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MENT ; LH HE fe 3 ay) hy LEE Hi bt i i Mt Sollee hae o— “7. — Snare Lagann | THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY o ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29ru, 1917 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE LIBRARY SETS, FIRST EDITIONS, COLORED-PLATE BOOKS SPORTING BOOKS, PRINTS, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS INCLUDING THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JAMES BUCHANAN BRADY (WIDELY KNOWN AS ‘‘DIAMOND JIM’”’ BRADY) TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF VARIOUS EXECUTORS, OWNERS AND AGENTS ON MONDAY EVENING AND TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING DECEMBER 3rp AND 4rtTu, 1917 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS AND 3:00 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES & cea Mp ¥ & HENRY ALKEN Illustrated Title to “Analysis of the Hunting Field.” 1846 [No. 25] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY SEIS OF ESTEEMED AUTHORS FIRST EDITIONS AND COLORED-PLATE BOOKS SPORTING BOOKS AND PRINTS INCLUDING THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JAMES BUCHANAN BRADY (WIDELY KNOWN AS ‘“‘DIAMOND JIM”? BRADY) TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF VARIOUS EXECUTORS, OWNERS AND AGENTS ON MONDAY EVENING AND TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING DECEMBER 3ap AND 4tx, 1917 [ pec, 6-74 AT 8:15 IN THE EVENINGS AND 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOON Bek cicaee Pt 4 A - LK Ce THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY - RESUME OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTENTS The items herein catalogued are from various sources, and include the library of the late James Bucuanan Brapy (widely known as “Diamond Jim” Brady), a series of COLORED SPORTING PRINTS from the collection of REGINALD, W. Rivzs, the well-known horseman of Santa Barbara, California, and other consignments of note from this country and abroad. The Asso- ciation is not at liberty to disclose the names of all the consignors, but if it should be that any prospective purchaser is interested in the ownership of any item, such information as is permissible, will be given on inquiry being made. Each item catalogued will be sold under the Association’s usual and invariable conditions of an unrestricted and unprotected public sale. The books, drawings and prints herein described are nearly all in the finest possible condition, several of the more noteworthy items being in COLLECTOR'S STATE; while the greater part are in SUMPTUOUS BINDINGS, richly decorated in gilt, including fine examples of inlaid and onlaid work- manship, and specimens of the work of such noted binders as, ZAEHNSDORF, RIVIERE, MORRELL, STIKEMAN, LARKINS, SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE, THE CLUB BINDERY, ALFRED MATTHEWS, BROCA, MANSELL, ROOT, DAVID, BOZERIAN JEUNE, BEDFORD, AND OTHERS. Among the Library sets of Esteemed authors, are many of the finely printed editions of the RivErsipE Press (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.), Scrrs- NER’S Sons, and other noted publishers; the greater part being bound in full or half levant morocco, some with elaborate tooling and inlaid work, while several are EXTENSIVELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED, three of the sets being of especial interest, as having BEAUTIFUL AND EXQUISITE WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS through- out the text. In the field of CoLOR PRINTING, always one of great interest to the col- lector, the catalogue is well represented by some of the more important works of Henry ALKEN; as well as by a series of books on SPORT AND COSTUMES OF ALL AGES AND COUNTRIES, which we believe comprises one of the most ex- tensive and valuable collections offered at one time at public sale in America. The remarkable series of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY THOMAS ROWLANDSON constitute an important feature of this catalogue; while the noteworthy collec- tion of ORIGINAL PAINTINGS BY JOHN LxexEcu, formerly the property of the artist's daughter, includes some of the more important works of this artist, and is one of great value and interest. Cottectors oF Frrst Eprrions will find herein many noteworthy items, including some of the more important works by Charles Dickens, George Cruikshank, William Harrison Ainsworth, Matthew Arnold, Joseph R. Drake, John Dryden, R. L. Stevenson, R. S. Surtees, W. M. Thackeray, and others. Of unusual ASSOCIATION INTEREST are the knife, fork and spoon CARRIED, By NaApoLEon I. THROUGHOUT ALL HIS MILITARY CAMPAIGNS; also the ORI- GINAL SIGNED MANUSCRIPT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CHARLES DICKENS AND Witt1am Henry W1r11Is, relating to the publication of “All the Year Round.” Other items of interest will be found among the various works on Art and French Literature. : The following are some of the more noteworthy items herein described,— Aisorv and Gay’s Fables. LARGE PAPER STOCKDALE EDITION. 4 vols. [No. 2] ArxswortH (William Harrison). Various First EpITIONS. [Nos. 4 to 8] Aupricu (Thomas Bailey). Works. PoNKAPOG EDITION. 10 vols. [No. 9] ALKEN (Henry). Colored-Plate Books. [Nos. 11 to 31] including,— Sporting Sketches. 40 plates. [No. 12] Real Life in Ireland. Frrst EDITION. 1821. [No. 13] National Sports in Great Britain. First EDITION. 1821. [No. 16] Melton Mowbray Hunt. -14 scenes on 6 plates. 1822. [No. 17] _ Annals of Sporting. 13 vols. in the ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH WRAPPERS. [No. 18] ) -The Melange of Humour. First EDITION. 1823-1824. [No. 19] Characteristic Sketches of Shooting. 12 plates. 1826. -[No. 21] Gigs and Drivers. 6 plates. 1830. [No. 22] Panorama of Epsom Races. 1834. |[No. 23] Surtees’ Analysis of the Hunting Field. First Epition. | No. 25] Forres’ Hunting Casualties. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. 1850. [No. 26] ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in pencil and watercolors. 6 plates. 1829. [No. 29] Beaux Arts Classics. Magnificent set of the EDITION DE DEUX MONDES, ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 10 vols. [No. 46] BIBLIOPHILE Society Publications. [Nos. 50 to 54] BIBLIOPHILIST’S Library. JAPAN VELLUM PAPER EDITION. 20 vols. [No. 55] BrowNine@ (Robert). Works. CONNOISSEURS’ EDITION. 12 vols. [No. 68] Bryant (William Cullen). Poems. FIRST EDITION. ORIGINAL BOARDS. 1821. [ No. 69] Butwer-Lyrron (Sir Edward). Various Editions. [Nos. 72 to 74] Burton’s Arabian Nights. COMPLETE SET OF THE ORIGINAL BENARES EDI- TION. 16 vols. original cloth. [No. 79] BuTLeR (Samuel). coLorep copy of “Hudibras.” 1821. [No. 91] CAMBRIDGE Classics. LARGE PAPER Houghton Mifflin issue. 20 vols. [No. 85] CarLYLeE (Thomas). Works. LARGE-TYPE LIBRARY EDITION. 38 vols. No. 87] CLEMENS (Samuel L.). Works. UNDERWOOD EDITION. 22 vols. [No. 90] CoLoreD-PLatE Books. [Nos. 95 to 105], including,— Martial Achievements of Great Britain. 1815. [No. 95] Thornton (Alfred). Adventures of a Post Boy. First EDITION. 1817. [No. 97] Naval Achievements. 1819. [No. 98] Victories of the Duke of Wellington. 1819. [No. 99] Sams (Wiliam). Tour of Paris. 1824. [No. 100] Combe (William). The Wars of Wellington. First EDITION. 1821. [No. 105] | Ee ee er pees a Cooper (James Fenimore). Various Editions. [Nos. 107 to 109] CostuME Plates in Color. [Nos. 110 to 151], including,— Eben (Frederick, Baron). Military Uniforms adopted by the Royal Army of Sweden. 1808. |No. 118] Heath (Wiliam). Military Costumes of the British Cavalry. 1820. [No. 125] Lecomte (H.). Costumes Civils et Militaires. 1820. [No. 126] ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS of Military Costumes. [Nos. 128 to 129 | Bengal Troops on the Line of March. 1840. [No. 134] Detaille (Edouard). L’Armée Francaise. 1885-1889. [No. 144] Racine (M. A.). Le Costume Historique. LARGE PAPER. 1888. | No. 145] CRUIKSHANK (George). Various First EDITIONS. [Nos. 157 to 168], in- cluding,— Combe (William). Life of Napoleon. 1815. [No. 157] Mudford (William). Campaign in the Netherlands. 1817. [No. 158] Humorist. ORIGINAL BOARDS. 1819-1820. [No. 160] /Oarey (D.). Life in Paris. 1822. [No. 162] World’s Show. ORIGINAL Wrappers. 1851. [No. 168] DANIELL’S Oriental Scenery. ORIGINAL EDITION. 1851. [No. 171] Dickens (Charles). Various Works, First EDITIONS, etc. [Nos. 175 to 190] Christmas Carol. FIRST ISSUE. ORIGINAL CLOTH. 1843. [No. 179] Bleak House. ORIGINAL MONTHLY PARTS. 1852-1853. [No. 181] Complete Works. EDITION DE LUXE. 60 vols. | No. 188] OrIGINAL Agreement with W. H. Wills. [| No. 183] E@aNn (Pierce). Life in London. First Epition. [No. 208], also,— Real Life in London. ROYAL PAPER Copy. 1821-1822. [No. 209] Finish to Life in London. ORIGINAL BOARDS. FIRST EDITION. [No. 211] Emerson (Ralph Waldo). Works. AUTOGRAPH CENTENARY EDITION. 22 wols. = (No. 219 | Fiske (John). Writings. EDITION DE LUXE. 24 vols. [No. 234] Gautier (Théophile). Works. On IMPERIAL JAPANESE VELLUM. 24 vols. [| No. 246] Gourit Historical Monographs. Uniform Series. [Nos. 255-265 | HawrHorne (Nathaniel). Works. AUTOGRAPH EDITION. 22 vols. [No. 283] Hara (William). Fashion and Folly. oriGiINAL WRAPPERS, and two others. | Nos. 286 to 288] Historizs of India and Egypt. ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. One of 50 sets. 21 vols. [No. 291] Hoxtmes (Oliver Wendell). Writings. arrist’s EDITION. | No. 296] Hugo (Victor). Works. EDITION MAGNIFIQUE. ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 30 vols. [No. 299] JessE (John Heneage). Collected set of First EDITIONS. 23 vols. [No. 314] Kock (Paul de). Writings. st. MARTIN’S EDITION. 42 vols. [No. 323] Lams (Charles). Writings. INDIA HOUSE EDITION. 42 vols. [No. 326] Leecu (John). Series of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND FIRST EDITIONS. [Nos. 329 to 345] Lz Sacr (Alain René). Colored copy of “Gil-Blas.” 4 vols. [No. 92] Lever (Charles). Works. 42 vols. [No. 352] Lewis and Clark’s Expedition. Original Journal. ON IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER. 15 vols. [No. 353] LoncrELLow (Henry W.). Writings. EDITION DE LUXE. 11 vols. [No. 359] LowE.t (James Russell). Writings. EDITION DE LUXE. 16 vols. [No. 365] Masterpieces of French Fiction. CROWNED cLAssics. With 522 ORIGINAL MARGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATERCOLOR. [No. 377] MerepiItH (George). Writings. MEMORIAL EDITION. 29 vols. [No. 382] MircHetyt (D.G.).. Works. ScRIBNER’s EDITION. 16 vols. | No. 391] Morizre (J. B. P.). Theatre. Exrra-ILLusTrsaTED. 8 vols. [No. 393] NapoLEon I. Memoirs by Bouriennie. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. 8 vols. [ No. 403] ORIENTAL Series. Brinkley’s China and Japan. Complete set of a SPECIAL EDITION. EACH PAGE WITH AN ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR SKETCH BY A JAPANESE ARTIST. 15 vols. SPECIALLY BOUND IN AN- EXQUISITE INLAID MOROCCO BINDING. THE FINEST SET EVER OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE. [No. 414] Pace (Thomas Nelson). Works. CHARLES SCRIBNER’S EDITION. [No. 416] Porrery AND Porcelain. A number of important works. [Nos. 434 to 440], including,— Gorer and Blacker’s Chinese Porcelain and Hard Stones. Audsley and Bowles’s Keramic Art of Japan. ORIGINAL ISSUE. 1875. Walters’ Collection of Oriental Art. 10 sections, imperial folio. Rathborne’s Old Wedgewood. 1898. Roosevett (Theodore). Works. With ORIGINAL MARGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATERCOLOR. 22 vols. [No. 455] ROWLANDSON (Thomas). Series of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS and works illustrated by him. [Nos. 457 to 470], including,— Combe’s Syntax Tours. 3 vols. Combe’s Dance of Life and Death. 3 vols. Series of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS for “Miseries of Human Life.” Series of 15 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, some of which are unpublished, for the “Tours of Dr. Syntax.” Ruskin (John). Writings. 9 vols. 1855-1874. [No. 472] Scorr (Sir Walter). Novels, Prose and Life. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. The Au- gustin Daly set. [No. 478] | SECRET Court Memoirs. One of 26 lettered sets. 20 vols. [No. 483] SHAKESPEARE (William). Works. JULIA ARTHUR EDITION. WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATERCOLOR. 20 vols. [No. 493]; also, Complete set of the Quarto Facsimiles. [No. 491] SporTinG Books anp Prints. [Nos. 507 to 537], including,— Scrope (William). Deer Stalking and Salmon Fishing. 2 vols. 1839- 1843. [No. 509] Newhouse (C. B.) Roadster’s Album. orIGINAL EDITION. 1845. [No. 517] A Series of Sporting Prints in Color, the property of Reginald W. Rives, the well-known Horseman of California. [Nos. 520 to 537] STEVENSON (Robert L.). Travels with a Donkey. ortGINaL cLorH. 1879, and other rirst EDITIONS. [Nos. 539 to 548] Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Writings. AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH EDITION. 17 vols. [No. 551] SuRTEES (Robert Smith). Sporting Novels. Two sets, one in ORIGINAL cLoTH. [Nos. 553 to 554] THacKeERAY (William Makepeace). Various FIRST EDITIONS and a COLLECTED sET of his writings, also an EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED EDITION DE LUXE. [Nos. 566 to 572] Toustor (Leon, Count). Writings. GRAND EDITION DE LUXE. 24 vols. sal t0.-D 75 | Vourarre (F. M. A.). Various Editions, including one of the FINEST SETS OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION OF 1785-1802, ON LARGE PAPER EXTANT. 75 vols. in binding by BoZERIAN JEUNE. [ Nos. 584 to 588] Wapotk (Horace). Collected Set. 1840-1859. [No. 592] Warner (Charles D.). Complete Writings. AvuToGRAPH EDITION. 15 vols. [ No. 596] Waite (Gilbert). Natural History of Shelborne. First EDITION. 1780. [ No. 601] WauytTst-MELvVILLE (G. J.). Works. BEST EDITION. 24 vols. | No. 604] Wipe (Oscar). Writings. ASTRAL EDITION. 15 vols. [No. 608] ORDER OF SALE First Session, Numbers 1 to 202, inclusive Monday Evening, December 3rd, at 8:15 o’clock SEconD Sxssion, Numbers 203 to 400, inclusive, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th, at 3:00 o’clock Tuirp Session, Numbers 401 to 615, inclusive, Tuesday Evening, December 4th, at 8:15 o’clock Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. : 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of®the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purehaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. rs “ AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF VARIOUS EXECUTORS, OWNERS AND AGENTS First Session, Numbers 1 to 202, inclusive MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3rd, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK 1. Actors AND Actresses. A Collection of 42 finely engraved portraits on steel, by S. Hollyer. Att proors on INDIA PAPER, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ENGRAVER. Bound together in a 4to volume, full red morocco, gilt edges. Ly CONTENTS: bs F Edwin Booth; A. Neilson; John Gilbert; Louise Drew; Sarah Bernhardt; W. J. Florence; Joseph Jefferson ; Rose Coghlan; Charlotte Cushman, and others. 2. AUSOP’S AND GAys Fasutes. The Fables of Adsop. With a Life of the ; Author, and embellished with 112 plates (by Granger, Leney, Chap- man, Audinet, Landseer, and others, after Wiliam Blake, Stothard, and other artists). 2 vols.; [ALSo] Gay (JoHNn). Fables. With a Life of the Author, and embellished with 70 plates (of which 12 i> are engraved, and perhaps designed by William Blake). 2 vols. )° Together, 4 vols, royal 8vo, full maroon straight-grained morocco, backs elaborately gold-tooled, ornate gold-tooled sides, dentelle in- side borders, gilt edges, BY LLOYD. London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1793 LARGE PAPER COPY OF STOCKDALE’S BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ISSUE OF BOTH THE ABOVE WORKS. WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. SPLEN- DID COPY. 3. AINSwoRTH (WiLtIAM Harrison). The Miser’s Daughter: A Tale. With wlustrations by George Cruikshank (and a portrait of the author, after Maclise). Third Edition. Royal 8vo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, UNCUT, original 9 red cloth covers preserved, BY RIVIERE. | Ey London: Parry and Co., 1848 \ a: FINE Copy. 4, AinswortH (Wit~iiAmM Harrison). The Lancashire Witches. A Ro- mance of Pendle Forest. Illustrated by John Gilbert. Frrsv Itius- TRATED Epririon, although the third edition of the work. 8vo, original blue cloth, joints repaired, uncut. London, 1854 First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd S\ = “O° jas 10. es ‘eked ot ‘eo wee 12 . ArnswortH (WILLIAM Harrison). and Humorous. . AINSworTH (WiLLIAM Harrison). Treason. An Historical Romance. First Octravo EDITION. Cruikshank. uncut. Illustrated by John Gilbert. 12mo, original blue cloth, top uncut, as issued. Ballads: Romantic, Fantastical, First EDITION. London, 1855 Guy Fawkes: or, The Gunpowder With alustrations by George 8vo, original blue cloth, London, 1857 ArnswortH (WitL1AM Harrison). Mervyn Clitherhoe. Illustrated by Hablot K. Browne. Frrst Eprrion. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. AINswortH (WILLIAM HARRISON). the South Downs. TION. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. The Writings of Aldrich. Illustrated with portraits, photogravures, and handcolored frontispiece. 10 vols. small 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, backs with gilt panel design and lettered contents. AupricH (THomaAs BAILEY). PONKAPOG EDITION. Ovingdean Grange. Illustrated by Hablot K. Browne. London, 1860 London, 1858 Ae Dale ot First Epr- Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1907-1908" HANDSOME SET, With a signed three-line autograph note of the author, inserted. COMPLETE, With the additional volume of the author’s life. CONTENTS : Poems, 2 vols.; Marjorie Daw, etc.; Prudence Palfrey, etc. ; The Queen of Sheba, etc.; The Stillwater Tragedy ; Story of a Bad Boy,etc.; Ponkapog to Pesth, ete. ; Ponkapog Papers, ete.; Life of Aldrich, by Greenslet. ALEMAN (MATHEO). The Rogve: or, The Life of Gvzman de Alfarache. Written in Spanish by Matheo Aleman, Servant to his Catholike Majestie, and borne in Sevill. With printer's ornament on title- page of both volumes, and finely engraved initial letters. 2 vols. in one, small folio, full brown morocco, back and sides richly orna- mented, gilt gauffred edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Wiliam Tyrner, for Robert Allot and W. T. for Robert Allott, 1630 FINE copy of the rare second edition in folio of this celebrated work. . ALKEN COLORED PLATES. A series of 4 plates In cotor [by Henry Alken], after Sutherland. Loose in cloth portfolio, lettered. SoME OF ALKEN’S EARLIEST WORK. “Mounting ;” “Kicking ;” “Rearing” and “Stumbling.” . ALKEN COLORED PLATES. | London] 1815 Issued anonymously and ineludes,— Sporting Sketches; consisting of Subjects relating to the Sports of the Field; as Horses, Dogs, Live and Dead Game, Wild Fowl, Fox Hunting, Shooting, Coursing, Fishing, etc., / I ee a First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd [No. 12—Continued | the whole illustrative of Landscape Scenery. A series of 40 plates, ALL IN CoLors, several specimens on most of the plates, by Henry Alken. Oblong 4to, full red morocco, gilt top, OTHER EDGES EN- TIRELY. UNCUT. London: 8. and J. Fuller [1817-1818] A REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE ALKEN ITEM, WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS (both back and-front) PRESERVED, AND WITH THE EMBLEMATIC TITLE-PAGE—FToxes, Fish, Dogs, Guns, etc.—IN COLORS. Although the wrappers state that each part is to contain 6 plates, the work contains 40 plates, being four more than called for. APPARENTLY NO COPY HAS HITHERTO BEEN OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE IN THIS couNTRY. The famous William ©. Dulles collection being minus the item. L. H. Chubbuck does not mention this issue, but one of 1820-1821, with 24 plates in color. 13. ALKEN CoLorED PiateEs. Real Life in Ireland; or, the Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Boddera- tion and Blarney, of Brian Boru, Esq. and his Elegant Friend Sir Shawn O’Dogherty. Exhibiting a Real Picture of Characters, Manners, &c. in High and Low Life, in Dublin and various parts of Ireland. By “A Real Paddy.” Embellished with 19 finely col- 9 ored plates by Henry Alken, F. Heath, and others. First Epirion. vy» 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, dentelle ¥ »b- inside borders, BY RIVIERE. | London: Printed by B. Bensley, 1821 This work, a sequel to “Egan’s Life in London,” is one of the most spirited productions of its kind. The colored plates are full of dash, and depict drinking scenes, duels, processions, etec., in real Irish life, and the costumes of the times. Some of the plates contain portraits, three of them having portraits of George IVth, illustrative of his visit to Dublin. 14. ALKEN CoLtorED Piatrss. Scraps from the Sketch-Book of Henry Alken, engraved by himself. A series of 42 plates (numerous figures on many), ALL IN coLors, by Henry Alken. First Epition. 4to, ORIGINAL BOARDS, paper label on side, slightly rubbed. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1821 6, 5 VERY RARE IN BOARDS. This issue of the “Scrap Book” is important, containing as it does several plates of the Military Costume of England and Turkey, also fox hunting and other scenes. 15. ALKEN CoLORED PLATES. Specimens of Riding near London. A series of 18 plates, ALL FINELY COLORED, by Henry Alken. Unclosed in b ° cloth portfolio, with ties. i London, Published by Thos. McLean, 1821 2 ee : ORIGINAL AND FINE IMPRESSIONS. COMPLETE SET. RARE. 16. ALKEN CoLorep PuatTEs. The National Sports of Great Britain. With descriptions in English and French. WiITH COLORED ENGRAVED TITLE-PAGE, AND FIFTY MAGNIFICENT PLATES IN COLORS, ENGRAVED By I. Cuark, AFTER HENRY ALKEN. Imperial folio, FULL CON- / 3 TEMPORARY DARK BLUE STRAIGHT GRAINED MOROCCO, emblematically ls First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd [ No. 16—Continued | tooled on back and sides, gilt edges, most skilfully repaired and re- stored at joints and corners. London: Thomas McLean, 1821 First Epition oF HENRY ALKEN’S MOST IMPORTANT WORK, IN THE PUB- LISHER’S. ORIGINAL BINDING. On account of the size and beauty of the plates, many copies have been broken up and the plates framed: The reprint made in 1825, on a smaller scale, and the modern reprint the same size as the original, can in no way compare with the first edition. The plates include,—Hunting, Hawking, Angling, Shooting, Bullbaiting, Cocking, and other sports, some of which are obsolete. [See Reproduction of Title-page. | 1%. ALKEN CoLtorED Piatres. The Melton Mowbray Hunt. A series of 14 ute scenes, on.separate sheets, each 38gx2114 inches. ALL BRIL- LIANTLY COLORED, dnd by Henry Alken, although wnsigned. Mounted, forming 6 sections, each matted, the whole bound in a large oblong 4to volume, half red morocco, lettered on side. London: 8S. & J. Fuller, 1822 OF THE GREATEST RARITY ; BEING APPARENTLY THE SECOND COPY TO BE OF- FRED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY, THE FIRST, SOLD BY THE ASSOCIA- TION IN DECEMBER 1916 FoR $500. No mention is made of it in the bibliography of Alken founded on the extensive researches made by the late L. H. Chubbuck, nor was it in- cluded in the William C. Dulles collection. It is doubtful if Alken ever conceived a more attractive series of sporting scenes than the above, depicting as they do many forms of sport—riding, driving, fox-hunting, etc. 18. ALKEN CotorED Puates. The Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette ; a Magazine, Entirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits; containing everything worthy of Remark on Hunting, Cocking, Cricket, Shooting, Pugilism, — Billiards, Coursing, Wrestling, Rowing, Racing, Single Stick, Sailing, Fishing, Pedestrianism, &e., &e. Accompanied with Striking Representations of the various sub- § jects. Illustrated with the extensive and complete series of FINELY CotoreD and plain plates [153 in all], by Alken, Cruikshank, Land- seer, Herring, Egerton, and other eminent artists, including Cruik- shank’s FINELY COLORED ENGRAVING OF “The Prize Fight at Fwe Courts.” 138 vols. 8vo, IN THE ORIGINAL 77 PARTS, WITH ALL THE WRAPPERS (except as below noted), AND ALL THE ADVERTISEMENTS ENTIRELY uNcuT. Each volume enclosed in specially made cloth case, with inner protecting cloth and lettered wrapper. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, January, 1822-May, 1828. THE EXCESSIVE RARITY OF THIS CELEBRATED SPORTING BOOK IN THE ORIGI- NAL NUMBERS, AS ISSUED, IS GENERALLY ACKNOWLEDGED. IT MIGHT BE MEN- TIONED, HOWEVER, THAT THE WILLIAM ©. DULLES SET IN ORIGINAL NUMBERS (containing the June 1828 number, which the above set does not, and with all the parts with their original numbers, whereas the above set lacks eS ee ge eS ee ee a a ee a Lospon,)) Mo Lean, Hay Market 1821. LG: Publis shed by Thomas HENRY ALKEN Illustrated Title to “The National Sports of Great Britain.” [No. 16] 1821 ire ABR EL LIT RSS TEER ISMN SNES NIL Rone RRR SBD aN itm sae ane seeoso90 natsonornicve nine rin ehacntiacebet First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd - [ No. 18—Continued | 9 of the wrappers, which have been supplied with plain paper, at a later date), IS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS EVER BEEN SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY, AND, WE THINK, IN THE WORLD. WE ARE NOT AWARE THAT A COMPLETE SET IN ORIGINAL NUMBERS HAS EVER BEEN SOLD AT AUCTION | IN ENGLAND. One of the finest Sporting periodicals of the day, containing an exten- sive series of colored aquatint engravings depicting Racing, Hunting, Fishing, Pugilism, Cock-Fighting and other events of the English sporting world, including many plates which have become scarce, the colored plates after Alken, of Race-Horses being extremely interesting. With the beginning of 1828, the popularity of the “Annals” began to wane, and it was decided to discontinue their publication with the June number. The sale however of the May number was so small, that few copies of the June number were circulated, with the result that not many sets include the later number. Numbers 2, 3, 4, 12, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, are minus the original wrappers, which have been supplied with brown wrappers, at a later date, and the upper corners of several of the front wrappers of other parts have been cut away, but apart from these slight defects the set is A REMARKABLY FINE AND COMPLETE COPY, WITH THE TITLES, ENGRAVED TITLES, HALF TITLES, SLIPS OF “‘DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER FOR PLACING THE PLATES” (ALL OF WHICH ARE EXCESSIVELY RARE, BUT FEW SETS CONTAINING THEM), ADVER- TISEMENTS AND TURF REGISTERS. 19. ALKEN CoLoreD Piates. The Melange of Humour.. A series of fifty - p i" / if \ coloured engravings, comprising a great variety of Comic Subjects, by the most popular artists of the present day. ORIGINAL EDITIon. Small folio, ORIGINAL HALF ROAN, gilt edges, binding somewhat worn. London: Printed by W. Lewis [1823-1824] AN ALKEN VOLUME OF RARITY, ESPECIALLY WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF ALL THE PLATES, AND COMPLETE AS THE ABOVE COPY. We are of the opinion that this is the first copy to be offered for public sale in this country. It was conspicuously lacking in the William C. Dulles collection. Come | | ) 20. ALKEN CoLorED Puates. Henry Alken’s Sporting Scrap Book. A series of 50 full-page plates, ALL FINELY CoLorED, by Henry Alken. First Eprrion. Oblong 4to, green cloth, embossed panel on side, title within. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1824 A VERY ATTRACTIVE AND RARE ALKEN ITEM, most of the plates are BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. Contains,—Bull’s heads; Post Boy ‘at a Tavern; Grey Hounds; Dog Fight; Brick making; Shooting Scenes; Racing; and Hunting Scenes, etc. 21. ALKEN CotorEpD Puaters. Alken’s Characteristic Sketches of Shoot- ing, with Humours of Cockney Sporting. A series of 12 plates, ALL IN coLors, by Henry Alken. Oblong 4to, ORIGINAL GREEN WRAPPERS, WITH GILT LABEL ON SIDE. In cloth case. [London]: Pubd. Jan. 1826 by J. Dickinson, 114 New Bond Street AN EXCESSIVELY RARE AND PRACTICALLY UNKNOWN SERIES OF ALKEN PLATES, OF WHICH, WE THINK NO COPY HAS HITHERTO BEEN OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. ‘The famous William C. Dulles collection ~ being minus the item. Includes,—“Pheasant Shooting ;” “Snipe Shooting ;” “Grouse Shooting ;” “Woodcock Shooting ;” “Duck Shooting,” and others. om First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 22. ALKEN COLORED PuLaTEs. Series of Very Spirited Etchings of Gigs and their Drivers. with gold tooling, doublures of wine-colored levant, with similar See linings of watered silk, gilt tops, uncut, BY TAPLEY. London: Privately printed for Societe des Bibliophiles, 1898 ASTRAL EDITION. Limited to 200 numbered copies, this being Number 28, with the plates in three states,—on Japanese vellum paper, India paper, and in colors. { 36. ArmsTRoNG (Str WALTER). Sir Joshua Reynolds, First President of the Royal Academy. With 78 photogravures and 6 lithographic fac- similes IN cotor. Thick folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Wiliam Heinemann, 1900 One of the most important works on the great English painter, not the ye least important feature of the work being a catalogue of pictures by ) Sir Joshua, their descriptions and ownership. ¥ The work is now entirely out of print and has become scarce. 37. [ARNoLtD (MarrHEew).| The Strayed Reveller, and other Poems. By A. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. so London: D. Fellowes, 1849 /y 7 One of 100 copies circulated; although an issue of 500 was prepared, \ 400 were withdrawn. 38. [ArNoLD (MarrHew).| Empedocles on Etna and other Poems. By A. First Epirron. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. f London: B. Fellowes, 1852 0 , 4 / Only 50 copies were printed, after which, it was withdrawn from cir- \ . culation. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 39. ART AND ILLUSTRATED Books. A collection of finely illustrated volumes, as below detailed. ‘Together, 5 vols. large folo and 4to, various bindings. Various places and dates IMPORTANT COLLECTION. CONTENTS: RAccoita de piu belli ed interessanti Dipinti, Musaiei ed altri monu- menti rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei di Stabia che ammiransi nel Museo Nazionale. Numerous fine outline plates. 4to, boards. Napoli, 1871. BREMEN (MEYER VON). Gallery. Descriptive text by D. O’C. Townley. Fine photographic reproductions. Folio, full crimson morocco. New York, undated. VENETIAN ScuLtptureE. A collection of 12 folio photographs of cele- brated Venetian Sculptures. Folio, half morocco. Venezia, undated. Rome. A collection of about 50 full-page views of Rome. Oblong folio, half vellum. Circa, 1880. PAINTINGS. A collection of 14 folio photographs of celebrated paint- ings. Folio, half morocco. Venezia, undated. 40. Art AND InutustraTED Books. A collection of finely illustrated vol- ie a umes, as below detailed. Together, 8 vols. folio and royal 4to, vari- ous bindings. Various places and dates IMPORTANT COLLECTION. THE ART JOURNAL. 