SALE NUMBER 1878 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH RARE PRINTS BY N. CURRIER AND CURRIER & IVES THE COLLECTION OF RED J. PETERS OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND [PART TWO] HOME TO THANKSGIVING PAINTED BY G. H. DURRIE [NUMBER 208] TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES CMITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 coos | ihn = a a bom ; i ’ «a » “ - SALE NUMBER 1878 | ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH RARE PRINTS N. CURRIER AND CURRIER & IVES THE COLLECTION OF FRED J. PETERS OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND [PART TWO] COMPOSED EXCLUSIVELY OF THE MORE DESIR- ABLE SUBJECTS, APPROPRIATELY FRAMED IN OLD MAHOGANY, PINE AND MAPLE FRAMES. TOGETHER WITH SEVERAL FINE EARLY AMERI- CAN AQUATINTS BY JUKES, AND ORIGINAL CAN- VASES AND SKETCHES BY ARTHUR F. TAIT AND LOUIS MAURER TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK A = -» ’ 4 } « : ) s \e > t THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. | Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wI1rHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH IMPORTANT EVENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY 1- 26 MEXICAN AND CIVIL WAR 27- 42 PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER CELEBRITIES 43- 71 THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS 72- 96 THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS: TOGETHER WITH THE RARE JUKES HUD- SONS RIVER AND MOUNT VERNON AQUATINTS 97-116 PIONEERS, EARLY SETTLERS, INDIANS, EARLY WEST AND RAILROADS 117-132 WHALING, CLIPPER SHIPS, NAVAL, STEAMSHIPS AND YACHTS 1338-159 THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF THE AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES 160-187 THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF THE AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES 189-214 THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN SPORTS 215-241 THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN SPORTS, MOSTLY AFTER A. F. TAIT AND PAINTED AT HIS STUDIO AT LONG LAKE, ADIRONDACKS 242-264 SUBJECTS AFTER THE OLD AMERICAN AND OTHER CLASSICS AND SENTIMENTAL SUBJECTS 265-277 FRENCH HISTORIC SERIES 278-282 AMERICAN PAINTINGS AND SKETCHES BY ARTHUR F. TAIT AND LOUIS MAURER 283-290 as Loy PA One 1a F-a = : i get See 7% all a ee a ‘ Ce athe : = t,t Pek 13 : ' 4 ee : Pi be i >. ape ‘ ; : PASS it 6 io, s i ‘ ae r aT Vv; Pte i ‘ ¥ ‘ " 2 7 J 2 id ! 4 Q ; { \ = : * : ‘ , ‘ - » 1 an bs ‘ =m * ae, rye | SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH, AT ~ 8:15 NUMBERS 1-290 IMPORTANT EVENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY NUMBERS 1-26 THE LANDING OF COLUMBUS At San Salvador, October 12th, 1492. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Maple frame. LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS AT PLYMOUTH 11TH DEC. 1620 N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. JOHN HANCOCK’S DEFIANCE July 4th 1776. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Maple frame. With key to names of signers. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE July 4th, 1776. Published by J. Baillie. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH Patrick Henry delivering his great speech on the rights of the Colonies before the Virginia Assembly. . . . March 23rd, 1775. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. THE DECLARATION COMMITTEE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Folio. Maple frame. With key to individuals, and five lines of descriptive matter beneath title. CAPTURE OF ANDRE, 1780 Williams, Van Wart and Paulding, under print. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Maple frame. THE CAPTURE OF ANDRE By John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wart, Tarryton, INDE Ys, DEpta2o, 1780. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 THE ESCAPE OF SERGEANT CHAMPE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. Champe was a Sergeant-Major in Henry Lee’s cavalry legion, and just after Arnold’s treason was sent to New York as a spy by Lee at Wash- ington’s request. As such he served in the British Army, and later made his escape, and joined Greene’s troops in North Carolina. : WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE Evening Previous To The Battle of Trenton. Dec. 25th 1776. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. WASHINGTON, CROSSING THE DELAWARE On The Evening of Dec. 25th 1776, previous to the battle of Trenton. J. Cameron in plate. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Folio. Maple frame. THE FIRST MEETING OF WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. GENERAL FRANCIS MARION OF SOUTH CAROLINA In His Swamp Encampment, inviting a British Officer to share his Dinner of sweet potatoes and cold water. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Folio. Maple frame. MARION’S BRIGADE CROSSING THE PEDEE RIVER, 5. C., 1778 On their way to attack the British forces under Tarleton. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. FRANKLIN’S EXPERIMENT Demonstrating the identity of Lightning and Electricity, from which he invented the Lightning Rod. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Pine frame. VERY SCARCE. WASHINGTON APPOINTED COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF The Continental Congress, June 15, 1775, elected Gen. Washington Commander-in-Chief of all the forces . . . he modestly . . . accepted his important trust. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. SURRENDER OF LORD CORNWALLIS At Yorktown, Va., Oct. 19th, 1781. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 2 18 19 iw) bo 24 LW) Or WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION BY THE LADIES, ON PASSING The Bridge at Trenton, N. J., April 1789. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Mahogany frame. WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL TO THE OFFICERS OF HIS ARMY At the Old Tavern, Broad and Pearl Streets, New York. Dec. 4, 1783. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. A PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION IN 1789 By General and Mrs. Washington. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. WASHINGTON AND HIS CABINET Currier & Ives. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. DEATH OF TECUMSEH Battle of the Thames Oct. 5th, 18138. