aa i 2) OFF; Hy. Fi Cg ts y Af ner 4 et Wee hae alee i aes Mane 4 py : PSN 3 Wt ie a ; TG Ue AR eed Res Aa rs ; h : 0 by dota ent HE + f eyes heat "id :, 1. i, ALD ays MPR TIS Aa ae ST j NA : Z fe 5 J x. i 4 i es ye i Wo Mey POM Vaccines ey beet Chae, pa ‘ yi w A pmb ‘ , f 1 ee et bs te . YAR OD * rR 7 ee et aS ¥ > . ' v4 aos : _ 1 y AY ! oy ‘s “a Vd ‘ : ht et : "ig y vs A ‘. io . +a nen? 3 ‘|19 Farrisone ci%.6 pass Feo ee ee 400 'sterdam,’’ brought the second highest 54—After the Bull Fight, Jules “Worms; de xo Price, going to the Holland Galleries | G,. Goldschmidt....... 2s. yi aie 58—Indian Summer, Robert “Ward Van for $17,000. This fine picture belonged Teaches 9 wet Lag jog kame Neate ly 210 \to the Widener collection in Philadel- — Lingering nter: oon ig t, , it Charles. Warren « Batob< Harvard iphiea, and was only deposed trom its | Oe IBIAS Ace ists id's 6 eee wd lenieeiaieinss eae oo 250 position when Mr. Widener decided to coi wre Cotiages, Julian, Rix; Ken- jon devote himself only to the old masters. OGY eG). cua te tae cigie cake Mae sp a's 25. n&—Cattlé and Landscape, Marie Die- The third highest price was $16,400, terle; Poh) Tisyyi sa giiernenics s Ua pes 1,475 Biv en for ‘‘ Sunset,’ by George Inness, /69—Land Bes andscape; esi a Henri Harpignies; 425 The fourth highest price was $15,960, OID LIV) ay seleeat « Gitar Genera siege lie 4% beh > inns | 60-— ~The ane ta’ ‘the Fold—-Charles b James Hastings for ‘** Vue de Emile Jacque; Seaman, agent..........8,2 Bee aehara one of the Monets, the | 61—-Vessels, Sea and Shore: Holland— Greta ide. ‘pictures by the , great | Clays; Bernet, agent. .......... ates as ihe BOO: | French im pressionist whose disposition, 62—Pointers—Percival Rosseau; W fi ¢ f ss 425 Iwas a. sale within @ eee Be night, and ethane Wem a oe Rosa a spevial feature by itse SRonheu?. Hitman einen Rome ,800 |. These twenty~- four pictures by Claude 64—The River—F, “J. Du’ Chattel; G, Monet, brought together by ‘the late Pagsensbethere 2 6. sis tle ce cawiee 64.0% ofeid .. 850 James IF, Sutton during the last thirty 65—Landscape in Hotland_Johannés Hen- years, sold for $161,600. drik Weissenbruch; M. Knoedler & Co.4,700° Sixteen of the Monets went to the | 66—The Mosque of "Borussa—Jean Leon lurand-Ruels, and there were only two Gerome; James D. Waring 3 D f e° individuals - given ° ‘ ee ere 8 names ra] privat ; i 1 als rer 67—A Country OF bi Francois x, arnong the purchasers. There was @ big Ogee Rese ‘n gr digress audience, including all the prominent r . Walker: ET Powell. a : Fis 240 people in the city interested in pictures. 99 | 89—Young Woman Arranging Her Dress When the first Monet was put up it was —William. Adolphe Bouguereau; Hol- evident that these were the pictures in FANG Catlexies ss 5s dbience Fide iote soe § aise bays 1,175 which the audience was most interested. | 70 — Accepting the “Challenge, panel - There was applause when those bring- Mihaly de Munkacsy; Henry Schultheis,2,200 ing the highest prices were sold and the selling was exciting. The bids came 80 fast from different would-be purchasers : Seaman, fai 2 660 | ye a [Braver —Jean of the Piocke Mlle. Rosa. a Holand Galleries......:; 3, Bade pee Jean Charles lington page ky 8 Bets esas O72 BONE S i4cas bm oo Clouds—Georse Tiness; “of the’ p nee, Bh go near 2 00 © &: Retinites! This to a few anti-im- 14 Gathorne Seaman, agent ie +| 185-—-Bismare Franz Yon Lenbach; Dd, ee eed Boars one of thes m-sell it that way. down. ee an Ny, Alm mn sold ae Pauls sale in eben agent . American Art Asso- 157--La Seine ee twelve, and) Monet; Durand R 188—Bateaux de Plaisance e alata ~~Claude Monet; | 139—Fleurs dane un Ser rclanas Monet? Pe ee ee ee ed Ce ee ee ee ed . > of first importance. ma: peel ee a rs ay ‘io Halage a Argenteuil— James Hastings.,... Falaise pres Fecamp—Claude S "There are M satieg men on a marble! ound back of ner there is much f See te tere eres eoas Craven. é @ Hiver a ‘Bennecourt— S Durand Ruel. oak ue de Bordighera-—-Claude Monet; James Hastings . Ce i a oe ae oe eer | 144--Menton vu du Cap Martin—C laude Monet; Durand Ruel Co a ae re fr a ry ras de Jeufosse—Claude Bene Ragan: Meules, Giverny—Claude Monet; Durand Ruel T--La Manne Porte, fonet; Durand Ruel ead 2s eres color) ~ Dwig Henry “ial orte, " Btretat—Ciaude ee ir ec ir nfse, seen se, vest” ~__ BRING $85,215, » athe Return to the Fold; # / by Jacque, Sold 1s COLLECTORS ‘B La FOR SCHREYER WORK| His “Arab Horseman” Sold’ so for $5,000 in Plaza Ballroom ood 5,804 Righty-four paintings by artists of 'cistinction, culled from collections - 4.500 formed by the late Isidor Wormser, 3,000 Harold Thorne, Edson Bradley, James 7, 104 F. Sutton, F. L. Loring and Leon Man | 148--Tempete a Port Goulphar, Isle-—Claude Monet ; ‘Durand Ruel. te Giverny—Claude Durand Ruel Paihia Rin aiatha iw cir ak | 150—Brouillard: Giverny—Claude Monet; PPOOTIOU ee OO ile ei elk estes hhiws ) 151--Brouillard: Giverny--Claude Monet; Durand Ruel a sa "aie viovancd “Boldt: , ei es s, (panel)--Diaz; Ber- éf Love; (panei—Diazi ; 2,704 SP el heh SPY ea Po ee ee fe ee ee ee eee oe ar er ee 'del, brought a total of $85,215 last i night at the opening session of the 2,50 sale by Thomas E. Kirby, of the Amer- = 70h ican Art Association, held in the ball | 162—Antives, vu du Cap—Claude Mo- a net; Durand Ruel. iy... s ee lhe ess ; aa gy Haux- tremblanies a Brera bamuRe CHAS Monet; : See eae eeeeeeraneer Cee ee a eT 'room of the Hotel Plaza. Many per- 5,504 sons well known in society and the Age 4,700 world were “present. ‘Muller, agent. | 154 1-Village - er: Fien Mareke; G. ie Claude TEse 185--Le Jardin a Giverny—Claude Mo- Durand Ruel nt TS Sider aay eet Decamps: aoe Gia Harkness. pee saps ee ee oe | (#5 f—La Meula a Giverny--Claude Mo- net; Durand Ruel. Pe oeeeeonueceasenee hota Seine a Bessancourt en Hiver— e Monet, Durand Ruel aux Nympheas; Pe ee Ce ee eo Se ee The keenest competition in the bid- | ding was for “The Return to the Fold,” by Jacque, one of five of his canvases in the sale, Starting with a bid of ( 1.004 ~ ¢,600 $1,000, it ran up to $5,000 in one min- ea Naude Monet; Arthur Meeker... 159—Portal of (Morning Effect)—Claude Motiet, cee epee epee eee es pig eer vere ass Br Tet Flock, Mauye; James G. Shep- rae rs—Joseph G Gieude Monee 461—Landscape and i ehoep-—ules Libis bi ae a ee | ute, and in less than two minutes it | was sold to W. W. Seaman, as agent, 'for $8,200, the top price of the even- 300 ing. This canvas, which is called a Seaman, agent : |462-——-Sheep in the Forest of Fontaine- hleau-—-C harles Jacque; Bernet, Corea weer ee saene renee gene wee eqte har evree i sterling Jacque of his best period, has 8,100 for its subject a flock of sheep crowd- 909 IN into the doorway of a stable at panei) --Daubigny; Sige ss Cee be b 7% vee 3; 850 Baan — Jules in Wallachia— f Schreyer; A. Rudert, agent 164—View of Amsterdam—Jakob Maris; 1163— Y.-F igen ‘eventide, while a robust shepherdess, 17,000 crook in hand, stands by on watch that Holland Galleries 165-—-Holland Par er ee ee Landscape and Anton Mauve; Henry Reinhardt paneil—George Inness; Pa” ‘of perenne diaz; Bernet, agent none of her flock may fail to be safely housed. Another of Jacque’s pictures, 16, 400 “The Basse-Cour,” went to the same “Reinhardt & Son 167—The Advance Guard--A. Schreyer: Howard Young 10 168—-Love's Measage--William Adolphe weer ses ene n ed ees erheses ig le Marécage—- Bat ees eceevovirnew® eee eer eater er toes eeres rds HEAL; et es agent. _ buyer for $1,100. “An Arab Horseman at the Fountain” 7,000 —a Schreyer—caused another battle Bouguereau; 169—~ Landscape Réinhardt & Son Delight—Albert Neuhuy 8} rn ee ee ee ee ee Oech acta’ : Sev awse ever neve Cattle—Constant 690 five collectors. ek Mothers’ Dre cect eae tar nee ay echaries hag emt seeaen eee este ee teers ne . R. Dette ad Scheldt—Clays; rand total for the 171 pictures of; royal in the bidding, between four or It was started at $500 be. le to J. Clinton paisa for There was un- The first pid for Rosa Bonheur’s ithe sale was $517,512. usual general excellence in the collection, ‘Thomas FE, ST at ae Pee oe ee “Sheep and Landscape;’” from Tedesco Kirby said at the close ofFreres, Paris, was $500. In less than the sale, and that it was altogether thé, minute it ran up to $3,800, for which ipetel -Jen qwisohn. ‘best sale in his experience. epee Sere Rico; of a “Measare. Truce? Kranco- Prussian ead er color).—de Neuville; ; a hace, hes ea Adolf Schreyer; ee 2 ee eee ee ‘o he Edge of the Pond—Daubigny; ee ee ee Landscape—i. e;} Bernet, agent the Flock—Jules ; Ralston Galleries y the Seaside—Jean Cazin: Ralston Galleries..... 5 ae ee ee ‘it was sold to Herman Katz. Captain Marion MeMillan’s bid of $3, 000 was the highest for Bouguereau’s “Reverie by the Sea,” from the Mandel collec- tion, and Henry Schultheis gave $2, 200 for “Accepting the Challenge,” by Munkacsy, from the Loring collection. The pictures that brought $300 and bbove that figure, with the title, artist, uyer. and price, follow: ‘Cavalier Smoking,’’ Charlemont; J. C. Will- ever “The Departure,’’ Meissonier ; Harvand Young 7006 “Head of a ane Woman,’’ Henner; Frank Muller, Cegent):.. ....:. Faerie ha Pane ee 1,100 ae eke” Gin and Her Flock,’* Troyon; WoW Beta)... ke te eee ORs vane iy ee Papen Ales gs 00 was “Mati Seir * which Otto Ber- co 0 i, bia ine Mi " 1 Rie an arecage, fine piannple of Corot we work, went Pe | the’ aang tee for ' $12,7 he last owner SP Ne’ rig mavenasa it orig- Hnaliy tron the Knoedlers. The same 7 ike ere See “puyers paid $10,200 f Daubi n ee rey u S p 1 or B. au igny ea | von Bremen; “The Edge of the Pond,” from the Petit ; eR it ih hereae from AV ocaaes and Galleries, Pane | ‘uitar,’’ De Madrazo; fh Average About $6,000 Mitin Gana Viegas: * — Collections Sold | The total received for the Monet ‘an Ws Susce ri 0. Barnet f EL, ade oa - oe pheteaene ase + ae $50) paintings——$160 200—shows that the ee a Sanchea- 425 , at the me L297 17 Aiea he for each picture was more than. ; enry Schul- 6,000 | Ae eo 375 Yoltz: Heary Sehui- | Following isa list of the pictures Ree wa cee 94 MONETS nen cenenard USE that brought $300 and more, with the “Bis Bik Casi: * SPIRITED BIDDING bedces ene buyer and pri¢e, in that beet eae nwt cet ae ‘‘Moonrise,’’ Proyou; Re woul at Sen... $300— reer 3 W. W: Sea-- 700) 4 “A Meadow Stream,’ id ultheis. 650) fag! AS Rudlort 10522000. “Peaceful Days, Bolatate i if 4 i: are *Poilet.ef Venus,” Diaz: 0. PNaahiat (agent) scuttle 1 Canvas of Alma-Tadema| “Viwrn' a tne °otai* sce Faso Zire era ios ie 1058 Brings $19,000 — Even- Venus and Amour,’’ Diag; J. Reichman.. 850) ee jng’s Total Is $432,300 “Sheep at the Brookside,’ Jacque; J. Strauss 625 “The Rescue,”? Millet; M.. Knoedler...... .. 5,000) “TLandscape,’? Coro F. Muller. :. R “Cow and Gardener,”’ Vat Marcke; G a. D 350. Bherling Vs dyes cacace a eaten Wipe oe Reena 400 ee res OO rinbbia) “egies 500 |. wee Contrehandiers,’’? Decatips; M. Knoéd- es C, Ross... Bs ss EE Se aN merce Etec em ON EAR 2 2,450 iets. 1100 With-p total of $617,515, the sale of the fidko, Goes Hi ane e * £100 re oe oO me ougning, auve; st > Wei ‘tach Mrs, ' a fala “On the Dunes,” Blommers; Joh dew... 525) Bite) See” Weal ¥ 925 171 paintings trom the Wotmser and| «-Sicpherdess and Flock,” Mauve; L Pia Sheppard 44 os 00 fc bwd oe ged og dears area oe eee 675 5H, Cit noor ae a: 5,000° ‘other eet ee ie «be bitte oilseeds i igeadel a ee vn ree . | e 0 eaman (apent)) 40 07 ects wea mee. Wee ( stig aa + 1,000 American Art Association ¥ “Summer Time,” Van Marcke; 0. Beret: ates . Hy : Hoong : 1.700 Plaza, ended last night. It goes on rece | ee ee d’Avray,”” Corot; @. Bemet ripe 4 , ord, according to. Thomas E. Kirby, who ‘Les. “Linges, | Haulhigny) G, Bastion, eet } Marquand.?..... °'950 {sold the pi¢tures, as the most success: | “Cottage et Visle Adam,” Dupre; 0: Berne nah Sled : By (-) 0h Peers Merce oe en hee ie ie eee ak a ri : se : fe gre Sues “Cattle at Rest,’ ‘Troyon; O. Beret (agent) ; tis Cassie > 1,000 ful sale for the number vi ee Win the Fordut of Fontatneblaau,) Hate Oe iin mt - i Bernet. (AGONY ye5es pee auleparhe i sate anata i : 1 ee coere 559 Sold ever held in this city. Last nig | ee outihir aha” i6” Maiden Conan) a . alleges; D. Harrison, 400° ‘total WAS $482,300. M. Kndedigt?s «304s checee ae spate det 12,760 : ‘corms; J. Gold- ak | | \e Marais dans les Landés,’ Rousseau; | Wa ete aos 6 Ab sv gx 3 A | No such enthusiasm has beet: wits! R. Loreng, 00.0, nee ii’ Banas 1 Bite Rix; ; Kennedy & Go... 435 “On the River Oise,” Daubigny; noedier 5,00 R ‘ - (née Van OS Lata ie for years. Standing room Was) «4° poo) in the Woods, 0 Disa: i Enocdiad ue By ee ““Sunset,’’ Corot; Chas. TISON 5.6/0) Uerpea'y Viggo 40 pigs yo hn Levy. 1,425 | ata premium in the big hall, and the ae Suntner Day,” Van Marcké; M. Knoedler 3,000 dace; 8,200. ‘audience, made up principally of per: Uetendecape Aa) ana Troyon; John R. 5,200 + ee ee ee ed ompson rer er aie wt hae Wy ive we er eRe ae * : casa: Holland,” his ‘sons seldom sé¢én at auetion sales of| “Boats on tha Schelat,” Clays; W. Brady.. 720 i eal een eee seve downs 650 | “Tndian Summer: Arkyille,” Wyant; Adolph P Wiehe Baird oe... ($25 art cbjéets, frequently broke intd ap-| Lewisohn < oo... ssicuss ees ees cide lesan 3, a, ‘Herman At | “Roses,”’ Robie: M. “Markham s: ss, .05. 00 790 : auage ele Ma teehee oe 3 | | plause when the bids ran high, “Grand Canal, Venice,’’ Rico: Clapp & i 200 es | Memon: ‘times the excitement was so marked RL a pe df NM Massage ‘Under a Wiag 08.” Pees aos 4,700 that the bidding ran ahead of the auc- Truce: Frarieo- «Prussian War,”’ de Neuville; ace ees) Denes was obliged to stop to .,{e,0eis éauties,? " Sohieers W."' Wh onta er, | -S$¢ 1: CAGGRE) Lie} aids Soe as Ape Perera it “The Baths of Caracalla,” a large | “he Road to the Seay? Dupre si canons #100 ER GGT w'879 le oo j Lt Ny } s] a } ‘ canvas by Alma-Tadema, and the last. Teheedien: ACR LA Aa Bl bth eee tay . va Se 10,200 “eter anes 2 ‘picture in the catalogue, brought the mate Jandach) Van Marehas oO. Be «§ MAMA. pa vte { AMSTEL) 5 se ap oe wc erelie wie eonene > rtrand; A. Rudert $19, 000, The bidding started at $5, 000 ‘ihe Returie of the Filock,’’ Dupré: “Ralston ? gS Sa eae 300 and it quickly ran into-five figiives,) Galleries .....c.ccsecceeevssecgecsstesns 2,500 Festivities,’ ; Jiminez;.. John ‘en itr avelling by $1, 000: and $2, 600. H. } vaptses by ‘the Seaside, ** Cazin; Ralston «ade De ee eC hb Ome sare boevesereres < | GG ALLOETIOCS ce ee ee ee re ee ee ee eee nee Js igs ‘ Beinao: J. Gold- Do spauaeta 5 Son were ath Beevoeceye | ighaee an Forest, ” Jacque; Harry §. Hark- i 156 WER as ttre eve ee seuss ace neas 300; The same buyers gave $16,400 fOr an | ness ... 6 lice eee phate een erect se sens 5 ; ay of re,”? Ziem; Scot Pee naka esas * ao] Eases canvas, “Sunset! whieh Mx |“Htune Bosls, Bay of Venios, | ee ooh rs,”’ Laissement ; Cia ‘Bradley, its last owner, bought from |The Open Sea,” Dupré; Ralston Galleries 2,100 TE EE Raa ee £200’ the artist. Seventeén thousand dollars |‘‘Holland Landscape;”’ de Bock; Arlingtoy ) | *+” Scherrewitz; th- hp Herles’ |. ste duet caso icaleke eee anege } Sad ES Ae gigs ‘Ape 5 pa 425 was paid by the Holland Galleries for | Peinteoitens Near Amsterdam,” Clays: W, W. ft ” de ‘Bock; Knoedler & “View of Amsterdam,” by Maris, a! Seaman .......sseesse ge rege sess e seen’ 2,600 ia ‘Landacase, F Chita “ae “Hoos! J ee pe 1,400 | Dutch painter ‘‘Mohammedans at Prayer,”’ Gérome; R. H. oh eed oog; James KR. r Oren Zs dake ee WOR cn eke nD a5 Por virpe os a oes Van Micreveit; “hiax S| Bidding on Monets the Chaise of Hie Fines ee I a 525 The feature of this final session of | ‘‘Near Dordrecht,” Ciays; Arlington Gal- ya Baie Bae ot tie Woods.” Hesier: Herman 4. the sale was the bidding on the seties |ad™"S écaai’ Veale Ziem: Rok Lavoie S200 imwilling Guest,” Perrault; W. S. of twenty-four paintings by Claude | “Gathering Clouds,” Inness; wy. W. Seatnan ee Ge “Rehrepee: W. W.Soainas | Monet. Durand-Rue] & Co. seemed de- |..{itvir.** von Tenbach; D, 8. Dery t. 6am Oe. 2 ha ian marae 3,100 fe abialaa obtain the entire series, ‘Phe Prophecy,” Verestchagin; O. Bernet ou Selim-Shisti’s Monument,”’ They took seventeen of them, but in a | (agent) 6 lusogka Widisis only. Mens a side oa ee 9: ’* Monet; Durand- MERRY RABOBET A405. - 26+. 2,100 spirited bidding bout between their rep-| “12 Séine & “ith Be ee ee ae 4,700 p Ruel Company ie wis resevitativés and James Hastings for] ‘Rateaux de Plaisance & Argenteuil,’” Monet; bie “Vue de Bordighera” Hastings’s bid of Enea Bok” donate: Iueenmen ae $15,500 took the prize, Ruol Company. 66). ya sas Say eainied Pert yn 4,000 _ Duratid, Ruel. & Co. gave $15,000 for| “Chemin de Nalage & Argenteuil,”” Monet; éé gs Hastings. oui. be~s nuke a eee 6,800 La Seine & Bessancourt en Hiver,” | 3% Falalse Pres Fécamp,” Monet; W. | one of Moriet’s best examples of land-| ‘Ww. seaman (agent). ....¢ssssee gy enpenees 7,690 Scape painting, but they lost “Le Bassin | ‘Paysage d’Hiver & Ltmateisa\ (3 Monet; 1d-Ruel Wompany ....sesne reeset 9,000 | aux Nympheas, Giverny” to Arthur |. Meagher,” Monet; James Has- ial Meeker, of Chicago, who bid $6,600 for} tings ...-....sssse rena REL Ba 15,5 “Menton vu du Cap MAT Monet; u- thé canvas. This picture caused a sen- Dea Kiel CometRny! Yad cteuecue ra ace 8,000 ‘sation when hung, for by reason of the “Te Bras de Jeufosse,”? Monet; Durand- ‘ae mirage and reflection on the water it Gel Combai cess" Siaaat* phopeadl ie ‘appeared as if it were upside down, “Rivet Company Reha a Pe vs egees 4.500 The subject is the surface of a pond, 1, Manne Porte, Ftretat,”” Monet; Du- kaa with floating lilies upon it, Another _ rand-Ruel Company aa es es pares oe Bonhe x7? | | | ; ] ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1917 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF THE SALE HIGHLY VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS Pieetretin ls OF DISTINCTION BELONGING TO SEVERAL ESTATES AND PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF ee OLR: PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS JANUARY 16TH AND 17TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF HIGHLY VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS BY ARTISTS OF DISTINCTION TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ISIDOR WORMSER. HILL, LOCKWOOD, REDFIELD & LYDON, Attorneys MRS. HAROLD THORNE, MR. EDSON BRADLEY MRS. FLORENCE MACY SUTTON AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE LATE F. L. LORING “AND THE LATE LEON MANDEL THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS 6 EAST 23xrp STREET, MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ALL DETAILS OF II : TEXT ANDE CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. . Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘fas is”” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, — in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. FIRST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FirtH Avenve, 58TH To 59TH STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O'CLOCK Eugene Verboeckhoven 0 o~ Betcian: 1798—1881 VOR : I—_-CHARGING BULL OOS hrm Panel: Height, 9 inches; width, 8 inches A CHARACTERISTIC and highly finished example. A white bull, marked with a large black spot on the shoulder, is seen, head erect and tail in the air, jumping over a barrier. The move- ment suggests a spirited charge of the animal. The setting is composed of a bit of roadway, with distance beyond, and a sky with gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1867. By order of Mrs. Haroitp TuHorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. Francisco Domingo SpanisH: 1843— eet athe) hao 2—A CAVALIER va s C. Aedlevtr Panel: Height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a soldier of the period of Louis Treize, with leather doublet and crimson breeches and sash, at rest with his sword in his right hand, the point resting on the floor. Back of him, on the left, is a drum of the period lying on its side. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1897. From the Henry T’.. Cox Sale, New York, 1902, Catalogue No. 34. fo. } From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. EKduard Charlemont AustTRIAN: 1848-—— WOO eee 38—CAV ALIER SMOKING Panel: Height, 84% inches; width, 51% inches A CAVALIER, in a rich costume of black, with white shirt, lace collar and cuffs, is here depicted seated on the arm of a high- backed chair with his left hand resting easily on his hip, while the right holds a long clay pipe he is smoking. On a table beside him is a bottle, and a glass partly filled with wine. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’83. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. (2K 7_, From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. 1896 + BAMXX , bt py bee 3 bedlunlale boeliny Iarshe 1ofibjb 8A UXK 4 be Fouglih ch foo S0-dtay y fe SS8O . fers bce he frnusey A3/1b48 y Alberto Pasini Iravtian: 1826—1899 4—A COURTYARD IN CONSTANTINOPLE Height, 91% inches; width, 7% iches. _ A GroupP of three vendors is here depicted in a courtyard, one of them holding by the bridle a horse with panniers filled with fruits. -At the head of the stairway is a man with a green tur- ban, who is probably the proprietor of the house. The effect is in sunlight, falling on the white walls of the buildings and casting shadows within the archways. wo Signed at the lower right, ind dated’ 1871. Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, 186, Catalogue No. 204. P1085" ; By order of Mrs. Harotp THorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier bron. dl Frencu: 1815—1891 i 4, 5—THE DEPARTURE eo Adaeay ra Panel: Height, 124% inches; width, 8 inches FRAMED in the walls of an apartment and a doorway leading upward by a pair of stairs into the sunlight, is a cavalier de- scending the steps. The figure, costumed in gray doublet, pink sash, high boots, steel neckpiece, and a wide-brimmed Louis Treize black hat, holds up his sword in his left hand, while the right takes hold of the rail of the stairway. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1880. N. Q. Pope Collection, New York, 1896, Catalogue No. 57. #0004 From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. ey Prosper Etienne Berne-Bellecour mC wv ae Frencu: 18388—1910 6—A FRENCH ARTILLERY MAN ce fh | sper. Panel: Height, 141% inches; width, 10%4 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a French soldier, in dull blue uni- form with red stripes on the trousers about to pour something from his canteen into a tin cup which he holds in his left hand. The setting for the figure is composed of a bit of roadside, fields, and a belt of woods, with a sky of ight gray above. This work is marked by the careful drawing and skilful execution of a well-known French military painter. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mrs. Haroup THorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witsoen. Pp Charles Edouard Delort Frencu: 1841—1895 ited phere 7—HALF-SEAS OVER eit C4. [per x ploar A Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 141% inches SEATED on a bench against the bulwark and netting of one of the Channel steamers is a cardinal, in red robes and hat, who is seemingly finding it a difficult matter to cross the Channel _- and maintain his dignity at the same time. In one hand he holds a smelling bottle and in the other his breviary closed, with one finger inserted to mark the place, while on the bench beside him is his traveling rug, and on the deck at his feet his open traveling bag, whose fittings show a variety of glass receptacles containing, doubtless, remedies for distress of mind and body. Farther along on the deck at the left is his liveried servant who, while leaning over the rail, still holds faithfully in his hand the cardinal’s umbrella. ‘The sea, seen beyond, shows rather rough weather, and spray is being blown over the vessel’s side. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the N. Q. Pope Collection, New York, 1896, Catalogue | No. 11.-#4 K0o~ From the collection of the late ¥. L. Lorine. Kh, baletid Selo SS }4¢) 8 foo 4%. Up eon, 5 %, Lu JO Jean Jacques Henner Frencu: 1829—1905 A. Pratt: Ibe, off. 8 HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches A LIFE-SIZE head of a young woman, crowned with golden- brown hair, in full face view to the spectator, with a gleaming bare shoulder and a bit of blue drapery below. ‘This is one of the most charming of many examples of similar subjects by the celebrated French artist and is remarkable for the sweet- ness of the young girl’s expression as well as for the brilliancy of the whole as a piece of painting. Signed at the upper left. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. Constant Troyon Ving, ik : FrencH: 1810—1865 Vv . 9—A TURKEY GIRL AND HER FLOCK Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 934 inches Wels OE In the immediate foreground, advancing toward the spectator, is a large flock of turkeys, most of them with white plumage but including a few with brown and bronze, while behind them and directing their movements, with her left hand outstretched, is a young girl with blue bodice, gray skirt and white apron. The figure and the birds are relieved against some autumn foliage and a sky of gray. Signed at the lower left. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. —— eS "ee 7 a eee 3 ~ “we Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena \ Frencu: 1807—1876 \/ 700 ww | 10—LA GORGE AUX LOUPS: FONTAINEBLEAU CAR ie Pion Height, 934, inches; width, 18%4 inches © A portion of the beautiful Gorge aux Loups in the Forest of Fontainebleau is presented in this charming picture. The gorge runs through the middle of the composition, with an oak and some rocks on the bank at the right wherein is seen a seated woman, and on the left are seen some stretches of sandy ground, herbage, and a group of fine trees on the crown of the hill which slopes from below to where it meets the sky. The sky itself is composed of gray clouds of fine quality with others of tempered white. Signed at the lower right. Samuel P. Avery Collection, New York, 1886. 40 2¢@4gue © L haa AOKE Purchased from the Henry T. Cox Collection, New Y oe 1902. -t IS, Bbii From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. oes / O00 \ Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena fi | Frencu: 1807—1876 / Tg Fe y, 1I—SUNSET AFTER RAIN Py 6b hs A COLORFUL example, depicting a wide stretch of country, bordered in the middle distance by trees. A roadway leads from the middle foreground into the picture with a tree or two on either side. ‘The sun is seen just descending below the horizon in a sky showing warm tints with gray clouds above. Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches Signed at the lower right. By order of Mrs. Haroip Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. Paul Jean Charles Clays Beucian: 1819—1900 12—A CALM ON THE SCHELDT a elianialae ——— wh 0 0 — Panel: Height, 94% inches; length, 1444 inches | A mass of shipping in mid-stream, in the right-hand half of j ZZ Verne, the picture, shows two fishing boats with their sails up and, a hi little back of them, a large square-rigged vessel with black hull. On the left are two or three fishing boats balancing this more important mass on the right. The sky is filled with white and gray clouds, and the water shows a general tone of gray. In this setting the shipping makes a most effective note, both as to its value in the arrangement and in the color scheme of x the whole. ae : Signed at the lower left. By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprieitp & Lypon, Attorneys. : “£hny) 9p yas as +, y e Professor Ludwig Knaus j GERMAN: 1829—1910 13—THE QUARREL Height, 11 inches; length, 181% inches Wig JA ne SomE sort of a party has been going on in an apartment which shows on the left, over a stairway coming up from below, a platform on which are some musicians and women. The party has ended in a quarrel, as shown by the attitude of the three principal figures in the picture. A man is half prostrate on the ground near.a broken chair, gripping with his hand his side where he has been hurt. Another man, upright, and eager for still more fighting, is in the middle of the room, and near him is a young woman who is wringing her hands. There are other broken chairs and the stairway railing has been smashed as well. At the head of the steps people are seen coming up to find out what has happened. Vat at the lower left. ‘ a Purchased from the late William Schaus. ie es From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. Gi: Sr ee BKKAXK Aap hy , ape: a are (Kee bho ) = Emilio Sanchez-Perrier : SpanisH: 1853—1907 144—THE RIVER OISE Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1214 inches x A PLEASING waterside scene with ie river occupying the ye ground and graceful trees on the shore, which traverses the middle of the canvas. A punt or two at the left and a white house on the hillside diversify the landscape, while the placid surface of the water reflects the gray-green foliage of the trees and the pale blue of a summer sky. Signed at the lower left, and Sv. Oven. By order of Mrs. Harotp Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. ee en en ftp meme = AH rgéZ Hermann Kaulbach od a_ GERMAN: 1846—1909 Jigo Cl. Hachler | 15—THE CHILDREN’S CLASS IN A CONVENT Panel: Height, 19 inches; width, 12 inches In one of the rooms of a convent, with smooth wooden walls upon which hangs a picture of the “Mother and Child” in a gold frame, a kindly-faced nun is giving a lesson in industrial accomplishments to three little girls who are seated on her left. The children and the teacher are all engaged in knitting, but the sister is reading meanwhile from a book open before her. On her right is a fourth little girl who is neither knitting nor reading but biting into a rosy apple. Signed at the lower right. -Purchased from the Heinemann Galleries, Munich. From the collection of the late Leon ManveEt. Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen GERMAN: 1813—1886 16—A LITTLE GIRL READING Height, 174 inches; width, 138% imches A BLUE-EYED little girl, with blond hair falling in curls on her shoulders, is comfortably cuddled up on a bench in the corner of a cottage room, holding a large book open before her, and looking over it with bright eyes and smiling expression. Her right arm rests on a table beside her on which is a piece of knitting, with the needles and a ball of yarn. On the left is a window with plants on the wide sill and a bird in its cage above. Signed at the left center, on the tablecloth, and dated 1848. | From the D. W. Powers Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 24. BZ | By order of the Executors of the late Istopor WormseEr. Jean Louis Hamon FrencH: 1€21—1874 4 9 hoki 17—LOVE ON A VISIT Wi 70 Baca Height, 18 inches; length, 1644 inches A LITTLE cupid, nude, with a pair of white wings, is seen knock- ing at the door of a humble cottage. The setting for the figure consists of the walls of the little house, some vines, and an implement or two, indicating that the occupants are peasant husbandmen. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mrs. Haroip THorne, daughter of the late H. 8S. Witsox. J. Francis Murphy, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 18—_SUNSET Height, 14 inches; length, 19 iches RuaGcep ground, with large boulders scattered about, occupies the foreground; in the middle distance is the suggestion of a stream, and beyond are groups of slender trees silhouetted against a sunset sky, which shows tints of orange-gray and blue. At the horizon are two or three touches of lighter tint where the sun has disappeared. Signed at the lower right, and dated °88. 9, By order of Mrs. Harotp Torys, daughter of the late H. S. Witsow. * es eric td sateen is ba Richard Wilson Britiso: 17138—1782 IL0- 19-ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Height, 134% imches; length, 16 inches A COMPOSITION on classical lines, showing groups of trees on either side reaching up to the top of the canvas, and a vista between of a lake, castle, forest, and a distant range of moun- tains. In the immediate foreground, where the waters of the lake run swiftly through an outlet, two men are drawing in a net. Over all is a sky of tempered blue with masses of warm- tinted clouds. From the sale of the Wallace Collection, London. From the collection of the late ¥. L. Lorine. \o Pe OQ F ‘ \ ww < 4 a ’ wath res I rm \ z past O ; bs O1/ A ie | Soe CAA SO Wed Be A \ SULA Lp rea “1G, a + C \ Luis Alvarez \ SpanisH: 1841—1901 200—THE DANCING LESSON Panel: Height, 19 inches; width, 14144 wches AL GENRE picture with three figures in an apartment with ornate | furniture. A young woman, in costume of green and pink, occupies the center of the composition, as she is about to take a step forward under the instruction of her dancing-master, who, with his violin and bow, is seen on the left. On the right is the duenna seated in her chair with her embroidery on her lap. Signed at the lower right, Roma. By order of Mrs. Haroutp TuHorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. (yO Raimundo de Madrazo 400- SPANISH: 1841— 21—-YOUNG WOMAN WITH A GUITAR fy y Th oe 4 Panel: Height, 1814 inches; width, 141% inches 44 YOUNG woman, seated in an armchair on a terrace, a large green tub with a tree growing in it behind her, and the back- ground composed of green foliage. Her costume consists of a pink gown with flounced skirt, a red shawl about her shoul- ders and white lace draping the head and neck. Her head rests on the back of the chair and she holds with her slender fingers the top of a guitar standing upright at her side. Signed at the lower right. William H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue No. 37. $2500, By order of the Executors of the late Isiporn WormseER. \ an Jose Villegas | S| Spaniso: 1848— 22—THE BORDERS OF A VENETIAN CANAL . Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 20 inches In this attractive Venetian view the foreground is occupied by a landing-place, where there is a little girl looking at a flock of pigeons. Beyond are pots of flowers and a tree by the waterside. Across the water, which runs through the middle of the picture, are various buildings and towers. These ele- ments, together with a sky of gray tempered with blue, form a pleasing ensemble. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1882. Purchased from G. Mannheimer. From the collection of the late Lkon Manpet. ee Le eS a re gina ~ * rs : 5 vs m — > oat at nv ab an a ‘ = a as SO - em ee ZV Emilio Sanchez-Perrier y | ( SPANISH: 1853—1907 = ne 4a FA 23—LES PECHEURS: SCENE IN SPAIN | Panel: Height, 131% inches; length, 2214, inches ja _ STEEP shores, with birches and other trees in the left fore- ground, and hills in the middle distance, frame in the smooth waters of a river, which is seen on the right. ‘Iwo fishermen, | in a punt, are near the farther shore. The sky of light grays | fills the upper right of the composition and glimpses of it are also caught through the green foliage of the trees. Signed at the lower left, with Aucata. Purchased of Boussod, Valadon & Co., who procured the picture direct from the artist. By order of Mr. Epson Branpiey. Charles Joshua Chaplin. Frencu: 1828—1891 24 THE PET RABBIT Height, 21 inches; width, 15% inches A. THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait picture of a young girl, full face to the spectator, holding a white rabbit in her arms. This is one of the pleasing types of femininity portrayed so successfully by the artist, Charles Chaplin. The costume con- sists of a low-neck frock of pale red and green, and in the blond hair there is a red rose. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. By order of Mrs. Haroip TuHorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. . we Claude Maillard Frencn: 1840— ge 25—EXPECTATION Dy ey: ; ad’. Height, 22 inches; width, 1614 inches In a simple homelike interior, wherein some of the furnishings are a table, a chest of drawers, a spinning wheel, a clock, a mirror and a bird-cage, is the standing figure of an elderly peasant woman, with gray-blue apron and white cap, in the act of pouring milk from a jug into a flat dish. At her feet are two expectant cats awaiting their meal, while three kit- tens are playing on the floor between them. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. yy Anton Heinrich Dieffenbach GERMAN: 1831— 26—THE APPEAL SG Le Height, 2234 inches; width, 18 inches A LITTLE boy, with brownish-red underdress and yellow-gray breeches, is seated on a big stone by the roadside, holding in his hand a large slice of bread, while before him a cat rubs her back affectionately against one of his legs, and a little dog sits up, begging for a share in the lunch. ‘The background shows masses of foliage and a road, with a col under the _ trees, at the right. Signed at the lower left. By order of Mrs. Haroitp Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. a kteypdnie ge tes neeailone E Anton Braith GERMAN: 1836— weeps 27—A JOYOUS MORNING Height, 1914 inches; length, 24 inches fg Pi Je pultpeeg THREE yearling calves are seen bounding forward toward the spectator in the foreground of the picture while several cows, which seem perfectly staid and undisturbed, are behind them. On rising ground in the pastures, on the right, is a goose-girl looking at the antics of the yearlings while her geese are about her industriously picking up their living from the sparse her- bage. Signed at the lower right, and dated Mtncuen, 1886. Purchased at the M. Knoedler & Co. Sale, 1893, New York, Catalogue No. 129.