| i ae ine en MYON ES Brae mi vive i Ae TS ge NIE oma vy ES RIR US USGS S Seek ee >! hi willl mi | = : rt aT | a Tat FR Dal Co : as ar | rere ny Sail ae “S Oe YP mr Wy 4 f- weetirifl pT ELL. yy hepeb iT DR PEL ere - Collection of the late John ve Vv. Amold | of ‘New York ily, 7 I} | Autograph | Letters \. oe Portraits isanme Hise es ie. ® ies Gis hy) x , > z ~ ee : aS i} “sy 4) y ° Y & 3 y anes ae SEL: >, z pee } ( y iA > EE y "ll q Ze DT FORD ENS 52 NG a ae , ee |S ees ord S oent” ©) Semel > eS Lowes) or > WEST 29 4 ST.. NEW YORK. i] eto Te pppe tL UBIP ANT ITED) > Vy E walla) et igi'52y DMN no rred Pe ee e1e Be ayes tae M aah $ ? ‘. a> wh a Sy k © ~~ re . j or 4 ew “a 4 a ~ 5 i a Ri: Te) fa he ee f°4 . rhs Boing” As eee o i _ “e ee aa! q= *% A AS = ; ~ 4 " . 7 P 14 eS ? PY. are. Z ye et Ae ie ee 5 P 4 ais, + é F 4 | ie hip ae Se By Fe Stem es aS - p r — es os om +: “Pty a7 ‘ oe et « 5 “y ’ . , k oY. Pe Tegtet & 5, ; * ; ‘= : ¥ - ee in a oe a CATALOGUE OF AUTOGRAPHS AND ENGRAVED BONENAITS BEING THE hoe OR hON Or THE BATENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE | Fobn D. WD. Arnold ORIN EH Wey ORI Clr vi Rare Autographs of Addison, ite Brutus Booth, Sir Jeffery Amherst, Coleridge, Constable (the painter), Grimaldi, Warren Hastings, Garrick, Washington Irving, Mrs. Jordan, Edmund Kean, Charles Lamb, Mirabeau, Alexander Pope, Sir Walter Scott, Shelley, Sheridan, St. Vincent de Paul, Voltaire, Benj. West, Wordsworth, etc., etc. The Portraits include Actors and Actresses of America and England, many of Extreme Rarity, a few Scarce New York Views, including some of the Publications of the New York Iconophile Society, Revolutionary Portraits, Literary and Historical, Color Prints, etc., etc. a FOR SALE AT AUCTION SE ee WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 8 anp 9 1905 | BY Che Anderson Auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York SALES COMMENCE ON WEDNESDAY AT 7.30 O'CLOCK, AND ON THURSDAY AT 3 AND 7.30 O'CLOCK All bids should be addressed to The Anderson Auction Company, and are always understood to be so much per volume or piece Conditions of Sale. I—The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2—Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3—Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4—To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5—Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. om Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. 5d Order of Sale. Wednesday Evening, March 8, commencing at 7.30 o’clock (Lots 1 to 300 inclusive). Thursday Afternoon, March 9, commencing at 3 o’clock (Lots 301 to 600 inclusive). Thursday Evening, March 9, commencing at 7.30 o’clock (Lots 601 to goo inclusive). w Chis snle. ae will be conducted by fir. George D. Morse Che Hrnold Collection. First SESSION. Futograph Letters and Engraved Portraits. I BBOTT ‘WILLIAM). £xglish Actor, appeared at the Park Theatre, 1835. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1835, to F. C. Wemyss, mentions Mme. Vestris, Miss Foote, etc.; also two A. L. S., 4to, 1825. (3) 2 ACTRESSES. Letters of Emma Waller, Louisa Drew, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Agnes Schoeffel, Virginia Buchanan, Mrs. Chas. Abbott, Kate Reignolds, Sydney Cowell, and others. Fine lot. (20) 3 Another lot, including letters of Effie Germon, Carlotta Le Clercq, Victoria Morosini, May Fortescue, Charlotte Thompson, Annette Ince, Minnie Seligman, Minnie Cummings, and others. (20) 4 Another lot, including letters of Agnes Ethel, Julia Deane, Rose Eytinge, Rosina Vokes, Maud Harrison, Lucy Rushton and others, and signed photographs of Emma Calvé, Vesta Tilley and Julia | Anderson. (20) 5s ADDISON (JOSEPH). Celebrated Essayist, Humorist and Moralist. Small D.S., inlaid to 8vo, 1 p., Feby. 23, 1712. Order for payment of dividends on South Sea Stock. Portrait. feet eN) (GEORGE L.) Actor. A.L.S., 1 p.. 4to., Dec. 8, 1851, resigning his position in the National Theatre, Boston. Playbill of Bowery Theatre, April 23, 1860. 7 ALBANI-GYE (EMMA). Vocalist. A. L..S., 3 pp. 8vo, Milan, 8 Oct., 1871, relative to her appearance in Mignon; mentions Nilsson. Very fine. 8 ALBERTAZZI (EMMA). Vocalist. A. L.S.° 1p. 40. July 25, 1845.° Ticket to her benefit. 9 ALLEN (ANDREW JACKSON). Actor and for many years dresser aperawin Lorrest. A. lL. 5.,U p. 4to, Dec. .4,.1852; to J, B, Wright, in regard to price for costumes, with Wright’s reply. Playbill of Surrey Theatre, 1836, his firstappearance in London. Very rare. 2 The Arnold Collection. 10 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A. L. S. of William R. Alger, Jacob Abbott, Park Benjamin, Richard H. Dana, Donald G. Mitchell, and others. (20) II Another lot, including letters of Timothy S. Arthur, Epes Sar- gent, David Paul Brown, George H: Boker, J. S&S. C. Abbott Edward Bellamy, and others. (20) 12 Another lot, including letters of James 7. Preldsyier Whipple, H. B. Hirst, Charles D. Warner, John Sergeant, Jae K. Paulding, and others. (20) Another lot, including letters of Henry T. Tuckerman, Charles Sprague, Francis Lieber, Jed. Morse, John P. Kennedy, Charles G. Leland, and others. (20) Another lot, including letters of F. S. Cozzens, John B. Gough, William D. Howells, Matthew Carey, T. B. eee John F. Watson, and others. (20) Another lot, containing letters of George Ripley, William Allen Butler, R. H. Stoddard, William Winter, E. Z. C. Judson, G. C. Verplanck, and others. (20) 16 Another lot, containing letters of Frances Hodgson Burnett, Eliza Leslie, Sarah J. Hale, Grace Greenwood, Caroline M. Sedg- wick, Ann S. Stephens, Emma Willard,and other female writers. (20) Another lot, including letters of Henry N. Hudson, M. A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton), Albert D. Richardson, Richard B. Kimball, E, L. Youmans, S. S. Prentiss, and others. (15) 18 AMERICAN CLERGY. Letters of Bp. E. Hedding, Henry W. Bellows, William Berrian, John N. Maffitt, Orville Dewey, Samuel H. Cox, E. H. Chapin, and others, with some MSS., 4to and 8vo. Fine lot. (16) 19 AMERICAN POLITICAL. Letters and Official Docs. of Governors, Senators, etc, many of interest, mostly 4to. (75) 20 AMHERST (SIR JEFFREY). British Commander in North America, L. S. New York, 13th October, 1762. Important letter to Gov- ernor Sharpe announcing the capture of St. John’s, and that the whole island of Newfoundland becomes again a British possession. 21 ANDERSON (PROF. JOHN H.) Conjuror, ‘‘ The Wizard of the North.” A.L., 3td person. 1p. 8vo, 3 Jany. fecoummaaeene 22 #3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a3 34 The Arnold Collection. 3 ANDERSON (MRS. OPHALIA R.) Daughter of Mrs. William Pelby, D.S. % p. 4to. March 2, 1841. Receipt for salary. Rare benefit playbill, June 10, 1844. ANTOMMARCHI (F.) Wapfoleon’s Physician at St. Helena. A.L.S.., 1 p. 8vo, making an appointment with Dr. Pettigru. are. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. New Haven, Jan., 1770. (Endorsed as being copy of a letter to Mrs. Belfour, appar- ently the first rough draft.) Engraved Portrait of Arnold, and view of his meeting with André, and newspaper cuttings. (Asa lot.) emo. tO lis wife ‘*Pegoy.2 1p. folio.) Boston, 17.72: (Slightly torn in one of the folds.) — A. L. S. to Col. Clinton, 1 p. 8vo, referring to some work on a battery. A. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Ticonderoga, July, 1775, denying ordering confiscation of property belonging to Major Skeen, and enclosing copy of the orders given (part of signature wanting); the copy of the orders referred to, with his signature as being a true copy. (2 pieces.) ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Poet and Professor in Oxford University. eles, 2 pp. 4to. ~May 28, 1851. AUGUSTA (MME.) French Danseuse, danced at the Park Theatre, fe7on aL. Ss. 1p. Svo.. 1837. . Portrait as Oberon. ANGS (FRANCIS C.) Actor. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. July 30, 1883. Photograph in character, and playbills. BANNISTER (JOHN). Distinguished Comic Actor and Singer. A.L.S.., I p. 8vo, Jany. 4,1821,to James Winston, asking for admission tickets to Drury Lane Theatre. Portrait. BANNISTER (NATHANIEL H.) Dramatist and Actor, A.L.S., 1p. 4to, April 6, 1837, to Sol. Smith, in regard to one of his works; gisOen, 17, 5.,.2 pp. folio, Dec. 28,1839, to F. C. Wemyss: (2) BARNES (JOHN). Celebrated American Comedian; played at Park tion NS 1. 