Wel 77 68 1926 | Apr.14 NeAnA SALE NUMBER 2056 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TENTH AMERICAN, BARBIZON és DUTCH PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. J. J. ALBRIGHT BUFFALO, N. Y. (EXHIBITED AT THE ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY) im &. FARRELL CHAS. D. MORGAN HOUSTON, TEXAS PARIS, FRANCE WM. H. McGEE FREDERICK RIDER NEW YORK NEW YORK H. L. WARNER GEO. BLAKE DEXTER CLEVELAND, OHIO BOSTON, MASS. SOLD BY THEIR ORDER &? THE LATE ADA D. BLACK WM. J. WHITE PITTSBURGH, PA. CLEVELAND, OHIO SOLD BY ORDER OF SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS MRS. WM. B. WHITE - JAMES STILLMAN NEW YORK SOLD BY ORDER OF HIS SON C. C. STILLMAN TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL FOURTEENTH AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 VIEW OF DOUAI BY JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT [NUMBER 45] SALE NUMBER 2056 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TENTH AMERICAN, BARBIZON é? DUTCH PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. J. J. ALBRIGHT BUFFALO, N. Y. (EXHIBITED AT THE ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY) fk, FARRELL CHAS. D. MORGAN HOUSTON, TEXAS PARIS, FRANCE WM. H. McGEE FREDERICK RIDER NEW YORK NEW YORK H. L. WARNER GEO. BLAKE DEXTER CLEVELAND, OHIO BOSTON, MASS. SOLD BY THEIR ORDER fy THE LATE AeA D. BLACK WM. J. WHITE PITTSBURGH, PA. CLEVELAND, OHIO SOLD BY ORDER OF | SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS MRS. WM. B. WHITE JAMES STILLMAN NEW YORK SOLD BY ORDER OF HIS SON C. C. STILLMAN TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL FOURTEENTH AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON LIST OF ARTISTS NUMBER ADAM, L. E. 4 BEAUQUESNE, W. C. sy, Ml BILLOTTE, R. 16 BOUDIN, L. E. AD te BRETON, E. 2 BRIDGMAN, F. A. 46 CARLSEN, E. 80 CASSATT, M. 49, ol GAZIN, J.-C. ah apy Zul CLAUS, E. 1a GEAYS, Pe J. 7T7 COOMANS, J Zo COROT, J: B. C. 45 CROCHEPIERRE, A. A. 5 DAVIES A: B. 5495 5.06,.01,.08, 09 DE BOCK, T. 83 DE HOOG, B. 85 DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. DAS) TAS, BY eM DUPRE, J. 21 FRAGONARD, J. H. al FROMENTIN, E. 3 GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT 13 GILBERT, R. 8 HENNER, J. J. 13), Afey are HITCHCOCK, G. 86 INNESS, G. 60 ISRAELS, J. 715 JACQUE, C: E. 36, 40 KEVeR, J2S. H. faa LAMBINET, E. 6, 14 LAWRENCE, T. 70 LE BLANT, J. 11 LEPINE, S. V. E. 20 LEROLLE, H. 15 NUMBER L’ HERMITTE, L. A. 76, 82 LOUSTANOU, A. 88 MARIS, J. Sal MARTIN, H. 44 MAUVE, A. 35 MESDAG, W. H. 18 MORLAND, G. 69 NEUHUYS, A. 26 PARTON, A. 64 PIETERS, BE. 17 REHM, F. K. M. 65 REYNOLDS, J. (ATTRIBUTED TO) 72 Rix J: 66 RY DERG. 62 SANCHEZ-PERRIER, E. 28 SCHREYER, A. ATS STOILOFF, C. 89 STY KA; 12 TENIERS, D. (THE YOUNGER) 68 THANE eA ee 50 TORRES, A. 7 TROYON, C. ZAL oo TRYON, D. W. 4% TWACHTMAN, J. H. Oo VAN BOSKERCK, R. W. 61 WALKER, H. AT WATSON, W. 84 WELCH I: 87 WHISTLER, J. A. MCN. ay WOUVERMAN, P. 67 YONI, GC 63 ZIEM, F. 81 7ZUGEL, HH. 10 ZUMBUSH, L. V. Me SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL FOURTEENTH, AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN NUMBERS 1-89 W. C. BEAUQUESNE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 1 AN EPISODE OF THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR A detachment of French soldiers are defending a village against the enemy, who are seen at the left middle eround; fine trees rise at the right and left; misty grey sky with touches of buff. Canvas. Signed and dated 1898 at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. (hider) LUDWIG V. ZUMBUSCH CONTEMPORARY GERMAN 2 HEAD OF A BOY Brown-haired youth, facing to the right. Tinted print on panel. Signed at the right. Height, 121% inches; width, 914 inches. (Albright) ANDRE ANTOINE CROCHEPIERRE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 8 LE BENEDICITE (SAYING GRACE) An old woman in white mobcap is seated beside a table, with folded hands, her dish of food on her knee, as she asks a blessing; interior background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1888 at the lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. (Albright) LOUIS EMILE ADAN ~ CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 4 LE SOIR A woman leans over a parapet beside a row of trees and looks down upon the village spreading out in the distance; fine evening sky of pale blue-grey with touches of orange. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 16 «inches; width, 26 inches. (Albright) W. C. BEAUQUESNE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH THE OUTPOST A couple of infantrymen are in the foreground; rocky country, distant hills; warm grey sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. (Rider) EMILE LAMBINET FRENCH, 1810-1878 FARM SCENE Big thatched barns from which cows are appearing, wheatfield and stack of hay at the left, flat distance with blue hill at the horizon, fine trees in groups, figures and hens about; pale blue and creamy sky. Cradled panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 121% inches; width, 17 inches. (Farrell) A. TORRES CONTEMPORARY SPANISH THE COQUETTE Bust, with an open lace shawl thrown over the head and descending over the shoulders, a red and orange flower in her jet black hair; looking slyly at the spectator; red bodice; complementary background. