Nias i ieahsmintee shauna Sg MR UAW aE IZANNY, ENF : NE EN ae x ty Wf NW rN) cae ANE GN | EN SN ZEN (N/E (ee ¢ BD SEINE Ge oo me Shy NY AS ESN OE Rigen / | SN a s Se fa FP | me \| gee \ | on ON a3 Vif NE sad [ae mm £2 Fe er AX | ee Wy st hee A fe NG penn \ \ ii x MP i) } SD 8 \( = : : PF a ee 2 fF: ¥ YX Lies es . “ “on s “Kua Hf . fs WW ie Fr FX Hf = wal ue CCE KE CG SS aia Cg Se CO CEC CC COMET EES OEE Pe acisca ae PE CE cae C Rca, « Oe Gee. CK C@ Lager prance aa IE COCR CEE CEO EC: ROE CC CEC G Kec cae SC OCOCE EHEC COCE CO CELE LOGEC CCE COC MR KO EEN — re SLA CG KC EC (| CO C@ re - EE aca ice Ce < a BCC | 7 ‘ i : é eh LI DRA hy oF J. WV. Arnold. a J 4 4 7 f GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. NEW YORK. 1879. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five percent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, zf reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the re- mainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in default of which Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to en- force the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale if ther think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. ee th eee INTRODUCTION, SINCE the dispersion of the library of W. E. Burton, the comedian, in 1860, no collection as complete in the line of Dramatic literature has been offered on this continent as that described in the pages of this catalogue, not that it is deficient in other departments of general literature, but rather that its rare completeness in matter relating particularly to the History of the Stage both in England and America, secure for the library a prominence only second to the famous collec- tions of Geo. Daniel, John Dillon, and John Field ; indeed many of the choicest books from these libraries are here included. It is exceedingly doubtful if Geneste, Doran, or Ireland were en- abled to extensive a collection, while engaged in the com- pilation of their dramatic histories. In spite of the evident devotion which the owner has shown to the literature of the Drama, the omnipresent features of a good reading library are visible on nearly every page of this catalogue, plentifully besprinkled with unique gems in the shape of extra illus- trated works, which lend an interest to, and illuminate every collec- tion over which a true lover of books has presided, not merely that they are unique, but because they appeal to more senses than one, gratifying the eye and educating the mind at the same time. The unique books are of course led by the famous OLD NEW YORK, the greatest local curiosity ever prepared by the hand of the illustrator, being an illustrated history of the Empire City brought into a compass where it may be examined with the utmost con- venience, and done with such evident care and taste that even the greatest man whose portrait is here enshrined is honored by the association with its pages. It is a book which should find a resting- place in some public library of this city, fur there it would be freely 4 Introduction. consulted for information, and illustrative matter, relating to the legislative, religious, dramatic, artistic, and social events in the his- tory of New York which have no permanent record elsewhere, After this marvelous book it would be hard to accord the second place to any of the richly illustrated works with which this collection teems. Every important DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY seems to have been through the hands of an experienced collector, and, as a rule, free from the imperfections which are too often forced into similar works, by inserting irrelevant matter. The wealth of material which has been at the disposal of the earnest collector up to the last ten years, but which is now so scarce as to be obtainable only when opportunities like the present place them within reach of the illustrator, has been wisely and liberally availed of. The two phases in the preparation of UNIQUE BOOKS are admirably illustrated by the care which has been bestowed on the Life of Stothard [No. 3005], Memoirs of Charles Mathews [2047], Gen. Riedesel’s Letters [2586], and Raymond’s Life of Elliston on the one hand, and the evident want of care in preparing Galt’s Lives of the Players [1297], although the last-mentioned work contains an extraordinary assemblage of the rarest dramatic portraits and auto- graphs, and particularly the old mezzotint engravings so popular during the last century, and now rarely met with. A finer gathering of works relating to that Admirable Crichton of the stage —the elder Charles Mathews—has never been seen in one collection ; and Boswell’s Life of Johnson is so replete with valuable illustrations that the crusty lexicographer would not withhold a grunt of satisfaction if materialized for the occasion. One of the most remarkable books, however, is G. P. Putnam’s own copy of the Homes of American Authors, In this volume will be found inserted no less than 75 autograph letters from the authors whose Homes are here illustrated and described, addressed to the distinguished publisher with whom the name of Washington Irving will always be associated, Introduction. 5 It would be no common task to select from the balance of the catalogue, items which should demand a prominence over their neighbors ; the dramatic biographies, which include memoirs of the Keans, Kembles, Mrs. Siddens, Jordan, Bellamy, Oldfield, and Inch- bald, Garrick, Betterton, Wilks, Cibber the castigator, Munden, Lewes, Quin, De Castro, Young, Charke, Forrest, Hamblin, Cooke, and the rare Tate Wilkinson, the excellent collection of Cruik- shankiana, specimens of Blake’s weird designs, and of Kay’s quaint portraits of Scottish celebrities, the many rare and useful assistants to the study of BIBLIOGRAPHY, including the valuable second edition of Brydges’ Censura Literaria, Ames’ Typographical Antiquities, and a large number of Auction Sale Catalogues of Private Libraries, many with the prices and purchasers’ names in MS.; the extensive selection of the lesser lights in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FICTION, including Theo. Hook, Douglas Jerrold, Albert Smith, Laman Blanchard, Brough, Reach, and Brockden Brown, Timothy Flint, etc., and the complete sets of PERIODICAL LITERATURE, including Ainsworth’s Magazine, the Cornhill, Gentleman’s, Temple Bar, London Society, etc. All these show that the collector began in no ordinary spirit, and has only left off when there were no more worlds to conquer, capable of yielding him either pleasure or profit. The superb set of Jesse’s Works, the large paper Irving, the fine illustrated Bible, the large-paper set of Dickens’ Works and of the Aldine Poets, and the large collection of Johnsonia, Byroniana, etc., are only a few instances of the general completeness of this library, and many fine and rare examples of AMERICANA, including a collection of rare Burr Tracts ; Josselyn’s Two Voyages to New England ; Beverley’s Virginia ; Acosta’s West Indies ; Cicero’s Cato Major, printed by Benj. Franklin ; Mrs, Coghlan’s Memoirs, 6 Introduction. the original edition ; the unique copy of the ‘ Croakers,” etc., etc., should find ready purchasers who have so lately been encouraged by the immense prices paid for this class of books. For the epicure in so-called FACETIE, there is a range of selection which extends from the juvenile ex- periences of the Chevalier de Faublas, to the octogenarian pleasures of Old Q., the Piccadilly Ambulator, and whether Mr. Gradgrind wants facts, or a certain Bulwerian character seeks stimulants during his “‘ anecdotage,” there is material here sufficient for both. It is to be hoped that a proper recognition of the merit of this collection will place its chiefest treasures where they will be appre- ciated. The recent dispersion of several important libraries has prover to many, that of all luxuries, books are the best investment, for while much of the literature with which a busy world has been afflicted, is born but to live a day, good books in their best editions are so much pleasure while retained, and not necessarily a loss, when desire of accumulation wanes. }. OW. a/v yO vs CATALOG ELE. BBOT (AsrIzL), History or ANDOVER from its Settle- ment to 1829, 12mo, cloth, uncut. Andover, 1829 2 A’BEcKETT (GitBertT A.) Comic History or ENc- LAND. 20 coloured etchings and 200 wood-cuts, by John Leech. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf extra. London, 1864 3 A’Becketr (GiLBerT A.) Comic History or Rome. 10 coloured etchings and 98 wood-cuts, by John Leech. 8vo, calf extra. London, n, d. Uniform with the above. 4 A’Becketr (G. A.) QuizzioLocy of the British Drama. frontispiece, etc., by John Leech. Post 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1846 5 A’Becxetr (G. A.) Comic Biackxstone. Vignette and tail- piece, by George Cruikshank. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut, London, 1864 6 A’BeckeTT. The same, Half calf gilt, London, 1866 7 ABELARD and HeEtoise. Lerrers. With a particular Ac- count of their Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes, by John Hughes, and the Poems by Pope and Mrs. Madan. 12mo, calf. London, 1783 8 ABERCROMBIE (JOHN). Inquiries concerning the INTELLECT- UAL Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1835 9 ABERCROMBIE. Philosophy of the Mora. FEELINGS, 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1833 10 ABINGDON (EARL OF). THOUGHTS on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Oxford, n. d. | “jm “11 ABINGDON. THouGuts, etc. Second Edition. 8vo, half r morocco. Oxford, [x 777] 4 Nad fia 12 ABout (EpmMonpD). Works. King of the Mountains; Man ’ with the Broken Ear; The Nose of a Notary. ‘Trans- lated by Mary L. Booth, etc. 3 vols. 12mo, half mo- rocco. New York and Boston, 1861-67 Portrait inserted. Three clever and most amusing volumes. ra 13 ACADEMY OF DEsIGN (National). Ceremonies on the Occasion GZ ha , of Laying the Corner-Stone, etc. Plate on India paper, and a drawing inserted. Royal 8vo, paper. N. Y., 1865 Only 200 copies printed. No. 50. on 14 ACCEPTED ADDRESSES ; or, Proemium Poetarum, to which are 2 added Macbeth Travestie, also the Irish Lover, Paddy’s Courtship in London, etc. 12mo, boards. London, 1813 is 15 ACKERMANN (R.) POETICAL MAGAZINE; contain- oe oe: ‘Z ing the Tour of Dr. Syntax, etc. Colored plates by Rowland- son. 4 vols. 8vo, mottled calf extra, crimson linings and gilt edges. London, 1809-11 Very scarce ; comprising the ORIGINAL EDITION of Dr. Syntaa’s Tour, with first impressions of the celebrated designs by Rowlandson. VA YO 16 ACKERMANN (R.) WESTMINSTER ABBEY: its History, Antiquities, and Monuments, zw7th 70 finely colored engrav- ings from drawings by Pugin, Mackenzie, etc. 2 vols. imperial 4to, half russia (cover loose). London, 1812 Published at £15. St. Wo %7 ACOSTA (JOSEPH). THE NATVRALL anp MORALL - HISTORIE or THE EAST anp WEST INDIES. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants, and Beasts which are proper to that Country ; together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governements, and Warres of the Indians, Written in Spanish, and Translated into English by E[dward] G[rimstone]. Small 4to, mottled calf extra. London, 1604 This work has been translated into almost every language in Europe ; it is replete with details of the aborigines. L9G 18 ACRELIUS (ISRAEL). SERMON explaining the Duties of Christian Subjects to their Sovereign, preached in Christiana Church, Neweastle-€ounty, 1755. 8vo, half calf. Franklin)and Hall, Phila., 1756 This copy sold for $7 in the Menzies salé, the compiler of the catalogue stating that ‘“‘ we have never seenanother copy of this VERY RARE BOOK.” ie ad 4 ) | | ! re 19 ACTORS AS THEY ARE; a Series of Sketches of the most 21 22 23 24 26 28 Eminent Performers now on the Stage. 8vo. N. Y., 1856 With interesting letter from Joun T. ForD (May 19, 1856), in ref- erence to “a libel upon the Holliday Street Theatre,” contained in the article on MRs. VERNON. Of the 84 favorites of the New York Stage twenty years ago, whose memoirs are given in this pamphlet, none survive but Mrs. Hoey, Mrs. Maeder, Mad. Ponisi, Agnes Robertson, John Brougham, and J. W. Lester [Wallack]. Actor (THE). ‘Treatise on the Art of Playing. Interspersed with Theatrical Anecdotes, Critical Remarks on Plays, etc. 1r2mo, calf. London, 1750 ApAMs (Mrs, Hannan). Memoir of, written by herself, with Additional Notices by a Friend, Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 ApaAms (H, G.) Our FEATHERED FamILigs; also, Game and Wild Birds. J//ustrated with over 100 wood-cuts. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth gilt. London, n. d. Apams (J. Q.) Evxrocy on the Life and Character of JAMES MADISON. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1836 Presentation copy to “‘ Martin Van Buren from John Quincy Adams.” Apams (J. Q.) Oration on the Life and Character of Gil- bert Motier de LAFAYETTE, 8vo, boards. Wash., 1835 Apams (Miss). JourRNaL and Correspondence of, Daughter of John Adams, Second President of the United States. Written in France and England, in 1785. Edited by her Daughter. fortrait, efc. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1841-42 ApaAms (MosEs). Wxat I Dip witH Firty MILuIons. 12m0, wrapper. Phila., 1874 “For Virginians only.” ApDAmMs (Nat.) ANNALS oF PoRTSMOUTH, comprising a Pe- riod of 200 Years from its First Settlement, with Bio- graphical Sketches of its Inhabitants. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, Portsmouth, 1825 ADAMSON (JOHN). Memorrs of the Life and Writings of Luis DE Cameens. fortraits, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, purple morocco extra. London, 1820 LARGE PAPER. Fine copy. 04 ve eS 6 29 Appison (C. G.) THe Knicuts Tempiars, a History of; from their Rise to the Abolition of the Order. Third edition, zvzth illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 30 Appison (C. G.) Kwyicurs Trempiars (History of the). Second Edition, J//ustrations. Crown 8vo, mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1842 Fine copy of the best edition. Scarce. 31 ADDISON (JOSEPH). Works. Edited with Notes by Bp. Hurd, Fine portrait. 6 vols. royal 8vo, calf, red mor. back. London, 1811 32 AppIsonIANA. [A Collection of Anecdotes and Facts con- nected with the Life of Joseph Addison, by Sir Richard Phillips]. Portraits and fac-simile letters. 2 vols. 12m0, boards, uncut. London, 1804 33 ADDISON (JosEPH). Lire of: by Lucy Aikin. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1843 34 ADLARD (GEO.) Amy Rossart, and the Earl of Leycester, a Critical Inquiry, and a History of Kenilworth Castle, etc., etc. J/lustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 35 ADLARD (GEo.) Sutrtron-DupDLeEys of England and the Dud- leys of Mass., from the Norman Conquest. 8vo, cloth. Printed for the Author, N, Y., 1872 Presentation copy to D. T. Valentine. 36 ADOLPHUS (JOHN). MEMOIRS OF JOHN BANNIS- TER, Comedian. Portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. (extended to 4), olive crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs, edges, and inside borders, by Riziere. London, 1839 Unique and elegant copy, extended from 2 to 4 vols. (with extra title- pages), and having 296 beautiful Plates inserted, consisting of Portraits of eminent Actors, Authors, Statesmen, etc , among which may be especially mentioned Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Billington, Miss Farren, Henderson, Cooke, Liston, Matthews, John and Charles Bannister, Master Burke, Kemble as “ Rolla,” Felice Giardini (fine mezzotint, after Reynolds), Godwin, Fox, Southey, Scott, Byron, Campbell, Sir Josh. Reynolds, etc., etc., and a fine autograph letter (1831) of John Bannister. 37 ADOLPHUS (JOHN). Memoirs OF JOHN BANNISTER, Com- edian. ortraits, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, London, 1839 38 ApoLtpHus, Another copy. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf gilt, London, (1838) 7 39 ADOLPHUS (JoHN). History or ENGLAND, from the Acces- sion to the Decease of King George the Third, 7 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra. London, 1840-45 Best edition of the best history of this interesting period, comprising the fullest accounts of the American and Indian Wars, the French Revolution, ete. 40 ADOLPHUS (J.) History or ENGLAND, from the Accession of George III. to 1783. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1802 41 ADVENTURES OF AN ACTOR, in the Characters of a Merry- Andrew, a Methodist Preacher, and a Fortune-Teller. Founded on Facts. 12mo, half calf. London, n. d. A facetious and somewhat broad little volume from W. E. Burton’s library. 42 ADVENTURES OF A Hackney Coacu, as related by the Coach- man, containing a great variety of Curious Occurrences taken chiefly from the Present times. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1813 43 AIKIN (JoHN). BroGRAPHICcAL Memorrs of Medicine in Great Britain. 8vo, calf. London, 1780 44 AIKIN (LUCY). MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. Second edition, For- trait, 2 vols. thick 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1833 UNIQUE COPY, profusely illustrated, having 200 plates inserted, con- sisting of Portraits of historical and other characters, some proofs, many rare, and including many specimens of old engravers, Vaughan, Bouche, Elder, Earlom, ete. 45 AIKIN (Lucy), Memoirs OF THE CouRT OF KING JAMES THE First. Second edition. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1822 46 AIKIN. Another copy. Jortraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1822 47 AIkIN. MEMOIRS OF THE CouRT OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, calf gilt, London, 1823 48 AIkIN. Another (second) edition. 2 vols. boards, uncut. London, 1818 49 AINSLIE (W.) CLEMENZA; or, the Tuscan Orphan: a Tragic Drama. 8vo, uncut. Bath, 1822 Presentation copy from the author. 8 SOC 50 ArnsworTtH (W. H.) Batiaps. Jilustrated by Gilbert. Post i 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 51 AINSWORTH (WILLIAM HARRISON). HISTOR- ICAL ROMANCES AND NOVELS. Jllustrated by / JAS George Cruikshank, John Gilbert, and Hablot K. Browne (“Phiz”). Numerous engravings on steeland wood. 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853-60 Comprises : Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Old Saint Paul’s, The Star Chamber, Crichton, Guy Fawkes, Jack Sheppard, Rookwood, Miser’s Daughter, Lancashire Witches, The Spendthrift, Oving- dean Grange, and Mervyn Clitheroe. ye 52 AINSwoRTH (W. H.) Joun Law, the Projector, Frontispiece. i Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1866 53 AINSWORTH’s MaGazINe. Complete from its Commencement / ri aan to 1844. A miscellany of Romance, etc. Edited by r Wm. Harrison Ainsworth. J/lustrated by George Cruik- shank, “Phiz,” etc. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1842-4 Contains: The Miser’s Daughter, Windsor Castle, Elliston Papers, Modern Chivalry, John Manesty, St. James, etc., etc., with the original impressions of the illustrations by Cruikshank, etc. Vol. 5 is unfortunately stained. / WE 54 AINSWORTH’S MAGAZINE. Edited by William Harrison ' Ainsworth. A miscellany of Romance, General Litera- ture, and Art, from its commencement in 1842 to 1854, both inclusive. Most profusely illustrated with etchings and wood-cuts, including the original impressions of the celebrated series of plates by George Cruikshank. 26 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1842-54 x", Fine set, sought for by collectors of Cruikshank’s plates as con- taining the original impressions of the plates to the “ Miser’s Daughter,” “‘ Modern Chivalry’ “Elliston Papers,” “John Man- esty,” “ St. James,” ‘‘ Guy Fawkes,” “ Auriol,” etc., also numerous plates by Phiz, Franklin, Tony Johannot, etc. Def 55 Avpany Directory for 1834-5. Compiled by Loomis and n Wait. Map and wood-cuts, including cut of the old Al- bany Theatre. 12mo, boards. Albany, 1834 / 209 56 ALBIN (ELEAZER). History oF EscuLENT FIsH, and an Es- : say on Breeding of Fish, and Construction of Fish-Ponds, by the Hon, Roger North, with a fine series of plates colored by the author. Royal 4to, half calf extra. London, 1794 An interesting volume. Inserted in the present copy are the exquisite series of plates of fish by Wood, colored, and an original drawing in water-colors, and in pencil ; also numerous fine old views, etc. 4) 4 as a/¢ ee fe we v Si 9 [AtBiIn (J.)] History or tue Iste or Wicut, from the Earliest Times to the Present Period. Large map. Royal 8vo, calf gilt. Newport (I. of W.), 1795 Fine copy, with autograph and MSS. of E. Edwards, author of “ Me- moirs of Libraries,” ete. 58 ALBUM OF ERNRICUS STAUFFER. Containing about 59 60 61 62 63 7° autographs of Illustrious Personages, English and For- eign, with Sentences and Mottoes attached in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and Persian, also a Jew exquisite drawings, two emblazoned coats of arms, ete, Small oblong 12mo, old morocco, gilt edges, 1632-40 This pretty little volume contains some beautiful specimens of calig- raphy as well as the autographs of many celebrated persons. Among these are Frederick, Duke of Wurtemburg, dated 1640; John, Count of Hainault, 1633 ; John Freinshemius, the celebrated scholar, 1633 ; Saint George, 1634 ; Carolus de Montigni, 1683 : Matthias Bernegger, 1634; Conrad Withmar, London, 1638 ; George Stewart, 1633: Steven and John Lingelshemius, 1633 ; Henry Harrison, Anglicus Cantabrigiensis, 1638 ; J, Podensteiner, Cambridge, 1633; Daniel Erastus Hurmobrodensis, Cambridge, 1633 ; J. W. Sartorius, 1633 ; also some foreign potentate signed Paul Frederic, 1633, and others. AtBuM. Blank Leaves, with occasional engravings. 4to, mor. ALDEN (T.) CoLLecrion or American Eprrapus and In- scriptions, with occasional Notes. 4 Portraits. 5 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. No ¥., 1834 Very rare in an uncut state as above. The Menzies copy brought $4.25 per vol., and is not described as possessing the portraits. ALEXANDER (J. A.) Lire or, by H. C. Alexander. Portrait. 2 vols. small 8vo, cloth. N: Y~ 1870 ALFIERI (Vicror). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, written by himself. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1810 Contains a full account of the author’s amours with the fair, but frail, Penelope Pitt, Lady Ligonier, which led to her divorce from her husband. ALFORD (HENRY). Plea for the QuEEN’s ENGLISH ; also the Dean’s ENGLIsH, or Answer to Alford by Moon. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 ALDRIDGE. Memoir and Theatrical Career of Ira Aldridge, the African Roscius. Portrait, as ‘“‘ Othello.” 8vo. London, n. d. Presentation copy to J. H. Lacy, with autograph of the author, “25th July, 1851.” Io ALGER (W. R.) Poetry oF THE East, Frontispiece. L2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 ALison (ARCHIBALD). Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor, Edinburgh, 1811 . The beautiful and refined fancy, and melodious style of this writer, render his works deserving of a conspicuous place in every well- chosen library.—DIBDIN. ALLAN. CATALOGUE OF THE Books, Autographs, Engravings, etc., belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. Vig- nette Portrait. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. N. Y., 1864 The vignette was engraved by Mr. Allan’s friend, also, an octoge- narian, the celebrated wood engraver, Dr. Anderson. See DUYCKINCK. ALLAN (JOHN). CATALOGUE OF THE “SILVER CABINET.” Illustrated. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1870 ALLEN (ETHAN). NARRATIVE OF THE CAPTURE OF TICON- pDEROGA, and of the Author’s Captivity and Treatment by the British. Written by Himself. Fifth Edition, with Notes. 8vo, half mor. Burlington, 1849 Portraits and Historical Plates inserted. ALLEN (GrorGE). Lire or PuiLipor, Musician and Chess- Player, with a Supplementary Essay on Philidor as Chess- Author and Chess-Player. By T. Von Heydebrand und der Lasa. 8vo, green mor, extra, gilt edges. Phila., 1863 LARGE PAPER Copy ; edition limited. [Aten (Ira)]. .Parricutars of the Capture of the Ship OLIvE BRANCH in Nov., 1796, laden with Cannon, Musk- ets, etc., by H. M. Ship, the Audacious, 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1797 ALLEN (WM.) Memoir oF, by James Sherman, Crown 8vo, mor. neat, gilt edges. London, 1851 “Few men have deserved to have their character and efforts more widely diffused than Wm. Allen.” AuLIcAToR (THE). Stephen H. Branch’s, from April 24 to October 2, 1858. 25 Numbers, al/ published. to, half roan. N, Y., 1858 The editor of this delectable paper will be remembered as a scurrillous writer, who was imprisoned for libels contained in the Alligator. fae 74 OM fan | Pee) 76 Io ‘ 77 ’ hae | eal ~I co [We 79 GO 80 ho 81 II ALLom (THos.) ILLusrrations of the Counties of Chester, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Rutland, and Lincoln ; with 73 fine steel engravings on 37 plates. to, half calf ~ gilt. London, 1836 The Text is by Noble and Rose. [ALLsTonN (WasHINGTON)]. MoNnatpt: a Tale. ALMACK’S: a Novel, 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Designed to expose the vices of fashionable life. London, 1826 AMARANTH (THE) ; a Miscellany of Original Prose and Verse, Edited by T. K. Hervey; with 13 exquisite steel engrav- ings. Folio, cloth. London, 1839 AMAToRY Works of Tom SHUFFLETON of the Middle Teinple, with the Retrospection, a Catalogue of the Author's Amours. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1815 Very scarce and curious. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN, Edited by C. De F. Burns. 10 numbers complete. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1870-4 Devoted to the interests of Collectors of Autographs, Paper Money, Portraits, ete. AMERICAN Brpiiopoiist (Sabin’s), complete from its com- mencement in 1869 to April, 1877, since which time it has not been issued. 8 vols, 8vo, unbound. New York, 1869-77 Contains valuable information respecting Sales of Books at Auction, Literary Discussions, etc. AMERICAN Historical Recorp, and Repertory of Notes and Queries concerning the History and Antiquities of America and Biography of Americans. Edited by B. iy Lossing. ///ustrated. 3 vols. 4to, in parts. Phila., 1872-4 AMERICAN CycLops (The), the Hero of New Orleans, and Spoiler of Silver Spoons, dubbed LL.D., by “ Pasquino,” 12 satirical etchings. Small 4to, cloth, Baltimore, 1868 A violent satire on Benjamin F. Butler. AMERICAN ELOQUENCE: a Collection of Speeches, etc., by the most eminent Orators of America ; with Biographies and Notes by Frank Moore. 14 steel portraits, 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 I2 84 Ames (FISHER). WORKS: with Notices of his Life and Character, Portrait, engraved by Edwin, after Stuart. 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut.edges. Fine, clean copy. Boston, 1809 Ames (J.) CaTALocue or EncLIsH HEADS [Portraits], an account of about 2,000 Prints, describing their peculiarity, the name and title of the person, the Habit, Posture, Age, and Time when done, the name of the Painter, Grainer, Scraper, etc,, with some remarkable particulars of their lives. 8vo, calf. London, 1748 T. Wharton’s copy, with his autograph. AMES (JOSEPH). TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES, or History of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland, with Memoirs of Printers, and Register of Books, enlarged by Herbert, Portraits and engravings. 3 vols, 4to, half mor,, gilt tops, uncut edges, London, 1785-90 « A very valuable and accurate work.” —CLARKE. [Ames (SAMUEL), etc.] THe Dorriap, and the Great Slocum Dinner. 12m0, half mor,, uncut. Providence, 1870 The Slocum, thus honored, was a vehement suffragist. His pet propo- sition was, “If the sovereignty does not reside in the people, where the h—1 does it reside ?” Amory (Tuomas). Lire oF JoHN BUNCLE. 3 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825 Best Edition. “The soul of Rabelais passed into Thomas Amory.”—Haz.IrT. ANACREON. Opes, ‘Translated, with Notes, by Tom Moore. Portraits. 12m0o, half roan. Phila., 1804 Awastatic Drawinc Society. 58 plates of Ancient Ecclesi- astical and Domestic Edifices, Sepulchral Monuments, Brasses, Fonts, etc., with Descriptions. 4to, boards. London, 1863 | ANBURY, Tuomas]. TRAVELS through the Interior Parts of America. In a Series of Letters. By an Officer, Plates and Maps, 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt edges. London, 1791 “ A graphic, personal Narrative. The author was an officer in Bur- goyne’s army, and was taken prisoner by the Americans when that wing of the British forces fell into their hands.” 13 pb GO 92 AnctenT CornisH Drama. Edited and Translated by Ed. ‘ win Norris, Sec, R.A.S. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Very scarce, Oxford, 1859 93 ANDERSON (CHRISTOPHER). ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE, fa re from A.D. 1525 to 1848, with’Memoirs of Tyndale and his , Contemporaries and Successors; a copious History of the various Translations and Editions, fortrait and fac- similes. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. . Lickering, London, 1845 This is the only History of the English Bible, and of its progress in England and Scotland ; the author traces its course under extreme difficulties from its first translation down to our own times. The characters of many of the great men of the time, such as Henry VUL, Wolsey, Warnham, Tunstall, More, Cromwell, Cranmer, etc., appear under different aspects when brought into immediate contact or contrast with the printing and circulating the Script- ures. 94 ANDERSON. ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Jortrait of Tyndale, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra, Pickering, London, 1845 By # is 95 ANDR&. AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE of the causes which led tf to the Death of Major André. By Joshua Hett Smith ; with a Monody on the Death of Major André by Miss Seward. Portrait and large folding map. 8vo, calf gilt. Rare. London, 1808 _— ah a 96 ANDR&. AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE. Another copy. 8vo, un- ' bound. London, 1808 ps \ 97 ANDRE. Lire AND CaREER of Major John André, Adjutant General of the British Army in America: by Winthrop Sargeant. ortrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1861 4 98 ANDREANA: containing the Trial, Execution, and various mat- Bs, oa ters connected with the History of Major John André. 12 : portraits, etc. Ato, uncut. Phila., 1865 Large paper. Only 50 copies printed. e A es 99 ANDREWES (BisHoP). Devotions. Translated from the Greek, Post 8vo, Cambridge paneled calf extra (one cover loose). Oxford, 1848 Also in same volume “Andrewes’ Private Devotions,” Oxford, 1846. ieee too ANGELO (H.) Pic-Nic; or, Table-Talk, including numerous a) Recollections of Public Characters, etc., etc. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1834 14 ANGLING. Maxims and Hints for an Angler, with humorous engravings. 16mo, cloth. Phila., 1855 ANDROS. OLD Jersey Captive; or, a Narrative of the Captivity of Thomas Andros (now Pastor of the Church in Berkeley) on board the Old Jersey Prison Ship at New York, 1781. 16mo, half morocco. Boston, 1833 ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND: comprising Biographical Sketches, Description of Departments, Ac- counts of Expeditions, Battles, etc., etc. By an Officer. fortraits, maps, and wood-cuts. 8vo, cloth. Phila,, 1863 ANNALS OF SAN FRANCISCo; containing a summary of the History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California, and a complete History of all the important events connected with its great city, etc., etc., by Frank Soulé and others. Upwards of 150 illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, New York, 1855 ANNALS OF SAN Francisco, Another copy. Cloth. New York, 1855 ANNETT (PETER). CoLiecrep Tracts. 8vo, calf. Very Scarce, London, 1739-45 Contents: Judging for Ourselves ; St. Paul examined ; Supernaturals examined ; Social Bliss considered; Resurrection of Jesus con- sidered, and re-considered; with the Sequel ; and its Defenders stript. Dr. Edward Bancroft’s copy, with Notes, etc. The author was pilloried for writing these Tracts. ANSTEY (CHRISTOPHER). PorticaL Works, with some Ac- count of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son, John Anstey. Sine portraits and other illustrations. Thick 4to, calf, gilt back. London, 1808 Includes his celebrated Poem entitled “The New Bath Guide,” the illustrations to which are proof impressions. An additional por- trait of the author on India paper is inserted in this copy. 108 ANTHON (CHARLES). CLAssICAL DICTIONARY, containing an account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. Thick royal 8vo, sheep. N. Y., 1868 109 ANTHON (Henry). Hisroricat Notices of St, Mark’s Church in the Bowery. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1845 SOD “et: Ve pe 5 Tio ANTIQUITY, Honor, and Dieniry of TRADE ;. particularly as connected with the City of London. Written by a Peer of England. 8vo, stamped calf gilt. Westminster, 1813 UNIQUE copy, having 56 inserted Plates, comprising a number of old and curious Illustrations. rrr ANTRIM (B. J.) Panrocrapuy; or, Universal Drawings, in comparison with Pasigraphy, as the Science of Letters. 12mo, uncut. Phila., 1843 112 APoLLo (l'HE): a Collection of the most Popular Songs, Recitations, Duets, Glees, etc. Fine Sull-length Portraits, and 15 humorous wood-cuts. 3 vols, post 8vo, half roan, carmine top, uncut. London, 1830 Scarce ; comprising portraits of Liston, Reeve, Miss Bartolozzi, Wood, the vocalist ; Keeley, Braham, Master Burke, and others, nearly all of whom appeared at the old Park Theatre, New York. 113 APPERLEY (Cuas, James), ‘“ Nimrop.” Huntinc REMINIS- CENCES; comprising Memoirs of Masters of Hounds; notices of Crack Riders, etc. Mumerous fine plates by Wildrake, Henderson, and Alken. Imp, 8vo, cloth. Original Edition ; scarce. London, 1843 114 APPARITIONS, etc. The Unseen World, and Communications with it. 1r2mo, cloth. London, 1853 115 APPLETON’s Hanpy-VoLuME Series, Lights of the Old En- glish Stage ; Lamb’s Essays of Elia, etc. 7 vols. 16mo, wrapper. New York, 1878 116 ARABIAN NiGuHTs’ ENTERTAINMENTS. ‘Translated from the Arabic, with copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. J//ustrated by many hundred Engravings on wood, from Original Designs by William Harvey. New Edition, by Edward Stanley Poole. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue calf extra. Murray, London, 1859 “Mr. Lane’s version is, beyond all doubt, a most valuable, praise- worthy, painstaking, learned, and delightful work. The Notes throw more light upon the mystery of Arab Life than perhaps all other works in the language.” Zo L i 117 ARABIAN NIGHTS’ ENTERTAINMENTS. Translated by E, Forster. 600 tlustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 118 ARBUTHNOT (DR. JOHN). MiscELLANEOUS Works, with Life, etc. 2 vols. r2mo, calf. London, 1770 “Bought at David Garrick’s sale, April 23, 1828, by G. Daniel.” MS. on fly-leaf. Also Autograph of David Garrick. 16 Arry (H. W.) Gtrarp COLLEGE, and its Founder, with Biography and Will of Stephen Girard. Portrait and plate. 1zmo, cloth. Phila., 1861 AriEL (THE), A Literary Gazette, from May 5, 1827, to April 18, 1829. Vumerous scarce American Views and Portraits. to, half roan. Phila., 1827-9 Artosto (Lupovico). ORLANDO Furioso. Translated, with Notes, by John Hoole. Portraits and Illustrations. 6 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 1807 Artosto. Panizzi(A.) BrisLtiocrapHicaL Notices of some early editions of the Orlando Inamorato and Funioso. Portrait on India paper. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, Very scarce. Pickering, London, 1831 Only 24 copies printed. Presentation copy to Mr. Foss (Payne & Foss), by Mr. Panizzi. ARISTOPHANES. COMEDIES. Translated with Notes, etc., by C. A. Wheelwright. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Oxford, 1837 Arisrocracy oF New York: who they are and what they were, Lortrait of J. J- Astor. Part I. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1848 ARMIGER (CHARLES). SPORTSMAN’S VOCAL CABINET. Songs relative to Angling, Racing, Hunting, etc. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1831 ArmitaGE (THOMAS). FUNERAL SERMON on the Death of Spencer Houghton Cone. Portrait, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 ARMSTRONG (JoHN). ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. A Poem. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1757 ARNETT (J. A.) BIBLIOPEGIA ; or, the Art of Bookbinding in all its branches. J//ustrated, 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1835 From the Menzies Library, where it brought $3.75. ARNETT (J. A.) INQuIRY into the Nature and Form of the Booxs of the ANCIENTS. J//ustrated. Post 8vo, half mo- rocco, uncut. London, 1837 Includes a History of the Art of Bookbinding. This copy sold in the Menzies sale for $7. ARNOLD (BENEDIcT), A Brocrapuy by G. C, Hill. ///ustrated. 18mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 131 132 E33 133 134 135 2? 13 137 138 39 140 I4J 17 ARNOLD (MAjJorR-GENERAL). PROCEEDINGS OF A GENERAL Court-Martial for the Trial of, with Notes, Index, etc. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1865 Privately printed, only 100 copies. ARNOLD (GEORGE). Drirt, and other Poems, /ortrait. r2mo, cloth (2 copies). Boston, 1866 ARNOLD, POEMS, grave and gay; Drift, etc, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1866—7 *ARNOLD (JosIAS LyNDoN). PoEms, [Edited by James Bur rill, Jr.] 8vo, half calf. Providence, 1797 Contains many curious pieces relative to local history, etc. Arnold was a tutor in R. I. College. ARNOLD. Another copy. Sheep, yellow edges. Providence, 1797 ARNOLD. The same, Sheep. Providence, 1797 ARNOLD. Another. Sheep. Providence, 1797 ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Poems. r12mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 ARNOLD (S. G.) History of the State of RHopE IsLAND and Providence Plantations. Large maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 Presentation copy to Albt. G. Greene from the author, ARNOLD (THOs.) Lire and CORRESPONDENCE of, by A. P. Stanley. 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. 30ston, 1860 Arnot (Huco). History cr EDINBURGH, its Public Build- ings, Colleges, Manners, Literature, Processions, etc. Flates. Thick 4to, calf gilt, Edinburgh, 1788 ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. History of that Valiant Knight, Arthur of Little Britain. A Romance of Chivalry. Translated by Lord Berners ; with a series of plates in outline, by Heath, of illuminated drawings from an ancient MS. 4to, handsomely bound in levant morocco extra. Only 175 copies printed. Reprinted, London, 1814 The work was edited from the extremely rare original edition [printed by Robert Redbourne, the sole production of his press, and with- out date] by E. V. Utterson, who uses extraordinary diligence in tracing out the name of the original writer of the Romance, the time of its composition, and other much-wished-for particulars. 18 142 ART JOURNAL (Lonpon), from January, 1867, to De- cember, 1877; wih upwards of 500 exquisite steel en- gravings, and many hundred elegant wood-cuts. 11 vols. 4to, in the original numbers. London, 1867-77 This famons Art publication contains the best works of Gerome, Doré, Frith, Leslie, Meissonier, Faed, Maclise, Landseer, Constable, Mul- ready, Delaroche, Schaeffer, Stanfield, Turner, Portaels, Coomans, Le Jeune, Gérard, Metzmacher, Boughton, Ansdell, Alma-Tadema, Vibert, De Coninck, Bierstadt ,Cropsey, Bertrand, Bougereau, Toul- mouche, Rosa Bonheur, etc., etc. ART UNION, CAMPBELL’S GERTRUDE OF WYOMING, 7l/ustrated in 13 beautiful outline engravings from designs by Hicks. Oblong folio, unbound, London, 1846 ASHE (Captain, Author of the “ Spirit of the Book,’ etc.) MEMOIRS AND CONFESSIONS. 3 vols. 12mo, boards, un- cut. Tondon, 1815 ASHER (G. M.) BrBLioGRAPHICAL AND HisToricaL Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New-Nether- land, etc. Japs. Royal 4to, uncut. Amsterdam, 1854-67 LARGE PAPER copy, printed on heavy drawing paper. Only a few issued. Astor Liprary. Annual Reports from 1850 (the first) to 1867. Complete, 18 parts. 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1850-67 AsToR PLace Opera-House Riots. Account of, with the Quarrels of Forrest and Macready, May roth, 1849. Wood-cuts, 8vo, pp. 32, (2 copies). N. Y., 1849 ATALL (PETER). HERMIT IN PHILADELPHIA, Containing Some Account of Young Belles and Coquettes, Old Maids and Old Bachelors, Dandy Slang and Lady Slang, etc. Second Series, 12mo, boards, Phila, 1821 Very scarce and curious. ATHERTON (WM.) NARRATIVE of the Suffering and Defeat of the North-Western Army under General Winchester. 12mo, boards. Frankfort (Ky.), 1842 ATLANTIC CaBLE, Alderman Rooney at the Cable Banquet : an improvised Epic, humorously illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrapper. N. Y., 1866 151 IQ ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH, Report of the Proceedings at a Ban- quet given to Cyrus W. Field by the Chamber of Com- merce, N. Y. Portraits and plates inserted, also an auto- graph invitation signed by C. W. Field, Henry Grinnell, B. H. Field, Peter Cooper, and Geo. Folsom. 4to, boards. N. Y., 1866 AUBREY. MISCELLANIES, by John Aubrey, Esq. 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1696 Contains curious accounts of Apparitions, Converse with Angels and Spirits, Corpse Candles in Wales, Second-Sighted Persons, Dis- coveries of Murders by Apparitions, ete., etc. A copy seldom oc- curs for sale. AUNGIER (G. J.) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF Syon Mon- ASTERY, the Parish of Isleworth, and the Chapeiry of Hounslow, with Appendix of Original Documents ; and 17 plates on steel. Roy. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1840 AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS OF THE GREEN-Room; including Sketch- es, Biographical, Critical, and Characteristic, of the Per- formers of the Theatres Royal, with Original Lives and Anecdotes. r2mo, boards. London, 1814 AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS OF THE GREEN- Room ; including Sketch- es, Biographical, Critical, and Characteristic, of the Per- formers of the Theatres Royal, Drury-Lane, Covent Gar- den, and the Haymarket, with Anecdotes, etc, 12mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. UNIQUE. 28 fine Portraits inserted ; Kean, Oxberry, Mathews, etc. AUTHORS OF ENGLAND: a Series of Medallion Portraits of modern Literary Characters, machine-engraved by Collas, with Notices by Chorley. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, London, 1861 Although the text, in above vols. is duplicated, the portraits are all different, AUTOGRAPHI HoOLOGRAPHIANA, By William Brotherhead. Phila- delphia, 1867, Being a Description of a visit to F. J. Dreer’s Collection of Autographs. 4to, half morocco. 25 copies privately printed. Philadelphia, 1867 AUTOGRAPHS FOR FREEDOM. Prose and Poetry on Slavery, by popular American writers, wth fac-similes of their Auto- graphs. 12mo, cloth. Auburn, 1854 Aytoun (W. E.) Memorr or, by Theo. Martin. /ortrait Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1867 Over mi pages of this book are devoted to selections from Aytoun’s WOrKS. Aytoun (W, E.) Lire anp TIMEs oF RICHAPD THE First, surnamed Coeur-de-Lion. Portrait, 12me. half morocco extra, London, 1840 2A “ ACON’S and IncRAmM’s REBELLION. History of, in Vir- ginia, in 1675 and 1676. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1867 200 copies printed in separate form, from the “Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for 1866-1867.” Bace (Ropert). Man as HE 1s Nor; or, Hermsprong. Vignette, 12mo, calf extra, gilt edges. | Chiswick, 1828 BaILey (JOHN J.) WaALpimarR: a Tragedy. 8vo, cloth. [Jot Published. N. Y., 1834 Dedicated to the Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War, and written for Charles Kean, who performed the title-character in New York and Philadelphia, with considerable success. BaiLey (J. F.) Historical Sketch of the Ciry or BRooKLyn, Williamsburgh, etc. 12mo, wrapper. Brooklyn, 1840 Baitey (THos.) Recorps or Loncevitry. Portraits of the Ancients. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 A marvelous catalogue of centenarians. Barrp (Sir Davip), Lire or, [by Theodore Hook]. Por- trait by Finden. 2 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1832 Baker (W. S.) AMERICAN ENGRAVERS and their Works. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1875 Large Paper copy, only a few printed. [Batch (THomas)]. Lerrers and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some Notices of the Writers. 8vo, uncut. are, Presentation copy fromthe author. Privately printed, Phila., 1855 BALDWIN (EBEN,) ANNALS OF YALE COLLEGE, from its Foundation to 1831: with an Appendix to 1838. or- trait. 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1838 BaLpwIn (J. G.) Frusu Times of Alabama and Mississippi. 12mo, cloth, N, ¥., 3001 BaLpwin. Fiusu Times. Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1876 ae Yo P00 Yo Pe eae e 21 172 Batu (B. L.) TuHree Days on the WHITE Mountains, a Perilous Adventure on Mount Washington. 12mo, wrap- per. Boston, 1856 173 BALLADS AND BroapsipEs (Ancient), A Collection of 79, printed in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, between the years 1559-97, with Introduction and illustrative Notes. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 This is a reprint of the famous collection of rare Ballads belonging to the late Mr. G. Daniel, of Canonbury, and which was sold by auc- tion for upwards of £700. “Tt may be confidently asserted that the present collection is not less interesting and is certainly much more curious than any that have preceded it, illustrating as it does the Language, Opinions, Man- ners, Usages, the Feelings and passing Events of the greater part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.” 174 BALLADS AND BROADSIDES. Curiosities of Street Liter- ature ; a Collection of over 4,200 Ballads, etc., founded on the most famous (or infamous) Murders, Robberies, Rapes, and general Scandal, pertaining to the present Century. Bound in 12 vols. 4to, mor. ant., gilt tops. v. d. Includes a complete set of that scandalous periodical “ The Town,” which was suppressed soon after its appearance, verses on the Baby Farming business, Heroes of the Scaffold, Demoniacism, Prize Fights, Mordaunt Scandal, Byron Mystery, Fenian Plot, Crimes of the Aristocracy, London Spy, The Devil, Chaps and Gals of London, Disclosures of the Men-Women (Boulton and Parke), and a vast amount of other kindred matter. 175 BALTIMORE. Discourse on the Life and Character of Gro. CALVERT, the First Lord Baltimore. By J, P. Kennedy. 8vo, wrapper. Baltimore, 1845 176 BALTIMORE (LorD). Tour TO THE East, with Remarks on the City of Constantinople, the manners and customs of the Turks, Seraglios, etc, 8vo, calf gilt. Privately printed, London, 1767 On his Lordship’s return he made in Piccadilly a Harem on the model of the Vizier Hassem, and furnished it with fine women. Its ex- istence was soon discovered, and the caricaturists amused them- selves with the English Pasha, Sold in Baker’s sale for £2 8s. 22 BANCROFT (AARON). Essay ON THE LIFE OF GEORGE WasH- INGTON, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army through the American War, and First President of the United States. Fine portrait by Edwin, 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Pradt. Worcester, 1807 Beautiful copy. BaNcrort (GEORGE). PorEms. 12m0, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1823 Fine Portrait of the author on India paper, and view of his residence at Northampton, Mass., inserted. Banim (JoHN). Works. Peep o’ Day, Boyne Water, Mayor of Wind-Gap, Bit o’ Writin’, etc. New Edition, with Introduction and Notes by Michael Banim. 6 vols, post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Dublin, 1865-6 [Banim]. Mayor or Winp-GapP; and Bit o’ Writin’. 3 vols. 12mo, boards, N. Y., 1835-8 Banks (J.) ANNA BULLEN ; or, Vertue Betray'd. 4to, half vellum. London, 1692 Title missing, and last leaf in MS. BANNISTER. PoRTRAITS AND AUTOGRAPH LETTER of John Bannister, the Comedian, with numerous newspaper and other cuttings relating to his Theatrical Career. The whole neatly mounted and arranged in one volume, 4to, half morocco. The autograph letter is 8 pages 4to (1810), and addressed to John Taylor, author of “ Monsieur Tonson,” etc. Among the portraits is a fine one by G. Clint, and that from the “Thespian Magazine,” 1793, well known to be rare. BanvarD (J.) PrymourH and the Pilgrims. J/ustrated. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1851 BarpsLey (C. W.) Our ENGLISH SURNAMES, their sources and significations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 [BarHam (R. H.)] My Cousin Nicholas, by THomas In- coLpsBy. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. London, 1856 BARKER. CoMPLETE LisT OF PLays, with dates, authors, etc., from the Commencement of Theatrical Performances to the year 1803. 12mo, half morocco. London, |1803] Compiled by W.C. Oulton, author of the “ History of the London Theatres.” oe 188 Vie 189 fIb 190 YZ WHEL Ig! la Bag *% y iGO i094 ) 23 BARKER (E. H.) Lirerary ANEcpDoTEs and Contemporary Reminiscences of Prof. Porson and others. Portrait, etc., inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1852 Only 100 copies printed. Many of these Anecdotes are excessively amusing. BARKER (JAcos). INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE oF, from 1800 to 1855. fortraits. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1855 Privately printed. BARKER (J. N.) SKETCHES of the Primitive Settlements on the River Delaware. S8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Portrait of Penn and the Treaty plate inserted. Phila., 1827 BARBER (J. W.) History and Antiquities of NEw Haven (Conn.), from its Earliest Settlement. J//ustrated with map and plates (colored). %2mo, cloth, uncut. Fine clean copy. New Haven, 183! BaRLOw (JOEL). THE CoLuMBIAD: a Poem. Beautiful por- trait of Barlow, and numerous plates by Smirke, engraved by Heath, Bromley, etc. Thick 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila., 1807 Fine copy ; very scarce in uncut condition, and having three portraits of the author inserted, including a rare French engraving ; also an interesting autograph lettor, 2 pp., 4to, March 26,1811. This copy also contains the fac-simile of the signatures to the Declaration of Independence, often wanting. BARNARD (E.) History or ENGLAND, with upwards of 100 engravings on copper: portraits, battle-scenes, coins, seals, etc, Folio, calf, London, 1783 Now very scarce, so many copies having been destroyed for the sake of the portraits with which the volume abounds. BARNES (WILLIAM). Settlement and early History of ALBANY. Lllustrations. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. Munsell, Albany, 1864 Barnes (WiLttAM). The Settlement and early History of A.BANY. J/lustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1864 BarNEY. BroGRAPHICAL Memorr of the late Commodore Joshua Barney, from Autographical Notes and Journals. Edited by Mary Barney. /ortrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 24 Barnum (H. L.) THE Spy UNMASKED ; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch: being an authentic Account of the Secret Services which he rendered his Country dur- ing the Revolutionary War (taken from his own lips in short-hand), etc. Portrait and illustrations, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1828 Fine copy ; scarce. Barnum (H. L.) THe Spy UNMASKED; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of the “‘ Spy ” by Fennimore Cooper, 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco. London, 1829 Barnum (P. T.) HumBucs oF THE WoRLD. t2m0, cloth. N. Y., 1866 Barnum (P. T.) Lire, written by Himself. Showing his early History as Clerk, Merchant, and Editor, and his later career as Showman. ortrait, view of the Old Museum, and other illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. BARNUM’S PaRNassuSs: being Confidential Disclosures of the Prize Committee on the Jenny Lind Song. 12mo, wrapper. N. Y., 1850 The Barnumtopsis was written by William Allen Butler. BarNum’s Parnassus, and another Pamphlet entitled ‘“‘ The Jenny Lind Mania in Boston,’ by Asmodeus. Wood-cuts. 12mo, paper. N. Y. and Boston, 1850 BARON-WILSON (MRS. CORNWELL). MEMOIRS OF HARRIOT, DUCHESS OF ST. ALBANS. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1839 UNIQUE Copy. Beautifully illustrated by the insertion of nearly 100 portraits of dramatic and other celebrities, including rare ones of the “elder” Wallack (when young), Edmund Kean, engraved by Heath (original impression), Grimaldi, several of Mrs. Jordan, etc. BaRon-WILSON (Mrs. CORNWELL). MEMOIRS OF HarRIOT, DucuEss or St, ALBANS. Portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1839 204 BARON-WILson. Memoirs oF Harriot, DucHEss oF Sr. ALBANS, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, Phila., 1840 205 Baron-WILsOoN. Memoirs oF Harrio1, DucHeEss or ST, ALBANS, fortraits and fac-simile. 2 vols. crown 8yo, half calf gilt. London, 1840 206 Lip B vo 214 25 BaRON-WILSON, Our Actresses; or, Glances at Stage Favorites, Past and Present, ortraits, on steel, of Miss O Niell, Miss Foote, Mrs. Chas. Kean, Mrs. Chas. Matthews (Mad. Vestris), Adelaide Kemble, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844 Desirable uncut copy ; scarce. BarReTT (WALTER, clerk), [i. e. Joseph A. Scoville.] Old Merchants of New York City. 3 vols. 12mo, sheets folded. New York, 1870 This book has become very scarce. In the above shape it may be said to be unique. BarReETT (WALTER). Orp Mercuants of New York City, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1863 BarrETT (WALTER). VicoR: a Novel, 12mo, cloth. Very rare. New York, 1864 “One of the most atrocious and grossly indecent novels ever published in this country. It was rigidly suppressed shortly after publica- tion. BARRINGTON (SiR JoNAH). Huistorrc Memoirs oF IRELAND, Secret Records of the National Convention, Rebellion and Union. 40 portraits, 2 vols. royal 4to, half mor., gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1835 Fine copy. This remarkable work on its first appearance excited con- siderable sensation, and was officially suppressed. BARRINGTON (SIR JonaH). PERSONAL SKETCHES. SF yontis- piece, etc. 12m0o, cloth. New York, 1858 Barrow (Sir JOHN), Lire or Ricwarp, Eart Hows, K.G., Admiral of the Fleet, and General of Marines. Fine portrait and fac-similes. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1838 Barry (JAMES, Historical Painter). Worxs, with Life, Por- trait and engravings from Sculptnre and Paintings, 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut, London, 1809 Includes his Correspondence with Burke, Lectures on Painting, Observ- ations on the Works of Art in Italy and France, on the Orleans Gallery, Essay on Pandora, etc. BARTLETT (JOHN). FamitiaR Quorations, Thick 12mo, cloth gilt. Boston, 1869 26 BARTLETT (JOHN R.) BrBLioGRAPHy OF RHODE IsLanp. A Catalogue of Books and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island. With Notes, Historical, Biblio- graphical, and Critical. Imp. 8vo, boards. Prov., 1864 Limited Edition. Presentation copy ‘“ to the Hon. Albert G. Greene, with the regards of his friend, John R. Bartlett.” BarTLETT (JoHN R.) Dictionary or AMERICANISMS, A Glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. Royal 8vo, half levant mor., gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1860 Barttett (W. H.) Pi_crim FaTHeErs; or, Founders of New England in the Reign of James I. L//ustrated with 28 ex- guisite steel engravings, and many wood-cuts. 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1866 BarRTLeETT (W. H.) Brier Memoir of. By Wm. Beattie. Fine portrait. to, cloth. London, 1855 Privately printed. BASKERVILLE (ALF) PorTRY OF GERMANY. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1856, Bates (JosHua, 0f Boston), MEMORIAL of. Portrait and plate, 4to, cloth, Boston, 1865 Batu. New Batu Guipe, Third Edition, Bath, n.d. The same, new edition, ib., 1778. The same, 1784. The same, 1790, Jilustrated with portraits of Nash, Wade, Tyson, Dawson, King, plans and plates. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, Scarce. Bath, 1778-90 BaTKINs (JEFF. 8., Member from Cranberry Centre). Ware of. Portrait of Warren, the Comedian. 12mo, cloth, Boston, 1871 Bayiry (F. W.N.) New Tare or aTus. JLilustrated by Cot- ton, 12mo, Cloth. New York, 1854 Bay.ey (Rr. Rev. James RoosEvett), Memorrs of the Right Rev. Simon Wm. Gabriel Brutrk, D.D., First Bishop of Vincennes, with Sketches of the French Revolution. or- trait and illustrations, Small 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1860 50 copies privately printed. Bay.ey (J. R.) Earty History or THE CATHOLIC CHURCH on the Island of New York, Jortraits of Archbishop Hughes, etc. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1870 227 234 235 27 BayLry (JoHN). Tower or Lonpon, History and Antiqui- ties of, with Biographical Anecdotes of Royal and Dis- tinguished Persons, deduced from Records, State Papers, and Manuscripts, and from other Original and Authentic Sources, Vumerous fine illustrations, 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco, London, 1821-5 Fine copy. Bayiies (R. M.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of SUFFOLK County (L. I.) 12mo, cloth. Published for the author. Port Jefferson, 1874 Bayiy (THomas Haynes). Davip Dumps ; or, the Budget of Blunders. 12mo, boards, Phila,, 1838 Bayty (THomas Haynes). Kate Leste, 2 vols. I12mo, half calf gilt. Phila., 1838 Bayty (THomas Haynes). Sones, Batiaps, and other Poems, Edited by his Widow; with a Memoir of the author. ortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, London, 1844 Unpublished Poem in the author’s manuscript, 3 pages, 4to, inserted, Bayty (T. Haynes). Soncs anp BALLaps, grave and gay, with a Memoir. r12mo, boards. Phila., 1844 Bayty. Another copy, with frontispiece. 12mo, boards. Phila., 1844 BearD (Rev. J.C.) Lire or Toussaint L’OvERTURE, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. J//ustrations, Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853 BeaTTiE (WILLIAM). Lire and Letters of Tuomas CAMPBELL. Portrait, 2 vols, t2mo, half calf gilt. | New York, 1850 BeaTTIE (WILLIAM). WALDENSES; or, Protestant Valleys of ‘Piedmont, Dauphiny, etc. 72 beautifully executed engrav- ings, after drawings by Bartlett, Brockedon, Stanfield, ete. 4to, half green morocco gilt. London, 1838 Brau BRuMMELL. Lire of George Brummell, Esq., com- monly called Beau Brummell, by Captain Jesse. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1844 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. DRAMATIC WORKS, the Text formed from a new Collation of the early Edi- tions, with a Biographical Memoir and Notes, by the Rey. Alexander Dyce: Portraits. 11 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, Moxon, London, 1843 Best edition. Scarce. 28 Beauv Nasu. Lire of Richard Nash, of Bath, extracted prin- cipally from his Original Papers, [By Oliver Goldsmith]. Portrait, 8vo, calf. London, 1762 Beau Nasu. Another copy, with an additional portrait in- serted, and some newspaper cuttings. 8vo, half morocco, London, 1762 BEAUTIES OF THE OPERA AND BALLET. Zen beautiful portraits on steel, numerous Wooad-cuts, and Ornamental Borders in colors. Royal 8vo, morocco gilt. London, n. d. Among the favorite operas illustrated are “ Norma,” “ Barber of Se- ville,” “Don Juan,” and the “ Huguenots.” The Portraits include those of Grisi, Fanny Ellsler, Sontag, etc. BEAUVALLET (Lfon). Racuet and the New World. A Trip to the United States and Cuba. ‘Translated from the French, 12mo, cloth. N.Y,’ 1880 BECKET (ANDREW). DRAMATIC AND PROSE MISCELLANIES. Edited by William Beattie, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1838 BECKFORD (Wo., of Fonthill). BioGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF EXTRAORDINARY PAINTERS, 12mo0, half morocco. Very scarce. London, 1780 First edition. This very curious satirical work was published anony- mously, of which a notice will be found in the Retrop. Rev. x. 172-9. Beckrorp. Another copy, half calf. London, 1780 Bound in with this copy will be found “ Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils.” BEcKForD. Another edition. Satirical frontispiece. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 “These Memoirs would have excited considerable attention under any circumstances.” [BeckrorD], EXTRAORDINARY PAINTERS. Post 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1780 BeckForD (WitiiaM). Itaty, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, by the author of Vathek. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. : London, 1834 This is the Second Edition, revised, of a work originally published in 1783 under the title of Dreams and Waking Thoughts. 250 253 254 255 259 260 29 BECKFORD. Memoirs of William Beckford, of Fonthill ; author of ‘ Vathek.” Portrait on India paper. 2. vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1859 BECKFORD (WILLIAM). Memorrs of. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 BECKFORD (WILLIAM). RecoLLEcTIons of and Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha, Beautiful por- trait of Mr. Beckford when a young man, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1835 Pleasing and picturesque as the clime and place visited, this is just the book for the indulgence of the dolce far niente. [BeckFrorD (WILLIAM)]. VATHEK. Translated from the Orig- inal French, Third edition. Frontispiece by Isaac Taylor. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1816 BECKFORD. VATHEK. 16mo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 Beppors (T. L.) Poems, with a Memoir, Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, Pickering, London, 1851 The above copy belonged to Thomas Noon Talfourd. His autograph appears on the title, and many passages have been marked. BeDE (CUTHBERT), Adventures of Mr. VERDANT GREEN, FLumorous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, BEETHOVEN (L. VAN), LeErtTers, translated by Lady Wallace, Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1867 Beets (NICOLAAS). Lire and Character of J. H. VAN DER Patm, D.D. ‘Translated from the Dutch by J. P. Wester- velt. 12mo, half morocco gilt. New York, 1865 BEHIND THE SCENES in Paris: a Tale of the Clubs and the Secret Police. Vol. I. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lon., 1859 BEHN (APHRA). POEMS upon several Occasions; with a Voyage to the Isle of Love. 8vo, calf. London, 1684 BEHN. HISTORIES AND NOVELS, with Life, Love-Letters, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1700 The works of this famous lady are too well known for their excessive freedom, to be commented upon. BELDEN (E. P.) New York: past, present, and future ; com- prising a History of the City of New York, a description of its present condition, and an estimate of its future in- crease. J//ustrated, 12mo, cloth, New York, 1849 30 BELKNAP (J.) AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. 3 vols. 16mo, cloth (stained). New York, 1855 BELL’s BRITISH THEATRE. A Collection of the best Plays, Operas, etc., etc., in Dramatic Literature. 20 vols. 12mo, half calf. London, 1776 This contains all the beautiful plates representing the most celebrated actors in their most celebrated characters. This copy is in good condition, and the plates are fine early impressions. BELL (ANDREW). HuistoricaL Skercues of Feudalism. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 BELL (JoHN and Cuas.) Anatomy of the Human Body, etc. frofusely illustrated, 3 vols, 8vo, sheep. N. Y., 1822 BELL (ROBERT). WaysIDE Pictures through France, Belgium, and Holland. J//ustrations, 8vo, half morocco extra. London, 1849 Presentation copy to G. P. R. James, the Novelist, with autograph of the author. BeLLAMy (GEORGE ANNE), ApoLocy for the Life of Mrs. Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. Written by Herself, with her Letter to John Calcraft, originally sup- pressed. Fine portrait by Bartolozzi, and other fine plates. Second Edition. 5 vols. r2mo, half calf gilt. Lon., 1785 A Defence (?) of her infamous life. BELLAMY (GEORGE ANNE). Apotocy for the Life of Mrs. Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. Writen by Her- self, with her Letter to John Calcraft, originally suppressed. Second Edition, 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1785 BELLAMY (GEORGE ANNE, celebrated Actress), MEMOIRS OF, including all her intrigues, with genuine anecdotes of all her public and private connections. Post 8vo, boards. Very scarce. London, 1785 Quite a different Book from her Memoirs in 5 vols. BELLAMY (THOMAS). Lire oF Mr. WILLIAM Parsons, Com- edian ; with his Dramatic Character, by John Litchfield, Crown 8vo, half crimson levant mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1795 A scarce Theatrical Biography, the present copy rendered UNIQUE by the insertion of 52 Plates, including, among portraits of Garrick, Mrs. Siddons and other eminent Performers, a fine old mezzotint of Parsons, after Dighton, published in 1779. This volume also contains “‘ The LONDON THEATERS, a Poem by Thomas Bellamy.” 271 275 279 280 31 BELLows (H. W.) Relation of PusLtic AMUSEMENTS to Pub- lic Morality, especially the Theatre. 12mo, wrapper. IN. 8.5 FSRF BELOE (Rey, W.) ANEcDOTES of Literature and Scarce Books. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1814 “A work containing much bibliographical information, and extracts from scarce books.” —LOWNDES. BELOE (W.) SEXAGENARIAN; or, the Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1817 First Edition with all the virulent passages. The above copy has the names inserted in MS. BELOE (W.) SEXAGENARIAN, 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut, Second Edition. London, 1818 BELTz (G., Herald). ORDER OF THE GARTER; Memorials of the, from its Foundation to the Present ; including, also, Biographies of the Knights, and many particulars relating to English and French History. Cuts of Arms. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1841 ‘“‘Beltz’s Memorials deserve, for research and ability, to be ranked with the works of his predecessors (Camden, Anstice, Dugdale), and no historical library can be complete without them.”—Athe- neum. BENGER (Miss), Memoirs OF JoHN ToBIN, author of “The Honey Moon,” With a selection from his unpublished Writings. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1820 BENGER (Miss). Memoirs of the Life of Mary, QUEEN OF Scots. ortrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1823 BENJAMIN (S. G. W.) Tue Turk and the Greek ; or, Creeds, Races, Society, etc. 12mo, cloth, NEE, 2867 BENNETT (C. H.) and BroucH (R. B.) SuBSTANCE AND SHADOW ; with 30 humorous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, London, 1860 BENNET? (J. C.) History oF THE SAINTS; or, an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. ortraits, e¢c. 12mo, cloth. Scarce, Boston, 1842 BENNETT (J. G.) Lire AND ADVENTURES of Editor Bom- bast JAMES G-R-N B-N-N-T; a Scotch Pedlar’s Tale as related by him to Mrs. Clark. Wood-cut. 8vo, 24 pages. Very rare, Dis Mog BY; Gh: A singular history of the “‘ cross-eyed loon.” 32 BENSON (EcBERT). DutTcH anpD INDIAN NaMEs. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. Second Edition, with Notes, 12mo, half calf, uncut. Jamaica, 1825 Fine copy, with manuscript corrections by the author. 3ENTON (THomas H.) ‘Tuirty Years’ View; or, a History of the working of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850. With Historical Notes and Illustrations, Portrait and View. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf gilt. N. Y., 1854-56 BERANGER. LyricaL Poems, Translated by W. Young, /or- trait, 12mo, cloth gilt. N, Y., 1850 BERANGER. SONGS OF THE EMPIRE, the Peace and the Res- toration. Translated into verse, by R. B. Brough. Post 8vo, half mor. antique, London, 1856 BERESFORD (JAMES). MISERIES OF HuMAN LIFE; or, the Groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy, in 12 Dialogues ; curious frontispieces, 2 vols. 12mo, half mor. Scarce, London, 1826 BERKELEY (Hon. GRANTLEY F.) My Lrre AnD RECOLLEC- TIONS. Fortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1865 Has many blank pages interleaved. BERNARD (JOHN). RETROSPECTIONS OF THE STAGE. fortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, London, 1830 UNIQUE copy, having 50 inserted plates, including Portraits of Macklin as ‘“‘ Shylock,” Mrs, Barry, Mrs. Melmoth, Mrs. Mattocks, Mrs. Billington, Kemble, Farren, and others; some being from paintings by Stothard and Loutherbourg. 288 BERNARD, RETROSPECTIONS OF THE STAGE, By the late John Bernard, Manager of the American Theatres, and formerly Secretary to the Beefsteak Club. ortrait. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1830 289 BERNARD. RETROEPECTIONS OF THE STAGE. 2 vols. 12m0, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 290 BERRIAN (REV, Wm.) Trinity Cuurcu, New York: an His- torical Sketch of. lumerous steel plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847 J [SO )b.60 Dr a 4 C a 33 291 BETTERTON. LIFE or Mr. THomas BETTERTON, the late Eminent Tragedian. To which is added the Amorous Widow, or the Wanton Wife: A Comedy, by Mr. Better- ton. fortrait after Kneller. 8vo, crimson levant mo- rocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Zahnsdorf. Iondon, 1710 An exceedingly choice and valuable copy, having 25 Portraits inserted, all fine, and some of which are excessively rare: Kynaston, the Comedian, Mrs. Barry, Davenant, Wycherley, Mrs. Bracegirdle, Robert Wilks, Purcell, Otway, ete. 292 BETTERTON (THOMAS). HISTORY OF THE EN- GLISH STAGE, from the Restoration to the Present Time, including the Lives, Characters, and Amours of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses. Portraits of Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Barry, etc. Also in same volume, ‘“ MEMOIR OF Mrs. ANNE OLDFIELD,” with /ortrait. 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Zahnsdorf. London, 1741 CHOICE and UNIQUE COPY, having 26 inserted plates, mostly very scarce, including two portraits of Betterton, Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Oldfield, Quin and Barton Booth, from “the Cabinet”; a rare etching of William Bullock, after Hogarth; Mrs. Bracegirdle, Mrs. Centlivre, Colley Cibber, Wilks, Davenant, Mohan, Joseph Harris, etc., etc.” 293 BETTERTON (THOMAS). HISTORY OF THE EN- GLISH STAGE, from the Restauration to the Present Time, including the Lives, Characters, and Amours of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses. Portraits of Betterton, Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Barry, etc. 8vo, crimson levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Zahnsdorf. London, 1741 UNIQUE AND VALUABLE Copy, having 40 portraits inserted, among which may be mentioned as especially rare, William Bullock, the actor ; Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Behn, Mrs. Barry, Barton Booth, Robert Wilks, Quin, Colley Cibber, Mrs. Centlivre, ete. Also in the same yolume, MEmMorrs OF Mrs. ANNE OLDFIELD. 294 BETTERTON (THOMAS). HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH STAGE; including the Lives, Characters, and Amours of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses, With Notes by Charles L. Coles. 8vo, sheep, Boston, 1814 Has iu addition “ Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield.” 7“ 34 295 BETTERTON (THOMAS). HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH STAGE; including the Lives, Characters, and Amours of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses, etc. Revised, with Ad- ditional Notes, by Charles L. Coles. 8vo, boards, uncut, Boston, 1814 Fine clean copy. Said to have been written by William Oldys. See LownweEs. A‘‘Memoir of Miss Anne Oldfield,” is contained in the same volume. 296 Betry (W. H. W.) BroGrRapnicaL, Memoirs of “ the Young Roscius,” with the History of his Engagements, and Ana- lytical Strictures on his Acting, fortrait. Post 8vo, calf gilt. New York, 1806 From the Library of Philip Hone, sometime Mayor of New York. 297 Berry. Critica Essays on the Dramatic Excellencies of the Younc Roscius (Master Betty), by Gentlemen of Dis- tinguished Literary Talents, and Theatrical Amateurs, op- posed to the Hypercriticisms of Anonymous Writers, etc. Birmingham, [1804] NEWSPAPER PARAGRAPHS relating to William Henry West Betty, the celebrated YounG Rosclius, etc. Edinburgh, 1805 TRIBUTE to the Genius of the Younc Roscius, Wisbech, 1808 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf. 1804-5-8 From Burton’s library ; scarce. 298 Betry (Wm. H. West). Memorrs of the Life of, with an Esti- mate of the Talents of the “ Young Roscius.” Post 8vo, boards, uncut, Liverpool, 1804 299 BETTY. ROSCIUS IN LONDON. Biographical Memoirs of William Henry West Betty, from the Earliest Period of his Infancy, including the History of his Irish, Scotch, and English Engagements, 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1805 Choice copy, having 21 inserted plates, including several portraits of Master Betty, rare ones of Garrick, Kemble, Spranger Barry, etc. 300 Betty. TRIBUTE to the Genius of the Young Roscius, [Master Betty.| [By G. Burgess.] 8vo. Wisbech, 1808 : fir 239 r YZ2ad JL z JSF 35 301 [BEverRLy (RicHarpD).] History of Vircinia. In Four Parts, By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. ine plates by Gribelin, 8vo, calf. London, 1705 Contains account of the Native Indians and Inhabitants, their Religion, Laws, and Customs in War and Peace, Present State of the Country, etc. Clean and desirable copy of the First Eprrion. 302 Berwick CoLLecTor (THE). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick, including Cuts, in various states, for books and pamphlets, private gentlemen, public companies, newspapers, etc. With an Appendix of Portraits, Autographs, etc. ‘The whole described from the originals, contained in the collection of ‘, Hugo, M.A. Lilustrated by upwards of 83 cuts. Royal 8vo, cloth, Large Paper copy. London, 1866 An elaborate Descriptive List of the most complete collectien yet formed of the works of the renowned Wood Engravers of New- castle-upon-Tyne. 303 BIBLE. HOLY BIBLE. Containing the Old and New Testaments, and the Apocrypha. J//ustrated with over 1,000 choice and curious engravings after famous Painters, ancient and modern. 5 vols. royal 4to, elegantly bound in red crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1762 The basis of this fine Bible is well chosen in the Cambridge Edition of 1762, being printed on heavy paper in a large, handsome type. Extra titles have been inserted, and the extra plates are laid on heavy paper. The illustrations embrace a complete set of the plates by Luyken, a series of wood-cut illustrations from Die ganze Heilige Schrift, 1572 ; Novi Testamenti Weigel Nuremburg; Portraits of the Apostles, etc., etc., all in good condition, 304 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO PoETICA; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry. II- lustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and bibliographical. Compiled by A. F. Griffith. Mumerous portraits, initial letters, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1815 Fine copy. This was the Collection made by T. Park, with additions by Th. Hill. “Deserving a place in every good library from the interesting infor- mation which it affords of the works of our early poets.”—LOWNDEs. 305 Bicetow (L. J.) BencH AND Bar. Wit, Humor, etc., of the Law. Lortraits, etc. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1867 3 L4h2 ‘| JV Lt Oe se 30 306 BicrLow (WM.) History oF THE Town oF Natick, Mass., from the Days of the Apostolic Eliot (1650), to the Present Time (1830). Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1830 307 Binuincton (Mrs.) Memorrs of, containing a Variety of Matter, Ludicrous, Theatrical, Musical, etc. ortrait in- serted, 8vo, uncut. London, 1792 Very scarce. A most extraordinary book. “Miss had such a general turn to music that it was impossible to keep her from attempting to play upon any Jitile flagelet which she could get at.” p. 8. 308 Bittincton (Mrs.) Mewmorrs, from her Birth: containing a variety of matter, Ludicrous, Theatrical, Musical, and , with copies: of several Original Letters, written by Mrs. Billington, etc., etc. Portrait, 8vo. London: Printed for James Ridgway, 1'792 Lire AND Amours oF Lapy ANN F(0)L(E)y: developing the whole of her Intrigues, from the Time of her Marriage, in October, 1778, till the Present Time. Including the whole Substance of the Triax for Crim. Con, between the Hon. Mrs, Foley and the Earl of Peterborough, wherein ' Damages of £2,500 were given to the Plaintiff, etc. 8vo, London, n. d. In one vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1792, etc. BIOGRAPHIA DRAMATICA ; or, a Companion to the Playhouse ; containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes of British -and Irish Dramatic writers, with Account of the Rise and Progress of the British Stage. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1812 Compiled by D. E. Baker, Isaac Reed, and Stephen Jones. BIOGRAPHY OF THE BritisH STAGE: being correct Narra- tives of the Lives of all the principal Actors and Actresses at Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, the Haymarket, and other Theatres. Frontispiece and numerous vignettes. 12mo, half calf. London, 1824 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES of Eccentric Characters. Portraits. 16mo, half calf. Boston, 1832 BisHop (MapAME ANNA). TRAVELS in Mexico in 1849. Illustrated, %2mo, wrapper. Phila., 1852 BLACKBEARD. A Page from the Colonial History of Phila- delphia, 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco gilt. N. Y., 1835 Scarce. 314 315 319 wW N 12) 321 37 BLACKBURN (Henry). TRAVELLING IN SPAIN in the Present Day. Beautifully illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1866 FITZALLEYNE OF BERKELEY. A 2 vols. in I, London, 1825 BLACKMANTLE (BERNARD). Romance of the Present Times, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Vignettes. This facetious work, by the author of “The English Spy,” was sup- pressed, and the plates destroyed. BLACKWELL (A, B.) Sexes THROUGHOUT NATURE. 12m0, cloth, NY. 3375 General Index for Edinburgh, 1855 BLACKWOOD’s EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Vols. 1 to 50. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Biapes (W.) How to TrEett a Caxton: with some Hints where and how the same might be found. 15 plates. London, 1870 Account of the Provt- Providence, R, I., 1868 12mo, boards. BLAKE (CHARLES). DENCE STAGE. HISTORICAL 12mo, cloth. Scarce ; only 500 copies having been printed. The above was origi- nally prepared for and read before the R. I. His. Society, October 25, 1860, and printed in this form, with additions. BLAKE. BLAIR (ROBT.) THEGRAVE: A Poem; dd/us- trated by 12 engravings from the designs of BLAKE, and a superb portrait of that artist, engraved by Schiavonetti ; Folio, cloth, uncut. Bensley, London, 1813 Large paper copies of the above are extremely rare ; jiné PROOF IMPRESSIONS. Large Paper. only four of them have ever been offered for sale in this country. BuakE., Briain, THe Grave: A Poem; élustrated by 12 en- gravings from the designs of Blake, and a superb portrait of that artist, engraved by Schiavonetti, Royal 4to, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Bensley, London, 1813 BLAKE (W.) Lire of, with Selections from his Poems, and other Writings, by A. Gilchrist. Batensively illustrated from Blake's own Works in fac-simile and in Photolithography (including the whole of the Book of Job, and Songs of Inno- cence), and with a few of Blake's original plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1863 ‘Biography is by nature the most universally profitable, universally pleasant of all things ; especially biography of distinguished indi- viduals.” —CARLYLE. 38 BLAKE. YOUNG (EDWARD). NIGHT THOUGHTS: the Complaint and Consolation. J//ustrated by 43 plates in engraved borders, by WILLIAM BLAKE. Royal 4to, half calf. Very rare. London, 1797 Among the most wonderful productions of Blake’s weird imagination. BLakey (RoBERT), O1Lp Faces AND NEw Masks. Frontis- piece and vignette, by Geo. Cruikshank. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 Contains: Sketches of Fishwives, Eels, Symbolical Representation of Fish, Pike, etc., and on the Dance of Death, British Caricature, etc., etc. BLANCHARD (LAMAN). SKETCHES FROM LIFE, with a Memoir,” by Sir E, Bulwer Lytton. Portrait by Maclise, and wood- cuts after Geo, Cruikshank, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Scarce. London, 1849 BLANCHARD (LAMAN). SKETCHES FROM Lire. Edited, with Memoir of the author, by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. 2 vols, in 1, r2mo, half morocco gilt. New York, 1846 Buasts (C.) Notes upoN DANCING, Historical and Practical, with Passages on Theatrical Art, etc. Edited and trans- lated by R. Barton. Portrait, etc. 8vo, uncut. London, 1847 BLEECKER (ANN Exiza), PosrHumous Works of, in Prose and Verse, with a collection of Essays, Prose and Poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres. Portrait by Tiebout. 12mo, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges in the round, with rich inside borders, by Bedford. Fine, clean copy. New York, 1793 3LESSINGTON (CouNTESS OF). LITERARY Lire and Corre- spondence, by R. R. Madden. Fine portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1855 Includes Letters, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences of a host of literary celebrities of the present day. BiicH (Wm.) NARRATIVE OF THE MuTINyY ON BOARD THE “Bounty”; and the subsequent Voyage of Part of the Crew in the Ship’s Boat from Tofoa to Timor, Charts. 4to, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce, London, 1790 31.17Tz (SIGNOR). Firry Years in the Magic Circle. Vumer- ous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1871 3L1Tz (StGNoR). Lire and Adventures of, Jilustrated. 12m0, cloth. Hartford, 1872 39 333 Broopcoop (S. DE W.) SEXAGENARY ; OF, Reminiscences of the American Revolution, /ortraifs. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1866 334 BLoopcoop, SEXAGENARY. Portrait. Royal 8vo, uncut. 3 Large paper copy. Only 50 printed. Albany, 1866 335 BLOOMFIELD (ROBERT). POETICAL Works, Jllustrated by Birket Foster. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1857 336 BLUNT (JOSEPH). SPEECHES, Reviews, Reports, etc. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1843 Contains a Review of “Ivanhoe,” the Cherokee Question, and other matters of interest. BOADEN (JAMES). MEMOIRS or MRS. INCHBALD, including her Familiar Correspondence with Distinguished Persons. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1833 Ww Ww ~ Unique Copy, having numerous portraits and other illustrations in- serted, consisting of fine and rare portraits of Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Siddons, several of Garrick, Mrs. Jordan, Macklin, Henderson, Con- way, and other theatrical personages, including a scarce one of Fanny Kemble, on India paper; also, Mad. de Stael, Samuel Rogers, Sheridan, Horace Walpole, and other literary characters, and views of Theatres, some colored. 338 BoapEN (JAMES). Memorrs OF Mrs. INCHBALD, including her Familiar Correspondence with the most Distinguished Persons of her Time. /ortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1833 39 BOADEN (JAMES), LIFE OF MRS. JORDAN, including Original Private Correspondence, and numerous Anec- dotes of her Contemporaries. Portrait. 2 vols. (extend- ed to 4), 8vo, crimson morocco extra, inside borders hand- somely tooled, gilt edges, by Revere. London, 1831 Oo UnrIQueE Cory, elegantly illustrated by the insertion of 187 Portraits, and Autographs, many inlaid, and including a number of choice proofs on India paper. Among the autographs are letters, etc., of Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Inch bald, Mrs. Billington, Macready, Harley, and Chas. Kemble. Many rare and choice Portraits enrich this beautiful copy, among which is a fine old mezzotint of Mrs. Young, Master Betty as “ Douglas” (colored), Mrs. Yates, Miss O’Neill, Mrs. Alsop and Lady Mary Fox (daughters of Mrs. Jordan), Mrs. Oldfield, Cata- lani, Kean, Garrick, Kemble, Gen. Burgoyne, Lord Rawdon, Cob- bett, Sheridan, scarce ones of Robt. Wilks and Barton Booth, and several of Mrs. Jordan. 40 Private Correspondence, and numerous Anecdotes of her Contemporaries. ortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1831 341 BOADEN (JAMES). LIFE OF MRS. JORDAN, including a a original Private Correspondence, and numerous Anec- . dotes of her Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, ro 340 BoapDEN (JAMES). Lire or Mrs. JorDAN, including Onginal gilt edges. London, 1831 JNIQUE Copy ; illustrated by the insertion of 150 rare and beautiful plates, some proofs, and including Portraits of the most celebrated actors and actresses of the day, also Views of Theatres and old Play Bills. The volumes are specially rich in portraits of eminent actresses, famous for their beauty as well as their genius. BOADEN (JAMES). Memorrs OF THE LIFE OF JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE, including a History of the Stage, from the Time of Garrick to the Present Period. ine portrait after Lawrence. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 BoaDEN (JAMES). Memorrs of the Lire of JoHN PHILIP KEMBLE, including a History of the Stage, from the Time of Garrick to the Present Period. Fine portrait after Lawrence, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 BosBin, (Tim.) [2.e. John Collier]. MiscELLANEOUS WoRKS, containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect, with large additions and Glossary ; Poem on the Flying Dragon and the Man at Heaton, together with other Whimsical Amusements, Portrait and curious plates. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1806 BosBIn (Tim). Works, in Prose and Verse, with Glossary of Lancashire Words and Phrases, and a Memoir of the Author by John Carry. Curious illustrations. 8vo, half calf gilt. Rochdale, 181g Scarce. BOCCACCIO, DECAMERON ; or, Ten Days’ Entertain ment, Translated [by Dubois], with Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio. Portrait. 8vo, calf extra, gilt back, yellow edges, London, 1820 Charming copy, with a series of beautiful Engravings (proofs on India paper) after Stothard’s designs, published by Pickering, inserted. Boccaccio, DECAMERON, with 18 steel engravings. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1858 4I 348 Borst (Tuomas). Pusiic Epucation in the City of New York. History, etc. J//ustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1869 349 BolscELIN (CHEV. Louis DE). ANCIENT AND MODERN Matta, with the History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and the Conquest of the Island by the English. Large map and fine plates of antiquities, portraits of the Grand Masters, etc. 3 vols. in 2, 4to, calf gilt. London, 1804 350 Botsmont (A, B, DE). On Hatvucinations. Translated by Columbus, 1860 Apparitions, Visions, Dreams, Ecstasy, Magnetism, and Somnambu- lism. Hulme. 12mo, cloth, 351 Botton (R.) History of the Protestant EpiscopaL CHURCH in WESTCHESTER Co., from 1693 to 1853. Mumerous il- lustrations. 8vo, cloth, N. ¥., 1855 352 Bomser (L. A. C.) Lives of Haypn and Mozart; with Ob- servations on Metastasio, and on the Present State of Music in France and Italy. Translated, with Notes. 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1818 353 Bonp (HENRy). GENEALOGIES of the Families and Descend- ants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. Jortraits, maps, and wood-cuts, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855 354 Bon Gautier. Book or Batiaps. Slustrations by Doyle, Square crown Edinburgh, 1864 Leech, and Crowguill. Eighth Edition. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. 355 Bonney (Rev. H. K.) MHusroric Notices in reference to Fotheringhay. J//ustrations. 8vo, half calf gilt. | Two éxtra plates are inserted in this volume. Oundle, 1821 356 Book or RoxBurGHE BALLaDs (Popular Ballads of the Reigns of Elizabeth, James, and Charles). Edited by Collier. Elegantly printed in antique type by C. Whittingham, with 50 curious wood-cuts, Small 4to, calf extra. London, 1847 357 BooksELLER (THE). A Handbook of British and Foreign Literature, from 1866 to December, 1878. 13 vols. 8vo, (4 in half mor,, the rest in numbers). London, 1866-78 Includes the illustrated Christmas numbers. A2 358 Boorn (Barton). Lire of that Excellent Tragedian, BARTON Bootu, Esq., late one of the Managers at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane; his Amour with Afiss Mountfort, etc. ‘To which is added, a Po—EM To HIS MEMORY. London, 1733 MeEmorrs OF THE LIFE OF BarTON Bootu, Es@.; with his Character. Also, several PorTicaL PIECES, written by Himself. To which is likewise annex’d, the Case of Mr. Booth’s last Illness, and what was observ’d upon opening of his body in the Presence of Sir Hans Slone, etc. or- trait. Int vol. 8vo, half mor, Scarce. London, 1773 300TH (Epwin). PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS of his Characters in Tragedy and Comedy. Drawn in Costume, by W. J. Hennessy, from Life, With Biographical and Critical Sketch of the Actor, by William Winter. Folio, cloth gilt. 3oston, 1872 Beautifully printed, and containing portraits of Mr. Booth as Hamlet, Richelieu, Macbeth, Othello, and other characters. Published at $10. [Booru (J.)] BroGRAPHICAL Memorr of the much lamented Princess Charlotte Augusta of WaLEs and Saxe Coburg. Portraits on India Paper, fac-similes, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1818 Bootu (J. B.) Tue Actor; or, a Peep behind the Curtain : being passages in the Lives of Booth and some of his Contemporaries. 12mo, wrapper. N. Y., 1846 BootH, The same. N. Y., 1846 Boorw MemorIAL. Passages, Incidents, and Anecdotes in the Life of Junius Brutus Booth (the elder), By his Daughter. Portrait, as Richard IJT, 12m0,cloth. New York, 1866 First edition, having the “ Copies of old Play-bills,” omitted in subse- quent editions. The authoress, the tragedian’s youngest daughter, is the wife of the celebrated comedian, Mr. J. 8. Clarke. Bootu (Mary L.) HIsTORY OF THE Ciry or New York, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. //us- trated with over 100 engravings, Royal 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1860 Borrow (GEORGE). Works. Sine portrait, 13 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. Murray, London, 1843-62 The Zincali; or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain, 2 vols. The Bible in Spain, 8 vols. Lavengro, 3 vols. The Rommany Rye, 2 vols. Wild Wales, 3 vols. Best edition. 43 66 BoRUWLASKI (Count JosEPH). Memoirs of the celebrated WwW Ww ~I rs) WwW ~ Dwarf. Text in French and English. late. 8vo, calf gilt. Rare. London, 1788 Also inserted in this volume, the rare account (2 pp.) of the dwarf, Joseph Cardozo, with portrait, and two other inserted portraits. This book is from the Libraries of George Daniel and John Dillon, both of whom are represented by autographs and MSs. BoRuwLask!I (Count). Memoirs of, containing his Travels, Receptions, etc. ortrait, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Durham, 1820 Inserted in this copy is a most interesting AUTOGRAPH LETTER from the celebrated dwarf to Samuel Amory. Joseph Boruwlaski was 42 inches in height. Boston Book (The) ; or, Specimens of Metropolitan Litera- ture. Edited by B. B. Thatcher, etc. rontispieces. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1837-50 Boston Book. (1850). rontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1850 Boston RAILROAD JUBILEE, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 Boston TEA-Party, Retrospect of, with a Memoir of Geo. R. T. Hewes [one of the uninvited guests]. Portrait. 12mo, boards, uncut, New York, 1834 Fine clean copy, unusually tall, Boston TeEA-Party. © Traits of the Tea-Party: being a Memoir of George R, T. Hewes, one of the last survivors, with Reminiscences of the ‘‘ Boston Massacre,” etc. /or- trait, i2mo, New York, 1835 p] A rare plate of the incident is inserted in this copy. BoswELL (JAMES). Account or Corsica. Large Map. 8vo, calf. Foulis, Glasgow, 1768 Contains Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. BOSWELL (JAMES). LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D, Including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker, J//ustrations. 5 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt backs and yellow edges, Best Edition. Murray, London, 1831 UNIQUE COPY; with 215 rare and beautiful Portraits, Views, etc., in- serted, including Literary, Dramatic, and other celebrities, many of the engravings being very fine impressions. 44 BoTFIELD GALLERY. CaTALOGUE of Pictures in the pos- session of Beriah Botfield, Esq., at Norton Hall. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half morocco, London, 1848 Privately printed. Presentation copy “from the Author.” 376 Boupinot (Evtas). STAR IN THE WEST; or, a Humble Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their Return to their Beloved City, Jerusa- lem. 8vo, sheep. Trenton, N. J., 1816 BournE (VINCENT). PortTicaL Works. Originals and Translations, with his Letters. 2 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. Oxford, 1808 “T love the memory of Vinny Bourne. I think him a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him.”—COWPER. Bownpitcu (N. 1.) Surrotk Surnames. Portrait on India paper. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1861 Bower (J.) Description of the ApBEYs of MELROSE and Old Melrose. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed for the author, Kelso, 1813 Bow es (SAMUEL). Our New West. Jaf, portraits, and 12 plates. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1869 BowmaN and IRwIN. SHERMAN and his Campaigns. or- traits. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1865 Bowyer (Wm., Printer), MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS and Literary Correspondence, edited by J. Nicholls. Thick Ato, calf. Scarce. London, 1785 Sir Mark Sykes’s copy sold for £1 13s. BoxIANA; or, SKETCHES of Pucitism. A series of upwards of 70 portraits of Celebrated Pugtlists and members of the P. R. from the earliest time. Imp. 8vo, half mor. London, n. d. Boynton (Capt. E. C.) History or West Point, its Military Importance during the American Revolution ; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Mili- tary Academy. Vumerous tllustrations, some colored, and Maps, on India paper. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER Copy ; only 100 printed. New York, 1864 Contains also fac-simile reprint of the “ TRIAL OF MAJOR ANDRE, 1780.” vom = ZdO or 389 39° 391 392 394 395 45 Boynton (Capt. E. C.) History or West Point, its Military Importance during the American Revolution; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Mili- Numerous Maps and [llustrations, many Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1864 tary Academy. on India paper. LARGE PAPER ; only 100 copies printed. [Browne]. ArtTEMUS WarD: His Book. Jiustrated. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1862 BRACCIOLINI (PoGccio). Lire or, by the Rev. Wm. Shep- herd. BRACKENRIDGE (HuGuH H.) TION in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794. 8vo, half crimson mor. Scarce. Phila., 1795 BrapBury (C.) Hisrory or KENNEBUNK Port, from its first discovery by Bart. Gosnold, 1602, to 1837. Frontis- piece. 16mo, cloth. Kennebunk, 1837 Brappock (MaJ.-GEen. E.) EXPEDITION against Fort Du Quesne in 1755. Edited by W. Sargent. 11 plans, ete. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1856 BRADFORD (ALEXANDER W.) AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1841 BRADFORD (ALDEN). History of Massacuusetts, from 1764 to July, 1775, when Gen. Washington took com- mand of the American Army. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1822 3RADISH (LUTHER). PROCEEDINGS of the New York His- torical Society on the Death of. Portrait on India paper. Royal 8vo, uncut. New York, 1865 Only a limited edition printed, Brapy (J. H.) Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed for the author. BRAHAM. A Co.LuectTion of old PLAy-Bitts, Portraits, etc., illustrating the career of John Braham, the distin- guished vocalist ; also an autograph letter of Braham, 1830. Among the portraits are two fine colored ones of Braham, drawn and etched by Richard Dighton, and a rare play-bill of Edmund Keanand Macready, as “ Othel- ,” and “Tago,” (Drury Lane, 1832), adds value to Mounted and inserted in one volume, 8vo, half mor., uncut. Liverpool, 1837 INCIDENTS OF THE INSURREC- DISSERTATION on the NAMEs of Persons. London, 1822 lo the collection. folio, boards. 46 396 BRAINERD FAmILy in the United States. Genealogy of, by D. D. Field. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. sn Di Sree dota 397 [BRAITHWAITE (RICHARD)|. BARNAB& ITINERARIUM; OF, Barnabee’s Journal; with an Account of the Author, now first discovered ; a Bibliographical History of the former editions of the Work, and Illustrative Notes. Curtous engravings. 12m0o, mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 1818 Fine copy. Contains fac-simile of the Frontispiece to the First Ept- TION, by Marshall, BRANNON (A. AND P.) Graphic Delineations of the ISLE OF WIGHT, with 30 fine engravings on steel. Oblong 12m0, half morocco. Wootton, 1839 BRAY (MRS.) LIFE OF THOMAS STOTHARD, R.A., with Personal Reminiscences. Portrait, and numerous illustrations on wood. ‘Thick 4to, full green levant mo- rocco extra, giltedges. ° London, 1851 UNIQUE and beautiful copy, having 100 plates inserted, being a selec- tion of designs from the important works of this great artist. At page 78 will be found inserted an ORIGINAL DRAWING by STOTH- ARD, which alone makes this charming volume a great desidera- tum. See STOTHARD. BrAYLey (E. W.) Lonpintana, or Reminiscences of the British Metropolis, historical, antiquarian, topographical, and anecdotal. 100 engravings of famous Buildings, ete. 4 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1828 BrayLey (E. W.) TuHeatres or Lonpon. Historical and Descriptive Accounts of. J//lustrated with 16 engravings by Daniel Havell. to, cloth. London, 1833 Very scarce. BRENTON (J. J.) Voces FROM THE Press: a Collection of Sketches, Essays, and Poems, by Practical Printers. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1850 BRIDGMAN (RICHARD W.) Short View of LEGAL BiIBLio0c- RAPHY, containing some Critical Observations on the Authority of the Reporters and other Law Writers. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1807 3RIDGMAN (T.) MEMORIALS OF THE DEAD in Boston, with an exact transcription of Inscriptions, Epitaphs, etc. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1852 405 409 47 BrirFAutt (F. T.) Prisoner or Ham; or, Captivity and Escape of Prince Napoleon Louis. Portrait, plates, and fac-simile letters. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 Brinton (D. G.) Nores ON THE FLORIDIAN PENINSULA, its Literary History, Indian Tribes, and Antiquities. 12mo, wrapper. Phila., 1859 BritisH Essavists. Tatler, Connoisseur, Adventurer, and Lounger. Prefaces by Chalmers. Portratts. 11 vols. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Britisu Essavists (Select). Beautifully illustrated by Cor- bould, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, crimped calf extra. Jones, London, 1828 Comprises, the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, Rambler, Idler, Advent- urer, Connoisseur, Mirror, Lounger, World, Observer, Knox's Essays, Olla Podrida, and Microcosm. BRITISH POETS. ALDINE EDITION, ON LARGE PAPER. Portraits. 