SILO'’S py dG VANDERBILT AVENUE & 4511 STREET JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer THE STILES COLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE ae To Be Sold at Unrestricted Public Auction THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 29th, 30th and 31st, 1925 At 2 o’clock Each Day SALE No. 4235 wa ~ 5% GROUP OF SHERATON, QUEEN ANNE AND ST UART PERIOD PIECES CATALOGUE iii SLES G@OLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN FURNISHINGS FORMED BY THE LATE JOSEPH HENRY STILES OF YORK, PENNSYLVANIA COMPRISING The Finest and Most Complete Collection of AMERICAN WINDSOR CHAIRS Ever assembled, many of which are the only examples known. Also Highboys, Lowboys, Desks, Tables, Chairs of the Later Periods, Glass, Brasses and Lamps EXHIBITION COMMENCES Wednesday, October 21st, Until Date of Sale (Including Sunday, October 25th, 2 to 5 P. M.) To Se Sold At Unrestricted Public Auction THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 29th, 30th AND 3lst, 1926 At 2h: Bach Day , / ws] | J | i \ ; ; 7 i) OtlLHo 4 / , JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer Est CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself respon- sible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; Tue FirrH Avenue Art GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any), attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. James P. Siro, Auctioneer SS THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET, NEW YORK FOREWORD - THE JosepH Hinry REM RT De CR coe, cdi T will doubtless surprise the lovers of Early American furniture who | are familiar with the remarkable collection of the late J. Tee tlesno ) York, Pennsylvania, to learn that it was gathered together in the com- paratively short space of eight and one-half years. Prior to the year 1916 Mr. Stiles’ only antique possessions were a secretary, a table and a side- board, and these he had bought, not because of any knowledge of or love for antiques, but for the reason that he needed them and they had been brought to his attention. There his interest ceased, for he had not yet been stung by the collecting bee. In the fall of 1916, however, his interest and finally his enthusiasm was aroused, and from then on his search for the old and the beautiful was indefatigable. However slight the clue, if he felt he was on the trail of an antique, he followed it with the utmost intensity and with a patience which deserved reward. Wherever he went he made friends by his enthusiasm, his fairness and his unfailing courtesy. He was welcome in the most pretentious and in the most humble homes, and throughout the plantation homes of Virginia and South Carolina his occasional visits were anticipated with keen pleasure. Early in his collecting, Mr. Stiles realized that of all the articles of household furniture chairs were the most difficult to find, due, of course, to the fact that they had harder and more constant use than any other article of furniture. Therefore, he concentrated on chairs, for through- out his life he delighted in tackling the hard things. His success can be judged by the collection which is now being placed before the antique loving public. | | Probably a larger number of Windsor chairs from one collection has never before been offered. However,it is not for its numbers alone that the collection is notable, but more especially because of the extremely rare and unique specimens it contains. Among these should be noted the eleven-spindle comb back and, rarer still, the thirteen-spindle comb back. We believe this latter to be the only one known. There are writing arm Windsors and six rare and exquisite carved stretcher bow backs. Rare, too, are the X stretcher, bow back, the triple back Wind- sors and the numerous brace backs, both side and arm. There is a carver chair, the possession of which is eagerly sought by lovers of the very Early American pieces. An unusual bannister back with mushroom arms (hollowed out to hold candles) is in the collection, This chair is pictured in furniture of the Pilgrim Century. In addition to the more primitive types of chair, the collection is rich in handsome specimens of walnut and mahogany chairs of the Queen Anne, Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton Periods. Although chairs were Mr. Stiles’ chief delight, he never missed an opportunity to acquire any antique of merit or of charm, so that the collection has many things to offer to people of varied tastes. There are several very fine highboys and a rare knee-hole desk of cedar, unique because of the many secret compartments it contains, Secretaries, mir- rors, tables, sideboards and corner cupboards are shown, The lovers of old glass and china will find much to delight them, and among the rarer pieces of glass should be mentioned three very fine flips of the blown contact, three section mould type, one of them of the rare barrel shape. A dark amber compote, purple and blue camphene lamps, candlesticks, silver resist and other pitchers, blue Stiegel bottles, Stoddard bottles, ink wells and salt cellars are worthy of attention. Indeed, it is impossible to enumerate all the gems in this portion of the collection. Innumerable sets of unusual brasses, old iron hinges, shutter hooks and locks, andirons, early lighting devices and cooking utensils help to round out this remarkable collection. When we consider that in addition to the pieces now being offered his home was filled with choice and priceless antiques, one cannot fail to marvel at Mr. Stiles’ notable achievement or cease to be grateful that his love and appreciation of the charming furnishings of other days has made them available to other collectors. MRS. JOSEPH HENRY S33 1G. CATALOGUE FIRST SESSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29rn, 1925 At 2 o'clock P. M. ES tbe UU =1% SHERATON CHAIRS American, 1810 Good, sound condition (except the rush seats). TWO SHERATON WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS American, 1790 Double top rail, with seven spindles. el AMETHYST GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE In the form of a bear. VERY CHOICE SET OF ROUND BRASSES, COMPLETE VERY RARE SET OF SIX ROUND BRASSES Embossed with portraits, complete. heen PINE SKE OR TEN OVAL SHERATON BRASSES, GON PLETE First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 10. ek he STB ee a oe reeds Se he Sue ae See a DECORATED SHERATON CHAIR American, 1800 Roll seat, with turned front splayed legs, pierced centre, front stretcher. EARLY DINING TABLE: 3 | .. American, 1740 In walnut, with circular top having two drop leaves, scalloped skirt, cabriole legs and round pad feet. PAIR OF PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT TRONM HINGES American, 1750 BALLOON BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 With saddle seat, nine spindles and lightly turned legs VERY RARE SAPPHIRE SANDWICH GLASS LAMP On original marble base. -American, 1830 COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 ry a Plainicomb and: arm; simple mnrderibody. i: HObGiOD ZA V3) 14. PAIR OF SMALL BRASS ANDIRONS American, 1790 Needing reparation. “BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 Sepaiate arms, with curved ends, good under body. fa) 16. Eye 18. tet cone cA Ze. First Sesston—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 Wiis RARE OLD AMETHYST GLASS CANDLESTICK Circular spreading base, with narrow neck. American, 1820 RernGON TIP TOP HEPPLEWHITE CANDLE STAND American, 1780 The top has inlaid border and centre, vase turned stand; has three arched legs terminating in spade feet. =» FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1800 Shaped seat, lightly turned legs. ieakeotl OR TEN OVAL EMBOSSED SHERATON Pee oor COMPLETE Petes | OF FIGHT EMBOSSED SHERATON BRASSES, BOM PDE TE Pepe ooh VEN T SHERATON @SIDEBOAKD “BRASSES, POMPLETLE TWO SHERATON WINDSOR ARM CHAIRS American, 1790 Double top rail, with seven spindles. VERY FINE OLD SANDWICH AMETHYST GLASS LAMP Square base, with baluster stem. American, 1820 First Session—T hursdav, October 29th, 1925 ee) Se) 24. DO Cal 206. Ly: 20 2) 30. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 The rail has rounded ears, bulb support; delicate turned under body. SET OF SIX SHERATON BRASSES, COMPLETE EXTREMELY CHOICE AND. RARE Si Tia TEN ENGRAVED QUEEN ANNE BUTTERFLY BRASSES EXTREMELY RARE SET OF TWENTY QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES EARLY PENNSYLVANIA BREAKFAST TABLE American, 1740 In walnut; has scalloped ends, Cabriole legs, terminating in web feet. Length, 40 inches. TWO FINE OLD SANDWICH GLASS CANDLESTICR: Vaseline color. American, 1830 TRIPLE BACK. WINDSOR ARIAG HE. American, 1790 Arched top rail; second rail straight, with carved supports; turned legs. FINE OLIVE GREEN THREE SECTION MOLD DECAN- TE: American, 1770 Diamond and sunburst pattern. YIVH’) AIS ‘08S “ON GYNLINGOA GOMYd LONIVA AO dnoysd KOGHIIF, “SOP “ON SUIVH’) WHY OM], ‘OST ‘ON AED ne. 34. oY 36. ay, 38. ou. 40. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 EARLY AMERICAN SECRETARY BUREAU American, 1760 pet OF THREE LOWBOY BRASSES SET OF FIVE QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY BRASSES FAN BACK- WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With turned supports, fine turned legs, hollow seat. PINE OLD AMETHYST GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE In the form of a bear. PINE CURLY MAPLE BOOK CABINET American, 1760 Paneled doors, with three shelves and molded top. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The arms have turned supports, hollow saddle seats and turned legs. feet ee NDALE CHAIR American, 1760 In mahogany, with shaped top rail, rounded ears, shaped splat, with fan piercing; straight, tapering front legs; plain stretcher Mermkiey AMERICAN INDIAN POTTERY WATER BOTTLE Late 18th Century EARLY THREE SECTION MOLD INK BOTTLE Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. American, 1760 First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 41. 42. 43. 44. 45, 46, 47. 48. 49. TWO OLD BRASS CAST IRON DOOR LATCHES American, 1800 VERY FINE OLD AMERICAN DOOR LOCK American, 1750 With original folding brass handles. WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Brace bow back; the arms are formed by the continuation of the bow, and supported by turned spindles; has fine under-body. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Saddle seat, with turned under-body; the feet are pierced with - rockers. OLD HOOKED RUG. 6.2x6.7 Conventional design. EARLY AMERICAN FRAME WITH DRAWERS WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Bow back, with graceful saddle seat; curved arms formed by the continuation of the bow, the back having unusually fine lines. TWO SHERTON WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS American, 1790 Double top rail, with seven spindles, LOT OF ASSORTED PENNSYLVANIA CHEST KEYS Period, 1725-1775 50. af 52: 22 54. ae 56. a7. First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 TWO FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON fee) CHES, COMPLETE Period, 1725-1775 Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. Pekiey THREE SECTION MOLDIINK BOTTLE Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. American, 1760 WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1800 Double top rail, with seven spindles; lightly turned legs and stretcher. fee eV HITE CHEST OF DRAWERS American, 1780 In mahogany, with straight front; drawers inlaid with satinwood ovals; feet missing. PAIR OF PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON H. L. HINGES American, 1750 Pees oAPPHIRE BLUE SANDWICH GLASS CHILD’S MUG American, 1840 TWO SHERATON WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS American, 1790 Double top rail, with seven spindles. FINELY MADE REPRODUCTION OF EARLY AMERI- CAN BREWSTER CHAIR (Modern. ) wer aes 60. 6l. 62. 63. 64. 65. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 OLD AMERICAN EGG DISH In the form of a nesting hen; deep amethyst color, with white head. LOT OF ASSORTED PENNSYLVANIA CHESi 3 1725-1775 EARLY AMERICAN TABLE DESK American, 1790 In mahogany, with secret drawers. SANDWICH AMETHYST GLASS CHAMBER TAME With blown handle, nozzle missing. American, 1830 WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The bow continues to form the arms, which have deep turned sup- ports; turned legs, with bulb stretcher. A good specimen. BRACE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Fine saddle seat, very fine turned legs. A good chair in perfect condition. LOT OF OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON HINGES American, 1760 Assorted. OLD SANDWICH GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE. Club shaped, with raised decoration. American, 1830 66. 67. 68. 69. 7aNp 72) 73. 74, tse First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 EARLY PENNSYLVANIA CANDLESTAND American, 1790 Square top, with rounded corners, turned stem, three arched legs terminating in spade feet. BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1800 With bamboo turned spindles and simple under-body. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The top rail finely shaped, the second rail is bowed, plain arms and good under-body. BRINE SET OF SIX QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY BRASSES VERY SPINE SET OF QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY ESCUT. CHEONS BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With shaped arms and fine under-body. OLD SANDWICH GLASS BEDROOM LAMP American, 1830 Wey FINE SET OF QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY ESCTUIT- CHEONS SET OF QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY ESCUTCHEONS SET OF THREE BRASS ESCUTCHEONS First Sesston—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 76. Wis 78. 79, 80. 81. 82. 84. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With deep turned legs. TWO OLD AMERICAN PERFUME BOTTLES American, 1800 ROUND-ABOUT WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 The arms have carved knckles and turned supports, fine under- body. VERY FINE OLD WALNUT DINING TABLE Turned legs. A very useful piece. American, 1790 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Finely turned legs, with good. spread, wide seat. THREE ASSORTE Ds Pigs Early amethyst glass candlestick, wine glass and compote. FOUR OLD SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES Conventional pattern. American, 1830 BRACED FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 With delicate comb, fine turned supports, saddle seat and fine turned legs. LOT OF OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT HINGES American, 1770 Assorted. 85. 86. ar: 88. 89. 90. OL. oz. O35, 94. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 SIX OLD AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS PRESERVE DISHES Pek EY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS CARD TRAY FINELY MADE REPRODUCTION OF AN EARLY AMER- ICAN BREWSTER CHAIR (Modern.) Has rush seat. QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY American, 1720 Has cabriole legs, Dutch feet, with graceful scroll skirt. OLD SANDWICH CAMEO GLASS VASE American, 1830 PAIR OF OLD PENNSYLVANIA STRAP HINGES American, 1770 PARRY AMERICAN LARD LAMP American, 1830 BALLOON BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 With nine spindles and saddle seat. Seer HIGH T BRASSES.s COMPLETE Pret LARGE “OVAL SIDEBOARD. BRASSES, COM=s Pe ie First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 OS 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. LOT: 102. VERY FINE. SET OF FOUR ROUND SIDEBOARD BRASSES, COMPLETE FIVE WINDSOR CHAIRS American, 1800 Straight Sheraton top rail; the spindles curved, shaped seat, with under-body, very fine. WALNUT DINING TABLE American, 1740 Circular top, with two drop leaves, scalloped skirt, cabriole legs, with round pad feet. FINE. OLD STAFFORDSHIRE] TOR. Admiral Lord Nelson. EARLY .AMERICAN OIL LAMP American, 1820 With handle. EXTREMELY LARGE PAIR OF OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON EL. HINGES American, 1750 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 With eight spindles and two turned supports; the legs pierced for rockers. EARLY AMERICAN BETTY LAMP American, 1750 Iron, complete with hook. ij “ + * " _ *¥ toe So Se ~ ae = = Be. as ~ y >, ©. 4 es z “a t* wu +, cae e ee : ee GROUP OF CHIPPENDALE DESIGN FURNITURE ‘* bad 7] , v ° uJ © te 13: 104. LOS: 106. 107. 108. ve 110. Pil. tz First Session—Thursdav, October 29th, 1925 CHOICE HIGH BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Finely scrolled arms, deep seat, well proportioned under-body. RARE OLD AMERICAN BRASS LAMP American, 1750 Double burner, circular oil well, stem in the form of a heart. EARLY AMERICAN TIN BETTY LAMP AND STAND With extinguisher and hook, complete. American, 1800 PioyesOlD LUNSTALL CHINA WATER PITCHER With decorated panels showing the catching of wild horses. fee soECTION MOLD-CRUET GLASS American, 1780 COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Fine comb, with carved ears; very good arm, saddle seat, finely turned legs. A very high grade chair. THREE QUEEN ANNE BRASSES MOREE OUEEN ANNE BRASSES Pee seh! OF FOUR OUEREN ANNE ESCUTCHEONS BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Shaped hand rest, fine turned legs. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 iy 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. i Beh OLD ENGLISH HIGH WHEEL BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR Period, 1750 Good arm, with curved supports; very rare curved front stretcher; in pearwood. SERPENTINE FRONT SHERATON CARD TABLE American, 1780 In mahogany; has folding top. The skirt is inlaid with satinwood panels; the legs delicately reeded and topped with a vase turning. A fine piece, in condition as found. EARLY PEACOCK BLUE SANDWICH GEASS ie Woats loon American, 1830 SANDWICH GLASS BEDROOM LAMP With handle. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With deep turned legs. EARLY ‘AMERICAN BETEY LAMP HORDE Conical base, with circular stem and oval top. American, 1800 SANDWICH GLASS COMPOTE SANDWICH GLASS GCOMPOTE SANDWICH GLASS COMPOTE First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 122. WAR 124. IZ: 2 JUSGR 127. 128. Pe. 1: TWO WINDSOR CHAIRS American, 1800 Double top rail, simple under-body. TWO WINDSOR CHAIRS To match preceding. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA DINING TABLE American, 1770 Two drop leaves, with Chippendale legs. PARLEY PENNSYLVANIA BISCUIT MOLD Unusual conventional design. PateslStheG@entury PAIR OF VERY FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT TRON GOOSE NECK HINGES American, 1760 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The curved arms are separate, large seat and good under-body. Pure) SHEP PIELD CANDLESTICK American, 1800 Gadrooned border, with snuffer. move RN ASSORTED OUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES een OES CUTCHEONS WERY RARE SET OF TWELVE QUEEN ANNE WILLOW EMR Cates mie 131. eh: ESE 134. 139: 136. ine 138. First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 With very fine beaded comb and carved scroll ears, bulb spindles, turned supports and saddle seat. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR ~ American, 1790 With comb, the comb finely shaped; hollow seat, simple under- body; legs pierced with rockers. VERY CHOICE PAIR OF PENNSYLVANIAS Gea GOOSE NECK WROUGHT IRON HINGES American, 1760 FINE EARUCY BREAK PAs eee American, 1770 In walnut, with drawer and two drop leaves, four square, tapering legs and finely figured top COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Simple arms, with well turned supports; fine under-body, with turned legs. A good chair, in original condition. EARLY AMERICAN BLOWN GLASS SALT CELLAR Heavy base and fluted cap. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA POTTERY DEEP PIE DISH SHERATON WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1800 With comb, the comb is finely shaped; flat, straight rail, straight, turned arms, simple under-body. 139: 140 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146, 147. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 TWO PAIRS OF QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES OIL PAINTING Early American portrait. EARLY AMERICAN MIRROR In mahogany frame, original glass; in very fine condition. Tiny FINE BRACE BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 The bow continues to form the arms; deeply turned legs, with fine spread. EARLY AMERICAN DINING TABLE Period, 1800 Unusually fine top, turned legs, in mahogany. Top, when open, 50 inches by 42 inches. Bison IO POTTERY DEEP PIE DISH Perey PENNSYLVANIA POTTERY RING _SHAPED WATER BOTTLE VERY RARE OLD PENNSYLVANIA TIN CAKE BASKET VERY FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON DOUBLE GCOSE NECK HINGES American, 1760 First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 148. 