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 wches. (Farrell) RENE GILBERT FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE ETCHER Seated at a table with the light partly screened from the window, he is working on a copper plate through a magnifying glass; studio interior. Cradled panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width. 30 inches. (Albright) 9 10 11 12 EMILE BRETON FRENCH, 1831-1902 AFTER SUNSET A quaint village with tall church spire looming over an orange-tinted and cloudy sky, with the silvery crescent of the moon well up. Canvas. Signed and dated 1885 at the lower right. Height, 3014 inches; width, 2114 inches. (Albright) HEINRICH ZUGEL CONTEMPORARY GERMAN COWS A couple of white and spotted specimens are standing on the bank of a stream, while a peasant is sitting on the ground at the left; thicket in the distance, with a waterfall and glimpses of blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1909 at the lower left. Height, 15 inches: width, 23 inches. (Albright) From the Galerie Heinemann, Munich. J. LE BLANT FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY AFTERNOON TEA A young couple are seen on a terrace which affords a fine prospect of an arched bridge over a wide stream, with a village in the distance; a table with refreshments is on the left and a green trellis farther back; pale grey and blue sky with warm cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 31 inches; width, 21 inches. (Albright) JAN STYKA CONTEMPORARY POLE THE MAGDALEN Half-length, standing, her luxuriant chestnut hair dropping to her shoulders, low-cut white garment with reddish-brown cloak; land- scape background, with deep emerald sky. Academy board. Signed on the right. H eight, 20 inches; width, 17 inches. (Farrell) Go 13 14 15 EMILE CLAUS CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN RETURNING FROM HAYING Two barefooted peasant girls approach the spectator, with their pitch- fork and basket, over a field recently mowed, while stacks of hay are seen in the distance; a canal is at the right and two cottages among the trees at the back; pale grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right, and inscribed 1887 on the back. Height, 21 inches; width, 37 inches. (Albright) EMILE LAMBINET FRENCH, 1810-1878 SMILING COUNTRYSIDE A pond with ducks in the foreground, figures, cows and chickens farther back, while an old thatched shed adorns the composition on the left; flat distance, blue sky with cream- -colored flaky clouds near the horizon. Canvas. Signed and dated 1855 at the lower left. Height, 24V% inches; width, 36 inches. (Farrell ) : HENRI LEROLLE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH THE DAY’S WORK A couple of peasant women are resting on the side of the road, their heavy bags of produce beside them; expanse of brown stubble at the back, where a horse and laborers are seen; distant houses and hay- stacks among tree groups; opalescent sky with a bank of grey and pink clouds near the horizon. Canvas. Signed on the lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 251% inches. (Black) 16 ai 18 19 RENE BILLOTTE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH VIEW OF NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL Sandy quay in the foreground, with the Seine at the right, a bridge at middle distance, and the charming silhouette of the cathedral with its flying buttresses rising maj) estically over a warm sky of pink and ereen-grey. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. (Black) E. PIETERS CONTEMPORARY DUTCH FOND MOTHERHOOD A young mother in homely garb is seated on the left holding a sleeping babe in her arms, while a little girl is preparing vegetables at the right; humble interior. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 19% inches. (Farrell) WILLEM HENDRICK MESDAG DUTCH, 1831-1915 THE BEACH AT SCHEVENING Silvery waves are washing in toward a sandy shore where trawlers are moored, one of them surrounded by many fisher folk; sails in the offing; gulls flitting over a stormy sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1898 at the lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches. ( Black) Purchased from J. J. Gillispie, Pittsburgh. JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 IDEAL HEAD Bust at profile, red hair, low-cut blue garment, brown background. Canvas. Signed at the upper right. Height, 14 inches; width, 9% inches. (Farrell) STANISLAS VICTOR EDOUARD LEPINE FRENCH, 1836-1892 20 STREET SCENE Fed 22 In a French provincial town, depicting a wide thoroughfare with a flock of sheep following their shepherd and a dog guarding them in the rear, while a pair of white Percheron draft horses hitched to a cart are seen at the left; houses on both sides, with masses of foliage; blue sky with slight cloud effect. | Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 24 inches. (Black) ) JULES DUPRE FRENCH, 1812-1889 LANDSCAPE Lowland with cows at a pool in the foreground, farmhouses at left distance, fine tree groups on the right, distant hill with a tower near the horizon; sky of grey and creamy clouds with spots of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 