-4 S00 - From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. 9b brglth fom’ immer» bo Mathe AXKK - dagurh tdy,. sal tet ie i Oe, Ri as = —T\ Friedrich Johann Voltz ms From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, 1886, Catalogue . No. 1385.~ $9/00-1 By order of Mrs. Hanoy Tuorxe, daughter of the late H. S. Wirson. No. 47 FLOWERS AND STRAWBERRIES BY JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE oe Dalbr BEexteian: 1821—1910 —47—FLOWERS AND STRAWBERRIES a Jean Baptiste Robie | | Panel: Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches A sTiLu life picture showing a great bunch of white and pink roses and a dish of luscious strawberries. On the left is a silver goblet with cover surmounted by a figure. Signed at the lower right. 3 From the Mary J, Morgan Collection, New York, 1886, Catena | No. 191. “$$ 2100- A. Ahhh a By order of Mrs. Harotp Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Wetstan No. 48 RIVER AND SUNLIGHT BY FRITS THAULOW Wb. W\e : < Grorfe tu &, « a L! f F \ Frits Thaulow | YOO — Norwecian: 1847—1906 f) #: j U Ane AALAJ a 48—RIVER AND SUNLIGHT % Height, 24 inches; length, 2914 inches ’ anne A wIbE and, by the look of the water, a deep stream, flows . through the picture between rather steep banks, with rocks and trees. There is but a small space of sky in the composition, which is seen at the upper right, but the water shows reflections of qualified blue mingled with the whitish-gray of breaking waves as the river flows swiftly past the bank which is seen on the right. Here are growing two pine trees with overhanging branches, the upper part of the foliage and trunks receiving the late afternoon sunlight with a vivid glow. A truthfully observed effect, depicted with frank, direct handling and virile tints of color. Signed at the lower left. By order of Hitt, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. William Adolphe Bouguereau a7 OO Frencu: 1825—1905 Aft thawen Te § 49—REVERIEH BY THE SEA A Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches _ A PICTURE of a young and beautiful woman resting her arm on a rock, on the shore of the sea, which is behind her. Her head and shoulders are covered with a drapery of light gray and her face is thus somewhat shielded from the full light which illumines the sky and the water. In full face to the spectator, the features denote reflection, or day-dreams, and attract especially by a frank and winning expression. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1884. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. From the collection of the late Leon Manpvet. “Oo A Joseph Bail es far f. Yy / Frencu: 1862— Ge ae TIME Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches A BEAUTIFUL example of the work of a French painter, whose reputation has become very high in late years, and the remark- able technical quality of whose work is highly appreciated by his fellow artists. This composition shows three young women in a room lighted by a window on the left. Two of them are seated at a table, laid with a white cloth, dishes and metal ware, while the third is standing at the end of table, about to cut a large flat loaf of bread of the kind called pain de ménage. All three of the young women are comely and, with costumes in which the predominating notes are red and white, there 1s given a charming picture as to subject, painted with | a skill that com- pels admiration. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprretp & Lynpon, Attorneys. SCL A NAS aL eV REI RE ae i ya) tone pioneers _ - z é Jehan Georges Vibert VO TO {55° Frencu: 1840—1902 | ft. So Fic Aerce sl. | 5I—THE BULL-FIGHTER’S STORY Panel: Height, 23 inches; length, 281% inches A GrouP of three Spanish bull-fighters, seated while chatting in a room under the seats of the arena, the entrance to which appears at the upper right of the canvas. Stone jugs and a bottle are on a bench nearby. The central figure in the group wears a dark colored, rich, embroidered costume; the one at the right a brilliant dress of pink and gold, and the third, a simpler dress of black and fawn color. The light effects are well de- picted and the picture possesses a quiet simplicity that gives it an interesting general aspect. Signed at the lower left. Collection of Governor E. D. Morgan. Purchased at the sale of the N. Q. Pope Collection, 1896, Catalogue No. 61.-$I75- From the collection of the late ¥. L. Lorrne. CO A eee Antonio Casanova y Estorach SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY 52—A READING OF “DON QUIXOTE” Height, 1914 inches; length, 26 inches A croup of three figures in a comfortably furnished apart- ment, showing on the left, seated in an armchair at a table with a teacup in one hand and a volume of “Don Quixote” in the other, a priest in gown of white and brown; in the middle, a corpulent and merry cardinal in red, and on the right a buxom young woman with blond hair, who wears a gown of figured blue. The cardinal is ostensibly holding a skein of yarn for her while she winds it, but he is giving much more attention to the humor of the story being read, as shown by his laughing features and the snap of his finger and thumb, and he is also much occupied in warming his red-slippered feet on a brazier which is placed before him. As for the young woman, she en- gagingly holds her head on one side while smiling sympa- thetically. Signed at the lower right, and dated Paris, 1891. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lortne. J. Gallegos SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY FO0— 583—A CANAL IN VENICE S ahee Panel: Height, 24 wmches; width, 15 inches On the left are the facades, with awnings, of palaces and other buildings; on the right, near one of the anchored Venetian lanterns, are a gondola, with several passengers, being swept along by a gondolier in white, and some other boats. ‘The blue sky is diversified by small masses of clouds and the whole effect is in mid-day sunlight. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from L. Crist Delmonico, New York. From the collection of the late Lron ManveEt. Jules Worms <2 Frencu: 1832— 2 54—APTHR THE BULL-FIGHT ELA Pe“ Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches WE have here an interesting group of three figures, outside the door of a house with plants and vines in the courtyard. ‘The central figure of the group is a toreador in silver embroidered costume whose glass is being filled by a young woman on the left, who wears a pink gown and red shawl with roses, of course, in her black hair. On the left is a companion in cos- tume of brown who, with one foot in a restful attitude on a chair, is playing on his guitar. A pleasing and clever depiction of a scene in Spain. Signed at the lower right. From the collection of the late Lxon Manpet. obert Ward Van Boskerck, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— ee aie _55—INDIAN SUMMER phys: pap Per , fovet— Height, 20 inches; length, 80 inches A sTREAM, which passes through a piece of light-timbered coun- try, fills the middle foreground and reflects an autumn sky with light clouds and qualified blue. The trees on the left retain some of their brownish-gray foliage in the upper branches, and in the middle distance are some notes:of dull green, the whole forming an agreeable scheme of color. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mrs. Haroip THorne, daughter of the late H. S. Wrson. Charlies Warren Eaton AMERICAN: 1857— 56-—LINGERING WINTER: MOONLIGHT Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches 7 : THE Moon, declining amid gray clouds, sheds its pale lght over a landscape composed of wide fields, with patches of snow here and there that have not yet melted away. ‘Trees cross the composition in the middle distance, and beyond stretches a line of hills, seen through the winter haze. | | | ; Signed at the lower right, and dated 1896. From the collection of Mr. John Glass, New York, 1901. Cat thea - By order of Mr. Epson Bravtey. Julian Rix AA Pn ) AMERICAN: 1851—1908 | | 57—ENGLISH COTTAGES | Meuety FC. Height, 18 inches; length, 36 inches ) A LANpscaPE of clear, fresh general tone including a sky of _ gray and white clouds, with a bit of blue. Trees and a pool are in the left foreground, a road appears on the right, and on the left and in the middle of the picture are cottages with low white walls. Their high-pitched, thatched roofs, darkened by the weather, make effective notes amid the cool, light tints that characterize the other elements. Signed at the lower left. By order of Mr. Epson Brantey. Marie Dieterle (Née Van Marcxe pe Lummen) FRENCH: 1860— 58—CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Aor of cows, with vari-colored coats, and a white calf are — seen in the foreground of the composition in a pasture border- | ing a stream with a sluice-gate. Effectively placed at the right — is a clump of trees, the foliage reaching up to the top of the — canvas, and in the right middle distance is a stretch of pasture with other cattle. The sky presents masses of gray and white clouds with some spaces of blue in the upper portion. A pleas- ~ ing and representative example. - : | _ Signed at the lower left. By order of Hitt, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. Frencu: 1819—1916 59—LANDSCAPE: SUNSET p Spee Ate Height, 18 inches; length, 86 inches THE foreground and middle distance of this excellent example of Harpignies show a river flowing through the middle of the composition and sloping banks on either side. On the right are groups of trees, and on the left are other trees, farther away and not rising so high against the sky as those on the right. The horizon is placed low so that there is a broad ex- panse of sky. This shows a unified, luminous ensemble of qualified blue, gradating into warmer tints in the lower part, where are a few notes of color—slight touches of yellow and red. ‘Two or three rather dark gray clouds give proof, by the justness of their placing and value, of the truthful observation of nature which invariably characterizes the work of this celebrated painter Kas so at the lower left, and dated ’84. From the collection of Mrs. F. C. Crosby, New York, 1897—$ Soo- Henri Harpignies VE wee. Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, 19138, Catalogue No. 142. - $i. O04 . By order of Hir1, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys Jeary b. pla Do 72 ~ Charles Emile Jacque , | Frencu: 1813—1894 60—THE RETURN TO THE FOLD Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Tuis is a sterling Jacque of his best period. A flock of sheep, — with a lamb or two, is crowding into the doorway of a stable at eventide, while a robust shepherdess, crook in hand, stands by on watch so that none of her flock may fail to be safely — housed. In the foreground, also on watch, is the shepherd dog, — and a hen is pecking about in the foreground. __ : Signed at the lower left. _| Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. — b0Kb 4 From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. et Say 7962 XX Osaughh frre Moo tllar She Ml, ZOMG «B AXxx : Paul Jean Charles Clays Ue eis | B : 1819—1900 / | , ELGIAN shake pags $ 61VESSELS, SEA AND SHORE: HOLLAND | Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches i TuREE large broad-beamed vessels with sails up are seen in the |} foreground waters, on the right, while on the left is the line of the shore, with numerous windmills. A sky filled with white clouds except for some spaces of the blue, at the upper left, is reflected in the water together with the bright tints of the shipping, shining in the sunlight. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mr. Envson Brapiey. Percival Rosseau AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ms Height, 2344 inches; length, 382 inches Two pointers, one white with liver-colored spots, nearest the spectator, and the other, white with black marks, a little be- hind him, are depicted in the foreground on the edge of a pool. The landscape beyond shows marshes, meadows and groups of trees with a strip of sky above. ‘The dogs are very competently depicted by a painter who has a thorough knowledge of them both as an artist and hunter. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1905. By order of Htiri, Locxwoop, Rreprieitp & Lypon, Attorneys. No. 63 _ = 2 a Zz, XN m] Q z NX AY RQ : D BY MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR Mile. Rosa Bonheur FrencH: 1822—1899 683—_SHHEP AND LANDSCAPE Ko Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches On the left of the picture are two fine sheep, one lying down | and the other standing in profile, facing to the right. Their pasture-field consists of a wide range extending into the middle of the picture where other sheep, guarded by a shepherd, are seen grazing, and beyond are distant fields. Over all is a fine sky of gray clouds with some notes of white and spaces of blue. A large thistle, very carefully painted, looms up in the fore- ground on the right. . On the back of the canvas there is an inscription by the painter of the picture, stating that she is very happy that this picture belongs q to Madame Léon Tedesco. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from Tedesco Fréres, Paris. | From the collection of the late Leon ManpveEt. . eentie—dher ee oe ee F. J. Du Chattel Lt go) Dutcu: 1856— 64—THE RIVER Tee Cher Height, 34 mches; width, 24 inches AL STREAM, which gives the title to the picture, completely fills the immediate foreground and flows away into the middle dis- tance on the left. On the right bank of the river are some tall trees. These are in relief against a high sky of luminous quality, while both trees and sky are reflected in the water. A punt, with a fisherman drawing in a net and a woman in red cloak seated in the stern, appears in the middle portion of the picture. Signed at the lower left. By order of Hiri, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. ) Johannes Hendrik Weissenbruch Dutcu: 1824—19038 4700 65—LANDSCAPE IN HOLLAND / Height, 24 inches; length, 31 inches JL. Ainotl la rCo. Z % From the left foreground, through the flat Dutch meadows, runs a stream into the middle of the composition. On the right is a glimpse of a narrower stream, and between the two, in the foreground, is a space of pasture-land and a windmill with a few cows nearby. Other windmills are seen in the distance on the left and above the low horizon is a sky of qualified grays. A barge in the stream and the windmill in the pasture make two effective notes, both in the general arrangement and in ~ the scheme of color. as Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitz, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. CXKED., de sragoen, fae 3 bars ber 195 Che. JE SAK. | LZ Ly taucgmink pom 04s, Maruth, See) 1915: buh ts bet ols , | WM aS i Pip AM AN oN seb a “stn Aie 4 * i } Jean Léon Géréome ae cei ; Frencu: 1824—1904 66—THE MOSQUE OF BORUSSA (parce A Saag Height, 241% inches; length, 39 inches THE mosque, with its large dome and a small dome, its mina- rets and walls, all blue, stands in the right portion of the com- position. It is relieved, in part, against a sky of gray-blue with some white clouds, and before it is a tree whose wide-spreading branches are covered with full green foliage. The foreground is composed of the graveyard, with many headstones, some of them much neglected and standing awry, a pathway leading through it in the center and passing in front of the mosque. On the left, near the road, is a group of three women, seated on a rug and smoking their hookahs, while a black eunuch, in robe of black, stands nearby on guard. In the distance are the sea, the city and the mountains. Signed at the lower right. From the Henry Hilton Collection, New York, 1900, Catalogue No. 63-8 750 71 By order of the Executors of the late Istobor WormseEnr. a an ee Cee ee ee SS Se ba RE ROS Ts Tee DEE Be et SR EE NE RS re Be ae ery = 1 ae i ae "oes ay yy es Popes P20 459 Francois Adolphe Grison Frencn: 1845— 67—A COUNTRY FESTIVAL Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches ce / Ieee | A MERRY party of young folks, with some who are older, is here depicted enjoying a day’s outing in a forest. The prin- cipal groups consist of two young women and three men, in the right center of the composition, and three men gathered about a wine cask, on the left. A donkey harnessed to a market-cart shows the rustic character of the picnic, and through the gateway in the wall which encloses the foreground are seen musicians on a platform and many guests dancing. The green foliage of the trees overhead and the green grass of the foreground form a pleasing setting for the figures. Signed at the lower left. 898 Purchased from the M. Knoedler & Co. Sale, New York, ES No. 870. $ $60 From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. a. YEO aie, Ls A demimesr Udo Mev 1685 os th Lek /$90 4 Joo ASXX FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 68—AN EPISODE OF THE SIEGE OF PARIS SY O-Ffy Height, 23 inches; length, 36 inches wv Eze een Tuis military composition by a well-known artist depicts one of those episodes that were of everyday occurrence during the famous siege of Paris in the War of 1870-71. The ground is covered with snow and in the foreground a battalion of French artillery is swinging into place, directed by its mounted officers. On the rising ground which occupies the middle dis- tance are ramparts manned by soldiers whose guns are in position and whose officers are on the lookout for developments beyond. Over all is a gray winter sky. The picture shows excellent drawing and is a truthful record of the events of the time. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1880. Purchased from the M. Knoedler & Co. Sale, New York, 1898, Cata- logue No. 369. $500 + From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. YOLS8 + hed fom ds Ys Janidulelh Jbaecp 87. PAA J. A. Walker de tal William Adolphe Bouguereau FRENCH: 1825—1905 m7 69YOUNG WOMAN ARRANGING HER DRESS Height, 371% inches; width, 24 inches A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH life-size standing figure of a young girl, in side view with her head turned in three-quarter view to the spectator. She is shown in the act of dressing herself — and is fastening a skirt of dark blue over her corset. The shoul- ders and upper arms are covered by an underwaist of white. The young woman is of a pleasing blond type and the drawing, both of the head and the hands, shows the usual skill of the celebrated French painter. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1894. By order of Hit, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. bMe Maruch gia Mihaly de Munkacsy HunGarian: 1846—1900 Ene — 70—ACCEPTING THE CHALLENGE > , . : Vw SAT i S.. Panel: Height, 3914 inches; width, 29 inches A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a brawny peasant who wears a white skirt, white shirt, blue jacket, and a blue apron which he has fastened up on his left side. The man is depicted rolling up his shirt sleeves while he looks to the spectator’s left with a determined and defiant expression. ‘The probability is that cause for quarrel has just been given him and he means to defend his side of the argument with force—the best solu- tion he knows. ‘This figure, in relief against a dark back- ground, possesses a fine warm depth of color and shows the vigorous handling of the well-known painter. Signed at the lower right. From the N. Q. Pope Collection, New York, 1896, Catalogue No. 11. $5FO7 From the collection of the late F. L. Lortne. 7 oo © a i ae ae i i a wre pao Theodor Alexander Weber. GERMAN: 1838— | 4S0- 1—PIER AT OSTEND Height, 391% inches; width, 28 inches A pier runs from the foreground in a curve out to sea, with a lighthouse and signal tower at its extremity. A number of fisherwomen are seen on the pier and at the right is a sailing vessel beating into harbor, while in the offing are a number of others. Over all is a sky filled with gray and warm-tinted ite clouds with spaces of blue. Signed at the ide ee By order of Mrs. Haroip THorneE, daughter of the late H. S. Wixson. \ 5 nae Bs _72—SERENADE IN ROME James Bertrand Frencn: 1825— oF Mame Lt Medel: tafe, Height, 24 inches; length, 46 inches THE scene is laid in a narrow street in Rome, with the wall of a house on the right where, standing by a green-shuttered win- dow which is partly opened, is a young man playing a man- dolin, while at the right of the picture are several companions, who accompany him with guitars and other instruments. A traveler who has lain down to rest, with his dog at his feet, in the roadway, seems not to be disturbed in the least by the events about him. The effect is in moonlight, which illumines the white wall of the house at the left, while the right of the picture is in shadow. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1868. From the James H. Stebbins Collection, New York, Catalogue No. 30,-/026 By order of Mrs. Haroip TuHorne, daughter of the late H. S. Wirson. Luis Jiminez SPANISH: 1845— Bi qa: } FIO- 73 THE CHRISTENING FESTIVITIES “ Ss ae Height, 2914 inches; length, 44 wmches . . ee of friends and relatives are here seen assembled in a finely decorated apartment on the occasion of the chris- tening of a baby, who is held in the arms of a nurse with red bodice and cap, standing near a great fireplace at the left of the picture. A servant in the middle portion is carrying in a large tray with glasses of wine, and at the right, on a circular seat, are a priest, a soldier, and several ladies. Some other men and women, and several children, complete the party. | This elaborate subject, with its different groups, and costumes i" of varied colorings, is well handled and displays-cleverness both | | of composition and execution. | Signed at the lower left. Purchased from, M. Knoedler & Co. Sale, New York, 1893, dtl No. 388. $/250-7 PYG / 4 From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. Baiighth fined bmarven Caria Mnaathy 148 Jy Fos AOXXX — ey SE FR SS RRR eee tee = , po Se BY ee: - CULO po 1 T. Rico Cejudo SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY oe eee _ 4—Ad SPANISH WEDDING es ee aa = Height, 26 inches; length, 45 inches __ A composition of some fifteen or more figures in a party -grouped together for a marriage ceremony. ‘The center of interest is found in a young woman clad in white, and a young man in black gala costume, holding hands before a priest in a gold-embroidered robe, who is pronouncing the words of the ceremony. Some ladies and several men are among those _ standing nearby, and there is also a choir-boy in red and white. Among the accessories are the wrought steel screen, red hang- ings, lamps and candles. Signed at the lower right, and dated Roma ’92. From the collection of the late LEon MAnveEt. Alfred Wierusy Kowalski PoutsuH: 1849— 75—SLEIGHING IN RUSSIA Ey) Kf: ee ee Height, 29 inches; length, 47 inches A party of men are traveling over a snow-covered country in Russia in the early evening, as indicated by the rising moon which is seen in the upper left of the canvas. The whole fore- part of the picture is occupied by one of the sleighs, containing three travelers, with a four-horse team, driven by a coachman who is standing up. Other sleighs are disappearing beyond over a hill and into the distance. The horses, the sleighs, and the costumes of the passengers and coachman are all in quiet colors which harmonize well with the sober tone of the snow. The evening sky shows dull tints of gray with some notes of rosy light. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. From the-collection of the late Leon Manpet. \s eG .s : 2, * | 3 Py e e é ~ \ cy© Henri Laissement FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY £ / 76—THE THREE BROTHERS De ee : io AP pis ee Height, 38 inches; length, 401% mye : THIs composition presents the figures of three men, one seated at the dining table, who seems to be a man of business or a capitalist; another, on the left, who is a soldier with black tunic and red trousers; and the third, who is a priest with a costume of violet and red. It seems to depict a reunion of three brothers whose occupations are all very different and who, when united in a little family party, seem to express very different opinions about whatever subject they may have been discussing. The scene is placed in a well-furnished room and details of every description are carefully yet broadly rendered. Signed at the lower right. From the collection of the late Lron MANDEL. | | Johannes Scherrewitz I} Dutcu: 1868— I! = 3 1] f FAO - a MILKING TIME i Praag bod Wop Height, 2734 inches; length, 39°24 inches A LANDSCAPE of meadows and trees, painted in virile tints of green, forms the setting for a group of two cows, one lying | : down and the other, standing near a fence which erosses the | pasture, being milked by a peasant wearing a blue jacket. | Beyond the fence are two huge boulders, and in the more distant |. fields, on the left, is another cow. Above is a ae of gray with iN a space or two of blue. i Signed at the lower left. | By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, REep¥Fietp & Lypon, Attorneys. No. 78 HOLLAND LANDSCAPE BY THEOPHILE DE BOCK Za, Jeo OO y ie Height, 29 inches; length, 43 inches Theophile de Bock Dutcu: 1850—1904 | | fv 5 783—HOLLAND LANDSCAPE | Ni = | Tuts very effective composition shows a bare hillside on the left, a group of trees in the middle portion of the picture, and a stream, with patches of reeds, filling the foreground. At the left, among the reeds, is a blue punt with the figure of a woman in buff-colored cloak and white cap. In the distance, on the 4 | right, to which the river extends, as shown by a strip of the water, is a line of hills. Over all is a sky with large masses of gray and white clouds and a space of tempered blue. Crows — are flying about the foliage of the group of trees. ‘The en- — semble, formed by the general arrangement and the color — scheme of varied greens, grays and the blue of the sky, is exceedingly striking. : Signed at the lower left. By order of Hiri, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. 11/08 - bois ff. he “A Che Megucd fire Ld. EXXK Sold, ee dif 5706 - PSXKK No. 79 BY BERNARD DE HOOG Bernard de Hoog Dutcu: 1866— 79 MOTHER AND CHILD Wi Te ot Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a young woman seated in an armchair, nourishing her babe as she holds it in her lap. The clothing of both mother and child shows quiet tints of — blue, white, gray and brown, the group being pices by light | coming through a window on the left. Z Signed at the lower left. ‘4 By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprieup & Lypon, Attorneys. a _—— —o— ee SS eee - — —— : = —— ———t —— = we = — —— — ee FF er iS ea eae ae Eh wal war ee No. 80 PORTRAIT OF A LADY BY H _ — - ca ow = food = Z, = =e N on) Z = a) = ca peoes e © am = Michiel Jansz Van Mierevelt. Durcu: 1567—1641 , 80—PORTRAIT OF A LADY S054 Panel: Height, 444 wmches; width, 33 Haas Vee THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing portrait a a young woman with face turned slightly to the left. ‘The costume con- — sists of headdress and ruff, and gown of black brocade with — stomacher and girdle of coppery gold. The left hand rests easily against the skirt of the gown, while the right hand, rest- ~ ing on the arm of a red chair, holds a jeweled bag. In the right — upper corner of the canvas a coat-of-arms is painted on the background. | Purchased from M. Isaac Montaignac, Paris. By order of Mrs. FuorENcE Macy Surron. a Benjamin William Leader, R.A. BritisH: 18381— ) 8i—AT THE EDGE OF THE WOODS i 150 Height, 30 inches; length, 49 inches AL Capt tee oF THE middle portion of the composition is occupied by a group of trees, and in the immediate foreground is a pool, with banks covered by withered grass and herbage. Beyond appears a line of hills. The trees are effectively arranged in their sil- houette against the sky, and the picture is in general well balanced, the sky showing an effect of evening, being painted in luminous warm tints with some clouds in the right upper portion. An important example of a well-known English land- scape painter. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1892. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. From the collection of the late LEon ManveEt. Leon Perrault -Frencu: 1832— 82 THE UNWILLING GUEST 3 jeg J. 00: Te Height, 433/44, ae width, 36 uncles = A Group of three children sitting under a renee one of whom, — a little boy, has his arm around the neck of a black dog, who ~ does not seem to want to take the spoonful of milk which — another of the children, a little girl, is offering him. A pleas- q ing example of genre painting by a skilful French artist. 1 Signed at the lower right. By order of Mrs. Harorp Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witsoy. 4 m © i : i 7 , W a ‘eo aq ay 6 ee x — if ¥ rak. 7 4 4 - No. 83 Durand-Ruel, New York. The H. S. Henry Collection, New York, 1907, Catalogue No. 17. $5$00- Seat +Iawlee be q Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. By order of Hiri, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. OAKS Ai toregn madre BM barf, (hee BOSXX.- Z Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena FRENCH: maa tay, be 91VENUS AND AMOUR pO f : Me fm eGX: 0 rid | Net Ina eeee ce a ee be eight, 1334 inches; width, 91% inches 2 Bay) A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman—the upper portion of the figure nude, and draped below with white and dark blue. At her feet, on the right, is the seated figure of a Cupid hold- ing an apple. Venus is depicted with one hand resting on a bank where are some fruits, and the other holding a large bunch of grapes. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from Juliws Oehme, New York. From the collection of the late ¥. L. Lorrne. Charles Emile Jacque ce -— Frencu: 1813—1894 2—_SHEEP AT THE BROOKSIDE " ~ SS Height, 91/2 inches; length, a inches wh A FLOCK of sheep has entered a shallow stream! m the left he 4 ground, while on the bank at the right, at the foot of a fine oak, the shepherdess, with brown jacket, blue apron, and white _ cap, is resting while her charges drink. On the left, above a bit of distant country, is a sky of gray and white clouds with | some blue 1 in ue Epes portion. 4 Signed at the lower ie 4 By bey of Hitt, Locxwoop, RepFrietp & Lypon, Attorneys. | Frencu: 1814—1875 ye roo | Jean Francois Millet A Ah ne NY ee 983—THEH RESCUE Height, 7 mches; length, 13 inches A poe has fallen into the stream, and a little boy, its owner, clad in blue breeches and a white shirt, with his right arm firmly wrapped around the trunk of a tree, has reached down with his left and is drawing his little pet out of the water. The landscape setting being low in tone, and the light being con- centrated on the figure of the boy, produce a brilliant effect. es fou , Med cit , Signed at the lower left. Purchased from Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. By order of Hiri, Lockxwoop, Reprietp & Lypvon, Attorneys. BNLUM.RM LL i Yleoo. heguwim Sage Aavedon old. bait ‘ole bo Mee vb. XKES De tattequmauh feawe LI hiwutl, har ops Caer, LU sxx , Ultima fer bys. Ze W002 PC Ipuller i i ee ee Jean Baptiste Camille Corot | Frencu: 1796—1875 94 LANDSCAPE | 4 . oe ~.¥ Height, 151% inches; length, 20 inches A BEAUTIFULLY composed picture, showing a meadow in the foreground, in which are a woman and a cow; a group of fine - trees, on the left, reaching to the top of the canvas; a distant hill, crowned by a building, and a little stretch of water. Still farther away, on the right, is a line of hills dimly seen. A fine sky, with characteristic Corot tints of qualified whites and blues, fills the right upper portion of the picture and is seen through some of the branches of the trees as well as on the | left at the top. The arrangement is reposeful, the color quality | asp sh is distinguished, and the Seas effect is serene. Signed at the lower left. By order of Hitt, Lockxwoop, RepFietp & Lypon, Attorneys. Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1910 oe 00 95—_COW AND GARDENER s Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches AL DUN-COLORED cow in back view to the spectator is here de- picted cropping green leaves from a branch of a tree, on the right, and a man, with blue blouse and straw hat, is clipping a hedge nearby, on the left. Foliage and sky fill the rest of the canvas. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. +S — a Alexandre Gabriel Decamps M4 vy Frexcu: 18083—1860 Re ‘7 * 96—_LES CONTREBANDIERS Be 77 ee GUE LG Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches — A croup of three figures in a simple interior with a picture. of the Virgin and Child, with an oil light underneath it, and- a gun and canteen also hanging on the wall. A table, a bench, _ and a stool comprise the furnishings. Seated on the bench, at the left, is an Italian peasant, with pointed hat and white shirt; in the middle of the picture, with back to the spectator, is a black-haired man with red riding breeches, wearing boots, and a white shirt; while on the right, leaning on the table, is a child. The interior is lighted by the reflection from a shaft of sunlight which strikes the wall just above the child’s head. Signed at the lower center. From the Count Duchatel and Fop-Smit Collections. Durand-Ruel, New York. a The H. S. Henry Sale, New York, 1907, Catalogue No. 11. 7100-& Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. By order of Hii1, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. resist emeercimente raat : | te rin a et Seah aay eee E = —O—THE LAKE Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Frencu: 1796—1875 py NRE pa Ieee Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches A LAKE, with a long canoe carrying several people, appears in the middle foreground while on the left is a headland with thin- foliaged trees; on the right, occupying about half of the can- vas, is a shore with high shelving rocks, trees and herbage. In the middle distance appear somewhat dimly the farther shores and above is an evening sky with a beautiful Corot gray and blue, mingled, gradating down to warm tints at the horizon. - Signed at the lower right. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorin ® NA Aw sf sf LY ee re ae ‘se ae lg Pica ; ic. * * Anton Mauve Dutcu: 18388—1888 4/0 Be. cr ee WA z= y en Vliet lig. Height, 1314 inches; length, 20 inches A picture of a peasant ploughing a flat field with an old- — fashioned plough drawn by a black horse. ‘The landscape — presents level ground, stretching away to a low horizon, above — which is a sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right. . Purchased from Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. N 0 He By order of Hix, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. No. 99 ON THE DUNES BY NM fam sa heme = — = © ee —Q N —) = - Z, am fe) ae) NM - « “ , crag fas St SSS. Geel cepa Vp t ry «4 ‘ ee ria? Ste a eS KOS ‘ thle WN) aad 2 Pari4 - -~ wf) : tty Anton Mauve DutcH: 1888—1888 — ' : | CTR hte : 100-SHEPHERDESS AND FLOCK (wes UO Lhevhew Water Color: Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches ADVANCING toward the spectator through a sandy roadway in the Holland Dunes isa small flock of sheep and lambs. Walk- ing along among them is a woman in the black dress of a peasant or farmer’s wife, with blue apron, holding up in her arms a lamb. The sheep dog accompanies the flock and in _ the distance, where the ground rises, is a group of trees. A gray sky completes the picture. - <5 ~ t an ere Signed at the lower right. By order of Hii, Locxwoop, Reprieitp & Lypvon, Attorneys. Joseph Israels Durcu: 1824—1911 101I—THE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPERS Y, 0 CLO Height, 1814 inches; length, 234 inches lt. W. Dtaneae ee | : Two children, a boy and a little girl, are seated in a cottage interior, the boy on a chair peeling potatoes, while the little girl — on a stool beside him holds a dish on her lap. On the left, under — a window from which the light, enters the room, is a round — table with some utensils and vegetables on it. The lighting is © so arranged as to ilumine the figures of the children while © their environment is subdued. | Signed at the lower right. — By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. /10¢9 Saughk Mw Medrtheauh » bo dander forme SIPC - LA OK old - bewry Uwh arth, Lf 24/1906. BPIK- | ULI. Fin deacgnmnanh k free tb Ia Marccek bbe J 1SKx - Aharnet. I | OSG / . Ow benecgecsrenk Mee IS: Mddivurt far /We + ‘ + i bes pe wee . Nov 102 SUMMER TIME BY x i S| oO pS a = Zz; = a a lem = ea) Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1890 | Bot 102—SUMMER TIME S$ ¢¥ Se 7 Height, 15 inches; length, 22 nic A croup 6f one cows, one with a dusky red coat and white face rubbing her neck against a fence post, while the other, — dark colored with a white spot on the forehead, standing nearby, is licking her shoulder. The landscape setting exhibits a level plain and a sky of gray clouds with a few spaces of blue. Signed .at the lower right. . | Purchased from Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. No 673 By order of Hix1, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. No. 103 PN NX Re aS xe Q oa | ] ~ ~ Re . 