SALE NUMBER 2023 "PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, JANUARY SEVENTEENTH a: “URNITURE. TAPESTRIES YRIENTAL RUGS, CHINESE PORCELAINS GEORGIAN SILVER & SHEFFIELD PLATE ENGLISH PORCELAINS & GLASS PAINTINGS & OBJECTS OF ART _ FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MRS. A.R.GERSON * ‘ - ay NEW YORK CITY _ > MRS GINO SPERANZA IRVINGTON-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. WINDSOR, VT. | & OTHERS | TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ‘THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY “i AFTERNOONS oy JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST, TWENTY-SECOND pee & TWENTY-THIRD AT TWO’THIRTY - [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] 9 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY“NINTH STREET, NEW YORK SALE NUMBER 2023 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, JANUARY SEVENTEENTH mem NITURE, TAPESTRIES ORIENTAL RUGS, CHINESE PORCELAINS GEORGIAN SILVER & SHEFFIELD PLATE ENGLISH PORCELAINS & GLASS PAINTINGS & OBJECTS OF ART FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MRS. A. R. GERSON Ln NEW YORK CITY MRS. GINO SPERANZA IRVINGTON-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. MRS. WINSTON CHURCHILL WINDSOR, VT. &e OTHERS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST, TWENTY-SECOND &? TWENTY’THIRD AT TWO-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Preswent’] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to a Ess charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. } The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtaimed for One aE for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST EUROPEAN PORCELAIN 1- 38 GLASS 39- 68 STERLING AND ENGLISH SILVER AND SILVER PLATE — 69-120 DECORATIVE OBJECTS 121-146 CHINESE PORCELAIN 147-207 PAINTINGS 208-232 FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-SECOND ENGLISH PORCELAIN 233-259 GEORGIAN SILVER AND SHEFFIELD PLATE 260-315 CANDELABRA, ETC. 316-331 moet Giioh, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH FURNITURE 332-428 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-THIRD OLD ORMOLU CANDELABRA, ANDIRONS, CLOCKS, ETC. 429-445 ieee NGeiISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN: AND SPANISH FURNITURE 446-532 RARE TAPESTRIES 533-537 ORIENTAL RUGS, TEXTILES AND PAINTINGS 538-585 FLEMISH TAPESTRY PANEL EARLY I'77TH CENTURY [NUMBER 534 | SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-232 EUROPEAN PORCELAIN NUMBERS 1-38 1 TWO FRENCH PORCELAIN INKSTANDS Painted with flowers in colours. (2) Width, 7 inches 2 TWO FRENCH PORCELAIN INKSTANDS Painted with flowers. (2) Width, 7 inches 3 TWO OLD ITALIAN MAJOLICA JARS (2). Height, 61% inches 4 PAIR OF LENOX CHINA BEAKER VASES Simulating a pair of Chinese mazarin blue beakers. (2) Height, 81 inches 5 CAPO DI MONTE FIGURE GROUP A gallant and lady of the 18th century. Height, 7 inches 6 SIX GLAZED POTTERY DISHES Brown earthenware with thick turquoise blue glaze. (6) Diameter, 61/4 inches “ TWO OLD ITALIAN MAJOLICA WINE JARS Decorated with floral arabesques in cobalt blue. (2) — Height, 11 and 10 inches 8 MAJOLICA PITCHER Covered with fine mottled green and white glaze. ; Height, 10 inches aoe wO sth CENTURY SEVRES PORCELAIN DEMI- TASSE CUPS AND SAUCERS Decorated in colours and gold. (4). 1 10 i 13 14 15 16 TWO 18TH CENTURY MEISSEN CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS One painted with festoons of flowers and insects. The other with ruins and figures. (4) ST. SAMSON PORCELAIN CIDER PITCHER FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Painted with rustic figures and sprays of flowers in brilliant enamel colours. Gracefully shaped, with scroll handle and domed cover secured by gilt metal billet. Height, 814 inches LIMOGES PORCELAIN CHOCOLATE POT OF THE EM- PIRE PERIOD Has spirally fluted body, grotesque animal spout and looped handle. Decorated in gold. (Gerson) Height, 1014 inches TWELVE OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES The centres finely painted with sprays of different flowers. The scalloped borders in basket pattern and edged with gold. Fine quality. Mark, crossed swords in blue. (12) Diameter, 10 inches TWELVE OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES Matching the preceding. (12) Diameter, 10 inches TWELVE OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES Matching the preceding. (12) Diameter, 10 inches FOURTEEN OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES Matching the preceding. One slightly chipped. (14) Diameter, 10 inches THIRTEEN OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES Matching the preceding. (13) Diameter, 10 inches 2 18 LO 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 FIFTEEN OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA PLATES Matching the preceding. One slightly chipped. (15) Diameter, 9 inches FOURTEEN OLD FLOWER DRESDEN CHINA SOUP PLATES Matching the preceding. (14) Diameter, 91% inches FOUR OLD FLOWER PAINTED DRESDEN CHINA DISHES Large oval dish; fruit compote; cake compote; and bonbon dish. The latter cracked. (4) TWELVE SEVRES CHINA PLATES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD The centres with a royal monogram in gold, the borders with ivy leaves in gold. (12) Diameter, 91% inches TWELVE SEVRES CHINA PLATES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Matching the preceding. (12) Diameter, 91% imches TWELVE SEVRES CHINA SOUP PLATES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Matching the preceding. (12) Diameter, 914 inches SIX SEVRES CHINA DISHES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Matching the preceding. Four circular compote dishes, and two oval dishes. (6) EIGHTEEN SEVRES CHINA PLATES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Centres with royal monogram in gold; narrow gold edges. (18) Diameter, 91% inches EIGHTEEN SEVRES CHINA SOUP PLATES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Matching the preceding. (18) Diameter, 9 inches 3 Ns) ~t 30 31 33 o4 Su) Or 36 PAIR OF SEVRES CHINA COMPOTES OF THE LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD Matching the preceding. One chipped. (2) Diameter, 84 inches TWENTY-EIGHT OLD SEVRES CHINA PLATES With ivy borders in gold. Fine quality. Marked. (28) Diameter, 9 inches FOUR OLD SEVRES CHINA COMPOTE DISHES Similar pattern to the preceding. (4) Diameter, 91% inches SEVENTEEN SEVRES CHINA PLATES OF THE SECOND EMPIRE PERIOD Centres with crowned monogram of Napoleon III, in gold, and gold edges. SEASCAPE Waves breaking on a flat shore. Signed. Canvas. Gilt frame. Size, 18 x 29 inches EUGENE LE PORTTEOIN LOW COUNTRY Canal scene, with figures, treated in the romantic manner. Szgned. Canvas. Gilt frame. Size, 16 x 20 inches AMERICAN SCHOOL EARLY 1OTH CENTURY MRS. RAWLINS LOWNDES, 1828 Canvas. Gilt frame. Size, 23 x 16 mches MARSDEN HARTLEY MOUNTAIN RANGE, NEW MEXICO Oil on canvas. Signed on back. Framed. 34 MARSDEN HARTLEY MOUNTAINS, NEW MEXICO Oil painting on canvas. Signed on back. Framed. MARSDEN HARTLEY SAGE BRUSH, SUMMER EVENING, 1918 Pastel, signed and dated. Framed. MARSDEN HARTLEY LANDSCAPE, NEW MEXICO Pastel. Framed. 