S| if 3 autosravos, Bocuments | - Broadsides, prints | erwsnaners, and gactals the election at A Merchant — Vout a : . of fot few Dock Part ie is Seer ae: ;: j ‘ 4 > 3 BS ae ge dt ens 4 ys aia ' hv § ina Friday May 22. and 23; 1913 . [inc teoesonAuerox are “We : i — NEW YORK. U.S.A.) Tas No, 10038 AUTOGRAPHS AND PRINTS DOCUMENTS, BROADSIDES, NEWSPAPERS BOOKPLATES, MEDALS, SNUFF- BOXES THE COLLECTION OF A Merchant of Old New Work INCLUDING Letters and DBorwments or Narorzon I, nis Famiry, MARSHALS AND Ministers; Lovurs XV to XVIII; Comrb DE RoCHAMBEAU AND OTHER FRENCH OFFICERS IN THE REVOLUTION ; LAFAYETTE, Kosciusko, Tous- saAInt L’OuVERTURE, LoRD NortH, AND Cou. JoHN LAMB French and Indian War; roe American Revoivurion and THE WAR oF 1812 ; GovERNOR MaRKHAM’S PROCLAMATION AGAINST THE INDIANS, 1682 ; Cou. THEoporic BLAND, GEN. Burgoyne, AARON Burr, SIR Guy CARLETON, Marquis CoRNWALLIS, ADMIRAL DE GRAESSE, AND JoHN DICKINSON Nem York and Philadelphia Wiews; 75 rare Franxurin Porrrarrs; CARICATURES, MINIATURES, CAMEOS, SNUFF-BOXES, MEDALS AND ORDERS OF NAPOLEON INCLUDING THE LEGION oF HoNoR, AND Letters and Boruments mm a LoNG AND INTERESTING SERIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS AND A NUMBER OF THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE PART III : he é tees LL. 42 80 2. TO BE SOLD IN FOUR SESSIONS MAY 22 AND 23, 1913 Tuurspay ArreRNoon, May 22, 2:30 o’cLock, Lots 1- 300 Tuurspay Evunine, May 22, 8:15 o’crock, Lots 301— 600 FRIDAY Arrrernoon, May 23, 2:30 o’ctock, Lots 601— 930 FRIDAY Eventnc, May 23, 8:15 o’crock, Lots 936-1122 On Pusuic Exurpirion From May 17, at he Anderson Galleries The Anderson Auction Company MapIson AVENUE AT ForRTIETH STREET New YORK Conditions of Sale. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. fi 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final, 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on accounts as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4, Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and this Company will not be respon- sible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 0. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclu- sion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled accounts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, §. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels are sold as they are without recourse. 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and correctly describe items of this char- acter, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers. Weuse all bids competitively and buy at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Material on Exhibition three days before the sale Priced copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $2.00. Che Anudergon Galleries THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY, MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEw YORK. TELEPHONE, MURRAY HILL 7680, AUTOGRAPHS, DOCUMENTS, BROADSIDES, PRINTS, NEWSPAPERS, AND MEDALS THE COLLECTION OF A Merchant of Old New Pork PART II FIRST SESSION Thursday Afternoon, May 22, 1913, at 2:30 o’clock bs. - A BERCROMBIE (SIR RALPH—defeated the French at Alexandria where he died of wounds). D. S., 1 p. folio, Martinique, Jan. 27, 1797. * Pay warrant in favor of Capt. Thos. Deane. 302. ADAIR (GEN. JOHN—Kentucky patriot, with St. Clair and Wilkinson in 1791, aide to Gov. Shelby in the Battle of the Thames in 1813). D.S8S., Return of Kentucky Militia, Feby. 16, 1815, 1 p. folio. / \003. ADAMS (JOHN Q.). Ship’s Papers, signed by J. Q. | Adams and Henry Clay. 1p. folio, on vellum. July 29, 1825. * On the reverse are records of 3 transfers by masters of the ship, signed by Consuls at Gibraltar and elsewhere. yo4. ADAMS (JOHN Q.). Ship’s Papers, signed by J. Q. Adams, President; and H. Clay, See’t. of State, March 8th, 1828. On vellum, 1 page, folio. ALBANY. / \{/05. BLEECKER (NICHOLAS—of the old New York, Family). L. S., 1 p. folio, Albany, June 2, 1735, sending invoice of skins to London merchants. 356. GANSEVOORT (LEONARD JR.—first judge of | Pay 00.) A. L. §., ‘' L7G, Junr.” 2 pp. folio, N. Y. | 2795. | * Long letter on the appt. of Justices, etc. ae ys 7. LIVINGSTON (PHILIP—Second Lord of the Manor, _ Secty. of the Commissaries of the Province). A. L. &., | 8pp. 4to, Albany, Dee. 27, 1734. * To London Merchants, mentions the arrival of a Hudson’s ) Bay ship with skins; the prospect of trade with Canada in case . of war and sends samples of ‘‘bed lace” (which are still at- tached to the sheet). 7S 8. LIVINGSTON (PHILIP). A. L.S8., ‘* Robert & Peter Livingston & Co.,” 4 pp. folio, New York, June 8, 1737. Written in the hand of Philip Livingston, on mercantile. business. 2 50 9. LIVINGSTON (ROBERT—Son of the original founder of the family in America). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, New York, June 1, 1736. To London merchants on business. / §0 10. ALLSTON (JOSEPH—Governor of South Carolina, married Theodosia, daughter of Aaron Burr). A. L. to his wifé, 1 p. 4to, Jan. 1, 1809. In which he reproaches her bitterly for not having written him for more than a month. / 95 11. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Facsimile Transcript from the Wilkinson Papers, 6 pp. folio, being a list of Gen- eral Officers ‘‘ Now living (1794) and in this Country—to be named for Commander in Chief.” *A resumé of Officers who might be called on to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania, giving a brief outline of their habits, characteristics, and general fitness or unfitness, including Lincoln, Moultrie, Wayne, M’Intosh, Putnam, Steu- ben, and others. A candid and very interesting review. 50 12. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. MiILiTtaRy Docv- MENT. D.S., 1 p. folio, by Samuel Hodgdon, Com. Mili- tary Stores at Philadelphia, Aug. 26, 1785. * « State of Delaware in a/e with the U.S. 1781. Mch. 27: To 150 Cannon Balls, 3 pds. a/ 3s. BU ie 2 Iron Howitzers £16 Lak 200 Flints 75/ ie 151 Grape Shots fix’d, 3 pds _ 10/ and other curious items including ‘‘Rampart Muskets, and Ship Swords.” | 25 18. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Petition to the Coun- cil of Safety of Maryland by Hugh Deane, who had been imprisoned 28 days without trial. Annapolis, Apr. 10, 1777. 25 14. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Pay Warrant for ‘* transporting several New York Prisoners to Deerfield,” 1 p. 4to, Mech. 31, 1777. Signed by John Dudley, Speaker pro tem, and endorsed by E. Thompson, Secty. / 2515. AMHERST (JEFFREY, LORD—Distinguished Eng- lish General in the French and Indian War). D.S., 1779. Order for guns and arms. Signed also by SIR HENRY STRACHEY (served with Clive in India). 3416. ANDERSON (WM.—on Lafayette’s staff at Brandy- wine). A Petition 8,1 p. 4to. Easton, Pa., June 16, 1752. | * Joint petition of Wm. Craig and Wm. Anderson ‘‘ to build a house for Publick entertainment” and ‘‘to sell liquor by small measure.” 4 : { / 251%. [ANDRE (MAJOR JOHN).] Glover (Gen. John— at Long Island, Valley Forge, with Schuyler and Greene). D. S., 2 pp. folio, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 12, 1780. With - portrait. ) * «« List of 6 Months men march’d with Ens’gn Boardman.” Name and description of 18 recruits. Gen. Glover was a mem- ‘ber of the Court of Inquiry concerning Major André, which met Sep. 20, 1780. 3518. [ANDRE (MAJOR JOHN).] List of State Notes, | ete., stolen and lost. 1 p. folio. Litchfield, Dec. 24th, 1788. Signed Benj’n Tallmadge & Co., in the handwriting of Gen. Tallmadge. * General Tallmadge had charge of Major André until the time . of his execution, and became very friendly with him. / /019. ANDREOSSY (COUNT ANTOINE F.—Diplomat and General, with Napoleon in Italy and Egypt). A.L.5., 2 pp. 8vo, Vienna, May 28, 1807. With leaf of address to Mz. Lacroix. . Ly . * A friendly political letter in which he says that the present situation prevents his giving anything else his attention. 3520. ANDREOSSY (GENERAL). A. L. S., 12mo, Ville _d’Avray, n. d., in the third person, making an appointment. | With portrait. / 0021. ANDREOSSY (GENERAL). L. S., 4to, London, - 1803, when English Ambassador. * RELATING TO AMERICA. To the representative of France in America, acknowledging receipt of letters and documents. 