LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York y ee “a ‘bie Ve 7 7 seh AP yes + ha = 4 ai an rh ‘ ‘ " i * so pas ie «: . 4 wa . b ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' 2a oe] a) % ‘ ‘ ae 2 Lae, “ey ‘ ‘ ~ p ¢ a ) 204 ’ e CATALOG GE jor OF Pe PAIN TINGS INCLUDING Pov oA bLPE EXAMPLE OF MEISSONIER BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Pom Dor EVO NSS ESO. Tera e SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE By OrDER OF Cot. WILLIAM JAY, TRUSTEE MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25TH, 1895 BEGINNING AT 7.45 O'CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH WHERE THE PAINTINGS ARE NOW ON FREE VIEW FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1895 “- ew N WLittlew - is ee { r be A Place, ie a Pe fc 5S | + in é r f r no a aot Re eG. - ¥ 4 \ 5 gS ; a Ay : * ‘ . \ r é 4 ’ ¢ = . s P k a CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The-Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money, 2f required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk 2fon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale-of any Article ts not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, THOMAS E. Kirby, Auctioneer. CATALOGUE. Culverhouse (J. M.), Munich. Candlelight Effect. Panel, 74 x 5%. 2 Duverger (Theéophile E.), Paris. Medals, 1861, 1863, and 1865. The Young Fortune Teller. Canvas, 103 x 8}. 3 Cerioz (T.). Petty Larceny. Canvas, 102 x 84. 5 Unknown. \ > i. Be 3 Boy’s Head. Ta ee ; , Canvas, 12 x gt. Be Unknown. | y = | Magdalen of the Grotto. Canvas, 12] x 168. He % = Wi Rotoan (T)). ae ee + y bl , Gathering Fagots, Win Panel, 10} x 122, “4 ~ ve 6 $ y . ks a a : Z : u ‘ ‘ | ATOe- 14 x Io. ; 9 Unknown. 7 mb The Young Gamblers. Panel, 128 x 16}, \ 1eim (Prof. F.E), Berlin; “Medals, 1848, 1850, and 1855. Bavarian Order of Michael, 1859. Prussian Order of Red Eagle. Re-proof, panel, 108 x 84. ‘ist AS: School of Rembrandt. Painting on Porcelain. {* OEX 7h Bho 12 Unknown. Return from the Harvest. Canvas, I2 x IO. i) Culverhouse (J. M.), Munich. Checkmated. Panel, 104 x 84. 14 Sanesi (S.). Good Friends. Canvas, 13 x IO. 15 A. R. The Young Fagot Gatherers. Canvas, I3 x 10. 8 7 8 ~ “a =e) a oe a a 2 ¥ 45 i. AM ' al hs i - 16 a oe te.) : ee ilmouche (Auguste), ; Paris, edals, 1852, 1859, 1861, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1870. Pd a The Pet Kitten. puanvas, 13x 9, Le Paris. Kitchen Maid. ; Panel, 124 x 9}. 13 é eee... .* 8 Cellier (Paul). —_Inquisitiveness. Panel, 16x 124. | “19 (BE 7 NETS ; Munich.. Going to School. 5 ri ‘ ad ' , , Py = ~ Phe: : Panel, 73 x 9}. C= 9 20 Marohn (F.), Munich. Meal Time. Canvas, 9} x 13. 2 Marohn (F.), Munich. Going to the Village. Panel, 7+ x gd. ie Zimmermann (R. S.), Munich. Gold Medal, Berlin. Grandfather's Favorite. Canvas, 164 x14. 23 Unknown. Maternal Affection. Canvas, 164 x 14%. IO 24 Unknown. h_ : The Little Nurse. Canvas, 17 x 144. 25 ™ ~) Unknown. / Sister. Canvas, 142 x 123. 26 a Unknown. The Doctor’s Visit. Panel) rer: 27 \ Unknown. ak \ Domestic Felicity. Canvas, 164 x 20. II ey fe Ps Unknown. f a Beatrice Cenci? = Canvas, 18) x 144. @-. « & Canvas,/2t x8) 4 a ‘Unknown. — ; Grandfather's V: IS Canvas, 16} x Ig}. 32 Fe Unknown. “A The Dancing Lesson. 17 -x.10; oe Lowenthal (E.). Italian Girl. Canvass.22" x17; 34 Unknown. i | At the Window. \ Canvas, 26 x 20. 30 Bangniet (C.), Paris, Order of Leopold, 1843; Officer of the same Order, 1872. Oider of Isabel Catholic of Spain, etc. The Morning Toilet. Canvas, 26 x 20, 13 36 Accard (Eugéne), Paris. The Visit to the Invalid. Canvas, 27 xas, 37 Newhays (L. A.), Munich. Cattle at the Pool. Canvas, 32 x. 26. 