yu ig i ele 7 CYA ee eae 4G ~~ VA - To 4 : # a) Fp Mae i oe 2 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY THIRD [WEEK DAYS 9-6 P.M.—SUNDAY 2-5 P.M] . THE ART COLLECTIONS OPE LATE [ISCOUNT LEVERHULME [PART ONE’ TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS _ FEBRUARY NINTH, TENTH, ELEVENTH, TWELFTH, THIRTEENTH r AT TWO-THIRTY ALE 2 ANDERSON GALLERIES ye ~ MITCHELL KENNERLEY [PRresipentT_] PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK : 1926 VIEW OF THE HILL FROM THE LILY POOL Ba J ott _ Jie gets uf ad: AU sbi aiaos {Jo dase a P ‘eb Jarl 36 draq to). bane ci yrodirte | paort< . ® pws L; me TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY NINTH, TENTH ELEVENTH, TWELFTH, THIRTEENTH AT TWO-THIRTY ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 1-130 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 131-255 THURSDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 256-379 FRIDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 380-496 SATURDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 497-625 CARDS OF ADMISSION TO THE SALE, EACH OF WHICH WILL ADMIT ONE PERSON ONLY, MAY BE OBTAINED UPON WRITTEN APPLICATION WHICH MUST SPECIFY THE DAY OF THE SALE AS THE ADMIS- SIONS ON EACH DAY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY OF THE SALES-ROOM ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY THIRD THE ART COLLECTIONS O)F Ashe ty GhE pO OUNT LEVERHULME [PART ONE] TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM HULME, VISCOUNT LEVERHULME HAROLD ROBERT GREENHALGH FRANCIS D’ARCY COOPER JOHN McDOWELL THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY [Present] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. | All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Eight Dollars THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. » 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET/ NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR, F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E.. HAROLD THOMPSON BELIEVE this is the first time that the executors of an estate in Europe have consigned an important and valuable collection of works of art to be sold by auction in America. This is the reason for the unpar- alleled publicity given in the press all over the world to this sale. My thanks are due to Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley, as represented by Sir Howard Frank, without whose codperation this arrangement could not have been made. It was obvious to all vistors to “The Hill” that every object in the late Viscount Leverhulme’s magnificent Collection was in as perfect con- dition as expert knowledge and care could keep it. We are fortunate that owing to the zeal and experience of Messrs. Cameron Smith & Marriott, the packers and shippers, and the watchfulness of our representative, Mr. E. Harold Thompson, who remained at The Hill until the last case had been packed, the Collection has arrived without injury. I am especially fortunate to have been able to persuade Mr. Herbert Cescinsky, the well-known authority on English furniture, and the author of “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century” and other standard works, to catalogue the furniture in the Collection. Mr. Cescinsky is now lectur- ing on his favorite subject at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and other museums in America. The important tapestries and needlework pictures were catalogued by Mr. W. G. Thomson, author of “A History of Tapestry from the Earliest Times until the Present Day”, whose name is as well known to connoisseurs in America as it is in Europe. The remaining numbers in the catalogue have been described by Mrs. Celia Woodward and Mr. Charles Packer, experts of our own staff. 7 The description of every object has been made as accurate as expert knowledge and complete good faith could ensure, but for obvious reasons it is an essential part of the agreement between the executors of the estate of the late Viscount Leverhulme and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, that no warranty shall be given on their behalf in respect of any object in the Collection. MITCHELL KENNERLEY CITY'S ART PRESTIGE (2 ENHANCED BY SALE Record Prices at Leverhulme Auction Strengthen New York’s Bid to Be World Centre. ANOTHER SPIRITED DAY Sales of $93,780 Put Three Days’ Total at $388,565—-Two Table- Covers Bring $10,000. With American and British dealers @gain bidding against .each other for choice pievtes of old English furniture, the third day’s sale of the furninture selection of the Leverhulme art collec- tion at the Anderson Galleries yester- “day afternoon brought $93,780 for 122 articles of furniture and miscellaneous art objects. The total received in the first three days was $388,565. The auctioned articles again brought remarkably high prices. It was esti- mated by American art experts, on the basis of the sales already made, that | the Leverhulme collection as a whole would bring twice what it would have brought if the sale had been held in London, Art dealers said that the Leverhulme gale would go far toward strengthening the bid New York has made since the end of the war to repiace London as the art centre as well as the financial center of the world. The great pros- perity of the United States, and the comparative poverty of England since the war, it was remarked, was the big factor in the change. Antiques as Salable as’ Bonds. Moreover, furniture dealers said, the high prices which New Yorkers had been willing to pay for pieces from the Leverhulme collection indicated a growing tendency on the part of wealthy Americans, as wel las dealers, to regard furniture of authenticated antiquity as a good investment. The Leverhulme sale showed, furniture ex- perts said, that antique furniture of high quality could be liquidated as suc- cessfully as bonds, rare books or dia- monds. Frank Partridge, Inc., New York and London dealers, won the biggest prize of yesterday’s sale in two Adam sat- Inwood bookcases (eighteenth century English), after a spirited fight with Henry Symons, New York dealer. The Pieces brought $8,000 each, twice as much as had been expected by the English experts who appraised the estate. The beokcases came from the collec- tion of the seventh Earl of Chester- field and were heirlooms in the Ches- terfield family. One also was former- ly in the collection of the Earl of Car- on. yo oy The dimensions are large—8 | ZESS 472101 KOLINTAT — QuU0UdDI2 the sale—an eighteenth century ma- hogany and satinwood Pergolesi secre- taire-bookcase with figures on the centre door in lattice tracery after de- signs by Sir Joshua Reynolds, was sold for $4,100 to Karl Freund after a spirited competition with Frederick Haskell. P. W. French & Co. took from Sy- mons, Ine., after very lively bidding, an eighteenth century commode of rare woods—kingwood, tulipwood, vio- letwood, etec.—from Sir Anthony de Rothschild’s collection, and believed to have been made by Chippendale. It brought $4,000 and is understood to have been bought for an English col- lector. * Other pieces that almost certainly will go’ back to England are two eigh- teenth century English satinwood cab- inets, which Partridge bought for $2,100 and $2,550, respectively, after the] hardest fight of the afternoon, in which Symons was the loser. Laughter Amid Exciting Bids. The sale of these two pieces aroused much excitement and amusement. The first was biw up steadily from $300 to $2,100, with Partridge bidding at every hundred-dollar mark on the way up and Symons at every fifty-dollar mark. The auctioneer’s intonations us he sang out ‘‘and fifty’’ for Symons after every bid except the last—by his oppo- nent—finally set the audience to laugh- ing. When the second cabinet was sold Symons tried his luck on the hun- dred-dollar bids, and it was for Part- ridge that the auctioneer sang out the ‘and fifties." The English dealer ‘finally won with his last ‘‘and fifty.” P. W. French & Co. bought an early Georgian decorated cream lacquer cab- inet in the style of William Kent, which Mrs. Fritz Kreisler, wife of the violinist, wanted so badly that she bid fiercely against the dealer until he had to pay $2,700 to get it. A>-George II petit-point oblong table- sereen, about 1730, frame—the whole thing only 844 by 13% inches—went to J. A. Martin fore $1,050 after it had been bid up from $300. The only article characterized by the auctioneer as a bargain was a seven- teenth century Brussels tapestry by Jan Raes, which Mrs. Victor Weil bought for $1,100. ‘‘This is almost giv- ing it to you,’ said the auctioneer. List of Articles Sold. The list of articles sold yesterday follows, with the catalogue number, description, purchaser and price: 256—Chess and, backgammon (tric- -— trac) board, English, cirea 1700, E. F. Collins, agent........++-. $250 257—Oval swing toilet mirror, Chinese, | probably Canton, arr: 1790, | BY. RS Bynes oe vs ae ae eels ee 258—Mahogany wall bracket, “English, circa 1740, Symons, Inc..... ees 259—Brass pendent chandelier in the ae of Louis Seize, I. T. Has- 260-~01a- Tngiish jardiniere, circa 1775, Edward Michael 261—Set of four composition and gilt two- net brackets, French, circa 00, F. Caldwell & Go. 5 Ae 262—Square venue Georgia decorated cream laequer cabinet, English, circa 1730, P. W. French * Co., Inc 263—Small oval” decorated “table, Eng- ae late eighteenth century, Bea EICCHON) cou bie nels 264—Karly eighteenth ° century. peas ' English, circa, 172: be re 3 ED, Oe CX 2 x x LJ y ®@: R Sh RU @ oh CORA Gy dh AIR hs #.e Git /282—Queen ae in a mahogany FoF Sr ee a ee As Oy 1 ‘ mi—Cover fi for a Oy 275—Cover for a Mrs. 1 it circa 1725; 276—Cover a ®,. r eirea 1 Morton rsdn opis *s chair — 278—Needlework * er Meinhard be wees ihe Med ween OY 279—Needlework cover sare en path English, idly 1725; 3 2k Maintiata’ eee Sy edal 280—-Stuart silkwari ‘pictive, in 281—G org ; tit-point eorgian petit-po lsh, a nao? pe sien 7) nok a ae petit-poin pases stein circa 1710; ner ae SE aeiton — dol 283—Charles I ir ‘peti -point and panel work ; Frank Wolf . wipe ransererazenesns ae ee een n Se¢Btuact’ pailt-p my panel tave iiumonthal “ 287—Stuart stumpwork 4 panel, English, cire ollins, agent .... 288—Set of four carved ¥ It chairs, | ri e; Inc.’ ePesere tury 290—ighteenth century eae eek ridge, I 201—carved ‘and a ie wal 1” ooh pre ee ‘aton pa sae nglis h, circa 1 200 Pair vot f toes theecieee . a eee eee a otk hard s04—Pair of ke let es—old rench, circa 178 nze figure of Venus by Jean Bologna ‘Florentine, sixteenth ntury, AL 2 table ‘cover, late seventeenth ntury, P. Ww. French & Co., Cc. Biss 6 BRS IO gle ak edith ain te Bitte tb : table cover, late seventeenth sntu his: French & Co., of rea 1670, Mrs. Carl Forsch... rles II needlework panel, En g- 7 circa 1680, Mrs. Victor @l Pee oe oe rles II needlework panel, Ene- sh, cirea 1680, Mrs. Victor Ba SORE ie el Pe 2S Ga ee er rles_ It stumpwork panel, Hng- : circa. 1680 Mrs. s. loomingdale Hip ER BS Bor Sak Ini TAR aes rles I needlework panel, Eng- sh, circa 1630, x oh 1 French & ae I petit-point panel, Eng- sh, circa 1640, Mrs, W. R. Tim- ee TL i prea ae Was ile se eeteereeee ee eee ered bronze oval inkstand, S. Rosenbaunt..6% 260. fg A of three-light candelabra, A. rosney... of three- light Josephine BON Wares. se 2s hie bust of Oliver ‘Cromwell, EN EVI COBTN 0d og aid vee wade <6 of Canton enamel cover — irs, Chinese, circa 1750, G. LCR OEL a wi ws kiagia sw afeterev ess d.5 OF aga ewers, English, circa 80, W. H. Hamilton ......... ong dish > of ruby cut glass, eg circa 1780, W, H, Ham- eibonias double- lipped finger wls, English, circa 1780, Mrs, ritz ‘Kreister See erate er ee eee candelabra, be ewe ewes en circular double-lipped finger F owls, English, circa 1780, Mrs. Life; GAPOP Mee ers hatslats yaardebh se ruby glass plates, “English, rea 1780, W. H. Hamilton..... fine. rub sh, circa 1780, Hamilton fine. ruby. plas ieee. Eng- sh, circa 1780, G. T. Sackett. . VY ruby cut-glass ‘wine e service, nglish, circa 1700, H, K. Pyne. 2 ‘circular ruby cut-glass pooch ywl, English, circa 1780, G. T. ickett. beeen eet eeecerseensereess of six oblong ruby cut glass uit dishes, English, circa 1780; 2:& Hamilten BS ‘Bristol glass bottle, English, rea 1750; G. T. Sackett. Spanish cut glass decanter, rca 1730; HE, F. Collins, agent. logany hanging cabinet, = circa, 1740; Sy spar Ine... en _armch air, English, ro bs 30-40; Symons, Inc...... \ogany armchair, English cirea 30-40; Symons, Pease Gohl, vogany settee, English, “cites. 30-40; Symons, 2 a PER ae lish mahogany settee, eigh- enth century, was taken out oh eeee sale for a reason not announced, iteenth | century commode of PPOSNEV eas oriesee. pias ced Eng- Eng- fo iad ake pees 30 a .500 350 160 300° 400 350 475 325 275 100 an mi ror sh, circa 1750: ng Fritz Kreisler. ee flat box, English, cirea TOO: Fee DL, Vanderbilt.......... 341—Gilt pier table, English, circa 1770; Sy ymons, Ine, ..... eere 342—Gilt pier table, English, circa 47 (3 LS SOV MADTLES PRESS? cess acteninie ae eB 4ie BetO mI 848—Pair of carved wood painted and parcel-gilt pedestals, English, circa 1800; Symons, Inc........ 344—Mahogany Chippendale triple-chair- back settee, English, . circa 1730; Mrs, R. Iu. “Scofield. sis. ..2.. 845—George II carved and gilt console table, English, cirea 1740; H. Pa ee AVERT. lovee Paw ach a peumaed b 346—Mahogany flap table, English, ec eirea 7 (80;) Mrs. H.-S. Riker... 347—Early eighteenth century petit- point panel, English, oe 1710; ON 2 Es | OEE le. 6's cianduce Seas 348—Stuart stumpwork panel, ‘Bnglish, cirea, 1670; I. A: Ballantine. 349-—Stuart petitpoint panel, English, dated 1649; H. D. Curry & Co. | 850—Stuart stumpwork picture, English, circa 1660; Gustave Blumenthal. 351—Stuart stumpwork panel, English, circa 1640; Mrs. W. R. Timken.. 352—Unfinished Jacobean . needlework panel, English, cirea 1615; EY F, LLIN SSO TE hs ak aa sbiale ¥iatwiatsin 6 353—William and Mary old. curled ‘gilt “paperwork picture, English, dated 1697; Collings & Collings........ '854—Set of six Hepplewhite mahogany ‘chairs, English, circa 1790; Sy- RPULOEIMETS EIN Gu “etek kitno mustmsechie sO wee 355—Twelve-fold coromandel screen, Chinese, circa» 1720} -P. .. W. PrCeyrety Ke Oy Os a aoe na pee se 356—Early mahogany mask settee, Eng- lish, circa 1730; Symons, Inc.. 357~Mahogany table w ‘ith circular por- celain - CoP. English, circa 1780; Mrs, Re Li Pattersons iw, ne ee av ie - a? BF ' ERE A HANDSOME PAIR OF GEORGIAN PAINTED SLATE VASES [NUMBER 394] 394 UNUSUAL PAIR OF GEORGIAN SLATE VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 The ovoid bodies finely painted in landscapes and natural flowers, with high, angular handles, pierced necks, and high, domed outer cover, as well as inner cover. On circular foot, mounted on gradu- ated, quadrangular base. (2) Height, 23 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 395 EARLY GEORGE II MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1735 Plain frieze, carved with female mask in centre. Cabriole legs with acanthus on knees, and paw feet. White marble top. Height, 33 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches; depth, 3614 inches 182 ONE OF A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT WILLIAM AND MARY CHAIRS [NUMBER 396] 396 PAIR OF WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT CHAIRS ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Turned balusters and elaborately carved high backs and cresting rails; central splats gilt solid. Double “‘C” scroll legs in the Flemish manner of the time; turned and carved cross railing; front stretcher pierced and carved with a Viscount’s coronet flanked by amorini. Seats covered in crimson silk velvet. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 183 397 TUDOR CYPRESS AND HICKORY MARRIAGE CHEST ENGLISH, CIRCA 1540 Top with eight semi-flush panels with a chopped-in inlay of hunting and fowling scenes. The front has a running guilloche frieze and pilasters with inlaid and arcaded panels in between. Two drawers in base. A magnificent example of Tudor work, fully equal to the chest in St. Saviour’s Collegiate Church, Southwark, London. See Macquoid, “History of English Furniture”, Vol. I, Fig. 57. The extreme rarity of this piece lies in the fact that wandering ar- tisans, principally of French extraction, often made fine chest fronts in England during the sixteenth century, which were made up into rude chests by the English arkwrights. The difference in quality between the fronts and the chests themselves in these examples is very noticeable. Complete chests of this period, of quality equal to the present one, are excessively rare. Not more than three or four are known to exist. Width, 4 feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS] | 398 SHERATON DECORATED SEGMENTAL COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With painted decoration of sprays and garlands of flowers on a cream ' ground. Top with scroll border in brown. Three drawers with brass ring handles; door at each end enclosing two shelves; tapered feet. Height, 33 inches; width, 60 inches; depth, 24 inches 184 TUDOR MARRIAGE COFFER OF EXTREME RARITY AND IMPORTANCE SHOWING DETAIL OF TOP [NUMBER 397] ONE OF A PAIR OF VERY FINE QUEEN ANNE CHAIRS [NUMBER 399] 399 PAIR OF VERY FINE WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 Hooped backs with broad central splats; carved top rails; cabriole legs with ball-and-claw feet. jaspé silk velvet. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 186 Drop-in seats, covered in crimson 400 401 402 403 EARLY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 With concave frieze and carved shield in centre. On cabriole legs with shells and scrolls, and paw feet. Marble top. - Height, 33 inches; width, 53 inches; depth, 23 inches HEPPLEWHITE SEGMENTAL SATINWOOD COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With bandings of tulipwood and painted borders of anthemion decoration; painted spray of leaves on top. Two doors in centre; one shelf behind. Height, 38 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 24 inches IMPORTANT EARLY GEORGIAN SIDE TABLE OF CARVED LIME-TREE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 The frieze with running scroll pattern, centred with a bearded human mask flanked by scrolls. Cabriole legs in the French style, with shells on knees and grotesque masks on feet; moulded block toes. All the carving is of very high quality. Marble top. Height, 3414 inches; width, 6 feet; depth, 34 inches LACQUER HANGING CORNER CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 Decoration of gold on a ground of black lacquer. One door, with silvered glass panel, star and brilliant cut and bevelled. Height, 3814 inches; width, 18 inches Companion to the following cabinet. 187 404. LACQUER HANGING CORNER CABINET ~ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 Similar to the preceding. 405 GEORGE IIIT SMALL OVAL MAHOGANY TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Banded with satinwood. Four shaped legs with oval platform and small turned cross stretcher. From the Collection of the late Captain Herbert Wilson, D.S.O. Height, 2914 inches; size of top, 2114, x 16 inches 406 PAIR OF GEORGE II CARVED AND GILT CORNER GIRANDOLES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1755 With wired arms for five lights. (2) Height, 54 inches; extreme width into angle, 18 inches; depth, 18 inches 407 PAIR OF GEORGE II SOLID MAHOGANY URNS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 Carved with festoons and flutes. On square bases. (2) Height, 14 inches 408 ITALIAN BRONZE FIGURE 17TH CENTURY A youth standing on his hands. Fine patine. Square wood base. Height, 161% inches 188 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IVORY PLAQUE BY FIAMMINGO [NUMBER 409] 409 EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IVORY PLAQUE BY FIAMMINGO ITALIAN SCHOOL, CIRCA 1630 Carved in high relief with two children sporting with a goat. Mounted in bronze. From the Collection of Captain S. Ricketts. Height, 534, inches; width, 434, inches Francis Duquesnoy, commonly called Fiammingo, was born in Brussels in 1594. A plaque of children playing with a goat, very similar to this, is in the South Kensington Museum, London. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 189 SIXTEENTH CENTURY FLORENTINE BRONZE GROUP [NUMBER 410] 410 EARLY FLORENTINE BRONZE GROUP ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY A kneeling satyr with outstretched arms, with the figure of a boy at his side. A fine group. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 190 411 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED WALL BRACKET 412 413 414 OF IMPORTANT SIZE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Pear-tree stained walnut color. Shelf with carved edge moulding supported on the torso of a man; all finely carved. A modern scribing piece has been screwed to the back and cut out for a moulding, but this can be removed without damage. Total height, 23 inches; width of shelf, 18 inches; depth, 16 inches CHIPPENDALE MIRROR IN CARVED FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Frame painted brown; carved with scrolls, foliage and squirrels in the Chinese manner of Chippendale. From the Talbot Collection at Lacock Abbey, Chippenham, Wiltshire, England. Height, 5714 inches; width, 24 inches SMALL CABINET OVERLAID WITH TORTOISE-SHELL AND INLAID WITH IVORY ~~ THE CABINET, NORTH ITALIAN, CIRCA 1800 Lifting top, box under; two doors enclosing eight drawers. Walnut stand with cabriole legs. Height, 38 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 12 inches ADAM SEGMENTAL SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1765 In the style of Robert Adam. On tapered legs with Ionic capitals and fluted shafts, carved with water-leaves at bases. Top painted with vase, festoons of flowers and trophies of musical instruments; panel at back painted with fan and honeysuckle border, all on a green ground. Pearled border to frieze. Height, 321% inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 22 inches 191 Pa gesccce $728) “n ey oF VERY FINE CHARLES II LACQUER CABINET ON CARVED AND GILT STAND [NUMBER 415] 415 SQUARE LACQUER CABINET ON A CARVED AND GILT STAND ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 Incised with Chinese scenes in polychrome on a black ground. Two doors with engraved and gilt brass hinges, clamps and lock-plates, enclosing nine drawers. On carved and gilt stand of very fine crafts- manship. English work throughout. Height, 65 inches; width, 3814 inches; depth, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 192 416 SET OF FOUR SHERATON SATINWOOD OVAL-BACK CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 With lyre-shaped splats and tapered legs. Frames finely painted with sprays of roses and medallions with female heads in grisaille. Up- holstered in pale blue silk. (4) 417 IMPORTANT MARBLE GROUP GRAECO-ROMAN PERIOD, CIRCA 50 B. C. Draped figure of a woman, her right hand on her hip, her left arm, which is supporting a child on her shoulder, resting on a therm at her side. Mounted on a black wood base. (Slightly repaired) Height, without base, 18 inches 418 CYLINDER-FRONTED MINIATURE BUREAU OF STRAW-WORK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Fall front under, enclosing numerous drawers, cupboard and drawers behind; domed-top box above, containing numerous boxes. of very important size for this work. Height, 23 inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 16 inches 193 A piece RARE AND IMPORTANT TANAGRA GROUP IN TERRA COTTA [NUMBER 419] 419 MAGNIFICENT TANAGRA GROUP GREEK, CIRCA 500 B.C. “The Procession of Silenus.” A superb and rare specimen. From the Willet Collection. Height, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 194 SUPERB TANAGRA FIGURE IN TERRA COTTA [NUMBER 420] 420 FINE TANAGRA FIGURINE GREEK, CIRCA 500 B.c. A superbly modelled female figure with flowing draperies, in terra cotta. Mounted on metal stand, in glazed case. Rare. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 421 BRONZE FEMALE FIGURE BY CHAPU FRENCH, CIRCA 1871 The figure kneeling on the base of a memorial. Signed “Chapu”. This is a small replica of the famous memorial by Chapu to Henri Regnault, in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Height, 58 inches 195 ert IMPORTANT SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN TAPESTRY [NUMBER 422] 422 ITALIAN TAPESTRY PANEL 17TH CENTURY Woven with allegorical figures grouped around the sun and stars, with inscription in metal thread, ‘‘Prudentia sol est solio”. On the left, a blindfolded figure of Justice, bearing scales and naked sword, dressed in yellow shaded with crimson and blue drapery. The under garment is crimson. To the left are dark mountain ranges and blue sky with clouds of subtle colors. On the right are amorini carrying flowers and palm. In the foreground, the figure of Charity, caring for children, reclines on clouds with a blue sky below, while above, Hercules, with club and wearing the lionskin, gazes at the sun. On the left is a reclining figure holding a helm or steering oar (?), which may be Prudence. The border consists of linked cartouches shaded with red and metal threads, which are used in the panel also, on a blue ground. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 10 feet 10 inches Woven in the manufactory established at Rome by Cardinal Bar- berini, nephew of Pope Urban VIII. There are tapestries bearing the peculiar sun, which was the Bar- berini crest, in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 196 MAGNIFICENT ELIZABETHAN NEEDLEWORK PANEL [NUMBER 423] 423 ELIZABETHAN GROS AND PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1570 On a light background almost covered by foliage and stems of trees and flowers, including iris, rose, and pomegranate. In a woodland foreground are depicted an ostrich, elephant, lion, sheep, unicorn, camel, swan and stork, in petit-point. The border consists of a stem with foliage and flowers, apples, grapes, pomegranates, pears and other fruit on a reddish ground. Height, 18 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 197 424 CARVED AND GILT OVAL TRAY-TABLE — ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 With loose metal tray top. Tapered, fluted and carved legs with interlaced central flat stretcher; frieze carved with key pattern; tray with gallery and hand-holes at end, painted with circular central panel with a scene in the manner of George Romney. Stand of later date. Height, 33 inches; width, 28 inches; depth, 23 inches Companion to the following table. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 425 CARVED AND GILT OVAL TRAY-TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Companion to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 198 “98 ONE OF A PAIR OF FINELY PAINTED METAL TRAYS ON CARVED AND GILT STANDS SHOWING PANEL PAINTED IN THE MANNER OF ROMNEY [NUMBERS 424 AND 425] 426 427 428 429 430 431 CHARLES I NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 Lady and Death in two panels, enriched with seed pearls. Size, 8 x 834 inches GEORGIAN SILK PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Lady in white dress holding a book and standing in a garden, with a monumental vase in the background. From the Collection of G. Harland Peck Esq., Belgrave Square, London, 1920. Size, 1514 x 11 inches STUART PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, with man in seventeenth century cos- tume, chateau, windmill and parrot. Size, 1034, x 131% inches STUART PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 “Abraham’s Sacrifice’, an angel appearing in the clouds, fruit trees to right and left edge, landscape background, with groups of build- ings in the distance. Size, 1034, x 1634, inches GEORGE III PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Shepherd and shepherdess seated in landscape with sheep and dog; lake with swans in the foreground; in centre trees, and the sun ap- pearing over the hills. Size, 1014, x 1534, inches SMALL MAHOGANY BRACKET CLOCK BY J. JONES, HOL- BORN, LONDON ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Showing mean time, time by the moon with its age, phases and time of southing, height of the tide at London Bridge, and position of the tide round the world. Operated by a verge watch movement (30- hour) by John Berry (Master of the Clockmakers’ Company, 1688- 1730). Mahogany case with portico top and suspension ring. Height, 15 inches; width, 9 inches; depth, 214 inches J. Jones was admitted to membership in the Clockmakers’ Company in 1748, and became Master in 1762. 200 CHOICE LITTLE HEPPLEWHITE ESCRITOIRE [NUMBER 432] 432 INLAID DESK-TABLE Style and period of Hepplewhite. legs in the French manner. inlaid with marqueterie. ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 Sloping top and delicate cabriole Plane-tree banded with kingwood and Three drawers inside. Height, 34 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 19 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 201 433 434 435 436 A437 LION MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725-30 Hooped back; shell-carved on top rail; pierced central splat; cabriole legs with lion-masks on knees, and ball-and-claw feet. Seat rail carved with running scroll pattern. Drop-in seat, covered in bright- grain crimson morocco. Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Cen- tury”, Vol. I, Fig. 52. Also in Macquoid, “History of Furniture”, Vol; IL Pigs 5: Height, 37 inches; width across front of seat, 21 inches PAIR OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHAIRS COVERED IN AUBUSSON TAPESTRY FRENCH, CIRCA 1740 Carved and gilt frames. Seats and backs covered in Aubusson tapestry, finished with close brass nails. Probably by Burgat. (2) Height, 39 inches; width across seat, 23 inches GEORGE III PAINTED SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With top, serpentine front and ends painted with bouquets of flowers. Legs with fluted shafts, carved with water-leaf; fluted and gadroon frieze. The top with broad band imitating tulipwood in paint; with edge band of ormolu fluted and pearled. Height, 32 inches; width, 5214 inches; depth, 26 inches GEORGE III SATINWOOD SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 1790 Straight front with rounded corners; the top with border of inlaid rosewood painted with garlands of flowers; six square legs, tapered and with moulded feet; all painted with flowers and ribbons. Frieze inlaid with five panels of mahogany, the central panel with boy painted in monotone. Incurved stretcher-railing, with circle in centre. Height, 35 inches; width, 64 inches; depth, 2134, inches IMPORTANT GEORGIAN TRIPLE-CHAIR-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1755 With four cabriole legs on front, carved with cabochon and leaf on knees, and with ball-and-claw feet; original sunk leather-bowl castors. Carved top rails and interlaced back splats; shaped arms finishing in scrolled eagle-heads. Covered in crimson and gold brocatelle of earlier date. Height, 39 inches; width across seat rail, 5 feet 10 inches 202 438 439 440 441 442 ARTIST’S OR ILLUMINATOR’S INLAID COLOR CABINET SOUTH GERMAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY In the form of a desk with hinged top. Divisions inside for brushes and color bladders. Oak and ash, inlaid on front and sides with scroll marqueterie. Extreme height, 1214 inches; width, 28 inches; depth, 18 inches GEORGE III MAHOGANY FOUR-TIER WHATNOT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Fretted brackets under bottom shelf; cross-stretcher with scroll bracings. Height, 46 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 16 inches GEORGE II LARGE DOOR KNOCKER OF VARNISHED LIME-TREE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Loop-shaped knocker, carved with scrolled foliage; depending from a carved lion’s head above; carved striking boss complete. Height, 181% inches; total width, 111% inches FIVE CARVED WOOD ROUNDELS ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY In the form of paterz, finished in cream and gold. (5) Diameter, 514 inches CARVED CONSOLE TABLE ENGLISH (?), FIRST HALF OF 18TH CENTURY Finished in brown and gold, with scrolled apron and frieze with large central cartouche. On truss supports with lion-paw feet. Top of inlaid Brescia marble. Height, 34 inches; width, 5714 inches; depth, 28 inches 203 FINELY PAINTED CABINET ON STAND BY F. BOITARD SIGNED AND DATED [NUMBER 443] 443 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SQUARE CABINET ON STAND BY F. BOITARD FLEMISH, DATED 1707 With straight legs and fretted angle brackets. Two doors with borders of blue and gold; engraved brass clamps, hinges and lock- plates. Panels and inside all painted in grisaille with pastoral sub- jects and figures representing the Signs of the Zodiac, drawn with great freedom and vigor. Interior fitted with thirteen drawers. Signed “F. Boitard, 1707”. Total height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 2014 inches 204 FINE PAIR OF WILLIAM AND MARY CARVED AND GILT CHAIRS [NUMBER 444] 444 PAIR OF WILLIAM AND MARY CARVED AND GILT CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1690-1700 High upholstered backs and seats, covered in crimson silk velvet, trimmed braid and cut silk fringes. Pierced and carved front legs; shaped, moulded, carved and crested stretcher. (2) Height, 44 inches; width across front of seat, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 205 445 446 447 448 449 GEORGE III LARGE MAHOGANY OVAL WRITING TABLE i ENGLISH, CIRCA 1795 Sheraton style and period. With three drawers on each side and one at each end—eight altogether—in frieze; brass handles. Inlaid with stringing; drawer-fronts edged with cock-beading. Top lined with old green leather; blind-tooled border. Four tapered and panelled legs, castored. Height, 311% inches; width, T feet; depth, 5 feet 3 inches EARLY GEORGE III SEMICIRCULAR DECORATED SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 On four tapered legs with fluted and carved paterz, with the same decoration in the frieze; all finished in black and gold. Plane-tree top finely painted with festoons of flowers, a classical panel at back, and ribbon and floral border on a grey ground. Height, 30 inches; width, 511% inches; depth, 20 inches GEORGIAN SILK AND PAINTED PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Lady and gentleman seated in a garden, a temple and poo! to the left. From the Collection of Colonel H. H. Mulliner. Size, 1714 inches square “THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE AND THE EASTERN HEMI- SPHERE” WORKED IN BLACK SILK, IN CHIPPENDALE CARVED AND GILT FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 A compass is between the two globes at the foot and a group of flowers in colors at the top; at each corner are figure subjects representative of the continents. In a Chippendale carved and gilt frame of foliate scroll design. Size, 18 x 26 inches STUART STUMPWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1680 “The Judgment of Solomon.” Pool in foreground with rocks and fish, lion and lioness at each bottom corner, buildings to right above, insects, flowers, birds, etc. Initialled “M. H.” From the Collection of Sir Edward Hopkinson Holden, Bart., 1920. Size, 1214 x 1714 inches 206 EXTREMELY FINE CHARLES II NEEDLEWORK PANEL [NUMBER 450] 450 FINE STUART NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 In petit-point, long and short stitch, and appliqué for the flesh. Representing King David at Bathsheba. In the middle Bathsheba is shown in her bath, the water of which flows from the heads of animals, and is emptied through a mask, forming a stream from which a lion drinks. On the left is King David’s palace, with the King in red robes, with crown and sceptre, appearing on the top, beneath which a page in yellow stands by a vine, with staff or spear, and sword, accompanied by a hound. On the right, a stag is pursued by deerhounds. Nearer the centre are swine. The background is composed of mounds, with oak and other trees, and in the hollows are many flowers, including crown-imperial, cornflower and rose. In the deep blue sky are clouds rendered in the Chinese manner. Height, 1734, inches; width, 5 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 207 451 STUART STUMPWORK SATCHEL COVER _ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 Representing “The Fall of Man”. The borders with animals, birds, etc., and knots of ribbon. Size, 9x 13 inches 452 QUEEN ANNE PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 “The Finding of Moses.” The background with buildings and pear trees, within a gold-threaded border. Size, 10x 1514, inches 453 STUART SILKWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1680 A man drinking from a ewer held by a woman, a fountain and well at their side; another man and woman in costumes of the period to the right; castle above, and camel and tent on the edge. Size, 734, x 1214 inches 454 STUART STUMPWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 “The Fall of Man.” Border of flowers and six-pointed rosettes. Size, 10x 13 inches 455 STUART SILKWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 “The Flight of Lot and his Family.” With city in the distance, and two angels behind. Border of flowers, animals, birds, ete. Size, 1014 x 1214 inches 208 IMPORTANT PAIR OF EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IVORY SALTCELLARS BY FIAMMINGO [NUMBER 456] 456 PAIR OF EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IVORY SALT- | CELLARS BY FIAMMINGO ITALIAN SCHOOL, CIRCA 1630 Formed as shallow bowls, one supported by figures of children and Cupid, with emblems of Mars and Juno, and the other by three children with attributes of Earth, Air and Water at their feet. (2) From the Field Collection. Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857. South Kensington Exhibition, 1862. Engraved in De La Motte’s “Choice Examples of Workmanship”. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 209 GEORGE I WALNUT ARMCHAIR [NUMBER 457] 457 GEORGE I WALNUT ARMCHAIR OF LARGE SIZE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1720 With carved, vase-shaped central splat, shaped arms terminating in eagle-heads, cabriole legs curiously carved with large “C” scrolls on knees, and ball-and-claw feet. Seat covered in red damask. Height, 41 inches; width across front of seat, 29 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 210 458 459 460 461 462 463 GEORGE III MAHOGANY INLAID WASHSTAND-DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Lifting top with partitions under, and openings for basin and dishes. Originally had a hinged mirror under the top, which is now missing. Two drawers below, with brass ring handles. Four tapered legs with castors. Height, 3014 inches; width, 39 inches; depth, 20 inches OBLONG SATINWOOD TABLE ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY Octagonal top; tapered legs with cross-stretcher and shelf. Height, 30 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 15 inches EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FINELY CARVED AND GILT MIRROR NORTH ITALIAN, CIRCA 1750 Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, Savile Row, London, November, 1920 Total height, 34 inches; width, 13 inches Companion to the following mirror, with which it forms a pair. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FINELY CARVED AND GILT MIRROR NORTH ITALIAN, CIRCA 1750 Companion to the preceding. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, Savile Row, London, November, 1920. GEORGE III SATINWOOD UPRIGHT INLAID SECRETAIRE- CABINET WITH PANELS OF WEDGWOOD PLAQUES . ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Inlaid with marqueterie banded with sycamore and enriched with panels of Wedgwood plaques. Falling hinged front on brass stays; drawers and partitions behind; two doors below. On tapered feet. Height, 59 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 17 inches Similar to the following, but of slightly different size. GEORGE III SATINWOOD UPRIGHT INLAID SECRETAIRE- CABINET ENRICHED WITH WEDGWOOD PLAQUES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Almost a pair with the preceding, but of slightly different size. Height, 59 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 17 inches 211 464 LION MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Open-arm bergere type; mahogany frame; cabriole legs carved with lion-masks and paws; the arms enriched with a series of cabochons. Seat and back covered in red silk velvet, trimmed with ruching and braid. Height, 381% inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] En suite with the following settee and armchairs. 