138 inches. (Black) Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, New York. JACOB SIMON HENDRICK KEVER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH PEELING POTATOES An old woman is seated beside a table at the window at her morning task; simple interior. , Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 21 inches; width, 161 inches. (McGee) FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU BY NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA [NUMBER 23] NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 293 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Flat expanse with a fine oak in the foreground, thicket farther back and a path leading toward the distance; sky of grey and ivory clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 7 24 VALLEE DE LA TOUQUES BY CONSTANT TROYON [NUMBER 24] CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH, 1810-1865 VALLEE DE LA TOUQUES A number of cattle are grouped about the foreground and distance, lending a nice touch of color; some of them are quenching their thirst at a shallow pond at the left, while the keeper and his dog are seen on the right; rising ground toward the horizon with clumps of trees about; grey sky with creamy and blue touches. ; Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 151% inches; width, 27 inches. (Albright) f [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 8 BOCCACCIO BY NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA [NUMBER 25] NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 25 BOCCACCIO Three maidens nude to the waist, and with pink, red and blue draperies, are reclining on the green sward in the foreground, a lake is at the left and two bathers are seen dressing in the distance; hilly background with tree groups crowned by a deep emerald sky with creamy, grey and orange-tinted clouds. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 2 SPINNING BY ALBERT NEUHUYS [NUMBER 26] ALBERT NEUHUYS DUTCH, 1844-1914 26 SPINNING Charming Dutch interior with a peasant woman at her loom, while a little girl prepares carrots on the left, which amuses a little toddler standing by. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 2114 inches; width, 26 inches. (Black) Purchased from J. J. Gillispie, Pittsburgh. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 10 27 28 29 30 JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 IDEAL HEAD Bust to the front, auburn hair, blue garment, dark brown background. Canvas. Signed at the upper right. Height, 18 inches; width, 131% inches. (Farrell) EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER SPANISH, 1853-1907 TANGIERS LANDSCAPE A slope covered with rich green grasses leading to a small pool, while a Moorish nurseryman wearing a red fez appears to be pruning young trees, of which there are a variety about. Creamy grey sky. Canvas. Signed and inscribed Tanger at the lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 1514 inches. (White) JOSEPH COOMANS BELGIAN, 1816-1891 A LUCULLIAN FEAST The Emperor is seated on a couch beside a table laden with fruit and wine, while his favorites are seated at the left, a bearded philosopher is at the back, and dancing girls, a maiden playing a lute and chil- dren are in the foreground; lofty Roman interior with Pompeian wall decorations. Panel. Signed and dated 1876 at the lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 33 inches. (White) JEAN CHARLES CAZIN FRENCH, 1841-1901 HAYSTACK BY MOONLIGHT An August moon halfway up in a pink sky sheds a silvery light over a diversified field of sheaves of grain; expanse of stubble and row of green plants flanked by a cone-shaped stack; a tree and cottages in the distance, with a soft misty distance and cumulus clouds at the top of the composition. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 21 inches. (Stillman) From the Stotesbury Collection, Philadelphia. Purchased from Scott and Fowles, New York. 11 HOMEWARD BOUND BY JACOB MARIS [NUMBER 31] JACOB MARIS DUTCH, 1838-1899 31 HOMEWARD BOUND Sandy beach, with a calm ocean rolling slowly in, and two carts loaded and drawn by single horses approaching the spectator; pale emerald and pink sky, with several culls flying close to the water. Canvas. Signed and dated 1876 at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 45 inches. (Stillman) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 12 a2 LA CHASSE AU FAUCON (FALCONRY) BY EUGENE FROMENTIN [NUMBER 32] EUGENE FROMENTIN FRENCH, 1820-1876 LA CHASSE AU FAUCON A number of swarthy horsemen in colorful garb pirouetting about in the foreground, one of them on a fine white steed is about to release a bird; sandy country with pools of water in the foreground, hilly distance, grey and silvery clouds in a blue sky. Cradled panel. Signed at the lower left and dated 1872 at the lower right. Height, 231% inches; width, 29 inches. (Stillman) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 13 VUE DE FREPORT BY JEAN CHARLES CAZIN [NUMBER 33 ]| JEAN CHARLES CAZIN FRENCH, 1841-1901 33. VUE DE FREPORT A medieval chateau dominates a cluster of houses on the bank of a shallow stream where several boats are on the sands; all is quiet and several lights beam forth from the otherwise deserted burg; hilly distance, with a rich evening sky with the moon at three-quar- ters and the evening star twinkling at upper right. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches. (Stillman) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 14 ~ COMING STORM BY NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA [NUMBER 34] NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 34. COMING STORM Expanse of brown stubble and rocks broken by small pools and ani- mated by a peasant woman carrying a large sack; several oak trees rise on the left of the composition, and a hillock at right distance covered with brushwood. Effective sky of a silvery and creamy cloud mass, with a spot of blue, and slaty-grey rain cloud coming from the left. Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1872 at the lower right. Height, 31 inches; width, 42 inches. (Stillman ) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 15 30 NIGHTFALL BY ANTON MAUVE [NUMBER 35] ANTON MAUVE DUTCH, 1838-1888 NIGHTFALL The flock of sheep are eager to enter the barn at the left, just being opened by the shepherd ; thicket in the distance, with a couple of trees in nice design over a silvery and grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 211% inches; width, 311% inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 16 SUPPER TIME BY CHARLES EMILE JACQUE [NUMBER 36] CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH, 1813-1894 26 SUPPER TIME The flock of sheep are in close formation eagerly cropping the suc- culent grass, the dog stands guard in the foreground and the shep- herd is at the right; hilly slope at the back, with fine trees reaching to the top of the composition; grey sky with dark touches. Canvas. Signed and dated 1870 at the lower left. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Le NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 37 THE COURT OF LOVE The blond Venus is seated, attired in white and blue garments, holding a ring, while Cupid stands beside her supporting his elbows on her knees, and winged cherubs are at the left, one holding a crown over the head of the goddess of love; a spaniel is lying at the left fore- ground; red-curtained background, with glimpses of landscape and sky at the right and left. Canvas. Signed and dated 1858 at the lower right. Height, 2514 inches; width, 18 inches. (White) Imported by Knoedler & Co., New York. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 18 THE COURT OF LOVE BY NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA [NUMBER 37] MAGDALENE IN MEDITATION BY JEAN JACQUES HENNER [NUMBER 38] JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 38 MAGDALENE IN MEDITATION Nude to the waist, seated facing the left, resting her head on her right hand, her long auburn hair dropping over her right shoulder; blue drapery, rich brown background. Canvas. Signed at the upper right. Height, 161% inches; width, 13 inches. (Farrell) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 20 THE WATERING CART BY CONSTANT TROYON [NUMBER 39] CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH, 1810-1865 299 THE WATERING CART A couple of young oxen, a red one and the other tan-colored, are yoked to a large cask of water mounted on low wheels, guided by a peasant in blue coat holding a long guiding stick; flat country with geese and a woman at the middle right, with a river at the foot of a hill in the distance, clump of trees on the left. Grey sky with pale silver near the horizon. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 27 inches; width, 36 inches. (White) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 21 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH, 1813-1894 40 A NORMANDY PASTORAL The flock of sheep are seen at a pool in the foreground, as the shep- herdess leans against a sturdy oak on the right, beyond which a thick wood extends; the dog’s attention is attracted by several sheep and a man at the left middle distance; hilly country toward the horizon, erey sky with bursts of silver. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 32% imches; width, 26 inches. (White) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 22 A NORMANDY PASTORAL BY CHARLES EMILE JACQUE [NUMBER 40] Al HARVEST TIME BY JEAN CHARLES CAZIN [NUMBER 41] JEAN CHARLES CAZIN FRENCH, 1841-1901 HARVEST TIME A field with irregular sections of grain, some of it cut and in sheaves in the distance, with wild flowers in the foreground, and an old mill in the distance kissed by the last rays of the setting sun; sky of warm clouds, with a burst of gold near the centre and spots of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. (Black) Purchased from Thomas McLean, London, England. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 24 WALLACHIAN TRANSPORT BY ADOLPH SCHREYER [NUMBER 42] ADOLPH SCHREYER GERMAN, 1828-1899 42 WALLACHIAN TRANSPORT A number of white, black and brown Wallachian packhorses, one of them mounted by a picturesque messenger, have just forded a stream and are ascending the bank presented to the spectator, while a similar convoy is seen at the right distance; deep grey sky merging into blue on the right, with slight silvery cloud effects. 