9, 1p. 4to..) March 16, 13835--) Interesting: letter giving details of his Southern tour, BARNETT (MASTER). Youthful English Vocalist. A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 4to, Oct. 6, 1819, to R. W. Elliston. Playbill and cuttings 4 The Arnold Collection. 35 BARNUM (PHINEAS T0.) Showman and Author. A. L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. June ro, 1853. Curious letter, in regard to advertising the American Museum in the street cars. Portrait. 36 A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, May 12, 1874, to William Winter, asking the cause of adverse criticism of his Hippodrome. Portrait, photo- graph of elephants on the bridge at Bridgeport, and playbill of the Museum, 1863. 37 A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, June 3, 1864, introducing Major Pauline Cush- man, with printed account of the attractions of the Museum. Inlaid. 38 BARRETT (GEORGE H.) Comedian. A. L.S.,1 p. 4to, May 31, 1844, with portrait; Mrs. Jane Barrett (his wife), A. L. S., 3 pp. $vo, Jany. 3, 1853, in regard to Edwin Forrest. Photograph and play- bills. (2) 39 BARRETT (J.H.) Author of ‘Life of Lincoln.” A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, 7 1862; A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1863. ‘‘ Lincoln will be triumphantly re- elected—his nomination ts a foregone conclusion.” (2) 40 BARRETT (LAWRENCE). TZvagedian and Author, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1887, interesting letter, relative to the origin of the name of Barrett and mentioning Booth; A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1891. (2) 4t BARRETT (WILSON). Znglish Actor and Author. A. L. S. Ip. 8vo. May 8, 1895. 42 BARRINGTON (WILLIAM, VISCOUNT). Svéatesman. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, 1778, to the Duke of Portland, in regard to his resigna- tion, mentions the King and Lord Amherst, portrait; Duke of Queensbury, L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1806. (2) 43 BARRY (THOMAS). Actor and Manager of the Park Theatre. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. London, June 16,1854. Refers to the engagement of Louisa Pyne for English opera in America. Photograph and play- bills of Park Theatre, N. Y., 1832, and of Benefit at Boston Theatre. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, March 30, 1858, interesting letter relative to portraits of early American Actors. Photographs. 44 Four A. L. S., each 1 p. 4to, 1835-53. UTheatrigalwee meee graphs and playbills, one of the Park Theatre, 1830. (4) 46 BARRYMORE (WILLIAM). Actor and Stage Manager of the Bowery Theatre 1836. Three A. L. S., 4to and folio, one inlaid, all addressed to F. C. Wemyss and very interesting. (3) G 45 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 The Arnold Collection. 5 BARTLEY (GEORGE). One of the first English Actors who visited mmerica asa“ Star,” A; L. S,, 2 pp. 8vo,-1842, and A. L, S., 1p. 16mo, theatrical. Portrait as Falstaff, and playbills, including his last appearance. (2) BARTLEY (GEORGE), A. L.S., 1p. 8vo, Dec. 22, 1852; WiILLiAM DowTon, Comedian, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to. (2) BARTLEY (MRS.GEORGE). A.L., in 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, 1818, with rare colored portrait as Queen Katharine, engraved for Volan’s Theatrical Observer, and playbills. BASS (CHARLES). Comedian, played at Park Theatre 1844. Two Pele, each I p:-4to, 1858. Portrait. (2) BATEMAN (HENRY L.), Manager, father of the Bateman Sisters, A, L.S., 2 pp. 12mo, July 16, 1872, theatrical; Philip H. Lee, hus- band of Adelaide Neilson, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1873, naming terms foran engagement. (2) BATEMAN (ISABEL), one of the celebrated ‘‘ Bateman Children,” Peale. )2 pp. svo; also, two A. L. S. of H. L. Bateman, each 1 p. 4to, one dated 1849, giving a list of characters acted by the Bateman Sisters. Photograph and playbill of the Lyceum Theatre, Sir Henry Irving and Miss Bateman in the cast. (3) BATEMAN (KATE JOSEPHINE—Mkrs. GrorGE Crowe). One of the famous Bateman Children. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, June 24, 1887, naming terms for the production of the play of Wary Warner in the United States. BATEMAN (VIRGINIA FRANCIS—Mkrs. E. Compton). Young- eee ire) Daman Sisters. A. LS, 1 p..8vo. Nov. 15, 1875. Photograph. and playbill. BECKETT (HARRY). Comedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, to William Winter. Photograph in character, and playbill of Farewell Bene- fit at Wallack’s. BEDFORD (PAUL). Znglish Comedian. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, July 9, 1840, on theatrical matters. Portrait, playbills and announce- ments of his benefits. BELLEW (HAROLD KYRLE). <£nglish Actor. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, 14th Street Theatre, mentions Mrs. Potter; Signature, photo- graph and playbill, mounted; also, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, March 22, 1871, of Rev. John M. Bellew, his father, with portrait and pro- grammes of his readings. (3) © 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7O The Arnold Collection. BELMONT (AUGUST). financier and Diplomatist. A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, Oct 31, 1886; also, Draft of notice inviting subscriptions to a loan for the Union Club, and ticket of admission to his gallery. (3) BENEDICT (SIR JULIUS). Composer, travelled in America with Jenny Lind, 1850. A. L.S., 2 pp..8vo, 1861; A. Lo See eee FoS20r (2) BENNETT (JAMES). L7eglish Tragedian, A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. April 29, 1862. Good theatrical letter. Portrait and playbill of ‘* Shakesperian Fund” performance at Drury Lane Theatre, 1863. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, May to, 1871, to William Winter. Por- trait as Iago and benefit playbill. BENNETT (JAMES GORDON). Proprietor N.Y. Herald. A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. May 20, 1889. BETHUNE (GEORGE W.) Clergyman and Author. A. L. S. 2pp. 4to. June ro, 1848, BIDDLE (NICHOLAS). President United States Bank, D. S., 1 p. 4to, 1837, Bank Certificate, with fine seal and vignette portraits of Franklin, Penn and others; Eleazer Williams, William Eaton, and Robert C. Winthrop, A. L. S. of each. (4) BIRCHALL (REGINALD). LZnglish Actor, hung at Woodstock, Can- ada, for murder, A. L. S. 1p. 8vo. Oct. 11, 1890. Photograph and cuttings. BISCACCIANTI (ELISA OSTENELLI). Vecgus7 Ae 1p. 8vo. April 19, 1849. With playbill. BISHOP (SIR HENRY R.) Celebrated Composer. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Nov. 21, 1822. VERY FINE. BLAKE (WILLIAM RUFUS). Actor and Manager A. L. S. 1p. 4to. New York, Aprilr2,1853. With cut signature. (2) BLOOMFIELD (ROBERT). Distinguished English Poet. A.U.S., 2 pp. 8vo, London, Feb. 16, 1802, to the Earl of Buchan. Refers to his Poems; mentions Burns and his desire to visit Scotland. Fine. BOISSY D’ANGLAS (FRANCOIS A.) Celebrated French Statesman and Kevolutionist, A. L.S. 1p. 8vo. Paris, Feby. 24, 1823. The Arnold Collection. Fi 71 BOOK OF LETTERS, written by famous old-time actors and ac- tresses, 1842-43, to J. S. Jones, Manager of Tremont Theatre, Boston, on theatrical subjects, but from al/ the signatures have been removed. Among the writers are the elder Booth, Forrest, T. D. Rice, Char- lotte Cushman, etc. (45 in all, as a lot.) 72 BOOTH (JUNIUS BRUTUS). TZ%e Lider Booth, Tragedian., Pwo Pp. 4to, Theatre, New Orleans, March 24, 1839, to F. C. Wemyss. ‘‘ Jf you choose to give an engagement on the old terms I shall be happy to engage with you.” 72 Pret ..2 pp. ato, London, Mch: 25,1837, to FP. C. Wemyss. **T have had cause to regret coming to this country as tt has cost me the price of a son's life—My poor Henry died Dec, 28th.” 74 Wai.) 1p. 4t0, Baltimore, Nov. 4, 1846, to F. C..Wemyss, _ naming terms foran engagement at the Bowery Theatre. 75 A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, New York, June 20, 1839, to F. C. Wemyss, relative to his appearance in Philadelphia. Playbill of the Bowery Theatre, 1845. 76 fant Pp. Ato, Dec, 29,1835. Agreement to play sixinights for $550. 77 Peo 4tos Phila;, Oct. 13;1838:.. Agreement for an.en- gagement with F. C. Wemyss, and signed by both. 78 BOOTH (EDWIN). TZvagedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 5, 1886, ; to C. W. Couldock, offering his services, with Jefferson, for a pub- lie testimonial; C. W. Couldock, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Oct. 18, 1888, playbill of the Couldock Testimonial, in which Booth played Ham- fer. \(2') 79 fie ., 2 pp. ovo, july 5; declining. to purchase.a- picture: “T have been pouring out my cash at a terrible rate all this season.”’ 