35 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-SECOND, AT 2:30 233 235 237 238 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 233-428 ENGLISH PORCELAIN NUMBERS 233-259 OLD ENGLISH SILVER LUSTRE TEAPOT Height, 5 inches OLD ENGLISH ROCKINGHAM CHINA COTTAGE ORNA- MENT White glaze with touches of gilt and polychromy. (Gerson) Height, 514 inches ROCKINGHAM STONEWARE PITCHER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Brown, with decoration in relief of toby figures, huntsmen and dogs. Height, 514 inches LEEDS DECORATED CHINA PLATE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Cream ware, with decoration in blue in the Oriental manner. (Gerson) Diameter, 10 inches Rare. OLD ROCKINGHAM PORCELAIN CREAM PITCHER, SAUCER AND PLATE Rich mulberry leaf decoration in gold on fine ivory-white ground. Griffin mark in mulberry. (Gerson) (8) SPODE PORCELAIN SWEETMEAT BASKET ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Decorated in the Oriental manner in red, blue and gold. Mark in red. Repaired. (Gerson) Diameter, 6 inches 37 240 bo _ bo 243 OLD SALT GLAZE OPENWORK CAKE DISH Fincly pierced in basket pattern. From the Charbonnier Collec- tion. (Gerson) Diameter, 91% inches Rare. 7 OLD SALT GLAZE CAKE DISH Pierced in basket pattern, the border scrolled and_ scalloped. Faint crack. From the Charbonnier Collection. (Gerson) Diameter, 1014 inches Rare. TWO SALT GLAZE SHAPED DISHES ENGLISH, ABouT 1820 One with grape vine border. The other with basket pattern border. (2) Diameter, 91% and 121% inches OLD SALT GLAZE SHAPED CIRCULAR DISH With gadrooned edge. From the Charbonnier Collection. (Ger- son) Diameter, 14 inches PAIR OF OLD SALT GLAZE FLOWER HOLDERS Wall ornaments in shape of cornucopiae. Modelled with portraits of ladies, in scroll cartouches. From the Charbonnier Collection. (Gerson) (2) Height, 11 inches Rare. PAIR OF CHAMBERLAINS WORCESTER PORCELAIN PLATES ENGLISH, ABOUT 1830 Painted with panels of flowers in colours; rose-pink borders out- lined in gold. Mark in red. (Gerson) (2) | Diameter, 834 inches SALOPIAN WARE DISH ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Four-lobed oval fruit dish on spreading foot. Decorated in blue with sprays of peony blossoms, basket pattern border. Mark blue crescent. Width, 12 inches 38 248 250 SIX OLD-HALL DECORATED PLATES ENGLISH, DATED 1790 Richly decorated in Japanese style with peony blossoms in red, blue and gold. "The borders scalloped. Old-Hall mark and date in red and impressed chrysanthemum. (6) Diameter, 814 inches WEDGWOOD BLACK BASALT COVERED VASE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Ovoid shape, with domed cover. Finely modelled classical sub- jects in relief, lion masks and rings on the shoulders. (Gerson) | Height, 914 inches Rane. GARNITURE OF THREE OLD ENGLISH ROCKINGHAM CHINA VASES Flower shape, with rustic handles. Painted with landscapes in reserves on a ground of rich ruby red, the handles yellow. One repaired. (Gerson) (38) Height, 138 and 9 inches THREE OLD SPODE DECORATED PLATES Painted with birds and flowers in the Oriental manner, in enamel colours on a biscuit yellow ground. Mark “Spode” impressed and printed in blue. (Gerson) (8) PAIR OF APPLE-GREEN ROCKINGHAM PORCELAIN PLATES ENGLISH, ABOUT 1820 Decorated with ivy leaves and flowers in shades of rose and gold on a ground of beautiful apple-green. Scrolled edges. Griffin mark in mulberry. (Gerson) (2) Diameter, 9 inches Rare. WORCESTER PORCELAIN BOWL OF DR. WALL PERIOD ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Outside with scrolled panel decoration in red, blue and gold. Interior with chrysanthemum and leaf in mulberry. Square mark in blue. (Gerson) Diameter, 6 inches VERY RARE. 39 2 2 bo 53 55 57 CHELSEA PORCELAIN DECORATED PLATE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Scrolled border with foliage decoration in low relief, also finely painted with landscapes and figures in panels; the centre with sprigs of flowers and butterflies. Faint crack. Anchor mark inred. (Gerson) Diameter, 91/4, inches VERY RARE. THREE WORCESTER CHINA SMALL CUPS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Of the Dr. Wall period. Slightly fluted, and decorated with flowers in blue, in the Chinese taste. Mark blue crescent. (Ger- son) (38) Height, 214 inches Rare. STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated figure of a Muse with attendant cherub. Fine modelling. A few chips. (Gerson) Height, 10 inches CHELSEA PORCELAIN PHEASANT PLATE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Scalloped border, finely painted with pheasants in colours, the centre with sprigs of flowers. Anchor mark in red. Slight chip. A charming piece of old Chelsea. (Gerson) Diameter, 81/4, inches VERY RARE. BLOOR-DERBY PORCELAIN TEA AND COFFEE SER- VICE ENGLISH, ABOUT 18380 Decorated in lavender-blue with borders of foliage in gold and painted sprigs of flowers. Comprising circular teapot, covered sugar bowl with stand, creamer, waste bowl, six coffee cups, six tea cups, six saucers, and two shaped platters. Perfect con- dition. Marked. (Gerson) (27) BLOOR-DERBY PORCELAIN DISH ENGLISH, ABOUT 1820 Oval, with shaped border. Richly decorated with Oriental flowers and other motifs in red, blue and gold. (Gerson) Width, 20 inches 40 DUESBURY’“DERBY PORCELAIN DESSERT SERVICE [NUMBER 258 | 258 DUESBURY-DERBY PORCELAIN DESSERT SERVICE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Richly decorated with Oriental pattern of flowers and panels in red, blue and gold, the shaped borders gadrooned. Comprising twelve dessert plates, four heart-shaped dessert dishes, two oval shape dessert dishes. Mark in red. (Gerson) (18) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF DUESBURY-DERBY DEEP PLATES ENGLISH, ABouT 1810 Beautifully decorated with panels of flowers in the Oriental manner, in red, blue and gold. Mark in red. (Gerson) (2) Diameter, 81% inches Rare. AI 261 2638 266 GEORGIAN SILVER AND SHEFFIELD PLATE NUMBERS 260-815 SHEFFIELD PLATE SUGAR BASKET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Vase shape, with swing handle and circular foot. Pierced with a band of conventional decoration. Height, 434 inches Rare. PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE FRUIT BASKETS With chased foliage borders, pierced bodies and circular bases. (2) Diameter, 9 inches PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE LYRE CANDLE- STICKS With lyre shape stems, reeded tops and bases. One damaged. (2) Height, 121% inches PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE LYRE CANDLE- STICKS Nearly similar to the preceding, but smaller. (2) Height, 814 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TABLE JARDINIERE Adam design. Circular, with four lion paw supports, chased with festoons depending from lion mask medallions, also pierced. With liner. Diameter, 9 inches SHEFFIELD PLATE TEA URN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Vase shape, with beaded looped handles, high concave cover and pierced and beaded square base with claw feet. Very decorative piece. (Gerson) Height, 21 inches PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE ENTREE DISH STANDS Circular, with chased looped handles and scroll feet. (2) Diameter, 914 inches 267 SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL TEA TRAY ENGLISH, ABouT 1830 The edge chased in egg and dart pattern. Open scroll handles at either side. Width, 80 inches 268 SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL TEA TRAY ENGLISH, ABOUT 1830 Matching the preceding tray, but smaller. Width, 25 inches SHEFFIELD PLATE GEORGIAN SILVER CAKE SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA BASKET CANDELABRA [NUMBER 269 | [NUMBER 295_| [NUMBER 269 | 269 PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Handsome pair with reeded scroll branches for three lights each, on baluster stems and circular bases. The borders chased in gadroon pattern. (Gerson) (2) Height, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 43 bo ~ S NS ~ = 275 200 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Extremely graceful design. ‘Tapered stems, vase tops and oval bases. Decoration of fluting and reeding. (2) Height, 12 inches SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL BREAKFAST DISH With revolving fluted cover and heater. On four reeded sup- ports. Width, 13 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE SHAPED CIRCULAR SALVER The border handsomely chased with scrolls and foliage, the centre plain. On three scrolled feet. Fine specimen. Diameter, 17 inches SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Fine Adam design. The tapered square stems, spreading square bases and vase tops enriched with classic medallions and borders of husk motifs. A rare and handsome set, in excellent condition. (4) Height, 12 inches GEORGIAN SILVER PUNCH LADLE The bowl mounted with a small silver coin of the Charles II reign. With twisted whalebone handle. Slghtly damaged. (Gerson) GEORGIAN SILVER PUNCH LADLE The bowl set with a Queen Anne silver threepenny piece of 1707. With twisted whalebone handle. (Gerson) TWO GEORGE II SILVER TABLE SPOONS Dated 1737. The stems engraved with the initials, R. T. (Gerson) (2) TWO GEORGE II SILVER SPOONS The bowls enriched with chased shells, the stems engraved with initials and dates. Hall marks of 1748 and 1750. (Gerson) (2) Rare. GEORGE