3 Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 23 inches; width, 38 inches. (Black) > : | | Purchased from Scott & Fowles, New York. _[SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 43, Ad 45 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH, 1824-1898 VENICE A portion of the Piazzetta showing St. Theodore’s column on the right, where an excursion steamer has just landed a multitude; the fine dome and towers of the Maria della Salute and the Dogana loom up at the left distance against a sunset sky; gondolas about. Canvas. Signed and dated 1895 at the lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 23 inches. (Black) HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1836-1897 WOODLAND SCENE WITH POOL Poetical rendering of a small brook, its banks covered with luxuriant brushwood and thick grasses and flowers, all low in tone, with a few glints of sky breaking through at the back. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 28 inches; width, 28 inches. (Stillman) JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 VIEW OF DOUAI A body of water with grasses near the banks widens toward the fore- ground, where a pollard willow and a group of trees rise; figures farther back, with a glimpse of a town dominated by church spires; glowing sky, with the orange disc of the sun near the horizon at the left. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 2014 inches; width, 2414 inches. (Albright) [SEE FRONTISPIECE] 26 46 AN ALGERIAN GIRL BY FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. [NUMBER 46] FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN AN ALGERIAN GIRL Pretty dark-eyed maiden, seated leaning forward with a guitar in her lap, attired in light flowered silk bodice and soft white linen skirt, with buft-colored veiling wound turban-like about her head and drop- ping down over her back, jewelled hair dress and heavily bangled necklace, bracelets and rings; patio background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1888 at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 1414 inches. (Rider) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 27 A SUMMER PASTORAL BY HORATIO WALKER, N.A. [NUMBER 47] HORATIO WALKER, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 47 A SUMMER PASTORAL A flock of shorn sheep are grazing in a sunlit meadow while the shepherd girl in blue garment and red cap, with her dog beside her, stands under the shadow of a group of trees on a knoll at the right. Cultivated fields in the distance and a village near the horizon on the left; blue and creamy sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas on panel. Signed and inscribed “Copyright 1906” at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 28 48 MORNING BY DWIGHT W. TRYON, N.A. [NUMBER 48] DWIGHT W. TRYON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1849-1925 MORNING Richly toned foreground of sere and yellow grasses, with a fence midway from left to right, near which several slender trees rise in lacy design over a violet and brown distance and the deep turquoise sky, with the silvery edge of the moon just appearing at the left centre of the horizon. Panel. Signed and dated 1900 at the lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. (Albright) Res [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 29 [NUMBER 49] MARY CASSATT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 49 MERE ET ENFANT ing the left, in man seated fac f a young wo quarter length o hree Mt eee 80 a) in = WM = Ci ee _ ~ en > o 2 ges we a RE a ~ =| > ee es > oc 'S = sa (2) Lr} A ~~ S = = > i) = oO = = = = oD) & SS SEDO (Stillman) inches. ile S inc 25 llustration facing i (1913), Cassatt” “Mary 5 d la égar See Ach 184. p [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 30 50 [NUMBER 50] ABBOTT H. THAYER, N.A. AMERICAN, 1849-1921 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN WHITE Nearly full length, with hands clasped, regarding the spectator; clearing in the foreground, with glints of sunlight on the brown soil; thicket at the back, with glimpses of sky. Canvas. Signed and dated Aug. 14, 1908 at the lower right. Height, 57 inches; width, 38% wches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ol [NUMBER 51] MARY CASSATT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 51 FEMME ET ENFANT The mother seated on a ledge, attired in low-cut white gown and red drapery, leans forward as she holds a pretty little brown-haired miss in a blue frock and wide brimmed decorated hat, who with bare feet is tempted to paddle in a small pool; foliage background. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 46 inches; width, 36 inches. (Stillman) See Achille Ségard, “Mary Cassatt”, illustration facing p. 160. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] OZ THE SEA, POURVILLE BY JAMES A. MCNEILL WHISTLER [NUMBER 52] JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER 1834-1903 52 THE SEA, POURVILLE A seascape of exquisite quality. From the collection of Mr. Arnold Hannay of London, whose portrait Whistler painted. This picture is illustrated in Pennell’s “Life of Whistler’, Vol. II, facing page 214. “There is as much of the bigness of the ocean in this little painting _,.as in any big marines that ever were painted.” —Joseph Pennell. Oil painting on panel. Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] DO 53 THE EMERALD POOL BY JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN [NUMBER 53] JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN AMERICAN, 1853-1902 THE EMERALD POOL With a sandy shore describing wide and narrow shapes as it fades into a misty distance, with a pale blue and pearly grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. (Warner) From the Twachtman Sale. Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 34 54 CIRCLING AZURE BY ARTHUR B. DAVIES [NUMBER 54] | ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN CIRCLING AZURE A female with a green transparent drapery from thighs to below her knees is leaning against a hillock, looking upward as she raises her arms; deep blue lake at the middle distance, with pink and grey hill beyond; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. (Warner) Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 35 5D 56 57 58 ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LEAFY LUXURY A nude female stands against a tree, a white drapery partly envelop- ing her lower limbs, a string of beads about her neck, while a power- ful nude male and a boy are seen at the right, all in fine decorative setting. Canvas. Painted with wax medium. Signed at the lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. (Warner) Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STAR OF EVENING A nude female emerges from a thicket facing the right as she beholds a bright star in the deep blue firmament; rolling landscape back- eround. Canvas on panel. Oval. Height, 18 inches; width, 23 inches. (Warner) Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN DRAWING Of a nude female standing, her right hand placed on a table. Sanguine. Signed at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. (Warner) Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN NUDE STUDIES Of a female model in six poses, two of them partly attired, the prin- cipal one in the centre charmingly rendered in transparent blue chiffon, and her neck adorned with a string of red beads. Water color and gouache. Signed at the bottom. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inehes. -(Warner) : Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. 36 59 60 61 62 ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BACCHANTE SPRING Charming nude female facing the left is donning a blue garment as five nymphs are describing graceful movements on the rocks at the back; abounding in touches of color in fine pattern and poetic rhythm. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 29 inches. (Warner) Purchased from the Ferargil Galleries, New York. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN, 1825-1894 EARLY AUTUMN A meadow with a clump of trees on the left in shadow in the fore- eround, while the rays of the sun brighten an expanse of yellow grasses and soil at the middle distance, where a woman and some cows are seen; copper-colored trees nearby in fine relief against a erey sky, which gives way to a bank of creamy clouds with a deep blue tinge at the top. Canvas. Signed and dated 1884 at the lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. (McGee) ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN INDIAN SUMMER A tranquil stream running toward the spectator divides the green banks in the foreground, a footpath is on the left, and slender trees in orange-tinted foliage are on the right and at the left distance; blue sky with slight cloud effects. Canvas. Signed on the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. (Rider) CHAUNCEY F. RYDER, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE A clearing with pools of water about, several white cottages peering forth amid scrubwood and slender trees; silvery-grey sky with cloud effects. — : Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. (Black) Purchased from William Macbeth, New York. OT 63 64 65 66 CULLEN YATES, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BOATING COVE A number of canoes are aligned near the bank with a solitary figure amid them, small pink-roofed houses on the opposite bank and at the left distance, with tree growths partly obscuring a blue hill in the distance; emerald-green and pink sky. | Canvas. Signed and dated 1895 at the lower right. Height, 19 inches; width, 25 inches. (Black) ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1842-1914 ARKVILLE VALLEY A body of water partly covered with bulrushes and lily pads is seen in the foreground, wooded bank opposite, with a fisherman near the shore; misty distance, with a grey mountain at the horizon; sky of grey and creamy cloud effects. Canvas. Signed on the lower right. Height, 27 inches; width, 37 inches. (hkider) FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1848-1914 ENTERING PORT A schooner is ploughing through a choppy sea; silhouette of a town at the right distance; rich sunset sky reflected in the water. Cradled panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. (Rider) JULIAN RIX AMERICAN, 1851-1908 SILVER AFTERNOON, EARLY AUTUMN, POMPTON VALLEY, Need: | A stream with a bank of brown grasses greets the beholder; fine tree groups are outlined against a blue and emerald sky with strata clouds, and there is a village at the horizon. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. (Stillman) 38 67 63 PHILIP WOUVERMAN DUTCH, 1619-1668 HALT AT A SMITHY A number of mounted cavaliers are seen at a quaint roadside forge, next to the charming overgrown remains of a chateau on the right; wayfarers and peasants about, hilly distance with castled crags, and a blue sky with grey and pink cloud effects. Canvas. Signed with monogram at the lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. (Stillman) DAVID. TENIERS THE YOUNGER FLEMISH, 1610-1690 TARGET SHOOTING A lot of burghers are practising with bow and arrow in the fore- - ground, while the onlookers are variously engaged, smoking or in 69 conversation; a couple of jugs of wine are at hand and a dog is of the party; hilly ground with a pond farther back, houses at right distance; grey and pink clouds in a blue sky. Panel in two parts. Signed and dated 1665 at the lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches. (White) GEORGE MORLAND ENGLISH, 1763-1804 THE PIGSTY In a corner of the barnyard beside a fence and underneath a spread- ing oak tree, a farmer boy is preparing the ration in a trough, while a dog sniffs among the straw which is strewn about; the sty is at the left and a low thatched shed is on the right. Monotone with slight color indications. Panel. Signed with initials at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches. (White) oo 70 [NUMBER 70] SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ENGLISH, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE THE FOURTH Bust, facing the spectator, his heavy curly brown hair brushed over his ears, black neckerchief, dark coat with brown fur collar, wearing several jewelled decorations, one attached to a red band. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches (Albright) From the Collection of the Duke of Cambridge. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A0 71 LANDSCAPE BY JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD [NUMBER 71] JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD FRENCH, 1732-1806 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND CATTLE To the left a woodcutter in vigorous motion. Foreground of a youthful shepherd with cattle, goats and sheep. Background of a wooded landscape. In its original painted paper passe-partout and gilded baguette. Authenticated by Monsieur Homolle, Conservateur du Musée du Louvre. Sepia drawing on paper. Size, 2214 x 17 inches. (Morgan) From the Collection of the Marquis de Girardin, Chateau d’Ermenon- ville. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Al 72 7a) ! Full-length figure of a young woman in flowing white garments, ' wearing a jewelled brooch. Her wealth of auburn hair is tied by a - black and gold ribbon, and she pensively leans on a balustrade. - Background of landscape and trees. Original carved and gilded frame 74 75 ATTRIBUTED TO SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. ENGLISH, 1732-1792 PORTRAIT OF LADY CHAMBERS Bust to the front, in jaunty broad-brimmed blue and white hat, tied with black ribbon bow under the chin, low-cut grey bodice with ruffled linen undergarment at the bosom; black cloak thrown over shoulders; dark background. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 2314 inches. (Albright) GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT ENGLISH, 1767-1797 PORTRAIT OF MRS. TURNER OF SWAN HEAD, BRECON of the period. Canvas. Height, 571% inches; width, 431% inches. Gainsborough Dupont was the nephew and pupil of Thomas Gains- borough, R.A. LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH, 1824-1898 SCHEVENING Expanse of sandy beach where a number of vessels are on the sands, while fisher folk are about, many of them at the middle distance where a row of trawlers are discharging their catch; pale grey sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1890 at the lower right. H eight, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. (Black) , JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH, 1824-1911 THE GRATEFUL EMBERS An old woman bent with age, in worn garments and mobeap, is seated leaning forward toward the left to warm her hands over a few glow- ing coals in the grate; humble interior. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] A2 THE GRATEFUL EMBERS BY JOSEF ISRAELS [NUMBER 75] HAYING BY LEON AUGUSTE L’HERMITTE [NUMBER 76] LEON AUGUSTE L’HERMITTE FRENCH, 1844-1925 76 HAYING Several peasant women in the foreground are tossing and raking hay, of which several small stacks are seen nearby; a fine tree rises at the right, and a long red-tiled barn adds a grateful touch of color in the distance; blue sky with slight creamy cloud. effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 38 inches. (Albright) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A4 AT THE MOUTH OF THE SCHELDT BY PAUL JEAN CLAYS [NUMBER 77] PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN, 1819-1900 77 AT THE MOUTH OF THE SCHELDT A fine group of vessels with sails set and banners flying are in the foreground and another group in the left distance, where a mill is seen on the mainland and habitations are visible on a neck of land near the horizon at the