire Peace with Honor WAUGH, Frepericxk J., N.A. Foam-swept Reef WEIR, J. Aupen, P.N.A. Still Life WHITTEMORE, Wir11M J., A.N.A. Smiling Girl WILES, Irvine R. Mirror Lake WILLIAMS, Freperick BaLiarp Landscape Near Pompton CATALOGUE NUMBER 114 46 127 56 74 149 133 148 165 155 rhe 146 94 110 WOODWARD, Dewive Indian Girl Daphne A Dragon Fly WUERPEL, Epwarp H., 4.N.4. — Landscape: St. Lawrence River >. YATES, Conan ace Uplands ZOGBAUM, Rurus Faircuiip | an The Salute An FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY 4 : q | j * i So a ms COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK anaes AND BINDING BY ovate EOS K i eed 2 ag a a Serene é A a ag m" ray Le es <> Ph ct ny , fa vis er ahha WOR Oh. a ae / hii | 'y Ve en $ vj heed t he) au) PL t PEN