3522. ANTIPHONARY. Fragment of a manuscript anti- _ phonary of the seventeenth century, fifty-five leaves; large ornamental initials introducing birds and flowers, and a _ full-page drawing of a saint. Folio, unbound. / \0023. ARTISTS. D. S. by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Court Painter of Charles and James II. Folio. Receipt for £11, on. d. (damaged and repaired). YS 24. ARTISTS. A.1L.S. by Sir Thomas Lawrence, making an appointment to paint a portrait—‘“‘If you make it half- past eleven, my dear Madam, I shall not scold you very | much.”’ 8vo. n.d. / (00.5. ARTISTS. lLandseer (Edwin), Cut Signature and 2 | }ines, n. d.; A. L. S. from C. R. Leslie to Mr. Aspinwall, 1831; Leighton (Sir F.), Signature, with card photograph; Leighton (John), A. L. 8., 1852; A. N. 8. by George Clint, 1840. (5 pieces. ) 3526. ARTISTS. Short A. N.S. of J. E. Millais, with en- _velope, 1855; A L. S. of S. Prout, refusing to allow his _ portrait to be published, 4to, 1835; A. L. S. of D. Roberts, _ placing the scene of a painting, (3 pieces ) 5 /52%. ARTISTS. Receipt signed by Wm. Mulready, from A. Cooper, 1810; A. L. S. from’ F. Chantrey, inviting a friend to share ‘‘a monstrous fish,’’? 1833; Account for drawings by Robert Seymour, in 3rd person, 1831. (3 pieces. ) OS 28. ASSIGNATS. Paper Money of the French Republie, 1792. Together 11 pieces. S529. AUCHMUCHTY (SIR SAMUEL—British General born in New York, at the Battle of Long Island and others, captured Montevideo in 1807). D.S8S., 1 p. folio, partly printed. Montevideo, Mch. 25, 1807. Pay warrant. Por- trait. 2530. AUTICHAMP (CHAS. D’—Royalist Chief in the Vendean War, 1793). L. 8S. 4to, no date. *To the Chevaliers of the Order of St, Louis, also signed by Comte F. R. de Labourdonnais, Extreme Royalist, and others. kK / \/ O81, PRAILLY (JEAN SYLVAIN—Noted Scientist and — Author, Mayor of Paris). A. L. S., folio, Paris, Jan. 4, 1791, *To M. Reynier, written the year of his great endeavors to assist Lafayette to moderate the violence of the revolutionists. Re- lating to the treatment of prisoners. Bailly was executed in 1793 : / 1/0 Ba: BAINBRIDGE (COM. WM.—distinguished in 1812). A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo, Baltimore, Mch 1, 1817. Portrait. * Present his respects to R. Smith “from one of the officers of the Navy over which you presided.” YO 38. BALCARRES (ALEX. EARL OF). Served in the Revolution, in a duel with Arnold refused to return his fire saying ‘‘I leave you to the executioner.’’ A.l.S.,4 pp. 4to, Balearres, Oct. 15, 1782. * Relates to uniform of the Highland Regiments, mentions America. ‘ Should Government make me allowance to provide accoutrements for the 10 companies in N, America destroyed by the Enemy.” 35 34. BALCARRES (ALEX. EARL OF). D. S., folio, Island of Jamaica, Sep. 19, 1798. Oath of Allegiance. CoO 35. BARAGUEY D’HILLIERS (GEN. LOUIS—In Italy and Austria with Napoleon). A. D.S&., folio, 1798. With portrait. Pay warrant. 25 36. BARANTE (BARON DE—Statesman and Author). A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo, Nov. 11, 1851; and a short MS. of 4 pp. 4to, proof corrections of an article, mentions America. 2 pieces. 6 / /03%7. BARRAS (PAUL, COMTE—Instrumental in Na- poleon’s rise). D.S., 3 pp. folio, 1798. * Official Document signed by Gen. Ramel (assassinated at Toulouse in 1815), Bergoeing who voted against Louis XVI, and Dupont, one of the ‘‘ Council of 500.” 45 38. BARRINGTON (WM. LORD—Secty. of War during the Revolution). A. L. 8. (initial), 1 p. 4to, Mistley, Dee. wr lito. *To Sir Jeffery Amherst relative to foreigners enlisting fora term of years, which doubtless relates to the Hessians and other troops sent to America in 1775, 6039. BARRINGTON (ADM. SAMUEL—at Louisbourg, 1760, took Santa Lucia from the French in 1778). A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, London, Dee. 16, 1777. *To Gen. Murray. ‘‘ The People of Manchester express a wish that the Colonel may be one who has distinguish’d himself in America during these hostilities.” 6540. BARTHELEMY (MARQUIS DE—Member of the Directory, presided at the Commission which dethroned Napoleon in 1814). A. L.S., 4to, Paris, Sep. 23, 1807. * Asking the support of a confrére. 35 41. BATHURST (HENRY—Baron Apsley, Lord Chan- cellor and President of the Council during the Revolution). A. L., franked with a signature, ‘‘ Bathurst,’’ 2 pp 4to (1796); portion of vellum D. 8. ‘‘ Apsley,” July 4, 1772. (2 pieces. ) 25 42. BATHURST (HENRY—Baron Apsley). A. L. S8., 1 p. 4to, on the management of sheep. With portrait. 35 43. BAUDIN (CHARLES—French Admiral, took the fortress of San Juan de Ulloa from the Mexicans in. 1838). A. L. 8., 1p. 4to, Brest, Nov. 30, 1834, declining a civic appointment. With portrait of N. Baudin, who served in the American Revolution. (2 pieces.) 25 44. BEAUMONT (G. A. DE—Author, M. Lafayette’s Grand-daughter). A LEE (COL. S. J—M. 0. C. from Pa., at Battle of Long Island). A. L.S., 1p. 4to, June 4, 1785. * On settlement of affairs. after the Revolution: ‘‘ The con- fused State of the Militia at the time will perhops render it more difficult.’’ SCARCE. / |00216. BAYARD (JOHN—M. O. C. from Pa.). -D.S., partly printed, 1 p. small 4to, Phila., Sep. 23, 1760. * Pay warrant for Wm. Montgomery ‘‘Highty Pounds for his Wages for two Days Service in the Assembly and £679 for his Mileage.’’ Signed by Montgomery. meet BAYARD (JOHN). D.S., partly printed, Phuila., Dec. 22, 1784, 1 p. 4to. Pay warrant to J. Keller for attend- ance on the Assembly, also signed by John Nicholson. 7 ZO 218. BEATTY (COL. JOHN—M. O. C. from N. J., in charge of British Prisoners). L. 8., 2 pp. folio, Commissary of Prisoners’ Office, Middle Brook, May 23, 1779. * A jong letter to Aaron Burr in odes to a British Prisoner for whom Burr had asked certain privileges: ‘‘I wish for no other Security than his Prudence and your Honour, but as it is Official am obliged to prescribe to him the inclosed Parole— It does not lie with me to give him Permission to go to N. York.’’ 75 219. BEDFORD (COL. GUNNING—M. O. C. from Del., in French and Indian War, wounded at White Plains in 1776). A Cheque 8., Wilmington, July 21, 1803. 23 / CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 7O 220. BEE (THOMAS—M. O. C. from 8. C., distinguished Patriot and Jurist). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, Charleston, July 14, 1798, mentions the Revolution. 4O 221. BEE (THOMAS—M. O. C. from 8S. C.. D. S., 1789, with portrait; also signed by C. Cotesworth Pinckney. 30 222. BEE (THOMAS—M. 0. C. from 8S. C.). . Official D. S., 1774. 22 0 223. BINGHAM (WM.—M. O. C. from Pa., first President of the Senate). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, Phila., Apl. 18, 1797, on land investments. | * Father of Lady Ashburnham. I5 224, BLANCHARD (JONATHAN—M. O. C. from N. H.).. Franked letter cover addressed to Josiah Bartlett (damaged). OO 225, BLAND (COL. THEODORIC—M. O. C. from Va., in charge of the Burgoyne Prisoners). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Phila., Apl. 15, 1783. * Written on the day Congress ratified the preliminary treaty of Peace with England. Also signed by J. Madison, Jr. a5 226. BLOUNT (WILLIAM—M. 0. C. from N. C., Member of the Const. Convention and Goy. of Ohio Territory). A. L. 8, 1 p. 4to, Tarborough, Oct. 17, 1796, to John Sevier, Governor of Tennessee (admitted as a State on June 1, 1796). * “*T approve of your Reasonings as to the Defence you have required for the Frontiers,’’ and other matters relating to Ten- nessee. yO 227. BOUDINOT (ELIAS—President of the O. C., from Pa., and in charge of British Prisoners). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, Princeton, Sep. 28, 1812, on the Vice-President of the Bible Society. To Dr. Ashbel Green. 3 © 228. BOWDOIN (JAMES—M. 0. C. from Mass., and first Gov, of Mass.). L.S., 1 p. folio, Boston, Mch. 30, 1786. * Written when Governor of Massachusetts to Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia, on a Convention of Delegates from the States to meet at Annapolis. 50 229. BROWN (JOHN—last survivor of the Old Congress - from Va.). A. N. in 3rd person, declining an invitation to dine with Aaron Burr. § 0 230. BROWNSON (NATHAN—Member of the Provincial Congress and Continental Congress from Georgia). D. S., partly printed, 1 p. folio, St. Johns Paris, Nov. 6, 1776. * Bond of Peter Lavien, Samuel Grove and Edward Davies of Savannah. SCARCE. 24 | CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 70 231. BUTLER (PIERCE—Member of the Old Congress | from 8. Carolina). A. L. S., 1 p. small 4to, Alexandria, Oct. 19, 1801. “To James Madison, then Secty. of State: ‘‘I take the freedom of bringing to your recollection once more, Freneau, who both - You and myself know was sacrificed to the uncontrould pride of Others—It will be well to restore the printing of the Laws in S. Carolina to the paper from which Pickering took it—that of MckEvers § Williams.’’ 50232. BUTLER (PIERCE). A. L. §., 1p. 4to, Charleston, June 28, 1806, to M. Petit de Villers, Savannah, ordering all _ shipments insured. 