right; fine sky of soft creamy and silvery clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 42 inches. (Farrell) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] A5 78 {fe 80 81 ADOLPH SCHREYER GERMAN, 1828-1899 ARAB CAVALIERS A party of Arabs on fine steeds are halting at a small spring, a dog scents the remains of an animal lying on the rocks at the left; an old arch in white stone is silhouetted against a grove of trees at the back; vista of far-off hills at the left, blue sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 27% inches; width, 52 inches. (Stillman) JACOB SIMON HENDRICK KEVER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH THE EVENING MEAL The young mother is feeding the flaxen-haired little boy with a spoon, while the father is seated on the left; bread, victuals and dishes are seen on the plain deal table; humble interior. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 29% inches; width, 3514 inches. (McGee) EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STILL LIFE A Canada goose placed on its back with wings spread out beside a large kettle and a pewter jug on a table; wall background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1885 at the lower right. Height, 36 inches; width, 55 inches. (Dexter) FELIX ZIEM FRENCH, 1821-1911 NEAR VENETIAN WATERS In a deep blue sea a number of sailing vessels are moving hither and thither, while one in the foreground flying the French flag on its topmast looms halfway up the turquoise-blue sky, which is slightly broken by delicate cloud effects; a fisherman is in the foreground near a bank of reeds; a chain of mountains in the distance. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 27 inches; width, 45 inches. (Black) A6 WASH DAY ON THE MARNE BY LEON AUGUSTE L’HERMITTE [NUMBER 82] LEON AUGUSTE L’HERMITTE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 82 WASH DAY ON THE MARNE A number of women are busy with their linen along the banks of the river in the foreground; flat distance, with houses nestling among fine tree groups; pale pink and emerald sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 40 inches; width, 54 inches. Purchased direct from the artist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] AT 83 84 DUTCH COUNTRYSIDE BY THEOPHILE DE BOCK [NUMBER 83] THEOPHILE DE BOCK DUTCH, 1850-1904 DUTCH COUNTRYSIDE Flat expanse, with a wide avenue flanked by towering trees, and cows and a woman coming toward the spectator at the middle dis- tance; a pond is at the left, a village with churchspire and windmill at the right distance; grey and silvery sky, all in fine harmonious color values. Canvas. Signed and dated 1899 at the lower right. Height, 39 inches; width, 59 inches. (McGee) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | W. WATSON CONTEMPORARY SCOTCH MOUNTAIN SHEEP A flock of these long woolly specimens nicely grouped about the foreground, with a lake in the distance; blue sky with misty effect at the horizon. Charming example. Canvas. Signed and dated 1904 at the lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches AS THE LULLABY BY BERNARD DE HOOG [NUMBER 85] BERNARD DE HOOG CONTEMPORARY DUTCH 85 THE LULLABY A fond young mother attired in wine-colored waist and grey skirt, seated facing the left, has paused at her knitting to rock the wicker cradle, draped with blue muslin at the head, from which a dimpled hand extends; humble interior. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 39 inches; width, 47 : inches. (Farrell) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A9 86 87 88 GEORGE HITCHCOCK, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1850-1913 THE TULIP GIRLS | Seated in a neat interior partly tiled, with some kitchen utensils about, a couple of Dutch maidens in quaint costumes are engaged in preparing bunches of tulips of various colors, of which there are two baskets full. | Canvas. Signed and dated 1898 at the lower right. Height, 40 inches; width, 72 inches. (Albright) T. WELCH CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH MOUNTAINOUS SCENE Hilly foreground with a road beside a fence, fine tree groups about; the landscape dotted with cattle; distant chain of mountains; pale silvery and blue sky. 7 | Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 36 inches. (Farrell) A. LOUSTANOU FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE NATURALISTS On a path in a wood two elderly students of flora have met; the one at the left has divested himself of some of his clothing and is seated, while the other, standing, is lighting his pipe. Canvas. Signed and dated 1875 at the lower left. Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. (Rider) sy are 1 | BR Art C. STOILOFF ). PAUL GETTY CENTER 89 POLISH, 19TH CENTURY GOLD TRANSPORT IN SIBERIA Three horses abreast with jingling bells drawing a sleigh transport, followed by a succession of similar units all guarded by mounted cavalrymen on both sides, while a similar convoy is approaching from the right distance through the sparsely wooded country cov- ered with snow, the colorful banners held aloft in the breezes lending an added charm to the scene; grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 51 inches. (kider) 50 Pig eee Ae oo tf at Ae or ae