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small upright folio. Maple frame. THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, FOUGHT JANY. 8th, 1815 N. Currier. Dated 1842. Smail folio. Maple frame. SURRENDER OF GENL. LEE, AT APPOMATTOX C. H. VA. April 9th 1865. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Small upright folio. Pine frame. SURRENDER OF GENERAL LEE At Appomattox C. H. Va. April 9th, 1865 Currier & Ives. Dated 1873. Small folio. Pine frame. Rare print with further imprint of J. C. & W. M. Burrow 200 Main Street, Bristol Tenn. THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN At Ford’s Theatre Washington D. C. April 14th 1865. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 5) 27 28 30 31 33 34 MEXICAN AND CIVIL WAR NUMBERS 27-42 BATTLE OF MONTEREY The Americans Forcing Their Way To The Main Plaza May 28rd, 1846. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Folio. Pine frame. THE MEXICANS EVACUATING VERA, CRUZ and Surrendering their Arms to the U. S. Army under Genl. Scott. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. MAJOR GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT General in Chief, United States Army. The Hero of Chippewa, Lundy’s Danes aie emretc. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small upright folio. Maple frame. GENERAL TAYLOR AND STAFF The Heroes of Palo Alto, Reseca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small upright folio. Maple frame. GALLANT CHARGE OF THE “SIXTY-NINTH” On the Rebel Batteries at the Battle of Bull-run Va. July 21st 1861 Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS March 8th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Mahogany frame. THE BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS, VA. May 31st, 1862. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Small folio. Maple frame. SIEGE AND CAPTURE OF VICKSBURG, MISS., July 4th 1863. Four lines of descriptive matter. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. COL. MICHAEL CORCORAN, AT THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN, VA., July 21st 1861 The desperate and bloody charge of the “Gallant Sixty-Ninth” ete. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. 4 36 38 39 40 41 THE BATTLE AT CEDAR MOUNTAIN Aug. 9th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. THE SECOND BATTLE OF BULL RUN Fought Aug. 29th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. THE BATTLE OF SHARPSBURG, MD. Sept. 16th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original frame. THE BATTLE OF SHARPSBURG, MD., Sept. 17th, 1862 Three lines of descriptive matter beneath title. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. THE BATTLE OF ANTIETAM, MD., Sept. 17th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. S te) ce BOMBARDMENT AND CAPTURE OF FREDERICKSBURG, VA. Dec. 11th, 1862. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original frame. THE EVACUATION OF RICHMOND, VA. By the Government of the Southern Confederacy on the Night of April 2nd 1865. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER CELEBRITIES NUMBERS 43-71 A complete set of the first sixteen Presidents of the United States from Washington to Lincoln uniformly framed in mahogany with eagle and star decoration in gilt. 43 NUMBERS 45-58 GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. ~ o 44 46 48 49 4 JOHN ADAMS Second President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. THOMAS JEFFERSON Third President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. JAMES MADISON Fourth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Upright folio. Eagle frame. JAMES MONROE Fifth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Sixth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Eagle frame. ANDREW JACKSON Seventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. MARTIN VAN BUREN Eighth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Eagle frame. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Ninth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Eagle frame. JOHN TYLER Tenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. JAMES K. POLK Eleventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. ZACHARY TAYLOR Twelfth President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. 6 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 MILLARD FILLMORE Thirteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. FRANKLIN PIERCE Fourteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. From a daguerreotype by T. Dunlap. Dated 1852. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. JAMES BUCHANAN Fifteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Sixteenth President of the United States. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small upright folio. Eagle frame. JAMES K. POLK Eleventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small upright folio. Original mahogany frame. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Sixteenth President of the United States. EK. B. & E. C. Kellogg. Not dated. Small upright folio. Pine frame. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Centre medallion of George Washington, Declaration of Independence beneath. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Centre medallion “George Washington” Declaration of Independence. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. Differing from the preceding. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Washington, centre medallion, with Signing of Declaration beneath, and oval medallion portraits to Polk. N. Currier, Dated 1844. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. Differing from the preceding. 64 66 68 69 ~ bo THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Zachary Taylor, the People’s Choice for 12th President, large centre medallion surrounded by portraits, Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. THE PRESIDENTS Of The United States From 1789 to 1861. Washington to Buchanan. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. WASHINGTON First in War, First in Peace, And First in the Hearts of His Countrymen. N. Currier. Not dated. Small upright folio. Maple frame. G. WASHINGTON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Upright folio. Black and gilt frame. WASHINGTON FAMILY N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame.. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. WINFIELD SCOTT The People’s Choice for Thirteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small upright folio. Mahogany frame. WM. P. DEWEES, M.D. ETC., ETC. Drawn on stone by M. E. D. Brown. Painted by John Naegle. Printed by N. Currier. Dated Philadelphia 1834. Upright folio. One of the earliest imprints bearing Currier’s name, and at this date shows Currier only as a printer. THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS NUMBERS 72-96 VIEW OF THE GREAT CONFLAGRATION AT NEW YORK JULY 19th, 1845. From the Bowling Green. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Maple frame. Rare. 73 74 ~t Or 76 78 79 80 81 VIEW OF NEW YORK From Weehawken. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. Maple frame. BURNING OF THE CITY HALL NEW YORK On the night of the 17th August 1858. Supposed to have taken fire from the fireworks exhibited in commemoration of the successful laying of the Atlantic telegraph cable. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. VERY SCARCE. NEW YORK VIEW View of J. M. Dunlap’s Hurlgate Ferry Hotel, foot of 86th Street and East River, New York. James Baillie. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. “An obliging Host, beautiful scenery and cool Summer-retreat, Re- freshments of the first quality . . . Murphy’s stages from City Hall, Pell St. and Bowery run every 15 minutes and carry passengers co this place for 6 cents.” THE NARROWS, NEW YORK BAY From Staten Island. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. IN THE HARBOR Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. Showing Clipper ships in New York Harbor. STEAMBOATS PASSING AT MIDNIGHT On Long Island Sound. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. The old steamers Bristol and Providence are shown. OLD SAW MILL L. I. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original frame. At Plandome and built in 1679. TOLL-GATE, JAMAICA, L. I. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Walnut and gilt frame. Very Rare. IDLEWILD-ON-THE HUDSON The Glen. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 9 . 83 84 85 88 89 90 34 93 94 SUNNYSIDE-ON THE HUDSON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. THE HUDSON NEAR COLDSPRING Chapel of Our Lady. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. VIEW FROM FORT PUTNAM West Point, Hudson River, N. Y. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. HYDE PARK (On The Hudson River) Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. UP THE HUDSON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. HUDSON RIVER—CROW NEST Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. RIP VAN WINKLE’S COTTAGE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. PLACID LAKE (Adirondacks) Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. WATKINS GLEN. New York Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. THE NOTCH HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAIN New Hampshire Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. NOVA SCOTIA SCENERY Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Medium folio. Pine frame. A SCENE ON THE SUSQUEHANNA Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. VALLEY FALLS—VIRGINIA Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. 10 96 WATERFALL—TIVOLI, ITALY Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS: TOGETHER WITH THE RARE JUKES HUDSONS RIVER AND MOUNT VERNON AQUATINTS NUMBERS 97-116 97 BLACKWELL’S ISLAND, EAST RIVER From Ejighty-sixth Street, New York. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Folio. Pine frame. THE CATTSKILL MOUNTAINS FROM THE EASTERN SHORE OF THE HUDSON | NoMBER 98 | 98 THE CATTSKILL MOUNTAINS From the Eastern Shore of the Hudson. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Pine frame. oS The print is seldom found in such fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ie 99 VIEW OF THE HUDSON F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large folio. Maple frame. A rare print in five soft colors. VIEW IN DUTCHESS COUNTY, N. Y. IN ORIGINAL COLORS. AN UNKNOWN CURRIER PRINT [NuMBER 100] 100 VIEW IN DUTCHESS COUNTY, N. Y. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large folio. Pine frame. In original colors. An unknown Currier print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 101 VIEW ON LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Folio. Pine frame. This is the larger size and so far as known there are only two other copies recorded. 102 THE MILL-DAM AT “SLEEPY HOLLOW” Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. 12 103 THE MOUNTAIN SPRING Near Cozzen’s Dock, West Point. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Folio. Maple frame. 1OteeaeN GH TON THE HUDSON “Through At Daylight” F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Maple frame. Fine clean impression with full margins. VIEW OF WEST ROCK NEAR NEW HAVEN, CONN. [NuMBER 105 | 105 VIEW OF WEST ROCK Near New Haven, Conn. Painted by J. Smith. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Original black and gilt frame. A Very Scarce print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 13 106 UNION COURSE L. I. George M. Patchen, Brown Dick, and Miller’s Damsel. In their splendid trotting contest for a purse of $500.00 over the Union Course L. I. July 7th, 1859. Painted by L. Maurer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. Pine frame. For the Origmal Pencil Drawing of this print see Number 290 in this catalogue. VIEW ON LONG ISLAND, N. Y. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Pine frame. The location is at the foot of Manhasset Hill or, as it was then known, “Spinney Hill,” and the old wagon path is now the North Hempstead Turnpike. Very Rare. 108 SUNRISE ON LAKE SARANAC _ [yumsBer 108] SUNRISE ON LAKE SARANAC Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Pine frame. The exquisite scenery of Saranac, lightly enveloped in the early morning mist, is faithfully depicted in this print in the manner of George Innes. The sketch on stone is unquestionably by Severn, the artist who exe- cuted the famous “Husking’’—See No. 207 in this catalogue. 14 AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT [NuMBER 1 15] re MENT MORES OS: Gar it pe Ss “8 Oke Cat he ; bi iad SERGE QRS ERS URE Ro VERY RARE COLORED AQUATINT [NuMBER 116] 109 VIEW OF HARPERS FERRY, VA. (From the Potomac Side) Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large folio. Original frame. 