465 LION MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 En suite with the preceding settee, and with the following armchairs. Height, 381% inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 466 LION MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Ein suite with the preceding settees, and the following armchair. Height, 38 inches; width, 27 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 467 LION MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Kin suite with the preceding armchair and settees. Height, 38 inches; width, 27 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 212 PORTION OF A GEORGE II SUITE OF TWO SETTEES AND TWO ARMCHAIRS WITH MAHOGANY FRAMES [NUMBERS 464-467 ] 468 GEORGE III SECRETAIRE CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785. Draw-out and fall-front writing drawer, with two long and six short drawers; one central cupboard with drawer behind; four pigeonholes with arched aprons behind fall; brass ring handles. On shaped feet. The whole veneered with bleached mahogany, inlaid with cross- banded stringing of holly. Height, 41 inches; width, 38 inches; depth, 20 inches 469 MARQUETERIE ORMOLU-MOUNTED COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Banded with walnut and rosewood, and inlaid with marqueterie of various woods. Serpentine bombé front and ends; moulded and cross-banded edge to top; ormolu mounts on corners and feet in the French manner. Two doors with brass astragal; two shelves behind; plate-glass top. From Fawsley Park, Northamptonshire, England. Height, 34 inches; width, 49 inches; depth, 23 inches 470 FINE QUEEN ANNE LACQUER CABINET _ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 With two doors enclosing ten small drawers. Carved and gilt scroll pediment; on chest stand containing three long and two short drawers; large ball feet. The whole decorated with Chinese scenes in gold on a ground of tortoise-shell lacquer. Of important quality. Total height, 7 feet; width, 38 inches; depth, 20 inches 214 PAIR OF EXTREMELY FINE ADAM URNS AND PEDESTALS [NUMBER 471] 471 PAIR OF ADAM SIDEBOARD PEDESTALS AND URNS DESIGNED BY ROBERT ADAM ENGLISH, CIRCA 1765 Painted green and parcel gilt. The pedestals with circular panels with classical subjects, water-leaf friezes and rams’ heads on corners. (2)»: | The original sketch is in the Soane Museum, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. Total height, 59 inches; size of pedestal tops, 16 inches square [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 215 472 PAIR OF EARLY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY HALL CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Spoon backs, pierced and ornamented with lion-masks and festoons of drapery. Cabriole legs and turned stretcher rails. (2) From the Collection of Sir George Donaldson, Hove, Sussex, England. 473 PAIR OF FRENCH CURTAINS OF CUT VELVET SECOND HALF OF 17TH CENTURY In amber and gold, with large conventional flowers and leaves of elaborate design; mountings in metal threads, bosses and ropes, tassels and fringes. (2) Height, 14 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches 474 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 With interlaced back splat; shaped arms, terminating in scrolled eagle-heads; cabriole legs, with oak and acorn decoration on knees and scrolled feet. Drop-in seat, covered in maroon morocco. From Wardour Castle, Wiltshire, England. Height, 38 inches; width across front of seat, 26 inches 216 475 476 477 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY COFFER IN GILT GESSO [NUMBER 475] EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GILT GESSO COFFER PROBABLY NORTH ITALIAN, CIRCA 1730 Concave frieze and deep convex apron; cabriole legs, carved on the corners with projecting female heads; claw-and-ball feet. Interior lined with crimson plush. Height, 291% inches; size of top, 87x21 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GEORGE III SMALL OBLONG WALNUT INLAID TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY With drawer. Inlaid with marqueterie. Tapered legs, with stretcher and shelf. Height, 2814 inches; size of top, 19x 12 inches QUEEN ANNE MIRROR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 In half-round section frame, veneered with tortoise-shell; bevelled glass; shaped top. Height, 241% inches; width, 131% inches 217 478 EARLY GEORGE III DWARF CORNER CABINET INLAID WITH ‘MARQUETERIE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Plane-tree, banded with holly, tulipwood and rosewood. The ends scribed to fit a surbase, dado and skirting. A door of serpentine form, with oval panel of rosewood in which are inlaid classical figures. Top inlaid with marqueterie of leaves and patere, edged with gadroon of chased and gilt brass. From the Collection of the Right Hon. the Earl of Home. Height, 34 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 25 inches Companion to the following dwarf cabinet. The Earl of Home, of Culzean Castle, was a patron of Robert Adam, and it is possible that these cabinets may have been designed by the “Adelphi” and made by Thomas Chippendale, who was working for the brothers Adam in this inlaid manner about this period. There are several similar designs in the albums of the Adam Designs in the Soane Museum, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 479 EARLY GEORGE III DWARF CORNER CABINET INLAID WITH MARQUETERIE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Companion to the preceding. From the Collection of the Right Hon. the Earl of Home. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 218 ONE OF A PAIR OF IMPORTANT MARQUETERIE CORNER CABINETS [NUMBERS 478 AND 479] FINE CHARLES I NEEDLEWORK PANEL [NUMBER 480] 480 STUART STUMPWORK AND EMBROIDERY PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1630 In openwork, chain-stitch, petit-point, long and short stitch and knots, on cream satin ground. In the middle appear two figures— Time, with hour-glass and scythe, and Justice—a lady holding scales and a sword. Above each is a castle in relief, with lawns of knotted silks, and a rayed sun: an apple tree with fruit in very high relief, the leaves being worked separately and slightly attached, is placed between. In the lower part is a fish pond with fish and rocky back- ground, flanked by a lion on the left and a stag on the right. Sprays of conventional flowers occupy the corners. Birds on stumps of apple and oak trees, a flowering plant, butterflies, snails, caterpillars, beetles, roses, carnations and other flowers are worked over the ground. Height, 1614 inches; width, 2114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 220 481 482 483 484 485 486 A487 STUART SILKWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 Landscape with an equestrian lady and attendant, and two cavaliers; tents in background; lower border with flowers, squirrel and bird. Size, 644 x 1014, inches STUART NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 With female figures of Justice and Peace, within a border of flower- ing trees and animals. Size, 1114 x 1514 inches STUART STUMPWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 Cavalier and two ladies with attendant, and camels, in the centre; pool below, with lion and leopard on either side. Size, 1114 x 1434 wnches STUART NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 With six figures, one on a goat, and flowers, etc., on a drab ground. Size, 12 x 1514 inches STUART SILKWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 The centre with Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria, with a dog; above are two buildings, and at each corner at the base are a lion and a pool with mermaid. The sides with floral emblems in petit- point, also initials “B. M. C.” Tortoise-shell frame. Size, 12 x 1214 inches QUEEN ANNE PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 In the centre a lady standing, with sun shining down; large formal flowers at each side. Size, 1114 x 1234 inches BEAUVAIS TAPESTRY WOVEN WITH A PANEL CIRCA 1730 Landscape with shepherd and flock of sheep. Size, 35 x 54 inches 221 488 LATE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1690 Having a central basket of tulips, anemones, hyacinths, campanulas and other flowers, flanked by wreaths of poppy, carnation, peony, honeysuckle, larkspur, jonquil, guelder rose, etc., above which are shells with blue pendent ornaments and leafy back, and branches of conventional foliage in pink and crimson on yellow ground. In the angles of the border are anthemion ornaments and scrolls, and round the inner margin a brown rod entwined with a ribbon and supporting foliate scrolls and leaves, which form panels enclosing poppy, marigold, anemone, sunflower, carnation and other flowers, on a cream ground. Height, 29 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches Companion to the following tapestry panel. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 489 LATE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1690 | Companion to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 222. ONE OF A PAIR OF EXQUISITE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH TAPESTRY PANELS [NUMBERS 488 AND 489] 490 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EMBROIDERED SILK PANEL : ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 White silk, finely embroidered with a balanced design in gold thread, brightened with flowers in natural colors. Formerly the property of a lady in Cornwall. Size, 20x 181% inches 491 SET OF EIGHT GEORGIAN CREAM SATIN PAINTED CHAIR COVERS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Painted with amorini, Pan teaching Cupid the pipes, and Terpsi- chore, en grisaille, within puce-bordered medallion surmounted by lovers’ knots and with sheaths of laurel foliage below, and outer borders of puce, with miniature heart-shaped medallions. (8) 492 PAIR OF CHINESE CRIMSON SILK CURTAINS CIRCA 1800 Embroidered with pagodas, clouds, balustrades, figures, etc., and lined with green silk. (2) Size, 10 feet x 8 feet 224 AN EXTREMELY FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL [NUMBER 493] 493 PANEL OF FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY CIRCA 1770 Pale yellow damassé ground, on which are two upright oval me- dallions, the one on the left woven with a maiden spinning, who wears a white coiffure, golden-colored apron, and erimson and buff gown, and is conversing with a bagpiper dressed in purple coat, crimson and white sash and buff hat, in a background of landscape and sky. The medallion to the right shows the game of Blindman’s Buff played by a beau and belle clad in a bluish-white dress over a pink petticoat—in a background of landscape. The medallions are framed in laurel and acanthus leaves, simulating carved and gilded wood. Over the top is a lover’s knot from which come wreaths of red and white roses, blue campanulas and other flowers. From the sides of the medallions baskets of flowers are hung. In the centre of the composition, hanging by a blue ribbon tied in a lover’s knot, a trophy composed of birds billing, scythes, a reaping hook, rake, hoe, spade, basket, watering pot, bunches of grapes, red and blue and other flowers, is woven. These are enclosed by eight festoons of various flowers in the upper part of the panel, in the lower by sprays of chrysanthemums, roses, honeysuckle and other flowers. A narrow band of floral decorations intertwining with undulating blue ribbon frames the panel. From the Collection of Sir Anthony Rothschild, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, 1922. Height, 8 feet; width, 12 feet 3 inches 225 494. PANEL OF FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY CIRCA 1770 Yellow damassé ground with upright oval medallions framed in mouldings of leaf, balls and ovals, in simulated carving and gilding, that on the left representing a lady in brown hat with crimson feather, crimson and yellow bodice, yellow girdle, white apron and blue petticoat with hanging waterbottle, holding a flageolet in one hand and carrying a violin (?) in the other, followed by a child in crimson and buff dress, white stockings and blue shoes with crimson bows, carrying a violin and accompanied by a dog. The medallion on the right shows a sportsman carrying a gun and a hare on his right shoulder, followed by a dog and preceded by an attendant, in crimson and blue breeches, carrying waterfowl on the left, in a landscape. | In the centre is a trophy of a hunting horn, javelin, quiver, sporting gun, net, battle axe and branches of oak. The panel is framed in a shaped border of slightly darker tint, marked by stems, leaves, foliated scrolls, shells and cartouches, from which, at the top, three rich festoons and pendants of flowers, and ribbons, are hung, while the sides and base are wreathed with gar- lands. Blue ribbons with white transverse bands, central and out- lining bands of crimson and decorated with lace-like blue spots beyond the outline, are tied in true lovers’ knots in the lower part of the medallion frames and serve for the suspension of wreaths. From the Collection of Sir Anthony Rothschild, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, 1922. Height, 8 feet; width, 11 feet 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 226 AN EXTREMELY FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL [NUMBER 494] 495 PANEL OF FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY CIRCA 1770 In similar framing to the preceding; containing a central trophy of a basket of grapes, apples, pears and other fruits and flowers resting on a bagpipe. The medallion on the left is woven with the subject of two fishermen drawing a net, while a lady in blue bodice and yellow gown shaded with red sits on a bank in the attitude of listen- ing: that on the right shows a somnolent lady in dress of gold color and blue sash, a reaping hook and wheatsheaf at her feet, her arm resting on a sheaf while a boy on the left is tickling her with a straw. In landscape background with curved pedestal on the left. From the Collection of Sir Anthony Rothschild, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, 1922. Height, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 12 feet 1 inch [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 228 7 AN EXTREMELY FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL [NUMBER 495] AN EXTREMELY FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL [NUMBER 496] 496 PANEL OF FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY CIRCA 1770 In similar framing to the preceding, the central trophy being com- posed of a ladder, watering pot, scythe, fork, topiary tree, bell glass, grapes and other fruits, vegetables and flowers. The left medallion represents a youth in crimson coat and yellow breeches proposing to a lady wearing a dress of golden hue, with a vine trellis, foliage and tree trunk in the background. The medallion opposite shows a gentleman dressed in red, blue and white toasting the health of a lady in gold-colored dress. She holds a wine flagon and at her feet is a basket with a bunch of grapes and a cloth. From the Collection of Sir Anthony Rothschild, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, 1922. Height, 8 feet; width, 12 feet 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] , 230 Fra ay WwW THE HILL VIEW OF THE DRAWING ROOM WITH THE PIANO PRESENTED TO THE QUEEN OF SPAIN BY DON MANUEL DE GODOY SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH, AT TWO-THIRTY 497 498 499 500 FIFTH SESSION NUMBERS 467-625 GEORGE III SILVER-HANDLED TEA CADDY ? ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With three boxes inside with sliding lids. Veneered with chestnut, banded with tulipwood and inlaid with oyster-pieces. Silver handle and ball-and-claw feet. Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches; depth, 514 inches GEORGE I SMALL DECORATED LACQUER BOX ENGLISH, CIRCA 1720 With concave-moulded lid. Decorated with Chinese scenes on a ground of cream lacquer. Brass feet, and lion-head ring handles at sides. Height, 534, inches; width, 10 inches; depth, 734, inches QUEEN ANNE DECORATED MIRROR Sem NGLISH, CIRCA L710 With convex frame; decorated with Chinese scenes on a ground of black lacquer. Size of glass, 19 x 15 inches CARVED MAHOGANY TRIPOD TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 With gadroon border and carved and pierced gallery. Carved central pillar and tripod, with ball-and-claw feet. Height, 30 inches; diameter of top, 33 inches 233 eoererr ga rrassrarepecqecraess etett Ate SO eeeets: % * Hs Ff. tes 4+ a tS ie ee) * or d/ i ~ MKS P ‘ segak pene = ye Py f IP. RT TSC ae > atom” HL Fe wey ¢, pigeon . Me: ey £7 } w ¢ ea ¥ ee, fe ae %, Ma. PP ae 3 * Bk we & : 2 ox A re ONE OF A PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY AND PARCEL-GILT ARMCHAIRS [NUMBERS 501 AND 502] 501 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1765 In his French manner. Open-arm bergére type; cabriole legs with castors; all parcel gilt. Upholstered in red Utrecht velvet finished with close brass nails. From the Sale of the late Earl of Carnarvon. Height, 38 inches; width across seat, 28 inches; depth, 24 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] Companion to the following armchair, with which it forms a pair. 502 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 1765 Companion to the preceding. From the Sale of the late Earl of Carnarvon. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 234 503 GEORGE II MAHOGANY WALL SEAT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1735 Front legs carved with lion-masks and paw feet; back legs square. Seat covered in green and cream Genoese velvet. Height, 19 inches; width, 7 feet; depth, 15 inches Companion to the following, with which it forms a pair. 504 GEORGE II MAHOGANY WALL SEAT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1735 Companion to the preceding, with which it forms a pair. 505 LIME-TREE PIER TABLE PROBABLY CONTINENTAL, MID-18TH CENTURY The support carved as figure of an infant satyr; on a base carved with various flowers. Green and white marble shaped top. Height, 37 inches; size of top, 2814 x 1614 inches 506 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 In the style of William Kent, and probably from his design. Grained light oak color. Deep apron under top; massive scrolled legs with paw feet. Wood top painted in imitation of Connemara marble. From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Height, 39 inches; width, 65 inches; depth, 29 inches 235 FINE SHERATON SATINWOOD INLAID COMMODE [NUMBER 507] 507 FINE SHERATON INLAID SEGMENTAL COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Veneered with satinwood banded with kingwood, and inlaid with marqueterie of rosettes, garlands and scrolls in various woods. The top is inlaid to correspond. Drawer in frieze with door below, behind which is a separate compartment enclosed by a pair of small doors. Height, 331% inches; width, 46 inches; depth, 18 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 236 508 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SATINWOOD COMMODE-CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 With straight front and concave ends. Satinwood inlaid with panels of plane-tree and marqueterie of vases and conventional ornament. Three drawers in frieze, with chased brass handles; two doors below. Height, 36 inches; width, 47 inches; depth, 2014 inches 509 EARLY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY DOUBLE-CHAIR-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 With broad central splats; shaped arms finishing in bold grotesque masks; cabriole legs, leaf-carved on knees and finishing with club feet, originally castored, but castors now missing. Drop-in seat covered in green and gold Genoese velvet. (Restored) Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Cen- tury”, Vol. II, Fig. 53. Also in Macquoid, “History of Furniture’, Vol. II, Fig. 53. Total height, 4114 inches; width across seat rail, 53 inches 237 EXTREMELY FINE EARLY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE [NUMBER 510] 510 VERY EXCEPTIONAL MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE : ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 With top of the same wood. Finest quality and style. Boldly carved frieze with central pierced and scroll-carved apron; square-section cabriole legs, with moulded collar, finishing in bold paw feet, scrolled and carved at the junctions with the framing. From Wardour Castle, Wiltshire, England. A similar table, but not so fine in design or execution, is at Blenheim Palace. Height, 34 inches; width, 63 inches; depth, 29 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 238 i $y sit cag oo BEE 8 ee % : a EXCEPTIONALLY FINE PANEL OF STUART NEEDLEWORK 511 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1690 In two degrees of fineness, illustrating the rural occupations of the months, on a blue ground with descriptive labels. In the left lower corner, reading to the right and upwards: January, an old man seated in front of a pot of fire with a lion to the right; February, a wood- cutter by a tree in which sit birds of brilliant plumage, with a cater- pillar crawling up the trunk; March, the sower; April, a milkmaid with dog returning from cows in a flowery meadow; May, a lady bearing a carnation, tulip and rose, walking in a field; June, a shepherd shearing sheep by a cottage and oak tree; July, haymakers with fork and rake, a hare with distant haycocks and a cottage; August, a reaper sharpening a scythe beside a tree; October, a woman gathering apples, and a distant windmill; November, a spinner, a spray of vine, a mansion, tree and stag; December, a man with flail threshing corn, a tree and chequer board. Height, 19 inches; width, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 239 512 513 514 515 516 517 STUART SILKWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 With a variety of subjects and initials, including a playing fountain, buildings, trees, insects and floral emblems. The initials are “I. L.”, “L. E.”, “M. 1.”, @D. 0... “jee “M. D.”, “A. N.”, “M. B.” Probably these were respectively worked in by the girl friends of the young lady who originally owned the panel. Size, 1114 x 13 inches OLD GEORGIAN SILKWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A girl in white dress is teaching a dog to beg; a tree with foliage overhanging, and to the right a temple. From the Collection of Colonel H. H. Mulliner. Size, 141% x 11 inches STUART SILKWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1630 “Peter denying Christ.” In an oval raised framing with fleur-de-lys terminals, the borders embroidered in floral sprays. From the Collection of Sir Edward Hopkinson Holden, Bart. Size, 1234, x 1914 inches SHAPED NEEDLEWORK CUSHION ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 Trellis design. Cream ground, with crimson borders. Size, 19 x 18 inches Kn suite with the following cushions (Numbers 516 and 517). SHAPED NEEDLEWORK CUSHION ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 Ein suite with the preceding and following cushions. SHAPED NEEDLEWORK CUSHION ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 En suite with the preceding. 