30 233. CADWALADER (LAMBERT—M. 0. C., from N. J., Col. of a New Jersey Regt., taken prisoner in 1776, Member _ Old Congress). D.S., 1 p. small 4to, Phila., Dec. 27, 1776, recommending Walter Bicker as Captain, also signed by John Shee. & 30234. CARROLL (DANIEL—M. O. ©. from Md., member Const. Convention). Autograph Order Signed, 1 p. small 4to, May 22, 1784. From the Gilmor collection. “His farm was on the site of Washington, D. C. 7O 235. CASWELL (RICHARD—M. O. C. from North Caro., - member Const. Convention. Governor of the state, led in the _ Battle of Camden). D.S., 1 p. folio, Kinston, July 15, 1785, legal papers.. =~ 50236. CHASE (JEREMIAH—M. O. C. from Maryland). A. L.8., 1p. 4to, inlaid, Annapolis, July 26, 1811. Personal. From the Gilmor Collection. / 50237. CLARKSON (MATTHEW—M. O. C. from Pa., Aide to Gens. Gates and Arnold). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, War Office, | Jan, 29, 1782. * War letter: ‘‘I enclose a resolution of Congress respecting recruits to be raised by the several States against the coming Campaign.’’? 70° 238. CLAY (JOSEPH—M. O. ©. from Ga., Paymaster Gen’. of the Southern Dpt., died a Judge). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Savannah, Apl. 5, 1793, to an atty. in Augusta, Seaborn Jones, with details of many business matters. 3 /0 239. CLINTON (GEN. GEORGE—M. O. C. from N. Y., at Frontenac, in the Revolution and Gov. of N. Y.). Autograph certification signed to a legal document, 1 p. folio, Pough- _ keepsie, Aug. 16, 1780. * Appointment of Judah Burton to purchase provisions for the Revolutionary Army. 20 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 30240. COBB (GEN. DAVID—M. 0. C. from Mass., and Washington’s Aide). A. D. 8., 1 p. folio, partly printed, power-of-attorney. July 17, 1819. 30 241. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. Engraved portraits, no duplicates, some inlaid to 4to. (14 pieces.) * R. H..and ¥.:L. Lee, Henry Laurens, Willie Jones, etc. 30 242. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. Similar lot, no dupli- cates. (14 pieces.) YO 243. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. Similar lot, no dupli- eates. (15 pieces.) * Franklin by F. Se Jefferson from the European Maga- zine, Lyman Hall, , Adams, ete. LAS 244. COOKE (JOSEPH—M. O. C. from Conn.). Signa- ture on portion of D.8., 1799. S50 245. COXE (TENCH—M. O. C. from Pa.). A. L. §., 1788. 50 246. COXE (TENCH—M. O. C. from Pa.). A. 1. 8., 1799. 50 247..COXE (TENCH—M. 0, ©. from Pal)? AS iia eirca 1798. LS 248. DANA (FRANCIS—M. O. C. from Mass., and Chief Justice). Two lines and signature. §° 249. DAYTON (ELIAS—M. O. C. from N. J.)., and OGDEN (AARON—statesman and patriot). D. 8., 1 p. folio, Elizabeth Town, Apl. 17, 1798. Power of Atty. *An André item, as Ogden was chosen by Washington to meet Sir Henry Clinton and see if an exchange of André for Benedict Arnold could be arranged. /O 250. DAYTON (JONATHAN—M. O. C. from N. J., soldier in the Revolution). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Phila. 1791. * The opportunity once offered our state of becoming im- portant by means of commerce was heedlessly neglected.’’ 25 251. DICKINSON y (JOHN—M. O. C. from’ Del., signed the Constitution). A. L. 8., 1 p. folio, ‘“In Council, Nov. 12, 1784.’’ * To the Gov. of Massachusetts on delivering up criminals. A fine example of a noted patriot, who reached the rank of Gen- eral in the Revolution, served as President of Delaware and Pennsylvania, wrote under the signature of ‘‘Fabius,’’ his work printed by’® Franklin. 30252. DICKINSON (PHILEMON—M. O. C. from Del., brother of above, equally prominent in the Revolution). Short A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1807, to the Cashier of the U. S. Bank. 26 | CONTINENTAL: CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 30 253. DUANE (JAMES—M. O. C. from N. Y., jurist and patriot, and first Mayor of N. Y.).. A. D. in 3rd person, Lisp: | 4to, New York, Jan. 19, 1791, on behalf of the inhabitants of _ Duanesburgh. With portrait. ‘ 0 254. DUER (WILLIAM—M. O. C. from N. Y., his failure in 1792 the first produced by speculation in New York). _A.L.S8., 1p. folio, Aug. 4, 1794, on the EMA of a farm on the Bronx. Fo 255. DUER (WILLIAM). A. L.S8., 2 pp. 4to, New York, _ Nov. 9, 1794. On improving property on the Bronx. 50256. DUFFIELD (SAMUEL—M. 0. C. from Pa). A. L, 8. and D. 8., 1794. (2) Yo 257. DYER (ELIPHALET—M. O. C. from Conn., and in Fr, and Indian War). A. L. S. with initialed postscript, 4to, Windham, Sep. 12, 1791. * VERY RARE. To Aaron Burr on legal business, endorsed by Burr. 50 258. EDWARDS (PIERPONT—M. O. C. from Conn., in the Revolution, proficient in the Indian languages and ‘ad- ministered Arnold’s estate at the time of his treason). A. L.S. and franked, 1 p. 4to, N. Y., 1788. *To his daughter, mentions the ratification of the Constitu- tion then held up by opposition in N. Y., Va. and Mass. 25 259. ELLSWORTH (OLIVER—M. O. C. from Conn., and Chief Justice). A Receipt in 3rd person, Jan. 19, 1786, with portrait. 70 260. FEW (COL. WM.—M. O. C. from Georgia, and of the Constitutional Convention). Jan. 12, 1795, on business. Inlaid. Rare. 79 261. FITZSIMONS (THOS.—M. O. C. from Pa.). A. L.S., 1789. 7S 262. FOLSOM (NATHANIEL—M. O. C. from New Hamp- shire, at Fort Edward in 1755, and at Boston in the Revolu- tion). D.8.,1p. 4to. Exeter, Nov. 29, 1776. * Pay Warrant for ‘‘EHscorting nine Prisoners from New York to Amherst Goal.’’ On the reverse is an itemized state- ment of expense for the trip. These prisoners weve probably removed when the British occupied New York in the fall of 1776. 50 268. GALLOWAY (JOSEPH—M. O. C. from Pa., friend of Franklin, Loyalist, went to England in 1779 on the evacua- tion of Phila.). D.S., partly printed, 1 p. 4to, Phila., Sep. 25, 1771. Pay Warrant when Speaker of the House. 27 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 30 264. GANSEVOORT (LEONARD—M. 0. C. from N. Y.). A. L. S., 1 p. small 4to, White Hall, Sep. 24, 1803 (near Albany), on legal business. /\/O 265. GERVAIS (J. L.—M70. C. from 8) CG), ae 1773. 70° 266. GIBBONS (WILLIAM—M. O. C. from Ga.). D. S., 1 p. 4to, Savannah, Mch. 19, 1802. ; * Receipt to Edw. Telfair for a sum ‘‘arising out of the labour or hire of Negroes belonging to them.’’? A rare name. / 30 267. GILMAN (NICHOLAS—M. O. C. from N. H., and Washington’s Aide). A. L.S., 1p. folio, Exeter, Jan. 7, 1777, and franked letter cover. (2) “Gilman’s letter is to Gen. Jeremiah Wadsworth stating the impossibility of honoring a pay warrant. 2 50 268. GOLDSBOROUGH (ROBERT—M. O. GC. from Md, 1774-6). A. L. 8.,2 pp. 4to, Annapolis, Nov. 5, 1786. “To J. Ridout about his son’s tuition, endorsed twice by © Ridout with payments made. Rare in this shape, 3 OO 269. GOLDSBOROUGH (DR. ROBERT—M. O. C. from Md.). A. L.8., 2 pp. folio, Dee. 17, 1789, long personal letter. SCARCE. 350 270. HABERSHAM (MAJ. JOHN—M. O. C., Georgia, and Indian Agent). D.S., partly printed, 1 p. 4to, 1784. * Bounty Warrant for 575 acres in Franklin Co. / 20 271. HALL (JOHN—M. O. C. from Md.). A. L. §., 1762. Rare 25° 272, HARING (JOHN—M. 0. C. from N. ¥., and Ghai man of the Committee of Safety, 1775). D.S8., folio, 1775. “RARE. A blank commission of the Colony of New York, the lower edge damaged, mutilating part of the word ‘‘John.’’ ‘/ /O 273. HARING (JOHN—M. 0. C. from N. Y.). D.S8., 1785. Haring was also judge. Rare autograph. SO 274, HARVIE (JOHN—M. O. C. from Va., signed the Articles of Confederation). D. S., folio, Williamsburg, Va., 1791. Scarce. : AS 275. HAWKINS (BENJAMIN—M. O. GC. from N. C.3. Cut signature. / 3S 276. HENRY (JOHN—M. O. C. from Md.). A. L. S., 4to, Annapolis, 1798. From the Gilmor Collection. 28 | CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.— Continued. iy HENRY (WM.—M. 0. ©. from Pa.). A. D. S., 1781. “Henry was armorer for the troops on the Breadosk Ex- pedition, and inventor of the screw auger. 50 278. HENRY (WILLIAM—M. O. ©. from Pa.). A.D. 8. 1783. vo 279. HIGGINSON (STEPHEN—M. O. C. from Mass.). OA. Pos, L795. * An active revolutionary patriot. / |§5 280. HINDMAN (WM.—M. O. C. from DED oA al eee 2 pp. folio, 1783, mentioning the conclusion of Peace. . * Fine eae from the Gilmor Collection. Rare, not in Cist. f 2o 281. HOUSTON (WM. C.—M. O. C. from N. J.). A, D, S., Peay C0. * Resolve of Congress on the Defense of the Delaware River Rare autograph. = |00282, HOWARD (GEN. J. E—M. O. CG. Dels).4 Ap Tass 2 pp. 4to, Belvidere, Sep. 11, 1818, on the erection of a Monu- ment on his property, now Howard’ s Park, Baltimore. From the Gilmor Collection. (50 283. HUMPHREYS (CHAS.—M. O. C. from Pa.). Colonial Note of Pennsylvania, 1772, signed by him. Rare autograph. / ‘20 284. HUTSON (RICHARD— M. O. C. from 8. C., signer of the Articles of Confederation). A. L. 8., 1 p. folio, dated from Charleston in 1788 and relating to a case against "Henry Laurens. SCARCE AUTOGRAPH. §9 285. INGERSOLL (JARED—M. O. C. from PajaAo ose 1798, relating to the Penn Estate. 