110 VIEW OF THE POTOMAC Near Harpers Ferry. F. FE, Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. Maple frame. 111 ‘TOMB OF WASHINGTON Mt. Vernon Va, Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folio. Original mahogany frame. 112 HOME OF WASHINGTON Mt. Vernon Va. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folio. Original mahogany frame. 118 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENNESSEE And the Chatanooga Rail Road. F’, F, Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. Maple frame. A Rare railroad item. 114 LAKE WINNIPISEOGEE From Center Harbor, N. H. Pamted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large folio. Original walnut and gilt frame. 115 HUDSONS RIVER From Chambers Creek looking thro the High Lands. Alexander Robertson del. F. Jukes sculpsit. Colored aquatint published London January Ist, 1802 by F. Jukes, and by A. Robertson Columbia Academy, Liberty Street, New York. Folio. Black and gilt frame. An Excrrprincry Rare print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 15] 16 116 118 119 MOUNT VERNON Mount Vernon, Virginia, Seat of the late Lieut. General George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. Alexander Robertson delineavit. Francis Jukes sculpsit. Colored aquatint published London, March 31, 1800, by Francis Jukes and by A. L. Robertson, Columbia Academy Liberty Street, New York. Folio. Black and gilt frame. Very Rare. Mr. Albert Addison Lewis writes: “One thinks of George Washington as a stern, tremendous man, proudly erect on a restive white stallion, commanding and superior. But George Washington’s gardens at Mount Vernon make us know that, like all of the early Americans, this aristocrat had a gentler side, a beauty loving soul that found content and rest in planning the hedgerows of his garden, after directing the destinies of the Nation.” [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 15] PIONEERS, EARLY SETTLERS, INDIANS, EARLY WEST AND RAILROADS NUMBERS 117-1382 AMERICAN RAILROAD SCENE: SNOW BOUND Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. fo) S = GREAT SALT LAKE, UTAH Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCENERY Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. THE GREAT WEST Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. The Early Railroad train crossing the plains with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Maple frame. The Pioneers’ Home in winter. Live 123 124 125 126 Ls, 130 131 A FRONTIER SETTLEMENT Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folio. Original frame. A HALT BY THE WAYSIDE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. Immigrants on the march to the West in covered wagon. AMONG THE PINES A First Settlement. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. The early settlement of Portland, Oregon, with the Willamette River shown. THE WESTERN FARMERS HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Pine frame. THE TRAPPER’S LAST SHOT Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. INDIANS ATTACKING THE GRIZZLY BEAR The Most Savage and Ferocious Animal of North America. Catlin del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. Fine impression. Rare. A CHECK “Keep Your Distance” Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1853. Large folio. Depicting David Crockett astride his horse, firing upon an attacking party. Companion to the following number. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE PRAIRIE HUNTER “One Rubbed Out” Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Large folio. Companion to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 18 DAVID CROCKETT FIRING UPON AN ATTACKING PARTY PAINTED BY ARTHUR F. TAIT [NuMBER 180] THE PRAIRIE HUNTER PAINTED BY ARTHUR F. TAIT [NuMBER 131 | 133 1354 135 136 THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Immigrants crossing the plains. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. frame. A Very Rare print of the “Covered Wagon” subject. WHALING, CLIPPER SHIPS, NAVAL, STEAMSHIPS AND YACHTS NUMBERS 1383-159 CAPTURING THE WHALE N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. THE WHALE FISHERY—“IN A FLURRY” N. Currier. Dated 1852. Small folio. Maple frame. THE WHALE FISHERY—“LAYING ON” N. Currier. Dated 1852. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. SOUTH SEA WHALE FISHERY Pine N. Currier, 33 Spruce St. N. Y. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. Beneath title—“‘A Boat destroyed by a wounded whale.” ‘The Head of a large Whale in the Agonies of Death”. A CLIPPER SHIP IN A HURRICANE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 20 CLIPPER SHIP ““COMET’’ OF NEW YORK PERFECT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION OF ONE OF THE RAREST OF THE LARGE CLIPPER SHIP PRINTS [NuMBER 138] 188 CLIPPER SHIP “COMET” OF NEW YORK In a hurricane off Bermuda, on Her voyage from New York to San Fran- cisco, Oct. 2 1852. KE. C. Gardner, Commander. C. Parsons del. N. Currier. Dated 1855 Large folio. Old gilt frame. Perfect original impression of one of the Rarxesr of the large clipper ship prints. The “Comet”, built in New York in 1852 by William H. Webb for the California gold rush, made the record of 103 days to San Francisco in 1852. She later was used in the China and Australian trade. This print illustrated on page 224 of Captain Clark’s “Clipper Ships Era”. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 21 139 ORIGINAL OLD IMPRESSION OF THIS FAMOUS SHIP [NuMBER 139] CLIPPER SHIP “DREADNOUGHT” Off Sandy Hook February 23rd 1854. Nineteen days from Liverpool. C. Parsons del. After the painting by J. E. Butterworth. Dated 1854. Large folio. Old gilt frame. Original old impression. The Clipper Ship “Dreadnought”, considered by many to be the most famous of all Clipper Ships, was built by Donald McKay in 1853. She made many transatlantic records never equalled by any other sailing ship. For ten years she was commanded by Captain Samuel Samuels, and was known in song and story for years in New York, and other large seaports. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 22 140 THE CELEBRATED CLIPPER SHIP “DREADNOUGHT” 141 Off Tuskar Light, on her passage into dock at Liverpool in 13 days 11 hours from New York, December 1854. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. CLIPPER SHIP “GREAT REPUBLIC” Length on Deck 325 feet—Breadth of Beam 53 Feet—Depth of Hold 39 Feet. ‘Tonnage per Register 4500. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. ORIGINAL OLD IMPRESSION [NuMBER 142 | 142 CLIPPER SHIP “OCEAN EXPRESS” Outward bound. “Discharging the Pilot” Sketched by J. Smith & Son Brooklyn, L. I. On stone by C. Parsons. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Large folio. In old gilt frame. Original old impression. The Clipper Ship “Ocean Express” was built in 1855 by J. O. Curtis at Medford, Mass. for Reed & Wade of Boston. She was used exclusively in the California trade. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 23 AN EXCELLENT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION OF THIS RARE CLIPPER SHIP PRINT [NuMBER 143] 143. CLIPPER SHIP “RED JACKET” In the ice off Cape Horn on her passage from Australia to Liverpool, August 1854. Built by Geo. Thomas Esq. at Rockland Me. 1853, for Messrs Seacomb & Taylor, Boston, Mass. Drawn by J. B. Smith & Son, Brooklyn, L. I. On stone, C. Parsons. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Old gilt frame. An excellent original impression of this Rare clipper ship print. The “Red Jacket’, one of the most famous American Clipper ships in the Australian trade, was built by George Thomas, Esq., at Rockland, Maine, in 1853, for Messrs. Seacomb and Taylor of Boston, Mass. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24 144 146 147 148 149 CLIPPER SHIP “RED JACKET” In the Ice Off Cape Horn On Her Passage From Australia To Liverpool. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. THE SAILOR-FAR-FAR AT SEA Two stanzas of verse beneath title. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small upright folio. Maple frame. Too APTURE OF THE GUERRIERE BY THE CONSTITUTION After an action of 55 minutes, etc. Sarony & Major. Dated 1846. Small folio. Maple frame. THE CORSAIRS ISLE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. Black and gold frame. The smugglers are occupying a cave in which they have built a camp fire. In a cove is their Brig at anchor. AWFUL WRECK OF THE STEAMER ATLANTIC N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Pine frame. BURNING OF THE STEAMSHIP AUSTRIA, SEPT. 13th, 1858. On Her Voyage From Hamburg to New York. By Which Appalling Disaster ete. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. BURNING OF THE OCEAN MONARCH OF BOSTON Three lines of descriptive data beneath title. In The English Channel August 24th, 1848. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. Maple frame. HIGH PRESSURE STEAMBOAT MAYFLOWER Brown First Class Packet between St. Louis and New Orleans on_ the Mississippi River. Ch. Parsons, del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Capt. Joseph BOUND DOWN THE RIVER Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Mahogany frame. View on the Mississippi. A MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI F. F. Palmer del. from a sketch by H. D. Manning of the Natchez. Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. 25 154 155 156 Lot 158 159 160 161 THE MAMMOTH IRON STEAM-SHIP “GREAT EASTERN” 22,500 Tons, 3000 Horse Power. Three columns of descriptive matter. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. U.S.STEAM FRIGATE MISSOURI View From The Rock of Gibraltar, of the Burning of the U. S. Steam Frigate Missouri on the evening of August 26th, 1843. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. VICTORIOUS BOMBARDMENT OF PORT ROYAL, 8. C. NOV. 7th, 1861 By The United States Fleet under Command of Commodore Dupont. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. THE SINKING OF THE “CUMBERLAND” BY THE IRON CLAD “MERRIMAC” Off Newport News Va., March 8th 1862. Sketched by F. Newman, Newport News, Va. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. SLOOP YACHT “POCAHONTAS” OF NEW YORK Built by David Kirby, Rye, N. Y. Ch. Parsons del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1881. Large folio. Maple frame. THE YACHT SQUADRON AT NEWPORT Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Large folio. THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF THE AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES NUMBERS 160-187 EVENTIDE—THE CURFEW Four lines of verse beneath title. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. THE RURAL LAKE I’. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. THE YOUNG BROOD Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Maple frame. 26 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Ne 173 174 175 WINTER PASTIME F. Palmer del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Small folio. Pine frame. SKATING SCENE—MOONLIGHT Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. SKATING SCENE—MOONLIGHT Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Maple frame. AN AMERICAN FARM SCENE In the Olden Time. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. THE INGLESIDE WINTER Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. THE WOODLANDS IN SUMMER Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. CANADIAN VOYAGEURS Walking A Canoe Up A Rapid Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Pine frame. A NEW ENGLAND HOME Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. AN ENGLISH WINTER SCENE Curricr & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. SUMMER EVENING Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. A SNOWY MORNING F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Medium folio. frame. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SPRING Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Maple frame. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Maple frame. 27 Maple 176 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—AUTUMN Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Maple frame. 177 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Maple frame. 178 THE OLD HOMESTEAD I. Palmer del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Medium folio. Maple frame. 179) WINTER MORNING Feeding the Chickens. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Folio. Maple frame. 180 WINTER MORNING F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Medium folio. Maple frame. 181 THE OLD WINDMILL F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folio. Maple frame. 182 ROADSIDE COTTAGE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. Pine frame. 