240 PAIR OF ADAM SILVER CANDLESTICKS AND FINE ENGLISH SILVER COMPOTIER [NUMBERS 518 AND 519] 0918 PAIR OF ADAM SILVER CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 1775 With vase-shaped tops, embossed with rams’ heads and festoons; Square stems and bases. Year mark, 1775. (2) Height, 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 519 FINE ENGLISH SILVER COMPOTIER Designed with classical figures at a forge; laurel-festooned border; supported by a lightly draped female figure; the circular moulded base decorated with three winged cherub-heads. Chester mark. Height, 101% inches. Weight, 30 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 241 520 521 522 523 PAIR OF FINE GEORGIAN SAUCE TUREENS AND A FINE CRUET [NUMBERS 520 AND 521] PAIR OF GEORGIAN SILVER SAUCER TUREENS AND COVERS _ ENGLISH, 1798 Oblong, with gadroon and scroll border. On four claw feet. A fine pair. Year mark, 1798. (4) Weight, 64 ounces 4 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT GEORGIAN SILVER CRUET ENGLISH, 1802 Oval shape, gadroon edge, with two vase-shaped silver mustard pots — and covers, four cut-glass bottles with silver tops, and two oil and vinegar bottles with silver tops and handles. Year mark, 1802. Width, 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CHASED GEORGIAN SILVER SALVER ENGLISH, 1798 Circular, shaped edge, with scroll and floral border; shell feet. Year mark, 1798. Diameter, 11 inches. Weight, 26 ounces 11 dwts. PAIR OF IRISH SILVER SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS DUBLIN, 1778 Urn shape, with fluted mouldings round the base. On square foot. Year mark, 1778. (4) Weight, 44 ounces 16 dwts. 242 524 525 526 SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BRONZE INKSTAND AND COVER [NUMBER 524] SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BRONZE INKSTAND AND COVER VENETIAN, SCHOOL OF SANSOVINO, CIRCA 1570 Circular body, supported by three figures of harpies; the cover chased with acanthus leaves and surmounted by a figure of cupid. (2) Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HEAD OF LAUGHING CHILD IN WHITE MARBLE FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Height, 1414 inches HEAD OF CHILD IN WHITE MARBLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 i Height, 141% inches BRONZE FIGURE OF VENUS ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Height, 734, inches 243° 528 SQUARE LACQUER CABINET ON CARVED SILVERED STAND 529 530 d31 Decoration of Japanese scenes in gold and gesso on a ground of black lacquer. Two doors, enclosing ten drawers; engraved and gilt brass clamps, lock-plates and hinges. On carved and silvered stand, with heavy scrolled legs and amorini in centre. The cabinet Japanese, circa 1720. The stand English, circa 1670. Total height, 62 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 20 inches “FINELY CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 Frieze carved with central shell; deep apron with palmette; cabriole legs with scrolled feet. All very finely carved. Marble top. Height, 33 inches; width, 44 inches; depth, 26 inches EIGHT-DAY LONG-CASE LACQUER STRIKING CLOCK BY E. SPEAKMAN, LONDON ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Arch dial, with strike-silent pointer in arch; seconds dial above hands, and day-of-month below. Case decorated with Chinese scenes in gold on a ground of green lacquer. Height, 9 feet 5 inches; size of dial, 1615 x 12 inches EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED WOOD AND GILT SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 On scrolled cabriole legs, with female masks at tops; centre with bearded head of man; scrolled apron with pendent festoons of flowers; marble top. Height, 3834, inches; width, 6 feet; depth, 31 inches 244 ONE OF A PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CHAIRS [NUMBER 532] 5382 PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Interlaced splats; carved backs; cabriole legs, with leaf-carving on knees and ball-and-claw feet; drop-in-seats, covered in old leather. Small gadroon moulding under seat rail. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 245 FINE GRINLING GIBBONS MIRROR [NUMBER 533] 5383 QUEEN ANNE CARVED OVAL LIME-TREE MIRROR FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1705 Elaborately carved in the style of Grinling Gibbons, and probably from his hand. From Cassiobury Park, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, the seat of the Earl of Essex. Similar examples exist at Belton and Petworth. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 246 534 535 036 537 GEORGE I CONSOLE MIRROR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1720 Massive frame, carved with birds and foliage; painted brown (originally gilt). Bevelled glass in two sections, with blue glass border and appliques of gilt and engraved glass. Formerly in the possession of the Earl of Lytton at Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England. Height of glass, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 30 inches (extreme sizes) SHERATON SATINWOOD CHEVAL SCREEN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With oval frame, serpentine at top and bottom, rising in grooves with tasselled counterweight of lead. Brass pine-cone finials. Panels of old silk embroidery, glazed. Height, 37 inches; width, 18 inches Companion to the following screen, with which it forms a pair. SHERATON SATINWOOD CHEVAL SCREEN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Companion to the preceding. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TORTOISE-SHELL TEA CADDY FITTED WITH SILVER BOXES ENGLISH. 1763 With silver angle-pieces and scroll feet. Inside are three ogival embossed silver boxes for tea and sugar, with loose lids and two caddy spoons to match. All en suite. London Hall Mark of 1765. Height, 9 inches; width, 10 inches; depth, 514 inches 247 TWO FINE SATINWOOD INLAID URNS - [NUMBER 538] 588 TWO SATINWOOD INLAID URNS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 One fitted as a filter, with chased brass tap; the other as a spoon and fork case. (2) Height, 2614 inches; diameter, 1014 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 248 539 ADAM-PERGOLESI PAINTED SEMICIRCULAR SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 On turned and tapered legs; carved mouldings enriched with carton- pierre; all painted with sprays and garlands of flowers in colors on a green ground. Top with cream centre; panel of fan decoration at back and floral border on a green band; plate-glass top. Height, 39 inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 20 inches Companion to the following table, with which it forms a pair. 540 ADAM-PERGOLESI PAINTED SEMICIRCULAR SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Companion to the preceding. 541 LION-MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 High upholstered back; arms finishing in lion-heads; cabriole legs with lion-masks on knees, and paw feet. Covered in green and cream Genoese velvet. Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century”, Vol. II, Fig. 55. Also in Macquoid, “History of Furniture’, Vol. II, Fig. 63. Height, 40 inches; width across front of seat, 63 inches; depth, 2234, inches Companion to the following settee, with which it forms a pair. 542 LION-MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Companion to the preceding. 249 EARLY GEORGIAN CARVED AND GILT ARMCHAIR COVERED IN PETIT-POINT NEEDLEWORK [NUMBER 543] 543 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED AND GILT BEECH ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 High stuffed back; shaped and carved arms, terminating in lion- heads; cabriole legs with lion-mask on knees, and paw feet at back and ball-and-claw on front. Covered in petit-point needlework, — finished with flat braid. Height, 41 inches; width, 26 inches; depth, 23 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 250 \44 INLAID DRESSING-TABLE MIRROR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY 545 546 The frame inlaid in tortoise-shell (Boulle), with brass inner moulding, and shaped top and sides; hinged strut at back. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches SHERATON TAMBOUR DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Of rosewood, satinwood and tulipwood. Pull-over moulded tambour, below which is an adjustable mirror and eight boxes with lids and other compartments; two drawers under; square tapered legs with castors; engraved brass knobs. Height, 3534, inches; width, 33 inches; depth, 23 inches CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TRIPLE-CHAIR-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 In his early Gothic manner. Carved and latticed splats; shaped arms; cabriole legs, with ball-and-claw feet. Drop-in seat, covered in crimson jaspé velvet. Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century’, Vol. II, Fig. 195. Height, 37 inches; width across front of seat, 6 feet; depth, 2214 inches 251 VERY IMPORTANT SPANISH NEEDLEWORK PANEL [NUMBER 547] 547 EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH NEEDLEWORK PANEL | CIRCA 1610 In silk and gold thread, in long and short, purl, plate and crinkled plate, couching and basket stitches, arranged in an arcade of three arches. Under the central arch are a grandee and lady hand-in-hand, in the rich costumes of the period, in a landscape showing soldiers, a castle on the right, and tents on the left, the foreground being in gold with powdering’ of small plants: the whole executed with minia- ture-like fineness. The smaller arches enclose a dolphin fountain in gold work, and a closed pavilion in blue and gold. Above the central arch is a baldequin ornament, with festooned curtains in gold. The smaller arches are gadrooned, and above them are military and fruit and flower trophies on a spangled ground. Under the arcade is a series of conventional flowers in gold divided by columns. The whole is framed in a border of foliated scrolls and conventional ornament in gold. Height, 161% inches; width, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 252 548 549 550 551 552 STUART NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 Charles I is seen seated under a canopy with Queen Henrietta Maria, attended by Court ladies to the right, a boy in their rear, castles above, and a pool in the centre at the base, with a lion and leopard at each corner, squirrels, birds and floral emblems interspersed. Size, 1634, x 2034, wnches CHARLES II STUMPWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1680 With petit-point and silk stitchery. King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, the King under a canopy, a pikeman to the left, and the Queen with attendants approaching; and a frieze of four figures, “The Judgment of Paris”, with Juno as a queen, Pallas with shield, and Venus receiving the apple from Paris. Size, 1734, x 16 inches CHARLES II PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1680 “David slaying Goliath.” A lion and leopard in the lower corners. Size, 1014 x 181% inches CHARLES I PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1630 A river scene, numerous figures, chateaux and trees. Size, 7 x 1014 inches QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 Landscape, with shepherd, huntsman and a dog, with trees in back- ground. ‘Tortoise-shell frame. Size, 10 x 11 inches 253 D038 5d4 THREE FINE EARLY GEORGIAN SILVER TEA URNS [NUMBERS 553-555] EARLY GEORGE III SILVER TEA URN ENGLISH, 1764 Vase shape, decorated with spiral flutes; with domed cover and flambeau knob; beaded handles and tap. On socle stand, with square base and claw-and-ball feet. Year mark, 1764. Gross weight, 93 ounces 6 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] EARLY GEORGE III SILVER TEA URN ENGLISH, 1771 Vase shape with scroll handles, laurel festoons, looped up with bows of ribbon; lion-mask spout; square base on four paw and ball feet. Maker’s mark, LC/GC. Year mark, 1771. Height, 1914 inches. Weight, 108 ounces 16 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] EARLY GEORGE III SCOTTISH SILVER TEA TURN EDINBURGH, 1772 Embossed in spiral fluted design, with sprays of oak leaves and acorns; the cover with pineapple knob; pierced square base, on claw- gia tel feet. Maker’s mark, W.D. Year mark, 1772. . - Height, 20 inches. Weight, 82 ounces 16 dwts,. : [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 254 - 556 ADAM SILVER CAKE BASKET ENGLISH, 1784 With pierced border and four medallions of classic female figures; hinged handle. Year mark, 1784. Weight, 42 ounces 12 dwts. 557 SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL TEA TRAY With pierced rim and plain handles. On four claw feet. Width, 30 inches 558 BRONZE MODEL OF A HORSE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On black wood base. Height, 14 inches 559 FINELY MODELLED BRONZE HORSE BY BARYE FRENCH, MID-19TH CENTURY 560 PAPER MODEL OF THE EAST FRONT OF EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY DESIGNED BY THE BROTHERS ADAM 1784 Inscription on case: “Model of the East Front of the Edinburgh University designed by the brothers Adam architects.” 561 PAIR OF FRENCH BRONZES River nymphs in reclining position, with draperies about their knees, leaning on vases. (2) Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches 255 562 Ses ONE OF A SET OF FOUR WATERFORD CANDELABRA PAIR OF WATERFORD CUT-GLASS THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA Formed as foliated branches with festoons of prisms which depend from a star-crested dome. ( Defective) (2) Height, 33 inches Companions to the following pair. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 563 PAIR OF WATERFORD CUT-GLASS THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA Companions to the preceding. (Defective) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 256 EXTREMELY FINE CHIPPENDALE INLAID COMMODE SHOWING DETAIL OF TOP ra [NUMBER 564] i Fe i, 564 ELABORATELY INLAID PLANE-TREE COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA, 1765 This commode has every appearance of being the work of Thomas Chippendale at this period. It has serpentine bombé front and ends, of plane-tree with panels of figured walnut banded with rosewood, kingwood and zebra-wood, elaborately inlaid with marqueterie of various woods, garlands of flowers and trophies of musical instru- ments. Two doors with two shelves behind; gilt brass handles at ends; splayed feet, with ormolu “shoes” in the French manner. Finest quality. Height, 36 inches; width, 45 inches; depth, 24 inches 257 565 GEORGE III INLAID CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1795 Veneered with lace-wood and inlaid with marqueterie and stringing. Serpentine pediment with mahogany dentilled cornice; cabinet with two doors, latticed and glazed; cylinder-front, pull-out writing bed; six pigeonholes, two drawers and central cupboard behind; two drawers with brass handles below. Four tapered legs with mahog- any moulded toes. Total height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3214 inches; depth, 2014 inches 566 SATINWOOD INLAID AND PAINTED HANGING BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Inlaid with bandings of tulipwood and painted with musical trophies, ribbons and garlands of ivy. Four shelves, edged with brass mould- ings of twined ribbon pattern. Shaped pediment above, and vase- shaped and painted base below. Height, 57 inches; width, 41 inches; depth, 914 inches 567 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DECORATED UPRIGHT SECRETAIRE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Of satinwood, rosewood, hairwood and mahogany; fall front, behind which are four drawers with fronts veneered with chestnut, and partitions; drawer above, and two drawers beneath; brass ring handles with decorated centres. Drawer fronts inlaid with panels of Chinese scenes in gold on a ground of black lacquer, the central panel with marqueterie border of festooned cords, tassels and knots of ribbon. Tapered legs with brass ball finials, and brass rosettes above. Height, 53 inches; width, 26 inches; depth, 16 inches 258 _ ee i ray OCCASIONAL TABLE OF SOLID CARVED IVORY [NUMBER 568] 568 OVAL TABLE OF SOLID CARVED IVORY, FORMERLY OWNED BY WARREN HASTINGS 18TH CENTURY With one drawer with ivory front and sides. On four tapered legs with moulded toes; pierced fret brackets at junction of legs and frieze. All carved with intertwined sprays of leaves, etched with gold, the frieze centring in carved oval patera. Top with carved edge and lipping, framing a panel of silk and metal brocade. May have been carved in India by native workmen to English designs. Formerly the property of Warren Hastings (1732-1818), the famous first Governor-General of British India. Bought from Netherworton House, Oxfordshire, England. Height, 2834, inches; size of top, 3014 x 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 259 mats 7 S fe ee Se ie: fy: MESS AMES odd SUPERB INLAID CHIPPENDALE COMMODE, ORMOLU MOUNTED [NUMBER 569] 5069 REMARKABLY FINE SATINWOOD INLAID AND ORMOLU- MOUNTED COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1775 With bombé serpentine front and ends; the angles and splayed feet mounted with fine ormolu in the French manner; pierced ormolu band to top; brass handles at ends. Satinwood inlaid with panels, bands and marqueterie of various woods, all of the finest quality. Two doors with key borders and inlaid oval panels; one shelf behind. Plate-glass top. Finest possible quality throughout. Probably from Thomas Chippendale’s own workshops. From Lord Tweedmouth, Guisachan House, Scotland. From the Collection of Colonel H. H. Mulliner. lustrated in H. H. Mulliner, “The Decorative Arts in England”, Fig. 5a: Height, 37 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 26 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 260 570 571 572 573 O74 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY OBLONG PAINTED AND GILT TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 In the style of Angelica Kauffmann. On the top an oval, painted, Clorinda cutting the name ‘“‘Tancred” on the trunk of a tree. Plate- glasstop. Height, 2914 inches; width, 281% inches; depth, 20 inches PAIR OF MAHOGANY BRASS-MOUNTED PEDESTALS WITH CARVED AND GILT CANDELABRA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 In the style of Robert Adam. Triangular and concave in plan, on which are mounted carved and gilt four-light candelabra on tripod _ feet, with brass nozzles; all wired for electric light. (2) Height over all, 60 inches EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY WALNUT TWO-CHAIR BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Top rails of back carved with drapery and tassels; hooped back with broad central splat; shaped arms, finishing in lion-masks; cab- riole legs, shell-carved on knees, with paw feet. Seat covered in old red Genoese velvet; loose cover of green rep. Total height, 3914 inches; width across front of seat, 53 inches GEORGE III SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Enriched with carton-pierre ornament of rosetted scrolls, with cen- tral plaque; turned, tapered and fluted legs, with shaped stretcher and oval centre; all gilt. Satinwood top, with floral painted borders. Very similar to a pattern illustrated in Sheraton’s “Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Drawing Book” (see Appendix, Plate 4). Height, 31 inches; width, 43 inches; depth, 191% inches Companion to the following table, with which it forms a pair. GEORGE III SIDE TABLE | ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Companion to the preceding. 