2, BY J. B. C. COROT " Rats mee ew hie? a rh = \ TSA ere ~ Bare, H eight, 12 inches; length, 231% inches Ott £7 gl. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Frencu: 1796—1875 1083—NHAR VILLE DAVRAY Tue river runs through this most charming Corot landscape — from the right foreground into the left middle distance, with — its farther shore crossing the canvas. The bank on the left — rises high, with willows growing there that reach to the top — of the composition, and inshore are a punt and a figure. The ~ sky, of beautiful qualified tints, shows some light clouds tinged — with white, and as it approaches the horizon becomes slightly — warmer but merely enough to indicate that the sun has set ~ and the tender shades of twilight are beginning to announce — the night. | aC at nue lotaer left. From Messrs. Goupil & Co., Paris. Ate \¥ Wy Purchased from the Henry M. Johnston Collection, New York, 18938-F% ; 3 Naw VY 0 By order of Mr. Evson Branpiey. biyy, Ve \% | No. 104 LES LINGES BY be Z, eo pd 4 ~) a A op rat eo) z ow — N ea _ ec a a2) O Frencu: 1819—1878 : 104—LES LINGES S e EY : y, ae [derictl, Ole Height, 18 inches; length, 23 inches A SMALL river runs through this landscape from right to left. On the grass in the foreground a washing has been spread out to dry, while on the other side of the stream are seen a cottage with white walls and a red roof, and a belt of trees. Beyond, on the left, is a glimpse of country with trees and low-lying hills, and over all is a summer sky composed of warm-tinted white and gray clouds with a space or two of blue. _ Signed at the lower left, and dated 1872. O woe oa From Julius Oehme, New York, 1911. dotan @ebs From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. eine ae % face Sata hea No. 105 = ar Q pe) Re) W) n a <) NN SS la N —) BY Z ° ~ ° co HH = 4, —q Sy N Z ~) ) - | “ § Constant Troyon \ Frencu: 1810—1865 G00 — 106—CATTLE AT REST Dts (dernel, AX Height, 181% inches; length, 221% inches A croup of two-cows and a calf, all close together, and a farm dog close beside them. ‘The cow most prominent in the group has a coat of white with reddish spots and is lying down; the other cow, a black one, standing beyond her, reaches her head | forward so that her muzzle touches the shoulder of the spotted — cow; the calf, dun color with a white spot, is close in between them. The setting for the group is a level pasture-field and overhead is a sky with clouds of qualified gray and a little” space of tempered blue in the upper left portion. — 4 Signed at the lower lel and stamped iis at the lower left “Vente. Troyon. From the Thomas E. Waggaman Sale, New fore January, 1905, | Catalogue No. 51. -$I700 + E Ive Yuillin By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprieitp & Lypon, Attorneys. Lure Sue Dublin Sate: 913-q P63 iO00- Abeay b G ppm Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena 3277 _— Frencu: 1808—1876 LEE ay wa: 2% re 107—IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU ¢ Panel: Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches THE composition presents a little clearing in the recesses of the Forest of Fontainebleau, with a pool in the foreground and a pathway leading into the center of the picture. Trees ap- pear on either side, their foliage and a bit of blue sky occupying the upper part of the canvas. Seated at the foot of one of the trees is a figure in gray jacket and red skirt. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’72. ~ Purchased from Julius Oehme, New York, 1911. / Mn 2 t AS From the collection of the late F. L. Lorre. (]-v er) | iw Ww te \ : yee Jean Baptiste Camille Corot ~ Frencu: 1796—1875 Le 108—LES BOU@AUX DANS LE MARECAGE PH, (leg aA Height, 151% inches; length, 22 inches = A BEAUTIFUL example in harmonies of cool greens and grays — in the landscape itself, with qualified grays, whites, and blue in the sky. In the foreground are some thin-foliaged trees, — on the left, reaching up toward the top of the canvas; on the ~ right, in the middle distance, the roof and chimneys of a house — and a group of trees. In the distance may be seen a line of — hills. The sky is not only luminous but very beautiful in its — color scheme of tempered tints. 3 Signed at the lower left. — Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. By order of Hiri, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. Uluhar Uolguh ae bolbtEn, thin ; ; Md. “280K 4 Ou erwcgumunk Cun toy. BL 19 04 4 Sold -ho Lp. LEU (See 1961 -« SAMKXX ~ q (OXSS' Unliinud LIK Nall, earef, 190K « Velen cn atch oa Sid 6. 19 0b 1 BASKXX = | | ASL IC Ow conecgumh fame Mt Baweth, Chie fAsnxx Mh & « ASLG ~ Qwemugurnch Meath. 916 Mbiitwed. Sae/ 1916 No. 109 LE MARAIS DANS LES LANDES BY THEODORE ROUSSEAU ; a A as Bj o.07 Vo O00 Vteed 1.71, @ '@) Picrre Etienne Théodore Rousseau FrencuH: 1812—1867 109—LE MARAIS DANS LES LANDES Panel: Height, 16% inches; length, 2224 inches Tuis “Swamp in the Moors” is a justly celebrated Rousseau. It was formerly in the Paris collection of M. Laurent-Richard — and has been praised by critics in this country when it has been publicly exhibited, as it was at New York, in 1898, when it © belonged to the late William H. Fuller. It shows a brilliant — phase of the great landscape painter’s art and, as such, possesses — much individual charm. ‘The composition shows a stretch of — moors and fens, with a low horizon and distant glimpse of the — sea, where several white specks denote sailing vessels riding in — a gleam of sunlight. A bog is depicted in the central fore- ground, the marshy waters extending, between banks of ir- ~ regular shape, into the middle distance. The entire landscape ~ is painted in fine, restrained, warm tints, accented by tempered — whites. Overhead, a very beautiful sky of tender, pearly — grays, is broken, in its central portion, by cloud masses of ex- quisitely qualified white. Signed at the lower left. From the age H. Fuller Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue — No. 24. £7600 4 | By order of the Executors of the late Istpor Woueee! Oblltlirn feet ek Uatig~” ‘ Nauwnk Mhchiaed 1873+ k54, Goe90,000 Sg eng % & se No. 110 ON THE RIVER OISE BY CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Ph nother rb _ Panel: Height, 1424 inches; length, 2614 inches Charles Francois Daubigny Frencu: 1817—1878 110—ON THE RIVER OISE a ‘a THE river occupies the foreground of this effective composition, with sloping banks on the right, where women are seen washi g clothes and ducks swim about nearby. On the crown of the slope are some comfortable-looking cottages. The opposite € shore, occupying the middle part of the canvas, is lined with forest and overhead, with gleams of rosy light at the horizon, is a sky of broken, warm gray clouds. a Signedee at the lower right, and dated 1871. From the Charles A. Dana Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue No. 589. £6500 By order of the Executors of the late Teron WoORMSER. ET, Tw SE 2 EOE St a a a Rn nent ott No: o£ nH Q i) © = yy Sa Ny > ~ ms] =) ie) AY N BY ~ N. V: -DIAZ DE. LA PENA Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena — Frencu: 1807—1876 a | <, G 20— i11—A POOL IN THE WOODS he Wp Ainottle, rl. Panel: Height, 234% inches; width, 19 inches In a forest clearing in the foreground is a little pool shaded by trees in autumn foliage, which fill the picture to the top of the — canvas except for a space of blue sky which appears in the upper portion. Quiet sunlight illumines the foliage in the central part of the picture, these masses being in contrast with | those in the foreground which are dark in the shadows. Signed at the lower left, and dated "72. By order of Mrs. Haroup Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. WItson. : oyp.odberd Mo wna eee eee teen teneinehemaind i TIT rm mre OLE — OO A CI ——————————— = a ee é Pa PE EP NTE, Sia SST SEE = a = —— a ee ae Lag wai RIES et ae 8 oa a EE ai = — Biers : = SS No. 112 SUNSET BY J. B. C. COROT ve Jean Baptiste Camille Corot ; Frencu: 1796—1875 : VY $00- 112—-SUNSET FEZ, Tifin = Height, 2234 inches; width, 164% inches AN idyllic composition with a little stream in the foreground ~ of a glade, trees, reaching to the top of the canvas, on a slope ~ at the right, and the trunks of two birches at the left, about the larger of which a shepherdess and a faun are turning and peeping at each other. Beyond is a valley vista and, above, — an evening sky, which is gradated from qualified warmish tints — at the horizon upward into the pale gray blues, with here and there a little cloud flecked with the light of a setting sun. Signed at the lower left. From the William H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue Bb, No. 98. | | t By order of the Executors of the late Istoor WormseEr. Oy Le See eee eee — a ie | ae No. 118 A SUMMER DAY ay: ew EMILE VAN MARCKE eS OO LS Oa a Ne ke A Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1890 1183—A SUMMER DAY yp oe | Height, 171% inches; length, 27 inches A FINE black cow, flecked with a white spot or two, and a — white yearling calf, are standing in a pasture pool in the fore- ~ ground of the picture. Another cow is seen leaving the water- — ing place. A clump of trees, on the left, level plains beyond, — and a sky of white and gray with, here and there, a bit of blue ‘ form an appropriate landscape setting. “a Signed: at the lower left q From the collection of Henry M. Johnston, New York, 1898. “Bouaie j by Mr. Johnston from the artist. 46+ F700 By order of Mr. Epson Braptey. 7 “i “ - " 4 7 - ¥ a in : 9 | No. 114 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE | | BY CONSTANT TROYON > eh S Constant Troyon Frencu: 1810—1865 | Gass Ne 114—LANDSCAPE AND Cee Panel: Height, 1942 inches; length, 28 inches a Berets lands, spreading over a rolling country, fill the for ground and a stream runs through them into the middle dis- tance. Beyond are more sloping, hillside pastures and cattle grazing. In the immediate foreground a dark red cow, lying down, and another, white with fawn-colored neck and shoul- der, make a group that forms the center of the composition, and. back of them, descending to the waterside, is a roan horse. . Overhead is a fine sky of gray and white clouds, with spaces of blue in the upper part. Both as a landscape and as a piece of cattle painting this picture is a notable example. | Signed at the lower left, and dated 1857. 4 [ Shu dake. 4 fainting am calztoqux, of Mhire aale) 401359. ) : Edwin Thorne Collection, New York, 1893, Catalogue No. 75. - $7 00- Frederick Bonner Collection, New York, 1900, Catalogue No. 73. = 6 4 10. By order of the Executors of the late Istpor WormseEnr. : | ee ™ a ane, Paul Jean Charles Clays \ BrEtcian: 1819—1900 Joa La Mary, oe é /115—BOATS ON THE SCHELDT 4a)‘ ‘be FW ac Height, 17 inches; length, 244% inches + phripes > “| . ox ss : Tre 5 _ SEVERAL fishing boats and a barge or two are here depicted | in a group, on the right of the composition, in the waters of the 7 | yey 7 : PScheldt, which extend across the picture. On the left is the Aim _ bank nearby, with two windmills, a house, and a vessel on the stocks. Off in the distance, at the right, is a glimpse of the farther shore. The sky shows masses of gray cloud with a Mist ce space of blue in the upper left portion. The yellows and te _ reds of the boats and their sails appear in pleasing contrast —, = Se ae to the other more quietly colored portions of the picture. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hiri, Locxwoon, Reprieitp & Lypon, Attorneys. ——__ 7 -& es ee oe ee a ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eeS-CTCtst— Io" Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 116—INDIAN SUMMER: ARKVILLE a7 70 N l 3 Anvthe VELL Bgiy 1814 inches; length, 25 inches SCATTERED through a forest glade are rugged gray-barked trees. with the sunlight falling on them from the left and their rich” | autumn foliage glowing with color. Beyond is the dense wood, and in the foreground are a few gray rocks. So Signed at ie ier ail From the A. H. Wyant Sale, New York, 1894. JS- PI5O~ By order of Mr. Epson Brapuey. = 0S “iD Jean Baptiste Robie (yO Bewveian: 1821—1910 | 116a—ROSES Jp. Gnart0an- Panel: Height, 2214 inches; length, 2834 inches eee A. BUNCH of roses with some other flowers, forming a large loosely formed bouquet, placed on the ground against a rock in a garden recess. The principal notes of color—pink, dark red, and whites variously tinted—form an agreeable harmony. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. Sa OED SS Trees Sea —— _ oO ET URE EY SS Semen Deere . Martin Rico Spaniso: 1850—1908 117—GRAND CANAL, VENICE Vw bes Height, 20 inches; length, 28% inches In this picture the beautiful treatment of the water and the — sky is perhaps more remarkable than in many examples of _ Rico where the buildings assume far the greatest importance. We have here a group of buildings, on the right in the imme- diate foreground, some others on the left at the other side of the broad canal, and a line of them across the middle distance — indicating the mass of the city. On the water are numerous boats and gondolas moving gracefully over the placid waters. The sky itself shows a space of tempered blue with some small — warm-tinted clouds in the lower portion. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. bb + BAEK From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. es a= Alphonse Marie de Neuville 7,72 _ Frencu: 1836—1885 eee 118—DELIVERY OF A MESSAGE UNDER A FLAG 7 OF TRUCE: FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR Water Color: Height, 271% inches; width, 184% inches A youne German officer, in dark blue uniform with a great- coat of green-gray hanging on his shoulders, and a German infantryman behind him bearing a flag of truce on a lance, are seen on the right of this interesting composition, while on the left a French general, who is accompanied by an aide and a bugler, is returning the salute of the German officer. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1884. Purchased from L. Crist Delmonico. From the collection of the late Leon ManveEt. Adolf Schreyer GERMAN: 1828—1899 119—A RUSSIAN COURIER ae ae Height, 291% inches; width, 22% inches Aaa Russian fleigh, drawn by a black horse, rapidly driven ah ag . yi , 5 — ie ah ff coachman in furred coat and cap, with a courier in the back — Se / seat wrapped up warmly, is coming through a road in a forest. | {: Cf The horse, the sleigh, and its occupant make a mass, pictorially q ie” f speaking, which is effectively relieved against the background — iv of snow covering the roadway and the forest through which the _ itinerary is laid. 4 Signed at the lower left. Purchased from Messrs. Scott & Fowles Company, New York. By order of Hiri, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. Jum (iam he colton of Ue (alo bb. St if iy (1007, bsnghh anole Lief Uaese lois Sb-13f,9 06, Too hdd. beater dirter tes Lypk 1906 KS Qucenseguonueh faaw! 4) Me Slawueh, bar 1915" Cbect. No. 120 THE ROAD TO THE SEA BY JULES DUPRE AA 6? Jules Dupre \ 4" | Frencu: 1812—1896 ‘ | q a 120-—THE ROAD TO THE SEA , !, VL Ly AICS. Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches THE foreground is crossed by a roadway with a small pod in the immediate foreground, and on the farther side is a bank, where several groups of trees are seen. Over all is a fine sky _ of white and gray clouds with some spaces of blue. The land- scape is painted in restrained tints and a vibrating note is given by the white shirt of a wayfarer tramping along the road Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the Yorston Gallery, New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorune. Mk 1bof edeoro He: JG F 11874 3 3o-¢ j ey ee ae : a a a a rr a te ge a f aren ames S. ee es oes No. 121 THE EDGE OF THE POND BY — CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY j } . Q Charles Francois Daubigny | Frencu: 1817—1878 121—THE EDGE OF THE POND 7, Ae BL i: Height, 19 inches; length, 33 inches 4 ~ as 1 THE waters of a pond, with lily pads on its surface, fill the foreground, and on the grassy banks which are in the middle ~ distance of the picture, are clumps of trees. On the right is a © stretch of distance and overhead a sky filled with gray clouds. — A small patch of blue is seen near the middle in the upper part. — These elements are composed in a landscape of much distinc- — tion in design and depicted with the characteristic color quality — of Daubigny and his virile handling. An important and emi- © nently representative example. F Signed at the lower left, and dated 1873. — From Messrs. Goupil & Co. and Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. a By order of Mrs. Haroip Tuorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. 