183. A GLIMPSE OF THE HOMESTEAD F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Medium folio. Maple frame. 184 A SUMMER LANDSCAPE Haymaking. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. Maple frame. 185 THE MILL-STREAM I’. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Folio. Maple frame. 186 THE COTTAGE DOOR-YARD—EVENING F. Palmer del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Folio. Pine frame: 187 LAKESIDE HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Medium folio. Maple frame. 28 189 190 191 194 195 196 THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF THE AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES NUMBERS 189-214 AMERICAN FOREST SCENE Maple Sugaring. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Large folio. Maple frame. Very Rare. A quaint Rural Scene of our forefathers, a yearly event, in which all the neighbors participated. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE May Morning. F. F. Palmer del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Mahogany frame. AMERICAN FARM SCENES—No. 2 F. F. Palmer del. N. Currier. Dated 1853. Large folio. AMERICAN FARM YARD—EVENING F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Walnut and gilt frame. AMERICAN FARM YARD—MORNING F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Original walnut and gilt frame. WINTER MORNING F. F. Palmer, del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Folio. Pine frame. EVEN TIDE—OCTOBER The Village Inn. Painted by B. Hess. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. Pine frame. WINTER IN THE COUNTRY The Old Grist Mull. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Pine frame. This and the following two numbers painted by G. H. Durrie of Con- necticut depict the beauty of the New England winter. 29 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 THE OLD HOMESTEAD IN WINTER Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Pine frame. WINTER IN THE COUNTRY A Cold Morning. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Pine frame. THE FARMER’S HOME—AUTUMN F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Maple frame. THE FARMER’S HOME—HARVEST Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. MILL RIVER SCENERY F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large upright folio. Maple frame. Companion to the following number. SUMMER TIME F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Large upright folio. Maple frame. Companion to the preceding number. AUTUMN IN NEW ENGLAND Cider Making. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. Original black and gilt frame. HAYING TIME—THE FIRST LOAD J. M. Ives del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer & J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. HAYING TIME—THE LAST LOAD J. M. Ives del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer & J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. SUMMER SHADES Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. Original walnut and gilt frame. 30 207 208 “HUSKING” CONSIDERED THE FINEST EXAMPLE OF CURRIER & IVES’ WORK [NuMBER 207 | “HUSKING” Painted by Eastman Johnson. On stone by C. Severin. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Large folio. Original black and gilt frame. This print is considered the finest example of Currier & Ives’ work. It is a fine impression, showing one of the interesting events of American Farm life. Each face is so cleverly delineated, and the depth of the barn is so well brought out by the sunlight and shade, that one un- consciously becomes a participant in this homely scene, rather than just an onlooker. HOME TO THANKSGIVING Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. Maple frame. This quaint old print depicts the true sentiment of our great American holiday. It expresses so well the eagerness with which we all desire to return to our childhood homes, to be with our “own folks” for the Nation’s day of gratitude. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON COVER | 31 209 210 212 213 214 215 216 HOLIDAYS IN THE COUNTRY Troublesome Flies. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. SUNDAY MORNING In the Olden Time. Painted by Wm. Collins Esq., R. A. N. Currier. From an engraving by S. W. Reynolds. Not dated. Large folio. Maple frame. THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: CHILDHOOD “The Season of Joy” J. M. Ives del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer & J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: YOUTH “The Season of Love” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J, Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: MIDDLE AGE “The Season of Strength” Two stanzas of poetry beneath title. Painted by J. M. Ives. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: OLD AGE “The Season of Rest” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by Parsons & Atwater. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE SMALL SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN SPORTS NUMBERS 215-241 FOX CHASE Gone away. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. FOX CHASE The Death. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 32 217 THE FOX HUNTER N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. Two verses of poetry in lower margin. 218 A RARE SORT FOR THE DOWNS Hunting Casualties. They told me he’d leave everything behind him. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 219 RABBIT CATCHING The Trap Sprung. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 220 THE RABBIT CHASE Kellogg & Comstock. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 221 KLUSHING A WOODCOCK Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. 222 WATER FOWL SHOOTING N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 223 PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 224 WOODCOCK SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Pine frame. 225 WILD DUCK SHOOTING On The Wing. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Maple frame. 226 DEER SHOOTING In the Northern Wilds. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. 227 DEER IN THE WOODS Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. 228 THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Mahogany frame. 229 HUNTING ON THE SUSQUEHANNA Moose Hunting at Night. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folio. Guilt frame. 