7 / B72 2 SALE NUMBER 1655 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-SECOND OLD AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS DRAWINGS, LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE GEORGE CABOT WARD OF NEW YORK TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH, TWENTY-EIGHTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1922 SALE NUMBER 1655 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-SECOND OLD AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS DRAWINGS, LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE GEORGE CABOT WARD OF NEW YORK PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS RARE VIEWS OF AMERICAN CITIES AND SCENES HISTORIC PICTURES OF LAND AND SEA FINE ENGLISH COLOR PRINTS BY GEORGE MORLAND, WARD, BIGG, ETC. OLD AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SPORTING PRINTS EARLY AMERICAN SAMPLERS, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH, TWENTY-EIGHTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MIT';CHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK | 1922 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, New YorkK Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN a ee en NaN ee ek i ee ae ssi eee Se ee ee ee ee =< RA A a nes hoe Lie a Di Me, ee eee Nag Seyler Fe a ee eee ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH PORTRAITS—MAINLY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS 1— 45 VIEWS OF AMERICAN CITIES, ETC. 46-149 VARIOUS AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS 150-163 FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-EIGHTH AMERICANA 164-202 MARINE—W HALING—NAVAL AND STEAM SHIPS, ETC. 203-225 FINE ENGLISH COLOR PRINTS 226-233 AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SPORTING PRINTS 234-314 ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, AND EARLY AMERICAN SAMPLERS 315-351 NOTE HE George Cabot Ward Collection catalogued herein is prob- ably the last of the contemporary pictorial data of American history to be offered in its original assembled state. It represents prints published by N. Currier, Currier & Ives, E. C. Kellogg & Co., Sarony and Major, Magnus and a host of other American lithographers—masters in their day and famous for the true re- - production, pictorially, of important occurrences and _ scenes. Photography was in its infancy, and news prints did not furnish the news graphically,—thus leaving a wide field for the great array of artists, on whose work future generations must rely for authentic historical data. The late George Cabot Ward, of New York, prominent in ship- ping and mercantile centres, was of high standing as a public benefactor, and until his death in 1892 was vitally interested in the school system of New York City. He claimed among his many friends Mr. N. Currier, who from the early forties until 1882 furnished us with more delightful reminiscences than all of the other American lithographers together. It was only natural that, with his spacious town and country houses, with his deep interest in the development of the nation, and with the intimate associa- tion of the foremost contemporary creative genius, Mr. Ward’s discriminative gathering continued and developed for many years. The collection of prints relating to sports, particularly those in which the thoroughbred is foremost, reflects the activity of youth and passes on into the less strenuous field of angling and shooting. The English publications of a wider scope enter largely into this section. The American cities are well represented—New York City nat- urally with the greatest number, and with some of exceptional rarity. But the English masters claim their due proportion. Such prints as The Stormy Night and The Morning After, with Mor- land’s Sportsman’s Return, would be hard to equal to-day. Taking the collection as a whole, there are notable prints for the collectors, others that will appeal especially to the historian, and decorative art for all lovers of old things with enduring in- terest and value. Pee ee Ee ares RS en SE ae a Ee ET ee a SALE THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-163 PORTRAITS MAINLY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS LOTS 1-45 1 JOHN ADAMS Stippled engraving by C. Tiebout. Published by A. Day,. Philadelphia. Oval portrait. Small folio. Framed. 2 JOHN ADAMS President of the United States of America. Stipple engrav- ing by E. Savage, published Philadelphia October 10, 1800. Small upright folio with full title; side and top margins cut. Framed. 3 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS President of the United States. Painted by T. Sully, en- graved by A. B. Durand. Published by W. H. Morgan, Octo- ber 1826, Philadelphia. Large folio. Framed. 4 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS President of the United States. Engraved by J. B. Long. acre from a painting by G. Stuart. Published by J. B. Ayres, Philadelphia. Small folio, Framed. 5 AMERICAN ARTISTS (a) Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by D. Edwin from the orig- inal by John Neagle. Open letter proof. (b) Benjamin West, Esq. Late President of the Royal Academy. Engraved by H. Meyer from the painting by G. H. Harlow. Small folios. Framed. 6 PRINCESS CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA Stipple in bistre by F. Bartolozzi after the painting by R. Cosway. Published London, 1797. Folio. Framed. 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 RICHARD BAXTER The Reverend and Learned Mr. Richard Baxter. Mezzotint by J. Spilsbury. Upright folio. Framed. Fine impression. JAMES BUCHANAN Engraved and published by J. C. Buttre, New York, 1857. Colored. Proof impression. Large folio. Framed. ROBERT BURNS | Painted by Alex. Nasmyth. Mezzotint by H. 8S. Ladd. Pub lished New York. Folio. HENRY CLAY _ Engraved by J. Sartain, from original drawings and daguerreo- types. Printed by Jas Irwin, Philadelphia. Published by W. B. Evarts, Louisville, Ky., 1853. Upright folio. Framed. COPE BROTHERS Jasper, Theodore P., and Israel Cope. Mezzotint by S. B. Waugh. Folio. Framed. The Cope Brothers controlled large shipping interests on the Atlantic Coast. OLIVER CROMWELL Equestrian portrait with the City of London in the back- ground. Painted by Hoeve. Engraved by Heur. Neuhifius, Fris. Large folio. Framed. T. W. DORR, GOVERNOR OF RHODE ISLAND Inaugurated May 3rd, 1842. Colored lithograph by J. Baillie. Published New York (1844). Small upright folio. Framed. CHARLES JAMES FOX Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzotint, engraved by John Jones. Large upright folio. Framed. A fine impression with margin. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Drawn by C. N. Cochin, 1777. Engraved by John A. O’Neill, 1856. Published New York, 1856 by Elias Dexter. Small folio. Framed. 16 ye 18 Lo 20 21 22 23 GENERAL U. S. GRANT Original Line engraving, signed artist’s proof by William E. Marshall. Oval bust portrait surrounded in engraved oblong frame. Large folio. Framed. WASHINGTON IRVING Painted by W. H. Powell. Engraved by Paul Leprix. Pub- lished by M. Knoedler, New York, 1863. Proof before let- ter. Large folio. Framed. ANDREW JACKSON President of the United States. Painted by W. J. Hubard. Lithograph by Newsam. Published by Childs & Lehman, Philadelphia, 1834. Large up- right folio. Framed. GEN. ANDREW JACKSON The Hero of New Orleans. Colored lithograph by N. Cur- rier, published New York (1845). Small folio. Framed. “THOMAS JEFFERSON Third President of the United States. Inaugurated March 4th, 1801. Died July 4th, 1826. Colored lithograph by W. Kellogg & Co., published Hartford. Small upright folio. Framed. CAPTAIN PAUL JONES From an original drawing taken from life, on board the ‘‘Serapis.’’ Line engraving. Published by Thos. Macklin, London, Oct. 22, 1779. Small upright folio. Framed. A very rare portrait. CHARLES LEE, ESQR. Major General of the Continental Army in America. Mezzo- tint by C. Shepherd after the painting by Thomlinson. Pub- lished London, October 31, 1775. Small folio. Framed. A fine impression of this rare print. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Original Line engraving, signed artist’s proof by William E. Marshall. Oval bust portrait surrounded in engraved oblong frame. Large folio. Framed. This is the most desirable of all the portraits of Lincoln and is very rarely to be found in this state. Companion to Lot 16. 7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JAMES MADISON Fourth President of the United States. Colored lithograph by W. Kellogg & Co. Published Hartford. Small upright folio. Framed. JAMES MONROE Fifth President of the United States. Colored lithograph by D. W. Kellogg & Co., Hartford, Conn. Small folio. Framed. s' ADMIRAL NELSON Horatio, Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, K.B., Vice Admiral of the White. Painted by Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Mezzotint by Edward Bell. Published London, May 1, 1806. Upright folio. Framed. A very impressive portrait of Nelson on board the ‘‘ Victory.’” Fine impression. THOMAS PENN, ESQ. One of the Proprietors of Pennsilvania, 1751. Painted by Davis, 1751. Mezzotint by Martin. Small upright folio. Framed. WILLIAM PENN First Proprietor and Founder of Pennsilvania. Drawn by Du Simitiere, from a Bust in Alto Relievo done by Sylvanus Bevan, Philadelphia, 1770. Line engraving by John Hall. Published London, 1773. Small folio. Framed. VERY REV. JOHN POWER Vicar general of the Diocese of New York. Painted by Geo. W. Twibill. Mezzotint engraved by S. H. Gunber. Pub- lished New York, 1839. Small upright folio. Framed. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Oval portraits from Washington to Polk, with centre of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Colored litho graph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1844. Small up- right folio. Framed. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES From Washington to Tyler. Oval inserts around centre of Washington with eagle and flags. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1842. Small upright folio. Framed. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WALTER SCOTT AT HOME Line engraving lacking title and margins. Folio. Framed. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE From the Chandos Portrait. Engraved by Samuel Cousins. Published by the Shakespeare Society, June 1849. Upright folio. Framed. MAJOR GENL. ZACHARY TAYLOR U. S. Army. Colored lithograph by E. C. Kellogg, Hart- ford. Published 1847. Small upright folio. Framed. JOHN TYLER Tenth President of the United States. On stone by A. New- sam. P. S. Duval, lithograph. Published by C. S. Wil- liams, 1846. Small folio. Framed. MARTIN VAN BUREN President of the United States. Painted by H. Inman. En- eraved by J. Sartain. Published W. H. Morgan, Philadel- phia. Upright folio. Framed. GEORGE WASHINGTON Late President of the United States of America. Painted by W. Birch, Esq. Engraved in stipple by P. Roberts. Colored. Folio. Framed. GEORGE WASHINGTON Sacred to the Memory of the truly Illustrious George Wash- ington, etc., ete. Painted by John Coles. Engraved by E. G. Gridley. Small upright folio. Framed. Rare. 3 GEORGE WASHINGTON (a) Life of George Washington. The Citizen. (b) Life of George Washington. The Farmer. Painted by Stearns. Colored lithograph by Regnier. Pub- lished by M. Knoedler, New York, 1853 and 754. Folio. Framed. 40 41 42 43 4g 45 GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQ. President of the United States of America. From the Orig- inal Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. Mezzotint by E. Savage, pinx. et sculp. Published, June 25, 1793 by E. Savage, No. 54 Newman Str. Upright folio. Framed. Fine impression of the 2nd state of the plate. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQUIER Général et Comendeur en chef d’Armée des XIII Provinces unies en Amérique. After the painting by Alexander Camp- bell of Williamsbourg in Virginia. Mezzotint by Thom. Hart. Published London. Small upright folio. Framed. A very rare Washington Portrait. GENL. GEORGE WASHINGTON In Memory of Genl. George Washington and his Family. From the original picture painted by Trumbull, 1804, in pos- session of the Washington family. Colored lithograph by Bingham and Dodd, Hartford, Ct. Published by M. H. Campbell & J. R. Johnson, 1859. Large folio. Framed. MARTHA WASHINGTON Drawn by W. Oliver Stone after the original by Woolaston. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. Colored. Upright folio. Framed. Proof before the title. JOHN WESLEY Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. From the original pic- ture in the possession of Thos. Wooldridge of East Florida. Mezzotint by Jno. Greenwood. Published London, 1770. Up- right folio. Framed. BENJAMIN WEST, R. A. Painted by Wm. Lawrensen. Mezzotint by Wm. Pether. Folio. 10 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 VIEWS OF AMERICAN CITIES, ETC. LOTS 46-149 AMERICAN VIEWS Early book illustrations. Twelve printed on one sheet. New York, Castle Garden; Fort Ticonderoga; Lake George; etc., ete. Colored lithographs by the New York Emporium of Arts, 325 Broadway. Folio. Framed. A unique item, artist unknown. BETHLEHEM, PA. From the West. Nine small views surrounding inset view of the city. Colored lithograph from nature by Fr. Kilian. Folio. Framed. BEVERLY AND SOUTH DANVERS, MASS. Colored lithographs by Endicott & Co. After the paintings by J. B. Bachelder. Published (Boston) 1856. Folios, Framed. (2) BOSTON, MASS. View of the Grand Mass. Washingtonian Convention on Boston Common, on the 30th of May 1844. Colored lithograph by Thayer & Co. Published by F. Gleason, Boston (1844). Small oblong folio. Framed. THE GREAT FIRE AT BOSTON November 9th & 10th, 1872. Two lines of description. Col- ored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1872. Small oblong folio. Framed. BOWDOIN COLLEGE From a daguerreotype by Hendee. Colored lithograph by Tappan & Bradford. Published by J. Griffin, Brunswick, Me. Small oblong folio. Framed. CALIFORNIA SCENERY Seal Rocks—Point Lobos. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. CAMDEN, N. J. St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal Church. Rev. J. M. Leybrand, Pastor. Tinted lithograph. Small folio. Framed. 11 o4 D0 06 ov 58 59 60 61 CINCINNATI From Forest Hill, Ky. Colored lithograph by Ehrgott & Forbriger. Published at 8. W. corner of 4th & Main Sts., Cin- cinnati, O. Folio. Framed. Rare. THE BURNING OF CHICAGO Conflagration commenced October 8, 1871. Colored litho- graph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1871. Small oblong folio. Framed. Rare. VIEW OF THE DELAWARE Near Easton, Pennsylvania. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HARRISBURG View of Harrisburg, Pa., with 5 inset views and title. Col- ored lithograph, artist unknown. Large folio. Framed. HARTFORD, CONN. Gallaudet Monument, erected in front of the American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 6, 1854. Lithograph by A. Newsam. Published by P. 8S. Duval, Phila- delphia, 1855. Large folio. Framed. HOBOKEN Bird’s-eye view of Hoboken. Colored lithograph. Drawn from nature and on stone by J. Bachman. Published New York, 1860. Folio. Framed. JAMES-TOWN, VIRGINIA View of the Ruins of the Old Church at James-Town, Vir- ginia, the first Public Building in the United States. Col- ored lithograph by J. Warrell. Published by Pendleton, New York. Folio. Framed. A very scarce print and in fact the only view we know of relating to this historic edifice. LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY Sea Bathing. Metropolitan Hotel. Four lines of description as to travel and accommodations. Colored lithograph by Sarony & Co. Large folio. Framed. 12 62 63 64 LOWELL, MASS. Ninth Annual New England Fair at Lowell, Mass. Sept. 3, 4, 5, & 6, 1872. Colored lithograph by Chas. H. Crosby. Published by C. Frank King, Boston, 1872. Folio. Framed. LYNN, MASS. (a) West view from near High Rock. (b) East view from near High Rock. Colored lithographs by Endicott & Co., after the paintings by J.B. Batchelder. Published Boston, 1856. Folios. Framed. (2) MOUNT VERNON Original water-color drawing of Mount Vernon with view of the grounds and building and the Tomb of Washington. The River to the right, with an early Steamboat. Unknown artist, date about 1830. Folio size. Framed. 69 MOUNT VERNON 66 67 68 69 Bird’s-eye view of Mt. Vernon, the Home of Washington. Two columns of description on either side of title. Colored lithograph. Published by G. & F. Bill (Boston), 1859. Small oblong folio. Framed. NEVADO, COLORADO Tinted lithograph by J. Bien after the painting by A. E. Mathews. Published New York 1866. Folio. Framed. View of the valley, picturing the mining activities, stamping mills, refineries, etc. NEW HAVEN, CONN. St. Thomas’ Church, New Haven, Conn. Lithograph by W. H. Rease, published Philadelphia (1845). Folio. Framed. NEWPORT Newport Ruin. ‘‘There are those who think it had been a Fortress, but still I can never admit this picturesque Ruin has been a Mill.’’ (Red Rover, page 62.) Painted by W. G. Wall. Colored lithograph by Endicott & Sweett. Published by H. Barber, Newport, R. I., 1833. Folio. Framed. NEWPORT, R. I. The Glen at Newport. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. 13 VIEWS OF NEW YORK CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. LOTS 70-113 70 ALBANY STREET AND BROADWAY Extended to Broadway, as it will appear; etc., etc. Two lines of description. Tinted lithograph by Ferd. Mayer & Co., 96 Fulton Street, New York. Folio. Framed. Rare. 71 GREAT RIOT AT THE ASTOR PLACE OPERA HOUSE On Thursday evening, May 10th, 1849. Colored ee by N. Currier. Small folio. Framed. Rare. 72 BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF THE GREAT SUSPENSION BRIDGE Connecting the cities of New York and Brooklyn. Com- menced 1870. Finished 1888. Colored lithograph by A. Major. Published New York, 1883. Large folio. Framed. 73 A BRISK GALE, BAY OF NEW YORK Colored aquatint, painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Published by Geo. E. Perins, New York, 1867. Folio. Framed. A very decorative print of New York Bay, showing in pic- ture the early shipping activities. 74 CENTRAL PARK, N. Y. The Bridge. Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Bulkeley. Published Hartford. Small oblong folio. Framed. 75 CENTRAL PARK, WINTER The Skating Carnival. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1860). Small oblong folio. Framed. Very scarce. 76 CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION Dedicated to the Rev. Mr. G. H. Houghton, ete. Colored lithograph from nature by J. A. Sherman, New York. Folio. Framed. A very rare view of the ‘‘Little Church around the Corner,”’ with part of 29th Street in the foreground. 