38 Verboeckhoven (Eugéne). Medals in Paris, 1824, 1841, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Ba- varia, and Christ of Portugal. Member of various Acad- emies. Died, 1881. In the Stable. Panel, 20x 164, 39 Unknown. Mischief in the Studio. Canvas, 32 x 254. 14 40 -Avaricious. Gariwas; 15-5 13; 41 Unknown. Birth of Christ. Canvas, 12 x 9}. 42 Unknown. Unknown. ohare Bie Holy Family. Ske Panel, 8} x 64. ae 15 . > i Holland. 44 Mieris (after). The Frugal Meal. Canvas, 10 x Q. 45 Toussaint (Louis), Paris. Candlelight Effect—Threading the Needle. ’ Panel, 104 x gf. 46 Culverhouse (J. M.), Munich. The Connoisseur. Panel, 10} x 83. A7 Unknown. Female Portrait. Panel, ote. 16 48 Unknown. | pe Scriptural Subject. i Canvas, ro} x 84. 49 School of Rembrandt. Painting on Porcelain. 50 Meissonier (J. L. E.), Paris. Medals, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1848. Grand Medals of Honor, 1855, 1867, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1846 ; Officer, 1856; Commander, 1867; Grand Officer, 1878. Member of Institute, 1861. Member of Munich Academy, 1867. Honorary Member of Royal Academy, London, and of most Continental Academies. He is justly considered the reviver of the highest Dutch School of gesre painting. Meissonier, although he painted by preference on a small. scale, was not enfeebled in his technique by the minuteness of his labors. He remained until the end one of the greatest masters of anatomy and form in Europe. The test of enlargement which has been applied to some of his smallest works shows that they have the same breadth 17 and strength as pictures of the largest dimensions. He died in Paris, 1891, and was buried with the greatest public honors ever shown to a French artist. The Sleeping Cavalier. Panel, 12 xg. Dated, 1867. 51 Unknown. Devotion. Canvas, 174 x 14%. 52 Unknown. Battle Scenes. (A pair.) Canvas, 16 x 214, each. 53 Zuccarelli (F.), Florence. Landscape with Figures. (A pair.) Canvas, 14% x 24}, each. 18 pe 34 -Rossano. Mary Magdalen. Canvas, Ig x I5. ee = Laer os n a . uet (C. O.), ’ . 4 tie le od The Evenin g Star. _ Copper, 20 x 17. a ae ese Unknown. i 4 Musician. ee zs : : | Bates S.°: Canvas, 254 x 204, ay fe Unknown. | Mary and John. : ed Canvas, 25 x Ig. ee | 19 Paris, Medals, 1822, 1831, and 1839. Legion of Honor, 1846. 58 Zuccarelli (F.), Florence. At the Fountain. Canvas, 15 x 244. 59 Unknown. The Picture Book. Panel, 14 x 12. 60 Grimoux (J.), Paris. The Country Lady. Canvas, 274 x 214. 61 Rottan, Sr. (J.). Devotion. Canvas, 303 x 23. 20 ‘oe ee get Pa ee g 4 * ae ek EG “62 . Unknown. | Female Figure. _ Canvas, 35 x 30. , ere 63 _ Wagrez (Edmund), tip ¢ | Paris. The Young Artist. Canvas, 30 x 42. | ) 64 _ Gy eavI.),0 3 J) ii Monich: ~ leon sel pire enact ‘Canvas, 26 x 394. ae 05 : Deloose (13) ana | | Brussels. The Village School. Panel) 34 x47. — ype 66 Muller (Moritz), Munich. A Bavarian Inn. Canvas, 37 x 47. 67 Lowenthal (E.). Roman Lady. Canvas, 29 x 244. 68 Zuccarelli (F.), | Florence. Pastoral Subjects. (A pair.) Canvas, 21-x 33, each. 69 Unknown. Venus and Cupid. Canvas, 274+ x 24. 22 Jove. ae Unknown. Landscape. © Canvas, 30 x 40. -_Holnstein (Clement, Count). : Canvas, GRO Se Unknown. Canvas, 39 x 27. Canvas, 35 x 42. os in P72, 23 Unpleasant News. — ! Mythological Subject. Bavaria. es “sae 74 - Minor (Frederick). Playing with the Cat. Canvas, 41 x 344. iD Unknown. Judith. Canvas, 43 x 314. 