1875-1876-1878. With a large number of fine steel and other plates. 4 vols. royal 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1875-1878. GOETHE (J. WOLFGANG von). Reineke Fuchs. Jilustrated. Royal 4to, half green morocco. Munchen, 1846. MEREDITH (OWEN). The Earl’s Return. With drawings (full-page and teat) by W. L. Taylor. Folio, cloth. Boston, 1886. - TENNYSON (ALFRED, LorD). Songs. Set to music by various com- posers. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 4to, cloth. New York, 1880. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). Pictures of People. First Epirion. Ob- long folio, cloth. New York, 1896. 41. AupsLEY (GrorGE AsHpOWN). The Ornamental Arts of Japan. Lz- tensively illustrated with full-page plates, MANY OF WHICH ARE FINELY COLORED, SOME HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. Complete in the original sheets, enclosed in 4 folio cloth portfolios, as issued. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883 Edition limited to 500 copies for American subscribers, signed by the author. While the title bears the New York imprint, this is really the edition printed in London, for American subscribers. The most compre- hensive work ever issued on the Ornamental Arts of Japan, including painting, drawing, color printing, embroidery, textile fabrics, lacquer, modelling and carving in bronze, stone, ete. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 42, Batzac (Honoré pe). The Writings of Balzac. Translated by Ellen Marriage, with Prefaces by George Saintsbury. Illustrations on Japan vellum paper. 34 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia; The Gebbie Publishing Co., 1898 GRENOBLE EDITION. Limited and numbered. Q PARTIAL CONTENTS : 4 ~ The Country Parson; The Thirteen; A Prince of Bohemia ; 3"\. Father Goriot; The Celibates; A Woman of Thirty; The Quest of the Absolute; Lost Illusions; The Chouans ; The Seamy Side of History ; Modest Mignon; The Peasantry ; Jealousies of a Country Town; The Wild Ass’ Skin, and many others. 43. Banororr (GEorRGE). History of the United States, from the Dis- covery of the American Continent. Portraits and maps. 10 vols. 8vo, half calf, antique style. rok ss Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1866-1874 eae HANDSOME SET Of the LIBRARY EDITION printed with large type. 44, BEAux AND BELiEs oF ENGLAND. Illustrated with many fine photo- gravure and etched portraits and plates, and handcolored frontis- pieces. 29 vols. 8vo, full violet morocco, backs and sides elaborately decorated in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Grolier Society, recent AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET OF THE EDITION DE LuUxE. Limited to Pr. 1,000 copies. >: CONTENTS: c Lady Blessington ; Peg Woffington, 2 vols; Mrs. Sarah Siddons, 2 vols; Colley Cibber, 2 vols. ; Beau Brummell, 2 yols.; Captain Gronow, 2 vols. ; Laurence Sterne, 2 vols.; Mrs. Jordan, 2 vols. ; Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson, 2 vols.; Nell Gwyn; Lord Chesterfield, 2 vols.; The Sheridans, 2 vols. ; Fanny Burney; Count de Grammont; Horace Walpole; Beau Nash; Charles James Fox; Mary Robinson; Mary Wortley Montagu. 45, BEAUX AND BELLES or ENGLAND. With portraits and illustrations, some in color. 14 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, undated / rs IMPERIAL EDITION. Limited and numbered. ae CONTENTS : Mrs. Mary Robinson; Lady Blessington; Count de Grammont; Beau Brummell; Nell Gwyn; Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson; Mrs. Sarah Siddons; Lord Chesterfield ; The Sheridans. \ 46. Beaux Arts Cuassics. With numerous illustrations by leading artists, ALL IN THREE STATES,—INDIA PAPER, JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, AND cotors. 10 vols. thick 4to, full light-blue crushed levant mo- rocco, in the centre of each side of each volume, a large fleur-de-lis of maroon levant, with outer decorations of pointillé tooling, this / ornament surrounded with floral inlaid ornaments of cream, maroon, a and orange levants, with interlaced gold tooling, backs richly tooled 4 \ and inlaid with floral ornaments of varying colors, doublures of [oF ON] SOISSVIO SLUV XOVaUEA I9AOQ 10INO JO UoMTPedY puY ,jJol[NF PUB OBTIOY,, SeIvedsoysyg 0} gfqnogd—surpurg . x ‘we eo 8 ee 6 Ft 8 oe ee mH ate. « LUvap FIdWIS tit ¢s iis if.* First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd | No. 46—Continued | orange levant, with centre hand painted medallions on the front cover of each volume (the medallion in each case different), wide dentelle tooled borders, white watered silk linings, gilt tops. Hach volume with protecting cover of cloth, leather lined. Paris: Société des Beaux Arts, undated MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE EDITION DE DEUX-MONDES. PRINTED THROUGH- OUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, LIMITED TO TWENTY COPIES, OF WHICH NINE ARE FOR AMERICA, THIS BEING LETTER C. CONTENTS: Musset (PauL DE). The Last Abbe. With illustrations by Ar. Lalauze. Preface by Anatole France. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Romeo and Juliet. With illustrations by J. Wagrez and Louis Titz. ee Bourcer (PAu). Pastels. With illustrations by A. Robaudi. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Jean and Jeannette. With illustrations by Ad. Lalauze. Preface by Leo Claretie. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). King Candaules. With illustrations by Paul Avril. Preface by Anatole France. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Antony and Cleopatra. With illustrations by Paul Avril. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Hérodias. With illustrations by Georges Rochegrosse. Preface by Anatole France. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). A Night of Cleopatra. With illustrations by Paul Avril. Preface by Anatole France. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). A Simple Heart. With illustrations by Emile Adan. Preface by A. de Clair. Loneus. Daphnis and Chloe. With illustrations by Raphael Collin. Preface by Jules Claretie. [See Reproduction of Binding. | 47. Bisue. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, and the Apocrypha. Translated out of the original tongues in the year of our Lord, 1611. Illustrations after painters: of note. 14 vols. 8vo, newly bound in three-quarter dark blue crushed levant morocco, with lighter blue sides of undressed leather, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: The R. H. Hinkley Company, recent A VERY HANDSOME SET. Printed at the Merrymount Press, Boston. Number 4 of 1,000 circulated. 48. Brsut1A Pauprrum. A New Biblia Pauperum, being thirty-eight wood- cuts illustrating the Life, Parables & Miracles of our Blessed Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ. With proper descriptions thereof, ex- tracted from the Translation of the New Testament, by John Wiclif. Small 4to, vellum, with clasps, uncut. ; London: at the Sign of the Grasshopper, 1877 FINE copy. Only 257 copies were printed, each numbered and auto- graphed by the publisher, Unwin Brothers. The original prospectus ac-_ companies the work. a mei 0 i: : Oe a. ew ee a a es , First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 49. BIBLIOGRAPHER (THE), a Journal of Book-Lore (December, 1881 1o 3 November, 1884). 6 yols. in three; Boox-Lorn, a Magazine devoted ry to Old Time Literature (December, 1884 to November, 1887). 6 ve vols. in three. Together, 12 vols. in 6 vols. small 4to, boards, uncut. | ’ London, 1881-1887 50. BIBLIOPHILE SocieTy PusBLicatrions. Lamb (Charles). The Letters of Charles Lamb, in which many mutilated words and passages have been restored to their original form. With Letters never before published and an Introduction by Henry H. Harper. LHtched por- 4 traits and titles on Japanese vellum paper, portrait of Lamb, etched fy by James Fagan, and printed in two states, facsimiles of letters, etc. »> One volume folio, half vellum (the facsimiles), and 4 vols. 8vo, brown boards. ‘Together, 5 vols. uncut. All in original cardboard boxes. Boston, 1905 The edition was limited to 453 copies, printed on Dutch handmade paper. It is one of the Society’s most important publications. 01. BIBLIOPHILE Society PusuicatTions. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). Henry the Leper. With an Introduction by William P. Trent. Photogravure plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. “ Boston, 1905 > : Only 447 copies printed for members only. Vol. 2 is a facsimile of the original manuscript. 52. BIBLIOPHILE SocieTy Pusiications. Thoreau (Henry David). The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau, and Sir Walter Raleigh. Lately discovered among his Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited and with Introductions by Franklin B. Sanborn. Portraits and facsimile. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, uncut, in cloth lettered cases. Boston, 1905 : The edition was limited to 489 copfes. The Journeys contain an account of Thoreou’s Journey to the West. Raleigh was Thoreau’s favorite char- acter in English history. Both are here published for the first time by courtesy of the owner of the original manuscripts. VN Oo 53. BIBLIOPHILE SocreTy Pusiicarions. Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley, from the Originals, deciphered, ze, transcribed and edited, with a full Commentary by H. Buxton For- \ ‘ man. Portrat and facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. In cardboard boxes. Boston, 1911 Edition limited to 465 copies. 54. BIBLIOPHILE Society Pusiications. A collection of the Publications Sea of the Bibhophile Society, and 2 volumes by Henry H. Harper, a / _. as below described. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, half calf, half vellum and cloth. All (with one exception) in cardboard boxes. Boston, various dates CONTENTS : Peacock (THOMAS LovE). Letters to Edward Hookham and Percy B. Shelley. With fragments of Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited by Richard Garnett. Etched portrait by Bicknell. f Boston, 1910 Sh 1 Limited to 483 copies. (See following page. ) First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd [ No. 54—Continued | DICKENS (CHARLES). The Dickens-Kolle Letters. Edited by Harry B. Smith. Supplemental to the Letters from Charles Dickens to Maria Beadnell. With 2 etched portraits, both on Japanese vel- lum paper, by Bicknell, and facsimile of autograph letter by Dickens. Boston, 1910 Limited to 483 copies. : PAYNE (JOHN Howarp), and others. The Romance of Mary W. Shel- ley, John Howard Payne, and Washington Irving. With 2 etched portraits, both on Japanese vellum paper. Boston, 1907 Limited to 470 copies. ; HarrPerR (Henry H.) Book-Lovers, Bibliomaniacs and Book Clubs. With woodcuts. Boston, 1904 Issue privately printed at the Riverside Press. Autograph Presenta- tion Copy from the Author, with inscription. The above, and the fol- lowing item, while not Bibliophile Society Publications are placed with them, because the author, Henry H. Harper, as Treasurer of the Society, issued them for distribution amongst his friends, mainly of the Society. HarrPerR (HENkyY H.) Bob Hardwick. [New York] 1911 55. BrBuiopHIuist’s Lisrary (THE). Hach work with characteristic etch- ings by eminent etchers, all the etchings in 2 states, one a remarque proof. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers, recent PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. Limited and numbered issue. This set printed for H. E. Muhlenberg, M.D. A HANDSOME AND SINGULARLY ATTRACTIVE LIBRARY EDITION, EACH WORK PRINTED WITHOUT ABRIDGEMENT. CONTENTS: ! Boccaccio (GIOVANNI). The Decameron. Now first completely done way into English prose and verse, by John Payne. With etchings by Leopold Flameng.. 2 vols. MARGUERITE OF NAVARRE. The Heptameron. Now first completely done into English prose and verse, by Arthur Machen. With etchings by Leopold Flameng. 2 vols. MONTESQUIEU (CHARLES DE SECONDAT, BARON DE). ‘The Persian Let- ters. Now first completely translated into English, by John Davidson. With portrait and etchings by EH. Boilwin. 2 vols. ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). The Confessions of Rousseau. Now first completely done into English prose, by W. Conyngham Mal- lory. With etchings by Edmond Hedouin. 2 vols. RABELAIS (MASTER Francis). Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds, and Sayings of Garganius and his son Pantagruel. Trans- lated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter A. Mot- teux. With etchings by Emile Boilvin. 2 vols. VOLTAIRE (FRANCOIS MARIE AROUET DE). The Whole Prose Romances. Now first completely done into English, by William Walton. With etchings by Laguillermie and Thevenin. 38 vols. LE SAGE (ALAIN RENE). The History of Gil Blas of Santillana. Rendered into English, by Henri Van Laun. With etchings by - Adolph Lalauze. 3 vols. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). Don Quixote of La Mancha. Done into English, by Henry Edward Watts. With etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 4 vols. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 56. BrBLiopHILists Lisrary, comprising,—The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio, 2 vols.; The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, 2 vols.; The Heptameron of Marguerite d’Angouléme, 2 vols.; Master F Francis Rabelais, 2 vols.; The Persian Letters of Charles de Sec- A / ondat Montesquieu. With numerous fine etchings in two states. ps! Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie, undated Limited and numbered issue, printed throughout on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 57. BIOGRAPHIES AND JouRNALS. A collection of Library Editions of Stan- dard Works, as below detailed. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, original cloth (except “Life of Christ,” which is half calf), mainly uncut. Various places and dates CONTENTS : GREVILLE (CHARLES C. F.). A Journal of the Reign of Queen Vic- toria, from 1837 to 1852. First Epirion. 8 vols. London, 1885; also, A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV. and King 40 William IV. Third edition. 3 vols. London, 1875. ae rs TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lord). A Memoir, by his son. Jllustrated. 2° eA 7 vols. New York: Macmillan Company, 1897. FARRAR (FREDERICK W.). The Life of Christ. Jllustrated. 2 vols. Half calf. New York, 1874. BuLWeR (EpWArRD, Lorp Lytton). The Life, Letters and Literary ‘Remains. By his son. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1883. Du Barry (Mme.). Memoirs. Translated from the French by H. T. Riley. Htchings and photogravures. 2 vols. Limited issue. New York, recent 58. Brrps oF THE UNITED States. Wilson (Alexander) and Bonaparte (Prince Charles Lucian). American Ornithology; or, The Natural SO History of the Birds of the United States. The Illustrative Notes ae and Life of Wilson, by Sir Wilham Jardine. Wirth a large number 4 ee of plates (several figures on each), IN COLORS. 3 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. London, 1870 59: Brrps oF THE Worup. [Buffon (M. de).| Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. WITH UPWARDS OF ONE THOUSAND BRILLIANTLY COLORED rs PLATES. 10 vols. thick 4to, contemporary full calf, gilt, gilt edges. a Paris, de Imprimerie Royale, 1770-1786 FINE SET OF THIS MONUMENTAL WORK. Volume 10 contains a complete alphabetical list of the birds, about 150 pages, double columns. a> 60. BuakE (Witti1Am). Songs of Innocence and Experience, with other Poems. 1866, and Poetical Sketches. Now first reprinted from the Original Edition of 1783. Edited and prefaced by Richard Herne Shepherd. 1868. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, half crimson y levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, BY STIKEMAN. a London: Basil M. Pickering, 1866-1868 “The Poems of William Blake are here for the first time printed in their integrity.”—EXcERPT FROM PREFACE TO “SONGS OF INNOCENCE.” First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 61. Boccaccio, RABELAIS, Masuccio, ete. All alustrated. Together, 9 vols. royal 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, various dates A PARTICULARLY HANDSOME SERIES. All are limited library edition, long out of print and scarce. CONTENTS : Boccaccio (GIOVANNI). The Decameron. Translated by John Payne. Illustrated by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. Number 593 of 1,000 copies. RABELAIS (MASTER FRANCIS). Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua, etc. Translated by Peter A. Motteux and Sir Thomas Urquhart. Jllustrated by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. D Number 497 of 1,000 copies. " ; Masuccio. The Novellino of Masuccio. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Jllustrated by HE. R. Hughes. 2 vols. Number 256 of 1,000 copies. STRAPAROLA. The Nights of Straparola. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Jllustrated by H. R. Hughes.. 2 vols. Number 355 of 1,000 copies. ; Ser GiovANNI. The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Now first trans- lated into English by W. G. Waters. Jllustrated by HE. R. Hughes. Number 48 of 600 copies. 62. Books anp THEIR AutHors. A Collection of Standard Works, as below detailed. Together, 9 vols. thick 4to, and 8vo, various bindings. - Various places and dates IMPORTANT COLLECTION. CONTENTS : ALLIBONE (A. AusSTIN). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, {0 and British and American Authors, living and deceased. 3 vols. Py half crimson morocco, richly decorated gilt backs. Philadelphia, ~ 1877. eo Derspy (J. C.). Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and Publishers. Portrait. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER, one of 500 printed, each numbéred. New York, 1884. TaINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. 4 vols. original cloth. Edinburgh, 1873. SPENCE (JOSEPH). Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Portrait. Full ealf. London, 1820. 63. BoswELtut (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson, including A Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. To which are added, Anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Steevens, etc., and Notes /° by various hands. Engraved titles and frontispieces, after Stan- 4 Oa field etc. 10 vols. 12mo, newly bound in full green polished calf, % ate richly decorated gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside borders, gilt tops, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: John Murray and Henry G. Born, 1848 CHARMING SET IN A VERY ATTRACTIVE BINDING. 64. BrinKkLEy (Caprain F.). Oriental Series. Japan, its History, Arts and Literature, 8 vols.; China, its History, Arts and Literature. Most extensively illustrated with colored wiews, ceremonial court — - scenes, ancient costumes, pottery, etc. 12 vols. 8vo, full green mo- ; : ed d - ¥ 4 d , First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd { No. 64—Continued | rocco, sides and backs richly decorated, doublures and linings of native silk of many colors, mainly highly decorative, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and Tokyo: J. B. Millet Co. [1901-1902] VICEROY EDITION, LIMITED TO 50 NUMBERED AND REGISTERED SETS, THIS BEING NUMBER 15. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. EACH VOLUME CONTAINS AS FRONTISPIECE AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY A NATIVE ARTIST, ON SILK. MAGNIFICENT SET of one of the most comprehensive works on the history of the Arts of Japan and China, much of which is devoted to Pottery, Porcelain etc. 65. BririsH Porrs. The Writings of the British Poets. With Memoir of each poet. Portrait of each poet. Together, 129 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1864-1866 HANDSOME AND COMPLETE SET. The writings of each poet are bound in a different colored calf,—yellow, maroon, brown, green, purple, ete., with tooling on backs, also various designs. / , CONTENTS : b' Akenside; English and Scottish Ballads. Edited by Francis J. Child; Beattie; Burns; Butler; Byron; Campbell; Chatterton ; Churchill; Coleridge; Collins; Cowper; Donne; Dryden; Falconer; Gay; Goldsmith; Gray; Herbert; Herrick; Hood; Howard; Keats; Marvel; Milton; Montgomery ; Moore; Parnell; Pope; Prior; Scott; Shakespeare; Shelley; Skelton; Southey ; Spencer; Swift; Thomson; Vaughan; Watts; Wordsworth; Wyatt; Young. IT WILL BE SEEN THAT THE ABOVE COLLECTION CONTAINS THE WRITINGS OF POETS NOT INCLUDED IN THE ALDINE OR OTHER EDITIONS OF BRITISH POETS. 66. BririsH Porrs. Gilfillan (George). The Writings of the British Poets. With Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes by Rev. George Gilfillan. 48 vols. 8vo, half polished yellow calf, gilt, gilt tops, several volumes very slightly rubbed, BY LARKINS. Edinburgh, 1852, ete. / HANDSOME SET. CONTENTS: Lee Burns; Chaucer; Cowper; Bowles; Goldsmith; Collins; Spenser ; Dryden; Wyatt; Butler; Milton; Shakespeare, and many others, including the lesser known poets, some of which are incorporated in this edition and no other. 67. Brownine (ExnizapetH Barrerr). The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Portraits and illustrations). 6 vols. 12mo, newly and attractively bound in full dark red polished calf, backs / richly decorated in gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, By ZAEHNS- DORF. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1890 This edition contains for the first time, a four-page Prefatory Note, by Robert Browning, correcting errors regarding the Browning family, then prevalent. Y— First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 68. Brownina (Ropert). The Complete Writings of Robert Browning. Edited by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. With portraits, views, etc., IN TWO STATES, on Japanese vellum paper and India paper. 12 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, backs and sides with rich gold tooled, doublures of pale-blue levant, with large gold tooled onlaid ornament in centre of each panel, maroon watered silk linings, gilt tops, uncut. New York: George D. Sproul, 1899 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE CONNOISSEURS’ EDITION, NUMBER 19 of 45 PRINTED, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE PUBLISHER, CHARLOTTE PORTER AND HELEN A. CLARK. Bookplate of George P. Pope in each volume. COMPLETE EDITION of the works of Browning, from the. poet’s own Pack revised text. Fully annotated throughout, the notes being fuller and ees more complete than in any previous edition, the main idea being to con- ) sult Browning’s own sources, to correct existing errors, and to supplement deficiencies. To complete the value of the edition, an Index of First Lines, Biography, and other useful material have been added. PARTIAL CONTENTS: : Pauline; Paracelsus; Pippa Passes; King Victor and King Charles; Parleyings with certain People; Ferishtah’s Fancies; Asolando; The Ring and the Book; Balaustion’s Adventures; Dramatic Idyls; Aristophanes Apology; Stafford; Sordello; Men and Women, and others. ; 69. Bryant (WILLIAM CULLEN). Poems. 12mo, original printed boards, uncut, within a cloth case, with inner protecting cloth cover. 3 ig Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1821 x First EDITION OF THE AUTHOR’S FIRST VOLUME OF VERSE, AND A REMARK- * ABLY FINE Copy, being almost as fresh as new. It includes,—“Thanatopsis,” “Green River,’ ‘To a Waterfowl,” and other poems. ; 0. [BuckincHAmM (GeEorGE ViLiIERS, DuKE or).| The Rehearsal, As it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal. First Eprrion. Small 4to, half : calf, gilt lettering up back. ‘Title-page, 1 leaf; Prologue, 1 leaf; a ae Epilogue, 1 leaf. London, 16%2 The play was written in 1668-64, and had been several times rehearsed before the Plague in 1665, but was stopped by that calamity. 71. Butt FicuHtine in Sparn. A series of 15 FINELY COLORED PLATES (the f) impressions unusually bright), by J. H. Clark. Small folio, half iS straight-grained crimson morocco, gilt, gilt top. With specially printed title-page. London: Published by Edward Orme, 1813 of A very attractive series of color plates. J <= 92. Butwer (Epwarp, Lorp Lyrron). The Novels and Romances of Bul- yy : wer. With wlustrations. 40 vols. 12mo, three-quarter dark-green levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. New York: J. F. Taylor and Co., 1896-1898 JO AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET. Limited to 1250 copies, this being >/ Number 156. cae Boy, PARTIAL CONTENTS : % My Novel; What will he do with it?; Pelham; The Disowned ; The Caxtons; Paul Clifford ; Lucretia; Godolphin; Eugene Aram ; Ernest Maltravers; Alice; Night and Morning, and others. — se oa. f First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 73. BuLwer (Epwarp, Lorp Lyrron). The Novels and Romances of Bul- wer. Wath illustrations. 40 vols. 12mo, half dark-green morocco, rich gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly discolored. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1892-1898 LIBRARY EDITION. Complete set of the author’s Novels and Romances. PARTIAL CONTENTS : ee 4 The Caxtons, 2 vols.; Pelham, 2 vols.; Disowned, 2 vols. ; Bas: aS: Paul Clifford, 2 vols.; Night and Morning, 2 vols. ; Kenelm Chillingly, 2 vols.; The Parisians, 2 vols. ; A Strange Story, 2 vols.; Rienzi, 2 vols. ; Harold, 2 vols.; Last of the Barons, 2 vols. ; My Novel, 4 vols.; What will he Do With It? 2 vols., ete. 74. Butwer (Epwarp, Lorp Lyrron). The Novels and Romances of Bul- wer. With photogravures. 24 vols. 8vo, blue buckram, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. New York: EH. B. Hall, undated 6 BUCKNER LIBRARY EDITION. 5 : CONTENTS : Rienzi; A Strange Story; Paul Clifford ; Harold; Pelham; The Last of the Barons; What will he do with it?; Alice; Ernest Maltravers, and others. +/ . 75. BurkKE (Epmunp). ‘The Works and Correspondence of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt, marbled edges, PROBABLY BY TOUT. ag London: Francis and John Rivington, 1852 tS NY HANDSOME SET of the Best Library Edition of Burke. Includes, for the first time, his Correspondence between 1744 and 1797. 76. Burnet (BisHop). History of the Reformation of the Church of Eng- land. LHmbellished with 22 portraits and frontispiece. 6 vols. Lon- don; Printed by J. F. Dove, 1820; [Auso]| History of His Own os Time, from the Restoration of King Charles II. to the conclusion 5 : of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht. 4 vols. London: Printed for J. Nunn, 1818. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half black polished calf, gilt backs. London, 1820-1818 77. [Burney (Frances—Madame D’Arblay).| Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth. By the Author of Evelina and Cecilia. First Epirion. 5 vlna vols. 12mo, contemporary tree calf, gilt, joints of one volume re- cD paired. : London: Printed for T. Payne, 1796 78. Burns (Ropert). The Works of Robert Burns. With his Life, by Allan Cunningham. With engraved title and frontispiece in each volume. ve _ 8 vols. 12mo, newly bound in full polished yellow calf, rich gold- >/ — tooled backs, gilt sides, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. . London, 1834 A VERY HANDSOME SET OF THE ORIGINAL CUNNINGHAM EDITION. + \ "9. Burton’s ARABIAN Nicuts. Oricginau Issuz. Burton (Richard F.). A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Night’s Entertain- 4 ments, now entitled the Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night. 4 * fe Sh / £ , \ 4 Biker’ ; First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 4 [| No. 79—Continued | With Introduction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Cus- toms of Moslem Men, and a Terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights. 10 vols.; [Atso|—The Supplemental Night. 6 vols. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. Benares [1885-1888 | RARE ORIGINAL EpitTion, printed by the Kamashastra Society, for Private Subscribers only. The Genuine issue of this first and complete — translation into English, from the originals of these famous tales. This , is the most plain and literal translation in the English language, and a is accompanied by Anthropological Notes of the most strange and private 4 nature, which show the translator’s intimate knowledge of the Private a Life of Eastern Society. 80. Burtron’s ARABIAN NicHts. Burton (Richard F.). A Plain and 9 Literal Translation of the Arabian Night’s Entertainments, now en- | titled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With Intro- 3 duction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem : Men, and a Terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights. Wath numerous illustrations, including the series by Letchford, SOME OF WHICH ARE IN coLoR, all on Japanese vellum paper. 16 vols. royal 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate } border of Eastern design on the covers of each volume (both obverse =—=s_— and reverse), executed in gold pointellé and blind tooling, backs : to match, doublures of dark red levant, with outer lines and corner floral ornaments, red watered silk linings, gilt tops, uncut. q [Benares 1885-1888.] |Denver, Colorado’ re-issue | MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE DENVER VERBATIM RE-ISSUE OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION WHICH WAS PRINTED BY THE KAMASHASTRA SOCIETY, FOR PRIVATE : SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. ‘THE NUMBER OF COPIES OF THIS RE-ISSUE BEING SMALL, Pee: THE ENTIRE EDITION WAS RAPIDLY EXHAUSTED. y * O23 et a et i i . 81. Byron (GEORGE GorDoN, Lord). English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers: 4 A Satire. 8vo, three-quarter dark brown crushed levant morocco, 4 gilt back, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. London: James Cawthorne, 1810 Fourth Edition, and probably LARGE PAPER; containing the famous Preface to the Third Edition: “ . .. But I am not to be terrified by abuse, or bullied by reviewers, with or without arms.” \ 3 i . » PS eee, a ey, 82. Byron (GEORGE GorDON, Lorp). The Bride of Abydos. A Turkish Tale. First Epirion. 8vo, three-quarter red straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt top, edges scraped. London: Printed by T. Davison, 1813 83. Byron (GrorGE Gorpon, Lorp). The Works of Lord Byron: with his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by Thomas Moore. Engraved title and frontispiece in each volume. 17% vols. 12mo, newly bound in half mottled Spanish polished calf, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: John Murray, 1832-1833 EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET OF THE FIRST COMPLETE COLLECTED EDITION, containing several pieces here first printed: First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 84. Byron (GEORGE Gorpon, Lord). The Writings of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by Thomas Moore. Edited and with an Introduction by Richard Henry Stoddard. TJllustra- tions on Japan vellum paper, some in color, also facsimiles, etc. 16 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Francis A. Niccolls & Co., 1900 EpiTIon DE GRAND Luxe. Number 73 of 250 sets printed, each num- bered. PARTIAL CONTENTS: Hours of Idleness; English Bards; Manfred ; Heaven and Earth; Age of Bronze; Cain; Don Juan; Leters and Journals, ete. 85. CamBripGE Cuassios. With a large number of illustrations mainly on Japanese vellum paper, the frontismeces in two states, one colored, the other on India paper. ‘Together, 20 vols. imperial 8vo, three- quarter olive-green crushed levant morocco, backs richly gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1905-1906 Complet Set of the Large Paper Edition. No. 358 of 600 printed. Beautifully printed with large type. Generally considered to be the best editions of these classics. CONTENTS: The Iliad of Homer. Translated into Blank Verse, by William Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. The Odyssey of Homer. Translated into Blank Verse, by William ~Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. The Atneid of Virgil. Translated into English by Christopher Pearse Cranch. 