261 PAIR OF GEORGIAN CADDIES AND COVERS AND A SUGAR BOWL AND COVER [NUMBERS 575 AND 576] 575 PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER CADDIES AND COVERS ENGLISH, 1791 Urn shape, the body decorated in moulded spiral flutes; shaped and pierced scroll handles; the circular, moulded foot with scroll decora- tion. Maker, Chas. Eldridge, London, 1791. Finest quality. (4) Height, 814 inches. Weight, 27 ounces 2 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 576 EARLY GEORGE III SILVER SUGAR BASIN AND COVER ENGLISH, 1770 Ovoid body, decorated with swags of drapery, tied with cords and tassels; circular, domed and moulded cover, with acorn finial; cir- cular foot, decorated with leaves; mounted on square base. Year mark, 1770. (2) je ae Weight, 11 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 262 PAIR OF FINE SHEFFIELD PLATE TUREENS AND COVERS AND AN ADAM SILVER TEA CADDY AND COVER [NUMBERS 577 AND 578] 577 FINE PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE SAUCE TUREENS AND COVERS Oval shape, with gadroon and scroll border; shell handles; lion- mask and paw feet. (4) Width, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] | 578 ADAM SMALL SILVER TEA CADDY AND COVER ENGLISH, 1775 Amphora shape, on square foot. Chased with drapery festoons de- pending from medallions. Year mark, 1775. (2) Height, 7 inches. Weight, 12 ounces 15 dwts. » r [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 263 —_— 579 . THREE ELIZABETHAN NEEDLEWORK PANELS CIRCA 1580 Three panels of Elizabethan needlework in petit-point and various stitches, of the Creation of Eve, the Temptation, Fall and expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden, in borders composed’ of fruit, flowers and grain, with figures of boys hanging grapes at the angles or riding on beasts, with cornucopie and figures in fancy dress blow- ing horns; angels, pelican, eagles and other symbolic birds and animals, on a dark ground, worked in colored silks and with gold and silver thread. natal In the first panel, the Creator, wearing crown, red robe and drapery, is drawing Eve from Adam’s side. The second scene shows the temptation; the serpent, with winged human head, is in the Tree of Knowledge, while Eve is giving an apple to Adam. In the panel are a Swine, a man-headed animal, rabbits, and a unicorn. The sun appears in the left upper corner, the moon on the right. In the second panel Eve and Adam are plucking fig leaves from the tree. Near them are a cow, a stag, and birds. The second incident shows the Creator, in crown, halo and rich dress, walking in the garden, whom Adam supplicates. In the background are an evil spirit, a bird and the serpent. In the distance are trees, mountains and sky. The third panel shows the expulsion from Paradise, the angel ap- pearing in flame-colored clouds in a blue cloak, while the serpent makes off in the distance. Death, a skeleton, accompanies Adam and Eve. The last episode shows Adam sitting by a tree trunk, wiping the sweat from his brow, spade in hand, a dog lying in front, while Eve, to the left, is spinning. In the foreground is a garden with flowers, enclosed in a paling, upon which cocks are crowing, with a fruit tree behind. (3) From the Collection of the Earl of Kinnoull, Balhousie Castle, Perthshire, Scotland. Height, 1814 inches; width, 7 feet 3 inches Height, 19 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches Height, 181% inches; width, 6 feet 1114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS ] 264 | THREE ELIZABETHAN NEEDLEWORK PANELS OF EXTREME INTEREST [NUMBER 579] 580 581 583 STUART NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 In stumpwork and silk stitchery. A figure symbolizing Peace hold- ing the olive branch, and two birds, with sun rays above her head; floral emblems on each side, flowers, insects, etc., with a group of tall-spired buildings to right and left edges, and at the base a uni- corn and lion. Size, 13814 x 2034 inches STUART PETIT-POINT PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 “The Story of Jephtha.” Jephtha to the left, his daughter and attendant with harp and mandolin to the right; above a city is represented, with castle and tents; animals and a fish pool are also introduced. Signed “Mary Williamson’. Size, 934, x 1434, inches QUEEN ANNE SAMPLER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 The centre with the’Exodus in crimson silk print enclosed in two arcaded panels; in the left top corner the Lord’s Prayer, and to the right the Creed. At each side are archiepiscopal saints. Size, 19 x 2114 inches CHARLES I STUMPWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 “Rebecca and Eleazar.” Oval panel in centre with woman handing an urn to a traveller; in the background a fountain and a camel; large flowers in each corner, with unicorn to left and stag to right below. Size, 13 x 1714 inches 266 Orepntion lor yaguad PL 1Nt FORT, tude for the Primes Mniat bog’ SRN ty Wes Tinvubi-vod $70 i os ¥ noteiusrcal bisthets € fits Mazosby: oe : PP tipastedl Prasokothe 0 BROADWOOD GRAND PIANOFORTE MADE FOR DON MANUEL DE GODOY PRINCE OF THE PEACE IN 1796. DESIGNED BY THOMAS SHERATON [NUMBER 584] 584. SEVEN-OCTAVE GRAND PIANOFORTE BY JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS ENGLISH, 1796 Style of Sheraton, and designed by him. In satinwood case banded with mahogany; inset with Wedgwood medallions and an ormolu panel and with the Royal Arms of Spain. Made for Don Manuel de Godoy, Prince of the Peace, and presented by him to the Queen of Spain. Also a reproduction of the original drawing made at the time by Sheraton. A fragment of his signature can be seen in the photo- graph. From R. W. Hudson Esq., Stanhope House, Park Lane, London. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 267 585 STUART WALNUT CHAIR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1685 Tall back, with carved eagle on cresting rail and on front stretcher; spiral balusters; caned panel in centre of back splat, flanked by foliated scrolls; caned seat and carved seat framing. Flemish scrolled legs with female busts at top; spiral cross-railing between the legs. Loose cushion, covered in petit-point needlework. Height, 4714, inches; width across front of seat, 1914, inches 586 WALNUT AND MARQUETERIE ARMCHAIR DUTCH, CIRCA 1780 With central splat, and carved cabriole legs, terminating in ball- and-claw feet; inlaid with marqueterie. Loose seat and arm pads covered in old tooled leather. Height, 46 inches; width across seat, 23 inches 587 EIGHT-DAY, THREE-TRAIN STRIKING AND MUSICAL BRACKET CLOCK BY ISAAC ROGERS, LONDON ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Playing four tunes. Subsidiary dials for ‘‘strike-silent” and “change- tune” respectively. Engraved dial centre; Turkish numerals in hour-ring. Painted and decorated case with brass figure of Mercury on top, and cut-glass columns at sides. Brass handles, side frets and spires. Made for the Turkish market. Extreme height, 32 inches; size of dial, 7 x 10 inches 268 GEORGE I CARVED AND GILT MIRROR [NUMBER 588] 588 GEORGE I MIRROR IN CARVED AND GILT FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 In the style of James Gibbs. Scrolled pediment with central car- touche; triglyph frieze with female head in centre, flanked by scrolls; key-cornered frame, scrolled and shaped at bottom. Size of glass, 47 x 25 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 269 589 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARQUETERIE CABINET ON CARVED STAND ENGLISH: CABINET, CIRCA 1690: STAND, CIRCA 1670 Veneered with walnut and inlaid with scroll marqueterie, in panels, with sand-burnt laurelled borders. Two doors, behind which is a central cupboard with door (with nest of three drawers at back) and eleven drawers, all inlaid with the same scroll marqueterie. The stand is carved and finished in black and gold, with Royal Crown in centre, supported by amorini. The legs are shaped and boldly carved with female busts. The stand is of, the same nationality as the cabinet, but of earlier date. Total height, 63 inches; width, 43 inches; depth, 23 imches 090 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED WOOD AND GILT SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Pierced and carved apron with ram’s head in centre; heavy lion’s legs with paw feet; scrolled shells at tops of legs. Marble top. | Height, 321% inches; width, 68 inches; depth, 31 inches 091 PAIR OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CARVED AND GILT GIRANDOLES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1755 With three sconces and arms wired for electric light. Carved with birds, animals, stalactites and scrolled rococo ornaments in the “Director” style of Thomas Chippendale. (2) Kutreme height, 63 inches; extreme width, 31 inches 270 MAGNIFICENT FRENCH ORMOLU-MOUNTED RED LACQUER COMMODE [NUMBER 592] 592 FINE FRENCH LACQUER AND ORMOLU COMMODE FRENCH, CIRCA 1750 In the style of Oeben. Serpentine front and sides; two drawers with ormolu handles; all decorated with Chinese scenes in gold on a ground of crimson lacquer; ormolu mounts in the style of Caffieri and probably his work. Top of Brescia d’Aleppo marble. Finest quality. From the Sir Christopher Sykes Collection. Height, 331% inches; extreme width, 49 inches; depth, 23! inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 271 593 PAIR OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SQUARE TAPERED PINE o94 595 596 PEDESTALS ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD, CIRCA 1760 Prepared and finished in mahogany color, with patere and swag decorations in gilded carton-pierre. Tapered and fluted shafts and square moulded and enriched bases. Formerly fitted with metal candelabra. (2) Height, 59 inches EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MAHOGANY LONG STOOL OR WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Square legs at back; front legs carved with lion-masks on knees, and lion-paw feet. Covered in modern green and cream Genoese velvet. Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century”, Vol. II, Fig. 57. Height, 191% inches; length, 63 inches; depth, 141% inches Companion to the following, with which it forms a pair. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MAHOGANY LONG STOOL OR WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Companion to the preceding. CARVED AND GILT CONSOLE TABLE Moulded framing, carved with egg-and-tongue; two incurving legs with masks on corners; pierced and carved apron between, with dec- oration of shells and floral swags; back and gold base. Green marble top. | From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Illustrated in Country Life, June 14, 1919. Height, 3314 inches; width, 37 inches; depth, 19 inches 272 IMPORTANT SILVER CENTREPIECE OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP [NUMBER 597] 597 MAGNIFICENT SILVER CENTREPIECE Beautifully chased and decorated with a pierced scroll design and finely carved figures of nymphs, satyrs and amorini; on four scroll feet. Marks stamped on base of Zwickau, 17th century, and London Hall Mark, 1891. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 273 i 598 -IMPORTANT SET OF THREE GEORGE III SILVER TEA CADDIES IN SHARKSKIN CASE ENGLISH, 1760 Made by S. Herbert & Co., London, 1760. Inverted pear shape, finely chased with panels of flowers and cartouches divided by spiral . fluting. The covers with flower tops. Crested. In contemporary sharkskin covered casket with fine pierced silver mounts. (4) Height of tea caddies, 514 inches. Weight about 24 ounces 599 GEORGE II SILVER PITCHER ENGLISH, 1759 Made by William Cafe, London, 1759. Ovoid body, with short cyl- indrical neck and scrolled handle of handsome form. Chased with drapery festoons depending from ribbon ties, and partly fluted. Four marks on base. Height, T inches. Weight about 18 ounces A communion flagon by the same maker is at St. Micnael’s Church, Derby, England. 600 PAIR OF GEORGIAN COPPER OVOID URNS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 In the style of R. and J. Adam. Granulated to imitate shagreen; spring covers; brass ring handles with lion-masks and portrait me- dallions at sides. Fitted inside for knives, spoons and forks. (2) Height, 21 inches; diameter, 11 inches 274 601 602 603 THREE FINE SILVER GEORGIAN HOT-WATER JUGS [NUMBERS 601-603 ] GEORGE III SILVER HOT-WATER JUG ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Urn-shaped body, engraved with a coat-of-arms and a Viscount’s coronet. Shaped, hinged lid and ebony handle. On circular moulded foot. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GEORGE III SILVER HOT-WATER JUG ENGLISH, 1777 Vase shape, with hinged lid decorated with water-leaves and an acorn finial; double serpent handle. The body with Adam decora- tion of swags of drapery and water-leaves. Circular foot, with husk decoration on rim. Mounted on square base. Year mark, 1777. Height, 1234 inches. Weight, 32 ounces 3 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GEORGE II SILVER HOT-WATER JUG ENGLISH, 1736 Hinged lid, with pineapple finial; scroll handle, decorated with pearl ornament, covered with wicker; the body and neck with drapery caught up on patere, tied with looped cords and tassels; on circular foot. Maker’s mark, E. R. Year mark, 1736. Height, 12 inches. Gross weight, 30 ounces 13 dwts. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 275° 604 SET OF NINE WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT CHAIRS OF 605 606 607 RARE FORM AND OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1695 Mounted with plaques of engraved and chased gilt brass in slight relief; high square backs; upholstered in crimson silk velvet; shafts of legs inlaid with scroll marqueterie. The central plaques, which were engraved with the crest of the Dukes of Hamilton, have been removed. (9) From the Hamilton Palace Sale, November, 1919. Height, 41 inches; width across seat, 23 inches En suite with the following chairs and stools (Numbers 605-608). [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1695 En suite with the preceding. With shaped arms and square-section arm supports, all covered in the same silk velvet. (2) From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Height, 45 inches; width across front of seat, 26 inches; depth, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1695 En suite with the preceding. With shaped arms and square-section arm supports, all covered in the same silk velvet. (2) From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Height, 45 inches; width across front of seat, 26 inches; depth, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THREE WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT STOOLS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1695 En suite with the preceding. (3) . From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Height, 181% inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 276 _A PORTION OF THE MAGNIFICENT AND UNIQUE HAMILTON PALACE SUITE 608. 609 610 [NUMBERS 604-608] SET OF SIX WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT CHAIRS En suite with the preceding, but of later date. The central oval plaques in the seat rails are here decorated with a punched matted surface. (6) From the Hamilton Palace Sale. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SHERATON SEMICIRCULAR CARD TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Inlaid with border and frieze of laurel festoons; the top with fans and leaf border. Tapered legs with moulded toes. Plate-glass top. Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 1734, inches Companion to the following table, with which it forms a pair. SHERATON SEMICIRCULAR CARD TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Companion to the preceding. 277 611. _ SET OF SIX PANELS OF FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY NUMBERS 611-616 Illustrating Rural Scenes, on a cream ground framed in a setting of festoons and pendants of crimson drapery lined with pale purplish- grey, with golden fringes, ropes and tassels, hung from a foliated horizontal rod wreathed with roses and other flowers. The sides consist of hanging drapery and blue vases with gold mounts, con- taining rich bouquets of various flowers and supported in a calyx of an acanthus stem, which, curving inwards, throws out leaves and a volute. The lower decoration springs from an inverted acanthus plant of crimson and yellow foliage, from which grow lateral stems and leaves ending in volutes. The top of the crimson drapery, the vertical and the lower horizontal borders are enwreathed and fes- tooned by an almost continuous garland of flowers. The back- ground is yellow-brown. These tapestries were bought by the first Earl Cowley, when British Ambassador to the French Court. Henry Richard Charles Wellesley, 1804-1884, 1st Earl Cowley, was a most accomplished diplomat, serving at Vienna, The Hague, Constantinople and Frankfort before being appointed to the Em- bassy at Paris in 1852. He retired in 1867 and in the following year inherited Draycott House, near Chippenham, Wiltshire, where he died in 1884. The tapestries remained at Draycott until 1915. FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL _ CIRCA 1780 Two ladies, one wearing a yellow hat, blue gown and red corsage, are being offered a bunch of grapes from a basket of fruit by a kneeling boy clothed in purple breeches, yellow waistcoat and blue sleeves. Behind him are his yellow hat and coat, beyond him two sheep lie in front of a leafy tree. To the left is foliage veiling a pedestal and urn; to the right a distant view of a cottage and trees. In the foreground to the left, a dog and leafage. Height, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 8 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 278 ONE OF A SERIES OF SIX EXTREMELY FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES [NUMBER 611] ONE OF A SERIES OF SIX EXTREMELY FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES [NUMBER 612] 612 FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1780 Going to the fair. On the right a youth holding a flageolet and a maiden carrying a basket of flowers, arm-in-arm in holiday attire, and accompanied by a dog, are dancing in the foreground. Beyond are a cow and sheep followed by a boy drover with uplifted stick. Next comes a donkey with ornate gilt harness, bearing a lady, with sleeping child on panniers, who is talking to a muleteer accompanied by his dog and laden ass; in the background, trees and a fence; in the foreground grass, stones, foliage and a tree. Height, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 8 feet 1 mch [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 280 ONE OF A SERIES OF SIX EXTREMELY FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES [NUMBER 613] 613 FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1780 A man in scarlet coat, blue breeches and white gaiters assists a lady to dismount from her mule. His yellow hat lies on the ground be- hind. On the left is a young muleteer with a stick. To the right, a woman and dog come forward to welcome the visitors. In the back- ground, drapery, foliage, buildings with lattice windows and tiled roofs, and a wall with arched doorway, are represented. The fore- ground is grassy, with a stone and tree to left. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, T feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 281 ONE OF A SERIES OF SIX EXTREMELY FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES [NUMBER 614] 614 FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1780 A pair of lovers: he, clad in blue coat, yellow waistcoat and reddish- brown breeches, offers flowers to the maiden, who is dressed in yel- low and pink. Behind them, a cherry tree, from which a man, standing on a ladder, hands a basket of fruit to two ladies below. In front a boy rides on a goat, followed by a youthful driver with uplifted stick, while on the right are a cock, fowls and tub. In the distance, water, a sluice, buildings, trees and a hill are shown. On the left a pedestal and urn full of flowers are the chief details. Height, 8 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 282 —_,! 615 616 A PAIR OF ENTRE FENETRES FROM A SERIES OF SIX EXTREMELY FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES [NUMBERS 615 AND 616] FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1780 A girl, wearing a red hat and petticoat with white blouse, leans on the handle of a rake in grassy foreground with building, trees and foliage behind. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FINE AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL CIRCA 1780 A boy in crimson coat and breeches, white shirt and stockings, striped sash and yellow hat, holding a flageolet in his right hand and a shepherd’s spud in his left, leans upon the stump of a tree. The foreground is grassy, the background shows trees and a low building. Height, 8 feet; width, 4 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 283 : 617 SUPERB SATINWOOD LIBRARY BOOKCASE | ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Veneered with satinwood and inlaid with marqueterie of various woods. Each of the three wings has a separate pediment, in the centre scrolled, carved and dentilled, with a turned, carved and in- laid vase; on the wings the pediments are concave-sided, moulded to match the one in the centre, and with smaller finials. The four doors in the upper carcases have a flat lattice, in the manner of Sheraton, with carved honeysuckle finials; behind are eleven moulded shelves of Cuban mahogany. The lower carcase has a bowed centre and hollow wings, with a small frieze with three pull-out slides, inlaid on the fronts with flutes of boxwood, and with ivory knobs; below are four doors inlaid with central ovals radiated fan-wise and sur- rounded with mitred figured satinwood. The top of the lower part is inlaid with musical trophies in various woods; behind the cen- tral doors are four drawers, veneered on the fronts with satinwood and with edge-beads of ebony, and with finely chased brass handles plated with silver. The top drawer of the four has a writing slide, in grooves, edged with boxwood and lined with green cloth; the whole rests on a solid moulded plinth, cross-banded on the face with satinwood. From the Collection of Captain H. H. Wilson, D.S.O., Roehampton, London. Illustrated in Cescinsky, “English Furniture of the Eighteenth Cen- tury,” Vol. III, Fig. 288. Total height, 9 feet 834, inches; extreme width, 7 feet TY4, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 284 SUPERB AND UNIQUE SATINWOOD BOOKCASE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 617] PAIR OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GARDEN GROUPS [NUMBER 618] 618 PAIR OF MARBLE GROUPS—BACCHIC FIGURES AND FAUNS 1738 (a) Infant Bacchante and Faun. She is in a dancing attitude, with light draperies flowing from her shoulder and holding aloft a tambourine, the faun behind, seated, supporting her. Square base with partly obliterated signature—“Joseph Glau.. de G...t sculp- Sit, wiosa.. (b) Infant Bacchus and Faun. He is looking up at a bunch of grapes which he holds above his head, while the faun, seated on a tree trunk, with pipes at his feet, supports him. (2) ; Height of each, 38% inches 4g [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 286 PAIR OF MARBLE GARDEN FIGURES SIGNED AND DATED 1713 : [NUMBER 619] 619 PAIR OF MARBLE DANCING FIGURES IN FLEMISH COSTUME DATED 1713 Girl with a laced bodice and the train of her dress flung over her left arm, holding aloft her plumed hat; boy in torn jacket and breeches, holding a cup in his right hand and his hat in his left. The base inscribed “P. V. B. Sculptor Regisi f... 17138”, the initials being those of Peter Van Brugh, a well-known sculptor of the period. (2) Height, 42 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 287 TWO INTERESTING GARDEN FIGURES IN MARBLE [NUMBER 620] 620 TWO MARBLE FIGURES OF PASTORAL PLAYERS FLEMISH, CIRCA 1720 In early eighteenth century costume. Boy, in coat and breeches, hat and top boots, playing a pipe. Girl, in flowing dress and apron, holding a tambourine. (2) Height, 48 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 288 SUPERB AND UNIQUE MARBLE-TOPPED TABLE [NUMBER 621] 621 CIRCULAR INLAID MARBLE-TOPPED TABLE ITALIAN, CIRCA 1800 In the centre a beautiful head of Medusa in the finest quality mosaic within a medallion of lapis lazuli, from which radiates a graduated scale design of specimen marbles of brilliant and varied colorings, each scale outlined with a narrow band of marble, the whole edged with four bands of differently colored marble. On an iron tripod stand. | From the Collection of Sir Edward Naylor-Leyland, Bart., Hyde Park House, London. Diameter of table, 55 inches; height of stand, 31 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 289 TUSCAN MARBLE FONT AND STONE PEDESTAL [NUMBERS 622 AND 623] 622 TUSCAN OVAL MARBLE FONT 17TH CENTURY 623 With a bold gadroon design round the base of the flattened body, and an incurving neck finished with a moulded rim. From the Collection of the Duke of Sutherland, Stafford House, Lon- don, and used with the following pedestal. Size, 2514 x 2114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TUSCAN STONE PEDESTAL CIRCA 1580 Baluster shape, divided into eight panels, having on the shoulder four winged cherubs’ heads and, on top, a flattened octagonal plateau with moulded rim. From the Collection of the Duke of Sutherland, Stafford House, London. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 290 IMPORTANT ITALIAN SIXTEENTH CENTURY VASQUE IN TERRA COTTA [NUMBER 624] 624 TERRA COTTA VASQUE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY A sarcophagus of oblong shape, each side and end consisting of a framed, sunken panel, decorated in low relief with pastoral scenes of cherubs and goats, beautifully executed; supported at each corner on the back of a female sphinx. From the Collection of Major H. R. Cayzer, M. P., Tylney Hall, Hampshire, England. Length of sarcophagus, 50 inches; height and depth, 1934, inches; base, over all, 66 x 34 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 625 EMBOSSED LEAD VASE AND COVER CIRCA 1790 Two-handled. Height, 32 inches 291 & Mt 4 «bigs on ete ater agen o8a tf This catalogue designed by The A Composition and pre 20 Publishers Printing Compe af kee LEVERHULME SALE | ENDS AT = (Total Received for Collection Exceeded Expectations, Kin- nerley Says. BRITISH BOUGHT LITTLE Gov. Fuller of Massachusetts Geis Rembrandt’s “Interior by Lan-p- light” for $3,200. The third sale of original drawings, Prints and water colors of the Lever- hulme art collection, held last night at the Anderson Galleries, brought $19,919.50. This brings to a conclusion ths entire sale, with a total realized Of $1,248,493. Mitchell Kennerley, President of the Galleries, said last night after the curtain fell on the last object sold of the famous collection, that he was more than satisfied with the results of the sales and he knew that the execu- tors felt equally satisfied. | He said they had learned how keen ig the appreciation of American buy- ers, and that he did not believe that twenty-four pieces had been bought on English orders. He said that when Leverhulme was here in December he told him that the executors would be satisfied if the total were a million dollars. ; $3,200 for a Rembrandt. The high price last night was $3,200, which Governor Alva T. Fuller of Massachusetts paid for Rembrandt’s “An Interior by Lamplight,’’ pen and brush work. At the sale of the paint- ings on Feb. 18 last the Governor $31,000 for Sir John Everett Mil- s’s painting, ‘‘Caller Herring.’ . He purchased fourteen drawings in including the one —~rtists self-portrait, awing on brown .paper, for 1_last night, pack te paid $820. The Detroit Art Museum paid $500 for Dante Gabriel Rosetti’s water color, “A Fight for a Woman.” Thomas Watson’ s “A Sacrifice to Hy- ”* a mezzotint after the painting ne Sir Joshua Reynolds, went to Maur- ice Sloog for $1,050. List of Objects Sold. ‘The list of objects so!d, a description, ? the buyer, and the price, follow: ee Worshippers (Miss T, O'Hallo- contemporary British), E.W. aes leon’ at ‘St. Helena ‘Dictating | Memoirs to Comte Las Cases ir William Quillaer Orchard- A., 1835-1910), ss, 55.06 bury, Essex (James — te ae E. F. Coliins, agent. 70.00 + (James Orrock, ), J. gs ea aia at Warkworth Orrock, R. LJ, Durham A, Bow- fy SEE ES 35.C00 rock, R. " At seshes Oe fee Through a Wood eall i i fos Maurice lement, - ce oe 850.00 (Samuel Prout, ard Haworth.... 160.00 Prout, _1783- Alvan T, Fuller, 60.0¢ dows (Thomas , contemporary Eng- » YOLeS.ceeceseeeteeee tee Rs lish). : ate ee , Ghost t (sir sages Rinks, CO;00 M. 309—Girl In Red; At the Orphanage; Kilburn Gate (George Adolphus Storey, R, A. 1834- Beige Mrs. F, SV EO RIPR IER aa seis ule see eek eke 30.00 310—Gateway, Canterbury — Close: In the Garden, 12 Marlborough Place (2) (George Adolphus Storey). J. os Marti ho erry eile 311—Near sia Pootings, (2) aw eta ‘storey. . ark , - Satine 318—Near Willesden: Verulam’ (2) (George nied ciuapba en wf Sullivan ie) Wivid'a:eleiaipipianie/yicleis-s/e\s ssaye's's rice Hillquit: vse sees. sees 32.00 315—Three Huntsmen (going to cover with the Cas Frederick Taylor 1802-1889), Bowman.. 65,00 316—A lady with horse ae “dogs (Pred- erick Taylor 1802-1889). Miss M. Bee Plekard ./\ aicsiewes sie elaw ne - 25,00 317—In Her Tantrums ‘(Sir John ‘Ten- niel, 1820-1914). J, B. Wiltbank 12.50 318—John Morley, Diogenes (1899): ‘Rubbing It In (1900); (Sir John Tenniel 1820-1914), W. Grant. 319—Roses and Guelder Roses (G. Mi- linaire-Thiessard, Contemporary French), P. P, Fallon..... aisiesa, UL00 320—Sentinelle Double Sur la Route de eseceesesee Blandre (1916) (A. James Thiriar, Con. Belgian). Stanley J, Splegleburg niente » 5,00 322—Duchess of Bedford (unknown). Wi ORES ba, eis sins ciate. e ----+140.00 323—Landscape with Figur es (unknown). CAPE ITAUNG voc sewer yccesvess sesmeos00 324—Liverpool ‘from the Mersey (un- known), Stanley J, Spiegleburg. 15.00 325—Coffee Stall: Promenade; Dog's Head (unknown). Gov. Alvan T. RAP sa penbe a aasiwenise he teraacene GOsOU 326—The Rialto, The Grand Canal, Venice (2) (unknown), Kennedy 20 DG iota nidiee sie ty vistes einiaicynie'e rah 328—Portraits of the Children of Charles I (attributed to Sir Anthony Van Dyck, 1599-1640), silver is to be offved this afterncun ‘and tomorrow. The Cninese porcelains Dente oe Oe or a od SOCK PORD tremens. ane MraoMe Draieer .. s6i0 si. 35 | 5, 3829—A Dutch Kermess (Adriaen Jansz ta — Sree 1610-1685), Karl es th 330-Northe Waies—evening” ‘(Wonn’ Var- . ley, 1788-1842), eet Aran ne Dn SO ULEP Hs ieee . tees seve 180] w; a ee (John * ‘Varley, “1788- ti 1842), Miss L. A. C. Mearns. 65 | 332—Preston, near Brighton (John Var- I ley, 1788-1842), Bronson Win- qu TALOME i os civics Vite’ On nevsestewaces 25 | to 833—Windson (John Varley, 1788-1842), ‘ Bronson Winthrop .,.......+- 100 | ™: 334—River Scene, Surrey (John Varley, ra 1788-1842); Morris Hillquit...... 50 | sp -835—Venuganamu (1923) (V, Venkata Ratman), Mrs. F, V. Storrs.... 8 836—The Bird Fancier (W. H. Walker, Contemporary mnehatly, E. F. COMME, ATEN Vraseweccrnssccuee a ee 337—True and False iw: it. Walker, Contemporary I! nglish), BE. OF: In: COMM sy rASENE tiie saint wie ss scpo 01 1,750 338—On the ‘Trail (W, H. Walker), Charles Weld. ccccevceesowscs ras 750 E 339—A Champagne Victory and War ye ay . Walker), Mrs, 3 80 340=Millcin mes Ward. 1764 E str g Time (James “Ward. “1769-. s41—Stiye of two ove (Janies Ward, ooo 99-1859), W. Cirant ...... 40 | Ho ANE le Fre of Sir Thomas Frank- hea land, Bart (William Ward, 1760- 1826), Ketnedy & Co........... 1,300 EH 348—A- sacrifice to Hymen, portraits var of the Hon, Mrs. Beresford, the for Hon. Mrs. Gardiner and. the fn Marchioness ‘fownshrnd (Thomas & Watson, 1750-1781), Maurice des: BLOOM Mie nin s0a:v 5} scissor csiecsna ven) 2,000 T of 344—A garden scene with four figures for (Jean Antoine Wattenu, 1684- F 1721), Governor Alvan T. Fuller. 800 | WS 345—A conversation (Jean Antoine Wat- vet tea, 1084-1721), Bovereer Alvan _. | War PE UCD seein csciaiae.s aiv-evqeln wretbie eo viele T75 847—Portrait of a young “man (Richard Westall, R, A., 1765-1836), Gov-. _ ernor Alvan T. Fuller..........- 470 348—Portrait of a lady (Richard Wes- J tall, R. A., 1765-1836), Karl _ | 32-6 RUE creince.s clk ana uve wince Senet mheo : 349—Portrait of a gentleman (Richard Hei Westall, R, A., 1765- AES), Mrs. Mr Charles H. Sabin........... 560 . 350—Portrait of a gentleman (Richard the Westall, R. A., 1765-1836), Miss Me Wap loK ards ages eassiacwenses 180 | agc 351—Portrait of a boy (Richard Westall, hav R. A., 1765-1856), Governor Al- 4 MATES (MER deine scisgetie sales $20 | in - 352—Por aire of a boy (Richard Westall, yea R. Governor A. T, Fuller... 310] fa; 353—Hay: ales at rest (I'rancis Wheat- Bro ley, leary miiplene aS Oe at eat ir aitew aa chided cle aie Se oye CaO Uk 354—The artlees selt- -portrait. ‘(James me! Abbott MeNeill Whistler, 1834- ter) 1903), Governor A. T. Fuller.... 820 355—Remains of circus maximus, Borne (Richard Wilson, 1714- < saee: Fs FE. Koln... .ccpeee ec eseeeeee eens 35 ’ 356—Cottages near Ringwood *(Bamund s Morison Wimperis, — 18355-1900), Salting Governor Alvan Bute. 150 — . Co: { . -PORCELAINS BRING $19,598. | aie - Ho Total for Second Huntington Sale| cat $12,237—$1,100 Highest Price. ap The second and last session yester-| pra day at the Anderson Galleries of the | tur; sale of porcelains from the Hunting- oe . ton Estate brought $12,237.50, making | 1; the total of both sessions $19,598. The} Knz “5 “~—Sii—Nymphs Bathing. (4. sorte landson, 1756-1827). Stanley J Bpolgleburg <.5 ceccesesbensvic’ 180.00 KRESGE DELAYS WIFE'S SUIT] Py c 78—The Landing at Margate, Thomas Rowlandson, 1756-1827) fs Kraushaar Galleries.........+++ 150.00 ; : : 7 oq #80—The Lecture (Thomas Rowlandson, iy Withholds Signing Testimony, So] Galw 1756-1827). Kraushaar Gallertes.240. ; ago. 281—Oxtord—‘The Seldonian “Theatre Trial Is Put Over to Monday. B fhomas Rowlandson, 1756- ). Y 7 ; < myatthur Ackermann & Son, ine. (eae - suit of Mrs. Doris Mercer | j2—The ead orse (Thomas ow- resge agains landson, 1756-1827). Miss M. F. ge against her hyspand,.Sebaatian }- y75 esg_viickerd Rede arais Sees SUNRISE apt 55.00} S. Kresge, department store head, for | guney age Scene, with Huntsmen (Thomas baie 1756-1827). $1,000,000 under a contract by which to ha Te Vettes xccetwtesasmsay aeehe 110.00/ she allefes she was to have stock in a et nea (Thomas | Rowlandson, me S. 8 ‘ ane ¢ 130 1827). Stanley J. Spelgle:, | ‘i eS. S. Kresge Company, was called | ge, 85—A burg ae Guidines (Hhen an Robe to trial before Supreme Court Justice] ‘Sco: Leet arouse 1827), Governor, a0 Wagner yesterday. Nathan Burkan, ri MON er bx ROMLIOL ive nist chia visi einer 50. Tom< 986—A ‘Cabriolet, with Figures (Thomas attorney for Mrs. Kresge, told the 91 ye poets 1756-1827). Karl 30.86 court he was unable to proceed be- nie STCUTIA, sc viewcucnegeie siesae pes en evs . 287—Landscape | (Paul Sandby, 1725- soak cause Mr. Kresge had refused to sign! about S09). M. Pabman...0ivisesices< . j ine ‘ ; S88 Tnl thes Woods (chasion, Baniene: testimony given by him before trial English, early nineteenth cen- under an order obtained by Mrs. NV tury)., A. Bowman... ccjcasses 95.00 | Kr SAI 289—Two se Seoraita CONG ee een oa resge. Gp. jent) yovernor Alvan uller,2? * r " | GF) .— 200—Ratting in a Farmyard (Charles ae bo eeehtarre ene D. aed as M Sarjent). A. Bowman.......... 55.00 ge Yr. resge, said that 2091—Poachers (Charles Sarjent). J, A. j tHe testimony would be signed | stage MEM: Sines caig rcp ahalela a amnnenne he 190.00 | promptly, whereupon the Court set the | 4; 292—Pheasant Shooting in. the Woods case for trial yesterday. afternoon. strick (Charles Sarjent). Governor Al- Mr. Burkan th. falas tk ago. WaNigtes Wi ll@l oiac cae ac Ava aoe 140.00 | an en to e Court the | yorite 293—Flower Painting (Eva Savory, testimony was still unsigned, and this Se ears? acindincvid Be Ps 6.08 when counsel for the defendant said band yehinca aia) talks vtein oilavare (atgiers asta ++ 20, j A ; , 294—Flower painting (va Savor Vv, con- it oi ould be signed before Monday the wrigk temporary English). Maurice case was set down for trial then. At- = Sie hey Ps EOE ES I Ee wage! 25.00 | torney Burkan gut an order from Jus- d—Japonica (Iva Savory, contempo- tice*Glennon directing Mr. Kresge to rary English. W. E. Kohn...,. $0.00 - S50 Mares. Blind= Mice: “Pabrickionn show cause on Monday why he should| Ricl Special Etiquette (Byam Shaw, not sign the testimony or be adjudged adver concen eey English), Miss M, s in contempt of court. The testimony | | As NG cease tetne Mtv rte ace caus aie ra pate 7.50 | Ouse 297—Hercules and the Lion (Byam Eepplves ae Kresge’s alleged promise = Shaw, contemoprary English), | tO assign the stock to We wife. yestel Pret So M, I. Pickard Oa 50.00 —_————-——— of thc 5: hree studies (Austin . Spare, 4 a s 7 ti contemporary English), (a) F ri ‘ \ i j tion 3 contemporary | English), ( EAR FISHERMEN WERE LOS Th capi rated a eg Aeigee aA os a aan ae aaee vertis female ead; plack on rown ‘ baer’ ce enall study ot A fe H “eee as to Fate of Craft, With | Termi male nude figure, colored; , wo i i B09 enn ce fio nt Shanes 40. o| ie age Disabled in Storm, —Cunid's Surprise pencer Special to The New York Times Prankers 1829-1908), Barnet J, x RS RT aaa ERE 17.50| ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 4.— BE 800—Wwoman w oy ae (Helen 40.0 Hope has been abandoned for Captain het iebel), @ (Es “WCIIS: aSciss eis o.0r8 . - ? 801—A Pie Kitchen - interior (George Jamies Creighton and Peter Lock, fish-| DF 2 olphus orey, R. A., 1834- ; s : c Mr. .. Michac Kennerley, .the. President of ~the Anderso Galleries, expressed satisfaction at the results which had shown the ‘keen ‘appreciation o American’ buyers. He did not ‘believe tha more than.24 pieces had been bought fo English account. - He had: unhderstood from th present Lord Leverhulme last .December tha the executors would’ be satisfied by th realization of a total of $1,000,000 (£200,000) Hight ‘leaves from a copy of the ‘Gutenber Bible auctioned yesterday atan American ar gallery fetched $1,750 (£350).. ‘The sheet ‘comprised St.. Paul’s Epistle to the Roman: ‘A rare first edition of Kipling’s Echoes realize: $1,600 (£320), and a copy of his School Bo Lyrics, with the original brown paper wrap pings, $1,300 (£260). : : £ ea uy ol Fs A tk, _ Te oT ae ~ 7 a A , Composition and press-work b Publishers Printing Company, + SIX CHAIRS BRING $2,700 AT AUCTION $1,600 for a Carpet and $2,300 i, for a Tapestry Paid at , _. Leverhulme Sale. iets ah al (English, early 19th centyry), WAMOUS SENG) evstt-vis.0.0ie cies ale sie 'eie-v 414—Pair of English mirrors in carved, painted and parcel-gllt frames, Charles of London ¢...cscccevesd 75.00 415—George IIL pewter service Baker . 417—Elghteenth century circular pewter - Wall placque, (Itallan, circa 2750), Jd, HH, Wieleenm s..ccccesans J 418—Fine commonwealth pewter wine taster, (English, circa 1650), R. NGHUMPEE UeismiMch Siciclacceaiscsisineeanie COs 419-—-IFine commonwealth pewter spoon, (Bnglish, circa 1650), J. R. Melk 10.00 420—Pair of George If pewter wine 2.50 ey ant : : cups. (Enelish,‘clres 1750), Mrs... $155 FOR A PAIR OF. GLOVES | go: cde en inves ‘clteuiay pews ter alms dish. (English, circa 1650); J. R..Kimball..:......... 