3 /0 286. IZARD (RALPH—M. 0. C., South Caro.). A. L. S., 3 pp. folio, Paris, Oct. 8, 1777. S Toate political letter mentioning the Foreign Commission, the interest of France and other countries in the Revolution, the news from America that Burgoyne was defeated, and wants letters sent in care of Dr. Franklin. 70 287. JACKSON (DR. DAVID—M. O. OC. from Pa.). A. D.8., medical, 1782. * Rare. 30288. JACKSON (DAVID—M. O. C. from Pa.). Lottery Ticket issued by Congress in 1776, signed by him, cut signa- ture of William Henry, M. O. C. from Pa. (2) 350289. JACKSON (JONATHAN—M. O. C. from Mass.). Two lines in third person; rare. A. L. S., Phila., 1802, of JARED INGERSOLL, M. O; OC. from ‘Baseirom the Gilmor Collec- tion. (2) e 29 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. 4 §0 290. JAY (JOHN—M. O. C., New York, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). A. L.S., 1p. 4to, London, Dee. 18, 1794. A letter of introduction to James Monroe, then Minister to France. 200 291. JAY (JOHN—M. 0. C., New York). D. S., Receipt, Apl. 30, 1788. e* Reesor Robert Morris forty pounds York currency on the Sale of Lands to James Prevost near Spitsbergh in Orange County.’’ '/ 35 292. JENIFER (DANIEL OF ST. THOMAS—M. O. ©. from Md.). A. L.8., 1766. From the Gilmor Collection. 50 298. JOHNSON (THOS.—M. O. C., Md., 1st Gov. of Maryland, nominated Washington to be Commander-in-Chief). Di S., 4to, ‘‘In Council, Jan. 4, 1780.’’ Pay warrant. SO 294. JOHNSON(WM. S.—M. O. C. from Conn.). D. §&., L 96" *Not in the Cist Collection. J \75 295. KING (RUFUS—M. 0, C. from iiass)) eae 1820, with portrait engraved by Leney. From the Gilmor Col- lection. / 2S 296. KING (RUFUS—M. O. C., New York). A. L. S. and | franked, 4to, N. Y. 1818, asking that a horse be sent back. With portrait, by Leney. / OO 297. KINSEY (JAS.—M. O. CG. from N. J., and Chief Justice). Adsl 779, 30 298. LANGDON (JOHN—M. O. C. from N. H.). D.S., 1805, as Governor. *Langdon was distinguished in the Revolution, and helped remove the stores from Fort William, was in the Battle of Bennington, ete. J 20 299. LANSING (JUDGE JOHN—M. O. C., New York, and one of the framers of the U. 8. Constitution). A. D.S%., 3 pp. folio, Saratoga, Dec. 3, 1776. * General Orders containing the Resolves of Congress on the formation of the Commissary and Hospital Dpts. of the Revolu- tion. 30 300. LANSING (JOHN—M. O. C. from N. Y.). Two lines signed, 1802. 30 CONTINENTAL CON GRESS, 1774-1778.—Continued. SECOND SESSION. Thursday Evening, May 22, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock. 6301. LAW (RICHARD—M. 0. C. from Conn.). A. D. ie 1774. 30 302. L’HOMMEDIEU (EZRA—M. O. C. from N. NGO! Cut signature; JARED IncERsott—M, O. CG. from Pe. Aveo. Phila., 1808. (2) 70 303. LIVINGSTON (R. R—M. 0. ©. from N. Y.). L. 8, 1804. 25304. LIVINGSTON (WALTER—M. O. C. from N. 9" Receipt signed, 1784. * Livingston’s autograph is rare. 30305. LIVINGSTON (WALTER—M. 0. (C. from NY oe L. 8., 1785, also signed by Samuel Osgood, M. O. C. from Mass. 2S 306. LOVELL (JAMES—M. O. C. from Mass., imprisoned by Gage after Bunker’s Hill). Signature on portion of a document. 2S 307. LOWELL (JOHN—M. O. C. from Mass). De S-, PTO: #5 308. McHENRY (JAMES—M. 0. ©, from Md.). Auto- - graph Receipt. 30 309. McLENE (JAS.—M. O. CG. from Pay eee De eT 8) Official Pay Warrant for service in the Pennsylvania " boc for the Academy, mentions Gen. Swift. 52 3°563. LOREDANO (LEONARDO—Doge of Venice). No- tarial certificate, dated October 1519. Vellum. With the leaden seal of the Doge. /3 00564. LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Paris, Jan. 20, 1653, edges a little scorched in four places. * AN IMPORTANT HISTORICAL DOCUMENT ON THE TREACHERY OF Louis DE BourBon, ‘‘The great Conde,’’ IN HIS CONSPIRACY with Spain: ‘‘Mais comme le Prince de Conde a continue d’agir contre nous pour le ruine entier de cest Estat, etc.’’ The King goes on to state that contrary to the custom of Spain and in defiance of the treaty they have established an Army on the frontier from whence they expect to spread in to the heart of his Kingdom, that he is himself obliged to go to Picardie to strengthen his Army, and discusses other important matters in connection with the invasion. 2 75565. LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE. L.S., Poitiers, Jan. 1652. Appointment of Sieur De La Cave to the command of the Castle of Couat. Signed also by Phelypeaux, Secretary of State. 30566. LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE. Vellum D.5S., large folio, Versailles, July 8, 1685, on the computation of interest. Stained. 7S 567. LOUIS XIV BUTTONS. Filigree silver, two mounted as cuff buttons. 4 pieces. / 00568. LOUIS XV OF FRANCE. D. S., Versailles, Dee. 31, 1763. Folio, also signed by the Due de Choiseul, both signa- tures lightly scored through. * Pay Warrant for Officers and other employees at St. Domingo. The Duc de Choiseul was a favorite of both Madame de Pompadour and Madame du Barry. / 1/0569. LOUIS XV OF FRANCE. D. S., Compiégne, June 30, 1764, countersigned by the Due de Choiseul. Folio. * Pay warrant for a physician at St. Domingo. / 20570. LOUIS XV OF FRANCE. D.S., Paris, March, 1720. Permission to the Marquis de Corey to wear diamonds or precious stones, notwithstanding the edict forbidding their being worn. Signed also by Phelypeaux, Secretary of State. Vellum. 525571. LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. Printed D. 8., 2 pp. folio, Versailles, Sept. 10, 1779, also signed by Comte de Montbarey. *To the Comte de Marboeuf, friend of Napoleon, ordering a Te Deum on account of the victories over the English in Senegal AND In AmerICcA, by the Marquis de Bouille, and the Comte d’Estaing. 58 / 30572, LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. D. S., Versailles, Dec. 26, 1786, 16 pp. folio. Statement of the receipts and ex- penses of the Department of Auch, for 1783. Signed also by Jean Chanorier, Receiver General of the Finances; Chas. Alex. De Calonne, ‘‘Controleur General’’ of the Finances; and others. / 20573, LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. D. S., 8 pp. folio, Ver- sailles, Jan. 3, 1786. * 'Tax-roll for an election, also signed by De Calonne, Comp- troller-General, and others. _ 3 00574, LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. D. S., folio, Versailles, Jan. 10, 1788, with geal. * Also signed by the Chev. de la Luzerne, first Minister to the United States. Military. 50575. LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. Relief silver medallion mounted as brooch; ‘‘Tresor Royal’’ on reverse; octagonal shape, signed Duviv. 60 576. LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE. Portraits, mezzotint by Jan Voorman, 1786; bust by J. B. Louvion; by Massard, 8vo, 3 pieces, with two scenes from his life. Together 5 pieces. <& 50577. LOUIS XVIII OF FRANCE. OD. Signed ‘‘Louis Stanilas Xavier,’’ Versailles, Jan. 1781. Quittance for Royal Expenses. 4 pp. folio. Vellum. ; 60578. LOUIS PHILIPPE. Five frane piece of 1847, hol- lowed and hinged as a miniature ease. 2 25579. LOUIS PHILIPPE ENAMEL ORDER. Three- point star, wreath and crown. 1830. / 25 580. LOUIS NAPOLEON ORDER. Surmounted by an eagle. 50 581. LOUISBOURG. Receipts for money in payment for fuel, oxen, and as overseer. Dated Louisbourg, Jan. and June, 1760. Signed by William Neal, John Adlam, Alex- ander Boies, and by Gen. Edward Whitmore, as Governor. 3 pieces. /5 582. LOUISIANA GOVERNORS. Official D. §. with seal 1827 of Henry Johnson 1824-28; Official D. S. 1848 of Isaac Johnson 1845-50, damaged and part of signature of Gayarré, author of the History of Louisiana, missing. ' 2 pieces. 2 25583, LOUISIANA PURCHASE. Claiborne ie 0. C6.— Tennessee pioneer, Governor of Miss. and La.). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, New Orleans, Mch, 4, 1804. With portrait. “““We await with great anuiety the proceedings of Congress im relation to Louisiana—I do not know what species of gov- ernment will best suit Louisiana—I think a government similar to our territorial governments would be best—Gen. Wilkinson will take his departure in ten or fifteen days.’’? To Gen. Jonathan Dayton. 54 25 584. LOUVERTURE (PAUL—brother of Toussaint ~VOuverture). L. 8., 4to, Marne, 1804, acknowledging orders to Gen. Brunet. ) * Rare, he died in a French prison. & /0 585. L’OUVERTURE (GEN. TOUSSAINT—of Haiti, 1743-1803). D. S. four times, 8 pp., large folio, San Do- mingo, 1796. * RARE. HISTORICAL DOCUMENT BEING PART OF THE REGISTER CONTAINING HIS PROCLAMATIONS IN REGARD TO THE CONDUCT OF THE GOVERNMENT; ORDINANCE ON TAKING POSSESSION OF BAN- IQUE, and Orders to the Police (this last incomplete). Tous- saint L’Ouverture was taken by Napoleon to France where he died in prison. 