2 vols. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wads- worth Longfellow. 6 vols. Faust: A Tragedy. By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Translated by Bayard Taylor. 86. CARICATURES IN Cotor. A collection of 22 Caricatures, by Robert Cruik- shank, Wilham Heath, Alfred Crowquill, and others, all of which relate to the extreme fashions which prevailed during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Bound in one volume, oblong Ato, half red levant morocco, BY RIVIERE. London, 1824, ete. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND VERY RARE COLLECTION. Includes,—‘Monstro- sities of 1827,” by Robert Cruikshank; ‘“Monstrosities of 1827 & 1828,” by A. Crowquill; “The Park, 1830,” by William Heath, AN EXTREMELY RARE PLATE; and others. Although differing in size, all are hinged and bound so as to be pre- served in the one volume. 87. CarLyLE (THomAS). The Writings of Thomas Carlyle. [With Biog- raphy by Froude.] Numerous portraits, including many facsimiles of rare and early engravings, maps, etc. Together, 38 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in full tree calf, richly decorated backs, corner ornaments on sides, inside borders, gilt tops, PROBABLY BY MANSELL. London: Chapman and Hall, undated, and London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1882-1884 A BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE UNDATED, LARGE TYPE LIBRARY EDITION WITH First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd [ No. 87—Continued | : | THE First EDITION OF FROUDE’S LIFE, AND THE SECOND EDITION OF HIS LIFE IN LONDON, UNIFORMLY BOUND. CONTENTS: Sartor Resartus; The History of the French Revolution ; Life of Schiller; Essays; Lectures on Heroes; Past & Present; Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches; Latter-Day Pamphlets ; History of Frederick the Great; Wilhelm Meister, ete. FRoupE (JAMES ANTHONY). Thomas Carlyle. A History of the First Forty Years of his Life, 1795-1835. With portraits and etchings. First Epition. 2 vols. London, 1882. FRouDE (JAMES ANTHONY). Thomas Carlyle. A History of his Life in London, 1884-1884. With portrait on steel. Second Hdition. 2 vols. London, 1885. La 88. CarLYLE (THOMAS). The Writings of Carlyle. With tlustrations, some on India paper, maps, etc. 20 vols. large 8vo, three-quarter sage- green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. | Boston: Dana Estes and C. E. Lauriat, 1884 EpiTtion DE Luxe. Limited to 315 copies, each numbered, this being Number 232. Handsome set. CONTENTS: History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great; Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches; The French Revolution ; John Sterling; Latter-Day Pamphlets; Sartor Resartus;-. Heroes and Hero-Worship; Past and Present; Miscellanies, and others. 89. Carpets. Plates in Color. Eastern Carpets. Twelve (twenty-four) early Examples. With descriptive Notices by Vincent J. Robinson and Prefaces by Sir George Birdwood. A series of 24 full-page plates, FINELY PRINTED IN cCoLouRS from water-colour drawings by HE. Julia Robinson. BOTH SERIES COMPLETE. 2 vols. large folio, cloth portfolio and cloth, uncut. London: Henry Sotheran and Bernard Quaritch, 1882-1893 Only a small number of this important work were printed. Seldom appears for sale in perfect state, as above. 90. Cremens (Samuet L.). The Writings of Clemens. Portraits of the author, taken at different periods of his life, and ulustrations. 22 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, several backs slightly faded. Hartford, Conn.; The American Publishing Company, 1901 UNDERWOOD EDITION. With facsimilies of the author’s statement read- ing: “This is the authorized Uniform Edition of all my books. Mark Twain,” in each volume. CONTENTS : The Innocents Abroad; A Tramp Abroad; Following the Equator ; Roughing It; Life on the Mississippi; The Gilded Age; Joan of Arc; Tom Sawyer; Huckleberry Finn; The American Claimant, and others. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 91. CotorED Copy or Burier’s Hupipras. Butler (Samuel). Hudibras, a Poem. With Historical, Biographical, and Explanatory Notes, selected from Grey & other Authors, to which are prefixed a Life of the Author. Hmbellished with 12 FINELY COLORED PLATES, BY I. CuarK. 2 vols. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt backs, sides and tops, gilt edges. London: Printed for Akerman, 1822 A VERY CHOICE COPY OF THIS FINELY ILLUSTRATED EDITION. The plates are all brilliant impressions. 92. CoLtoreD Copy or “Gin Bras.” Le Sacre (AtAIn René). The Adven- tures of Gil Blas of Santillana. Newly translated from the French. ’ By Martin Smart. Lmbellashed with 100 fine copper-plate engrav- ings, COLORED BY HAND at a later date. 4 vols. 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, inside and outside borders, gilt tops, By RIVIERE. London, 1807 93. CoLORED DELINEATIONS oF Swiss SceNERY. Picturesque Tour through the Oberland in the Canton of Berne, in Switzerland. Illustrated by seventeen COLOURED ENGRAVINGS, and a map showing the prin- cipal mountains and glaciers. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter dark brown morocco, fully gilt back, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UNCUT. London: R. Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, 1823 Fine copy of the original issue of this beautiful volume. The views in- clude,—Berne, Interlacken, Castle of Brientz, Castle of Rinkenberg, Jung- frau, and others of equal interest. 94. CoLoRED DELINEATIONS OF WELSH ScENERY. Havell (D.) and Comp- ton (Thomas). The Northern Cambrian Mountains; or, a Tour through North Wales, describing the scenery and general character of that romantic country. Hmbellished with a series of [30] HIGHLY FINISHED COLOURED VIEWS, engraved from original drawings by Thomas Compton by D. Havell. Oblong 4to, COMPLETE IN THE ORIGINAL 10 PRINTED WRAPPERS, uncut. Enclosed in cloth case, lettered. London: Printed for the Author, by Corrall, 1817 A BEAUTIFUL WORK, RARE IN ANY CONDITION, BUT OF THE GREATEST RARITY IN THE ABOVE REMARKABLE STATE. The plates are brilliant impressions, and rank among some of the finest English work of the period. Includes plates of The Vale of Llangollen, Aberconwy, Snowdon from Capel Curig, Bangor, Llanberis Lake, Beddgelert, Harlech Castle, Cader Idris, and many others. 95. CotorED-PLATE Boox. The Martial Achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies, from 1799 to 1815. Engraved title with colored vignette, colored frontispiece having title to series on face of rock, Arms of the Duke of Wellington in colors, and 53 FULL-PAGE FINELY COLORED AQUATINT PLATES. Royal 4to, contemporary half red morocco, em- blematically tooled back, oilt top, edges scraped, PRACTICALLY UNCUT. London: Printed for J. Jenkins, by L. Harrison [1815] AN EXCEPTIONALLY TALL AND CLEAN COPY OF THIS IMPORTANT COLORED- PLATE BOOK. The fifty-two COLORED AQUATINT PLATES are engraved by Sutherland and Dubourg, after paintings by W. Heath, and depict the more famous bat- First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd [| No. 95—Continued | tles in which Great Britain was engaged; included are views of the battles of,—Badajos, Maida, Storming of St. Sebastian, Quatre Bras, Waterloo, Leipsic, and others. Many of the plates contain portraits of eminent soldiers, including Wellington and his staff, Sir John Moore, Sir Thos. Picton, and others. A companion book to “The Naval Achievements of Great Britain.” [No. 98] 96. CoLorED-PLatE Boox. An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, during the years 1812, 1813, 1814 and 1815. Comprising a series of 20 views of Paris, Moscow, the Kremlin, Dresden, Berlin, the Battles of Leipsic, etc. ALL FINELY COLORED. Large folio, old half leather, binding broken. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1815 97. CoLorED-PLaTE Boox. [Thornton (Alfred).] The Adventures of a : Post Captain. By a Naval Officer. Wath the complete series of 24 plates in color (including the colored title), by Wilhams. Royal Svo, full dark-blue crushed levant morocco, back richly decorated, gold lines on sides, broad dentelle inside~borders, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. London: J. Johnson [1817] First EDITION, AND A LARGE AND FINE COPY, ALMOST UNCUT. One of the most attractive of the several books of this class, issued during the early part of the XIXth century. Contains the leaf, on the reverse of which is the “Guide to the Binder, with respect to the plates,” frequently missing. ‘ he beat ia Scut Pa eee RA te Se ee ee eee ee es 1 98. CoLorED-PLATE Boox. The Naval Achievements of Great Britain, from the Year 1793 to 1817. Hngraved title, and 55 FULL-PAGE FINELY COLORED AQUATINT PLATES. Royal 4to, newly bound in three-quarter claret crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt back, gilt top. London: Printed for Jenkins, by L. Harrison [1818] CLEAN AND EXCEPTIONALLY TALL COPY OF THIS IMPORTANT COLORED-PLATE BOOK. The fifty-five FINELY COLORED AQUATINT PLATES throughout the yolume, graphically portraying the more important naval engagements of Great Britain, since the American Revolution, are from drawing by T. White- combe. Of the engravings, 46 are by T. Sutherland, three by J. Jeakes, and six by J. Bailey. The plates are all BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED. They depict for the most part incidents in the war with France, in which French Squadrons were defeated ; or, engagements between single vessels of war in which the British were victorious. Two OF THE PLATES ARE OF ESPECIAL INTEREST AS RELATING TO THE» WAR WITH AMERICA IN 1812, they are.—“‘Capture of the Chesapeake by the Shannon, June 1, 1818,” and “Capture of the Argus by the Pelican, August 18, 1815.” AN ADMIRABLE COMPANION VOLUME TO “The Martial Achievements of Great Britain.” [No. 95] ee > ae Z ee a ee ee ee ee ee Cae oe Oey ~ ¥ -/ i oe a a ee ee : ve 2 a ae 5 i el oe ah ald ee a a er ee Sy eee! 99. CoLorED-PLATE Book. Victories of the Duke of Wellington, from draw- ings by R.(ichard) Westall. A series of 12 BEAUTIFULLY COLORED ACUATINTS, engraved by T. Fielding, after Richard Westall. With First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd | No. 99—Continued | descriptive letterpress. First Epirion. Royal 4to, morocco back and boards, uncut. London: Rodwell and Martin, 1819 AN EXTREMELY RARE WORK. The plates are brilliant in impression, and illustrate Vimiera, Oporto, Talavera, Busaco, Badajoz, Waterloo, and other places. 100. CotorED-PLatE Book. Sams (William). Tour of Paris. Engraved title, in COLORS, and 21 FINE AND SPIRITED PLATES IN COLORS, illus- trating Parisian life just after the fall of Napoleon. With descrip- tive letterpress. Small folio, half green morocco. London: Published by William Sams [1824] UNUSUALLY LARGE AND FINE COPY, THE PLATES BRILLIANT IN COLORING, Of one of the Rarest of Colored-Plate Books of the period procurable in desirable state. It illustrates——The Royal Family on the Terrace of the Tuilleries ; Ecclesiastical Procession; National Guard Revelling; The Charcoal Porters; The Meridian of the Palais Royal; The Flower ‘Mar- ket; The Morgue; A Street Juggler; Military Degradation : Itinerants on the Boulevards; Parisian Street Characters; The Chamber of Depu- ties; The Catacombs; Porters and Fisherwomen revelling; Reading Pub- lic Prints in the Garden of the Tuilleries; Swimming School; Office of Nurses ; Dancers on Stilts; The Blind Man of the Bridge of Arts; Noitures of Versailles; Distribution of Wine on the Morning of St. Louis. Six- teen of the plates are dated, 1822, the others, 1824. 101. CoLorED-PLATE Boox. The Spouter’s Companion: containing Favourite Recitations, Comic and Serious: partly original, and partly selected from the best Authors. Embellished with 12 colored engravings. 12mo, half morocco, edges scraped. London, circa 1825 First, and probably only edition of an interesting and uncommon vol- ume. The plates are signed “W. H.,” probably. William Heath, as they are somewhat in his manner, and “T. A.,” presumably T. Atkinson; while some are without signatures. 102. CotorEp-PLATE Book. Forrest (Lieutenant-Colonel). A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India. With illus- trations, historical and descriptive. With a series of 24 highly finished and coloured views, a map, and vignettes, from original drawings made on the spot. Royal 4to, three-quarter crimson mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY MORRELL. London: R. Ackermann, July 1, 1834 ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THE SEVERAL BOOKS CF ORIENTAL SCEN- ERY. THE PLATES UNUSUALLY RICH AND CLEAR. 103. Cotorep-PLatE Boox. Terry (George W.). The Alphabet Annotated for Youth and Adults in Doggerel Verse. By An Old Etonian. Illustrated and etched by G. W. Terry. Frrsr (and probably only) Epitron. Royal 4to, or1GINAL BOARDS, enclosed in cloth lettered » portfolio. London: Ackermann & Co., circa 1840 REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME. LPHach page is printed within an elaborate ornamental border, containing a large number of views, humorous scenes, all of which are finely colored. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 104. CotorEp-PLATE Boox. Sleeman (Lieutenant-Colonel W. H.). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. With plates am color, of the dress, buildings, fauna, etc., of the country. First Eprrion. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half light green levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, BY STIKEMAN. London, 1844 Fine Copy of an uncommon work. Includes chapters on Hindoo mar- riages, Marriage of trees, Witchcraft, Legends, ete. 105. [Compe (WiL~1am—Author of the “Syntax Tours”).] The Wars of Wellington. A Narrative Poem; in Fifteen Cantos. Hmbellished with six engravings, coloured from the original paintings. By Dr. Syntax. First Eprrion. Large 4to, three-quarter dark brown crushed levant morocco, emblematically tooled back, gilt top. London: Printed for, and published by, W. T. Gilling, 1821 A REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF A VERY SCARCE VOLUME. ‘The plates are by William Heath, and are all brilliant in coloring. Although the title-page says “with siv engravings,” copies are known containing more than this number. Why copies vary in the number of their plates has not apparently been satisfactorily explained. 106. ConcrEvE (WituIAmM). Love for Love, a Comedy. Second Edition; The Mourning Bride, a Tragedy. Second Edition (With the leaf — of Epilogue, at end). Together, 2 vols. small 4to, half new calf. London, 1695-1697 10%. [Cooper (JAMES FrentmMorE).| The Pathfinder: or, The Inland Sea. First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, original backs, with paper labels preserved, BY STIKEMAN. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1840 108. Cooper (JAMES FENIMORE). The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper. With a large number of beautiful steel plates, after designs by F. O. C.. Darley. COMPLETE SET. 32 vols. 12mo, original cloth, all but 2 volumes,—“The Headsman” and “The Last of the Mo- hicans,’ which are poor copies, in good condition. New York: W. A. Townsend & Co., 1859-1861 FIRST ISSUES THROUGHOUT, COMPLETE SETS OF WHICH ARE NOW DIFFICULT TO PROCURE. , CONTENTS : The Spy; The Headsman; Jack Tier; The Deerslayer ; Lionel Lincoln; Wyandotte; Oak Openings; Afloat and Ashore; The Water-Witch; The Crater, and others. 109. Cooper (J. FENtMoRE). ‘The Writings of Cooper. With numerous steel engravings, after the originals by F. O. C. Darley. 31 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton, 1901 IDEAL EDITION. Limited and numbered. With Editorial Introductions by Paul Leicester Ford, Edward Everett Hale, and Captain Alfred T. Mahan. ; CONTENTS: The Bravo; The Prairie; The Water-Witch; Wing-and-Wing; The Crater; The Ways of the Hour; The Deerslayer ; Miles Wallingford; The Two Admirals, and others. First Session, Monday Evening, December 3rd 110. Costume PuatEs In Conor. A series of 69 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER COLORS and pen-and-ink (mainly the former), each subject named, of the Inhabitants of the Levant, probably executed at the end of the eighteenth or the beginning of the nineteenth century. By a native artist, unsigned. Each drawing mounted on brown cartridge paper, the whole bound in a royal 4to volume of contem- porary russia, richly decorated in gilt, gilt edges. Late XVIII. or early XI Xth century Illustrating the dress of both male and female inhabitants. 111. Costume Puates in Conor. A series of 70 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER COLORS, each varnished and each subject named, of the In- habitants of the Levant, probably at the end of the eighteenth or early part of the nineteenth century. By a native artist, unsigned. Each drawing mounted on cartridge paper, the whole bound in a royal 4to volume of contemporary - russia, richly decorated in gilt, gilt edges. Late XVII. or early XIXth century Illustrating the dress of both male and female inhabitants. 112. CostumE PLATES IN Cotor. PLATES OF THE SPANISH DANCE. Passo. de las Signidillas Boleras. Egypt; Mesopotamia ; Asia Minor ; Greece to the Peloponnesian War; Greece to the Norman Conquest ; The Roman Republic; The Early Roman Empire; The Later Roman Empire; Arabs; The Crusades; Italy ; England, 1485-1791; British Colonies; The United States ; Spanish America; Index, etc. 290. Hisrorto AND Secret Court Memorrs. With portraits and illustra- tions, on Japan vellum paper. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris and Boston: The Grolier Society, undated Epition De Luxe. Limited and numbered issue. CONTENTS: Secret Memoirs of the Court of the Empress Josephine. By Madame Duerest. 3 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Berlin: By Count Mirabeau. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XIV, XV, and XVI. 3 vols. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th [ No. 290—Continued | Memoirs of Catherine II.. and the Court of St. Petersburg. By One of her Courtiers. Memoirs of the Courts of Sweden and Denmark, during the Reigns of Christian VII. of Denmark and Gustavus III. and IV. of Sweden. 2 vols. Memoirs of Madame la Marquise de Montespan. By herself. 2 vols. Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz. Memoirs of Henry IV. Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette. By Madame Campan. 2 vols. Memoirs of Marquerite de Valois. By herself. 291. Histories oF Inpr1A anD Eaypr. Jackson (A. V. Williams,—Editor). History of India. 9 vols.; Rappoport (S.). History of Egypt, from B.C. to the Present Time. 3 vols.: Maspero (G.). History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria. 9 vols. The whole containing OVER TWO THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS,—MANY IN THREE STATES, ON INDIA PAPER, ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, AND IN coors. ‘Together, 21 vols. royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, with centre ornaments in each panel (both obverse and reverse), inlaid with elephant’s heads and tusks of ivory levant or cream, green and blue levant, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society |[1906-1904-1903 | EDITION DEFINITIVE, EACH WORK PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, AND LIMITED TO FIFTY SETS FOR ENGLAND AND AMERICA. THIS IS THE * COPY, PROBABLY THE FIRST COPY FROM THE PRESS. A MAGNIFICENT SET OF VOLUMES, AUTHORITATIVE, IN EACH CASE, AS TO TEXT, AND IN A BINDING WORTHY OF THEIR CONTENTS. PWACH PERIOD OF THE HISTORY OF INDIA IS WRITTEN BY AN AUTHORITY ON THAT PARTICULAR PERIOD. ' CONTENTS: Dutt (ROMESH CHUNDER). History of India, from the earliest times to the Sixth Century, B.C. SmitH (VINCENT A.). History of India, from the Sixth Century B.C. to the Mohammedan Conquest, including the Invasion of Alexander the Great. LANE-PooLE (STANLEY). History of India. Medieval India from the Mohammedan Conquest to the Reign of Akbar the Great, and to the Fall of the Mogul Empire. ELLioT (Str Henry Miers). History of India. The Mohammedan _ period as described by its own Historians. Hunter (Sirk WILLIAM Witson). History of India, from the first European Settlements to the founding of the English East India Company, and The European Struggle for Indian Supremacy in the Seventeenth Century. LyALL (Sir ALFRED Comyn). History of India, from the close of the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time. Jackson (A. V. WiiiiAMs). History of India. Historic Accounts of India by foreign Travellers, Classic, Oriental, and Occidental. Raproport (S.). History of Egypt, from 330 B.C. to the Present Time. 3 vols. Masprero (G.). History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria. 9 vols. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 292. History ror Reapy REFERENCE, from the best Historians, Biographers, and Specialists. By J. N. Larned. With numerous historical maps, from original studies and drawings, by Alan C. Reiley. 9 vols. thick royal 8vo, maroon buckram, paper labels. Springfield, Mass., 1895 293. Hor Cottxcrion. Illustrated Catalogue De Luxe of the very Valuable Art Property collected by the late Robert Hoe. Nwmerous wlustra- tions, many full-page. Thick royal 4to, wrappers, uncut. New York: American Art Association, 1911 Subscriber’s copy, one of an edition of 275 copies. 294, HoLBEIN (JEAN). (Huvre de Jean Holbein ou Recueil de Gravures Waprés ses plus beaux ouvrages, accompagnés d’explications his- toriques et critiques et de la vie de ce fameux peintre, par Chrétien de Méchel. With the complete series of 45 plates. Folio, full con- temporary russia, gilt coat-of-arms on sides. a Basle chez auteur, 1780 (-1790) A BEAUTIFUL copy, with rich impressions of the plates. Contains,— The Dance of Death; The Passion; Swiss Costumes, and portraits of Holbein and his wife, Erasmus, and others. 295. Honpein (Hans). Facsimiles of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein, in the collection of his majesty, for the portraits of illustrious per- sons of the Court of Henry VIII. Engraved by Francis Bartolozzi. With biographical notices by Edmund Lodge. Folio, half red mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Reproduced from the original plates, 1884 296. Hotmes (OLIveR WENDELL). The Writings and Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Illustrated with portraits and photogravures, on India paper. 15 vols. 8vo, three-quarter bright red levant morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. 7 Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. [Recent] ARTISTS’ EDITION. Limited to 750 sets, each numbered, this being Num- ber 717. BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED THROUGHOUT, AND GENERALLY CONCEDED TO BE THE FINEST EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF HOLMES. CONTENTS : Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Poet at the Breakfast Table ; Professor at the Breakfast Table; Over the Tea-Cups ; Elsie Venner; The Guardian Angel; A Mortal Antipathy ; Pages from an Old Volume of Life; Medical Hssays ; Our Hundred Days in Europe; Emerson, and Motley ; Poetical Works; Life and letters of Holmes, by J. T. Morse, Jr., 2 vols. 297, Hoppner (JoHN,—R.A.). [Biographical Account, Catalogue Raisonné of his Works, Lists of Exhibits at the Academy, Lists of Hoppner sales, 1810 and 1823, etc.] By William McKay and William*Roberts. With a large number of full-page facsimiles, many on India paper. Thick folio, blue buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., 1909 The standard account of the great English painter. The frontispiece,— portrait of the Countess Waldegrave, in the collection of Sir William Van Horne, Montreal,—ts IN COLORS. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 298. Hupparp (Eipert). The Writings of Elbert Hubbard [comprising a collection of “Little Journeys” to the Homes of Great Statesmen, Authors, Musicians and Artists]. Illustrated with numerous por- traits on Japanese vellum paper, and large decorative colored initial letters. 9 vols. (complete set is 19 vols.) imperial 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Kast Aurora: The Roycroft Shop [1908-1910] AUTHOR’S EDITION, LIMITED AND NUMBERED ISSUE, EACH VOLUME AUTO- GRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR. The most sumptuous of the Roycroft publications. CONTENTS : “Little Journeys” to the Homes of George Eliot; Carlyle; Hugo; Thackeray; Michael Angelo; Rembrandt; Titian; Millet; Chopin; Bach; Liszt; Morris; Browning; Tennyson; Gainsborough; Corot; Whistler, and many others. 299. Huao (Victor). The Writings of Hugo. Translated from the French, by A. Baillot and others. With numerous illustrations, ALL IN TWO STATES, SOME IN COLOR. 30 vols. 8vo, full red levant morocco, in the corners of both sides a large artistic ornament in gold, in the eentre of both sides a fleur-de-lis inlaid with cream colored levant, backs with inlaid fleur-de-lis of cream colored levant, doublures of rich brown levant, with fleur-de-lis in each corner of both covers, within an ornate border of gold tooling, brown watered silk linings, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Dana Estes & Company, undated, but recent EDITION MAGNIFIQUE, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, AND LIMITED TO 26 SETS, EACH NUMBERED, THIS BEING NUMBER 10. SUPERB SET. CONTENTS : William Shakespeare; Notre Dame of Paris; The Toilers of the Sea; History of a Crime; Napoleon the Little; Ninety-Three; Essays; Les Miserables; Things Seen; Dramas; Hans of Iceland; Poems; The Rhine; The Man Who Laughs; Last Days of a Condemned, and Life of Victor Hugo, by Alfred Barbou. 300. Hueo (Victor). Les Misérables. With illustrations from designs by De Neuville, Bayard, and others. 5 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1887 A finely printed illustrated edition of Hugo’s masterpiece. 301. Hueco (Victor). The Writings of Hugo. With frontispieces. 12 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1892 CONTENTS : Toilers of the Sea; Les Miserables; Notre Dame; The Man Who Laughs; Ninety Three. 302. InseN (Henrik). The Writings of Henrik Ibsen. [With a Biography of Ibsen, by Edmund Gosse.| With portraits and illustrations on Japanese vellum paper, facsimiles, and other illustrations. 16 Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th [ No. 802—Continued | vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, the backs richly gold- tooled, cloth sides, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. New York: Charles Seribner’s Sons, 1911-1912 THE FINELY PRODUCED VIKING EDITION. PRINTED ON RUISDAEL HAND- MADE PAPER, AND LIMITED TO 256 NUMBERED SETS, THIS SET BEING NUMBER 36. GENERALLY CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST UNIFORM LIBRARY EDITION OF IBsEN. NOW OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. CONTENTS: The League of Youth; Pillars of Society; When We Dead Awaken; John Gabriel Borkman; From Ibsen’s Workship; The Wild Duck; An Enemy of the People; Rosmersholm; The Lady from the Sea; Hedda Gabler; The Master Builder; Brand; Peer Gynt; A Doll’s House; Ghosts; Lady Inger; The Feast of Solhoug; Love’s Comedy ; The Vikings at Helgeland ; The Pretenders ; Emperors and Galilean; Littlh Eyolf; Life of Ibsen, by Edmund Gosse. 303. Inzustraren aNp Art Booxs. A collection of Illustrated and Art Books, as below detailed. ‘Together, 19 vols. royal 8vo, 8vo, and 12mo. Various bindings. Various places and dates IMPORTANT COLLECTION. CONTENTS: PARTON (JAMES). Caricature and other Comic Art. Cloth. New York, 1877. KuGuLer (Dr.). The Schools of Painting in Italy. 2 vols. Full pol- ished calf, gilt. London: John Murray, 1851. : JENNINGS (RospertT). The Landscape Annual. 4 vols. Full morocco. London, 1835-18388. SaLon Illustre de 1879. Half crimson morocco. Paris, 1879. WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER). Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. Full contemporary morocco, gilt extra. London, 1853. Morse (Epwarp S8.). Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. Cloth. Boston, 1886. BLAKE (WILLLIAM P.—editor). Reports of the U. 8S. Commissioners - to the Paris Exposition, 1867. 6 vols. Washington, 1870. Cook (CLARENCE). The House Beautiful. Cloth. New York, 1878. GALLERY (A) of famous English and American Poets. Full morocco. Philadelphia, 1867. 304. INGERSOLL (Rosert). The Writings of Robert Ingersoll. With por- traits taken at various times, and a vignette, in colors, of Inger- soll’s birthplace, on title-page of volume one. 12 vols. thick 8yo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, backs richly decorated in gilt, a floral onlay in red leather in 4 panels on each back, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Dresden Publishing Co., 1902 AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Limited to 250 sets of which this is Number 12. Volume 1 contains an AUTOGRAPH NOTE, Of 6 lines, March 20th, 1883, written entirely in the hand-writing of Ingersoll. THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF INGERSOLL. “. . . mM this latest and fullest compilation are many emanations from his heart and brain that have never had his scrutiny, were not revised by him, and that yet by general judgment should not be lost to the world.” Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 305. INTERNATIONAL Liprary OF MASTERPIECES (THE) ; Literature, Art and Rare Manuscripts, History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Poetry, the Drama, Travel, Adventure, Fiction, and rare little-known Litera- ture, from the Archives of the great Libraries of the World. Editor- in-Chief, Harry Thurston Peck, Associate Editors, Frank R. Stock- ton, Julian Hawthorne, Caroline Ticknor and Nathan Haskell Dole. Introduction by John Russell Young. Illustrations, some in color, others on Japan vellum paper. 19 vols. (should be 20, lacks volume 18). 8vo, full autumn-leaf morocco, richly decorated gilt backs and sides, doublures of pale yellow watered silk, with floral ornament of varying colors in centre of each panel, watered silk linings, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: The International Bibliophile Society [1901] EXpition DE GRANDE Luxe. One of 26 sets. 306. Irvinc (WaAsHINGTON). The Life and Letters of Washington Irving. By his nephew Pierre M. Irving. With portraits and views, some on India paper. 3 vols. 4to, cloth, paper labels, uncut. One of 300 copies printed, each numbered, this being number 155. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1883; Another edition of the same work. Portraits. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1864; Wititams (J. L.). The Land of Sleepy Hollow and the Home of Washington Irving. Numerous fine full-page and other illustrations in photogravure. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. LettEr-Priess Eprrion, number 383 of 600 copies printed. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1887. ‘Together, 8 vols. New York, various dates 307. Irvine (WasHiINGTon). The Writings of Irving. Frontispieces. 10 vols. thick 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, undated 308. IranraAn Literature. Literature of Italy, 1265 to 1907. Edited by Rossiter Johnson and Dora K. Ranous. With a General Introduc- tion by William M. Rossetti, and Special Introductions by James, Cardinal Gibbons, Charles Eliot Norton, and others. New ‘T'rans- lations and former renderings compared and revised. Illustrated with many photogravure portraits and plates, colored plates, etc. 16 vols. 8vo, various colored leather, gilt backs, front covers highly decorated in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, each binding being a reproduc- tion, as to style, of the original in the Vatican. The National Alumni [1901] LIMITED EpiTion DE LUXE. PARTIAL CONTENTS: Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered ; Cellini’s Memoirs ; Castiglione’s Courtier; D’Annunzio’s Flame ; Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso; Serao’s Conquest of Rome; Flamini’s Italian Literature; Manzoni’s Betrothed ; Careano’s Damiano; Grossi’s Marco Visconti, and others. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 309. Iratran NoveEists: comprising The Facetious Nights of Giovanni Fran- cesco Straparola. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Choicely illustrated by Jules Garnier and H. hk. Hughes. 4 vols. [Aso] The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Choicely illustrated by H. R. Hughes. 3 vols. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, three-quarter sage-green crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Privately printed for members of the Society of Bibliophiles, 1901 WATER-COLOR EDITION. The text printed on Venetian paper, and the illustrations in WATER COLORS OR JAPANESE PROOFS. Limited to 300 num- bered copies, of which this is Number 150. 310. IvortEs AND Parts. Kunz (George Frederick). Ivory and the Ele- phant in Art, in Archeology, and in Science. Numerous dlustra- tions. Garden City, 1916; Kunz (G. F.) and Cartes Huex Srrvenson. The Book of the Pearl, the History, Art, Science, and Industry of the Queen of Gems. Numerous illustrations. New York, 1908; Maskett (Atrrep). Ivories. Numerous illustrations. New York (printed in England), 1905. Together, 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Various places and dates 311. Jackson (Lapy). The Historical Writings of Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. Numerous portraits on Japanese vellum paper. 14 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, somewhat rubbed. Paris and Boston: The Grolier Society, undated LARGE PAPER. Limited and numbered issue. CONTENTS: Old Paris; The Last of the Valois; The First of the Bourbons; French Court and Society; The Old Régime; The Court of France; The Court of the Tuileries. on 312. Jameson (Mrs.). The Writings of Mrs. Jameson, comprising,—Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols. 1848; Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts. 1852; Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the Fine Arts. 1850; The History of Our Lord, as exemplified in works of Art. Commenced by the late Mrs. Jameson, continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. 2 vols. 1864. Most extensively illustrated. Att First Eprrions. To- gether, 6 vols. square 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Longmans, Green, 1848-1864 A BEAUTIFUL AND COMPLETE SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITIONS. 313. Jurrerson (THomas). The Works of Thomas Jefferson. Collected and Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. With portraits and vignette title on Japanese vellum paper, facsimile of Jefferson manuscript, maps, etc. 12 vols. large 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. B. Putnam’s Sons, 1904 FEDERAL EDITION. Limited to 1,000 signed and numbered sets, this being Number 183. THE MOST COMPLETE EDITION of Jefferson’s writings. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 314. JEssE (JoHN HeneAGE). The Historical Writings of John Heneage Jesse. Hatensively illustrated with portraits, views, facsimiles, etc. 23 vols. 8vo, full tree calf, richly decorated gilt backs, gold orna- ments on sides, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, [probably BY RIVIERE]. London: Richard Bentley, etc., 1840-1875 A FINELY BOUND AND COMPLETE SET OF THE MORE IMPORTANT HISTORICAL WRITINGS OF JESSE. ALL First EDITIONS. CONTENTS : ° The Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. 4 vols. London: Bentley, 1840. Memoirs of the Court of England, from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George II. 3 vols. London: Bentley, 18438. George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. 4 vols. London: Bentley, 1843-1844. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1845. Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1847. London and its Celebrities. A second series of Literary and His- torical Memorials of London. 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1850. Memoirs of King Richard the Third and Some of his Contemporaries. One vol. London: Bentley, 1862. This, the rarest of Jesse’s writings, IS A PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO HIS FATHER, With inscription on fly-leaf: “Edward Jesse, from his affectionate son, the Author.” Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George III. 3 vols. London: Tinsley, 1867. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, including Henry Fielding, the Ear] of Chatham, Horace Walpole, Thomas Gray, Lord North, and others. 2 vols. London: Bentley, 1875. 315. JESSE (JOHN HeNEAGE). The Writings of John H. Jesse. With a large number of illustrations, many of which are from rare and early sources, IN TWO STATES, one of which is on Japanese vellum paper. 30 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Francis A. Niccolls & Co., undated A VERY HANDSOME SET OF THE EDITION DES AMATEURS. Limited to 100 copies, this being Number 47. CONTENTS : Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. Memoirs of celebrated Etonians. 2 vols. London and its Celebrities. 3 vols. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. 5 vols. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 3 vols. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, in- cluding the Protectorate. 6 vols. Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688, to the death of George the Second. 4 vols. George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. 4 vols. Memoirs of King Richard the Third, and some of his Contemporaries. 1 vol. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 316. JounsoN (Frank M.). Forest, Lake and River. The Fishes of New England & Eastern Canada. With numerous reproductions, some in color. 2 vols. thick 4to, full dark-green leather, with colored fly on corner of front side of each volume, leather strap around middle of each volume, white silk doublures and ends, uncut. : Boston: Printed for subscribers, 1902 ONE OF THE MOST SUMPTUOUS PRODUCTIONS OF RECENT TIMES, Printed on hand-made paper, and limited to 350 numbered and registered copies, this being Number 78. It is accompanied by a series of 14 atlas folio reproductions IN conor, by A. D. Turner, which are enclosed in canvas portfolio, with flaps, and ties of string, lead, and hooks. “T pelieve that ‘Forest, Lake, and River’ will now, and in the years to come, be a marvel of beauty and skill to the angling fraternity, a high landmark in book work, and a testimonial to its author’s artistic nature and practical appreciation of the needs of his brother anglers when in pursuit of their favourite pastime.—Wm. C. Harris.”—EXcERPT FROM THE INTRODUCTION. 317%, Jounson (SamurL). The Writings of Samuel Johnson. With por- traits in two states, one being on Japan vellum paper. 16 vols. large 8vo, three-quarter bright-red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt top, uncut. | New York: The Lamb Publishing Company, recent LITERARY CLUB EDITION, PRINTED FROM TYPE. “Of this Extra Illustrated Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Fifty-seven Sets have been printed from type on Special Water Marked Paper, of which this Copy is No. 41.”,—NoTE ON VERSO OF TITLE-PAGE. CONTENTS: Lives of the Poets; Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia ; Reviews and Political Tracts; A Journey to the Hebrides ; The Rambler; The Idler; The Adventurer, and others. 318. Jonson (Ben). The Works of Ben Jonson. With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford. Portratt by J. Fittler. 9 vols. royal 8vo, full scored calf, gilt, contents lettered. London: G. and W. Nicol, 1816 ORIGINAL AND Best EpITION. FINE SET ON LARGE PAPER. SCARCE. CONTENTS : Every Man in his Humour; The Poetaster ; The Fox; The Silent Woman; The Alchemist ; Catiline; Bartholomew Fair ; The Devill is an Ass; Masques at Court, and others. 319. Juventtes. A Collection of Juvenile Books, illustrated by Randolph Caldecott, George Cruikshank, and others, the illustrations mainly in color. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, and square 12mo, all original boards or cloth. Various places and dates CONTENTS : ; R. Caldecott’s Picture Book: The Mad Dog; The House that - Jack Built, and two others, in one volume. Bloomfield (R.). The Horkey. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Ewing (Juliana H.). A series of 10 of her charming works, and others. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 320. KANN COLLECTION OF PaintTINGs. Catalogue of the Rodolph Kann Collection. Pictures. Portrait of the collector, and a large number of beautiful full-page reproductions. 2 vols. large folio, wrappers, uncut. Paris: Charles Sedelmeyer, 1907 PRESENTATION copy from Messrs. Duveen Bros. who purchased the collection. 321. Kiptinc (Rupyarp). The Writings of Rudyard Wipling. 23 vols. 8vo, half Holland and boards, uncut, and mainly unopened. In board cases. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1914- 1915 SEVEN-SEAS EDITION, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR, ON HALF-TITLE OF VOLUME ONE, AND LIMITED TO ONE THOUSAND AND FIFTY NUMBERED SETS, printed on water-marked paper, with large, clear type, and with initials in red, this set being Number 917. CONTENTS : Plain Tales from the Hills; Wee Willie Winkle; Soldiers Three; From Sea to Sea; Life’s Handicap; The Light That Failed ; Rewards and Fairies; Departmental Ditties; Barrack Room Ballads; The Jungle Book; The Five Nations, and others. 322. Kock (CuHartes Pau DE). The Writings of Paul de Kock. With a general Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English, by Mary Hanford Ford, Edith Mary Norris, and others. Wath illustrations, some in color. 25 vols. 8vo, full dark-green morocco, gilt backs and sides, floral figures onlaid on backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, Paris, Boston: The Frederick J. Quinby .Company, [1902-1906 | VERSAILLES EDITION. Limited to 100 numbered and registered sets, this being number 99. PARTIAL CONTENTS: The Damsel of the Three Skirts; The Barber of Paris; Friquette; Gustave; Monsieur Dupont; Sister Anne; My Neighbor Raymond ; Scenes of Parisian Life; Madame Pantalon, and others. 323. Kock (CHARLES Paut DE). The Writings of Charles Paul de Kock. With a General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by Mary H. Ford, Edith M. Morris, and others. With portraits and illustrations, some of which are wm colors, also numer- ous hand-colored initials and head and tail pieces. 42 vols. 8vo, full blue morocco, with five floral ornaments (tulip and orchids) in cream colored and violet morocco onlaid on both sides of each volume, floral ornament in cream colored morocco onlaid on each back, gilt tops, uncut, By THE HARCOURT BINDERY. Boston: The Frederick J. Quinby Company [1902-1909 ] St. MARTIN EDITION. Limited to 100 numbered and registered sets, of which this is Number 73. The set was announced to be in 50 volumes, but only 42 were issued. AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME LIBRARY SET. CONTENTS: Barber of Paris, 2 vols.; Monsieur Dupont, 2 vols. ; [Continued Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, - December 4th [ No. 323—Continued | Sister Anne, 2 vols.; Mustache, 2 vols. ; André the Savoyard, 2 vols. ; Frére Jacques, 2 vols.; The Flower Girl, 2 vols.; Cherami, 2 vols. ; Jean, 2 vols.; Gustave, 2 vols. ; Milkmaid of Montfermeil, 2 vols. ; Frédérique, 2 vols.; Edmond and his Cousin ; Damsel of the Three Skirts; The Child of My Wife; Memoirs ; Little Lise; Friquette; Parisian Life; Queer Legacy ; Madame Pantalon; Adhémar; Paul and His Dog, 2 vols. ; Sans-Cravate. Vol. 1; Cerisette. Vol. I. 324. Kunz (GEORGE FREDERICK) AND STEVENSON (Cuartes Huew). The Book of the Pearl. The History, Art, Science, and Industry of the Queen of Gems. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York: The Century Co., 1908 395. LA Fontaine (J. DE). Contes et Nouvelles. A series of 85 reproduc- tions, after the originals by Hisen, all printed im brown. Royal Svo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top. No place (Paris ?) or date 326. Lamp (Cuartes). The Life and Works of Charles Lamb. Edited by Alfred Ainger. Portraits. 12 vols. 8vo, full autumn-leaf morocco, sides and backs richly decorated, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Lamb Publishing Company, recent INDIA HOUSE EDITION. Limited to 130 sets, each numbered, this being number 69 printed for J. B. Brady, and so inscribed. *. A PARTICULARLY HANDSOME AND WELL PRINTED EDITION of Lamb’s writ- ings. CONTENTS : Essays of Elia; Last Essays of Elia; Tales from Shakespeare ; Poems, Plays and Miscellaneous Papers ; Mrs. Leicester’s School; Letters, newly arranged, with additions. Introductions and Notes by Alfred Ainger. 327. Lams (Caries). Prose Works. 3 vols. Poetical Works. Tales from Shakespeare. By Mr. and Miss Lamb. Illustrated. Together, 5. vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1838 328. Lana (Anprew). Ballads and Lyrics of Old France: with other Poems. First Eprrion. 12mo, original white cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1872 Unusually fine copy of the author’s first book. 329, LeecH (JoHn). A’Beckett (Gilbert A.). The Comic History of Eng- land and The Comic History of Rome. Illustrated with 30 full- page COLORED PLATES, and numerous woodcuts in the text, by John Leech. First Eprrtons. 3 vols. 8vo, full dark-blue levant mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops, BY RIVIERE. London: Punch Office, 1847-1848 and Bradbury and Evans [1853 | Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 330. Luzcu (JoHNn). Jerrold (Douglas). A Man made of Money. With 12 dlustrations on steel by John Leech. First Epirion. 12mo, IN THE ORIGINAL SIX MONTHLY PARTS, the pictorial front covers de- signed by John Leech, and with the advertisements, uncut. En- closed 1 in cloth case, with protecting cover of cloth. London: Published at the Punch Office, 1849 RARE IN THIS CONDITION. The advertisements relate to the writings of Thackeray, Dickens, and others. Occasionally copies contain in the advertisements, an embossed page relating to Dickens’ ‘The Haunted Man.” This copy does not contain it. It does however contain the large slip (very seldom found), printed in red and black, relating to the “New Work by Mr. Charles Dickens,” “David Copperfield.” 331. Leech (JoHN). Records of the Great Exhibition, extracted from Punch. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts by John Leech and others. Atlas folio, as issued, enclosed in half morocco portfolio, lettered on side. London, 1851 AN EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE LEECH ITEM. The upper half of the first page contains his large representation of “The Great Derby Race for Highteen Hundred and Fifty-One,” some of the figures being portraits, the first that of Sir Joseph Paxton, the celebrated gardener and architect, whose plans for the Great Exhibition, after working but nine days on them, were accepted after the rejection by the committee, of 233 other sets of plans. 332. LEECH (JOHN). [(Prower—).] The Mailitiaman at Home and Abroad: being the History of a Militia Regiment, from its first training to its disembodiment; with Sketches of the Ionian Islands, Malta, and Gibraltar. By Emeritus. With illustrations by John Leech. First Epition. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1857 333. LEECH (JOHN) CoLorepD Puatses. Mr. Briggs & His Doings. Fishing. A series of 12 scenes IN coor, by John Leech. First Epition. Oblong 4to, original wrappers, portions repaired. Enclosed in cloth case. London: Bradbury and Evans, undated 334, LeecH (JOHN). ORIGINAL O11 PAINTING, TOUCHED UP wITH INDIA INK, “Landing of Julius Caesar.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JOHN LEECH.” 21x16 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1847 CONSIDERED BY MANY LOVERS OF LEECH TO BE HIS MASTERPIECE. IT FORMS THE FRONTISPIECE OF WHAT IS PERHAPS HIS MOST CELEBRATED ILLUS- TRATED WORK,—GILBERT A. A’BECKETT’S “Comic HISTORY OF ENGLAND,” 1847-1848. “Caesar, who might have been so called from his readiness to seize upon everything, now turned his eyes and directed his arms upon Britain. According to some he was tempted by the expectation of finding pearls, which he hoped to get out of the oysters, and he therefore broke in upon the natives with considerable energy. Whatever may have been Caesar’s motives the fact is pretty well ascertained, that at about ten o’clock one fine morning in August—some say a quarter past—he reached the British coast with 12,000 infantry, packed in Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th [ No. 334—Continued | eighty vessels. He had left behind him the whole of his cavalry— the Roman horse-marines—who were detained by contrary winds on the other side of the sea. . . . At about three in the afternoon, Caesar having taken an early dinner, began to disembark his forces at a spot called to this day the Sandwich Flats, from the people having been such flats as to allow the enemy to effect a landing. While the Roman soldiers were standing shilly-shallying at the side of their vessels, a standard bearer . . . jumped into the water, which was nearly up to his knees, and addressing a claptrap to his comrades as he stood in the sea, completely turned the tide in Caesar’s favour. After a severe shindy on the shingles, the Britons withdrew.”—DHPxcrerpt From A’BECK- ETT’S “Comic History of England.” First EpIrion. The above, and the 11 following paintings by John Leech comprise, what is without doubt, the most important small collection of Leech originals that have been offered for sale at auction in this country. Every specimen is important, some extremely ‘so. A number of col- lections of Leech originals in pencil, and occasionally water color have previously been sold, but few of these however, can in any way, com- pare with the specimens here offered. THEY WERE ALL FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. W. P. Frith in his work: “John Leech: His Life and Work,” gives a very interesting account of his first meeting with Leech, and his work as a painter, of which the following extracts are presented,— “My own admiration for Leech’s genius, so constantly roused by his works, with which I was familiar, created a great desire for his ac- quaintance; but being perfectly unknown at that time as an artist, and knowing none of Leech’s friends, IT began to despair of the realization of my wishes, when accident helped me. “A Scottish painter—a Highlander and fierce Jacobite—named Mclan, who was also an actor and friend of Macready, to whose theatrical com- pany he was attached, lived with his wife, an accomplished artist, some- where in the neighborhood of Gordon Square. Calling one morning to see Mrs. Mclan, I found her in her studio, not, as usual, hard at work at her own easel, but superintending the labours of a pupil, who was hard at work at another; and the pupil, a tall, slim, and remark- ably handsome young man, was John Leech. “T made some remark about the different method in which he was employed to that with which he was familiar. I forget what he was copying—some still life, I think. “T like painting much better than what I have to grind at day after day, if I could only do it, said Leech; but it’s so confoundedly difficult. you know, and requires such a lot of patience.” 335—LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP WITH INDIA INK, “Appius Claudius punished by the People.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JoHN LEECH.” 22x 1534 inches. In con- temporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1852 A FINELY EXECUTED PAINTING, CONCEIVED FOR GILBERT A. A’ BECKETT’S “Comic History oF ROME,’’ AND THERE REPRODUCED IN COLORS AS ONE OF THE FULL-PAGE PLATES [page 80, first edition, 1853]. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. “Tt is the common characteristic of a moving spectacle to strike every ohne motionless; and the guards of Appius when ordered to seize Vir- ginius, found themselves fixed to the spot by so many stirring incidents. In vain did Appius call upon his clients and his lictors to do their duty. Among all his numerous attendants there was not a sole but shook in its shoe, while the tyrant trembled from head to foot with — Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th | No. 835—Continued | bootless anger. Urged at length by the commands of Appius, the of- ficers attempted to clear the spot, when a severe scuffle ensued, and the authorities were assailed with all sorts of missiles. The marketplace supplied abundance of ammunition. Ducks and geese flew in all direc- tions. Some of the lictors found calves’ heads suddenly lighting on their shoulders. Others, who were treated, or rather maltreated, with oysters, suffered severely from an incessant discharge of shells, and many re- ceived the entire contents of a Roman feast, ab ovo usque ad malum,— from the assault and battery of the egg, to the malum in se of a well- aimed apple.”—ExcrrpT FRoM A’BECKETT’S “Comic History oF ROME.” First Eprrion. 336. LeEcH (JOHN). ORIGINAL. | UNPUBLISHED ?] OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED uP witH Inp14 INK, “A visit from the family Doctor.’ On canvas. Signed by the artist, In FULL “JoHN LenoH.” 1514 x 91% inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1845 A FINELY EXECUTED AND VERY PLEASING SUBJECT. A group of 5 children,—3 girls, 2 boys,—at play. “Dolly’’? has been taken sick and is being given a foot-bath. The older of the two boys, attired as a doctor, with silk hat, copious collar and necktie, is taking the pulse of the doll, while the girls look on, the other boy holds the head of the rocking horse, open fire, ete. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 33%. LeecH (JouHN). OriIGINAL [UNPUBLISHED ?] OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP witH INDIA INK, “Hnter Mr. Bottles, the Butler.’ Master Fred “There! that’s camtal! Stand still Bottles, and Pll show you how the Chinese do the knife trick at the Play.” .“(Bottles is much interested).” On canvas. Signed by the artist, “J. Lencn.” 24x15% inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1845 A BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED AND IMPORTANT PAINTING. The scene is laid in the dining room of an English family. “Bottles” the butler, having entered the room with a tray on which are a decanter and glasses, is suddenly accosted by the “young hopeful’ of the family, who with a handful of table knives throws 2 into the door, in front of which stands the startled “Bottles.”’ The boy’s elder and younger sisters are standing nearby, while the terrier runs in with a bark. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 338. LescH (JOHN). OricinaL [ UNPUBLISHED ?] OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP WITH INDIA INK, “A nice bracing day at the Sea Side.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JOHN LEECH.” 31x1914 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 THE SCENE IS THOROUGHLY CHARACTERISTIC OF LEECH, AND IS FINELY EXECUTED. A prosperous looking country man, accompanied by his two daughters, both of whom wear the “mushroom” hats of the period, are enjoying the bracing air; standing with his back to the sea is a dandy, one hand in - his pocket, handle of cane in mouth, admiring the girls as they pass; other figures are enjoying the air, including an elderly and prosperous looking man, wife and child, the draft from the door having blown the child’s umbrella inside out; a mother and her two children, and 2 other figures. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 339. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL Ori PAINTING, TOUCHED UP WITH INDIA INK, “Angling in the Serpentine, Saturday, P. M.” Piscator, No. 1, “Have ever a Bite Jim?” Piscator No. 2. “Not yet—I only come Here last Wednesday.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, Iv FULL “JoHNn LEEcH.” 23x 1434 inches. In con-— temporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A FINELY EXECUTED AND HIGHLY HUMOROUS CONCEPTION, REPRODUCED, WE THINK, IN “PUNCH” DURING THE FORTIES. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 340. LeecH (JoHN). OrticinaL [UNPUBLISHED ?] Orn PAINTING, TOUCHED up wiTH INpDIA INK. On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JoHN Leecu.” 26x21 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED DRAWING, AND ONE OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. It might be named “The Deer Stalker’s Dream.” Seated by the banks of a small rushing mountain stream in the Scottish Highlands, is an elderly Scotsman, spiked boots, kilts, ete., three guns at hand. The mountain side teems with deer, both young and old, some of which are looking over the rocks at the sleeping huntsman. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 341. Leecu (JoHN). OricginaL [UNPUBLISHED ?] Or PAINTING, TOUCHED uP witH INDIA INK. On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JoHN Lrecw.” 25x17 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A FINELY EXECUTED AND HUMOROUS CONCEPTION. The father of four boys, in bathrobe and slippers, brush in hand, is leading the smallest boy, who -is in his bathrobe and crying, to the shower bath. The chamber-maid is testing bath by pouring a bucket of water therein. Standing in the doorway are two elder boys also in their bathrobes and caps, both on the verge of crying at the thoughts of the impending bath. The mother is talking to the other boy, who is dressed | and ready for the street. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 342. LeecH (JoHN). Oricinat [UNPUBLISHED ?] Orn PAINTING, TOUCHED up wiTH InpIA INK, “The Mermaid’s Haunt.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, In FULL “JoHN LeroH.” 3014x1914 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED AND CHARACTERISTIC SCENE. ~ The scene is laid at the foot of the rocky cliffs by the sea. Engaged in various pursuits—painting, knitting ete—are a number of young ladies, some standing, others sitting on the rocks or sand. All the ladies are attired in the then prevailing mode—hoop skirts ete. In the distance two others are wading, another is on horseback, distant cliffs, sea ete., combine to make this a very attractive scene. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 343. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP wiITH INDIA INK, “Youth at the Prow, and Pleasure at the helm. The Happy Pair then started for the Continent, Via Folkestone, to spend the Honeymoon.” On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JOHN a? ee Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th [ No. 343—Continued | LescH.” 15x12 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A FINELY EXECUTED AND VERY IMPORTANT DRAWING, REPRODUCED, WE THINK, IN “PUNCH,” DURING THE FORTIES. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER, 344, LeecH (JOHN). ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP WITH INDIA INK, “Disciple of Old Isaac.” “This wouldn't be a bad Place if the Fish would only Bite, and ut wasn't for the confounded Wasp Nest.’ On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL “JoHN LEECH.” 2214x15 inches. In con- temporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 1846 A HIGHLY HUMOROUS AND WELL EXECUTED CONCEPTION. An enthusiastic fisherman, rod in hand, is seated on the stump of a tree, head and face entirely covered with a white cloth, while a swarm of wasps hover around. On the other bank are 6 children, each with rod in hand. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 345. LeEcH (JoHN). OricINAL OIL PAINTING, TOUCHED UP WITH INDIA INK, “Common objects at the Sea-side—generally found upon the rocks at low water.’ On canvas. Signed by the artist, IN FULL, “JOHN LeEEcH.” 25x17 inches. In contemporary gilt frame, glazed. Circa 184% ONE OF THE VERY FAMOUS “PUNCH” CONTRIBUTIONS. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER. 346. [Lever (CHartEs).] The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. With numerous illustrations by “Phiz.’ Frrsr Epirion. 8vo, original cloth, uneut, with the sheet of advertisement. Dublin: Wilham Curry, Jun., 1839 UNUSUALLY FINE COPY. 347. Lever (Cuaries). St. Patrick’s Eve. Illustrated by “Phiz.’ First EDITION. emo, original green cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845 UNUSUALLY BRIGHT COPY. 348. [Luvern (CHaAriLES).| Confessions of Con Cregan: the Irish Gil Blas. With illustrations on wood and steel, by Hablot K. Browne. First Epition. 2 vols. 12mo, original red cloth, gilt, uncut. London: Wm. 8. Orr [1850] UNUSUALLY FINE copy of a work seldom seen in any but more or less soiled condition. 349. Lever (CHArtEs). Barrington. With illustrations by “Phiz. EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, mainly unopened. London, 1863 350. Lever (CHartes). Luttrell of Arran. With illustrations by “Phiz.” First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, mainly unopened. London, 1865 37 First Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th nt aca clastic AS ROOM EALENLS SIRE te 351. [Luvern (CHarzes).] Paul Gosslett’s Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service. With an illustration by Marcus Stone. First Eprrron. 12mo, original cloth. Label carefully removed from front cover. London: Virtue & Co., 1868 ONE OF THE RAREST OF LEVER’S WRITINGS. 352. Lever (CHarues). The Writings of Charles Lever. With an Intro- duction by Andrew Lang. Wath numerous illustrations by “Phiz,” E. J. Wheeler, E. Van Muyden, and others, the full-page plates on Japanese vellum paper, with the smaller illustrations in the teat. 40 vols. 8vo, full rich brown crushed levant morocco, with large ornaments (one in each corner and one in the centre of each side, both obverse and reverse), composed of floral and pointillé tooling, — doublures or red watered silk, with similar linings, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1894, etc. LIMITED AND NUMBERED ISSUE. AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME AND AT- TRACTIVE SET. CONTENTS? Luttrell of Arran; Jack Hinton; Davenport Dunn; One of Them ; Confessions of Con Cregan; Sir Brook Fosbrook; The Daltons; Maurice Tiernay; Tom Burke of “Ours”; Harry Lorrequer ; Lord Kilgobbin; Tony Butler; Arthur O’Leary ; Barrington ; The Martins of Cro’ Martin; Roland Cashel, and others. 