80 Beala tp. SVO, Noy, 18,°1988, tor). EL. Brown, thanking him for old playbills. 81 A. L. S. 1p. 8vo. Aug. 3. ‘‘Atpresent I will not read any books of any description,” etc. 82 Peele) 62 Dp, oV0, heby, 10,7 1906, ta George: Rye, 200s fe Count Joannes’ libel suit has kept me busy the past few days,” etc. 8 The Arnold Collection. 83 BOOTH (JUNIUS B., JR.) TZvragedian, brother of Edwin, ALLS, 2 pp. 8vo, Mch. 20, 1871, to William Winter. ‘‘Z expected to see you at Boucicault’s first night,” etc. Photograph. 84 A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 26, 1873, to J. Schonberg. Photo- graph, playbills, and cuttings. 85 A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Dec. 12, 1878, in regard to portraits of his father; A. L., signed /une, 2 pp. 8vo, 1876. (2) 86 BOUCICAULT (DION). Actor, Manager, and Dramatist. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, London, Dec. 24, 1852, to Wyzeman Marshall, detailing his plans for his first visit to America. ‘‘/ shall write a comedy on American manners & produce ttin New York.” Photograph and play- bill. 87 A. L.5., 1 p. 8vo, 1873; also, A. L. S., 2 ppyeveueo eee in relation to his hitin Mim. Playbills and cuttings. (2) 83 Two A. L. S., each 1 p. 8vo. -Theatrical. ‘(2) 89 Two A. L.S., each 1 p. 8vo, one inlaid to 4to. 1854 and 1860 (2) 90 BOWERS (MRS. D. P.—E.izazetH McCottom). Actress. Two A. L. S., each 2 pp. 8vo. (2) 91 BOYD (HUGH). One of the supposed authors of Junius’ Letters. A.L.S. TeDeAtOe. sOsdate: 92 BRISTOW (MARY). Actress, second wife of Grimaldi. A. L., 3rd per- son, 1 p. 4to, March 20, 1815, applying for a position at the Hay- market Theatre, with playbill; H. Bristow, English Actor, A. L. S., I p. 4to, July 10, 1823) » Theatrical) 93 BROOKE (LADY FRANCES). Celebrated English Authoress and Dramatst, A. L.S. 1p. 4to. Sept. 16, 1786. Mentions Sir Guy Carleton. Proof portrait. 94 BROOKES (GEORGE). nglish Comedian, A. L. S.,1 p. 4to, Bowery Theatre, N. Y., May 26, 1859, in regard to an engagement. 95 BROUGH (WILLIAM F.) , 1p, 4to; June 13, 1817, declining an application for an engagement in the Haymarket Theatre. 148 oat t Peavo, 1615, to James Winston. 149 COMPOSERS AND VOCALISTS. William Ross Wallace, George Smart, W. H. Fry, Arthur Sullivan and others. A: L. S. of each. (6) Ossian E. Dodge, Henry Phillips, James Hudson, Jullien, Dolores Nau, John Parry, and others. A. L. S.of each. (20) ist COMPTON (EDWARD—English Comedian), A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Aug. 17, 1885; Henry Compton, Comedian, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Oct. 31, 1864. Portraits and playbills of each. (2) 152 COMPTE (AUGUSTE—/rench Philosopher; Founder of the Sys- tem Posttivisme). A. L., 3rd person. 1 p. 8vo. Rare. 153 CONFEDERATE. Jefferson Davis, Alexander H. Stephens, Rob- Pie ieee, G, |. Beauregard, G. W. C. Lee.” Signatures, (6) 1554 CONFEDERATE GENERALS. John B. Magruder, A. L. S., Mmaeie, 1641, Jolin S. Mosby, A, U.S,,"1 ps 4to.,1873.. (2) 155 CONNER (EDMON S.—Actor and Manager). A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, May 17, 1836, to F. C. Wemyss, naming terms for an engagement, with draft of reply on same sheet. Portrait, playbills and cuttings. 156 CONSTABLE (JOHN—L£minent English Landscape Painter). A.L.S., 2pp. 8vo, Mch. 29, 1811, giving an account of the death of a young officer inthe army under Wellington. Jnteresting. 150 14 The Arnold Collection. 157 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. Thomas Willing, Robert Yates, 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Jona. Trumbull, Jr., William Pierce, James Lovell, Samuel A. Otis. De. 00D: Stal -eachnea) COOKE (GEORGE FREDERICK). An extremely interesting letter of Mrs. J. G. Holman, New York, Sept. 26, 1812, giving an account of the death of Cooke. ‘‘ Wis marriage here proved a very fortunate event to him, for tt obtained him unremitted attention during hits tllness,’’ etc. COOKE (JOHN ESTEN). Aistorian and Novelist. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Sept. 10, 1865, to Fitz-Greene Halleck, on literary subjects, and referring to his service in the Confederate Army; also A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1856, in regard to his book ‘‘ Virginia Comedians ”; and another. (3) COOPER (SIR ASTLEY). Celebrated eee Surgeon and Author. A. CL. 3rd person. 1 p. 8vo, Jany.,. 1817. COOPER (JOHN). Znglish Tragedian. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Drury Lane Theatre, Dec. 10, 1828, declining a play. COOPER (THOMAS ABTHORPE). AZnglish Tragedian and Manager of the Park Theatre. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, Aprilsagy reas, giving a list of characters in which his daughter wishes to appear, “* She has improved beyond conception”; A. L. signed with initials, 21ppa ator ( 3) A. /LOSA.3 pp..4toy Sich 1829, to his daughter, on family and professional affairs. (Mended.) COULDOCK (CHARLES W.) Actor. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Dec. «, 1888, relative to his first appearance in London, in the play of Othello, under the name of ‘‘ Fortescue.” Portrait and playbills. COUTTS (THOMAS). Zminent English Banker. A. L. S.,1 p. 8vo, May 20, 1816, ordering books; Harriet Mellen (Mrs. Coutts), Actress, A. L. S., 1 p. small 4to, to John Bannister, ‘‘ Twenty Vears we have been fellow servants together in Drury Lane Theatre,” etc. (2) COWELL (JOSEPH). Lnglish Actor and Author. A.L.S., 1p. folio, Baltimore, May 27, 1837, and A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo; also A.L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, of Sydney Cowell Holmes, in regard to a portrait of her grandfather. (3) 167 168 169 170 175 176 177 178 179 The Arnold Collection. : ifs COWLEY (HANNAH). Dramatist. A.L.S., 3 pp. 4to, Jan. 28, 1800, to her publisher. ‘‘dZy pen, ardent and rapid, flies from point to point—intermediate spaces are to be filled up by wiser intellect,”’ etc. Portraits and cuttings. CRABBE (GEORGE). Distinguished English Poet. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Nodate. Fine friendly letter. Portrait. CRAMER (MRS. H.—Miss M. E. Pootr). English Actress. A.L.S., 1p. vo, Aug. 16, 1842, applying for an engagement. Playbill of her first appearance in Boston, with view of National Theatre on bill. CROGHAN (GEORGE). Colonel War 1812, the hero of Fort San- dusky. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, Feby. 6, 1844, protesting against any re- duction in the numbers and pay of the Army and Navy. CROLY (GEORGE). Poet and Author, famous for his ‘* Salathiel.” A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. July 14, 1821. ‘‘ There ts to bea Literary Fund Dinner on Friday—break away from London and be of the party with Jer- dan,’’ etc. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Zminent Artist and Caricaturist. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. June 1, 1824. Specially fine. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). Dramatist. A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, no date, in regard to the production of one of his dramas, and severely criticising Miss Farren. CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). Scottish Critic and Poet. A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, 1826, and A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, no date. (2) CUNNINGHAM (PETER). Author of ‘Life of Nell Gwynne.” Bei Ip. ovo. Aug. 13, 1863. CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). Author and Journalist. A.L.S., 3 pp. 4to, Sept. 9, 1861, referring to the death of Theodore Win- throp; also two A. L. S., 8vo, and portraits. (3) CUSHMAN (CHARLOTTE). Zvragedienne. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Sept. 13, 1873, naming terms for a Boston engagement. ‘‘Z zwl/ not act any more after this next season.” Peo., 1 Dp. SV0, Novirlinwto7s-eAuls ata t p. 8vo, no date— both referring to her appearance in Henry 8th. (2) A.L.5S., 1 p, 4to, New York, Jany. 26, 1842, in regard to playing in Philadelphia. ‘‘We will open with the School for Scandal— L will do Lady Teazle,” etc. 16 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Igo The Arnold Collection. ANIEL (GEORGE). Celebrated Shakespearean Collector and Antiguary. 