56586. L,;OUVERTURE (GEN. TOUSSAINT). D. S. six times, 8'pp., large folio, L’Arcahaye, 1798. * Address to the French inhabitants of the quarters still occupied by the English; to the Citizens of St. Mare, L’Arcahaye, etc., with the responses of the cities. The last page contains part of a proclamation (unfinished) on the restoration of peace. / 005687. L°>OUVERTURE (TOUSSAINT). L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Feb. 27, 1801 (right side shaved off), relating to the restora- tion of property. 25588. LOYALISTS. A. L. S., 4to,. Boston, 1736, of Ph. - Dumaresq to London Merchants. *< Send me £5 in good Common playing Cards and a Box of Edging.’’ 25589. LOYALISTS. A. L. S., 3 pp., 4to, Charles Town, Dec. 12, 1782, of J. Cruden, the British Commissioner for sequestrated estates in South Carolina, written on that sub- ject two days before the evacuation of Charleston (which he _ mentions), also mentions Sir Guy Carleton. 9o 590. LUCKNER (NIKOLAUS—Marshal of France, guil- lotined in 1794). D.S., folio, Schelestat, Sep. 7, 1791. *Furlough for a sick soldier. 70 591. LUZERNE (CHEV. DE LA—Minister to U. 8. 1779- 73a). i. 5.2 pp. folio, Phila., Sep. 6, 1782. ) * To the Chev. de Luxembourg, on the action of his agent in settling money transactions with South Carolina, and en- closing a copy of a letter from the agent to him. / | 50592. LUZERNE (CHEVALIER DE LA). A. L. S., 4to, Paris, May, 18, 1788, with portrait; L. S., 4to, 1790, stating he will use his influence with the King. (2) * On business affairs, mentions New York. 30593. LYMAN (WM.—General in the Revolution). ‘Aso ., 1787. 55 f AL OD94. cLANE (COL. ALLAN—at Long Island, White Plains, Yorktown and other battles of the Revo- lution). A. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Duck Creek Cross Roads, 1784, with signed P. 8. on his financial obligations. / © 0595. MACOMB (ALEX—the Elder, assoc. with Astor and Kane, bought the tract on the St. Lawrence of three and a half million acres known as ‘‘Macomb’s Purchase’’ at 121%, cents an acre). A. L. 8., 4to, New York, 1799, on mortgaging property in Troy. \/ 20596. MACOMB (ALEX.—General in 1812, at Niagara and _ Fort George). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, March 8, 1822, with leaf of address and seal. With portrait. “A very interesting letter in which he outlines his many duties in the Engineering Dpt., directing fortifications, super- visor of West Point, and now objects to being placed in charge of the Public Works and Buildings of Washington without extra pay. 609097. MAITLAND (ADM. SIR FR. LEWIS—Napoleon surrendered to him and was conveyed by him to England on the Bellerophon). Short A. L. S., 8vo (1822), asking that his mail be forwarded. Edge worn. 60 598. MALLET DUPAN (JACQUES—KEditor of ‘‘Mer- cure,’’ defended the Royalist Cause in the French Revolu- tion). A. L. S., 4to, Geneva, Oct. 21, 1783, with leaf of ad- dress and wax seal. “Of special literary importance; on a projected edition of Voltaire, with references to certain pieces then in the possession of Voltaire’s old secretary, living at Ferney. 50 599. MARBOIS ann HYDE DE NEUVILLE—Ministers to the U.S. A. L. 8. of Barbe Marbois, 1816, 4to, on a meet- ing with the King; L. S. of Baron Hyde de N euville, to the Gov. of Martinique, Washington, 1822. 70 600. MARCHAND (COMTE J. G.—French General at _ Jena and Friedland). A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Grenoble, Sep. 15, 1820. , “On the promotion of his brother-in-law. 56 THIRD SESSION Friday Afternoon, May 23, 1913, at 2:30 o’clock. 7 |0 0601. MARET (HUGUES—Due de Bassano, Secty. to Napoleon). A. L. S., 4to, Gratz, Oct. 26, 1816. Friendly | letter, signed as ‘‘ Duc de Bassano.” / 00602. MARET (HUGUES—Due de Bassano). A. L. S., | 4to, n.d. Personal. 3 00603. MARKHAM (WILLIAM—Cousin of Wm. Penn and _ his deputy in Pennsylvania from 1681, afterwards Colonial Governor). A.D. signed with initials, folio, with blank _ Second sheet, Oct. 1, 1682. * THE GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION AGAINST AN EXPECTED IN- VASION OF PENNSYLVANIA BY INDIANS. The province had just been purchased (1681) by William Penn and Markham was sent . there in advance as his representative. Markham reached Up- lands (now Chester), the only town then in Pennsylvania, in 1681, and at the end of that year HE SELECTED A SITE FOR PHILADELPHIA, The above document is dated from Uplands shortly before Penn’s arrival. ‘‘ Pennsilvania. Whereas the Governour, Assistants and Councell hath taken into Consider- tion the Danger this Province is now in of Invasion—I thought Jjitt to Issue out this My Proclamation requiring all Male Per- sons within this Province as express’'d by His Majst’s Pat- tents to Wm. Penn Esq’r,” etc. A VERY EARLY AND RARE DOCUMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 60 604. MARMONTEL (J. F.—French _historiographer, _ friend of Voltaire). Short A.D. 8. Saumur, Oct. 9, 1765. Receipt. < 00 605. MARYLAND IN 1767. DuRING THE FIRST AGITA- _ TION FOR REVOLUTION. A.L.S., 3 folio pages, Maryland, Aug. 10, 1767, from Peter Egerton to Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland (served in America, 1774-7). With fine seal. * Peter was a convict serving in the family of Dr. Craik (who afterwards attended Washington on his deathbed), as a teacher for his children. He recalls that he ‘‘ bled freely at Fontenoy,”’ and asks the Duke to interest himself in his behalf when he has served his term. The letter forms a very interest- ing comment on the times. Egerton was a lawyer who pawned his landlady’s furniture and was sent to America with other convicts. He mentions the abundance of game in Charles County, his pleasant position in the family, but the long letter is a pathetic plea for assistance on his release. 30 606. MARYLAND. RIDGELY (CHas.—Gov. of Mary- land). A. Receipt S., Nov. 27, 1783. ; * Gov. Ridgely owned 400 slaves, whom he manumitted by will. 57 fh yo 607. MARYLAND. A.L.S. In Council, 4to, 1781, of Gov. Thos. 8. Lee, Governor, to Col. Samuel Smith on sup- plies for the troops. 60 608. MASCARENE (JEAN PAUL—British Governor of Nova Scotia, in America, from 1711, defeated the French under Du Vivier in 1754 and prominent in the French and Indian War). A. D.S8,, 4to, Boston, Apl. 28, 1732. * Exchange to pay ‘‘ Collonell Richard Philipps’s Regiment of Foot.” FINE SIGNATURE AND RARE, / 00609. MASSACHUSETTS BROADSIDES. Sunday Police. Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Bost., n.d. (An attempt to prove that it is not a Christian duty to keep the Sabbath) ; Defamation, False Swearing, Law-Suits, ete., in Berk- shire Co., Mass. (104 verses, 4 lines each, detailing the suit of a widow against a minister named D’Harrold); List of the names of the Provincials killed and wounded at Con- cord, ete., Bost., n. d. (facsimile). (3 pieces.) / 25610. MENOU (GENERAL J. F.—in Egypt with Napoleon and commander after Kleber). A. L.S., 4to, Paris, 1797. Rare. * On business which he wishes to transact with Barras. 60 611. MERLIN DE DOUAI (COMTE—promulgated the infamous decree ‘‘ loi des suspects’’). D.58., 3 pp. 4to, 1796. On the eapture of persons forcing the boundary. 60612. MILLER (GEN. JAMES—at Fort George, Chippewa, and the hero of Lundy’s Lane). L.S8., 3 pp. 4to. Bost., May 24, 1818. * Argument against the stoppage of his brevet pay, with initialed endorsement by J. C. Calhoun, then Secty. of War. 2 0 613. MIOLLIS (COMTE—French General wounded at Yorktown, Governor of Rome under Napoleon). A. L. 8., folio. Rome, Feb. 9, 1811. * On the disposition of troops. 30 614. MIOLLIS (COMTE). L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Livorno, 1799, on military affairs, relating to Gen. Le Tour, leader of ‘‘the infernal column.’’ His correspondent, Lamond, has written a draft of his reply on the last leaf. / 20615. MIRABEAU (COMTE DE—the Statesman of the French Revolution). Quarto page of manuscript in his hand, a portion of an Essay on Art. * In praise of Vasiri, dean of the History of Painting and Architecture. 30616. MISSIESSY (ADMIRAL E. T. B.—in America). L. S., 2 pp. folio, Toulon, Oct. 21, 1815, on a captain’s pay. 58 60617. MISSIESSY (ADMIRAL). A.L. S., folio, Anvers, May 25, 1813, to the Duc de Gaeta, on justice for his- brother. 70618. MISSIESSY (ADMIRAL). A. D. 8., 4to, Paris, Feb. 3, 1774. On an election at the Academy. With por- trait. 60619. MOLE (COMTE L. M.—favorite of Napoleon and Louis XVIII—Statesman). Short A. L. 8., 8vo, Dee. 5, n. y., recalling a promise. YO 620. MOLE (COMTE). LI. S., folio, Paris, 1814. State business. 