33 bo we) bo 233 234 236 238 240 THE RETURN FROM THE WOODS F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Medium folic. Black and gold frame. A STAUNCH POINTER Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. THE CHAMPIONS OF THE FIELD Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. AN ANXIOUS MOMENT “A Three Pounder Sure” Currier & Ives. Dated 1874. Large folio. Original walnut and gilt frame. THE TROUT BROOK F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Pine frame. BASS FISHING | Off Hellgate] Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. fo) - STRIPED BASS Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Pine frame. AMERICAN BROOK TROUT Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Pine frame. THE HAUNTS OF THE WILD SWAN Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. THE CARES OF A FAMILY Quail. Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Maple frame. CANVAS BACKS Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. A PAIR OF NUTCRACKERS Squirrels. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small upright folio. Maple frame. 34 bo od iw) Lo oom sh) 246 bo oe -~ THE LARGE SIZE SERIES OF AMERICAN SPORTS MOSTLY AFTER A. F. TAIT AND PAINTED AT HIS STUDIO AT LONG LAKE, ADIRONDACKS NUMBERS 242-264 ARGUING THE POINT Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Fine impression in soft mellow tones. HOME FROM THE BROOK The Lucky Fisherman. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. HUNTING FISHING AND FOREST SCENES Shantying On The Lake Shore. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. THE LIFE OF A HUNTER “Catching a Tartar” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Large folio. THE TRAPPER’S CAMP-FIRE F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. CAMPING OUT “Some of the Right Sort” L. Maurer del. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Large folio. Original gilt frame. CAMPING IN THE WOODS “A Good Time Coming” Painted by A. F. Tait. Curricr & Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. Pine frames. CAMPING IN THE WOODS “Laying off” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. Pine frame. 35 DEER SHOOTING ON THE SHATTAGEE, NORTHERN NEW YORK AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT IN SPLENDID CONDITION [NuMBER 250] 250 AMERICAN WINTER SPORTS Deer Shooting “On The Shattagee” (Northern New York) L. Maurer del. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. | An Excrerepinc Rare print, with full margins and in almost mint condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 252 253 “ouT FOR A DAY’S SHOOTING” AN UNUSUALLY FINE PRINT SHOWING THE MASTER HAND OF LOUIS MAURER [NuMBER 251 | LIFE IN THE COUNTRY “Out for a day’s Shooting” L. Maurer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. An unusually fine print showing the master hand of Louis Maurer. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LIFE IN THE WOODS “Starting Out” Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Pine frame. Companion to the following number. LIFE IN THE WOODS “Returning to Camp” Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Pine frame. Companion to the preceding number. 37 AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS— FLUSHED” FINE IMPRESSION IN OLD COLORS, WITH FULL MARGINS [NUMBER 254] 254 AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS *Flushed’’. Painted by A. F. Tait. On stone by Ch. Parsons. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Original gilt frame. This and the following two numbers are considered the finest American sporting prints extant. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 38 “RETRIEVING” ONE OF THE THREE FINEST AMERICAN SPORTING PRINTS EXTANT [NuMBER 255] 255 AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS Retrieving. Painted by A. F. Tait. On stone by Ch. Parsons. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Original gilt frame. No previous record at auction. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 39 ‘Ss CHANCE FOR BOTH: BARRELS” ONE OF THE THREE FINEST AMERICAN SPORTING PRINTS EXTANT [NUMBER 256] 256 AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS **A Chance for Both Barrels” Painted by A. F. Tait. On stone by Ch. Parsons. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Large folio. Original gilt frame. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 40 THE CARES OF A FAMILY PAINTED BY ARTHUR F. TAIT VERY RARE [NuMBER 257] 257 ‘THE CARES OF A FAMILY Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Large folio. Very Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 41 **a RISING FAMILY” ONE OF A. F. TAIT’S FINEST PLATES, AND VERY RARE [NuMBER 258] 258 A RISING FAMILY (A Family of Snipe) Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives.: Dated 1857. Large folio, Very Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 42 259 AN EARLY START COMPANION TO THE NEXT NUMBER [NuMBER 259 | AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES “An Early Start” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. Pine frame. This and the following number are companion pieces. Both depict the Hunters in canoe out for a day’s deer shooting in the Adirondacks. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 43 260 261 262 **, GOOD CHANCE” VERY FINE OLD IMPRESSION, WITH FULL MARGINS [NuMBER 260] AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES “A Good Chance” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. Pine frame. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CATCHING A TROUT ‘We hab you now sar” Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1854. Large folio. Pine frame. Frank Forester the sportsman and Mr. Murphy, a New Yorker, are por- trayed in this print. BASS FISHING At Macomb’s Dam Harlem River, N. Y. From nature and on stone by F. F. Palmer. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Folio. Pine frame. The Onty Cory Known with the title “Bass Fishing”. Ah TROLLING FOR BLUE FISH OFF THE HIGHLANDS, NEW JERSEY [NuMBER 263 | 263. TROLLING FOR BLUE FISH (Off the Highlands of New Jersey) F. F. Palmer, del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. Original gilt frame. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 264 THE RUBBER “Put to his Trumps” Painted by L. Maurer. N. Currier. Not dated. Large upright folio. Maple frame. A fine impression of the only known American card playing print. 