14 17 78 79 80 81 82 83 BURNING OF THE CITY HALL, NEW YORK On the night of the 17th of August, 1858. Supposed to have taken fire from the fireworks exhibited in commemoration of the successful laying of the Atlantic telegraph cable. Col- ored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1858). Small oblong folio. Framed. Very scarce. BURNING OF THE NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE On Tuesday October 5th, 1858. During its occupation for the Annual Fair of the American Institute. Colored litho- graph by Currier & Ives, New York (1858). Large folio. Framed. A very scarce print and one seldom seen to-day. NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE For the Exhibition of the 1853 Industry of all Nations. Printed in color at the New York Crystal Palace by Joseph Laing & Co., Fulton Str., New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE For the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. Designed by Carstensen & Gildemeister. Lithograph by Nagel & Wein- gartner. Published by Theodore Sedgwick, New York, 1852. Large folio. Framed. Rare. PLAN OF AN ELEVATED STREET RAILROAD Proposed by Gen’! F. Sigel, New York, January 1872. Tinted lithograph by C. E. H. Bonwill; published New York (1872). Folio. Framed. GOTHIC ARCH, ELEVATED RAILWAY Richard P. Morgan, Jr. Tinted lithograph. Small folio. Framed. Scarce. LAFAYETTE THEATRE A. J. Davis, del. Peter Grain, Architect, 1827. Colored litho- graph by Imbert. Small folio. Framed. Rare. 15 84 85 86 87 88 89 THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN , The Race—‘‘Jump her boys, jump her.’’ Painted by I. Mau- rer. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1854. Large folio. Framed. Volunteer fireman passing City Hall Park with the Clock Tower shown over the trees. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN The Night Alarm—‘‘Start her lively, boys.’’ Painted by I. Maurer. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1854. Large folio. Framed. ; A unique copy of this print of Excelsior Engine No. 2 Henry Street. Pencil notes of the members of the company, one of whom is N. Currier. This is the only known portrait of the famous proprietor of N. Currier, & Currier & Ives, litho- graphers. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN The Ruins. ‘‘Take up—Man your rope.’’ Painted by L. Maurer. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1854. Large folio. Framed. Broadway near Fulton Street. Trinity Church in the dis- tance. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN The New Era Steam and Muscle. Painted by C. Parsons. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1861. Large folio. Framed. On which appear the early steam engine—scene at Murray and Church Sts. THE THREE MAYORS (MARES) New York Course, Spring Races, 1838. Contemporary political caricature, painting by Shank. Col- ored lithograph by H. R. Robinson. Published New York, 1838. Oblong folio. Framed. Very scarce. THE NARROWS FROM STATEN ISLAND Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York (1846). Small folio. Framed. 16 90 90a 91 92 93 94 95 THE NARROWS, NEW YORK BAY From Staten Island. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. NIEUW YORCK Novi Belgii noveque Angle nec non, Pennsylvanie et Partis Virginie tabula multis in locis emendata, a Iusto Danckers Nieuw Yorck, eertys Genaemt Nieuw Amsterdam. Line en- graving. Sections Colored. View of New York in colors lower right. Large folio. Framed. A very early New York item. NEW YORK The would-be Mayor Preparing to Quell a Riot. Morning after Election. Democratic Whig or Calm as a Summer’s Morning. Political Cartoons. Colored lithographs by H. R. Robinson. Published New York (1838). Oblong folios. Framed. (2) NEW YORK Pavilion Fountain, Central Park. Drawn from nature by Aug. Kollner. Colored lithograph by Derog. Published, New York 1848. Oblong folio. Framed. Fine impression. NEW YORK Birdseye view by H. Trommer, Neu-Gersdorf. Colored litho- graph by A. Gocht. Small folio. Framed. An unusual view. Scarce. NEW YORK A Draught of New York from the Hook to New York Town. Engraving. Printed for and sold by Page and Mount on Tower Hill London. Folio. Framed. A very early English map of New York and environs. NEW YORK Drawn from nature and on stone by C. Bachman. Litho- graph by Sarony and Major. Published, New York, 1849. Large folio. Framed. The view taken from Union Square, looking South. 17 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 NEW YORK BAY From Bay Ridge, L. I. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1860. One line of caption denoting the location of the distant points. Large folio. Framed. NEW YORK CITY Supplement to the Daily Advertiser, Monday, Nov. 5, 1792. An account of cash paid by order of Common Council. Con- tingent expenses of the City and County of New York. Large folding folder. Published New York Oct. 8th, 1792. An unusual item giving in detail the various city expendi- tures and an accounting by the City Treasurer. NEW YORK CITY Vue Générale De New York. Prise a vol d’Oiseau. Painted by Bachmann. Colored lithograph by Asselineau. Published Paris. Large folio. Framed. NEW YORK CITY AND ENVIRONS From the Spire of Dr. Spring’s new Brick Church, Fifth Avenue. Woodcut by Anthony, colored after the painting by Hitcheock. Folio. Framed. NEW YORK FROM FORT COLUMBUS Taken from the north west angle of Fort Columbus, Gov- ernors Island. From a sketch by F. Catherwood, Esq. En- graving, by Henry Papprill. Colored. Published by Henry J. Megarey, New York. Large folio. Framed. PAIR OF NEW YORK PRINTS (a) New York from Staten Island, with Brooklyn City in the distance. (b) New York from Staten Island, with Jersey City in the distance. Colored lithographs by Sarony & Major. Several lines of key on each print. Large oblong folios. Framed. THE MAGNIFICENT O’CONNELL FUNERAL CAR Passing the Park in New York City on Wednesday, Septem- ber 22, 1847. Three lines of description beneath title. Col- ored lithograph by N. Currier, published New York, 1847. Framed. Scarce. ah be 103 (104 105 106 107 108 109 ST. MARK’S CHURCH, NEW YORK A. J. Davis, Architect. Lithograph by J. B. Kidd, S.A., published by Bufford, New York (1827). Folio. Framed. To the right of the picture is a view of the Hast River. Open letter proof. Very rare. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY Colored lithograph published by Horace Waters, New York, 1853. Small folio. Framed. First appeared on the cover of ‘‘St. Nicholas Polka.’’ SOUVENIR OF NEW YORK Highteen small views; of Astor Library, Custom House, South Ferry, Castle Garden, Merchants’ Exchange, etc., etc., surrounding a bird’s-eye view of the City. Colored litho- graph by L. W. Jughardt, New York. Folio. Framed. TEMPERANCE, BUT NO MAINE-LAW Composed and drawn on stone by A. Fay. Colored litho- graph. Published Hoboken, N. J., 1854. Large folio. Framed. This same print sometimes appears with the title of ‘‘Gem Saloon,’’ which was located at the corner of Broadway and Worth Street. It was a famous hostelry known as having the largest mirror in the City. Mayor Fernando Wood and James Lawrence and other noted men of the fifties are portrayed. TROTTING MATCH AT UNION COURSE, L. I. George M. Patchen, Brown Dick and Millers Damsel. July 7, 1859. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1859. Large folio. Framed. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] UNION POND, WILLIAMSBURGH, L. I. Colored lithograph by Thomas and Eno, 37 Park Row, New York. Large folio. Framed. A very scarce print. Union Pond was located on the Satellites ground at Lorimer to Rutlidge Streets, the present site of the 47th Regiment Armory. VIEW OF NEW YORK From Brooklyn Heights. Painted by Palmer. Colored litho- graph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1849. Several lines of descriptive captions of the important points of in- terest. Folio. Framed. 19 110 VIEWS OF NEW YORK 111 112 113 (a) Merchant’s Exchange and Wall Street. (b) Grace Church. (c) Custom House. (d) Castle Garden. (e) Union Square. (f) City Hall. (g) Marine Hospital at Brooklin. (h) Steward’s Building and Broadway. (i) New York. (j) Astor House and St. Paul’s Church. (k) University. (1) High Bridge. (m) Odd Fellows’ Hall. (n) Halls of Justice. (0) City Hall of Brooklyn. (p) Institution for the Blind. (q) Croton Water Reservoir. (r) Trinity Church. Painted by T. Bornet. Colored lithographs by C. Magnus. Small folios mounted on framed gilt mounts with inset titles. (18 pieces) A most remarkable series, evidently purchased by the orig- inal collector for framing. These were found in an unused drawer in their published state. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | VIEW OF THE NEW YORK QUARANTINE, STATEN ISLAND Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett in colors. Published by Parker & Co., 186, and by Lewis Pelover, 180 Fulton Street, New York. Large folio. Framed. | WALL STREET, 1850 From William Street, looking towards Trinity Church. Col- ored lithograph. Folio. Framed. CEREMONIES OF DEDICATION OF THE WORTH MONUMENT Nov. 25, 1857. Tinted lithograph by A. Weingartner. Pub- lished New York (1857). Folio. Framed. — A view of Broadway with the buildings of the north and east sides of Madison Square in the background. 