III SILVER FISH SERVER With pierced blade, dated 1807. (Gerson) Weight about 4 ounces 44 279 280 281 282 285 THREE GEORGE III SILVER TABLE SPOONS Dated 1759 and 1773. The stems engraved with the initials, Cee Gerson) (3) GEORGE II SILVER SALVER Made by William Bell (?). Oblong, with rounded corners, the edge gadrooned, the centre engraved with a floral cartouche containing the crowned monogram of Prince Edward of Sax Wiemer. On three short tapered feet. Hall marks of 1807. (Gerson) Width, 934 inches; weight about 17 ounces GEORGE III SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Dated London, 1773. Charming design, the edges beaded, the candle cup half fluted. Hall marks. Diameter, 41% inches; weight about 5 ounces GEORGIAN SNUFFERS AND TRAY Chased scrolled silver snuffers, dated 1820. Oblong Sheffield plate tray with gadrooned edge. Width, 9 inches Rare. GEORGE III SILVER DISH CROSS Made by William Abdy, London, 1781. Charming pattern, the borders chased with delicate beading. Complete with lamp. Hall marks. Width, 11 inches; weight about 12 ounces GEORGE IIL SILVER SWEETMEAT BASKET Oval, with scrolled handle and spreading foot. Beautifully pierced and chased with flowers and scrolls and- wheat ears. The rim beaded. Maker’s mark “SH’’, dated, London, 1794. Width, 614 inches; weight about 5 ownces Rare. GEORGE III SILVER WINE FUNNEL With gadrooned edge and shell billet. Hall marks. Engraved with initials. Weight about 5 ounces 45 287 288 290 PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER CHAMBER CANDLE- STICKS Made by John Thompson, London, 1797. The circular trays plain; the nozzles reeded at the edge. Snuffer missing. A de- lightful and rare pair. Hall marks. (2) Diameter, 5 inches; weight about 10 ounces GEORGE UI SILVER CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Made by William Sutton, London, 1786. Has plain deep circular tray and reeded nozzle. Another delightful and rare piece. Hall marks. Diameter, 54% inches; weight about 8 ounces 17TH CENTURY COCOANUT CUP WITH SILVER GILT MOUNTS on The bowl of cocoanut with mounts of silver gilt, supported on a pierced and chased silver gilt stem with spreading base. Height, 8 inches IRISH SILVER ECCLESIASTICAL VESSEL In the form of two bowls which join together. Decorated with crosses above shields bearing harps. ‘The bases mounted with William III silver florins of 1695 and 1696. Height, 614 inches; weight about 21 ounces PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER SMALL CASTORS London, dated 1808. Jardinitre shape, with fluted bodies, domed covers and square bases. Hall marks. (2) Height, 5 inches; weight about 8 ownces Rare. GEORGIAN SILVER GILT CREAM PAIL . Pierced with flower vines. Swing handle and liner. Crested. Weight about 5 ounces 46 GEORGIAN SILVER GEORGIAN SILVER GEORGIAN SILVER SAUCE TUREEN SOUP TUREEN SAUCE TUREEN [NUMBER 293] [NUMBER 292 | [NUMBER 293, | 292 GEORGIAN SILVER SOUP TUREEN Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. The borders, open side handles and lion paw feet, handsomely chased with shells and scrolls and lions masks. Has domed cover with similarly chased handle. Fine hall marks. A handsome piece. Height, 101% inches; width, 15 inches; weight about 142 ownces [sEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF GEORGIAN SILVER SAUCE TUREENS Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Matching the preced- ing soup tureen. A very handsome pair. (2) Width, 8 inches; weight about 60 ounces [sEE ILLUSTRATION | A] 294 298 300 GEORGIAN SILVER MUSTARD POT AND SPOON Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Oblong, with domed cover, and four lion paw feet. Borders chased with shells and foliage. Matching the preceding. Width, 414 inches; weight about 11 ounces GEORGIAN SILVER CAKE BASKET Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Oblong, with fluted and gadrooned border; with swing handle and spreading foot. Partly chased with shells and foliage at the corners. Matching the preceding. Hall marks. Width, 13 inches; weight about 42 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 43] SET OF SIX GEORGIAN SILVER DECANTER STANDS Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Circular, the borders gadrooned and chased with shells and foliage. Matching the preceding. (6) Diameter, 61% inches GEORGIAN SILVER WINE FUNNEL Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Partly fluted, the rim chased with shells and scrolls. Hall marks. Matching the preceding. Weight about 5 ownces GEORGIAN SILVER TEA SERVICE Made by Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London, 1821. A circular teapot, sugar bowl and creamer. The bodies partly fluted and chased with shells and foliage. Hall marks. Made to match the preceding. (3) Weight about 50 ounces GEORGIAN SILVER SIX-DIVISION TOAST RACK Made by Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London, 1821. With chased foliage border and fect. Hall marks. Matching the preceding. Weight about 12 ownces GEORGIAN SILVER CRUET Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. The border gadrooned and chased with shells and foliage; on four claw feet. With two cut glass salt and pepper shakers, with silver covers, the remaining two missing. Hall marks. Matching the preced- ing. Width, 814 inches; weight about 80 ounces 48 301 303 304 3805 306 307 GEORGIAN SILVER CRUET Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. The _ borders gadrooned and chased with shells and foliage; on four claw feet. Hall marks. No bottles. Matching the preceding. Width, 9 inches; weight about 26 ounces TWO GEORGIAN SILVER SUGAR TONGS Matching the preceding. Dated 1821. (2) Weight about 4 ownces PAIR OF GEORGIAN SILVER SOUP LADLES Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. ‘The stems threaded and chased with shells. Hall marks. (2) Weight about 16 ounces FOUR GEORGIAN SILVER SERVING SPOONS Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Hall marks. Mat- ching the preceding. (4) Weight about 22 ownces SEVENTEEN GEORGIAN SILVER DESSERT SPOONS Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Hall marks. Mat- ching the preceding. (17) Weight about 34 ounces ELEVEN STERLING SILVER TABLE AND DESSERT SPOONS Made to match the preceding Georgian spoons. By Tiffany & Co., and William Gale & Son. (11) Weight about 21 ownces SET OF FOUR GEORGIAN SILVER ENTREE DISHES Made by William Bateman, London, 1821. Oblong, with gadrooned edges chased with shells and foliage at the corners. Unfortunately the covers are missing but these could be used as a pair of covered dishes. Accompanied by the four chased open handles from the covers. Hall marks. (8) Width, 12 inches; weight about 140 ownces 49 208 3809 ok Ge je bo 313 GEORGIAN SILVER PART SERVICE OF FORKS AND SPOONS Made by William Eley and William Fearn, London, 1806-07. Comprising six table spoons, twelve table forks, four serving spoons, two soup ladles, salad fork, and four salt spoons. ‘The handles and bowls enriched with shells. All engraved with the crest of the Duke of Cambridge. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (29) Weight about 102 ounces SIX GEORGE III SILVER GILT TABLE SPOONS Engraved with the crest of the Duke of Cambridge. Dated 1811 and 1816. Fine quality. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (6) Weight about 17 ounces TWELVE GEORGE III SILVER GILT TEA SPOONS Matching the preceding table spoons. Dated 1815. With the same crest. ‘Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (12) Weight about 7 ounces TWELVE GEORGE III SILVER GILT DESSERT SPOONS Matching the preceding teaspoons, and engraved with the same crest. Dated 1805. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (12) Weight, about 17 ounces GEORGE III SILVER GILT SUGAR SIFTER AND TONGS Matching the preceding and engraved with the same crest. Dated 1807. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (2) Weight about 3 ounces TWELVE GEORGE III SILVER GILT DESSERT FORKS Three-pronged forks with threaded stems, engraved with the same crest as the preceding. Dated 1801. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, 1904. (Gerson) (12) Weight about 28 ownces 50 314 315 O17 319 SIX GEORGE III SILVER GILT TEASPOONS Dated 1801. With threaded stems engraved with the Duke of Cambridge crest. Purchased at the Duke of Cambridge sale held at Christys, London, June 1904. (Gerson) (6) Weight about 4 ounces PAIR OF IVORY HANDLED CARVERS, IN CASE The ivory handles finely carved as the Duke of Wellington’s head. The steel blades engraved “Steark, cuttler to the Duke of Cam- bridge.’ In mahogany case. Purchased at the Duke of Cam- bridge sale held at Christys, London, June 1904. (Gerson) (2) Length, 22 inches CANDELABRA, ETC. NUMBERS 316-331 ANTIQUE BRASS SEVEN-BRANCH CANDELABRA Height, 17 inches PAIR OF WROUGHT METAL ANDIRONS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY The pillars and scrolled bases are finely chiselled. Brass ball tops. (2) Height, 28 inches Rane. ANTIQUE ORMOLU AND PRISM THREE PIECE CAN- DELABRA SET The gilt bronze stems and branches shaped as eagles and fruit among scrolls. A two-light candelabrum and a pair of single- light candelabra to match. With marble bases. Hung with cut glass prisms. (3) Height, 20 and 15 inches PAIR OF PAINTED TERRA COTTA LAMPS IN LOUIS XV STYLE Decorative pair with spirally fluted, inverted pear shape bodies, standing on square bases. Wired for two electric lights each. (2) Height, 23 inches 51 320 328 324 PAIR OF OLD MEISSEN PORCELAIN AND ORMOLU CANDELABRA Formed as birds in flower arbors, with branches for two candle lights each. On scrolled bases. Would make charming pair of lamps. (2) Height, 7 inches FRENCH GILT BRONZE AND CRYSTAL GLASS URN Ornamented with chiselled winged female caryatides and acanthus leaves. On square crystal base cut in diamond pattern. Height, 20 inches GILT BRONZE EMPIRE MANTEL CLOCK By Ceeur of Paris. The dial guarded by a winged male figure with bow. The rectangular base enriched with laurel festoons and other ornaments. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches SET OF FOUR CARVED AND GILT WOOD WALL BRACKETS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Of scroll form; mounted with modern brass sockets. Dignified ornaments for a Renaissance interior. (Speranza) (4) Length, 25 inches PAIR OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD ALTAR PRICKET CANDLESTICKS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Shaped triangular bases with carved representation of the Christ ; baluster shaped stems. (As is) (Speranza) (2) Height, 25 inches PAIR OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD ALTAR PRICKET CANDLESTICKS ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Similar type to the preceding. (As is) (Speranza) (2) Height, 18 inches ANTIQUE FLORENTINE BRASS LUCERNA With shaped circular base and scrolled top. Complete with snuffers, primers, etc. (Speranza) Height, 22 inches PAIR OF OLD FRENCH BRASS FOOT WARMERS Interesting pair for carriage comfort, to hold hot charcoal. (2) Width, 71% inches 330 dd1 333 Bb34 305 ANTIQUE COPPER HOT WATER KETTLE Probably Dutch. (Speranza) Height, 11 inches WROUGHT IRON JARDINIERE STAND Four twisted legs with shaped brace; foliated top. Height, 36 inches ANTIQUE FRENCH ORMOLU CANDELABRUM In the classic taste. Formed as two scrolled candle branches depending from a pedestal. Height, 7 inches OLD FRENCH GILT BRONZE AND ENAMEL THREE- PIECE CLOCK SET A clock and a pair of three-light candelabra elaborately chased with figures and other ornamental motifs and painted enamel medallions. By Roussel of Paris. (3) Height, 13 and 15 inches OLD ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 3382-428 ORIENTAL CARVED WOOD PANEL In three sections, probably Turkish. (Speranza) Width, 33 inches INLAID MAHOGANY TEA CADDY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Interior fitted for green and black tea. Fine inlay in various woods. (Gerson) Width, 814 inches DECORATED LACQUER CIGAR BOX Well made black lacquer casket mounted in gilt metal, the cover enriched with a miniature in oils of Venus and Cupid. Slotted satinwood interior. Height, 614 inches; width, 81% inches MAHOGANY TRAY TOP BEDSIDE COMMODE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Square, with two drawers in the front and standing on grooved square legs with pierced corner brackets. Tray top for carrying. Width, 21 inches 53 336 da37 338 339 340 3d41 342 343 344 GEORGIAN MAHOGANY WRITING CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Roundabout type, with carved Gothic pattern back. Leather covered seat and carved baluster legs. Fitted with revolving adjustable writing flap. CHINESE CARVED TEAKWOOD JARDINIERE STAND With inset marble top. Height, 15 inches PAIR OF ANTIQUE SPANISH SMALL CARVED AND GILT MIRRORS Cartouche shape, with early gilding. (Speranza) (2) Height, 12 inches TWO-TIER TEA TABLE Of walnut and lacquer with ivory inlay. Brass galleried folding shelves. Width, 18 inches SMALL DECORATED MAHOGANY MIRROR | 18TH CENTURY The frame is cut in scrolls at the top and bottom and ornamented with gilt carving of phoenix, etc. (Asis) — Stze, 30 x 13 inches OLD ENGLISH MAHOGANY PEDESTAL CUPBOARD WITH MARBLE TOP Column shape, enclosed by a door and with top of white marble. Height, 34 inches; width, 18 inches SPANISH RENAISSANCE JARDINIERE STAND Circular carved walnut top, on wrought metal tripod supports. Diameter, 19 inches CARVED WALNUT PRIEDIEU ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Carved in scroll fashion, the top and platform with carved panels of conventional foliage. From Vorona. (Speranza) Width, 24 inches CARVED INLAID MAHOGANY WITHDRAWING DINING TABLE Oblong top with rounded corners. Set on inlaid frieze terminat- ing in turned fluted tapering legs with brass castored feet. Four extra leaves for same. Height, 29 inches; top open, 4 x 12 feet 54 O45 3d46 B47 348 349 350 351 352 CARVED WALNUT MIRROR The arched frame is of Gothic type and attractively carved. Height, 42 inches; width, 24 wnches DECORATED LACQUER CENTRE TABLE OF THE EM- PIRE PERIOD Lacquered black and gilt with Chinese figure scenes. On centre pedestal support with triangular base. Diameter, 36 inches VENETIAN PAINTED AND CARVED MANTEL MIRROR ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Of architectural type, painted in colours and enriched with carved and gilt rosettes and other classic motifs. (As is) (Speranza) Size, 40 x 66 inches CARVED OAK CHAIR IN ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY STYLE Elaborately carved back and front stretcher. WALNUT ARMCHAIR WITH NEEDLEWORK ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY The back and seat covered in Hungarian needlepoint with design of rosettes in colours. Has boldly scrolled arms with knuckled ends, spirally turned legs and stretchers, carved and gilt acanthus finials on the back. ANTIQUE FRENCH SMALL GUERIDON WITH MARBLE TOP Circular marble top with brass gallery; fluted mahogany shaft, tripod base. Diameter, 14 inches ANTIQUE INLAID MAHOGANY CORNER CABINET Attractive piece with inlay of arabesque foliage and string lines. Fitted with shelves enclosed by a glass door. Slightly canted corners, and shaped supports. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches CARVED WALNUT CASSONE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY The front is panelled and has carved scroll cartouches on the stiles. Stands on shaped supports, the hinged lid is edged with a moulding. (Speranza) Height, 25 inches; width, 5 feet 59D PAIR OF LOUIS XV NEEDLEWORK AND WALNUT ARMCHAIRS [NUMBER 353 | 353 PAIR OF LOUIS XV NEEDLEWORK AND WALNUT ARM- CHAIRS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The seats and backs covered in fine petit and gros point needle- work showing birds and animals and flowers in rich profusion. The walnut frames carved with flowers and fluting. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 354 THREE-FOLD GILT SCREEN IN LOUIS XV STYLE Mounted with panels of flowered silk brocade, shaped bevelled glass panels at the top. Size per panel, 5 feet 8 inches x 20 inches 56 355 356 B57 358 359 360 SPANISH RENAISSANCE SMALL WALNUT HALL SEAT The back divided into four carved panels of arabesques. Scale carved supports braced by stretchers. Width, 3 feet 8 inches INLAID WALNUT SHAPED BUREAU ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Veneered in richly figured walnut and banded with tulipwood. Contains three drawers with yoke-shaped fronts and stands on short cabriole supports. (As is) (Speranza) Height, 33 inches; width, 47 inches ANTIQUE MAHOGANY SECRETARY BUREAU Contains four long drawers and top secretary drawer fitted with pigeonholes and small drawers. The top is bordered by a pierced gallery. (As is) Height, 58 inches; width, 41 inches FOUR-FOLD GILT SCREEN IN LOUIS XVI STYLE Mounted with panels of flowered silk brocade; above these are coloured engravings of Boucher subjects in oval medallions framed by carved husk festoons. (As is) Size per panel, 5 feet 6 inches x 19 inches LOUIS XIV CARVED AND GILT ARMCHAIR WITH NEEDLEWORK SEAT FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Hlaborately carved with flowers, foliage and scrolls. Seat covered with a panel of fine petit and gros point needlework which shows a group of troubadours in a cartouche of flowers. The gilding damaged in places. (Speranza) WALNUT SIDE TABLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Shaped top contains a drawer with panelled front. Stands on vase and ring turned legs with turned stretchers. Width, 86 inches 57 361 363 364 365 366 367 ARMCHAIR WITH CANE BACK AND SEAT ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Carved fruitwood frame and short fluted and carved legs. Cane seat damaged. | FLORENTINE WALNUT CASSONE 1rauian, 16TH CENTURY The front is panelled with rectangular and circular mouldings and ornamented with large and small bosses. Stands on bold carved paw feet. (Speranza) Height, 2 feet; width, 6 fect 6 inches CHINESE CARVED AND GILT WOOD JARDINIERE STAND With inset marble top. Height, 18 inches THREE MAHOGANY EMPIRE CHAIRS An armchair and two side chairs. With splatted backs and rush seats. (8) CARVED WALNUT AND TOOLED LEATHER HALL CHAIR IN SPANISH 17TH CENTURY STYLE Seat and back covered with polychromed and tooled leather. Elaborately carved crest, arms and front stretchers. SMALL ANTIQUE ITALIAN WALNUT TRIPOD TABLE Has triangular drop leaf top, carved pedestal support and tripod scrolled legs. Part reconstructed. A very useable small table. Height, 27 inches; width, 18 inches CARVED WOOD OVERMANTEL Shows a mediaeval warrior on horseback, flanked by carved acan- thus medallions. Reproduction of the sculptured panel of the Vespucci Family in the cloisters of the church of the Annunziata in Florence. (Speranza) Height, & feet; width, 6 feet 9 inches 58 368 369 370 371 373 INLAID WRITING TABLE ITALIAN, ABOUT 1780 In Louis XVI style. Has leather covered tray top, a long drawer and pencil drawer in the front, pull-out slide at one end. Stands on tapered square legs. Inlaid with different woods. Width, 32 inches SHERATON CURLY MAPLE FOUR POST BED Has slender turned posts and panelled head and foot. Single size. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE STYLE WALNUT SETTEE With leather covered seat and back studded with brass bosses. The back ornamented with carved bust finials ; the front stretchers elaborately carved. Width, 7 feet CARVED CHEST IN SPANISH 16TH CENTURY STYLE Has carved doors of Moresque pattern enclosing the front. Height, 30 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches LOUIS XVI STYLE PAINTED AND CARVED SIDE TABLE With mottled green marble top. Width, 4 feet 8 inches ANTIQUE NEEDLEWORK AND MAHOGANY FIRE SCREEN Mounted with a panel of needlework designed with a spray of summer flowers in colours. (As is) Height, 31 inches 59 374 INLAID TULIPWOOD DRESSING TABLE BG Or 6 ITALIAN, ABOUT 1780 In Louis XVI style. Fitted with five small drawers and a writing slide, and standing on tapered square supports. Inlaid with me- dallions and panels in various woods. Some defects to veneer. Width, 36 inches WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT MIRROR ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Rectangular, with shaped and moulded frame of walnut veneered on pine. | Size, 23 inches square Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FOLDING CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Has shaped fold-over top and stands on well proportioned cabriole legs with pad feet. The apron is enriched with fine carving of conventional foliage scrolls. The top is cross-banded and inlaid with herringbone borders. Two of the legs are pivoted and sup- port the folding leaves. Width, 32 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 60 WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT MIRROR AND QUEEN ANNE WALNUT FOLDING CARD TABLE [NUMBERS 3'75 AND 376 | 378 379 380 esl SET OF TWELVE RED AND GOLD CHAIRS IN CHIP- PENDALE STYLE High square backs and seats covered in crimson velvet. Gilt cabriole front legs and scrolled stretchers. (Asis) (12) TAPESTRY AND WALNUT FIRE SCREEN IN LOUIS XVI STYLE Mounted with a panel of petit point needlework showing figures picnicing under a spreading tree, in colours, framed by baroque motifs in yellow and soft brown. Carved frame with trestle base. Height, 42 inches; width, 28 inches _ 17TH CENTURY WALNUT MARQUETRY SECRETAIRE ON STAND Rectangular, with inlaid panels of flower sprays framing a centre urn of flowers. Fitted with drawers and pigeonholes and centre locker, veneered in richly figured walnut and enclosed by a fall front, above which is a long drawer. Stands on a base with spirally twisted legs and two drawers in the apron. Some res- torations. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches INLAID FRUITWOOD CREDENZA SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Containing cupboards and drawers enclosed by two doors at the front and one at either end. The piece has inlay centering the doors and around the frieze. Stands on short turned legs. A few defects. (Speranza) Height, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches WALNUT CHEST IN SPANISH 17TH CENTURY STYLE Decorated with scratch-carved star motifs and medallions. ‘The front lets down disclosing sliding trays. On bracket supports. Height, 26 inches; width, 50 inches 62 382 383 384 385 386 ORMOLU MOUNTED KINGWOOD MARQUETRY COM- MODE IN LOUIS XV STYLE Bombé body containing two drawers, on tapered supports. Hand- somely mounted with ormolu scroll and flower ornaments and with marquetry inlay of flower sprays. Top of black and white marble. Height, 3 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches ORMOLU MOUNTED KINGWOOD WRITING TABLK IN LOUIS XV STYLE Fitted with small drawers in the shaped back and apron and handsomely mounted with ormolu scroll ornaments, also two pairs of candle branches and small time piece. In matched kingwood. Width, 4 feet ORMOLU MOUNTED KINGWOOD DISPLAY CASE IN LOUIS XV STYLE Decorative small curio or china case with glass sides and top, standing on tapered slender supports. With shaped ormolu mounts. Height, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 5 inches PAIR OF DECORATED QUEEN ANNE WALL LIGHTS Flower painted mirror backs with gilt wood frames. Mounted with scroll metal branches for one electric light each. (2) Height, 16 inches MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular, with grooved square supports ornamented with pierced brackets at the top. With restorations. Size of top, 47 x 22 mches SUITE OF OLD FRENCH PAINTED CHAIRS Seven side and four armchairs with ivory-white frames outlined in red and painted with sprays of ivy leaves. Entwined oval backs and cabriole legs. The seats covered in flowered silk bro- cade and crimson fabric. (11) 63 388 389 390 LOUIS XVI TAPESTRY AND GILT SUITE [NUMBER 388 | LOUIS XVI TAPESTRY AND GILT SUITE A settee and two armchairs. The backs and seats covered with silk tapestry finely woven with panels of figures in cartouches of flower and drapery festoons, in the manner of Boucher, also with groups of birds, flowers and trophies, in beautiful colours. Fine quality frames carved with acanthus and flower motifs, and gilt. A handsome set. (38) Width of settee, 5 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED AND GILT DAY BED IN LOUIS XIV STYLE The high ends, legs and stretchers elaborately carved. The mattress and two cushions covered in antique silk brocade, and ap- plique crimson velvet. Length, 8 feet SMALL WALNUT BEDSIDE COMMODE IN LOUIS XV STYLE Enclosed by a small door with drawer above. Top mounted with a glass covered panel of Chinese printed silk. Height, 32 inches; width, 16 inches 64 