Gos. @il Paintings By Famous American and Foreign Artists ee 5 WEST 44th STREET es Os Aa’. LIBRARY G M.KNOEDLER & GO. 1371 | 556-8 Fifth Ave. icc. New York ¢ ¢ } ; % i u \y + } f i A \ i mi "4 Le at } ‘K i i 7 eA 4 Ane + f \ i “ii , 7 | $ 4 \ \ a t : i: yi - ‘ i fi Ryd , t | {- fis k : % j { j . ; ( , ‘ ‘ ' 4 i ' y ) \ r v ’ “ i ’ is ; . ; i ay gb § 1 4 S ‘ % 4h # 5 , i 3 bent 4 4 . * 4 ’ ¥ i t \ - i i yy 1 ' : ; , ; u % it > a ‘ J 4 ri s ‘ i, } 4% ON Fes Great Closing Sale of the Season CATALOGUE OF A LARGE COLLECTION OF Oil Paintings and Water Colors By Famous American and Foreign Artists TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 West 44th Street, New York -THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY, 11 and 12, 1916 at 2.30 o'clock each day: NOTE HOUR OF SALE TO CLOSE THE SEASON’S CONSIGNMENTS BY ORDER OF ESTATES AND INDIVIDUAL OWNERS THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit of not less than one-third, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within 24 hours from the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk; A. W. Clarke not being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. A.W. CLARKE 1s in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at this sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer, 5 West 44th Street, N. Y. City. Tel. 4029 Bryant The Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th Street. N. Y. ae * o ;: mf Ie Se eS ge PR a rhe ie NL Re ae a le REL NBEO Sea Te Ce a ee tae a eee ee Coe, We eee CATALOGUE SALE BY AUCTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY 11th and 12th, 1916 At 2.30 o’clock each Afternoon GOODMAN (Maud) Hush (Signed Photogravure) GASTE (C. Georges) Paris The Sheik’s Daughter 9x 4Y% CORNOYER (Paul) American In the Studio ye oreat | UNSIGNED Off Marblehead 10 x 12 ug nt te, Y 4 y a i y { C 5 : FK ate ! : GOOKINS (3) 20a . Chateau in the. Setzthal c ania ALBANI 250 x 20) wee | phe MORSE (H.D.)) ee : ) Chickens an eee 10 x 12 i PAEZ (Raymond) = A Moorish Girl (On Porcelain) aks | : 4 10% x OY, he. a | ROSEN (S.) aay nd Still Life 22 x 26 | : : 10 ‘HALS (Franz) After Pe, i Dutch Head et an Old Man > 20 x 15 11 Studio Theiok 19 x 15 ; Ne , E NIERS Ree ee Meech Eat | Interior with Figures , Te ced a. 13 seein By JLT (Richard) Saree American The Old Ee armhouse | 10 a 13 14 ! “% “Head of a Monk 25 x 20 1S PAULI (Richard) The Corner of oe Farm 10 x 16 | 16 JONGKIND ~ River Scene Tex 23% 17 FLORENTINE SCHOOL. ae Religious Subject 34 x50. 18 SWAIN (F. S.) ee | : Sanco Bluff : | 7 16 140 ae 19 | SWAIN (F, S.) Sunlight in the Woods oe x 4 cy ie 20 BONNET -¢L..D.) American Estes Park, Colorado 20 cok 21 Benne? (L.,D.) American Pelham ‘Bay, Nooy: And 6 Ze Bem wie (l D.) American Scene on the Ramapo 20 x 16 23 DUJARDIN (Karel) Paris Pastoral Scene 16 x 14 24 PEALE (C. Wilson) Attributed American Portrait 12x 9 35 TINTORETTO (J.) School of Jupiter and Seleme AQ ie ee) 36 DE MONFORT (H.) , Landscape and Cattle ae 12160) > 37° WASHINGTON (Georges) | An Arab Encampment 19: 212i ie . 