20 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 NEW YORK STATE VIEWS LOTS 114-129 NEW YORK The Great Cohoe Waterfall on the Mohawk River. Water- fall on the Passaic, New Jersey. Line engravings, colored. Published by R. H. Laurie, May 24, 1827. Folio. Framed. (2) VIEW OF THE HUDSON West Point. Colored lithograph by Thomas Kelly. Print by Wm C. Robertson, New York. Large folio. Framed. NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK View of the Neptune House, New Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y. Colored lithograph by J. Baillie. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. Located on Long Island Sound, near Jona Island, and once a famous and fashionable Summer Resort. VIEW OF THE HUDSON RIVER Hyde Park, Hudson River. Colored lithographs by N. Cur- rier and Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong . folio. Framed. (2) LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. THE GREAT FIRE AT HUDSON, N. Y., 1838 Drawn by W. H. Clark. Colored lithograph. Oblong folio. _ Framed. Scarce. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE Colored lithograph by B. C. Stone. Printed by J. H. Buf- ford’s of Boston. Published by M. Knoedler, New York, 1860. Folio. Framed. Scarce. WEST POINT, FROM PHILLIPTOWN To Colonel S. Thayer, Superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy ... the Print is inscribed... W. J. Bennett. Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Colored by Hill. Pub- lished by Currier & Ives, New York. 21 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 VIEW FROM WEST POINT Hudson River. Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Thayer. Published New York and Hartford. Small oblong folio. Framed. WEST POINT West Point Military Academy. Dedicated to the Cadets... by their friend and servant Geo. Catlin. Drawn by G. Cat- lin. Engraved, printed and colored by J. Hill. Published New York, 1828. Folios. Framed. (2) A very charming pair of early American colored engravings. OGDENSBURG, WHISKEY STORE Painted by S. Ellis. Colored lithograph by Speckter. Ob- long folio. Framed. Rare. NIAGARA FALLS (a) A View of the Western Branch of the Falls of Niagara, taken from the Table Rock looking up the River over the Rapids. (b) A Distant View of the Falls of Niagara, including both Branches with the Island and adjacent Shores, taken from the Vicinity of the Indian Ladder. Tinted aquatints by Merigot, after the painting by J. Vander- lyn. Published London, 1804. Large folios. Framed. (2) FALLS OF NIAGARA From Clifton House. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Pub- lished New York (1843). Small oblong folio. Framed. NIAGARA AND ITS WONDERS Niagara Suspension Bridge. The small views surrounding larger centre panel of the Bridge. Colored lithograph by E. C. Kellogg. Published Hartford. Folio. Framed. ELLIOTTSVILUE, 8. I. From the Water Front. Colored lithograph by F. & S8. Palmer, 55 Ludlow Street, New York. Folio. Framed. A very rare print. 22 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 NEW ROCHELLE Double Villa at New Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y. The property of John B. Murray, Esq., New York. Colored litho- graph by Endicott & Co., New York. Folio. Framed. An unknown American lithograph. PHILADELPHIA Colored lithograph. Drawn on stone by C. Matter. Pub- lished by J. H. Locher, New York. Large folio. Framed. PANORAMA OF PHILADELPHIA Chestnut Street, East of Fifth. Colored lithograph by Collins and Antenrieth. Published by Schnabel, Finkeldey and Demme, Philadelphia, 1856. Small folio. Framed. PHILADELPHIA IN THE OLDEN TIME General view above of the city with three oval views below of The Prison at 3rd and High Sts., 1700. The State House as it was in 1735, Old Court House and Friends Meeting House, 2nd and Market Sts., 1707. Tinted lithograph by F. J. Wade. Published by Smith & Cremens, Washington, D. C. Folio. Framed. PITTSBURGH Great Conflagration at Pittsburgh, Pa., April 10, 1845. Nearly 1200 Houses destroyed. Estimated loss of property $9,000,000. Colored lithograph by J. Baillie. Published New York (1845). Small oblong folio. Framed. MUNICIPAL HALL, PITTSBURGH New City Hall. J. W. Kerr, Architect. Painted by James Steen. Colored lithograph by Otto Krebs. Upright folio. Framed. UPPER FALLS OF THE GENESEE, AT ROCHESTER, NOY. From the East bank, looking N. W. Colored lithograph by J. Baillie. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. VIEW OF ST. LOUIS From South of Chouteans Lake, 1840. Colored lithograph by S. C. Wild; published at the Missouri Republican Of- fice (1840). Small folio. Framed. 23 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 SALEM, MASS. South and West Views of Salem, Mass. Colored lithographs by Endicott & Co., after the paintings by J. B. Bachelder. Published (Boston) 1856. Folios. Framed. (2) NORTH CHURCH, SALEM, MASS. Painted by J. Ropes. Colored lithograph by W. Sharp. Pub- lished by Bouve & Sharp, Boston (1843). Folio. Framed. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Engraving Colored. Published by Frederick Hess (San Francisco). Twenty-two views of individual buildings sur- rounding a bird’s-eye view of the city. Published 1874. Ob- long folio. Framed. Very rare. — SAN FRANCISCO, 1849 Drawn on the spot by Henry Firks for W. H. Jones, Esq. of San Francisco, U. C. Two columns of key on either side of the title. Published Philadelphia, 1849. Long folio. Framed. A very rare print in this state. SILVER CREEK, CALIFORNIA Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Colored lithograph by T. Moran. Published by James Me- Guigan, Philadelphia. Oblong folio. Framed. UNITED STATES CAPITAL, WASHINGTON, D. C. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. WASHINGTON Painted by T. Hicks, N. A. Engraved by H. Wright Smith. Published New York, 1859. Upright folio. Framed. Open letter proof. VIEW OF WASHINGTON CITY Colored lithograph by E. Sachse & Co. Published Baltimore, 1859. Three lines of titles of the various buildings and loca- tions. Large folio. Framed. 24 4 ~ ets, ERNE Eta oy ee he Re aT ite ees Oe, a a a ce es at eye ee ne oy oe Ai eo 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 TOMB OF WASHINGTON Colored lithograph by Robertson, Siebert and Shearman. Published by N. S. Bennett, Washington, D. C., 1859, in aid of the Ladies’ Mount Vernon Association. Oblong folio. Framed. WEST Golden City C. T.—Looking East. Sketched by A. E. Mathews. Colored lithograph. Oblong folio. Framed. WHITE MOUNTAINS (a) The Notch of the White Mountains, with the Willey House. ~ (b) Mount Crawford, near the White Mountains, with the Mt. Crawford House. (c) The Gate of the Notch of the White Mountains, with the Notch House. Drawn by I. Sprague. Colored lithographs by B. W. Thayer & Co. Published by W. Oakes, 1848. Small folios. Framed. (3) YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA The ‘‘Bridal Veil’’ Fall. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives after the painting by F. F. Palmer. Published New York, 1866. Large folio. Framed. VARIOUS AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS LOTS 150-163 AMERICAN FARM SCENES Colored lithograph by N. Currier after the painting by F. F. Palmer. Published New York, 1853. Large folio. Framed. One of the scarcest of the large Currier prints. AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS My Little Playfellow and the Two Sisters. Colored litho- eraphs by N. Currier. Published New York. Small upright folios. Framed. (2) AMERICAN FARM YARD—MORNING Painted by F. EH. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York 1857. Large folio. Framed. One of the Country Life series. 25 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 CHILDHOOD’S HAPPY DAYS Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1863. Folio. Framed. COUNTRY SCENES (a) The Roadside Mill. (b) The Old Ford Mill. Colored lithographs by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1870. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) HIAWATHA’S WOOING Three stanzas of verse beneath title. Colored lithograph on stone by L. Maurer after the painting by Hoomer. Published by Currier & Ives, 1860. Folio. Framed. THE MILLER’S HOME Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1860). Folio. Framed. THE RETURN FROM THE PASTURE Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1857). Large folio. Framed. One of the famous Country Life series. THE STEPPING STONES OF LIFE The Stages of Woman’s and Man’s Life from the Cradle to the Grave. Quaint verses beneath each step. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1850. Small folios. Framed. (2) THE SALE OF THE PET LAMB Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives, published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. THE SOLDIER’S ADIEU Colored lithograph by Currier. Published New York. Small upright folio. Framed. One of the earlier of Currier’s prints, displaying unusual skill in coloring. WINTER MORNING Colored lithograph by F. F. Palmer. Published by Currier & Ives, New York, 1861. Folio. Framed. 26 162 THE WONDERFUL ALBINO FAMILY 163 Rudolph Lucasie, wife and children, from Madagascar. They have pure white skin, silken white hair and pink eyes. Ex- hibited at Barnum’s Museum. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Small upright folio. Framed. One of the Barnum’s series. THE YOUNG SAILOR Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1849. Small upright folio. Framed. 27 164 165 166 167 168 169 Very rare. SECOND SESSION LOTS 164-351. AMERICANA LOTS 164-202 AMERICA GUIDED BY WISDOM York. Large folio with matted black oe Framed. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA. Soe ahe July 38rd, 1863. The Third Day. Drawn by F. Fuchs. Col- ored lithograph by Charles Magnus. Published Ari Yo é 1868. Folio. Framed. | BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS Ete Colored lithograph by John Landis. Published (Philad ) phia) 1840. With key of position of commanding ates is Large folio. Framed. | A THE BATTLE AT BUNKER’S HILL . Near Boston, June 17, 1775. Painted by John Turnbull. graved by J. G. Muller. Published London, 1798. folio. Framed. ve THE BRITISH SURRENDERING AT YORK TOWN — The British Surrendering their Arms to Genl. Washingt after their defeat at York Town in Virginia, October 1781. — Drawn by John Francis Renault. Engraved by Tanner, Val-— lance, Kearney & Co. and Wm. Allen. Large folio. Framed. 28 THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN MWitTH PENCIL NOTES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY [85] [201] : 6S8I “I “I ‘ASUYNOD NOINN LV HOLVIN DNILLOUL AGES CARVE tte URRAT EA “BUND ‘ AI GMI 6S WAL aeaeds 2 CERGLEES RM GSR VE ARAL SR bebe ress ast a pe > eee maine ana ane : & 8 OF Si CTI “aa ‘mon RAO WERE ate wo va ™ ao nom Kany grin ox Breer os ONE OF A REMARKABLE SERIES OF 18 VIEWS OF NEW YORK [110] LIFE ON THE PRAIRIE: THE TRAPPERS’ DEFENCE—FIRE FIGHT FIRE [177] Be 1HOMAS NAST. SIGNED AND. DATED FEB; 28, 1861 WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON—THE GENTLEMEN’S PAR- Horm sOowiING ABRAHAM LINCOLN SEATED IN A DOUBLE SET EER BEFORE THE OPEN FIRE, MEDITATING [189] WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON—THE LADIES’ PARLOR BY THOMAS NAST, 1861 [190] MORNING AFTER THE STORM: THE HUSBAND'S RETURN ~ PAINTED BY W..R. BIGG. .MEZZOTINT PRINTED IN COLOR BY W. WARD, 1798 [230] THE SPORTSMAN’S RETURN PAINTED BY G. MOORLAND. MEZZOTINT PRINTED IN COLOR BY W. WARD, 1792 [231] [to¢] nies, ; IONVD ‘M AD Hd VADOHLIT GAYNOTOON AUNVA ONIHSIA NOWIVS 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 CAMP MEETING Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Comstock. Published New York & Hartford. Small oblong folio. Framed. CIVIL WAR Battle of Mill Spring, Ky., Jan. 19th, 1862. Terrific bayonet charge of the 9th Ohio Volunteers, ete., ete. Colored litho- graph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small ob- long folio. Framed. CIVIL WAR Ravine occupied by the Picket Reserves of Brig. Gen. Joseph Hooker’s Division, at the Siege of Yorktown, April 1, 1862. Colored lithograph by Jno. B. Bachelder. Published by Endicott & Co., New York, 1862. Folio. Framed. CIVIL WAR Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 8th, 1962. Terrific Fighting of the Union Forces under Gen’. Curtis. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1862. Small oblong folio. Framed. CIVIL WAR (a) Brig. General Nathl. Lyon, Commanding United States Army in Missouri. | (b) Major Genl. McClellan. Colored lithographs by Kellogg and Currier & Ives. Pub- lished New York, (1862). Small upright folios. Framed. (2) CIVIL WAR ) (a) The Soldier’s Dream. Colored lithograph by E. C. Kellogg, Hartford, Conn. Published by Phelps & Watson, New York. (b) The Soldier’s Dream of Home. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) DEATH OF GENERAL MONTGOMERY In the attack on Quebec, Dec. 1775. Painted by John Trum- bull. Engraved by I. T. Clemens. Published London, 1798. Large folio. Framed. 29 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 EARLY WESTERN LIFE Life on the Prairie—The Trapper’s Defence. ‘‘Fire fight Fire.’’ Painted by A. F. Tait. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Published New York, 1862. A spirited print depicting the hardships and adventures of the early Western pioneers. Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EARLY WEST The Seout. A Half Breed Scout mounted, on a knoll on outpost duty. The Plains in the distance. Colored litho- eraph by A. Miller, 1861. Framed. GALLANT CHARGE OF THE ‘‘SIXTY-NINTH”’ ON THE REBEL BATTERIES AT THE BATTLE OF BULL- RUN, VA., JULY 21, 1861 Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1861). Small oblong folio. Framed. THE GALLANT CHARGE OF THE KENTUCKY CAV- ALRY UNDER COL. MARSHALL AT THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA, FEBY 238, 1847 Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1847. Small oblong folio. Framed. GENERAL MARION IN HIS SWAMP ENCAMPMENT Inviting a British Officer to Dinner. Painted by John B. White, Charleston, 8. C. Engraved by John Sartam. Folio. Framed. THE GREAT WEST Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1870. Small oblong folio. Framed. Depicting the early railroad train leaving the Rooker and crossing the Plains. Rare. INDIANS Game of the Arrow. Archery of the Mandan Indians—Head Waters of the Missouri. Painted by Catlin. Colored litho- graph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Folio. Framed. 30 184 185 186 187 188 189 INDIANS The Sealp Dance. Painted by Catlin. Colored lithograph by M. C. Gahey. Published by Day & Haghe, London. Folio. Framed. INDIANS The Buffalo Dance—To Make the Buffaloes Come. Painted by Catlin. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Folio. Framed. INDIANS Pehriska—Ruhpa. Moennitarri Warrior in the Costume of the Dog Dance. Painted by Charles Bodmer. Lithograph by Rene Rollet. Published by Ackermann, London. Folio. Framed. INDIAN FAMILY Colored lthograph by N. Currier. Published New York (1843). Small upright portfolio. Framed. THE LEXINGTON OF 1861 The Massachusetts Volunteers Fighting their Way through the Streets of Baltimore, on their March to the Defence of the National Capitol April 19, 1861. Hurrah for the Glor- ious 6th. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. LINCOLN Willard’s Hotel, Washington, by Thomas Nast, 1861. Interior View of ‘‘Gentlemen’s Parlor,’’ Reading and Sitting Room at Willards Hotel during the Inauguration week. Pic- turing a group of statesmen, army officers and gentlemen in evening dress, some in dignified standing positions, others diligently applying their attentions to the daily papers. In the right foreground seated in a double settee before the open fire is drawn the figure of Abraham Lincoln in a meditative attitude. Original wash drawing by Thomas Nast, signed and dated February 28, 1861. Framed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches It would be difficult to find a more interesting contemporary pictorial document pertaining to the famous Lincoln period, and the added talent of so famous an artist as Thomas Nast goes far to make this item of the utmost importance. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 31 190 LINCOLN 191 192 193 194 195 Willard’s Hotel, Washington, by Thomas Nast, 1861. Interior of Ladies’ Parlor at Willards Hotel, Washington, during the Inauguration Week, depicting a group of stately ladies in their silks and finery, on which is reflected the light of the many chandeliers. Original wash drawing by Thomas Nast, signed and dated March 6th, 1861. Framed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches Companion piece to the preceding lot. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MARION’S BRIGADE CROSSING THE PEDEE RIVER, S. C., 1778 On their Way to Attack the British Force under Tarleton. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. METHODISTS’ CAMP MEETING IN AMERICA Painted by J. Milbert. Colored aquatints by M. Dubourg. Published, London, 1819. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) MEXICAN WAR Attack on the Castle of Chapultepec, by Gens. Quitman and Shields, divisions, September 13th, 1847. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1848. Small oblong folio. Framed. MEXICAN WAR Gen’] Ampudia Treating for the Capitulation of Monterey with Gen’l Taylor, September 1846, and Capitulation of Vera Cruz, 1847. Colored lithographs by N. Currier. Pub- lished New York, 1846 and 1847. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) PETER FRANCISCO’S GALLANT ACTION With nine of Tarleton’s Cavalry in sight of a troop of Four Hundred Men, 1781. Designed by Warrell. Drawn by Bar- ralett. Engraved by D. Edwin. Colored. Published by James Webster, 1814. Large folio. Framed. 32 196 497 198 199 200 201 202 RAILROADS The Dreadful Accident on the North Pennsylvania Rail-road. About 14 miles above Philadelphia, on Tuesday, July 17, 1856, with three columns of history. Colored lithograph from a drawing taken upon the spot. Published by John L. Magie, Philadelphia (1856). Small folio. Framed. SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPEN- DENCE Declaration De 1’Indépendance Des Etats-Unis D’Amérique, July 4th, 1776. Painted by John Trumbull. Engraved by Jazet. Large folio. Framed. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS At York-Town, Va., Oct. 1781. With one line of key giving position of Hamilton, Lafayette, Washington, Cornwallis, ete. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1845. Framed. THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1870. Small oblong folio. Framed. Foreshortened view of the Far West, picturing the Plain and lumber industries, and with a view of the Rockies and San Francisco. VIEW OF CHAPULTEPEC And Molino Del Rey (After the Battle) 1847. Colored litho- graph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1847. Small ob- long folio. Framed. WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE Colored lithograph by Sarony Major & Knapp. Published New York. Folio. Framed. WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION AT TRENTON By the Ladies, on Passing the Bridge at Trenton, N. J., April 1789, on His Way to New York to be Inaugurated First Presi- dent of the United States. Colored lithograph by N. Cur- rier. Published New York, 1845. Small upright folio. Framed. 