45 265 266 268 269 i) 271 bo bo SUBJECTS AFTER THE OLD AMERICAN AND OTHER CLASSICS AND SENTIMENTAL SUBJECTS NUMBERS 265-277 ADAM NAMING THE CREATURES N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Maple frame. NOAH’S ARK Currier & Ives. Not dated. Small folio. Walnut and gilt frame. ROBINSON CRUSOE AND HIS PETS Currier & Ives. Dated 1874. Small folio. Pine frame. ROBINSON CRUSOE AND HIS PETS It would have made a stoic smile to have seen me and my little family, CLC. CLC ares Currier & Ives. Dated 1874. Small folio. Pine frame. Differmg from preceding number bearing the same title. MY BOYHOOD’S HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Maple frame. THE WAYSIDE INN Two stanzas of Longfellow’s poem on either side of title. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Original black and gilt frame. Picturing the Old Inn at night, with its brightly colored Tavern sign, and its lighted windows, radiating hospitality. The old stage coach has just arrived with additional guests. THE HOME OF EVANGELINE “In the Acadian Land” Two stanzas of Longfellow’s “Evangeline” printed in lower margin. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Pine frame. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Two stanzas of Woodworth’s immortal poem, on either side of title. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Pine frame. 46 273 bo ~ On bo ~ ice) bo - ie) 281 JENNY LIND N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Original mahogany frame. BEFORE MARRIAGE Anticipation Linder, Pinxt. Lith. by N. Currier. Published by Currier & Ives. Folio. Black and gilt frame. AFTER MARRIAGE Experience Linder, Pinxt. Lith. by N. Currier. Published by Currier & Ives. Folio. Black and gilt frame. THE HIGHLAND LOVERS N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Rare. THE FIRST PARTING N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. RARE. FRENCH HISTORIC SERIES NUMBERS 278-282 THE PEOPLE IN THE TUILERIES 24th February 1848. French Revolution. Several lines of descriptive data beneath title. English and French. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Folio. Mahogany frame. LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC We Swear To Defend It and Die for it. N. Currier. Not dated. Folio. Mahogany frame. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Scene In The Throne Room of the Tuileries Feby. 24th, 1848. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. Mahogany frame. NAPOLEON In the Highest Degree of His Prosperity. N. Currier. Not dated. Upright folio. Mahogany frame. 47 In bo ee) bo BATTLE OF WATERLOO June 18th 1815. N. Currier. Not dated. Small folio. Mahogany frame. ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND SKETCHES BY ARTHUR F. TAIT AND LOUIS MAURER THE TWO ABLEST ARTISTS EMPLOYED BY CURRIER & IVES IT IS TO THESE TWO MEN THAT WE ARE INDEBTED FOR THE FIDELITY WITH WHICH THE SPLENDID CURRIER SPORTING PRINTS ARE DEPICTED Both were true sportsmen, Tait always interested in the wild fowl, and hunting incidents ; while Mr. Maurer was more interested in the trotting and racing horses, and the study of big game. NUMBERS 283-290 ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1819-1905 283 YOUNG RUFFED GROUSE Four young chicks disporting themselves in a grassy hollow. The one with spread wings is picking at a berry, while the others are resting. Painting in oil on academy board. Signed “A. F. Tait” and dated 1858, lower right. In gilt frame. Height, 8 inches; width, 9 inches 48 284 285 ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1819-1905 A FARM YARD AT MORRISANIA, NEW YORK, 1861 An interior of a cow barn with a Jersey cow lying down with her calf, with further cows in the background. The floor is strewn with hay, and several fine specimens of fowl are scratching around. Signed “A. F. Tait 1861”, lower right; the reverse of canvas marked by Tait, Morrisania N. Y. 1861. In original gilt frame. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches A fine specimen of Tait’s work and a charming farm subject. This painting is interesting as evidence of the growth of the City. This farm site is now covered by apartments. Companion piece to the fol- lowing number. ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1819-1905 A COW PASTURE AT MORRISANIA, NEW YORK, 1861 A companion piece to the preceding number. Cows and sheep in a boarded pasture with hens, roosters and chicks to the left. Canvas signed “A. F. Tait, 1861”, lower right. In original gilt frame. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches 49 286 A MAINE BULL MOOSE PAINTING ON CANVAS BY LOUIS MAURER [NuMBER 286] LOUIS MAURER 1831- A MAINE BULL MOOSE Painted from life by Mr. Maurer on the occasion of one of his many expeditions for the purpose of studying animal life. The gallant crea- ture is shown “at attention”, evidently attracted by some unknown noise. ‘The foliage in the many hues of the Autumn day, with a dis- tant lake; and the rising sun which has not yet dissipated the morning mist. No finer study of the Mighty Monarch of the Northern Forest exists. Canvas signed “LL. Maurer” lower right. In original gilt frame. Height, 24 inches; width, 32 inches Companion to the following number. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 50 289 LOUIS MAURER 1831- THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELKS Full figure of an elk with a fine spread of antlers, standing on a high hill overlooking a canyon, with the Rockies in the distance. Canvas, signed “LL. Maurer” lower right. In original gilt frame. Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches Companion to the preceding number. THE SLEIGH RACE Showing the horses “Lancet”, “Grey Eddy” and “Flora” Original pencil drawing by L. Maurer. Height, 21 inches; width, 2714 inches The original sketch for the print of the same title. ETHAN ALLEN AND MATE, AND LANTERN AND MATE First driven by Harry Jones; the second by George Spicer. Original pencil drawing done by L. Maurer. Height, 1814 inches; width, 27 inches The original sketch for the trotting print of the same title. UNION COURSE, L. IL, GEORGE M. PATCHEN, BROWN DICK AND MILLER’S DAMSEL Original pencil drawing, signed “LL. Maurer”’. Height, 1314 inches; width, 27 inches The original sketch for the print. See Number 106 in this catalogue. 51 eT) A oe fs pa? ee ’ S\ nth q nal 5 Pe f | ~ 1924 Nov. 19 NeAnP c.1 Anderson /Rare prints by N. Curri 87-P19306 ITA 3 3125 01163 9926