149, 150. Lois Ze |Rapey TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ® ARM ICHAT: American, 1790 With arched comb, straight second rail, with curved supports; lower rail continues to form arms; good under-body. TWO VERY RARE OLD SHEFFIELD SCONGAG HeZDERS American, 1800 Molded curved arm and nozzle on shield shaped bracket. TWO VERY FINE OLD ENGLISH QUEEN ANNE ARM CHAIRS Period, 1725 In beachwood; the styles come down in cima curve and continue into a straight leg; the arms are finely curved, with scroll hand hold, square seat, with scroll skirt, cabriole leg, with pointed foot. - [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SET OF EIGHT EMBOSSED SHERATON Baeo ee COMPLETE ELABORATE SET OF FOUR EMBOSSED Se COMPLETE SET OF SIX SHERATON BRASSES, COMPIE= SET OF SEVEN SHERATON SIDEBO7 BRASSES, | COMPLETE BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With carved comb, shaped arm, bamboo turned legs, pierced with stretcher 156. Vie 158. MEE 159a. 160. 1ol 162. 163. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 Se WICH GLASS JAR With lyre decoration. EARLY AMERICAN BETTY LAMP STAND American, 1760 In turned wood. Perret Sel OF SIX SHERATON BRASSES Finely embossed. VERY RARE SET OF TWELVE QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES, COMPLETE PeereeriINE “SET. OF OVAL SHERATON BRASSES, COMPLETE EARLY AMERICAN LACQUERED OIL LAMP In the shape of a coffee pot. American, 1825 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With nine spindles in the back; the bow continues to form the arm; feet pierced for rockers. MARILY AMERICAN PINE CHOPPING BOWL American, 1750 WoOCORTED LOT) OF WROUGHT IRON STAPLES ETC First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. A EXTREMELY RARE SET OF THIRTEEN “ENGRAYW® BUTTERFLY BRASSES AND ESCUTGHEQON Sas PENS LOT OF NINE OLD BRASS BEDIPOSit BOW BACK ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The rail continues to form the arm; finely turned under-body. A good chair. VERY FINE EARLY, AMERICAN CHILD S330 Ra American, 1780 Hepplewhite design; finely scrolled skirt and beaded drawers. RARLY THREE ‘SECTION MOLD INK BODE American, 1760 Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY American, 1730 Walnut; has straight top, with curved molding; dividing drawers at the top, two small top drawers and three long drawers below; scalloped skirt, with drops, carved fan and centre drawer, cabriole legs; has original brasses. SET OF THREE CUT GLASS SHERATON BRAS ee ae BOARD KNOBS SET OF THREE SHERATON GLASS SIDEBOARD PULLS SYIVHO GNVTONY MAN HOLNdG FO dowd Scb ON 08h “ON OSE “ON 09S “ON OSG “ON OST “ON AOE NAN LION I NIB TON LOTE Wes Pk 174. Weer 176. 77: 178. 179. 180. First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 SET OF THREE BRASS SHERATON SIDEBOARD PULLS FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Unusual bamboo legs, fine saddle seat SANDWICH GLASS LAMP American, 1840 With handle and original pewter nozzle. HIGH BACK WINDSOR ROCKER American, 1800 Shaped top rail, separate arm, with turned supports, unusual front stretcher. UNUSUAL EARLY AMERICAN BURL WALNUT BOWL American, 1700 BRACE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Legs have deep turnings. VERY RARE OLD AMERICAN TIN CHAMBER LAMP American, 1830 VERY FINE OLD WROUGHT IRON PENNSYLVANIA Pisce? MOLD 18th Century Elaborate floral design, with heart centre. BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 The legs cut down. First Session—T hursday, October 29th, 1925 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. EARLY AMERICAN BRASS CANDLESTICK With adustable slide for candle. American, 1780 FINE OLD WAG ON THE WALL CLOCK Brass dial, chain movement. OLD AMERICAN CARVED WOOD EAGLE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 Six spindles in back, with turned supports; good under-body. VERY FINE, OLD PEWTER CHARGE: Period, 1740 EARLY AMERICAN OLD! DAGUERREOTY PE PORTRAIT BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With saddle seat and finely turned legs and stretcher. NEW ENGLAND QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY American, 1725 Maple, with straight top and good molding, four long drawers, cabriole legs, Dutch feet, skirt very finely scalloped, carved fan and centre drawer. EXTREMELY RARE OLD PENNSYLVANIA BETTY LAMP American, 1730 Wrought iron. EARLY AMERICAN BETTY LAMP American, 1720 Wrought iron, complete with hook and wick adjuster. First Session—Thursday, October 29th, 1925 191. toZ. 193. 194. Loa: 196. 1o7, 19S, shee 200. EARLY AMERICAN CIRCULAR BURL WALNUT POR- RINGER American, 1730 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 With saddle seat and well proportioned under-body. OLD PENNSYLVANIA LARD LAMP Early 19th Century CHOICE PENNSYLVANIA TIN CANDLE SCONCE American, 1800 Slender body, with crimped arched top and base. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With fine under-body. VERY RARE EARLY PENNSYLVANIA RULE HINGE LOT, EARLY PENNSYLVANIA DOOR HANDLE AND Si TTR HINGES pve EARLY AMERICAN JACKS SHEPPARD DARK LANTERNS Early 19th Century Vi PAIRS OF PENNSYLVANIA FH. Le HINGES Wrought iron. American, 1770 PAIR’ OF VERY FINE-EARLY AMERICAN WROUGHT LER Ps Wed Shad GES American, 1770 201. 202. 203. 204. rib hy 206. SECOND SESSION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30rn, 1925 At 2 o'clock P. M. LOTS 201 TO 400 FINE EARLY AMERICAN BURL WALNUT BOWL American, 1720 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Fine saddle seat; deep turned legs. TWO OLD SANDWICH GLASS TUMBLERS OLD SANDWICH GLASS EanMe Circular base, slender stem and round bowl. FOUR FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT TROW SHUTTER EATCEES American, 1750 Finely scrolled. EARLY THREE-SECTION MOLD INKVBG tie American, 1760 Diamond pattern, with fluted base, olive color, unusual pattern. WATER COLOR Early American Whaler—The Warren Ordway. 208. 209. ZI, AB Zi2 jade 214. BAD, Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 FINE OLD EARLY AMERICAN GREEN GLASS WINE Be LIE South Jersey, 1780 SHERATON ARM CHAIR peers 790 In mahogany ; a square back, with five reeded spindles terminating in fan shaped capitals; the arm top is carved and molded, with rosette ends, square tapered and reeded legs. Sok TON SIDE CHAIR American, 1790 To match preceding. Se RALON SIDE CHAIR American, 1790 To match preceding. TWO WINDSOR CHAIRS 1800 Straight Sheraton top rail; the spindles curved, shaped seat, with under-body very fine and with exceedingly rare turned front feet. EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE CHOPPING BOWL Oval shaped. American, 1730 ee doVWVICH GLASS LAMP American, 1830 Square base, with petaled oil well. Uelrise BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With deep top rail, carved support to second rail, plain arms, turned legs. A good specimen. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 216. EAE 218. 21D 220. PEN EARLY AMERICAN CHINA VASE Decorated with floral design in relief. FINE OLD STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM PITCHER Resist lustre, grape vine pattern. American, 1780 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Arched comb, with carved scroll ears; nine spindles, saddle seat and finely turned legs. A choice chair. EARLY SANDWICH GLASS CHAMBER LAMP American, 1830 With blown handle and pewter nozzle, amethyst color. FINE OLD STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY Admiral Lord Nelson. FINE SLAT BACK ROCKER American, 1740 Flat carved arms, having turned supports and stretcher; the stiles are turned and the slats are shaped, original rockers; has rush seat. CHIPPENDALE DINING TABLE American, 1770 In mahogany, with two drop leaves and molded legs. A fine piece, in good condition. CHIPPENDALE ROUNDABOUT CHAIR American, 1780 In walnut, fine back, with two pierced splats and turned supports; the under-body very fine, with straight legs and stretcher. 224. PAN 220, oni. 220% 229. 230. Za, Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 RARE EARLY AMERICAN BELT BUCKLE American, 1825 Embossed portraits of George and Martha Washington. A very choice specimen. EARLY AMERICAN HURRICANE LAMP — American, 1820 With glass oil well, dome top with ring, eight sided glass. Ian ibY AMERICAN HURRICANE LAMP Same as the preceding, with wire guard. BARLY AMERICAN HURRICANE LAMP Same as the preceding. FINE BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 Nine spindles in the back; the arms are separate, finely carved, fine wide seat, well proportioned under body VERY FINE OLD BENNINGTON WARE FLASK American, 1850 EARLY AMERICAN BLOWN GLASS BEDROOM LAMP QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY American, 1730 Exceptional size, in maple, with unusual curved skirt, carved fan and centre drawer, cabriole legs; has original brasses. FINE RHODE ISLAND WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 Brace back, with bulb spindles, fine under-body ; one spindle missing. 233. 234. Zo 236. 23/7. 298: papehe). 240. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1800 Double top rail, with seven spindles, lightly turned legs and stretcher. OLD JERSEY OPALESCENT GLASS REMEMBRANCE MUG American, 1800 TWO:'OLD SANDWICH GLASS SALT Dian Amethyst color, assorted. American, 1830 FINE BRASS MOUNTED HANGING LAMP American, 1780 Original cast, bull’s-eye glass TWO CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CHAIRS American, 1770 Elaborately shaped and carved top rail, carved and pierced centre splat, cabriole legs, terminating in ball and claw feet. Seats missing. HiGo BOY pao American, 1720 In maple, Queen Anne Period, with cabriole legs and round pad feet. RARE WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 Low back, with saddle seat and graceful turned legs; has ten spindles in the back. A handsome chair of great rarity. VERY FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA LARGE WROUGHT IRON LATCH WINDSOR CHAIRS r » GROUP OF EARLY TRIPLE BACK SLOPE FRONT DESK AND MAHOGANY MIRROR “ Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. EXTREMELY CHOICE EARLY AMERICAN WROUGHT miavos DOOR) LATCH Pear rEeNDALE GCORNER CHAIR American, 1760 In walnut; fine roundabout arm, with scrolled hand holes, turned supports, with pierced splats, straight legs. Speen DWICH GLASS LAMP American, 1830 With pewter nozzle aor OLD SANDWICH MILK GLASS PRERPUME EG TUES In the form of bears. BOW BACK WINDSOR. ARM. CHAIR American, 1770 Shaped hand rest, very unusual bulb turned spindles, finely turned under-body. An extremely rare chair. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA HANGING CORNER CUP- BOARD American, 1770 Finely molded top, with drawer; has recessed and reeder panels. Width, 17 inches; height, 24 inches. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With saddle seat and fine turned legs. FINE OLD AMERICAN DEEP BURL WALNUT BOWL American, 1720 Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 249. Aah ta Loe LAGS F 254. 250. RARE OLD JERSEY GLASS SPILL VASE American, 1790 With handle. A choice piece. FINE OULD SLA) BAGH CHAIR American, 1740 Finely turned stiles and stretcher, turned front legs and gracefully curved arms. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CHOICE GATELEG TABLE American, 1725 In walnut; with very fine double turned legs and stretcher, oval top, with two drop leaves. An exceptionally fine piece, needing slight restoration. EARLY SANDWICH GLASS CHAMBER LAMP American, 1830 Amethyst color, with blown glass handle and pewter nozzle. WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1800 With double top rail and bamboo turned legs. In good condition. EARLY THREE-SECTION MOLD INK BOTTLE American, 1760 Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With shaped ears, saddle seat and very fine turned legs. A good chair. EARLY AMERICAN OIL LAMP American, 1820 With handle. or: 258. 259. 260. 201; 262. 263. 264. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 FINE. OLD AMETHYST GLASS SPILE VASE Heavy wicker base. American, 1780 SoniB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Simple arm, with heavy turned support; fine under-body. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA SHERATON STYLE DINING TABLE American, 1800 | In mahogany, with turned legs. BAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With saddle seat and deep turned legs. VERY FINE OLD SANDWICH GLASS DEEP CIRCULAR Dist American, 1830 With scalloped rim, conventional pattern. LOT OF ASSORTED PENNSYLVANIA CHEST KEYS Period, 1725-1775 SHERATON SIDE CHAIR American, 1800 Has three pierced slats, graceful turned front legs, with open stretcher. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With shaped comb, hollowed seat, finely turned legs, pierced, with rocker. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 bo ON cn 267. 269. 271. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA CORNER CUPBOARD American, 1760 In pine; has finely molded top, four doors, with simple panels. UNUSUAL CHIPPENDALE CHAIR American, 1790 In mahogany; with straight top rail, pierced vase shaped splat, straight legs and stretchers. UNUSUAL CHIPPENDALE CHAIR To match preceding. PAIR OF VERY FINE EARLY AMERICAN WROUGHT IRON PIPE TONGS American, 1770 FAN BACK WINDSOR. CHAIR American, 1770 The comb is finely shaped and terminates in carved ears. The ten supports are curly maple, the seat is finely shaped, the legs turned with a fine spread. This chair is one of the most beautiful and perfectly proportioned Windsor chairs which has come to light. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] EARLY AMERICAN TIN HAND LAMP American, 1830 SLOPE FRONT DESK American, 1760 In maple; with four long drawers, molded base, step interior, with pigeon holes; the centre compartment decorated with a carved fan. In good condition, except the feet. eee eso. 274. rapes 276. 2/7. 278. 219. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 The bow is finely molded, ten back spindles, fine saddle seat, deli- cate turned under-body. A rare chair. FOUR FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON prULTER LATCHES American, 1750 Finely scrolled. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 The bow balloon shaped, the arms being separate, carved and scrolled, with turned supports; saddle seat, turned under-body. MAPLE FOUR-POST BEDSTEAD American, 1750 High tapering octagon post, turned legs, original head and foot boards. A very choice piece. EARLY AMERICAN IRON SHIP’S WHALE OIL LAMP American, 1800 BRACE FAN BACK CHAIR American, 1770 With saddle seat and finely turned legs. An extremely good chair. FINE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With choice saddle seat and finely turned legs. A well proportioned chair. FOUR FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON SHUTTER LATCHES American, 1750 Finely scrolled. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 280. 284. 285. 286. 28/7. Six EARLY SANDWICH SIAASS GUT Tia Conventional pattern. American, 1820 FOUR EARLY SANDWICH GLASS CUPS La American, 1820 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The arms finely shaped, the spindles well spread, exceptional fine turned legs, with bulb stretcher. A good specimen. OLD WORKGBOX American, 1770 In mahogany ; finely inlaid with stars and tulip leaves in satinwood. FINE HEPPLEWHITE BREAKFAST) [ABE American, 1770 Decorated with wide line of inlay, graceful tapering legs, with spade feet. EARLY AMERICAN REVOLVING IRON SHIP LAMP American, 1800 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The bow continues to form the arms, saddle seat, lightly turned under-body. TWO OLD AMERICAN GLASS WICKER PARTERM PEREUMESBOLY LES South Jersey, 1800 288. 289. 200). Zo, ehh 299. 294. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With nine bamboo turned spindles; mahogany arms, which are separate, with turned supports; wide seat, well proportioned under- body. VERY RARE OLD TUMBLER SHAPED DRAM GLASS Sapphire blue sandwich. American 1820 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 Carved rail, with rounded ears; fine bulb spindles and supports, delicate turned legs. FOUR FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON eR EATCHES American, 1750 Finely scrolled. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Very fine arm, with carved knuckles; finely turned and spreading legs. EARLY THREE-SECTION MOLD INK BOTTLE American, 1760 Diamond pattern, with fluted base; olive color. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The feet pierced for rockers. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 Pegs bee 296. 297. 298. 299) 300. 301. 302. TWO OLD PENNSYLVANIA TIN WALL SCONES American, 1800 In very fine condition. Genuine sconces of this type are very rare. TWO OLD PENNSYLVANIA TIN WALL SCONCES American, 1800 In very fine condition. Genuine sconces of this type are very rare. FINE OLD AMETHYST GLASS PERFUME. BOP tiee In the form of a bear. TWO BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIRS American, 1770 The backs are balloon shaped and have ten spindles, saddle seats with turned under-body. Chairs with this number of spindles are exceedingly rare. ADAM ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Molded stiles and arch top rail, scrolled and pierced splat; has carved urn and rosettes; carved arm, with molded supports, taper- ing molded legs and stretcher. A fine specimen. VERY FINE; PAIR OF OLD BOX LOOK es VERY FINE SET ‘OR TWELVE (O1caae EMBOSSED SHERATON BRASSES, COMPLETE SET OF SIX OVAL SHERATON BRASSES, COMPLETE SHIVHD YOSGNIM NVOIYANV ATYVA AO dilowd 9D “ON 696 N 6V€ “ON CVE “ON Sv “ON 66D “ON 303. 304, 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. ait), Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 VERY FINE EARLY PENNSYLVANIA LINEN. PRESS American, 1740 With projecting panels and arched molding. my Gee oan LY SANDWICH GLASS VASES Flat in shape, with flaring rim; thistle decoration. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Very fine carved ears; fine arm, with carved knuckles. A _ per- fectly proportioned chair. PaiPeaNDALE CHAIR American, 1770 In mahogany ; molded stiles, elaborately scrolled and carved top rail with finials. The centre splat is pierced and elaborately carved; straight front leg, with molded corners and plain stretcher. EARLY AMERICAN TIN CANDLE SCONCE American, 1800 Arched and crimped top and base. joey ERY RARE OLD SANDWICH GLASS-TABLE CANDLESTICKS Vaseline color. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 Simple turned supports to arms, good legs. FINE HEPPLEWHITE MIRROR American, 1790 Has gracefully carved top, finely molded frame, with unusual med- allion of Washington in relief at the top. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 abe (So) — ty 316. ahs RARE OLD AMETHYST GLASS WINE DECANTER American, 1770 - BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With good under-body. EARLY AMERICAN CADDY BOX American, 1780 In mahogany ; inlaid with rosewood and satinwood; brass ball feet. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With nine spindles; the carved arms are separate, with turned sup- ports; saddie seat, with fine spread to legs. A chair of high merit. QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY American, 1725 Veneered on pine, top straight, curved molding, three small top drawers, with four long drawers below; the base has a very fine cabriole leg, with scroll skirt. In original unrestored condition. EARLY AMERICAN DECORATED BELLOWS With brass nozzle. American, 1770 EARLY AMERICAN TORCH LAMP American, 1830 BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 With nine spindles and balloon shaped bow; good under-body. WALNUT. DINING TABLE American, 1800 Turned legs and two drop leaves; top when open 60 inches by 48 inches. gL. 321. 322. OL: 324. O20: 326. or Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 FINE BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, Bow continuing to form the arms; nicely turned legs. — st FINE OLD AMERICAN TERRY CLOCK American, 1800 Decorated dial, painted glass. WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1800 Double top rail, simple under-body. EARLY AMERICAN BETTY LAMP American, 1780 Complete, with hook and wick adjuster. FINE OLD HEPPLEWHITE HALF-MOON CARD TABLE American, 1770 The skirt inlaid with lined panels and sprays of flowers; has straight tapering legs. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 The spindles have a fine spread; unusual turned supports, delicate under-body. e VERY FINE OLD BOHEMIAN CAMEO GLASS GARNI- hoRE. SET American, 1800 Three pieces. EARLY AMERICAN BETTY LAMP HOLDER American, 1800 Conical base, with circular stem and oval top. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 ios) bo \O is On ND UNUSUAL SMALL SIZE DROP FRONT: DESK American, 1750 In maple; molded base, with straight bracket feet, four long draw- ers. The interior has two steps of drawers and pigeon holes. This is one of the few pieces which has been refinished by Mr. Stiles for personal use. VERY GRACEFUL HIGH COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The rail is low and continues to form the arms; the under-body very fine. EXTREMELY RARE THREE-SECTION MOLD AME- THYST COLORED DRAM GLASS American, 1800 EXCEPTIONALLY FINE HIGH BRACE FAN BACK ARM CHAIR American, 1770 High back, with two very fine turned supports; unusually good arm terminating in scrolls, fine saddle seat. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The top rail finely shaped, with rounded ears, second rail bowed; fine turned legs, with bulb stretcher. TWO AMETHYST GLASS FINGER BOWLS American, 1840 FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 With shaped comb, bamboo turned supports, simple turned legs. 335. 336. hye 338. 329: 340. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 SLOPE FRONT DESK American, 1740 In walnut; with one drawer in front and cupboard below; shaped bracket feet. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 The top rail curved, with rounded ears; nine back spindles, under- body very fine, graceful saddle seat. SHEFFIELD PLATE CHAMBER CANDLE HOLDER American, 1790 Circular pierced body, complete with extinguisher. BRACE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The bow continues to form the arms, turned supports, finely turned legs, saddle seat. CHOICE HEPPLEWHITE SIDEBOARD American, 1780 With original brasses; one long drawer in front, with cupboard below. The half-round ends also have cupboards, straight taper- ing legs, inlaid with lines of satinwood. A perfectly proportioned board in very good structural condition, but veneering needs res- toration. TWO VERY RARE OLD AMETHYST SANDWICH GLASS LAMPS American, 1820 Six sided, with pewter nozzle. HEPPLEWHITE CHAIR Arerican, 1780 In mahogany; the top rail is gracefully arched, the centre splat pierced; has tapering straight front legs, with stretchers. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 342, 344. 345, 346. 347. EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The top rail is finely shaped and has carved ears. Eleven spindles in the back make this a chair of great rarity. Fine turned under- body, with heavy stretcher, saddle seat. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE EARLY CANDLE STAND American, 1690 In maple; with circular top and bird cage, having six spindles, turned stem, three cabriole legs. A fine original piece. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Rare type, having ten spindles in addition to the turned supports; hollow seat, with deep side ramp; round turned legs. VERY RARE OLD SANDWICH GLASS TUMBEEe 19th Ceatury Decorated in relief with United States arms, Liberty, Capitol and military trophies. . SLOPE FRONT DESK: American, 1750 In cherrywood; with bracket feet, four long drawers, with beaded edge, nice interior arranged with two steps of drawers and pigeon holes above. FINE OLD SANDWICH AMETHYST GLASS LAMP Decorated oil well. American, 1830 348. 349, B00: Selle S52. 353. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 EARLY PENNSYLVANIA DINING TABLE American, 1760 With turned ends and centre stretcher, original feet and removab'e top; the two drawers are missing. Size of top, 50 inches by 30 inches. Pe ean k WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The arms are separate, curved with scroll ends, turned supports, saddle seat and well proportioned under body. The number of spindles, thirteen, without the supports make this chair of the utmost rarity and uniqueness. A chair of the highest merit. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PENNSYLVANIA FIVE SLAT BACK CHAIR American, 1720 The stiles have unusual ball finials, front legs, ball feet, very unusual bulb front stretcher, deeply turned. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ROUND-ABOUT WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With comb, the comb finely shaped, curved bow, simple turned supports for arms, lightly twisted under-body; the legs pierced with rockers. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Plain comb, straight second rail, with curved supports; third rail continues to form the arm, which terminates in finely carved knuckles ; simple under body. BALLOON BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 With fine saddle seat and unusual spread to the legs. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 354. ahs 356. seve 358. 359, 360. 361. SET OF EIGHT QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRAS VERY RARE OLD AMERICAN SET OF FOURSSF er TARY DESK LIFTING HANDLES WITH GRAS] SET OF EIGHT QUEEN ANNE WILLOW GRASS Complete with handles and pins. CHOICE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 With finely carved ears, nine spindles and two turned back sup- ports; well turned legs and stretcher. VERY FINE PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS American, 1760 Rare lemon shaped, with finely arched legs and ball feet. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR | American, 1760 Simple comb, shaped arms, with turned supports; very fine saddle seat, finely turned legs, pierced with rockers. A choice chair. FINE OLD AMERICAN AMETHYST GLASS SUGAR BOWL South Jersey, 1780 FINE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1750 Delicately turned legs of unusual grace; the top rail is serpentined and terminates in very fine carved ears; the outer spindles are turned, the small number of which give an unusually graceful effect. GROUP OF EARLY AMERICAN LAMPS SN 363. 364. 360. 367. 368. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 Spaie Or SIX LION MASK BRASS KNOBS fim TY THREE ASSORTED AMERICAN BRASSES Peter ntoCTCHEONs, DESK PULLS, ETC. BARLY PENNSYLVANIA HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS American, 1730 In walnut; has paneled ends projecting molding around the base and feet formed by the continuation of the stiles, FARLY AMERICAN LACQUERED OIL LAMP American, 1800 Circular base and handle; complete with extinguisher. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The comb is finely shaped, nine spindles in back, shaped arms, with bulb supports; good under-body. A choice chair. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 Plain comb, straight second rail, with carved supports; the tnird rail continues to form the arms; rounded seat, feet pierced with rockers. CHOICE PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS American, 1770 Claw and ball feet, tapering circular columns on square base, with urn shaped finial. Very rare. Second Session—Fridav, October 30th, 1925 370. PAIR OF WHITE GLASS BRASS MOUNTED MIRROR OF Ls Lise 374. ayes 376. 377. KNOBS SET OF THREE CUT GLASS SHERATON BRASS SIDE- BOARD KNOBS SET OF THREE CUT GLASS SHERATON BRASS SIDE- BOARD KNOBS BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With comb; the comb is finely shaped, the second rail bowed and the third rail continues to form the arms; finely turned under-body. PURPLE GUASS” PERPUDEE Sb ee American, 1800 Twelve sided, with narrow neck. HIGH COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Shaped comb, without ears, saddle seat, finely turned under-body. A choice chair, OLD AMERICAN BETTY LAMP WIDTH SAGE An unusual combination. American, 1760 COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Very fine comb, with carved ears; finely shaped arms, with turned supports ; saddle seat, with turned legs, and stretcher. A fine chair. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 FINE OLIVE GREEN THREE SECTION MOLD DECAN- TER American, 1770 Diamond and sunburst pattern. CHOICE COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM. CHAIR American, 1760 The comb has carved ears, very fine turned supports, good under- body. The feet have been restored. BALLOON BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 Exceptionally fine carved bow and spindles, saddle seat, good under- body. A choice specimen. CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY MIRROR FRAME American, 1760 Scroll and fret carving. Peer FRONT DESK American, 1740 In walnut; has four drawers, with beaded molding, molded base, with straight bracket feet; unusual arrangement of interior, the drawers being above the pigeon holes. BALLOON BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With comb; the comb has rounded ears, molded bow continuing to form the arms, finely shaped spindles, good under-body, legs pierced for stretchers. A very fine chair. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 384. 386. 387. 388. Sie! 390. bye BRACE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With saddle seat and fine supports at top, turned legs and bulb stretcher. A chair of very high merit. FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA LARD LAMP Early 19th Century COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 Finely shaped arm, with turned supports, good under body. A fine chair, in good original condition. BHARLY AMERICAN SIbVE RSA a VERY FINE OLD PEWTER CHARGER Period, 1740 VERY FINE OLD PEWTER CHARGIO® Period, 1740 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Hollowed seat, turned arm supports, delicately turned legs, with bulb stretcher; the feet are pierced for rockers. AMERICAN WHALE OIL SHIP’S LAMP American, 1730 Has four wrought iron cabriole legs, round stem. A choice and rare specimen. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 With comb; the comb is unusually wide, fine arm, good under- body. A choice chair. BE oot. 395. B76, 397. 398. jue. 400. Second Session—Friday, October 30th, 1925 ROUND-ABOUT WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 With fine saddle seat, finely turned legs, with bulb stretcher. PINE EARLY CHEST OF DRAWERS American, 1690 Two small top drawers, three long drawers below; has straight bracket feet, double arched molding, with original engraved butter- fly brasses. FINE OLD AMERICAN PIERCED TIN WATCH LAN- TERN American, 1760 FOUR SHERATON CANE SEAT CHAIRS American, 1800 Have two pierced slats, graceful turned front legs, with open stretcher. EARLY AMERICAN IRON CANDLESTICK With slide adjustment for candle. EARLY AMERICAN IRON CANDLESTICK With slide adjustment for candle. FARLY AMERICAN IRON CANDLESTICK With slide adjustment for candle. EARLY AMERICAN IRON CANDLESTICK With slide adjustment for candle. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. TEIRD SESSION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3lsz, 1925 At 2 o'clock +P. iM. LOTS 401 TO 604 EXTREMELY FINE AND RARE OLD CHEST Geer With key, complete. Period, 1740 VERY FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA WROUGHT IRON SWINGING CRANE Aretican ioe With original hooks. An extremely rare piece. WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 Brace back, with saddle seat; nine spindles; has fine under-body, with good bulb turned stretcher. EARLY AMERICAN WROUGHT IRON PIPE TONGS With tobacco pressure. An extremely rare specimen. EXTREMELY RARE OLD PENNSYLVANIA BETTY LAMP é American, 1730 Wrought iron, with hook, complete. CHOICE WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 Brace back; has finely molded bow, graceful saddle seat, with shaped sides, fine deep turned legs well spread, bulb stretcher. In very fine condition; has nine spindles. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414, Third Session—Saturdav, October 31st, 1925 OLD AMERICAN HANGING LAMP Amercan, 1790 Cone shaped. top with ring, removable base, glass oil well and very rare spherical glass globe. TWO SHERATON WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS Double top rail, with seven spindles. American, 1790 BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Has unusual bulb turned legs; the arms are formed by the con- tinuation of the bow and supported by turned spindles. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA DINING TABLE American, 1750 In walnut ; has four cabriole legs, terminating in web feet, straight scrolls. Top when open, 60 inches by 48 inches. VERY RARE SET OF TWELVE QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES mee y SINE SET OF QUEEN ANNE ENGRAVED WILLOW BRASSES VERY FINE SET OF EIGHT QUEEN ANNE WILLOW BRASSES CHIPPENDALE CHAIR American, 1760 In mahogany; unusual carved and pierced splat, scrolled top rail, straight legs with stretchers. Third Sesston—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 415. 416. 417. 418. 419, 420. 421. RARE WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 Bow back, with saddle seat and graceful turned legs; has ten spindles in the back. A handsome chair of.great rarity. OLD AMERICAN SHIP’S WHALE OIL LAMP American, 1750 With circular base, turned stem and rare pewter oil well. A rare lamp. VERY FINE SET OF EIGHT SMALL OVAL SHERATON BRASSES, COMPLETE 3 FINE EMBOSSED SET OF EIGHT OVAL SHERATON BRASSES; COMPLETE THREE ENGRAVED BUTTERFLY QUEEN ANNE BRASSES, COMPLETE HIGH COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The comb is of unusual quality and terminates in finely carved scrolls; the arms have shaped hand rests, with turned supports; hollow seats with fine bulb turned legs. A rare specimen. FINE EARLY TIP TOP CANDLE STAND American, 1770 In curley maple; oval shaped top, with turned stem and has three graceful arched legs. No. 500. CHOICE AMERICAN CARVER CHAIR AMERICAN, 1760 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 Wii FINE OLD THREE MOLD GLASS PERFUME BiOW TLE American, 1780 Cork navy blue, bulb shaped, with oblique flutes. MUN DSOR SIDE CHATR American, 1760 Brace. bow back, unusually fine shaped feet, fine under-body, with deep turnings and stretcher. moe OSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Brace bow back; the arms are separate, supported by turned spindles; saddle seat, with shaped sides; has a fine under-body, with bulb stretcher. PENNSYLVANIA FIVE SLAT BACK CHAIR American, 1730 The front legs are turned and have original ball~feet, stretcher deeply turned; has original rush seat. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | mar AND UNUSUALLY FINE PIERCED TIN WATCH LANTERN American, 1750 Circular body, with cone top; has ventilating chimney and door PePiLY PENNSYLVANIA ‘DISH TOP CANDLE STAND American, 1750 In walnut; has deep skirt, with four splayed legs. TWO VERY FINE*OLD STIEGEL WINE GLASSES American, 1760 Circular base, baluster stems, with fluted bowls; rare specimens. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The comb is long; has rounded ears, which give a fine effect in the spindles; second rail is bowed, lower rail continues to form the arms; turned supports, fine shaped seat and turned legs. A choice chair, in good condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | VERY RARE OLD WISTARBURG GLASS BULLE S-Bye WINDOW PANE American, 1750 OLD STIEGEL GLASS BULL’S-EYE WINDOW Aa American, 1765 RARE SLAT BACK ARM ROCKER American, 1740 Four slat back arms, with turned supports, round legs, with extra weight for rocker joins. This chair was an original rocking chair and one of the earliest known. CHOICE QUEEN ANNE NEW ENGLAND LOWBOY American, 1730 In maple, with curly maple sides, arched curved skirt, with original drop and brasses, arched molding between drawers, cabriole legs terminating in round pad feet. FINE OLD AMERICAN HANGING LANTERN With wire guards and ring. American, 1780 FINE OLD STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM - PIT GEier Resist lustre, daisy and fern pattern. American, 1780 436. 437. 438. 439. 440, 441. 442. Third Session—Saturday, October 3] st, 1925 ENGLISH SILVER LUSTRE MUG Decorated with panels illustrating incidents in the life of Dr. Syntax, in colors, PINGS TUART CHAIR American, 1690 Finely turned stiles, with finials; has original carved cresting rail and stretcher ; legs have original bale feet. A fine specimen of Early New England chair. RHODE ISLAND WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Braced bow back; the arms are separate, of mahogany, supported by turned spindles, finely turned legs and stretcher. This is the highest type of Windsor chair. FINE OLD NEW ENGLAND HIGHBOY American, 1730 In curly maple, straight molded top, arched skirt, with drops, cab- riole legs, terminating in round pad feet; has original brasses, A fine old piece in rough condition. OUD ZANESVILLE AMETHYST GLASS PERFUME 5 CA td Bia American, 1820 EARLY AMERICAN FLEMISH TYPE CHAIR American, 16/0 High back, with spiral turned stile; original carved and scrolled cresting rail, legs and front stretcher are turned. FINE HEPPLEWHITE SECRETARY DESK American, 1770 The base is mahogany; the drawer front inlaid with panels of curly maple, French feet and aproned skirt; let down lid, supported by two pulls; the top has original tambour doors, enclosing an arrange- ment of pigeon holes; the centre compartment has a swing door, inlaid with oval panel. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/1 st, 1925 443. 444, 445, 446. 447. 448. 449. TWO VERY FINE OLD SANDWICH GLASS CANDLE- Sul American, 1830 In deep amethyst color. FINE WALNUT DROP LEAF DINING TABLE American, 1730 Has scalloped ends, with four cabriole legs, terminating in round Queen Anne feet. Top, when open, 58 inches by 47 inches. TRIPLE BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 With shaped comb, bowed second rail, delicate turned legs. A good chair, in fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE OLIVE GREEN THREE-SECTION MOLD DECAN- TER American, 1770 Diamond and sunburst pattern. RHODE ISLAND WINDSOR: CHATS American, 1760 Brace back; has nine bulb spindles with molded bow, very fine turned legs and centre stretcher, saddle seat with shaped sides. HISTORICAL DAS In deep navy blue; Washington, Father of His Country, with por- trait; the reverse, General Taylor Never Surrenders, with portrait. A rare example. FINE OLD HEPPLEWHITE. DINER American, 1780 In mahogany; with six tapered legs and two drop leaves. Top when open, 52 inches by 47 inches. 450. 451. 453. 454. 455. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 Barn istER BACK ARM CHAIR American, 1700 The stiles finely turned with early trumpet shaped finials, shaped top rail, front legs elaborately turned and are topped with large mushroom turnings, which are pierced for candle holders; has early saudage turned stretcher. An extremely fine chair. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EXTREMELY RARE OLD AMERICAN WHALE OIL LAMP American, 1820 Revolving oil well on stem, with circular reflector. Pere PARTLY PENNSYLVANIA CHILD’S WAINSCOT mech ER American, 1690 The wings are gracefully scrolled and the arms terminate in balls for hand rests, with arched top and deep rockers, in walnut. A fine original piece. PENNSYLVANIA FIVE SLAT BACK CHAIR American, 1730 Has finely turned front stretcher, with original ball feet SERPENTINE FRONT BUREAU American, 1750 Tn wild cherry, finely molded base, with shaped bracket feet, molded top following the line of the bureau, four drawers, with beaded molding ; has original brasses ; unusually small size and a very choice piece. HEPPLEWHITE CORNER SERVING TABLE American, 1770 Triangular back, with bow front, four tapering straight front legs; has one drawer. Extremely rare and a fine original piece. Third Session—Saturday, October 3] st, 1925 456. 457. 458. 459, 460. 461. OLD JENNY LIND CORDIAL BOTTLE Early 19th Century Aquamarine coloring, portrait of Jenny Lind enclosed in laurel wreath, the reverse side the old glass house. FINE WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Thirteen spindles, finely turned arm supports, saddle seat, with shaped sides, turned legs, with a good spread and bulb stretcher. A very choice chair. SECRETARY DESK American, 1740 Has slope front, two pencil drawers, four long drawers, interior finely designed and of exceptional beauty; small drawer front ser- pentined and an unusual arrangement of five drawers on each side of centre compartment. The desk is of walnut, in fine original condition, and one of the best of its kind seen in the market in recent years. EARLY AMERICAN SHIP’S WHALE OIL LAMP American, 1725 Wrought iron cross foot and turned stem. A rare specimen. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA SLAT BACK CHiIGD Sse American, 1720 Straight arms of a very early type, front legs finely turned, with original ball feet. In fine original condition. WINDSOR WRITING ARM CHAIR American, 1790 So called Sheraton; the back is topped off with a deep splat, lower part has flat spindles, the writing arm has two curved supports and one drawer; in addition, the chair has one drawer under the seat. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/st, 1925 Pei yen ME RICAN TERRY CLOCK American, 1800 Scroll top, with brass finial; slender turned column, decorated dial, painted glass. PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE DINING TABLES American, 1760 In maogany ; with molded skirt, square legs, one of which swings for leaf support. In fine original condition. LADDER BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The bow is finely molded and pierced and scrolled; the back is formed by three pierced splats in the Chippendale manner; the arms are separate and terminate in scroll ends, graceful molded supports, choice saddle seat, fine proportioned under body. One of the finest known chairs. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE OLD WILLIAM AND MARY HIGHBOY American, 1690 In veneer walnut; the base has three drawers, with double arched molding and beaded skirt; six fine trumpet shaped legs with ball feet, serpentined stretcher. The top has curved molded with drawer, five drawers with double arched molding; has fine old plate brasses. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EARLY AMERICAN CADDY BOX American, 1800 Tole ware; the cover is arched; has four claw feet, with painted decoration. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. PENNSYLVANIA FIVE SEAT (BACKS Cite American, 1720 Pear shaped finials; the feet have been pierced with rockers. OLD DUTCH ARM CHAIR, QUEEN ANNES Peis American, 1760 The back is arranged in three tiers, with finely turned spindles; the arms are curved, the front legs turned, terminating in Dutch feet, with heavy front stretcher. HEPPLEWHITE BREAKPAS TS GA American, 1770 Oval top, with molded edge and drawer, shaped ends, inlaid with satinwood lines; legs inlaid and tapered. A choice piece. (Needs refinishing. ) VERY RARE OLD AMERICAN IRON BRAZIER American, 1725 On four wrought iron scroll feet; has unusual hinged grid and turned wood handle. TWO CHOICE OLD SANDWICH GLASS FLOWER VASES > American, 1820 Of a deep amethyst color, octagon flaring top, with scalloped rim. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 Unusual comb, with scrolled ears; extremely fine bulb turned spindles, saddle seat. A fine specimen. GROUP OF EARLY SANDWICH AND STIEGEL GLASS 473. 474. A475. 476. 477. 478. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/st, 1925 CHOICE CHILD’S COMB BACK WINDSOR HIGH CHAIR American, 1750 The comb finely shaped and has rounded ears; the spindles have a very fine spread; the arms are of very high merit, saddle seat, delicately turned legs and stretcher, with unusual spread. An exceptionally choice Windsor chair. Pee EB WHEE SIDEBOARD American, 1780 Straight front, with recessed centre, arranged with three drawers along the top and cupboards below; inlaid with double lined satin- wood, square tapering legs. A very fine specimen needing only refinishing. HANGING LANTERN American, 1780 With double brass burner, tin mount with removable base, cast bull’s-eye glass. EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY TERRY CLOCK ~ American, 1800 TWO FINE CHIPPHNDALE LADDER BACK CHAIRS American, 1760 In mahogany, with top rail carved and pierced with rounded ears, the three lower splats finely carved with scroll and pierced square front legs, with beaded corned plain stretcher. A very fine pair of Chippendale chairs. BOOKCASE CABINET Pennsylvania, 1760 In walnut; scroll top, with finely carved molding and scrolls ter- minating in carved rosette; the head board elaborately decorated with carved foliage; the corners are carved with flame capitals; the doors have arched panels finished off with edged moldings; the ‘tops stirmounted with three flamed finials. An exceptional piece of the highest quality. Third Session—Saturday, October 3] st, 1925 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. OLD AMERICAN WOODEN CANDLE STAND American, 1730 The base is of a quaint cone shape, with three simple stick legs, plain slender stem; original wood cross bow, with tin candle nozzles. A very choice specimen. FINE PENNSYLVANIA FOUR SLAT BACK CHAIR American, 1725 Has arched slats, front legs turned ‘and terminating in unusually large ball foot, with deep turned front stretcher. Of high quality and original condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | VERY FINE OLD NEW ENGLAND THREE MOLD FLIP GLASS American, 1770 Large size, decorated with bands of oblique flutes and large centre band; has alternate diamond and sunburst pattern. VERY FINE OLD NEW ENGLAND THREE MOLD FLIP GLASS American, 1770 To match preceding. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1720 The bow continuing to form the arms; thirteen spindles in addition to turned supports, deep turned legs, saddle seat, pierced with rocker. A fine chair. CURLY MAPLE HIGH POST BED American, 1770 The posts are slender and finely turned; the wood finely marked. A very rare piece. A85. 486. 487. 488. 489, 490. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 EXCEEDINGLY RARE OLD AMERICAN BLOWN GLASS eH, American, 1760 Richly decorated with blending colors and the very rare gold fleck. This type of decoration is practically unknown in American 18th Century glass. VERY FINE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With good spread to spindles, fine saddle seat, unusual turned legs. PeoNoy LVANIA FIVE SLAT BACK CHAIR American, 1730 The stiles are finished off with turned finial; the front legs well turned, terminating in a graceful ball foot; the front stretcher very deeply turned. Oni PENDALEH MIRROR American, 1750 Carved and gilded; the top having graceful scrolls, with carved leaf centre, flower and foliage finial; the sides are decorated with pendant foliage, shell carved base. A choice and extremely rare mirror in original condition. TWO EARLY AMERICAN BRONZE ASTRAL LAMPS American, 1800 Square bases, baluster stems and urn top, extension arm with orig- inal etched glass shades; have been adapted to electricity. TWO CHIPPENDALE LADDER BACK CHAIRS American, 1760 In mahogany; the top rail pierced and molded, with rounded cor- nets; the three lower splats carved and pierced; have serpentine fronts, tapering legs and molded stretcher. Third Session—Saturday, October 31] st, 1925 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496, 497. 498. CHIPPENDALE LADDER BACK CHAIR American, 1760 To match preceding. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA HANGING CORNER CUP- BOARD American, 1750 Two doors, with long recessed panel, plain top, scroll skirt, with candle shelf. VERY FINE SET OF EIGHT ARROW Ane DUNCAN PHYFE .BRASSEs;-COMP iz FINE ‘SET OF SPHINX “SHERATON (BRS oeo es Pires LARGE SET OF CHIPPENDALE /BAUE BRASSES seo Pierce VERY FINE HIGH BACK WRITING ARM WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 Pierced top rail, with centre panel; very fine carved arm, with carved knuckle; the writing arm has three turned supports and drawer, good under-body. A very choice specimen. WINDSOR SETTEE American, 1790 Double top rail, with bamboo turned spindles and arms; eight legs connected with stretcher. A fine specimen. VERY FINE STIEGEL GLASS BARRELED SHAG ay = With handle, ribbed at base and lip. American, 1765 499. 500. 501. 502: 503. Third Session—Saturdav, October 3] st, 1925 BALLOON BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1780 The bow is balloon shaped, with bamboo turned spindles, finely shaped seat, with very rare curved turned stretchers, connected with two stretchers with flat turning; very fine spread to legs. A perfectly proportioned and rare specimen. EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE AMERICAN CARVER CHAIR New England, 1760 Heavy stiles terminating in original turned finials, finely turned upper rail, three spindles between lower two rails and straight arms; the front legs are heavy and terminate in mushroom tops, double stretcher in front and sides. Undoubtedly one of the finest carver chairs which has come into the market in recent years. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PENNSYLVANIA CHINA CUPBOARD American, 1760 Straight top, with fine drop molding; champfered and reeded cor- ners; the shelves pierced for spoons and forks, double doors with original brass latch; the base has a line of three drawers with cup- boards below. The cupboard doors have reeded panels, arched molding around the base and bracket feet. An extremely choice piece in good condition. VERY RARE OLD NEW ENGLAND THREE MOLD FLIP GLASS American, 1770 The glass is barrel shaped and has a band of fluting around base, with diamond pattern above and finished with band of oblique flutes. Very rare period. BANJO CLO CK American, 1820 Carved mahogany; with lyre shaped body, decorated glass panel, original mahogany bracket. In going order. A fine specimen. Third Session—Saturday, October 3] st, 1925 504. 505. 5006. 507, 508. COMB BACK WINDSOR CHAIR. American, 1760 With graceful comb, finely scrolled ears, fine arm with carved hand hold, fine saddle seat, exceptionally good under-body. A very choice chair. VERY FINE CHIPPENDALE MIRROR American, 1760 Carved and gilded; the top is elaborately carved in Chippendale, French style; the sides are acrved and is finished at the bottom. Double glass. Size, 39x16%4. PENNSYLVANIA DECORATED CUPBOARD American, 1740 The top has very fine deep molding, supported by three scrolled and carved capitals; the ends are paneled and finely decorated in gilt, with scroll and flower motif; the two doors each have three recessed panels, with gilt molding, decorated with flowers and foliage; the styies are enriched with elaborate pendant of flowers and foliage; finely molded base, with feet formed by continuation of style; the piece is of oak throughout, put together with pins ; the decoration is original and undoubtedly one of the finest speci- mens of its kind. PAIR OF PENNSYLVANIA BRASS ANDIRONS American, 1760 Connected with original fender; the andirons have scroll foot, square base, circular column, with square capital; octagon urn top. Very rare: COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Having the large number of thirteen spindles going through the comb, making twenty-seven spindles in all, in addition to the turned supports; very large and deep saddle seat, finely turned leg, with pear foot. One of the finest known Windsor chairs. al io) \O 510. StL eye SL, 514. Ska, Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 figeer FRONT DESK American, 1770 In maple; has overlappin’ drawers, with molded edges, straight bracket feet. In very good original condition, BOW BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1790 Balloon shaped bow; the spindles have unusual bulb turning rare curved front stretcher. A fine chair in good condition. VERY CHOICE TALL AMETHYST SANDWICH GLASS LAMP American, 1830 With elaborate baluster stem and faceset well. fPewerACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Fine comb, with delicate turned ears, turned supports, saddle seat, finely turned legs and stretcher. A chair of very high merit. HEPPLEWHITE DRESSING CASE American, 1780 In mahogany, with shield shaped mirror; the side supports grace- fully curved and finished off with ivory rosettes. OLD WISTARBURG GLASS TAZZA SHAPED GOBLET American, 1750 Circular base, turned stem, shallow bowl, with perpendicular sides. One of the finest known pieces of Early American glass. FINE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 With arched comb and carved ears, nine spindles, with turned supports, saddle seat and turned legs. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 DL. S17 Ae ma PSE 520, ByVal © RARE: OLD PENNSYLVANIA SLOPE FRONT Dee American, 1750 In walnut, with stretcher base; the legs are turned, with stretcher all around, with one drawer on top; the lid opens downward; the interior 1s an arrangement of numerous small drawers. SET OF SEVEN. OLD: AMERICAN BRASS PULES Early 19th Century Complete with bales and pins; the plates embossed with the Amerti- can eagle, : SPAPRFORDSHIRE STON PAP Decorated in color; classical scenery. FIDDLE BACK QUEEN ANNE CHAIR American, 1730 With rounded top rail, turned styles and legs terminating in round pad foot, deep turned stretcher. VERY FINE OLD' WISTARBURG WINE COLOR igi? VASE American, 1760 FINE, OLD PENNSYLVANIA STRETCHER Waar American, 1750 Has turned legs, plain stretcher and original top. CHOICE AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE OLD AMERICAN CANDLE BRACKET American, 1750 In wood, with original brass candle nozzle, three joints. iin cl ek a No. 525. CHIPPENDALE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 1780 os “ ma as «ft Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 nya 523. 524. vane OLD HEPPLEWHITE ARM CHAIR American, 1780 Shield back; centre splat has fan piercing and carved drops, carved and molded arm, with rosette finial, molded supports, swell front seat, square front, tapering legs, with original cup castors. A very fine chair. Moet iINE HEPPLEWHITE SHIELD BACK. CHAIRS American, 1770 In mahogany ; finely shaped and pierced centre splat, having carved and inlaid urn centre, serpentine front, straight tapering legs and stretcher. In very good condition. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Fine top rail, with carved ears; flaring arm, with carved scroll and knuckles; fine saddle seat, finely turned legs and unusual centre stretcher, A chair of the highest merit and one of the best in the collection. Has been refinished black. FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA CHIPPENDALE HIGHBOY American, 1780 In mahogany ; the top has graceful scrolls and enclosed bonnet; the scrolls terminate in turned finials, the head board is richly dec- orated with carved double shell and foliated scrolls, the corners are fluted columns, with turned capitals; three drawers in top row, two drawers in next row and three long drawers; the base has fine double cyma molding along the top, elaborately carved centre drawer; the skirt is scalloped and relieved with carving; cabriole legs have finely carved knees) terminating in claw feet; has been refinished at some time, but is an absolutely original and fine old specimen. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 Sydut aya evans 530. e315 Jace HIGH COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 Exceptionally fine comb, with carved and scroll ears, graceful turned supports; the arms are separate and have carved and scroll knuckles, fine saddle seat, fine delicate turned legs. An exception- ally choice chair in fine condition. VERY GOOD STIEGEU PEI ase American, 1765 The decoration consists of etched conventional band around lip. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American tyes Fine comb, with carved ears, good arm, with carved and scrolled knuckles, delicate turned under-body. A good, chair. FINE QUEEN ANNE DRESSING CASE American, 1750 In mahogany; has oblong mirror, with gilt molding, three drawers in the base. HEPPLEWHITE SECRETARY BOOKCASE American, 1780 The base has three drawers, inlaid with panels of bird’s-eye maple. the poles inlaid with satinwood; the secretary has pigeon holes and drawers enclosed by two doors, with bird’s-eye maple panels, the upper part has two doors inlaid with four satinwood sunbursts, the pediment top inlaid and finished with satinwood finials. A choice piece, unrestored and in rare condition, BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 The spindles finely turned; the arms are separate, have turned sup- ports, hollow seat, curved front stretcher connected with two stretchers to back legs. An exceedingly rare type in fine condition. FINE HIGH BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The arms are separate, finely carved and scrolled, with turned sup- ports, saddle seat and fine turned under-body. a): 534. eee 536. a7: Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 VERY RARE OLD SANDWICH GLASS LAMP American, 1820 Fine purple color, square base and baluster stem. ROUND-ABOUT WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1750 The arms terminate in scroll hand rests; has fifteen spindles, very finely turned supports. The under-body is very unusual, the legs being of the best type of Pennsylvania turning; the centre stretcher is also finely turned; has saddle seat. Extremely choice and rare specimen. VERY CHOICE COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Unusually fine comb, with high scrolled ears, finely shaped hand holes, exceptionally good under-body, with deep turnings. In fine condition. WROUGHT IRON CANDLE STAND American, 1750 With arched tripod base; the support has twisted base and termin- ates in acorn finial; the candle holder is movable and original and has hook for snuffer. An extremely choice piece of great rarity. FINE EARLY AMERICAN KNEE HOLE WRITING TABLE American, 1750 Three drawers at each side, one long drawer at the top, with reeded molding between drawers, cupboard within the recess enclosing six small drawers; arched molded base, with straight bracket feet, original brasses. An American piece of exceptional rarity, as nearly all of the knee hole desks that are found are of European manufacture. It is in fine rough condition. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 538. no7! 540. 941. 542. 543. 544. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With nine spindles and two turned supports; the top rail has very fine carved ears, saddle seat and very fine under-body. COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 The comb unusually long and terminates in carved ears; the arms have turned supports; saddle seat, with deep turned stretcher and legs. A chair of very high merit. VERY FINE THREE MOLD BLUE GLASS: PERFUME [EOMEGH ie American, 1780 Fluted. FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 With rounded ears, nine spindles and fine saddle seat, well turned legs. A high class chair. BRACE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1760 The braces have unusual spread; the comb is shaped and has unusual finger carved ears, finely turned supports, saddle seat, turned legs. A chair of the utmost rarity, in fine orrginal condition. RARE OLD PENNSYLVANIA TAVERN TABLE 7 American, 1740 In walnut; with drawer, removable top with cleats, very graceful turned legs, with original feet; skirt is molded. BRACE FAN BACK WINDSOR CHAIR American, 1770 Carved top rail, with unusual heavy turned supports, saddle seat, good under-body. A fine chair in rough condition. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 SLI2GEL AMETHYST GLASS SUGAR “BOWL American, 1760 Circular base, short stem; the bowl has carved sides, with flaring top. A rare old piece. FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA HEPPLEWHITE DINING 1 Mee American, 1780 Has eight tapering legs. An unusually choice piece in rough con- dition. BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1780 The bow is molded; the arms are separate and finely carved and scrolled, with carved support; the back has nine bamboo turned spindles, good under-body, with turned stretcher. Fine saddle seat. STRAIGHT TOP CHIPPENDALE CHAIR = American, 1760 Back has five graduated slats, square seats, straight legs, with molded corner and stretcher. TWO VERY RARE OLD AMERICAN AMETHYST GLASS RERBUME BOTTLES American, 1830 Square base tapering to top, notched corners. HIGH BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1760 Eight spindles; the bow is unusually high and finely carved; the arms are separate, carved and scrolled; has saddle seat and grace- ful under-body ; the legs pierced for stretcher. A choice and very fine chair. Third Session—Saturday, October 3] st, 1925 sols Doe: 550) 554. Ses £90: SRYA, BOW BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 The arm terminating in finely carved and scroll knuckles, hollow seat, fine turned under-body. A fine specimen. HEPPLEWHITE ARM CHAIR American, 1780 In mahogany; has shield back, with fan shaped centre, splat, very fine arm, with carved rosettes; the supports being finely shaped; tapering molded legs with serpentine front. HEPPLEWHITE SIDE CHAIR American, 1780 To match preceding. FINE OLD HEPPLEWHITE CHEST OF DRAWERS | 7 American, 1780 Has swell front, with scroll skirt and French feet. TWO WINDSOR CHAIRS American, 1800 Straight Sheraton top rail; the spindles curved, shaped seat, with under-body very fine, and with exceedingly rare turned front feet. SWELL FRONT DUNCAN PHYFE SIDEBOARD American, 1790 An arrangement of five drawers along the top, two deep drawers below and cupboards at the ends; has square tapering legs and arched front. An unusually fine piece, but in rough condition. FINE CARVED AND GILT MIRROR American, 1770 In mahogany; the top has two gilt scrolls terminating in pendant rosette and surmounted by exotic bird; the sides are carved and enriched with gilt sprays of flowers; the bottom is ‘scrolled and decorated with carved and, gilded cartouche; the inner part of frame is elaborately scrolled. Original glass. Size, 45x23. A very choice mirror in original state. Third Session—Saturday, October 3/ st, 1925 558. Doe. 560. 561. 562. 563. ©NUSUAL STRAIGHT TOP WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1790 The stiles project above the top and have turned finials, straight arms and hollow seat; the stretchers are of unusual arrangement, being all around the legs. A rare chair. fee OLD PENNSYLVANIA DISH TOP: CANDLE STAND American, 18th Century Circular base, with three turned milk stool legs. RAKE BANISTER BACK ARM CHAIR American, 1690 Has candle bracket; the stiles are finely turned, terminating in turned finials, scroll top rail, with curved arms, turned front legs, with original ball foot. This specimen is one of the earliest known examples of its kind. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | COMB BACK WINDSOR ARM CHAIR American, 1770 With fine round-about back, terminating in scrolled and carved hand holds; the comb is curved and has curved ears, graceful under-body.