353. Lewis AND Crark. Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Ex- pedition, 1804-1806. Printed from the Original Manuscripts; to- gether with Manuscript Material of Lewis and Clark, including Note Books, Letters, Maps, etc., and the Journals of Charles Floyd and Joseph Whitehouse. Now for the first time published in full and exactly as written. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Index, by Reuben G. Thwaites. With portratts, including many of the Indian Chiefs, SOME IN COLOR, views, facsimiles of autographs, manuscripts, and documents, etc. 15 vols. 4to, brown buckram, with cream buckram backs, medallion portraits of both explorers in colors, in centre of each front cover, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1904-1905 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER, NUMBER 19 OF 50 COPIES SO PRINTED. 'THE FINEST EDITION YET PRODUCED OF LEWIS AND CLARK. Volume I contains an excellent bibliography of Lewis and Clark, with collations and notes, by Victor Hugo Paltsits. This edition contains much material here first printed, including the Journal of Charles Floyd, published by consent of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, where the original manuscript now is; the Journal of Joseph Whitehouse, purchased by the publishers expressly for the work, and other important manuscripts. 354, Lrrerature or Att Acus. The Universal Anthology. A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, with Bio- eraphical and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Richard Garnett, Leon Vallée and Alois Brandl. With numerous portraits and plates, on Japanese vellum paper, colored facsimiles of the miniatures im a a ae Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th | No. 354—Continued | uluminated manuscripts, etc. 33 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, New York, etc.: The Clarke Company [1899] WESTMINSTER EDITION. Limited and numbered. Comprises,—Ancient Fables, Myths, Folk-Lore, Legends, Greek and Latin Classics, Egyptian and Babylonian Literature, Travels, Adventures, Proverbs, Novels, Ro- mances, Character Sketches, Orations, Addresses, Poetry, Biography and History. 300. LockHArT (JOHN Gipson). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Copiously annotated. With numerous portraits and views, on Japan- ese vellum paper and Whatman paper, SOME IN coLoRs. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green levant morocco, backs richly gold-tooled, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1901 LARGE PAPER EDITION. One of 600 numbered and registered copies, this being Number 106. HANDSOME SET OF THE BEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD LIFE OF THIS GREAT NOVELIST. 356. LoNDON IN OLDEN Times. Pennant (Thomas). Old London. Jilus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo, full dark blue morocco, gilt backs, sides and tops. London, 1791-1886 FINE Copy OF THE First EDITION in octavo. Extended from one to two volumes BY THE INSERTION OF OVER 240 SELECTED PORTRAITS AND VIEWS, including much contemporary material, the views including many places of interest long since demolished. Volume one contains an interest- ing one-page autograph letter of the author. Each volume contains specially printed title-pages. 357. |[Lon@rELLow (HENry WapswortH).| Hyperion, a Romance. By the Author of “Outre-Mer.” First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, with labels, uncut. New York: Samuel Colman, 1839 It is only at very long intervals that such a fine copy as the above appears for sale. The labels on the above copy (usually torn or missing altogether), are practically as fresh as the day they were placed theron. 358. LonereLLow (Henry WapswortH). The Poetical and Prose Writings of Longfellow. With a Biographical Sketch by Octavius B. Froth- ingham. Extensively illustrated with both full-page and text allus- trations. 3 vols. royal 4to, uniformly bound in three-quarter crim- son morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: The Riverside Press [1879-1883] A VERY HANDSOME SET of one of the best illustrated editions. 359. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WapswortH). The Complete Writings of Long- fellow. With portraits, facsimiles, illustrations, and handcolored frontispieces. 11 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson crushed levant Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th [ No. 359—Continued | morocco, gilt backs, elaborately tooled, and contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. [1904] Epirtion DE Luxe. Limited to 750 sets, each numbered, this being Number 688. FINE SET, PRINTED AT THE RIVERSIDE PRESS. CONTENTS : Poems, 6 vols. ; Outre-Mer. and Drift-Wood ; Hyperion, and Kavanagh ; Dante’s Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, 3 vols. 360. Louris XIV. Amours des Dames Illustres de France, sous le Regne de Louis XIV. Copper-plate engravings. 2 vols. 16mo, full French calf, gilt backs, bindings rubbed. A Cologne: Chez Pierre Marteau, circa 1737 Relates the amorous intrigues of Madame de la Valliere, the King’s pretended love for Madame, Love Affairs of Madame de Bracas and other Ladies of the Court, the Intrigues of Mademoiselle de Fontanges, of Madame de Maintenon, based on new Memoirs and of the Dauphin with the Countess du Roure. 861. Lours XV. Vie Privée de Louis XV; ou Principaux Evénemens, Par- ticularités et Anecdotes de Son Régne. Portraits. 4 vols. 12mo. full French calf, gilt backs, coat-of-arms of RocHEHouART, DUKE of MonrEemart, on front and back covers of each volume and on each panel of backs, name on title-page of Vol. I, bindings rubbed. Londres, 1781 Mentions the French Colonies in America, trade of the English in the Indies, strength of the maritime forces of the countries of Europe, doings at the French court, philosophers of the time, with many extracts from the works from which this account is drawn. 362. Louver DE Couvray (JoHN Baptiste). The Amours of Chevalier de Faublas. A literal unexpurgated translation, from the Paris edition of 1821. Numerous engravings, etched by Louis Monzes, from drawings by Paul Avril. 4 vols. 8vo, white boards, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. : London: Privately printed for Société des Bibliophiles, 1898 One of 100 copies printed, each numbered. 363. Lover (Samugt). The Collected Writings of Samuel Lover. With numerous illustrations, mainly on Japanese vellum paper, SOME IN coLor. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter sage-green crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. , | New York: J. F. Taylor and Company, 1901 HANDSOME SET OF THE Eprtion Dre Luxe. Limited to 100 numbered sets, of which this is Number 28. CONTENTS: Rory O’More; Poetical Works ; Dramatic Works ; Handy Andy; Legends and Stories of Ireland; He Would be a Gentleman. 364. LowELt (James Russert). A Year’s Life. First Eprrion. 12mo, original boards, uncut, with paper label intact. Boston: C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1841 FINE copy oF Mr. LOWELL’S FIRST VOLUME OF VERSE, containing some poems written in his youth, which have not been reprinted. Contains the slip of “Hrrata.” Second Session, .Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 365. LowkELL (JAMES Russet). The Complete Writings of Lowell. With portraits on India paper, and many illustrations in TWO STATES, one on India paper, and one in cotors. 16 vols. royal 8vo, three- quarter green polished levant morocco, rich gilt backs, contents let- tered, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1904 Epition Dr Luxe. BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON SPECIAL WATER-MARKED PAPER. Limited to 1,000 sets, each numbered, this being Number 41. CONTENTS: Fireside Travels; My Study Windows; Among My Books, 3 vols. ; Political Essays; Literary and Critical Addresses ; Latest Literary Essays; Poems, 5 vols; Letters, 3 vols. 366. LUsKE's ArT AND Scutprure. Liibke (Dr. Wilhelm). History of Sculpture, from the earlest ages to the present time. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1872; [Atso] History of Art. Translated by F. E. Bunnétt. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1869. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth. London, 1872-1869 367. MacauLay (Tuomas Basincron, Lorp). The Works of Lord Macau- Jay complete. Edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, richly decorated gilt backs, marbled edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1873 A VERY HANDSOME SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITION. CONTENTS : History of England; Essays; Letters and Speeches; Poems, etc. Accompanying the above is a set of the best edition in octavo, of Trevelyan’s Life and Letters of Macaulay, 2 vols. original cloth, London, 1876, making in all 10 vols. 868. Macaunay (THomaAs Bapineton, Lorp). The Writings of Lord Macau- lay. Edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan. Portraits and illus- trations, some facsimiles from rare and early sources, a large num- ber of the illustrations on India paper. 20 vols. thick 8vo, full dark-green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, undated HANDSOME SET OF THE WESTMINSTER EDITION OF THE COMPLETE WORKS oF MACAULAY. Limited to 107 sets, of which this is Number 67. 369. Manon (Lorp). History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713-1783. 7 vols.; [Atso] History of England, comprising the Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701-1713. With facsimiles of medals and autographs. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt, marbled edges, BY CECIL AND LARKINS. London: John Murray, 1853-1854-1870 HANDSOME SET OF THE LARGE TYPE LIBRARY EDITION. “Lord Mahon’s History contains a great quantity of valuable and original information, acquired from authentic Sources never before opened to the public.” —ATHENAEUM. Second Session, Tuesday Afternoon, December 4th 370. Manan (Caprain A. T.). Writings, comprising,—The Life of Nelson, the embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. 2 vols. 1897; The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783. 1898; The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812. 2 vols. 1898. Numerous maps and illustrations. To- gether, 5 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. | Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1897-1898 All Library Editions. The Life of Nelson is First Epition. 3871. Manuscrier with IntumiINations. Le Livre d’Heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne. Tradwit du Latin, et accompagné de Notices inédites par M. ’Abbé Delaunay. 2 vols. royal 4to, full dark-brown crushed levant morocco, the sides elaborately embossed’ and blind- tooled, doublures of rich red watered silk, with broad ornate gold inside borders, red watered silk linings, gilt edges, BY CHAMBOLLE- Durv. Paris: L. Curmer, editeur, 1861 MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THIS JUSTLY FAMOUS REPRODUCTION FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. One volume contains the explanatory text; the other is an exact reproduction IN GOLD AND BRILLIANT conors .of one of the most precious and beautiful manuscripts ever executed. 372. MAnriE-ANTOINETTE. Correspondance Secréte entre Marie-Thérése et le Cte. de Mercy-Argenteau, avec les Lettres de Marie-Thérése et de Marie-Antoinette, publiée avec une Introduction et des Notes par A. d’Arneth et M. A. Geoffroy. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt sides and tops, dentelle in- side borders, edges scraped, BY MORRELL. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1874 A VERY HANDSOME SET. HXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 30 portraits of characters mentioned in the work, engravings of the scenes, costume plates in color, and other extra material,—the plates being in stipple, lithography, ete. 373. MARMONTEL (JEAN Francois). Contes Moreau. With portrait of Mar- montel after Cochin by Saint-Aubin, engraved titles by Duclos after Gravelot, and 23 fine plates after Gravelot, ALL BRILLIANT IM- PRESSIONS. 3 vols. 8vo, contemporary tree calf, gilt, gilt edges, slightly rubbed. Paris, 1765 LARGE Paper copy of the First Issue, with the Note of “Errata.” 9) ‘1yoeWo Yy-oUu-0UG Jo satuoed ay} Jo [[9} OF OS{P 9.40] SNOILLILsuadas SA pur ‘(2wn-sg0z) unyd Surty ayy jo ‘pua39q sty} 9A0 asauvdef ayy, ‘“apnaifos sty jo aoxjd 943 ut opis sty Sq jjesue payueyd pue ‘oigAy wos spnojo oy ysnosyy Moy ‘pooydog sty jo shep ayy wos Burids- Aldaa SjayasioA BuNY pey oy sysnoq esoym uO aaij-unyd pajpeied-Asos 9y3 ‘usznyTyD ur ngrezeq 0} paysiueq SBM pUe sJopuLys s[eAlI eB Jo UITIOIA ay} auivseq ‘usuiseye3is osouvde( jo arunqioyun jsOW ay) ‘auLzIYyoTP-ou-viemesdng ust ‘003 ‘og ~ ‘Q[IXe a[qou JO Jo1lieM jeeId autos uodn saapesutoy3 pemolsaq pue suepreur ourosurm jo adeys ay? yoo uoyo ‘apues pue pouyer st iegi SurypAsoaa Jo DELIUT ‘MOL[IM 9Y2 puL ‘ssautfeao, Surtmoyss jo odAy ‘quoofq Aisayo oY, “WoOTOTAUOD IeYR Jo Ino Maid spuasay Aneid Aurpy ‘samod snopnorstur sso -sod 03 yySnoy3 osye aie soinjeay svynsed Aue du -juasaid 10 JQuULUT [eLJoUge UE UT BuIMOIs sjUETg joadsai yons Jo sjoofqo efquiow 9sv 90.n-10ydures pur sepso eyy «Gerd sSuteqg-morjay sey uloly syoid aatiap 0} posodsrpur you suosied Aq sysnoqg jey) Japun peoxjd st s#uroyo-yuryi soy xoq (IM eULIYs B souIaUIEs pue ‘yo paouayz ore Ady SAUINaUIOS {$9913 pasoES YONs NOGE UMLIp st PaDY ~Muiys RAL-MAN 3yi Jo a[43s ay1 ur poserd doi M211 JO UOPIOD & somiMjeuIOg ‘ande Aeme aap LvUI-RUINZYy ev Yo Ue JO saavay oy pue ‘ayor -1200] saind QAYOT, Ul eyeZ-TyOUST We pULy sues ayt Jo 2043 Jeyjouy ‘sayep juanbasqns yw nzey pu NYBY sasssouLyg. JO sased ay2 ul pearesqo sear uonneseid ates ay3 pur ‘aan styy Jo Agiurora ay? PlOAR 0} INOJap BuO] v opeUT 93Q110% Joy ‘opis — Nvdadvi Back Doublé Same in each yolume Outer Cover Same back and front Front Doublé ifferent in each volume ace re tn ee enece arareanmeaee = -—,- SLO[OD-19}J VAL PUB SUIPUIG JO SUOTIBAYSNI[[ Posonpoyy ‘S[OA GL ‘BuIqD pues uedeeg s,AaTyug a SAIYUAS IVINAIYO SSUIMBIP IO[OD-10JBVM SUIMOYS ‘aSBg-9[qnog “ABP-0}3 P]JOM oy} Jo a.nUe ~“WIOIS 92 St “usta Gseqy ivy oyy, -asmeloue 9.40 yin orsyjoo Aq ydaoxa poyorze soaou st oud “HihOS) Pers 90s Weyl nS 1y311 Aue sey auo ou sdeyiod puy SL Upes op Ing = "woRnUsAUOD UE peusis ays ‘oouvyye ssourde{-ojsuy oy Jo ontds u “3eYyi Wpeio Jey o3 Apess8 popunopar iy -uede pue puejsugq Bursey jo ysoo oy3 3 d0uRISISs jo aseyoind ayy Jo uonejost usamjoq asooys o1 padyqo jlasioy wes seq eq oy ut uorsued “x@_[etiadury yo sasodimd amang pe 07 *gI0Jo19y3 “EISSNY, “JaMOg aTWsoy duo uvy3 si0ui Aq payuosy ~Uo9 Sutaq J9y319 Jo ueAa ay) ur ‘sonued Sunde “oo YSty omg ay3 Jo uoNeado-o9 yuasaSyIOq oy} PUL “vaioy puke vutys Jo AyiZajzur ya Jo uotes -lesaid ay3 qoefqo soy Buiavy aouenye ue pawioy peq urdef pue puejgug Ajsnoraaid syyuour omy wsnf “Ffasyt quasoid Aprsea Jou ppnom qt 1940993 03 Avungioddo ue ‘azid jea13 oy} peuopurqe mou Us JL Wy peutsss 7 “Josoasow pue femyue~y at YNIHO ” Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 414—Continued |] tions, each of which is different, and intended to depict some scene in nature or human life in the land of the Orient. The final cost to the purchaser, after the addition of the binding being $10,000. The watercolors are all charming scenes representing landscapes of mountains, valleys, lakes and rivers, home, civil and military life in Japan and China, birds; fishes, flowers and other nature scenes. Hach illustration is beautifully executed in the delicate tints which harmonize so well with the various scenes throughout this land of sunshine and flowers. In all there are 4,378 full-page and text illustrations throughout these volumes, including 3,848 orRIGINAL WATERCOLORS IN TEXT, AS MARGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS; 30 SIGNED WATERCOLORS ON SILK, AS FLY-LEAVES; 17 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS ON CUT-VELVET; 34 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS ON SILK 3 24 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS ON LACQUER; 24 ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS ON PAPER; 6 Old Wood-Prints; 18 Prints in Colors; 28 HoKUSAI PRINTS IN COLORS ; 5 HOKUSAI PRINTS IN BLACK AND WHITE; 6 HIROSHIGE PLATES IN coLors ; 10 Collotypes; 1 Xycograph from an Old Print; 28 Photographs; 6 Prints in Duo-tone; 4 Prints by Hayashi; 48 reproductions from hand- colored Keramic Plates; 2 plates on Satin from Handcolored Keramic Plates; 15 prints in colors of Famous Keramics; 24 Photographs of Famous Keramics; 32 Four-Color Process Plates; 32 Three-Color Process Plates; 42 Duplex Process plates; 26 Line-cut illustrations; 31 Duo- tone illustrations; 12 Duplex and Tint Illustrations; 1 Grain-plate; 12 Special Three-color Process plates; 6 Two-color Process plates; and 21 Half-tones. [See Reproductions of Binding and Watercolors. | 415. O’SHAUGHNEssy (ARTHUR). Music and Moonlight: Poems and Songs. 1874; Songs of a Worker. 1881. Boru First Eprrions. To- gether, 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1874-1881 416. Pace (THomaAs NeEtson). The Works of Thomas N. Page. Illustrated with colored frontispieces, maps, illustrations, rubricated titles and half-titles, etc. 18 vols. 8vo, half vellum, contents lettered in gilt, uncut edges. | : New York: Charles Seribner’s Sons, 1906-1912 Edition limited to 230 sets, with portrait of the author autographed by him. Printed on Ruisdael hand-made paper, with extra-illustrations in color. FINE SET. . PARTIAL CONTENTS: In Ole Virginia ; The Burial of the Guns; On Newfoundland River ; Red Rock, 2 vols.; Gordon Keith, 2 vols. ; The Black Stock, and Santa Clauss Partner ; Pastime Stories, and Poems; Robert E. Lee, 2 vols., and others. 417. Parne (Tuomas). Life and Writings of Paine: containing a Biography by Thomas Clio Rickman and Appreciations by Leslie Stephen, Lord Erskine, Paul Desjardins, Robert G. Ingersoll, Elbert Hub- bard, and Marilla M. Ricker. Edited and annotated by Daniel Edwin Wheeler. Portraits and plates on Japanese vellum paper, some in color. 10 vols. 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, backs and Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 41%7—Continued] 7 sides richly gold-tooled, doublures of green watered silk, with similar linings, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Vincent Parke & Co., 1908 SpecIAL DE GRANDE LUXE REPUBLIC EDITION OF THE CENTENARY ISSUE, LIMITED TO 75 NUMBERED COPIES, THIS BEING THE * COPY, PROBABLY THE FIRST FROM THE PRESS. Beautifully printed throughout on “Spartan” paper. THE FINEST EDITION PUBLISHED. CONTENTS: Life and Appreciations ; Common Sense, Miscellany ; The Crisis ; The Rights of Man, 2 vols.; Age of Reason, 2 vols.; Essays, Letters, and Addresses, 2 vols.; Essays, Letters, and Poems. 418. Paintines By Great Masrers. Lebrun (M.). Galerie des Peintres Flammands, Hollandais, et Allemands; Owvrage enrichi de deux cent une planches gravées daprés les meilleurs tableaux de ces maitres, par les plus habiles de France, de Hollande et d Allemagne. 3 vols. large folio, contemporary scored russia, gilt, neatly rebacked, gilt edges, slightly rubbed. Paris, 1792 FINE COPY OF THIS MONUMENTAL WoRK. ‘The painters include,—Hol- bein; Jordaens; Sneyders; Ruisdael; Kuyp; Van Ostade; Rembrandt; — Bol; Paul Potter, and many others of great note. Copies of this work vary very much, and seldom agree with the list, of plates found in each volume. The above is no exception, and while on careful comparison with the list of plates it appears to lack several, others are present that are not on the list. The total number (199) here present agrees with the total as found on the list. 419. Parntines By Great Masters. Wolff (Albert.). Cent Chefs-d’Ciuvre. The choice of the French private galleries. With full-page and large text reproductions. Large folio, half morocco, gilt edges. New York and Paris, undated PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, With the etchings BEFORE LETTERS, and of which 100 were produced, this being Number 49. Includes examples by Diaz, Corot, Daubigny, Rousseau, Teniers, Franz Hals, Troyon, Millet, Meissonier, Daubigny, and others. 420. PainTINGS IN AMERICAN GaLuERIES. Strahan (Hdward—Kditor). The Art Treasures of America, being the choicest works of Art in the public and private collections of North America. With a large number of fine reproductions, on India paper, also numer- ous woodcuts in the text. 3 vols. large folio, full red morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, monogram “U.A.H.” in centre of each front cover, doublures of blue watered silk, with similar linings, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Barrie, undated A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE EpiTIonN Dr LUXE. 421. ParntiIncs IN BucKINGHAM Patace AND WInpsor CasTLE. Cust (Lionel). The Royal Collection of Paintings at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. Volume 1, Buckingham Palace, volume 2, Windsor Castle. With Introductions and descriptive Text, by Lionel Cust. With one hundred and eighty full-page photogravures. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th | No. 421—Continued | 2 vols. large and thick folio, three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: William Heinemann, 1905-1906 ONE OF THE MOST SUMPTUOUS ART PUBLICATIONS OF RECENT TIMES, THE REPRODUCTIONS HAVING BEEN PRODUCED WITH A HIGH DEGREE OF EXCELLENCE. Includes famous examples by John Hoppner, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir David Wilkie, George Frederick Watts, Hans Memling, Sir Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Franz Hals, Jan Steen, Paulus Potter, Titian, Watteau, Meissonier, Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Thomas Gainsborough, Hans Holbein, Georg Pencz, and many others of note. 422. ParKMAN (Francis, Jr.). The California and Oregon Trail: being . Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Frontispiece and engraved title. First Epirion. 12mo, original embossed blue cloth, with paper label. New York, 1849 It is seldom that so fine a copy of the first edition, as the above, is offered for sale. 423. Pater (WALTER). Studies in the History of the Renaissance. First EDITION. 8vo, original green cloth, uncut, bookplate removed from inside of front cover. London: Macmillan and Co., 1873 THE AUTHOR’S FIRST BOOK. 424, Pepys (Samue.L). Diary and Correspondence. With a Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Portraits. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1869; Dopineron (GEORGE Bussp—Baron of Mel- combe Regis). Diary. Now First Published. By Henry Penrud- docke Wyndham. First Epirion. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, BY CECIL AND LARKINS. Salisbury, 1784; RanxkE (LEopotp). The History of the Popes. Translated by E. Foster. Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo, full tree calf, rich gilt decoration. London, 1871. Together, 8 vols. Various places and dates The Diary of Dodington “contains some curious historical information, especially as to the Prince and Princess of Wales, during the period 1749-1760.”—DicTIoNARY OF NATIONAL BIoGRAPHY. 425. Pepys (Samus). Diary and Correspondence. The Diary Deciphered by Rev. J. Smith. Life, and Notes, Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Por- traits. 4 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: The C. T. Brainard Company, undated Epition De Luxe. Limited and numbered. 426. “Puiz” Intusrrations. [James (G. P. R.).] The Commissioner: or, De Lunatico Enquirendo. With 28 illustrations on steel, by “Phiz.” First Epirron. S8yvo, newly bound in three-quarter dark-brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, original cloth covers and advertisements preserved. Dublin: William Curry Jun., 1843 Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 427. Piers ProucHMANn. The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman.. . with a Historical Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary, by Thomas Wright. Folding frontispiece in red and black. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: John R. Smith, 1856 Library of Old Authors. Second and Revised Edition. This issue is much superior to the later re-issue. 428. PuurarcnH’s Lives and Moras. Plutarch’s Lives. The Translation called Dryden’s. Corrected from the Greek and revised, by A. H. Clough. 5 vols.; [Atso] Plutarch’s Morals. Translated from the Greek by several hands. Corrected and revised by William Good- win. With an Introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. 5 vols. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half wine colored pol- ished calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Boston: Little Brown, and Co., 1874 HANDSOME AND COMPLETE SET Of the Large-Type Library Edition. 429. Pon (Epaar ALLAN). Eureka: A Prize Poem. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1848 It is generally stated that but 500 copies of the First EpITIon were printed. The above copy contains the advertisements, pp. [1]-[16]. — 430. Por (Epear ALLAN). The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. With Biographical Essay by John H. Ingram. With 20 original etchings, 5 photogravures, and a new etched portrait, ALL IN TWO STATES, — on Japanese vellum and Holland paper. 6 vols. square 8vo, three- quarter autumn-leaf morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Philadelphia: George Barrie, undated ‘PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER. Limited to 250 sets, each numbered, this being Number 92. A VERY HANDSOME SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITION. 431. Pope (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Pope; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and critical Notices of each Poem, by Rev. G. Croly. Steel frontispieces and vignettes. 4 vols. 12mo, newly bound in three-quarter light green polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: A. J. Valpy, 1835 CHOICE SET. 432. PORTRAITS OF CELEBRATED ENGLISHMEN AND ENGLISHWOMEN. ‘The British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, being a series of en- gravings of the most eminent persons now living or lately deceased in Great Britain and Ireland: from drawings accurately made from life, or from the most approved original pictures, accompanied by short biographical notices. With 150 reproductions in stipple (sev- Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 4382—Continued | eral very slightly spotted). 2 vols. atlas folio, contemporary half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1822 ONE OF THE GREAT GALLERIES OF ENGLISH PORTRAITURE. A LARGE PAPER COPY, WITH OPEN-LETTER PROOFS OF THE ENGRAVINGS. CONTENTS: Thomas Campbell; William Cowper; Duchess of Devonshire; Henry Grattan; Warren Hastings; Admiral Hood; John Hoppner ; Lord Nelson; Horatio Walpole; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Sir Walter Scott; the Duke of Wellington ; David Wilkie, and many others. 433. PoRTRAIT AND PorcELAIN. Catalogue of a Collection of Mounted Porce- lain, belonging to E. M. Hodgkins. Compiled by Seymour de Ricci. With 24 autotypes in black and colours. Oblong folio, cloth. Paris: Philippe Renouard, 1911 AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION copy from Mr. Hodgkins, the recipient’s name cut away. - 434. POTTERY AND PorcELAIN. Gorer (Edgar) and Blacker (J. F.). Chi- nece Porcelain and Hard Stones. Illustrated by 254 PLATES IN COLORS, reproduced in exact facsimile of the originals. 2 vols. thick 4to, white buckram, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1911 ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS EVER PRINTED RELATING TO CHINESE PORCELAIN. Many of the plates are folding, with as many as five il- lustrations on one plate, thus materially adding to the number of re- productions stated above. The issue was limited, and each copy numbered. The text is in English and French. 435. Portery AND Porcenain. Audsley (George Ashdown) and Bowes (James, Lord). Keramic Art of Japan. With 63 plates, 35 of which are beautifully executed IN GOLD AND COLORS, and with numer- ous illustrations in the text. 2 vols. folio, full dark-red levant morocco, blind tooled backs and sides, broad dentelle inside bor- ders, gilt tops, By [ALFRED| MATTHEWS. London and Liverpool, 1875 A VERY HANDSOME SET OF THE ORIGINAL AND Best Epition. It contains a complete dissertation on the ceramic productions of Japan, from the earliest records, with sectional articles on the pottery and porcelain of the various provinces of the empire in which manufactories exist. 436. PorrTERY AND PorRCELAIN. - WALTERS’ COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL ART. Bushell (S. W.). Oriental Ceramic Art, Illustrated by examples from the collection of W. T. Walters. With ONE HUNDRED AND SIX- TEEN PLATES IN coors, and over 400 reproductions in black and white. Text and notes by 8S. W. Bushell. 10 sections, imperial folio, decorated yellow boards, silk backs, enclosed in 5 padded silk cloth portfolios, with ties. New York, 1897 Limited to 500 numbered and registered copies, this copy being Number Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th | No. 486—Continued | 23, formerly owned by Mr. George Pope, with his name printed therein. ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, if not the most beautiful, oF THE SEVERAL WORKS ON ORIENTAL CERAMIC ART. ‘The full-page plates in color are all inlaid on Japanese vellum paper, and are remarkable examples of ac- curacy in the reproduction of the original color or shade. Skilled artists were employed for more than seven years in making the drawings for these plates. The volume of text in Svo, which sometimes accompanies the work, is not present. 437. Porrery AND PorcenLaIn. Rathbone (Frederick). Old Wedgwood. The Decorative or Artistic Ceramié Work, in Colour and Relief, invented and produced by Josiah Wedgwood, at Etruria, in Statf- fordshire, 1760-1794. With 67 full-page illustrations in the colour of the originals, and smaller wood-blocks. Large folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut, several pages slightly soiled. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1898 THE STANDARD WORK ON WepGwoop. Contains biographical and de- scriptive chapters, a list of marks used at Etruria, and explanatory text to each object illustrated. . 438. Porrery AND PorcELAIN. Chaffers (William). Marks and Mono- grams on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain. Revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield. With over 3500 potters’ marks and illustrations. Ninth and enlarged edition. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1900 439, Porrery AND PorceLaIN. A collection of Standard Works on Pottery and Porcelain, as below detailed. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, and 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Various places and dates IMPORTANT COLLECTION. CONTENTS : Prime (WiritiAM C©.). Pottery and Porcelain of all Times and Na- tions. With tables of factory and artists’ marks for the use of collectors. Eatensively illustrated. First Wprrion. New York, 1878. A REMARKABLY FINE COPY, PRACTICALLY AS NEW. Ectiotr (CHARLES WyLiys). Pottery and Porcelain, from early times down to the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876. With 165 illustrations, and the more important marks and monograms. New York, 1878. JEwitt (LLEWELLYNN). The Ceramic Art of Great Britain, from Pre-Historic Times down to the present day, being a History of the Ancient and Modern Pottery and Porcelain Works. With nearly 2,000 engravings. 2 vols. New York (printed in London), 1878. 440. Porrery, PorcELAIN AND FurNITURE. Jacquemart (Albert). History of the Ceramic Art. A descriptive and philosophical study of the Pottery of all Ages and all Nations. ‘Translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. With a large number of illustrations, many beautiful full-page etchings. New York (printed in London), 1877; [Aso] A History of Furniture. Edited by Mrs. Bury Palliser. With ee ae ee ast gl? Yo le Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th | No. 440—Continued | numerous illustrations. London, 1878. Together, 2 vols. imperial 8yo, the first named in half crimson levant morocco, richly tooled back, gilt top, uncut; the second in original cloth. New York and London, 1877-1878 CHOICE COPIES OF BOTH WORKS. 441. Prescorr (Wini1am H.). The (Complete) Writings of Prescott. Edited by John Foster Kirk. With portraits on Japanese vellum paper, and other illustrations, 16 vols. 8vo, half red levant mo- rocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1895 HANDSOME SET of a limited and numbered issue. CONTENTS: Ferdinand and Isabella; The Conquest of Peru; The Conquest of Mexico; History of Philip the Second; History of Charles the Fifth; Biographical and Critical Miscellanies ; Life of Prescott, by George Ticknor. t4e. ee (Wirt1am H.). The (Complete) Works of Prescott. Edited by Wilfred Harold Munro, and comprising the Notes of the Edi- tion by John Foster Kirk. With numerous illustrations and por- traits, including reproductions of portraits by famous painters, by Goupil and Co., of Paris. 22 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark-green levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Lippincott Company [1904] MONTEZUMA EDITION. Limited and numbered issue. Handsome Library Edition. CONTENTS: The Beacnest of Mexico; History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth; Biographical and Critical Miscellanies ; The Life of Prescott, by Ticknor; The Conquest of Peru; History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 443. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, from George Washington to Wood- row Wilson. A series of tinted photogravures, on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, lightly hinged on dark brown paper, and enclosed in cloth portfolio, with ties. No place, recent 444, Prisons or THE Worip. Griffiths (Major Arthur). The World’s Fa- mous Prisons. An Account of the State of Prisons from the earliest Times to the present day, with the History of celebrated Cases. With frontispieces in color, and other illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. [New York:] The Grolier Society, undated Epition Dr Luxe. Limited to 1,000 numbered and registered sets. CONTENTS: Chronicles of Newgate, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. Italian Prisons; St. Angelo; The Piombi; The Vicaria Prisons of the Roman Inquisition. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 444—Continued | Millbank Penitentiary: An Experiment in Reformation. Early French Prisons; Le Grand; The Bastile, and others. Russian Prisons: St. Peter and St. Paul; The Schlusselburg, and others. Prisons over Seas. Deportation and Colonization. British and American Prisons of To-Day. Modern French Prisons: St. Lazare; La Force, and others. Spanish Prisons: The Inquisition at home and abroad. Oriental Prisons: Prisons and Crime in India, etc. Non-Criminal Prisons: English Debtor’s Prisons and Prisons of War. German and Austrian Prisons, Bavaria, Saxony, etc. 445. Racine (J.). Giuvres. Nouvelle Edition, revue sur les plus anciennes Impressions, et augmentée de Notes, etc. par M. Paul Mesnard. With the music, portraits, plans and facsimiles, in separate volumes. 9 vols, in 14, royal 8vo, the first 6 vols. in full crimson crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gold lines on sides, broad inside dentelle borders, gilt tops. The balance of set in half crimson crushed levant morocco, backs tooled to match, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. The difference in binding is not ob- servable when the books are on the shelves. Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1865-1873 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 150 portraits, some scarce, and engravings, head and tail-pieces, etc., by Gravelot, Moreau, and other eminent French engravers. 446, RawLtinson (Grorce). A Collected Set of the Writings of George Rawlinson, as detailed below. Together, 9 vols. thick 8vo, uniformly bound in full tree calf, richly decorated gilt backs, gold lines on sides, marbled edges, BY R. W. SMITH. London and New York, 1873-1876 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITIONS, PRINTED IN LARGE TYPE. CONTENTS: Te Five Great Monarcutses of the Ancient World; or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldea, Assyria, ete. With maps and illustrations. 3 vols. New York (printed in London), 1873. Mie SrxtH GREAT ORIENTAL MonarcHy; or, the Geography, History & Antiquities of Parthia. With maps and illustrations. London, 1873. This is the scarcest of the series, many copies haying been destroyed in a fire at the publisher’s warehouse. The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy; or, the Geography, His- tory, and Antiquities of the Sassanian or New Persian Empire. With maps and illustrations. London, 1876. History or Heropotus. With maps and illustrations. 4 vols. New York (printed in London), 1875. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 447%. REALISTS AND Romancists. Chefs-d’Giuvre du Roman Contemporain. With numerous etchings, after eminent etchers, in two states, on Japan vellum paper, and India paper. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed only for subscribers by George Barrie & Son [1896] EACH WORK PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON’ JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. Limited and numbered issue, the above set printed for Charles W. Perry. A PARTICULARLY HANDSOME AND DESIRABLE SET, COMPRISING THE BEST WORKS OF THE RESPECTIVE AUTHORS. CONTENTS: FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bovary. 2 vols. Hatevy (Lupovic). The Cardinal Family. GoncourT (EDMOND AND JULES DE). Germinie Lacerteux. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Sapho: Parisian Customs. DuMAS (ALEXANDRE). The Lady of the Camellias. ZoLA (HMILE). A Page of Love. 2 vols. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Mademoiselle de Maupin. 2 vols. Murcer (Henri). Bohemian Life. MuSSET (ALFRED DE). The Confession of a Child of the Century. CLARETIE (JULES). His Excellency the Minister. FEUILLET (OcTAVE). Monsieur de Camoes. Musset (ALFRED DE). The Two Mistresses, and 4 other works, in one volume. LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Raphael. BERNARD (CHARLES DE). Gerfaut. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Miltona. SanpD (GEORGE). The Devil’s Pool. AICARD (JEAN). King of Camargue. 448. Remusat (Madame de). Mémoires, 1802-1808, publés par son petit fils Paul de Rémusat. 3 vols. Thick royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gold lines on sides, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1880 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 185 portraits (many in stipple, contemporary and scarce), battle scenes, etc. Among the portraits are those of Count Rumford, Mlle. Georges, Mlle. Duchesnois, Hortense, Napoleon (several, including a fine impression of the full length miniature less than an inch high, and which is considered to be the smallest portrait of “The Little Corporal” ever engraved), Le Prince Eugene, Josephine, and many others. 449, R1icHARDSON (SAMUEL). The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson, author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison. | Selected from the Original Manuscripts, bequeathed by him to his family. To which are prefixed a Biographical Account of that Author, and Observations on his Writings, by Anna Laetitia Barbauld. Wath views (including the large folding view of Tunbridge Wells, con- taining portraits of Dr. Johnson and other notable characters), portraits, facsimiles of autographs, etc. First Epirion. 6 vols. 8vo, original boards, with paper labels, uncut. London: Richard Phillips, 1804 IT IS DOUBTFUL IF ANOTHER SET, THE EQUAL OF THE ABOVE, IN CONDITION, IS IN THIS COUNTRY. IT IS PRACTICALLY AS FRESH AS THE DAY IT WAS ISSUED. THE RARITY IS THEREFORE AT ONCE APPARENT. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 450. Ricuarpson (Samurt). The Works of Samuel Richardson. With a Prefatory Chapter of Biographical Criticism, by Leslie Stephen. Portrait. 12 vols. 8vo, original brown cloth. London: Henry Sotheran, 1883 Limited and numbered issue, now entirely out of print. 451. Rrvey (James Wurrcoms). The Writings of James Whitcomb Riley. With illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. 10 vols. 1emo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut, one volume damaged. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899 CONTENTS: Rhymes of Childhood ; Neighborly Poems ; The Book of Joyous Children ; Sketches in Prose ; Green Fields and Running Brooks, and others. 452. Rogers (Samvuen). Italy, a Poem; [Atso] Poems. Illustrated with all the fine vignettes after the designs by Turner and Stothard. 'To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary full morocco, richly decorated gilt on backs and sides, doublures of maroon watered silk, with similar linings. London, 1830-1834 First Eprrion of both volumes. “Italy,” having the vignette of the “Tomb” rightly placed at the head of the verses relating to the same, is the second issue. From the library of Vera Frances Salomons, with bookplate. . 453. Romance or History. Hach work copiously illustrated. Together, 10 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in three-quarter dark green crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gilt tops, (probably By RIVIERE). London, 1832-1836 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET. CONTENTS : Rircu1e (Lerrcu). The Romance of History. France. With 21 illustrations by T. Landseer. 3 vols. MACFARLANE (CHARLES). The Romance of History. Italy. Numer- ous illustrations. 3 Vols. NrEELE (Henry). The Romance of History. England. With 21 illus- trations by T. Landseer. 3 vols. Caunter (Hopart). The Romance of History. India. 3 vols. TrurBa (Don T. pE). The Romance of History. Spain. With 21 illustrations by J. K. Meadows. 3 vols. 454. Romances or NortHern Nations. Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations. Vignettes on title-pages. First Eprrion. 3 vols. 12mo, half dark-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, UNCUT, BY STIKEMAN. London: Printed for W. Simpkin, 1823 Fine copy of this interesting collection, containing,—The Bottle-Imp ; The Sorcerers; The Enchanted Castle; The Field of Terror; The Erl- King’s Daughter, and others. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 455. RoosEVELT (THEODORE). The Writings of Theodore Roosevelt. EHz- tensively illustrated. 22 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant mo- rocco, large panel on both sides of each volume containing floral ornaments, inlaid with blue and cream-colored levant, backs tooled with a similar design, doublures of brown crushed levant morocco, with festoon floral ornaments in each corner, white watered silk linings, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Gebbie and Company, 1902-1903 UNIFORM EDITION. A MAGNIFICENT AND UNIQUE SET, ENRICHED WITH ABOUT 522 ORIGINAL MARGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLORS BY N. BRoGONTI, AND OTHER ARTISTS, THE DRAWING ON THE TITLE-PAGE OF EACH VOLUME SIGNED BY THE RESPECTIVE ARTISTS. Owing to the unusual character and importance of this set, it has been thought advisable to present the list of the various works, with the total drawings therein. CONTENTS: THE WINNING OF THE West. An Account of the Exploration and Set- tlement of Our Country, from the Alleghanies to the Pacific. 6 vols. With 1338 original marginal drawings in water-colors. OLIVER CROMWELL. The Story of His Life and Works. With 24 original marginal drawings in water-colors. THE WiLpERNESS Hunter. An Account of the Big Game of the United States, and its Chase with Horse, Hound and Rifle. 2 vols. With 52 original marginal drawings in water-colors. HuntTING Trips oF A RANCHMAN. Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains. 2 vols. With 45 original marginal drawings in water-colors. THE Rovueu Ripers. A History of the First United States Volunteer Cavalry. With 21 original marginal drawings in water-colors. Tuomas Hart Benton. The Story of his Life and Work. With 25 original marginal drawings in water-colors. Tue Navat War oF 1812; or, the History of the United States Navy during the last War with Great Britain. 2 vols. With 50 original marginal drawings in water-colors. THIS VOLUME CON- TAINS A SPECIALLY PRINTED TITLE-PAGE FOR THE SET, WITH THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH INLAID THEREIN. Rancu Lire and the Hunting-Trail. An Account of Life in the Cattle Country of the far West. With 21 original marginal drawings in water-colors. New York. A Sketch of the City’s Social, Political and Commercial Progress, from the First Dutch Settlement to recent times. With 28 original marginal drawings in water-colors. THe Strenuous Lire: Essays and Addresses. With 27 original marginal drawings in water-colors. AMERICAN IpEALS, and other Essays, Social and Political. 2 vols. With 50 original marginal drawings in water-colors. GOUVERNEUR Morris. The Story of his Life and Work. With 22 original marginal drawings in water-colors. Hero TALES FROM AMERICAN History. This volume written in col- laboration with Henry Cabot Lodge. With 26 original marginal drawings in water-colors. 456. Rousseau (JEAN JacquEs). Les Confessions. Préface de Jules Claretie. Nouvelle Edition. Jllustrée de quatre-vingt-seize com- positions par Maurice Leloir, gravées & Veau-forte par les premiers artistes. 12 vols. royal 4to, sheets, uncut, enclosed in board port- folios, with ties. Paris: H. Launette et Cie., 1889 Ep1itioN Dr GRANDE LUXE, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 456—Continued | PAPER, AND LIMITED TO 48 NUMBERED AND REGISTERED SETS, THIS BEING NUMBER 18. THE PLATES ARE IN THREE STATES,—UNFINISHED, PROOF WITH REMARQUE, AND WITH LETTERS. Published for subscribers at 2,000 francs. It ranks as one of the most important editions yet produced, perhaps the most important edition. The publishers presented to the subscribers two water-colors, these are not with the foregoing set. 457. RowLanpson Cotorep Puares (In the manner of). [Rhodes (W. B.).] Eccentric Tales. In Verse. By Cornelius Crambo. With folding plate in color, by J. A. Atkinson, in Rowlandson’s manner. First EpItion. 12mo, original boards, uncut. London: 8. Tipper, 1808 458. RowLANDson Cororep Puares. Annals of Sporting. By Caleb Quizem, Esqr. and’ his various Correspondents. Illustrated with 24 COLORED PLATES BY RowLANDSON, including a folding frontispiece and the 7 plates entitled, “The Bathff’s Hunt,” after Bunbury, Woodward, and others. First Eprrion. 16mo, original half calf binding, gilt back. London: Printed by Thomas Tegg, 1809 FINE Copy OF A RARE WORK, With an unusual number of plates in proportion to its size. 459. Rowianpson CoLorepD Puates. The Beauties of Sterne: comprising his Humorous and Descriptive Tales, Letters, &. Embellished with (2) caricatures by Rowlandson, IN coLor. First Eprrion. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, By WALLIS. ~~ London: Thomas Tegg, 1809 460. RowLaNpson Cotorep Piates. [Combe (Willam).] Complete Set of the “Syntax” Tours, all Frrst Epirions, as follows,— | (1) The Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of the Picturesque. A Poem. Portrait of Dr. Syntax, COLORED, TITLE AND 29 PLATES, ALL FINELY COLORED. London: R. Ackermann [Pub. Ist May, 1812] (2) The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of Consola- tion; a Poem. With 24 FINELY COLORED PLATES. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1820 (3) The Third Tour of Dr. Syntax, In Search of a Wife. A Poem. Illustrated title, and 24 FULL-PAGE PLATES, ALL FINELY COLORED. London: Published by R. Ackermann [1821] Together, 3 vols. royal 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt backs, elaborately tooled, sides with gilt-line panel design, dentelle in- side borders, gilt tops, BY RIVIERE. London, [1812 ]-1820-[1821] CHOICE SET OF THE RARE FIRST ISSUES OF ALL VOLUMES, WITH THE SEPA- RATE LEAF CONTAINING LIST OF PLATES, IN EACH VOLUME. BRIGHT AND CLEAN IMPRESSIONS OF ALL THE FINELY COLORED PLATES BY THomas Row- LANDSON. AN UNUSUALLY TALL AND CLEAN COPY. ~ Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 461. RowLaNpson CoLorep PuatEes. The Military Adventures of Johnny Newcombe, with an Account of his Campaigns on the Peninsula and in Pall Mall: with Sketches by Rowlandson; and Notes. By “An Officer.” WirH 15 HIGHLY COLORED PLATES BY ROWLANDSON. First Epirion. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, leather label, gilt edges, BY LARKINS. Faint traces of name on title-page, and thumbed in places. London: Printed for Patrick Martin, 1815 462. RowLANDSON CoLorED Puiates. [Combe (William).] The Dance of Death and the Dance of Life. Complete, WITH ALL THE FINELY COLORED PLATES, as follows,—— (1) The English Dance of Death, from the Designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustrations, by the author of “Doctor Syntax.” With frontismece, illustrated title, and %2 plates, ALL FINELY COLORED. 2 vols. London: 1815-1816 (2) The Dance of Life, a Poem, by the author of “Doctor Syntax.” Illustrated WITH COLORED ENGRAVINGS (26) by Thomas Rowlandson. One vol. London, 1817 Together, 3 vols. royal 8vo, full dark green straight-grained morocco, backs and sides richly gold-tooled to an unusual and very pleasing design, doublures of crimson watered silk, with similar linings, gilt edges. London, 1815-1816-1817 Att First Epirions. A REMARKABLY LARGE AND FINE SET. Two of the most typical and interesting books containing Rowlandson’s plates. Rowlandson has here drawn his characters from the environment in which he lived and moved, not being hampered by the author; the latter (William Combe) wrote the text for the illustrations. 463. RowLaNpson Conorep Puates. Rowlandson’s World in Miniature; consisting of Figures, for the Illustration of Landscape Scenery, Drawn and etched by T. Rowlandson. With the complete series of 40 plates, containing 59 mcturesque and humorous subjects, by Thomas Rowlandson, ALL IN cotors. Frrst Eprrion. Royal 8vo, newly bound in sage-green crushed levant morocco, sides and back elaborately gold-tooled, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, BY BROCA. Bookplate extracted from front inside cover. London: R. Ackermann, 1816 A VERY FINE COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME, WITH ORIGINAL WRAPPERS FOR PART 2 PRESERVED. 464. RowLANDSON CoLorEeD Piarss. Mitford (John). The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy. A Poem in Four Cantos, with Notes. With the series of 20 full-page plates by Williams [after Thomas Rowlandson|. Frrst Eprrion. Royal 8vo, full crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, OTHER EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1819 LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY. EXTREMELY RARE IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED CONDITION. Contains many references to the War of 1812. Note 185, page 215, line 6, commences: “To whom the Muse has not to tell.” “To record the tale of every Johnny Newcome would be an endless task many per- ished in the silly American War, combatting against a superior force.” Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th >» 465. RowLANDSON CoLorED PLATES. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the 466 467 468 Southern Provinces of France, shortly before the Revolution. Hm- bellished with 17 coloured engravings, from designs by T. Row- landson, Esq. First Eprrion. Royal 8vo, full wine-colored straight- grained morocco, sides and back containing an unusual and at- tractive design in gold, doublures of dark green watered silk, with similar hnings, gilt top, OTHER EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 A VERY FINE AND LARGE COPY, AND VERY RARE IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STATE. The advertisements are preserved, the first page, being the original prospectus of “The History of Johnny Quae Genus,” illustrated by Rowlandson. . Rownanpson CoLtorep Piates. [Combe (William).] The History of Johnny Quae Genus, and the Little Foundling of the late Doctor Syntax: A Poem. With the series of 24 PLATES IN COLOR, by Thomas Rowlandson. First Epirion. , 8yo, full polished yellow calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, dentelle “inside borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: R. Ackermann, 1822 FINE copy, with good coloring of the plates. . RowLANDSON CoLoRED PLATES. Costume of the Lower Orders in Paris. A series of 29 FINELY COLORED PLATES (by Thomas Rowlandson, and others, although unsigned). Frrst Eprrion. Small 8yvo, full dark-green straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY LLOYD. [London, 1825 | Delineates Vendor of Songs, Cocoa Seller, Dealer in Whips, Water Carrier, Dealer in Packthread, Milk Woman, and many others. . ROWLANDSON CoLorED Puarss. [In the manner of.] The Adventures of Doctor Comicus; or, The Frolicks of Fortune. A Comie Satirical Poem for the Squeamish & the Queer. In Twelve Cantos. By “A Modern Syntax.” With 15 FINELY COLORED PLATES by Illman, in the manner of Thomas Rowlandson. First EpITIoN. 8yvo, ORI- GINAL ORNAMENTAL BOARDS, ENTIRELY UNCUT. Within a red silk cover, London: Printed for W. Blake (without date) An imitation of Combe’s “Tours of Dr. Syntax.” “. . . It looks as if Com-icus were a pun on Combe’s name, to add insult to injury.”—HARDIE : “Hnglish Coloured Books.” 469. RowLANDSON ORIGINAL DRAWINGS... A SERIES OF FOURTEEN OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN CoLors, BY THOMAS ROWLANDSON, FOR “THE Miseries oF Human Lirs.” HACH DRAWING SIGNED BY THE AR- Tist. Each drawing laid down (with one exception, as it contains comments, in the artist’s autograph on reverse) im sunken mats, and loosely laid in thick folio box, with red morocco back, contents lettered. Circa 1808 THH ABOVE, AND THE SERIES OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS FoR “Doctor Syn- - TAX,”~ FOLLOWING, ARE CONSIDERED TO BE THE TWO FINEST AND MOST IM- PORTANT SERIES OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY THE GREAT ENGLISH CARICATUR- IST THAT HAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 469—Continued | EVERY DRAWING OF THE ABOVE SERIES (With two exceptions) CONTAINS A LENGTHY DESCRIPTION IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE ARTIST. IT IS BELIEVED THAT SEVERAL OF THE DRAWINGS ARE UNPUBLISHED. THE SET COMPRISES: (1) “Miseries of the Country. On a stubborn horse, coming to a no less stubborn gate, when you have either no hooked stick aes so that at last you must resolve to dismount.” 3-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (2) “Miseries of Human Life. Waked in the middle of the night, with the alarm of Fire.” 2-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (3) “Miseries Domestic. Waking in the middle of the night in a state of raging thirst, eagerly blundering in the dark to the washing stand.” Etc. 5-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (4) “Miseries of the Country . . . to spring carelessly, with the help of one hand, over a five barred gate . . . blundering on your nose on the other side.”” 3-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (5) “At an-inn, going into a bed too short which you were too fatigued to unstrap . . . when the chamber maid comes in for the candle, she conceives to be the handle of the warming pan, which she has carelessly left in the bed.” 5-LINE AUTOGRAPH DE- SCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (6) “Social Agonies. Having made a newly-tolled gravel walk, finding some friends whom you asked to dine with you amusing themselves before dinner, by drawing each other in your child’s chaise.” Etc. 5-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (7) “Miseries of Human Life.” The finely executed drawing for the title-page of the volume, the figure of death tilting the old man with the gout, while the young man and woman steal his gold. (8) “Miseries of Human Life. Walking fast and far in a hot sun to overtake a woman from whose shape and air .. . you have decided that her face is angelic, till on eagerly turning round as you pass her, you are petrified by a Gorgon.” 4-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (9) “Going to a house to dine, where you expected to sleep, finding the house full . . . attempting to get home by a short cut . . . that you have driven four miles out of your way.” 4-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (10) “Miseries of the Country. Venturing on a pinch of high dried Irish (snuff) in the open. . . a sudden puff of wind emptying your box into your eyes the moment you open it.” 3-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (11) “Miseries Miscellaneous . .. the first, or prelusive squall of a fractious brat, which you had taken in your arms to please its mother, the horrible pause during which you perceive that it is collecting breath to burst out with a fresh and recruited scream.” Ete. 4-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (12) “Mrs. Flimsy’s Fashionable Straw Hats, Bonnets, ete. . . . being overpersuaded by a canting shopwoman .. . that it is the most becoming and suitable to your stile of features.” Ete. 8-LINE AUTOGRAPH DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. (13) “Taken round the Plantations in a sultry hot day, by a man who is fond of planting.” 1-LINE AUTOGRAPIHI DESCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. : (14) “Eagerly breaking open a letter . . . you conclude to be from a dear long absent friend, and then finding it to contain nothing but tradesman’s long bill.” Ete. 4LINE AUTOGRAPH DE- SCRIPTION BY THE ARTIST. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 470. RowLANDSON OricINAL Drawines. A SERIES OF FIFTEEN DRAWINGS IN COLORS, BY THOMAS ROWLANDSON, EIGHT OF WHICH ARE ORI- GINALS FOR HIS FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED woRK: “THE Tours oF Doo- Tor SyNTAX,” BY WILLIAM COMBE, AND SIX UNPUBLISHED DRAW- INGS FOR THE SAME WORK. EACH DRAWING SIGNED BY THE ARTIST, two containing their titles in the artist’s autograph. Each drawing laid down in a sunken mat. Loosely laid in thick folio box, with morocco back, contents lettered. Circa 1812 and later LIKE THE PRECEDING COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, OF THE HIGHEST INTEREST AND VALUE, ESPECIALLY AS THE SERIES CONTAINS SIX DRAWINGS EXECUTED FoR “SyNTAX,” BUT NEVER USED. THE VOLUMES AND PAGES AS GIVEN BELOW, ARE THOSE OF THE FIRST EDITIONS OF EACH VOLUME, 1812- 1820-1821. THe SET COMPRISES: (1) “Dr. Syntax reading his Tour.” Volume 1, page 181. (2) “Dr. Syntax at the funeral of his Wife.” Volume 2, page 24. (3) “Dr. Syntax amused with Pat in the Pond.” Volume 2, page 153. (4) “Dr. Syntax and the Bees.” Volumes 2, page 220. (5) “Dr. Syntax painting a portrait.” Volume 2, page 242. (6) “Miss Worthy’s Marriage.” Volume 2, page 276. (7) “Dr. Syntax in the wrong Lodging House.” Volume 3, page 191. (S) “Death of Punch.” Volume 3, page 213. (9) “Introduction to Courtship.” Volume 38, page 263. Tur UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS COMPRISE: (10) “Kitchin Stuf (sic), or Cupboard Love.” A characteristic scene. Syntax taking a meal with an elderly and buxom female, both about to embrace. (11) “Dr. Syntax in the kitchen.” A finely executed drawing. Syn- tax in riding clothes, whip in hand, is whispering in the ear of a buxom female. (12) Syntax receiving a jug from the hands of a man whose body is only partly visible, probably a well digger. (18) Syntax lacing the shoe of a very pretty female, another female attending to a bird in its cage, foliage, dog, etc. . : (14) “Dr. Syntax at the Village Inn.” A beautifully executed draw- ing. The “Doctor” is seated at a table with two countrymen, other figures nearby. (15) “Syntax in Study.” Full length portrait of Syntax asleep in large arm chair, books on table and floor. [See Reproduction of No. 13.] 471. Ruskin (Joun). The King of the Golden River; or, the Black Brothers. A Legend of Stiria. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. First Eprrion. Square 12mo, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL BOARDS, gilt edges, with the leaf of advertisement. London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1851 FINE CLEAN COPY. VERY RARE IN THIS STATE. 472. Ruskin (Joun). The Writings of John Ruskin. Hach work copt- ously illustrated by the author. Together, 9 vols. royal 8vo, uni- formly bound in full crimson morocco, backs richly gold-tooled, broad dentelle inside borders, solid gold edges. London, 1855-1874 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITIONS OF RUSKIN’S PRINCIPAL WORKS. [Continued =e had Samal * “any, . — =" THOMAS ROWLANDSON Reduced Reproduction of Original Colored Drawing [No. 470] Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 472 Continued | CONTENTS: Tur Seven Lamps or ARCHITECTURE. With illustrations, drawn by the author. Second Edition. Light stain on one margin. Lon- don, 1855. This, the second edition, is an improvement over the first, the plates having been re-etched. MopEerN Painters. With numerous illustrations, full-page and m the teat, by the author. 5 vols. London, 1873. “TI sign with my own hand this preface to every copy, thus cer- tifying it as containing the best impressions of the original plates now procurable; and belonging to the last edition of the book in its complete form.’ (Signed) “John Ruskin.”—EXCERPT FROM PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. THe STONES oF VENICE. With illustrations drawn by the author. 3 vols. London, 1874. “I sign each with my own hand, certifying it as containing the best states of the old plates now procurable.” (Signed) “John Ruskin.’”—EXcCERPT FROM PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. 473. Ruskin (JoHNn). Fors Clavigera. Letters to the Workmen and La- bourers of Great Britain. With numerous fine photogravure and other plates. First Eprrton. 