7 NIV! Ia pov Os alo 20 DAVENPORT (EDWARD L.), Actor and Manager, A.L.S., 1p. 8vo. Broadway Theatre, Sept. 18, 1855, relative to his first appear- ance on the stage; A.L.S. (initials), 2 pp. 8vo, no date; Mrs. E. L. Davenport, A.L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, Sept. 2, 1880. (3) Three A.L.S., 4to and 8vo, one signed with initials, with two letters of Mrs. Davenport. (5) DAVIES (THOMAS), Actor and Bookseller, noted for his ‘‘ Life of Garrick,” A.L.S., 4 pp. 4to, Sept. 25, 1756; also two A. L.S., each I p. 4to, 1773, and biography. (3) DAVISON (MRS. M.—Miss Duncan). Woted English Actress. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to,-no date, to J.P, "taney DAWE (GEORGE). Zminent English Portrait Painter and Author, friend of Charles Lamb. A.L.S., 1 p. 8v0, Dec 6) steugaeeemeiee directions relative to certain engravings; also letters of Sir Thomas Lawrence, David Wilkie, Richard Westall, Archibald Cooper, Henry Bone and other eminent English Painters. From the Upcott Collec- tion,o = (0s) DEAN (EDWIN), Actor and Manager, father of Julia Dean, A.L.S., I p. 8vo, Jan. to, 1851, relative to his daughter’s appearance in Boston; Arthur P. Hayne, husband of Julia Dean, A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, Dec. 21, 1858. Lithograph portrait of Julia Dean and playbill. (2) DE BAR (BEN. E.) Actor and Manager. A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Sept. 21, 1852, to Sol. Smith, on theatrical matters. Portrait, play- bills and cuttings. (Letter repaired.) DE CAMP (VINCENT). Zxglish Comedian, member of the Kemble family.’ A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, to F. C. Wemyss On theatricarsmar ters. ‘°*L have the Chinese lady for three nights—I think Theatricals are gone mad,” DE LANCEY (JAMES). Colonial Governor of New York. D.S., 1 p. folio, Fort-George, in the City of New York, May 9, 1760. Fine official document. DE LA WARR—Lorp CHAMBERLAIN’S OFFICE, Sept. 29, 1848. Licence to Ben. Webster to have stage plays performed at the Adelphi Theatre. 1 p. folio. Fine seals. Ig! 192 193 194 15 196 197 299 200 201 202 203 The Arnold Collection. 7 DENVIL (W. G.) Lnuglish Tragedian, appeared at the Park Theatre as Shylock in 1836. Three A. L. S., each 1 p. ato. Fine theatri- cal letters. (3) DERBY (GEORGE H.—‘‘Joun Puenix”). Pioneer American ffumorist. A. L.S. 1p. 4to. Aug. 2, 1847. Scarce. DIBDIN (CHARLES). English Actor, Dramatist and Song-Writer. A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, on literary matters and proposing to write a book of Reminiscences, and two others. (3) DIBDIN (THOMAS). Z£nglish Dramatist and Actor. A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, Feby. 23, 1803, and two others. (3) | DIXEY (HENRY E.) Comedian. L.S.,1 p. 8vo, March 16, 1886; A. D. S. (card), a quotation from ‘‘ Adonis.”’ Photograph, play- bills and cuttings. (2) DIXON (GEORGE W.) Actor and Vocalist. Two A. L. S., each ip 4to, 1333, and D. S., 1p. 4to, 1842. (3) Dixon is said to have been the cause of the death of Miss Missouri by publishing an article against her in his notorious paper, the Polyanthus. DODD (MR.) Lnglish Comedian. A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, Oct. 22, 1836, to the Secy. Garrick Club, offering for sale ‘‘a fine por- trait of the late John Palmer.” Playbill. DON (SIR WILLIAM). Actor. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo; Lapy Emity Son, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, May 22, 1857. Theatrical, (2) emit ADY EMILY E.) A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo; June 25, 1864, to Lacy, on theatrical affairs; mentions the Keans, Barry Sullivan, etc. Benefit playbill. DON (LAURA). American Actress. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Sept. 30, 1880, to Mrs. Oakes, photograph and playbill; also Frank Drew, Wm. R. Dempster and Ben De Bar, A. L. S. of each. (4) DRAKE (SAMUEL). Actor and Manager. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, June 9, 1859, to John T. Ford; Alexander H. Purdy, Manager, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Jan. 20, 1852, with engraved view of National imeatte. N>-Y. .- (2) DRAMATIC. J. Bologna, Woted Harleguin, 1819, rare; W. Dimond, circa 1800; Howard Paul. A. L.S. of each. (3 pieces.) Miss Love (states that a song proposed can only be sung by a female, while she represents a male); Lady Don; Mrs. Mardyn. pomlees Of each, ((3 pieces.) 18 The A rnold Collection. 204 DRAMATIC. W. Fitzball; V. Colyer; Mrs. Beverley; M. Bouffe, noted French Actor ; Laura Allison. A.L.S. of each. (5 pieces.) Charles Arnold, Mrs. E. Archbold, Mlle. H. Blangy, I. Cam- panini, Eleanor Carey, James’ F. Cathcart, Frank Clements, Matthew C. Field, William M. Fleming, Charles Hill. Actors and Actresses. A. L.S. of each, with portraits, photographs and play- bills. (10) George K. Fortescue, H. F. Daly, W. Hiyieah esis gomery Field, George W. Lewis, Walter M. Leman, Farini, Ed. Fitzwilliam, Charles J. Houpt, Jos. S. Haworth. Actors. A.L.S., of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) 205 206 207 Letters and Signatures of Julia Glover, J. C. Williamson, W. T. Lewis, J. W. Wallack, Jr., Joseph Proctor, J, By Durmsec ees J. Neaffie, and others, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (15) John B. Studley, Clifton W. Tayleure, Charles Webb, J. M. Weston, Nelson Wheatcroft, William Wheatley, William H. Will- iams, John H. Wilton, C. W. Couldock, and John Wood. Acfors. A. L. S., of each, with photographs and playbills. (10) 208 Rose Mountain, Helen Barry, Catherine Lewis, Eliza Kim- berly, Mary Ann Michels, Jennie Lee, Jane C. Mordaunt, Helen Muzzy, Kathleen M. Fitzwilliam, Fannie E. Jarman. Actresses. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (to) 209 Julia Glover, Laura Honey, Emma Fitzpatrick, Mrs. W. G. Jones, Agnes Herndon, Augusta Foster, Mrs. E. Fitzwilliam, Jennie Hughes, Mrs. Fredonia Durang, Kathleen M. Fitzwilliam. Actresses. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) Harry Edwards, John Sloan, Frédéric Pillot, Henry M. Pitt, John 8S. Potter, J. lL. Pritchard, H. O. Pardey, Frage ees George Riddle and James B. Roberts. Actors. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) 210 2I1 Emily Soldene, Sallie Partington, Sallie Reber, Bessie Rains- forth, Dora Shaw, Martha Partington, Katie Putnam, Eliza Terry, Mary Amelia Warner and Kate Denin Wilson. Actresses. A. L. S. of each, with photographs and playbills. (10) William H. Oxberry, H. O. Pardey, H. B. Phillips, James Pilgrim, William C. Pope, Charles S. Porter, William Redmond, George T. Rowe, Charles H Saunders and John A. Stevens. Actors. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and play- billsaeno, 212 213 The Arnold Collection. 19 214 DRAMATISTS. J. Stirling Coyne, Alfred Bunn, Watts Phillips, J. R. Planché. A. L.S., 8vo, of each. Fine literarary specimens. (4) Kenny Meadows, Bronson Howard, Tom Taylor, H. J. Byron, Percy Fitzgerald, Steele Mackaye, J. L. Hatton, Augustus Mayhew, and others. A. L. S., 8vo, of each. Fine lot. (13) 216 DRAYTON (HENRI). Znglish Actor and Vocalist. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Feb, 10, 1858, relative to his engagement. Lithograph portrait in character and playbills. 217 DUNLAP (WILLIAM). Manager of the first Park Theatre, artist and author, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Dec. 21, 1829, relative to one of his paintings. 218 AMES-STORY (EMMA), Ofgera Singer. A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. No date. Interesting letter, giving details of her Paris engage- ment. Very fine. 219 EARLY ENGLISH ACTORS. Bridge Frodsham, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, to Mr. Aickin, Comedian [1760]; West Digges, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Apl. 20, 1774, to Charles Macklin; R. Allen, ‘‘ Squire Allen,” fees tp. 410, Feby. 25,1734. are lot. (3) 220 EATON (CHARLES H.) Tvragedian, played Richard 3d. at Park See oe. 1,1 p. 4to, Aug. 15, 1841; A-L. S., 1 p. 4to, Oct. 15, 1841. Both letters relative to a Benefit performance. Scarce. (2) 221 EDWARDS (EDWARD), Lyglish Painter and Art Teacher, A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Aug. 10, to Sotheby, requesting settlement of an account, portrait; also letters of Sir William Beechey, A. E. Chalon, John Hoppner, Ozias Humphrey, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and other Royal Academicians. ne Jot, From the Upcott Collection. (15) 222, DWARDS (HARRY). Actor and Author. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Oct. 29, 1890; also A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, March 20, 1891, ‘‘ my energy for the present season about gone,’ etc. (Mr. Edwards died on June g, 1891.) (2) 223 EDWIN (ELIZABETH R.—Mrs. Joun Epwin, Jr.) Actress. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to R. W. Elliston, regretting her inability to act on account of illness. ‘* You well know [ would much rather work than remain idle.” Portrait, as Manny, by Alais. 20 224 225 226 227 228 229 2 30 231 232 The Arnold Collection. EGAN (PIERCE). Author of ‘Life in London,” ‘‘ Boxiana,” etc. A. L. S.. 1 p.-folio.. Liverpool, 1833. Written Onjjiie@epaums benefit bill of Life in London, and Tom and Jerry, 1833. EDWIN (ELIZABETH—Mkrs. Joun Epwin, Jr.) nglish Actress. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. ‘*Mr. and Mrs. Liston dine with me next Sunday,” etc. Portrait and playbills, including first appearance of Mrs. Ed- win as Lady Teazle, Nov. 8, 1809. ELLIOTT (EBENEZER). English Poet, the ‘‘Corn Law Rhymer.” ALLS, 2p, 4t0. GAGs Zaiong j ELLISTON (ROBERT W.) minent Comedian and Manager. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 14, 1823, to James Winston, on theatrical matters. ELSSLER (FANNY). Damnseuse. D.S. 1p. 4to. Paris, Sept. 14, 1839. Receipt for one month’s salary at the Academie Royale de Musique. EMINENT FOREIGNERS. A collection of gr letters and 5 por- traits, mostly French Statesmen and Writers, including D’Alembert, Denon, Diderot, Madame Genlis, Spurzheim, Dumouriez, etc. Bound in one vol. 8vo (binding broken). From the Upcott Col- lection. EMINENT PHILADELPHIANS. Dr. Philip S. Physick, John Vaughan, Tench Coxe, Matthew Carey, Joseph Lancaster, William Hamilton (of Zhe Woodlands), David Paul Brown, Granville Sharp Pattison, “A. LOS. of eachveno) EMINENT WOMEN. A Collection of 48 letters and 18 portraits of English Writers, including Lucy Aikin, Mrs. Barbauld, Maria Edgeworth, Elizabeth Fry, Lady Caroline Lamb, Amelia Opie, Jane Porter, Charlotte Smith, etc. Bound in one vol. 8vo (binding broken). From the Upcott Collection. ENGLISH ACTORS AND MANAGERS. Letters of Daniel Egerton, R. W. Elliston, William Dowton, Rock the Comedian, William ‘‘Gentleman’”’ Smith, Thomas Davenport, and others. On professional matters. Ax interesting lot. (12) ENGLISH ACTRESSES. Fannie E. Jarman, Miss Love (Coun- tess of Harborough), Jane Holman, Fanny E. Fitzwilliam, Sarah Booth, and four others. A. L. S. ofeach. Fine Lot. (9) 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 The Arnold Collection. 21 ENGLISH AUTHORS. A.L.S., 4to and 8vo, of Mark Lemon, Francis Douce, William Maginn, T. N. Talfourd, B. W. Procter, Annie Besant, M. A. Lower, and others. (20) ANOTHER LOT, including letters of Laman Blanchard, J. O. Halliwell, Sydney Smith, W. H. Pyne, Lord Mahon, John Bowring, Leitch Ritchie, and others. (15) ENGLISH JUDGES AND LAWYERS. Letters and Official Documents of Sir A. E, Cockburn, Lords Cowper, Kenyon, Lough- borough, Bathurst and Russell, Joseph Jekyl, and others. Good Peet 12) ENGLISH NOVELISTS. James Grant, Kate Macquhoid, Shirley Brooks, W. A. B. Hamilton, Albert Smith, J. L. Hatton, Captain Marryat, and others. A. L.S. of each. (20) ENGLISH POETS AND WRITERS. A.L. S. of Lady Caro- line Norton, Mary Howitt, Samuel Lover, Charles Clark, S. C. Hall, Maria Edgeworth, Samuel Parr, and others. (15) ENGLISH ROYALTY AND NOBILITY. A Collection of over 500 Autographs and about 4o Portraits, including George II. and IV. and the members of the Royal Family, together with the Nobility of that period arranged by rank, bound in 7 vols. 8vo (bindings broken). From the Upcott Collection. (7) ENGLISH STATESMEN. Letters and Documents of George Canning, Lord Castlereagh, Joseph Hume, Vassall Holland, Lord Brougham, Patrick Colquhoun, Samuel Whitbread, and others, (15) ENGRAVERS. A Collection of 70 Letters and 3 Portraits of the most celebrated English Engravers, including Bromley, Farlom, Finden, Heath, Holloway, 5S. W. Reynolds, Schiavonetti, Sharp and Caroline Watson, bound in one vol. 8vo. From the Upcott Collection. EPISCOPAL BISHOPS. Charles P. McIlvaine, A. Cleveland Coxe, George W. Doane, Thomas F. Davis, Alfred Lee. A. L. S., Gro,of cach, (5) Alexander Gregg, W. H. De Lancey, John H. Hopkins, A. Cleveland Coxe, Alfred Lee. A. L. S., 8vo, of each. (5) F. D. Huntington, B. T. Onderdonk, George Upfold, Alonzo Potter, George W. Doane. A. LS., 4to or 8vo, ofeach. (5) 22 245 246 247 248 249 250 254 255 256 The Arnold Collection. EVENINGS WITH THE POETS. MS. copy of the volume containing selections from English and American poets. Vignette title in colors and the illustrations finely copied tn pen-and-ink. 12m0, full crimson morocco, gilt tooling and inside bands, gilt edges. EVERETT (EDWARD), Statesman and Orator, A. L. S., {2 pp. 4to, Mch. 22, 1826 (franked); also, Daniel Webster, A. L. S., 3 pp. Ato, Sept. 27, 1850, political; Henry Clay, A. L. S.;1 p. 4to, Mch, 4, 1820 (franked). (3) | | Ree ee (WILLIAM). Scotch Poet. Small D. §., inlaid to 8vo. Receipt for first payment for his Poems. FARLEY (CHARLES). English Comedian. A. D.S. 1 p. 8vo. 1832. Pass for two to Covent Garden Theatre. FARREN (GEORGE P.) J/rish Comedian. A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, April 2, 1848, to Ludlow and Smith, making terms for Mrs. Far- ren’s engagement, playbills, 1846; also, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, April 24, 1859, of Mrs, Farren (Mary Ann Russell), to J. T. Ford. Portrait and playbills. (2) | : FARREN (WILLIAM). Znglish Comedian. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, April 28, 1829, in regard to the musical education of Miss Faucit; A, U.S. 1 p. 8V0) 0 atemmria) A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. No date. Portrait as Sir Fretful Plagiary. FAWCETT (JOHN). Woted English Comedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Lond., 1829, objecting to a deduction from his salary. With wax seal bearing his crest. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1829; Receipt signed for salary, and play- bill, 1821, with Kemble, Liston, etc., in the cast. (2) FECHTER(CHARLES). £nglish Actor and Manager. A. L.S., I p. 8vo, June 25, 1863, to Mark Lemon. FIELD (JOSEPH M.) Comedian, Editor, and Author. A. L. S. tp. 4to. March 1, 1849. Interesting letter, to N. M. Ludlow. Play bills. FIELD (KATE). Actress and Authoress. Three A. L. S. 8vo. 1869-78. Theatrical. Photographs, playbills, and cuttings. (3) The Arnold Collection. 23 257 FINN(HENRY J.) Comedian, lost in the burning of the steamer Lex- ington. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Jany. 25, 1838, relative to playing at the Bowery Theatre; A. L. S. (K7¢lner & Finn), 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 11, 1827, in regard to an engagement for Clara Fisher. (2) 258 FLORENCE (WILLIAM J.) Comedian. Two A. L. S., each 3 pp. eyomeet:) 1873. (2) 259 Ree ote pp..cvo, Nov. 29, 1875; also, Signatures of Mr. and Mrs. Florence on 8vo page. (2) 260 FLOYD (WILLIAM R.), Actor and Manager, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1876; William J. Florence, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1876. Interesting theatrical letters. (2) 261 FLYNN(THOMAS). Lnglish Actor, friend of the elder Booth, A.L.S., 1 p. folio, Bowery Theatre, Sept. 29, 1835, in regard to the appear- ance of Hamblin. ‘‘A/J/e. Celeste opened last night, receipts $1260.” AJL. S. 1p. folio. Oct. ro, 1835. ‘‘Auverything shall be done to make Addams new piece successful.” Inlaid. 263 FORMES (KARL). Celebrated German Basso. Two A. L.S. (one in German), each 1 p. 8vo. 1855. (2) 264 FORREST (EDWIN). TZragedian. A. L.S.,1 p. 8vo, Sept. 2, 1862, to F. B. Conway, with portrait, photograph signed, four play- bills and cuttings. 262 265 Bewiowo1 p. 4to, Dec: 20, 1852, to Joseph Leonard, pro- ‘ posing to annul an existing contract, portrait and playbill as Corio- Janus; also, James Oakes, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, in regard to Mrs. Forrest; Joseph McArdle, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, relative to Forrest’s Eastern tour; J. B. Wright, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to Forrest, asking for a list of plays for his engagement. (4) A.L.S. 1p. 4to. New York, Jany. 25, 1844. ‘‘Please call the rehersal of Metamora at 11 on Monday—remember the pit must be 25 cts.” 266 267 A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Phila., June 10, 1867, in regard to IRE- LAND’s Recorps. ‘‘/ was greatly surprised to find in tt an unwarrant- able and malicious personal libel on myself,” etc. Inlaid. 