38 PAULI (Richard) |. + Landscape | . : aN. 9% x16 NOEs ROG PAULI (Richard) Sunset _ Bye Oe) ee 40 UNSIGNED English School Landscape with Figures (Unframed) he ae aay oe 41 UNSIGNED Italian Landscape and Cattle Sli 21 42 PEALIAN:. SCHOOE Landscape with Cattle 43 TEALLAN Landscape with Cattle 16 x 220 AA MORAN (E.) Attributed American Sunset Woe NEZ 45 SWAIN (F. S.) Marine i 20 x 26 46 | Marine 20 x 26 Tet The Surprise — a 3 is 43 PAULI (Richard) © i Landscape <4 Hy 30 UNSIGNED Landscape and Sheep ape ie acid Be 51 oad (EL P.) American Marine (Water Color) a2 SIGNED T. H. R. Landscape ae ees 53 UNSIGNED Sunset 7x 9Y% 54 TWO UNFRAMED LANDSCAPES 55 UNSIGNED Meditation 24 x 20 56 BAKER (J. Elwood) “Marine > “9x 18m! 57 BAKER (J. Elwood) Landscape ys a Ax dave BENTELL G)) 4g) ae Landscape AOK eS as FONENTA Yi (Ae ‘pl Es Landscape _ ae ; D AZ (N.) Attributed (ta Frenth Landscape 14x 17% setae 61 ; UNSIGNED ‘ Ba Landscape and Cattie: | ae a ES 62 Visiting Day . 18 x 12 (J. Elwood) | American Landscape and Cattle | 15 x 26 ) ela tioet SE 9 UN mae aia Landscape pias IGE, Bigs . = . f . , . *y 5 « 4 an y i * BAKER (J. Elwood) UNSIGNED WEYL (Max) MATHERSON (Th) UNSIGNED (Italian School) ay 1) ae a eo 4 mn at ¢ ny / 65. Landscape | 10:x 12°. 66 _ Landscape 9x 11) 67 ? Landscape 25 x 33 1 68 ¥ An Indian Attack 60he | Landscape and Figures | BT Se ORR ann 7% fe va ae $. \ ore a a ony Ae Pe: AY we tr : _ y ; SA mn : ie oe au xe y i Fgh ee dai hs ‘ Dutch Hw cD} sat aa : re re 4 io. nN 3 ee ae ; ma3°) = fy : ‘ 2 “UNSIGNED Shakespearian Interior 36 x 61 A Brunette 30 x 25 . 30 x 50 AS (L. D.) LUC a in er 2 t.'8 = - 4 oa oh got art a > oe a. * me oa i ~_ : - \e . ‘ os . ‘ : * a a ie Da ~ ee - _ ~ 4 UNSIGNED ' Landscape | 20 x 24 | 76 BROWN (M. G.) | | tray Ladidenage, 16x 10 | | TAN hae SALPERICH Pope A Love Letter. 24x16 “4B oe BRACKEIU (S) ae sf! . Dog and Kittens we soe Re DRARIGIID (ian ay | ‘Landscape and Sheep oe 80 ‘SAIN (E.) a Italian Italian Fruit Vender 32 x 21 ees . | uae _ NARDI (F.) Italian ge In the Garden : (Water Color) 28 x 21 ae. 82 _ UNSIGNED ee Landscape and Cattle : 25 x 30 Bese, 83 NNISTER (E. M.) American Pe Landscape and Cattle 3 exes ers 84 Loi. 28: UNSIGNED Landscape and Cattle — 18 x 24 86 ; BUEID (E. Loyal) 8) t Landscape > 22 x 30 8&8 VON. VERPRICH (C. aye fae i Dog” and Kitten — GAY (Edward) 90 Loyal) , : . American Landscape 30. 6125 eee 91 _ DEBAT-PONSON (E.) Bradch ae Landscape and Cattle 25 x 36 a : INSLEY (Albert) | American Landscape | 26x19 rad, | 93 | N VREDENBURGH (C. L.) Dutch - Sporting Dogs 14 x 18 3 Be 94. | CRY foc eaa o Holland Kittens / I x 16% IFOMATHA) 90 oe 18 x 24 MELJERHEIM (H.) Marine | BALLIGUANT oie ie Barn Interior , 26 688 oe Nr ote. (Lowe ‘3 x Head of a Woman. 20 x 16 HANSCHILD (M.) The Attack - | MO eee 100 ONNTAG (W. L.) American | Landscape he is weagtat a) 101 French The Hunt fils ha. MORAN (E. Percy) Bit: x Early Morning 14 x 19% ee 103 VALKER (J. A.) i ae Reconnoitering ANS Me ds, Wy 104 Landscape Ty we 2h yess F 4 Lp. yi MORAN (E. Percy) -McCORD «(Gi He - French Fishing Boats ‘ 110 Sunset Pex 86 oy i is 7 111 McCORD (G. H.) oe A Quiet Day 16% x 15 oo a be ‘aa 112 BIRNEY (Verplank) © Bp ae After the Hunt a 114 ETTLING (Louis) | m : Weary of Spinning — | capi ; 7 From the Wm. M. Chase Sale, 1912. ane ei Sistah 4) | , i iat ‘ e841 y Pi ql ; Se 3? rr . id MS a 2 nee . \ ey d Sas, 2 Gd ; x 4 . Ae, ’ 115 COSSAAR (9 Church Interior 20 x 18 From the Wm. M. Chase Sale, 1912. 