4 Grape 0 Aewvists 4 ane Cheep 1 Cae teobS No. 122 R) = \S) w ) ‘< >: mJ QA 2 NX R —] NN NN NS Qo BY - EMILE VAN MARCKE ' 4) Ye Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1890 4 | he A, 800 22—-CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE rh Dlx (Derek, At, Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches A croup of two cows, one in side view with dark brown coat and a white forehead; with another, fawn-color and white, lick- : ing her shoulder. Somewhat farther away on the left is another © | cow grazing. ‘The setting for the cattle is composed of level : pastures and a fine sky of gray, with some patches of blue near the top of the canvas. By the simplicity of its composition and the well-managed effects of light, the picture makes a con- vineing impression. Signed at the lower left. By order of Hiri, Locxwoop, Rrprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. ‘THE RETURN OF THE FLOCK BY fo. 128 LES DUPRE J adil GA Jules Dupre [A ea. ee ee ee |! Frencu: 1812-1889 123—THE RETURN OF THE FLOCK AG JZ O0— ; Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches (a alien “A DEPRESSED, grass-covered lane leads between high banks through the middle of the foreground. Trees growing on either side frame in a view of a river and village, in the middle dis- tance, and beyond lie a range of hills and stretches of forest. Advancing through the lane is a flock of sheep with a shepherd following, the light being so disposed that the foremost sheep receive the most illumination. Back of them, under the arch- way of trees where the shepherd appears, shadows produce a well-managed contrast. Overhead is a sky composed of great masses of gray clouds and some spaces of blue. ‘This ef- fectively arranged composition is painted in a scheme of warm color and the disposition of the light and shadow give it an attractive general effect. Signed at the lower right, and dated °50. Henry Graves Collection, New.Y ork, 1909, Catalogue No. 30, 9B JOO - be £ ” tow Poe eR A “Th By order of Hitx, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorn¥ys. No. 124 ~ HOMESTEAD BY THE SEASIDE _ JEAN CHARLES CAZIN > — Jean Charles Cazin Frencu: 1840—1901 3 000 — 124 HOMESTEAD BY THE SEASIDE Va Lifen BMAD Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Tuts beautiful picture shows two or three haystacks in the middle distance, on the right, and some fields on the left. Near the haystacks is the farmyard, showing the house with its roof of tiles, some other buildings and low shrubbery. In the immediate foreground is a farmer returning from work, carrying his tools and basket. In the distance is a view of the sea. The sky shows an early evening effect with a crescent moon in the right upper center. ‘The picture is admirably uni- fied and extremely pleasing in color. Signed at the lower left. re | Purchased from Julius Oehme, New York. 5 ADbe. \R lof Weaeth' Sani * From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. IA | “SHEEP AND FOREST BY te CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Charles Emile Jacque 4 Bees Frencu: 1818—1894 Height, 2314 inches; length, 32 inches A Fock of sheep, advancing slowly forward and close together, is seen in the left foreground cropping sparse grass. Among them is an elderly shepherdess, while a black sheep-dog stands watchfully in the center of the picture on the edge of the wood. The right foreground and left middle distance are filled with the trunks and foliage of trees. In the left upper portion of the composition is a space of sky, showing gray and white clouds with a dash of strong blue. The whole constitutes an effective picture. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprietp & Lypon, Attorneys. —————— a | ie nee Félix Ziem Frencu : 1821—1911 126—_FISHING BOATS, BAY OF VENICE Panel: H eight, 1934 inches; length, 3114, inches sot Ae Natl Y FaceL2k. im SEVERAL fishing boats are anchored along shore on the left of the picture, showing some sails of yellow and red and bare masts, on which are strung fishing nets. The smooth blue water of the bay occupies the foreground and in the distance the buildings, towers and domes of Venice glimmer in the sunlight. Above is a sky of blue, tempered with pink and gray near the horizon. Signed at the lower left. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, Catalogue No. 65. PISO By order of Mrs. Harouip THorne, daughter of the late H. S. Witson. Jules Dupre Frencu: 1812—1889 us oC, / / 00 — Height, 2334 inches; length, 383/, inches Zz tien Selieweae. color quality showing a harmony of quali- fied blues, greens and grays with accents of tempered white. A yawl is seen sailing along in the first plane of the picture amid tumbling waves which lift the prow, and another sail appears, on the right, in midocean, and yet another on the horizon. All these elements are united with an impressively treated sky of clouds of gray, both light and dark, and showing masses of warm-tinted white in some portions, with a sug- gestion of blue in a space near the middle. 127—_THE OPEN SEA Signed at the lower right. From the William H. Fuller Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue No. 28. 87600 4 By order of the Executors of the late Istporn WormseEr. { ? 7 Pha a = Pee, age eee ee : ~ — se ~ rie 7 me _—— . — _ - = on . re a > — . age RTE ney inet arte Doe heres tee tae Cot es (ain cota be etan i e Titi Pees a : " 7 ee 7 ‘ 5 > — Aare . ut Pi ; 1 1 ie ” PRN iat cate eer ia ~ Bs ee oe ei other cattle and a windmill. The sky is composed of gray Theophile de Bock Durcu: 1850—1904 1283—HOLLAND LANDSCAPE |, Height, 21 inches; length, 33 inches i TuE foreground is composed of a pasture-field, roadway and pond; the whole bordered, in the middle distance, by willow trees. Some cows are passing from the foreground pasture into fields beyond, where may be seen, in the distance, and white clouds. ‘The general effect of the picture is pleasing in its harmony of cool color tints. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitt, Locxwoop, Reprietp & Lyvon, Attorneys. Paul Jean Charles Clays —s_— Betcran: 1819—1900 , C00 — 129—MOONLIGHT NEAR AMSTERDAM anel: Height, 221% wmches; length, 30 inches A NIGHT picture of sober quality with the moon, which appears in a space amid the clouds, casting its light on the waves of the sea which occupy the foreground. On the left, prominent in the composition, are two sailing vessels gliding slowly along and in the distance are others. A rowboat is also seen, in the middle distance at the left, making its way apparently from one vessel to another. ) Signed at the lower right. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. fune S976 P USK. From the collection of the late ¥. L. Lorine. bingfh | Lope bile) 1896 4 X50. PISO, eae — ded ke il : 7 ay No. 180 MOHAMMEDANS AT PRAYER BY ~ JEAN LEON GEROME | Bi a + } . wi ; ia . it Ye ’ Bil Py et | A i> j _™ f fy, a 1 i Jean Léon Gérome Frencu: 1824—1904 m7, 200 — 130-MOHAMMEDANS AT PRAYER Pot Hee OE oR Height, 2814 inches; length, 36 inches THERE <4 six figures in this composition and they are arranged in two groups. Standing on a red rug, on the left, are a man and a little boy, both with hands uplifted as they pray, while in the other group, on the right, two figures in white are bowed down with their faces on the floor; another one in white is stand- — ing up between them with head inclined and hands clasped; and the fourth behind these, with a robe of blue and a yellow turban, is kneeling. The setting for the picture is the interior of an Oriental building with tiles inlaid in the walls, and through a window at the left are seen a tree and garden in the sunlight. Sunlight also flickers downward to the floor of the pele ment near the middle of the picture. Signed at the lower left center. Purchased from Scott & Fowles, New York. From the collection of the late Leoxn Manpet. hy! intr Bahl a> aa a _ Efe eed Te NETL Te te Ry wee Se ee a = al ; 8 . 4 meaty ' eaten erent Pee Nonisl THE CHOICE OF THE BY MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR | aS - ea iene ed - Mlle. Rosa Bonheur Frencu: 1822—1899 of G20 181-THE CHOICE OF THE FLOCK | “7 rf d Gea Height, 3124 inches; length, 3914 inches A croup of two ewes, full-fleeced, perfect specimens of their breed, standing in the foreground of the picture, the one nearest the spectator in side view, with head to the right, and the other, behind, to the left, with head uplifted. The trunk of a great tree appears beside them and a green valley stretches away beyond, with blue hills in the distance. Some other sheep, farther away, are seen in the pastures, on the extreme right, 4 and overhead is a high sky of gray clouds with strips of blue od showing near the horizon. A notable example of the work of the celebrated French painter of animals. ; - e = oe 4 ; cg \s ie ree Signed at the lower right. From the George I. Seney Collection, 1891, Catalogue No. 213- PG PO - From the D. W. Powers Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 87~- Aya By order of the Executors of the late Isinor WormseEr. ’ NEAR DORDRECHT BY PAUL JEAN CHARLES CLAYS cea Paul Jean Charles Clays Beucian: 1819—1900 PU On 182 NEAR DORDRECHT anes Vike Height, 32 inches; width, 27 inches THE composition presents two groups of vessels, the most prominent boat bemg on the right, sitting low in the water and with sails hoisted. Two men in a dory hold a line from her bow. The water shows the reflections of a high sky of white and blue and of the dull reds, yellows and browns of the shipping. In color and arrangement a superior example. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mr. Enson Braptey. GRAND CANAL, VENICE BY FELIX ZIEM ! a of 00 Panel: Height, 23 inches; length, B41, nates Pore 0 Ao Felix Ziem Frencu: 1821—1911 133—GRAND CANAL, VENICE Tue f ae Ah is occupied by the waters of the Bay of Vities in which, in the nearest part, is a black gondola being sculled along by its two boatmen, and a little farther away, on the right, there is a large sailing vessel with the sails partly lowered. In the distance appear St. Mark’s, the Campanile, Santa Lucia, and other buildings rising in the mass of the city. Overhead is a sky of blue, and the general tone of the picture shows warm glowing tints, in which the black gondola makes a valuable note. Signed at the bees right. ov) Purchased from Julius Oehme, New York, 1911. Dah vin From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. ee ere Naa hod | GATHERING CLOUDS — P.) BY _ GEORGE INNESS, N.4. yom Cc O $ George Inness, N.A. Anrenica: 1825—1894 LV PfO— 184-GATHERING CLOUDS iy WA pee ligt Height, 251% inches; length, 3234 inches A TONAL Inness landscape with the foreground, in which is a pond and cattle, in shadow. The middle distance, where there | are level lands and belts and groups of trees and one or two houses with white walls, lie in the quiet light of a late afternoon sun. The lower portion of the sky is in tints of blue and gray, while the upper part shows a mass of dark gray cloud from behind which falls the faint sunlight. A large full-foliaged tree, in shadow, is seen near the middle of the picture, and thus, the three dark masses—the clouds above, the foliage of the tree, and the wide foreground in shadow—bring into fine relief the middle portion of the picture upon which the sea gently plays. Signed at the lower right. By order of Hitt, Lockwoop, Reprigip & Ly pon, Attorneys. Gace lee eedooe S/6 ite tinh fe 200 Mile A Schwn Saly S91 K2b8 1 Bo tee = = i —— eee a ESS — Se Sea eae ee ee eae aS aren ee ne nova eS oS co of BY FRANZ VON LENBACH { Franz von Lenbach German: 1836—1904 i ‘ \ 1385—BISMARCK 4 Ly e OO Height, 38 hee width, 3414 es lag eee 7 Bassa von LENBACH painted a number of portraits of Bis- marck, finding interest in the features of the great German statesman and apparently delighting in portraying them under varying aspects. This is a half-length life-size portrait, helmet on head and the costume consisting of a military coat and great- coat lined with fur. The head is turned to the spectator’s left and shows in its expression the vigorous character of the sub- ject, as well as a certain quiet repose. The general tone of the canvas is made of subdued color and the face, by being fully lighted, concentrates the interest of the spectator. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1896. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. _ THE PROPHECY BY _ VASILI VERESTCHAGIN /70— | Ay Height, 30 inches; length, 891% wmches Vasili Verestchagin Russian: 1842—1904 136—_THE PROPHECY THE foreground shows the top of a hill, on high ground, over looking the blue waters of the sea of Galilee, with a white- sailed boat or two skimming along on its surface. The figure of Christ, in a white robe with his hair flowing over-his shoul- ders, is seen seated on the high ground, his back to the spec- tator, and the attitude suggesting reflection and thought of the future. Across the expanse of the sea appears a line of hills and above is a southern sky of qualified blue with a few clouds. ‘Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not: ‘Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth.and ashes. But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell, for if the mighty works which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained unto this day. But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee.” (Matt. x1. 20-24.) From the Vasilt Verestchagin Sale, New York, 1891, Catalogue No. 39. By order of Mrs. Fuorencre Macy Surron. ; re Fy ( eer 4 a } f iia 5 nF rt nani gamnineiog NOTE ; : . THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED GROUP OF = TWENTY-FOUR EXAMPLES aaa oe _ THE FRENCH IMPRESSIONIST ~ CLAUDE MONET = ; WERE ee see THE PAST THIRTY YEARS BY THE LATE MR. JAMES F. SUTTON AN ORGANIZER AND FOR MANY YEARS SENIOR MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION THEY ARE TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. SUTTON’S WIDOW MRS. FLORENCE MACY SUTTON Claude Monet ja OR Frencu: 1840— | : Lh wt . A ~ yx i 4 fi 1387—LA SEINE A ARGENTEUIL | a0 ne ive /. fp Yj Height, 23%4 inches; length, 32 inches In the lower half of the picture is the river, with many sail- boats at anchor, one with a red hull making a strong color note. At the left, on the bank, are villas and trees while on the op- posite shore, in the middle distance, some white buildings are seen. The sky is of gray-blue with clouds of qualified white. Signed at ‘ie lower left, and dated 75. Claude Monet (uh “ Frencu: 1840— mi | A 309 188—BATEAUX DE PLAISANCE A ARGENTEUIL Ape VA Height, 21% inches; length, 26 inches In a river, which occupies the foreground and stretches away from the point of view of the spectator into the middle dis- tance, a fleet of boats is seen at anchor. All sails are lowered and the hulls and bare masts are reflected in the water. On the right, in the immediate foreground, a large white row- boat is moored near a building on the bank. On the shore at the left are houses, trees and figures, while overhead there is a blue, clouded sky. The picture is painted under an effect of sunlight which comes from the left. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1875. Claude Monet Frencu: 1840— Vy h 4 200- 189—FLEURS DANS UN POT ! | Accra De H- Mawel Height, ae inches; width, 241 inches A SOBER piece of still-life painting, showing a great bunch of. pink roses and white spirea in a brass bowl. ‘The bow] is placed on a table covered with a striped cloth, with vellow as its. ‘pre-. dominating tint, and the various elements of the picture are made to combine in a quiet but yen forceful POs of color. Signed at the up per left, and dated 11878. “oe Oe ee ee aa ee ee ¥ - oe SS A PONE ALARMED NE RR IIA, B Io". fy gare lal ( 0 (, v x TAR Claude Monet (1 e Frencu: 1840— 140—CHEMIN DE HALAGE A ARGENTEUIL Height, 231% inches; length, 39 inches Tue foreground shows a road following its direction along the bank of a stream. On the right, the water reflects the leaden tones of a gray winter sky. Three or four figures on the road, producing dark notes of importance, and a group of trees are the other elements in a simple composition. Snow partly covers the roadway and the ground on either side of it, the whole presenting a quiet, truthfully rendered phase of nature. : q Signed at the lower right. ee Fo ee oe ne 2 lanai \ | Claude Monet (orig. eer q Frencn: 1840— er ay 141—SUR LA FALAISE PRES FECAMP y) me 4 yy Wy Sb Height, 26 inches; length, 311% inches As its title indicates, this is a seashore view, and it is taken from the tops of the grass-covered Normandy cliffs. Herbage, ripe and dry in the autumn season, and a wind-swept tree, with its branches mostly bare, diversify the foreground while the blue sea, occupying the middle distance, forms a color contrast to the yellow and pink of the dried weeds and wild flowers. On the right of the canvas a rock juts out into the sea and over- head is a sky, mostly blue, with clouds at the horizon. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’81. 7 200~- Alurantl bey nd Y ay ea. St Claude yo (ee Frencu: 1840— | aw ni 142—PAYSAGE DHIVER A BENNECOURT O Height, 25% inches; length, 391% inches ATCHES of broken, snow-covered ice are seen floating in the river, which fills the whole lower half of the canvas. On the left is a portion of the bank, with trees. In the middle dis- tance, dimly seen, are the farther shore and hills-rismg beyond. Over their tops appears a sky of a subtle gray tempered by the pink tints characteristic of the late afternoon in winter. This landscape shows eminently well Monet’s just apprecia- tion of values as well as a delicate rendering of the general effect. Signed at the lower right. | ees Claude Monet Frencu: 1840— we eR Dogs 143—VUE DE BORDIGHERA q _ SLA Ae Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches . | | THE hilly shore, sloping upward to the left and filling the fore- ground of the picture, presents a diversified piece of landscape with grass, herbage and small trees. On the right are larger trees showing masses of foliage, so that a vista opens in the middle portion of the composition where we see the white buildings of a town, perched high above the blue sea, which lies beyond. The walls gleam in the sunlight. Above is a strip of blue sky tempered with atmospheric grays. The com- position of this work is exceedingly happy and the picture is most striking in general effect. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’84. Coie 7-0, Od aes US (LepRODULED (KD: Ce ONS Cares og NE RE BIO Claude Monet (ol Frencu: 1840— ee ¢ 144 _MENTON VU DU CAP MARTIN S000 | | q oT po. es feet Height, 26 inches; length, 382 inches | | | | | j A. CHARACTERISTIC Monet of his Mediterranean series wherein the composition shows a roadway in the foreground, tending to the left, where it is bordered on either side by a group of trees. In the right middle distance is a glimpse of an inlet of the sea and, beyond, rising to the top of the canvas is a— cloud-capped mountainside with houses nestling at its base along the line of the shore. ‘There are strong contrasts, as between the rich, dark green foliage and the red earth of the road, and the picture is one of remarkbale carrying power. Signed at the lower right, and dated 84. 4 \ ~) Claude Monet — wy Frencu: 1840— (vk ‘ 145—LE BRAS DE JEUFOSSE + RE NS Baka eee ’ * “a ' i 2 M2 20_ D Decand-fae€ i a A RIVER winds from the foreground around its banks, on the right of the picture, where trees and bushes are seen in autumn foliage. On the bank at the left, beyond an expanse of grass, vividly green, is a hillside, likewise clothed in autumnal tints. Above is a space of sky with grayish clouds. The masses of foliage and their reflection in the water form a brilliant, uni- fied ensemble in which the various notes play their parts and contribute to the attractive general aspect of the landscape. Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Signed at the lower left, and dated 84. Claude Monet | 7 ea yr : Frencu: 1840— a 146—LES MEULES, GIVERNY a ai OO eT Height, 2534 iene’ length, 36 inches Been conical- “shaped haystacks, thatched to shed the rain and snow, are seen in the foreground, the larger one at the right and the smaller at the left. Beyond, over a stretch of distance, is” a sunset sky; the whole forming a puissant -piece of color, with variety of tints and truthful observation of light and — atmosphere. Bd Signed at the ome left, and dated ’84. Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches — inane Claude Monet r (Za FREeNcH : 1840— VA we 147—LA MANNE PORTE, ETRETAT Tuts picture is a brilliant and very characteristic example of Monet’s marines, with rocks, in which he found full play in recording his impressions of color. It shows one of the well- known rock formations on the Normandy coast, at Etretat, in which the rock is a sort of natural archway, the sea run- | ning through the opening. ‘The water, in this instance, shows fine, varied tints of green while on the rock there are pink, gray and blue. Above the expanse of the ocean, lying pale green in the sunlight, is a sky composed mostly of floating white clouds. In the right upper portion are some spaces of qualified blue. | | Signed at the lower left, and dated ’85. a 7 Claude Monet | sem q Frencu: 1840— | | 148—TEMPETE A PORT GOULPHAR, BELLE- | ISLE ye as 54 F000 @ yr anie Heal Height, 2534 inches; length, 32 inches A Moner of fine quality, presenting a shore view with the sea rushing in with a fine sweep, swirling among masses of jagged rocks, in the foreground, and dashing against a head- land which crosses the picture well up toward the top of the canvas. Above is a space of.sky with tints of pale gray and tempered blue. Stoned at the lower right, and dated ’86, Claude Wlonet ; inh t Frencu: 1840— | {fut 7 149—LES COQUELICOTS: GIVERNY [0 0 — Height, 26 inches; length, 361/ inches ie FIELD of clover, ready fa the scythe or the mowing machine, thickly sprinkled with red poppies, fills the entire lower half of the canvas. The field is bordered, in the middle distance, by a belt of trees, varied in form and mass as it is seen stretch- ing across the picture. Overhead is a summer sky of warm grays. . -) ie | Signed at the lower right, and dated ’87. SHARES LS a eS is ge Claude Monet — HAs vig Frencu: 1840— if 7 150--BROUILLARD: GIVERNY Wi Aijacdler b0d Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches Like the landscape with the same title, No. 151, this is an effect of mist, and so pale is it in general tone and so all-en- veloping is the fog that there is little else to be seen. One tree, however, on the left, is made out vaguely as the morning sun faintly touches its foliage with violet light. Signed at the lower left. 1 ‘ \= ~~ = = ~ = le P - 2 , ' ee ee ila : : ws PRN ee ene 3 aes ’ iia ae’ ’ el a 7 a ee SN egal ia st {e SO elt te RBs mente a ahs ie om Syren the he , > oF ee owe "ps . ; : se aes ? ee a TET ae i os Sa a oo Claude Monet 2 ee, x . FrencH: 1840— | Vel Yeah Ei 151—BROUILLARD: GIVERNY SS SUE Height, 29 inches; length, 361 inches THERE is nothing but the fog vapor to be seen in the lower part of the picture, but the trunks of trees partly emerge from it higher up, and the foliage on one tree assumes form as it reaches the top of the canvas. The whole is a pale, evanescent effect such as is often seen in nature and it is truthfully pre- © sented here in a piece of painting that is elusive in handling. 7 Signed at the lower left. Claude Monet fee FrENcH: 1840— . ae 152—ANTIBES, VU DU CAP ZO | Bi od et Height, 26 inches; length, 3676 inches One of the most striking pictures i in Monet’s Mediterranean series. ‘The waters of the gulf fill the middle of the canvas and show tints of blue and green. In the immediate fore- ground, at the left, there is a bit of rocky shore, light yellowish gray in the sunlight. Across the bay the town, with warm white walls and red-tiled roofs, stretches along the shore, and beyond are mountains, violet tinted in the distant view. Overhead 1 1S a sky of tempered blue and gray. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’88. P-B, eh I7; REP 1 Conor ; a ; ; mal Aad Sa ‘ : ’ Te Ba Vaneces, | Claude Monet a FRENCH: 1840— Voy ae 153—LES EAUX TREMBLANTES A FRESSE- P| eo. LINES, CREUSE _ : Height, 2514 inches; length, 3614 inches AL Jeccand “fhacel 2 2 3 2 A LANDSCAPE of rolling country with a narrow, steep-sided valley, or ravine, opening out in the foreground, where a stream flows through the gap. Rocks and herbage are depicted with a fine and discriminating variety of color tints and the stream —hblue, with little crests of foam appearing as the water flows = — through its stony bed—reflects a narrow space of the sky with 4 some clouds floating, at the top of the canvas. The landscape is illuminated by sunlight falling from the left and effective shadow masses, as in the ravine, emphasize the force of the puissant color. | Signed at the lower right, and dated 89. Fae \ | ote Claude Monet | ‘3 es Frencu: 1840— / 154 VILLAGE DE LA ROCHE, CREUSE 7 00 ye THE houses of the hale are in ‘silhouette, on he crest of a — hill, near the top of the canvas, against a brilliant evening sky. In the foreground a little stream runs across the picture and ~ from its shores a path winds up the steep hillside to the village. The values are most truthfully observed and justly rendered in this striking landscape and the color is agreeably diversified. Height, 26 inches; length, 361% inches Signed at the lower left. ESS RTT SI ESOS TA SOE DT TORR em RN ST TRE SS EEE, St pe ce tt Sg TT Frencu: 1840— a 155—LE JARDIN A GIVERNY PE A GARDEN. filled with rectangular beds of purple blue poppies occupies the foreground. Beyond is a piece of water in which _ the doorway of a country house is seen reflected while trees which border the garden spread their thick foliage over the upper part of the picture. Sunlight plays across the garden and the painter’s object—to render light and air in a sub- ject with somewhat difficult problems—is well accomplished. The general aspect of the picture is vividly compelling. | Height, 32 inches; length, 86 inches Signed at the lower right, and dated 1900. 0%" 156-—LA MEULE A GIVERNY Claude Monet mh FRencu: 18402 —% * an ieee ~ gfe gt 4 od) ee ot B e 7 te ae <— eS ere RT ee — = es {L0a0 [leant One of the celebrated “Haystack Series,” being a rendering of an effect of light and color; the same motive that the painter used for a number of other studies of the same hay- stack. In this landscape the great bulk of the stack fills the right-hand portion of the canvas and on the left are fields and a hill. The sky, above, is intensely luminous with the glow of sunset, the greatest brilliancy being directly behind the hay- stack, where the sun has evidently just sunk below the horizon. AN ehh ar aaa CONS, Height, 2834 inches; length, 364 imches Signed at the lower left, and dated ’91. RTS TS RAE LI IEE REE RES GOL ELL RA A Me ye Claude Monet So NF , Frencu: 1840— . 157—LA SEINE A BESSANCOURT EN HIVER SI, 000 4 Height, 231 ene length, 39 inches Aiuvaid- Nogl CO a Tuis is a beautiful example of the landscape painting of Claude — Monet. The elements are very simple: a stream winding through snow-covered flatlands, a group of trees in the center | middle distance, and a line of blue hills beyond, with a whitish — gray sky above. It is truthfully observed and the scene is q depicted with a just perception of values. The color scheme q shows a variety of tints that appeal to the vision of a painter — but that in nature would offer to the untrained observer little but monotony in an uninspiring eyesweep of winter gray. — Signed at the lower left. ™ Woe Yes bo Height, 28%4 inches; length, 41% inches Claude Monet V Frencu: 1840— 158—_LE BASSIN AUX NYMPHEAS, GIVERNY THE entire canvas, except for a strip at the top, of green bor- dered shore, is occupied by the surface of a pond on which are seen, here and there, the pink, pale yellow and lilac blos-— soms of pond lilies with their floating pads of green. The water reflects the foliage of trees and a sky of blue with white clouds. But it would be inexact to describe the tints in this picture by the uncompromising names of mere blue or white — or pink or green. ‘The ensemble is a harmony of qualified, sensitive notes of color, producing a subtle and charming gen- eral effect. Signed at the lower right, and dated ’93. ' My i aos : . a! Ps " 1 RES Feet eS pi] Sign i tise oS toye Ot Say TID = Regt aati Ha Claude Monet Frencu: 1840— 159—PORTAL OF THE ROUEN CATHEDRAL (MORNING EFFECT) Vir Height, 8914 inches; width, 2514 inches THis is one of the celebrated series of pictures of Rouen Ca- thedral, which he painted under many different aspects of light and atmospheric effects. The portals are seen, rather dimly, in the lower part of the canvas and higher up appear the great rose window, the towers and the main body of the structure. All the upper part is painted in violet tints, almost in halftone, and the stonework is delicately illuminated by pale sunshine, on the tower at the left and on a wall at the right. ; | Signed at the lower left, and dated 94. Claude Monet — v ts a Frencu: 1840— | 160—MATIN SUR LA SEINE, GIVERNY — | V4 08 a ao Ll 2pvet 2 Height, ue inches; length, 36 inches MF es | Tue motive of this landscape is a bend in the river Seine with __ a wide expanse of its surface reflecting the foliage of the trees, __ which are seen on the bank at the left. The general effect shows a misty atmosphere and the predominating color notes are pale greens and lilac. 3 Sie : Signed at the lower left, and dated 97. es as 3 —™ PORTANT WORKS ee % Ds P ops aa pS BY ~ "AMERICAN ARTISTS Jules Dupre Frencu: 1812—1889 | ia ZY 161—LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP Height, 36 inches; width, 281% inches NIFICENT oak, with branches reagnile to the top of the canvas, is seen at the right, on a roadside, where a flock of sheep is advancing, followed by a shepherd. At the extreme right, back of the great oak and one or two other trees, is a — thatch-roofed cottage, while on the left is a stretch of country with low horizon. ‘The composition is completed by a high sky. of warm gray and white clouds, with some spaces of deep blue in the upper portion. The effect of the whole is grandiose and compelling. | Signed at the lower right. From the Henry Hilton Collection, New York, 1900, Catalogue No. 51. S000 i By order of the Executors of the late Istpor WormseEr. Me CY\SO © Wey ff 4 > /\ Fd Charles Emile Jacque | % Frencu: 1813—1894 4 4/00 162—-SHEEP IN THE FOREST ) , = OF FON TAINEBLEAU : Height, 271 inches; length, 40 inches ere | le (Levu Lig” : | In ah open space on the edge of the forest is a flock of sheep, numbering a dozen or more, pasturing on the herbage in the foreground. Beside the trunk of one of the great trees which fill the middle portion of the composition, stands a shepherd leaning on his crook with his dog at his side. Between the trunks of the trees is a glimpse of country and a sky with s gray and white clouds. An important example with the best characteristics of the famous French animal painter. Signed at the lower left, and dated 79. CLKOT, Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. , eee BMSXX a7 From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. Du cerrezpmah fan ato A. ee Sik, EMXXX- duit 1647. I ae le alll 50 Adolf Schreyer GERMAN: 1828—1899 163—DRIVING A TEAM IN WALLACHIA Oy. D0 Height, 35 inches; length, 46 inches Ce [Neale A Ahet Lee of four horses, with a driver mounted on the third one from the right, is depicted drawing a heavily loaded cart up a hilly road. The wheels sink almost up to the hubs in the mud and clay and the horses are exerting all their strength to pull the load. ‘The team is pulling away from the spec- tator so that the horses are seen in rear view and the action is well given in their backs and hind legs. ‘This group occupies practically the whole of the canvas, although, on the left, in a much darker portion of the picture, caused by the sky being heavily obscured with clouds, there are a horseman with his gun slung over his back, and another team and cart. The light, concentrated on the horses and the load on the cart in the foreground, produces by contrast with the darker portion of the picture a striking ensemble. — Signed at the lower left. By order of Hii1i, Locxwoop, RepFrietp & Lypon, Attorneys. Uy \ (hee : Jakob Maris DutcH: 1838—1899 164_V LEW OF +tMSTERDAM Aniducht Height, 36 inches; length, 43 mches i, 000 THE waters of a canal occupy the foreground, where are seen. | several broad-beamed boats lying tied up, while in the middle ~ 4 7 distance a bridge crosses from the buildings on one side of the canal to the other. A red-roofed house and a sturdy church tower are prominent objects on the left, while a block of buildings and a mass of trees form the principal elements on the right. The foreground and most of the middle distance are in shadow, and sunlight illumines the buildings of the town that are seen farther away. Overhead is an impressive sky com- posed of great masses of gray and white clouds with a space or two of positive blue in the upper portion where the clouds — | are darkest. In the fine treatment of the sky, the broad han- — Z| dling of the masses of buildings composing the town, and in — the general arrangement of the whole composition, a distin- guished and impressive effect is produced. Notable as one of only four works of its kind and importance by Maris in America. = Signed at the lower right. Until confined to the works of the early English and old masters, the above described example of Jakob Maris was in the notable P. A. = B. Widener Collection of Philadelphia, and is illustrated in the | first edition of the catalogue of the Widener Collection, No. 76. By order of Hiri, Locxwoop, Reprieip & Lypon, Attorneys. 1002-4 tbyh JAM Mfutoun hey 908 i MAG] 4 Sold. #. Mtnhwdh $0 19.00 -« PASKKK = | | Cu conagnmeth Ip, hauuck Hot9S Uden, SMM xx Mel On Ncw 4 conteg \ Muth 1916, Mtaned Nt 1b bh RSLS. Ee Anton Mauve DutcH: 1838—1888 165—HOLLAND LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 301% inches; length, 42% inches A GRouP of two cows, one white with black spots, the other dusky, red-brown, with white markings, standing near the milking place in green pastures, near a little stream, which is seen in the left foreground. Just behind the group appears the head of a third cow, white-faced, whose body is hid from view by the other two. Bordering the pasture, on the left, is a line of willows, and, on the right, in the distance, a herd of cattle is seen grazing, guarded by a figure with a blue blouse. Over all is a sky of tempered grays, broken with blue, the frank direct painting of the whole and the true and sympa- thetic color quality forming a picture of genuine charm. Signed at the lower right. From the D. W. Powers Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 264. $.3700 - By order of the Executors of the late Istpor WormseEr. George Inness, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 | 1B 400 166—SUNSET AN excellent Inness of poetical quality. Pasture lands with grass and herbage of warm, tempered greens fill the fore- ground, and a few sheep are seen straying about at the close of day. Near the right center rise the trunks of two trees, with their lowest branches at the top of the canvas, and trees, farther away, crossing the middle distance, enclose the mea- dows. Through their foliage, and above, a sunset sky is seen, glowing with qualified tints of orange-red, and showing a space of evening blue. A shed-roofed hut appears on the extreme left among the trees, producing a low note of gray. | ee Panel: Height, 30 inches: length, 45 inch | ° : g 5 tnmcnes s eng v, anc ES Signed at the lower left, and dated 1892. Bought direct from the artist through the connoisseur, Mr. Thomas B. Clarke. By order of Mr. Epson Brabtey, | /2 000 Adolf Schreyer GerMAN: 1828—1899 ‘ 167—THE ADVANCE GUARD y) a Height, 34 inches; length, 47% inches A Group 6f three Oriental horsemen, mounted on fine Arabian steeds, approaching into the foreground of the picture, where there is a pool amid the rocks. ‘The three cavaliers are armed and some of their followers are seen coming along in the dis- tance at the right. Above is a sky of blue with warm-tinted white clouds. The portrayal of the horses and their riders is handled in a masterly fashion and the whole is depicted in a color scheme of the usual attractiveness of this celebrated artist. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the William Schaus Gallery, New York. From the collection of the late F. L. Lortne. ales ae plete BS = oe Pe . cane Potrre William Adolphe Bouguereau Frencu: 1825—1905 168—LOVE’S MESSAGE VELL : Lio (iu El lA A’ croup of two figures, showing a young woman in Greek costume of white, depicted in three-quarter-length life-size, and an Amour close beside her on the left. The maiden’s right hand, which rests on his shoulder, is lightly touched by the left hand of the Amour who floats, so to speak, beside her. Her head is inclined toward his, while she listens to his message, which he is delivering as if whispered, holding his hand near his mouth. His white wings complement the white costume of the young woman, and the setting for the figures is made up of foliage and a stone fountain basin. The skilful Bouguereau drawing is in evidence throughout the work. Height, 51 inches; width, 36 wmches ~ Signed at the lower left center on stone countan basin, and dated 1896. Purchased from Julius Oehme, New York, 1911. fv XXX" From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. 44 bb0- Constant Troyon — | Frencu: 1810—1865 Vv 169—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Howry Oi, j LE Height, 38 inches; length, 52 inches — Six cows are seen in two groups in the foreground of this fine landscape. In the group nearest the spectator is one, dark red; one white, and one black with white face and neck; the other three are respectively white, dark red, and dun color spotted with white. A rustic bridge crosses a ditch in the right foreground, and somewhat farther away is a man on horseback with a man on foot at his side. In the distance at the left, where a line of trees borders the pasture, are some other cows. ‘The sky overhead, with cumulus clouds and some spaces of blue, is most impressive. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from M. Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris. From the notable F. O. Matthiessen Sale, New York, 1902, Catalogue No. 124.