268 A. L.S.,1 p. 4to, New York, Oct. 9, 1843, to Wemyss, giving a list of plays for a Phila, engagement. Inlaid. Ae. S71 p. 8vo, Nov: 27, 1867, to T. H. Morrell, declining to purchase a portrait. Inlaid. 269 wo. S.. 1p, 4to, Cincinnati, July 4, 1333, in regard to an engagement at Pittsburg; also, Signature, with date, 1836. (2) 270 A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, no date. Personal letter. 271 24 272 274 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 The Arnold Collection. FOSCOLO (UGO). Zminent Italian Commentator on Dante, etc. A. L.S. 1p. 8vo. Fine letter, written in French. FREZZOLINI (ERMINIA). Ogera Singer. A.L.S. 2 pp. 12mo. Sept 1, 1867. FUSELI (HENRY). Celebrated Historical Painter and Author. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. Nodate. ‘‘/ have scarcely a moment to spare from the work on my Third Lecture.”’ Portrait. AINES (EDMUND P.), General in Mexican War and War of ré12, A. L.S.,1 p. 4to, Apl. 15, 1840; Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Nov. 15, 1848, to Mrs. Stephens, in regard to her Autobiography. (2) GALL (DR. FRANCIS J.) German Physiologist, originator of the Science of Phrenology. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Oct. 19, 1822, with fine portrait. Very scarce. GALT (JOHN), Author “‘ Lives of the Players”; Horatio SMITH, “Rejected Addresses”; LAMAN BLANCHARD, Littérateur, A. L. S. of each. (3) GARRICK (DAVID). The Famous English Actor, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, to Woodfall. ‘‘Z shall be glad to see you whenever you pass the Adelphi—if I should go into ye City I most certainly will call upon you.” VERY FINE. Portrait. GEORGE (AMELIA). Actress and Vocalist, appeared at Bowery Lheatre in 1827. A.L.S.,1 p. folio, New York, Dec. 22, 1827, with playbill, 1828. On third page, A. L. S. of F. C. Wemyss, in reply. GERMON (EFFIE). Favorite N.Y. Actress. A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, Nov. 8, 1866, ordering books of plays. GERSTER(ETELKA). Opera Singer. A.L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, Oct. 2, 1890, in Hungarian, relative to her visit to America. GIFFORD (WILLIAM). English Poet and Critic. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Oct. 5, 1810, on literary matters. Portrait. GILBERT (MRS. A. J.) Eminent Actress. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Dec. 2, 1891, to ‘‘ Aunt Louisa” Eldridge, contributing her little mite for Christmas. 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 294 295 The Arnold Collection. 25 GILBERT (JOHN). 4cwr. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, April 22, 1889; also, Letters of Harry Edwards, Elizabeth Ponisi, Daniel Leeson, Carrie Coote, and Sadie Bigelow; Playbill of School Jor Scandal, Wallack’s Theatre, Dec. 27, 1886,with the six names in the cast. (6) A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 1, 1876; A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Feb. 12, 1889. Very interesting. Photograph in character. (2) A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, Aug. 17, 1842, signed John G. Gilbert, scarce in this form. Photograph in character, and Benefit playbill, 1846. GILBERT (WILLIAM A.) Author of “Pinafore.” A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 2, 1883. ‘* Miss Anderson’s wish ts to play the ptece, but [am sure it will not be ready.”’ GIRARD (STEPHEN). Philanthropist, Founder of Girard College. L.S. 1p.4to. Phila., June 17, 1829. Portraits and views of the College. GLADSTONE (WILLIAM BE). Statesman, Orator and Author. Aut. postal card, signed, 1893; also A. L. S., 1 p..6v0- ote Herbert Gladstone (his son). (2) GLOVER (JULIA). Favorite English Actress. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 3, 1842, to Ben. Webster, asking for an advance of salary. Portrait and playbills. GODOLPHIN (SYDNEY, EARL OF). Prime Minister under Seren ize, A. iL. S., 1 p. 4to, 1714, recommending a promotion in the Navy., ine and rare. GODWIN (WILLIAM). Lnuglish Novelist and Political Writer. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, July 1, 1817, fo. P. B. Shelley, inviting him to dinner. With 9 portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Godwin. GOODRICH (SAMUEL G.—‘“ Peter Pariey”). Distinguished Liditor and Author, A. L.S., 1p. 4to, 1836; A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1839. itecary.. (2) GOUGENHEIM (JOSEPHINE). Znglish Comedienne, one of the Gougenheim Sisters. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Aug. 28, 1853. Portrait of the two sisters, five playbills and biography. GRANGER (REV. JAMES). Author ‘‘ Biographical History of England.” A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, n, d., in regard to certain English prints. 26 296 297 298 300 301 302 ai 304 ao The Arnold Collection. GREENE (JOHN). Actor, appeared in Phila. 1822. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Feby. 1, 1830, to Wemyss, giving his theatrical experiences in Pottsville, Pa. Curtous and rare. GREGOIRE (HENRI). Celebrated French Ecclesiastic and Writer, Member Convention of 1795. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, July 16, as Bishop. GRIMALDI (JOSEPH). Celebrated Comic Actor and Clown. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, March 4, 1820, to Munden, inviting him to take fot-luck with him. fare. GRISI (JULIA). Celebrated Singer. A. L.S.,,1 p. 4to, no date; also D.S., 1 p. 4to, Sept. 10, 1832, receipt for/salarmauuees GRISWOLD (RUFUS W.) Author and Editor, A.L.S.,1 p. 4to, Jany. 11, 1848, to his publishers, in reference to criticisms on his ‘*Generals of the Revolution,” and giving details of his book on ‘¢ Napoleon and his Marshals.”’ Portrait. SECOND SESSION. ACKETT (JAMES BH). Shakesperean Scholar and Comedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 5, 1833, complaining that ‘‘A/7r. Hill has had the impudence to perform, without my permission, my best Yankee character’’; also A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Park Theatre, 1835, with play- bill as Monsieur Tonson. (2) A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, 1839, states that he is about sailing for Eu- rope; also two A. L. S., 2 pp. and 4 pp., 8vo, 1850. (3) . A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Dec, 10, 1827, to F. Co Wemiyseyremreess ing his desire to play in Philadelphia, with playbill of his jst appearance there, Jany. 2, 1828; also, Mrs. Clara C. Hackett, A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, 1881, with playbill as Lady Macbeth and por- trait (2) HADAWAY (THOMAS BH). Comedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, June 2, 1882, to William Davidge. Lithograph portrait, playbill and cut- tings. HALLECK (FITZ-GREENE). Popular Poet. A.L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Jany., 1862; also A. L. S. of J.S. Redfield (publisher), in relation to printing an edition of the Poems, with Halleck’s acceptance endorsed on back. (2) 306 3°7 308 3°9 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 The Arnold Collection. 27 HAMBLIN (THOMAS S). TZvragedian and Manager. A.L.S., 1p. wiommowery Theatre, Jan, 11, 1843, to J. S. Jomes, ‘Zhe Chatham ts smashed all to pteces, [ think never to rise again”; also A.L., 3rd person, Ip. 4to, Sept. 13, 1852, naming an evening when he will receive the New York Volunteers at his theatre. (2) mie, tp. 4to, New York, Nov. 24, 1837, to Wemyss, rela- tive to an engagement. ‘‘/ have not acted in Philadelphia for four years.” Also Hamblin’s certificate of naturalization, N. Y., July 14, 1533. (2) ion t ), 4to, inlaid: also Elisa Hamblin, D.S., 1 p. folio, Aug. 2,1834. Agreement as to a separation, the consideration being way500. ~ (2) HARLEY (JOHN P.), Comedian and Vocalist, A.L.S.,°2 pp. 8vo, Oct. 19, 1825; GEORGE BarTLey, English Actor, A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Mch. nonto27. Very sine, ~ (2) HARRIS (HENRY). Manager of Covent Garden Theatre. A.L.S., t p. 8vo, March 30,1816, ordering payment to John Payne for copy- right of Zhe Maid and the Magpie. Playbill and cuttings. HARRISON (WILLIAM). £nglish Vocalist and Actor, sang in miierica with Louisa Pyne. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Feb. 1, 1859, declin- ing the offer of a libretto. Playbill of Zrovatore, Covent Garden Theatre. HASTINGS (WARREN). £nglish Statesman. A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. May 15,1814. Written in his 83d year. : ] HAUY (RENE JUST—Aspt),. Celebrated French Scientist. A.L.S., I p. 8vo, 1806, certifying that Mons. Sarasin has attended his Lec- tures. HAYDON (BENJAMIN R.) Zminent English Painter. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, April 18, 1814, in regard to the exhibition of oné of his paintings. Portrait. HAYNE (ROBERT Y.) Statesman, Opponent of, Webster. L. S, I p. 4to, May 25, 1833, to the Gov. of Mississippi, transmitting pro- ceedings of the S. C. Nullification Convention; Daniel Webster, | Peete at p. ovo, and LU. G., 1p» 4to; 1841, as Secy. State. - (3) HEMANS (FELICIA.) Zminent English Poetess. A... S., 2 pp. 8vo, in reference to the publication of a prize poem, to John Murray. 28 a 318 og a8 324 ono 326 Soa] 32 328 379 The Arnold Collection. HERON (BIJOU—Mkrs. Henry Mitirer). Child Actress, Daughter of Matilda Heron. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Sept. 16, 1886. Photographs and playbills. HERON (MATILDA). TZragedienne. A. L.S., 8 pp. 8vo, to C. W. Couldock, highly commending his acting in the Chimney Corner. Lithograph portrait and playbills. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, to J. B. Wright; John Heron (father of Matilda Heron), A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Sept. 24, 1851, in regard to an engagement for Sir William Don and the Heron Family. Photo- graph and playbills. (2) | HILL (FREDERICK S). Actor and Dramatist, A. L. S.. 1 p. 4to, Boston, Oct. 20, 1826; A. L. S., 1 p. 4t0sOCiwe, aan een HILL (GEORGE H.—‘*' Yankee Hitt”). ‘ Comedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, April 27, 1836; also A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo; 1847- angen laid to 4to. Portrait. (3) HILL (THOMAS). Author of Mirror of Fashion. A. L. S., 1 Pp. 4to, Feby. 29, 1808, in regard to a biography of Charlotte Smith; Joun Britton, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, to Hill) Portraieenas HILSON (THOMAS). Z£nglish Actor, appeared in America in 1809. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, to F. C. Wemyss, in regard to the difficulty of finding anything in the dady line. ‘‘* Doubtful character in a wife would probably be easter got over than a fact so well known in an unmar- ried girl,” etc. Curious. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to. Fitz-Greene Halleck * Wo vepeae writer need shrink from acknowledging the lines you have so kindly fur- nished,’’ etc. HOFLAND (BARBARA). £nglish Novelist. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. No date. Very fine. Portrait. HOLCROFT (THOMAS). Dramatist. AL. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1798; Ai TS. , 22D pre ovo eine meee) HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). ‘Poet and Author. A.L. S., 1 p. 8vo, March 17, 1876; mentions Whittier. HOME (REV.JOHN). Dramatist, Author of the tragedy of Douglas. A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to: =July 5.01778. = Porta HOOK (THEODORE E.) Wovelist and Wit. A.L.S. 4 pp. 8vo. 18ro. A fine and interesting letter on literary and dramatic matters. The Arnold Collection. 29 330 HORNE (R. H.), Dramatist, A. L S., 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 23, 1859, to Harry Edwards; Prince Hoare, Dramatist, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, June 24, 1826, portrait. (2) 331 HORRY (PETER). Distinguished Officcr in Revolution, Author ‘‘ Life of Marion.” A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Oct. 20, 1800, with letters and documents of six other members of the Horry family. (7) 332 HORSMANDEN (DANIEL). Chief Justice of the Colony of New York, and Author of ‘ History of the Negro Plot.” D.S. 1 p. folio. New York, July 28, 1772. Fine legal doc., signed also by William Smith (the historian). . 333 HUBBARD (WILLIAM). Zarly Mass. Clergyman, Author of ‘* His- tory of New England.” A. D. S. 1 p. small 4to. Dec. 5, 1700. Certificate of marriage. are. 334 HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Eminent German Savant and Traveller, A. L. S., 3 pp. 12mo, referring to his works. 335 HUNT (JOHN). Zaztor of The Examiner. A. L. S., 8vo, 1817, mentions his brother, Leigh Hunt; A. L. S., 8vo, 1829, introducing Robert Balmanno. (2) 336 FNCHBALD (ELIZABETH). Actress, Dramatist and Novelist. | A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, to Robinson the Publisher, respecting the copyright of her British Theatre. ‘* My terms are one thousand pounds,” etc. 337 INGERSOLL (DAVID). Actor, played in Philadelphia 1830. A.L.S.., Ip. 4to, July 14, 1833, declining to play in Pittsburg. Rare. 338 IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) Dramatic Writer. A series of letters, to T. H. Morrell, in regard to the publication of his ‘‘ Records of the Stage,” inlaid to 4to. (7) 339 IRVING(JOHNT.) Nephew of Washington Irving, Author. A.L.S.., 3 pp. 4to, N. Y., Mch. 20, 1837, to James Herring, in reference to Eulogies on Genl. Jacob Morton and Elisha W. King, before the Grand Lodge of Masons, and giving many interesting reminiscences. Portrait. 340 IRVING (WASHINGTON). WD%éstinguished Author and Humorist. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, Madrid, Jany. 10, 1842, to his sister. A letter of much interest, giving an account of his personal and diplomatic affairs during his residence in Spain. 30 The Arnold Collection. 341 ACKSON (ANDREW). President. L.S., 3 pp. 4to. Sept. 26, 1813, to Gov. Holmes, in regard to the defence of the frontiers and a campaign against the Creek Nation. S7storical. 342 JERDAN (WILLIAM). Author and Critic. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1868; A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, no date; AVL SO) ps ous Interesting literary letters. (3) 343 Three Ae 5s eachian p..evormar ss 344 JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Lnglish Dramatic Writer and Editor of Punch, AvL.S., 1p. 12mo; A. L. S. (initials) 2) open eeee 345 JERVIS (JOHN—Eart or Sr. VINCENT); James, Baron Gam- bier. English Admirals, distinguished in the American Revolution. A. L.S. of each:” 1805-26. \ (2) 346 JOHNSON (RICHARD M.), A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1838; George M. Dallas, A. L. 5., 1 p. 4to, 1846. Vice-President (2) 347 JOHNSTON (HENRY ERSKINE). English Comedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, applying for admission order to Drury Lane Theatre. | 348 JOHNSTONE (JOHN). Jrish Comedian and Vocalist, father-in-law to James W. Wallach. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, no date, to Thomas Hill. ‘* There ts a mintature of my Irish mug at Mr, Balls, which I think like,” ele: ¥ A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1819, to the treasurer of Drury banevcom- plaining of a deficiency in his salary. 350 JONES (GEORGE—tru_e Count Joannes). TZvragedian and Author. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, New York, Jineragiay a: giving a list of the Sheet or characters acted by him in London. A. L. S. ip: folio, Nov. i9,/1660meiee as 349 oat 352 JONES (MELINDA). Actress, wife of the Count Joannes. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo, Jany. 23, 1844; also, A. L. S. (2), 3 pp evaneme es 353 JONES (RICHARD — ‘“‘GenTLeman Jones”). Celebrated English Comedian. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Dublin, Mch: 25,1867) inireg arate an engagement at Covent Garden Theatre. Portrait in character and biography. 354 JONES (WILLIAM G.—‘‘Saitor Jones”), Favorite Actor in nautical parts, Aut. verse, froma poem spoken at a benefit, photo- graph and benefit playbill; Mrs. W. G. Jones (Julia A. Deane), two A. L.S/, 8vo0, 1895.) {3} The Arnold Collection. 31 355 JORDAN (DOROTHEA BLAND). Celebrated Actress, Mistress of King William IV. A. L., 3rd person, 2 pp. 8vo, to Manager Mathews. ‘Mrs. Jordan ts prevented attending rehearsal this morning—she however requests that Mr. Mathews will not arrange tt so that Much Ado should be last,” etc. Proof portrait. 