7° 621. MONTESQUIEU (BARON—served under Lafayette in America). Signed Endorsement on a letter, folio, n. d., in favor of an applicant. Portrait. 7 §° 622. MONTHOLON (MARQUIS DE—with Napoleon at | St. Helena). A. L. S., 8vo, n. d. Friendly note to M- ’ Duclos. 7O 623. MONTMORENCY LAVAL (M. J. F. DUC DE— with Lafayette in America). A. L. 8., 2 pp. 4to, 1819.. A confidential political letter. 5 624. MONTMORIN (CATHERINE HENRIETTA—AbD- bess of the Abbey Royal of Notre Dame). D. S., receipt for contribution to the maintenance of the Abbey. 1784. Inlaid. YS 625. MOREAU (GEN. JEAN VICTOR—Great French soldier, arrested for conspiracy with Pichegru, killed at the Battle of Dresden in 1813). L.S8., 4to, Ambleteuse, 1805,. sending a report to the Minister of War, Official letter- head. , / 70 626. [MORGAN (GEN. DANIEL).] Pay roll of the 15th Virginia Regiment under Morgan, 1 p. folio, 1778. * This was a part of Gen. Woodford’s Brigade at the Battle of Monmouth a little before this date. The full names of 67 officers and privates from early Virginia settlers are given. 5 50 627. MORRIS (GOUVENEUR). A. L. S., 4to, Paris, Oct. 10, 1789. Stained. * In regard to loss of a packet of letters. Morris revised the final draft of the Constitution, and soon after the date of this letter was sent to England by Washington to conclude the final peace negotiations, / 00628. MORRIS (GOUVENEUR). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Paris, May 17, 1790. Stained. * Declining to entertain business relations in regard to ship- ping on account of a change in the policy of France with re- gard to United States, and other reasons. 470629. MORRIS (JACOB—Aide to Gen. Lee). A. N.S. and L. 8., 1788. (2) 59 NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS. 2 F§ 00630. NAPOLEON I. Vellum D. S. ‘* Bonaparte,” as First Consul, folio, with fine seal. Paris, 1802. With lithograph portrait by Viardot. (2) * Brevet of Honor for Francois Guillemot, who assisted in the capture of the English vessel ‘‘ Swiftsure.” Countersigned by Admiral Decrés and the Duc de Bassano (Hugues Maret) as Secretary. The vellum worn in a few holes, but without in- jury to the signatures. 3S6 00631. NAPOLEON I. Vellum D. 8. as First Consul ** Bonaparte.’’ Small folio, with fine seal, Paris, 1803. * Brevet of Honor for Lieut. Jean Durieux, who served in Italy, and was wounded at Mincio in an engagement with the Austrians. Presented by Napoleon at St. Cloud June 4, 1803, also signed by Gen. Berthier, Secty. of War, and the Duc de Bassano (Hugues Maret), Secty. of State. 35 00632. NAPOLEON I. D.S. as Emperor ‘Nap.’ Folio, with fine seal, Paris, March 29, 1812. ~ * Sending a vessel under escort to England for rice, wheat and flour. Also signed by Admiral Decrés, the Secretary of State, and others. 50633. NAPOLEON. THESECOND FUNERAL. Lithographed scenes, ete. (15) Napoleon Bronzes, Medals and Miniatures. 3S §0634. NAPOLEON I. Small statuette of Napoleon in uniform and hat with folded arms. Bronze on red marble base. Total height 64 inches. 2.00635. NAPOLEON I. Small statuette similar to preceding, on bronze base. Total height 5 inches. <2 00 636. NAPOLEON I. Small statuette, holding telescope, bronze on white marble base. Total height 4 inches. <0 OO 637. NAPOLEON I. Similar statuette in ivory, with removable hat. Height 4 inches. / YS 638. NAPOLEON I. Metal statuette, on iron base. Total height 64 inches. / 25639. NAPOLEON I. Pearl handle pocket knife, as stand- ing figure of Napoleon with cocked hat. Length 3 inches. / 6 090640. NAPOLEON I. Circular snuff-box with gilt medal- lion in the cover, showing Napoleon at St. Helena. Lined with tortoiseshell (rim damaged). /Y 00641. NAPOLEON I. Miniature painted on glass, gilt _ frame. G 009 642. NAPOLEON I. Miniature on ivory by Chabane. Signed. 60 NAPOLEON.—Continued. 2 00 6483. NAPOLEON AND MARSHAL NEY. EKnamelled miniature. Small piece of edge broken. & /0O 644. NAPOLEON AND POPE PIUS VII. Relief medal- . lion in red lacquer. / 25645. NAPOLEONI. Cameo medallion, Head of Napoleon. # 50646. NAPOLEON BRONZE MEDAL. By A. Bovy. Memorial de S. Héléne, with relief bust of Napoleon. 7 50647. NAPOLEON. Cameo (scarf pin or seal ring size). SO 648. NAPOLEON I. Small painting on canvas. Half length in uniform. Height 6, width 44 inches. Gilt frame. / 00649. NAPOLEON MEDAL. Campagne de 1805. Bronze by Montagny. / 00 650. NAPOLEON BRONZE ORDER AND RIBBON. Memorial de S. Héléne, 1821. | 7S 651. NAPOLEON BRONZE ORDER. The same as the preceding, no ribbon. / 00 652. NAPOLEON ORDER anp RIBBON. Same as pre- ceding but smaller, and gilt. / 00 653. NAPOLEON BRONZE ORDER AnD RIBBON. Same as preceding but smaller. 75 654. NAPOLEON ORDER. Same size as preceding, gilt, no ribbon. Napoleon Legion of Honor in Gold, Silver and Enamel. 5S 25655. NAPOLEON ENAMEL ORDER AND RIBBON. Five- point star, crown and wreath. S 50 656. NAPOLEON ENAMEL ORDER. Five-point star, crown and wreath. S 25 657. NAPOLEON ENAMEL ORDER. Five-point star, @rown and wreath. Y IF 658. NAPOLEON ENAMEL ORDER. Five-point star and wreath. Prem. Consul, May 19, 1802. / &0 659. NAPOLEON MEDALS. Casts of obverse of medals (3); two miniature empire iron pedestals with ‘‘N’” in relief; Are de Triomphe with Napoleon and Louis Philippe, 1836 (5 pieces). <2 25 660. NAPOLEON. National Guard button; Legion of Honor button and ribbon; Bronze cast by Andrieu of me- dallion with heads of Napoleon and Marie Louise (in holly wood box). 3 pieces. 61 NAPOLEON.—Continued. 3 25661. LEGION OF HONOR: ORDER OF THE HOLY GuHostT. In Enamel and silver with likeness of Henry IV. Issued in 1816. / 25662. LEGION OF HONOR: ORDER OF THE HOLY GHOST. Similar to the preceding but much smaller. / 00663. LEGION OF HONOR: OrpER OF THE HOLY GHosT. Similar to the preceding and about the same size, with a bit of the ribbon still attached. Y 25664. LEGION OF HONOR: Louis XVIII. Order of the Holy Ghost in enamel and silver. Issued during the ‘* Hundred Days.”’ “+/ 00665. ORDER OF ST. LOUIS. Duchy of Lucea, in en- amel and silver. Issued for civil merit, Dec. 22, 1836. / 25666. ORDER OF ST. LOUIS. The same in silver and smaller. ~ 50667. ORDER OF ST. LOUIS. In green and white enamel, given only to officers who had served 30 years or more. Issued Jan. 1, 1833. 7 00668. MILITARY ORDER: Kina WILLIAM OF HOLLAND, in enamel and silver. Issued April 30, 1815. / 20669. NAPOLEON I. Engraved portraits by Mecou after Houdon; Augrand after Muneret; Lips; and a small out- line by Ostervald. (4) / /06%0. NAPOLEON I. Engraved portraits by Poll, Port- man, Scott and two unsigned. (5) 75 671. SCENES IN NAPOLEON’S FIRST AND SECOND BANISHMENT. No duplicates. (10) 75 672. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his life. (15) 50673. NAPOLEON. Revolution of the 13th Vendemaire, 1795; Adieux de Fontainebleau, ete. (13) | 6O 674. NAPOLEON. Scenes in the Se:ond Funeral, 1840; Farewell to the Army, ete. (14) 50 675. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his life. No duplicates. (14) 60 676. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his life. No duplicates. (16) 60 677. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his life. No duplicates. (15) 60678. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his life. No duplicates. (14) 50679. NAPOLEON. Scenes in his Life, Vienna, Arcola, Rivoli, ete. 16mo, inlaid. (10) 2 00680. NAPOLEON. Seenes and Incidents at St. Helena and Elba. No duplicates. (13) 62 . NAPOLEON.—Continued. 75681. NAPOLEON BATTLE SCENES. Small woodcuts of scenes in the Life of Napoleon. Inlaid to 4to size. No duplicates. (18) 60682. —— Various engravings, mostly colored, of battle Scenes, ete. No duplicates. (15) &5 683. Small engravings on steel, inlaid to 4to size. No duplicates. (16) / \70 684. French lithographs, 12mo size, inlaid to 4to. No duplicates. (24) / 7/0685. NAPOLEON AT ST. HELENA. Scenes in the Life of Napoleon at St. Helena, including portrait. Small wood- cut inlaid to 4to. (24) 60 686. Death-bed scene, lying in death, east of the face, ete. (8) 60 687. —— Views of St. Helena, including view of Long- wood in colors. (13) Napoleon’s Family. / 7S 688. BONAPARTE (JOSEPH—Elder brother of Napo- leon). A. L.S. as Due de Survilliers (name adopted by him in America. 8vo. Point Breeze (Bordentown, N. J.), Oct. 29, 1829. Polite note; mentions his sister-in-law in Italy. < 00 689. BONAPARTE (JOSEPH). Short A. L. S., 4to, Venice, Dee. 7, 1807. Signed ‘‘ Joseph” (when King of Naples). * Conveying a military appointment by Napoleon. 7 |50 690. BONAPARTE (LOUIS—Brother of Napoleon and _ father of Napoleon III). Signed endorsement ‘‘ Louis Bona- | parte” on a letter from C. Picard in regard to the advance- - ment of a French soldier, 4to, 1804. 