- S$ 500 - From the collection of the late F. L. Lorine. hy bua lak back Jip tedilmeyps Med airufe Selmugr) Vatio SEY Albert Neuhuys Durcu: 1844—1914 | 3 i y g 170 MOTHER'S DELIGHT (Gud hy ty) Z tltal, Lig? . A Dtrcu interior with a life-size group of a mother and her child. The woman, who is seated in side view to the spectator with her head inclined to the right, is feeding the baby which she holds in her lap with a spoon. On the table in front of her is a dish and a green earthen jug. The walls of the cottage, — the clothing and cap of the mother, as well as her face, hands and arms, are painted in rather low tones, while the baby’s white cap and kerchief, placed about the middle of the com- position, form a higher and, consequently, prominent note. Both mother and child are of the home-keeping, bred-to-the- soil type, and interest is found in their truthful depiction - by the artist. Height, 54 inches; width, 41 inches Signed at the lower right. _ By order of Htri, Locxwoop, Reprieip & Lynvon, Attorneys. fe pn dale 19067 $6), S500, OM aS © SLY on tisguran Jo Np Manueh bay Gil» J peries cn teot, Uilrned } Mlwwk Ipsild. toviruteern os firm WGI. Mach lage 17H 3 £ ae & S200 \ Ups z Yo" Sir Laurence Alma-Tadema, R.A. BritisH: 1886—1912 171_THE BATHS OF CARACALLA Height, 60 inches; width, 8714 inches <7 THis very important work of Alma-Tadema may well be con- z sidered to resume his best qualities as a painter and also asa historical artist. In the foreground, on a marble bench, three figures of young women are seated, while directly behind them appears the water of the swimming pool, in which are a number of bathers. On the farther side of the pool, which is lined with ornamental marble walls, are other bathers, most — of them men who are standing about while a group of youthful athletes are plunging, one after the other, into the pool. On the left of this group, in the middle portion of the picture, are some young girls crowned with roses and playing on pipes, while still farther away there are other personages, including a serving man, who is holding back a door to make way for the passage of some notable, in dress of white and red, who is about to leave the baths. The elaborate architectural details in the upper portion of the picture and the accessories, else- where, all give interest to this remarkable presentation of the manners and customs of a period renowned in history. Signed at the lower left on the foot of bench: “L. Atma- Tap—ema, Op. CCCLVI.” Purchased from Scott & Fowles. From the collection of the late LEon ManpEt. af A YY . Ms Lb 190b te Wa | ‘bleu Lh A ISK big ti Mtentay EALU 192%, FL8 i000 Sil dull hole by. Ati 1967 YMNXKK — soeereeeeiemmemnetiienammesliiiesdmmemmenemmeracmieietamentens nsoaiecteaie rene er RTISTS REPRESENTED ¥ & at oes at edt] wD AND THEIR WORKS ie LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED ~~ AND THEIR WORKS Presi errr a mina’ _~ —-- oe ee a — ry a = a ae ox 6 7 = v = - 3 a = 7 rn < ahs ors ras ? a x ‘4 ‘ v as » - ‘ iia ‘ “a a Y iy » Ms tf. . a rr « 3 ‘ CATALOGUE , NUMBER ALMA-TADEMA, Srr Laurence, R.A. | The Baths of Caracalla _ 171 ALVAREZ, Luis | The Dancing Lesson 20 » BAIL, Jossern , . Meal Time. ie =50 _ BERNE-BELLECOUR, Prosper Exrennn FE A. French Artilleryman 6 BERTRAND, James : | Serenade in Rome 72 | BLOMMERS, JowHannes BERNARDUS hi On the Dunes 99 BOCK, TutorHiLE DE | A Dutch Pastoral 29 Holland Landscape 78 Landscape 85 Holland Landscape 128 BOLDINI, Giovanni Peaceful Days 88 BONHEUR, Mutt. Kosa Sheep and Landscape 63 The Choice of the Flock 131 BOUGUEREAU, Wuu1amM ApboLPHE Spring Reverie by the Sea Young Woman Arranging Her Dress Love’s Message BOULANGER, GUSTAVE RUDOLPHE CLARENCE The Emir: Algiers BRAITH, Anton A Joyous Morning BRETTON, JuLes ADOLPHE A Summer Day: Coast of Normandy CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Anronto A Reading of “Don Quixote” CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Homestead by the Seaside CEJUDO, T. Rico A Spanish Wedding CHAPLIN, Cuaries JosHua The Pet Rabbit _CHARLEMONT, Epvarp Cavalier Smoking CLAYS, Paut JEAN CHARLES A Calm on the Scheldt Vessels, Sea and Shore: Holland Boats on the Scheldt ! Moonlight near Amsterdam Near Dordrecht * CATALOGUE NUMBER 37 36 27 38 124 74 24 115 129 132 CATALOGUE COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE ae Landscape : 94 The Lake 97 Near Ville d’Avray 103 Les Boucaux dans le Marécage 108 Sunset 112 DAUBIGNY, Cuaries Francois Les Linges 7 104 On the River Oise 110 The Edge of the Pond vel21 DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GaBRIEL Les Contrebandiers 96 DELORT, CHar.es Epovarp Half-seas Over 7 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcissr VircitE La Gorge aux Loups: Fontainebleau 10 Sunset after Rain - 11 Toilet of Venus 89 Whisperings of Love 90 Venus and Amour 91 In the Forest of Fontainebleau 107 A Pool in the Woods 111 DIEFFENBACH, Anton HEINRICH The Appeal 26 Shearing the Pet 43 DIETERLE, Marte Cattle and Landscape 58 DOMINGO, FRANcIsco A. Cavalier g i “are Rg CATALOGUE DU CHATTEL, F. J. Evening Glow The River DUPRE, J ULIEN | The Milkmaid DUPRE, Juxzs ‘ Morning: La Mare Cottage at PIsle Adam The Road to the Sea The Return of the Flock The Open Sea Landscape and Sheep EATON, CHARLES WARREN Lingering Winter: Moonlight GALLEGOS, J. A. Canal in Venice GEROME, Jzan Lion The Mosque of Borussa Mohammedans at Prayer GRISON, Francois ADOLPHE A Country Festival HAMON, Jean Louts Love on a Visit HARPIGNIES, Henri Landscape: Sunset HENNER, Jean JacquEs Head of a Young Woman _ NUMBER ~ 105 #4 120. 128 9g 127 <- 161 4 56 53. 66 180 67 17 59 - HOOG, BERNarpD DE Mother and Child INNESS, Georcr, N.A. Gathering Clouds Sunset ISRAELS, Josue The Little Housekeepers JACQUE, Cuartes Emre The Basse-cour The Return to the Fold Sheep at the Brookside Sheep and Forest Sheep in the Forest of F a taneblean JIMINEZ, Te The Christening Festivities KAULBACH, Hxrmann The Children’s Class in a Convent KNAUS, Proressor Lupwie The Quarrel KOWALSKI, Atrrep WriErusy Sleighing in Russia LAISSEMENT, HeEnr1 The Three Brothers LEADER, Brensamin WiuaM, &.A. At the Edge of the Woods CATALOGUE NUMBER 79 134 166 101 73 15 13 75 76 81 LENBACH, FrRAnNz von Portrait of Bismarck Bismarck MADRAZO, Ratmunpbo DE Young Woman with a Guitar MAILLARD, CiavuprE Expectation MARIS, Jaxon View of Amsterdam MAUVE, ANTON Ploughing Shepherdess and Flock Holland Landscape and Cattle MEISSONIER, Jean Lovis ErRNEstT The Departure MEYER VON BREMEN, Jonann Grore A Little Girl Reading MILLET, Jean FrRAncois The Rescue MONET, CLaupE La Seine a Argenteuil Bateaux de Plaisance 4 Argenteuil Fleurs dans un Pot Chemin de Halage 4 Argenteuil Sur la Falaise pres Fécamp Paysage d’Hiver a Bennecourt Vue de Bordighera Menton vu du Cap Martin CATALOGUE a NUMBER _ MONET, Cravpe—Continued Le Bras de Jeufosse 145 13 Les Meules, Giverny 146 . La Manne Porte, Etretat 147 t Tempéte a Port Goulphar, Belle-Isle 148 b Les Coquelicots: Giverny 149 if Brouillard: Giverny 150 ie Brouillard: Giverny | 151 i _ Antibes, vu du Cap 152 ke Les Eaux tremblantes a Fresselines, Creuse 153 [2 Village de la Roche, Creuse 154 7 Le Jardin a Giverny 155 . oe La Meule 4 Giverny : 156 is La Seine 4 Bessancourt en Hiver 157 Le Bassin aux Nympheas, Giverny 158 Portal of the Rouen Cathedral (Morning Effect) 159 Matin sur la Seine, Giverny 160 : MOSLER, Henry F The Cottage at the Water Side 32 [ MUNKACSY, Minpary br Accepting the Challenge 70 MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Sunset 18 NEUHUYS, ALBERT Mother’s Delight 170 NEUVILLE, AtrpHonsrt Marie DE Delivery of a Message under a Flag of ‘Truce: Franco-Prussian War 118 NICOL, Erskine, A R.A. Patience is a Virtue 31 ; Cs eyo rar CATALOG UE NUMBER - PASINI, ALBerto | a A Courtyard in Cone nner on. fe yn PERRAULT, Lrton The Unwilling Guest RICHET, Lrton . . ‘aoe - Brittany Landscape | : (A3 ae : RICO, Martin a. Grand Canal, Venice | | 117 a RIX, JULIAN “a English Cottages : 7 ae ROBIE, JEAN Baptiste Flowers and Strawberries _ AT ae Roses 1164 a ROSSEAU, PeErcivan | | Pointers | A Malis 62 ROUSSEAU, Pierre Errenne TuHrtopore The Artist’s Home at Barbizon ae 40 Le Marais dans les Landes | Foe Oe SALINAS, P. | Spanish Café | 34 SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Eminio - 4 The River Oise 140 ae Les Pécheurs: Scene in Spain | wer S28 The Ferry 33 SCHERREWITZ, JoHannes Milking Time 77 SCHREYER, Anotr An Arab Horseman at the Fountain The Stampede A Russian Courier Driving a Team in Wallachia The Advance Guard THAULOW, Frits River and Sunlight TROYON, Constant A Turkey Girl and Her Flock Cattle at Rest Landscape and Cattle Landscape and Cattle TRYON, Dacre Wii, N.A. Moonrise VAN BOSKERCK, Ropert Warp,: N.A. Indian Summer VAN MARCKE, Emuue Young Bull in Stable Cow and Gardener Summer Time A Summer Day Cattle and Landscape VAN MIEREVELT, Micutet Jansz Portrait of a Lady VERBOECKHOVEN, Evucrene Charging Bull CATALOGUE NUMBER 46 83 119 163 167 48 86 55 41 95 102 113 122 80 VERESTCHAGIN, Vasin1 The Window of Selim-Shisti’s ‘Monusent The esi Cue VIBERT, J EHAN GEORGES The Bull-fighter’s Story VILLEGAS, Jost The Borders of a Venetian Canal VOLTZ, Frreprico JoHANN Cattle and Landscape WALKER, J. A. An Episode of the Siege of Paris WEBER, Turopor ALEXANDER Pier at Ostend WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes Henprix Landscape in Holland WILSON, RicHarp Italian Landscape WORMS, Jutes After the Bull-fight _ WYANT, ALExanpeER H., N.A. A Meadow Stream Indian Summer: Arkville ZIEM, Fruix Fishing Boats, Bay of Venice Grand Canal, Venice FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION s i £ . IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED Z TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS ; OF t@ yoU ao AND. LITERARY PROPERTY fa JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW: YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY — ay bar u aa ae | i 4 | | } | : Soreness per veers: SSS 38 SSOSSSHS Sees ee BEE EIR ERE REESE TEE EE EEE Se soeeus " asgagegesseseassgnszazaassesssesaarssessss EUEUEEE BES EE EEEE EEESENENY ERE EEE SER SEREBEEREEGEEEE ce eh cl NT a TE SE ee AT ee : =i = - “ 3 4 a a i pi : et 3 ens : ‘i on “aetS 3 ‘ x ~ a —— ; ~~ << 6 = = == = ss a . a ae he Ge xc = 2 — : x - set : Ss E; Yo. 4 Pasta, wo bout for $978.0 ale $1,025, Yo, § uetasenter. There mist be some mixup about this pieture, an ve have | plohure of the sane subject which wo are tod cénee tron the Pope Collection. We have not had time to investigate it. No. 9 Troyon. Nice in color, We were the last eameabd on this, 60, Se WreNDs Ss the gee No. 10 Dias, locked very doubtful. No, 11 Diaz originally came from ir, A, Kohn. Rather dark, No. 18 Murphy, We bought this picture, There is a good demand here for this artists works. | No. 21 marene. This picture brought $2,500 in the Stewart Collection. There is absolutely nordemand for this artists worke here. do Bock, ‘We have & number on hand and are trying te sell ours and do not care to buy ethers, bee You will notice that a number of these have come in the market. They sell SHAPay CAs Yuh WO de not want te buy any. No. 38 Breton, algo a number of his pictures have been in the market. This one brought $2,550 in the Johnston Sale. Noe 39 Jules Dupre. Rather heavy but good comercial picture. | a 40 Rousseau. Sketehy. We have no catalogue of the Isidore Bloch 1896 Sale in which the catalogue says this picture was in, and would like to have one. — . No. 46 Schreyer. This brought $3,100 in the Morgan Collection, ‘There is a demand | “here for good Sehreyers at reasonable prices. a a ae | hee No. 60 Jaeque, We sold this picture to ue. Loring dn 1906 tor $2,200, . We bought 4 and cold 4 with 10% for 74000 fl. and sold tour, Baruch for $5,000, No, 88 Reldint, Wa8.8 weryimiee picture but $2,600 was high for 4s. #1500.00 4n the Johnston Collection, . No. 89 Diaz, I did not 2ike, heveesidiiens It brought mie 00 at 9 Saag Salen n.d neh,soemtn Sa ee de e deames Ne» 92 Jecque, Smal) commercial picture which ws. sold through O'Brien of. No. 98 Millet. We bought dt for $5,000 end eold 4t ton client. Formerly 4n | the Alexander Young Collection. No. 94 Corot, You know this picture, We did not bid on it. No. 96 Decamps. We bought this picture for $2,450, Tt has Durand-Ruel's number om the ‘back, 809, and 4t brought @7,100 in the Henry Sale in 1907, We are hiding this picture as we think it ought to be worth a great deal more, What would be ite chances in Paris? No. 97 Corot. We did not particularly eare for this, No. 98 Mauve. We wore the last bidders on this picture, Ne, 107 Diaz, we did not particularly like. Nee 208 Corot, We originally sold this picture to lr. A, ¥, Melion in ? 1901, and in 1906 te tir. 1, G. Iytten for $15,000, We bought | at for $12,700 and resold it imedistely to John Levy. Nee 209 Rousseau, Good pioture but uninteresting in composition, 14 Bought $7,600 an the Ww, i, Puller Collection, 1698, Ne. 110 Daubigny. We bought this fer ourselves for $5,000, T% iso idttie Gark but a very good picture. 14 brought $6,500 in the Chas, A, Dana Gellectien in 19a, No. 121 Diss. We bought this picture for $2,600. Very cheap. It is a little "tied bat Beauitifia dm color. We are hiding 44, No, 112 Core. This picture brought $6,200 in the W. H. stewart Collection | tn 1808, me, stutehe pada’ Glos S00 franes for it. We thought $7,500 more than wa could pay for it. No. 113 Van Marcke. This picture brought $3,700 in the W. H. Johnston Sale. | Tt is vory good and cheap st $3,000, the price wo paid for dt. Nios 114 Troyon. When last sold dn the Bonner Collection, 3900 thie picture | “brought $2,100 . Tt was very badly cracked, and as we restored ‘ Saaee rhe 4% Se Sie Ribeage te Le 4) bY AORN ~ Ah M9 Aid not care to bid on at, | : oer, weught $8,500, whieh Yas & high price for 48 but i COR PY was very good. ‘We originally bougnt 4t from Amotd & Tripp Feb,, 1916, Ml. K, 12207, sen Bele, Dee we Deng tor 48,100 Joint dsanunt wit Jenn Lev, Very geod commercial picture, . Ht was originally Hi:K, 1691, and we sold 4% Sept, 1879 to ur. 3, Wiloank for $2,000, 19h Poubigny. Very brilitant picture. Originally from Goupil, 9 Rue Ghapted and Georges Petit, 18048, We paid $10,200 ana Peseld Lt with 10% profit te Mr, Mallinckrodt for the St. Louis Museum, No. “223 Jules Dupre. In the Graves Celiection, 1909 this pleture brought 9,200, but it was heavy and none ef us liked it, 124 Cain, Wery Dieaio in effect end attractive pisture, ‘Gee eae. : this fer $2,500, The 128 Jacque. in our pinion a copy and ne goed, No. 126 Ziem, brought $1,250 in the Mergan Collection, A good little ¢ mercial pleture. No. 127 Jules Dupre, wrought $7,600 in the W. Hy Fuller collevbon. Sold for $2,100. Very cheap, but people do not ssem to want Marines. No. 129 Clays. We sold this picture in Juas, 1896 fer $850.00 No. 133 Ziem. Sold by Gehme for $1,500, A medicere comercial picture, MONETS, They all sold remarkably well with the exception of one or two, ‘@nd confidentially, it looked as if D. R, was bidding against himself #0 a8 to “boost” the prices. No. 150 ve bought for a gentleman who Ne 164 Jasob Marts, Very Zine, we fort Mike Uddddng mors than $27,000, whicn it brougnt, but we have @ large stock of Dutsh pictures, and wing to the war wo de net sues to do suything with Helland, Ne 2165 Neuve, brought $3,700 in the Povors Collection in snd cheap for any one wie iiked iM, Nes 167 Schreyer, $10,000, very good attractive copeottien. No. 169 Treyen, this picture hreught $16,800 in the Metthiensen Sale in i902. Tt hed Sedelmeyer's red siaup on the back. The sienaturs Locked | “very funny to me, eee No. 170 Newhuya, Very cheap fer any one who Liked 4%, Wo hed tne picture on | Sale hare Pes Gensttas aad nebedy Soman to me for 4%. It Weught $5,200 dn the Jefferson Sale 4n 1906. No» 271 Tadema, We bought this picture at the Bronson Gale in 1907 Joint Acq es count with Tooth fer $20,000, It is 2 very besutifur work, but 88 Tadema’s are not in demand wo did net give more than $19,000, Ai ebcake! housid ie for the Libbey telede iusoum, — 1899. It wae early CAHN NS OE rte HEA Waa LS Ta PN ANN ree if 1 ss RS PGE I OT AN tO PC SVS PEI PSO GN A ni fs Ke eo} SA if be AS aah Sine Sey ES soe os >, Nay oe aN ; Sco Rokr ot Rh AAS sS yaee Se We Pe I Sy ee | gk v ce \ me Oa ee a NS ae Pe ge te aay ee ey z eye en ee fs a : oe eae aie, a) Ea 5 2S ne ee so Re ee rt J Fs ce . “ ie: : Se aS (AE. 4 » i aa AG a eS * ee Tome j , aT Pg Ba a aes, oe | Peet the 85 ate 4 = . ies ig aie ‘ : a: : ay ~~ ELF ras" —" ‘4 é y : f 4 ~ ef =\ ‘ ES ae’) a weld o sy = ? a . ) é os ete ae o S230 SS 2 ~ — . ee a ‘ ; 2 i : ¢ 7 | | : 3 # e A ee 23-5 : NE ae 5 43 RG REN SESE F ; < pe Se" — ie at ae Loe t AeX* \, ’ © x acs M - Cx gh = 53) — fae P : Se J Be Pee ge S- MPG Uae Aghia i ha ; Tie a Mom lag AIR ith ois. nd Set Ae ae Fame pen wt Sr SARS CURE AY IPR RUA A ba Tak pends Ri ee WP AD Pia earthen f ARTIC hey re Se bbe ean cate rt ONE BST Parte Mize! ge PLL ona ey are UNE HE Ory eesipts easels hut di ney saad wading yes Uk 08 ‘ ates ay order awhitle'd eh: | seer Mer ait: Wee ¥y) aS = SPO MUP AR Fa AY IK ‘ i . , Pit esl HFT BAY ha wee me UL ; Mi ’ BRYN a Lisi sen Pues ty 6 hth we 8 hae ee Aish Sale doers eT ce) " ; : Sahu Nhcteec ‘ie RAM Sarre desi ae bm “ oe brivy x" _ Fe * Ch EV INSU bai MAY EQLNV LALO gr 4 baa bche Re Sida bi niet yt ERLE as : Kony tin dn ee. - Phy eee bryos We PUT auRl OEY NLA, oy Perla Whe TS hime h ee Se (ke tpt Ay Wighiny Ab ASAE ay yep BIL Abe deo ow 4 We th ea del i ho eh ne bare lieh he way at eae be frarive yh SiR SWE wey igarte ete ell dy, Dink Uh ta ieee ‘ Mins Gis Ca MUA petit baile: Cai a Rib) 44 Seat te a he tard eee wry ar vey beat ey nee wR He * Taya ty Macnenty: ANAL AND HF See LG eb dyge stall fan Ores 4 by Breas i 4 pathy fry ahd Se PA AHL Sh dal EAS VEN W}iile! Ry Pe ee MUR MPR EMULE Ty Oe ra tcunyeseny 4 mee a Hele ah rel LAs eye oy Lb pti ik Pie hd Wa ik Bins es Sere eis tretis Ayah Paeee lite Velen e4 Fagan rs oe vSth Sh a BH) Tae my oy “RUA, See psa eat FEM, AISA) ae Pep Shad peren vin HUH Abo adh eR SUSE Ee ar Pm Pe a oh thy be : Ma Namen a ie 2 ies e oy. yr! C pleted acu Astin err twant na » Rip ahars: SLPS mwa AUN OAL ay dah us bh F EPR) SRD NER LE ety Fa RH Pot Cuenta ne SHomh Pee eee eS yr esere: 2 > ee Betty Je Ua ALES By 8 MAY Ha ‘ nei AE ASTANA Ma! Ay Fry Feyiie ence : Saat pl aie PAL Hip Rie MIS Sat Seuss ahh teetey Ai y rua a 6A CSE Ore , tesa a pape es} ina, Oodle PA ey Ne: Tbath iaee ike hve eas ba hac faa ae’ ly red se ° oh. Coes ea mead eer anche Mra Maite t Mal mares . PEAR Oe Use Ae BUA A SS Steph ss Par ALD 5g, ria) wg Deal Dae he | yarn iene meen aah Tr a ye Sie ee fee td Bynes a Weleda Rohr a : We Ve SE Lp Weg AW hy chay en Bae fig Sub-sun bem beth vtntelhi: St hye) ee tee ec, eu Nt uh ber dns Meek Bt beak Tach Sea Ma Seer ays a Ye PA PRLS Pye mye se eh oh eer irs Ctthieeeabe FN 2 ES a Qnty oes ke tik PRT Hep A Pa Dey ee. ete PAA TON Qe Ba \ ny pares SAT PAN te UR gy) AYE ERD ET ey AS Pitta Fhe he SIDR ye re ope te oe ™ TS shy Sipe Ve lncinuenestvis tons AS PO eee Tey ee Te oe : sy Veh nt Se iire FREY Bs MN) Dg sidbticst haw nf AAV uy ba REE Sate st pm a LE YF peter rah oh He My sia BerR Mehaun, Po pula retergsticn” eer sata pene Re TEAR erie yy PAL paste UP EY ie iF A aie ~ ne deed Ab te ANP ira nas givens - cae art Soh Ds has nee Ms a allay Wu uy EBay eset Pa Sy og vee vd ha (ly eevee a el! 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