7% vols. (only, 1-7, should be 9), 8vo, half dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, BY GREEVE. Orpington, Kent, 1871-1877; [Auso] Praeteria. Out- lines of Scenes and Thoughts, perhaps worthy of Memory in my past Life. With engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1886. Together, 9 vols. Orpington and New York, 1871-1886 4¥4, Satnt-Srton (Duc pE) Mfmorres, augmentés de Additions de Saint- Simon au Journal de Dangeau et de Notes et Appendices par A. de Boislisle. ExtTra-ILLustRaTEeD by the insertion of a number of portraits, etc. 26 vols. in 3d, royal 8vo, 26 vols. in full crimson crushed levant morocco, blind tooled backs and sides, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, By ZAEHNspoRF, the remaining volumes (7) unbound. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1879-1914; | Atso| Bascust (ArmAND). Le Due de Saint-Simon, son Cabinet et VHistoire de ses Manuscrits. With frontispiece. 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco, to match. Paris, 1874. Together, 36 vols. Paris, 1874-1914 BEST EDITION OF THESE CELEBRATED MEMOIRS. Only 200 were printed. Monogram on the backs of vols. 1-10. 475. [Scorr (Sir Wanrer).] The Abbot. Fimsr Eprrron. 3 vols. 12mo, newly bound in three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt hacks, gilt tops, UNCUT, BY STIKEMAN. Edinburgh, 1820 Contains the leaf, unpaged: “New Editions of Works by the same Author” [Sir Walter Scott], at end of volume 3. “This novel, which is partly a continuation of The Monastery, includes an account of the imprisonment of Mary, Queen of Scots, in Lochleven Castle (1568), her escape from it, and the battle of Langside, which decided her future.”—E. D. CHourcH CATALOGUE. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 476. [Scott (Str Watrer).| The Monastery. First Eprrion. 3 vols. 12mo, newly bound in three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, BY STIKEMAN: Edinburgh, 1820 “This work was considered a failure, the first of the series on which any such sentence was pronounced. Its scenery is laid at Melrose Abbey. In the Introduction Scott points out his variations from the geography of the neighborhood.”—E. D. CHURCH CATALOGUE. 477. [Scott (Str WatterR).| Woodstock; or, The Cavalier. First Epr- TION. 3 vols. 12mo, newly bound in three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, BY STIKEMAN. .... ..Edinburgh, 1826 Contains the four pages of Advertisements, dated December, 1825. “This was the first novel to appear after Scott’s financial disaster. Its success was so great that the sum of £8000 was realized on it in a short time, much to the gratification of his creditors. “The principal actors in the story of Charles II. and Cromwell, and though as portraits they are inaccurately drawn, as imaginary characters they are admirable.”—HE. D. CHurcH CATALOGUE. 478. Scott (Sir Water). Novers, Prosz, Portry, anp Lirz, Extra- ILLUSTRATED. ‘The Waverley Novels, Prose Works, Poetical Works, and Life of Scott, by John G. Lockhart. With numerous allustra- tions, by and after the most eminent artists and engravers. 36 vols. royal 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, backs and sides elabo- rately gold-tooled, doublures of the original cloth covers, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1842, ete. THE MAGNIFICENT AUGUSTIN DALY SET OF THE WRITINGS AND LIFE OF ScoTT, EXTENDED FROM SEVENTEEN TO THIRTY-SIX VOLUMES, BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT TWO THOUSAND HISTORICAL AND OTHER PORTRAITS, SCENIC AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEVEN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OR DOCUMENTS, SIGNED. EACH VOLUME HAS ITS SPECIALLY PRINTED TITLE-PAGE, ON WHICH IS PRINTED THAT THE SET CONTAINS 1740 EXTRA ILLUSTRATIONS. IT CONTAINS, HOWEVER, ABOUT 2,000, MANY OF WHICH ARE ON INDIA PAPER. A NUMBER OF THE PLATES ARE IN COLOR, INCLUDING SOME OF THE COLORED CRUIKSHANK PRINTS, FROM IRELAND’S “LIFE OF NAPOLEON.” The Autograph Letters and Documents, include,—Ip. A.L.S. of Sir Walter Scott, February ist, 1830, (interesting as to contents); L.S. 2pp. of Louis, King of Holland, brother of Napoleon; D.S. 1p. of Jerome Bonaparte; A.L.S. 1p. of Lucien Bonaparte; D.S. 3pp. of Savary, Duke de Rovigo, Colonel of the Gendarmerie, 1804, under Napoleon, and others. 479. Scorr (Str WALTER). Waverley Novels. Illustrated with upwards of 2000 engravings, on steel and wood, SPECIALLY DRAWN FOR THIS EDITION, by Stanfield, H. K. Browne, Nasmyth, Maclise and other artists. 12 vols. royal 8vo, full light polished calf, backs richly tooled in gilt, with blue and red leather labels, sides with triple border line and corner ornaments in gilt, dentelle inside borders, BY KAUFMAN. / Edinburgh: Robert Cadell. London: Houlston & Stoneman, 1842-1847 3 FINE SET OF THE ORIGINAL ABBOTSFORD EpiTion. Without the usual spots which are found on the margins of the plates in many copies. ContTENTS lettered on back as follows,— 1. Waverley. Guy Mannering. [Continued Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [ No. 479—Continued | II. The Antiquary. Old Mortality. III. Rob Roy. Heart of Mid-Lothian. IV. Lammermoor. Montrose. Ivanhoe. V. The Monastery. The Abbot. VI. Kenilworth. The Pirate. VII. Fortunes of Nigel. Peveril of the Peak. VIII. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan’s Well. IX.. Red Gauntlet. The Betrothed. The Talisman. X. Woodstock. Surgeon’s Daughter, ete. XI. Fair Maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein. XII. Count Robert of Paris. Castle Dangerous, &c. 480. Scorr (Str Waiter). The Waverley Novels. Numerous full-page steel plates and text illustrations. 12 vols. thick royal 8vo, tree calf, — richly gold-tooled backs, broad gilt borders on sides, gilt tops, uncut, BY MANSELL. Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1842-1847 FINE SET OF THE ABBOTSFORD EDITION, THE BINDING AS PERFECT AS THE DAY IT WAS EXECUTED. CONTENTS: Waverley; Rob Roy; The Monastery; The Abbot; Kenilworth ; The Pirate; The Talisman; The Fair Maid of Perth; Quentin Durward, and others. 481. Scorr (Str Watter). The Waverley Novels. With steel frontispieces and vignettes, and hundreds of illustrations in the teat. 48 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1861 HANDSOME SET Of the Author’s Favorite Edition, printed by R. and R. Clark, Edinburgh, for Messrs. Lippincott. 482. Scorr (Str Water). The Waverley Novels. With numerous por- traits of the author and others, some from rare and early sources. 48 vols. full crimson morocco, gilt ornaments on sides and backs, with onlays of purple and green levant, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable, 1901 EDINBURGH EDITION. Limited to 1040 sets, of which this is Number 771. OWING TO THE LARGE READABLE TYPE, THE EDITION IMMEDIATELY WON FAVOR, WITH THE RESULT THAT THE ENTIRE ISSUE WAS RAPIDLY ABSORBED AND IT WENT QUICKLY OUT OF PRINT. IT MAY WELL BE DESCRIBED AS THE MOST ELABORATE PUBLICATION EVER ISSUED OF THE MANY EDITIONS OF ScoTr, AND WORTHY TO BE PLACED IN THE SAME CATEGORY AS THE “EDIN- BURGH” STEVENSON. 483. Secret Court Memoirs. With numerous portraits (many from rare and contemporary sources), historical and other scenes, IN TWO STATES, on Japanese vellum paper, AND IN COLORS. 20 vols. 8vo, full dark-green levant morocco, the sides and backs richly orna- mented with ribbon tooling of gold, on both sides (obverse and reverse) are floral ornaments inlaid with violet, green and old- rose levant, backs inlaid with old-rose floral figures, doublures of light green levant, with centre ornaments in panels of each Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [ No. 483—Continued | cover (obverse and reverse), dark green watered silk linings, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, undated, but recent LIMITED TO 26 LETTERED SETS FOR ENGLAND AND AMERICA, THIS BEING LETTER B. MAGNIFICENT SET OF THESE HIGHLY ENTERTAINING COURT MEMOIRS. CONTENTS: Secret Memoirs of Madame la Marquise de Montespan, written by herself. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of the Empress Josephine, with Anec- dotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison, by Madame Ducrest. 38 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud, in a series of Letters from a Gentleman at Paris to a Nobleman in London. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV., and of the Regency, by the Duchesse d’Orleans, Mother of the Regent. Secret Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz, containing all the great Events during the Minority of Louis XIV. Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Sweden and Denmark, during the Reigns of Christian VII. of Denmark and Gustavus III. and IV. of Sweden. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, by Madame Campan. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, by herself. Secret Memoirs of Catherine II. and the Court of St. Petersburg dur- ing her Reign and that of Paul I., by one of her Courtiers. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Berlin. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI, taken from the Memoirs of Madame Du Hausset. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of Henri IV., King of France and Navarre, by the Court Historian of Louis XIV. 484, Stvicnr (Mapame Dr). Mémoires de M. de Coulanges, suivis de Let- tres inédites de Madame de Sévigné, de son Fils, etc. publiés par M. de Monmerqué. Thick 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top. Paris, 1822 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of numerous engravings of per- sons and places referred to in the work. 485. StvignE (Mapame Dr). Lettres de Madame de Sévigné de sa famille et de ses amis recueillies et annotées par M. Monmerque. Nouvelle édition revue sur les autographes, les copies les plus au- thentiques et les plus anciennes impressions, et augmenteée de lettres inédites, d’une nouvelle notice, d’un lexique des mots, etc. 28 vols. in 32, royal 8vo, (the Album of facsimile reproductions of autographs in 4to), full green crushed levant morocco, richly deco- rated gilt backs, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt tops, green figured silk hnings, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris, 1862-1876 MAGNIFICENT SET. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED PORTRAITS, ENGRAVINGS, SCENES, COSTUME PLATES, MANY IN PROOF STATE. With specially printed title-pages, as follows: “WXEMPLAIRE SPECIAL ENRICH D’UNE COLLECTION D’ENVIRON DOUZE CENTS PORTRAITS ET GRAVURES DIVERSES REUNIS ET MIS EN ORDRE PAR THE RIGHT HOUNOURABLE LADY ABERCROMBY.” WE ARE OF THE OPINION THAT THE SET HERE OFFERED, IS SUPERIOR TO ANY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED SET OF THE LETTERS OF SEVIGNE HITHERTO OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 486. Stvicné (Mapame De). Lettres choisies de Madame de Sévigné, ex- 487, 488. 489. 490. 491, traites de l’Edition des Grands Ecrivains de la France et pub- liées sous la Direction de Adolphe Regnier. With portraits (proofs on India paper), emblazoned coat-of-arms, and facsimiles of letters. Royal 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, full gilt back, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, BY DAVID. Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1870 A VERY FINE COPY. Séviené (Mapame Dr). La Famille de Madame de Sévigné en Pro- | vence d’aprés des Documents inédites par le Marquis de Saposta, 2 portraits. Thick 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt back, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt top, green figured silk linings, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris, 1889 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 106 portraits, some scarce, of persons mentioned in the work, also costume plates in color. Séviegné (Mapame Der). Les Amoureux de Madame Sévigne, les Femmes vertueuses du Grand Siécle, par M. Hyppolyte Babou. Thick 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, richly decorated gilt back, broad dentelle inside borders, gilt top, green figured silk linings, BY ZAEHNSDORF. ) Paris, undated EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 66 portraits, some searce, of persons mentioned in the work, also costume plates in color. SHAKESPEARE (WiLL1AM). The Works of William Shakespeare. With Introductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of the Text, etc., by Richard Grant White. Portrait. 12 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1865 Original Issue of this edition. SHAKESPEARE (WiLLIAM). The Handy-Volume Shakespeare. 12 vols. 24mo, full crimson limp leather, gilt, gilt edges, in crimson leather case. London: Bradbury, Agnew, and Co., circa 1889 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). CompLets set of the Quarto Facsimiles of the separate Plays, with Introductions, Line-Numbers, etc., by prominent Shakespeare scholars, issued under the superintendence of Dr. F. J. Furnivall, founder and director of the New Shake- speare Society, by Messrs. W. Griggs, and C. Praetorius. Together, 42 vols. small 4to, half roan, cloth sides, as issued. London: Publisht by W. Griggs, etc. 1885-1891 FINE AND PERFECT SET. The New Shakespeare Society at first intended to reprint the best Shakespeare Quartos, but gave up its scheme in favor of its founder Dr. Furnivall, who undertook to superintend the issue of a series of photo-lithographic facsimiles of all the most im- portant Shakespeare Quartos. The Duke of Devonshire, Alfred Huth, the British Museum and other owners allowed their examples to be _ photographed for the purpose. The result is a body of absolutely faithful reproductions, accompanied by critical remarks upon the texts, vastly superior to anything previously attempted. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 492. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Wilham Aldis Wright. 40 vols. royal 8vo, maroon buckram, paper labels, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893-1895 CAMBRIDGE EDITION. Limited to 500 copies on hand-made paper. “The main rules which we proposed to ourselves in undertaking this Edition are as follows: 1. To base the text on a thorough collation of the four Folios and on all the Quarto editions of the separate plays, ete. 2. To give all the results of this collation in notes at the foot of the page, ete.”—HXcERPT FROM PREFACE TO THE First Eprrion. 493. SHAKESPEARE (Wit~LIAM). ‘The Works of Shakespeare. Edited by W. EH. Henley. 20 vols. small foho, full hght blue crushed ant morocco, medallion portrait of Shakespeare, onlaid with red morocco, in centre of both obverse and reverse side of each volume, surrounded by elaborate scroll and floral tooling, numerous orna- ments onlaid with red morocco, 4 masks on each side onlaid with white levant, backs tooled and onlaid, doublures of cream colored levant, with numerous onlaid floral ornaments of green, violet and red levants, monogram in centre panels, white watered silk Jin- ings, leather joints, gilt tops, BY THE AVE BINDERY. Printed at Edinburgh for Grant Richards, 1901 JULIA ARTITUR EDITION. LIMITED TO FIVE COPIES, OF WHICH THIS IS NUMBER 3, AUTOGRAPHED BY JULIA ARTHUR CHENEY, AND A. R. KELLER. UNIQUE AND MAGNIFICENT SET, CONTAINING IN ADDITION TO.A LARGE NUMBER OF EXTRA ILLUSTRATIONS, MANY OF WHICH ARE COLORED BY HAND, ABOUT 500 MARGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLORS. 494, SHAKESPEARE (WitLIAM). ‘The Works of Shakespeare. LHdited by Charles Knight. With illustrations on steel by C. W. Cope, D. Maclhise, W. Mulready, and many others. 2 vols. thick folio, full brown morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges. New York: Virtue “& Yorston, undated THE IMPERIAL EDITION. 495. SHELLEY (Percy ByssHE). Hellas. A Lyrical Drama. first Ept- TION.. 8vo, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, richly deco- rated gilt back, gold lines on sides, dentelle inside borders, gilt top. UNCUT, BY RIVIERE. London: Charles and James Ollier, 1822 With both half-titles. The fine Robert Hoe-Herschel V. Jones copy, with bookplate of each. Of this, the last work Shelley published, he writes in a letter to Mr. Gisborne, Pisa, April 10, 1822,—“T have received Hellas, which is prettily printed, and with fewer mistakes than any poem I ever published.” 496. SuHettey (Percy ByssHz). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shel- ley. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. With etched portraits and views. 4 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, red lettering pieces, gilt tops, uncut. London: Reeves and Turner, 1876 HANDSOME SET OF THE VERY SCARCE LIBRARY EDITION. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 497, Suir (ApAm). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. Portrait. Bust Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Oxford: Claren- don Press, 1869; Mizu (Jon Stuart). Principles of Political Economy. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. New York, 1865. Together, 4 vols. 498. Smirn (F. Hopxinson). Venice of To-Day. Most extensively dlus- trated, A LARGE NUMBER OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS REING IN COLOR. Atlas folio, sheets, uncut, in cloth case. New York: The Henry T. Thomas Company, 1896 ARTIST’S EDITION. Limited to 118 copies, of which this is Number 41. “TI have made no attempt in these pages to review the splendors of the past. . . . I have contented myself rather with the Venice that you see in the sunlight of a summer’s day; the Venice that bewilders with her glory when you land at her water-gate.”—EXCERPT FROM PREFATORY NOTE. 499. Smiru (F. Horxrnson). The Writings of F. Hopkinson Smith. Wath portrait of the author, autographed by him, and illustrations. 26 vols. 8vo, half white parchment, and brick-red boards, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1902-1915 Of this handsome edition but 204 sets were printed, each numbered. This is number 154. PARTIAL CONTENTS: Colonel Carter and others ; A White Umbrella in Mexico and other Lands; Laguerre’s ; Well-Worn Roads of Spain and Holland ; The Fortunes of Oliver Horn; The Under Dog; At Close Range; The Veiled Lady ; Peter; Forty Minutes Late; The Tides of Barnegat ; Felix O’day; The Arm-Chair at the Inn; With Dickens and Thackeray in London, and others. 500. Soctury or FreNcH AQguaRELLists. Text by the best French critics. Illustrated with plates in photogravure printed in tint and with designs in facsimile. American Hdition. Edited by Edward Stra- han. 8 parts, folio, satin portfolios, silk ties. | Paris: Goupil & Co., 1883 Only a limited number printed on French vellum paper, fabricated especially for this work. 501. Spenser (EpMuND). The Works of Edmund Spenser. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Portrait of the author, title-pages in red and black, and numerous ornate ornaments. 5 vols. 8vo, full tree calf, backs richly gold-tooled, broad gold borders on sides, marbled edges, BY MANSELL. London: Bickers and Son, 1873 A BEAUTIFUL SET OF THIS ESTEEMED LARGE TYPE LIBRARY EDITION. “| | I may be permitted to say, that attention has been most of all, and very anxiously, directed to the purity and accuracy of Spenser’s text.”—EXCERPT FROM PREFACE BY JOHN PAYNE COLLIER. 502. Spenser (EpMunpD). The Faerie Queene. Disposed into Twelve Books, fashioning Twelve Morall Vertues. With an Introduction by John W. Hales. Pictured and decorated by Louis Fairfax-Muckley. 3 DMUND SPENSER E 1879 ” ° Queen 1e “The Faeri to inding B 502] [No Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [No. 502—Continued | vols. thick 4to, bound in translucent vellum, elaborately colored and richly decorated in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY CEDRIO CHIVERS, OF BATH, ENGLAND. In cloth case. London: J. M. Dent, 1897 A TRIUMPH IN TRANSLUCENT VELLUM BINDING. The motif is the same on all three volumes, the colors worked in are all different, and present a riotous array of shades harmoniously blended. [See Reproduction of Binding. | 503. Spenser (EpmunpD). The Faerie Queene. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Pictured by Walter Crane. 6 vols. 4to, buckram, with large gilt design. on side, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Allen, 1897 One of a limited issue, printed by Charles Whittingham and Co., at the Chiswick Press. The Editor’s Preface (by Mr. Wise) is a highly important contribution to the bibliography of the various early editions of The Faerie Queene. It occupies 87 pages. 504. Sport. The Encyclopaedia of Sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. Wath hundreds of tlus- trations, full-page and in the text. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, full light — green leyant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. HanpsoMe set. New York (the London printed edition), 1898; Racine InLustraTED. Vol- umes 2 and 3, 1895-1896. Numerous illustrations in half-tone. 2 vols. folio, half morocco. London, 1895-1896. (Light stamp on titles.) Together, 4 vols. 505. Sport anp Travet. A collection of Standard Works on Sport and Travel, as below detailed. Together, 8 vols. 4to, and 8vo, all ori- ginal cloth, but the last named, which is half russia, gilt. Various places and dates CONTENTS: DrumMmonp (W. H.). The Large Game and Natural History of South-East Africa. Numerous illustrations in colors or tints. First Epition. Edinburgh, 1875. Du CyHarLttu (Pavt B.). The Land of the Midnight Sun. With map and. 235 illustrations. 2 vols. New York, 1882. Dixon (Witi1am H.). The Holy Land. Illustrated. First Eprirron. 2 vols. London, 1865. Davis (C. H.). Narrative of the North Polar Expedition, U. S. ship Polaris. Illustrated... Washington, 1876. Hartt (Cuartes F.). Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition. Tllustrated. Washington, 1879. Squier (E. Grorce). Peru: Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas. Jllustrated. First Eprrion. New York, 1877. 506. Sportinc. Thornhill (R. B.). The Shooting Directory. Wath portrait of the author, and several fine plates, ALL RICHLY COLORED, also plates of targets, etc. First Eprrion. 4to, full niger morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, gilt edges. London, 1804 LARGE PAPER copy, and the only one with the plates in color. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 507. SportinG. Horse Racine at Epsom. [Pownall (H.).] Some Par- ticulars relative to the History of Epsom, compiled from the best Authorities; containing a succinct and interesting description of the Origin of Horse Racing, and of Epsom Races. . . . An Ap- pendix, containing a Botanical Survey of the Neighbourhood. By An Inhabitant. With 5 BEAUTIFUL VIEWS, ALL IN COLORS, and frontismece of the Hast window, Epsom Church, also IN COLORS. First (and probably only) Eprrion. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, UNCUT, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. Epsom, 1825 A VOLUME OF ESPECIAL INTEREST TO LOVERS OF “THE SPORT OF KINGS,” AND ONE THAT SELDOM MAKES ITS APPEARANCE AT PUBLIC SALE. 508. SportinG. Deer-Stalking. Scrope (William). The Art of Deer- Stalking; illustrated by a Narrative of a few days’ Sport in the Forest of Atholl, with some account of the Nature and Habits of Red Deer. Illustrated by engravings and lithographs, after paint- ings by Hdwin and Charles Landseer, and by the author. Royal 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London: John Murray, 1839 This, the second issue of the first edition, is the first to contain the Stag-Horn plate. 509. SportinG. JDeer-Stalking and Salmon Fishing. Scrope (Wilham). 510. The Art of Deer-Stalking; illustrated by a Narrative of a few days’ sport in the Forest of Atholl, with some account of the Nature and Habits of Red Deer, and a short description of the Scottish Forests; Legends; Superstitions; Stories of Poachers and Freebooters, etc. Illustrated by engravings and lithographs, after paintings by Hdwin and Charles Landseer, and by the author, the frontispiece and engraved title-page, beng oN INDIA Paper. New Edition (Second anp BEST IssuxE of the First Edition, containing the Stag-Horn plate, which the first does not). London: John Murray, 1839; | Atso| Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing. With colored and other illustrations, after Landseer, and others. First Epition. London: John Murray, 1843. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, newly bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, backs and sides emblematically gold tooled, gilt tops, UNCUT, BY MAC- DONALD. London, 1839-1843 BEAUTIFUL COPIES OF THESE CELEBRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Sporting. ArricAN GAME ANIMALS. Harris (Captain W. Cornwallis). Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa. De- lineated from Life in their Native Haunts, during a Hunting Ex- pedition from the Cape Colony as far as the Tropic of Capricorn, in 1836 and 1837. With Sketches of the Field Sports. With a series of 24 FINELY COLORED PLATES, as well as tail-meces of heads, horns, etc. 4 parts (should be 6), imperial folio, original wrappers, uncut. Complete in so far as it relates to the gnoo, quagga, springbok, eland, roan antelope, African rhinoceros, ostrich, and many other native animals. Best Edition of this beautiful and rare work, with the tail-pieces of “Heads” and “Horns,” present in this issue only. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 511. Sportine. Carleton (John Wilham—Editor). The Sporting Sketch Book: A Series of Characteristic Papers by the most distinguished Sporting Writers of the Day. Illustrated with 11 engravings, after J. I’. Herring, etc., including portraits of horses, otter hunting scenes, etc. First Epirion. 8vo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, back emblematically tooled, gilt top, dentelle inside borders, original cloth bound in, BY RIVIPRE. London: How and Parsons, 1842 CHoIce copy of this interesting and scarce volume. Includes, contri- butions by John Mills, Lord, William Lennox, “Craven,” and other noted sporting writers of the period. 5114. Sporting Piates. A series of 274 plates from the Sporting Maga- zine. ALL ON INDIA Paper. Lach plate laid down on cartridge paper. London, 8794 and later AN IMPORTANT AND FINE SERIES, illustrating,—Fencing, Fox Hunting, Grouse Shooting, Buffalo Hunting, Portraits of Dogs, Horses, ete. 512. Sportrine PLatEs iv Cotor. Coacuine. Newhouse (Charles B.). In- cidents in Travelling, from Drawings by Charles B. Newhouse. A series of 16 EXQUISITELY COLORED COACHING SCENES, each print m sunken mat, with gilt borders, title within a sunken mat. Hach plate on a linen guard. Thick folio, half morocco, somewhat rubbed, gilt edges. London: Published by J. Watson, 7, Vere Street, 1835 FIRST AND ONLY EDITION OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE AND PRAC- TICALLY UNKNOWN SERIES OF COACHING SCENES. ALL GENUINE ORIGINAL IM- PRESSIONS, ON TONED PAPER. OF THE GREATEST RARITY, NO COPY BEING ON RECORD AS HAVING BEEN SOLD AR AUCTION IN ENGLAND DURING THE PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. THE ABOVE COPY IS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED FOR PUB- LIC SALE, TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, IN THIS COUNTRY. “Incidents of Travelling,’ must not be confused with “Scenes on the Road,” published 18354-1835, being an entirely different series of plates. CONTENTS: (1) “No time to lose Ma’am! here’s the other Coach close behind.” (2) “An unwelcome Fare. All that Luggage by the Mail Ma’am !— quite impossible.” (3) “Hold hard! you have forgot the lady !” (4) “Quite full Sir!’ (5) “One mile from Gretna, our Governor in sight!” (6) “An arrival at Gretna—overtaken by the Guardian.” \ (7) “A false Start.” i (8) “The old grey loosed his tract again!” (9) “The drag is broke & we are on the bank!” (10) “Travelling in a Hunting Country—I hope you are not much hurt Sir?” ‘ (11) “The sleepy Gate-keeper.”’ (12) “Is the bottom pretty sound?” (13) “An Awkward Place in a Frost.” (14 “Taking an inside Birth (sic). It strikes me we are going to have some rough weather.” (15) “I’m afraid we have now got into the ditch.” , (16) “Going to the Moors.” Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 513. SPORTING PLATES IN coLor. Williamson (Captain Thomas). Oriental Field Sports; being a complete, detailed, and accurate description of the Wild Sports of the East . . . the Natural History of the Elephant, Tiger, Leopard, Bear, Deer, Wolf, Buffalo, etc. With a large number of FINELY COLORED PLATES, after drawings by Samuel Howitt. 2 vols. small folio, new three-quarter straight- grained red morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges, BY MORRELL. London, 1807 A VERY CHOICE COPY OF THIS ATTRACTIVE SPORTING ITEM. 514. Sportine Puates 1n Cotor. Hunting Wild Animals. The Wild Boar, Crocodile, Great Boa Serpent, Hyaena, Leopard, Tiger Cat, and others. A series of 30 FINELY COLORED PLATES (the impressions unusually bright), by Howitt, Clark and others. Small folio, half straight-grained crimson morocco, gilt, gilt top. With specially printed title-page. London: Published by Edward Orme, 1813 A very attractive series of sporting plates in color. 515. Sporting PLATES IN Cotor. Fencing. Forsyth (J. 8.). The Modern Art of Fencing, agreeably to the practice of the most eminent Mas- ters of Europe. By Le Sieur Guzman Rolando. Augmented, with a Technical Glossary, by J. 8. Forsyth. With numerous plates IN cotor. 16mo, full polished yellow calf, gilt back, gilt edges, By RIVIERE. London: Samuel Leigh, 1822 FINE COPY OF THIS ATTRACTIVE AND SCARCE WORK. 516. SporTinG PLATES IN Cotor. Strutt (Joseph). The Sports and Pas- times of the Peoples of England, including the Rural. and Do- mestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the earliest to the present Time. New Edition, with a copious Index, by William Hone. With 140 coLorRED ENGRAVINGS. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Thomas Tegg, 1831 A VERY FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER OF THE BEST EDITION. 517. Sporting Puates in Cotor. NeEwnouse (C. B.). The Roadster’s Album. Title-page in compartments, IN COLOR, and a series of 16 full-page plates IN cotor. First Eprrion. Folio, original brown cloth, gilt, uncut, with advertisements at the end. London: Messrs. Fores, Jan. 2nd, 1845 PROBABLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SERIES OF COACHING SCENES EVER ISSUED. a ALL ARE BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. It is said that Henry Alken designed the title-page. ; The following is a list of the plates,— (1) “Travelling in a Hunting Country. I hope you are not much hurt, Sir?’ (2) “An unwelcome Fare. All that Luggage by the Mail Ma’am !— quite impossible.” (3) “The drag is broke & we are on the bank.” [Continued Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [ No. 51%7—Continued | (4) “Is the bottom pretty sound ?” (5) “A False Start.” (6) “Taking an inside Birth (sic). It strikes me we’re going to have some rough weather.” (7) “No time to lose Ma’am! here’s the other Coach close behind.” (8) “Hold hard! you have forgot the Lady.” (9) “An Awkward Place in a Frost.” (10) “I’m afraid we have now got into the ditch.” (11) ‘The sleepy Gate-keeper.”’ (12) ‘The old grey loosed his trace again.” (18) “Quite full, Sir.” ; (14) “One Mile from Gretna, our Governor in sight.” (15) “An arrival at Gretna—overtaken by the Guardian.” (16) “Going to the Moors.” | See Reproduction of Title-Page | . Sporting PiatTes 1n Cotor. A Run with the Stag Hounds. A series of 12 large and finely colored plates, designed by Hablot K. Browne, “Phiz.” First Eprrtion. Oblong folio, three-quarter crimson le- vant morocco, gilt top, original wrapper preserved, BY RIVIERE. London: Fores, 1863 CONTENTS: “A Short Cut to the Meet.” “Uncarting the Deer.” “Hold Hard.” “Hard Riders.” “Something Wrong.” “Going the Pace.” “A Welcome Check.” “Thrown Out.” “The Sanctuary.” “The Run of the Season.” “Hard Pressed.” “The Take.” ; . Sportinc Piates In Cotor. A series of 10 Colored Heliotype plates. showing events on the Turf, the Hunt, etc. Size of each; height, 1414 inches; width, 1914 inches. Bound in one yol. oblong folio, new cloth. | New York, 1893 Painted by W. 8S. Vanderbilt Allen. Printed by the Heliotype Printing Co. Comprises,—Steeplechase at Hempstead Farms, October 21, 1893; The Hssex County Hounds Going to Cover; Judging Hackney Stallions; Gymkhana Race, the Umbrella Race; The Champion Stakes, American Hunt and Pony Racing Association; The Meadow Brook Hunt, at West- bury, L. I., 1892; The Road Coach Acquidneck; The Road Coach Comet; The Tandem Shooting Cart, owned and driven by H. P. Belmont; The High Jump, National Horse Show, New York, 1892. 520. Sportinc Prints. “A Dream of the Past.” After the painting by Archd. P. Tilt. In tints. Oak frame, glazed. London, April 1, 1888 From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 521. Sportinc Prints ry Contor. The Lioness attacking the Horse of the Exeter Mail Coach. James Pollard del., R. Havell fec. Black and gilt frame, glazed. London, 1817, later impression From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. To icles | eos C. B. NEWHOUSE Tllustrated Title-Page to “The Roadster’s Album.” 1845 [No. 517] Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 522. Sportina Prints in Cotor. A Trip to Brighton. John Dean Paul Esqr. delt. The complete set of 4 scenes. Together, 4 pieces. Framed and glazed. London: M’Lean, 1824, later impressions — An exceedingly attractive series of coaching scenes, much in the manner, and worthy of, Henry Alken. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 523. Sporting Prints ry Conor. Coaching Reminiscences. “The Birming- ham Mail in a Snow Storm;” “A Stiffish Pitch, but a good Team ;” “Good Night;” “A Team of Greys.” Drawn by H. Alken, en- graved by R. Havell. Together, 4 pieces. Framed and glazed. London, 1826, later impressions From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 524. Sportina Prints tn Coxor. Cockfighting. “Set-Too;” “Fight;” “Throat;” “Knockdown ;” “Recovery ;” “Death.” Drawn and en- graved by M. Fielding. Complete Set. Together, 6 pieces. Oak frames, glazed. London: R. Ackermann, July 1, 1863 An exceedingly attractive series, seldom found complete, as above. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. _ Sportina Prints 1x Coxtor. The Brighton Day Mails, passing over Hookwood Common. Painted by J. Shayer, engraved by Chas. Hunt. Oak frame, glazed. London: Messrs. Fores, May 20, 1867 From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. Or ra) Or 526. Sporting Prints iv Cotor. Winter, going North. Painted by H. Alken, engraved by R. G. Hester. Oak frame, glazed. London, March 12, 1869 From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 527. Sportina Prints 1x Cotor. Kisber, by Buccaneer, out of Mineral. Painted by Harry Hall, engraved by G. Hester. Oak frame, glazed. London: A. H. Baily, August 25, 1876 From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 528. Sportina Prints 1n Cotor. Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter. Painted by W. J. Shayer, engraved by C. R. Stock. Together, 4 pieces. Oak frames, glazed. : London: Arthur Ackerman, June 1, 1886 A pleasing and decorative series. Complete set. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 529. Sporting Prints in Cotor. A Hunting Phaeton. Going to Cover. H. Alken Junr. del., C. Hunt sculp, Oak frame, glazed. Later impression. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. 530. 531. D3. 534, 036. 037, 538. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th SPORTING Prinrs 1N Conor. A Sporting Tandem. Going to Cover, and At Cover. H. Alken del., R. G. Reeve, sculp. Together, 2 pieces. Oak frames, glazed. Later impressions. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. SPORTING Prints IN Conor. Mail Coach at Moonlight, and Royal Mails starting from the Post Office. In the manner of, and after J. Pol- lurd. ‘Together, 2 pieces. Framed and glazed. Later impressions. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. SPORTING Prints IN Cotor. Cock Fighting. “Streaky Breasted Red Dunn,” and “Black Breasted Dark Red.” In cotors. Together, 2 pieces. Oak frames and glazed. Later impressions. London: Published at 31 Ely Place, E.C. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. . SPORTING PRINTS IN Coton. Jerome Park, a race in progress. After the painting by Hd. P. Sanguinetti. Oak frame, glazed. Avrto- GRAPHED BY THE PAINTER. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. SporTING Prints 1N Cotor. “Old Times,’ Changing Horses. Painted by T. N. H. Walsh, engraved by C. R. Stock. Oak frame, glazed. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. . Sporting Prints ry Cotor. “Something Slap!!’ H. Alken del., Cha. Hunt, Engravr. Oak frame, glazed. Later impression. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. SporTiInG Prints in Coton. Summer. Heavy going and a full Coach; Winter. Two horses behind and four Miles to go. H. Alken del. Oak frames. Together, 2 pieces. Later impressions. London: Published by W. C. Lee From the coilection of Reginald W. Rives. SportTine Prints iv Cotor. The Duke of Beaufort Coach, starting from the Bull & Mouth, Regent’s Circus, Piccadilly. Painted by W. J. Shayer, engraved by Charles Hunt. Oak frame, glazed. Later impression. From the collection of Reginald W. Rives. STERNIANA. A Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the much lamented Death of Mr. Yorick . . . Author of the much admired Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, preached before a very mixed Society of Jemmies, Jessamies, Methodists and Christians, at a Nocturnal Meeting in Petticoat Lane . . . By Christopher Flagellan. First Epirion. 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt, By RIVIERE. London: Printed for W. Nicholl, 1761 FINE copy of this scarce and curious volume. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th / 539. 541. 548. Srevenson (Rosert Lovrs). Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Frontispiece. First Eprrion. 12mo, original green cloth, gilt, top uncut, as issued. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1879 Now’ EXTREMELY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. . SrevENSON (Rosert Louris). The Silverado Squatters. Frontispiece. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut and partly unopened. London: Chatto and Windus, 1883 Stevenson (Rosert Louis). Kidnapped, being Memoirs of the Ad- ventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. Folding map. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with advertisements. London: Cassell and Co., 1886 . Stevenson (Rozert Lovis). Underwoods. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chatto and Windus, 1887 . STEVENSON (Rosert Louis). The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses. Illustrated. 12mo, original red cloth, with advertisements. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1888 GENUINE First Eprrion, published in advance of the English Edition. . StEvENSON (RoserT Louis). Weir of Hermiston. An Unfinished Ro- mance. First Eprrion. 12mo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. Ink spots on gilt top. London, 1896; [Atso] Father Damien. An Open Letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu. 12mo, ori- ginal wrappers, uncut. London, 1890. Together, 2 vols. London, 1890-1896 5. Stevenson (Rosert Lours). A Footnote to History. Hight Years of Trouble in Samoa. Map. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth. London: Cassell and Co., 1892 With bookplate of R. D. Jackson. : . SrevENSoN (Robert Louris). Island Nights’ Entertainments. Wath | illustrations by Gordon Browne and W. Hatherell. First Eprrton. 8vo, original cloth, gilt. - London: Cassell and Co., 1893 . Stevenson (Ropert Lovuts). Songs of Travel, and other Verses. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut, with advertisements. London: Chatto & Windus, 1896 Srevenson (Rosert Louis). The Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson. With portraits and illustrations, mainly on Japanese vellum paper. 26 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, the pages of about 9 volumes water-stained. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1902-1901 Apart from the defect mentioned A FINE SET. CONTENTS: New Arabian Nights; Treasure Island; More New Arabian Nights; Prince Otto; Kidnapped; The Black.Arrow ; The Master of Ballantrae; The Wrecker; In the South Seas; St. Ives, and others; also, Life of Stevenson, by Graham Balfour and Letters, edited by Sidney Colvin. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 549. StopparD (JOHN L.). Lectures.. Illustrated and embellished with views of the world’s famous places and people. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. . Boston, 1898 AUTHOR'S EDITION. Limited to 500 signed and numbered sets. 550. StoppaArD (JoHN L.). Lectures. Illustrated with hundreds of views from actual photographs by the author, some in colors. 14 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt backs and tops. Boston, 1906 Complete set, including the volumes on Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Sicily, Genoa, The Engadine, South Tyrol, The Dolomites, Canada and Gibraltar. 551. Stowe (Harrier BeecHER). The Writings of Mrs. Stowe. With Bio- graphical Introductions. Portraits and scenes on INDIA PAPER, titles in red and black, and general titles with vignettes on INDIA PAPER. 1% vols. 8vo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, contents lettered. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1896-1897 LARGE PAPER. Number 174 of 250 sets printed. AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR THIS EDITION A FEW MONTHS BEFORE HER DEATH, and inserted in Vol. I. THE BEST EDITION OF Mrs. STOWE’S WORKS EVER PUBLISHED. PARTIAL CONTENTS : Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 2 vols.; Dred, Anti-Slavery Tales, ete., 2 vols. ; Household Papers, ete.; Oldtown Folks; My Wife and I; We and Our Neighbors; Agnes of Sorrento; Life and Letters, ete. 552. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest; with Anecdotes of their Courts, now first pub- lished from Official Records and other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public. Second Edition, with corrections and additions. Portraits and engraved titles (slightly spotted). 12 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, several joints repaired, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Henry Colburn, 1841-1848 553. SuRTEES (RoBerT SmitH). Sporting Novels. Wath colored plates and other wlustrations by John Leech, “Phiz,’ Heath, and others. 'To- gether, 7 vols. 8vo, newly bound in full crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, backs symbolically gold-tooled, original cloth covers preserved in each volume, with the exception of “Hawduck Grange,” edges scraped, practically uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1847-1888 ALL FIRST EDITIONS. A VERY DESIRABLE SET OF THESE CELEBRATED SPORTING NOVELS. CONTENTS : HAWBUCK GRANGE; or Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. With 8 illustrations by “Phiz’ (H. K. Browne). London, 1847. Mr. Sponce’s Sportine Tour. With 138 colored ‘plates and 84 wood- cuts by John Leech. ULondon, 18538. HANDLEY Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. With 17 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by John Leech. WUondon, 1854. Ask Mamma; or, The Richest Commoner in England. With 18 col- ored plates, and 69 woodcuts by John Leech. Very slight stain on margin of few leaves. London, 1858. [Continued Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th | No. 553—Continued | PLAIN OR RINGLETS? With 13 colored plates, and 44 woodcuts by John Leech. London, 1860. Mr. Facey Romrorp’s Hounps. With 24 colored plates, and other illustrations by John Leech. London, 1865. HILLINGDON Hatz; or, The Cockney Squire. With 12 colored patie by Wildrake, Heath, and Jellicoe. London, 1888. 564. SuRTEES (Rospert SmiryH). Sporting Novels. With colored plates and other illustrations by John Leech, “Phiz,’ Heath and others. To- gether, 6 vols. 8vo, ORIGINAL CLOTH, uncut. London, 1853-1888 ALL FIRST EDITIONS, AND FINE COPIES. CONTENTS: Mr. SPONGE’S Sportine Tour. With 18 colored plates and 84 wood- cuts by John Leech. London, 18583. HANDLEY Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. With 17 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by John Leech. Wondon, 1854. Ask MamMa; or, The Richest Commoner in England. With 13 col- ored plates, and 69 woodcuts by John Leech. Very slight stain on margin of few leaves. London, 1858. PLAIN OR RINGLETS? With 18 colored plates, and 44 woodcuts by John Leech. WLondon, 1860. Mr. Facey Romrorp’s Hounps. With 24 colored plates, and other illustrations by John Leech. London, 1865. HILLINGpDON Hay; or, The Cockney Squire. With 12 colored plates by Wildrake, Heath, and Jellicoe. London, 1888. 555. Surtees (Ropert SmitH). Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. With 17 colored plates and 84 woodcuts ‘by John Leech. 8vo, ori- ginal cloth, uncut. London: Bradbury, Evans, & Co., 11 Bouverie St. [1854] Published the same year as the genuine first edition, which was dated 1854, although Slater in his “Early Editions,” cites the undated issue as the first. The above is an unusually fine copy, with many leaves un- opened. 556. [Surtees (Ropert SmirH).|] Jorrocks’ Jaunts and Jollities. The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eccentric and Ex- travagant Exploits of that renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. With 16 coloured illustrations by-Henry Alken. THiRD EpiItion, revised and enlarged. Royal 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. London: George Routledge, 1869 The four-page account of “The late Mr. R. S. Surtees, of Hamsterley,” is here first printed. The plates are good in coloring. This edition has now become quite searce. 557. Surtees (Rosert SmirH). Hillingdon Hall; or, The Cockney Squire. With 12 coloured plates by Wildrake, Heath, and Jellicoe. First EpITIon. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, eee worn. London, 1888 558. Swirr (JoNATHAN). The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen. First Epition. 8vo, contemporary calf, gilt. London: A. Millar, 1758 —— Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 559. SwietT (JONATHAN). The Works of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Pat- rick’s, Dublin, containing additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published. With Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 19 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1883 One of 750 sets printed, 250 of which were reserved for America, this being Number 37. 560. Taprestrires. Hunter (George Leland). Tapestries, their Origin, His- tory, and Renaissance. Colored plates and numerous other illus- trations. 4to, vellum boards, uncut. New York and London, 1913 LARGE PAPER. Only 550 copies printed. Signed by the author. 561. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). The Princess: A Medley. First Ept- TION. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1847 Some copies have advertisements dated November 1, 1847. This does not contain them. 562. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. Fifth Edition. 12mo, full contemporary violet morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. Enclosed in handsome solander case of full dark brown levant morocco, lettered. London: Edward Moxon, 1848 OF HIGH ASSOCIATION INTEREST, BEING AN AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM JAMES LEIGH JOYNES, TO ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE, with inscription on fly-leaf reading: “Algernon Charles Swinburne, from his Tutor and Friend, James Leigh Joynes. Hton, Haster, 1850.” “He (Swinburne) came to Eton at Easter 1849, arriving ‘a queer little elf, who carried about with him a Bowdlerised Shakespeare, adorned with a blue silk book-marker, with a Tunbridge-ware button at the end of it’ (Lord Redesdale). . . . He boarded at Joyne’s who was his tutor.”— EXXCERPT FROM THE BIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE BY EpmMuUND Gossk, Dic- tionary of National Biography. “This, (the above edition) the first edition of the Poems in one vol- ume.”—EXXCERPT FROM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TENNYSON, BY THOMAS J. WISE. 563. [TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp).] In Memoriam. First ISSUE OF THE First Epition. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1850 Contains the Advertisements, dated February, 1850. This, the first issue, contains on page 2, line 13: “And gazing on the sullen tree” For “And gazing on thee, sullen tree.” 564. TENNyson (ALFRED, Lorp), and other Contributors. Proctor (Adelaide A.—KEditor). The Victoria Regia: A Volume of Original Contri- butions in Poetry and Prose. First Epirion. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Emily Faithfull and Co., 1861 Contains original contributions by Tennyson, Thackeray, Owen Mere- dith, Coventry Patmore, and other noted authors, Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 565. TENNysoN (ALFRED, Lorp). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865; Spectmens of English Prose Style, from Malory to Macaulay. Selected and annotated by George Saintsbury. 8vo, cloth. London, 1885; Frrry Perfect Poems. Selected and edited by Charles A. Dana and Rossiter Johnson. With 70 illustrations. 8vo, silk, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1883. To- gether, 4 vols. Various places and dates 566. [THAcKERAY (Wi~L1AM MaxkEPEACE).| “Our Street.” By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Wath illustrations in color, by the author. First Epi-~ TION. Square 12mo, full’ polished yellow calf, gilt, gilt edges, sheet of advertisements bound in, BY ROOT. London: Chapman and Hall, 1848 FINE COPY. 567. TuHackeraAy (WinLtIAM MaxEpgEAce). The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most respectable Family. With illustrations on steel and wood, by Richard Doyle. First EDITION. 8vo, IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, (24 in 23), WITH ALL WRAPPERS, and advertisements, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1853-1854 Good copies in the original parts, like the above, have become quite searce. 568. THackeray (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. With illustrations by George Du Maurer. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869 The above is the first illustrated edition, and is one of the set of the library edition of Thackeray’s writings. From the collection of C. S. Calverley, author of “Fly Leaves,” with his autograph on title-page. 569. TuHackEraAy (WittiAM Maxkeprace). The Writings of Thackeray. With numerous illustrations by the author. 22 vols. 8vo, original green cloth, gilt, uncut, name in ink on half-titles. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1869 FINE set of the Illustrated Library Edition. ‘Two other volumes were subsequently (1886) issued. CONTENTS : Vanity Fair; Pendennis; The Newcomes; Henry Esmond ; The Paris Sketch Book; The Yellowplush Papers ; The Irish Sketch-Book; Ballads; Denis Duval, and others. 570. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MaKkEpPEAce). The Complete Writings of Wil- liam Makepeace Thackeray. With the extenswe series of full-page and text illustrations by the author, George Cruikshank, and others, ALL ON InprA Paper. 52 vols. royal 8vo, full sage-green levant morocco, the sides covered with an elaborate scroll and floral design, panelled backs with richly ornamented design, in the centre of one Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th | No. 570—Continued | panel an inlaid ornament of wine colored levant, doublures of wine colored levant, with maroon watered silk linings, gilt edges. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1878-1879 MAGNIFICENT AND UNIQUE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUXE, THE 24 VOLUMES BOUND IN 52, EACH WITH ITS SPECIALLY PRINTED TITLE-PAGE ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. EACH VOLUME CONTAINS AS FRONTISPIECE, AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAW- InG, BY S. A. Moss. CONTENTS : The Irish Sketch Book; Samuel Titmarsh; Vanity Fair; Pendennis; Roundabout Papers; Lovell the Widower; Fitzboodle Papers; The Newcomes; Book of Snobs; Catherine; Barry Lyndon, and all the other works which go to make up a set of Thackeray’s works. 571. THACKERAY (WiLLIAM Makepeace). The Writings of Thackeray. With numerous wlustrations, on Japan vellum paper. 30 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1896 HANDSOME SET of a limited and numbered Library Edition. CONTENTS : The Virginians; Vanity Fair; Pendennis; Memoirs of Charles J. Yellowplush; The Fitz-Boodle Papers; The Adventures of Philip; The Four Georges; The Newcomes ; Burlesques, and many others. 572. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Writings of Thackeray. With numerous illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. 30 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark brown morocco, floral gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1896 HANDSOME SET OF A LIMITED LIBRARY EDITION, each numbered, this being Number 367. CONTENTS: The Newcomes; Christmas Books; The Yellowplush Papers; The Irish Sketch-Book; The Virginians; The Adventures of Philip; Catherine; Pendennis; Vanity Fair; Henry Esmond; Ballads, and others. 573. TuHorEau (Henry Davin). Walden: or, Life in the Woods. Vignette on title. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, with advertisements. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1854 574. Tissor’s Lirrz or Jesus Curist. Tissot (J. James). The Life of Our ' Saviour Jesus Christ. A series of 365 compositions, from the Four Gospels, with Notes and explanatory Drawings (MAINLY IN COLOR), by J. James Tissot. Notes translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. 4 vols. folio, green art-silk, gilt, doublures and fly-leaves of yellow silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898 AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Limited to 600 numbered and registered copies, this being Number 44, subscribed for by John R. Van Wormer. Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 575. Totstor (Count Lyor N.). The Complete Works of Count Tolstoi. With numerous portraits and views, ALL ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 24 vols. thick 8vo, full light blue crushed levant morocco, the backs and sides richly decorated with floral tooling, doublures of red levant morocco, the outer borders of blue levant richly deco- rated, red watered silk hnings, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. New York (no publisher’s name or date| GRANDE EDITION DE LUXE. “This is an Extra-Illustrated copy of Dana Estes & Co.’s.”—NoTE ON RE- VERSE OF TITLE-PAGES. MAGNIFICENT SET OF WRITINGS OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN REFORMER, WITH SEVERAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES, as follows :— (1) Each volume contains AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING of one of the characters mentioned in the volume. The drawings are by “Pal,” and all are signed. (2) “The translator, (name not given) was born and educated in Russia. . . . Still further to ensure literary accuracy, all the manuscript has been read by Miss Carrie A. Harper . . . whose advice has been invaluable to him.” (3) ‘No liberties are taken with either the language or the expression of the author’s diction.’” (4) “The present translation contains everything given in the Russian complete edition published in Russia.”—Excerpts from “Translator’s Preface.” CONTENTS : Childhood ; Anna Karenina; A Landed Proprietor ; Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance at the Front; Pedagogical Articles; War and Peace; Fables for Children; My Confession ; The Four Gospels Harmonized and Translated ; My Religion ; What shall we do then; The Death of Ivanilich ; Walk in the Light while ye have Light; The Kingdom of God is within you; Resurrection ; First Recollections ; The Slavery of Our Time. 576. Tro~torpr (Frances). The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw; or, Scenes on the Mississippi. With 15 engravings by A. Hervieu. First: Epirion. 3 vols. 12mo, original boards, uncut, with paper labels. London: Richard Bentley, 1836 UNUSUALLY FINE COPY. 577. TuRNER Puates. Rogers (Samuel). Italy and Poems. Numerous finely engraved vignettes by Turner, Stothard, and others. First Epirions. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary full morocco, spotted in places. London, 1830-1834 The Tomb in “Italy” is correctly placed, the first issue is incorrect. 578. TuRNER Puatss. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his Collection of Drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, R.A., exhibited at the Fine Art So- ciety’s Galleries, also a list of the engraved works of that master shown at the same time. Illustrated with 35 plates, and a map, indicative of the places in the British Isles illustrated by him. Ato, original half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: The Fine Art Society, 1878 Third Session, Tuesday Evening, December 4th 579. TurNER Puares. The Turner Gallery. The Descriptive Text by W. Cosmo Monkhouse. With 120 engravings, from the works of J. M. W. Turner (all full-page steel engravings). 2 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton and Co., undated 580. UNiversaL ANTHOLOGY (THE). A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Richard Garnett, Léon Vallé and Alais Brandl. With numerous portraits and plates, on Japan vellum paper, colored facsimiles of the miniatures in illuminated manuscripts, etc. 33 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. 3 London: The Clarke Company [1899] Epition Dr Luxe. Limited and numbered. Comprises,—Ancient Fables, Myths, Folk-Lore, Legends, Greek and Latin Classics, Egyptian and Babylonian Literature, Travels, Adventures, Proverbs, Novels, Romances, Character Sketches, Orations, Addresses, Poetry, Biography and History. 581. UZANNE (Octave). Le Miroir du Monde. Notes et Sensations de la vie Pittoresque. Illustrations en couleurs @apres Paul Avril. Ato, in sheets, enclosed in embossed leather covers. One of 100 copies. Paris: Maison Quantin, 1888; [AtLso, by the same author] L’Art dans la Décoration Extérieure des Livres en France et a |’Etranger. With a large number of beautiful facsimiles of the work of eminent binders, MANY IN VARYING TINTS. 4to, full dark-green crushed le- vant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers preserved, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1898. Together, 2 vols. Paris, 1888-1898 The last named is one of the most beautiful productions on modern book-binding, etc., and one of 60 copies printed. Both volumes are PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 582. VAN Dyck (AnTOINE). Eaux-Fortes de Antoine Van Dyck. Repro- duites et publiées par Amand-Durand, texte par Georges Du- plessis. A series of 21 excellent reproductions from the originals. Large folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco, broad dentelle inside border, gilt top, uncut, in open. faced board case, BY AFFOLTER. Paris: Goupil & Cie. (and others, curca 1885) 583. VERSAILLES MusEuM. Musée de Versailles ou Tableaux de l’ Histoire de France. Avec un texte explicatif d’aprés nos meilleurs historiens Henri-Martin, Michaud, Burette, etc. With a large number of fine reproductions. Royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1858 584. VoLtTaIrE (JEAN F. M. Arovrr DE). (Huvres Completes. [Avec des avertissements et des notes par Condorcet; imprimées aux frais de Beaumarchais par les soins de M. Decroix, et sous la direction typographique de Letellier, et vie de Pauteur par Beaumarchais. | With BOTH SETS OF THE CELEBRATED PLATES BY MOorEAU, engraved by Baquoy, Croutelle, Dambrun, Duclos, Langlois, and others, ONE Third Scvssion, Tuesday Evening, December 4th [ No. 584—Continued | . BEING UNLETTERED PROOFS IN BRILLIANT STATE. 70 vols. [Paris]: De l’Imprimerie de la Société littéraire-typographique; [Kehl], 1785-1789: [Atso] CHAantrEau (Le Cxen.). Table Analytique et Raisonnée des Matiéres contenues dans les soixante-dix volumes des (Euvres de Voltaire. 2 vols. Paris: Chez Deterville, 1801; | Atso] SUPPLEMENT au Recueil des Lettres de M. de Voltaire. 2 vols. Paris, 1808; [ALso] PENsEEs, Remarques et-Observations de Vol- taire. Paris, 1802. Together, 75 vols. royal 8vo, full violet straight- grained morocco, with exquisite floral and pointellé tooled ornaments in corner of each side of each volume, with outer blind-tooled orna- ments, backs richly decorated in gilt and blind-tooled, the ornaments differently conceived, doublures of red watered silk, with elabo- rate borders, linings of the same material, with floral borders, gilt edges, BY BOZERIAN JEUNE. Joints of one volume skilfully repaired. Paris, 1785-1802 CONSIDERED TO BE ONE OF THE FINEST SETS OF VOLTAIRE’S WORKS IN EXIS- ~ TENCE—PROBABLY THE FINEST. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ‘FINE PLATES AFTER GRAVELOT. Ir IS ON LARGEST PAPER THROUGHOUT, With the exception of “Table des Matiéres,” which was never printed on large paper. [See Reproduction of Binding.]| 585. VoLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. Arouer DE). Galerie Historique des Portraits des Comédiens de la Troupe de Voltaire, avec des Détails Bio- graphiques inédits, recueillis sur chacun d’eux par E. D.-De Manne. With etched portraits. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, BY FRANCIS BEDFORD. | Lyon: N. Scheuring, editeur, 1861 586. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. Arover DE). The Writings of Voltaire. A con- temporary version. y 2 y ? ry \ \ . \ Bs Le i ak oa ae oe ey AoA ONS L 4 i i * eae : So ea hy, ae " y ey = aS et VA Oy 2 Ss * PN, Ge ee | : \ : _ Sy * eR ear! Bais Be nd “ 5 rat x ~ NS ee Osa Dre » Ba 5 be : sw ; sel lites elie acai. eas » oN is an pe PN ~ ee ee ee ee ares 9 2) SQ°3 “073d \ = eee Sy * ws - a “4 ~ ~ wena = ac = ~ \ ‘i ~ = OX ek = is Ni oe ae ~ >a . wale a <1 N te EY mS Ni » Mss Qe 9 Bi cee ses at = ae BX we SS 8 a \ a \ % \ \ i me XS { Od \ NI ) ae , . nN : ‘ >. \ ‘ i pee Ws i ra Da \ sy 4 My Dry ; ae On ; On << > eA | ~~ is. Sad VQ DS TQ Sic) Re” ee. Gee ae hs sn > ~ Se el s ~ a ae ie ia ey G face Lf f Y, sf “Y my CQaMey eG eee wey Se ea S oy wy ae es > re lam Do ws > my mM tw a SO sO 5D SO Go Or oe 9 eee = \ \ yO to he fo Sy Ss % po . < + 5 fs ; * ~ ~ ; XS \ “ ( - ine ow LS pe Qg» <— eee ‘ 5 as, . : . 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