40.00 422—Queen Anne needlework sampler. New! ha circa 170}); Governor LN ETREL OU ele hneslewaaiver teen's vantOOs 423—George 1 sampler, (English, dated 20); Mary P. McNavey....... 55.00 424—George IL needlework sampler. (English, dated 1742); E, Greer. 425—Early George If needlework sam- pler. (English, dated 1730); Bordier & Howard.......0...0-. 426—Early Victorian needlework sam- (English, dated 1843); . Mera. CLC. Atwood ..ccccecce ne 427—Pair of James II gros-point needle- work covers for chalr seats. (Bn St clrca 1688); Mrs. M. HH. marstersielarsieie 101010, 00 428—Charles 11 panel. Grand Total Now Up to $1,199,805 | Drawings and Prints on the E Block This Week, The concluding day’s sale of the fifth section of the art collections of the late Viscount Leverhulme, consisting of furniture, tapestries, rugs and other objects, held yesterday at the Ander- rete ees stumpwork (English, clrea 1670); Mrs. M. H. gon Galleries, brought $45,945. This ‘H 8 al ida easel to brings the total of the four days’ sale ee Vicon, eres Pe ha Eas We BEOW 6s oc ob cise cen ane ese 1880.00 480—Early George II{I chased silver heaker, (English, dated 1773); EO ETOWD ew sieisinsccgase's rae 0a 100,00 431—Pair of George III silver sauce . tureens with covers, (English, 1798): withdrawn. 482—Sheffield plate four-light cande- MURUNISIBss BOLOUH. s)55:c2 case. ans 433—Pair of Sheffield plate oval sauce tureens; withdrawn, 434—Set of four George III embossed silver spoons in case; G. Arents.103.00 455—Set of three silver-plated oval dish : W. S. Andrews.......... 40,00 25.00 to $151,309. The grand total so far Yealized from the sale of the five parts of the collection is $1,199,805.50. The sale: of the original drawings, prints ‘and water colors will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ®venings, starting at 8:15 o'clock. Tha high price yesterday was $2,700, paid by J. H. McFadden for a set of four William III marqueterie side chairs and two armchairs. Ginsburg & Levy paid $2,700 for a set of six Mahogany Chippendale. chairs and $1,375 for an early George III mahog- any settee. i 45,00 covers i 436—Silver table bell and sugar bowl. a AMER DOM lance seinen h wi ninsiele se 437—Charles I circular pewter salver. (English, clrea 1640), J. R. Kim- BAe ieets eietnic/siarsis orsieovyerdaisioiniai + 20.00 438—Pair of standard lamps, (English, x. Smith..... 25.00 eh a . tea caddy. (English, late 18th $1,000 For = Carpet. H-Daponnsd blaok and cold’ Gapot, Other high prices included $1,600 Bret oe Latecn oh a a : 17.50 hich Frank Partridge paid for a|441—Japanned black and ‘gold’ ‘egg teen Anne needlework carpet; $2,300 OG ok Sr ged hasan ae PE 442—Pair of brass table oll dd by J. A. Mayton for “The Stag fara table ‘oll lamps. (English, unt," one of a set of five tapestry a Wa sc at Oy Rae Oat age 12.50 panela woven at the royal manufac- | ~ Peake tia ae ; tory of Felletin, France, 1740; $1,200 PlW, French &.00. ocei cove oss for “The Bear Hunt,” in the same | 4—Palt, of George, 111 tall pedestal series, and $1,000 paid by L. Steiger Bas TOMO Oh icte weve dasa edlenicnen vIOOL00" for “The Boar Hunt,” another hunting scene in the set. _ A set of six carved and gilt two-light girandoles, with brass branches, went to N. J. Boker for $1,325. The Broadwood six-and-a-half octave 445—Set of six mahogany Chippendale chairs. (English, circa 1760.) . - Ginsburg & Levy ........+..+.2,600.00- 446—Large antique Ghiordes rug. Whit-° 2 bread & Ulmer .......00010¢+ 5425.00 447—Willlam and Mary marqueterie chest of drawers. (English, circa é 690 Al 00.00 pianoforte, with ; intings by Sir Lau- | 448—1ive seine ee aces) iene. Sag rs ao ee went to Mrs. F. A mese, circa 1780.) EE, ‘Col- , Cc ‘ann for $325. This had been ngs OTE HOH eee ee eee ene eeeeeeie bought at the Alma-Tadema sale, to| “PAI, of early George Tit carved whom the instrument originally be-| | 1760.) Charles of London......250.00 longed. 450—Early George IIT mahogany side ts pair’ of Jacobean lady’s over-| rae (English, circa 1730.) SS ee sleeves, 1620, went to George Arents| ,.,__ eo sini ag ea, ah for $40, = George II gentleman’s|** “inner Tupime clock by John trimmed brocade waistcoat, to R. A. VIGO) VG IO. Maye. vsccsrseds ss 12000 Barker for $60 and a parr of late Eliza-: bethan embroidered leather gauntlet gloves, 1600, went to Mrs. M. H. Hill. for $155. Henry Simon paid $550 each for two George III carved mahogany ward- tobes, ~vhich belonged to the Countess | of Craven, formerly Cornelia Martin. of Coombe Abbey, Coventry, England, » List of Articles Sold. © °° 452—Elght-day striking bracket by Rob- ert Wood, Hartley Place, Kent Road, London, S, EB, (English, circa 1830). Hayden Co......,..2 453—Hight-day striking clock by James Burton, Lincoln’s Inn, Carey ‘Street, London (Bnglish,: circa Pees 2) to tite ENAMey cic sact es 4 454—George TII rosewood swing toilet mirror (English, circa 1795)! : : “Mrs. M. HH. FULD. caaiyie salt eins # sleet LOLOO | 455—George 11f carved mahogany warde; ,-- vine robe (English, late eighteenth century). Symons, Inc..e.e0--+ +550, The {tema sold yesterday, with»their | 456—George III carved mahogany ward- robe (English, late eighteenth _ satalogue number, description, -pur- specter) Symions, Inc. «550.00 chaser and price, were: ; | 457—George III carved, painted and gilt pte oval table (English, circa 1785), Wet Marble, bust by M. Rysbrach: Gala agent Gak rane ae, B. DUrant 5. ivniieescns pAngio-Flemish, - Karl + ..| 458—Warly George JII carved and gilt PEUNG oes sseceeeereeeegsyeze + +$60,00]:' console table (English, circa 165—Corinthian column of onyx Br ow “AET0). Myre. R. Victor ...005 6. .480.00 sh, circa 1790). E. Greer.,..., 19,00} 438—Sheraton satinwood marqueterie 1 166—Pale of iit, pressed and A vellum? wall trophies. ate PP OUNE: Oasis ssievipon end s'y oh “tweoretaire-cabinet (English, circa S 100). rs. F. J. Matchette....850,00 :| 460—George III satinwood marqueterie Ix carved and ‘gilt’ two, )2m ‘Semiclrcular side table (English, light girandoles. with- brass of: ‘cirea, J790), M. Sumner .....,..,375.00 branches. N. Jw Booker......,. 13,25 ! Mi 461—George III. satinwood miarqueterle semicivcular side table THE NEW YORK TIMES, s 493-—(r) Old crown derby porcelain (English, - (Engush, circa 1770). Ned, circa 1790), M. Sumner ........ 375.00 NESUOGICEN ts bio: ba etoiueieeleit eicia.ae anaes 40 462—Queen - Anne needlework carpet 493—(8) Old crown derby porcelain (English, circa 1710), (rank (English, circa 1780). fe As Bartrld ge vs ve virmvidcs ven sitive el O00. BSINDLENCHE) ioc pases sinin exeaitosles GO 463—Senna-rug (Northwestern Porsla). 498—(t) Wedgwood plaque in black Hy: (COMME mare catereleiel saa peistom stole tons basalt (English, cirea.1780). Ss. 464—Indlan silk rug (eighteenth cen-_ UAH aw sian iais stale ae. vers Osos va « 85 " tury). G. Minassian .......+++.825.00 | 493—(u) Ginora majolica vase (Italian, 465—Important “‘figure’ carpet (Asia 19th century). Malcolm Suniner. 30 Minor, elghteenth century). Whit- 493—(v) Papler-mache watchstand. H. read) & Ulmer: Vaiss iene cin eens C0000! | UaROBE ceca Meeps adsce eat woe, Ae 486—Upright six-and-a-halt, octave pi- 493—(w) Mahogany wardrobe of Chi- anoforte by John Broadwood & Sons, London, with paintings by Str eee Alma-Tadema, Mrs. 467—Two “Charles spoons (English, circa 1640), R, 5 Ve? A, 468—George II Platter (English, clrea 1740), R. A \y nese Chippendale . destgn. Rye GeOteS Taven IP .ccsestnsmaes +3 493—(x) Blue lacquer secretary-cabinct. Frank Partridge ......e0ssces+. 1,800 49'-—(y) Carved and upholstered set- tee in the style of Charles II. eeeseneeeccescecenss Lee} PRET cc's RR large circular pewter 3 “a Mrs, fe TMOCADU ocrely sieips vaicie onsie ne GQOrOe I slip-end pew‘er Barker OSB. vnisistsl> wascueegmscenice, LTC Barker Gesiceesisvrcs 4698—Fine George IT pewter tankard (Kinglish, cipca 1750), E. Collins. 470—Four George IIL pieces of pewter (English, circa 1780), R. A. Bar-s Lh rig nano dao” can 471—William IIL pewter beaker (Eng- 17,50 lish, circa 1700), J. R. Kimball, 15.00 432~(a) (Englis TIl III pewter cream jug circa 1800); (b) George tankard (English, ep as A pewter circa 1800), J. H. Ihieron....... 17.50 J. 473—Tour (a0; Barker .. oye fatale le attertyare eiore ce 474—Charles I embroidery panel (Eng- lish, circa 1685), Goy. Alyan T. Fuller Cn. 475—Large English hand-knotted car- | pet, Whitebread and Almer... 476—George (English, Glasser 477—Seventeenth broidered stole (circa 1690), H. 478—Twenty shell-pattern tablespoons, E. Greer .. 479—Twenty-one plated tablespoons, R. A. Barker. 460—Twenty-elght shell-pattern plated 481—Twenty-eight ‘shell-pattern silver- plated. teas 4182—George III si cover, Georglan pieces of pewter nglish, 18th century), R. A. soe 12.60) ++ -400.00 ..- 475.00 needlework sampler dated 1802), Mrs, H. century Italian em- IIL 55.00 Loss 25.00 15.00 20.00 23.00 22.50 teens Steet e eens silver-plated shell-pattern * sillver- silver- easpoons, H. 8, Cheever. ons, H. 8. Chi¢ever, ver sugar basin with (English, dated 1770), withdrawn. 185—Set saltcellars and spoons, Mrs. H, ENOIGEINE Go lays cveyavele-sverdahatrenlaieramives oie 48i—Palr of Sheffield plate three-light caldclabra, S. 485—George II mahogany open - niche cabi of eight silver boat-shaped 210.00 90.00 Serota ... vee ennee net. (English, circa 4725), Symons, INC. oss hse sas vssty caine 490,00, 486 to 490—Set of five tapestry panels wo of ven at the Royal Manufactory | Felletin France: 486—The , stag hunt,’ (Felletin, France, A cirea, 1740), J. A. Mayton....,2,300. 487—The Boar Hunt. circa 1740), L. Stelger .../...,13,00 488—The Bear Hunt. ‘m 5.00 (Felletin, France, (Felletin, France, veo a oltea 1740), J. A. Mayton.,...1,200.00, 489—Entre-Fenetre tapestry panel. (Fel- hy ~letin, France, circa 1740), J. A. Mayton 490—Eutre-Fenetrve tapestry panel. (Fel- * Jatin, France, circa 1740), J. A. - Mayton . 7 491—Rare derson,. Stanford & Ridgeway, Dublin.” (Cirea 1790), B. 8. Craif : 6 arms. (Dated 1664), BE. Is, | Berolzhelmier. cise cde pin vcian aig stumpwork _ picture, 483 (b)—Stuart (English, circa 1660), Mrs, Mc- ie Mrs. M. Hy Till vascen. 3 (d)—Oblong Trish handtufed carpet (circa 1790), > Niltond: Holland 305, veeavdies ont $93 (a)—English {illuminated grant of Ce er a a and and .important | old apler-mache tray. |») (English, elrea 1800), Mrs. M. |. H. 493 (e)—Pair of. teakwood Hill ee i rir it and ormolu, — floor candelabra, Broder........J (f)—Hanging bow-front corner cup- board. . Paul V, Shields (g)—Mahogany pedestal, Company . aleiaie afore eel ereyee we (h)—Mahogany tripod coat stand, irs. M. H. Hill (i)—Mahogany (English, circa 1700), sdestat,” Thayden Se ea long-case clock. (English, circa 1795),' C. W. : B ae ; » Baird (j)—Miniature. settee. Ey Patterson, csnscectuenes taunt (k)—Square ture, mahogany bergere (Enlish, clrea 1800), R. mahogany cupboard edestal, Henry Steigner ......+. p 493—(1)—Square pedestal, E. Greer mahogany cupboard sete ene 493—(m) Mahogany two-chair-back sete tee. 495—(n) Frank Partridge Wr Stegner ceseccvesinies Mahogany dwarf bookcase Ce es 493~—(0) Mahogany dwarf bookcase, J su 493—(p) - Mrs, M. 493—(q) Two oblong footstools a 19th century). Niven... 008 A uinooaisiavsse(n Aiatana Aisi Mice Mahogany dwarf bookor® H. Hil ae (¥ Mra. ¥ Ce eer iis 868—Table standard for flowers (Vien- nese. Mrs. H. Bruder...-+.ses- 360—Pair of early George IIIT mahog- any open-arm bergere chairs (Enslish, circa 1760),,,...Withdrawn 870—Pair of early George III mahogany open-arm bergere chaira (Eng- Hsh, circa 1760).-..... +... Withdrawn 871—Pair of early George III mahogany open-arm bergere chairs..., Withdrawn 372—Mahorany highboy chest of eight drawers (English, Chippendale period, circa 1705. J. W. Mettler.775.00 873-~Three eighteenth century carved fayteuils (French, clrca 1760). P. W. Frenck & Co..-..eeseseeee 3 III enclosed mahogany table (English, circa Gun Ma Blewartes ocvesinccs 323,00 875—George III rosewood painted writ- ing and work table (English, circa 1790), L. Tilton...... +++,100,00 376—George YII painted and decorated table with two drawers (English, circa 1810), Mrs. H. North...... 375.00 877—George JII semi-circular marque- terie commode (English, circa _ 1800), Mrs. L. I, Brown ........ 550 878—George II mirror in carved and gilt frame (English, circa 1750). FE. Collins 50.00 50.00 Ginsburg & Levy ...--ceseseensy 881—Pair of Chippendale carved and gilt glrandoles (English, circa 1760). J. L. Barrett......- S sinmente 882—Set of four carved and gilt gliran- doles in the director style of Thomas Chippendale (English, circa 1755). J, W. oh penal eet 883—Pair of George IIT pewter candle- phere (English, circa 1780). (is rage PR. oe os oie ef oO ve eorge - ip Ae (English, circa 1780), Mrs, J. F. Kehne.....ccccsceens 4. 855—Fine George II pewter tankard (English, dated 1741). W. S. , a lp as babe atari rins er Uo 25.00 | 6—Small pewter meas Se 5 pe 1750), Mrs. M. H, Hill... 12.80 378—(a) George III pewter ‘helmet- shaped cream jug (English, cirea Y770); (b) George II pewter muffineer (English, clrea 1750), im Mrs. J. F. Kehne .....cecceceees oO 388—Small pewter beaker and cream jug (English, eighteenth cen- tury). Dr. S. P. Gay..seereees 389—Five Georgian pewter pieces (Eng- lish, eighteenth century). 5. Bur- nett Adams ..-..s-csyerseeerere 890—Commonwealth pewter Jamp time- keeper (English, circa 1650), J. _ Brooks! c.cacecvsess POET Oe ee Md 391—Commonwealth pewter lamp time- keeper (English, circa 1650), M. 302 ener sidiaieiwe.e - : o aps . ois 2—Georse covered pewter - as (English, circa 1780), P. J. ij eluyes fe Rage ey 35.00 303—Queen Anne neddlework ~ i aren gligh, circa 1110). ©. J. Mes = Raieehy nag vo bap agp ten et O1—Pair o acobean ady - Biomeven: (English, cipea 3830), George ArentS ..++-seeeeseerrs 303—George II gentleman's trimmed walstcoat. (English, circa 1750), R. A. Barker.,...,. 896—Pair of Jate Elizabethan embroi- dered leather gauntlet gloves. (English, circa 1600), Mrs, Ms TE, OD san iewe eve e teen eccere 897—Chinese embroidered hanglng or coverlet. (18th century), George TeOTTUB ie din wievsieleee nine penile sihiv.s ay 898—Chinese embroidered pale blue silk wow eer eeee 50 10.00 49.00 60.00 35.00 50.00 frontal. (English, circa 1800), 4 | Mrs. M. H. Hill...... Tate veces OOOO 899—ChInese embroidered pale yellow satin panel. Wallace .......0.. aiareerts ait's)s. ecb) m 400—Chinese embroidered pale _ yellow satin panel. (Circa 1770), E. Greer ..cceveseneses ste eeeeenees 35.00 401—Satinwood marqueterie upright secretaire. (English, clrca 1800), M. FE, Moessel ..--+esee: panne! 500.00 402—Set of four William and Mary walnut chairs. (lMnglish, circa 1604), P, W. French & Co... .2500.00 403—George III segmental satinwood marqueterie commode. (English, circa 1700), W. A. Barker .....-400.00 404—Tarly George TIL painted circular table, (English, circa 1780), EB. CIGNA | clk deisis waseacie win ineigain ges - 875.00 405—Early George IL mahogany cabi- net. (English, circa 1750), Mrs. _ | é DE. EU ere pea Were ++ 1325.00 406—English mahogany cabinet, R. G. vty George iii wehogany settee, 407—Early George a ny settee, : (English, circa 1760), Ginsburg & (Circa 1770), R- M. 30.00 175.00 MBV IH, -slels oh prawn sie eanvarigee bruit ks 408—Harly George III mahogany settee, Be Enelish, cireo 1700), Ginsburg s eee aeew enh Obes t Levy yala’e om 400—Cltarles Il carved and gilt cabinet 3 four three-light wa brackets, J. H. McFadden .,.... 600. 412—Set ef four William III queterie side chairs and. two atiachairs, (Bneglish, circa 1700), J, ¥°. McFadden '..... Laine ep gent QUO’ #13—Caived empire style side table, “ This catalogue designed by The Anderson Gal Composition and press-work by 3" uaa Publishers Printing Company, New York _ Day Nets $169,460. TAPESTRY SOLD FOR $15,000 5 4 Many Prominent In Soclety Take “ » ) “;\ Part—Mrs. Baruch Active at , In the Bidding. ee. “Art dealers and collectors paid $169,- 460 yesterday: for 130 articies of an- tique furniture, tapestry, needlepoint and miscellaneous objects of art— tiostly English but with a few French and Italian pieces—in the first day's wale. of the furniture section of the late Viscount Leverhulme’s $2,000,000 collection at the Anderson Galleries, Park Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street. /vThe highest price of the sale was $15,000, which P, W.. French & Co., Gealers, paid for each of two items— a sixteenth century tapestry and a wet of eight mahogany side chairs with arm chair to match in the Chip- pendale style and period. ~ ' Americans bought most of the arr icles, but English dealers bid in some, ‘apparently for return to England, Where Viscount Leverhulme, the mul- ti-millionaire soap manufacturer, who died Jast year, had accumulated the collection. There was much criticism in England because the executors of the Lever- hulme, estate sent the collection here for \auction, and fear was expressed abroad that this sale meant that New York would supplant London as the world’s art centre. a Prices Above Appraisal. Because of the Anglo-American rivalry in art circles the sale was (marked by great public interest, re- Iting in a large attendance and in ood prices, said by officials of the art gallery to be considerably higher fhan the English appraisers’ valua- tions, This waa the firat'time that a yaluable and important European art collection had been put up at auction here qnd the applicants for admission to the sale exceeded by many times the @apacity of the salesroom. Seven hundred persons were admitted by in- vitation, and the room was crowded when the sale began at 2:30. It lasted until about 6 P. M. Dealers made most of the purchases, but many prominent individual collec- a were present. Some collectors ook part in the bidding on their own account, but the majority seemed to have entrusted their bidding to the professionals. Among the prominent individuals who participated in the bidding either per- sonally or through dealers, were Mrs. Charles B. Alexander, Mrs. J. Stewart Barney, Mrs. Bernard M. Baruch, Mrs. Insley Blair, Mrs. Nicholas Brady, Ver-. non ©. Brower, Mrs, A. W. Burchard, ‘Mrs... Richard Croker Jr., Mrs. W. H. Crocker, Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting, Mrs. J. Clarence Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- jam C. Dickerman, Clarence Dillon, “Rir Joseph Duveen, Mrs. George Ehret fr,, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldman Jr., Mrs. Maitland F. Griggs, Carl Hamil- ton, Mrs. Arthur Lehman, Mrs, Philip man, Wadsworth R. Lewis, Luke ‘Vincent Lockwood, Mrs. J. McFadden, i ..Clarence Millhiser, Mrs. Charles . Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Kearsley Mitche, Condé Nast, Kenyon V. Painter, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Rufus L. Patterson, Mrs. Willlam C. Potter, Mrs. John D. Ryan, Mrs, Jesse Straus, Mrs. Percy Straus, tney Warren, Mrs. Vanderbilt Webb. J. Norman de R. Whitehouse, Mrs. Richard T. Whit- oy age Widener, Mr, and Mrs. WwW! Williams. * - ee GETT $14,000 and finally $15,000. This article is a panel 17 feet 6 inches wide and 35 inches high. It represents scenes from a romance woven in wool, silk ané gold thread. The story is that of ae Queen who repels the advances of a courtier, who in turn falsely com- promises her with a dwarf. The King kilis the dwarf and banishes the Queen, who flees to a forest and is defended by the Archduke Leopold of Austria. Her accuser kills the Archduke, but din his turn is killed by a dog. The King and the Queen are then reunited through a woodman. Explanatory in- scriptions and the date, 1554, are found at the top and bottom of the panel. The chairs which sold for $15,000 caused even greater excitement. The auctioneer asked for an opening bid of $10,000, but got only $5,000. From this they were bid up in rapid-fire fashion to $7,000, $7,500, $8,000, $9,000, $9,500 and $10,000. After a lull they were bid up to $10,500, $11,000, $12,000, $13,000, $13,- 500, $14,000, $14,500 and $15,000. This set was described as ‘‘probably one of the finest series of chairs of the period (Chippendale) in existence,” and even to the layman it possessed attributes of unusual beauty in its spacious lines and graceful carvings. It consisted of eight mahogany side chairs and one arm chair, elaborately circa luau, cr@nn ivarlridge...-+ 79—Stuart needlework panel, English, circa 1640, 8./H. Bonn.......- ° 80—Spanish silkwork panel, circa 1590, Mrs. Arthur Lehman,....-.-+..