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 QUEEN ANNE WALNUT MIRROR Has attractive cyma moulded frame of walnut veneer, the top handsomely shaped. Contains two-section bevelled glass panel. : Height, 41 inches; width, 16 inches CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE The frame and cabriole supports have elaborate rocaille carving ; the legs end in cloven hoof feet. Shaped top with outcurved corners. (As is) Width, 38 inches OLD CARVED WALNUT BOUDOIR SUITE Small couch, and four occasional chairs with carved frames and silk brocade upholstery. (5) CARVED WALNUT SETTEE WITH CANE PANELS Rare and interesting specimen. ‘Three scroll chair back, carved in the centres with ostrich feathers. Scrolled arms; turned balus- ter legs. Deeply carved front stretcher matching the back. Width, 6 feet 6 inches GENTLEMAN’S OAK WARDROBE Enclosed by a pair of handsome doors with ebonized mouldings. Two drawers at the top. Fitted with three long and six short compartmented trays. Defects to one door. Height, & feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet UPHOLSTERED EASY CHAIR IN SPANISH 17TH CEN- funy STYLE Covered in purple fabric with blue silk borders. Has carved scroll walnut supports in Spanish style. QUEEN ANNE WALNUT TEA TABLE Has graceful square cabriole supports ending in diamond-shape feet. The top is moulded at the edge and banded with tulipwood, carved shells ornament the panelled frame. Size of top, 30 x 20 inches 65 398 399 400 CHINESE PALACE SETTEE KANG HSI Black lacquer inlaid with mother-of-pearl with swastika design and beautifully executed floral motifs. The back is mounted with five Chinese embroidered panels covered with glass on front and back. Length, 83 inches PAINTED AND CARVED BED TOLEDO, SPAIN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Has boldly scrolled head panel with crowned crest; the supports are in the form of double S scrolls. Richly painted in colours and gold. Rare original specimen. (As is) Width, 4 feet THREE-FOLD DECORATED GLASS SCREEN Each panel with trees in the Persian taste and figure subjects, with mirrored flowers in the background; in tones recalling Per- sian enamel. Back finely painted with floral arabesques. From the shop of Karl Freund. Size per panel, 7 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 400a CARVED AND PAINTED BED 401 4:02 403 Ivory frame with cane and panels. Also box spring. OVERSTUFFED BOUDOIR SOFA Covered in mauve taffeta and stands on short Sheraton type legs. With two loose cushions. Width, 5 feet OVERSTUFFED BOUDOIR SOFA Matching the preceding. Width, 5 feet TWO OVERSTUFFED EASY CHAIRS i Matching the preceding sofas. Covered in mauve silk taffeta. With loose cushions. (2) 66 THREE-FOLD DECORATED GLASS SCREEN [NUMBER 400 | 404 405 406 407 408 409 PAINTED AND CARVED SUITE IN LOUIS XVI STYLE Large settee, three armchairs, a love seat and two side chairs. The frames carved and painted white. Loose cushions covered in figured green silk damask. (7) SET OF FOUR DECORATED QUEEN ANNE WALL LIGHTS Shaped mirror backs painted with Chinese figures in landscapes. Mounted with scroll branches for two electric lights each. (As 1S) =< (au) Height, 16 inches TWO CARVED AND GILT LOUIS XVI STYLE OCCASIONAL CHAIRS With cane seats and backs. (2) FLORENTINE WALNUT CENTRE TABLE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Stands on carved and vase-shaped end supports which are braced by a shaped stretcher. The top is ornamented by carved fluting around the under edge. Size of top, 51 x 26 inches PAIR OF WALNUT SMALL BENCHES IN FLORENTINE STYLE Renaissance pattern, with carved supports and rectangular tops. (As is) (2) Width, 24 inches TAPESTRY AND WALNUT SETTEE OF THE LOUIS XTIT PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY The back and seat covered in Aubusson verdure tapestry of the period, showing on the back chateaux in a landscape, on the seat birds among thick foliage. Has scrolled arms and handsome turned legs and stretchers of walnut. Some of the feet are restored. Width, 5 feet 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 68 410 411 412 TAPESTRY AND WALNUT SETTEE LOUIS XIII PERIOD FRENCH, I'77TH CENTURY [NUMBER 409 | WALNUT TWO-PART CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1710 Fitted with two small and one long drawer in the upper part, three long drawers in the lower part. Veneered with richly figured walnut with inlaid borders of herringbone pattern. On bracket feet. A few defects to the veneer. Height, 50 inches; width, 388 inches TWO LOUIS XIII SMALL NEEDLEWORK SIDE CHAIRS With spirally twisted oak front legs and stretchers. Square seats and backs covered in gros point needlework. (2) GOTHIC CARVED BISHOP’S THRONE The high back is in architectural style and elaborately carved with Gothic enrichments and panelled with antique crimson velvet. Winged griffins support the arms, the seat contains a deep drawer carved with quatrefoil motifs. On platform base. (Speranza) Height, 8 fect; width, 4 feet 9 inches 69 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 LOUIS XVI TAPESTRY AND PAINTED SUITE Settee and four armchairs with white painted and carved frames. The seats and backs covered with French silk tapestry designed with bouquets and baskets of flowers and foliage scrolls in soft colours. (Asis) (5) Width of settec, 4 feet 6 inches OLD ITALIAN SMALL CARVED WALNUT CHEST OF TUSCAN TYPE The front divided into three panels of carved arabesques. The base is also attractively carved. Decorative fireside chest. Height, 18 inches; width, 88 inches PAIR OF WALNUT CONSOLES IN RENAISSANCE STYLE | Shaped tops of matched walnut, with trellis carved and lacquered pedestal supports on scrolled bases. (2) Width, 42 inches ANTIQUE DUTCH MARQUETRY BEDROOM SUITE Comprising a sleigh-type panelled bed with wire spring, chif- fonier with side columns, containing six drawers, dresser with mirror, three armchairs with shaped open backs, voluted arms and cabriole legs ending in claw and ball feet. The whole with fine marquetry inlay of flowers and cartouches in tulipwood. A highly decorative bedroom set in fine marquetry. (6) SMALL WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Contains four small drawers with panelled fronts and small metal knobs. The corners are canted, the base is deeply moulded and has bracket supports. Height, 35 inches; width, 23 inches LOUIS XVI FRUITWOOD FIRE SCREEN FRAME FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Height, 80 inches; width, 16 inches OLD CHINTZ COVERED TWO-FOLD SCREEN Showing rich pattern of floral cartouches containing chinoiserie figures, in colours. Size per panel, 5 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 2 inches 70 420 423 424 425 4:26 427 4.28 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY STYLE CARVED WALNUT CHAIR Elaborately pierced and carved high back, legs and stretchers. Upholstered seat. WALNUT JARDINIERE STAND In Italian Renaissance style. Has octagonal top, and four turned supports. Height, 31 inches WALNUT JARDINIERE STAND In 16th century Florentine style. Has octagonal moulded top, turned pedestal support. Height, 26 inches MAHOGANY DRESSING STAND Fitted with three shaped drawers. Oval swing mirror at the top. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 21 inches SMALL CARVED WALNUT MIRROR Italian 16th century style, with carved quatrefoil shape frame. Size, 27 x 21 inches FLOWER PAINTED MAHOGANY BOOKSTAND Width, 20 inches LACQUERED AND TURNED SMALL BENCH Circular cane top. Height, 16 inches NEST OF TWO MARQUETRY COFFEE TABLES Fine inlay of flowers and leaves in different woods. Standing on tapered square legs. Width, 20 inches MAHOGANY BENCH With box seat. Width, 86 inches ok SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-THIRD, AT 2:30 THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 429-585 OLD ORMOLU CANDELABRA, ANDIRONS, CLOCKS, ETC. 430 431 432 433 434 435 NUMBERS 429-445 PAIR OF WROUGHT STEEL ANDIRONS IN 17TH CENTURY STYLE (2) Height, 18 inches ANTIQUE ITALIAN BRASS SANCTUARY LAMP Shaped bowl with winged caryatide masks suspended by ball and twist chains from the domed canopy. Makes handsome vestibule lamp. (Speranza) ANTIQUE ITALIAN BRASS SANCTUARY LAMP Of nearly similar type to the preceding. (Speranza) PAIR OF LOUIS XV BRASS CANDLESTICKS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Baluster shape, decorated with fluting and with shaped circular bases. One nozzle missing. (2) Height, 11 inches PAIR OF GILT BRONZE ANDIRONS IN LOUIS XV STYLE Decorative pair formed as chinoiserie figures and rocaille scrolls. (2) TWO ANTIQUE FLORENTINE BRASS LUCERNA Complete with snuffers, primers, etc. Almost a pair. (Speranza) (2) Height, 24 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD PRICKET CANDELABRA ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Altar piece. Has two scroll branches, for three candle lights. Suitable as mantel ornament. (As is) (Speranza) Width, 36 inches 73 436 437 438 439 440 Ad] PAIR OF CHASED GILT METAL ANDIRONS Shaped as urns with snake handles, standing on fluted plinths. (2) Height, 17 inches OLD FRENCH ORMOLU THREE-PIECE CLOCK SET The shaped ormolu clock chiselled with garlands of flowers and fruit depending from an urn. A pair of cream marble and chiselled ormolu urns with lion handles and domed covers, on four lion paw feet. The clock inscribed “Giroust, Paris”. Height, 32 inches PAIR OF CARVED GILT WOOD ALTAR PRICKET CANDLESTICKS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY With shaped scroll bases ornamented with figures of the Christ, and baluster stems. (Asis) (Speranza) (2) Height, 32 inches TWO ANTIQUE FLORENTINE BRASS LUCERNA Almost a pair. Complete with snuffers, primers, ete. (Speranza) (2) Height, 19 and 21 inches FLORENTINE BRASS LUCERNA Handsome specimen of unusual size. Has finely chased handle and shaped base. Complete with snuffers, primers, ete. (Speranza ) Height, 4 feet FRENCH FIVE-PIECE EMPIRE TABLE GARNITURE IN GILT BRONZE A pair of three-tier sweetmeat stands and three smaller. Orna- mented with sculptured gilt bronze figures of muses and winged female caryatides. The circular bases chased with bands of husk and arabesque motifs. Trays of cut crystal glass. By ‘Thomire, ~ Barts (5) Height, 24 and 12 inches 2>ATR OF GEORGIAN BRASS ANDIRONS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Handsome pair with double ball and baluster pillars. ‘The scroll bases enriched with female masks and rosettes. (2) Height, 26 inches 74 443 444 4A5 446 4A PAIR OF ITALIAN WROUGHT IRON GOTHIC TORCHERES The pricket tops are coroncted, the twisted shafts and tripod bases are ornamented with wrought scrolls and leafage. A digni- fied pair of pricket torcheres. (2) Height, 5 feet 8 inches PAIR OF GILT BRONZE CANDELABRA IN LOUIS XV OLY LE With scroll foliage branches for eight candle lights each. The stems as bronze figures of Bacchante infants with birds’ nests. Scrolled foliage bases. (Asis) (2) Height, 35 inches LOUIS XV GILT BRONZE CLOCK Cartouche shape, elaborately ornamented with flower and foliage scrolls, musical trophies and surmounted by a figure of a cherub in a scroll arbor, holding a garland of flowers. On scrolled base. By Admirauld, Paris. (As is) Height, 25 inches OLD ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 446-582 INLAID MAHOGANY TEA CADDY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular, with inlaid tulipwood borders. Sheffield plate ring handle and ivory keyplate. (Gerson) Width, 9 inches OLD FRENCH WALNUT JEWEL CASKET Richly mounted with engraved brass ornaments and ivory escutcheons. Interior fitted. (Gerson) Width, 9 inches 75 448 449 451 453 454 OLD FRENCH WALNUT PERFUME CASKET Similarly mounted to preceding box and contains two cut crystal glass scent bottles. (Gerson) Width, 5 inches SILK NEEDLEWORK MAP OF THE BRITISH ISLES ENGLISH, DATED 1788 Executed in silk cross stitch on linen. Signed, Mary Lawrence. Oval. Gilt wood frame. Size, 22 x 17 inches ANTIQUE ITALIAN CARVED AND GILT WOOD MANTEL CLOCK In the classic taste, the drum-shaped dial supported by carved pedestals. (As is) Height, 21 inches PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY In transition style, with shield-shape open backs with pierced centres. Square legs and stretchers. Damask covered slip seats. (Gerson) (2) MAHOGANY TRAY TOP BEDSIDE COMMODE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Enclosed by a tambour shutter; the lower part draws forward. Tray top for carrying. Width, 21 inches MAHOGANY TRAY TOP BEDSIDE COMMODE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Nearly similar to the preceding. Width, 23 inches QUEEN ANNE WALNUT CHAIR ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Graceful fiddle back with vase splat, cabriole front legs with pad feet. Slip seat covered in old crimson silk damask. (Gerson) SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Attractive inlaid borders of satinwood. Has square tapered supports, a drawer at one side, a blind drawer opposite. Pivoted brackets support the leaves. (Gerson) Width, 32 inches 76 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 JACOBEAN CARVED OAK CHEST eEncuisy, 17TH cENTURY Three-panel front, has finely carved diamond shaped medallions centering each panel; the stiles with rosette medallions. Bears the initials “R. H.” and date 1668, on either side of the lock. Sides and back also panelled. Stands on extensions of the grooved corner stiles. A rare original chest. (Gerson) Height, 29 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches PAIR OF SHERATON LACQUER CHAIRS ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Directoire type backs, cane seats and tapered legs with crossed stretchers. Lacquered black and stencilled in gilt. (2) QUEEN ANNE OAK TEA TABLE — Encuisu, 18TH cENTURY Graceful small tea or card table with shaped and moulded top and standing on attractive carved cabriole legs. A drawer at one side. Width, 82 inches CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR SPANISH, ABOUT 1700 Voluted and scrolled arms and legs. ‘The shaped back has carved crest. Seat and back covered in antique jardiniere pattern green damask. QUEEN ANNE LACQUERED CHAIR WITH CANE PANELS ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY High shaped back, curved front legs and scrolled stretchers. Lacquered black and touched with gilt. SMALL OAK GATELEG 'TABLE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1700 Charming tea table with drop leaves supported by baluster turned gates, the legs braced by plain stretchers. Width, 23 inches QUEEN ANNE SMALL LACQUER CORNER CABINET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Black lacquer gilt with plumage birds and flowers in the Oriental taste. Enclosed by an arched door, acorn finials ornament the top. Height, 42 inches; width, 28 inches rigs 463 464 466 467 WALNUT CREDENZA ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Enclosed by two doors with drawers above, with inlaid fronts of figured walnut banded in tulipwood and with the original brass handles. Has been fitted with sliding trays. (Asis) (Speranza) Height, 44 inches; width, 58 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY CANDLESTAND ENGLISH, ABOUT 1800 Shaped top inlaid with satinwood medallion. ‘Tapered slender shaft and tripod base. Width, 18 inches THREE-FOLD NEEDLEWORK FIRE SCREEN AMERICAN, POST-CIVIL WAR PERIOD — An ingeniously designed low screen of figured mahogany. Com- posed of a centre panel on two shaped and scrolled cabriole trestles and two narrow panels, hinged to fold, on flatly cut vase- shaped feet. The centre with a silk needlework panel occupied by the arms of the American branch of the Field family, with three sheaths of wheat d’or and bar d’argent on a black field, in scrolled arabesque frame of gold and blue. Beneath, the label, ‘Vertu Sans Peur” Field, 1870. The arms are placed on a herringbone pattern ground of emerald green. The sides are woven in a geometric gros point pattern in shaded rose, gold, black, silver and blue on a green ground. The centre panel bears a pierced and arched pediment with cartouche, acorn and acan- thus enrichments. Height, 4 feet WALNUT MANTEL MIRROR OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD ITALIAN, ABOUT 1810 Has black and gold columns at the sides supporting moulded pediment. (Speranza) Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY MIRROR 18TH CENTURY Attractive specimen with gilt flower sprays at the side. ‘The frame is handsomely cut with foliage scrolls at the top and bottom. Partly restored. Height, 42 inches; width, 25 inches - 78 468 PAINTED AND CARVED ADAM TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY White and gold frame carved with fluting. Top of black and white vein marble. Width, 41 inches a PAIR OF WALNUT ARMCHAIRS SPAIN, IO6TH CENTURY [NUMBER 469 | 469 PAIR OF WALNUT ARMCHAIRS SPAIN, L6TH CENTURY The seats and backs covered with panels of Hungarian silk needlepoint, enriched with brass bosses. Grooved arms supported by balusters, square legs standing in tapered shoes. Carved acanthus finials crown the back. A companion pair to these two chairs is in the collection of Mrs. Henry Huntington. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 19 47 0 471 bo PAIR OF VELVET COVERED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS SPANISH, 16TH CENTURY The backs and seats covered with panels of rare old amber-yellow velvet, with silk fringe borders. Carved finials ornament the backs. The front stretchers are pierced in fret pattern. (2) Rare. PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS SPAIN, 16TH CENTURY This rare pair of early Spanish chairs is unusually low. ‘The backs and seats are covered with flowered crimson silk brocade with borders of gold enriched with pierced gilt metal rosettes. Broad arms have knuckled ends. Legs and front stretcher carved in lattice pattern. (2) INLAID MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK IN SHERATON STYLE By Black, Starr and Frost, New York. Has handsome domed case with inlay of festoons. Height, 18 inches SMALL ADAM CONSOLE TABLE — EnNGuIsH, 18TH CENTURY Semicircular satinwood top has attractive inlay in various woods. Fluted and gilt frame and tapered legs. Defects to the top. Width, 29 inches 80 AT A AT5 GILT AND CARVED WOOD SIDE TABLE ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Rectangular, the deep apron decorated in relicf with classical acanthus motifs in square com- Directoire or Empire period. partments. The fluted legs with acanthus capitals and_ feet. (Asis) Height, 3314 inches; length, 34 inches; depth, 17 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD SETTEE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Very wide and deep settee of Italian Louis XV style, the triple apron in bow design, and standing on low cabriote legs. Curved and upholstered arm rests. High back with elaborate top rail. Upholstery of 18th century woolen velvet. (Worn) Length, 76 inches 476 PAIR OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD ARM CHAIRS ATT ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Italian Louis XV style; matching the preceding settee. CARVED AND GILT WOOD SIDE CHAIR ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Italian Louis XV style; matching the two preceding numbers. 81 478 FLORENTINE WALNUT CREDENZA 479 ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Enclosed by a pair of doors above which are three drawers having the original metal knobs, two damaged. The front is ornamented with shaped rectangular panels and medallions in relief ; the edge of the massive noce with small bosses. In original condition. (Speranza ) Height, 45 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches Rare. INLAID SATINWOOD ADAM CABINET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The upper part contains shelves enclosed by a pair of glass doors and is crowned by an arched cornice; stands on a table with two swell-front drawers in the apron, on tapered square legs. Of satinwood beautifully inlaid with husk festoons depending from rams masks, arabesque scrolls and trophies. Cross cut borders of tulipwood. An extremely graceful and rare cabinet. Height, 6 feet; width, 80 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 82 INLAID SATINWOOD ADAM CABINET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [NUMBER 479 | 480 481 483 484 486 SET OF FOUR LOUIS XIII WALNUT AND DAMASK SIDE CHAIRS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY High shaped backs of Queen Anne type; vase and ring turned legs, side stretchers and high front stretchers. Seats and backs covered in jardiniére pattern crimson silk damask. (4) SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval, with inlaid panels of satinwood and tulipwood lines. On slender reeded legs with thimble feet. Has hinged lid and com- partmented interior. Defective. Height, 29 inches; width, 18 inches JACOBEAN OAK WAINSCOT CHAIR ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY The high back has a carved crown and scroll crest and spirally twisted side posts. Panelled seat and turned front legs. WALNUT TABLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Has vase and ring turned legs braced by heavy stretchers, two drawers at one side. Carved fluting borders the top, the frame is panelled on all sides. Size of top, 42 x 29 inches CARVED WALNUT CABINET IN THE BURGUNDIAN 16TH CENTURY STYLE Decorative piece, finely carved with figures and panels of foliage in the manner of Hughes Sambin. In two parts, the top fitted with four drawers; the base with shelves enclosed by two doors. A few defects. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches PAIR OF CROMWELLIAN WALNUT ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY With spirally twisted posts, scrolled arms and cane backs and seats. With chintz, down filled cushions. (2) DIRECTOIRE SIDE CHAIR © rrencu, tate 18TH cENTURY The square back and seat covered in black and gold striped silk. Painted and carved fruitwood frame. 84 487 488 489 490 49] PAIR OF ADAM SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The oval backs and shield-shaped seats are covered in jardiniére pattern silk brocade. ‘The frames are painted turquoise blue and carved with fluting. (2) PAIR OF ADAM ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The oval backs, seats, and armrests retain the original crimson and gold silk brocade covering which is considerably worn. Carved turquoise blue frames touched with gilt. (2) Rare. CARVED MAHOGANY TORCHERE encuisu, 181TH century Carved with palm leaves and fluting. Tripod base with carved eagle claw-and-ball feet. Tray top. Height, 5 feet 6 inches WALNUT BENCH COVERED IN OLD PERSIAN CUT VELVET ENGLISH, EARLY I8TH CENTURY The legs and stretchers turned in vase and ring pattern. The top covered in handsome amber and blue velvet. Size of top, 28 x 17 inches SET OF EIGHT PAINTED AND CARVED SIDE CHAIRS ITALIAN, EMPIRE PERIOD The open backs contain arrow-shaped splats. The legs are tapered and curved; the seats are upholstered. Painted soft gray outlined in gilt. Outside of France, the ateliers of Italy were affected most by the Napoleonic activities of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. (Speranza) (8) 85 QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK AND WALNUT WING CHAIR [NUMBER 492,] 492 QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK AND WALNUT WING CHAIR ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The high back, wing sides and cushioned seat covered in petit and gros point needlework with rich design of exotic flowers and leaves in colours. Stands on four short cabriole walnut legs with pad feet, the front legs with carved shells on the knees. The needlework repaired in places. , Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 86 ae a 493 494 496 497 WALNUT CENTRE TABLE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Has massive rectangular top resting on boldly scrolled end supports braced by ornamental curved iron stretchers of X form. In original condition. Size of top, 50 x 27 inches Rare. 17TH CENTURY WALNUT ARMCHAIR WITH NEEDLE- WORK The high square back and seat covered with fine needlework with design of arabesque flowers and leaves in rich colours. Slightly scrolled walnut arms, vase and ring turned legs and stretchers. HEPPLEWHITE PAINTED SATINWOOD CABINET WITH CYLINDER FRONT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Beautifully painted with sprays of flowers, the borders inlaid. The upper part has shelves enclosed by a pair of Gothic pattern glass doors. At the top is a scroll and vase pediment of broken arch type. In the lower part are drawers and_pigeonholes enclosed by a revolving shutter, four drawers in the knechole front. Stands on tapered square legs with cuffed fect.