52 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon., 1866 950 COPIES PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER, of which only 100 were is- sued to Subscribers in the United States, the above being Num- ber 2 Chaucer, 6 vols. ; Dryden, 5 vols.; Milton, 3 vols. ; Shakespeare, 1 vol.; Surrey, 1 vol.; Wyatt, 1 vol.; Spenser, 5 vols. ; Pope, 3 vols. ; Swift, 3 vols.; Burns, 3 vols.; Cowper, 8 vols. ; Butler, 2 vols. ; Thomson, 2 vols. ; Young, 2 vols.; Prior, 2 vols.; Churchill, 2 vols.; >? Goldsmith, 1 vol.; Gray, 1 vol.; Falconer, 1 vol. ; Beattie, 1 vol. ; Parnell, 1 vol. ; Akenside, 1 vol. ; Collins, 1 vol.; Kirke-White, 1 vol. British Ports. Poetical Works of Chatterton, Churchill, Gay, and Shelley; with Lives. Portratts. 10 vols. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1854 BritisH Poets. Works of: with Memoirs, by Johnson, etc. Frontispieces by Stothard, etc. 124 vols. 12mo, calf extra. Fine copy. London, 1807 Includes the Translations. BriTTon (Joun). AuTosroGRaPHy, in Three Parts. Sub- scription Edition. I. Personal and Literary Memoir of the author; II. Descriptive Account of his Literary Works; III. Biographical, Topographical, Critical, and Miscellaneous Essays. Copiously illustrated. 2 parts in 1 vol. thick royal 4to, calf extra. London, 1850 Printed only for presents to the Subscribers to the “ Britton Testimo- nial.” J. H. Markland’s copy, who has inserted numerous fine portraits, several autograph letters of the author, newspaper cuttings, etc., etc. 48 BriTTon (Joun). AuTosiocRrapHy. Three Parts complete; with numerous portraits and engravings. 3 parts in 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half mor., uncut. Scarce. London, 1850 Only 500 copies privately printed. BRITTON. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Second and Third Parts com- plete. Portraits and plates. 4to, half calf. TLon., 1849 Britton, Brier Memoir of the Life and Writings of. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately printed, London, 1825 Presentation copy “to the Rev. Geo. Crabbe from the author.” BRODHEAD (L. W.) DerLawarE WaTeER Gap, and its Scenery, with Sketches of the Early Settlers, etc. Co/- ored frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1870 BromLey (Henry). Catatocue of Engraved British Por- traits, from Egbert the Great to the present time, with Appendix of Foreign Portraits. 4to, calf. _Lon., 1793 Bronte. Bett (Currer). Jane Eyre; Shirley; Villette. 3 vols. r2mo, half calf antique. N. Y., 1858-59 Bronte. ‘Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Agnes Grey, by “Acton Bell” and Wuthering Heights, by “ Ellis Bell.” 2 vols. post 8vo, half mor. gilt. London, 1858-9 Brooke (Mrs.) Rosina: a Comic Opera. 8vo, half red mor. London, n. d. The fable of this piece is taken from the Book of Ruth, which also furnished the subject for Thomson’s Palemon and Lavinia. Brooke. Rosina. Fourth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1783 Brooke. Rosina. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt. 2 Dublin, 1783 Brooke. Rostna. Post 8vo, half morocco. Belfast, 1784 Brooke. Rosina. Eighth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1784 Brooke. Rosina. Ninth Edition. 8vo, half mor. London, 1784 Brooke. Rosina. Tenth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1784 Brooke. Rosina. Eleventh Edition. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1786 Brooke. Rosina. Twelfth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1788 437 439 440 441 49 BRooKE (Mrs.) Rosina. Thirteenth Edition. 8vo, half mor. London, 1790 BROOKE. Rosina. Fourteenth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1796 Brooke. Rosina. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1805 Large Paper. Brooke. Rosina. Portrait of Mrs. Martyr. 12mo, half mor. London, 1805 BrRooKE. Rosina. Portrait of Mrs. Bishop. 12mo, half mor. London, 1810 Brooke. Rosina. Fyontispiece. 12mo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1811 Brooke. Rosina. Edited by T. Dibdin. Wood-cuts. 24mo, half mor. Chiswick Press, London, 1815 Brooke (Ricup.) Liverpoon as it was during the last Quarter of the XVIIIth Century. Mumerous steel en- gravings. Royal 8vo, half mor., uncut. Liverpool, 1853 At page 430 will be found a true account of the death of John Palmer, the Actor, with a view of the Old Theatre in Williamson Square. BRooKIANA. Portrait and View. 2 vols 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1804 Detached Sayings, Unstudied Phrases, etc., of Henry Brooke, with ac- count of various Anas. BRooKs (SHIRLEY). ASPEN Court: A Story of our own time. 12mo, half calf gilt. N. ¥.,. 7886 BROTHERHEAD (WM.) Book OF THE SIGNERS; containing Lac-simile Letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence : also illustrated with 61 Engravings, from Original Photographs and Drawings of the Residences, Portraits, etc. Folio, half morocco extra, gilt top. Limited Edition. Phila., 1861 Fine India paper portrait of Jefferson inserted. BrouGH (Ropert B.) Cracker Bon-Bon for Christmas Parties. COLORED frontispiece and comic wood-cuts. Square post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 BroucH (R. B.) Lire or Sir Joun Farstarr, from au- thentic sources. J//ustrated with a series of 20 Engrav- ings, Drawn and Etched by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1858 Scarce. V 50 Broucu (R. B.) Miss Brown; and Marston LYNCH. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1860 BrouGHam (JoHN). Humorous Stories. J//ustrated by McLenan. 12m0, cloth. N. Y., 1859 [BroucHam (Lorp)]. ALBERT LUNEL; or, the Chateau of Languedoc. 3 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Suppressed during the author’s lifetime. London, 1844 BrouGcHaM (Lorp). Lire anp TiMEs of, written by him- self. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinb., 1871 Brown (CAs. BROCKDEN). Novets. 8 vols. 12mo, half calf antique. 1 Boston, 1827 London, 1822 Comprises: Arthur Mervyn, 2 vols.; Jane Talbot ; Wieland, with a Memoir ; Edgar Huntly, the Sleep Walker; Carwin, the Bilo- quist ; and other American Tales ; 6 vols. Brown. ARTHUR MERVYN, JANE TALBOT, AND CLARA Howarp. 4 vols. r2mo, half morocco. Boston, 1827 The last mentioned Novel is not included in the previous lot. The works of this early American novelist are now rarely met with. See DUNLOP. Brown (Davip Paut). Srerrorius; or, the Roman Pa- triot: a Tragedy. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1830 Presentation copy to Henry T. Tuckerman, with autograph of the author. Brown (Davip Pau). THE Forum; or, Forty Years’ Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. ac-stmiles. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 Brown (James). Memorr of, by Geo. S. Hillard. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Privately printed. Mr. Brown was a member of the well-known firm of booksellers, Messrs. Little, Brown & Co. Brown (T. AListon). History OF THE AMERICAN STAGE, containing Biographical Sketches of nearly every mem- ber of the Profession that has appeared on the American Stage, from 1733 to 1870. Vearly 100 Portraits on wood of Actors and Actresses. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1870 Published by subscription. Autograph letter of the author inserted. Brown (Tuomas). Remains, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse, with a Key. Frontispiece. 12mo, boards. London, 1720 See page 308 for the virgin who “ gnaw’d the sheets these twenty years.” 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 464 51 Brown. Tom Brown’s Works, comical, satirical, serious, and moral, in Prose and Verse, with Life and Notes by Dr. Drake. With Supplement. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf. London, 1719-30 Brown University. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of, Sept., 1864. Portrait of James Manning on India paper. Roy. 4to, uncut. LARGE PAPER. Providence, 1865 Brown (W. H.) Portrair GALLERY of Distinguished American Citizens, with Biographical Sketches, fac- similes of Original Letters, azd 28 silhouette portraits. Imp. 4to, half morocco. Hartford, 1845 Very rare; the portraits, in many instances, have dealt so truly with the subject, as to bear the stamp of a caricature ; even the atti- tudes will be recognized, for all these portraits are full-length. [Browne (C. F.)] ArTEmMus WarRpD’s PANORAMA. 24 wood- cuts. 1%2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1869 Browne (IrvinG). Our Best Society: a Parlor Comedy. 8vo, wrapper. Troy, 1868 Privately printed ; presentation copy from the author. BROWNE (JAMES). History OF THE HIGHLANDs, and of the Highland Clans. Portraits, Armorial Bearings, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Glasgow, 1838 BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). POEMS. 3 vols. 12mo, morocco extra, gilt sides and edges. N. Y., 1858 BROWNING (ROBERT). MEN AND WOMEN. Poems. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Bryant (W. C.) Discourse on the Life, Character, and Writings of GULIAN CROMMELIN VERPLANCK. 8vo, uncut. NOY om Printed for the N. Y. Hist. Society, before whom the Discourse was delivered. BryANT FEsTIvAL AT “ THE CENTURY,” Nov. 5, 1864. 4to, boards. N. Y¥., 1805 UNIQUE CoPyY, with the original Invitation to the Poet Halleck, auto- graph letters of R. W. Emerson and John Pierpont, and portraits of W. C. Bryant and Lydia Sigourney inserted. Bryant (WM. CULLEN). Poems. 12mo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1821 The rare First EDITIoN, including “ Thanatopsis.” Bryant (WM. CULLEN). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 4 N. Y., 1857 vA 52 465 Bryant (WILLIAM: CULLEN). Poems, collected and ar- ranged by the Author. J//ustrated with 71 engravings Srom Drawings by Birket Foster, William Harvey, Har- rison Wetr, the Dalziels, and other eminent Artists. 4to, half green morocco, gilt top. N. Y., (1854) BryDGEs (SiR EGERTON). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries. ortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Scarce, but minus the Danby etched portrait. London, 1834 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). BRIEF CHARACTER of Matthew, Lord Rokeby. Uncut, Lee Priory Press, Kent, 1817 Only 100 copies printed. BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). BRITISH BIBLIOGRAPHER. Beauti- ful portraits. Edited by Egerton Brydges and Joseph Haslewood. 4 vols. 8vo, calf, by Hering. Lon., 1810-14 Very scarce, only 250 copies printed. Fine copy, from the library of Buckle, the Historian. 469 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). CENSURA LITERARIA, containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old En- glish. Books, with Original Disquisitions, Articles of Biog- raphy, etc. 10 vols, 8vo, half red mor. London, 1815 SECOND AND BEST EDITION ; ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. BrypDGEs (Sir EcrrTon), Conincspy: a Tragic Tale (Lon- don, 1819) Sir Ralph Willoughby, an Historical Tale, with the Dedicatory Sonnets of Edmund Spenser, (Florence, 1820). In 1 vol, 12mo, cloth. BRYDGEs (SIR EGERTON). IMAGINATIVE BIOGRAPHY. 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, half mor. London, 1834 3RYDGES (SIR EGERTON). RECOLLECTIONS OF FOREIGN TRAVEL; on Life, Literature, and Self-Knowledge. 2 vols. small 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825 BRYDGEs (SiR Ecerton). Restiruta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, re- vived, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1814 Only 250 copies printed. BRYDGEs (SIR EGERTON). SELECT Pores, with a Preface, and Sonnets and other Poems. Vignettes on India Paper. Royal 4to, half mor., uncut. Kent, 1814 Only 100 copies printed. BRYDGES. SELECT Poems, Printed throughout on India Paper, one side only. Royal 4to, boards, uncut. Kent, 1814 Only 5 copies printed. A P- 476 477 486 53 BuckKINGHAM (J. T.) PERsonaL Memorrs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Portrait, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, Boston, 1852 BucKINGHAM (J. T.) SpEcIMENS oF NEWSPAPER LITERA- TURE; with Anecdotes and Reminiscences. ortraits. 2 vols. in 1, r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1850 Contains many interesting literary anecdotes connected with the early history of this country. BUCKMINSTER (JOSEPH S.) SERMONS. Jortrait. 8vo, calf. Boston, 1821 3UCKSTONE (J. B.) Poputar Dramas, as Performed at the Metropolitan Theatres. Portrait by Maclise, and Vignettes to each Play, by Kenny Meadows. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1835 BuLrincu (THos.) OREGON AND ELporabo; or, a Romance of the Rivers, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1866 Buttock (H. A.) History or THE IsLE or MAN. rontis- piece and large map. 8vo, boards. London, 1816 Contains: Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons connected with that Island. BuLWER (Sir E. Lytton). Dramas AND Poems. Riche- lieu, The Lady of Lyons, etc. Portrait. 16mo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1858 BuLwer (Sir E. Lytron).. Leiva; or, the Siege of Gra- nada; and Calderon the Courtier; with fine, engravings by eminent artists, engraved by Heath, including fine por- trait after Chalon. 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1857 BuLWeR. Not so BaD As WE SEEM. A Comedy. 12mo, cloth. N.. Y., 1851 BuLtwer (E. Lyrron). Novets; with Frontispieces by flablot K. Browne and others. 20 vols. crown 8vo, half maroon calf gilt. London, 1867 Contents: Rienzi, Eugene Aram, Last Days of Pompeii, Paul Clifford, Last of the Barons ; Harold; The Disowned ; Night and Morni:g, Devereux, My Novel (2 vols.), What will he do with it (2 vols.), Lucretia, Strange Story, The Caxtons, Zanoni, Pelham and Leila, Godolphin and Pilgrims of the Rhine, Ernest Maltravers, and Alice. BuLWER (Sir E. Lytron). PorricaAL AND DRAMATIC Works. fine Portrait and Engraved Title-pages, with vignettes on steel. 5 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1852-4 54 Buncay (Grorce W.) Orr-Hanp TAKkINGs; or, Crayon Sketches of the Noticeable Men of the Age. 20 Por- traits on steel; Everett, Chapin, Beecher, John Van Buren, Ogden Hoffman, etc. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., [1854] BuNKER Hitt MONUMENT. Panoramic view from. 4to, boards. Boston, 1848 Bunn (ALF.) OLD ENGLAND AND NEw ENGLAND. I2mo, uncut. Phila., 1853 Bunn (ALFRED). THe STAGE: both Before and Behind the Curtain, from “ Observations taken on the spot.” 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1840 Wood-cut Illustration inserted. “BunNTLINE (NED,” 7. ¢, &. Z. C. Judson). MYSTERIES AND Miseries of New York; wood-cuts. 8vo, half morocco. Scarce. N. Y., 1849 BunyAN (JOHN). Pitcrim’s Procress; beautifully illus- trated with engravings on steel after Stothard and others. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. BuNYAN (JOHN). PrtGrim’s Procress. Jélustrations on wood. 12mo, half calf antique. N. Y., 1865 BurFrorD CorTracs, and its Robin-Red- Breast; wth the beautiful Frontispiece and Vignette by George Cruikshank. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1835 Printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. Burcess (Exiz.) Lire or Betty Bouaine (‘he Canterbury Miser), her Avarice and Depravity. Curious portrait. 8vo, half morocco gilt. Canterbury, 1832 BurGoyne (LtT.-GEN. JOHN). DRAMATIC AND POETICAL Works; with Memoir of the Author. Plates by Cor- bould. 2 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1807 Printed by Whittingham. Burcoyne (Lieut.-GEN. JOHN). STATE OF THE EXPE- DITION from Canada, as laid before the House of Com- mons by Lt.-Gen. Burgoyne, with a Collection of au- thentic Documents, and an addition of many Circum- stances which were prevented from appearing before the House. Map and Plans of Battles, mounted on linen. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1780 Fine copy, with 17 rare and valuable Plates inserted, among which are Portraits of Burgoyne, Sir Guy Carleton, Gates, Baron Riedesel, etc. ; also the scarce folding plate of “ Gen. Frazer's Funeral.” 55 498 BURGOYNE (LIEUT.-GEN.) STATE oF THE EXPE- ZU 499 500 “AO 504 DITION from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons by Lieut.-General Burgoyne, and verified by Evidence; with a Collection of Authentic Documents, and an addition of many circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House. Written and collected by himself, and Dedicated to the officers of the army he commanded. Fine Map and Plans of Battle, mounted on muslin. 8vo, pp. 191, Appendix, pp. CIX. Boards, uncut, rough edges. London, 1780 Fine copy. Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney’s copy, with his autograph on title- page. Portrait of him inserted. BURK (JOHN). HISTORY OF VIRGINIA from its First Settlernent to the Present Day, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Petersburg, 1804-16 This work is now extremely rare ; the fourth volume, which is a Con- tinuation by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin, especially so, as nearly every copy was destroyed by fire. Burk (Joun). History OF THE LATE WAR IN IRELAND, with an Account of the United Irish Association, from the First Meeting in Belfast to the Landing of the French at Kilala. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila., 1799 Curious as being one of the few writings of JoHN Burk, author of the “ HISTORY OF VIRGINIA.” Burk (JoHNn Day). Some MATERIALS to serve for a Brief Memoir of. Edited by C. Campbell. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 BurKE (Sir BERNARD). ROMANCE OF THE ARISTOCRACY ; or, Anecdotes and Records of Distinguished Families. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1855 Burke (SiR BERNARD). VICISSITUDES OF FamILies, and other Essays. Third edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1859 Burke (Rr. Hon. Ep.) Memorr of the Life and Charac- ter of, with Specimens of his Poetry and Letters. By James Prior. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 56 Burke (Rt. Hon. E,) Pustic and Domestic Lire of, by Peter Burke. J//ustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 BurkE (Rt. Hon. E.) Wispom and Genius of, with Ex- tracts and a Life by Peter Burke. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Moxon, London, 1845 Burke (J. B.) Lanpep Gentry of Great Britain and Ire- land. Genealogical and Heraldic History. Portraits and arms. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1837-38 BurRKE (J. BERNARD). \ Famity RoMANCE; or, Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. Second edi- tion. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1854 BurRKE (J. BERNARD). ROMANTIC REcorps of Distinguished Families. Second edition. 2 vols. crown 8yo, half mo- rocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1851 Burke (MAsTER Josepn, the Trish Roscius). BioGRAPHY of. 12mo, pp. 12. Phila., 1832 BuRKE (WILLIAM). Memorr of, a Soldier of the Revolution, reformed from Intemperance, etc. From a Journal kept by himself. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top. Hartford, 1837 Burn (J. H.) Tokens or THE LoNDON TRADERS; Tavern, and Coffee-House Tokens of the XVIIth Century. Por- trait and plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853 BurN. ANOTHER copy. Cloth. London, 1853 The above Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection presented to the Corporation Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy, was printed for the use of the Members of the London Corporation. Burn (JoHN SoUTHERDEN). FLEET REGISTERS. Com- prising the History of Fleet Marriages, and some Ac- count of the Parsons and Marriage-House Keepers, with Extracts from the Registers; to which are added No- tices of the May Fair, Mint, and Savoy Chapels, etc. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1832 Scarc>. Presentation copy from the author. 4 ti 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 oy 515 BURNEY (Cuas.) anp HAWKINS (Sir Joun). GEN- ERAL HISTORY OF MUSIC, from the earliest ages to the present time. Boru Works. Portraits and numerous beautiful engravings by Bartolozsi from de- signs by Cipriant. Together, 9 vols. 4to, calf gilt. A fine set; very scarce. ‘ London, 1776-89 “ Between the rival histories, the public decision was loud and imme- diate in favor of Dr. Burney. Time has modified this opinion, and brought the merits of each work to their fair and proper level —and adjudging to Burney the palm of style, arrangement, and amusing narrative, and to Hawkins the credit of minuter accu- racy and deeper research ; more particularly in the points inter- esting to the antiquary and the literary world in general.”—Life of BURNEY. Burney (Doctor). Memoirs of. Edited by Madame D’Arblay. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1833 BuRNHAM (G. P.) History ur THE HEN FEVER; wood- cuts. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1855 Burns. BIBLIOTHECA BuRNSIANA. Title- pages and im- prints of the various editions of the Life and Works of Burns in the Private Library of James M’Kie. 8vo, boards. Kilmarnock, 1866 Burns. Letters Appressep To [Mrs. M’Lehose] Cia- e RINDA, etc. 12mo, uncut. Glasgow, 1802” First edition ; very rare, having been suppressed. Burns (R.) CoRRESPONDENCE between Burns and Cla- rinda (Mrs. M’Lehose), with a Life of that lady, Por- traits and engraved title. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1843 BuRNS AND CLaRrinDA. Another copy. Cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1843 Burns. ANOTHER EDITION. 12m0, uncut. Bixby, New York, 1845 BurRNS. CHRONICLE of the Hundredth Birthday of Robert Burns. Edited by J. Ballantine. Portrait and vignette. Royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1859 BurRNsS (ROBERT). COMPLETE POETICAL AND PROSE Works, with Life, Notes, and Correspondence, by Al- lan Cunningham. J//ustrations. 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1859 Burns. WINTER WITH RoBERT Burns. Outline plate of his tnauguration as Poet-Laureate of the Clan Kil. 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1846 58 526 BuRR. BLENNERHASSETT PAPERS, embodying the Private Journal of Harman Blennerhassett, the Wilkinson and Burr Revolution, etc.; with Memoir by W. H. Safford. Portraits on steel. vo, cloth. Cinn., 1861 527 BuRR. EXAMINATION of the Various Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States; and a Development of the Characters and Views of his Political Opponents. New edition, revised and corrected, with Additions. By ARISTIDES. 8vo, half morocco. Printed for the Author, |New York], 1804 528 Burr. Repty to Aristides. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1804 s29 BuRR. LETTER TO A FRIEND on the Conduct of the Ad- herents to Mr. Burr. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N.- Y¥., 1803 530 Burr. NINE LETTERS on the Subject of Colonel Burr’s Political Defection, with an Appendix. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1803 531 BURR. CLARK (DANIEL). PROOFS OF THE CoRRUPTION of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connection with Aaron Burr, with a Full Refutation of his Slanderous Allegations in relation to the character of the Principal Witness against him. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1809 532 BuRR. PARTON (James). Lire and Times of Aaron Burr. Portraits, and other illustrations. 12m0, half calf antique. N. Y., 1858 533 BURR (Aaron). Memoirs of, with Miscellaneous Selec- tions from his Correspondence by Mat. L. Davis. Por- trait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1837-38 534 Burr. MARGARET MoncrieFFE; the First Love of Aaron Burr. A Romance of the Revolution by C. Burdett. Fac-simile of Burr's cipher letter, 12m0, cloth. New York, 1860 535 BuRR. NARRATIVE of the Suppression, by Colonel Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. Written by John Wood, with a Biography of Thomas Jefferson and of General Hamilton, with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of Gen. C. C. Pinckney, by a Citizen of New York. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1802 IFO SSI 59 536 BURR anv WILKINSON. I. Memoirs oF My Own Time. By Gen. James Wilkinson. 3 vols. 8vo, with Diagrams and Plans, in 1 vol. 4to. Together, 4 vols. Phila., 1816 Fine clean copy, with autograph letter (one page folio, Ft. Washing- ton, April 12, 1795,) of Gen. WILKINSON inserted. II. Triat of Col. Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the United States), for Treason, and for a Misdemeanor, etc., etc. By David Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1808 Ili. Triax of Col. Aaron Burr, on an Indictment for Trea- son, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Richmond (Virginia), May Term, 1807; including Arguments and Decisions on all the motions made dur- ing the Examination and Trial, etc. Taken in Short- hand by T. Carpenter. 3 vols. 8vo. Very scarce. Washington City, 1807-08 Vol. III. ends with Appendix, p. xlviii. IV. Memoirs oF GENERAL WILKINSON; comprising “ Burr’s Conspiracy Exposed, and General Wilkinson Vindicated and the Slanders of his Enemies on that Important Oc- casion.”’ Vol. 2, 8vo. Printed for the Author, Washington City, 1811 Autograph letter of GEN. WILKINSON inserted, dated ‘‘ Camp, 4 miles west of the Big Spring, under the Hill, Aug’t 16th, 12 o'clock, P.M., 1791.” Also, autograph of ALEx. HAMInToN, as Sec’y of Treasury. V. PROOFS OF THE CORRUPTION of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, etc. By Daniel Clark. 8vo. Phila., 1809 TOGETHER, 11 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia and Washington City, 1807—16 537 Burr. STRICTURES upon the Narrative of the Suppression, by Col. Burr, of Wood’s History of the Administration of John Adams. By a Yeoman. 8vo, half morocco. a Ds Cel: Very scarce. 60 Burr (AARON). PRIVATE JOURNAL, during Four Years’ Residence in Europe, etc. Edited by M. L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. N.Y.; 2838 BurR. VIEW OF THE POLITICAL ConpucT of Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States. By the au- thor of the Narrative, [James Cheetham]. 8vo, half morocco. N.Y, Loo2 [BuRRELL (Lapy)]|. Porms, dedicated to the Earl of Mans- field. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1793 Burritt (Exinu, the learned Blacksmith). WALK FROM Lonpon to John O’Groat’s, with Notes by the Way. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 BurTON (JOHN Hitz). Boox-HunreEr, etc.; with Addi- tional. Notes, by Richard Grant White. s12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. N. Y., 1863 “This little volume, the Book-Hunter, charming in its original mat- ter, is the very epic of Bibliography and Bibliomania.” Burton (R.) ANatToMy oF MELANCHOLY. Fac- simile title. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1862 “The book, in my opinion, most useful to a man who wishes to ac- quire the reputation of being well-read, with the least trouble, is ‘ Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy.’”—Lorb Byron. BurTON. BiBLioTHECA DRAmATICA. Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of the late WIL- LIAM E. Burton, the distinguished Comedian. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N.Y., 1860 BurTON (WILLIAM E., the Actor). CYCLOPHDIA OF WIT AND Humor} containing Choice and Characteristic Selections from the Writings of the most Eminent Hu- morists of America, Ireland, Scotland, and. England. 24 Portraits on steel and many hundred wood Engravings. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half mor. gilt. New York, 1864 This edition is now scarce. Burton (Wm. E.) YANKEE AMONGST THE MERMAIDS, and other Waggeries and Vagaries; humorous illustrations. 12mo, sewed. Scarce. Phila., 1843 Bussy (THOMAS), GENERAL History oF Music, from the Earliest Times to the-Present; comprising the lives of Eminent Composers and Musical Writers, with Notes and Observations. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1819 i 548 549 55? 559 61 Busk (M. M.) Hisrory or Spain and Portugal. 8vo, cloth. London, 1832 BuTLER (Rev. ALBAN). Lives OF THE FATHERS, MarR tyrs, and other Principal Saints, compiled from Orig- inal Monuments and other Authentic Records. /or- traits. 2 thick vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1833 BuTLER (Mrs. [anny Kemble|.) YEAR OF CONSOLATION. [Travels in Italy]. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, London, 1847 BuTLER (FRANCES ANNE. anny Kemble). JOURNAL. 2 vols. r2mo, half calf antique, red edges. Phila., 1835 BUTLER. JOURNAL. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1835 BuTLER (FRANCES ANNE. Fanny Kemble). Poems. Por- trait after Sully. 12mo, boards. Phila., 1844 Newspaper cuttings inserted. 3UTLER. Another copy. Boards. Phila,. 1844 Butter. Another, without the portrait. Bds. Phila., 1844 BuTLER (SAMUEL). HupiprAs, with Dr. Grey’s Annota- tions. New edition, corrected and enlarged. Portraits, etc., and Vignettes on wood. 3 vols. London, 1819 Also: GENUINE PoETICAL REMAINS, with Notes, by Robert Thyer. Portraits and full-page illustrations on wood. London, 1827 Together, 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1819-27 “Buz.” Doipy AND FATHER. 12mo0, cloth. N. Y., 1868 [ByerLEY (Jonn Scotr)]. ReELics oF LITERATURE by “Stephen Collett.” Fac-similes of autographs. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1823 Byerley was also the Reuben Percy of the Percy Anecdotes. The 200 articles in this volume contain, amongst other items: Praise of Kissing, Ancient Value of Books, Book Destroyers, Epitaphs, ete., etc. ByrD (WiLi1aM). WresTOVER MANUSCRIPTS; containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; a Journey to the Land of Eden, a.p. 1733; anda Progress to the Mines, written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published. Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco extra, uncut. Petersburg, 1841 First Edition, scarce ; Fisher, $6.25. 62 LOO 560 Byron (Lorp). Cuinpe Haroip. A Series of 30 tlustra- , tions after drawings by Gilbert, Duncan, Cope, Goodall, Corbould, Faed, etc., etc., finely engraved on wood. 4to, boards. Art Union, London, 1855 ay eo SC 561 BYRON. CHILDE ee eROED, with the Notes. Murray’s beau- * tiful Illustrated Edition, printed on thick paper, with 62 exquisite vignette engravings by Finden. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1841 Perfect gems of the Art of Engraving ; from pictures by Creswick, Warren, and other eminent painters. J Pe 562 Byron. CuHILDE Haro p’s PILGRIMAGE, with Notes. 30 . beautiful illustrations on wood, engraved by Linton, Dal- ztel, Thompson, etc., from Original Drawings by Faed, Gilbert, Selous, Corbould, and others. 4to, half morocco. London, 1855 The Drawings were made expressly for the Art Union of London. SW 563 Byron. Mepwin (Tuomas). Conversations of Lord P Byron noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa in 1821 and 1822. Fac-simile of letter. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824 SO 564 Byron. Counress OF BLESSINGTON’s JOURNAL of Conver- sations with Lord Byron, with a sketch of the Author's Life. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 CHOICE ILLUSTRATED COPY. 565 BYRON. ENGLISH BARDS anp SCOTCH REVIEW- - ig y~e ERS. Fourth Edition. (London, 1811), the 12mo Lext inlaid throughout on fine drawing paper, and ruled with red lines. Illustrated with an unusually extensive and interesting series of Portraits, Views, etc., etc., including many rare plates. Roy. 4to, handsomely bound in full morocco extra, crushed and polished and elegantly tooled, gilt*leaves, etc. London, 1811 UNIQUE COPY. 566 BYRON. ENGLISH BARDS anp SCOTCH REVIEW- / VA ERS: A Satire by Lord Byron. Jiustrated and ex- / tended by the insertion of upwards of 95 portraits of the most celebrated characters alluded to in the work, beautifully in- laid. 4to, half turkey morocco extra, uncut edges. New York, 1865 Of this magnificent edition (edited by E. A. Duyckinck, Ksq.) only 75 copies were printed in the above form, of which this is No, 24. 4 63 567 Byron. Fucitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord fd Byron, with Poetry, Recollections, etc., of Lady Caro- line Lamb. By I. Nathan. J/ustrations. 12mo, half calf. Scarce. London, 1829 Portrait and interesting Autograph Letter of Lady Caroline inserted. yf Ua 568 Byron GaALitery. A Series of 50 highly finished steel en- : gravings, illustrating Byron's Poems, with Selections from the Text. Life, etc., by R. B. McGregor. 4to, morocco gilt. IN.) ¥.) 2549 y, VE 569 Byron (Lorp). Hours or Ipieness. Original edition. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Newark, (Eng.,) 1807 The first publication of Lord Byron, written between the ages of 16 and 19. The following prophecy by the critic of the Edinburgh Review, in an article on the “ Hours of Idleness,” has hardly been realized: “But whatever judgment may be passed on the poems of this noble minor, it seems we must take them as we find them, and be Pg content ; for they are the last we shall ever have from him.” i? NO 570 Byron. Works. /d/lustrated with upwards of 200 Engrav- ie ings, from Original Designs by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, Hablot K. Browne, and others. Royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 571 BYRON (LORD). JOURNAL OF THE CONVERSA- VA Oe TIONS of, noted during a Residence with his Lordship , at Pisa, 1821-22. By Thomas Medwin. 4to, half mo- rocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by MJatthews, . London, 1824 _ UnIQvuE copy, illustrated by the insertion of 57 fine plates, including 15 portraits of Byron, numerous views and portraits of all the illustrious contemporaries spoken of in this volume. ral: 572 Byron. Lapy Byron VINDICATED. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 12mo, cloth. " Boston, 1870 573 Byron. FINDEN (E.) LanpscaApE AND Portrait I1-~ LUSTRATIONS to the Life and Works of Byron, with 5 oe Descriptions by Brockedon. Upwards of 150 highly- , finished engravings. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt edges. London, 1833-4 These beautiful engravings are from Drawings by Stanfield, Roberts, Cattermole, Calcott, Westall, and other distinguished artists. Early impressions of the plates. 64 ees 574 Byron (Lorn). Letrers anp JouRNALS of, with Notices ZS of his Life, by Tom Moore. Portrait by Finden. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1830 Fine copy on thick paper, with 11 portraits inserted. iM 575 Byron. LETTERS AND JouRNALS; with Notices of his iad Life, by Thomas Moore. Third Edition; with 44 beau- tiful Engravings on steel, by the Findens, Jrom Designs by Turner, Stanfield, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Murray, London, 1833 Pa 576 Byron. Brypces (Str Ecerton). Letters on the Char- fi J acter and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron. Crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1824 an 577 Byron. Gat (Joun). Lire or Lorp Byron. Lortraits /. ve of Byron and the Countess Guiccioli, and Engraved Title. 4 Post 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1830 'g 578 Byron. Euze (Karz). Lorp Byron. A BIOGRAPHY ; with , ] a Critical Essay on his Place in Literature; with Notes. Lortrait, ete. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 / 0 579 Byron. Mepora LeicuH; a History and an Autobiography. H Edited by C. Mackay, with a Commentary on Mrs. Stowe’s Charges against Lord Byron. 8vo, wrapper. N.Y., 1870 ie 580 Byron. NARRATIVE of Lord Byron’s Last Journey to J J Greece, extracted from the Journal of Count Gamba. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 AO 581 Byron PAINTED BY HIS COMPEERS. Post 8vo, cloth. r London, 1869 JO 582 Byron (LorpD). Porms on his Domestic Circumstances, ; 4 etc. 8vo, sewed. ffone, London, 1816 Second Edition. Byron. Poems, with his Memoirs. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Jones, London, n. d. 584 Byron (Lorp). PorticaL Works, 10 vols.; Lire by Pa a ie THOMAS Moore, with his Letters and Journals, 6 vols. ; i uuth beautiful illustrations on steel, by Finden, from De- signs by Stanfield, Turner, and other eminent artists. To- gether, 16 vols. post 8yo, half calf gilt. Boston (London), 1851 65 585 BYRONIANA. Narrative or Byron’s Last JOURNEY es LO to Greece, from the Journal of Count Gamba. 1825 ' CONVERSATIONS ON RELIGION with Lord Byron, by J. Ken- nedy. 1830 BYRON’S CORRESPONDENCE with a Friend. Edited by Dal- las. 3 vols. in 1. 1825 These letters were suppressed in England. Lorp Byron and Some of his CONTEMPORARIES. By Leigh Hunt. fortrait. 3 vols. in 2. 1828 THE VAMPIRE; a Tale by Byron. 1819 IMPARTIAL PorTRAIT of Byron, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 1825 Byron’s VoyYAGE to Corsica and Sardinia. 1825 GREECE, during Byron’s Residence, 1823-4. By Col. Stan- hope. . 2 vols. in tr. 1825 Last Days or Byron, by Wm. Parry. 1826 Together, 14 vols. in 8, post 8vo, crimped calf gilt. Paris, 1819-30 y 586 BYRON (LORD). POETICAL WORKS. New Edition. 4 Zi W Fortrait. 6 vols. thick 8vo, Cambridge paneled calf extra, gilt backs and edges. Murray, London, 1855-56 UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL Copy ; having 200 choice plates inserted, comprising the series of Finden’s Landscape Illustrations, and Finden’s Byron Beauties, also proofs from Designs by Corbould, tomney, and others ; and numerous portraits, among which are several rare ones of Lord Byron, ‘The plates inserted in volume 4 are unfortunately somewhat water-stained, » fa 587 Byron. ReEco.iections of the Life of Lord Byron, from ’ 1808 to 1814. By R.C. Dallas. ac-simile. 8vo, half calf. Knight, London, 1824 SD 588 ByssHe (EDWARD). ART OF ENGLISH Poetry. Best edi di tion. 8vo, calf. London, 1710 “An excellent collection of old English poetry.” ° ABINET (THE); or, Monthly Report of Polite Litera- ture, complete from February, 1807, to December, 1808, with the volume of Cabinet Plays. J@/ustrated with 44 fine portraits, principally dramatic. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Very scarce. London, 1807-08 590 CaGLiostro (Counr). Lire and Particular Anecdotes of, dedicated to Madame Cagliostro. 8vo, boards. Scarce. London, 1787 CALABRELLA (BARONESS DE), EvEenincs AT Happon HALt ; with 24 exquisite illustrations by Cattermole. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1846 Original edition ; scarce. Caucrart (J. W.) DEFENCE OF THE STAGE ; or, an Inquiry into the Real Qualities of Theatrical Entertainments, their Scope and Tendency. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Dublin, 1839 Presentation copy to “ Sterling Coyne,” with autograph of the author, J. W. Cole, Calcraft being a pseudonym only. This work is a Reply to a Sermon by the Rev. Dr. J. B. Bennett, on “The Evil of Theatrical Amusements, etc.” CatpweL. (T.) Eprrapus. Select Collection, Ancient and Modern. J/ortrait. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1796 “ Life is only pain below, When Christ appears, then—up we go!” Catvert (Geo. H.) ARNoLp and ANnpR#: an Historical Drama. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1864 CAMDEN Society. Po.iticat Sones of England, from John to Edward II. Edited by T. Wright. 4to, cloth. Camden Society, London, 1839 CAMPBELL (ALEX.) SEQUEL to Bulkeley and Cummins’s Voy- age to the South-Seas, and Adventures of Capt. Cheap, the Hon. Mr. Byron, etc. 8vo, calf. are, London, 1747 rr 4 , i LSD 67 597 CaMPBELL (HucH). Love Lretrers or Mary, QUEEN OF Scots, to James, Earl of Bothwell; with her Love Sonnets and Marriage Contracts; explained by State Papers, and the Writings of Buchanan, Hume, Walpole, Chalmers, and others. Portrait of Queen Mary, in the 38th year of her age. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, (1824) 598 CAMPBELL (HuGH). THE Case OF Mary, QUEEN OF Scots, and of Elizabeth, Queen of England, Legally, Briefly, and Historically stated: embracing the Amorous Life of the Virgin Queen, and identifying her with all the Plans that led to Mary’s Ruin and Murder. Portrait of Lord Darn- ley. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 599 CAMPBELL (THomAS). Lire or Mrs, Sippons. fortrait after Lawrence, 12mo, boards. N. Y., 1834 600 CAMPBELL (THos.) Lire oF PETRARCH. ortraits, plates of coins, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841 The standard Life of Petrarch, and one of the most interesting and important historical works of our time.—Atheneum. REMINISCENCES and Me- 2 vols, post 8vo, 601 CAMPBELL (THOMAS), LITERARY moirs of, by Cyrus Redding. Portrait. half calf antique. London, 1860 602 CAMPBELL (THOs.) PoETICAL Works, with Life, etc. or- trait and plates. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1857 603 CAMPBELL (W. W.) ANNALS oF TRYON Co.; or, the Bor- der Warfare of New York, during the Revolution. JZap. N. Y., 1831 LirE of, by Robert Bell. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 605 CANNING (Rt. Hon. GeEorGE). PorETICAL Works, with Life, etc., by J. W. Lake. ortrait. 12mo, half roan. Scarce. Paris, 1828 606 CAPGRAVE (JOHN). Book or THE ILLUSTRIOUS HENRIES. Translated by F. C. Hingeston. Srontispiece. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1858 607 CaraBoo (Princess of Javasu). NARRATIVE of a singular Imposition practised upon a Lady residing at Bristol by a Young Woman of the name of Mary Willcocks, a/ias Baker, a/ias Bakerstendht, aas Caraboo, Princess of Ja- vasu, Lortraits. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1817 8vo, sheep. 604 CANNING (Rt. Hon. GEO.) Large paper. 5 68 608 CaREW. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF BAMPFYLDE MOORE CaREw, commonly called the King of the Beggars, being an Impartial Account of his Life, etc. Portrait. 12mo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1810 Portrait inserted. Carew. BamMpryLDE Moore CArReEw, King of the Beggars. An Apology for the Life of (giving a full Historical Ac- count of this extraordinary character), with the Laws and Customs of the Gipsies. Sridliant impression of the rare ato size portrait, Thick small 8vo, calf. Best edition. Fine copy. R. Goadby, London, 1775 At the end is a Canting Dictionary. The portrait is the largest and best of this singular character published ; it is seldom found with the book. Carew (BampryLpE Moore). APOLOGY FOR THE LIFE of, from his leaving Tiverton School at 15, with a Specimen of the Gipsy Language. ortrait inserted. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1763 Very curious. With the Dedication to Mr. Justice Fielding, and the parallel between Bampfylde Moore Carew and Tom Jones. Carew (BAMPFYLDE Moore). SURPRISING ADVENTURES of, King of the Beggars; containing his Life, a Diction- ary of the Cant Language, and many entertaining par- ticulars of that extraordinary man. New edition, cor- rected and much improved. /ortrait and plates. 12m0, half morocco. London, 1812 Carew (BAMPFYLDE Moore). SURPRISING ADVENTURES of, the King of, the Beggars, containing his Life, a Dic- tionary of the Cant Language, etc. Portrait and other illustrations. 12mo, calf, gilt edgés. London, 1812 Carew. Lir—E AND ADVENTURES of Bampfylde Moore Ca- rew, the King of the Beggars. Ayvontispiece. 18mo, boards. London, 1827 With a Dictionary of the Cant language used by the mendicants. Carew (Tuomas). PorTicaL Works; also, BRITANNIA’S PasToraLs, by WiLL1AM Browne. In 1 vol. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1845 Carey (W.) CritTicAL DisserTATION of the Procession of Chaucer’s Pilgrims to Canterbury, painted by Thos. Stothard. Post 8vo, wrapper. London, 1818 Presentation copy to Dawson Turner. Ji fo 616 617 618 619 620 622 69 CarRIcATuRES. A Collection of 24 plates, which have ap- peared in Paris since the late Revolution, with Remarks. Oblong r2mo, uncut. Tilt, London, 1831 CARICATURE PORTRAITS; a Remarkable Collection of over 120 jine caricature portraits of celebrated Noblemen, learned Professors of Oxford and Cambridge, famous Members of Parliament, notorious Brokers, etc., etc. Mounted in a large royal folio volume, half russia. London, 1776-1831 Includes caricatures of William IV., Sir Robert Peel, Daniel O’Connell, Duke of Wellington, Lord Eldon, Lord Lyndhurst, Wm. Pitt, Sir Miles Standish, General Elliot, Marquis of Hastings, etc., etc., by Heath, “ H. H.,” and others, nearly all colored. CARLETON (WILL.) Farm Batuans; Jeautifully illustrated. 4to, cloth gilt. Ny My O74 CARLISLE (FREDERICK, £ar/). THE FATHER’S REVENGE, a Tragedy ; with other Poems. 8vo. Zhe Text neatly inlaid throughout, and illustrated by the inser- tion of numerous fine Portraits, Views, and Scenes. Royal 4to, half morocco, uncut. Bulmer, London, 1800 Privately printed. This copy was illustrated by W. Turner, who did the Dibdin’s “ Bib- liomania,” belonging to the library of John Allan. Lord Carlisle was in early life the British Envoy to the Colonies at Philadelphia during the American War, and guardian to Lord Byron. See “ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.” CARSTENSEN AND GILDEMEISTER. NEW YORK CRYSTAL PaLackE. Description of the: Building, wth a colored frontispiece and 6 large plans, to, cloth N.Y, 1854 CARTER (Joun, ¢he Artist). Lire of, by F. J. Mills. /Z/us- trated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 An interesting biography. Carter attained notoriety from the fact that he painted holding his brush in his mouth, having Jost the use of his limbs. The illustrations are specimens of his work and im- plements. Cary (Rev. Henry FRrAnNcIs). Memoir and Works, edited by his Son. /ortrait, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London; 1846, etc. Including Lives of the English Poets from Johnson to Kirke White ; Early French Poets, with Notices and Translations from their Works, etc., etc., and the Translation of Dante. 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 7O Caspar Hauser. An Account of an Individual kept in a Dungeon from the World, till the age of 17. Small 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1833 Caspar Hauser. Another (smaller) copy. Cloth. London, 1833 CATALOGUE FOR A LIBRARY. 4to, cloth. Phila., 1875 CaTALoGuE. ALLEN (THos.) Books. Priced and named. Royal 8vo, half russia, uncut. London, 1795 Large paper; Wm. Upcott’s copy. The 1,585 lots realized nearly $22,000. CATALOGUE of the Books of the ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY Company, with List of Members and MS. additions. 8vo, boards. Alexandria, Va., 1808 Very scarce. Autograph of Hon. Judge Washington on title. CATALOGUE (AsKEW). BIBLIOTHECA ASKEVIANA.—Cata- logue of the Library of A. Askew" (3,570 articles, con- taining very rare EARLY PRINTED Books). Royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER Copy, with the prices neatly written. Old tree calf gilt. London, 1775 See Dibdin’s Bibliomania, pp. 515-20, at this sale Boccaccio il Teseide, Prima Edizione, fol. Ferare, 1465, was purchased for the library of Geo. III. for £85. Roxburghe copy of this Catalogue sold for £2. Hibbert’s (small paper) £1 12s. CATALOGUE (ASKEW). BIBLIOTHECA ASKEVIANA MANU- SCRIPTA. Catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts, collected by Dr. Askew, eight days’ sale by G. Leigh and J. Sothe- by, with prices. 8vo, interleaved. London, 1785 CATALOGUE of Books in the Collection of Cot. ASPINWALL, relating to America. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Paris, 1832] Privately printed and very rare. A portion of the books were de- stroyed by fire. The Collection was sold entire to 8. L. M. Barlow, Esq., of this city. This copy sold for $4.50 in the Menzies sale. CATALOGUE of the Library of Gro. Baker. Prices and names, Royal 8vo, uncut. London, 1825 Baker was the Quisquilius of the “‘ Bibliomania.” CATALOGUE. BiBLIOTHECA AMERICANA [Dr. Barney's]. Partly priced and named. 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1870 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 646 7° CATALOGUE. BEAUCLERK (TopHAM). Books. 8vo, half calf. London, 1781 CATALOGUE. BeEckrorpD. Fonthill-Abbey Library. Books and Prints, Furniture, Paintings, etc. vrontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1823 CATALOGUE. Corns. Catalogues of the Collections of Bind- ley, Thane, Miles, Brockett, Sykes, Dimsdale, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1819-24 CaTALOGUE. Boon. The Famous “ Guinea Pig.’ Very thick 8vo, half morocco. London, 1841 Contains 23,208 lots, with Index. CATALOGUE. Books published in Lonpon from 1810 to 1831. 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN Books and Pamphlets, prin- cipally relating to America (326 lots). 8vo, uncut. The Boon Collection. N. Y., 1870 CATALOGUE. BRAND (REv. JoHN). Catalogue of Library of. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1807 This Library was especially rich in early English Literature—CaxTons, WYNKYN DE WORDES, PYNSONS, etc. CATALOGUE of the Choice, Curious, and Elegant Private Library of JouN TROTTER Brockett, Esq., 15 days’ sale. Jnterleaved with red lines, names and prices beauti- fully written (Total £4,260 9s. 6d.) 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1823 CATALOGUE. BoucHER (REv. J.) Books and Prints. 8vo, boards. London, 1806 CATALOGUE of the Library of Wm. E. Burton, the Actor. Portrait, 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1860 CATALOGUE of W. E. Burton’s Library. Portrait. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1860 Large paper copy. CATALOGUES of the Libraries of Rurus CHOATE, Rurus W. GRISWOLD, and G. P. PARKER. 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco. Boston and N. By 1859 CATALOGUE of the Library of FRED. W. Conway, the Actor. Royal 8vo, uncut. Dublin, 1854 CATALOGUE of the Corwin Lisprary. Royal 8vo, uncut. Large paper. N...Y.; 3856 en AO 647 re 649 Ou. . Re 651 a Ae 652 / lo V4 653 ao eee pS Mee oar ee 2) a 657 658 | 7- Mas 660 72 CATALOGUE. CROWNINSHIELD (E. A.) Library. 8vo, pa- per. Boston, 1859 CATALOGUE of the Highly Distinguished Library of the late GEORGE DANIEL, Esq. Priced, with names of purchasers. Royal 8vo, uncut. London, 1864 CATALOGUE of the Library of W. J. Davis. 4to, uncut. Large paper. : N. Y., 1865 CATALOGUE of the Books (American) of S. G. DrETH. 4to, uncut. aR 5 WA CATALOGUE of the Library of Tuomas Appis Emmet, M.D., elegantly printed, with the initials in colors. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1868 Only 60 copies privately printed. CATALOGUE. Bibliotheca Histrionica. Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of Mr. JouNn Fietp.. Priced, with some names of purchasers. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1827 Comprising early editions of Shakespeare, Theatrical Prints, Play- Bills, ete. CATALOGUE of the Library of THos. W. FIELD, with supple- ment, 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1875 CATALOGUE of the Library of J. B. FisHer. Ruled and priced, and another. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1866 CATALOGUE of the Library of Epwin Forrest. fortrait. 8vo, uncut. Phila., 1863 CATALOGUE of the very choice Collection of Books, forming the Library of WiLtt1aAm F. Fow te, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Priced, with names of purchasers. 8vo, uncut. Cambridge, 1864 This Library was sold by Leonard & Co., in Boston, Dec. 20th, 21st, and 22d, 1864. CATALOGUE. Another copy. 8vo. } CATALOGUE of the Valuable Library of the Rev. Isaac Gos- SETT, 23 days’ sale of Rare and Curious Books, wth prices and names neatly written. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1813 CATALOGUE of the Library of ALBERT G. GREENE. /7riced. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1869 CaTALoGuE. Another. Priced and named. ‘ 666 668 73 CaTaLocuE of the Private Library of John W. Grigg, of Phila- delphia. Imperial 8vo, pp. 50, half morocco, gilt top. Only 10 copies, privately printed. Philadelphia, 1867 CATALOGUES OF SALES held at Gurley’s Rooms, 8vo, half morocco. Wi Mo EBA CATALOGUE of the Library of Firz-epwarp Hai. Ruled and priced. 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1867 CATALOGUE of the HazewELL Liprary. Priced. 8vo, half morocco. N. ¥., 1859 CATALOGUE. BIBLIOTHECA HEBERIANA, The Library of Ricu- ARD HEBER, fartly priced. 12 parts, 8vo, boards. London, 1834, etc. The most extensive, curious, and interesting library ever formed by one collector, rich in the rarest articles in every class of literature, in most languages. CaTALOGUE. HEBER. Collection of EarLty ENGLISH POETRY, etc., with Notices by Collier, and the prices and names printed, 8vo, half morocco, London, 1834 CaTALOGUE of the Two Lripraries of J. B. Hervey, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut, N. Y., 1868-70 CaTALOGUE, H1BBERT (GEORGE). Books, J//ustrated. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1829 CaTALOGuES of the Libraries of Tuomas HiLit, CHARLES MatueEws, and H. S. Corron, Lortrait of Hill inserted. 8vo, half calf. London, 1835-41 CATALOGUE of the Library of Grorce H, Ho.umay. ‘artly priced. 8vo. Wi¥:, 18%o0 CaTALOGUE. JARVIS (REv. S. F.) Books, 4to, N. Y,, 1851 CaTALoGuE of the Valuable Library of WM. Knicut. Prices and names. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1847 CaTALOGuE of the Portraits and Prints of Sir t, Wo dcr, Priced, to, uncut, London, 1808 Thick paper copy. CATALOGUE of the BRANTz Mayer Library, 8vo, uncut. N. Y.,:. 1870 CATALOGUE of the Menzies Liprary. Partly priced. 8vo, uncut. Ni ¥., 2876 CATALOGUE. Meyrick and Goucn. Books and MSS. Priced. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf. London, 1806-10 74 CATALOGUE of the MIpGELEY LIBRARY. Jrices and names added. 8vo, uncut. London, 1818 CATALOGUE of the Choice Collection of Books belonging to T. H. Morrevi. Priced. 4to, uncut. N. Y., 1866 Large Paper, only 12 printed. CATALOGUE of the N. Y. Stare Liprary. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, Albany, 1856-7 Comprises Books, Maps, Coins, etc. CATALOGUE of the Liprary of GrorGE Orror, Esq. 8vo, uncut, London, 1865 This Library was destroyed by fire while at Sotheby’s. CaTALoGuE. Parr (DR. SamMvueEL). Bibliotheca Parriana. Edited by Lynes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1827 CATALOGUE of the AMERICAN Portron of the Library of the Rev. THOMAS PRINCE, with Memoir, etc. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, Boston, 1868 Only a limited edition. CaTALOGUE of the Library of QUEEN CaROLINE. fortrait in- serted, and red-lined, 8vo, half calf. London, 1819 CATALOGUE of the Library of Joun A, Rice, with Zist of pricesy ~ (2,687 lots). Thick 8vo. New York, 1870 CATALOGUE of the Library of R. W. Rocue. 8vo, half mor. Priced and ruled, New York, 1867 CaTALocuE. RoxpurcuE (Duke of). Books. With prices. 8vo, half calf. London, 1812 CATALOGUE of the Books, etc., of Lorp RUTHERFORD, with the printed prices. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Edinburgh, 1855 Large paper copy ; only 30 printed for presents. The above copy -be- longed to Lord Cockburn. CaTALoGuE of the Autographs, Books, etc., of JoHN SAINs- puRY. Priced. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1865 CATALOGUE of the SmeTs’ CoLLEcTION—Books, Autographs, Manuscripts, etc. Complete in 3 parts. 8vo, uncut. N. Y. and Savannah, 1860 CATALOGUE, The same. Another set, complete 691 700 701 702 793 704. 795 75 CaTALOGUE. SMITH (J. R.) Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Maps, Manuscripts, etc. Illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America, and the West Indies. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1865 CATALOGUE of the Society LiprARyY. 8vo, half morocco. N.Y... 1850 Col. STaNLEY, ALCHORNE, RICHARD PorRSON, Priced. 4 vols. in 1, 8vo, half mo- London, 1809-13 CATALOGUES. and RALPH WILLETT. rocco. CATALOGUE. STEEVENS (GEO ) Prices and names. 8vo, half russia, uncut. Bibliotheca Steevensiana. London, 1800 CATALOGUE of WM. STEWART’S Books and Prints, 8vo, half morocco. Perth, 1817 CATALOGUE. Sykes (Str M, M.) Collection of Books, Prints, The Three Parts. Portrait. London, 1824 and Portraits, Royal 8vo, half russia. CATALOGUE of the AUTOGRAPHS collected by I. K. Trrrr. Prices in MS, 8vo, uncut, WN. ¥., 7667 CATALOGUE of the TOWNELEY COLLECTION of Prints (Hollar’s, etc.) Prices and names. 4to, uncut, London, 1818 CATALOGUE of Books and Pamphlets belonging to D. M. TRep- WELL, relating to the Great Civil War. 8vo, uncut. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1874 CATALOGUE of the Library of Dawson TuRNER. Books, MSS., Scarce. London, 1853-59 CATALOGUE of the Library of A. Wicut, of Philadelphia. 8vo. New York, 1864 CaTALOGuE of the Library of RicHARD GRANT WHITE, = 8vo. New York, 1870 CATALOGUE of the Libraries of THEo, WILLIAMS and Tuos. EDWaRDs. etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 2 vols. in 1, roy. 8vo, boards, uncut, John Allan’s copy, with his autograph. London, 1827-28 CATALOGUE of the Library of James WINSTON, some time Manager of Drury Lane Theatre. 4to, uncut, An exceedingly valuable Dramatic Library. London, 1849 CATALOGUE of the Library [Dramatic] of James Winston, with prices and names in MS. gto, half vellum. London, 1849 Dawson Turner’s copy on Large Paper (only 12 printed), with MS, note on cover. 76 706 CATALOGUE of the WoopwarRp CoLuection. Priced, with names of purchasers. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1869 707 CATLIN (GEO.) BREATH OF LIFE; or, Mal-respiration, and its Effects on Man; spirited illustrations, 8vo, cloth. N.. Y., ¢892 708 CATTERMOLE (GEORGE). ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE GREAT CiviL War between Charles I. and the Parlia- ment; only 5 engravings. 4to, half morocco extra. London, n. d. 709 CATSKILL AssoOcIATION. History of. Formed for improv- ing, etc., the Town of Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y. Maps. t12mo0, cloth. Very scarce. N: Y,, 1837 710 CAULFIELD (JAmEs). Calcographiana: the Printseller’s Chronicle and Collector’s Guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British Portraits. Portrait (and neat MS. Index inserted). 8vo, half calf. London, 1814 711 CAULFIELD (JAMES). H1GH CourT oF JUSTICE; compris- ing Memoirs of the Principal Persons who sat in judg- ment on King Charles the First, and signed his Death- warrant, etc. fortraits, Autographs, and Seals, collected from Authentic Materials, 24 Illustrations, ato, half calf gilt. London, 1820 712 CAULFIELD (JAMES). PorTRaiTs, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Reign of Edward the Third to the Revolution, collected from the most Au- thentic Accounts extant. New edition, with many ad- ditional Rare Portraits, 107 Curious Fortraits. 3 vols. in 1, 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1813 713 CAULFIELD. PoRTRAITS, Memoirs, and Characters of Re- markable Persons, from 1688 to the Reign of Q. Anne. Curious portraits of eccentric and notorious persons of Great Britain, etc., with 30 curious and scarce portraits of re-- markable characters added at the end of the volume. to, half calf gilt. London, 1819, etc. Large paper. Of the 30 additional plates inserted in the above volume, many of the most interesting and curious are colored. Amongst others are to be found the Bow Street Office, and Country Execution, by Row- landson ; also the Pig-faced Lady of Manchester, and the Spanish Mule of Madrid, by Cruikshank. 714 Z/ SO fe 716 > ae 717 718 7S if “A 7 719 720 A tt 6 77 CAULFIELD (JAMES). PORTRAITS, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II., collected from the most authentic accounts extant. 155 curious portraits of eccentric and notorious persons of Great Brit. ain. 4 vols. 4to, hf. roan, uncut edges. Lond., 1819-20 Large paper copy. Caxton (Wo., Lnglana’s First Printer), Lirk AND TyPoG- RAPHY, with Evidence of his Connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer, at Bruges; compiled from Orig- inal Sources by Wm. Blades; wth 62 Plates, comprising Fac-simile Pages from most of Caxton's Books, and other illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half purple levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. _ London, 1861-3 Very scarce. Of this valuable work only 250 copies were printed.. It describes ninety-four separate works or editions, being thirty-one more than are noticed in Dibdin’s “Typographical Antiquities,” with colla- tions of them, and a list of those now in public and private libraries. It also includes the whole of his prologues and epilogues, and his own historical work, “‘ Policronicon.” CayLrey (G. J.) BripLte Roaps or Spain. J/lustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 CELEBRATED CLAIMANTS, from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton. Post 8vo, boards. London, 1874 CELEBRATED TRIALS and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the earliest records to 1825; with numerous fine plates and portraits. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Scarce. London, 1825 The most important collection of ‘‘ Causes Celebres” ever published. CELLINI (BENVENUTO). MeEmorrs, written by himself. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. fortrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 CERVANTES (MIGUEL). Don QurxoTe de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish by Charles Jarvis. Care- fully Revised and Corrected. Vumerous fine Illustra- tions on wood, from Designs by Tony Johannot. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1837 78 721 CHALKLEY (THoMAS). Works, containing his Epistles and other Writings. 8vo, half morocco. Franklin and Hall, Phila., 1749 Imperfect, commencing at p. 329, and ending at 552. 722 CHAMBERLAINE (W.) Lire oF Tuomas Cookg, a Miser. Curious portrait. 12mo, boards. London, 1813 Cooke left a fortune of $350,000. 723 CHAMBERS, BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF EMINENT SCOTS- yy MEN, Originally edited by Robert Chambers. With sup- plemental volume by Rev. Thos. Thomson. Vumerous fine portraits on steel. 5 vols. roy. 8vo, half calf an- tique. Glasgow, 1856 724 CHAMBERS (RoBERT). Book or Days. A miscellany of Popular Antiquities, in connection with the Calendar, in- cluding Anecdote, Biography, and History, Curiosities of Literature, etc. Profusely illustrated. 2 thick vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco extra. Edinburgh, 1863 725 CHAMBERS (ROBERT). PICTURE OF SCOTLAND, ine steel or plates by Lizars. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. : Edinburgh, 1827 726 CHAMBERS (ROBERT). POPULAR RuyMEs of Scotland, wth Illustrations. .2mo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1826 if 727 CHAMBERS (ROBERT). TRADITIONS OF EDINBURGH. Vignette on Title. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1856 728 CHANDLER (RICHARD). LirE oF WILLIAM WAYNEFLETE, Bishop of Winchester (Founder of Magdalen College, Ox- ford), collected from Records, Registers, Manuscripts, etc., etc. Portraits and engravings. Imp. 8vo, sprinkled calf extra, by Riviere. London, 1811 Large Paper. 729 CHANDLER (T. B.) Lire or SamMuEL Jounson, D.D., first President of King’s (now Columbia) College. 12mo, sheep. Scarce. NX. S808 Interesting as relating to the first collegiate institution established in the State of New York. i ee 730 CHANTREY (Sir F., #.4.) Recouvections of his Life, Prac- tice, and Opinions, by George Jones, R.A. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 | 79 731 CHAP BOOKS. ADVENTURES OF PHILIP QUARLL, the En- : 2 wey glish Hermit, colored plate, n. d, LIFE OF CHARLES Ma- | : THEWS, Comedian, Alate of his various Characters, n.d.— Z - History OF BAMPFYLDE Moore CAREW, with colored plate of his disguises, 1. d.k—ADVENTURES OF QUENTIN DurwarD, the Fortunate Scotsman, colored plate, n. d.— HERMIT OF WINDERMERE, and other pieces, by Monk Lewis, Byron, etc. In 1 vol, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, v. d. SS 732 CHAPIN (A. B.) GtLasTENBURY for Two Hundred bdesdanes ' Map, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Hartford, 1853 733 CHAPMAN (Isaac A.) SkeETCH OF THE HisToRY OF WYOMING By the late Isaac A. Chapman, Esq. To which is added Ya an Appendix, containing a Statistical Account of the Val- ley and Adjacent Country. By a Gentleman of Wilkes- barre. t2mo, sheep. S. D. Lewis, Wilkesbarre, Penn., 1830 0 734 CHAPMAN. The same. Sheep. Wilkesbarre, 1830 , 735 CHAPMAN (J. K.) Court THEATRE AND RoyaL DRAMATIC RecorpD, Being a complete History of Theatrical Enter- tainments at the English Court from the time of King , & #2 Henry the Eighth down to the termination of the Series | of Entertainments before Her Majesty Queen Victoria / & and the Court at Windsor Castle, Christmas, 1848-9. 8 fine engravings on steel, after designs by Grieve, Telbin, and Absolon, and the Programmes in gold and colors. Folio, cloth, London, n. d. eZ 736 CuapMAN, Another copy, without the steel plates. Cloth. London, n. d. 737 CHARKE. NARRATIVE OF THE LiFE of Mrs, Charlotte Charke (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber), containing an Ac- KZ ot count of her Pranks, Marriage, Adventures, etc. Written & 7° * Be aed eg a % D by herself. Second Edition. udl-length portrait of Mrs. Charke, t2mo, calf. Lordon, 1755 Very scarce. One of the rarest of dramatic biographies. Po 738 CHARKE (Mrs.) History oF Henry Dumont, Esq., and 7 de ol Miss Charlotte Evelyn. t12mo, calf. are. London, 1756 Contains “some Critical Remarks on Comick Actors.”’ aed ASO AZ 80 739 CHARLES II. An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, drawn up by himself, with his Letters to several persons of distinction. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1766 This account was dictated by the King to Pepys. Sir David Dal- rymple, Lord Hailes, edited it. CHARLES II, Monarcuy ReEvivep : being the Personal His- tory of Charles the Second from his earliest years to his Restoration to the Throne, by F. Eglesfield. //ustrated with 14 fine portraits by Cooper, India Proofs. Imp. 8vo, boards, morocco extra. London, 1822 Large Paper, few printed. CHATTERTONIANA, I, Works of Thomas Chatterton. Containing his Life, by G. Gregory, D.D., and Miscellaneous Poems. J/lustra- tions. 3 vols. London, 1803 II. lire of Thomas Chatterton. Including his Unpublished Poems and Correspondence. By John Dix. Fine por- trait. London, 1837 LARGE PAPER Copy. III, OBSERVATIONS upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley, in which the authenticity of those Poemis is ascertained, By Jacob Bryant. ~ London, 1781 IV, Lire of Thomas Chatterton, with Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, etc. By G. Gregory. London, 1789 V. Enguiry into the Authenticity of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. By Thomas Warton. London, 1782 VI. Remarks upon the Eighth Section of the Second Volume of Mr. Warton’s History of English Poetry. (By Henry Dampier), London Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1781-1837 742 Cuatro (W. A.) Priayinc-Carps. Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing-Cards. Mumerous illustrations, some colored, including colored Fac-similes of Larly Playing-Cards. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1848 743 CHauceR (G.) CANTERBURY TaLxEs, Notes and Glossary by Tyrwhitt. J//ustrated by Corbould. 12mo, cloth. M.:¥., 2857 744 CHEEVER (Gro. B.) LEcTuRES ON THE PILGRIM’s PROGRESS, and the Life and Times of Bunyan. Steel illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N.Y, 8644 745 746 em! 3Ay SSE 748 m4 7 749 75° eee 751 752 753 a ae | 755 SI CuETWoop (W. R.) GENERAL HisToRY OF THE STAGE, from its Origin in Greece down to the Present Time; with Memoirs of the principal Performers that have appeared on the Zxglish and /rish Stage for these last Fifty Years, With Notes, Antient, Modern, Serious, Comic, Merry, Historical, etc. 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1749 CuHEetwoop (W. R.) GENERAL History OF THE STAGE (more particularly the IrRisH THEATRE); from its Origin, etc. 12mo, half morocco. Dublin, 1749 A reprint of the London edition, differing only in title-page. CHINESE COLLECTION at Philadelphia. Catalogue of. 8vo, half bound, Phila., 1839 CHIPMAN AND SPARKS. MEMOIR OF CoL. SETH WARNER and CoL. ETHAN ALLEN. 16mo, cloth. Middlebury, 1848 CHOATE (Rufus). REMINISCENCES of, by E. G. Parker, Por- trait and fac-simile. 8vo, cloth. No¥., 1869 CHORLEY (HENRY F.) AvutToBioGRAPHy, Memoir, and Let- TERS, Compiled by H. G, Hewlett. Fortraiz. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 Includes recollections of all the famous authors, musicians, etc., of the present century. Cuor.ey (H. F.) Turrry Years’ Musicat RECOLLECTIONS. fortraits of Rubini and Madame Grisi, 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 CHouLEs (J. O.) CRuIsE oF THE STEAM-YACHT NORTH STAR, to England, etc. Portraits and wood-cuts. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1854 A narrative of Commodore Vanderbilt’s family party excursion. Curisty MINSTRELS: a Collection of Conundrums, ‘“ Gags,” and Witticisms in the MSS. of George Christy, with many Newspaper Cuttings, Songs, and Play-bills illustrating his professional career, inserted by him. 8vo, rough calf. George Christy’s “ Dialogue Book.” N, Y., 1842, etc, CHUDLEIGH (LaDy). Poems, on Several Occasions. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1750 Cipper (Coiiey). Aporocy for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian ; with Historical View of the Stage during his Own Time. Second edition, 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1740 Sy Lb o0 SO 82 756 CIBBER (COLLEY). APOLOGY ror THE Lire of, Com- 757 758 759 761 edian and Patentee of the Theatre-Royal. Written by Himself ; and Interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Cotemporaries, etc. New edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notices, by Edmund Bellcham- bers. Portrait of Cibber and his daughter. 8vo, half mo- rocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1822 UNIQUE COPY, having 52 plates inserted, many rare, and including three portraits of Cibber, and fine ones of Davenant, Betterton, Malone, and other dramatic celebrities. C1BBER (COLLEY). APOLOGY FOR HIS Lire ; with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries. Edited by Edmund Bellchambers, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Best edition ; portrait missing. London, 1822 CippER (CoLLEy), Pays, Containing the ‘ Tragical His- tory of King Richard the Third,” ‘ Love’s Last Shift,” etc. 2 vols. 4to, calf, gilt backs. London, 1721 Portrait missing. CipBeR. APOLOGY FOR THE L 1FreE of Mr, T(heophilus) C(ibber), Comedian. Being a Proper Sequel to the “‘ Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian,” etc. Supposed to have been written by Himself. 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1740 From the library of Liston, the Comedian, with book-plate. The above work is written in the style and manner of his father’s “ Apology.” CiBBER (THEOPHILUS). DISSERTATIONS ON ‘THEATRICAL SuBjJECTS, to David Garrick, Esq., etc., with Appendix. Frontispiece and curious copper plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1759 The Frontispiece is one of the rarest Dramatic Portraits known, viz. : THEOPHILUS CIBBER IN THE CHARACTER OF ‘‘ ANTIENT PISTOL,” —a fine, original impression, a similar one brought 21 shillings in the Daniel sale, and a well-known collector in New York paid $15 for a copy a few years since. [Cisser (THEOPHILUS)]. Four OricinaL LETTERS, VIZ. : Two from a Husband to a Gentleman [William Sloper], and Two from a Husband to a Wife [Mrs. Theophilus Cibber]. Third edition. 8vo, half calf. Scarce. , London, 1739 JO a 4 £2 762 764 765 ' 766 767 768 799 83 CipBER (THEOPHILUS). Lives AND CHARACTERS of the most EMINENT Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and Ireland, from Shakespeare to the Present Time. Inter- spersed with a General History of the Stage, with Fa- MILIAR EPISTLE to Mr. William Warburton. 8vo, uncut. Scarce. London, 1753 Part I. (said to be all ever published), and comprising the “ Life and Character of that Excellent Actor, BARTUN Bootu, Esq.” CisBER (THEOPHILUs). The same, comprising “Life and Character of Barton Booth,” etc. Part I, London, 1753 In same volume also, “Mrs. Monracu’s Essay ON THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF SHAKESPEAR, ETC.” London, 1769. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf. London, 1753-69 CICERO (M. T.) CATO MAJOR, or his Discourse of Old Age; with Explanatory Notes. (By John Logan). 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco extra. Printed and sold by B, FRANKLIN, Philadelphia, 1744 Fine, clean, and tall copy of the chef’ @’euvre of FRANKLIN’S PRESS. Very scarce. CIRCUS. Astvey’s THEATRE ILLUSTRATED, being a very extensive Collection of the Play-Bills of this House from 1790 to 1846, ¢lustrated with Portraits of the principal Equestrian Performers in their several Entertainments, Views of the Theatre on special occasions, inlaid in 1 vol., royal folio, calf, super extra, gilt back, gilt roll on the sides, borders and gilt leaves in the round. A most interesting volume. TIlustrations for this department of amusement are excessively scarce. A fine interior view of Astley’s Theatre (colored) by Rowlandson, and an autograph letter of Ast- ley himself, add to the interest of this volume. Cist (CHARLES), CINCINNATI IN 1841: its early Annals, Pioneer Sketches, etc. Plates. 12m0, cloth. First edition. Cincinnati, 1841 Cist. CINCINNATI IN 1851. Plates, 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1851 Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. Cist. CINCINNATI IN 1859, Tinted plates. 12m0, cloth. Cincinnati, 1859 Cist (L. J.) Trtrres in Verse; a Collection of Fugitive Poems. /ortrait. 12m0, cloth, Cinn., 1845 Privately printed, and autograph (P. C.) inserted. 6 84 Ciancy (MicHAEL). Memorrs of, with the Sharper, a Comedy. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf. Scarce. Printed for the Author, Dublin, 1750 Ciapp (W. W., Jr.) RECORD OF THE BOSTON STAGE, from 1749 to 1853. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1853 Has interesting facts relating to Edmund Kean’s first appearance, Cooke, Cooper, Booth, Forrest, Wallack, and others. 2 COPIES. CLARENDON (EARL OF). HiISTORY OF THE REBELLION and Civil Wars in England; upwards of 100 fine portraits by Van der Gucht, maps, plans, etc. 6 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Oxford, 1732 UNIQUE COPY. CLARENDON (EARL OF). HISTORY OF THE REBELLION and Civil Wars in England; 7Jlustrated by the insertion of over 379 fine portraits by Vertue, Har- ding, Hollar, Picart, Droeshout, Sturt, White, Worldge, Houbraken, Faithorne, Marshall, Van der Gucht, etc. 1 vol. extended to 3, imperial 8vo, half russia (binding damaged). Oxford, 1839 The portraits in these volumes are in very many cases both rare and valuable, and comprise many fine etchings and mezzotints. CuiarK (RICHARD). ACCOUNT OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, entitled Gop SAvE THE KiNG! with Authorities taken from Sion College Library, the Ancient Records of the Merchant Tailors’ Company, etc. Portraits, Music, and other Illustrations. 8vo, half blue morocco. Lond., 1822 A curious work, attributing the authorship of the anthem to Carey, the composer of that classic melody, “ Sally in our Alley.” CLark (R.) Worps of the most Favorite Pieces per- formed at the Glee Club, the Catch Club, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1814 Privately printed. Scarce. CLARKE (ADAM). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, AND MIs- CELLANY, containing a Chronological Account of the most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and Important Books in all Departments of Literature, etc. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, carmine tops, uncut. Liverpool, 1802-06 Includes the SUPPLEMENT. An exceedingly valuable reference-book, containing a history of Print- ing, etc., etc. 17 S 4 777 778 779 780 781 782 784 785 85 CLARK. RECORDS OF THE DESCENDANTS OF HuGH CLARK, of Watertown, Mass. 1640-1866. Vumerous steel por- traits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Privately printed. CLARKE (M’Donatp). Poems. fortrait. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1339 CLtarKe (M’Donatp). SKETCHES. [Poetical]. 16mo, 128 pp. half calf. New York, June 18, 1826 Very scarce, The works of the ‘‘ Mad Poet” are now rarely met with. CLARKE (Mary ANNE). RIVAL PRINCES; or, a Faithful Narrative of Facts, relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke’s Political Acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, etc., etc., etc., who were concerned in the Charges against the Duke of York. Second Edition. /7xe Portrait, with original autograph signature of the Authoress. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1810 CLARKE (MARY CowDEN). GIRLHOOD OF SHAKESPEARE’S HEROINES; steel portraits. 4 parts, 12mo, wrappers. Ny ¥. 2893 [CLARKE (W.)] REPERTORIUM BIBLIOGRAPHI- CUM; or, Some Account of the most Celebrated Brit- ish Libraries. Plates on india paper, Portraits of Jon- athan Boucher, and other eminent Book-collectors. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1819 LARGE PAPER Copy ; with fine proof plates inserted. Scarce. Contains much curious Bibliographical information. Also, “ Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall” and “A Dialogue in the Shades,” with the engraving after Behnes. The author was assisted ma- terially by William Beckford, of Fonthill. . Ciarkson (T.) History of the Rise, Progress, and Accom- plishment of the Abolition of the African SLave TRADE by the British Parliament, 2 vols, 8vo, calf (minus the title to Vol, I.) London, 1808 [CLason (Isaac SrarR)]. Horace ry NEw York. 12mo, uncut. New York, 1826 The author, who belonged to a well-known New York family, com- mitted suicide while in London (1834), together with his mistress, by inhaling the fumes of burning charcoal in a closed room. Cray (Hon. Henry). Report of the OpseQuies of. Por- trait, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 86 Cray (Rev. Jonn C.) ANNALS OF THE Swepes on the Dela- ware. Curious portrait of W. Colin, D.D., generally called father Colin, an eccentric Divine, with autograph. 18mo, cloth, Scarce. Phila, 1835 CLAYTON (ELLEN C.) QuEENS oF Sonc. Memoirs of the most celebrated Female Vocalists who have appeared on the Lyric Stage; with Lists of all the Operas that have been performed in Europe. ine portraits on steel, of Malibran; Grisi, Mrs. Billington, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863 CiayTon (ELLEN C.) QUEENS oF SoNncG; being Memoirs of Celebrated Female Vocalists. Portraits on wood of Malibran, Grist, Alboni, etc. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1865 CLayTon (J. W.) PrERsonat Memorrs of Charles the Second, with Sketches of his Court, etc. Portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 CLEAVELAND (NEHEMIAH), GREENWOOD ILLUSTRATED, 20 fine engravings by Smillie. 4to, morocco extra. N. Y., 1847 CLEAVELAND (N.) GREENWOOD CEMETERY: a History of the Institution from 1838 to 1864. Jilustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.)] Marx Twain’s INNOCENTS ABROAD ; or, the Pilgrim’s Progress; with 234 illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1869 CLEMENS (S.L. ‘Mark Twain’). SketcHes, New and Old. Profusely illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1875 CLINTON AND CORNWALLIS. NaRRaTIvE of Sir Henry Clin- ton, relative to his Conduct during Part of his Command of the King’s Troops in North America, etc. ANSWER to that part of the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton which relates to the Conduct of Earl Cornwallis during the Campaign in North America in 1781. OBSERVATIONS on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton’s Narrative, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1783 Fine, clean copies, with rare portraits of Clinton and Cornwallis in- serted, ; ff Ow? me WY 0 Vou ae 2 40 795 796 797 798 799 800 8o1 802 803 804 805 87 CLONCURRY (LORD). PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS of the Life and Times of. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1850 CLuss or Lonpon, with Anecdotes of their Members, Sketches of Character and Conversations. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1828 The most amusing reminiscences of the Wits, Politicians, and Bon- Vivants, contemporary with Fox, Sheridan, Beau Brummell, Prince of Wales, ete. Copsett (WILLIAM). Two-PEenny TRASH; or, Politics for the Poor (from July, 1830, to July, 1832). 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. Very rare. London, 1831 CockTon (HENRY). VALENTINE Vox, the Ventriloquist, Z/- lustrations. Post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. London, 1857 CoppINGTON (Davip S). SpEEcHES and Addresses: with a Biographical Sketch. ortrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 Corrin (JosHua). Sketch of the History of Newsury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Map and wood-cut. 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1845 CorFIN (PAUL). MEMOIR AND JouRNALs of, by C. Wood- man, fortrait. 8vo, cloth, Portland, 1855 Privately printed. CoGHLAN (MARGARET). Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan (daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe), written by herself. Interspersed with Anecdotes of the late Ameri- can and present French War. 2 vols. in 1, small 8vo, calf gilt. Printed for the Author, London, 1794 Original and best Edition ; very scarce. CocGHLAN, Memoirs. The same. 2 vols. in 1, half russia, yellow edges. London, 1794 CoGHLAN (Mrs,) Meworrs of, written by herself, and inter- spersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. Post 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1794 Very rare. CoGHLAN (Mrs.) Mewmorrs of, written by Herself; with an Introduction and Notes. Portrait inserted. 8vo, uncut. Only 100 copies printed. N. Y., 1864 806 810 88 COGHLAN (MRS.) MEMOIRS or, (Daughter of the late Mayor Moncrieffe), written by Herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation ; being interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War; with Re- marks, Moral and Political. 12mo, half mor.,, gilt top, uncut, by Fawson & Nicholson. New York, 1795 UniIQuE Copy, having 31 inserted plates, including fine and scarce Portraits of Col. Burr, Gens. Gage, Cornwallis, Amherst, etc. ; Trinity Church, New York, and other views. Cocuian (Mrs.) Mewnorrs of, (Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe), written by Herself; with Introduction and Notes. 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top, uncut, by AZatthews. N. Y., 1864 100 CopPrES ONLY REPRINTED, in this form, from the original N. Y. Edition, 1795, the notes having been written by Dr. J. G. Shea, and others. No. 12. CoLBURN (WaRREN). Memoir of, by T. Edson. Sortrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Corpurn (ZeRan, the boy arithmetician). MeMotIR, written by himself; with Account of his Remarkable Powers, Travels, etc. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut, Springfield, 1833 Co.tpurn. Another copy. Cloth, uncut. Springfield, 1833 811 CoLDEN (CADWALLADER). HusToRY OF THE Five INDIAN Nations oF Canapa, etc. Fine map. 8vo, half russia. Fine copy of the Second Edition. London, 1750 Cotpen (C.D) Memoir of THE CELEBRATION of the Com- pletion of the New York CANats, with Narrative of the Festivities at the Completion of the Grand Erie Canal, by W. L. Stone. Portraits (including a proof of Stone), maps, and numerous illustrations. 4to, boards, uncut. Ny Y,;. 2325 CoLe (JouHn). HIsTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF EcToN IN ENGLAND, 8vo, wrapper. Phila., 1865 Only 70 copies printed. No. 49. Cote (Tuomas, the Artist), Lire anpD Works of, by L. L. Noble. 12mo, cloth. N. ¥,,.1863 Cote. Another copy. Cloth, ; N. Y., 1853 VA ” 818 819 820 821 89 816 | COLEMAN (WILLIAM).] COLLECTION OF THE FACTS AND 4) oO DocuMENTs relative to the DEATH oF Majsor-GENERAL ALEXANDER HAMILTON, with comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies that have been published or written on his life and character. 8vo, morocco gilt. New York, 1804 UNIQUE Copy ; having a number of Plates inserted, illustrative of the text, including an original autograph note of Cul. Burr, Portraits of Col. Burr and his father ; also several of Gen. Hamilton, one of Mrs. Hamilton ; fine portraits of Dr. Hosack and Rev. Dr. Nott. Engraved by Durand, etc. [CoLEmAN (WILLIAM).] CoLLEecTiIon or Facts and Docu- ments relative to the Death of Major-GENERAL ALEX- ANDER HAMILTON, with Comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies that have beer published or written on his life and character. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. New York, 1804 COLERIDGE (S. T.) SPECIMENS OF THE TABLE-TALK of. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1835 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Works in Prose and Verse, with a Memoir. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Phila. n.d. COLLES (CHRISTOPHER). SURVEY or THE Roaps OF THE UNITED STaTes of America. 86 maps, mounted on drawing paper. to, half morocco. N. Y., 1789 Excessively rare. The original published “ Proposals for the Survey” is here inserted. CoLLIER (J. PAyNe). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RaAReEsT Books in the English lan- guage, alphabetically arranged. 4 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1866 LARGE PAPER Copy ; only 75 printed. This valuable and interesting work describes books which, for the most part, are so scarce that but few American libraries contain them. COLLIER (J. Payne). History or ENGLIsH PoETRY to the time of Shakespeare; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. Vignettes. 3 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1831 The best work on the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, and scarce in uncut condition. go 823 COLLIER (J. Payne). PortTicaL DECAMERON; or, Ten Conversations of English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols. post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1820 824 COLLIER. ANTIENT AND MODERN STaGEs survey’d, or Mr. (Jeremy) Collier’s view of the Immorality and Pro- faneness of the English Stage, set ina True Light, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1699 825 COLLINS (ARTHUR). PEERAGE OF ENGLAND: Genealogical, 3iographical, and Historical, greatly augmented and continued to the present time, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 9 vols. 8vo, calf extra, London, 1812 Best Edition. Fine copy ; very scarce. The standard work of English Nobility and Family History. “Sir Egerton Brydges brought to his task the imagination of a Poet and the industry of an Antiquary.” Cotiins (WitLr1aM). Memorrs oF A PICTURE; containing the Adventures of many Conspicuous Characters, amusing anecdotes, and a genuine Biographical Sketch of that celebrated Original and Eccentric Genius, the late Mr. GrorGE Morvanp (the Artist). 3 vols. in 1, post 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1805 Cotiins (WM). PorticaL Works, with Prefatory Essay by Mrs. Barbauld. Beautifully illustrated by Stothard. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1802 Cotman (GEorGE). Broap Grins, and My Night-Gown and Slippers. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 Corman (GrorGE, ¢he Younger). Eccrenrricities for Edin- burgh; containing Poems, entitled “A Lamentation to Scotch Booksellers,” etc. Portrait. 12mo, half calf. London, 1817 Cotman (GEorGE, the Younger). POETICAL VAGARIES, 1812, Vagaries Vindicated ; or, Hypocritick Hypercriticks, 1813. 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half calf. Scarce. London, 1812-13 CoLMAN (GEORGE, ¢he Younger). RANDOM REcoRDS. /Por- \ ? fo trait on India Paper. 2 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1830 832 836 845 gi Co_tmMaNn. SOME PARTICULARS OF THE LIFE of the late George Colman, Esq., written by himself, and delivered by him to Richard Jackson, Esq. (one of his Executors), for pub- lication after his decease. Portrait. 8vo. London, 1795 LVo portrait. London, 1795 Memorre of, by James Hamilton, /or- New York, 1850 CoLtmMAN. The same, CoLQUHOUN (LaDy). trait. [Compe (Dr.)] Devit upon Two Sticks In ENGLAND ; being a continuation of Le Diable Boiteaux of Le Sage. 6 vols. Scarce. London, 1817 12mo, cloth. post 8vo, boards, uncut. Attributed to Wm. Combe, author of ‘‘ Dr. Syntax.” ComMBER (THoMAS). HIsTORY OF THE PARISIAN MASSACRE of St. Bartholomew. TZzwo plates. Royal 8vo, boards, un- cut, London, 1810 Large paper copy. Comic ARITHMETIC, with humorous illustrations on wood. Crown 8vo, cloth (3 leaves damaged). London, 1844 Comic Latin GRAMMAR; a New and Facetious Introduction ? Numerous illustrations by Joh: London, 184! to the Latin Tongue. Leech, Post 8vo, half calf antique. Comic OFFERING. Edited by Louisa H. Sheridan. AWumorous illustrations by Meadows, Seymour, etc, 12m0, morocco, i > London, 1833 Comic OFFERING; or, Ladies’ Melange, Edited by Louisa H. Sheridan, 62 humorous wood-cuts. %2mo, morocco, London, 1834 CoMMON PRAYER. PicTortaL Epirion of the Book of Com- mon Prayer, with Original Notes, and an Introductory Many hundred tlustrations on London, 1867 History of the Liturgy. wood. Royal 8vo, half calf antique. CoMMON PRAYER (Book of ). 8vo, calf. New York, 1825 CoMPANION TO THE THEATRE; or, a View of our most cele- brated Dramatic Pieces, etc.; with Remarks, Historical, London, 1747 Critical, and Moral. 2 vols. r2mo, calf. Cone (SPENCER H.) Portrait, Conant (T. J.) ReviseD VERSION OF THE Book OF GENESIS. New York, 1868 OF) THE. LIFE OF. New York, 1856 SomE ACCOUNT 12mo, cloth, 8vo, cloth. Q2 CONFESSION OF FaiTH, * * * and consented to by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Con- necticut, in N. E., 1708, 16mo, sheep. (Title mutilated). T. Green, New London, 1760 ConGREVE (WILLIAM), Dramatic Works. /ull-length the- atrical portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, half vellum, gilt backs. London, 1774 CONGREVE, MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE, Writings, and Amours of William Congreve ; interspersed with Miscellaneous Es- says, Letters, etc., written by him ; with curious Memoirs of Mr, Dryden, etc. Compiled by Charles Wilson, Both parts complete. ortrait. 8vo, calf. Lond., 1730 ConGREVE (WILLIAM). Works. Plays and Poems. New edition, with Life of the Author, Fine portraits and illustrations to each Play, by Hayman and others, 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1788 CONSTABLE (JOHN). Grapuic Woxks, chiefly Landscapes, many of them now first published, comprising 40 mezzo- tinto engravings, by Lucas, with descriptions by Leslie. Folio, half morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1855 An exceedingly beautiful volume of Landscapes by this eminent Mas- ter, well deserving a place beside Claude’s Liber Veritatis. CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SEVERAL INDEPENDENT STATES OF America, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, etc. 12mo, sheep, Phila., 1781 Rare ; only 200 copies printed ; Morrell’s copy sold (1866) for $20. ConTINENTAL Scrap-Boox. Tickets, Checks, and Newspaper Notices. 8vo, half morocco. Collected, 1857 Cook (Euiza). Poems. Lngraved title, portrait, and ex- guisite illustrations on steel, by Adlard. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1840 Cooke (GEO. WINGROVE), HisTory oF Party; from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions, in the Reign of Charles II., to the passing of the Reform Bill, 1666-1832. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1836-37 Cookr’s ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE BRITISH THEATRE. 55 fine engravings, on large paper, from designs by ‘Smirke, Burney, Hamilton, etc, 8vo, half morocco. London, 1826+27 4SoA 856 rs 857 858 fe , Yao 860 WY 9 i, 862 of 863 864 93 Cooke (WiLLIAM). Memoirs OF CHARLES MACKLIN, Come- dian, with the Dramatic Characters, Manners, Anecdotes, etc., of the Age in which he lived. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1806 Contains interesting details of the intimacy (!!!) between Garrick and Peg Woffington. Cooke (WILLIAM). Memoirs OF SAMUEL FOOTE, with a Col- lection of his genuine Bon-mots, Anecdotes, Opinions, etc. Fine portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1805 Cooke (WILLIAM). Memorrs OF SAMUEL FOOTE, with a Col- lection of his genuine Bon-mots, Anecdotes, Opinions, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 12m0, half calf, New York, 1806 Cooper (J. FENIMORE). ExCuRSIONS INITALY. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half morocco, London, 1838 COOPER (J. F.) HISTORY of the NAVY of the United States of America, continued to 1853, from the Author’s MSS., and other authentic sources. Thick 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1854 UNIQUE COPY ; profusely illustrated by the insertion of nearly one hundred rare and curious portraits, views, etc. [Cooper (J. F.)] Notions oF THE AMERICANS picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. r2mo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1828 First Edition. A severe criticism of this work appeared in the Monthly Review. Cooper (J. Fenimore). SELECTED Novets. S’rontispieces and vignettes by Darley. 11 vols. 12mo, cloth. Townsend, N. Y., 1859 Best Editions; comprising Last of the Mohicans, Pilot, Pioneers, Prairie, Sea Lions. Water Witch, Red Rover, Spy, Lionel Lincoln, Bravo, and Homeward Bound. Coram (R.) Poxrricat Inquiries; to which is added a Plan for the general Establishment of Schools through- out the U. S. 8vo, 108 pp. Wilmington, 1791 CORNEY. CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE, by I. D’Israeli, Esq. Illustrated by Bolton Corney, Esq. Sec- ond Edition, Revised and Acuminated. Crown 8vo, morocco extra, Grolier tooling. London, 1838 THick PAPER COPY; scarce. 94 865 CORNHILL MAGAZINE, complete from its commencement in 1860 to December, 1878, edited by W. M. Thackeray, and others, wth numerous wood engravings. 37 vols. 8vo, in the original numbers. London, 1860-70 This interesting Periodical contains the last productions of its brilliant editor, as well as specimens of the Works of the most renowned Writers of the day, including “ Tennyson,” “Monckton Milnes,” “ Hood,” “ Wilkie Collins,” “ William Duthie,” ete. CoRNWALL (Barry, #. ¢., Proctor). Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1857 CORRESPONDENTS (THE). AN ORIGINAL NOVEL; in a Series of Letters. 12mo, calf. London, 1775 “A singular publication, and an abominable one.” See Correspond- ence of WALPOLE and Mason, vol. 1, p. 191. CorTES (HERNANDO). DespatTcues addressed to the Em- peror Charles V. Notes, etc., by Geo. Folsom. 12mo, boards. N. Y., 1843 CoTTLe (JosepH). REMINISCENCES of Sam’l Taylor Cole- ridge and Rob’t Southey ; zumerous portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1847 Corte. REMINISCENCES of Southey and Coleridge. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1848 Court oF ENGLAND. Private History. Second Edition, corrected. 2 vols. in 1, r2mo, half calf gilt. Scarce. Printed for the Author, London, 1808 Courtoy (H.) Historica, Gur to the Abbey and Palace of Holyrood. Map and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1838 Cousin (V.) Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1859 CoveNT GARDEN JouRNAL. Views of the Theatre-Royal Covent Garden, tts Interior, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco. London, 1810 Contains full account of the “ O. P. Riots.” CovENT GARDEN JOURNAL. 4 Views of Exterior and In- terior of Covent Garden Theatre. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1810 Contains full account of the celebrated “0. P. Riots.” Large paper copy, from Burton’s Library. yaa 876 877 880 881 882 885 886 95 Covent GARDEN THEATRE. Narrative of the Disputes sub- sisting between the Patentees of Covent Garden Theatre. London; 1768 True State of the Differences, etc., in Answer to the False, Scandalous, and Malicious Libel, and the (above) “ Print- ed Narrative,” etc. By George Colman. London, 1768 PripE and Ignorance; a Poem. By Edward Nicklin. Birmingham, 1770 In 1 vol. 4to, calf. CoweEtt (Jor). Turrry Years passed among the Players in England and America ; with Anecdotes and Reminiscences. In Two Parts. 8vo, half calf. N. Y., 1844 From Burton’s Library. CoweLt (Jor). TxHirty Years passed among the Players. in England and America, 8vo, wrapper. N. Y., 1844 Cowper (WituiaM). Lire, and Posthumous Writings. By Wm. Hayley. Portraits by Blake. 3 vols. 4to, halt russia. Chichester, 1802 Cowper (W1Lu1AM). LiFe of,compiled from his Corresponden and other Authentic Sources, with Remarks by Tom Taylo: Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut, Scarce. London, 1833 Cowper (WitriAM), Lire AND Works, including his “ Private Correspondence.” Edited, etc., by the Rev. T. S, Gri shawe. Second Edition. Beautiful engravings on st by Finden, after Harding. 8 vols. post 8vo, half b! calf. London, 18° CowPER AND THomMson. Works Of, including Correspondence, etc. fortraits. 8vo, sheep. Phila,, 1841 Coxe (WILLIAM), HISTORY OF THE House or AUSTRIA, from 12t8 to 1792. ‘Third Edition. Portraits. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854 Coxe (WILLIAM). MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, with his Original Correspondence, etc. New Edition, re vised by John Wade. fortraits. 3 vols. post 8vo, halt calf gilt. London, 1847-& Cozzens (F. S.) SparRowGRass Papers. /élustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1858 CraBBE (Rev. GEORGE). PorTicaL Works, with Life, Letter: and Journals, by his Son. Beautiful frontispieces and vignettes. 4 vols., post 8vo, cloth, London, 1834 96 887 CRADOCK (J.) LireRaRy AND MISCELLANEOUS MEMOIRS. Portraits and maps. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf, London, 1828 888 CrarrsMAN (THE), by Cates D'Anvers [Nicholas Amherst]. Frontispieces. 14 vols. 12mo, calf, London, 1731-7 Written by Lord Bolingbroke, W. Pulteney, and others, in opposition to Sir Robert Walpole. The most popular political publication of its time, so much so. that from 10 to 12,000 copies were sold in one day. Ambherst, after twenty years’ of exertion in the cause of his friends, (and they at length came into power), was totally neglected and forgotten. This neglect hastened his dissolution, which took place in 1742. Craic (N. B.) History or PirrspurcH. Maps. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. Pittsburgh, 1851 Craik (Geo. L.) ROMANCE OF THE PEERAGE; or, Curiosities of Family History. Portraits. 4 vols. crown 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1848-50 CrawrorD (Davip). Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland. Post 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1853 Contains the Earl of Morton’s Confession. CRICKET. JERKS IN FROM SHoRT-LEG, by Quid. J//ustrated by Bellew. 4to, cloth. London, 1866 CROAKERS (Tue). By JosepH RopMan Drake and Firz- GREENE HALLeck. First complete Edition. Portraits on India paper. Extended to 2 vols. royal 8vo, maroon morocco extra, with inside panels, and borders richly tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Pawson & Nicholson. New York, 1860 150 COPIES ONLY, PRIVATELY PRINTED, by the BRADFORD CLUB. UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL CDPY. Containing 113 inserted plates, etc. ; a large number being especially fine and rare, among which the following are prominent : Edmund Kean as “Shylock ;” Wallack (from Burton’s Gentleman’s Maga- zine), Cooke, Tom Paine, Grant Thorburn, Recorder Riker, Stephen Allen, Ambrose Spencer, Jacob Barker, Samuel Swartwout (very scarce), Columbia College, Battery, Bowery Theatre, Park Theatre, Lafayette Theatre, and a number engraved by A. B. DuRAND, viz: : Col. Trumbull, Philip Hone, Dr. Mitchell, William Dunlap, Mayor Colden, James H. Hackett (with autograph). There is also an autograph of Robert Bogardus, and an ORIGINAL DRAWING, by W.H. BARTLETT, of Yale College. Many of the illustrations aro choice proofs, on India paper. | 895 896 897 898 899 goo gol go2 9°93 97 [Crort (Str H.)] Love anp Mapness. A Story too True, in a Series of Letters (between Rev. Mr. Hackman and Miss Reay). Small 8vo, calf. Very scarce. Lond., 1780 Contains the first notice of Chatterton. The Rev. J. Hackman was executed for the murder of Miss Reay, his mistress. The above Work was compiled by*Sir Herbert Croft. [CrorT]. Lond., 1786 CRoKER (T. C.) Wak From Lonpon To FurLHam. Jdlus- trated by Fairholt. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 Croty (Rev. Gro.) SALATHIEL, a Story of the Past, the 3 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt, London, 1828 CROMWELLIANA. CHRONOLOGICAL DETAIL OF EVENTS in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from the year 1642 to his death, in 1658; with a continuation of other Folio, half morocco. Westminster, 1810 Extra Illustrated Copy, with 117 scarce plates inserted, comprising Rare and Curious Portraits, Old Views, etc., etc. A very interesting volume. ANOTHER EpiTIon. Post 8vo, calf. Present, and the Future. Transactions, to the Restoration. Another copy, w7th 2 portraits of Cromwell ° Westminster, 1810 PLAIN Directions for obtaining Pho- Phila., 1853 CROMWELLIANA. inserted. Folio, calf. [CROUCHER (J. H.)] tographic Pictures, 12mo, cloth. Crowe (CATHARINE), NuicuT SipE or Nature; or, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers. 2 vols, in 1, post 8vo, half calf. London, 1852 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND Rosert). A CoLLectTion of small pieces, ‘//ustrated by the Cruikshanks. London, 1830, etc. Many very scarce, 12mo, half morocco. Contents: The Drvit’s Wax, by Professor Porson; The DEVIL’s Visit; OLD Booty, by Moncrieff; MonsrEUR TONSON, by John Taylor; MonstruR NoneronePaw ; BoMBASTES Furroso, by W. B. Rhodes ; STEAMERS AND STAGES; MONSIEUR MALLET, by H. W. Montagu; Tom Tums, by Kane O’Hara; BRIGHTON ; MarcHu OF INTELLECT, by Moncrieff; and Saow Fouks, by Pierce Egan, illustrated by Theo. Lane. CruiKsHank. A series of 19 tllustrations to the Life of Sir John Falstaff, by R. B. Brough, designed and etched by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, in wrapper. Scarce in this state. Longman, London, 1858 98 904 CRUIKSHANK. A Co.Lvection of 214 etchings and wood- cuts by George Cruikshank, mounted on heavy cartridge paper, and bound in 2 vols. royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1840 This magnificent collection commences with the Essay on the Genius of Cruikshank, by W.M. Thackeray, published in the Westminster Review, and illustrated by 89 wood-cuts, following which appear colored illustrations from Song Books, Life in Paris, Hone’s Tracts, etc., and selections from the illustrations to German Popular Stories, Philosophy in Sport, Robinson Crusoe, Illustrations of Time, Works of Fielding and Smollett, Comic Almanac (20), Oliver Twist, Tower of London, Gin-Shop, Clement Lorimer, Irish Rebellion, Guy Fawkes, Omnibus, Sketches by Boz, etc., etc. CRUIKSHANK’S Comic ALMANAC, complete from its commence- ment in 1835, to 1853. Edited by Mayhew, with the capital illustrations on wood by Geo. Cruikshank. 19 years in 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1835-53 Early edition of the best of Cruikshank’s works. CRUIKSHANK. GENTLEMAN IN BLACK ; with illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Second Edition. Post 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top. London, 1831 CRUIKSHANK, My SketTcH-Boox, by George Cruikshank. Oblong 4to, half morocco. New York, 1874 - Fine impressions on India Paper. CRUIKSHANK. PUNCH AND JUDY ; with 23 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, proofs on India Paper. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, by Mansell. London, 1832 Third edition ; very scarce. CRUIKSHANK, INGLIS (H. D.) RAMBLES IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF Don QUIXOTE ; with illustrations on steel and wood, by Geo. Cruikshank. Post 8vo, half russia gilt. Scarce. London, 1837 CRUIKSHANK, TALES OF OTHER Days, By I. Y. A.; with illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, engraved by J. Thompson and S. and T. Williams, Crown 8vo, half russia. London, 1830 CRUIKSHANK. TAVERN ANECDOTES, and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Clubs, ete. Rude frontispiece, by Cruikshank, and Portrait, 12mo, boards. London, n. d. L M0 JO gts 914 915 916 917 918 99 gt2 CRUIKSHANK. Tom Tuump, by Kane O’Hara ; MonsIEUR NonctoncPpaw ; OLp Booty, by Moncrieff; Marcu of INTELLECT ; Devit’s Procress ; HIGH-METTLED RACER, by C. -Dibdin; and Matuews’ Comic ANNUAL, with 18 illustrations by George and Robert Cruikshank. 7 vols. in I, 12mo, half morocco. London, 1830-31 CRUIKSHANK CATALOGUE. Rerp (Gro, WILLIAM). DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE WorKS oF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, Etchings, Wood-cuts, Lithographs, and Glyphographs, with a list of books illustrated by him, chiefly compiled from the collections of Mr. Thos. Morson, Mr. E. S. Maskelyne, etc., with an Essay on his Genius and Works, by Edward Bell. J//ustrated with upwards of 300 plates by Cruikshank, INDIA IMPRESSIONS. 3 vols. roy. 4lo, half olive morocco, gilt tops. London, 1871 Only 185 copies printed, and now very scarce. CryeEs or Lonpon. The Cryes of the City of London, drawne after the Life, by P. Tempest, after M. Lauron’s designs. 73 plates, proofs before the numbers. Folio, calf. Very scarce. London, 1711 The Nassau copy sold for £11, and Bindley’s, with the numbers, sold for £9 9s. Some of the plates in this copy are a little soiled and a few have been mended ; but although, therefore, not immaculate, it is a very de- sirable copy of this scarce and curious book. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). MEMOIRS of, written by himself, containing an account of his Life and Writings, inter- spersed with Anecdotes and Characters of several of the most distinguished persons of his time. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lackington, london, 1807 CUMBERLAND (RICHARD), . Life of, with a Critical Examina- tion of his Writings, etc. By Wm. Mudford. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1812 CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). Memoirs of, with Notes by Flan- ders. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 CummINGs (Rey. J. W.) Sitver Sroxe, being 100 Scripture Texts, and 100 Epitaphs on Children. 8vo, cloth, 7 N. Y., 1859 I0O J wy 919 CURIOUS PAMPHLETS. Dramatic, OPERATIC, SATIRI- y4 “df CAL, Caustic, FACETIOUS, etc., as follows : I, Caleb Quotem and his Wife! An Opera. Scarce portrait of Faw- CETT as “ Caleb Quotem.” London, 1808 II. Songs, Duets, Trios, Choruses, etc., in the new Harlequin Panto- mime called WHANG-FONG, and other Pieces. London, 1812-15 III. Dupes of Fancy: a Farce. By Geo. Saville Carey. Fine and scarce portratt of Mrs. JORDAN. London, 1792 IV. Memoirs, Public and Private, Life, Adventures, and SECRET ° Amoours of Mrs. C. M. [Charles Mathews], late Mad. V., of the Royal Olympic Theatre, detailing an Interesting Variety of Singu- lar, Curious, and Amusing Scenes, as performed before and behind the Curtain, etc.; also, the Extraordinary and Secret Amowrs of Mrs. Honey. Remarkable portrait. London, n. d. V. Genuine Collection of 0. P. [old prices] Songs, Whimsical and Satirical, with O. P. Toasts and Sentiments. London, [1809] VI. The Rehearsal; or, Boys in’ Petticoats. A Comedy, By Mrs. Clive. London, 1753 VII. Suppressed Evidence; or, R[oyA]L INTRIGUING. Being the His- tory of a Courtship, Marriage, and Separation, exemplified in the Fate of the Princess of ————; and the Private Transactions of the Secret Committee in a certain Delicate Investigation, ete. By \ Pr , Poet Laureate. London, 1813 VIII. Remarks on the Character of RICHARD THE THIRD, as played by Cooke and Kemble.* Second kdition. London, n. d. IX. Memoirs, General and Particular, of the Intrigues of Miss CHESTER (of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden), with numerous Amatory Anecdotes of His Majesty George IV., ete. Portrait. London, n. d. X. Public and Private Life of Lady William Lennox, alias Miss Anne Paton, alias Mr. Woop's CHUM-CHUM, containing the whole of her Amours, Attachments, etc. Hine portrait. London, n. d. XI. Life of the late THomas Coutts, Esq., Banker, in the Strand, with Biographical and Entertaining Anecdotes of his First Wife, Betty Starky, and of the present Mrs. Coutts. London, [1822] XII. The Earl of Dundonald’s Answer to the Mis-statements contained in the life of the late T. Courts, Esq., Banker (relative to his First Lady), with curious and highly interesting Anecdotes, etc. London, 1822 XIII. Jack in Office ; containing Remarks on Mr. BRAHAM’S ADDRESS to the Public, with a full and impartial Consideration of Mr. KEMBLR’s Conduct with respect to the above Gentleman, by Thomas Gilliland. London, [1805] XIV. The Decoy; an Opera. As it is Acted at the New Theatre, in Goodman’s Fields, by Henry Potter. London, 1733 XV. New Version of JoHN BuuLi’s SonG-BooK. Collected into En- glish Metre by Thomas Sternpost, John Kelson, and others. London, 1821 In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, v. d. A scarce and curious collection. Lae AS SS IOI 920 CUMMINGS (TF. S.) HISTORIC ANNALS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, with Dottings by the Way-side, from 1825 to the Present Time. or- trait, etc, 8vo, sheets folded. Phila., 1865 UNIQUE Copy, having over 60 PORTRAITS and ViEws inserted ; AUTO- GRAPHS of Rembrandt Peale, T. A. Richards, and J. J. Audubon, and AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Thomas Cole, Thos. Doughty, A. B. Durand, Henry Inman, John Inman, J. Jarvis, Kensett, C. R. Leslie, Lord Lyndhurst, Wm. Page, Hiram Powers, P. F. Rother- mel, Shattuck, Jerome Thompson, R.W. Weir, Prosper M. Wetmore, J. W. Casilear, T. S. Cummings, 8. F. Du Pont, C. W. Elliott, James Herring, T. Hicks, D. Huntington, T. H. Matteson, and several others of note, including one from the compiler of this work, which has become quite scarce. 921 CATALOGUES OF THE EXHIBITION of the National Academy of Design, 21st to 27th. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1846 Also in this volume the original programmes of Jenny Lind and Son- e tag concerts, 922 CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). LIvEs oF THE Most EMINENT BrirTIsH PAINTERS, Sculptors, and Architects. Numerous portraits on steel and wood, 6 vols, 12mo, cloth. London, 1830 923 CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). Lorp RorpaN: a Romance. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf antique. New York, 1836 924 CUNNINGHAM (PETER), Srory or NELL Gwyn ; and the Say- ings of Charles the Second. Lilustrations. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1852 Scarce portrait of Nell Gwynn inserted. This little volume is now ex- ceedingly rare. 925 CURIOUS TRACTS (11) from the Collection of George Daniel. 8vo, half calf. London, 1730-1817 Contents: Theatrical [Museum, or Fugitive Repository, 1776 ; Life of George Colman, portrait, 1795 ; Robin Hood, an Opera, with musical score, 1730 ; Kemble (J. P.), Essay on Macbeth and Rich- ard III., 1817 ; Letters and Poems by John Henderson, with Anec- dotes by John Ireland, portrait, 1786 ; Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Hamlet, 1752; Life of Robt. Wilks, portrait, 1733 ; Life and Death of David Garrick, portrait inserted, 1779 : Life of Sixteen-string Jack, Portrait, 1750; ete., ete. 926 CuRWEN (SAMUEL). JOURNAL AND Letrers in England from 1775 to 1783, with Supplement, ortraits. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1864 ot 102 927 CURIOSITIES OF STREET LITERATURE 3; comprising ‘‘ Cocks ” or “Catchpennies,” Street Drolleries, Squibs, Broadsides on the Royal Family, Poetical Litanies, Dying Speeches and Confessions, etc., etc. J//ustrated with the original wood-cuts. Printed on writing paper, on one side only. Ato, half mor., gilt top. London, 1871 Only 100 copies printed. This curious volume comprises nearly 250 different publications, all of which are printed verbatim et Uiteratim, in order to show in the most genuine state the character and quality of the literature produced expressly for the amusement of the lower orders by street authors. 928 CurRAN (Rt. Hon. JoHN Puitpot). Lire of, with Anec- dotes of his Contemporaries, by his Son. ortrait and fac-simile, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. London, 1819 929 Curran. Lire of, by W. H. Curran, Notes by Shelton Mackenzie, Portrait, 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1858 930 CURRAN (J. P.) Memortrs of the Life of, with Anecdotes of his Wit and Humor, etc., by W. O’Regan, 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1817 931 Curtis (G. W.) Lotus-Eatine. Illustrated by Kensett, 12m0, cloth. N.Y, 1954 932 CUSHING (CALEB). REMINISCENCES OF SPAIN, its Monuinents, etc, 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1833 933 CUTLER (E. J.) STELLA: a Poem. 12mo, boards. 3oston, 1868 934 [Custis (G. W. P.)] Pocanontas: a Historical Drama. 12mo, cloth. N. ¥,,:1837 935 Custis (Gro. W. P.) RECOLLECTIONS AND PRIVATE MeE- MOIRS OF WASHINGTON, by his Adopted Son, with a Memoir of the Author, by his Daughter, and Notes by Benson J. Lossing. Portraits, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1860 First edition ; out of print. — V 4, Zt) 2 103 PRIVATE MEMOIRS OF WASHINGTON, by his Adopted Son, with a Memoir of the Author, by his Daughter, and Notes by Benson J. Lossing. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, by XR. W. Smith. N. Y., 1860 936 CUSTIS (GEO. W. P.) RECOLLECTIONS AND UNIQUE ILLUSTRATED Copy, extended from ONE to THREE volumes, the Portraits, Views, Historical Scenes, etc., collected and arranged by T. H. MorRELUL. These choice volumes contain 375 inserted Illustrations adapted to the text, and consist of Portraits of Ld. Baltimore, Gens. Braddock, Wolfe, Gates, Burgoyne, Lafayette, Arnold, Ethan Allen, and Chas. Lee ; James Rivington, Gilbert Stuart, William Dunlap, C. W. Peale, Tobias Lear, Earl of Buchan, Dr. Franklin, Rev. Ashbel Green, Samuel Adams, Hancock, Count D’Estaing, Rochambeau, Col. John Laurens, Thos. Nelson, Jr., ete., ete. | Views of Colum- bia College, N. Y¥.; St. George’s Church, N. Y.; Federal Hall, Wall Street, N. Y., and others; also, a Drawing (in Sepia) of the Walnut Street Prison, Philadelphia, and specimen of New Jersey Colonial money. Among the autographs is a fine and rare one of the author, G. W. P. Custis, written from “ Arling- ton House ;” also, letters, documents, etc., of Col. William Bar- ton, Robert Morris, John Jay, Albert Gallatin, and others. Many of the Engraving are choice proofs, on India paper (some being from PRIVATE PLATES), and a large portion are neatly inlaid. A feature of this beautiful copy is the collection of 56 PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON, many being of great rarity. Extra title-pages printed for each volume. AGGERWOOD. Memoirs oF SYLVESTER DAGGER- woop, Comedian, etc., deceased; including Many Years of Provincial Vicissitudes, interspersed with Genuine Anecdotes of many Eminent Persons, etc. The whole-collected from the Deceased Author's MSS., with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Peter Pangloss, Esq., LL.D., and A.S.S. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half calf. London, 1807 Includes an account of his adventures in America during the Revo- lutionary War. Datuas (R. C.) History or THE Maroons, from their Origin, with an Expedition to Cuba, and History of the Island of Jamaica. Lugravings and map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1803 Da.tLaway (J.) ANECDOTES OF THE ARTS in England. Remarks on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. 8vo, calf. London, 1800 Dana (D. D.) FIREMEN AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS of the United States. J//ustrated. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 This book gives an account of all Large Fires, and an illustration of the burning of the Richmond Theatre, 1811, by- which 70 persons lost their lives, Dana (R. H., Jr.) AppReEss upon the Life and Public Services of EpwaRD EVERETT. Royal 4to, uncut. Large paper. Only 50 copies printed. Cambridge, 1865 DaniEL (GEORGE). MERRY ENGLAND in the Olden Time. Illustrations by John Leech, 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1842 First Epitron ; scarce. Portrait, and Memoir of the author inserted. D’ArBLAY (Mme.) Diary anp LETTERS complete, includ- ing the period of her Residence at the Court of Queen Charlotte. Portraits. 7 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Tondon, 1854 Miss Burney’s Diary. ‘“ Sparkling with wit, teeming with lively anec- dotes and delectable gossip, and full of sound and discreet views of persons and things.” 105 re 944 DaReELL (Wm.) History or DovER CASTLE; with 10 : 4 Views by Hooper and a Plan of the Castle. Folio, calf. London, 1786 Very scarce. Edwards £2 14s. Od. Bindley, £2 9s. 0d. Lf 945 Daruey (J. R.) Grecian Drama: a Treatise on the Dra- matic Literature of the Greeks, 8vo, half morocco gilt. Dublin, 1840 946 DARLINGTON (Wm.) Memorrats of John Bartram and Hum- phrey Marshall. //ustrated. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1849 947 Dartmoor Prison. Andrews (Chas.) The Prisoners’ Me- ma moirs, or Dartmoor Prison ; containing a complete and A 7d impartial History of the entire Captivity of the Americans in England, ete. Also, a Particular Detail of all Occur- rences Relative to that Horrible Massacre at Dartmoor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. Colored View of Dartmoor Prison. r2mo, half calf, gilt top, un- cut, rough edges, Printed for the Author, N. Y., 1815 Morrell, $4.25; Fisher, $4.00. 948 DarTMooR Prison. Journal of a Young Man of Massachu- YZ ‘a setts, late a Surgeon on board an American Privateer, who : was captured at sea by the British, in May, 1813, and was confined, first, at Melville Island, Halifax, then at Chat- ham, in England, and last, at Dartmoor Prison ; inter- spersed with Observations, Anecdotes, and Remarks. Written by himself, folding Plate of Dartmoor Lrison, representing the Massacre of American Prisoners. 1 2mo, sheep. Scarce. Boston, 1816 Fisher, $2.75. i 949 Dartmoor Prison, The Prisoners’ Memoirs, or Dartmoor aed Prison ; containing a complete and impartial History of 4 the Entire Captivity of the Americans in England, etc., with a Particular Detail of the Horrid Massacre at Dart- moor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. The whole carefully compiled by a Prisoner in England, who was a Captive during the whole War. 121n0, cloth. Printed for the Author, New Y ork,-1852 Morrell, $3.50. fi a. 95° Dartmoor Prison, Another copy, Cloth, N, Y¥., 1852 1gele) 951 DARTMOOR PRISON, Journal of a Young Man of Massachu- setts, late a Surgeon on board an American Privateer, who was captured at sea by the British, in May, 1813, and confined at Dartmoor Prison, etc., with Observations, Anecdotes, and Remarks. Written by himself. /olding Plate of Dartmoor Prison, representing the Massacre of American Prisoners. %2m0, half red morocco gilt, Boston, 1816 952 DARTMOOR Prison. The Prisoners’ Memoirs, or Dartmoor Prison ; containing a complete and impartial History of the Entire Captivity of the Americans in England, etc., with a Particular Detail of the Horrid Massacre at Dart- moor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. Compiled by a Prisoner in England, who was a Captive during the whole War. 12mo, half red morocco. New York, 1852 Scarce colored folding plate of “ Dartmoor Prison ” inserted. 953 DAVENANT (SIR Witu1aM). Works, Poetical and Dramatic, 7, LO consisting of those which were formerly Printed, and those which he designed for the Press. Now published out of the AUTHOR’S ORIGINAL COPIES. Portrait, en- graved by Faithorne, after painting by Grenhill. 2 vols. in 1, thick folio, calf. London, 1673 Fine impression of the scarce portrait, frequently wanting. Has auto- graph, on fly-leaf, of ‘ Hannah Flatman, 1672,” wife of Flatman, the poet. 954 DAVENPORT BROTHERS. Biography of, and Adventures. /1- lustrated. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1869 The Davenports will be remembered as the most successful of the many “ Spirit raisers.” 955 DavenporT (R. A.) History OF THE BASTILE, and of its Principal Captives. Plate and plan. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1838 956 DavIDGE (Wn.). FOoTLIGHT FiasHues. J/lustrations., 12m0, cloth. New York, 1866 Dedicated to EpwiN ForREST. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author, May 26, 1866. 957 DAVIDGE. Another copy. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1866 958 Davips (THappEvs). Huisrory oF INK, including its Etymol- ogy, Chemistry, and Bibliography. 15 fac-similes. 12m0, cloth gilt. New York, n. d. 959 962 969 971 107 Davipson (J. W.) Livinc WRITERS OF THE SOUTH, 12m0, cloth. New York, 1869 DavIDSON (MARGARET M.) Brocrapuy and Poetical Re- mains of, by Washington Irving. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 Davies (THomMAS). DRAMATIC MISCELLANIES, comprising Critical Observations on Plays of Shakespeare, with Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, etc. ortrait of Betterton, 3 vols, 12mo, calf. London, 1785 Davis (A.) History or NEw AMSTERDAM; or, New York as it was in the Days of the Dutch Governors ; wood-cut il- lustrations. 16mo, cloth. Nw Y.,) 1854 Includes Philadelphia in the Days of William Penn. Scarce. Davis (HENRY WINTER). WAR OF ORMUZD AND AHRIMAN in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo, calf antique. Baltimore, 1852 Davis (Mrs.) WAITING FOR THE VERDICT: a Novel. ///us- trated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 Davis (THos.) Poems (IRIsH), with Notes, etc., by John Mitchel. /ortrait. 12mo, cloth. N, Y., 1860 Davis (WM. Jackson). IN Memoriam, [by H. B. Dawson]. Portrait inserted. 4to, uncut. N, ¥,,. 106g Dawe (G.) oF GEORGE MoRLAND, with Remarks on his Works. ortrait and illustrations, 8vo, half calf. London, 1807 Dawes (Rurus). GERALDINE, Athenia of Damascus, and Miscellaneous Poems. /ortrait and vignette. 12mo, cloth. NN, Vig) 2849 DawkeEs (T.) PRopIGIUM WILLINGHAMENSE ; or, Authentic Memoirs of the more Remarkable Passages in the Life of a Boy, who before he was three years old was 3 ft. 8 in. high, and had the marks of Puberty, Crown 8vo, calf. Rare. London, 1747 Dawson (FLoRA). PRINCES, PuBLIC MEN, AND PRETTY WomEN. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 Contains interesting matter relating to Washington Irving. Dawson (Henry B.) Major-GENERAL ISRAEL PUTNAM; a Correspondence on this Subject with the Editor of Zhe Hartford Daily Post by “Selah,” of that City, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, N. Y. Royal 8vo, half mor. Privately printed, Morrisania, N. Y., 1860 108 972 DAwson (HENRY B.) ASSAULT ON Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York Historical Society, and Read at its Regular Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1862. Map and numerous fac-similes. Royal 8vo, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1863 Only 250 copies printed. No. 21. [Dawson (H. B.)]. REMINISCENCES OF THE CITY OF NEw York and its vicinity. 1r2mo, uncut, Privately printed, N. Y., 1855 Only 50 copies of this book were printed. The above copy (No. 4) was a present to Washington Irving, from the author. Dawson (H. B.) Sons or Liserty in New York. Portrait inserted, 8vo, sewed, Printed for private circulation, N. Y., 1859 Presentation copy to “C. A. Davis, Esq., with kind regards of Frederic de Peyster.” D’AzecLio (M.) Errore FIERAMOSCA; or, the Challenge of Barletta, 12mo, cloth, Boston, 1859 [DEANE]. .SpuRrous REpRINTs oF Earty Books, by Delta, Reprinted from the Boston Advertiser, March 24, 1865. Small 4to, uncut, Privately printed, Boston, 1865 75 copies printed. De Castro, Memoirs oF J. DE Castro, Comedian, with Anecdotes of various Eminently Distinguished Characters, Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Bannister, Dibdin, Sheridan, Cooke, Kemble, etc. ; accompanied by the Life of the late Puitip AsTLEy, Founder of the Royal Amphitheatre. Edited by R. Humphreys. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1824 UNIQUE COPY, having 28 portraits inserted, consisting of Dramatic and other celebrities, many fine and desirable, and some rare. 978 DE CASTRO. MEMOIRS of J. De Castro, Comedian, eg with Anecdotes, etc. and Life of Philip Astley, . Edited by R. Humphreys. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top,-uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1824 Unique copy, having 384 inserted plates, including portraits of Gar- rick, Cooke, Baddeley, Mrs. Barry, Mons. Vestris, etc., ete. / OO 979 NY \ \ /) m8 984 i i 109 De Castro. Memoirs of J. De Castro, Comedian, compris- ing Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Bannister, Dibdin, Barrymore, Cooke, Sheridan, and others ; with Life of the late Philip Astley, History of the Royal Circus, etc. Edited by R. Humphreys. Portrait and fac-simile, Post 8vo, roan. London, 1824 De Castro. The same. Fortrait, etc. Boards, uncut. London, 1824 DecaTuR (COMMODORE STEPHEN), Lire and Character of, etc, By S. Putnam Waldo. Portraits and plates, 12mo, sheep. Middletown, 1822 DECATUR (STEPHEN), Lire of, by Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846 LARGE PAPER COPY, only a few printed. D’Eon (CHEVALIER). LrEtTrRes, MEMOIRES, and Negocia- tions, Particulieres du. 3 parts in 1, 4to, calf, Large Paper, from Strawberry Hill ; annexed is along Autograph Letter, four ato pages, signed by D’ Eon, and a Translation of the same, Imprime chez |’Auteur, 1764 This is the volume for which D’Eon was tried, containing some severe comments on De Guerchy, and disclosing certain State secrets. His trial took place in the King’s Bench, when he was convicted and outlawed. An autograph letter was sold some time ago in London for £5. DEFENCE OF THE DRAMA, containing Mansel’s Free Thoughts, a Discourse on the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays, by the celebrated Father Caffaro, etc. 12mo, half calf antique. New York, 1826 From the library of E. S. Conner, the accomplished gentleman and actor. Dr For (DANL,) Lire of, by George’ Chalmers. fortrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1841 De For (DANIEL), RoBINSON CRUSOE, with Memoir, and beautiful illustrations, PROOFS on INDIA PAPER. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Valpy, London, 1831 Very scarce. De Forest (J. W.) History of the InpIANs of CONNECTICUT. Lllustrated with maps, ete. 12mo0, cloth. Hartford, 1853 IIo 988 Dr GrassE. OPperrations of the FRENCH FLEET, under the Count De Grasse in 1781-2, as described in two contem- poraneous journals, ortrait on India Paper, etc., with 10 plates inserted, including fine portraits of De Grasse, DEstaing, Rochambeau, and others, and three very rare Prints representing the “ Defeat of De Grasse by Lord Rodney, in 1782.’ Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bradford Club Series, New York, 1864 150 copies privately printed. No. 3. Morreli, extra plates, $25. “> 4 De.any (Mrs.) Lerrrers to Mrs, Frances Hamilton (1779- 88), with Anecdotes of their late Majesties (Geo. III., etc.) Portrait. Post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1820 From the library of the Duke of York. DELEPLAINE (J.) Reposirory of the Lives and Portraits of DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN CHARACTERS. 18 fortraits : Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Henry Laurens, - Peyton Randolph, etc. 3 vols. 4to, boards uncut, rough edges, Philadelphia, 1815-18 Fine copy in the parts, as originally published. Beautiful impressions of the plates. DENNISTOUN (J.) Memorrs or Sir Ropert StranceE [the Engraver) and Andrew Lumisden. fortraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1855 De Quincey (T.) KLosTERHEIM; or, the Masque. 12mo, cloth, Boston, -1855 De Quincey (THomAs). Works. Jortrait. 14 vols. crown 8vo, half mor, gilt. London, 1853 Contents: Autobiographie Sketches, Miscellanies, Opium-Eater, Sketches, Secret Records, Essays, Leaders in Literature, Classic Records, Style and Rhetoric, Speculations, Letters, etc. [DerBy (Capt. G. H.)] PuHcenrxiana; or, Sketches and 3urlesques by “ John Phoenix.” Wood-cuts. 12mo, cloth. Scarce, New York, 1856 995 Dermopy (THomAs). LiFe of, interspersed with pieces of Original Poetry, many exhibiting unexampled prematurity of genuine poetical talent. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf. London, 1806 Dermopy. The same. 2 vols. half calf. London, 1806 From the Library of Lord Farnham, SC 997 a, 998 999 Je EERE (oro (a: OS 7 rM IOOI ye 2 Y et 1002 1003 Lit DeEsLANDES (L.) TREATISE on the Diseases produced ‘by ONANISM, etc. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1838 Dr Veaux (JAMES, artist, of Charleston). MeEmotr of, by R. W. Gibbes. ortrait. 8vo, cloth. Columbia, 1846 De Vicny (ALFRED). CtnQ-Mars: an Historical Romance. Translated by William Hazlitt, Portrait. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1847 Dewitt (1.) Discourse delivered in the North Dutch Re- formed Church in New York, August, 1856. ld/ustrated. 8vo, half roan. New York, 1857 DexTER (TimotHy). Lire anp Works of, by S, lL. Knapp. Illustrated. t2mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 Includes Sketches of the Eccentric Characters who were Dexter’s as- sociates. D1aDEM (THE). PROSE AND Poetry. Jilustrated with 21 engravings after Sully, Leutze, Huntington, etc. 4to, cloth. Phila., 1845 DIBDIN (Cuarves). History and ILLusTRATIONs of the LONDON THEATRES: comprising an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Drama in England, with His- torical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, English Opera House, and Royal Amphitheatre. J//ustrated with engrav- ings. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges over carmine, by Lewts. London, 1826 ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED. UNIQUE AND ELEGANT COPY, enriched by the insertion of an extra- ordinary collection of engravings, comprising a number of rare Portraits, etc., in the finest state imaginable. Of the connoisseurs in scarce Theatrical Prints, we would inquire, When have you met with unlettered proofs of Peg Woffington Coiley Cibber, Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Siddons, ete. ? Of Bartolozzi’s engravings, see the Portraits of Henderson as “ Iago, and Dr. Arne ; of choice proofs on India paper, we would call at tention to Shakespeare, Kemble, Elliston, Colman, Dibdin, Steele, Davenant, Barton Booth, Young, and others, with Views of Theatres ; and of rare Dramatic celebrities, whose portraits have always been a desideratum. How seldom you meet with Betterton, Rich, the Harlequin, Killigrew, Prynne, Wilks, Stephen Kemble, etc. Garrick (various ones), Palmer, Theophilus Cibber, Lacy, Liston, Macklin, and Powell are also here ; and last, with many others not mentioned, will be found a rare old print of the ‘“ Riot at Covent Garden Theatre in 1768.” The volume contains 98 inserted plates. II2 1004 Dippin (CHARLES). COMPLETE HIsTORY OF THE ENGLISH STAGE ; involving Biographical Facts and Anecdotes con- cerning a prodigious number of Authors, Composers, Painters, Actors, Singers, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, [1800] too5 Dippin [CHARLES]. PROFESSIONAL LIFE, written by him- self, with the Words of Six Hundred Songs, selected from his Works. Portrait, and 60 aquatint engravings, by Miss Dibdin. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Scarce. London, 1803 too6 Dippin. The same. /ortrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. This edition was published without illustrations. London, 1803 1007 Dippin (CHARLES). Sones, Naval and National, with a Memon, etc. Edited by Thomas Dibdin, J/élustrated by Geo, Cruikshank. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841 Very scarce. This was W. E. Burton’s copy, and his autograph adorns the fly-leaf. 1oo8 Dippin (THomAsS). REMINISCENCES of; of the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1827 Autograph letter (1817) inserted ; contains the Index. tooy Dippin (T.) Last Lays of the Last of the THREE D1B- DINS : containing Fifty New Songs, Poems, etc. or- trait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. to1o DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) AEDES ALTHORPIANAE;; or, an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Al- thorp, the Residence of George John, Earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a Supplement to the Bibli- otheca Spenceriana. Vumerous elegant Portraits, etc., some on India paper ; also engravings on wood. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt edges. London, 1822 tort Dippin (T. F.) BisLioGRaPHICAL ANTIQUARIAN, and Pic- TURESQUE TouR in France and Germany. Second edi- tion. fortrait and numerous engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, Major, London, 1829 113 1012 DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DE- CAMERON ; or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. Vw- merous Lortraits and other illustrations, some on India paper. 3 vols, royal 8vo, calf, gilt edges. London, 1817 From the Library of John Mathew Gutch, with book-plate. “ Both the copper-plates and the wood-cuts which embellished the work have been destroyed.”—LOWNDES. 1013 Dippin. BIBLIOMANIA, or Book-Madness. Rubricated title, with vignette. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Lewzs. London, 1809 1014 DispIN (Rev. T. F.) Brsiiomanra, or Book-Madness: a Bibliographical Romance. typographical embellishments. gilt top, uncut, Numerous engravings and Royal 8vo, half morocco, London, 1842 BEST EDITION ; scarce. “The great value of this work is in the Notes, which abound with anecdotes of books and book collectors, and an account of the rarer articles in their collections, the prices at which they were sold,” ete. rors [Dippin]. CRANMER ; by a Member of the Roxburghe Club. 3 vols. crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1839 Fine copy, very scarce. 1016 [Dispin (T. F.) | History or CuELTrenuam and its En- virons, Srontispiece and vignette. Scarce, 1017 Dispin (Rev, T, F,) 8vo, boards, uncut. Cheltenham, 1802 Porms, Vignette. 8vo, calf gilt. Printed for the Author, London, 1797 Very scarce ; having been suppressed by the author. In the first edition of the Bibliomania is a curious note respecting these Poems, from which it appears that 500 copies were printed, the major part of which were destroyed. “My only consolation is’ (says the author), ‘that the volume is exceedingly rare!’”—LOWNDES. 1018 Dickens (CuAs.) Works. Library Editions. Comprising, Oliver Twist, Bleak House, Sketches, Tale of Two Cities, Martin Chuzzlewit, Dombey & Son, Nicholas Nickleby, Pickwick Papers, Little Dorrit, Barnaby Rudge, Old Curiosity Shop, and David Copperfield. Profusely illus- trated with etchings by Cruikshank and “ Phiz,” wood- Cuts, etc. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864, etc. 114 ro1g DICKENS (CHARLES), WORKS. Jlustrated with a series of beautiful engravings, proofs on India paper, from designs by Darley, Gilbert, Cruikshank, “ Phiz,” etc. 55 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1867-71 LARGE PAPER; one hundred copies printed for subscribers. Pickwick Papers, 4 vols. David Copperfield, 4 vols. Dombey & Son, 4 vols. Nicholas Nickleby, 4 vols. Martin Chuzzlewit, 4 vols. Bleak House, 4 vols. Little Dorrit, 4 vols. Our Mutual Friend, 4 vols. Oliver Twist, 2 vols. Barnaby Rudge, 8 vols. Old Curiosity Shop, 3 vols. Sketches by Boz, 2 vols. American Notes, 2 vols. Christmas Books, 2 vols. Tale of Two Cities, 2 vols. Hard Times, 2 vols. Great Expectations, 2 vols. ‘Uncommercial Traveller, 1 vol. Master Humpbrey’s Clock, 1 Edwin Drood, 1 vol. vol. Dickens. Works. J/lustrated by Darley, Gilbert, Crutik- shank, ‘‘ Phiz,” etc, 12 vols. square 12mo, cloth. Riverside edition, New York, 1868 Comprises : Dombey & Son, Bleak House, Nicholas Nickleby, Martin Chuzzlewit, Sketches by Boz, Christmas Stories, and Oliver Twist. Dickens. HaunTED Man, and the Ghost’s Bargain, ///us- trated by Leech, Tenniel, and Stanfield. Post 8vo, cloth. Original edition ; rare. London, 1848 Dickens. Litre Dorrit. Jllustrated by “* Phiz.” 4 vols. in 2, 12mo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1856 Dickens. Lire of, by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Portrait. 12mo, Cloth. Philadelphia, 1870 DICKENS (CHARLES). MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI, Edited by ‘‘ Boz.” Portrait and illus- trations by Geo. Cruikshank, 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1838 First edition ; very scarce. [Dickens (CHARLES).] Mermoirs oF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by “ Boz.” 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1838 Dickens. Memorrs OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by “Boz.” Lllustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, Post 8vo, boards. London, 1854 Dickens. Report of the Boston Dinner to Dickens; also, Quozziana: an account of the Quoz Dinner. 2 vols, in 1, 16m0, wrapper. Boston, 1842 is Dickens (CHARLES). SKETCHES of the Life and Works of, by F. B. Perkins. Fortrait, efc. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1870 DickENsS. OuR MuTuAt Friend. J//ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1865 Dickens. Pickwick Papers, and a Tale of Two Cities. Lllustrated, 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1867 Dickens. TALE oF Two Cities. 64 dlustrations, from designs by John McLenan. 8vo, cloth, Phila., n. d. Dirck (Henry). J1rFE AND TIMES OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER, with a reprint of his ‘ Century of Inven- tions,” 1663, and a Commentary thereon. /ortraits, ete. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1865 D'IsrakELI (ISAAC), CALAMITIES OF AUTHORS ; with Inquiries respecting their Moral and Literary Characters. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1812 UNIQUE Copy of the original edition, with 24 portraits inserted. DisRAELI (Isaac). CALAMITIES OF AUTHORS. 2 vols crown 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1812 First edition ; scarce. D’IsRAELI (ISAAC). CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. 6 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, London, 1834 Very scarce. D’IsRAELI (ISAAC). CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. Illustrated by Bolton Corney. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1838 An attack on the accuracy of D’Israeli. Dixon (B, Homer), Essay on SuRNAMES, with Dictionary. 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1857 Printed for private distribution only. Dixon (GEO. WASHINGTON). ODDITIES. Songs, etc. 12mo, boards, n. p. or d, A collection of nerve-working, side-cracking, care-destroying, and mouth-cracking Songs, including Betsy Baker. Dixon was one of the pioneers of negro minstrelsy, and was a favorite performer in New York many years since. DIXON (WILLIAM HEPWORTH). Personat History or LORD BACON, from Unpublished Papers, Portrait. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1861 LARGE PAPER, only 75 copies printed, Unique copy, having 50 fine plates inserted, illustrative of the text, consisting of Historical and Literary Portraits, Views, etc. 8 116 i el 1040 DoBELL (SypNEY). Poems. 16mo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1860 4 1041 Dopp (Rev. J. W.) Battaps or ARCHERY, Sonnets, etc. A Wood-cuts, Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1818 1042 Dopp (Rev. WILLIAM, executed for Forgery). THoucuts IN Prison. To which are added, His Last PRAYER, writ- ee CORP gj ten in the Night before his Death, and other Miscellaneous : Pieces. 8vo, calf. Scarce, London, 1777 . Dodd compiled “ The Beauties of Shakespeare.” He forged the signature of his pupil, the Earl of Chesterfield, to a bond for £4,200, and although he refunded the money, was tried, convicted, and executed at Tyburn. ’ 1043 Dopp (Witi1AM), THoucuTts IN Prison; with his Last Prayer, etc., and an Account of the Author. Also, Reflec- tions on Death. Vignette. In 1 vol. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, C. Whittingham, Chiswick Press, 1818 1044 Dopp (WILLIAM), PoEMs. 8vo, wrapper, uncut. Scarce. Printed for the author. London, 1767 1045 DopincTon (G. Buss, Lord Melcombe). Diary from 1749 to 1761, containing some Curious Pieces, by H. P, Wyndham. 8vo, half calf, London, 1784 First Edition, containing much matter afterward suppressed. “This interesting work is particularly valuable for unfolding the real views of Lord Bute from 1760, and shows how men of more talent than principle usually act.” 1046 DODSLEY (ROBERT). OLD PLAYS, a Select Collec- tion; new Edition, with additional Notes and Corrections by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor (John Payne Collier), 12 vols. crown 8vo, crimson gros-grained morocco extra, gilt edges. Prowett, London, 1825-27 Beautiful copy of the best edition. 1047 DopsLEy (R.) PRecEepror. Vumerous plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1775 Fine copy, best edition. 1048 DoNALDSON (WALTER). RECOLLECTIONS OF AN ACTOR, Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 Interesting autograph letter of the author inserted. 1049 Donne (Jonn). BIAQANATOS: a Declaration of that Paradoxe or Thesis, that Self-Homicide is not so naturally sin. Portrait inserted. Small 4to, calf. Rare. Lond., 1648 fs 1050 , es IO5t 1052 778 VIF 1057 1058 Be ak 117 Donne (W. B.) Essays oN THE Drama. Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1858 Donne (W. B.) Essays on THE Drama, and on Popular Amusements. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863 Doran (Dr.) ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH Stace, from Bet- terton to Kean. Actors, Authors, Audiences. Phofo- graphic portraits of Garrick, Kean, Nell Gwyn, Mrs. Siddons, etc, 2 vols, impl. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER copy ; 161 copies printed in this form. No. 40. Beautifully printed on a hand-press, by Alvord. Doran. ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 Doran (Dr.) ANNALS OF THE STAGE, from Thomas Better- ton to Edmund Kean. Actors, Authors, Audiences ; with numerous Portraits, etc. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 Large Paper ; only 160 copies printed. Doran (Dr.) Works. Annals of the Stage; Table Traits ; Habits and Men; Monarchs retired from Business, etc. 9 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, New York, 1865 Doran. BENTLEY Batvaps. A selection of the Choice Ballads, Songs, etc., contributed to “ Bentley’s Miscellany.” Edited by Dr. Doran. Zugraved title, etc. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1858 Doran (Dr.) History or Court Foors. Crown 8yo, cloth, uncut. London, 1858 Dor&. LEGEND OF THE WANDERING JEw. Illustrated by Gustave Doré, with 12 very large and elaborate wood- cuts. Royal folio, cloth, London, n. d. These wonderful illustrations by Doré are distinguished by rich humor, startling Rembrandt-like effects of light and shade, bold dealings with form, and true studies of the human figure. DorotTHy FIREBRACE; or, the Armourer’s Daughter of Birmingham, 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. By the author of ‘‘ Whitefriars.” London, 1865 Dorr (BEeNy.) HisroricaL ACCOUNT OF CHRIST CHURCH, Philadelphia, from 1695 to 1841, etc. iz2mo, cloth, Presentation copy from the author. Phila., 1841 118 1061 [Downes (JoHN).] Roscrus ANGLICANUS; or, an Historical Review of the Stage from 1641 to 1660, with Additions by Thomas Davies. 8vo, sewed. London, 1789 But for this work much of our present knowledge of the Stage would have been lost in oblivion. Downinc (Major Jack). Letters to his Old Friend, Mr. Dwight. Jdlustrations. 16mo, half calf gilt. N. Y., 1834 Original Edition. Scarce. Drake (J. RopmMan), Cuxprit Fay, and other Poems. Portrait and vignette. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1835 Drake. Another copy. Cleaner than the last. cloth. New York, 1835 DRAKE (Jos. RopMan). CuLprit Fay, and other Poems. Fine portrait and vignette on steel. 8vo, balf morocco, gilt edges, New York, 1847 Drake (NaTHAN). Essays, Biographical, Critical, and His- torical, illustrative of the RAMBLER, ADVENTURER, and IDLER. Portrait. 2 vols. Also, Essays illustrative of the TaTLER, SPECTATOR, and GUARDIAN, ortraits, etc. 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1809-14 From the Library of Lord Ashburton, with book-plate. DrakE (S. A.) Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Mumerous illustrations, 8vo, cloth, New York, 1875 Drake (S, A.) Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. JVearly 100 illustrations on wood. 12m0, cloth. Boston, 1873 Drake (S. A.) Old Landmarks and Historic Fields of Mid- dlesex, Map, etc. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1876 Drake (SAMUEL G.) Brier Memoir or SiR WALTER RALEIGH, prepared for and published in the “N. E. His- torical and Genealogical Register” for April, 1862 ; now reprinted with additions. Portrait, after Zucchero. Royal 4to, crimson levant morocco, richly gilt sides and inside borders, by Pawson & Nicholson. Printed for the Author, for private distribution, Boston, 1862 LARGE PAPER COPY; only 10 said to have been printed. Rare por- trait of Raleigh, engraved by Simon Paas (original impression), inserted. The volume is a choice specimen of Pawson & Nichol son’s binding. Teva, 119 be DS pid 1071 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) FouNDERS or New ENGLAND. Result of some Researches among the British Archives. JZaf, Lfortrait, etc. 4to, uncut. Boston, 1865 Large paper copy, only 50 printed. No. 46. 1072 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF Bos- TON, from its Settlement in 1630 to the Year 1770; with an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England, with Notes, etc. Large folding maps and plans, upwards of 40 fine Portraits and numerous wood-cuts. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. — Boston, 1856 1073 DRAKE (SAMUEL G.) HisToricaL MEMoIR OF PLYMOUTH County. Maps and 3 Portraits, etc. 8vo boards, uncut. This is the continuation to Baylis’ History. Boston, 1830 1074 Drake (SAMUEL G.) ResuLt or SomE RESEARCHES among the British Archives for Information relative to the Founders of New-England, made in the Years 1858, ’59, and ’60, etc. Portraits, etc. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by AZatthews. Boston, 1860 Limited edition printed. 1075 Drama (THE); or, THEATRICAL PocKET MaGazINE, wholly dedicated to the Stage. Mumerous fine Portraits and Views. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. ILondon, 1821-24 Contains the scarce ‘‘ View of Cooke's Tomb, in St. Paul’s Churchyard, New York,” also portraits of Kean, Macready, Farren, Dowton, Grimaldi, and others. 1076 Drama. A Collection of Plays acted on the American Stage, etc., wth 46 Portraits of famous Actors and Actresses, outline illustrations, etc., and Memoirs. 15 vols. r2mo, half calf, Turner, Philadelphia, 1833, etc. Vol. 12 contains “ Zameo,” a play written by Medora Gordon Byron (otherwise known as “ Medora Leigh”), the natural daughter of Lord Byron; prefixed to the play is a Memoir of the lady, said to be collated from authenticated and unpublished letters and mem- oranda ,delivered by her mother when dying, to a stranger’s care ; giving also the real cause of Lord Byron’s domestic separation and estrangement from his wife. The memoir is credited to Mrs. Jane Briancourt. Published by John Duncombe, London, 1884. 1077 Drama. Critica, Remarks on the Four Taking Plays of this Season, viz.: Sir Walter Raleigh, The Masquerade, Chit Chat, and Busiris. By “ Corinna,” a Country Par- son’s Wife, 8vo, pp. 67. London, 1719 120 1078 Drama. ‘THOUGHTS ON THE ENTERTAINMENTS of the Stage. 8vo, Charleston (S. C.), 1793 1079 DRAMATIC CENSOR ; or, Critical Companion. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1770 Dedicated tou Garrick and Foote. __ 1080 DRAMATIC CURIOSITIES. Cottecrep sy T. Pur- LAND, and comprising many hundred play-bills of the principal London Theatres in the early part of this cen- tury, contemporary newspaper criticisms, Portraits, Views, Autograph Letters, Theatre Tickets, Orders, Balloon Fete Accounts, Tracts, etc, etc. Bound in 3 royal 4to vol- umes, half morocco. Collected 1845 It is impossible to give an adequate idea of this mass of collected matter without encroaching on the limits of the Catalogue. The collection was made 83 years ago, and contains much that it would now be impossible to duplicate. The play-bills comprise the first (1794) and the last (1809) of the “Old Drury ;” the auto- graphs include a check signed by Elliston, and among the por- traits are fine proofs of Farley, Mrs. Bland, Liston, Quick, Del- phini, Lewis, etc., etc., in addition to which are many very. rare views.of the interiors and exteriors of theatres, colored caricatures of the O. P. Riots, and other matter of interest. 2 sa ro81 Dramatic Funp (Lonpon). Rutes, etc., Society for the Relief of Indigent Persons belonging to His Majesty’s Company of Comedians at Drury Lane, etc. ; London, 1777. Rules, etc., American Dramatic Fund Association ; New York, 1848. Rules, etc., of the General Theatrical Fund, Philadelphia, 1830. Proceedings at the Sixth Anniversary Dinner of the General Theatrical Fund, at London Tavern, April 14, 1851, with Speeches of Dickens, Buckstone, etc. In 1 vol. 12mo, half calf. London, New York, etc. Dramatic MaGazine. Embellished with numerous engrav- ings of the principal Performers, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Scarce. London, 1829-30 From Burton’s library. Containing portraits of Wood, the singer ; Liston, Farren, Miss Paton, and others. Some of the plates belonging to the work are missing. Y 1083 Dramatic MAGAZINE. 8vo, half calf. (Engravings ab- ' stracted). Iondon, 1829 1084 Dramatic Mirror. Edited by T. C. Faulkner. Portraits. : a Z Part I. (all published), 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1866, (Oct.) 1085 I2I Dramatic TABLE-TALK ; or, Scenes, Situations, and Advent- ures, Serious and Comic, in Theatrical History and Biography. umerous illustrations, consisting of por- traits of Peg Woffington, Kitty Clive, Garrick, etc., views of the Globe Theatre, Drury Lane, etc., also fac- similes. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 1086 Drayton (DANIEL). PeRSONAL Memoir of, with a Narra- tive of the Voyage and Capture of the Schooner Peard. fortrait, 2mo, cloth. Boston, 1855 Drayton was a prisoner (for charity’s sake) in Washington Jail, for four years and four months. “ DRuID (THE).” SILK AND ScaRLET, /ortraits, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 DRURY LANE THEATRE, An Authentic Statement of Facts connected with the interior management of Drury Lane Theatre, etc. 1818 MeEmoriAL to the Lord Chamberlain, from the Theatres Royal of Drury Lane and Covent Garden; with Mr. Elliston’s Reply. 1818 Presentation copy “to Charles Mathews, Esq., from his Friend R. W. Elliston.” Facts are Stubborn Things! a Brief Review of the Season 1817-18, at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, etc. Por- traits inserted. 1818 LETTER to all the Proprietors of Drury Lane Theatre, etc., by S. J. Arnold. Portrait. 1818 Derence of Edmund Kean, and Remarks on the Tragedy of the ‘ Italians.” 1819 Facts against Falsehood! being a brief Statement of Miss MACAULEY’s Engagement at the Winter Theatres, her Letters of Appeal to the Present Managers, etc. 1824 BrieF Narrative of the Opening and Destruction of the Royal Brunswick Theatre, etc, 1828 In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1818-28 A rare collection of Pamphlets, having a‘number of autograph let- ters, on Theatrical subjects, inserted, also Portraits of Garrick, Mrs. Chas. Kemble, Mrs. Sheridan, and others, several curious Caricatures, and a scarce engraving of “ Spring-Gardens, Vaux- hall,” published in 1741. 122 1089 Drury LANE THEATRE, Memorial, to the Lord Chamber- lain, against the Olympic and Sans Pareil Theatres, with Letters of R. W. Elliston. ; London, 1818 AUTHENTIC Statement of Facts connected with the Interior Management of D. L. Theatre, etc. London, 1818 BRIEF Review of the Season 1817-18, at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, etc., etc. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. Autograph of Wm. B. Wood on title. Drury LANE THEATRE. Season of 1842-3. A Collection of Portraits, Play-Bills, Scenic Illustrations, etc. Royal folio, half morocco, . London, 1842-3 Includes fine poriraits of Macready (by Thorburn), Louisa Fairbrother, Helen Faucit, etc., a complete set of the Play-Bills, and many contemporary newspaper criticisms. Drinc (Capt. THos,) RECOLLECTIONS OF THE JERSEY’ PRISON-SHIP ; from the Original Manuscript, by Albert G. Greene. Edited by Henry B. Dawson, Photographic portraits, maps, etc. Folio, boards, uncut. Morrisania, N, Y., 1865 LARGEST PAPER. (No, 12.) This edition was limited to 100 copies in 8vo; and 50 copies as above. DucueEss of Kincston. An Authentic Detail of Particulars Relative to the Duchess of Kingston; portrait of the Duchess as she appeared at the Venetian Ambassador's Ball, in Somerset House. 1.2mo, calf. Scarce. London, 1790 Ducuess OF Kincston. Another (taller) copy, without the portrait. Post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1790 Duck (STEPHEN). PorEms on several Subjects, with a Life of the Author; curious frontispiece portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1730 This extraordinary person was advanced from the ignoble position of a Barn Thresher to that of Cure of the Parish. His wife accused him of dealing with the Devil. Duck. FuLL anp AUTHENTICK Account of Stephen Duck, the Wiltshire Poet, of each of his particular Poems, of the first Encouragements he met with, and his original Sentiments on several Books, Things, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1731 f * . 1097 1098 1099 I1oo IIo.l IIo02 1103 Iro4 123 DupLey (Ropert, Zarl of Leicester). Secret MeEmorrs. With an account of his intrigues, his engrossing the Queen, with the dangerous consequences of that practice. Edited by Dr. Drake. 8vo, half morocco. fare. London, 1706 DvueER (WittiAM A.) REMINISCENCES OF AN OLD YORKER. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 25 copies Privately Printed for W. L. Andrews. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 4to, New York, Jan. 31, 185 These articles on Old New York originally appeared in the can Mail,’ 1847, and have become so scarce, that but one copy 2, inserted. “ could be obtained from which to reprint this rare volume. Dumas (ALEXANDER). MARGUERITE DE VALOIS: an His- torical Romance. Portrait. Post 8vo, morocco extra. London, 1846 Dumas (ALEx.) PicTrurRES oF TRAVEL in the South of France. Jllustrated by 50 wood-cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. Dumas (ALEx.) Novers. Three Musketeers; Viscomte de Bragelonne; and Twenty Years After. 4 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1856, etc. Duncan (P.B.) Essay oN SCULPTURE. 8vo, half calf. Presentation copy to Robert Southey. [DUNLAP (W:)] ANDRE: a Tragedy, as performed by the Old American.Company. New York, March, 30th, 1798, with Documents, the Cow Chace, etc. 8vo, half bound. New York, 1798 Very rare. Morrell $20. Roche $18. Also, in the above volume: the Wild-Goose Chace, a Play by Kotze- bue, with Portrait by Gilbert Fox, 1800; Americana, or a New Tale of the Genii, dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, Balt., 1802 ; Dunlap’s Tell Truth and Shame the Devil, 1797; and six other Plays by Kotzebue, Tobin, etc. DUNLAP (Witt1aAM). HisTory OF THE AMERICAN THEA- TRE; and Anecdotes of the Principal Actors. éching by Robert Cruikshank. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, red cloth, ~ uncut. London, n. d. Fine large-type edition, the favorite one of “illustrators.” (2 copies). Duniap (WILLIAM). History OF THE AMERICAN THEA- TRE. 2 vols. thick 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. Lon., 1833 Charming copy; interleaved throughout with heavy white unruled letter paper. Ameri- = 2 ie 124 1105 DUNLAP (WILLIAM). HISTORY OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ARTS OF DESIGN in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. N. Y., 1834 We have seldom met with so fine and clean a copy of this scarce work relating to Art and Artists in America, and which has never been superseded, Tuckerman’s work being chiefly a continuation, and valuable for its Account of Artists distinguished since the publi- cation of Dunlap’s History. DuNLaP (WILLIAM). LIFE OF CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN ; with Selections from the Rarest of his Printed Works, from his Original Letters, etc. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf antique. fortrait inserted. Philadelphia, 1815 See Brown. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). LIFE OF GEORGE FRED- ERICK COOKE (late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden), comprising Original Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, etc. ortrait. 2 vols. (extended to 3) crimson crushed levant morocco extra, inside border: handsomely tooled, marble edges, gilt in the round, by Riviere. London, 1815 UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL copy, having 140 inserted plates, comprising, among other rare and fine Dramatic portraits, Tate, Wilkinson, Quin, Mrs. Cibber, Philip Astley, Incledon, Mrs. Merry,-ete., and ten scarce ones of COOKE as “ Shylock,” “ Richard III,” “ Iago,” and other characters in which he was famous. DuNLAP (WILLIAM). LIFE OF GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE, with Original Anecdotes, etc. Portrait (stained). 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1815 Dunvap (WILLIAM), Lire OF GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE, from Journals and other Authentic Documents left by Mr. Cooke ; comprising Original Anecdotes of his Theatrical] Contemporaries, etc, Second Edition. /ortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1815 DunLap (WILLIAM). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF GEORG! FREDERICK COOKE, late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1812 No Portraits. [Dunnap (Wm.)| Memoirs oF A WATER DRINKER. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Scarce, New York, 1836 Contains many interesting sketches, dramatic and otherwise, relating to the City of New York. i I VA i 7 / (10) ‘ J 00 aa JE SO EEE2 III3 III4 I1I5 1116 17 125 Dunnet (H. G.) True Geneatocy of the Dunnel and Dwinnell Family of New England. Royal 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1862 Durrie (D. S.) GeneatocicaL History of the Hort FamILy. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1864 DurRIE. GENEALOGICAL Hisrory of the STEELE FAMILY. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1862 Dutron (THomas). Dramatic Censor ; or, Weekly The- atrical Report. Comprising a Complete Chronicle of the British Stage. 3 vols. 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1800-1 [Duycxinck (Evert A.)] MrmorIAL oF JOHN ALLAN. Portrait on India paper. Royal 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1864 250 copies printed by the BRADFORD CLUB, for private distribution. Dwicut (Trmotuy). GREENFIELD HILL: a Poem. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1794 Exceedingly scarce. Dwicut (THEo.) History of the HArtTrorp CONVENTION, with a Review of the Policy of the United States Govern- ment, which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1833 DYER (GrorGE). History oF THE UNIVERSITY AND COL- LEGES OF CAMBRIDGE; including Notices relating to the Founders and Eminent Men. 32 fine engravings by John Greig. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1814 In addition to the engravings published for the work this copy con- tains FIFTY-ONE INSERTED PLATES, making in all 88 illustra- tions. The extra plates include many scarce historical portraits and views. 1120 DyER (GEORGE). Poetics, or a Series of Poems and Dis- Ir2t II22 quisitions on Poetry. 2 vols, in 1, post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1812 Dyer (RoBerT), Nine YEARS OF AN AcToR’S Lire. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1833 Dyer. Another copy. History or TuHomaston, Rockland, 2 vols. I2mo, ATON (Cyrus). and South Thomaston, Maine, from 1605. Hallowell, 1865 cloth, Eaton (D. B.) Should Judges be elected? 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1873 EATON (GEN, WILLIAM), Lire of the late, collected from his Correspondence and other MSS. ortrait in- serted. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce. Brookfield, 1813 Eaton commanded the forces that marched from Egypt through the Desert of Barca in 1805, and conquered the City of Derne. Epers (JOHN). SEvEN Years of the Kino’s THEATRE Fortraits of Pasta, Sontag, Caradori Allan, and others 8vo, boards, uncut. Tondon, 1828 Sontag and Caradori Allan sang in New York, the latter at the old Park Theatre. Her portrait is quite uncommon. Ezers. Another copy, with all the portraits. 8vo, half calf London, 1828 gilt, EccENTRIC BroGRAPHY ; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Charac 16mo, old sheep. 3oston, 1804 Eccentric Biocrapuy ; frontispiece. 16mo, boards. Boston, 1825 Memoirs of, begun by ters, with 8 portraits. EpGewortuH (RicHARD LovELt). himself, and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edge- worth. Fine portraits of R. L. Edgeworth, Zhomas Day (author of Sandford and Merton), Zrasmus Darwin, etc. London, 1844 8vo, cloth, uncut. BroGRAPHY of Self-Taught Men, /ortraiz Boston, 1832 EDWARDs (B. B.) of Roger Sherman. t2mo, cloth, uncut. Epwarps (Carton). In Memory of. /ortrait. 12mo, Albany, 1863 cloth. Privately printed. Epwarpbs (CHARLES). History and Portry of FINGER Rincs, with frontispiece (illuminated) of Shakespeare's 12mo, calf extra, Signet Ring, and other illustrations, New York, 1855 gilt edges. 1134 1136 IT39 1140 1141 1142 1143 127 Epwarps (E., Zibrarian). Lipraries and Founpers of LI- BRARIES. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York (London), 1865 Now out of print, and scarce. Epwarps (E.) Memoirs oF LIBRARIES, including a Hand- book of Library Economy, with numerous engravings of carly MSS. ; Fac-similes of types, bookbindings, ete. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1859 This important work was in preparation during upwards of thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with a similar comprehensiveness, and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. Epwarps (H.) CoLiLecTion oF OLD ENGLISH CUSTOMS, and Curious Bequests and Charities. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 Contents: Petticoats, Encouragement for Maid Servants, Old Bach- elors, Lucky Maidens, Hospital for Bastards, Bequest to Awaken ‘Sleepers in Church, etc., etc. Epwarps. OLp ENGLIsH Customs. Crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut, London, 1842 Epwarps (SUTHERLAND). History of the Oprra, from Monteverde to Donizetti. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut, London, 1862 Second Edition. Epwarps (T.) Canons or. Criticism, and Glossary, the Trial of the Letter YW, alias Y, and Sonnets. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1765 Edwards was assisted by Richard Roderick in compiling this work. Epwarps. CaANons oF Criticism. Another edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1758 EDWIN (JOHN). ECCENTRICITIES. Collected from his Manuscripts, and enriched with several hundred Original Anecdotes. Arranged and Digested by Anthony Pasquin, 2 vols. 8vo, mottled calf extra, gilt backs and edges. London, [1791 | UNIQUE Copy, with 75 inserted plates, many fine and rare, including Portraits of Colley Cibber, Mossop, Mrs. Bellamy, “ Perdita” Rob- inson, etc., and several of Edwin. Epwin (JoHN). Eccentricities. Collected from his Manu- scripts, and enriched with several hundred Original Anec- dotes, by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, [1791] Epwin, ANOTHER Copy. 2 vols, half calf. London, [1791] ' \ / } | | ' Pc * 128 1144 EcaAN (Pierce). Boxtana; or, Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism, with portraits of all the most celebrated Pugilists, and sketches of their encounters. 5 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. London, 1829, etc. 1145 EGAN (Pierce). Lire 1n Lonpon ; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Ram- bles and Sprees through the Metropolis, New edition, Embellished with 36 colored illustrations, designed and etched by J. R.and G. Cruikshank, also numerous Original Designs on wood, by the same artists. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. . 1146 Ecan (Pierce). Sportinc ANECDOTES. rontispieces. 2 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. N. Y., 1823 1147 EGAN (Pierce). THE SHow Forks. With 9 wood-cuts by Lane. 12mo, wrapper. London, 1831 1148 “ ELIZABETH (CHARLOTTE).” Chapters on Flowers. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 1149 EvLeT (Mrs. E. F.) Poems, translated and original. 16mo, cloth. Phila., 1835 1150 ELLET AND Mack. Court Circies of the REPUBLIC, or the Beauties and Celebrities of the Nation. 15 steel por- traits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1870 1151 ELLiotT (EBENEZER). PorEMs. 16mo, cloth. Leavitt, N. Y., 185¢ 1152 Evuiott (Rosr.) GRETNA GREEN Memoirs, with Intro duction by Caleb Brown. J@/ustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1842 Published by the Gretna Green Parson- Blacksmith. 1153 ELiis (GEORGE). SPECIMENS of EARLY ENGLISH METRI CAL ROMANCES, with Historical Introduction, etc. New edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell. Z//uminated frontis- piece. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lohn, London, 1848 1154 Exvuis (Hon. G. A.) True History of the State Prisoner commonly called the [Ron Mask. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1826 1155 ELListON. RAYMOND (GEoRGE). LIFE AND ENTER- PRISES Of Robert William Elliston, Comedian. ///v trated by George Crutkskank and “ Phiz.” Post 8vo, boards. London, 1857 129 1156 ELLISTON. Raymonp (GeorGE). MEMOIRS of RoBERtT | Va ol WituiaM E.Luiston, Comedian, 1774 to 1810; wth wlus : trations by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half morocco, gil top, uncut. London, 1844 UNIQUE copy, having 85 portraits of Theatrical Celebrities inserted some unusually fine and scarce, including a rare one of MASTE} Betty as Richard III. 1157 ELLISTON (Ropert WiLi1AM). MEMOIRS oF THE LIFE oe ? 0 of, by GrorGe Raymonpv. Both series, 2 vols. 8vo. The Text neatly inlaid throughout, forming an elegant royal 4to. The 2 vols. extended to 4, dy the insertion of an extraordinary assemblage of rare, curtous, and inter- esting portraits, views, fac-similes, etc., nearly five hun- dred in number. 4 vols. royal 4to, richly bound in full green levant mor., super-extra, with elegantly tooled sides, backs, and broad inside borders of gold, by Riviere. London, 1845 The author’s own copy, illustrated by himself. Perhaps the most noticeable feature in these elegant volumes is the very curious assemblage of Views of Theatres, ete., with which the author has enriched his work ; in fact, it were next to im- possible to get together a similar collection at the present time. As regards the other plates, it is only necessary to say, that they are all in the best state, a large proportion being in proof con- dition, and including many of excessive rarity. on 201 %158 ELLSLER (FANNY). LETTERS AND JOURNAL, written be- , fore and after her Operatic Campaign in the United States. Including her Letters from New York, London, Paris, Havana, etc. 8vo, uncut. (Somewhat stained). New York, 1845 4 fi 159 [EtssteR (Fanny)]. No Stur, Evse-Stur: a Dancing a Poem or Satyr, by Nobody. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1840 44 1160 ELSSLER (FANNY). Memoir of the Public and Private , Life of. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1840 4 2S 1161 Ermes (J.) Memoirs of the Life and Works of SiR . CHRISTOPHER WREN. Jfortrait by Scriven, and numer- ous tllustrations. to, half mor. gilt. London, 1823 F 1162 ELwes (Joun, the Wotortous Miser). Lire of, with many a singular Anecdotes, by Edw. Topham. Solding pedigree and portrait inserted. 8vo, half russia. Scarce. London, n. d. aan a1 ere emer: feo ee et 130 ELWEs (Joun). Lire or. Pedigree only. 8vo, half bound. London, 1790 ELWEsS (Joun). Lire of, with Anecdotes and Appendix, by E. Topham. Folding Pedigree of the Elwes Family, portrait of Topham. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1805 E.wes. TopHam (Epwarp). Lire of the late John Elwes. Portrait. 12mo, half sheep. Poughkeepsie, 1815 Etwes. Another copy. Portrait. 12mo, half roan. Poughkeepsie, 1815 Emerson (R. W.) Essays. Portrait, etc. Royal 8vo, wrapper. EmersON (R. W.) Poems. 12mo, half calf gilt. 3oston, 1858 EMINENT WOMEN OF THE AGE. Lives by Parton, Greeley, Abbott, etc. 14 steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1868 Includes Portraits of Queen Victoria, Empress Eugenie, Rosa Bonheur, Mrs. Browning, Ristori, Harriet Hosmer, etc., etc. Emmet (T. Appts). Memorr of, by C. G. Haines, with a Biographical Notice of Mr. Haines. 12mo, boards un- cut. Scarce. New York, 1829 Emmons (Cot. Wm.) BATTLE or BUNKER HILL: a Poem. Portrait. t2mo, cloth. Boston, 1862 ENGLAND (BANK oF), and the Organization of Credit in England, with the evidence on the Inquiry into the Bank of France, etc. Second edition, revised and en- larged. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. Longmans, London, 1866 An important contribution to the literature of finance. ENGLISH AND SCOTCH BaLiaps. Edited by Francis James Child. 8 vols. 12mo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut. LARGE PAPER Copy ; only 100 printed. Boston, 1860 “These volumes have been compiled from the numerous collections of Ballads printed since the beginning of the last century, They contain all but two or three of the ancient Ballads of England and Scotland, and nearly all those ballads which, in either coun try, have been gathered from oral tradition, whether ancient or not.” as, 1174 Enicmas, Charades, Transpositions, etc. New Collection fi of. 12mo, cloth. London, 181ro / // 4 1176 TET 7 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 131 ENGRAVINGS. LIvERSEEGE (Henry). A series of 37 large and beautifully executed engravings tn mezzotint by Bromley, Cousins, Ward, etc., comprising tllustrations to the Waverley Novels, Shakespeare, Don Quixote, etc., ete. Folio, mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1832 Brilliant impressions. Fine original copy. See also LIVERSEEGE. ENGRAVING. SCULPTURA HIsTORICO-TECHNICA; or, the History and Art of Engraving; wth 10 plates and 200 marks and ciphers. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1766 Contains the compiler’s ‘‘ Idea of a Fine Collection of Prints.” Another edition. Plates and London, 1747 ENGRAVING. Same work. Post 8vo, half calf. THE BritTisH MARTIAL; or, the Anthology 2 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1806 A CoLLEcTION of; to which is prefixed a Dis- 2 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 1735-7 marks. EPIGRAMS. of English Epigrams. EPIGRAMS. sertation on this Species of Poetry. According to Lowndes, Mr. Oldys may be credited with the above. Many of the Epigrams are decidedly free. EpITAPHS; or, a Collection of Memorials inscribed to the Memory of Good and Faithful Servants. Post 8vo, half russia. London, 1826 Epirapus. Hackett (JoHN). Select and Remarkable Epitaphs on Illustrious and other Persons in Several Frontispiece. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 1757 Parts of Europe. SELECT EpiTapus collected by W. ToLpERvy. 2 vols, r2mo, calf. Scarce. London, 1754 EPITAPHS. Frontispieces by Worlidge. A very remarkable and curious collection of Epitaphs. Erasmus. CoLuoguiA Vita Erasmi. Fyvontispiece. 16mo, vellum. L. Elzevir, Amst., 1650 Essay ON CAPACITY AND GENIUS; also, an Enquiry into the Nature of Ghosts and other Appearances supposed 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, n. d. By a Veteran Post 8vo, half red London, 1828 to be Supernatural. EssAY ON THE SCIENCE OF ACTING. Stager. Portrait of Shakespeare. calf, 9 132 1186 EssAY TOWARDS A GENERAL HIsToRY OF WHORING, from the Creation of the World to the Reign of Augustulus, and from thence down to the Present Year, 1697. 12mo (8vo) calf. Very rare. London, 1697 Damaged and minus the title-page. 1187 ETONIAN (THE). 3 vols. crown 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1824 Fine copy. This work was edited and conducted by W. M. Praed, and contains many of his early efforts. It is rarely met with. 1188 EvTE™piap (THE). An Album of Music, Poetry, and Prose. Vol. I. With portrait of Gilbert Stuart, etc. 4to, half calf. New York, 1830 Includes an account of the first appearance of Charles Kean, and other dramatic items of interest. 1189 Evans (EDwarRD). CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION O; ENGRAVED PoRTRAITS, comprising nearly 20,000 Por- traits of Persons connected with English History and Literature. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth uncut. London, n. d. 1190 Evans (R. M.) Story or Joan or Arc. Jilustrated. Post 8vo, half mor. London, 1841 1191 EveLYN (Joun). Diary AND CORRESPONDENCE, with the Private Correspondence between King Charles rst and Sir Edward Nicholas, etc. Edited by William Bray, 45 jine Portraits and other engravings on steel. 4 vols. crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top. Bohn, London, 1859-63 1192 EVERARD (EDWARD Capr, Comedian). MEMOIRS OF AN UNFORTUNATE Son or Tuespis, Pupil of the late David Garrick, etc., with Reflections, Remarks, and Anecdotes. Written by himself. 12mo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1818 1193 EVERARD (EpwarpD Cape). Memoirs of an Unfortunate Son of Thespis, with Reflections, Remarks, and Anec- dotes. Written by himself. 12mo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1818 1194 EvERETT (Epw.) Mount VERNON Papers. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 1195 EvereTT (EDWARD). TRIBUTE to the Memory of, by the N. E. Hist. Geneal. Society. Portrait and plate. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1865 , 4 id, 4 y| f/ t/ ACETIZ CANTABRIGIENSES: consisting of Anecdotes, Smart Sayings, Retorts, etc., by or relating to Cele- brated Cantabs. Third Edition, enlarged. Portrait of Professor Porson. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1836 Memoirs OF A MAN OF PLEASURE; or, the 2 vols. 12mo, calf. Very London, 1751 1197 FACETIA. Adventures of Versorand. SCAV CE. Versorand is the English Faublas ; approaching the French hero more nearly, as the language is more free from the usual taint of vulgarity, than in English works of this description. 1198 FaceTious Poems, viz.: THE ELEcrricaL EEL,* by Adam Strong: frontispiece. The Old Serpent’s Reply to the Eel. Epistle from M’lle D’Eon to the Rt. Hon. Lord M d: frontispiece. Court of Adultery. In 1 vol. 4to, half bound. London, 1777-8 * “This wonderful electric fish Through all the world a standing dish.” Lire of, by Jane Fairfield, with New York, 1847 1199 FAIRFIELD (SUMNER Ex) Poems, etc. 12mo, cloth. 1200 FALCONER (WILLIAM). THE SHIPWRECK: a Poem. Edited with additional Notes and Illustrations, and a Sketch of the Author’s Life; zwzth an elegant series of 25 engrav- ings in aquatint, and vignettes, by R. Dodd, Marine Brilliant impressions, some tn two states. 4to, London, 1808 painter. calf extra, marbled edges. Very scarce. Unknown to Lowndes 1201 FALCONER (WILLIAM). SHIPWRECK a Poem; with a Life of the Author by J: S. Clarke. J//ustrated with a sertes of engravings on steel, by Fitler, after drawings by NV. Pocock, the Marine painter. 8vo, elegantly bound in calf extra, gilt edges and inside borders. London, 1811 134 1202 FamiLty Liprary of Biography, Voyages, History, etc. Portraits, maps, and wood-cuts. 35 vols. 16mo, cloth. Harper, New York, 1830, etc. Comprises: Lockhart’s Life of Napoleon; Thatcher’s Indian Biog- raphy ; St. John’s Lives of Celebrated Travellers; Cunningham’s Painters and Sculptors; Early Navigators; Travels of Mungo Park ; Empress Josephine ; Peter the Great ; Parry’s Voyages ; etc., etc. 1203 FARNHAM (LUTHER). GLANCE AT PRIVATE LIBRARIES. Plate inserted. 8vo, sewed. . Boston, 1855 1204 FAvorITE Sonc. ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF. Edited by J. G. Holland, wth 125 illustrations by Darley, Church, Vast, etc. Royal 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. Sold only by subscription. Scarce. WN. Yay BOTS 1205 Fay (H. A.) CoLiection of the OrriciaL ACCouNTs in detail of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, between the Navy and Army of the United States and Great Britain, in 1812-15. 8vo, half calf. N.Y 4 18t7 1206 Fay (THEODORE S.) Crayon SKETCHES by an Amateur. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. N. Y.,. 7633 “Things called ‘comic songs’... . are, in my mind, striking ex- emplifications of the depth of debasement of which the human intellect is capable.” p. 211 on Old Songs. 1207 FELLowes (W. D.) HistroricaL SKETCHES of CHARLES THE First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the Prin- cipal Personages of that Period, including the King’s Trial and Execution, etc. J/lustrated by 50 lithographic plates. ‘Thick 4to, paneled calf, gilt edges. [Printed at Paris|, London, 1828 Only a limited edition printed UNIQUE copy, having 40 additional plates inserted, including a number of rare portraits, some proofs. 1208 FELLOWES (W. D.) Visir to the MonasTrery or LA TRAPPE, with a Tour through Normandy, Anjou-Poitou, etc., etc. Mumerous colored engravings. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1818 1209 FELLOWES (Joun). THE VEIL REMOVED; or, Reflections on David Humphrey’s Essay on the Life of Israel Put- nam, etc. Proof portrait of Gen. Putnam inserted. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1843 I21o0 I2it I212 1213 1214 1215 1216 F217 1218 135 FENELON (LA MoTHe). ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS-. Translated by John Hawkesworth. Beautiful vignettes by Wale. to, calf gilt. London, 1768 From the Library of David Garrick, with his book -plate. FENELON. ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS. ‘Translated by Dr. Hawkesworth, with Life, etc. Edited by O. W. Wight. 12mo, sheep. N. Y., 1859 FENNELL. Apo.ocy for the Life of James Fenneil, written by Himself. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1814 Fennell was a favorite performer at the old John Street Theatre, and other Theatres in New York and Philadelphia, in the early years of the present century. Although there are several copies of this book in the present catalogue, the work is quite scarce. FENNELL. Apo.ocy for the Life of James Fennell, written by Himself. Portrait, fine impression, and unstained. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1814 FENNELL. Apo.ocy for the Life of James Fennell, written by Himself. 8vo, half bound. Phila., 1814 FENNELL. Apo.ocy for the Life of. 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1814 FERGUSON (RosBt.) PorrticaLt Works, with Life. Wood- cuts by Bewick. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Alnwick, (1812) FERRERS Famity. Ferrers: a Romance of the Reign of George the Second, by Charles Ollier. 3 vols. in 1, small 8vo, cloth. London, 1842 Very scarce, having been rigidly suppressed for containing scandal relative to the Ferrers family. Gives account of the murder of Mr. Johnson, Trial of Earl Ferrers for the Murder, his Execution, ete. FERRIAR (Dr. J.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF STERNE. 2 vols. in I, post 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1812 Best edition. “ If we propose to look closely into the manner of composition which Sterne thought proper to adopt, we find a sure guide in the in- genious Dr. Ferriar, who, with most singular patience, has traced our author through the hidden sources whence he borrowed most of his learning, and many of his more striking and peculiar ex- pressions.” —S1r W. Scorr. Ferris (BENJ.) History of the ORIGINAL SETTLEMENTS on the DeLawargE, and a History of Wilmington. ///ustrated. 8vo, sheep. Scarce. Wilmington, 1846 Fieip (D. D.) Brier Memoirs of the Members of the Class Graduated at Yale College Sept., 1802. 8vo, wrapper. Printed for private distribution. New Haven, 1863 136 FieLD (H. M.) Irish ConreDERATES, and the Rebellion of 1798. ortrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1851 From the author to Fitz Greene Hallec'. FIELD (MAUNSELL B.) Memories of Many Men and Some Women. t12mo, cloth, New York, 1874 FIELDING (HENRY). CoMmPLETE Works, comprising his Novels, Plays, and Miscellaneous Writings, with a Memoir by Thos. Roscoe. Jilustrated with 20 etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. ‘Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1857 FreLpInG (HENRY). Lire of, with Notices of his Times. sy F’, Lawrence. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1855 FIGARO IN LONDON, complete from its commencement in Dec., 1831, to Jan., 1838. Mumerous caricature illus- tratiuns. 5 vols, 4to, boards. London, 1831-8 Complete sets of the above are of rare occurrence. This periodical was devoted principally to the Theatrical and Political questions of the day. FINDEN’s GALLERY OF THE Graces; a Series of Portrait Il- lustrations of British Poets, from Paintings b ry the most Eminent British Artists. 36 fine steel engravings. 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. Tilt, London, 1834 FISHER (C.) DRAWwING-ROOM ScCRAP-BOOK for 1844-5. J/- lustrated with 72 highly finished engravings from draw- ings by Turner, Allom, Bartlett, Rembrandt, Raphael, Leitch, Sir Thos, Lawrence, etc. 2 vols. 4to, cloth gilt, London, 1844-5 FisHER (THos.) D1AL or THE SEASONS; or, a Portraiture of Nature, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1845 FitzBaLL (Epwarp). TuHtrty-rivE YEARS oF A DRAMATIC AutTHor’s Lire. fortrait. 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1859 FITZGERALD (LorD Epwarp). Lire ann Dratn of, by Tom Moore. fortrait, 12mo, cloth. N.-Y., r8sg FITZGERALD (PERCY). CHARLES TOWNSHEND, Wit and Statesman. /ortrait.. 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 FITZGERALD (Percy). Lir—E oF Davip Garrick, from Original Family Papers and other Sources. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868 FITZGERALD (P.) Loves or Famous MEN. 12mo, wrapper, Philadelphia, 1836 VSO J 137 1234 FirzceratD (Percy). THE KemBLES; an Account of the Kemble Family, including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother Jno. Philip Kemble. Portraits and fac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, (1869 ?) 1235 FITZGERALD (Percy). THE ROMANCE OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. 12m0, cloth. Philadelphia, 1875 The Stroller’s Life ; Great Debuts ; Love and Death upon the Stage ; etc. 1236 Firz-Greorce (H. W.) MEMOIRS OF THE LATE MRs. KING, otherwise ““The Diamond Queen!!” with An- ecdotes. 8vo, pp. 68. London, n. d. A facetious account of the troubles of King George IV., Mrs. Fitz- Herbert, Countess of Jersey, etc., etc. 1237 Firz-Patrick (W. J.) THe SHam Squire and the In- formers of 1798, with a View of their Contemporaries. To which are added “Jottings about Ireland Seventy Years Ago.” Caricature portrait. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. Dublin, 1866 1238 FLAGELLATION. RARE TRACTS ON FLAGELLATION. Re- printed from the original editions collected by the late Henry Thomas Buckle, author of “A History of Civil- ization in England.” Together, 7 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed in exact fac-simile of the unique orig- inals printed by G. Peacock. London, 1777 It is well known that the late Henry Thomas Buckle, author of “A History of Civilization,” collected a large library of curious books. Amongst the many topics that engaged his attention was the subject of Chastisement, viz. : Discipline with the birch or otber implement. By rare good fortune he secured a com- plete set of the astounding books printed by George Peacock in the last century. Apart from their extreme rarity, the works are remarkable for the light they throw upon the state of society in the last century, and the mania that possessed all classes for chastising and being chastised. 1239 FLAG PRESENTATION of New York Volunteer Regiments, etc., to Governor Fenton, July 4th, 1865. Colored Srontispiece. Royal 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1865 1240 Fteminc (May A.) Guy EARLscourRT’s WIFE. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1873 1241 [Ftint (Timotuy)]. Lire AND ADVENTURES OF ARTHUR CLENNING. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1828 138 [Furnt (Trwotuy)]. RoMANCE OF THE SHOSHONEE VAL- LEY. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Cincinnati, 1830 [FLint]. Francis BErRIAN; or, the Mexican Patriot. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. Phila., 1834 1244 [FLint]. Grorce Mason, the Young Backwoodsman. 1245 1246 12mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1829 Frint. InpiaAn Wars of the West; containing Biograph- ical Sketches of the Pioneers, etc. 12mo, sheep. Cincinnati, 1833 FONBLANQUE, JR. (ALBANY). HeEcToR MAINWARING; or, a Lease for Lives. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, (1860) Foot (Jesse). Lives or ANDREW Rospinson Bowes AND THE COUNTESS OF STRATHMORE. Jortrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1810 “Stony” Bowes was a most notorious rascal, who, “ upon some oc- casion, locked his wife in a closet that would barely contain her, for three days, in her chemise (some say without it) and fed her with an egg a day.” These Memoirs are now very rare. Foote (SAMUEL). Dramatic Works; witha Life of the Author. lates. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, [1781-95] Fores (Str W.) Menorrs of a Banking-house. (Coutts’). Portraits. 8vo, cloth, London, 1860 Edited by Robert Chambers. Forp (JoHN). Dramatic Works; with Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Henry Weber. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1811 LARGE PAPER COPY. Scarce. [Forp (Tom.)] Prep BreHInD THE CuRTAIN. By a Boston Supernumerary. 12mo, wrapper. Boston, 1850 ForpDYCE (JAMES). Poems. Portrait. Post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1786 From the Library of the Princess Elizabeth, with her Autograph. At page 134, see the Ode “On Angling without success.” ForrEST (EDWIN) AND CATHERINE N. SincLair. A Col- lection of Newspaper Criticisms, etc., relating to. Mounted in a 4to vol. half mor, Phila., 1857 139 1254 Forrest (Epwin). Lire of, by W. R. Alger. J//ustrated with many fine portraits of the Actor in his famous Characters, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1877 1255 ForsyTH (WILLIAM). Lire or Marcus TULLIUS CICERO. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo, half green calf gilt. New York, 1866 1256 FORTUNE'S FAVORITE: containing Memoirs of the many Hardships and Sufferings, together with the Surprising Deliverance, etc., of Jacobo Anglicano, a young Noble- man. Post 8vo, boards. Printed for the Author, London, 1744 Anglicano was 13 years a Slave, was tried for Murder, and narrowly escaped assassination in Ireland. Supposed to be an account of the experience of James Anglesey. 1257 Foss (JoHN). JouRNAL of his Captivity and Sufferings at Algiers; with Account of the Treatment of Christian Slaves when Sick, together with the “ Christian Slaves,” a Poem. 12mo, half red morocco gilt. Newburyport, (1798) 1258 Foster (G. G.) New York by Gas-Light. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1850 1259 Fostrr (N. L.) Last or nis Famity, and other Poems. Frontispiece. %2mo, morocco gilt. Printed for the Author, Phila., 1850 1260 Fox (CuHas. Jas.) CHARACTERS of. Selected, etc., by “Philopatris Varvicensis” [Dr. Saml. Parr]. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1809 1261 Fox (Cuas. J.) History oF THE OLD TOWNSHIP OF DUNSTABLE, including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hud- son, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H.; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass. /azes. 12mo, cloth. Nashua, 1846 1262 Fouque (LAMOTTE). PETER SCHLEMIHL. ‘Translated. Lllustrations by George Cruikshank. 12mo, half mor., uncut. Boston, 1824 1263 FowLer (O.S.) PRacTICAL PHRENOLOGY. 12m, cloth. New York, 1857 1264 FowLer (W. W.) Ten YEARS IN WALL STREET. J/us- trated by Lumley. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1870 1265 Fox (Sir STEPHEN). Memoirs of the Life of. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1717 Contains many Curious Incidents and Passages not mentioned in Clarendon’s History. 140 FRASER SCRAP-BOOK. THE ORiIc . SCRAP-BOOK 7 1266 re ae .< HE RIGINAL CRAP-BOOK FoRMED BY JAMES FRASER, comprising the genuine Azéo- graph Letters of the most distinguished Literary and Artistic Celebrities of the time, all in reference to the first starting of the famous Fraser's Magazine. 1 vol, small folio, half morocco. Amongst the contents may be noted a PROOF SET of MACLISE’s inter- esting series of CARICATURE PORTRAITS, which first appeared in Fraser's Magazine, with a highly interesting Autograph Letter from Daniel Maclise, referring to the price (four guineas) to be paid for the portraits. “I beg of you just to see what J. D., or H. B., or any of the licensed rogues may do for you,” mentioning also his reason for adopting the nom de plume of Alfred Cro- quis. Autograph Letter of W. HARRISON AINSWORTH, mention- ing “ the trial of Saturday,” between Fraser and the Hon. Grant- ley Berkeley. Also the following interesting autograph letters from,— Sir Davip BREWSTER, waking arrangements for writing popular scientific articles for the Magazine. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, enclosing a comic design for a ‘‘ Round Robin.” ; ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Two letters. “I believe I speak well of you when you are not aware of it—did you never see your work favorably mentioned in a periodical with which it is well known Iam connected? look again.” IsAAc DisRAELI. Autograph Note. JoHN GALT, author of Life of Byron. Long letter. James Hoaa, the Ettrick Shepherd. Interesting Jetter. “ You have used me very ill regarding the Noctes.” THEODORE Hoox. “I sign myself on the other side in order to give a better effect.” THoMas CARLYLE. Characteristic Note. ‘‘I find your Doctor Maginn has taken a very considerable liberty with my name, in intro- ducing it into that frightful Irish stew, or Drunkman’s vomit, which he calls the Fraserians.” CHARLES LAMB. Letter marked private, enclosing an article on the Sevsibility and Intelligence of Insects. “If you should approve of this article, I would gladly become an occasional contributor.” L. E. Lanpon. “Neither my life, through life or literature, has been very easy.” J.G. Lockwart. “If you fix on a print of Mr. Ainsworth for the next Magazine, pray let me do the page.” R. MacnisH, author of the “Anatomy of Drunkenness.” Long letver. \/ 04 I4I Dr. Macinn. Long letter. Tuomas Moorz. Autograph letter. JANE PorTER. Long letter. Srr Watrer Scorr. Important letter. “Of course you will put my name after Sir Wm. Hamilton's in any further list of occasional contributors.” CROFTON Croker. Long interesting letter. “I knew Mr. Astor, on whom Washington Irving has founded his ‘ Astoria.’ He was an inde-uneducated. man. He resided some time in Geneva. In October, 1819, we met him at Milan, and the following occurred : we were viewing the Ambrosian Library, in which is the Virgil, where Petrarch with his own hand recorded the death of Laura. His daughter accompanied him, and he asked her, ‘Who was Laura?’ She answered, ‘Oh, papa, don’t you know, the lady that Petrarch celebrated?’ He replied, ‘Who was Petrarch?’ She saw a smile, and looked ashamed... . Together with autographs of LorD Joon RussELL, FRANCIS PLACE, HENRY O’BRIEN, and others. Francis (J. W.) New York during the last Half Century. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1857 FRANCIS (JOHN W.) OLD NEW YORK ; or, Reminis- cences of the Past Sixty Years. With a MEMOIR OF THE, AuTHoR by Henry T. Tuckerman. Portraits on India paper, etc. Extended to 2 vols. royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER COPY ; only 100 copies printed. This elegant copy (having 100 inserted plates, etc.) was prepared, or “ illustrated,” by WitLtAM L. ANDREWS, and contains, among other fine and rare engravings, many of which are PROOFS, por- traits of Sir Peter Warren, Sir Guy Carleton, Dr. Benj. Water- house, Tom Paine, J. H. Hackett, Dr. Mitchill, Rev. Philip Milledoler, and Rev. William Phoebus (the last four engraved by DuRAND), Benj. West, Geo. Fred’k Cooke (colored, and very fine), Cooke as “ Richard III.” (by ©. R. Leslie, from “ Mirror of Tast2”), T. A. Cooper as “ Hamlet,” Rev. Joseph Pilmore (scarce mezzotint); and the following scarce proofs, mostly on India paper: G. C. Verplanck, J. K. Paulding, Rev. Philander Chase, Fanny Kemble, J. P. Kemble, Mrs. Siddons, and Cooke’s Monu- ment in St. Paul’s Churchyard, N. Y. Among the ‘Old New York” views may be especially mentioned Columbia College, Residence of Mayor Hone, St. Thomas’ Church, Park Fountain, Blackwell's Island, the Narrows, and a DRAWING of the old John Street Theatre. Extra title-pages beautifully drawn and illumi- nated in gold and colors also enrich these volumes. Francis. O~p New York. See the end of this catalogue for the famous copy in 9 vols. folio. 142 1269 FRANCIS (JOHN W.) NEW YORK Durine Tue Last Us S HALF CENTURY : a Discourse in Commemoration of i $ Ud the Fifty-third Anniversary of the New York Historical Society, and of the Dedication of their New Edifice (No- vember 17, 1857). 8vo, half morocco Gt, Na V., eRe First Edition of Dr. Francis’ “Old New York,” and rendered unique by the insertion of 55 illustrations, consisting of portraits and views, some fine and rare, including William Dunlap (proof), Gouverneur Morris (pub. in 1783), Rey. Dr. Mason, T. A. Em- mett (proof), Geo. Fred. Cooke (engraved by Dr. Anderson, proof), Washington Irving (scarce proof from the old ‘‘ New York Mirror”), ete. This volume also contains the following patriotic sentiment in the autograph of Dr. FRANCIS, written for T. H. MoRRELL (by whom this copy was arranged, etc.), on the 22d of February, 1855, at his residence, No. 1 Bond Street, New York: “Written on the Birthday of him whose very name strikes every title dead— Washington! “Feb, 22, 1855. JoHN W. FRANCIS.” Francis (JoHN W.) Otp New York; or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. With a Memoir of the Author by Henry T. Tuckerman. Portraits on India paper, ete. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER; 100 copies printed. FRANKLIN. Letrers to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-90. Lortraits of Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Bache. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, - un- cut, New York, 1859 Only 250 coprEs printed in this form. FRANKLIN. Parron (Jas.) Lire and Times of Benjamin Franklin. Portraits on India paper, beautifully printed by Alvord. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1865 Large paper; only 100 copies. FRANKLIN STATUE MEmoRIAL. Inaugural Speeches, ete. Frontispiece, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1857 FRASER’S MaGaZInE, from Jauuary, 1840, to December, 1842, 6 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1840-2 Contains: Original Papers by Thackeray, Maginn, etc. ; also Notices of Hook, Dickens, ete. ; anecdotes of Actors, etc., ete. FREEMAN (FREDERICK), History or Cape Cop, the An- nals of Barnstable County, including the District of Marsh- pee. Many portraits, 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858 lao 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 143 FREEMANTLE (Ligeut.-Cot.) THREE Monrtus in the Sours- ERN SraTes, April to June, 1863. Portrait of Jeff. Davis. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1864 Frencu (G. R.) GENEALOGICAL and BIOGRAPHICAL HiIs- TORY of ENGLAND, Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Large paper copy. Pickering, London, 1841 FRENEAU (PHILIP), PoEmMs written between the Years 1768 and 1794. New edition, revised and corrected by the Author, 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top. Several leaves wanting at end. Monmouth, N, J., 1795 FRENEAU (PHILIP). Poems relating to the American Revo- lution ; with an Introductory Memoir and Notes, by Evert A. Duyckinck. Portrait, etc. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y., 1865 Freytag (Gustav). Debit and Credit; a Novel. Translated by Mrs. Malcolm, Crown 8vo, cloth, London, 1858 FROISSART (SIR JOHN). CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, Spain, and the adjoining Countries, from the latter part of the Reign of Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. Translated, with Variations and Additions, from many cele- brated MSS, By Thomas Johnes, With Life of the Author, an Essay on his Works, and a Criticism on his History, Mumerous illustrations on wood, and a Sertes of 32 beautiful engravings, ILI.UMINATED IN GOLD AND COL- ors, from the MS, Froissart in the British Museum, and other sources. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, half crimson levant morocco gilt. London, 1862 Frost (JOHN). History of the UniTeD States of North America. Thick 8vo, half morocco gilt London, 1838 UNIQUE Copy, illustrated by the insertion of a large number of fine portraits and views, including a colored portrait (drawing) of Napoleon I. Frost (Tomas). Circus Lire, and Circus Celebrities. Post 8vo, blue cloth. London, 1875 Hoop-la! Contains interesting anecdotes of the “ saw-dust ring,” and its eminent exponents, including Reminiscences of the Astleys, the Ducrows, Van Amburgh, Barnum, Adah Isaacs Menken, and others. The most complete work on the subject. 1284 [Fry (JoHN)]. Lrecenp or Mary, QUEEN OF SCOTS, and other Ancient Poems, 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1810 144 1285 FROTHINGHAM (RICHARD, JR.) HuisTory oF THE SIEGE OF Tite Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, etc., with Illustrative Documents. Second edition. Maps and engravings. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1851 Ne ny 1286 [FURMAN (GaBRIET)]. LonGc IsLaAND MISCELLANIES, by ene ‘““Rusticus,” Gent. Jilustrated. 12mo, cloth. Privately printed. N. Y., 1847 lv2 1287 FuRMAN (GABRIEL). Notes, Geographical and Historical, : Relating to the Town of Rrooxktyn, Long Island, with Notes, and a Memior of the Author. 4to, uncut. Re-printed for the Faust Club, Brooklyn, 1865 Only 120 copies printed. No. 49. Vs 4) 1288 FurRMAN, Another copy. 4to, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 r No. 81. oc” i t 4 ' ly call AINSBOROUGH (Tuos.) Edited by E. S. Fulcher. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lire of, by G. W. Fulcher. Frontispiece and vignette. London, 1856 Scarce. Presentation copy from J. Britton, with autograph and auto- graph letter of the Editor inserted. 1290 GALINDO (Mrs.) LetTer TO Mrs. Sippons: being a Circumstantial Detail of Mrs. Siddons’ Life for the last Seven Years; with several of her Letters. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1809 Very scarce, and said to have been suppressed. Mrs. G., in her let- ter, accuses Mrs. Siddons of improper intimacy with the former's husband. This copy has inserted several scarce Portraits of Mrs. Siddons and others. 1291 [GALLATIN]. CoMMUNICATION from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Chairman of the Committee appointed to investigate the State of the Treasury. 8vo, 32 pp. Washington City, 1802 1292 GALLERY OF MopERN BRITISH ARTISTS: consisting of a series of engravings on steel from pictures by Turner, Roberts, Stanfield, Harding, Fielding, Cox, Prout, ete., Lond., 1834 fine impressions. 4to, velvet, gilt edges. 1293 GALLERY. VERNON GALLERY or BritisH Art, edited by S. C. Hall, with upwards of 160 fine large plates engraved in the highest style of art by the most emt- nent Artists. 4 vols. royal 4to, in 2, half morocco extra, gilt leaves. Virtue, London, 1850 Comprises engravings of some of the choicest works of Turner, Calcott, Collins, Cooper, Etty, Landseer, Leslie, Mulready, New- ton, Roberts, Stanfield, Stothard, Wilkie, and others. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1833 1294 GALT (JoHN). AUTOBIOGRAPHY. boards, uncut. 1295 GALT (JoHN). Lirerary Lire, and Miscellanies. 3 vols. crown 8vyo, half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1834 146 1296 [GALLowAyY (JosEPH)]. LrETrers To A NOBLEMAN, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Plans of the Operations of the British and Rebel Army in the Campaign of 1777. 8vo, half green morocco. London, 1779 “Mr. Galloway was a Member of Congress (and Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania) ; he went over to the Royal Army in December, 1776, and continued with it till the Evacua- tion of Philadelphia, in June, 1778, abandoning his estate and property, to the value of above £40,000 sterling.” 1297 GALT (JOHN). LIVES OF THE PLAYERS. The two vols. (post 8vo) being inlaid in a royal 4to size, and illustrated by a marvellous collection of scarce and valuable Theatrical Portraits, Views of Theatres and Scenes from Plays, Play-bills, M usic, Songs, contemporary Critiques, Autograph Letters, etc., etc. 4 vols. royal 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1831 (as Among the Autograph Letters will be found the MS. of David Garrick, Charles Matthews, Mrs. Jordan, Thos. Holcroft, Thos. Doggett, Mrs. Abington, Tate Wilkinson, etc., etc. The Por- traits include the Nell Gwynne, by Valck after Lely ; fine specimens from the graver of Houbraken, Vertue, etc., and very many others of great rarity ; comprising: Cibber’s, Abington’s, Baddeley’s, Booth’s, Wilks’, etc., etc., etc. 1298 GALT (JoHN). Lives or THE PLAYERS. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top (stained). Boston, 1831 1299 GALT (JouNn). Last or THE LairDs. 12m0, boards. New York, 1827 1300 GALT (JoHN). Lawrie Topp. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. New York, 1830 1301 [Gat (Joun)]. Tue Enratt and Southennan. 4 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1823-30 1302 GAMESTERS. Lucas (THEOPHILUS). Memoirs of the Lives, Amours, Intrigues, and Comical Adventures of the most famous Gamesters and celebrated Sharpers in the Reigns of Charles II., James II., William III., and Queen Anne. /vontispieces, 12mo, half calf, neat. London, 1714 Curious and very scarce. Containing Memoirs of that great cheat, Major Clancy, Beau Fielding, Count Coninsmark, Capt. Newy, Patrick Hurley, Sir John Johnson, Beau Hewit, Duchess of Mazarine, Colonel Panton, his curious Adventures with a Gold- smith’s Wife, etc, etc, " a 1303 1304 / Ui 0 1305 OF a 1306 147 GAMBIER (LorD, Admiral.) MrMOoRIALS, Personal and Historical, with Original Letters. Edited by Lady Chatterton. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 186: GARDEN (ALEXANDER). ANECDOTES OF THE REVOLUTION- ARY WAR IN AMERICA, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services, and tlustrated by the in- sertion of 41 fine portraits and views, 8vo, half morocco extra. Charleston, 1822 Fine clean copy ; rare. First Series. Wight, $19 ; Morrell, $15. GARDEN (ALEXANDER). ANECDOTES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots who acted the most Conspicu- ous Parts Therein. Second Series. 12mo, boards, un- cut, rough edges. Charleston, 1828 Fine clean copy ; rare. Wight, $16.50 ; Fisher, half morocco, uncut, $14 ; Morrell, $12; the very scarce original edition of “Garden’s Anecdotes” in unusual fine condition, being without a blemish. GARDEN (ALEXANDER). ANECDOTES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes of the Revolution, etc. 3 vols, in 1, 4to, smooth morocco extra, beveled boards, gilt edges and sides. Brooklyn, 1865 Only 150 copies reprinted by T. W. Field, from the scarce original] Charleston (S. C.) editions, with Introduction, etc., by that gentleman. GARDINER (JOHN). SPEECH in the House of Representatives on the Theatre. Plate. 8vo, half russia. Scarce and curious. Apollo Press, Boston, 1792 Printed for the Author, who was a friend of Churchill and Wilkes, and enjoyed the title of the “ Law Reformer ;” he was born at Boston, 1731, and was drowned off Cape Ann, 1793. GarRarD (L. H.) CHamBersBurG in the Colony and the Revolution, 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1856 Pennsylvania Hist. Scciety publication. GARRICK, CATALOGUE OF THE LiBrRARY, Splendid Books of Prints, Poetical and Historical Tracts, of Davip GARRICK, Esq., etc., with the Modern Works added thereto, by Mrs. Garrick. 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1823 Neatly priced in MS. Io 148 1310 GARRICK (Davip). Dramatic Works, now first collected. Carefully Corrected. 3 vols. 12mo, calf extra. Fine copy. [London], 1768 1311 GARRICK. Murpuy (ArTHUR). Lire of David Garric! Portrait after Reynolds, fine impression. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 180 1312 GARRICK, Davies (THomas), Memorrs of the Life of David Garrick, interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes o! his Theatrical Contemporaries, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1780 1313 GARRICK. DAVIES (THOMAS). MEMOIRS or THE Lire oF Davip Garrick, interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries; form- ing a History of the Stage for Thirty Years, with Notes, etc. 2 vols. 12mo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1208 UNIQUE Copy, containing 78 fine old Plates (inserted), among whi: h are Portraits of John Mills (the elder), Betterton, Quin, Mack Wilks, several scarce ones of Garrick, and the excessively } etching of Mrs. Garrick, from the “ Dramatic Magazine,” a cho! impression on India paper. 1314 GARRICK (Davip). Memorrs of the Life of, by Thoma Davies. 2 vols. 8vo, laid on folio sheets, boards. London, 1808 The above copy belonged to the elder Charles Matthews, who illus- trated it ; only a few prints now remain, but many rare Tracts relating to “the Disputes subsisting between the Patentees of Covent Garden Theatre,” etc., will be found at the end of Vol. 2, notably the Colman and Harris Correspondence ; also, Thespis, or, a Critical Examination into the merits of all the principal performers belonging to Drury-Lane Theatre, by Hugh Kelly. 1315 GARRICK. FITZGERALD (Percy). LIFE or Da- Oe GaO vID GARRICK; from Original Family Papers, and other : Sources. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. London, 1868 UNIQUE Copy, having 100 inserted plates, including 80 portraits of Garrick, some very rare; also, fine ones of Mrs. Garrick, Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Cibber, Cooke, Kean, Macklin, and others; and the foliowing choice portraits from the rare “ CABINET” series, viz.: “Peg”? Woffington, Colley Cibber, Quin, Wilks, Booth, Otway, Woodward, Henderson, Betterton, Cooke, and Foote. 4 06 149 1316 GARRICK (DaAvip). PRIvATE CORRESPONDENCE of, with the most celebrated Persons of his. Time, both natives and foreigners; now first published from the Originals, with Notes and Memoir. 2 vols. royal 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1831~2 This interesting work contains upwards of two thousand letters, com- prising much of the secret history, scandal, etc., of the time in which Garrick lived. 1317 GARRICK IN THE GREEN-ROOM! a Biographical and Critical Analysis of a Picture Painted by Hogarth and engraved by Ward. By George Daniel. 4to, rus- sia, gilt edges, by Lewes. London, 1829 George Daniel’s own copy, printed in 4to, of which size only 4 were put forth. The above copy is decidedly UNIQUE, having no less than 63 very choice prints inserted, including 7 portraits of Gar rick, an original drawing, by Harding, of Colley Cibber, and superb portraits of Thomas King, G. F. Cooke, Bannister, Mrs Garrick, Mrs. Abington, Thos. Davies, Kemble (colored), Better ton, etc., etc. 1318 Gemsor Art. A Choice Collection of Engravings (36) from famous Pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough, Northcote, Westall, Rembrandt, etc., etc. Folio, half mo- rocco. London, 1846 An early copy. 1319 [GENESTE (JoHN)]. Some ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH STaGE, from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Bath, 1832 The most elaborate work on the DRAMA and the ACTING STAGE ever written, containing an analysis of the plot of every English printed Play, and the Bills of each night’s performance at Drury Lane, Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden, etc., etc., for the last 200 , ? , > years; also Memoirs of Actors, etc. 1320 GENIN (SYLVESTER). SELECTIONS from the Works of, Poetry, Prose, and Historical Design. Portraits and 1. plates. 8vo, cloth. are. New York, 18: 1321 GENLIS (CoMTESSE). TALES OF THE CASTLE. Tran lated by Thomas Holcroft. 5 vols. 12mo, calf. London, 17 1322 GENT (THomAs). Lire of. ortrait. 8vo, cloth, uncu “ An extremely amusing piece of autobiography.” London, 1832 150 x 1323 GENT. Lire or THomMas Gent, Printer of York, written ahd by himself. ize portrait, engraved by Aug. Fox. 8vo, cloth. London, 1832 The author of this curious and hitherto unpublished piece of Auto- biography is well known by the several works of which he was the author as well as printer. The narrative is full, written in an easy and unaffected style, interspersed with several pieces of Poetry ; and from the number of adventures he went through in early life, and the characters and stories incidentally intro- duced, is extremely amusing. His occupation as a printer neces- sarily introduced him to the acquaintance of many literary men, and his book abounds with notices of Authors, Printers, etc., of the times in which he lived ; among others occur the names of Bishop Atterbury, with whom he relates a singular interview ; Brown Willis, and Dr. Drake, the historian of York, etc. The book requires no encomium to those who have read Southey’s “ Doctor.” GENT (T.) Life, written by himself, published from the Original MS. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1832 On writing paper, of which a very limited edition was printed. Wants the portrait. GENTLEMAN'S MaAGAzineE. Edited by William E. Burton. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Phila., 1839 Vol. 4, containing an interesting ‘‘ Memoir of the Life and Theatrical Career of James W. Wallack,” the father of the accomplished Comedian, and Manager of Wallack’s Theatre, New York. GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE. - New Series. Complete from June, 1868, to December, 1878. Jilustrated. 24 vols 8vo, in the original nurnbers. London, 1868-78 Among the contributors to this magazine may be mentioned Tom Taylor, Shirley Brooks, Victor Hugo, Blanchard Jerrold, Percy Fitzgerald, John Timbs, Chas. Bradlaugh, Charles Cowden Clarke, R. A. Proctor, Hepworth Dixon, ete., ete. a GERARD (JuLeEs, “he Lion-Killer), ADVENTURES of; his Ten Years’ Campaign among the Wild Animals of Northern Africa. Translated by Chas. E. Whitehead. Illustrations, 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1856 GERMAN Sonos (Book of), from the XVI. to the XIX. Cen- tury. ‘Translated by H. W. Dulcken ; 2umerous illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 GERRY (ELBRIDGE). Lire of, by J. T. Austin, with Con- temporary Letters to the Close of the American Revolu- tion. Portrait and fac-simile. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, un- cut. Boston, 1828-9 Fine clean copy. The Menzies copy sold for $4 per vol. \2 | ae 1336 151 Guost Stories, A Collection of. Jilustrated by Darley, 16mo, cloth. New York, 1867 GipBES (RoBeRT W.) Documentary History of the Amer- ican Revolution, 1764-76. 8vo, wrapper. N, Y., 1855 Grppes (R. W.) Documentary History of the American Revolution, 1776-82. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 Gippes (R. W.) Memoirs OF JAMES DE VEAuUx (Painter), For the benefit of his family, Portrait, 8vo, cloth. Columbia, S. C., 1846 Gippon (Epwarp). History of the Decline and Fall of the RomaAN Empire, with Notes by Dean Milman, /or- trait, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Gippons (J. S.) Banks or New York, and Panic of 1857. Mlustrated, 12mo, half calf antique. New York, 1859 Gipps (Geo.) Memnorrs of the ADMINISTRATIONS of WASsH- INGTON and JoHN ApamMs, edited-from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. Portraits, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846 UNIQUE COPY, containing 30 inserted Portraits, also fine Autograph Letter of Oliver Wolcott in addition to several from the author of these vols., and signatures of W. Bradford, E. Gerry, and J. Hopkinson. GiFFoRD (JoHN). History or France from the Earliest Times to the Present Important Era, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory; several hundred illustrations. 5 vols. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1791 GILBERT (WILLIAM). Lucrezta Borcta, Duchess of Fer rara: a Biography. ortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, London, 1869 GILFILLAN (GEo.) GALLERIES of LITERARY PORTRAITS. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1856 Includes, Memoirs of Shelley, Byron, Shakespeare, Milton, Bulwer, Disraeli, Thackeray, etc., ete. GILLILAND (Tuomas). Dramatic MIRROR: containing the History of the Stage, from the Earliest Period to the Pres- ent Time, with Biographical and Critical Account of all the Dramatic Writers from 1660, and of the most Dis- tinguished Performers, from the Days of Shakespeare. 17 elegant engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1808 The Illustrations comprise views of Theatres, and Portraits of emi- nent actors, actresses, and authors. 152 1341 GILLILAND (THOMAS). DRAMATIC Synopsis. Elbow Room; containing Remarks on the Shameful crease of the Private Boxes of Covent Garden, ete. Thoughts upon the Present Condition of the Stage. Defence of the Profession of an Actor. Kemble and Cooke: a Critical Review, etc. Kembliana : a Collection of Jeu d’Esprits, etc. In one volume, 8vo, half calf. London, 1800-09 In addition to the above pamphlets, this volume contains an ex- tremely rare tract, viz.: “The Answer to RIDGEWAY’s MEMOIRS OF Mrs. BILLINGTON, with the Private Memoirs of Manager Xtichard Daly, of the Dublin Theatre.” Daly is said to have been the father of Mrs. Alsop, the actress, by the celebrated Mrs. Jordan. GILLRAY (James). WORKS. CELEBRATED CARICATURES, comprising the best Political and Humorous Satires of the Reign of Geo. III., 1779-1810. 600 large and highly spirited engravings, printed from the original plates. Also the Suppressed Caricatures. 2 vols. atlas folio, half mo- rocco, gilt back and gilt leaves, with an 8vo vol. compris- ing illustrative descriptions of every plate. Together, 3 vols. London, 1850 Gillray is undoubtedly the prince of English Caricaturists, and is considered by many as superior even to Hogarth. Gitiy (W..O. S.) Narrative of SHipwrecks of the Royal Navy, from 1783 to 1849. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 Girman (D. C.) Norwicu, Conn.; a Bi-centennial Dis- course. 8vo, wrapper. Boston, 1859 Gilman (Samuel). Contributions to Literature. 12mo, cloth. 3oston, 1856 Among the most interesting of these ‘‘ Contributions” is one entitled ‘““A week among Autographs.” Gilmer (F. W.) Sketches, Essays, and Translations. 12mio, boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1828 GILMER (GEORGE R.) Skercues of Some of the First Set- tlers of Upper Georgia, of the Cherokees, and the Author, Portrait. _ 8vo, cloth, New York, 1855 153 1348 GitpiIn (WmM.) Essay upon Prints, with some Cautions that may be useful in collecting Prints. Post 8vo, half calf, London, 1781 1349 GIRARDIN (SAINT-MARK). LEcTuRES on Dramatic Litera- ture ; or, the Employment of the Passions in the. Drama Translated by R. G. Barnwell. t2mo, cloth. New York, 1849 350 GIRDLESTONE (THomas), Facts tending to prove that GENE- RAL (CHARLES) LEE was never absent from this country any length of time, from 1767 to 1773, and that he was th. Author of Junius. Rare full-length Portrait and fac- similes. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1813 1351 GIRDLESTONE, Another copy. Boards, uncut. London, 1813 1352 GLASSE (G. H.) Louisa: a NARRATIVE of Facts supposed to throw light on the Mysterious History of ‘the Lady) of the Hay-Stack.” r2mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1804 1353 [Gleig (G. R.)] Country Curate. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 1354 Gueic (G. R.) History oF THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN INDIA, Portraits and plates on steel. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 1355 GLOVER (RICHARD). Lronrpas: a Poem, Du Roveray’s BEAUTIFUL EpiTion, elegantly printed and illustrated with fine engravings by Bartolozzi, etc., after Stothard, PRoors, 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1798 LARGE PAPER. Scarce. 1356 Gopwin (Wm.) Caleb Williams; and Fleetwood. Fyvontis- piece. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849-53 1357 Gopwin (WiLLIAM). Novets, CaLesB WILLIAMS, with Memoir of the Author; also St. LEoN and FLEETWOOD, Frontispieces on steel. 3 vols. post 8vo, half crimson mo- rocco, gilt top. London, 1832-50 1358 [Gopwin (Wm.)] Cloudesley. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, un- cut. New York, 1830 1359 GoDwIN (W.) Lives oF THE NECROMANCERS ; or, the Lives of Eminent Persons who have claimed the Exercise of Magical Power, 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond,, 1834 1360 GopwiNn. Lives of the Necromancers. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1835 154 1361 GopwWIN (WILLIAM)... Memorrs of the Author of a Vindica- tion of the Rights of Woman. Portrait of Mary Woll- stonecraft Godwin, 12mo, calf gilt. Very scarce. London, 1798 Rare and curious, containing an account of the marriage of Godwin to Mary Wollstonecraft, and their “ previous relationship.” 1362 GopwiIn (WiLLIAM). Memoirs of [Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin] the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman. fortrait. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1798 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 1363 GODWIN (WILLIAM). ST. LEON: a Tale of the Six- teenth Century, Zhe original MSS. written throughout (337 pages) in the autograph of the author. 4to, hand- somely bound in full red morocco extra, gilt sides and in- side borders. The First Edition of “ St. Leon” was published in 1799. 1364 GOETHE (J. W.) AvTopiocrapHy. Translated by John Oxenford. Portrait. 2 vols. Dramatic Works, Novels, and Tales, etc. Translated by Anna Swanwick and others. 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. Bohn, London, 1848-54 1365 GorTHE. Porms and. BatLaps. ‘Translated by Aytoun and Martin. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1859 1366 GoETHE. WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP: a Novel. Translated by R. D. Boylan. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1855 1367 GoLtpon1 (CaRLO). Memoirs, by Himself. Translated by John Black. Portrait. 2 vols, in 1, post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1828 1368 GoLDsMITH (OLIVER). Works. Edited by Peter Cunning- ham, F.S.A. J/lustrations on steel. 4 vols. 8vo, half russia extra, gilt edges. Boston (London), 1854 Best Edition. 1369 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). PorticaL WorKS; «7th 7 tinted i- lustrations by Alkin, from drawings taken on the spot. 4to, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1811 In this edition, which is edited by the Rev. R. H. Newell, there is an attempt to ascertain, from local observations, the actual scene of the Deserted Village. (‘LO 1370 137% 1372 1373 1377 1378 155 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). Works. Dalziels’ Illustrated Edition. One hundred pictures drawn by G. J. Pinwell, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, Imperial 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1865 The Vicar of Wakefield, Deserted Village, etc., together with the Plays of Goldsmith, are the subjects of illustration. GoLpsmITH (O,) PorticaL Works, with Life by Blanchard ; and 30 tllustrations by Birket Foster, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS; including a Variety of Pieces now first collected. Edited by James Prior. Egravings. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1856 GoopHuGH (WILLIAM), ENGIIisH GENTLEMAN’S LIBRARY Manuva; with Original Notices, Biographical and Criti- cal, of Authors and Books. London, 1827 BroGRAPHICcAL Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland; with Literary Memoirs and Anec- dotes of their Lives. London, 1816 In 1 vol. 8vo, vellum gilt. ‘ GorDON (PrysE L.) PERSONAL Memoirs; or, Reminiscences of Men and Manners at Home and Abroad. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1830 Goss (W. L.) Sovprer’s Srory of his Captivity at Ander sonville, J//ustrated by Nast, 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1869 This delightful episode of the “late unpleasantness” is calculated to “make your flesh creep.” GouGH (Joun B.) AuvuToBsioGRapHy and Personal Recollec tions. Jilustrated by George Cruikshank and others. Thick 8vo, half calf. Springfield, Mass,, 1869 MANUSCRIPT. Goucu (RicHARD, the Archelogian), MANUSCRIPT SER- ‘ mons, and Papers on Locic, Winps and Vapors, Hy- DROSTATICS, SECOND VISION of Don QuIxoTE, CoNJUGAL LOVE, etc., etc. 4to, half mor, Enfield, 1786 Gough bequeathed his books and MSS. to the University of Oxford GOULD (Jay). History or DELAWARE County, and Border Wars of New York, etc, Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Roxbury, 1856 The first and only appearance of Jay Gould as an author; this work igs now Very rare. 156 Gould (J. L.) Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter. J//ustrated. r12mo, cloth. New York, 1868 GouLp (S. Barinc). Curtous Mytus of the MIDDLE AGES. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 GouLp (TuHos. R.) THe TRaGEepIAN: an Essay on the Histrionic Genius of Junius Brutus Booth. Photograph of Booth from marble bust, by the author. t2mo, cloth. New York, 1868 GRACE (SHEFFIELD). A Descriptive SKETCH of the GRACE MavusoLeum. Illustrated with 29 portraits, 30 topo- graphical prints, 11 heraldic subjects, and 2 maps. Royal 8vo, half mor., uncut. Dublin, 1819 Only 50 copies printed. The above copy has many additional por- traits inserted. GRACE (SHEFFIELD). Memoirs of the Famity of GRACE ; with the Monumental Inscriptions in the Grace Mausoleum, Lines, Written at Jerpoint Abbey, etc. ; with upwards of 160 Portraits, Views, A ntiquities, Monuments, etc. - Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1823 These curious Memoirs were privately printed for presents only, at the expense of several thousand pounds. They contain a variety of interesting Biographical Notices, Historical Facts, and mis- cellaneous matter derived from private sources. Grace, Another copy, handsomely bound in levant morocco extra, inside panels, gilt edges. London, 1823 Grapy (THomas), THe Nosecay. Sortraits and plates by Brocas. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Lrinted for the Author, Dublin, 1816 This most violent satire, the most indignant piece of invective that the history of literature can furnish, is from the Library of Lord Farnham. GRAHAM (GENERAL). Memoir of, with Notices of the Cam- paigns in which he was engaged from 1779 to 1801. Edited by his Son, Colonel James’J, Graham. Portrait, plates, and plan of Yorktown, 1781; also a rare portrait of Capt. Asgill inserted, Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Privately printed. Edinburgh, 1862 Contains a graphic account of the romantic and tragic incidents con- nected with Captain Charles Asgill during the American Revolu- tion. But few copies of this work were printed, and those only for private circulation among the friends and relatives of the family. See Preface. Morrell, $18. q 09 157 1387 GranHam (J. A.) Descriptive Sketch of the PRESENT STATE OF VERMONT, one of the United States of America. Por- trait. 8vo, half crimson morocco, London, 1797 1388 GraHam (W. S.) Remarns, with a Memoir. Edited by Geo. Allen. ortrait. 12mo, cloth gilt. Phila., 1849 1389 GramMMoNntT (Count). Memoirs, by Anthony Hamilton, with 76 fine portraits by Harding of the Court Beauties and Celebrated Characters of the Court of Charles If, to, russia, gilt edges. London, n. d. Fine early copy ; with brilliant impressions of the plates. 1390 GRANGER (JAMES). BroGRAPHICAL HisToRY OF ENGLAND, from Egbert the Great, with Mark Noble’s Continuation to King George II. Portrait. 7 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1775-1806 1391 GRANGER. BrocGRapuHicaL History oF ENGLAND, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution, consisting of charac- ters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a method- ical catalogue of engraved British heads, with anecdotes, etc., etc. Fifth edition. Profusely illustrated with 300 rare, curious, and interesting portraits, 6 vols. 8vo, new half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1824 This fine copy has, in addition to the portraits belonging to the work, nearly 150 extra plates inserted; making 450 plates in all. 1392 GRANGER. BroGRAPHICAL History OF ENGLAND, from Eg- bert the Great to the Revolution, enlarged with more than 400 additional Lives, by Caulfield, avd illustrated with a set (300) of Richardson's portraits of eccentric and remark- able persons. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco extra, London, 1824 Large paper; best edition. Fine old impressions of the portraits. 1393 GRANGER (JAMES). Lerrers to and from many of the most Eminent Literary Men of his Time. Edited by J. P. Malcolm, Portrait by Vertue, frontispiece and fac-similes. 8vo, russia. London, 1805 Replete with gossiping anecdotal reminiscences of singular and remarkable persons, booksellers, and collectors of books, print collectors, the rage for collecting, sales, etc. 1394 Grant (C.) Last Hundred Years of English Literature. 12mo, half calf antique. London, 1866 158 1395 GRANVILLE. AUTOBIOGRAPHY and Correspondence of MARY GRANVILLE (Mrs. Delany), with interesting Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte. Edited by Lady Llanover. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1861 1396 Grattan (H. P.) THE DRUNKARD’s.CHILDREN, J//ustrated by T. Watts. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1849 A companion to Cruikshank’s “ Bottle.” 1397 Gray (David). Poems, with a Memoir. 16mo, cloth, Boston, 1864 1398 Gray (THomaAs). ELxcy, written in a Country Churchyard. 32 exquisite illustrations from the designs of Stothard, Landseer, Mulready, etc. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Van Voorst, London, 1836 1399 Gray (THomas). Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by W. Mason. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, London, 1807 1400 Gray (THOMAS). Works in Prose and Verse, with Life by Mason, and extracts from his unpublished MSS., by T. J. Mathias. Portrait and engravings. Elegantly printed. 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1814 Bulmer’s handsome edition. 1401 Grayson (W. J.) James Louis Petigru: a Biographical Sketch. ortrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1866 1402 GREELEY. LETTER of Horace Greeley to Members of the Union League Club, 8vo, boards, uncut, lq Privately printed, [New York], 1867! f A few copies printed for private distribution only. “ Understand, once for all, that I dare you and defy you.”—EZ2tract. 1403 [GREEN (THos,)| Extracts from the Diary of a Lover ; of LITERATURE. 4to, cloth. Ipswich, 1810 * Privately printed, and afterward continued in the ‘“ Gentleman’s Magazine,” 1840. 1404 GREEN-Room. SEcRET History, containing Authentic and Entertaining Memoirs of the Actors and Actresses in the Three Theatres Royal; with History of the English Stage, etc, 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. London, 1795 1405 GREENE (ALBERT G.) OLp Grimes. J//ustrated by Hop- pin. Ato, cloth. Providence, 1867 159 i 1406 GREENE (Rev. Zacu.) Evutocy on the Life and Character ail r ,' of, by John Ordronaux. Jortrait. 8vo, cloth. Rare. “Vv Presentation copy from the author. New York, 1859 Mr. Greene fought in the battles of White Plains, Germantown, etc., ete, ye a 1407 GREENWOOD (JAMES), HatCHET THROWERS; with 36 illus- ¥ } , trations drawn on wood, by Ernest Griset, from his Original “ Designs, 4to, cloth. London, 1866 1408 GRESWELL (Rev. W. P.) ANNALS of PARISIAN TYPOGRAPHY, 2 Z0 containing an Account of the Earliest Typographical Es- ’ tablishments of Paris, ine fac-similes. Royal 8vo, calf extra, red edges, by Clarke, London, 1818 4 Large Paper copy; very scarce. ; 1409 GREVILLE Memoirs. A Journal of the Reigns of King £2 J George IV. and King William IV. By the late Charles ’ C. F. Greville, Esq., Clerk of the Council to those Sov- ereigns. Edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874 Probably no. series of Memoirs has received such general attention as the above. oh O 1410 GRIFFIN (E. D.) Biographical Memoir of, by J. McVickar, ’ r2mo, cloth, uncut, New York, 1832 ni, 1411 GRIFFIN (GERALD). Works. J/lustrated. 10 vols. fcap. Pots 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. § Comprising: ‘‘The Collegians,” “Card-Drawing,” ‘‘The Half-Sir,” “Suil-Dhuv,” “The Rivals,” ‘“Tracy’s Ambition,” “ Holland- Tide,’ “Duke of Monmouth,” “Tales of a Jury-Room,” “The Invasion,” “The Christian Physiologist,” Poetical Works, and his Life by his Brother. “The author of the Collegians must live; and as an able delineator of our national feelings—as an expounder of that subtlest of prob- lems, the Irish heart—he can not be forgotten ; but with Carle ton, and Banim, and Miss Edgeworth, and one or two more, he will take his place in our Irish firmament, and form a portion of that galaxy to which we are wont to look with wonder and pride.”— Dublin Univ. Mag. 7, 1412 GRIFFIN (GREGORY). Microcosm (The). Second edition complete. Thick 8vo, old tree calf gilt. Fine copy ; scarce. C. Knight, Windsor, 1788 Principally written hy Geo. Canning, Frere, and the two Smiths, some of the Strokes of Satire, Humor, and Burlesque, are ex- ceedingly droll, many of the Eccentricities are left out in all other editions. One of the most interesting collections of Essays ever written. 160 1413 Griscom (Dr. Jonn H.) YEAR IN Europe in 1818-19. 2 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. New York, 1823 Observations in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Holland. GRISWOLD (R. W.) BioGRAPHICAL ANNUAL, Memoirs of Eminent Persons recently deceased. Portraits of Jesse Buel, etc, 12m0, cloth. New York, 1841 [GriswoLtD (R. W.)] Review of the ‘Cyclopedia of American Literature,” by the Brothers Duyckinck. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1856 Very scarce, only a limited impression having been printed. It isa merciless attack upon the diction rather than the accuracy of the Messrs. Duyckinck. ‘Two portraits are inserted. GRISWOLD (Mrs, S. M.) Woman's PILGRIMAGE to the Holy Land. Profusely illustrated. 12mo, cloth gilt, Hartford, 1871 GRoSE (FRANCIS), CLASSICAL DICTIONARY OF THE VULGAR ToncuE. 8vo, calf gilt, London, 1788 Second Edition of Grose’s Dictionary, in which many words will be found which were deemed too indecent for publication in the later editions. Also in this vol., Guide to Health, Beauty, Riches, and Honor. London, 1875. From the Library of Lord Farnham. GrosE (FRANCIS). OLio: a Collection of Anecdo‘es, Paro- dies, Poetry, Epigrams, Bon-Mots, Epitaphs, etc. 8vo, calf, London, 1793 GrossMITH. THE LIFE AND THEATRICAL ExcCurRsIONS of William Robert Grossmith, the Juvenile Actor, who ap- peared at the London Theatres in the character of Richard III, etc., when but five years and a half old, etc. 8vo. Reading, 1829 GROSVENOR GALLERY, A Catalogue of the Pictures at Gros- venor House, with ‘Historical Notices, by John Young, 143 beautiful etchings on 46 plates. Folio, half morocco, uncut. London, 1821 Fine copy, with proof impressions of the plates on India paper. GuILp (REUBEN A.) LiBRARIAN’S MANUAL; a Treatise on 3ibliography, comprising a Select List of Bibliographical Works. Jdlustrations. Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1858 Edition limited. 161 4 fd 1422 Guitp (R. A.) Lire, Times, and Correspondence of JAMES ae, MANNING, and the Early History of Brown University. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1864 Os 1423 GUERRABELLA. Memoir of Ginevra Guerrabella. 8vo, ‘ cloth. New York, 1863 The heroine of this memoir (a few copies only of which are said to have been printed for distribution among personal friends), is the daughter of Samuel Ward, the banker, and granddaughter of the Hon. Gideon Lee, many years since Mayor of New York. Her romantic marriage, and subsequent career on the stage, form the principal items of interest in this work. Her debut as an actress in this city occurred on the 2d of September last, at Booth’s Theatre, in ‘‘ Jane Shore,” the reception accorded her on the occasion being a most flattering and brilliant one. sc New York, 1852 C1425 Gustavus Vass, the African. Interesting Narrative of the Life of. Portrait and plate. Post 8vo, calf. ba, Printed for the author, London, 1790 y With the long list of distinguished subscribers. LS4 4424 Guizot (M.) Corneille and his Times. 12mo, cloth. “%— 1426 GUTHRIE (WM.) GENERAL History OF SCOTLAND, from the of Earliest Accounts-to the Present Time. Vumerous fine , Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1767 1427 GyLL (GorpoNn W.) History of the Parish of WRaysBuRY, (#o Ankerworth Priory, and Magna Charta Island ; with the ~~ J ? History of Horton, and the Town of Colnbrook, Bucks, Map, etc. to, cloth. London, 1862 AGUE STREET CATASTROPHE, New York. Report of. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 Over 100 lives were sacrificed on this occasion by the burst- ing of a boiler, and $27,280.68 was subscribed for the families of the victims. 1429 HAKLUYT SOCIETY’S PUBLICATIONS. Compris- ing valuable Early Voyages, Travels, and Geographical Records. Maps, plates, etc. 25 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Contents lettered. London, 1847-73 This valuable series comprises the following works: — Sir Richard Hawkins’ Voyage into the South Sea. 1847 Select Letters of Columbus, ete. 1847 Ralegh’s Discovery of the Empire of Guiana. 1848 Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage. 1849 Voyages towards the North-west, 1496-1631. 1849 Historie of Travaile into Virginia. 1849 Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, ete. 1850 Meworials of the Empire of Japan. 1850 Discovery and Conquest of Florida. 1851 Notes upon Russia, Vol. I. 1851 Geography of Hudson’s Bay. 1852 Notes upon Russia, Vol. II. 1852 Three Voyages by the North-east. 18538 4 & 15 Mendoza’s Historie of the Kingdome of China, 2 vols. 1853-4 The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. 1854 History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China. 18f4 A Collection of Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland. 1855 Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. 1855 Russia at the close of the Sixteenth Century. 1856 History of the New World, by Girolamo Benzoni. 1857 2 India in the Fifteenth Century. 1857 23 Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico. 1859 24 Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons. 1859 25 Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia. 1859 ea 9.f 148° Hate (SALMA). ANNALS OF THE Town or Krenz, N. H., from its First Settlement in 1734 to 1790, and Continu- ation to 1815. 8vo, half morocco. Keene, 1851 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 163 ae 143t Hau (B. H.) Coitection or CoLLEGE Worps and : Customs. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. Cambridge, 1856 sé 1432 Hatt. History oF THE BARBAROUS CRUELTIES and Mas- ’ sacres committed by the Dutch in the East Indies. frontispiece. 12mo, calf (damaged). London, 1750 Middle Ages. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1858 Vi 1434 HALLECK (Fitz-GREENE). Fanny [a Poem]. Small 8vo. ’ New York, 1819 First Edition, very rare, with the names added in MS. ia 1433 Hallam (Henry). View of the State of Europe during the Lf ? m 1435 HALLECK (FiTz-GREENE). FANNY: a Poem. Jortrait on India Paper. Imp. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1866 Only 75 copies privately printed at the expense of W. L. Andrews, Esq. No. 383. a 1436 Hatteck (F. G.) Memorr of, by E. A. Duyckinck. , Portrait inserted. 4to, uncut. New York, 1868 Only 50 copies privately printed for W. L, Andrews, Esq. No.1. Pd ‘os 1437 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Poetical Works. 12mo, cloth. , New York, 1855 1438 HALLecK (Fitz-GReEene). PorticaL WRITINGS, with Ex- ‘ tracts from those of Joseph Rodman Drake. Edited by we: (g 4 James Grant Wilson. Portrait and Engraved Title, and i other Illustrations on steel. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER; 150 copies printed. New York, 1869 This edition contains the only reprint of the celebrated satirical Poems entitled “The Croakers,” except the private publication issued by the “ Bradford Club,” of New York. 1439 HALLECK’S SCRAP-BOOK of over 500 Prints, Portraits, / Aes Wi A nile iy Lees Maps, ta Newspapers, ete. , oor ; lected by Fitz-Greene Halleck, and mounted on heavy paper. Royal folio, half russia gilt. Includes a Pencil Drawing by Henry Inman, and Autograph Letters to the Poet from E. A. Poe, C. M. Sedgwick, “ Obituary ” Childs, Fred. Cozzens, M. M. Noah, Julia Ward Howe, 8. A. Allibone, H. T. Tuckerman, J. R. Lowell, E, A. Duyckinck, W. C. Bryant, Charles Sumner, R. W. Griswold, “Major Jack Downing,” Ed- ward Everett, L. G. Clark, Theo. Fay, etc., and an unpublished Poem in the handwriting of Halleck. PD 164 1440 HaLLIweLy (J. O.) A Hanp-List of upwards of a Thou- sand Volumes ot Shakesperiana, added to the three previous Collections of a similar kind formed by J. O. Halliwell, and of which, Lists have been previously Printed. Elegantly printed, with ornamental headings and initials, by Whittingham. Thick square 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1862 Only 25 copies privately printed. 1441 Hariiweit (J. O.) Dictionary of ARCHAIC and PrRo- VINCIAL Worps, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and An- cient Customs, from the XIVth Century. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. Brixton Hill, London, 1852 LARGE Parer. Only a few (112) copies thus printed for Students and Collectors of Old Words and Provincialisms. An indispensable book to the reader of the old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other writers, whose works abound with allu- sions of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries. Printed only for private circulation. 1442 Haupine (C. G., Miles O Reilly), Porricat Works, with Biographical Sketch. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 1443 Harrine. Another copy. Cloth, gilt. New York, 1869 1444 Hampiin, Concise History of the Life and Amours of Thomas S. Hamblin, late Manager of the Bowery Theatre. As communicated by his legal wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamblin, to Mrs. M. Clarke, authoress of the “ Life of Ann Carson,” “ Edwin Forrest,” etc., etc. 8vo. Philadelphia and New York, n. d. Excessively rare, having been rigidly suppressed. Contains an ac- count of “Tom Hamblin’s” numerous /iaisons, the singular death of Miss Missouri, etc. A few lines at the bottom of some pages have been cut into. 1445 Hamer (J.) Smoker's Text-book. Miniature 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1866 1446 Hamitton, LrtTrers to ALEX. HAMILTON, King of the Feds., etc., being intended as a reply to a scandalous pamphlet lately published under the sanction, as it is pre- sumed, of Mr. Hamilton, and signed with the signature of Junius Philenus. By Tom. Callender, 8vo, pp. 64. Rare. New York, 1802 1447 1448 1449 1455 1456 165 HAMILTON. AN ORATION commemorative of the late Maj.- Gen. ALEX. HAMILTON, by J. M. Mason. Portrait in- serted. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1804 HamiLton. Lapy Hamiron’s ATTITUDES, @ series of 24 large outline plates. Royal 4to, cloth. London, 1794 HAMILTON (LaDy). Mewmorrs, with Illustrative Anecdotes. Portrait after Romney. 8vo, white vellum extra. Fine copy; scarce. London, 1815 Hami.ton. The same. American Reprint. 16mo, boards. New York, 1815 HANGER (CoL. GEORGE). Lire, ADVENTURES, and Opinions of, by himself. To which is added Advice to lovely Cyprians; Matrimony, Compulsive Wedlock, Polygamy, etc. Jilustration of suspended animation. 2 vols. 8vo, half russia, Very scarce. I.ondon, 1801 Hannay (J.) Satire and Satirists. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1855 Hanson (G. A.) Op Kent: the Eastern Shore of Mary- land; Notes illustrative of the most Ancient Records, and of the Parishes of Old St. Paul’s, Shrewsbury, etc. 8vo, uncut. Baltimore, 1876 Hanson (J. H.) Lost Prince, Facts tending to prove the identity of Louis XVII. of France, and the Rev. Eleazar Williams. Portrait, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1854 Hanson (J. W.) History or GARDINER, Pittston, and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kenebec Indians, New Plymouth Purchase, comprising Historical Matter from 1602 to 1852 ; with Genealogical Sketches of many Fami. lies. ugravings. 12mo, cloth. Gardiner, 1852 Harpy (Isaac), SeEnection from the MISCELLANEOUS Writincs of, with Memoir, by A. Morse. 8vo, half calf, Charleston, 182g Contains his Dramatic Criticisms. Harcourt (S.) Gaminc CALENDAR, to which are added Annals of Gaming. Crown 8vo, morocco gilt. London, 1820 Harvik (J.) Description of the City or New York, 12m0, half sheep. New York, 1827 HARDINGE (EMMA). MODERN AMERICAN SPIRITUALISM. 19 steel Portraits of Mediums, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870 166 1460 HarDING, BIOGRAPHICAL MIRRER, with Memoirs ; 151 fine Portraits of distinguished English persons, both ancient and modern (many both rare and curious), 3 vols. gto, calf gilt. London, 1795-1802 Fine original copy. A curious and interesting work ; it contains many portraits not in any other collection. So many copies of this book have been cut up by illustrators that it is now excessively scarce. 1461 Harding. Biographical Mirror. Volume 3, imperfect ; no Portraits, 4to, russia. London 1462 HarrorD (JoHN S.) Lire of MicHaEL ANGELO Buonar- roti; with Translations of many of his Poems and Let- ters. Also, Memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna. Second edition, Sine Portraits and other illustrations, some on India paper. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1858 1463 HARLAND AND WILKINSON. LANCASHIRE FOLK-LORE, Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1464 Harvey (Gro. Davies). AUTHENTIC BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of the Life, Education, and Personal Character of WIL- L1AM Henry West Betty, the celebrated Young Roscius. Fine Portrait. Scarce, 8vo, cloth. London, 1804 1465 HARLEY-AN MISCELLANY. Drury LANE THEATRICAL FuND ; or, Cuttings from Newspapers of the Speeches reported to have been written by George Daniel, and de- livered by John Pritt Harley, of Drury Lane Theatre, at the Anniversary Festivals of the Fund. Jdlustrated with many rare and beautiful Proof Portraits and Autograph Letters, including one from David Garrick to King, the Actor, one from Edmund Kean to the Duke of Cumberland, another from Harley to Daniel, etc., etc., etc. Royal 8vo, calf. London, 1851 An exceedingly valuable collection. Among the portraits, which are unusually fine, will be found two colored prints of Joe Grimaldi, in character, from private plates. This collection was made by George Daniel, and is of necessity doubly unique. LS 1466 Harper’s Half-Hour Series. Warren Hastings, Peter the ‘ Great, Early England, Macaulay’s Essays, etc. 11 vols. 16mo, paper. New York, 1878 Vs 1467 Harper's New Monthly Magazine. 52 parts. New York, 1864-74 Ib 1468 fb 1469 4 a : 1471 VAL 1472 1475 eA a 1477 167 Harriotr (JOHN). STRUGGLES THROUGH Lire. Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. /ortrait, etc. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1815 Subjects discussed: Abuse of private Mad-Houses, Police, Death, ete., etc. Harris (WititiAM T.) Epirapus from the Old Burying Ground in Cambridge ; with Notes. 12mo, half calf. Cambridge, 1845 Harriss (Jutta W.) Witp Suruss of Alabama; or, Rhapsodies of Restless Hours. Fortrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1852 [HarrissE (Henry)]. BrstioTHEcA AMERICANA VETUS- TISSIMA: a Description of Works relating to America, published between the Years 1492 and 1551, with an Introduction, etc. Thick royal 8vo, uncut. Scarce. New York, 1866 A beautiful specimen of American typography, containing the titles of upwards of 300 works, the greater part of which are in fac simile, and for which the type was specially cast. HARRISON (GABRIEL). SCARLET LETTER: a Drama. Portratt and plate. 8vo, wrapper. Brooklyn, 1876 Only 100 copies printed. HARRISON (SUSANNAH, the Blind Poetess). Soncs in the NiGHT, anda Remarkable Scene tn the Life of the Au- thor. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1847 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H.) Boox-Rarities in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Illustrated by Original Letters and Notes, Biographical, Literary, and Antiquarian. frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1829 HarsHa (D. A.) LirE or Puitip Doppripnce, D.D.; with Notices of Some of his Cotemporaries, and Speci- mens of his Style. Portrait and vignette. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut, by JZatthews. Albany, 1865 “Harte (Bret”’). Condensed Novels, etc. ///ustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1867 Imitations of Cooper, Dumas, Bulwer, Dickens, Marryat, Hugo, Bronté, ete , ete, Hartley (C. B.) Lives of Major-General Henry Lee and General Thomas Sumter. J//ustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859 168 1478 Harwoop (JoHN Epmunp). Poems. 12mo,_ boards, uncut. New York, 1809 The author was an actor of considerable ability, and said to have been the best “ Falstaff” in America until Cooke arrived. He married Miss Bache, a granddaughter of Dr. Franklin, and died in 1809, soon after the publication of the above Poems. He had retired from the stage for awhile and: engaged in the business of bookseller, but without success. Haven (C.C.) Tutrty Days in New Jersey, Ninety Years Ago. An Essay revealing New Facts in Connec- tion with Washington and his Army in 1776 and 1777. 8vo, mor. Trenton, 1867 Hawkins on Music. (See Burney & Hawkins). Hawthorne (Nathaniel). House of the Seven Gables, and Twice-told Tales. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. Boston, 1851 Hawthorne. Marble Faun, and Blithedale Romance. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1860-2 HAWTHORNE. SCARLET LETTER: a Romance. Vumerous illustrations on wood by Miss M. E. Dear. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, n. d. Haypon (BeNnjAMIN Rosert). Lire, from his Autobiog- raphy and Journals. Edited and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853 Haydon (B. R.) Life, Letters,and Table-talk. Portrait. 16mo, cloth, New York, 1876 Hayns, Lire of the late Famous Comedian, Jo. Hayns. Con- taining his Comical Exploits and Adventures, both at Home and Abroad. Small 8vo, russia. London, 1707 Excessively rare and facetious; has a scarce portrait of Hayns on his donkey, inserted. In the same volume also, “ Brief Supplement to Colley Ciber, Esq. ; his Lives of the Jate Famous Actors and Actresses. By Anthony Aston.” George Daniel’s copy, with the following note in his autograph, and signed by him, 1824: “The latter tract is very curious and interesting ; giving information nowhere else to be found, of Dogget, Cave Underhill, Verbrug- gen, Sandford, Betterton, Mrs. Bracegirdle, etc., etc. It is also of great rarity.” 1486 Hayes (CATHERINE). Memoir of “The Swan of Erin.” By a contributor to the Dudlin University Magazine. Portrait, 4to, boards. London, [1851] 169 1487 Hayes. BALLADS OF IRELAND. Collected and edited by Edward Hayes. Fourth edition. J//ustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo, half green mor. extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, [1855] 1488 HAYWARDE(R.) Prismatics. J//ustrated by Darley, Kensett, and others, %2mo, cloth. New York, 1853 1489 Hazard (SAMUEL), ANNALS OF PENNSYLVANIA, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850 1490 Hazeltine (M. J.) Brevity and Brilliancy in Chess. Dia- grams, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1866 1491 Hazeltine. Another copy. Cloth. New York, 1866 1492 [ Hazuitr (WiL1AM)]. BRITISH GALLERIES OF ART. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt, London, 1824 1493 [Hazuitr]. Skercues of the Principal PicrurE GALLERIES in England. 12mo, boards. London, 1824 1494 [Hazuitr (WiLiiAM)]. Liser Amoris; or, the New Pyg malion. First edition. 12mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1823 Hazlitt having formed a strong attachment to the housekeeper’s daughter at the house in which he had his chambers, and by whom he was deceived, published this extraordinary work. The title is adorned with a medallion portrait of the lady. [Hazuirr (W.)| Lisper Amoris; or, the New Pygmalion. U1 149 Engraved Title, with the Vignette Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1823 1496 Haziitr (WILLIAM). VIEW OF THE ENGLISH STAGE; or, : Series of Dramatic Criticisms. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1818 Interesting especially for the author’s criticisms on Kean, Booth, Macready, Kemble, and others. 1497 Hazuirr (W.) Works. Table Talk, Dramatic Literature, etc. 5 vols. r2mo, cloth. New York, 1859 1498 Hazuitr (W. C.) Hanpsook to the Popular, Poetical, and DRAMATIC LITERATURE of Great Britain. 11 Parts com plete. Royal 8vo, wrapper. Large paper copy. Russell Smith, London, 1867 1499 Haziitr (W. Carew). Memoirs or WitiiamM Haziirr: with Portions of his Correspondence. 3 fine Portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 170 Hearne (T.) Collection of Currous Discourses, written by Eminent Antiquaries upon several Heads in our En- glish Antiquities. rontispiece. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1775 ‘ With curious frontispiece of Edward the Confessor’s Chapel at Islip. HEARNE (THOS.) ImpaRTIAL MEMORIALS of the Life and Writings of. Portrait. 8vo, wrapper. London, 1736 Principally valued for the portrait, which is very rare. Heata (Maj.-Gen. WILLIAM). MEMorRs, containing Anec- dotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War, Written by Himself. 8vo, red morocco, gilt back and edges. Boston, 1798 Fine autograph letter, 2 pp., 4to, of Gen. Heath, inserted, dated, ‘‘ Headquarters, Robinson’s House, Jan’y 11, 1780.” Heper (RecinaLp). Lire by his Widow, with Selections from his Works. ortrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1830 Heper (REGINALD). Memoir of, by his Widow, 12mo, cioth, Boston, 1856 HEIDELBERG, and the Way Thither. By “Nil.” Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 HELL (XAvIER HoMMAIRE DE). TRAVELS in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, etc, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1847 Hermans (Mrs.) MEMORIALS Of, with Illustrations, etc., by H. F. Chorley. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1836 Hemans (Felicia). Poetical Works. Sortrait and plates. r2mo, cloth. 3oston, 1858 Hemenway (A. M.) POETS AND PoETRY of VERMONT. Portrait of Saxe. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1860 Henperson, A Genuine Narrative of the Life and Theatrical Transactions of John Henderson, commonly called the Bath Roscius. 8vo, sewed. London, 1778 Perhaps no man, who through his whole life behaved so inoffen- sively as Mr. Henderson, was ever more severely as well as un- justly treated. HENDERSON (JOHN). LETTERS and PoEMS, with Anecdotes of his Life, by John Ireland. 8vo, half calf. Lond., 1786 Portrait missing. as [so —_ 171 1512 Henry (J.) Address upon Education and Common Schools. 8vo, pp. 58. Albany, 1843 1513 Henry (J. J.) Accurate and INTERESTING AccouNT of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who Traversed the Wilderness in the Campaigns against Quebec in 1775. View of Quebec inserted. 12mo, sheep. Lancaster, 1812 1514 HerBeERT (CHARLES). RELIC of the REVOLUTION, containing a Full and Particular Account of the Sufferings and Priva- tions of all the American Prisoners Captured on the High Seas and Carried into Plymouth, England, during the Revolution of 1776, etc. lates. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. Boston, 1847 Portrait of PAuL JoNEs inserted. This work also contains an ac- count of Commodore Paul Jones, his Cruises, etc. 1515 Herspert (WILLIAM). HIsTORY OF THE TWELVE GREAT Livery Companres of London; principally compiled from their Grants and Records, with an Historical Essay, and Accounts of each Company, its Origin, Constitution, Government, Dress, Customs, etc, J///ustrations on wood. 2 vols. royal 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1837 1516 Herior, Memoirs of George Heriot, Jeweller to King James VI., with Historical Account of the Hospital founded by him in Edinburgh. Portraits and Fac-similes. Post 8vo, half vellum. Edinburgh, 1822 1517 Hervey (CHARLES). THEATRES OF Paris. Illustrated with Original Portraits of Eminent Living Actresses, by Alex. Lacauchie. Fine Portraits, on India paper, of Rachel, and others. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1846 1518 Heyin (Dr. PETER). HistTorie of the most famous Saint and SOULDIER of CHRIST JESUS, St. George of Cappa- docia, asserted from the fiction of the middle ages of the Church and opposition of the present ; the Institu- tion of the most noble Order of St. George, named the Garter; a Catalogue of all the Knights thereof. /7ont- ispiece portraits, by Marshall. to, calf. A very curious book. London, 1631 1519 Hicks (T.) EuLocy on THomAs CRAWFoRD, by Thomas Hicks, N.A. Portrait and Views. 8vo, boards, uncut. Only 70 copies, privately printed. New York, 1865 72 Hicks (T.) Eutocy on THomas Crawrorp. SPortrait and views on India paper, and an additional portrait in red ink, Ato, uncut. New York, 1865 Large paper ; 25 copies printed. Hi. (Benson E.) Home SERVICE; or, Scenes and Char- acters from Life, at Out and Head Quarters. -2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1839 Hi (B. E.) PiLayinc ABouT; or, Theatrical Anecdotes and Adventures in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red calf gilt. London, 1840 HILuierR (GEO.) NARRATIVE of the Attempted Escapes of Charles the First from Carisbrook Castle, and his Letters to Col. Titus. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 Beautifully printed. HinMAN (R. R.) CATALOGUE of the Names of the First PURITAN SETTLERS of the Colony of Connecticut, with the Time of their Arrival, and Index. 8vo, pp. 367, unbound. Hartford, 1846 Now extremely scarce. HiInMAN (R. R.) CATALOGUE of the Names of the Early Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut; with the Time of their Arrival, etc. 6 parts. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Hartford, 1852 Hinton (J. H.) Hisrory and Topography of the UNITED States of North-America. JVumerous fine engravings on steel, 2 vols. royal 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1830-2 Historica LETTERS; originally written for, and published in, the Virginia Argus. 12mo, sheep. Richmond, 1812 From the Library of Geo. Lee Brent, with Autographs. HisTORICAL MAGAZINE and Notes and Queries, concern- ing the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America, from January, 1870, to Sept., 1873. 5 vols. in the original (28) numbers as published. Morrisania, 1870-3 Edited by Henry B, Dawson, and now scarce. HisToORICAL REGISTER, from 1714 to 1738 inclusive, con- taining impartial relations of all Transactions Foreign and Domestic. 25 vols. 8vo, old calf gilt, uniform. London, 1714-38 A valuable contemporary record of events during an important period commencing nearly 50 years previously to the Annual Register. wee 1530 SG 1531 fz 1533 eo a 1534 SO 1538 1539 SOO 173 Hitcucock (D.) Porricat Works. Shade of Plato, Knight and Quack, etc., with Life. 12mo, sheep. Boston, 1806 Hitcucock (Enos). Memorrs of the BLOOMSGROVE FAMILY, containing Sentiments on Domestic Education in America, etc. 2 vols. r2mo, calf. Scarce and curious. Thomas and Andrews, Boston, 1790 Hitcucock (Ropert). HuisToricaL View of the IrRisH STAGE, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1788, with Theatrical Anecdotes, and an Occasional Review of the Irish Dramatic Authors and Actors. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. Scarce. Dublin, 1788 From the Library of Lord Farnham, with book-plate. Hirrery (T. H.) ADVENTURES OF JAMES CAPEN ADAMS, Mountaineer and Grizzly-Bear Hunter of California. Illustrated. %2mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1860 Hoare (PRINCE), Epocus oF THE Arts: including Hints on Painting and Sculpture in Great Britain. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1813 HopartT (AARON). HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ABINGTON, Plymouth County, Mass., with Index. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1839 HorrMan (Murray). ECCLESIASTICAL Law in the State of New York. 8vo, cloth, New York, 1868 HoFrLanpD (Mrs.) Wuite-Knicats, a Seat of the Duke of Marlborough. A descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens, wth 23 fine engravings of Views, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, after the beautiful paintings of Mr. Hof- land ; many of the plates beautifully colored. Imperial 4to, half morocco. London, [1819] Privately printed for his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. A copy sold at the Fonthill Library Sale for $50. The value of the above copy has been enhanced by the addition of an autograph letter of Mrs. Hofland’s appended to the original pros- pectus. i HoGartH (GEORGE). MEMOIRS OF THE MusicaL DRAMA, Fine Portraits of Mrs. Billington, Farinelli, Catalani, Dr. Arne, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1838 Best edition. HoGartu (WILLIAM). GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS of Hogarth, 60 engravings from Pictures, Drawings, and scarce Prints in the possession of Samuel Ireland, Royal 8vo, calf gilt. (a> See IRELAND. London, 1794 174 Hocartu (WILLLIAM). BIoGRAPHICAL ANECDOTES of, with a Catalogue of his Works, etc., by John Nichols. 8vo, calf. Lendon, 1785 HocartH (Witttam). Works; in a Series of 150 steel en- gravings, by the first artists, with Descriptions, etc., by the Rev. John Trusler; and Anecdotes of the Author and his Works, by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. 2 vols, 4to, half calf gilt. London, n. d. Hocc (James). Porticat Works of the Ettrick Shepherd. The Queen’s Wake, and other Poems, with an Autobi- ography. J/ustrations on steel, by D. O. Hill, 5 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. Glasgow, 1856 Hosein (Hans). Account or His Lire AND Works, by R. N. Wornum; with numerous fine Engravings, and 2 Photographic Portraits, from the Drawings by Holbein. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 Ho.sein (Hans). ‘Dance or Deatu; with Portraits and 33 wlustrations from the original designs by Hollar. Text in French and English, 8vo, half morocco. London, 1816 Also in this volume will be found ‘‘ Observations, by H. Smithers, on a Tour in 1816-17, through that part of the Netherlands which comprises Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels, etc.”; ewrious etchings. Brussels, 1818 HOLBEIN (HANS). PORTRAITS OF THE COURT OF HENRY VIIL., with Memoirs by E. Lodge, pub- lished by Chamberlaine. 80 beautiful colored plates in imitation of the original drawings. Imperial 4to, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1828 This fine work was published under the patronage of King George IV., with whom it was an especial favorite ; the above copy contains the Portraits of Holbein and his wife, and the miniatures of the Duke of Suffolk. 1546 Holberg (Lewis). Memoirs of, by himself. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. London, 1827 1547 Hoxtcrorr (THOMAS). Memoirs, written by himself; and continued to the Time of his Death, from his Diary, Notes, and other Papers. 3 vols, post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1816 1548 ¥550 1551 1552 1553 1557 1558 175 THEATRICAL RECORDER, Numerous Hotcrort (THOMAS). illustrations, including Portraits of eminent Actors and vols. Actresses in costume, some handsomely colored. 2 8vo, half red morocco gilt, London, 1805 Among the colored engravings is a rare full-length portrait of Master Betty as “ Young Norval.” Hotcrorr. ‘THEATRICAL RECORDER. Vumerous portraits and other illustrations, some colored, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1805-6 Among the rare portraits is that of Master Betty as ‘‘ Young Norval,” also illustrations of costumes worn by Mrs. Jordan, Miss Brunton, Braham, and others. Ho.pEN (Horace). NARRATIVE of the SHIPWRECK, etc., of Holden and Nate in the Aenfor on the Pelew Islands, 1832. Wood-cuts. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1836 Hoicate (J. B.) AMERICAN GENEALOGY, being a History of some of the Early Settlers of North America and their Descendants, from their First Emigration to the Present Very scarce. Albany, 1848 Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, n. d. LIFE OF WILLIAM, late EARL.OF MANS 4to, half calf antique. 2 vols, 4to, uncut. The King’s Mail. Time, Holl (Henry). Ho.iipay (JOHN), FIELD, with 2 very fine portraits. London, 797 1861. Crown London, 1861 Hollingshead (John). Ragged London in 8vo, cloth. HoLLINGSHEAD (JOHN). Works. 6 vols, post 8vo, cloth. gilt edges. Comprises: Underground London ; Odd Journeys; Under Bow Bells; Ways of Life; and Day and Night Thoughts. Hotutster (G. H.) History oF CoNNEcTICUT, from the First Settlement to the Adoption of the Present Constitu tion. Mumerous fine steel plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Haven, 1857 Holmes (O. W.) Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Elsie Venner ; and Songs in Many Keys. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth. London, 1862, et« 3oston, 1860-2 Howe t (J. Z.) Inpia Tracts, Monumental plate. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1774 Contains a graphic account of the Black Hole sufferings at Calcutta of which the author was one of the few survivors, , 176 Home (D. D., the Medium). Incidents in my Life. r2mo, half calf antique. New York, 1863 HomE (Joun). Doucrias: a Tragedy. Portrait and illus- trations by Bengo. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Scarce. Edinburgh, 1798 Home Batuiaps. Hood’s Song of the Shirt; Under Green Leaves ; Favorite English Poems. J//ustrated. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, New York, 1865 HOMES or AMERICAN AUTHORS; comprising Anec- dotal, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches, by Various Writers. Jllustrated with Views of their Residences from Original Drawings, Portraits, Colored Vignettes, and a Frac-simile of the Manuscript of each Author. ‘Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. G. P. Putnam & Co., New York, 1853 The late Gro. P. PUTNAM’S PRIVATE COPY, and one of the most interesting volumes in this collection, having inserted over SEVENTY-FIVE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS written by nearly every author whose home is described in the work. The letters are all addressed to Mr. Putnam, and the greater portion refer to the publication of the work, and are also of much per- sonal interest. Among the most prominent are, five of Edward Everett; H. W. Longfellow (8); Geo. W. Curtis (8) ; Nath. Hawthorne (2); Wil- liam Cullen Bryant (1); R. H. Dana (5); Wm. H. Prescott (5) ; Miss C. M. Sedgwick (8); Mrs. C. M. Kirkland (2); George 8. Hillard (7); R. W. Griswold (1); H. T. Tuckerman (2); R. W. Emerson (2); W. Gilmore Simms (8); John P. Kennedy (4). There are also ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS of J. Fenimore Cooper, George Bancroft, W. Gilmore Simms, Edward Everett, R. W. Emerson, Nath. Hawthorne, and others. The steel engravings of the residences, in this UNIQUE COPY, are on India paper. HomEs OF AMERICAN AUTHORS ; comprising Anecdotal, Per- sonal, and Descriptive Sketches, by Various Writers. //- lustrated with Views of their Residences, from Original Drawings, Portraits, Vignettes, and Fac-similes. 8vo, cloth, gilt. G. P. Putnam & Co., New York, 1853 Hone (WILLIAM), PopuLaR PouiticaL Tracts. Compris- ing the House that Jack Built, The Man in the Moon, The Political Showman, The Queen’s Matrimonial Lad- der, with the card “ Toy ;” the Queen’s Form of Prayer, ‘etc. Vumerous cuts by Cruikshank. 8vo, boards, W. Hone, London, 1819-22 ws --¥g65 3 J 1566 AVG 1567 "2 ya) 1568 id 1569 ee et? 177 Hoop (THomaSs), PorticaL Works. fortrait. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1857 Hoop (Tuomas). TytNey Hai. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut, Phila., 1834 Hood (T.) Tylney Hall. 12mo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1865 Hoop (Tom). Rates anp Taxes, and How they were Col- lected. Srontispiece. Post &vo, cloth. London, 1866 Hoop (THomas). Worxs, Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse. Edited, with Notes, by his Son. Portrait. 7 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, Moxon, London, 1862-3 This edition is now scarce. Hook (THEODORE E.) FRENCH STAGE and the French People, as illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury, 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1841 Hook (TuHEo. E.) GmLBert GurRNEy ; and the Widow and the Marquess. Srontispieces. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1842-50 Hook (TuHrEo. E.) Novers. Jack Brag; Peregrine Bunce; Fathers and Sons; Widow and the Marquess; Friend of the Family ; and Memoir. 6 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1857, etc. Hook (THEODORE E.) Novets. Maxwell; Gilbert Gur- ney; The Parson’s Daughter. Frontispieces on steel. 3 vols. post 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops. London, 1850-54 Hook (THEoporE E.) Lire or GENERAL Sir Davip Bairp. Lortrait and map. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1832 From the Library of P. F. Tytler, with his autographs. Hook (THEODORE E.) Sayincs anp Doincs. fortrait, _ frontispieces, and vignettes. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth gilt. The three series complete. Scarce. London, 1835-9 Hook (THEODORE E.) Sarge anbd SOUND: an Opera. 8vo, half mor. Scarce. London, 1809 [Hook (THeEopore E.)] TENTAMEN ; or, an Essay towards the History of Whittington, some time Lord Mayor of London. By “Vicesimus Blinkinsop.” 12mo, boards, uncut. Very rare. London, 1820 A bitter satire on Alderman Wood and Queen Caroline—rigidly sup- pressed, ey 178 1578 Hook (Theodore E.) Peter Priggins, the College Scout. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1841 1579 Hook (THEoporE E.) Lire AND Remains. By R. H. D. Barham. Two portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half mor. London, 1850 21 vols. r2mo, boards. Phila., 1824-40 Comprises: Magpie Castle; Love and Pride; Fathers and Sons ; Births, Deaths, and Marriages ; Gurney Married; Cousin Geof- fry; Parson’s Daughter; Pascal Bruno; The Humorist ; Jack Brag (imperfect); and the first and third series of Sayings and 1580 Hook (THEODORE E.) Works. Doings. 6 vols. post 8vo, half roan. London, 1824-5 1581 Hook. (Wants a title-page). Sayings and Doings. First and Second Series. 1582 Hook. Cousin William, and Gervase Skinner. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1857 1583 Hook. Precepts and Practice; with 10 illustrations by “« Phiz.” Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 Memoir by John New York, 1842 1585 Hooton (CHarLEs). Coin Ciinkx. /lustrations by John Leech. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top, by Jan- sell, London, 1844 1586 Hope (THomas). Frontispiece and vignette, 1584 Hooper (Lucy). PorETICAL REMAINS. Keese. t12mo, cloth. Scarce. ANASTASIUS; or, Memoirs of a Greek. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1836 MISCELLANEOUS Essays and Portrait inserted. 3 vols. 8vo, 1587 HopkINsON (FRANCIS). Occasional Writings. calf extra. Horne (R. H.) New Spirir OF THE AGE; with steel portraits of Dickens, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Carlyle, ete., Scarce. Phila., 1792 etc. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1844 , Horne (T. HarTWELL). INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY oF BIBLIOGRAPHY, with Memoir on the Public Libra- Engraved fac-similes, ries of the Ancients. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1814 The second volume contains a most complete list and description of works on Bibliography and Literary History. ! | 179 1590 Horry (GENERAL P.) LIFE oF GENERAL FRANCIS MARION, a Celebrated Partisan Officer in the Revolu- tionary War against the British and Tories in South Carolina and Georgia. 12mo, sheep. Baltimore, 1814 1591 Hort (Major). Tue Rock [Gibraltar]. Illustrated with Legends, Songs (10), and Music descriptive of “the Rock.” Drawings (12) by Lacey. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 1592 Hosack (Davip, M.D.) Memorr or De Witt CLINTON, with an Appendix containing numerous documents illus- trative of the principal events of his life. Portraits. 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges. New York, 1829 Presentation copy “to Prof. Buckland, with ‘sentiments of great re- spect, from the author.” 1593 HorTTen (JoHN CAMDEN), HANDBOOK to the ToPOGRAPHY and Family History of England and Wales, by J. C. Hotten. 8vo, boards. London, n. d. 1594 Houpin (Rosert, “he Prestidigitateur), Memoirs of. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 1595 Houdin. Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1859 1596 HoucH (FRANKLIN B.) History or Durvk&r’s Bricapg, during the Campaign in Virginia under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under Gen. McClellan, in the Summer and Autumn of 1862. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1864 Only 300 copies printed. 1597 Houcu (F. B.) History or St. LAWRENCE AND FRANK- LIN CounTIES, New York, from the earliest period to the present time. Japs and plates. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1853 1598 Houcu (FRANKLIN B.) History or St. LAWRENCE and Franklin Counties, N. Y., from the earliest period. Portraits, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Albany, 1853 1599 Houssave (A.) MEN AND WomeEN of the Eighteenth Century. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1857 1600 Howarp (GEorGE). Lapy JANE Grey, and her Times. Portrait and wood-cuts. Crown 8yo, calf extra. 12 London, 1822 180 1601 Howells (W. D.) Italian Journeys and Venetian Life. 2 vols. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1866-7 1602 HOWITT (WILLIAM). HOMES AND HAUNTS of the most eminent BritisH Poets. J///ustrations on wood, by W.and G. Measom. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1849 UNIQUE copy, having a number of finely engraved Portraits of emi- nent Poets inserted, including several rare old mezzotints. 1603 HoyvLanp (JoHN). Historical SuRvEY of the Customs, Habits, and Present State of the Gypsies; designed to develop the Origin of this Singular People, etc. 8vo, half calf gilt. York, 1816 1604 Hoyt (Rev. Ratpu). Poems. Sketches of Life and Land scape. . 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 1605 [Hoyt]. NicHT: a Poem. 8vo, boards. N. Y., 7845 1606 Hoyt. ~CHAUNT oF LIFE, and other Poems, etc. Part 2. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1845 So many copies of the first part were destroyed by fire, that this second part was delayed, the author having been embarrassed. 1607 Hoyt (Rev. R.) SxketTcueEs or Lire and Landscape. $vo, wrapper. New York, 1847-8 Rare Original Edition, in 10 parts. 1608 HuppEsrorD (GEORGE). Poems, including Salmagundi, Topsy Turvy, Bubble and Squeak, etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1801 1609 Hucues (THomAs). Hanpsook TO CHESTER and its Environs; with 47 beautiful illustrations on steel and wood. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 1610 [HucHEs (Tom)]. Scourinc oF THE WHITE HoRsE Wood-cuts. ~2mo, cloth. Boston, 1869 1611 Hugo (Victor), Claude Gueux. Post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 An exposition of Hugo’s thoughts on Capital Punishment. 1612 Huco. ILLusTRATIONS TO LES MISERABLES, 25 fine pho tographs by Gilmer. Royal 8vo, cloth, Paris, n. d. These photographs are from the Paintings by G. Brion. 1613 Huco. IL_ustRaTIONS TO LEs MISERABLES. 26 phoio- graphs. Ato, cloth. New York, 18063 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1624 1625 181 Hugo (Victor), Les Miserables ; also, Ninety-Three. 6 vols. 8vo, paper. New York, 1862, etc. Huco. Les MiseraBies, Translated by Chas, E. Wilbour. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. New York, 1862 Fantine, Cosette, Marius, Saint Denis, Jean Valjean. HutsH (Ropert). Memorrs of the late Witt1am CosBeETT, Esq., embracing all the Interesting Events of his Memor- able Life, obtained from Private and Confidential Sources. Lilustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. | London, 1836 The Illustrations include a fine Portrait of Cobbett, and a curious one of Washington. Hutt (Gen. Wm.) Revotutrionary Services and Civil Life. Edited from his MS. by his Daughter; with a His- tory of the Campaign of 1812, by J. F. Clarke. 8vo, half mor. gilt. New York, 1848 HuMBoupt (ALEXANDER von). Cosmos: a Physical De- scription of the Universe. Translated by EB. C. Otté, etc. Portrait. 4 vols, post 8vo, half calf extra. . Bohn, London, 1849-52 HumBo_tpt (ALEX. von). Cosmos: a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859 HuMBOoLpT (ALEX. von). PoniricaL Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Translated by J. Black. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor. London, 1811 Hume (Rev. A.) Lerarnep Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond., 1853 With Supplement by A. I. Evans. Contains a complete list of all the Club Publications up to 1858. Hume. Another copy. Cloth. London, 1853 Hume (Davin). History or ENGLAND, from the Invasion of Julius Czesar to the Revolution in 1688. New edition, with the Author’s last Corrections and Improvements, with Life, etc. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854 Hume. BrioGRapHicaAL INDEX to Hume’s England, alpha- betically arranged by S. Y. McMasters. 12mo, cloth. Alton, 1854 HuME (Sopuia). Epistte to the INHABITANTS of SOUTH CAROLINA. 8vo, half mor. are, London, 1754 182 1626 Hume AND SMOLLETT. History oF ENGLAND, from the In- vasion of Julius Cesar to the Death of George II. //- lustrated with upwards of 600 portraits, views, etc., all in- serted. 13 vols. royal 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1812 Large Paper copy. Includes a great number of old prints and portraits that would be unprocurable at this day. The portraits include a portion of the Richardson and Harding series, and many fine specimens of en- graving by Faithorne, Vertue, Scriven, Hollar, Picart, White, etc., etc. Humpureys (Cot, Davin). MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. (Poems, etc., including the Tragedy of ‘*The Widow of Malabar”). 8vo, half mor., gilt top. | New York, 1790 Humpureys (H, Noe.). HIsTory OF THE ArT or PRINTING ; Its Invention, and Progress to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. 105 Plates, comprising Fac-similes from the most remarkable Block-Books, and from all the important Typographical Monuments of Germany, Holland, Italy, France, England, etc., including 44 Fac-similes of the press of Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, and of the Earliest English and Foreign Bibles and Prayer-Books. Inperial 4to, cloth gilt. _ London, 1868 Hunt. GEneacocy of the Name and Family of Hunt. Com- piled by T. B. Wyman. 4to, cloth. Boston, 1862-3 Exhibits the pedigrees of 10,000 persons. Hunt (CuHartes Havens). Lire or Epwarp LIvINGcsTon, with an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portrait on India paper (also Monument plate inserted). Imperial 8vo, vellum cloth, uncut. New York, 1864 LARGE PAPER; only 50 copies printed Hunt (F. Knicur). FourtH Estate: Contributions to- wards a History of Newspapers and of the Liberty of the Press. 2 vols, in 1, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 It is doubtful if a more interesting book ever existed. Hunt (FREEMAN). Lives oF AMERICAN MERCHANTS, for- traits. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1858 Hunt (J. H. Leicu), Juvent1a: a Collection of Poems. Fine plate by Bartolozzi. 8vo, calf. London, 1801 The rare first edition of Leigh Hunt’s first publication, written when he was between the ages of 12 and 16. 183 1634 Hunt (J. H. Leicu). Juventwia. Portrait and plate. 8vo, : boards, uncut. London, 1803 i Third edition, with much additional matter. et 1635 Hunt (LeicH). AuToBIoGRAPHY, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries, /ortraift. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1850 9 ae 1636 Hunt (LeicH), Criticat Essays on the Performers of the ° Loudon Theatres. Vignette. 12mo, half calf. This work was never reprinted. London, 1807 PERFORMERS OF THE LONDON THEATRES, etc., including General Observations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage. Post 8vo, green gros-grained levant morocco, full gilt back, with covers richly tooled, inside borders and gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1807 UNIQUE and beautiful copy, having 55 inserted illustrations, includ- ing a fine characteristic autograph letter of the author (3 pp. 8vo), and portraits of Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Cent- livre, Mrs. Jordan, Elliston, Liston, Colley Cibber, Garrick, Cooke Kemble, etc., ete. 1637 [HUNT (LEIGH)]. CRITICAL ESSAYS ON THE 7, Qa art ( )] l.ondon Theatres, including General Observations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage. Lingraved title-page,. with beautiful vignette. Post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, London, 1807 1638 [Hunt (LeicH)]. CriticaL Essays on the Performers of the AS a 3 [ ( )] 27 portraits inserted, some proofs, and including many rare and desir able ones. em 1639 Hunt (LeicH), Lonpon JouRNAL; comprising a great ; variety of original articles, of an instructive and entertain- ing character, by Leigh Hunt, and many of his esteemed literary friends, 2 vols. in 1, folio, half calf. Scarce. Knight, Vondon, 1834-5 1640 Hunt (LeicH). Lorp Byron, and some of his Contempo- 7 09 raries, with Recollections of the Author’s Life, and of his Visit to Italy, Portraits of Byron, the Countess Guicciolt, Leigh Hunt, Lamb, and Keats, also 'Fac-similes. to, half morocco. London, 1828 1641 Hunt (LEIGH), OLtp Court Susurs; or, Memorials of ee: ery Kensington: Regal, Critical, and Anecdotal. Second edi- a tion, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. post 8vo, half mo- rocco, London, 1855 184 Wie oo in [Hunt (LeicuH)]. THe Liperav, Verse and Prose from the J South. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1822-23 Leigh Hunt is credited with being the manager-in-chief of the above ; it contains articles relating to P. B. Shelley (p. 121, etc.), and three contributions by Mrs. Shelley. The article on “ Shakespeare’s Fools” is a severe attack on Douce’s Illustrations, and worthy of perusal. See LIBERAL (The). Hunt (Leicu). Works, fortrait. 4 vols, 12mo, half morocco gilt. New York, 1857 Italian Poets ; English Poets; Book for a Corner; Essays and Mis- cellanies. Hunt (R.) PopuLtar Romances of the West of England ; or, the Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Corn- wall. Frontispieces by Cruikshank. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 The first series embrace the Fabulous Age or Pre-Historic Period ; the second, the Romances and Superstitions of Historic Times. They comprise stories remarkable alike for their wild poetic beauty, quaintness, and tragic force. HUNTER (JOSEPH). FOUNDERS OF NEW-—PLYMOUTH. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854 Husk (W. H.) Account of the MusicaL CELEBRATION of Sr, CeciLia’s Day in the XVI., XVII., and XVIII. Cen- turles. Frontispiece inserted. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 Hutcuins (Levi). AurosiocGRapny of, with Notes, etc., by his Son. ortraif, 12mo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1865 Privately printed. HvuTCHINSON (PETER ORLANDO). CHRONICLES OF GRETNA GREEN, Map and illustrations. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1844 Scarce. (See Elliott.) Hutcuinson (Wm.) and Oxiver (Thos.) Brier GENEAL- ocy of the Descendants of, by W. H. Whitmore. 4to, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only a few copies printed. Hutron (R. H.) Srupies in PaRLiAMENT. A Series of Sketches of Leading Politicians. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1866 J 0 la ae LIE 185 1651 Hurron (LAURENCE). Ptiays and Prayers. 4to, sheets folded. New York, 1875 Large paper copy ; only 25 copies privately printed. No. 14. 1652 Hutron (Wm.) JourRNEY To LONDON, with a Description of the most Interesting Objects. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1818 1653 Hutron (Witu1am). Lire, including a Particular Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791, and the History o! his Family, written by Himself, and published by his Daughter, Catherine Hutton, Portrait. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1817 eC j uy > WOO ox ae i > uu NCHIQUIN, the Jesurt’s, Lerrers, during a late Resi- dence in the United States of America. By some Un- known Foreigner. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1810 1655 INDIAN AFFAIRS. Proceedings of the Commission- ers of, etc., etc. Notes by F. B. Hough. Maps. 2 vols. small 4to, cloth, uncut. Munsell, Albany, 1861 INGELOw (JEAN). Sonos or Seven. Beautifully printed within red lines, with illustrations. Small 4to, mor., gilt edges. Boston, 1866 [INGRAHAM (E. D.)| SkeTcH oF THE Events which preceded the Capture of Washington by the British on the 24th of August, 1814. ap, etc. Portrait of In- graham inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1849 Presentation copy from the author, with his own MS. corrections. IRELAND (JOHN AND SAMUEL). WORKS, zzz. : HoGArtH ILLUSTRATED, by John Ireland. Upwards of 130 illustrations on steel, FINE IMPRESSIONS. 3 vols. Grapuic ILLusTRATIONS of Hogarth, from Pictures, Draw- ings, and scarce Prints in the possession of Samuel Ire- land. 116 fine plates, PICTURESQUE VIEWS ON THE RIvER THAMES, from its Source to the Nore. 53 jie plates, printed in bistre. 2 vols. PICTURESQUE VIEWS ON THE RIVER MEDWAY. 29 jine plates in bistre. Together, 8 vols. royal 8vo, half russia, gilt edges. London, 1793-1812 1659 IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) Recorps OF THE NEw YORK STaGE, from 1750 to 1860. Vignette portraits of Cooper and Simpson.. 2 vols. 8vo, crimson mor., gilt top, uncut, New York, 1866-67 1660 IRELAND. The same. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1866-67 e 1661 CE ! 1662 77d 1663 / 4 | ma 1664 “Le 4 1665 iy 1666 187 IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) RECORDS OF THE NEW YORK STAGE, from 1750 to 1860. Vignettes. 2 vols. extended to 4, with extra title-pages, 8vo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut, T. H!. Morrell, New York, 1866-67 ONLY 200 COPIES PRINTED. 100 choice illustrations, collected and arranged by the publisher, have been inserted in this copy, enlarging it from two to four volumes. Among the portraits of celebrated actors and actresses who have appeared on the New York stage, and introduced into this copy, are Fanny Kemble, Ellen Tree, Clara Fisher (favorites forty years ago), Cooke, Kean, Forrest, Macready, Wallack, Hamblin, Booth, Incledon, Braham, Harwood, Knowles, Major Noah, etc., ete. ; with autograph letters of Charlotte Cushman, Burton, Hamblin, Finn, and others. Many of the illustrations are proofs, and a few handsomely colored. IRELAND (SAMUEL). INNS oF CouRT. Picturesque Views, with an Historical Account. 21 plates, printed in bistre. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1800 IRELAND (W. H.) Memoirs or A YOUNG GREEK Lapy, Madame Pauline A. A. Panam, againt his Serene High. ness the Prince of Saxe-Coburg, with Letters and Docu- ments. Portraits of “the beautiful young Greek,” with her son, and of Prince Ernest. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce and curious. Fairbairn, London, 1823 IRELAND (W. H.) Ruapsopies. Scarce portrait. 12mo. half calf gilt. London, 1803 The author became notorious in connection with the ‘ Shakespeare Forgeries,” [IRELAND (W, H.)] ScripBLEOMANIA; or, the Printer’s Devil’s Polichronicon. A sublime Poem, edited by Anser Pen-Dragon, Esq. 8vo, half calf. London, 1815 “Samson slew his thousands with the jawbone of an ass; then where fore should not I perform similar exploits with the quill of a goose ?”—Preface. IrRisH MINSTRELSY, or Bardic Remains of Ireland, with En- glish Poetical Translations ; edited, with Notes and Illus- trations, by J. Hardiman. Jortrait of Carolan. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Very scarce. London, 1831 Irish and English on opposite pages; the translations are by T. Fur- long, H. G. Curran, E. Lawson, W. H. Drummond, ete. he. 188 ur CO 1667 IrisH OrAToRY. Select Speeches, with Historical Notices, . Memoirs, etc., by Thos, Davis, Jas, Burke, Thos, Mac- nevin, D, O. Madden, etc. 7 vols. crown 8vo, half mo- rocco extra, Dublin, 1865 DANIEL O'CONNELL, 2 vols.; EDMUND BURKE, 1 vol.; HENRY GRATTAN, 1 vol.; J. P. CURRAN, 1 vol.; R. L. SHE, 1 vol.; W. C. PLUNKET, 1 vol. By) 144 1668 IrIsH Poetry. Ballad Poetry of Ireland, by the Hon. Chas. Gavan Duffy; with fine portrait of the author, and other il- lustrations. 16mo, cloth gilt. Dublin, 1866 a, 1669 IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, Selections from, In 7 thick vols. ; 8vo, boards, uncut. Dublin, 1857 Among the articles in this able Magazine are the following: Litera- ture and Poetry in Ireland ; English Songs and English Music ; the Poets of England and America; English Convivial Song Writers ; Literary and Artistic Life in Paris; the Old Masters and Modern Art ; Biographies of John Banim, Lord Chancellor Plunket, Lord Cloncurry, Sheil, Rev. Sydney Smith, Dr. Maginn, Lady Blessington; History of the Streets of Dublin; and numerous other Essays on History, Biography, the Fine Arts, etc. , 1670 IRISH STAGE. FAMILIAR EPISTLES to Frederick J S, Esq., on the Present State of the Irish Stage. An Answer to “Familiar Epistles.” A Few Reflections on ‘‘ Familiar Epistles.” In 1 vol, r2mo, red morocco, Dublin, 1804 1671 IrviNG (David), Lives oF THE ScoTTISH PoETs, with Pre- liminary Dissertations on the Literary History of Scotland and the Early Scottish Drama, Portraits of Burns and Ramsay. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, Edinburgh, n. d. 1672 IRVING (PIERRE M.) Lire AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IrvinG. By his Nephew. Jortraits. 4 vols. r2mo, half calf extra. New York, 1863-4 1673 IrvING (WASHINGTON). BRACEBRIDGE HALL. Beautifully illustrated by 14 steel engravings after Schmolze, Small 4to, cloth, uncut, New York, 1858 Best Edition. 1674 IRVING (WASHINGTON). Lire or GEORGE WASH- INGTON, umerous beautiful illustrations on India paper, from paintings by F. O. C. Darley and other American artists. 5 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt top, un- cut, New York, 1855-9 LARGE PAPER ; only 100 copies printed, this being No. 51. / 2 fe SSO ’ 189 1675 IrviING (WASHINGTON). SELECTIONS from his Works. Lllus- trated by Henry Ritter and William Camphausen. Por- trait of Ritter, and numerous wood-cuts. Imperial 8vo, half morocco gilt, Scarce. Leipzig, 1856 1676 IrvING (WASHINGTON), STRATFORD-ON-Avon. From the Sketch-Book. J//ustrated by Wm. L. Andrews. 4to, morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1865 UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL COPY. The basis of this charming volume is the teat relating to “Stratford-on- Avon,” from the ARTIST’s Eprtron of the Sketch-Book, to which is added a beautiful Title-Page, drawn in colors, and a number of illustrative portraits and views, some proofs. There are also 8 water-color drawings, viz.: The Grammar School Room at Stratford, Room in Shakespeare’s House, and Shake- speare’s Grave. 1677 IRVING (WASHINGTON). WORKS, including his Life and Letters, by his Nephew, Pierre M. Irving. ILLus- TRATED Epition, MVumerous beautiful engravings on steel and wood. 26 vols, square 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, Roxburghe style. New York, 1860-3 LARGE PAPER COPY. Comprises: Knickerbocker’s New York, 1 vol.; Sketch-Book, 1 vol.; Columbus, 3 vols.; Bracebridge Hall, 1 vol.; Tales of a Traveller, 1 vol.; Astoria, 1 vol.; Crayon Miscellany, 1 vol.; Bonneville’s Adventures, 1 vol.; Oliver Goldsmith, 1 vol.; Mahomet, 2 vols.; Conquest of Granada, 1 vol.; The Alhambra, 1 vol.; Wolfert’s Roost, 1 vol., Salmagundi, 1 vol.; Washington, & vols.; Life and Letters, 4 vols. 1678 IrvincIANIA. A Memorial of Washington Irving. Portrait and fac-simile. to, cloth. New York, 1860 ( O ACK KETCH. Avrosiocrapuy of a Notorious Legal Functionary. Wood-cuts (13) by Meadows. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835 1680 Jack Ketcu. Another copy. Cloth. Lond., 1838 , 1681 JACKSON (J.) TREATISE ON WOOD ENGRAV- ING, Historical and Practical; with upwards of 300 LI- lustrations engraved on wood, by John Jackson. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Charles Knight, London, 1839 This is the original edition of this capital book. The illustrations are very brilliant. “ The history of Wood Engraving is a noble volume, unique in its way, and no library will be complete without it. Mr. Jackson’s reputation rests upon a firm basis—his name is attached to some of the brightest and best of the modern engravings. He is one of the few living pupils of Bewick—and one who follows in the steps and supports the reputation of his celebrated mas- ter.”— Polytechnic Journal. Ut > 1682 JACKSON. TREATISE on Woop ENGRAVING, Historical , and Practical; with 300 beautiful wood-cuts, including fac-similes from the works of Albert Durer, Bewick, etc. Earliest impressions of the cuts. Imperial 8vo, half mo- rocco, uncut. London, 1839 Original Edition. ve 1683 Jackson & CHatTo. TREATISE ON Woop ENGRAVING, VSO Historical and Practical; with 445 beautiful wood-cuts, including fac-similes from the works of Albert Durer, Bewick, etc: Thick imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. London, 1861 An entirely new and improved edition of this valuable and hitherto scarce work, with a new chapter on the artists of the present day, by H. G. Bohn, and nearly 150 additional engravings, from its First Establishment to the Present Time. In- terspersed with Memoirs of His Own Life. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Edinburgh, 1793 Contains an account of the author's difficulties with Mr. Fen nell, who subsequently came to America, and copies of whose “ Apology * may be found in this collection. oS 1684 JACKSON (JoHN). History oF THE SCOTTISH STAGE, 19l 1685 JAMAIcA. New History of Jamaica, from the Earliest Accounts to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice-Admiral Vernon, with account of the Buccaneers, Sir Henry Morgan, Brasiliano, etc. Second Edition. JZafs. 8vo, calf. London, 1740 1686 James (E.) CamiILio Stvort, [the Eminent Violinist]. A Sketch of his Life, Talent, Travels, and Successes. Por- trait, on India paper. 8vo, uncut. London, 1845 1687 James (G. P. R.) ARABELLA Stuart. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1849 1688 JAMES. THIRTY YEARS SINCE; or, the Ruined Family. Frontispiece by “ Phiz.” 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 1689 JAMES (G. P. R.) Works. Gentleman of the Old School; King’s Highway; and One ina Thousand. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1847 Best editions, scarce, 1690 JAMESON (Mrs.) CHARACTERISTICS OF WoMEN, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. 50 jime Vignette Etchings, by the Author, 2 vols. crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1832 Best edition. Autograph note of Mrs. Jameson inserted. 1691 JAMESON (Mrs.) PRivaTe PICTURE GALLERIES OF Lon- DON. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 Catalogue of the Royal, Lansdowne, Bridgewater, Sutherland, Gros- venor, and other Collections. 1692 JANES. THE JANES FamILy: a Genealogy and Brief History of the Descendants of William Janes, by Frederick Janes. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868 The ancestor of this family was one of the original settlers of New Haven, Ct. 1693 JEAFFRESON (J. Corby). NoveLts anD NOvELIstTs, from Elizabeth to Victoria. Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1858 1694 JEANNETTE. The Wire, the Wipow, and the Wanron. By AXsculapius non Vinctus, 3 portraits. 8vo, cloth, New York, 1857 Privately printed, A most extraordinary satire ; very scarce. 1695 JEFFERSON AND CABELL. Earty History of the UNIVER- sity of VirGINIA. 8vo, cloth, Richmond, 1856 192 JeFFERY (Lorp), Lire, with a Selection from his Corre- spondence by Lord Cockburn. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth. Phila,, 1857 Jerrries (D.) TREATISE on DiAmMomps and PEARLS, in which their importance is considered, and plain rules are exhibited for ascertaining the value of both, and the true method of manufacturing Diamonds. 20 plates. 8vo, calf. Printed for the Author, London, 1751 Scarce. ‘“ An esteemed work.”—LOWNDES. Jerrries (Docror JoHN). Narrative of Two AERIAL VoyaGes with Mons. Blanchard. Jortrait. 4to, un- bound. London, 1786 Scarce ; printed for the author. One of the voyages described was from England to France. JEKYLL (J.) Letrers of the late IGNatTius SANCHO, an African, with Memoirs of his Life. Portrait and fac- simile. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1803 JENKINS (J. S.) Heroines or History. 10 gortraits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, n. d. JENKINS (RICHARD). MEMOIRS OF THE BRISTOL STAGE, with Biographical and Critical Notices. 12mo, half calf. Scarce. Bristol, 1826 Jennincs(H.) Tuer Rosicrucians: their Rites and Mysteries ; with Chapters’on the Ancient Fire and Serpent-Worship- pers, and Explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of the primeval Philoso- phers, 316 wood engravings. Crown 8vo, cloth, London, 1870 A volume of startling facts and opinions upon this very mysterious subject. iy, 1703 JENNY LIND IN America, By C, G. Rosenberg. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1851 4 1704 JERDAN (WILLIAM), AUTOBIOGRAPHY of, with Literary and 0 Social Reminiscences, etc, Portraits, 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut, , London, 1852 ; 1705 JERDAN (WiLiIAM). Men I Have Known. Fac-simile i y rs tH Ly Autographs. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1866 X Y Comprises: Reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott, Sir Thomas Law- rence, Sir James Mackintosh, Charles Dibdin, T. F. Dibdin, Isaac Disraeli, John Galt, Samuel Rogers, Robert Southey, 8. T. Cole- ridge, Wordsworth, Douce, and many others. 193 2Qyo 1706 JERROLD (Douctas). LIFE AND REMAINS of, by BLANCHARD , JERROLD, his Son. ine portrait, Crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1859 Lo 1707 JERROLD. . Lire AND Remains of, by Blanchard Jerrold. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 Wha 1708 JERROLD (Doucias). CoLLEcTED Works. 42 numbers in y/ 41 (part 22 missing). Post 8vo, uncut. London, 1851 Original copy in the numbers as published at the Punch office. Very scarce in this state. fd 1709 JERROLD. SHILLING MacazINE. Jllustrated by Leech, Post : 8vo, cloth. Vol. I. London, 1845 Includes St. Giles and St. James. , 3 ie 1710 Jerrold (Douglas). Specimens of the Wit of. 12mo, cloth. Pics Boston, 1859 ee 1711 JERROLD (Douctas). Works. Collected Edition, with an fr 1 o Introductory Memoir by his Son, W. Blanchard Jerrold. 8 vols, in 4, post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1851 Early editions. ae 1712 JERROLD (W. B.) Travets and ADVENTURES in Sweden and Norway. J//ustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 1713 JESSE (JOHN H.) HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPH- GS? ICAL WRITINGS, compLete. Vumerous beautiful por- t traits, and other illustrations, engraved on steel. 21 vols. 8vo, polished calf super extra, yellow edges, by Bedford. London, 1840-67 AN ELEGANT: Copy. Complete sets are very scarce. Court of England under the Stuarts, 4 vols.; History of the House of Hanover, 3 vols. ; London and its Celebrities, 2 vols. ; Memorials of London, 2 vols. ; Memoirs of George Selwyn and his Con~ temporaries, 4 vols. (this work is now very rare); Memoirs of the Pretenders, 2 vols. ; Memoirs of Richard III., 1 vol.; and Life and Reign of George the Third, 3 vols. 1714 JOE MILLER’S JESTS ; or, the Wit’s Vade-Mecum. Being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the Politest Repar- SYS tees, etc. A remarkable fac-simile, 8vo, half morocco. London: Printed by T, Read, 1739. London, 1865 The veritable first edition of Joe Miller is one of the rarest books in the English language. It is to be regretted that the author did not employ expressions 4 little less coarse than he has done ; his wit and pungency, however, it is impossible to deny. Only a very few copies have been reproduced. 194 VAS 1715 JOHN Paut’s Book: moral and instructive, consisting of ue Travels, Tales, Poetry, and similar Fabrications. By “John Paul.” Mumerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth gilt, Hartford, 1874 1716 [JOHNSON (ABRAHAM)]. Lucina sine Concusira. A Let- ter humbly address’d to the Royal Society ; in which is proved by most Incontestible Evidence, drawn from Reason, that a Woman may conceive and be brought to Bed without any Commerce with Man. 8vo, wrapper. London, 1750 1717 JOHNSON. BOSWELL (JAMES). LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D., including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. New edition, with numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker, LL.D., F.R.S. Portrait. 