33 MARINE—WHALING—NAVAL AND STEAM SHIPS, ETC. 203 204 205 206 207 208 LOTS 203-225 THE CLIPPER YACHT ‘‘AMERICA’”’ Winner of the Royal Yacht Squadron Cup, 1851. Built by Mr. George Steers of New York for Jno. C. Stevens, Esqr. and associates of the New York Yacht Club. Colored litho- graph by N. Currier. Published New York. Folio. Framed. SLOOP YACHT ‘‘MAYFLOWER”’ Modelled by Edward Burgess, Boston, Mass. Winner of the two Races for the ‘‘ America’s Cup’’ 1886. Two columns of dimensions. Colored. Lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1886. Small oblong folio. Framed. SCHOONER YACHT ‘‘MADGIE,.’’ 111 TONS R. F. Loper, Constructor. Tinted lithograph by W. H. Rease. Published Philadelphia. Folio. Framed. Scarce. STEAM SHIP ‘‘CITY OF NEW YORK”’ Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam Ship Com- pany’s Steam Ship. 2560 Tons. Length 350 feet. Capt. T. Kennedy. Colored. lithograph by A. A. Turner. Pub- lished by D. Appleton & Co., New York. Folio. Framed. THE IRON STEAM SHIP ‘‘LEVIATHAN,”’’ 2500 TONS Constructed under the direction of J. K. Brunel. Commanded by Capt. William Harrison. Two columns of dimensions on either side of title. Colored lithograph by C. Parsons. Pub- lished by Currier & Ives, New York, 1858. Large folio. Framed. THE ‘‘VICTORIA’’ STEAM TUG And the ‘‘Magazine’’ Life Boat. Rescuing Passengers from the ‘‘St. Andrew,’’ New York Packet Ship, off Liverpool, 1839. Painted by Walters. Colored lithograph by Day and Hoghe. Published London, 1839. Folio. Framed. 34 209 210 211 212 213 214 ORIGIN OF STEAM NAVIGATION ‘‘Honor to whom Honor is due.’’ A View of Collect Pond and its vicinity in the City of New York in 1795. Drawn and lithographed by J. Penniman. Published by John Hutchings, New York, 1846. Large folio. Framed. ‘‘The world is indebted to the original idea and mechanical genius of John Fitch of East Windsor, Conn., & the per- Severance and indefatigable attention to the use of steam of Robert Fulton, Esq.’’ Two columns of data gathered by John Hutchings reproduced, headed by pictorial designs of the Fitch model on either side of a map of Collect Pond, on which John Fitch tried his first boat propelled by paddle wheels. A most interesting and comprehensive item on the subject of early steam boat achievement. VIEW OF BRITISH STEAM VESSELS As designed and constructed by Barrodall Robert Dodd. -In- set view of the interior of the principal cabin. Colored aqua- tint. Published by R. Ackermann, London, 1817. Folio. Framed. An American Steam vessel of 1817 in the distance. THE OPENING OF SHEERNESS DOCKS September 5th, 1823. Painted by W. J. Huggins. Aquatint in colors, engraved by E. Duncan. Published by W. J. Hug- gins, London, 1828. Large folio. Framed. ROYAL AQUATIC EXCURSION TO GREENWICH HOS8- PITAL Aquatint in colors. Published by R. H. Laurel, London, 1838. Folio. Framed. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT—LOUISBOURG HABOUR The Burning of the President and Capture of the ‘‘Bien- faisant’’ on July 26, 1758. Painted by R. Paton. Engraved by P. C. Canot; colored. Folio. Framed. PERRY’S VICTORY Colored lithograph. Artist and publisher unknown. Action on Lake Erie. Folio. Framed. Very scarce. 30 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 U. 8S. REVENUE CUTTER ‘‘FORWARD”’ Capt H. B. Nones. With Maull’s Patent horizontal and seam’d Canvas Sails. Tinted lithograph by I. Childs. Published by F, Kuhl. Philadelphia. Folio. Framed. Very rare. ‘‘CONSTITUTION’’ AND ‘‘JAVA’’ Colored lithograph by N. Currier, published New York, 1846. Small folio. Framed. U. §. STEAM SCREW FRIGATE ‘‘MINNESOTA”’ Captain 8. F. Du Pont, with the Hon. W. B. Reed, Min- ister to China, on Board. Two lines of dimensions and de- scription. Painted by Lozier. Colored lithograph by Endi- cott & Co., New York. Large folio. Framed. BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE Fought September 10, 1815. Second View. Dedicated to Commodore Perry, his officers and gallant crews, by James Webster. Drawn by Sully and Kearny. Etched by C. Tie- bout and engraved by G. Murray. Published Philadelphia, 1815. Folio. Framed. An original old impression of the plate. Rare. SOUTH SEA WHALE FISHERY Ship ‘‘Amelia Wilson’’ and ‘‘Castor’’ off the Island of Bouro—with their Boats and Crew in the various processes of Fishing, showing the manner the Spermaceti whales are caught, ete, etc. Painted by W. J. Huggins, Marine Painter to his Majesty. Engraved by T. Sutherland. Colored. Pub- lished, London. Folio. Framed. THE NORTH WEST OR DAVIS’S STRAITS WHALE FISHERY Painted and aquatinted in color by Robert Dodd. Published by John and Josiah Baydell, London, May 1, 1789. Large folio. Framed. A very rare aquatint and in fine condition. THE NORTH WEST OR DAVIS’S STRAITS WHALE FISHERY Line engraving by Fran. Ambrosi after the painting by Rob- ert Dodd. Colored. Small folio. Framed. Companion to preceding lot. 36 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 THE GREENLAND WHALE FISHERY Line engraving by Fran. Ambrosi after the painting by ae ert Dodd. Colored. Small folio. Framed. DUTCH HARBOR SCENES De Haven Van Schiedam. Engraving by M. Sallieth after the painting by de Jong. Pub- lished Amsterdam (1802). Colored. Small folio. Framed. DUTCH HARBOR SCENES Haven Van Vlissingen in Zeeland. Engraving by M. Sallieth after the painting by de Jong. Published Amsterdam (1802). Colored. Small folio. Framed. DUTCH HARBOR SCENES De Haven Van Enkhuysen. Engraved by M. Sallieth after the painting by de Jong. Pub- lished Amsterdam (1802). Colored. Small folio. Framed. FINE ENGLISH COLOR PRINTS BY GEORGE MORLAND, WARD, BIGG, ETC. LOTS 226-233 THE BARN DOOR Painted by George Morland. Mezzotint printed in color by W. Ward. Published London, 1792. ‘Folio. Framed. SMUGGLERS, NO. 2 Painted by G. Morland. Mezzotint printed in color by J. Ward. Published London, Nov. 1, 1793, by J. R. Smith. Folio. Framed. Repaired and mounted. BRITISH PLENTY AND SCARCITY IN INDIA After the painting by H. Singleton, engraved in color by Bartolotti. Large folios. Framed. (2) } 37 229 230 231 232 233 234 THE STORMY NIGHT A Wife awaiting the return of her Husband. Title repeated in French. Painted by W. R. Bigg, A.R.A. Mezzotint printed in color by W. Ward. Published by W. R. Bigg, London, 1798. Large folio. Framed. This and the following companion print are very fine ex- amples of early English color printing, in excellent condition with margins and full titles. MORNING AFTER THE STORM. THE HUSBAND’S RETURN Title repeated in French. Painted by W. R. Bigg, A.R.A. Mezzotint printed in color by W. Ward. Published by W. R. Bigg, London, 1798. Large folio. Framed. Companion to the preceding print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE SPORTSMAN’S RETURN Painted by G. Morland. Mezzotint printed in color by W. Ward. Published London 1792. Large folio. Framed. An exceedingly fine impression with margins and full title. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SATLOR’S CONVERSATION Mezzotint printed in colors. Painted by G. Morland, engraved by W. Ward, published London, 1802, by J. R. Smith. Large folio. Framed. A very fine impression in colors. THE SMITHY To his Grace the Duke of Hamilton . . . this plate is re- spectfully dedicated. Painted by G. Garrard. Mezzotint by W. Pether. Published by T. Simpson, London, 1787. Folio. Framed. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SPORTING PRINTS LOTS 234-314 ALARM The Property of Charles Greville, Esq., was got by Venison out of Southdown by Defence. Painted by J. F. Herring. Engraved by J. Harris. Colored by C. Simpson. Published by Baily Brothers, London. Large folio. Framed. 38 239 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 SET OF FOUR COLORED ALKEN HUNTING PRINTS The Stag Hunt, the Fox Hunt, and the Hare and Rabbit Hunt. After the paintings by S. Alken, engraved and colored by T. Sutherland and G. Maile. Long oblong folios. Framed. (4) ANVIL Painted by George Stubbs. Engraved by Geo. Townly Stubbs, engraver to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. Colored. Pub- lished London, 1794. Folio. Framed. ARCHERY Engraved by Orlando Hodgson. Colored. Published Lon- don, 18382. Small oblong folio. Framed. ARTAXERXES Age 12 years. The property of Chas. Enderly, Esq. Painted by F. C. Turner. Engraved by R. G. Reeve. Finely colored. Published London (1837). Large folio. Framed. THE AUBURN HORSE Driven by his owner, Robert Bonner, Esquire. Colored litho- graph by Currier and Ives after the painting by J. Cameron. Published New York, 1866. Large folio. Framed. BASS FISHING In a cove off Manhasset Bay, Long Island. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1860. Small folio. Framed. BEAR BAITING Painted by H. Alken. Colored aquatint by I. Clark. Pub- lished London, 1820. Small oblong folio. Framed. THE BEAUFORT HUNT Painted by William & Henry Barrand. Engraving, colored, by William Giller. Published by Henry Graves & Co., Lon- don, 1847. Large folio. Framed. BILLIARDS Drawn by W. H. Pyne, Aquatint in colors by G. Hunt. (Pub- lished London, 1800). Small oblong folio without margins. Framed. 39 244 245 246 247 248 249 BROOK TROUT FISHING—‘AN ANXIOUS MOMENT”’ Painted by A. F. Tait, on stone by Ch. Parsons. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1862. Largo folio. Framed. THE AGE BRIGHTON COACH IN 1852 Painted by W. J. Shayer. Engraved by Charles Hunt. Col- ored. Large folio. Framed. A fine impression. COACHING (a) Retour au Chateau—Poste Anglaise. (b) Promenade au Bois de Boulogne. Colored lithographs by De Bonne Maison. Published 1860. Large folio. Framed. HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE IV TRAVELLING View of Hyde Park. Painted by Pollard. Engraved by M. Dubourg. Colored. Published London, 1821. Folio. Framed. SET OF EIGHT COACHING PRINTS Doing the Handsome on quitting the Green. A Lesson for the Horsekeeper. Warranted to go in Harness. The 1st of September. Accidents will happen to the best appointed Coaches. A Lazy Horsekeeper for the Mail. Queer Piece of Ground in a Fog. A Pleasure—The Finish. Painted by C. B. Newhouse, Engraved by 8. G. Hughes. Col- ored. Published by G. S. Tregear, London, 1834. Small folios. Framed. (8) THE COCK PIT An original sketch from which it is presumed Hogarth took his well-known picture. Colored lithograph by A. Ducotes. Published by T. McLean, London, 1837. Small folio. Framed. With key. 40 250 251 252 253 204 239 256 COACHING (a) Getting a Team together. (b) The Remains of a Stanhope. Painting by H. Alken. Engravings colored. Published by Thos. McLean, London, 1827. Small oblong folio. Framed. (2) COACHING (a) Chaise de Poste. (b) Messageries Nationales. Painted by V. Adam. Colored lithographs by A. Godard. Published Paris. Folios. Framed. (2) THE CHASE OF THE ROEBUCK Dedicated by permission to E. M. Pleydell, Esq., many. years Master of a Pack of Roebuck Hounds. From the original drawing by W. P. Hodges, Esq. Engraved by H. Alken and R. G. Reeve. Published London, 1834. Oblong folio. Framed. A fine colored early impression of this rare hunting print. A CHANCE FOR BOTH BARRELS Painted by A. F. Tait. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1857. Large folio. Framed. A. F. Tait was one of the ablest artists employed by the old firm of N. Currier, and Currier & Ives. He was par- ticularly noted for his paintings of American sports. COACHING | North Country Mails at the Peacock, Islington. Painted by James Pollard. Engraving, colored, by T. Sutherland. Large folio. Framed. COACHING Serious Times. Three Blind Un’s and a Bolter. Painted by H. Alken. Colored engraving, published by R. Ackermann, London, 1833. Folio. Framed. CAMPING OUT ‘Some of the Right Sort.’’ Colored lithograph by N. Cur- rier after the painting by L. Maurer. Published New York, 1856. Large folio. Framed. 41 207 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 COLONEL MORDAUNT’S COCK MATCH At Lucknow in the Province of Inde in the year 1786. Mez- zotint by R. Earlom, after the painting by J. Zoffany; col- ored. Published London, 1792. Large folio. Framed. DUCK SHOOTING Engraved by T. Simpson, printed in sepia. Published Lon- don, 1790. Small folio. Framed. Fine impression. DUNGANNON Painted by George Stubbs. Engraved by Geo. Townly Stubbs, inseribed to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. Colored. Pub- lished London, 1794. Folio. Framed. ) EPSOM Preparing to Start. Painted by Jas. Pollard. Engraved and colored by Chas. Hunt. Published London, Feby 1, 1836, by Ackermann & Co. Folio. Framed. Fine impression. FOX CHASE—THE DEATH Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York, 1846. Small oblong folio. Framed. SET OF THREE COLORED FOX HUNTING PRINTS BY ALKEN Gone Away, Drawing a Cover, The Leap. Painted by H. Alken. Engraved by Sutherland. Colored. Published Lon- don, 1818. Folios. Framed. (3) FOX HUNTING The Meet, The Field, Full Cry and The Death. Set of four colored lithographs by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Folios. Framed. (4) A scarce set. FOX HUNTING SCENES. THE DEATH Steeplechase scenes. Colored lithographs by F. Sala & Co. Published London. Folios. Framed. (2) 42 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 FOX HUNTING Set of 4 colored Hunting prints, plates 1 to 4. Painted by Wolstenholme, engraved by Reeve. Published London, Oct. 1, 1810. Oblong folios. Framed. A very decorative and interesting set. FOX HUNTING Set of four engravings in color, plates 1 to 4. Painted by James Pollard. Engraved by T. Sutherland. Published Lon- don. Folios. Framed. A very desirable series. FOX HUNTING Death of the Fox. Colored Mezzotint by John Fairburn. Published London, July 14, 1794. Oblong folio. Framed. FOX HUNTING Moore’s Tally Ho! to the Sports. The Noble Tips. Plate I. Tipperary Boys. The Marquis at Home. Plate II. Tippe- rary Melody. Plate III. Tipperary Glory. Plate IV. Tip- perary ‘‘Killing no Murder.”’ Painted by F. C. Turner. Engraved by G. Hunt and J. R. Mackrel. Colored. Published by J. W. Moore, London, 1853. Large folios. Framed. (4) FOX HUNTING Hon. J. J. Drake in red coat mounted on White Sorrel. Painted by William and Henry Barrand. Engraving, col- ored, by William Giller. Published by J. Ryman, London, 1846. Large folio. Framed. THE FOX HUNTER Two stanzas of verse, one on either side of title. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published New York (1845). Small oblong folio. Framed. FOX HUNTING Heading the Fox and Thrown Out. Aquatints in color by C. Turner. Published London, 1814. Small folios. Framed. (2) Rare. 43 272 274 275 276 277 278 FOX HUNTING Taking a Lead and The Southern Hounds. Aquatints in color by C. Turner. Published London 1813. Small folios. Framed. (2) Rare. A GOOD CHANCE Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives after the painting by A. F. Tait. Published New York, 1863. Large folio. Framed. Scene laid in the Adirondacks. Shooting deer from a canoe. JOHN C. HEENAN, CHAMPION OF THE WORLD Born in West Troy, New York, 1835, Beat the Champion of England in 42 rounds, April 17th, 1860. Colored litho- graph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small up- right folio. Framed. A HIGH METTLED ONE Painted and engraved by H. Alken. Colored. Published London, 1820. Small folio. Framed. HIGHFLYER The Property of Mr. Tattersall. Painted and etched by S. Gilpin. Engraved by F. Jukes. Colored. With further data in two columns on either side of title. Published Lon- don, 1792. Folio. Framed. THE HUNTERS SHANTY In the Adirondacks. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1861. Large folio. Framed. : HUNTING CASUALTIES (a) Dispatched to Head Quarters—Taking it with a Military Seat. (b) Up to Sixteen Stone—Master of my Weight, but would rather my Weight was master of him. (c) A Mutual Determination. If he goes on this rate I am afraid I must part with him. Colored lithographs by N. Currier. Published New York (1845). Small folios. Framed. (3) 44 a SP, ne ee ? 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 HUNTING, FISHING AND FOREST SCENES Shantying on the Lake Shore. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Published New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. HYDE PARK CORNER Scenes on the Road, or a Trip to Epsom and back. Painted by James Pollard. Engraving, colored, by J. Harris. Pub- lished by Ackermann & Co., London, 1838. Large folio, mended. Framed. THE JOCKEY’S DREAM Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1880. Small oblong folio. Framed. JOHNSON’S PEDESTRIAN HOBBYHORSE RIDING SCHOOL At 377 Strand and 40 Brewer Street, Golden Square. Six lines of directions and description of the use of the machine. Colored aquatint by R. Ackermann. London, 1819. Small folio. Framed. Every evidence would suggest that the ‘‘ Hobbyhorse’’ was the forerunner of the Bicycle. LIFE IN THE CAMP Preparing for Supper. Painted by Thos. Nast. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1863. Folio. Framed. LONDON ROYAL MAIL IN A SNOW STORM Painted by Mays. Engraving, colored, by G. Alken. Lacks title. Large folio. Framed. MAIL COACH Painted by James Pollard. Engraved by M. Dubourg. Col- ored. Published London, April 7th, 1824. Folio. Framed. MARKET HARBOROUGH (a) I should say your Horse would Die. (b) Line, Sir! Line. After the paintings by F. C. Boult. Colored engraving. Pub- lished by Messrs. Fores, London. Folios. Framed. (2) 45 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 JOHN MYTTON, ESQR. Halston, Salop. From the original picture in the possession of John Bishton Minor, Esq. Engraved miniature in colors. Framed. ORVILLE Late the Property of H. R. H. George, Prince of Wales. Dedicated to the Rt Honble Earl Fitzwilliam. Painted by C. Tomson. Engraved by J. Scott. Colored. Two columns on the performances of this fine horse. Published London, 1812. Folio. Framed. OWLING Painted by H. Alken. Colored aquatint by I. Clark. Pub- lished London, 1820. Small folio. Framed. PEDESTRIANS | John Ennis and Charles Rowell, the latter winner of the Ast- ley Belt. Colored lithographs by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1879. Small folios. Framed. (2) THE PURSUIT Colored etching. Designed, etched and published by Thos. Rowlandson, Mar. 1, 1791. Folio. Framed. Rare. RACING The Start. A field of horses strung out. The Finish. Neck and Neck. After Henry Alken, Aquatints in color by J. Clark. Published London, 1820. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) RACING Kentucky. By Lexington-Dam Magnolia, by Glencoe G. D. Myrtle by Mameluke—Foaled 1861. Owned by Leonard W. Jerome, Esq. of New York. Colored lithograph by Goupel & Co. Published by M. Knoedler, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. RACING A Close Finish. Painted and engraved by H. Alken. Col- ored, Published by Thos. McLean, London, 1820. Small folio. Framed. Proof before the title. 