116 DE MESGRINY (F.) A Port 12% x 18% From the American Art Assn. Sale, 1912, 117 JIMENEZ-ARANDA Les Dernieres Retouches 16 xe 21 From the Benjamin Stern Collection. American Art Association Sale, 1912, 118 EATON (Chas. Warren) Sunset ll x 9% 119 POST (W. Merrit) Springtime 1A dG, 120 TOsental Bazaar (9% x 11Y% 121 French ‘The Fortune Teller : 18 x 21 122 An Amusing Story 19 x 24 123 ’Cello Player Pe 8 | 124 fe ISLER Gein Head of an Italian Woman 9% x 7 Ye EGGLESTON (Benjamin) A Roman Lady 16 x 24. 126 BROWN (J.G) © 0 Gy Good News 24 x 18 aa CARLSON Geka ee) , a ‘ aa Musician tae (Water Color pate i CRANE (Bruce), NAL + ee Fisherman’s Hut 19x 323} an 131 Mee INNESS (Geo.), N.A,’” : ia) Z ee * eee PNG eS ae 132 - POST (W. Merrit ) “ee | The Crossing 18 x 24 os 133 - MORGAN (Herbert A.) 2 ie i 7 ~ Sweet Sixteen LO Ke Dace a a _ GREEN (Frank Russel) } Nemours, France 1014 x 12% DECKER (R.) 136 FLAMENG (Francois) — The Tennis Game Age 17 From the pte M. Chase STEVINS (A.) Paaas Daylight Moon i: From the Wm. M. (Chase. STEVINS (A.) “138: = 10%, RPL ERENT J : From the Wm. M, Chase re 7 + we. ® *- . ward f ie 7 . - + f 4 , 7 AS 139 , ng ¢ VON LEMPUTTEN (A.) The Wayside Meeting 1914 x 27% 140 RIX (Julian) eat American Colorado Canyon 36 x 18 ie Ge __ BLAKELOCK (R. A.) ee te Wood Interior Poe Exhibited Union League Club. ee 142 : - CRANE (Bruce) . American > Brandywine Valley = : 18 x 25 tae ae 143 FIELD (E. Loyal) . American > os Landscape 20 x 30 HAGERUP woe LECCOUR (A) Nas : "Landscape A 10 x 26% = & us a PROs> (B..) Chi 6 leanne Autumn Landscape 16 x 24 149 VOORHEES (D. E.) Bpsesce. Landscape 14 x 20 oo 150 | HARNET (B,) Bey: | Off the Coast of Maine ‘16 x 24 ve: -MINOR (Robert C.) a | Last Gleam oa 11 x 14 4 ba pha 152 DUPRE (Julien) ae _ Pastoral Scene ~ b2e TURNER (Charles) Evening ve Rs, "f by) PARTON (Arthur) ee a her, ey A - ca f BRISSOT (F.) fee Sheep) Batn Interior 12% x 16 ne Pee NEWMAN (R. L.) Bete) Solitude ee 18 x 34 | ee. 160 DIAZ (N.). ae % Barbizon Landscape | 11 x 134% a 161 ‘M (Felix) 2 Venice 7 6x9 162 . : Peasant , | 14 x 16% 163 PASINI In the Orient 10 x 12% 164 TWACHTMAN' (J. H.) Hazy Morning 14x 17 165 RICHARDS (Wn, T.) Incoming Tide - 15 x 12 166 JACQUE (Charles) Sheep 10% x 12% 167 BLAKELOCK. (R. A.) Wood Interior 14 x 20 Se Te CAR £ Ae. ‘ : PETOIT (Constant) ayers , Versailles Gardens : 32 x 48 a | 169 Ee LENOIR (D.) ae Idle Moments 40 x 50 170 7 Landscape 121% x 23 fines 171 x (Julian ) Mite Landscape L216 172 é Ideal Head 16 x 22. neers 30 x es : CASIN Gee a Ie The Windmill 10 x 13% f 175 o DE HAAS ie FE. cu) an - fi 178 Holland 14 x 16 ae 179 Mee ALDRICH (G. A.) Pash Landscape 24 x 30 ee | : is __ BRIGANTI (N.) ees | Venice 14 x 20 > , oe 181 _ BRIGANTI (N.) 4 /) ean | Venice ae 3 22 x 28 ee 182 _ BRIGANTI (N.) oe Venice Sines aha gee \ oh i, ep te A ty ‘ J 1: J a WIEGAND (Gustave) 2 188 SMITH (F. Hopkinson) Venice : 16 x 22 189 Scorn (C. E) Contentment 25. 3 30 190 ERGGELET (T. T.) The Monarch 45 x 34 ee 191 RAU (E.) Happy Days * 18 x 22 Bris 102 ane j He re aay Dreams = , | | 8G ae (Water Color) one As ee Se est e S == ae Sot pe ee ee = e eens ae Does : scab ¥ a oad: thee + : ‘ oe ; ; ; me