356 JORDAN (GEORGE C.) Favorite New York Actor. A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. March 7, 1858. Interesting letter in regard to his troubles with his wife. ‘‘/ was inveigled when about ro years of age into a marriage with a woman much my senior,” etc. 357 JORDAN (HENRY C.) Comedian. A. L.S.,1 p. 4to, June rt, 1854, applying for an engagement for himself and wife. Photograph and | benefit playbill. 358 JUDGES AND LAWYERS. Letters of James T. Brady, Charles O’Conor, John Wickham, David Paul Brown, Ogden Hoffmann, C. P..Daly, John Van Buren, and others, including Baroness De Roques, W. T. Stead, and the Dept. of State concerning the May- brick case. (25) 359 JULIEN (LOUIS), Popular Composer and Director of Concerts at Castle Garden in 1851, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 25, 1850, very fine; also Paul Julien, Aut. music, signature and date, 1852. (2) 360 EACH (EDWARD F.), Favorite Boston Actor, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1851, ‘* We may induce Warren to act Falstaff,” benefit playbills; Joseph Leonard, Proprietor of National Theatre, Boston, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Sept. 28, 1852, to J. B. Wright, mentions For- Fest.) (2) 361 KEAN (CHARLES). Actor and Manager, Son of Edmund Kean. “A.L S. rp. 8vo. June 11, 1833. ‘‘ Zam not engaged in writing anything whatever concerning my late father.” Signed Charles John Kean, 362 A. L.S. 8 pp. 8vo. Nodate. A long and interesting letter concerning an Edinburgh engagement, his pieces and prices. 363 mL. S.,"1 p. 8vo; Aug. 25,1551, to J Re Planche. Invitation to dinner. 32 364 365 366 367 368 369 37° 371 372 S75 374 375 The Arnold Collection. KEAN (EDMUND). TZve great Tragedian, A. L. S.,1 p. 8vo, 69 Anthony St. (N. Y.), July 5, 1826, addressed to Mr. Clarke, Frank- lin Coffee House, Maiden Lane. ‘‘/ shall not see you again until Octo- ber, unless at the boat to-morrow—success sincerely wished.” Letters of Kean, written while in America, are of great rarity. Pass for two, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, signed zz fud/. In- laid to 8vo. Portrait. KEELEY (ROBERT). 2Zglish Comedian,” AV ise Sept. 26, 1836, declining membership in the Garrick Club. Portrait as Lilly Black, playbill of his first appearance, and biography. Two A. L. S., each 1 p. 8vo, with playbill oz satin, Covent Gar- den Theatre, June 14, 1831. Benefit of Mr. Mears, with Keeley in the cast. (2) KELLY (MICHAEL), “risk Composer and Vocalist; Sir Henry R. Bishop, Composer; John Sinclair and Edward Seguin, Zuglish Vocal- 1StS i, whe Del CAC eet) KEELEY (MRS. ROBERT—Mary Ann Gowarp). English Comedienne. A. L.S., 1 p. 8v0, Feb. 22, 1836) to Oy mats nee him to play at her benefit. Playbills and cuttings. KELLOGG (CLARA LOUISE), Vocalist, Photograph, signed, play- bills and cuttings; Carlotta Le Clercq, signature, photograph and satin playbill, ‘‘ Farewell Engagement of Charles Fechter, April r Evy vey Kenic 8 KELLY (LYDIA). Znglish Actress, played in America. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Jany. 20, 1828, to F. C. Wemyss, giving list of her plays, with draft of reply on same sheet. —— A.L. 5., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 19, 1829, relative tame Philadelphia. KEMBLE (CHARLES). Zuglish Actor and Author. A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Oct. 14, 1829. ‘‘L have been rejoiced to hear of my dear girl's success—we may look forward to the nearest approach to that great luminary, my sister,” etc. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, June 26, 1823, to John Howard Payne, re- gretting that the termination of the season prevents the engagement of Mile. Mars. Inlaid. A.L.S. t1p.8vo. Nodate. Fine theatrical letter. Portrait. 376 377 378 379 380 381 282 383 384 385 386 The Arnold Collection. 33 KEMBLE (MRS. CHARLES—Marria Dr Camp). Comedienne and Vocalist, A. L., 3rd person. 1 p. 8vo. Augmoe po2s36. Portraits. in character, playbills and biography. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Eminent English Tragedian. A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 2, 1809, to the Editor of the European Magazine, concerning the Covent Garden Theatre riots. StL tthe unreasonable rioters could be worked on by fair arguments, Lord Mans- Jield’s rebuke might convince them of the illegality of their proceedings.” Portraits. A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, June 26, 1781, to Mrs. Inchbald, in regard to the comparative merits of his personation of the character of Sir Giles Overreach with that of Mr. Henderson. Portrait. KEMBLE (STEPHEN). Actor, famous as Falstaff’, brother of John Philip Kemble. A. L.S. 1p. 8vo. No date. Order for payment of salary. Portrait. KENNEY (JAMES). Woted [rish Dramatist. A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Feby. 19, 1823, to R. W. Elliston, in reference to a new opera. ‘‘/ have parts for Braham, Liston, Mundon, Mrs. Vestris,”’ etc. KENT (EDWARD, DUKE OF). Son of George I11., father of Queen Victoria. D.S., official, as Major-Genl. Halifax, Jany. 30, 1796. KING (THOMAS). Actor and Dramatist, the original “‘ Sir Peter Leazle.” A.L., 3rd person, 1 p. small 4to, July 18, 1799, asks when he may expect to receive from Mr. Dibdin sheets of the History of faearaee. Portraits. KINGSTON (ELIZABETH CHUDLEIGH, DUCHESS OF). Pe 2 Dp. Ato. 1769. Rare. The notorious Duchess who was tried for bigamy. KNIGHT (EDWARD). Popular Low Comedian and Vocalist. A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, Nov. 19, 1819, regretting his inability to attend rehearsal. Portrait. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Jany. 20, 1826, in regard to his portrait. KNIGHT (GEORGE S.), Comedian, A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Dec. 4, 1877; Mrs. Sophie Worrell Knight, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, July 9, 1886. Photographs, playbills and cuttings. (2) 34 387 388 389 Soe Ages SB to oo 394 395 396 398 399 The Arnold Collection. ABLACHE (LUIGI). Zhe Great Basso. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. March 30, 1830. Musical. LABLACHE (LUIGI); Giov. B. Rupini, Zenor Singer. A. L.S., 4to and 8vo, 1830-42. (2) LAMB (CHARLES). A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. 1819. ‘‘Z understand you have got a snivelling methodistical adulteration of my Essay on Drunken- ness—I wish very much to see how far Mr. Basil Montagu's Philanthropt- cal Scoundrels have gone to make me a Sneak,” etc. VERY FINE. LAMB (LADY CAROLINE). Znglish Authoress, friend of Lord Byron, A. L., 3rd person. 1p. 4to. 1809. LANGTRY (LILLIE). Lnglish Actress. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, no date, relative to her performances in St. Louis. LAWRENCE (ABBOTT), Minister to Great Britain; Robert C. Winthrop, Speaker House Reps.; Alex. H. Everett, AZznzster to Spain. A: L. S), 4to, of each.) / Portraits. (3) LAWRENCE (SIR THOMAS). Celebrated English Portrait Painter, Pres. Royal Academy. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, no date. Portrait. LE CLERCQ (CARLOTTA). Actress. A.L.S., 1p. 4to, and A, L. S., 1 ps. 8v0.,°1874,, Professional sata LEE (ARTHUR). Diéplomatist of the Revolution. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Board of Treasury, Aug. 8, 1786, signed also by Samuel Osgood and Walter Livingston (Members Continential Congress). To William Ellery. LEE (HENRY). ‘‘ Light Horse Harry,” Colonel in Revolution. Agia 1 p. 4to, to Genl. Posey; A. L. S, 1 p. 4to, Dec. 1,°1793)..0a0 LEECH (JOHN), 47st and Caricaturist, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo; Sir John Tenniel, A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo; William Y. Ottley, Painter, Adis.a; I p. 4to, 1816. (3) LEGAL. Curious Affidavits in bastardy proceedings, taken before Thomas Willing and Daniel Benezet, 1761-64. (3) LIEBNITZ (GOTTFRIED WILHELM, BARON VON). Most Eminent German Philosopher and Mathematician of Modern Times. A. L., signed L. 3 pp. 8vo. From the Upcott Collection. Very rare. Portrait. 400 4oI 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 The Arnold Collection. 35 LEWES (GEORGE H.) L£nglish Author, husband of ‘ George te gs. Ll, 5., 3 pp. 8vo, Nov. 1, 1873, to J. R. Osgood, in regard to the publication of his works in Canada. LINCOLN (BENJAMIN), General in Revolution, D. S., 1 p. 4to, Boston, 1806; GENERAL James WILKINSON, A. L. S., 1 p. ato, Camp on the Mississippi, Oct. 31, 1798. (2) LIND (JENNY). Swedish Vocalist. A... S., 3 pp. 4to, New York, Jany. 4, 1852, to Dr. Baird, informing him of the death of her mother.