76 Lowenthal (E.). Romeo and Juliet. Canvas, 50 x 37. Rossano (J.), Rome, Neapolitan Fruit Seller. Canvas, 37 x 49}. 24 78 vi Willich (C.). e Psyche. Canvas, 54 x 4I. 79 - Rottan (J.). Moses Smiting the Rock. Canvas, 30 x 49. 80 Browerton. Landscape—Night. ‘en Canvas, 34 x 44. \ SI fap a: ; Unknown. — Portrait—Man in Armor. ge | rs : Canvas, 36 x 324. a 25 a ¥? Noterman (Z.), Wee ee y ~ é - Portrait— Philip dis * - ‘Canvas, 34 x 27. bag t ot 83 ee; : Quattordeci (N.). | ; Magdalen, — Canvas, 24x17}. 84 Unknown. — z Retaliation. . Panel, 26.x pele DOr eel nigh as be a : oa 86 Cretius (C.). ~ Carnival in Venice—Night Scene. Cues 484 x 404. 87 Bassano. ’ Canvas, 46 x 61. 88 Anke Sin Eee! ; : ; me eyer (Otto), bet | a4 . Berlin. De n° Canvas, 50 x 40. : ‘ br z es : | 89 pat = : Cu Iverhouse easy; Munich. ’ i. 7 Bites résarty.. | as Canvas, 39 x 58. | ; . meer, 25 ~The Vendangé. _ : ov. ae 90 i Unknown. Landscape and Figures, areas “yn Canvas, 38x 54. Millner (Chas.), ; | ee aM The Malserheath in To Austrian ” Q2 Comte-Calix (F. C.), Medals 1844, 1857, and 1859. Died 8 uy ‘ tox ‘ Wealth does not make ear: Canvas, 40x 50. Sh Sa ; Tilton (John R.). } Venice. - Canvas, 38x 65. } : = 28 : Rc: ~ > j nec c ae: ie ; ek F or in , us ms > f LAO fe Say: >| 7 é i . . ' as 94 ; i pa " as fe rs Rose (Jules), ee | Munich. * ‘he Green Lake, Berchtesgaden, Bavaria. Canvas, 52 x 624, ~ eo 95 pee ai | + ssege 2 (H. ); * } Frankfurt. ~ Return from the Festival. Canvas, 43 x 69. Se Mythological Subject. Canvas, 48 x 82. feet 97 iis. Hoit (A. G.). ae Canvas, 98 x 60. ° 5 = . , 29 size standing portrait of Daniel Webster. Hs i) [ i ‘iv © “fae = - é € fe a ~~ . * ow =. ” : ( Wi t r. Aa 4 ha, > ° : : q A ‘ ' ‘ on >: . 2 - ‘ ‘ } ‘ = a * 2 J Pi i . ; 4 ' ~ © Bai \ ‘4 3 ; a # ; 7 < ’ Py = { 7 { : f = i bs . ‘i ‘ - f , es ; : . 4 . ‘= eo } “ we at ¥ 4 Ul . q ; oo ¥ ~ - : « ~~! ‘ ss) . , - . & . & ' ‘ , + ‘ . ._ oe | i / : i =. ‘ Ww : > ’ . & f j ‘ 4 = - " oe 4 mi ‘ os ge hdl # rs ‘ “ . ee bas ‘ woe t 3 j oe ediah fi Phe aii Wi arta aber wilats Sere, ciel tite es er ot INT Sl ears ae ent She OE ae ae si Ha i i sft i Hi DUIS Aa Oa TERT KAT it hh y a Arte! etite 5 Git SPAY Aan ra NC Send Sete ad Meas fs, Pirate teh te i, i 4 ieee hist tea Nat Catt tad ke a ‘ ns Mitten ts PRs nana Disa se esa at Wrists eiesttitay btn atta Rint Ah again LPhr ‘ : a ast eae | itr » . * Ae hoat “ty « i i dee Cite th daa auae ny Teacsetprss + At Se Taatt tater el tp a tit Pier Be ! sheen Mv y } Ut a sth ree Hoe net ns Hae R oy NC ARR TARA are mn aa RE 1 Fe A M é abfate. = 8) tet je i Mt pie taceien- Syae ey Eris $e A? i Mie Se ne AN th DH RR RO aang | SAIN Maa IMG ARR el if fs rattan i i) Arh Hn Aen ) th a me Hts melt) FULT: , i‘ eae as 7 + Teale rh oy 4h J rs tLe ae ‘ i vy it) alu ‘eu ut Yee ' fay | “4 bite t i ty ih gh oat an a nbeactctadctusat tostedttea useetasstes ata htt N ise A i \ Pere, FeTeitatatert ata er ertaati thereat MMMM ae RIT? a SN RR SOM eS a ay ie sleeni tetas Vatele te Y Pu tVaoa iM Chey RU Amr ei, i sO sta etait fate ee ere Sed titete HUM L cligt Aid tu cant aigT pee gnae te HiBeleimtatinite tuatae ile Fe: AGL eS 7 Re es Sts TDD tent TE HOMES HONEY ie ; i lie falalelart terinete} BR nopeeais fy #0 )4 Hest iey Wi teal ii (ish WAN at shere st #5 i it i a tae So rh ae gt i Eb Apne ee An Oey eye lie Ai gg (Peres i LS OR Par wy : i Eat ae oer = ‘Serer Se Pos ree : 2 re ro . ees “ CrOb eatet eli Reta e i{ . deel iatet kT Ge i i ter2 iF yoy y ap NOOSE yt ay ‘ } rete “t,t.e , Piper ae SE SPM FT: $t. 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