5 |00 691. BONAPARTE (LUCIEN—Brother of Napoleon). iL. S., 2 pp. 4to, Paris, 1800, when Minister of the Interior, _ relating to the admission of a young Frenchman to a Vet- erinary School. / \OO0 692. BONAPARTE (PRINCESS MATHILDE—daughter of Jerome). A. L.S.,2 pp. 8vo, with franked addressed envelope and seal, June 8 (1850). * Asking an audience for a friend, signed ‘‘ Mathilde Bona- ) parte Demidoff.” Rare in this form, /&\00 698. BEAUHARNAIS (EUGENE DE—son of Josephine, favorite of Napoleon). L. S., 4to, Verona, Dec. 24, 1813, to Napoleon. With lithograph portrait. * Written when Viceroy of Italy, signed ‘‘ Eugene Napoléon,’ sending state documents to the Emperor. 63 NAPOLEON.—Continued. 2 00 694. MORNY (COMTE DE). A. L. S. of Comte de Morny, on art, with portrait. * The son of Hortense and the Comte de Flahaut, half-brother of Napoleon III, who made him Minister of the Interior. 2Q. 2S 695. FESCH (JOSEPH—Cardinal Archbp. of Lyons, uncle ’ of Napoleon). L.S8., folio, Paris, May 21, 1810, on the es- tablishment of an Imperial Press. / 00696. ABERCROMBIE (ALEXANDER AnD SIR RALPH). A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Paris, 1816, in regard to the equipment of the Prince of Orange, of Alex. Abercrombie, Aide to Sir John Moore, fought at Waterloo; and a L. 8. 1798 of. Sir Ralph Abercrombie, who defeated the French at Alexandria. 2 pieces. / 2569%. PORTRAITS of Josephine, Marie Louise, Lucien, Joseph, Eugene Beauharnais (India Proof) and others, one in colors. No duplicates. (13) / 00698. PORTRAITS of the King of Rome, Eugéne Beau- harnais by Canu, Marie Louise by Cardon and others. No duplicates. (13) Napoleon’s Marshals. // 00 699. AUGUREAU (P. F. C.—Due de Castiglione). L.S., Bayonne, 1804. Order for a courier with despatches. With portrait. G 00700. BERNADOTTE (CARL JOHN—lIater King of Sweden). IL. 8., Udine, 1798. To General Baraguay d’Hilliers refusing the request of some officers. With por- trait. / Oo%01. BERTHIER (LOUIS ALEXANDRE—Prince de Wagram in American Revolution). L.S8S., 2 pp., Paris, 1798. Approval of the pease sie for the School of Equita- tion at Versailles. /O 50%02. BESSIERES (JEAN BAPTISTE—Due d'Istria). The conclusion of a letter containing his autograph signa- ture. With three engraved portraits. / 0003. BEAUHARNAIS (EUGENE DE—Son of the Em- press Josephine, Viceroy of Italy). A. L. Signed in initials, Eichstadt, Oct. 20, no year. To Mdme. Lacroix. Ordering medals and on the design. With portrait. / /o%04. BERTHIER (LOUIS ALEXANDRE—Prince de Wagram in American Revolution). L.§8., 1p. 4to, Paris, Dee., 1810. To Baron Roederer on the baptism of a child. / 00%05. BEURNONVILLE (PIERRE DE RUEL—Marshal). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Balincour, Jan. 16, 1810. On legal business and other matters. | 64 ' NAPOLEON.—Continued. / 25706. BRUNE (GUILLAUME M. A.—-Marshal). L. S., 1 p. folio, Milan, 1800. Requiring a report. / /070%. BRUNE (G. M. A.—Marshal). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Paris, Nov., 1811. On his private affairs (Marshal Brune had offended Napoleon and was removed from his com- mand). & 25708. CLARKE (H. J. G.—Due de Feltre, Minister of War, 1807-14). L.S., Paris, April 8, 1812. Official letter on recruiting for the Sappers and Miners. With two por- traits. 76 00709. DAVOUST (LOUIS NICOLAS—Duce d’ Auerstadt). L. 8., Ostend, 7 Messidor, An 12 (June 25, 1804). To the Minister of War informing him that a regiment of light infantry are ready for special service. 2500710. DESAIX (LOUIS CHARLES ANTOINE—General, killed at Marengo). Cut signature. VERY RARE. With two portraits, one an India proof. / 50711. GERARD (MAURICE ETIENNE— Marshal). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, Villars, Alig. 1843. On behalf of a son of General Dautancourt. With portrait. 7 00712, GROUCHY (EMMANUEL— Marquis, Marshal, blamed by the French for the loss of the Battle of Water- loo). Conclusion of a letter with his autograph signature. 3 00713. JOURDAN (JEAN BAPTISTE—Marshal with Jo- seph Bonaparte in Spain, in American Revolution). L.S, 2 pp. folio, Strasburg, 18 Nivose, An. 7 (Jan. 7, 1799). Re- porting the whereabouts of two French emigrés, one of whom is organizing forces to act against the French. With portrait. / 50714. KELLERMANN (FRANCOIS CHRISTOPHE, DUC DE VAEMY). L.S., 1p. 4to, Metz, Nov. 30,1813. Order- ing a despatch forwarded. G6 00715. LEFEBURE (FRANCOIS JOSEPH, DUC DE DANTZIO). L.S., 2 pp. folio, Paris, 21 Fruetidor, An 7 (Sept. 21, 17, 1799). To General Bernadotte, Minister of War contradicting an allegation that conscripts were de- serting. With two portraits. 5 175716. MACDONALD (ETIENNE JACQUES JOSEPH— _ Due de Tarentum). L. S., 1 p. 4to, Paris, August, 1816. _ Requiring from a candidate for the order of the Legion of _ Honor a statement as to his conduct during the ‘‘ hundred _ days and the events that followed.” 3/00 717. MACDONALD (ETIENNE JACQUES JOSEPH— _ Duc de Tarentum). L. 8., 1 p. folio, Paris, 23 December, 1829. Forwarding the application of two old soldiers to be employed as gendarmes. es NAPOLEON.—Continued. / Go718. MAISON (NICOLAS JOSEPH, COMTE—Marshal). A. L. 8., 1 p. 4to, Paris, Dec. 6, 1836. Acknowledging the receipt of a decoration. With engraved portrait. * A scarce autograph. Marshal Maison fought in most of the battles of the Revolution, Consulate and Empire, in Germany, Austria, Russia and Spain. He was continually wounded and several times left for dead on the field, and the operations he conducted while commanding the army of the north-west in the Invasion of France received the warmest commendation of Napoleon. . /0 25719. MARMONT (AUGUST F. L. V.—Due de Ragusa). L. 8., 1 p. folio, Paris, Dec. 16, 1816. To the Due de Feltre, Secretary of State. On granting furlough to a soldier. 22 00720. MASSENA (ANDRE— PRINCE D’ESSLING). L. S., 1 p. 4to, Milan, 23 Brumaire, An 6 (Nov. 13, 1797). To Gen. Solignac requesting him to inform the Members of the Government that he is in despair of the departure of his division but that he will do all in his power to further their interests. With engraved portrait by Tardieu. * Napoleon’s favorite Marshal. J 38721. MOLITOR (GABRIEL JEAN JOSEPH—Marsha]). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Paris, July 20, 1840. Order to a post- master. With India proof portrait. / 25722. MONCEY (BON ADRIEN JEANNOT—DUC DE CONEGLIANO). L.S., 2 pp. folio, Milan, 30 Germinal, An 9 (April 20, 1801). To the Minister of War concerning a proposed reduction of an indemnity laid on the province of Vicenza. 2 00723. MORTIER (KE. A. C. J.—DUC DE TREVISE). A. L. 8., 1 p. 8vo, Paris; 21 Brumaire, An 11 (Novest2, 1802). Confirming a previous letter ordering an escort for the Marquis de la Bouille on his journey to Paris. With portrait. * The Marquis De La Bouille was a French emigré who at first acted against France, but, on the amnesty, returned to his native country and served under Napoleon, in whose service he rose to distinction. The letter evidently refers to his return to France. / YS%24. MORTIER (E. A. C. J.—DUC DE TREVISE). L. S.,2 pp. folio, Paris, 21 Germinal, An 11 (April 11, 1803). To the Secretary of War informing him that owing to the failure of a contractor forage for the 2nd Regiment of Cuirassiers had to be paid for by the regimental officers, and asking forreimbursement. With engraved portrait. 22000425. NEY (MICHEL—DUC D'ELCHINGEN). L. 6&., with one line in his autograph, 3 pp. 4to, Montreuil, 30 Floral, An. 13 (May 20, 1805). ToGen. Dutailles complain- ing that the enemy were receiving information and ordering a stricter supervision of outposts and arrest of all suspected persons. i 66 NAPOLEON.—Continued. / |\S0726. OUDINOT (CHARLES NICOLAS VICTOR, DUC | DE REGGIO, SON OF NAPOLEON’S MARSHAL—Served in several of Napoleon’ s Campaigns and had a command in the ‘‘Old Guard’’). L.S., 1p. folio, Grenoble, June 23, 1848. To the Minister of War asking for a better horse fora captain. With engraved portrait of his father, the famous Marshal. 350727. PERIGNON (DOMINIQUE CATHERINE—MAR- SHAL). A. L. S.,1 p. 4to, Paris, 16 Vindemaire, An 12 (Oct. 9, 1803). Asking the Minister of Finance that the copying of a document required by M. D’Herisson be facili- tated. With engraved portrait. / 40728. PERIGNON (DOMINIQUE CATHERINE—MAR.- SHAL). A N.S., Paris, 16 Frimaire, An 10 (Dee. 7, 1801). Written as Member of the Senate commending the conduct of M Montmessein, commander of a battalion in the Pyrenees. 7 35729. SERURIER (JEAN M. P.—MARSHAL). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Paris, 22 Messidor, An 13 (July 11, 1805). Toa Senator on a business matter. / 4/0730. SERURIER (JEAN M. P.—MARSHAL). A.D. S., 1 p. 4to, Paris, Feb. 12, 1812). Quittance as Officer of the Legion of Honor. 