++ 81—Mahogany triple-chair-back settee, rtuadoae 1760, P. W. French & eee er 82—Set of six side chairs of Ancona walnut, English, circa 1695, P. . W. French & CO...cscceccocsrss 3 83—Satinwood circa 178) 84—Tahle of Sabicu (Lysiloma Sabicu- Linn), Frank Partridge........- 83—Early eighteenth century carved and gilt table, English, circa 1725, ank Partridge......++- 86—Elghteenth century decorated mir- ror, probably French, circa 1750- commode, - GO, ¥. J, Matchette.......s000. 87—Oval mahogany tray, English, circa 1760, Mra, E, Cohn....... 88~Fourteen-day striking bracket clock by Douillon, Paris; French, circa 1800, P. W. French & C i,t 0. , 80—Elghteenth century carved and gilt side table, English, circa, Frank Partridge 00—Pair of eighteenth century carved and gilt love seats, elrca 1770, Symons, Inc.......+. 91—Pair of important elghteenth cen- tury be settees, English, circa PU; Mra, Ko WK. Tipen. oes cces 92—Small square table, English, circa 800, Frank Partridge ... . Mrs, Nesbit.......+- 4 435 | Nesbitt. ‘ $1,700 English, 1,800 tch, E A 75 ye carved in rococo, with cabriole legs, Ww. pa a ae Fe ee EO ball and claw feet, and stalactitic or-| 96—Set of three mirrors, English, early * namentation in the backs. The seats . ge century, Frank Part- anh are covered in modern red striped silk.} 97_small rosewood pembroke table. ea ke table, Some of the most spirited bidding English, circa” 1790, Frank marked the sale of a sixteen century 66 RGignirnerniaie autetarnw at: 700 Italian bronze horse, which stood only bids an vebee, “io, seven and one-half inches high on a Symons, Inc, i cep aoa 2 2,800 white marble plinth. It is similar to} 99—Segmental satinwood Adam com- — one in the Morgan collection. This paid circa. 1760, Frank S68 was bid up from $100 to $1,150 and was | 99, segmental satinwood Adam com: sold to A. J. Martin. mode, English, circa 1760, . The Metropolitan Museum of Art By mona): Tae yvicu esc sie oalwonres 4,500 purchased for $1,300 a George I side |100—Early elghteenth century mahog- table in black and gold, thirty-five Frank Partridge ..!....-..... +2 2,600 inches high, sixty-eight inches wide |101—Eighteenth century mirror, Italian, — and thirty-four inches deep. The front 1073 ae 1750, H, M. McIntosh.... 125 is carved with a mask of Hercules and Sieh cee a Se 6G the Lion’s skin. 103—Small’ oblong inlaid table, Eng- Frank Partridge of London, who Nish, circa 1800, J, A. Martin., 275 bought several articles, denied he had tele in the ee Ps peaee 3 made any purchases on behalf of the | 195_charies II needlework panel, Eng: aN royal family of England, for whom lish, circa 1680, L, R. Man...... 150 among others he acts as agent, and|106—Charles IJ _petit-point needlework for whom he made purchases from the sy Eneltsh, circa 1670, N. Leverhulme collection before it wa8|1o7—stuart silk’ stumpwork’’ picture, a sent to this country. English, circa 1640, B. A. Craib. 275 108—-Stuart panel of silk stitchery, Eng- List of Articles Sold. lish, circa 1640, B. W. French Pgh anand WaieiacsieleipieiaisiBleieieie diekis The articles sold yesterday, their Se Stuart ee pwork panel, English, hie , circa f WACTOP Wells 5 omc mele 185 cAtalogue number, description, buyer | 110~Queen Anne petit-point panél, Eng- and the price paid, follow: Lane see 110, Miss. Jane oe 1~Mahogany dwarf stool, English, 111—8tuart embroidery panel in fine = 1740, B. D, Riegel AL RE HE Ts 1 petit-point, Engllsh, ean 1630, 2—Square spirit case, English, circa WMONG UNC. sie secieveeneseere SO 1790, E. W. Bassick .+s,e+..+++ 160) 112—Stuart stumpwork panel, English, 3—Mahogany__ jardintere, English, i clrea 1660, Miss Jane Swords.... 210 circa 1800, Charles of London., 223) 113—Stuart petit-point panel, English, 4-Pair of table torcnheres, English, circa 1660, Victor Well! ........ 2350 circa 1740, Symons, Inc.......5.+ 250 |.114—Stuart panel, English, circa 1660, 5—Wall barometer, English, probably G. W. Walker ...... Rae Cr: . 283 nineteenth century, Charles of 2 115—Early eighteenth century sllkwork TEGhEON ace aeatsiouvegas Seeds 4at0 picture. English, circa 1730, Miss 6—Elght-day striking bracket clock Jane Swords ....... hime nineietninehe 725 by Richard Colston, London, 116—Georgian_ petit and gros-point seventeenth century, Symons, panel, English, circa 1760, Vic- ERO.) Sas spasevecadyer eiecereibie vale: 325 2 SRE IVY ei Sie Bcc Kiwi sarein's vo ue hone 125 %—Decorated and ormdlu -mounted 117—Stuart needlework panel, English, commode, French, circa 1740, circa 1640, Arthur Lehman...... 200 Symons, Inc. ....++sssee6 pores 6,750} 118—Early nineteenth century needle- 8—Set of six mahogany chairs, Eng- work picture, English, circa 1820, lish, circa 1755, F. G. Tallman. 3,200 Bids PMCIRTOGR” ok wainclee nucle 150 9-Side table in black and gold, Eng- 119-Important Mortlake tapestry, Enge lish, circa 1720-25, Metropolitan Ush, cirea 1630, Symons, Inc.... 8,000 Museum of Art cecscccssesosses 1,800 | 120—Important Mortlake tapestry, H. ° 10—Set of five satinwood armchairs, MES MGT ORR ec actiate’scidletseccanes 2,900 English, circa 1795, J. W, Mett- 121—Two needlework petit-point cush- OU a stseivaieiovale 6065.4 SADE IGOR 1,400 on covers, English, early 48th 11—Pecorated six-fold coromdndel century, Wi Méttler;<..2anaak 9350 De R: Whitehouse ......+seeee0 2,700 etit-point and cross-st{/tch, Eng- 12—Ormolu-mounted mahogany pedes- ish, -circa 1725, Mrs.’ Victor tal, English, circa 1760, P. W. WEIL is sccccverteecsevecieeetoennes French & Co, wsesereees sessecee 850 }128—Needlework cover for chair seat, 18—Carved and gilt console table, a English, circa 1740, J. 8. Brown. apc style of 1730, Frank 528 te eraeaie tape Pied needlework bad (rl (- See ee ee ee. . panel, nglish, circa 1770, Fred- 14—Set of four William and Mary OMOR RO8G COii csc. cssccvsvnced walnut chairs, English, late gev- enteenth century, EK. T, Farmer. 15—Mahogany settee, English, circa 1740, F. T, Haskell........ cosas & 1@—Painted and gilt side table, Eng- Ush, circa 1765, Ginsburg & Levy efalatasaioWe Piece ‘alajtia’ ‘ 17—Batinwood and mahogany dwart cabinet, English, circa P. W. French & Co...... 18—Pair of mirrors with carved : frames, Epa. circa 1740, M, English, Good- circa 1740, century, F. Rose & C 130—Curled paperwork frame, 18th cen- tury, on ‘‘order’ The sale will continue this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. 50 00 | eighteenth-century English Iireisler Buys a Tea Caddy. “Mrs, Baruch was especially interest- ed in the bidding, and it is understood fiat she will be the ultimate owner of an eighteenth-century English satin- wood commode, one of the most beau- tiful pieces of furniture in the sale, which was sold for $4,100 to a Mrs. Fritz Kreisler, the violinist, picked up an attractive mahogany in- laid English tea caddy, dated 1779, for $140. E. F. Albee, the vaudeville man- ager, bought a pair of semi-circular t console tables, im.the style and period of Per- golesi and Adam, for $1,150; an elgh- teenth-century English console mirror in a gilt frame, in the Chippendale style, for $650, and an eighteenth-sen- .tury English gilt’side table for §475. Sale in a Grand Sotting. The sale was held in a large, rectan- gular room, whose immense length and width made its ceilings appear comparatively low. The whole seemed to have been carved out of a bed red plush—walls, carpeting, chairs, stage, and light coverings. A few rich tapestries, huge mirrors in gilded frames and other art objects decorated the place. In one corner of the room near the stage, where the articles were dis- played one by one, stood the chief auc- tioneer, F. A. Chapman, a middle-aged man in a swallow-tail coat, who dis- played.a remarkable facility in suiting the mood of his audience with what might be called a vocal change of pace. He was brisk, business-like and effi- cient when he began his auctioneering. for each article; asking for such-and- such a bid. He was mildly humorous ind good-natured when the first bid vas only half what he asked. Then, us the bids came bigger and bigger, he would break into a sort of musical sing-song, increasing the tension of the bidders. At last he would reach the wimax and make the sale with an in- Ynation that could be compared to a yhop chanting a litany in a cathedral. en) having run the gamut of busi- 3.'man, comedian; thespian and * he would repeat the process. e ever held out through 130 ons of this js a mystery to the sles Brilliantly Displayed. Qhapman’s right wa a regu- e, with red velvel yeurtains ‘awn: and reopeneti- between © sales. Every article of- 1e was displayed on stands zh red plush, against a cloth uckground, brilliantly illumin- mn above and below. judience was quiet and reserved bidding, which was sometimes g, but always restrained. Bid- caught the eye of the nearest oneer by merely lifting a hand or atalogue—a slight gesture that etimes meant “‘raising’’ the pre- s bidder as much aa $1,000. One aler made most.of his bids by lean- ng back nonchalantly and pulling the coat of ‘an auctioneer standing near him. The auctioneer appeared to trans- late these tugs into. dollars, according to their strength.. A few times, when eompetition for some article was unu-~ gually keen excitement and teasion showed themselves in loud shouts, SAIDOG cacreeeeves Kawase tannewe 1,150 21—Artist’s mahogany cabinet, Eng- A lish, clrea, 1740, Symons, Inc.... 2,000 22—Pair of carved wood and gilt ped- estals, English, circa 1770, Charles of London .,.-ssseeeeee 650 23—Pair of Satinwood side tables, English, circa 1705, Mrs. K. 5,000 TYSON coccseeresceecvates eacces ’ 24-Pair of mahogany card tables, English, circa 1760, D. Q5—Landscape in gros-point embroid~- B. Riegel 1,800 ery, circa 1740, Frank Partridge 2,700 20—Ellzabethan panel of gros and petit point needlework, circa : 1570, R. W, Lehne ...seeeeeees » 65a 27—Stuart panel, English, circa 1635, is Karl Freund .vecesecesceeeerce . 475 28~Portrait of Queen Anne in robes of State, English, clrea 1710, Symona, Inc. visrcassecenceerers 650 29~Stuart silkwork picture, English, sa circa 1680, H. Glemby ..cssess Pacer) 80—Stuart silkwork poc!’et-hook cover, . English, circa 1640, Victor Loul 60 81—Stuart petit-point needléwork panel, English, circa 1600, H. Glemby secccecseceeetvecses 335 $2—Charles II, needlework picture, English, clroa 1670, H, Glem- 438 ‘caw pervawde gene aseeegaesvcnes $3—French tapestry picture, Fr circa 1700, A, B. Davie 50 $4—Palr of bronze figures by ler, Lenygson & Morant.. 700 M—Cronze figure of Eurydice “enjamin Clemena, B. Klar.... 50—Bronze horze, Italian, 16th cen- tury, J. M, Martlnsceccceserees 150 37—Bronze group by D, P. Boucher, helaaunS eS asaeesie Eeoraatey ma ronze gure 0 e s Jean Di Bologna, C. R. Holmes 5C0 39—Pair of Italian andirona, circa | 1690, Symons, InC.rese+seeseres 200 40—-Old Itallan tortoise ehell toilet service, Frank Partridge...... 2, 41—Fourteen-day = strikin clock by Gil L’Aine, Paris, French, circa 1768, B. Klaressseeessseee 49—Mahogany inlaid tea caddy, Eng- lsh, 1779, Fritz Kreisler....... 140 43—Tapered wall pedestal. English, circa 1780, R. W. Lehne..-.---- 325 44—Semicircular side table of Syca- more (Halrwood), English, circa 5-8 1780. P. es Ls ng beg 1 4 mall olroular wor: tcble, ng . Hah, cirea 1770, E. W, Bassick 3C0 46—Walnut and parcel-giit chalr, Eng- lish, circa 1720, Symons, Inc... 425 47—Mahogany side chair, English, circa 1760, FY, J, ,Peters....+- eo €25 48—Pair of high-back carved and ilt chairs, English. circa 1725, Charles of London....+..+++ re 1) 49—Lion-mask mahogany settee, Enge _ lish, clrea 1725, Symons, Inc... 3,700 50—Set of six Chippendale period ma- : hogany chairs, English, cirea 1760, P. pete g Ae 3,750 Sl~Mahogany dining table, English, Since 760, Frank Partridge... 4,500 D2~Important satinwood suite, lng- lsh, clrea 1780, E, Hines...... 2,750 33—Important satinwood suite, Eng- Nash, circa 1790, A, F. Lichten- BAIN acne aKdsaleecancenanenee ay ON 34—Semicireular decorated commode, English, circa 1790, F. Part- TIAGO wcaevares Patt a paissatatasee SLIee B3—Wing easy chair, English, circa 1710, BE, W. Basasick,.....+. sivie Wis 600 Se—Gilt side table, English, circa . 1760-70, E. F. Albee 475 8%—Pembroke table, English 5 1790, nade ager ee 500 8—Console mirror in gilt frame, lsh, circa 1750. E. F. Albee... 650 5B9eMahogany side chair, -English, circa 1755, F. G, Tallman..... » 600 60—Pier glass, English, circa 1760, Miss H. Counihan, agent..,.... 1,450 61—Carved mahogany window seat, English. circa 1785, Miss Jane Swords ..eeseene au sins maemo Rens « 1,250 62—Pair of beeoh armchairs, English, circa 1750, P, W. French Co... 2,400 63—Series of six old Itallan silkwork % pictures, circa 1660, Victor Well. 325, 64—Early elghteenth century small coverlet in petit and gros-point needlework, circa 1710, Symons, oan 230 7350 try, P. W. French & Co..... 68—English seventeenth century e @roidered picture, G, 5, Braun.. 60—Stuart embrclae . English, circa 1670, H. C. Richard, ....seveeere 70—Pair of old boxwood figures hy Krakenberg, Italian, circa 1680, A, M. Beard.errocescescvcssevee 8, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBE] ce Ae THE LEVERHULME | COLLECTION. ee AMERICAN OFFER. ° SALE TO TAKE PLACK IN NEW YORK. Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rutley announce that a proposal has been received from the Anderson Calleries of New York for the sale of the contents of The Hill, Hampstead, which they could not possibly advise the executors of the late Lord Leverhulme to refuse. The proposal has, therefore, been accepted and the sale at The Hill, Hampstead, will not take place. Should it, however, be desired to purchase any of the works of art for the nation before they leave the country, the executors have the right to reserve such works from the sale. The Anderson Galleries, in conjunction with Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rutley, will hold the sale on behalf of the executors in New York in the early part of next year. The other sales already advertised will be held by Messrs. Knight, Frank and Rutley as arranged. Our Sale Room Correspondent writes :— This official announcement connotes one of the most amazing and stupendous transactions in the annals of English auctions, It has no parallel. Here is a collection of books. pictures, drawings, furniture, and so forth, formed by a well- known man of great wealth, catalogued and advertised for a sale extending over 15 days by an eminent firm of London auctioneers, suddenly withdrawn and, in effect, on the way to New York for public auction sale at the Anderson Calleries in that city. It cannot be that the London fine-art trade is unable to bear the financial strain of the Leverhulme sales, for both during and ever since the Great War far more important art sales have been held in London without any apparent strain on the financial resources of the London dealers ; during last season the Carnarvon and Sargent sales were evidence of this. It is, of course, no secret that American collectors are to-day Europe’s biggest customers for objects of art, just as England was ely the only market in the world or such things during the latter part of the eighteenth and for the first half of the nineteenth century. American dollars are. now the magnet where English guineas once ruled. “Tor Fonruitt Fever.” The history of English auctions, so far as art and literary objects are concerned, is fruitfes! jn Surprises, but none of them is comparabl to this one respecting the late Lord Lever hulme’s collection. The nearest paralle ‘occurred just over a century ago. In 182: Mr. James Christie was called in by Willian Beckford to sell the contents of his tamous residence at Fonthill, Wiltshire. The sale on the premises was fixed for September 17, 1822, and nine following days. Two editions of the catalogue, at a guinea each, were exhausted, 3 such was William Becktord’s fame as a cou- nolsseur. Shortly before the time of the sale 4 wealthy West Indian merchant, a Mr. Farquhar, stepped in and bought the whole collection cn vuseec-ror a price stated to be about £330,000. Mr. Farquhar apparently soon tired of his purchase and placed it in the hands of Mr. Henry Phillips, of New Band- street ; he held the sale at Fonthill in Septem- ber and October, 1823, 41 days, the total amounting to £43,869. In the intervals of the two sales—the one which did not take place and the other which did—strange things happened. Tons of stufi were cartetl down to Fonthill from London. and probably elsewhere, deposited there, and included in the sale. he Christie catalogue enumerated 115 pictures; that of Phillips contained 415 pictures. The Holbeins had increased from three to six, the Rubens from one to five, and the Teniers from one to 22, There was no secret about the matter; the papers were full of details of this affair, and we are told that Mr. Phillips “ provided every day a good dinner for the gentlemen of the Press.” The Times bore witness to the sensa- tion created, and ‘‘ The Fonthill Fever” raged for weeks. It was impossible for late visitors to procure beds for miles around, even at exorbitant prices. There have been many instances in whicl libraries and art collections’ have been cata logued for sale and have never come unde the hammer. Tor instance, as far back ai 1756, Bryan Faitiax’s collection was to hav been sold in London by Prestage, but Franci Child intervened and bought it for £2,000, arc all the catalogues, except about 20, wer destroyed. Jn 1807 the Lansdowne manu scripts, catalogued in two volumes, and in 184! the Stowe manuscripts, were withdrawn fron public sale and purchased privately for th nation. The most famous instance of a bis library being catalogued by one firm o auctioneers and sold hy a rival is that o William Upcott, of the London Institution. h 1846 the collection was catalogued by R. H. T.. and C. Evans—tfor many years the mos eminent book auctioneers in London—but o1 the eve of the sale the Evans’s found them: selves in financial difficulties, and Messrs Sotheby were called in to conduct the sale. which they did on their rivals’ premises. Dawson Turner contributed an account of this séle to the Gentleman’s Magazine of May, 1846, In 1830 the firm of Evans catalogued for sale the Paston Deeds and other MSS., but that sale was not held. In 1841 Bishop Samuel Butler’s fine library was catalogued for sale in three parts at Christie’s, but the third part, consisting of early printed books, was pur- chased privately for the British Museum. A touch of tragedy concerns one auction which chly partly took place. George Offor’s fixe library, in which the Bunyan first and. other editions extended to 500 lots, was to have been disposed of at Sotheby’s from June 27 to July 6, 1865, but the greater part was can- sumed by fire in the auction rooms on June 29, and the residue was sold as salvage to an American agent for £300—a comparatively early instance af American enterprise in such matters, VAGARIUS OF THE AUCTION. There are many instances in which art auction sales have been suddenly stopped. Some 3C€ years or more:ago, Mr. D. P. Sellar, a London collector, sent a collection of old masters to Christie’s, and aiter some half a dozen Jots had passed under the hammer the owner insisted on stopping the sale. At the same rooms also, in 1914, the sale of the collection of medieval objects of art formed by M. Max Lyon, of Paris, was stopped atter the first day’s auction ; no reason was given, as is usual in such cases, but the sale was not supported by the Freuch and other dealers, and the prices realized on the first day were not in accordance with the owner’s valuation. The collection, or what remains of it, is still, we believe, in Paris. There are also many instances in which collections have beet offered privately and publicly, and, failing to find buyers, have at last drifted into the saiv rooin. Perhaps the most noteworthy instance ot this is the very fine library of Bishop Gott, Which was catalogued by Messrs. Sotheran and offered book by book; a few things were sold, but the bulk of the library was even- tually sold at Sotheby’s. Many other illustrations of what may be described as the vagarfes of the auction room could be instanced, but they are, with those mentioned above, of national rather than inter- national interest. "The late Lord Leverhulme was the centre of many surprises in his life- time, but it may be doubted if he ever pro- vided so great an international sensation as this im regard to his collections at Hampstead. ¥ ~ ‘ a C ae 4 wf Kk i w A . ny yf d i ve v Sf bs q 4, oa A