46 | ~ pe EE ee Re a a ME eed 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 RARUS Painted by Kittridge. Engraved and printed by Horner Lee & Co., New York, 1878. Colored. Folio. Framed. Rarus made his record in Buffalo at 2.1314, August 3rd, 1878. RARUS AND ROWDY BOY Both with records of 2.1314. Colored lithographs by Cur- rier & Ives. Published New York, 1877 and 79. Small folios. Framed. : (2) THE ROAD VERSUS RAIL Fore’s Coaching Incidents. Painted by C. C. Henderson. Engraved by J. Harris. Colored. Mended. Published Lon- don, 1845. Large folio. Framed. ROWING RACE The Great International Boat Race, Aug. 27th, 1869. Be- tween Oxford and Harvard on the River Thames, near Lon- don. Won by Oxford. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1869). Small oblong Folio. Framed. TOM SAYERS Champion of England. Colored lithograph by E. C. Kel- logg, New York and Hartford. Small folio. Framed. TOM SAYERS, CHAMPION OF ENGLAND Born near Brighton, 1826. Three columns listing his fistic battles. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1860. Small upright folio. Framed. SALMON FISHING Colored lithograph by W. Gauci. Printed by M. & H. Han- hart. Large folio. Framed. Very rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A FAMOUS SETTER The Property of the Most Noble the Marquis of Ely. Mezzo- tint engraved by W. Ward, A.E., after the painting by H. B. Chalon. Published by Richard Lambe, London, 1825. Folio. Framed. 47 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 SLEIGHING Sleighing in North America. Colored aquatint in colors. Published London, 1844, by I. W. Laird. Small folio. Framed. SMOLENSKO With full pedigree on either side of title. Painted by M. Satorius. Engraved by William Ward. Engraver to their R. H. the Prince Regents. Colored. Published London, 1813. Folio. Framed. THE START AND THE DEATH Painted by H. Alken. Engraved by C. P. Stock. Published by W. C. Lee, London. Oblong folios. Framed. | (2) ? STEWART’S FAT STEER The largest steer in Pennsylvania, etec., ete. Several lines of description. Lithograph by Duval and Hunter, published 1874. Large folio. Framed. SWEETBRIER Painted by G. Stubbs. Stipple engraving by George Townly Stubbs, engraver to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Colored. Published London, 1817. Folio. Framed. TANDEM Engraving, colored. Published London by J. Fairburn. Ob- long folio. Framed. Very rare. A TANDEM NOT QUITE RIGHT A Curricle Match. Painted by H. Alken. Engravings col- ered. Published by Thos. McLean, London, 1827. Small folios. Framed. (2) THE TRAPPERS’ CAMP-FIRE Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives after the painting by F. F. Palmer. Published New York, 1866. Large folio. Framed. 48 311 312 313 314 TROTTING Lord William. The Property of Samuel Lawrence, Esqr. This extraordinary animal trotted a match ... London to Brighton in Three Hours and Fifty Minutes. Painted by W. J. Shayer. Engraving, colored, by J. R. Machrell. Pub- lished London. Large folio. Framed. THE TURNPIKE GATE Painted by G. Morland. Engraved by W. Ward. Colored. Published London, 1806. Folio. Framed. Remargined. WATER HEN SHOOTING SPANIELS Painted by H. Alken. Colored aquatints by I. Clark. Pub- lished London, 1820. Small oblong folio. Framed. (2) YANKEE DOODLE ON HIS MUSCLE Or the Way the Benicia Boy astonished the English Men. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, AND EARLY 315 316 317 318 AMERICAN SAMPLERS LOTS 315-351 THE BOURSE, PARIS Intérieur de la Bourse de Paris. Colored lithograph by E. Aubit, after the painting by Aubry. Published Paris (1840). Folio. Framed. CALAME LITHOGRAPH The Storm. Original lithograph. Artist’s proof. Pub- lished by Francois Delarue. Paris. Folio. Framed. Rare. DRY POINT ETCHING Young lady with feather hat. Original dry point artist’s proof. Signed by Nikolate. Folio. ETCHING BY AXEL H. HAIG Interior of Westminster. Signed artist’s proof, 1885. Large folio. Framed. 49 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 ENGRAVINGS Two line engravings, portraits, and two stipples by Barto- lozzi. Folios. (4) FRANKFORT AND COBLENZ Panoramic Views. Colored aquatint by Robert Havell. Pub- lished London. Large folio. Framed. (2) HAVANA 7 A Prospect of the Moro Castle and City of Havana from Sea, and taken within the Entrance of the Harbor. Drawn on the spot by an Officer. Engraved by P. C. Canot; col- ored. Published by Jas. Whittle and R. H. Laurie, Lon- don, 1818. Oblong folios. Framed. (2) HAVANA Vue Générale de La Havane. Capitale de l’Isle de Cuba. Drawn from nature and engraved by Hippolite Garnerly. Finely colored impression. Published Paris. Folio. Framed. HORTICULTURE Ten sheets of original water-color drawings of flowers by Vin- cent Vander Vinne. Folios. (10) IRELAND Salmon Leap at Leixlip, Kildare County, on the Liffey. Painted by Wm. Jones. Engraving, colored, by Giles King. Published London. Folio. Framed. IRELAND The Fenian Martyrs of Ireland, O’Brien, Allen and Larkin. Execution at Manchester, Eng’d, Nov. 23, 1867. Their last words were ‘‘God save Ireland.’’ Engraved and printed by Chas. Hart. Published by Thomas Nally, New York, 1869. Folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Réjouissances Flamandis. Painted by David Teniers. En- graved by J. P. Le Bas. Large folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Pio. Sexto Pont. Max. Painted by Joseph Cades. En- graved by Joannes Vopato. Largo folio. Framed. 50 EE Se 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 LINE ENGRAVING Pio. Sexto Pont. Max. Painted by Joseph Cades. En- graved by Joannes Vopato. Large folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Psyche. Painted by Raffaele Sanzio. Engraved by Giovanni Battista. Oblong folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. Painted by Michael Angelus. Engraved by Aloys Fabri. Large folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Leoni Duodecimo Pont. Opt. Max. Painted by Michael An- gelus. Engraved by Aloys Fabri. Large folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Fortuna. Painted by Guido Reni. Engraved by R. Strange. Proof impression. Large folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Dante Alighieri. Painted by Stefano Tofanelli. Engraved by Raffaello Morghan. Folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVINGS Guillaume De Brisacier. Painted by Mignard. Engraved Masson, 1664. With two other portraits by Nanteuil. Three folios in one frame. LINE ENGRAVING Johannes Sigisnum Dus Holtzschuher. Painted by T. T. Preister. Engraved by G. M. Preister. 4th State. Folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Jonas Paulus Wurster.. Painted by J. Mart Schuster. En- graved by G. M. Preister. Published 1727. Second State. Folio. Framed. LINE ENGRAVING Philipp Caspar. Painted by M. F. Kleinert. Engraved by I. W. Windter. Published 1738. Third State. Folio. Framed. 51 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 A NEGRO MARKET IN THE WEST INDIES From a sketeh taken in Antigua in 1831. Colored aquatint. Published London. Folio. Framed. PANAMA The Terrible Accident on the Panama Railroad, May 6, 1856. Colored lithograph by John L. Magee. Published Philadel- phia (1856). Small oblong folio. Framed. PILGRIM’S PROGRESS Mr. John Bunyan, Late Minister of the Gospel at Bedford, Author of Pilgrim’s Progress, etc., ete. Mezzotint by J. Spilsbury, after the painting by T. Sadler, 1685. Published London (1780). Small upright folio. Framed. A rare old mezzotint, with full margins and complete title. RAILROADS (a) A Limited Express. Five seconds for Refreshments. (b) A Kiss in the Dark. Humorous colored lithographs after Thos. Worth by Currier & Ives. Published New York, 1881 and 1884. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) SHAKESPEARE The Birthplace of Shakespeare—Stratford on Avon. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published New York (1843). Small folio. Framed. EARLY AMERICAN SAMPLER Worked in silk on cream ground linen. Alphabet and numer- als surrounded by wide floral border. Signed. Framed. EARLY AMERICAN SAMPLER, 1814 Worked in silk on cream ground linen. Designed in trees, flowers, brick house, stags and birds. Floral border design. Signed, Sarah Cook, 1814. Framed. AMERICAN SAMPLER, 1824 Worked in silk on deep tan linen. Top in alphabet, lower with a verse on ‘‘Time.’’ Wroughte by Clarissa F. Miller, Apr. 8, 1824. In colored border. Framed. 52 a ee a me Le Oe ee ee ee ae ae eee ee ee ee eg ee 346 347 348 349 350 301 EARLY AMERICAN SAMPLER, 1754 Stitched in silk on cream-colored ground in floral and alpha- betic design. Framed. Height, 12 inches; width, 12 inches WATER-COLOR—UNKNOWN ARTIST ‘Seene near Rome. Shepherd with his flocks. Large folio. Framed. WATER-COLOR BY J. P. WATERLOO Landscape in Italy. Folio. Framed. WASH DRAWING BY F. DE FREY The Cobbler, filling his pipe. Folio. WASH DRAWING BY E. VAN DRIEEST Winter Scene. Woodcutter homeward bound. Upright folio. WASH DRAWING BY T. H. VAN GROOTVELT, 1836 Teniers subject, domestic scene outside cottage door. Signed and dated lower right. Folio. ‘ : : ; ’ r , } p j ; 4 “ey. ¢ ‘ 2 ‘ : « ‘ —— ‘ wf ‘ ’ , bs t sf y f 9 i] : » ie in A % ) Et Abe + 1 y " i k ca } °*/ i? 43 4 af i - Pe 4 q t i ' +4 * ie wt lag Ye , aw . 4p} \. bs f Ad a Pag 1922 Apr. 27 NeAnW c.1 Anderson /Old American and Englis fon .