7 00%31. SOULT (NICOLAS JEAN DE DIEU—DUC DE DALMATIE). A. N.S. (Italy), 12 Germinal, An 9 (April - 2, 1801). Promotion of an officer. With portrait. J 75 732. SUCHET (LOUIS GABRIEL DE—DUC D’AL- BUFERA). L. S., 1 p. folio, Saragossa, Sept. 7, 1811. Naming some officials for administration purposes. /3\50 733. VICTOR (CLAUDE PERRIN—DUC DE BEL- LUNE). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Konigsberg, April 19, 1807. To M. Desaugier, Consul at Copenhagen. With portrait. * Fine specimen. Marshal Victor expresses his joy that he he is about to be recalled, ordered to the Grand Army, and see again his wife and child from whom he has been long absent. He desires his kindest wishes to be sent to several friends. Two months later General Victor distinguished himself on the field of Friedland, and was made Marshal in consequence. 3. 150734. VICTOR (CLAUDE PERRIN—DUC DE BEL- LUNE). L. S., 1 p. folio, Chiclana (near Cadiz, Spain), July 26, 1810. Announcing the promotion of a Lieutenant and sending congratulations. 3S Ys 735. GEORGE WEIMER (MARGUERITE JOSEPHINE ie Mle Georges,’’ mistress of Napoleon, and noted French Tragedienne). A. L. S., 8vo, June 19, 1826. With portrait. * Asking a ead to wait for a bill. 1S 136. GEORGE WEIMER (M’LLE). A. L. S., 8vo. Friendly note written at an advanced age. 67 Portraits of Napoleon and his Marshals. The following 14 lots of the portraits of Napoleon, his Marshals, Opponents, and Generals are in good condition and a convenient size for the illustration of the Life of Napoleon. There are no duplicates in any lot. 8vo, 12mo, and small 4to. 50 737. ANDREOSSY, BERNADOTTE, Duroc, Kellerman, Jourdan, Lannes, Lafayette, and others. (20) 25 %38. DANTON, PONIATOWSKI, Wurmser (colors), Van Damm, ete. (20) | 00739. JOURDAN, BRISSOT, Wellington, Laharpe, ete. (20) 00 740. NEY, LANNES, DANTON, D’Enghien, ete. (20) / 00%41, BLUCHER, CUSTINE, Murat, Grouchy, Desaix, ete. (29) 00 742. BRUNET, AUGEREAU, Wellington, Victor, Jour- dan. (20) 50 %43, CHARETTE, MOREAU, Colbert, Desaix, ete. (20) / £0%44. FOUCHE, HOCHE, Kellerman, Nipperg, Robes- i eee cpm Nip Se pierre, ete. (20) 00%45. KOUTOUSOFF, LAS CASES, Fontanes, Condorcet. ete. (20) 25746. KLEBER, JUNOT, Robespierre, Talleyrand, ete. — (20) 50 747. MONTHOLON, NEY, GROUCHY, Larry, ete. (20) OO 748. LAURISTON, LUCKNER, Sir John Moore, Kleber, ete. (20) 50 749. OUDINOT, CLARKE, Foy, Lebrun, Bruix, ete. (20) OO %50. ST. CYR, SIEYES, Sebastiani, Soult, ete. (20) 00 %51. NAPOLEON’S MARSHALS. Miniature portraits of Ney, Duroc, Lannes, ete. Inlaid to 8vo and 4to. (17) QE%52. NESSELRODE (COUNT C. VON—Russian diplo- ‘matist, formed coalition of the European powers against Napoleon). Short A. L. Signed *‘ N.” in French, issuing an invitation. 40%53. NEWFOUNDLAND. A Series of 6 Letters, written by Capt. John Hamilton, at Placentia, Newfoundland, to William Adair, the agent of the regiment in London. Con- tains interesting information in regard to the country at that date, June, 175%, to June, 1760; also 2 memorandums of expenses. (8 pieces.) 68 2 00%54. NEWSPAPERS. Boston Newspapers. The Inde- pendent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser for July 12, 1781, and Nov. 12, 1789; and The American Herald and General Advertiser for March 15, 1784. Centre woodcuts, including one of the ‘‘ Postboy,”? probably by Revere. To- gether 3 pieces (writing on heading of each). Bost. 1781-4 * One number has an account of Washington’s first presi- dential tour. / 00755. NEWSPAPERS. Boston Newspaper. The Massa- chusetts Centinel, Published by Warden & Russell, and B. Russell, for Dee. 31, 1785, and June 17, 1789; and Russell’s Gazette, Commercial and Political, for Jan. 28, and March 4,1799. Together 4 pieces (writing on 2 headings). Bost. 1785-99 7 25%56. NEWSPAPERS. Civil War Newspapers. Winsted Herald Extra, Winsted, Conn., March 4, 1861. (Contains President Lincoln’s Inaugural Address, published a few hours after its delivery by him.) One side only, folio; Le Dimanche, Nouvelle-Orleans, Avril 6, 1862. (A rare Con- federate item, entirely in French.) New York Herald, April 15, 1865, with News of Lincoln's Assassination (Fac- simile). Together 3 pieces. 60757. NEWSPAPERS. Confederate Newspapers. Charles- ton Daily Courier, Charleston, 8S. C., Dee. 22 to 24, and Dee. 30-31, 1863. 5 numbers. 50758. NEWSPAPERS. Daily National Intelligencer. - Washington City, June 8 to July 28, 1813. 8 numbers, not consecutive; National Intelligencer. Jan. 4, 1816, con- taining news of the War (name on headings). (9 pieces. ) 25 759. NEWSPAPERS. Foreign Newspapers. The Leeds Intelligencer for Jan. 23 and March 6, 1787; The St. Chris- topher Journal, Basseterre, May 13, 1780 (mentions Frank- lin and Adams). 3 pieces (writiug on 1 heading). 7 YS 760. NEWSPAPERS. Franklin (Benjamin—and others). The Pennsylvania Gazette, Jan. 21, 1762, May 25, 1769, April 17, 1776; and, Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Adver- tiser, April 17 and May 4, 1787. Printed by Benjamin Franklin and D. Hall, Hall and Sellers, &e. Together 4 pieces. Phila. 1762-1787 / YS 161. NEWSPAPERS Long Island Star, Vol. 3, No. 139, Brooklyn, Jan. 29, 1812. Pub. by Alden Spooner, 4 pp. folio. * An account of the movements of Tectmseh and the Prophet from Fort Wayne, in the previous November, a letter describ- ing the great Earthquake in Ashville, N. C., an Express from Fort Harrison, etc. / 00762. NEWSPAPERS. New Jersey Gazette, Vol. 2, No. 75, May 12, 1779, 4 pp. folio, Trenton, printed by Isaac Collins. * Containing No. VII of ‘‘ A True Patriot’s” letters on Civil Government, the movements of Washington and Gen. James Clinton, and other news, ’ 9 / 25 %68. NEWSPAPERS. New Jersey Newspapers. Newark Gazette and N. Y. Advertiser, Nov. 16, 1796. Printed by John Woods, Newark; Palladium of Liberty, Morris-Town, N. J., Aug. 5, 1824. (Contains several references to La- fayette.) Published by Jacob Mann. 2 pieces. $s YS 764. NEWSPAPERS. New York Newspapers. New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, for Feb. 16, 1778, with Supplement (half of 1 column missing), and August 5d, 1782. Printed by Hugh Gaine; and, The New York Packet for Nov. 17, 1785. Printed by 8. and J. Loudon. Woodcut of British coat of arms in heading. Together 4 pieces N. Y. 1778-85 Y 50 765. NEWSPAPERS. New York Newspapers. The Royal Gazette for July 8, and August 1, 1778. Published by James Rivington. Woodcut coat of arms of Great Britain in centre of headings. (Old writing on portions of both.) 2 pieces. , : NY Cie * Rivington’s famous sheet; issued under various titles from 1778 to 1783. 25 766. NEWSPAPERS. New York Newspapers. Daily Half-Cent, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1853; N. Y. Daily Transcript, Extra, Jan. 16, 1865, containing names of those liable to draft. 2 pieces. / 00767. NEWSPAPERS. Porcupine Gazette for June 15, (1797. Published by William Cobbett, Philadelphia; Massa- chusetts Spy; or, Worcester Gazette, for Sept. 3, 1789; Jan. . 29, 1800; and Feb. 5, 1800 (portion of paper only). Published by Isaiah Thomas. (Contains Judge Minot’s Eulogy on Washington.) Together 4 pieces. 5 768. NEWSPAPERS. Thomsonian “‘ Rising Sun,’’ No. 4. (Patent medicine sheet), N. Y., Aug., 1834; Illustrated N. Y. News, June 7, 1851. Vol. 1, No 1; Atlantic Tele- graph. N. Y. Sept. 1, 1858. Vol’ 1, INO. de Poets: Chicago Post, Extra, Oct. 9, 1871, with account of the fire. 4 pieces * The ‘‘ Atlantic Telegraph ” was printed on a moving car in eee recor} celebrating the completion of the laying of the Caple, SO 769. NEW YORK. L. 8S., 1895, of Gen J. Meredith Read on his descent from Gov. Wm. Bradford; A. N. 8., 1721, of Ph. van Cortlandt; A. L. 8., 1878, of Thos. Hunter. (3) 50770. NEW YORK. D.S.,1 p. folio, Apl. 10, 1792, by 25 citizens praying that JAMES SMITH’S LICENSE AS AN AUCTIONEER MAY BE RENEWED. * Among well-known signatures are those of Marinus Willett, Col. Robt. Troup, Richard Yates, N. Gouverneur, and others. Q5 771. NEW YORK. Vellum D.S§., with seal. Writ of inquiry in the Supreme Court, Jan. 21, 1796, endorsed by Chief Justice John Lansing. 70 if 30772. NEW YORK. Banyar (Goldsbrow). A. D.S., 1p. folio, New York, Apl. 30, 1770. With prerogative seal. * Appointment of administrator of the estate of Hendrik Gardinier of Kinderhook. 25773. NEW YORK. Bouck (Wm. C.—Governor of New York, 1843-5). L.S., 1p. 4to, Canandagua, May 28, 1821, about Oath of Office. 30774. NEW YORK. De Witt (John—of the old New York family). A. D.S8,1p. 4to, New York, 1735. * Invoice of Furs sent to London, including 193 Gray Fox, 12 Otters, 24 Minks, etc. 30775. NEW YORK. Dick (James—Loyalist in New York). Pee oe pato (N. Y.), Aug. 18, 1778. * To the Ordnance Storekeeper on arming the Tartar and the Delaware, mentions Admiral Howe. ets 776. NEW YORK. A.L.S., 2 pp. folio, Albany, 1814, of Jas. Kent, Chancellor. Inlaid. * «