5 vols, extended to to, Murray, London, 1831 Also, JOHNSONIANA ; being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson, collected by Piozzi, Hawkins, Reynolds, Reed, Northcote, etc., with 45 beautiful illustrations on steel, en sraved by Finden, after eminent artists. Murray, London, 1836 Together, 11 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, uncut. UNIQUE COPY, containing an extraordinary collection of Engravings, numbering about one thousand, all being inserted, and consisting of Portraits, Views, etc., many fine and scarce, including brilliant old impressions of mezzotint, and copper-plate engraving, rare private plates, and many choice proofs on India paper, as well as several DRAWINGS. Among the portraits may be mentioned, Bishop Percy, George Stee- vens, Robt. Dodsley, Thos. Davis, “ Single Speech ” Hamilton, William Oldys, Theophilus Cibber, Peg Woffington, Chatterton, Jacob Tonson, Hugh Kelly, Sir William Davenant, Charles Town- ley, Philip Astley, Macklin, Betterton, and Colley Cibber (from “the Cabinet ”), Robt. Wilks, Barton Booth, Mrs. Cibber, Ed- mund Malone, Sir John Hawkins, Henderson and Miss Chudleigh (by Bartolozzi), several of David Garrick, Allan Ramsay (by Geo. Vertue), Geo. Bubb Dodington (after Hogarth), Thos. Cadell (India proof, after Stothard), Mrs. Garrick, Mrs. Yates (fine old mezzotint), Rev. James Hackman (rare mezzotint), also one of his victim, Miss Martha Reay (from drawing by Dighton), W. H. Ireland, John Dunton, Jeremy Collier, Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Siddons, “ the celebrated Miss Gunning” (brilliant old mezzotint), * Garrick reciting Shakespeare Ode at Stratford Jubilee,” etc., etc., etc., and ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of CAROLINE RUDD (page 442, vol. 8, part 2),and ALLAN Ramsay (page 281, Vol. 5, Part 2), 195 1718 JOHNSON (SAMUEL). LIFE of, by James Boswell, Esq., Elu- YI cidated by copious Notes, and idlustrated with numerous Portraits, Views, and characteristic Designs, engraved Jrom authentic sources, 5 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Includes the Tour to the Hebrides. London, 1851 Viz 1719 JOHNSON. JOURNEY to the Western Islands of Scotland. , 8vo, calf. London, 1775 First edition of the Tour to the Hebrides, by James Boswell. eer g 1120 JoHNson. ILIves OF THE BRITISH PoETs; completed by as Wm. Hazlitt. Mumerous wood-cuts. 2 vols. post 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1854 5 1721 JOHNSON. LIVES OF THE BrRiTISH Poets. Zhe completion of 3 the above, 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 vg 1722 JOHNSON. THE RAMBLER, 4 vols, 8vo, sheep. New York, 1800 1723 JOHNSON. GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS of the Life and Times fe Mal of. 24 fine steel Portraits, Views,and Fac-similes. Royal ‘ 8vo, cloth. London, 1837 a 1724 JOHNSON. Works, with Essay on his Life and Genius by ; Arthur Murphy. Portrait. 12 vols. 12mo, half morocco gilt. London, 1824 1725 JOHNSON (J.) TypoGraputa, or the Printer’s Instructor; 2 i, including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with ’ Biographical Notices of the Printers of England froin Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century, etc., etc. 2 thick vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1824 LARGE PAPER. Contains the essence of Dibdin’s Typographical An- tiquities and other valuable works. ZS 1726 JOHNSON (GEN. JEREMIAH). MEMORIAL Discourse on the Life of, by S. R. Johnson. ortrait. 8vo, cloth. Brooklyn, 1854 1727 JOHNSON (WILLIAM). SKETCHES OF THE LIFE AND CoRRE- SPONDENCE OF NATHANIEL GREENE, Major-General of IS the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revo- lution. Compiled chiefly from original Materials. Aud? length Portrait of Gen. Greene, and Maps. 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut, rough edges, Charleston, 1822 Rare contemporary newspaper account of the death of Gen. Greene inserted. Good copy of this work, but, as usual, somewhat spot- ted. Morrell, $12.50 per vol.; Whitmore, $11.50 per vol. 13 196 1728 JoHNSoN (Sir Witi1aM). Lire anp Times of, by Wm, L. Stone. ortrait. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut edges. Albany, 1865 Large Paper copy ; only a few printed. 1729 [JoHNSToN (CHaRLES)]. CHRySAL; or, the Adventures of a Guinea. J/lustrations. 3 vols. 12mo, sheep. London, (1797) Containing a full account of the infamous order of mock Monks of St. Francis established at Medmenham Abbey, by Sir Francis Dashwood, John Wilkes, Bubb Dodington, Churchill, Paul Whitehead, the Earl of Sandwich (Jemmy Twitcher), and other libertines. With descriptions of the members and their mock rites and orgies. The Abbey was also the scene of the mock trial of the celebrated Chevalier D’Eon, to prove his disputed sex. 1730 [JOHNSTON (CHARLES) ]. HuiIsToORY OF JoHN JUNIPER, Esq, alias Juniper Jack. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Ingenious, but very free in many details. London, 1781 1731 JOHNSTON (CHARLES), NARRATIVE of the Incidents attending the Capture of, etc., with Anecdotes of the Indians. 12mo, sheep, New York, 1827 1732 JONES (C. C.) MoNuMENTAL REMAINS OF GEORGIA. 12m0, wrapper, Savannah, 1861 1733 JoNEs (Hon. Davip S.) Memortat of, with Appendix on the Jones Family of Queens County. 12mo, cloth. Privately printed. New York, 1849 1734 Jones (Harry). Regular Swiss Round. J//ustrated. Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1865 1735 JONES (JOHN Paut). Lire and Character of, by J. Sherburne. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1825 1736 Jones. Lire AND CoRRESPONDENCE of John Paul Jones, in- cluding his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. From Original Letters and Manuscripts in the Possession of Miss Jaenette Taylor. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1830 1737 Jones (T. Percy). Frirmiian, THE STUDENT of Badajoz. A “Spasmodic” Tragedy. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1855 1738 Jones (Str WILLIAM). Menmorrs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of, by Lord Teignmouth. Portrait. 4to, calf gilt. London, 1804 Many interesting marginal notes, in pencil, will be found in the above copy. WA 197 1739 JONES (GEORGE). ‘TECUMSEH and the Prophet of the West: an Historical Israel-Indian Tragedy, with Historical Notes, etc. Also, the Life and History of Gen. Harrison, and Oration on the Life, Character, and Genius of Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth. } London, 1844 Written by “Count Joannes,” author, actor, lawyer, gentleman, and scholar, and father of the late eminent actress, Avonia Jones, whose husband, the lamented tragedian, G. V. Brooke, was lost at sea. 1740 JONES (GEORGE). OricinaL History of ANCIENT AMER- IcA. Founded upon the Ruins of Antiquity ; the Identity of the Aborigines with the People of ‘Tyrus and Israel, and the Introduction of Christianity by the Apostle St. Thomas. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 A curious work, written during a comparatively lucid interval. The above copy has the scarce portrait of Count Joannes, engraved by Durand. 1741 JoNEs. Another copy, without the Portrait. Royal S8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1843 1742 JONSON (BEN.) Works of, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings, by Wm. Gifford. ortrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 1743 JORDAN. The Great ILLEGcITIMATES!! Public and Private Life of that Celebrated Actress, Miss Bland, otherwise Mrs. Ford, or Mrs, Jordan ; late Mistress of H. R. H., the I). of Clarence, now King William IV., Founder of the Fitzclarence Family ; delineating the Vicissitudes of her Early Life, the Splendor of her Noontide Blaze, as Mistress of the Royal Duke, her untimely Dissolution, etc., ete. By a Confidential Friend of the Departed. Portraits of the Fitzclarence Family. 12mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, n. d. 1744 JOSSELYN (JOHN). An ACCOUNT OF TWO VOY- AGES TO NEW-ENGLAND. A Description of the Countrey, Natives and Creatures, with their Merchantil and Physical Use; the Government of the Countrey as it is now possessed by the English, etc., with large Chronological ‘Table, etc. Small 8vo, Cambridge paneled calf. London, 1674 Clean and desirable copy, with the plate of the Dragon, frequently wanting. 198 1745 [Jovy (M.)]_ Paris Spectator; containing Observations upon Parisian Manners and Customs, etc. Translated from the French by W. Jerdan. 3 vols. r2mo, half calf gilt, London, 1815 This work will be better remembered under its title of ‘‘ L’Hermite de la Chaussée-D’ Antin.” 1746 [JupAu (S. B. H.)] Goruam and the GoTrHAMITEs, 16mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1823 A curious volume, which on its publication was rigidly suppressed, and the author imprisoned and fined. ‘Presentation copy to “ George Catlin, with compliments of 8. B. H. Judah.” 1747 JuNiIus. LETTERS. 20 fine Portraits, by Ridley and others, also head and tail pieces on wood. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. T. Bensley, London, 1797 1748 Junius. Letrers of; numerous steel Portraits of the sup- posed Authors. 2 vols. in 1, post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1812 1749 Junius. A LErreR to an Honourable Brigadier-General, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in Canada, 1760. Edited by N. W. Simons. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1841 1750 JuNIus. Britron (Joun), The AvuTHorsHip of JuNIUS ELUCIDATED, including a Memoir of Lieut.-Col. Isaac Barre, M.P, Fine plate. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. For the Author, London, 1848 t751 Junius. CovEeNTRY (GEORGE), CRITICAL ENQuiry regard- ing the real Author of the Letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville. Por- trait, fac-similes, and curious caricature. 8vo, half calf gilt. G. Woodfall, London, 1825 £752 JUNIUS. CriTicaL INQurry regarding the real Author of the | Letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville. By George Coventry. | Por- trait and fac-similes. 8vo, boards, uncut. Woodfall, London, 1825 1753 Junius. Lorp Cuatuam. A Biography, by William Dowe. 12m0, cloth. London, 1857 An attempt to show the probability of Lord Chatham's having writ- ten the Junius Letters. 199 1754 JuNius. GRAHAM (JOHN A.) Memoirs oF JOHN HORNE TOOKE, containing Proofs identifying him as the author of the celebrated Letters of Junius. Portrait and fac-similes. 8vo, half calf gilt. New York, 1828 1755 Junius. [Taytor (Joun)]. THe Ipentiry or Junius with a distinguished Living Character (Sir Philip Francis) Established. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Portrait and fac-similes. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1818 (756 Junius, IDENTITY oF JuUNIUS with a distingnished Living Character Established, with Supplement, By John Taylor. fortrait and facsimiles. 2 parts. 8vo, calf and boards. London, 1816-17 1757 Junius. THE SecreT REVEALED of the Authorship of Junius’s Letters, [Daniel Wray]. By J. Falconer, Jr. 8vo, boards. London, 1830 1758 Junius. AN INQUIRY concerning the Author of the Letters of Junius, with reference to the Memoirs by a celebrated Literary and Political Character, [Glover]. 8vo, boards, London, 1814 1759 JuNius. Memoirs of a celebrated Literary and Political Character from 1742 to 1757. [Edited by R. Duppa]. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1814 Duppa would have it that ‘‘ Leonidas” Glover was the author of Junius’ Letters. oS 1764 1765 APP (FriepricH). The Life of FREDERICK WIL- LIAM VON STEUBEN, Major-General in the Rev- olutionary Army, with an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portrait. 8vo, half russia, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1859 Portrait of Baron Steuben, published in London in 1783, inserted. Karr (A.) THE ALAIN FAmILy: a Tale of the Norman Coast. illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 Karr (A.) Tour Rounp my Garpen. Jilustrated Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 KAY (J.) PORTRAITS anp CARICATURE ETCH- INGS of EMINENT ScoTCH CHARACTERS. Upwards of 300 very curious copper-plate engravings of portraits and caricatures of the principal celebrated and notorious char- acters, chiefly of Edinburgh, who lived during the latter part of the last and beginning of the present century. The whole mounted on heavy drawing-paper, and ac- companied by a Key (in MS.) to the Characters por- trayed. Royal 4to, russia extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, n. d. A complete collection of the original engravings as issued by Kay. (28” UNIQUE copy, of an exceedingly rare collection. “The Works of John Kay illustrate an interesting epoch in the history of the Scottish Capital. Throughout the greater part of half a century this artist devoted himself with enthusiasm to his novel undertaking; and while he contributed in no common de- gree to gratify and amuse the public of his own day, his graphic productions form a record which can not fail to prove acceptable in after times.” KEAN (EpMuND). Lire of. By Barry Cornwall, [z. «. Proctor|. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Best edition. Moxon, London, 1835 Kran. [CoRNWALL (Barry)]. Lire of Edmund Kean, the Tragedian. 12mo, boards. New York, 1835 Uy oP cd G/ 0? ea eens 7 / J -/f / 201 1766 KEAN. LIFE or Epmunp Kean, [by Barry CorRN- WALL]. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, crimson crushed levant morocco elegant, tooled back and sides, richly gilt. Moxon, London, 1835 UNIQUE COPY, containing 75 inserted Plates, in beautiful condition, many inlaid, and some proofs, consisting of Portraits of Garrick, Henderson, Michael Kelly, Mrs. Jordan, Fanny Kemble, Mrs. Siddons, Quin, Cooke, Talma, Elliston, Booth, Vandenhoff as “ Hamlet,” ete., etc., and avery rare and beautiful one of Mrs. Garrick, engraved by Chessman. There are also several portraits of Edmund Kean, a View of Cooke’s Tomb in St. Paul’s Church- yard, New York, and a curious Handbill, dated Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Noy. 30, 1829, stating that “Mr. Kean had been enjoined from acting that evening by the Court of Chancery, ete.” One of the most desirable works in this collection. 1767 KEAN. Core (Joun W.) Lire anp THEATRICAL TIMES or CuarRLes Kean, F.S.A,, including a Summary of the English Stage for the last Fifty Years. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1859 SECOND AND BEST EDITION. 1768 KEAN, Core (Jonn Witiiam). LIFE anp THEATRICAL TIMES OF CHARLES KEAN, F.S.A., including a Summary of the English Stage for the last Fifty Years, and a De- tailed Account of the Management of the Princess’s The- atre, from 1850 to 1859. Second edition. 2 vols. ex- tended to 4, crown 8vo, green mor. extra, tooled back and sides, full gilt, by Riviere, London, 1860 UNIQUE AND VERY BEAUTIFUL COPY, extended to 4 vols., with ex. tra title-pages, and having 248 plates inserted, some very rare and choice, a number being fine proofs on India paper. Among the portraits are Betterton, Booth, Garrick, Cooke, Kean, Munden, Master Betty, Young, Liston, Mathews, Tate Wilkinson, Paga- nini, Macready, Farren, Kemble, Elliston, Grimaldi, Macklin, Colley Cibber, Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Jordan, Ellen Tree, scarce ones of Fanny Kemble, and Mad. Vestris, Prince Albert and other members of the Royal Family, etc., ete. 1769 Kean. Hawkins (F. W.) Lire of Edmund Kean. From Published and Original Sources. 2 vols. 8vo, half maroon mor., gilt top, London, 1869 “Tn all romance, in all literature, there is nothing more melancholy, nothing more utterly tragic, than the story of the career of Ed- mund Kean. So bitter and weary a struggle for a chance, so splendid and bewildering a success, so sad a waste of genius and fortune, so lamentable a fall, can hardly be found among all the records of the follies and sins and misfortunes of genius.”— Morning Star. 202 KEAN. Tue AssAILANT ASSAILED: being a Vindication of Mr. (Edmund) Kean. By C. 8vo, uncut. Lond., 1819 Keats (JOHN). Lirk AND Letters of, by Lord Houghton. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. Moxon, London, 1867 KEATS (JOHN). PorticAL Works; with a Memoir by R. Monckton Milnes, and 120 illustrations by Scharf. ° 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, london, 1854 Keats. Another edition, with the Memoir, and mezzotint il- lustrations. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1855 KEENAN (S.) DocrrinaL CarTeEcuisM, wherein Divers Points of Catholic Faith, etc., assailed by Heretics are Sustained, etc. 16mo, boards. New York, 1848 Ketty (HucH). Works of ; with Life. Portrait. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1778 Printed by the author's widow, with the List of Subscribers. The chef @aeuvre of Kelly is, Thespis: an Examination into the Merits of the Actors at Drury Lane Theatre. KELLY (MICHAEL), REMINISCENCES, including a Period of nearly Half a Century ; with Original Anecdotes of many Distinguished Persons—Political, Literary, and Musical. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. London, 1826 Fine portraits of Catalani, Sheridan, Miss Mellon, and others inserted. KELLY (MICHAEL). REMINISCENCES of the King’s Theatre, and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, with Original Anecdotes, etc. Second edition, Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1826 KEMBLE. PoRTRAITS OF CHARLES KEMBLE. 16 finely ex- ecuted full-length portraits, drawn from life by Lane, representing Kemble in his most celebrated Dramatic char- acters. INDIA PRoors. Imperial folio, half morocco, London, 1840 KEMBLE (FRANCES ANNE). FRANCIS THE First: an His- torical Drama. 8vo, half russia, Scarce. London, 1832 KEMBLE (JOHN P.) AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE of Mr, Kemble’s Retirement from the Stage ; including Farewell Address, Criticisms, Poems, etc., with an Essay, Biographical and Critical. Plates. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zahnsdorf. London, 1817 Unique and desirable copy, having 25 inserted plates, among which are rare ones of Fanny Kemble, on India paper, Kean as ‘ Rich- ard 3d,” Quin, Garrick, etc. 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 203 KeEMBLE (J.: P.) AuTHentic Narrative of J. P. Kemble’s Retirement from the Stage, including Farewell Address, Criticisms, Poems, etc., an Account of the Dinner, Speeches, etc., with an Essay, Biographical and Critical. fine portrait by Sir T. Lawrence, and other plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1817 KEMBLE (J. P.) AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE of Mr, Kemble’s Retirement from the Stage, including Farewell Address, Criticisms, Poems, etc., with an Essay, Biographical and Critical. Plates. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1817 KeEMBLE (J. P.) MaAcBeTH, AND KinG RICHARD THE THIRD: an Essay, in answer to Remarks on some of the Charac- ters of Shakespeare. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1817 KEMBLE (J. P.) Memoirs of, by J, A. Williams. 12mo, boards, London, 1817 KEMBLEIANA: being a Collection of the Jeu D’Esprits, etc., that have appeared respecting K1nG JoHN: including the Preternatural Appearance of THE Guost of Covent Garden, 8vo, uncut. London, 1804 Part I. Title-page torn. KEMBLE, CATALOGUE of the Valuable and Extensive Mis- cellaneous Library, Choice Prints, and Theatrical Por- traits of John Philip Kemble, Esq., which will be sold at Auction, by Mr. Evans, etc. 8vo, uncut. London, 1821 KeMBLE. FANNY THIMBLE CUTLER’s JOURNAL, beating Fanny Kemble’s Journal all hollow!!! 16mo, wrapper. Very rare and curious. Philadelphia, 1835 KEMBLE (STEPHEN GEORGE). Obes, Lyrical Ballads, and Poems on various occasions. ine Portrait. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, Edinburgh, 1809 LARGE PAPER Copy. KENDALL (Amos), AuTopioGrapuy of. Edited by William Stickney. 3 Portraits (2 inserted). Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872 KENEALY (EDWARD), GOETHE: a New Pantomime. Post 8vo, boards, Scarce. London, 1850 By the counsel for the Tichborne claimant. Kercheval (S.) History of the Valley of Virginia, r2mo, sheep. Winchester, 1833 204 Key (F. S.) Poems. Star Spangled Banner, etc. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1857 Inserted is a newspaper account of the assassination of P. B. Key by Dan. Sickles. KILLIGREW (T.) CuiItT-CHAT: a Comedy. Post 8vo, half calf. Scarce. Dublin, 1719 Kinc (CuAs.) PROGRESS OF THE CiTy oF NEW YorK during the last Fifty Years. 8vo, wrapper. Scarce. New York, 1852 Kinc (Davip). Historical Sketch of the REpDwoop LipraAry and Atheneum, Newport, R. 1. 8vo, wrapper. Boston, 1860 Kine (Dr. WiLuIAM.) OPERA. Frontispieces and vignettes by Fourdrinier. 4to, calf. London, 1736 Includes the famous satire, ‘“ The Toast,” with a MS. Key to the char- acters, and an autograph letter from Dr. Bullock, the executor of King, stating that out of 500 copies of this book only 50 were retained, the balance having been “ committed to the flames.” Kinc (Dr. W.) PoLiTicAL AND LITERARY ANECDOTES of his Own Times. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1819 Kinc (Dr. W.) THE Toast: an Heroic Poem; written originally in Latin by Fred. Scheffer, and now done into English, with Notes, etc., by Peregrine O’Donald, Esq. Frontispiece by Gravelot, and Manuscript Key to the names. Very scarce, most of the copies having been de- stroyed. 4to, calf gilt. London, 1736 A violent satire against the Countess of Newburgh and other Irish persons, occasioned by a lawsuit which Dr. King, of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, the writer, had about an estate in Galway, to which he laid claim. A copy sold in Bindley’s sale for £10 10s., and was bought by Malone. yo 1799 Kingsley (Charles). Glaucus. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1855 1800 KINNERSLEY (T. A.) SELECTION OF SEPULCHRAL CURI- OSITIES, with a Biographical Sketch on Human Lon- gevity; containing. the most Sublime, Singular, and Authentic Epitaphs that were ever before collected. Taken from Monuments and Gravestones in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and in the United States of America. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco gilt, uncut edges. Scarce. New York, 1823 1801 1802 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 205 [Kie (Rt. Rev. W. IncranaM)]. OLpEN TIME IN NEw York. I. New York Society in the Olden Time. II. Traces of American Lineage in England. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1872 A limited edition published by subscription. Kirsy’s WONDERFUL AND EccEentTRIC Museum; or, Maga- zine of Remarkable Characters; including ail the Curi- osities of Nature and Art, from the Remotest Period to the Present Time, drawn from every Authentic Source. 113 Curious Illustrations. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1803-20 KirKLtanp (Mrs.) Book or Home Beauty; with 12 Portraits of American Ladies, from Drawings by Charles Martin, engraved on steel by eminent artists. to, green morocco extra, full gilt. New York, 1852 Mrs. J. Schermerhorn, Mrs. Lewis Livingston, Mrs. Haight, Mrs. 8. Ward, Mrs. Coventry Waddell, Mrs. Remington, etc. Kir Carson. Life of, by Dr. Peters. //ustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860 KIT CAT CLUB. Portraits of the celebrated persons composing the Kit Cat Club; 48 jme engravings by Faber from the original pictures by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Folio, calf. London, 1735 Original Subscriber's copy, with superb impressions of the plates. This interesting volume contains portraits of many of the most eminent political and literary persons of that time. ‘The Kit Cat Club, generally mentioned as a set of wits, were, in reality, the Patriots that saved Britain.”—Horack WALPOLE. [KITCHENER (Dr.)] OBSERVATIONS on SINGING, Invitations to Dance, and Peristaltic Persuaders. 16mo, boards, n. d., These Tracts were privately printed for the author; the above collec- tion is a presentation copy to T. Phillips, the Artist, from the author. KNICKERBOCKER GALLERV: a Testimonial to the Editor of the “Knickerbocker Magazine” from its Contributors. 48 steel portraits. Thick 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1857 KNICKERBOCKER MaGaziIneE, fortraits. 6 odd vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1849-58 206 1809 KNIGHT (CHARLES), SHADOWS OF THE OLD BOOKSELLERS. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Scarce, London, 1865 1810 KnicuT (C.) Picroriat History or Lonpon, Ancient and Modern; with nearly joo engravings of Buildings, An- tiguities, Costumes, Curiosities, etc. 6 vols, impl. 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops. London, 1851 Fine early copy. 1811 KniGHT (HENRY C.) Poems. 2 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1821 Presentation copy to the “ Rev. Asa Haton, with the respects of the Author.” 1812 KNIGHT (MapaME) AND BuckincHAM (REv. Mr.) JOURNALS of, from the Original Manuscripts, written in ‘ 1704 and 1710. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1825 x Roche, $4, 1813 KNOWLES (JAS, SHERIDAN), Dramatic Works. Jortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 1814 KNOWLES (J. SHERIDAN). GEORGE LOVELL: a Novel. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, London, 1847 Original Edition ; very scarce. 1815 Knowles (J. S.) Virginius: a Tragedy. 8vo, pp. 68. London, 1820 1816 KNOWLES (JOHN). Lire and Writings of Henry Fusett. Portrait, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Scarce. London, 1831 1817 Knox (Vicesimus), Essays. 2 vols, 12mo, calf. Dublin, 1786 Contains: Essays on the Multiplication of Books, Moral Effects of Painting and Prints, Novel Reading, Discovery of the Art of Printing, ete. 1818 KoHLRAUSCH (FRED.) Hisrory or GERMANY, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 1819 KORNER (Cart T.) Lire of, by his Father ; with Selections from his Poems, Tales, and Dramas, Translated by G. F, Richardson. Portrait and frontispiece. 2 vols. crown 8vo, morocco gilt. London, 1827 Fine copy. 1820 KossuTH. Report on the Reception of Louis Kossuth. fortrait and plates, 8vo, cloth, New York, 1852 1821 KOTZEBUE (A. voN), Wu1.D-GoosE CHACE: a Play. 8vo, half roan. Dunlap, New Yok, 1800 ACKINGTON (James). First Years of J. Lackington, Bookseller. Himself. Portrait. 1823 Lackington. Memoirs of the Forty-Five First Years of a Bookseller’s Life. London, 1827 Memorrs of the Forty-Five Written by 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1803 12mo, half morocco. 1824 LACKINGTON (J.) ODE TO THE HERO oF FINSBURY SQUARE ; congratulatory on his late Marriage, and illustrative of his genius as his own Biographer; with Notes referential, by Caricature frontispiece. to, London, 1795 Peregrine Pindar, Gent. half russia, neat. Interesting copy, with Autograph Letter, Prospectus of his Memoirs, Portraits, and an Interior View of his Store inserted. 1825 Laroy (J. B. M.D.) CompLeTe CoIFFEUR; or, an Essay on the Art of Adorning Natural, and of Creating Artificial 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1817 The Poems in this work were written by Samuel Woodworth, and are y Beauty. some of his earliest effusions. The volume also comprises an edition in French. 1826 LAKE (WILLIAM), PARNASSIAN PILGRIM; or, Posthumous Works, with a Sketch of his Jfe. Rare, Balance-Press, Hudson, 1807 History of the GIRonNDISTs ; 12mo, sheep. 1827 LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revo- Translated by H. T. Ryde. Portraits. 3 vols. Bohn, London, 1847-8 Mary STUART. fortrait and Edinburgh, 1859 lution. post 8vo, cloth, uncut, 1828 LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE), vignette. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1829 LAMARTINE (A, DE). Memoirs of CELEBRATED CHARACTERS, New York, 1854 GRAHAM HAMILTON. 2 vols, London, 1822 3 vols. r2m0, cloth. 1830 [Lamp (Lapy CAROLIne)]. crown 8vo, half calf. This copy was once the property of Lady Morgan, and her autograph graced the title-page ; it has since then been cut cff. 208 [Lamp (apy Caro.ine)]. GLENARVON, 3 vols, post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1816 Lord Byron is supposed to be pictured by the noble authoress in the character of the hero of this novel. I.aMB (CHARLES). Exiana. andsomely printed. 12mo, cloth. . New York, 1865 LaMB (CHARLES). SPECIMENS of ENGLISH DRAmarTIc PoETs, who lived about the Time of Shakespeare, with Notes. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1854 Lams (CHARLES), Works. New Edition. Portrait. 4 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. Scarce. Moxon, London, 1855 Lamp (CHARLES and Mary). Poems, Letters, and Re- mains. Notes by W. C. Hazlitt. Portrait, Views, and Jac-simile MSS. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York (London), 1874 Lams. Charles, Lamb, by “ Barry Cornwall.” A Memoir, Vignette Portrait. 12mo, half calf gilt. Boston, 1866 Lamb. CHARLES LAmB: his Friends, his Haunts, and his Books. By Percy Fitzgerald. Portraits and fac-simile. Square post 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 Lams (Sir J. B.) BirtH anp TRrumPH OF LOVE; with numerous exquisite illustrations from the designs of the Princess Elizabeth. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1823 Lamp (R.) An Original and Authentic JouRNAL oF Oc- CURRENCES during the late American War, from its Commencement to the Year 1783. 8vo, half green mo- rocco gilt. Dublin, 1809 Lams (R.) Memorrs of His Own Life. 8vo, half green morocco gilt. Dublin, 1811 “ One of the most interesting narratives of the exciting period of our Revolutionary War.” [Lanpon]. Lire anp LITERARY Remains of L. E. L. By Laman Blanchard. Portrait and fac-simile. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 LANDSEER. MONKEY-ANA; or, Men in Miniature; wth 26 exceedingly clever etchings designed .by Thos. Landseer, mostly India proofs. Folio, half morocco. Scarce. London, 1825 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 209 LANE (R. J.) THEATRICAL SKETCHES DRAWN FROM LIFE; 46 portraits of famous Actors, in tints. Folio, cloth. London, n. d. LANGBAINE (GERARD). AN ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH DRAMATICK POETS; or, some Observations and Re- marks on the Lives and Writings of all those that have Publish’d either Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Operas in the English Tongue. Thick foolscap 8vo, old calf. Oxford, 1691 On the title-page beneath the name of Langbaine are the initials “'W. O.” with the date “ 1727,” written in a very delicate hand. This copy contains upwards of 250 notes and insertions, written in a most minute and beautiful character upon the margins or upon slips. These additions are of very great value. ‘‘In the year 1691 there was published at Oxford, a work which, for an age that offered small facility or encouragement to the prose- cution of researches in the field of early English Literature, was one of extraordinary merit.” —HALLIWELL. “ Of the several early Catalogues of the English Stage, Langbaine’s only is to be implicitly relied on for its fidelity.”—LOWNDEsS. LANGDALE (Hon. CHARLEs). Memoirs oF Mrs. Fitz- HERBERT}; with an Account of her Marriage with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the Fourth. Portrait. 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1856 Langel (Aug.) The United States during the War. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 LARWOOD AND HOTTEN. MHIsTORY OF SIGNBOARDS, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 100 ¢//ustrations in fac-simile by J. Larwood, and colored frontispiece. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1866 LATIMER (J.) Locat Recorps; or, Historical Register of Remarkable Events which have occurred in North- umberland and Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Berwick-upon-Tweed. 8vo, cloth. Newcastle, 1857 A continuation of a similar work by Mr, Sykes. LAUGH AND BE FAT; or, Merry Companion. Comical Stories, Curious Poems, Select Epitaphs, ete. Wood- cut. 8vo, wrapper. London, n. d. A Chap-Book of facetious adventure. 210 1850 Laurens (Henry). Memoir, etc. 8vo, uncut, Privately printed for H. B. Dawson. Morrisania, 1866 1851 Law (Joun). Lire of, with an Account of the Mississippi Scheme, by J. P. Wood. ortrait. Post 8vo, half calf. From the Library of Buckle, the Historian. Edinburgh, 1824 1852 Law (WiLLIAM). Extracr from a Treatise called The Spirit of Prayer; or, the Soul Rising out of the Vanity of Time, into the Riches of Eternity, etc. Small 8vo, half levant mor., gilt edges. Printed by B. Franklin and D., Hall, Phila., 1760 1853 LAWRENCE (Amos). Extracts from his Diary and Corre- spondence, with Brief Account of Some Incidents in his Life. Edited by his son, William R. Lawrence. Por- traits, etc. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. Boston, 1856 1854 LAWRENCE. LIFE anp CORRESPONDENCE oF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, President of the Royal Academy, etc., by D. E. Williams, ortrait. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1831 ° UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL Copy ; having 382 fine Illustrations inserted, consisting of Portraits of eminent persons, after Paintings by this celebrated artist. Among the subjects in these beautiful vol- umes, are Kemble as “ Hamlet,” George 8d, Lord Eldon, Lord Amherst, etc., some proofs. 1855 LEAFLETS OF Memory, Edited by R. Coates ; with 36 beauti- Sul illustrations on steel, and illuminated pages. 3 vols. royal 8vo, mor. gilt, (Not uniform). Phila., 1845-8-5o0 1856 LEDYARD (J.) Lirk anD TRAVELS, from his Journals and Correspondence. Edited by Jared Sparks. 8vo, half calf. London, 1828 Intensely interesting; Ledyard was one of the few who landed with Capt. Cook, on the morning of his murder. 1857 Lee (CHARLES). Memoirs of the Life of; with Political and Military Essays. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1792 This copy belonged to Oliver Wolcott, and has his autograph on the title. 1858 Lee (HARRIET AND SopHIA). CANTERBURY TALES. 5 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1804-5 1859 Lee (H.) OsseRvaTIons on the Writings of THomas JEFFERSON, with particular reference to the Attack they contain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. In a Series of Letters. 8vo, half crimson morocco, un- cut. New York, 1832 21! Me im ~ 1860 Lege Famity. GENEALOGICAL History of, from 1300 to é 1866; with Notes, etc., by E. C. Mead. Numerous fine portraits on steel, and colored heraldic plates, 4to, cloth gilt. New York, 1868 1861 LEECH (JOHN). PicTuRES OF LIFE AND CHARACTER, from ae the Collection of Mr. Punch. Four Series complete. 0 ce Comprising upwards of 2,000 Humorous Sketches. 4 vols. in 2, oblong folio, half mor. Lond.; 1364, etc. ‘‘The truth, the strength, the free vigor, the kind humor, the John Bull pluck and spirit of Leech’s hand, are ayproached by no competitor. The backgrounds of landscapes in his drawings are as excellently true to nature as the actors themselves. Our re- spect for the genius and humor which invented both, increases as we look again and again at the designs.” —W. M. THACKERAY, in the Quarterly Review. FB 1862 LEGENDARY BALLaps of England and Scotland. Com- ; piled by J. S. Roberts. Portraits and other illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1868 1863 Leccerr (WILLIAM). Poxirican WritTINGs, with Preface by uf “/ Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. N.Y., 1840 Portrait wanting, and name of a former owner cut from title-pages. Leggett was a well-known New York Journalist, the Editor of the “Critic,” the “ Plaindealer,” and other papers, and the earliest “newspaper man” (now so-called) of the tragedian, Edwin Forrest. 1864 LENNOX (LorpD WILLIAM Pitt). DRarrs oN My MEMoryY: Wee a being Men I have known, Things I have seen, Places I . have visited. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf antique, London, 1866 44 1865 LenNox (LorpD Wm.) MERRIE ENGLAND: its Sports and : Pastimes. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1857 1866 LEICESTER GALLERY. Gallery of Pictures by British Artists, Sh wy in the possession of Sir J. F. Leicester (now Lord de ; Tabley), with Descriptions by Young ; 69 fine etchings of all the Pictures. Imperial 4to, half morocco. London, 1821 Large paper copy, with proof impressions of the plates on India paper. “al / p84 1867 Leo (PrRor. H.) ‘TReEaTISE on the LocAL NOMENCLATURE of the Anglo-Saxons. Translated, with Additiens, by B, Williams. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1852 14 212 1868 Le Sacre. ADVENTURES oF GIL Bras, Translated by T. Smollett ; with 500 illustrations by Gigoux. 8vo, cloth gilt. London, n. d. 1869 Le Sacer. BACHELOR oF SALAMANCA, Translated from the French by James Townsend. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 1870 LESDERNIER (Emity P.) Horrense. The Last of a Noble Name, 12mo0, half calf gilt. New York, 1867 1871 Leste (C. R.) AuToBIOGRAPHICAL RECOLLECTIONS. Edited by Tom Taylor. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 1872 Lresiie (C. R., R.A.) AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RECOLLECTIONS. Edited, with Essay on Leslie as an Artist, and his select Correspondence, by Tom Taylor. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. London, 1860 1873 Lestie (C. R.) Memoirs of the Lire of JoHN CONSTABLE, R.A., composed chiefly from his Letters. Portrait and 22 large and beautiful mezzotint engravings from his most celebrated Pictures, by D, Lucas. Imperial 4to, half mo- rocco, uncut, London, 1843 The original and beautifully illustrated edition, handsomely printed by Whittingham. Two interesting autograph letters inserted, one from Leslie, the other from Constable. 1874 Lersiiz (C. R.) Mewmorrs of the Lire of JoHN CONSTABLE, Esq., R.A., composed chiefly from his Letters. Portrait and engravings from several of his Pictures. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1845 1875 LrsTER (C. E.) Artists or AMERICA, Biographical Sketches of. 12 Portraits (2 inserted); also an autograph letter from the Author. 8vo, half morocco, New York, 1846 Now very scarce. 1876 Lester (C. E.) My Consutsuip [at Genoa]. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1853 Presentation copy to “ Fitz-Greene Halleck, Esq., with the respect and affection of the Author.” 1877 LesTER (C. E.) Tue Artist, Merchant and Statesman. Portrait of Powers, the Sculptor. 12zmo, sheep. Scarce, New York, 1845 | ee 1878 Wh, 1879 1880 . Net 1881 fl 1882 ae 1883 aw 1884 as 1885 1886 213 LETTER from HENRY Woopwarp, Comedian—the meanest of all characters—to Dr. John Hill—the greatest of all char- acters, 8vo, pp. 22. London, 1752 LETTER, etc. Another copy. 3 London, 1752 LETTERS to the Rt. Hon. Earu or HILLsBoROUGH, from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and the Honorable His Majesty’s Council for the Province of Massachu- setts Bay; with Appendix, etc. 8vo, half morocco gilt. Boston, 1769; London, [1769] Fine impression of rare portrait of Gen. Gage inserted. LEVER (CHARLES). ARTHUR O'LEARY, his Wanderings and Ponderings in many Lands; iJlustrated with 10 most humorous engravings by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 Full of exuberant whim and drollery ; adventure succeeds to advent- ure, scene to scene, character to character, in the gayest variety, and the most genuine and racy humor. Lever. JACK Hinton, the Guardsman. J//ustrated by * Phiz.” Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 Lewes (CHARLES LEE). Comic SKETCHES; or, the Com- edian his own Manager; written for the Benefit of Per formers in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America. Portrait, .2mo, half calf. London, 1804 Lewes (CHARLES LEE). MeEmorrRs, containing Anecdotes, Historical and Biographical, of the English and Scottish Stages, during a Period of Forty Years; written by himself. Portrait inserted. 4 vols. in 2, 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1805 Lewins (WILLIAM). Her Majesty's MalIts; a History of the Post- Office, and an Industrial Account of its Present Condition. Portrait. Post 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1865 Lewis. ORDERLY Book of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburgh, Va., under the Command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776, to August 28, 1776; from the Original Manuscript, with Notes, etc., by Charles Campbell, Esq. Portrait of Gen. Henry Lee inserted. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. Richmond, Va., 1860 OnLy 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. Scarce. 214 f O 1887 Lewis (Dio). New Gymnastics; 300 wood-cuts. 12m 0 F cloth. Boston, 1862 1888 Lewis (JoHN). Lire or MaysTeR WyLLYAM CAXTON, Sf a of the Weald of Kent; the First Printer in England, in which is given an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Pryntyng in England, during his time, till 1493. Portrait by Bagford. 8vo, elegantly bound in red morocco extra, by M/urton. London, 1737 Plate inserted. “Of this volume, I believe, only one hundred and fifty copies were printed, all on royal paper.”—Ames’ Antiquities, by DrsDIN. “There are twelve copies printed in common octavo or small size, which, in consequence of their greater scarcity, sell for the highest price.” A small paper copy, in the Willet sale, brought £5 7s. 6d. ; in the Duke of Grafton’s sale, a copy on royal octavo brought the same. 1889 Lewis (Monk). LirE AND CORRESPONDENCE of, with many pieces in Prose and Verse, never before published. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 fg yao 1890 Lewis (Monk). TALes oF WONDER (in verse); finely ; printed by Bulmer. 2 vols. royal 8vo, calf gilt. Scarce. London, 1801 us 1891 LipeRAL (THE); Verse and Prose from the South (by Lord a Zed Byron, P. B. Shelley, Leigh Hunt, and others). 2 vols. ‘ in 1, 8vo, calf, London, 1822-3 (GS~ See Hunt (LEIGH). H _ 1892 Lire AmMonc THE Nympus: a New Excursion through the ae va J Empire of Venus. J//ustrated. 16mo, cloth, New York, 1867 A collection of very loud stories from Boccaccio and other sources, and not a little profanity. 1893 Litty (WitiiaM), History of his Lire and Times, from a J Ya the year 1602 to 1681, written by Himself to E. Ashmole in the 66th year of his age. 12 portraits. 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1822 1894 Litty (WiLLIAM), INTRODUCTION To AsTROLOGY ; divested 2° Oo of the Superstitions of the 17th Century ; with numerous . Emendations, by Zadkiel. ortrait, etc. 8vo, half calf antique, London, 1835 215 1895 LincoLn. BANncrorr (GEORGE). MermoriaAL ADDRESS on | us L 7) the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at ff ‘ the request of both Houses of the Congress of America, in the House of Representatives at Washington, Feb. 12, 1866. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, | Wash., 1866 LARGE PAPER COPY, with 15 Portraits of President Lincoln inserted, some rare ; also fine proof portrait and autograph letter of Ban- croft. Z 1896 LincoLn, RayMonpD (Henry J.) Lire and Pustic SERVICES gl of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, together with his State Papers, in- r cluding his Speeches, Addresses, Messages, Letters, and Proclamations, and the Closing Scenes connected with his Life and Death; with Anecdotes, etc., by Frank B. Carpenter. Portrait and other illustrations. Thick 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1865 J 3 ys 1897 Linp (JENNY). Memorr of, by G, G. Foster. Portrait. 8vo, wrapper, New York, 1850 1898 LINGARD (JOHN). History OF ENGLAND, from the First In- ee SO vasion by the Romans. Third edition. 14 vols. 8vo, : half calf extra. London, 1825-31 The author was a Roman Catholic, and this is the only considerable History of England by such a writer. It isa work held in high estimation by all students. WML 1899 Linton (E. Lynn). Wircu Stories, Crown 8vo, half calf , gilt, London, 1861 1900 Liste (Mayor Sempre). Lire of, with a Faithful Narrative SZ of his alternate Vicissitudes of Splendor and Misfortune. Portrait. 8vo, half russia gilt. London, 1799 The biography of an early “confidence man;” also in this volume a Sketch of the Life, etc., of A. Von Koztebue; Portrait; 1800. 2. -- Igo LIiTTELL (JoHN). Famity Recorps ; or, Genealogies of the Tift First Settlers of the Passaic Valley and Vicinity, etc. 8vo, sheets folded. Scarce. Feltville (N. J.), 1851 oh tg02 Lirrte Crassics. Edited by Rossiter Johnson, 11 vols. oe 16ino, cloth. Boston, 1875 Comprises: Comedy, Tragedy, Mystery, Intellect, Laughter, Life, Poeins, Fortune, Heroism, and Childhood. with a Biographical Sketch of J. F. Cooper, 12mo, cloth, we 1903 LivERMORE (S, T.) CONDENSED HISTORY OF COOPERSTOWN, Albany, 1862 Soo G LS 216 1904 LIVERPOOL THEATRICAL INVESTIGATOR. 2 vols. in 1, thick r2mo, cloth. Liverpool, 1821-2 Nos. 1 and 2 missing. A scarce dramatic serial from the Library of Dr. Purland, containing interesting biographies and valuable criticisms, A few numbers of ‘“‘ The Thespian” bound at the end. 1905 LIVERSEEGE (HENRY). PAINTINGS. A series of 37 large and beautifully executed engravings in mezzotint by Brom- ley, Cousins, Ward, etc., comprising illustrations to the Waverley Novels, Shakespeare, Don Quixote, etc., ete., BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. Folio, mor. extra, gilt edges. From the Claghorn collection. London, 1832 1906 Locke (JoHN). Lire of, with Extracts from his Journals, Correspondence, and Common -place Books, by Lord King. Portrait and fac-similes of writing. to, half calf extra. London, 1829 1907 [Lockhart (J. G.)] History of Matthew Wald. 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1824 1908 [LocxuHart (J. G.)] | Prrer’s Lerrers to his Kinsfolk. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1820 1909 [Lockhart (J. G.)] Valerius: a Roman Story. 2 vols. r2ino, half calf gilt, New York, 1835 1910 LopGe (EpmunpD). Porrrairs of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain; with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions, 240 portraits on steel. 8 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Sohn, London, 1849-50 1911 Lopce (E.) Porrrairs (Cabinet edition) of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain ; with Biographical and His- torical Memoirs. 240 portraits. 8 vols. post 8vo, cloth. First issue of the Cabinet edition. London, 1849 19t2 [Locan]. Tue IraLian BripE: a Play. 12mo, cloth, un- cut. Privately printed, Savannah, 1856 Presentation copy from the author. Written for Miss Eliza Logan and published for private distribution. 1913 LocaNn (OLIve). BeFroRE THE Foort.icnts and Behind the Scenes: a Book about ‘‘’The Show Business,” in all its Branches, etc. 55 i/ustrations, including fine portrait on steel of the authoress. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1870 1914 LoGaN (OLIVE). WOMEN AND THE THEATRES. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1869 “Clothed in the dress of an honest woman, she is worth nothing to amanager. Stripped... . she becomes a prize.”—Hxtract. 217 7 tg15 Lota Montez: a Reply to the “Private History and Me- moirs” of that Celebrated Lady. By the Marquis Papon. Portrait. 2mo, wrapper. New York, 1851 Sketches of French Society in the Eighteenth Century, from Unpublished Documents. Translated by Henry S. Edwards. 4 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 c7 1916 Lomm&Nnig (LOUIS DE). BEAUMARCHAIS AND HIS ‘TIMES, 1917 LONDESBOROUGH. CATALOGUE of a Collection of ANCIENT it " i and MepiavaL RinGs and Personal Ornaments formed for Lady Londesborough. J///ustrations. to, half mor. y § 4to, gilt top. Printed for private reference, [London], 1853 Presentation copy to Robert Balmanno, Esq., from Lord Londes- borough. ho 1918 LONDON AND ITs Environs. National History and Views; with upwards of 300 steel engravings on 60 plates. Edited by Partington. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1835 1919 Lonpon Directory (Little) of 1677. The Oldest Printed Zi List of the Merchants and Bankers of London. Re- printed from the exceedingly rare original, with Intro- duction. Post 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1863 1920 Lonpon ILLUSTRATED: a Series of Views in the British . Metropolis and its Vicinity, engraved by A. H. Payne, ks from Original Drawings; with Historical, Topographical, y and Miscellaneous Notices by W. J. Bicknell. 184 views on steel, Thick crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, n. d. 1921 LONDON. Ir cannot Rain But it Pours; or, London ¥ a strow’d with Rarities: being an Account of the Arrival . of a White Bear at the House of Mr. Ratcliff;.... as also of Faustina, the celebrated Italian Singing Woman, etc., etc. 4to, pp. 11. London, 1726 Very rare ; with an account of the copper-farthing Dean [Swift] from Ireland. 1922 LONDON. METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENTS; OTF; London in the Nineteenth Century: Jeing a series of Views in the Metropolis and Vicinity, from Drawings by T. H. Shep- herd. Plates on India paper. 4to, cloth. Lond., 1827 Zver ° 218 Lonpon. MoprerN Lonpon: being the History and Present State of the British Metropolis. Mumerous jine engravings on copper ; also a Series representing the Itinerant Tradesmen of London. to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1805 Lonpon Society. Edited by Miss Braddon. Complete from January, 1866, to December, 1878. MVumerous illustrations. 26 vols. 8vo, unbound. Lond., 1866-78 Includes the Christmas and Holiday Numbers. LonpoNn Views. Antiquities of London, chiefly from the Works of Pennant. 50 fortraits and views. 8vo, half morocco, London, 1818 LonDON VOCALIST ; embracing many Originals. J//ustrated by Cruikshank, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. LONDONDERRY (MARCHIONESS OF), JOURNALOofa Tour in PORTUGAL, SPAIN, AFRICA, etc. J/lustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 The profits of this work were contributed for the erection of an Infir- mary at Seaham Harbor. See the 32-page list of subscribers. LONDONDERRY (MARQUESS OF). STORY OF THE PE- NINSULAR WaR. Maps and 6 portraits. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 LonGFELLOow (H. W.) PorTicaL AND PROSE WorKS. Revised Edition. Portrait. 7 vols. 12mo, half ma- roon morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1866 Poetical Works, 4 vols. ; Prose Works, 3 vols. LoRGNETTE (THE); or, Studies of the Town, by an Opera Goer, “John Timon.” Jélustrated by Darley. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1850 Lossinc (B. J.) CENTENNIAL History of the United States; ¢lustrated with 400 engravings on steel and wood. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt. Hartford, 1875 LossinG (B. J.) Vassar CoLiece and its Founder. Por- trait and wood-cut illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867 [LouvetT DE CouvraAy]. CHEVALIER DE Fausvas. Life and [Amorous] Adventures of. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf. London, 1793 This English translation, of the best work of its kind ever penned, is now extremely scarce. 219 1934 Love AT First SIGHT; or, the Gay in a Flutter: being a Pe Dee Collection of Advertisements, etc. Post 8vo, half calf. Rare. London, 1750 SPECIMEN: “Wanted! Four Maid Servants of good Character ; a Chambermaid, two Housemaids and a Cook, who will be required to wear Spanish Padlocks, for which they will be allowed double Wages ; an Hermophrodite would be particularly agreeable.” “a 1935 [Love] Letters which passed between Mr. WEsT Vy 7 * Diccrs, Comedian, and Mrs. SARAH WARD, 1752- . 1759. 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1833 SCARCE; ONLY 60 COPIES PRINTED. The Notes and Appendix con- tain much interesting theatrical matter, etc., respecting promi- nent actors and actresses contemporary with the above, with a short account of Mr. Digges’ intimacy with the celebrated Mrs. George Anne Bellamy. ff i 1936 Lover (SAMUEL). Rory O’MoreE: a National Romance. we Illustrated by the Author. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1837 Z A ie 1937 Lover (Samuel). Songs and Ballads. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 1938 Lower (MARK ANTONY). CURIOSITIES OF HERALDRY; with Illustrations from Old English Writers. Mumerous Pe ZA ie wood engravings, from Designs by the Author. 8vo, r cloth, uncut. London, 1845 1939 Lower (M. A.) ENcLisH SURNAMES, Essays on Family Chg Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humor- : ous, with Chapters of Rebuses and Canting Arms, etc. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844 ey 1940 LowER (M. A.) ENGLISH SURNAMES. An Essay on YO Family Nomenclature. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 5 % 1941 Lower (M. A.) PATRONYMICA BRITANNICA. Dictionary Z So of the Family Names of the United Kingdom. Por- , trait. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 1942 Lower (M. A.) WortTuies or Sussex; Biographical Sketches of the most Eminent Natives or Inhabitants 7) of the Country, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time; with Incidental Notices illustrative of Sussex History; numerous engravings on steel and wood, con- sisting of Portraits, Views, Architecture, etc. Roy. 4to, half mor., gilt top. or Subscribers only, Lewes, 1865 This is the only independent work on the Biography of Sussex men ; contains upwards of 200 memoirs of Notabilities of all classes and of various periods. 220 1943 LownpEs (W. T.) BrsLioGRAPHER’s MANUAL of English Literature: an Account of Rare, Valuable, and Useful Books, with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, and the Prices at which various copies have been sold. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1834 Original Edition. 1944 LownveEs (W. T.) BrpLiocRAPHER’Ss MANUAL of English Literature. New Edition; Revised, Enlarged, etc., by Henry G. Bohn. 6 vols. post 8vo, half calf. London, 1864 1945 Lupewic (HERMANN E.) LITERATURE OF AMERICAN LocaL History: a Bibliographical Essay. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1846 1946 LUDLOW AND WILLINK Hatt, of St. Stephen’s College. Proceedings at the Laying of the Corner-Stone. 8vo. Cambridge, 1866 Ludlow, etc. Another copy. LuMIERE (THE). Containing 32 wood-cut illustrations, with Text. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1831 Many of the American Views in this little book are very scarce. LUMLEY (BENJAMIN). REMINISCENCES OF THE OPERA. Fine Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 LUTTRELL (HENRY). LETTERS TO JULIA, in Rhyme, and Lines at Ampthill Park. Post 8vo, calf extra. Murray, London, 1822 LYELL (Str CuHas.) ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY; numerous tllustrations. 2 vols. crown 8vo, boards. London, 1841 Lyon (Capt. G. F.) Sketrcu-Boox, during a Residence in Mexico; 10 Plates on India paper, 4to, half morocco. London, 1827 Lytton (E. F.) Lire or Deatu: the Destiny of the Soul in the Future State. 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1866 The Hon. “ Bob” Ingersoll has evidently drawn much of his creed from this work. 1954 [Lytron]. MerrepiTH (OWEN). PorEms. 16mo, cloth gilt. | Boston, 1859 22! 1955 LYSONS (DANIEL). ENVIRONS OF LONDON. An Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, with Anecdotes; and tllustrated with over 1,250 rare old prints, etc., in addition to the 48 maps, portraits, plates of views, antiquities, stained glass (colored), etc., by Nash, Harding, Lawrence, and others. 9g vols. royal 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1811 Second and Best Edition. The illustrations in these volumes are of so much value from their rarity and interest, that vothing short of persona! inspection will convey an adequate idea of their extent. Many of the por- traits and views are beautifully colored by hand, and in addition to the engravings will be found over 100 sPIRITED DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLORS made expressly for this copy. Unlike many similar works illustrated by English Collectors, there is no trash to be found in these volumes ; the portraits, etc., appear for the most part to be picked impressions, and no lithographs or similar abominations occur to detract from the value of this superb book. ACAULAY (Lorp). Works, complete. Edited by his Sister, Lady Trevelyan. Portrait. 8 vols, 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1866 Beautiful copy of the best edition. Contents: History of England, 4 vols. ; Essays, Biographies, etc., 3 vols. ; Speeches, 1 vol. MacauLey (Miss), TALES OF THE DRAMA: founded on the Tragedies of Shakespeare, Massinger, Shirley, Rowe, etc., and on the Comedies ‘of Steele, Farquhar, Goldsmith, and others. JVumerous illustrations on wood. Post 8vo, half calf. Chiswick, 1822 Printed by C. Whittingham. MacFar.ane (C.) Romance of TRAVEL in the East. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, cloth. London, 1846 Mack (Docror EBENEZER), The Cat-Ficur: a Mock Heroic Poem. Supported with Copious Extracts from Ancient and Modern Classic Authors. Curious plates by D. C. Johnston. 12mo, boards, uncut, New York, 1824 Mackay (CHARLES), PoreTicaL Works, Jlustrated by Gilbert. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 Mackay (Cuas.) UNDER GREEN LEAVES. Poems. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 At page 65 will be found a Poem on Angling. MACKENZIE (PETER). REMINISCENCES of GLAscow and the West of Scotland, ortraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Glasgow, 1865 A most entertaining work, embracing the period from 1790 to the present time; and detailing the various political and social questions that have swayed not only the condition of Glasgow, but of the country. MACKENZIE (R.) Srricrures on Leut.-Cot. TARLETON’S History of the CampaiGns of 1780-81, in the Southern Provinces of NortH AMERICA. Jortrait inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1787 223 1964 MAckeNnzir (R. SHEttTon). TiT1aAn. A Romance of Venice 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1843 Very scarce. MAcKENZzIE (R. SHELTON.) TRESSILIAN and his Friends. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 Mackenzigz (W.1L.) Lives and Opinions of Renj. Franklin Butler and Jesse Hoyt. 8vo, wrapper, Scarce. Boston, 1845 Mackey (A. G.) Book of the Chapter. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1858 Mackie (C.) Casties of Mary, QUEEN OF Scots ; elegant steel plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1837 Mackie (CHARLES). CASTLES, PALACES, and Prisons of Mary, QuEEN oF Scots. History and Description of ; with 48 highly finished engravings. Thick royal 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1850 Robert Balmanno's copy, with subscriber’s receipt, and an interesting autograph letter of the author inserted. Mackin. Apotocy for the ConpucT of Mr. CHARLES MACKLIN, Comedian, which, it is hoped, will have some Effect in Favour of an aged Player, by whom the Pub- lic at large have for many Years been uncommonly grat- ified. 8vo, uncut. London, 1773 MACKLIN. KIRKMAN (JAMES T.) Memoirs of the LIFE of CHARLES MaAckKLin. Compiled from his own Papers and Memorandums, containing his Criticisms on Better- ton, Booth, Garrick, Quin, etc., with Characters and An- ecdotes. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1799 MACKLIN (CHARLES) THE MAN OF THE WORLD: aComedy; also, Love a La Mong, as Per- formed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden. Jortrait of Macklin in his 93d year. 4to, mor. extra, gilt sides and edges. London, 1793 Unique copy, having a number of beautiful portraits inserted (some proofs) and including a fine old folio mezzotint of Arthur Mur- phy, Lord Camden, folio, after Reynolds, “ Irish.”” Johnstone, col- ored, and several of Cooke and Macklin, 224 1973 Macteop. Memoirs of the Lire and GALLANT EXPLOITS of the old HIGHLANDER, Sergeant DoNnALD MACLEOD, who, having returned, wounded, with the corpse of Gen- eral Wolfe from Quebec, was admitted an out-Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital in 1759, and is now in the CIII’d year of his Age. ine portrait. 8vo, half mor., gilt edges. London, 1791 1974 MACcLisE (DANtEL). GALLery of Illustrious Literary Characters, with Notes, by the late William Maginn, LL.D. Edited, with copious Notes, by William Bates; with the whole 83 characteristic portraits. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1866 1975 [MACMICHAEL (DR. WILLIAM)]. Go.p-HEADED Cane. Second edition, enlarged. Thick crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt top and fore edges. Murray, London, 1828 UNIQUE COPY, with an extraordinary assemblage of engravings in- serted, numbering 200, and consisting of portraits, views (many colored), cuttings, etc., many very old and rare, and some very beautiful. Every page is ruled with red lines. The illustrations include many portraits of celebrated physicians. 1976 MacnisH (RopertT). MODERN PYTHAGOREAN: Tales, Essays, and Sketches; with the Author’s Life, by D. M. Moir. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, half red mor. Edinburgh, 1838 1977 Macreapy (Mrs.) Memotrs of. Portrait. 8vo, 108 pp. New York, 1857 1978 Macreapy (W.C.) Biocrapuy of, by R. H. Littleton: Portrait. 1%2mo, wrapper. London, 1822 1979 Macreapy (W.C.) REMINISCENCES, and Selections from his Diaries and Letters. Edited by Sir Frederick Pol- lock, Bart., one of his Executors. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875 Best edition. 1980 MacrEADy. RepLies from England, etc., to certain State- ments circulated in this country respecting Mr, Macready. 8vo, pp. 21. New York, 1849 1981 Macy (OsBED). History or NANTUCKET: an Account of the First Settlement of the Island by the English, the Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery and other Historical Facts. Map and plate. Small 8vo, cloth, Boston, 1835 1982 1985 1986 eo 1987 1988 ee 1989 i? Va 1990 225 [MapaAn]. THELYPTHORA ; or, a Treatise on Female Ruin: in its Causes, Effects, Consequeaces, Prevention, and Remedy, Marriage, Whoredom, Fornication, Adultery, Polygamy, Divorce, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1781 MADDEN (R. R.) INFIRMITIES OF GENIUS ILLUSTRATED. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1833 MappeEN (R. R.) Literary Lire and CORRESPONDENCE of the Countess oF BLEssincton. ortraits of Lady Bless- ington, Count D’ Orsay, etc., and other illustrations on steel, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1855 See BLESSINGTON. MappeEN (R. R.) PxHantasmata; or, Illusions and Fanati cisms of Protean Forms Productive of Great Evils, /ront- ispiece, 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, by Cecz/. Handsome copy. London, 1857 MappeNn (R. R,) P#HantasMaTA; or, Illusions and Fanati- cisms of Protean Forms Productive of Great Evils. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 MappeEN (R, R.) THE Mussutman. 2 vols. 12mo, half sheep, Philadelphia, 1830 MADDEN (R. R.) UNITED IRISHMEN, their Lives and Times. Three Series complete. ime portraits on steel. 7 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1842-46 First series, 2 vols. ; second series, 2 vols. ; third series, 3 vols. Very scarce. Among the rare portraits in this work, are Thomas Addis Emmet and William James Macnevin, who are identified with ‘“ Old New York” reminiscences and history ; Robert Em- met, Theobald Wolfe Tone, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, James O'Brien, etc. MADISON AGONISTES; or, the Agonies of Mother Goose. Fragment of a Political Burletta, as acting, or to be acted on the American Stage, with sundry other Monologues, Dialogues, Songs, etc. 8vo. London, 1814 A satire on the war of 1812. MarFitt (REV. JoHN NEWLAND). TEARS OF CONTRITION ; or, Sketches of the Life of, with Poetic Effusions, 12mo, sheep. New London, 1821 226 1991 MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN History, with Notes and Queries, Edited by J. A. Stevens, from January, 1877, to Decem- ber, 1878, complete. Japs, cfc. 24 numbers, 4to, un- bound. New York, 1877-8 1992 MaGAzINEs. Galaxy, Phrenological, Lippincott’s, Eclectic, Shilling, etc. 37 numbers. 1993 Macinn (WitiiaM, LL.D.) Joun Manesty, the Liverpool Merchant; with plates by George Cruikshank. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco, Scarce. London, 1844 1994 Macinn (Wm.) Works. Edited by Dr. R. S. Mackenzie. Portrait. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1855 Comprises the Shakespeare, Fraserian, and Odoherty Papers, and Homeric Ballads, and Comedies of Lucian. 1995 [Manony (FRANCcIs).] FATHER PRouTs RELIQUES; col- lected and arranged by Rev. Francis Mahony, New Edition. J/Justrations on steel by D. Maclise. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, Loudon, 1860 1996 MAIDMENT. ScoTrisH BALLaDs and Songs, Historical and Traditionary. Edited by James Maidment. Beautifully printed on heavy laid paper, 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1868 Only a limited edition. 1997 Matcotm (JAMEs P.) ANECDOTES of the Manners and Cus- toms of London, from the Roman Invasion to the year 1700. Second Edition. 18 Anugravings, mostly colored. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1811 1998 Marco (J. P.) HistoricaL SketTcu of the ART OF CARI- CATURING ; with 31 engravings from the most famous cart- caturists. to, half calf, uncut. London, 1813 1999 MatipraN. Memoirs OF MapaME MaAtipran, By the Countess De Merlin and other intimate Friends, with a Selection from her Correspondence, etc. Second Edition, Portrait on India paper. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red mo- rocco gilt., London, 1844 2000 MALIBRAN (MADAME). Memoirs of, and of M. de Beriot, Portrait, 12m0, cloth. London, n. d. 2001 MALIBRAN, STAR OF La ScALA; or, Recollections of Madame Malibran. Post 8vo, wrapper. London, 1837 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 227 Mattock (W. H.) New Repusiic, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1878 Matiock (W. H.) New Paut AND VIRGINIA; or, Positiv- ism on an Island. 12mo, cloth. N, Y. (London), 1878 The literary sensations of the year. MALoneE (E., Ed. of Shakespeare). Lire of, with Selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes, by Sir J. Prior. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, London, 1860 MALTA PENNY MaGaAZINE, from September, 1839, to Decem- ber, 1841. Vumerous wood-cuts. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Malta, 1839-41 MANGAN (JAMES CLARENCE). PoEMS; with a Biographical Introduction by John Mitchel, 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1859 Mann (Horace). INauGurRATION of the STATUE of. Frontis- piece, Ato, uncut, Boston, 1865 Large paper copy (No. 50); only 50 copies printed. Mannock (John). Poor Man’s Catechism. 12mo, sheep. Baltimore, n. d. Man of Two Lives: a Narrative Written by Himself, 12mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1829 MANTELL (G. A.) GEOLOGICAL Excursions round the Isle of Wight and along the adjacent Coast of Dorsetshire. Second Edition. J/ustrations on wood. Crown 8vo, calf gilt, London, 1851 MANUEL (M.) CapTaIN CASTAGNETTE, Nephew of the ** Man with the Wooden Head.” 49 spirited illustrations by Doré. 4to, cloth, London, n. d, Original English Edition. MARETZEK (MAx), CROTCHETS and QuAVERS; or, Revela- tions of an Opera Manager in America. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1855 MARLBOROUGH (SARAH, Duchess of). Mermoirs of, and of the Court of Queen Anne. By Mrs. A. ‘T. Thomson. fac-simile. 2 vols. 8vo, half green calf gilt. Iond., 1839 MARLBOROUGH. PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE, illustrative of the Court and Times of Queen Anne ; with her Sketches and Opinions of her Contemporaries, etc. Second Edi- tion, Portraits on India paper. 2 vols. 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1838 15 228 MARLBOROUGH (DucuEss oF). AN Account of the Con- puct of, from her first coming to Court to 1710. 8vo, calf, London, 1742 Privately printed. The Duchess is supposed to have hired Hooke, the Historian, to write this work. MARLBOROUGH. The Other Side of the Question; or, an Attempt to refute the Characters of Queen Mary and Queen Anne. By a Woman of Quality. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1742 MARMONTEL (JEAN). Mewnorrs of, by himself, with Anec- dotes of the Principal Characters of the Eighteenth Century. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. -London, 1827 Marsu (Geo. P.) Oricin and History of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE and of the Early Literature it embodies; also, LEcTURES on the ENGLISH LANGUAGE by the same author. 2 vols. 8vo, half‘calf gilt. No Y¥., 2867 MARSHALL. PassaAGEs from the REMEMBRANCER of Chris- topher Marshall, Member of the Provincial Conference, etc. Edited by William Duane, Jr. 12mo, half crim- son levant morocco, gilt top. Phila., 1839 MarsHALL (THomAS). Lives of the most celebrated Actors and Actresses. JVumerous Portraits on wood Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. Contains Memoirs and Portraits of the “elder” Wallack, Tyrone Power, Macready, and others. MarsHALL (W. H.) OL_p VAUXHALL: a Romance. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1862 MARTIN (FREDERICK), STORIES oF BANKs and Bankers. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1865 MARTIN (JOHN). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF Books PRIVATELY PRINTED; including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Roxburghe Clubs, and of the PRIVATE PressEs at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, Newcastle, Middle Hill, and Strawberry Hill. /vontis- piece and wood-cuts. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1834 Best edition ; scarce. MARYLAND. RELATION to the successful beginnings of the Lord Baltemore’s Plantation in Maryland. 4to, uncut. Albany, 1865 Only 150 copies printed. 229 2025 Mary, QuEEN oF Scots. Life of. By George Chalmers. Fine portraits, medals, etc. 2 vols. 4to, calfextra. Scarce. London, 1818 Mary Stuart and the Casket Letters, by J. F. N., with Notes by Bell. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1870 Without the letters, the evidence against Mary is ridiculously abortive. Mary Stuart. LETTERS of, with Summary of Events in her reign by Prince Labanoff. Translated with Notes by W. Turnbull. Portrait of the lovely Elizabeth. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1845 Mason (J. Monck). ComMENTs on the PLays of BrAu- MONT and FLETCHER, with an Appendix, containing some further Observations on Shakespeare, extended to the late Editions of Malone and Steevens. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1798 Mason (Monck). ARONAUTICA; or, Sketches illustrative of the Theory and Practice of rostation, comprising an enlarged Account of the late Expedition to Germany. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 Mason (WiLtiAM). Works of; consisting of Poems, En- glish Garden, Plays, Chronological List of Painters, Art of Painting, Church Music and Sermons. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1811 Wm. Mitford’s copy, with autograph, MS. notes, newspaper cuttings, etc. MASSACHUSETTS HisToricaL Society. Proceedings of the, from 1855 to 1865. Vumerous fine steel plates, fac- simtles, etc. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1859-1866 Contains the beautiful engraving of Washington by Marshall from Gulligher’s Painting, also fine portraits of Thomas Dowse, Everett, Prescott, etc., etc. Masset? (STEPHEN C.) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of, with his Songs, Ballads, etc. r2mo, wrapper. New York, 1858 “ Jeems Pipes, of Pipesville.” Massetr (S. C.) ‘DrirtinG ABoUT;” or, what Jeems Pipes of Pipesville Saw and Did. Comic wood-cuts. 120, cloth. New York, 1863 In the above copy will be found inserted an autograph letter from Massett to Fitz-Greene Halleck ; also, the programme of Mas- sett’s last lecture in Brooklyn. 2034 MasseTr. “ DrirTING ABouT,” 12mo, clath. N. Y., 1863 SU SO J LS 2042 2043 230 Mass! (C, DE), ETC. History oF DUELLING in France and England; with Anecdotes. 12mo, boards. Lond., 1770 MASSINGER (PHILIP). PLays. Notes by Wm. Gifford. or- trait, etc. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1856 Masson (Davip). BritisH Novetists and their Styles. Post 8vo, cloth, Cambridge, 1859 MATHER (INCREASE). EARLY History or New ENGLAND : being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voyagers and First Settlers, by Increase Mather ; with an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake, Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1864 Only 250 copies printed. MATHER. History oF KinG Puirip’s Wars, by the Rev. Increase Mather, D.D. Also, a History of the same Wars, by the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D. ‘To which are added an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. 4to, sheets, Albany, 1862 MATHER (INCREASE AND Cotton). History or KING Puitipe’s Wars; with an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G, Drake. Map, and portraits of Increase and Cotton Mather, and Dr. Winslow Lewis. Small 4to, cloth, uncut, Boston, 1862 MatHews (Mrs.) ANECDOTES oF Actors; with other Desultory Recollections, etc., etc., etc. 8vo, half crim- son mor., gilt. top, uncut. London, 1844 UNIQUE AND DESIRABLE COPY, having 40 Portraits inserted of emi- nent actors and actresses, among others, Talma, Master Betty, Miss O'Neill, Kemble, Miss De Camp, Mrs. Jordan, Lady Hamil- ton, etc. MATHEWS (Mrs.) ANECDOTES oF Actors; with other Desultory Recollections, etc., etc. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1844 UNIQUE copy, having 22 plates, and play-bills inserted, consisting of portraits of Charles Mathews, Dowton, Kemble, Mrs. Jordan, and others, some proofs. MaTHEws (Mrs,) ANecporTes or Actors. 8vo, cloth, un- cut, London, 1844 231 2044 MATHEWS. CATALOGUE RAISONNEE oF Mr. MATHEws’s GALLERY OF THEATRICAL PortTRAITS, form- ing a nearly complete Dramatic Record from 1659 to 1833. 4to, mor. extra, gilt edges, and inside borders by Hayday. London, 1833 UNIQUE copy, from the Collection of George Daniel, with an AUTO- GRAPH LETTER of MATHEWS inserted, and 183 fine Portraits, Views, etc., mostly proof impressions, including superb portraits of Charles Lamb, Macklin, Mrs. Baddeley, Lewis, Madame Vestris, Young, Quick, Liston, Macready, Mrs. Bartley, Oxberry, Mrs. Edwin, Knight, Smith, Farquhar, and Colman, all choice proofs, colored portraits of Miss Smithson, Miss Kelly as Juliet, Miss Duncan as Juliana, Fawcett as Falstaff, Master Betty as Douglas, Munden as Dozey, and scarce portraits of Nell Gwynne, Peg Woffington, G. F. Cooke, Wm. Parsons, Mrs. Mattocks, Miss Pope, Samuel Reddish, Farren, Rae, Coates the Amateur, Joe Grimaldi, etc., etc., ete. “2045 MaATHEws. ForGOTTEN Facts in the Memoirs of Charles Mathews, recalled by S. J. Arnold. 8vo. pp. 52. Very scarce, London, 1839 2046 MatHews (Mrs.) FRIENDS FOR THE FIRESIDE, Recollections, Anecdote and Joke, Notings, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London,’ 1860 2047 MATHEWS (Mrs.) MEMOIRS or CHARLES MATHEWS, Comedian. By Mrs. Mathews. J/dlus- trations. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1838-39; also, ANEC- DOTES OF AcTors, by Mrs. MATHEWS, 1 vol. 8vo, London, 1844) extended to 7 vols. 8vo, dy the insertion of nearly 300 rare and curious Portraits of Actors and others, Original Drawings, Autograph Letters, etc. Green crushed mor. extra, full gilt, by Azvere. London, 1838-44 UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL copy, containing, among other choice illus- trations, an ORIGINAL DRAWING of JOHN IRELAND by QuIN- TON, and one by ROWLANDSON, of ‘‘ The Lying Valet and an In- triguing Chambermaid.” There are also fine autograph letters of Charles Mathews, Liston, Charles Kemble, O’Keefe, Wrough- ton, Grimaldi, Bunn, Charles Young, Harley, Miss Stephens, Miss Foote, Miss Paton, and C. J. Mathews—the latter recently de- ceased, At the end of Vol. VI. will be found “THE THEATRICAL OLio” (a scarce pamphlet), inlaid uniformly with the ‘‘ ME- MOIRS.” 232 THEWS, Comedian. J/lustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant mor., gilt tops, uncut, by Bed- ford. London, 1839 Handsome copy, with 150 engravings inserted, comprising fine proofs, etc., and including portraits of Tate Wilkinson, Macklin, Cooke, Talma, Kemble, Maywood as “Iago,” Macready, Mad. Vestris, Mrs. Jordan, several of Liston, Incledon, and Mrs. Sid- dons, and rare ones of Fanny Kemble as “ Portia” and ‘‘ Juliet” —the latter on India paper. There are alsoa number of portraits of CHARLES MATHEWS, and an autograph letter anda manuscript of that Comedian. Among the rarer portraits are fine ones of Edmund Kean, Mrs. Jor- dan, Mrs. Siddons, Mad. Vestris, Peg Woffington, Cooke, Kem- ble, Liston, Grimaldi (colored), etc. Many of the engravings are choice proofs. O doe ee 2049 MATHEWS (Mrs.) Memoirs of CHARLES MATHEWS, Com- ‘ a edian. Fine illustrations on steel, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 Best edition of this entertaining work. “A rare book ; a book of jest and anecdote. The eccentricities of old John Winter; the natty neatness of Colman; the practical jesting of Cooke—these, and the passing glances at Curran, Kemble, the Prince Regent, Queen Charlotte, etc., are given in excellent style.”’ 2048 MATHEWS (Mrs.) Memoirs OF CHARLES MA- Ameer, MATHEWS (Mrs,) Lire and CoRRESPONDENCE of CHARLES MATHEws, the Elder, Comedian. New edition by Ed- mund Yates. Portraits. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1860 MATHEWS (Mrs.) ‘TEA-TABLE TALK ; Ennobled Actresses, and other Miscellanies. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 MATHEWS AT Home; or, Travels in Air, on Earth, and on Water ; with all the Comic Songs, etc. 12mo, uncut, New York, 1822 MATHEWS, SKETCHES of Mr. (Charles) Mathews’s Cele- brated Trip to America; with the most laughable of the Stories and Adventures and 8 original Comic Songs. Four colored figures by Cruikshank. Crown 8vo, half mor. London, n. d. MATHEWS. VARIOUS ENTERTAINMENTS, viz.: Mathews at Home; Youthful Days, portrait; Trip to Paris; Trip to America ; Invitations; Memorandum Book; and Home Circuit. Colored frontispieces by R. Cruikshank. 1 vol. post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1825, etc. oe w JO? fu bf 10 233 2055 MatTHews. MErMoRANDUM Book; Youthful Days; Henry Conversazione ; Yates’ Reminiscences; and Adventures of a Ventriloquist. Colored frontispieces by R. Cruik- shank, 5 Tracts, Post 8vo, wrappers. Lond., 1820, etc. 2056 MATHEWIANA., Various ENTERTAINMENTS: a Collection consisting of, MATHEWS AT HoME; YOUTHFUL Days; INVITATION ; MEMORANDUM Book; TRIP TO AMERICA; MATHEWS IN AMERICA; HOME CircuiT; Comic AN- NUAL for 1831; LONDON MATHEWS ; THEATRICAL OLIO ; Trip to Paris; and the SPRING MEETING—all neatly in- laid on heavy paper and illustrated by the insertion of a most extraordinary collection of portraits in character, some original drawings, play-bills, caricatures, and auto- graph letters. Folio, handsomely bound in crushed red levant mor, extra, gilt edges and inside borders, by Zaehuns- dorf. London, 1823, etc, A superb volume, with fine autograph letter, enclosing a corrected play-bill for the Yarmouth Theatre, 1821; over 35 portraits of Mathews in his principal characters, including 2 original drawings in colors and 12 in pencil, and very many rare prints, comprising HOWARD PAYNE AS “ YOUNG NORVAL,” Shuter and his Ass, List- on’s Dream, Mr. Holman as “ Chaumont,” caricature of Miss Farren by Gillray, the Bill of Sale of Joy Cottage, and superb portraits of Elliston, Macklin, the Kembles, Wilkinson, Garrick, Colman, ete. 2057 MATHEWS. YOUTHFUL Days; Mathews in America; Ad- ventures of a Ventriloquist; and Bachelor’s Torments. Colored frontispieces. Post 8vo, wrappers. London, 1825 2058 MATHEWS (CHARLES). A most interesting CoLLEcTION oF ILLUSTRATIONS to the Life of CHARLES MaTHEws, comprising 30 portraits, autographs, drawings, caricatures, play-bills, ete, several of which are curious and rare. Neatly mounted in imperial folio, half morocco. ¥ ¥. The collection includes, among other portraits, those of Mr. and Mrs. Mathews, fine proof impressions, also colored drawings of each in various characters ; of Mr. Knight, from a private plate, of which only three or four impressions were taken ; of Lee Sugg, with autograph ; of George Robins, Michael Kelly, the Duke of Clarence, the Duke of York, Viscount Canterbury, and others, all brilliant impressions ; Autograph Letters of Mr. Mathews, Mrs. Litchfield, and G. Robins; with a Caricature by George Cruik- - sbank ; other scarce prints, etc. Collected and arranged by the late John Dillon, Esq., with his Autograph and MS. Index, ’ 234 MatTHEws (CorRNELIUS). THE PRoMPTER; a Weekly Mis- cellany devoted to Public Amusements, from June 1 to Sept. 28, 1850. Scarce portraits of Burton, Barrett, Mur- doch, John Sefton, etc, 12mo, half calf. New York, 1850 Very scarce. From Burton’s Library. MATHEws (WM.) GREAT CONVERSERS, and other Essays. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1874 A delightful book on “ Compulsory Morality” and other fascinating subjects. MATHEWS (W.) GREAT CONVERSERS, and other Essays. 12mo, cloth, Chicago, 1876 MatHews (Wm.) Worps: their Use and Abuse. r2mo, cloth. Chicago, 1876 [Maruias (T. J.)] Pursuirs of LireRATURE: a Satirical Poem, in Four Dialogues, with Notes. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut, London, 1798 From Burton’s Library. “This satirical publication created a great sensation and considerable controversy.”—LOWNDES. [MATHIAS (T J.)]| THE PURSUITS OF LITERA TURE: a Satirical Poem in Four Dialogues, to which ars added an Appendix, the Citations translated, and a com plete Index, Thick royal 4to, half green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1812 UNIQUE. The above is a fine illustrated copy, having upwards of 100 rare, curious, and interesting portraits inserted, a large por tion of which are India proof impressions, and an interesting Let ter in the handwriting of the author. From the Humphrey Collection. 2065 MATINEE (THE), complete from Dec. 3d, 1869, to May 6th, 1870. 23 numbers (all published). AZany portraits. to, unbound. New York, 187« 2066 MAvor (WILLIAM), BritisH NeEpos, consisting of the Live: of Illustrious Britons who have distinguished themselve: by their Virtues, Talents, etc. Frontispiece and 24 por traits. Post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 180: 2067 MaxweLi (W. H.) ApvenrurEs oF CAPTAIN BLAKE; © My Life. J/lustrations on steel. Post 8vo, half crim morocco, gilt top. London, 1: 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 235 MAXWELL (W, H.) Forrunes or Hector O'HALLORAN. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. London, 1856 MaxweE i (W. H.) History of the IrtsH REBELLION of 1798. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, 8vo, cloth. London, 1866 MAYER (BRANIZ). JOURNAL OF CHARLES CARROLL of Car rollton during his Visit to Canada in 1776 as one of the Commissioners from Congress, with Memoir and Notes. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Baltimore, 1845 UNIQUE COPY, with a fine Autograph Letter of Carroll inserted, an 33 portraits and views added, many very scarce and valuable. MAYER (Brantz). Tan-Gan-JUTE ; or, Logan and Cresap, an Historical Essay. Imperial 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1867 Large paper. Mayhew (Aug.) Finest Girl in Bloomsbury, Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1861 MayuHEw (Aucustus). PavepD witH GOLD; or, the Ro- mance and Reality of the London Streets. //ustrations by H, K. Browne (“ Phiz.’) 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1858 MayHEw (BROTHERS). Works. Plague of Life, Whom t Marry, Image of his Father, etc. Jl/ustrated by Crutk shank, 5 vols. in 1, 8vo, balf morocco. New York, 1848, etc. MayYHEw and Binny. CrIMINAL Prisons or LONDON, and Scenes of Prison Life ; with numerous illustrations, Royal 8vo, cloth, London, 1862 McCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Campaicns of the Army of the Po tomac. Japs. 8vo, cloth. New York, 18: McCLeop (M.) History or WitcHes: the Majesty « Darkness discovered, 16mo, boards. Scarce. Albany, 181 McCormick (R. C.) Sr. Paut’s to St. Sophia; or, Sketch ings in Europe. 12mo, cloth. New York, 186: M’Dowa.t (Rev. J. R.) Memoir and Select Remains oi. r2mo, cloth, New York, 1835 The efforts of this reverend gentleman to suppress the publication of obscene bovks and prints, and to reclaim unfortunates from the streets of New York City, formed the chief labor of his life. 236 McGee (T. D’Arcy.) History of the IR1isH SETTLERS in North America, from the Earliest Period to 1850. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. Boston, 1855 ~McSuHerry (JAMES). History or MARYLAND, from its First Settlement, 1634, to 1848. oriraits. 8vo, cloth. Baltimore, 1849 MeaDE (Bp.) Oxtp CuHuRCcHES, Ministers, and Families of VIRGINIA ; zumerous portrait and landscape illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 MEADows (KENNY). HEADS OF THE PEOPLE ; or, Portraits of the English, drawn by Kenny Meadows, with original Essays, by Jerrold, Thackeray, Blanchard, Lover, Rede, Hunt, Mrs. Gore, etc. 100 clever illustrations. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, n. d. Meek (A. B.) Songs and Poems of the South, 1r2mo, cloth. Mobile, 1857 MELINE (J. F.) Two THousanp Mites on Horseback. Large Map. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1867 A journey to Santa Fé and back in 1866, MeELmMoTH the Wanderer: a Tale. 4 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1820 MELTON (H.) Hints on Hats; wood-cuts, 12mo, cloth, London, 1865 Meton. Another copy. Boards. London, 1865 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE ‘Mrs. KING,” with Biographical Anecdotes. By H. W. Fitz-George. 8vo, paper. . London, 1819 Reminiscences of Queen Caroline and King George under fictitious names. MencGs (A. RapHaEL). Lire AND Works of. ‘Translated from the Italian. 2 vols. in t, 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1796 MENIN (M.) Description of the Coronation of the K1ncs and QUEENS of FRANCE, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1775 MENKEN (Ap4AH Isaacs). INFELICIA: a Collection of Poems. Portrait on steel, and numerous wood-cut illustrations, t2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, London, 1868 UNIQUE copy, having 54 statuesque photographs from life of this remarkably gifted and unfortunate woman, inserted; also, Play bill as “ Mazeppa.” a/ges | 492 VL 2095 2096 / ys J 2097 AVE 2008 2099 2102 {/ 2 237 MENKEN (ApAH Isaacs). INFELICIA: a Collection of Poems. Portrait on steel and illustrations on wood, 12m0, cloth, gilt edges. | New York, 1868 Two copies. MeENKEN (ApAu Isaacs). Lire and Remarkable Career of. Edited by G. L. Barclay. J/lustrated. 8vo, pp. 64. (2 copies). Philadelphia, 1868 MERIMEE (PROSPER). 1592: a Chronicle of the Times of Charles IX. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1830 Autograph of W. E. Burton, the actor, on the cover. MERRY MUSICIAN; or, a Cure for the Spleen: being a Collec- tion of Songs and Ballads, etc. ; together with a curious compound of State Pills to allay the Malady of Malecon- tents; with Musical Score. Post 8vo, half morocco. Rare. London, 1730 What these songs lack in wit, they make up in positive indecency. MERRYWEATHER (F. S.) Bretiomanta in the Middle Ages, or Sketches of Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes and Illuminators. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 MERRYWEATHER. BIBLIOMANIA in the Middle Ages. Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1849 Mites, Pucrristica: the History of British Boxing, contain ing Lives of the most celebrated Pugilists, full Reports of their Battles, Sketches of the Principal Patrons of the P. R., etc., by H. D. Miles (of Bel?s Life, etc.) llustrated with many authentic Portraits, from original prints. Vol. I, (all published). 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1866 This work forms the most complete chronological History of the Prize ting ever published. It contains lives of nearly 69 pugilists and their Battles ; number of Rounds fought; curious Anecdotes of them while under training, etc., with introduction giving account of Boxing and Boxers among the Ancients. Miller (J. W.) Poems and Sketches, 12mo, roan. Boston, 1830 MILLER. LIFE oF A SHOWMAN: to which is added Mana- gerial Struggles, by David Prince Miller, late of the Adel- phi Theatre, Glasgow. Post 8vo. Leeds, 1849 Mituer (S. F.) Bencu and Bar of Georcia: Memoirs and Sketches from 1790 to 1857. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1858 238 MILLER (THos). Goprrey MALVERN. 25 ildustrations by “Phiz” 8vo, cloth gilt, London, n. d. MILLER (THos.) History of the ANGLO-SAxons, frorn the Earliest Period. Beautifully illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 MILLER (THos.) PicruRESQUE SKETCHES OF LONDON, Past and Present. Profusely illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 MILLER (WM.) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES of British Characters, deceased since the Accession of George IV. (1820): comprising 230 Subjects chrono- logically arranged, with a list of their engraved Portraits. 2 vols. elephant folio, boards, uncut.London, 1826 Large paper copy ; only 25 copies printed ; the greater part of the impression wasted. MILLINGEN (J. G.) Curtosiries or MEDICAL EXPERIENCE. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1837 Medical Powers of Music; Love Potions ; The Plague; Medical Fees ; Nightmare ; Use of Tea ; Lunar Influence ; Buried Alive, are a few of the subjects treated of in these curious volumes. Mitts. Poetic Trirtes. By John Henry Mills, Com- edian. 12mo, boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1808 Mitts. (L.E.) Gtimpses of Southern France and Spain. 12m0, cloth. Cincinnati, 1867 Presentation copy from the author. Mitman (Henry Hart). ANNALS oF ST. Paut’s Ca- THEDRAL. Lortraitand illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. Murray, London, 1868 MILTON (JOHN). POETICAL WORKS; with Life by W. Hayley. Butmer’s Sumpruous Epition. //- lustrated with Westall’s beautiful plates and portraits of Milton; fine early impressions, and over 100 inserted plates. 3 vols. folio, russia extra, gilt edges. London, 1794 UNIQUE copy of one of the finest productions of the Bulmer Press. The present copy has a set of Martin’s plates inserted (proofs), the Spence Outlines, and many other plates by Stothard, ete. The portraits are principally by Vertue, but include a superb portrait of the Cardinal Barberini by Nanteuil. There are, in addition to this, two original water.color drawings. 239 2112 MINUTES oF A CONSPIRACY against the Liberties of Amer- VIERA ica. Folio, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 Large paper copy, No. 22; only 25 copies printed from the rare edi- tion of 1786. The above copy has a superb portrait of Wash- ington inserted, proof impression on India paper. CAs 2113 MiraBeau (Count): Lire’ History of his Trial and J Triumph. /ortraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond., 1848 #2 bes 2114 Mirror oF TASTE and Dramatic Censor. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1810 : Vol. 3 contains 12 Select Plays. aA JZ 2115 MrirRoR OF TasTE. 4 vols. only. 8vo, half calf (2), and A sheep (2). Philadelphia, 1810-11 2116 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS and Opinions on the Con- ay. tinent: France, Switzerland, and Italy. Beautiful wood- . cuts on India paper, fac-similes, etc. Royal 8vo, boards, oe uncut. London, 1825 FL 2117 “ MIsERRIMUS” on a Gravestone in Worcester Cathedral. / 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1833 An extraordinary narrative, originally intended for private circula- tion. aa 2118 MisTIcK KREWE OF Comus; or, Missing Links to Dar- < win’s Origin of Species. J//ustrated. 12mo, wrapper. New Orleans, 1868 The porttait of a gentleman not wholly unconnected with spoons is visible at page 18. fo 2119 [Mitchell (Donald G.)] Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic; by “Ik Marvel.” s12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1864 Pi i 2120 Mitchell (S. L.) Reminiscences of, by J. W. Francis. ¢ 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1859 , Ae 2121 Mirrorp (Mary R.) Works, in Verse and Prose. 8vo, ‘ cloth. Phila., 1850 Pe aie «4 2122 Moir (GEoRGE). TREATISES ON PoETRY, Modern Ro- : mance, and Rhetoric. Crown 8vo, cloth. Edin., 1839 AO 2123 Morr (J.) GLEANINGS; or, Fugitive Pieces. 2 vols. post ’ 8vo, half calf. Printed for the Author, London, n. d. A ff = 2124 [Morr (D. M.)] Lire or Manste Waucu. Post 8vo, av . cloth. Edinburgh, 1853 240 2125 Moncrierr (W. T.) Poems. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1829 Printed for private distribution only, at the author’s, private press. Moncrieff, whose real name was Thomas, is credited with being the author of the Amatory Poems of Tom Shuffleton, Esq , also in this catalogue. 2126 Monk (Marta). Awrut DiscLosurEs; her Narrative of Sufferings while Five Years a Novice, and Two Years a Black Nun, in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, at Montreal. 16mo, half calf antique. New York, 1836 2127 Monroe (James). Science and Art of Cuess. Diagrams. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1859 2128 MONTAIGNE (MICHEL). Essays, translated by Charles Cotton, with some Account of the Life of Montaigne ; Notes, and a translation of all his letters known to be ex- tant. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. Portrait and wood- cuts. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1877 A new and charming edition of this standard work. 2129 MonTHLy Mirror: reflecting Men and Manners. 12 odd vols. from vols. 3 to 22. Mumerous Dramatic Portraits. 12 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1797-1806 These volumes include (with Portraits) the Memoirs of Mrs. Inch- bald, Bannister, J. P. Kemble, Mrs. Piozzi, Arthur Murphy, Mrs. Montagu, Holcroft, Fawcett, Mrs. Billington, C. Kemble, J. Boaden, etc., etc. 2130 Montez (Lota, Countess of Landsfeld). Lectures, in- cluding her Autobiography. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1858 2131 MONTGOMERIES. MEMORABLES of the Montgomeries. Royal 4to, uncut. New York, 1866 Large paper ; 40 copies printed. No. 28. ; Reprinted from the rare Foulis edition of 1770. 2132 Moopy (Lieut. JAMEs). NARRATIVE of his EXERTIONS and SUFFERINGS in the Cause of Government, since the year 1776; authenticated by proper certificates. Small 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by Matthews. London, 1783 Fine copy ; rare. “Lieut. Moody, an American farmer, was so harassed by mobs, asso- ciations, and committees, that, driven into the British lines, he became an active, and, in some instances, successful partisan against his countrymen.” 2133 2134 2137 2140 2T4I 2142 2143 241 Moopy (Lirut. James). Narrative of the Exertions and Sufferings of. Notes, etc., by C. I. Bushnell. or traits inserted. 8vo, sewed. New York, 1865 Privately printed. Moopy (Sopuy).. WHAT Is YouR NAME? 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 An account of the meanings and derivations of Christian names. Moore (CLEMENT C.) Poems. 12mo, boards, uncut. Author of “’T'was the Night before Christmas.” New York, 1844 Privately printed, and very scarce. A copy in Gowans’ Catalogue (1859) was priced at $5. Moore (FRANK). ANECDOTES, Poetry, and Incidents of the War: North and South, 1860-5 ; umerous steel portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867 Moore (Mark). Memoirs and Adventures of. 8vo, boards, uncut. For the Author, London, 1795 Mark Moore held a commission in both the British and American Navies. Moore (THomAS). History oF IRELAND from the Earliest Kings down to its Last Chief. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 Moore (Tuomas). Irish MELODIES; with Symphonies and Accompaniments, by Sir John Stevenson, Mus, Doc., and Sir Henry Bishop. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1859 Moore (TuHos.) MEMorIRs, JOURNAL, AND CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by Lord John Russell, complete, with Copious In- dex. Portraits and vignettes, 8 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853-56 An exceedingly interesting work, abounding with anecdotes and sketches of the principal literary and political persons of the present century. Moore (Tuomas). Memorrs or RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERI- paN. Jfortrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, New York, 1858 Moore. [* Little (Thomas).”] New Art or Love. Frontis- piece. Post 8vo, half russia. London, 1824 A scarce and facetious little work. Moore (THOMAS). PoEtTicaL WorKS complete ; beautifully illustrated with steel engravings. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 242 Moore (Tuomas). Letters (suppressed) of Thomas Moore to his Music Publisher; with Letter from T. C. Croker, Esq., to J. S. Redfield, of New York. Steel plates. 12m0o, cloth, New York, [1854] — A copy of this book sold at Daniel’s sale for £1 9s., it being asserted that not more than 20 copies existed. Moore. Another copy. Cloth. New York, (1854) [Moore (Tom)]. Tom Cris’s MEeMorIAL TO CONGRESS; with Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by One of the | Fancy. 12mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1819 [Moore]. Opes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, etc. 12mo, boards. Boston, 1829 Moorman (J. J.) Mineral Springs of North America. 12mo, cloth, Phila,, 1873 More. Rogperts (Wm.) Mewmorrs of the Life of Mrs. Hannah More, Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. Lond., 1838 More (Sir Tuos.) Memorrs of the Life of, by Ferd. War- ner, Portrait inserted. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1758 The History of Utopia is also included in this volume, MoreEAv. SOME DETAILs concerning General Moreau, and his Last Moments ; with a Memoir, by P. Svinine. or- trait, .2mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1814 “ Bonaparte thirsted for the blood of Moreau, but the public opinion disputed against him this illustrious victim.” MorGAN (Lapby). PassaGEs from my AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Por- trait and colored view. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond, 1859 Morcan (Rev. H.) Music Hatt Discourses, Miscel- laneous Sketches, Notes, and Prison Incidents, Poems, etc. Portrait, 12mo0, cloth. Boston, 1860 Mor ey (Henry). Journal of a LoNnDON PLAYGOER, from 1851 to 1866. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 Two copies. Mor ey (HENRY). MEMOIRS OF BARTHOLOMEW Fair; with 81 fac-simile Drawings, engraved upon wood by the brothers Dalziel. 8vo, cloth, carmine top, uncut. London, 1859 Morey (HENRY), PALIssy THE PoTTER: his Life, Labors, and Discoveries in Art and Science; his Philosophical Doctrines, etc. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Boston, 1853 { H i] 243 2157 Mormons (Tue); or Latter-day Saints. A Contemporary Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 Expwoits and Triumphs in Europe. or- New York, 1859 History ; 40 wood-cuts. 2158 Morpuy (PAUL). traits. 12mo, cloth. 2159 MORRELL. CATALOGUE of a Valuable Collection of Books on America, Illustrated Works, etc., belonging to T. H. Mor- rell. Priced. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1869 The above collection was sold at auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co., Jan. 12, 18, and 14, 1869. 2160 Morris (GEorGE P.) Poems, The Deserted Bride and other Productions. Portrait and fine plates by the best American engravers, from Paintings by Weir and Darley. New York, 1853 8vo, cloth gilt. Scarce. 2161 Morris (R.) consisting of Tales, Songs, and Sketches. LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF FREEMASONRY ; ' 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 21602 Morris (Captain THOMAS). MISCELLANIES in Prose and Verse (with his Journal in America). ine Portrait, 8vo, half morocco, Very scarce. London, 1791, The famous convivial songster and boon companion. This rare book contains a graphic account of several incidents in connection with the celebrated “ Pontiac War.” Roche, $4.50. 2163 Morse (JEDIDIAH). ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLU- TION ; or, a Record of the Causes and Events which pro- duced and terminated in the Establishment of the Ameri- can Republic, etc. Plates, comprising Views of the Capture of Andre, Storming of Stony Point, etc. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt edges, Hartford, 1824 2164 Morse (J.) APPEAL TO THE Pustic on the Controversy re- specting the Revolution in Harvard College, etc., occa- sioned by the use which has been made of certain com- plaints and accusations of Mrs. Hannah Adams against the Charlestown, 1814 Author. 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed for the Author. 2165 Morse (O. A.) VinpicaTion of the Claim of Alex, M. W. Ball to the Authorship of the Poem, “ Rock me io sleep, Mother.” New York, 1867 16 8vo, cloth. 244 MoTHERWELL (WM.) Munsrretsy, Ancient and Modern, with an Historical Introduction and Notes, Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Glasgow, 1827 Best edition ; very scarce ; only a few printed. MOTHERWELL: (WM.) Poems, Narrative and Lyrical. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1844 MOTHERWELL (W.) | PoEtIcaL Works; with Memoir by J. M’Conechy. Portrait and fac-similes. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, Glasgow, 1849 MortLey (JOHN). Husrory of the Lire of PETER I., Em- peror of Russia. Portraits, plates, and maps. 3 vols. 12mo, calf. Dublin, 1740 Mountrort (Wm.) Six Prays. The Injur’d Lovers, Life and Death of Dr, Faustus, etc.; with Memoir of the Au thor. 2 vols. r2mo, half calf, gilt tops. London, 1720 Scarce. The author was killed by Lord Mohun and Capt. Hill while accompanying the celebrated Mrs. Bracegirdle from the theatre. (See DorRAn’s ANNALS). Mowatt (Anna Cora). AuTOBIOGRAPHY of an Actress ; or, Eight Years on the Stage. Portrait. 12mo, half calf gil. Boston, 1854 Mowatr (ANNA Cora). Prays, New and Revised edition. r2mo, half calf gilt. Boston, 1855 Moxon (Josepu), Rutzs of the THRer Orvers of PRINT LrETTERS—Roman, Italick, English—shewing how they are compounded of Geometrical Figures. Portrait and plates. Small gto, calf. Rare. London, 1693 Mozart (W. A.) Letrers from 1769 to 1791. ‘Translated from the Collection of Ludwig Nohl by Lady Wallace. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 Mr. MERRYMAN’S. MONTHLY. April, 1863, to February, 1864. Humorous illustrations, to, half roan. New York, 1863-4 MUHLENBERG (H, A.) Lire of Major-General Peter Muh- lenberg of the Revolutionary Army. Jfortrait. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1849 Very scarce. Copies have sold as high as $7. MuLcuinock (WM, PEMBROKE). BALLADs and Songs. 121no, cloth, New York, 1851 sa , RZ [44 245 2178 [Muloch (Miss)]. The Unkind Word. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1870 2179 MULForD (I. S.) History or NEw Jersey, Civil and Po- litical, 8vo, cloth. “ Phila., 1851 2180 MUNDEN. MEMOIRS of JosepH SHEPHERD MUNDEN, Comedian. By his Son. Jfortrait. Thick crown 8vo, half crimson levant mor., gilt top, uncut edges, by Bed- ford. London, 1844 Unique copy, having 90 plates inserted, including fine and rare por- traits of Anthony Pasquin, Kean as “Sir Giles” and ‘‘ Hamlet,” Mrs. Alsop as “ Rosalind,” Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Billington, the elder Booth, Cooke, Kemble, Elliston, Incledon, Betty, and sev- eral of MUNDEN—one or two very uncommon. A choice volume. 2181 MUNDEN, MEMOIRS of Josep S. MunpEN, Comedian. By his Son. ortrait, Thick crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1846 UNIQUE Copy, having a remarkable collection (about 100) of portraits, play-bills, cuttings, ete., inserted, among which may be men- tioned an excessively rare portrait of J. B. Boors (father of Ed— win, John Wilkes, etc.), see page 253, an equally rare one of his contemporary and rival, EDMUND KEAN, page 281; also scarce portraits of Grimaldi, Talma, Anthony Pasquin, Cocke, Dowton, Mrs. Billington, Miss O’Neil, Fanny Kemble and others (some colored) and various ones of Munden. 2182 MUNDEN. MeEmorrs of Joseph Shepherd Munden, Come- dian. By his Son. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half caif. London, 1844 From the Library of W. E. Burton, the comedian : has several por- traits inserted. 2183 MUNSELL (JoEL). COoLLEecTions on the History of ALBANY, from its Discovery to the Present Time, with Notices of its Public Institutions, and Biographical Sketches of Citi- zens Deceased, Jfortraits, Views, and Fac-similes. Vol. I. Royal 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. Albany, 1865 2184 [MurpHy (ArTHUR)]. GENUINE Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of the celebrated ANN ELLioT. Post 8vo, calf. Rare. London, 1769 Miss Elliot, during her career as courtezan, seems to have had more than the usual guantum of lovers, both in England and France, 2185 MurpHy (ARTHUR). LIFE of, by Jesse Foot. /ortraits and Jac-similes, 4to, half calf. London, 1811 2186 Murpny (ARTHUR). LIFE of, by Jesse Foot. Portraits and fac-similes. to, half calf, uncut. London, 1811 2187 MurpHy. Another copy. Boards, uncut. London, 1811 ¥ C/A 7 2188 2189 So 2190 21g! 246 Murray (J. B.C.) History or Usury. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 Murray (Rev. JAMES), IMPARTIAL History of the Present War in AMERICA ; containing an Account of its Rise and Progress, the Political Springs thereof, with its various Suc- cesses and Disappointments, on Both Sides. Maps and 22 portraits of American and British Officers, brilliant impres- sions, with very rare portrait of the Author inserted. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. London, [1778] Fine copy. The portraits include those of Gens. Washington, Charles Lee, Put- nam, Arnold, Gates, Montgomery, Gage, Burgoyne, etc. Murray (LinpLey). Mewnoirrs of his Life and Writings. In a Series of Letters, written by Himself; with Preface, etc., by Elizabeth Frank. Portrait and fac-simile. 8vo, calf extra. York, 1826 Music. Dictionary of Musicians, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time; comprising the most important Biographical Contents of the Works of Gerber, Dr. Bur- ney, Sir John Hawkins, and others ; with a Summary of the History of Music. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1825 Musica REMINISCENCES of an Old Amateur, for Fifty Years, from 1773 to 1823. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1824 Presentation copy from the author. MytTon (JouN, of Mytton, Esq.) Lire of, by Nimrod (C._//. Apperley), with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits ; wth numer- ous spirited colored Illustrations by H{. Alken and Rawlins. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1837 Very scarce. This extraordinary character dissipated an immense. fortune in every variety of folly. 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 ACK (James, the deaf and dumb Poet, long resident of Lew York City). ROMANCE OF THE RING, and other Poems. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1859 Presentation copy, with MS. of the author inserted. NAPOLEON. EARLY Lire of; also Parisiana, or the Modern Cesar, 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1860-5 NAPOLEON. Memoirs of the Lirg, Exile, and Correspond- ence of the Emperor, by Count de Las Casas. Portratts, etc. 4 vols. r2mo, cloth. New York, 1855 NapoLeon Dynasty. History of the Bonaparte Family to the Present Time, including the Death of Napoleon the Third. By the Berkeley Men. (C. E. Lester), 20 for- traits. 8vo, half mor. New York, 1852 Nares (F.) HeEravtpic ANOMALIES ; or, Rank Gonfusion in our Orders of Precedence, with Disquisitions, moral, philosophical, and historical, on all the existing orders of Society. 2 vols. post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1823 Lady Blessington’s copy, with autograph and book-plate. ** NASBY (PETROLEUM V.)” ‘‘SwiNnGINn’ ROUND THE CIRKLE.” Lilustrated by Nast. t2mo, cloth. Boston, 1867 Nason (Evias). SrrR CHARLES HENRY FRANKLAND, Bart, ; or, Boston in the Colonial Times. 8vo, uncut, Albany, 1865 Nason. The same. Imperial 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1865 Large paper ; only 50 copies printed. NaunToNn (Str R.) Court OF QUEEN ELIZABETH ; originally written by Sir Robert Naunton, under the title of ‘“ Frag- menta Regalia,” with considerable Biographical Additions by James Caulfield. 20 portraits. Royal 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1814 248 2203 NAuntTon (Sir) Rost.) Courr oF Queen ELIZABETH. “‘Fragmenta Regalia,” with numerous Biographical Ad- ditions by James Caulfield. Mumerous fine portraits. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1814 Large paper. For the further illustration of this book, over 20 portraits have been added. NAUNTON (SiR Rost.) Memorrs of, with some of his Pos- thumous Writings, etc. Portrait,etc. 4to, wrapper. Smeeton, London, 1814 NEAL (DanieEL), History or New ENGLAND, containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Af- fairs of the Country to the year 1700, to which is added the Present State of New England (1720). Fine map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1747 Very scarce. NEELE (F. A.) Narrative of a Residence in Siam. Numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond., 1852 NeiLi (E. D.) Hisrory or Mrynesorta, from the Earliest French Explorations to the Present Time. By Edward Duffield Neill. Mumerous fine steel plates on India paper. Royal 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1858 Large paper ; only 100 copies printed. NEILSON (CHARLES), ORIGINAL, Compiled, and Corrected Account of BuRGOYNE’S CAMPAIGN, and the Memorable Battle of Bemis’s Heights, September 19 and October 7, 1777, from the most authentic sources of Information, etc. Map. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1844 NeILson. Another copy. Cloth. Albany, 1844 NELLY DEANE: a Story of Every-Day Life. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, Edinburgh, 1864 NELSON (Lorp), LETTERS to Lapy Hamitron, with a Supplement of Interesting Letters by Distinguished Characters. 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1814 UNIQUE and BEAUTIFUL copy, having 40 beautiful plates inserted, including THIRTY different portraits of LORD NELSON, many very difficult to procure, and several rare ones of LADY HAMILTON. This choice volume also contains an exquisite ORIGINAL DRAW ING, in SEPIA, of “ The Battle of Trafalgar,” with vignettes. Vile 249 2212 NELSON (LORD). LIFE of, by T. O. CuurcuHILt, with 15 engravings, tllustrative of its most Memorable Inct- Royal 4to, half maroon morocco, gilt edges. I.ondon, 1808 dents. UNIQUE copy, having 20 inserted engravings, etc. , including, besides 15 different portraits of Nelson, a rare original order at foot of Wine Merchant's Bill (1795), three lines in autograph of, and signed by Lord Nelson with his right hand. Lire of, by Robert Southey. Profusely London, 1854 2213 NELSON (LorD). illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. 2214 NEW ENGLISH DRAMA (OXBERRY’S), containing the Best Plays in the English Language, with Stage Directions and a fine series of portraits on steel of the most famous actors and actresses in their favorite characters. 119 parts crown 8vo, wrappers. London, 1818 Fine set in the original numbers, minus part 49, ‘‘ The Shipwreck.” New Founp.iineG Hospirau for Wit; a Collection of Satyrical and Humorous Pieces in Prose and Verse, by the most celebrated Writers. Curious frontispieces. 6 vols. small 8vo, calf. 2215 London, 1771 Many of the pieces in these volumes are not to be found elsewhere. The frontispieces show a charming disregard of proportion. 2216 New MIscreLuany of Songs, etc. 8vo, boards. London, 1730 W. E. Burton’s copy, containing the Immortal Old Maid, ihe Coy Mistress, Rabbit Man, Midwife, etc., etc. 2217 NEWNHAM (W.) Essay on SuPERSTITION; being an Inquiry into the Effects of Physical Influence on the Mind in the 8vo, half London, 1830 Production of Dreams, Visions, Ghosts, ete. morocco gilt, 2218 Newport and its Vicinity. Sketches of, with Notices of Rhode Lllustrated., New York, 1842 2219 New TESTAMENT, 8vo, sheep. New York, 1867 2220 NEWTON. GEMS oF GILBERT STuAaRT Newron, R.A., with a Brief Memoir and Descriptive Notices, by Henry Murray. 11 beautiful engravings, proof impressions. rocco gilt. Island, 12mo, cloth. Second Revision. Folio, mo- > London, 1842 Newton, known as an American artist, died insane at an early age (41 years); his paintings are, consequently, very scarce, and much sought for. 250 New York Drama, Theatrical Budget ; or, Actor’s Regalio. A Collection of Recitations, Songs, etc., as sung by Cow- ell, Mathews, Jones, Maywood, Simpson, Ray, Mrs. 3arnes, etc., at the early New York Theatres. 10 vols. 16mo, wrappers. New York, 1823 A rare collection. New York MarriAGES, Names of Persons for whom Mar- riage Licenses were issued by the Secretary of the Prov- ince of New York, previous to 1784. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1860 New York Mirror. Jélustrated. Vols. 11 to 14, 18 and 19. 6 vols. in 5, 4to, half bound. New York, 1833-41 New YoRK. REMINISCENCES OF AN OLD YoRKER. By the late Witt1aAM A, Durer, LL.D., President of Columbia College, etc. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 PRIVATELY PRINTED BY W. L. ANDREWS, EsQ. ONLY 85 COPIES. The above articles originally appeared in the American Mail, in 1847, and this reprint has become almost as scarce as the original. New York, Op Brewery (The). The New Mission House at the Five Points, etc. lates. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, £854 New YorRK SONGSTER; a choice Collection of the most New and Popular American, English, Irish, Scotch, Comic, Hunting, Love, Bacchanalian, and Sea Songs, for 1836. Portraits of Mrs. Wood, Mr. Sloman, Charles Horn, and John Reeve. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1836 New YorK SPORTING MAGAZINE, and Annals of the American and English Turf, from March to September, 1833; with colored prints of famous horses, 7 parts 4to, in the orig- inal numbers. New York, 1833 Very rarely met with. New York Tracts, Old New York, by Winthrop; Founders of New York, by Ogden ; City of New York, by John A, Dix; Progress of the City, by Dr. King; Pioneers of New York, by Hoffman; and others by Duer, setts, etc. 8 pamphlets. New York, v. d. New York VOLUNTEERS from Mexico. Obsequiés, Med- als, and Reception. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848 i G9 ~~ ot! bo ur a 2230 New York. THE BATTERY, Its Past and Present. Castle Garden—Fort Amsterdam. Reminiscences of Wash- ington, Lafayette, Jenny Lind, and others. Cuttings from the ew York Herald, neatly mounted, and illustrated with Portraits, etc., including several rareViews of the old Battery and Castle Garden. Royal 8vo, half mor., gilt top. UNIQUE COPY. (New York, 1866) 2231 NEw YorK VISITOR, from July, 1839, to June, 1840. for- traits and plates, Royal 8vo, half roan. N. Y., 1839, etc. The illustrations include scarce portraits of J. W. Wallack, Ellen Tree, Mrs. Keeley, the Steamer Lexington, ete., etc. NICHOLS (Joun). LITERARY ANECDOTES of the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, g vols.; and Illustrations of the LITERARY HISTORY of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vols. Vumerous fine portraits. Together, 17 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf extra. London, 1812-59 is) rs) & Ny Superb copy. It is impossible in a small space to give anything like an adequate idea of the vast amount of curious information which these volumes contain. The hundreds of literary celebrities who are brought forward, not merely by passing anecdotes, but by highly valuable memoirs and sketches, and the extensive bibliographical and literary matter which it contains, render it one of the most permanently interesting series of books ever published. 2233 NICHOLSON (J. B.) Manuat oF THE ART OF BooKBIND- ING ; zumerous tllustrations, 12mo0, cloth. Scarce. Phila., 1856 2234 Noaw (Major M. M.) TRAveELS In ENGLAND, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, “in 1813-15. ortrait and plates. 8vo, morocco. New York, 1819 The portrait is frequently missing. 2235 NOLLEKENS (J.) Hunts to; on his Modelling a Bust of Lord G******jle [Grenville]. rontispiece. 8vo, wrapper. London, 1808 2236 NOLLEKENS (J., the Sculptor) and Huis TIMEs, comprising his Life and Memoirs of Contemporary Artists, from the time of Roubiliac, Hogarth, and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake, by J.T. Smith. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1829 252 NorFoLk (Horatio E.) GLEANINGS IN GRAVEYARDS: a collection of curious Epitaphs. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Post 8vo, half mor. extra. Lond., 1866 NorTHALL (W. K.) Brrore AND BEHIND THE CURTAIN 4 or, Fifteen Years among the Theatres of New York. 12mo. New York, 1851 Scarce. Contains full account of the Astor Opera House Riot, Rem- iniscences of the old Olympic, and of Mary Taylor, George Hol- land, and other favorites of that bygone little theatre, etc. NorTHALL (W. K.) Brrore AND BEHIND THE CURTAIN; or, Fifteen Years’ Observations among the Theatres of New York. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1851 NorTHALL(W. K.) Lirz AnD RECOLLECTIONS OF YANKEE HIL1, with Anecdotes; wood-cuts. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1850 NoRTHALL (Dr. W. K.) Lir—E anpd RECOLLECTIONS OF YANKEE HILL; with Anecdotes and Incidents of his Travels. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1850 Autograph on title-page of W. E. Burton, Comedian. NORTH AMERICAN REview. Parts 257, 258, and 260. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1877-8 NortTH Briton (THE), from No. I. to No. XLVI. in- clusive, with Notes and Index. 8vo, calf. London, 1762-3 Norton (CAROLINE E.) Poems. Sortrait and plates on steel, Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 NortTON (CHARLES B.) LITERARY LETTER, comprising American Papers of Interest, and a Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books relative to America. /Vates and Fac-similes. 6 Nos. (all published) small 4to. New York, 1857-60 These little pamphlets have become quite scarce, and contain, besides other valuable matter, the Biography of the State of Maine, pre- pared by the Hon. William Willis. 2246 [Notuincs!!!] Nothing to Wear, by William Allen Butler; Nothing to Say, by Mortimer Thompson (“ Doesticks”); Nothing to Do; Nothing to Eat; Nothing to You. Jdlustrated by Hoppin and others. In 1 vol. 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1857 253 2247 Norr (Cart. C. C., now Judge). Sketcues of the [American Civil] War. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1865 2248 Novets by Bulwer, Dickens, Reade, Collins, Yates, Mrs. Wood, Miss Braddon, etc. 30 vols. 8vo, wrapper. New York, v. d. 2249 Novets. Prairie Bird, Joe Grimaldi, Wyoming, and the Gambler’s Wife. 4 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf. New York, 1845 2250 Novets. Selby’s Maximums and Speciments ; Hillyard’s Recollections of a Physician; Stories from Blackwood, etc. 12 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, v. d. 2251 NovELs, by Marryat, Ainsworth, Habberton, etc 12 vols. 12mo, CKLEY (Simon). - History oF THE SARACENS : com- prising the Lives of Mohammed and his Successors. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1848 O'CONNELL and SHEIL. SPEEcHESon the Catholic Ques- tion. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Dublin, 1828 OGLETHORPE (GEN. JAMES). MEMOIR of, by Robt. Wright. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 Oglethorpe was the Founder of Georgia. O’KEEFrre (JoHn). Dramatic Works. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1798 Should be 4 vols. ; vol. 1 is missing. O’KeeErre (Joun). Lecacy to his Daughter: being his Poetical Works, Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1834 O’KEEFFE (Joun). Recollections of his Life. By Himself. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1826 O’KEEFFE (JoHNn). RECOLLECTIONS of his Life. Written by Himself. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1826 OLD Book Co.LueEctor’s MISCELLANY ; or, a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary Rarities. Edited from the original, by C. Hindley. 3 vols. 8vo, half Rox- burghe morocco, gilt tops. London, 1871-3 These reprints are illustrations of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation during the Sixt_enth and Seventeenth Centuries, and comprise: A Dialomue between the Common Secretary and Jealousy ; A Bundle of Old Black-Letter Ballads ; History of Prince tadapanthus ; A Warning for Vaga- bonds; Quip for an Upstart Couttier; Trimming of Thomas Nash ; Nash’s Lenten Stuff: Tom Nash his Ghost ; and Peele’s Merry Conceited Jests, etc., ete. 2260 OLD ENGLAND WorTHIES. Being full and original Biogra- / So phies of the most’ Eminent Statesmen, Lawyers, War- j riors, Men of Letters, Science, and Artists of England, by Lord Brougham -and othor distinguished Authors. Lilustrated with steel portraits. and 12 colored plates. 4to, cloth extra. London, 1853 Qa 2261 2262 2268 bo ut utr OLDFIELD (ANNE). FaitHrut Memorrs of the Life, Amours, etc., of, with other Dramatic Memoirs by W. Portratt. Rare. London, 1731 Egerton. 8vo, unbound. OLDHAM (JOHN). 12mo (8vo), rough leather. Works, together with his Remains. London, 1686 Includes the celebrated Satires on the Jesuits. “Oldham is a very indelicate writer ; he has strong rage, but it is much like Billingsgate.”— POPE. Oxo (THe); or, Museum of Entertainment, from January, 1829 to 1830. Mumerous wood-cuts by Branston, Wil- liams, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1829-30 O.iver (Geo.) HisTrory oF FREEMASONRY from 1829 to 1841. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 OLiveR (S.) Otp ENGLISH SQuiRE, with Music by D. BLaKg, and 6 fine plates by “Phiz.” 8vo, boards. London, 1832 Oxp Manns: a Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Essay on Old Maids. By a friend to the Sisterhood. 3 vols. 12mo, calf. Dublin, 1786 [OLpmrxon (Joun)]. Court Taves ina History of the Amours of the Present Nobility, to which is added a Complete Key, minus /rontispiece, 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1720 The noblest in the land find their names in this very curious volume, T'he verses contained in the Amours of Mr. E—ton and Lady D—ne are of a’very remarkable character. Even Oliver Cromwell and the Pretender do not escape in these curious histories. OLDYS. Review or Abstract of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books in all Sciences as well in MSS. as in Print. London, 1738 British LIBRARIAN: exhibiting a Compendious ? So Index, etc. 8vo, old calf. Fine large copy ; very scarce. From the Library of William Upcott, of the London Institution, with his autograph. “Mr. Oldys,a man of eager curiosity and indefatigable diligence, who first exerted that spirit of inquiry into literature of the old English writers, by which the works of our great dramatic poet have of late been so signally illustrated. His bibliographical talents were not eclipsed by those of any contemporary.”— BoswELu's Life of Johnson. 256 OLp Woman’s DunciaAp; or, Midwife’s Masterpiece. By Mary Midnight; with Notes by Margelina Scribelinda Macularia. 3 curious plates. to, half calf. are. London, 1751 Also in this volume, “A Bone for the Chroniclers to Pick, 1758,” with MS. key to the characters. O'NEALL (J. B.) BroGRapHIcAL SKETCHEs of the Bench and Bar of South Carolina. /ac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1859 ONDERDONK (HENRY). Documents and Letters intended to Illustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens County; with Narratives, Notes, etc. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1846 O. P. Riots. Accounts of, comprising: The Rebellion, or All in the Wrong, 1809; Little Odes to Great Folks, by ‘‘Pindar Minimus”; and Emancipation, or Peter, Martin, and the Squire. /ortrait of Kemble and two large caricatures. 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1808-9 O. P. Riots. HisToricAL AND Succinct Account of the late Riots and the Theatres of Drury’Lane and Co- vent Garden. 8vo, stitched. London, 1763 OpERA-GLASS (THE). SERIES OF CRITICISMS on the Per- formances of the Glasgow Stage; with “ Green-Room Chat,” etc. Post 8vo, half roan. Glasgow, 1830 OpERAS. Artaxerxes; Thomas and Sally; Love ina Vil- lage, frontispiece ; and The Maid of the Mill. 8vo, half calf. London, 1765 ORCHARD (R.) Select Collection of Epirapus, etc. or- trait. Post 8vo, boards. London, 1827 ORIGIN OF COMMERCE: an Historical and Chronological Deduction of, containing a History of the Commercial Interests of the British Empire, etc. Frontispiece by Stothard, and large maps. 4 vols. 4to, calf. Lond., 1787 Orrery (Ear or). Memoirs of the Life and Character of, and of the Family of the Boyles. By E. Budgell. 8vo, calf. London, 1732 Oscoop (Dr. SAMUEL). THOMAS CRAWFORD, AND ART IN AMERICA. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1875 257 yf 7 2280 OsstAN. Poems. Translated by Macpherson. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 ) J er 2281 Oris (H.G.) Letters in Defense of the Hartford Con- y vention and the People of Massachusetts. $8vo, half roan. Very scarce. Boston, 1824 2282 Oris (James, of Massachusetts). Lire of, with, Notices Bs SO of Contemporary Characters and Events (1769-75), by / William Tudor. ine portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1823 2283 OTtiey (W. Y.) INQUIRY CONCERNING THE INVENTION & 4 OF PRINTING, containing Notices of the Early Use of Wood Engraving in Europe, the Block Books, etc., with Introduction by P. J. Berjeau; with 37 plates and nu- merous wood-cuts, 4to, half mor., uncut. London, 1863 This is one of the most important books ever produced on the vexed question of the invention of Printing. The author reviews the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning, and has the courage to assert the claims of Holland to that honor. a te. 2284 Otway (Tuomas). Works, consisting of ‘his Plays, Po- ems, and Letters; with Sketch of his Life. ortrait and illustrations by Thurston. 2 vols. 8vo, half red rus- sia gilt. Scarce. London, 1812 f 2. 2285 OuLton (W. C.) Barker’s Continuation of Egerton’s Theatrical Remembrancer, Baker’s Biographia Dramatica, etc. 1r2mo, calf. London, [1801] Interleaved, and having numerous manuscript additions. Oe, 2286 [OuLton (W. C.)| CompLere List or Prays, from the Commencement of Theatrical Performances to 1803, etc. r2mo, half calf gilt. Barker, London, [1803] Compiled by W. C. Oulton. | 2287 OuLTon (W. C,) History OF THE THEATRES OF LONDON : J GF containing an Annual Register of all the New and Re- , vived Tragedies, etc., Performed from 1771 to 1817; with Notes and Anecdotes. 4 vols. in 3, post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1796-1818 Both Series complete ; scarce. 2288 OULTON (W. C.) HISTORY OF THE THEATRES OF SSD LONDON : containing an Annual Register of New Pieces, Revivals, Pantomimes, etc. ; with Occasional Notes and Anecdotes, from 1795 to 1817 inclusive. 3 vols. post 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1818 UNIQUE copy, having 125 Illustrations inserted, consisting of Views of Theatres, Portraits of Edmund Kean as “ Macbeth,” a rare one of Master Betty, Cooke, Mrs. Jordan, etc., etc. SO / J o Mee 258 2289 OvuTINIAN Society, Origin and Proceedings, founded for Securing the Advantages of Benevolence and Justice, to Lessen the Evils Incident to the Pursuit of Happiness by Marriage, etc. Vumerous portraits and wood-cuts. 4to, boards. are. frivately printed, London, 1822 This Society was formed in the 100th year after the death of the celebrated Wm. Penn, of Pennsylvania, and their meetings held at the residence of his descendant, J. Penn, Esq., in New Street, Spring Gardens, London. 2290 OweEN (R. Date). Foorratts on THE BoUNDARY OF AN- OTHER WORLD. 12m0, cloth. Phila., 1865 2291 OwLGLass (MASTER TYLI.). MarvELLOUS ADVENTURES, and Rare Conceits, Edited by Mackenzie. J/ustrated (colored plates) by “* Crowguill.” Post 8vo, cloth gilt. Boston (London), 1860 2292 OxBERRY (W.) Acror’s BupceT of Wit and Merriment: consisting of Monologues, Prologues, Epilogues, ‘Tales, Comic Songs, Rare and Genuine Theatrical Anecdotes and Jests. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, n. d. 2293 Oxperry (W.) Actor's BupGer: consisting of Monologues, Prologues, Epilogues, and Tales, Serious and Comic; with Theatrical Anecdotes, and Comic Songs. Crown 8vo, half crimson levant mor. extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Oo be) London, 1820 21 Portraits inserted ; Garrick, Cooke, Macklin, etc. (ce See New English Drama. 2294 OXBERRY, Dramatic Biocrapuy, and Histrionic Anecdotes. Over too fine Portraits and Vignettes. 7 vols, tzmo, half calf. London, 1825 Among the portraits are Kean, Macready, Kemble, Wallack, Dowton, Incledon, Mathews, etc., etc. 2295 OXBERRY. Dramatic Mirror: containing Biographies of Eminent Performers: Booth, Elliston, Foote, Kean, Kemble, Liston, Munden, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Siddons, etc. ; with 24 fine portraits on steel. Small 8vo, half red mor,, gilt top, uncut. London, 1827 Among the portraits in this volume is a fine one of the “elder” Booth as “ Brutus,” after whora that great and eccentric actor was named. 2296 OXBERRY (WILLIAM). Memoirs OF CELEBRATED PERFORM- ERS: Madame Feron, Mr. Charles John Kean, Master Burke, and others. 12mo, uncut. New York, [1828] : | | | ; 259 2297 OXENFORD (JOHN). Book of French Songs, translated by John Oxenford. ///ustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 22y8 OXFORD ENGLIsH PRIZE Essays ; beautifully printed. 4 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1830 The Essays include Grattan on Sculpture ; Lowth on Architecture ; Bp. Burgess on the Study of Antiquities ; Street on the Art of Printing ; Blackstone on Dramatic Composition ; Lord Tenter- den on the Use and Abuse of Satire, and other Essays, by Earl Eldon, Lord Sidmouth, Bp. Mant, Bp. Heber, etc., etc. 2299 OXFORD SAUSAGE ; or, Select Poetical Pieces, Written by the most Celebrated Wits of the University of Oxford. Mumer- ous engravings on wood, 120, calf. Scarce. Oxford, 1777 17 ABODIE (W. J.) Catipore: a Legendary Poem.’ } 8vo, boards. Boston, 1839 2301 Pappock (JuDAH). Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Ship ‘“‘ Oswego,” on the Coast of South Barbary. 8vo, half bound. New York, 1819 Published by Captain James Riley. 2302 Patne (R. TREAT). Werks in Verse and Prose, with Notes, and Sketches of his Life, etc. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1812 303 Paine. Another copy, without the Portrait. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1812 2304 PaINnE (RoBerT Troup). Memorr of, by his Parents. or- trait, Royal 4to, morocco, gilt leaves. Printed for Private Distribution, New York, 1852 Presentation copy. 2305 PAINE (THomas), AMERICAN CRIsIs, and a Letter to Sir Guy Carleton, on the Murder of Captain Huddy and the intended Retaliation of Captain Asgill, 8vo, half roan. London, n. d. 2306 [Paine]. Common SENSE; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo, pp. 54. London, 1776 Also Plain Truth, an Answer by ‘‘ Candidus,” ete. 2307 Paine (THomAS), LETTER to GEORGE WASHINGTON, Presi- dent of the United States of America, on Affairs Public and Private. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Dublin, 1797 Ten Portraits inserted ; Washington, Paine, Franklin, Adams, etc. 2308 Paine. Tom Paine’s JeEsts: a Collection of Patriotic Bon- Mots, Repartees, Anecdotes, etc., on Political Subjects. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1796 Includes the “ Tribute to the Swinish Multitude.” 2309 Paine (Tuomas). Lire of, by James Cheetham. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1809 Fine clean copy. 2310 Paine (THomas). Lire of, by G. Vale, with the Appendix, containing his Letters to Washington. Jortraiz. 8vo, boards. New York, 1841 Published by the Author. 261 2311 PaLrrey (JoHNG.) History or NEw ENGLAND during the Stuart Dynasty. Jap. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, un- cut edges. Boston, 1865 Large paper, 100 copies printed. 2312 PALMER (JOHN), LIke MASTER Like Man: a Novel, with a Preface, by George Colman, the Younger. 2 vols. in I, 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1811 “Printed for the relief of the Author’s Widow.” 2313 PALMER (PETER S.) History oF LAKE CHAMPLAIN, from its first Exploration by the French in 1609, to the close of the year 1814. 8vo, uncut. ‘Albany, 1866 2314 PALMER. LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Another copy on LARGE PaPER. Royal 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1866 Only 100 printed. 2315 PARAGREENS (THE). 12mo, half morocco, Lacks title-page. 2316 PaRDON (G. F.) TALES FROM THE UPERAS. Frontispiece. 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1864 2317 Paris; or, the Book of the Hundred-and-One. 2 vols. 16mo, half blue calf extra. Boston, 1833 2318 PaRKER (A. A.) Trip to the West and Texas, with Anec- ) dotes, etc., of the Texan War. 12mo, cloth. Concord, 1836 2319 PARKER (SIR PETER). BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of. Portrait on India paper. 4to, boards, uncut., Tondon, 1815 Sir Peter was killed while storming the American Camp, at Bellair, near Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1814. 2320 Parkyns (G. J.) Monastic and BaroniAL REMAINS, with other interesting Fragments of Antiquity in England, Wales, and Scotiand ; with over 100 Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1816 2321 ParLouR Macic. Wood-cuts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 2322 PaRLouR REviEw. Journal of Music, Literature, and the Fine Arts ; with 8 portraits of Singers, and other tlustrations. Folio, half roan, Philadelphia, 1838 2323 PARNELL and SHEFFIELD, PoETICAL Works, with Memoirs, Portraits and plates. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1798 2324 PARRIANA; or, Notices of the Rev. S, Parr, collected from various sources (printed and MS.), by E. H. Barker. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. London, 1828-29 262 Parsons (JAMES). MECHANICAL and CriTICAL ENQUIRY into the NaTtuRE of HERMAPHRODITES. 8vo, calf extra gilt. Lordon, 1741 Fine tall copy ; scarce. PARSONS (THEOPHILUS, Chief-Justice of Mass.) MeEmoIR Of, by his Son. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, Boston, 1859 Parsons (USHER), LIFE oF SIR WILLIAM PEPPERELL, Bart., the only native of New England who was created a Bar- onet during our connection with the Mother Country. Second edition. Portrait, map, etc. 12mo, cloth, uncut, Boston, 1856 Parsons. ‘The same. /ortrait and map. 12mo, cloth. Presentation copy from the author. Boston, 1855 Parsons (WILLIAM, the Comedian), ‘TRAVELLING RECREA- TIONS. Plates by Greathead, etc. 2 vols, 12mo, calf. London, 1807 PARTON (JAS). Lire AND TIMES OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Portraits un India paper, beautifully printed by Alvord, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 Large paper ; only 100 copies. PaRTON (J.) Lire oF Joun Jacop Astor, with a copy of his Last Will. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1865 PasQuin (ANTHONY). Lire of the LATE EARL OF BaRRy- MORE, Including a History of the Wargrave Theatricals, and Original Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. 8vo, half calf. London, 1793 Scarce portraits of Pasquin, by Bartolozzi, and of Lord Barrymore, etched by Barlow, inserted ; also other curious plates. PASQUIN (ANTHONY). Lire of the late EARL of BARRYMORE. Including a History of the Wargrave Theatricals, and Original Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1793 PasQuiIn (ANTHONY). PrN-BASKET to the CHILDREN of TuEsPis ; with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Biograph- ical. Vignette by Bartolozzt. 12mo, half calf. London, 1797 The author’s real name was JOHN WILLIAMS; he wrote and pub- lished in Boston, in 1804, a caustic satire on Gen. Alex. Hamil- ton, entitled ‘‘THE HAMILTONIAD,” nearly the whole edition of which was secured and destroyed by the friends of Hamilton. 2342 263 Discussions on the Abolition of, by Sir W. Arm- 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 PATENTS. strong, Count Bismarck, Lord Stanley, ete. PATERSON. GtimpsEs OF REAL LiFe as seen in the Theatri- cal World and in Bohemia: being the Confessions of Peter Paterson, a Strolling Comedian. Wood-cuts. Crown 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1864 Patriot (THE). Essays UPON GOVERNMENT. 8vo, wra] p2r. Very scarce. Dublin, 1792 Pattie (JAMES O.) PERSONAL NARRATIVE Of, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St, Louis to the Pacific Ocean, in which he and his Father, who accompanied him, Suf- fered unheard of Hardships and Dangers, had various Conflicts with the Indians, and were made Captives, in which Captivity his Father died; with a Description of Edited by Timothy Flint. 8vo, sheep. Cincinnati, 1833 the Country, etc. Scarce. Wight, $5.00; Fisher, $4.00; H. A. Smith, $3.50. (J. K. and W.I.) AMERICAN COMEDIES, Philadelphia, 1847 LITERARY Life of James K. Paulding, compiled 2 vols. 12mo, PAULDING r2m0o, boards. PAULDING. by his son, William I. Paulding. Portrait. half blue morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by AZa?- thews. New York, 1867 Unique and charming copy; extended from one to two volumes by the insertion of 43 engravings, among which are fine and rare portraits of Irving, Bryant, Cooper, Halleck, and other eminent authors, also views and Revolutionary scenes, some proofs. Lire of, by Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. Boston, 1841 PAUL JONES. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, Payne (JOHN Howarp). Lire and Writincs of, by Gabriel Harrison. Superb portrait, 4to, uncut, Albany, 1875 Only 15 copies of this beautifully printed book were issued in this §1Ze. Payne. Mewmorrs of Jonn Howarp Payne, the American Roscius, with Criticisms on his Acting in the various The- atres of America, England, and Ireland. LISPINGS OF THE MusE: a Selection from JUVENILE POEMs, chiefly written at and before the age of sixteen by JOHN Howarp Payne. Printed as a Testimony of Regard from the Author to his Personal Friends. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1815 Excessively scarce, but few copies being known of the latter work. 264 PayNE (JOHN HowarD). SkeTcuH of the Lire of. 8vo, pp. 27: Boston, 1833 PrapoDy. Famity GENEALOGY. Compiled by C. M. Endi- cott, etc. Colored coat of arms. 8vo, wrapper. 30ston, 1867 Prapopy. Account of the PROCEEDINGS at the DINNER given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, etc., on the 27th October, 1851. 8vo, cloth gilt. Pickering, London, 1851 Printed for private distribution. PEABODY (GEORGE). RECEPTION and DINNER at DANVERS. Account of the Proceedings. Portraits and colored plates. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 Peacock (T. L.) Novers. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey; Maid Marian; Crotchet Castle; and Melincourt. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1856 Peacock (T. L.) Patmyra and other Poems. Frontispiece. First edition. 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1806 PEAKE (RicHarD BRINSLEY), MEMOIRS or tHe COL- MAN FAMILY, including their Correspondence with the most Distinguished Personages of their time, 2 vols. (extended to 4) 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco extra inside borders richly tooled, edges gilt in the round, by Riviere, London, 1841 A UNIQUE and ELEGANT set; illustrated by the insertion of 170 beautiful portraits, many inlaid, and all in fine condition, some being brilliant proofs. Among the choice portraits inserted in this beautiful work are Gar- rick and his wife, Theophilus Cibber, Mrs. Cibber, “ Perdita”’ Robinson, Baddely, Bannister, Macklin, Kemble, Geo. Bubb Dodington, Boswell, Liston (colored), Hackett, Mathews, etc., with a rare and brilliant mezzotint, after Reynolds, of Lady Spencer and her daughter. Extra title-pages have been printed expressly for this copy. 235 Peake (R. B.) Memoirs or THE COLMAN Fam Ity, including f SF their Correspondence with the most Distinguished Persons of their time. /ortraits. 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, (1841) yo 2352 oe! Oe 2360 / OO 2361 ce e960 ~~ vu 265 PEALE (REMBRANDT). CATALOGUE of VALUABLE ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, with Engravings, etc., comprising the Studio of this Eminent Artist, To be sold, without reserve, Nov. 18th, 1862, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, by Matthews. Philadelphia, 1862 Fine autograph letter of Peale (1 p. 4to, Boston, June 20th, 1828) in- serted ; also, portrait of Washington, after Peale. This little brochure contains an interesting account of the portraits of Washington painted by Peale, with the testimonials in reference thereto from Chief Justice Marshall and others. PEALE (REMBRANDT). Notes oN ITALy written during a Tour in 1829-30. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1831 The above copy has an autograph letter of the Artist inserted. Peck (GEoRGE). WyomING: its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures. J//ustrated, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1858 PECKWELL (R. H.) Cases OF CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS, 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1803-6 PELBy (W.) LETTERS ON THE TREMONT THEATRE, Boston. 8vo, pp. 44. Boston, 1830 Privately printed ; very scarce. Pellico (Silvio). Mie Prigioni. 12mo, cloth. Londra, 1850 PEMAQUID Papers. Papers Relating to Pemaquid and Parts Adjacent, in the Present State of Maine, Known as Corn- wall County, when under the Colony of New York. Com- piled from Official Records, etc., by Franklin B. Hough. 8vo, uncut, Albany, 1856 Limited edition. PENN (JOHN). Poems. Original Works, Translations, and Imitations, Portrait and numerous exguisite plates by Smirke, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond., 1801 PENNANT (THOs.) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF LONDON ; illustrated with 41 steel engravings of the Monuments, An- tiquities, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, london, 1813 PENNANT (THOS.) JOURNEY FROM CHESTER TO LONDON; numerous fine portraits and plates. Royal 8vo, calf. Large Paper copy. London, 1811 PENNANT (THos.) Lirerary Lire of. Portraits, etc. to, half bound. London, 1793 eo Ie ¥ a 266 2363 PENNANT (T.) Lonpon: Antiquarian and Picturesque Ac- count of; with numerous engravings of Antiquities, por- traits, an old map of London of 1563, etc. Royal 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1813 “Pennant had the happy art of relieving the dullest subjects by en- livening and amusing digressions ; and his productions are dis- tinguished by a fund of anecdote, an easy familiarity of style, and that pleasant turn for research which engages the reader’s attention, because it agreeably refreshes his memory, and sup- plies him with information at a small expense of trouble.” 2364 PENNELL (H.C.) FisHinc Gossip ; or, Stray Leaves from the Note-Books of Several Anglers. J//ustrations. Crown 8vo, half green calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1866 2365 PENNSYLVANIA Hari. HIsTorRy oF Pennsylvania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob on the 17th of May, 1838; 3 plates. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Phila., 1838 2366 PreNs, INKs, and INKsTANDS; with humorous illustrations, Small 4to, cloth, London, 1858 2367 Pepys (SAMUEL), Diary and Correspondence; with Life and Notes, by Richard, Lord Braybrooke, 31 portraits and other illustrations on steel. 4 vols, crown 8vo, blue cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1858 2368 PercivAL (J. G.) PorticaL Works; with Biographical Sketch. Portrait. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth gilt. Boston, 1859 2369 Percy (BisHop). Forto Manuscript, BALLADS and Ro- MANCES. Edited by John W. Hales and Fred, J. Furni- vall; assisted by Prof. Child, of Harvard Univ., U. S.; W. Chappell, etc. Fac-similes. 3 vols. 8vo, half mor., uncut. London, 1867-68 This is a faithful reprint (and fortunately not an expurgated one) of the celebrated Manuscript which formed the foundation of Bp. Percy’s famous Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, but the value of which work is lessened by numerous alterations and supposed improvements by that eminent scholar in many of the originals. But beyond this, the Manuscript contains much valu- able matter nowhere else to be found. “This precious Manuscript contains 196 Pieces (some Fragments) in nearly 40,000 lines, and is in a hand of James I.’s reign. The list of its contents shows how many unprinted Ballads and Ro- mances it contains—for, what Percy printed of the manuscript must be considered unprinted for our purpose.” —Hditor's Preface. 2370 Percy (BisHop). MSS. Loos— anpD HuMorous Sones. 8vo, uncut. Lordon, 1868 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2379 267 Percy (BisHop THoMAs). RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH Poetry : consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces, of the Earlier Poets, etc. ; with Glossary and Notes. J//ustrations. Royal 8vo, half calf gilt. Phila., 1856 PETERS (Rev. SAMUEL). History or Rev. HucH PETERS, Chaplain to Cromwell, with an Appendix .[containing an account of many of the Early Settlers of New England]. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1807 PETRARCH. Essays on [the Love, the Poetry, and the Character of, comprising Translations by Lady Dacre, etc.] 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1823 PETTIGREW (THos. J.) BroGRAPHICAL Memoirs of the most celebrated PuysiciaNns, Surgeons, etc., etc., who have contributed to the advancement of Medical Science. 25 fine portraits on steel. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1839-40 PETTIGREW (T. J.) SUPERSTITIONS connected with Med- icine and Surgery. Svontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 From the Library of Buckle,‘the Historian, with his book-plate. PEYSTER (J. W. DE). History or Carausius, the Dutch Augustus, and Emperor of Britain; with which is inter- woven an Account of the Menapii, the Ancient Zea- landers, and Dutch Flemings. 8vo, uncut. Presentaton copy from the author. Poughkeepsie, 185g PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY ComMpANy. Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books. 8vo, half morocco. Rare. Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, Philadelphia, 1764 Philadelphia. Charter, Laws, and Catalogue of Books of the Library Company of Philadelphia, with a short Ac- count of the Library prefixed. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top. Joseph Cruikshank, Philadelphia, 1770 In same volume, also “SECOND ParT of the Catalogue of Books of the Library Company of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, 1775.) PHILADELPHIA. Views of the Principal Buildings, ete. ; engraved from Original Drawings. 24 fine steel engrav- ings. 6 parts. Imperial 8vo, wrapper. Childs, Philadelphia, 1827-8 Y ie fg 2380 Se 2381 if J il 2382 ’ ve. 2383 2384 Va 2385 2386 Ps 2387 2 = ot 2388 268 Puitips (JoHN). Poems, attempted in the style of Milton, with Life. Portrait, etc. 12mo, calf. London, 1744 PHILLIPS (CHARLES). CURRAN and his Contemporaries. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1851 A few leaves water-stained. PHILLIPS (CHARLES). RECOLLECTIONS oF CURRAN and some of his Contemporaries. Portrait. 8vo, half mo- rocco gilt. London, 1818 PHILLIPS (CHARLES). SPEECHES IN IRELAND and En- gland. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1817 Includes the Speech on the Character of Napoleon I. Puituies (Henry, Jr.) HistoricaAL SKETCHES OF THE PAPER CURRENCY of the American Colonies. Both Series. 2 vols. small 4to, uncut. Roxbury, 1865 No. 122 of 250 copies. Puitiips (Jonas B.) Zamira: a Dramatic Sketch, and other Poems. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1835 Very rare. Puitips (Mrs.) Poems, by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katharine Philips, The Matchless Orinda; also, Corneille’s Pompey and Horace, translated. Folio, calf antique. London, 1667 This fine copy has the portrait of “The Matchless Orinda” engraved by Faithorne ; also a portrait by Finden inserted. “ Some of the verses of Katharine Philips have an easy and antithet ical style, like the lighter ones of Cowley, or the verses of Shef- field and his French contemporaries.” —LEIGH HUNT. Jer praises were celebrated by Roscommon, Dryden, Bp. Jeremy Taylor (who addressed to ber his Discourse of Friendship), Cowley, and others. PHILLIPS (TERESA CONSTANTIA). APOLOGY FOR THE Conpuct or. fortrait, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1748-9 This strange and confused work was published by T. C. Phillips her- self, as the Booksellers had been intimated to stifle the work. Each volume and part has her Autograph. PHILLIPPS (Henry). MusIcAL and PERSONAL RECOLLEC. TIONS during Half a Century. /ortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 Autograph note inserted, 1 page 8vo. 269 | 2389 PHILLIpps (HENRY). TRUE ENJOYMENT of ANGLING. Beau- tiful proof portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 OnLy 100 COPIES PRINTED, and issued only to the subscribers whose names are printed. No copy was ever sold by the Booksellers. 2390 PuiLopiBLion. A Monthly Bibliographical Journal, contain- ing Critical Notices of, and Extracts from, Rare, Curious, and Valuable Old Books. Printed on India paper. vols. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Geo. P. Philes & Co., New York, 1862-3 Scarce. Nearly all the surplus copies were accidentally destroyed by water. The above copy contains also the Catalogues issued by Messrs. P. & Co., in connection with the Journal. 2391 Puysic AND PuysiciAns. A Medical Sketch-Book. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth, Philadelphia, 1845 2392 Pickett (A. J.) History of ALaBama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the Earliest Period, L//us- trated. 2 vols. small 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1851 Very scarce. 2393 PICTURESQUE Europe: a Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Natural Features and the Picturesque and Historical Places of Great Britain and the Continent, Edited by Bayard Taylor; with 50 fine engravings on steel, and many hundred exquisite wood-cuts, 50 parts. 4to, uncut. New York, 1877, etc. 2394 PIERCE (BENJ.) History or HarvArD UNIVERsITy, from its Foundation. \ Plates. 8vo, boards. Cambridge, 1833 2395 Piccotr (Soromon). SurcipE and its Antidotes ; a Series of Anecdotes and Actual Narratives. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1824 ‘Think what you are doing, consider, and live.”—COWPER. 2396 PIKE (Z. M.) AccouNT OF EXPEDITIONS to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Juan Rivers, 1805, 1807. ortrait, Maps, and Charts. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1810 2397 PILKINGTON (JOHN CaRTERET). REAL SrTory of, written by Himself. Portrait of Mrs, Pilkington, by Purcell. to, calf. London, 1760 The Author’s own copy with the list of subscribers and autograph. 270 PinpDaR (Peter, Dr. J. Wolcott), Compiere Porricat Works. Fine Portrait and numerous satirical plates, by Gillray or Rowlandson, Original edition, 4to, half mo- rocco. London, 1787 PinDAR. Another Edition. Portrait. 4to, calf. London, 1802 PINDAR. ODEs, etc. Translated, with a Dissertation on the Olympick Games, by Gilbert West. ortrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf. London, 1753 PINDAR (PAUL). REMARKABLE BIOGRAPHY ; or, the Pecu- liarities and Eccentricities of the Human Character Dis- played. Striking Likeness of Charles Mackey, a colored man. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1821 * PINDAR.” REMARKABLE BIOGRAPHY; or, the Peculiarities and Eccentricities of Human Character Displayed, by Paul Pindar. Portrait of Charles Mackey. 8vo, half calf extra, London, 1821 [PrnkerTON]. SrLect ScotrisH BALLADs. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1783 Many of the ballads in this collection are-said to be fabrications by the Editor. Piozz1. Haywarp (A,) AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Letters, and Liter- ary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) ; with Notes, and Account of her Life and Writings. Portrait and plate, 2 vols. crown 8vo, green calf extra gilt. London, 1861 Piozzi (Hester Lynch). Letters to and from the late Sam- UEL JOHNSON, to which are added some Poems never be- fore printed, Portrait inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1788 UNIQUE COPY, “ presented to Wm. Augustus Conway [the actor], by the Author,” with all the blank names filled in by Mrs. Piozzi, and with the following MSS. on the fly-leaf : “These books do not belong to me; they are the property of William Augustus Conway, Esq., who left them to my care when he quitted Bath, May 14, 1810. Hester Lynch Piozzi writes this for fear that her death before his return should confound them among the other Books in her library.” The profuse marginal notes in these volumes are full of interest ; they were evidently meant to reach the eye of the handsome actor, for whom Mrs, Piozzi entertained so strong an attachment, and his autograph in Vol, II. proves possession. *. 271 2406 Piozzt (Mrs.) Love-Letrers, written when she was eighty, to William Augustus Conway. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1843 Three Portraits of Mrs. Piozei inserted. Mr. Conway was an actor of fine ability, and played at the old Park Theatre, New York. He committed suicide in 1828, by jumping overboard from a packet-ship while on his way from New York to Charleston, S. C. The above Letters were found among his effects, and when sold, came in possession of a lady, who allowed them to be published. His son, the late F. B. Conway, was long manager of the Brooklyn Theatre. 2407 P10zz1ana; or, Recollections of the late Mrs. Piozzi, with re- marks by a Friend [Rev. E. Mangin]. Fac-simile. Crown 8vo, cloth. Moxon, London, 1833 2408 Pirrt (Rt. Hon. Wm.) History of the PoriricaL LIFE of; including an Account of the Times in which he lived. By John Gifford. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1809 2409 PLANCHE (J. R.) ReGat Recorps: a Chronicle of the Coronations of the Queens of England; wood- cuts. 12mo, cloth. London, 1838 2410 Play-Bills. A Collection of upwards of 5,000 Play-Bills, representing the performances at Drury Lane, Covent- Garden, Haymarkeg;amd, Adelphi Theatres, London, from 1824 to 1830./ 20 vo}s. folio, boards, uncut. ee London, 1824-30 These Bills of the Play are not only in perfect order, but are so nearly consecutive as to form a History of the London Stage for the years above mentioned. 2411 PLayinc-Carps. A Collection of Fac-similes of Playing- Cards. 39 specimens on India paper, carefully mounted. 8vo, russia gilt. n. d. A very desirable acquisition for illustrating the works of Singer or Chatto, on the History of Playing-Cards. 2412 PLEASURES OF Human Lire; or, Male, Female, and Neuter Pleasure; by Hilaris, Benevolas & Co.; colored illustrations by Rowlandson, Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1807 2413 PLurarcu’s Lives. The Translation called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek, and Revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half russia, gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER ; only 100 copies printed. Boston, 1865 SOO / OS 272 2414 Por. EpGAR PoE AND His Critics, by Sarah H. Whit- man. t12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 2415 Por (Epcar A.) Concuo.ocist’s First Book. 215 jigures, 12mo, boards. Phila., 1840 2416 Por (Epcar A.) PorticaL Works; with original Memoir. Numerous beautiful Lllustrations on wood, by Pickersgill, Tenniel, Birket Foster, Darley, Cropsey, and others. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. New York (London), 1858 Printed by Richard Clay, London, 2417 Por (EDGAR ALLAN). Works, with Memoir by R. W. Griswold, and Notices of his Life and Genius, by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1859 2418 Ports or AMERICA. Edited by John Keese; beautifully it- lustrated. 12mo, mor. gilt. New York, 1840 2419 PorETS OF AMERICA. Edited by John Keese; 7d/ustrated by Chapman. 12m0, cloth. Boston, [1842] 2420 Poems, etc. Beggar’s Opera, by Mr. Gay, with the Over- ture in Score, 1761; Poetical Excursions to the Isle of Wight, 1777; Epistle to David Garrick, by E. Lloyd, Srontispiece, 1773; Sanitas, Daughter of AXsculapius, to David Garrick, 1773; Westminster Abbey, by T. Mau- rice, 1784; and the Cave of Movar, the Man of Sorrows. 4to, half calf. London, 1761-84 2421 Porms. Miscellaneous Pieces (30), many very scarce and facetious. 2 vols. 4to calf. London, v. d. Comprise; Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring, 3 cuts, 1751 ; Pro- . logue Spoken at the Opening of Drury Lane Theatre in 1747, by Garrick ; Epistle from Arthur Grey, after his condemnation for attempting a rape; Jane Shore’s Epistle tothe Duke of Gloster ; Gray's Elegy, Fourth Edition, 1751; Pleasures of Imagination, 1744; Pleasures of Melancholy, 1747; Dodsley’s Public Virtue, 1753 ; The Nunnery, 1760; The Magdalens, 1763; The Ghost, 1762 ; Odes by Mr. Gray, Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757; The Beldames, 1759; Epistle from Lady Jane Grey to Lord Dudley, 1762; The Fleece, by John Dyer, 1757 ; Medea, a Tragedy, by R. Glover, 1761 ; etc., etc., etc. 2422 PorMs, ETC. The Corsair, by Byron; Angel of the World, and Sebastian, by Croly; The Vampire, by Byron; and De Rance, by J. W. Cunningham. 4 vols. in 1, 16mo, half sheep, v. d ST 273 2423 POETICAL MAGAZINE (AcKERMANN’s). A complete set, from May, 1809, to April, 1811. umerous COLORED plates by Rowlandson, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt (minus the titles to Vols. I. and II.) London, 1809-11 The plates in these volumes, which illustrate the ‘“ Schoolmaster,” are the original impressions which were afterward printed for the ‘Tours of Dr. Syntax,” the title of that work having been changed from the original. 2424 PorTicaL Works of Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok. /ortraits. 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1839 2425 PorTicaAL Works of Milman, Bowles, Wilson, and Barry Cornwall (2. 2., B. W. Proctor). Portrait. Royal 8vo, half calf antique. Paris, n. d. 2426 POETRY OF THE ANTI-JACOBIN, comprising the Celebrated Political and Satirical Poems, Parodies, and Jeaux: d’Esprits of the Rt. Hon. G. Canning, Marquis Welles- ley, J. H. Frere, G. Ellis, W. Gifford, Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, etc.; with numerous Notes, the originals of the Paro- dies, etc. Fourth edition. 4to, half calf. Bulmer, London, 1801 This work has always been considered by the best judges—Byron, Moore, Mackintosh, etc.—as “one of the wittiest books” in the language. Among the pieces are “The Friend of Humanity and the Knife Grinder”; ‘The Progress of Man, a Didactic Poem” ; “ The Loves of the Triangles” ; “The Rovers, a Drama’”’ “New Morality.” 2427 POLITE BEHAviouR, and Polite Philosophy. Zwo rare tracts. 8vo, pp. 52-56. London, 1738-40 2428 POLITICAL AND SATYRICAL History of the Years 1756 and 1757, in a Series of 75 Humorous and Entertaining Prints, containing all the most remarkable Transactions, Characters, and Caricatures of those two memorable years; with Explanatory Key to every Print. 12mo, half calf. London, 1756-7 2429 PoLITICAL BALLADS of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, annotated by W. W. Wilkins. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1860 “ More solid things do not show the complexion of the times so well as Ballads and Libels.”—SELDEN’s Zable-Zalk. 2430 PoLko (E.isE). Musicat SketcHes. ‘Translated by Fanny Fuller. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Phila., 1864 274 of 2431 PoMPEY THE LITTLE; or, the Life and Adventures of a r Lap Dog. fortrait of Pompey. Post 8vo, half mor. Scarce. Dublin, 1751 A very cnrious work. Pompey sometimes found himself in very odd places. 4 f 9 2432 Ponte (L. L. pa). History of the FLORENTINE REPUB- : Lic. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1833 A 2433 Ponte (Lorenzo pa). Memoirs of. 8vo, wrapper. /) New York, 1829 For an account of Da Ponte, see Francis’ Old New York and Ireland’s Records. PooLE (Joun). Comic SKETCH-Boox; or, Sketches and ' Recollections. Post 8vo, half mor. London, 1859 ar 2435 PooLe (JoHN). CROCHETS IN THE AIR; or, an (un)Sci- \ ‘ entific Account of a Balloon Trip. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1838 eat 2436 PooLE (Joun). Hamiet TRAVESTIE: in Three Acts; : with Burlesque Annotations. 12mo, half calf. Second edition. London, 1811 * y 2437 PooLe (Joun). Hamiet TRAVESTIE; with Burlesque l/ D Annotations. Royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. New York, 1866 100 copies reprinted from the original for PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. Poot (JOHN). LitrLe PEDLINGTON and the Pedlingtonians. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half morocco. New York, 1852 ig a 2439 Poote (WitLtiamM FRED.) INDEX To PERIopICAL LITERA- ’ TURE. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. New York, 1853 ve 2440 Pope (ALEx.) Memorrs of the Life and Writings of, by Wm. , Ayre. Mumerous scarce portraits. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf. London, 1745 Contains portraits of Colley Cibber, Duchess of Marlborough, Addison, owe, Buckingham, Swift, Gay, etc., ete. ae TS 2441 Pore (ALEx.) PortricaL Works [and Translations], with * Life by Dr. Johnson, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1824 or 2442 Popr (ALEXANDER). Works, with Notes and Illustrations ‘ by Joseph Warton and others. Portraits. 9 vols. 8vo, russia gilt, London, 1797 Fine copy. 275 2443 Popr. Essay on the Genius and Writincs of Pope, by JosEPH WaRTON. fortraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1806 This copy formerly belonged to Hobhouse, the friend of Byron, and has his autograph on the fly-leaf, dated at Cambridge, 1807. 2444 Pope (Sir TuHos). Lire of, by Thos, Warton, chiefly com- piled from original Evidences ; with Appendix of Papers never before printed. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut - edges. london, 1780 Pope was the founder of Trinity College, Oxford. 2445 PopuLarR Epucator. Wood-cuts. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco. Cassell, London, 1852-3 2446 Porson (RICHARD). MISCELLANEOUS Works. Edited by Kidd. 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1815 2447 Porson. Lerrers to Travis on the Three Heavenly Wit- nesses. 8vo, half vellum gilt. Very scarce. London, 1790 Fine copy. 2448 PorTER (WM. T.) Lire of, by Francis Brinley. Portrait. r12mo, cloth, New York, 1860 2449 Portraits, A collection of 44 portraits of English Divines, etc. 8vo, wrapper. 2450 Portraits. A collection of 86 fine portraits engraved on steel, and representing the principal personages in the history of England. Royal 8vo, half morocco gilt. Knight, London, 1839 2451 PORTRAITS .AND PLAY-BILLS. 4 Collection of 127. Folio. London, v. d. Includes portraits of Mr. Young as Brutus, Mrs. Waylett (2), J. W. Wallack, Terry, C. Taylor as Major Galbraith, Miss Somerville, Mr. Smith as Vigil, Russell as Jerry Sneak, Pearman as Orlando, Palmer as Malvil, Oxberry, Mrs. Orger, Munden as Sir Francis Gripe, Miss Matthews, Elliston, Mrs. Mardyn, Macready as Orestes, Lovegrove as Capt. Rattan (colored), Liston as Dominie Sampson, Lewis, Knight, Chas. and Mrs. Kemble, Miss Kelly, Keely, Jones as Puff, Johnstone, Incledon as Macheath, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Har- lowe, Miss Hallande, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Gibbs, Gattie, Fitzwil- liam, Mrs. Faucit, W. Farren as Sir Peter Teazle, Farley, Emery, Mrs. Egerton, Dowton, Mrs. Davison, Cooper, Cooke (T. P.), Miss Carew, Miss Byrne, Miss Brunton, Miss Booth, Mrs. Bartley, Ban- nister, Mrs. Alsop, etc. ; all but five of these portraits being choice proofs and accompanied with the ORIGINAL PLAY-BILLS of the Covent Garden and Drury-Lane Theatres, London, between the dates 1793-1828. 18 276 PorTRAITS and MONUMENTS of the Kings and celebrated Personages of England. 65 plates engraved by Vertue, ete. 8vo, calf. PorTRAITS and SKETCHES: .being Vol. 52 of the ‘ Knicker- bocker Magazine” ; with steel portraits of its contributors. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 PORTRAITS. British GALLERY OF CONTEMPORARY PoR- TRAITS, being a series of engravings of the most eminent persons living or recently deceased in Great Britain and Ireland, from drawings made from Life. Upwards of 150 finely engraved portraits. 2 vols. royal folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1822 PorTRAITS (CABINET OF), consisting of 64 fine steel portraits of Distinguished Characters, British and Foreign, with Memoirs, 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1823 Portraits. DRAwING-Room Portrait GALLERY of Eminent Personages. A series of 50 very large and beautifully en- graved portraits on steel, after photographs, with Memoirs. Folio, half morocco gilt. London, 1860 PoRTRAIT GALLERY OF DISTINGUISHED FEMALES, including Beauties of the Courts of George IV. and William IV., with Memoirs by John Burke, A series of 75 beautifully engraved portraits. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1833 PorTRAITS. GALLERY of BRITISH and FOREIGN PORTRAITS, with Memoirs by distinguished Biographers. 168 ine portraits beautifully engraved on steel, original impressions. 7 vols. in 4, imperial 8vo, morocco extra. Choice copy. C. Knight, London, 1833-8 A very interesting series, engrayed in the highest style of the Art, in the same manner as Lodge’s portraits, to which it forms an excellent companion, the portraits being different. Portraits. ILLusTRIOUS PERSONAGES of the XI Xth Century. 20 steel portraits, with Introduction by H. P. Tappan, Royal 8vo, morocco gilt. New York, 1853 PORTRAITS OF CHARACTERS ILLUSTRIOUS IN BRITISH HIsTory, from the Reign of Henry VIIIth to James II, 100 fine portraits engraved in mezzotint by Earlom. Royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Woodburn, London, 1813 277 | Vt 2461 PoRTRAITS. NATIONAL PoRTRAIT GALLERY of DISTINGUISHED ) A AMERICANS. Vol, 3, with 30 fine portraits on steel. Roy. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1836 2462 PORTRAITS OF EMINENT CONSERVATIVE STATESMEN, with Genealogical and Historical Memoirs. 42 fine portraits / U/ &f on India paper, engraved on steel, from paintings by Sir r Thomas Lawrence and others. 1 vol. in 2, folio, morocco gilt. London, n. d. Among the most prominent portraits are the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Ashburton, Lord Lyndhurst, ete. 2463 PORTRAITS OF REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. Caulfield’s Por- r traits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, y yy ST from 1688 to the Reign of George III. 155 curious por- traits of eccentric and notorious persons of Great Britain. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1819 Fine tall copy; scarce. 2464 PORTRAITS OF THE BRITISH POETS, from Chaucer a VM to Cowper and Beattie ; consisting of 138 highly finished portraits engraved by Fittler, Worthington, Warren, Fin- ig den, and other eminent artists; brilliant proofs on India paper. 2 vols. folio, half mor., gilt tops. London, 1824 LARGE PAPER; very scarce; the whole impression was eagerly secured by subscribers. Ete, 2465 Portraits of the MARSHALS of FRANCE. 42 fortraits. { Texte par C. Gavard, 4to, half russia. Paris, 1839 i tf 2466 Portraits of the Popes. 245 fortraits, mounted in a 4to vol. half morocco, 2467 Portraits of the whole of the RoyaL FAmILy (George III., / DG etc.) 21 fine plates from the paintings by Gainsborough, ) Sir W. Beechy, Sir Thos. Lawrence, etc. Folio, morocco extra, inside borders and silk linings. Harding, Vondon, 1806 2468 PorTRAITS, The most DISTINGUISHED SOLDIERS and Civil- {/ ed ians of the Great Rebellion. 110 correct portraits on steel, r some photographs, some proofs on India paper. Collected and arranged by L. Montgomery Bond. Royal 4to, half russia extra, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1864 2469 Portraits. THE UNIQUE: @ collection of 86 exquisite steed J WA 5 portraits of eminent authors, etc., with short Memoirs. Vol. I. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Very scarce, London, 1824 278 PORTRAITS, WooDBURN’s GALLERY OF Rare PorTRAITS, comprising 200 fine portraits of celebrated Englishmen, en- graved by Cecil, Delaram, Faithorne, Vertue, White, etc. 2 vols. folio, morocco gilt, gilt leaves. London, 1816 An admirable series of portraits illustrative of Clarendon and Burnet, engraved either from the original plates, or in exact fac-simile of the rare originals. Large paper copy, published at 20 guineas. PortsMouTH. Poets of, compiled by A. M. Payson and Albert Laighton, 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1865 POTTER (IsRAEL R.) Lire AND REMARKABLE ADVENTURES of, (a native of Cranston, Rhode Island), who was a Sol dier in the American Revolution, and took a distinguished part in the Battle of Bunker Hill, etc., etc. Curious wood-cut portrait of Potter, crying “‘ Old Chairs to Mend.” 12mo, half calf. Scarce, Providence, 1824 Morrell, $7.25. Fisher, $5. POTTER (JoHN). FeEstivous Notes on the History and Ad- ventures of Don Quixote. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1771 From the Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his book-plate. Powel. Seconp Tate or a Tus; or, the History of Robert Powel, the Puppet-Show-Man. Frontispiece. 8vo, calf. Rare and Curious. London, 1715 PowELL (JAMEs A.) TRIBUTE to the Memory of, by A. Gerald Hull, Portrait and plate. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges, New York, 1829 Privately printed. POWER (TYRONE). ImpREss1oNs of AMERICA during the Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. ichings by Hervieu, 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1836 PRAED (W. M.) PoeticaL Works. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1844 PraED (W. M.) Poems. Memoir by Derwent Coleridge. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1865 Pratt (Hon. Zapock), CHRONOLOGICAL BioGRapuy of. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868 PREBLE (GEO, Henry). Our FLac. Origin and Progress of the Flag of the United States of America, with an In- troductory Account of the Symbols, Standards, Banners, and Flags of Ancient and Modern Nations. J//ustrations, some colored. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1872 | iS aS 2481 fo Ps "a 2484 A 2485 2486 [oy mae a 2 ih LS 89 2490 Le 2491 279 PREGNANT WoMEN. Letters on the Force of Imagination. 12mo, half calf, London, 1765 The author argues “ that it is a ridiculous prejudice to suppose it possible for a pregnant woman to mark her child with the figure of any object she has longed for.” Prescott (W. H.) HusroricaL Works complete. Large type, with portraits. 15 vols, 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1869 Comprises: Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols.; Conquest of Peru, 2 vols.; Reign of Philip II., King of Spain, 3 vols.; Charles V., 3 vols., and Biographical! and Critical Miscellanies, 1 vol. PricE (GEORGE). TREATISE ON FirRE and THIEF PROOF Deposirories and Locks and Keys. Vumerous illus- trations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 Pricuarp (T. J. L.) HeErornes or WELSH History. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854 Comprises Memoirs of the Ladies at the Court of Queen Arthur, Boadicea, Nell Gwynn, etc., etc. PRIDEAUX (HuMmPHREY). TRUE NATURE OF IMPOSTURE, fully displayed in the Life of Mahomet. 8vo, calf an- tique, red edges. London, 1697 Prior (MatrHew). Poems. fortrait and plates, including the facetious plate of the curious Maid (often missing). 2 vols. thick 12mo, calf. Scarce. London, 1754 This edition contains all the suppressed facetious Poems, some of which are written in La Fontaine’s broadest style. PrizE Lists on Public Exhibition Days, at the Edinburgh Academy, for 1830—7—8-40-1-3-4-5 and’6. 8vo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1830-46 Includes many prize-winners who are now famous. PROCTER (ADELAIDE ANNE.) LEGENDS AND Lyrics. A Book of Verses. 12mo, half blue calf gilt. New York, 1858 PROCTER (ADELAIDE A.) Poems. 16mo, cloth gilt. , Db 3oston, 1863 [PROCTER]. Marcian CoLonna: an Italian Tale, etc., by ‘‘ Barry Cornwall.” 32mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1821 Autograph of Dr. J. KE. De Kay. Procrer (R. W.) Lirerary Reminiscences and Gleanings. Lilustrated. Post.8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1860 280 2492 PSALMANAZAR (GEORGE). HISTORICAL AND (;EOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF ForMosa ; giving an Account of the Re- ligion, Customs, Manners, etc., of the Inhabitants, etc., with the Vindication, etc. Map and curious copper plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1705 Psalmanazar was the assumed name of a literary impostor, who, at the age of sixteen, when in Germany, conceived an idea, suc- cessfully carried out, of passing himself off for a native of the Island of Formosa. He was brought to London by the Rev. William Innes, was patronized by Bishop Compton, and trans- lated the Church Catechism into his invented Formosan lan- guage, and also published, in 1704, his fictitious ‘‘ Description of Formosa ;” studied under the auspices of the Bishop of Oxford, and subsequently led for several years an idle and extrava- gant life in London ; became penitent when about thirty-two years of age, and for the rest of his life was noted for that ex- emplary piety which elicited the respect and enthusiastic admi- ration of Dr. Johnson.—ALLIBONE’s DIc. 2493 PSALMANAZAR (GEORGE). Memoirs of, with Account of his Curious Adventures, etc, 12mo, calf. Dublin, 1765 2494 PuBLIC CHARACTERS, 1798 to 1810, being Biographies of our most Distinguished Statesmen, Naval and Military Men, the Literati, Artists, etc. (edited by A. Stevens), Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, (the complete work). London, 1798-1810 Containing many well-written biographical sketches not to be found elsewhere. The Portraits, though in outline, are artistic pro- ductions. LL 2 2495 PuBLIC CHARACTERS of the Present Age. Biographies. 27 f fortraits, 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. London, 1831 2496 PUBLISHERS’ CIRCULAR (The), and Record of British and AO Foreign Literature, from December, 1865, to December, ; 1878. 13 vols. 8vo (4 half morocco, the rest in num- bers). London, 1865-78 With the illustrated numbers. 2497 PucKLE CLuB (THE). A Dialogue between a Father and his Son [a curious and excellent moral Work, first printed in A J 70 1711], republished, with Portrait, engraved title, and numerous beautiful vignette engravings. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, 1817 Large paper ; only 200 copies printed. 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2593 2504 2595 2506 2507 = 281 PuckLE Cius. A Gray Cap for a Green Head. Beautiful wood-cut illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Chiswick Press, London, 1834 PuCKLE CLUB. ILLUSTRATIONS, 24 im number, printed in colors from the original blocks, Royal 8vo, calf extra. Only 100 copies printed. London, 1820 PucitisM. HumpuHreys(RICH.) MEMOIRS OF JOHN SCROG- GINS, the Pugilistic Hero, otherwise John Palmer: his Fights in the Prize-Ring, Sporting Anecdotes, Annals of Pugilism, from 1719 to 1824, during 105 Years. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. London, 1827 PuIcBLANCH (D. ANTONIO), INQUISITION UNMASKED: be- ing an Historical and Philosophical Account of that Tre- mendous Tribunal, founded on Authentic Documents. Translated by William Walton. Plates of Tortures, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1816 Putaski. Love anp Patriotism! or, Extraordinary Ad- ventures of M. pu PortalL, late Major-General in the Armies of the United States. Interspersed with many surprising Incidents in the Life of the late Count Pulaski, Small 8vo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, with inside borders and edges, by Bedford. Boston, 1799 Portrait of Pulaski inserted. Fine copy ; rare. Puncu. COMPLETE LETTER-WRITER. By “Punch.” J//- lustrations by Leech and others. t2mo, half calf gilt. Phila., 1845 Puncn’s PockeTt-Boox of Fun, and Origin and Career of Mr. Punch; wth a fac-simile of Mark Lemon's original prospectus in MS. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, wrapper. London, 1868 PUNCHINELLO: a Comic Magazine, from April 2 to December 24th, 1870. Humorous illustrations. 2 vols. in 1, folio, cloth. New York, 1870 Complete; all published. PUNCHINELLO. Another copy; complete. Folio, cloth, and 13 numbers. New York, 1870 (Purnam (GeorcE P.)]| Pocket MEMORANDUM-BOOK during a Ten Weeks’ Trip to Italy and Germany in 1847. Small 4to, 140 pp, cloth. New York, 1848 Privately printed; very scarce. “These brief notes from a pocket memorandum-book and ‘ written on the wing, have been printed in the Literary World, anda very few copies are struck off in this form, chiefly for private friends.” 282 2508 Pye (G.) Patronace of BritisH ART: an Historical Sketch, containing an Account of the Rise and Progress of Art and Artists in London, etc. Portraits by Mul- ready, and other wood-cuts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Longmans, London, 1845 2509 Pyne (G.) RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON PERSPECTIVE; with 86 tllustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. Weale, london, 1851 2510 [Pyne (W. H.)] Wine anp Wa.nuts; or, After-Dinner Chit-Chat, by “ Ephraim Hardcastle.’”’ 2 vols. post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1824 DS UACKADE (Tue). A Mock Heroic Poem in Five Can- tos. By Whirligig Bolus. 4to. Very scarce. Lond., 1752 2512 QuaRLL. THE Hermit; or, the Unparallel’d Sufferings and Surprising Adventures of Philip “UG Quarll, an Englishman, lately discovered by Mr. Dor- rington: his Marrying a Famous Whore, and then af Three Wives, etc. Post 8vo, calf. Map and frontis- piece. 12mo, calf. London, 1768 2513 QUEEN CAROLINE AND GEORGE THE FourtH. An Ex- traordinary and Unique Collection of Rare Satirical Pa- pers, Pamphlets, etc., relating to George the Fourth and p OY his Consort, Queen Caroline; the Charges against her, . her Trial, Death, etc.; also the Intrigues of the Court of England. 6 vols. 8vo, half blue mor., gilt top. London, 1816-38 This curious collection numbers 65 Pamphlets, Broadsides, etc., and was formed by the celebrated William Hone ; some of the above were PRIVATELY PRINTED, and many are illustrated with por- traits and other engravings. or Old Q(ueensbury) ; containing Memoirs of the Private Life of that Ever Green Votary of Venus, with Anec- dotes of his Contemporaries. By J. P. Huxstone. /old- ing frontispiece. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. are. London, 1808 JST 2515 QuIN (JAMES). JESTS; or, the Facetious Man’s Pocket- ’ Companion, containing every Species of Wit, Humour, and Repartee. 12mo, half calf. London, 1766 er 2514 [QUEENSBURY (DUKE oOF)]. PICCADILLY AMBULATOR, y Portrait inserted. A very scarce and facetious volume. SH 2516 Quin. Lire or Mr. James Quin, Comedian; with the 4 History of the Stage, from his commencing Actor to his Retreat to Bath. 1r2mo, half calf. London, 1766 Portrait inserted. Scarce. 284 2517 Quincy (JosiAH). Municipat History of the Town and City of Boston during Two Centuries. Plates. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 2518 Quincy (J.) Memory of the late James GRAHAME vindi- cated from the Assaults of George Bancroft, with Mr. B.’s Conduct Exposed. 8vo, wrapper. Boston, 1846 Presentation copy ‘‘ from the author.” 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 By Madame De B—. Memoirs of Rachel. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1858 AGHEL. Portrait. RACHEL. cloth. Memoirs of Rachel. By Madame de B. 12m0, New York, 1858 Portrait inserted. Raikes (THOMAS). PORTION OF HIS JOURNAL, from 183! to 1847; comprising Reminiscences of Social and Polit- ical Life in London and Paris, during that period. Second Edition. Portraits. 4 vols. crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1856-58 Raikes (Thomas). City oF THE Czar; or, a Visit to St. Petersburg, in the winter of 1829-30. r2mo, half green calf gilt. 2 vols. in 1, Phila., 1838 Rateicu (Str WALTER). Discourse on the Lire and Character of, by J. M. Harris, delivered before the Mary- land Historical Society. 8vo, half calf. Baltimore, 1846 Handsomely Illustrated by the insertion of 21 Portraits, including 4 of Raleigh, Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, etc. Ratecu (Sir WALTER). Lire AND TIMES of, with ex- tracts from his “History of the World,” by Charles Whitehead. J///ustrated. Crown 8vo, half calf extra, citron edges. London, 1854 RALEGH (SiR WALTER). Mewnorrs of the Life of, by Mrs. A. T. Thomson. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1830 RAMBLER’s MaGazine and New York Theatrical Register for the Season of 1809-10. Vol. I. 16mo, boards (all published). D. Longworth, New York, 1810 Ramsay (Martua L.) Memoirs of the Life of, by David Ramsay. Portrait inserted. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1815 286 SOO 2528 Ramsay (J.G.M.) ANNaALs or TENNESSEE to the End r of the Eighteenth Century (1769-1800). 8vo, cloth. Charleston, 1853 Oe ye 2529 RANDOLPH (THOMAS). Poems. Engraved title. 12m0, half , vellum. Oxford, 1640 Second Edition, containing the Muses’ Looking-Glasse, Amyntas, and Jealous Lovers. RAPELJE (GEORGE). NARRATIVE OF EXCURSIONS, Voy , ages, and Travels in America, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1834 Si 2531 Rapin AND TINDAL. History or ENGLAND; with maps . and a series of portraits and monuments of the K ings and Queens, by Vertue. 21 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1757-9 H¢ a a ag 2532 Rayna (L’ApBé). REVOLUTION DE L’AmfRIQUE. Por- YY ’ trait. 8vo, calf gilt. Londres, 1781 S08 2533 Reacu (Ancus B.) CLARET AND OLIVES, from the : Garonne to the Rhone; or, Notes Social, Picturesque, and Legendary. J//ustrations. 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1852 Jo 2534 Reacu (A. B.) Ciarer and OLIvEs. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1852 - 2535 Reacu (A. B.) Ciement Lorimer; or, the Book with JE the Iron Clasps. Jllustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo, ' half mor. London, n. d. First Edition ; rare, JO 2536 Reacu (A. B.) Lreonarp LinpseEy; also Clement Lori mer. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1857 2537 ReacH (Ancus B.) NaturaL History or Humeucs. he Lllustrated by A. Henning. 12mo, half blue calf. London, n. d. 2538 Reacu. MEN or THE Hour. In Three Parts. Profusely Se Lilustrated. 12mo, half blue calf. London, n. d. Bores, Tuft-Hunters, and the Bal Masque. 4 f° 2539 Reap (Harriette Fanninc). Dramatic Poems. 8vo, at 4 cloth. Boston, 1848 r 2540 Reap (J. M.) Hisroricat Inquiry concerning HENRY ia Hupson, his Friends, Relatives, and Early Life, his “ connection with the Muscovy Company, and Discovery of Delaware Bay. 8vo, paper. Albany, 1866 a 2541 ef 2542 J di 8 ’ “4 2544 yo DO 354 2546 / J z- , 50 2548 Lt 549 L/S 255° 2551 287 Reap (T. BucHANAN). PorericaL Works complete. 3 vols. 12mo, purple morocco extra, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1867 8 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858, etc. Comprises: Never Too Late to Mend, Cloister and the Hearth, Christie Johnstone, Clouds and Sunshine, Peg Woflington, Love Me Little, etc., and Griffith Gaunt. READE (CHARLES). NOVELS. SavaGE ArFricA. Jap, and 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864 Contains Notes on the existence of Unicorns and Tailed Men. READE (W. WINwooD). qwood-cut illustrations. REBELLION REecoRD: a Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Edited by Frank Moore. Portraits on steel, maps, 9 vols. (only) royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1862-66 Rese, Newspapers. New Orleans Picayune, June 11, 1862; Port Hudson Courier, April 23, and May 16, 1863, etc. REcoRD OF THE COURT OF UPLAND, in Pennsylvania, 1676 to 1681, and a Military Journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781 to 1795. Portraits of Major Denny and Gen. Harmar, etc. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 etc. and diagrams. History OF SHIPWRECKS and Disas- Vignettes and wood-cuts. 3 Reppinc (Cyrus). ters at Sea. Both Series. vols. r2mo, cloth. (Vol. 4 missing). Reep (H.) Lectures on ENGLIisH LITERATURE. Lor- trait. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 REED (WiLL1AM B.) Oration delivered on the occasion of the Re-interment of the Remains of GENERAL HuGH MERCER, before the St. Andrews and Thistle Societies, Nov. 26, 1840. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1840 Plates inserted: including Portraits of Gen. Mercer, Gen. Washing- ton, Historical Scenes, etc. [REED]. PAMPHLETS, with an Appendix. Lond., 1833-35 REPRINT OF THE REED AND CADWALLADER 8vo, uncut. [Philadelphia], 1863 Only 199 copies printed, all for subscribers. Criticism on W. B. Reed’s Aspersions on the 8vo, wrapper. Philadelphia, 1867 REED. Character of Benjamin Rush, etc. 288 REED. PRESIDENT REED, of Pennsylvania: 2 Reply to George Bancroft and others. 8vo, wrapper. Philadelphia, 1867 ReEs (JAMES). Dramatic AUTHORS OF AMERICA. Me- moirs, List of their Plays, Notes, etc. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1845 The only work of the kind published in the United States, and a valuable nucleus for an extended and much-needed work. REEs (JAMEs). Dramatic AUTHORS OF AMERICA. 12m0o, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1845 Portraits of Dunlap, Forrest, and Mrs. Mowatt inserted. Rees (JAMES). DRAMATIC AUTHORS OF AMERICA. 12mo0, wrapper. Philadelphia, 1845 Rees (JAMES). Lire or Epwin Forrest; with Reminis- cences and Personal Recollections. /ine portrait on India paper, 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1874 Two copies. But few were published containing proof portrait. ~ Mr. Rees, whose literary nom de plume is “Colley Cibber,” was a life-long friend of the great tragedian, and was the last one who bade him “ Good-night ” on the night before his death. His biography contains Historical and Critical Notices of the Charac- ters of Shakespeare, as represented by Mr. Forrest and other well- known actors. Rees (JAMES). FOoT-PRINTS OF A LETTER-CARRIER. 12m0, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 REEVE (CLARA). Memoirs of Sir RoGER DE CLARENDON, the Natural Son of Edward, Prince of Wales, called the Black Prince, with Anecdotes, etc. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf. © London, 1793 REJECTED ADDRESSES; together with the Prize Addresses presented for the Medal offered at the opening of the New Park Theatre in New York City ; with the large plate of the interior of the Theatre. 16mo, boards, uncut. Copies with the plate are very rare. New York, 1821 REJECTED ADDRESSES ; together with the Prize ADDRESS presented for the Prize Medal offered for the best Address on the Opening of the New Park Theatre in the City of New York. t12m0o, calf extra. New York, 1821 Frontispiece missing ; scarce. The prize was awarded to Charles Sprague, of Boston. M’Donald Clarke and Samuel Woodworth were also competitors. 289 Soles 2561 REJECTED ADDRESSES, presented for the Cup offered for the We hae SIO best Address on the Opening of the New Theatre, Phila- delphia ; to which is prefixed THE PrizE ADDRESS. I2mo, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1823 The Prize Address was delivered by W. B. Woop on the night of the opening of the Theatre. 2562 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. LIves and Portraits of, drawn from the most authentic sources. Upwards of 60 fine and curious portraits. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half russia gilt. Scarce. Arnett, London, 1819 2563 RERESBY (SIR JOHN), MEMOIRS AND TRAVELS, containing Anecdotes and Secret History of the Courts of Charles Il. and James II., with a View of the Governments and So- ciety in the Principal States of Europe. 8vo, half crim- son levant morocco extra, gilt top. London, 1813 Nearly 70 plates inserted, comprising many fine and rare Historical Portraits, etc. 2564 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, and HisToricaL anp AN- TIQUARIAN MaGAZzINE. Consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from, Curious, Valuable, and Scarce Old Books. 18 vols, 8vo, polished calf super extra, yellow edges, by Bedford. London, 1820-—6-8 THE THREE SERIES COMPLETE. BEAUTIFUL CUPY. “ An excellent review of early English literature, The criticisms in the First SERIES were written by Geo. Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, Esq., Mr. Sergt. Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, Esq., etc., under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq. The SECOND SERIES was edited by Henry Southern, and Nicholas Harris Nicolas. The papers in the TarrD SERIES were chiefly written by Thomas Wright, Esq., J. O. Halliwell, Esq., and M. A. Lower, Esq.”— LOWNDES. 2565 REUMONT (ALFRED). CARAFAS OF MADDALONI: Naples under Spanish Dominion. /ortrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1854 2566 REYNOLDS (FREDERICK), Lir—E AND Times. Written by Himself. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1826 Autograph letter of Reynolds, 1 page, 8vo, addressed to Kenney, the Dramatist, inserted. 2567 REYNOLDS (FREDERICK). PLAYWRIGHT’S ADVENTURES. //- lustrations on wood by W. H. Brooke, Post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1831 290 2568 REYNOLDS (FREDERICK). Lire AND TIMES, written by Him- self. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1826 2569 Rreynotps (G.W.M.) Rosert MAcarReE in England ; with 18 illustrations on steel by “Phiz.” 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 2570 Reynotps. Leste (CuaAs. R.) and Taytor (Tom.) Lire and Times of Sir JosHuA REYNOLDS, with Notices of some of his Cotemporaries. Portraits and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1865 2571 REYNOLDS (SIR JosHUA) AND HIS Works. By W. Cotton. Edited by J. Burnet. Jortraits and fac-similes. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1856 2572 REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). WORKS, A collection of 68 large and splendid engravings, principally mezzotints, comprising many of the most beautiful and celebrated Char- acters, Male and Female, painted by the Great Master, en- graved by Sherwin, Watson, McArdell, Houston, Fisher, Ward, S. W. Reynolds, 7. R. Smith, etc. Mounted on heavy paper, and bound in an atlas folio volume, half mo- rocco, A superb collection. The steel portraits include superb impressions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Prince of Wales, Lord Rodney, and an unfinished plate ; the mezzotints represent Children in the Wood, Mercury, Faith, Charity, Mercy, Duke of Portland, Edmund Burke, Prince of Wales, Duke of Bedford, Sir Wm. Forbes, Bishop Newton, etc., etc., etc. 2573 Ruys (Capt. Horton, “Morton Price”), THEATRICAL TRIP FOR A WAGER! through Canada and the United States, Tinted plates.. 8vo, wrapper. London, 1861 2574 Riccozoni (lewis). Hrstoricat and Critical Account of the THEATRES in Evuropr, viz.: the Italian, Spanish, French, English, Dutch, and other Theatres, with Notes by the Author and Translator. Portrait of Thespts, the First Player and Poet. 8vo, calf. London, 1741 2575 Riccoponi (Lewis), Historicat Account of all the THEAa- TRES in Europe, with a Review of the Manner, Persons, and Character of the Actors, etc. Second edition. 8vo, calf. London, £747 Inserted in this volume is “An Essay upon English Tragedy,” by WILLIAM GUTHRIE, “the best piece of Dramatic Criticism that appeared before the close of the last century.” \ 291 Rice (Dan, éhe Clown), Lire of. Jilustrated. 8vo, wrap- per. New York, 1849 Ric (O.) BrstiorHeca AMERICANA Nova ; or, a Catalogue of Books in various Languages, relating to America, printed from 1500 to 1844, with Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, and 2 parts unbound. Scarce. London, 1832-46 Ricuarps (F. DE B.) Ranpom SKETCHES ; or, What I Saw in Europe. ortrait. tzmo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 RicHarpson (D. L.) Lirerary Cuit-Cuat, with Miscel- laneous Poems and an Appendix of Prose Papers. Fac_ similes of 100 autographs. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1848 RICHARDSON (J.) RecoLuections, Political, Literary, Dra- matic, and Miscellaneous, of the Last Half Century, 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 RicHeLieu (CARDINAL). Lire of, by Wm. Robson. ///us- trated, Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 RicHMOND THEATRE. Full Account of the Burning of, on Dec. 26th, 1811. Frontispiece. 8vo, wrapper. Seare. Richmond, 1858 Inserted in the above copy are two cuttings from contemporary newspapers. Also a play-bill of the night of the fire. Over 60 persons lost their lives at this disastrous fire. Ripcety (Davip). ANNALS OF ANNAPOLIS, from 1649 to Q 1812. Frontispiece, 12mo, uncut. 3altimore, 1841 Very scarce in this state. RippatH (GrEorGE). BorpER Hisrory or ENGLAND and Scotland, from the Earliest Times to the Union. Last edition, revised by his brother. 4to, boards. Berwick, 1848 An authentic, valuable, and highly interesting work, comprising the transactions of the two nations with each other, accounts of re- markable antiquities, anecdotes of the most considerable families and distinguished characters, etc. RIEDESEL. Memoirs, LETTERS, and JOURNALS of MAJorR- GENERAL RIeDESEL during his Residence in America, Translated from the Original German of Max von Eel- king by Wm. L, Stone. Jortrait and plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, uncut. Munsell, Albany, 1868 Large paper ; but 50 copies were printed. 19 j 292 2586 RIEDESEL (MRS. GEN.) LETTERS AND JOURNALS relating to the War of the American Revolution and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Translated by Wm. L. Stone. 4to, half mor, extra, gilt top, uncut edges, Albany, 1867 UNIQUE COPY on LARGE PAPER, with a grand assemblage of auto- graph letters, rare portraits and prints, maps, etc., inserted by the translator, to whom this copy belonged, comprising AUTO- GRAPH LETTERS of Madame Riedesel, J. B. Angell, J. Munsell, Max von Eelking, General Riedesel, Carl, Duke of Brunswick, Lord Dorchester, George IIL, Horatio Gates, Theodore Dwight, General Burgoyne, H. W. Longfellow, Philip Schuyler, General Pattison (granting permission to a “flag of truce”), Joseph Brandt (7hayendanegea), and a MS. poem of eight verses by Sir William Johnston. PortTRArts of all the principal personages engaged in the war, many being fine proofs. Views of nearly every locality mentioned, including photographs of the places not immortalized on steel or wood, taken specially for this vol- ume, and a drawing of the Smith house in which General Frazer died. 2587 RIEDESEL (MADAME DE). LETTERS AND JOURNALS relating to the War of the American Revolution and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Translated from the Original German by W. L. Stone. Portrait. Royal 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1867 2588 RIKER (JAMES). ANNALS or NEWTOWN, containing its His- tory from its First Settlement ; Revolutionary, etc. Maps. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1852 | 2589 Rimpautt (E. F.) Litre Book of Soncs and BALLADS, gathered from Ancient Musick Books, Crown 8vo, half , calf gilt, Russell Smith, London, 1851 2590 [Ritson (Josrry)]. SeLecr Co.tiecrion of ENGLISH Sones. Beautiful vignettes by Blake after the designs of Stothard. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf. London, 1783 2591 Ropp (A.) Specimens of Printinc Types and Ornaments. 8vo, half mor. (damaged). Phila., 1844 2592 Ropsins (A.) Journat of the Loss of the Bric Commerce, of Hartford, on the Western Coast of Africa in 1815. 12mo, sheep, Hartford, 1818 / Contains an account of the manners, customs, and habits of the wan-° dering Arabs. 293 2593 ROBERTS (GEORGE). Lire, PROGRESSES, and REBELLION of James, Duke of Monmoutu, to his Capture and Execu- tion. ortrait, map, etc. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1844 2594 Ropertson (T. W.) Davip Garrick: a Love Story. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 Robertson’s name is familiar as the author of the popular plays of “ Caste,” “Dreams,” ‘ Progress,” etc., frequently performed in this city. “David Garrick” has also been dramatized and played here. 2595 Rogpinson (C.) Account of DISCOVERIES in the WEST un- til 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1848 2596 Ropinson. Another copy. Cloth. Richmond, 1848 2597 RopinsoN (HENRY CRABB). DIARY, REMINISCENCES, and CoRRESPONDENCE. Selected and edited by ‘Thomas Sad ler. ortrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869 Second and best edition. Autograph letter of Robinson inserted. Irresistible, to be attended to whether you will or no ; and worth the attention, because brimful of anecdote, incident, learning, quaint talk, profound thought, sublime philosophy, childlike fun, bold speculation, and religious feeling, lovely in its conception and practice. 2598 Ropinson (Mrs.) Memoirs, written by Herself ; with some Posthumous Pieces. ortrait after Reynolds. 4 vols. r12mo, calf, London, 1801 With some account of the “fair Perdita’s” liaison with the Prince of Wales, afterward George the Fourth. \BINSON (Rev. WM.) Memoir of, with some Account of his Ancestors in this Country. 8vo, cloth, N. Y., 1859 Privately printed. Rosy (J.) TRapitions of LANCASHIRE ; with numerous fine engravings of Scenery and A ntiguities by Linden, LarGE Paper, INDIA PRroors. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1867 ‘His tales are as true as history, and yet possess the animation of a Romance.” Frequently quoted by Sir Walter Scott in his De- monology and Witchcraft. 2601 Rock (Capr., the Trish Chieftain), Memoirs of, by himself. r2mo, half calf gilt, : London, 1824 204 Rocue (MICHAEL DE LA). Memoirs of LITERATURE, Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. 8 vols, in 4, 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1722 (~ Only 350 copies printed. Rocue (M. pe La). New Memorrs of LirERATURE, contain- ing an Account of New Books, printed both at Home and Abroad. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1725-7 (=~ Supplement to the above. Ropwett (G.H.) Oxp Lonpon Bripce. 26 Plates by Ashley. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, (1845) [Rocers (Major Rogert)], Ponreacu; or, the Savages of America. A Tragedy, 8vo, pp. 110, tree calf extra, by Mansell. Printed for the author, London, 1766 Beautiful copy, excessively rare. Has autograph of the author in- serted, “ Concord, New Hampshire, Dec. 7, 1775.” Major Rogers saw much service in America during the French and Indian Wars, and published, in 1765, a Journal of his several Campaigns ; also a “Concise Account of North America.” RoGers (SAMUEL). Porticat Works, COMPLETE, with Me- moir and Notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco gilt. Boston, 1854 ROLLIN (CHARLES). ANCIENT History, with Life, by J. Bell. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Cincinnati, 1857 RoMANCE of CHASTISEMENT; or, Revelations of the School and Bedroom. By an Expert. 8vo, half morocco. Pyi- vately printed, [London], 1870 Only 100 copies printed for subscribers. RomMNEyY. Hayley (Witii1AM), Lire or GEorGE Romney. fine impressions of the numerous beautiful engravings after Romney's paintings, some by Blake. to, half mo- rocco gilt, Chichester, 18¢9 Romney (GrorGE, ¢he Painter). MEMoIRS OF THE LIFE and Works of, with some particulars of the Life of Peter Romney, his brother. By John Romney. Portrait. gto, half calf extra. London, 1830 Romney will be remembered for his famous picture of the Death of General Wolfe, and his illustrations to the Boydell Shakespeare. Roscor (H.) Lives or Eminent British Lawyers, or- traits. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1830 | 22 2612 2613 Fae 2620 i 2621 ? 295 a ROSCOE (Tuomas). NOVELISTS. Spanisn, ITat1an, and German Noveuists. Translated from the Originals, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 11 vols. crown 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1826-36 Spanish Novelists, 3 vols. ; Italian Novelists, 4 vols.; German Novelists, 4 vols. ; Complete set, exceedingly scarce. Roscok (WILLIAM). Lire and PontiricaTE of J.EO THE TENTH. Fourth Edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. J//ustrations. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf antique, London, 1846 Roscoe (WiLLIAM). I:_usTRations, Historical and Critical of the Lire of Lorenzo p& MEDICct, called the Magnifi- cent. Portraits and other engravings. 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1822 Roscozk (WiLL1AM). Lire of Lorenzo D& Menict, called the Magnificent, Revised by Thomas Roscoe. ortraits and other Illustrations. 8vo, half calf. London, 1846 The above three lots are uniformly bound. Roscoz (WitLtAM). PorticaL Works. First Collected Edition, Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1857 Rose (Rt. Hon. Grorce), DIARIES AND CORRESPONDENCE with the most Distinguished Statesmen of his Day. Edited by Vernon Harcourt. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 Rounp TaBLe (THE), complete from September, 1865, to June, 1869, and its Continuation to July, 1870, as the New York Citizen, 11 vols, (5 half mor., 6 in sheets), folio. New York, 1865-70 Rover (THE): a Dollar Weekly Magazine. Edited by Seba Smith and L. Labree. Profusely illustrated with engrav- ings on steel and wood. 5 vols. in 4, royal 8vo, half mor. Scarce. New York, 1843-5 Rowe (NIcHOLAS). MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS. 12m0, Calf, London, 1733 Includes the Translation of Quillet’s Art of Getting Beautiful Children. Rowson (Mrs. SUSANNA), Memoir of; with Extracts from her Works, by E, Nason. ortrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany, 1870 Mrs. Rowson will be remembered as the author of “ Charlotte Temple.” 296 2622 Roya ENTERTAINMENT, Reports Relating to the Entertain- ment of Her Majesty the Queen in the Guildhall of the City of London on Lord Mayor’s Day. Unique copy, with numerous large folding plates, views, autographs, etc. Small folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 2623 ROYALISTS. Porrrarrs of Charles I., and the Noblemen, etc., who Suffered for their Loyalty in the Rebellion ; 26 portraits after Vandyke, by Vertue. Royal folio, half mor. Very rare. London, 1746 2624 Roya.t (ANNE). LETTERS FROM ALABAMA on Various Sub- jects ; with Remarks on Sundry Members of the 2oth and 21st Congress, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1830 2625 RoyaLL. SouTHERN Tour; or, Second Series of the Black Book. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. Washington, 1830-1 2626 RoyaLL. PENNSYLVANIA; or, Travels Continued in the United States, Vol. I., 12mo, boards. (Complete). Curious. for the Author, Washington, 1829 2627 Royce (SAMUEL), DerTERIORATION AND Race EpucaTIon. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1878 2628 Rusens (Sir P. P.) Caratocur of the Works of Art in the Possession of ; with a fac-simile letter. 8vo, cloth. Privately printed, London, 1839 2629 Rupinc (Rev. Rocers). ANNALS OF THE COINAGE OF GreaT Britain and its Dependencies, from the Earliest Periods of Authentic History to the Reign of Victoria. Third edition, Corrected and Enlarged; with an entirely New Index to every Coin engraved, and where referred to throughout the work. Very numerous beautifully en- graved plates. 3 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1840 Est 2630 Rumprr. TRANSPLANTED FLOWERS; or, Memoirs of Mrs. ye Rumpff, [Daughter of John Jacob Astor], and of the ; Duchess de Broglie. By Robt. Baird. Portrait. 18mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1839 tL 2631 RusH (Benjamin). An Account of the Lirge and CHARACTER ve of CHRISTOPHER Lupwick, late Citizen of Philadelphia, and Baker-General of the Army of the United States during the Revolutionary War, First published in the year 1801, 12mo, half mor. Phila., 1831 LO 2635 J / 2636 cme 2637 VAY, 2638 OF 2639 5 SO 2640 if 2641 297 Rusu (RIcHARD), MermoranpDaA of a Residence at the Court of London, from 1817 to 1825. 8vo, half calf, Phila., 1833 Rusu (R.) PorniricaL, DipLomatic, and MIsCELLANEOUS Propuctions; Washington in Domestic Life; French Revolution of 1848, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, «860 Ruskin (Joun). Works. J/lustrations, 14 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1869 Stones of Venice ; Modern Painters ; Seven Lamps of Architecture Pre-Raphaelitism ; Drawing and Perspective ; Ethics of the Dust ; The Two Paths; Time and Tide; Untu this Last; Economy of Art; Sesame ; Queenof the Air; Mystery of Life; and Crown of Wild Olive. ’ Russevt (LaDy RacHEL). Letters. ortraits, etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 The Letters mainly relate to the judicial murder of Lord Russell, but contain many that relate-to the short period of the wedded joy of Lord and Lady Russell, and show “‘ how deep that happiness was which the tyranny of a voluptuous King broke into and destroyed.” Russet (LorD JoHN). Don Cartos ; or, Persecution: a Tragedy. 8vo, half calf. Very scarce. London, 1822 Also in this volume, The Italians: a Tragedy [by Charles Bucke] 1819; Vaughan’s Narrative of the Siege of Zaragoza, 1809, and three other Tracts. Russet (Lorp JoHN), Lire or WILLIAM, LorpD RUSSELL ; with some Account of the Times in which he lived, /%xe Portrait and fac-similes, to, half calf. London, 1819 Portrait and title-page spotted. Russe_t (W.) EccENTRIC PERSONAGES. 12m0, Cloth. New York, 1866 Russet, (W.C.) REPRESENTATIVE AcTors. Criticisms, Anecdotes, and Personal Descriptions of Distinguished Actors and Actresses, from the Sixteenth to the Present Century. Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Tond,, n.d. From Burbage, Alleyn, Garrick, and Betterton to Wallack, Fanny Kemble, and Fechter. RusseLt (W. C.) Representative Actors. Anecdotes, Criticisms, etc. Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1869 RussE.i (W. H.) Crimean War. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 298 2642 Rytey (WM.) THE SupERANNUATE; or, Anecdotes, etc. 16mo, sheep. New York, 1845 2643 RYLEY (S.W.) THE ITINERANT; or, Memoirs of an Actor. Second Edition. 9 vols. in 4, rzmo, half calf. London, 1817-27 Complete set, excessively rare, Volumes VII., VIII., and IX. (“ The Itinerant in Scotland ”) being seldom found with the work. Inserted in this copy are five original autograph letters of the au- thor, and numerous manuscript notes, by Alexander Radford, a friend of Mr. Ryley. 2644 Rytey (S. W.) Tue ITINERANT; or, Memoirs of an Actor. Second Edition. Portrait, 6 vols, 12mo, half calf. London, 1817 Very scarce. From the Library of T. P. Cooke, the actor, and con- taining his book-plate. AGO Je SEE ABIN (Josepu). A Dictionary or Books RELATING TO AMERIcA, from its Discovery to the Present Time. yo vols. 8vo, in parts. All yet published. (1 vol. bound.) New York, 1867-78 The purchaser of this set will be required to assume the subscrip- tion undertaken by the present owner. It is the most thorough work of the kind ever attempted, and indispensable to every collector of an American libra ry. 2646 SABIN (JosEPH). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHY ; or, a Handy Book about Books. 8vo, uncut, New York, 1877 2647 SABINE (LORENZO). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF LoyALIsTs of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. 2 vols, 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top. uncut. Best edition, printed on toned paper. Boston, 1864 2648 SarrorD (W. H.) Lire or Harmon BLENNERHASSETT, with Authentic Narrative of the “ Burr Expedition.” View. 12mo, sheep. Chillicothe, O., 1850 2649 Sarrorp (W. H.) Lire or Harmon BLENNERHASSETT, com- prising an Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition ; and containing many Additional Facts not heretofore pub- lished. 12mo, cloth, Cincinnati, 1853 2650 Saint Joseph (Patriarch), Admirable Life of. 16mo, cloth, New York, 1860 2651 Sata (Gro. Aucustus). AccEprep ADDRESSES, Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 2652 Sata (Geo. A.) From WarTERLOO to the PENINSULA. Four Months’ Hard Labour in Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Spain. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1867 2653 Sata (G.A.) Lapy Cuesrerrietp’s Letters to her Daughter. J@ustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 A very pleasing satire. 2654 Sata (G, A.) Rosson (FRED.) [the favorite London Actor] : a Sketch. 10 Portraits inserted, 12mo0, wrapper. London, 1864 _ f 300 2655 Sata (Gro. A.) Tur Two Prima Donnas, and the Dumb Door Porter, Crown 8vo, cloth, London, 1862 2656 Sata (G. A.) Twice RoUND THE Crock ; Captain Sly- boots; and Make your Game. 3 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1860-3 2657 SALVO (MARQUIS DE). ‘TRAVELS in 1806, from Italy to En- gland. Portrait, 12mo, boards, uncut. Troy, 1808 Contains: The Particulars of the Liberation of Mrs. Spencer Smith from the hands of the French police. 2658 Sampson (Henry). HIsTORY OF ADVERTISING from the Rarliest Times, illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Speci- mens, and Biographical Notes. Mwmerous illustrations and fac-similes. 12m0, cloth, uncut, London, 1874 2659 Sampson (Wm.) Memoirs of, with a History of Ireland, and Observations on Manners in America. 8vo, sheep. Leesburgh, Va., 1817 2660 SANDERSON (J.) Brocrapuy of the SicNERs to the Deciara- tion of Independence. By John Sanderson and others, Fine Portraits. 9 vols. in 8, 8vo, boards, uncut. (Vols, 1 and 2 in sheep. Philadelphia, 1820-7 Fowle’s copy sold for $81. 2661 SANDERSON. BIOGRAPHY OF THE SIGNERS to the Declaration of Independence. Revised and -Edited by Robert E. Conrad. Jilustrated with 60 Engravings from original Photographs and Drawings of the Residences of the Sign- ers, etc., on India paper, mounted: an Historical Account of the Residences, not previously printed. Collected and prepared by William Brotherhead. 4to, uncut. Printed for Subscribers only. Philadelphia, 1865 160 copies printed. (GS See also BROTHERHEAD. 2662 SAN FrAWNcISCo. ANNALS of San Francisco ; with History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, etc., of CALI- FORNIA, full Account of the Vigilance Committees, Great Fires, Public Amusements, etc. By Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, M.D., and James Nisbet. Vumerous illustrations on steel and wood, 8vo, morocco. New York, 1855 Has fine portraits on steel of Matilda Heron and Alexina Fisher Baker; also Views on wood, of Theatres, and other public build- ings. i ( 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 301 Sanpys and Forster. History OF THE VIOLIN, and other Instruments played on with the Bow, from the remotest times. JVumerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1864 [Sarcent (Lucius M.)] Deatincs wit THE DeEaD. By a Sexton of the Old School. J¢/ustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Scarce, Boston, 1856 Sarcent (luctus M.) Huperr and Even, with other Poems. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Boston, 1813 SarceNnt (NaTHAN), Pusiic MEN and Events [in America], from 1817 to 1853, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, Philadelphia, 1875 Satirist (THE); or, Monthly Meteor. Profusely illustrated with large folding caricatures by Gillray, Rowlandson, etc., colored, 7 vols. 8vo, half calf. Curious. London, 1808-11 SAUNDERS (GEORGE). TREATISE on THEATRES; with 13 large plates. to, half calf. Printed for the Author, London, 1790 SavacGE (Epw. H.) Curono.ocicar History of the Boston Watch and Police from 1631 to 1865, with Recollections of a Boston Police Officer. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut, Boston, 1865 SavaGE (JAMES). MEMORABILIA; or, Recollections, His- torical, Biographical, and Antiquarian. 8vo, boards, uncut. Taunton, 1820 Savace (JAMES). THE L1BraRIAN, being an Account of Scarce, Valuable, and Useful Books, Manuscripts, Public Records, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half russia, uncut. Complete, including the fragment of Vol. 4. London, 1808-9 Savage (Richard). Poetical Works, with Life, etc. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1805 SavacE (RicHaRD). Works of, with an Account of his Life and Writings, by Samuel Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Evans, London, 1777 A beautiful clean copy of these charming works. Saxe (J. G.) Poems. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. 3oston, 1857 SCHILLER (FRED,) Lire of, by Thomas Carlyle. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 302 SCHILLER (FREDERICK), SAMMTLICHE WERKE. 12 vols. in It, r2mo, half morocco. Stuttgart, 1853 SCHILLER (FREDERICK). Works. Historical Dramas, Thirty Years’ War, Revolt of the Netherlands, etc, Early Dramas and Romances. ortrait, etc. 4 vols. post 8vo, green calf extra. Bohn, Wondon, 1853-57 SCHLEGEL (A. W.) Dramatic Art and Literature. Trans- lated by John Black. ortrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1846 SCHLEGEL (FREDERICK). PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE, etc. ; also, Philosophy of History. Translated. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1847-59 Scumitz (L.) History or GREECE. 12m0o, cloth. New York, 1851 SCHUYLKILL Fisuinc Company. An Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill; from its Establishment on that Romantic Stream, in 1732, to the present time. By a Member. Plate. 8vo, half levant mor., gilt top, uncut. Scarce. Phila., 1830 ScorT (Rost.) Huisrory or Encianp during the Reign of George III. Portraits and plates. 5 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1820 Scorr (Str WALTER). Book or WAVERLEY GEMS; ina sertes of sixty-four finely executed engravings on steel of the Incidents and Scenery in Sir Walter Scott’s novels. 8vo, mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1848 t=” Early impressions of the plates. Scott. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY AT ABBOTSFORD. [By J. G. Cochrane]. 4to, boards, uncut. Edin., 1839 Presented to the Bannatyne Club by Sir Walter Scott. [Scorr (Str WatTER)]. Burcer’s Cuase, and William and Ellen ; two Ballads from the German (by Walter Scott). 4to, half mor., uncut. Scarce. Edin., 1798 “This is the first edition of the first work published by Sir Walter Scott, and was presented to me by W. A. Chatto, Esq.”—R. Bat- MANNO. 2686 ScorT (SIR WALTER). DEMONOLOGY AND WITCHCRAFT. Six full-page Illustrations on steel, by George Cruikshank. 12mo, cloth. London, 1868 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 303 Scott (Sir WALTER). ILLUSTRATIONS to the Poetical and Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., from Drawings by George Cattermole. 21 fine Engravings on steel. 8vo, half mor. London Scott. LanpscarE and Portrait ILLUSTRATIONS of the Prose and Poetical Works of; upwards of 100 fine steel engravings. 3 vols. square post 8vo, mor. extra. London, 1833 Scott. THE SAME. 3 vols. in 1, calf gilt. Lond. 1833 Scott. “Pry (PETER).’”’ MARMION TRAVESTIED: a Tale of Modern Times. 8vo, half calf. London, 1809 Exceedingly humorous. A variety of matter dependent on and in- terwoven with the Memoirs of that celebrated Thais, Mrs. Scorr (Sir W.) Lire of, by D. MacLeod. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1852 Scott (Sir W.) Memorrs of the Life of. By J. G. Lock- hart. 7 vols. r2mo, cloth. New York, 1837 Scott. Novets. THirty-Two PorTRAITS illustrating Sir W. Scott’s Novels, Tales, and Romances; nicely en- graved by Cooper. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon., 1835 Scorr. Lay of the Scortish FIDDLE: a Poem in Five Cantos, supposed to be written by W. S. Post 8vo, half calf. Very scarce. London, 1814 Written by Sir Walter Scott. A Poem breathing all the Wit and Humor of Wat. Tyler and Hudibras combined. ScoTT. Poems. Lady of the Lake, and Rokeby. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1810-13 Scott. Lay or THE Last MINSTREL; elegantly illus- trated by Westall. 8vo, russia gilt. Sharpe, Lond., 1811 Scott (Str W.) Poreticay Works. Jéustrated. 12mo, cloth gilt. Phila., 1856 SCOTT (SIR WALTER). WAVERLEY NOVELS. The SPLENDID ABBOTSFORD EDITION; with 120 highly Jinished Engravings on steel, and 2,000 beautiful wood- cuts. 12 vols. royal 8vo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut. Robert Cadell, Edinburgh, 1842 Fine copy of the rare ORIGINAL EDITION, having the earliest impres- sions of the Illustrations. 304 Scort (SiR WALTER). WAVERLEY NOVELS, viz. : Guy Man- nering, The Pirate, Peveril of the Peak, and the Be- trothed ; deautiful steel engravings after Stanfield, etc., and fine wood-cut tllustrations. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Original Abbotsford Editions. Edinburgh, (1853) SCOTT. WORKS complete, with Life by J. G. Lockhart. Illustrated Edition, with the Author’s Notes. Beautiful engravings on steel and wood. 98 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut, Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1859-62 Waverley Novels, 48 vols. ; Poetical Works, 12 vols.; Miscellaneous Works, 28 vols.; Life, by Lockhart, 10 vols. Scotr (W. B.) Haves; or, the Transit ; and the Progress of Mind. Two Poems. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 Presentation copy from the author to G. H. Lewes, with their auto- graphs. Scorr. Memoirs of Lizut.-Gen. WinFIELD Scott, LL.D. Written by Himself. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, un- cut. New York, 1864 LARGE PAPER COPY; edition limited. Two portraits of Gen. Scott inserted, also check signed by the General, 1831. Scorr (Lizut.-GEN. WINFIELD). Memoirs of, by Himself. Portrait. 8vo, sheets folded. New York, 1864 Large paper copy. Only 100 printed. Scott (Maj.-GEN.) RECEPTION in New York on the Return from Mexico. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849 Scrap-Book. A collection of 128 views in Europe and America, some in water-colors. Mounted on heavy paper, folio, half morocco. SEAFIELD (F.) LireraTure and CuRIOSITIES of DREAMS. A commonplace Book of Speculations concerning the Mystery of Dreams, etc. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 SEASONABLE EXAMINATION of the Pleas and Pretensions of the Proprietors of, and Subscribers to, PLay-HousEs erected in Defiance of the Royal License, etc. 8vo, un- cut. London, 1735 SEASONABLE Examination. Another copy. Trimmed. London, 1735 305 | e Wt 2709 SECRET History of the most renowned Q, Elizabeth and the rs E. of Essex. Both Parts. Frontispieces. Morocco, un- Cat, erp rere. \. Cologne, [1695] PY © i 2710 SECRET Out (The); or, 1,000 Tricks with Playing- Cards. : 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859 ihe Xe 2711 SECRET SocieTiEs of the Middle Ages. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1837 Pa 2712 SEDDON (THOS., Aréist). Memorr and Letters of. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 2 aed "2743 SEDLEY (StR CHARLES). Poetical WorRKS, and Speeches in Me Parliament, etc. 8vo, calf. are. London, 1710 Sedley’s Poems are more remarkable for wit than delicacy. V4 2714 SEDLEY (HENRY), Marian Rooke; or, the Quest for For- ’ tune. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 J) 2715 SELBY (CHARLES, the Comedian). MaAxIMUMS and SPECI- Mi Za MENTS of WiLLIAM Muccins. Vumerous illustrations by : Onwhyn. Royal 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1846 ui 2716 SeRviez (M. DE). Roman EmprEsseEs; or, the Lives and ey Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Cesars. Translated by Molesworth. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf. Scarce. London, 1752 a ae 2747 SEWARD (Miss). ANECDOTES of DISTINGUISHED PERSONS, chiefly of the Last and Two Preceding Centuries. or- traits, views, fac-similes. 4 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Lond., 1804 | ee, J i 2718 SEWARD (ANNA). LirE oF DR. ERASMUS DARWIN. 8vo, half calf. London, 1804 | , From the Markland Library, with Autograph, etc. o 2719 SEWARD (W. H.) Lire of, with Selections from his Z J Works. Edited by G. E. Baker. Portrait. 12mo, ’ cloth. New York, 1855 | | ¥ A? 2720 SEWARD (W.H.) Travets RouND THE WORLD, edited by ) Aig O. R. Seward. Portrait and 200 wood-cuts. Thick 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1873 Bn 2721 SEWELL (R.K.) SKETCHES OF ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida. ’ Plates, 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1848 2722 SEYER (SAMUEL). MEMOIRS OF BRISTOL and 4 Po its Neighbourhood, from the Earliest Period to the JIG Present Time. Maps, and 36 beautiful plates. 2 vols. in 4 parts, royal 4to, boards, uncut. Bristol, 1821 LARGE PAPER COPY, with proof impressions of the plates on India paper. 306 SEyMouR. Humovurovus SKETcHEs; comprising 86 Car?- cature Etchings. Illustrated in Prose and Verse, by Alfred Crowquill; with a Descriptive List of the Plates, and a Biographical Notice of Robert Seymour, by Henry G. Bohn. Royal 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1866 [Szymour (Rosert)]. New Reapincs of Old Authors. 16 parts, containing 160 illustrations. Post 8vo. London, n. d. “These humorous sketches by the unfortunate illustrator of “ Pick- wick,” etc. are remarkable for their facetious rendering of many of Shakespeare’s finest passages.” The parts are complete in themselves, and are now seldom met with. SEYMOUR. Snosson’s Seasons: being Annals of Cockney Sports, by R. B. Peake; with 92 humorous illustrations by Seymour. Royal 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1846 Choice copy ; scarce. SHAKESPEARE. A New BoKE ABOUT SHAKESPEARE and Stratford-on-Avon. By J.O. Halliwell. Fac-simile and wood-cuts. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 Only 50 copies printed for private distribution. No. 8, with the printer’s attestation inserted. Contains Washington Irving’s account of Stratford, with two wood- cuts (private plates) inserted. SHAKESPEARE. Houmes (NATHANIEL). AUTHORSHIP OF SHAKESPEARE, Second Edition. Portrait of Lord Bacon. 12m0o, half green calf gilt. New York, 1867 A laborious effort to prove that Lord Bacon “ wrote Shakespeare.” SHAKESPEARE’S AUTOGRAPH : 4,000 Ways of Spelling the Name. Fac-similes. 4to, pp. 32. Phila., 1869 SHAKESPEARE, BECKET (ANDREW). SHAKESPEARE’S HimsELF AGAIN; or, the Language of the Poet as- serted. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1815 “Comprises a full and dispassionate Examination of the Readings and Interpretation of the several Editors, etc.” SHAKESPEARE PORTRAITS. BOADEN (JAs.) INQuIRyY into the Authenticity of various Pictures and Prints which have been offered as Portraits of Shakespeare. 3 jine portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1824 P feue 307 2731 SHAKESPEARE. BoybeE.i’s Grapuic ILLUSTRATIONS 2732 2733 2734 of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare; compris- ing 100 large and beautiful engravings by Schiavonette, fleath, Noble, Sharpe, etc., from designs by Smirke, Hamilton, Westall, Northcote, etc. FINE IMPRESSIONS. Folio, morocco extra. London, 1802 The above is a totally distinct series from the large set, and was published with the Text in 9 vols. folio. This is one of the very few sets taken off and sold separately. SHAKESPEARIANA. CATALOGUE of all the Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating to Shakespeare and Editions of his Works. By JoHN Witson. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1827 SHAKESPEARE. [CHALMERS (GEO)]. Apo.ocy for the Be- lievers in the Shakespeare Papers, which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. ac-similes. 8vo, half russia, Sir Henry Ellis’ copy, with manuscript notes. London, 1797 SHAKESPEARE, COLLIER (J. Payne). Memoirs of the PRIN- cIPAL AcTors in the Plays of Shakespeare. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Shakespeare Society, London, 1846 Includes biographies of Richard Burbage (the first performer in the part of “ Richard III.,” and who painted a portrait of Shakespeare from life), John Heminge, and others. SHAKESPEARE. COoNOLLY (JoHN), A Srupy or Ham ter. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, London, 1863 SHAKESPEARE. CRITICAL, HisTorICAL, and EXPLANATORY Notes on Shakespeare, with Emendations by Z. Grey. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1754 SHAKESPEARE, Dramatic Works, with Life. Edited, with Notes, etc., by G. C. Verplanck, and a beautiful series of illustrations by Meadows, Harvey, and others. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, in the original numbers unbound, Very scarce. Harper, New York, 1847 SHAKESPEARE. Douce (FRANCIS). ILLUSTRATIONS of SHAKESPEARE and of Ancient Manners; with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakespeare; on the collec- tion of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance. Zhe engravings on wood by J. Berryman. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1807 First edition. Scarce. “T look upon this work as a sort of Hortus Shakespearianus , the research and learning bestowed upon it are immense.”—DIBDIN. 20 308 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM) .DRAMATIC Works, with Glos- sary. 12mo, sheep. Phila., 1852 Cuttings inserted. SHAKESPEARE. FARREN (GEORGE), Essays on the Varie- ties in Mania, exhibited by the Characters of Hamlet, Ophelia, Lear, and Edgar. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lon., 1833 Presentation copy, from the author. SHAKESPEARE GALLERY. CATALOGUE of the Paintings (Boy- dell’s) ; with the Passages quoted, to which the Pictures allude. 8vo, half calf, Title-page missing. [Lond., 1790] SHAKESPEARE GALLERY of Engravings; comprising &3 plates on steel representing favorite Actors in their best characters. Folio, mor. antique, gilt edges, Fine impressions. Tallis, London, 1860 Adapted for illustrating all existing editions of Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE, Graves (H. M.) Essays on the Genius of Shakespeare ; with Critical Remarks on the Characters of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, and Ophelia; together with some Observations on the Writings of Sir Walter Scott, etc. Crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut, London, 1826 SHAKESPEARE. GREEN (CHARLES FREDERICK). SHAKE- SPEARE’S CRAB-TREE, with its Legend; anda Descriptive Account, Showing its Relation to the Poet’s Traditional History. Zen Lithographic Plates, from Sketches taken by him on the spot, and a Fac-simile Portrait of Shake- speare, from the First Folio. to, cloth, London, n. d. SUBSCRIBER’S Copy. SHAKESPEARE. Hacketr (Jas. H.) Nores, Criricisms, and Correspondence upon Shakespeare’s Plays and Actors, Portrait. t2mo, cloth. New York, 1863 SHAKESPEARE. Hackett (Jas. H.) Notes anpD COMMENTS upon Certain Plays and Actors of Shakespeare; with Criticisms and Correspondence. Third Edition. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1863 Same work as above, with different title. Portrait missing. 2747 SHAKESPEARE. HatiiweLtt (J. O.) Lire of William Shakespeare ; including many Particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. 76 J//ustra- tions on wood, 8vo, half mor, extra, gilt top, uncut edges, London, 1848 2748 SHAKESPEARE. 2749 2751 2752 2 55 399 Hatiiwett. (J. O.) Lire of William Shakespeare ; including many Particulars Respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. 76 Z//ustra- tions, by the author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1848 Wood-cut view of Shakespeare’s Birthplace inserted. SHAKESPEARE. HALLIweELy (JAMES O.) THE CHARACTER OF Sir Joun Farsrarr: as Originally Exhibited by Shakespeare in the Two Parts of King Henry IV. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1841 Presentation copy to Sir Henry Ellis, from the author. SHAKESPEARE. HArDING’s SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATED by Portraits and Views; 146 fine portraits and engravings of Jamous Buildings, Localities, etc, Fine Impressions. Folio, mor. gilt. London, 1793 LARGE PAPER ; scarce. Includes the series of Portraits of the Editors of Shakespeare: and the scarce nude portrait of Jane Shore. SHAKESPEARE’S HEAD IN CoveNT GARDEN. Memoirs of ; in which are introduced many Entertaining Adventures and several Remarkable Characters, By the Ghost of Shakespeare. 2 vols. r2mo, calf, Iondon, 1755 Rare and facetious, SHAKESPEARE, HERAUD (Joun A.) SHAKESPEARE: his Inner Life, as Intimated in his Works. Portrait. Thick London, 1865 Notes by 8vo, half red mor. SHAKESPEARE. HIsToRICAL Piays and Poems. J. O. Halliwell; and numerous Portraits of eminent Actors, etc. London, n. d. SHAKESPEARE’S Home: visited and described, by Washing- ton Irving and F. W. Fairholt ; with numerous beautiful N. Y., 1877 4to, half mor. gilt. etchings by the Sabins. to, cloth, uncut. Large Paper copy. SHAKESPEARE. Howarp’s (FRANK) SPIRIT OF SHAKE- SPEARE; 483 spirited outline plates, illustrative of the Dramas of England’s National Bard. A complete set in the (24) original numbers, forming 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1827 The above are original impressions of these beautiful compositions, which are adapted for illustrating all octavo editions of Shake- speare. 310 SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATIONS. A collection of 95 jine steel engravings by Heath, Greatbach, Corbould, ete., after the Designs of Smirke. Royal 8vo, portfolio. Lond., 1825 SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATIONS; consisting of 13 plates in out- line by M. Retzsch, to the Merry Wives of Windsor. Oblong 4to, cloth. Leipsic, 1844 SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATIONS; consisting of 12 fine steel en- gravings from the Designs of Paul Jerrard. Folio, wrapper. London, 1854 Large Paper copy ; very scarce ; all published. SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATIONS. 40 scenes from the Tempest, etc., by Frank Howard. Folio, wrapper. SHAKESPEARE MemoriAL. Life and Selections; with a colored frontispiece and numerous large wood-cuts. Folio, wrapper. London, 1864 SHAKESPEARE MemoriaL. Another copy, without the col- ored plate. SHAKESPEARE. IRELAND (W. H.) CONFESSIONS; con- taining the Particulars of his Fabrication of the Shake- speare Manuscripts, with Anecdotes and Opinions of Distinguished Persons. Plate and Fac-similes. 12m0, half calf gilt. London, 1805 SHAKESPEARE. IRELAND. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS AND LEGAL INSTRUMENTS, under the Hand and Seal of Wil- liam Shakspeare; including the Tragedy of King Lear and a small Fragment of Hamlet, from the Original MSS. in the. possession of Samuel Ireland. Cwurtous Fac-simile. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1796 From the Library of W. E. Burton, the Comedian. 2764 SHAKESPEARE. MAtone (E.) Inquiry into the Authen- ticity of Certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal In- struments attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton. Jd/ustrated by fac- similes of the genuine handwriting of Shakespeare, never before exhibited, and other authentic documents. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1796 IO 2765 SHAKESPEARE. KENNY (Tuos.) LirE anp GENIUS of we Shakespeare. Portraits. 8vo, half calf gilt. Lon., 1864 311 SCHOOL OF SHAKESPEARE; held in the Apollo, at the Devil Tavern, Temple Bar; to which is added, a RE- TORT COURTEOUS ON THE CRITICKS. Plate represent- ing the “ Devil Tavern.” 8vo. London, n. d. | aS: 2766 SHAKESPEARE. [Kenrick (W.)] IntTRoDUCTION to the MSS. OF MOSSOP. 2767 SHAKESPEARE. Kine Joun. The Original MS. of iyi LP ¥ i Mossop, the distinguished tragedian and contemporary of ’ Garrick, for his use when playing this character, with Notes for emphasis or gesticulation, etc. 4to, half mor. From the Library of W. E. Burton, lot 5063. 2768 SHAKESPEARE. KNIGHT (CHARLES). SHAKESPEARE: a Xx ps a: Biography. MVumerous Illustrations on wood. One vol. ¥ extended to two, royal 8vo, green mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1843 ORIGINAL EDITION, having 68 plates inserted, including several fine portraits of Shakespeare ; also rare ones of Ben Jonson, Beau- mont and Fletcher, Chaucer, Sir Philip Sidney, Burbadge, Frois- sart, etc., and curious engravings of Queen Elizabeth. AZ we 2769 SHAKSPEARE. LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE by H. N. ' Hupson. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1848 Jf DO 2770 SHAKESPEARE. LEGAL ACQUIREMENTS Of, by F. F. Heard. 4to, uncut. Boston, 1865 Only 60 copies printed. No. 53. 2771 SHAKESPEARE’S LIBRARY. A collection of the Romances, Sao Novels, Poems, and Histories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his Dramas. Edited, with Notices, by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1843 2772 SHAKESPEARE. List or Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare ; the History of Stratford-on-Avon, JS 0 - and the Rise and Progress of the Early English Drama. 3y J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 Only a few copies privately printed. Presentation copy from the Author, 2773 SHAKESPEARE. MALONE (E.) INQurRy into the Authenticity J 0 V4 of Certain Papers and Instruments attributed to Shake- speare, Queen Elizabeth ,the Earl of Southampton, etc., with plates of their Autographs. 8vo, calf. London, 1796 An interesting volume. 312 2774 SHAKESPEARE. MEASURE for MEASURE. Post 8vo, uncut. Tonson, London, 1734 Chetwood’s corrected edition ; very scarce. SHAKESPEARE, MERCHANT OF VENICE: as produced at the Winter Garden Theatre, New York, January, 1867, by Edwin Booth. Notes, etc., by H. L. Hinton. J//us- trations on wood. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1867 Nearly the whole of this beautiful edition was destroyed at the burning of the theatre shortly after the publication. SHAKESPEARE. MISCELLANEOUS Papers and Legal Instru- ments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear and Fragment of Hamlet, from the Ireland MSS. Fac-simile. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1796 The preface by Ireland is not the least interesting portion of the work. See page IX. SHAKESPEARE. Memoirs of the Life and Genius of, by R. G. White. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865 SHAKESPEARE. MEMOIRS OF THE SHAKESPEAR’S HEAD in Covent Garden ; in which are introduced many Entertain- ing Adventures and several Remarkable Characters. By the Ghost of Shakespeare. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. Somewhat facetious, and a very uncommon book. London, 1755 SHAKESPEARE. [Montacu (Mrs,)] Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, etc., with some Remarks upon the Misrepresentations of Voltaire, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1769 SHAKESPEARE. Monracu (Mrs.) Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare, compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets, with some Remarks on the Mis- representations of Voltaire. ‘To which are added Three Dialogues of the Dead. Sixth edition, corrected. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top uncut. London, 1810 LARGE PAPER COPY. Best edition. From the Library of Burton, the Actor. 2781 SHAKESPEARE, MR, IRELAND'S VINDICATION of his Conduct respecting the Publication of the supposed Shakespeare MSS. 8vo, pp. 48. London, 1796 313 AY , 2782 SHAKsPEARE MSS. Mr. IRELAND'S VINDICATION of his L Conduct respecting the Publication of the supposed Shakspeare MSS., etc. Comparative Review of the Opin- ions of Mr. James Boaden, relative to the Shakspeare MSS. (Imperfect.) Precious Relics; or, the TracEpy OF VORTIGERN rehearsed ; a Dramatic Piece, in two Acts. In 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1796 2783 SHAKESPEARE. New Reapincs of Old Authors, with 13 J oY humorous illustrations by Seymour to passages from the Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, and Richard III. 3 vols. r2mo, wrapper, London, n. d. , 2784 SHAKESPEARE. PuiLosopny or WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, de- if UO lineating in Seven Hundred and Fifty Passages, selected Caco from his Plays, the Multiform Phases of the Human Mind, collated, elucidated, and alphabetically arranged. £y- sraved title, with beautiful Vignette. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1857 Portrait of Shakespeare inserted. Di 2 tig 2785 SHAKESPEARE, Prays. Heath's large type edition, from eae the corrected text of Johnson and Stevens, with a beauti- Sul series of engravings after Stothard, Romney, Reynolds, etc. 6 vols. royal 4to, half morocco. London, 1807 A desirable copy for an illustrator. 47 J. 2786 SHAKSPEARE. RETZSCH’s OUTLINES to HAMLET. 17 plates. “ Second Edition. 4to, cloth. Leipsic, 1838 2787 SHAKESPEARE. Retzscu (M.) ItnusrRaTIons to SHAKE- ZO SPEARE, Complete, with Descriptions in English and Ger- L/ YY man. Upwards of 100 Jine outline engravings. Oblong ° 4to, half morocco extra. New York, 1849 These beautiful plates illustrate Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Lear, The Tempest, Othello, Merry Wives of Windsor, and King Henry IVth. ut 2788 SHAKESPEARE. Review of the CoLiieR INQuirRy, and Re- —& ply. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1860 Printed for private circulation by C. W. Frederickson. SO 2789 SHAKESPEARE. RICHARDSON (Wa.) Essays on SHAKE- ’ SPEARE’S Dramatic Characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jacques, and Imogen, with Introduction. 2 vols. T2mo, calf gilt. London, 1785 eeC 314 2790 SHAKESPEARE. SENTIMENTS and SIMILES, 100 pages beau- tifully printed in black and gold, with illuminated title, etc., by H. Noel Humphreys. Small 4to, stamped binding, with medallion. London, 1864 2791 SHAKESPEARE, SryMouR (E.H.) Remarks, Critical, Con- jectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakespeare ; resulting from a Collation of the Early Copies, with that of Johnson and Steevens, edited by Isaac Reed, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1805 2792 SHAKESPEARE. SINGER (SAMUEL W.) TExT of SHAKESPEARE VINDICATED from the corruptions and interpolations ad- vocated by J. P. Collier, Esq. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1853 2793 SHAKESPEARE, S1x O1p Prays, on which Shakespeare founded his Measure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming the Shrew, etc. Edited by J. Nichols. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf. London, 1779 From the Library of Philip Hone. 2794 SHAKESPEARE. SKOTTOWE (Aucustus). Lire or Shake- speare, and Inquiries into the Originality of his Dramatic Plots, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, calf extra. London, 1824 2795 SHAKESPEARE. SONGS AND BaLiaDs. 18 elegant illustra- tions, by the Etching Club, proofs on India paper. Folio, cloth. London, 1853 2796 SHAKESPEARE. STRACHEY (EDWARD). SHAKSPEARE’S Ham- LET: an Attempt to fiad the Key to a Great Moral Problem, by Methodical Analysis of the Play. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1848 2797 SHAKESPEARE. STRATFORD as connected with Shakespeare. 3y Edwin Lees. J/ustrations on steel. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1854 Peep Behind the Curtain, By a Supernumerary. Wood-cuts, Boston, 1850 The Prompter. By Cornelius Mathews. Portraits of Mur- doch, etc. New York, 1850 And other Pamphlets, in 1 vol. t2mo, half calf. v. y- From Col. Hawkins’ Library. 2798 SHAKESPEARE. STRATFORD Bust. Critical Inquiry into its Authenticity and Artistic Merits, by G. Harrison. Zwo photographs. 4to, wrapper. Brooklyn, 1865 Only 75 copies printed. No. 31. ye &3 , a 2800 ates 2801 oe z OO 2802 2 y 2803 fe. Vy, 2804 ) Re, 2805 B 2806 Vy 2807 315 SHAKESPEARE. ‘'TERCENTENARY CELEBRATION of the Birth of Shakespeare, by the N. E. Hist.-Genealogical Society. Folio, uncut. Boston, 1864 Only 25 copies privately printed for the Society. No. 3. SHAKESPEARE. THE Forest YoOuTH;: or, Shakespeare as he Lived. By Captain Curling. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1853 SHAKESPEARE, ‘The SECRET DRAMA of Shakespeare’s Son- nets Unfolded, with the Characters Identified. By Gerald Massey. $8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 Second edition. Only 100 copies printed for subscribers. SHAKESPEARE. THORNBURY (G. W.) SHAKESPEARE’S EN- GLAND ; or, Sketches of our Social History in the Reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 SHAKESPEARE. FRENCH (GEO, RUSSELL). SHAKESPEARE- ANA GENEALOGICA. Notes on Character in Macbeth and Hamlet; the Shakespeare and Arden Families, ete. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1869 SHAKESPEARE, TWEDDELL (GEO,) SHAKSPERE: his Times and Contemporaries. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 SHAKESPEARE. UPTON (JOHN). CRITICAL OBSERVATIONS on Shakespeare.- 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1746 SHAKESPEARE. WHATELY (THOMAS). REMARKS on Some of the Characters of Shakespeare. Edited by Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 SHAKESPEARE, [WHITE (Jas.)]. Oricinal LeErrers of Sir John Falstaff from Genuine Manuscripts, which have been in the Possession of Dame Quickly and her De- scendants near Four Hundred Years, now Dedicated to Master Samuel Irelaunde and Patrick Lyon, Frontispiece, 12mo, half mor., gilt top. Phila,, 1813 “This is one of the works which had its origin from the Shakespeare forgeries of W. H. Ireland, and was written by James White, the friend of Charles Lamb ; and Lamb always insisted, that, for hearty, joyous humour, tinged with Shaksperian fancy, his friend White never had an equal.” Cae 316 SHAKESPEARE, Essay on the Authorship of the Three Parts of King Henry the Sixth. By RicHarD Grant WHITE. 8vo, half olive mor., gilt top, uncut. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1859 ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED. Very scarce. Uniform with, and forming an interesting supplemental volume to, WHITE'S SHAKESPEARE. SHAKESPEARE. Memoirs of the Life of William Shake- speare, with an Essay toward the Expression of his Gen- ius, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the En- glish Drama, By Richard Grant White, Portrait on In- dia paper. 8vo, half olive mor., gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER. 100 copies printed. 30ston, 1866 SHAKESPEARE. . WHITE (RICHARD GRANT), SHAKESPEARE’S ScHOLAR: being Historical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commentators; with an Examina- tion of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce, New York, 1854 SHAKESPEARE, WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). SHAKESPEARE’S ScHOLAR: Historical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commentators; with an Examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1854 Formerly Mortimer Thomson’s (‘‘ Doesticks”) copy, with his manu- script annotations. Name cut from title-page. SHAKESPEARE, [WHITER (WALTER)]. SPECIMEN of a Com- MENTARY on Shakspeare, containing Notes on ds You Like It, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1794 Autograph on fly-leaf of JAMES PLUMPTRE (1794), with following note in his hand-writing: “The most philosophical and ingen- ious Commentary that has been written upon Shakspeare.— 4 Da ie 2813 SHAKESPFARE. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE not an Impostor, By an English Critic. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 2814 SHAKESPEARE. WIVELL (ABRAHAM). INQUIRY INTO THE History, AUTHENTICITY, AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SHAKESPEARE PorTRAITS, in which the Criticisms of Malone, Steevens, Boaden, and others are Examined, Confirmed, or Refuted, etc. Together with an exposé of the Spurious Pictures and Prints. With Supplement. 20 Fine Portraits of Shakespeare. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1827 SO 2815 2816 / oT 2817 2818 317 SHAKESPEARE. WISEMAN (CARDINAL). WILLIAM SHAKE- SPEARE. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1865 SHAKESPEARE. COMPLETE WorKS, comprising his Plays and Poems, with Glossary, Memoir, etc. Portrait, and 40 tllustrations engraved on wood, by Alexander Anderson, in the 77th year of his age, from original designs by T. 1. Matteson. Thick royal 8vo, morocco gilt. New York [1851] Dr. Anderson was the earliest practitioner of the art of wood engrav- ing in America. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). WORKS. Edited, with a, Scrupulous Revision of the Text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. fortrait. 4 vols. thick 8vo, calf extra, gilt backs. London, 1864 UNIQUE copy, having 833 plates inserted ; comprising Historical Views, Dramatic Scenes, Portraits of eminent Actors, etc., includ- ing many fine proofs and colored illustrations. SHAKESPEARE. WORKS. Tue P tays, edited from the Folio of MDCXXIII., with various Readings from all the Editions and all the Commentators, Notes, In- troductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of the Text, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama; a Memoir of the Poet. By Richard Grant White, Esq. ortraits and wood-cuts. 12 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Boston, 1866 LARGE PAPER; only 48 copies printed. “ His notes prove him to be capable of profound as well as delicate and sympathetic exegesis, and we think that a careful collation justifies us in saying that in acute discrimination of xsthetic shades of expression, and often of textual niceties, Mr. White is superior to any previous editor.”—LOWELL. SHAKESPEARE. Works, in Chronological Order, from the Text of Prof. Delius. Introduction by Furnivall. or- trai and wood-cuts. ‘Thick 4to, cloth. London, 1877 The “ Leopold” Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE. WALDRON’S SHAKSPERIAN MISCELLANY of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, Poetry, and Remains of Antiquity. ine portraits by Harding and Schiovonetit. Small 4to, half russia, uncut. London, 1802 SHAKESPEARE. WARD’S STATUE, in the Central Park, New York. Seautifully illustrated, Folio, uncut. Large paper copy; only 12 printed. No. 5. New York, 1873 318 2822 SHAKESPEARE. Works complete, from the Text of Halli- well, Knight, and Collier, with Notes and Life by Knight. Jilustrated with portraits on steel of American Actors, etc. 3 vols. (in 45 parts), wrappers. New York, 1858 2823 SHAKSPEARE. SUPPLEMENT to the Plays of; comprising the Seven Dramas which have been ascribed to his pen, but which are not included with his Writings in modern editions. With Notes, and an Introduction to each Play, by William Gilmore Simms. J//ustrations on wood. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848 First American Edition. Scarce. 2824 SHAKSPEARE. Thesame. fortrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 2825 SHAKESPEARE CLuB (Montreal). Reports, Bye-Laws, etc. 3 pamphlets, r2mo. Montreal, 1844-7 2826 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY’S PUBLICATIONS. Con- sisting of Works illustrative of Shakespeare, Old Plays, Poems, Curious Tracts, Memoirs, etc., either now printed for the first time, or, from their rarity, difficult to be pro- cured. Edited by Eminent Literary Men. 47 parts in 19 vols. Also, “CoLLIER’s NOTES AND EMENDATIONS,” 1 vol.; making in all 20 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra gilt, contents lettered, by Azviere. London, 1841-53 The SHAKESPEARE SOcIETY has been dissolved, and the comparatively few sets of their publications dispersed. Among their distin- guished Editors were J. P. Collier, J. O. Halliwell, Rev. A. Dyce, and P. Cunningham. 2827 SHEA (J. G.) Lire or Pore Pius IX. Portraits, etc. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1877 2828 SHEE (M. A.) Lire or Str MARTIN ARTHUR SHEE, Pres- ident of the Royal Academy, F.R.S., D.C.L. By his Son. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 2829 SHEE (M, A.) RuyMes on ArT; with Notes, etc. 12mo, calf. Phila., 1815 Autograph of Sully the Painter on fly-leaf. 2830 SHEIL (Rr. Hon. R. L.) Sketrcues, Legal and Political ; and Memoirs, by W. T. McCullagh. 4 vols. post 8vo, cloth, London, 1855 \ 7s a 319 2831 [SHELLEY (Mrs.)] Fortunes OF PERKIN WARBECK: a Romance. Pate. Post 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top. London, 1857 2832 [SHELLEY (Mrs.)] FRANKENSTEIN; or, the Modern Pro- metheus. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top. London, 1839 Also in this vol. the Ghost-Seer! from the German of Schiller. 1839 (Vol. I.) 2833 SHELLEY (Mrs.) RAMBLES IN GERMANY and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843. 2 vols, in 1, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Moxon, London, 1844 2834 [SHettey (Mrs.)] Vaperca; or, the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca. 3 vols. crown 8vo, calf. Scarce, London, 1823 2835 SHELLEY (PeRcy ByssHE), Earty LIFE of; with Curious Incidents, etc., now first published, by D. F. MacCarthy. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 2836 SHELLEY (P. B.) LAON anp CYTHNA |; or, the Revo- lution of the Golden City, A Vision of the Nineteenth Century in the Stanza of Spenser. 8vo, half mor. London, 1818 This is the first draft of the “ Revolt of Islam.” 52 leaves were can- celled in this book ; it was then published under the title men- tioned. “In the summer of 1817 he wrote the ‘Revolt of Islam,’ chiefly on a seat on a high prominence in Bisham Wood, where he passed whole mornings with a blank-book and a pencil. This work when completed was printed under the title of ‘Laon and Cythna.’ In this poem he had carried the expression of his opinions, moral, political, and theological, beyond the bounds of discretion. The terror which, in those days of persecution of the press, the perusal of the book inspired in Mr. Ollier, the publisher, induced him to solicit the alteration of many passages which he had marked. Shelley was for some time inflexible; but Mr. Ollier’s refusal to publish the poem as it was, backed by the advice of all his friends, induced him to submit to the required changes. Many leaves were cancelled, and it was finally published as ‘The Revolt of Islam.’ Of ‘Laon and Cyntha,’ only three copies had gone forth. One of these had found its way to the Quarterly Review, and the oppor- tunity was readily seized of pouring out on it one of the most malignant effusions of the odium theologicum that ever appeared even in those days, and in that periodical.”—Fraser’s Magazine, vol. lxi., p. 100. 320 SHELLEY MeEmorIALs: from Authentic Sources.. Edited by Lady Shelley. Crown 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Lond., 1859 At the end of this volume will be found Shelley’s Essay on Chris- tianity, now first printed. SHELLEY AND Byron. RECOLLECTIONS of the Last Days of, by E. J. Trelawny. Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Moxon, London, 1858 SHELLEY AND Byron. Another Edition. 12mo, cloth. London, 1858 SHELLEY (P. B.) Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments, Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Moxon, London, 1840 SHELLEY. Hocc (THomas JerFrerson). Lire of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Portrait. 2 vols. thick crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Moxon, London, 1858 SHELLEY (P. B.) PostHumous FRAGMENTS OF MARGARET NIcHOLSON : being Poems found amongst the papers of that noted female, who attempted the Life of the King in 1786. Edited by John Fitzvictor. 4to, boards, uncut. Printed and Sold by J. Munday, Oxford, 1810 One of only 25 copies privately reprinted. The earliest extant poetical production of Shelley at the age of 18. Shortly after its publication Shelley was expelled from Oxford. The extraordinary rarity of this work is pronounced by Hogg, who in writing the Life of Shelley in 1858, “‘ was unable to find a copy,” and Medwin, speaking 35 years ago of the copy Shelley gave him, says, “ Probably the copy I have is the only one exist- ing.” —See Medwin's Shelley Papers, 1838. SHELLEY Papers. Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley, by T. Medwin ; and Original Poems and Papers, by Shelley, now first collected. Post 8vo, mor. gilt. London, 1833 SHELTON (F. W.) Up THE River. Jilustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 SHENSTONE (WILLIAM). PorticaL Works; with Life, Ex- planatory Notes, etc., by the Rev. George Gilfillan. 8vo, half calf gilt. New York (Edinburgh), 1854 SHERIDAN (Mrs, Frances). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, with Remarks upon a late Life of the Rt. Hon. R. B, Sheridan. By Alicia Lefanu. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1824 bing 2852 SHERIDAN and KOTZzEBUE. 321 2847 SHERIDAN. Leranu (Aticta). Memorrs of the Lire and Writings of Mrs. FRANCES SHERIDAN (Mother of the late Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan), with Biographical Anecdotes of her Family and Contemporaries. Portrait. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1824 UNIQUE ILLUSTRATED COPY, having 24 plates inserted, including a rare and curious etching of “Mrs. Woffington at the Beefsteak Club,” portraits of Joe Miller, Garrick as “Sir John Brute,” ete. 2848 SHERIDAN (Rr. Hon. R. B.) Dramatic Works, with Me- moir of his Life. Portrait, Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1848 2849 SHERIDAN (R. B.) Dramatic Works, with a Memoir. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, London, 1874 2850 SHERIDAN (R. B.) Memoirs of the Life of, by Thomas Moore. Fine portrait. 4to, half calf, uncut. Fine clean copy, suitable for an illustrator. London, 1825 2851 [SHERIDAN (R. B.)] Verses to the Memory of GarRICK, Spoken as a Monody at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Frontispiece after Loutherbourg. to. London, 1779 Pizarro: a Tragedy. Adapted (from the German Drama of Kotzebue) to the English Stage by Rich. Brinsley Sheridan. Rare engraving of Kemble as “Rolla,” 1799; Critique on the Tragedy of Pizarro, 1799; Enterprising Adventures of Pizarro, etc., with Lives of Sheridan and Kotzebue, by John Britton, 1799. Critical Remarks on Pizarro by Samuel A. Bardsley, M.D., 1800, and other Pamphlets on the same subject. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. London, 1799-1800 2853 SHORE (JANE). LIFE AND CHARACTER, from our best Historians, chiefly from the Writings of Sir Thomas More, who was her Cotemporary, and Personally knew her. pp. 20. Also in same volume, Memoirs of the Lives of King Edward IV. and Jane Shore. pp. 28. 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zahnsdorf. London, 1714 Very scarce, and rendered unique by the insertion of 19 illustrations, mostly fine and rare, some proofs, and including the scarce nude portrait of Jane Shore, engraved by Bartolozzi. er aes ea a oe aE 322 SHERwoop (Mrs.) Lire of, with Extracts from Mr, Sher- wood’s Journal during his Imprisonment in France and Residence in India. Edited by Sophia Kelly. Portrait and vignette, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 SIAMESE Twins. Historical Account of. /ortrait. 8vo, pp. 16. New York, 1831 Spey (J. L.) History oF THE TOWN OF Union, Maine, with Family Register of the Settlers. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1851 Srppons (Mrs.) Beauties of; or, a Review of her Per- formance, etc. 8vo, pp. 65. London, 1786 Sippons. Mrs. GaLinpo’s Letter to Mrs, Siddons, being a Circumstantial Detail of Mrs. Siddons’s Life. 8vo, half calf. Printed for the Authoress, London, 1809 Also in this volume: Observations on the Criminal Law of England, by Sir S. Romilly ; Beddoes on the Abuses of Medicine ; etc., etc. SicournEy (Lyp1a H.) Preasant Memories of Pleasant Lands; with 6 steel engravings after Turner, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1843 Stimmonps. Lyrics: a Collection of Songs, Ballads, and Poems, by James Simmonds (Comedian). Post 8vo, cloth. Sydney (Australia), 1858 Author of the popular song, “ Let us Speak of a Man as we Find Him.” Simms (J. R.) AMERICAN Spy; or, Freedom’s Early Sac- rifice. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1857 Large paper copy; only 28 printed. No. 28. Sums (J. R.) TRappers oF New York, or a Biography of Nicolas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster; together with Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters, etc. ates. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1851 Simms (Wittiam GILMoRE). Lire oF Francis MARION. Plates, 12m0o, cloth. New York, 1856 Simpkinson (J. N.) Tue Wasuinctons: a Tale of a Country Parish in the Seventeenth Century. Based on Authentic Documents. /ates. Crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1860 Contains an interesting and reliable historical account of the ancestors of Washington. Dr. Stiles’ copy sold (1866) for $9. {as See WASHINGTON. 323 2865 SIMPKINSON (J. W.) THE WaAsHINGTONS. Another copy. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 2866 Simpson (H.) Lives oF EMINENT PHILADELPHIANS, now deceased. 44 portraits. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Brotherhead, Philadelphia, 1859 2867 Simpson (STEPHEN). BIOGRAPHY OF STEPHEN GIRARD, comprising an Account of his Private Life, Habits, Genius, and Manners. /ortrait, t1t2mo, half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1832 2868 Sims (C. S.) ScorTisH SURNAMES. Origin and Significa- tion of, with a Vocabulary of Christian Names. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1862 Only a limited edition printed. 2869 Sims (R.) Hanppoox to the Lisrary of the BRITISH Museum. flan. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 2870 SIMSON (WALTER). HISTORY OF THE GIPSIES; with Speci- mens of the Gipsey Language. Introduction, Notes, etc., by James Simson. 12m0, half calf gilt. New York, 1866 871 SINGER (S. W.) RESEARCHES into the History or PLay- ING Carbs; with illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on Wood, many colored. ato, red crushed Ny levant morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1816 Only 250 copies printed. 2872 Six ScENES in the LIFE oF JAMES GREEN, Esq., Special Constable. 6 plates. Folio, wrapper. London, n. d. 2873 SismMonpI (J. C. L. S.) HusTroricaL View of the LITERA- TURE of the SouTH OF Europe. Notes, etc., by Thomas Roscoe. fortrait, 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Stained, Bohn, London, 1850 2874 SKETCH-BooK of CHARACTER; or, Curious and Authentic Narratives and Anecdotes. 2 vols. 12mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1835 Contains a particularly interesting account of the imperfections of Circumstantial Evidence. 2875 SKETCHES OF ImposTuRE, Deception, and Credulity. 16mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1845 21 4 al i i i | | | oa =" 324 2876 SLADE (A.) Recorps of TRAVELS in Turkey, Greece, etc., and of a Cruize (sic) in the Black Sea, 1829-31. Color- ed frontispieces and map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1832 2877 SLAVERY. WHITE-ACRE VS, BLACK-ACRE: a Case at Law reported by J. G., Esq. 12mo, cloth. Richmond, 1856 2878 [SMEDLEY]. SKETCHES FROM VENETIAN History. Wood-cuts. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Frontispieces missing. New York, 1832 2879 SMILES FOR ALL Seasons. Mirth for Midsummer, Wit for Winter, etc., etc. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1823 2880 Sites (S.) Lire or GEORGE STEPHENSON. Jortrait. 12m0, cloth. Boston, 1858 2881 SMITH (ALBERT). ADVENTURES OF Mr. LEDBURY. Frontispiece by Leech. Post 8vo, cloth. | London, 1853 2882 SMITH (ALBERT). FORTUNES OF THE SCATTERGOOD FamILy, and the PotrLeTon Lecacy. lustrations by Leech, etc. 2 vols. post 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top. London, 1856 2883 SmirH (ALBERT). MAaARCHIONESS OF BRINVILLIERS, the Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century: a Romance of Old Paris. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1856 2884 SMITH (ALBERT). Novets, ETc. Mont Blanc; London Life and Character; Adventures of Mr. Ledbury; and To China and Back. J/lustrated. 4 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, 1859, etc. 2885 SMITH (ALBERT). SKETCHES OF THE Day. (Second se- ries). In three parts, Jdlustrated by Henning, Gavarni, and Gilbert, -12mo, half blue calf, gilt edges. London, n. d. 2886 SMITH (ALBERT). Story oF Mont Buane. Colored frontispiece and numerous wood-cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 2887 SMITH (ALBERT). THE WassaIL-BowL: a Comic Christ- mas Sketch-Book. Vumerous illustrations by John Leech, 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1844 2888 SMITH (ALBERT). WILD Oats, and Dead Leaves. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 325 Ky < 2889 SmirH (ALBERT), Mavuew (Horace), and others. Miscel- MA Z lanies. Jilustrated by “‘ Phiz,’ Hine, Henning, Leech, ; Gilbert, Gavarni, etc. 19 vols. post 8vo, half red mor. London, 1830-48 The Flirt, Ballet Girl, Bowl of Punch, Idler upon Town, The Gent, by ALBERT SmiTH; Wonderful People, and Model Men, by HORACE MAYHEW; Romance of a Mince Pie, Natural History of Humbugs, Natural History of “ Bores,” London on the Thames, by ANGus B. Reacnw ; the “Hawk Tribe,” by J. W. CARLETON, etc., etc. 2890 SmiTH (ALBERT) and Reacu (Ancus B.) Tue MAN IN Pd | Oe THE Moon. Jdlustrations by ‘“‘Phiz,’ Kenny Meadows, , Mayhew, Brough, and others. 5 vols. post 8vo, half mor. gilt. London, n. d. Exceedingly scarce. Brimful of wit and humor ; comedy run mad. SL? 2891 SmirH (ALEx.) SECRET History of the Lives of the most Celebrated Beauties, Ladies of Quality, etc. ; with their Amours and Intrigues. 12mo, calf. are. London, 1713 2892 SmiTH (CHAs. J.) HISTORICAL AND LITERARY CURIOSI- J Hate TIES, consisting of Fac-sim1LEs of Original Documents, ae Portraits, Views, Monuments, etc. 100 plates. 4to, half mer., gilt top. [ London, 1852] Title-page missing, and some leaves loose. An amusing and interesting repertory. The autograph letters, chiefly of a literary character, include important ones by Cover- dale, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Isaac Newton, Cowley, Pope, Addison, Gray, Milton, Prior, Smoilett, Sterne, Locke, Burns, Steele, Hume, Dr. Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, William Penn, ete. ID 2893 SmitH (Mrs. E. Oakes). OLp New York; or, Dertnoc- g racy in 1689: a Tragedy. 12mo, wrapper. N.Y., 1853 JO 2894 SMITH (Mrs. E. Oakes). SALAMANDER: a Legend for Christmas, found amongst the papers of the late Ernst Helfenstein, edited by E. Oakes Smith. Vates by Dar- ley. 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1848 Presentation copy from “ E. Oaksmith.”’ Vi 2895 SMITH (Horace). BRAMBLETYE House; and Walter Colyton. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. London, n. d. 326 2896 SmirH (Horace). Frstivats, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern. J//ustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1831 2897 [SmirH (Horace)]. GaAtETIEs AND GRAVITIES; a Series of Essays, Comic Tales, and Fugitive Vagaries. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 2898 SmitH (Horace), PorticaAL Works. /ortrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1846 2899 SMITH (Horace). TALES OF THE EARLY AGEs, 2 vols. ; and Jane Lomax, 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. r2mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1832, and Phila., 1838 2900 SMITH. THE Tor HILL. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf. London, 1826 2901 SMITH (HoRACE AND JAMES). PorTIcAL Works, with Memoir. /ortraits, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1857 2902 SMITH (HORACE AND JAMES). REJECTED ADDRESSES. Seventh Edition. 12mo, calf gilt. London, 1812 Also in the same vol. ::Steevens’ Lectures on Heads, with 25 illustra- tions by Rowlandson. London, 1808. 2903 SMITH. REJECTED ADDRESSES. 12m0, half mor. London, 1855 Also in this volume: The Divorced, by Lady Charlotte Bury; All in the Wrong, by Theo. Hook; and Life of Napoleon III, by H. Christmas. 2904 SMITH (J. SPEAR). MEMOIR OF THE BARON DE KALB, read at the Meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, 7th January, 1858. 8vo, half green mor., gilt top. Baltimore, 1858 16 Plates inserted, including a fine drawing, in pencil and sepia, of De Kalb; also scarce portraits of Cornwallis, Gates, Sumter, etc. The illustrations were collected and arranged by T. H. Morrell, and this copy brought, at the sale of his Library in 1866, $14. 2905 SMITH (JAMES, Author of the Rejected Addresses). Comic MISCELLANIES in Prose and Verse; with Correspond- ence and Memoirs. Edited by his brother, Horace Smith. J/ortrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841 2906 SMITH (JAMES). Memoirs, LETTERS, and Comic Miscel- lanies in Prose and Verse. Edited by Horace Smith. Portrait, 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1840 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 327 SmitH (JoHN Tuomas). ANTIQUARIAN RAMBLE in the STREETS OF Lonpon, with Anecdotes, etc. Edited by C. Mackay. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 SmirH (JoHN Tuomas). Book For A Rainy Day; or, Recollections of the Events of the Years 1766 to 1833. Contains Reminiscences of Actors, Artists, Literary Characters, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 SMITH (J. T.) Cries or LoNnpon. Portrait and 30 fine etchings of the most remarkable itinerant traders of ancient and modern times, from rare engravings and from the life, with Descriptions by J. B. Nichols. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1839 SmirH. Cries oF Lonpon; with 13 scarce prints added, including the “ Blind Musician” and “ Blind Pig Man,” also a water-color drawing. Royal 4to, boards, uncut. Large Paper copy. London, 1839 SmirH (J. T.) NortuMmen in New England; or, America in the Tenth Century. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1839 SmitH (O. H.) Earty Inp1aAna TriAts and Sketches. Portratt. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1858 SmitrH (S. S.) SERMON on the LOVE OF PRAISE. 8vo, pp- 36. New Brunswick, 1810 SmivTH (Sou). ‘THEATRICAL APPRENTICESHIP. J/lustrated. r2mo, wrapper. Philadelphia, 1845 SmirH (Sou). THEATRICAL MANAGEMENT in the West and South for Thirty Years. Interspersed with Anecdotal Sketches. Portrait and illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868 SmiTH (SyDNEY). Memnorr of, by his daughter, Lady Hol- land, with a Selection from his papers by Mrs. Austin. 2 vols. r2mo, half calf antique. New York, 1855 SMITH (SYDNEY). Works. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1844 SmitH (T. MARSHALL). LEGENDS OF THE WAR OF INDE- PENDENCE, and of the Earlier Settlements of the West. 8vo, cloth. Louisville, Ky., 1855 A few leaves slightly water-stained. SMITH (WILLIAM). ORATION in MEMORY of GENERAL MonTGOMERY, and of the Officers and Soldiers who Fell with him, December 31, 1775, before Quebec. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1776 Plate inserted. The above oration was delivered at the request of the Continental Congress, Feb. 19, 177 328 SmiITH (Str Wm. Sypney, Admiral). Lire and Corre- spondence, by John Barrow. Sine portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 SMOLLETT (Topras). History or ENGLAND from the Descent of Julius Cesar to 1748, with a Continuation to 1764. Map, plates, and numerous medallion portraits. 15 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1758-61 Second edition ; now of rare occurrence. SMOLLETT (Topias). MiscELLANEOUS Works. Plates by Rowlandson. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1790 Comprises: Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Count Fathom, Sir Launcelot Greaves, Humphrey Clinker, Travels, Playsand Poems. SMUCKER (S. M.) CATHERINE II. of Russia. Memoirs of the Court and Reign of. Portrait. 12mo0, cloth. New York, 1855 SmytH (Geo. Lewis). MONUMENTS AND GENII OF ST. PauL’s CATHEDRAL, and of Westminster Abbey; with Historical Sketches and Descriptions of both Churches. Embellished with colored views and other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco. London, 1826 SNART (JOHN). THESAURUS OF HorROR; or, the Charnel- House Explored!! and the Extreme Criminality of Hasty Funerals ; with the Surest Methods of escaping the In- effable Horrors of Premature Interment!!! The Mys- teries of the Dark Ages laid Open, which not only Deluged the Roman Empire, but Triumphed over all Christendom for a Thousand Years. 8vo, half morocco. Very scarce. London, 1817 2926 SNOWDEN (JAMES Ross). MEDALLIC MEMORIALS of WaAsH- INGTON, in the Mint of the United States. 79 beautiful engravings from Medals. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1861 2927 SNOWE (JosEPH), THE RHINE; Legends, Traditions, His- tory, from Cologne to Mainz. J///ustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Scarce. London, 1839 2928 SOANE (GEeo.) New Curiosities of LITERATURE and Book of the Months. Prontispieces and vignettes. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1849 “Two very pleasant volumes.”—JOHN BULL. 329 OS 2929 SOLDIERS’ NATIONAL CEMETERY. Revised Report. Maps, etc. 8vo, cloth. Harrisburg, 1865 Ng 2930 SOMERSET House GazeTTE, and Literary Museum; a Mis- Z cellany of Fine Arts, Antiquities, Literary Chit-Chat, etc, i Edited by ‘‘ Ephraim Hardcastle,” otherwise W. H. Pyne, author of ‘Wine and Walnuts.” 2 vols. 4to, boards, un- cut. London, 1824 we ae 2931 Soncs and Ba.uapDs of the American Revolution, with Notes i and zllustrations by Frank Moore. 12mo, cloth, } New York, 1856 2932 SOTHEBY (Samuret LeicH). PRINCIPIA TYPO- fe fi O GRAPHICA : the Block-Books, or Xylographic Delinea- ' tions of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany during the Fifteenth Century, exemplified and considered in Connexion with the Origin of Printing, etc. 120 large plates, some colored, also smaller cuts and fac-similes, all being exact copies from the rare originals. Imperial 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1858 ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED, of which but 215 WERE SOLD. This work, one of the most important upon the history of early printing, was contemplated by the Jate Samuel Sotheby and carried out by his son. / 4 2933 SOTHEBY (SAMUEL LEIGH). RAMBLINGS IN THE ELUCIDA- fa) Sty , r TION OF THE AUTOGRAPH OF MILTON, Two photographic portraits of Milton, one from the bust in Trinity College Library, and the other from the celebrated Crayon Draw- ing, formerly tn the possession of J. Richardson, Sr.. and Jacob Tonson ; also numerous fac-similes. Royal gto, green morocco extra (with designs in outline by J. L. ; Tupper inserted on each side, etc.), gilt top, by Wright. Printed for the author, London, 1861 Handsomely printed on thick toned paper. Ys 2934 SOUTH SEA BuBBLE, and the numerous Fraudulent Projects / to which it gave rise in 1720. Plates. 18mo, half russia, Scarce. London, 1825 The greatest swindle on record. The headlong fools plunge into South Sea Water, But the sly longheads wade with caution a’ter. 330 SoutTHEy (Ropt.) History of the PENINSULAR Wak in Spain and Portugal. 3 vols. 4to, calf extra. London, 1823-32 Soutuey (Ropt.) J.eTTers from Spain and Portugal. 8vo, calf. Scarce. Bristol, 1799 Spain and PortucaL. History of. 5 vols. 16mo, cloth, New York, 1844 SPARKS. LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Conducted by Jared Sparks. Both series complete. Z7- graved titles, with portraits on steel of Dustinguished Americans. 25 vols. 12mo, half calf extra. Boston, 1844 “Second in importance and value to no series of original works ever printed in this country.” SPARKS (JARED). Lire oF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Portrait. Views of Headquarters at Morristown, Cambridge, etc., and other plates, engraved by Durand and others. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1844 Scarce ; containing illustrations not inserted in subsequent editions. SprrRIT OF THE Fair, from its Commencement ; also Cata- logue of the Art Exhibition at the Metropolitan Fair in aid of the Sanitary Commission, 1864. Plate inserted. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1864 SpooNER (S.) ANECDOTES OF PAINTERS, Engravers, Sculp- tors, and Architects, and Curiosities of Art. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, boards. New York, 1865 SPOONER (S.) BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS; or, Memoirs of the Lives and Works of Eminent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects, from the Earliest Ages to the Present ‘Time, with Mono- grams, etc. 100 fine photographic portraits of Celebrated Artists. 2 vols. thick 4to, boards, uncut. NN. Y.; 1668 LARGE PAPER Copy. Only 100 printed. SpruGcins’ GALLERY. Portraits of the Spruggins Fam- ily, arranged by R. Sucklethumkin Spruggins, Esq.; with nearly 50 highly humorous caricature portraits in appro- priate costume, |by the Rev. Walter Sneyd|. to, half red mor. extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Very rare, Privately printed, London, 1829 This inimitable satire on genealogical pursuits is understood to have been the production of the late witty Countess of Morley and the Rev. W. Sneyd, and was written in ridicule of Sheffield Grace’s Memoirs of the Family of Grace. (Gs See GRACE. 331 2 2944 SPRING (GARDNER). PERSONAL REMINISCENCES of the ’ Life and Times of. /ortrait, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1866 4 ) 2945 Squip ANNUAL of Poetry, Politics, and Personalities ; with 12 clever caricature plates by Seymour. 12mo, boards. London, 1836 Ais 2946 STarL (MAD. DE), LETTERS AND ReEFLEcTIONS of the . Prince de Ligne. Translated by D. Boileau. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, sheep. Phila., 1809 2947 St. ALBANS. SECRET Memoirs of Harriott PUMPKIN; es or, the Birth, Parentage, and Education of an Actress, 4 Z J her Private Acquaintance for Many Years, etc., and her ’ Extraordinary Marriage with Old Croesus!! 8vo, un- cut. London, n. d. Curious. The characters represented are Miss Mellon, afterward Duchess of St. Albans, and Thomas Coutts, the celebrated banker. Zz . oe 2948 STAGE (THE). A Weekly Magazine of Generalities, and a Special Guide to the Sights of London. Royal 8vo, half: calf. London, 1849 Numbers 1 to 14, all published. 2949 STAGE REMINISCENCES: being Recollections, chiefly Per- sonal, of Celebrated Theatrical and Musical Performers p 3 Ke during the last Forty Years. By an Old Stager. Post P 8vo, cloth, uncut. Glasgow, 1866 Contains notices of Kean, Braham, Brooke, Vestris, and Mathews— all of whom are remembered in America. SO 2950 STANHOPE (EARL). ‘TRACTS relating to Caspar Hauser , (the Wild Boy). Portrait and plan. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 ke 2951 STANHOPE (LADY HeEsTER). Memoirs, as related by Her- self in Conversations with her Physician; comprising her Opinions and Anecdotes of some of the most Re- markable Persons of her Time. J//ustrations. 3 vols.; also, her TRAVELS, forming the completion of her Me- moirs, narrated by her Physician. ///ustrations, 3 vols. Together, 6 vols. crown 8yo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1846 2952 STANSBURY (JosEPH) and OpeELi (Dr. Jon.) Loyar = rs a VERSES relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. Small 4to, half crimson mor., gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1860 Munsell’s “ Historical Series.” Only 100 copies printed. 332 2953 STAPLETON (A.G.) GrorcE CANNING and his Times. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1859 2954 STARK (CALEB). Memorr and OrriciAL CORRESPONDENCE of Gen. Joun Stark, with Notices of several other Officers of the Revolution; also, a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Colonel Robert Rogers, with an Account of his Services in America during the “Seven Years’ War.” Portrait. Royal 8vo, half green mor., gilt top, uncut. Concord, 1860 Portrait of General Gates inserted. STAUNTON (Howarp). GREAT ScHoots of ENGLAND: their Foundation, Endowments, and Discipline. J//us- trated. ‘Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 STAUNTON (Howarp). Cuess-PLAYER’s Hanp-Boox. Diagrams. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 STEBBING (Rey. H.) Lives oF THE ITALIAN Poets. 3 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut, London, 1832 STEDMAN (E.C.) THe Prince’s Batt: a Brochure. J//us- trated. t2zmo, cloth, New York, 1860 STEELE (Mrs. EvizaBeTH). Memorrsof Mrs. Soputa Bap- DELEY, late of Drury Lane Theatre. 6 vols. in 3, r2mo, half calf. Scarce. London, 1787 From the Library of Burton, the Actor. [STEELE (SIR RICHARD)]. THE THEATRE, by Sir John Edgar ; 28 xwmbers: from January 2d, to April sth, 1720; and the AnTI-THEATRE : from Feb. 18th, to April 4th, 1720. 14 numbers (minus No. 1). Folio, half mor., gilt top. London, 1720 Few books have a history as remarkable as these papers. The follow- ing copy of the MSS. on the fly-leaves of this volume will render further description unnecessary : “ The following papers, called the Zheatre, being Twenty-Eight in Number, were wrote (sic) by Sir Richard Steele, and were never republished among his other works, or in any other form, and they are now very rarely to be found complete.”— J. BLINDLEY], 1774. “This copy of the Zheatre I bought from Mr. Whyte the Bookseller, who purchased it from Mr, Bindley ; and I have since added to it the Anti- Theatre of which I have never seen another copy.” “There were only fifteen numbers of the Anti- 7heatre published, of which the first is here wanting.” —E. MALong, 1786. “Tf Mr. Bindley should survive me, J desire this book may be pre- sented to him.”—E. M. “For. Mr. Bindley, with LorD SUNDERLIN’s respectful compli- ments ;” also the Autograph and MSS. of “ Joun Driton, 1864.” 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 333 STEELE (SIR RICHARD). THE THEATRE, Anti-Theatre, etc. ; with Literary and Historical Anecdotes, by John Nichols. Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, calf. London, 1791 STEELE (Sir Ricwarp). Menorrs of the Life and Writings of. By H. R. Montgomery ; numerous steel portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1865 An attempt to reproduce the age of Queen Anne, through the medium of a Life of Steele, who was perhaps more variously mixed up with the men and the times than any other person of that era. STEINMETZ (ANDREW). ROMANCE OF DUELLING in all Times and Countries. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. London, 1868 STEPHENS (ANN S.) Ruby Gray’s STRATEGY. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1869 STEPHENS (Henry L.) Comic History or THE HuMAN Race. 38 colored plates, designed and illustrated by H. L. Stephens. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1851 Contains portraits of “Jim Crow” Rice, Burton, Forrest, Charles Bass, Mary Taylor, and others. Now exceedingly scarce. STERNE. FITZGERALD (PERCY). LIFE oF LAURENCE STERNE ; with Illustrations from the Drawings by the Author and others. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. Portrait of Lydia Sterne, after B. West, inserted. London, 1864 STERNE (LAURENCE). Works. Tristram Shandy (with the very rare Autograph of Sterne in two of the vols.) Sen- timental Journey, Sermons, and Letters. Portrait and Srontispieces by Hogarth, etc. 19 vols. in 18, 12mo, calf. London, 1768, etc. STERNE (LAURENCE), Works; with Autobiography. J//us- trated by Darley. 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1859 STERNE (LAURENCE). YorRICK’s SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY through France and Italy, etc. Frontispiece. 3 vols. in I, 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1791 The third volume comprises the “Sentimental Journey ” continued. STEVENS (GEO. ALEXANDER). DRAMATIC HISTORY OF Master Epwarp (SuHuTER), Miss Ann (Cately), and others, the Extraordinaries of these times; with Memoir of the Author. Curious [llustrations. 12mo, calf. London, 1786 Very scarce; having all the plates, including the ‘ Moonlight Amour,” and “ Couch Scene,” generally wanting. 334 Stevens (Gro. ALEX.) LrecTURE ON Heaps; with addi- tions by Mr. Pilon, as delivered by Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, etc. 47 Heads, by Nesbit, from Designs by Thur- ston, 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1802 STEVENS (HENRY). AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHER. Jap. 2 parts, 8vo, boards. Chiswick, 1854 Only 100 copies printed at the Chiswick Press, for Subscribers only. Stevens (Henry). CATALOGUE oF My ENGLIsH LIBRARY. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Rare. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. London, 1853 Privately printed. This imaginary Library represents nearly .7,000 volumes of the choicest Literat:re. Stevens (Henry). HisroricaL Nuccets. Bibliotheca Americana; or, a Descriptive Account of my collection of Rare Books relating to America. 2 vols. fscap. 8vo, cloth, uncut, elegantly printed. Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins Tooks, Court Chancery Lane, London, MDCCCLXII Contains the titles, at length, of three thousand books relating to America. STEvENS (JoHN AUSTIN). CoLoNnIAL Recorps of the New York Chamber of Commerce (1768-1784) ; with Historical and Biographical Sketches. M/aps, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1867 Stevens (W. B.) Past AND PRESENT of St. Andrew’s Church, in Philadelphia. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1858 STEVENSON (JoHN HALL). Crazy Taes. Anthony’s Tale, or the Boarding-School Tale; My Cousin’s Tale; Miss in her Teens; Captain Shadow’s Tale; Zachary’s Tale, or the Suspicious Husband Cured; the Student’s Tale, the Privy Councillor’s Tale; P—ty’s Tale; Cautious Bride; L——b’s Tale, etc. 12mo, calf. Very curious and scarce. London, 1785 The Tales were written by John Hall Stevenson ; every endeavor was made at the time to suppress them. 2978 [STEVENSON (JoHN Hatt)]. Makarony Fables for Grown Gentlemen. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1772 Very scarce ; contains a “ Pastoral Puke,” and other delectable pieces. 335 2979 STEVENSON (JOHN Haut). Works. Crazy Tales, Fables S/ 4 for Grown Gentlemen, Makarony Fables, Monkish Epi- : taphs, etc. ; Corrected and Enlarged, with Explanatory Notes. 2 Plates. 3 vols. r2mo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1795 Fine copy of this curious and facetious work. iS 2980 [Stevenson (W. G.)] Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1862 : 2981 STiLEs (Ezra). Account of the INTERMENT of the RE- MAINS OF AMERICAN Patriots who perished on board VA the BririsH Prison-Suips during the American Revo- y lution. With Notes and Appendix by Dr. Stiles. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1865 Portraits of Jefferson, De Witt Clinton, and Dr. Mitchell are inserted in the above copy ; also an exquisite illustration by Smirke. Only 80 copies of the book were printed. 2982 Stites (Ezra). History or THREE OF THE JUDGES OF Kinc Cuartes I. Major-General Whalley, Major- , f/ 7 General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell; who, at the Res- 3 toration, 1660, fled to America; and were secreted and concealed in Massachusetts and Connecticut for nearly thirty years, etc. Portrait (fine impression) and plates, 12mo, sheep. are. Hartford, 1794 Morrell, morocco, $20. H. A. Smith, $15. Wight, $12. 2983 STILES. HOLMES (AsreL). Lire or Ezra StIves, D.D., YU LL.D, a Fellow of the American Philosophical So- P ciety, President of Yale College, etc., etc. Rare Portrait. 8vo, calf. Thomas and Andrews, Boston, 1798 / VW 2984 Stites (H. R.) BUNDLING: its Origin, Progress, and De- f cline in America. Post 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1869 , “ A eustum more honored in the breach than the observance.’ 2985 STILES (H.R.) History or ANCIENT WINDSOR, Connecti- SSD cut, including East and South Windsor, and Ellington, , prior to 1768. Maps, etc, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 ¥ 2986 StitLé (Cas. J.) MEMORIAL of the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR Sf : for the United States Sanitary Commission, held at Phila- / delphia, June, 1864. Photographic illustrations. to, half calf. Philadelphia, 1864 P, Yr 2987 St. JoHN (Percy B.) PavuL Peapopy; or, the Apprentice a * of the World, Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 336 2988 ST. MEMIN. COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS, consist- ing of 760 Medallion Portraits, principally of distinguished Americans. Photographed by J. Gurney & Son, from proof impressions of the original copper-plates engraved by M. de St. Memin, from drawings taken from life by him- self during his exile in the United States, from 1793 to 1814; with a Memoir of M. de-St. Memin, and Biographi- cal Notices of the Persons whose Portraits constitute the collection. Imperial 4to, elegantly bound in full red mo: rocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1862 2989 St, NicnoLas Society. Discourses on Gen. J. Johnson, by S. R. Johnson, Brooklyn, 1854; New York as it was, by W. A. Duer, New York, 1849 ; Anniversary Address, by W. Betts, New York, 1851 ; Manhattan Anniversary, by C. F. Hoffman, New York, 1848. 4 Tracts. 8vo, paper. v. d. 2990 STODDARD (R. H.) Prrsonat REMINISCENCES of BARHAM, Harness, and Hodder. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1875 2991 STONE (E.M.) History or BEVERLY, Mass., from its Settle- ment, 1630, to 1842. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1843 Presentation copy to “Samuel Hazard, Esq., with the kind regards of the Author.” 2992 STONE (H. D,) Persona RECOLLECTIONS of the DRAMA ; or, Theatrical Reminiscences. Fortraits of Edwin For- rest, Mrs. Forrest, A. J. Allen, etc. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1873 2993 STONE (MRc.) CHRONICLES oF FasHION, from the Time of Elizabeth to the Early Part of the XIXth Century, in Manners, Amusements, Costumes, etc, Mumerous jine fortraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1846 2994 STONE (WinLiaM L..) Poetry and History of Wyoming ; con- taining Campbell’s Gertrude, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Washington Irving; and the History of Wyoming, from its Discovery to the beginning of the Present Century. J//ustrated. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1841 2995 STONE (WitiIam L,) Porrry and History or WYoMING. Third edition, with Index. Thick 12mo, half green mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1864 Fine Portraits of Thomas Campbell and Colonel Brandt inserted ; also plates after Westall. 2996 Stone. Another (3d) Edition. I2mo, uncut. Albany, 1864 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3993 337 STONE (WiLt1AM L.) LETTERS ON Masonry and Anti- Masonry, addressed to John Quincy Adams. 8vo, boards, uncut, New York, 1832 With account of the “Morgan Abduction.” STONE (W. L.) History or NEw York City, from its Dis- covery to the Present Day; numerous beautiful steel en- gravings. 8vo, sheets folded. New York, 1872 STONE (W. L.) REMINISCENCES OF SARATOGA and Ballston. Illustrated, 1%2mo, cloth, New York, 1875 STONE (W. L.) TAaLres AND SKETCHES—such as they are. 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. Very scarce. New York, 1834 STONE (W. L.) Lire and Times of Sa-Go-vE-waT-Ha, or Red Jacket, by the late Wm. L. Stone; with a Memoir of the Author by his Son. ortraits of Wm. L. Stone, etc. Rubricated title. Imperial 8vo, paper, uncut. Large paper ; 50 copies printed. Albany, 1866 Story, (JosePH). Power or SoLiruDE: a Poem in Two Parts. A new and Improved Editien. Frontispiece. 12m0o0, sheep. Salem, 1804 Very scarce, having been suppressed. STorHarD (C. A.) Memoirs, including Original Journals, Letters, Papers, and Antiquarian Tracts, with connective Notices of his Life by Mrs. Stothard. Portrait. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1823 STOTHARD. LIFE or THomas SToTHARD, R.A., with Personal Reminiscences. By Mrs. Bray. Portrait and numerous illustrations on wood. Thick 4to, full purple levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with inside borders handsomely tooled. London, 1851 UNIQUE Copy. 92 engravings, from designs by Stothard, inserted, comprising a number of very scarce illustrations, some being proofs. Includes complete sets of the illustrations to Robinson Crusoe, proofs ; Boccaccio’s Decameron, proofs ; Pilgrim’s Progress ; Shakespeare, proofs ; Walton’s Angler, proofs; Arabian Nights, Don Quixote, Fielding’s Novels, etc., etc., etc. ae 338 3005 STOTHARD. LIFE OF THOMAS STOTHARD, with GO td OF PERSONAL REMINISCENCES, by Mrs, Bray. 1 vol. small 4to, each leaf neatly inlaid and enlarged to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of over 600 additional plates, embracing the choicest subjects by this artist, extended to 3 vols. large folio, full polished levant morocco extra, richly tooled backs and edges. London, 1851 These volumes may fairly be described as a treasury of beauty. Stothard, who has been termed “ the English Raphael,” left, in more than a thousand engraved designs, enduring witnesses of his exquisite taste and purity in the delineations of angelic and female form, heroic manhood, and particularly all that is engag- ing and attractive in the scenes of domestic life. They have consequently been in great demand, and have become, in their best state, exceedingly rare. The present collection exhibits them in their choicest excellence, being several hundred in number, mostly proof impressions of these exquisite engravings, and all ‘n rare condition. There was scarcely a classic English author whose works he did not at some time illustrate. Chaucer, Spencer, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Richardson, Sterne, De Foe, Fielding, and the other novelists ; the Spectator, the Dramatists, with a host of minor authors, gave employment to his pencil in a long career of half a century of active exertion, during which his powers suffered nodecline. His series of illustrations to ‘‘ Robin- son Crusoe,” the works of Shakespeare, the “ Pilgrim’s Prog- ress,” ‘“‘ Rogers’ Italy,” and “ Poems,” have been surpassed by no labors of the kind ever attempted. The choicest exhibition of all these, including the rare early plates to the Novelists’ Library, with many others of kindred excellence, will be found in these volumes, which have been prepared with the greatest care. rd aga 3006 Stowr. A DEscripTION of the House and Gardens of the we Marquis of Buckingham ; w¢th 24 exqutsite steel engrav- ings and plans. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1797 a ig Pica 3007 STOWE CATALOGUE, priced and annotated, by H. R. - Forster. Mumerous engravings. 4to, half morocco. a = °] Scarce. London, 1848 This magnificent collection (the Duke of Buckingham’s) of Objects of Art and Vertu, produced £75,'62 4s. 6d. The famous “ Chandos” portrait of Shakespeare, of which an engraving is given, was bought by the Earl of Ellesmere for £372 15s. J 3008 Stowe (Harriet B.) Uncie Tom’s Casin; or, Life io 8 among the Lowly. J//ustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. This Edition is now very scarce. Boston, 1852 APS /b 00 339 3009 STRAUSS (Dr. Davip F.) Lire or Jxsus, critically ex- amined. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1846 General E. A. Hitchcock's copy, with his MS. Notes, which are both critical and curious. 3010 STRAWBERRY HILL. A DESCRIPTION OF THE VILLA or Horace WALPOLE, with an Inventory of the Fur- niture, Pictures, Curiosities, etc. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Strawberry-Hill, 1772? Only 100 copies printed. UNIQUE COPY, with original MS. of Walpole inserted, and nearly 150 fine portraits and views. Many of the portraits are very fine, and include the Duchess of Devonshire (proof ), by Bartolozzi ; Hannah More, by Heath ; Lord Herbert of Cherbury, by Walker; Joseph Ames, by Hodgetts; John Chute, by Heath; Lord Darnley, by Vertue ; Eliz. Barry, by Knight, etc., etc. 3o1r STRAWBERRY HILL. CATALOGUE of the Collection of Engraved Portraits, Prints, Books of Prints, and Draw- ings. 4to, wrapper. London, 1842 3012 STROBEL (P. A.) THE SALZBURGERS and their Descend- ants. Portrait. 16mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1855 3013 STRONG (Hon. Cates). Brocrapuy of, by Alden Brad- ford. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 30. Boston, 1820 Very scarce. 3014 StronG (T. M.) History of the Town of FLATBUSH, L. I. Map and engravings. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1842 3015 STRUTT (JOSEPH). BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF EN- GRAVERS and their Works, from the Earliest Period to the Present, with a History of Engraving. 16 fine plates and monograms. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, calf gilt. London, 1785-6 The above copy belonged to Thane [see lot 8092], and contains his MS. Notes and Corrections. A portrait of Thane has also been inserted. 3016 STRUTT (JosEPH). QuEENHOO-HALL, a Romance; and Ancient Times, a Drama. 4 vols. r2mo, half calf antique. Scarce. Edinburgh, 1808 Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 3017 STRUTT (JosEPH). ‘SporTs AND Pastimes of the People of England, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Edited by William Hone. 140 dilustrations of the Shows, Mummeries, Pageants, etc. 8vo, half calf gilt. 22 London, 1833 340 Stuart (Cartos D,) JIanrue, and other Poems. Front- ispiece. 2mo, sheep. New York, 1843 SUETONIUS. Lives oF THE TWELVE First Roman EmpPE- Rors, Translated by J. Clarke. 8vo, calf London, 1739 SUFFOLK, LETTERS to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suf- folk, and her husband, the Hon, Geo. Berkeley, from 1712 to 1767, with Notes, Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1824 SULLIVAN (Maj,-GEN. JOHN), Muxirary SERVICEs and Pub- lic Life of, by T. C. Amory. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1868 SUMBEL. Memorrs of the Life of Mrs. SUMBEL, late Wells, of the Theatres-Royal—Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, and Haymarket. Written by Herself. Including her Corre- spondence with Major Topham, Mr, Reynolds, the Dram- atist, etc. 3 vols. in 1, post 8vo, half morocco. London, 1811 SUMNER (Witt1aAm H.) History or East Boston; with Biographical Sketches of its Early Proprietors, and an Appendix. Mumerous portraits, etc. “Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut, Boston, 1858 SUMNER (W, H.) History or Easr Bosron; with Bio- graphical Sketches of its Early Proprietors. Portraits on Lndia paper, and map. Thick 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1858 SUTHERLAND (ALEXANDER), Achievements of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA, 2 vols, in 1, r2mo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1846 Swain (CHARLES). Poems. Jortrait. 16mo, cloth gilt, Boston, 1857 Swett (S.) Asstract of the Baron de Rogniat’s Considera- tions on the ART oF War. 8vo, pp. 24. Boston, 1817 SwETT (S.) History or BuNKER HILt Battie, with a Plan. Third edition, with Notes. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1827 Several plates inserted. The ‘‘likenesses of the principal officers” announced on title-page, were never issued. SwirT, Cxiosinc Years of Dean Swift’s Life, with Poems hitherto unpublished, etc. By W. R. Wilde. ///ustrated. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1849 fe (8°30 fl? 3034 of #35 o / O 3036 ws 3°37 3038 341 Swift. ORRERY (JOHN, Eart or). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dean Swift. Portrait, by Ravenel, a fine specimen of etching, 1751. 8vo, calf. London, 1752 SWIFT (JONATHAN). PoeETicAL Works, 3 vols, post 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. Pickering, London, 1833 Swirt (JONATHAN), Works; with Copious Notes, Addi- tions, and Memoirs of the Author by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859 SwiFTIANA. Essays, Divine, Moral, and Political. Frontis- piece, 8vo, calf. London, 1714 Very scarce. Full of charges against Dean Swift of the most abom- inable nature. Swirt (SAMUEL). History of the Town of MIDDLEBURY, Addison Co., Vermont, /ortraits, etc. 8vo, cloth, Middlebury, 1859 SwinpurneE (A. C.) Laus Veneris, and other Poems and Ballads. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1866 Swinton (Wm.) Campaicns of the Army of the Potomac. Steel portraits and maps. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 SwITZERLAND. History of. Vignette. Post 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. SyDENHAM (JOHN). History of the Town and County of Pootr, from the Earliest Period, with Appendix on its Botany, by T. B. Salter. //ustrations on stone and wood. 8vo, cloth. Poole, 1839 ABLE-TALK on Books, Men, and Manners. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 3040 TALES OF Mirtu: Original and Select. Front- ispiece, ‘* Rip Van Winkle,” by Westall, Post 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, London, (1833) TALES OF TERROR. In verse. With an Introductory Dia- logue. Colored plates. 12mo, boards. Scarce. Philadelphia, 1818 TALeEs oF To-Day; or, Modern Facts, J//ustrated. Crown 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1825 Contains a plate, in which the Lord’s Prayer is printed within a circle one-fifth of an inch in diameter. TatrourD (T. N.) Vacation Ramses and Thoughts ; comprising the Recollections of Three Continental Tours in 1841-2 and ’3. 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, half calf extra. Moxon, \.ondon, 1845 TatrourD (T. N.) Tour THROUGH FRANCE, Italy, and Switzerland in 1846. Post 8vo, cloth. A Supplement to “Vacation Rambles.” J/oxon, London, 1854 TALLMADGE (CoL. BENJAMIN). MEmMorR of, prepared by himself. 3 fortraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bradstreet. New York, 1858 UNIQUE Copy, with Autographs inserted. TALLMADGE (CoL. BENJAMIN), MEMOIR, prepared by him- self, at the request of his Children. Portrait, after Col. Trumbull. 8vo, pp. 70, cloth. New York, 1858 PRIVATELY PRINTED, and very scarce. Has frequently sold from $8 to $10. Presentation copy “to W. J. Davis, Esq., from F. A. Tallmadge.” Tatma. Mfmorres de. Rédigés et Publiés par A. Mejanel. 8vo, pp. 34. Londres, 1817 Tammany Society. Eighty-Second Celebration. 8vo, mor. New York, 1870 Waa oo Se 343 3049 TAMMANY SOCIETY. ProceEpincs on Laying the Corner-Stone of their New Hall on Fourteenth Street, and Celebrating the Ninety-first Anniversary of the Dec- laration of Independence at Irving Hall, Thursday, July 4th, 1867. Also, Brief History of the Oricin and Earuter History of the Society. 8vo, half crimson crushed levant mor., gilt top, uncut. New York, 1867 UNIQUE copy, having 43 inserted Plates, among which are fine Por- traits of G. C. Verplanck (on India paper), Gov. Clinton (engraved by Durand), Col. Trumbull, Paulding, Halleck, Burr, Dr. Mitchill, Tom Paine, Mayor Allen, etc., etc. ; also several rare views of New York buildings, and other illustrations. Poems and Songs: chiefly in the Paisley, 1815 TANNAHILL (ROBERT). Scottish Dialect. 12mo, calf. First edition. TaRLETON (Lieut.-Cot.) History of the Campaicns of 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. Japs and plans. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1787 Fine proof portrait, after Reynolds, inserted. Tasso (TorquaTo). Lire of; with an Historical and Criti- cal Account of his Writings, by John Black. Portraits by Flaxman. 2 vols. 4to, half calf gilt, uncut.. Edinburgh, 1810 A valuable and elaborate work. Tasso (Torquato). JERUSALEM DELIVERED. Translated by John Hoole, with Life. Portrait and steel plates by Hooker after Stothard. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Newburyport, 1870° Tasso (TorquaTo). JERUSALEM DELIVERED: an Epic Poem in Twenty Cantos. Translated into English Spenserian Verse ; with a Life of the author, interspersed with Translations of his Verses to the Princess Leonora of Este; and a List of English Crusaders, by J. H. Wif- fen. Portrait and beautiful wood-cuts, by Williams, from Drawings by Hayter and Corbould. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, half London, 1824 3050 305! 3952 3953 3°54 mor. extra, gilt top, uncut. LARGE PAPER. 3055 Tasso (T.) JERUSALEM DELIVERED. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1851 3056 TATLER. BickerRsTaFF (Isaac), HiIsToRY, OPINIONS, AND LucuBRATIONS. From the “Tatler,” by Steele and Addi- Introduction, Notes, etc., by H. R. Montgomery. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 186t Portrait and plates. son. Photographic Illustrations. 344 TATTERSALL (GEORGE). LAKES OF ENGLAND. - Map, and numerous tllustrations, etched on steel, by W. F. Topham, Jrom original drawings by the author. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt, London, (1836) TAVERN ANECDOTES, and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Coffee-Houses, etc. Intended asa Lounge-Book for Citizens and their Country Cousins. By one of the Old School. Wood-cuts. 16mo, boards. Scarce. New York, 1830 Tayor (B. C.) ANNALS OF THE CLASSIS OF BERGEN, the Township, etc, J//ustrated, 12mo, cloth, N. Y., 1857 TaYLor (E. S.) History or PLayinc-Carps; with Anec- dotes of their Use in Conjuring, Fortune-Telling, and Card-Sharping. Vumerous illustrations. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1865 Taytor (Isaac), History oF THE ‘TRANSMISSION OF ANCIENT Booxs to Modern Times. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1827 Taytor. Another copy. Half calf, uncut. London, 1827 TAYLOR (JEFFERYS). OLD ENGLISH SayINGs newly ex- pounded, in Prose and Verse, Frontispiece. 12mo, half calf gilt. London, 1827 In same volume, “ Fitz-FLORIAN’S ALPHABET ; or, LYRICAL FABLES FOR CHILDREN GROWN UP, London, 1819.” TAYLOR (JOHN) TO THOS. HILL. LETTERS. A Col- lection of 42 Original Autograph Letters on Literary Sub- jects from John Taylor, Esq., (author of ‘‘ Monsieur Ton- son,” etc.) addressed to Thomas Hill, Esq., the Original of “Paul Pry.” 4 portraits. 4to, half mor. London, 1799-1811 From the Library of John Dillon, with his autograph and MS. anecdote of “Tommy” Hill. The above volume was evidently prepared for publication. TAYLOR (JouN, author of ‘‘ Monsieur Tonson”). POEMS on various Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1827 “ Written in the good old style of our elders and our betters, which I am very glad to see is not yet extinct.”’—BYRON. Beautifully printed on hand-made paper, and containing a most dis- tinguished list of subscribers. 345 066 TayLor (Joun). Recorps or My Lire. Portrait. 2 vols. Ve 3 a 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1832 These volumes are full of literary and dramatic anecdotes, by the author of ‘Monsieur Tonson.” er 3067 Taytor (W. B.S.) Oricin, Procress, and Present Con- dition of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland, Vignettes. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond., 1841 3068 Taytor (W. Cooke). Lire anp Times of Sir ROBERT z (/ O PEEL. 85 fine portraits, etc., on steel, some inserted. 4 f vols, 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, [185t] 3069 ‘TayLor(W. Cooke). Memoirs of the House of OrLEans ; C]t including Sketches and Anecdotes of the most Distin- ‘ guished Characters in France during the r7th and 18th Centuries. Fine portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. ; London, 1849 eZ 3070 Taytor (W. C.) Romantic Biocrapuy of the Age of Eliza- . beth. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half green calf gilt. Philadelphia, 1842 ay, 3071 Taytor (GEN. Zaca.) Lire of, with Notices of the War in t Mexico, etc., by J. Frost. Mumerous illustrations. 12m0, cloth, New York, 1847 LU 3072 Taytor (Gen. Zacu.) Ossequies. Frontispiece. 8vo, ; cloth. New York, 1851 ” 3073 TazeweLtt (Hon. L. W.) Discourse on the Life and eos Character of, by H. B. Grigsby. 8vo, cloth. , Norfolk, 1860 Pa 3074 Trecc (Tuomas), RIsE, PRoGREss, AND TERMINATION of the O O. P. War, in Poetic Epistles, or Hudibrastic Letters, including all the best Songs, Placards, Toasts, ete... etc. which were written, exhibited, and given on the occasion, with illustrative Notes and Colored Frontispiece, by Cruik- shank, t2mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1810 (ae See O. P. Riots, lot 2272, etc. 2 3075 TEMPLE Bar: a London Magazine for Town and Country ee Readers, Complete from its commencement, in 1860, to ‘ ri December, £878. 52 vols. 8vo, in the original numbers. London, 1860-78 Contains Novels by Wilkie Collins, Whyte-Melville, Mrs. Edwards, Hawley Smart, Florence Marryatt, Mrs. Riddell, Sheridan Le Fanu, Mrs. Wood, Edmund Yates, G. A. Sala, H. J. Byron, Miss Braddon, etc., etc. a 346 TreMPLE OF FaME; or, the Sc—d—I—s Chronicle for 1748. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1748 Collected by “the Ghost of Edmund Curll,” and containing the Cornutor of Seventy-five, Mr. F.’s Adventures in Petticoats, Trial of T. Grimes for Rape, Vindication of Cursing and Swearing, Character of Widows and Old Women in general, A Spy on Mother Midnight, etc. TENNYSON (ALFRED). LocxsLtey Hat. Red-Line Edition, Illustrated, %2mo, cloth. Boston, 1869 TENNYSON (ALFRED). Poems. Idyls of the King, etc. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 ‘Tennyson. Porticat Works. Jilustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871 TENNYSON. QUEEN Mary: a Drama. 12mo, cloth. 3oston, 1875 Terry (D.) British THEATRICAL GALLERY: a Collection of whole-length portraits, with Biographical Notices. Twenty fine portraits in character, engraved by Cooper, from paintings by Harlow. Folio, cloth. Berthoud, London, 1825 Includes Portraits of Kean, Young, Harley, Knight, Dowton, Cooper, G. Smith, Le Blond, Mrs. Bland, Booth, Smithson, Copeland, and others. THACHER (JAMES), AMERICAN MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY; OT, Memoirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America, with a succinct History of Medical Science in the United States, from the First Settlement of the Country. Portraits, 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 Contains Portraits of Drs. Thacher, John Bard, Samuel Bard, etc. Thackeray (Anne I.) Village on the Cliff, etc. 16mo, cloth. ‘Boston, 1869 TuHackeray (W. M.) Novers, Pendennis, Vanity Fair, Newcomes, Henry Esmond, etc. Illustrated. 5 vols, 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1848 From the Library of Wm. E. Burton, the actor. Tuackeray (W, M.) Tue Four GEORGES. Lllustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860 THACKERAY. ENGLISH Humorists of the Fighteenth Cen- tury. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 THACKERAY. BALLADS. 12m0, cloth. Boston, 1856 LA oe 347 3088 THACKERAY. TAYLOR (THEODORE), ‘THACKERAY, THE Hv- MOURIST and the Man of Letters. To which is added, “In Memoriam,” by Chafles Dickens, etc. ///ustrations. 12m0, half calf gilt. New York, 1864 3089 THACKERAY (W. M.) ‘THE VirGINIANS: a Tale of the Last Century ; ‘zth illustrations on steel and wood by the Author. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. Best edition. London, 1858 3090 THACKERAY (W. M.) Vanity Fair: a Novel without a Hero. J/lustrations by the author, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1865 3091 THACKERAY (W. M). WORKS. Mumerous illustrations on steel and wood by the author and R. Doyle. 22 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Smith, Elder & Co,, London, 1867-9 Only complete library edition and an early copy. 3092 THANE (J.) BRITISH AUFOGRAPHY: a Collection of Authentic Portraits and Fac-similes of the Handwriting of Royal and Illustrious Personages, upwards of 250 fine Portraits, and as many Autographs and Seals, with Biographical Memoirs. 3 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1819 Many of the portraits were never. before engraved, and are not to be found in any other collection. 3093 THEATRE (THE); or, Dramatic and Literary Mirror. Con- taining Original Theatrical Essays, Literary Reviews, Anecdotes, etc. Scarce portrait of Liston as “ Figaro.” 8vo, boards, uncut. Tondon, 1819 3094 THEATRICAL AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Containing 60 highly in- teresting specimens written in the volume, including Far- ren, Robson, Anderson (with quotation from Shakespeare), Emery, Chas, Kean, Ellen Kean, C. Mathews, Mrs. Ma- thews (Madame Vestris), Roxby, T. P. Cooke (with quotation from Faiconer’s Shipwreck”), Boucicault, Keeley (with quotation, three lines), Paul Bedford, Fitz- ball,’Mrs, Keeley (‘1's so wicked I is,’— Topsy), C. Smith, (‘The Devil is not so black as he’s painted”), Gustavus V. Brooke, G. J. Vining, Edward J.oder (with music and words), Le Clercq (family), Sims Reeves, ‘Tom Matthews, Harry Boleno, Miss Vincent, R, Romer, etc., etc. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. 348 Tueatres. L&E Ripeau Levh, ou petite Revue des Grands Théatres. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1818 THEATRES DE PARIS. Notices et Portraits; wth up- wards of 50 colored plates. Imperial 8vo, uncut. Paris, n. d. THEATRICAL BioGRAPHY ; or, Memoirs of the Principal Per- formers of the three Theatres Royal—Drury-Lane, Covent- Garden, and Haymarket—with Critical and Impartial Re- marks on their respective Professional Merits. 2 vols. r2mo, half morocco. London, 1772 THEATRICAL BIOGRAPHY. The same. 2 vols. in 1, 12m0, calf. London, 1772 THEATRICAL Censor, Bya Citizen, Colored plate. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, Dec. 9, 1805, to March 3, 1806 17 Nos. ; all ever published. Very scarce. Contains criticisms on the acting of Cooper, Fennell, Warren, Jefferson, etc. We do not remember seeing another copy. THEATRICAL Dictionary (NEw); containing an Account of ali tbe Dramatic Pieces that have appeared from the Coin- mencement of Theatrical Exhibitions to the Present Time, etc. 12mo, half calf. London, 1792 THEATRICAL Portraits, ETC, A Collection of over 25 highly colored representations of Stage Heroes, belonging principally to the Blood and Thunder Drama, Oblong 4to, boards. London, 1830 THEATRICAL TiMES: a Weekly Magazine of Thespian Biog- raphy, Original Dramatic Essays, Provincial, Continental, and American 'Theatricals ; a Complete Record of Public Amusements, with Original Portraits of Eminent Living Actors. 150 portraits on wood. 4 vols, in 2, royal 8vo, half calf gilt, London, 1846-51 Fine copy; scarce. Among the portraits contained in these volumes are Charlotte Cush- man, John R. Scott, Hudson Kirby, Anna Thillon, G. V. Brooke, and others who have appeared in America. 3103 THEATRICAL Times. The same. Nos, 1 to 82, with 82 por- an A J traits, including Miss Cushman, John R. Scott, Kirby, Mad. Celeste, Keeley, Macready, Mad. Vestris, Anna Thil- Jon, etc. Royal 8vo, half roan. London, 1846-7 349 SIe 3104 ‘LHEATRICAL Times. The same. Nos. 1 to 86, with por- ‘ traits as before. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1846-7 3105 THE BOOK! or the Proceedings and Correspondence upon Sve the subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of the Princess ' of Wales, in 1806. 3 portraits inserted. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1813 This book was suppressed, and is in consequence very rarely found. 3106 THEspPIAN Dictionary; or, Dramatic Biography of the ed J 3 Eighteenth Century, forming a Concise History of the English Stage. 32 fortratts: Garrick, Kemble, Mrs. Bit- lington, Mrs. Crouch, Chas. Bannister, etc. 12mo, sheep. London, 1802 Some of the portraits are very scarce, and are apparently inserted, as we have never met with them before in this work. 3107 THESPIAN DicTIONARY; or, Dramatic Biography of the Eighteenth Century, forming a Concise History of the ’ English Stage. 18 fine portraits. 12mo, half calf. London, 1805 Among the portraits are Mrs. Billington, Mrs. Siddons, Kemble, etc. 3108 THESPIAN ORACLE; or, a New Key to Theatrical Amuse- ments, containing the New Prologues and Epilogues, a / 3 i collection of Soliloquies, etc. 12mo, half red morocco, . gilt top, uncut. London, 1791 A scarce volume, having 21 portraits inserted of Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Mattocks, and others. nal 3109 THESPIAN PRECEPTOR; or, a Full Display of the Scenic Art, Instructions for Treading the Stage, etc. 12mo, half calf, Boston, 1810 3110 THe Town: a Weekly Publication, edited by Baron Nichol- son (of the Coal Hole), treating upon Cigar Shops and Va Baety. Women, Chit-Chat and Facetiz, Humorous Cock- ‘ ney Tales, Night Houses, Prostitution, Dancing Acade- mies, French Milliners, Swell Mobs, etc. Thick folio, cloth. London, 1837-9 This is one of the most facetious and witty publications that has ever issued from the press. It attacked Alderman Harmer and other celebrated characters, and exposed the vices of every station of life. 3111 THomas (IsalAH). History OF PRINTING in America, with oe ; a Biography of Printers, an Account of Newspapers, etc. , Fac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Scarce, Worcester, 1810 350 Tuomas (M. A.) Memorrats of MARSHFIELD, etc., at Green Harbor. Portrait and plates, 12mo, wrapper. Boston, 1854 THOMASON (Sir E.) MeEmorrs during half a Century, V«- merous engravings of Medals, Scientific Inventions, etc., with letters and autographs of the most eminent scientific and literary men of the age. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond., 1845 A very remarkable work. THompson (H. F,) Inrricues or A Nasos; or, Bengal the Fittest Soil for the Growth of Lust, Injustice, and Dis- honesty. 8vo, calf. Rare. Privately printed, 1780 THOMPSON (JAMES), AUTHENTIC LIFE OF JAMES ALLAN, the Celebrated Northumberland Piper; detailing his Sur- prising Adventures in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, including a Complete Description of the Manners and Customs of the Gipsey Tribes, with Explanatory Notes by E. Mackenzie. Rare portrait and engravings by Robt. Cruikshank. 8vo, half calf, uncut. A scarce and curious work. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1828 THompson (N. L.) History or PLyMouTH CuuRcH, with Beecher’s First Sermon. J///ustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1873 THOMSON (JAMES). THE SEasons. Beautiful plates by Kent. 4to, calf, London, 1730 First 4to and second complete edition, with list of 360 subscribers. THomson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Jacopites of 1715 and 1745. ine portraits on steel, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1845-6 THomson (Mrs.) MeEmorirRS oF VISCOUNTESS SUNDON; with Letters, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 Vicountess Sundon was Mistress of the Robes to Queen Caroline. THORBURN. Forty YEARS’ RESIDENCE in America; or, the Doctrine of a Particular Providence ; with Life of Grant Thorburn, t12mo, cloth. London, 1834 THORBURN (GRANT). SKETCHES from the Note-Book of LAwRIE Topp, 8vo, half mor., gilt top. New York, 1847 Autograph Jetter of Grant Thorburn (N. Y., April 1st, 1817) inserted, also portraits of Thorburn, Tom Paine, etc. 3t22 THORBURN (GRANT). Firry YEARS’ REMINISCENCES of New York. Portrait. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1845 3123 3124 oy 3125 Pe ai 3127 3128 Ape 3131 Pee. 3132 3133 351 THoRNBURY (GEO. W.) MoNARCHS OF THE MAIN; OF, Adventures of the Buccaneers, 3 vols, crown 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1855 THORNBURY (WALTER). Hauntep Lonpon. Jd/ustrations on wood by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1865 TuornBury (W.) Soncs oF THE CAVALIERS and Round- heads. Crown 8vo, cloth. (No title). London, —— Tuurston (D.) Brier History of WINTHROP, from 1764 to 1855. 12mo, cloth. Portland, 1855 TICKNOR (GEO.) LIFE OF WILLIAM HICKLING PRESCOTT ; with a Prefatory Notice, an Appendix, and an Index. ortrait on steel and numerous beautiful wooa- cuts, including ornamental head and tail pieces and int- tials. 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1864 Inserted in this copy are autographs of George Ticknor, R. C. Win- throp, Daniel Webster, Charles Sumner, Albert Gallatin, Alex- ander Hamilton, William Cullen Bryant, Abbott Lawrence, James K. Polk, John C. Fremont, and others. TickNor (Geo.) Lire or WILLIAM HICKLING PRESCOTT ; with Prefatory Notice, etc. Portrait and other illustrations, including head and tail pieces and initials. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1864 Limited edition. Beautifully printed. Tirrin (W, F.) Gossip aout Portraits, including En- graved Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 TitcuMan (Wm.) Lire of, by John Golder. Portrait, 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila., 1829 Tilghman was: Chief-Justice of Pennsylvania. At the end of this volume is the eulogium in commemoration of Dr. Caspar Wistar. Timps (JoHNn), CENTURY of ANECDOTE, from 1760 to 1860. Portraits of the Duke of Queensbury, Samuel Rogers, and others. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1864 Times (Joun). EnciisHh Eccentrics and Eccentricities. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 Times. Cxius-Lire oF Lonpon; with Anecdotes of the Clubs, Coffee-houses, and Taverns of the Metropolis, Portrait. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 Best edition. Scarce, 352 Times (JOHN). ROMANCE OF LONDON. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 Best edition. Searce, Full of strange stories and scenes, anecdotes of remarkable persons, ete, Times. WaALKs AND TaLks about Lonpon. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 This a suitable companion to the two previous lots. TIPPECANOE SonG Book, and the Harrison Medal Minstrel. Portrait and newspaper cuttings inserted. 16m0o, half calf. Log-Cabin and Patriotic Songs. Philadelphia, 1840 Tom AND JERRY. Soncs, PAaRopigs, DUETS, CHORUSES, etc., in the Extravaganza Burletta, called Tom anp Jerry. Replete with Prime Chaunts, Rum Glees, and Kiddy Catches. Scarce Portrait (colored) of Wrench as “Corinthian Tom.” 8vo, half calf. London, [1821] 3138 TomKINs (CHARLES). Tour TO THE IsLE oF WicutT [in 1793]. Jllustrated with 80 fine views in aquatint. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, half russia. London, 1796 Tone (THEOBALD WoLFe). Memoirs, written by Him- self; comprising Account of the Rebellion of 1798, etc., edited by his Son. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1827 TORMENTING. AN Essay ON THE ART OF INGENIOUSLY TORMENTING, with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Pleasant Art. 5 colored plates by Woodward. Post 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Scarce. London, 1809 The production of Miss Jane Collier, daughter of the Rector of Lang- ford, Wilts. She was the Friend of Fielding and Richardson. TowLe (G.M.) History or Henry V., King of En- gland. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866 Town (THE). New-York, Jan. rst to 21st,1807. Nos. 1 to 9. A scarce, early New York journal (probably all pub- lished) containing Criticisms on the acting of T. A. CoopER, etc., etc: The Brunoniad: an Heroic Poem. London, 1789 Gymnastica Democratica: a Poem. London, 1793 And other pamphlets. In 1 vol. 4to, half bound. VW 353 SSP 3143 Town (Tue). Edited by “ The Council of Ten.” umer- ous tllustrations on wood. Vol. 1. 4to, half calf. New York, 1845 All’ published, and very scarce. Contains much curious local matter, Personal References replete with pungency and satire, Dramatic Notes, Criticisms, etc., together with portraits of Mrs. Shaw, the actress (wife of “Tom” Hamblin), Mad. Pico, Ole Bull, a rare one of Jas. Gordon Bennett, etc. , yy 3144 TowNsHEND (TuHos.) Poems. With 14 beautiful vig- f nettes by Stothard. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Bensley, London, 1799 3145 TRACTS (30). CHARACTER OF A. TRIMMER. By Sir’ W. Coventry. London, 1689. And others as under. to, ¥ U/ &/ calf. London, 1689, etc. ; Dialogue between Dick and Tom; Thoughts of a Private Person about the justice of the Gentlemen’s Undertaking at York, 1688 ; Reflections upon the late Great Revolution ; Case of Allegiance Considered ; Considerations Touching Succession and Allegi- ance; Scrapler’s Case Considered ; Character of a Jacobite ; Character of a Bigoted Prince, etc., etc., ete. P 3146 Tracts. Statement of Facts relative to the supposed Lay ie Abstinence of Ann Moore, “the fasting woman of Tat- dury,” with an Account of the Imposture. 8vo, half calf. 3urton-on-Trent, 1813 Also, in this volume, The First Floor: a Farce by J. Cobb, 1787 ; Political House that Jack Built, 18 cuts by Cruikshank, Hone, etc., 1819. + Fs 3147 TRENCH (W.S.) Rea.ities oF I[RIsH LIFE. 12mo, cloth. , Boston, 1869 3148 TRENCK (Baron). Lire; containing his Adventures, his s 7 I, Cruel and Excessive Sufferings, etc. Translated by T. . Hotcrort. Portrait. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1813 Contains also Anecdotes, Historical, Political, and Personal 3149 Trowbridge (J. T.) Coupon Bonds. Boston, 1866 Fs UG Tennyson (Alfred). Enoch Arden. ///ustrated. Boston, 1865 , Parton (James). How New York City is Governed. Boston, 1864 Arnold (Matthew). Heinrich Heine. Philadelphia, 1863 In x vol. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. ee ee 354 TRUBNER (N.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GUIDE TO AMERICAN LITERATURE: a Classified List of Books published in the United States of America during the last 4o years, with Bibliographical Introduction, Notes, and Index, 8vo, half bound. London, 1859 TRUEMAN (JouN) and Atkins (Ricup.) Lives of, to which is added a short account of Atkins’ Sister ; also the Life of William Baker. 12mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1817 A perfect ‘‘ chamber of horrors ;” decidedly anti-Murphy. TRUMBULL (JOHN). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Reminiscences, and Letters, from 1756 to 1841. ortrait and numerous fac- similes of original drawings, 8vo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1841 TRUMBULL (JoHN). AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Reminiscences, and Letters, from 1756 to 1841. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1841 Clean copy, with all the illustrations. TRUMBULL (JOHN). M’FinGAL: a Modern Epic Poem, with Notes and Memoir. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1856 TRUMBULL (JoHN). PorticaL Works, containing M’ Fingal, a Modern Epic Poem, etc., with copious Explanatory Notes. Portrait and plates by Tisdale. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Hartford, 1820 Extra Portrait of the Author inserted. TucKER (P.) . Mormonism: its Origin, Rise, and Progress. Lllustrated, t2mo, cloth, New York, 1867 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.) Book or THE Artists. American Artist Life, comprising Biographical Sketches of American Artists, preceded by an Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Art in America; with an Appendix, con- taining: an account of notable Pictures and Private Col- lections, Portrait on India paper, Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco extra, inlaid back, gilt top, uncut edges. Large paper copy. New York, 1867 3158 ‘TUCKERMAN (H, T.) CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERATURE. r2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1851 Second series. 3159 TucxeRMAN (H. T.) Swear or VERSE, bound for the Fair. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1864 3160 SG 3161 peg 3162 3163 oie 3165 SOG 3166 2h 3167 355 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.) Tne CoLiector. Essays on Books, Newspapers, Pictures, Inns, Authors, Doctors, Holidays, Actors, Preachers ; with Introduction by Dr. Doran. Vignette. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, London, n. d. TuppPER (M. F.) Porticat Works. fortrai¢. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 TupPeR (M. F.) Pros—E Works complete. 8vo, cloth gilt. Hartford, 1850 TURNER (J. M. W.) Lire of; founded on Letters and Pa- pers furnished by his Friends and Academicians. By Walter Thornbury. /ortraits, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 The standard biography of the great modern master. TURNER. THORNBURY (WALTER). Lire of J. M. W. TURNER, R.A.; founded on Letters and Papers furnished by his Friends and Fellow-Academicians. Portrait. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf. London, 1862 TURNER (J. M. W.) Lire of, by W. Thornbury ; wth cllus- trations, fac-similied in colors, from Turner’ s original draw- ings. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 TURNER (O.) PIONEER History oF THE HOLLAND Pur- CHASE of Western New York. umerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Buffalo, 1849 TussauD (MADAME). MEMOIRS AND REMINISCENCES of France, D’Estaing, Robespierre, Dr. Franklin, Lafayette, etc. Translated. 2 Lortraits of Madame Tussaud. 8vo, half calf gilt. Scarce. London, 1838 Edited by Francis Hervé. The reminiscences of this celebrated woman, so well known as an exhibitor of wax-work, are fraught with the most thrilling interest. TWEDDELL (JOHN). Remains, with Memoir, Letters, and Account of his MSS., Drawings, etc. Beautiful Portraits and plates. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1816 Large copy ; best edition. Scarce. “ Better qualified to discover and communicate what scholars would value than any other traveler.”—Dr. PARR. TYLER (J. ENDELL). HENRY oF MonMmouTH; or, Life and Character of Henry V., as Prince of Wales and King of England. Jortraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut. 23 London, 1838 356 TyLer (J. E.) Oarus: their Origin, Nature, and His- tory. rontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1834 TYNDALL (JoHN). Lectures (8) on SouND; numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 TYNDALL (J.) On RaptaTION. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., 1865 Tyson (J. R.) DiscoursE ON THE INTEGRITY OF THE LEGAL CHARACTER. 8vo, pp. 36. Phila., 1839 TyTLeR (P. F.) Lire oF THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, with Original Papers. Second Edition. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1823 TyTLeR (P.F.) Lire or Henry VIII.: with Biographical Sketches of Eminent Contemporaries. /ortrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 HLAND (Lupwic). Gepicutre. Jortrait. 12mo, ede i half mor. Stuttgart, 1839 ALENTINE (D. T.) History of the City of NEw ff rf aN York. Maps and plates. 8yvo, cloth. New York, 1853 J 3178 VALENTINE (T. W.) THE VALENTINES IN AMERICA, from 1644 to 1874. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 SOG 3179 [VANBRUGH (SiR Joun)]. SHORT VINDICATION of the Re- lapse, and the Provok’d Wife, from Immorality and : Prophaneness. By the Author. 8vo, old red mor. gilt. Portrait of Vanbrugh inserted. London, 1698 3180 VANBRUGH (SiR JoHN). Pxiays. The Provok’d Wife, J Ul tf Journey to London, etc. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. : Plates inserted. London, 1730 3181 VANBRUGH (SiR JOHN). Puays. Sine Portrait. 2 vols. 4 W, 12mo, diamond calf. London, 1776 r The Edition of the ‘‘Provoked Wife” in these volumes is very curious, as it gives the offensive original scenes, and also the new ones substituted for them, by Vanbrugh, when the play (which came out in 1697) was revised in 17265. VAY 3182 VAN Brunt FamiLy. GENEALOGY of. 1653-1867. By T. G.' Bergen: Svo, ‘cloth, Albany, 1867 Os 3183 VANDENHOFF (GEORGE). LEAVES FROM AN ACTOR'S a fe Note-Book; or, Anecdotes of the Green-Room and , Stage, at Home and Abroad. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1860 3184 Van Dyk (Harry SToer). THEATRICAL PORTRAITS; oe with other Poems. 12mo, half mor. London, 1822 A series of Poems descriptive of Kean, Liston, Braham, Mathews, etc. 358 3185 VAN RENSSELAER (STEPHEN). Discourse on the Life, Services, and Character of, with Sketch of the Colony, etc.; by D. D. Barnard. 8vo, wrapper. 3? Albany, 1839 3186 VAN RENSSELAER. The same. Albany, 1839 3187 Vaux (Roperts). Memoirs of the Lives or BENJAMIN Lay AND RALPH SaNnbiFoRD. Curious Portrait. 12mo, sheep. Phila., 1815 Lay and Sandiford were two of the Earliest Public Advocates for the Emancipation of the enslaved Africans. 3188 VAUXHALL AFFRAY; or, the Macaronies Defeated: being a Compilation of all the Letters, Squibs, etc., on both Sides of that Dispute. Curious Folding-Plate. 8vo, half calf. London, 1773 Portraits of Mrs. Hartley inserted. 3189 VEGA (GarciLasso De La). Works. Translated into English Verse, with a Critical and Historical Essay on Spanish Poetry, and a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen. Portrait, and India proof impressions of the charming wood-cut vignettes. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1823 In the same volume IsaBEL, from the Spanish of La Vega, with other Poems and Translations, by Walpole. Cambridge, 1805. 3190 VERNE (JULES). FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON in 97 hours and 20 minutes. 80 dd/ustrations. 8vo, cloth gilt, ‘New York, 1874 3191 VERNE (JULES). Tour or THE WorLD in Eighty Days.’ Translated by G. M. Towle. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1874 3192 VERNON’s Gory: containing Fifteen New Songs, occasioned by the Taking of Porto Bello, etc. Curious wood-cut. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1740 Both Parts complete. 3193 [VERPLANCK (GuLIAN C.)] Garrick: his Portrait in New York, its Artist and History. Photographic Portrait of Garrick, from the Original, by Pine. 8vo, boards, New York, 1857 ONE HUNDRED COPIES only, printed for private circulation. Scarce. 3194 VesTRIS (MADAME). Mewmorrs of the Life and Adventures of, Public and Private. Portrait and 6 colored plates. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, n. d. Very rare. “Shews scenes from Venus and the bold Thalestris, perform’d with life, and love, by PROTEUS VESTRIS.” 30 3195 a 3196 359 VestRis (MADAME). Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of, by an English Gentleman. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1838 “Blotting out her shame, and perpetuating the infamy of those who have wantonly added to her woes, by fabricated slanders.” Victor [BENJAMIN]. HIsTORY OF THE THEATRES OF LoNDON AND DuBLINn, from the year 1730 to the Present Time; with Notes and Anecdotes. 2 vols. and Sup- plement, making 3 vols. r2mo, calf. London, 1761-71 The third volume is quite scarce. Victor. The same. 2 vols. (only) 12mo, calf. London, 1761 8 Victor (BENJAMIN), ORIGINAL LETTERS, chiefly on Dra- matic Subjects. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf (not uniform). London, 1776 Many of the letters are addressed to Garrick, Spranger Barry, Colley Cibber, Peg Woffington, and others. [Vicror (B.)] Wipow or THE Woop, and (2) other rare Tracts. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1755 “The Widow of the Wood was married four times ; her last husband was Mr. Hargrave, father of the late editor of the State Trials, who did all that lay in his power to prevent the dissemina- tion of the scandal (contained in the above work) against his mother’s character, by buying up and destroying every copy of this work he could procure. The Rev. A. Corne, who was en- gaged in this affair, died at Tixall of a broken heart.” The other Tracts in this volume are the School of Woman, 1753, suppressed in Parts, and Life of Sig. Magliabechi, by Spence. Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1758. VicTORIA (QUEEN). Earty Years of the Prince Consort, Compiled by the Hon. C. Grey. ortrait. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1867 Views OF OLD NEw York: 50 steel engravings. 8vo, half morocco. Scarce. Bourne, New York, 1831 Vircin. P. Vircittus Maro, varietate Lectionis et per- petua adnotatione, illustratus C. G. Heyne; beautiful Vignettes. 6 vols, 8vo, half white vellum extra, Fine copy of the Best Edition. Lipsiz, 1800 VoLTAIRE (M. DE). History or Cuartes XII., with Life of Voltaire, by Lord Brougham. r12mo, cloth. New York, 1859 300 3204 VOLTAIRE. Memoirs oF THE Lire of, by Himself. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1784 “This Voltaire is a sort of malignant spirit, who came upon earth only to embitter the cup of life, and afterwards laugh at our wry faces.” 3205 VoLTAIRE. THE HeENRIAD: a Poem; with Notes, etc. Translated by C. L. S. Jones. 12mo, sheep. Mobile, 1834 3206 VOLTAIRE. TREATISE ON RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. Occa- sioned by the Execution of the Unfortunate John Calas ; unjustly Condemned and Broken upon the Wheel, at Toulouse, for the supposed Murder of hisown Son. Trans- lated. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1764 3207 VosE (REUBEN). WEALTH OF THE WorRLD displayed. Por- traits and plate. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1859 Y ADDELL (J. H.) Tue Darrmore MassacreEeE: in Verse, 8vo, wrapper. are. Boston, 1815 3209 WaGSTAFFE (WM.) MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS; with Life. Portraits and curious plate. 8vo, calf. London, 1726 An exceedingly curious collection of Satirical tracts, including the Plain-Dealer. fs 3210 WaLpDRON (W. W.) HucueEnots or WESTCHESTER and Parish , of Fordham. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. N, Y., 1864 ae: 3211 WALKER (A, F.) Vermont BriGADE in the Shenandoah re fs Je Sree Valley, 1864. Map. 12mo, cloth. Burlington, 1869 3212 WALKER (C. M.) History or ATHENS Co., Out0, and in- cidentally of the Ohio Land Company, and the First Set- tlement of the State at Marietta, with Personal and Bio- graphical Sketches of Early Settlers, Narratives of Pioneer Adventures, etc. Map and steel portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869 3213 WALKER (J. C.) Memoirs or ALESSANDRO Tassonl, author of the Rape of the Bucket, with Notes, etc. Edited by S. Walker. Portrait, etc. Crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut edges, London, 1815 Large Paper ; scarce. 3214 WALKER. Tassoni, Memoirs of. Another copy, smaller. Half mor, gilt. London, 1815 3215 WALLACE (JOHN WILLIAM), ADDRESS delivered at the Cele- bration, by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Zwo Hundreth Birthday of Mr. WiLL1aAM BRADFORD, who introduced the Art of Printing into the Middle Colonies of British America. Fac-similes. 8vo, half green crushed levant mor., gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1863 CHOICE COPY, containing a number of inserted engravings, etc., in- cluding fine portraits of Dr. Franklin, George Bancroft, and Gulian C. Verplanck, on India paper, and an ORIGINAL TITLE- PAGE from the “ LEEDS’ ALMANAC,” having BRADFORD’s im- print, New York, 1735, also autograph letter of the author. There are also portraits of George Fox, Cotton Mather, William Penn, and others. 362 3216 WaLLack (JAMES W.) SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF JAMES WiLit1am WALLACK (Senior), late Actor and Manager. Impl. 8vo, paper, uncut. . New York, 1865 Only 200 copies printed. No. 102. Watiack. Another copy. (No. 1). New York, 1865 Wa.Lack. Another on LARGE PAPER; with fine proof por- trait inserted. to, uncut, New York, 1865 Only 50 copies printed. No. 8. Wa.Liack MEmoRIAL. Sketch of the Life of James William Wallack (Senior), late Actor and Manager. Vignette portrait, Royal 8vo, half green mor., gilt top. Morrell, New York, 1865 Only 200 COPIES printed in this form, and 50 on QUARTO paper. This little Theatrical Memoir was compiled by the publisher, and is the ONLY life of the “ FOUNDER of Wallack’s Theatre” ever issued in book form. The following is an extract from a letter addressed to Mr. Morrell, by Mr. Lester Wallack, shortly after its publication : “The very handsome tribute to my dear lost Father which you have sent to me, isadmirably put together, and has fewer errors than any preceding sketch of his career that I have seen.” WALLACK (JAMES WILLIAM). SKETCH OF THE LIFE oF. 4to, half mor, extra, gilt top, uncut edges, New York, 1865 UNIQUE COPY ON LARGE PAPER, of which only 50 copies were printed. In the present copy (No. 1), over 75 illustrations have been inserted, including PortRarTs of Wallack inthe “ Brigand” (colored drawing) and in the characters of Rugantino, Jacques, Shylock, Gloster, Mercutio, Charolois, also fine Portraits of For- rest, Hackett, Geo. H. Barrett, G. V. Brooke, Laura Addison, N. P. Willis, Miss Vandenhoff, Chas. Kean, W. E. Burton, G. P. Morris, Hamblin, W. B. Wood, Geo. Hill, Clara Fisher, Miss Kemble, Byron, C. Kemble, C. Mathews, ete. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Wallack (2), R. B. Sheridan (to Chas. Mathews relative to the “ School for Scandal’”’), Elliston, J. B. Booth, J. H. Hackett, E. Seguin, G. P. Morris, Edwin Forrest, Cooper, Geo. H. Barrett, Charles Kean, etc. PLAY-BILLs. New Theatre, Nov. 21, 1822, to Wallack’s June 9th, 1862. Ktc. Views of the principal Theatres in which Mr. Wal- lack has appeared. WALLER (EpmMuND). Works, in Verse and Prose. Published by Mr, Fenton. Fine portraits, plate of Medals, vig- nettes, etc., by Vertue. to, calf gilt. Splendid Edition, now very scarce. Tonson, London, 1729 3228 LEU 363 WALPOLE (HorRACE). CASTLE OF OTRANTO; with Memorr of the Author. J//ustrations. Post 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1840 WALPOLE (Horace). CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVERS who have been born or resided in England. From the MSS, of George Vertue; with Account of Vertue’s Life and Works. Fine portraits of Vertue, Faithorne, etc. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1794 WALPOLE (Horace). Historic Dousis on the Lire AND Reicn of Kino Ricwarp III. Curious portraits. 12mo, half calf. Dublin, 1768 Also in this vol. the answer to Walpole, “or an Attempt to Confute Him,” by F. W. G[uidikins]. WALPOLE (Horace), JOURNAL OF THE REIGN oF KING GEORGE THE THIRD, from the year 1771 to 1783; edited, with Notes, by Dr. Doran. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, London, 1859 WALPOLE (Horace). RoyaL and Nosie AutTuors of En- gland, Scotland, and Ireland ; with a list of their Works, enlarged and continued by Park; wth 150 jine portraits, jine impressions. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1806 Fine copy. WaLPoLe (Horace). Works, Original Edition; wth numer- ous fine portraits and engravings by Vertue, Heath, ete. SUPERB IMPRESSIONS. 5 vols, royal 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1798 Comprises Royal and Noble Authors, Anecdotes of Painting, Cata- logue of Engravings, Castle of Otranto, Description of Straw- berry Hill, Historic Doubts, Correspondence, Miscellanies, etc. This edition contains many works and plates not contained in the 8vo edition. “Horace Walpole was the last surviving disciple of the School of St. Evremond, Chaulieu, etc., a tribe of Philosophers, who united study with amusement, and sentiment with vivacity; but in him the levity of the French Epicureans was invigorated by the masculine strength of British Character.”—WRANGHAM. WALPOLE (HoRACE). ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE, chrono- logically arranged, with the Prefaces and Notes of Croker, Lord Dover, and others: the notes of all previous editors, and additional Notes by Peter Cunningham ; with numer- ous fine portraits engraved on steel. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1861 Best edition. 364 ms a 322y WALPOLE (Horace). Works. 14 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, eo gilt edges. London, 1840-51 (@ Handsome copy, comprising: Letters from 1735 to 1797. Por- traits on steel, 6 vols., London, 1840. Letters to Sir Horace Mann, 4 vols., London, 1843-44. Letters addressed to Countess of Ossory, from the year 1769 to 1797, portraits, 2 vols., London, 1848. Correspondence with the Rev. William Mason ; edited, with Notes, by the Rey. J. Mitford ; 2 vuls., London, 1851. WALTON anp COTTON. COMPLETE ANGLER; or, af 0 ao Contemplative Man’s Recreation: being a Discourse on 4 Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton; with Lives of the Authors and Notes, Historical, Supplementary, and Explanatory, by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. J//ustrations, Thick crown 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra. London, 1822 Unique and beautiful copy, having 78 additional illustrations, con- sisting of portraits, views, fishing-scenes, etc., some colored ; also many of Stothard’s designs, the whole forming a very charming volume. WaLton and Cotron. CoMPLETE ANGLER; or, the Con- templative Man’s Recreation. Edited by John Major. Numerous plates on India paper, and beautifully executed engravings on wood. ‘Thick 8vo, boards, uncut. Leow 7 0 Large paper ; 100 copies printed. Boston, 1866 This is now generally conceded to be the most beautiful edition of Walton and Cotton. WALTON AND Corton. .COMPLETE ANGLER. Edited by “Ephemera.” Profusely illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 WALTON AND COTTON. LIVES or, by Sir Harris Nicolas. Jilustrated by the insertion of 70 portraits, Landscapes, Fishing-scenes, engravings of Fish 1, generally colored), etc., etc., in addition to the fine illustrations orig- inally published with the work. Imperial 8vo, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, sides, and inside borders. Pickering, London, 1837 Avery charming copy. The illustrations are not crammed in go as to make the text a secondary part of the book, and they have been carefully chosen, many being proofs. 2. faa 3238 Abd opa 3239 ie 3240 LS 3241 ) wf 3242 So 343 305 War (THE): being a Farrurut Recorp of the Transactions of the War between the United States of America, their Territories, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Dependencies thereof, declared on the 18th day of June, 1812.. 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half morocco. New York, 1813-14 A War Newspaper, edited by Samuel Woodworth, author of “The Old Oaken Bucket,” and other poems. WARBURTON, WHITELAW, and WatsH. HIsTORY OF THE Crry or Dustin, from the Earliest Accounts to the Pres- ent Time, containing its Annals, Antiquities, etc. Maps and fine plates. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1818 Large paper copy. [Warp (Epwarp)]. Compleat AND Humourous ACCOUNT of all the REMARKABLE Cups and SocietIEs in the Cities of London and Westminster, from the R—-l S——y down to the Lumber-Troop, etc. Compil’d from the Original Papers of a Gentleman who Frequented those Places up- wards of Twenty Years. 12mo, calf. are. london, 1756 This rare and facetious volume contains graphic accounts of the Kit- Cat, Beef-Steak, Lying, Thieves, Beggars, F—t—g, and other Clubs. WarD (SAMUEL). LyRICAL RECREATIONS. 12m0, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 (R.) Lercrures on FEMALE PROSTITUTION : its Nature, Extent, Effects, Guilt, Causes, and Remedy. 8vo, cloth. Glasgow, 1842 WarNER (C. D.) Mummies and Mostems. /rontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1876 WarrEN (H.) Notes upon Notes, with Cuts upon Copper and Music, 7 colored plates. 12mo, wrapper. Ackermann, London, 1832 WarrEN (J. M.) Account oF Two .REMARKABLE INDIAN Dwarrs exhibited in Boston under the Name of Aztec Children. Colored portraits. 8vo, wrapper. Boston, 1851 WarreEN (J. P.) THe THREE JupcEs who Beheaded the King. J/ustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1873 (ae See STILEs. WarrEN (J. C.) Lire of, Compiled by E. Warren. Vu- merous steel engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1860 366 WaRREN (JosePH), Lire anp Times of, by Henry Froth- ingham. Portrait, Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865 WaRREN. INauGuRATION of the STaTuE of. Portraits of Everett, Perkins, ete. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858 WaRREN (SAMUEL). TEN THOUSAND aA YEAR. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1876 WarREN (SAMUEL), Works, comprising Diary of a Physi- cian, Ten Thousand a Year, Now and Then, and Miscel- lanies. Vignettes. 5 vols. post 8vo, half calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1854 WARRENIANA ; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by the Editor of the Quarterly Review. Small 8vo, boards. Rare. London, 1824 The author of this collection of extremely clever jeu d'esprit, taking the celebrated Mr. Warren, blacking merchant, for his theme, has produced a first-rate production of its kind. [Warton (THomas)]. History ‘and Antiquities of WIN- CHESTER ; together with the Charters, Laws, Customs, Rights, Liberties, and Privileges of that Ancient City. Many folding plates of views of public buildings, crosses, etc. 2 vols. small 8vo, boards, uncut. Winton, 1773 Heath's copy of this scarce work sold for £1 11s. ; Dent’s for £1 5s. Warton (THOMAS). PorticaL Works; with Memoir of his Life and Writings, and Notes, by Richard Mant. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. Oxford, 1802 Warton (THomAsS), Porticat Works; with Memoir of his Life and Writings, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Richard Mant. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half russia Oxford, 1802 Autograph letter of the author (February 12, 1783) inserted. Warwick (Sir Pup), Memorres of the RericNne of Kinc Cuaries I,, with a Continuation to the Happy Restauration of King Charles Il. Portrait by White. 8vo, calf. London, 1701 Warwick (Witmot). Lire anp Remains. Edited by Henry Vernon, 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1829 The fourteen tales which follow the Life of Warwick are of great interest. VAL 3254 J Oe 35 3262 SZ 367 WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FoRGE; together with the Duché . Correspondence. Portrait and plates. 12mo, boards, Morrell (1866) $3.50. Phila., 1858 WASHINGTON. BioGRAPHY and CHARACTER of GEORGE WASH- INGTON, his Farewell Address to the People of the United States, and the Federal Constitution, with the Amend- ments. /ortrait. 16mo, red mor., gilt edges. Scarce. Concord, 1814 WASHINGTON IN DOMESTIC LIFE. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. 8vo, half calf. Phila., 1857 UNIQUE copy, illustrated by the insertion of 28 fine portraits and views, and 5 interesting autograph letters from J. C. Brecken- ridge, C. J. Ingersoll, Richard Rush, Tobias Lear, and George Washington Parke Custis. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). [FAREWELL ADDRESS] to the People of the United States, announcing his Intention of Retiring from Public Life. Imp. 8vo, red mor., gilt edges. Phila., 1800 UNIQUE COPY, with four portraits of Washington inserted. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). FAREWELL ADDRESS to the Peo- ple of the United States. fortrait. 12mo, half levant mor. gilt, New Brunswick, 1812 WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Lire of; with Curious Anecdotes, etc. By M.L. Weems. 6 wood-cuts by Anderson. 12mo, sheep. Phila., 1847 WasHINGTON. UpHam (Rey.C. W.) Lire oF GENERAL WASHINGTON, First President of the United States. Written by Himself, comprising his Memoirs and Correspondence, as Prepared by him for Publication. Portrait and vignettes on steel. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half calf gilt, London, 1852 WASHINGTON. MONUMENTS OF WASHINGTON’S PATRIOT- ISM; containing fac-similes of his Public Accounts kept during the Revolutionary War. Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, and Funeral Oration, delivered by Major-General Henry Lee. JLllustrated by 3 portraits after Peale, Stuart, and foudin. Folio, morocco. Scarce. Washington, 1841 WASHINGTON. Portrait of, from an Original Drawing, with a History of the same. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1851 368 3263 WASHINGTON. Portrait. Another copy, with 6 addt- tional Portraits of Washington inserted, an Autograph Letter of S. G. Drake relating to this work, and portrait (private plate). Boston, 1851 3264 WASHINGTON. WILL or. Authenticated copy. 8vo, paper. Washington, 1868 3265 WASHINGTONIANA: containing a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of the late GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON, with various Outlines of his Character, etc., and an Account of the various Funeral Honors devoted to his Memory; also, his Will and Schedule of his Property. Portrait, jine impression, engraved by Tanner, after Savage's cele- brated Painting. 12mo, green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, and edges in the round, with inside borders, by Bedford. Rare. Baltimore, 1800 3266 WATERFORD (Marguis or). LirE AND EXTRAORDINARY EXPLOITs, with Curious Anecdotes; his Flare-up among the Nymphs at Mother H.’s, etc. Portrait. 8vo, boards. London, 1838 3267 WATERTON (CHARLES). WANDERINGS IN SOUTH AMERICA, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles in 1812, 1816, 1820, and 1824. Curious plate of “a Nondescript.” 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1828 3268 WarTkINs (J.) Memoirs or H. M. SopuHia-CHARLOTTE, Queen of Great Britain. Portrait and illustrations on steel and wood. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1819 3269 Watson (ELKANAH). History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Condition of the WESTERN CANALS in the State of New York, etc. 7ne portrait of Watson, maps, etc. 8vo, half morocco. Scarce. Albany, 1820 Inserted are 12 Portraits, Views, etc., including a scarce Portrait of Washington, Schuyler, Gouverneur Morris, etc. 3270 WaTSON (ELKANAH). HISTORY OF THE WESTERN Ca- NALS in the State of New York, from 1788 to 1819, etc. Portrait, maps, etc. 8vo, calf extra. Albany, 1820 A fine specimen of early American book binding, by Seymour, of Albany. 3271 WATSON (E.) MEN AND TIMES OF THE REVOLUTION. Edited by W. C. Watson. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1856 UNIQUE COPY; illustrated by the insertion of 75 Portraits and Views, many of great rarity, and all in good condition. The binding is by Pawson and Nicholson. 369 3272 Watson (JoHN F.) ANNALS AND OCCURRENCES OF NEW NS WwW ~I York City and State in the Olden Time, with Anec- dotes, Memoirs, etc. Vumerous wood-cut illustrations, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1846 Watson (Joun F.) ANNALS OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYLVANIA: being a collection of Memoirs, Anec- dotes, and Incidents, etc., with Appendix. /Vumerous views. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Phila., 1844 Watson (TuHos.) JoHN Watson, OF HARTFORD, Conn., and his Descendants: a Genealogy. 4to, uncut. Privately printed for the U. Q. Club. New York, 1865 Watson (W. C.) Proneer History of the CHAMPLAIN VALLEY; with Journal of William Gilliland, etc. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1863 Watson (W.C.) PronrerR History of the CHAMPLAIN VALLEY: being an Account of the Settlement of the Town of Willsborough, by William Gilliland, together with his Journal and other Papers, and a Memoir. Royal 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1863 Large paper. 50 copies printed. Watts (Avaric A.) Lyrics oF THE HEART; with other Poems. 41 Zngravings on steel. 8vo, mor. extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. London, 1851 Choice copy, with PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the beautiful Engravings by Greatbach, Engleheart, Rolls, etc., after Designs by Stothard, Leslie, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Stanfield, Roberts, and other emi- nent artists. Wayne (Henry C.) REPORT ON THE PURCHASE OF CameEts for the purposes of Military Transportation. //- lustrated, 8vo, new half mor. Washington, 1857 Autograph of Jeff. Davis inserted. Wess (T.) NEw SELECT COLLECTION OF EPITAPHS, Pane- gyrical and Moral, Humourous, Whimsical, Satirical, etc. New Edition. 2 vols. post 8vo, half red mor., gilt tops, uncut. Scarce. London, (1775) Includes the ‘‘most remarkable Inscriptions in the Collections of Hacket, Jones, and Toldervy.” 3280 WEBBER (C. W.) TALES OF THE SOUTHERN Borper. //- 2D lustrated, 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1855 370 3281 WEBER (JOSEPH). Memoirs oF Maria ANTOINETTA Archduchess of Austria, Queen of France and Navarre: including several Important Periods of the French Rev- olution. Translated by R. C. Dallas. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1805 WEBSTER (DaNnIEL). Lire, EuLocy, AND GREAT ORa- TIons. fortrait, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 WEBSTER OBsEQUIES. Report of; with tinted plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1853 WEBSTER (DANIEL). PrivaTE CORRESPONDENCE. Edited by Fletcher Webster. Portrait. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1857 Large paper. WEBSTER (JOHN W.) DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLAND OF St. MIcHAEL; with an Account of the Geology. 8vo, half mor. Boston, 1821 Webster will be remembered as the murderer of Dr. Parkman at Boston, 1851. WEDGEWOoD. MEeETEYARD (Etiza). Lire or Jostau WEDGEWOOD, the celebrated Potter; from his Private Correspondence, Family Papers, etc. 300 beautiful II- lustrations on wood. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth extra, un- cut. London, 1865-6 accurate and valuable work. To give their fullest value to the engravings of Works of Art which largely enrich these volumes, the Biography has been made by its Publishers a choice specimen of their own art as book-makers, Weiss (M. Cuas.) History oF THE FRENCH PROTESTANT ReruGeEes. ‘Translated by H. W. Herbert. Portrait. 2 vols. r2mo, half calf gilt. New York, 1854 A few leaves water-stained. WELCOME GurEst. A Magazine of Recreative Reading for all. JVumerous Engravings on wood, from Designs by “ Phiz,” Kenny Meadows, John Gilbert, and others. 6 vols. imp. and royal 8vo, half calf antique. London, 1858-61 First Series, 2 vols. ; Second Series, 4 vols. ; all published. Contains many contributions by R. B. Brough, G. A. Sala, and other writers of repute. ae 4 £9789 ' fl 3290 Ve fo 39 2ZIS 3293 3*9% 2 U0 3294 {2 3295 3296 J ve Vi 2 3298 JbL 371 WELD, Jr. (Isaac). TRAVELS through the States of NorTH AMERICA, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797. 16 fine plates, including Views of Mt. Vernon, Natural Bridge, etc. 2 vols. in 1, half crimson morocco, uncut. Stockdale, London, 1807 Wemyss (F.C.) CHRono.ocy of the AMERICAN STAGE from L7e2 to BG52, New York, 1852 Wemyss (F. C.) Eminent Actors and AutHors, for- traits of Forrest and Bulwer. 12mo, sewed. 12mo, wrapper. New York, 1836 Wemyss (F. C.) Twenty-Six Years of the Lire of an Actor and Manager. 2 vols. r2mo, wrapper. New York, 1847 West (BENJAMIN), Lire, Studies, and Works, compiled from Materials furnished by Himself, by John Galt. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. T.ondon, 1816 THE GALLERY OF PICTURES painted by 16 fine plates engraved in outline, by London, 1811 WEstT GALLERY. BENJAMIN WEST. flenry Moses. Imperial 4to, boards. West (Mrs.) russia gilt. [West (W.)] Fiery Years Keco.iections of an Old BOOKSELLER, with Anecdotes, etc., of Authors, Artists, Actors, Books, Booksellers, etc. Portraits and plates. Printed for the Author, London, 1837 Full of interesting matter. POEMS AND Puiays; wood-cuts. 2 vols, 12mo, Whittingham, London, 1799 8vo, cloth, uncut. WestMAN (H. O.) THE Spoon: its History from the Earliest with upwards of 100 illustrations. 8vo, half mo- New York, 1844 Candidates, Charles 16 humor- Times ; TOCCO,! Scarce. WESTMINSTER ELECTION. James Fox, Sir Cecil Wray, and Lord Hood. ous caricatures, by Rowlandson, and a Portrait of Fox in- London, 1784 History of. serted. to, calf gilt. An extraordinary Picture of this Forty Days’ Struggle, comprising the Addresses, Placards, Squibs, Songs, Jeux d’Esprit, ete. WESTMORELAND, CUMBERLAND, etc. VIEWS OF THE LAKES or. A series of beautifully executed engravings on steel, Jrom drawings by Allom, Pickering, etc., with Descriptions by T. Rose. 2 vols. 4to, half calf gilt, London, 1833 24 372 WETMORE (PROSPER M.) LeExincTon, with other Fugitive Poems, Lortraits of General Wetmore, Clara Fisher, and other plates inserted. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce ; Morrell, $21. New York, 1830 WEWITZER (RaLpH). Brier DRAMATIC CHRONOLOGY of Act- ors, etc., on the London Stage, from the Introduction of Theatrical Entertainments into England to the Present Time. t12mo, half calf. London, 1817 From E. 8. Conner’s Library. WEWITZER (R.) Dramatic REMINISCENCES, Anecdotes, etc., with a Complete Chronology. 10 steel Portraits, 12mo, wrapper, London, 1826 Wuarton (GRACE), LITERATURE OF Society, with an In- troductory Chapter on the Origin of Fiction. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1862 WHARTON (GRACE AND Puttip), Wits AND BEavx. oF So- cIETY. Jllustrations by the Brothers Dalziel, from De- signs by Hl. K. Browne, and James Godwin. 12mo, half green calf gilt. New York, ,1861 WHEATLEY (PHILLIS). PoEmMs on Various Subjects: Re- ligious and Moral. Portrait. 12mo, calf. London, 1773 Phillis was the negro servant of John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England, who has appended a short biography of her. WHEELER (HenryG.) History or Coneress, Biographical and Political, comprising Memoirs of the Members of Congress, with numerous steel portraits. 8vo, cloth, New York, 1848 WHEELER (W. A.) Dictionary oF THE NoTED NAMES OF FICTION, tz2mo, cloth, Boston, 1865 Wuincop (THOMAS). SCANDERBEG: a Tragedy: Portrait and Scenic Plates. Also, a complete Account of English Dramatic Poets, and List of all the Plays ever printed in the English Language. 18 vignette Portraits: Shake- speare, Garrick, Betterton, Colley Cibber, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1747 WuippLE (E. P.) Essays anp Reviews. 2 vols. r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1853 WHITAKER (JOHN). Mary, QUEEN of Scors, vindicated. 3 vols, 8vo, calf. London, 1788 2 6 373 3311 WHITE (E.) PracticaL TREATISE on the GAME OF BIL- LIARDS. 17 plates of diagrams. Crown 8vo, boards, un- cut. London, 1807 3312 WHITE (GILBERT), NaturaL History and ANTIQUITIES of SELBORNE. Edited by Sir W. Jardine; 70 wood-cut illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 3313 WHITE (Henry Kirke), Remains; with an Account of his Life, by Robert Southey. Portrait, etc. 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, tree calf gilt. London, 1816-22 Seldom found complete, with the 3d Part. 3314 WHITE (HENRY Kirke). Remains, with Memoir. /ortratt. 12mo, cloth, uncut, Glasgow, 1834 3315 WHITE (RICHARD GRANT), CoMPANION TO THE BRYAN GALLery of Christian Art. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1853 Contains Descriptions of the Pictures, and Biographical Sketches of the Painters. The above is the copy presented to Burton, the Actor, by the Author. 3316 Wuitr, NationaL Hymns: How they are Written, and How they are not Written. By R. G. White. ate. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1861 3317 WuiTE. Another copy. Cloth. . New York, 1861 3318 [Waite (R. G.)] New Gospet of PEace, according to St. Benjamin. 2 parts, 12mo, paper, New York, 1863 3319 Wuite (Bp. of Pennsylvania). Memorrs of the Life of, by Bird Wilson, Portrait and fac-simile. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1839 3320 WHITEHEAD (CHARLES). RICHARD SAVAGE: a Romance of Real Life. Ji/ustrations by John Leech. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1842 3321 WHITEHEAD (W. A.) ConrtrisuTions to the Early History of PERTH Ampoy and adjoining Country. Maps and en- gravings. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 3322 WHITEHEAD (W. A.) Earty History oF PERTH AMBOY and adjoining Country, with Sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey. Maps and engravings, with portraits of Governors Franklin, Burnet, Watson (the early American Painter), etc, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856 3323 3328 3329 3330 333% 3332 374 WHITELAW (ALEx.) Book or ScoTrisH SONGS AND BALLADS, collected and illustrated with Historical and Critical No- tices, and an Essay on Scotch Song Writers. Steed Frontis- piece, title, and Illuminated borders. 2 vols. small 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Glasgow, 1854-5 WHITMAN (SARAH HELEN). EpGAR PoE AND HIS CRITICS. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1860 UNIQUE Copy, having a number of inserted plates (portraits of American authors, etc.), also a portion of an original autograph letter of Poe, with fine signature and a page of manuscript of the authoress relating to Poe. WuHiITMAN (Z.G.) HuisTorIcAL SKETCH of the ANCIENT AND HONORABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY, from its Formation in 1637 to the Present Time. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1820 WHITMORE, CATALOGUE of the entire PRivaTE LiBRaRy of the late Mr. Henry Whitmore. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York. 1865 LARGE PAPER ; only 30 copies printed in this form. Interleaved. This Library was sold May 8th, 1865. Wuitmore (Wm. H.) AMERICAN GENEALOGIST: being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications contain- ing Genealogical Information, chronologically arranged. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1868 WuitTlER (J. G.) PorticaL Works. fortrait. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth gilt, Boston, 1859 WHITTIER (J. G.) SNow-Bounp. fortrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1866 Autograph letter of Whittier to J. R. Lowell inserted. Wuirty (E, M.) FRiENpDs or BOHEMIA ; or, Phases of Lon- don Life. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1857 Wuitty (E. M.) KNaAves AND FooLs. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1857 WHORES’ RHETORICK, calculated to the Meridian of London, (London, 1683, 8vo). Vignette, and plate containing 12 portraits. Small 4to, half morocco, uncut. Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1836 Very scarce ; only 50 copies printed. The daughter of a poor nobleman with a large family is instructed by a courtezan (Mme. Creswell), who makes up to her, in the mysteries of her profession, and receives fifteen wholesome lectures in Rhetorick, to enable her to pursue successfully the calling she proposes to follow. AZ) } 375 3333 Wyte (SAMUEL). COLLECTION OF PorEMs: including the Theatre, with Anecdotes, etc. Portrait, plate, and wood- cuts. 8vo, half calf. Dublin, 1792 The scarce Second Edition, with the rare portrait. Whyte was tutor of R. B. Sheridan. Z JS” 3334 Wuyte (S. and E, A.) MIscELLANEA Nova. 8vo, calf gilt. ! Dublin, 1801 Contains: Remarks on Boswell’s Johnson ; a Critique on Burger’s Leonora ; etc. half calf. London, 1759 ZS 3335 WILKES. GENERAL View of the Stace. Vignette, 8vo, ’ Said to have been written by Samuel Derrick, Master of the Cere- monies at Bath. Le 3336 WitkEes (GEORGE). History oF Orecon. Map. 8vo, fee cloth. New York, 1845 3337 Wikorr (Henry, Chevalier). ADVENTURES of a Roving Diplomatist. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1857 Letters, etc., in the Case of. Post 8vo, half calf. 4 Me 3338 WILKES (JOHN). COLLECTION of the GENUINE PAPERS, gd ’ SS fe Paris, 1767 An extraordinary connection of events are related in these letters. “That neat, prim, smirking chaplain of that babe ef grace, that gude chield of the prudish Kirk of Scotland, the Earl of March, was highly offended at my having made an Essay on Woman.” p. 135. 3339 WiLKes (Rt. Hon. Joun). Essay on Woman, and other Pieces, to which are added Epigrams and Miscellaneous Poems now first collected. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Privately printed, London, 1871 Only a limited edition of these delectable works have been reprinted from the very rare edition of 1768. The pretended notes by Bp. Warburton are not the least attraction in this work, although calculated to make the worthy prelate turn in his grave. 3340 WILKES (JOHN). LirFE AND CORRESPONDENCE of, by John Almon. Jortrait. 5 vols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1805 3341 WILKIEe (Sir Davin). Lire; with his Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art, and a Selection from his Correspondence by Allan Cunningham. ine portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Murray, London, 1843 376 3342 WiLkie (F. B.) Davenport (Iowa), Past and Present. Vumerous portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth. Davenport, 1858 3343 WiLKIns (W. WALKER). PoxiticaLt Ba.uaps of the Sev- enteenth and Eighteenth Centuries, annotated. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 3344 WILKINSON (JEMIMA). Memoir of. Portrait. 16mo, sheep. Bath, 1844 Jemima was a preacheress of the eighteenth century. 3345 WILKINSON (ELiza). Letters of, edited by Caroline Gil- man. t12mo, cloth. New York, 1839 3346 WiLkinson. Memoirs or My Own Times. By General James Wilkinson. Plans, fac-similes, etc. 3 vols. half mor., and Atlas in 4to, boards, in all 4 vols.- Phila., 1816 3347 WILKINSON (TATE). MEMOIRS of his Own Life, 4 vols.; and The Wandering Patentee; or, a History of the Yorkshire Theatres, from 1770, with Anecdotes of most of the Performers in the Three Kingdoms, from 1765 to 1795, 4 vols. Together, 8 vols. post 8vo, calf gilt. Printed for the author, York, 1790-5 UNIQUE copy of the GENUINE EDITION, illustrated by the insertion of several autograph letters of great interest, including letters of the author to Thomas Hill (a Petition to the Prince of Wales, pleading for the life of his condemn’d servant, Edward Robinson), a long epistle to Macklin, and other MSS. ; also letters from J, P. Kemble to Hill [ 7his cursed cold of mine won't let me leave my room”),and Frodsham the actor to Aikin, in addition to which will be found numerous portraits and contemporary news- paper cuttings, play-bills, ete. f We 3348 WILKINSON (TaTE). Memoirs of his Own Life. 4 vols. “ig r2m0, calf, York, 1790 “Farewell, ——. Remember me! T. W.” Fine copy. Best edition. Scarce. 3349 WILKINSON. WANDERING PATENTEE; or, a History of OK MY the Yorkshire Theatres, from 1770 to the Present Time. q Interspersed with Anecdotes respecting most of the Per- formers in the Three Kingdoms, from 1765 to 1795. 4 vols. r2mo, calf. York, 1795 Fine copy. Uniform with the “ Memoirs,” and very scarce. GO 335° 2 wae 335 "ie 3354 3355 DZOS 3356 ive J Vs 3357 rd 3358 377 Wiks, Jr. (JoHN). Memoirs of Her Majesty QuEEN CAROLINE AMELIA ‘ELIz., Consort of George IV., King of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor. London, 1822 From the Library of ‘‘ Le Prince Adam Wiszniewski,” with his book- plate. WiLks. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF ROBERT WILKS, Esq., containing the Rise of his Reputation on the British Stage; his Adventures among the Ladies, particularly his Amours with Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. B——, etc.; the Remarkable Friendship between him and Mr. Farquhar, etc. Dedicated to Colley Cibber, Esq., Poet Laureate. 8vo, half calf. London, 1732 Very scarce; has fine and rare portraits of Wilks, Cibber, and Bar- ton Booth inserted, manuscript note, and autograph of Peter Cunningham, author of “Life of Nell Gwyn.” Wixks. Lire of that Eminent Comedian, Robert Wilks, Esq. Vignette portrait on title-page. 8vo, half calf. London, 1733 Scarce. Portraits of Wilks, Betterton, Mr. Mills, Mrs. Porter, and My. (Theop.) Cibber, and other plates inserted ; also curious cut- tings, and “Song by Jo. Haynes, 1707.” WiLks. The same.. Vignette portrait. 8vo, half calf. From Burton’s Library. London, 1733 WILLARD (Emma). Poems. Portrait. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1831 WILLARD (JOSEPH). WILLARD Memnorr; or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard, with Notices of Three Generations of his Descendants. 3 A/azes. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1858 Wituiams (Sir CHaAs. HANBURY). Works, Humorous and Satirical, in Verse and Prose; with Notes and Me- moir by Horace Walpole. Edited by E. Jeffrey. Por- traits. 3 vols. post 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1822 These works abound with humor and wit, frequently bordering on licentiousness. WILLIAMS (ELEAZER). LIFE OF TE-HO-RA-GWA-NE-GEN, alias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of Indians in Canada. Portrait inserted. Royal 8vo, cloth. Only 200 copies printed. No. 1. Albany, 1859 Wi.uiAMs. Another copy (No. 2). Cloth. Albany, 1859 378 3359 WILLIAMS (ELEAZER). LiFe oF TE-HO-RA-GWA-NE-GEN, a@/ias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of Indians in Canada, 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1859 The above copy has an interesting receipt in the handwriting of Eleazer Williams, inserted as a frontispiece. WILLIAMS (JANE). LirERARY WoMEN of ENGLAND, with Extracts from their Works, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1861 [WittiaMs (JoHN)]. SaTIRES AND BroGRraApny, as follows : ANTHONY Pasquin. New Brighton Guide, or Mysteries of Carlton House, engraving by Bartolozzi; A Looking- Glass for the Royal Family, humorous frontispiece; A Crying Epistle from Britannia to Colonel Mack, including a portrait of the King, Queen, and Prince; life of the Earl Barrymore, including a History of the Wargrave Theatricals, and Original Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, jine portrait in bistre; Legislative Biography, etc, 8vo, calf. London, 1796 [WittiAMs|. The same. Boards, uncut. London, 1796 WILLIAMS (JOHN AMBROSE). MEMOIRS OF JOHN PHILIP KeMBLE ; with an Original Critique on his Performance. Portraits and vignette. 12mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1817 WILiiAMS (Mrs.) ANNALS OF THE ARISTOCRACY: being a Series of Anecdotes of some of the Principal Families of Rhode Island. 2 parts. 8vo, wrapper. Providence, 1845 WituiaMs (J. S.) History OF THE INVASION AND CAPTURE OF WASHINGTON. Map. 1.2mo, cloth. New York, 1857 WILLIAMSON (HuGH), History or Norra CarRovina. Large map, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1812 WILiiaMs (S. W.) AMERICAN MEDICAL BioGrapuy. or- traits. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Greenfield, (Mass.), 1845 WILLIS’ CURRENT Notes: a Series of Articles on Antiqui- ties, Biography, Heraldry, History, Language, Literature, Natural History, Topography, etc. J//ustrations. 16 vols. small 4to, half russia, gilt top. London, 1851-66 Complete set from 1851 to 1866, inclusive, and containing also, Willis’ Monthly Catalogues of “ Ancient and Modern Books,” and “ Price Current of New Works.” 379 3369 Wiis (N. P.) PLays: Bianca Visconti; and Tortesa the Usurer, 2 vols, r2mo, paper. New York, 1839 3370 Wituis (N. P.) Poems or EARLY AND AFTER YEARS. Fine illustrations on steel by E. Leutze. 8vo, half calf gilt. Philadelphia, 1856 3371 Wixuis (N. P.) Mermoranpa of the Lire of Jenny LIND. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges, Scarce, Philadelphia, 1851 LARGE PAPER COPY, in which an additional portrait has been in- serted ; also one of the original Concert Tickets, signed by P. T. Barnum. 4 {3372 Wituis (N. P.) SumMMeER SceENEs in the Mediterranean on board an American Frigate [ United States|. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 ~ 3373 Wiis (N. P.) TRENTON Facts. J/lustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1865 3374 WiILLis (WM.) HIsToRy oF THE Law, the Courts, and the Lawyers of Maine. Vumerous portraits. ‘Thick 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Portland, 1863 3375 Wixuis (W.) JouRrNALS of the Rev. THos. SmitH and Sam- uel Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland; with Notes and a Summary of the History of Portland. Por- trait and plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. Portland, 1849 Very rare ; most of the edition having been destroyed in the great fire at Portland, 1864. 3376 WILLITOFT; or, the Days of James II. 12mo, cloth. Baltimore, 1851 3377 WILMER (L. A.) Our Press GANG; or, a complete Expo- sition of the Corruptions and Crimes of the American Newspapers. /ortrait, 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1859 3378 [Witson (C. H.)] ANnecpoTEs or EMINENT PERSONS, etc, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Bagster, London, 1813 Originally published under the title of the Polyanthea, and contain- ing a Life of Capt. John Smith, of Virginia, by Dr. Belknap, and Anecdotes of the Bristol Slave-Market, American Indians, First New-England Duel, etc., ete. 3379 Witson (G. H.) Eccentric Mirror: comprehending Singular Instances of Longevity, Wonderful Exploits, Adventures, etc. JVumerous engravings. 4 vols. t2mo, half calf gilt. Iondon, 1806-7 380 3380 WiLson (G. H.) Eccentric Mirror, reflecting a faithful delineation of Male and Female Characters who have been distinguished by Extraordinary Propensities, etc. Numerous portraits and views. 4 vols, small 8vo, calf, London, 1806 Contains the Story of The Maid of the Hay-stack ; Joan of Arc; Dr. Parr; Lambert the Giant; Francis Charteris, who was convicted of rape, etc., etc. 3381 WiILson. WONDERFUL CHARACTERS. fortraits. Vol. I. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1830 3382 Witson, INTERESTING MeEMoIRS OF HARRIETTE WILSON, with Anecdotes of Illustrious Persons; numerous colored illustrations. 4 vols. in 1, 8vo, half mor. gilt, Lond., n. d. The fair Harriet, and her sisters Fanny, Amy, and Sophia, seem to have furnished amusement to every celebrity of theirday. Even the “Iron Duke” yielded to their charms. 3383 WiLson (HarRIeET). Ciara GazuL; or, Honi soit qui mal y pense. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Scarce. New York, 1830 This novel, by the celebrated Harriet Wilson, whose Memoirs acquired so much notoriety, is severely condemned in the Literary Gazette, Vol. 12, (1830), p. 308. 3384 WILSON (JOSEPH). CAMBRIDGE COLLEGES: an Account o the different Colleges, with Biographical Sketches of the Founders and Eminent Men, many original Anecdotes, portraits of the Noble Founders, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Views of the Colleges. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1803 3385 WILSON (JOSEPH). MEMORABILIA CANTABRIGIA; or, an Ac- count of the different Colleges in Cambridge ; Biographi- cal Sketches of the Founders and Eminent Men; with many Original Anecdotes. Views of the Colleges, and Por- traits of the Founders. Crown 8vo, tree calf, Lond., 1803 Fine tall copy. 3386 WILSON (JOSEPH), MEMORABILIA CANTABRIGIA; or, an Ac- count of the Colleges in Cambridge ; with Biographies of the Founders, etc. Portraits, and Views of the Colleges. Crown 8vo, calf gilt. Scarce. London, 1803 3387 WiLson (PRor.) Nocres AMBRosIAN& ; with Memoirs and Notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie, 5 vols. Also, ‘“ Chris- topher North,” a Memoir of John Wilson, by Mrs. Gor- don, 1 vol. Portraits and plates. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. New York, 1863 Best Edition, with the Memoir. 381 “3388 Witson (Pror.) History or British Inp1a, complete, es tus Lif 339° FZ) i J EE 339 J Sa, 3393 DP a al from 1805 to 1835, with copious Index. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Madden, London, 1848 By far the best and the only standard History of British India during the present century ; it is formed in a great measure from Official Documents belonging to the East India Company. This valuable work is not only quite complete in itself, but forms an indispensable continuation to Mills’ well-known History of British India. Witson (PRor.) Works. Edited by his Son-in-law, Prof. Ferrier. Portraits. 12 vols, crown 8vo, tree calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1855 Comprises: Noctes Ambrosiane, 4 vols. ; Essays, 4 vols. ; Recreations of Christopher North, 2 vols. ; Tales, 1 vol. ; Poems, 1 vol. Witson (THos.) BiloGRAPHY OF AMERICAN MILITARY AND NavaL Heroes. Fine portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, sheep. Rare. New York, 1817 WinpHaM (Rr. Hon. W.) SPEECHES in Parliament; with Life by Amyot. ortrait. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1812 Unique copy, with Malone’s privately printed Memoir inserted, ete. WinsLow (ForBES). ANATOMY OF SuICIDE. Plate. 8vo, half levant mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1840 Presensentation copy, from the author to J. Lawrence, Esq. WINSOoR (J.) History or THE Town or Duxpury, Massa- chusetts, with Genealogical Registers. By Justin Winsor, Fortrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. 3oston, 1849 WINSTANLEY (JOHN). Poems of. Interspers’d with many others by several Ingenious Hands. Fine Portrait. 8vo, russia gilt. Printed for the Author, Dublin, 1742 Heber, £1 2s. The above copy belonged to T. J. Pettigrew, the antiquarian, and has his autograph. WintHRop (THEO.) EDWIN BROTHERTOFT. 12m0, cloth. Boston, 1862 Wirt (WiLiiAM), Memorrs of the Life of, by J. P. Ken- nedy. Portrait and fac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Philadelphia, 1850 UNIQUE Copy, presented to Brantz Mayer by the Author, and with Autograph Letters of William Wirt and J. P. Kennedy, in- serted. 382 WISEMAN (CARDINAL). FaBIoLA; or, the Church of the Catacombs, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1855 WIT oF THE Day; or, the Humours of Westminster. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1784 Advertisements, Puffs, Squibs, Songs, Ballads, ete. WITHERSPOON (JOHN), SERIOUS INQUIRY into the Nature and Effects of the Stage, etc. Also Sermon on the Burn- ing of the Theatre at Richmond, Va. By Samuel Miller, D.D. 12mo, sheep. New York, 1812 Wore (CuHarRLes), Remains of, with Memoir by J. A. Russell. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Scarce, Hartford, 1828 Wolfe will be remembered as the author of the Poem on “ the Burial of Sir John Moore.” WoLsry (CARDINAL). WHo wrote CAvENDIsH’s LIFE OF WOLSEY? 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1814 Only 100 copies printed. WONDERFUL CHARACTERS. Book of. Memoirs and Anec- dotes of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons in all Ages and Countries. By Henry Wilson and James Caulfield. 61 full-page Engravings. ‘Thick crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, [1869] Woop. ILLusTRATED HANDBOOK To New YorK. 12m, cloth. New York, 1873 Woop (Epwarp J.) CuRIOSITIES OF CLOCKS AND WATCHES from the Earliest Times, Frontispiece and vignette. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1866 Woop (Epwarp J,) Giants anD Dwarrs. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1868 Woop (HoN Fernanpo). BroGRapHy of. By Donald MacLeod. Portrait. 12m0, cloth. New York, 1856 Woop (Mr. AND Mrs. JosEPH). Memoir of, including the Marriage of Miss Paton to Lord William “Lennox, and the Causes which led to their Divorce; her subsequent Mar- riage to Joseph Wood, and a full statement of the popular disturbance at the Park Theatre, New York. Wood-cuts. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1840 Very scarce. 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 383 Woop. AvuTHENTIC Memorrs of Mr. and Mrs. Wood: con- taining Miss Paton’s Marriage with Lord W. Lennox ; her Continuation on the Stage for the Support of his Extrava- gance ; her Amorous Epistles and Intrigues with Wood in London, etc. ; the means used by Lord Lennox to obtain a Divorce, and his Lordship’s Adventures in an Edinburgh Brothel ; shewing how to.dissolve a Marriage! etc. Post 8vo. London, 1843 A very scarce and facetious Dramatic Biography. Mr. and Mrs. Wood appeared at the Park Theatre, New York, after their marriage. [Woop (Mrs.)] AuTHENTIC RecorDs of the CouRT OF ENGLAND for the last Seventy Years; colored frontis- piece. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1832 Very scarce, having been rigidly suppressed. Woop (Sizas). SKETCH of the First SETTLEMENT of the several Towns on LoncG IsLanp; with their Political Condition, to the end of the American Revolution. New Edition. 8vo, half brown levant mor., gilt top, uncut. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1828 Fine clean copy. Woop (W. B.) PrErRsonaL RECOLLECTIONS of the AMERI- CAN STAGE, embracing Notices of Actors, Authors, and Auditors, during a period of Forty Years. Portrait. Phila., 1855 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE 12m0, cloth. Woop (W. B.) PERSONAL Stace. fortrait. 12mo, cloth. Phila., 1855 Woop-cuts. orders, Portraits, etc. 4to, wrapper. Woop-cuts. SPECIMENS of the GERMAN Lyric POETS; with Biographical Notices and engravings on wood by the jirst Artists. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1823 See Jackson and Chatto’s History of Wood-engraving for notices of these cuts. Wooppesson (R.) LECTURES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND, Notes, etc., by W. R. Williams. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1834 WooppEsON (WILLIAM FANE). SLIGHT SKETCH OF THE PERFORMANCES at the THEATRE-ROYAL, DRuRY LANE, during the Season of 1827 and 1828. 8vo, uncut. London, 1828 Contains account of CHARLES K#AN’s first appearance on any stage, October 1, 1827. 384 Wooprurr (Gero. C.) History of the Town of Litcu- FIELD, Conn. Jap. 8vo, half mor. Very scarce. ! Litchfield, 1845 Also in this vol. Glastonbury for 200 years, by A. B. Chapin, Hart- ford, 1853; and Alvord’s Historical Address (2d Centennial) at Stamford, 1841. WoopworTH (JOHN). REMINISCENCES OF TRoy, from 1790 to 1807. 8vo, pp. 39. Albany, 1853 WoopworTH (JOHN). REMINISCENCES OF TROY, from its Settlement in 1790 to 1807, with Remarks on its Com- merce, Enterprise, etc., and Sketches of Individual Character. Second Edition, with Notes, Explanatory, Biographical, Historical, and Antiquarian. ///ustrations. Small 4to, half green mor. gilt. Albany, 1860 WoopworTH (JOHN). REMINISCENCES OF TRoy, from its Settlement in 1790 to 1807. Second Edition, with Notes. Small 4to, cloth. Albany, 1860 WoopworTH (SAMUEL). Poems, Odes, Songs, and other Metrical Effusions. ortrait and wood-cuts. 12mo0, boards, uncut. New York, 1818 Thick Paper copy, with the scarce portrait. First Edition, printed for the Author. WoopworTH (SAMUEL). PortTicaL Works: Humourous, Convivial, Patriotic, etc. Edited by his Son, with Me- moir, by Geo. P. Morris. 2 vols. r6mo, cloth gilt. New York, 1861 The ONLY COMPLETE edition, and very scarce, most of the copies having been purchased by a publisher in San Francisco. [Woopver (J.)]_ CHRoNoLOGICAL SERIES OF ENGRAVERS, from the Invention of the Art; w7th plates of Monograms inserted. Post 8vo, calf. Cambridge, 1770 WorpDswortH (Wm.) Meworrs of, by Chris. Wordsworth. 2 vols. t2mo, cloth. Boston, 1851 WorDsworTH (WM.) PorticaL Works. Portrait. 12m0o, cloth. Boston, 1856 WorDsworTH (WM.) Poems. Selected and Edited by R. A. Willmott. Jllustrated with one hundred designs by Birket Foster, J. Wolf, and John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1859 ~ 3427 3428 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 385 Wornum (R.W.) CaTALOGUE OF THE PICTURES in the NATIONAL GALLERY, with Biographies. Post 8vo, wrap- per. London, 1853 Wortu (G. A.) Ranpom RECOLLECTIONS*0F ALBANY, 1800 to 1808; with Notes. Mumerous portraits:and plates, on steel and wood. Royal 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1866 Large paper copy, only 50 printed. History OF DEDHAM, from 1635 to Boston, 1827 WORTHINGTON (E.) 1827. 8vo, boards, uncut. Fine clean copy, scarce. WRAXALL (LASCELLES). REMARKABLE ADVENTURES and Unrevealed Mysteries. Fyrontispieces. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1863 Contains the History of the Man in the Iron Mask, and similar mysteries. WraxaLL (Sir N. W.) HuistoricaL Memorrs of My Own Time, from 1772 to 1784. Fine portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. TLondon, 1815 The Original Edition, with the suppressed passages, for which the author was imprisoned. Wricut (G.N.) Lire anp REIcn or WILLIAM the Fourtu. Lllustrated by 37 fine steel portraits and views, 20 BEING INSERTED, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt. London, n. d. WricHt (Ropert). Lire oF Major-GENERAL JAMES WoLre, founded on Original Documents, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. - London, 1864 Wricut (Siras). Lire aNnp Times of, by R. H. Gillett. Lortraits and fine steel plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1874 Wricut (Tuomas). Caricature Hisrory of the GEorGEs ; or, Annals of the House of Hanover, etc. Colored Frontispiece, and numerous engravings on wood. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1867 Wricut (THomAS), CARICATURE HIsTory OF THE GEORGES ; or, Annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from the Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Caricatures of the Time. early 400 illustra- Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt London, n. d. tions on steel and wood. top, uncut. LARGE PAPER; only 100 copies printed, with Portraits of James Gillray, the Caricaturist, and Pitt, Earl of Chatham, not in the small-paper edition. 386 3437 Wricut (Tuomas). History or Caricature atid GRo- TESQUE in Literature and Art; with illustrations from various sources, drawn and engraved by F. W. Fairholl. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1865 A faithful and scholarly work. Autograph letter of the author in- serted. 3438 Wricut (THomas). ENGLAND UNDER THE HOUSE OF HANOVER; its History and Condition during the reigns of the three Georges. J//ustrated from the caricatures and satires of the day, several hundred eugravings by Fatrholt. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Very Scarce. London, 1848-9 3439 Wricut (THomAS), NARRATIVES OF SORCERY and Magic, from the most Authentic Sources. 2 vols. crown 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1851 Wricut (THOMAS), QUEEN ELIZABETH and her Times; from the inedited Letters of Lord Burghley, the Earl of Leicester, etc., etc. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. ; London, 1838 Wyatt (T.) History oF THE KINGS oF FRANCE. J/lus- trated with 72 portraits from Medals. 12mo, half mo- rocco gilt. Scarce. Philadelphia, 1846 Wyatt (THOMAS). MEMOIRS OF THE GENERALS, Commo- dores, and other Commanders, who distinguished them- selves in the American Army and Navy; with 84 figures on steel, of their Medals, Royal 8vo, half calf. Very scarce. Philadelphia, 1848 [Wynn (Miss)].. Lapy or Quanity. D1aries, from 1797 to 1844. Edited, with Notes, by A. Hayward. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt edges. London, 1864 Contains Anecdotes of the Junian Controversy, Napoleonana, Ghost Stories, and Dramatic Biographies. Wynne. Description of the Liprary of JoHN ALLAN. Portrait inserted, Royal 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1860 Large paper; only 100 copies printed. A newspaper cutting inserted in the above is not the least interest- ing portion of this book. 387 3445 Wynne (JAMES). Private LisraRtEs oF New York. frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut, New York, 1860 es te The only work on the subject, describing the Libraries of John Allan, we ie George Bancroft, T. P. Barton, Dr. Chapin, W. E. Burton, Wil- liam Menzies, and others. Inserted in this copy is a burlesque criticism on the work from “ Vanity Fair,” Aug. 4, 1860, and said to have been written by the distinguished poet, R. H. Stod- dard. 3446 WYNNE (JAMES). PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF NEw YorRK. fate representing the interior of Mr. Noyes’ Library, Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1860 < Ll’ oO Large paper ; only 100 copies printed. No. 73. Among the principal Libraries mentioned in this work are those of John Allan, George Bancroft, Thomas P. Barton, J. Carson Bre- voort, Rey. Dr. Chapin, Almon W, Griswold, William Menzies, William Curtis Noyes, Dr. Purple, Geo. T. Strong, R. L. Stuart, and Richard Grant White. The value of this copy has been enhanced by the insertion of 12 fine portraits of Dibdin, Walton, Rogers, Washington, Shakespeare, etc., etc. 3447 WYNNE. Private Liprartes OF NEw York. fate repre- 3 ay P senting the interior of Mr. Noyes Library. 8vo, cloth, : uncut. New York, 1860 35 ALE (E.) Tue Yate Famity ; or, the Descendants of David Yale, with Genealogical Notices. 8vo, half sheep. New Haven, 1850 3449 YANKEE Droiveries. The most Celebrated Works of the Best American Humorists. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1865 The contents of these volumes are from “ Artemus Ward,” ** Major Jack Downing,” “P. V. Nasby” (Locke), Orpheus C. Kerr, Lowell, Holmes, “ Josh Billings,” “ Hans Breitmann,” “Mark Twain,” etc. 3450 YANKEE Hint. Scenes from the Life of an Actor, compiled from his Journals, Letters, and Memoranda. Portrait and illustrations on wood. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 345" Yates’ REMINISCENCES ; or, Etchings of Life and Character. Colored frontispiece by Cruikshank, Post 8vc, wrapper. London, n. d. 3452 Yates (Epmunp), Arrer Orrice-Hours. Post 8yvo, cloth, uncut, London, [1861] 3453 Yoakum (H.) Husrory or Texas, from its First Settlement in 1685 to its Annexation to the United States in 1846, with an extended Appendix. Plates, efc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, New York, 1856 3454 YounG and CAmpBeLy, Porticat Works. frontispiece. Thick 12mo, cloth. New York, 1875 3455 Younc (Davin). Wonprrrut History of the MORRISTOWN GHOST. 32mo0, boards. Rare. New York, 1826 A curious local narrative by the old “ Almanae Maker.” H NY 3456 Youne (J,C.) Memoir or Cuartes Mayne Younc Trage- 345 ; A dian, with Extracts from his Son’s Journal. Portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 3457 Younc (M. J.) Memoirs oF Mrs. CROUCH ; including a Retrospect of the Stage during the Years she Performed, Portrait. 2 vols. in 1, r2mo, half calf gilt. London, 1806 389 3458 [Younc (Samuet)]. Wart Srreer Bear nv Europe, with y ol ad his Familiar Foreign Journal of a Tour through Portions P of England, Scotland, France, and Italy. By T. Q. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1855 PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION; searce, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863 ie 3459 [Yonce (Miss).] History or CurisTIAN NAMES, 2 vols. By the author of the “ Heir of Redcliffe.” v8 4» 3460 YRIARTE (T. DE). LITERARY FABLES. Translated by G. , H. Devereux. 12mo, cloth Boston, 1855 ABRISKIE (F.N.) | History or THE REFORMED P. D. Cuurcu of Claverack. 5 photographs. 8vo, cloth. Hudson, 1867 3462 ZIMMERMANN. La SOLITUDE. 12mo, wrapper. Paris, 1845 3463 Zoucu (Tuomas). Memoirs or THE LIFE AND WRIT- INGS OF SiR Puitip Srpney. Jortrait. to, half russia. York, 1808 3464 ZULUETA (PEDRO DE). TRIAL orf, for Slave Trading ; with Address to the Merchants and Traders of Great Britain. 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 Contains much valuable information on the subject of the Slave Trade, formerly carried on with the west coast of Africa. 39! Hew Yovk Zlustrated, 3465 FRANCIS (JOHN W.) OLD NEW YORK; or, REMINISCENCES OF THE Past Sixty Years. Illus- trated and extended from 1 vol. imp. 8vo, to 9 vols. imp. folio, By the insertion of 2,500 autographs, portraits, ae 30 i o views, etc., and over that number of newspaper cuttings, neatly inlaid when necessary. Sumptuously bound in brown crushed levant mor. extra, paneled sides, and broad inside borders elaborately tooled, morocco joints, gilt edges on the round by &. W. Smith. New York, 1865 This matchless copy of the “Old New York” engaged the attention of the illustrator (Mr. 'T. H. Morrell, of this city) for many years, and neither expense nor time was considered during a task, which, from first to last, was faithfully performed. Not a locality but has its appropriate illustration ; not a name, unaccompanied by as faithful a portrait (and often several) as could possibly be pro- eured ; in many eases the illustration being a colored drawing executed expressly for this work from the only existing likeness, and generally accompanied by autograph letters, or MSS. ; no prominent dramatic performance without the original bill of the play ; and no change in America’s metropolis, without the au- thorized map or plan. In very many instances tbe illustration is absolutely unique, and we very much doubt if the illustrious dead of New York city would have been allowed to rest in their graves had they not left some fac-simile of their features for the indefatigable illustrator to in- sert in these noble volumes. It may be safely asserted that no such monument of this city exists as the one now under consideration ; and, though the following resume of contents gives but a small proportion of the whole, it will be evidence enough of the fact. EARLY TOPOGRAPHY. Vol. I. AurograPH LETTERS of Peter Stuyvesant, C. Fenno Hoffmann, J. W. Francis, Aaron Burr, Alex. Hamilton, Gouverneur Morris, ete. PorTRAITSs (80), including Gov. Clinton after Ingham, Dr. Hawks, Sir Henry Clinton, Major André, J. J. Audubon, Washington, Moreau, ete., ete.; mostly proofs. VIEWS AND Maps (1838), including the first engraved View of New York City, from Montanus (original), Execution of Hale, the Martyr Spy, Capture of André, and a profusion of Old Maps, Plans, etc. \ 392 ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY. Vol. If. AuroegraPpH DLerrers of Prosper M. Wetmore, Jeremy Belknap, Samuel Miller, John Jay, J. A. Spencer, Pierre Van Cortlandt, P. A. Jay, G. C. Verplanck, R. R. Livingsten, D. Hosack, John Jacob Astor (1796), D. D. Tompkins, Jared Sparks, Hugh Williamson, and SIGNATURES and MSS. of Wm. North, Cadwallader Colden, James Madison, Chancellor Kent, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Varick, Rufus King, David Rittenhouse, etc. PORTRAITS (130), including colored drawings of Dr. Laidlie and Henry Meigs, and 67 scarce Virws and MAPS. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Vol. IIT. AvrogrArPH LETTERS of B. Waterhouse, Gen, Lafayette, J. Riv- ington, §. L. Mitchell, J. R. Brodhead, John Rodgers, Wm. White, J. H. Hobart, Bp. Onderdonk, Bp. Doane, and Signatures and MS. of Wm. Cobbett, Benj. Rush, Lord Cornbury, Francis Child, ete. PoRrTRAITS (165), including rare impressions of Lafayette (eclored), Dr. Samuel Osgood, Tom Paine, Washington, Everett, ete, and colored drawings of the heads of Jacob Morton, Elias Hicks, and John Jay. VIEws, etc. (80), including the rare print depicting the Patriets tearing down the Statue of George III. at the Bowling Green, ete. DRAMATIC HISTORY. Vol. [V. AptogrAPH LETTERS of Wm. Dunlap, W. B. Wood, J. W. Wallack, J. H. Hackett, J. Q. Adams, E. Simpson, J. P. Kemble, Edwin Forrest, Thos. Cooper, Fanny Butler [Kemble], R. W. Gris- wold, Tyrone Power, etc., and a ‘“ Pass” signed by Junius Brutus Booth, etc. PORTRAITS (250), including the following colored drawings: G. F. Cooke, Mrs. Merry, Lewis Hallam, S. Price, Hilson, Mrs. Wheatley, John Barnes, Henry and Thomas Placide, Montressor, Pedrotti, Conway, and Thwaits; also, 3 plates of the Kean Portrait ‘only 150 printed), and the canceled portrait (only 50), colored prints of Jenny Lind, Grisi, Malibran, ete., and rare portraits of Knowles, Macready, Tyrone Power, Braham, J. Reeve, Kean (as a Huron Chief) ete. ; Views (60), including water-color drawings of the Interiors of the Old John Street and Chatham Theatres, and Exteriors of Burton's, the Old Park, Olympic, and Peale’s Museum. PROGRESS OF THE FINE ARTS. Vol. V. Avuro¢raPaH Lerrers of Jedediah Morse, L. Bradish, John Stan- ford, Daniel Webster, W. A. Duer, F. O. C. Darley, James Lenox, Henry Inman, Benjamin West, John Trumbull, Sir George Clinton, and Autographs of C. W. and Rembrandt Peale, G. C. Verplanck, J. Trumbull, Sir H. Moore, Robert Hunter, and Alex. Hamilton. 393 Portratts (152), including colored drawings of Sir George Clinton, How- din, and W. A. Duer. Views (145), and an extensive collection of engravings from the principal works of the artists referred to in the work, etc., ete. LITERARY HISTORY. Vol. VI. Avroérapu Lerrers of Matthew Carey, G. P. Putnam, Gardner Spring, G. P. Morris, Chas. Wilkes (U. 8. N.), H. R. Schooleraft, ete. PorTRAITS (100) of Eminent Divines, Book Publishers, ete., including a head of Dr. Macnevin in colors. ViEws (180) of Churches, Colleges, ete., ete. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR BY TUCKERMAN. Vols. VIE. and VIIL Avrocraps Lrerrers of H. T. Tuckerman, Dr. Francis’ Dr. Beck, John Jay, W. A. Jones, etc. ; also 4 document signed by George Washington, and a Dividend Receipt of the Bank of the U.S. with signatures of J. J. Astor, Thos. Buchanan, John Motley, A. Ma- comb, and other prominent New-Yorkers in 1806; also Autographs, etc., of Albert Gallatin, Halleck the Poet, Valentine Mott, Madame de Stael, DeWitt Clinton, John Brougham, F. C. Wemyss, E. A. Poe, Henry Clay, E. A. Duyckinek, W. E. Channing, R. H. Dana, and John Marshall (the Jast five being’ Letters). PORTRAITS (250), including colored drawings of Andrew Jackson, Kyle the Flutist, Madame Jumel, etc., etc. Vrews, etc. (170), including a colored drawing of the interior of the Old Park Theatre. MAYORS OF NEW YORK. Vol. IX. AUTOGRAPHS AND LETTeERs of all the Mayors of New York (as below) from 1665 to 1872, in 57 cases, accompanied by their portraits, and including 76 Views of Public Buildings, ete. 1665 Thomas Willett. 1685 Nicholas Bayard. 1666 Thomas Delavall. 1686~7 Stephanus Van Cortland, (24a). 1667 Thomas Willett, ; 1688-9 Pieter Delanoy. 1668 to ’70 Cornelius Steenwyck. 1690 John Lawrence, (2d.) 1671 Thomas Delavall, (2d). 1691 to ’98 Abm. de Peyster. 1672 Matthias Nicoll. 1694 Charles Lodowick. 1673 John Lawrence. 1695 to ’97 William Merritt. 1675 William Dervall. 1698 Johannes de Peyster. 1676 Nicholas de Meyer. 1699 David Provoost. 1677 Stephanus Van Cortland, 1700 Isaac de Riemer. 1678 Thomas Delavall, (3d). 1701 Thomas Noell. 1679 Francois Rombouts. 1702 Philip French. 1680 Wm. Dyre. 1703 to ’6 Wm. Peartree. 1682-3 Cornelius Steenwyck (4th and 1707 to ’9 Eben. Wilson. 5th). 1710 Jacobus Van Cortland. 1684 Gabrielle Minvielle. 1711-13 Caleb Heathcote. 394 4714-18 John Johnston, 1815 to 17 Jacob Radcliff, (2d). 1719 Jacobus Van Cortland, (2d). 1818 to ’20 Cadwallader Colden. 1720-24 Robert Walters. 1821-2 Stephen Allen. 1725 Johannes Jansen. 1823 to’7 Wm. Paulding, 1726 to ’84 Robert Lurting, 1825 Philip Hone. 1735 to’8 Paul Richard. 1828 to ’82 Walter Bowne, 1739 to ’43 John Cruger. 1833 Gideon Lee, 1744 to ’46 Stephen Bayard. Cornelius W. Lawrence, 1747 to 56 Edward Holland, Aaron Clark, 1756 to 65 John Cruger, Jr. Robert H. Morris. 1766 to’76 Whitehead Hicks, James Harper. 1776, etc. David Matthews (who re- Wm. F. Havemeyer, tained the office during Andrew H. Mickle. the Revolutionary War). Caleb S. Woodhull, 1783 to ’88 James Duane. Ambrose C. Kingsland. 1789 to 1800 Richard Varick, Jacob A. Westervelt, 1801-2 Edward Livingston, Fernando Wood. 1803 to 6 DeWitt Clinton, Daniel F. Tiemann, 1807 Marinus Willett. Geo. Opdyke. 1808-9 DeWitt Clinton, (2d), C. Godfrey Gunther, 1810 Jacob Radcliff. John T. Hoffman, 1811 to 14 DeWitt Clinton, 8d), A. Oakey Hall, Nothing has been left undone to make this book the finest local history in existence; title-pages have been made expressly, the one in Vol. IX. having been drawn to order by Sol. Eytinge, Jr. Ola newspapers and books bearing the imprints of Wm. Bradford, Hugh Gaine, Riv- ington & Parker, T. & J. Swords, Evert Duyckinck, ete., cuttings from N. Y. journals dating back to 1765, all have been laid under contribution for “sensations” connected with the metropolis, 1879 Apr.16 NeLeA c.1 George A./Library of J. H. V. Arn HMM 3 3125 01184 3239 f\Se v t@ace ccc ace aa ae CECE Coen nares j COCO EC OCC OE CCE HEC EEC CLE aac ORK EGE ECOG COE CC EC CCC —- ee ES CG COE CE QO OE Cr CEC CCE E CCK (CE <<" G@ ae ag COQ CEEE ete ) Ee EES ee caged & EEC a ete (ce ar Cae LEG « care as 4 KCE SEK OE CK CCG CE COCO C CCC COE U3 D> 2 > >33 4 Dp? 4 = et z : re bs Ss san ae 4°45 a3 “ Ji) ve i i . “ J yy / yy 5 j j i - ; Law Rs tim << = 7 STA ~~ aoe: emg ; dh : = , DD I> Ds >>> | D2 » 2. == ; : > yyy» >>) P > ) 2. = eL> 2». sp 22> ENS PLES >> WED